2,081 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2021
    1. The question, “Why should prey advertise their presence to predators using warning coloration?” has been asked for over 150 years. It is now widely acknowledged that defended prey use conspicuous or distinctive colors to advertise their toxicity to would-be predators: a defensive strategy known as aposematism. One of the main approaches to understanding the ecology and evolution of aposematism and mimicry (where species share the same color pattern) has been to study how naive predators learn to associate prey’s visual signals with the noxious effects of their toxins. However, learning to associate a warning signal with a defense is only one aspect of what predators need to do to enable them to make adaptive foraging decisions when faced with aposematic prey and their mimics. The aim of our review is to promote the view that predators do not simply learn to avoid aposematic prey, but rather make adaptive decisions about both when to gather information about defended prey and when to include them in their diets. In doing so, we reveal what surprisingly little we know about what predators learn about aposematic prey and how they use that information when foraging. We highlight how a better understanding of predator cognition could advance theoretical and empirical work in the field.

      La pregunta: "¿Por qué las presas deberían anunciar su presencia a los depredadores con coloración de advertencia?" se ha solicitado durante más de 150 años. Ahora se reconoce ampliamente que las presas defendidas usan colores llamativos o distintivos para anunciar su toxicidad a los posibles depredadores: una estrategia defensiva conocida como aposematismo. Uno de los principales enfoques para comprender la ecología y la evolución del aposematismo y el mimetismo (donde las especies comparten el mismo patrón de color) ha sido estudiar cómo los depredadores ingenuos aprenden a asociar las señales visuales de las presas con los efectos nocivos de sus toxinas. Sin embargo, aprender a asociar una señal de advertencia con una defensa es solo un aspecto de lo que los depredadores deben hacer para permitirles tomar decisiones de alimentación adaptables cuando se enfrentan a presas aposemáticas y sus imitadores. El objetivo de nuestra revisión es promover la opinión de que los depredadores no solo aprenden a evitar presas aposemáticas, sino que toman decisiones adaptativas sobre cuándo recopilar información sobre las presas defendidas y cuándo incluirlas en sus dietas. Al hacerlo, revelamos lo sorprendentemente poco que sabemos sobre lo que los depredadores aprenden sobre presas aposemáticas y cómo usan esa información cuando buscan alimento. Destacamos cómo una mejor comprensión de la cognición de los depredadores podría impulsar el trabajo teórico y empírico en el campo.

  2. Mar 2021
    1. Evolution via natural selection has continually shaped the coloration of numerous organisms. One coloration of particular importance is the eyespot: a phylogenetically widespread, conspicuous marking that has been shown to effectively reduce predation, often through its resemblance to the eye. Although widely studied, most research has been experimental in nature. We approach eyespots using a comparative phylogenetic framework that is global in scope. Herein, we identify the potential drivers of eyespot evolution in coral reef fishes; essentially the rules that govern their appearance in this group of organisms. We surveyed 2664 reef fish species (42% of all described reef fish species) and found that eyespots are present in approximately one in every 10 species. Most eyespots occur in closely related species and have been present in some families for over 50 million years. Focusing on damselfishes (family: Pomacentridae) as a study group, we reveal that eyespots are rare in planktivorous species, which is likely driven by the predation risk associated with their feeding location. Using a heatmapping technique, we also show that the location of eyespots is fundamentally different in active fishes that swim above the benthos vs. cryptobenthic fishes that rest on the benthos. These location differences may reflect different functions of eyespots among reef fish species.

      La evolución a través de la selección natural ha moldeado continuamente la coloración de numerosos organismos. Una coloración de particular importancia es la mancha ocular: una marca conspicua y filogenéticamente extendida que se ha demostrado que reduce eficazmente la depredación, a menudo a través de su parecido con el ojo. Aunque se ha estudiado ampliamente, la mayor parte de la investigación ha sido de naturaleza experimental. Nos acercamos a las manchas oculares utilizando un marco filogenético comparativo de alcance global. Aquí, identificamos los impulsores potenciales de la evolución de la mancha ocular en los peces de los arrecifes de coral; esencialmente las reglas que gobiernan su aparición en este grupo de organismos. Encuestamos 2664 especies de peces de arrecife (42% de todas las especies de peces de arrecife descritas) y encontramos que las manchas oculares están presentes en aproximadamente una de cada 10 especies. La mayoría de las manchas oculares ocurren en especies estrechamente relacionadas y han estado presentes en algunas familias durante más de 50 millones de años. Centrándonos en los peces damisela (familia: Pomacentridae) como grupo de estudio, revelamos que las manchas oculares son raras en las especies planctívoras, lo que probablemente se deba al riesgo de depredación asociado con su ubicación de alimentación. Utilizando una técnica de mapa de calor, también mostramos que la ubicación de las manchas oculares es fundamentalmente diferente en los peces activos que nadan por encima del bentos frente a los peces criptobentónicos que descansan sobre el bentos. Estas diferencias de ubicación pueden reflejar diferentes funciones de las manchas oculares entre las especies de peces de arrecife.

