631 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2021
    1. 削弱角色能力带来的另一个问题,那就是游戏很难提供强大的敌人攻击机制设计或是懒得设计,从而降低战斗质量


    2. 游戏对于提高难度的做法如果是削弱玩家角色,最极端的糟糕的战斗体验就是恐怖游戏中那些废柴主角,


    3. 高门槛开局的好处究竟是什么。
      • 过滤玩家
      • 提高黏性
    4. 什么是Fair Fight
    1. option 2: use a very limited analogy


    2. option 1: use “implicit” metaphors


    3. So running an explanation by a few people who don’t already know the concept helps to catch incorrect assumptions I’ve made.


    4. instead: test your explanations!


    1. DevOps keeps production fresh. SRE keeps production healthy.

      SRE works from Production backward. DevOps works from development forward. Somewhere in the middle, they meet.

    1. Why Reducing Uncertainty Matters For Your Finances
    2. Reducing Uncertainty in Practice
    3. was the addition of dot matrix displays on platforms to inform travelers of the time outstanding before the next train arrived.


    4. The single best investment ever made by the London Underground in terms of increasing passenger satisfaction


    5. Reduce uncertainty for others as much as you can.
    1. conda env update --prune --quiet --name $envname --file "$envfile"
    2. jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute --ExecutePreprocessor.kernel_name=python3 --output output.ipynb <path_to_ipynb>
    1. What do we want to try in the next sprint? What could possibly help us reach our goals? What could help us be more successful?


    2. Start


    3. What went wrong in the last sprint? What made me feel uncomfortable? What slowed us down? What kept us from reaching our goals?


    4. Stop


    5. What went well in the last sprint? What helped us reach our goals? What was successful in the last sprint? What do I want to use more regularly?


    6. Keep


    7. What you should do instead 
    8. Why the “start, stop, continue” Retro sucks
    1. In a short documentary titled Francis Coppola’s Notebook released in 2001, Coppola explains his process.
    1. If you want more, you can do so by directly specifying TextMate theme color rules


        "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
          "[Noctis]": {
            "textMateRules": [
                "scope": "markup.list",
                "settings": { "fontStyle": "" }
                "scope": "text.markdown.notes.tag",
                "settings": { "fontStyle": "italic" }

      Inspect the scope using the command "Developer: Inspect Editor Tokens and Scopes"

    2. Again, to customize a specific theme only, use the following syntax

      Add [ThemeName] as the key.

    1. Arranging brainstorming sessions
    2. For this team I picked some pointers from James Bach’s Heuristic Test Strategy Model (http://www.satisfice.com/tools/htsm.pdf) and Elisabeth Hendricksson’s Test Heuristics Cheat Sheet (http://testobsessed.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/testheuristicscheatsheetv1.pdf).
      • [[Heuristic Test Strategy Model.pdf]]
      • [[Test Heuristics Cheat Sheet.pdf]]
    1. 部分可以参考我一篇拖更了很久的回答:家庭药箱需常备哪些药品和工具? - Leslie Pan的回答 - 知乎
    2. 01 基础 + 抗洪版
    3. 国家发改委等 14 部门发布全国家庭应急物资储备建议清单(可进入《北京市居民家庭应急物资储备建议清单》下载附件)

      [[北京市居民家庭应急物资储备建议清单 - 2020.pdf]] source

    4. 备好家庭应急包
    5. 在包里放一些巧克力、饼干这样高热量的食物,和家人定时联络、提前商定好汇合地点
    6. 事先在手机里存好当地救援组织的电话,
    7. 如无必要就不要出门,
    8. 02 关注预警信息
    9. 01 居安思危
    10. 内涝发生前的准备
    1. Add 2-factor authentication to your SSH logins
    2. Here’s a very quick example of how to force SSH access to any host in the example.com domain to be routed through a bastion host, bastion.example.com:


      Host *.example.com
          ProxyJump bastion.example.com
          IdentityFile ~/user-key
      Host bastion.example.com
          ProxyJump none
          IdentityFile ~/user-key
    3. Enforce the use of a bastion host
    4. Configuring SSH for user certificate authentication
    5. $ ssh-keygen -s user_ca -I gus@goteleport.com -n ec2-user,gus -V +1d user-key.pub

      code to issue user certificate

    6. Issuing user certificates (to authenticate users to hosts)
    7. If not, use the hostname that you will be using in an ~/.ssh/config file to connect to the server.
    8. If you have DNS set up, you should use the server’s FQDN
    9. Configuring SSH to use host certificates
    10. $ ssh-keygen -s host_ca -I host.example.com -h -n host.example.com -V +52w ssh_host_rsa_key.pub

      code to issue host certificate

    11. Issuing host certificates (to authenticate hosts to users)
    12. $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f user_ca -C user_ca

      code to generate user CA

    13. $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f host_ca -C host_ca

      code to generate host CA

    14. SSH certificates
    15. SSH Best Practices
    1. 其他开发经验碎片
    2. 经济成本分析
    3. Merkle Tree 全局状态的更新
    4. 数据上链和 ETH GAS 限制
    5. 我们通常对于数百甚至数千笔交易,按照指定顺序在这颗 merkle tree 上执行完成后,使用 ZK-SNARK 证明执行的结果
    6. 协调 L1 和 L2
    7. 保证用户可以直接调用合约提取自己应有的资产;
    8. 链上智能合约:负责验证 Merkle tree 的每次状态更新都是有效的,维护正确的 merkle tree root;
    9. 。这批交易会被统一地证明和验证,它们被称为一个 “L2 Block”。
    10. 证明速度
    11. ZK-Rollup 的 TPS 能力上限
    12. ,一般要求用户能够重建整棵树(这叫 data availability)
    13. 为了保证最坏情况下的安全性
    14. ZK-Rollup 系统架构
    15. 真实世界 Rollup 系统的设计
    1. Neural Network Test Can you re-use the test suite if your entire software is replaced with an opaque neural network?

      What is Neural Network Test?

      Can you re-use the test suite if your entire software is replaced with an opaque neural network?

  2. Jul 2021
    1. Union 制作的字体遮罩
    2. iPhone 用的是一个叫 Sceneshot 的 3D 版带壳截屏软件,可以在三维空间里手动随意改变角度。
    3. 为了实现铅笔素描的效果,用了 My Sketch 这款 App,然后通过混合模式就可以自然的印在牛皮纸上。
    4. 头骨和彩色喷溅物则是使用 Glitché
    5. 牙齿崩裂的效果是用 Picsart App 制作的
    6. 像这种简单的加字我基本都是用 Phonto,文字可以自动居中,大字体 + 小字体调大字间距会更好看
    7. 这张底部反射面使用的是 Aliensky 开发商的另一款 App:Reflect Mirror Camera
    8. 上图的光线,我使用的是 Aliensky 这个 App 直接添加。

      Alien Sky by BrainFeverMedia

    9. 这张后面的 3D 字体用的是 Threedi 这款 App。
    1. PicGo: 一个用于快速上传图片并获取图片 URL 链接的工具

      Related: uPic for macOS and iOS

    1. All platforms. Professional features. Beautiful UI. Totally free. FontBase is the font manager of the new generation, built by designers, for designers.

    1. 使用“迁移助理”将您的所有文稿、App、用户帐户和设置从一台电脑拷贝到另一台新 Mac 上。

    1. sudo codesign --remove-signature "/Applications/Discord.app/Contents/Frameworks/Discord Helper (Renderer).app"

      Run xcode-select --install first. This will fix permissions to create the virtual camera.

