10,886 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2023
    1. B. flagelos.


    2. B. membrana citoplasmática.

      membrana citoplasmática.

    3. D. lisosomas.

      D. lisosomas.

    4. B. mitocondrias.


    5. el aparato de Golgi

      el aparato de Golgi

    6. C. retículo endoplásmico rugoso.

      Retículo endoplásmico rugoso.

    7. Estado 3 diferentes funciones asociadas al citoesqueleto de células eucariotas. (ans)
      • Red grande de fibras proteicas y otras moleculas que determinan la forma y estructura de la celula del cuerpo.

      • El citoesqueleto ayuda a organizar las estructuras llamadas organulos.

      • Es un componente importante de muchas funciones celulares.

    8. ans

      En el campo de la biologia es una estructura que se encuentra dentro de las celulas que participan en la elaboracion de proteinas. Los ribosomas ayudan a que los miniacidos se junten para formar proteinas.

    9. Indicar qué organismos eucariotas poseen una pared celular y cuáles carecen de una pared celular. (ans)

      Las algas, los hongos y las células vegetales tienen una pared celular; las células animales y los protozoos carecen de paredes celulares

    10. ____________________

      Servir como envoltura que rodea totalmente el protoplasto de las celulas vegetales. Ademas su presencia distingue las células vegetales de las animales y funciona como base de muchas de las características de los vegetales como organismos.

    11. _____


    12. _____


    13. ________________

      un isotónico

    14. _____

      un hipotónico

    15. _____

      un hipertónico

    16. _____

      transporte activo

    17. ________________

      un isotónico

    18. _____

      difusión pasiva

    19. _____


    1. The more neuroscientific research progresses, the more clearly it is established that human behavior and mental processes—the key interests for psychological study—are intimately intertwined with activity in the brain.

      With the research of neuroscience, biopsychologist will be able to form a relation between human behavior and mental processes with the brain.

    1. the frontal lobes were considered silent structures, without function and unrelated to human behavior.

      Frontal lobes were not correlated to our behavior but after Gage's accident, it was shown how important our frontal lobes impact and influence our behavior.

  2. Feb 2023
    1. He further explained that "humidity" inside the head contributed to mood changes and when this moisture inside the brain goes beyond limits, the brain loses control over its rationality and mental disorders appear

      I've heard how physical humidity in the weather can have an impact on your mood, but never heard about humidity in the brain causing mental disorders to appear. That is an interesting thought....

    2. The Organization of Behavior, where he introduced the first comprehensive theory on how the brain might create and control complex psychological functioning

      This must have been a big milestone in understanding our behavioral processes.

    3. In 1950, positron emission tomography (PET) scans were used to look at brain activity or communication in a living patient. Researchers were able to look at different parts of the brain in different situations. In other words, they could look at real time activity of the brain as the person laughed or was scared to see what ares of the brain lit up. This gave an indication of what areas of the brain maybe responsible for different emotions or behaviors.

      Looking at different parts of the brain through PET scans were a remarkable breakthrough in the 1950s

    4. This led to the formation of the neuron doctrine, the hypothesis that the functional unit of the brain is the neuron, also known as a nerve cell. Today, the field accepts neuronal theory which states that the nervous system is made up of individual nerve cells called neurons (Klein and Thorne, 2006).

      nurons and the hypothesis that supports the function of nerve cells

    5. In 1848, John Martyn Harlow treated Phineas Gage and documented his case. Gage, who was a railroad worker, had his frontal lobe pierced by an iron tamping rod in a blasting accident. He survived the trauma but suffered extensive damage to his left prefrontal cortex (Macmillan, 2001). Through Gage's case study, Harlow showed the connection between the prefrontal cortex damage, executive functioning, and personality changes.

      I still find it hard to believe Gage didn't die from that, it must have been painful, it changed his behavior, but so i've heard it changed him for the worst.

    6. Starting in early 1800's, a series of researchers began to catalog different brain parts and their presumed role in behavior.

