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  1. Oct 2015
    1. You and Susan are learning to be Doors—Doorways to the Infinity that is God, your Real Being. Doing this, you will each know what to do and when to do it—and I mean you will Truly Know.
    2. Your job now is to just as diligently give your attention to that edge of Infinity which you have learned to recognize as the Source of infinite Wisdom, Truth, and all Knowledge.

      Be diligent in fostering attention on the source of Truth

    1. Be always alert. it is as though you walk through a diamond mine where brilliant jewels of light, embedded and encrusted in dirt, await your intuitive discovery. They could be anywhere, so infinite is the Actuality of your Being.
    2. Yet it is exactly the opposite thing that is the answer to getting out of all of that—the opposite being that one needs to stay right where he is. He needs to give up his attempt to get, become, achieve.
    3. But, the high vibration energy scurrying through your body and the feeling of anxiety in the pit of your stomach were both signals to you that you had, indeed slipped. You were beginning to feel the feelings that three-dimensional man feels of isolation and incompleteness. You were beginning to feel the need to “get,” the need to “get out into a different place,” and to “get away from where you are.“

      LIYWO: Life is your way out.

      This illustrates the practice of becoming aware of energy that needs to be acknowledged and felt - and how easy it is to run away instead.

  2. Sep 2015
    1. When should I use an attribute versus an element? Use an element when you are creating a component that is in control of the template. The common case for this is when you are creating a Domain-Specific Language for parts of your template. Use an attribute when you are decorating an existing element with new functionality.
    1. By remembering and listing three positive things that have happened in your day--and considering what caused them--you tune into the sources of goodness in your life. It's a habit that can change the emotional tone of your life, replacing feelings of disappointment or entitlement with those of gratitude--which may be why this practice is associated with significant increases in happiness.
  3. Aug 2015
    1. Hello everyone! Soon, I will start posting book critiques.

      I highlighted some text just to illustrate some of the functionality.

  4. Mar 2015
    1. Therefore, beloved friend, when you judge, you have moved out of alignment with what is true. You have decreed that the innocent are not innocent. And if you would judge another as being without innocence, you have already declared that this is true about you. Therefore, to practice forgiveness actually cultivates the quality of consciousness in which, finally, you come to forgive yourself. And it is, indeed, the forgiven who remember their God.
  5. Nov 2013
    1. Like any other discipline, the theory of invention and arrangement must be practiced in two ways: first, in order that by its means we should through external examples learn common sense from argument, judgment from the manner of conclusion, and complete prudence from the method of arrangement and order; secondly, that by means of the same art we should devise similar examples in speech and writing.

      Learn rhetoric through analyzing others and practicing what you've learned.

    2. method

      Method vs. purpose Grammar vs. message

  6. Oct 2013
    1. But this talent requires maintenance with no less practice than it is acquired. An art, indeed, once thoroughly learned, is never wholly lost.

      Views writing and speaking as arts, require habit and practice

    1. But to enable us to write more, and more readily, not practice alone will assist (and in practice there is doubtless great effect), but also method.

      It is not enough to write, we must apply and stretch ourselves