    1. 1. 打开 官方配置编辑器,在「Add Product」中选择相应信息和语言选择后点击「Add」,最后点击「Add Product」

      The tool has been moved to https://config.office.com/

    1. EOF prefix here means the concatenation of FORMAT and the magic.

      Exit + Magic

    1. 那既然是使用最后两个点计算,这里又为什么需要 [1m] 呢?这个 [1m] 不是用来计算的,是用来限制找 t-2 个点的时间的,比如,如果中间丢了很多数据,那么显然这个点的计算会很不准确,irate 在计算的时候会最多向前在 [1m] 找点,如果超过 [1m] 没有找到数据点,这个点的计算就放弃了。
    2. irate 是计算的最后两个点之间的差值。
    3. rate 函数可以帮我们用这段时间([1m])的总 packet 数量,除以时间 [1m] ,就得到了一个“平均值”,以此作为曲线来绘制。

      moving average

    1. Drilling Deeper
    2. Case Study: Redis
    3. Flagging Meaningless Code
    4. Taking Action
    5. Undefined Behavior in Vitro
    6. Guesswork
    7. Sanity vs. Speed
    8. The behavior of every syntactically correct program should be completely predictable from its source code.
    9. A different philosophy reigns in domains that demand efficiency and speed
    10. Early in the history of programming languages, two schools of thought diverged
    1. Inlining in Practice
    2. The other exception is link-time optimization. LTO opts out of separate compilation
    3. Besides #[inline], there are two more exceptions to this. Generic functions are implicitly inlinable.
    4. the compiler implements this by compiling a separate copy of the #[inline] function with every crate it is used in, significantly increasing compile times.
    5. it enables cross-crate inlining.
    1. Rule 9: Use comments to mark incomplete implementations
    2. Rule 8: Add comments when fixing bugs
    3. Rule 7: Include links to external references where they will be most helpful
    4. Rule 6: Provide links to the original source of copied code
    5. Rule 5: Explain unidiomatic code in comments
    6. Rule 4: Comments should dispel confusion, not cause it
    7. Rule 3: If you can’t write a clear comment, there may be a problem with the code
    8. Rule 2: Good comments do not excuse unclear code
    9. Rule 1: Comments should not duplicate the code
  3. Apr 2021
    1. 异地居住期间需跨地市(地区)转诊转院的,参保人员可通过电话将相关转诊转院证明(居住地医疗保险定点二级及以上医院(二级专科医院限专科疾病))、联系方式、社保卡等材料传真至参保地医保经办机构进行备案。


    1. 从分享链接中提取:进入支付宝小程序→点击右上角「更多」→分享→复制链接,得到短链接如:https://ur.alipay.com/2IcAMP在 PC 端浏览器中访问短链接,页面第一次跳转后快速按 Esc,在浏览器地址栏得到长链接
    1. Style definitions for nice terminal layouts. Built with TUIs in mind.

  4. Mar 2021
    1. A stub secret key that references your card’s serial number is stored locally in ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d.

      A simple solution is just removing all the stubbed files:

      cd ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d
      grep -Il shadowed-private-key * | xargs rm
    1. cargo-tree is useful for deduping and culling them.

      deduping multiple versions of a crate

    1. Outrun lets you execute a local command using the processing power of another Linux machine.

    1. If you want to add ‘tag1’ and ‘tag2’ to every line you’re importing, add the following to the top of the text file:

      tags:tag1 tag2

    2. {{c1::Canberra::city}} was founded in 1913


      [city] was founded in 1913.
    3. {{c2::Canberra}} was founded in {{c1::1913}}.


      Canberra was founded in [...].
      [...] was founded in 1913.
    1. Hopefully by now you can see that making a bunch of closures is really not going to be a good idea (!)
    2. Basically, the idea is you take your normal, garden-variety function and smear it out into a bunch of closures.
    1. Read articles distraction free on your Kindle, in your feed reader, or on paper.

    1. 我之前出过一期视频,《我是如何一点点变得自律高效的?》
    2. 2020:新的起点,冥想、修行、顿悟,发掘感性的力量
    3. 05追求优秀永无止境,终将陷入迷茫
    4. 04专注于过程,才能克服拖延与懒惰,获得永不停歇的能量
    5. 03无法想明白自己到底要的是什么,就常常容易半途而废
    6. 02我走过的弯路:放下对自己的评价、停止对努力本身附加意义