      The start of behavior and the brain, the discovery of the spinal cord functions

    7. Galenic view of anatomy (which emphasized three major systems--the heart, brain, and blood--and the importance of a balance between four bodily fluids--blood, phlegm, and black and yellow bile)

      Thats impressive

    8. Early philosophers, such as Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.), believed that one's mind resided in the heart. He believed that since our blood started from the heart, the soul also originated there. Plato (428-347 B.C.E.) argued that the executor of reason was the heart and our animalistic desires and emotions were controlled by the liver (Gross, 1987). Many ancient cultures, including the Chinese, Indian, and Egyptian also shared the same belief (Carlson, 2014). When the Egyptians embalmed a person, the heart was saved and buried with the individual but the brain was discarded (Klein and Thorne, 2006). However, there were early Greeks, such as Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.E.) , who believed that it was the brain and not the heart where the locus of the mind resided. He wrote: "It ought to be generally known that the source of our pleasure, merriment, laughter, and amusement, as of our grief, pain, anxiety, and tears is none other than the brain. It is specially the organ which enables us to think, see, and hear......It is the brain too which is the seat of madness and delirium, of the fears and frights which assail us" (Gross, 1987, p. 843-844).

      Isn't it great how early Philosophers and others contributed to the thoughts on the mind.

    9. Examining the history of biopsychology allows us to understand its development over time, highlighting instances where researchers were wrong about the nature of brain-behavior relationships and revealing what we have yet to explain (Saucier and Elias, 2006).

      How do you feel about this?

    10. William James in his book, The Principles of Psychology (1890), argued that the scientific study of psychology should be grounded in an understanding of biology (Walinga, 2014). Like many early psychologists, James had extensive training in physiology.

      Important, James explains the role of biology in behavior

    11. effort

      this doesn't surprise me at all - there is a ton of money to be made if we can learn how to control more people/help more people with mental disorders and diseases

    12. .

      so interesting to know that people were able to come to those conclusions without the use of modern technology

    1. a key organizational principle of the brain: the localization of function

      Mental and behavioral processes are each assigned to a specific part in our brain that execute different responsibilities.

    2. The frequently repeated claim that humans use only 10% of their brains is false.

      I've heard that myth all my life, glad it's being answered

    3. motivated behavior (such as hunger, thirst, and sex); control of movement; learning and memory; sleep and biological rhythms; and emotion

      real life issues that will make sense

    4. mind-body dualism or mind-brain dualism

      the more spiritual view of the brain and of human processes

    5. .

      basically all the studies that we could do on humans involve biopsych

    1. 14

      Instead of writing 14 above the 4, don't we usually just write a 1 to the left of 4 to make 14?

    2. The above method is sometimes called the Complementary Method. There is yet a more specific approach called the Complementary Algorithm. It relies on the idea of complements that we defined in an earlier exercise set. In Base Ten, pairs of complements were 1 & 9, 2 & 8, 3 & 7, 4 & 6 and 5 & 5. For the complementary method, you find a very specific complement of the subtrahend and add it to both the minuend and subtrahend before subtracting. The complement, in this case, is a 1 followed only by zeros such that the number of zeros is the same number of digits in the minuend. First, you'll have to come up with an easy way to find the complement of a given number.

      This paragraph should be revised:

      The above method is sometimes called the Complementary Method. There is yet a more specific approach called the Complementary Algorithm. It relies on the idea of complements, where two values are complements when their sum is a specified value. In Base Ten, pairs of complements were 1 & 9, 2 & 8, 3 & 7, 4 & 6 and 5 & 5, because each pair sum to the value 10. For the complementary method, you find a very specific complement of the subtrahend and add it to both the minuend and subtrahend before subtracting. In the complementary algorithm, the complements sum to a 1 followed only by zeros such that the number of zeros d is the same number of digits in the minuend, i.e., the complements sum to \(10^d\).

    1. Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system. The more neuroscientific research progresses, the more clearly it is established that human behavior and mental processes—the key interests for psychological study—are intimately intertwined with activity in the brain. It encompasses the branch of biology that deals with the anatomy, biochemistry, molecular biology, and physiology of neurons and neural circuits. It also encompasses cognition (thinking) and human behavior.

      Did you know that neuroscience is important in finding cures in human behavior?

