15 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. the entrepreneur is the neo-liberal subject par excellence

      remember this term (neoliberal) for two weeks hence!

    2. The figure of the entrepreneur embodies the values and attributes that are celebrated as essential for the economy to operate smoothly and for the contemporary human being to flourish.

      remember this rhetorical nod to "flourishing" (which we'll revisit in earnest in the 2nd or 3rd last week of the semester...)

    1. the entrepreneur is the neo-liberal subject par excellence

      remember this term (neoliberal) for two weeks hence!

    2. The figure of the entrepreneur embodies the values and attributes that are celebrated as essential for the economy to operate smoothly and for the contemporary human being to flourish.

      remember this rhetorical nod to "flourishing" (which we'll revisit in earnest in the 2nd or 3rd last week of the semester...)

    1. the entrepreneur is the neo-liberal subject par excellence

      remember this term (neoliberal) for two weeks hence!

    2. The figure of the entrepreneur embodies the values and attributes that are celebrated as essential for the economy to operate smoothly and for the contemporary human being to flourish.

      remember this rhetorical nod to "flourishing" (which we'll revisit in earnest in the 2nd or 3rd last week of the semester...)

  2. Jun 2024
  3. Jul 2022
    1. 1. Focus on items that occur with high frequency in the language as awhole (see Table 3.1 for examples). Such items will occur often inmany different texts.2. Focus on strategies that can be used with most texts (see Table 3.1for examples).


  4. Oct 2021
  5. Feb 2021
  6. Jun 2020
    1. Further reading

      I think it would be helpful to more clearly structure the course around some expected readings. This is a helpful list to draw from. Learners could be given options within the expected readings for a given topic.

    2. McKiernan et al. (2016

      Consider treating this as an assigned reading, with questions for reflection or discussion.

  7. May 2020
    1. REM This file was produced by typing in a listing from appendix B of Hugh Burns' thesis,

      Topoi program in BASIC

  8. May 2019
  9. Feb 2014