28 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2015
    1. One might imagine that with over 30,000 faceparts for avatars, there would be no lack of diversity, but even virtual worlds are notthe color-blind utopia, they have often been portrayed to be in early media reports.Racial issues also come to the forefront in Whyville, as our article ‘‘‘Blacks deservebodies too!’ Diversity and Race in a Virtual World’’ illustrates (Kafai et al., 2010).

      This is so fascinating to me. Could it be due to the lack of wanting to look through all 30,000 faces? Although I think not, this is interesting when I think about figured worlds. When thinking of Whyville, you would think of it as its own figured world, but it is interesting to see how the Whyville avatar is created by the person. This would be influenced, I would think, by the real-life figured world. They are both overlapped.

    1. An alternative approach to studying transfer is rooted in an ethnographic tradition thatis sometimes called situated, everyday, or distributed cognition.1

      As seen in FoK (Moll Tapia and Witmore 1993) and FW research read earlier in semester. But are these "psychology" research?

  2. Oct 2015
    1. By the time the boy turns 3 years old, he has developed an island of ex-pertise around trains. His vocabulary, declarative knowledge, conceptual knowledge, schemas, and personal memories related to trains are numer-ous, well-organized, and flexible.

      Can I then assume that this is all that constitutes someone's "island of expertise?" Because in that case, this seems like a similar frame as figured worlds, with a relational piece that incorporates funds of knowledge.

  3. Sep 2015
    1. The discovery of the functionalities of the piece are largely discoveredin and through interaction with others, both people accompanying otherpeople and others who happen to be in the same space.

      This makes me think of the observations for everyday activities, learning and navigating an activity through interaction in a given space. Also seems to relate to LPP and FW

    1. teacher in these classrooms is that of a mediator, in the Vy-gotskian sense: to provide guidance, strategic support, and assistanceto help the children assume control of their own learning

      I really like this conception of Teacher as Mediator, reminds me of the discussions of oldtimer mentorship in AA in Lave and Wenger and Holland et al.

  4. newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
    1. We conceive this step as devaluation, rather than diffusion, as Schwartz and Merten call it

      Interesting to move away from diffusion, which implies moving across a boarder, as a solution does across a membrane in diffusion, to devaluation which implies possible further connection;

    2. Telling AA personal stories also helps members identify with one an­other in ways that are harder to document. As a public event, one that is not only observable but material and co-participatory, the telling encom­passes body practices, including vocalization, that realize structures of affect and disposition. Not only social theorists, from Durkheim and Mauss to Bourdieu, but any participant in such performances would tell you that the fellow-feeling born in these ceremonies is a powerful means of identification.

      The personal story is a force in many directions for the figured world of AA, especially in creating and shaping identity of members.

    3. This is why, as members often say, "AA is for those who want it, not for those who need it." AA members must agree to become tellers, as well as listeners, of AA stories.

      Entering into the AA figured world as a "non drinking alcoholic" must be an intentional choice.

      I'm curious though what the authors would say about close family and friends of "non drinking alcoholics" - do you need to form an identity as such to enter (struggling with word choice here) a specific figured world?

    4. As a cultural system, and one that no one is born into, this entire figured world of AA is new to neophytes.

      Interesting - especially in thinking about the cultural reproduction and longevity of AA. Located at an intersection of most group identities

    5. AA constitutes a figured world, a meaning system within a meaning system. It draws upon spe­cific sets of interpretations and assumptions which circulate alongside many others in the United States.

      This helped me understand Figured Worlds better - it's a meaning system, with specific interpretations and assumptions. Not all encompassing, but just one meaning system, figured world working along side many others simultaneously.

    6. No distinct line runs between "so­cial" or "normal" drinker and "problem drinker" or "alcoholic," and different sectors of U.S. society do not agree on what these terms mean.

      Connects to Goodenough in the previous chapter: that there is no uniform, constant, or coherent set of meanings that applies equally in every situation. It must be situated culturally and contextually.

  5. newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
    1. This context of flux is the ground for identity development. It sets the conditions for what we called in Chapter 2 the authoring self-what in Chapter 8 we will expand to call the "space of authoring."

      Within the theoretical frame of figured worlds, this looks to give space for individual/shared agency.

