- Nov 2023
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Sehr allgemeiner und blumiger Artikel der Repubblica über Klimakrise und Ozeane. Behandelt werden die Folgen der Treibhausgasemissionen - Wärmeabsorption und Erhitzung, Versauerung und Sauerstoff-Verlust - wie die Nutzung der Meere zum Kampf gegen die Klimakrise, außer durch Schutz ihrer CO2-Absorptionfähigkeit auch durch CCS, Tiefsee-Bergbau und Offshore-Windenergie. https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2023/11/18/news/oceani_crisi_climatica-420595124/
Studie zur Global Heat Imbalance: https://essd.copernicus.org/articles/15/1675/2023/
- Oct 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Adam W Gaffney. (2021, October 20). Year-to-year change in age-adjusted death rate in the US from 1960-2020: Https://t.co/6FeFYATiCb [Tweet]. @awgaffney. https://twitter.com/awgaffney/status/1450628837021261825
- Apr 2021
www.sciencedaily.com www.sciencedaily.com
Despite important agricultural advancements to feed the world in the last 60 years, a Cornell-led study shows that global farming productivity is 21% lower than it could have been without climate change. This is the equivalent of losing about seven years of farm productivity increases since the 1960s.
- Dec 2020
Since then, larger thinkers on the Quebec scene have argued whether this was the beginning of Quebec's Quiet Revolution — officially pegged for 1960 with the election of Jean Lesage as Premier — or perhaps just the end of a time when hockey was more important than politics, as the latter began to take hold among French Canadian youth.
I definitely believe this was the beginning of the Quiet Revolution. It was definitely the incident that tipped the scale! At the time, Quebec was already a powder keg because of the great fight for the french language and against the overpowering of the Catholic church.
- May 2015
shakespeare.mit.edu shakespeare.mit.edu
Discomfort swells. Mark, king of Scotland, mark:
Discomfort swells. Mark, king of Scotland, mark: at 1912..1960