- Feb 2022
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
I used Publii for my blog, but it was very constraining in terms of its styling
This is a common enough feeling (not about Publii, specifically; just the general concern for flexibility and control in static site generators), but when you pull back and think in terms of normalcy and import, it's another example of how most of what you read on the internet is written by insane people.
Almost no one submitting a paper for an assignment or to a conference cares about styling the way that the users of static site generators (or other web content publishing pipelines) do. Almost no one sending an email worries about that sort of thing, either. (The people sending emails who do care a lot about it are usually doing email campaigns, and not normal people carrying out normal correspondence.) No one publishing a comment in the thread here—or a comment or post to Reddit—cares about these things like this, nor does anyone care as much when they're posting on Facebook.
Somehow, though, when it comes to personal Web sites, including blogs, it's MySpace all over again. Visual accoutrement gets pushed to the foreground, with emphasis on the form of expression itself, often with little relative care for the actual content (e.g. whether they're actually expressing anything interesting, or whether they're being held back from expressing something worthwhile by these meta-concerns that wouldn't even register if happening over a different medium).
When it comes to the Web, most instances of concern for the visual aesthetic of one's own work are distractions. It might even be prudent to consider those concerns to be a trap.
- Feb 2020
bookbook.pubpub.org bookbook.pubpub.org
Glosses, in her assessment, were often added to assist book readers with foreign and obscure words.
glosses, in her assessment, were often added to assist book readers with foreign and obscure words
Kalir, R., & Garcia, A. (2019). Chapter 2. In Annotation. Retrieved from https://bookbook.pubpub.org/pub/o9er0rcp
- Jul 2019
bookbook.pubpub.org bookbook.pubpub.org
I can't help but glossthe word gloss, [a brief explanation (as in the margin or between the lines of a text) of a difficult or obscure word or expression].
It also seems a bit like the following paragraph actually glosses over a more concrete definition of the word?
- May 2019
annotation.commons.gc.cuny.edu annotation.commons.gc.cuny.edu
- Apr 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Unlike Crowley from the first section, Walker emphasizes repetition as productive for learning; however, like deliberate practice or critical practice, reflection is once again practice’s central mechanism
It seems like "self-aware feedback loops" are the key to repetition becoming practice, if I am reading this correctly. So the repetition is not necessarily the central feature, it is the self-awareness of the student that marks the difference in the value of repetition.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
it really so easy, forexample, to distinguish between a speaker, an audience, a message, anda context?
After last week, we can probably agree that "no"--it isn't. Vatz and Bitzer were talking inside the same "box," regarding the speaker, audience, and context as discrete parts, and the post-human is part of the movement which pushes us outside that box, wanting to argue that the parts are not, in fact, discrete.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
situs implies a bordered, fixed space-location
Gloss: This is the thing Edbauer is pushing back against. She believes the critical conversation surrounding rhetorical situations is too rigid because--as she says below--"the social does not reside in fixed sites but rather in a networked space of flows and connections." Again, though, I would emphasize the word "flows" over "connections."
a mixture of proccsscs and encounters
This is an excellent phrase, and a good encapsulation of Edbauer's idea
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
This seems like a good summary of the whole piece.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
not be-cause he has been severely beaten but because he has been beaten, then Signified upon
To be physically beaten is a set-back, but to have been verbally tricked by the monkey is a much threatening offense, because it has cut through his presumed power and revealed his vulnerabilities. This is the danger signifyin(g) poses, in that it exposes the game of signifying.
- Mar 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
f a committed doubter says to us that he will not accept the valued fact of man's rhetorical na-ture, we see now that he cannot avoid illustrating it as he tries to atgue against it: we discuss our doubt together, therefore we are. If he chooses to '· deny the value we are placing on the fact that this ~ is how we are made, we cannot, it is true, offer C him any easy disproof, in his sense of the word.
Hey, Nathaniel, did you . . . did you by chance want to talk about love in the context of this reading? I just got this weird, uncanny sense you wanted us to think about love when I noticed it written in all caps in the margins for the third? fourth? time in this text.
So to make that connection explicit, this is a good example of the problem Corder was trying to address at the end of his piece, in which an earnest attempt to work out steadfast and competing narratives must come from a place of love, or will otherwise result in dissatisfaction/danger/subjection of one narrative.
[I know this is brief, so feel free to build on this gloss, guys]
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
. Each of us is an argumen
*And an argument results from other narratives impinging upon our own, when we can't build those narratives into ours.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
What about she who is the hysterical off-spring of a bad mother?"
This seems like a strange moment, but I think the point here is something like "women who make trouble are often called hysterical, but so-called hysterical women are those who are denied their right to fully exist and express themselves."
drive.google.com drive.google.com
f, in clinical discourse, the doctor is in turn the sovereign, direct questioner, the observing eye, the touching finger, the organ that deciphers signs, the point at which previously formulated descriptions are integrated, the laboratory techni-cian, it is because a whole group of relations is involved.
Gloss: a doctor gets their authority from context + space + experience + materiality, etc. It is the "+" that makes the doctor--the relationship between all of the factors that surround their "doctorness."
In the example chosen, we are not trying
Heads up: This is the first in a long string of "we are not trying"s. He actually begins to explain what he is trying to do in the very last line on the page, and continues on the next page.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca emphasize that there is no actual universal audience, nor any unimpeachable facts or truths that could be presented to it, but rather, only an idea in the speaker's mind about what such an audience would be were it to exist.
This is a confusing construction. Summary: purely rational argument is trying to appeal to a "universal audience," but the editors want to clarify that Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca did not really believe that a true universal audience exists. Rather, a speaker imagines a universal audience (rather than one that already has a set of shared values that must be appealed to in a specific way), and then tries to make rational arguments that could appeal to the "universal audience" of their imagination.
- Feb 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
alchemic opportunity
I like the metaphor here; the phrase "alchemic opportunity" hints at both the promising possibilities that can come from such ambiguity, and also the danger of the process. In this case, I think the danger is those philosophers who (as seen in the opposite column of this page) become fixated with deconstructing a term lauded by the opposition because of it's ambiguity, while overlooking the ambiguity of the term(s) they embrace.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
h is a false-let us rather say an ignorant-delicacy which hesitates to give full information through all legitimate channels, of the time, place. and object of any attempt to build up Christ's king-dom by benefiting the race for which he died.
This is a really interesting invocation. It is accurate to gloss this as "we must rebel in the open, as Jesus would have wanted"?
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
imposed silence on
Gloss/analysis: This is excellent phrasing in that it makes it clear that the churches have been acting upon women, implicitly rejecting the idea that women are inherently meek, subservient, or without opinion.