5,195 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2021
    1. somatostatin

      Also known as growth hormone-inhibiting hormone, somatostatin is a peptide hormone that primarily functions to prevent the unnatural rapid proliferation of cells, the hallmark of tumors. Somatostatin also plays a role in the gastrointestinal system.

    2. Neurotransmitters

      Neurotransmitters are signaling molecules used by the nervous system to transmit messages between neurons.

    1. multiple spatial scales

      Local scales (specific sites) and regional scales (entire regions, like an island or an archipelago)

    2. restoration of native ecosystems

      process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged or destroyed

    1. precious metals

      Metallic chemicals of high economic value.

    2. Chromobacterium violaceum

      Batista and Silver Neto describe Chromobacterium violaceum as a soil and water organism with the ability to produce industrially important small molecules and be used as a model of an environmental opportunistic pathogen.

    3. violacein

      Violacein is a pigment that occurs naturally and has antibiotic properties.

    1. the (basic) case reproduction number (R0)

      The basic reproduction number is the average number of secondary cases that can be produced by one case in a completely susceptible population. \(R_0\) higher than 1 indicates that an epidemic will continue, and \(R_0\) lower than 1 is a sign for the epidemic to end.

    2. epidemiology

      Epidemiology investigates the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events concerning specific populations. The study guides the control of health problems.

    3. etiological agent

      Etiology is the medical study of the causes of disease. An etiological agent refers to the origin identified.

    4. 95%CI

      The confidence interval is a range that is likely to contain the true population parameter with a confidence level specified by the percentage.

      In this case, there is a 95% probability that the confidence interval of 2.54-3.29 contains the average delay of arrival of COVID-19.

    5. coronavirus

      Coronaviruses are a family of viruses. This name comes from the solar corona-like characteristic appearance of these viruses under the electron microscope.

    6. outbreak

      Outbreaks are the occurrence of a more-than-expected number of cases.

    1. aromatase

      Aromatase is an enzyme that produces estrogen, the main female sex hormone.

    2. dimorphic

      Differences in characteristics between males and females of the same species other than the sex cells.

    3. medullary cords

      Medullary describes the inside, and cords refer to the early structures that will become an organism's gonads.

      A critical step in sex development of males is when medullary cord cells differentiate into Sertoli cells. If the cords degenerate, the sex cords will instead develop into an ovary - the female gonad.

    4. morphology

      Morphology is the study of the structure of an organism. This often includes observations about the size or shape of an organism.

      Here the authors describe the Kdm6b-deficient embryo gonads as having a structure that looks like a developing female.

