4,736 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this study, it is shown that cofilin severs actin filaments slowly when fascin is present. Authors show that this is due to slower cluster nucleation of cofilin on fascin-induced actin bundles. Interestingly, the authors show that cofilin binding promotes helicity in actin filament bundles which in turn promotes fascin exclusion and more cofilin clustering in adjacent filament bundles; thus, inducing local transmission of structural changes.

      The authors use an elegant approach, and the data is nicely presented. Overall, I

      consider that this manuscript is in good shape to be published. It might benefit from language editing, though.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive comments. We have edited the manuscript to improve its readability (changes are in blue in the manuscript).

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      According to me the significance of this manuscript is that elegantly shows the molecular details of the cofilin severing effect of fascin-induced actin filament bundles. The authors show that cofilin binding promotes helicity in actin filament bundles which in turn promotes fascin exclusion and more cofilin clustering in adjacent filament bundles; thus, inducing local transmission of structural changes.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      In this study, Chikireddy et al. perform a series of experiments in which they compare the efficiency of cofilin-mediated severing and actin filament disassembly on individual filaments versus bundles of different sizes from by the actin-bundling protein fascin. The key outcome, quite distinct from previously published conclusions by the authors themselves and other authors, is that fascin bundling actually reduces cofilin-mediated severing mostly because of much slower "nucleation" of cofilin clusters on fascin-bound filament bundles. Cofilin cluster formation is followed by local fascin removal, and the nucleation of a cofilin cluster on an adjacent bundle in the absence of fascin is strongly enhanced. The reason for the latter surprising observation is not entirely clear, but proposed to arise from cofilin-mediated changes in filament helicity of neighboring filaments. To my understanding, the main reason why fascin protects from cofilin severing here rather than enhancing it (as reported previously) is due to the lack of constraining of the induced, cofilin-mediated twist, because if this twist is constrained e.g. by anchoring of the bundles to the surface chamber, then severing by cofilin is accelerated.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive feedback on the manuscript. We have substantially edited the manuscript in light of the insightful comments of the reviewer (changes are in blue).

      Major comments:

      I think the study is very well done, most experiments are super-elegant and controlled; I really don't have any objections against the conclusions drawn, as most of what I have seen is totally justified and reasonable. So from a scientific point of view, I can easily agree with all the major conclusions drawn, and so in my view, this should be published fast.

      Minor comments:

      There are two minor points that could be addressed:

      1) I am not entirely convinced by the conclusions drawn from the EM images shown in Figure 6A, and in particular by the filaments in two-filament bundles locally twisting around each other (without breaking) at spatial sites lacking fascin and decorated by cofilin. This is hard to imagine for me, and the evidence for something like this happening is not very strong, as in the EM, only larger bundles could be observed. In addition, I am not sure that the braiding of filaments seen in the presence of cofilin is really occurring just locally on cofilin-decorated bundle segments and thus indeed coincides with loss of fascin as proposed in the scheme in Fig. 6B.

      Can the authors exclude that the braiding is not caused by some experimental artefact, as induced perhaps by sample preparation for negative staining?

      We thank the reviewer for raising this point. We have repeated the negative staining EM experiments several times and now show new images and quantification (new Supp Fig. 13). In our new series of experiments, the braiding that was previously shown in Fig. 6 proved difficult to reproduce and to quantify. We therefore decided to remove EM observations from the main Fig. 6, and we no longer present them as evidence supporting the mechanism that we propose for inter-filament cooperativity.

      From EM images, we now quantify the frequency of fragmentation of large actin filament bundles. We observed that bundles often terminate with the ends of their filaments in close proximity, consistent with sharp breaks due to co-localized cofilin clusters.

      We have rewritten this part of the result section in the manuscript which now reads : ‘To further investigate larger bundles, we imaged them using negative staining electron microscopy. In the absence of cofilin, filaments in bundles are arranged in a parallel manner, as previously reported in vitro (Jansen et al, 2011). Compared with the control, filament bundles exposed to cofilin show numerous sharp breaks (65 breaks per 122 µm of bundles, versus 4 breaks per 68 µm in the control. Supp. Fig. 13). This is consistent with bundle fragmentation occurring at boundaries of co-localized cofilin clusters.’

      Did the authors quantify the occurrence of such braided bundle segments with and without cofilin?

      How large are these braided segments on average when you quantify them? Would you also see them if you prepared the bundles for an alternative EM-technique, such as Cryo-EM, for instance?

      As mentioned in the answer to the previous point, the braided segments proved difficult to reproduce and quantify, and we have removed EM experiments from the main figure 6. Instead of the braided segments, we now quantify the severing of the bundles, and the distribution of filament ends at the extremities of the bundles (new Supp. Fig. 13).

      We have not tried Cryo-EM due to limited access to such experimental tools within the timeframe of the study.

      This may admittedly all be experimentally challenging, but would it be possible to combine the negative staining of filaments with staining for cofilin and/or fascin using immunogold technology, to prove that the braided segments do indeed correlate with high cofilin and low fascin concentrations? In the absence of such data, and in particular in the absence of a clear quantification, the proposal is too strong in my view. Finally, it would be nice (albeit not essential I guess) to also look at two-filament bundles. The authors stated these can not be easily generated due to the tendency of fascin to promote the formation of larger bundles, but can this not be titrated/tuned somehow by lowering fascin concentrations, to come closer in reality to what is proposed to occur in the scheme in Figure 6B? In any case, the way the data are presented right now appears to constitute a pretty large gap between experimental evidence and theoretical model.

      We agree with the reviewer that EM observations are limited and, alone, do not provide strong evidence in favor of braiding/super-twisting being the mechanism responsible for inter-filament cooperativity (please see our answers to the points above). We have performed negative staining EM assays at higher cofilin-1 concentration (500 nM) compared to microfluidics assays, in order for cofilin to quickly bind to filaments, even in large bundles, so that our chances to capture bundles targeted by cofilin would be high.

      Nevertheless, both microfluidics and EM observations point in the same direction : bundle fragmentation by cofilin is caused by the co-localized cooperative nucleation of cofilin clusters.

      2) I think that the proposal of cofilin-decorated filaments to "transfer" the resulting cofilin-induced changes in filament helicity onto neighboring filaments in the bundle, which is proposed to occur locally and in the absence of fascin is a bit vague, and difficult to understand mechanistically. Can the authors speculate, at least, how they think this would occur? Are there no alternative possibilities for explaining obtained results? Maybe I am missing something here, but with considering cofilin to be monomeric and only harboring one actin-binding site, this proposal of helicity transfer onto neighboring filaments seems inconclusive.

      On single actin filaments, the change of helicity induced by cofilin binding has been observed by many groups using EM and cryoEM (e.g. McGough et al, JBC 1997 10.1083/jcb.138.4.771; Egelman et al, PNAS 2011 10.1073/pnas.1110109108 ; Huehn et al, JBC 2018 10.1074/jbc.AC118.001843). These studies have revealed that actin subunits get ‘tilted’ relative to their original orientation along the filament long axis. This leads to the shortening of the helical pitch for cofilin-saturated actin filament segments.

      In our assays, the progressive binding of cofilin along a single filament creates a cluster where all actin subunits are tilted and the helical pitch of the filaments within the cluster is shortened (from a half pitch of 36 nm down to 27 nm). This change of helicity in a cluster induces the rotation of one end of the filament relative to the other (as we have shown previously in Wioland et al, PNAS 2019). Therefore, if two parallel filaments are stapled together, the local twisting of one filament causes the twisting of the other in the overlapping region.

      We have rephrased this point to more clearly explain this in the last paragraph of the results section:

      “From our kinetic analysis, we propose the following model that recapitulates the binding of cofilin to fascin-induced 2-filament bundles (Fig. 6D). Initially, actin filaments in fascin-induced bundles are in conformations that are less favorable for cofilin binding than isolated actin filaments. Once a cofilin cluster has nucleated, its expansion locally triggers fascin unbinding and prevents it from rebinding. The increase of filament helicity induced by cofilin causes a local twisting of the entire bundle, thereby changing the helicity of the adjacent filament in the fascin-free region facing the cofilin cluster. In this region, the increase in filament helicity enhances cofilin affinity, and thus locally promotes the nucleation of a cofilin cluster (inter-filament cooperativity).”

      We have tried to think of other alternative scenarios that might explain our observations, but none appeared to be valid.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      General assessment:

      The strength of this study is that owing, at least in part, to the microfluidics devices employed and the careful biochemistry, the experimental setups are super-controlled and clean, and they are used in a highly innovative and elegant fashion. The simulations are also nice! A limitation is that it is not entirely clear how precisely the main observations can be translated to what's happening in vivo. The results are largely dependent on the bundles not being constrained I understand, so to what extent would bundles be unconstrained in vivo? Perhaps this is not so important, because the experimental setup allows the authors to dissect specific biochemical behaviors and inter-dependencies between distinct actin binding proteins, but the latter view (if correct) could be stated more clearly!

      We thank the reviewer for their remarks. We have updated the part where we discuss the biological implications of our in vitro observations to better explain how the twist-constraints expected for fascin bundles in cells would accelerate cofilin bundle disassembly.


      As stated above, the results are opposite to the proposed synergistic activities of fascin and cofilin observed for bundles previously, perhaps because they were not constrained. So although touched in part and in a very polite fashion in the discussion, the authors could specify more clearly what the differences between the studies are, and which of the distinct activities observed either here or in previous literature will be dominant or more relevant to consider in the future? This will be hard to discern as is now, in particular for non-experts.

      We agree with the reviewer that the manuscript will benefit from discussing more in depth the plausible reasons why our experimental observations are in disagreement with the earlier interpretation by Breitsprecher and colleagues. We have extended our discussion on this point, which now reads: “Previously, using pyrene-actin bulk experiments, Breitsprecher and colleagues observed a diminished cofilin binding to fascin-induced filament bundles (Breitsprecher et al, 2011). In spite of this, their observation of fluorescently labeled actin filament bundles seemed to indicate an efficient severing activity. Since cofilin was not fluorescently labeled, they could not observe cofilin clusters, and they proposed that severing was enhanced because fascin served as anchors along filaments and impeded cofilin-induced changes in filament helicity”


      This manuscript will be most influential for a specialized audience interested in the complexities of biochemical activities of specific actin binding proteins when looking at them in combination. Although specialized, this is still a quite relevant audience though, since prominent actin binding proteins like cofilin are highly important in virtually any cell type and various actin structures, hence of broad relevance again in this respect.


      I am a cell biologist and geneticist interested in actin dynamics and actin-based, motile processes.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      My only major concern that is that although the authors provide data that strongly supports interfilament cooperativity in two filament bundles for cofilin binding, the evidence to support that this induces filament twist on the opposing filament is not strong enough to conclusively establish this as the mechanism for the observed interfilament cooperativity. This is stated as such in the results section as a proposed model, but stated with more certainty than the presented data supports in the discussion. It might be better, based on the data presented, to state this as one possible mechanism for the observed cooperativity.

      We thank the reviewer for their remark. We have edited our discussion section to clearly say that inter-filament cooperativity arises from cofilin-induced filament twisting is a proposed model that would best account for what we observed: “Indeed, we report here the exclusion of fascin from within cofilin clusters, and a strong increase in the nucleation of cofilin clusters on adjacent filaments. This inter-filament cooperativity mechanism leads to the co-localized nucleation of cofilin clusters, and permits bundle fragmentation faster than if the nucleation of cofilin clusters on adjacent filaments were purely random. To our knowledge, this is the first time such inter-filament cooperativity is ever reported. To explain this mechanism, we propose that the cofilin-induced change of helicity produced locally on one filament can be transmitted to the adjacent filaments within the bundle (Fig. 6D).”

      So far, we have been unable to propose alternative mechanisms that could explain our observations in light of what is known for cofilin at the single filament level (a similar point was raised by reviewer #2, please see above).

      Areas within the paper, if addressed, will improve the arguments presented as well as the readability of the paper.

      (1) The authors use both the terms cofilin binding (in section I of the results) as well as cofilin nucleation (in section III of the results). It is unclear if these terms are meant to indicate the same, or different, processes. The manuscript would benefit from a clear explanation of the steps of cofilin-mediated disassembly measured and quantified in the experiments, namely nucleation (or binding), cluster growth, and filament or bundle fragmentation. A clear description of these steps would also allow the reader to follow the logic of the experiments from Figure 3 to Figure 5.

      We have edited the introduction to better describe the different steps of cofilin activity, and to remove any ambiguity whereas we are referring to cofilin binding or cofilin nucleation.

      2) Throughout the paper, the authors move from single filaments, to 2-filament bundles, to multifilament bundles, using different concentrations of fascin and cofilin. Given the biphasic behavior of cofilin, namely that low concentrations favor severing and high concentrations can favor coating and filament stabilization, I think it is important that concentrations for the components are consistent across experiments, and if changes of concentrations of important components (such as cofilin and fascin) are changed, a clear explanation as to why is included.

      As explained in the beginning of the result section, most of our experiments and quantification of cofilin activity using the microfluidics assay were done using 200 nM fascin and 200 nM cofilin as a standard. This is the case, in particular, for all the data shown in Fig 2, 3 and 4, where we compare the behavior of single filaments, 2-filament bundles, and larger bundles, exposed to the same protein concentrations.

      We have also explored higher fascin and cofilin concentrations to document their respective impact, always mentioning any change in concentration. We agree with the reviewer that cofilin activity is biphasic at the single filament level (in the range of 0 to 1 µM for mammalian ADF/cofilin, at physiological pH 7.4). In the case of fascin-induced bundles (already for two-filament bundles), filament saturation by cofilin, and thus their stabilization, will occur at higher cofilin concentration. This is mainly due to the lower nucleation activity of cofilin on fascin-induced bundles, preventing the nucleation of numerous cofilin clusters that will eventually fuse together, thus preventing saturation of filament bundles by cofilin before bundle fragmentation.

      (3) In Figure 2, it is mentioned that for the spectrin seeds with the microfluidics, the filaments consisting of larger bundles were not analyzed along with the single filament and 2-filament bundles. Instead, a different experiment with seeds attached to beads is used to assess larger filament bundles. Why were larger bundles not analyzed in the microfluidic experiment?

      We appreciate the insightful observation by the reviewer. When elongating actin filaments from spectrin-actin seeds, the seeds are randomly located on the glass coverslip of the microfluidics chamber. Upon exposure to fascin, only a subsection of any filament will be in contact with one or multiple filaments, ultimately forming a bundle due to the presence of fascin. In the case of high filament densities leading to large bundles, it is very difficult to identify the exact subsection of each filament which is engaged in a bundle or not. Despite our attempts to image individual filaments before and after exposure to fascin for enhanced clarity, the inherent difficulty persisted.

      This limitation hindered our ability to quantify cofilin activity on large bundles when using spectrin-actin seeds randomly distributed on glass. To address this, we opted for an alternative approach involving micron-sized beads coated with spectrin-actin seeds. This modification not only circumvents the aforementioned limitation but also aids in the formation of larger bundles (up to 10 filaments per bundle). This adjustment significantly enhances our ability to study and quantify cofilin activity on larger bundles, contributing to a more robust and comprehensive understanding of cofilin activity on bundles.

      And conversely, why were 2 filament bundles not assessed with the beads? Comparing the findings on two filament bundles with the findings on multifilament bundles would be easier for the reader if the small and large bundles were evaluated in the same experiments. If this is not experimentally feasible, the authors need to provide clearer explanation as to why this analysis is not included.

      Actually, we did assess 2-filament bundles in the bead assay. The cofilin activity on 2-filament bundles from beads are reported, along with larger bundles, in figure 3E-F for nucleation, and in figure 4C for cofilin cluster growth rates.

      (4) The authors indicate that at increased fascin concentration (1uM) that single filaments decrease the nucleation rate of cofilin clusters. The authors should comment on the mechanism for fascin (at 1uM concentration) for affecting cofilin binding.

      We thank the review for this comment. We now comment on this mechanism in the result section:

      “This observation is consistent with the low affinity of fascin for the side of single actin filaments. Furthermore, this indicates that cofilin and fascin may have overlapping binding sites, or that a more complex competition may exist between the two proteins, where the binding of one protein would induce conformational changes on neighboring actin subunits affecting the binding of the other protein.”

      (5) The authors should determine and include the dissociation rate for the labeled cofilin used in this study, especially given the proposed mechanism for cofilin excluding fascin within the bundles.

      • If the reviewer means that we need to characterize the behavior of the labeled cofilin: in Wioland et al 2017, we have previously reported that cofilin dissociates slowly from cluster boundaries (at 0.7 s-1 for cofilin-1 on alpha-skeletal rabbit actin, as used in the present study) and extremely slowly from inside a cofilin cluster (~2.10-5 s-1).

      • If the reviewer means that we should investigate the competition between fascin and cofilin along bundles: we agree that this is indeed an interesting question. However this is quite complex because many unknown parameters are involved. In addition to the on/off-rates of each protein and how it is affected by the presence or the proximity of the other protein, we need to consider that fascin has fewer binding sites than cofilin, and that their accessibility changes as the helicity of the filament evolves as cofilin binds. Investigating this question would require many experiments, which we would need to confront to a model. We believe that this is out of the scope of this manuscript.

      (6) For Figure 4, D and E, what do the dynamics of fascin and cofilin signal look like on a larger filament bundle? It would be informative to provide the cofilin cluster nucleation rate on larger filament bundles with a range of fascin concentrations (as in 3D for a two filament bundle).

      It would be interesting indeed to investigate the dynamics of fascin and cofilin on larger bundles. However, this experiment is quite challenging due to the fluorescence background of fluorescently-labeled fascin in our microfluidics assay (regardless of bundle size). We have been unable to perform this assay with success on large bundles. Moreover, it is difficult for us to carry out more of these experiments now that the first author of the study has left the lab.

      However, based on our results, we would expect that, for large bundles, increasing fascin concentration would also have a limited impact on the reduction of cofilin nucleation. Indeed, for 2-filament bundles, we can note that the increase of fascin concentration has a more limited impact on the nucleation of cofilin clusters (fig. 3D, roughly ~2 fold decrease for fascin from 100 to 500 nM), than the number of filaments per bundle (fig. 3F, a 10-fold decrease when increasing the size of a bundle from 2 to 10 filaments).

      (7) Additionally, it would be useful to report the cofilin severing rate at a range of cofilin concentrations, at least for the 2 filament bundles.

      Cofilin severing rate is not dependent on cofilin concentration in solution. This has been reported previously by several groups, including ours (e.g. Suarez et al, Current Biology 2011 ; Gressin et al, Current Biology 2015; Wioland et al, Current Biology 2017).

      Below is the comparison of cofilin cluster severing at 100 and 200 nM cofilin, on single actin filaments, which we added to supplementary figure 10.

      At 100 nM cofilin, we measured a similar cofilin cluster severing rate on 2-filament bundles, by measuring the survival fraction of overlapping cofilin clusters that lead to 2-filament bundle fragmentation over time. The figure pasted below is new Supp. Fig. 11.

      When the severing occurs in the two filament bundles, does this severing occur mostly at boundaries with cofilin-actin and bare actin or does this severing occur at cofilin-actin/fascin-actin boundaries?

      This is an interesting point. In the presence of a saturating amount of fascin, on 2-filament bundles, one fascin protein is bound every 13 actin subunits along each filament of a bundle. Most of the time, a cofilin boundary will not be in contact with a fasin-bound actin subunit. The limited spatial resolution of optical microscopy does not allow to say whether fascin was present at the boundary of a cofilin cluster or not when severing occurred. Nonetheless, we show that cofilin cluster severing is unaffected by fascin-bundling (i.e. severing rates per cofilin cluster boundary are similar on single filaments and on 2-filament bundles). Overall, bundling by fascin probably does not change the way cofilin severs, i.e. it occurs at the boundary between cofilin-decorated and bare actin regions.

      (8) For the images of large bundles appearing braided in figure 6A, the lower left panel the braided appearance is not obvious. Additionally, what is the number of filaments in the bundles shown? Finally, given that in Figure 3F it is indicated that cofilin cluster nucleation events are rare on large bundles, and the cluster growth rate is reduced on large bundles (Figure 4C), the authors need to indicate how frequently this braided appearance is observed as well as what the nucleation rate, growth rate and severing rate is for 500nM cofilin on bundles.

      We have repeated the negative staining EM experiments several times and now show new images and quantification (new Supp. Fig. 13). In our new series of experiments, the braiding that was previously shown in Fig. 6 proved difficult to reproduce and to quantify. We therefore decided to remove EM observations from the main fig 6, and we no longer present them as evidence supporting the mechanism that we propose for inter-filament cooperativity.

      As stated in point (7) above, the severing rate is independent of cofilin concentration. We’ve used 500 nM cofilin, which is a rather high cofilin concentration, to investigate bundle fragmentation in EM, as in solution we mostly form large bundles and they are more slowly targeted by cofilin than individual or 2-filament bundles (figure 3F & 4C). At the single filament and 2-filament bundle level, the nucleation of cofilin clusters is extremely fast at 500 nM cofilin (> 10-4 s-1 per binding site).

      (9) The authors indicate that the rapid fragmentation of twist constrained 2-filament bundles prevented them from directly quantifying the nucleation rate of the subsequent cofilin clusters that overlapped the initial ones. I'm unclear why this is the case, and if this is the case, I don't understand how the authors can be sure that a second nucleation event occurred in the twist constrained bundles. From the experimental data in 7C, it appears that the fragmentation rate for two filament bundles is similar to the fragmentation rate for twist constrained single filaments. The authors need to clearly state what they were able to observe and quantify as well as include the timing for this severing. If the authors could not observe a second nucleation event prior to severing, this should be clearly stated.

      Fragmentation of a 2-filament bundle requires the severing of two co-localized cofilin clusters, one on each filament. When 2-filament bundles are twist-constrained the sequence of events leading to bundle fragmentation is fast, thus it is difficult to separate the events within the resolution of our experiment. In this case, cofilin clusters sever quickly, thus the size of the clusters is small, which translates into a low fluorescence intensity. Therefore, the quantification of the increase of cofilin fluorescence intensity along a bundle did not allow us to unambiguously identify the ‘cooperative’ nucleation of two-overlapping cofilin clusters before the bundle is fragmented. So, apart from the quantification of the nucleation of cofilin clusters, which we show is unaffected by twist-constraining the bundles, we were unable to measure the growth rate nor the severing rate of cofilin clusters.

      Numerical simulations, using similar severing rates for cofilin clusters on both twist-constrained single filaments and 2-filament bundles, satisfactorily reproduce our experimental observations (dashed lines in Fig. 3C).

      We have edited the ‘Twist-constrained bundle fragmentation’ section to clearly say what we measured and what could not be measured : “We observed that the nucleation rate of cofilin clusters was similar for both twist-constrained and twist-unconstrained fascin bundles (Supp. Fig. 15), in agreement with observations on single actin filaments (Wioland et al, 2019b).

      The rapid fragmentation of twist-constrained 2-filament bundles prevented us from directly quantifying the nucleation rate of the subsequent cofilin clusters that overlapped with the initial ones, as well as cluster growth and severing rates.”

      This could be due to the rapid fragmentation, but it could also be due to severing occurring in the absence of a second cofilin nucleation event. It would be informative to compare the time from cofilin nucleation to severing event for two filament bundles in twist constrained and unconstrained. Clarification of the dynamics of nucleation and spreading of cofilin and the timing of fragmentation of the twist constrained filament bundles is needed.

      As explained in the previous point, cofilin-induced severing occurs significantly faster on twist-constrained single actin filaments compared to unconstrained filaments.

      For twist-unconstrained filament bundles, we never observed bundle fragmentation that originated from only one cofilin cluster. For twist-constrained bundles, while our observation is limited by the rapid fragmentation of the bundles, it is hard to imagine that a single cofilin cluster on one filament would induce the fragmentation of the neighboring filament. Recently, Bibeau et al, PNAS 2023, using magnetic tweezers to twist single actin filaments, showed that, without cofilin, applying up to 1 rotation/µm to an actin filament does not cause its fragmentation. It is thus reasonable to say that cofilin binding is required to fragment twist-constrained filaments.

      Moreover, in our numerical simulations (without inter-filament cooperativity, faithfully reproducing the kinetic of 2-filament fragmentation observed in microfluidics), 75% of bundle fragmentation resulted from a sequential nucleation of cofilin clusters, with the nucleation of the second cofilin cluster occurring after the first cofilin cluster has already severed one filament of the bundle.

      (10) Discussion of how twist constrained fragmentation dynamics might affect the dynamics of larger bundles in structures such as filopodia would be useful.

      We had substantially edited the discussion section of the manuscript, attempting to better discuss the physiological implications of our in vitro observations (bundle size & twist-constraints).

      Minor changes that would improve the paper:

      (11) In Figure 1C, Figure 2B and Figure 2E, the indication, on the graph, of the fold-change between the rates is confusing as it is not clear from the labeling on the graph that the x15 is referring to the slope of the lines, keeping this information in the legend is appropriate, but if it is to be included on the graph, perhaps adding in the linear fit on the graph is also needed.

      We have edited the figures accordingly, and included fit lines in figure 1.

      (12) Figure 7A, lining up the diagram with the kymographs below would help improve interpretation of the diagram and simulation. Alternatively, if the diagram (upper) in A does not diagram the kymographs below, this needs to be clearly stated, and it would be preferable that the diagram above matches the kymographs below.

      We have edited the figure layout accordingly.

      (13) Despite referencing the Breitsprecher, 2011 paper in the introduction, the authors do not explain how their results showing that cofilin fragments filament bundles slower than single actin filaments correspond with the Breitsprecher findings that fascin bundles favors cofilin filament severing. While the authors do not need to explain the Breitsprecher data, if they reference these findings that run counter to their results, an explanation for the discrepancy would be reasonable to include in the discussion.

      We agree with the reviewer comments, which was also a comment made by reviewer #2. We now more directly discuss possible discrepancies between Breitsprecher and our studies : “Previously, using pyrene-actin bulk experiments, Breitsprecher and colleagues reported a diminished cofilin binding to fascin-induced filament bundles (Breitsprecher et al, 2011). In spite of this, their observation of fluorescently labeled actin filament bundles seemed to indicate an efficient severing activity. Since cofilin was not fluorescently labeled, they could not observe cofilin clusters, and they proposed that severing was enhanced because fascin served as anchors along filaments and impeded cofilin-induced changes in filament helicity. This proposed mechanism bears resemblance to our previously reported findings for artificially twist-constrained single actin filaments (Wioland et al, 2019b). Here, we show that this mechanism does not occur in fascin-induced bundles.”

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      The research presented in "Fascin-induced bundling protects actin filament from disassembly by cofilin" is relevant and of interest to the field as it directly addresses a limitation in our understanding of how cofilin-induced severing occurs in F-actin bundles. Bundled F-actin may constitute the majority of linear F-actin within the cell and is specifically important in F-actin-based structures such as filopodia and stress-fibers. The data supports a model for interfilament cooperativity that provides a molecular mechanism for cofilin-mediated severing of fascin-bundled filaments.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Planned Revisions based on comments from Reviewer #1

      • The introductory material and the title of the paper emphasize the ring canal scaling question. This problem is somewhat obscured in the text by the side problem of nuclear scaling, which comes up frequently even though the results are not as thoroughly explored. Could the authors think about moving these data into a different, single figure for the sake of coherence? This is not a required revision. Just a thought.
      • *We have moved the nuclear scaling data from Fig. 5 into Fig. S3, and once we have analyzed the data from the planned experiments (over-expressing either HtsRC or the active form of myosin), then we will have a better idea of whether we should move the rest of the nuclear scaling data out of the main part of the paper, consolidate it into a single figure (as Reviewer #1 suggests), or keep some of it in the main figures. *

      Planned Revisions based on comments from Reviewer #3

      • I cannot see differences in RC size in the panel A images. More importantly, this method altering ring canal size is limited. A more direct way is overexpression of HtsRC (https://doi.org/10.1534/genetics.120.303629).
      • We have requested and just recently received the line to over-express HtsRC in the germline. We plan to cross this UAS line to the mataTub-GAL4 which expresses GAL4 beginning around stage 3 of oogenesis. Because crossing this UAS line with this GAL4 line produced egg chambers with larger ring canals in the original study2*, we do not anticipate any technical issues with this experiment. We will incorporate the results from analysis of these egg chambers in the revised manuscript. *
      • To further explore the effect of ring canal size on scaling, we will also be testing a condition that we hope will have the opposite effect on ring canal size; expression of a phosphomimetic version of the non-muscle myosin II regulatory light chain, encoded by spaghetti squash (Sqh)(UAS-sqhE20E21). We plan to cross this UAS line to two different GAL4 drivers (nos-GAL4, which expresses GAL4 in a pulse during early oogenesis and then in another pulse in mid-oogenesis and the mataTub-GAL4 which expresses GAL4 beginning around stage 3 of oogenesis). We know that expression of sqhE20E21will reduce the size of the ring canals that connect the nurse cells to each other, but it is possible that the posterior ring canals will not show a strong phenotype. In a study that looked at egg chambers homozygous for a mutation in the myosin binding subunit of the myosin phosphatase, DMYPT, which should also increase sqh phosphorylation, it was shown that the posterior ring canals were larger than those connecting nurse cells 1*. Therefore, it is possible that this condition may not allow us to consistently reduce the size of all ring canal types; however, if we do see a significant reduction in posterior ring canal size in these egg chambers, we will include these data in the revised manuscript. *

      • In panel 2E, it would be helpful to plot the y-intercepts separately, too.

      • Based on the analysis of the data from the proposed experiments, we will consider plotting the y-intercepts separately for the various conditions.

      1. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      Revisions made based on comments from Reviewer #1

      • One way to think about the dhc-64C experiments presented in Figure 2 is that they are meant to test the hypothesis that ring canal size impacts scaling in such a way that transport across the four ring canals tends towards equilibrium over time. One possibility would therefore be that ring canals aren't programmed to grow to a particular final size but rather they grow at different rates until their diameters are the same. This seems to me an important distinction. It might be made by analysis of the arpC2-RNAi cells, since those ring canals are meant to be initially larger. Unfortunately, I can't see the answer.
      • *Reviewer #3 suggested determining the ratio of the diameter of the M1 ring canal to the M4 ring canal. If ring canals grow toward equilibrium (to achieve a similar final size), then we would expect to see this ratio approach 1; when we performed this analysis, we saw that the ratio did decrease as the egg chambers increased in volume, but it never quite reaches a ratio of 1. We have added a supplemental figure (Fig. S1) showing these data and incorporated this idea into the text within the results and discussion sections. *
      • *Although it would be informative to determine whether ring canals that all started with a similar diameter would grow at the same rate, we have not found a condition that would provide the opportunity to test this hypothesis. We hope that the planned experiments will provide us with a way to test this hypothesis; we will determine the M1/M4 ratio in egg chambers over-expressing either HtsRC or sqhE20E21 and see whether this ratio still decreases as egg chamber volume increases. *
      • *Once we perform the planned experiments to either increase or decrease ring canal size, then we can determine whether we need to further modify Fig. 3 to highlight these size differences between ring canals in the arpC2-RNAi egg chambers or whether we will instead focus more on the results of the planned experiments. *

      • The authors write that arpC2-RNAi "ring canals tended to be larger than those in similarly-sized control egg chambers," but that conclusion isn't obvious to me from the data in Figure 3B. The only difference I can see is that the M4 ring canals look to be consistently smaller in the experimental versus control egg chambers, especially at the final timepoint.

      • *To further clarify the difference in ring canal size between the control and the arpC2-RNAi egg chambers, we have added additional explanation to the results section to highlight that the y-intercepts of the lines of best fit are significantly higher in the arpC2-RNAi egg chambers at each stage. This demonstrates that given an egg chamber volume, the ring canals will be larger in egg chambers depleted of ArpC2 than in the controls. *

      • The authors write that "there was a consistent, but not significant decrease in the scaling exponents for the arpC2-RNAi egg chambers compared to controls," but I don't see this in the M1 (identical) or M2 (almost the same) ring canals. The scaling decrease is most pronounced at M4. All the other ring canals seem to reach a final size that's equivalent to controls. What does this tell us about scaling? Is the M4 more sensitive to the effect of arpC2-RNAi? I note and appreciate that the data for M4 show a wide distribution and might have been impacted by outliers, which could be discussed.

      • *We have separated the arpC2-RNAI ring canal scaling data by lineage (Fig. S2), and we have color-coded the data in Fig. 3B (as suggested by Reviewer #3). *
      • We have expanded the discussion of these results and their implications, and we have added a line in the results section to address this wide distribution of the M4 ring canal sizes.

      • The possibility that ring canal scaling "could generate eggs of different sizes" could use some elaboration (at least) as it does not seem to be especially well supported:

      • Only one of the small egg lines had lower scaling exponents than the big egg lines, and it's a struggle for me to understand the extent of that difference based on the data shown. (Is it significant?).
      • *We have restructured this section of the results and modified Fig. 5 to highlight similarities and differences between the four lines. In the results section (and in the figure legend), we have stated that when we compared the slopes of the regression lines for all four lines, there was a significant difference for M1, M2, and M4 (Fig. 5C, D, and F). We have also modified the results section to highlight that although the slopes for line 9.31.4 was not different from the two big egg lines, the intercepts were significantly different for M1, M2, M3, and M4 ring canals. We moved the nuclear scaling data to Fig. S3 to simplify the figure. *

      • The authors conclude that "the effect of lineage on ring canal scaling is conserved, and it suggests that at least in one line, reducing posterior ring canal scaling could provide a mechanism to produce a smaller mature egg." The first part of this sentence is confusing for me since I don't know what is meant here by "conserved." The second part of the sentence is technically correct but disguises what I would consider the more meaningful and exciting finding. The 9.31.4 line produces the smallest eggs but does not demonstrate scaling differences in comparison to the big egg lines examined (1.40.1 and 3.34.1). The authors have therefore avoided/solved a "chicken and egg" ("fruit fly and egg"?) problem by showing that scaling and egg size can be decoupled!

      • We have modified the first part of the sentence to clarify our point. We appreciate this suggestion and have modified the text in the results section to further elaborate on the results.

      • This point is not made very clearly in the discussion, which concludes with the suggestion that scaling could help explain why some insects produce much larger or much smaller eggs that fruit flies. I can only understand this to be the case if - as the authors point out - scaling "affect the directed transfer of materials into the oocyte." That argument seems predicated on the possibility that these insects make the same amount of initial material then regulate how much is transferred. Seems like a costly way to go about it.

      • *We have modified this section of the discussion. *

      • I really had to look very closely to distinguish the little blue boxes from the little blue circles in panels 2C and especially 2D. I suggest using a different color instead of a different shape, or maybe splitting the graphs up.

      • *We have made the shapes larger in Fig. 2C (nuclear sizes), and we have split the ring canal size data into Fig. 2D, E and made the shapes larger. The legend has been modified to reflect this change. *

      • "Depletion of the linker protein, Short stop (Shot), or dynein heavy chain (Dhc64C), significantly reduced the biased transport at the posterior, which reduced oocyte size (Lu et al., 2021)." I suggest this sentence might be clearer if it was rewritten as "Depletion of either dynein heavy chain (Dhc64C) or the linker protein Short stop (Shot) significantly reduces biased transport at the posterior, in turn reducing oocyte size (Lu et al., 2021).

      • We have made this change.

      • "Because nuclear growth has been shown to be tightly coupled to cell growth (Diegmiller et al., 2021), we can use nuclear size as a proxy for nurse cell size." I think it would help the reader to know that the Diegmiller study was performed using germline cysts in the Drosophila ovary; I paused when I got to this sentence because I initially read it as overly broad. I suggest "Recent work in demonstrates that nuclear growth is tightly coupled to cell growth in this system (Diegmiller et al., 2021), and we can therefore use nuclear size as a proxy for nurse cell size" or similar. This is certainly not a required revision, just a suggestion.

      • We have made this change.

      Planned Revisions based on comments from Reviewer #3

      • Reviewer #3 asked: Does the ratio of the diameter of M1 to M4 stay the same?
      • *We have performed this analysis in the control egg chambers (from Fig. 1), and we found that the ratio does not stay the same, but that it tends to decrease as the egg chamber increases in volume. We plotted the log of egg chamber volume versus this ratio, and the equation for the regression line was y = -0.166x + 2.32, which was significantly different from a slope of 0 (included in Fig. S1). *

      • It would be helpful to explain that the log-log plots were used to derive a line equation (y=mx + b) and why that is useful in this context. In the case of a log-log plot, what does the y-intercept mean biologically? Is it simply a way to compare two things or does it indicate real measurements such as volume or ring canal size? Also, the slope of the line is being used as a scaling value. Be careful to define the terms "scaling" and "scaling exponent".

      • We have added additional explanation in the results section.

      • Are four significant digits called for in calculating slope? The figure has 4 significant digits, the text has three.

      • *We have modified all figures and text to include only 3 significant digits. *

      • Why is isometric scaling 0.66 - is that microns squared over microns cubed? Please explain.

      • We have added additional explanation to the results section.

      • Were all four posterior nuclei measured? The figure indicates just M1 and M4.

      • We apologize that it was not clear that all four posterior nuclei were measured in Fig. 1. For the sake of space, we only showed images of the M1, M4, and Anterior ring canals and nuclei (in Fig. 1A), but all four nuclear measurements were included in the graph in Fig. 1B. We have added M1-M4 to the legend to clarify and revised the text of the legend.

      • It is hard to explain why all four posterior nuclei are bigger than anterior when one of the four is the same age as the anterior nucleus.

      • The posterior nuclei are larger than the anterior nuclei due to their proximity to the oocyte. Multiple recent studies have described this hierarchical nurse cell size relationship in which the nurse cells closest to the oocyte are larger than those separated from the oocyte by additional intercellular bridges 3–5*. *

      • In panel D, a conclusion is, "Further, the scaling exponent [slope] for the anterior ring canals, which are also formed during the fourth mitotic division, was not significantly different from that of the posterior M4 ring canals". Anterior is 0.23, M4 is 0.25. These seem different to me. How is significance determined? Were any of the scaling exponents in M1, M2, M3, M4 or Anterior significantly different?

      • *Significance was determined within the Prism software using a method equivalent to an ANCOVA. If the slopes are compared, M1 is significantly different from M2, M3, and M4, and M2 is significantly different from M4. M4 is not significantly different from the slope for the anterior ring canals, which supports the correlation between scaling and lineage. *

      • References are needed for the statements about biased transport to the oocyte.

      • *There was a reference to the Lu (2021) paper in that paragraph, but we have added an additional reference to that paper to this part of the results section. *

      • In panel 2C, why are the scaling exponents (slopes) of the controls bigger than in Figure 1B? The controls look hyper allometric in Fig. 2.

      • *This experiment was done with a different GAL4 driver, so it is possible that there are some differences in scaling based on genetic background. *

      • In panel 2D it is impossible to pick out the control posterior vs anterior lines - use different colors as in Figure 1. Why do the control lines for posterior and anterior merge?

      • *We have split the ring canal scaling data from Fig. 2D into different separate panels (Fig. 2D,E), as suggested by Reviewer #1. *
      • These lines likely approach each other because the slope of the line for the anterior ring canals (M4 type) is always larger than the slope for the combined posterior ring canals.

      • Re: Fig. 3: Scaling of what? RC size?

      • *We assume that this comment is related to the heading for this section of the results, so we have added “ring canal to the end of this title, so that it now reads: “Increasing initial ring canal size does not dramatically alter ring canal scaling” *

      • Since there was no effect, "dramatically" should be deleted from the section title.

      • This change has been made.

      • Clarify this sentence: If ring canal size inversely correlates with scaling, then increasing initial ring canal diameter should reduce the scaling exponent.

      • We have made this change in the text.

      • How does panel B show that RCs are larger in arpC2 KD? Fig. S1A has smaller y-intercept for control. Again, it is impossible to see which lines go with which M and which genotype.

      • *As mentioned above, we have modified Fig. 3 to highlight these differences and added additional explanation to the results section. *

      • Panels 4D & 4G are clear - should include significance indications.

      • *We have added asterisks to indicate significant differences. *

      • The conclusion from panels 5B and 5C that reducing RC scaling could lead to smaller mature eggs is a stretch. Without looking at the rest of the lines these data are preliminary and detract from the rest of the paper.

      • *As suggested by Reviewer #1, we have modified the results and discussion sections, and we have added a statement about the need for analysis of additional lines. *

      2. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      Comment from Reviewer #2

      • I am surprised that the author has not considered controlling the impact of cell cycle regulation on this scaling process, especially as the work of Dorherty et al. has shown that this type of regulation is essential for regulating the size of nurse cell nuclei. The authors should test the impact of at least dacapo and cyclin E in this process.
      • We have attempted to deplete Dacapo from the germline by crossing two different RNAi lines to multiple germline drivers; however, we have been unable to see a consistent effect on nurse cell nuclear size, which suggests that these RNAi lines may not effectively reduce Dacapo protein in the germline. Although we agree with the reviewer that this is an obvious mechanism that should be explored, we believe that it is not necessary for it to be included in this manuscript, because altering Dacapo levels in the germline would not provide a mechanism to explain our model that ring canal lineage impacts ring canal scaling. Dacapo has been shown to contribute to the hierarchical pattern of nurse cell size observed in the germline. Dacapo mRNA produced in the nurse cells is transported into the oocyte, where it is translated. Then, the Dacapo protein diffuses back into the nurse cells, producing a posterior to anterior gradient 4. Doherty (2021) showed that reducing the levels of the Dacapo protein using the deGradFP system eliminated the nurse cell size hierarchy. If our data had supported a model in which proximity to the oocyte was a strong predictor of ring canal size and scaling (as shown for the nurse cells and their nuclei3,5*), then this would have been an excellent way to dig further into the mechanism. Instead, our data supported a role for ring canal lineage in predicting ring canal growth, since the M4 ring canals at the posterior and anterior showed similar scaling with egg chamber volume. *
      • We believe that performing the proposed experiments (over-expressing HtsRC to increase ring canal size or expressing the phosphomimetic form of the myosin regulatory light chain, sqhE20,E21 to reduce ring canal size) will allow us to determine how ring canal size affects scaling, which will provide additional mechanistic insight into this scaling behavior.*


      Comment from Reviewer #3

      • Panel 3E is interesting and would fit better in Figure 1.
      • *This panel is from a different genetic background than the data in Fig. 1. Therefore, we do not think it would be appropriate to move it to Fig. 1. *
    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      *Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      *Major comments: 1. Mirc56_2 and 4 showed lower integration rates, and the authors suggest that this could be due to sgRNA pool imbalance. The authors should validate this by performing sequencing of the input sgRNA and cassettes. *

      →Thank you very much for your comment, and we agree with your suggestion.

      We are going to confirm sgRNA pool imbalance in donor vector library by amplicon short-read NGS.

      In addition, to confirm another possibility that we raised, we re-sequenced sgRNA donor vector for Mirc56_2 and 4, and will add the following sentences:

      “We firstly doubted that their low integration frequencies were caused by any mutations on PB transposon of sgRNA donor vector, on especially ITR or ID that are important for integration efficiency [PMID: 15663772]. Therefore, we sequenced PB transposons for Mirc56_2 and 4 again. However, we could not find any mutations on their PB transposon.” following to “…efficiency or cell growth.” in the Discussion (page14, line 346)

      *2. Clonal analysis in Figure 5c is unclear a. Figure 5c indicates that all changes were homozygous (e.g. both alleles were deleted). Was this the case in all clones? Or were some mutations heterozygous? *

      →Thank you very much for your comment.

      We apologize for the misleading context.

      We targeted mono allele on X chromosome in male mES cells so that all mutations should be hemizygous as mentioned in the Result (page11, line 259-260)

      To enhance our study is monoallelic assessment, we will add the following sentence:

      “This study targeted mono allele on X chromosome in male mES cells so that all genotype on Mirc56 should be hemizygous and these mutations induced might be cis-mutation.” following to“…owing to six tandem repeats [37]” in the Result (page12, line 302)

      *b. Many clones in Figure 5c show that the entire region was deleted (all black dots). Could this be due to some experimental error or misinterpretation of the sequencing data, or could it be validated using some orthogonal method? This is especially surprising for clones in which the final guide (Mirc56_13) was not detected yet the final site (Mirc56_13) was reported as "Regional deletion". *

      →Thank you very much for your comment.

      We apologize for the misleading context.

      Firstly, we just confirmed and sequenced the mature-miRNA genomic regions by amplifying approximately 200 bp around the target sites. Therefore, we defined unamplified regions as “miRNA deletion”. In addition, to make the Figure 5C easy to understand, we added “predicted regional deletion” and each name of clones as attached.

      In fact, only 4 clones harbored entire Mirc56_X deletions on all analysed Mirc56_X genomic region (Mirc56_1 to 13). Besides, these clones could be PCR-amplified by sgRNA cassettes and Sry on Y chromosome so that these results suggested we could successfully obtain their genomic DNA and at least mature-miRNA genomic regions were deleted.

      Moreover, Mirc56_13 deletions without target sites on Mirc56_13 are always within predicted regional deletions that are induced from upstream and downstream of sgRNA target sites. Therefore, it could be estimated that these deletions were induced from the target sites on Mirc56_14, 15, 16, or 17 and upstream of Mirc56_13.

      To clarify them, we will add the following sentences:

      • “Four clones (#2_066, #1_021, #1_029 and #1_046) harboured entire Mirc56_X deletions on all analysed Mirc56_X genomic region. In addition to these clones, only 3 pairs (#2_019 and #2_084, #2_038 and #1_023, #1_016 and #1_027) harboured same combination of mutations.” following to “…combinations of mutations (Figure 5C).” in the Result (page16, line 378-380)
      • “Meanwhile, focusing on relationship between mutations and target sites that targeted by sgRNA cassettes in each clone, all Mirc56_X genomic regions harbouring Indel mutations were target Micr56_X In addition, if sequential Mirc56_Xs on the genome were deleted, the most upstream and downstream of Mirc56_Xs deleted were always on the target Mirc56_X sites except for #2_025 and #1_41.” following to “…combinations of mutations (Figure 5C).” in the Result (page12, line 304)
      • “Genotyping PCR amplified approximately 200 bp around the mature-miRNA genomic region. Unamplified region is defined as miRNA deletion (Black circle) and amplified region was determined as Indel mutation (Gray circle) or Intact by short-NGS. If sequential Mirc56_Xs on the genome were deleted, black translucent square indicates predicted regional deletion assumed that the genomic region flanked by miRNA deletions was also deleted. Besides, if miRNA deletion was induced in Mirc56_13 and the clone have target Mirc56_X on Mirc56_14, 15, 16, or 17” following to “…in each PB mES clone.” in the Figure legend (page23, line 575) Moreover, because we defined “miRNA deletion”, we will change ”regional deletion” to “miRNA deletion” where I mean “deletion of the mature-miRNA genomic regions” in the Result (page13, line 312) and the Discussion (page14, line 363)

      *3. Next-generation targeted sequencing of clones should be made publicly accessible. *

      →Thank you very much for your comment. We apologize for the inconvenience.

      We already informed Review commons that we made publicly available.

      We already described BioProject ID PRJNA996747 in the Data Availability (page16, line 383-384)

      4. OPTIONAL - Cassette integration number is understudied. One important aspect of tiling mutagenesis is the control over how many guides are present in each cell. The authors report an average of 4.7 cassettes/cell. This could be modulated by the amount of donor vector added, and indeed the authors performed titration experiments, but only with a fluorescent reporter readout. It would be very useful to know how the concentration of donor vector corresponds to the number of cassettes/cell - perhaps genotyping of clones from one or two additional experiments would be sufficient.

      → Thank you very much for your suggestion.

      We agree that cassette integration number is one important aspect of tiling mutagenesis.

      To investigate how many copies our concentration of donor vector could integrate, we are going to check actual copy numbers in several clones by qPCR.

      We think that it is other research to confirm “how the concentration of donor vector corresponds to the number of cassettes/cell”. The correlation might not be liner due to transposase overproduction inhibition (OPI) so that it would require huge amounts of experiments to confirm it. Our research is how CTRL-Mutations induce diverse mutations but not how property PB system have.

      Minor comments: 1. The background fails to acknowledge the work of CRISPR-Cas tiling screens (e.g. https://doi.org/10.1038/nbt.3450) or CRISPR-Cas in creating mutagenesis in cell lines (e.g. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-0247-8_29*) *

      → Thank you very much for your suggestion, and we agree with your suggestion.

      We will add to acknowledge previous studies for CRISPR-Cas tilling screens.

      • “Recently, targeted mutagenesis combined forward genetics and reverse genetics has been developed such as saturating mutagenesis and tiling mutagenesis that induce random mutation within target gene(s) [PMID: 25141179, 31586052, 27260157, 28118392]. This targeted mutagenesis can construct a mutant library harbouring subtly different mutations within a target gene(s) so that comparative analysis through the mutant library can screen out critical mutation(s) for biological processes. These random mutagenesises have also revealed the function of numerous coding genes” following to “…list of coding genes [6–8].” in the Introduction (page3, line 55-56)
      • “In addition, the saturating mutagenesis are limited in the length of target region due to an approach basing homology-directed repair although it could introduce random mutations on donor template library harbouring any combination and variety of mutations [PMID: 25141179]. On the other hand, the tiling mutagenesis could expand target length in principle because the length depends on multiplex guide RNA (gRNA) designed to target genomic region. Therefore, tiling mutagenesis has been employed to identify critical regions embedded in cis-elements [PMID: 26375006, 30612741, 26751173, 27708057, 28416141, 31784727]. Tiling mutagenesis requires editor such as Cas9 or epigenetic modifier fused to catalytically dead Cas9 (e.g. KRAB-dCas9), and a library containing multiplex gRNA tiling across target genomic region. In general, random single guide RNA (sgRNA) expression cassette are integrated into chromosomes of host cells by retrotransposon system.” following to “…within a narrow region.” in the Introduction (page4, line 82) However, we do not agree that we have to acknowledge previous report about KI or KO by single or double cut in cell lines (as you suggested that https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-0247-8_29) because it is obvious knowledge. Therefore, we will not add this paper.

      2. Figure 1 left 'ROI random mutant PB mES cell' should be horizontally aligned so Mir_1, Mir_2 and MirX align with the upper figure.

      → Thank you very much for your kind comment, and we agree with your suggestion.

      Therefore, we changed it in the Figure 1.

      *3. It is interesting and unexpected that some guides never induce indels, even in the absence of a regional deletion (e.g. Mirc56_3, Mirc56_7). Why might this be? Was there perhaps an error in the assignment of these guides to these cells? *

      → Thank you very much for your comment.

      As you mentioned, Mirc56_3, 4 and 7 had no indel. We appreciate that we can correct our mistakes by your suggestion. We corrected Figure 5D as attached. In addition, we will correct average Mirc56_X site as 22.6 from 22.7.

      These sgRNA also induced miRNA deletion with low frequency (Mirc56_3: 38.9%, Mirc56_4: 25.0% and Mirc56_7: 68.0%, Figure 5D). Moreover, every deleted Mirc56_3, 4 and 7 was within predicted regional deletion except for target Mirc56_3 of PB mES clone #2_080 (revised Figure 5C).

      Therefore, we raised why some guides never induce indels even in the absence of a regional deletion, as “In addition to low frequencies, Indel mutation might disappear due to regional deletion if these sgRNAs could induce Indel mutation”.

      To clarify them, we will add the following sentences:

      • “In particularly, middle target sites such as Mirc56_3, 4 and 7 were induced only miRNA deletion or Intact (Figure 5D)” following to “…in our mutant library (Figure 5C, D).” in the Discussion (page14, line 364)
      • “In fact, every deleted Mirc56_3, 4 and 7 was within predicted regional deletion except for target Mirc56_3 of PB mES clone #2_080 (Figure 5C). In addition, these sgRNA induced mutation with low frequency (Mirc56_3: 38.9%, Mirc56_4: 25.0% and Mirc56_7: 68.0%, Figure S6). Therefore, we suspected that regional deletion and their low mutation introduction rate facilitated to disappear Indel mutation.” following to “…induced at target sites.” in the Discussion (page14, line 366)

        *4. Regarding Mirc56_2 and 4 integration, on line 34 the authors suggest that "We suspect this was caused by a technical error, such as an unequal amount of sgRNA donor vector or the sequence in sgRNA cassettes affecting integration efficiency or cell growth." sgRNA library imbalance would be a technical error, but integration affecting cell growth is not a technical error. This sentence should be reworded. *

      → Thank you very much for your comment.

      We apologize for the misleading sentence even though this paper was already English-reviewed by English language editor.

      We will reword that “We suspect this was caused by the sequence in sgRNA cassettes affecting integration efficiency or cell growth, or a technical error such as an unequal amount of sgRNA donor vector.” following to “…PB mES clones via FACS..” in the Discussion (page14, line 344)

      *5. Line 540 "ration" is the incorrect word - perhaps "ratio"? *

      → Thank you very much for your kind comment, and we are sorry for the typo.

      We will correct it in the Figure legend (page22, line 540).

      6. Plot 5b should be shown as a histogram rather than a swarm plot to show how many clones were in each category.

      → Thank you very much for your suggestion.

      In Figure 5B, we aimed to indicate the number of sgRNA cassette varieties in each clone but not distribution of the number of integrated sgRNA cassettes. Distribution of the number of integrated sgRNA cassettes in clone library matched with the frequency of target sites in Figure 5D.

      We already described the distribution data as “In addition, an average of 22.7 Mirc56_X sites … the same frequency except for the Mirc56_2- and 4-targeting cassettes.” in the Result (page13, line 312-315)

      *Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      1. General assessment: The authors are successful in creating clonal cell lines bearing a variety of mutations. Unfortunately, the cell lines also have transposase-mediated insertion events of the sgRNA cassettes at unknown positions in the genome, which will hamper the interpretability of any experiment using these cell lines. The authors fail to justify the use of the transposase and integration of the sgRNA, especially compared to lentiviral transfection or RNPs which would produce edits at the region of interest. Alternately, integrated sgRNA cassettes could have been excised with Flp recombinase as in https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-0247-8_29. *

      → Thank you very much for your suggestion.

      We agree that we did not mention why we choose PiggyBac system compared to lentiviral delivery.

      Therefore, we will add the following sentences:

      • “In general, random single guide RNA (sgRNA) expression cassette are integrated into chromosomes of host cells by retrotransposon system. To identify combinations of critical region embedded in target regions, it would require diverse combinations of mutations or inactivation sites. To induce multiple mutations or inactivated sites, it requires multiple sgRNA cassettes integration. However, multiple integration of sgRNA cassettes have higher risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions and may impair functional analysis [PMID: 23435812].” in the Introduction.
      • “Here, we proposed that DNA transposon system rather than retrotransposon system is more suitable to remove sgRNA cassettes from a mutant library. Transposons are genetic elements that can relocate between genomic sites and there are two types of transposons: (1) DNA transposon is transferred by a "cut and paste" mechanism in which the transposon sequence is cut directly from the genome, and (2) retrotransposon is transferred by a "copy and paste" mechanism in which the transposon sequence is transcribed into RNA and then integrated by reverse transcribed [PMID: 21958341]. Therefore, retrotransposon is never removed from the genome. DNA transposon such as PiggyBac, Sleeping Beauty and Tol2 systems are also used as gene transfer tools in vertebrates [PMID: 26481584]. Especially, PiggyBac leaves no footprint on integrated sites after transposons relocated while other DNA transposon system leaves small insertion on integrated sites [PMID: 34064900]. In addition, excision-only-PiggyBac transposase that can remove transposons but not integrate them, is developed [PMID: 27929521]. Only PiggyBac system can remove transposons carrying sgRNA cassettes from mutant library with no footprint. Therefore, we aimed to validate PiggyBac system for CRISPRko tilling mutagenesis.” in the Introduction. However, we are not going to mention comparison to RNPs because it is obvious that random sgRNA expressions is important key for random mutagenesis and design of random sgRNA treatments by RNP is difficult. The reason is that the target region might be cleaved by almost all sgRNA incorporated into cells. On the other hand, it is easier to design the number of sgRNA expression variety using the delivery system via integration into the chromosome because only integrate sgRNA are expressed.

      In addition, we could not agree that “integrated sgRNA cassettes could have been excised with Flp recombinase as in https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-0247-8_29.”

      This paper reports the concept that one EM7>neoR expression cassette flanked by Frt within KI allele could select intended-KI clone and then the cassette could remove by Flp recombinase. However, this approach is not suitable for our method because it causes structural mutation by recombination of multi Frt cassettes that are integrated into nearby genomic regions. Therefore, we will not mention it.

      *2. Additionally, the genotyping analysis is unclear, and seems to indicate that each clone bears homozygous mutations, with several clones showing deletions of the entire region. *

      → Thank you very much for your suggestion.

      We will revise them in Reviewer #1 Major comment 2a and b.

      3. Advance: The authors are motivated to create clones using tiling mutagenesis. Tiling mutagenesis has already been performed without transposases (e.g. https://doi.org/10.1038/nbt.3450, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0170445, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-12489-8*) in the context of a screen, and clones have already been created using CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis so the advance presented in this manuscript over previous published work is unclear. *

      →Thank you very much for your suggestion, and we agree with your suggestion.

      We will add to acknowledge previous studies for CRISPR-Cas tilling screens.

      We will add the following sentences:

      • “Recently, targeted mutagenesis combined forward genetics and reverse genetics has been developed such as saturating mutagenesis and tiling mutagenesis that induce random mutation within target gene(s) [PMID: 25141179, 31586052, 27260157, 28118392]. This targeted mutagenesis can construct a mutant library harbouring subtly different mutations within a target gene(s) so that comparative analysis through the mutant library can screen out critical mutation(s) for biological processes. These random mutagenesises have also revealed the function of numerous coding genes” following to “…list of coding genes [6–8].” in the Introduction (page3, line 55-56)
      • “In addition, the saturating mutagenesis are limited in the length of target region due to an approach basing homology-directed repair although it could introduce random mutations on donor template library harbouring any combination and variety of mutations [PMID: 25141179]. On the other hand, the tiling mutagenesis could expand target length in principle because the length depends on multiplex guide RNA (gRNA) designed to target genomic region. Therefore, tiling mutagenesis has been employed to identify critical regions embedded in cis-elements [PMID: 26375006, 30612741, 26751173, 27708057, 28416141, 31784727]. Tiling mutagenesis requires editor such as Cas9 or epigenetic modifier fused to catalytically dead Cas9 (e.g. KRAB-dCas9), and a library containing multiplex gRNA tiling across target genomic region. In general, random single guide RNA (sgRNA) expression cassette are integrated into chromosomes of host cells by retrotransposon system.” following to “…within a narrow region.” in the Introduction (page4, line 82) The paper you raised as DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nbt.3450 applied CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis to find out critical region embedded 2 kb of p53 binding enhancer region by lentiviral delivery of sgRNA cassettes. Our method employs PiggyBac system that can remove the sgRNA cassettes from the chromosome with no footprint. Therefore, our method should be novel method that generates mutant library with no risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions. In addition, we expand the length of target region to more than 50 kb. This is one of the advances.

      The paper you raised as DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0170445 applied CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis to find out critical mutation on MAP2K1 and BRAF protein coding sequence by lentiviral delivery of sgRNA cassettes. Our method employs PiggyBac system that can remove the sgRNA cassettes from the chromosome with no footprint. Therefore, our method should be novel method that generates mutant library with no risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions.

      The paper you raised as DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-12489-8 applied CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis for to find out critical domain from protein coding sequence by lentiviral delivery of sgRNA cassettes. Our method employs PiggyBac system that can remove the sgRNA cassettes from the chromosome with no footprint. Therefore, our method should be novel method that generates mutant library with no risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions.

      To clarify the advantages, we will add the following sentences:

      • “Here, we proposed that DNA transposon system rather than retrotransposon system is more suitable to remove sgRNA cassettes from a mutant library. Transposons are genetic elements that can relocate between genomic sites and there are two types of transposons: (1) DNA transposon is transferred by a "cut and paste" mechanism in which the transposon sequence is cut directly from the genome, and (2) retrotransposon is transferred by a "copy and paste" mechanism in which the transposon sequence is transcribed into RNA and then integrated by reverse transcribed [PMID: 21958341]. Therefore, retrotransposon is never removed from the genome. DNA transposon such as PiggyBac, Sleeping Beauty and Tol2 systems are also used as gene transfer tools in vertebrates [PMID: 26481584]. Especially, PiggyBac leaves no footprint on integrated sites after transposons relocated while other DNA transposon system leaves small insertion on integrated sites [PMID: 34064900]. In addition, excision-only-PiggyBac transposase that can remove transposons but not integrate them, is developed [PMID: 27929521]. Only PiggyBac system can remove transposons carrying sgRNA cassettes from mutant library with no footprint. Therefore, we aimed to validate PiggyBac system for CRISPRko tilling mutagenesis.” in the Introduction.
      • “CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis is conducted for less than 15 kb target genomic region so far [PMID: 26375006, 30612741], while CRISPRi tiling mutagenesis can target more than 70 kb [PMID: 27708057], it is reported that. Hence, it remains unknown unclear how length CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis could expand” in the Introduction. In addition, we are going to conduct transposon removal by exicision-only-PBase treatment with several PB mES clones, for the proof of concept that CTRL-Mutagenesis can generate mutant library with no sgRNA cassettes.

      *4. Audience: The manuscript is written for the basic research audience, and the method could be applied to the study of regions of interest in many diseases. However, the unexcised use of transposases make the method less desirable than other methods. *

      → Thank you very much for your suggestion.

      We do not agree that the PiggyBac make the method less desirable than other methods.

      As mentioned in our response for reviewer #1 Significance 3, only PiggyBac system can remove transposons carrying sgRNA cassettes from mutant library with no footprint. Multiple integration of sgRNA cassettes have higher risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions and may impair functional analysis. However, sgRNA cassettes by lentiviral delivery is never removed from the genome. In addition, other approaches such as Flp recombinase that reviewer #1 proposed in Significance 1 is not better than PiggyBac because Flp recombinase causes stratal mutation by recombination of multi Frt cassettes that are integrated into nearby genomic regions.

      To clarify them, we will add the following sentences:

      • “However, multiple integration of single guide RNA (sgRNA) cassettes has higher risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions and may impair functional analysis.” in the Abstract.
      • “However, multiple integration of sgRNA cassettes have higher risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions and may impair functional analysis [PMID: 23435812]. To eliminate the risk that integrated sgRNA cassettes disrupt non-targeted endogenous genes, it is best way to remove the sgRNA cassettes from the chromosome.” in the Introduction.
      • “Here, we proposed that DNA transposon system rather than retrotransposon system is more suitable to remove sgRNA cassettes from a mutant library. Transposons are genetic elements that can relocate between genomic sites and there are two types of transposons: (1) DNA transposon is transferred by a "cut and paste" mechanism in which the transposon sequence is cut directly from the genome, and (2) retrotransposon is transferred by a "copy and paste" mechanism in which the transposon sequence is transcribed into RNA and then integrated by reverse transcribed [PMID: 21958341]. Therefore, retrotransposon is never removed from the genome. DNA transposon such as PiggyBac, Sleeping Beauty and Tol2 systems are also used as gene transfer tools in vertebrates [PMID: 26481584]. Especially, PiggyBac leaves no footprint on integrated sites after transposons relocated while other DNA transposon system leaves small insertion on integrated sites [PMID: 34064900]. In addition, excision-only-PiggyBac transposase that can remove transposons but not integrate them, is developed [PMID: 27929521]. Only PiggyBac system can remove transposons carrying sgRNA cassettes from mutant library with no footprint. Therefore, we aimed to validate PiggyBac system for CRISPRko tilling mutagenesis.” in the Introduction. In addition, we are going to conduct transposon removal by exicision-only-PBase treatment with several PB mES clones, for the proof of concept that CTRL-Mutagenesis can generate mutant library with no sgRNA cassettes.

      *Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Major concerns:

      1) Concern about the Novelty of Functional Analysis Platforms: The authors claim that there are no established platforms for the study of cis-elements or microRNA clusters. This assertion seems inaccurate, as previous studies have utilized Cas9 tiling screens to investigate cis-regulatory elements (CREs) and large-scale screens to probe microRNA functions, as exemplified by the works of Canver et al. in Nature 2015, Gasperini et al. in Cell 2019, and others. *

      → Thank you very much for your suggestion, and we agree with your suggestion.

      We apologize our false claim so that we will delete the following sentences:

      • “In contrast, no functional analysis platforms have been established for the study of cis-elements or microRNA cluster regions consisting of multiple microRNAs with functional overlap” in the Abstract (page2, line 28-30)
      • “While loss-of-function analysis has been conducted for numerous coding genes, very limited progress has been made on non-coding genes and cis-elements.” in the Introduction (page3, line 47-49) The paper you raised as DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nature15521 (Canver et al. in Nature 2015) applied CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis to find out critical region embedded 12 kb of BCL11A enhancer region by lentiviral delivery of sgRNA cassettes. Our method employs PiggyBac system that can remove the sgRNA cassettes from the chromosome with no footprint. Therefore, our method should be novel method that generates mutant library with no risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions. In addition, we expand the length of target region to more than 50 kb. This is one of the advances.

      The paper you raised as DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2018.11.029 (Gasperini et al. in Cell 2019) applied CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis to find out critical region embedded maximum 12 kb enhancer candidates, in addition to CRISPRi tilling candidate screening through one sgRNA by one candidate enhancer, by lentiviral delivery of sgRNA cassettes. Our method employs PiggyBac system that can remove the sgRNA cassettes from the chromosome with no footprint. Therefore, our method should be novel method that generates mutant library with no risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions. In addition, we expand the length of target region to more than 50 kb. This is one of the advances. Additionally, to identify combinations of critical region embedded in target regions, it would require diverse combinations of mutations or inactivation sites. To induce multiple mutations or inactivated sites, it requires multiple sgRNA cassettes integration. However, multiple integration of sgRNA cassettes have higher risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions and may impair functional analysis. To eliminate the risk that integrated sgRNA cassettes disrupt non-targeted endogenous genes, it is best way to remove the sgRNA cassettes from the chromosome. Thus, to identify combinations of critical region embedded in target regions with no artifact owing to no footprint by removal of sgRNA cassettes, CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis rather than CRISPRi is better method because CRISPRi requires integrated cassettes that stably expressed sgRNA and epigenetic modifier fused to dCas9. Therefore, our method should be novel method that generates mutant library with no risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions to find out combinations of critical region embedded in target regions.

      Therefore, to add to acknowledge previous studies and clarify the advantages, we will add the following sentences:

      • “In addition, the saturating mutagenesis are limited in the length of target region due to an approach basing homology-directed repair although it could introduce random mutations on donor template library harbouring any combination and variety of mutations [PMID: 25141179]. On the other hand, the tiling mutagenesis could expand target length in principle because the length depends on multiplex guide RNA (gRNA) designed to target genomic region. Therefore, tiling mutagenesis has been employed to identify critical regions embedded in cis-elements [PMID: 26375006, 30612741, 26751173, 27708057, 28416141, 31784727]. Tiling mutagenesis requires editor such as Cas9 or epigenetic modifier fused to catalytically dead Cas9 (e.g. KRAB-dCas9), and a library containing multiplex gRNA tiling across target genomic region. In general, random single guide RNA (sgRNA) expression cassette are integrated into chromosomes of host cells by retrotransposon system.” following to “…within a narrow region.” in the Introduction (page4, line 82)
      • “To identify combinations of critical region embedded in target regions, it would require diverse combinations of mutations or inactivation sites. To induce multiple mutations or inactivated sites, it requires multiple sgRNA cassettes integration. However, multiple integration of sgRNA cassettes have higher risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions and may impair functional analysis [PMID: 23435812]. To eliminate the risk that integrated sgRNA cassettes disrupt non-targeted endogenous genes, it is best way to remove the sgRNA cassettes from the chromosome. Thus, to identify combinations of critical region embedded in target regions with no artifact owing to no footprint by removal of sgRNA cassettes, CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis rather than CRISPRi is better method because CRISPRi requires integrated cassettes that stably expressed sgRNA and epigenetic modifier fused to dCas9.” in the Introduction.
      • “Here, we proposed that DNA transposon system rather than retrotransposon system is more suitable to remove sgRNA cassettes from a mutant library. Transposons are genetic elements that can relocate between genomic sites and there are two types of transposons: (1) DNA transposon is transferred by a "cut and paste" mechanism in which the transposon sequence is cut directly from the genome, and (2) retrotransposon is transferred by a "copy and paste" mechanism in which the transposon sequence is transcribed into RNA and then integrated by reverse transcribed [PMID: 21958341]. Therefore, retrotransposon is never removed from the genome. DNA transposon such as PiggyBac, Sleeping Beauty and Tol2 systems are also used as gene transfer tools in vertebrates [PMID: 26481584]. Especially, PiggyBac leaves no footprint on integrated sites after transposons relocated while other DNA transposon system leaves small insertion on integrated sites [PMID: 34064900]. In addition, excision-only-PiggyBac transposase that can remove transposons but not integrate them, is developed [PMID: 27929521]. Only PiggyBac system can remove transposons carrying sgRNA cassettes from mutant library with no footprint. Therefore, we aimed to validate PiggyBac system for CRISPRko tilling mutagenesis.” in the Introduction.
      • “CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis is conducted for less than 15 kb target genomic region so far [PMID: 26375006, 30612741], while CRISPRi tiling mutagenesis can target more than 70 kb [PMID: 27708057], it is reported that. Hence, it remains unknown unclear how length CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis could expand” in the Introduction. On the other hand, we could not find previous studies employing Cas9 tiling mutagenesis to investigate miRNA functions. The application for miRNA cluster is also one of the advances.

      2) Advantages of PiggyBack System Over Lentiviral Integration: The paper does not clearly articulate the advantages of their proposed PiggyBack-based system for sgRNA integration over traditional lentiviral integration. Both methods facilitate the random integration of multiple gRNAs, but the paper lacks a comparative analysis or justification for choosing the PiggyBack system.

      → Thank you very much for your suggestion, and we agree with your suggestion.

      We agree that we did not mention why we choose PiggyBac system compared to lentiviral delivery.

      Therefore, we will add the following sentences:

      • “In general, random single guide RNA (sgRNA) expression cassette are integrated into chromosomes of host cells by retrotransposon system. To identify combinations of critical region embedded in target regions, it would require diverse combinations of mutations or inactivation sites. To induce multiple mutations or inactivated sites, it requires multiple sgRNA cassettes integration. However, multiple integration of sgRNA cassettes have higher risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions and may impair functional analysis [PMID: 23435812].” in the Introduction.
      • “Here, we proposed that DNA transposon system rather than retrotransposon system is more suitable to remove sgRNA cassettes from a mutant library. Transposons are genetic elements that can relocate between genomic sites and there are two types of transposons: (1) DNA transposon is transferred by a "cut and paste" mechanism in which the transposon sequence is cut directly from the genome, and (2) retrotransposon is transferred by a "copy and paste" mechanism in which the transposon sequence is transcribed into RNA and then integrated by reverse transcribed [PMID: 21958341]. Therefore, retrotransposon is never removed from the genome. DNA transposon such as PiggyBac, Sleeping Beauty and Tol2 systems are also used as gene transfer tools in vertebrates [PMID: 26481584]. Especially, PiggyBac leaves no footprint on integrated sites after transposons relocated while other DNA transposon system leaves small insertion on integrated sites [PMID: 34064900]. In addition, excision-only-PiggyBac transposase that can remove transposons but not integrate them, is developed [PMID: 27929521]. Only PiggyBac system can remove transposons carrying sgRNA cassettes from mutant library with no footprint. Therefore, we aimed to validate PiggyBac system for CRISPRko tilling mutagenesis.” in the Introduction.

        *3) Lack of Comparative Analysis with Alternative Methods: The authors did not provide a comparison of CTRL-Mutagenesis with other existing screening methods. Such a comparison is crucial for understanding the effectiveness and efficiency of the new method in relation to established techniques. *

      → Thank you very much for your suggestion.

      We agree with the comparison is one of important experiments.

      However, our main claim is validation of tiling mutagenesis using PiggyBac that is only integration system with no footprint. Therefore, we propose our novelty without the comparison and not argue higher / lower efficiency of CTRL-Mutagenesis compared to exiting methods.

      *4) Limitations in Library Resolution: The paper acknowledges the limited resolution of their proposed library. The authors might have explored the use of base editors for enhanced resolution in such screens, as base editing could potentially offer more precise and controlled mutagenesis as briefly mentioned in the discussion. *

      → Thank you very much for your suggestion.

      We agree with your suggestion.

      Base editing is occurred within only editing window. In addition, a major limitation of prime editing is low efficiency (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tibtech.2023.03.004). Therefore, design of sgRNA for base editor or pegRNA and its editing efficiency requires huge amounts of experiments.

      Our study is proof of concept to validate PiggyBac system for CRISPRko tilling mutagenesis and expanded the length of target regions. Thus, we just discussed limited resolution of our mutant library and proposed the use of base editors for enhanced resolution in the Discussion (page14, line 366-370).

      5) Absence of Functional Data Post-Mutagenesis: A significant limitation of the study is the absence of functional data following the creation of cells with different mutations. While the authors speculate about using differentiation systems or organoids for practical applications, they do not provide empirical data to demonstrate the utility of the CTRL-Mutagenesis approach. This lack of functional validation raises questions about the practical applicability of the method.

      → Thank you very much for your suggestion.

      We agree with your suggestion.

      We would make functional analysis future research.

      In this paper, we just validated PiggyBac system for CRISPRko tilling mutagenesis and expanded the length of target regions.

      To change our tone that claiming usability of our method for functional analysis, we will change the following sentences:

      • Change “to identify functionally important elements in non-coding regions” to “to induce diverse combination and variety of mutations within more than 50 kb non-coding region” in the Title.
      • Add “However, not much loss-of-function screens of non-coding regulatory elements has been conducted due to ambiguous annotations compared with protein-coding genes. Tiling mutagenesis has been employed to identify critical regions embedded in non-coding regulatory elements by comparative analysis through a mutant library harbouring subtly different regions mutated within less than 15 kb region. Conventional tiling mutagenesis construct a mutant library integrated multiple sgRNA cassettes by retroviral delivery. However, multiple integration of single guide RNA (sgRNA) cassettes has higher risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions and may impair functional analysis. Herein, combining tiling mutagenesis and PiggyBac transposon that can be removed with no footprint on integrated sites, we established an expanded tilling mutagenesis method named CRISPR- & Transposase-based RegionaL Mutagenesis (CTRL-Mutagenesis). We demonstrated that PiggyBac system could integrated diverse combinations and varieties of sgRNA cassettes.and then CTRL-Mutagenesis randomly induces diverse combination and variety of mutations within more than 50 kb non-coding region in murine embryonic stem cells. CTRL-Mutagenesis would apply for wider non-coding regulatory elements with no risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions.” in the Abstract.
      • Delete “Comparative analysis of mutants harbouring subtly different mutations within the same region would facilitate the further study of cis-element and microRNA clusters.” in the Abstract (page2, line 38-40).
      • Change “The generated random mutant mES clone library could facilitate further functional analyses of non-coding regulatory elements within the genome.” to “The generated random mutant mES clone library could develop to investigate critical regions of non-coding regulatory elements within the genome.” In the Introduction (page4, line 88-90)

        *Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

        1. In summary, while the idea to integrate sgRNA in the genome by the PiggyBack system is interesting the claim of novelty is questionable due to existing methods in the field. The advantages of their system over existing technologies are not clearly articulated, and a lack of comparative analysis with other methods leaves the efficiency of CTRL-Mutagenesis uncertain. *

      → Thank you very much for your suggestion.

      Previous studies about CRISPRko and CRISPRi tiling mutagenesis employ lentiviral delivery of sgRNA cassettes into the genome. However, multi sgRNA cassette integrations have higher risk to disrupt non-targeted endogenous functions. To eliminate the risk that integrated sgRNA cassettes disrupt non-targeted endogenous genes, it is best way to remove the sgRNA cassettes from the chromosome. Nevertheless, lentiviral transposon, one of retrotransposon, cannot be removed from the chromosome. On the other hand, only PiggyBac transposon can be removed with no footprint. Therefore, we aimed to validate PiggyBac system for tiling mutagenesis. Moreover, there is no report that CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis apply for more than 15 kb genomic region. Therefore, we aimed to expand the length of target region.

      Therefore, we will change our claim that our method could expand CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis to more than 50 kb with no risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruption.

      We will add the novelty and advantage of our method.

      • “Here, we proposed that DNA transposon system rather than retrotransposon system is more suitable to remove sgRNA cassettes from a mutant library. Transposons are genetic elements that can relocate between genomic sites and there are two types of transposons: (1) DNA transposon is transferred by a "cut and paste" mechanism in which the transposon sequence is cut directly from the genome, and (2) retrotransposon is transferred by a "copy and paste" mechanism in which the transposon sequence is transcribed into RNA and then integrated by reverse transcribed [PMID: 21958341]. Therefore, retrotransposon is never removed from the genome. DNA transposon such as PiggyBac, Sleeping Beauty and Tol2 systems are also used as gene transfer tools in vertebrates [PMID: 26481584]. Especially, PiggyBac leaves no footprint on integrated sites after transposons relocated while other DNA transposon system leaves small insertion on integrated sites [PMID: 34064900]. In addition, excision-only-PiggyBac transposase that can remove transposons but not integrate them, is developed [PMID: 27929521]. Only PiggyBac system can remove transposons carrying sgRNA cassettes from mutant library with no footprint. Therefore, we aimed to validate PiggyBac system for CRISPRko tilling mutagenesis.” in the Introduction.
      • “CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis is conducted for less than 15 kb target genomic region so far [PMID: 26375006, 30612741], while CRISPRi tiling mutagenesis can target more than 70 kb [PMID: 27708057], it is reported that. Hence, it remains unknown unclear how length CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis could expand” in the Introduction. However, our main claim is validation of tiling mutagenesis using PiggyBac that is only integration system with no footprint. Therefore, we will propose our novelty without the comparison and not argue higher / lower efficiency of CTRL-Mutagenesis compared to exiting methods.

      In addition, we are going to conduct transposon removal by exicision-only-PBase treatment with several PB mES clones, for the proof of concept that CTRL-Mutagenesis can generate mutant library with no sgRNA cassettes.

      2. Moreover, the limited resolution of their library and the absence of functional data post-mutagenesis are significant drawbacks that need to be addressed in future research to ascertain the method's practical utility.

      → Thank you very much for your suggestion.

      We agree with your suggestion.

      We would make functional analysis future research.

      Base editing is occurred within only editing window. In addition, a major limitation of prime editing is low efficiency (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tibtech.2023.03.004). Therefore, design of sgRNA for base editor or pegRNA and its editing efficiency requires huge amounts of experiments.

      Our study is proof of concept to validate PiggyBac system for CRISPRko tilling mutagenesis and expanded the length of target regions. Thus, we just discussed limited resolution of our mutant library and proposed the use of base editors for enhanced resolution in the Discussion (page14, line 366-370).

      Therefore, we just claimed that we validated PiggyBac system for CRISPRko tilling mutagenesis and expanded the length of target regions.

      *Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Major comments: 1. Authors claim that "CTRL-mutagenesis randomly induces diverse mutations only within the targeted regions in murine embryonic stem (mES) cells.", however, the outcome of mutations is not entirely random since most of the mutations are regional deletions. For example, despite the random distribution of gRNAs per cell, the inner regions like Mirc56_5 or Mirc56_8 are mutated with >80% efficiency.*

      → Thank you very much for your comment.

      We agree that middle regions are tending to be deleted and mutation type induced is not entirely random. However, we do not agree that “the outcome of mutations is not entirely random since most of the mutations are regional deletions.” Focusing on the combinations of mutations as mentioned in the Result (page12, line 302-304), CTRL-Mutagenesis could induce diverse mutation combinations randomly at a moderate degree. In fact, 79.2% of clones harboring multiple mutations were induced different combinations of mutations. In addition, to confirm how mutations occurred within Mirc56 by CTRL-Mutagenesis, we constructed only 87 mutant clones though single cloning. Therefore, it is not completely understanded due to fewer clones compared with conventional CRISPRko tiling mutant library. Of course, we should improve the randomness of mutation combinations, but we already discussed it and proposed solutions in the Discussion (page14, line 366-370).

      Certainly, CTRL-Mutagenesis would be difficult to identify necessary and sufficient genomic region due to incomplete randomness. Nevertheless, there is no report to induce diverse combination and variety of mutations within more than 50 kb genomic region. Hence, CTRL-Mutagenesis should be worth screening out critical regions within more than 50 kb regions.

      To clarify them, will add the following sentences:

      • “CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis is conducted for less than 15 kb target genomic region so far [PMID: 26375006, 30612741], while CRISPRi tiling mutagenesis can target more than 70 kb [PMID: 27708057], it is reported that. Hence, it remains unknown unclear how length CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis could expand” in the Introduction.
      • “Four clones (#2_066, #1_021, #1_029 and #1_046) harboured entire Mirc56_X deletions on all analysed Mirc56_X genomic region. In addition to these clones, only 3 pairs (#2_019 and #2_084, #2_038 and #1_023, #1_016 and #1_027) were induced same combination of mutations. Besides, 26 clones had only one mutation from Mirc56_1 to Mirc56_13. On the other hand, there was no mutation on Mirc56_1 to 13 in 11 clones including 5 clones (#2_012, #2_015, #2_054, #2_092 and #2_102) carried no sgRNA cassette for Mirc56 _1 to 13 and 6 clones (#2_017, #2_053, #2_098, #1_003, #1_012 and #1_044) even carried any one of sgRNA cassettes for Mirc56 _1 to 13. Among 48 clones carrying multiple mutations except for clones carrying only one mutation or Intact, 38 clones (79.2%) harboured different combinations of mutations. These results suggested that CTRL-Mutagenesis could induce diverse combinations of mutations.” following to “…different combinations of mutations (Figure 5C).” in the Result (page12, line 304)
      • “Note that CTRL-Mutagenesis would be difficult to identify necessary and sufficient genomic region due to incomplete randomness. Nevertheless, CTRL-Mutagenesis should be worth screening out critical regions within more than 50 kb regions” following to “…to induce regional deletions.” in the Discussion (page15, line 378)
      • Change “diverse mutations” to “diverse combination and variety of mutations” in the Title, Abstract (page2, line 37), Introduction (page4, line 87), Result (page13, line 318), Discussion (page13, line 325), (page14, line 363) Additionally, we do not agree with your suggestions that “the inner regions like Mirc56_5 or Mirc56_8 are mutated with >80% efficiency”. We apologize for the misleading context. These high mutation rates were calculated on only the target sites. Actually, maximum mutation rate on all MIrc56_X genomic regions are 44.8% on Mirc56_10, minimum is 14.9% on Mirc56_2 and an average is 30.9% (attached Figure).

      We appreciate that we can recognize our misleading context by your suggestion. It is more important that the analysis focusing all Mirc56_X genomic regions rather than target Mirc56_X. Therefore, we newly made figure about event occurrence in Mirc56_X genomic regions (attached Figure) as Figure 5D and replaced previous Figure 5D about event occurrence in target Mirc56_X to Supplemental Figure S6.

      To clarify them, we will add the following sentences:

      • “As for event occurrences on each Mirc56_X genomic region, miRNA deletions were dominant and an average of 26.7 Mirc56_X genomic region were induced mutations in 87 clones (Figure 5D). Maximum mutation rate on all MIrc56_X genomic regions was 44.8% (39/87) on Mirc56_10, minimum was 14.9% (13/87) on Mirc56_2” following to “…on the same strand” in the Result (page12, line 309)
      • “__D, __Mutations in 87 Mirc56 random mutant clones. The target sites do not include Mirc56_14, 15, 16, and The vertical axis and bar graphs show event occurrence on each Mirc56 genomic region in 87 Mirc56 random mutant clones. The bar colour indicates each event (Black: Regional deletion, Gray: Indel mutation, White: Intact).” in the Figure legend.

        2. Also, although the authors discuss that the lower mutation frequency observed for Mirc56_2 and 4 may be due to a technical error, confirming this by repeating the experiment would be important to prove the usability of this method.

      →Thank you very much for your comment, and we agree with your suggestion.

      We had already constructed bulk PB mES cells twice and showed Figure 4B combined these experimental replicates.

      To clarify that we constructed bulk PB mES cells twice, we changed Figure 4B as attached and will add the following sentences:

      • “Even though these bulk PB mES cells were constructed twice, it seemed that sgRNA cassettes for Mirc56_2 and 4 were difficult to integrate into the genome.” following to “…were rarely detected” in the Result (page11, line 273)
      • “In addition, we suspected technical errors so that we constructed bulk PB mES cells twice. Unfortunately, their low integration frequencies were not improved.” following to “…efficiency or cell growth.” in the Discussion (page14, line 346)
      • “Bulk1 and Bulk2 indicate the experimental replicate.” following to “…next-generation sequencing (NGS).”in the Figure legend (page22 line 563) In addition, we re-sequenced sgRNA donor vector for Mirc56_2 and 4, and will add the following sentences:

      “We firstly doubted that their low integration frequencies were caused by any mutations on PB transposon of sgRNA donor vector, on especially ITR or ID that are important for integration efficiency [PMID: 15663772]. Therefore, we sequenced PB transposons for Mirc56_2 and 4 again. However, we could not find any mutations on their PB transposon.” following to “…efficiency or cell growth.” in the Discussion (page14, line 346)

      Moreover, to confirm the technical error, we are going to confirm sgRNA pool imbalance in donor vector library by amplicon short-read NGS.

      *3. Additionally, the experiments were performed on the haploid X chromosome of a male cell line. It is questionable whether this method can be generalized to other regions located in the other chromosomes. Clarifying These points would be essential especially because the focus of this manuscript is to describe the efficiency of this novel methodology. *

      →Thank you very much for your comment.

      We expect that CTRL-Mutagenesis could be valid on other biallelic locus.

      Therefore, we raised predicted issue such as complex genotyping and proposed one solution.

      When we target other biallelic locus, we must determine whether the combination of mutations induced are cis- or trans-mutations. Haplotype phasing, combined long-read sequencing with SNP markers within ROI on maternal/paternal chromosome, assembles each allele via SNP markers on each read [PMID: 35710642]. Therefore, combining CTRL-Mutagenesis on heterozygotic alleles of cells derived from such as human or murine hybrid with haplotype phasing might simplify genotyping.

      We will add the following sentences:

      “In this study, CTRL-Mutagenesis was validated by genotyping on mono allele in male mES cells to avoid investigating whether the combination of mutations induced are cis- or trans-mutations. All genotypes on Mirc56 should be hemizygous and these mutations induced might be cis-mutations so that we determined the genotypes by amplifying approximately 200 bp around the target sites. However, we did not confirm large mutations such as deletion of the genomic region between target sites and inversion. Long-read sequencing might capture their large mutations. Besides, we also expect that CTRL-Mutagenesis could be valid for ROI on biallelic autosome and X chromosome in female. Therefore, it is required to determine whether the combination of mutations induced are cis- or trans-mutation. Haplotype phasing, combined long-read sequencing with SNP markers within ROI on maternal/paternal chromosome, assembles each allele via SNP markers on each read [PMID: 35710642]. Therefore, combining CTRL-Mutagenesis on heterozygotic alleles of cells derived from such as human or murine hybrid with haplotype phasing might simplify genotyping.” in the Discussion.

      *4. The limitations of the methods seem not to be fully described in the manuscript and must be clarified. Compared to the previous studies (see "significance" section for details), this method is inferior in that (1) it is time-consuming because it requires clonal expansion of single cells and (2) it has low throughput because it requires genome sequencing due to the occurrence of deletions. These points should be described for the potential users of this methodology. For example, it may be useful to detail the time consumption in each experimental step in Fig. 4A. *

      →Thank you very much for your comment.

      We do not agree that (1) it is time-consuming because it requires clonal expansion of single cells.

      To confirm the mutations that CTRL-Mutagenesis induced, we did not conduct phenotyping screening such as dropout screening in this study. For further high-throughput screening, CTRL-Mutagenesis could apply bulk mutant mES cells, that is treated with Cas9 and EGFP-positive, for phenotyping screening.

      Additionally, we do not agree that (2) it has low throughput because it requires genome sequencing due to the occurrence of deletions. In this study, to prove our concept that CTRL-Mutagenesis could induce diverse combinations and varieties of mutations such as Indel and regional deletion, we conducted genotyping in all random mutant clones. On the other hand, there are alternative comparative method to improve throughput without genotyping. Combination of phenotyping screening and gene expression assay for target miRNAs or transcript regulated by target cis-element help us obtain clones harboring mutations on functionally critical regions within target region. Finally, we should conduct genotyping to identify critical regions embedded in non-coding regulatory elements.

      Even so, we will add the time consumption in Figure 4A as attached because the information may be useful for potential users as you mentioned.

      *Minor comments: 1. Data and methods are well-presented for reproducibility. The EGFP-positive ratio may be added to Fig. 4C for clarity. *

      →Thank you very much for your kind comment.

      We added the EGFP-positive ratio to Figure 4C and will add the following sentence:

      “The percentage above the box indicates the EGFP-positive ratio.” following to “…the gates of the EGFP filter.” in the Figure legends (page23, line 567)

      2. Enhance referencing accuracy, rectify DOI format in ref 21, and ensure consistency in citation formatting, e.g., ref 32.

      →Thank you very much for your kind comment.

      Along with the transfer, we will modify the style of references and have already confirmed the referencing accuracy in the Reference.

      3. It seems that the experimental condition (e.g. The amount of vectors used for transfection) should be re-considered every time the researcher wants to set up an experiment changing target genomic regions, cell types etc. If so, this also should be described in the text for potential users of this method.

      →Thank you very much for your comment, and we agree with your suggestion.

      We will add the following sentences:

      “This study just validated CTRL-Mutagenesis for 17 target sites in mES cells. Therefore, it might be better to adjust the number of integrated sgRNA cassettes according to the number of target sites and cell types.” following to “…sgRNA cassettes to be integrated.” in the Discussion (page14, line 355)

      *Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      There were various methods described in the late 2010's which aimed to screen for the functional non-coding regions using approaches such as KO-based, HDR-based, and epigenetic silencing using dCas9 (for example, PMID: 25141179, 26751173, 27708057, 28416141, 31784727). The authors should summarize what would be the strength of their method compared to these previously described methodologies. The strength of this methodology seems to be moderate complexity and cost-effectiveness compared to these previous techniques. It may be difficult for this methodology to become a state-of-the-art method to evaluate cis-element combinations, but it can be beneficial to researchers wanting to set up a low-cost system that can produce moderately complex cell libraries.*

      →Thank you very much for your suggestion.

      We will add to acknowledge previous studies for CRISPR-Cas tilling screens.

      • “Recently, targeted mutagenesis combined forward genetics and reverse genetics has been developed such as saturating mutagenesis and tiling mutagenesis that induce random mutation within target gene(s) [PMID: 25141179, 31586052, 27260157, 28118392]. This targeted mutagenesis can construct a mutant library harbouring subtly different mutations within a target gene(s) so that comparative analysis through the mutant library can screen out critical mutation(s) for biological processes. These random mutagenesises have also revealed the function of numerous coding genes” following to “…list of coding genes [6–8].” in the Introduction (page3, line 55-56)
      • “In addition, the saturating mutagenesis are limited in the length of target region due to an approach basing homology-directed repair although it could introduce random mutations on donor template library harbouring any combination and variety of mutations [PMID: 25141179]. On the other hand, the tiling mutagenesis could expand target length in principle because the length depends on multiplex guide RNA (gRNA) designed to target genomic region. Therefore, tiling mutagenesis has been employed to identify critical regions embedded in cis-elements [PMID: 26375006, 30612741, 26751173, 27708057, 28416141, 31784727]. Tiling mutagenesis requires editor such as Cas9 or epigenetic modifier fused to catalytically dead Cas9 (e.g. KRAB-dCas9), and a library containing multiplex gRNA tiling across target genomic region. In general, random single guide RNA (sgRNA) expression cassette are integrated into chromosomes of host cells by retrotransposon system.” following to “…within a narrow region.” in the Introduction (page4, line 82) The paper you raised as DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nature13695 (PMID: 25141179) applied saturation mutagenesis to find out critical mutation on BRCA1 and DBR1 protein coding sequence by HDR-based strategy using donor template library. This method based homologous recombination repair, so that the length of target region is limited. Our method employs tiling mutagenesis whose target length depends on sgRNA designed. We expand the length of target region to more than 50 kb from less than 15 kb previously reported. This is our strength compared with this report.

      The paper you raised as DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nbt.3450 (PMID: 25141179) applied CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis to find out critical region from 2 kb of p53 binding enhancer region by lentiviral delivery of sgRNA cassettes. Our method employs PiggyBac system that can remove the sgRNA cassettes from the chromosome with no footprint. Therefore, our method should be novel method that generates mutant library with no risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions. In addition, we expand the length of target region to more than 50 kb. This is one of the advances.

      The paper you raised as DOI: https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aag2445 (PMID: 27708057) applied CRISPRi tiling mutagenesis to find out critical region from 74 kb genomic region around GATA1 and MYC by lentiviral delivery of sgRNA cassettes. Our method employs CRISPRko and PiggyBac system that can remove the sgRNA cassettes from the chromosome with no footprint. To identify combinations of critical region embedded in target regions, it would require diverse combinations of mutations or inactivation sites. To induce multiple mutations or inactivated sites, it requires multiple sgRNA cassettes integration. However, multiple integration of sgRNA cassettes have higher risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions and may impair functional analysis. To eliminate the risk that integrated sgRNA cassettes disrupt non-targeted endogenous genes, it is best way to remove the sgRNA cassettes from the chromosome. Thus, to identify combinations of critical region embedded in target regions with no artifact owing to no footprint by removal of sgRNA cassettes, CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis rather than CRISPRi is better method because CRISPRi requires integrated cassettes that stably expressed sgRNA and epigenetic modifier fused to dCas9. PiggyBac system can remove the sgRNA cassettes from the chromosome with no footprint. Therefore, our method should be novel method that generates mutant library with no risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions to find out combinations of critical region embedded in target regions.

      The paper you raised as DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2017.03.007 (PMID: 28416141) reported applied CRISPRi tiling mutagenesis to find out critical region from TAD scale (about 200 kb) with low magnification by lentiviral delivery of sgRNA cassettes. Our method employs PiggyBac system that can remove the sgRNA cassettes from the chromosome with no footprint. Therefore, our method should be novel method that generates mutant library with no risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions.

      The paper you raised as DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-019-0538-0 (PMID: 31784727) reported applied CRISPRi tiling mutagenesis to develop method that can find out novel regulatory element around protein coding by lentiviral delivery of sgRNA cassettes. Our method employs PiggyBac system that can remove the sgRNA cassettes from the chromosome with no footprint. Therefore, our method should be novel method that generates mutant library with no risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions.

      To clarify the advantages, we will add the following sentences:

      • “To identify combinations of critical region embedded in target regions, it would require diverse combinations of mutations or inactivation sites. To induce multiple mutations or inactivated sites, it requires multiple sgRNA cassettes integration. However, multiple integration of sgRNA cassettes have higher risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions and may impair functional analysis [PMID: 23435812]. To eliminate the risk that integrated sgRNA cassettes disrupt non-targeted endogenous genes, it is best way to remove the sgRNA cassettes from the chromosome. Thus, to identify combinations of critical region embedded in target regions with no artifact owing to no footprint by removal of sgRNA cassettes, CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis rather than CRISPRi is better method because CRISPRi requires integrated cassettes that stably expressed sgRNA and epigenetic modifier fused to dCas9.” in the Introduction.
      • “Here, we proposed that DNA transposon system rather than retrotransposon system is more suitable to remove sgRNA cassettes from a mutant library. Transposons are genetic elements that can relocate between genomic sites and there are two types of transposons: (1) DNA transposon is transferred by a "cut and paste" mechanism in which the transposon sequence is cut directly from the genome, and (2) retrotransposon is transferred by a "copy and paste" mechanism in which the transposon sequence is transcribed into RNA and then integrated by reverse transcribed [PMID: 21958341]. Therefore, retrotransposon is never removed from the genome. DNA transposon such as PiggyBac, Sleeping Beauty and Tol2 systems are also used as gene transfer tools in vertebrates [PMID: 26481584]. Especially, PiggyBac leaves no footprint on integrated sites after transposons relocated while other DNA transposon system leaves small insertion on integrated sites [PMID: 34064900]. In addition, excision-only-PiggyBac transposase that can remove transposons but not integrate them, is developed [PMID: 27929521]. Only PiggyBac system can remove transposons carrying sgRNA cassettes from mutant library with no footprint. Therefore, we aimed to validate PiggyBac system for CRISPRko tilling mutagenesis.” in the Introduction.
      • “CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis is conducted for less than 15 kb target genomic region so far [PMID: 26375006, 30612741], while CRISPRi tiling mutagenesis can target more than 70 kb [PMID: 27708057], it is reported that. Hence, it remains unknown unclear how length CRISPRko tiling mutagenesis could expand” in the Introduction. In addition, we are going to conduct transposon removal by exicision-only-PBase treatment with several PB mES clones, for the proof of concept that CTRL-Mutagenesis can generate mutant library with no sgRNA cassettes.

      *Reviewer #4 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Major concerns, 1, Authors claim "to identify functionally important elements in non-coding regions in the title but there is no evidence of any functional analysis in the manuscript.*

      → Thank you very much for your suggestion, and we agree with your suggestion.

      In this paper, we just validated PiggyBac system for CRISPRko tilling mutagenesis and expanded the length of target regions.

      To change our tone that claiming usability of our method for functional analysis, we will change the following sentences:

      • Change “to identify functionally important elements in non-coding regions” to “to induce diverse combination and variety of mutations within more than 50 kb non-coding region” in the Title.
      • Add “However, not much loss-of-function screens of non-coding regulatory elements has been conducted due to ambiguous annotations compared with protein-coding genes. Tiling mutagenesis has been employed to identify critical regions embedded in non-coding regulatory elements by comparative analysis through a mutant library harbouring subtly different regions mutated within less than 15 kb region. Conventional tiling mutagenesis construct a mutant library integrated multiple sgRNA cassettes by retroviral delivery. However, multiple integration of single guide RNA (sgRNA) cassettes has higher risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions and may impair functional analysis. Herein, combining tiling mutagenesis and PiggyBac transposon that can be removed with no footprint on integrated sites, we established an expanded tilling mutagenesis method named CRISPR- & Transposase-based RegionaL Mutagenesis (CTRL-Mutagenesis). We demonstrated that PiggyBac system could integrated diverse combinations and varieties of sgRNA cassettes.and then CTRL-Mutagenesis randomly induces diverse combination and variety of mutations within more than 50 kb non-coding region in murine embryonic stem cells. CTRL-Mutagenesis would apply for wider non-coding regulatory elements with no risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions.” in the Abstract.
      • Delete “Comparative analysis of mutants harbouring subtly different mutations within the same region would facilitate the further study of cis-element and microRNA clusters.” in the Abstract (page2, line 38-40).
      • Change “The generated random mutant mES clone library could facilitate further functional analyses of non-coding regulatory elements within the genome.” to “The generated random mutant mES clone library could develop to investigate critical regions of non-coding regulatory elements within the genome.” In the Introduction (page4, line 88-90)

        2, Genotypes of mutant library, especially Mirc56, 14,15, 16, 17 were not determined due to six tandem repeats. Thus, analysis of the relationship between genotype and biological functions is not possible. Moreover, the authors did not show any phenotypic analysis.

      → Thank you very much for your suggestion.

      The 6 tandem repeats consisted of each approximately 3.3 kb are hard to determine mutations and are uncommon.

      Therefore, we skipped genotyping Mirc56_14, 15, 16, and 17

      Certainly, it is drawback that we did not determine all mutations induced by CRTL-mutagenesis.

      Even so, we could determine the properties of mutant library within 37 kb genomic region from Mirc56_1 to Mirc56_13.

      Therefore, we could conclude that CTRL-mutagenesis could induce diverse combinations and variations of mutations into more than 50 kb.

      3, Multiple gRNA may cause deletion and inversion to targeted loci. With local PCR based amplification, detection of large deletion and inversion can be very difficult. I think the authors should examine and address this possibility more carefully. The definition of indel in Fig 5C should be explained in more detail.

      → Thank you very much for your comment, and we agree with your suggestion.

      We did not confirm inversion and large deletion.

      To confirm whether inversions were happened, we are going to perform PCR walking in several clones and long-read sequencing.

