10,886 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2021
    1. Plot of vapor pressure as a function of temperature for a variety of substances. It should be noted that this is a "bounded function", with the lower end being the melting point, and the upper end being the boiling point of a substance.

      This graph is important as it shows how you can determine trends in a physical property based on the structure of a molecule. Although water is lighter than diethyl ether and ethanol, it has stronger intermolecular forces holding it together and thus has a lower vapor pressure. This results in a higher boiling point.

    1. As a cultural relic, similar to art, many scholars suggest literature is a reflection of the society which produces it. This includes positive aspects of society (championing values such as love, justice, and good triumphing over evil), but it can also reflect negative aspects of society (such as discrimination, racism, sexism, homophobia, historical lack of opportunity for marginalized authors).

      I think that this sort of "definition" helps me understand more of what literature is qualified as. Looking at modern art or novels, I can point out if the literature is trying to represent problems/advancements of today and use the other qualifications to figure out if what I am looking at/reading is literature or not.

    2. Let's say you come to the conclusion that a meme, a gossip magazine, or the Twilight Series is not literary. Does that mean you have to feel guilty and give up reading it forever? Or that it is not "good"? No!

      Some people might disagree with me but I feel whether or not the literature is a gossip magazine or Hamlet, etc everything is literature in one way or another. I feel Literature is subjective

    3. A meme is an image or video containing cultural values or ideas, often represented through allusion (implied reference to another work, without naming that work or its author). Memes can spread rapidly spreads through social media. Why? Because the best ones are #relatable; that is, they speak to a common human experience.

      Using this idea of memes possibly being literature, could video productions such as vines and tiktoks be considered literature, even if there is no words we can see on a screen? The one given as an example has words associated with an image. Things like Shakespeare's plays are productions, but they have a script to follow.

    1. it is vital to build bone strength through proper nutrition during youth because it cannot be done in later life.

      So a healthy diet needs to include the right amount of calcium.

    1. Studies indicate that when men do more housework, women experience more satisfaction in their marriages, reducing the incidence of conflict (Coltrane 2000). In general, conflict theorists tend to study areas of marriage and life that involve inequalities or discrepancies in power and authority, as they are reflective of the larger social structure.

      This is something that is very true and it happens everyday. Not all families are like this, however, there are some families that do go through this around the world - in our country, and outside of our country around the world.

    1. Researchers at the Genetic Science Learning Center at the University of Utah conducted an experiment in which some pregnant mice were fed a diet containing folate, choline, vitamin B12, and betaine, and other pregnant mice were fed a diet that did not contain these nutrients and chemicals. Both groups of pregnant mice were also fed bisphenol A, a chemical in plastic, which alters DNA by inhibiting a specific chemical reaction. The mice born from the mother fed the supplemented diet were brown, thin, and healthy. The mice born from the mother fed the unsupplemented diet were yellow, fat, and unhealthy.

      So nutrients are able to alter DNA on newborns when these nutrients are fed to the mothers. How about nutrients fed directly to the children?

      Nutrients are NOT able to alter DNA sequence but how the genes are expressed.

    1. initiation: formation of radicals from non radical by light energy or heat propagation - transferring a radical from one molecule to another

      termination: reaction of two radicals to form non radicals

    1. Summaries describe the ideas in an argument we have read.

      If you're willing to skim the major ideas with a summary that is.

    2. At other times I have a strong sense of my opinion but a hard time explaining it. When I try to write, I struggle.

      I also struggle with this

    3. "post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy,"


    4. I end up frustrated.

      I definitely understand getting frustrated when writing essays.

    5. ts appeals to emotion

      Emotion is something that I have always struggled to add into my writing since everything I do seems to be logic based. This should definitely help my arguments if I can use logic while appealing to the readers emotions.

    1. This is a very valuable resource for finding safety information on chemicals and it is structured so you can instantly find the source of that information

      You need to realize PubChem is a data aggregator that maintains the provenance of the data. And like anything, you have to analyze it. We have an activity where students find what appear to be conflicting safety recommendations, and are then asked to analyze it.

      This annotation is public, and anyone can see it, even without an account at hypothes.is. If we comment to a group, only the members of the group can see it.

    1. where CC\text{C} stands for coulomb, which is one ampere/second

      The coulomb, C, is defined in terms of the SI base units as an ampere second, A s. A current of 1 A, though a base unit, is equivalent to 1 C/s. The coulomb is NOT equivalent to 1 A/s as stated on this page.

