7 Matching Annotations
- Mar 2021
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Dynamic Pigeon
One-Arm Quadruped Hip Circle
they help you develop a more well-rounded body that’s not just stronger and better looking but also more mobile—benefits that the typical warm-up on the treadmill or bike simply can't match.
they = sequência de aquecimento por Nick
www.nsca.com www.nsca.com
Dynamic Warm-Up for Speed and Power Athletes
www.nfpt.com www.nfpt.com
3 Best Shoulder Warm-Ups
www.nsca.com www.nsca.com
Top 20 Mobility and Warm-Up Exercises
- Feb 2021
bodyrecomposition.com bodyrecomposition.com
Similar to the above ideas, lifters performing explosive movements (e.g. cleans) often benefit from working up to a heavier weight in a slower lift (e.g. RDL or deadlift). When the lifter moves back to the explosive lift, the weights usually feel much lighter and often move faster.
Potencial de Pós-ativação.