      4, Although the authors showed a variety of PB cassettes (Max is 17), more importantly would be to determine the actual copy number of PB cassettes. Difference between the highest and the lowest EGFP intensities in Fig 2C (Donor 300ng Effector 350ng) is approximately ~100 fold, thus ES clone bearing highest PB vector may contain ~100 copies of PB vector. PB transposon prefers insertion in active genes compared to other transposon system such as Sleeping Beauty and Tol2 transposon. (Yoshida J et al Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 2;7:43613. doi: 10.1038/srep43613.). Higher integration rates of PB vectors have a higher chance of endogenous gene disruptions and may impair functional analysis.

      → Thank you very much for your suggestion.

      We agree that cassette integration number is one important aspect of tiling mutagenesis. To determine actual copy number of PB transposon is useful information when potential user consider optimizing our method for own target region. However, to confirm whether the relationship between mutations induced and sgRNA cassettes integrated, the number of integrated cassette variety is more important because the diversity of sgRNAs variety expressed is more related to the diversity of mutations induced. Therefore, we identified the number of integrated cassette variety.

      To clarify this point, we will add we the following sentences:

      “rather than the copy number of sgRNA cassettes because the diversity of sgRNAs variety expressed is more related to the diversity of mutations induced” following to “…the number of sgRNA cassette varieties.” in the Result (page12, line 297)

      Certainly, we apologize that it is not accurate that “EGFP signal intensity correlated with the copy number of EGFP cassettes integrated into genomes[23]” in the Result (page11, line 249-250). EGFP expression levels are affected by cell cycle so that the paper reported that “Median EGFP intensities correlated with the copy number of EGFP cassettes integrated into genomes”.

      Therefore, we will delete the following sentence:

      “EGFP signal intensity correlated with the copy number of EGFP cassettes integrated into genomes[23]” in the Result (page11, line 249-250).

      To investigate how many copies our concentration of donor vector could integrate, we are going to check actual copy numbers in several clones by qPCR.

      Besides, we agree with your suggestion that “PB transposon prefers insertion in active genes compared to other transposon system such as Sleeping Beauty and Tol2 transposon. (Yoshida J et al Sci Rep. 2017 Mar 2;7:43613. doi: 10.1038/srep43613.)

      Therefore, we will change the following sentence:

      “random TTAA sites across genomes [24]” to “random TTAA sites of transcribed region rather than intergenic region [PMID: 28252665]” in the Discussion (page14, line 357).

      However, Sleeping Beauty and Tol2 transposon remain footprint at integration sites when these transposons move [PMID: 15133768, 23143102]. Especially, SB transposon leaves canonical 5 bp insertion at integration sites so that the canonical 5bp insertion into coding sequence could disrupt the function of endogenous protein frequently. On the other hand, PB transposon remains no footprint. Therefore, excision-only-PBase can remove the PB transposon from mutant library clearly. Thus, it is no worry about that PB transposon disrupt non-targeted endogenous gene impair functional analysis if PB mutant library is treated with excision-only-PBase.

      In addition, we are going to conduct transposon removal by exicision-only-PBase treatment with several PB mES clones, for the proof of concept that CTRL-Mutagenesis can generate mutant library with no sgRNA cassettes.

      5, Most non-coding regions are located at autosomes. Genotyping would be very difficult or even impossible by the current PCR based strategy.

      → Thank you very much for your comment, and we agree with your suggestion.

      This is one of our issues.

      We expect that CTRL-Mutagenesis could be valid on other biallelic locus.

      Therefore, we raised predicted issue such as complex genotyping and proposed one solution.

      When we target other biallelic locus, we must determine whether the combination of mutations induced are cis- or trans-mutations. Haplotype phasing, combined long-read sequencing with SNP markers within ROI on maternal/paternal chromosome, assembles each allele via SNP markers on each read [PMID: 35710642]. Therefore, combining CTRL-Mutagenesis on heterozygotic alleles of cells derived from such as human or murine hybrid with haplotype phasing might simplify genotyping.

      We will add the following sentences:

      “In this study, CTRL-Mutagenesis was validated by genotyping on mono allele in male mES cells to avoid investigating whether the combination of mutations induced are cis- or trans-mutations. All genotypes on Mirc56 should be hemizygous and these mutations induced might be cis-mutations so that we determined the genotypes by amplifying approximately 200 bp around the target sites. However, we did not confirm large mutations such as deletion of the genomic region between target sites and inversion. Long-read sequencing might capture their large mutations. Besides, we also expect that CTRL-Mutagenesis could be valid for ROI on biallelic autosome and X chromosome in female. Therefore, it is required to determine whether the combination of mutations induced are cis- or trans-mutation. Haplotype phasing, combined long-read sequencing with SNP markers within ROI on maternal/paternal chromosome, assembles each allele via SNP markers on each read [PMID: 35710642]. Therefore, combining CTRL-Mutagenesis on heterozygotic alleles of cells derived from such as human or murine hybrid with haplotype phasing might simplify genotyping.” in the Discussion.

      Moreover, genome-wide NGS and nanopore Cas9-treated sequencing (nCATs) could also help us to read the mutations without PCR-amplification. However, both methods can obtain reads of target regions with low frequency. Therefore, it is difficult to perform multiplex samples for mutant library.

      *6, Fig 4C, large amounts of Cas9 independent EGFP positive cells suggest the current system is not efficient. *

      → Thank you very much for your comment.

      We cannot agree with your indication.

      In fact, by the cutoff set in Cas9-untreated cells, the EGxxFP system successfully selected at least 76 mutant clones (87.4%) harboring mutations within Mirc56_1 to Mirc56_13. Moreover, we could seed 180 single-cells for single cloning by FACS once.

      To enhance this point, we added the following sentences:

      “Moreover, at least 76 out of 87 PB mES clones have mutations within all analysed Mirc56_Xs (Figure 5C). Therefore, the EGxxFP system could selected ROI mutant mES clones efficiently.” following to “…depended on integrated sgRNA cassettes.” in the Discussion (page13, line 355)

      *Reviewer #4 (Significance (Required)):

      The authors claim "Functional analysis" in the manuscript title but there is no evidence of functional analysis in the manuscript.*

      → Thank you very much for your suggestion, and we agree with your suggestion.

      In this paper, we just validated PiggyBac system for CRISPRko tilling mutagenesis and expanded the length of target regions.

      To change our tone that claiming usability of our method for functional analysis, we will change the following sentences:

      • Change “to identify functionally important elements in non-coding regions” to “to induce diverse combination and variety of mutations within more than 50 kb non-coding region” in the Title.
      • Add “However, not much loss-of-function screens of non-coding regulatory elements has been conducted due to ambiguous annotations compared with protein-coding genes. Tiling mutagenesis has been employed to identify critical regions embedded in non-coding regulatory elements by comparative analysis through a mutant library harbouring subtly different regions mutated within less than 15 kb region. Conventional tiling mutagenesis construct a mutant library integrated multiple sgRNA cassettes by retroviral delivery. However, multiple integration of single guide RNA (sgRNA) cassettes has higher risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions and may impair functional analysis. Herein, combining tiling mutagenesis and PiggyBac transposon that can be removed with no footprint on integrated sites, we established an expanded tilling mutagenesis method named CRISPR- & Transposase-based RegionaL Mutagenesis (CTRL-Mutagenesis). We demonstrated that PiggyBac system could integrated diverse combinations and varieties of sgRNA cassettes.and then CTRL-Mutagenesis randomly induces diverse combination and variety of mutations within more than 50 kb non-coding region in murine embryonic stem cells. CTRL-Mutagenesis would apply for wider non-coding regulatory elements with no risk of non-targeted endogenous gene disruptions.” in the Abstract.
      • Delete “Comparative analysis of mutants harbouring subtly different mutations within the same region would facilitate the further study of cis-element and microRNA clusters.” in the Abstract (page2, line 38-40).
      • Change “The generated random mutant mES clone library could facilitate further functional analyses of non-coding regulatory elements within the genome.” to “The generated random mutant mES clone library could develop to investigate critical regions of non-coding regulatory elements within the genome.” In the Introduction (page4, line 88-90).
    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Review Commons - Revision Plan

      Manuscript number: RC-2023-02228

      Corresponding author(s): Gatfield, David

      1. General Statements

      We are grateful to the three Reviewers for their detailed assessment of our manuscript and are delighted about their very constructive and positive evaluations, highlighting the study’s novelty and rigor.

      Briefly, the main points raised by Reviewers 1 and 3 do not involve additional experiments and are mostly about rethinking manuscript structure (e.g. moving data/analyses to the supplement or removing them altogether, as they distract from the main thrust of the story) and making the text overall less dense and more readable.

      Reviewer 3 also raises a number of additional interesting points that we should discuss in our manuscript, which would allow us placing our findings more effectively into the context of the existing literature.

      All these points are very well taken and will be implemented (see below, under 2).

      Reviewer 2 is overall also rather positive – speaking of “a very careful and detailed study that addresses an important issue” and the study being “really rigorous and the logic […] very well explained”; moreover, this Reviewer also shares the view of both other Reviewers that parts of the manuscript (i.e., in particular its beginning) should be shortened.

      Importantly, this Reviewer remarks in addition under “Significance”: “Without additional mechanistic insights suggesting that there is something particular different about the regulation of these mRNAs the manuscript is not of extremely high significance.” – an important point of criticism that we wish to address in our revision, as detailed below.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      In the following, we detail how we plan to address the points raised by the Reviewers. The order in which we treat the points follows their – in our view – relative importance according to the Reviewers’ feedback. In particular the first item below, under (A), is the main point of criticism that we feel we should address carefully for the future revised version.

      (A) Major point raised by Reviewer 2: “However, the study falls short on addressing the mechanism of this regulation and if it is different of other feeding regulated mRNA oscillations. This diminishes the significance of the study unless additional mechanistic details are provided.” , which is cross-commented both by Reviewer 1: “More importantly, clues to the mechanism (e.g. iron, heme) regulating the rhythmic translation of IRP1 and IRP2 IRE-mRNAs in liver would increase the significance of the work.” as well as by Reviewer 3: “Reading the comment from Reviewer #2 over the lack of a mechanism to explain why only four transcripts with IREs amongst a larger pool are subject to circadian regulation by IRPs somehow reduces the significance of the study, one has to agree that a discovery - likely another component in the system - is wanting. I remain of the view that the present work exposes this "weakness" of the entire field in a global as opposed to a partial manner and in doing so, makes a significant contribution, especially by further sub-classifying the IRE-containing transcripts according to their responsiveness in the diurnal occupancy of their IREs.”

      Our response and revision plan: Indeed, in the original version of our manuscript we established the link to feeding, yet we did not pinpoint the precise molecular cue that could underlie the rhythmic regulation observed on certain IRE-containing mRNAs. We did discuss the molecular candidates quite extensively in the Discussion section of the manuscript (Fe2+; oxygen; reactive oxygen species), and it remains quite obviously the main question whether the observed diurnal control could be mediated directly by changes in intracellular iron availability.

      Of note, the preprint by Bennett et al., for which we cite the initial biorXiv version in our manuscript, was updated very recently (https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.05.07.539729 – see version submitted December 18, 2023). It now includes new data that analyses around-the-clock iron levels also in liver. Briefly, the preprint shows, first, that serum iron is rhythmic with a peak during the dark phase at ZT16 (Figure 1D in Bennett et al.) yet loses rhythmicity when feeding is restricted to the light phase (Bennett et al., Figure 2E), indicating both feeding-dependence and circadian gating. Moreover, liver total non-heme iron – quantified using a method that measures both ferrous Fe(II) and ferric Fe(III) – shows low-amplitude diurnal variations which, however, do not meet the threshold for rhythmicity significance (Bennett et al., Figure 3G). Still, the difference between timepoints ZT4 (lower iron; light phase) and ZT16 (higher iron; dark phase) is reported as significant, with a fold-change that is not very pronounced (not compatible with the observed direction of regulation of Tfrc mRNA, whose higher abundance in the dark phase would rather be in line with lower *cytoplasmic iron levels, as pointed out by the authors.

      Thus, at first sight the analyses by Bennett et al. would appear to answer part of the Reviewer’s question and point towards other mechanisms of regulation than iron levels themselves. However, it should be pointed out that the particular methodology for iron measurements used by the authors includes the use of reducing reagents and hence quantifies the sum of Fe2+ and Fe3+ iron. Large amounts of iron are stored in the liver in the form of ferritin-bound Fe3+, yet the bioactive, low-complexity iron that is considered relevant for IRP regulation is in the Fe2+ form. Therefore, the question whether bioactive ferrous iron levels follow a daily rhythm, compatible with the observed IRP/IRE rhythms described in our manuscript, still remains an open question and warrants a dedicated set of experiments that we are proposing to conduct in response to the Reviewers’ comments.

      Briefly, for the revision we propose to use liver pieces from the two relevant timepoints of our study (i.e., ZT5 and ZT12) and apply a method that allows the separate quantification of Fe2+ and Fe3+ (Abcam iron assay ab83366; this assay can be adapted to liver iron measurements, see e.g. PMID31610175, Fig. 4A). This experiment will provide novel and decisive data on the molecular mechanism that may regulate the IRP/IRE system in a rhythmic fashion and therefore add to the significance of our findings, as requested by the reviewers.

      Moreover, we believe that the outcome of the experiment would be very interesting either way, i.e. if we find rhythms in Fe2+ that are compatible with rhythmic IRP/IRE regulation, we would be able to provide excellent evidence in term of likely molecular mechanism and rhythmicity cue. If, by contrast, we find that Fe2+ is not rhythmic, it will point towards a mechanism that is distinct from simple Fe2+ concentrations.

      In the latter case, collecting additional evidence on relevant alternative molecular cues would be beyond our capabilities for this particular manuscript, as it would require quite sophisticated methodological setup and preparation. For example, one could imagine that measuring around-the-clock liver oxygen levels in vivo – another candidate cue – would be highly interesting, yet we would not be able to conduct these experiments in a reasonable time frame (to start with, we would first need to request ethics authorisation from the Swiss veterinary authorities, which would in itself take ca. 4-6 months before we could even start an experiment). Thus, in the case of non-rhythmic iron levels, we would leave the question of other responsible cues open, but still think that with a balanced discussion of the resulting hypotheses we could provide significant added value to our work.

      (B) Major comment raised by Reviewer 1: “Alas2 is expressed mainly in erythroid cells and not liver, whereas Alas1 is ubiquitously expressed. Therefore, it is possible that Alas2 in this study may originate from red cells/reticulocytes in the liver, and not from hepatocytes.”

      Our response and revision plan: We would like to thank the Reviewer for the comment that is indeed pertinent. It is well established that Alas1 is the main transcript encoding delta-aminolevulinate synthase activity in hepatocytes, and Alas2 is about 10-fold less abundant in total liver RNA-seq data (quantified form own RNA-seq data, not shown).

      We are nevertheless relatively sure that the Alas2 signal comes from low expression in hepatocytes; the best argument in support of this hypothesis is the analysis of single-cell RNA-seq data, as shown in the following Revision Plan Figure 1, which we would be happy to include in a revised version of the manuscript if the reviewers wish:

      (C) Minor comment raised by Reviewer 1: “The paper is dense and not easy to read. For example, the section on Tfrc regulation and NMD regulation is lengthy and perhaps not necessary for the paper and the section on "Previous observations in IRE-IRP regulation...." could be included in the discussion rather in than in the Results section. Some figures could be included in a supplement.” continued in Referee cross-commenting “I agree with Reviewer 2 that the first sections in the manuscript are lengthy and not needed.”; moreover, Reviewer 2: “Also, the manuscript first sections (which mainly describe negative results) seem too long and descriptive.”

      Our response and revision plan: We shall reorganize the paper accordingly, with the aim of making it an easier, shorter, clearer read. Many thanks for the input.

      (D) Minor comment raised by Reviewer 1: “A description of the new anti-IREB2 antibody is needed. What IRP2 sequence was used to generate antibodies?”

      Our response and revision plan: The following information will be included in the manuscript: “Rat monoclonal antibodies against ACO1/IRP1 and IREB2/IRP2 were generated at the Antibodies Core Facility of the DKFZ. Briefly, full-length murine ACO1/IRP1 and IREB2/IRP2 proteins, fused to a poly-histidine tag, were expressed in E. coli and purified on Ni-NTA columns using standard protocols. Purified His-tagged proteins were used to immunize rats and generate hybridomas. Hybridoma supernatants were first screened by ELISA against His-tagged ACO1/IRP1 and His-tagged IREB2/IRP2. As an additional control, supernatants were tested against full-length His-tagged murine ACO2 (mitochondrial aconitase), which shares 27 and 26% identity with ACO1/IRP1 and IREB2/IRP2, respectively. Supernatants reacting specifically with ACO1 or IREB2 were validated by western blotting using extracts from wild-type versus ACO1- or IREB2-null mice.”

      (E) Minor comment raised by Reviewer 1: “A model summarizing the data would be useful.”

      • *Our response and revision plan: Thank you for the suggestion – this will be done.

      (F) “Optional” idea raised by Reviewer 3: “One nuance in the field of circadian biology is that a rhythm is deemed to be genuinely "circadian" when it continues in the absence of zeitgebers. In this sense, although all experiments are valuable, the "collapse" of the rhythm in the paradigms where dietary rhythms have been disrupted makes the phenomenology a candidate "epiphenomenon" rather than being closer related to the biological clock(s). Likewise, in the manuscript we never learn how the liver IRE-binding activity behaves in constant darkness.”

      Our response and revision plan: This is an important aspect that we can clarify more specifically in our manuscript. It is true that constant (darkness) conditions are used to call a phenomenon circadian. We would nevertheless argue that for a rhythmic feature that is specifically found in liver, the constant darkness definition to distinguish circadian from non-circadian is not fully valid because even in constant darkness, the liver clocks are not in a free-running state but continue to be entrained by the SCN clock (it is only the latter that is free-running under these conditions).

      In our manuscript, we actually suggest that the observed rhythms are not a core output of the circadian machinery (Fig. 6 of our manuscript), but indirectly engendered through feeding rhythms, which are coupled to sleep-wake cycles and thus connect in an indirect way to the central circadian clock activity in the SCN.

      In wild-type mice we would therefore expect that irrespective of constant darkness or light-dark entrainment (and assuming ad libitum feeding), the hepatic rhythms of the relevant IRE-containing transcripts would persist in a similar fashion.

      (G) “Optional” idea raised by Reviewer 3: “Where the authors mention in a parenthesis "moreover, there are documented links between iron and the circadian timekeeping mechanism itself", I invite them to take a closer look to the paper Konstantinos Mandilaras and I coauthored in 2012 "Genes for iron metabolism influence circadian rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster". In that work, we showed that RNA interference of genes that are required for iron sulfur cluster formation (including on IRP1) in the central clock neurons of the fly result in loss of the circadian rhythm when flies were kept at constant darkness (not so when they were kept under light:dark oscillation). So this point should probably remain open..”

      Our response and revision plan: We would like to thank the Reviewer for pointing out this interesting connection that would fit well into the context of our manuscript. It should be cited in the context of our current Figure 3, where we measure in vivo and in tissue explants whether IRP-deficiency affects the clock itself.

      To follow Reviewer 3’s idea, we have gone a little further in our analyses of around-the-clock expression data to see if any of the components of the Fe-S assembly machinery is rhythmic itself, which could have the potential to add novel information.

      Briefly, we have used for this purpose our around-the-clock RNA-seq and ribo-seq data from PMID 26486724. In summary, we find that the expression at RNA and/or footprint level is non-rhythmic for the vast majority of genes involved in FeS biogenesis, assembly or transport, with the exception of low-amplitude rhythms for Glrx5 and Iba57 (Revision Plan Figure 2).

      By contrast, all of the following other genes are non-rhythmic throughout (list of Fe-S-relevant genes from PMID34660592): Cytoplasmic/nuclear, all non-rhythmic: Cfd1=Nubp2, Nbp35=Nubp1 , Ciapin1, Ndor1, Iop1=Ciao3=Narfl, Ciao1, Ciao2b=Fam96b, Mms19, Ciao2a=Fam96a; mitochondrial, all non-rhythmic: Iscu, Nfs1, Isd11=Lyrm4, Acpm=Ndufab1, Fdx1, Fdx2=Fdx1l, Fxn, Hspa9 Hsc20=Hscb, Abcb7, Alr=Gfer, Isca1, Isca2, Nfu1

      As these are mainly “negative results”, and as we are also unable to propose a solid possible mechanistic connection between the Glrx5 and/or Iba57 rhythms and the rest of the story of our manuscript, we do not intend to include such data in our manuscript, but are only putting it for the record into this rebuttal.

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript


      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      NONE – we think we can address all points as described above.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2023-02224R

      Corresponding author(s): Austin Smith

      1. General Statements [optional]

      This section is optional. Insert here any general statements you wish to make about the goal of the study or about the reviews.

      We thank the reviewers for constructive comments and helpful suggestions which we have adopted to clarify and improve the manuscript. In addition, we have added a link to a web portal that will allow readers to visualise gene expression profiles and create their own plots using our early human embryo UMAP embedding (https://bioinformatics.crick.ac.uk/shiny/users/boeings/radley2024umap_app/). Stefan Boeing created this tool and is added to the author list with agreement of other authors.

      2. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary In this manuscript, Arthur Radley and Austin Smith designed a new feature selection method for scRNA-Seq, which is a successor to ESFW previously proposed by the same authors. As an evolution of this earlier framework, cESFW is also based on the idea that informative genes share information with other genes, whereas non-informative genes have a more random relative expression. The authors emphasize the key importance of feature selection in the scRNA-Seq workflow and assess the current state of the art for this step. They also propose that better feature selection leads to less data transformation. They show that cESFW outperforms Scran and Seurat feature selection in most cases of synthetic datasets. cESFW is then used in the context of early human development, re-analysing data from several published datasets where they show that they do not require batch correction. They also further strengthen the conclusion that a "2-step" model for TE-ICM and EPI-Hyp differentiation is also present in human embyros. Finally, they map several types of in vitro pluripotent stem cells, in particular primed and naive, to their manifold and study the evolution of the gene signatures during early human development. Overall, the manuscript is well written and presents a solid methodology. The re-analysis of human early development is convincing and justified. The main critic is that the quality of figures can be greatly improved: their resolution is too low and they are hard to read. For instance, more contrasted color schemes could be used to improve clarity, and given the high number of clusters for some UMAPs, indicating the name of some cluster near their centroids should improve clarity.

      We agree that the resolution of the figures should be improved. We had to compress the images to satisfy the size limit for uploaded documents to bioRxiv. Our final submission will be of higher quality (original figures are at 900dpi). With regards to colour schemes, this is a surprisingly difficult problem. We tried multiple colour palettes but could not achieve greater contrast. The suggestion to add key cluster names near to their centroids on the UMAPs is an excellent idea, which we have implemented.

      Comments: Page 2 I think the criticism of PCA is unfair because it is not a true feature selection method, and it is mainly used for computational purposes. I believe that for most workflows, between 30 and 50 PCs are retained, which do not significantly change the results in the downstream analyses. The citation (Yeung and Ruzzo 2001) does not seem appropriate, as they examine cases where only a small number of PCs are retained, outside the context of scRNA-seq.

      We agree that the criticism of PCA is insufficiently justified by the citation. We thank the reviewer for pointing this out and have removed the comment.

      "Furthermore, HVG selection has been found to be biased toward selecting highly expressed genes over low expressed genes." Could the author justify or remove this statement, as the Seurat and Scran methods are specifically designed to consider average expression to determine HVG? The cited article (Yip, Sham, and Wang 2019) raises this issue for methods other than Seurat and scran.

      The reviewer is correct that the provided citation highlights Seurat and Scran HVG selection as relatively insensitive to the average gene expression levels compared with other HVG selection methods. We again thank the reviewer and have deleted the comment.

      More generally, we have shortened the introduction, focusing on cESFW as a new approach to feature selection rather than critiquing alternative methods.

      Page 6 I might have missed it, but I do not understand the number of cells in the early human development dataset also shown in Figure S2B. The Petropoulos et al. dataset alone is larger than the sum of cells from different cell types. Is there some filtering step that is not described?

      We have added text in the data availability section to clarify the cells used in our analysis:

      “The pre-implantation raw counts scRNA-seq data from Yan et al. 2013, Petropoulos et al. 2016, Fogarty et al. 2017, and Meistermann et al. 2021, were compiled into a single gene expression matrix by Meistermann et al. 2021. For information regarding quality control and cell filtering of these 4 datasets, please refer to Meistermann et al. 2021.”

      The unsupervised clustering used to annotate cell types is unconventional (especially with the high number of clusters chosen), which is not a problem, but should be clarified. Improving the figure 3D to make it clearer and providing a cell cluster correlation plot might help to better appreciate the relationship between cell types.

      We agree that the gene expression heatmap in figure 3D contributed little to the interpretation of the data/results. As suggested, we have replaced this heatmap with a cell cluster correlation plot to help appreciate cell state similarities. (Changes in figure 3.)

      It could be emphasized that the ICM/TE branch cell type is a major difference with the mouse topology, as the readers might not be aware that the ICM/TE is an unspecified blastocyst state that only exists in humans.

      There appears to be some misunderstanding around the use of “ICM/TE branch”. The cluster comprises an uncommitted population at the branching point from morula to either ICM or TE, as also described in the mouse embryo. We have adjusted the discussion to make more clear that the two branching point clusters are heterogeneous populations, not unitary cell types or states:

      “The branching populations reside at critical junctures in blastocyst formation, the partitioning of extraembryonic and embryonic lineages. These branchpoint clusters do not define unitary states. On the contrary, cells in these clusters are heterogeneous and may become specified to alternative fates. For example, PDGFRA, a hypoblast marker (Corujo-Simon et al. 2023), and NANOG, an epiblast marker (Allegre et al. 2022), are heterogeneously distributed in the Epi/Hyp branching population. Furthermore, branch cluster boundaries extend beyond the topological bifurcation, potentially indicating that cells remain plastic and may be redirected. This would be consistent with the demonstration in mouse embryos that cells expressing ICM genes remain capable of generating TE up to the late 32-cell stage (Posfai et al. 2017).”

      Page 9 To further substantiate the stepwise ICM/TE and EPI/PrE specification events, authors could project cells from each embryo on the UMAP, and analyze what are the co-occurrence of cells (as performed for instance in Meistermann et al 2021). This should show as reported (and cited by the authors) that some GATA3 positive cells (TE fated) start appearing from late morula stage and that ICM cells almost never co-exist with EPI nor Hyp in embryos.

      We appreciate this suggestion. We have generated the requested plots showing where cells from individual embryos at different developmental timepoints are positioned on our UMAP embedding. (new supplemental figure (New figure, Figure S6). We present a summary heatmap of cell co-occurrence in revised Figure 4. These results offer greater insight than the RNA velocity analysis, which we have moved to supplemental Figure S6. We have added discussion of these analyses in the “Lineage branching blastocyst development” Results section.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The presented methodology shows significant value especially in the field of scRNA-Seq, where the critical step of feature selection is often inadequately addressed. Furthermore, this field is characterized by a limited set of feature selection methodologies. cESFW appears to be an important alternative to HVG methods that could improve scRNA-Seq analysis in certain contexts.

      The new findings on early human development are somehow incremental, but a welcome addition to solidify the two-step model and refine the concept of reject cells. The audience for this early development context is specialized, but cESFW will most likely have an impact to the entire field of scRNA-Seq analysis.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Here, Radley and Austin present a novel approach for feature weighting in scRNAseq data based on entropy sorting. Feature selection is a central part of scRNAseq analysis, and it is most likely the case that there is no single approach that outperforms all others across all datasets. Hence, innovation in this space is needed for the field. The cESFW method presented here has several appealing properties from a theoretical point of view, and it also performs well on the synthetic and real datasets considered. Nevertheless, there are several major issues that need to be addressed before I can recommend the manuscript for publication:

      1 The original entropy sorting (eq 1 in SI 1) is based on only two discrete states. However, calculating entropy for continuous distributions can be more tricky and it is unclear to me what assumptions are made regarding the gene expression. Could the authors clarify what properties of the distribution are required for the updated ESE equation to be valid? Is the only assumption that values are drawn from the [0, 1] interval? What happens if values are highly skewed, ie forming a bimodal or power-law distribution rather than something close to a uniform distribution?

      We agree that it is beneficial to clarify these points. We have added a section titled “Assumed properties of underlying sample distributions” to the supplemental information. Briefly, we show that the ESS correlation metric is directly linked to the commonly used correlation metric, Mutual Information (MI). A desirable properly of MI is that it is able to capture non-linear/skewed relationships between features. The ES framework and ESS share this property with MI, allowing the ES framework to be relatively robust to presence of non-uniform distributions.

      The main assumption for applying ES is that the features can be meaningfully scaled between values of 0 and 1. For gene expression, an intuitive way of achieving this is to inspect each gene and designate 0 count values as having 0 expression activity, and the maximum counts as having activities of 1, and all values in between existing within the [0,1] interval. A useful property of ES is that we do not need to assume a particular shape or distribution of the samples within the [0, 1] interval. The ES framework is non-parametric and does not require an assumed distribution to calculate the conditional entropy (CE), even in the continuous form. This is possible because the ES framework is formulated by turning the probabilistic form of CE into an ordinary differential equation (ODE), where the only dependent variable, x, is the overlap between the minority state activities of each individual sample. This calculation is explicitly identifiable/calculable, and is permutation invariant, meaning the shape of the distributions of a reference feature (RF) and query feature (QF) does not need to be assumed/defined. In other words, the ES framework quantifies to what degree active expression states enrich/overlap with one another in a manner that is robust to different distribution shapes.

      2 How robust is the procedure for the choice of percentile for normalizing the gene expression scores? Does one get roughly the same results for 90-99th percentile or is it sensitive to this choice?

      We have carried out a sensitivity analysis on the choice of percentile for each of the synthetic datasets and added it to the manuscript. (New figure, Figure S11). We find that on each of our 4 synthetic datasets the final results of cESFW are robust to a wide range of normalisation percentiles.

      3 Similarly, I am concerned about the procedure for how to choose the number of significant genes. How robust is this process? Also, it is not altogether clear how to generalize the procedure outlined on p19. Most potential users would benefit from more quantitative guidelines. In particular, having to rely on interpretation of GO terms typically requires a considerable amount of understanding about the system at hand which could make it challenging to apply the procedure for others. For most users it would be helpful to know how robust the procedure is to this step and also if there could be more stringent guidelines for how to decide which genes to include.

      We understand the reviewers concern regarding the robustness of feature selection on real scRNA-seq datasets. We have now applied our cESFW workflow to peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) scRNA-seq data, and found cESFW feature selection to be comparable, and by one metric more robust, than Seurat and Scran HVG selection (New Figure S2).

      As cESFW is applied to more scRNA-seq data, we will learn more about how results compare to highly variable gene selection, and how workflows may be adapted to optimise results in different scenarios. For example, we have found that supervising the selection of gene clusters using a small set of markers known to be important in the system of study can help identify which clusters of genes should be retained during gene selection. We have added this to the materials and methods with the following paragraph:

      “Furthermore, we suggest supervising the selection of gene clusters using a small set of markers known to be important in the system of study. In this work, we found that genes known to be important during early human embryo development (FigS4) are enriched in the dark blue cluster of genes, further suggesting that this cluster of genes is more likely to separate cell type identities in downstream analysis.”

      While gene cluster selection supervision in this manner requires a degree of domain expertise, we believe this is not unreasonable for most applications, and is the case for many scRNA-seq analysis pipelines.

      Our primary software contribution is the cESFW algorithm which calculates the ESS and EP matrices. With this manuscript we provide 6 commented workflows for applying cESFW to different datasets (4 synthetic data, human embryo data, PBMC data). We believe these workflows provide a good balance of documented use cases and user flexibility for cESFW usage. This is important because it is advantageous to be able easily to adapt workflows to incorporate domain expertise and different methodologies. Although workflows such as Seurat and Scran are user-friendly, their rigidity can be difficult when wanting to deviate from their standard workflows. In summary, we believe that our provided workflows are suitable for users to implement cESFW, while providing the flexibility to apply adapted pipelines.

      4 The comparison of the clusterings on p6 is not really fair is it? If I understand it correctly, the 3,012 genes identified by cESFW was used to define clusters in fig 3c through unsupervised clustering. The authors then use HVG methods to identify 3,012 genes and then carries out clustering based on those. To evaluate the methods the silhouette score is used, but the labels from the cESFW clustering is used as ground truth. This does not sound like a fair way to compare. Could the authors please clarify, and if needed come up with an approach where the three methods have a more level playing field if needed.

      The reviewer raises a fair point regarding the comparison of cluster identities and ranked gene lists. This issue is a chicken and egg problem, in that we require a baseline to benchmark different methodologies but lack an explicitly defined ground truth. For that reason we used synthetic datasets for initial comparison.

      For the human embryo data, we have presented substantial evidence that our cluster annotations are biologically coherent and consistent with prior knowledge. We therefore consider it legitimate to compare the ranked lists of Seurat, Scran and cESFW. However, we acknowledge the potential bias and have mentioned this in the “Limitations of the study” section.

      In addition, we have now analysed the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) scRNA-seq dataset that is used in the tutorial workflows of Seurat and Scran. This PBMC dataset is arguably better defined since it has more discrete populations of cells, and by using the Seurat generated cell type labels we bias the analysis towards Seurat rather than cESFW. The results show that cESFW performs comparably to Seurat and Scran, and that the cESFW ranked gene list may be more stable than Seurat and Scran. These results suggest that cESFW can be widely applicable as a suitable alternative for feature selection. We have included this analysis in the Results and as a supplemental figure (New figure, Figure S2).

      5 The main cESFW.py file in the github repository is clearly well structured and commented. However, I would like to see a much better documentation so that one does not have to go through the source code to understand what functions there are and what they do. In particular, I would like to see a vignette to make it easier for others to incorporate cESFW into their workflows.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive comments regarding our cESFW.py commenting. We accept that our initial submission failed to point the reader directly towards our example workflows that provide step by step, well commented vignettes for using cESFW to analyse scRNA-seq data. In our initial submission we provided 5 workflows (4 synthetic data and the human embryo data), and in the re-submission we have added a workflow for analysing PBMC data. We have updated our cESFW Github to guide users to these example workflows (https://github.com/aradley/cESFW/tree/main).

      Please note, the embryo workflow will be easily accessible through GitHub, whereas the synthetic data and PBMC workflows will be provided through a Mendeley data link (referenced in the manuscript and on our GitHub). However, the content of the Mendeley link cannot be made public until the paper is finalised, as it cannot be changed after publication. We provide a temporary public Dropbox link for the reviewers so that they may access the additional workflows (https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/xr5o9xm6490ftjsa55wxg/h?rlkey=maindrxwdqnirsw1en3my5qsr&dl=0).


      Why are the figures not always in order? For example, fig S10 is mentioned before fig S2 on p 6

      Thank you for pointing this out; we have amended the text.

      I am not sure if the indexing in eq 1 (p 18) is correct. j is both on the LHS and it is also being summed over on the RHS. Should one of these be i instead?

      The indexing is correct. Each column j of a matrix refers to gene/feature on the RHS, and in the calculation on the RHS we take the column averages, leading to vector on the LHS that is still indexed by genes/features j. We have clarified this in the text.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The work presents a new method for feature selection in scRNAseq. Feature selection is a very important step and can have a big impact on findings. The method presented here is theoretically sound and it seems to provide interesting result when applied to early embryo development. However, as cESFW is only tested for one dataset it is unclear how well the method generalizes to other problems and datasets.

      Appreciation of the utility of cESFW will grow as it is applied to more datasets. However, we would like to highlight that the human embryo dataset consists of 6 independent scRNA-seq datasets from different laboratories, and that cESFW was able to identify common and differing structure between them without any batch correction, smoothing or feature extraction. We have added to our summary that we propose cESFW may be best suited to analysis of transcriptome trajectories in time course and developmental data. However, we have also now performed comparison of Seurat, Scran and cESFW feature selection in a different context, using a reference PMBC scRNA-seq dataset. The results demonstrate that cESFW is a viable alternative for feature selection in that static system also (New figure, Figure S2).

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank the three reviewers for their thoughtful and constructive comments. The changes to the text and figures made in response to the questions raised have made this a clearer and stronger manuscript. The additional citations suggested by the reviewers helped to further anchor our study within the growing literature on facultative parthenogenesis. Below we have responded to each comment in blue. We have added new data to the manuscript (Fig. 4C, Fig. S10B and Fig. S10D).

      Point-by-point description of the revisions

      This section is mandatory. *Please insert a point-by-point reply describing the revisions that were already carried out and included in the transferred manuscript. *

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      1. Summary: Here Ho et al. provide strong molecular evidence for the production of facultatively parthenogenetic whiptail lizards, through a gametic duplication. As evidenced through multiple routes, including microsatellites, WGS, RADseq, and RBC ploidy, and lines of evidence from multiple specimens, this study is timely in furthering our understanding of the mechanisms underlying FP. The findings are conclusive.

      That said, I have several comments that should be addressed prior to publication. The introduction which addresses FP in other systems fails to cite several key studies that provide strongly molecular support for terminal fusion automixis. Similarly, the study pushes the idea that this is an adaptive trait, however without proving that the parthenogens can themselves reproduce, this is a moot point at this stage.

      That said, my comments are minor. I found this to be an excellent study, well written, comprehensive in methodology, and one that I strongly advocate for publication.

      We thank reviewer 1 for referring to our manuscript as an excellent study and strongly advocating for its publication. We concur with his/her points that evidence for automixis in other systems was not sufficiently referenced and that the adaptive trait hypothesis for FP is somewhat speculative. The text has been modified accordingly (see below).

      Major comments - None.

      Minor Comments: Should be addressed.

      Line 36 - However, data that supports terminal fusion are no longer restricted to microsat data. Studies utilizing RADseq and whole-genome sequencing in snakes and crocodiles have now provided further evidence supporting terminal fusion.

      See: Booth et al. 2023. Discovery of facultative parthenogenesis in a new world crocodile. Biology Letters. 19, 20230129.

      Card et al. 2021. Genome-wide data implicate terminal fusion automixis in king cobra facultative parthenogenesis. Scientific Reports. 11, 1-9

      Allen et al. 2018. Molecular evidence for the first records of facultative parthenogenesis in elapid snakes. R. Soc. Open. Sci. 5, 171901.

      We have now included that automixis in other systems is supported by both microsatellite and NGS data in the abstract of our manuscript. The references have been included in the main text.

      Ln 42 - Evidence suggesting that isolation from males was not a pre-requisite for FP has previously been reported in snakes.

      See: Booth et al. 2011. Evidence for viable, non-clonal but fatherless Boa constrictors. Biology Letters. 7, 253-256.

      Booth et al. Facultative parthenogenesis discovered in wild vertebrates. Biology Letters. 8, 983-985.

      Booth et al. 2014. New insights on facultative parthenogenesis in pythons. Biol J Linn Soc. 112, 461-468.

      Despite the prior evidence to the contrary cited by the reviewer, it is still a commonly held belief among scientists and science journalists that isolation from males promotes or triggers FP. We have placed our findings in the context of other studies, including those mentioned above, that came to the same conclusion that isolation from mating partners is not a requirement for FP. We thank the reviewer for the additional citations, which are now included in the discussion section.

      Ln 48 - Is this really an argument. While an immediate transition to homozygosity will purge some deleterious alleles, given the genome-wide nature of this, there will also conversely have been strong selection for mildly deleterious alleles.

      Even though many FP animals have congenital defects, our data, combined with that of others, show that seemingly healthy animals arise as well. Even if these healthy animals harbor slightly deleterious alleles, the most detrimental alleles would have therefore been purged especially for subsequent generations. We have modified the abstract to be clearer: “Conversely, for animals that develop normally, FP exerts strong purifying selection as all lethal recessive alleles are purged in one generation.”

      Ln 56 - I would recommend the inclusion of both Allen et al. 2018. R. Soc. Open Sci, and Card et al. 2021. Sci Reports, here, as they are members of the elapids, not represented in the other examples.

      These two citations have been added.

      Ln 60 - Recent studies have highlighted the significance of sperm storage in reptiles. For example, Levine et al. 2021. Exceptional long-term sperm storage by a female vertebrate. PLos ONE. 16(6).e0252049, describe the storage of sperm by a female rattlesnake for ~70 months, with two instances of its utilization to produce healthy offspring during that period. Clearly, molecular tools are providing both support for long-term sperm storage, and an understanding of its utilization.

      Recent work has indeed provided new evidence for instances of long-term sperm storage and the two mechanisms are no longer competing hypotheses, but it is clear that both mechanisms exist in nature. We have modified the text accordingly to include “Nevertheless, clear examples of long-term sperm storage have also been documented in the recent literature (29), underscoring the need for molecular methods such as MS analysis or sequencing data to elucidate the underlying mechanisms.”

      Ln 68 - American Crocodile would also be suitable to include here.

      This has now been included in the list of examples of endangered species.

      Ln71 - The problem with this hypothesis is that parthenogens produced through FP tend to have very low viability. For example, Adams et al. 2023. Endangered Species Research, follow a cohort of sharks produced through FP and all survive. Similarly low levels of survival are reported across other systems for which FP was reported. More likely, FP is simply a neutral trait. The mother is not negatively impacted through producing parthenogens and can go on to produce sexual offspring. Few instances report successful reproduction of a parthenogen. See pers. Comm in Card et al. 2021. And Straube et al. 2016.

      We thank the reviewer for the comment and agree that more data on the successful reproduction of parthenotes are needed to claim that FP is an adaptive trait. We have modified the text to include that studies on “the successful reproduction by FP offspring” are needed to support this hypothesis and have included the Straube et al. 2016 citation. We decided to omit the Card et al. 2021 citation as the reports of second-generation FP was through personal communication mentioned in this study and the results themselves have not yet been published.

      Ln 79 - I doubt that there is a desperate need for this for conservation. However, I think there is a need to simply further our understanding of basic biological function, given that it is not uncommon, and is phylogenetically widespread in species lacking genomic imprinting.

      We agree that understanding FP as a basic biological function is important in light of the realization that it occurs more commonly than previously thought. We have added this aspect to the text: “A better understanding of the triggers and molecular mechanisms underlying FP and the fitness of the resulting offspring are therefore needed in a variety of contexts. These include: to understand a fundamental biological mechanism and its significance in vertebrate evolution, to aid in conservation efforts including captive breeding programs, and to possibly harness FP in an agricultural context (28).”

      Ln 85 - It would be worth citing Card et al. 2021., here given that they used genome-wide ddRAD markers to show support for terminal fusion.

      The citation has been added.

      Ln 91 - Better citations here are Card et al. 2021. Allen et al. 2018, and Booth et al. 2023, which all utilize either RADseq or WGS.

      These citations have been added.

      Ln 95 - The conclusion of genome duplication here was supported only by a small number of microsatellite loci. As such, given that terminal fusion has been supported through genome-wide markers in other species of snakes and crocodiles, the conclusion of genome duplication is likely incorrect.

      In light of the other examples that show terminal fusion in snakes, we have removed this sentence.

      Ln 96 - I would strongly disagree with this statement. Allen et al. 2018, Card et al. 2021, Booth et al. 2023, all provide evidence of heterozygous loci and thus support terminal fusion. While no species-specific chromosome level reference genome is available for any of these species, the fact that levels of heterozygosity are below 33% percent supports terminal fusion. Rates over 33% support central fusion, but have not been reported in any vertebrate to date. AS such, I would recommend the removal of this statement.

      We agree that the studies listed by the reviewer all support terminal fusion in snakes and crocodiles and therefore, we have removed the statement.

      Ln 121 - Recent work in Drosophila mercatorum and D. melanogaster suggest that three genes play a role in the activation of FP in unfertilized eggs. In this case, through the fusion of meiotic products. That said, it is plausible to assume that FP in these lizards has an underlying genomic mechanism that is not related to isolation from males. See Sperling et al. 2023. Current Biology. 33, P3545-P3560.E13.

      Clearly isolation from males is not a key trigger in FP in whiptail lizards and other vertebrate species. With recent work from Sperling et al. 2023 and the fact that selection has led to increases in parthenogenesis in birds, an underlying genetic mechanism may well be at play. We have cited and addressed this in the discussion and propose identifying the genetic basis for FP in whiptail lizards in future studies.

      “Recent work identifying key cell cycle genes inducing FP in two species of Drosophila (71) and selection resulting in higher incidences of parthenogenesis in birds (24, 33) suggest a genetic basis for the initiation of FP. [...] Additional whole-genome sequencing data for species with documented FP will aid in the understanding the genetic basis, propensity, and evolutionary significance of FP.”

      Ln 126 - While these data strongly support FP of the two unusual A. marmoratus appearing offspring, can long term sperm storage be ruled out. Either through captive history or allelic exclusion of other males in the group?

      We have added the following sentence to the text: “Given that all of these offspring are female, inherited only maternal alleles, and animal 122 had no history of being housed with a conspecific male during its lifetime, both interspecific hybridization and long-term sperm storage are all but ruled out and FP is strongly supported.”

      Ln 171 - 191 - Given that the topic of this manuscript is the genomic mechanism underlying FP in this species, are these data necessary? These are not discussed later and as such I would recommend that they are moved supplemental material. Otherwise, they simply clutter that manuscript and detract from the key question. Indeed, they are important to show that the genome constructed is of high quality, but online Supp Mat is the place for that here.

      We chose to keep this section in the main text for the following reasons: There is still a lack of published reference quality genomes for many reptile species and therefore we want to highlight that this A. marmoratus reference adds not only to the understanding of FP, but also expands the small list of reptile genomes and makes the first Aspidoscelis genome available to the community. The high quality and contiguity of the genome (as indicated by the high N50 value and BUSCO score) is important to emphasize in the main text because the absence of any heterozygous regions in FP animals supports a mechanism of post-meiotic genome duplication. We would not want to bury these key points in the supplement.

      Ln 296 - Comparable estimates were made for parthenogenetic production in wild populations of two North American pitviper species. See Booth et al. 2012. Biology Letters.

      In Booth et al. 2012, 2 out of 59 litters of the two pitvipers (3.39%) were identified to contain FP offspring and these results are very similar to our reported rate of FP in whiptail lizards. We have now included this similarity in our discussion. “Interestingly, these rates are similar to what has been reported for wild populations of two North American pitviper species (10)”.

      Ln 312 - Again, can this really be suggested? Above, the authors state that most FP animals that hatched had congenital defects, and a large number failed to hatch. This does not sound like strong support for generating individuals that counter the effects of population bottlenecks and inbreeding depression. The authors need to take this study further and monitor the long-term viability of the FP individuals that survive.

      We agree with the reviewer that the adaptive advantages of FP reproduction are dependent on the fitness and reproductive potential of FP offspring and present data is insufficient to clearly support this notion. We have modified the text to include that long-term studies are needed to support or refute this hypothesis: “However, support for this hypothesis is predicated on the fitness and reproduction of FP offspring and therefore more long-term studies on seemingly healthy individuals of FP origin are needed.”

      Ln 348 - To be able to provide support for this, you need to track animals long term to understand their reproductive competence, and that of their offspring.

      We have added the text: “To assess whether the co-occurrence of sexual and FP reproduction in vertebrates can indeed be considered a reproductive strategy rather than biological noise will require further studies to assess the reproductive competence and fecundity of offspring produced by either mode of reproduction.”

      Ln 358 - But, the caveat is that the parthenogens must themselves reproduce. This must me stated.

      The statement that parthenogens must be able to reproduce to support a hypothesis of FP as an adaptive trait has been added: “One must now consider the possibility that FP is an adaptive trait and that low rates of successful FP could contribute significantly to genome purification. Such a role for FP hinges on further studies demonstrating the ability of parthenogens to reproduce themselves either through further FP or sexually.”

      Ln 359 - Note that FP can also fix mildly deleterious alleles. Only if it is strongly deleterious will it be lost.

      We now make it clearer that selection only applies to strongly deleterious alleles.

      Ln 361 - See above comments.

      We have modified the text to include that “FP offspring will have low genetic load and only pass on neutral and mildly-deleterious alleles to the next generation.”

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      1. Significance:

      While reports of parthenogenesis have been reported as far back as the early 1900's, it has only been over the last decade that reports are become common. Such that facultative parthenogenesis is no longer considered a rarity, but is recognized now as being relatively common and phylogenetically widespread in species that lack genomic imprinting - particularly reptiles, birds, and sharks. Reasons for this are both an increased understanding that the trait can occur, hence recognizing it as an alternative mechanism to long-term sperm storage, and the ease of using molecular approaches.

      The fundamental questions of recent times have been understanding the mechanisms driving FP. Recent papers utilizing whole genome sequencing and ddRADseq have provided support for terminal fusion automixis in snakes and sharks. Here, this study provides evidence of gametic duplication in whiptails, a mechanism with an alternative outcome in regards to the levels of retained heterozygosity. As such, this study compares to the recent work of Card et al. 2021 (Scientific Reports), and Booth et al. 2023 (Biology Letters), in providing substantive advances in the field.

      The audience for this will be broad. Parthenogenesis is a fascinating topic that attracts significant media attention. See the Altmetric score of recent papers on the topic, particularly Booth et al. 2023 (Altmetric score - ~3100). As such, the study will be of interest to both a broad readership, but will also be of great significance to a specialized group working on parthenogenesis. All round, an excellent paper that has promise to advance the field.

      We thank reviewer 1 for this positive assessment and for putting our work into context.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: The researchers bring together microsatellite and whole-genome sequencing data from long-term laboratory cultures of lizards to discover occasional production of parthenogenetic offspring by several species of otherwise sexually producing whiptail lizards ("facultative parthenogenesis, "FP") and to show that these FP-produced lizards have patterns of genomic homozygosity that are incompatible with currently held assumptions about mechanisms of FP. Instead, the FP lizards seem to have been produced by a mechanism that results in almost complete homozygosity, likely a consequence of post-meiotic duplication of genomes from haploid unfertilized oocytes. They also show that FP offspring were produced by females housed with males and along with sexually produced offspring, counter to prevailing assumptions that FP offspring are only produced in situations where mates are not available. Many of the FP-produced offspring did not survive to hatching or had major abnormalities, consistent with a situation where this high homozygosity exposes harmful alleles. Finally, the authors used reduced-representation sequencing (RAD-seq) to survey heterozygosity in 321 wild-collected whiptail lizards from 15 species, showing evidence for strikingly low homozygosity in at least one individual and perhaps up to 5, consistent with the potential for FP in nature. These data are of broad interest in demonstrating several exciting new possibilities. Most importantly, the data hint at a different mechanism of FP than previously assumed, and one that causes immediate near-complete homozygosity. This scenario would likely lead to immediate purging of harmful recessive alleles. If the selective load of this purging wasn't insurmountably high, a lineage with a history of purging could produce FP offspring of relatively high fitness. Other exciting possibilities suggested by the data include the existence of FP even in a setting where mating occurs and in natural populations, versus just captivity.

      Major Comments:

      I found it difficult to impossible to sort out exactly what the researchers did and with what lizards. For example, in line 107, they refer to a "systematic MS analysis" for all individuals of gonochoristic species in their laboratory, but where are these data? Indeed, at this early spot in the paper, the introduction from here on out suddenly reads like a discussion. What would be better here would be to summarize what was known and wasn't known about the system and questions involved, why gaps in knowledge were important, and what the researchers actually did for this paper. In my opinion, the paper would be a much easier read if the researchers left the results and interpretation for later in the paper.

      As a consequence of the reviewers’ comments, the text of the manuscript has undergone major revision, and we trust that reviewer 2 will find this new version far more accessible. The MS data collection of more than 1000 individuals is the subject of another ongoing study and was only mentioned peripherally here to put the identification of FP into context. As most of the MS data relates to gonochoristic reproduction and interspecific hybridization, we are only presenting the data that are directly relevant to this manuscript as part of this study. To our knowledge, there is no common repository to upload raw MS data, but we have provided the data for the FP animals and controls discussed in this paper in the Github repository (see section “Data availability”).

      Even with this suggested fix, however, the data are still too inaccessible and analyses too opaque. For example, in line 202, a critical definition is laid out regarding heterozygous sites as those having "equal support" for two alleles. What do the researchers mean by "equal support"? My presumption is that this is something about equal or close to equal numbers of reads, but this definition needs to be spelled out and justified because it underpins much of the downstream analyses. A similar problem occurs in line 208-209, where the authors make a statement about limiting further analysis to positions in the genome where the coverage is "equal" to the mean sequencing depth.

      We have changed the text to “we defined heterozygous sites as those having two alleles supported by an equal number of reads. This stringent requirement was chosen to limit the search to apparent heterozygous sites with strong support, decreasing the chance of false positives.”. We further look at only sites where the coverage is equal to the average sequencing depth to exclude regions where over-assembly and collapse of repetitive elements would artificially increase the coverage.

      Another data/analysis issue emerges with the components of the manuscript that deal with mixoploidy. As far as I can tell, these data come from one sexually produced lizard, one FP A. marmoratus, and one FP A. arizonae. While the reports of bimodality of nuclear size are certainly interesting, the data and discussion are no more than an anecdotal case study in the absence of careful replication across multiple FP lizards and comparison to sexually produced lizards. Without these data, the conclusion that “Animals produced by facultative parthenogenesis are characterized by mixoploidy” (Figure 4 caption; also see lines 324-331) is far too strong.

      We have added animal IDs to figure legends 4 and S10 to clarify that these erythrocyte staining come from two FP A. marmoratus, and one FP A. arizonae. In addition, imaging from two sexually produced control animals (1 A. marmoratus and 1 A. arizonae) have now been included in S10 (as S10B and S10D). We also have included an extra panel of flow cytometry data (new Figure 4C) as a complementary methodology for ploidy determination. Both imaging and flow cytometry support similar amounts of haploid cells. With the additional data and clarification, we hope that the reviewer agrees that the observations of mixoploidy are well beyond “anecdotal”. Nevertheless, we have changed the title for Figure 4 to “Detection of mixoploidy associated with facultative parthenogenesis.” We hope that our observations here will indeed inspire future studies to see if mixoploidy is a widespread phenomenon in FP outside of whiptails as indicated by earlier work in birds.

      I had a similar reaction to the discussion of developmental abnormalities and embryonic lethality of embryos of FP origin presented in lines 263-281 (also lines 307-309). What is the baseline level of such abnormalities and the frequency of lethality in sexually produced eggs/embryos/hatchlings, and especially those produced via inbreeding? These comparisons are needed to interpret the significance of the patterns observed in the FP eggs/embryos/hatchings. Analogously, the comparison of the ovaries and germinal vesicles from one FP individual relative to one sexual individual do not tell us anything nearly so definitive as the text in lines 279-281 (also see Fig. S12 title, which is too broad of a conclusion for N = 1). This overly ambitious conclusion also underpins the discussion regarding the potentially adaptive nature of FP with respect to genome purification (lines 341-363; also see lines 47-50). If FP does not actually increase the rate of purging in FP lizards relative to inbred sexual counterparts (sounds like inbreeding is common from line 339), it seems less likely that we can view FP as adaptive at least from this perspective.

      We have now included a comparison between defects seen in sexually produced animals vs FP animals: “six out of 16 FP animals (37.5%) hatched with no discernable developmental defects (Fig. S11A-B). This is in stark contrast to sexually produced animals, where over 98% of hatchlings showed no abnormalities. Additionally, most of the defects noted in sexually produced animals were less severe than in FP animals including bulges in tails or truncated digits.”

      We agree that our statement on the lack of differences between sexually produced and FP animals was too general. We have modified the title of Fig. S12 from “No differences between ovaries and germinal vesicles of Aspidoscelis marmoratus produced by facultative parthenogenesis or fertilization” to "Ovaries of Aspidoscelis marmoratus FP animal 8450 and germinal vesicles of FP sister 8449 revealed no differences in structure and anatomy compared to fertile sexually reproducing animals.” Due to instant complete homozygosity, FP would indeed have a higher rate of purging than inbreeding. While one hypothesis is that FP is adaptive (in large enough populations), our intentions were to highlight the alternative that FP could be detrimental in smaller populations (that already would likely experience high inbreeding rates). We would expect inbreeding to not be common in whiptails relative to other lizards given that they tend to have large population sizes and actively range across generalist habitats.

      A final data concern is with the use of liver tissue for whole-genome sequencing and reference genome assembly (lines 389-390) and then using these data and the reference genome to make conclusions about ploidy/coverage. Liver tissue is very commonly endopolyploid, meaning that coverage could be artificially high for animals for which liver (vs. tail) tissue was used for DNA extraction. In particular, it would be helpful if the researchers consider whether endopolyploidy could have affected their ability to make accurate estimation of coverage and thus, heterozygosity, when libraries generated from diploid (tail) tissues are aligned to a reference genome generated from a polyploid tissue as was done here.

      This is an interesting point and indeed hepatic cells in various organisms have been documented to be polyploid. The proportion of polyploid cells though vary and as far as we are aware, all published studies on polyploid hepatocytes are in mammals (DOI: 10.1016/j.tcb.2013.06.002). Reference genomes have been generated from a variety of tissue sources and liver is commonly used. As most assemblies are for haploid genomes, polyploidy (unlike aneuploidy) does not impact the assembly quality. The reference genome was also from an animal of FP origin and therefore has genome-wide homozygosity that aids in a more contiguous genome assembly by eliminating the phasing problem. For the 10 animals sequenced, genomic DNA was derived from liver for three animals and the rest from tail tissue. The sequencing data generated from either liver or tail resulted in similar coverage levels (Figure S6) and similar levels of heterozygosity (Figure 2A). Minor Comments:

      Line 410: Please explain why the BLAST cutoff was changed from the default.

      The BLAST cutoff was changed from the default 1e-03 to 1e-06 to be more stringent and thereby increase confidence in the BUSCO results.

      Lines 441-443: Please explain why this dataset was seemingly larger than expected.

      Animal 122 was sequenced on one flow cell without any multiplexing with other samples and therefore yielded more reads than other animals sequenced. We subsampled the reads from this animal for analysis, so it is directly comparable with the other WGS data.

      Line 510: The link to the Github repository was broken, so I was unable to access the code and data denoted as available here.

      We apologize for the unavailability of the link at the time of review. Review Commons did not request a reviewer token. The repository will be made public upon journal acceptance. We would be happy to provide a reviewer token in the meantime upon request by Review Commons.

      Figure 1, and other figures featuring comparisons of MS data across parents and offspring: The authors need to engage here with the alleles that do not match either parent here (e.g., allele 282 at MS7), explaining the likelihood that these alleles indeed represent a binning error (or, perhaps, stepwise mutation from parental allele), and these alleles should be flagged. Instead, they bin these unique alleles with the most similar parental allele without any explanation or flagged. The authors do bring this point up in Figure S1, but this issue needs to be addressed in the main text (related point: the mix of red/green in MS16 offspring appear more green than red. Is this meant to denote a probability different than 50:50? If not, the authors should adjust the shading so that this shape is half green, half red).

      We have added to the figure legend that single nucleotide differences are most likely binning errors and are therefore not considered “de novo” alleles. Instead, they are assigned it to the most similar parental allele, consistent with Figure S1. The shading at MS16 has been removed so that it is consistent with Figure 3.

      Figure 3: Indicate that white background for alleles means that allelic inheritance is not determinable, or use the mix of colors applied in Fig. 1 to indicate as such. Unique offspring alleles should be flagged rather than just automatically assigned to the most similar parental allele. Finally, it would be helpful if the alleles were presented within loci from the shorter to the longer alleles.

      We have included in the figure legend that non-shaded alleles are those for which multiple potential parents share the same allele and the inheritance therefore remains ambiguous for this locus. Single nucleotide differences are also now addressed, and sizes are ordered from smallest to largest.

      Figure S7. Indicate visually which panels indicate FP animals.

      We have now indicated which animals are FP and included this in Figure S6 as well.

      Fig. S13. The 5 animals that had especially low heterozygosity should be flagged. The title of this figure should be toned down in light of the tentative nature of the conclusions regarding FP in nature: low heterozygosity could instead reflect, for example, a long history of inbreeding. My reaction to the data is also that the % heterozygosity distribution for many of the species looks continuous rather than the bimodality one might expect under FP vs. sexual reproduction.

      Since FP has not been further confirmed in these animals, unlike those examples from our captive colony, there could indeed be other reasons for low heterozygosity. We have changed the title of the figure from “Facultative parthenogenesis in whiptail lizards collected in nature” to the more neutral “Heterozygosity estimates of whiptail lizards collected in nature.” Since there are so relatively few animals, one would not necessarily expect a bimodal distribution to be apparent in the current data. We did show that the animal with the lowest calculated level of heterozygosity (deppii LDOR30) was a statistical outlier when compared to other individuals of the same species though. Since these animals were sampled across different locations and habitats, the effective population sizes would be assumed to be different as well, reflecting the range of heterozygosity estimates seen here. This has been made clear in the text.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      General assessment: strengths and limitations. The paper's strengths include the combination of data from lab and natural populations, the characterization of an unexpected means of achieving FP, with dramatic genetic consequences, and the data suggesting that this type of FP is fairly common and occurs even in the context of mating.

      Audience: The biological questions of relevance to these discoveries are of broad interest, and the paper is likely to garner some attention from the life sciences community as whole and the popular press.

      Advance: These data fill an important knowledge gap regarding the mechanisms potentially driving FP in vertebrates, how often FP is likely to occur, and its genetic consequences. The discoveries are potentially conceptual/fundamental, though the extent to which they are ground breaking is not clear in the absence of functional characterization of how FP occurs as well as the need for more rigorous comparisons and replication that I outlined above.

      We thank reviewer 2 for summarizing the strengths of this manuscript, pointing out the broad interest and stating that this work fills an important knowledge gap.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: The occurrence of facultative parthenogenesis has been described in a number of vertebrate lineages but the underlying cytological mechanism(s) have remained largely speculative due to sparsity of data. Here, Ho & Tormey et al. provide a detailed analysis of facultative parthenogenesis in gonochoristic species of the lizard genus Aspidoscelis. They show that parthenogenesis leads to a complete loss of heterozygosity (LOH) within a single generation. They attribute the LOH to diploidization through duplication of the oocytes haploid genome after completion of meiosis. This mechanism is consistent with their finding of mixoploidy in erythrocytes of asexually produced offspring. Based on LOH the authors additionally show that facultative parthenogenesis in Aspidoscelis is not condition dependent (no developmental switch): it can occur in the presence of males, alongside with sexual reproduction in the same clutch, and both in captivity and the wild. Finally, the authors show that facultative parthenogenesis is associated with developmental aberrations, likely caused by expression of homozygous recessive deleterious mutations.

      Major comments: In my opinion, this study presents a very comprehensive, careful documentation of mechanistic aspects and consequences of facultative parthenogenesis in a vertebrate. The genomic and microsatellite results leave little to no doubt that facultative parthenogenesis has led to complete LOH in Aspidoscelis. I am particularly impressed by the meticulous analysis of genomic coverage to exclude e.g. false positive heterozygosity due to merged paralogs in the assembly. I also follow the authors conclusion that a post-meiotic "gamete duplication"-like mechanism is likely causative for the LOH (and the mixoploidy of erythrocytes; but I am no expert on that). I was wondering if terminal fusion automixis together with a complete absence of recombination would be worth mentioning as an (probably very unlikely) alternative in the discussion. It would be exciting to corroborate the conclusion of diploidization by genome duplication in the future, e.g. via early embryonic DNA stainings to show the duplication "in action" (if that is practically possible)...? As for this manuscript, I suggest emphasizing the indirect nature of the evidence for the mechanism of parthenogenesis a little bit more.

      We thank the reviewer for highlighting the effort that went into the genomic analysis that led us to our conclusions. In terms of terminal fusion without recombination, we argue that this is not an obvious alternative explanation as a large body of work has established that at least one crossover per homologous chromosome pair is required to advance into meiosis I in many organisms (e.g. see https://doi.org/10.3389/fcell.2021.681123) and therefore the absence of recombination would likely not produce the polar bodies necessary for automixis.

      We have added to the text: “In whiptail lizards, we have not been able to examine post-meiotic oocytes as locating the post-meiotic nucleus within a large yolked egg is inherently difficult. The difficulty is compounded by the unpredictability of which eggs will undergo FP development and the need to sacrifice animals to remove eggs.”

      While the genome duplication mechanism we propose is indeed indirect because we are unable to visualize developing FP embryos, the most parsimonious explanation from the whole-genome sequencing analysis is genome duplication because of the lack of heterozygous regions associated with automixis. In the text, we have made sure to state genome-wide homozygosity as the basis for our conclusion.

      I agree that facultative parthenogenesis in the presence of males hints at a baseline rate of parthenogenesis without requiring a developmental switch. However, this makes it difficult to rule out that sperm played a role in activation of embryonal development (gynogenesis; however I am only aware of gynogenesis in fishes and amphibians)... maybe, the authors want to take this up in the discussion. Were the five parthenogenetic individuals for whole genome sequencing actually produced in the presence of males, too?

      FP has been reported to occur in isolated females for other reptile and bird species, suggesting that sperm activation is at least not a general requirement in FP of amniotes. (Watts, et al. 2006, W. W. Olsen, S. J. Marsden 1954). In all cases in this study, the female mothers were housed with conspecific or heterospecific males. While we cannot completely rule out a non-genetic contribution of sperm in these cases, it would seem to be an unlikely explanation in light of the sperm-independent reproduction by obligate parthenogenesis in other species of whiptail lizards (unlike the sperm-dependence of all unisexual reproduction in amphibians and fish). We decided to not include speculation on sperm-dependence in this manuscript as we have no evidence in favor of it, nor is there any evidence for this in the literature relating to other amniotes. In fact, most examples of FP were reported from isolated females, most likely because offspring were not expected in those cases and prompted further analysis as to their origin.

      I agree with the interpretation of the LOH in the RADseq data as a likely case of facultative parthenogenesis in the wild. However, when looking at figure S13 I noticed some bimodal looking distributions (e.g. in A. guttatus). It may be interesting for future studies to look into what factors influence heterozygosity in natural populations of Aspidoscelis (e.g. inbreeding vs parthenogenesis). Could there be different mechanisms of facultative parthenogenesis in different Aspidoscelis species explaining different LOH intensities?

      The continuous nature of the data may reflect natural variation between individuals and collection at various locations with possibly different effective population sizes and levels of hybridization. Low levels of heterozygosity could be indicative of inbreeding or FP in some cases. This is important to note in future studies and we have added this to the manuscript (“Further fieldwork and analysis will be required to assess the level of FP in natural populations of gonochoristic Aspidoscelis species (and other factors that could influence the observed heterozygosity such as population size, levels of hybridization, and inbreeding) …”). While there are different mechanisms of FP in other vertebrate groups, the most parsimonious hypothesis is that within a genus, the mechanism would be the same.

      The manuscript is well written, the introduction nicely explains the significance of the study, the methods are fully appropriate and the results (and supplementary results) displayed comprehensibly and in great detail. The discussion might benefit from going a bit more generally into the occurrence and mechanism of obligate asexuality in Aspidoscelis. One might e.g. speculate on whether the ability for facultative parthenogenesis in gonochoristic species has facilitated the transitions to obligate parthenogenesis in the hybrid lineages and what peculiarities might predispose Aspidoscelis to parthenogenesis (e.g. are centrioles contributed by sperm required?). In addition, I think the occurrence of LOH due to gamete duplication (facultative and obligate) in invertebrates (e.g. due to Wolbachia) is worth mentioning in the discussion: e.g. there is a similar case in facultative asexual Bacillus rossius stick insects, where the early dividing cells are haploid. Some of them diploidize via duplication later and form the embryo.

      Thank you for complimenting each section of the manuscript and referring to it as well-written. Our lab has a long-standing interest in obligate parthenogenesis. While it is interesting that both obligate and facultative parthenogenesis occur alongside each other in this genus, the mechanisms appear to be fundamentally different, and we would like to focus the discussion on FP in a variety of systems and its potential implications in conservation and evolution. Parthenogenesis in general is a fascinating topic for a broad audience and not discussing another form of parthenogenesis (obligate in this case), the focus remains on FP and keeps the manuscript more accessible for non-specialists. We have included the stick insect as another example of diploid restoration through genome duplication in the discussion.

      Minor comments:

      39-41: I am a bit puzzled by the usage of the term "post-meiotic" to contrast the diploidization through duplication with automixis. Wouldn't one consider polar body fusion after completion of meiosis II also post-meiotic? Maybe I am just not aware of how the term is usually used in this context here...

      We use the term “post-meiotic” because the restoration of an entirely homozygous diploid cell can only occur after the completion of both meiotic divisions. It is our understanding that polar body fusion and meiotic restitution after meiosis I or meiosis II are generally considered meiotic mechanisms in the specialized literature, even though polar body fusion would also occur after the meiotic divisions.

      65: isn't that gynogenesis (sperm-dependent parthenogenesis) in the amazon molly?

      While sperm is required for parthenogenesis in the Amazon Molly, it is an all-female species that exclusively reproduces through gynogenesis. In this case, it is considered an example of obligate parthenogenesis rather than FP.

      78: the term "economically viable" may be a bit puzzling for a biologist's audience. "Economically sustainable" could be an alternative.

      This has been changed.

      129: the Arizona male was referred to as ID 4272 above. Here it is ID 4238?

      This has been corrected. The correct ID is 4272.

      218: please define over-assembly (see line 207)

      The definition of “over-assembly” is collapsing paralogous loci into a single representative sequence. This is now explained in the text.

      263-281: please, indicate a hatching rate/ rate of malformations of sexually produced offspring for comparison.

      A comparison has been added: “This is in stark contrast to sexually produced animals, where over 98% of hatchlings had no abnormalities noted.”

      333: in the haploid cells recessive deleterious mutations would be exposed in the hemizygous state but in the diploid cells in the homozygous state.

      The text has been modified to reflect the difference between haploid and diploid cells.

      470: please, provide more detail for the RADseq analyses (variant calling, calculation of heterozygosity etc.)

      We have elaborated on the analysis in the methods.

      Figure 1B: please, mention in the legend that the shown mechanisms are not exhaustive, e.g. first polar body fusion could occur right after meiosis 1 or polar body formation could be skipped completely.

      This has been added.

      Figure 1C: it may be interesting for non-specialists to name the distinctive morphological characters setting apart the three species in the figure legend and highlight them e.g. with arrows in the figure.

      We have now included in the figure legend characteristic color patterns for each species: “(C) Photographs of Aspidoscelis arizonae with characteristic blue ventral coloration (top), A. gularis with light spots in dark fields that separate light stripes on dorsum (middle), and A. marmoratus with light and dark reticulated pattern on dorsum (bottom).” Since the descriptions are specific and apparent, we did not add arrows to the pictures.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      Significance: The study by Ho & Tormey et al. substantially enhances the understanding of (facultative) asexuality in vertebrates. In particular, while most reports of facultative parthenogenesis in vertebrates have been attributed to a form of automixis, the authors conclusively show an instance of diploidization through genome duplication, a mechanism functionally similar to "gamete duplication". The study is novel, very comprehensive and of interest for a general audience within the field of evolutionary biology.

      We thank reviewer 3 for pointing out that our study substantially enhances the understanding of asexuality in vertebrates, is very comprehensive and of interest for a general audience within

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We appreciate the thoughtful comments of the reviewers. We have revised the manuscript according to these comments as detailed below.

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Efficient proteostasis in cells demands efficient clearing of damaged or misfolded proteins, and an important pathway involved in such clearance is the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. In this system, proteins are tagged with ubiquitin to target them for degradation by the 26S proteasome complex. The conventional 26S proteasome complex consists of a core particle (CP or 20S proteasome) and one or two regulatory particles (RP, or 19S proteasome) to form the singly or doubly-capped proteasome, respectively. Proteasome assembly is a well-orchestrated process that requires proper stoichiometry of proteasome subunits and dedicated proteasome assembly chaperones. This is maintained by fine-tuning their transcriptional and translational regulation.

      This manuscript elucidates an important aspect of how the different proteasome components are transcriptionally regulated upon denervation in mouse muscles for timely and efficiently assembling 26S proteasome. The authors present data that point out towards the model whereby a two-phase transcriptional program (early: day 3-7 and late: day 10-14) activates genes encoding proteasome subunits and assembly chaperones to boost an increase in proteasome content. This involves the coordinated functions of two transcription factors, PAX4 and alpha-PAL(Nrf1) which were important for both early and late phase of the transcriptional program. Their roles were not redundant as loss of one transcription factor was sufficient to prevent induction of various proteasome genes in muscle after denervation.

      In summary, the authors report a novel bi-phasic mechanism elevating proteasome production in vivo, which involves the coordinated functions of two transcription factors, PAX4 and alpha-PAL(Nrf1).

      Major points: 1) It is not clear why PAX4 and alpha-PAL(Nrf1) are both fully required for the transcriptional induction of some proteasome genes upon denervation (with good overlap), while only PAX4 is important for increased proteasome assembly. The authors speculate that this could be due to a stoichiometry problem but an alternative scenario where translation is increased upon alpha-PAL(Nrf1) inhibition would also be possible. This would explain why, for example, the induction of PSMC1 gene expression upon denervation is abolished upon alpha-PAL(Nrf1) inhibition (Fig. 5C) while the protein level is still increased (Fig. 6H). Is that also true for PSMD5 and Rpn9? Could it also be that the loss of function of alpha-PAL(Nrf1) is too detrimental for the muscle so that they induce an alternative stress response pathway increasing proteasome subunit translation?

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. To better clarify this important point, we conducted further experiments to examine the differential effects between PAX4 vs. α-PALNRF1 on proteasome assembly chaperons (Fig. S4b). Our new data show that PAX4 promotes the induction of the assembly chaperone, PSMD5 (S5b) at 3 days after denervation (Fig. S4B). This induction is critical for the increase in PSMD5 protein levels because PAX4 knockout results in decreased PSMD5 protein levels at both 3 and 10 days after denervation (Fig. 4K). α-PALNRF1, however, does not affect the mRNA levels of this chaperone (Fig. S4A). This new result strengthens our conclusion that induced expression of assembly chaperones by PAX4 is key to raising proteasome levels after denervation.

      We cannot rule out an indirect effect of α-PALNRF1 knock-down on protein synthesis, and therefore this potential alternative mechanism is now discussed in the text. It appears unlikely, however, that α-PALNRF1 knock-down is too detrimental to muscle as we do not find any evidence phenotypically for any type of stress or abnormalities.

      2) Pax4 controls Rpt1-2 transcription and these two Rpt proteins form a pair. As Rpt4 is also regulated by Pax4, is Rpt5 also controlled by Pax4?

      We believe the reviewer meant to request the data for Rpt4, because the data for Rpt5 was already included in original Fig. 4G-H. Therefore, we repeated the RT-PCR analysis of PAX4 KO mouse muscles for Rpt4 and now show that its induction requires PAX4 at 10 d after denervation, just when proteasome content is increased (Fig. 4G). At 3 d after denervation, Rpt4 induction is probably regulated by other transcription factors because its mRNA levels at this early phase were similar in muscles from WT and PAX4 KO mice (Fig. 4H). These data, strengthen our conclusions that coordinated functions of multiple transcription factors control proteasome gene expression in vivo. In future studies, we will investigate the specific mode of cooperation and mechanisms by which various transcription factors and co-factors collaborate to enhance the expression of proteasome genes in the early and delayed stages of gene expression within a living organism.

      What about the assembly chaperone for these two pairs: PSMD5 and p27? It would be very interesting to know if there is a transcriptional coregulation based on proteasome assembly intermediates.

      The referee raises an important point, which we also discuss in the text. We now present data showing that PAX4 promotes the induction of the assembly chaperon PSMD5 at 3 d after denervation (Fig. S4B), correlating nicely with the observed changes in protein levels of this chaperon (Fig. 4K). The expression of PSMD9 (p27) however, does not require neither PAX4 nor α-PALNRF1 (Fig. S4). Consequently, we conclude that PAX4 promotes proteasome biogenesis by promoting PSMD5 induction, and in the absence of α-PALNRF1 proteasome subunits can still efficiently assemble into the proteasomes (even though their expression is reduced), due to the induced expression and increased action of the assembly chaperone PSMD5. Our data highlight the intricacy in controlling proteasome levels, through transcriptional regulation of proteasome genes and assembly chaperones during muscle atrophy. We now further document and discuss the regulation of proteasome biogenesis by these two transcription factors in the text and Discussion (p.28).

      3) Fig. 4J: PSMD5 and PSMD13 are not tested in Fig. 4A, G and H. This needs to be done if the authors want to draw the parallel mRNA-protein levels, as in their conclusion. Moreover, the protein levels seem to be much more induced than the mRNA levels, could that be due to increased translation? This could be discussed.

      We accepted this thoughtful suggestion and now present the mRNA levels for PSMD5 and PSMD13 in Figs. 4A, G and H and Fig. S4. The new data does not change our conclusion that protein abundance largely correlate with the transcript levels (Figs. 2 and 4K).

      The reviewer raises an important question that we hope to resolve in the future. As we point out in the revised Discussion section, “the substantial rise in protein levels compared to mRNA levels after denervation suggests potential increased protein translation due to PAX4 loss. Whether PAX4 regulates protein synthesis and thus can affect protein levels beyond gene expression are intriguing questions for future research”.

      4) The conclusion is not correct in this sentence: "Moreover, analysis of innervated and 10 d denervated muscle homogenates from WT, alpha-PAL(Nrf1) KD or PAX4/alpha-PAL(Nrf1) KD mice by native gels and immunoblotting or LLVY-cleavage indicated that loss of both transcription factors is necessary to effectively block accumulation of active assembled proteasomes on denervation (Fig. 6H)". This is not correct, as the loss of PAX4 is sufficient to block accumulation of active assembled proteasomes on denervation (Fig. 4K). So, it could just be that alpha-PAL(Nrf1) KD has no effect on the induction of proteasome assembly after denervation and that all the effect of the double mutant is due to PAX4 loss. This needs to be corrected.

      We thank the reviewer for this thoughtful comment. The text has been revised accordingly.

      Minor points:

      1) I would rephrase the sentence "baseline at 14 d after denervation and showed a sustained low mRNA levels until 28 d (Fig. 2A-F).", as the mRNA levels are still significantly higher that the basal levels for most proteasome genes. Same for the sentence: "RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) analysis of TA muscles at 14 d after denervation indicated that expression of most proteasome genes is low at 14 d (Fig. S1)". Expression is low compared to what and not being induced doesn't mean they are low. This needs to be rephrased.

      We revised the text accordingly and thank the reviewer for these suggestions.

      2) Microscopy images need more explanation: define the green and red channel and what they are used for in the legend.

      The legends have been updated as requested.

      3) Columns have moved from the Table 2.

      The tables have now been submitted as separate files.

      4) Fig. S3: RT-PCR on NRF-1(NFE2L1) need to be performed to see the extent of inhibition by shRNA.

      We thank the reviewer for this important comment. The data, which was added as new Fig. S3A, shows an efficient knockdown of NRF-1NFE2L1 with shNFE2L1.

      5) In the sentence: "PAX4 maintaining subunit stoichiometry for increased proteasome assembly.", could it be due to the much higher levels of PSMB8, 9 and 10 immunoproteasome subunits upon alpha-PAL(Nrf1) KD (Fig. 6F)?

      We addressed this aspect in Major Point #1, regarding the difference between PAX4 and α-PALNRF1; please see our response. As for the Reviewer’s comment concerning Fig. 6F, we think that the increased expression of PSMB 8, 9, and 10 in α-PALNRF1-KD compared to the double KD or PAX4 KO further suggests a distinct cooperative interaction between these transcription factors in promoting proteasome expression, assembly, and function, which we plan to thoroughly investigate in future separate studies. However, the increased expression of PSMB 8, 9, and 10 can affect the composition of the CP (by replacing their normal ounterpart), but not the RP assembly. CP and RP are known to assemble separately with their own dedicated chaperones; RP and CP then associate to complete the assembly of proteasome holoenzyme (RP-CP complex). Thus, it is unlikely that increased CP assembly alone would increase overall RP-CP assembly.

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      All other comments are relevant.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      Overall, the work is impactful and timely, reporting the participation of a novel transcription factor, alpha-PAL(Nrf1), along with PAX4, in regulating the transcription of proteasome genes and the subsequent assembly of conventional proteasomes in mouse muscle upon denervation. One limitation is that alpha-PAL(Nrf1) kockdown is only inhibiting proteasome genes expression but proteasome assembly, the reason being still unknown. Most of the conclusions drawn in the manuscript are supported by the experimental data. Better understanding how proteasome homeostasis is regulated upon stressful conditions is an important fundamental aspect of proteasome biology. I would support publication of this manuscript providing the more specific concerns listed are addressed.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The main limitation of this study is that is based on a single model of muscle atrophy: that induced by cut of the sciatic nerve. Another one will nicely complement the findings as fasting atrophy or cancer cachexia model, to see if the two phase is recapitulated with regard to proteasome modulation.

      The referee raises an interesting point, but as we explained throughout the manuscript, we did not use denervation in this study as a model for atrophy but rather as an in vivo model system to investigate mechanisms of protein degradation and proteasome homeostasis in a whole organism in vivo. The reason we selected denervation as an in vivo model for accelerated proteolysis is due to the gradual nature of muscle loss, which allows us to dissect the various phases of proteasome homeostasis effectively. Fasting, as an alternative model, is too rapid for addressing the specific questions that we asked in this study. In addition, in the rapid atrophy induced by fasting the primary physiological mechanism to increase protein degradation in vivo is believed to be through post-synthetic modification of proteasomes, rather than the production of new proteasomes (VerPlank et al., 2019). In future separate studies, we will thoroughly investigate whether the mechanisms discovered here are applicable to other types of atrophy (e.g. diabetes, aging, cancer). The obtained results will be published and fully discussed separately, in part because covering all types of atrophy within a single paper is impractical and goes beyond the scope of the current manuscript.

      Another major concern is that the author do not measure over time during denervation atrophy the mRNA and protein content expression of the two transcription factors that they found crucial in the proteasome induction and assembly.

      We agree with the reviewer that time course would strengthen our conclusions that the two transcription factors are important for proteasome gene induction and assembly. We have added these data showing that PAX4 (Fig. 4I) and α-PALNRF-1 (Fig. 6E) both accumulate in the nucleus at 7 d after denervation, just when proteasome content is maximal (Fig. 3A) and protein breakdown is accelerated (Cohen 2009; Volodin 2017; Aweida 2021). The mRNA levels of PAX4 were presented as original Fig. 4F and indicate that PAX4 is induced already at 3 d after denervation. We have added new RT-PCR data for α-PALNRF-1 showing that α-PALNRF-1 is induced at 7 d and 10 d after denervation (Fig. 6D).

      Major and minor concerns are as follows:

      Typos now and then are present all over the text, as holoemzyme shall be replaced with holoenzyme on page 9, on page 12 proteasome is misspelled on mid page, as well as cellls. By cotrast shall be corrected on page 19. References on page 22 shall be formatted.

      We have corrected the typographical errors.

      • reference 29 on page 7 seems out of context together with the sentences it is coupled with.

      The reference is appropriately located within the text in terms of context, and precisely aligns with the sentence to which it is associated. Reference 29 (Boos 2019) describes a cellular state in which all proteasome genes rise simultaneously.

      • muscle electroporation of plasmid shall be replaced by AAV9 injection that causes less inflammation and more expressing fibers

      We do not understand and see no basis for the referee’s assertion that the “muscle electroporation of plasmid shall be replaced by AAV9 injection”. On the contrary, the electroporation methodology is widely used by many labs because of its many advantages. This in vivo gene transfection approach is extremely useful to study transient gene (or shRNA) effects in adult muscles, while avoiding the developmental effects of genes (or shRNA) that are often seen in transgenic or knockout animals (e.g., the inducible knockout of α-PALNRF-1 caused lethality, see Fig. 6B-C).

      In addition, the electroporation technique offers great advantages from its speed and major cost savings. We have been using it routinely in our lab for in vivo studies, and articles using it from many laboratories worldwide have appeared in all major journals, e.g. see our papers in Nature Communications, J Cell Biol, PNAS, EMBO rep, and papers from late Alfred Goldberg (Harvard), Marco Sandri (Padova, Italy), Jeff Brault (Indiana Univ.) and others. In all studies included in this manuscript that involve electroporation, contrary to the reviewer’s impression, there was no damage or inflammation to the muscles, and we routinely examined histological sections. Finally, for our studies, we always use muscles that are at least ~70% transfected, which has proven adequate for observing gene effects in mouse muscle. In each experiment, transfected muscles are always compared and analyzed in parallel to control muscles (transfected with scrambled shLacz control). In fact, the validity of the in vivo electroporation technique is further confirmed herein by our investigations of transgenic inducible knock-down mice, showing similar effects on proteasome gene expression.

      • the shGankyrin data shall be complemented with overexpression of the same chaperone to see the effects of proteasome expression and assembly.

      We understand the reviewer’s concern but do not believe that such an experiment is necessary since it is well known and there is already extensive evidence in the literature showing that the chaperon Gankyrin is essential for proteasome assembly (Kaneko et al. Cell 137, 914–925, May 29, 2009 (DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2009.05.008). Thus, various Gankyrin mutants have often been used as an inactive control for proteasome assembly in vitro and in vivo (Kaneko et al. Cell 137, 914–925, May 29, 2009 (DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2009.05.008). In fact, Gankyrin’s known function in ensuring not only the proper subunit composition, but also proper conformation of the proteasome holoenzyme (Lu et al., Mol Cell. 2017 Jul 20;67(2):322-333.e6).

      • another important transcription factor driving MuRF1 expression is Twist and it is totally ignored in the discussion, please add it.

      We regret this oversight. We did not mean to slight any authors, although our major new discoveries and focus is on proteasome genes and not MuRF1. However, to satisfy the reviewer, we now discuss in the text Twist and other transcription factors (including SMAD2/3, glucocorticoid receptors and NFkB) capable of inducing the major atrophy-related genes (among them MuRF1).

      • WB in Fig 2 shall be complemented by one in the Supp with more replicates per timepoint

      We accepted this thoughtful suggestion and now present blots from additional normal and atrophying denervated mouse muscle samples as new Fig. S1B. This approach, however, does not change any of our conclusions.

      • please justify why only PSMD10 (gankyrin) has been silenced and not any of the others (POMP, PSMD5, PSMD9)

      We silenced PSMD10 (Gankyrin) as a representative RP assembly chaperone, since it is better characterized than the other RP assembly chaperones (PSMD5 and PSMD9). We kept POMP (a CP assembly chaperone) intact. Since the formation of one proteasome holoenzyme (RP2-CP) requires two RPs and one CP, increasing proteasome assembly is expected to be more demanding for RP assembly than CP. This led us to predict that disrupting RP assembly should be sufficient to block the induced proteasome assembly. This prediction is supported by our data (Fig. 3), and this justification was also added to the revised text to enhance clarity.

      The originality is limited by the fact that Pax4 was already shown to have a role in muscle atrophy and drives the expression of p97 by the same authors. I would be curious to see if treatments in vitro know to induce the proteasome as starvation etc acts through the biphase mechanism showed in this paper, to understand how extendable to other kinds of atrophy is.

      We respectfully disagree that the originally of the present findings is limited, because previously we validated a single proteasome subunit (Rpt1) as a target gene for PAX4 (Volodin 2017), and here we discover novel global coordination of proteasome gene expression by multiple transcription factors.

      As we mention above, muscle denervation was used here as an in vivo model system of catabolic conditions. Unlike prior reports that were limited to cultured cells, our studies focus on the physiological setting in vivo to reveal mechanisms of proteasome homeostasis. In any case, regulation of proteasome gene expression by multiple transcription factors in other types of atrophy has not been investigated but is possible because common transcriptional adaptations activate protein breakdown in different types of muscle atrophy, including a coordinated induction of numerous components of the ubiquitin proteasome system (Jagoe 2002; Lecker 2004; Gomes 2001). In future independent research, we intend to investigate if the two-phase mechanism reported here can in fact be generalized to other atrophy (or stress) conditions.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The authors Gilda and co-workers made a great attempt to dissect the induction of proteasome activity during denervation muscle atrophy and discovered a two-phase process which involves two transcription factors Pax4 and NRF1. The manuscript is clearly written and the experiments fully delineated.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Using denervated mouse muscle as a model, Gilda et al. demonstrated that a two-step transcriptional program operates in the process of muscle atrophy after denervation and that proteasome expression-induced enhancement of protein degradation is important. Gilda et al. clarified that the transcription factors PAX4 and PAL/NRF-1 act on this proteasome expression induction and that the induction of these transcription factors and the expression induction of the proteasome gene cluster after denervation are necessary for muscle atrophy using an in vivo mouse model. The experiments were logically designed, and the results presented are considered clear and reliable. However, some of the descriptions in the text lack accuracy and courtesy, and some experiments require additional data to support and strengthen the author's claims. In particular, it is unclear whether PAX4, FOXO3, and NRF-1 work together or whether they have distinct functions. Although the authors claim that there are two stages of proteasome expression induction after denervation, this remains unclear. The authors should clarify the differences in target sequence or target genes and the substitutability of each transcription factor.

      Major comments: 1: In Figure 3A, the results of the immunoblot of SDS-PAGE against 20S proteasome subunits should also be shown to confirm the increase in proteasome activity and amount.

      We would like to clarify this aspect. We show the increased levels of proteasome holoenzyme complex (RP2-CP) by immunoblotting of the native gel, rather than SDS-PAGE gel. This is because the blots of the native gel can assess the levels of the actual proteasome complex, not simply subunit levels in their denatured state as in SDS-PAGE; SDS-PAGE cannot distinguish between free subunits and ones that are incorporated into the proteasome.

      If proteasome activity was increased due to some other mechanisms, proteasome levels would remain relatively constant, while proteasome activity would have increased. However, this is not the case here since our data demonstrates that both RP2-CP activities and levels peak at day 7. Furthermore, the in-gel peptidase assay (Fig. 3A panel b) directly tests the 20S CP activity within the proteasome holoenzyme (RP2-CP complex) using the fluorogenic model substrate, LLVY-AMC. The 20S CP is activated for substrate degradation, only upon its association with RP (RP2-CP complex), since RP opens the substrate entry gate of the 20S. Free 20S itself is inactive, as its gate for substrate entry is closed; for this reason, free 20S can be detected, only after its substrate entry gate is artificially opened by SDS (see free 20S in panel b, but not in panel a).

      2: In Figure 3, the reviewer assumed the conflict between the results of peptidase activity and SDS-PAGE in 14d. Therefore, quantification and statistical analysis should be performed on the results of proteasome peptidase activity and immunoblots to clarify the relationships between proteasome activity and amounts. Immunoblotting against ubiquitin is also needed to confirm the requirement and efficiency of proteasome induction.

      As the reviewer pointed out, it might seem discrepant that peptidase activity at 14 d denervation is lower than its peak at 7d (Fig. 3A, panel a), but SDS-PAGE signal for proteasome subunits seems still high (Fig. 3A, panel d, Rpn2). SDS-PAGE detects total cellular content of proteasome subunits (free subunits as well as ones assembled within proteasomes). However, at any given moment, these subunits are not only in the proteasome holoenzyme complex, but also in different assembly intermediates. When proteasome subunits are transcriptionally induced as in this study, proteasome assembly process is also increased. However, proteasome assembly is a multi-step process, and the fold-induction for each specific subunit is different (Fig. 2A-B). This means that the rate of a certain assembly step would be differently affected for a given subunit, depending on their fold-induction. For this reason, some subunits seem to exist at a high level at 14d (e.g. Fig. 3A, panel d, Rpn2), but they are not yet incorporated into the proteasome complex, because they might be still undergoing assembly process.

      As for the ubiquitin blot, it can be a good indicator for proteasome activity, when proteasome activity is decreased than normal. In such situations, ubiquitinated proteins accumulate (i.e. their signals increase as compared to control), due to their deficient degradation. However, our present study pertains to the opposite situation, where proteasome activity is increased in degrading ubiquitinated proteins. In normal cells, ubiquitinated proteins are hardly detectable due to their rapid degradation. Thus, when proteasome activity is greater than normal, ubiquitinated protein levels will be further decreased than normal. Data become unreliable when the signals are below the detection threshold. For this reason, we provided functional readouts involving the number of muscle fibers (for example, Fig. 3D).

      3: In Figure 3C, the sample labels of shGankyrin and shLacZ are repeated. Would it be mislabeled? In addition, NATIVE PAGE immunoblot analysis against Gankyrin and proteasome subunits are needed to prove the knockdown efficiency and to reveal the assembly defect of proteasome by Gankyrin knockdown.

      To present our findings more clearly, we show one of each sample in the revised figure, rather than the duplicates as in the previous figure (Fig. 3C). We also included the immunoblot data to show that Gankyrin knockdown disrupts proteasome assembly, as seen by the reduced proteasome complex activity and level (Fig. 3C, panels a, b, c, lane 3, see RP2-CP). In Gankyrin knockdown samples, proteasome holoenzyme complex exhibited smeary appearance (Fig. 3C, panel c, see bracketed region in lane 3), as opposed to a discrete band in the controls (lanes 1, 2). This smeary appearance reflects more heterogeneous proteasome populations, due to defects in their composition and/or conformation. This is in line with Gankyrin’s known function in ensuring not only the proper subunit composition, but also proper conformation of the proteasome holoenzyme (Lu et al., Mol Cell. 2017 Jul 20;67(2):322-333.e6).

      4: In Figures 4A, 4G, 4H, 4J, and 4K, the results of shPAX4 against innervated muscle should be shown to estimate the contribution of PAX4 in steady-state conditions. To clarify the innervated muscle-specific function of PAX4, histological analysis and quantification of proteasome gene expression in multiple organs in PAX4 KO mice are needed.

      The reviewer raises an interesting point, but as we explained above, we concentrate here on the major new discovery that multiple transcription factors increase proteasome content in a catabolic condition in vivo, correlating directly with the accelerated protein loss. Regulation of the basal levels of proteasome in normal conditions in various types of cells and tissues is certainly an important issue meriting in depth study and will be the subject for future studies, but it is beyond the scope of this lengthy paper. This point is now discussed in the revised text.

      The tissue distribution of PAX4 and the detailed description of the phenotype of KO mice are also needed to understand and evaluate the role of PAX4 in muscle.

      We added the requested data about PAX4 distribution as Fig. 4I. These data shows that PAX4 accumulates in the nucleus already at 3 d after denervation. Furthermore, we are happy to add further information about the knock-out mouse model. The requested information and a detailed description of how PAX4 KO mice were generated were added to the text. The PAX4 KO mice showed no abnormalities and did not appear in any way different from the wild type littermates.

      5: In Figure 4C, immunoblot analysis against PAX4 is essential to confirm the PAX4 protein knockout.

      We agree and representative blots were added to Fig. 4C.

      6: In Figure 5, peptidase activity and immunoblotting in NATIVE PAGE are needed to reveal the contribution of FOXO3 and NRF-1 in denervated muscle as shown in Figure 4.

      The requested data for FOXO3 using FOXO3 dominant negative (as in Fig. 5A-B) were added as new Fig. 5C-D, showing no effect on proteasome content by FOXO3 inhibition. These new data are consistent with our findings that the expression of only two proteasome subunit genes was affected by FOXO3 inhibition at 10 d after denervation (Fig. 5B). The data for α-PALNRF-1 and the effects of its knockdown on proteasome content and activity were shown as original Fig. 6H (now Fig. 6J).

      The expression of FOXO3 and NRF-1 should also be shown by RT-PCR and immunoblotting as shown in Figure 4.

      We thank the reviewer for this thoughtful suggestion, and as requested, we now show representative blots of transfected muscles to support the graphical data (Figs. 5C-F). These data confirm the efficient expression of HA-FOXO3ΔC or FLAG-α-PALNRF-1 dominant negative inhibitors in transfected muscles. It is important to note that these inhibitors are mutant forms designed to interfere with the normal function of the wild-type endogenous FOXO3 or α-PALNRF-1 proteins, without affecting their transcript levels. Given this mechanism, we believe that Western blotting is a more appropriate technique for assessing their impact, as it provides direct insights into protein expression. In the revised main text and methods, we have now clarified this point.

      Similar to previous comments, the expression of the dominant negative form of Foxo3 and NRF-1 should be performed in innervated muscles to reveal the significance and specificity of Foxo3 and NRF-1 function in denervated muscles.

      As mentioned above, regulation of the normal basal levels of proteasomes is certainly an important issue meriting in depth study and will be the subject for future studies, but it is beyond the scope of this lengthy paper, which focuses on the mechanisms increasing protein content in catabolic conditions in vivo. With respect to FOXOs, there is a large literature on its regulation and roles in normal muscle (please see papers by late Alfred L Goldberg, Marco Sandri and others). Under normal conditions FOXO3 is largely inactive via phosphorylation by insulin-PI3K-AKT signaling (Stitt 2004; Latres 2005; Zhao 2007).

      7: In Figure 6D, the list of genes should be served especially about 27 genes and 69 genes that show common features between NRF-1 KD and PAX4 KO.

      The requested data is now presented as new Table 4.

      8: In Figure 6F, the list of genes that change expression in PAX4 and NRF-1 KD mice is needed.

      We agree and the requested data has now been added to table 5.

      9: In Figure 6H, immunoblotting against ubiquitin is needed to evaluate the contribution of proteasome induction to protein degradation.

      We clarified this aspect in the Major Point #2. Please see our response.

      10: This study lacks the detailed mechanisms by which PAX4, Foxo3, and NRF-1 regulate the expression of proteasome genes. The contribution of these transcription factors is revealed by experiments, but the specific sequence that these transcription factors bind and how transcription factors are induced in denervated muscles is not clarified. As shown in the figures, the ChIP assay provides convincing results, but the detailed sequence or map of the promoter region of proteasome genes must be shown in the figures to clarify the target sequences of NFE2L1 and PAX4, FOXO3, and NRF-1. In addition, the luciferase assay would support the results of the ChIP assay.

      Again, the reviewer raises an important question that we plan to resolve in the future. As mentioned, our findings strongly suggest a novel coordinated mechanism involving multiple transcription factors that control proteasome content in catabolic states in vivo. The enclosed revised manuscript primarily focuses on elucidating the contributions of individual transcription factors (α-PALNRF-1, PAX4, NRF-1NFE2L1 and FOXO3) to the induction of proteasome genes, revealing a significant overlap in genes regulated by multiple transcription factors. The specific mode of cooperation among these and other transcription factors and cofactors is certainly an important question for future studies, but it is beyond the scope of this lengthy paper. In the revised text we have now clarified this point (page 27). In addition, we agree that clarifying how the transcription factors are induced in denervated muscles merits some considerations and a paragraph was added to the Discussion (page 26) concerning possible mechanisms. For example, it is possible that the transcription factor STAT3 is involved in PAX4 induction because, based on previous microarray and ChIP data in cultured NIH3T3 cells, PAX4 was identified as a target gene of STAT3 (Snyder et al., 2008), and STAT3 becomes activated after denervation (Madaro et al., 2018).

      We are delighted that the reviewer found the results obtained through the ChIP assay convincing. Given the extensive scope of our investigation and rigorous analyses of dozens of genes, it is not feasible to generate luciferase-encoding plasmids for all of them. However, in response to the reviewer's request, we have carried out predictions of the binding sites of the 4 transcription factors within the minimal promoter regions (300 up- and 1000 down-stream to TSS) of the 64 proteasome sequences. The predicted binding sites are now listed in Table 2A-D. These new data further support our key findings that multiple transcription factors control proteasome gene expression in a catabolic physiological state in vivo.

      11: The results of the loss of transcription factors are well done, but the authors should also try to estimate the effect of overexpression of transcription factors in muscle. If the overexpressed transcription factors cause proteasome induction and muscle fiber mass reduction, these results strongly support the importance of transcription factor-mediated proteasome enhancement.

      We understand the reviewer’s comment but do not believe that such an experiment is necessary to support our key findings about proteasome gene induction by multiple transcription factors in vivo. In fact, we have specifically refrained from pursuing overexpression studies in this context due to the apparent coordination and some potential interdependence between the functions of PAX4 and α-PALNRF-1 transcription factors in inducing proteasome genes. Manipulating one specific gene through overexpression could potentially disrupt this delicate coordination and yield misleading results.

      In addition, there are several limitations of gene overexpression in mouse muscle, as it may not be as efficient and does not represent physiological conditions. Therefore, to validate gene functions in a physiological setting in vivo, we generated transgenic animals with the gene of interest specifically knocked-out or knocked-down. Utilizing transgenic mice lacking the gene of interest, though time-consuming, is a widely accepted and common approach that proves to be the most suitable method for specifically demonstrating the involvement of a particular gene in a physiological process, enabling a targeted and controlled investigation of its role and providing valuable insights into its contribution to the observed effects.

      Minor comments:

      12: The authors should describe the inducible KO mice more carefully and correctly. In the Results section on P12, the description of "whole body Cre+ mice" confuses the readers in understanding the mechanism of inducible Cre-mediated KO.

      We agree and have added the information requested about the KO mice to the main text and a detailed description in the methods section.