    1. Cause AreasProblems people work on, and concepts related to those problems.Global health and developmentAid and paternalismBurden of diseaseDewormingEconomic growthEducationFamily planningForeign aidForeign aid skepticismGlobal povertyImmigration reformMalariaMass distribution of long-lasting insecticide-treated netsMicronutrient programsResearch into neglected tropical diseasesSmallpox Eradication ProgrammeTobacco controlUniversal basic incomeGlobal Catastrophic Risk (other)AsteroidsBiosecurityCivilizational collapseCuban Missile CrisisClimate changeClimate engineeringConservationDystopiaExistential risks from fundamental physics researchGeomagnetic stormsGreat power conflictHuman extinctionManhattan ProjectNuclear warfareNuclear winterNuclear disarmament movementPandemic preparednessRussell–Einstein ManifestoTerrorismTrinitySupervolcanoWeapon of mass destructionAnimal welfareAnimal product alternativesCorporate cage-free campaignsCultured meatDietary changeFarmed animal welfareFish welfareInvertebrate welfareLogic of the larderMeat-eater problemSpeciesismWelfare biologyWild animal welfareBuilding effective altruismAltruistic motivationBuilding effective altruismCommunityCompetitive debatingConsultancyEffective altruism educationEffective altruism groupsEffective altruism in the mediaEffective altruism messagingEffective altruism outreach in schoolsEvent strategyField buildingFundraisingGlobal outreachMoral advocacyMovement collapseNetwork buildingPublic givingRequest for proposalScalably using labourValue driftValue of movement growthOther causesAnti-aging researchArmed conflictAutonomous weaponCause candidatesCause XCluster headachesCognitive enhancementCOVID-19 pandemicCriminal justice reformElectoral reformGlobal priorities researchInstitutional decision-makingLand use reformLess-discussed causesLife extensionLife sciences researchLocal priorities researchMental healthMeta-scienceMoral circle expansionNear-term AI ethicsResearchRisks from malevolent actorsSpace colonizationGlobal Catastrophic Risk (AI)AI alignmentAI boxingAI ethicsAI forecastingAI governanceAI risksAI safetyAI skepticismAI takeoffAI winterAnthropic captureArtificial intelligenceArtificial sentienceBasic AI driveCapability control methodCollective superintelligenceComprehensive AI ServicesComputation hazardHuman-level artificial intelligenceIndirect normativityInfrastructure profusionInstrumental convergenceIntelligence explosionMalignant AI failure modeMind crimeMotivation selection methodOracle AIOrthogonality thesisPerverse instantiationQuality superintelligenceSovereign AISpeed superintelligenceSuperintelligenceTool AIWhole brain emulation
    2. Other ConceptsConcepts that apply to multiple causes, or the entire project of trying to do more good.Moral PhilosophyAnimal cognitionAnimal sentienceApplied ethicsAstronomical wasteAxiologyClassical utilitarianismCluelessnessConsciousness researchConsequentialismCosmopolitanismDemandingness of moralityDeontologyEthics of existential riskEthics of personal consumptionExcited vs. obligatory altruismFuture of humanityHedonismHedoniumInfinite ethicsIntrinsic value vs. instrumental valueIntrospective hedonismIntuition of neutralityLongtermismMetaethicsMoral offsettingMoral patienthoodMoral uncertaintyMoral weightNaive vs. sophisticated consequentialismNegative utilitarianismNon-wellbeing sources of valueNormative ethicsNormative uncertaintyOther moral theoriesPain and sufferingPatient altruismPerson-affecting viewsPersonal identityPhilosophy of mindPopulation ethicsPrioritarianismSentienceSubjective wellbeingSuffering-focused ethicsUniverse's resourcesUtilitarianismValenceVirtue ethicsWelfarismWellbeingLong-Term Risks and FlourishingAlternative foodAnthropogenic existential riskAnthropic shadowBroad vs. narrow interventionsCompound existential riskDecisive strategic advantageDefense in depthDifferential progressEstimation of existential riskExistential catastropheExistential riskExistential risk factorExistential securityFermi paradoxFlourishing futuresGlobal catastrophic riskGlobal catastrophic biological riskHellish existential catastropheHinge of historyIndirect long-term effectsInstitutions for future generationsLong reflectionLong-term futureNatural existential riskNon-humans and the long-term futureS-riskSingletonSpeeding up developmentState vs. step riskTechnological completion conjectureTime of perils hypothesisTiming of existential risk mitigationTotal existential riskTrajectory changesTransformative developmentTranshumanismUnknown existential riskUnprecedented risksValue lock-inVulnerable world hypothesisWarning shotDecision Theory and RationalityAcausal tradeAlternatives to expected value theoryAltruistic coordinationAltruistic wagerAnthropicsBayesian epistemologyBounded rationalityCause neutralityCause prioritizationCognitive biasCounterfactual reasoningCredal resilienceCrucial considerationDebunking argumentDecision theoryDecision-theoretic uncertaintyDefinition of effective altruismDisentanglement researchDoomsday argumentEpistemic deferenceEpistemologyEvolution heuristicExpected valueFanaticismFermi estimationForecastingGame theoryIdeological Turing testInformation hazardInside vs. outside viewInstrumental vs. epistemic rationalityIntervention evaluationLong-range forecastingMarginal charityMeasuring and comparing valueModel uncertaintyModelsMoral cooperationMoral psychologyMoral tradePrediction marketsPrinciple of epistemic deferencePsychology researchRandomized controlled trialsResearch methodsReversal testRisk aversionScope neglectSimulation argumentStatistical methodsStatus quo biasThinking at the marginUnilateralist's curseValue of informationEconomics and FinanceAdjusted life yearBlockchainCost-benefit analysisDivestmentImpact investingInternational tradeMacroeconomic policyMechanism designMicrofinanceWelfare economicsPolitics, Policy, and CultureBallot initiativeConflict theory vs. mistake theoryCultural evolutionCultural lagCultural persistenceDemocracyElectoral politicsGlobal governanceInternational organizationInternational relationsLawLeadershipMisinformationPeace and conflict studiesPolarityPolicyPolitical polarizationProgress studiesSafeguarding liberal democracySocial and intellectual movementsSpace governanceSystemic changeSurveillanceTotalitarianismEffective GivingCash transfersCertificate of impactCharity evaluationConstraints on effective altruismCost-effectivenessCost-effectiveness analysisDiminishing returnsDonation choiceDonation matchingDonation pledgeDonation writeupDonor lotteriesEffective altruism fundingFunding high-impact for-profitsGiving and happinessImpact assessmentImportanceInterpersonal comparisons of wellbeingInvestingITN frameworkMarket efficiency of philanthropyMarkets for altruismNeglectednessOrg strategyPhilanthropic coordinationPhilanthropic diversificationProblem frameworkRoom for more fundingSocially responsible investingTemporal discountingTiming of philanthropyTractabilityVolunteeringWorkplace activismCareer choiceAcademiaCareer capitalCareer choiceCareer frameworkEarning to giveEffective altruism hiringEntrepreneurshipExpertiseFellowships & internshipsIndependent researchJob satisfactionOperationsPersonal fitPublic interest technologyReplaceabilityResearch careersResearch training programsRole impactSoftware engineeringSupportive conditionsWorking at EA vs. non-EA orgsOtherAtomically precise manufacturingChinaComputational power of the human brainComputroniumCryonicsEuropean UnionExtraterrestrial intelligenceFabianismGene drivesHistoryHistory of philanthropyIndiaInformation securityIterated embryo selectionKidney donationRationality communityPhilippinesPhilosophic RadicalsQueen's Lane Coffee HouseReligionRussiaScientific progressSemiconductorsUnited States politicsUtilitarian SocietyTransparency
    1. Open collaboration is collaboration that is egalitarian (everyone can join, no principled or artificial barriers to participation exist), meritocratic (decisions and status are merit-based rather than imposed) and self-organizing (processes adapt to people rather than people adapt to pre-defined processes).
    1. molecular clock