    1. He became a man of bad and rude ways, disrespectful to colleagues, and unable to accept advice. His plans for the future were abandoned, and he acted without thinking about the consequences.

      Injuring the brain can cause emotional changes, just as Gage strugged and in turn became a villain

    2. Surgical errors, extreme mistreatment, and tragic accidents are impactful events that can alter individuals significantly, providing unique opportunities to study the effects of experiences which can not be ethically studied experimentally.

      The incredable yet disturbing breakthroughs of experimentation.

    1. A thesis statement that is forceful shows readers that you are, in fact, making an argument.

      I agree when you step you have to step hard so it can look like your ten toes behind your decision

    2. A factual statement often is not considered arguable.

      yes it has to be a thing that can have indefinite solutions in order to be arguable without facts proving that something is right.

    3. the creation of a thesis statement begins when you choose a broad subject and then narrow down its parts until you pinpoint a specific aspect of that topic

      this is an effective way to stay on top of your thesis.

    4. It is specific and focuses on one to three points of a single idea

      if your a beginner like me I would say focus on one specific thing because it can get hard jugglling more than you can carry

    5. For whatever topic your professor gives you, you must ask yourself, “What do I want to say about it?”

      sometimes it can be hard to think of things to say when your speechless how could i get unstuck?

    6. It is not enough merely to discuss a general topic or simply answer a question with a yes or no.

      I can agree with this because i like to go deeper in a conversation

    7. You should form your thesis before you begin to organize an essay,

      And how would organizing the thesis before starting the essay help the reader progress.

    8. an essay can fall into the same trap of being out of order and confusing.

      I can make a connection with this because mines seem to be out of order at times.

    9. hat needed further explanation or providing too many details on a meaningless element.

      yeah when they dont really say things to get you encouraged into listening to theyre story in can be quite disengaging

    10. Have you ever known a person who was not very good at telling stories?

      yes I know plenty of disengaging story tellers.

    1. ⋂X∈CX={x∈U | x∈X for some X∈C}

      Since the intersection must include only elements that appear in all sets, then it should read $$ x \in U | x \in X \forall X \in C $$, whereas the set builder notation here is the same as for the union.

    1. Since 𝑥∈𝑓(𝐴)x∈f(A)x \in f(A) and 𝑦∈𝑓(𝐵)y∈f(B)y \in f(B), 𝑦∈𝑓(𝐴)∩𝑓(𝐵

      I believe this is supposed to be y \in f(A) instead of x \in f(A)?

    1. When we read good writing, we get lost in the experience and in the images the words are creating in our minds. We are transported.

      Whenever I read, I feel like i am in the story. I feel like i am engaging with the characters, the plot, the scenery... the list goes on

    2. Sometimes this concept confuses my students. “But I can feel love,” they say. “I can feel anger.” And, yes, of course we can recall what those emotions feel like when they are referenced in a poem. And, in fact, we feel actual sensations brought on by these emotions when they happen. Our blood races when we’re in love, our stomach jumps when our lover or someone we desire walks into sight. We feel our chests swell when we think about our mothers and our fathers, but when we read abstract words like “love” and “anger” we experience them in a vague, cloudy way, reliant more on our own individual memories that involved our five senses to make, rather than the poem itself using our five senses through imagery to create a new experience and memory.

      there is emotional value when creating these poems and utilizing specific terms to capture those images that represent emotion, beauty, poise, etc.

    3. the poem shifts its spotlight on the feelings of the speaker

      imagery shows its message to the audience when reading a poem, rather than a simple literal image

    4. Ideally, the poem should recreate the experience of a poem through concrete details so the reader isn’t merely told about the experience through the speaker, but shown the experience which the poet recreates in a way that engages the reader’s five senses.

      Creating these experiences in poetry can grasp onto ideologies of new discoveries through literature and art; if you are discovering a new world.

    1. . What distinguishes listening from hearing?

      Listening is to engage, connect, actively participate and interact with other people or group of persons by paying more than only attention. It is going deeper to get involved in other people's ideas, feel or sense what they are trying to express to have a better comprehension of their conversation. Hearing is just superficial, you don't really care or engage with other people's feelings, have an active or effective communication.

