44 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Mar 2025
    1. Covergirl yummy blur lipsticks

      Ooo, I want try these too, especially in the colors she mentions (pear-fectly blur, into the blur).

    2. matte version of their sun- kisser liquid blushes

      Ooo, I want to try this!

    1. from Covergirl this is the blush bomb in the shade nude flesh flush not flesh

      Oohhhh, that is GORGEOUS!

    2. Covergirl the True Blend skin enhancer they came out with these Contour balms

      Ooo, I'll have to try the lighter shade the she mentions.

    3. e.l.f keep it ethereal

      Ooo, this palette looks GORGEOUS!

  3. Feb 2025
    1. Standard rice does not cook up well in the slow cooker. The slow cooker doesn’t get hot enough, fast enough to cook it properly, and you end up with gummy and chalky rice. If you choose to add uncooked rice to the slow cooker, try par-cooked rice such as Minute Brand Rice, for it has been parboiled and then dried again and works well in slow cooker recipes.

      Eww! Again, good to know.

    2. Frozen meat shouldn’t be used in the slow cooker. Some studies suggest that the meat stays in the danger zone too long

      Hmm, good to know.

    1. Create a new Note from a web page To make a note of something you found on a web page: Select the text you want to turn into a note; In the menu that appears, choose Copy to Note. The note will be added to the folder you viewed last.

      I wish this appended the URL of the excerpt to the note.

    1. Use box-shadow for UI elements like cards and buttons, and drop-shadow() for images or elements with transparency, ensuring the shadow follows their shape.
    2. The drop-shadow() function applies shadows to images while respecting transparency, whereas box-shadow applies to the entire bounding box of an element.
    1. the verb flounder, which dates to the late 16th century, is likely an alteration of an older verb, founder. The two verbs have been confused ever since. Today, founder is most often used as a synonym of fail, or, in contexts involving a waterborne vessel, as a word meaning “to fill with water and sink.” Formerly, it was also frequently applied when a horse stumbled badly and was unable to keep walking. It’s likely this sense of founder led to the original and now-obsolete meaning of flounder: “to stumble.” In modern use, flounder typically means “to struggle” or “to act clumsily”; the word lacks the finality of founder, which usually suggests complete collapse or failure, as that of a sinking ship.
    1. Hypothesis takes a completely different approach. Supporting open-access materials while also eliminating the cost of purchasing catalogs, Hypothesis allows educators to have the freedom to use resources from any source.
    1. Peter knew that he had sinned gravely, but he did not give up on himself. Why? Because he was convinced that his Master, Jesus, had not given up on him. What is the lesson? Jehovah wants us to be convinced of his love and forgiveness.​

      I need to remember this when I start berating myself for my mistakes.

    1. I tend to be a bit panicky and a little impatient. But I am learning not to rush to find a solution when difficulties arise. It is much better to wait on Jehovah

      I'm the same way. I need to learn to rely on Jehovah more & leave things in his hands.

  4. Feb 2023
    1. Chasing down and embracing that feeling with a welcoming and accepting posture desensitizes you to the feeling over time. Conversely, if you are unwilling to feel the feeling, but instead rely on compulsions and avoidances, desensitization cannot happen.

      But what if that feeling is guilt? I don’t want to become desensitized to guilt, so that I no longer have a conscience.

  5. Aug 2022
    1. Sometimes a placeholder can only take a limited number of values in which case we may want to show a menu with these choices. This can be done with the ${«int»|«choice 1»,…,«choice n»|} syntax.
    2. Like variables, tab stops can also have default values (and are generally referred to as placeholders when they do). The syntax is the same: ${«tab stop»:«default value»}. And the default value can contain both text, shell code and other placeholders.
    3. Often though we want to fill in text in several places in the snippet. Multiple tab stops can be provided by inserting $1-$n. The caret will start at $1, then when pressing tab it will move to $2 and $3 on next tab etc. until there are no more tab stops. If you do not explicitly set $0, the caret will be at the end of the snippet.
    4. You can use any of TextMate’s defined variables by prefixing the name of the variable with $. All the normal dynamic variables are supported, the most useful probably being TM_SELECTED_TEXT
    5. If you use snippets to insert plain text there is only one thing you should be aware of: $ and ` are reserved characters. So if you want to insert one of these, prefix it with an escape (i.e. \$).