6 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Spain, Belgium and Italy restrict AstraZeneca Covid vaccine to older people. (2021, April 8). The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/apr/08/spain-belgium-and-italy-restrict-astrazeneca-covid-vaccine-to-older-people
twitter.com twitter.com
Dr Duncan Robertson. ‘The JCVI/MHRA Recommendation to Restrict Oxford/AZ in under-30s in the UK (Where There Is “low” Exposure Risk) Is consistent with the EMA Recommendation Not to Do so in Europe (Where There Is “Medium” or “High” Exposure Risk) Meaning the Risk/Benefit Balance Changes. Https://T.Co/C6SS9oN3Vz’. Tweet. @Dr_D_Robertson (blog), 7 April 2021. https://twitter.com/Dr_D_Robertson/status/1379808945750085643.
- Dec 2019
security.stackexchange.com security.stackexchange.com
github.com github.com
An ssh public key in a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file can have a command="" option which forces a particular command to be executed when the key is used to authenticate an ssh connection. This is a security control that mitigates against private key compromise. This is great when you only need to execute a single command. But if you need to perform multiple tasks, you would normally need to create and install a separate key pair for each command, or just not bother making use of forced commands and allow the key to be used to execute any command.
serverfault.com serverfault.com
from="<ip>",command="/usr/local/sbin/validate-rsync" ssh-dss AAAAZ5Hbl......
www.pointsoftware.ch www.pointsoftware.ch
echo "from="${MYIP%% *}",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty,command="rsync ${SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND#* }" $(ssh-keygen -yf ~/.ssh/rsync_rsa)" | ssh targetserver "cat - >>~/.ssh/authorized_keys" Note that the ‘command=’ restriction (http://larstobi.blogspot.ch/2011/01/restrict-ssh-access-to-one-command-but.html) will not apply if ‘/etc/sshd_config’ has already a ‘ForceCommand’ directive.