    1. If you chose (d), you may be a kinesthetic learner. You learn best through doing, and prefer hands-on activities. In long lectures, fidgeting may help you focus.

      this does best describe me because I am a hands on learner i cant really visualize things i have to touch it.

    2. You would start putting the pieces together and figure out the process through trial and error, consulting the directions as you worked.

      i first would try 4 if it looks easy id try to put it together as i see it while occasionally looking at directions

    3. Most people have one channel that works best for them when it comes to taking in new information.

      this is certainly true people learn differntly.

    1. The duodenum contains Brunner’s glands that produce bicarbonate, and pancreatic juice that contains bicarbonate to neutralize hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

      Duodenum-Brunner's glands- HCO3-

    1. The unions of the Bay Area looked anxiously at LA, for lower wages there tempted companies to relocate. Bay Area unions were also pressured by employers who competed with southern California companies and their lower labor costs. Extremists in the International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers, including John and James McNamara, had begun to set bombs to terrorize opponents of unions. In 1910, they targeted the Los Angeles Times building. In the early hours of October 1, an explosion ripped open the building and ignited a roaring fire. Twenty-one people died. William Burns, whose detective agency had aided the San Francisco graft investigation, tracked down the bombers. Most union leaders considered it a “frame-up” and

      The unions of the Bay Area looked anxiously at LA, for lower wages there tempted companies to relocate. Bay Area unions were also pressured by employers who competed with southern California companies and their lower labor costs. Extremists in the International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers, including John and James McNamara, had begun to set bombs to terrorize opponents of unions. In 1910, they targeted the Los Angeles Times building. In the early hours of October 1, an explosion ripped open the building and ignited a roaring fire. Twenty-one people died. William Burns, whose detective agency had aided the San Francisco graft investigation, tracked down the bombers. Most union leaders considered it a “frame-up” and

    1. Africans were often prevented from learning to read and write as a form of control.

      this is true

    2. It conveys its message comically through certain conventions that come along with the meme genre, such as the syntactic structure "me, a [insert noun]

      memes usually do convey and help readers understand

    3. s take the form of text superimposed on an image.

      memes are very helpful

    4. Literary genres include creative nonfiction, fiction, drama, and poetry.

      Genre is a literature and is meant to help the writer with literacy

    5. uses different colors, paintbrushes, mediums, canvases, and techniques, the writer us

      Every writer uses different techniques but they are all helpful and will help

    6. distinctions

      I think english is like reading, or writing it all depends on the person but we all see it in a different way

    1. We have to balance our energy and our focus to get what we really want.

      balancing your energy is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

    2. But these explanations for success or failure aren’t necessarily accurate.

      it can be accurate though as much as you try something if its not meant for you then you cant force it.

    3. unhappy with anything less than an A in a course although maybe this depends on the difficulty of the subject.

      i feel as though this is correct if if the subject is hard and i pass with a C i would be even happier than passing an easy class with an A. it would feel like such a big accomplishment with a weight lifted off my shoulders.

    4. Maybe success means receiving a certificate of completion or finishing skill-based training.

      To me success is being financially stable.

    1. today's college graduates lacking in interpersonal skills, problem solving, effective written and oral communication skills, the ability to work together in teams, and critical and analytical thinking"

      I agree with this because this generation lacks communication skills

    2. In college writing classes, students study specific topics in depth, research ideas, and then, in a process that involves planning, reading, writing, researching, and revising, present their ideas in a well-organized format

      I agree that these topics are not just used in school but used in other places like amazon.

    3. If you want to be professional, you need to interact frequently with others. You have to be someone who can anticipate and solve complex problems and coordinate your work with others. Whether you're in business, an entrepreneur, or in a corporation, all of these skills depend on effective communication.

      I agree that working with others can improve problem solving skills in business.

    4. found that 89 percent of employers believe that colleges and universities should place more emphasis on teaching students to "effectively communicate orally and in writing”

      it could help for all teachers to help students with communicating and writing efficiently. the earlier you start off the less harder it will be.

    5. how to write is an essential skill that is as relevant today as ever!

      I agree with this knowing how to write is really beneficial with getting a career.