      13: In Figures 6B and 6C, the number of mice and the meaning of the asterisk should be described correctly. Is it statistically significant?

      We agree. By accident the number of mice and sign for statistical significance were omitted during processing. The correct sign was added to Fig. 6B-C, and the number of mice used, and the meaning of asterisks were added to the corresponding legend. N=10 mice per condition. **, P

      14: There is no description of Figure 6E in the manuscript. The authors should include it.

      In the original version of this paper, we refer to Fig. 6E in the text on pages 21 and 25. Also, the presented illustration is fully described in the corresponding legend.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      This paper clarified a novel mechanism of proteasome induction by transcription factors in denervated muscles other than Nrf1 (NFE2L1), which has been shown to contribute to the induction of proteasome gene expression in cultured cells. This is an important paper for expanding the understanding of the field. It is also important because it has demonstrated the potential for new therapeutic targets in diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cancer.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements [optional]

      We would like to thank all three reviewers for their careful and comprehensive reviews of our manuscript. We have taken on board all the comments and have made appropriate changes to improve the manuscript. The more substantive changes are to the structuring of the text in Introduction section, and to improving the clarity of Figure 2 after reviewers’ comments (we have added extra panels to A, F and G). Other minor changes are individually signposted in each paragraph of the point-by-point response attached below.

      We performed a number of pieces of additional analysis to address reviewer comments. To be as transparent as possible we make these and all other data analyses available in the form of .html files exported by Rmarkdown, hosted at https://joebowness.github.io/YY1-XCI-analysis/.

      2. Point-by-point description of the revisions

      This section is mandatory. *Please insert a point-by-point reply describing the revisions that were already carried out and included in the transferred manuscript. *

      • *

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: This manuscript uses differentiation of the highly informative inter-specific hybrid mouse ESC to follow features of genes that inactivate slowly. Resistance to silencing is reflected in reduced change in chromatin accessibility and the authors identify YY1 and CTCF as enriched amongst these 'slow' genes. This finding is provocative as these factors have been reported to enrich at both human and mouse escape genes. The authors go on to demonstrate that eviction of YY1 is slowly evicted from the X, and that removal of YY1 increases silencing.

      Minor Comments: Overall, the manuscript's conclusions are well supported; however, the brevity of the presentation in some places made it difficult to follow, and in other places seemed a missed opportunity to more fully examine or present their data.

      1. Introduction is only 2 paragraphs and half of the last is their new findings. First part of results/discussion is then forced to be very introductory. In addition, some discussion of escapees, even if predominantly human, seems warranted in the introduction. There are multiple studies that have tried to identify features enriched at genes that escape inactivation that could be mentioned.

      We have now written the introduction as 3 paragraphs instead of 2. In doing this, we have moved the sentence introducing chromatin accessibility from the results section to the introduction. Additionally, we now discuss the studies that focus on escapees (in mouse XCI) in the second introduction paragraph.

      Variation in silencing rates. 'Comparable rankings' cites multiple studies (oddly previous sentence cites only two) - how concurrent are they? Developing this further (perhaps a supplementary table) would inform whether the genes assessed are ones that routinely behave similarly across different studies/lines; and also serve as a resource for future studies.

      To avoid double-citing, we have made this one sentence and have cited at the end of the sentence 7 studies which describe gene-by-gene variability in rates of silencing. The majority of these studies include comparisons of their categories of fast and slow-silencing gene with previous classifications, and they all conclude that there is substantial concurrence. Some examples:

      • Marks et al, 2015, Table S3,
      • Loda et al, 2017, Figure 5,
      • Barros de Andrade E Sousa et al. 2019, Figure 2
      • Pacini et al. 2021, Figure 6e,i We believe this is sufficient evidence for our claim that these studies report “comparable categories” (“ranking” changed to “categories” as not all studies strictly rank). A comprehensive gene-by-gene comparison table would likely serve only to highlight differences due the various silencing assays/model systems/classification approaches used in the studies. If required, however, we would be willing to include a supplemental table which collates where gene silencing categories are discussed in each publication, and links to any supplemental files which provide full lists of X-linked genes.

      It would be helpful to give insight into informativity of cross - what proportion of ATAC-seq peaks were informative with allelic information (and similarly, what proportion of genes expressed had allelic information?

      Of the 2042 consensus ATAC-seq peaks we defined on ChrX via aggregating macs2 peaks over all time course samples, n = 821 passed our initial criteria for allelic analysis in the iXist-ChrX-Dom model line (ie they are proximal to the Xist locus in ChrX 0-103Mb, overlap SNPs, and contain sufficient allelic reads). A small number of peaks were additionally filtered out during fitting of the exponential decay model, leaving a final ATAC-seq peak set of n = 790 elements (38.6%) which we focus on in this study. We have added this information to the text (first Results paragraph).

      Our collections of ChrX genes amenable to allelic analysis were not redefined for this study. We used lists of genes defined in our previous ChrRNA-seq study (10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110830). In general, allelic analysis of gene expression is not as limited by the frequency of SNPs, because the sequence length of transcripts (including introns, which are a significant fraction of the reads in ChrRNA-seq data) is much greater than for ATAC-seq peaks. Only a few very lowly expressed genes are not amenable to allelic ChrRNA-seq analysis.

      P5: "can be influenced by Xist RNA via a variety of mechanisms" seems like it this sweeping statement could use expansion, or at least a reference. Authors could also clarify that 'distal elements assigned by linear genomic proximity is their definition of nearest gene.

      The statement that “both [chromatin accessibility and gene expression] can be influenced by Xist RNA via a variety of mechanisms” is intentionally broad to support a negative argument that we do not wish to mechanistically over-interpret the observation that Xi chromatin accessibility loss occurs slower than gene silencing. Nonetheless, we have added two references to studies which report mechanisms for how Xist may influence chromatin accessibility; via recruiting PRC1 (Pintacuda et al 2017) or antagonising BRG1 (Jegu et al 2019). That multiple molecular pathways simultaneously contribute towards the effect of Xist RNA on gene silencing is well established in the field (see reviews such as Brockdorff et al 2020, Boeren et al 2021, Loda et al 2022).

      We have clarified in the text that our definition of “distal” is all REs which do not overlap with promoter regions (TSS+/-500bp). We have also made it clearer that our definition of “nearest” gene refers to linear genomic proximity in both the Results and Methods sections.

      Figure S1 - there are 6-8 other regions that fail to become monoallelic - what are they?

      The regions which stand out most by the colour scheme of the heatmap in Figure S1 are those where accessibility increases on Xi, most notably the loci of Firre, Dxz4 and Xist, which are known to have unique features related to the 3D superstructure of the inactive X chromosome. A few other regions which do not become monoallelic harbour classic “escapee” genes. We have now labelled the locations of escapees Ddx3x, Slc25a5 and Eif2s3x in FigS1.

      The other regions noticeable in the heatmap have no obvious features which explain why they fail to become monoallelic. We have highlighted a region containing intragenic peaks within Bcor (a gene which is silenced in iXist-ChrX mESCs), but many other regions are not in the vicinity of genes. Some of the persistently Xi-accessible peaks within these regions contain strong YY1 or CTCF sites, although many others do not.

      It is also possible that some Xi-accessible peaks are artefacts of mismatches between the Castaneous or Domesticus/129Sv strain SNP databases and ground truth iXist-ChrX genome sequence. The number of these cases are small, and if a misannotated SNP is the only SNP present in a single peak, the peak is discarded by our allelic filtering criteria as it will appear monoallelic in uninduced mESCs.

      Is there any correlation between silencing speed and expression (as previously reported)? If yes, then is there also a correlation with YY1 presence - and is this correlation greater than or less than seen on autosomes?

      The data we present here pertaining to gene silencing kinetics is reused from our previous study. In that work we did indeed observe a significant association between silencing rate and initial gene expression levels (10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110830, Supplemental Information Figure S5F), which has also been reported by multiple groups previously.

      To correlate YY1 binding with gene expression levels, we calculated transcripts per million (TPM) for all genes from our genome-wide mRNA-seq data of uninduced iXist-ChrX-Dom cells (GSE185869). It is indeed true that, on average, X-linked genes classified as “direct” YY1-targets in our analysis have higher levels of initial expression (median TPM 70.8, n=64) compared to non-target genes (median TPM 30.7, n=346). Autosomal YY1 targets are also relatively higher expressed (median TPM 29.6, n=1882) than non-YY1 genes (median TPM 8.0, n=9983). Within the list of YY1-targets, there is no additional correlation between quantitative levels of YY1 ChIP enrichment (calculated in this study using BAMscale (Pongor et al, 2020)) and gene expression (R=-0.05, Spearman correlation).

      Therefore, we appreciate that this correlation between YY1-binding and gene expression levels may be a covariate in the correlation we report in this study between YY1-target genes and slow-silencing. This does not invalidate a potential functional role for YY1 in impeding silencing, as it could affect both variables via common or distinct mechanisms. Nevertheless, in an attempt to account for initial expression level as a covariate, we compared the silencing halftimes of YY1-targets versus non-targets within genes grouped by similar expression levels (low, medium and high-expressed genes). YY1-targets have slower halftimes in each comparison, and this difference is highly significant (p=1.9e-05, Wilcoxon test) for the “medium-expressed” gene group. This implies that YY1 contributes towards slower gene silencing kinetics independently of initial gene expression levels. We have added this panel to Fig2 with an associated sentence in the Results section.

      These new analyses are also appended to the documentation of the R scripts used to generate the main figures in this study (Figure2_YY1association.Rmd), which will all be published to Github.

      It is also important to note that this analysis approach is complicated by the methodology we use to classify YY1 target genes. In this study, we define YY1 targets based on the presence of ChIP-seq peaks overlapping the gene promoters, which is reasonable and widely accepted practice when defining targets of transcription factors. However, as briefly discussed in the Methods, in YY1 ChIP-seq data samples with very high signal:noise (eg Fig3), minor peaks of YY1 enrichment can be detected at almost every active promoter. As enrichment at these peaks is typically much less than at peaks with occurrences of the YY1 consensus DNA motif, we hypothesise that these small peaks result from secondary YY1 cofactors enriched at promoters (eg P300, BAF, Mediator) rather than direct sites of binding to DNA/chromatin. Therefore, for annotating genes as “direct” YY1 targets, we chose to use the YY1 peak set defined from lower signal:noise ChIP-seq data in iXist-ChrX produced with the endogenous YY1 Ab. Nevertheless, this behaviour is likely to confound any analysis correlating YY1 ChIP binding with gene expression.

      Figure 2: Have the authors considered using quartiles rather than an arbitrary division into depleted and persistent?

      We primarily chose this binary classification of REs as either Xi-“persistent” or Xi-“depleted” to maximise the numbers of sequences that could be used in each group as input for the HOMER motif enrichment software.

      It is also not trivial to separate REs into quartiles because our “Xi-persistent” classification includes peaks defined as “biallelically accessible in NPCs”, as well as peaks with slow accessibility halftimes. This is explained in both the Results and Methods but we now have edited Fig2A to make it clearer. Instead of quartiles, we have performed an analysis which keeps “biallelically accessible REs” as a separate category and subdivides the remaining peaks into three groups by halftimes (slow, intermediate and fast accessibility loss). The same trends are evident with this four-category approach as with the two-category approach.

      Importantly, our follow-up analyses which confirm the association between YY1 binding and slow Xi accessibility loss (Fig2E) and slow silencing (Fig 2F-H) are independent from categorisations of REs which rely on arbitrary thresholds.

      1. Could simplify secondary labels to solely YY1 and CTCF. D & F do not print in black and white. Overall the mESC versus NPC can be confusing, perhaps mESC (no diff) would be helpful?

      We have simplified the secondary labels in Fig2B and modified the colour scheme of FIg2D and Fig2F as suggested. “mESC” is now modified to “mESC no diff” in Fig2H, FigS2B, Fig3C and Fig3E to reduce the potential for confusion.

      The numbers appear to suggest YY1 is generally enriched on X, but not at promoters?? Is this true?

      The explanation for this is that clear peaks of YY1 ChIP are found at young LINE1 elements in iXist-ChrX mESCs (specifically over L1Md_T subfamilies). These elements are highly enriched (>2-fold) on the mouse X chromosome compared to autosomes (Waterston 2002), and the majority are not promoter-associated. We chose not to include a discussion of YY1 enrichment at repetitive LINE1 elements in this study primarily because of a) issues related to multiple-mapping reads, such as difficulties distinguishing ChrX vs autosomal reads, and b) the absence of strain-specific SNPs within annotated ChrX L1Md_Ts means that none of these elements are amenable to allelic analysis so we cannot compare Xi versus Xa. However, these LINE1 peaks are a significant fraction (262/521) of the numbers of YY1 ChIP-seq peaks in Fig2C.

      For Figure 2f, it might be helpful to show autosomal genes - are Fast depleted or Slow enriched for YY1 relative to autosomes?

      We have calculated these numbers as part of the analysis of gene expression on ChrX and autosomes above. Overall, the fraction of genes defined as YY1-targets is the same on ChrX as on autosomes (~0.16). Accordingly, fast-silencing genes are depleted for YY1 compared to autosomes, whereas slow-silencing genes are enriched for YY1 compared to autosomes. Fig2F is now redesigned to include the total numbers of YY1-target genes on ChrX and autosomes.

      More generally, is YY1 binding on the X lost more slowly than YY1 binding on autosomes, or is the slow loss a feature of YY1. While I agree YY1 could have direct up or down-regulatory roles, Figure S3 could also be reflecting a secondary impact.

      We agree that many of the differentially regulated genes after 52 hours of YY1 degradation could be secondary effects and have added a sentence on this to the relevant paragraph in the text.

      Figure 3, 4 and supplementary - the chromosome cartoon introduces the LOH in iXist, but this needs to be described in text. Describing the reciprocal as a biological replicate seems challenging given this LOH.

      It is true that the reciprocal lines iXist-ChrX-Dom and iXist-ChrX-Cast are not true biological replicates, and we try to avoid referring to them as such. Writing this in the legend of Fig3 was an error which we have corrected. We have now also mentioned the recombination event in the iXist-ChrX-Dom cell line at the point where data from this line is first discussed (paragraph 1 of Results section).

      For the latter parts this work (Figs 3 and 4), we made the conscious decision to proceed with two YY1-FKP12F36V cell lines from different reciprocal iXist-ChrX backgrounds (aF1 in iXist-ChrX-Dom, cC3 in iXist-ChrX-Cast), rather than “biological replicate” clones from either iXist-ChrX-Dom or iXist-ChrX-Cast. Our reasoning was to control against potential confounding effects of strain background on our experiments related to the role of YY1. Although there were some minor differences between the clones, aF1 and cC3 demonstrated essentially equivalent phenotypes in all analyses we performed.

      Could a panel of TFs be used rather than OCT4 which has its own unique properties to emphasize that YY1 is unique?

      This would indeed be worthwhile, and we did consider attempting to perform ChIP-seq for additional TFs other than OCT4 in order to collect more points of comparison for the slow rate of loss of YY1 binding to Xi. However, it is admittedly hard to identify appropriate candidate TFs in mESCs which a) have similar numbers of discrete peaks of binding in promoters and distal elements on ChrX and b) it is possible to reliably perform ChIP-seq for at sufficiently high signal:noise to allow for quantitative allelic analysis.

      We have changed the text to acknowledge that our comparison only to OCT4 limits the scope of the statements we can make about unique properties of YY1 binding.

      Figure 4 - by examining 'late' genes, a change in allelic ratio is observed, but what about escape genes (e.g. Kdm5c, Kdm6a)? Do they now become silent? It would be helpful to have all this data as a supplementary table so people could query their 'favourite' gene.

      YY1 degradation experiments performed for Figure 4 were performed on mESCs without cellular differentiation (YY1-ablated cells do not survive in our mESC to NPC differentiation protocol). In undifferentiated mESCs, silencing of the inactive X does not reach completion, and in fact all X-linked genes are residually expressed at a higher level than in equivalent timepoints of Xist induction with NPC differentiation (see Figure 4D, Bowness et al 2022). We write in the text “slow-silencing genes are residually expressed from Xi” because genes of this category account for the majority of expression under these conditions, and indeed almost all slow genes would all be classed as “escape genes” in this setting by a conventional definition of >10% residual expression from Xi (see also Figure 4D, Bowness et al 2022). Our analysis in Fig4D (of this study) includes all genes, and we share processed .txt files of allelic ratio and allelic fold changes in GEO, so querying the behaviour of a favourite gene would be easy (GSE240680).

      Incidentally, when we do perform NPC differentiation of iXist-ChrX NPC, at late stages very few genes show any expression from Xi (Ddx3x, Slc25a5, Eif2s3x and Kdm5c clearly escape, but even Kdm6a is entirely silenced). Unfortunately, with such a small number of “super” escapees it is hard to make any general conclusions, so in this study we can only make inferences about escape via the transitive property that many “slow-silencing” genes are facultative escapees in other settings without induced Xist overexpression. We now write about this consideration in the introduction and final paragraph of the main text.

      It seems surprising that loss of YY1 has no demonstrative impact on the Xa. Figure S3B suggests that over 1000 genes are significantly impacted - primarily down regulated. How many of those are X-linked? Perhaps they could be colored differently?

      For the broad-brush differential expression testing in FigS3B, we use all the ChrRNA-seq samples (6 x untreated, 6 x dTAG) as “pseudo-replicates”, disregarding any confounding effects related to induced Xist-silencing as effecting untreated and dTAG sample groups equivalently. We did specifically investigate the behaviour of X-linked genes in this volcano plot, however only a very small number of genes were differentially expressed (n=22 X-linked genes appeared significantly downregulated compared to n=4 genes upregulated). This can be seen in our analysis records uploaded to Github.

      Additionally, there is actually a minor effect of YY1 loss on expression of YY1-target genes on Xa. This can be seen in Fig4F, where the median lines of YY1-target boxes lie below the horizontal line of 0-fold change.

      Since XIST+/undifferentiated cells retain YY1, is YY1 binding sensitive to DNAme? Indeed, are X chromosome bound sites in islands that become methylated? Figure S4 shows YY1-targetted X genes in SMCHD1 knockout; can CTCF targets also be shown? While identified in Figure 2, CTCF was not examined the way YY1 was, although it has also been identified in somatic studies of genes that escape X inactivation.

      Binding of YY1 is indeed sensitive to DNA methylation; specifically it is reported to be blocked by CpG methylation (see refs (Kim et al, 2003; Makhlouf et al, 2014; Fang et al, 2019). Thus, crosstalk with the DNA methylation pathways, which deposit de novo CpG island methylation as a late event of XCI (Lock 1987, Gendrel 2012), did appeal to us as a potential mechanism of YY1 “eviction”. However, preliminary analysis we performed to investigate this revealed limited overlap between YY1 binding sites and de novo meythlated CpG islands in the iXist-ChrX model cell line.

      FigS4 presents ATAC-seq data from two iXist-ChrX SmcHD1 KO clonal cell lines, comparing the accessibility loss kinetics between YY1-binding and non-YY1 REs in these cells.

      Although FigS4 in this paper does not show genes, we have previously published ChrRNA-seq data from these SmcHD1 KO lines over a similar Xist induction + NPC differentiation time course (Figure 6, Bowness et al, 2022). A reanalysis of this ChrRNA-seq data by YY1-target vs non-target genes shows a similar trend to the accessibility data, although this is expected from the strong overlap of both “YY1-target” and “SmcHD1-dependent” genes with slow-silencing genes in our model.

      With respect to CTCF, we have performed a similar analysis of this data separating ATAC-seq peaks by CTCF-binding rather than YY1-binding. This shows a similar trend to YY1, but is overall less pronounced, and is now included in our analysis records. We have reported previously that loss of CTCF from many binding sites on Xi requires SmcHD1 (Gdula et al, 2019).

      When the authors use cf. do they simply mean see also, or as wikipedia suggests: "the cited source supports a different claim (proposition) than the one just made, that it is worthwhile to compare the two claims and assess the difference". Perhaps it would be worth spelling out to clarify for the audience.

      We used “cf.” in the text to mean “compare with”, when referring to a plot/observation/piece of data outside of the figure being immediately discussed (either in another study or different section of the paper). We were not aware of the recommendation to only use the cf abbreviation when the two items are intended to be contrasted. We do not believe this to be a universal grammatical convention, but nevertheless have changed incidences of cf. to “see also”.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      General assessment: An important question in human biology is how much the sex chromosome contributes to sex differences in disease frequency. Genes that escape X inactivation in humans seem to have considerable impact on gene expression genome-wide. While there are not as many genes in mouse that escape inactivation, the use of the mESC cell differentiation approach allows detailed assessment of the timing of silencing during inactivation. The authors utilize an inter-specific cross and it would be interesting to know the limitations of such a system (in terms of informative DHS/genes that are informative).

      Advance: As the authors note, there are multiple studies of similar systems that have revealed differences in the speeds of silencing of genes. However, this is the first study to my knowledge that has then tried to assess timing with gene-specific factors. There are multiple studies in humans comparing escape and subject genes for TFs, but lacking the developmental timing that this study incorporates.

      Audience: While generally applicable to a basic research audience interested in gene regulation, the applicability to human genes that escape inactivation may interest cancer researchers or clinical audiences interested in sex differences.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The authors studied the molecular basis of a variation in the rate of individual gene silencing on the X undergoing inactivation. They took advantage of ATAC-seq to observe the kinetics of chromatin accessibility along the inactive X upon induction of Xist expression in mESCs. They demonstrated a clear correspondence between the decrease in chromatin accessibility and the silencing of nearby genes. Furthermore, they found that persistently accessible regulatory elements and slow-silencing were associated with binding of YY1. YY1 tended to associate longer with genes that required more time to be silenced than those that became silenced fast on the inactive X during XCI. The acute loss of YY1 facilitated silencing of slow genes in a shorter period. They suggest that whether or not the transcription factors stay associated longer is another factor that impacts the variation in the rate of gene silencing on the Xi.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      It has been suggested that the rate of gene silencing during XCI is varies depending on the distance of individual genes from the Xist locus or the entry site of Xist RNA on the X, as well as their initial expression levels before silencing. This study provides another perspective on this issue. The persistent association of transcription factors during XCI affects the rate of gene silencing. Although the issued addressed here might draw attention from only the limited fields of specialists, their finding advances our understanding of how the efficiency of silencing is controlled during the process of XCI. The experimental data essentially support their conclusion, and the manuscript was easy to follow. However, I still have some comments, which I would like the authors to consider before further consideration.

      Major concerns 1. Based on the results shown in Figure 3E and F, the authors concluded that YY1 was more resistant than other TFs against the eviction from the X upon Xist induction. I am not still convinced with this. YY1 binds DNA via the zinc finger domain, while Oct4 binds DNA via the homeodomain. The difference in the binding module between them might affect their dissociation or the response to Xist RNA-mediated chromatin changes. In addition, given that YY1 has been reported to bind RNA, including Xist, as well, Oct4 might not be a good TF to compare.

      We acknowledge and agree that our singular comparison between YY1 and OCT4 is insufficient to support a general conclusion that YY1 is unique with respect to its binding properties on Xi. This was also alluded to by Reviewer #1 (see 10.), where in response we write about the difficulties of selecting other appropriate/feasible candidate TFs for ChIP-seq in order to widen the comparison beyond OCT4. In consideration of this concern, we have re-phrased our conclusions regarding this point in the text, both at the point where it is first presented (Fig3F) and in the first discussion paragraph.

      Furthermore, the difference in allelic ratio change between YY1 and OCT4 is admittedly not dramatic, and this metric can be influenced somewhat by the properties of the sets of peaks used (which is also why we have not tried to add statistical significance to this comparison in Fig3F). In order to make the comparison with OCT4 (a classic pluripotency factor), we were also limited to using mESC culture without differentiation conditions. It is possible that more pronounced differences between YY1 and other TFs would be observed under conditions where XCI is able to proceed further.

      Even so, we contend that our observation that YY1 binding is lost from the Xi relatively slowly likely stands without a requirement for a comparison with OCT4 or other transcription factors. The decrease in allelic ratio for YY1 ChIP occurs more slowly than overall loss of chromatin accessibility from REs, which is arguably a more general proxy for TF binding, and much slower than kinetics of gene silencing (Fig3D and FigS2C). In addition, no other TF motifs (except CTCF, which has its own unique properties) were found significantly enriched within persistently-accessible REs, which would be an expectation if a different factor had similar properties of late-retained Xi binding as YY1.

      Thus, overall we have tried to write the paper without overstating in isolation the importance of our claim that YY1 binding on Xi is relatively resistant to Xist-mediated inactivation, instead emphasising that it should be considered alongside the other pieces of data in the study.

      I don't think that Kinetics of YY1 eviction upon Xist induction in SmcHD1 KO cells during NSC differentiation fit the phenotype of Smchd1mutant cells. Although their previous study by Bowness et al (2022) showed that Smchd1-KO cells fail to establish complete silencing of SmcHD1-dependnet genes, their silencing still reached rather appreciable levels according to Figure 6 of Bowness et al (2022). This is, in fact, consistent with the idea that XCI initially takes place in the mutant embryos, at least to an extent that does not compromise early postimplantation development. On the other hand, a significant portion of YY1 appears to remain associated with the target genes on both active and inactive X (Figure S4), which I think suggests that the presence of YY1 is compatible with silencing of SmdHD1-dependent genes. This is contradictory to the proposed role of YY1 that sustains the expression of X-linked genes in this context.

      At any given timepoint of XCI, our data sets of gene silencing (ChrRNA-seq) consistently show a more pronounced allelic skew compared to chromatin accessibility (ATAC-seq). This behaviour is discussed in relation to Figure 1 in the text (see Results paragraph 2). We do not wish to overinterpret this quantitative difference because the assays are technically different and accessibility is not linearly correlated with gene expression. With this in consideration, we interpret the ATAC-seq data presented in Figure S4 to be fully consistent with the iXist-ChrX SmcHD1 KO ChrRNA-seq data in Figure 6 of our previous publication ie. a small increase in residual Xi gene expression from SmcHD1 KO NPCs is accompanied by a more appreciable increase in residual Xi chromatin accessibility. In line with this, it would not be contradictory for substantially increased Xi YY1 binding to sustain a quantitively small (but nonetheless meaningful) increase in residual gene expression from Xi.

      Additionally, the context in which we include this SmcHD1 KO ATAC-seq data in the current paper is to hypothesise a potential role for SmcHD1 in contributing towards the eventual removal of YY1 binding from Xi. This hypothesis is essentially based on two observations; 1.) There is substantially more residual YY1 binding to Xi in mESC no diff conditions (Figure 3) and 2.) One difference between no diff and diff conditions is absence of SmcHD1 recruitment in the former (Figure 5 in our previous study). The new SmcHD1 KO ATAC-seq data adds a third observation which supports the hypothesis - that YY1-bound REs are appreciably more accessible from Xi in SmcHD1 KO. However, none of these observations are direct evidence of a link between SmcHD1 and YY1, and more experiments would be required to substantiate this potential mechanism. If confirmed, it would be logically reasonable to suggest a role for YY1 in contributing towards the residual expression of X-linked in the context of SmcHD1 KO, but we do not yet claim this, and a potential link with SmcHD1 KO is not the main focus of the paper.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this manuscript, Bowness and colleagues describe the interesting finding that the transcription factor YY1 is associated with slow silencing genes in induced X-Chromosome Inactivation (XCI). The authors have conducted a comprehensive characterization of X-linked gene silencing and the loss of chromatin accessibility of regulatory elements in induced XCI in ESCs and during NPC differentiation. X-linked gene silencing was classified into four categories, ranging from fast-silenced genes to genes that escape silencing. Motif enrichment analysis of regulatory elements associated with slowly silenced genes identified YY1 as the transcription factor most significantly enriched. The separation of YY1-target and non-target genes confirmed that most genes bound by YY1 indeed exhibit slower silencing kinetics. A comparison of the binding kinetics of YY1 to another transcription factor, OCT4, during XCI revealed that YY1 is evicted more slowly compared to OCT4 on the inactive X, suggesting that slower eviction is a unique property of YY1. Conditional knock-outs of YY1 using protein degradation during induced XCI in mESCs demonstrated that the loss of YY1 at target genes enhances silencing. This supports the hypothesis that YY1 serves as a crucial barrier for slow-silenced genes during XCI. Finally, the authors propose a hypothesis regarding the mechanism of YY1 eviction, suggesting a potential connection to the role of SmcHD1 during XCI.

      The authors provide an in-depth analysis of the role of YY1 in gene silencing kinetics during induced XCI and believe this manuscript should be published if our comments are addressed.

      Major comment:

      Based on the allelic ratio in figure 3C only minor loss of YY1 binding occurs in induced XCI in mESCs on the Xi, while silencing is established properly as shown in figure 4C (left panel, red boxplots). This suggests that YY1 eviction is not necessarily required for these genes to be effectively silenced. Could the authors explain this discrepancy in the data regarding their manuscript conclusions? It seems this is true for XCI happening during differentiation towards NPCs, but not if cells are stuck in the pluripotency stage?

      Whilst indeed substantial, we do not consider the silencing seen for 6-day mESCs in Fig4C to be “established properly”. We refer to our previous publication (Figure 4 Bowness et al., 2022), which shows that silencing at equivalent timepoints under differentiation conditions (d5-d7) is significantly more pronounced (near-“complete”). Indeed, the level of silencing reached by YY1-FKBP mESCs (Xist induced but no dTAG treatment) aligns with the plateau of silencing in undifferentiated mESCs we describe in our previous study (median allelic ratio of approximately 0.1).

      We conclude that YY1 contributes somewhat to sustaining this residual expression in mESCs, because a) substantial YY1 binding remains on Xi at these timepoints in mESCs and b) silencing increases with degradation of YY1 (the latter is more direct evidence). Notably, silencing does not progress to completion (allelic ratio of 0) in the absence of YY1, so we do not claim that YY1 is the only factor sustaining residual Xi gene expression in mESCs.

      We interpret this comment to be a fundamentally similar concern to that raised by Reviewer #2 (2.), but in the context of undifferentiated mESCs rather than SmcHD1 KO. As stated above, we do not think it inherently contradictory for substantially increased Xi YY1 binding to sustain a quantitively small (but nonetheless meaningful) increase in residual gene expression from Xi.

      Minor comments:

      1. In the abstract lines 7-8, the authors state that the experiments were performed in mouse embryonic stem cell lines, but much of the data shown is acquired in NPC differentiations. Please adjust abstract.

      We have adjusted this sentence in the abstract to include that many of the experiments in the paper involved differentiation of iXist-ChrX mESCs.

      The last sentence of the abstract states that YY1 acts as a barrier to silencing but as stated in my major comment, that does seem to be the case in ESC differentiation towards NPCs, but not in ESCs themselves. Please tone down this sentence. Moreover, we do not fully understand where the 'is removed only at late stages' comes from? Is this because of the Smchd1 link? We find this link quite weak with the data presented. We would tone down that last abstract sentence.

      We have toned down the final sentence of the abstract accordingly. We agree that “removed only at late stages” is unsubstantiated since YY1 binding on Xi decreases over the entire time course (albeit slowly). However, we maintain that a connection between YY1 and late stages of the XCI process is reasonable to infer from the various pieces of evidence we provide in the study (egs YY1 is persistently enriched in accessible REs, it is associated with slow-silencing genes, and it remains bound to Xi in undifferentiated mESCs).

      Several comparisons to human XCI have been made in the article. We do agree that there are similarities between mouse and human XCI. However, there is insufficient data that substantiates that these genes are regulated in a similar manner in humans. We believe the comparisons should be removed altogether or attenuated.

      We agree that there is nothing in our data that directly pertains to human XCI. Comparisons to human are only made twice in the paper: Initially in the introduction to make a broad statement that many mechanisms of Xist function are conserved between species, and finally as speculation in the last discussion paragraph. We think it is relevant to acknowledge the parallels between our study, which links YY1 binding with resistance to Xist-silencing in a mouse ESC model, and literature describing a similar association between YY1 and XCI escape in humans.

      At bottom of page 4, the authors say that for any given gene, the allelic ration of accessibility at its promoter decreased more slowly than it silenced and then write Fig 1B. They probably mean S1C? Since 1B only shows 4 genes.

      The phrase “any given” was used colloquially (ie imprecisely), so we have replaced it with “individual”.

      Figure 1B shows the average allelic ratio of multiple clones for genes representing different silencing speeds. Each data point is the average of multiple clones for these representative genes, could the authors show the individual data points or the standard deviation?

      Fig1B predominantly shows the averages of only two replicate time-courses of Xist induction with NPC differentiation using the same parental clonal cell line, iXist-ChrX-Dom, but performed on different dates and passages. We regenerated the panel without merging the replicate data points, but this has little effect on the plot (see the Rmarkdown html file of Figure 1 on Github).

      Figure 1B. Loss of promoter accessibility lags behind loss of chromatin-associated RNA expression for these 4 genes. What about distal REs? Do the allelic ratios for the distal REs more closely follow chromatin-associated RNA expression? Could the authors show this in a supplemental figure?

      We comment from FigS1C on the general trend that accessibility decrease from Xi occurs slower than gene silencing (measured by ChrRNA-seq). We then find in FigS1D that distal elements lose accessibility slightly faster than promoters. Although overall the allelic ratio decrease of distal (non-CTCF) RE accessibility is slightly closer to the trajectory to that of gene silencing, it remains substantially slower (see again the Rmarkdown .html file of Figure 1 on Github).

      An equivalent plot to Fig1B showing distal REs would rely on our simplistic assignment of distal elements to their nearest genes. We believe this is reasonable generalisation for investigating chromosome-wide trends but unlikely to be sufficiently accurate at the level of specific genes.

      Figure 1B: gene silencing trajectory is depicted left while the legend says right. Same for promoter accessibility.

      The legend is now corrected.

      Figure S1A shows only part of the X chromosome. The area downstream of Xist is missing. Is this because the iXist-ChrXDom cell line is missing allelic resolution as shown in figure S2A? Could the authors explain in the figure legend that part of the X-Chromosome is missing?

      We have now included a reference to the recombination event in the iXist-ChrXDom cell line both when we present data from this background in the first paragraph of the Results section, and in the legend of FigS1A.

      Figure 2C shows that 94 TSSs bear a YY1 peak, yet Fig 2F shows 62 are targets of YY1. Is this because the rest are not properly silenced or are escapees?

      Fig2C shows the numbers of ChrX YY1 ATAC-seq peaks which overlap with “promoters” (ie regions +/- 500bp of a TSS). By contrast, Fig2F shows ChrX genes classified as direct YY1-targets for allelic silencing analysis. The discrepancy between these numbers is due to a number of reasons:

      1. It is possible for multiple YY1 peaks to overlap the same promoter (eg one peak overlaps 500bp upstream, a separate peak overlaps 500bp downstream).
      2. The count in Fig2C is not restrictive to one TSS per gene in cases where there are multiple transcript isoforms in the gene annotation, thus multiple YY1 peaks can overlap different promoters for the same gene.
      3. A few genes do not pass our filters for allelic silencing analysis (eg they are too lowly expressed). Some YY1 peaks may overlap these genes. We hope the revised version of Fig2F, which includes numbers of direct YY1 target genes on autosomes and ChrX, makes the distinction between these two numbers clearer.

      Moreover, YY1 has ~4-fold more peaks on the X chromosome on distal elements compared to promoters. Yet figure 2F exclusively shows the proportion of YY1 binding sites on TSSs. Would distal REs show similar proportions for the silencing categories? Could the authors show the differences in a Supplemental figure?

      As discussed in the response to Reviewer #1 (point 8.), a large fraction of distal YY1 peaks on ChrX are at LINE1 elements, which are not amenable to allelic analysis. Excluding these peaks results in a smaller number of distal elements bound by YY1. The application of our filters for allelic analysis reduces the number of distal YY1-bound REs even more, and our assignment of distal REs to their nearest gene is imprecise. For these reasons, we do not think a comparison of genes classified by whether they are putative targets of distal YY1-bound enhancers is informative.

      The authors switch between different model systems in the figures, which makes quite confusing which type of XCI is being discussed. We would like to see clearly stated above all panels which cell culture condition is being studied (mESCs or NPCs).

      We have tried to improve this potential source of confusion by modifying “mESC” to “mESC no diff” in the relevant figure panels (see response to Reviewer #1 comment 7B), and adding “in mESCs without differentiation” to the title of Figure 4.

      In Figure 3E and 3F the authors look at the binding retention of OCT4 during XCI in ESCs. However, it is not clear why the authors choose OCT4. Could the authors explain why specifically OCT4 was chosen for these analyses?

      In our responses to the other reviewers, we discuss the limitations of only having one other TF to compare to YY1. The choice of OCT4 was primarily dictated by our experience and confidence in being able to generate high quality ChIP-seq data of this factor.

      As it was essentially arbitrary for the purposes of this paper, we have added a comment to this effect in the text (“with that of a different arbitrary TF, OCT4”).

      What is the expression level of YY1 in NPCs compared to mESCS? In Supplemental S2A, it seems that YY1 protein levels decrease over time during NPC differentiation. Is part of the increased eviction a result of lower protein levels of YY1? Probably not since you calculate ratios between Xi and Xa. Can you please comment on this?

      We were similarly intrigued by this apparent decrease in YY1 protein levels in NPCs (there is no decrease on the RNA level) and initially considered if it could contribute to the relative.

      In FigS2A specifically, the d18 NPC band is probably just a poor quality sample extraction. Our ChIP-seq data generated from the same sample is similar poor compared to the others (FigS2B). In other YY1-FKBP12F36V clones we derived and characterised by Western (not described further in this study, but will likely be published as raw source data for the cropped blots we show in FigS2A), the apparent difference in YY1 protein levels in NPCs is less pronounced. Although a minor decrease in YY1 protein in NPCs seems to be robust, we do not think it relevant in the context of our analysis of YY1 and XCI, as we almost always use Xa as internal comparison for any observations made about Xi.

      On page 7 the authors state that degrading YY1 does not affect Xist spreading and/or localisation. Indeed, it has been previously shown by other groups that YY1 is required for Xist localisation during XCI. Could the authors elaborate further on the why their cells behave differently compared to the Jeon 2011 paper?

      We are working with a mouse ESC model of inducible Xist from its endogenous locus on ChrX and using the dTAG system to degrade YY1 protein. By contrast, Jeon 2011 worked with an Xist transgene integrated at random in the genome of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and siRNA knockdown of YY1. The difference in our observations could be linked to any of these 4 differences (ie cellular context, Xist genomic location, Xist introns, knockdown strategy), but we cannot identify a specific explanation.

      In figure 4G and figure S3D elevated levels of Xist are observed in the dTAG conditions. As the authors point out, this could then result in accelerated silencing of the X seen upon YY1 loss. Are these elevated Xist levels that result in enhanced silencing in figure 4 relevant for the kinetics of silencing? Moreover, YY1 could act as transcriptional regulator of those genes in the X and by removing YY1, one would expect decreased transcription, which would be read as accelerated silencing. The authors could see whether the genes that show accelerated silencing are regulated by YY1 in ESCs (+ dTAG, - Dox).

      We agree that these points are important to consider when interpreting the results of the YY1-FKBP12F36V ChrRNA-seq we present in Figure 4. However, we believe they are covered in the text during our discussion of the data.

      In relation to the final suggestion, the silencing of almost all X-linked genes is increased upon YY1 removal so separating a specific set of genes which show accelerated silencing would be difficult. Nevertheless, in Fig4F we report that the increases in Xi silencing are strongest for direct YY1 target genes. In fact, these genes also show a minor decrease in expression in the + dTAG - Dox condition (see response to Reviewer #1 point 12.). However, by-and-large the differences in Xa log2FCs between YY1-target and non-target genes are less statistically significant. Non-significant p-values are not shown on Fig4F, but can be found in our Rmarkdown analysis records.

      Can the authors explain why they decided to put the Smchd1 part after the conclusion? Before the conclusion would have been better? The probable link between YY1 and SmcHD1 is definitely something important to investigate.

      Supplemental FigS4 relating to SmcHD1 is more speculative and we lack direct mechanistic evidence linking YY1 and SmcHD1. It would require more experiments to substantiate this as a mechanism. We think these experiments could potentially be very interesting, but are beyond the scope of this study.

      In the paper the authors cite Bowness et al., 2022. In it, Figure 5F studies silencing times with respect to silencing dependency on SmcHD1. What is the overlap between SmcHD1 target genes and YY1 target genes? This would provide more data about the correlation between YY1 and SmcHD1.

      There is an association between YY1 target genes and our previous categories of genes based on SmcHD1 dependence (13/56 SmcHD1_dependent genes are YY1 targets compared to only 8/101 of SmchD1_not_dependent genes). However, this enrichment of YY1 targets in SmcHD1 dependent genes is not so striking to warrant inclusion into the (very short) discussion of SmcHD1 in this paper. This association is also expected from the fact that both YY1-target genes and SmcHD1-dependent genes associate with the set of slow-silencing genes.

      Of note, our categories of SmcHD1 dependency were in fact defined in a previous study (Gdula et al., 2019) from a different cellular model (SmcHD1 KO MEFs).

      The authors hypothesise that SmcHD1 might play a role in the eviction of YY1 in NPC differentiation. The current data shows impaired silencing of slow silencing genes and YY1-dependent genes in the SmcHD1 knock-out. However, it doesn't show SmcHD1 is required for YY1 eviction. Could the authors provide direct evidence for their hypothesis by performing NPC differentiation in wild type and SmcHD1 knock-out cells and investigate YY1 binding using ChIP-seq?

      The data we show in FigS4 is ATAC-seq data. It shows that YY1 target REs are particularly more accessible from the Xi in SmcHD1 KO, which is not direct evidence but does align with a potential role for SmcHD1 in mediating removal of YY1 binding from Xi (see our response to Reviewer #2’s comment 2.). We agree that YY1 ChIP-seq over the same time course would be an interesting experiment, but arguably this would also only be indirect evidence (ie increased Xi YY1 enrichment may be due to a confounding consequence of SmcHD1 KO). We therefore believe the full suite of experiments needed to rigorously test the hypothesis are beyond the scope of this paper.

      In figure S4A and S4B no significance is indicated among the different conditions across the different differentiation days. Could the authors add this?

      At all timepoints, differences of Xi accessibility between YY1-binding vs non-YY1 REs are significant. P values are now added to FigS4 and the statistical test is described in the legend.

      Finally, we would like the authors to elaborate in the conclusion about the order of events. As they correctly state at the top of page 5 (and we agree), delayed loss of promoter accessibility compared to gene silencing does not automatically mean that it is downstream of gene silencing. Can you elaborate on this? Also, in light of Fig S2C where loss of YY1 binding seems to happen after gene silencing.

      We mention in the text and in the above response to Reviewer #2 (point 2.) that we do not wish to overinterpret this quantitative difference because the assays are technically different and accessibility is not linearly correlated with gene expression.

      It is possible to speculate plausible biological explanations for this discrepancy in kinetics between accessibility loss, TF binding and gene silencing. For example, a change in the landscape of histone modifications at a promoter may have little effect on its accessibility to TFs but directly hinder RNA Polymerase II in initiation and/or elongation of transcription of the gene. However, we prefer to keep this speculation out of the main text of the paper.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      This manuscript highlights a novel role for YY1 in XCI. The manuscript provides an analysis of the correlation and causation of YY1 in gene silencing during XCI. There is a clear correlation between YY1 and delayed silencing of genes on the Xi. To our knowledge, this is the first time such an analysis has been performed for YY1. It advances our conceptual and mechanistic understanding of gene silencing kinetics and what the factors involved in it are. We believe it is an important contribution to the XCI field and will be of great value to the XCI community.


      This study presents a comprehensive and in-depth characterization of X-linked gene silencing during XCI.

      Two different types of inducible XCI are studied and compared (ESCs vs differentiation towards NPCs), which we are grateful for.

      Systematic and stepwise analysis of the data is very strong.

      Many data points have been collected which provide stronger conclusions.


      Some sentences in the abstract should be toned down.

      YY1 eviction on the inactive X doesn't seem crucial to establish X-linked gene silencing in mESCs.

      The mechanistic approach at the end of the manuscript with relation to SmcHD1 could be studied further.

      This paper will be suited for a specialised audience in XCI and transcription factor control of gene expression, i.e. basic research.

      Field of expertise: XCI, epigenetics, Xist, gene silencing, X chromosome biology.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      General Statement We very much appreciate the reviewers' thorough comments and are sincerely grateful for their kind remarks on the novelty and interest of our manuscript. We are confident to have addressed all the points that they have raised including new data, as well as revised figures and text.

      Point-by-point description of revisions All the revisions have been already carried out and included in the transferred manuscript.

      Reviewer #1

      Major comments:

      > The number of the replicates/animals for the experiments described in Figures 1 and 2 should be reported either in the figure legends or in the methods (statistical analysis). We have added the required numbers to the corresponding revised figures, as requested.

      > A relevant part of the discussion repeats what the authors have already said in the results. I would recommend to reorganize this section, emphasizing the importance of these results in the context of human brain tumors.

      Following our own style, we have written a very short (46 lines in length!) Discussion. We dedicate a few lines to highlighting two points: (1) the suggestion, derived from our allograft experiments, that the initial stages of tumour development and long-term tumour growth may be molecularly distinct events, and (2), the unique effect of the combined loss of TrxT and dhd on mbt tumour transcriptomics -unique because none of the suppressors of mbt reported before are as effective in erasing both the MBTS and SDS mbt signatures. Neither of these points are raised in Results. In the remaining few lines we put our results in the context of human Cancer/Testis and elaborate on the fact that the TrxT and dhd pair qualify as head-to-head, CT-X genes, like those reported in human oncology. This is as far as we are willing to go at this stage at emphasizing the importance of our results in the context of human tumours.

      Reviewer #2

      > 1. Figures should include information regarding the sex of the larvae, particularly as there has been a previously reported sex-linked effect in the phenotypes analysed. (e.g. in Figure 2 and Figure S1, where Indication of the sex of the animals should be provided in the figure OK and not just in the figure legend). We fully agree. Sex must always be taken into account as a biological variable. All the experiments reported in the manuscript were carried out with sexed samples, and were annotated accordingly in the original text. In compliance with the reviewer's request we have added this information also to the revised figure.

      *> 2. Data regarding fertility. Can this be shown in a table format? Are dhdKO females fully sterile? What are the fertility levels of Df(1)J5? * Please note that we are not discovering anything here but merely corroborating what has been published before: the lack of TrxT does not affect fertility in either sex; the lack of Dhd results in female sterility (Torres-Campana et al., 2022, Tirmarche et al., 2016, Svensson et al., 2003, Pellicena-Palle et al., 1997). Adding a table would not be justified. Moreover, it would be a rather simple table: all single-pair mating tests (n=10 for each genotype) with Trxt KO and Dhd KO males, and TrxT KO females were as fertile as control flies, while all single-pair mating tests (n=10) with Dhd KO females were sterile.

      > 3. Are dhd and TrxT the only genes affected by Df(1)J5? Is there transcriptional data from Df(1)J5 animals to suggest that nearby genes are not affected by the deficiency? Of particular interest would be to assess if snf is affected or not as it is a known regulator of gene expression and splicing. Yes dhd and TrxT are the only genes affected by Df(1)J5. That is the case according to Flybase (citing Svensson et al., 2003, and Salz et al., 1994) and confirmed by our own RNAseq data. No other transcripts, including snf, are affected by Df(1)J5.

      > 4. In Figure 1C, statistical test plus indication of significance is not presented. The requested statistical test and significance data have been added as required to the revised figure and figure legend.

      > 5. Related to Figure 1D. Additional neural markers could be assessed in dhdKO and TrxTKO flies. Whilst the gross morphology of the brain does not seem to be affected, there is a possibility that cell specification is affected. Specific markers for the NE, MED and CB could be used to assess this in more detail, particularly as the DE-cad images shown for dhdKO and TrxTKO flies seem to differ slightly from the control. We believe that there may be a small misunderstanding here. We have made this point clear in the revised version by referring to substantial published data showing that expression of these two genes is restricted to the germline and that, female fertility aside, TrxT and dhd deficient flies' development and life span are perfectly normal. If anything, Figure 1D is redundant. However, we would rather keep it as a control that our CRISPR KO mutants behave as expected.

      > 6. Related to Figure 2A, images from TrxTKO; l(3)mbtts1, dhdKO and l(3)mbtts1 should be added at the very least in a supplementary figure. Additionally, data for NE/BL ratio should be provided for dhdKO, TrxTKO and Df(1)J5 in the absence of l(3)mbtts1 tumours. Related to Figure S1, quantification of NE/BL ratio for female lobes should be added to the figure. All the requested images and data have been included in the revised version in new figures Figure S2B, Figure S2A, and Figure S1A.

      > 7. Related to Figure 2B and Figure S1, three rows of images are presented for each genotype. It is unclear whether these correspond to brain lobes from different larvae or different confocal planes from the same animal. This should be clarified in the figure and/or figure legend. This point has been clarified as requested in the revised figure legend. Each group of three rows correspond to brain lobes from different larvae of the same genotype.

      > 7 cont. Related to this, in addition to the anti-DE-cadherin data, it would be informative to include immunofluorescence data using antibodies such as anti-Dachshund (lamina), anti-Elav (medulla cortex) and anti-Prospero (central brain and boundary between central brain and medulla cortex) (as assessed in e.g. Zhou and Luo, J Neurosci 2013) in the mbt tumour situation to accurately describe regions disrupted by the tumours. There is no denying that taking advantage of the many cell-type specific markers that are readily available in Drosophila could be of interest. The same applies to cell cycle markers like PH3, FUCCI, and many others. However, we believe that interesting as they may be, none of this markers will give us the clue on the molecular basis of TrxT and Dhd tumour function that is, of course, the open burning question that we are trying to address now.

      > 8. Authors should clarify how the NE was defined when mbt tumours are generated, as it is severely affected. From the images provided, it is unclear which region corresponds to NE or how the NE/BL ratio was measured. It would be helpful to outline these regions in the images or, as mentioned above, use antibodies to define them. The figure has been modified to include the requested outlines defining the NE that indeed is correspond to the channel showing DE-Cadh staining.

      > 9. Figure 2C does not have indication of statistical significance for the comparisons stated in the text. Potential explanations for the different roles of Dhd and TrxT in long-term tumour development should be explored in the discussion. The requested statistical significance data for these comparisons were stated in the second last paragraph of that section. To make these data more prominent we have also added this information to revised Figure 2C.

      >9 cont. Related to this, does the analysis of the RNA-seq data from TrxTKO; l(3)mbtts1 and dhdKO; l(3)mbtts1 animals reveal why they have similar effect on mbt tumour development but do not synergistically contribute to long-term growth? Unfortunately our analysis of the RNA-seq data from TrxTKO; l(3)mbtts1 and dhdKO; l(3)mbtts1 animals does not give us any clue that could help us understand why they have similar effect on mbt tumour development, but not in long-term growth (allografts). To further explore this point, we have added new Figure S3 that includes a Venn diagramme showing the overlap between the affected mMBTS genes in TrxTKO; l(3)mbtts1 and dhdKO; l(3)mbtts1, together with the lists of enriched GOs among overlapping and non-overlapping genes. GO differences are tantalising, indeed, However, they do not immediately suggest any direct explanation for the different roles of Dhd and TrxT in long-term tumour development.

      > 10. Authors should clarify if there is any overlap between the affected M-tSDS and F-tSDS in the TrxTKO; l(3)mbtts1 and dhdKO; l(3)mbtts1 conditions. Would the limited overlap suggest that TrxT and dhd act in parallel rather than synergistically? This might also explain the differential effects on long-term tumour development. Additionally, the stronger effect observed in Df(1)J5 animals may be due to TrxT and dhd functional redundancy. Currently, there is limited evidence to suggest that TrxT and dhd act synergistically to regulate mbt tumour growth based on the presented data. See below.

      > 11. Authors should include a Venn diagram depicting affected genes (M-tSDS and F-tSDS) in the TrxTKO; l(3)mbtts1, dhdKO; l(3)mbtts1 and Df(1)J5; l(3)mbtts1 genotypes as this could clarify the percentage of overlap of gene signatures in these different conditions. Related to this point, authors could provide results from GO analysis to investigate whether specific functional clusters are altered in the different conditions. We have taken the liberty of fusing points 10 and 11 that are conceptually similar. The requested Venn diagrams showing the overlap between the affected M-tSDS and F-tSDS genes in the TrxTKO; l(3)mbtts1, dhdKO; l(3)mbtts1, and Df(1)J5; l(3)mbtts1 conditions, and GO analysis are now shown in new Figure S5. Unfortunately, these new data do not suggest any obvious explanation for the differential effects of these two genes, nor do they allow us to derive any further conclusions regarding the nature of the pathways through which TrxT and dhd cooperate to sustain mbt tumour growth. However, our analyses demonstrate that efficient suppression of mbt phenotypic traits (in larval brains) and transcriptome requires the combined elimination of both germline thioredoxins, while the effect of individual removal of either of them is only partial. These data demonstrate the synergistic nature of TrxT and dhd function in mbt tumour growth.

      > 12. In Figure 3E, authors should indicate more explicitly in the figure panel and/or figure legend which genes display significant differences in expression in the different samples. We apologise for not having made this point clear in the original version: All (21) genes shown in this Table are significantly downregulated in DfJ5;ts1 vs ts1. From these, nanos and Ocho are also significantly downregulated in TrxTKO;ts1 vs ts1, and Ocho, HP1D3csd, hlk, fj, Lcp9, CG43394, and CG14968 are significantly downregulated in dhdKO;ts1 vs ts1. These data have been included in the revised figure legend. Data on all other comparisons are included in Table S1.

      > 13. In Figure S2C-F it is not clear if the graphs represent data from all tissues or data from male and female tissues separately, as shown in Figure 4. Apologies for the confusion. All samples were from male tissues as indicated in the original figure legend. To make it more clear, we have labelled all four panels in the revised figure.

      > 14. Are TrxT and dhd also deregulated in other tumour types? Or is this specific for mbt tumours? This information could be provided to enhance the scope of the manuscript. Thank you for raising this point. TrxT and dhd are not dysregulated in the other tumour types that were analysed in Janic et al., 2010 (i.e pros, mira, brat, lgl and pins).

      > 15. Authors conclude that TrxT and dhd cooperate in controlling gene expression between wild-type and tumour samples and that they act synergistically in the regulation of sex-linked gene expression in male tumour tissue. However, the link between the two observations (if indeed there is a link) has not been well explained. Is the effect on gene expression in tumours simply a result of the regulation of sex-linked transcription? Our data show that TrxT and dhd synergistically contribute to the emergence of both the MBTS (i.e tumour versus wild type) and SDS (i.e. male tumour versus female tumour). The only certainty at this time regarding the interconnection between both signatures is that they overlap, but only partially, which answers one the questions raised by the reviewer: the effect on gene expression in tumours is not simply a result of the regulation of sex-linked transcription. Beyond that, the link (if indeed there is a link) between these two signatures has not been investigated. The lack of insight on this issue is not surprising taking into account that, in contrast to classical tumour signatures (tumour versus healthy tissue), the concept of sex-linked tumour signatures is relatively new and only a handful of such signatures have been published. Moreover, the vast majority of classical tumour signatures have not been worked out in a sex-dependent manner.

      Reviewer #3 Comments: > - In the first section of the results, as a first step to study the role of TrxT and dhd genes on mbt tumors the authors generate CRISPR knock outs of these genes and correctly validate them. However, afterwards, the experiment where the authors test the KO of these genes in a wild-type larva brain is not contextualized with the rest of the section. It might be best to first address the role of these genes in a tumor context and only then complement with the experiments in wild-type (in supplementary material). We do appreciate the reviewer's view, but respectfully disagree. In our opinion, the manuscript flows better by presenting the tools that we have generated in Figure 1, By corroborating published data showing that these two germline genes do not affect soma development (Torres-Campana et al., 2022, Tirmarche et al., 2016, Svensson et al., 2003, Pellicena-Palle et al., 1997) this first figure not only validates our CRISPR KO mutants, but also sets the stage to highlight their significant effect on a somatic tumour like mbt.

      > - Fig 2 B - To back up the quantifications in Fig 2A the authors could include images of l(3)mbt ts1 tumors with TrxT KO and dhd KO also. The requested images are shown in new figure Figure S2B.

      > Fig 2 B and C - Indeed, the results suggest that TrxT seems to be responsible for most tumor lethality upon l(3)mbt allografts, but not dhd. This is curious since l(3)mbt; dhd KO brain tumors have the same partial phenotype as l(3)mbt; TrxT KO (fig 1A). It would be interesting to further explore these phenotypes by staining l(3)mbt; TrxT KO and l(3)mbt; dhd KO brains with, for instance, PH3 to understand if the number of dividing cells of these tumors could be different. In addition, to back up this information, the authors could look at what happens to l(3)mbt tumors with TrxT KO and dhd KO at a later stage of development (or to larva or pupa lethality if that is the case) and compare it with l(3)mbt brains. We did explore the possibility of looking at later stages. Unfortunately, the onset of the lethality phase compounded by major tissue reshaping from larval to adult brain make these stages unsuitable to reach any meaningful conclusion. With regards to staining for PH3, we think that like FUCCI and a long list of other useful labels that could be explored, it is potentially interesting, but hardly likely to give us the clue on the molecular basis of TrxT and Dhd tumour function, that is of course the one important question that we are addressing now.

      > - Fig 2 B - What happens to the medulla in a l(3)mbt brain tumor? Although the ratio of NE/BL is the same for wild-type and D(1)J5; l(3)mbt, it still seems that the medulla in D(1)J5; l(3)mbt brains is substantially bigger, although quantifications would be required. Do the authors know if the NE in D(1)J5; l(3)mbt brains is either proliferating less or differentiating more? There are no significant differences in medulla/BL nor in CB/BL ratios. The corresponding quantifications have been added to the revised version. As for the question on proliferation versus differentiation, the simple answer is that we do not know.

      > Figure S1 - Although the effects of TrxT KO and dhd KO in male mbt tumors seem to be enhanced in relation to female tumors, the authors should include some form of tumor quantification for female tumors like in Fig 2 A. We have carried out the requested quantifications and added the results in a new panel in revised Figure S1A.

      Moreover in the 2nd section of the results, relative to Fig 1S in "...Df(1)J5; l(3)mbtts1 female larvae although given the much less severe phenotype of female mbt tumours, the effect caused by Df(1)J5 is quantitatively minor." to say "quantitatively" minor, the authors should include not only quantifications, but a form of comparison between female tumors vs. male tumors. The requested quantification was published in Molnar et al., 2019. However, we agree on the convenience of doing it again with our new samples. The new data, that confirm published results, are now shown as a new panel in revised Figure S1C.

      > - Fig 3D - The hierarchical clustering was done according to which parameters? A brief explanation could help a better interpretation of this results section. The requested information has been added to the Methods section. Hierarchical clustering was done using the function heatmap.2 in R to generates a plot in which samples (columns) are clustered (dendogram); genes (rows) are scaled by “rows"; distance = Euclidean; and hclust method = complete linkage. Expression levels are reported as Row Z-score.

      > - Fig 3D - It could be beneficial for the authors to include an analysis of the downregulated genes shared between TrxT KO mbt tumors and dhd KO mbt tumors, as well as the genes that are not shared (besides MBTS genes). Could be something like a Venn diagram. Thanks for pointing this out. New Figure S3 shows the requested Venn diagram, as well as the list of enriched GOs for each group.There are no enriched GOs in the list of overlapping genes. TrxTKO; l(3)mbtts1-specific genes are enriched for GOs related to game generation, sexual reproduction, germ cell development and simlar GOs. dhdKO; l(3)mbtts1 -specific genes are enriched for GOs related to chitin, molting and cuticle development. Tantalising as they are, these observations do not immediately suggest any direct explanation for the different roles of Dhd and TrxT in long-term tumour development. We are happy to add these supplemental information, but we do not deem it worth of any further discussion at this point.

      > - Results section 3 - "Expression of nanos is also significantly down-regulated upon TrxT loss, but remains unaffected by loss of dhd" - to corroborate the idea that TrxT and dhd work as a pair, but contribute to different functions within the tumor, it would be interesting for the authors to do an allograft experiment of dhd KO; l(3)mbt male tissue with nanos knock down in the brain, if genetically possible. The suggested experiment is published. The gene in question (nanos) is a suppressor of mbt tumour growth: In a nanos knock down background, l(3)mbt allografts do not grow (Janic 2010).

      Minor comments: * > - In the first section of the results, the authors claim that "Consistent with the reported phenotypes of Df(1)J5...", but then the study is not mentioned.* The corresponding references (Salz et al., 1994; Svensson et al., 2003; Tirmarche et al., 2016) have been added.

      > - Fig 1 B - It is a bit confusing to follow where TrxT and dhd are in the Genome browser view. I am guessing we should follow the TrxT-dhd locus from A, but the authors could make it clearer. Figure 1 has been changed to make this point more clear.

      > - In the same section, in the next sentence, the homozygous and hemizygous is a bit confusing. "...homozygous TrxTKO females, dhdKO males, and TrxTKO males", should be corrected. We appreciate the suggestion, but would rather stick to classical terminology and refer to KO/KO females as homozygous and to KO/Y males as hemizygous.

      >- In the same section (Fig 1C): "RNA-seq data also shows that TrxT is significantly upregulated in l(3)mbtts1 males compared to females (FC=7.06; FDR=1.10E-44) while dhd is not (FC=1.89; FDR=2.00E-14)." - But dhd is nevertheless upregulated, although less, in l3mbt males, right? The authors might need to rephrase. We refer to comparing males versus females, not wild type versus tumours. The text has been rephrased in the revised version to make this point clear.

      > - Fig 2 A (quantifications), should be after the confocal images (Fig 2 B). We respectfully disagree on this minor point. We initially organised this figure in the order recommended by the reviewer, but we eventually found it easier to write the article using the order shown in the submitted figure. We would rather stick to this version.

      > - Fig 2 B and Fig S1 - Please include an outline of at least neuroepithelia and, if possible, Central brain or medulla so that these regions can more clearly identified. Moreover, these results will be easier to interpret if you add a male symbol in this image and a female symbol in Figure S1, otherwise, it might seem like the same figure Outlines and symbols have been added to the revised figure, as required.

      > - In results, section 2, "Consequently, in spite of the strong sex dimorphism of mbt tumours, the phenotype of Df(1)J5; l(3)mbtts1 larval brains is not sexually dimorph" - to back this up, quantifications of Df(1)J5; l(3)mbtts1 female vs male tumor size, as well as statistical analysis are needed, like previously said. The requested the new data is now shown in revised Figure S1C.

      > - In results section 2 - "For allografts derived from, female larvae, we found that differences in lethality rate caused by TrxTKO; l(3)mbtts1, dhdKO; l(3)mbtts1, Df(1)J5; l(3)mbtts1, and l(3)mbtts1 tissues (7-23%) were not significant (Figure 2C)" - there is no statistical analysis to conclude that the lethality rate is not significant, from 7% to 23% still seems like a difference. Thanks for pointing this out. We did of course generate the requested statistical analysis data, but failed to include it in the manuscript. Chi-square statistical test gives a p value=0.2346. These data have been added to the revised version.

      > - Last paragraph of section 2 of results - very long and confusing sentence. Please rephrase text. We have rephrased this sentence to make it shorter and clearer.

      > - On section 3 of results: "The vas, piwi and CG15930 transcripts are not significantly down-regulated following either TrxT or dhd depletion alone." - in Fig 3E, not only these transcripts seem to suffer a slight downregulation, but there is also no statistical analysis supporting this. There seems to be a misunderstanding here. The requested statistical data for each gene were shown in Table S1

      > - First paragraph of section 3 results - the first sentence is written in a confusing way. Moreover, more context is needed in the sentence afterwards: "we first focused on transcripts that are up-regulated in male mbt tumour samples compared to male wild-type larval brains (mMBTS)." but using which data? The RNA seq data? Agreed; this paragraph has been amended in the revised version.

      > - Brief conclusion missing on the second paragraph of the last section of results. As far as the results presented in this paragraph are concerned, we can only mention the two potentially interesting observations, which were pointed out in the original version: (i) the suggestion that nanos upregulation could be critical for sustained mbt tumour growth upon allograft, and (ii) the fact that three genes (vas, piwi and CG15930), also known to be required for mbt tumour growth, are downregulated in Df(1)J5; l(3)mbtts1, but remain unaffected following either TrxT or dhd depletion alone. We are unable to derive any other conclusion from these observations.

      > - In the end of 3rd paragraph of last section of results: "...M-tSDS and F-tSDS genes is partially reduced in l(3)mbtts1 brains lacking either TrxT or dhd, but it is completely suppressed upon the lack of both." - "completely" might not be a correct word to use in this case, as there is still some small differences As requested, we have changed "completely" for "strongly".

      > - 4th paragraph of last section of results: Either mention the male results and then female (to be in order with the figure, as the female graphs come after the male graphs) or change the order in the figure. Also, this paragraph is not very clear, could benefit from a better explanation of the results and conclusions. Point taken. Figure 4 has been changed and female graphs come before male graphs. The paragraph is clearer now. The conclusion from this paragraph is included in the final paragraph of this section.

      > - Fig 4 C,D,E,F: to make it more clear, please write the name of the genotypes in question in the figure. At the reviewer's request, the genotypes in question are now written in each panel. Please note that we did not do so before because all four panels correspond to the same genotype: Df(J5); l(3)mbtts1 vs l(3)mbtts1, as we mentioned in the original figure legend.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1

      The paper by Yammine et al addresses a major problem in peculiarities of genotype to phenotype manifestation in collagen II and chondrodysplasia. It is a lucid and comprehensive study detailing what they see as the fundamental mechanism of Gly1170 Ser mutated Col2a1 gene.

      At the heart of the matter is the debunking of the results from a mouse model generated by liang et al (Plos one 2014) paper in which the authors suggested that the phenotype seen only homozygous mice (heterozygous mice appear normal), was related to ER stress -UPR-apoptosis cascade resulting in the chondrodysplasia. Yammine et al paper uses a different model, a robust human iPSC-based tissue, with a CRISPRed variant show that despite the ability of the variant chondrocytes to deposit a Gly1170Ser-substituted collagen II in both the hetero- and homozygous models, is not accompanied by any substantive UPR. The authors of this current paper also argue that their model system is most closely resemble the human context, where heterozygous individual show pathology.

      We appreciate the Reviewer highlighting the significance of this manuscript addressing a major issue in the field.

      I have sieved all the data related to this topic and have gone back to examine the data and what struck me was the repeated use of the phrase "slow to fold" in the current paper and wondered whether the element of "TIME" is as important in the chondrogenesis of either models and it is this element that generate the difference between the two results? While iPSC-based tissue takes up to 44 days, a female mouse would have had two litters in this time and made many more growth plates. Could it be by "slowing" the chondrogenesis pathway, which is part of the procedure of differentiation of iPS cells into chondrocytes, the ER is not as "stressed" as in mouse development? I would like the authors to reflect and comment and put forward their view given UPR signaling pathways play a crucial role in chondrocytes in phases of high protein synthesis, e.g., during bone development by endochondral ossification (Journal of Bone Metabolism, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 75-82, 2017).

      The Reviewer here emphasizes a likely benefit of the human model that we had not previously considered, as differentiation and growth in our model are indeed far more similar to humans than the rapid timeline in mice. We also note that the evidence that collagen is slow to fold comes from the gold standard assay in the field for collagen folding rate, a point discussed in greater detail in response to Reviewer 2’s query (see below).

      The literature evidence does indicate that transient UPR signaling is relevant for chondrogenesis. We selected UPR timepoints that do not interface with the differentiation process, but rather the tissue deposition process while chondrocytes are still actively depositing and maintaining the extracellular matrix, to be able to distinguish a physiological transient UPR during differentiation from a potential chronic and possibly pathologic one. We now clarify this point in the manuscript (see text below).

      “These timepoints were selected to reflect an early and a late stage of cartilage maturation, but with both timepoints harvested post-chondrogenesis so as not to interfere with the physiologic transient UPR activation that can be important in that process.”

      This is not withstanding the good argument given by the authors in defending their robust results, namely that the there is no evidence that the hydrophilic triple-helical domain of pro-collagen binds BiP, the main detector of accumulated misfolded proteins. What then do they make out of the immunostaining and qPCR with ER stress related genes in Liang et al paper?? I know that the data is not theirs but a comment on the indisputable data gives the reader a better understanding.

      It is critical to note that the evidence for ER stress that induces the UPR is, at best, exceptionally weak for heterozygotes in the Liang et al paper, and arguably also weak for homozygotes. Liang et al observed, via quantitative PCR, that the mRNA levels of just Chop (which is also a marker of the integrated stress response and not a good readout for UPR activity) and ATF6 (whose RNA-level upregulation is not a standard marker of the UPR) were significantly upregulated in the disease-relevant heterozygous mice – given that other (more valid) UPR markers were not altered, this is not so different from our observation of a lack of UPR in the disease-relevant heterozygotes.

      A somewhat more comprehensive set of UPR markers, including Chop, Xbp1(Total and Spliced), Grp78 (BiP), ATF4, and ATF6, was significantly upregulated only in homozygous mice compared to wild-type. PERK is one of many kinases upstream of ATF4 and Chop that can be activated by a variety of processes (the pathway is part of the integrated stress response, for example). Moreover, transcriptional upregulation of ATF4 (which is actually induced translationally, not transcriptionally) and ATF6 (which is actually induced proteolytically, not transcriptionally) are not normally used to read out UPR activation, so it is not so clear to us that a robust UPR was induced even in homozygotes. Moreover, there was not a substantial increase in Xbp1-S (S = spliced) relative to Xbp1-T (T= total) in the study of homozygous mice, which is the most appropriate measure of UPR activation – rather than change in Xbp1-T and Xbp1-S. The use of mostly non-standard genes to assess UPR induction, the weak upregulation of BiP (2.5-fold), and the unchanged ratio of Xbp1-S to Xbp1-T raise some questions regarding UPR induction even in the homozygotes. Regardless of these homozygote data, as noted above, the evidence for a UPR in heterozygotes is very weak, despite ER stress being the focus of the Liang et al paper.

      With respect to immunostaining, Liang et al observed that tissue from homozygous mice (but not heterozygotes) contained significantly more apoptotic cells. Apoptosis could be a result of chronic, unresolved UPR signaling, but it could also result from any number of other pathways and is certainly not direct evidence for UPR-inducing ER stress. Additionally, for the homozygote apoptosis assay, Liang et al do not note how many mice were analyzed for each genotype, a value they did report for their other assays. While examining multiple sections for each genotype is valuable (they state ≥10), the assessment of biological replicates (additional mice) seems critical to confidently reach a conclusion.

      Although I understand the choice of cell lines for overexpression, the transfection of the HT-1080 cells using wild-type and Gly1170Ser COL2A1encoding plasmids are not a match to the in vivo model (variation of efficiency, etc.) the appearance of BiP even at a lower fold increase does not negate ER stress, as the authors acknowledge but more important is what other paracrine signals which triggers the UPR signally pathway which is not linked to BiP? or an iPS system may lack? Is there anything else not only ATF6α (activating transcription factor 6 alpha), but IRE1α (inositol-requiring enzyme 1 alpha), and PERK (protein kinase RNA-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase).

      Our finding that the UPR is not activated is based on comprehensive RNA-sequencing performed in the physiologically more relevant iPSC-derived chondrocyte, as opposed to the tumor cell line HT-1080. Our interactomic finding that BiP interacts to the same extent with wild-type and Gly1170Ser procollagen-II (in HT-1080 cells) strongly supports our proposal that the reason the UPR is not activated is that BiP fails to recognize unfolded triple-helical domains.

      We note that, although HT-1080 cells are not a perfect match, they are the most accessible option for interactome-based studies. Because there is no MS-grade antibody for collagen-II IP, we need to IP a transfected, tagged collagen. We cannot do this in chondronoids, or in isolated chondrocytes that transfect poorly and rapidly dedifferentiate. Critically, Prockop and co-workers extensively validated HT-1080 cells as a platform for fibrillar collagen biochemical studies in Matrix 1993, 13, 399. Our own lab further characterized their capacity to properly handle fibrillar collagen variants in great molecular detail in ACS Chem Biol 2016, 11__, __1408.

      Since our chondronoid system contains only chondrocyte cells, as is the case in cartilage, the cells can receive paracrine signals from other chondrocytes, but not other cell types. In joints within a whole animal, it is true that paracrine crosstalk occurs between different cell types of different tissues, including inflammatory cells for example. The chondronoid is very useful for elucidating the defects that occur at the chondrocyte-level, without confounding secondary effects. At the chondrocyte-level, Gly1170Ser-substituted procollagen-II does not activate the UPR.

      The Reviewer’s comment regarding the absence of paracrine signals in an iPSC-based system is well-taken, and we added discussion as follows:

      “These observations indicate that the chondrocytes were not raising such stress responses, at least when examined in the absence of paracrine signals from other cell types in the joint.”

      The authors have given us plenty of alternatives that are relevant, and they prepared us for yet another paper on articular cartilage using iPS tissue model which I am looking forward to.

      We are also excited about the upcoming potential of this model system!


      I think this paper is publishable and it is important in understanding the mechanism by which mutation in collagen type II affect chondrogenesis and therefore bone formation. This paper will appeal to musculoskeletal scientist especially those who are interested in bone and its pathology. It would be important for the authors to respond to the critique of "TIME" and speed of protein synthesis which create a duress in the ER pathway.

      We greatly appreciate the Reviewer’s comment again on the significance of this work, and their scholarly input which has substantially improved the paper. We hope they will agree that the manuscript is now ready for publication.

      Reviewer #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      *System: The investigators have used a human iPSC chondrocyte model system to investigate the biochemistry of the Chondrodysplasia caused by the p.Gly1170Ser mutation in the type II collagen gene (COL2A1). They studied presumably homogeneous chondronoids formed by 3 cell lines they previously reported in which the chondrocytes were either homozygous wild type for the gene, homozygous for the Cas Crispr induced mutation or heterozygous for the two alleles (their refs 42-45). In addition, they utilized cultured HT1080 human fibrosarcoma cells transfected with wild type and mutant Col2A1 to study differences in the interactomes of the two proteins.


      *Analytic Parameters: They investigated the extracellular matrix formed by the three cells using collagen and proteoglycan staining and TEM and the transcriptional responses in chondronoids expressing the wild type and mutant genes.


      *Observations: matrix formation was defective in the two mutation bearing cell populations, reflecting defective fibril formation proportional to the abnormal gene dose. They found increased accumulations of post-translational modifications (hydroxylation, and O-glycosylation) on the mutant collagen extracted from the chondronoids and EM evidence of collagen retention in the ER. They studied the comparative transcriptional profiles in the three phenotypes and failed to find a profound UPR response late in culture and only a mild upregulation of UPR genes in the young cultures. They could not find evidence for activation of the ISR except in the homozygous mutant cells.


      *Using transfected HT-1080 cells (previously shown by these investigators not to express endogenous pro-collagen II but able to synthesize transfected pro-collagen genes) they were able to study the comparative wt and mutant pro-collagen interactomes.


      Conclusions: They conclude that the p.gly1170ser mutation in Col2A1 results in abnormal folding which results in trapping of the protein in the ER and some interaction with cellular elements of the proteostatic response. They concluded that the cellular proteostasis machinery can recognize slow-folding Gly1170Ser through increased interactions with certain ER network components but not in the same fashion that has been described for liver cells producing mutated versions of high volume secreted proteins.

      We appreciate this careful summary of our work.

      *Major comments:


      Their first conclusion, stated in the abstract, "Biochemical characterization reveals that Gly1170Ser procollagen-II is notably slow to fold and secrete." that the mutant polypeptide chain is slower folding than the wild type chain is based on the premise that the longer the chains are in the ER the greater the degree of lysine hydroxylation and O-glycosylation. Although this may be true, they do not provide a reference and I could not find a definitive description of the phenomenon. Their reference 48 only discusses the occurrence of intracellular post-translational modification of the lysines and continuing modification extracellularly but does not relate these phenomena to the rate at which the peptides traverse the cell. I think the reader would benefit from seeing experiments in which the rate of folding and secretion of the wild type and mutant chains are measured and the degree of post-translational modification are compared. Cabral WA et al showed differences in collagen folding and secretion rates in cyclophilin wt, knockouts and heterozygotes osteoblasts and fibroblasts by western blots. (2014) Abnormal Type I Collagen Post-translational Modification and Crosslinking in a Cyclophilin B KO Mouse Model of Recessive Osteogenesis Imperfecta. PLoS Genet 10(6): e1004465. doi:10.1371 / journal.pgen. 1004465). Performing such experiments in their chondronoids would confirm the authors' interpretation that the increased post-translational modification portrayed in their figure 4 reflects slowed folding and secretion related to the mutation.

      We apologize for failing to provide essential background references and information to assess our assay for slow folding/secretion of procollagen. In fact, slow migration on SDS-PAGE is not only a widely used assay for comparing the rate of folding of procollagens, it has also remained the gold standard in the field for the past forty years. The studies cited below are some of the seminal papers in the field linking collagen’s rate of folding with its extent of posttranslational modifications and its electrophoretic mobility. We have now updated our citations accordingly.

      1. Bateman, J.F.; Mascara, T.; Chan, D.; Cole, W.G. “Abnormal type I collagen metabolism by cultured fibroblasts in lethal perinatal osteogenesis imperfecta” Biochem J 1984, 217, 103.
      2. Bonadio, J.; Holbrook, K.A.; Gelinas, R.E.; Jacob, J.; Byers, P.H. “Altered triple helical structure of type I procollagen in lethal perinatal osteogenesis imperfecta” J Biol Chem 1985, 260, 1734.
      3. Bateman, J.F.; Chan, D.; Mascara, T.; Rogers, J.G.; Cole, W.G. “Collagen defects in lethal perinatal osteogenesis imperfecta” Biochem J 1986, 240, 699.
      4. Godfrey, M.; Hollister, D.W. “Type II achondrogenesis-hypochondrogenesis: Identification of abnormal type II collagen” Am J Hum Genet 1988, 43, 904. The basis for this collagen-specific assay of folding rate is that the ER-localized procollagen proline and lysine hydroxylases require monomeric collagen strands as substrates, and cannot accommodate a folded triple helix in their active sites. Thus, accumulation of post-translational modifications on collagen depends on the procollagen triple-helical domain’s residence time as an unfolded monomeric region of the assembling triple-helical trimer within the ER. Some fraction of the hydroxylated lysines are later glycosylated, which slows migration on SDS-PAGE gels. We have now clarified our slow folding conclusion with more precise references and discussion in the manuscript.

      Pulse-chase experiments like those suggested by the Reviewer would indeed be beneficial if they were possible in this system, but they simply are not. Although it might be possible to soak in a radiolabeled amino acid over a short time period, the assay still relies on separating the cell fraction from the secreted fraction. This is possible in monolayer cultures, but in a chondronoid composed of complex cartilage and cells we have no way to do it. One could propose that we extract the chondrocytes and then do the pulse-chase in a monolayer culture, but this unfortunately is also not possible as chondrocytes do not behave well outside the tissue setting and rapidly differentiate into other cell types. Fortunately, the procollagen overmodification assay is a widely used and well-accepted measure of slow folding, and thus addresses the issue.

      I think Figure 4 needs more explanation for the reader. While, as expected, the homozygous mutant band is much slower than the homozygous wild type band, in the heterozygotes the band is intermediate rather than showing a discrete mixture of wild type and mutant proteins, reflecting different degrees of post-translational modification. Is this a function of mixed triple helices with heterogeneous degrees of post-translational modification? It deserves more comment, since the argument relating the degree of post-translational modification to the rate of folding is dependent on this observation. It would also be helpful to show the whole gel with collagen II markers.

      We modified Figure 4 __to show the whole gel (in the SI, see __Fig. S3) and molecular weight markers. It also shows the wild-type collagen-II band. Most of the procollagen produced by the heterozygote is heterotrimeric for the disease-causing substitution (>87% of trimers will contain at least one mutant chain and thus experience delayed folding) and, therefore, the diffuse banding structure is to be expected. Further, we would speculate that in these challenged ER, even the folding of wild-type only trimers is impaired. The Reviewer’s comment suggests there may be some basis for that speculation. We added a note to this effect.

      “The presence of a single broad, slow-migrating band as opposed to distinctive overmodified mutant versus normally modified wild-type strands is due to fact that the vast majority of trimers formed in heterozygotes (>85%) contain at least one Gly1170Ser strand that delays triple-helix folding.”

      Another approach to the question of intracellular accumulation due to a slow rate of folding of the mutant collagen would be to perform pulse chase labeling of the three types of chondronoids with radiolabeled amino acids and sugars and processing the media and lysates with analysis using antibodies specific for the two collagen chain types. Given the authors extensive experience in studying collagen biosynthesis (e.g. Chan et al J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods 36 (1997) 11-29), such a supporting study would firmly establish whether the rate of folding/secretion differs between the wt and the homozygous and heterozygous chondroidinomas. Until the slow folding can be directly demonstrated in a quantitative fashion rather than by monitoring the secondary phenomenon of post-translational modification the hypothesis remains unproven.

      Discussed above in response to the Reviewer’s earlier suggestion of pulse-chase and question regarding the post-translational modification assay, unfortunately the pulse-chase experiment is infeasible. Fortunately, the modification-based assay is already the gold standard in the collagen field.

      Another issue that does not appear to be addressed is the consequence of having misfolded collagen chains in the dilated ER. Liang et al, using mice transgenic for one or two copies of the mutant human gene showed apoptosis in the homozygotes but not in the hets a finding similar to that of Kimura et al using transgenics carrying a different human COL2A1 mutation. Okada et al, using chondrocytes converted from human fibroblasts with clinical collagenopathy (heterozygous), although not the same mutation as in the present study, showed dilated ER and some level of apoptosis in the cultured cells. Hintze et al, examining chondrocytes expressing different mutants associated with different forms of spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, suggested that the degree of stability of the mutations might determine whether apoptosis occurred, i.e. the thermolabile p.R989C was associated with apoptosis while cells expressing the more thermostable mutants p.275C, P.719C and p.G853E did not reveal any evidence for ongoing apoptosis R989. Is it possible that the smaller size of the homozygous chondronoids reflect fewer cells rather than less matrix (or both) as result of apoptosis? Examination of the chondronoids with reagents for caspase 3 or Tunel staining. One could also measure by Col/DNA ratio in wt, hets and homos. It might also have been useful for these experiments been more quantitative, i.e. by cell sorting rather than by eye. Would ImageJ software been helpful?

      We greatly appreciate this suggestion. We now added results of TUNEL assays performed on sections of the chondronoids (see Fig. 8), including quantification of the results. Notably, we do not observe a significant difference in apoptosis between genotypes at the timepoint considered. This result is also supported by our transcriptional data, where we do not observe upregulation of apoptosis-related pathways, via the UPR or otherwise.

      It is also unclear as to the conformation of chains trapped in the ER. There are many examples in which the natural tendency of misfolded proteins is to aggregate. This is certainly true in the neurodegenerative diseases. While at the magnification used here in the TEM's the ER inclusions appear homogeneous and amorphous, perhaps at higher magnification/resolution a more discrete structure might be seen.

      From collagen-II immunohistochemistry confocal images, the intracellular collagen appears sometimes as aggregated puncta, and in other cases more diffuse and amorphous. Given this heterogeneity, we were not able to readily obtain clear additional structural characterization of the intracellular procollagen-II fraction.

      *While the choice of time points for the transcriptional analysis, i.e. early and late seems well thought out, the lack of a significant response may be due to the timing and it might have been useful to do earlier or later time points or intermediate time points in case the response was transient, particularly since other laboratories have reported UPR activation and abnormalities in the context of the silencing of Xbp1, the spliced form of which is a major driver of at least one arm of the UPR. *

      While our RNA-sequencing results at the specific timepoints we chose cannot rule out a transient activation of the UPR, they do indicate that chronic, unresolved UPR signaling is not the underlying cause of pathology, which is the main point we are making.

      The notion that pro-collagen is largely hydrophilic without the potential for exposure of hydrophobic regions that might engage BiP, thus is not sensitive to BiP sensing, is interesting. Is it possible that the tendency of the mutant polypeptides to form the triple helix which in itself acts as kind of a self chaperoning structure? Looking at the kinetics of assembly inside the cell, see suggestions above, might provide further insight into the process beyond that obtained by looking at the modified state of the lysines.

      We believe this notion is very strongly supported by the interactomic experiment showing that BiP fails to preferentially engage the poorly folding triple-helical variant. There are, however, many other chaperones and folding enzymes that assist collagen folding, including prolyl isomerases and Hsp47. Hence, it is not clear to us that substantial self-chaperoning occurs. Still, the self-chaperoning idea is intriguing, and we will note that prior work does indicate that triple-helical domains of individual procollagen polypeptides are strongly pre-organized for triple-helix formation (for a review, see Annu Rev Biochem 2009, 78, 929). That said, we hesitate to speculate here on the self-chaperoning idea without additional evidence.__

      __Minor comments:

      As I mentioned above, while the transcriptional interactome experiments are computationally sophisticated the cell biology and biochemistry would benefit from more and better quantitation.

      We have included quantitation of the extent of intracellular procollagen accumulation and the extent of apoptotic cells, which we hope helps to address this point.

      The paper is written in a style in which results and discussion are intermingled. Personally I prefer that the introductions are short, the results clearly and briefly presented and the discussion deals with the interpretation and conclusions. I thought that whole paragraphs could have been omitted. e.g. in the introduction *Omit paragraph "The fibrillar.........achondrogenesis type II" Omit paragraph "Conventional and... for example." Omit "Excitingly........in vitro and in vivo (36)." Results: First paragraph repeats last paragraph of introduction and not necessary in one place or the other, condense. *

      We appreciate this feedback and have accordingly edited the manuscript for clarity and brevity, which includes deleting or significantly shortening all the paragraphs indicated by the Reviewer. These improvements are indicated in the track-changes version of the manuscript we resubmitted.

      Figure 2 by eye MGP (Matrix gla protein inhibits vascular calcification of type II collagen) seems highly over-expressed in the homozygous mutants; MGP is supposedly an inhibitor of calcification, does its over-expression here reflect something about the adequacy of the matrix

      Overexpression of MGP could indeed reflect a defect in the matrix of the homozygous variants. It is also likely a reflection of the delayed hypertrophy and maturation observed in the homozygous variants, as matrix calcification is a step in the endochondral ossification process. We did not follow-up on this particular observation, as it is exclusively observed in the less clinically relevant homozygous variant. We added a note to the manuscript to capture the Reviewer’s point about MGP, as below:

      “The upregulation in the homozygous system of Matrix Gla Protein (MGP) (Fig. 2A), which inhibits vascular calcification of the matrix in vivo, further supports the delay in hypertrophy, and could lead to differences in the biomechanical properties of the matrix.”

      Figure 5 is good but can it be confirmed by quantitative biochemistry?

      We have included quantitation of the extent of intracellular procollagen accumulation and the extent of apoptotic cells.

      __ __Did you stain with antibodies to other ER resident chaperones other than calreticulin?

      Yes, we also stained the ER with PDI. However, the chondronoids require extensive optimization for immunostaining and we could obtain much better images using the ER marker for calreticulin, hence our choice of images to present in the manuscript.__

      __Do cells with large amounts of intracellular G1170S die?

      As indicated by the newly included TUNEL data, interestingly, even cells expressing exclusively the Gly1170Ser variant of procollagen-II do not seem to apoptose at a significantly higher rate than wild-type, at least at the timepoint considered. As mentioned above, we added these data as Fig. 8, and added discussion of these results and methodology in the relevant sections of the manuscript.__

      __Does higher magnification EM reveal any structure of the material within the dilated ER?

      We have so far not been able to use EM to obtain higher-resolution insight into intracellular procollagen structures, but we will work on this idea in future studies.__

      __Are there any inflammatory cells in the Chondronoids? To respond to aberrant proteins?

      There should not be any such cells present in the chondronoids, and we indeed do not observe any inflammatory response. As noted in the response to Reviewer 1, we added discussion regarding the absence of paracrine signals in this type of model system, which we do believe has major advantages for biochemical studies like those performed here.__


      * "Bypassing the UPR.......often do not" Is discussion not results*

      Corrected, thanks.


      The experimental system described here is clearly the wave of the present. Generating human ipSC's of different lineages is now being exploited to study a variety of disorders, to achieve better understanding of pathogenesis at the molecular level to serve as appropriate models for drug development, particularly in the context of high throughput screening. In addition, as in this case, relatively rare autosomal dominant disorders with phenotypes that resemble more common sporadic disease, may allow the development of treatments that are relevant for the sporadic disorder. While it is likely that the osteoarthritis that develops in the carriers of the COL2A1 mutations is a function of the host response to the aberrant mechanics resulting from the defective extra-cellular matrix caused by the mutation, having a pure system in which the primary defect can be corrected and the predisposing matrix deficit reversed, could allow normal reparative processes to mitigate the functional joint disability. While the transgenic mice are useful as a disease model, they represent not only the expression of the primary defect but the host pathophysiologic response to that defect, i.e. in this case how the mouse responds to the defective matrix state and whether those responses add additional pathogenic factors to the disease course. Having a tool in which to relatively assess the pure chondrocyte effect should allow more granular analysis of the primary process.

      We appreciate the Reviewer’s careful and enthusiastic assessment of the significance of our work.__


      Their findings reinforce the notion that involvement of the UPR as well as the other arms of the proteostatic response in chondrocytes expressing a variety of mutant collagens suggests a degree of heterogeneity, perhaps depending on the mutation involved. While I do not believe that their current data prove or rigorously test their proposed hypothesis, i.e. that "perhaps due to the pathologic substitution occurring within a triple-helical domain that lacks hydrophobic character, this ER protein accumulation is not recognized by cellular stress responses, such as the unfolded protein response", it is worth considering.

      We provide that hypothesis as a reasonable explanation for the absence of a UPR, and it is strongly supported by our interactomic studies. Furthermore, neither we nor others have found evidence for BiP binding the triple helical domain of procollagen in any other studies. Still, that hypothesis is not the core point of the paper and we do appreciate the Reviewer’s perspective.

      Given the fact that this is a relatively small field with a variety of observations concerning the role of proteostasis and the UPR in particular which seem to vary depending on the system, i.e. transgenic mice, transfected fibroblasts, the chondroidomas, these observations particularly with additional biochemistry to confirm their notions regarding folding rates etc, represent a useful technical addition to the field and should be interesting for people working on collagen biology, arthritis and protein folding.

      I am not a collagen biologist hence my knowledge of some of the nuances of collagen biology may not be extensive. My own areas of interest include the assembly of multi-peptide proteins (such as immunoglobulins) for secretion; the mechanisms that allow them to exit the cell and the aggregation of misfolded proteins as exemplified by the amyloidoses and other forms of clinically relevant protein aggregation. Hence, I am very familiar with tissue culture, transgenic animals as disease models, studies of protein aggregation, and as a former rheumatologist, osteoarthritis.

      We greatly appreciate the Reviewer providing such valuable and scholarly input from the perspective of a scientist with deep expertise in the secretory pathway and other diseases of protein misfolding, as well as from rheumatology. Specifically from the perspective of expertise in collagen biology/biochemistry, we hope that our detailed explanations of assays that are possible versus not possible with collagen in this system, the additional context for why our assessment of the modification of procollagen is correlated with folding/secretion rate, and the further analyses added to the paper, now make a convincing case that the improved manuscript is of high significance and is ready for publication.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility, and clarity (Required)):

      1. In this manuscript, Imoto et al. analyze the specific role of the Dynamin1 splice variant Dyn1xA in so-called ultrafast endocytosis, an important mechanism of synaptic vesicle recycling at synapses. In a previous publication (Imoto et al. Neuron 2022), some of the authors had shown that Dyn1xA, and not the other splice variant Dyn1xB, is essential for ultrafast endocytosis. Moreover, Dyn1xA forms clusters around the active zone for exocytosis and interacts with Syndapin 1 in a phosphorylation dependent manner. However, it was unclear which molecular interactions underlie the specific role of Dyn1xA. Here, the authors provide convincing evidence with pull down assays and CSP that Dyn1xA PRR interacts with EndophilinA1/2 with two binding sites. The first binding site lies in the part common to xA and xB, was previously characterized. The second site was previously uncharacterized, is specific for Dyn1xA, and is regulated by phosphorylation (phosphobox 2). The location of these splice variants and mutated forms at presynaptic sites correlate with the prediction made by the biochemical assays. Finally, the authors perform rescue experiments ('flash and freeze' and VGLUT1-pHluorin imaging experiments) to show that Dyn1xA-EndophilinA1/2 binding is important for ultrafast endocytosis. I find the results interesting, providing an important step in the understanding of the interplay between dynamin and the endocytic proteins interacting with it (endophilin, syndapin, amphiphysin) in the context of synaptic vesicle recycling. The manuscript is clearly written and for the most part the data supports the authors' conclusions (see specific comments below). However, there are some issues which need to be clarified before this manuscript is fully suitable for publication.

      We thank the reviewer for noting the importance of our study. Indeed, our previous study has raised the question as to why only the Dyn1xA splice variant mediates ultrafast endocytosis, and our current manuscript now resolves this issue.

      Introduction: the dynx1B Calcineurin binding motif is written PxIxIT consensus but actual sequence is PRITISDP. Is this a typo?

      The sequence is correct. One thing we failed to mention is that the last amino acid in this motif can be either threonine or serine for calcineurin binding, as we demonstrated previously [Jing, et al., 2011 JBC; PMC3162388]. We have amended the text as follows.

      1. calcineurin-binding motif (PxIxI[T/S]) 19.

      Figure 1: the difference between the constructs used in panels C and D is not clear. In D, is it a truncation without residues 796 and 845? If so, it should be labelled clearly in the Western blots. In Panel E, Dyn1xA 746-798 should be labeled Dyn1x 746-798 because it is common to both splice variants.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. Both C and D used the full-length PRRs of Dyn1xA-746 to 864 and xB-746 to 851. To make the labeling clear, we changed Dyn1xA PRR to “Dyn1xA PRR (746-864)” and Dyn1xB PRR to “Dyn1xB PRR 746-851” in Figure 1. In the main text, we made the following changes.

      1. 4: “To identify the potential isoform-selective binding partners, the full-length PRRs of Dyn1xA746-864 and xB746-851 (hereafter, Dyn1xA-PRR and Dyn1xB-PRR, respectively).”

      Figure 1: For amphiphysin binding the authors write that "No difference in binding to Amphiphysin 1 was observed among these peptides (Figure1D-F)." They should write that Dyn1x 746-798 does not bind Amphiphysin1 SH3 domain, confirming the specificity of binding to the 833-838 motif.

      We edited the sentence as suggested.

      1. “Dyn1x 746-798 does not bind Amphiphysin1 SH3 domain (Figure 1G), confirming the specificity of binding to the 833-838 motif as reported in previous studies 29,30. (Figure 1D-F).”

      Figure S2. The panels are way too small to see the shifts and the labelling. Please provide bigger panels

      As suggested, we have now provided bigger panels in Figure S2, and amended the text and Figure legend accordingly.

      We also removed Figure S2B as it was not referred to in the text in any way. (It was the reverse experiment – HSQCs of 15N-labelled SH3 titrated with unlabelled dynamin).l

      Figure 2 panel B. There is a typo in the connecting line between the sequence and the CSP peaks. It is 846 instead of 864 (after 839).


      Figure 3 panel E. In the text, the authors write that "Western blotting of the bound proteins from the R838A pull-down experiment showed that R838A almost abolished both Endophilin and Amphiphysin binding in xA806-864 (Figure 3D), and reduced Endophilin binding to xA-PRR (Figure 3E)." I think they should write "only slightly reduced Endophilin binding..." it is more faithful to the result and consistent with the conclusion that Endophilin A1 has two binding sites on Dyn1xA PRR.

      We have now provided quantitative data for R838A and R846A (Fig. 3F and G). Endophilin binding is significantly reduced with R846A.

      It is unclear why the R846A mutant affects binding of Dyn1xA 806-864 but not Dyn1xA-PRR-.

      The reviewer asks why the R846A mutant affects binding of Dyn1xA 806-864, but not so much of Dyn1xA-PRR. The explanation is simply that there are two endophilin binding sites in Dyn1xA-PRR. The first is not present in the xA806-864 peptide, while both are present in Dyn1xA-PRR (the full length tail). When doing pull-down experiments, the binding tends to saturate – even when the second site is blocked by R846A. The first site is still able to bind, and the binding appears as normal. The same applies to the R838A mutant.

      Moreover, it affects binding to endophilin as well as amphiphysin, and therefore it is not specific. It is thus not correct to write that "R846 is the only residue found to specifically regulate the Dyn1 interaction with Endophilin as a part of an SDE". In the Discussion (page 11), the authors refer to the R846A mutation as specifically affecting Endophilin binding. This should be toned down, as it also affects Amphiphysin binding. For this important point, the data on quantification of Endophilin binding should be presented.

      The reviewer’s concern is about our claims of specificity of Endophilin A binding in Dyn1xA R846 mutation experiments. The reviewer is correct, and we have now defined specific parameters for those claims. Specifically, we have added new quantitative data from the Western blots in Fig 3E (full-length Dyn1aX-PRR) as Fig 3F-G. We used full-length Dyn1aX-PRR rather than the xA806-864 peptide because the subsequent transfection experiments use full length Dyn1xA. In the new figures 3F and 3G, we quantified Endophilin A, Amphiphysin and Syndapin1 amounts from the multiple Western blots such as Figure 3E (now n=14, 6 experiments, each in with 2-4 replicates for Dyn1xA PRR). R846A mutated in Dyn1xA-PRR significantly reduces the binding to Endophilin A, but it does not significantly affect the binding to Amphiphysin 1and Syndapin1 (Fig 3G). Therefore, this particular Dyn1xA-PRR mutation specifically affects Endophilin A binding, in the context of the full-length tail Dyn1aX-PRR. To make these results clear, we modified the text as below.

      P7. “R838A and R846A caused smaller reductions in Endophilin binding compared to wild-type Dyn1xA-PRR, (Figure 3E, 3F, R838A, median 68.5 ; Figure 3G, R846A, median 59.3 % : R838A reduced the Dyn1/Amphiphysin interaction (Figure 3E, 3F, median 14.2 % binding compared to wild-type Dyn1xA-PRR). By contrast, R846A did not affect Amphiphysin and Syndapin binding to Dyn1xA-PRR (Figure 3E, 3G). Therefore, R846, being part of an SDE, is the only residue we found to specifically regulate the Dyn1 interaction with Endophilin in the context of the full length tail (DynxA-PRR)”.

      Additionally, the reviewer notes that “the authors refer to the R846A mutation as specifically affecting Endophilin binding. This should be toned down, as it also affects Amphiphysin binding.” In the light of the above data and new quantitative analysis (Fig 3F-G), we have clarified the conclusion. However, to be clear that this statement is only correct in the context of the full-length DynxA-PRR, we amended texts as follows:

      P7. “By contrast, R846A did not affect Amphiphysin and Syndapin binding to Dyn1xA-PRR (Figure 3E, 3G). Therefore, R846, being part of an SDE, is the only residue we found to specifically regulate the Dyn1 interaction with Endophilin in the context of the full length tail (DynxA-PRR)”.

      New legends for Figure 3F and G have now been added as follows.

      “(F) The binding of Endophilin A, and Amphiphysin 1 and Syndapin1 to Dyn1xA-PRR (wild type) or R838A mutant quantified from Western blots in (E). n=14 (6 experiments with 2-4 replicates in each). Median and 95% confidential intervals are shown. Kruskal-Wallis with Dunn’s multiple comparisons test (**p (G) The binding of Endophilin A, and Amphiphysin 1 and Syndapin1 to Dyn1xA-PRR (wild type) or R846A mutant quantified from Western blots in (E). n=14 (6 experiments with 2-4 replicates in each). Median and 95% confidential intervals are shown. Kruskal-Wallis with Dunn’s multiple comparisons test was applied (*p

      Figure 3F-G (which are now 3H and 3I in the revised text): what do the star symbols represent in the graphs? I guess the abscissa represents retention time. Please write it clearly instead of a second ordinate for molecular mass, which does not make much sense if this reflects the estimate for the 3 conditions.

      The “stars” are crosses (x) and represent individual data points. The figure legends have been updated for clarity. The reviewer is correct that the X-axis is retention time (min). The second Y-axis is needed to define the points in the curve marked with crosses (x’s). The legends for Figure 3H and I are now changed as follows.

      “(H) SEC-MALS profiles for Dyn1xA alone (in green), Endophilin A SH3 alone (in red) and the complex of the two (in black) are plotted. The x-axis shows retention time. The left axis is the corresponding UV absorbance (280 nm) signals in solid lines, and the right axis shows the molar mass of each peak in crosses. The molecular weight of the complex was determined and tabulated in comparison with the predicted molecular weight. x represent individual data points.