    1. Subject pronouns and the verb "ser"

      Vos is mentioned in the observation, but it's left out of the table. If not on the table, maybe just an asterisk. Also, Grouping Usted with the 3rd person can be confusing for some. It should be under second person (at least on this table)

  2. human.libretexts.org human.libretexts.org
    1. being of no woman born,

      This is again a reference to Macduff being born via a C-section, so he was considered not born of a woman.

      [note by Grace Maher and Elizabeth Ferry]

    2. Untimely ripp'd.

      Reference to a C-Section, an uncommon birth method and very dangerous at the time.

      [note by Grace Maher and Elizabeth Ferry]

    3. Why should I play the Roman fool,

      Roman fool is a reference to political figures in ancient Rome that committed suicide. Here Macbeth is saying that he would rather inflict violence upon his enemies than himself.

      [note by Grace Maher and Elizabeth Ferry]

  3. human.libretexts.org human.libretexts.org
    1. at his touch

      Reference to “royal touch” or the belief that being touched by a monarch could cure a person of disease. This would also be a sign of the divine right to rule for a monarch since the healing came from God through the King.

      [note by Grace Maher and Elizabeth Ferry]

    2. Though you untie the winds and let them fight

      This could be a possible reference to King James’ belief that he was attacked by witches on his trip from Denmark and a reference to the relationship between the Crown and the Church.

      [note by Elizabeth Ferry]

  4. human.libretexts.org human.libretexts.org
    1. Colmekill

      Colmekill is an island on the west coast of Scotland where all of the Scottish kings are said to have been buried. It is now called Iona. For more relevant geography, see this map of Scotland.

    2. Help me hence

      Here Lady Macbeth faints, using a stereotypical example of femininity to disguise her real role in the events that have transpired.

      [note by Grace Maher]

    3. Making the green one red.

      Macbeth is overcome with the guilt of Duncan’s murder, symbolized by the blood that’s literally on his hands. He fears that he will not be able to cleanse himself of this guilt, which is why he says he will turn the oceans red before he is relieved of it.

      [note by Grace Maher]

    4. Pale Hecate's

      Hecate is the Greek Goddess of magic and witchcraft.

      [note by Grace Maher]

  5. human.libretexts.org human.libretexts.org
    1. The weird sisters

      The title "Weird Sisters" connotes a certain connection these characters have with fate, but is also a phrase used to describe those of uncanny or unusual appearance. See our Closer Look "Women, Witchcraft, and Power/Humanistic_Studies_463%3A_Early_Modern_Literature/Macbeth/3._A_Closer_Look%3A_Essays_in_Cultural_Context/Gender_Power_and_Witchcraft)" for more about witchcraft in this work and society.

      [note by Grace Maher]

    2. unsex me here

      Here Lady Macbeth is asking to be "unsexed" because the kind of cruelty and desire for power she has and intends on acting upon is not "feminine" and would go against the nature society has thrust upon her.

      [note by Grace Maher]

    3. you should be women

      The witches seem to exist beyond or between genders. For more analysis of this, see the Closer Look essay "Women, Witches, and Power/Humanistic_Studies_463%3A_Early_Modern_Literature/Macbeth/3._A_Closer_Look%3A_Essays_in_Cultural_Context/Gender_Power_and_Witchcraft)" for more about gender and witchcraft

      [note by Grace Maher]

    1. Check out this video to learn more about the smallpox vaccine:

      Variolation is the procedure of infecting a person with the more lethal virus.

      Vaccination is the procedure of infecting a person with a less lethal virus that would cause immunization for the deadly one.

    2. Jenner used a young boy as a research subject in his smallpox vaccine research. Today, scientists must follow strict guidelines when using human subjects in their research. What unique concerns do you think might arise when human beings are used as research subjects?

      Some unique concerns that would arise from using humans as research subjects are: -Is this inhumane? -Moral issues -The concern of pain and possibility of death from the subject.

    3. What gave Jenner the idea to develop a vaccine for smallpox?

      Jenner got the idea of developing a smallpox vaccination by observing past hosts of the cowpox virus. He notice those who were infected by the similar pox [cowpox] did not contract small pox when exposed.

    4. Explain why science is more accurately considered a process than a body of knowledge.

      Science is more of a process than a set of facts because it focusses on accumulation of information continuous revision until this is a substantial amount of evidence proving a theory or claim.