    1. Revision can be one of the most important, instructive, and even pleasurable parts of the writing process.

      revision is one of the most important and pleasurable processes in writing

    2. Once you have an idea of the points you will cover in your essay, an outline can help you plan how you will support each one.

      once i have an idea of the points i will cover in my essay it will help how i plan each one

    3. Annotating a text can help us engage, understand, assess, and respond, all of which lay a foundation for writing about that text.

      annotating a text can help me engage better with the material to understand the text better

    4. Having peers, tutors, friends, or family members read and respond to our papers can help us see what we can improve.

      having peers overlook my work can help me improve

    5. To write a complete first version of a piece of writing, we need to pace ourselves and give ourselves permission to write something we're not satisfied with.

      for me to write a complete first version of a piece of writing i need to pace myself and give myself permission to write something im not satiisfied with

    6. A variety of tricks can help us get started coming up with ideas.

      I can learn a variety of trick to help me get started with coming up with ideas

    7. The writing process will help us form our ideas if we take it step by step, reflecting on which strategies we need at each stage.

      the writing process will help me form ideas if i take it step by step, and reflect on which strategies i need at each stage

    8. Describe the stages of the writing process Identify strategies for annotation, brainstorming, outlining, and drafting Choose what to focus on in revision Give constructive feedback on a peer's draft Evaluate and incorporate peer feedback.

      In this article I will be able to describe the stages of the writing process, identify strategies for annotation brainstorming outlinging and drafting. I will be able to choose what to focus on in revision and give constructive feedback on a peers draft and evaluate and incorporate peer feedback.

    1. Of course, human beings have always used language to judge and control one another.


    2. Teaching grammar in a rigid, this-is-inherently-better-than-that way is irresponsible—and it can be dangerous.

      Author words

    3. We need to put to rest the idea that digital forms of writing pose a threat to overall writing ability.

      Author purpose

    4. Writing has a special place in our cultural commentary: Everybody thinks they are an expert, but only when it comes to seeing that things are getting worse—what some writing experts call grammar rants.

      Author words

    5. Instead of viewing e-communications as a cause of worry or harm, perhaps we might instead see the use of digital writing as yet another example of how humans find ingenious ways to make language, in all its systems and nuances, work in new contexts.

      Author own words

    6. Plato took a look at writing itself—that odd, scribing technology emerging during his time—and sounded the alarm; in his work, Phaedrus, he expressed concern that writing might be dangerous because it could damage our ability to memorize and offered only the semblance of wisdom. Since Plato’s ancient worries, concerns have continued unabated. Education professor Harvey Daniels calls these moments language panics that “are as familiar a feature of the human chronicle as wars.”


    7. In his article, “The Phenomenology of Error,” writing scholar Joseph Williams lists this history of fierce tirades against poor grammar and writing, but he also demonstrates that many “rules of grammar lack practical force.” Williams takes a clever approach to make his point. He repeatedly shows that people, including some famous writers who express strong views about specific writing errors, fail to notice such errors in their own writing. Williams states that we often do not see errors unless we look for them, and he makes this assertion directly about the way teachers read and criticize their own students’ writing. To further emphasize this point, Williams embeds 100 such errors in his own article and asks readers, mostly English teachers, how many they saw; doubtless, few noticed the vast majority of them.


    8. If an error is on the page but no one sees it, is it really an error? Does it matter?


    9. Real Rules: These “define what makes English English,” such, he says, as an article preceding a noun: the book, not book the. Social Rules: These “distinguish Standard English from nonstandard,” such as not using ain’t. Invented Rules: “Some grammarians have invented a handful of rules that they think we all should observe,” Williams writes, such as not splitting an infinitive: to quietly leave would thus be wrong to a purist.


    10. In the journal Reading and Writing, another group of researchers studied the relationship between texting and grammar and found considerable inconsistency in writing patterns for different tasks and age groups, concluding that “parents and educators need not be concerned that children’s grammatical knowledge is being consistently or directly compromised when they make grammatical violations in their text messages.” A small study by writing researcher Michaela Cullington, in which she reviewed papers from a number of students, finds no examples of texting shortcuts in otherwise formal school writing.


