- Sep 2024
github.com github.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
we're not called to like everybody but we are called to love everybody i i have a a practice um and it involves taking the image of two people one whom i love deeply and who i like deeply and i take my son for instance that i love him that i feel one with him goes without saying but i also like him very much i then take a second image of someone who i dislike intensely vladimir putin
for - BEing journey - meditate on two polar images - apply nondual love - can you recognize the sacred? - the shared being of both? - Rupert Spira
BEing journey - meditate on two polar images - apply nondual love - can you recognize the sacred? - the shared being of both? - Rupert Spira
adjacency - between - Rupert Spira's exercise to identify the Common Human Denominator (CHD) of the sacred in both - abused-abuser relationship - adjacency relationship - Rupert's exercise can lead to compassion if we study the abused-abuser relationship deeply and bring it to bear - The coexistence of - the feeling of anger arising from the suffering the abuser causes - the feeling of sadness arising from the suffering the abuser has suffered earlier in life - creates a mixture of feelings in the same person - Also can help to think of the mechanism by which the abused-abuser cycle continually becomes reconstructed and perpetuated in the world
reference - untreated childhood abuse of children - they can grow up to become dictators - such as Putin, Trump and Kim Jong Un - https://hyp.is/LOhh4mqvEe-mU3_0EcDYiQ/acestoohigh.com/2022/03/02/how-vladimir-putins-childhood-is-affecting-us-all/
Such gems like Memoist override methods. So, if you want to memoize a method in a child class with the same named memoized method in a parent class — you have to use something like awkward identifier: argument. This gem allows you to just memoize methods when you want to.
- Jun 2024
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
in a capitalist society like the USA the collective element failed and in a communist society like the former USSR the individual element failed
for - quote - comparing capitalism and communism
quote - comparing capitalism and communism - ( see below)
- in a capitalist society like the USA
- the collective element failed and
- in a communist society like the former USSR
- the individual element failed.
comment - polar abstractions don't work because reality is somewhere in the middle
- in a capitalist society like the USA
- Dec 2023
When should you use multiprocessing vs asyncio or threading?
- Use multiprocessing when you need to do many heavy calculations and you can split them up.
- Use asyncio or threading when you're performing I/O operations -- communicating with external resources or reading/writing from/to files.
- Multiprocessing and asyncio can be used together, but a good rule of thumb is to fork a process before you thread/use asyncio instead of the other way around -- threads are relatively cheap compared to processes.
What's the difference between concurrency and parallelism?
concurrent process performs multiple tasks at the same time whether they're being diverted total attention or not, a parallel process is physically performing multiple tasks all at the same time.
When should you use threading, and when should you use asyncio?
When you're writing new code, use asyncio. If you need to interface with older libraries or those that don't support asyncio, you might be better off with threading.
Why is the asyncio method always a bit faster than the threading method?
This is because when we use the "await" syntax, we essentially tell our program "hold on, I'll be right back," but our program keeps track of how long it takes us to finish what we're doing. Once we're done, our program will know, and will pick back up as soon as it's able. Threading in Python allows asynchronicity, but our program could theoretically skip around different threads that may not yet be ready, wasting time if there are threads ready to continue running.
pythonspeed.com pythonspeed.com
Running the code in a subprocess is much slower than running a thread, not because the computation is slower, but because of the overhead of copying and (de)serializing the data. So how do you avoid this overhead?
Reducing the performance hit of copying data between processes:
Option #1: Just use threads
Processes have overhead, threads do not. And while it’s true that generic Python code won’t parallelize well when using multiple threads, that’s not necessarily true for your Python code. For example, NumPy releases the GIL for many of its operations, which means you can use multiple CPU cores even with threads.
``` # numpy_gil.py import numpy as np from time import time from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
arr = np.ones((1024, 1024, 1024))
start = time() for i in range(10): arr.sum() print("Sequential:", time() - start)
expected = arr.sum()
start = time() with ThreadPool(4) as pool: result = pool.map(np.sum, [arr] * 10) assert result == [expected] * 10 print("4 threads:", time() - start) ```
When run, we see that NumPy uses multiple cores just fine when using threads, at least for this operation:
$ python numpy_gil.py Sequential: 4.253053188323975 4 threads: 1.3854241371154785
Pandas is built on NumPy, so many numeric operations will likely release the GIL as well. However, anything involving strings, or Python objects in general, will not. So another approach is to use a library like Polars which is designed from the ground-up for parallelism, to the point where you don’t have to think about it at all, it has an internal thread pool.
Option #2: Live with it
If you’re stuck with using processes, you might just decide to live with the overhead of pickling. In particular, if you minimize how much data gets passed and forth between processes, and the computation in each process is significant enough, the cost of copying and serializing data might not significantly impact your program’s runtime. Spending a few seconds on pickling doesn’t really matter if your subsequent computation takes 10 minutes.
Option #3: Write the data to disk
Instead of passing data directly, you can write the data to disk, and then pass the path to this file: * to the subprocess (as an argument) * to parent process (as the return value of the function running in the worker process).