    5. Chapter Overview: The Nature and Process of Science

      Broad explanations

    6. Sometimes homeostats fail to perform properly. This can cause homeostatic imbalance, a condition in which variables in the internal environment are no longer maintained within normal ranges. As a result, cells may not get everything they need, or toxic wastes may accumulate in cells. Eventually, homeostatic imbalance may lead to disease. The term disease can be broadly defined as a condition that is associated with the impairment of normal body functioning. Disease states can cause — as well as be caused by — the failure of homeostats to maintain homeostasis.

      Sometimes homeostats fail to perform properly. This can cause homeostatic imbalance, a condition in which variables in the internal environment are no longer maintained within normal ranges. As a result, cells may not get everything they need, or toxic wastes may accumulate in cells. Eventually, homeostatic imbalance may lead to disease. The term disease can be broadly defined as a condition that is associated with the impairment of normal body functioning. Disease states can cause — as well as be caused by — the failure of homeostats to maintain homeostasis.

    1. Contributors and Attributions

      The current version of this book on CK12 has review questions for these sections. Could these review questions be added to the text here? See at the bottom:


    2. For atoms that have two or more of a specific type of atom present
      • I think this would be clearer if it read: "For molecules that have two more of a specific type of atom present"
    1. Discussions during the 2019 OLCC were entirely on the hypothes.is web annotation service, which had been integrated into LibreTexts, and was set up to send an email to students and faculty whenever an annotation was created. In future OLCCs, this notification needs to be extended to other types of social media because “email” is often not students’ preferred means for online communication, and these communications need to be across web platforms.

      We are essentially going to use the model that evolved out of the cheminformatics OLCC, using hypothes.is with LibreText. But I expect much more use of external links as students figure how to do code, and use code libraries as they try and set up sensors to Raspberry Pis.

    1. Reactions with Water: Beryllium does not react with water; however, magnesium, calcium, strontium, and barium do react to form metal hydroxides and hydrogen gas. The reaction of barium and water is illustrated in the following equation:

      what abour radium?

    1. because they don't know how to write sonnets to woo their love interests and that they don't get an epitaph on their graves, because that is the poet's job. Ouch, harsh.


    1. Three special English companies were formed, including the Royal African Company, to operate in the sale of slaves.

      The Royal African company English companies started to become form The rise of capitalism

    2. France joined the traffic of slaves in 1624, Holland and Denmark soon followed.

      France, Holloand, and Denmark enslaved more people.

    3. Based on data concerning 86% of all slaving vessels leaving for the New World, historians estimate that the British, including British colonials, and the Portuguese account for seven out of ten transatlantic slaving voyages and carried nearly three quarters of all people embarking from Africa destined for slavery

      They enslaved millions of people for hundreds of years.

    1. ) It is important to recognize, however, that there did not exist a common shared “African” identity among African peoples during the early stages of the transatlantic slave trade along the coast of West Africa.

      Did not operting as one lead to the enslavement of their own people? If everyone on the continent viewed theirselves as many in body and one in mind would history have been written differently?

    2. Spanish elites born in Spain sat the top of this racial classificatory system while African slaves occupied the bottom

      This social construct creatives colorism. If the spanish elitite are at the top and the Africans are at the bottom. Creates the illusion that darker skinned people are inferior while lighter skinned people are superior.

    3. In the seventeenth century, Spanish colonizers created a sistema de castas, or caste system, that ranked the status, and power, of peoples based on their “purity of blood.

      The built the system of class that’s determined on blood line.

    4. Europeans thus created an emergent understanding of “race” and racial difference from their participation in the transatlantic slave trade and a system of racism codified in law and policy and driven by a desire for wealth and profit

      Rascim is birthed from slavery. Europeans claimed that since Africans had dark skin than it’s God ordained for them to be slaves,

    1. Questions act as mini "self-tests" for students.

      I find that asking myself questions helps me better understand and comprehend the material.

    2. We also call these traits heritable phenotypes.

      All of the traits that we have have been passed down to us for generations.

    3. The important thing to remember is that while we may not say so explicitly, all of the knowledge we discuss in class represents only the best of our current understanding.

      It's interesting to think that some of the information in science that we attain today can debunked by scientists in the future.

    1. Matlab, R and S ka means hi hota hai non-super imposable mirror image, just like our right and left hand, dono aik dusre ke mirror image hai,but dono non-super imposable hai.