    11. “My students tell me that writing is something you do in class for a grade. All the other modes are talking.” Redefining what we mean by writing could help clarify some of these critiques.


    12. ubiquitous

      means present

    13. Quelling

      means put an end to

    14. inexorably

      means impossible to be stopped

    15. paradoxically

      means absurd

    16. newfangled

      means new

    17. Texting Ruins Students’ Grammar Skills


    18. Scott Warnock


    1. A typical way to define a function 𝑓ff from a set 𝑆SS, called the domain of the function, to a set 𝑇TT, called the range, is that 𝑓ff is a relationship between 𝑆SS to 𝑇TT that relates one and only one member of 𝑇TT to each element of 𝑋XX. We use 𝑓(𝑥)f(x)f(x) to stand for the element of 𝑇TT that is related to the element 𝑥xx of 𝑆SS. If we wanted to make our definition more precise, we could substitute the word “relation” for the word “relationship” and we would have a more precise definition. For our purposes, you can choose whichever definition you prefer. However, in any case, there is a relation associated with each function. As we said above, the relation of a function 𝑓:𝑆→𝑇f:S→Tf: S → T (which is the standard shorthand for “𝑓ff is a function from 𝑆SS to 𝑇TT” and is usually read as 𝑓ff maps 𝑆SS to 𝑇TT) is the set of all ordered pairs (𝑥,𝑓(𝑥))(x,f(x))(x, f(x)) such that 𝑥xx is in 𝑆SS.

      What happens in the case of a function with domains and ranges of different size? If the cardinality of S = 3 and T = 2, what happens with the "dangling" element of S when creating a mapping?

    1. Equations\ref{3.6.11} and\ref{3.6.14} can be combined to produce ddt∫∞−∞|ψ|2dx=i2m[ψ∗∂ψ∂x−ψ∂ψ∗∂x]∞−∞=0.(3.6.12)(3.6.12)ddt∫−∞∞|ψ|2dx=i2m[ψ∗∂ψ∂x−ψ∂ψ∗∂x]−∞∞=0.\dfrac{d}{dt}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \vert\psi\vert^2 dx= \dfrac{\rm{i}}{2m} \left[\psi^*\dfrac{\partial\psi}{\partial x}- \psi\dfrac{\partial\psi^*}{\partial x} \right]_{-\infty}^{\infty} = 0. \label{3.6.15} The above equation is satisfied provided the wavefunction converges lim|x|→∞|ψ|=0(3.6.13)

      why 3.6.13 can be provided from 3.6.12?

    1. Constitutional Convention was called in 1875
    2. The 1869 document contained more forceful language against secession, greater protections for freedmen, and limits on local power, as localities were believed to be the source of racial hostility.
    3. election
    4. hirteenth Amendment (the abolition of slavery), Fourteenth Amendment (the grant of citizenship and equality before the law—equal rights—to freedmen and women), and the

      13th and fourteenth amendment

    5. No major Articles were added or deleted. The individual property rights of the slave-owner was prioritized. No law could be passed about emancipation. Individuals could not free their own slaves. Immigration of slaves from other states could not be limited. Enslaved people continued to have the right to jury trials, punished as they would be against a White victim, “except in case of insurrection by such slave.”28 But to this was added: “or rape on a white female.”29 The nature of the changes make clear that the principle concern of the members of the secession Convention was to ensure the preservation of slavery.

      1861 Slavery differences added to the constitution.

    6. exican–American War (1846-1848)

      Mexican-American War

    7. Convention
    8. 836 1845 1861

      Texas Constitution articles

    9. Many of its features reappear in most, and in some cases all, of the constitutions to come. These included the due process rights common in the American states (for example, protection against unlawful search and seizure and the right to be tried by a jury of your peers), the separation of powers backed up with checks and balances, and a wide variety of elected positions with short terms and term limits.

      Texas wanted a to be like the US with seperation of powers, everything possible to limit government powers

    1. Capitalism is distinguished from the other two modes of production as an economic system based on private property owned by a capitalist class. In the domestic and tributary modes of production, workers typically own their means of production (for example, the land they farm). However, in the capitalist mode of production, workers typically do not own the factories they work in or the businesses they work for, and so they sell their labor power to other people, the capitalists, in order to survive.

      main difference between Domestic mode and Tributary mode.

