- Mar 2021
Benoît Potier
How hydrogen fuel cells work
- Nov 2015
www.portoframsgate.co.uk www.portoframsgate.co.uk
The port’s nascent concentration of expertise creates opportunity to provide cost effective through-life engineering and logistics support in Thanet.
Surprising that they make no reference to Richborough Energy Park and the transmission to the grid from there https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richborough_Energy_Park Then there is the National Grid's Richborough Connection Project http://www.richboroughconnection.co.uk/
www.portoframsgate.co.uk www.portoframsgate.co.uk
one of the ancient Cinque Ports
I think that's Sandwich actually…
www.portoframsgate.co.uk www.portoframsgate.co.uk
MARPOL VI regulations in 2015.
Relates to Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships http://www.imo.org/en/OurWork/Environment/PollutionPrevention/AirPollution/Pages/Air-Pollution.aspx "The main changes to MARPOL Annex VI are a progressive reduction globally in emissions of SOx, NOx and particulate matter and the introduction of emission control areas (ECAs) to reduce emissions of those air pollutants further in designated sea areas.
Under the revised MARPOL Annex VI, the global sulphur cap will be reduced from current 3.50% to 0.50%, effective from 1 January 2020, subject to a feasibility review to be completed no later than 2018. The limits applicable in ECAs for SOx and particulate matter were reduced to 0.10%, from 1 January 2015. "
www.portoframsgate.co.uk www.portoframsgate.co.uk
Retail, educational and leisure/pleasure uses (A1, A3 and D2) should be supported.
A1 = retail A3 = food and drink D1 = education, nurseries, museums, exhibition D2 = entertainment and leisure (cinema, concert hall, swimming, skating etc venues) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planning_use_classes_in_England
www.portoframsgate.co.uk www.portoframsgate.co.uk
who are you?
www.portoframsgate.co.uk www.portoframsgate.co.uk
LOPINOD is also being used to fund the development of a Low Carbon Plan. This plan will focus on the full spectrum of renewables including wind, solar, marine source heat pumps and tidal. It is hoped that we will become a hub for all green energy going forward, building on our existing involvement in the wind farm industry.
Beachhead for solar, tidal, marine source heat pumps as well as wind energy
www.portoframsgate.co.uk www.portoframsgate.co.uk
The commercial port is the second largest municipally-owned port in the UK. It can handle up to 5 million passengers and 0.5m freight units annually and accept vessels up to 175m LOA, 6.5m draft, with no tidal restrictions.
There are 62 municipal ports in the UK. Most are not commercially significant. The major ones are Portsmouth, Ramsgate, Sunderland and Workington.
Vessel Traffic Services
www.portoframsgate.co.uk www.portoframsgate.co.uk
draft Local Plan sets out a vision for 2031
This Local Plan is different from the Thanet Corporate Plan and from this Maritime Plan? And further down this page
- Economic Growth and Regeneration Strategy
- Destination Management Plan
- Local Transport Plan
sustainable, balanced economy with a strong focus on tourism, culture and leisure; the importance of Ramsgate’s maritime heritage; the commercial function of the Port; supporting renewable technology; its Royal Harbour, marina, beach and attractive waterfront, providing a vibrant mix of town centre uses, with a strong visitor economy and café culture; and a continuing policy for the growth of Ramsgate Port.
Strong element of the bleeding obvious in these wishes.
- May 2015
www.alasdairroberts.com www.alasdairroberts.com
Lethe (Leith)
The River Lethe was one of the rivers of Hades in Greek mythology. Exposure to its waters was held to lead to loss of memory, or, more intriguingly, a state of "unmindfulness" and oblivion. From this origin, it has re-appeared throughout western culture, from Dante to Tony Banks's first solo album (River Lethe in popular culture, Wikipedia).
By providing the alternative spelling of Leith, Alasdair Roberts 'doubles' this meaning with the Water of Leith, a river that runs through Edinburgh, and co-locates ancient Greek and contemporary Scots mythology.