    1. In the MVC approach, we create three distinct concepts in our code.

      Models - piece of the system that interacts with data directly. Contains the logic, functions, and rules that manipulate data.

      Views - output presented to user. May include images, tables, styling, page formatting.

      Controllers - recognizes changes and events (e.g. user interaction). Controller will call appropriate model and appropriate view upon change.

      NOTE: Typically, models and views are decoupled, have no awareness of each other. The controller acts as a middle man.

    2. The Waterfall approach to project management recognizes the projects are typically cyclical, and builds that recognition into its five stage approach to management:

      1) Requirements - gathering feature requests, scope, information

      2) Design - wireframing, pseduo-code, etc

      3) Implementation

      4) Verification - testing and debugging solution

      5) Maintenance - Database maintenance, new tasks created by the discovery of bugs--which initiates another waterfall cycle.

    1. There are three parts to a network address

      1) protocol, rules governing how data is sent and received (http or fttp)

      2) name, the site name

      3) resource id (URI), particular file we want to see

  6. Dec 2020
    1. The following ANOVA table illustrates the relationship between the sums of squares for each component and the resulting F-statistic for testing the three null and alternative hypotheses for a two-way ANOVA.

      The following ANOVA table illustrates the relationship between the sums of squares for each component and the resulting F-statistic for testing the three null and alternative hypotheses for a two-way ANOVA.

    1. I have a good reason for thinking my bicycle has a flat tire when I see the tire sagging on the rim or hear air hissing out of the tube.

      common sense to claim truth or falsity

    1. The two strands of the double helix run in anti-parallel (i.e. opposite) directions, with the 5’ end of one strand adjacent to the 3’ end of the other strand. The double helix has a right-handed twist, (rather than the left-handed twist that is often represented incorrectly in popular media).

      I though something seemed different with this one and the popular version showed in movies and shows. It is interesting to see what the real double-helix looks like.

    2. Adenine and guanine are classified as purines. The primary structure of a purine is two carbon-nitrogen rings. Cytosine, thymine, and uracil are classified as pyrimidines which have a single carbon-nitrogen ring as their primary structure (Figure\PageIndex{1}). Each of these basic carbon-nitrogen rings has different functional groups attached to it. In molecular biology shorthand, the nitrogenous bases are simply known by their symbols A, T, G, C, and U. DNA contains A, T, G, and C whereas RNA contains A, U, G, and C.

      These section right here helped identify the idea around ATGC&U. I liked how it describes the structure of purines to give an image to the word.

    1. los adolescentes pasan por las etapas de Marcia muestran que, aunque la mayoría de los adolescentes finalmente logran desarrollar una identidad estable, el camino no siempre es fácil y hay muchas rutas que se pueden tomar.

      Importante para el documento

    1. S2={0101,01ba,ba0, baba }S2={0101,01ba,ba0, baba }S^{2}=\{0101,01 b a, b a 0, \text { baba }\}

      $$S^{2}=\{0101,01 b a, b a 0 1, \text { baba }\}$$

    2. Example . Let Σ={a,b},x=a,y=abaa,Σ={a,b},x=a,y=abaa,\Sigma=\{a, b\}, x=a, y=a b a a, and z=bab.z=bab.z=b a b . Then |x|=1,|y|=4,|x|=1,|y|=4,|x|=1,|y|=4, and |z|=3.|z|=3.|z|=3 . Also, xx=aa,xy=xx=aa,xy=x x=a a, x y= abaa ,xz=abab,,xz=abab,, x z=a b a b, and zx=zx=z x= baba. Finally, xR=a,yR=aaba,xR=a,yR=aaba,x^{R}=a, y^{R}=a a b a, and zR=babzR=babz^{R}=b a b.

      I think xy here is aabaa

    1. Mutations can occur in both cis-elements and trans-factors; both can result in altered patterns of gene expression

      With my project, I discuss mutations to the dog breeds through evolution, would this also be because of altered patterns of gene expression?

    1. In the right conditions, a few molds produce mycotoxins, which are natural, poisonous substances that can make you sick if they are consumed. Mycotoxins are contained in and around mold threads, and in some cases, may have spread throughout the food.

      The bad molds are called mycotoxins

    2. Helminths are multicellular worms (for example, tapeworms and roundworms). Helminths reproduce by releasing eggs; animals may consume the eggs which then develop into larvae that can survive even after the animal is killed. Eating raw or undercooked meat can lead to ingesting the larvae. Thorough cooking destroys the larvae.

