35 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. KDLT has conducted more than 30 AARs

      It could be helpful to have a process to learn from these cross-team AARs, respecting privacy appropriately.

    2. 23 GFSS Activity Design Guidance documents

      These are potentially pivotal resources! I don't recall what synchronous and asynchronous opportunities for collaboration were designed to launch and leverage these, but from a strategic KM perspective, I would love to see that Show and Tell happen!

    1. Learning from the CA secondment informed KDLT’s subsequent design and implementation of retreats for CN and CR

      This is a key benefit of secondments and "moving around." You pick up not only good feedback but also content and context that can be applied (and shared) in the next gathering. It's a little bit like a bee cross-pollinating.

    1. 49 theme months across multiple topic areas

      This was huge, I think, from a KM perspective -- in my mind one of the most impactful approaches to knowledge sharing at scale. In brief, it provided a structure for diverse USAID teams to have "their month" to curate, synthesize, and create relevant content that amplifies the good work of their team and makes it accessible to stakeholders, users, and partners in the USAID ecosystem.

    2. overall blogs by 35 percent

      This is great. I could definitely see Agrilinks blog posts being leveraged by teams and individuals to have that consistent space to write and share. I have a Wordpress blog but not everybody has their own site.

    1. prepared a menu of services

      This was an extremely useful step. Primarily it made it easier for prospective teams to know what support we could provide, but there's also nothing like defining a product or service to force a team to clarify their offering.

  2. Apr 2024
    1. He's not always shooting, but he's always a threat to shoot -- and always changing locations. That roving gravity is like nothing the league has ever seen. Curry alters the shape of opposing defenses with every step, stretching and bending them until fissures open. James Harden boasted of being "the system." Curry has always been a system unto himself. The very sport is different when Curry is on the floor.

      I love how writers and commentators talk about Steph Curry. It's fascinating to see people try to capture his greatness and how it affects others and transforms the experience for everyone.

  3. Mar 2024
    1. KDLT’s TOC

      I really appreciated having this. Every org or team that articulates a TOC has the opportunity to actually use it to impact their programming. We definitely used this as a touchstone at periodic internal convenings both to document our impact, and to plan forward.

    2. A cross-functional KDLT team successfully worked with USAID to deliver the Gender Global Learning and Evidence Exchange in Ghana for over 125 USAID staff and partners

      The Gender GLEE was absolutely a highlight of my experience with KDLT. Not suprisingly, it was also the most challenging project I had worked on in a long time, with lots of moving pieces and contributors. But with a little distance from being in the thick of it, what a collaboration!

  4. May 2023
    1. must establish, implement, and regularly update KMOL plans at the appropriate level(s).

      Huge. Perhaps the most important part of this document. The requirement to have a plan not only provides management with a reason to sufficiently support staff to create one, but should create the conditions to promote sharing across units (BIOMs). THAT could be the biggest lever of all.


      I really love these "opportunities!" Depending on the requirements for the KM reports created by org units, actions or outputs like these could be the most practical pieces to operationalize the Policy.

    3. All staff should gain and usefacilitation skills and effective meeting skills to ensure that knowledge is effectively and efficiently brought to bear ondecision-making in internal and external meetings

      I affirm this statement 100% but wonder if it is emphasized enough here. Meetings of many types may be one of the most important levers for knowledge sharing.


      Very important. To the question "KM for what?" we should answer, at least primarily, "to better achieve program (business) goals."

    5. Knowledge Management (KM)—For the purposes of this policy, knowledge management is defined as generating,curating, organizing, sharing, and using knowledge to create value or support decision-making in context.

      A definition we an rally around as an organization is very helpful

    6. applying what they knowto what they do,


    7. three primary goals:

      I adore these three -- so good together

  5. Nov 2022
    1. Therefore, we decided that all info on the event: agenda, documents, resources, phone numbers, directions, virtual room links, and up-to-date covid-19 regulation info was to be found only via a digital “master” whiteboard using Mural. This became our single source of truth for the event. 

      One of the most important decisions here: The online space become the common space to access all shared info for the meeting.

    1. facilitators may develop an unconscious bias towards the people in our same room or position, creating momentary alliances.

      Simply awesome reminder that facilitators have biases and limitations, but we are not powerless to address them.