The idea of eternal return is bound up with memory, with cultures being compelled to repeat and confront the missteps of the past. So the oblivion of forgetfulness provided by the endless Lethe provides a form of antidote or escape.
my sermons seven
In interview with Tyler Wilcox in 2009, Alasdair Roberts referred to the
specifically Jungian references to the "sermons seven" and mandalas... it's like a quest song against conflict and towards individuation. I know a lot of people with strong political or religious convictions whose musical and artistic practice is guided by that – in some ways I envy that kind of certitude, but I suppose my thing is always about flexibility, multiplicity, confusion wanting to reflect the turmoil of reality... always trying to remember that the oar in the ocean is a winnowing fan on dry land.'
They took the air and they swarmed as one
The end of this first song on Spoils recalls the end of the first song on the Farewell Sorrow album, particularly the lines:
Life is but Death's own right-hand man<br> In every piece of his own left-hand business.<br> So arm in arm, we'll run toward that pair<br> And we as they, joined and double-threaded
Similarly Grief and Joy are "as one", and the parallel with Life and Death brings us full circle to the tacit allusion in this song's title to Hamish Henderson's Flyting o' Life and Daith.
Eternal Return
The concept of eternal return has a chequered history through philosophy and culture, but Alasdair Roberts is invoking the particular use of the term by the religious historian Mircea Eliade. The Wikipedia entry) says that Eliade's eternal return is "a belief, expressed... in religious behaviour, in the ability to return to the mythical age, to become contemporary with the events described in one's myths".
Thus, through the medium of song, we are taken back to become contemporary with, among other things, the Crusades and the falls of Jericho and of Babylon.
From Alasdair's interview by Tyler Wilcox in 2009:
the first song in some ways explores the idea of “eternal return” – I was reading Mircea Eliade on the subject, and Nietzsche obviously wrote about it – I became obsessed with the idea and the various ways in which it could be configured. There’s obviously the classic image of the ouroboros serpent… but I was also think about it in terms of the myth of progress – when what we think of as progress is actually destruction. Like Kekulé’s ring, Benzene. And the fact that I personally constantly return to Song as a form of “expression” or creation rather than, say, improvisation or composition.
Chamber lye was urine collected from chamber pots, used for stain removal and pre-wash soaking, and also for removal of natural oils from wool, and set dyes, not to mention its many uses in medicine (source).
From out her breast there grew a broken crocus From Grief there grew a rosary of tears They grew to form a swarm of hornets
Recalls the 'rose and briar' motif that ends many versions of Barbara Allen, including the one performed by Alasdair Roberts himself (on Too Long in this Condition, which follows reasonably closely the singing of Joe Heaney):
They buried her in the old churchyard, <br> And William was buried beside her. <br> From Barbara's grave grew a red red rose. <br> From William's a green briar.
They grew to the top of the old church wall, <br> 'Til they could grow no higher. <br> They wrapped and entwined in a lover's knot, <br> The rose around the briar.
This sets up the idea that Joy and Grief are deeply coupled...
The Flyting of Grief and Joy
Flyting is fighting with words, a verbal contest between two adversaries who trade barbed insults and boasts, often in verse (Wikipedia entry). In working with this form, Alasdair Roberts is very probably inspired by Hamish Henderson's sung poem The Flyting o' Life and Daith (words, recording). The Tobar an Duchlais site notes that
Hamish Henderson finished this poem in 1963, having drawn on an anonymous German poem he had seen in 1939. Referring to the melody that he composed in order for it to be performed as a song, he stated: "[it] somewhat resembles the 'urlar' (or 'ground') of a pibroch". The poem was first published in 'The Scottish Broadsheet' (May, 1963).
- religion
- ritual
- eternal return
- Alasdair Roberts
- mandala
- mythology
- Lethe
- The Flyting of Grief and Joy (Eternal Return)
- Carl Jung
- Farewell Sorrow
- rite
- inspiration
- memory
- Scots
- Mircea Eliade
- Hamish Henderson
- Child Ballad
- medicine
- Leith
- Greek myth
- history
- flyting
- Barbara Allen
- poem
- opposites
- song
- Edinburgh
- Tyler Wilcox
- ouroboros
- interview
- lyrics
- Mar 2015
support-uk.pure.com support-uk.pure.com
This decision was outside Pure’s control and will affect Avanti Flow, Sensia, Siesta Flow, Evoke Flow, Oasis Flow and Sirocco 550.
That's an awful lot of models. Are we to understand that these are all limited to WMA, a proprietary format, and this is hard-coded so that it cannot be overcome with a software/firmware update? Seriously?