      The average speed that a genome accumulates changes to the nucleotide sequence also known as mutations.

    2. sequenced

      DNA and RNA are molecules that provide the code for cells to carry out their functions. They are composed of a small number nucleotides and the order of these nucleotides determines function. Sequencing allows us to determine what the order of nucleotides within a DNA or RNA molecule.

    3. genome

      The full set of genes or heritable genetic material like DNA or RNA present in an organism.

    4. Neolithic revolution

      When humans transitioned from small migrating groups of hunter gatherers to more stationary settlements that focused on farming and raising animals. This led to a significant growth in population sizes.

    5. divergence time

      The point where rinderpest and measles virus became different species. Virus species are distinguished by a variety of criteria including structural factors, host range, the disease they cause, and genetic similarities.

    6. Retrospective diagnosis

      When the identification of an illness is carried out after a patients death.

    7. Galen

      A Greek physician and surgeon who influenced the development of several medical disciplines.

    8. Hippocratic corpus

      A collection of medical texts from ancient Greece that are attributed to various physicians from the Alexandrian era (4th century BC).

    9. Peste des petits ruminants virus

      A virus that causes fever, ulcers of the mouth, pneumonia, stomach problems, and sometimes death in goats and sheep.

    10. Paramyxoviridae

      A family of viruses that infect vertebrates or animals with a spine. They cause a variety of diseases including measles, mumps, and various respiratory tract infections.

    11. bronchopneumonia

      Pneumonia is a type of infection causes by a variety of organisms that inflames the lungs. Bronchopneumonia is a type of pneumonia that causes inflammation of a part of the lungs called the alveoli. This inflammation makes it difficult for the lungs to get enough air.

    12. substitution saturation

      This occurs when a nucleotide is switched at the same spot in a gene sequence multiple times. It makes it seem like the rate of sequence divergence is lower than what it actually is.