      (I) SEC-MALS profiles for a high concentration of Dyn1xA-PRR/Endophilin A SH3 complex (0.5 mg) (in dark blue) and a low concentration of Dyn1xA-PRR/endophilin A SH3 complex (0.167 mg) (in blue). The x-axis shows retention time. The left axis is the corresponding UV absorbance (280 nm) signals in solid lines, and the right axis shows the molar mass of each peak in crosses. The molecular weight of the complex was determined and tabulated in the table. x represent individual data points.”

      Figure 4: The statement that "By contrast [to Dyn1xA], Endophilin A1 or A2 formed multiple clusters (1-5 clusters)" is not at all clear on the presented pictures. The authors should provide views of portions of axons with several varicosities, for the reader to appreciate the cases where there are more EndoA clusters than Dyn1 clusters.

      In the revised Figure S4, we added additional STED images for a region of axons with more EndoA1/2 clusters than Dyn1xA clusters. The locations of Dyn1xA and EndoA1/2 clusters are annotated in each image based on the local maximum of intensity, which is determined using our custom Matlab analysis scripts (Imoto, et al., Neuron 2022; for the description of the methods, please refer to the Point #14 below). We also added Figure S3 to describe our analysis pipelines. In the Dyn1xA channel, outer contour indicates 50% of local maxima (boundary of Dyn1xA cluster) while inner contour indicates 70% of local maxima of the clusters. In the EndoA1/2 channel, local maxima of the clusters are indicated as points. To reflect these changes, we modified text as below.

      P 9. “By contrast, Endophilin A1 or A2 formed multiple clusters (1-5 clusters) (Figure S4)”

      The legends for Figure S4 are now as follows.

      “Figure S4. Additional STED images for Figure 4.

      (A) The top image shows an axon containing multiple boutons. Signals show overexpression of GFP-tagged Dyn1xA (Dyn1xA) and mCherry-tagged Endophilin A1 (EndoA1). The bottom images show magnifications of four boutons in the top image. Red hot look-up table (LUT) images on the right side of Dyn1xA and EndoA1 images are enhanced contrast images. Outer and inner contours represent 50% and 70% of local maxima of the Dyn1xA, respectively. Black circles represent local maxima of Endophilin A1. In these boutons, multiple EndophilinA1 puncta are present.

      (B) The top image shows an axon congaing multiple boutons. Signals show overexpression of mCherry-tagged Dyn1xA (Dyn1xA) and GFP-tagged Endophilin A1 (EndoA1). The bottom images show magnifications of four boutons in the top image. Red hot LUT images on the right side of Dyn1xA and EndoA2 images are enhanced contrast images. Outer and inner contours represent 50% and 70% of local maxima of the Dyn1xA, respectively. Black circles represent local maxima of Endophilin A2. In these boutons, multiple EndophilinA2 puncta are present.

      (C) STED micrographs of the same synapses as in Figure 4E with an active zone marker Bassoon (magenta) visualized by antibody staining. GFP-tagged Dyn1xA, Dyn1xA S851D/857D or Dyn1xA R846A (green) are additionally stained with GFP-antibodies. Local maxima of Dyn1xA, Dyn1xA S851D/857D or Dyn1xA R846A signals and minimum distance to the active zone boundary are indicated by dark blue lines.”

      Moreover, overexpression of EndophilinA1/2-mCherry is not sufficient to assess its localization. Please consider either immunofluorescence or genome editing (e.g. Orange or TKIT techniques).

      We agree with the reviewer that overexpression obscures the endogenous localization of proteins. To address this point in our previous publication, we titrated the amount of plasmids for Dyn1xA-GFP and transfected neurons just for 20 hours – this protocol allowed us to uncover the endogenous localization of Dyn1xA despite the fact that it was overexpressed in wild-type neurons (Imoto, et al., 2022). We also confirmed this localization by ORANGE-based CRISPR knock-in of GFP-tag in the endogenous locus of Dyn1 just after the exon 23 and confirm the true endogenous localization of Dyn1xA (Imoto, et al., 2022). Similar approaches were taken by the Chapman lab to localize Synaptotagmin-1 and Synaptobrevin 2 in axons (Watson et al, 2023, eLife, PMID: 36729040). We did not emphasize this in the first submission, but we took the same approach for the EndoA1/2 localization. This does not mean that they also unmask the endogenous localization, and the reviewer is correct that additional evidence would strengthen the data here. Thus, as suggested, we have looked at the endogenous EndophilinA1 localization by antibody staining. As the reviewer is likely aware, EndophilinA1 also localizes to other places including dendrites and postsynaptic terminals, making it difficult to analyze the data. However, we observe colocalization of Dyn1xA with endogenous EndoA1. Thus, we believe that our major conclusion here drawn based on EndoA1/2-mCherry overexpression is valid (Reviewer’s Figure 1). Since the Endophilin signals in neighboring processes obscures its localization in synapses-of-interest, repeating this localization experiments with ORANGE-based knock-in would be ideal. However, with the lead author starting his own group and many validations needed to confirm the knock-in results, this experiment would require us at least 4-6 months, and thus, it is beyond the scope of our current study. We will follow up on this localization in the near future, but given that endophilin is required for ultrafast endocytosis (Watanabe, et al., Neuron 2018, PMID: 29953872) and these proteins need to be in condensates at the endocytic sites for accelerating the kinetics of endocytosis (Imoto, et al., Neuron 2022, PMID: 35809574), we are confident that endogenous

      EndoA1/2 are localized with Dyn1xA.

      The analysis of the confocal microscopy data is not explained. How is the number of clusters determined? How far apart are they? Confocal microscopy may not have the resolution to distinguish clusters within a synapse.

      We apologize for the insufficient description of the method. We had provided a more thorough description of the methods in our previous publication (Imoto, et al., Neuron 2022, PMID: 35809574). To make this more automated, we improved our custom Matlab scripts. Please note that all the analysis for the cluster location is performed on STED images, not on normal confocal images. To determine the cluster, first, presynaptic regions (based on Bassoon signals or Dyn1xA signals within boutons) in each STED image are cropped with 900 by 900 nm (regions-of-interest) ROIs. Then, our Matlab scripts calculate the local maxima of fluorescence intensity within the ROIs. To determine the distance between the active zone and the Dyn1xA or EndoA1/2 clusters, the Matlab scripts perform the same local maxima calculations in both channels and make contours at 50% intensity of the local maxima. The minimum distance reflects the shortest distance between the active zone and Dyn1xA/EndoA1/2 contours. To make these points clearer, we modified the main text and the Methods section. In addition, we have added workflow of these analysis as Figure S3.

      P9. Main. “Signals of these proteins are acquired by STED microscopy and analyzed by custom MATLAB scripts, similarly to our previous work23.”

      P20. Methods. “All the cluster distance measurements are performed on STED images. For the measurements, a custom MATLAB code package23 was modified using GPT-4 (OpenAI) to perform semi-automated image segmentation and analysis of the endocytic protein distribution relative to the active zone marked by Bassoon or relative to Dyn1xA cluster in STED images. First, the STED images were blurred with a Gaussian filter with radius of 1.2 pixels to reduce the Poisson noise and then deconvoluted twice using the built-in deconvblind function: the initial point spread function (PSF) input is measured from the unspecific antibodies in the STED images. The second PSF (enhanced PSF) input is chosen as the returned PSF from the initial run of blind deconvolution62. The enhanced PSF was used to deconvolute the STED images to be analyzed. Each time, 10 iterations were performed. All presynaptic boutons in each deconvoluted image were selected within 3030-pixel (0.81 mm2) ROIs based on the varicosity shape and bassoon or Dyn1xA signals. The boundary of active zone or Dyn1xA puncta was identified as the contour that represents half of the intensity of each local maxima in the Bassoon channel. The Dyn1xA clusters and Endophilin A clusters were picked by calculating pixels of local maxima. The distances between the Dyn1xA cluster and active zone boundary or Endophilin A clusters were automatically calculated correspondingly. For the distance measurement, MATLAB distance2curve function (John D'Errico 2024, MATLAB Central File Exchange) first calculated the distance between the local maxima pixel and all the points on the contour of the active zone or Dyn1xA cluster boundary. Next, the shortest distance was selected as the minimum distance. Signals over crossing the ROIs and the Bassoon signals outside of the transfected neurons were excluded from the analysis. The MATLAB scripts are available by request.”

      In the legend of Figure S3,

      “Protein localization in presynapses is determined by semi-automated MATLAB scripts (see Methods).

      (A) Series of deconvoluted STED images are segmented to obtain 50-100 presynapse ROIs in each condition.

      (B) Two representations of the MATLAB analysis interface are shown. The first channel (ch1, green) is processed to identify the pixels of local maxima within this channel. The second channel (ch2, magenta) is normally an active zone protein, Bassoon. Active zone boundary is determined by the contour generated at 50% intensity of the local maxima of ch2. The contours outside of the transfected neurons are manually selected on the interface and excluded from the analysis. Minimum distances from each pixel of the local maxima in ch1 to the contour in ch2 are calculated and shown in the composite image. The plot “Distance distribution” shows all the minimum distance identified in this presynapses ROI (unit of the y axis is nanometer). The plot “Accumulated distance distribution” shows the accumulated distance distribution from the initial to the current presynapses ROI. The plot “Histogram of total intensity” shows the intensity counts around individual local maxima pixels in ch1.”

      For the STED microscopy, a representation of the processed image (after deconvolution) and the localization of the peaks would be important to assess the measurement of distances. If Dyn1xA S851/857D is more diffuse, are there still peaks to measure for every synapse?

      We thank the reviewer for bringing up this important question. In Figure S4C, we have added the position of the local maxima of wild-type and mutant Dyn1xA shown in the main Figure 4E. As the reviewer pointed out, when a protein is more diffuse, it is difficult to find the peak intensity by STED. However, since these proteins are still found at a higher density within a very confined space of a presynapse and synapses are packed with organelles like synaptic vesicles and macromolecules, signals from even diffuse proteins can be detected as clusters, and local maxima can be detected in these images.

      To illustrate this point better, we added Reviewer’s Figure 2 below. In this experiment, we transfected neurons with a typical amount of plasmids (2.0 µg/well) or ~10x lower amount (0.25 µg/well). When the density of cytosolic proteins is high (Reviewer’s Figure 2A), the depletion laser has to be strong enough to induce sufficient stimulated emission and resolve protein localization. Insufficient power would produce low resolution images, leading to inappropriate detection of the local maxima (Reviewer’s Figure 1A). Thus, we set our excitation and depletion laser powers to resolve the protein localization to ~40-80 nm at presynapses. Furthermore, to avoid mislocalization of proteins due to the overexpression, we use 0.25-0.5 ug/well (in 12-well plate) of plasmid DNA for transfection, which is around 10 times lower than the amount used in the typical lipofectamine neuronal transfection protocol (Imoto, et al., Neuron 2022). We also change the medium around 20 hours after the transfection instead of the typical 48 hours (Imoto, et al., Neuron 2022). With these modifications and settings, we can obtain the location of the local maxima of the diffuse signals (Reviewer’s Figure 1B and Figure 4E and Figure S4). We modified the Method section to make these points clearer.

      P 17, “Briefly, plasmids were mixed well with 2 µl Lipofectamine in 100 µl Neurobasal media and incubated for 20 min. For Dyn1xA and Endophilin A expressions, 0.5 µg of constructs were used to reduce the overexpression artifacts23. The plasmid mixture was added to each well with 1 ml of fresh Neurobasal media supplemented with 2 mM GlutaMax and 2% B27. After 4 hours, the medium was replaced with the pre-warmed conditioned media. To prevent too much expression of proteins, neurons were transfected for less than 20 hours and fixed for imaging.”

      P 20, “Quality of the STED images are examined by comparing the confocal and STED images and measuring the size of signals at synapses and PSF (non-specific signals from antibodies).”

      Legends for Figure S4C,

      “(C) STED micrographs of the synapses shown in Figure 4F with an active zone marker Bassoon (magenta). GFP-tagged Dyn1xA, Dyn1xA S851D/857D or Dyn1xA R846A are visualized by antibody staining of GFP (green). Local maxima of Dyn1xA, Dyn1xA S851D/857D or Dyn1xA R846A signals and minimum distance to the active zone boundary are overlaid.”

      Figures 5 and 6: No specific comment. The data and its analysis are very nice and elegant. The comment on the lack of rescue of Dyn1xA on endosome maturation may be a bit overstated, because many "controls" (shRNA control Figure S5 or Dyn3 KO in Imoto et al. 2022) have a significant number of endosomes 10 s after stimulation.

      We thank the reviewer for noting the strength of our data and pointing out this issue on endosomal resolution. In particular, the reviewer is concerned about our interpretation of the ferritin positive endosomes present at 10 s in time-resolved electron microscopy experiments. Indeed, the number of ferritin positive endosomes in Dyn1 KO, Dyn1xA OEx neurons (0.1/profile) is similar to the control conditions: scramble shRNA control (0.1/profile, Figure S5) and Dyn3KO neurons (0.2/profile) in our previous study (Imoto et al. 2022). Although we do not consider Dyn3 KO as a control, given the presence of abnormal endosomal structures, we agree with the reviewer that scramble shRNA control in Figure S5 does indicate that some ferritin-positive endosomes even at 10 s after stimulation. We would like to note that this result is in stark contrast to our previous studies where we observed the number of ferritin positive endosomes returning to the basal level in both wild-type neurons and many scramble shRNA controls (Watanabe et al. 2014, 2018, Imoto et al 2022). Thus, the majority of the data we have indicate that the number of ferritin positive endosomes returns to basal level by 10 s, suggesting that endosomes are typically resolved into synaptic vesicles by this time. However, given that we do not know the nature of the inconsistency here and we cannot exclude the possibility of overexpression artifact of Dyn1xA as an alternative, we changed the following lines.

      P. 10, “Interestingly, the number of ferritin-positive endosomes did not return to the baseline (Figure 5E, F) as in previous studies3,35,36, suggesting that Dyn1xA may not fully rescue the knockout phenotypes or that overexpression of Dyn1xA causes abnormal endosomal morphology.”

      By the way, why did the authors use Dyn1 KO in this study, and not Dyn1,3 DKO as in Imoto et al. 2022?

      This is simply because Dyn3KO displayed an endosomal defect in our previous study (Imoto et al 2022), and we wanted to focus on endocytic phenotypes of Dyn1 KO and mutant rescues in this study.

      In the Discussion, the authors present the binding sites (for endophilin and amphiphysin SH3 domains) as independent. However, these proteins form dimers or even multimers as they cluster around the neck of a forming vesicle. Even though they provide evidence in vitro (Figure 3) that in these conditions of high concentration one dyn1xA-PRR binds one SH3 domain, in cells multiple binding sites on the PRR to these proteins may involve avidity effects, as discussed for example in Rosendale et al. 2019 doi 10.1038/s41467-019-12434-9. For example, the high affinity binding of Dyn1-PRR to amphiphysin cannot be explained only by the sequence 830-838.

      The reviewer suggests “In the Discussion, the authors present the binding sites (for endophilin and amphiphysin SH3 domains) as independent.” However, we do not claim these interactions are functionally independent, except in the context of in vitro experiments where they are sequence-independent.

      They also suggest “However, these proteins form dimers or even multimers as they cluster around the neck of a forming vesicle”. However we do not agree with this in the context of our Discussion, because the evidence of multimers and clustering is convincing but is entirely in vitro data.

      Thirdly they comment that “For example, the high affinity binding of Dyn1-PRR to amphiphysin cannot be explained only by the sequence 830-838.” We fully agree with the statement and felt we had addressed this in the manuscript. To explain, it’s important to point out our relatively new concept here and previously reported by us (Lin Luo et al 2016, PMID: 26893375) of the existence and importance of SDE and LDE for SH3 domains (Endophilin here, syndapin in our previous report). These elements act at a distance from the so-called core PxxP motifs and they provide much higher affinity and specificity than the core region alone. We had further mentioned this in the p11 discussion “Although this is a previously characterized binding site for Amphiphysin and is also present in Dyn1xB-PRR, the extended C-terminal tail of Dyn1xA contains short and long distance elements (SDE and LDE) essential for Endophilin binding, making it higher affinity for Endophilin.” Because the NMR identified F862 as a chemical shift for dynamin, we performed a pulldown with this mutant in the xA746-798 construct (which only contains the higher affinity site) and found that indeed “.F862A reduced Endophilin binding 29% (pOverall, the reviewer correctly points out that “multiple binding sites on the PRR to these proteins may involve avidity effects*” could play a role in vivo. We agree that avidity is an additional possibility, not examined in our study. Therefore, as suggested, we added the following sentence to the discussion on the SDE and LDE impacts.

      P. 11. “Our pull-down results showed that R846A abolished endophilin binding to xA806-864 (which contains only the second and higher affinity binding site and the associated SDE (A839) and LDE (F862)) and reduced about 40% of endophilin binding to the Dyn1xA-PRR (which contains both binding sites) without affecting its interaction with Amphiphysin, providing important partner specificity, although we cannot exclude the possibility that avidity effects may additionally come in play in vivo 42

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      This study provides a significant advance on the mechanisms of dynamin recruitment to endocytic zones in presynaptic terminals. The work adds a significant step by experienced labs (Robinson, Watanabe) who have provided important insight in the mechanisms by many publications in the last years.

      We thank the reviewer for the careful read of our manuscript and positive outlook of our work.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      1. This is a compelling study that reports a key discovery to understand the molecular mechanism of ultrafast endocytosis. The authors demonstrate that the Dynamin splice version 1xA (Dynamin 1xA) uniquely binds Endophilin A, in contrast to Dynamin splice version 1xB (Dynamin 1xB) that does not bind Endophilin A and it is not required for ultrafast endocytosis. In addition, the Endophilin A binding occurs in a dephosphorylation-regulated manner. The study is carefully carried out and it is based on high quality data obtained by means of advanced biochemical methodologies, state-of-art flash-freezing electron microscopy analysis, superresolution microscopy and dynamic imaging of exo-and endocytosis in neuronal cultures. The results convincingly support the conclusions.

      We thank the reviewer for supporting the conclusions of our study.

      1. Although additional experiments are not essential to support the claims of the paper there is room, however, for improvement within the pHluorin experiments. These experiments, that are clearly informative and consistent with the rest of experimental data, do not apply the useful approach to separate endo- from exocytosis. The use of bafilomycin or folimycin to block the vesicular proton pump allows the unmasking the endocytosis that is occurring during the stimulus, that should correspond to ultrafast endocytosis. It would be very elegant to demonstrate that such a component, as expected according to the electron microscopy data, requires the binding of Endophilin A to Dynamin 1xA. If the authors have the pHluorin experiments running, the suggested experiments are very much doable because the reagents and the methodology is already in place and the new data could be generated in around six weeks.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. The reviewer is concerned that vGlut1 pHluorin experiment in Figure 6 may not correspond to ultrafast endocytosis. We agree that bafilomycin/folimycin treatment will reveal the amount of endocytosis that takes place while neurons are stimulated. However, we are not certain that endocytosis during this phase would fully correspond to ultrafast endocytosis because reacidification of endocytosed vesicles typically takes 3-4 s (Atluri and Ryan, 2006, PMID: 16495458; although see https://elifesciences.org/articles/36097) and thus, the nature of endocytosis cannot be fully determined by this assay. To claim that endocytosis measured by pHluorin assay during stimulation all correspond to ultrafast endocytosis, we would need to perform very careful work to track single pHluorin molecules at the ultrastructural level and corelate their internalization to pHluorin signals. Perhaps, a rapid acid quench technique used by the Haucke group would also be appropriate to estimate the amount of ultrafast endocytosis (Soykan et al. 2017 PMID: 28231467), but we are not set up to perform such experiments here. Also, our lead author, Yuuta Imoto, is leaving the lab to start up his own group, and it will take us months rather than weeks to get the requested experiments done. Since the point of this experiment was to test whether the interaction of Dyn1xA and EndoA is essential for protein retrieval regardless of the actual mechanisms and the reviewer acknowledges that this point is sufficiently supported by the experiments, we will set this experiment as the priority for the next paper.

      Instead of the bafilomycin or rapid acid quenching experiments, we have now added data from vglut1-pHluorin experiment with a single action potential. With a single action potential, all synaptic vesicle recycling is mediated by ultrafast endocytosis in these neurons (Watanabe et al, 2013 PMID: 24305055; Watanabe et al. 2014, PMID: 25296249). Our electron microscopy experiments in Figure 5 is also performed with a single action potential. As with 10 action potentials, 20 Hz experiments, re-acidification of vglut1-pHluorin is blocked when Dyn1 and EndophilinA1 interaction is disrupted (Figure 6 F-I). We added a description of this result as below.

      P 11. “Similar defects were observed when the experiments were repeated with a single action potential – synaptic vesicle recycling is mediated by ultrafast endocytosis with this stimulation paradigm25 (S851/857 recovery is 73.3% above the baseline; R846A, recovery is 30.0% above the baseline) (Figure S9 A-D). Together, these results suggest that the 20 amino acid extension of Dyn1xA is important for recycling of synaptic vesicle proteins mediated by specific phosphorylation and Endophilin binding sites within the extension.”

      The methods are carefully explained. Some of the experiments are only replicated in two cultures and the authors should justify the reasons to convince the audience that the approaches used have enough low variability for not increasing the n number. The pHluorin experiments, however, are performed only in a single culture; they should replicate these experiments in at least 3 different cultures (three different mice).

      The reviewer is correct. The variability is very low in our ultrastructural studies and STED imaging, and thus, in all our previous publications, two independent cultures are used. We do agree that in the ideal case, we would like to have three independent cultures, but given the nature of ultrastructural studies (control, mutants, and multiple time points), triplicating the data would add another year to our work. We are currently developing AI-based segmentation analysis, and once this pipeline is established, we will be able to increase N. However, please note that for these experiments, we examine around 200 synapses from each condition in electron microscopy studies (Table S2)– these numbers are far more than the gold standard in the field. Likewise, 50-100 synapses are examined for STED experiments (Table S2). To examine variability of our analysis results, we compared a significance between the dataset using cumulative curves and Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (Figure S11). As shown in the summarized data and p value in each condition, there are no significant difference between the datasets.

      For pHluorin analysis, the reviewer is correct. We repeated the experiments twice to increase the N after the initial submission. The data are consistent, and the conclusions are not changed by the additional experiments (Figure 6 and Figure S9). We also changed the Statistical analysis section in Methods as below.

      P. 19. “All electron microscopy data are pooled from multiple experiments after examined on a per-experiment basis (with all freezing on the same day); none of the pooled data show significant deviation from each replicate (Table S2).”

      p 19, “All fluorescence microscopy data were first examined on a per-experiment basis. For Figure 4, the data were pooled; none of the pooled data show significant deviation from each replicate (Figure S11 and Table S2). Sample sizes were 2 independent cultures, at least 50-100 synapses from 4 different neurons in each condition..”

      Legends for Figure S11

      Figure S11. Data variability in Figure 4.

      Cumulative curves are made from each dataset of (A) distance of Endophilin A1 puncta from the edge of Dyn1xA puncta, (B) distance of Endophilin A2 puncta from the edge of Dyn1xA puncta, distance distribution of Dyn1xA from active zone edge in (C) neurons expressing wild-type Dyn1xA-GFP, (D) Dyn1xA-S851/857-GFP and (E) Dyn1xA-R846-GFP. n > 4 coverslips from 2 independent cultures. Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test, p values are indicated in each plot.

      Minor comments: 4. Prior studies referenced appropriately and the text and figures are clear and accurate.

      We thank the reviewer for the careful read of our manuscript.

      The authors should discuss about the mediators (enzymes) responsible for dephosphorylation of phosphor-box 2 that is key for the Dynamin 1xa-Endophilin A interaction.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. We added a discussion on a potential mediator, Dyrk1, as below.

      P. 12. ”What are the kinases that regulate Dyn1? The phosphorylation of phosphobox-1 is mediated by Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta (GSK3ß) and Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5)17, while phosphobox-2 is likely phosphorylated by Trisomy 21-linked dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated kinase 1A (Mnb/Dyrk1)44,45 since Ser851 in phosphobox-2 is shown to be phosphorylated by Mnb/Dyrk1 in vitro32. Furthermore, overexpression of Mnb/Dyrk1 in cultured hippocampal neurons causes slowing down the retrieval of a synaptic vesicle protein vGlut146. Consistently, our data showed that phosphomimetic mutations in phosphobox-2 results disruption of Dyn1xA localization, perturbation of ultrafast endocytosis, and slower kinetics of vGlut1 retrieval. However, how these kinases interplay to regulate the interaction of Dyn1xA, Syndapin1 and Endophilin A1 for ultrafast endocytosis is unknown.”

      It would be very helpful to include a final cartoon depicting the key protein-protein interactions regulated by dephosphorylation (activity) and the sequence of molecular events that leads to ultrafast endocytosis

      As suggested, we made a model figure, (new Figure 7) showing how Dyn1xA and its interaction with EndoA and Syndapin1 increases the kinetics of endocytosis at synapses. Regarding the sequence of molecular events, we think that there are already dephosphorylated fraction of Dyn1xA molecules sitting on the endocytic zone at the resting state and they mediate ultrafast endocytosis. However, it is equally possible that activity-dependent dephosphorylation of Dyn1xA also may play a role (Jing et al. 2011, PMID: 21730063). However, we have no evidence about the sequence of activity dependent modulation of Dyn1xA and its binding partners during ultrafast endocytosis yet. This is much beyond what we have reported in this work and therefore, excluded from the model figure. We added the following to the end of the discussion:

      p13, “Nonetheless, these results suggest that Dyn1xA long C-terminal extension allows multivalent interaction with endocytic proteins and that the high affinity interaction with Endophilin A1 permits phospho-regulation of their interaction and defines its function at synapses (Figure S7)”.

      Figure legend Figure 7,

      “Figure 7. Schematics depicting how specific isoforms Dyn1xA and Endophilin A mediate ultrafast endocytosis.

      A splice variant of dynamin 1, Dyn1xA, but not other isoforms/variants can mediate ultrafast endocytosis. (A) Dyn1xA has 20 amino acid extension which introduces a new high affinity Endophilin A1 binding site. Three amino acids, R846 at the splice site boundary, S851 and S857, act as long-distance element which can enhance affinity of proline rich motifs (PRM) to SH3 motif from outside of the PRM core sequence PxxP. (B) At a resting state, Dyn1xA accumulates at endocytic zone with SH3 containing BAR protein Syndapin 123 and Endophilin A1/2. When phosphobox-1 (Syndapin1 binding) and phosphobox-2 (Endophilin A1/2 binding, around S851/S857) within Dyn1xA PRD are phosphorylated, these proteins are diffuse within the cytoplasm. A dephosphorylated fraction of Dyn1xA molecules can interact with these BAR domain proteins. Loss of interactions including Dyn1xA-R846A or -S851/857D mutations, disrupts endocytic zone pre-accumulations. Consequently, ultrafast endocytosis fails.”

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      This is a remarkable and important advance in the field of endocytosis. The study reports a key discovery to understand the molecular mechanism of ultrafast endocytosis. Scientist interested in synaptic function and the general audience of cell biologist interested in membrane trafficking will very much value this study. The mechanism reported will potentially be included in textbooks in the near future.

      My field of expertise includes molecular mechanisms of presynaptic function and membrane trafficking.

      I have not enough experience to evaluate the quality of the NMR experiments, however, I do not have any problem at all with, in my opinion, elegant results reported.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive outlook of our manuscript.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Please find below a point-by-point reply to the reviewers, with our comments in plain text, and reviewer comments in italics. Direct quotations of MS revisions in the below point-by-point reply are in quotation marks.

      *Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      **The manuscript "Circadian regulation of protein turnover and proteome renewal" investigates the role of protein degradation in the circadian control of proteostasis. The researchers suggest that the relatively static levels of protein levels in a cell are incongruent with the known oscillation in protein synthesis. They therefore hypothesize that there should be a compensatory mechanism to counteract rhythmic protein synthesis, rhythmic protein degradation. To investigate this, they employ bulk pulse chase labeling to study the process of degradation. They identify a synchronization between the creation and turnover of proteins in a cell, implying the clock helps to maintain homeostasis through a novel mechanism. They note that these phases align with energy availability, granting a plausible reasoning behind the biological implementation of this regulation. In summary, this is a sound manuscript that adds to the research field. The experiments in this manuscript are well thought out, organized, and explained. In general, the authors do not go further in their conclusions than I think is warranted given the data that they have, though I think that there are some key items that should be addressed before the publication of this manuscript. *

      Thank you for reading and appreciating our work

      Major notes: 1) In figure 1, a clearer idea of what the ** means would be appreciated. What was the standard of significance for this measure?

      Thank you, this was already reported in the methods section but is now reported in the figure legend also.

      * 2) In Figure 1b, it is important to note clearly in the text that the this is not a direct measure of protein degradation, but a subtractive proxy. Though I don't think that necessarily makes the authors conclusions incorrect, the same result could also be obtained if an extra 15% of the proteins were moved into the insoluble fraction. This is the same for Figure 1E and F. *

      Considering only the pulse shown in the left-hand graph of 1B, the reviewer is correct that this could arise by rhythmic partitioning of nascently synthesised proteins between digitonin-soluble and insoluble fractions. This could not readily explain the variation in the % of nascently synthesised digitonin-soluble protein that is degraded however (right hand graph), hence the need for pulse-chase rather than pulse alone. As such, we do not exclude circadian-regulated solubility of nascently synthesised protein or that there is a rhythm of protein synthesis in the soluble fraction, both are likely true. Rather Figure 1B indicates the relative proportion of nascently-synthesised protein in the soluble fraction that is degraded within 1h of synthesis is not constant over time. This is consistent with current understanding of the regulated increase in activity of protein quality control mechanisms (including proteasome-mediated degradation) that are required to maintain protein homeostasis upon an increase in bulk translation (Gandin and Topisirovic, Translation, 2014).

      In contrast, the lysates probed in Fig 1F were extracted in denaturing urea/thiourea buffer and so cannot be explained by variation in protein solubility.

      Considering 1E, to explain this result entirely through solubility changes would require that puromycinylated polypeptides to become more soluble, at discrete phases of the circadian cycle, but only when the proteasome is inhibited. Whilst we cannot formerly exclude this possibility, we are not aware of evidence to support it, whereas there is prior evidence supporting circadian regulation of protein synthesis and proteasome activity.

      To communicate all of this more clearly we have made the following revisions to the text:

      Page 6: ".The experiment was performed over a 24h time series followed by soluble protein extraction using digitonin, which preferentially permeabilises the plasma membrane over organelle membrane."

      Page 6: " Importantly, the proportion of degraded protein varied over time, being highest at around the same time as increased protein synthesis (Fig 1B), indicating time-of-day variation in digitonin-soluble protein turnover which cannot be solely attributed to previously reported circadian regulation of protein solubility (Stangherlin et al, 2021b). Rather, it suggests that global rates of protein degradation may be co-ordinated with protein synthesis rates, and may vary over the circadian cycle."

      Fig 1a legend: "...with digitonin buffer"

      Fig 1e legend: "...in digitonin buffer"

      Fig1f legend: "... and extracted with urea/thiourea buffer"

      * 3) In figure 1c, is the noted oscillation in protease activity due to the oscillation of these proteins? What are the predicted mechanisms behind this? I don't think that this is necessarily within the scope of this paper but should be addressed in the discussion. Also, the peak degradation rate from Figure 1B is 4 hours before the peak enzyme activities. How can this observation be reconciled? *

      Besides this study, our two previous proteomic investigations of the fibroblast circadian proteome detected no biologically significant or consistent rhythm in proteasome subunit abundance (Wong et al., EMBO J, 2021; Hoyle et al., Science Translational Medicine, 2017). Moreover, proteasomes are long-lived stable complexes whose activity is determined by a combination of substrate-level, allosteric and post-translational regulatory mechanisms that includes their reversible sequestration into storage granules (Albert et al., PNAS, 2020; Fu et al., PNAS, 2021; Yasuda et al., Nature, 2020). It is therefore very likely that the observed rhythm in trypsin- and chymotrypsin-like activity occurs post-translationally. Proteasome subunit composition is also known to change, which might be another reason for differences between the protease activities (Marshall and Vierstra, Front Mol Biosci, 2019; Zheng et al., J Neurochem, 2012).

      Due to the nature of the experiment, the degradation rate inferred from Figure 1B does not reflect proteasome activity, exclusively. Rather it reflects the combined sum of processes that remove nascently produced proteins from the cell's digitonin-soluble fraction, which includes proteasomal degradation, but also autophagy, protein secretion and sequestration into other compartments. Therefore, the peak degradation in Fig 1B would not necessarily be expected to coincide with the peak of proteasome activity in Fig 1C. Figure 1A/B is intended as an exemplar for the investigation's rationale and was the first to be performed chronologically.

      To communicate this succinctly, we have revised the relevant text as follows:

      Page 7: "Previous proteomics studies under similar conditions have revealed minimal circadian variation in proteasome subunit abundance (Wong et al, 2022), suggesting that proteasome activity rhythmicity, and therefore rhythms in UPS-mediated protein degradation, are regulated post-translationally (Marshall & Vierstra, 2019; Hansen et al, 2021)"

      * 4) For the pSILAC analysis, the incorporation scheme has a six-hour window between the comparison of the light and heavy peptides. This makes it somewhat difficult to assess whether you are looking a clock effect from T1 or T1+6. This does not negate the findings, but it does question when the synthesis is occurring and what is being compared, which I think should be more clearly discussed in the manuscript. This is discussed later in the manuscript but should be mentioned in this section. *

      Thank you for this suggestion. To communicate this more clearly, we have rearranged the labels at the top of schematic graphs in figures 2b and 3b in order to clearly distinguish the pulse-labelling window from the time of sample collection. The following text has been added to the methods section:

      Page 9: "To enable sufficient heavy labelling for detection, a 6h time window was employed, thus measuring synthesis and abundance within each quarter of the circadian cycle "

      * 5) There are no error bars on figure 2C. What the pSILAC just done in a singlet? If so, the rhythms estimation is likely a large overestimate and should be noted. *

      This first pSILAC experiment was performed in singlet with respect to external time for the RAIN analysis, but is duplicate for the two-way ANOVA that is also reported, by treating each cycle as a separate replicate. In fact, the 6.2% of proteins that were significantly rhythmically abundant by RAIN actually agree well with two previous experiments we performed using mouse fibroblasts under identical conditions: the first with 3h resolution over 3 cycles in singlet (7% rhythmic), the second with 4 biological independent replicates over one cycle (8% rhythmic) (Wong et al., EMBO J, 2021). The curve fits shown in 2C are the standard damped sine wave fits, with p-values from RAIN reported in the figure legend.­­

      Most importantly however, and as noted in the text, the absolute % of rhythmically abundant proteins is rather irrelevant and indeed the absolute numbers of 'rhythmic' proteins can vary wildly, dependent on the analysis method and stringency. The only important point to be gleaned from the estimates shown in Figure 2e is that by either statistical test, most rhythmically abundant proteins are not rhythmically synthesised, and vice versa; however, the % of proteins that are both rhythmically synthesised and rhythmically abundant is 6 to 11--fold higher than would be expected by chance (taking proteins rhythmic by RAIN and ANOVA, respectively; in both cases the overlap between the two sets is highly significant) . This serves as a positive control, i.e., a minority of proteins show correlated rhythms of synthesis and abundance that are consistent with the canonical activity of 'clock-controlled genes' which cannot be explained by overestimation of rhythmicity.

      Odds Ratio comparison synthesis vs total

      Synthesis rhythmic by RAIN - listA size=148, e.g. A8Y5H7, B2RUR8, E9Q4N7

      Total rhythmic by RAIN - listB size=149, e.g. A1A5B6, A2A6T1, A2AI08

      Intersection size=34, e.g. A8Y5H7, O08795, O54910

      Union size=263, e.g. A8Y5H7, B2RUR8, E9Q4N7

      Genome size=2528

      Contingency Table:

      notA inA

      notB 2265 114

      inB 115 34

      Overlapping p-value=5.4e-13

      Odds ratio=5.9

      Overlap tested using Fisher's exact test (alternative=greater)

      Jaccard Index=0.1

      Synthesis rhythmic by ANOVA - listA size=66, e.g. A8Y5H7, O35639, O55143

      Total rhythmic by ANOVA - listB size=83, e.g. A8Y5H7, B2RQC6, E9Q6J5

      Intersection size=16, e.g. A8Y5H7, P22561-2, Q3TB82

      Union size=133, e.g. A8Y5H7, O35639, O55143

      Genome size=2528

      Contingency Table:

      notA inA

      notB 2395 50

      inB 67 16

      Overlapping p-value=9.7e-11

      Odds ratio=11.4

      Overlap tested using Fisher's exact test (alternative=greater)

      Jaccard Index=0.1

      Nevertheless, we agree with the reviewer's general point and have revised the text as follows:

      Page 9: "... and may be susceptible to overestimation of rhythmicity."

      Page 9: "Consistent with similar previous studies, Page 9: "The proportion of such proteins was more than expected by chance (pMethods, Page 21: "...(n=1 per timepoint)"

      * 6) Why were the genes selected in 2C? these are not discussed anywhere else in the manuscript.*

      These are simply illustrative examples so that the reader can better understand what we mean, i.e., two proteins in different phases and one that did not change, all within a similar range of abundance. The selected proteins were not discussed because we do not expect the reader to attach any specific meaning to them. We have revised the figure to include in 2C examples of each rhythmicity category shown in 2E. To make this clear, we now state the following:

      Figure 2 legend: "No specific meaning is inferred from the protein identities”.

      • 7) The authors note that for Figure 2 "These observations are consistent with widespread rhythmic regulation of protein degradation." However, only 5-10% of the proteome is oscillating at any level and less with a discrepancy between synthesis and abundance, so "widespread" is an exaggeration and this statement should be limited to the degradation in the rhythmic proteome. *

      We take the reviewer's point, but the term rhythmic proteome is also inaccurate since half the proteins with rhythmic degradation did not show an abundance rhythm in both mass spec experiments. We therefore revised this sentence as follows:

      Page 10: "These observations are consistent with widespread temporal organisation of protein degradation within the circadian-regulated proteome."

      * 8) The authors note that their more developed strategy in figure 3 would allow for the detection of less abundant proteins. However, they do not discuss that they in fact found less proteins overall, or if they were able to detect proteins of lower abundance. This is of some concern in determining if this is indeed the better method that they predict. How can the authors reconcile this issue? How can they rationalize this explains their increase in oscillating elements? *

      Thank you for raising this point, we did not explain ourselves sufficiently clearly. As stated in the revised text, once we had analysed the first iteration of pSILAC (Fig 2), we realised that detection of heavy-labelled proteins was "inevitably limited and biased the proteome coverage towards abundant proteins with higher synthesis rates". In other words, in order to be considered in our analysis both unlabelled and heavy-labelled peptides needed to be detected in every sample at every time point. In fact, if we do not consider heavy-labelling, the overall coverage in the Fig 3 experiment (6577 proteins) was better than the Figure 2 experiment (6264 proteins), as expected, due to technical improvements in the methods used (by the time of the experiment in Fig. 3, we were able to perform the analysis using mass spectrometry techniques with better fractionation and detection, namely FAIMS and MS3). When the analysis criteria are applied however, this falls to 2302 and 2528 proteins, respectively. Because of the way that mass spectrometry works, many proteins needed to be excluded from analysis because the heavy label wasn't detected in one or more samples. In these cases, we cannot infer that no heavy-labelled protein was present in that sample or even that it was present at lower levels than other samples - it simply wasn't detected and therefore we cannot make any quantitative comparisons. Non-detection of any given heavy peptide may occur for several reasons, the most likely being that it co-elutes from the chromatography column at the same time as other much more abundant (light) peptides and simply escapes detection. This is an unavoidable limitation of the technique, we hope the reviewer can understand our need to restrict the analysis to those proteins whose nascent synthesis, and total abundance in the MMC fraction, can be confidently quantified.

      As the experiments in Fig 2 and Fig 3 were performed independently, with separate TMT sets and different instrumentation, we are also unable to compare absolute abundances of the proteins between the two.

      To communicate this more clearly we have amended Figures 2e and 3e to state the total coverage in the legends, as well as clearly stating the coverage of heavy-labelled proteins in the figure itself. We have also added the following explanation to the text:

      Page 11:

      “Despite enriching for only one cellular compartment, the overall coverage in this experiment was similar to the previous one (6577 and 6264 proteins, respectively), due to the altered and more targeted approach; with heavy peptides detected for 2302 proteins."

      *9) In the comparison of complex turnover rates, the authors need to provide a metric that backs their statement that "the majority of component subunits not only showed similar average heavy to total protein ratios but also a similar change in synthesis over the daily cycle" for figure 3F. *

      Our apologies for this oversight, this is now presented in new Fig S3D.

      * 10) In reference to the AHA incorporation, why is the hypothesis not that, like the puramycin, you would not see oscillation unless you add BTZ? Shouldn't the active degradation regulate the incorporation of AHA such that there is no visible rhythm unless you suppress degradation? *

      AHA is a methionine analogue that is sparsely incorporated into polypeptide chains with minimal effect on protein function/structure (Dietrich et al., PNAS, 2006). Unlike puromycin, therefore, AHA does not lead to chain termination or protein misfolding/degradation (Dermit et al., Mol Biosyst, 2017) and so pulsed application at different phases of the circadian cycle is sufficient to reveal protein synthesis rhythms. The novelty in Fig 3H is the combination of AHA labelling with native PAGE that allows us to validate rhythmic production of high molecular weight protein complexes. This would not be possible with puromycin because prematurely-terminated polypeptide chains are not able to assemble into native complexes unless chain termination happens to occur at the extreme C-terminus and the C-terminus does not partake in any intermolecular interactions within the assembled complex.

      * 11) The authors claim that there is enrichment of the actin cytoskeleton, but where this data can be found should be explained. The only thing that is shown is a few selected graphs of proteins in this pathway. *

      We previously reported circadian regulation of the actin cytoskeleton in Hoyle et al. (Sci Trans Med, 2017). The extremely high relative amplitude of Beta-actin (the structural component of microfilaments) in the MMC fraction is, in and of itself, entirely sufficient to demonstrate a circadian rhythm in the relative ratio of globular to filamentous actin that was originally identified by Ueli Schibler's lab (Gerber et al., Cell, 2013) and then shown to have a cell-autonomous basis in fibroblasts in Hoyle et al (2017). We have included further examples of an actin-binding protein (Corinin1b) and a motor protein (Myosin 6) to further illustrate this, but do not feel further discussion is warranted because it was comprehensively addressed in our previous work. The enrichment for actin was determined by GO analysis, which is now shown in the Fig 4A and referred to in the text.

      The important point in Fig 4C is the difference in phase with the examples shown in Fig 4B and summarised in Figure 4A, i.e., there are a small number of proteins whose presence in the MMC fraction is highest in advance of the majority of rhythmically abundant proteins, but this earlier group doesn't show any significant synthesis rhythm. Actin is one of the most abundant cellular proteins, and by mass it accounts for 67% of the circadian variation of rhythmically abundant proteins that peak in this fraction at the same phase. All these data and analyses are available for scrutiny in Supplementary Table 2.

      To communicate this more clearly we have expanded on this point as follows:

      Page 13: " These proteins were enriched by 9-fold for actin and associated regulators of the actin cytoskeleton (q* 12) The authors note an oscillation in the total levels of p-eif2, commenting that these do not arise from the rhythms in total eif2a but temperature and feeding rhythms. However, unless I misunderstood, this work was done in fibroblast cell culture, so in this case, where would these temperature and feeding rhythms come from? *

      We were insufficiently clear. Daily rhythms of p-eIF2 have been observed under physiological conditions in mouse, in vivo. We do not observe similar rhythms in cultured fibroblasts under constant conditions unless the cells are challenged by stress. By inference therefore, it seems likely that daily rhythms of p-eIF2 in vivo arise from the interaction between cell-autonomous mechanisms and daily systemic cues such as, insulin/IGF-1 signalling and body temperature that are in turn driven by daily rhythms in CNS control, daily feed/fast rhythms and daily rest/activity rhythms, respectively. We have amended the text as follows:

      Page 15: "...and so suggest that daily p-eIF2α rhythms in mouse tissues likely arise through the interaction between cell-autonomous mechanisms and daily cycles of systemic cues, e.g., insulin/IGF-1 signalling and body temperature rhythms driven by daily feed/fast and rest/activity cycles, respectively."

      * 13) In Figure 5d, the treatment impeding degradation is causing cell death while the inhibition of translation does not. However, wouldn't too much, or not enough, translation, without compensatory regulation from degradation cause a problem in the same way that degradation does? *

      It is well-established that acute treatment with high concentrations of proteasomal inhibitors rapidly leads to proteotoxic stress that will trigger apoptosis unless resolved (Dantuma and Lindsten, Cardiovasc Res, 2010). Treatment with CHX is certainly stressful to cells, but in a different way, and cells die through mechanisms generally regarded to be necrotic and certainly do not involve the canonical proteotoxic stress responses that are activated by MG132 and similar drugs. Our findings show that, by whatever mechanisms cells die with CHX treatment, it does not change over the circadian cycle whereas death via proteotoxic stress does, consistent with our prediction. We hope the reviewer agrees it is beyond the scope of our study to explain why CHX-mediated cell death does not show a circadian rhythm in mouse fibroblasts.

      *Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      *The information that stems from this work is relevant and of interest to circadian clock field as how the regulation of the output of the circadian clock is implemented is still a major question in the field. This manuscript suggests a novel and plausible method for how, at least in part, this regulation occurs. However, the manuscript uses methods that do not measure degradation directly, which is a minor limitation. In addition, the mechanisms by which this regulation is imparted are not addressed in any meaningful way, even in the discussion.

      We are sorry that we did not adequately discuss the extensive previous work that has already addressed regulatory mechanisms. We would like to stress that this manuscript concerns protein turnover and proteome renewal, of which degradation is obviously an important part but not the sole focus.

      To communicate this more clearly, we have amended the title to:

      "Circadian regulation of macromolecular complex turnover and proteome renewal"

      ... which we previously explicitly predicted in the discussion of previous papers (Feeney et al., Nature, 2016; O'Neill et al., Nat Comms, 2020; Wong et al., EMBO J, 2022) and our recent review (Stangherlin et al., Curr Opin Syst Biol, 2021).

      With respect to measurement of degradation - Physiologically, cellular rates of proteasomal degradation are so intimately coupled with protein synthesis that, over circadian timescales, the former cannot meaningfully be studied in isolation. It is possible that the reviewer is alluding to historical methods that measure change over time in the presence of translational or proteasomal inhibitors, but these have long been known to introduce artifacts - because translational inhibition rapidly leads to reduced proteasome activity, whereas proteasomal inhibition rapidly reduces protein synthesis rates through the integrated stress response. We would be interested to hear of any more direct method for measuring protein degradation proteome-wide than the pulsed SILAC method we developed, as we are not aware of any. Even proteasomal proximity labelling coupled with MG132 treatment, recently developed by the Ori lab, does not directly measure degradation (bioarxiv https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.08.09.503299v1). By definition, degradation can only be measured through the disappearance of something that was previously present, usually by comparing its rate of production with the change in steady state concentration (if any), which we have done using multiple methods.

      With respect to regulation of degradation - We speculated on the mechanisms regulating rhythms in protein turnover in our several previous papers (Feeney et al., Nature, 2016; O'Neill et al., Nat Comms, 2020; Wong et al., EMBO J, 2021; Stangherlin et al, Nat Comms, 2021), whereas outside the circadian field these mechanisms have been addressed extensively. This was also discussed in detail in our recent review on the topic (see Stangherlin et al., COISB, 2021). In this review, we lay out the evidence for a model whereby most aspects of circadian cellular physiology might be explained by daily rhythms in the activity of mammalian target-of-rapamycin complexes (mTORC). This model makes multiple predictions and informs the central hypothesis which is tested in the current manuscript: that circadian rhythms in complex turnover and proteome renewal should be prevalent over abundance rhythms. An enormous body of work over the last two decades has already clearly established mTORC1 as the master regulator of bulk protein synthesis and degradation, and a substantial number of independent observations have demonstrated circadian regulation of mTORC1 activity in vivo and in cultured cells. The mechanisms that drive cell-autonomous mTORC1 signalling are only partially understood (e.g. Feeney et al., Nature, 2016; Wu et al., Cell Metab, 2019), and we continue to explore this experimentally but they certainly lie well beyond the scope of this investigation.

      Therefore, to address the reviewer's concern about inadequate discussion of mechanism, we have expanded on mTORC in the introduction and discussion, as follows:

      Page 3: "Daily rhythms of PERIOD and mTORC activity facilitate daily rhythms of gene expression and protein synthesis. In particular, mTORC1 is a master regulator of bulk 5'-cap-dependent protein synthesis, degradation and ribosome biogenesis (Valvezan & Manning, 2019) whose activity is circadian-regulated in tissues and in cultured cells (Ramanathan et al, 2018; Feeney et al, 2016a; Stangherlin et al, 2021b; Mauvoisin et al, 2014; Jouffe et al, 2013; Sinturel et al, 2017; Cao, 2018). It is plausible that daily rhythms of mTORC activity underlie many aspects of daily physiology (Crosby et al, 2019; Stangherlin et al, 2021a; Beale et al, 2023b)."

      Page 17: "The mechanistic underpinnings for cell-autonomous circadian regulation of the translation and degradation machineries remain to be fully explored, but are likely to be driven by daily rhythms in the activity of mTORC: a key regulator of protein synthesis and degradation as well as macromolecular crowding and sequestration (Stangherlin et al, 2021b, 2021a; Cao, 2018; Adegoke et al, 2019; Ben-Sahra & Manning, 2017; Delarue et al, 2018). In particular, global protein synthesis rates are greatest when mTORC1 activity is highest, in tissues and cultured cells, whereas pharmacological treatments that inhibit mTORC1 activity reduce daily variation in crowding and protein synthesis rates (Feeney et al, 2016a; Lipton et al, 2015; Stangherlin et al, 2021b). Given our focus on proteomic flux and translation-associated protein quality control, autophagy was not directly within the scope of this study but is also mTORC-regulated and subject to daily regulation (Ma et al, 2011; Ryzhikov et al, 2019). In vivo, daily regulation of mTORC activity arises primarily through growth factor signalling associated with daily feed/fast cycles (Crosby et al, 2019; Byles et al, 2021). The mechanisms facilitating cell-autonomous circadian mTORC activity rhythms are incompletely understood but may include Mg.ATP availability (Feeney et al, 2016a) and its direct regulation by PERIOD2 (Wu et al, 2019). This will be an important area for future work."

      *Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: This is a very interesting and well written paper that addresses key questions in the circadian organization of proteostasis. The paper investigates origins of cellular circadian rhythms, invoking a premise early that there is a poor correlation between rhythmic gene expression - regulated by the canonical TTFL - and rhythms of the proteome, which are rather meager. Specifically, they ask how a relatively stable proteome is possible if cells engage in rhythms of cellular protein synthesis? Their hypothesis is that protein degradation must rhythmically compensate for rhythms of synthesis and much of the manuscript is focused on defining the relationship between rhythmic global synthesis and rhythmic degradation. They employ a series of detailed proteomic investigations and biochemical assessments of protein synthesis coupled with various circadian reporters to assess proteosome function. The proteomic experiments reveal a limited number of proteins with oscillations in either synthesis or abundance or both and no discernible pathway organization however, a followup and more refined study that utilized fractionated samples and boosted heavy SILAC identified strikingly, that many proteins in relatively heavy fractions are rhythmic and that these fall into possible complexes including ribosome and chaperonins. Finally, they perform in vivo experiments testing whether the timing of proteotoxic stimuli regulates the degree of the integrated stress response measured as pEif2a. Overall, I think that this is a fascinating paper that addresses and important question but falls short on mechanistically unifying them and completely contextualizing the findings in light of the canonical modes of circadian timekeeping leaving us with an important, but mostly descriptive set of findings. In addition, there are a number of important questions about data interpretation, some issues with data quality that should be addressed outlined below. With revision and further explication, this study will be an excellent addition to the growing field of circadian organization of the cellular proteome. *

      Thank you for reading and appreciating our work

      *Major and minor Comments. Figure 1. Fig 1a. The difference in Pulse and Chase at ZT24 does not appear to reflect the quantified data in 1b. This should be reconciled to make the figure convincing. *

      When working with radioactive cell lysates it is not possible to equalise the level of protein loaded on each gel beforehand as would happen with a western blot, for example. For this reason, the radioactive signal was normalised to the protein level subsequently measured by coomassie staining, as is standard practise for this type of assay, with all 4 replicates being shown in supplementary Fig.1A. An overnight phosphor screen image is presented in the main Fig.1A for illustrative purposes, but we take the point that this might not be immediately obvious. In revised Fig 1A we therefore now also show the relevant coomassie as well as labelling to make clear that the radioactive signal was normalised to protein levels.

      * How was the timing of the chase collection determined? *

      For these proof-of-principle experiments, we empirically determined the minimum duration of pulse and chase necessary to detect a quantifiable signal.

      *Fig 1d-e. What is the evidence that puro labeling results in 'rapid' turnover. *

      Apologies, this has been established for some time. Some additional papers are now cited in this section of the text (Liu et al, PNAS, 2012; Lacsina et al., PLoS One, 2011; Szeto et al., Autophagy, 2006)

      *Fig 1e seems to be missing the data from the treated and untreated conditions? How are the lines produced (e.g. linear versus rhythmic? Are these drawn lines or actual regressions?). *

      Fig 1e depicts the result of the experiment schematically explained in 1d. The only conditions were +Puro or +Puro+BTZ. There was no completely untreated condition, as puromycin incorporation is the basis of the assay (Lacsina et al., PLoS One, 2012; Szeto et al., Autophagy, 2006) and puromycin does not occur naturally in cells. We realise the figure could potentially be confusing without the associated raw data (anti-puromycin blots) - these are shown in supplementary Fig. 2A.

      To explain the method more clearly, the following has been added to the results section where this experiment is described:

      " As determined by anti-puromycin western blots, over two days under constant conditions, puromycin incorporation in the presence of BTZ showed significant circadian variation. In contrast, cells that were treated with puromycin alone showed no such variation, and nor did total cellular protein levels (Fig 1E, Fig S2A).”

      The fit lines are produced by statistical comparison of fits, i.e., our hypothesis (damped cosine fit) vs null hypothesis (no or constant change over time, linear fit, y = mx+c), using sum-of-squares F test. The statistically preferred fit is plotted and p-value displayed on the graph, i.e., the regression line of the preferred fit and parameters are plotted. These details are reported in the figure legends.

      * Why was 30 minutes chosen as labeling time? It seems hard to understand here how protein degradation kinetics can be measured by puromycin labeling if the authors' claim that puromycin labeling potentially changes degradation rates as a function - primary or secondary - of the labeling itself. It seems they are measuring the potential to degrade proteins. *

      Puromycin labelling is a 20 year-old widely-used technique that can be employed in a range of applications. It was first used in a circadian context by Lipton et al (Cell, 2015) whose work we quickly followed (Feeney et al, Nature, 2016). Briefly, puromycin mimics tyrosyl-tRNA to block translation by labelling and releasing elongating polypeptide chains from translating ribosomes. When used at low concentrations (1 ug/mL in this case) puromycin is sparsely and sporadically incorporated into a small minority of elongating polypeptide chains. Those prematurely terminated chains have puromycin at the C-terminus, which can be detected by western blotting. We chose 30 minutes after optimisation experiments, as it was the shortest incubation time where a robust signal could be observed in these cells with this concentration of puromycin. The puromycinylated peptides are preferentially degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome system because they are efficiently recognised as misfolded/aberrant proteins by chaperones within tens of minutes of being translated. Unless used at much higher concentrations, or over much longer timescales, there is no reason to believe that puromycin affects the degradation machinery itself, but the degradation of puromycinylated peptides depends on the proteasome. Therefore, puromycin+a proteasome inhibitor provides a reliable proxy for translation rate in the preceding 30 minutes, whereas puromycin alone tells us the steady state concentration under normal conditions, i.e., where proteasomes remain active. By subtracting the latter from the former we can infer the level of degradation of puromycinylated peptides that must have occurred in the previous 30 minutes. It is not a perfect technique, but its results agree with other findings in this manuscript: that protein turnover varies more than steady state protein abundance. With respect to the potential to degrade proteins, this is measured in Fig 1C.

      * How do they determine that they are measuring degradation of functionally relevant proteins as opposed to a host of premature truncations? *

      We do not. This is measured by stable isotope labelling in Figures 2-4. Figure 1 provides the rationale for what follows in subsequent figures, i.e., proof-principle experiments suggesting that turnover is not constant over the circadian cycle. No single experiment in Figure 1 is expected to convince the reader that of circadian turnover. Rather, several independent methods suggest that bulk protein synthesis and degradation (turnover) are not constant over time, and deviate from the null hypothesis with variation that appears to change over the 24h circadian cycle.

      * Fig 1e bottom - again is this a true regression line? *

      It is not a regression line, otherwise a p-value of fit would be shown. Fig1e bottom shows the bioluminescence measured at each timepoint from parallel control cultures (average of triplicates, error bars shown as dotted lines). Due to very high temporal resolution (every 30 min) and robustness of the cell line, it appears as a virtually perfect damped (co)sine wave. We apologise that this was not explained more clearly in the figure legend, now amended as follows:

      "Parallel PER2::LUC bioluminescence recording from replicate cell cultures (mean +/- SEM, every 30 min) is shown below, acting as phase marker."

      *Perhaps two time points should be examined here - similar to the pulse chase performed with 35S labeling? *

      We are sorry we were not fully clear with our method here. The puromycin (+/- BTZ) labelling was performed over two days every 4h (so 12 timepoints in total), which can be inferred from the data points in the top two graphs in Fig. 1E, and x-axis - but is now also clearly stated in the figure legend. The bottom right graph was a continuous bioluminescence recording, integrated every 30 min from the set of parallel culture dishes. The bioluminescence data serves as a circadian phase marker, so that we can infer at which biological times synthesis and inferred turnover was higher vs lower.

      We’ve adjusted the text to explain our method more clearly:

      “Acute (30 min) puromycin treatment of cells in culture, with or without proteasomal inhibition (by bortezomib, BTZ), allowed us to measure both total nascent polypeptide production (+BTZ) and the amount of nascent polypeptides remaining when the UPS remained active (-BTZ). This allowed inference of the level of UPS-mediated degradation of puromycylated peptides within each time window, as a proxy for nascent protein turnover (Fig. 1D).”

      * Fig 1f. It appears that Puro labeling results in a rhythm between ZT1 and ZT13 but no statistic is provided and appears that the 'ns' is the results of variance in the data as opposed to difference in means? - would this not contradict the cellular result? What accounts for the rhythm reversal in the presence/absence of BTZ. *

      To be clear, we measured the level of puromycin incorporation in mouse liver in vivo following a similar method employed by Lipton et al, Cell, 2015 (Figure 2). The prediction was that, exactly as in cells (Fig 1E), treatment with a proteasome inhibitor would lead to a much greater increase in puromycinylated peptides at ZT13 than ZT1, because this is when protein synthesis is known to be higher and thus (we predict) protein degradation should also be higher. The experiment was not designed or powered to detect a time effect, it was designed to detect an interaction between time-of-puromycin treatment and BTZ, with the specific prediction being that BTZ would have a greater effect during the active phase. This is what we observed.

      * While the authors have previously demonstrated an increase in rhythmicity of the proteome in Cry1/Cry2 double knockout cells, it would have been welcome here to test a global loss of circadian transcription in the degradation assay. One might expect that these rhythms would also be even higher. What I am really asking is: what is the mechanism for rhythmic degradation and is it dependent on the canonical clock? *

      To address the reviewer's curiosity, we used the proteasome-Glo assay (also used in Fig 1C) to assess whether there was an interaction between genotype (WT vs CKO) and time at opposite phases of the circadian cycle over 2 days. We found a significant interaction by two-way ANOVA, indicating that components of the 'canonical clock' regulate the temporal organisation of proteasomal activity (see revised Figure S1). Circadian regulation of mammalian cellular functions, such as protein turnover, is a complex and dynamic process, whereas gene deletion affects the steady state and may be epistatic to phenotype rather than revealing gene function. We are therefore reluctant to speculate what this result means in the present manuscript, which is focused entirely on testing the hypothesis that global protein turnover and complex biogenesis have cell-intrinsic circadian rhythms in non-stressed, wild type cells.

      To communicate this, the text has been revised as follows:

      "Moreover, we detected a significant interaction between genotype and biological time when comparing trypsin-lik proteasome activity between wild type and Cryptochrome1/2-deficient cells, that lack canonical circadian transcriptional feedback repression (Fig S1B-E). "

      * **Fig 2. How was the 'fixed window' timeframe determined? *

      A trial experiment was performed with labelling windows of various length, and 6h was determined to be the shortest window where enough heavy label incorporation was detected to be able to assess circadian changes. This was the case with our first methodology, which was subsequently improved (Figure 3), and therefore labelling window reduced to 1.5h.

      * *Fig 3h. While admittedly difficult, the native PAGE is not of great quality and kind of unconvincing. Also not really sure why the AHA labeling is used here an nowhere else in the paper.

      AHA is a methionine analogue that is sparsely incorporated into polypeptide chains with minimal effect on protein function/structure (Dietrich et al., PNAS, 2006). Unlike puromycin, therefore, AHA does not lead to chain termination or protein misfolding/degradation (Dermit et al., Mol Biosyst, 2017). In Figure 1, the aim was to validate previous reports of rhythmic protein synthesis assess whether there was any evidence for rhythmic turnover. To this end, we employed two independent methods (35S-labelling and puromycin-incorporation). We did not want to rely on AHA for measuring turnover: although it has been validated and used for this purpose in some studies (McShane et al., Cell, 2016), AHA is not fully equivalent to methionine, and cellular aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases have much higher affinity to methionine than they do to AHA (Ma and Yates, Expert Rev Proteomics, 2018). It is thus impossible to perform AHA labelling without methionine-free medium, and in turn methionine starvation and media changes are known to have an effect on cell signalling and cell metabolism, which would be particularly pronounced in circadian context (over days rather than over hours).

      By contrast, in Fig 3H, we use AHA with native PAGE to specifically validate one inference from the mass spectrometry analyses: circadian production of high molecular weight protein complexes. This would not be possible with puromycin because prematurely terminated polypeptide chains are not able to assemble into native complexes unless chain termination happens to occur at the extreme C-terminus and the C-terminus does not partake in any intermolecular interactions within the assembled complex.

      The raw data (full gels, all replicates) are presented in Figure S2e, which of course was used for quantification. We have now picked a different example for the main figure, which hopefully allows for clearer representation.

      The text in the results section describing the AHA experiment is now amended as follows:

      " To validate these observations by an orthogonal method, we pulse-labelled cells with methionine analogue L-azidohomoalanine (Dieterich et al, 2006). AHA is an exogenous substrate, that cells have lower affinity to than methionine, and it could potentially impact on stability of the labelled proteins (Ma & Yates, 2018) – therefore, we only used AHA to assess nascent complex synthesis, rather than turnover. We analysed the incorporation of the newly synthesised, AHA labelled proteins into highest molecular weight protein species detected under native-PAGE conditions (Fig 3H, S3F). We observed a high amplitude daily rhythm of AHA labelling, indicating the rhythmic translation and assembly of nascent protein complexes. Taken together, these results show that daily rhythms in synthesis and degradation may be particularly pertinent for subunits of macromolecular protein complexes"

      Fig 4. I was a little disappointed here that the authors did not directly assess macromolecular assembly of at least one of their "hits" and demonstrate functional relevance and most of the analysis is maintained at a very superficial, systemic level. STRING assemblies are not terribly helpful without clear k-means clustering or some other clearly visualizable metric for stratifying and organizing the putative PPI data - this figure (S3) could be markedly improved.

      We agree that validation is important. The ribosome is by far the most abundant macromolecular complex in the cell, and was one of the major complexes to show clear evidence for circadian regulation of turnover, but not abundance, by our pSILAC proteomics. To validate this result, we took advantage of two important observations: (1) that all fully assembled ribosomes incorporate ribosomal RNA (rRNA) which can readily be separated from other cellular RNA by density gradient centrifugation; (2) pulse-labelling with heavy uridine-15N2 allows nascent RNA to be distinguished from pre-existing RNA. Thus, combining stable isotope labelling with ribosome purification, we can distinguish nascently assembled ribosomes from total when the RNA is extracted, digested with RNAse, and the % heavy/total UMP quantified by mass spectrometry. These data are presented in new figure 5, and are consistent with findings in Figures 3/4 that circadian regulation of ribosome turnover is prevalent over abundance, and that the phase of highest ribosome turnover coincides with the phases of high translation and turnover overall. We hope by addressing the reviewer's question by an entirely orthogonal method, they can share more confidence in our conclusions.

      The statistical metric for STRING, specifically the p-value for enrichment in physical protein-protein interactions, is presented in the main Fig. 3G. It is now also reported in the legend for new Figure S4 itself.

      * Is it possible that some macromolecular complexes have rhythms because their constituent proteins have differential half-lives when in one complex compared with another in circadian time? This possibility was not discussed. *

      To our knowledge, there is no evidence that any major macromolecular complex in the cell has a functionally significant rhythm in abundance on a cell-autonomous basis. The reviewer’s suggestion is an intriguing possibility, but we can think of no way that it could be measured, even in principle. The simplest interpretation of our data from the independent techniques we employ (pSILAC with fractionation, native PAGE + AHA incorporation) is a rhythm in synthesis.

      *Fig. 5. Why is the first histogram in 3c not at unity? *

      This measures the average fold-induction in aggregation when cells are treated with MG132 for 4h at the indicated timepoints. Unity would indicate no induction at all, so the presented quantifications show that MG132 always elicited an increase in aggregation, with an effect size that varied with circadian phase.

      * Do ZT24 and ZT48 differ, similarly do ZT36 and ZT60?*

      No, neither difference is statistically significant (adjusted p-values of p=0.9 and p=0.07, respectively). This is now specified in the figure legend. Tendency to aggregate is also likely to change as a function of time in culture, which is why we think there is a slight increase overall in the second day of the experiment.

      * Fig S4f is not of good quality with missing eIF2a total and therefore no loading controls. *

      Thank you for prompting us to double-check this. We found that the levels of eIF2a were quite variable between the animals, and therefore we performed this experiment with 6 biological replicates. We have double-checked the quantification, and have now excluded 3 unreliable samples (the ones with undetectable levels of total eIF2a – ZT18 +BTZ replicate 1 & ZT18 -BTZ replicate 2, as well as ZT6 +BTZ replicate 4, where a smear does not allow for a reliable quantification of phospho-eIF2a) instead of 2 that were excluded originally. This still leaves at least 5 biological replicates in each group. In fact, the difference between BTZ and control in ZT6 is now deemed to be even more significant, going down to adjusted p=0.0007.

      *S4e? true regression lines? *

      The same method was used as in Figure 1. The fit lines are produced by statistical comparison of fits, i.e. our hypothesis (damped cosine fit) vs null hypothesis (no change over time, linear fit), using sum-of-squares F test. The statistically preferred fit is plotted and p-value displayed on the graph. These details are reported in the figure legends and methods section.

      While I thought these experiments were effective, they did not tie back well to the rest of the paper. What are the consequences of a temporally sensitive ISR? Which pathways does it effect in circadian time? Here, the main holes in this study are somewhat exposed; namely, a lack of mechanistic depth in explaining the very fascinating, albeit mostly descriptive, findings. The implicit assumption made here is that aggregation is 'bad' but could the opposite be just as true? Taking these considerations in account would further strengthen the discussion.

      The purpose of (former) Fig 5 was entirely to test the functional consequences and potential translational relevance of a daily rhythm in protein turnover. The mechanisms upstream and downstream of the ISR, and link with many diseases, are already quite well understood but we apologise that we did not draw more heavily on the prior literature to provide sufficient context for this experiment. Protein aggregation has long been associated with proteotoxic stress, and we do not assume it is good or bad, we simply use it as an additional validation of a temporally sensitive ISR. To correct this omission we have added the following to the results section before these experiments are introduced:

      "Disruption of proteostasis and sensitivity to proteotoxic stress are strongly linked with a wide range of diseases (Wolff et al, 2014; Harper & Bennett, 2016; Labbadia & Morimoto, 2015; Hipp et al, 2019). Evidently, global protein translation, degradation and complex assembly are crucial processes for cellular proteostasis in general, so cyclic variation in these processes would be expected to have (patho)physiological consequences....

      ...Informed by our observations, we predicted that circadian rhythms of global protein turnover would have functional consequences for maintenance of proteostasis. Specifically, we expected that cells would be differentially sensitive to perturbation of proteostasis induced by proteasomal inhibition using small molecules such as MG132 and BTZ, depending on time-of-day."

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      This is a fascinating paper that addresses key questions in the circadian organization of the proteome. The paper's main findings are that rhythms of protein synthesis and degradation are temporally coordinated to maintain overall stability of the proteome in mouse fibroblasts. Furthermore, the authors present evidence that this temporal organization may be important for assembly of macromolecular complexes. While very interesting, the main limitations are a lack of biochemical and mechanistic explanation and evidence that verifies these, mostly descriptive, findings.

      The fundamental biochemical mechanisms of protein synthesis, degradation, protein quality control and stress response have been studied for decades and are increasingly well understood, at least in cultured cancer cells. What is not understood is the extent to which all of these essential cellular systems are subject to physiological variation over the circadian cycle in quiescent cells. This is the fundamental knowledge gap our study attempts to fill by testing the discrete hypotheses that (1) circadian regulation of macromolecular complex turnover is more prevalent than abundance and that (2) proteome renewal is more prevalent than compositional variation. We suggest that establishing these essential principles of circadian cellular physiology is an essential prerequisite for performing the type perturbational experiments we presume the reviewer would prefer. We would like to reassure the reviewer that such studies have been and are being performed, but we are concerned that the inclusion of a very extensive additional body of work within this manuscript would detract from the clear communication of our major finding that complex turnover and proteome renewal has a cell-autonomous basis.

      *There are some relatively minor statistical and data quality issues that are probably addressable relatively quickly.

      **Upon revision the study would be a welcome addition to investigators interested in proteostasis, circadian biology, cell biology and proteomics.

      **I am a physician-scientist with expertise in circadian rhythms, cell biology, protein synthesis, and biochemistry.

      **Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      **Seinkmane et al investigate circadian regulation of protein synthesis and degradation in cultured cells and in mice. Their main new finding is that protein synthesis and degradation are in many cases rhythmic but coordinated such that the proteome is rhythmically renewed without an apparent rhythm in total protein abundance. Particularly the pool of large protein complexes is rhythmically renewed in this fashion.

      Using pulsed SILAC in combination with mass spectrometry, the authors are able to distinguish between total and newly synthesized protein levels in mouse lung fibroblasts. Analysis of these data shows that the synthesis of a large number of proteins is rhythmic although the total amount is constant, or that proteins are synthesized at a constant rate but the total amount is rhythmic, suggesting that degradation is rhythmic. By analyzing macromolecular complexes, defined as a high-speed pellet, they also present evidence that the rhythmic components of large complexes oscillate in the same phase and have a similar protein turnover rate. The authors conclude that complexes assemble rhythmically. **The authors also present evidence that the activity of the proteasome oscillates in a circadian manner. Based on this observation, they show (in fibroblasts and in mice) that the response to proteotoxic stress (monitored by eIF2alpha phosphorylation levels, protein aggregation, and apoptosis) is higher at circadian times of high proteasome activity.

      **I am an expert in the circadian field, and the hypothesis and concept behind the work presented here are potentially very interesting, and the experimental design is in principle suitable to answer these questions. However, after reading the paper several times, I cannot find the set of experiments that would convincingly support the authors' conclusions.

      **Major questions/points:

      *The major limitation of the manuscript is that the conclusions rely heavily on statistical analysis and massive processing of data from a bewilderingly large number of very different experiments. In looking at the figures, I have often wondered if the presence or absence of a rhythm is real or a product of the heavily processed data. The fact that a cosine wave fits through data points better than a straight line does not necessarily mean that a circadian rhythm is present.

      We agree that comparison of fits alone does not provide sufficiently reliable evidence. However, the fact that many independent methods (cosinor, RAIN, ANOVA) yield similar overall findings lends more confidence to our findings. We would also argue that the large number of different experiments is a positive aspect of the paper and lends weight to the general conclusions. We instead ask the reviewer to consider an alternative question - we and many other labs have found no evidence for any change in total cellular protein content, and yet there is extensive evidence from independent labs for a 'translational rush hour' whilst (excepting some low abundance transcription factors) very few cellular proteins change by more than 10% over the circadian cycle (see Stangherlin et al, COISB, 2022 for extended discussion of this). We hypothesised a parsimonious explanation for this clear contradiction, and designed experiments whose data were analysed by widely used methods that yielded results that were consistent with prediction. Perhaps the reviewer will at least concede that, if the presented findings do not refute the hypothesis, it should not be rejected until a superior one is proposed?

      * I think that in particular, the SILAC experiment(s) should be repeated and also performed with an arrhythmic control (such as CRY1/2 KO). *

      Whilst we agree that CRY1/2 KO cells show no circadian regulation of transcription and much more variable rhythms in PER2::LUC activity than wild type controls (Putker et al., EMBO J, 2021), in our hands circadian rhythms in proteome composition and protein phosphorylation in CRY1/2 KO are at least as prevalent as in wild type cells (see Wong et al., EMBO J, 2022). Indeed, when we performed a proteasome activity assay in CRY1/2 KO fibroblasts, we observed there was an apparent circadian variation, similar to WT but with a different phase. These data are now presented in revised Figure S1. Similarly, Lipton et al (Cell, 2015) showed circadian translational rhythms in cultured Bmal1 KO cells (see final figure), therefore it is not clear what would constitute an appropriate 'arrhythmic' control.

      In this study, for proteomics experiments, we used a combination of SILAC and TMT, as each technique alone would not be sufficient to answer our specific questions. These two techniques are very resource-intensive on their own, and even more so in combination. We therefore had to prioritise and for the second SILAC-TMT experiment decided to focus on cellular fractionation and questions pertaining macromolecular complexes, which were directly relevant to our hypothesis. While it would undoubtedly also be interesting to study how canonical clock genes, such as Cry1/2, impact turnover on a proteome-wide scale, the focus of our study is physiological regulation of proteome composition, rather than the function of Cryptochrome genes which we already explored in previous work (Putker et al., EMBO J, 2021; Wong et al., EMBO J, 2022).

      Comparability between the whole cell and MMC SILAC experiments is also limited due to the different experimental conditions (6h vs. 1.5h pulse, +booster).

      We do not make any direct comparisons, other than to report that broadly comparable numbers of proteins were detected. Implicitly this means there must be greater coverage of protein complexes in the second pSILAC experiment, which our data bears out. If we were not to report the first experiment, the reader would not understand why we refined the method used in the second. In reporting the results of the 6h pulse, we make the limitations of this experiment very clear i.e. biased towards highly abundant, highly turnover proteins, irrespective of cellular compartment. We should add that even in this experiment there was a clear trend towards rhythmic turnover of ribosomal proteins, but this did not quite achieve significance (p = 0.07) and so we did not want to make claims beyond the data.

      *The essential and new message of the paper is that (at least some) macromolecular complexes undergo circadian renewal (degradation and synthesis). Rather than just analysing an operationally defined pellet fraction by mass spectrometry, this could be shown in more detail and directly for one or two specific macromolecular complexes. Ribosomes, for example, seem particularly suitable, because there would also be the very simple approach of measuring the synthesis of ribosomal RNA by pulse labelling. To me, such an analysis would be perfectly sufficient as a proof of principle. I would then omit aspects such as rhythmic stress response, since many additional experiments are needed to demonstrate this convincingly. *

      Thank you for the excellent suggestion, we agree that validation is important. The ribosome is by far the most abundant macromolecular complex in the cell and was one of the major complexes to show clear evidence for circadian regulation of turnover, but not abundance, by our pSILAC proteomics. To validate this result, we took advantage of two important observations: (1) that all fully assembled ribosomes incorporate ribosomal RNA (rRNA) which can readily be separated from other cellular RNA by density gradient centrifugation; (2) pulse-labelling with heavy uridine-15N2 allows nascent RNA to be distinguished from pre-existing RNA. Thus, combining stable isotope labelling with ribosome purification, we can distinguish nascently assembled ribosomes from total ribosomes when the RNA is extracted, digested with RNAse, and the ratio of light to heavy UMP quantified by mass spectrometry. These data are presented in new figure 5, and are consistent with findings in Figures 3/4 that circadian regulation of ribosome turnover is prevalent over abundance, and that the phase of highest ribosome turnover coincides with the phases of high translation and turnover overall. We hope by addressing the reviewer's question by an entirely orthogonal method, he/she can share more confidence in our conclusions.

      The final figure is included because it tests predictions that were informed by the preceding experiments. It is not intended to be comprehensive exploration of how the integrated stress response changes with the circadian cycle, nor have we claimed this.

      * Specific points: The reader is strongly influenced by the cosine wave or straight lines in the graphs (e.g. 1c, e, 3h, 5b, etc) produced by the analysis of rhythmicity, which basically only gives a yes or no answer. But it is not really that simple. If the algorithm detects a rhythm what is its period? Is it the same as the period of the luciferase reporter? If the period lengths correlate, do the phases as well (e.g. see differences in phases 1c and e)? These questions are not addressed. *

      The temporal resolution of the time course data is much lower than the luciferase reporter and so the error of the fit is greater (usually 1-2h). For the cosine wave curve fit and the associated extra sum-of-squares F test, the period of the oscillation was fixed at either 24h or 25h, as determined from a parallel PER2::LUC control recording. This is now explicitly stated in the methods section

      In terms of phase, the general trend across all experiments is that bulk protein turnover, synthesis and degradation is higher during the 6-8h following the peak of PER2::LUC than at any other point in the circadian cycle. This is also consistent with our previous findings in mouse and human cells (Feeney et al, Nature, 2016; Stangherlin et al., Nat Comms, 2021) as well as findings from many different labs in vivo (e.g. Janich et al., Genome Res, 2016; Atger et al., 2015, PNAS; Sinturel et al., 2017, Cell). We are cautious about trying to be any more specific than this because each assay is measuring something different, and (as can be seen across the figures) there is also some modest variation in the phase of PER2::LUC between experiments, with respect the prior entraining temperature cycle (this will be reported in our forthcoming publication, Rzechorzek et al, in prep). To address the reviewer's point therefore, we have added the following to the discussion:

      "Across all experiments in this study, we find that protein synthesis, degradation and turnover is highest during the 6-8h that follow maximal production of the clock protein PER2. This is coincident with increased glycolytic flux and respiration (Putker et al, 2018), increased macromolecular crowding in the cytoplasm, decreased intracellular K+ concentration and increased mTORC activity (Feeney et al, 2016a; Stangherlin et al, 2021b; Wong et al, 2022)."

      * **The algorithm in Fig 1c predicts a rhythm for the chymotrypsin-like and the trypsin-like but not for the caspase-like activity. The peptide assay measures core proteasome activity independent of ubiquitylation and should therefore be dependent on proteasome concentration in the sample. How can then only two of the three proteasomal activities be rhythmic? Please elaborate and repeat with arrhythmic cells (e.g. CRY1/2 KO). The period length does not seem to correlate with the one of the reporter. Why is that? *

      The arrhythmic controls idea is partially addressed in the response above. We did perform a proteasome activity assay in CRY1/2 KO fibroblasts, and observed daily variation similar to WT, albeit with a different apparent phase. These data are now shown in Figure S1, and referred to in the main text as follows:

      "Moreover, we detected a significant interaction between genotype and biological time when comparing trypsin-like proteasome activity between wild type and Cryptochrome1/2-deficient cells, that lack canonical circadian transcriptional feedback repression (Fig S1B-E)".

      Besides this study, our two previous proteomic investigations of the fibroblast circadian proteome detected no biologically significant or consistent rhythm in proteasome subunit abundance (Wong et al., EMBO J, 2021; Hoyle et al., Science Translational Medicine, 2017). Moreover, proteasomes are long-lived stable complexes whose activity is determined by a combination of substrate-level, allosteric and post-translational regulatory mechanisms that includes their reversible sequestration into storage granules (Albert et al., PNAS, 2020; , Fu et al., PNAS, 2021; Yasuda et al., Nature, 2020). It is therefore very likely that the observed rhythm in trypsin- and chymotrypsin-like activity occurs post-translationally. Proteasome subunit composition is also known to change, which might be another reason for differences between the protease activities (Marshall and Vierstra, Front Mol Biosci, 2019; Zheng et al., J Neurochem, 2012).

      To communicate this succinctly, we have revised the relevant text as follows:

      Page 7: "Moreover, we detected a significant interaction between genotype and biological time when comparing trypsin-like proteasome activity between wild type and Cryptochrome1/2-deficient cells, that lack canonical circadian transcriptional feedback repression (Fig S1B, (Wong et al, 2022)). Previous proteomics studies under similar conditions have revealed minimal circadian variation in proteasome subunit abundance (Wong et al, 2022), suggesting that proteasome activity rhythmicity, and therefore rhythms in UPS-mediated protein degradation, are regulated post-translationally (Marshall & Vierstra, 2019; Hansen et al, 2021)."

      Regarding period length, we apologise for an oversight in Fig 1c: unlike all other experiments presented here, these fits were originally done with a flexible period length (between 20h and 36h). This has now been re-fitted in a similar manner to the other experiments (fixed period of 24h, same as the parallel PER2::LUC controls), and the updated data are presented. This has not influenced the results of the statistical tests (only changed the p-values slightly, but the significance levels remain the same).

      Fig. 1a,b suggest that there is a rhythm in global protein synthesis with a significant peak at 40h. Yet, Fig. 1e suggests otherwise. How can that be? Also, the degradation graph (lower panel 1c) has to be plotted with the ratios calculated from the data points and not the heavily processed fitted graphs. This can be very misleading.

      Fig1a,b was performed under quite different conditions to 1e. As described in the methods section, 35S-labelling experiments require a medium change during both pulse and chase (to replace normal Met with radioactive Met, and vice versa). To avoid growth factor/mTORC1-mediated stimulation of protein synthesis & turnover, these acute media changes must occur in the absence of serum; otherwise media changes would introduce artifacts. In contrast, puromycin labelling (Fig 1e) is performed without any media changes (as puromycin can be added directly to culture cell media), and therefore was performed in normal culture conditions of 10% serum. Thus, due to its well-established effect of growth factor/mTORC1 signalling on bulk translation rate, it is very likely that differences in the phase of translational rhythms between Fig1a,b and 1e are attributable to differing serum concentrations – this phenomenon of serum-dependency of phase is also described in Beale et al, 2023, bioRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.06.22.546020. The only important point, is that neither of these proof-of-principle experiments support the null hypothesis: that translation rate and turnover remains constant over the circadian cycle. Thus, the hypothesis being tested in Figure 1 is not rejected, and provides the rationale for the subsequent proteome-wide analyses.

      With respect to 1E, given the variance of measurement, the curve fits to Puro and Puro+BTZ already serve to test whether there is any significant ~24h component, a ratio of the respective data points would simply compound the error of measurement. The degradation plot is provided purely for illustrative purposes to help the reader i.e. if these fits were true, what would be expected? We have revised the figure to more clearly communicate that the degradation plot is presented purely as a visual aid, labelled “inferred”, and now show ratio plots in revised Figure 1.

      * **It also strikes me as odd that the amplitude of degradation increases (peak at 28h lower than at 30h) while the amplitude of the core clock oscillation dampens over time (peak at 54h higher than at 53h due to desynchronisation. Only two data values around 54h are responsible for the detected rhythm (2nd peak). Furthermore, phase and period do not agree with the rhythm of proteolytic activities shown in 1c. How can this be explained? *

      Due to the nature of the experiment, the degradation rate inferred from Figure 1B & 1E does not reflect proteasome activity exclusively. Rather it reflects the combined sum of processes that remove nascently produced proteins from the cell's digitonin-soluble fraction, which includes proteasomal degradation, but also autophagy, protein secretion and sequestration into other compartments. Therefore, the peak degradation in Fig 1B & E would not necessarily be expected to coincide with the peak of proteasome activity in Fig 1C. Again, these experiments in Figure 1 simply serve to test the hypothesis (change over circadian cycle) vs the null hypothesis (no change over the circadian cycle).

      To the question of amplitude increase, we speculate that this is due to metabolic changes in cultures over the course of three days – as serum and nutrients from the last medium change at T0 are depleted, cells need to increase degradation to promote turnover and recycling. As we suggest that the rhythms in turnover help cellular bioenergetic efficiency, it is quite plausible that amplitude increases as nutrient-concentrations fall. We are in process of further investigation into how exactly these rhythms vary with nutrient and serum status.i

      * Regarding the MS data shown in Figure 2, is it possible to show a positive / quality control? Best would be MS data of Luciferase (or PER2,3, RevErb/alpha, DBP) to show oscillation of protein levels with the same phase and period as the reporter. *

      Unfortunately, none of these low abundance transcription factors were detected in our MS runs. This is not surprising, given that their copy numbers are estimated at * In Fig. 2c examples of the 4 groups of proteins presented in 2e should be shown (both synthesis and total abundance arrhythmic, either one rhythmic or both rhythmic) and not just what appears to be random examples of rhythmic and arrhythmic proteins. *

      As also requested by another reviewer, we have revised the figure to include examples of each of the rhythmicity categories. No specific meaning is inferred from the chosen protein identities.

      Is it possible at all to distinguish between synthesis/turnover and assembly/disassembly of macromolecular complexes in the MMC SILAC experiment? If so, how?

      We followed the established protocol originally developed in our collaborator Kathryn Lilley's lab, where it has previously been shown that most proteins in the MMC fraction are in macromolecular assemblies (Geladaki et al, Nat Commun, 2019). Proteins that are rhythmically abundant in this fraction, but without an accompanying synthesis rhythm (e.g. Beta-actin, see Hoyle et al., Sci Trans Medicine, 2017) can be reliably assumed to arise solely from rhythmic assembly/disassembly i.e. they are captured in this fraction when assembled, but lost, and therefore not detected, in this fraction when disassembled. However, in the case of rhythmic synthesis and abundance, it is not possible with this technique to directly infer that rhythmic synthesis of a given protein is responsible for its rhythmic assembly in a complex, though they do correlate.

      Therefore, our new figure 5 (with thanks again for this suggestion) approaches this by an orthogonal method, relying on the important observations that a) ribosomes incorporate ribosomal RNA (rRNA) b) this can be readily separated from most other cellular RNA by density gradient centrifugation and c) pulse-labelling with heavy uridine-15N2 allows nascent RNA to be distinguished from pre-existing RNA. Using this technique, we validate a rhythm in production and assembly of mature ribosomes, with its peak consistent with the highest turnover time as measured in Figs 1 and 3, and MMC fraction proteomics (Supplemental table 3), at the descending phase of PER2::LUC.

      * **Looking at Fig. 4b,c, what is the fraction of rhythmic proteins from the MMC experiment that also oscillate in either synthesis, total abundance or both in the whole cell? Is there a general correlation at all? Please show. *

      There were no correlations greater than would be expected by chance (the sets of proteins rhythmic in either synthesis or degradation did not overlap significantly between whole-cell and MMC fractions, as determined by an odds ratio test).

      To communicate this we have added the following text:

      "It is also worth noting that although there were small sets of proteins that were rhythmic in both whole-cell (Figure 2) and MMC fractions (Figure 3), in both synthesis and total abundance, none of these four overlaps were higher than would have been expected by chance."

      * **Why is the phase of the oscillating proteins different in the two experiments (compare Figs. 2f,g and 4a) and does either of them match with the phase of the PER2::LUC reporter, which should be the peak synthesis phase of the clock? *

      This was a labelling error on our part, our apologies and thanks for drawing it to our attention. We had attempted to harmonise all these phase values so that they were mutually comparable between the two mass spec experiments, but omitted to update all the figures. They have now all been updated to be inter-consistent. From our experiments, the peak of PER2::LUC consistently precedes the timing of maximum bulk translation. This phase difference is, at least in part, attributable to the inactivation kinetics of firefly luciferase (see Feeney et al., J Biol Rhythms, 2016), i.e., under conditions of saturating luciferin substrate, PER2 protein abundance peaks several hours later than PER2::LUC activity when measured in longitudinal live cell assays.

      * Regarding the sensitivity to MG132 in Fig. 5b it doesn't make sense that, while eIF2alpha phosphorylation is arrhythmic in untreated cells and the levels of eIF2alpha phosphorylation are (apparently) not exhibiting a rhythmic change by administration of MG132 at different circadian timepoints, the ratio of P-eIF2alpha with and without MG132 suddenly is. Please show in Fig. S4b quantifications of the individual experiments with and without MG132. What is presented in 5b is after all the ratio of ratios of quantifications of Western blots, each of which individually does not display any appreciable rhythm. For me this is two much of processing of data. In my opinion, the MG132 4h acute treatment must show a detectable rhythm.*

      We apologise for being unclear in this panel and description. Our hypothesis concerned the fold-induction of the p-eIF2alpha:eIF2alpha ratio changing as a function of MG132 and time. Our reasoning being that the ratio may be more biologically-relevant as it is the relative change that cells sense and respond to, and not the absolute abundance of p-eIF2alpha. We applied a quantitative, two-channel fluorescent antibody technique to enable detection and quantification of p-eIF2alpha and eIF2alpha from each replicate at each time point from the same band of the same blot. We agree that no p-eIF2alpha rhythm is evident from a cursory inspection of any of the blots. This is due to the innate variance between dishes in extracted protein concentration, as well as the levels of basal eIF2alpha and its phosphorylation, and is the reason that we took great pains to be as quantitative as possible using the two-channel immuno-detection (LICOR). Due to the natural and stochastic variation in eIF2alpha levels and extraction between replicates and over time, it is difficult to get identical eIF2alpha loading to reveal the overlying rhythm in p-eIF2alpha, and furthermore, identical loading would give a misleading impression of the level of temporal variation of eIF2alpha levels. Quantification reveals temporal variation in the MG132 treated samples but not in the untreated controls (Supp Fig 5A) – suggesting that there may be circadian regulation of the cellular response to MG132 challenge, rather than a cell-autonomous p-eIF2alpha rhythm under basal conditions. We quantified fold-induction from MG132 vs untreated to present in Figure 6A. We have presented all the raw data in supplementary figure 5 for readers to validate through their own analysis.


      In Fig. 1f please show dot blot with error bars as well as the individual experiments in the supplementals. Please check the graph legend (N>=3?) *

      Thank you for pointing out these omissions. The dot blot with error bars is now shown in Fig. 1F, and the full gels are now included as Fig. S2B. The main figure legend for 1f has also had the following added (explaining the N numbers):s

      "Four mice were used per condition, but in some cases one of the four injections were not successful i.e. no puromycin labelling was observed and so no quantification could be performed (full data in Fig. S2B)."

      * Please explain the mechanism of the "booster" used in the second SILAC experiment. *

      The following has been revised in the text:

      " Namely, we added a so-called booster channel: an additional fully heavy-labelled cell sample within a TMT mixture (Klann et al, 2020). When the mixture is analysed by MS, heavy peptides from the booster channel increase the overall signal of all identical heavy peptides at MS1 level; at MS2 and MS3 this results in improved detection of heavy proteins in the other TMT channels of interest, and is particularly advantageous for the proteins with lower turnover that would fall below the MS1 detection limit without the booster."


      **p10 3rd paragraph: S2e not S3e *

      Thank you, this has been fixed.

      p12 last paragraph please add reference to Figs. 5f,g

      Thank you, this has been added.

      *Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)): *


    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      I would like to express my appreciation for the authors' dedication to revising the manuscript. It is evident that they have thoughtfully addressed numerous concerns I previously raised, significantly contributing to the overall improvement of the manuscript.

      Response: We appreciate the reviewers’ recognition of our efforts in revising the manuscript.

      My primary concern regarding the authors' framing of their findings within the realm of habitual and goal-directed action control persists. I will try explain my point of view and perhaps clarify my concerns. While acknowledging the historical tendency to equate procedural learning with habits, I believe a consensus has gradually emerged among scientists, recognizing a meaningful distinction between habits and skills or procedural learning. I think this distinction is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of human action control. While these constructs share similarities, they should not be used interchangeably. Procedural learning and motor skills can manifest either through intentional and planned actions (i.e., goal-directed) or autonomously and involuntarily (habitual responses).

      Response: We would like to clarify that, contrary to the reviewer’s assertion of a scientific consensus on this matter, the discussion surrounding the similarities and differences between habits and skills remains an ongoing and unresolved topic of interest among scientists (Balleine and Dezfouli, 2019; Du and Haith, 2023; Graybiel and Grafton, 2015; Haith and Krakauer, 2018; Hardwick et al., 2019; Kruglanski and Szumowska, 2020; Robbins and Costa, 2017). We absolutely agree with the reviewer that “Procedural learning and motor skills can manifest either through intentional and planned actions (i.e., goal-directed) or autonomously and involuntarily (habitual responses)”. But so do habits. Some researchers also highlight the intentional/goal-directed nature of habits (e.g., Du and Haith, 2023, “Habits are not automatic” (preprint) or Kruglanski and Szumowska, 2020, “Habitual behavior is goal-driven”: “definitions of habits that include goal independence as a foundational attribute of habits are begging the question; they effectively define away, and hence dispose of, the issue of whether habits are goal-driven (p 1258).” Therefore, there is no clear consensus concerning the concept of habit.

      While we acknowledge the meaningful distinctions between habits and skills, we also recognize a substantial body of literature supporting the overlap between these concepts (cited in our manuscript), particularly at the neural level. The literature clearly indicates that both habits and skills are mediated by subcortical circuits, with a progressive disengagement of cognitive control hubs in frontal and cingulate cortices as repetition evolves. We do not use these concepts interchangeably. Instead, we simply present evidence supporting the assertion that our trained app sequences meet several criteria for their habitual nature.

      Our choice of Balleine and Dezfouli (2018)'s criteria stemmed from the comprehensive nature of their definitions, which effectively synthesized insights from various researchers (Mazar and Wood, 2018; Verplanken et al., 1998; Wood, 2017, etc). Importantly, their list highlights the positive features of habits that were previously overlooked. However, these authors still included a controversial criterion ("habits as insensitive to changes in their relationship to their individual consequences and the value of those consequences"), even though they acknowledged the problems of using outcome devaluation methods and of relying on a null-effect. According to Kruglanski and Szumowska (2020), this criterion is highly problematic as “If, by definition, habits are goalindependent, then any behavior found to be goal-dependent could not be a habit on sheer logical grounds” (p. 1257). In their definition, “habitual behavior is sensitive to the value of the reward (i.e., the goal) it is expected to mediate and is sensitive to the expectancy of goal attainment (i.e., obtainment of the reward via the behavior, p.1265). In fact, some recent analyses of habitual behavior are not using devaluation or revaluation as a criterion (Du and Haith, 2023). This article, for example, ascertains habits using different criteria and provides supporting evidence for trained action sequences being understood as skills, with both goal-directed and habitual components.

      In the discussion of our manuscript, we explicitly acknowledge that the app sequences can be considered habitual or goal-directed in nature and that this terminology does not alter the fact that our overtrained sequences exhibit clear habitual features.

      Watson et al. (2022) aptly detailed my concerns in the following statements: "Defining habits as fluid and quickly deployed movement sequences overlaps with definitions of skills and procedural learning, which are seen by associative learning theorists as different behaviors and fields of research, distinct from habits."

      "...the risk of calling any fluid behavioral repertoire 'habit' is that clarity on what exactly is under investigation and what associative structure underpins the behavior may be lost." I strongly encourage the authors, at the very least, to consider Watson et al.'s (2022) suggestion: "Clearer terminology as to the type of habit under investigation may be required by researchers to ensure that others can assess at a glance what exactly is under investigation (e.g., devaluationinsensitive habits vs. procedural habits)", and to refine their terminology accordingly (to make this distinction clear). I believe adopting clearer terminology in these respects would enhance the positioning of this work within the relevant knowledge landscape and facilitate future investigations in the field.

      Response: We would like to highlight that we have indeed followed Watson et al (2022)’s recommendations on focusing on other features/criteria of habits at the expense of the outcome devaluation/contingency degradation paradigm, which has been more controversial in the human literature. Our manuscript clearly aligns with Watson et al. (2022) ‘s recommendations: “there are many other features of habits that are not captured by the key metrics from outcome devaluation/contingency degradation paradigms such as the speed at which actions are performed and the refined and invariant characteristics of movement sequences (Balleine and Dezfouli, 2019). Attempts are being made to develop novel behavioral tasks that tap into these positive features of habits, and this should be encouraged as should be tasks that are not designed to assess whether that behavior is sensitive to outcome devaluation, but capture the definition of habits through other measures”.

      Regarding the authors' use of Balleine and Dezfouli's (2018) criteria to frame recorded behavior as habitual, as well as to acknowledgment the study's limitations, it's important to highlight that while the authors labelled the fourth criterion (which they were not fulfilling) as "resistance to devaluation," Balleine and Dezfouli (2018) define it as "insensitive to changes in their relationship to their individual consequences and the value of those consequences." In my understanding, this definition is potentially aligned with the authors' re-evaluation test, namely, it is conceptually adequate for evaluating the fourth criterion (which is the most accepted in the field and probably the one that differentiate habits from skills). Notably, during this test, participants exhibited goaldirected behavior.

      The authors characterized this test as possibly assessing arbitration between goal-directed and habitual behavior, stating that participants in both groups "demonstrated the ability to arbitrate between prior automatic actions and new goal-directed ones." In my perspective, there is no justification for calling it a test of arbitration. Notably, the authors inferred that participants were habitual before the test based on some criteria, but then transitioned to goal-directed behavior based on a different criterion. While I agree with the authors' comment that: "Whether the initiation of the trained motor sequences in experiment 3 (arbitration) is underpinned by an action-outcome association (or not) has no bearing on whether those sequences were under stimulus-response control after training (experiment 1)." they implicitly assert a shift from habit to goal-directed behavior without providing evidence that relies on the same probed mechanism. Therefore, I think it would be more cautious to refer to this test as solely an outcome revaluation test. Again, the results of this test, if anything, provide evidence that the fourth criterion was tested but not met, suggesting participants have not become habitual (or at least undermines this option).

      Response: In our previously revised manuscript, we duly acknowledged that the conventional (perhaps nowadays considered outdated) goal devaluation criterion was not met, primarily due to constraints in designing the second part of the study. We did cite evidence from another similar study that had used devaluation app-trained action sequences to demonstrate habitual qualities (but the reviewer ignored this).

      The reviewer points out that we did use a manipulation of goal revaluation in one of the follow-up tests conducted (although this was not a conventional goal revaluation test inasmuch that it was conducted in a novel context). In this test, please note that we used 2 manipulations: monetary and physical effort. Although we did show that subjects, including OCD patients, were apparently goaldirected in the monetary reward manipulation, this was not so clear when goal re-evaluation involved the physical effort expended. In this effort manipulation, participants were less goaloriented and OCD patients preferred to perform the longer, familiar, to the shorter, novel sequence, thus exhibiting significantly greater habitual tendencies, as compared to controls. Hence, we cannot decisively conclude that the action sequence is goal-directed as the reviewer is arguing. In fact, the evidence is equivocal and may reflect both habitual and goal-directed qualities in the performance of this sequence, consistent with recent interpretations of skilled/habitual sequences (Du and Haith, 2023). Relying solely on this partially met criterion to conclude that the app-trained sequences are goal-directed, and therefore not habitual, would be an inaccurate assessment for several reasons: 1) the action sequences did satisfy all other criteria for being habitual; 2) this approach would rest on a problematic foundation for defining habits, as emphasized by Kruglanski & Szumowska (2020); and 3) it would succumb to the pitfall of subscribing to a zero-sum game perspective, as cautioned by various researchers, including the review by Watson et al. (2022) cited by the referee, thus oversimplifying the nuanced nature of human behavior.

      While we have previously complied with the reviewer’s suggestion on relabelling our follow-up test as a “revaluation test” instead of an “arbitration test”, we have now explicitly removed all mentions of the term “arbitration” (which seems to raise concerns) throughout the manuscript. As the reviewer has suggested, we now use a more refined terminology by explicitly referring to the measured behavior as "procedural habits", as he/she suggested. We have also extensively revised the discussion section of our manuscript to incorporate the reviewer’s viewpoint. We hope that these adjustments enhance the clarity and accuracy of our manuscript, addressing the concerns raised during this review process.