      Helminths are worms

    3. Additional symptoms may include vomiting, dehydration, lightheadedness, and rapid heartbeat. More severe complications can include a high fever, diarrhea that lasts more than three days, prolonged vomiting, bloody stools, and signs of shock.

      Symptoms of food poison

    1. ll.

      There should definitely be a demonstration of how to do this; my students have a hard time switching from "google" mode to database mode and using limiters. This page has some great videos: https://researchguides.ben.edu/general-research/searching

    2. ls.

      Formulate a research question Assuming you have decided on a very general topic, such as “iPhones and privacy,” you can use the WWWW method, outlined below, to narrow your topic and create a research question. You may not need to narrow your topic using all of the questions above, but choosing one or two could help your focus for this assignment.

      General Topic iPhones and privacy Who? Narrow your topic by the type of person you want to research: iPhones and the privacy of teenage girls. What? Narrow your topic by what you want to research: iPhones and the privacy of teenage girls on Instagram. Where? Narrow your topic by the location you want to research: iPhones and the privacy of teenage girls on Instagram in Los Angeles. When? Narrow your topic by the type of person you want to research: iPhones and the privacy of teenage girls on Instagram in Los Angeles within the past ten years.

    1. 198
      1. Track your keywords as you search. Keywords have a profound impact on search results. Using the right words will speed up the research process, while the wrong ones can bring it to a halt. Use the chart below as an example of how to track your keywords. If you are stuck and cannot find relevant sources, you may want to consider choosing different keywords. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kx6-rFf28SQ&feature=emb_logo
    1. Abstract:

      We should create a visual like this one: https://bowvalleycollege.libguides.com/c.php?g=10229&p=52137

    2. structure
    3. you may have written

    4. d

      Exercise: Explore at least 2 academic association websites linked above. Make some observations about the site's content and what this might say about the association's reliability.

    5. academic articles, also called scholarly articles, scholarly papers, journal articles, academic papers, or peer-reviewed articles
    6. M

      Many students ask, "Do I really have to use my college's library to do my research?" In short, yes, you typically do. Your college pays a hefty sum to give students free access to newspapers, academic journals, films, and other types of sources that are only available through your library’s homepage.

    1. s.

      Exercise 1: Begin researching in your college’s library databases, and find a source that interests you. Then, categorize it according to the table in Chapter 6.2. Exercise 2: Most college libraries have research help services for their students, such as a research help desk on campus, the option to chat with a librarian, or research guides for specific subjects. Check out your college’s library homepage to see what services are available. Find 2-3 of these support resources on your college library’s website. When you begin researching, use one of these resources for help and describe why it was helpful.

    1. data.

      Include some more information relevant to approaching an actual prompt, such as the link to Owl Purdue's Finding Arguments: https://owl.excelsior.edu/argument-and-critical-thinking/finding-topics/finding-topics-finding-arguments/

      Exercise: Dissecting the Research Prompt Draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper; then, skim your essay prompt for directive verbs, such as "write," "produce," "answer," and so on. Write the most important directive verbs in the left-hand column. Then, note the corresponding details. Use this chart to guide your focus and research process.

    2. scholar.

      In an undergraduate research paper, you are participating in the larger dialogue of a field. While you will certainly not write groundbreaking research studies like professionals in the field might, practicing research provides you the opportunity to find out the latest in a field you might be interested in, as well as learn more about a subject or the world generally. It's also possible for you to conduct some primary research -- research you collect yourself -- to learn the proper methods of doing so, and practicing getting yourself into the conversation.

    1. dominant allele of a gene, every person with that allele will show symptoms of the disease

      Could the mutation also become a new aspect of the pedigree and develop later in the pedigree?

    2. proband

      If the proband were to be the product of a mutation, is there a possibility that the mutated gene could be carried throughout the pedigree?

    1. TE elements have acquired mutations that render them unable to transpose

      At any point, will these mutations have a negative connotation from being unable to transpose? Will they ever need to transpose?

  7. Nov 2020
    1. All the heat the enters the system which is free, the heat added will go into the work being done by the gas at it expands

      All of the heat that enters the system is free, and it goes towards the work being done by the gas as it expands

    1. Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening reaction that results in difficulty breathing, swelling in the mouth and throat, decreased blood pressure, shock, or even death. Milk, eggs, wheat, soy, fish, shellfish, peanuts, and tree nuts are the most likely to trigger this type of response.