    13. purifying selection

      Selection refers to natural selection the process by which organisms that are better adapted for their environment survive and produce more offspring. Natural selection causes the evolution of species. Purifying selection removes harmful variations from the population by ensuring those individuals produce fewer offspring.

    14. heterochronous

      Chronous refers to time while hetero means different meaning that the measles genomes analyzed were from different timepoints.

  2. Jul 2021
    1. bioorthogonal chemistry

      A new approach to conducting chemical reactions in which reactants must react rapidly and selectively with each other under physiological conditions. Two key and relevant features of bioorthogonal reactions are high selectivity and compatibility with naturally occurring functional groups.

    2. metabolic engineering

      Metabolic engineering is the production of specific target chemicals in high yield and stereoselectivity by altering the metabolic pathways. Metabolic pathways are changed via recombinant DNA technology.

    3. heteroarenes

      aromatic compounds in which one or more ring carbon atoms are replaced by a heteroatom such as nitrogen, sulfur or oxygen.

    4. amides

      organic compounds that contain a -CONH2 structural feature

    5. esters

      organic compounds that contain a -COOR functional group

    6. alkyl halides

      organic compounds that contain a halogen connected to an alkyl group such as methyl, ethyl, etc.

    7. ethers

      organic compounds that contain a C-O-C structural feature

    8. anaerobic

      oxygen-free conditions

    9. recombinantly expressed in Escherichia coli.

      At the theoretical level, the steps needed for obtaining a recombinant protein are straightforward. Take your gene of interest, clone it, transform it into the host of choice (here it is E. coli), induce, and then the protein is ready for purification and characterization.

    10. distal

      located at a farther distance

    11. eukaryotic

      cells with membrane-bound organelles

    12. molecular biology

      branch of biology that deals with the structure and function of nucleic acids and proteins

    13. selectivity

      The preference shown by an enzyme when exposed to a competitive attack on two or more substrates or two or more positions in the same substrate.

    14. specificity

      The ability of a protein's binding site to bind to only specific ligands. The fewer ligands a protein can bind to, the greater its specificity.

    15. halogenated solvents

      Solvents that contain halogens such as fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine. For example, methylene chloride, CH2Cl2, is a halogenated solvent.

    16. Rhodothermus marinus

      gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium

    17. cytochrome

      Cytochromes are proteins that contain heme as the prosthetic group.

    18. heme proteins

      A type of metalloprotein that contains a heme group, which is required for the functionality of the protein

    1. El Niño

      El Niño refers to a climate pattern that pushes warm water into the Pacific Ocean.

      This warming of the Pacific Ocean impacts global weather patterns.

      Read more here: https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/ninonina.html

    2. geophysical

      The prefix "geo" means Earth.

      Thus, geophysical refers to physics occurring on and near the Earth.

    3. troposphere

      The troposphere is one of the five major layers of the Earth's atmosphere.

      It is the layer closest to the surface of the Earth.

    4. ozonesonde

      A sonde is an instrument that measures and transmits information about a remote location.

      An ozonesonde is a device that is carried by a balloon into the atmosphere. As it travels, it transmits ozone concentration information back to a station on the ground.

    5. balloon ozone trends

      Balloon ozone data is measured by instruments carried into the atmosphere by balloons.

    6. radiatively

      Radiation refers to energy that travels at the speed of light.

      Here, it refers to a form of heat transfer that causes atmospheric temperature changes.

    7. anomalous

      Something that is anomalous differs from what is normal or typical.

    8. climatologies

      Climatology is the study of climate science.

    9. OCS

      OCS is carbonyl sulfide with a molecular structure consisting of an oxygen (O), carbon (C), and sulfur (S) atom.

    10. Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison (CCMI)

      The CCMI project develops models that describe how atmospheric chemistry and climate interact with each other.

      The primary focus of the project is understanding atmospheric ozone.

    11. meteorological fields

      A field is a property of a physical system that can be measured.

      Here, it refers to properties of the atmosphere.

    12. Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer/Ozone Monitoring Instrument (TOMS/OMI)

      TOMS and OMI are instruments used to measure the total ozone in the atmosphere.

