- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Class 2, Does Memory Matter? Why Are Universities Studying Slavery and Their Pasts? by David Blight for [[YaleCourses]]
- Avishai Margalit
- zettelkasten examples
- David Hume
- Paul Conkin
- memory boom
- Glaucon
- The Republic
- Charan Ranganath
- invisible hand
- memory and history
- hard histories
- DeVane Lecture 2024
- memory vs. history
- Andrew Jackson
- Mark Twain
- neuroscience of memory
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Paul Conkin's zettelkasten
- David Blight
- storytelling
- watch
- System 1 vs. System 2
- William James
- Daniel Kahneman
- Robert McKee
- Lieu de mémoire
- Benjamin Silliman
- information overload
- memory palaces
- Yale University history
- slavery
- Pierre Nora
- Augustine
- Oct 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Old Typewriters (1950) by [[British Pathé]]
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
An Orga Privat and its History by [[Will Davis]]
- Feb 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWVrz5oCt2w<br /> The meaning of Hand Gestures in Art History<br /> Amuze Art Lectures
Middle and ring fingers together to represent modesty. (He doesn't say it, but it also could stand for "M" as in Medici??)
Finger pointing at viewer may indicate a self portrait.
Woman's hand on abdomen may represent pregnancy, a fertile marriage, or the desire to bear children.
- Apr 2023
www.kanopy.com www.kanopy.com
Aby Warburg: Metamorphosis and Memory. Documentary, Biography, 2016. https://www.kanopy.com/en/lapl/video/5913764.
Written, Directed and Produced by Judith Wechsler<br /> Wechsler2016
- Jan 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Dr. Hanan Harif started out as a Geniza scholar but is now a biographer of Shlomo Dov Goitein.
In the 1920s Goitein published his only play Pulcellina about a Jewish woman who was burned at the stake in France in 1171.
Had a friendship with Levi Billig (1897-1936)
You know very well the verse on Tabari that says: 'You wrote history with such zeal that you have become history yourself.' Although in your modesty you would deny it, we suggest that his couplet applies to yourself as well." —Norman Stillman to S.D. Goitein in letter dated 1977-07-20
Norman Stillman was a student of Goitein.
What has Hanan Harif written on Goitein? Any material on his Geniza research and his note cards? He addressed some note card material in the Q&A, but nothing direct or specific.
Goitein's Mediterranean Society project was from 1967-1988 with the last volume published three years after his death. The entirety of the project was undertaken at University of Pennsylvania.
The India Book, India Traders was published in 2007 (posthumously) as a collaboration with M.A. Friedman.
Goitein wrote My Life as a Scholar in 1970, which may have some methodological clues about his work and his card index.
He also left his diaries to the National Library of Israel as well and these may also have some clues.
His bibliography is somewhere around 800 publications according to Harif, including his magnum opus.
Harif shows a small card index at 1:15:20 of one of Goitein's collaborators (and later rival) Professor Eliasto (unsure of this name, can't find direct reference?). Harif indicates that the boxes are in the archives where he's at (https://www.nli.org.il/en/discover/archives/archives-list ? though I don't see a reasonable name/materials there, so perhaps it's at his home at Rothberg International School of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem).
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Klaus Kusanowsky indicates without reference that zettelkasten started in the 17th or 18th centuries.
- Jun 2022
www.kcet.org www.kcet.org
Where are My Children?, Universal's top film of 1916, written and directed by their top director Lois Weber, discussed abortion and birth control. It was added to the National Film Registry in 1993.
See also - Stamp, Shelley. Lois Weber in Early Hollywood. University of California Press, May 2015. ISBN 9780520284463
Watched this last night
www.kcet.org www.kcet.orgLost LA1
This is a stunningly excellent little series! It started auto streaming last night after I watched PBS News Hour and I watched it in the background all evening.
I'd seen at least one episode previously, but definitely worth re-watching in its entirety. So much history hiding around us...
- May 2022
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Nov 2021
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
Interesting to watch Dan Allosso watch this video and see which parts he responded to.
There are definitely some nice stopping off points in this overview which may make for some useful research for viewers. It also highlights in its negative spaces and non sequiturs areas which need more research and study to be better understood by historians.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
That sure went by fast.
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Dan Allosso </span> in Historian's Reaction to "History of the Entire World I Guess" - by Dan Allosso - MakingHistory (<time class='dt-published'>11/10/2021 10:49:46</time>)</cite></small>
- Sep 2021
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I've been wanting to read Zinn, so perhaps this is a good place to follow along? A sort of pseudo book club perhaps?
It's interesting to see Dan struggle with an obvious listicle article in Forbes as an authoritative source. This example is a great indicator that Forbes online has created far too much of a content farm to be taken seriously anymore. From what I've seen of it over the past several years it's followed the business model of The Huffington Post before Huffington sold it and cashed out. My supposition is that Forbes is providing a platform for people to get reach and isn't actually paying those writers to create their content.
Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States
- Covering a chapter a week
- companion edition, Voices of People's History of United States by Howard Zinn and Anthony Arnov
- Erik Foner's article about Zinn
- Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism by E. P. Thompson *
- cultural theorist Raymond Williams' idea of resources of hope
- Resources of Hope: Culture, Democracy, Socialism by Raymond Williams
- An Indigenous People's History of the United States
- Apr 2021
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Why Are Chinese People Called Yellow?
- Jan 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
NetScience[@net_science] (2020-08-23) Pseudoscientific Content on YouTube: Assessing the Effects of Watch History on the Recommendation Algorithm. (arXiv:2010.11638v1 [http://cs.CY]) http://arxiv.org/abs/2010.11638. Twitter.Retrieved from: https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1319564893503225856