The recipient process can then parse the file.
``` import pandas as pd import multiprocessing as mp from pathlib import Path from tempfile import mkdtemp from time import time
def noop(df: pd.DataFrame): # real code would process the dataframe here pass
def noop_from_path(path: Path): df = pd.read_parquet(path, engine="fastparquet") # real code would process the dataframe here pass
def main(): df = pd.DataFrame({"column": list(range(10_000_000))})
with mp.get_context("spawn").Pool(1) as pool: # Pass the DataFrame to the worker process # directly, via pickling: start = time() pool.apply(noop, (df,)) print("Pickling-based:", time() - start) # Write the DataFrame to a file, pass the path to # the file to the worker process: start = time() path = Path(mkdtemp()) / "temp.parquet" df.to_parquet( path, engine="fastparquet", # Run faster by skipping compression: compression="uncompressed", ) pool.apply(noop_from_path, (path,)) print("Parquet-based:", time() - start)
if name == "main": main()
`` **Option #4:
multiprocessing.shared_memory`**Because processes sometimes do want to share memory, operating systems typically provide facilities for explicitly creating shared memory between processes. Python wraps this facilities in the
multiprocessing.shared_memory module
.However, unlike threads, where the same memory address space allows trivially sharing Python objects, in this case you’re mostly limited to sharing arrays. And as we’ve seen, NumPy releases the GIL for expensive operations, which means you can just use threads, which is much simpler. Still, in case you ever need it, it’s worth knowing this module exists.
Note: The module also includes ShareableList, which is a bit like a Python list but limited to int, float, bool, small str and bytes, and None. But this doesn’t help you cheaply share an arbitrary Python object.
A bad option for Linux: the "fork" context
You may have noticed we did
to create a process pool. This is because Python has multiple implementations of multiprocessing on some OSes. "spawn" is the only option on Windows, the only non-broken option on macOS, and available on Linux. When using "spawn", a completely new process is created, so you always have to copy data across.On Linux, the default is "fork": the new child process has a complete copy of the memory of the parent process at the time of the child process’ creation. This means any objects in the parent (arrays, giant dicts, whatever) that were created before the child process was created, and were stored somewhere helpful like a module, are accessible to the child. Which means you don’t need to pickle/unpickle to access them.
Sounds useful, right? There’s only one problem: the "fork" context is super-broken, which is why it will stop being the default in Python 3.14.
Consider the following program:
``` import threading import sys from multiprocessing import Process
def thread1(): for i in range(1000): print("hello", file=sys.stderr)
def foo(): pass
Process(target=foo).start() ```
On my computer, this program consistently deadlocks: it freezes and never exits. Any time you have threads in the parent process, the "fork" context can cause in potential deadlocks, or even corrupted memory, in the child process.
You might think that you’re fine because you don’t start any threads. But many Python libraries start a thread pool on import, for example NumPy. If you’re using NumPy, Pandas, or any other library that depends on NumPy, you are running a threaded program, and therefore at risk of deadlocks, segfaults, or data corruption when using the "fork" multiprocessing context. For more details see this article on why multiprocessing’s default is broken on Linux.
You’re just shooting yourself in the foot if you take this approach.
www.bitecode.dev www.bitecode.dev
Both are bad if you need to cancel tasks, collaborate a lot between tasks, deal precisely with the task lifecycle, needs a huge number of workers or want to milk out every single bit of perfs. You won’t get nowhere near Rust level of speed.
Process pools are good for:
- When you don't need to share data between tasks.
- When you are CPU bound.
- When you don't have too many tasks to run at the same time.
- When you need true parallelism and want to exercise your juicy cores.
Thread pools are good for:
- Tasks (network, file, etc.) that needs less than 10_000 I/O interactions per second. The number is higher than you would expect, because threads are surprisingly cheap nowadays, and you can spawn a lot of them without bloating memory too much. The limit is more the price of context switching. This is not a scientific number, it's a general direction that you should challenge by measuring your own particular case.
- When you need to share data between the tasks.
- When you are not CPU bound.
- When you are OK to execute tasks a bit slower to you ensure you are not blocking any of them (E.G: user UI and a long calculation).
- When you are CPU bound, but the CPU calculations are delegating to a C extension that releases the GIL, such as numpy. Free parallelism on the cheap, yeah!
E.G: a web scraper, a GUI to zip files, a development server, sending emails without blocking web page rendering, etc.
eddieantonio.ca eddieantonio.ca
“Compiled vs. Interpreted” limits what we think is possible with programming languages
For instance, JavaScript is commonly lumped into the “interpreted language” category. But for a while, JavaScript running in Google Chrome would never be interpreted—instead, JavaScript was compiled directly to machine code! As a result, JavaScript can keep pace with C++.
tonybaloney.github.io tonybaloney.github.io
Inter-Worker communication
Whether using sub interpreters or multiprocessing you cannot simply send existing Python objects to worker processes.
