3 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2023
Glossary of some important musical terms
- dissonance-melodic
- interval-class
- mesotony
- dissonance-harmonic
- diatony
- mode-rhythmic
- tone-class
- harmony
- rhythm-class
- phrasing
- articulation
- phrase-climax
- modal-harmony
- meter
- tonicity
- heterophony
- AOEs
- phrase-cadence
- tonal-gravity
- monody
- modes-diatonic
- modes-octatonic
- tempo
- melody
- double-note
- phrase
- dissonance
- motif
- mode-khasmatonal
- monophony
- modality
- modes-monotonic
- rhythm
- instrumentation
- texture
- texture-voluminousness
- modes-pentatonic
- tonality
- mode-hemiolic
- modes-hexatonic
- modes-heptatonic
- mode-ekmelic
- consonance
- mode-timbral
- dynamics
- melodic-inclination
- texture-polyphony
- melodic-intonation
- modes-tetratonic
- source:nikolsky-glossary
- pitch-class
- form
- register
- multitony
- hypermode
- consonance-melodic
- diatonic-modes
- modes
- modes-tritonic
- texture-part-vs-voice
- Jun 2023
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Using Time.now (which returns the wall-clock time) as base-lines has a couple of issues which can result in unexpected behavior. This is caused by the fact that the wallclock time is subject to changes like inserted leap-seconds or time slewing to adjust the local time to a reference time. If there is e.g. a leap second inserted during measurement, it will be off by a second. Similarly, depending on local system conditions, you might have to deal with daylight-saving-times, quicker or slower running clocks, or the clock even jumping back in time, resulting in a negative duration, and many other issues. A solution to this issue is to use a different time of clock: a monotonic clock.
- Mar 2021
Wang, Xiangrong, Alejandro Tejedor, Yi Wang, and Yamir Moreno. ‘Unique Superdiffusion Induced by Directionality in Multiplex Networks’. ArXiv:2011.00991 [Physics], 2 November 2020. http://arxiv.org/abs/2011.00991.