- Dec 2021
docdrop.org docdrop.org
i think hypothesis is what pulled me into open pedagogy
- May 2019
canvas.instructure.com canvas.instructure.com
Course redesign with OER
- Nov 2018
hapgood.us hapgood.us
Tensions of OpenPed
teaforteaching.com teaforteaching.com
Open Ped suggests that we really want students to interact with knowledge and shape the world that they’re going to graduate into, not just train for it.
shape world vs. train for
- Oct 2018
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
This kind of project, Paige said, decentralizes power. “I tell students I don’t have complete ownership of this knowledge,” she said.
student agency, ownership, relevancy
- Feb 2018
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
www.yearofopen.org www.yearofopen.org
If open pedagogy is something you are interested in exploring, here are some resources that can support your exploration:
- Jul 2017
www.digitalpedagogylab.com www.digitalpedagogylab.com
one of the central gifts that it brings to faculty is that of agency
OER brings agency to teachers.
Open Pedagogy and Social Justice
- Jun 2017
- Apr 2017
www.universityaffairs.ca www.universityaffairs.ca
The open educational resources movement is redefining the concept of online textbooks
- Feb 2017
opencontent.org opencontent.org
Quick Thoughts on Open Pedagogy
thatpsychprof.com thatpsychprof.com
This taxonomy serves as a useful guide to OER advocates seeking to diversify or tailor their outreach strategy.
I would also stress that this taxonomy my describe where a person is at a given time, but I have also seen from experience that people move across (up?) this taxonomy, maybe starting out as a consumer and evolving into greater engagement. Not everyone starts (or ends) at the same place.
benefits students
AND faculty!!!
the goal posts must be placed further than simply cheaper textbooks.
For me, the goals should always be improved teaching and learning. Everything else is a means to these ends.
Within this broader vision, significant cost savings to students are the least significant benefit of OER.
Maybe least significant supporting the larger goals of improving teaching and learning, but perhaps most significant as a motivator to initiate change that leads toward those goals.
scholar.google.co.uk scholar.google.co.uk
clintlalonde.net clintlalonde.net
Does Open Pedagogy require OER?
Politisches Interesse bedeutet eine selektive Aufmerksamkeit gegenüber politischen Objekten und Ereignissen. Zum politischen Interesse gehört die Einstellung, dass im Vergleich zu anderen Lebensbereichen Politik für einen persönlich von Bedeutung ist. Politisches Interesse bewirkt ein Streben, die Merkmale des Gegenstandsbereichs Politik zu verstehen
Würde alles beim Schreiben eines OER Schulbuches im Unterricht angeregt werden. Cf. DeRosa 2016
Bürgertugenden sind gemeinsinnorientiert, affektiv verankert und handlungsmotivierend. Sie überführen Wissen und Handlungsbereitschaft in tatsächliches politisches Handeln
Again: OER textbook does that in the class
umwdtlt.com umwdtlt.com
There is no rush! Don’t worry about producing a beautiful, flawless textbook. Build it in stages across multiple years, and let different cohorts of students contribute in different, layered ways. Make no claims to perfection. Your textbook is a work-in-progress, and it will continually improve as learners engage with it.
This is a liberating insight: Roll the project over several years. Of course!
People often ask me how students can create textbooks when they are only just beginning to learn about the topics that the textbooks cover. My answer to this is that unlike many other scholarly materials, textbooks are primarily designed to be accessible to students– to new scholars in a particular academic area or sub-specialty. Students are the perfect people to help create textbooks, since they are the most keenly tuned in to what other students will need in order to engage with the material in meaningful ways. By taking the foundational principles of a field– most of which are not “owned” by any prior textbook publisher– and refiguring them through their own lens, student textbook creators can easily tap their market. They can access and learn about these principles in multiple ways (conventional or open textbooks, faculty lecture and guidance, reading current work in the field, conversations with related networks, videos and webinars, etc.), and they are quite capable, in my opinion, of designing engaging ways to reframe those principles in ways that will be more helpful to students than anything that has come before.
And I'd say this counts for school students too.
- Jan 2017
robinderosa.net robinderosa.net
And here’s the magic: we offered this book up to the knowledge commons, and though it is rough and flawed in spots, it is a real contribution on many levels, to many fields, with application for many courses and future students. Public university students generating great work, sending it off to the public to use it as they wish.
Love how this "magically" emerges from an open pedagogy framework!