Multiprocessing uses
by default. When you start a process or use a process pool, you can use pipes, queues and shared memory as mechanisms to sending data to/from the workers and the main process. These mechanisms revolve around pickling. Pickling is the builtin serialization library for Python that can convert most Python objects into a byte string and back into a Python object.Pickle is very flexible. You can serialize a lot of different types of Python objects (but not all) and Python objects can even define a method for how they can be serialized. It also handles nested objects and properties. However, with that flexibility comes a performance hit. Pickle is slow. So if you have a worker model that relies upon continuous inter-worker communication of complex pickled data you’ll likely see a bottleneck.
Sub interpreters can accept pickled data. They also have a second mechanism called shared data. Shared data is a high-speed shared memory space that interpreters can write to and share data with other interpreters. It supports only immutable types, those are:
- Strings
- Byte Strings
- Integers and Floats
- Boolean and None
- Tuples (and tuples of tuples)
To share data with an interpreter, you can either set it as initialization data or you can send it through a channel.
Half of the time taken to start an interpreter is taken up running “site import”. This is a special module called site.py that lives within the Python installation. Interpreters have their own caches, their own builtins, they are effectively mini-Python processes. Starting a thread or a coroutine is so fast because it doesn’t have to do any of that work (it shares that state with the owning interpreter), but it’s bound by the lock and isn’t parallel.
Both multiprocessing processes and interpreters have their own import state. This is drastically different to threads and coroutines. When you await an async function, you don’t need to worry about whether that coroutine has imported the required modules. The same applies for threads.
For example, you can import something in your module and reference it from inside the thread function:
```python import threading from super.duper.module import cool_function
def worker(info): # This already exists in the interpreter state cool_function()
info = {'a': 1} thread = Thread(target=worker, args=(info, )) ```
What is the difference between threading, multiprocessing, and sub interpreters?
The Python standard library has a few options for concurrent programming, depending on some factors:
- Is the task you’re completing IO-bound (e.g. reading from a network, writing to disk)
- Does the task require CPU-heavy work, e.g. computation
- Can the tasks be broken into small chunks or are they large pieces of work?
Here are the models:
- Threads are fast to create, you can share any Python objects between them and have a small overhead. Their drawback is that Python threads are bound to the GIL of the process, so if the workload is CPU-intensive then you won’t see any performance gains. Threading is very useful for background, polling tasks like a function that waits and listens for a message on a queue.
- Coroutines are extremely fast to create, you can share any Python objects between them and have a miniscule overhead. Coroutines are ideal for IO-based activity that has an underlying API that supports async/await.
- Multiprocessing is a Python wrapper that creates Python processes and links them together. These processes are slow to start, so the workload that you give them needs to be large enough to see the benefit of parallelising the workload. However, they are truly parallel since each one has it’s own GIL.
- Sub interpreters have the parallelism of multiprocessing, but with a much faster startup time.
- Mar 2023
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
- Jan 2023
Local file Local file
It is not a bad plan for two or more students to meet at stated intervals and compare their notes . The lecture can be discussed so that thepoints omitted or not fully understood can be placed correctly in the notebook against the final test . The chance for error is greatly decreased inthis way and, besides , the discussion greatly aids the memory so that thework of studying from the notes is lessened . In at least one instance wherethe speaker delivered his lecture very rapidly several students arrangedto take his points in relays ; that is, since there was scarcely time for oneman to get all, one man could take the first point, another the second, andso on. These men occupied seats close together so that an exchange ofsignals was possible. Afterwards they discussed each lecture and puttheir notes together.
Apparently sharing/comparing notes was reasonable advice in 1910 including the idea of in-class signals for splitting up note taking amongst multiple people.
Compare this to shared notes (Google Docs, Etherpad, etc.) in modern context with multiple people doing simultaneous notes.
- Nov 2022
github.com github.com
As simple as Puppeteer, though even simpler.
Tini differentiates with:
Finally, do note that there are alternatives to Tini (like Phusion's base image).
- Sep 2022
rbspy.github.io rbspy.github.io
So when should you use rbspy, and when should you use stackprof? The two tools are actually used in pretty different ways! rbspy is a command line tool (rbspy record --pid YOUR_PID), and StackProf is a library that you can include in your Ruby program and use to profile a given section of code.
Local file Local file
By bringing the statementstogether we learn the extent of our information onthe fact; the definitive conclusion depends on therelation between the statements.
- Jul 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
“Comparing notes” is a metaphor for talking throughideas for good reason
What is the origin of this metaphor?
One might suspect the 1500s or during the Scientific Revolution?
- Apr 2021
github.com github.com
if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION) < Gem::Version.new('2.1.0')
- Dec 2020
github.com github.com
I think the main difference between the two are the way API are served. Some smelte components need you to input big chunk of json as props, while i prefer keep props as primitive types and in the other hand give you different components tags to compose.
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
There are actually 3 other libraries that implements material in svelte, i hope this to become the community favorite because using MDC underneath it implements correctly Material guidelines.
- Oct 2020
medium.com medium.com
I think Vue does a really good job comparing itself to other solutions out there.