- Aug 2024
www.systemiq.earth www.systemiq.earth
for - social tipping points - breakthrough effect - cascading tipping points - systemiq - Bezos Earth Fund -University of Exeter - social tipping points
report details - title - The Breakthrough Effect - How to trigger a cascade of tipping points to accelerate the net zero transition - authors - Mark Meldrum - Lloyd Pinnell - Katy Brennan - Mattia Romani - Simon Sharpe - Tim Lenton - date - january 2023 - publisher -
- May 2024
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
launching the first Bezos Center for Sustainable Protein at North Carolina State University
for - fake meat - Bezos Center for Sustainable Protein
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der Bezos Earth Fund wird bis zum Ende des Jahrzehnts 10 Milliarden Dollar für den Kampf gegen die Klima und die Biodiversitätskrise zur Verfügung stellen. Die Mittel des Fonds geben ihm enormen Einfluss. Viele in der NGOs Szene sehen die Politik des Fonds als Gefährdung für die Unabhängigkeit der von ihm geförderten Organisationen. Der Guardian berichtet anlässlich einer Preisverleihung kritisch vor allem über das Engagement des Fonds für CO2 Kompensationen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/20/jeff-bezos-earth-fund-carbon-offsets-climate-sector-uneasy-aoe
- Science Based Targets Initiative
- Conservation International
- Carbon Market Watch
- Carbon offsets
- Go for Impact
- Stephan Singer
- Luiz Fernando do Amaral
- Wanjira Mathai
- Zac Goldsmith
- Auszeichnung des Bezos Earth Fund durch Conservation International
- Sam Van den Plas
- Iván Duque
- Bezos Earth fund
- John Kerry
- by: Patrick Greenfield
- Climate Action Network International
- Holger Hoffmann-Riem
- Paul Bodnar
- Andrew Steer
Leaked Amazon memo warns the company is running out of people to hire by [[Jason Del Rey]]
- Sep 2022
www.independent.co.uk www.independent.co.uk
Jeff Bezos should know better than to punch down like this. Uju Anya got put in Twitter jail for not deleting her post which Twitter took down anyway.
Twitter taking down Dr. Anya's post is disingenuous with respect to the tons of crap that they leave up... and much of that far worse than the content here.
read on 2022-09-09 at 1:58 PM
- Nov 2020
www.marketwatch.com www.marketwatch.com
Jeff Bezos has so much money he doesn’t know what to do with it all, so he figures he’d might as well spend it on spaceships. That’s what the Amazon.com Inc. AMZN, -1.04% founder and chief executive told Mathias Döpfner, the CEO of Business Insider parent Axel Springer, in an interview published over the weekend.
- Sep 2020
think-boundless.com think-boundless.com
“Working backwards” from customer needs can be contrasted with a “skills-forward” approach where existing skills and competencies are used to drive business opportunities. The skills-forward approach says, “We are really good at X. What else can we do with X?” That’s a useful and rewarding business approach. However, if used exclusively, the company employing it will never be driven to develop fresh skills.
This reminds me of the Product Management interview task of coming up with a new product. You can start with a SWOT analysis, but then you'd be missing out on thinking from the customer's point of view.
Bezos calls the former the skills-forward approach, and the latter the working backwards approach.
- Jul 2020
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
correspondent, R. N. W. (2020, July 21). Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest man, added £10bn to his fortune in just one day. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/jul/21/jeff-bezos-the-worlds-richest-man-added-10bn-to-his-fortune-in-just-one-day
- Jul 2019
ir.aboutamazon.com ir.aboutamazon.com
AWS announced the general availability of Amazon Personalize, a fully-managed machine learning service that trains, tunes, and deploys custom, private machine learning models.
Is this more of commoditising human experience so that Jeff Bezos can be even more rich?