1,241 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2018
    1. one of the lead HPV vaccine developers for Merck’s Gardasil, Dr. Diane Harper,

      CredCo Indicator:Quotes from Outside Experts

      Question:Highlight each expert cited:

      Answer:Expert 2


      one of the lead HPV vaccine developers for Merck’s Gardasil, Dr. Diane Harper,

    2. Rail and study co-author Abby Lippman,

      CredCo Indicator:Quotes from Outside Experts

      Question:Highlight each expert cited:

      Answer:Expert 1


      Rail and study co-author Abby Lippman,

    3. Question:Which of the following types of sources are cited in the article? Check all that apply. If Other, please highlight.


    4. Question:Which of the following types of sources are cited in the article? Check all that apply. If Other, please highlight.


    5. Canadian Concordia University’s kinesiology professor Genevieve Rail was awarded a grant of $270,000 to study the effects of HPV vaccines on the public.

      CredCo Indicator:Single Study Article

      Question:Is this article primarily about a single scientific study?



      Canadian Concordia University’s kinesiology professor Genevieve Rail was awarded a grant of $270,000 to study the effects of HPV vaccines on the public.

    6. It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam

      CredCo Indicator:Clickbait Title

      Question:What clickbait techniques does this headline employ (select all that apply)?

      Answer:Inducing fear (“Is Your Boyfriend Cheating on You?”)


      It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam

    7. It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam

      CredCo Indicator:Clickbait Title

      Question:What clickbait techniques does this headline employ (select all that apply)?

      Answer:Hidden secret or trick (“Fitness Companies Hate Him...”, “Experts are Dying to Know Their Secret”)


      It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam

    8. It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam

      CredCo Indicator:Clickbait Title

      Question:What clickbait techniques does this headline employ (select all that apply)?

      Answer:Provoking emotions, such as shock or surprise (“...Shocking Result”, “...Leave You in Tears”)


      It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam

    9. CredCo Indicator:Clickbait Title

      Question:Is the headline clickbaity?

      Answer:Somewhat clickbaity

    10. CredCo Indicator:Title Representativeness

      Question:How is the title unrepresentative of the content of the article? (Select all that apply).

      Answer:Title carries little information about the body

    11. CredCo Indicator:Title Representativeness

      Question:How is the title unrepresentative of the content of the article? (Select all that apply).

      Answer:Title emphasizes different information than the body

    12. CredCo Indicator:Title Representativeness

      Question:Question: Does the title of the article accurately reflect the content of the article?

      Answer:Somewhat Unrepresentative

    13. Question:Rate your impression of the credibility of this article

      Answer:Somewhat low credibility

  2. Apr 2018
    1. This page

      This page is the main page through which the other pages are accessed, and to which they redirect when finished. Some pages have directions to the PubMed Commons pages that in 2013 began facilitating the annotation of articles in the bioscience literature. Sadly, this was stopped in 2018, but comments can be retrieved through the Hypothesis site as detailed on my Laboratory Page.

  3. Mar 2018
    1. Points of interest:

      • Uses regular expressions -- fancy pattern matching -- to scan the text of annotations

      • This one just looks for ?, the idea being a teacher is looking for students asking questions

      • Could also look for dates, currency, links, images, videos, lots of things

    1. Points of interest

      • A highlight is an annotation with no text or tags.

      • This query has to perform some gymnastics to find the set of annotations that meet those two conditions

      • Gymnastics also required for the percentages

      • This pattern work for other things like: annotations vs pagenotes, public vs private, etc.

    1. Aspects of interest:

      • Uses distinct to get the set of unique users from all users who annotated a given doc
    1. Aspects of interest

      • Looks at the registered_date for users

      • Filters by domain wildcards

      • Then extrapolates to all signups, according to a 56/44 ratio established elsewhere

    1. Aspects of interest:

      • Joins annotations table and document_uri table

      • Looks for doi-related metadata

    1. Aspects of interest:

      • Finds distinct urls annotated by any CF annotator

      • Finds the average of the dates on the annotation for each url, so those sets of annotations can be arranged on a timeline

    1. Aspects of interest

      • Accesses the user_group table

      • Quotes the "group" field to distinguish it from the group keyword

      • Applies the lower string function to make matching more robust

      • Joins the user_group and group tables in order to show user counts per group

    1. Aspects of interest

      • Shows how to count different things in the same query

      • Shows how to use distinct to deduplicate

    1. Aspects of interest:

      • Uses form-based variables to parameterize the query. (

      • Formats results as a bar chart

    1. Aspects of interest:

      • Truncate date to day

      • Filter on a specified recent span of days

      • Use a complex expression to match a specified set of users

    1. Aspects of interest:

      • Uses WITH ("WITH provides a way to write auxiliary statements for use in a larger query. These statements can be thought of as defining temporary tables that exist just for one query")

      • Uses wildcard to match tlds: .edu, .ac.uk

      • Uses regular expression to match subdomains of email addresses (e.g. cornell. nyu)

      • uses array indexing to slice the regexp match

      • use || operator to join strings


  4. Feb 2018
    1. Teaching, Learning, and IT Issues: Points of Intersection

      Intersections between EDUCAUSE's 2018 top 10 IT and teaching and learning issues.

    2. The IT and the T&L visions are thus fairly congruent: integrating disparate applications so that they offer our communities a consolidated environment and more customizable functionality. These are invigorating and also daunting challenges.

      Drawing connections between decentralizing services in the ERP > enterprise architecture and LMS > NGDLE.

    3. with more data comes more responsibility

      on the responsibility generated by aggregating learner data

    4. EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) Key Issues in Teaching and Learning surveys

      Visit the 2018 ELI Key Issues in Teaching and Learning with Hypothesis annotation enabled.

    5. EDUCAUSE Top 10 IT Issues

      Visit the 2018 EDUCAUSE Top 10 IT Issues with Hypothesis annotation enabled.

  5. Jan 2018