    2. At the same time, you are raising the participants’ awareness of the process, even just by the simple act of reminding them that different cohorts might have different needs and experiences.

      Voila, the layered effects of asking participants questions. Love.

    3. You might want to ask questions such as:Which cohort are you in (online, in-person…)? [multiple choice]How connected do you feel to your cohort (the other people participating in the same mode as you)?

      Love this list of questions. Even just asking the questions, optimally during the convening itself or at the end, can provide so much data!

    4. they do require more work,

      That hybrid meetings require more work should not be controversial but it is vital to be candid about affordances and constraints. Does accessibility require that every work meeting be hybrid? Not necessarily.

    5. with some participants joining your hybrid event independently and others in small groups.

      This makes me think of Priya Parker's discussion of the "center of gravity" of the members coming together. A host of decisions and structures flow from that consideration. https://hyp.is/mtbUllx9Ee28xAf8D1JttQ/www.priyaparker.com/art-of-gathering-newsletter/the-art-of-hybrid-gathering

    6. Hybrids are not the only possible way of combining remote and in-person: another possibility is to combine modes of participation not at the same time, but in sequence.

      Love the way Deborah moves us to do some modality-shifting here -- to see not just space as a category but time.

    7. A hybrid event is one in which some participants are sharing a physical space, while others connect online… all at the same time!

      Great, simple definition. Am definitely open to others.

    1. where should the center of gravity be for this gathering? 

      This is just a rock-solid, practical question to contemplate -- and helps to make logistical decisions about organization.

  6. Jun 2021
    1. Suddenly I’m quoting Beckett. A lot. I don’t even like Beckett.

      I'm freaking loving this piece. So human. But these sentences crack me up b/c they remind me of the amazing They Might Be Giants song, I Can Add when he sings: Now I'm gonna sing it in Spanish. And I don't even know Spanish! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0flJNX_UFM

  7. Jan 2021
    1. The Torah would only be a legal document and/or a creedal treatise.

      Ha, I can't help but think of Rashi's commentary about the new moon. "Leesteem atem!"

  8. Jun 2020
    1. eamless purveyors of CLA goodness

      This is an awesome phrase: seamless purveyors of CLA goodness! lol

  9. Aug 2019
    1. It is we who have been the perfecters of this democracy.

      Marginalized people in any organization or society are acutely aware of the gap between ideal and reality and are often ideally situated to give voice to that tension. The question is whether others will listen and engage in dialogue.

    2. Grandmama, as we called her, found a house in a segregated black neighborhood on the city’s east side and then found the work that was considered black women’s work no matter where black women lived — cleaning white people’s houses. Dad, too, struggled to find promise in this land. In 1962, at age 17, he signed up for the Army. Like many young men, he joined in hopes of escaping poverty. But he went into the military for another reason as well, a reason common to black men: Dad hoped that if he served his country, his country might finally treat him as an American.

      I am amazed at how clear and crushing a picture this paints of the writer's parents' prospects to be successful, because they were black and poor. This was not 1619 either, but just over 50 years ago.

  10. May 2019
    1. שְׁמַע יִשרָאֵל ה'

      We sometimes just do this at night. It's called mini Shema.

  11. Feb 2019
    1. to expand their pedagogical repertoire

      Indeed. Just as it requires knowledge and skill to design, develop, and deliver an online learning experience, the same applies to blended learning. Making informed decisions about how to blend is deep, deep, deep.

  12. Aug 2018
    1. You don't understand: You a jazz musician by default. And that just opened me up.

      I adore this, b/c this is one powerful aspect of literacy IN ACTION. The writer (artist, performer, singer, etc.) is doing something, feels it intuitively. Then a teacher, or peer or fellow collaborator helps them to name what they are doing. Call it author's craft, or technique, or approach. But it invites the learner/actor to do deeper into their craft and join the discourse of actors before them.

    2. And when you like a sound or an instrumental, you want to approach it the right way. So you sit on it.

      Every writer should read this paragraph. Sometimes you need to sit on it, give it time to marinate. So many ways to approach sitting on it, of course, but that's just glorious detail.

    3. It starts there first, before I even heard any type of melody or lyric. That's just DNA

      This is flat out a paen to absorbing literacies through the early experiences with our families and communities, but especially, especially our parents. Kendrick says it himself, his parents sharing their culture made his glorious unfolding possible.