      The TOMS data set has provided a record of total atmospheric ozone since 1978. OMI was launched in 2004 to continue the collection of ozone data.

      Both data sets are merged to obtain a more complete record of the ozone layer over time.

    13. Solar Backscatter Ultra-Violet satellite

      The SBUV is an instrument that measures the amount of ozone in the atmosphere.

      The instrument, mounted on a weather satellite, measures the sunlight reflected back from the Earth.

      Since ozone is known to reflect light at a particular wavelength, the amount of light reflected at this wavelength indicates how much ozone is present in the atmosphere.

    14. aerosol particles

      Aerosols are solid particles or liquid droplets that are suspended in a gas.

      Here, the particles are suspended in air.

    15. meteorological variability

      Meteorological variability refers to changes in atmospheric weather conditions.

    16. heterogeneous chlorine and bromine chemistry

      Heterogeneous chemistry is a chemical process that involves different phases of matter.

      Here, it refers to gaseous chlorine and bromine reacting on the surface of condensed phase cloud particles.

    17. polar stratospheric cloud (PSC) particles

      Polar stratospheric clouds form under extremely cold winter conditions in the Arctic and Antarctic.

      They support the destructive halogen chemistry responsible for ozone depletion.

    18. confounding factors

      A confounding factor impacts both variables of interest and makes it more difficult to determine the cause and effect relationship between them.

    19. monotonic

      A monotonic quantity is either always increasing or always decreasing.

    20. Polar ozone

      Polar ozone refers to the ozone layer over the Arctic and Antarctic regions.

    21. lidar

      Lidar stands for "light detection and ranging" and is a technique for measuring the distance to an object. It involves shining a laser on the object and measuring the time it takes for the light to be reflected back.

    22. stratosphere

      The stratosphere is one of the five major layers of the Earth's atmosphere.

      It is the second closest to the surface of the Earth, and it contains the ozone layer.

    23. halogens

      Halogens are a group of elements that includes fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, astatine, and tennessine.

    24. depletion

      To deplete is to reduce the amount of something.

      Here, the amount of ozone in the Earth's atmosphere has been reduced.

    1. epidemic

      An epidemic is the appearance of a disease in a large number of people within a short period of time.

    2. geocoded repository

      Geocoding is a process to transform commonly text-based descriptions of locations (e.g., addresses) to coordinates on the Earth's surface. Geocoding allows further mapping and spatial analysis using various software. In a geocoded repository, all data are attributes to spatial coordinates.

    1. substitution rates

      The speed at which mutations occur to a genome.

    2. Bayesian

      Refers to a branch of statistics based on Bayes' theorem. This theorem is used to update the probability or likelihood of a hypothesis or proposed explanation as more information is available. This method allows for inference or the ability to draw conclusions about a larger group based on a smaller sample.

    3. endemic

      A disease is endemic when it is found regularly in a population.

    4. live-attenuated vaccine

      A vaccine is a substance that causes the body to recognize and stop a disease-causing agent via a type of protein called antibodies. Antibodies combine with proteins on the surface of invading pathogens and alert the immune system. A live-attenuated vaccine uses a weakened for of a virus to cause this immune response.

    1. Components let you split the UI into independent, reusable pieces, and think about each piece in isolation.

      I like this definition of 'components'.

  3. Jun 2021
    1. niche broadening

      A niche is an organism's role in its ecosystem, describing how it utilizes the resources and interacts with living and nonliving factors of its environment.

      Niche broadening is when a species expands its roles in its habitat to enhance its chances of survival.

    2. seed dispersal events

      The distribution of a seed by being eaten by an animal and later excreted in its feces.

    3. introduced species

      A group of living organisms that has recently moved into a new ecosystem

    1. order of magnitude

      An order of magnitude is a comparison of size used when the item being compared is 10 times larger or smaller than the item it is being compared to. The difference between 1 and 10 is an order of magnitude, as is the difference between 10 and 100. The difference between 1 and 100 is 2 orders of magnitude, and the difference between 1 and 1000 is 3 orders of magnitude.

    2. MT

      A MT (metric ton) is a unit of weight equal to 1000 kilograms (2205 pounds).