    2. formal social domination

      what's the meaning of social domination. authority organizations like nations? company?

    1. Studies show reading literature may help promote empathy and social skills (Castano and Kidd) alleviate symptoms of depression (Billington et al.) business leaders succeed (Coleman) prevent dementia by stimulating the mind (Thorpe)


    1. l'impératif catégorique

      ta raison te dit comment obtenir tes buts. et lorsque tu prends une décision éthique, l'impératif catégorique est un devoir qui te rappelle de toujours traiter l'autre comme une fin

    2. (1) Nous devons agir sur la base de la bonne volonté plutôt que sur des motivations purement égoïstes qui profitent à nous-mêmes aux dépens des autres ; (2) nous ne devons jamais traiter les autres comme des moyens d'atteindre des fins qui nous sont bénéfiques sans les considérer également comme des fins. en eux-mêmes.

      il ne faut pas traiter les gens comme des moyens uniquement, on peut toutefois le traiter comme un moyen si on respecte également la personne comme fin (cad traiter la personne comme étant un humain)

    1. When the enslaved Indians exhausted the islands’ meager gold reserves, the Spaniards forced them to labor on their huge new estates, the encomiendas.

      This ties into the primary source document given in class, basically giving Christopher Columbus the power to do whatever he wanted when he discovered new territory and new people. Columbus and his entourage thought of themselves as the all mighty, and sociologically above the people he called "gentle" and that "no better people" in the world existed than them. He then decimated their culture and their people in the hunt for wealth, while exploiting to no return the land they called home. The entitlement he reserved as a result of the King and Queen's blessing ravaged many innocent lives during his search for power.

    2. when Europeans arrived, carrying smallpox, typhus, influenza, diphtheria, measles, and hepatitis, plagues decimated Native communities.

      The Native Americans had been isolated from the outside world for so long after Beringia that they had exposure to only their select few diseases, no new ones. The Europeans came and brought these new deadly plagues that the Natives had no immunity to. I also found it interesting that the diseases mentioned here (smallpox, measles, hepatitis) are ones that we now have mandatory vaccines for, that are given to our children to participate in public schools.

    1. Great Depression ushered in the election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1932
    2. Pure Food and Drug Act, the Federal Reserve Act, the Income Tax Amendment, and the Nineteenth Amendment, which gave women the right to vote
    3. Progressive Era
    4. Fourteenth Amendment

      clarified the relationship between individuals and the national government

    5. Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee (1816), McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), and Gibbons v. Ogden (1824).
    6. McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)
    7. In Gibbons v Ogden (1824)
    8. artin v Hunter’s Lessee (1816)
    1. state’s responsibility to protect the safety of its citizens so policing falls to the states and the federal government cannot suspend habeas corpus (protection from unlawful imprisonment)

      One of the States Power

    2. reserved powers
    3. Tenth Amendment

      Is clarity between the relationship of the Constitution and the Federal Government. That if the ("paperwork") Constitution doesn't specify it the power to be delegated by the Federal Govt, that power belongs to the state and/or the people. This comes in handy when there are concurrent powers(powers shared between the state and federal govt, the tenth amendment with come into play to divide the specifics.Limiting the powers of the Fed Govt.

    4. t that meeting—held in secret—Virginia’s Edmund Randolph began by outlining the deficiencies of the confederated form of government, and in turn what a national government should do: provide security against foreign invasion; settle quarrels between the states; promote commerce; pushback on encroachments from the state; wield power over the states.

      The secret meeting held to replace the Articles of Confederation by the US Constitution goals.

    1. Have empathy, be polite, and offer to assist with other questions or requests.

      Always be willing to help someone and show a positive attitude because you don't want to come off too aggressive.

    2. You don't want to submit perfect progress reports and then suddenly your supervisor finds out the project is behind schedule!

      Always remember to keep progress reports up to date and truthful.

    3. But memos evolved into emails, although paper memos are still created, and often then scanned and distributed electronically.