      In essence, this is an ontological and semantic matter, that does not alter our findings in any way. Whether the sequences are consider habitual or goal directed, does not change our findings that 1) Both groups displayed equivalent procedural learning and automaticity attainment; 2) OCD patients exhibit greater subjective habitual tendencies via self-reported questionnaires; 3) Patients who had elevated compulsivity and habitual self-reported tendencies engaged significantly more with the motor habit-training app, practiced more and reported symptom relief at the end of the study; 4) these particular patients also show an augmented inclination to attribute higher intrinsic value to familiar actions, a possible mechanism underlying compulsions.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      A few more small comments (with reference to the point numbers indicated in the rebuttal):

      (14) I am not entirely sure why the suggested analysis is deemed impractical (i.e., why it cannot be performed by "pretending" participants received the points they should have received according to their performance). This can further support (or undermine) the idea of effect of reward on performance rather than just performance on performance.

      Response: We have now conducted this analysis, generating scores for each trial of practices after day 20, when participants no longer gained points for their performance. This analysis assesses whether participants trial-wise behavioral changes exhibit a similar pattern following simulated relative increases or decrease in scores, as if they had been receiving points at this stage. Note that this analysis has fewer trials available, around 50% less on average.

      Before presenting our results, we wish to emphasize the importance of distinguishing between the effects of performance on performance and the effects of reward on performance. In response to a reviewer's suggestion, we assessed the former in the first revision of our manuscript. We normalized the movement time variable and evaluated how normalized behavioral changes responded to score increments and decrements. The results from the original analyses were consistent with those from the normalized data.

      Regarding the phase where participants no longer received scores, we believe this phase primarily helps us understand the impact of 'predicted' or 'learned' rewards on performance. Once participants have learned the simple association between faster performance and larger scores, they can be expected to continue exhibiting the reward sensitivity effects described in our main analysis. We consider it is not feasible to assess the effects of performance on performance during the reward removal phase, which occurs after 20 days. Therefore, the following results pertain to how the learned associations between faster movement times and scores persist in influencing behavior, even when explicit scores are no longer displayed on the screen.

      Results: The main results of the effect of reward on behavioral changes persist, supporting that relative increases or decreases in scores (real or imagined/inferred) modulate behavioral adaptations trial-by-trial in a consistent manner across both cohorts. The direction of the effects of reward is the same as in the main analyses presented in the manuscript: larger mean behavioral changes (smaller std) following ∆R- . First, concerning changes in “normalized” movement time (MT) trial-by-trial, we conducted a 2 x 2 factorial analysis of the centroid of the Gaussian distributions with the same factors Reward, Group and Bin. This analysis demonstrated a significant main effect of Reward (P = 2e-16), but not of Group (P = 0.974) or Bin (P = 0.281). There were no significant interactions between factors. The main Reward effect can be observed in the top panel of the figure below. The same analysis applied to the spread (std) of the Gaussian distributions revealed a significant main effect of Reward (P = 0.000213), with no additional main effects or interactions.

      Author response image 1.

      Next, conducting the same 2 x 2 factorial analyses on the centroid and spread of the Gaussian distributions fitted to the Consistency data, we also obtained a robust significant main effect of Reward. For the centroid variable, we obtained a significant main effect of Reward (P = 0.0109) and Group (P = 0.0294), while Bin and the factor interactions were non-significant. See the top panel of the figure below.

      On the other hand, Reward also modulated significantly the spread of the Gaussian distributions fitted to the Consistency data, P = 0.00498. There were no additional significant main effects or interactions. See the bottom panel in the figure below.

      Note that here the factorial analysis was performed on the logarithmic transformation of the std.

      Author response image 2.

      (16) I find this result interesting and I think it might be worthwhile to include it in the paper.

      Response: We have now included this result in our revised manuscript (page 28)

      (18) I referred to this sentence: "The app preferred sequence was their preferred putative habitual sequence while the 'any 6' or 'any 3'-move sequences were the goal-seeking sequences." In my understanding, this implies one choice is habitual and another indicates goal-directedness.

      One last small comment:
In the Discussion it is stated: "Moreover, when faced with a choice between the familiar and a new, less effort-demanding sequence, the OCD group leaned toward the former, likely due to its inherent value. These insights align with the theory of goal-direction/habit imbalance in OCD (Gillan et al., 2016), underscoring the dominance of habits in particular settings where they might hold intrinsic value."

      This could equally be interpreted as goal-directed behavior, so I do not think there is conclusive support for this claim.

      Response: The choice of the familiar/trained sequence, as opposed to the 'any 6' or 'any 3'-move sequences cannot be explicitly considered goal-directed: firstly, because the app familiar sequences were associated with less monetary reward (in the any-6 condition), and secondly, because participants would clearly need more effort and time to perform them. Even though these were automatic, it would still be much easier and faster to simply tap one finger sequentially 6 times (any6) or 3 times (any-3). Therefore, the choice for the app-sequence would not be optimal/goaldirected. In this sense, that choice aligns with the current theory of goal-direction/habit imbalance of OCD. We found that OCD patients prefer to perform the trained app sequences in the physical effort manipulation (any-3 condition). While this, on one hand cannot be explicitly considered a goal-directed choice, we agree that there is another possible goal involved here, which links to the intrinsic value associated to the familiar sequence. In this sense the action could potentially be considered goal-directed. This highlights the difficulty of this concept of value and agrees with: 1) Hommel and Wiers (2017): “Human behavior is commonly not driven by one but by many overlapping motives . . . and actions are commonly embedded into larger-scale activities with multiple goals defined at different levels. As a consequence, even successful satiation of one goal or motive is unlikely to also eliminate all the others(p. 942) and 2) Kruglanski & Szumowska (2020)’s account that “habits that may be unwanted from the perspective of an outsider and hence “irrational” or purposeless, may be highly wanted from the perspective of the individual for whom a habit is functional in achieving some goal” (p. 1262) and therefore habits are goal-driven.


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      Robbins TW, Costa RM. 2017. Habits. Current Biology 27:R1200–R1206. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2017.09.060

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    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Major comments (Public Reviews)

      Generality of grid cells

      We appreciate the reviewers’ concern regarding the generality of our approach, and in particular for analogies in nonlinear spaces. In that regard, there are at least two potential directions that could be pursued. One is to directly encode nonlinear structures (such as trees, rings, etc.) with grid cells, to which DPP-A could be applied as described in our model. The TEM model [1] suggests that grid cells in the medial entorhinal may form a basis set that captures structural knowledge for such nonlinear spaces, such as social hierarchies and transitive inference when formalized as a connected graph. Another would be to use eigen-decomposition of the successor representation [2], a learnable predictive representation of possible future states that has been shown by Stachenfield et al. [3] to provide an abstract structured representation of a space that is analogous to the grid cell code. This general-purpose mechanism could be applied to represent analogies in nonlinear spaces [4], for which there may not be a clear factorization in terms of grid cells (i.e., distinct frequencies and multiple phases within each frequency). Since the DPP-A mechanism, as we have described it, requires representations to be factored in this way it would need to be modified for such purpose. Either of these approaches, if successful, would allow our model to be extended to domains containing nonlinear forms of structure. To the extent that different coding schemes (i.e., basis sets) are needed for different forms of structure, the question of how these are identified and engaged for use in a given setting is clearly an important one, that is not addressed by the current work. We imagine that this is likely subserved by monitoring and selection mechanisms proposed to underlie the capacity for selective attention and cognitive control [5], though the specific computational mechanisms that underlie this function remain an important direction for future research. We have added a discussion of these issues in Section 6 of the updated manuscript.

      (1) Whittington, J.C., Muller, T.H., Mark, S., Chen, G., Barry, C., Burgess, N. and Behrens, T.E., 2020. The Tolman-Eichenbaum machine: unifying space and relational memory through generalization in the hippocampal formation. Cell, 183(5), pp.1249-1263.

      (2) Dayan, P., 1993. Improving generalization for temporal difference learning: The successor representation. Neural computation, 5(4), pp.613-624.

      (3) Stachenfeld, K.L., Botvinick, M.M. and Gershman, S.J., 2017. The hippocampus as a predictive map. Nature neuroscience, 20(11), pp.1643-1653.

      (4) Frankland, S., Webb, T.W., Petrov, A.A., O'Reilly, R.C. and Cohen, J., 2019. Extracting and Utilizing Abstract, Structured Representations for Analogy. In CogSci (pp. 1766-1772).

      (5) Shenhav, A., Botvinick, M.M. and Cohen, J.D., 2013. The expected value of control: an integrative theory of anterior cingulate cortex function. Neuron, 79(2), pp.217-240. Biological plausibility of DPP-A

      We appreciate the reviewers’ interest in the biological plausibility of our model, and in particular the question of whether and how DPP-A might be implemented in a neural network. In that regard, Bozkurt et al. [1] recently proposed a biologically plausible neural network algorithm using a weighted similarity matrix approach to implement a determinant maximization criterion, which is the core idea underlying the objective function we use for DPP-A, suggesting that the DPP-A mechanism we describe may also be biologically plausible. This could be tested experimentally by exposing individuals (e.g., rodents or humans) to a task that requires consistent exposure to a subregion, and evaluating the distribution of activity over the grid cells. Our model predicts that high frequency grid cells should increase their firing rate more than low frequency cells, since the high frequency grid cells maximize the determinant of the covariance matrix of the grid cell embeddings. It is also worth noting that Frankland et al. [2] have suggested that the use of DPPs may also help explain a mutual exclusivity bias observed in human word learning and reasoning. While this is not direct evidence of biological plausibility, it is consistent with the idea that the human brain selects representations for processing that maximize the volume of the representational space, which can be achieved by maximizing the DPP-A objective function defined in Equation 6. We have added a comment to this effect in Section 6 of the updated manuscript.

      (1) Bozkurt, B., Pehlevan, C. and Erdogan, A., 2022. Biologically-plausible determinant maximization neural networks for blind separation of correlated sources. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 35, pp.13704-13717.

      (2) Frankland, S. and Cohen, J., 2020. Determinantal Point Processes for Memory and Structured Inference. In CogSci.

      Simplicity of analogical problem and comparison to other models using this task

      First, we would like to point out that analogical reasoning is a signatory feature of human cognition, which supports flexible and efficient adaptation to novel inputs that remains a challenge for most current neural network architectures. While humans can exhibit complex and sophisticated forms of analogical reasoning [1, 2, 3], here we focused on a relatively simple form, that was inspired by Rumelhart’s parallelogram model of analogy [4,5] that has been used to explain traditional human verbal analogies (e.g., “king is to what as man is to woman?”). Our model, like that one, seeks to explain analogical reasoning in terms of the computation of simple Euclidean distances (i.e., A - B = C - D, where A, B, C, D are vectors in 2D space). We have now noted this in Section 2.1.1 of the updated manuscript. It is worth noting that, despite the seeming simplicity of this construction, we show that standard neural network architectures (e.g., LSTMs and transformers) struggle to generalize on such tasks without the use of the DPP-A mechanism.

      Second, we are not aware of any previous work other than Frankland et al. [6] cited in the first paragraph of Section 2.2.1, that has examined the capacity of neural network architectures to perform even this simple form of analogy. The models in that study were hardcoded to perform analogical reasoning, whereas we trained models to learn to perform analogies. That said, clearly a useful line of future work would be to scale our model further to deal with more complex forms of representation and analogical reasoning tasks [1,2,3]. We have noted this in Section 6 of the updated manuscript.

      (1) Holyoak, K.J., 2012. Analogy and relational reasoning. The Oxford handbook of thinking and reasoning, pp.234-259.

      (2) Webb, T., Fu, S., Bihl, T., Holyoak, K.J. and Lu, H., 2023. Zero-shot visual reasoning through probabilistic analogical mapping. Nature Communications, 14(1), p.5144.

      (3) Lu, H., Ichien, N. and Holyoak, K.J., 2022. Probabilistic analogical mapping with semantic relation networks. Psychological review.

      (4) Rumelhart, D.E. and Abrahamson, A.A., 1973. A model for analogical reasoning. Cognitive Psychology, 5(1), pp.1-28.

      (5) Mikolov, T., Chen, K., Corrado, G. and Dean, J., 2013. Efficient estimation of word representations in vector space. arXiv preprint arXiv:1301.3781.

      (6) Frankland, S., Webb, T.W., Petrov, A.A., O'Reilly, R.C. and Cohen, J., 2019. Extracting and Utilizing Abstract, Structured Representations for Analogy. In CogSci (pp. 1766-1772).

      Clarification of DPP-A attentional modulation

      We would like to clarify several concerns regarding the DPP-A attentional modulation. First, we would like to make it clear that ω is not meant to correspond to synaptic weights, and thank the reviewer for noting the possibility for confusion on this point. It is also distinct from a biasing input, which is often added to the product of the input features and weights. Rather, in our model ω is a vector, and diag (ω) converts it into a matrix with ω as the diagonal of the matrix, and the rest entries are zero. In Equation 6, diag(ω) is matrix multiplied with the covariance matrix V, which results in elementwise multiplication of ω with column vectors of V, and hence acts more like gates. We have noted this in Section 2.2.2 and have changed all instances of “weights (ω)” to “gates (ɡ)” in the updated manuscript. We have also rewritten the definition of Equation 6 and uses of it (as in Algorithm 1) to depict the use of sigmoid nonlinearity (σ) to , so that the resulting values are always between 0 and 1.

      Second, we would like to clarify that we don’t compute the inner product between the gates ɡ and the grid cell embeddings x anywhere in our model. The gates within each frequency were optimized (independent of the task inputs), according to Equation 6, to compute the approximate maximum log determinant of the covariance matrix over the grid cell embeddings individually for each frequency. We then used the grid cell embeddings belonging to the frequency that had the maximum within-frequency log determinant for training the inference module, which always happened to be grid cells within the top three frequencies. Author response image 1 (also added to the Appendix, Section 7.10 of the updated manuscript) shows the approximate maximum log determinant (on the y-axis) for the different frequencies (on the x-axis).

      Author response image 1.

      Approximate maximum log determinant of the covariance matrix over the grid cell embeddings (y-axis) for each frequency (x-axis), obtained after maximizing Equation 6.

      Third, we would like to clarify our interpretation of why DPP-A identified grid cell embeddings corresponding to the highest spatial frequencies, and why this produced the best OOD generalization (i.e., extrapolation on our analogy tasks). It is because those grid cell embeddings exhibited greater variance over the training data than the lower frequency embeddings, while at the same time the correlations among those grid cell embeddings were lower than the correlations among the lower frequency grid cell embeddings. The determinant of the covariance matrix of the grid cell embeddings is maximized when the variances of the grid cell embeddings are high (they are “expressive”) and the correlation among the grid cell embeddings is low (they “cover the representational space”). As a result, the higher frequency grid cell embeddings more efficiently covered the representational space of the training data, allowing them to efficiently capture the same relational structure across training and test distributions which is required for OOD generalization. We have added some clarification to the second paragraph of Section 2.2.2 in the updated manuscript. Furthermore, to illustrate this graphically, Author response image 2 (added to the Appendix, Section 7.10 of the updated manuscript) shows the results after the summation of the multiplication of the grid cell embeddings over the 2d space of 1000x1000 locations, with their corresponding gates for 3 representative frequencies (left, middle and right panels showing results for the lowest, middle and highest grid cell frequencies, respectively, of the 9 used in the model), obtained after maximizing Equation 6 for each grid cell frequency. The color code indicates the responsiveness of the grid cells to different X and Y locations in the input space (lighter color corresponding to greater responsiveness). Note that the dark blue area (denoting regions of least responsiveness to any grid cell) is greatest for the lowest frequency and nearly zero for the highest frequency, illustrating that grid cell embeddings belonging to the highest frequency more efficiently cover the representational space which allows them to capture the same relational structure across training and test distributions as required for OOD generalization.

      Author response image 2.

      Each panel shows the results after summation of the multiplication of the grid cell embeddings over the 2d space of 1000x1000 locations, with their corresponding gates for a particular frequency, obtained after maximizing Equation 6 for each grid cell frequency. The left, middle, and right panels show results for the lowest, middle, and highest grid cell frequencies, respectively, of the 9 used in the model. Lighter color in each panel corresponds to greater responsiveness of grid cells at that particular location in the 2d space.

      Finally, we would like to clarify how the DPP-A attentional mechanism is different from the attentional mechanism in the transformer module, and why both are needed for strong OOD generalization. Use of the standard self-attention mechanism in transformers over the inputs (i.e., A, B, C, and D for the analogy task) in place of DPP-A would lead to weightings of grid cell embeddings over all frequencies and phases. The objective function for the DPP-A represents an inductive bias, that selectively assigns the greatest weight to all grid cell embeddings (i.e., for all phases) of the frequency for which the determinant of the covariance matrix is greatest computed over the training space. The transformer inference module then attends over the inputs with the selected grid cell embeddings based on the DPP-A objective. We have added a discussion of this point in Section 6 of the updated manuscript.

      We would like to thank the reviewers for their recommendations. We have tried our best to incorporate them into our updated manuscript. Below we provide a detailed response to each of the recommendations grouped for each reviewer.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations for the authors)

      (1) It would be helpful to see some equations for R in the main text.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have now added some equations explaining the working of R in Section 2.2.3 of the updated manuscript.

      (2) Typo: p 11 'alongwith' -> 'along with'

      We have changed all instances of ‘alongwith’ to ‘along with’ in the updated manuscript.

      (3) Presumably, this is related to equivariant ML - it would be helpful to comment on this.

      Yes, this is related to equivariant ML, since the properties of equivariance hold for our model. Specifically, the probability distribution after applying softmax remains the same when the transformation (translation or scaling) is applied to the scores for each of the answer choices obtained from the output of the inference module, and when the same transformation is applied to the stimuli for the task and all the answer choices before presenting as input to the inference module to obtain the scores. We have commented on this in Section 2.2.3 of the updated manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations for the authors)

      (1) Page 2 - "Webb et al." temporal context - they should also cite and compare this to work by Marc Howard on generalization based on multi-scale temporal context.

      While we appreciate the important contributions that have been made by Marc Howard and his colleagues to temporal coding and its role in episodic memory and hippocampal function, we would like to clarify that his temporal context model is unrelated to the temporal context normalization developed by Webb et al. (2020) and mentioned on Page 2. The former (Temporal Context Model) is a computational model that proposes a role for temporal coding in the functions of the medial temporal lobe in support of episodic recall, and spatial navigation. The latter (temporal context normalization) is a normalization procedure proposed for use in training a neural network, similar to batch normalization [1], in which tensor normalization is applied over the temporal instead of the batch dimension, which is shown to help with OOD generalization. We apologize for any confusion engendered by the similarity of these terms, and failure to clarify the difference between these, that we have now attempted to do in a footnote on Page 2.

      Ioffe, S. and Szegedy, C., 2015, June. Batch normalization: Accelerating deep network training by reducing internal covariate shift. In International conference on machine learning (pp. 448-456). pmlr.

      (2) page 3 - "known to be implemented in entorhinal" - It's odd that they seem to avoid citing the actual biology papers on grid cells. They should cite more of the grid cell recording papers when they mention the entorhinal cortex (i.e. Hafting et al., 2005; Barry et al., 2007; Stensola et al., 2012; Giocomo et al., 2011; Brandon et al., 2011).

      We have now cited the references mentioned below, on page 3 after the phrase “known to be implemented in entohinal cortex”.

      (1) Barry, C., Hayman, R., Burgess, N. and Jeffery, K.J., 2007. Experience-dependent rescaling of entorhinal grids. Nature neuroscience, 10(6), pp.682-684.

      (2) Stensola, H., Stensola, T., Solstad, T., Frøland, K., Moser, M.B. and Moser, E.I., 2012. The entorhinal grid map is discretized. Nature, 492(7427), pp.72-78.

      (3) Giocomo, L.M., Hussaini, S.A., Zheng, F., Kandel, E.R., Moser, M.B. and Moser, E.I., 2011. Grid cells use HCN1 channels for spatial scaling. Cell, 147(5), pp.1159-1170.

      (4) Brandon, M.P., Bogaard, A.R., Libby, C.P., Connerney, M.A., Gupta, K. and Hasselmo, M.E., 2011. Reduction of theta rhythm dissociates grid cell spatial periodicity from directional tuning. Science, 332(6029), pp.595-599.

      (3) To enhance the connection to biological systems, they should cite more of the experimental and modeling work on grid cell coding (for example on page 2 where they mention relational coding by grid cells). Currently, they tend to cite studies of grid cell relational representations that are very indirect in their relationship to grid cell recordings (i.e. indirect fMRI measures by Constaninescu et al., 2016 or the very abstract models by Whittington et al., 2020). They should cite more papers on actual neurophysiological recordings of grid cells that suggest relational/metric representations, and they should cite more of the previous modeling papers that have addressed relational representations. This could include work on using grid cell relational coding to guide spatial behavior (e.g. Erdem and Hasselmo, 2014; Bush, Barry, Manson, Burges, 2015). This could also include other papers on the grid cell code beyond the paper by Wei et al., 2015 - they could also cite work on the efficiency of coding by Sreenivasan and Fiete and by Mathis, Herz, and Stemmler.

      We thank the reviewer for bringing the additional references to our attention. We have cited the references mentioned below on page 2 of the updated manuscript.

      (1) Erdem, U.M. and Hasselmo, M.E., 2014. A biologically inspired hierarchical goal directed navigation model. Journal of Physiology-Paris, 108(1), pp.28-37.

      (2) Sreenivasan, S. and Fiete, I., 2011. Grid cells generate an analog error-correcting code for singularly precise neural computation. Nature neuroscience, 14(10), pp.1330-1337.

      (3) Mathis, A., Herz, A.V. and Stemmler, M., 2012. Optimal population codes for space: grid cells outperform place cells. Neural computation, 24(9), pp.2280-2317.

      (4) Bush, D., Barry, C., Manson, D. and Burgess, N., 2015. Using grid cells for navigation. Neuron, 87(3), pp.507-520

      (4) Page 3 - "Determinantal Point Processes (DPPs)" - it is rather annoying that DPP is defined after DPP-A is defined. There ought to be a spot where the definition of DPP-A is clearly stated in a single location.

      We agree it makes more sense to define Determinantal Point Process (DPP) before DPP-A. We have now rephrased the sentences accordingly. In the “Abstract”, the sentence now reads “Second, we propose an attentional mechanism that operates over the grid cell code using Determinantal Point Process (DPP), which we call DPP attention (DPP-A) - a transformation that ensures maximum sparseness in the coverage of that space.” We have also modified the second paragraph of the “Introduction”. The modified portion now reads “b) an attentional objective inspired from Determinantal Point Processes (DPPs), which are probabilistic models of repulsion arising in quantum physics [1], to attend to abstract representations that have maximum variance and minimum correlation among them, over the training data. We refer to this as DPP attention or DPP-A.” Due to this change, we removed the last sentence of the fifth paragraph of the “Introduction”.

      (1) Macchi, O., 1975. The coincidence approach to stochastic point processes. Advances in Applied Probability, 7(1), pp.83-122.

      (5) Page 3 - "the inference module R" - there should be some discussion about how this component using LSTM or transformers could relate to the function of actual brain regions interacting with entorhinal cortex. Or if there is no biological connection, they should state that this is not seen as a biological model and that only the grid cell code is considered biological.

      While we agree that the model is not construed to be as specific about the implementation of the R module, we assume that — as a standard deep learning component — it is likely to map onto neocortical structures that interact with the entorhinal cortex and, in particular, regions of the prefrontal-posterior parietal network widely believed to be involved in abstract relational processes [1,2,3,4]. In particular, the role of the prefrontal cortex in the encoding and active maintenance of abstract information needed for task performance (such as rules and relations) has often been modeled using gated recurrent networks, such as LSTMs [5,6], and the posterior parietal cortex has long been known to support “maps” that may provide an important substrate for computing complex relations [4]. We have added some discussion about this in Section 2.2.3 of the updated manuscript.

      (1) Waltz, J.A., Knowlton, B.J., Holyoak, K.J., Boone, K.B., Mishkin, F.S., de Menezes Santos, M., Thomas, C.R. and Miller, B.L., 1999. A system for relational reasoning in human prefrontal cortex. Psychological science, 10(2), pp.119-125.

      (2) Christoff, K., Prabhakaran, V., Dorfman, J., Zhao, Z., Kroger, J.K., Holyoak, K.J. and Gabrieli, J.D., 2001. Rostrolateral prefrontal cortex involvement in relational integration during reasoning. Neuroimage, 14(5), pp.1136-1149.

      (3) Knowlton, B.J., Morrison, R.G., Hummel, J.E. and Holyoak, K.J., 2012. A neurocomputational system for relational reasoning. Trends in cognitive sciences, 16(7), pp.373-381.

      (4) Summerfield, C., Luyckx, F. and Sheahan, H., 2020. Structure learning and the posterior parietal cortex. Progress in neurobiology, 184, p.101717.

      (5) Frank, M.J., Loughry, B. and O’Reilly, R.C., 2001. Interactions between frontal cortex and basal ganglia in working memory: a computational model. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 1, pp.137-160.

      (6) Braver, T.S. and Cohen, J.D., 2000. On the control of control: The role of dopamine in regulating prefrontal function and working memory. Control of cognitive processes: Attention and performance XVIII, (2000).

      (6) Page 4 - "Learned weighting w" - it is somewhat confusing to use "w" as that is commonly used for synaptic weights, whereas I understand this to be an attentional modulation vector with the same dimensionality as the grid cell code. It seems more similar to a neural network bias input than a weight matrix.

      We refer to the first paragraph of our response above to the topic “Clarification of DPP-A attentional modulation” under “Major comments (Public Reviews)”, which contains our response to this issue.

      (7) Page 4 - "parameterization of w... by two loss functions over the training set." - I realize that this has been stated here, but to emphasize the significance to a naïve reader, I think they should emphasize that the learning is entirely focused on the initial training space, and there is NO training done in the test spaces. It's very impressive that the parameterization is allowing generalization to translated or scaled spaces without requiring ANY training on the translated or scaled spaces.

      We have added the sentence “Note that learning of parameter occurs only over the training space and is not further modified during testing (i.e. over the test spaces)” to the updated manuscript.

      (8) Page 4 - "The first," - This should be specific - "The first loss function"

      We have changed it to “The first loss function” in the updated manuscript.

      (9) Page 4 - The analogy task seems rather simplistic when first presented (i.e. just a spatial translation to different parts of a space, which has already been shown to work in simulations of spatial behavior such as Erdem and Hasselmo, 2014 or Bush, Barry, Manson, Burgess, 2015). To make the connection to analogy, they might provide a brief mention of how this relates to the analogy space created by word2vec applied to traditional human verbal analogies (i.e. king-man+woman=queen).

      We agree that the analogy task is simple, and recognize that grid cells can be used to navigate to different parts of space over which the test analogies are defined when those are explicitly specified, as shown by Erdem and Hasselmo (2014) and Bush, Barry, Manson, and Burgess (2015). However, for the analogy task, the appropriate set of grid cell embeddings must be identified that capture the same relational structure between training and test analogies to demonstrate strong OOD generalization, and that is achieved by the attentional mechanism DPP-A. As suggested by the reviewer’s comment, our analogy task is inspired by Rumelhart’s parallelogram model of analogy [1,2] (and therefore similar to traditional human verbal analogies) in as much as it involves differences (i.e A - B = C - D, where A, B, C, D are vectors in 2D space). We have now noted this in Section 2.1.1 of the updated manuscript.

      (1) Rumelhart, D.E. and Abrahamson, A.A., 1973. A model for analogical reasoning. Cognitive Psychology, 5(1), pp.1-28.

      (2) Mikolov, T., Chen, K., Corrado, G. and Dean, J., 2013. Efficient estimation of word representations in vector space. arXiv preprint arXiv:1301.3781.

      (10) Page 5 - The variable "KM" is a bit confusing when it first appears. It would be good to re-iterate that K and M are separate points and KM is the vector between these points.

      We apologize for the confusion on this point. KM is meant to refer to an integer value, obtained by multiplying K and M, which is added to both dimensions of A, B, C and D, which are points in ℤ2, to translate them to a different region of the space. K is an integer value ranging from 1 to 9 and M is also an integer value denoting the size of the training region, which in our implementation is 100. We have clarified this in Section 2.1.1 of the updated manuscript.

      (11) Page 5 - "two continuous dimensions (Constantinescu et al._)" - this ought to give credit to the original study showing the abstract six-fold rotational symmetry for spatial coding (Doeller, Barry and Burgess).

      We have now cited the original work by Doeller et al. [1] along with Constantinescu et al. (2016) in the updated manuscript after the phrase “two continuous dimensions” on page 5.

      (1) Doeller, C.F., Barry, C. and Burgess, N., 2010. Evidence for grid cells in a human memory network. Nature, 463(7281), pp.657-661.

      (12) Page 6 - Np=100. This is done later, but it would be clearer if they right away stated that Np*Nf=900 in this first presentation.

      We have now added this sentence after Np=100. “Hence Np*Nf=900, which denotes the number of grid cells.”

      (13) Page 6 - They provide theorem 2.1 on the determinant of the covariance matrix of the grid code, but they ought to cite this the first time this is mentioned.

      We have cited Gilenwater et al. (2012) before mentioning theorem 2.1. The sentence just before that reads “We use the following theorem from Gillenwater et al. (2012) to construct :”

      (14) Page 6 - It would greatly enhance the impact of the paper if they could give neuroscientists some sense of how the maximization of the determinant of the covariance matrix of the grid cell code could be implemented by a biological circuit. OR at least to show an example of the output of this algorithm when it is used as an inner product with the grid cell code. This would require plotting the grid cell code in the spatial domain rather than the 900 element vector.

      We refer to our response above to the topic “Biological plausibility of DPP-A” and second, third, and fourth paragraphs of our response above to the topic “Clarification of DPP-A attentional modulation” under “Major comments (Public Reviews)”, which contain our responses to this issue.

      (15) Page 6 - "That encode higher spatial frequencies..." This seems intuitive, but it would be nice to give a more intuitive description of how this is related to the determinant of the covariance matrix.

      We refer to the third paragraph of our response above to the topic “Clarification of DPP-A attentional modulation” under “Major comments (Public Reviews)”, which contains our response to this issue.

      (16) Page 7 - log of both sides... Nf is number of frequencies... Would be good to mention here that they are referring to equation 6 which is only mentioned later in the paragraph.

      As suggested, we now refer to Equation 6 in the updated manuscript. The sentence now reads “This is achieved by maximizing the determinant of the covariance matrix over the within frequency grid cell embeddings of the training data, and Equation 6 is obtained by applying the log on both sides of Theorem 2.1, and in our case where refers to grid cells of a particular frequency.”

      (17) Page 7 - Equation 6 - They should discuss how this is proposed to be implemented in brain circuits.

      We refer to our response above to the topic “Biological plausibility of DPP-A” under “Major comments (Public Reviews)”, which contains our response to this issue.

      18) Page 9 - "egeneralize" - presumably this is a typo?

      Yes. We have corrected it to “generalize” in the updated manuscript.

      (19) Page 9 - "biologically plausible encoding scheme" - This is valid for the grid cell code, but they should be clear that this is not valid for other parts of the model, or specify how other parts of the model such as DPP-A could be biologically plausible.

      We refer to our response above to the topic “Biological plausibility of DPP-A” under “Major comments (Public Reviews)”, which contains our response to this issue.

      (20) Page 12 - Figure 7 - comparsion to one-hots or smoothed one-hots. The text should indicate whether the smoothed one-hots are similar to place cell coding. This is the most relevant comparison of coding for those knowledgeable about biological coding schemes.

      Yes, smoothed one-hots are similar to place cell coding. We now mention this in Section 5.3 of the updated manuscript.

      (21) Page 12 - They could compare to a broader range of potential biological coding schemes for the overall space. This could include using coding based on the boundary vector cell coding of the space, band cell coding (one dimensional input to grid cells), or egocentric boundary cell coding.

      We appreciate these useful suggestions, which we now mention as potentially valuable directions for future work in the second paragraph of Section 6 of the updated manuscript.

      (22) Page 13 - "transformers are particularly instructive" - They mention this as a useful comparison, but they might discuss further why a much better function is obtained when attention is applied to the system twice (once by DPP-A and then by a transformer in the inference module).

      We refer to the last paragraph of our response above to the topic “Clarification of DPP-A attentional modulation” under “Major comments (Public Reviews)”, which contains our response to this issue.

      (23) Page 13 - "Section 5.1 for analogy and Section 5.2 for arithmetic" - it would be clearer if they perhaps also mentioned the specific figures (Figure 4 and Figure 6) presenting the results for the transformer rather than the LSTM.

      We have now rephrased to also refer to the figures in the updated manuscript. The phrase now reads “a transformer (Figure 4 in Section 5.1 for analogy and Figure 6 in Section 5.2 for arithmetic tasks) failed to achieve the same level of OOD generalization as the network that used DPP-A.”

      (24) Page 14 - "statistics of the training data" - The most exciting feature of this paper is that learning during the training space analogies can so effectively generalize to other spaces based on the right attention DPP-A, but this is not really made intuitive. Again, they should illustrate the result of the xT w inner product to demonstrate why this work so effectively!

      We refer to the second, third, and fourth paragraphs of our response above to the topic “Clarification of DPP-A attentional modulation” under “Major comments (Public Reviews)”, which contains our response to this issue.

      (25) Bibliography - Silver et al., go paper - journal name "nature" should be capitalized. There are other journal titles that should be capitalized. Also, I believe eLife lists family names first.

      We have made the changes to the bibliography of the updated manuscript suggested by the reviewer.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This manuscript represents a cleanly designed experiment for assessing biological motion processing in children (mean age = 9) with and without ADHD. The group differences concerning accuracy in global and local motion processing abilities are solid, but the analyses suggesting dissociable relationships between global and local processing and social skills, age, and IQ need further interrogation. The results are useful in terms of understanding ADHD and the ontogenesis of different components of the processing of biological motion.

      We thank the editors for the positive assessment of our manuscript. We have carefully considered the reviewers’ constructive and helpful comments and revised our manuscript accordingly. To address the question about the dissociable relationships between global and local BM processing, we have provided more evidence and additional analyses in this revised version.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The paper presents a nice study investigating differences in biological motion perception in participants with ADHD in comparison with controls. Motivated by the idea that there is a relationship between biological motion perception and social capabilities, the authors investigated local and global (holistic) biological motion perception, the group, and several additional behavioral variables that are affected in ADHS (IQ, social responsiveness, and attention/impulsivity). As well as local global biological motion perception is reduced in ADHD participants. In addition, the study demonstrates a significant correlation between local biological motion perception skills and the social responsiveness score in the ADHD group, but not the controls. A path analysis in the ADHD data suggests that general performance in biological motion perception is influenced mainly by global biological motion perception performance and attentional and perceptual reasoning skills.


      It is true that there exists not much work on biological motion perception and ADHD. Therefore, the presented study contributes an interesting new result to the biological motion literature and adds potentially also new behavioral markers for this clinical condition. The design of the study is straightforward and technically sound, and the drawn conclusions are supported by the presented results.

      Thank you for your positive assessment of our work.


      Some of the claims about the relationship between genetic factors and ADHD and the components of biological motion processing have to remain speculative at this point because genetic influences were not explicitly tested in this paper.

      We agree that the relationship between genetic factors and BM processing in ADHD needs more investigation, We have modified our statement in Discussion section as following:

      “Using the classical twin method, Wang et al. found that the distinction between local and global BM processing may stem from the dissociated genetic bases. The former, to a great degree, seems to be acquired phylogenetically20,21,59,60, while the latter is primarily obtained through individual development19.” (lines 421 - 425),

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Tian et al. aimed to assess differences in biological motion (BM) perception between children with and without ADHD, as well as relationships to indices of social functioning and possible predictors of BM perception (including demographics, reasoning ability and inattention). In their study, children with ADHD showed poorer performance relative to typically developing children in three tasks measuring local, global, and general BM perception. The authors further observed that across the whole sample, performance in all three BM tasks was negatively correlated with scores on the social responsiveness scale (SRS), whereas within groups a significant relationship to SRS scores was only observed in the ADHD group and for the local BM task. Local and global BM perception showed a dissociation in that global BM processing was predicted by age, while local BM perception was not. Finally, general (local & global combined) BM processing was predicted by age and global BM processing, while reasoning ability mediated the effect of inattention on BM processing.


      Overall, the manuscript is presented in a relatively clear fashion and methods and materials are presented with sufficient detail so the study could be reproduced by independent researchers. The study uses an innovative, albeit not novel, paradigm to investigate two independent processes underlying BM perception. The results are novel and have the potential to have wide-reaching impact on multiple fields.

      We appreciate your positive assessment of our work.


      Except for the main analysis, it is unclear what the authors' specific predictions are regarding the three different tasks they employ. The three BM tasks are used to probe different processes underlying BM perception, but it is difficult to gather from the introduction why these three specific tasks were chosen and what predictions the authors have about the performance of the ADHD group in these tasks. Relatedly, the authors do not report whether (and if so, how) they corrected for multiple comparisons in their analyses. As the number of tests one should control for depends on the theoretical predictions (http://daniellakens.blogspot.com/2016/02/why-you-dont-need-to-adjust-you-alpha.html), both are necessary for the reader to assess the statistical validity of the results and any inferences drawn from them. The same is the case for the secondary analyses exploring relationships between the 3 individual BM tasks and social function measured by the social responsivity scale (SRS).

      We appreciate these constructive suggestions. In response, we have included a detailed description in the Introduction section explaining why we employed three different tasks and our predictions about the performance in ADHD:

      “Despite initial indications, a comprehensive investigation into BM perception in ADHD is warranted. We proposed that it is essential to deconstruct BM processing into its multiple components and motion features, since treating them as a single entity may lead to misleading or inconsistent findings31. To address this issue, we employed a carefully designed behavioral paradigm used in our previous study19, making slight adjustments to adapt for children. This paradigm comprises three tasks. Task 1 (BM-local) aimed to assess the ability to process local BM cues. Scrambled BM sequences were displayed and participants could use local BM cues to judge the facing direction of the scrambled walker. Task 2 (BM-global) tested the ability to process the global configuration cues of the BM walker. Local cues were uninformative, and participants used global BM cues to determine the presence of an intact walker. Task 3 (BM-general) tested the ability to process general BM cues (local + global cues). The stimulus sequences consisted of an intact walker and a mask containing similar target local cues, so participants could use general BM cues (local + global cues) to judge the facing direction of the walker.” (lines 116 - 130)

      “In Experiment 1, we examined three specific BM perception abilities in children with ADHD. As mentioned earlier, children with ADHD also show impaired social interaction, which implies atypical social cognition. Therefore, we speculated that children with ADHD performed worse in the three tasks compared to TD children.” (lines 131 - 134)

      Additionally, we have reported the p values corrected for multiple comparisons (false discovery rate, FDR) in the revised manuscript wherever it was necessary to adjust the alpha (lines 310 - 316; Table 2). The pattern of the results remained unchanged.

      In relation to my prior point, the authors could provide more clarity on how the conclusions drawn from the results relate to their predictions. For example, it is unclear what specific conclusions the authors draw based on their findings that ADHD show performance differences in all three BM perception tasks, but only local BM is related to social function within this group. Here, the claim is made that their results support a specific hypothesis, but it is unclear to me what hypothesis they are actually referring to (see line 343 & following). This lack of clarity is aggravated by the fact that throughout the rest of the discussion, in particular when discussing other findings to support their own conclusions, the authors often make no distinction between the two processes of interest. Lastly, some of the authors' conclusions related to their findings on local vs global BM processing are not logically following from the evidence: For instance, the authors conclude that their data supports the idea that social atypicalities are likely to reduce with age in ADHD individuals. However, according to their own account, local BM perception - the only measure that was related to social function in their study - is understood to be age invariant (and was indeed not predicted by age in the present study).

      Thank you for pointing out this issue. We have carefully revised the Discussion section about our findings to clarify these points:

      “Our study contributes several promising findings concerning atypical biological motion perception in ADHD. Specifically, we observe the atypical local and global BM perception in children with ADHD. Notably, a potential dissociation between the processing of local and global BM information is identified. The ability to process local BM cues appears to be linked to the traits of social interaction among children with ADHD. In contrast, global BM processing exhibits an age-related development. Additionally, general BM perception may be affected by factors including attention.” (lines 387 - 393)

      We have provided a detailed discussion on the two processes of interest to clarify their potential differences and the possible reasons behind the difference of the divergent developmental trajectories between local and global BM processing:

      “BM perception is considered a multi-level phenomenon56-58. At least in part, processing information of local BM and global BM appears to involve different genetic and neural mechanisms16,19. Using the classical twin method, Wang et al. found that the distinction between local and global BM processing may stem from the dissociated genetic bases. The former, to a great degree, seems to be acquired phylogenetically20,21,59,60, while the latter is primarily obtained through individual development19. The sensitivity to local rather than global BM cues seems to emerge early in life. Visually inexperienced chicks exhibit a spontaneous preference for the BM stimuli of hen, even when the configuration was scrambled20. The same finding was reported in newborns. On the contrary, the ability to process global BM cues rather than local BM cues may be influenced by attention28,29 and shaped by experience24,56.” (lines 419 - 430)

      “We found that the ability to process global and general BM cues improved significantly with age in both TD and ADHD groups, which imply the processing module for global BM cues tends to be mature with development. In the ADHD group, the improvement in processing general and global BM cues is greater than that in processing local BM cues, while no difference was found in TD group. This may be due to the relatively higher baseline abilities of BM perception in TD children, resulting in a relatively milder improvement. These findings also suggest a dissociation between the development of local and global BM processing. There seems to be an acquisition of ability to process global BM cues, akin to the potential age-related improvements observed in certain aspects of social cognition deficits among individuals with ADHD5, whereas local BM may be considered an intrinsic trait19.” (lines 438 -449)

      In addition, we have rephased some inaccurate statements in revised manuscript. Another part of social dysfunction might be stable and due to the atypical local BM perception in ADHD individuals, although some studies found a part of social dysfunction would reduce with age in ADHD individuals. One reason is that some factors related to social dysfunction would improve with age, like the symptom of hyperactivity.

      Results reported are incomplete, making it hard for the reader to comprehensively interpret the findings and assess whether the conclusions drawn are valid. Whenever the authors report negative results (p-values > 0.05), the relevant statistics are not reported, and the data not plotted. In addition, summary statistics (group means) are missing for the main analysis.

      Thanks for your comments. We have provided the complete statistical results in the revised manuscript (lines 309 - 316) and supplementary material, which encompass relevant statistics and plots of negative results (Figure 4, Figure S2 and S3), in accordance with our research questions. And we have also included summary statistics in the Results section (lines 287 - 293).

      Some of the conclusions/statements in the article are too strong and should be rephrased to indicate hypotheses and speculations rather than facts. For example, in lines 97-99 the authors state that the finding of poor BM performance in TD children in a prior study 'indicated inferior applicability' or 'inapplicable experimental design'. While this is one possibility, a perhaps more plausible interpretation could be that TD children show 'poor' performance due to outstanding maturation of the underlying (global) BM processes (as the authors suggest themselves that BM perception can improve with age). There are several other examples where statements are too strong or misleading, which need attention.

      We thank you for pointing out the issue. We have toned down and rephrased the strong statements and made the necessary revisions.

      “Another study found that children with ADHD performed worse in BM detection with moderate ratios of noise34. This may be due to the fact that BM stimuli with noise dots will increase the difficulty of identification, which highlights the difference in processing BM between the two groups33,35.” (lines 111 - 115)

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors presented point light displays of human walkers to children (mean = 9 years) with and without ADHD to compare their biological motion perception abilities and relate them to IQ, social responsiveness scale (SRS) scores and age. They report that children with ADHD were worse at all three biological motion tasks, but that those loading more heavily on local processing related to social interaction skills and global processing to age. The important and solid findings are informative for understanding this complex condition, as well as biological motion processing mechanisms in general. However, I am unsure that these differences between local and global skills are truly supported by the data and suggest some further analyses.


      The authors present clear differences between the ADHD and TD children in biological motion processing, and this question has not received as much attention as equivalent processing capabilities in autism. They use a task that appears well controlled. They raise some interesting mechanistic possibilities for differences in local and global motion processing, which are distinctions worth exploring. The group differences will therefore be of interest to those studying ADHD, as well as other developmental conditions, and those examining biological motion processing mechanisms in general.

      We appreciate your positive feedback. In revised manuscript, we have added more analyses to support the differences between local and global motion processing. Please refer to our response to the point #3 you mentioned below.


      I am unsure that the data are strong enough to support claims about differences between global and local processing wrt social communication skills and age. The mechanistic possibilities for why these abilities may dissociate in such a way are interesting, but do not seem so plausible to me. I am also concerned about gender, and possible autism, confounds when examining the effect of ADHD. Specifics:

      Gender confound. There are proportionally more boys in the ADHD than TD group. The authors appear to attempt to overcome this issue by including gender as a covariate. I am unsure if this addresses the problem. The vast majority of participants in the ADHD group are male, and gender is categorically, not continuously, defined. I'm pretty sure this violates the assumptions of ANCOVA.

      We appreciate your comments. We concur with you that although we observed a clear difference between local and global BM processing in ADHD, the evidence is to some extent preliminary. The mechanistic possibilities for why these abilities may dissociate have been discussed in revised manuscript. Please refer to the response to reviewer 2’s point #2. To further examine if gender played a role in the observed results, we used a statistical matching technique to obtain a sub-dataset. The pattern of results remained with the more balanced dataset (see Supplementary Information part 1). According to your suggestion, we have also presented the results without using gender as a covariate in main text and also separated the data of boys and girls on the plots (see Figure 1 and Figure S1). There were indeed no signs of a gender effect.

      Autism. Autism and ADHD are highly comorbid. The authors state that the TD children did not have an autism or ADHD diagnosis, but they do not state that the ADHD children did not have an autism diagnosis. Given the nature of the claims, this seems crucial information for the reader.

      Thanks for your suggestion. We have confirmed that all children with ADHD in our study were not diagnosed with autism. We used a semi-structured interview instrument (K-SADSPL-C) to confirm every recruited child with ADHD but not with ASD. The exclusion criteria for both groups were mentioned in the Materials and methods section:

      “Exclusion criteria for both groups were: (a) neurological diseases; (b) other neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g., ASD, Mental retardation, and tic disorders), affective disorders and schizophrenia…” (lines 158 - 162)

      Conclusions. The authors state frequently that it was the local BM task that related to social communication skills (SRS) and not the global tasks. However, the results section shows a correlation between SRS and all three tasks. The only difference is that when looking specifically within the ADHD group, the correlation is only significant for the local task. I think that if the authors wish to make strong claims here they must show inferential stats supporting (1) a difference between ADHD and TD SRS-Task 1 correlations, and (2) a difference in those differences for Task 2 and 3 relative to Task 1. I think they should also show a scatterplot of this correlation, with separate lines of best fit for the two groups, for Tasks 2 and 3 as well. I.e. Figure 4 should have 3 panels. I would recommend the same type of approach for age. Currently, they have small samples for correlations, and are reading much of theoretical significance between some correlations passing significance threshold and others not. It would be incredibly interesting if the social skills (as measured by SRS) only relate to local BM abilities, and age only to global, but I think the data are not so clear with the current information. I would be surprised if all BM abilities did not improve with age. Even if there is some genetic starter kit (and that this differs according to particular BM component), most abilities improve with learning/experience/age.

      Thank you for this recommendation. We have added more statistics to test differences between the correlations (a difference between ADHD and TD in SRS-Task 1 correlations (see the first paragraph of Supplementary Information part 2), a difference in SRS-response accuracy correlations for Task 2 and 3 relative to Task 1(see the second paragraph of Supplementary Information part 2), and a difference in age-response accuracy correlations for Task 2 and 3 relative to Task 1 in ADHD group (see Supplementary Information part 3)). Additionally, we have included scatterplots for SRS-Task1, SRS-Task2, SRS-Task3 (with separate lines of best fit for the two groups in each, see Figure 4), SRS-ADHD, SRS-TD, age-ADHD and age-TD (with separate lines of best fit for the three tasks in each, see Figure S2 and S3) to make a clear demonstration. Detailed results have been presented in the revised manuscript and Supplementary Information. We expect these further analyses would strengthen our conclusions.

      Theoretical assumptions. The authors make some sweeping statements about local vs global biological motion processing that need to be toned down. They assume that local processing is specifically genetically whereas global processing is a product of experience. The fact their global, but not local, task performance improves with age would tend to suggest there could be some difference here, but the existing literature does not allow for this certainty. The chick studies showing a neonatal preference are controversial and confounded - I cannot remember the specifics but I think there an upper vs lower visual field complexity difference here.

      Thank you for pointing out this issue. We have toned down rephrased our claims that the difference between local and global BM processing according to your suggestion:

      “These findings suggest that local and global mechanisms might play different roles in BM perception, though the exact mechanisms underlying the distinction remain unclear. Exploring the two components of BM perception will enhance our understanding of the difference between local and global BM processing, shedding light on the psychological processes involved in atypical BM perception.” (lines 87 - 92)

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I have only a number of minor points that should be addressed prior to publication:

      L. 95ff: What is meant by 'inapplicability of experimental designs' ? This paragraph is somewhat unclear.

      In revised manuscript, we have clarified this point (lines 111 - 115).

      L. 146: The groups were not perfectly balanced for sex. Would results change fundamentally in a more balanced design, or can arguments be given that gender does not play a role, like it seems to be the case for some functions in biological motion perception (e.g. Pavlova et al. 2015; Tsang et al 2018). One could provide a justification that this disbalance does not matter or test for subsampled balanced data sets maybe.

      This point is similar to the point #1 from reviewer 3, and we have addressed this issue in our response above.

      L. 216 f.: In this paragraph it does not become very clear that the mask for the global task consisted of scrambles generated from walkers walking in the same direction. The mask for the local task then should consist of a balanced mask that contains the same amount of local motion cues indicating right and leftwards motion. Was this the case? (Not so clear from this paragraph.)

      Regarding the local task, the introduction of mask would make the task too difficult for children. Therefore, in the local task, we only displayed a scrambled walker without a mask, which was more suitable for children to complete the task. We have made clear this point in the corresponding paragraph (lines 232 - 241).

      L. 224 ff.: Here it would be helpful to see the 5 different 'facing' directions of the walkers. What does this exactly mean? Do they move on oblique paths that are not exactly orthogonal to the viewing directions, and how much did these facing directions differ?

      Out of the five walkers we used, two faced straight left or right, orthogonal to the viewing directions. Two walked with their bodies oriented 45 degrees from the observer, to the left or right. The last one walked towards the observer. We have included a video (Video 4) to demonstrate the 5 facing directions.

      L. 232: How was the number of 5 practicing trials determined/justified?

      As mentioned in main text, global BM processing is susceptible to learning. Therefore, too many practicing trials would increase BM visual experience and influence the results. We determined the number of training trials to be 5 based on the results of the pilot experiment. During this phase, we observed that nearly all children were able to understand the task requirements well after completing 5 practicing trials.

      L 239: Apparently no non-parametric statistics was applied. Maybe it would be good to mention in the Statistics section briefly why this was justified.

      We appreciate your suggestion and have cited two references in the Statistics section (Fagerland et al. 2012, Rochon et al. 2012). Fagerland et al., mentioned that when the sample size increases, the t-test is more robust. According to the central limit theorem, when the sample size is greater than 30, the sampling distribution of the mean can be safely assumed to be normal.

      (http://www2.psychology.uiowa.edu/faculty/mordkoff/GradStats/part%201/I.07%20normal.p df). In fact, we also ran non-parametric statistics for our data and found the results to be robust.

      L 290: 'FIQ' this abbreviation should be defined.

      Regarding the abbreviation ’FIQ’, it stands for the abbreviation of the full-scale intellectual quotient, which was mentioned in Materials and methods section:

      “Scores of the four broad areas constitute the full-scale intellectual quotient (FIQ).”

      L. 290 ff.: These model 'BM-local = age + gender etc ' is a pretty sloppy notation. I think what is meant that a GLM was used that uses the predictors gender etc. time appropriate beta_i values. This formula should be corrected or one just says that a GLM was run with the predictors gender ....

      The same criticism applies to these other models that follow.

      We thank you for pointing this out. We have modified all formulas accordingly in the revised manuscript (see part3 of the Results section).

      All these models assume linearity of the combination of the predictors.was this assumption verified?

      We referred to the previous study of BM perception in children. They found main predictor variables, including IQ (Rutherford et al., 2012; Jones et al., 2011) and age (Annaz et al., 2010; van et al., 2016), have a linear relation with the ability of BM processing.

      L. 296ff.: For model (b) it looks like general BM performance is strongly driven by the predictor global BM performance in the group of patients. Does the same observation also apply to the normals?

      The same phenomenon was not observed in TD children. We have briefly discussed this point in the Discussion section of the revised manuscript (lines 449 - 459).

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) Please add public access to the data repository so data availability can be assessed.

      The data of the study will be available at https://osf.io/37p5s/.

      (2) Although overall, the language was clear and understandable, there are a few parts where language might confuse a reader and lead to misconceptions. For instance, line 52: Did the authors mean to refer to 'emotions and intentions' instead of 'emotions and purposes'? See also examples where rephrasing may help to reflect a statement is speculation rather than fact.

      Thanks for the comments. We have carefully checked the full text and rephrased the confused statements.

      (3) Line 83/84: Autism is not a 'mental disorder' - please change to something like 'developmental disability'. Authors are encouraged to adapt their language according to terms preferred by the community (e.g., see Fig. 5 in this article:


      Suggestion well taken. We have changed the wording accordingly:

      “In recent years, BM perception has received significant attention in studies of mental disorders (e.g., schizophrenia30) and developmental disabilities, particularly in ASD, characterized by deficits in social communication and social interaction31,32.” (lines 93 - 95)

      (4) Please report how the sample size for the study was determined.

      In the Materials and methods section (lines 168 - 173), we explained how the sample size was determined.

      Line 94: It would be helpful to have a brief description of what neurophysiological differences have been observed upon BM perception in children with ADHD.

      Thanks for the comment. We have added a brief description of neurophysiological findings in children with ADHD (lines 108 - 111).

      (6) Line 106/107 and 108/109: please add references.

      We have revised this part, and the relevant findings and references are in line with the revised manuscript (lines 77, 132 - 133).

      (7) Line 292: Please add what order the factors were entered into each regression model.

      Regarding this issue, we used SPSS 26 for the main analysis. SPSS utilizes the Type III sum of squares (default) to evaluate models. Regardless of the order in the GLM, we will obtain the same result. For more information, please refer to the documentation of SPSS 26 (https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/spss-statistics/26.0.0?topic=features-glm-univariate-analysis).

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors)

      (1) Task specifics. It is key to understanding the findings, as well as the dissociation between tasks, that the precise nature of the stimuli is clear. I think there is room for improvement in description here. Task 1 is described as involving relocating dots within the range of the intact walker. Of course, PLWs are created by presenting dots at the joints, so relocation can involve either moving to another place on the body, or random movement within the 2D spatial array (which likely involves moving it off the body). Which was done? It is said that Ps must indicate the motion direction, but what was the display of the walker? Sagittal? Task 2 requires detecting whether there is an intact walker amongst scrambled walkers. Were all walkers completely overlaid? Task 3 requires detecting the left v right facing of an intact walker at different orientations, presented amongst noise. So Task 3 requires determining facing direction and Task 1 walking direction. Are these tasks the same but described differently? Or can walkers ever walk backwards? Wrt this point, I also think it would help the reader if example videos were uploaded.

      We appreciate you for bringing this to our attention. With regards to Task 1, it appears that your second speculation is correct. We scrambled the original dots and randomly presented them within the 2D spatial array (which likely involved moving them off the body). As a result, the global configuration of the 13 dots was completed disrupted while preserving the motion trajectory of each individual dot. This led to the display of scrambled dots on the monitor (which does not resemble a human). In practice, these local BM cues contain information about motion direction. In Task 2, the target walkers completely overlaid by a mask that is approximately 1.44 times the size of the intact walker. The task requirements of Task 1 and Task3 are same, which is judging the motion (walking) direction. The difference is that Task 1 displayed a scrambled walker while Task 3 displayed an intact walker within a mask. We have clarified these points and improved our descriptions in Procedure section and created example videos for each task, which we believe will be helpful for the readers to understand each task.

      (2) Gender confound (see above). I think that the authors should present the results without gender as a covariate. Can they separate boys and girls on the plots with different coloured individual datapoints, such that readers can see whether it's actually a gender effect driving the supposed ADHD effect? And show that there are no signs of a gender effect in their TD group?

      This point is similar to the point #1 you mentioned. Please refer to our response to that point above.

      (3) Autism possible confound (see above). I think the authors must report whether any of the ADHD group had an autism diagnosis.

      Please refer to the response for the point #2 your mentioned.

      (4) Conclusions concerning differences between the local and global tasks wrt SRS and age (see above). I believe the authors should add stats demonstrating differences between the correlations to support such claims, as well as demonstrating appropriate scatterplots for SRS-Task 1, SRS-Task 2, SRS-Task 3 and age-Task 1, age-Task2 and age-Task 3 (with separate lines of best fit for the two groups in each).

      Please refer to the response for the point #3 your mentioned.

      (5) Theoretical assumptions (see above). I would suggest rephrasing all claims here to outline that these discussed mechanistic differences between local and global BM processing are only possibilities and not known on the basis of existing data.

      Please refer to the response for the point #4 your mentioned.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I only have a few minor suggestions:

      Abstract: I really liked the conclusion (that IM and VWM are two temporal extremes of the same process) as articulated in lines 557--563. (It is always satisfying when the distinction between two things that seem fundamentally different vanishes). If something like this but shorter could be included in the Abstract, it would highlight the novel aspects of the results a little more, I think.

      Thank you for this comment. We have added the following to the abstract:

      “A key conclusion is that differences in capacity classically thought to distinguish IM and VWM are in fact contingent upon a single resource-limited WM store.”

      L 216: There's an orphan parenthesis in "(justifying the use".


      L 273: "One surprising result was the observed set size effect in the 0 ms delay condition". In this paragraph, it might be a good idea to remind the reader of the difference between the simultaneous and zero-delay conditions. If I got it right, the results differ between these conditions because it takes some amount of processing time to interpret the cue and free the resources associated with the irrelevant stimuli. Recalling that fact would make this paragraph easier to digest.

      That is correct. However, at this point in the text, we have not yet fitted the DyNR model to the data. Therefore, we believe that introducing cue processing and resource reallocation as concepts that differentiate between those two conditions would disrupt the flow of this paragraph. We address these points soon after, in a paragraph starting on line 341.

      Figures 3, 5: The labels at the bottom of each column in A would be more clear if placed at the top of each column instead. That way, the x-axis for the plots in A could be labeled appropriately, as "Error in orientation estimate" or something to that effect.

      We edited both figures, now Figure 4 and Figure 6, as suggested.

      L 379: It should be "(see Eq 6)", I believe.

      That is correct, line 379 (currently line 391) should read ‘Eq 6’. Fixed.

      L 379--385: I was a bit mystified as to why the scaled diffusion rate produced a worse fit than a constant rate. I imagine the scaled version was set to something like

      sigma^2_diff_scaled = sigma^2_base + K*(N-1)

      where N is the set size and sigma^2_base and K are parameters. If this model produced a similar fit as with a constant diffusion rate, the AIC would penalize it because of the extra parameter. But why would the fit be worse (i.e., not match the pattern of variability)? Shouldn't the fitter just find that the K=0 solution is the best? Not a big deal; the Nelder-Mead solutions can wobble when that many parameters are involved, but if there's a simple explanation it might be worth commenting on.

      The scaled diffusion was implemented by extending Eq 6 in the following way:

      σ(t)2 = (t-toffset) * σ̇ 2diff * N

      where N is set size. Therefore, the scaling was not associated with a free parameter that could become 0 if set size did not affect diffusion rate, but variability rather mandatory increased with set size. We now clarify this in the text:

      “The second variant was identical to the proposed model, except that we replaced the constant diffusion rate with a set size scaled diffusion rate by multiplying the right side of Eq 6 by N.“

      Figure 4 is not mentioned in the main text. Maybe the end of L 398 would be a good place to point to it. The paragraph at L 443-455 would also benefit from a couple of references to it.

      Thank you for this suggestion. Figure 4 (now Figure 5) was previously mentioned on line 449 (previously line 437), but now we have included it on line 410 (previously line 398), within the paragraph spanning lines 455-467 (previously 443-455), and also on line 136 where we first discuss masking effects.

      L 500: Figure S7 is mentioned before Figures S5 and S6. Quite trivial, I know....

      Thank you for this comment. There was no specific reason for Figure S7 to appear after S5 & S6, so we simply swapped their order to be consistent with how they are referred to in the manuscript (i.e., S7 became S5, S5 became S6, and S6 became S7).

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) One potential weakness is that the model assumes sensory information is veridical. However, this isn't likely the case. Acknowledging noise in sensory representations could affect the model interpretation in a couple of different ways. First, neurophysiological recordings have shown normalization affects sensory representations, even when a stimulus is still present on the screen. The DyNR model partially addresses this concern because reports are drawn from working memory, which is normalized. However, if sensory representations were also normalized, then it may improve the model variant where subjects draw directly from sensory representations (an alternative model that is currently described but discarded).

      Thank you for this suggestion. We can consider two potential mechanisms through which divisive normalization might be incorporated into sensory processing within the DyNR model.

      The first possibility involves assuming that normalization is pre-attentive. In this scenario, the sensory activity of each object would be rescaled at the lowest level of sensory processing, occurring before the allocation of attentional or VWM resources. One strong prediction of such an implementation is that recall error in the simultaneous cue condition (Experiment 1) should vary with set size. However, this prediction is inconsistent with the observed data, which failed to show a significant difference between set sizes, and is more closely aligned with the hypothesis of no-difference (F(2,18) = 1.26, p = .3, η2 = .04, BF10 = 0.47). On that basis, we anticipate that introducing normalization as a pre-attentive mechanism would impair the model fit.

      An alternative scenario is to consider normalization as post-attentive. In the simultaneous cueing condition, only one item is attended (i.e., the cued one), regardless of the displayed set size. Here, we would expect normalized activity for a single item, regardless of the number of presented objects, which would then be integrated into VWM. This expanded DyNR model with post-attentive normalization would make exactly the same predictions as the proposed DyNR for recall fidelity, so distinguishing between these models would not be possible based on working memory experiments.

      To acknowledge the possibility that sensory signals could undergo divisive normalization and to motivate future research, we have added the following to our manuscript:

      “As well as being implicated in higher cognitive processes including VWM (Buschman et al, 2011; Sprague et al., 2014), divisive normalization has been shown to be widespread in basic sensory processing (Bonin et al., 2005; Busse et al., 2009; Ni et al., 2017). The DyNR model presently incorporates the former but not the latter type of normalization. While the data observed in our experiments do not provide evidence for normalization of sensory signals (note comparable recall errors across set size in the simultaneous cue condition of Experiment 1), this may be because sensory suppressive effects are localized and our stimuli were relatively widely separated in the visual field: future research could explore the consequences of sensory normalization for recall from VWM using, e.g., centre-surround stimuli (Bloem et al., 2018).”

      Bloem, I. M., Watanabe, Y. L., Kibbe, M. M., & Ling, S. (2018). Visual Memories Bypass Normalization. Psychological Science, 29(5), 845–856. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797617747091

      Bonin, V., Mante, V., & Carandini, M. (2005). The Suppressive Field of Neurons in Lateral Geniculate Nucleus. The Journal of Neuroscience, 25(47), 10844–10856. https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3562-05.2005

      Buschman, T. J., Siegel, M., Roy, J. E., & Miller, E. K. (2011). Neural substrates of cognitive capacity limitations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(27), 11252–11255. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1104666108

      Busse, L., Wade, A. R., & Carandini, M. (2009). Representation of Concurrent Stimuli by Population Activity in Visual Cortex. Neuron, 64(6), 931–942. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2009.11.004

      Ni, A. M., & Maunsell, J. H. R. (2017). Spatially tuned normalization explains attention modulation variance within neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology, 118(3), 1903–1913. https://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00218.2017

      Sprague, T. C., Ester, E. F., & Serences, J. T. (2014). Reconstructions of Information in Visual Spatial Working Memory Degrade with Memory Load. Current Biology, 24(18), 2174–2180. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2014.07.066

      Second, visual adaptation predicts sensory information should decrease over time. This would predict that for long stimulus presentation times, the error would increase. Indeed, this seems to be reflected in Figure 5B. This effect is not captured by the DyNR model.

      Indeed, neural responses in the visual cortex have been observed to quickly adapt during stimulus presentation, showing reduced responses to prolonged stimuli after an initial transient (Groen et al., 2022; Sawamura et al., 2006; Zhou et al., 2019). This adaptation typically manifests as 1) reduced activity towards the end of stimulus presentation and 2) a faster decay towards baseline activity after stimulus offset.

      In the DyNR model, we use an idealized solution in which we convolve the presented visual signal with a response function (i.e., temporal filter). At the longest presentation durations, in DyNR, the sensory signal plateaus and remains stable until stimulus offset. Because our psychophysical data does not allow us to identify the exact neural coding scheme that underlies the sensory signal, we tend to favour this simple implementation, which is broadly consistent with some previous attempts to model temporal dynamics in sensory responses (e.g., Carandini and Heeger, 1994). However, we agree with the reviewer that some adaptation of the sensory signal with prolonged presentation would also be consistent with our data.

      We have added the following to the manuscript:

      “In Experiment 2, the longest presentation duration shows an upward trend in error at set sizes 4 and 10. While this falls within the range of measurement error, it is also possible that this is a meaningful pattern arising from visual adaptation of the sensory signal, whereby neural populations reduce their activity after prolonged stimulation. This would mean less residual sensory signal would be available after the cue to supplement VWM activity, predicting a decline in fidelity at higher set sizes. Visual adaptation has previously been successfully accounted for by a type of delayed normalization model in which the sensory signal undergoes a series of linear and nonlinear transformations (Zhou et al., 2019). Such a model could in future be incorporated into DyNR and validated against psychophysical and neural data.”

      Carandini, M., & Heeger, D. J. (1994). Summation and division by neurons in primate visual cortex. Science, 264(5163), 1333–1336. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.8191289

      Groen, I. I. A., Piantoni, G., Montenegro, S., Flinker, A., Devore, S., Devinsky, O., Doyle, W., Dugan, P., Friedman, D., Ramsey, N. F., Petridou, N., & Winawer, J. (2022). Temporal Dynamics of Neural Responses in Human Visual Cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience, 42(40), 7562–7580. https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1812-21.2022

      Sawamura, H., Orban, G. A., & Vogels, R. (2006). Selectivity of Neuronal Adaptation Does Not Match Response Selectivity: A Single-Cell Study of the fMRI Adaptation Paradigm. Neuron, 49(2), 307–318. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2005.11.028

      Zhou, J., Benson, N. C., Kay, K., & Winawer, J. (2019). Predicting neuronal dynamics with a delayed gain control model. PLOS Computational Biology, 15(11), e1007484. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007484

      (2) A second potential weakness is that, in Experiment 1, the authors briefly change the sensory stimulus at the end of the delay (a 'phase shift', Fig. 6A). I believe this is intended to act as a mask. However, I would expect that, in the DyNR model, this should be modeled as a new sensory input (in Experiment 2, 50 ms is plenty of time for the subjects to process the stimuli). One might expect this change to disrupt sensory and memory representations in a very characteristic manner. This seems to make a strong testable hypothesis. Did the authors find evidence for interference from the phase shift?

      The phase shift was implemented with the intention of reducing retinal after-effects, essentially acting as a mask for retinal information only; crucially the orientation of the stimulus is unchanged by the phase shift, so from the perspective of the DyNR model, it transmits the same orientation information to working memory as the original stimulus.

      If our objective were to model sensory input at the level of individual neurons and their receptive fields, we would indeed need to treat this phase shift as a novel input. Nevertheless, for DyNR, conceived as an idealization of a biological system for encoding orientation information, we can safely assume that visual areas in biological organisms have a sufficient number of phase-sensitive simple cells and phase-indifferent complex cells to maintain the continuity of input to VWM.

      When comparing conditions with and without the phase shift of stimuli (Fig S1B), we found performance to be comparable in the perceptual condition (simultaneous presentation) and with the longest delay (1 second), suggesting that the phase shift did not change the visibility or encoding of information into VWM. In contrast, we found strong evidence that observers had access to an additional source of information over intermediate delays when the phase shift was not used. This was evident through enhanced recall performance from 0 ms to 400 ms delay. Based on this, we concluded that the additional source of information available in the absence of a phase shift was accessible immediately following stimulus offset and had a brief duration, aligning with the theoretical concept of retinal afterimages.

      (3) It seems odd that the mask does not interrupt sensory processing in Experiment 2. Isn't this the intended purpose of the mask? Should readers interpret this as all masks not being effective in disrupting sensory processing/iconic memory? Or is this specific to the mask used in the experiment?

      Visual masks are often described as instantly and completely halting the visual processing of information that preceded the mask. We also anticipated the mask would entirely terminate sensory processing, but our data indicate the effect was not complete (as indicated by model variants in Experiment 2). Nevertheless, we believe we achieved our intended goal with this experiment – we observed a clear modulation of response errors with changing stimulus duration, indicating that the post-stimulus information that survived masking did not compromise the manipulation of stimulus duration. Moreover, the DyNR model successfully accounted for the portion of signal that survived the mask.

      We can identify two possible reasons why masking was incomplete. First, it is possible that the continuous report measure used in our experiments is more sensitive than the discrete measures (e.g., forced-choice methods) commonly employed in experiments that found masks to be 100% effective. Second, despite using a flickering white noise mask at full contrast, it is possible that it may not have been the most effective mask; for instance, a mask consisting of many randomly oriented Gabor patches matched in spatial frequency to the stimuli could prove more effective. We decided against such a mask because we were concerned that it could potentially act as a new input to orientation-sensitive neurons, rather than just wiping out any residual sensory activity.

      (4) I apologize if I missed it, but the authors did not compare the DyNR model to a model without decaying sensory information for Experiment 1.

      We tested two DyNR variants in which the diffusion process was solely responsible for memory fidelity dynamics. These models assumed that the sensory signal terminates abruptly with stimuli offset, and the VWM signal encoding the stimuli was equal to the limit imposed by normalization, independent of the delay duration.

      As variants of this model failed to account for the observed response errors both quantitatively (see 'Fixed neural signal' under Model variants) and qualitatively (Figure S3), we decided not to test any more restrictive variants, such as the one without sensory decay and diffusion.

      (5) In the current model, selection is considered to be absolute (all or none). However, this need not be the case (previous work argues for graded selection). Could a model where memories are only partially selected, in a manner that is mediated by load, explain the load effects seen in behavior?

      Thank you for this point. If attentional selection was partial, it would affect the observers’ efficiency in discarding uncued objects to release allocated resources and encode additional information about the cued item. We and others have previously examined whether humans can efficiently update their VWM when previous items become obsolete. For example, Taylor et al. (2023) showed that observers could efficiently remove uncued items from VWM and reallocate the released resources to new visual information. These findings align with results from other studies (e.g., Ecker, Oberauer, & Lewandowsky, 2014; Kessler & Meiran, 2006; Williams et al., 2013).

      Based on these findings, we feel justified in assuming that observers in our current task were capable of fully removing all uncued objects, allowing them to continue the encoding process for the cued orientation that was already partially stored in VWM, such that the attainable limit on representational precision for the cued item equals the maximum precision of VWM.

      Partial removal could in principle be modelled in the DyNR model by introducing an additional plateau parameter specifying a maximum attainable precision after the cue. Our concern would be that such a plateau parameter would trade off with the parameter associated with Hick’s law (i.e., cue interpretation time). The former would control the amount of information that can be encoded into VWM, while the latter regulates the amount of sensory information available for encoding. We are wary of adding additional parameters, and hence flexibility, to the model where we do not have the data to sufficiently constrain them.

      Ecker, U. K. H., Oberauer, K., & Lewandowsky, S. (2014b). Working memory updating involves item-specific removal. Journal of Memory and Language, 74, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jml. 2014.03.006

      Kessler, Y., & Meiran, N. (2006). All updateable objects in working memory are updated whenever any of them are modified: Evidence from the memory updating paradigm. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 32, 570–585. https://doi.org/10.1037/0278-7393.32.3.570

      Taylor, R., Tomić, I., Aagten-Murphy, D., & Bays, P. M. (2023). Working memory is updated by reallocation of resources from obsolete to new items. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 85(5), 1437–1451. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13414-022-02584-2

      Williams, M., & Woodman, G. F. (2012). Directed forgetting and directed remembering in visual working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 38(5), 1206–1220. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0027389

      (6) Previous work, both from the authors and others, has shown that memories are biased as if they are acted on by attractive/repulsive forces. For example, the memory of an oriented bar is biased away from horizontal and vertical and biased towards diagonals. This is not accounted for in the current model. In particular, this could be one mechanism to generate a non-uniform drift rate over time. As noted in the paper, a non-uniform drift rate could capture many of the behavioral effects reported.

      The reviewer is correct that the model does not currently include stimulus-specific effects, although our work on that topic provides a clear template for incorporating them in future (e.g. Taylor & Bays, 2018). Specifically on the question of generating a non-uniform drift, we have another project that currently looks at this exact question (cited in our manuscript as Tomic, Girones, Lengyel, and Bays; in prep.). By examining various datasets with varying memory delays, including the Additional Dataset 1 reported in the Supplementary Information, we found that stimulus-specific effects on orientation recall remain constant with retention time. Specifically, although there is a clear increase in overall error over time, estimation biases remain constant in direction and amplitude, indicating that the bias does not manifest in drift rates (see also Rademaker et al., 2018; Figure S1).

      Taylor, R., & Bays, P. M. (2018). Efficient coding in visual working memory accounts for stimulus-specific variations in recall. The Journal of Neuroscience, 1018–18. https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1018-18.2018

      Rademaker, R. L., Park, Y. E., Sack, A. T., & Tong, F. (2018). Evidence of gradual loss of precision for simple features and complex objects in visual working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. https://doi.org/10.1037/xhp0000491

      (7) Finally, the authors use AIC to compare many different model variants to the DyNR model. The delta-AICs are high (>10), indicating a strong preference for the DyNR model over the variants. However, the overall quality of fit to the data is not clear. What proportion of the variance in data was the model able to explain? In particular, I think it would be helpful for the reader if the authors reported the variance explained on withheld data (trials, conditions, or subjects).

      Thank you for this comment.

      Below we report the estimates of r2, representing the goodness of fit between observed data (i.e., RMSE) and the DyNR model predictions.

      In Experiment 1, the r2 values between observations and predictions were computed across delays for each set size, yielding the following estimates: r2ss1 = 0.60; r2ss4 = 0.87; r2ss10 = 0.95. Note that lower explained variance for set size 1 arises from both data and model predictions having near-constant precision.

      In Experiment 2, we calculated r2 between observations and predictions across presentation durations, separately for each set size, resulting in the following estimates: r2ss1 = 0.88; r2ss4 = 0.71; r2ss10 = 0.70. Note that in this case the decreasing percentage of explained variance with set size is a consequence of having less variability in both data and model predictions with larger set sizes.

      While these estimates suggest that the DyNR model effectively fits the psychophysical data, a more rigorous validation approach would involve cross-validation checks across all conditions with a withheld portion of trials. Regrettably, due to the large number of conditions in each experiment, we could only collect 50 trials per condition. We are sceptical that fitting the model to even fewer trials, as necessary for cross-validation, would provide a reliable assessment of model performance.

      Minor: It isn't clear to me why the behavioral tasks are shown in Figure 6. They are important for understanding the results and are discussed earlier in the manuscript (before Figure 3). This just required flipping back and forth to understand the task before I could interpret the results.

      Thank you for this comment. We have now moved the behavioural task figure to appear early in the manuscript (as Figure 3).

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) Dynamics of sensory signals during perception

      I believe that the modeled sensory signal is a reasonable simplification and different ways to model the decay function are discussed. I would like to ask the authors to discuss the implications of slightly more complex initial sensory transients such as the ones shown in Teeuwen (2021). Specifically for short exposure times, this might be particularly relevant for the model fits as some of the alternative models diverge from the data for short exposures. In addition, the role of feedforward (initial transient?) and feedback signaling (subsequent "plateau" activity) could be discussed. The first one might relate more strongly to sensory signals whereas the latter relates more to top-down attention/recurrent processing/VWM.

      Particularly, this latter response might also be sensitive to the number of items present on the screen which leads to a related question pertaining to the limitations of attention during perception. Some work suggests that perception is similarly limited in the amount of information that can be represented concurrently (Tsubomi, 2013). Could the authors discuss the implications of this hypothesis? What happens if maximum sensory amplitude is set as a free parameter in the model?

      Tsubomi, H., Fukuda, K., Watanabe, K., & Vogel, E. K. (2013). Neural limits to representing objects still within view. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(19), 8257-8263.

      Thank you for this question. Below, we unpack it and answer it point by point.

      While we agree our model of the sensory response is justified as an idealization of the biological reality, we also recognise that recent electrophysiological recordings have illuminated intricacies of neuronal responses within the striate cortex, a critical neural region associated with sensory memory (Teeuwen et al, 2021). Notably, these recordings reveal a more nuanced pattern where neurons exhibit an initial burst of activity succeeded by a lower plateau in firing rate, and stimulus offset elicits a second small burst in the response of some neurons, followed by a gradual decrease in activity after the stimulus disappears (Teeuwen et al, 2021).

      In general, asynchronous bursts of activity in individual neurons will tend to average out in the population making little difference to predictions of the DyNR model. Synchronized bursts at stimulus onset could affect predictions for the shortest presentations in Exp 2, however the model appears to capture the data very well without including them. We would be wary of incorporating these phenomena into the model without more clarity on their universality (e.g., how stimulus-dependent they are), their significance at the population level (as opposed to individual neurons), and most importantly, their prominence in visual areas outside striate cortex. Specifically, while Teeuwen et al. (2021) described activity in V1, our model does not make strong assumptions about which visual areas are the source of the sensory input to WM. Based on these uncertainties we believe the idealized sensory response is justified for use in our model.

      Next, thank you for the comment on feedforward and feedback signals. We have added the following to our manuscript:

      “Following onset of a stimulus, the visual signal ascends through visual areas via a cascade of feedforward connections. This feedforward sweep conveys sensory information that persists during stimulus presentation and briefly after it disappears (Lamme et al., 1998). Simultaneously, reciprocal feedback connections carry higher-order information back towards antecedent cortical areas (Lamme and Roelfsema, 2000). In our psychophysical task, feedback connections likely play a critical role in orienting attention towards the cued item, facilitating the extraction of persisting sensory signals, and potentially signalling continuous information on the available resources for VWM encoding. While our computational study does not address the nature of these feedforward and feedback signals, a challenge for future research is to describe the relative contributions of these signals in mediating transmission of information between sensory and working memory (Semedo et al., 2022).”

      Lamme, V. A., Supèr, H., & Spekreijse, H. (1998). Feedforward, horizontal, and feedback processing in the visual cortex. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 8(4), 529–535. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0959-4388(98)80042-1

      Lamme, V. A. F., & Roelfsema, P. R. (2000). The distinct modes of vision offered by feedforward and recurrent processing. Trends in Neurosciences, 23(11), 571–579. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0166-2236(00)01657-X

      Semedo, J. D., Jasper, A. I., Zandvakili, A., Krishna, A., Aschner, A., Machens, C. K., Kohn, A., & Yu, B. M. (2022). Feedforward and feedback interactions between visual cortical areas use different population activity patterns. Nature Communications, 13(1), 1099. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-28552-w

      Finally, both you and Reviewer 2 raised a similar interesting question regarding capacity limitations of attention during perception Such a limitation could be modelled by freely estimating sensory amplitude and implementing divisive normalization to that signal, similar to how VWM is constrained. We can consider two potential mechanisms through which divisive normalization might be incorporated into sensory processing within the DyNR model.

      The first possibility involves assuming that normalization is pre-attentive. In this scenario, the sensory activity of each object would be rescaled at the lowest level of sensory processing, occurring before the allocation of attentional or VWM resources. One strong prediction of such an implementation is that recall error in the simultaneous cue condition (Experiment 1) should vary with set size. However, this prediction is inconsistent with the observed data, which failed to show a significant difference between set sizes, and is more closely aligned with the hypothesis of no-difference (F(2,18) = 1.26, p = .3, η2 = .04, BF10 = 0.47). On that basis, we anticipate that introducing normalization as a pre-attentive mechanism would impair the model fit.

      An alternative scenario is to consider normalization as post-attentive. In the simultaneous cueing condition, only one item is attended (i.e., the cued one), regardless of the displayed set size. Here, we would expect normalized activity for a single item, regardless of the number of presented objects, which would then be integrated into VWM. This expanded DyNR model with post-attentive normalization would make exactly the same predictions as the proposed DyNR for recall fidelity, so distinguishing between these models would not be possible based on working memory experiments.

      To acknowledge the possibility that sensory signals could undergo divisive normalization and to motivate future research, we have added the following to our manuscript:

      “As well as being implicated in higher cognitive processes including VWM (Buschman et al, 2011; Sprague et al., 2014), divisive normalization has been shown to be widespread in basic sensory processing (Bonin et al., 2005; Busse et al., 2009; Ni et al., 2017). The DyNR model presently incorporates the former but not the latter type of normalization. While the data observed in our experiments do not provide evidence for normalization of sensory signals (note comparable recall errors across set size in the simultaneous cue condition of Experiment 1), this may be because sensory suppressive effects are localized and our stimuli were relatively widely separated in the visual field: future research could explore the consequences of sensory normalization for recall from VWM using, e.g., centre-surround stimuli (Bloem et al., 2018).”

      Bloem, I. M., Watanabe, Y. L., Kibbe, M. M., & Ling, S. (2018). Visual Memories Bypass Normalization. Psychological Science, 29(5), 845–856. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797617747091

      Bonin, V., Mante, V., & Carandini, M. (2005). The Suppressive Field of Neurons in Lateral Geniculate Nucleus. The Journal of Neuroscience, 25(47), 10844–10856. https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3562-05.2005

      Buschman, T. J., Siegel, M., Roy, J. E., & Miller, E. K. (2011). Neural substrates of cognitive capacity limitations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(27), 11252–11255. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1104666108

      Busse, L., Wade, A. R., & Carandini, M. (2009). Representation of Concurrent Stimuli by Population Activity in Visual Cortex. Neuron, 64(6), 931–942. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2009.11.004

      Ni, A. M., & Maunsell, J. H. R. (2017). Spatially tuned normalization explains attention modulation variance within neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology, 118(3), 1903–1913. https://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00218.2017

      Sprague, T. C., Ester, E. F., & Serences, J. T. (2014). Reconstructions of Information in Visual Spatial Working Memory Degrade with Memory Load. Current Biology, 24(18), 2174–2180. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2014.07.066

      (2) Effectivity of retro-cues at long delays

      Can the authors discuss how cues presented at long delays (>1000 ms) can still lead to increased memory fidelity when sensory signals are likely to have decayed? A list of experimental work demonstrating this can be found in Souza & Oberauer (2016).

      Souza, A. S., & Oberauer, K. (2016). In search of the focus of attention in working memory: 13 years of the retro-cue effect. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 78, 1839-1860.

      The increased memory fidelity observed with longer delays between memory array offset and cue does not result from integrating available sensory signals into VWM because the sensory signal would have completely decayed by that time. Instead, research so far has indicated several alternative mechanisms that could lead to higher recall precision for cued items, and we can briefly summarize some of them, which are also reviewed in more detail in Souza and Oberauer (2016).

      One possibility is that, after a highly predictive retro-cue indicates the to-be-tested item, uncued items can simply be removed from VWM. This could result in decreased interference for the cued item, and consequently higher recall precision. Secondly, the retro-cue could also indicate which item can be selectively attended to, and thereby differentially strengthening it in memory. Furthermore, the retro-cue could allow evidence to accumulate for the target item ahead of decision-making, and this could increase the probability that the correct information will be selected for response. Finally, the retro-cued stimulus could be insulated from interference by subsequent visual input, while the uncued stimuli may remain prone to such interference.

      A neural account of this retro-cue effect based on the original neural resource model has been proposed in Bays & Taylor, Cog Psych, 2018. However, as we did not use a retro-cue design in the present experiments, we have decided not to elaborate on this in the manuscript.

      (3) Swap errors

      I am somewhat surprised by the empirically observed and predicted pattern of swap errors displayed in Figure S2. For set size 10, swap probability does not consistently increase with the duration of the retention interval, although this was predicted by the author's model. At long intervals, swap probability is significantly higher for large compared to small set sizes, which also seems to contrast with the idea of shared, limited VWM resources. Can the authors provide some insight into why the model fails to reproduce part of the behavioral pattern for swap errors? The sentence in line 602 might also need some reconsideration in this regard.

      Determining the ground truth for swap errors poses a challenge. The prevailing approach has been to employ a simpler model that estimates swap errors, such as a three-component mixture model, and use those estimates as a proxy for ground truth. However, this method is not without its shortcomings. For example, the variability of swap frequency estimates tends to increase with variability in the report feature dimension (here, orientation). This is due to the increasing overlap of response probability distributions for swap and non-swap responses. Consequently, the discrepancy between any two methods of swap estimation is most noticeable when there is substantial variability in orientation reports (e.g., 10 items and long delay or short exposure).

      When modelling swap frequency in the DyNR model, our aim was to provide a parsimonious account of swap errors while implementing similar dynamics in the spatial (cue) feature as in the orientation (report) feature. This parametric description captured the overall pattern of swap frequency with set size and retention and encoding time, but is still only an approximation of the predictions if we fully modelled memory for the conjunction of cue and report features (as in e.g. Schneegans & Bays, 2017; McMaster et al, 2020).

      We expanded the existing text in the section ‘Representational dynamics of cue-dimension features’ of our manuscript:

      “… Although we did not explicitly model the neural signals representing location, the modelled dynamics in the probability of swap errors were consistent with those of the primary memory feature. We provided a more detailed neural account of swap errors in our earlier works that is theoretically compatible with the DyNR model (McMaster et al., 2020; Schneegans & Bays, 2017).

      The DyNR model successfully captured the observed pattern of swap frequencies (intrusion errors). The only notable discrepancy between DyNR and the three-component mixture model (Fig. S2) arises with the largest set size and longest delay, although with considerable interindividual variability. As the variability in report-dimension increases, the estimates of swap frequency become more variable due to the growing overlap between the probability distributions of swap and non-swap responses. This may explain apparent deviations from the modelled swap frequencies with the highest set size and longest delay where orientation response variability was greatest. “

      McMaster, J. M. V., Tomić, I., Schneegans, S., & Bays, P. M. (2022). Swap errors in visual working memory are fully explained by cue-feature variability. Cognitive Psychology, 137, 101493. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogpsych.2022.101493

      Schneegans, S., & Bays, P. M. (2017). Neural Architecture for Feature Binding in Visual Working Memory. The Journal of Neuroscience, 37(14), 3913–3925. https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3493-16.2017

      (4) Direct sensory readout

      The model assumes that readout from sensory memory and from VWM happens with identical efficiency. Currently, we don't know if these two systems are highly overlapping or are fundamentally different in terms of architecture and computation. In the case of the latter, it might be less reasonable to assume that information readout would happen at similar efficiencies, as it is currently assumed in the manuscript. Perhaps the authors could briefly discuss this possibility.

      In the direct sensory read-out model, we did not explicitly model the efficiency of readout from either sensory or VWM store. However, the distinctive prediction of this model is that the precision of recall changes exponentially with delay at every set size, including one item. This prediction does not depend on the relative efficiency of readout from sensory and working memory, but only on the principle that direct readout from sensory memory bypasses the capacity limit on working memory. This prediction is inconsistent with the pattern of results observed in Experiment 1, where early cues did not show a beneficial effect on recall error for set size 1. While the proposal raised by the reviewer is intriguing, even if we were to model the process of readout from both the sensory and VWM stores with different efficiencies, the direct read-out model could not account for the near-constant recall error with delay for set size one.

      (5) Encoding of distractors

      One of the model assumptions is that, for simultaneous presentations of memory array and cue only the cued feature will be encoded. Previous work has suggested that participants often accidentally encode distractors even when they are cued before memory array onset (Vogel 2005). Given these findings, how reasonable is this assumption in the authors' model?

      Vogel, E. K., McCollough, A. W., & Machizawa, M. G. (2005). Neural measures reveal individual differences in controlling access to working memory. Nature, 438(7067), 500-503.

      Although previous research suggested that observers can misinterpret the pre-cue and encode one of the uncued items, our results argue against this being the case in the current experiment. Such encoding failures would manifest in overall recall error, resulting in a gradient of error with set size, owing to the presence of more adjacent distractors in larger set sizes. However, when we compared recall errors between set sizes in the simultaneous cue condition, we did not find a significant difference between set sizes, and moreover, our results were more likely under the hypothesis of no-difference (F(2,18) = 1.26, p = .3, η2 = .04, BF10 = 0.47). If observers occasionally encoded and reported one of the uncued items in the simultaneous cue condition, those errors were extremely infrequent and did not affect the overall error distributions.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Zhang et al., investigated the relationship between monocular and binocular responses of V1 superficial-layer neurons using two-photon calcium imaging. They found a strong relationship in their data: neurons that exhibited a greater preference for one eye or the other (high ocular dominance) were more likely to be suppressed under binocular stimulation, whereas neurons that are more equivalently driven by each other (low ocular dominance) were more likely to be enhanced by binocular stimulation. This result chiefly demonstrates the relationship between ocular dominance and binocular responses in V1, corroborating what has been shown previously using electrophysiological techniques but now with greater spatial resolution (albeit less temporal resolution). The binocular responses were well-fitted by a model that institutes divisive normalization between the eyes that accounts for both the suppression and enhancement phenomena observed in the subpopulation of binocular neurons. In so doing, the authors reify the importance of incorporating ocular dominance in computational models of binocular combination.

      The conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by the data, but there are some limitations of the methodology that need to be clarified, and an expansion of how the results relate to previous work would better contextualize these important findings in the literature.


      The two-photon imaging technique used to resolve the activity of individual neurons within intact brain tissue grants a host of advantages. Foremost, two-photon imaging confers considerably high spatial resolution. As a result, the authors were able to sample and analyze the activity from thousands of verified superficial-layer V1 neurons. The animal model used, awake macaques, is also highly relevant for the study of binocular combination. Macaques, like humans, are binocular animals, meaning they have forward-facing eyes that confer overlapping visual fields. Importantly, macaque V1 is organized into cortical columns that process specific visual features from the separate eyes just like in humans. In combination with a powerful imaging technique, this allowed the authors to evaluate the monocular and binocular response profiles of V1 neurons that are situated within neighboring ocular dominance columns, a novel feat. To this aim, the approach was well-executed and should instill further confidence in the notion that V1 neurons combine monocular information in a manner that is dependent on the strength of their ocular dominance.


      While two-photon imaging provides excellent spatial resolution, its temporal resolution is often lower compared to some other techniques, such as electrophysiology. This limits the ability to study the fast dynamics of neuronal activity, a well-understood trade-off of the method. The issue is more so that the authors draw comparisons to electrophysiological studies without explicit appreciation of the temporal difference between these techniques. In a similar vein, two-photon imaging is limited spatially in terms of cortical depth, preferentially sampling from neurons in layers 2/3. This limitation does not invalidate any of the interpretations but should be considered by readers, especially when making comparisons to previous electrophysiological reports using microelectrode linear arrays that sample from all cortical layers. Indeed, it is likely that a complete picture of early cortical binocular processing will require high spatial resolution (i.e., sampling from neurons in neighboring ocular dominance columns, from pia mater to white matter) at the biophysically relevant timescales (1ms resolution, capturing response dynamics over the full duration of the stimulus presentation, including the transient onset and steady-state periods).

      To address the same concern from all three reviewers, we discussed the technical limitations of two photon calcium imaging at the end of Discussion, including limited imaging depth, low temporal resolution, and nonlinearity. The relevant texts are copied here:

      (Ln 304) “Limitations of the current study

      Although capable of sampling a large number of neurons at cellular resolution and with low sampling bias, two-photon calcium imaging has its known limitations that may better make it a complementary research tool to electrophysiological recordings.

      For example, two-photon imaging can only sample neurons from superficial-layers, while binocular neurons also exist in deeper layers, and even neurons in the input layer are affected by feedback from downstream binocular neurons to exhibit binocular response properties (Dougherty, Cox, Westerberg, & Maier, 2019). Furthermore, calcium signals are relatively slow and cannot reveal the fast dynamics of neuronal responses. Due to these spatial and temporal limitations, a more complete picture of the neuronal mechanisms underlying binocular combination of monocular responses may come from studies using both technologies.

      In addition, calcium signals may exaggerate the nonlinear properties of neurons. Although calcium signals indicated by GCaMP5, our favored choice of calcium indicator, displays a linear relationship to neuronal spike rates within a range of 10-150 Hz (Li, Liu, Jiang, Lee, & Tang, 2017), weak and strong signals out of this range are more nonlinear, and may appear poorer and stronger, respectively, than electrode-recorded effects. Consequently, the differences in population responses between monocular and binocular stimulations revealed by this study might be less pronounced.”

      (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Overall, my main suggestion for the authors to improve the paper is to revise some of the interpretations of their results in relation to previous research. The purpose of the present study was to illustrate a more complete picture of the binocular combination of monocular responses by taking into consideration the ocular dominance of V1 cells (lines 34-36). A study published earlier this year had an identical purpose (Mitchell et al., Current Biology, 2023) and arrived at a highly similar conclusion (and also applied divisive normalization to fit their data). I would ask that this paper be mentioned in the introduction and discussed.

      The Mitchell et al 2023 paper is added to the Introduction and Discussion:

      (Ln 50) “In addition (to the Dougherty et al 2019 paper from the same group), Mitchell, Carlson, Westerberg, Cox, and Maier (2023) reported that binocular combination of monocular stimuli with different contrasts is also affected by neurons’ eye preference.”

      (Ln 286) “The critical roles of ocular dominance have been largely overlooked by extant binocular vision models to our knowledge, except that Anderson and Movshon (1989) demonstrated that a model consisting of multiple ocular dominance channels can better explain their psychophysical adaptation data, and that Mitchell et al. (2023) revealed that binocular combination of different contrasts presented to different eyes are affected by neurons’ ocularity preference.”

      Nevertheless, the results of the present study are very valuable. They add substantial spatial resolution and sophisticated relational analysis of monocular and binocular responses that Mitchell et al., 2023 did not include. Therefore, my suggestion is to emphasize the advantages of two-photon imaging in the introduction, focusing on the ability to image neurons in neighboring ocular dominance columns. The rigorous modeling of the relationship between nearby neurons with a range of eye preferences, in tandem with the incredible yield of two-photon imaging, is what sets this paper apart from previous electrophysiological work.

      The finding that binocular responses were dependent on ocular dominance is largely consistent with previous electrophysiological results. However, there should be a paragraph in the discussion section that speaks to the limitations of comparing two-photon imaging data to electrophysiological data. Namely, there are two limitations:

      (1) These two techniques confer different temporal resolutions. It is conceivable that some of the electrophysiology relationships (for example, described by Dougherty et al., 2019) may be dependent on the temporal window over which the data was averaged, typically over 50-100ms around stimulus onset, or 100-250ms comprising the neurons' sustained response to the stimulus. This possible explanation of the difference in obtained results would be especially useful for the discussion paragraph starting at line 232. It would also be helpful to readers for there to be some mention of the advantage of having high temporal resolution (i.e., the benefits of electrophysiology) since (a) recent work has distinguished between sequential stages of binocular combination (Cox et al., 2019) and (b) modern models of V1 neurons emphasize recurrent feedback to explain V1 temporal dynamics (see Heeger et al., 2019; Rubin et al., 2015), which could prove to be relevant for combination of stimuli in the two eyes (Fleet et al., 1997).

      Our discussion regarding the technical limitations of 2-p calcium imaging has been listed earlier. Specific to the Dougherty et 2019 paper, we added the following discussion to address the issue of temporal resolution difference between two technologies.

      (Ln 266) “In addition, it is unclear whether the discrepancies are caused by different temporal resolutions of electrode recording and calcium imaging. The results of Dougherty et al. (2019) represent changes of neuronal spike activities over a period of approximately 50-200 ms after the stimulus onset, which may reflect the sustained neuronal responses to the stimulus and possible feedback signals. Calcium signals are much slower and indicative of the aggregated neuronal responses over a longer period (up to 1000 ms in the current study). They should have smeared, rather than exaggerated, the differences between monocular and binocular responses, although we cannot exclude the possibility that some neuronal response changes beyond 200 ms are responsible for the discrepancies.”

      (2) The sample of V1 neurons in this study is limited to cells in the most superficial layers of the cortex (layers 2/3). This limitation is, of course, well understood, but it should be mentioned at least in the context of studying the formative mechanisms of binocular combination in V1 (since we know that binocular neurons also exist in layers 5/6, and there is now substantial evidence that even layer 4 neurons are not as "monocular" as we previously thought (Dougherty et al., 2019)).

      See our discussion regarding the technical limitations of 2-p calcium imaging listed earlier.

      In short, I believe the paper would be improved by (1) adding the above citations in the appropriate places, (2) acknowledging in the introduction that this question has been investigated electrophysiologically but emphasizing the advantages of two-photon imaging, and (3) adding a paragraph to the discussion section that discusses the temporal and spatial limitations when using two-photon imaging to study binocular combination, particularly when comparing the results to electrophysiology.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This study examines the pattern of responses produced by the combination of left-eye and right-eye signals in V1. For this, they used calcium imaging of neurons in V1 of awake, fixating monkeys. They take advantage of calcium imaging, which yields large populations of neurons in each field of view. With their data set, they observe how response magnitude relates to ocular dominance across the entire population. They analyze carefully how the relationship changed as the visual stimulus switched from contra-eye only, ipsi-eye only, and binocular. As expected, the contra-eye-dominated neurons responded strongly with a contra-eye-only stimulus. The ipsi-eye-dominated neurons responded strongly with an ipsi-eye-only stimulus. The surprise was responses to a binocular stimulus. The responses were similarly weak across the entire population, regardless of each neuron's ocular dominance. They conclude that this pattern of responses could be explained by interocular divisive normalization, followed by binocular summation.


      A major strength of this work is that the model-fitting was done on a large population of simultaneously recorded neurons. This approach is an advancement over previous work, which did model-fitting on individual neurons. The fitted model in the manuscript represents the pattern observed across the large population in V1, and washes out any particular property of individual neurons. Given the large neuronal population from which the conclusion was drawn, the authors provide solid evidence supporting their conclusion. They also observed consistency across 5 fields of view.

      The experiments were designed and executed appropriately to test their hypothesis. Their data support their conclusion.


      One weakness of their study is that calcium signals can exaggerate the nonlinear properties of neurons. Calcium imaging renders poor responses poorer and strong responses stronger, compared to single-unit recording. In particular, the dramatic change in the population response between monocular stimulation and binocular stimulation could actually be less pronounced when measured with single-unit recording methods. This means their choice of recording method could have accidentally exaggerated the evidence of their finding.

      We discussed the nonlinearity of calcium signals as part of the technical limitations of 2-p imaging calcium. The calcium indicator we use, GCaMP5, has a reasonable range of linear relationship with spike rates. But out of this range, the nonlinearity is indeed a concern.

      (Ln 314) “In addition, calcium signals may exaggerate the nonlinear properties of neurons. Although signals indicated by GCaMP5, our favored choice of calcium indicator, displays a linear relationship to neuronal spike rate within a range of 10-150 Hz (Li et al., 2017), weak and strong signals out of this range are more nonlinear, and may appear poorer and stronger, respectively, than electrode-recorded effects. Consequently, the changes in population responses between monocular and binocular stimulations revealed by this study might be less pronounced.”

      The implication of their finding is that strong ocular dominance is the result of release from interocular suppression by a monocular stimulus, rather than the lack of binocular combination as many traditional studies have assumed. This could significantly advance our understanding of the binocular combination circuitry of V1. The entire population of neurons could be part of a binocular combination circuitry present in V1.

      This is a very good insight. We added the following sentences to the end of the first paragraph of Discussion:

      (Ln 242) “These findings implicate that at least for neurons in superficial layers of V1, significant ocular dominance may result from a release of interocular suppression during monocular stimulation, an unusual viewing condition as our vision is typically binocular, rather than a lack of binocular combination of inputs from upstream monocular neurons.”

      (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Line 150: "To model interocular response suppression, responses from each eye in Eq. 2 were further normalized by an interocular suppression factor wib or wcb," I recommend the authors improve their explanation of how they arrived at Eq. 3 from Eq. 2. As it stands, my impression is that they have one model for the responses to monocular stimulation, and another model for the responses to binocular stimulation. What I think is missing is that both equations are derived from the same model. Monocular stimulation is a situation in which the stimulus in one eye's contrast is zero. Could the authors clarify whether this situation produces an interocular suppression of zero, and how that leads to Eq. 2?

