31 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2021
    1. it seems to me, is a disability inherent in a social-psychological approach to the study of community struc- tur

      Sociometric (social -Psychological approach) not good.



  2. Sep 2021
    1. Although institutional immobility and regional economic ties characterize anchor institutions, they do not account for the motivations driving universities to invest in their neighborhoods.

      Motivations aren't accounted for in the definitions of anchors.



    1. Some scholars sugges

      Moral obligation to engage in a democratic way the neighbors.

    2. This is not surprising, given the neigh-borhood’s association with a college campus, but it is not the only explana-tion.

      Refutation of explanation for rental dominance.

    3. is more common to find neighborhood stake-holder and advocate protests to recent university investments in the popular press than in the academic literature

      Gentrification discussion isn't acadamenically informed, but based on media accounts of stakeholder (univeristy - neighborhood) conflicts.

    4. The qualitative sample is narrow and represents a limited segment of the West Philadelphia population. While the study’s scope does not invalidate its find-ings, it does constrain its ability to offer generalizable insights and limits its usefulness when evaluating the highly complex nature of neighborhood revitalization.

      Criticism of Etienne's approach

    5. By virtue of an institution’s de facto economic, educational, and physical contributions, authors argue that a university is a natural partner in neighborhood (and city) revitalization efforts.

      University perspective - we provide econd, ed, and make infrastructure contributions, thus are a good partner.

    6. case studies. Cases are mostly written from the university’s perspective, highlight-ing the factors motivating an institution to act and the types of investments and/or programs included in the initiative.

      University investment Case studies written from perspective of Universities.



    1. The argument is, however, probably wrong, since themigration of employees across the American space-econ-omy is slow and sticky. The lag between job creation andin-migration provides room for jobless locals and workinglocals on the bottom rungs of the occupational laddereither to become employed or to move up the occupationalladder. Skills are acquired that then help these locals tocompete more effectively with the slow trickle of new in-migrants (Bartik, ). Spurts of local growth (includingthose caused by incentives) materially benefit locals at theback of the labor queue, in the short term and the longterm. Furthermore, those employed during such growthspurts tend, over time, to move up the occupational ladder,and less skilled and Black workers seem to benefit fromthese growth spurts more than the rest of the population(Bartik, ).

      People get better jobs over time, especially black workers.



    1. We have opted for thoroughness and explicitness, not just because it suits us, but because vague descriptions are of little prac- tical use to others

      The authors present qual methods in an orderly fashion because vague descriptions aren't much use to anyone.

    2. atrix and net- work

      Methods have advanced since the critiques took shots at qual. among them matrix, network, and even phenomenology, now with procedures.



    1. While universities are rooted toplace, massive shifts in the healthcare industry are changing the wayhealth services are being delivered,and in some cases forcing urbanhospitals to downsize and relocate.

      Meds may be downsizing - not as stable as universities....

    1. surfacing and articulating a theory of change through a collective and collaborative process is as fraught with difficulties as it is full of promise.

      Refutes and provides case study to prove it.

    2. Although this strategy cannot eliminate all alternative explanations for a particular outcome, it aligns the major actors in the initiative with a standard of evidence that will be convincing to them. Clearly, this will not be as powerful as evidence resulting from randomly assigned control and treatment groups, but, as has been noted elsewhere, random assignment of communities is not a feasible avenue of evaluation for CCIs (Hollister and Hill, 1995).

      Answering critics who might say that a control/treatment type of study would do a better job of identifying alternative explanations for outcomes cannot be captured by Weis' method of outcomes - activities - intervening context (



    1. he assumption that the researcher must and can strive to be a neutral observer standing out- side the social realities being studied is made by many who use quantitative and qualitative methods in a natural science model. This assumption is challenged by the feminist critique of social science that documents the male bias of theory and research which has previously been taken as a neutral account of human society. A feminist methodology must, therefore, deal with the issues of objectivity in social science and, in the process, deal also with the issue of the relationship between the researcher and the

      Set up



  3. Jun 2021
  4. Nov 2020
    1. Many economists, including me, have excessively relied on altruism to tie together the interests of family members. Recognition of the connection between childhood experiences and future behavior re- duces the need to rely on altruism in families. But it does not return the analysis to a narrow focus on self-interest, for it partially replaces altruism by feelings of obligation, anger, and other attitudes usually neglected by models of rational behavior.

      Note how he sets up the refutation that altruism isn't all that binds a family.

    2. Unlike Marxian analysis, the economic approach I refer to does not assume that individuals are motivated solely by selfishness or ma- terial gain.

      Theories aren't based on Marxist selfish motivation for capitalistic gain.

    1. Hobbesian

      Remember: Thomas Hobbes Political philosopher: "we will better understand how individuals interact in groups if we understand how individuals work" - source: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/hobbes/

      Also the naming of things as a way to describe the universe.



  5. Oct 2020
    1. w to have simul- taneously an account of radical historical contingency for all knowledge claims and knowing subjects, a critical practice for recognizing our own "semiotic technologies" for making meanings, and a no-nonsense commitment to faithful accounts of a "real" world, one that can be partially shared and that is friendly to earthwide projects of finite freedom, adequate material abun- dance, modest meaning in suffering, and limited hap

      Refuting Feminist Marxists

    2. iences. From this point of view, science -the real game in town - is rhetoric, a series of efforts to persuade relevant social actors that one's manufactured knowledge is a route to a desired form of very obje

      The concepts of objectivity are invented through rhetoric. (persuasive arguments)

    1. Also on theM. Sandoval, C. Fuchs/Telematics and Informatics 27 (2010) 141–150143

      Refutes that the Internet will democratize media. (also turned out to be incorrect by not considering other empirical evidence that should have been available to the others at the time) False.

    2. But at the same time with the internet another important problem foralternative media production becomes more evident: not every media content, which is produced and distributed receivespublic visibility and is consumed

      Criticizes and supports the criticism citing people who think the same. - of course, this argument turned out to be false and reflects the date of the thinkers (think blogs)

    3. a statement that does not reachthe masses is not a significant statement at all, only an individual outcry that remains unheard and hence ineffective.

      Refutes the idea that something of value is obtained when alt media remain entrenched in isolation from other alt media groups and social movements.

    4. Nevertheless we doubt that alternative media can effectively challenge corporate media power

      Participatory media won't cause the overthrow of mass media conglomerates.

    5. 3. A critique of the participatory media approach

      begins to refute the idea that participatory media has positive externalities for society.

    6. not only progressive social movements and left-wing political activist employ ‘‘participa-tory” production principles

      collective production isn't just the purview of progressives.



  6. Sep 2016
    1. The NCAA may be worried about a so called “talent drain” from their sports. In the decade between 1995 and 2005, only 39 players went to the NBA from high school. That is an average of less than four players per year, and should not be considered a drain on the system.
    2. This logic is extremely flawed for many of the reasons discussed earlier. The athletes cannot get the same value out of the education because of the already intense time commitment to the sport that has given them the opportunity to be in school.
    3. While that may be what NCAA President Mark Emmert thinks still drives the association he runs, things have changed over the years. The ideals of amateurism and the capitalist benefits that the NCAA reels in annually do not mix and are in fact hypocritical.

      the rhetorician provides a counter-argument against the NCAA's amateur argument