      Symptoms of allergic reactions

    2. Possible symptoms include itchy skin, hives, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea.

      Symptoms of an allergic reaction


      The section speaks about and points out parts of 'figures' assumed to be reactions or pictures of some kind but there are none to be seen

    1. chemical change chemical property, physical change physical change physical property All of the above chemical False True No physical property


    1. rejoining the coding sections or exons, of the mRNA, is called splicing

      Can splicing also be used to help repair mutations that have already been created? I feel like more information on that could help.

    1. Biological systems constantly interact and exchange water and nutrients with the environment by way of consumption of food and water and through excretion in the form of sweat, urine, and feces.

      this is relating to which body system is used in osmoregulation (excretory)

    1. Many veterans from that war suffer from a variety of medical problems attributed to Agent Orange exposure.

      what about Vietnamese people who are still suffering the consequences?!

    1. DNA topoisomerases are, therefore, essential in the unwinding, replication

      Would DNA topoisomerases be useful in other types of DNA replication? I feel that more information on them would be very insightful.

    2. Telomeres are repetitive sequences near the ends of linear chromosomes, and are important in maintaining the length of the chromosomes during replication, and protecting the ends of the chromosomes from alterations.

      Telomeres are very important when it comes to aging.

    1. PRT(10.5.7)(10.5.7)nV=PRT\dfrac{n}{V} = \dfrac{P}{RT} (n/V)(n/V)(n/V) is in both equations. nV=ρM=PRTnV=ρM=PRT \begin{align*} \dfrac{n}{V} &= \dfrac{\rho}{M} \\[4pt] &= \dfrac{P}{RT} \end{align*} Now combine them please. ρM


    1. This technique is complementary to fluorescence spectroscopy, in that UV-visible spectroscopy measures electronic transitions from the ground state to the excited state, whereas fluorescence deals with the transitions from the excited state to the ground state.

      pl uv/vis关系和原理

    1. comparing species to understand evolution

      Would this possibly be able to better understand the evolution of dog breeds? Like the evolution of the physical appearance of certain high demand breeds.

    1. the electrophilic must be VERY electrophilic

      'electrophilic' should be 'electrophile'

    2. important in the biosynthetic pathways if isoprenoid compounds.

      'if' should be changed to 'of'

    3. Until now, have already been introduced to electrophilic addition and electrophilic isomerization

      the word 'we' should be placed between now, and have

    1. p=12 p = \frac{1}{2} . Finally, note that it does not really make sense to consider LL L as a function of SS S , since SS S is a statistic rather than an algebraic variable. Similarly, it does not make sense to consider LL L as a function of nn n , since changing nn n means new data and hence a new value of SS S .

      didnt really understand this

  8. Oct 2020
    1. Of the approximately 115 elements known, only the 19 highlighted in purple in Figure\PageIndex{1} are absolutely required in the human diet. These elements—called essential elements—are restricted to the first four rows of the periodic table, with only two or three exceptions (molybdenum, iodine, and possibly tin in the fifth row). Some other elements are essential for specific organisms. For example, boron is required for the growth of certain plants, bromine is widely distributed in marine organisms, and tungsten is necessary for some microorganisms.


    1. Morbidly and mortality are lower in people who are physically active compared to people who are sedentary. Also, the risk is reduced for cardiovascular disease, hypertension, stroke, type II diabetes, cancer, particularly colon and breast, osteoporosis and gallbladder disease.


    1. 气相色谱是指用于分析气相中挥发性物质的一组分析分离技术。在气相色谱法中,样品的组分溶解在溶剂中,然后蒸发,以便通过将样品分散在两个相之间,即固定相和流动相之间分离分析物。流动相是一种化学惰性气体,用于将分析物的分子通过加热柱。气相色谱是不利用流动相与分析物相互作用的唯一色谱形式之一。固定相要么是固体吸附剂,称为气-固色谱(GSC),要么是惰性载体上的液体,称为气-液相色谱(GLC)


    1. Δp=∫3.0L/mol1.0L/mol(−R(400K)V2)dV+∫400, K200K(R1.0L/mol)dT(3.2.18)(3.2.18)Δp=∫1.0L/mol3.0L/mol(−R(400K)V2)dV+∫200K400, K(R1.0L/mol)dT \Delta p = \int_{1.0 \,L/mol}^{3.0 \,L/mol} \left( - \dfrac{R( 400\,K)}{V^2} \right ) dV + \int_{200 \,K}^{400,\ K }\left( \dfrac{R}{1.0 \, L/mol} \right) dT Δp=[R(200K)V]3.0L/mol1.0L/mol+[RT3.0L/mol]400K200K(3.2.19)


