2 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2020
journals.plos.org journals.plos.org
Jagan, Mikael, Michelle S. deJonge, Olga Krylova, and David J. D. Earn. ‘Fast Estimation of Time-Varying Infectious Disease Transmission Rates’. PLOS Computational Biology 16, no. 9 (21 September 2020): e1008124. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008124.
- Jun 2020
twitter.com twitter.com
Prof Shamika Ravi on Twitter: “1) ACTIVE cases...shows which countries have 1) Peaked: Germany, S Korea, Japan, Italy, Spain... 2) Plateaued: France 3) Yet to peak: US, UK, Brazil, India...active cases still rising. 4) Second wave: Iran and.... Spain (?) https://t.co/C5c3gAhINc” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved June 2, 2020, from https://twitter.com/ShamikaRavi/status/1267664491040440322