    3. population density

      Population density is a measurement of how many people live in a particular area. It is often expressed as people per square mile or kilometer. A city is a location with a high population density, while a desert is a location with a low population density.

    4. flux

      Flux is a measurement of the amount of an object that passes from one place to another. Here, flux is the total amount of litter that traveled from land to ocean in one year.

    1. racemic

      equal amounts of enantiomers (mirror images) of a chiral (asymmetric) compound

    2. cytochrome P450 and myoglobin

      types of heme proteins

    3. enantiomeric excess (ee)

      excess of one enantiomer over the other in a mixture of enantiomers

    4. M9-N minimal medium

      a microbial growth medium

    5. heme proteins

      A very large class of proteins that contain heme as the prosthetic group. Examples of heme proteins are hemoglobin, myoglobin and cytochrome c.

  4. Apr 2021
    1. ibid.

      The Latin word ibidem means "in the same place". To save space, some authors use ibid. to refer to a reference from the same journal as the previous one.

    2. APCs

      Antigen-presenting cells. Specialized immune cells which allow T cells to be exposed to the antigens present in the body. This allows T cells to become activated so they can target those pathogens or diseased cells.

    3. in vivo

      Within a living organism (as opposed to in vitro, or in cells grown in the lab).

    4. wild-type

      Unmodified: that is, wild-type, 51BLim10 cells do not have the extra genes which introduce B7 or the extra modifications which silence it.

    5. Fab fragments

      The antigen-binding fragment of antibody, i.e., the domain which binds specifically to the target of the antibody.

    6. In vitro

      Latin for "in the glass." That is, experiments done in test tubes, petri dishes, flasks, or beakers, not in organisms.

  5. Mar 2021
    1. triaxial accelerometer

      A sensor that provides simultaneous measurements in three (x, y, and z) orthogonal directions. It analyzes vibrations caused by movement to infer orientation and acceleration of the device.

    2. quasi-static tension

      Quasi-static indicates that the acceleration effect on load measuring devices is insignificant, because it is moving extremely slowly.

    3. elastomeric

      A term describing the viscoelastic quality of a polymer. Materials that are elastomeric have weak intermolecular forces, low Young's modulus, and high failure strain.

    4. self-healability

      Chemically engineered materials have been integrated into the electronics that allow the device to self-repair even after multiple breaks.

      This device utilizes a material called polyimine that repairs itself through bond exchange reactions.

    5. reconfigurability

      The ability to rearrange it's elements.

      In this case, the device can be reconfigured to serve different purposes.

    6. dynamic mechanical analyzer

      A device used to study and characterize materials. A sinusoidal stress is applied to the material and the strain is measured. It is most effectively used to measure the viscoelastic behavior of polymers.

    7. hyperelastic

      Describes an ideally elastic material which the stress-strain relationship is derived from a strain energy density function. The stress does not vary linearly with strain, so it's flexibility is very high.

    8. Poisson’s ratio

      A measurement of the deformation in a material in a perpendicular direction to the applied force.

    9. depolymerization

      The process of converting a polymer into a monomer or monomers.

      This process is triggered by an increase in thermal energy in the system that cannot be used (entropy).

    10. Young’s modulus

      In essence, this is a measurement of how stiff a material is.

      It can be equated as E = stress / strain.

    11. failure strain

      A measure of how much a material can be elongated (strained) before it fails (breaks).

      A measure of ~4% means it can be stretched to be about 4% longer before it breaks.

    12. FEA

      A method of numerically solving differential equations for mathematical modeling.

      The problem is broken into smaller, finite elements that can be expressed as algebraic equations. These equations can then be assembled into a larger system of equations that models the entire problem.

    1. autonomous systems

      This is a set of things working together but existing and functioning independently.

    2. reagent

      This is a substance or compound added to a system to cause a chemical reaction, or added to test if a reaction occurs.

    3. thermal

      Something that relates to heat

    4. thermal conductivity

      This is the measurement of a material's ability to conduct heat.

    5. histograms

      This is an approximate representation of the distribution of numerical data

  6. Feb 2021
    1. chemiluminescence

      the emission of light during a chemical reaction which does not produce significant quantities of heat.