    1. For electrons, we can ignore the time dependence because we will be using standing waves, which by definition do not change with time, to describe the position of an electron. Figure 6.5.1


    1. Each person experiences age-related physical changes based on many factors: biological factors, such as molecular and cellular changes, and oxidative damage are called primary aging, while aging that occurs due to controllable factors, such as an unhealthy lifestyle including lack of physical exercise and poor diet, is called secondary aging (Busse, 1969). These factors are shown in Figure 8.1 Figure 8.1: Contributors to Aging. Source. Getting out of shape is not an inevitable part of aging; it is probably due to the fact that middle adults become less physically active and have experienced greater stress. Smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol, poor diet, stress, physical inactivity, and chronic disease such as diabetes or arthritis reduce overall health. However, there are things can be done to combat many of these changes by adopting healthier lifestyles. Physical Changes Hair: When asked to imagine someone in middle adulthood, we often picture someone with the beginnings of wrinkles and gray or thinning hair. What accounts for these physical changes? Hair color is due to a pigment called melanin which is produced by hair follicles (Martin, 2014). With aging, the hair follicles produce less melanin and this causes the hair to become gray. Hair color typically starts turning lighter at the temples, but eventually all the hair will become white. For many, graying begins in the 30s, but it is largely determined by your genes. Gray hair occurs earlier in white people and later in Asians. Figure 8.2: Andre Agassi. Genes also determine how much hair remains on your head. Almost everyone has some hair loss with aging, and the rate of hair growth slows with aging. Many hair follicles stop producing new hairs and hair strands become smaller. Men begin showing signs of balding by 30 and some are nearly bald by 60. Male-pattern baldness is related to testosterone and is identified by a receding hairline followed by hair loss at the top of the head. Figure 8.2 shows tennis champion Andre Agassi’s characteristic male- patterned baldness. Women can also develop female- patterned baldness as their hair becomes less dense and the scalp becomes visible (Martin, 2014). Sudden hair loss, however, can be a symptom of a health problem. Skin: Skin continues to dry out and is prone to more wrinkling, particularly on the sensitive face area. Wrinkles, or creases in the skin, are a normal part of aging. As we get older, our skin dries and loses the underlying layer of fat, so our face no longer appears smooth. Loss of muscle tone and thinning skin can make the face appear flabby or drooping. Although wrinkles are a natural part of aging and genetics plays a role, frequent sun exposure and smoking will cause wrinkles to appear sooner. Dark spots and blotchy skin also occur as one ages and are due to exposure to sunlight (Moskowitz, 2014). Blood vessels become more apparent as the skin continues to dry and get thinner. Sarcopenia: The loss of muscle mass and strength that occurs with aging is referred to as Sarcopenia (Morley, Baumgartner, Roubenoff, Mayer, & Nair, 2001). Sarcopenia is thought to be a significant factor in the frailty and functional impairment that occurs when older. The decline of growth and anabolic hormones, especially testosterone, and decreased physical activity have been implicated as causes of sarcopenia (Proctor, Balagopal, & Nair, 1998). This decline in muscle mass can occur as early as 40 years of age and contributes significantly to a decrease in life quality, increase in health care costs, and early death in older adults (Karakelides & Nair, 2005). Exercise is certainly important to increase strength, aerobic capacity, and muscle protein synthesis, but unfortunately it does not reverse all the age-related changes that occur. The muscle-to-fat ratio for both men and women also changes throughout middle adulthood, with an accumulation of fat in the stomach area. Lungs: The lungs serve two functions: Supply oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. Thinning of the bones with age can change the shape of the rib cage and result in a loss of lung expansion. Age related changes in muscles, such as the weakening of the diaphragm, can also reduce lung capacity. Both of these changes will lower oxygen levels in the blood and increase the levels of carbon dioxide. Experiencing shortness of breath and feeling tired can result (NIH, 2014b). In middle adulthood, these changes and their effects are often minimal, especially in people who are non-smokers and physically active. However, in those with chronic bronchitis, or who have experienced frequent pneumonia, asthma other lung related disorders, or who are smokers, the effects of these normal age changes can be more pronounced. Sensory Changes Vision: A normal change of the eye due to age is presbyopia, which is Latin for “old vision.” It refers to a loss of elasticity in the lens