      When writing a memo and email you need to have the right template so the reader doesn't get bored.

    4. Please keep in mind that if it is your job to answer questions on the topic of x, then it doesn't look good if you say "I don't know the answer to that question on the topic of x," and end the email/memo. Such a response will sour a customer on your brand very quickly.

      When making the infographic when putting information on what we are able to do make sure it is within our working range and we have people for that. Also, make sure that the student is getting the most help possible even if you do not have all the answers.

    5. Do you want readers to respect your writing, read it with ease, and come away with a clear sense of what you intended to communicate and a positive impression of you as a co-worker or team member? If so, knowing the memo format and a bit of the reason why memos look as they do will help you in structuring your memo/email properly. As we move through this lesson, you will learn more about what types of content go in the main types of emails/memos, and how to write clearly and effectively.

      I think this also applies to writing the infographic, because knowing what infographic looks like and what it contains would allow you to determine what you would like to convey and how you would like to convey it.

    6. organize your narrative chronologically. Use paragraph breaks at logical points to make it easier to read your report.

      To give a report of an incident is to recount how it happened. Therefore giving a narration from the start of the incident instead of trying to “fit in the pieces” would help in solving such situation or cases on time and better.

    7. It's important not to make the minutes a "play by play" of conversations, and especially don't get bogged down in the details. Just make sure to take down the main points

      While the minutes of a meeting is a note-taking of agenda given or excluded in a meeting and should be detailed, it must be clear and concise. Only important information should be in writing, either by summarizing or a paraphrase.

    8. You don't want to submit perfect progress reports and then suddenly your supervisor finds out the project is behind schedule!

      A progress report should only carry details of the ongoing success in the concerned project. It should only gives facts and not promises of work to be done but actual details of work in progression.

    9. As memos or emails, you will want to start by putting the documents in the correct format.

      It is important to write memos or email in the right format so that you don’t lose the interest or focus of the recipient.

    1. Comparison

      Distance between two values is the magnitude of the value to add to go from one number to another. However, the example really doesn't match the description in Figure 3.2.1.

    2. Take-Away

      Inverse operation: To find out what was added to get 10, start from 10 and find out what needs to be subtracted to get back to 7.

    1. Like headings, the various types of lists are an important feature of professional technical writing: they help readers understand, remember, and review key points; they help readers follow a sequence of actions or events; and they break up long stretches of straight text.

      The use of lists in the memo and infographic would really help the reader focus on the important parts of what is written.

    1. Indicate a heading's level through design. Use type size, type style, color, boldness, italicization, and alignment to make a heading's level obvious. ("Levels" of headings are like levels in an outline: Level 1 corresponds to the large, capitalized roman numerals; Level 2 to the capital letters; Level 3 to the arabic numerals; Level 4 to the lower-case roman numerals; and so on.)

      This is quite important when making the infographic because, this gives the reader a clear layout of what they are reading and be able to follow along easily.

    2. Fonts & Color

      Text size is also important, and something to consider

    3. Make notices more prominent and noticeable as they become more severe. Consider using this standard hierarchy: "Danger" for situations that could involve severe injury or death "Warning" for situations that could involve minor injury "Caution" for situations that could involve equipment damage, data loss, or a threat to a procedure's success "Note" for exceptions or situations that do not require the preceding tags

      I wonder how we can use this pertaining to our revised memo?

    1. The constant barrage of abuse, including death threats and threats of sexual violence, is silencing people, pushing them off online platforms and further reducing the diversity of online voices and opinion. And it shows no sign of abating.

      major claim

    1. Information systems are combinations of hardware, software, and telecommunications networks that people build and use to collect, create, and distribute useful data, typically in organizational settings.

      the combination of what information system is.

    1. \[y_{p}(t)=y_{2}(t) \int_{t_{1}}^{t} \frac{f(\tau) y_{1}(\tau)}{a(\tau) W(\tau)} d \tau-y_{1}(t) \int_{t_{0}}^{t} \frac{f(\tau) y_{2}(\tau)}{a(\tau) W(\tau)} d \tau .\label{eq:6}\

      LaTeX equation error