    2. Dynamic

      This is the characterization of something under constant change, activity, or progress.

    3. reflectance spectroscopy

      Investigation of the spectral make-up of surface-reflected radiation with respect to its angularly dependent intensity and the composition of the incident primary radiation.

    4. disjuncture

      This is a separation of disconnection between ideas, objects, etc.

    5. tether

      Tying with a rope or chain to restrict movement of that which is being connected to. This often refers to two things being connect to one another.

    6. locomotion

      An act or the power of moving from place to place.

    7. symmetrical

      made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis.

    8. robust

      This is something that carries characteristics of exhibiting vigorous strength and health.

    9. translucency

      Allowing light, but not detailed shapes, to pass through; semitransparent.

    10. Ecoflex

      This is a blend of recycled polymers and wood byproducts that exhibits the best characteristics of both the polymers and wood.

    11. Young’s modulus

      a measure of elasticity, equal to the ratio of the stress acting on a substance to the strain produced.

    12. spectral tailoring

      Essentially modifying and tweaking the colors and temperatures of the fluids based on the electromagnetic spectrum.

    13. Thermoelectrics

      This is a object that produces electricity by a difference of temperatures. This can also be described as an object that involves the relation between temperature and electrical condition

    14. aqueous

      This is something that is of or containing water, that is typically used as a solvent or medium. A substance could be dissolved in water, making it an aqueous solution.

    15. pigment

      is a colored material that is completely or nearly insoluble in water.

    16. syringe

      a tube with a nozzle and piston or bulb for sucking in and ejecting liquid in a thin stream, used for cleaning wounds or body cavities, or fitted with a hollow needle for injecting or withdrawing fluids.

    17. quadrupedal

      This refers to being four-footed, where all four feet are used for walking and running. This can be seen in animals such as a dog or cat.

    18. electrowetting

      This is the modification of the wetting properties of a surface, typically hydrophobic, with an applied electric field.

      Uses for electrowetting include applications on lenses, electronic displays, and separating oil-water mixtures.

    19. electrofluidics

      Is a versatile principle that can be used for high speed actuation of liquid interfaces.

    20. extensible

      This is the ability to be extended or stretched.

    21. microchannels

      Is a channel with a hydraulic (contains liquid) diameter below 1 mm.

    22. pneumatic

      This is something that is operated by or contains air or gas under pressure.

      An example of this would be container holding pressurized air or gas.

    23. actuation

      the action of causing a machine or device to operate.

    24. spectral

      This comes from the electromagnetic spectrum, the range of wavelengths or frequencies over which electromagnetic radiation extends, of visible light, which ranges from approximately 400nm to 700nm.

    25. Semiconductor

      A solid substance that has a conductivity between that of an insulator and that of most metals, either due to the addition of an impurity or because of temperature effects. One common semiconductor are silicon chips used in electronics.

    26. arthropods

      Organisms that have a segmented body and jointed appendages, a usually chitinous exoskeleton molted at intervals, and a brain connected to a spinal cord.

    27. ultraviolet (UV)

      Is a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelength from 10nm to 400 nm, shorter than that of visible light, but longer than X-rays. UV radiation is present in sunlight, and constitutes about 10% of the total electromagnetic radiation output from the Sun.

    28. plumage

      This is the layers of feathers that cover a bird and the pattern, color, and arrangement of the feathers.

    29. iridophores

      These are iridescent chromatophores, and chromatophores are cells that produce color, of which many types are pigment-containing cells, or groups of cells, found in a wide range of animals including amphibians, fish, reptiles, crustaceans and cephalopods.

    30. elastomers

      This is a polymer, either natural or synthetic, that has elastic properties.

      An example of this would be rubbers.

    31. prosthetics

      This is an artificial device that replaces a missing body part. The reason for why this part my be missing may be a result of many different reasons, but these devices are utilized with the intention to restore the normal functions of the missing body part.

    32. silhouette

      Is the image of a person, animal, object or scene represented as a solid shape of a single colour, usually black, with its edges matching the outline of the subject.

