249 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2024
    1. Daily Report of Day 159

      Who: @hive-lu.

      What: The post is a daily report of Day 159, which includes updates on the development goals, promotional fund, curation rewards, Lucoin token distribution, and exchange offers.

      Why: The purpose of the post is to provide information and updates on the various aspects of the Lucoin token and the activities related to it.

      How: The information is presented in a structured format, with sections dedicated to different topics such as development goals, promotional fund, curation rewards, and exchange offers. The details are provided in tables and text format, making it easy to understand and follow.


      DEIMAGE gives a step-by-step guide on sketching the character Bumblebee from the Transformers movie, with the author providing detailed descriptions of each step and the tools needed.


      Who: DEIMAGE

      What: Sketching the Bumblebee character from the Transformers movie.

      Why: The author enjoys making Sunday Creative posts and wanted to sketch the Bumblebee character.

      How: The author used pencils, a rubber eraser, paper, a ruler, and optional pens to sketch the character. They followed a series of steps, spending time on each part of the drawing and referencing pictures on the internet for guidance.


      @vickoly offers tips for newbies on how to thrive on the Hive blockchain, including asking questions, publishing quality content, engaging with others, enrolling in newbie initiatives, identifying a niche, participating in contests, and joining Discord to make friends and gain knowledge.


      Who: Newbies on Hive

      What: Tips to help newbies thrive on the Hive blockchain

      Where: Hive blockchain

      Why: To provide guidance and support to newbies and help them succeed on the platform.

      How: 1. Ask questions: Seek guidance from onboarders or reputable people on the platform. 2. Publish top-notch content: Share high-quality and original content that promotes the growth of the Hive blockchain. 3. Engage with others: Communicate and build relationships with other authors on Hive through meaningful engagement. 4. Enroll in Newbies Initiative Program: Join the @newbies-hive initiative to learn about the details and rules of the Hive blockchain. 5. Identify your niche: Find your area of specialization and share content related to it in respective communities. 6. Participate in contests: Take part in contests on Hive to earn rewards and overcome writer's block. 7. Join Discord/make friends: Connect with other authors and gain knowledge about Hive through community channels like Discord.


      @vickoly discusses their experience with an elderly person, specifically their mother's older sister, and the valuable lessons they learned from her, including the importance of trust and confirmation.


      Who: The author's grandmother and Madam Jacob Felicia (the author's mother's older sister)

      What: Sharing lessons learned from elderly people

      Where: The author's grandmother's residence and Madam Jacob Felicia's residence

      Why: To appreciate the care, tenderness, advice, and vast experience of elderly people and to share the lessons learned from them

      When: The author's childhood and after the passing of the grandmother

      How: By spending time with elderly people, learning from their experiences, and being corrected and guided by them


      Valentine George discusses eleven powerful lessons that can be learned from observing a mother hen, including good planning, discipline, sacrifice, generosity, faith, hope, wisdom, protection, unity, mentorship, and staying focused. The post encourages readers to apply these lessons to their own lives and goals in 2018.


      Who: Mother hen.

      What: Lessons to learn from the hen.

      Why: To improve ourselves and impact life in our everyday activities.

      How: By observing the behaviors and characteristics of the hen.


      Sharkeisha Jenkins discusses the best way to learn a foreign language, which is through immersion, and recommends using media in that language, such as podcasts and YouTube videos, to engage with the language daily.


      Who: Sharkeisha Jenkins.

      What: Learning a foreign language through immersion

      Where: 3 different countries, YouTube, blackgirlslearnlanguages.co, Google Translate.

      Why: Immersion is the best way to learn a language quickly.

      How: By visiting different countries, studying, only speaking the language, engaging with language through media, listening with the intent to learn.

    1. million dollar steemit page

      Nassim Mehdaoui discusses the Million Dollar Homepage and its success as a clever and innovative website, drawing parallels to the concept of Steemit and the opportunities it provides for participation and rewards in the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

    2. million dollar steemit page

      Who: Nassim Mehdaoui.

      What: Discussing the Million Dollar Homepage and its success, as well as promoting the concept of Steemit as a platform for participation and rewards.

      Why: To inform readers about the Million Dollar Homepage and encourage participation and support for Steemit.

      When: The Million Dollar Homepage was created in 2005.

      How: The author explains the concept and success of the Million Dollar Homepage, and encourages readers to support the post by commenting and sharing.


      MoOsTaFa discusses the two modes of thinking, focused thinking and diffuse thinking, and how alternating between these modes can enhance learning and problem-solving.


      Who: MoOsTaFa and researchers in the field.

      What: The different modes of thinking (focused and diffuse) and their impact on learning.

      Why: To explain the optimal modes of thinking for optimal learning.

      How: By providing information and examples of how focused and diffuse thinking can be used in the learning process.

    1. https://steemit.com/science/@mostafa1/optimal-modes-of-thinking-for-optimal-learning-whatever-you-re-learnng-learn-more-effectively
    2. Introduction To Memory

      Who: MoOsTaFa

      What: An introduction to memory and tips on becoming a better learner

      Why: To provide information and tips on improving memory and learning abilities

      How: The post explains the different modes of thinking, the two major memory systems (working memory and long term memory), and the importance of practice and repetition in improving memory and learning.