      We rewrote the modeling part to show that Equations 1-3 are sequential steps of development for the same model. We also added a brief paragraph to discuss how Eq. 3 could lead to Eq. 2 under monocular viewing:

      (Ln 166) “Although not shown in Eq. 3, we also assumed that the nonlinear exponent b also depends on the contrast of the stimulus presented to the other eye (i.e., Sc or Si). Consequently, when Sc or Si = 0 under monocular stimulation, Rc or Ri = 0 (Eq. 1), and interocular suppression wib or wcb = 1, so Eq. 3 changes back to Eq. 2. It is only when Sc and Si are equal and close to 1, as in the current study, that interocular suppression and binocular combination would be in the current Eq. 3 format.”

      Line 225: "However, individually, compared to monocular responses, responses of monocular neurons more preferring the stimulated eye are actually suppressed, and only responses of binocular neurons are increased by binocular stimulation." This sentence is difficult to follow. I recommend the authors improve clarity by breaking up the sentence into several sentences. If I understand correctly, they summarize the pattern in the data that is indicative of interocular divisive normalization, i.e., their final conclusion.

      This sentence no longer exists in the Discussion.

      Line 426: "Third, for those showing significant orientation difference, the trial-based orientation responses of each neuron were fitted with a Gaussian model with a MATLAB nonlinear least squares function:" The choice of using a Gaussian function to fit orientation tuning was probably suboptimal. A Gaussian function provides an adequate fit only for neurons whose tuning is very sharp. The responses outside of the peak fall down to the baseline and the two ends meet. Otherwise, the two ends do not meet. An adequate fit would be achieved with a function of a circular variable, which wraps around 180 deg. I recommend using a Von Mises function for fitting orientation tuning.

      We agree with the reviewer that the Von Mises function is more accurate than Gaussian for fitting orientation tuning functions. Indeed we are using it to fit orientation tuning of V4 neurons, many of which have two peaks. For the current V1 data, the differences between Von Mises and Gaussian fittings are very small, as shown in the orientation functional maps from three macaques below. Because we also use the same Gaussian fitting of orientation tuning in several published and current under-review papers, we prefer to keep the Gaussian fitting results in the manuscript.

      Author response image 1.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The authors have made simultaneous recordings of the responses of large numbers of neurons from the primary visual cortex using optical two-photon imaging of calcium signals from the superficial layers of the cortex. Recordings were made to compare the responses of the cortical neurons under normal binocular viewing of a flat screen with both eyes open and monocular viewing of the same screen with one eye's view blocked by a translucent filter. The screen displayed visual stimuli comprising small contrast patches of Gabor function distributions of luminance, a stimulus that is known to excite cortical neurons.

      This is an important data set, given the large numbers of neurons recorded. The authors present a simple model to explain the binocular combination of neuronal signals from the right and left eyes.

      The limitations of the paper as written are as follows. These points can be addressed with some additional analysis and rewriting of sections of the paper. No new experimental data need to be collected.

      (1) The authors should acknowledge the fact that these recordings arise from neurons in the superficial layers of the cortex. This limitation arises from the usual constraints on optical imaging in the macaque cortex. This means that the sample of neurons forming this data set is not fully representative of the population of binocular neurons within the visual cortex. This limitation is important in comparing the outcome of these experiments with the results from other studies of binocular combination, which have used single-electrode recording. Electrode recording will result in a sample of neurons that is drawn from many layers of the cortex, rather than just the superficial layers.

      See our discussion regarding the technical limitations of 2-p calcium imaging listed earlier.

      (2) Single-neuron recording of binocular neurons in the primary visual cortex has shown that these neurons often have some spontaneous activity. Assessment of this spontaneous level of firing is important for accurate model fitting [1]. The paper here should discuss the level of spontaneous neuronal firing and its potential significance.

      We have noticed previously that at non-optimal spatial frequencies, calcium responses to a moving Gabor grating are close to zero (Guan et al., Prog Neurobiology, 2021, Fig. 1B), but we cannot tell whether this is due to calcium response nonlinearity, or a close-to-zero level of spontaneous neuronal activity. Prince et al (2002) reported low spontaneous responses of V1 neurons with moving grating stimuli (e.g., about 3 spikes/sec in one exemplar neuron, their Fig. 1B), so this appears not a big effect. In our data fitting, we do have an orientation-unspecific component in the Gaussian model, which represents the neuronal response at a non-preferred orientation, but not necessarily the spontaneous activity.

      (3) The arrangements for visual stimulation and comparison of binocular and monocular responses mean that the stereoscopic disparity of the binocular stimuli is always at zero or close to zero. The animal's fixation point is in the centre of a single display that is viewed binocularly. The fixation point is, by definition, at zero disparity. The other points on the flat display are also at zero disparity or very close to zero because they lie in the same depth plane. There will be some small deviations from exactly zero because the geometry of the viewing arrangements results in the extremities of the display being at a slightly different distance than the centre. Therefore, the visual stimulation used to test the binocular condition is always at zero disparity, with a slight deviation from zero at the edges of the display, and never changes. [There is a detail that can be ignored. The experimenters tested neurons with visual stimulation at different real distances from the eyes, but this is not relevant here. Provided the animals accurately converged their eyes on the provided binocular fixation point, then the disparity of the visual stimuli will always be at or close to zero, regardless of viewing distance in these circumstances.] However, we already know from earlier work that neurons in the visual cortex exhibit a range of selectivity for binocular disparity. Some neurons have their peak response at non-zero disparities, representing binocular depths nearer than the fixation depth or beyond it. The response of other neurons is maximally suppressed by disparities at the depth of the fixation point (so-called Tuned Inhibitory [TI] neurons). The simple model and analysis presented in the paper for the summation of monocular responses to predict binocular responses will perform adequately for neurons that are tuned to zero disparity, so-called tuned excitatory neurons [TE], but is necessarily compromised when applied to neurons that have other, different tuning profiles. Specifically, when neurons are stimulated binocularly with a non-preferred disparity, the binocular response may be lower than the monocular response[2, 3]. This more realistic view of binocular responses needs to be considered by the authors and integrated into their modelling.

      We agree and include the following texts when discussing the future work:

      (Ln 298) “In addition, in our experiments, binocular stimuli were presented with zero disparity, which best triggered the responses of neurons with zero-disparity tuning. A more realistic model of binocular combination also requires the consideration of neurons with other disparity-tuning profiles.”

      (4) The data in the paper show some features that have been reported before but are not captured by the model. Notably for neurons with extreme values of ocular dominance, the binocular response is typically less than the larger of the two monocular responses. This is apparent in the row of plots in Figure 2D from individual animals and in the pooled data in Figure 2E. Responses of this type are characteristic of tuned inhibitory [TI] neurons[2]. It is not immediately clear why this feature of the data does not appear in the summary and analysis in Figure 3.

      This difference is indeed captured by the model, which can be more easily appreciated in Fig. 4A where monocular and binocular model simulations are plotted in the same panel. In the text, we also wrote: (Ln 195) “It is apparent that binocular responses cannot be explained by the sum of monocular responses, as binocular responses are substantially lower than the summed monocular responses for both monocular and binocular neurons. Nor can binocular responses be explained by the responses to the preferred eye, as binocular responses are also lower than those to the preferred eye (the larger of the two monocular responses) for monocular neurons.”

      The paper text states that the responses were "first normalized by the median of the binocular responses". This will certainly get rid of this characteristic of the data, but this step needs better justification, or an amendment to the main analysis is needed.

      The relevant sentence has been rewritten as “Monocular and binocular data of each FOV/depth, as well as the pooled data, were first normalized by the respective median of the binocular responses of all neurons in the same FOV/depth.” This normalization would render the overall binocular responses to be around unity, for the purpose of facilitating comparisons among all FOV/depth, but it would not affect the overall characteristic of the data.

      In the present form, the model and analysis do not appear to fit the data in Figure 2 as accurately as needed.

      Thanks for pointing out the problem, as data fitting for FOV C_270 and the pooled data were especially inaccurate. The issue has been mostly fixed when each datum was weighted by its standard deviation (please see the updated Fig. 3).

    1. Author Response

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, Zeng and Staley provide a valuable analysis of the molecular requirements for the export of a reporter mRNA that contains a lariat structure at its 5' end in the budding yeast S. cerevisiae. The authors provide evidence that this is regulated by the main mRNA export machinery (Yra1, Mex67, Nab2, Npl3, Tom1, and Mlp1). Of note, Mlp1 has been mainly implicated in the nuclear retention of unspliced pre-mRNA (i.e. quality control), and relatively little has been done to investigate its role in mRNA export in budding yeast.


      There is relatively little information in the current literature about the nuclear export of splicing intermediates. This paper provides one of the first analyses of this process and dissects the molecular components that promote this form of RNA export. Overall, the strength of the data presented in the manuscript is solid. The paper is well written and the message is clear and of general interest to the mRNA community.

      We thank the reviewer for highlighting these strengths.


      There are three problems with the paper, although these are not major and likely would not affect the final model as most aspects of the molecular details are confirmed by multiple complementary assays.

      (1) The brG reporter produces both unspliced pre-mRNA and a lariat-containing intermediate RNA. Based on the primer extension assay the authors claim that only 33% of the final product is in pre-mRNA form and that this "is insufficient to account for the magnitude of the cytoplasmic signal from the brG reporter (83%)". Nevertheless, it is possible that primer extension is incomplete or that the lariat-containing RNA is inaccessible for smFISH. The authors could easily perform a dual smFISH experiment (similar to Adivarahan et l., Molecular Cell 2018) where exon 1 is labelled with probes of one color, and the region that overlaps the lariat-containing intermediate is labelled with probes of a second color. If the authors are correct, then one-third of the smFISH foci should have both labels and the rest would have only the second label. This would also confirm that the latter (i.e. the lariat-containing RNAs) are exported to the cytoplasm. Using this approach, the authors could then show that MLP1-depletion (or depletion of any of the other factors) affect(s) one pool of RNAs (i.e. those that are lariat-containing) but not the other (i.e. pre-mRNA). Including these experiments would make the evidence for their model more convincing.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s comments and suggestions. Concerning the primer extension analysis, we are considering alternative assays to quantitate the pre-mRNA and lariat intermediate levels. Concerning the accessibility of the lariat intermediate in smRNA-FISH, in a dbr1∆ strain the only major species from the UAc reporter that is detected by primer extension is the lariat intermediate (Fig. S3), and this reporter is readily detected by smRNA-FISH, indicate that the lariat intermediate is accessible to smRNA-FISH. Concerning discriminating between pre-mRNA and lariat intermediate by smRNA-FISH, we agree with the reviewer that a dual smFISH experiment would directly distinguish between the signals of these species. The brG reporter we used in most smRNA-FISH experiments has a 5’ exon that is too short for smRNA-FISH probes, as is typical of most budding yeast 5’ exons. We have tried to replace the 5’ exon with a longer sequence (GFP) to allow for smRNA-FISH; however, this substitution inhibited splicing. Therefore, to distinguish signals from pre-mRNA versus lariat intermediate, we used additional reporters: G1c and brC reporters, which accumulate pre-mRNA essentially exclusively (Fig. S2A-C), and the UAc reporter, which accumulates lariat intermediate exclusively, in a dbr1∆ strain (Fig. S3). Whereas the mlp1 deletion did not change beta-galactosidase activities of the G1c and brC pre-mRNA-accumulating reporters (Fig. S2E), the mlp1 deletion in a dbr1∆ background did reduce the beta-galactosidase activities of the UAc lariat intermediate-accumulating reporter (Fig. 3D) and did increase smRNA-FISH signal of this reporter in the nucleus (Fig. 3E). These observations corroborate our interpretation based on the brG reporter that Mlp1p is required for efficient export of lariat intermediates but not pre-mRNAs.

      (2) In some cases, the number of smFISH foci appears to change drastically depending on the genetic background. This could either be due to the stochastic nature of mRNA expression between cells or reflect real differences between the genetic backgrounds that could alter the interpretation of the other observations.

      We thank the reviewer for raising this point. We will review our data to distinguish between these possibilities.

      (3) The authors state in the discussion that "the general mRNA export pathway transports discarded lariat intermediates into the cytoplasm". Although this appears to be the case for the reporters that are investigated in this paper, I don't think that the authors should make such a broad sweeping claim. It may be that some discarded lariat intermediates are exported to the cytoplasm while others are targeted for nuclear retention and/or decay.

      The reviewer’s point is well-taken. We will revise the wording accordingly.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this report, Zeng and Staley have used an elegant combination of RNA imaging approaches (single molecule FISH), RNA co-immunoprecipitations, and translation reporters to characterize the factors and pathways involved in the nuclear export of splicing intermediates in budding yeast. Their study notably involves the use of specific reporter genes, which lead to the accumulation of pre-mRNA and lariat species, in a battery of mutants impacting mRNA export and quality control.

      The authors convincingly demonstrate that mRNA species expressed from such reporters are exported to the cytoplasm in a manner depending on the canonical mRNA export machinery (Mex67 and its adaptors) and the nuclear pore complex (NPC) basket (Mlp1). Interestingly, they provide evidence that the export of splicing intermediates requires docking and subsequent undocking at the nuclear basket, a step possibly more critical than for regular mRNAs.

      We thank the reviewer for this overall positive assessment.

      However, their assays do not always allow us to define whether the impacted mRNA species correspond to lariats and/or pre-mRNAs. This is all the more critical since their findings apparently contradict previous reports that supported a role for the nuclear basket in pre-mRNA quality control. These earlier studies, which were similarly based on the use of dedicated yet distinct reporters, had found that the nuclear basket subunit Mlp1, together with different cofactors, prevents the export of unspliced mRNA species. It would be important to clarify experimentally and discuss the possible reasons for these discrepancies.

      It is true that we did not assess export of all reporters in all mutant strains by smFISH; however, we did validate the key conclusion that the export of lariat intermediates requires the nuclear basket gene MLP1: the export of both the brG reporter (mostly lariat intermediate) and the UAc reporter (exclusively lariat intermediate) showed a dependence on MLP1 (Fig. 3). Further, by beta-galactosidase activity, we tested in total five separate reporters – three that accumulated lariat intermediate and two that accumulated exclusively pre-mRNA; only the three reporters accumulating lariat intermediate showed a dependence of export on MLP1 (Fig. 4B,D; Fig S2D); the reporters accumulating pre-mRNA did not show a dependence on MLP1 (Fig. S2E), further validating our main conclusion. We are considering additional experiments to validate this key conclusion even further. Also, see response to comment 1 from reviewer 1.

      We agree that the main conclusion from this manuscript differs from earlier studies. A key difference is that prior studies monitored exclusively pre-mRNA. In our study, we monitored pre-mRNA and lariat intermediate species and in doing so revealed a role for MLP1 in the export of lariat intermediates. This study, our previous study, as well as the previous studies of others have all provided evidence for efficient export of pre-mRNA; all of these studies are in conflict with the studies purporting a general role for the nuclear basked in retaining immature mRNA. Still, these past apparently conflicting studies can be re-interpreted in the context of our model that the export of such species requires docking at the nuclear basket, followed by undocking. In a revised manuscript, we will discuss the possibility that pre-mRNA apparently “retained” by the nuclear basket are stalled in export at the undocking stage.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Zeng and Stanley show that in yeast, intron-lariat intermediates that accumulated due to defects in pre-mRNA splicing, are transported to the cytoplasm using the canonical mRNA export pathway. Moreover, they demonstrate that export requires the nuclear basket, a sub-structure of the nuclear pore complex previously implicated with the retention of immature mRNAs. These observations are important as they put into question a longstanding model that the main role of the nuclear basket is to ensure nuclear retention of immature or faulty mRNAs.


      The authors elegantly combine genetic, biochemical, and single-molecule resolution microscopy approaches to identify the cellular pathway that mediates the cytoplasmic accumulation of lariat intermediates. Cytoplasmic accumulation of such splicing intermediates had been observed in various previous studies but how these RNAs reach the cytoplasm had not yet been investigated. By using smFISH, the authors present compelling, and, for the first time, direct evidence that these intermediates accumulate in the cytoplasm and that this requires the canonical mRNA export pathway, including the RNA export receptor Mex67 as well as various RNA-binding proteins including Yra1, Npl3 and Nab2. Moreover, they show that the export of lariat intermediates, but not mRNAs, requires the nuclear basket (Mlp1) and basket-associated proteins previously linked to the mRNP rearrangements at the nuclear pore. This is a surprising and important observation with respect to a possible function of the nuclear basket in mRNA export and quality control, as it challenges a longstanding model that the role of the basket in mRNA export is primarily to act as a gatekeeper to ensure that immature mRNAs are not exported. As discussed by the authors, their finding suggests a role for the basket in promoting the export of certain types of RNAs rather than retention, a model also supported by more recent studies in mammalian cells. Moreover, their findings also collaborate with a recent paper showing that in yeast, not all nuclear pores contain a basket (PMID: 36220102), an observation that also questioned the gatekeeper model of the basket, as it is difficult to imagine how the basket can serve as a gatekeeper if not all nuclear pore contain such a structure.

      We thank the reviewer for highlighting the importance and surprising nature of our findings.


      One weakness of this study is that all their experiments rely on using synthetic splicing reporter containing a lacZ gene that produces a relatively long transcript compared to the average yeast mRNA.

      We are considering repeating some of our experiments to monitor export of RNAs with more average lengths.

      The rationale for using a reporter containing the brG (G branch point) resulting in more stable lariat intermediates due to them being inefficient substrates for the debranching enzyme Dbr1 could be described earlier in the manuscript, as this otherwise only becomes clear towards the end, what is confusing.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. We will revise the text to explain sooner the rationale for using the brG reporter to assess the export of lariat intermediates.

      Discussion of their observation in the context that, in yeast, not all pores contain a basket would be useful.

      Thanks for this suggestion. We will raise this point that a nuclear basket is not present on all nuclear pores and discuss the implications.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This work describes the mechanism of protein disaggregation by the ClpL AAA+ protein of Listeria monocytogenes. Using several model subtrate proteins the authors first show that ClpL possesses a robust disaggregase activity that does not further require the endogenous DnaK chaperone in vitro. In addition, they found that ClpL is more thermostable than the endogenous L. monocytogenes DnaK and has the capacity to unfold tightly folded protein domains. The mechanistic basis for the robust disaggregase activity of ClpL was also dissected in vitro and in some cases, supported by in vivo data performed in chaperonedeficient E. coli strains. The data presented show that the two AAA domains, the pore-2 site and the N-terminal domain (NTD) of ClpL are critical for its disaggregase activity. Remarkably, grafting the NTD of ClpL to ClpB converted ClpB into an autonomous disaggregase, highlighting the importance of such a domain in the DnaK-independent disaggregation of proteins. The role of the ClpL NTD domain was further dissected, identifying key residues and positions necessary for aggregate recognition and disaggregation. Finally, using sets of SEC and negative staining EM experiments combined with conditional covalent linkages and disaggregation assays the authors found that ClpL shows significant structural plasticity, forming dynamic hexameric and heptameric active single rings that can further form higher assembly states via their middle domains.


      The manuscript is well-written and the experimental work is well executed. It contains a robust and complete set of in vitro data that push further our knowledge of such important disaggregases. It shows the importance of the atypical ClpL N-terminal domain in the disaggregation process as well as the structural malleability of such AAA+ proteins. More generally, this work expands our knowledge of heat resistance in bacterial pathogens.


      There is no specific weakness in this work, although it would have helped to have a drawing model showing how ClpL performs protein disaggregation based on their new findings. The function of the higher assembly states of ClpL remains unresolved and will need further extensive research. Similarly, it will be interesting in the future to see whether the sole function of the plasmid-encoded ClpL is to cope with general protein aggregates under heat stress.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive evaluation. We agree with the reviewer that it will be important to test whether ClpL can bind to and process non-aggregated protein substrates. Our preliminary analysis suggests that the disaggregation activity of ClpL is most relevant in vivo, pointing to protein aggregates as main target.

      We also agree that the role of dimers or tetramers of ClpL rings needs to be further explored. Our initial analysis suggests a function of ring dimers as a resting state. It will now be important to study the dynamics of ClpL assembly formation and test whether substrate presence shifts ClpL assemblies towards an active, single ring state.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Bohl et al. is an interesting and carefully done study on the biochemical properties and mode of action of potent autonomous AAA+ disaggregase ClpL from Listeria monocytogenes. ClpL is encoded on plasmids. It shows high thermal stability and provides Listeria monocytogenes food-pathogen substantial increase in resistance to heat. The authors show that ClpL interacts with aggregated proteins through the aromatic residues present in its N-terminal domain and subsequently unfolds proteins from aggregates translocating polypeptide chains through the central pore in its oligomeric ring structure. The structure of ClpL oligomers was also investigated in the manuscript. The results suggest that mono-ring structure and not dimer or trimer of rings, observed in addition to mono-ring structures under EM, is an active species of disaggregase.

      Presented experiments are conclusive and well-controlled. Several mutants were created to analyze the importance of a particular ClpL domain.

      The study's strength lies in the direct comparison of ClpL biochemical properties with autonomous ClpG disaggregase present in selected Gram-negative bacteria and well-studied E. coli system consisting of ClpB disaggregase and DnaK and its cochaperones. This puts the obtained results in a broader context.

      We thank the reviewer for the detailed comments. There are no specific weaknesses indicated in the public review.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This manuscript details the characterization of ClpL from L. monocytogenes as a potent and autonomous AAA+ disaggregase. The authors demonstrate that ClpL has potent and DnaKindependent disaggregase activity towards a variety of aggregated model substrates and that this disaggregase activity appears to be greater than that observed with the canonical DnaK/ClpB co-chaperone. Furthermore, Lm ClpL appears to have greater thermostability as compared to Lm DnaK, suggesting that ClpL-expressing cells may be able to withstand more severe heat stress conditions. Interestingly, Lm ClpP can provide thermotolerance to E. coli that have been genetically depleted of either ClpB or in cells expressing a mutant DnaK103. The authors further characterized the mechanisms by which ClpL interacts with protein aggregates, identifying that the N-terminal domain of ClpL is essential for disaggregase function. Lastly, by EM and mutagenesis analysis, the authors report that ClpL can exist in a variety of larger macromolecular complexes, including dimer or trimers of hexamers/heptamers, and they provide evidence that the N-terminal domains of ClpL prevent dimer ring formation, thus promoting an active and substrate-binding ClpL complex. Throughout this manuscript the authors compare Lm ClpL to ClpG, another potent and autonomous disaggregase found in gram-negative bacteria that have been reported on previously, demonstrating that these two enzymes share homologous activity and qualities. Taken together this report clearly establishes ClpL as a novel and autonomous disaggregase.


      The work presented in this report amounts to a significant body of novel and significant work that will be of interest to the protein chaperone community. Furthermore, by providing examples of how ClpL can provide in vivo thermotolerance to both E. coli and L. gasseri the authors have expanded the significance of this work and provided novel insight into potential mechanisms responsible for thermotolerance in food-borne pathogens.


      The figures are clearly depicted and easy to understand, though some of the axis labeling is a bit misleading or confusing and may warrant revision. While I do feel that the results and discussion as presented support the authors' hypothesis and overall goal of demonstrating ClpL as a novel disaggregase, interpretation of the data is hindered as no statistical tests are provided throughout the manuscript. Because of this only qualitative analysis can be made, and as such many of the concluding statements involving pairwise comparisons need to be revisited or quantitative data with stats needs to be provided. The addition of statistical analysis is critical and should not be difficult, nor do I anticipate that it will change the conclusions of this report.

      We thank the reviewer for the valid criticism. We addressed the major concern of the reviewer and added the requested statistical analysis to all relevant figures. The analysis confirms our conclusions. We also followed the advice of the reviewer and revised axis labeling to increase clarity.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • It would really help to have a model showing how ClpL performs protein disaggregation based on their findings.

      We show that ClpL exerts a threading activity that is fueled by ATP hydrolysis in both AAA domains and executed by pore-located aromatic residues. The basic disaggregation mechanism of ClpL therefore does not differ from ClpB and ClpG disaggregases. Similarly, the specificity of ClpL towards protein aggregates is based on simultaneous interactions of multiple N-terminal domains with the aggregate surface. We could recently describe a similar mode of aggregate recognition for ClpG [1]. We therefore prefer not to add a model to the manuscript. We are currently in preparation of a review that includes the characterization of the novel bacterial disaggregases and will present models there as we consider a review article as more appropriate for such illustrations.

      • AAA2 domain of ClpL in Fig 3E should be the same color as in Fig 1A.

      We used light grey instead of dark grey for the ClpL AAA2 domain in Fig 3E, to distinguish between ClpL and ClpB AAA domains. This kind of illustration allows for clearer separation of both AAA+ proteins and the fusion construct LN-ClpB*. We therefore prefer keeping the color code.

      • Partial suppression of the dnaK mutant could be added in the main manuscript Figure.

      The main figure 3 is already very dense and we therefore prefer showing respective data as part of a supplementary figure.

      • It would have been interesting to know if the robust autonomous disaggregation activity of ClpL would be sufficient to rescue the growth of more severe E. coli chaperone mutants, like dnaK tig for example. Did the authors test this?

      We tested whether expression of clpL can rescue growth of E. coli dnaK103 mutant cells at 40°C on LB plates. This experiment is different from the restoration of heat resistance in dnaK103 cells (Figure 3, figure supplement 2A), as continuous growth at elevated temperatures (40°C) is monitored instead of cell survival upon abrupt severe heat shock (49°C). We did not observe rescue of the temperature-sensitive growth phenotype (40°C) of dnaK103 cells upon clpL expression, though expression of clpG complemented the temperature-sensitive growth phenotype (see Author response image 1 below). This finding points to differences in chaperone activities of ClpL and ClpG. It also suggests that ClpL activity is largely restricted to heat-shock generated protein aggregates, enabling ClpL to complement the missing disaggregation function of DnaK but not other Hsp70 activities including folding and targeting of newly synthesized proteins. We believe that dissecting the molecular reasons for differences in ClpG and ClpL complementation activities should be part of an independent study and prefer showing the growth-complementation data only in the response letter.

      Author response image 1.

      Serial dilutions (10-1 – 10-6) of E. coli dnaK103 mutant cells expressing E. coli dnaK, L. monocytogenes clpL or P. aeruginosa clpG were spotted on LB plates including the indicated IPTG concentrations. Plates were incubated at 30°C or 40°C for 24 h. p: empty vector control.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Based on results presented in Fig. 2B the authors conclude "that stand-alone disaggregases ClpL and ClpG but not the canonical KJE/ClpB disaggregase exhibit robust threading activities that allow for unfolding of tightly folded domains" (page 5 line 209). In this experiment, the threading power of disaggregases was assessed by monitoring YFP fluorescence during the disaggregation of aggregates formed by fusion luciferase-YFP protein. In my opinion, the results of the experiment depend not only on the threading power of disaggregases but also on the substrate recognition by analyzed disaggregating systems and/or processivity of disaggregases. N-terminal domain in the case of ClpL and KJE chaperones in the case of the KJE/ClpB system are involved in recognition. This is not discussed in the manuscript and the obtained result might be misinterpreted. The authors have created the LN-ClpB* construct (N-terminal domain of ClpL fused to derepressed ClpB) (Fig. 3 E and F). In my opinion, this construct should be used as an additional control in the experiment in Fig. 2 B. It possesses the same substrate recognition domain and therefore the direct comparison of disaggregases threading power might be possible.

      We performed the requested experiment (new Figure 3 - figure supplement 2D). We did not observe unfolding of YFP by LN-ClpB. Sínce ClpL and LN-ClpB do not differ in their aggregate targeting mechanisms, this finding underlines the differences in threading power between ClpL and activated (derepressed) ClpB. It also suggests that the AAA threading motors and the aggregate-targeting NTD largely function independently.

      Presented results suggest that tetramer and dimer of rings might be a "storage form" of disaggregase. It would be interesting to analyze the thermotolerance and/or phenotype of ClpL mutants that do not form tetramer and dimer (E352A). This variant possesses similar to WT disaggregation activity but does not form dimers and tetramers. If in vivo the differences are observed (for example toxicity of the mutant), the "storage form" hypothesis will be probable.

      When testing expression of clpL-MD mutants (E352A, F354A), which cannot form dimers and tetramers of ClpL rings, in E. coli ∆clpB cells, we observed reduced production levels as compared to ClpL wildtype and speculated that reduced expression might be linked to cellular toxicity. We therefore compared spotting efficiencies of E. coli ∆clpB cells expression clpL, ∆NclpL or the clpL-MD mutants at different temperatures. Expression of clpL at high levels abrogated colony formation at 42°C (new Figure 6 - figure supplement 3). ClpL toxicity was dependent on its NTD as no effect was observed upon expression of ∆N-clpL. ClpL-MD mutants (E352A, F354A) were expressed at much lower levels and exhibited strongly increased toxicity as compared to ClpL-WT when produced at comparable levels (new Figure 6 – figure supplement 3). This implies a protective role of ClpL ring dimers and tetramers in the cellular environment by downregulating ClpL activity. We envision that the formation of ClpL assemblies restricts accessibility of the ClpL NTDs and reduces substrate interaction. Increased toxicity of ClpL-E352A and ClpL-F354A points to a physiological relevance of the dimers and tetramers of ClpL rings and is in agreement with the proposed function as storage forms. We added this potential role of ClpL ring assemblies to the discussion section. Due to the strongly reduced production levels of ClpL MD mutants and their enhanced toxicity at elevated temperatures we did not test for their ability to restore thermotolerance in E. coli ∆clpB cells.

      Figure 6G and Figure 6 -figure supplement 2 - it is not clear what is the difference in the preparation of WT and WTox forms of ClpL.

      ClpL WT was purified under reduced conditions (+ 2 mM DTT), whereas WTox was purified in absence of DTT, thus serving as control for ClpL-T355C, which forms disulfide bonds upon purification without DTT. We have added respective information to the figure legend and the materials and methods section.

      Page 5 line 250 - wrong figure citation. Instead of Figure 1 - Figure Supplement 2A should be Figure 3 - Figure Supplement 2A.

      Page 5 line 251 - wrong figure citation. Instead of Figure 1 - Figure Supplement 2B/C should be Figure 3 - Figure Supplement 2B/C.

      Page 7 line 315 - wrong figure citation. Instead of Figure 4F, it should be Figure 4G Figure 1 - Figure Supplement 2E - At first glance, this Figure does not correspond to the text and is confusing. It would be nice to have bars for Lm ClpL activity in the figure. Alternatively, the description of the y-axis might be changed to "relative to Lm ClpL disaggregation activity" instead of "relative disaggregation activity". One has to carefully read the figure legend to find out that 1 corresponds to Lm ClpL activity.

      We have corrected all mistakes and changed the description of y-axis (Figure 1 - figure Supplement 2E) as suggested.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) While the authors make many experimental comparisons throughout their study, no statistical tests are described or presented with their results or figures, nor are these statistical tests described in the methods. While the data as presented does appear to support the author's conclusions, without these statistical tests no meaningful conclusions from paired analysis can be drawn. Critically, please report these statistical tests. As a general suggestion please include the statistics (p-values) in the results section when presenting this data, as well as in the figure legends, as this will allow the reader to better understand the authors' presentation and interpretation of the data.

      We have added statistical tests to all relevant figures. The analysis is confirming our former statements. We have further clarified our approach for the statistical analysis in the methods section. We report p-values in the results section, however, due to the volume of comparisons we did not add individual p-values to the figure legends but used standard labeling with stars.

      (2) Some of the axis labels for the presented graphs are a bit misleading or confusing. Many describe a relative (%) disaggregation rate, but it is not clear from the methods or figure legends what this rate is relative to. Is it relative to non-denatured substrates, to no chaperone conditions, etc.? Is it possible to present the figures with the raw data rates/activity (ex. luciferase activity / time) vs. relative rates? I think that labeling these figure axes with "disaggregation rate" is a bit misleading as none of these experiments measure the actual rate of disaggregation of these model substrates per se (say by SEC-MALS or other biophysical measurements), but instead infer the extent of disaggregation by measuring a property of these substrates, i.e. luciferase activity or fluorescence intensity over time. Thus, labeling these figures with the appropriate axis for what is being measured, and then clarifying in the methods and results what is being inferred by these measurements, will help solidify the author's conclusions.

      Relative (%) disaggregation rate usually refers to the disaggregation activity of ClpL wildtype serving as reference. We clarified this point in the revised text and respective figure legends. We now also refer to the process measured (e.g. relative refolding activity of aggregated Luciferase instead of relative disaggregation activity) as suggested by the reviewer and added clarifications to text and materials and methods.

      Since we have many measurements for our most frequently used assays and have a reasonable estimate for the general variance within these assays, we found it reasonable to show activity data in relation to fixed controls. This reduces the impact of unspecific variance and thereby makes more accurate comparisons between different repetitions. The reference is now indicated in the axis title.

      (3) The figures are well presented, clutter-free, and graphically easy to understand. Figure legends have sufficient information aside from the aforementioned statistical information and should include the exact number of independent replicates for each panel/experiment (ex. n=4), not just a greater than 3. While the figures do show each data point along with the mean and error, in some figures it is difficult to determine the number of replicate data points. Example figures 2c, 2d, and 3a. Also, please state whether the error is std. error or SEM.

      While we agree, that this is valuable information, we fear that overloading the figure legends with information may take a toll on the readability. We therefore decided to append the number of replicates for each experiment in a separate supplementary table (Table S2). The depicted error is showing the SD and not the SEM, which we also specified in the figure legends.

      (4) There are various examples throughout the results where qualitative descriptors are used to describe comparisons. Examples of this are "hardly enhanced" (Figure 1) and "partially reduced" (Figure 6). While this is not necessarily wrong, qualitative descriptions of comparisons in this manner would require further explanation. What is the definition of "hardly" or "partially"? My recommendation is to just state the data quantitatively, such as "% enhanced" or "reduced by x", this way there is no misinterpretation. Examples of this can be found in Figures 6C-G. This would require a full statistical overview and presentation of these stats in the results.

      We followed the reviewer`s advice and no longer use the terms criticized (e.g. “hardly enhanced”). We instead provide the requested quantifications in the text.

      Questions for Figures:

      Figures 1B and 1C:

      (1) Is the disaggregase activity of ClpL towards heat-denatured luciferase and GFP ATPdependent? While the authors later in the manuscript show that mutations within the Walker B domains dramatically impair reactivation (disaggregation) of denatured luciferase, this does not rule out an ATP-independent effect of these mutations. Thus, the authors should test whether disaggregase activity is observed when wild-type ClpL is incubated with denatured substrates without ATP present or in the presence of ADP only.

      We tested for ClpL disaggregation activity in absence of nucleotide and presence of ADP only (new Figure 1 – figure supplement 2A). We did not observe any activity, demonstrating that ClpL activity depends on ATP binding and hydrolysis (see also Figure 3 – figure supplement 1D: ATPase-deficient ClpL-E197A/E530A is lacking disaggregation activity).

      (2) The authors suggest that a reduction in disaggregase activity observed in samples combining Lm ClpL and KJE (Figure 1C, supp. 1C-E) could be due to competition for protein aggregate binding as observed previously with ClpG. Did the authors test this directly by pulldown assay or another interaction-based assay? While ClpL and ClpG appear to work in a similar manner, it would be good to confirm this. Also, clarification on how this competition operates would be useful. Is it that ClpL prevents aggregates from interacting with KJE, or vice versa?

      We probed for binding of ClpL to aggregated Malate Dehydrogenase in the presence of L. monocytogenes or E. coli Hsp70 (DnaK + respective J-domain protein DnaJ) by a centrifugation-based assay. Here, we used the ATPase-deficient ClpL-E197A/E530A (ClpLDWB) mutant, ensuring stable substrate interaction in presence of ATP. We observe reduced binding of ClpL-DWB to protein aggregates in presence of DnaK/DnaJ (new Figure 1 – figure supplement 2G). This finding indicates that both chaperones compete for binding to aggregated proteins and explains inhibition of ClpL disaggregation activity in presence of Hsp70.

      (3) Related to the above, while incubation of aggregated substrates with ClpL and KJE does appear to reduce aggregase activity towards GFP (Figure 1c), α-glucosidase (Supp. 1C), and MDH (Supp. 1D), this doesn't appear to be the case towards luciferase (Figure 1b, Supp. 1b). Furthermore, ClpL aggregase activity is reduced towards luciferase when combined with E. coli KJE (Supp. 1e) but not with Lm KJE (Figure 1b). The authors provide no commentary or explanation for these observations. Furthermore, these results complicate the concluding statement that "combining ClpL with Lm KJE always led to a strong reduction in disaggregation activity ... ".

      We suggest that the differing inhibitory degrees of the KJE system on ClpL disaggregation activities reflect diverse binding affinities of KJE and ClpL to the respective aggregates. While we usually observe strong inhibition of ClpL activity in presence of KJE, this is different for aggregated Luciferase. This points to specific structural features of Luciferase aggregates or the presence of distinct binding sites on the aggregate surface that favour ClpL binding. We have added a respective comment to the revised manuscript.

      The former statement that “combining ClpL with Lm KJE always led to a strong reduction in disaggregation activity” referred to aggregated GFP, MDH and α-Glucosidase for which a strong inhibition of ClpL activity was observed. We have specified this point.

      Figures 1D and 1E:

      (1) The authors conclude that the heat sensitivity of ΔClpL L. gasseri cells is because they do not express the canonical ClpB disaggregase. A good test to validate this would be to express KJE/ClpB in these Lg ΔClpL cells to see if heat-sensitivity could be fully or partially rescued.

      We agree that such experiment would further strengthen the in vivo function of ClpL as alternative disaggregase. However, such approach would demand for co-expression of E. coli ClpB with the authentic E. coli DnaK chaperone system (KJE), as ClpB and DnaK cooperate in a species-specific manner [2-4]. This makes the experiment challenging, also because the individual components need to be expressed at a correct stochiometry. Furthermore, the presence of the authentic L. gasseri KJE system, which is likely competing with the E. coli KJE system for aggregate binding, will hamper E. coli KJE/ClpB disaggregation activity in L. gasseri. In view of these limitations, we would like to refrain from conducting such an experiment.

      (2) The rationale for investigating Lg ClpL, and the aggregase activity assays are compelling and support the hypothesis that ClpL contributes to thermotolerance in multiple grampositive species. Though, from Figure 1d, why was only Lg ClpL investigated? It appears that S. thermophilus also lacks the canonical ClpB disaggregase and demonstrates ΔClpL heat sensitivity. There is also other Lactobacillus sp. presented that lack ClpB but were not tested for heat sensitivity. Why only test and move forward with L. gasseri? Lastly, L. mesenteroides is ClpB-negative but doesn't demonstrate ΔClpL heat sensitivity. Why?

      We wanted to document high, partner-independent disaggregation activity for another ClpL homolog. We chose L. gasseri, as (i) this bacterial species lacks a ClpB homolog and (ii) a ∆clpL mutant exhibit reduced survival upon severe heat shock (thermotolerance phenotype), which is associated with defects in cellular protein disaggregation. The characterization of L. gasseri ClpL as potent disaggregase in vitro represents a proof-of-concept and allows to generalize our conclusion. We therefore did not further test S. thermophilus ClpL. L. mesenteroides encodes for ClpL but not ClpB, yet, a ∆clpL mutant has not yet been characterized in this species to the best of our knowledge. As we wanted to link ClpL in vitro activity with an in vivo phenotype, we did not characterize L. mesenteroides ClpL.

      We agree with the reviewer that the characterization of additional ClpL homologs is meaningful and interesting, however, we strongly believe that such analysis should be part of an exhaustive and independent study.

      Figures 2A and 2B:

      (1) Figure 2B demonstrates that both ClpL and ClpG, but not the canonical KJE/ClpB, are able to unfold YFP during the luciferase disaggregation process, suggesting that ClpL and ClpG exhibit stronger threading activity. A technical question, can luciferase activity be measured alongside in the same assay sample? If so, would you expect to observe a concomitant increase in luciferase activity as YFP fluorescence decreases?

      KJE/ClpB can partially disaggregate and refold aggregated Luciferase-YFP without unfolding YFP during the disaggregation reaction [5]. YFP unfolding is therefore not linked to refolding of aggregated Luciferase-YFP. On the other hand, unfolding of YFP during disaggregation can hamper the refolding of the fused Luciferase moiety as observed for the AAA+ protein ClpC in presence of its partner MecA [5]. These diverse effects make the interpretation of LuciferaseYFP refolding experiments difficult as the degree of YFP unfolding activity does not necessarily correlate with the extend of Luciferase refolding. We therefore avoided to perform the suggested experiment.

      Figure 2C and 2D:

      (1) Thermal shift assays for ClpL, ClpG, and DnaK were completed with various nucleotides. Were these experiments also completed with samples in their nucleotide-free apo state? Also, while all these chaperones are ATPases, the nucleotides used differ, but no explanation is provided. Comparison should be made of these ATPases bound to the same molecules.

      We did not monitor thermal stabilities of chaperones without nucleotide as such state is likely not relevant in vivo. We used ATPγS in case of ClpL to keep the AAA+ protein in the ATPconformation. ATP would be rapidly converted to ADP due to the high intrinsic ATPase activity of ClpL. In case of DnaK ATPγS cannot be used as it does not induce the ATP conformation [6]. The low intrinsic ATPase activity of DnaK allows determining the thermal stability of its ATP conformation in presence of ATP. This is confirmed by calculating a reduced thermal stability of ADP-bound DnaK.

      (2) The authors suggest that incubation at 55⁰C will cause unfolding of Lm DnaK, but not ClpL, providing ClpL-positive Lm cells disaggregase activity at 55⁰C. While the thermal shift assays in Figures 2C and 2D support this, an experiment to test this would be to heat-treat Lm DnaK and ClpL at 55⁰C then test for disaggregase activity using either aggregated luciferase or GFP as in Figure 1.

      We followed the suggestion of the reviewer and incubated Lm ClpL and DnaK at 55-58°C in presence of ATP for 15 min prior to their use in disaggregation assays. We compared the activities of pre-heated chaperones with controls that were incubated at 30°C for 15 min. Notably, we did not observe a loss of DnaK disaggregation activity, suggesting that thermal unfolding of DnaK at this temperature is reversible. We provide these data as Figure 2 -figure supplement 1 and added a respective statement to the revised manuscript.

      Figure 3B:

      (1) The authors state that ATPase activity of ΔN-ClpL was "hardly affected", but from the data provided it appeared to result in an approximate 35% reduction. As discussed above, no stats are provided for this figure, but given the error bars, it is highly likely that this reduction is significant. Please perform this statistical test, and if significant, please reflect this in the written results as well as the figure. Lastly, if this reduction in ATPase activity is significant, why would this be so, and could this contribute to the reduction in aggregase activity towards luciferase and MDH observed in Figure 3A?

      We applied statistical tests as suggested by the reviewer, showing that the reduction in ATPase activity of ∆N-ClpL is statistically significant. N-terminal domains of Hsp100 proteins can modulate ATPase activity as shown for the family member ClpB, functioning as auxiliary regulatory element for fine tuning of ClpB activity [7]. We speculate that the impact of the ClpL-NTD on the assembly state (stabilization of ClpL ring dimers) might affect ClpL ATPase activity. We would like to point out that other ClpL mutants (e.g. NTD mutant ClpL-Y51A; MDmutant ClpL-F354A) have a similarly reduced ATPase activity, yet exhibit substantial disaggregation activity (approx. 2-fold reduced compared to ClpL wildtype). In contrast ∆NClpL does not exhibit any disaggregation activity. This suggests that the loss of disaggregation activity is caused by a substrate binding defect but not by a partial reduction in ATPase activity. We added a comment on the reduced ATPase activity and also discuss its potential reasons in the discussion section.

      (2) I think the authors' conclusion that deletion of the ClpL NTD does not contribute to structural defects of ClpL is premature given the apparent reduction in ATPase activity. Did the authors perform any biophysical analysis of ΔN-ClpL to confirm this conclusion? Thermal shift assays, Native-PAGE, or size-exclusion chromatography for aggregates would all be good assays to demonstrate that the wild-type and ΔN-ClpL have similar structural properties. Surprisingly, Figure 6 describes significant macromolecular changes associated with ΔN-ClpL such that it preferentially forms a dimer of rings. Furthermore, in Supp. Figure 6D the authors report that ΔN-ClpL appears to have an increased Tm as compared to WT- or ΔM-ClpL. The authors should reflect these observations as deletion of the ClpL NTD does appear to contribute to structural changes, though perhaps only at the macromolecular scale, i.e. dimerization of the rings.

      We have characterized the oligomeric state of ∆N-ClpL by size exclusion chromatography (Figure 6 – figure supplement 1A) and negative staining electron microscopy (Figure 6C), both showing that it forms assemblies similar to ClpL wildtype. We did not observe an increased tendency of ∆N-ClpL to form aggregates and the protein remained fully soluble after several cycles of thawing and freezing. EM data reveal that ∆N-ClpL exclusively form ring dimers, suggesting that the NTDs destabilize MD-MD interactions. The stabilized interaction between two ∆N-ClpL rings can explain the increased thermal stability (Figure 6 – figure supplement 1D). We speculate that the ClpL NTDs either affect MD-MD interactions through steric hindrance or by directly contacting MDs. We have added a respective statement to the discussion section.

      Figure 3C and 3D:

      (1) Given the larger error in samples expressing ClpG (100) or ClpL (100) statistical analysis with p-values is required to make conclusions regarding the comparison of these samples vs. plasmid-only control. The effect of ΔN-ClpL vs. wild-type ClpL looks compelling and does appear to attenuate the ClpL-induced thermotolerance. This is nicely demonstrated in Figure 3D.

      We quantified respective spot tests (new Figure 3E) and tested for statistical significance as suggested by the reviewer. We show that restoration of heat resistance is significant for the first 30 min. While we always observe rescue at later timepoints significance is lost here due to larger deviations in the number of viable cells and thus the degree of complementation.

      Figure 3F:

      (1) What is the role of the ClpB NTD? It appears to be dispensable for disaggregase activity, assuming that ClpB is co-incubated with KJE. A quick explanation of this domain in ClpB could be useful.

      The ClpB NTD is not required for disaggregation activity, as ClpB is recruited to protein aggregates by DnaK, which interacts with the ClpB MDs. Still, two functions have been described for the ClpB NTD. First, it can bind soluble unfolded substrates such as casein [8]. This substrate binding function can increase ClpB disaggregation activity towards some aggregated model substrates (e.g. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) [9]. However, NTD deletion usually does not decrease ClpB disaggregation activity and can even lead to an increase [7, 10, 11]. An increased disaggregation activity of ∆N-ClpB correlates with an enhanced ATPase activity, which is explained by NTDs stabilizing a repressing conformation of the ClpB MDs, which function as main regulators of ClpB ATPase activity [7]. We added a short description on the role of the ClpB NTD to the respective results section.

      (2) The result of fusing the ClpL NTD to ClpB supports a role for this NTD in promoting autonomous disaggregase activity. What would you expect to observe if the fused Ln-ClpB protein was co-incubated with KJE? Would this further promote disaggregase activity, or potentially impair through competition? This experiment could potentially support the authors' hypothesis that ClpL and ClpB/KJE can compete with each other for aggregated substrates as suggested in Figure 1.

      We have performed the suggested experiment using aggregated MDH as model substrate. We did not observe an inhibition of LN-ClpB disaggregation activity in presence of KJE. In contrast ClpL disaggregation activity towards aggregated MDH is inhibited upon addition of KJE due to competition for aggregate binding (Figure 1 – figure supplement 2D/F). Disaggregation activity of LN-ClpB in presence of KJE can be explained by functional cooperation between both chaperone systems, which involves interactions between aggregate-bound DnaK and the ClpB MDs of the LN-ClpB fusion construct. We prefer showing these data only in the response letter but not including them in the manuscript, as respective results distract from the main message of the LN-ClpB fusion construct: the ClpL NTD functions as autonomous aggregatetargeting unit that can be transferred to other Hsp100 family members.

      Author response image 2.

      LN-ClpB cooperates with DnaK in protein disaggregation. Relative MDH disaggregation activities of indicated disaggregation systems were determined. KJE: DnaK/DnaJ/GrpE. The disaggregation activity of Lm ClpL was set to 1. Statistical Analysis: Oneway ANOVA, Welch’s Test for post-hoc multiple comparisons. Significance levels: **p < 0.001. n.s.: not significant.

      Figures 4E and 4F:

      (1) While the effect of various NTD mutations follows a similar trend in regard to the impairment of ClpL-mediated disaggregation of luciferase and MDH, the degree of these effects does appear different. For example, patch A and C mutations reduce ClpL disaggregase activity towards luciferase (~60% / 50% reduction) vs. MDH (>90%) respectively. While these results do suggest a critical role for residues in patches A and C of ClpL, these substrate-specific differences are not discussed. Why would we expect a difference in the effect of these patch A/C ClpL mutations on different substrates?

      We speculate that the aggregate structure and the presence or distributions of ClpL NTD binding sites differ between aggregated Luciferase and MDH. A difference between both aggregated model substrates was also observed when testing for an inhibitory effect of Lm KJE (and Ec KJE) on ClpL disaggregation activity (see comment above). We speculate that the mutated NTD residues make specific contributions to aggregate recognition. The severity of binding defects (and reduction of disaggregation activities) of these mutants will depend on specific features of the aggregated model substrates. We now point out that ClpL NTD patch mutants can differ in disaggregation activities depending on the aggregated model substrate used and refer to potential differences in aggregate structures.

      (2) The authors suggest that the loss of disaggregation activity of selected NTD mutants could be linked to reduced binding to aggregated luciferase. While this is likely given that these mutations do not appear to affect ATPase activity (Supp. 4), it could be possible that these mutants can still bind to aggregated luciferase and some other mechanism may impair disaggregation. A pull-down assay would help to prove whether reduced binding is observed in these NTD ClpL mutants. This also needs to be confirmed for Supp. Figure 4.2H.

      We have shown a strong correlation between loss of aggregate binding and disaggregation activity for several NTD mutants (Fig. 4G, Figure 4 – figure supplement 2H). We decided to perform the aggregate binding assay only with mutants that show a full but not a partial disaggregation defect as we made the experience that the centrifugation-based assay provides clear and reproducible results for loss-of-activity mutants but has limitations in revealing differences for partially affected mutants. This might be explained by the use of nonhydrolyzable ATPγS in these experiments, which strongly stabilizes substrate interactions, potentially covering partial binding defects. We agree with the reviewer that some ClpL NTD mutants might have additional effects on disaggregation activity by e.g. controlling substrate transfer to the processing pore site. We have added a respective comment to the revised manuscript.

      (3) Supp. Figure 4.2H has no description in the figure legend. The Y-axes states % aggregate bound to chaperone. How was this measured? See the above comments for Figures 4E and 4F.

      We apologize and added the description to the figure legend. The determination of % aggregate bound chaperone is based on the quantifications of chaperones present in the supernatant and pellet fractions after sample centrifugation. Background levels of chaperones in the pellet fractions in absence of protein aggregates were subtracted. We added this information to the materials and methods section.

      Figure 6G:

      The authors observed reduced disaggregase activity and ATPase activity of mutant T355C under both oxidative and reducing conditions. While this observation under oxidative conditions supports the authors' hypothesis, under reducing conditions (+DTT) we would expect the enzyme to behave similarly to wild-type ClpL unless this mutation has other effects. Can the authors please comment on this and provide an explanation or hypothesis?

      The reviewer is correct, ClpL-T355C exhibit a reduced disaggregation activity (Figure 6 – figure supplement 2B). We observe a similar reduction in disaggregation activity for the ClpL MD mutant F354A, pointing to an auxiliary function of the MD in protein disaggregation. We have made a respective comment in the discussion section of the revised manuscript. How exactly ClpL MDs support protein disaggregation is currently unclear and will be subject of future analysis in the lab. We strongly believe that such analysis should be part of an independent study.


      In the fourth feature, it is discussed that one disaggregase feature of ClpL is that it does not cooperate with the ClpP protease. While a reference is provided for the canonical ClpB, no data in this paper, nor a reference, is provided demonstrating that ClpL does not interact with ClpP. As discussed, it is highly unlikely that ClpL interacts with ClpP given that ClpL does not contain the IGL/F loops that mediate the interaction of ClpP with cochaperones, such as ClpX, but data or a reference is needed to make such a factual statement.

      The absence of the IGL/F loop makes an interaction between ClpL and ClpP highly unlikely. However, the reviewer is correct, direct evidence for a ClpP-independent function of ClpL, though very likely, is not provided. We have therefore rephrased the respective statement: “Forth, novel disaggregases lack the specific IGL/F signature motif, which is essential for cooperation of other Hsp100 proteins with the peptidase ClpP. This feature is shared with the canonical ClpB disaggregase [12] suggesting that protein disaggregation is primarily linked to protein refolding.”.


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      (3) Krzewska J, Langer T, Liberek K. Mitochondrial Hsp78, a member of the Clp/Hsp100 family in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, cooperates with Hsp70 in protein refolding. FEBS Lett. 2001;489:92-6.

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    1. Author Response:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors identified that genetically and pharmacological inhibition of CERS1, an enzyme implicated in ceramides biosynthesis worsen muscle fibrosis and inflammation during aging.<br /> Strengths:

      The study points out an interesting issue on excluding CERS1 inhibition as a therapeutic strategy for sarcopenia. Overall, the article it's well written and clear.<br /> Weaknesses:

      Many of the experiments confirmed previous published data, which also show a decline of CERS1 in ageing and the generation and characterization of a muscle specific knockout mouse line. The mechanistic insights of how the increased amount of long ceramides (cer c24) and the decreased of shorter ones (cer c18) might influence muscle mass, force production, fibrosis and inflammation in aged mice have not been addressed.

      We thank the reviewer for the assessment and would like to point out that Cers1 had not previously been studied in the context of aging. Moreover, our unbiased pathway analyses in human skeletal muscle implicate CERS1 for the first time with myogenic differentiation, which we validate in cell culture systems. To improve mechanistic insights, as suggested by Reviewer #1, we performed more experiments to gain insights how Cers1 derived c18, and Cers2 derived c24 ceramide species affect myogenesis. We recently showed that knocking out Cers2 reduces c24:0/c24:1 and promotes muscle cell maturation (PMID: 37118545, Fig. 6m-r and Supplementary Fig. 5e). This suggests that the very long chain ceramides c24 might indeed be driving the effect we see upon Cers1 inhibition because we observe an accumulation of c24 ceramides upon Cers1 (c18) inhibition (Fig 2B, Fig 3B, Fig 4A, Fig S3E), which is associated with impaired muscle maturation (Fig 4B-C, Fig S3G-I, Fig S4G-I). To study whether impaired muscle cell differentiation upon Cers1 inhibition is dependent on Cers2, we knocked-down Cers1 alone, or in combination with the knockdown of Cers2. Results show that reduced muscle cell maturation mediated by Cers1KD is rescued by the simultaneous knockdown of Cers2 as shown by gene expression analyses and immunohistochemical validation and quantification. Hence, we believe that reducing Cers1 function during aging might lead to an increase in sphingosine levels as has been shown previously (PMID: 31692231). Increased sphingosine triggers cell apoptosis due to its toxicity (PMID: 12531554). Therefore, channeling accumulating sphingosine towards C24 ceramides may avoid toxicity but, as we show in this manuscript, will reduce the myogenic potential in muscle. However, if also C24 production is blocked by Cers2 inhibition, sphingosine is forced towards the production of other, potentially less toxic or myogenesis-impairing ceramides. We added these new data to the revised manuscript as new Fig 5D-E and new Fig S5G-I.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The manuscript by Wohlwend et al. investigates the implications of inhibiting ceramide synthase Cers1 on skeletal muscle function during aging. The authors propose a role for Cers1 in muscle myogenesis and aging sarcopenia. Both pharmacological and AAV-driven genetic inhibition of Cers1 in 18month-old mice lead to reduced C18 ceramides in skeletal muscle, exacerbating age-dependent features such as muscle atrophy, fibrosis, and center-nucleated fibers. Similarly, inhibition of the Cers1 orthologue in C. elegans reduces motility and causes alterations in muscle morphology.<br /> Strengths:

      The study is well-designed, carefully executed, and provides highly informative and novel findings that are relevant to the field.


      The following points should be addressed to support the conclusions of the manuscript.

      (1) It would be essential to investigate whether P053 treatment of young mice induces age-dependent features besides muscle loss, such as muscle fibrosis or regeneration. This would help determine whether the exacerbation of age-dependent features solely depends on Cers1 inhibition or is associated with other factors related to age- dependent decline in cell function. Additionally, considering the reported role of Cers1 in whole-body adiposity, it is necessary to present data on mice body weight and fat mass in P053treated aged-mice.

      We thank the reviewer to suggest that we study Cers1 inhibition in young mice. In fact, a previous study shows that muscle-specific Cers1 knockout in young mice impairs muscle function (PMID: 31692231). Similar to our observation, these authors report reduced muscle fiber size and muscle force. Therefore, we do not believe that our observed effects of Cers1 inhibition in aged mice are specific to aging, although the phenotypic consequences are accentuated in aged mice. As requested by the reviewer, we attached the mice body weights and fat mass (Author response image 1A-B). The reduced fat mass upon P053 treatment is in line with previously reported reductions in fat mass in chow diet or high fat diet fed young mice upon Cers1 inhibition (PMID: 30605666, PMID: 30131496), again suggesting that the effect of Cers1 inhibition might not be specific to aging.

      Author response image 1.

      (A-B) Body mass (A) and Fat mass as % of body mass (B) were measured in 22mo C57BL/6J mice intraperitoneally injected with DMSO or P053 using EchoMRI (n=7-12 per group). (C-D) Grip strengh measurements in all limbs (C) or only the forelimbs (D) in 24mo C57BL/6J mice intramuscularly injected with AAV9 particles containing scramble, or shRNA targeting Cers1 (n=8 per group). (E-F) Pax7 gene expression in P053 or AAV9 treated mice (n=6-7 per group) (E), or in mouse C2C12 muscle progenitor cells treated with 25nM scramble or Cers1 targeting shRNA (n=8 per group) (F). (G) Proliferation as measured by luciferase intensity in mouse C2C12 muscle muscle cells treated with 25nM scramble or Cers1 targeting shRNA (n=24 per group). Each column represents one biological replicate. (H) Overlayed FACS traces of Annexin-V (BB515, left) and Propidium Iodide (Cy5, right) of mouse C2C12 muscle myotubes treated with 25nM scramble or Cers1 targeting shRNA (n=3 per group). Quantification right: early apoptosis (Annexin+-PI-), late apoptosis (Annexin+-PI+), necrosis (Annexin--PI+), viability (Annexin--PI-). (I) Normalized Cers2 gene expression in mouse C2C12 muscle muscle cells treated with 25nM scramble or Cers1 targeting shRNA (n=6-7 per group). (J-K) Representative mitochondrial respiration traces of digitonin-permeablized mouse C2C12 muscle muscle cells treated DMSO or P053 (J) with quantification of basal, ATP-linked, proton leak respiration as well as spare capacity and maximal capacity linked respiration (n=4 per group). (L) Reactive oxygen production in mitochondria of mouse C2C12 muscle muscle cells treated DMSO or P053. (M) Enriched gene sets related to autophagy and mitophagy in 24mo C57BL/6J mouse muscles intramuscularly injected with AAV9 particles containing scramble, or shRNA targeting Cers1 (left), or intraperitoneally injected with DMSO or P053 (right). Color gradient indicates normalized effect size. Dot size indicates statistical significance (n=6-8 per group). (N) Representative confocal Proteostat® stainings with quantifications of DMSO and P053 treated mouse muscle cells expressing APPSWE (top) and human primary myoblasts isolated from patients with inclusion body myositis (bottom). (O) Stillness duration during a 90 seconds interval in adult day 5 C. elegans treated with DMSO or 100uM P053. (P) Lifespan of C. elegans treated with DMSO or P053. (n=144-147 per group, for method details see main manuscript page 10).

      (2) As grip and exercise performance tests evaluate muscle function across several muscles, it is not evident how intramuscular AAV-mediated Cers1 inhibition solely in the gastrocnemius muscle can have a systemic effect or impact different muscles. This point requires clarification.

      The grip strength measurements presented in the manuscript come from hindlimb grip strength, as pointed out in the Methods section. We measured grip strength in all four limbs, as well as only fore- (Author response image 1C-D). While forelimb strength did not change, only hindlimb grip strength was significantly different in AAV-Cers1KD compared to the scramble control AAV (Fig 3I), which is in line with the fact that we only injected the AAV in the hindlimbs. This is similar to the effect we observed with our previous data where we saw altered muscle function upon IM AAV delivery in the gastrocnemius (PMID: PMID: 34878822, PMID: 37118545). The gastrocnemius likely has the largest contribution to hindlimb grip strength given its size, and possibly even overall grip strength as suggested by a trend of reduced grip strength in all four limbs (Author response image 1C). We also suspect that the hindlimb muscles have the largest contribution to uphill running as we could also see an effect on running performance. While we carefully injected a minimal amount of AAV into gastrocnemius to avoid leakage, we cannot completely rule out that some AAV might have spread to other muscles. We added this information to the discussion of the manuscript as a potential limitation of the study.

      (3) To further substantiate the role of Cers1 in myogenesis, it would be crucial to investigate the consequences of Cers1 inhibition under conditions of muscle damage, such as cardiotoxin treatment or eccentric exercise.<br /> While it would be interesting to study Cers1 in the context of muscle regeneration, and possibly mouse models of muscular dystrophy, we think such work would go beyond the scope of the current manuscript.

      (4) It would be informative to determine whether the muscle defects are primarily dependent on the reduction of C18-ceramides or the compensatory increase of C24-ceramides or C24-dihydroceramides.

      To improve mechanistic insights, as suggested by Reviewer #2, we performed more experiments to gain insights how Cers1 derived c18, and Cers2 derived c24 ceramide species affect myogenesis. We recently showed that knocking out Cers2 reduces c24:0/c24:1 and promotes muscle cell maturation (PMID: 37118545, Fig. 6m-r and Supplementary Fig. 5e). This suggests that the very long chain ceramides c24 might indeed be driving the effect we see upon Cers1 inhibition because we observe an accumulation of c24 ceramides upon Cers1 (c18) inhibition (Fig 2B, Fig 3B, Fig 4A, Fig S3E), which is associated with impaired muscle maturation (Fig 4B-C, Fig S3G-I, Fig S4G-I). To study whether impaired muscle cell differentiation upon Cers1 inhibition is dependent on Cers2, we knocked-down Cers1 alone, or in combination with the knockdown of Cers2. Results show that reduced muscle cell maturation mediated by Cers1KD is rescued by the simultaneous knockdown of Cers2 as shown by gene expression analyses and immunohistochemical validation and quantification. We added these data to the manuscript as new Fig 5D-E, new Fig S5G-I. These data, together with our previous results showing that Degs1 knockout reduces myogenesis (PMID: 37118545, Fig. 6s-x and Fig. 7) suggest that C24/dhC24 might contribute to the age-related impairments in myogenesis. We added the new results to the revised manuscript.

      (5) Previous studies from the research group (PMID 37118545) have shown that inhibiting the de novo sphingolipid pathway by blocking SPLC1-3 with myriocin counteracts muscle loss and that C18-ceramides increase during aging. In light of the current findings, certain issues need clarification and discussion. For instance, how would myriocin treatment, which reduces Cers1 activity because of the upstream inhibition of the pathway, have a positive effect on muscle? Additionally, it is essential to explain the association between the reduction of Cers1 gene expression with aging (Fig. 1B) and the age-dependent increase in C18-ceramides (PMID 37118545).

      Blocking the upstream enzyme of the ceramide pathway (SPT1) shuts down the entire pathway that is overactive in aging, and therefore seems beneficial for muscle aging. While most enzymes in the ceramide pathway that we studied so far (SPTLC1, CERS2) revealed muscle benefits in terms of myogenesis, inflammation (PMID: 35089797; PMID: 37118545) and muscle protein aggregation (PMID: 37196064), the CERS1 enzyme shows opposite effects. This is also visible in the direction of CERS1 expression compared to the other enzymes in one of our previous published studies (PMID: 37118545, Fig. 1e and Fig. 1f). In the current study, we show that Cers1 inhibition indeed exacerbates age-related myogenesis and inflammation as opposed to the inhibition of Sptlc1 or Cers2. As the reviewer points out, both C18- and C24-ceramides seem to accumulate upon muscle aging. We think this is due to an overall overactive ceramide biosynthesis pathway. Blocking C18-ceramides via Cers1 inhibition results in the accumulates C24-ceramides and worsens muscle phenotypes (see reply to question #4). On the other hand, blocking C24-ceramides via Cers2 inhibition improves muscle differentiation. These observations together with the finding that Cers1 mediated inhibition of muscle differentiation is dependent on proper Cers2 function (new Fig 5D-E, new Fig S5G-I) points towards C24-ceramides as the main culprit of reduced muscle differentiation. Hence, at least a significant part of the benefits of blocking SPTLC1 might have been related to reducing very long-chain ceramides. We believe that reduced Cers1 expression in skeletal muscle upon aging, observed by us and others (PMID: 31692231), might reflect a compensatory mechanism to make up for an overall overactive ceramide flux in aged muscles. Reducing Cers1 function during aging might lead to an increase in sphingosine levels as has been shown previously (PMID: 31692231). Increased sphingosine triggers cell apoptosis due to its toxicity (PMID: 12531554). Therefore, channeling accumulating sphingosine towards C24 ceramides may avoid toxicity but, as we show in this manuscript, will reduce the myogenic potential in muscle. However, if also C24 production is blocked by Cers2 inhibition (new Fig 5E-D, new Fig S5G-I), sphingosine is forced towards the production of other, potentially less toxic, or myogenesis-impairing ceramides. These data are now added to the revised manuscript (see page 7). Details were added to the discussion of the manuscript (see page 8).

      Addressing these points will strengthen the manuscript's conclusions and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the role of Cers1 in skeletal muscle function during aging.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The authors identified that genetical and pharmacological inhibition of CERS1, an enzyme implicated in ceramides biosynthesis worsen muscle fibrosis and inflammation during aging.

      Even though many of the experiments only confirmed previous published data (ref 21, 11,37,38), which also show a decline of CERS1 in ageing and the generation and characterization of a muscle specific knockout mouse line, the study points out an interesting issue on excluding CERS1 inhibition as a therapeutic strategy for sarcopenia and opens new questions on understanding how inhibition of SPTLC1 (upstream CERS1) have beneficial effects in healthy aging (ref 15 published by the same authors).

      Overall, the article it's well written and clear. However, there is a major weakness. The mechanistic insights of how the increased amount of long ceramides (c24) and the decreased of shorter ones (cer c18) might influence muscle mass, force production, fibrosis and inflammation in aged mice have not been addressed. At the present stage the manuscript is descriptive and confirmatory of CERS1 mediated function in preserving muscle mass. The authors should consider the following points:


      (1) Muscle data

      (a) The effect of CERS1 inhibition on myotube formation must be better characterized. Which step of myogenesis is affected? Is stem cell renewal or MyoD replication/differentiation, or myoblast fusion or an increased cell death the major culprit of the small myotubes? Minor point: Figure S1C: show C14:00 level at 200 h; text of Fig S2A and 1F: MRF4 and Myogenin are not an early gene in myogenesis please correct, Fig S2B and 2C: changes in transcript does not mean changes in protein or myotube differentiation and therefore, authors must test myotube formation and myosin expression.

      Cers1 inhibition seems to affect differentiation and myoblast fusion. To test other suggested effects we performed more experiments as delineated. Inhibiting Cers1 systemically with the pharmacological inhibitor of Cers1 (P053) or with intramuscular delivery of AAV expressing a short hairpin RNA (shRNA) against Cers1 in mice did not affect Pax7 transcript levels (Author response image 1E). Moreover, we did also not observe an effect of shRNA targeting Cers1 on Pax7 levels in mouse C2C12 muscle progenitor cells (Author response image 1F). To characterize the effect of Cers1 inhibition on muscle progenitor proliferation/renewal, we used scramble shRNA, or shRNA targeting Cers1 in C2C12 muscle progenitors and measured proliferation using CellTiter-Glo (Promega). Results showed that Cers1KD had no significant effect on cell proliferation (Author response image 1G). Next, we assayed cell death in differentiating C2C12 myotubes deficient in Cers1 using FACS Analysis of Annexin V (left) and propidium iodide (right). We found no difference in early apoptosis, late apoptosis, necrosis, or muscle cell viability, suggesting that cell death can be ruled out to explain smaller myotubes (Author response image 1H). These findings support the notion that the inhibitory effect of Cers1 knockdown on muscle maturation are primarily based on effects on myogenesis rather than on apoptosis. Our data in the manuscript also suggests that Cers1 inhibition affects myoblast fusion, as shown by reduced myonucleation upon Cers1KD (Fig S3H right, Fig S5I).

      (b) The phenotype of CESR1 knockdown is milder than 0P53 treated mice (Fig S5D and Figure 3F, 3H are not significant) despite similar changes of Cer18:0, Cer24:0, Cer 24:1 concentration in muscles . Why?

      Increases in very long chain ceramides were in fact larger upon P053 administration compared to AAVmediated knockdown. For example, Cer24:0 levels increased by >50% upon P053 administration, compared to 20% by AAV injections. Moreover, dhC24:1 increased by 6.5-fold vs 2.5-fold upon P053 vs AAV treatment, respectively. These differences might not only explain the slightly attenuated phenotypes in the AA- treated mice but also underlines the notion that very long chain ceramides might cause muscle deterioration. We believe inhibiting the enzymatic activity of Cers1 (P053) as compared to degrading Cers1 transcripts is a more efficient strategy to reduce ceramide levels. However, we cannot completely rule out multi-organ, systemic effects of P053 treatment beyond its direct effect on muscle. We added these details in the discussion of the revised manuscript (see page 8 of the revised manuscript).

      (c) The authors talk about a possible compensation of CERS2 isoform but they never showed mRNA expression levels or CERS2 protein levels aner treatment. Is CERS2 higher expressed when CERS1 is downregulated in skeletal muscle?

      We appreciate the suggestion of the reviewer. We found no change in Cers2 mRNA levels upon Cers1 inhibition in mouse C2C12 myoblasts (Author response image 1I). We would like to point out that mRNA abundance might not be the optimal measurement for enzymes due to enzymatic activities. Therefore, we think metabolite levels are a better proxy of enzymatic activity. It should also be pointed out that “compensation” might not be an accurate description as sphingoid base substrate might simply be more available upon Cers1KD and hence, more substrate might be present for Cers2 to synthesize very long chain ceramides. This “re-routing” has been previously described in the literature and hypothesized to be related to avoid toxic (dh)sphingosine accumulation (PMID: 30131496). Therefore, we changed the wording in the revised manuscript to be more precise.

      (d) Force measurement of AAV CERS1 downregulated muscles could be a plus for the study (assay function of contractility)

      In the current study we measured grip strength in mice, which had previously been shown to be a good proxy of muscle strength and general health (PMID: 31631989). Indeed, our results of reduced muscle grip strength are in line with previous work that shows reduced contractility in muscles of Cers1 deficient mice (PMID: 31692231).

      (e) How are degradation pathways affected by the downregulation of CERS1. Is autophagy/mitophagy affected? How is mTOR and protein synthesis affected? There is a recent paper that showed that CerS1 silencing leads to a reduction in C18:0-Cer content, with a subsequent increase in the activity of the insulin pathway, and an improvement in skeletal muscle glucose uptake. Could be possible that CERS1 downregulation increases mTOR signalling and decreases autophagy pathway? Autophagic flux using colchicine in vivo would be useful to answer this hypothesis

      Cers1 in skeletal muscle has indeed been linked to metabolic homeostasis (see PMID: 30605666). In line with their finding in young mice we also find reduced fat mass upon P053 treatment in aged mice (Author response image 1A-B). We also looked into mitochondrial bioenergetics upon blocking Cers1 with P053 treatment using an O2k oxygraphy (Author response image 1J-L). Results show that Cers1 inhibition in mouse muscle cells increases mitochondrial respiration, similar to what has been shown before (PMID: 30131496). However, we also found that reactive oxygen species production in mouse muscle cells is increased upon P053 treatment, suggesting the presence of dysfunctional mitochondria upon inhibiting Cers1 with P053.We next looked into the mitophagy/autophagy degradation pathways suggested by the reviewer and do not find convincing evidence supporting that Cers1 has a major impact on autophagy or mitophagy derived gene sets in mice treated with shRNA against Cers1, or the Cers1 pharmacological inhibitor P053 (Author response image 1M).

      We then assessed the effect of Cers1 inhibition on transcripts levels related to the mTORC1/protein synthesis, as suggested by the reviewer. Cers1 knockdown in differentiating mouse muscle cells showed only a weak trend to reduce mTORC1 and its downstream targets (new Fig S4A). In line with this, there was no notable difference in protein synthesis in differentiating, Cers1 deficient mouse C2C12 myoblasts as assessed by L-homopropargylglycine (HPG) amino acid labeling using confocal microscopy (new Fig S4B) or FACS analyses (new Fig S4C). However, Cers1KD increased transcripts related to the myostatin-Foxo1 axis as well as the ubiquitin proteasome system (e.g. atrogin-1, MuRF1) (new Fig S4D), suggesting Cers1 inhibition increases protein degradation. We added these details to the revised manuscript on page 7. We recently implicated the ceramide pathway in regulating muscle protein homeostasis (PMID: 37196064). Therefore, we assessed the effect of Cers1 inhibition with the P053 pharmacological inhibitor on protein folding in muscle cells using the Proteostat dye that intercalates into the cross-beta spine of quaternary protein structures typically found in misfolded and aggregated proteins. Interestingly, inhibiting Cers1 further increased misfolded proteins in C2C12 mouse myoblasts expressing the Swedish mutation in APP and human myoblasts isolated from patients with inclusion body myositis (Author response imageure 1N). These findings suggest that deficient Cers1 might upregulate protein degradation to compensate for the accumulation of misfolded and aggregating proteins, which might contribute to impaired muscle function observed upon Cers1 knockdown. Further studies are needed to disentangle the underlying mechanstics.

      (f) The balances of ceramides have been found to play roles in mitophagy and fission with an impact on cell fate and metabolism. Did the authors check how are mitochondria morphology, mitophagy or how dynamics of mitochondria are altered in CERS1 knockdown muscles? (fission and fusion). There is growing evidence relating mitochondrial dysfunction to the contribution of the development of fibrosis and inflammation.

      Previously, CERS1 has been studied in the context of metabolism and mitochondria (for reference, please see PMID: 26739815, PMID: 29415895, PMID: 30605666, PMID: 30131496). In summary, these studies demonstrate that C18 ceramide levels are inversely related to insulin sensitivity in muscle and mitochondria, and that Cers1 inhibition improves insulin-stimulated suppression of hepatic glucose production and reduced high-fat diet induced adiposity. Moreover, improved mitochondrial respiration, citrate synthase activity and increased energy expenditure were reported upon Cers1 inhibition. Lack of Cers1 specifically in skeletal muscle was also reported to improve systemic glucose homeostasis. While these studies agree on the effect of Cers1 inhibition on fat loss, results on glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity differ depending on whether a pharmacologic or a genetic approach was used to inhibit Cers1. The current manuscript describes the effect of CERS1 on muscle function and myogenesis because these were the most strongly correlated pathways with CERS1 in human skeletal muscle (Fig 1C) and impact of Cers1 on these pathways is poorly studied, particularly in the context of aging. Therefore, we would like to refer to the mentioned studies investigating the effect of CERS1 on mitochondria and metabolism.

      (2) C.elegans data:

      (a) The authors checked maternal RNAi protocol to knockdown lagr-1 and showed alteration of muscle morphology at day 5. They also give pharmacological exposure of P053 drug at L4 stage. Furthermore, the authors also used a transgenic ortholog lagr-1 to perform the experiments. All of them were consistent showing a reduced movement. It would be important to show rescue of the muscle phenotype by overexpressing CERS1 ortholog in knockdown transgenic animals.

      We used RNAi to knockdown the Cers1 orthologue, lagr-1, in C.elegans. Therefore, we do not have transgenic animals. Overexpressing lagr-1 in the RNAi treated animals would also not be possible as the RNA from the overexpression would just get degraded.

      (b) The authors showed data about distance of C.elegans. It would be interesting to specify if body bends, reversals and stillness are affected in RNAi and transgenic Knockdown worms.

      As suggested, we measured trashing and stillness as suggested by the reviewer and found reduced trashing (new Fig S5B) and a trend towards an increase in stillness (Author response image 1O) in P053 treated worms on day 5 of adulthood, which is the day we observed significant differences in muscle morphology and movement (Fig 4D-E, Fig S5A). These data are now included in the revised manuscript.

      (c) Is there an effect on lifespan extension by knocking down CERS1?

      We performed two independent lifespan experiments in C.elegans treated with the Cers1 inhibitor P053 and found reduced lifespan in both replicate experiments (for second replicate, see Author response image 1P). We added these data to the revised manuscript as new Fig 4H.

      How do the authors explain the beneficial effect of sptlc1 inhibition on healthy aging muscle? Discuss more during the article if there is no possible explanation at the moment.

      We believe that blocking the upstream enzyme of the ceramide pathway (SPT1) shuts down the entire pathway that is overactive in aging, and therefore is more beneficial for muscle aging. Our current work suggests that at least a significant part of Sptlc1-KD benefits might stem from blocking very long chain ceramides. While SPTLC1 and CERS2 revealed muscle benefits in terms of myogenesis, inflammation (PMID: 35089797; PMID: 37118545) and muscle protein aggregation (PMID: 37196064), the CERS1 enzyme shows opposite effects, which is also visible in Fig 1e and Fig 1f of PMID: 37118545. In the current study, we show that Cers1 inhibition indeed exacerbates aging defects in myogenesis and inflammation as opposed to the inhibition of Sptlc1 or Cers2. The fact that the effect of Cers1 on inhibiting muscle differentiation is dependent on the clearance of Cers2-derived C24-ceramides suggests that reducing very long chain ceramides might be crucial for healthy muscle aging. We added details to the discussion.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This important study reports a novel measurement for the chemotactic response to potassium by Escherichia coli. The authors convincingly demonstrate that these bacteria exhibit an attractant response to potassium and connect this to changes in intracellular pH level. However, some experimental results are incomplete, with additional controls/alternate measurements required to support the conclusions. The work will be of interest to those studying bacterial signalling and response to environmental cues.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This paper shows that E. coli exhibits a chemotactic response to potassium by measuring both the motor response (using a bead assay) and the intracellular signaling response (CheY phosporylation level via FRET) to step changes in potassium concentration. They find increase in potassium concentration induces a considerable attractant response, with an amplitude larger than aspartate, and cells can quickly adapt (but possibly imperfectly). The authors propose that the mechanism for potassium response is through modifying intracellular pH; they find both that potassium modifies pH and other pH modifiers induce similar attractant responses. It is also shown, using Tar- and Tsr-only mutants, that these two chemoreceptors respond to potassium differently. Tsr has a standard attractant response, while Tar has a biphasic response (repellent-like then attractant-like). Finally, the authors use computer simulations to study the swimming response of cells to a periodic potassium signal secreted from a biofilm and find a phase delay that depends on the period of oscillation.


      The finding that E. coli can sense and adapt to potassium signals and the connection to intracellular pH is quite interesting and this work should stimulate future experimental and theoretical studies regarding the microscopic mechanisms governing this response. The evidence (from both the bead assay and FRET) that potassium induces an attractant response is convincing, as is the proposed mechanism involving modification of intracellular pH.


      The authors show that changes in pH impact fluorescent protein brightness and modify the FRET signal; this measurement explains the apparent imprecise adaptation they measured. However, this effect reduces confidence in the quantitative accuracy of the FRET measurements. For example, part of the potassium response curve (Fig. 4B) can be attributed to chemotactic response and part comes from the pH modifying the FRET signal. Measuring the full potassium response curve of the no-receptor mutants as a control would help quantify the true magnitude of the chemotactic response and the adaptation precision to potassium.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. We have now measured the full potassium response curve for the no-receptor mutant (HCB1414-pVS88), as shown in Fig. S4. We characterized the pH effects on CFP and YFP channels at different concentrations of KCl, and the relationship between the ratio of the signal post- to pre-KCl addition and the KCl concentration was established for both channels, as shown in Fig. S4C. The pH-corrected signal after KCl addition for strains with receptors was obtained by dividing the original signal after KCl addition by this ratio at the specific KCl concentration. This was done for both CFP and YFP channels. The pH-corrected responses for the Tar-only and Tsr-only strains are represented by red dots in Fig. 5BC. The recalculated response curve and adaptation curve for the wild-type strain are shown in Fig. S5. The same correction was applied to Fig. 3 as well. We also re-performed the simulations using the corrected dose-response curve and replotted Fig. 6, though the simulation results did not change much.

      We have now added a subsection “Revised FRET responses by correcting the pH effects on the brightness of eCFP and eYFP” at line 296 in “Results” to describe this.

      The measured response may also be impacted by adaptation. For other strong attractant stimuli, the response typically shows a low plateau before it recovers (adapts). However, in the case of Potassium, the FRET signal does not have an obvious plateau following the stimuli. Do the authors have an explanation for that? One possibility is that the cells may have already partially adapted when the response reaches its minimum, which could indicate a different response and/or adaptation dynamics from that of a regular chemo-attractant? In any case, directly measuring the response to potassium in mutants without adaptation enzymes (CheR, CheB) and with the receptors in different methylation levels would shed more light on the problem.

      Response: We appreciate the reviewer’s insightful questions. To observe the low plateau before adaptation, a saturating amount of attractant should be added in a stepwise manner. According to the dose-response curve we measured for potassium, a saturating amount of potassium would be close to 100 mM. In fact, there is a small segment of the low plateau in the step response to 30 mM KCl (Fig. 4C or Fig. S5A). To observe more of this low plateau, we could have used a higher concentration of KCl. However, a stimulation higher than 30 mM KCl will induce substantial physiological changes in the cell, resulting in a significant decrease in fluorescence for both channels (Fig. S7). Therefore, the range of KCl concentration that can be reliably applied in FRET measurements is limited.

      The half-time of adaptation at 30 mM KCl was measured to be approximately 80 s, demonstrating a faster adaptation than 0.1 mM MeAsp, which induced a similar magnitude of response. Nevertheless, this is still significantly slower than the time required for medium exchange in the flow chamber, which takes less than 10 s to replace 99% of the medium. Thus, the effect on the measured response magnitude due to adaptation should be small (less than 10%).

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion of measuring the response to potassium in mutants without adaptation enzymes (CheR, CheB) and with the receptors in different methylation levels. However, these mutants are typically less sensitive than the wild-type, exhibiting higher values of K0.5 (Sourjik & Berg, PNAS 99:123, 2002), and thus require an even higher KCl concentration to see the low plateau. Consistent with this, we attempted to measure the response to potassium in a cheRcheB mutant (HCB1382-pVS88). As shown in Fig. R1 below, there is no response to up to 30 mM KCl, suggesting that the sensitive region of the mutant is beyond 30 mM KCl.

      The relevant text was added at line 413-424.

      Author response image 1.

      The response of the cheRcheB mutant (HCB1382-pVS88) to different concentrations of KCl. The blue solid line denotes the original signal, while the red dots represent the pH-corrected signal. The vertical purple (green) dashed lines indicate the moment of adding (removing) 0.01 mM, 0.1 mM, 0.3 mM, 1 mM, 3 mM, 10 mM and 30 mM KCl, in chronological order.

      There seems to be an inconsistency between the FRET and bead assay measurements, the CW bias shows over-adaptation, while the FRET measurement does not.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We have now demonstrated that the imprecise adaptation shown in the FRET assay primarily resulted from the pH-induced intensity change of the fluorescent proteins. As shown in Fig. S5A&C, the FRET signal also shows over-adaptation, similar to the bead assay, when we recalculated the response by correcting the CFP and YFP channels.

      Now we clarified it at line 315.

      The small hill coefficient of the potassium response curve and the biphasic response of the Tar-only strain, while both very interesting, require further explanation since these are quite different than responses to more conventional chemoattractants.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We have now recalculated the pH-corrected results for the dose-response curve (Fig. S5) and the biphasic response of the Tar-only strain (Fig. 5C). The new Hill coefficient is 0.880.14 (meanSD), which is close to the response to MeAsp (1.2) (ref. 46). We suspected that this Hill coefficient of slightly less than 1 resulted from the different responses of Tar and Tsr receptors to potassium.

      The Tar-only strain exhibits a repellent response to stepwise addition of low concentrations of potassium less than 10 mM, and a biphasic response above (Fig. 5C). This biphasic response might result from additional pH-effects on the activity of intracellular enzymes such as CheRB and CheA, which may have a different timescale and response from the Tar receptor. We have now added the penultimate paragraph in “Discussion” to talk about the response of the Tar-only strain.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Zhang et al investigated the biophysical mechanism of potassium-mediated chemotactic behavior in E coli. Previously, it was reported by Humphries et al that the potassium waves from oscillating B subtilis biofilm attract P aeruginosa through chemotactic behavior of motile P aeruginosa cells. It was proposed that K+ waves alter PMF of P aeruginosa. However, the mechanism was this behaviour was not elusive. In this study, Zhang et al demonstrated that motile E coli cells accumulate in regions of high potassium levels. They found that this behavior is likely resulting from the chemotaxis signalling pathway, mediated by an elevation of intracellular pH. Overall, a solid body of evidence is provided to support the claims. However, the impacts of pH on the fluorescence proteins need to be better evaluated. In its current form, the evidence is insufficient to say that the fluoresce intensity ratio results from FRET. It may well be an artefact of pH change. Nevertheless, this is an important piece of work. The text is well written, with a good balance of background information to help the reader follow the questions investigated in this research work.

      In my view, the effect of pH on the FRET between CheY-eYFP and CheZ-eCFP is not fully examined. The authors demonstrated in Fig. S3 that CFP intensity itself changes by KCl, likely due to pH. They showed that CFP itself is affected by pH. This result raises a question of whether the FRET data in Fig3-5 could result from the intensity changes of FPs, but not FRET. The measured dynamics may have nothing to do with the interaction between CheY and CheZ. It should be noted that CFP and YFP have different sensitivities to pH. So, the measurement is likely confounded by the change in intracellular pH. Without further experiments to evaluate the effect of pH on CFP and YFP, the data using this FRET pair is inconclusive.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We have now measured the full potassium response curve for the no-receptor mutant (HCB1414-pVS88), as shown in Fig. S4. We characterized the pH effects on CFP and YFP channels at different concentrations of KCl, and the relationship between the ratio of the signal post- to pre-KCl addition and the KCl concentration was established for both channels, as shown in Fig. S4C. The pH-corrected signal after KCl addition for strains with receptors was obtained by dividing the original signal after KCl addition by this ratio at the specific KCl concentration. This was done for both CFP and YFP channels. The pH-corrected responses for the Tar-only and Tsr-only strains are represented by red dots in Fig. 5BC. The recalculated response curve and adaptation curve for the wild-type strain are shown in Fig. S5. The same correction was applied to Fig. 3 as well. We also re-performed the simulations using the corrected dose-response curve and replotted Fig. 6, though the simulation results did not change much.

      We have now added a subsection “Revised FRET responses by correcting the pH effects on the brightness of eCFP and eYFP” at line 296 in “Results” to describe this.

      The data in Figure 1 is convincing. It would be helpful to include example videos. There is also ambiguity in the method section for this experiment. It states 100mM KCl was flown to the source channel. However, it is not clear if 100 mM KCl was prepared in water or in the potassium-depleted motility buffer. If KCl was prepared with water, there would be a gradient of other chemicals in the buffer, which confound the data.

      Response: We apologize for the ambiguity. The KCl solution used in this work was prepared in the potassium-depleted motility buffer. We have now clarified this at both lines 116 and 497. We now provided an example video, Movie S1, with the relevant text added at line 123.

      The authors show that the FRET data with both KCl and K2SO4, and concluded that the chemotactic response mainly resulted from potassium ions. However, this was only measured by FRET. It would be more convincing if the motility assay in Fig1 is also performed with K2SO4.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. The aim of comparing the responses to KCl and K2SO4 was to determine the role of chloride ions in the response and to prove that the chemotactic response of E. coli to KCl comes primarily from its response to potassium ions. It is more sensitive to compare the responses to KCl and K2SO4 by using the FRET assay. In contrast, the microfluidic motility assay is less sensitive in revealing the difference in the chemotactic responses, making it difficult to determine the potential role of chloride ions.


      • Please clarify the promotes used for the constitutive expression of FliCsticky and LacI.

      Response: The promoters used for the constitutive expression of LacIq and FliCsticky were the Iq promoter and the native promoter of fliC, respectively (ref. 57).

      Now these have been clarified at line 471.

      • Fluorescence filters and imaging conditions (exposure time, light intensity) are missing.

      Response: Thank you for the suggestion. We have now added more descriptions at lines 535-546: The FRET setup was based on a Nikon Ti-E microscope equipped with a 40× 0.60 NA objective. The illumination light was provided by a 130-W mercury lamp, attenuated by a factor of 1024 with neutral density filters, and passed through an excitation bandpass filter (FF02-438/24-25, Semrock) and a dichroic mirror (FF458-Di02-25x36, Semrock). The epifluorescent emission was split into cyan and yellow channels by a second dichroic mirror (FF509-FDi01-25x36, Semrock). The signals in the two channels were then filtered by two emission bandpass filters (FF01-483/32-25 and FF01-542/32-25, Semrock) and collected by two photon-counting photomultipliers (H7421-40, Hamamatsu, Hamamatsu City, Japan), respectively. Signals from the two photomultipliers were recorded at a sampling rate of 1 Hz using a data-acquisition card installed in a computer (USB-1901(G)-1020, ADlink, New Taipei, Taiwan).

      • Please clarify if the temperature was controlled in motility assays.

      Response: All measurements in our work were performed at 23 ℃. It was clarified at line 496.

      • L513. It is not clear how theta was selected. Was theta set to be between 0 and pi? If not, P(theta) can be negative?

      Response: The θ was set to be between 0 and π. This has now been added at line 581.

      • Typo in L442 (and) and L519 (Koff)

      Response: Thank you. Corrected.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) From the motor measurements the authors find that the CW bias over-adapts to a level larger than prestimulus, but this is not seen in the FRET measurements. What causes this inconsistency? Fig. 2D seems to rule out any change in CheY binding to the motor.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We have now demonstrated that the imprecise adaptation shown in the FRET assay primarily resulted from the pH-induced intensity change of the fluorescent proteins. As shown in Fig. S5A&C, the FRET signal also shows over-adaptation, similar to the bead assay, when we recalculated the response by correcting the CFP and YFP channels.

      We now clarified it at line 315.

      (2) It would be useful to compare the response amplitude for potassium (Fig. 3C) to a large concentration of both MeAsp and serine. This is a fairer comparison since your work shows potassium acts on both Tar and Tsr. Alternatively, testing a much larger concentration (~10^6 micromolar) at which MeAsp also binds to Tsr would also be useful.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We have now recalculated the response to potassium by correcting the pH-induced effects on fluorescence intensity of CFP and YFP. The response to 30 mM KCl was 1.060.10 times as large as that to 100 μM MeAsp. The aim of the comparison between the responses to potassium and MeAsp was to provide an idea of the magnitude of the chemotactic response to potassium. The stimulus of 100 μM MeAsp is already a saturating amount of attractant and induces zero-kinase activity, thus using a higher stimulus (adding serine or a larger concentration of MeAsp) is probably not needed. Moreover, a larger concentration (~10^6 micromolar) of MeAsp would also induce an osmotactic response.

      (3) The fitted Hill coefficient (~0.5) to the FRET response curve is quite small and the authors suggest this indicates negative cooperativity. Do they have a proposed mechanism for negative cooperativity? Have similar coefficients been measured for other responses?

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We have now recalculated the pH-corrected results for the dose-response curve (Fig. S5). The new Hill coefficient is 0.880.14 (meanSD), which is close to the response to MeAsp (1.2) (ref. 46). We suspect that this Hill coefficient of slightly less than 1 results from the differing responses of Tar and Tsr receptors to potassium.

      (3a) The authors state a few times that the response to potassium is "very sensitive", but the low Hill coefficient indicates that the response is not very sensitive (at least compared to aspartate and serine responses).

      Response: We apologize for the confusion. We described the response to potassium as “very sensitive” due to the small value of K0.5. This has now been clarified at line 236.

      (3b) Since the measurements are performed in wild-type cells the response amplitude following the addition of potassium may be biased if the cell has already partially adapted. This seems to be the case since the FRET time series does not plateau after the addition of the stimulus. The accuracy of the response curve and hill coefficient would be more convincing if the experiment was repeated with a cheR cheB deficient mutant.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for raising these questions. To observe the low plateau before adaptation, a saturating amount of attractant should be added in a stepwise manner. According to the dose-response curve we measured for potassium, a saturating amount of potassium would be close to 100 mM. In fact, there is a small segment of the low plateau in the step response to 30 mM KCl (Fig. 4C or Fig. S5A). To observe more of this low plateau, we could have used a higher concentration of KCl. However, a stimulation higher than 30 mM KCl will induce substantial physiological changes in the cell, resulting in a significant decrease in fluorescence for both channels (Fig. S7). Therefore, the range of KCl concentration that can be reliably applied in FRET measurements is limited.

      The half-time of adaptation at 30 mM KCl was measured to be approximately 80 s, demonstrating a faster adaptation than 0.1 mM MeAsp, which induced a similar magnitude of response. Nevertheless, this is still significantly slower than the time required for medium exchange in the flow chamber, which takes less than 10 s to replace 99% of the medium. Thus, the effect on the measured response magnitude due to adaptation should be small (less than 10%).

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion of measuring the response to potassium in mutants without adaptation enzymes (CheR, CheB) and with the receptors in different methylation levels. However, these mutants are typically less sensitive than the wild-type, exhibiting higher values of K0.5 (ref. 46), and thus require an even higher KCl concentration to see the low plateau. Consistent with this, we attempted to measure the response to potassium in a cheRcheB mutant (HCB1382-pVS88). As shown in Fig. R1, there is no response to up to 30 mM KCl, suggesting that the sensitive region of the mutant is beyond 30 mM KCl.

      The relevant text was added at line 413-424.

      (4) The authors show that the measured imprecise adaptation can be (at least partially) attributed to pH impacting the FRET signal by changing eCFP and eYFP brightness.

      (4a) Comparing Fig. 5C and D, the chemosensing and pH response time scales look similar. Therefore, does the pH effect bias the measured response amplitude (just as it biases the adapted FRET level)?

      Response: We agree with the reviewer that the pH effect on CFP and YFP biases the measured response amplitude. We have now performed the measurement of dose-response curve to potassium for the no-receptor mutant (HCB1414-pVS88), as shown in Fig. S4. The pH effects on CFP and YFP were corrected. The dose-response curve and adaptation curve were recalculated and plotted in Fig. S5.

      (4b) It would help to measure a full response curve (at many concentrations) for the no-receptor strain as a control. This would help distinguish, as a function of concentration, how much response can be attributed to pH impacting the FRET signal versus the true chemotactic response.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. We have now performed the measurements for the no-receptor strain. The impact of pH on CFP and YFP has been corrected. The pH-corrected results, previously in Fig.3-5, are now presented in Fig. 3, Fig. S5 and Fig. 5, respectively.

      (5) The biphasic response of Tar is strange and warrants further discussion. Do the authors have any proposed mechanisms that lead to this behavior? For the 10mM and 30mM KCl measurements there is a repellent response followed by an attractant response for both adding and removing the stimuli, why is this?

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. The Tar-only strain exhibits a repellent response to stepwise addition of low concentrations of potassium less than 10 mM, and a biphasic response above (Fig. 5C). This biphasic response might result from additional pH-effects on the activity of intracellular enzymes such as CheRB and CheA, which may have a different timescale and response from the Tar receptor. We have now added the penultimate paragraph in “Discussion” to talk about the response of the Tar-only strain.

      (5a) The fact that Tar and Tsr are both attractant (after the initial repellant response in Tar) appears to be inconsistent with previous work on pH response (Ref 52, Yang and Sourjik Molecular Microbiology (2012) 86(6), 1482-1489). This study also didn't see any biphasic response.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. The Tar-only strain shows a repellent response to stepwise addition of low concentrations of potassium, specifically less than 10 mM. This is consistent with previous observations of the response of Tar to changes in intracellular pH (refs. 44,45) and also with the work of Yang and Sourjik (new ref. 53), although the work in ref. 53 dealt with the response to external pH change, and bacteria were known to maintain a relatively stable intracellular pH when external pH changes (Chen & Berg, Biophysical Journal (2000) 78:2280-2284). Interestingly, the Tar-only strain exhibits a biphasic response to high potassium concentrations of 10 mM and above. This biphasic response might result from additional pH-effects on the activity of intracellular enzymes such as CheRB and CheA (ref. 56), which may have a different timescale and response from the Tar receptor. We have now added the penultimate paragraph in “Discussion” to talk about the response of the Tar-only strain.

      (5b) The response of Tar to the removal of sodium benzoate (Fig. S2) seems to be triphasic, is there any explanation for this?

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We have now acknowledged in the legend of Fig. S2 that this response is interesting and warrants further exploration: “The response to the removal of sodium benzoate seems to be a superposition of an attractant and a repellent response, the reason for which deserves to be further explored.”

      (6) Fitting the MWC model leads to N=0.35<1. It is fine to use this as a phenomenological parameter, but can the authors comment on what might be causing such a small effective cluster size for potassium response?

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We have now recalculated the pH-corrected results for the dose-response curve (Fig. S5). The new Hill coefficient is 0.880.14 (meanSD), which is close to the response to MeAsp (1.2) (ref. 46). We now refit the MWC model to the pH-corrected dose-response curve, obtaining N of 0.85. We think the small N is due partly to the fact that we are fitting the curve with four parameters: N, Kon, Koff, and fm, while only three features of the sigmoid does-response curve are relevant (the vertical scale, the midpoint concentration, and the slope of the sigmoid). Future experiments may determine these parameters more accurately, but they should not significantly affect the simulation results as long as the wild-type dose-response curve is accurate.

      (7) The results of the modeling are closely related to Zhu et. al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 128101. Is the lag time for large T related to the adaptation time?

      Response: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We used a similar framework of modeling as Zhu et. al. The potassium response was also analogous to the chemotactic response to MeAsp. Thus, the results are closely related to Zhu et al. We have now cited Zhu et al. (Ref. 52) and noted this at line 366.

      The lag time for large T is related to the adaptation time. We have now simulated the chemotaxis to potassium for large T with different adaptation time by varying the methylation rate kR. The results are shown in Fig. S8. The simulated lag time decreases with the methylation rate kR, but levels off at high values of kR. Now this has been added at line 603.

      Minor issues:

      • Fig. 1C: should the axis label be y?

      Response: Yes, thank you. Now corrected.

      • Line 519: Koff given twice, the second should be Kon.

      Response: Thank you. Corrected.

      • When fitting the MWC model (Eq. 3 and Fig. 6B) did you fix a particular value for m?

      Response: m was treated as a fitting parameter, grouped in the parameter fm.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Minor points: - I suggest explaining the acronyms when they first appear in the text (eg CMC, CW, CCW).

      Response: Thank you. Now they have been added.

      • L144. L242. "decrease" is ambiguous since membrane potential is negative. I understand the authors meant less negative (which is an increase). I suggest to avoid this expression.

      Response: Thank you for the suggestion. Now they have been replaced by “The absolute value of the transmembrane electrical potential will decrease”.

      • For Fig 1b - it says the shaded area is SEM in the text, but SD in the legend. Please clarify.

      Response: Thank you. The annotation in the legend has now been revised as SEM.

      • Fig 1C label of x axis should be "y" instead of "x" to be consistent with Fig 1A.

      Response: Thank you. It has now been revised.

      • In Figure 2, the number of independent experiments as well as the number of samples should be included.

      Response: Thank you. The response in Fig. 2C is the average of 83 motors from 5 samples for wild-type strain (JY26-pKAF131). The response in Fig. 2D is the average of 22 motors from 4 samples for the chemotaxis-defective strain (HCB901-pBES38). They have now been added to the legend.

      • Regarding the attractant or repelling action of potassium and sucrose, it would be important to have a move showing the cells' behaviours.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. We have now provided Movie S1 to show the cells’ behavior to potassium. As shown in Fig. 3B, the chemotactic response to 60 mM sucrose is very small compared to the response to 30 mM KCl. This implies that a noticeable response to sucrose necessitates higher concentrations of stimulation. However, Jerko et al. [Rosko, J., Martinez, V. A., Poon, W. C. K. & Pilizota, T. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 114, E7969-E7976 (2017).] have shown that high concentrations of sucrose lead to a significant reduction in the speed of the flagella motor. Thus, in a motility assay for sucrose, the osmolarity-induced motility effect may overwhelm the minor repellent-like response.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The weaknesses are the brevity of the simulations, the concomitant lack of scope of the simulations, the lack of depth in the analysis, and the incomplete relation to other relevant work.

