- Oct 2023
docs.google.com docs.google.com
docs.google.com docs.google.com
- Sep 2021
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I will detail expressions of emotional labour by my par-ticipants –in the form of pro-social motivations, entrepreneurial risk,financial precarity and the navigation of ethical complexities, includinggender, race and class dynamics –before turning to the implicationsof this labour on changing fashion practises.
Here is an example of when the author uses present tense before switching back to past tense
Social entrepreneurs are also considered to face increased businessrisk compared to traditional entrepreneurs;
The verb tense has changed back to the past tense. Sometimes the author interjects to describe her own feelings in the present tense as well.
SF entrepreneurs like Greenpants play a crucial role in the“unmaking of unsustainability”6 of fashion, yet they face a range ofchallenges in this quest
Goes from past to present tense in the same section.
- Aug 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
tense refers to temporally when while aspect refers to temporally how.
- Apr 2020
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Dies wird im folgenden Kapitel untersucht
folgt hierdie Auswahl
alternativ Vorschlag für die Formulierung:
... folgt hier die Begründung der Auswahl...
Die Auswahl hast du schon getroffen, das passiert nicht an der Stelle im Text.
Immer von der vorliegenden vollständigen Arbeit ausgehen und dementsprechend die Zeit auswählen, siehe auch https://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/effective-writing-13815989/
Es muss jedoch noch getestet werden
Hier schreibst du in der Zukunft. Ich gehe aber davon aus, dass das Teil deiner Arbeit ist, dementsprechend also nicht Zukunft...
- Oct 2018
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
The entire poem is in the past tense up until the very last line. The speaker claims that they have forgotten who they have kissed and uses words like "unremembered" and "vanished" to further emphasize this point. The shift is tense in the very last line is representative of the speaker reflecting on the past and and their disappointment with how the past has affected the present.
- Aug 2018
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
Among the reasons this may be so is that the simple future tense is more open-ended than the future perfect tense, the latter seeming to convey a sense of closure and a focus on specific events, which is unlike the simple future tense in which anything is possible (Weick 1979, pp. 198-99). It is well to note that although Weick did not explicitly frame his argument in terms of metaphor, it is really another example of the past-as-metaphor-for- the-future idea developed in this chapter, albeit a more precise manifestation of it. The precision comes in Weick’s conclusion that some futures are more like the past, are more similar to it than others. In his argument, the future described in future perfect terms is more similar to the past than the future described in simple future terms.
future perfect tense appears to generate a sense of focus and closure while simple future tense is more open-ended.
Weick theorizes that future perfect tense casts the description of a future event in more detail.
To consider the future, it may help to treat it like the past, that is, as ifit had already happened. This is the premise Weick proposed in his discussion of future perfect thinking (1979, pp. 195-200). Future perfect thinking is a grammatical prescription instructing managers and planners and all who consider the future to do so in the future perfect tense. Thus rather than the simple future tense as used in a statement like “We shall overcome,” the future perfect128Eternal Horizonstense would have us say, “We shall have overcome.” Alfred Schutz believed that the “planned act bears the temporal character of pastness' (Schutzs emphasis), because the actor projects the act as completed and in the past, a paradox that places the act in both the past and the future at the same time, something the future perfect tense makes possible (1967, p. 61). These were insights that Weick both noted (1979, p. 198) and built upon to explain why future perfect thinking may make it easier to envision possible futures.
Interesting proposal to use future perfect tense to envision the future.
is that happening to an extent with the multiple uses/tenses of "update" in the SBTF transcripts?
- Mar 2018
ています can be used to mean an action (instantaneous or continuative) takes place on a regular basis.
For example, "Every year, many people die," or "Every day, he goes to work."
For English, telling the difference between instantaneous and continuative verbs is easy, because we seldom, if ever, use “be +ing” form for the former. For Japanese, however, the situation is complicated, as ていますcan be used with both kinds of verb.
There is no way to tell the continuity of a verb by simply looking at it. One must understand the concept before knowing the full meaning when paired with ています.
- Jan 2018
hunabku.pbworks.com hunabku.pbworks.com
You are talking about the future, so the verb must be in future form
because we exhaust
- Sep 2016
davestuartjr.com davestuartjr.com
This is Posinionus