    2. Because of its roots in Marxian analyses of capitalism and other historically specific modes of produc-tion, activity theory pays more attention to the articulation of activities within larger syste_ms_<.>f power and prlvilsge

      This connection is important. Figured worlds can also be viewed as produced by structural systems of power and privilege. Could this a view of figured worlds be grounded in Critical Theory as well as Marxist theory?

    3. Each is a simplified world populated by a set of agents (in the world of romance: attractive women, boyfriends, lovers, fiances) who engage in a limited range of meaningful acts or changes of state (flirting with, falling in love with, dumping, having sex with) as moved by a specific set of forces (attractiveness, love, lust)

      "figured worlds" definition. This definition leads me to ask where the foundational "specific set of forces," come from. I would assume they are cultural forces (re)produced by cultural interactions throughout and within different figured worlds. This is indicated in the next sentence by the word "sociohistoric."

    4. We must also appreciate what social constructivism and practice theories tell us about the imagined worlds in which we conduct our lives.

      Because of social constructivism these imagined worlds are different for everyone

    5. These socially generated, culturally figured worlds, many linguists believe, are necessary for understanding the meaning of words.

      I read this and I think, "what came first the chicken or the egg?"

      Can you have worlds if you don't have words to define them? Can anyone have an identity if we have no words to use to describe our identities?

    6. Identities

      Identities as products(?) of participation in figured worlds, thus identities are representative of larger sociohistorical circumstances.

    7. A figured world is formed and re-formed in relation to the everyday activities and events that or-dain happenings within it.

      Reminds me of the reproduction of social contexts from LPP

    8. a frame becomes a world-a space

      (had difficulty highlighting) Possibility for figured worlds to exist non-physically? can come into being through experiencing and acting by its rules

    9. "as-if" worlds are sociohistoric, contrived interpreta-tions or imaginations that mediate behavior and so, from the perspective of heuristic development, inform participants' outlooks

      Definition of "As If" worlds - interpretations/imaginations that inform participants outlooks. These are sociohistoric, depends on lived realities and experiences. How to make sense of the many figured worlds

    10. Why is it confusing to ask if the Pope is a bachelor? After all, a bachelor is an unmarried man and the Pope is an unmarried man. Yet there is something peculiar about referring to the Pope as a bachelor. The problem is that "'bachelor' frames ...

      The possibility for multiple, simultaneous figured worlds. Figured worlds as a frame of understanding

    11. "figured world," then, we mean a socially and culturally con-structed realm of interpretation in which particular characters and actors are recognized, significance is assigned to certain acts, and particular outcomes are valued over others.

      Clear definition of "Figured Worlds" - People, Activity, Context

  6. newclasses.nyu.edu newclasses.nyu.edu
    1. To what extent does culture determine behavior? Is culture-defined as collective interpretations of social and material experience-merely an after-the-fact labeling of deep-seated human needs and interests stem-ming, say, from psychodynamic forces or from in-built materialist orien-tations?

      "Culture" is embedded in one's interpretations of their figured worlds- however, in chapter 4 they spoke about how our actions fit these figured worlds.

    2. Both "getting the upper hand" and "keeping ·one man up front" were strategies for achieving the valued outcomes of romantic involvements while avoiding the bad.

      Ways of negotiating power dynamics. Especially "getting the upper hand" -- and the social constructed power dynamics of beauty.

    3. The themes of male/female relationships also dominated a vocabulary that the students used to talk about one another.

      Within communities of practice - unique vocabularies and norms to be learned

    4. ;, our neo-Vygotskian developmental approach, thoughts and feel-ings, will and motivation are formed as the individual develops. The individual comes, in the recurrent contexts of social interaction, to per-sonalize cultural resources, such as figured worlds, languages, and sym-bols, as means to organize and modify thoughts and emotions.

      definition of culture for this context - in contrast to other anthropological positions. Motivation is developed within social processes

    5. Tlie figured wortaD£ romance acquired motivating force as ---the women developed mastery of it, and their mastery, in turn, depended upon their development of a concept of themselves as actors in the world of romance.

      Figured World of Romance - almost like Legitimate Peripheral Participation in Communities of Practice