      A 1 µs simulation of CCh (Video 1, part 2) shows that m3 (ACHA) is stable, throughout. The DG comparisons, in silico versus in vitro, indicate that 200 ns simulations are sufficient to identify LA versus HA conformational populations. Figure 6-table supplement 1 shows distances. New citations have been added.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      After carrying out all-atom molecular dynamics, the authors revert to a model of binding using continuum Poisson-Boltzmann, surface area, and vibrational entropy. The motivations for and limitations associated with this approximate model for the thermodynamics of binding, rather than using modern atomistic MD free energy methods (that would fully incorporate configurational sampling of the protein, ligand, and solvent) could be provided. Despite this, the authors report a correlation between their free energy estimates and those inferred from the experiment. This did, however, reveal shortcomings for two of the agonists. The authors mention their trouble getting correlation to experiment for Ebt and Ebx and refer to up to 130% errors in free energy. But this is far worse than a simple proportional error, because -24 Vs -10 kcal/mol is a massive overestimation of free energy, as would be evident if the authors were to instead express results in terms of KD values (which would have an error exceeding a billion fold). The MD analysis could be improved with better measures of convergence, as well as a more careful discussion of free energy maps as a function of identified principal components, as described below. Overall, however, the study has provided useful observations and interpretations of agonist binding that will help understand pentameric ligand-gated ion channel activation.

      The objective of the calculations was to identify structural populations, not to estimate binding free energies. We knew the actual LA and HA energies (for all 4 agonists) from real-world electrophysiology experiments. We conclude that the simple PBSA method worked as a tool for identification because the calculated efficiencies match those from experiments (Figure 4B, Figure 4-Source Data 1). We discuss the mismatches in absolute G in the Results and Discussion. Methods for estimating experimental binding free energies are described in a cited, eLife companion paper. The G ratio relates to agonist efficiency.

      Main points:

      Regarding the choice of model, some further justification of the reduced 2 subunit ECD-only model could be given. On page 5 the authors argue that, because binding free energies are independent of energy changes outside the binding pocket, they could remove the TMD and study only an ECD subunit dimer. While the assumption of distant interactions being small seems somewhat reasonable, provided conformational changes are limited and localised, how do we know the packing of TMD onto the ECD does not alter the ability of the alpha-delta interface to rearrange during weak or strong binding? They further write that "fluctuations observed at the base of the ECD were anticipated because the TMD that offers stability here was absent.". As the TMD-ECD interface is the "gating interface" that is reshaped by agonist binding, surely the TMD-ECD interface structure must affect binding. It seems a little dangerous to completely separate the agonist binding and gating infrastructure, based on some assumption of independence. Given the model was only the alpha and delta subunits and not the pentamer with TMD, I am surprised such a model was stable without some heavy restraints. The authors state that "as a further control we carried out MD simulation of a pentamer docked with ACh and found similar structural changes at the binding pocket compared to the dimer." Is this sufficient proof of the accuracy of the simplified model? How similar was the model itself with and without agonist in terms of overall RMSD and RMSD for the subunit interface and the agonist binding site, as well as the free energy of binding to each model to compare?

      The statement that distant interactions are small is not an "assumption", but rather a conclusion based on data. Mutant cycle analysis of 83 pairs shows (with a few exceptions) non-additivity of free energy change prevails only with separations <~15 A (Fig.3 in Gupta et al 2017). Regardless, the adequacy of dimers and convergence by 200 ns are supported by the calculated and experimental agonist efficiencies match (Figure 4B) and the 1 ms simulation (Video 1 part 2). Apo 200ns simulation of the ECD dimer is now added (Figure 2-figure supplement 2) and the dimer interface seems to be adequate (stable).

      Although the authors repeatedly state that they have good convergence with their MD, I believe the analysis could be improved to convince us. On page 8 the authors write that the RMSD of the system converged in under 200 ns of MD. However, I note that the graph is of the entire ECD dimer, not a measure for the local binding site region. An additional RMSD of local binding site would be much more telling. You could have a structural isomerisation in the site and not even notice it in the existing graph. On page 9 the authors write that the RMSF in Figure S2 showed instability mainly in loops C and F around the pocket. Given this flexibility at the alpha-delta interface, this is why collecting those regions into one group for the calculation of RMSD convergence analysis would have been useful. They then state "the final MD configuration (with CCh) was well-aligned with the CCh-bound cryo-EM desensitized structure (7QL6)... further demonstrating that the simulation had converged." That may suggest a change occurred that is in common with the global minimum seen in cryo EM, which is good, but does not prove the MD has "converged". I would also rename Figure S3 accordingly.

      The description is now changed to “aligns well” with desensitized structure (7QL6.PDB)”. RMSD of not just the binding pocket but the whole ECD dimer is well aligned with first apo (m1) and with desensitized state (m3).

      The authors draw conclusions about the dominant states and pathways from their PCA component free energy projections that need clarification. It is important first to show data to demonstrate that the two PCA components chosen were dominant and accounted for most of the variance. Then when mapping free energy as a function of those two PCA components, to prove that those maps have sufficient convergence to be able to interpret them. Moreover, if the free energies themselves cannot be used to measure state stability (as seems to be the case), that the limitations are carefully explained. First, was PCA done on all MD trajectories combined to find a common PC1 & PC2, or were they done separately on each simulation? If so, how similar are they? The authors write "the first two principal components (PC-1 and PC-2) that capture the most pronounced C. displacements". How much of the total variance did these two components capture? The authors write the changes mostly concern loop C and loop F, but which data proves this? e.g. A plot of PC1 and PC2 over residue number might help.

      The PCA analyses have been enriched. Figure 3-Source Data 1. shows the dominance of PC1 and PC2. Because the binding energy match was sufficient to identify affinity states, we did not explore additional PCs. Residue-wise PC1 and PC2 analysis and comparison with RMSF are in Figure 2-figure supplement 2. PC1 and PC2 both correlate with fluctuations in loops C and F. Overlap analysis in different runs is shown in Figure 3-figure supplement 1. Lower variance in a particular region of the PCA landscape indicates that the system frequently visits these states, suggesting stability (a preference for these conformations).

      The authors map the -kTln rho as a free energy for each simulation as a function of PC1 & PC2. It is important to reveal how well that PC1-2 space was sampled, and how those maps converged over time. The shapes of the maps and the relative depths of the wells look very different for each agonist. If the maps were sampled well and converged, the free energies themselves would tell us the stabilities of each state. Instead, the authors do not even mention this and instead talk about "variance" being the indicator of stability, stating that m3 is most stable in all cases. While I can believe 200ns could not converge a PC1-2 map and that meaningful delta G values might not be obtained from them, the issue of lack of sampling must be dealt with. On page 12 they write "Although the bottom of the well for 3 energy minima from PCA represent the most stable overall conformation of the protein, they do not convey direct information regarding agonist stability or orientation". The reasons why not must be explained; as they should do just that if the two order parameters PC1 and PC2 captured the slowest degrees of freedom for binding and sampling was sufficient. The authors write that "For all agonists and trajectories, m3 had the least variance (was most stable), again supporting convergence by 200 ns." Again the issue of actual free energy values in the maps needs to be dealt with. The probabilities expressed as -kTln rho in kcal/mol might suggest that m2 is the most stable. Instead, the authors base stability only on variance (I guess breadth of the well?), where m3 may be more localised in the chosen PC space, despite apparently having less preference during the MD (not the lowest free energy in the maps).

      The motivations and justifications for the use of approximate PBSA energetics instead of atomistic MD free energies should be dealt with in the manuscript, with limitations more clearly discussed. Rather than using modern all-atom MD free energy methods for relative or absolute binding free energies, the author selects clusters from their identified states and does Poisson-Boltzmann estimates (electrostatic, vdW, surface area, vibrational entropy). I do believe the following sentence does not begin to deal with the limitations of that method: "there are limitations with regard to MM-PBSA accurately predicting absolute binding free energies (Genheden & Ryde, 2015; Hou et al., 2011) that depends on the parameterization of the ligand (Oostenbrink et al., 2004)." What are the assumptions and limitations in taking continuum electrostatics (presumably with parameters for dielectric constants and their assignments to regions after discarding solvent), surface area (with its assumptions and limitations), and of course assuming vibration of a normal mode can capture entropy. On page 30, regarding their vibrational entropy estimate, they write that the "entropy term provides insights into the disorder within the system, as well as how this disorder changes during the binding process". It is important that the extent of disorder captured by the vibrational estimate be discussed, as it is not obvious that it has captured entropy involving multiple minima on the system's true 3N-dimensional energy surface, and especially the contribution from solvent disorder in bound Vs dissociated states.

      As discussed above, errors in the free energy estimates need to be more faithfully represented, as fractional errors are not meaningful. On page 21 the authors write "The match improved when free energy ratios rather than absolute values were compared." But a ratio of free energies is not a typical or expected measure of error in delta G. They also write "For ACh and CCh, there is good agreement between.Gm1 and GLA and between.Gm3 and GHA. For these agonists, in silico values overestimated experimental ones only by ~8% and ~25%. The agreement was not as good for the other 2 agonists, as calculated values overestimated experimental ones by ~45%(Ebt) and ~130% (Ebt). However, the fractional overestimation was approximately the same for GLA and GHA." See the above comment on how this may misrepresent the error. On page 21 they write, in relation to their large fractional errors, that they "do not know the origin of this factor but speculate that it could be caused by errors in ligand parameterization". However the estimates from the PBSA approach are, by design, only approximate. Both errors in parameterisation (and their likely origin) and the approximate model used, need discussion.

      Again, the goal of calculating binding free energy was to identify structural correspondence to LA and HA and not to obtain absolute binding free energy values. Along with the least variance (distribution) for the principle component for m3, it also had the highest binding free energy. An association of m1 to LA and m3 to HA was done after comparing them to experimental values (efficiencies). This comparison not only validates our approach but also underscores the utility of PBSA in supplementing MD and PCA analyses with broader energetics perspectives.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Although the match in simulated vs experimental energies for two ligands was very good, the calculated energies for two other ligands were significantly different than the experiment. It is unclear to what extent the choice of method for the energy calculations influenced the results. See above.

      A control simulation, such as for an apo site, is lacking. Figure 2-figure supplement 2. shows the results of 200 ns MD simulations of the apo structure (n=2).

      Reviewer #4 (Public Review):


      Timescales (200 ns) do not capture global rearrangements of the extracellular domain, let alone gating transitions of the channel pore, though this work may provide a launching point for more extended simulations. A more general concern is the reproducibility of the simulations, and how representative states are defined. It is not clear whether replicates were included in principal component analysis or subsequent binding energy calculations, nor how simulation intervals were associated with specific states.

      We are interested eventually in using MD to study the full isomerization, but these investigations are for the future and likely will involve full length pentamers and longer timescales. However, in response to this query we have in the Discussion raised this issue and offer speculations. See above, PCA has be compared between replicates (Figure 3-figure supplement 1).

      Structural analysis largely focuses on snapshots, with limited direct evidence of consistency across replicates or clusters. Figure legends and tables could be clarified.

      Snapshots and distance measurements (Figure 6-table supplement 1) were extracted from m1, m2 and m3 plateau regions of trajectories. Incorporated in the legend.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      This study gives interesting insights into the possible dynamics of ligand binding in ACh receptors and establishes some prerequisites for necessary and urgent further work. The broad interest in this receptor class means this work will have some reach.


      (1) I found the citation of relevant literature to be rather limited. In the following paper, the agonist glutamate was shown to bind in two different orientations, and also to convert. These are much longer simulations than what is presented here (nearly 50 µs), which allowed a richer view of conformational changes and ligand binding dynamics in the AMPA Receptor. Albert Lau has published similar work on NMDA, delta, and kainate receptors, including some of it in eLife. Perhaps the authors could draw some helpful comparisons with this work.

      Yu A et al. (2018) Neurotransmitter Funneling Optimizes Glutamate Receptor Kinetics. Neuron

      Likewise, the comparison to a similar piece of work on glycine receptors (not cited, https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/bi500815f) could be instructive. Several similar computational techniques were used, and interactions observed (in the simulations) between the agonist and the receptor were tested in the context of wet experiments. In the absence of an equivalent process in this paper (no findings were tested using an orthogonal approach, only compared against known results, from perhaps a narrow spectrum of papers), we have to view the major findings of the paper (docking in cis that leads to a ligand somersault) with some hesitancy.

      The Gharpure 2019 paper is cited in the context of the delta subunit but this paper was about a3b4 neuronal nicotinic receptors. This could be tidied up. Also, the simulations from that paper could be used as an index of the stability of the HA state (if ligand orientation is being cited as transferrable, other observations could be too).

      New citations have been added. It is difficult to generalize from Yu A and Yu R eta al, because in neither study was the ligand orientation associated with LA versus HA binding energy.

      (2) "To start, we associated the agonist orientation in the hold end states as cis in AC-LA versus trans in AC-HA."

      I think this a valid start, but one is left with the feeling that this is all we have and the validity of the starting state is not tested. What was really shown here? Is the docking reliable? What evidence can the authors summon for the ligand orientation that they use as a starting structure? In addition to docking energies, the match between PBSA and electrophysiology Gs and temporal sequence (m1-m2-m3) support the assignment.

      Given that these simulations cover a circumscribed part of the binding process, I think the limitations should be acknowledged. Indeed the authors do mention a number of remaining open questions.

      Paragraphs regarding 'catch' have been added to the Discussion.

      (3) Results around line 90. Hypothetical structures and states that were determined from Markov analyses are discussed as if they are well understood and identified. Plausible though these are, I think the text should underline at least the source of such information. In these simulations, a further intermediate has been identified.

      The model in Figure 1B was first published in 2012 and has been used and extended over the intervening years. In our lab, catch-and-hold is standard. We have published many papers (in top journals), plus reviews, regarding this scheme. We made presentations that are on Youtube. Here, at the end of the Introduction we now cite a new review article (Biophysical Journal, 2024). I am not sure what more we can do to raise awareness regarding catch and hold.

      (4) The figures are dense and could be better organised. Figure 2 is key but has a muddled organization. The placement of the panel label (C) makes it look like the top row (0 ns) is part of (A). Panel B- what is shown in the oval inset (not labeled or in legend). Why not show more than one view, perhaps a sequence of time points? It is confusing to change the colour of the loops in (C). Please show the individual values in D.

      Figure 2 has been redone.

      (5) A lot is made of the aK145 salt bridge with aD200 and the distances - but I didn't see any measurements, or time course. This part is vague to the point of having no meaning ("bridge tightening").

      We present a Table of distance measurements in the SI (Figure 6-table supplement 1).

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      All main comments have been given in the above review. There are a few other minor comments below.

      The 4 agonists examined were acetylcholine (ACh), carbamylcholine (CCh), epibatidine (Ebt), and epiboxidine (Ebx). Could the choices be motivated for the reader?

      New in Methods: the agonists are about the same size yet represent different efficiency classes (citation to companion eLife paper). One of our (unmet) objectives was to understand the structural correlates of agonist efficiency.

      The authors write that state structures generated in the MD simulation were identified by aligning free energy values with those from experiments. It would be good to explain to the reader, in the introduction, how LA and HA free energies were extracted from experiments, rather than relying on them to read older papers.

      In the Introduction, we say that to get G, just measure an equilibrium constant and take the log. We think it is excessive to explain in detail in this paper how to measure the equilibrium binding constants (several methods suffice). However, we have added in Methods our basic approach: measure KLA and L2 by using electrophysiology, and compute KHA from the thermodynamic cycle using L0. We think this paper is best understood in the context of its companion, also in eLife.

      In all equilibrium equations of the type A to B (e.g. on page 5), rather than using "=" signs it would be much better to use equilibrium reversible arrow symbols.

      It is incorporated.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) Although the match in simulated vs experimental energies for two ligands was very good, the calculated energies for Ebt and Ebx were significantly different than the experiment. Are there any alternative methods for calculating binding energies from the MD simulations that could be readily compared to?

      See above. We did not use more sophisticated energy calculations because we already knew the answers. Our objective was to identify states, not to calculate energies.

      (2) It would be nice to see control simulations of an apo site to ensure that the conformational changes during the MD are due to the ligands and not an artifact of the way the system is set up. I am primarily asking about this as the simulation of the isolated ECDs for the binding site interface seems like it may be unhappy without the neighboring domains that would normally surround it. On that note, was the protein constrained in any way during the MD?

      Apo simulation results are presented in Figure 2-figure supplement 2. The dimer interface seems to be adequate (stable).

      (3) Figure 4A-B: Should the colors for m1 and m3 be reversed?

      Colors have been changed and a bar chart has been added.

      Reviewer #4 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) Although simulations are commendably run in triplicate, it is difficult in some places to discern their consistency.

      (1a) Table S1 provides important quantification of deviations in different replicates and with different agonists. Please confirm that the reported values are accurate. All values reported for the epibatidine system are identical to those reported for carbamylcholine, which seems statistically improbable. Similarly, runs 1 and 3 with epiboxidine seem identical to one another, and runs 1 and 2 with acetylcholine are nearly the same.

      Figure 2-Source Data 1 has been corrected.

      (1b) In reference to Figure S3, the authors comment that the simulated system (one replicate with carbamylcholine) converges within 0.5 Å RMSD of a desensitized experimental structure. This seems amazing; please specify over what atoms this deviation was calculated and with reference to what alignment. It would be interesting to know the reproducibility of this remarkable convergence in additional replicates or with other ligands; for example, Figure 5 indicates that loop C transitions to a lesser extent in the context of epibatidine than other agonists.

      The comparison was for the entire dimer ECD; 0.5 Å is the result. It may be worthwhile to pursue this remarkable convergence, but not in this paper. Here, we are concerned with identifying ACLA and ACHA. Similarity between ACHA and AD structures is for a different study.

      (1c) For principal-component and subsequent analyses, it appears that only one trajectory was considered for each system. Please clarify whether this is the case; if so, a rationale for the selection would be helpful, and some indication of how reproducible other replicates are expected to be.

      We have added new PCA results (Results, Figure 3-figure supplement 1) that show comparable principal components in other replicates.

      (2) Figure 3 shows free energy landscapes defined by principal components of fluctuation in Cα positions.

      (2a) Do experimental structures (e.g. PDB IDs 6UWZ, 7QL6u) project onto any of these landscapes in informative ways?

      6UWZ.pdb matches well with the apo (7QKO.pdb), comparable to m1, and 7QL6.pdb with the m3.

      (2b) Please indicate the meaning of colored regions in the righthand panels.

      The color panels in the top left panel indicate the colored regions in the righthand panel also, which is indicative of direction and magnitude of changes with PC1 and PC2.

      (2c) Please also check the legend; do the porcupine plots really "indicate the direction and magnitude of changes between PC1 and PC2," or rather between negative and positive values of each principal component?

      It indicates the direction and magnitude of changes with PC1 and PC2.

      (3) It would be helpful to clarify how trajectory segments were assigned to specific minima, particularly m2 and m3.

      (3a) Please verify the timeframes associated with the m2 minima, reported as "20-50 ns [with acetylcholine], 50-60 ns [with carbamylcholine], 60-100 ns [with epibatidine, and] 100-120 ns [with epiboxidine]." It seems improbable that these intervals would interleave so precisely in independent systems. Furthermore, the intervals associated with acetylcholine and epiboxidine do not appear to correspond to the m2 regions indicated in Figure S8.

      Times are given in Figure 4-Source Data 1 and Figure 3-figure supplement 2. The m2 classification is based on loop displacement as well as agonist orientation. For all agonists, the selection was strictly from PCA and cluster analysis.

      (3b) The text (and legend to Figure 3) indicate that 180+ ns of each trajectory was assigned to m3, which seems surprisingly consistent. However, Figure S5 indicates this minimum is more variable, appearing at 160 ns with acetylcholine but at 186 ns with carbamylcholine. Please clarify.

      see above: the selection was from PCA and cluster analysis. Times are in Figure 3-figure supplement 2 and also in Figure 4-Source Data 1 (none in Fig. 3 legend).

      (3c) Figures 5, 6, S6, and S7 illustrate structural features of free-energy minima in each ligand system. Please clarify what is shown, e.g. a representative snapshot, centroid, or average structure from a particular prominent cluster associated with a given minimum.

      They are all representative snapshots (now in Methods). Snapshots and distance measurements (Figure 6-table supplement 1) were extracted from m1, m2 and m3 plateau regions of trajectories.

      (4) Figure S4 helpfully shows the behavior of a pentameric control system; however, some elements are unclear.

      (4a) The 2.5-6.5 Å jump in RMSD at ~40 ns seems abrupt; can it be clarified whether this corresponds to a transition to either m2 or m3 poses, or to another feature of e.g. alignment?

      Figure 2-figure supplement 4 left bottom is just the ligand. The jump is the flip, m1 to m2.

      (4b) It seems difficult to reconcile the apparently bimodal distribution of states with the proposed 3-state model. Into which RMSD peak would the m2 intermediate fall?

      The simulations are only to 100 ns, where we found a complete flip of the agonist represented in the histograms. This confirmed that dimer showed similar pattern as the pentamer. In depth analysis was only done only on dimers.

      (4c) The top panel is labeled "Com" with a graphical legend indicating "ACh." Does this indicate the ligand or, as described in the text legend, "the pentamer" (i.e. the receptor)? For both panels, please verify whether they are calculated on the basis of center-of-mass, heavy atoms, Cα, etc.

      "Com" (for complex) has been changed to system (protein+ligand).

      (5) Minor concerns:

      (5a) In Figures 1 and S3, correct the PDB references (6UWX and 7QL7 are not nAChRs).

      They are now corrected.

      (5b) In Figure 4, do all panels represent mean {plus minus} standard deviation calculated across all cluster-frames reported in Table 1?


      Also check the graphical legend in panel A: presumably the red bars correspond to m1/LA, and the blue to m3/HA?


      (5c) In the legend to Figure S1, please clarify that panel B is reproduced from Indurthi & Auerbach 2023.

      This figure has been deleted.

      (5d) As indicated in Figure S2, it seems surprising that the RMSF is so apparently low at the periphery, where the subunits should contact neighbors in the extracellular domain; how might the authors account for this? Specify whether these results apply to all replicates of each system.

      The redness in the periphery for all four systems indicates the magnitude of fluctuation. As we focus on the orthosteric site, we highlight the loops around the agonist binding pocket and kept other regions 75% transparent. We now include Apo simulations and the dimer appears to be stable even without an agonist present.

      (5e) Within each minimum in Figure S5, three "prominent" clusters appear to be colored (by heteroatom) with carbons in cyan, pink, and yellow respectively. If this is correct, note these colors in the text legend.

      Colors have been added to the legend.

      (5f) In Figure S6, note in the legend that key receptor sidechains are shown as spheres, with the ligand as balls-and-sticks, and that ligand conformations in both low- and high-affinity complexes are shown in both receptor states for comparison.

      This is now added in the legend.

      (5g) The legend to Figure S6 also notes "The agonists are as in Fig S4," but that figure contains a single replicate of a different system; please check this reference.

      This has been updated to Figure 5.

      (5h) In Figure S8, the colors in the epibatidine system appear different from the others.

      The colors are the same for m1, m2 and m3 in all systems including epibatidine.

      (5i) In Table 1, does "n clusters" indicate the number of simulation frames included in the three prominent clusters chosen for MM-PBSA analysis? Perhaps "n frames" would be more clear.

      It was a good suggestion. It has now been changed to ‘n frames’

      (5j) Pg 24-ln 453 presumably should read "...that separate it from m1 and m3..."

      This sentence is now changed in the discussion.

    1. Thus the worth of any object to be acquired by our action is always conditional. Beings the exis­tence of which rests not on our will but on nature, if they are beings with­out reason, still have only a relative worth, as means, and are therefore called things, whereas rational beings are called persons because their nature already marks them out as an end in itself, that is, as something that may not be used merely as a means, and hence so far limits all choice (and is an

      I think he is saying that we as humans are not be to used as means to end. To do so would be ethically wrong.

  2. small-tech.org small-tech.org
    1. Personal Small Technology are everyday tools for everyday people. They are not tools for startups or enterprises. Easy to use Personal technology are everyday things that people use to improve the quality of their lives. As such, in addition to being functional, secure, and reliable, they must be convenient, easy to use, and inclusive. If possible, we should aim to make them delightful. Related aspects: inclusive Non-colonial Small technology is made by humans for humans. They are not built by designers and developers for users. They are not built by Western companies for people in African countries. If our tools specifically target a certain demographic, we must ensure that our development teams reflect that demographic. If not, we must ensure people from a different demographic can take what we make and specialise it for their needs. Related aspects: share alike, non-commercial, interoperable Private by default A tool respects your privacy only if it is private by default. Privacy is not an option. You do not opt into it. Privacy is the right to choose what you keep to yourself and what you share with others. “Private” (i.e., for you alone) is the default state of small technologies. From there, you can always choose who else you want to share things with. Related aspects: zero knowledge, peer to peer Zero knowledge Zero-knowledge tools have no knowledge of your data. They may store your data, but the people who make or host the tools cannot access your data if they wanted to. Examples of zero-knowledge designs are end-to-end encrypted systems where only you hold the secret key, and peer-to-peer systems where the data never touches the devices of the app maker or service provider (including combinations of end-to-end encrypted and peer-to-peer systems). Related aspects: private by default, peer to peer Peer to peer Peer-to-peer systems enable people to connect directly with one and another without a person (or more likely a corporation or a government) in the middle. They are the opposite of client/server systems, which are centralised (the servers are the centres). On peer to peer systems, your data – and the algorithms used to analyze and make use of your data – stay in spaces that you own and control. You do not have to beg some corporation to not abuse your data because they don’t have it to begin with. Related aspects: zero knowledge, private by default Share alike Most people’s eyes cloud over when technology licenses are mentioned but they’re crucial to protecting your freedom. Small Technology is licensed under Copyleft licenses. Copyleft licenses stipulate that if you benefit from technology that has been put into the commons, you must share back (“share alike”) any improvements, changes, or additions you make. If you think about it, it’s only fair: if you take from the commons, you should give back to the commons. That’s how we cultivate a healthy commons. Related aspects: interoperable, non-colonial, non-commercial Interoperable Interoperable systems can talk to one another using well-established protocols. They’re the opposite of silos. Interoperability ensures that different groups can take a technology and evolve it in ways that fit their needs while still staying compatible with other tools that implement the same protocols. Interoperability, coupled with share alike licensing, helps us to distribute power more equally as rich corporations cannot “embrace and extend” commons technology, thereby creating new silos. Interoperability also means we don’t have to resort to colonialism in design: we can design for ourselves and support other groups who design for themselves while allowing all of us to communicate with each other within the same global network. Related aspects: share alike, non-colonial Non-commercial The primary purpose for Small Technology is not to make a profit but to increase human welfare. As such, they are built by not-for-profit organisations. Eventually, we hope that small technologies will be recognised for their contribution to the common good and therefore supported from the commons (e.g., from our taxes). In the interim, some methods for monetising Small Technology include: Charging for hosting and maintenance services Sales on App Stores (for native apps) Donations and patronage Grants and awards Equity-based / Venture Capital investment is incompatible with Small Technology as the success criterion is the sale of the organisation (either to a larger organisation or to the public at large via an IPO). Small Technology is not about startups (temporary companies designed to either fail fast or grow exponentially and get sold), it’s about stayups (sustainable organisations that contribute to the common good). Related aspects: non-colonial, share alike, interoperable Inclusive Being inclusive in technology is ensuring people have equal rights and access to the tools we build and the communities who build them, with a particular focus on including people from traditionally marginalised groups. Accessibility is the degree to which technology is usable by as many people as possible, especially disabled people Small Technology is inclusive and accessible. With inclusive design, we must be careful not to assume we know what’s best for others, despite us having differing needs. Doing so often results in colonial design, creating patronising and incorrect solutions.

      Small Technology Small Technology are everyday tools for everyday people designed to increase human welfare, not corporate profits.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary Maintenance of the histone H3 variant CENP-A at centromeres is necessary for proper kinetochore assembly and correct chromosome segregation. The Mis18 complex recruits the CENP-A chaperone HJURP to centromeres to facilitate CENP-A replenishment. Here the authors characterise the Mis18 complex using hybrid structural biology, and determine complex interface separation-of-function mutants.

      Major Comments The SAXS and EM data on the full-length Mis18 components must be included in the main Figures, either as an additional figure or by merging/rearranging the existing figures. The authors discuss these results in three whole paragraphs, which are a very important part of the paper.

      We thank the reviewer for this constructive suggestion. We have now included an additional figure (new Fig. 2, attached below), that highlights the fit of the integrative model against the SAXS and EM data.

      Could the authors also compare the theoretical SAXS scattering curves generated by their final model(s) with the experimental SAXS curves? This would provide some additional evidence for the overall shape of their complex model beyond the consistency with the Dmax/Rg.

      We acknowledge the importance of this suggestion. We have now compared the theoretical SAXS scattering curve of the Mis18a/b core complex (named Mis18a/b DN), which lacks the flexible elements (disordered regions and the helical region flexibility connected to the Yippee domains). The theoretically calculated SAXS scattering curve of the model matches nicely with the experimental data with c2 value of 1.36. This data is now included in new Fig. 2 (Fig. 2f) and is referenced on page 9 line 21.

      Minor Comments

      While the introduction is clearly written, an additional cartoon schematic, representing the system/question would be helpful to a non-specialist reader to interpret the context of the study.

      We have now included a cartoon in the revised Fig. 1 to support the introduction on centromere maintenance and the central role of the Mis18a/b/BP1 complex in this process. Please find the new Fig. 1 below.

      No doubt the authors had a reason for choosing their figure allocation, but I wonder if more material couldn't be brought from the supplementary into the main figures?

      As addressed in our response to one of the major comments, we have now moved key CLMS, SAXS and EM data from the supplemental figure into the main figure, new Fig. 2.

      Page 6 "Mis18-alpha possesses an additional alpha-helical domain" - please make it clear in addition to what (I assume it's in addition to Mis18-beta).

      Apologies for the lack of clarity. We have now rephrased this sentence to highlight that this difference is in comparison with Mis18b on page 6 line 15.

      Page 7 - Report the RMSD of the Pombe vs. Human Mis18-alpha yipee structures?

      The S. pombe Mis18 Yippee structure superposes on to the Human Mis18a Yippee domain with an RMSD of 0.92 angstroms with is now mentioned on page 7 line 9.

      Page 7 - "We generated high-confidence structural models...." is there a metric for the confidence as reported by RaptorX? Perhaps includinging the PAE plots in the supplementary for the AlphaFold generated models would be useful?

      We thank the reviewer for the valid suggestion. We have now included the PAE plot corresponding to the AlphaFold model in the supplementary Fig. S1d and reference on page 7 line 18. RaptorX ranks models based on estimated error. We have now included this information in the new figure legend for Supplementary Fig. S1.

      Figure 1 - Perhaps label figure 1b as being experimentally determined, with the R values (as for Figure 1d), and 1c being a predicted model.

      We have included Rfree and Rwork values for the Mis18a Yippee homo dimer structure and labelled Mis18a/b Yippee hetero-dimer as the predicted model in Fig. 1c and 1d.

      Page 8 "This observation is consistent with the theoretically calculated pI of the Mis18alpha helix" This is a circular argument, of course this region has a low pI due to the amino acid composition. Please remove this statement.

      We have now removed this statement as suggested.

      Page 8 "...reveals tight hydrophobic interactions" these are presumably shown in Figure 1d rather than in the referenced 1e.

      We apologise for the oversight. We have now referred to the correct figure (Fig. 1f in the revised Fig. 1).

      Page 8 - The authors should briefly somewhere discuss why there is a difference between their results and those in Pan et al 2009. As I understand it, the Pan et al paper was based in part on modelling with CLMS data as restraints.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. According to Pan et al., 2009, the model shown by them was generated using CCBuilder, and their CLMS data could not differentiate the two models with the 2nd Mis18a C-terminal helix in either parallel or anti-parallel orientation. We now briefly discuss this on page 8 and line 22 as follows: "Although the Pan et al., 2019 model presented the 2nd Mis18a in a parallel orientation, they did not rule out the possibility of this assembling in an anti-parallel orientation within the Mis18a/b C-terminal helical assembly (Pan et al., 2019)."

      Figure 1 - The labelling of the residues for Mis18-alpha in Figure 1d is problematic, they are black on dark purple (might be my printer/screen/eyes) suggest amending.

      We have now rearranged the label positions to overcome this issue. For clarity, the labels that could not be moved appropriately are shown in white.

      Figure S3a - Do the authors have some data to show the mass of the cross-linked complex that was loaded onto grids is consistent with what is expected?

      Unfortunately, the amount of material that we recover after performing GraFix is not sufficient enough to determine the molecular weight of the crosslinked sample by techniques such as SEC-MALS. However, GraFix fractions were analysed by SDS PAGE, and fractions that ran around the expected molecular weight were selected for EM analysis. We have now included the corresponding SDS-PAGE showing the migration of the crosslinked sample analysed by EM (Supplementary Fig. S3a).

      Figure S3b - scale bar

      Revised Fig. 2d now includes the scale bar shown.

      Figure S3c - Could the authors show or explain the differences between these different 3D reconstructions?

      The models mainly differ in the relative orientations of the bulkier structural features that are referred to as 'ear' and 'mouth' pieces of a telephone handset. This has been mentioned in the text, but we note that the figure is not referenced right next to this statement. We have now amended this (Page 9 line 19), and to make it clear, we have also highlighted the difference using an arrowhead in Fig. 2e and S3b. The different orientations are also stated in the corresponding figure legends.

      Page 9 - The use of "AFM" for AlphaFoldMultimer" is a little confusing since AFM is the established acronym for Atomic Force Microscopy. Perhaps AF2M?

      We have now replaced AFM with AF2M on page 9 to avoid confusion.

      Figure S4a - Control missing for Mis18-alpha wild-type

      Apology for the confusion, this control is present in Fig. 4a. We have now stated this in the figure legend of S4a for clarity.

      Figure S4 d and e - The contrast between the bands and the background is very bad (at least in my copy).

      We have now adjusted the contrast of the blots in Fig. S4d and S4e response to this comment.

      Page 13 "Our structural analysis suggests that two Mis18BP1 fragments.....". How did you arrive at this conclusion? Is this based on the AlphaFold/RaptorX model? What additional evidence do you have that the positioning of the Mis18BP1 is correct? Does the CLMS data support this?

      We confirm that this statement is based on AlphaFold model. We have now explicitly highlighted this on page 14, line 5. As noted in the same paragraph (page 14, line 19), this model agrees with the contacts suggested by the cross-linking mass spectrometry data presented here.

      Figure 4a - Would the authors like to consider using a different colour for Mis18BP1? The contrast is not great, especially in the electrostatic surface inset.

      In response to this suggestion, the Mis18BP1 helix is now shown in grey in the inset of Fig. 5a.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      General Assessment The paper is extremely clearly written. Likewise the figures are beautifully presented and the data extremely clean and fully supportive of the authors conclusions. Indeed it is seldom that one sees the depth of the structural approaches (X-ray, CLMS, EM, SAXS) in one paper which is a huge strength of the manuscript. In addition the translation of this data into very clean cell biological experiments, makes the paper truly outstanding.

      Advance The authors provide the first model of the Mis18 complex, with extensive evidence to back up this model. The authors provide additional evidence as to how the deposition/renewal of CENP-A might be mediated by the Mis18 complex. The advance comes from both the level of clarity, detail, and scope achieved in this paper.

      Audience This will likely be of great interest to anyone with an interest in chromosome biology, plus be of interest to structural biologists as an outstanding example of hybrid structural biology.

      Expertise I am a biochemist with a background in structural biology with some familiarity with centromere biology

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary: The manuscript "structural basis for Mis18 complex assembly: implications for centromere maintenance" by Thamkachy and colleagues describes a study that uses structural analysis to test essential candidate residues in Mis18 complex components in CENP-A loading. For chromosomes to faithfully segregate during cell division, CENP-A levels must be maintained at the centromere. How CENP-A levels are maintained is therefore important to understand at the mechanistic level. The Mis18 complex has been found to be important, but how exactly the various Mis18 complex components interact and how they regulate new CENP-A loading remains not fully understood. This study set out to characterize the critical residues using X-ray crystallography, negative staining EM, SEC analysis, molecular modeling (Raptorx, AlphaFold2, and AlphaFold-multimer) to identify the residues of Mis18a and Mis18b that are critical for the formation of the Mis18a/b hetero-hexamer and which residues are important for Mis18a and Mis18BP1 interactions. A complex beta-sheet interface dictates the Mis18a and Mis18b interactions. Mutating the Mis18a residues that are important for the Mis18a/b interactions resulted in impaired pull-down of Mis18b and reduced centromeric levels of mutated Mis18a. The functional consequences of mutating residues that impair Mis18a/b interactions is that with reduced centomeric levels of Mis18a, also impaired new CENP-A loading. Interestingly, mutated Mis18b did not impact centromeric Mis18a levels and only modestly impaired new CENP-A loading. These data were interpreted that Mis18a is critical for new CENP-A loading, whereas Mis18b might be involved in finetuning how much new CENP-A is loaded. Overall, it is a very well described and well written study with exciting data.

      Major comments:

      • Overall, the structural data and the IF data support the importance of Mis18a residues 103-105 are critical for centromeric localization and new CENP-A loading, whereas Mis18b residues L199 and I203 are critical for centromeric localization, but only very modestly impair centromeric Mis18a localization and new CENP-A loading. In the discussion the authors argue that the N-terminal helical region of Mis18a mediate HJURP binding. This latter is postulated based on published work, but not tested in this work. This should be clarified as such.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. Our very recent study aimed at understanding the licencing role of Plk1, independent of the work reported here, serendipitously has now validated this suggestion and demonstrates that a Plk1-mediated phosphorylation cascade activates the Mis18a/b complex via a conformational switch of the N-terminal helical region of Mis18a, which facilitates a robust HJURP-Mis18a/b interaction (Parashara et al. bioRxiv 2024). An independent study from the Musacchio lab (Conti et al. bioRxiv, 2024) also reports similar findings, mutually strengthening our independent conclusions. Overall, these studies highlight the importance of the critical structural insights into the Mis18 complex this study reports. We now explicitly discuss the validation of our original hypothesis by citing our recent work along with that of the Musacchio lab. The corresponding section of the last paragraph now reads as follows (page 17 line 10): "Previously published work identified amino acid sequence similarity between the N-terminal region of Mis18a and R1 and R2 repeats of the HJURP that mediates Mis18a/b interaction (Pan et al., 2019). Deletion of the Mis18a N-terminal region enhanced HJURP interaction with the Mis18 complex (Pan et al., 2019). Here, we show that the N-terminal helical region of Mis18a makes extensive contact with the C-terminal helices of Mis18a and Mis18b, which had previously been shown to mediate HJURP binding by Pan et al., 2019. Collectively these observations suggest that the N-terminal region of Mis18a might directly interfere with HJURP - Mis18 complex interaction. Two independent recent studies (Parashara et al., 2024, Conti et al., 2024) reveal that this is indeed the case and a Plk1-mediated phosphorylation cascade involving several phosphorylation and binding events of the Mis18 complex subunits relieve the intramolecular interactions between the Mis18a N-terminal helical region and the HJURP binding surface of the Mis18a/b C-terminal helical bundle. This facilitates robust HJURP-Mis18a/b interaction in vitroand efficient HJURP centromere recruitment and CENP-A loading in cells. Overall, these studies also highlight the importance of the critical structural insights into the Mis18 complex we report here."

      • Overall, the authors clearly describe their data and methodology and use adequate statistical analyses. The structural data of the Mis18a/b complex being a hetero-hexamer is convincing, but the validation in vivo is missing. As structural experiment are not performed under physiological conditions, it is important to establish the stoichiometry in vivo to further support the totality of the findings of the structural experiments and modeling. The data for the hierarchical assembly of Mis18a and Mis18b at the centromere and its importance in new CENP-A loading is convincing. An additional open question is whether "old" centromeric CENP-A or HJURP:new CENP-A complex is needed to recruit Mis18a to the centromere and whether the identified residues have a role in Mis18a centromeric localization. These data would provide a solid link between the Mis18 complex and how it is directly linked to new CENP-A loading.

      We agree that establishing the stoichiometry of Mis18 subunits of the Mis18 complex in vivo would be insightful. However, considering that the Mis18 complex assembles in a specific window of the cell cycle (late Mitosis and early G1), we think characterising the stoichiometry in cells is extremely difficult and technically challenging. However, consistent with our structural model, several lines of independent evidence (Pan et al., 2017 and Spiller et al., 2017) using different biophysical methods (Analytical Ultra Centrifugation (Pan et al., 2017), SEC-MALS (Spiller et al., 2017)) showed that recombinantly purified Mis18 complex (irrespective of the expression host, from both E. Coli or insect cells) is a hetero-octamer made of a hetero-hexameric Mis18a/b (4 Mis18a and 2 Mis18 b) complex bound to two copies of Mis18BP1. These observations suggested that hetero-hexamerisation of the Mis18a/b complex may be needed to bind and dimerise Mis18BP1 in cells. Previously published cellular studies support the in vivo requirement of the hetero-octameric Mis18 assembly as: (i) Perturbing the hetero-hexamerisation of the Mis18a/b complex (by introducing mutations at the Mis18a/b Yippee dimerisation interface, which while did not disrupt Mis18a/b complex formation, perturbed its hetero-hexamerisation and resulted in a hetero-trimeric Mis18a/b complex made of 2 Mis18aand 1 Mis18b) abolished Mis18BP1 binding in vitro and in cells, consequently abolished CENP-A deposition (Spiller et al., 2017) and (ii) artificial dimerisation of Mis18BP1, by expressing Mis18BP1 as a GST-tagged protein, enhanced the centromere localisation of Mis18BP1 highlighting the requirement of Mis18a/b hexameric assembly mediated dimerization of Mis18BP1 in cells (Pan et al., 2017). While these studies highlighted the importance of maintaining the right stoichiometry (hetero-octamer of 4 Mis18a, 2 Mis18b and 2 Mis18BP1), lack of structural information on how this essential biological assembly is established remained a major knowledge gap. Our work presented here fills this critical knowledge gap by showing that a segment of Mis18BP1 (aa 20-51) also binds at the Yippee dimerisation interface. To highlight this, we have included the following statements in the introduction on page 5 and 20 "Perturbing the Yippee domain-mediated hexameric assembly of Mis18a/b (that resulted in a Mis18a/b hetero-trimer, 2 Mis18a and 1 Mis18b) abolished its ability to bind Mis18BP1 in vitro and in cells (Spiller et al., 2017), emphasising the requirement of maintaining correct stoichiometry of Mis18a/b subunits. Consistent with this, artificial dimerisation of Mis18BP1, by expressing Mis18BP1 as a GST-tagged protein, enhanced the centromere localisation of Mis18BP1 (Pan et al., 2017)." and in the Results section on page 14 line 12: "Mis18BP120-51 contains two short b strands that interact at Mis18a/b Yippee interface extending the six-stranded-b sheets of both Mis18a and Mis18b Yippee domains. This provides the structural rationale for why Yippee domains-mediated Mis18a/b hetero-hexamerisation is crucial for Mis18BP1 binding (Spiller et al., 2017)."

      Regarding the question "whether 'old' centromeric CENP-A or HJURP:new CENP-A complex is needed to recruit Mis18a centromere localisation and whether identified residues have a role in Mis18a centromere localisation": According to the published literature, the Mis18 complex associates with centromeres through interaction with CCAN components CENP-C and CENP-I (Shono et al., 2015, Dambacher et al., 2012, Moree et al., 2011, Hoffmann et al., 2020). Considering CCAN assembles on CENP-A nucleosomes, and HJURP:new CENP-A centromere recruitment depends on the Mis18 complex, it will be reasonable to argue that the 'old' centromeric CENP-A contributes to the centromere localisation of the Mis18 complex. Amongst the components of the Mis18 complex, Mis18BP1 and Mis18bhave previously been suggested to interact with CENP-C. Within the Mis18 complex, we (Spiller et al., 2017) and others (Pan et al., 2017) have shown that Mis18a can directly interact with Mis18BP1, but it does so more efficiently when Mis18a hetero-oligomerises with Mis18b via their Yippee domains. Here, our structural analysis mapped the interaction interfaces and showed that Mis18a residues E103, D104 and T105 contribute to Mis18BP1 binding, as mutating these residues abolishes centromere localisation of Mis18a (Fig. 5c and 5d). To accentuate our findings, we have now included the following paragraph in the discussion section (page 17 line 26): "One of the key outstanding questions in the field is how does the Mis18 complex associate with the centromere. Previous studies identified CCAN subunits CENP-C and CENP-I as major players mediating the centromere localisation of the Mis18 complex mainly via Mis18BP1 (Shono et al., 2015, Dambacher et al., 2012, Moree et al., 2011), although Mis18b subunit has also been suggested to interact with CENP-C (Stellfox et al., 2016). Within the Mis18 complex, we and others have shown that the Mis18a/b Yippee hetero-dimers can directly interact with Mis18BP1. Here our structural analysis allowed us to map the interaction interface mediating Mis18a/b-Mis18BP1 binding. Perturbing this interface on Mis18a completely abolished Mis18a centromere localisation and reduced Mis18BP1 centromere levels. These observations show that Mis18a associates with the centromere mainly via Mis18BP1, and assembly of the Mis18 complex itself is crucial for its efficient centromere association, as previously suggested. Future work aimed at characterising the intermolecular contact points between the subunits of the Mis18 complex, centromeric chromatin and CCAN components and understanding if the Mis18 complex undergoes any conformational and/or compositional variations upon centromere association and/or during CENP-A deposition process, will be crucial to delineate the mechanisms underpinning the centromere maintenance."

      Minor comments:

      • The bar graphs shown ideally also show the individual data points for the authros to appreciate the spread of the data. These figures can be replicated in the Supplemental to avoid making the main figures look too busy.

      We thank the reviewers for this suggestion. Reviewer #3 made a similar comment and suggested we use Superplot, which allows visualisation of individual data points of independent experiments. We have now revised all bar graphs using Superplot to address both reviewers' suggestions.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      • This study uses a broad range of structural techniques, including molecular modeling which were subsequently validated by in vitro pull-down assays, co-IP, and IF. This combination of these techniques is important because many structural techniques cannot be performed under physiological conditions. Validating the main findings of the structural results by IF and co-IP is therefore critical.
      • This work greatly advances our structural understanding how Mis18a, Mis18b, and Mis18BP1 form the Mis18 complex and how the critical residues in especially Mis18a help the Mis18 complex localize to the centromere and influence new CENP-A loading. This study also provides the first strong evidence in hierarchical assembly of the Mis18 complex.
      • How centromere identity is maintained is a critical question in chromosome biology and genome integrity. The Mis18 complex has been identified as an important complex in the process. Several structural and mutational studies (all adequately cited in this manuscript) have tried to address which residues guide the assembly and functional regions of the Mis18 complex. This work builds and expands our understanding how especially Mis18a holds a pivotal role in both Mis18 complex formation and its impact on maintaining centromeric CENP-A levels.
      • This work will be of interest to the chromosome field in general and anyone studying the mechanism of cell division.
      • Chromatin, centromere, CENP-A, cell division. This reviewer has limited expertise in structural biology.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Centromere identity is defined by CENP-A loading to specific sites on genomic DNA. CENP-A loading is known to rely on the Mis18 complex, and several regulators are known; yet how the Mis18 complex achieves this complex process has remained puzzle. By elucidating the structural basis of Mis18 complex assembly using integrative structural approaches the authors show that multiple homo and heterodimeric interfaces of Mis18alpha, beta and Mis18BP1 are involved in centromere maintenance. The authors show that Mis18alpha can associate with centromeres and deposit CENP-A independent of Mis18 β. Mis18α functions in CENP-A deposition at centromeres independent of Mis18β. Mis18β is required for maintaining a specific level of CENP-A occupancy at centromeres. Thus, using structure-guided and separation-of-function mutants the study reveals how Mis18 complex ensures centromere maintenance. Major comments: This is an excellent study on centromere inheritance, combining structural and cell biology techniques. The comments here primarily refer to Cell biology aspect of the work.

      Figures show that new CENP-A deposits in Mis18βL199D/I203D mutants, but the level was reduced moderately. Based on this observation, the authors make a strong conclusion that Mis18β licenses the optimal levels of CENP-A at centromeres. Mis18α may be essential for both CENP-A incorporation and depositing a specific amount of CENP-A, as Mis18α and CENP-A levels are both reduced in Mis18βL199D/I203D mutants which failed to form the triple helical assembly with Mis18α as shown in Figure 3B and 3C. The authors may want to qualify some of these claims as preliminary or speculative.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We agree that although the reduction in CENP-A levels upon replacing WT Mis18b with Mis18b L199D/I203D is more prominent than the reduction in centromere localised Mis18a, one cannot completely rule out the contribution of reduced Mis18a on CENP-A loading. This also raises an interesting possibility where Mis18b ensures the correct amount of CENP-A deposition by facilitating the optimal level of Mis18a at centromeres. We now explicitly discuss this in the discussion as follows (page 16 line 26): "Whilst proteins involved in CENP-A loading have been well established, the mechanism by which the correct levels of CENP-A are controlled is yet to be thoroughly explored and characterised. The data presented here suggest that Mis18b mainly contributes to the quantitative control of centromere maintenance - by ensuring the right amounts of CENP-A deposition at centromeres - and maybe one of several proteins that control CENP-A levels. We also note that the Mis18b mutant, which cannot interact with Mis18a, moderately reduced Mis18a levels at centromeres, and hence, it is possible that Mis18b ensures the correct level of CENP-A deposition by facilitating optimal Mis18a centromere recruitment. Future studies will focus on dissecting the mechanisms underlying the Mis18b-mediated control of CENP-A loading amounts along with any other mechanisms involved."

      This work and others show that phosphorylation of Mis18BP1 by CDK1 can interfere with complex function (Spiller et al., 2017, Pan et al., 2017). Does the structure provide any insight into PLK1-mediated phosphorylation surfaces for activation of the complex? If yes, a brief discussion would help to link CDK1 and PLK1 mediated opposing actions will strengthen the work.

      As described in our response to the first major comment of Reviewer 2, our very recent study aimed at understanding the licencing role of Plk1, independent of the work reported here, identified and evaluated the functional contribution of Plk1 phosphorylation on the subunits of the Mis18 complex (Parashara et al., bioRxiv 2024). Serendipitously, this recent work has now validated our hypothesis proposed based on the structural characterisation reported here and demonstrates that a Plk1-mediated phosphorylation cascade activates the Mis18a/b complex via a conformational switch of the N-terminal helical region of Mis18a which facilitates a robust HJURP-Mis18a/b interaction (Parashara et al. bioRxiv 2024). An independent study from the Musacchio lab (Conti et al., bioRxiv 2024) also reports similar findings, mutually strengthening our independent conclusions. Overall, these studies highlight the importance of the critical structural insights into the Mis18 complex this study reports. We now explicitly discuss the validation of our original hypothesis by citing our recent work along with that of the Musacchio lab. The corresponding section of the last paragraph now reads as follows (page 17 line 10): "Previously published work identified amino acid sequence similarity between the N-terminal region of Mis18a and R1 and R2 repeats of the HJURP that mediates Mis18a/binteraction (Pan et al., 2019). Deletion of the Mis18a N-terminal region enhanced HJURP interaction with the Mis18 complex (Pan et al., 2019). Here, we show that the N-terminal helical region of Mis18a makes extensive contact with the C-terminal helices of Mis18a and Mis18b, which had previously been shown to mediate HJURP binding by Pan et al., 2019. Collectively these observations suggest that the N-terminal region of Mis18a might directly interfere with HJURP - Mis18 complex interaction. Two independent recent studies (Parashara et al., 2024, Conti et al., 2024) reveal that this is indeed the case and a Plk1-mediated phosphorylation cascade involving several phosphorylation and binding events of the Mis18 complex subunits relieve the intramolecular interactions between the Mis18a N-terminal helical region and the HJURP binding surface of the Mis18a/b C-terminal helical bundle. This facilitates robust HJURP-Mis18a/b interaction in vitro and efficient HJURP centromere recruitment and CENP-A loading in cells. Overall, these studies also highlight the importance of the critical structural insights into the Mis18 complex we report here."

      I am happy with the way cell biology data and the methods are presented so that they can be reproduced. The experiments are adequately replicated and the statistical analysis adequate. It will help to include sample size of cells or centromeres used for building the graphs.

      We have now included this information in figure legends of Fig. 3a, 3c, 4b, 4c, 5b, 5c and 5d.

      This is a strong interdisciplinary study using a variety of in vitro and in vivo techniques. Can the authors discuss if they expect chromatin associated Mis18 complex to host a similar structure as the soluble one? In other words, are they able to comment on any key differences between chromatin and non-chromatin associated Mis18 complexes.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. We agree that one cannot rule out the possibility of the Mis18 complex undergoing compositional and/or conformational variations during the processes of CENP-A loading at centromeres. We now explicitly discuss this possibility in the last paragraph of the discussion section (page 18 line 10): "Future work aimed at characterising the intermolecular contact points between the subunits of the Mis18 complex, centromeric chromatin and CCAN components and understanding if the Mis18 complex undergoes any conformational and/or compositional variations upon centromere association and/or during CENP-A deposition process, will be crucial to delineate the mechanisms underpinning the centromere maintenance."

      Minor comments: -

      In cell biology experiments, fluorescence intensities could be presented as a superplot for added value across cells and repeats (instead of bar graphs). More on superplot:https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.202001064.

      We thank the reviewers for this kind suggestion. We have now included graphs made using 'superplot' as suggested.

      In general, ACA levels do not appear to change significantly between WT and mutant expressing cells although new CENP-A loading is significantly absent in the presence of a few mutants - please comment if ACA used here can recognise CENP-A. Would this mean that old CENP-A remains normally?

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. While new CENP-A incorporated at centromeres is selectively labelled using the SNAP-tag, the ACA antibody used in these experiments can recognise CENP-A, CENP-B and CENP-C, with CENP-B being the primary target (Kallenberg, Clinical Rheumatology,1990). We would also like to note that ACA has commonly been used to locate the centromere in CENP-A loading assays where new CENP-A levels are assessed via selective labelling (e.g. McKinley 2014).

      It is unclear whether any of the mutant acted in a dominant negative fashion in the presence of endogenous Mis18 proteins. It would have been useful to test this particularly in the context of mis18alpha mutants that seem to fully abolish new CENP-A recruitment.

      As Mis18 subunits oligomerise (homo and hetero), we thought expressing these mutants in the presence of endogenous proteins might interfere with endogenous protein in a heterogenous manner and might make the interpretation difficult. Hence, we did not test this. Instead, as described in the manuscript we have tested these mutants in siRNA rescue experiments (Fig. 3, 4 and 5).

      In figure 3a, GFP panel (input lane, 1) is shown to mark a band corresponding to GFP. Is this expected? Please comment.

      Yes, as a control, an empty vector was transfected to express just GFP along with Mis18a-mCherry. These were used to show that there was no unspecific interaction between the beads used for IP or Mis18a-mCherry and GFP tag, and that any interaction seen was due to Mis18b. A similar control was used in S4b, where mCherry was expressed along with Mis18b-GFP. We have now clarified this in the corresponding legends of Fig. 4a and S4b.

      Would be useful to have the scale for the cropped images presented as insets. Figure 4B should read YFP and not YPF.

      We apologise for this typographical error. We have now corrected this.

      The authors may want to explain whether the tag differences matter for their study (Case in point: His-SUMO-Mis18a191-233 WT and mutant His-MBP-Mis18b188-229 proteins).

      The MBP tag was chosen to perform amylose pull-down assays, whereas the SUMO tag was chosen to increase the protein size. This is crucial as the C-terminal fragments of Mis18a and Mis18b are less than 50 amino acids long and are not easy to visualise by the band intensity in the Coomassie-stained SDS PAGE gels.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      This work elucidates the structural basis of Mis18 complex assembly and the intermolecular interfaces essential for Mis18 functions. This is a significant advance in the field as it helps researchers in the field better understand CENP-A deposition and mechanism underpinning the maintenance of centromere identity. This is a broad area of research benefitting those studying cell division, genome stability, centromere identity and epigenetics might all be interested in and influenced by these findings. Novelty and strength lies in combining structural and cell biology work. Strengths of the work are structural details of the Mis18 complex. Minor weakness is the link between Mis18 structure and Centromere inheritance is limited to one immunostaining assay (I have mentioned this as a minor comment because addressing this may not be within the scope of this manuscript and is likely to require a repeat of a vast majority of the work with additional reagents which may not directly add value to the current manuscript).

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The manuscript needs proper editing and is not complete. Some wordings lack precision and make it difficult to follow (e.g. line 98 "we assembled a chromosome-scale genome of ..." should read instead "we assembled a chromsome-scla genome sequence of ...". Also, panel Figure 2E is missing.

      We will make the suggested change of adding “sequence”. Concerning additional changes, we have carefully edited our manuscript and looked for any incomplete sections. Unfortunately, it is difficult to see what other issues are being raised here without any further information. And the example given is not helpful to ascertain what other changes may be necessary, since we cannot see any problem with the sentence “we assembled a chromosome-scale genome of” as this phrase is widely used in many similar publications.

      As for panel E of figure 2, it is not missing. The panel located to the right, just below “Target Cells”.

      The shortcomings of the manuscripts are not limited to the writing style, and important technical and technological information is missing or not clear enough, thereby preventing a proper evaluation of the resolution of the genomic resources provided:

      • Several RNASeq libraries from different tissues have been built to help annotate the genome and identify transcribed regions. This is fine. But all along the manuscript, gene expression changes are summarized into a single panel where it is not clear at all which tissue this comes from (whole embryo or a specific tissue ?), or whether it is a cumulative expression level computed across several tissues (and how it was computed) etc. This is essential information needed for data interpretation.

      No fertilised eggs or embryos have been sequenced, individual tissues derived from juvenile fish were used for the genome annotation and whole larval fish for the developmental analysis. We will specify in the figures and text that the results shown are from whole larvae, and add more detail to the material and methods section about which type of sample was analysed in which way.

      • The bioinformatic processing, especially of the assemble and annotation, is very poorly described. This is also a sensitive topic, as illustrated by the numerous "assemblathon" and "annotathon" initiatives to evaluate tools and workflows. Importantly, providing configuration files and in-depth description of workflows and parameter settings is highly recommended. This can be made available through data store services and documents even benefit from DOIs. This provides others with more information to evaluate the resolution of this work. No doubt that it is well done,but especially in the field of genome assembly and annotation, high resolution is VERY cost and time-intensive. Not surprisingly, most projects are conditioned by trade-offs between cost, time, and labor. The authors should provide others with the information needed to evaluate this.

      We will upload the code used to assemble and annotate this genome to a public repository or add it to the supplementary material.

      The genome assembly did not use a specific workflow (e.g., nextflow), but was done with a simple command and standard parameters in IPA. Scaffolding was carried out by Phase Genomics using their standardised proprietary workflow, of which a detailed description provided by Phase Genomics can be found in the supplementary material. The annotation workflow has been described in a previous publication already, but an in-depth description can also be found in the Material and methods section, including parameters used for specific steps. The RNA-seq mapping and analysis part has also been described in the Material and Methods section, including parameters and models for DESEq2.

      • Quantifications of T3 and T4 levels look fairly low and not so convincing. The work would clearly benefit from a discussion about why the signal is so low and what are the current technological limitations of these quantifications. This would really help (general) readers.

      We will add a comment on this in the manuscript as suggested. Basically, the T3/T4 levels are consistent with other published work in fish. In the present manuscript for grouper we have a peak level of 1.2 ng/g (1,200 pg/g) of T4 and 0.06 ng/g (60 pg/g) of T3. This is a higher level of T4 and comparable level of T3 to what was found in convict tang (Holzer et al. 2017; Figure 2) with 30 pg/g of T4 and 100 pg/g of T3. Of course, there are also examples with higher levels, such as clownfish (Roux et al. 2023; Figure 1), with 10 ng/g (10,000 pg/g) of T4 and 2 ng/g (2,000 pg/g) of T3.

      The differences could be due to different structure of fish tissues and therefore different hormone extraction efficiency, different hormone measurement protocols, different fish physiology, different fish size (e.g., the weighting of tiny grouper larvae is difficult and less precise than in convict tang). What is important is not the absolute level but the relative level, which shows the change within different larval stages of a species with identical extraction and measurement protocols. Which means our data is internally consistent and coherent with what the grouper literature says.

      Holzer, Guillaume, et al. "Fish larval recruitment to reefs is a thyroid hormone-mediated metamorphosis sensitive to the pesticide chlorpyrifos." Elife 6 (2017): e27595.

      Roux, Natacha, et al. "The multi-level regulation of clownfish metamorphosis by thyroid hormones." Cell Reports 42.7 (2023).

      • Differential analysis highlights up to ~ 15,000 differentially expressed genes (DEG), out of a predicted 26k genes. This corresponds to more than half of all genes. ANOVA-based differential analysis relies on the simple fact that only a minority of genes are DEG. Having >50% DEG is well beyond the validity of the method. This should be addressed, or at least discussed.

      As the reviewer notes, there are a large number of differentially expressed genes due to the fact that this is coming from a larval developmental transcriptome going from one day old larva to fully metamorphosed juveniles at around day 60.

      While DESeq2 indeed works on an assumption that most genes are not differentially expressed, this affects normalization but not hypothesis testing (Wald-test, LRT tests or ANOVA). Normalisation in DESeq2 is fairly robust to this assumption. According to the author of DESeq2, Micheal Love, DESeq2 is using the median ratio for normalisation, and as long as the number of up and down regulated genes is relatively even, DESeq2 will be able to handle the data. As part of our general quality control for this project we consulted the MA plots, which do not show any overrepresented up or down expression patterns. Additionally see Michael Love comment on comparing different tissues, which is also applicable here when comparing vastly different larval stages (https://support.bioconductor.org/p/63630/): “For experiments where all genes increase in expression across conditions, the median ratio method will not be able to capture this difference, but this is typically not the case for a tissue comparison, as there are many "housekeeping" genes with relatively similar expression pattern across tissues.”

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      However, the authors make substantial considerations that are not proven by experimental or functional data. In fact, this is a descriptive study that does not provide any functional evidence to support the claims made.

      We agree with the reviewer that our paper lacks functional experiments but despite that, the transcriptomic data clearly show the activation of TH and corticoid pathways during two distinct periods; an early activation between D1 and D10, and a second one between D32 and juvenile stage. These data are interesting as they call for further examination of 1) the possible interaction of corticoids and TH during metamorphosis, a question that is certainly not settled yet in teleost fishes, and 2) the existence of an early larval developmental step also involving TH and corticosteroids.

      Especially 2) is of interest and importance, since this early activation (unique to our knowledge in any teleost fish studied so far) raises a lot of new questions and once again will certainly be scrutinised by other groups in the years to come, therefore ensuring a good citation impact of our study. We hope that the reviewer, while disagreeing with some our statements, will recognize that our study will be stimulating at that level and that this is what scientific studies should do.

      The consideration that cortisol is involved in metamorphosis in teleosts has never been shown, and the only example cited by the authors (REF 20) clearly states that cortisol alone does not induce flatfish metamorphosis. In that work, the authors clearly state that in vivo cortisol treatment had no synergistic effect with TH in inducing metamorphosis. Moreover, in Senegalensis, the sole pre-otic CRH neuron number decreases during metamorphosis, further arguing that, at least in flatfish, cortisol is not involved in flatfish metamorphosis (PMID: 25575457).

      We will do our best to improve the clarity of the revised manuscript to avoid any misunderstanding about our claims. However, we would like to point out the semantic shift in the reviewer first sentence: Indeed “being involved” is not the same as “cortisol alone does not induce”. In ref 20 the authors explicitly wrote that “Cortisol further enhanced the effects of both T4 and T3, but was ineffective in the absence of thyroid hormones” and in our view this indeed corresponds to ”being involved in metamorphosis”.

      We are not claiming that cortisol alone is involved in metamorphosis as the reviewer suggests, but simply that there is a possible involvement of cortisol together with TH in metamorphosis. We stand on this claim as we indeed observed an activation of corticoid pathway genes around D32, which is sufficient to say it is involved. We do agree that functional experiments will be needed to properly demonstrate the involvement of corticoids in grouper metamorphosis, but this was not possible in the current study as it would imply to set up a full grouper life cycle in lab conditions which is impossible for the scope of this manuscript.

      We also mentioned in the discussion that the role of corticoids in fish larval development is still debated, and we agree that this remain a contentious issue.

      We wrote that “there is contrasting evidence of communication between these two pathways [TH and corticosteroids] in teleost fish with some data suggesting a synergic and other an antagonistic relationship. In terms of synergy, an increase in cortisol level concomitantly with an increase in TH levels has been observed in flatfish (ref 19), golden sea bream (ref 100) and silver sea bream (ref 101). Cortisol was also shown to enhance in vitro the action of TH on fin ray resorption (phenomenon occurring during flatfish metamorphosis) in flounder (ref 20). TH exposure increases MR and GR genes expression in zebrafish embryo (ref 55). It has also been shown that cortisol regulates local T3 bioavailability in the juvenile sole via regulation of deiodinase 2 in an organ-specific manner (ref 56) On the antagonistic side, it has been shown that experimentally induced hyperthyroidism in common carp, decreasing cortisol levels (ref 57), whereas cortisol exposure decreases TH levels in European eel (ref 58). Given this scattered evidence, the existence of a crosstalk active during teleost metamorphosis has never been formally demonstrated. The results we obtained in grouper are clearly indicating that HPI axis and cortisol synthesis are activated (i) during early development and (ii) during metamorphosis. This may suggest that in some aspect cortisol synthesis can work in concert with TH, as has been shown in several different contexts in amphibians (ref 17).” In the revised manuscript, we will also add the interesting case of the Senegal sole mentioned by the reviewer.

      In the last revision, we had also added that our results “brought a first insight into the potential role of corticoids in the metamorphosis of E. malabaricus and call for functional experiments directly testing a possible synergy” meaning that we clearly acknowledge that we are only revealing a hypothesis that remains to be tested. We later follow up with a discussion about the most novel observation and focus of our study, the increase in THs and cortisol during early development, which was unexpected and very intriguing. Again, these results suggest that there might be a link between the two, as has been shown in amphibians. This is typically the kind of results that should encourage more investigations into other fish species. Indeed, this has been pointed out by other authors and in particular by Bob Denver (probably the foremost expert on this topic) in Crespi and Denver 2012: “Elevation in HPA/I axis activity has been described prior to Metamorphosis in amphibians and fish, birth in mammals (reviewed in Crespi & Denver 2005a; Wada 2008)”. B. Denver also adds that: “Experiments in which GCs were elevated prior to metamorphosis or prior to hatching or birth (e.g. Weiss, Johnston & Moore 2007) or inhibited by treatments with GC synthesis blockers (e.g. metyrapone) or receptor antagonists (e.g. RU486, Glennemeir & Denver 2002) demonstrate that GCs play a causal role in precipitating these life-history transitions (also reviewed in Crespi & Denver 2005a; Wada 2008).” We believe the reviewer will be convinced by these elements coming from a colleague unanimously respected in the field.

      Furthermore, the authors need to recognise that the transcriptomic analysis is whole-body and that HPA axis genes are upregulated, which does not mean they are involved in regulating the HPT axis. The authors do not show that in thyrotrophs, any CRH receptor is expressed or in any other HPT axis-relevant cells and that changes in these genes correlate with changes in TSH expression. An in-situ hybridisation experiment showing co-expression on thyrotrophs of HPA genes and TSH could be a good start. However, the best scenario would be conducting cortisol treatment experiments to see if this hormone affects grouper metamorphosis.

      We agree that functional experiments are needed to validate our hypothesis. As the early peaks of expression levels observed for many genes were very intriguing for us, we did carry out thyroid hormones and goitrogenic treatment on young grouper larvae to test their effect on the morphological changes. Unfortunately, such experiments, already tricky on metamorphosing larvae, are even more risky on such tiny individuals just after hatching and we encountered high mortality rates. We must add that because we cannot establish a full grouper life cycle under lab conditions, we have done these experiment in the context of a commercial husbandry system in Japan, which while excellent limits the scope of possible experiments. We were thus not able to provide functional validation of our hypothesis. Such experiments will be a full project in itself, requiring setting up a rearing system suitable for both larval survival and economical constraints related to drug treatments. We were further limited by the spawning times of the grouper in the operational aquaculture farm, which are limited to a short time during each year. So even if we strongly agree with the necessity of conducting such experiments, we think that this is not in the scope of the present paper, but something future research can explore.

      High TSH and Tg levels usually parallel whole-body TH levels during teleost metamorphosis. However, in this study, high Tg expression levels are only achieved at the juvenile stage, whereas high TSH is achieved at D32, and at the juvenile stage, they are already at their lowest levels.

      This is exactly our point. We observe two peaks in TSH expression, one at D3 and one at D32. The peak at D3 coincides with high thyroid hormone levels on the same day, and while we have not measured TH at D32, existing literature shows that there is a peak in TH during that time (e.g., de Jesus et al., 1998). Similarly, there is a small peak of Tg at D3. Our manuscript focused more on the upregulation of these genes at D3, which has not been reported before in the literature and raised the question of the role of TH so early in the larval development, outside of the metamorphosis period.

      Regarding the respective levels of TSH and Tg, we first would like to add that their respective order of appearance before metamorphosis (TSH at D32, Tg after) is consistent with what we would expect. We agree however that the strong increase of Tg and TPO expression is later than expected. We will make this clear in the revised manuscript.

      It is very difficult to conclude anything with the TH and cortisol levels measurements. The authors only measured up until D10, whereas they argue that metamorphosis occurs at D32. In this way, these measurements could be more helpful if they focus on the correct developmental time. The data is irrelevant to their hypothesis.

      We respectfully disagree with the reviewer, considering that 1) TH levels have already been investigated in groupers coinciding with pigmentation changes and fin rays resorption, 2) that there is also evidence in numerous fish species that TH level increase is concomitant with increase of TH related genes, and 3) that we observed in our data an increase in the expression of TH related genes as well as pigmentation changes and fin rays resorption. Based on our experience in fish metamorphosis and the literature we can say confidently that those observations indicate that metamorphosis is occurring between D32 and the juvenile stage. To reinforce our point, we plan to add a figure to the revised manuscript, which puts our data in the context of earlier studies done in grouper. This will clearly show that our inference is correct. Additionally, we would like to point out that from our experience in several fish species transcriptomic data are more robust and precise than hormone measurements.

      However, as we were surprised by the activation of TH and corticoid pathway genes very early in the larval development (at D3), which is clearly outside of the metamorphosis period, we decided to measure TH and cortisol levels during this period of time to determine if whether or not there this surprising early activation was indeed corresponding to an increase in both TH and cortisol. As such observation has never been made in other teleost species (to our knowledge), and as we were wondering if gene activation was accompanied by hormonal increase, the measurements we did for TH and cortisol between D1 and D10 are relevant. We will make sure to improve the clarity of the revised version of the manuscript to avoid any confusion between the two periods we are studying: early larval development (between D1 and D10) and metamorphosis (between D32 and juvenile stage).

      Moreover, as stated in the previous review, a classical sign of teleost metamorphosis is the upregulation of TSHb and Tg, which does not occur at D32 therefore, it is very hard for me to accept that this is the metamorphic stage. With the lack of TH measurements, I cannot agree with the authors. I think this has to be toned down and made clear in the manuscript that D32 might be a putative metamorphic climax but that several aspects of biology work against it. Moreover, in D10, the authors show the highest cortisol level and lowest T4 and T3 levels. These observations are irreconcilable, with cortisol enhancing or participating in TH-driven metamorphosis.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment, but we think that there might be a misunderstanding here.

      (1) We clearly observed an increase of TSHb (that occurs between D18 and juvenile stage) and an increase of tg from D32 which coincide with the activation of other genes involved in TH pathway (dio2, dio3, and also a strong increase of TRb). All this and put in the context of what we know from previous grouper studies, clearly supports our conclusion that TH-regulated metamorphosis is starting at around D32 in grouper. We also observed morphological changes such as fin rays resorption and pigmentation changes between D32 and juvenile stage. Such morphological changes have already been associated as corresponding to metamorphosis in groupers (De Jesus et al 1998) as they occur during TH level increase, and they also happen to be under the control of TH in grouper (De Jesus et al 1998). Based on this study but also on studies (conducted on many other teleost species) showing that the increase of TH levels is always associated with an activation of TH pathway genes and morphological and pigmentation changes we concluded that metamorphosis of E. malabaricus occurs between D32 and juvenile stage. We will improve the clarity of the manuscript to make sure that our conclusion is based on our transcriptomic and morphological data plus the available literature.

      (2) We clearly observed another activation of TH related gene earlier in the development (between D1 and D10, with a surge of trhrs, tg and tpo at D3. As this activation was very unexpected for us, we decided to focus the analysis of TH levels between D1 and D10 and very interestingly we observed high level of T4 at D3 indicating that THs are instrumental very precociously in the larval development of the malabar grouper which has never been shown before. We declared line 195 that our “data reinforce the existence of two distinct periods of TH signalling activity, one early on at D3 and one late corresponding to classic metamorphosis at D32”. However, we agree that we could have been clearer and clearly explained that this early activation was very intriguing for us and that we wanted to investigate hormonal levels around that period. However, we never claimed anywhere in the manuscript that this early developmental period corresponds to metamorphosis. Something else is occurring and both TH and cortisol seem to be involved but further experiments need to be conducted to understand their role and their possible interaction.

      (3) Finally, regarding the comment about cortisol enhancing or participating in TH driven metamorphosis, our data clearly showed an activation of the corticoid pathway genes around metamorphosis (between D32 and juvenile stage) suggesting a potential implication of corticoids in metamorphosis, but we agree with the reviewer that further experiment are needed to test that. We never claimed that cortisol was enhancing or participating in metamorphosis, on the contrary we are “suggesting a possible interaction between TH and corticoid pathway during metamorphosis”. And we also say that our “results brought a first insight into the potential role of corticoids in the metamorphosis of E. malabaricus and call for functional experiments directly testing a possible synergy.” Nonetheless, we agree that some parts of our manuscript can be confusing in regards of cortisol synthesis during metamorphosis as we did not measure cortisol levels between D32 and juvenile stage. We will correct this in the revised version.

      Given this, the authors should quantify whole-body TH levels throughout the entire developmental window considered to determine where the peak is observed and how it correlates with the other hormonal genes/systems in the analysis.

      We did not measure TH levels at later stages as it has already been measured during Epinephelus coioides metamorphosis and the morphological changes observed in this species around the TH peak corresponds to what we observed in Epinephelus malabaricus around the peak of expression of TH pathway genes (see De Jesus et al., 1998 General and Comparative Endocrinology, 112:10-16). We are planning to add a figure reconciling all these data together. However, the main focus of this manuscript is the novel observation of the existence of an early activation period observed at D3, and for which we needed TH levels to determine if they were involved in another early developmental process (not related to metamorphosis). Our hypothesis is that this early activation might be related to the growth of fin rays necessary to enhance floatability during the oceanic larval dispersal. As we may have arrived at the explanation of this hypothesis too rapidly without setting up the context well enough, we will pay attention to improve that part too.

      Even though this is a solid technical paper and the data obtained is excellent, the conclusions drawn by the authors are not supported by their data, and at least hormonal levels should be present in parallel to the transcriptomic data. Furthermore, toning down some affirmations or even considering the different hypotheses available that are different from the ones suggested would be very positive.

      We thank the reviewer for acknowledging the solidity of the method of our paper and the quality of the results. We agree that there were several parts where our message is unclear, which we will address in the revised version of the manuscript to make sure there is no more confusion between the two distinct periods we studied in this paper (early larval development and metamorphosis). We will also make sure that our claims about TH/corticoids interaction during both periods remain hypothetical as we cannot yet, despite trials, sustain them with functional experiment.

    1. Author Response

      We provide here a provisional response to the Public Comments and main issues raised by the reviewers. We appreciate the opportunity to submit a revision and will give all of the reviewers’ comments careful consideration when modifying the manuscript.

      (1) BioRxiv version history.

      Reviewer 1 correctly noted that we have posted different versions of the paper on bioRxiv and that there were significant changes between the initial version and the one posted as part of the eLife preprint process. Here we provide a summary of that history.

      We initially posted a bioRxiv preprint in November, 2021 (Version 1) that included the results of two experiments. In Experiment 1, we compared conditions in which the stimulation frequency was at 2 kHz, 3.5 kHz, or 5.0 kHz. In Experiment 2, we replicated the 3.5 kHz condition of Experiment 1 and included two amplitude-modulated (AM) conditions, with a 3.5 kHz carrier signal modulated at 20 Hz or 140 Hz. Relative to the sham stimulation, non-modulated kTMP at 2 kHz and 3.5 kHz resulted in an increase in cortical excitability in Experiment 1. This effect was replicated in Experiment 2.

      In the original posting, we reported that there was an additional boost in excitability in the 20 Hz AM condition above that of the non-modulated condition. However, in re-examining the results, we recognized that the 20 Hz AM condition included an outlier that was pulling the group mean higher. We should have caught this outlier in the initial submission given that the resultant percent change for this individual is 3 standard deviations above the mean. Given the skew in the distribution, we also performed a log transform on the MEPs (which improves the normality and homoscedasticity of MEP distributions) and repeated the analysis. However, even here the participant’s results remained well outside the distribution. As such, we removed this participant and repeated all analyses. In this new analysis, there was no longer a significant difference between the 20 Hz AM and nonmodulated conditions in Experiment 2. Indeed, all three true stimulation conditions (nonmodulated, AM 20 Hz, AM 140 Hz) produced a similar boost in cortical excitability compared to sham. Thus, the results of Experiment 2 are consistent with those of Experiment 1, showing, in three new conditions, the efficacy of kHz stimulation on cortical excitability. But the results fail to provide evidence of an additional boost from amplitude modulation.

      We posted a second bioRxiv preprint in May, 2023 (Version 2) with the corrected results for Experiment 2, along with changes throughout the manuscript given the new analyses.

      Given the null results for the AM conditions, we decided to run a third experiment prior to submitting the work for publication. Here we used an alternative form of amplitude modulation (see Kasten et. al., NeuroImage 2018). In brief, we again observed a boost in cortical excitability in from non-modulated kTMP at 3.5 kHz, but no additional effect of amplitude modulation. This work is included in the third bioRrxiv preprint (Version 3), the paper that was submitted and reviewed at eLife.

      (2) Statistical analysis.

      Reviewer 1 raised a concern with the statistical analyses performed on aggregate data across experiments. We recognize that this is atypical and was certainly not part of an a priori plan. Here we describe our goal with the analyses and the thought process that led us to combine the data across the experiments.

      Our overarching aim is to examine the effect of corticospinal excitability of different kTMP waveforms (carrier frequency and amplitude modulated frequency) matched at the same estimated cortical E-field (2 V/m). Our core comparison was of the active conditions relative to a sham condition (E-field = 0.01 V/m). We included the non-modulated 3.5 kHz condition in Experiments 2 and 3 to provide a baseline from which we could assess whether amplitude modulation produced a measurable difference from that observed with non-modulated stimulation. Thus, this non-modulated condition as well as the sham condition was repeated in all three experiments. This provided an opportunity to examine the effect of kTMP with a relatively large sample, as well as assess how well the effects replicate, and resulted in the strategy we have taken in reporting the results.

      As a first step, we present the data from the 3.5 kHz non-modulated and sham conditions (including the individual participant data) for all three experiments in Figure 4. We used a linear mixed effect model to examine if there was an effect of Experiment (Exps 1, 2, 3) and observed no significant difference within each condition. Given this, we opted to pool the data for the sham and 3.5 kHz non-modulated conditions across the three experiments. Once data were pooled, we examined the effect of the carrier frequency and amplitude modulated frequency of the kTMP waveform.

      (3) Carry-over effects

      As suggested by Reviewer 1, we will examine in the revision if there is a carry-over effect across sessions (for the most part, 2-day intervals between sessions). For this, we will compare MEP amplitude in baseline blocks (pre-kTMP) across the four experimental sessions.

      Reviewer 1 also commented that mixing the single- and paired-pulse protocols might have impacted the results. While our a priori focus was on the single-pulse results, we wanted to include multiple probes given the novelty of our stimulation method. Mixing single- and different paired-pulse protocols has been relatively common in the noninvasive brain stimulation literature (e.g., Nitsche 2005, Huang et al, 2005, López-Alonso 2014, Batsikadze et al 2013) and we are unaware of any reports suggested that mixed designs (single and paired) distort the picture compared to pure designs (single only).

      (4) Sensation and Blinding

      Reviewer 2 bought up concerns about the sham condition and blinding of kTMP stimulation. We do think that kTMP is nearly ideal for blinding. The amplifier does emit an audible tone (at least for individuals with normal hearing) when set to an intensity to produce a 2 V/m E-field. For this reason, the participants and the experimenter wore ear plugs. Moreover, we played a 3.5 kHz tone in all conditions, including the sham condition, which effectively masked the amplifier sound. We measured the participant’s subjective rating of annoyance, pain, and muscle twitches after each kTMP session (active and sham). Using a linear mixed effect model, we found no difference between active and sham for each of these ratings suggesting that sensation was similar for active and sham (Fig 8). This matches our experience that kHz stimulation in the range used here has no perceptible sensation induced by the coil. To blind the experimenters (and participants) we used a coding system in which the experimenter typed in a number that had been randomly paired to a stimulation condition that varied across participants in a manner unknown to the experimenter.

      Reviewer 1 asked why we did not explicitly ask participants if they thought they were in an active or sham condition. This would certainly be a useful question. However, we did not want to alert them of the presence of a sham condition, preferring to simply describe the study as one testing a new method of non-invasive brain stimulation. Thus, we opted to focus on their subjective ratings of annoyance, pain, and finger twitches after kTMP stimulation for each experimental session.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2024-02352

      Corresponding author(s): Elise, Belaidi

      1. General Statements

      We would like to thank the reviewers for their constructive suggestions and comments. We hope that the “point by point answer” and the revision plan proposed below will convince the reviewers and the editor.

      We thank the reviewer 1 for his/her comments. We would like to specify that the involvement of HIF-1 in IH-induced mitochondrial remodeling has indeed been initiated by RNA-seq analysis and confirmed in a cell-based model as well as in wild-type and HIF-1a+/- heterozygous mice subjected to intermittent hypoxia (IH). In vivo, we originally demonstrated that Metformin reversed IH-induced increase in myocardial infarct size through AMPKa2 and, we proposed that metformin could modify HIF-1 activity. Then, we validated our hypothesis in an in vitro model allowing to demonstrate that Metformin, by increasing HIF-1a phosphorylation decreases its activity. We acknowledge that we used several models and this is the reason why we detailed as much as possible the Materials and Methods section including all models, experimental sets designed and methods details. We hope that the point by point response that we made for the reviewer 1 will increase the clarity of our work and we hope that the new results provided will strengthen the evidences concerning the mechanisms by which metformin can inhibit and modulate the deleterious impact of HIF-1 on IH-induced an increase in myocardial infarct size.

      We thank the reviewer 2 for his/her conclusion highlighting that “our work opens new avenues for exploring the potential effects of metformin as a modulatory of HIF-1𝛂 activity in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome”. We hope that the clarifications and/or justifications brought will convince him/her.<br /> We thank the reviewer 3 for having underlined that “metformin induces HIF-1α phosphorylation, decreases its nuclear localization and subsequently HIF-1 transcriptional activity are very much interesting” and for having highlighting that “our study is convincing”. We hope that the justification and the corrections brought in the point by point answer will convince him/her.

      Alltogether, as underlined by the 3 reviewers, our study is very interesting for translational science in the fields of cardiovascular, respiratory and sleep medicine. We hope that the point by point answer and the revision plan proposed will allow the publication of our article in EMBO Molecular Medicine.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      • *

      Please find below the revision that we plan to address to answer to the questions of the reviewer 1.

      Figure 1 - it would be helpful to list all of the DEGs (what genes are changed?). Including the expression of HIF-1α and PHD isoforms would be informative. If there is a robust HIF-1α signal, changes in the expression of HIF and PHD isoforms would be anticipated. Fig 1F - with regards to glycolysis and hypoxia pathway analysis, most of the DEGs are not canonical HIF-1α/hypoxia targets.

      Figure 1 aimed at better understanding and manipulate the well-recognized involvement of HIF-1 in response to our specific IH stimulus (Semenza, Physiology 2009; Belaidi, Pharmacol & Ther. 2016). __The results provided by the RNA-seq analysis shows that IH induces cardiac oxidative and metabolic stress which are inter-related with HIF-1 activation. __We did not claim that these genes are HIF-1 targets genes. The RNA seq analysis did not allow to reveal HIF-1a and PHD1-3 transcript as the most dysregulated genes of the panel. In case of publication, bulk data and DEGS will be provided in an online file. We agree with the reviewer that the list of the 40 up and down-regulated genes would be very informative and would increase the value of the paper. Thus, we plan to add the name of the 40 up and down-regulated genes on Figure 1B.

      Figure 5G-I, show cytoplasmic HIF1a as well as nuclear.

      Alternatively, why not use IHC for subcellular localization?

      We think that the comments of the reviewer 1 concern Fig.4G-I and not 5G-I. In this figure, we showed that IH increases nuclear HIF-1____a____ expression compared to N condition and that this IH-effect is abolished in mice treated with Metformin, suggesting that, upon IH, Metformin impacts HIF-1__a __nuclear content and subsequently, its activity. The nuclear localization of HIF-1a is the most relevant mean to indicate its activation. We agree with the reviewer that IHC also allows for the indication of the nuclear localization of HIF-1a. Indeed, we previously performed IHC on nuclear HIF-1a localization and demonstrated that IH increased HIF-1a nuclear localization by IHC that was corroborated by Western-blot (Moulin S, TACD, 2020). Western-blot and IHC are both semi-quantitative techniques with different process of analyses. In this study, we choose Western-blot because we have the material to perform this technique and because IHC is associated with an analysis process (size of a slice, areas to analyze, colorimetry…) that is more complex than the analysis process of Western-blot (densitometry solely).

      While the nuclear localization of HIF-1a is the most relevant mean to indicate its activation; it could be interesting to see that HIF-1a cytosolic content was neither modify by IH nor by Metformin. This would also corroborate the results of the RNA-seq that did not demonstrate any difference in DEGs of HIF-1a or of other members of the HIF family. This would also confirm that Metformin plays a major role on HIF-1 activaty regulation (and not transcription) in the context of IH.

      Thus, we plan to perform a Western-blot of HIF-1a on cytosolic extracts of hearts from mice exposed to N or IH and treated or not with Metformin. These extracts are already available and Western-blot would be performed and replicated in 3 weeks. We could also provide a Western-blot in order to show the purity of our extraction protocol (nucleus vs cytosol).

      Figure 5F, it would be important to show the levels of expression of HIF1a in these experiments. Are there positive and negative controls that the authors could use for HIF21a activity in this experiment?

      In our manuscript, we aimed at demonstrating that Metformin decreases HIF-1 activity in a context of strong HIF-1____a____expression and/or stabilizion those mimics what happens after chronic IH in mice (Belaidi E, Int J Cardiol 2016, Moulin S, Ther Adv Chronic Dis 2020) and in apneic patients (Moulin S, Can J Cardiol 2020). Thus, we used a transfection allowing to overexpress HIF-1a that is one of the best means to increase HIF-1 activity. In the Figure 1 below, HA-HIF-1α-WT Addgene AmpR and 5 HRE GFP AmpR plasmids co-transfection induced a decrease in H9c2 viability and an increase in GFP-positive cells that were not observed in H9c2 transfected with pcDNA 3.1 HA-C AmpR (negative control). __This validates our in vitro model as a good positive control to mimic IH consequences. __ However, we agree with the reviewer that we could add a supplemental figure or a panel demonstrating that our transfection induced an increase in HIF-1a expression. Thus, we will perform a Western-blot targeting HIF-1a on H9c2 transfected with the control plasmid (pcDNA 3.1 HA-C AmpR) or the plasmid allowing the overexpression of HIF-1a (HA-HIF-1α-WT AmpR). This work would be performed in 2 months.

      Moreover, we already improved the lisibility of the Figure 5F to clarify the experimental conditions (table inserted under the graphic); we also completed the Materials and Methods section to specify the plasmid used (modifications are in red in the manuscript).

      Figure to see on the downloaded file.

      Figure 1 : GFP fluorescence in H9c2 cells transfected with pcDNA 3.1 HA-C AmpR (control condition) or HA-HIF-1α-WT AmpR (positive control, overexpression of HIF-1a) and 5 HRE-GFP AmpR plamids and treated with CoCl2 (1mM, 2h); magnification x100.

      • *

      This paragraph concerns only the point 4 of the fifth question.

      In these experiments, as well as subsequent studies, it would be very informative to use a specific AMPK activator e.g. MK-8772, to compare with metformin. It is well known that metformin has a number of other targets in addition to AMPK.

      We agree with the reviewer that metformin has pleiotropic effect. Very interestingly, we demonstrated that the reduced-infarct size is not related to the metabolic systemic effect of metformin since it failed to improve the IH-induced insulin resistance while it improves the answer to insulin in normoxic mice (supplemental Figure S3B). This demonstrates that in our model, the cardioprotective effects of Metformin are independent of a potential systemic effect. Then, we demonstrated that metformin protects the heart against ischemia-reperfusion through AMPK____a____2 activation by using AMPK____a____2KO exposed to IH in which Metformin failed to decrease infarct size (Fig.4N). MK-8772 is not widely used in vivo models. Moreover a recent study indicates that chronic treatment with MK-8772 (14 days 1 month in mice and rats, respectively) induces cardiac hypertrophy characterized by an increase in heart weight (Myers R, Science 2017). In vivo experiments with MK-8772 would be not clinically relevant as the use of metformin that is already used in clinic. However, in order to improve the mechanistic investigation concerning the role of AMPKa2 activation on inhibiting HIF-1 activity, we propose to perform the in vitroexperiments performed in Figure 5 with a specific allosteric small-molecule activator of AMPKa2 such as 991.

      We plan to:

      -Expose H9c2 to CoCl2 and treat them with 991 in order to measure HIF-1a phosphorylation.

      -Transfect H9c2 with our plasmids HA-HIF-1α-WT AmpR and 5 HRE GFP AmpR and treat them or not with 991 in order to measure HIF-1 activity (GFP fluorescence). These experiments would be performed in 2 months.

      __Please find below the revision that we plan to address to answer to the second question of the reviewer 2. __

      • *

      2) The WB images were cut and pasted. Please add the original images

      We acknowledge the reviewer's comment and will address it by submitting a supplementary file containing the uncropped immunoblot images. Since this file already exists, our plan is to standardize it by providing, for each slide (immunoblot), all relevant information pertaining to our experiments, including groups, molecular weight markers, cutting, membrane stripping, and other pertinent details.

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript

      • *

      __Please find below the answers or the revisions that have already been incorporated in response to the comments of the reviewer 1. Please note that we provided new results and new figures at the discretion of the reviewer, but we are ready to insert them as figures or supplemental figures in a new revised manuscript if the reviewers and the editor think that it would improve our message. __

      Was mitochondrial content in the hearts after IH experiment measured e.g. mtDNA measurements? IH results in mitochondrial dysfunction/reduced mitochondrial content. It would have been good to show mitochondrial dysfunction by doing basic functional experiments (e.g. TMRM/MitoROS imaging etc.) by isolating cardiomyocytes from the N and IH experiments.

      We thank the reviewer for these questions about the mitochondrial function and content. The impact of IH on mitochondrial function has already been demonstrated in heart (Moulin S, Antioxydants 2022, Wei Q, Am J Physiol 2012). __Indeed, we previously showed that mitochondria isolated from hearts of mice exposed to IH had a decrease in maximal respiration in complex I and II that was not observed in HIF-1_a_+/- ____mice (Moulin S, Antioxidants 2022), indicating that HIF-1 is responsible for IH-induced mitochondrial dysfunction. __

      Figure 4 shows that Metformin abolished IH-induced mitochondrial remodeling similar to what we observed in HIF-1a+/-(Figure 2). This means that treating with Metformin or partially deleting the gene encoding for HIF-a induce the same impact on IH. Then, we demonstrated that Metformin can control HIF-1 activation and we concluded that metformin could be cardioprotective through inhibiting HIF-1 activation and subsequent mitochondrial stress and remodeling. In this study, we focused on the effects of Metformin on HIF-1 and we did not aim at directly test the effect of metformin on mitochondrial function. Actually, metformin exhibits biphasic effects on bioenergetics of cardiac tissue depending on the modality of administration (i. e. single injection, time of administration during an ischemia-reperfusion procedure); the dose administered and the tissue studied (i. e. hiPSC-CMs, isolated mitochondria…) (Emelyanova N, Transl Res 2021). But, we collected some data that we would like to submit at the discretion of the reviewer. Using oximetry, we measured maximal respiration in complex 1 and 2 on isolated mitochondria from hearts of mice exposed to N, IH and treated or not with metformin during the exposure__. While we observed that IH decreases maximal respiration in complex 1 and 2, we did not find any effect of metformin on mitochondrial respiration alteration induced by IH (Figure 2A, B). Using spectrofluorometry, we measured the mitochondrial membrane potential using TMRM; __we did not find any modification of membrane potential in IH or Metformin-treated mice (Figure 2C). Because we previously did not observe any impact of IH on mtDNA/gDNA ratio (Figure 2D), we did not test metformin on this parameter.

      To conclude, we think that these results are not directly in the scope of our work but if the reviewer thinks that they deserve to be discussed, we could add them in a supplementary figure.

      Please, see the figure on the dowloaded file

      Figure 2 : Mice were exposed to 21 days of Normoxia (N) or Intermittent Hypoxia (IH) (1-min cycle of FiO2 5%-21%) and treated with vehicle (Vh, CmCNa 0.01%, 0,1ml.10g-1) or Metformin (Met, 300mg.kg-1.d-1). (A, B) Mitochondrial function __was measured by oximetry with sequential addition of substrate (state 2), ADP (200mM, state 3, maximal respiration) and oligomycin (12.5 mM, state 4) ; quantification of O2 consumption for NADH-linked mitochondrial respiration (complex I-glutamate-malate, GM, 20mM) (A), and for FADH2-linked mitochondrial respiration (complex II-succinate, S, 5mM, in presence of complex I inhibition by rotenone, 6.25mM) (B) (n=8). (C) Mitochondrial membrane potential measured by spectrofluorometry after Tetramethylrhodamine Methyl Ester (TMRM, 0.2mM) in presence of GM (basal condition), maximal respiration (ADP) and uncoupling condition Carbonyl cyanide 4-(trifluoromethoxy)phenylhydrazone, FCCP, 3mM); fluorescence intensity is expressed relative to fuorescence at baseline (before GM) (n=8). (D__) Mitochondrial content assessed by the expression of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA, COX1) relative to genomic DNA (gDNA, ApoB) measured after PCR (n=6); *p

      Fig 2A-D - CoCl2 is not a good model to mimic hypoxia due its effect on disrupting iron homeostasis in cells, which can mean that some of the effects are due to changes in iron levels and not HIF stabilisation.

      The capacity of CoCl2 to chelate iron is the main property of CoCl2 that we used in order to stabilize HIF-1____a____. Actually, prolyl-4-hydroxylases need Fe2+ to hydroxylate HIF-1____a____ and induce its degradation. __Then, intermittent hypoxia (IH) is characterized by very rapid changes in PO2. This stimulus was designed to reproduce sleep apnea syndrome and its associated disorders (i. e. insulin-resistance, hypertension, increase in myocardial infarct size). This model was firstly developed and validated in rodents (Dematteis M, ILARJ 2008, Belaidi E, Eur Resp Rev 2022, Harki , Eur Resp J 2022). Compelling evidence indicate that the involvement of HIF-1 in IH-deleterious consequences is related to the repetitive phases of oxygenation and especially to IH-induced oxidative stress (Semenza Physiology 2009, Belaidi Pharmacol. & Ther 2016). In order to increase the level of mechanistic insights on HIF-1, we next attempted to optimize in vitro models. A device was developed by Minoves et al. (Minoves M, Am J Physiol, 2017) to expose endothelial and cancer cells to IH. __However, as illustrated below, this device does not mimic efficient rapid hypoxia-reoxygenation cycles able to induce cardiac cell death (Figure 3A). However, CoCl2 decreases H9C2 viability by 60% (Figure 3B) that is associated with a sustained stabilization of HIF-1____a (Figure 3C,D). Thus, we choose this in vitro model as it replicates cardiac cell death and HIF-1_a_overexpression or stabilization which we similarly observe in our in vivo model and in apneic patients (Moulin S, Can J Cardiol 2020).

      Please see the figure on the dowloaded file

      Figure 3 : (A-B) Cell viability measured by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H- tetrazolium bromide (MTT) of H9c2 cells exposed to 6 hours (h) of repetitive cycles of Intermittent hypoxia (2 minutes (min) PO2 16% - 2 min PO2 2%) (n=3) (A) or treated with CoCl2 (1mM, 2h) (n=6) (B). (C-D), __quantification of __total ____HIF-1____𝛂 expression relative to tubulin (C) and representative image of Wetsern-blot (D) (n=2-3); *p****p*

      Fig. 2K, change in BNIP3 expression is modest, but change in Parkin is very dramatic. BNIP3 is a HIF-1α target but Parkin is not, so it is plausible that mitophagy could be occurring through a HIF-1α independent mechanism.

      Fig. 2K is a representative panel of 2-3 independent experiments. The quantification reported in Figures 2I and 2J demonstrated a significant decrease in BNIP3 and Parkin expressions in HIF-1a heterozygous mice exposed to Intermittent Hypoxia (IH) compared to HIF-1a+/+ mice exposed to IH. While we acknowledge that only BNIP3 is a direct target of HIF-1, the role of HIF-1 in IH-induced auto/mitophagy is demonstrated by our experiments performed in HIF-1____a____heterozygous mice. This shows an important role for HIF-1 without excluding any impact of HIF-1a independent mechanisms.

      What are we meant to be looking at in Fig 2L?

      Figure 2L aims at illustrating mitochondrial remodeling under IH. Stars indicate that mitochondria have abnormal fate in IH conditions and arrows point autophagosomal membrane and formation. This figure was magnified to be clearer (please see new Figure 2L).

      Figure 3B-C, the reduction in pT172 on AMPK is modest. It would be good to include pACC as a downstream target for AMPK.

      As recommended by the reviewer, we inserted in the manuscript the quantification of 79Ser-P-ACC/ACC western-blot as well as a representative image of the Western-blot (See new Figure 3). We also modified the legend of the figure. 79Ser-P-ACC is an important target of AMPK; however, in our experimental conditions, its phosphorylation is not associated to the decrease in AMPK phosphorylation. This could be explained by many points. First, Metformin was administered every day and hearts were harvested 24 hours later after the last administration. Most studies demonstrating a modification of AMPK and ACC phosphorylation are experiments performed in vitro or directly (less than 1 hour) after a single dose of Metformin administration. In the context of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion, Yin et al. showed an increase in P-AMPK/AMPK directly after Metformin treatment without showing any data on P-ACC/ACC (Yin M; Am J Physiol 2011); similar data were published in models of chronic cardiac diseases (Soraya H, Eur J Pharmacol, Gundewar S, Circ Res 2009). Second, in line with the previous explanation, the lack of effect of metformin on P-AMPK and/or P-ACC in rodent models could be explained by its rapid distribution (Sheleme T Clin Pharmacokinetics of Metformin 2021) and its short half-life that is around 3.7 hours in mice (Junien N, Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther 1979).

      To conclude, since we performed all our analysis 24h after the last treatment and exposure to hypoxia, we argue that the slight but significative decrease in AMPK phosphorylation that we observed in our study highlight a robust impact of chronic IH. However, this would be elegant to confirm this result by measuring AMPK through its phosphorylation capacity (Cool B, Cell Metab 2006, Ducommun S, Am J Physiol 2014). We already sent hearts from mice exposed to Normoxia or Intermittent Hypoxia to Luc Bertrand’s lab (IREC, Belgium) where they used to perform this assay.

      Fig. E-G, show data for mice treated with vehicle.

