17 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Developers excel in Laravel development services for developing with elegance. When you employ Laravel developers for a team with specialized talents and expertise, they understand the ins and outs, providing a specialized skill set to your project that can make your web dreams come true.

      Looking to build a high-performance web application? hire expert laravel developers to leverage the Laravel ecosystem for secure, scalable, and feature-rich web solutions. Get top-notch Laravel development services for web applications tailored to your business needs.

  2. Oct 2024
    1. In this era of technology, front-end development is very important. With this, many developers wish to create intuitive and business-focused user experiences for different types of online apps and websites. Front-end developers are crucial in any front end development company because they can both improve the performance of a website and ensure its commercial success.

      Outsourcing front-end development services is an effective way of making skilled developers available at the business levels, saving costs, and accelerating IT projects. By outsourcing, a company can gain access to worldwide talent, concentrate its core task, and ensure scalable and user-friendly interfaces-it remains a cost-effective strategy to keep your project agile and successful.

  3. Feb 2023
    1. Smart Notes (Sönke Ahrens’ delineation of Luhmann’s method

      For my money, a lot of the magic is in the smartnote categories; knowing what fleeting, literature and permanent notes are is the basis for recognising and almost automatically doing what you should be doing now.

      This is similar to the gardening categories I use: cold compost (annual weeds), submerge (perennial weeds), stones, rubbish. You need a container on hand for each of these as they turn up at random. The benefit of this is that you eliminate the decision-making process which interferes with a gardening task and it's associated potential flow state. This is very much like the cognitive outsourcing aspect of GTD.

  4. Nov 2022
  5. Nov 2020
    1. in outsourcing is that we’ve placed the outsourced activities outside of our control, but they’re still inside our ‘boundary of identity’ – what others see and experience as ‘us

      This is one of the reasons why I was hesitating in the past years to offer bundled services in domain where I lack the necessary capabilities (e.g. act like a software development studio/agency, without know how to code & test code).

      Many years ago I was thinking about this that if way too many core variables are outside of my control (or our control as a team), there's no way to take responsibility for the results/outcomes (e.g. accepting a revenue-sharing-like agreement).

  6. Oct 2020
    1. To make matters worse, her proctor kept calling her “sweetheart.”

      I'd like to see more reporting on this - who exactly are these proctors we're outsourcing our teaching to? How are they screened? What's their code of conduct? How is a complaint registered?

    1. However, they are not beyond your range and if you play your SEO portion effectively, it will result in a vast turnover on your everlasting business mission. When you ready for SEO, you need to make sure that your website has got adequate relevant content this is being searched on Google.
  7. May 2020
  8. Feb 2020
  9. Jan 2020
  10. Nov 2019
    1. For most of the twentieth century, Census Bureau administrators resisted private-sector intrusion into data capture and processing operations, but beginning in the mid-1990s, the Census Bureau increasingly turned to outside vendors from the private sector for data captureand processing. Thisprivatization led to rapidly escalating costs, reduced productivity, near catastrophic failures of the 2000 and 2010 censuses, and high risks for the 2020 census.

      Parallels to ABS in Australia

  11. Oct 2019
    1. Deloitte has undoubtedly been the fastest grower in the last three years, seeing a 32% jump in revenue to $2 billion. In terms of growth, market leader PwC followed in second spot at 22% growth, with revenues up to $2.4 billion. EY and KPMG both grew their turnover by 20%.

      Growth of over 20% by all the big four

    1. Fourth, even when government negotiates and writes a good contract it often does not secure the outcomes it should as a result of weak contract management. Contract managers must have the capabilities and information they need to ensure good performance.3

      Theme on case study of why outsourcing failed or worked

    2. First, government did not always engage with the market early in running procurements or establish a sufficient understanding on both sides about the service that were being outsourced. This often led to problems over the lifetime of a contract, such as disputes and cost overruns.Second, an excessive focus on the lowest price and an insufficient assessment of quality in selecting bids undermined many contracts. While outsourcing can reduce costs, government must balance this against the minimum level of quality it needs in a service. Too often, it has outsourced services in pursuit of unrealistic savings and without a realistic expectation that companies would deliver efficiencies.Third, large contracts have failed when government has transferred risks that suppliers have no control over and cannot manage, rather than those which suppliers can price and manage better than government. Government should also not think that it has outsourced risks that will revert to it if a supplier fails – as the provision of public services will always do.

      Three case study themes on why contracts failed or worked

    3. It must also understand why different outsourcing projects succeed or fail. The Institute for Government has previously showed that there are several conditions that make outsourcing more likely to succeed.2 Above all, these include: •the existence of a competitive market of high-quality suppliers•the ease of measuring the value added by the provider •the service not being so integral to the nature of government as to make outsourcing inappropriate.*

      Outsourcing conditions

  12. Sep 2019
    1. 4Life Innovations is an outsourcing web design company in India, helping website development companies and B2B as well as B2C agencies by providing complete web design services worldwide.

      4Life Innovations is an outsourcing web design company in India, helping website development companies and B2B as well as B2C agencies by providing complete web design services worldwide.