of the eye that makes it harder for the eye to focus on objects that are closer to the person. When we look at something far away, the lens flattens out; when looking at nearby objects tiny muscle fibers around the lens enable the eye to bend the lens. With age these muscles weaken and can no longer accommodate the lens to focus the light. Anyone over the age of 35 is at risk for developing presbyopia. According to the National Eye Institute (NEI) (2016), signs that someone may have presbyopia include: Hard time reading small print Having to hold reading material farther than arm’s distance Problems seeing objects that are close Headaches Eyestrain Figure 8.3: Interior of the Human Eye. Source. Another common eye problem people experience as they age are floaters, little spots or “cobwebs” that float around the field of vision. They are most noticeable if you are looking at the sky on a sunny day, or at a lighted blank screen. Floaters occur when the vitreous, a gel-like substance in the interior of the eye, slowly shrinks. As it shrinks, it becomes somewhat stringy, and these strands can cast tiny shadows on the retina. In most cases, floaters are harmless, more of an annoyance than a sign of eye problems. However, floaters that appear suddenly, or that darken and obscure vision can be a sign of more serious eye problems, such a retinal tearing, infection, or inflammation. People who are very nearsighted (myopic), have diabetes, or who have had cataract surgery are also more likely to have floaters (NEI, 2009). During midlife, adults may begin to notice a drop in scotopic sensitivity, the ability to see in dimmer light. By age 60, the retina receives only one third as much light as it did at age 20, making working in dimmer light more difficult (Jackson & Owsley, 2000). Night vision is also affected as the pupil loses some of its ability to open and close to accommodate drastic changes in light. Eyes become more sensitive to glare from headlights and street lights making it difficult to see people and cars, and movements outside of our direct line of sight (NIH, 2016c). Finally, some people experience dry eye syndrome, which occurs when the eye does not produce tears properly, or when the tears evaporate too quickly because they are not the correct consistency (NEI, 2013). While dry eye can affect people at any age, nearly 5 million Americans over the age of 50 experience dry eye. It affects women more than men, especially after menopause. Women who experienced an early menopause may be more likely to experience dry eye, which can cause surface damage to the eye. Hearing: Hearing problems increase during middle adulthood. According to a recent UK study (Dawes et al., 2014), the rate of hearing problems in their sample doubled between the ages of 40 and 55 and tripled by age 64. Similar statistics are found in U.S. samples of middle-aged adults. Prior to age 40, about 5.5% of adults report hearing problems. This jumps to 19% among 40 to 69 year-olds (American Psychological Association, 2016). Middle-aged adults may experience more problems understanding speech when in noisy environments, in comparison to younger adults (Füllgrabe, Moore, & Stone, 2015; Neidleman, Wambacq, Besing, Spitzer, & Koehnke, 2015). Figure 8.4: Incidence of Hearing Impairment in UK Adults. Adapted from Dawes, et al., (2014). As we age we also lose the ability to hear higher frequencies (Humes, Kewley-Port, Fogerty, & Kinney, 2010). Hearing changes are more common among men than women, but males may underestimate their hearing problems (Uchida, Nakashima, Ando, Niino, & Shimokata, 2003). For many adults, hearing loss accumulates after years of being exposed to intense noise levels. Men are more likely to work in noisy occupations. Hearing loss is also exacerbated by cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, and stroke. Most hearing loss could be prevented by guarding against being exposed to extremely noisy environments.


    1. We have already pointed out that, on our spectrum of methyl acetate, there is there is no yyy-axis scale indicated.

      'There is' is stated twice.

    2. You want to be able to keep track your body mass in a meaningful, reproducible way,

      the word 'of' should be between track and your.

    3. there many more solvent protons in solution than there are sample protons,

      The word 'are' should be placed between there and many.

    4. If you take a more advanced course in molecular spectroscopy you will learn about the process is much greater detail.

      The word 'is' should be changed to 'in'.

    5. The NMR instrument detects and records the frequency and intensity of this radiation, making using of a mathematical technique known as a 'Fourier Transform'.

      The word 'using' should be changed to 'use'.

    1. Fermentation includes processes that use an organic molecule to regenerate NAD+ from NADH.

      So anaerobic respiration includes fermentation? Is the only difference is that anaerobic respiration use inorganic and inorganic molecules to oxidized the electrons carriers, and fermentation only uses organic molecules?