    3. Introduction To Memory

      MoOsTaFa provides an introduction to memory and offers tips on how to become a better learner by understanding the two major memory systems: long term memory and working memory.

    1. Hive Onboarding problem

      KenCode@Agorise discusses the perceived "onboarding problem" on Hive, stating that people who find it difficult to sign up and use the platform are simply afraid to learn something new and unwilling to ask for help.

    2. Hive Onboarding problem...

      Who: The author of the post and their neighbor

      What: The onboarding problem on Hive

      Why: To express frustration and disbelief at people finding the signup process difficult

      How: The author attempted to discuss Hive with their neighbor, but the neighbor made excuses and the author had to change the subject. The author compares the signup process on Hive to Twitter, highlighting the perceived simplicity of the former. The author believes that the problem lies in people's unwillingness to learn something new and potentially appear foolish. The author also suggests that men need to be more assertive and women should stand up to men who complain about the difficulty of the signup process.

  2. Dec 2023
    1. Let's beegin honey šŸ˜šā¬‡ļøPlease show me some examples of evergreen contentPlease show me some examples of evergreen contentClearTry for FreeShareShare Results PageShare This AppSave As ImageCopy Text

      In answer to "Please show me some examples of evergreen content", HiveDesk suggested:

      Evergreen content refers to content that remains relevant and valuable to readers over a long period of time. When it comes to the Hive blockchain, evergreen content might include beginner's guides to using the platform, explanations of key concepts like decentralized finance, or tutorials on how to develop applications on the Hive network.

      Some examples of evergreen content for the Hive blockchain could be: - "A Beginner's Guide to Hive: Getting Started with Decentralized Social Media and Cryptocurrency" - "Understanding Decentralized Finance (DeFi) on the Hive Blockchain" - "How to Build and Deploy DApps on the Hive Network: A Step-by-Step Tutorial"

      These types of content would provide value to anyone interested in learning about or getting involved with the Hive blockchain, regardless of when they come across the information.

      References: - "A Beginner's Guide to Hive: Getting Started with Decentralized Social Media and Cryptocurrency" (hive.io/eco) - "Understanding Decentralized Finance (DeFi) on the Hive Blockchain" (hive.blog) - "How to Build and Deploy DApps on the Hive Network: A Step-by-Step Tutorial" (developers.hive.io)


    1. 2 days agokeithtaylor55via ecency$ 0.83

      After 2 days, the rewards for this post are $0.83. So I'll promote it on Ecency for 1 day and check the outcome.

      Full payout details are revealed by hovering over the $amount: Pending Payout: $0.828 0.414 HBD and 1.150 HP in 5 days

  3. Oct 2023
    1. ONEUP

      delegate to dhedge.oneup

    2. CTP

      delegate band excess (now 1000) to dhedge.ctp

      How much CTP can you tip daily?

      100 CTP staked = 0.10 CTP 1000 CTP staked = 0.20 CTP 5000 CTP staked = 0.25 CTP 10000 CTP staked = 0.30 CTP 50000 CTP staked = 0.40 CTP 100k+ CTP staked = 0.50 CTP

    3. ALIVE

      delegate to dhedge.alive

    4. POB

      delegate to dhedge.pob

    5. FUN

      delegate to lolz.fun

    6. CENT

      delegate to dhedge.cent

    7. BEE

      delegate to dhedge.bee

    8. NEOXAG

      delegate to dhedge.neoxag

    9. STEM

      delegate to dhedge.stem for passive income

    10. LOLZ

      LOLZ Holding Levels 16 - 1 64 - 2 128 - 4 256 - 6 512 - 8 1024 - 10

      Keep 16 staked for tipping & swap rest for LEO

    11. LEO

      Power Up 150 15th of every month

    12. BBH

      Every Saturday I send tokes to people that own BBH. Here is the break down.

      If you own 10 or more BBH up to 4,999 you get dripped Hive(swap.hive).

      If you own 5,000 or more BBH up to 9,999 you get dripped swap.hive and Alive Tokens.

      If you own 10,000 or more BBH you get dripped swap.hive, Alive and $LEO tokens.

      All just for owning BBH.

      You can get BBH two ways, you can buy it of TribalDex or you can have it tipped to you.

      Here is the tipping part:

      In a 24 hour period, reset at new day UTC. There are currently four levels of tipping.

      Level 1 = 1000 BBH holdings = 1 tip per day you can send Level 2 = 5000 BBH holdings = 5 tip per day you can send Level 3 = 20000 BBH holdings = 20 tip per day you can send Level 4 = 50000 BBH holdings = 50 tip per day you can send

      You don't have to stake, just hold. The tip does not come from your holdings but from BBH itself.

      As BBH grows, so will the rewards.

    13. WAIV

      Delegate to dhedge.waiv for passive income

  4. Jun 2021
  5. Sep 2019
  6. Aug 2019