    33. obliterative

      To render invisible or unreadable, as by erasing or marking over

    34. infrared

      A form of light that is slightly above our visible light spectrum. Since it is not within our visible light spectrum, it is invisible to the naked eye, but it still provides useful applications in nature and everyday life such as remote controls for your television.

    35. camouflage

      This is the use of any combination of materials, coloration, or illumination for concealment, either by making animals or objects hard to see, or disguising them as something else.

    36. microfluidic networks

      A group or system that deals with the behavior, manipulation, and precise control of fluids that are constrained to a small scale. This often deals with objects that are measured to be in the tens to hundreds of micrometers.

    1. biocompatibility

      The property of a material to be compatible with living tissue. Materials that trigger a toxic or immune response when exposed to the body are NOT biocompatible.

    2. FTIR

      One of the most common methods of spectroscopy. The sample is exposed to infrared light and data is collected to determine how much light is absorbed or released by the sample.

      To convert the raw data into an actual spectrum, a Fourier transform must be performed.

    3. thermoset polyimine matrix

      Thermoset: applying heat to harden or cure the material. This creates the matrix encapsulating the device.

      Thanks to the healing ability of the polyimine and the liquid nature of the eutectic LM circuitry, bonds can be reformed and reshaped throughout the device.

    4. dynamic covalent

      Upon thermosetting, dynamic covalent bonds are formed between the atoms that can readily assemble and disassemble. This gives the polyimines their unique healing ability.

    5. ECG sensor

      An electrocardiogram sensor records the pathway of electrical impulses throughout the heart. This data can be used to monitor the heart's condition and response to physical exertion.

    6. transimination

      A reaction that converts an -imine compound into smaller monomers/oligomers. The researchers discovered this reaction to be useful for separating the chip components and LM from the matrix by solubilizing the these monomers/oligomers in methanol.

    1. in vitro

      in a test tube, culture dish, or elsewhere outside a living organism

    2. weeble-wobble toy
    3. hydroxypropyl methylcellulose

      Non-fermentable semi-synthetic dietary fibre, based on cellulose.

    4. conical structure

      Cone shaped structure.

    5. poly(ethylene) oxide

      Biomaterial with a high molecular weight.

    6. molecular weight

      The ratio of the average mass of one molecule of an element to one twelfth of the mass of an atom of carbon.

    7. overtube

      A protective tube used during endoscopy.

    8. endoscopy

      A procedure used to look inside the body and examine the interior of a hollow organ or body cavity.

    9. ex vivo

      Experimentation done on tissue from an organism in an external environment with minimal alteration of natural conditions.

    10. mucosal

      The inner lining of organs and body cavities such as the stomach.

    11. gastric juice

      A thin, clear, acidic fluid secreted by the stomach glands.

    12. viscosities

      The state of being thick and semifluid in consistency.

    13. excursions

      A deviation from a regular pattern, path, or level of operation.

    14. torque

      A twisting force that causes rotation.

    15. subchronic

      Oral subchronic toxicity refers to adverse effects occurring after repeated administration of a test sample.

    16. peristaltic motion

      Involuntary movements of the longitudinal and circular muscles, primarily in the digestive tract but occasionally in other hollow tubes of the body, that occur in progressive wavelike contractions

    17. acute

      Acute oral toxicity refers to adverse effects following oral administration of a single dose of a substance.

    18. mono-monostatic body

      An object which has only one unstable point of balance.

    19. active pharmaceutical ingredient (API)

      Any substance or mixture of substances intended to be used in the manufacture of a drug product and that, when used in the production of a drug, becomes a functional ingredient in the drug product

    20. lumen

      The open space within a tube-shaped body part

    21. prototyping

      An early sample, model, or release of a product built to test a concept or process.

    22. actuation

      The action of causing a machine or device to operate.

    23. 316L stainless steel

      Second most common marine grade stainless steel.

    24. cellular tight junctions

      Connections between cells that prevent the passage of molecules and ions through the space between membranes of touching cells

    25. protease

      An enzyme (a biological catalyst) which breaks down proteins and peptides

    26. polycaprolactone

      Biodegradable polyester with a low melting point of around 60°C.

    27. bioavailability

      The ability of a drug or other substance to be absorbed and used by the body