13 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. Notions such as the common good, commonsense, and common culture could sometimes cause as many prob-lems as they purported to solve.

      Are the commons (common good, common sense, and common culture) anathema in an uber-capitalist society where everyone is generally out for themselves and often only "covering" when their needs align with societies' needs?

  2. Jan 2024
    1. Cosmo-local identities. A new type of glue, based on the commons

      for - cosmo local identity - new social glue - cosmo local identity - new social laminin

      • What does contributing to a common mean?

      • Take permaculture as an example:

        • you stand with your feet in the mud, a metaphor for reconnecting with the land and the earth, without whose cultivation no one can survive.
        • The permaculturists’ heart is in their local community, but
          • their brain and
          • the other part of their heart
        • are in the commons of global permaculture.
        • They have extended their identity beyond the local,
          • acquiring a trans-local and trans-national identity.
        • They haven’t done so through an alienating concept of corporate globalisation,
          • like an uprooted elite individual,
        • but through deep participation in a true constructive community,
          • which is helping to solve the metacrisis that alienates most of us.
      • Cosmolocalism is synonymous with deep-rooted but extremely rapid global innovation
    1. The four domains of the Collaborative Commons include Capital, Metric (Outputs), Cryptocurrency, and a Governance domains that is supported by a canonical or base unit that integrates the domains and their functions
      • for: collaborative commons - parts, question - collaborative commons - glue - Indyweb - Indranet, collaborative commons canonical unit - Indyweb - Indranet

      • parts: collaborative commons

        • capital
        • metrics - to measure outputs
        • cryptocurrency
        • governance
      • question: collaborative commons glue

        • Could Indyweb and Indranet be the open source glue that holds the 4 parts of the collaborative commons together?
  3. Sep 2023
  4. Aug 2023
    1. This joke card has a comic clipped from a newspaper glued to it. During the digitization process, the index card was put in a clear Mylar sleeve to prevent the comic, with its brittle glue, from being damaged or separated from the card.

      The potential separation of newspaper clippings from index cards and their attendant annotations/meta data (due to aging of glue) can be a potential source of note loss when creating a physical card index.

    1. The task is to have a communitynevertheless, and to discover means of using specialties topromote it. This can be done through the Great Conversa-tion.

      The commons as a social glue

      Perhaps there's a framing of "the commons" as a larger entity from which we not only draw, but to which we contribute and in which we participate that glues us all together.

      Link under: https://hypothes.is/a/mEgAiEIFEe6trVPf7HjFhQ

  5. Dec 2022
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-Wp0sLpnMY

      PVA Glue used in bookbinding, but isn't inexpensive.

      • Tacky glue - okay
      • rubber cement - not great
      • elmer's glue - not great, tears esp. for 2 layers
      • Mod podge - pulls nicely and strong
      • mod podge hard shell - cracks, not great
      • PVA Glue - the best of the group

      Recommendations in order: PVA, Tacky Glue, Mod Podge (regular)

      Brush on top edge and do two coats. Don't get it down between sheets.

  6. Aug 2022
    1. In getting my books, I have been always solicitous of an ample margin; this not so much through any love of the thing in itself, however agreeable, as for the facility it affords me of penciling suggested thoughts, agreements and differences of opinion, or brief critical comments in general. Where what I have to note is too much to be included within the narrow limits of a margin, I commit it to a slip of paper, and deposit it between the leaves; taking care to secure it by an imperceptible portion of gum tragacanth paste. — Edgar Allen Poe on marginalia

      Poe used the book itself as his "slip box".

  7. May 2021
    1. Talk Abstract:Your job title says "software engineer", but you seem to spend most of your time in meetings. You'd like to have time to code, but nobody else is onboarding the junior engineers, updating the roadmap, talking to the users, noticing the things that got dropped, asking questions on design documents, and making sure that everyone's going roughly in the same direction. If you stop doing those things, the team won't be as successful. But now someone's suggesting that you might be happier in a less technical role. If this describes you, congratulations: you're the glue. If it's not, have you thought about who is filling this role on your team?Every senior person in an organisation should be aware of the less glamorous - and often less-promotable - work that needs to happen to make a team successful. Managed deliberately, glue work demonstrates and builds strong technical leadership skills. Left unconscious, it can be career limiting. It can push people into less technical roles and even out of the industry.Let's talk about how to allocate glue work deliberately, frame it usefully and make sure that everyone is choosing a career path they actually want to be on.

      ooh, great examples of the types of things that goes into glue wrok

  8. Aug 2020
    1. Quote: Originally Posted by RPTheLefty Hi everyone, What is the strongest/best glue that is foam safe? epoxy without question is the strongest. most epoxies also tend to be heavy if not thinned with denatured alcohol. they will bridge gaps & can be used as a protective coating. epoxy has both a high shear strength and high tensile strength will bridge large gaps, is cheap & available anywhere PU glues (gorila) have a relatively high tensile strength, but a very low shear strength. PU will literally peel off the foam (instead of ripping out foam). hard to clean up (requires denatured alcohol or acetone solvents), low shelf life & expensive & does not finish well (painting or sanding) PVA's are strong and a little elastic, are BY FAR the lightest common build glue. (every other glue type absorbs moisture to cure. PVA is mostly water and evaporates it to cure) clean up easily (water), finish easily (sanding, painting) & are very cheap & available anywhere CA's are strong, rigid very quick drying, low shelf lives & expensive. you can become violently allergic to CA fumes. Hot glue can range from "just strong enough" when melted into foam (high temp) to exceedingly week (low temp). high temp tends to be somewhat elastic. they are cheap, readily avalible, but without question is the heaviest of all commonly used hobby glues. due mostly because it is not applied as a NORMAL glue. NORMAL glues, the TIGHTEST joint and least glue possible will yied the HIGHEST strength. Hot glue has mediocre strength & wont spread thin thus it relies heavily on fillets for additional strength (adding additional glue outside the joint)
    2. in the end it depends on the criteria. all glues will glue. hot glue is crappy heavy. (remember the mantra. don't build planes to CRASH build planes to FLY), but popular due to ease of use & speed. CA's are great, but expensive & wont last that long and when you need more. you can't just go to mit-mart and grab anything. Epoxies are great, rediculously strong, but have no give & are heavy if not applied CORRECTLY (not, its really no heavier than PU) PU's bridge gaps in destroyed foam easily (but begs the question, why not just cut the damaged section out & replace it instead of being lazy & adding weight?) but are such a hassle. expanding, having a short window before denatured alcohol wont dissolve it anymore. high cost, low shelf life. PVA's... do virtually everything and are cheap. can be a mess because its thin, but cleans up with water. non allergenic. set & cure times are all over the board. titebond can be 10-30 minutes. glue-all can be... hours... becuase they cure by evaporation you can apply heat to speed set&cure. and you can buy a gallon for like 15-20 bucks. a GALLON. lol?
  9. Mar 2020