  3. Feb 2021
  4. Dec 2020
  5. Nov 2020
    1. Rheumatoid arthritis in Latin America: challenges and solutions to improve its diagnosis and treatment training for medical professionals

      Rheumatoid arthritis in Latin America: challenges and solutions to improve its diagnosis and treatment training for medical professionals

  6. Oct 2020
    1. Relación entre datos y conocimiento.

      Waagmeester, A., Stupp, G., Burgstaller-Muehlbacher, S., Good, B. M., Griffith, M., Griffith, O. L., Hanspers, K., Hermjakob, H., Hudson, T. S., Hybiske, K., Keating, S. M., Manske, M., Mayers, M., Mietchen, D., Mitraka, E., Pico, A. R., Putman, T., Riutta, A., Queralt-Rosinach, N., Schriml, L. M., … Su, A. I. (2020). Wikidata as a knowledge graph for the life sciences. eLife, 9, e52614. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.52614

    2. Waagmeester, A., Stupp, G., Burgstaller-Muehlbacher, S., Good, B. M., Griffith, M., Griffith, O. L., Hanspers, K., Hermjakob, H., Hudson, T. S., Hybiske, K., Keating, S. M., Manske, M., Mayers, M., Mietchen, D., Mitraka, E., Pico, A. R., Putman, T., Riutta, A., Queralt-Rosinach, N., Schriml, L. M., … Su, A. I. (2020). Wikidata as a knowledge graph for the life sciences. eLife, 9, e52614. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.52614

      En este artículo se da la importancia que ha tenido Wikidata para poder organizar información pertinente a genómica, proteómica, compuestos químicos y enfermedades.

    1. Pfundner, A., Schönberg, T., Horn, J., Boyce, R. D., & Samwald, M. (2015). Utilizing the Wikidata system to improve the quality of medical content in Wikipedia in diverse languages: a pilot study. Journal of medical Internet research, 17(5), e110. https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.4163

      -Interesante artículo del uso de wikidata para mejorar la información médica en Wikipedia a través de la representación de datos estructurados y flujos de trabajo automatizados podría conducir a una mejora significativa de la calidad de la información médica en uno de los recursos web más populares del mundo.

  7. Sep 2020
    1. Scientific knowledge constitutes a complex system that has recently been the topic of in-depth analysis. Empirical evidence reveals that little is known about the dynamic aspects of human knowledge. Precise dissection of the expansion of scientific knowledge could help us to better understand the evolutionary dynamics of science. In this paper, we analyzed the dynamic properties and growth principles of the MEDLINE bibliographic database using network analysis methodology. The basic assumption of this work is that the scientific evolution of the life sciences can be represented as a list of co-occurrences of MeSH descriptors that are linked to MEDLINE citations. The MEDLINE database was summarized as a complex system, consisting of nodes and edges, where the nodes refer to knowledge concepts and the edges symbolize corresponding relations. We performed an extensive statistical evaluation based on more than 25 million citations in the MEDLINE database, from 1966 until 2014. We based our analysis on node and community level in order to track temporal evolution in the network. The degree distribution of the network follows a stretched exponential distribution which prevents the creation of large hubs. Results showed that the appearance of new MeSH terms does not also imply new connections. The majority of new connections among nodes results from old MeSH descriptors. We suggest a wiring mechanism based on the theory of structural holes, according to which a novel scientific discovery is established when a connection is built among two or more previously disconnected parts of scientific knowledge. Overall, we extracted 142 different evolving communities. It is evident that new communities are constantly born, live for some time, and then die. We also provide a Web-based application that helps characterize and understand the content of extracted communities. This study clearly shows that the evolution of MEDLINE knowledge correlates with the network’s structural and temporal characteristics.
    1. bnfrmcn/tema/literaturacientifica

    2. We analyze the structural elements which comprise a standard scientific paper. Previous analysis generally has focused on one element of a paper at a time. However, the title, author list, affiliation, abstract, text, tables, graphs, charts, photographs and references all represent possible data resources for investigation. After specifying those elements, we focus successively on the history, normative tradition, and sociological analysis of a selection of those elements.
    1. The NLM Catalog provides access to NLM bibliographic data for journals, books, audiovisuals, computer software, electronic resources and other materials. Links to the library's holdings in LocatorPlus, NLM's online public access catalog, are also provided.