      In Figure 4 I-J­­, we demonstrated that Metformin significantly decreases infract size in IH condition only and this validates our main hypothesis regarding the specific beneficial effect of this drug in the context of chronic IH. __In order to show that the cardioprotective effect of Metformin is relative to AMPKa2 activation, we first showed that 79Ser-PACC/ACC, one of the main downstream targets of AMPKa2 was increased (Fig. E-G). We did not find it necessary to does not exhibit cardioprotective effects. However, as shown in Figure 3 below, __Metformin also increases 79Ser-PACC/ACC in Normoxic mice validating the treatment. Thus, in normoxic conditions, AMPK____a____2 activation does not exert any cardioprotective effect. We acknowledge that this reinforces our result about the specificity of AMPK____a____2 activation by Metformin under chronic IH condition. We could add this Figure in supplemental results.

      Please, see the figure on the dowloaded file

      Figure 4 : AMPK activation in Normoxic mice treated with vehicle (Vh, CmCNa 0.01%, 0,1ml.10g-1) or __ __metformin (Met, 300mg.kg-1.d-1 : __ __172Thr-P-AMPK/AMPK (A) and 79Ser-P-ACC/ACC (B) ratio and representative image of Western-blot (C) (n=3-6); *p

      Fig. 3K - what cre is used for the a2 KO mice?

      As written in the Materials and methods section, AMPKa2KO mice are not inducible Knock-out mice. Constitutive AMPKα2 knockout mice were kindly generated by Benoit Viollet (Viollet B, JCI, 2003).

      Include normoxia data for the a2 KO mice studies.

      The question of the reviewer concerning the cardioprotective effects of metformin is interesting but is not aligned with the objectives of the study. Indeed, we did not treat normoxic mice with Met for several reasons. First, the objective of the study was to find a cardioprotective strategy against IH-induced an increase in infarct size. Second, Fig. 3I shows that Met significantly reduced infarct size upon IH only; this suggests that AMPK____a____2 activation is specifically involved in IH-induced increase in infarct size but not in reducing infarct size in normoxic mice. Moreover, the beneficial impact of metformin in standard models of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion is controversial and has been extensively discussed (Foretz et al. Cell Metab. 2014). Overall, using AMPKa2 mice was legitimated in the context of IH only. We validated the involvement of AMPKa2 in the cardioprotective effect of metformin especially in IH conditions.

      Figure 5G, what is the rationale for switching to CoCl2 in the mice to prove metformin reduced HIF-1α expression? Why not use reduced O2 tension in mice.

      We respectfully disagree with the reviewer since mice were exposed to N and IH and treated or not with Metformin to demonstrate that this drug abolished IH-induced increase in HIF-1a nuclear expression (Figure 4 H, I). The same model was used in Figure 3 to demonstrate the impact of Metformin on infarct size. Fig. 5G was conducted to demonstrate the potential link between AMPKa2 and HIF-1a phosphorylation in basal conditions of AMPKa2 content or in absence of AMPKa2 (AMPKa2-/- mice). The single presence of AMPK____a____2 demonstrates an increase in HIF-1____a____ phosphorylation if its stabilization is increased by CoCl2; this was not observed in AMPK____a____2-/- mice highlighting that AMPK____a____2 plays an important role in HIF-1____a phosphorylation.

      Please find below the answer to the first question asked by the reviewer 2.

      1) Why did authors choose the IH protocol illustrated in Fig. S1A

      The choice of the hypoxic stimulus was based on literature and mainly on our recognized expertise in preclinical studies aiming at better understanding obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA); a chronic pathology associated with several comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension… We are conscious that the hypoxic stimulus used in this study is very severe, with a nadir arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) around 60%. However, this experimental design is required to induce detrimental cardiovascular effects __in the absence of any confounding factors (i.e., obesity) or genetic susceptibility for complications (i. e. genetic susceptibility to hypertension) (Dematteis M, ILARJ 2008). Especially in the context of myocardial infarction, exposing rodents to 14 to 21 days of IH at 5% and subjected them to a myocardial ischemia-reperfusion protocol allows us to reproduce the increase in infarct size in rats (Belaidi E, J. Am. Coll. Cardiol., 2009; Bourdier G, Am J Physiol, 2016) and in mice (Belaidi E, Int J Cardiol 2016; Moulin S, Can J Cardiol 2020) similar to what has been observed in apneic patients (Buchner S, EHJ 2014). __Moreover, we recently conducted a meta-analysis based on 23 preclinical studies aiming at investigating the impact of the IH pattern (duration, FiO2, repetition of cycles…) on infarct size and cardiomyocyte death (Belaidi E, Eur. Resp. J 2022). We showed that IH significantly increases infarct size when IH is applied several days (especially 14 to 21 days) and when FiO2 is around 5%; whereas IH decreases infarct size when it is applied a single day at a FiO2 at 10%. This meta-analysis provided the confirmation that we need to apply a chronic and severe stimulus to reproduce an increase in infarct size that is observed in apneic patients which are exposed every day, during several days to a decrease in SaO2. If the reviewers and the editor consider that this point should be discussed in the discussion section, we will be happy to include it.

      • *

      Please find below the answers or the revisions that have already been incorporated in response to the comments of the reviewer 3. They appear in red in the new manuscript except the modifications performed in the “references” section which appear in black.

      1 The authors used H9c2 rat cardiac cells in vitro experiments although they used mouse model in vivo experiments. Using mouse P19.CL6 cardiac cells instead of rat H9c2 cells may much clearer. Why the authors did not use P19.CL6 cells should be explained.

      We thank the reviewer for his/her suggestion. P19CL6 cell line has been isolated from pluripotent P19 embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells after long term culture under conditions for mesodermal differentiation (Habara-Ohkubo A, Cell Struc Funct 1996). Therefore, these cells are mostly used to ____study the differentiation of cardiac muscle. Indeed, they were recognized to avoid large variations in the differentiation rates which were extensively reported (Mueller I, J Biomed Biotechnol 2010). To our knowledges no ventricular non-beating mice cell line. In this study, we used H9c2 which are extensively used and recognized as a gold standard cellular model to study the biology of cardiomyocytes including mechanisms involved in cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury (Paillard M, Circulation, 2013; Zhang G Circulation 2021__), cardiac hypertrophy__ (Zhang N, Cell Death Diff 2020; Hu H, Cardiovasc Res 2020), intra-organites calcium exchanges (Moulin S, Antioxydants, 2022, Paillard M, Circulation, 2013) as drug testing (Beshay NM, J Pharm and Tox Methods, 2007). Recently, H9c2 and P19.CL6 were exposed to intermittent hypoxia (70 cycles of FiO2 1% (5 min) - FiO2 21% (10%)) in order to “mimic OSA” and investigate the transcription level of a pool of genes. The authors show some similiraties and differences of mRNA expression between the two cell lines that, indeed, could be attributed to variations in the cell origin (Takasawa S, IJMS 2022). However, in this study, there are no experiment allowing to assess the state of cardiac cells (apoptosis, life, metabolism, remodeling) questioning the pathophysiologic transposability of the model. Moreover, the number of experiments conducted on H9C2 (pubmed references : 7000 vs 100 for P19.CL6) to understand the mechanism involved in acute and chronic cardiac pathologies makes our choice confident and relevant.

      2 The authors described, "The protocol was approved by the French minister (APAFIS#23725-2020012111137561.v2)." in Animals (page 16) without showing approval date, the authors should clearly show the approval date together with their approval numbers.

      We added the approvement date in the materials and methods section. It was approved on February 20, 2020.

      3 In Figure 2 L, scale bar(s) should be added because figures are magnified and/or reduced by printer.

      We agree with the reviewer that scale bars were not visible; we highlighted them.

      4 In Figure 3J and 3N, scale bar(s) should be added.

      Scale bars have been now added on figures 3J and 3N. All pictures were acquired at the maximal zoom of a camera placed at an equal distance from the slices. Then, analyses were performed, slice per slice, with Image J with the same zoom (x5 to get an image at 100%). In this context, scale was added based on a photo of slice taken close to a ruler.

      5 In introduction, "HIF-1" should be changed to "hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1)".

      Thank you, we replaced HIF-1 by Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1 (HIF-1) in the introduction section.

      6 In Results, "Angpt1, Txnip, Nmrk2, Nuak1 or Pfkfb1" should be changed to "Angiopoietin 1 (Angpt1), Thioredoxin-interacting protein (Txnip), Nicotinamide riboside kinase 2 (Nmrk2), NUAK family SNF1-like kinase 1 (Nuak1) or 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase 1 (Pfkb1)".

      We did the modification and let the abbreviation in italic since it concerns genes name.

      7 In Chronic intermittent hypoxia, "FiO2" should be changed to "FiO2".

      Thank you, we changed it in the materials and methods section.

      8 In Western-blot, "Bio-Rad, California, USA" should be changed to "Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA".

      Thank you, we did it.

      9 In Western-blot, what "tubulin" (α-tubulin or β-tubulin) should be clarified.

      We agree with the reviewer that this point should be specified; α-tubulin was stained, we added the “α”.

      As mentioned below, we have done all the modifications required by the reviewer in the references section.

      10 In Ref. 8, "Antioxidants (Basel) 11 (2022)" should be changed to "Antioxidants (Basel) 11, 2326 (2022)".


      11 In Ref.10, "Pharmacol Ther (2016)" should be changed to "Pharmacol Ther 168, 1-11 (2016)".


      12 In Ref.13, "Antioxidants (Basel) 11 (2022)" should be changed to "Antioxidants (Basel) 11, 1462 (2022).


      13 In Ref. 21, "Diabetes (2017)" should be changed to "Diabetes 66, 2942-2951 (2017)".


      14 In Ref. 28, "Adv Biol (Weinh), e2300292 (2023)" should be changed to "Adv Biol (Weinh), 8, 2300292 (2023)".


      15 In Ref. 37, "J Am Heart Assoc 6 (2017)" should be changed to "J Am Heart Assoc 6, e006680 (2017)".


      16 In Ref. 41, "Eur Respir Rev 32 (2023)" should be changed to "Eur Respir Rev 32, 230083 (2023)".


      17 In Ref. 46, "Int J Mol Sci 22 (2020)" should be changed to "Int J Mol Sci 22, 268 (2021)".


      18 In Ref. 47, "Int J Mol Sci 21 (2020)" should be changed to "Int J Mol Sci 21, 2428 (2020)". Done

      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      __Please find below the answers to the comment of the reviewer 3 that we cannot provide and that is not in the scope of the study. __

      • *

      Figure 5, multiple phosphorylation sites have been identified on HIF1a. What is the nature of the Thr/SerP-HIF1a antibody? It would be far more preferable (essential?) to identify the site(s) within HIF1a that are phosphorylated by AMPK.

      The antibody was provided by Cell Signalling, ref. 9631. Phospho-(Ser/Thr) Phe Antibody detects phospho-serine or threonine in the context of tyrosine, tryptophan or phenylalanine.

      The identification of the Phosphorylation sites will require a long-time consuming phosphoproteomic analysis and subsequent functional validation in vivo and in vitro (directed mutagenesis, knock-in mice, …) which are out of the scope of our paper.

    1. The document provides a fascinating overview of the technologies available to monitor personal health and sports performance, showing how the sector is rapidly evolving towards increasingly intelligent and personalized solutions. Exploring a wide range of devices and mobile applications designed to record and analyze physiological and biomechanical parameters, we highlight how we are moving from simple measurement of standard vital signs to sophisticated predictive algorithms based on population information and artificial intelligence.

      Personally, I believe it is crucial to highlight the importance of independent validation of these technologies. It is worrying to know that many of them have not yet been adequately tested, raising questions about their effectiveness and usefulness for the average consumer. In a world where we are increasingly surrounded by data and devices, it is essential that the technologies we choose to use are reliable and based on solid scientific evidence.

      Analyzing specific devices such as the Zephyr Sensor, E4 Wristband, and Reign Active Recovery Band offers a detailed look at their capabilities and potential benefits. Furthermore, the reference to the Mio SLICE™ bracelet, with its "Personal Activity Score" calculated via an algorithm, is particularly interesting. The clinical study that demonstrated a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease for those with a score ≥100 is tangible evidence of the benefits these technologies can offer when tested properly.

      Finally, discussion of sleep and cardiorespiratory monitoring technologies, such as the OURA ring and Fitbit Charge2™, highlights current challenges and limitations. Personally, I think sleep tracking is one of the most interesting aspects of these technologies, as rest is critical to overall health and physical performance. However, it is important to be aware of limitations in the precision and interpretation of the data collected, as this may affect our confidence in the results provided.

      Overall, the document offers a comprehensive overview of an ever-expanding sector. As technologies for monitoring health and sports performance continue to evolve, it is essential to stay informed about their potential and limitations. Innovation is exciting, but careful research and development is essential to ensure that these technologies are truly useful and reliable for improving our lives and performance.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Response to Public Reviewer Comments

      We again thank the reviewers for the time and effort they clearly put into reviewing our manuscript. We have revised our manuscript to take into account the majority of their suggestions, primary among them being refinements of our model and classification approach, detailed sensitivity analysis of our model, and several new simulations. Their very constructive feedback has resulted in what we feel is a much-improved paper. In what follows, we respond to each of their points.

      Reviewer #1:

      COMMENT: The reviewer suggested that our control policy classification thresholds should be increased, especially if the behavioral labels are to be subsequently used to guide analyses of neural data which “is messy enough, but having trials being incorrectly labeled will make it even messier when trying to quantify differences in neural processing between strategies.”

      REPLY: We appreciate the observation and agree with the suggestion. In the revised manuscript, we simplified the model (as another reviewer suggested), which allowed for better training of the classifier. This enabled an increase in the threshold to 95% to have more confidence in the identified control strategies. Figures 7 and 8 were regenerated based on the new threshold.

      COMMENT: The reviewer asked if we could discuss what one might expect to observe neurally under the different control policies, and also suggested that an extension of this work could be to explore perturbation trials, which might further distinguish between the two control policies.

      REPLY: It is indeed interesting to speculate what neural activity could underlie these different behavioral signatures. As this task is novel to the field, it is difficult to predict what we might observe once we examine neural activity through the lens of these control regimes. We hope this will be the topic of future studies, and one aspect worthy of investigation is how neural activity prior to the start of the movement may reflect two different control objectives. Previous work has shown that motor cortex is highly active and specific as monkeys prepare for a cued movement and that this preparatory activity can take place without an imposed delay period (Ames et al., 2014; Cisek & Kalaska, 2005; Dekleva et al., 2018; Elsayed et al., 2016; Kaufman et al., 2014; Lara et al., 2018; Perich et al., 2018; Vyas et al., 2018; Zimnik & Churchland, 2021). It seems possible that the control strategies we observed correspond to different preparatory activity in the motor cortex. We added these speculations to the discussion.

      The reviewer’s suggestion to introduce perturbations to probe sensory processing is very good and was also suggested by another reviewer. We therefore conducted additional simulations in which we introduced perturbations (Supplementary Material; Figure S10). Indeed, in these model simulations the two control objectives separated more. However, testing these predictions via experiments must await future work.

      COMMENT: “It seems like a mix of lambda values are presented in Figure 5 and beyond. There needs to be some sort of analysis to verify that all strategies were equally used across lambda levels. Otherwise, apparent differences between control strategies may simply reflect changes in the difficulty of the task. It would also be useful to know if there were any trends across time?”

      REPLY: We appreciate and agree with the reviewer’s suggestion. We have added a complementary analysis of control objectives with respect to task difficulty, presented in the Supplementary Material (Figures S7 and S8). We demonstrate that, overall, the control objectives remain generally consistent throughout trials and difficulty levels. Therefore, it can be concluded that the difference in behavior associated with different control objectives does not depend on the trial sequence or difficulty of the task. A statement to this extent was added to the main text.

      COMMENT: “Figure 2 highlights key features of performance as a function of task difficulty. …However, there is a curious difference in hand/cursor Gain for Monkey J. Any insight as to the basis for this difference?”

      REPLY: The apparently different behavior of Monkey J in the hand/cursor RMS ratio could be due to subject-to-subject variability. Given that we have data from only two monkey subjects, we examined inter-individual variations between human subjects in the Supplementary Material by presenting individual hand/cursor gain data for all individual human subjects (Figure S1). As can be seen, there was indeed variability, with some subjects not exhibiting the same clear trend with task difficulty. However, on average, the RMS ratio shows a slight decrease as trials grow more difficult, as was earlier shown in Figure 2. We added a sentence about the possibility of inter-individual variations to address the difference in behavior of monkey J with reference to the supplementary material.

      Reviewer #2:

      (Reviewer #2's original review is with the first version of the Reviewed Preprint. Below is the authors' summary of those comments.)

      COMMENT: The reviewer commends the care and effort taken to characterize control policies that may be used to perform the CST, via dual human and monkey experiments and model simulations, noting the importance of doing so as a precursor to future neural recordings or BMI experiments. But the reviewer also wondered if it is all that surprising that different subjects might choose different strategies: “... it makes sense that different subjects might choose to favor different objectives, and also that they can do so when instructed. But has this taught us something about motor control or simply that there is a natural ambiguity built into the task?”

      REPLY: The redundancy in the task that allowed different solutions to achieve the task was deliberate, and the motivation for choosing this task for this study. We therefore did not regard the resulting subject-to-subject variability as a finding of our study. Rather, redundancy and inter-individual variability are features ubiquitous in all everyday actions and we explicitly wanted to examine behavior that is closer to such behavior. As commended by the reviewers, CST is a rich task that extends our research beyond the conventional highly-constrained reaching task. The goal of our study was to develop a computational account to identify and classify such differences to better leverage future neural analyses of such more complex behaviors. This choice of task has now been better motivated in the Introduction of the revised manuscript.

      COMMENT: The reviewer asks about our premise that subjects may use different control objectives in different trials, and whether instead a single policy may be a more parsimonious account for the different behavioral patterns in the data, given noise and instability in the system. In support of this view, the reviewer implemented a simple fixed controller and shared their own simulations to demonstrate its ability to generate different behavioral patterns simply by changing the gain of the controller. The reviewer concludes that our data “are potentially compatible with any of these interpretations, depending on which control-style model one prefers.”

      REPLY: We first address the reviewer’s concern that a simple “fixed” controller can account for the two types of behavioral patterns observed in Experiment 2 (instructed groups) by a small change in the control gain. We note that our controller is also fixed in terms of the plant, the actuator, and the sensory feedback loop; the only change we explore is in the relative weights of position vs. velocity in the Q matrix. This determines whether it is deviations in position or in velocity that predominate in the cost function. This, in turn, generates changes in the gain vector L in our model, since the optimal solution (i.e. the gains L that minimize the cost function) depends on the Q matrix as well as the dynamics of the plant (specifically, the lambda value). Hence, one could interpret the differences arising from changes in the control objective (the Q matrix) as changes in the gains of our “fixed” controller.

      More importantly, while the noise and instability in the system may indeed occasionally result in distinct behavioral patterns (and we have observed such cases in our simulations as well), these factors are far from giving an alternative account for the structural differences in the behavior that we attribute to the control objective. To substantiate this point, we performed additional simulations that are provided in the Supplementary Material (Figures S4—6). These simulations show that neither a change in noise nor in the relative cost of effort can account for the two distinct types of behavior. These differences are more consistently attributed to a change in the control objective.

      In addition, our approach provides a normative account of the control gains needed to simulate the observed data, as well as the control objectives that underlie those gains. As such, the two control policies in our model (Position and Velocity Control) resulted in control gains that captured the differences in the experimental groups (Experiment 2), both at the single trial and aggregate levels and across different task difficulties. Figure S9 in the Supplementary Material shows how the control gains differ between Position and Velocity Control in our model across different difficulty levels.

      We agree,with the reviewer’s overall point, that there are no doubt many models that can exhibit the variability observed in our experimental data, our simulations, or the reviewer’s simulations. Our study aimed to explore in detail not only the model’s ability to generate the variable behavior observed in experimental data, but also to match experimental results in terms of performance levels, gains, lags and correlations across a wide range of lambda values, wherein the only changes in the model were the lambda value and the control objective. Without the details of the reviewer’s model, we are unable to perform a detailed analysis of that model. Even so, we are not claiming that our model is the ‘ground truth,’ only that it is certainly a reasonable model, adopted from the literature, that provides intuitive and normative explanation about the performance of humans and monkeys over a range of metrics, system dynamics, and experimental conditions.

      Finally, we understand the reviewer’s concern regarding whether the trial-by-trial identification of control strategy in Figure 8 suggests that (uninstructed) subjects constantly switch control objectives between Position and Velocity. Although it is not unreasonable to imagine that individuals would intuitively try different strategies between ‘keeping the cursor still’ and ‘keeping the cursor at the center’ across trials, we agree that it is generally difficult to determine such trial-to-trial changes, especially when the behavior lies somewhere in between the two control objectives. In such cases, as we originally discussed in the manuscript, an alternative explanation could be a mixed control objective that generates behavior at the intersection of Position and Velocity Control, i.e., between the two slopes in Figure 8. We believe, however, that our modeling approach is still helpful in cases where performance is predominantly based on Position or Velocity Control. After all, the motivation for this study was to parse neural data into two classes associated with each control objective to potentially better identify structure underlying these behaviors.

      We clarified these points in the main text by adding further explanation in the Discussion section.

      COMMENT: The reviewer suggested additional experiments, such as perturbation trials, that might be useful to further explore the separability of control objectives. They also suggested that we temper our conclusion that our approach can reliably discriminate amongst different control policies on individual trials. Finally, the reviewer suggested that we modify our Introduction and/or Discussion to note past human/monkey research as well as investigations of minimization of velocity-error versus position-error in the smooth pursuit system.

      REPLY: We have expanded our simulations to investigate the effects of perturbation on the separability of different control objectives (Figure S10 in Supplementary Materials). We demonstrated that introducing perturbations more clearly differentiated between Position and Velocity Control. These results provide a good basis for further experimental verifications of the control objectives, but we defer these for future work.

      We also appreciate the additional past work that bridges human and monkey research that the reviewer highlights, including the related discussions in the eye movement literature on position versus velocity control. We have modified our Introduction and Discussion accordingly.

      Reviewer #3:

      COMMENT: The reviewer asked whether the observed differences in behavior might be due to some other factors besides the control policy, such as motor noise or effort cost, and suggested that we more systematically ruled out that possibility.

      REPLY: We appreciate and have heeded the reviewer’s suggestion. The revised manuscript now includes additional simulations in which the control objective was fixed to either Position or Velocity Control, while other parameters were systematically varied. Specifically, we examined the influence of the relative effort cost, the sensory delay, and motor noise, on performance. The results of these sensitivity analyses are presented in the Supplementary Material, Figures S4—6. In brief, we found that changing the relative effort cost, delay, or noise levels, mainly affected the success rate in performance (as expected), but did not affect the behavioral features originally associated with control objectives. We include a statement about this result in the main text with reference to the details provided in the Supplementary Material.

      COMMENT: The reviewer questioned our choice of classification features (RMS position and velocity) and wondered if other features might yield better class separation, such as the hand/cursor gain. In a similar vein, reviewer 2 suggested in their recommendations that we examine the width of the autocorrelation function as a potentially better feature.

      REPLY: We note first that our choice of cursor velocity and position stems from a dynamical systems perspective, where position-velocity phase-space analysis is common. However, we also explored other features as suggested. We found that they, too, exhibited overlap between the two different control objectives, and did not provide any significant improvement in classification performance (Figures S2 and S3; Supplementary Materials). Of course, that is not to say that a more exhaustive examination of features may not find ones that yield better classification performance than those we investigated, but that is beyond the scope of our study. We refer to this consideration of alternative metrics in the discussion.

      COMMENT: The reviewer notes that “It seems that the classification problem cannot be solved perfectly, at least on a single-trial level.” To address this point, the reviewer suggested that we conduct additional simulations under the two different control objectives, and quantify the misclassifications.

      REPLY: We appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion, and have conducted the additional simulations as suggested, the results of which are included in the revised manuscript.

      COMMENT: “The problem of inferring the control objective is framed as a dichotomy between position control and velocity control. In reality, however, it may be a continuum of possible objectives, based on the relative cost for position and velocity. How would the problem differ if the cost function is framed as estimating a parameter, rather than as a classification problem?”

      REPLY: A blended control strategy, formulated as a cost function that is a weighted combination of position and velocity costs, is indeed a possibility that we briefly discussed in the original manuscript. This possibility arises particularly for individuals whose performance metrics lie somewhere between the purely Position or purely Velocity Control. While our model allows for a weighted cost function, which we will explore in future work, we felt in this initial study that it was important to first identify the behavioral features unique to each control objective.

      Response to Recommendations for the Authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      None beyond those stated above.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      COMMENT: Line 166 states "According to equation (1), this behavior was equivalent to reducing the sum (𝑝 + 𝑥) when 𝜆 increased, so as to prevent rapid changes in cursor velocity". This doesn't seem right. In equation 1, velocity (not acceleration) depends on p+x. So a large p+x doesn't create a "rapid change in cursor velocity", but rather a rapid change in cursor position.

      REPLY: The reviewer is correct and we have corrected this misworded sentence; thank you for catching that.

      COMMENT: The reviewer points out the potential confusion readers may have, given our unclear use of ‘control strategy’ vs. ‘control policy’ vs. ‘control objective’. The reviewer suggests that “It would be helpful if this could be spelled out early and explicitly. 'Control strategy' seems perilously close to 'control policy', and it would be good to avoid that confusion. The authors might prefer to use the term 'cost function', which is really what is meant. Or they might prefer 'control objective', a term that they introduce as synonymous with 'control strategy'.”

      REPLY: We thank the reviewer for noting this ambiguity. We have clarified the language in the Introduction to explicitly note that by strategy, we mean the objective or cost function that subjects attempt to optimize. We then use ‘control objective’ consistently and removed the term ‘policy’ from the paper to avoid confusion. We also now use Position Control and Velocity Control as the labels for our two control objectives.

      COMMENT: The reviewer notes that in Figure 2B and the accompanying text in the manuscript, we need to be clearer about what is being correlated; namely, cursor and hand position.

      REPLY: Thank you for pointing out this lack of clarity, which we have corrected as suggested.

      COMMENT: The reviewer questions our attribution of decreasing lag with task difficulty as a consequence of subjects becoming more attentive/responsive when the task is harder, and points out that our model doesn’t include this possible influence yet the model reproduces the change in lag. The reviewer suggests that a more likely cause is due to phase lead in velocity compared to position, with velocity likely increasing with task difficulty, resulting in a phase advance in the response.

      REPLY: Our attribution of the decrease in lag with task difficulty being due to attention/motivation was a recapitulation of this point made in the paper by Quick et al. [2018]. But as noted by the reviewer, this potential influence on lag is not included in our model. Accordingly, the change in lag is more likely a reflection of the phase response of the closed loop system, which does change with task difficulty since the optimal gains depend upon the plant dynamics (i.e., the value of lambda). We have, therefore, deleted the text in question.

      COMMENT: “The Methods tell us rather a lot about the dynamics of the actual system, and the cost functions are also well defined. However, how they got from the cost function to the controller is not described. I was also a bit confused about the controller itself. Is the 50 ms delay assumed when deriving the controller or only when simulating it (the text seems to imply the latter, which might make sense given that it is hard to derive optimal controllers with a hard delay)? How similar (or dissimilar) are the controllers for the two objectives? Is the control policy (the matrix that multiplies state to get u) quite different, or only subtly?”

      REPLY: Thanks for pointing this out. For brevity, we had omitted the details and referred readers to the original paper (Todorov, 2005). However, we now revised the manuscript to now include all the details in the Methods section. Hence, the entire section on the model is new. This also necessitated updating all data figures (Figures 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) as they contain modeling results.

      COMMENT: “Along similar lines, I had some minor to moderate confusions regarding the OFC model as described in the main text. Fig 3 shows a model with a state estimator, but it isn't explained how this works. …Here it isn't clear whether there is sensory noise, or a delay. The methods say a delay was included in the simulation (but perhaps not when deriving the controller?). Noise appears to have been added to u, but I'm guessing not to x or x'? The figure legend indicates that sensory feedback contains only some state variables, and that state estimation is used to estimate the rest. Presumably this uses a Kalman filter? Does it also use efference copy, as would be typical? My apologies if this was stated somewhere and I missed it. Either way, it would be good to add a bit more detail to the figure and/or figure legend.”

      REPLY: As the lack of detail evidently led to some confusion, we now more clearly spell out the details of the model in the Methods, including the state estimation procedure.

      COMMENT: The reviewer wondered why we chose to plot mean velocity vs. mean position as in Figure 5, noting that, “ignoring scale, all scatter plots would be identical if the vertical axis were final position (because mean velocity determines final position). So what this plot is really examining is the correlation between final position and average position. Under position control, the autocorrelation of position is short, and thus final position tends to have little to do with average position. Under velocity control, the autocorrelation of position is long, and thus final position tends to agree with average position. Given this, why not just analyze this in terms of the autocorrelation of position? This is expected to be much broader under velocity control (where they are not corrected) than under position control (where they are, and thus disappear or reverse quickly). To me, thinking of the result in terms of autocorrelation is more natural.”

      REPLY: The reviewer is correct that the scatter plots in Fig. 5 would be the same (to within a scale factor of the vertical axis) had we plotted final position vs. mean position instead of mean velocity vs. mean position as we did. Our preference for mean velocity vs. mean position stems from a dynamical systems perspective, where position-velocity phase-space analysis is common. We now mention these perspectives in the revised manuscript for the benefit of the reader.

      As suggested, we also investigated the width of the (temporal) autocorrelation function (acf) of cursor position for 200 simulated position control trials and 200 simulated velocity control trials, at four different lambda values (50 simulated trials per lambda). Figs. S2A and B (Supplementary Materials) show example trials and histograms of the acf width, respectively. As the reviewer surmised, velocity control trials tend to have wider acfs than position control trials. However, as with the metrics we chose to analyze, there is overlap and there is no visible benefit for the classification.

      COMMENT: “I think equation ten is incorrect, but would be correct if the identity matrix were added? Also, why is the last term of B set to 1/(Tau*M). What is M? Is it mass (which above was lowercase m)? If so, mass should also be included in A (it would be needed in two places in the last column). Or if we assume m = 1, then just ignore mass everywhere, including here and equation 5. Or perhaps I'm confused, and M is something else?”

      REPLY: Thanks for pointing this out. The Matrix A shown in the paper is for the continuous-time representation of the model. However, as the reviewer correctly mentioned, for the discrete-time implementation of the model, a modification (identity matrix) was added in our simulations. We have now clarified this in the Methods section of the revised manuscript. Also, as correctly pointed out, M is the mass of the hand, which depending on whether the hand acceleration (d^2 p/dt^2) or hand force (F) are taken as the state, it can be included in the A matrix. In our case, the A matrix is modified according to the state vector. Similarly, the B matrix is also modified. This is now clarified in the Methods section of the manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      COMMENT: “Equations 4-8 are written in continuous time, but Equation 9 is written in discrete time. Then Equation 10 is in discrete time. This needs to be tidied up. … I would suggest being more detailed and systematic, perhaps formulating the control problem in continuous time and then converting to discrete time.”

      REPLY: Thank you for this helpful suggestion. The model section in the Methods has been expanded to provide further details of the equation of motion, the discretization process, the control law calculation and the state estimation process.

      COMMENT: “It seems slightly odd for the observation to include only position and velocity of the cursor. Presumably participants can also observe the state of their own hand through proprioception (even if it were occluded). How would it affect the model predictions if the other states were observable?”

      REPLY: Thanks for pointing this out. We initially included only cursor position and velocity since we felt that was the most prominent state feedback, and the system is observable in that case. Nevertheless, we revised the manuscript and repeated all simulations using a full observability matrix. Our findings and conclusions remain unchanged. With the changes in the modeling, the figures were also updated (Fig.3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).

      COMMENT: “It seems unnecessary to include the acceleration of the cursor in the formulation of the model. …the acceleration is not even part of the observed state according to line 668… I think the model could therefore be simplified by omitting cursor acceleration from the state vector.”

      REPLY: We agree. We have simplified the model, and generated new simulations and figures. Our results and conclusions were unchanged by this modification. With the changes in the modeling, the figures were also updated (Fig.3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).

      COMMENT: “In the cost function, it's not clear why any states other than position and velocity of the cursor need to have non-zero values. …The choice to have the cost coefficient for these other states be 1 is completely arbitrary… If the point is that the contribution of these other costs should be negligible, then why not just set them to 0?”

      REPLY: We agree, and have made this change in the Methods section. Our findings and conclusions were unaffected.

      COMMENT: “It seems that the cost matrices were specified after transforming to discrete-time. It is possible however (and perhaps recommended) to formulate in continuous time and convert to discrete time. This can be done cleanly and quite straightforwardly using matrix exponentials. Depending on the discretization timestep, this can also naturally lead to non-zero costs for other states in the discrete-time formulation even if they were zero under continuous time. … A similar comment applies to discretization of the noise.”

      REPLY: Thanks for the suggestion. We have expanded on the discretization process in our Methods section, which uses a common approximation of the matrix exponentiation method.

      COMMENT: “Most of the parameters of the model seem to be chosen arbitrarily. I think this is okay as the point is to illustrate that the kinds of behaviors observed are within the scope of the model. However, it would be helpful to provide some rationale as to how the parameters were chosen. e.g. Were they taken directly from prior literature, or were they hand-tuned to approximately match observed behavior?”

      REPLY: We have revised the manuscript to more clearly note that the noise parameters, as well as parameters of the mechanical system (mass, muscle force, time scale, etc) in our model were taken from previous publications (Todorov, 2005, Cluff et al. 2019). As described in the manuscript, the parameter values of the cost function (Q matrix) were obtained by tuning the parameters to achieve a similar range of success rate with the model as observed in the experimental data. This is now clarified in the Methods section.

      COMMENT: “The ‘true’ cost function for this task is actually a 'well' in position space - zero cost within the screen and very high cost elsewhere. In principle, it might be possible to derive the optimal control policy for this more veridical cost function. It would be interesting to consider whether or not this model might reproduce the observed behaviors.”

      REPLY: This is indeed a very interesting suggestion, but difficult to implement based on the current optimal feedback control framework. However, this is interesting to consider in future work.

      Minor Comments:

      COMMENT: “In Figs 4 and 5, the data points are drawn from different conditions with varying values of lambda. How did the structure of this data depend on lambda? Might it be possible to illustrate in the figure (e.g. the shade/color of each dot) what the difficulty was for each trial?”

      REPLY: We performed additional analyses to show the effects of task difficulty on the choice of control objective. Overall, we found that the main behavioral characteristics of the control objective remained fairly unchanged across different task difficulties or across time. The results of this analysis are included in Fig. S7 and S8 of the Supplementary Materials.

      COMMENT: “Should mention trial duration (6s) in the main narrative of the intro/results.”

      REPLY: We now mention this detail when we describe the task for the first time.

      COMMENT: “As an alternative to training on synthetic data (which might not match behavior that precisely, and was also presumably fitted to subject data at some level) it might be worth considering to do a cross-validation analysis, i.e. train the classifier on subsets of the data with one participant removed each time, and classify on the held-out participant.”

      REPLY: This is indeed a valid point. The main reason to train the classifier based on model simulations was two-fold: first, to have confidence in the training data, as the experimental data was limited and noisy, which would result in less reliable classifications; and second, the model simulations are available for different contexts and conditions, where experimental data is not necessarily available. The latter is a more practical reason to be able to identify control objectives for any subject (who received no instructions), without having to collect training data from matching control subjects who received explicit instructions. Nonetheless, we appreciate the reviewer’s recommendation and will consider that for our future studies.

      COMMENT: “line 690 - Presumably the optimal policy was calculated without factoring in any delay (this would be tricky to do), but the 50ms delay was incorporated at the time of simulation?”

      REPLY: The discretization of the system equations allowed us to incorporate the delay in the system dynamics and solve for the optimal controller with the delay present. This was done simply by system augmentation (e.g., Crevecoeur et al., 2019), where the states of the system in the current time-step were augmented with the states from the 5 preceding time-steps to form the new state vector x(t)_aug =[x(t) , x(t-1) , … , x(t-d) ]. Similarly, the matrices A, B, and H from the system dynamics could be expanded accordingly to form the new dynamical system:

      $$x(t+1){aug} = A{aug} * x(t){aug} + B{aug} * u$$

      Then, the optimal control was implemented on the new (augmented) system dynamics.

      We have revised the manuscript (Methods) to clarify this issue.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This important study identifies the gene mamo as a new regulator of pigmentation in the silkworm Bombyx mori, a function that was previously unsuspected based on extensive work on Drosophila where the mamo gene is involved in gamete production. The evidence supporting the role of Bm-nano in pigmentation is convincing, including high-resolution linkage mapping of two mutant strains, expression profiling, and reproduction of the mutant phenotypes with state-of-the-art RNAi and CRISPR knock-out assays. While the discussion about genetic changes being guided or accelerated by the environment is extremely speculative and has little relevance for the findings presented, the work will be of interest to evolutionary biologists and geneticists studying color patterns and evolution of gene networks.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful work. In the revised version, we conducted a comparative genomic analysis of the upstream regions of the Bm-mamo gene in 51 wild silkworms and 171 domesticated local silkworms. The analysis of nucleotide diversity (pi) and the fixation index (FSTs) of the Bm-mamo genome sequences in the wild and domesticated silkworm populations were also performed. The results showed that the Bm-mamo genome sequence of local silkworms was relatively conserved, while the upstream sequence of wild silkworms exhibited high nucleotide diversity. This finding suggested a high degree of variability in the regulatory region of the Bm-mamo gene, in wild strains. Additionally, the sequence in this region may have been fixed by domestication selection. We have optimized the description in the discussion section.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This papers performs fine-mapping of the silkworm mutants bd and its fertile allelic version, bdf, narrowing down the causal intervals to a small interval of a handful of genes. In this region, the gene orthologous to mamo is impaired by a large indel, and its function is later confirmed using expression profiling, RNAi, and CRISPR KO. All these experiments are convincingly showing that mamo is necessary for the suppression of melanic pigmentation in the silkworm larval integument.

      The authors also use in silico and in vitro assays to probe the potential effector genes that mamo may regulate.


      The genotype-to-phenotype workflow, combining forward (mapping) and reverse genetics (RNAi and CRISPR loss-of-function assays) linking mamo to pigmentation are extremely convincing.

      This revision is a much improved manuscript and I command the authors for many of their edits.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful work. With the help of reviewers and editors, we have revised the manuscript to improve its readability.

      I find the last part of the discussion, starting at "It is generally believed that changes in gene expression patterns are the result of the evolution of CREs", to be confusing.

      In this section, I believe the authors sequentially:

      • emphasize the role of CRE in morphological evolution (I agree)

      • emphasize that TF, and in particular their own CRE, are themselves important mutational targets of evolution (I agree, but the phrasing need to insist the authors are here talking about the CRE found at the TF locus, not the CRE bound by the TF).

      • use the stickleback Pel enhancer as an example, which I think is a good case study, but the authors also then make an argument about DNA fragility sites, which is hard to connect with the present study.

      • then continue on "DNA fragility" using the peppered moth and butterfly cortex locus. There is no evidence of DNA fragility at these loci, so the connection does not work. "The cortex gene locus is frequently mutated in Lepidoptera", the authors say. But a more accurate picture would be that the cortex locus is repeatedly involved in the generation of color pattern variants. Unlike for Pel fragile enhancer, we don't know if the causal mutations at this locus are repeatedly the same, and the haplotypes that have been described could be collateral rather than causal. Overall, it is important to clarify the idea that mutation bias is a possible factor explaining "genetic hotspots of evolution" (or genetic parallelism sensu 10.1038/nrg3483), but it is also possible that many genetic hotspots are repeated mutational targets because of their "optimal pleiotropy" (e.g. hub position in GRNs, such as mamo might be), or because of particularly modular CRE region that allow fine-tuning. Thus, I find the "fragility" argument misleading here. In fact the finding that "bd" and "bdf" alleles are different in nature is against the idea of a fragility bias (unless the authors can show increased mutation rates at this locus in a wild silkmoth species?). These alleles are also artificially-selected ie. they increased in frequency by breeding rather than natural selection in the wild, so while interesting for our understand of the genotype-phenotype map, they are not necessarily representative of the mutations that may underlie evolution in the wild.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful work. DNA fragility is an interesting topic, but some explanations for DNA fragility are confusing. One study measured the rate of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs), which are chromosomes containing marine Pel that broke ~25 to 50 times more frequently than did the control. These authors believe that the increase in the mutation rate is caused by DNA sequence characteristics, particularly TG-dinucleotide repeats. Moreover, they found that adding a replication origin on the opposite side of Pel did not cause the fungus to switch fragile, making the forward sequence stable and the reverse complement fragile. Thus, Pel fragility is also dependent on the direction of DNA replication. In summary, they suggested that the special DNA sequence is the cause of DNA fragility. In addition, the sequence features associated with DNA fragility in the Pel region are also found in thousands of other positions in the stickleback and human genomes (Xie KT et al, 2019, science).

      In yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs), the characteristics of DNA sequences, such as TG-dinucleotide repeat sequences, may be important reasons for DNA fragility, and these breaks occur during DNA replication. However, the inserted sequence of YAC often undergoes deletion or recombination during cultivation and passage. In addition, yeast is a single-celled organism. Therefore, the results in yeast cannot represent the situation in multicellular organisms. If multicellular organisms are like this, there are several issues as follows:

      (1) The DNA replication process occurs separately in different multicellular organisms. Because DNA breakage and repair are independent, they can lead to the presence of different alleles in different cells. This can potentially lead to the occurrence of extensive chimeric organisms. However, we have not found such a situation in the genome sequencing of many multicellular organisms.

      (2) If the DNA sequence, TG-dinucleotide repeats, is the determining factor, the mutations near the sequence lose their strong correlation with environmental changes. The researchers conducted yeast artificial chromosome experiments in the same environment and found that the frequency of DNA breaks containing TG dinucleotide repeat sequences was 25 to 50 times greater than that of the control group. This means that, whether in the marine population or the lake population, this part of the sticklebacks’ genome has undergone frequent mutations. However, according to related research, populations of lake sticklebacks, rather than marine populations, often exhibit a decrease in the pelvic phenotype.

      (3) Researchers have found thousands of loci in the genome of sticklebacks and humans that contain such sequences (TG-dinucleotide repeats). This means that thousands of sites undergo frequent mutations during DNA replication. Unless these sites do not possess functionality, they will have some impact on the organism, even causing damage. Even if they are not functional sequences, these sequences will gradually be discarded or replaced during frequent mutations rather than being present in large quantities in the genome.

      Therefore, the study of DNA fragility in yeast cannot explain the situation in multicellular organisms.

      As you noted, we want to express that the frequent variation in the cortex gene should be regulated by targeted regulation involving the GRN in Lepidoptera. In addition, studies on specific epigenetic modifications discovered through the referenced fragile DNA sites suggest that DNA fragility is not determined by the DNA sequence (Ji F, 2020, Cell Res) but rather by other factors, such as epigenetic factors. The sequence features discovered at fragile DNA sites are traces of frequent mutations, not causes.

      In this revision, we analyzed the nucleotide diversity of the mamo genome in 51 wild and 171 domestic silkworms. We found high nucleic acid diversity from the third exon to the upstream region of this gene in wild silkworms. We randomly selected 12 wild silkworms and 12 domestic silkworms and compared their upstream sequences to approximately 1 kb. In wild silkworms, there is significant diversity in their upstream sequences. In domestic silkworms, the sequences are highly conserved, but in some silkworms, a long interspersed nuclear element (LINE) is inserted. This finding suggested that there is frequent variation in the sequence of this region in wild silkworms, while fixation occurs in domesticated silkworms. These genomic data are sourced from the pangenome of silkworms (Tong X, 2022, Nat Commun.). In the pangenomic research, 1078 strains (205 local strains, 194 improved strains, 632 mutant strains, and 47 wild silkworms), which included 545 third-generation sequencing genomes, were obtained. An online website was built to utilize these data (http://silkmeta.org.cn/). We warmly welcome you to use these data.

      In summary, for clearer expression, we have rewritten this section.

      Xie KT, Wang G, Thompson AC, Wucherpfennig JI, Reimchen TE, MacColl ADC, Schluter D, Bell MA, Vasquez KM, Kingsley DM. DNA fragility in the parallel evolution of pelvic reduction in stickleback fish. Science. 2019 Jan 4;363(6422):81-84. doi: 10.1126/science.aan1425.

      Ji F, Liao H, Pan S, Ouyang L, Jia F, Fu Z, Zhang F, Geng X, Wang X, Li T, Liu S, Syeda MZ, Chen H, Li W, Chen Z, Shen H, Ying S. Genome-wide high-resolution mapping of mitotic DNA synthesis sites and common fragile sites by direct sequencing. Cell Res. 2020 Nov;30(11):1009-1023. doi: 10.1038/s41422-020-0357-y.

      Tong X, Han MJ, Lu K, Tai S, Liang S, Liu Y, Hu H, Shen J, Long A, Zhan C, Ding X, Liu S, Gao Q, Zhang B, Zhou L, Tan D, Yuan Y, Guo N, Li YH, Wu Z, Liu L, Li C, Lu Y, Gai T, Zhang Y, Yang R, Qian H, Liu Y, Luo J, Zheng L, Lou J, Peng Y, Zuo W, Song J, He S, Wu S, Zou Y, Zhou L, Cheng L, Tang Y, Cheng G, Yuan L, He W, Xu J, Fu T, Xiao Y, Lei T, Xu A, Yin Y, Wang J, Monteiro A, Westhof E, Lu C, Tian Z, Wang W, Xiang Z, Dai F. High-resolution silkworm pan-genome provides genetic insights into artificial selection and ecological adaptation. Nat Commun. 2022 Sep 24;13(1):5619. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-33366-x.

      Lu K, Pan Y, Shen J, Yang L, Zhan C, Liang S, Tai S, Wan L, Li T, Cheng T, Ma B, Pan G, He N, Lu C, Westhof E, Xiang Z, Han MJ, Tong X, Dai F. SilkMeta: a comprehensive platform for sharing and exploiting pan-genomic and multi-omic silkworm data. Nucleic Acids Res. 2024 Jan 5;52(D1):D1024-D1032. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkad956.

      Curiously, the last paragraph ("Some research suggests that common fragile sites...") elaborate on the idea that some sites of the genome are prone to mutation. The connection with mamo and the current article are extremely thin. There is here an attempt to connect meiotic and mitotic breaks to Bm-mamo, but this is confusing: it seems to propose Bm-mamo as a recruiter of epigenetic modulators that may drive higher mutation rates elsewhere. Not only I am not convinced by this argument without actual data, but this would not explain how the mutations at the Bm-mamo itself evolved.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful work. This section mainly illustrates that DNA fragility is not determined by sequence but is regulated by other factors in animals. In fruit flies, they found that mamo is an important candidate gene for recombination hotspot setting in meiosis. First, we evaluated PRDM9, which plays an important role in setting recombination hotspots during meiosis. Our purpose in mentioning this information is to illustrate that chromosome recombination is a process of programmed double strand breaks and to answer another reviewer's question about programmed events in the genome. In summary, we suggest that some variations in DNA sequences are procedural results. We have optimized the description of this section in this version.

      On a more positive note, I find it fascinating that the authors identified a TF that clearly articulates or orchestrate larval pattern development, and that when it is deleted, can generate healthy individuals. In other words, while it is a TF with many targets, it is not too pleiotropic. This idea, that the genetically causal modulators of developmental evolution are regulatory genes, has been described elsewhere (e.g. Fig 4c in 10.1038/s41576-020-0234-z, and associated refs). To me, the beautiful findings about Bm-mamo make sense in the general, existing framework that developmental processes and regulatory networks "shape" the evolutionary potential and trajectories of organisms. There is a degree of "programmability" in the genomes, because some loci are particularly prone to modulate a given type of trait. Here, Bm-mamo, as a potentially regulator of both CPs and melanin pathway genes, appear to be a potent modulator of epithelial traits. Claiming that there are inherent mutational biases behind this is unwarranted.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful work. I completely agree with your statement that the genome exhibits a certain degree of programmability. On the one hand, some transcription factors can precisely control the spatiotemporal expression levels of some structural genes (such as pigment synthesis genes). On the other hand, these transcription factors are also subject to strict expression regulation. Because the color pattern is complex, changes in single or minority structural genes result in incomplete or imprecise changes in coloring patterns. Nevertheless, several regulatory factors can regulate multiple downstream target genes. Changes in their expression patterns can lead to holistic and significant changes in color patterns. There are long intergenic regions upstream of many important transcription factors, dozens of kilobase pairs (Kb) to hundreds of Kb, which may contain many different regulatory elements for better control of their expression patterns. Therefore, gene regulatory networks can directly regulate transcription factors to modulate a given type of trait. Transcription factors and their downstream target genes can form a functional module, which is similar to a functional module in software or operating systems. This regulation of transcription factors is simpler in terms of steps, which are similar to a single click switch button. The gene regulatory network regulates these modules in response to environmental changes and is widely recognized.

      Some people do not agree that genetic variations can also be regulated. They claim that this is completely random. The infinite monkey theorem (Félix-Édouard-Justin-Émile Borel, 1909) states that if an infinite number of monkeys were given typewriters and an infinite amount of time, they would eventually produce the complete works of Shakespeare. Although this theory advocates randomness on the surface, its conclusions are full of inevitability (tail event). In nature, some things we observe do not have obvious regularity because they involve relatively complex factors, and the underlying logic is obscure and difficult to understand. We often name them random. However, as we gradually understand the logic behind this complex event, we can also recognize the procedural nature of this randomness.

      Previously, chromosomal recombination during meiosis was believed to be a random event. However, currently, it is believed that the process is procedural. The occurrence of meiotic recombination mentioned earlier indicates that the genome has the ability to self-set the position of double-strand breaks to form new allelic forms. Because meiotic recombination is programmed, transcription factors that recognize DNA sites, enzymes that cleave double strands, and DNA repair systems exist, programming can also introduce genetic variation. A study in plants has provided insights into this programmed mutation (Monroe JG, 2023, nature). Frequent changes in the expression patterns of some transcription factors occur between and/or within species. In this article, we only discuss the possible reasons for variations in the expression patterns of some transcription factors in a general manner and simple reasoning. We have added an analysis of the response of wild silkworms and improved the relevance of the discussion.

      Monroe JG, Srikant T, Carbonell-Bejerano P, Becker C, Lensink M, Exposito-Alonso M, Klein M, Hildebrandt J, Neumann M, Kliebenstein D, Weng ML, Imbert E, Ågren J, Rutter MT, Fenster CB, Weigel D. Mutation bias reflects natural selection in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature. 2022 Feb;602(7895):101-105. doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-04269-6. Epub 2022 Jan 12. Erratum in: Nature. 2023 Aug;620(7973):

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • Please structure your Discussion with section headers.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful work. We have added relevant section headers.

      • As explained in my public review, I found the two last sections of the Discussion to be dispersed and confusing. I also must say that I carefully read the Response to Reviewers on this, which helped me to better understand the authors' intentions here. Please consider the revision of this Discussion as this feels extremely speculative difficult to connect with Bm-mamo.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful work. We have rewritten this part of the content.

      • typo: were found near the TTS of yellow --> TSS

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful work. We have made these modifications.

      • l. 234 :"expression level of the 18 CP genes in the integument". Consider adding a mention of Figure 7 here, as only Fig. S10 is cited here.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful work. We have made these modifications.

      • Editorial comment on the second half of the Abstract:

      Wu et al : "We found that Bm-mamo can comprehensively regulate the expression of related pigment synthesis and cuticular protein genes to form color patterns. This indicates that insects have a genetic basis for coordinate regulation of the structure and shape of the cuticle, as well as color patterns. This genetic basis provides the possibility for constructing the complex appearances of some insects. This study provides new insight into the regulation of color patterns."

      I respectfully suggest a more accurate rephrasing, where the methods are mentioned, and where the logical argument is more straightforward. For example

      "Using RNAi and CRISPR we show that Bm-mamo is a repressor or dark melanin patterns in the larval epithelium. Using in-vitro binding assays and gene expression profiling in wild-type and mutant larvae, we also show that Bm-mamo likely regulate the expression of related pigment synthesis and cuticular protein genes in a coordinated manner to mediate its role in color pattern formation. This mechanism is consistent with a dual role of this transcription factor in regulating both the structure and shape of the cuticle and pigments that are embedded within it. This study provides new insight into the regulation of color patterns as well as in the construction more complex epithelial features in some insects."

      I hope this let the ideas of the original version transpire as the authors intended.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful work. We have made these modifications.

    1. Author Response

      Public Reviews

      We thank both reviewers for taking the time and effort to think critically about our paper and point out areas where it can be improved. In this document, we do our best to clarify any misunderstandings with the hope that further consideration about the strengths and weaknesses of our approach will be possible. Our responses are in bold.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In their manuscript, Schmidlin, Apodaca, et al try to answer fundamental questions about the evolution of new phenotypes and the trade-offs associated with this process. As a model, they use yeast resistance to two drugs, fluconazole and radicicol. They use barcoded libraries of isogenic yeasts to evolve thousands of strains in 12 different environments. They then measure the fitness of evolved strains in all environments and use these measurements to examine patterns in fitness trade-offs. They identify only six major clusters corresponding to different trade-off profiles, suggesting the vast genotypic landscape of evolved mutants translates to a highly constrained phenotypic space. They sequence over a hundred evolved strains and find that mutations in the same gene can result in different phenotypic profiles.

      Overall, the authors deploy innovative methods to scale up experimental evolution experiments, and in many aspects of their approach tried to minimize experimental variation.

      We thank the reviewer for this positive assessment of our work. We are happy that the reviewer noted what we feel is a unique strength of our approach: we scaled up experimental evolution by using DNA barcodes and by exploring 12 related selection pressures. Despite this scaling up, we still see phenotypic convergence among the 744 adaptive mutants we study.

      The environments we study represent 12 different concentrations or combinations of two drugs, radicicol and fluconazole. Our hope is that this large dataset (774 mutants x 12 environments) will be useful, both to scientists who are generally interested in the genetic and phenotypic underpinnings of adaptation, and to scientists specifically interested in the evolution of drug resistance.


      (1) One of the objectives of the authors is to characterize the extent of phenotypic diversity in terms of resistance trade-offs between fluconazole and radicicol. To minimize noise in the measurement of relative fitness, the authors only included strains with at least 500 barcode counts across all time points in all 12 experimental conditions, resulting in a set of 774 lineages passing this threshold. This corresponds to a very small fraction of the starting set of ~21 000 lineages that were combined after experimental evolution for fitness measurements.

      This is a misunderstanding that we will work to clarify in the revision. Our starting set did not include 21,000 adaptive lineages. The total number of unique adaptive lineages in this starting set is much lower than 21,000 for two reasons.

      First, ~21,000 represents the number of single colonies we isolated in total from our evolution experiments. Many of these isolates possess the same barcode, meaning they are duplicates. Second, and more importantly, most evolved lineages do not acquire adaptive mutations, meaning that many of the 21,000 isolates are genetically identical to their ancestor. In our revised manuscript, we will explicitly state that these 21,000 isolated lineages do not all represent unique, adaptive lineages. In figure 2 and all associated text, we will change the word “lineages” to “isolates,” where relevant.

      More broadly speaking, several previous studies have demonstrated that diverse genetic mutations converge at the level of phenotype, and have suggested that this convergence makes adaptation more predictable (PMID33263280, PMID37437111, PMID22282810, PMID25806684). Our study captures mutants that are overlooked in previous studies, such as those that emerge across subtly different selection pressures (e.g., 4 𝜇g/ml vs. 8 𝜇g/ml flu) and those that are undetectable in evolutions lacking DNA barcodes. Thus, while our experimental design misses some mutants (see next comment), it captures many others. Note that 774 adaptive lineages is more than most previous studies. Thus, we feel that “our work – showing that 774 mutants fall into a much smaller number of groups” is important because it “contributes to growing literature suggesting that the phenotypic basis of adaptation is not as diverse as the genetic basis (lines 161 - 162).”

      As the authors briefly remark, this will bias their datasets for lineages with high fitness in all 12 environments, as all these strains must be fit enough to maintain a high abundance.

      The word “briefly” feels a bit unfair because we discuss this bias on 3 separate occasions (on lines 146 - 147, 260 - 264, and in more detail on 706 - 714). We even walk through an example of a class of mutants that our study misses. We say, “our study is underpowered to detect adaptive lineages that have low fitness in any of the 12 environments. This is bound to exclude large numbers of adaptive mutants. For example, previous work has shown some FLU resistant mutants have strong tradeoffs in RAD (Cowen and Lindquist 2005). Perhaps we are unable to detect these mutants because their barcodes are at too low a frequency in RAD environments, thus they are excluded from our collection of 774.”

      In our revised version, we will add more text to the first mention of these missing mutants (lines 146 - 147) so that the implications are more immediately made apparent.

      While we “miss” some classes of mutants, we “catch” other classes that may have been missed in previous studies of convergence. For example, we observe a unique class of FLU-resistant mutants that primarily emerged in evolution experiments that lack FLU (Figure 3). Thus, we think that the unique design of our study, surveying 12 environments, allows us to make a novel contribution to the study of phenotypic convergence.

      One of the main observations of the authors is phenotypic space is constrained to a few clusters of roughly similar relative fitness patterns, giving hope that such clusters could be enumerated and considered to design antimicrobial treatment strategies. However, by excluding all lineages that fit in only one or a few environments, they conceal much of the diversity that might exist in terms of trade-offs and set up an inclusion threshold that might present only a small fraction of phenotypic space with characteristics consistent with generalist resistance mechanisms or broadly increased fitness. This has important implications regarding the general conclusions of the authors regarding the evolution of trade-offs.

      We discussed these implications in some detail in the 16 lines mentioned above (146 - 147, 260 - 264, 706 - 714). To add to this discussion, we will also add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph on lines 697 - 714: “This could complicate (or even make impossible) endeavors to design antimicrobial treatment strategies that thwart resistance”.

      We will also add a new paragraph that discusses these implications earlier in our manuscript. This paragraph will highlight the strengths of our method (e.g., that we “catch” classes of mutants that are often overlooked) while being transparent about the weaknesses of our approach (e.g., that we “miss” mutants with strong tradeoffs).

      (2) Most large-scale pooled competition assays using barcodes are usually stopped after ~25 to avoid noise due to the emergence of secondary mutations.

      The rate at which new mutations enter a population is driven by various factors such as the mutation rate and population size, so choosing an arbitrary threshold like 25 generations is difficult.

      We conducted our fitness competition following previous work using the Levy/Blundell yeast barcode system, in which the number of generations reported varies from 32 to 40 (PMID33263280, PMID27594428, PMID37861305, see PMID27594428 for detailed calculation of the fraction of lineages biased by secondary mutations in this system).

      The authors measure fitness across ~40 generations, which is almost the same number of generations as in the evolution experiment. This raises the possibility of secondary mutations biasing abundance values, which would not have been detected by the whole genome sequencing as it was performed before the competition assay.

      We understand how the reviewer came to this misunderstanding and will adjust our revised manuscript accordingly. Previous work has demonstrated that, in this particular evolution platform, most of the mutations actually occur during the transformation that introduces the DNA barcodes (PMID25731169). In other words, these mutations do not accumulate during the 40 generations of evolution, they are already there. So the observation that we collect a genetically diverse pool of adaptive mutants after 40 generations of evolution is not evidence that 40 generations is enough time for secondary mutations to bias abundance values.

      (3) The approach used by the authors to identify and visualize clusters of phenotypes among lineages does not seem to consider the uncertainty in the measurement of their relative fitness. As can be seen from Figure S4, the inter-replicate difference in measured fitness can often be quite large. From these graphs, it is also possible to see that some of the fitness measurements do not correlate linearly (ex.: Med Flu, Hi Rad Low Flu), meaning that taking the average of both replicates might not be the best approach.

      This concern, and all subsequent concerns, seem to be driven by either (a) general concerns about the noisiness of fitness measurements obtained from large-scale barcode fitness assays or (b) general concerns about whether the clusters obtained from our dimensional reduction approach capture this noise as opposed to biologically meaningful differences.

      We will respond to each concern point-by-point, but want to start by generally stating that (a) our particular large-scale barcode fitness assay has several features that diminish noise, and (b) we devote 4 figures and 200 lines of text to demonstrating that these clusters capture biologically meaningful differences between mutants (and not noise).

      In terms of this specific concern, we performed an analysis of noise in the submitted manuscript: Our noisiest fitness measurements correspond to barcodes that are the least abundant and thus suffer the most from stochastic sampling noise. These are also the barcodes that introduce the nonlinearity the reviewer mentions. We removed these from our dataset by increasing our coverage threshold from 500 reads to 5,000 reads. The clusters did not collapse, which suggests that they were not capturing noise (Figure S7 panel B). But we agree with the reviewer that this analysis alone is not sufficient to conclude that the clusters distinguish groups of mutants with unique fitness tradeoffs.

      Because the clustering approach used does not seem to take this variability into account, it becomes difficult to evaluate the strength of the clustering, especially because the UMAP projection does not include any representation of uncertainty around the position of lineages.

      To evaluate the strength of the clustering, we performed numerous analyses including whole genome sequencing, growth experiments, reclustering, and tracing the evolutionary origins of each cluster (Figures 5 - 8). All of these analyses suggested that our clusters capture groups of mutants that have different fitness tradeoffs. We will adjust our revised manuscript to make clear that we do not rely on the results of a clustering algorithm alone to draw conclusions about phenotypic convergence.

      We are also grateful to the reviewer for helping us realize that, as written, our manuscript is not clear with regard to how we perform clustering. We are not using UMAP to decide which mutant belongs to which cluster. Recent work highlights the importance of using an independent clustering method (PMID37590228). Although this recent work addresses the challenge of clustering much higher dimensional data than we survey here, we did indeed use an independent clustering method (gaussian mixture model). In other words, we use UMAP for visualization but not clustering. We also confirm our clustering results using a second independent method (hierarchical clustering; Figure S8). And in our revised manuscript, will confirm with a third method (PCA, see below). We will adjust the main text and the methods section to make these choices clearer.

      This might paint a misleading picture where clusters appear well separate and well defined but are in fact much fuzzier, which would impact the conclusion that the phenotypic space is constricted.

      The salient question is whether the clusters are so “fuzzy” that they are not meaningful. That interpretation seems unreasonable. Our clusters group mutants with similar genotypes, evolutionary histories, and fitness tradeoffs (Figures 5 - 8). Clustering mutants with similar behaviors is important and useful. It improves phenotypic prediction by revealing which mutants are likely to have at least some phenotypic effects in common. And it also suggests that the phenotypic space is constrained, at least to some degree, which previous work suggests is helpful in predicting evolution (PMID33263280, PMID37437111, PMID22282810, PMID25806684).

      (4) The authors make the decision to use UMAP and a gaussian mixed model to cluster and represent the different fitness landscapes of their lineages of interest. Their approach has many caveats. First, compared to PCA, the axis does not provide any information about the actual dissimilarities between clusters. Using PCA would have allowed a better understanding of the amount of variance explained by components that separate clusters, as well as more interpretable components.

      The components derived from PCA are often not interpretable. It’s not obvious that each one, or even the first one, will represent some intuitive phenotype, like resistance to fluconazole.

      Moreover, we see many non-linearities in our data. For example, fitness in a double drug environment is not predicted by adding up fitness in the relevant single drug environments. Also, there are mutants that have high fitness when fluconazole is absent or abundant, but low fitness when mild concentrations are present. These types of nonlinearities can make the axes in PCA very difficult to interpret, plus these nonlinearities can be missed by PCA, thus we prefer other clustering methods.

      We will adjust our revised manuscript to explain these reasons why we chose UMAP and GMM over PCA.

      Also, we will include PCA in the supplement of our revised manuscript. Please find below PC1 vs PC2, with points colored according to the cluster assignment in figure 4 (i.e. using a gaussian mixture model). It appears the clusters are largely preserved.

      Author response image 1.

      Second, the advantages of dimensional reduction are not clear. In the competition experiment, 11/12 conditions (all but the no drug, no DMSO conditions) can be mapped to only three dimensions: concentration of fluconazole, concentration of radicicol, and relative fitness. Each lineage would have its own fitness landscape as defined by the plane formed by relative fitness values in this space, which can then be examined and compared between lineages.

      We worry that the idea stems from apriori notions of what the important dimensions should be. It also seems like this would miss important nonlinearities such as our observation that low fluconazole behaves more like a novel selection pressure than a dialed down version of high fluconazole.

      Also, we believe the reviewer meant “fitness profile” and not “fitness landscape”. A fitness landscape imagines a walk where every “step” is a mutation. Most lineages in barcoded evolution experiments possess only a single adaptive mutation. A single-step walk is not enough to build a landscape, though others are expanding barcoded evolution experiments beyond the first step (PMID34465770, PMID31723263), so maybe one day this will be possible.

      Third, the choice of 7 clusters as the cutoff for the multiple Gaussian model is not well explained. Based on Figure S6A, BIC starts leveling off at 6 clusters, not 7, and going to 8 clusters would provide the same reduction as going from 6 to 7. This choice also appears arbitrary in Figure S6B, where BIC levels off at 9 clusters when only highly abundant lineages are considered.

      We agree. We did not rely on the results of BIC alone to make final decisions about how many clusters to include. We thank the reviewer for pointing out this gap in our writing. We will adjust our revised manuscript to explain that we ultimately chose to describe 6 clusters that we were able to validate with follow-up experiments. In figures 5, 6, 7, and 8, we use external information to validate the clusters that we report in figure 4. And in lines 697 – 714, we explain that there are may be additional clusters beyond those we tease apart in this study.

      This directly contradicts the statement in the main text that clusters are robust to noise, as more a stringent inclusion threshold appears to increase and not decrease the optimal number of clusters. Additional criteria to BIC could have been used to help choose the optimal number of clusters or even if mixed Gaussian modeling is appropriate for this dataset.

      We are under the following impression: If our clustering method was overfitting, i.e. capturing noise, the optimal number of clusters should decrease when we eliminate noise. It increased. In other words, the observation that our clusters did not collapse (i.e. merge) when we removed noise suggests these clusters were not capturing noise.

      More generally, our validation experiments, described below, provide additional evidence that our clusters capture meaningful differences between mutants (and not noise).

      (5) Large-scale barcode sequencing assays can often be noisy and are generally validated using growth curves or competition assays.

      Some types of bar-seq methods, in particular those that look at fold change across two time points, are noisier than others that look at how frequency changes across multiple timepoints (PMID30391162). Here, we use the less noisy method. We also reduce noise by using a stricter coverage threshold than previous work (e.g., PMID33263280), and by excluding batch effects by performing all experiments simultaneously (PMID37237236).

      The main assay we use to measure fitness has been previously validated (PMID27594428). No subsequent study using this assay validates using the methods suggested by the reviewer (see PMID37861305, PMID33263280, PMID31611676, PMID29429618, PMID37192196, PMID34465770, PMID33493203).

      More to the point, bar-seq has been used, without the reviewer’s suggested validation, to demonstrate that the way some mutant’s fitness changes across environments is different from other mutants (PMID33263280, PMID37861305, PMID31611676, PMID33493203, PMID34596043). This is the same thing that we use bar-seq to demonstrate.

      For all of these reasons, we are hesitant to confirm bar-seq itself as a valid way to infer fitness. It seems this is already accepted as a standard in our field.

      Having these types of results would help support the accuracy of the main assay in the manuscript and thus better support the claims of the authors.

      We don’t agree that fitness measurements obtained from this bar-seq assay generally require validation. But we do agree that it is important to validate whether the mutants in each of our 6 clusters indeed are different from one another in meaningful ways, in particular, in that they have different fitness tradeoffs. We have four figures (5 - 8) and 200 lines of text dedicated to validating whether our clusters capture reproducible and biologically meaningful differences between mutants. Happily, one of these figures (Fig 7) includes growth curves, which are exactly the type of validation experiment asked for by the reviewer.

      Below, we walk through the different types of validation experiments that are present in our original manuscript, and additional validation experiments that we plan to include in the revised version. We are hopeful that these validation experiments are sufficient, or at the very least, that this list empowers reviewers to point out where more work is needed.

      (1) Mutants from different clusters have different growth curves: In our original manuscript, we measured growth curves corresponding to a fitness tradeoff that we thought was surprising. Mutants in clusters 4 and 5 both have fitness advantages in single drug conditions. While mutants from cluster 4 also are advantageous in the double drug conditions, mutants from cluster 5 are not! We validated these different behaviors by studying growth curves for a mutant from each cluster (Figures 7 and S10).

      (2) Mutants from different clusters have different evolutionary origins: In our original manuscript, we came up with a novel way to ask whether the clusters capture different types of adaptive mutants. We asked whether the mutants in each cluster originate from different evolution experiments. Indeed they often do (see pie charts in Figures 6, 7, 8). This method also provides evidence supporting each cluster’s differing fitness tradeoffs.

      For example, mutants in cluster 5 appear to have a tradeoff in a double drug condition (described above). They rarely originate from that evolution condition, unlike mutants in nearby cluster 4 (see Figure 7).

      (3) Mutants from each cluster often fall into different genes: In our original manuscript, we sequenced many of these mutants and show that mutants in the same gene are often found in the same cluster. For example, all 3 IRA1 mutants are in cluster 6 (Fig 8), both GPB2 mutants are in cluster 4 (Figs 7 & 8), and 35/36 PDR mutants are in either cluster 2 or 3 (Figs 5 & 6).

      (4) Mutants from each cluster have behaviors previously observed in the literature: In our original manuscript, we compared our sequencing results to the literature and found congruence. For example, PDR mutants are known to provide a fitness benefit in fluconazole and are found in clusters that have high fitness in fluconazole (lines 457 - 462). Previous work suggests that some mutations to PDR have different tradeoffs than others, which is what we see (lines 540 - 542). IRA1 mutants were previously observed to have high fitness in our “no drug” condition, and are found in the cluster that has the highest fitness in the “no drug” condition (lines 642 - 646). Previous work even confirms the unusual fitness tradeoff we observe where IRA1 and other cluster 6 mutants have low fitness only in low concentrations of fluconazole (lines 652 - 657).

      (5) Mutants largely remain in their clusters when we use alternate clustering methods: In our original manuscript, we performed various different reclustering and/or normalization approaches on our data (Fig 6, S5, S7, S8, S9). The clusters of mutants that we observe in figure 4 do not change substantially when we recluster the data. We will add PCA (see above) to these analyses in our revised manuscript.

      (6) We will include additional data showing that mutants in different clusters have different evolutionary origins: Cluster 1 is defined by high fitness in low fluconazole that declines with increasing fluconazole (see Fig 4E and Fig 5C). In our revised manuscript, we will show that cluster 1 lineages were overwhelmingly sampled from evolutions conducted in our lowest concentration of fluconazole (see figure panel A below). No other cluster’s evolutionary history shows this pattern (figures 6, 7, and 8).

      (7) We will include additional data showing that mutants in different clusters have different growth curves: Cluster 1 lineages are unique in that their fitness advantage is specific to low flu and trades off in higher concentrations of fluconazole. We obtained growth curves for three cluster 1 mutants (2 SUR1 mutants and 1 UPC2 mutant). We compared them to growth curves for three PDR mutants (from clusters 2 and 3). Cluster 1 mutants appear to have the highest growth rates and reach the higher carrying capacity in low fluconazole (see red and green lines in Author response image 2 panel B below). But the cluster 1 mutants are negatively affected by higher concentrations of fluconazole, much more so than the mutants from clusters 2 and 3 (see Author response image 2 panel C below). This is consistent with the different fitness tradeoffs we observe for each cluster (figures 4 and 5). We will include a more detailed version of this analysis and the figures below in our revised manuscript.

      Author response image 2.

      Validation experiments demonstrate that cluster 1 mutants have uniquely high fitness in only the lowest concentration of fluconazole. (A) The mutant lineages in cluster 1 were largely sampled from evolution experiments performed in low flu. This is not true of other clusters (see pie charts in main manuscript). (B) In low flu (4 𝜇g/ml), Cluster 1 lineages (red/UPC2 and green/SUR1) grow faster and achieve higher density than lineages from clusters 2 and 3 (blue/PDR). This is consistent with barseq measurements demonstrating that cluster 1 mutants have the highest fitness in low flu. (C) Cluster 1 lineages are sensitive to increasing flu concentrations (SUR1 and UPC2 mutants, middle and rightmost graphs). This is apparent in that the gray (8 𝜇g/ml flu) and light blue (32 𝜇g/ml flu) growth curves rise more slowly and reach lower density than the dark blue curves (4 𝜇g/ml flu). But this is not the case for the PDR mutants from clusters 2 and 3 (leftmost graph). These observations are consistent with the bar-seq fitness data presented in the main manuscript (Fig 4E).

      With all of these validation efforts combined, we are hopeful that the reviewer is now more convinced that our clusters capture groups of mutants with different fitness tradeoffs (as opposed to noise). We want to conclude by saying that we are grateful to the reviewer for making us think deeply about areas where we can include additional validation efforts as well as areas where we can make our manuscript clearer.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Schmidlin & Apodaca et al. aim to distinguish mutants that resist drugs via different mechanisms by examining fitness tradeoffs across hundreds of fluconazole-resistant yeast strains. They barcoded a collection of fluconazole-resistant isolates and evolved them in different environments with a view to having relevance for evolutionary theory, medicine, and genotypephenotype mapping.


      There are multiple strengths to this paper, the first of which is pointing out how much work has gone into it; the quality of the experiments (the thought process, the data, the figures) is excellent. Here, the authors seek to induce mutations in multiple environments, which is a really large-scale task. I particularly like the attention paid to isolates with are resistant to low concentrations of FLU. So often these are overlooked in favour of those conferring MIC values >64/128 etc. What was seen is different genotype and fitness profiles. I think there's a wealth of information here that will actually be of interest to more than just the fields mentioned (evolutionary medicine/theory).

      We are very grateful for this positive review. This was indeed a lot of work! We are happy that the reviewer noted what we feel is a unique strength of our manuscript: that we survey adaptive isolates across multiple environments, including low drug concentrations.


      Not picking up low fitness lineages - which the authors discuss and provide a rationale as to why. I can completely see how this has occurred during this research, and whilst it is a shame I do not think this takes away from the findings of this paper. Maybe in the next one!

      We thank the reviewer for these words of encouragement and will work towards catching more low fitness lineages in our next project.

      In the abstract the authors focus on 'tradeoffs' yet in the discussion they say the purpose of the study is to see how many different mechanisms of FLU resistance may exist (lines 679-680), followed up by "We distinguish mutants that likely act via different mechanisms by identifying those with different fitness tradeoffs across 12 environments". Whilst I do see their point, and this is entirely feasible, I would like a bit more explanation around this (perhaps in the intro) to help lay-readers make this jump. The remainder of my comments on 'weaknesses' are relatively fixable, I think:

      We think that phrasing the “jump” as a question might help lay readers get from point A to point B. So, in the introduction of our revised manuscript, we will add a paragraph roughly similar to this one: “If two groups of drug-resistant mutants have different fitness tradeoffs, does it mean that they provide resistance through different underlying mechanisms? Alternatively, it could mean that both provide drug resistance via the same mechanism, but some mutations come with a cost that others don’t pay. However, another way to phrase this alternative is to say that both groups of mutants affect fitness through different suites of mechanisms that are only partially overlapping. And so, by identifying groups of mutants with different fitness tradeoffs, we argue that we will be uncovering sets of mutations that impact fitness through different underlying mechanisms. The ability to do so would be useful for genotype-phenotype mapping endeavors.”

      In the introduction I struggle to see how this body of research fits in with the current literature, as the literature cited is a hodge-podge of bacterial and fungal evolution studies, which are very different! So example, the authors state "previous work suggests that mutants with different fitness tradeoffs may affect fitness through different molecular mechanisms" (lines 129-131) and then cite three papers, only one of which is a fungal research output. However, the next sentence focuses solely on literature from fungal research. Citing bacterial work as a foundation is fine, but as you're using yeast for this I think tailoring the introduction more to what is and isn't known in fungi would be more appropriate. It would also be great to then circle back around and mention monotherapy vs combination drug therapy for fungal infections as a rationale for this study. The study seems to be focused on FLU-resistant mutants, which is the first-line drug of choice, but many (yeast) infections have acquired resistance to this and combination therapy is the norm.

      In our revised manuscript, we will carefully review all citations. The issue may stem from our attempt to reach two different groups of scientists. We ourselves are broadly interested in the structure of the genotype-phenotype-fitness map (PMID33263280, PMID32804946). Though the 3 papers the reviewer mentions on lines 132 - 133 all pertain to yeast, we cite them because they are studies about the complexity of this map. Their conclusions, in theory, should apply broadly, beyond yeast. Similarly, the reason we cite papers from yeast, as well as bacteria and cancer, is that we believe general conclusions about the genotype-phenotype-fitness map should apply broadly. For example, the sentence the reviewer highlights, “previous work suggests that mutants with different fitness tradeoffs may affect fitness through different molecular mechanisms” is a general observation about the way genotype maps to fitness. So we cited papers from across the tree of life to support this sentence.

      On the other hand, because we study drug resistant mutations, we also hope that our work is of use to scientists studying the evolution of resistance. We agree with the reviewer that in this regard, some of our findings may be especially pertinent to the evolution of resistance to antifungal drugs. We will consider this when reviewing the citations in our revised manuscript and add some text to clarify these points.

      Methods: Line 769 - which yeast? I haven't even seen mention of which species is being used in this study; different yeast employ different mechanisms of adaptation for resistance, so could greatly impact the results seen. This could help with some background context if the species is mentioned (although I assume S. cerevisiae).

      In the revised manuscript, we will make clear that we study S. cerevisiae.

      In which case, should aneuploidy be considered as a mechanism? This is mentioned briefly on line 556, but with all the sequencing data acquired this could be checked quickly?

      We like this idea and we are working on it, but it is not straightforward. The reviewer is correct in that we can use the sequencing data that we already have. But calling aneuploidy with certainty is tough because its signal can be masked by noise. In other words, some regions of the genome may be sequenced more than others by chance. Given this is not straightforward, at least not for us, this analysis will likely have to wait for a subsequent paper.

      I think the authors could be bolder and try and link this to other (pathogenic) yeasts. What are the implications of this work on say, Candida infections?

      Perhaps because our background lies in general study of the genotype-phenotype map, we did not want to make bold assertions about how our work might apply to pathogenic yeasts. But we see how this could be helpful and will add some discussion points about this. Specifically, we will discuss which of the genes and mutants we observe are also found in Candida. We will also investigate whether our observation that low fluconazole represents a seemingly unique challenge, not just a milder version of high fluconazole, has any corollary in the Candida literature.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Schmidlin & Apodaca et al. aim to distinguish mutants that resist drugs via different mechanisms by examining fitness tradeoffs across hundreds of fluconazole-resistant yeast strains. They barcoded a collection of fluconazole-resistant isolates and evolved them in different environments with a view to having relevance for evolutionary theory, medicine, and genotype-phenotype mapping.

      Strengths:<br /> There are multiple strengths to this paper, the first of which is pointing out how much work has gone into it; the quality of the experiments (the thought process, the data, the figures) is excellent. Here, the authors seek to induce mutations in multiple environments, which is a really large-scale task. I particularly like the attention paid to isolates with are resistant to low concentrations of FLU. So often these are overlooked in favour of those conferring MIC values >64/128 etc. What was seen is different genotype and fitness profiles. I think there's a wealth of information here that will actually be of interest to more than just the fields mentioned (evolutionary medicine/theory).

      Weaknesses:<br /> Not picking up low fitness lineages - which the authors discuss and provide a rationale as to why. I can completely see how this has occurred during this research, and whilst it is a shame I do not think this takes away from the findings of this paper. Maybe in the next one!

      In the abstract the authors focus on 'tradeoffs' yet in the discussion they say the purpose of the study is to see how many different mechanisms of FLU resistance may exist (lines 679-680), followed up by "We distinguish mutants that likely act via different mechanisms by identifying those with different fitness tradeoffs across 12 environments". Whilst I do see their point, and this is entirely feasible, I would like a bit more explanation around this (perhaps in the intro) to help lay-readers make this jump. The remainder of my comments on 'weaknesses' are relatively fixable, I think:

      In the introduction I struggle to see how this body of research fits in with the current literature, as the literature cited is a hodge-podge of bacterial and fungal evolution studies, which are very different! So example, the authors state "previous work suggests that mutants with different fitness tradeoffs may affect fitness through different molecular mechanisms" (lines 129-131) and then cite three papers, only one of which is a fungal research output. However, the next sentence focuses solely on literature from fungal research. Citing bacterial work as a foundation is fine, but as you're using yeast for this I think tailoring the introduction more to what is and isn't known in fungi would be more appropriate. It would also be great to then circle back around and mention monotherapy vs combination drug therapy for fungal infections as a rationale for this study. The study seems to be focused on FLU-resistant mutants, which is the first-line drug of choice, but many (yeast) infections have acquired resistance to this and combination therapy is the norm.

      Methods: Line 769 - which yeast? I haven't even seen mention of which species is being used in this study; different yeast employ different mechanisms of adaptation for resistance, so could greatly impact the results seen. This could help with some background context if the species is mentioned (although I assume S. cerevisiae). In which case, should aneuploidy be considered as a mechanism? This is mentioned briefly on line 556, but with all the sequencing data acquired this could be checked quickly?

      I think the authors could be bolder and try and link this to other (pathogenic) yeasts. What are the implications of this work on say, Candida infections?

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1

      • Albeit the link between CSA and NE integrity the work is in my eyes too preliminary. Although the data presented are well done and carefully evaluated they mostly (except Fig 1A) rely on direct comparisons of one patient cell line (CS-A or CS-B) to the same cells expression the wildtype protein. It remains thus open whether the effects seen on LEM2 expression, LEM2-LaimA/C interaction, stress fibre formation, cGAS/STING signaling pathway activation in the CS-A cells are representative for a number of different CS patient derived cells. This is especially important given the small changes observed. Please note that there are alos clear differences between the CSA-wt and CSB-wt cells. Would the HPA CSA KO cells show in addition to NE irregularities (not even quantified) the same phenotypes and can they be reverted by re-expression of the wildtype CSA protein? We would like to thank the reviewer for this comment. Indeed we have previously observed nuclear circularity defects in CSA KO HAP1 cells but we haven’t investigated the other phenotypes in this cell line. One of the main reasons behind this is the technical difficulties associated with performing immunofluorescence with HAP1 cells who are very small and tend to grow in aggregates.

      Proposed experimental plan: To address this reviewer’s comment, we will attempt again to use HAP1 cells (WT and CSA KO) and look at nuclear circularity (with quantification), stress fiber formation and cGas foci. If we don’t succeed, we will use an alternative isogenic cell model consisting of fibroblasts in which we will knock out CSA using CRISPR/Cas9. We will then repeat the same experiments as proposed above for the HAP1 cells.

      • The link between CSA and SUN1 is not well worked out. What is the effect of SUN2 downregulation and that of nespirins? It remains unclear whether the observed effects are indeed LINC mediated. Proposed experimental plan: To address this point, we will downregulate SUN2 and nesprins using siRNAs in two different cell models (as described above) and assess nuclear shape as well as cGas/STING pathway activation.

      Minor comments:

      * Fig 1B: Why is HA-Tagged CSA not shown on the CSA western? This would be helpful to compare to the endogenous levels at least in CSB cells. A western showing an housekeeping marker would allow better comparison. Judging from the proteins markers HA-tagged CSA seems much larger as endogenous CSA (first versus second row). Again, less cropped western blots would help.*

      We are sorry for the confusion and we have realised that the molecular weights on the western blots were incorrectly labeled on this figure. This will be modified, and the full, uncropped WB will be provided as a supplementary file.

      Fig 3A: Is CSA FLAG or HA-tagged? Or both? If both are expressed the question raises of why the CSA-LEM 2 interaction is only seen in an overexpression situation.

      • *

      CSA is HA tagged. To address this reviewer’s comment we will try performing immunoprecipitation on endogenous proteins.

      Fig 5: Inconsistency between figure and figure legend: 20 vs 25 nM Jasplakinolide. I assume Latrunculin A should read Cytochalasin D?

      Thank you for pointing this out, and yes this is indeed a mistake on our labeling. We will rectify this on the figure legend.

      Fig5B: Not clear why in "CSA-wT cells" Cytochalasin D and Jasplakinolide have the same effect on nuclear envelope shape yet only Jasplakinolide increases the number of blebs.

      Cyt D inhibits actin polymerization while jasplakinolide increases polymerization. Likely actin polymerization increases blebs through extra force being put on the nucleus through actin cables/ actin based motility. Both drugs decrease nuclear roundness as they disrupt the normal actin network leading to worsening of nuclear shape through different mechanisms.

      Page 10: Method for IF: 4% (v/v) paraformaldehyde and 2% /v/v) should likely read (w/v). Page 19: replace "withl" by "with".

      We will rectify both these points.

      Reviewer #2

      The paper is well-written and for the most part, the data support the conclusions of the authors. Some minor caveats could be addressed to improve the quality of the manuscript.

      We would like to thank the reviewer for their positive feedback on our manuscript.

      • The phenotype of decreased LEMD2 incorporation into the NE in CS-A cells is minor. Only ~20% and thus, it is not clear whether this is causal of any of the NE abnormalities. It should be better explained how these data add to the story.

      To address this point, we will overexpress LEMD2 in CS-A cells and assess whether the NE phenotype can be significantly rescued. This will add value to this part of story.

      • Inducing actin polymerization and depolarization impact nuclear morphological abnormalities and nuclear blebbing. Do these treatments impact nuclear fragility and cGAS accumulation at NE break sites?* This is a good point indeed. To address this question, we will include cGas foci staining and quantification upon treatment with these chemicals.

      • Depletion of SUN1 in CS-A cells increased nuclear circularity, decreased blebbing, and phosphorylation of TBK1. The impact of SUN1 depletion in cGAS foci formation at NE break sites and phosphorylation of STING is not shown. Such experiments will provide stronger evidence that CS-A activates the cGAS-STING pathway in a SUN1 (mechanical stress)-dependent manner.

      * We will address this question by analysing cGas foci and cGas-STING pathway activation upon SUN1 depletion by siRNA.

      Reviewer #3

      • *

      The data are generally clear, well performed and well interpreted with some exceptions:*

      1) I appreciate the use of isogenic cell lines (a big plus when dealing with patient-derived cell lines). However, these lines were established 30 years ago and the reported phenotypes might be due to genetic drifts. To exclude this, I suggest to complement the HAP-1 ERCC8 KO cell line with exogenously expressed CSA and assess if this rescues the phenotypes reported. Validation of the KO in these lines, either by western blotting or sequencing is needed.*

      This point has also been raised by the first reviewer, and will be addressed as described above (and pasted below):

      We would like to thank the reviewer for this comment. Indeed we have previously observed nuclear circularity defects in CSA KO HAP1 cells but we haven’t investigated the other phenotypes in this cell line. One of the main reasons behind this is the technical difficulties associated with performing immunofluorescence with HAP1 cells who are very small and tend to grow in aggregates.

      Proposed experimental plan: To address this reviewer’s comment, we will attempt again to use HAP1 cells (WT and CSA KO) and look at nuclear circularity (with quantification), stress fiber formation and cGas foci. If we don’t succeed, we will use an alternative isogenic cell model consisting of fibroblasts in which we will knock out CSA using CRISPR/Cas9. We will then repeat the same experiments as proposed above for the HAP1 cells.

      2) Related to the complementation of patient cell lines, the exogenous HA-CSA is not recognised by the anti-CSA in the CSA-null patient cell lines (Fig 1B, second blot). Shouldn't you be able to see this exogenous protein? HA-GFP-CSB in the complemented CSB-null patient cell line runs at the same weight as endogenous CSB (Fig 1B, fourth blot). This is also unexpected. I think you need better characterisation of your cell lines and need to demonstrate the level of exogenous transgenes that have been used to complement the cells and that they localise appropriately, presumably to the nucleus. You should also make sure to cite the paper where they were isolated and describe that they were immortalised (Troelstra et al., 1992) and the paper in which transgenes were stably overexpressed (Qiang et al., 2021).*


      As mentioned above, we have realised that we made some mistakes with the labeling of the molecular weight on this western blot. This will be corrected and the full uncropped western blot will be provided as a supplementary figure.

      We will also cite the suggested papers accordingly.

      3) Immunolocalisation of INM proteins is notoriously tricky and the permeabilisation steps include only 0.2% Tx100, which can be insufficient to permeabilise the INM. I appreciate the Emerin and Lamin immunostaining seems to have worked, but in many cases successful immunostaining can be antibody-specific. Can you try harsher permeabilisation to expose LEM2 epitopes? I'm somewhat uncomfortable with the suggestion that there is a cytosolic (ER?) pool of endogenous LEM2 as this runs counter to the literature and feel that your antibody or fixation conditions are illuminating a non-specific protein. The WB in Fig 2E shows that there is virtually no LEM2 in the "soluble" fraction. I would be more cautious on this cytoplasmic/nuclear pool interpretation. Biochemical nuclear and cytoplasmic fractionation would help clarify the signal in a NE vs a non-NE pool.*


      As suggested by the reviewer, we will try harsher permeabilisation conditions to test the LEMD2 antibody. As we suggest in the manuscript however, we think that the “cytoplasmic” LEMD2 pool we observed by IF in the absence of pre-extraction is indeed unspecific. This is why we have performed the rest of the experiments with a pre-extraction step, that we have shown to give a specific LEMD2 signal that disappear upon depleting LEMD2 by siRNA.

      4) Page 15: "Using a Proximity Ligation Assay (PLA), we showed a significant reduction in the number of PLA foci in CS-A cells compared to the WT(HA-CSA) cells, reflecting a reduced number of LEMD2-lamin A/C complexes (Figure 2G, 2H). This data suggests defects in the incorporation of LEMD2 into the NE and lamin protein complexes in CS-A cells". If you have less LEM2 in the NE, it is quite expected that you will have less "LEM2-laminA/C" complexes. To me the logic doesn't hold and this data does not suggest that there is an underlying defect in LEM2-lamin interaction. To ascertain whether there is such a defect one could perform an IP against LEM2 and quantify laminA/C, normalizing by the amount of LEM2 in the input.

      We feel we may not have been clear in how we interpreted this data. What we mean is that in each individual cell, the number of Lamin-LEMD2 complexes is decreased, probably indeed due to the fact that there is less LEMD2 altogether within the nucleus in the absence of CSA. We will clarify this in the text.

      5) "We overexpressed LEMD2-GFP and Flag-CSA constructs, followed by GFP pulldown in WT(HA-CSA) cells". Since the co-IP data are obtained in overexpression conditions (of both HA-CSA and Flag-CSA?), the authors should validate the interaction between LEM2 and CSA using an orthogonal approach. Perhaps anti-HA capture of the WT(HA-CSA) cells would allow you to immunoblot for endogenous LEM2?*


      To address this point, we will try to immunoprecipitate HA-CSA and look at endogenous LEMD2.

      6) Related to the CSA-LEM2 binding in the above experiment, the procedure involves combining a native detergent-extracted cytoplasmic pool with a denatured (RIPA-extracted) nuclear pool for performing the GFP-trap. From which pool was the tagged CSA bound to LEM2 in?*


      We are sorry about the confusion. We didn’t try to run the IP from the different pools but instead from the combined pools, to ensure we were looking in the whole cell extract. We would expect however that the interaction occurs in the nuclear pool as both CSA and LEMD2 are nuclear proteins.

      7) "The absence of CSA in CS-A patient cells does not affect the mobility of LEMD2 at the NE but instead decreases its interaction with A-type lamins". To me the fact that loss of CSA decreases LEM2-lamin interaction is not well supported (see point 3).

      • *

      See our response to point 4

      8) "Here, we showed by immunoprecipitation that LEMD2 also interacts with CSA. This suggests that the recruitment and stabilization of LEMD2 to the NE is mediated by an interaction with CSA, although the mechanism remains unclear". I think this is an overstatement: there are no data suggesting that CSA recruits or stabilises LEM2 at the NE.

      * *We will tone down this statement in the text

      9) As the authors suggest in the discussion, it would be worth checking whether LEM2 overexpression is able to rescue some of the NE defects reported, strengthening the hypothesis that LEM2 levels are at least in part responsible for the phenotypes reported.

      To address this point, we will perform LEMD2 overexpression in the CSA cells, and analyse the nuclear envelope defects and ruptures (shape and cGas foci quantification)

      10) To me it is not clear how the reported phenotypes are interrelated. The first part of the manuscript shows that CSA interacts with LEM2, and that loss-of-function CSA impacts on LEM2 levels and LEM2-lamin interaction, suggesting a direct role for CSA at the nuclear envelope. The second part of the manuscript shows that cells with defective CSA have more actin stress fibres and releasing the cytoskeleton-nuclear tethering is able per se to rescue the nuclear membrane and cGAS phenotypes. How do the authors reconciliate these two parts? Is CSA directly involved in both inner nuclear membrane homeostasis and actin cytoskeleton modulation or is this latter role upstream and the NE defects a mere consequence of increased cytoskeleton rigidity?

      At this point indeed we cannot draw definitive conclusions as to whether the two described phenotypes are inter-related. However, by addressing the other points raised by the reviewers, we hope this will help clarifying the mechanism.

      11) It is not clear how or why actin stress fibres are elevated in the CS-A cells. Can the authors provide any insight based on their RNAseq analysis? Demonstrating a link to ROCK, LIMK or Rho signalling would be interesting and verifying ppMLC2 levels would help explain why contractility is enhanced. Additionally, is the increase in contractility dependent upon any of the genes identified as up- or downregulated in RNAseq? Presently, the manuscript is missing a link between its two halves.*


      We would like to reiterate that the RNASeq analysis we performed was done on previously published data from another group (as described in the text). To address the point raised by the reviewer, we will look more specifically into our analysis to look at ROCK, LIMK or Rho signalling to see if any of these pathways appear to be modulated by the absence of CSA.

      12) Related to point 1, the RNAseq comparison was performed on patient cells lacking CS-A and patient cells lacking CS-A and later over-expressing HA-CSA, and this comparison is used extensively for phenotype description in the manuscript. In isn't clear to me that this is the most insightful comparison to make; the rescue by overexpression is not as elegant as CRISPR reversion and the ko fibroblasts have presumably been surviving well in culture without CS-A before this protein was overexpressed. Can you validate the differential expression of any identified proteins in the acute HAP1 ko? Can you validate any of the differentially expressed proteins in comparison to normal fibroblasts (e.g., 13O6, as per Qiang et al., 2021)?

      As we will validate our experiments in an additional cell model (as described above), we will also indeed validate the level of expression of cytoskeletal proteins upon CSA KO/rescue.

      Minor comments

      * - Page 14: "To characterize the NE phenotypes further, we obtained CS patient-derived cell lines carrying loss-of-function mutations in CSA (CS-A cells) or CSB (CS-B cells), and their respective isogenic control cell lines (WT(HACSA) and WT(HA-GFP-CSB))." What type of loss-of-function? Is the mutant protein still produced? In Fig 6A there seem to be a band in the CS-A blot (second lane), but in Fig 1B, there isn't. I think this is important to know to interpret the phenotype related to LEM2 interaction.*

      We can clarify that in the text. Indeed, the loss of function mutation leads to the absence of CSA protein.

      - Figure 1B is poorly annotated. What do - and + stand for? In general, I find a bit confusing how the WB are presented throughout the manuscript, specifically how the antibodies are reported (e.g., HA-CSA instead of HA). Please mark up all western blots with antisera used. Please make sure all expected bands are within the crops - e.g., Fig 3B, the anti-LEM2 blot should be expanded vertically to show the LEM2-GFP relative to endogenous LEM2.

      We will correct these on the figures

      - From the methods, it appears that you obtained a Please provide clarity on which construct was used in which figure, and verify that an N-terminally tagged LEM2 still localises to the NE.

      We actually cloned LEMD2 into an empty pEGFP vector but still maintained LEM2-GFP. We will remove the C1plasmid from the methods to avoid confusion as we removed the MCS and GFP and just used the blank vector and inserted lem2-gfp as we obtained it.

      - Fig 1I: there is some text on top of the upper panels (DAPI, cGAS, Merge).

      • *

      * - "Through gene ontology analysis, we found that genes involved in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress were differentially expressed (Figure 4B)". I don't think that the way data are shown in Fig 4B is effective. Since GO has been performed, I would replace the table with a GO enrichment analysis graph. Ensure to report all the data in a supplementary .xls so that others can see and reuse it. Is there a mandated repository that accepts RNAseq data?*

      The RNAseq experiment and data was performed by another group and reported in a previous study, as referenced in the main text of the manuscript (Epanchintsev A, Costanzo F, Rauschendorf MA, Caputo M, Ye T, Donnio LM, et al. Cockayne’s Syndrome A and B Proteins Regulate Transcription Arrest after Genotoxic Stress by Promoting ATF3 Degradation. Mol Cell. 2017 Dec;68(6):1054-1066.e6.). Here, we only re-analysed their data using STRING pathway analysis, as detailed in the Material and Methods. However, as suggested by the reviewer, we will replace the table by a GO enrichment graph.

      - The volcano plot looks weird with many values at the maximum log10 (P-value) - is the data processed appropriately?

      As mentioned above, the RNA Seq analysis was performed and published in a different study. We think this is because the Y axis shows adjusted P values.

      - Figure 5B: the legend says "Latrunculin A". Please correct.

      We will correct this

      - For a Wellcome funded researcher, I'm surprised that the mandated OA statement and RRS is absent from the acknowledgements.

      We will of course comply with the open access policy of the Wellcome Trust. However, and based on the WT requirements detailed on their website, we believe the acknowledgement section complies with the funder’s policy: “All research publications must acknowledge Wellcome's support and list the grant reference number which funded the research reported.”

      Maybe mention the changes in nuclear shape is not a causative of nuclear blebbing. But maybe not say that they are completely mutually exclusive phenotype to each other.


      Maybe say that we will overexpress LEMD2 in CS-A cells and show that the NE phenotype can be significantly rescued. This will add value to this part of story. I remember when I did the FRAP experiment, CS-A cells with expression of LEMD2-GFP (that doesn’t form aggregates) looks better in term of shape.

      I think Anne, please check the plasmid map? According to the lab inventory (Plasmids Anne), it is LEMD2-GFP. So probably GFP is at C-terminus.

      I think there was a part in discussion was LEMD2-GFP was mistakenly written as GFP-LEMD… But I am sure I used LEMD2-GFP throughout the work

      We cloned it into an empty pEGFP vector but still maintained LEM2-GFP. Maybe remove the C1 in the methods to avoid confusion as we removed the MCS and GFP and just used the blank vector and inserted lem2-gfp as we obtained it.

      Same construct was used for GFP pulldown and for FRAP. And we can see in FRAp that they localise to the NE. SO it should localise to the NE. Maybe mention that we will do a LEMD2-GFP over expression experiment in CS-A cells and show that they do localise to the NE.

      I don’t remember fully if Denny did this and what came out. I thought he did and ER stress and cytoskeleton regulation came out as enriched terms?

      Denny will have to check this but I think this is because the Y axis shows adjusted P values?? I have the same in my data and Jack told me this is an artefact of the analysis if you adjust for multiple comparisons and is something more often seen in mass spec data

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The study investigates the role of cylicin-1 (CYLC1) in sperm acrosome-nucleus connections and its clinical relevance to male infertility. Using mouse models, the researchers demonstrate that cylicin-1 is specifically expressed in the post acrosomal sheath-like region in spermatids and plays a crucial role in mediating acrosome-nucleus connections. Loss of CYLC1 results in severe male subfertility, characterized by acrosome detachment and aberrant head morphology in sperm. Further analysis of a large cohort of infertile men reveals CYLC1 variants in patients with sperm head deformities. The study provides valuable insights into the role of CYLC1 in male fertility and proposes CYLC1 variants as potential risk factors for human male infertility, emphasizing the importance of mouse models in understanding the pathogenicity of such variants.

      We appreciate the comprehensive summary of reviewer 1.


      This article demonstrates notable strengths in various aspects. Firstly, the clarity and excellent writing style contribute to the accessibility of the content. Secondly, the employed techniques are not only relevant but also complementary, enhancing the robustness of the study. The precision in their experimental design and the meticulous interpretation of results reflect the scientific rigor maintained throughout the study. Furthermore, the decision to create a second mouse model with the exact CYLC1 mutation found in humans adds significant qualitative value to the research. This approach not only validates the clinical relevance of the identified variant but also strengthens the translational impact of the findings.

      We appreciate the positive comment of reviewer 1.


      There are no obvious weaknesses. While a few minor refinements, as suggested in the recommendations to authors, could enhance the overall support for the data and the authors' messages, these suggested improvements in no way diminish the robustness of the already presented data.

      In the recommendation for the authors, reviewer 1 mentioned a recent study (Schneider et al., eLife, 2023) showing that Cylc1-KO mice exhibits a reduced sperm count, an observation not noted in our current study. We would like to comment that that main and most important phenotype of Cylc1-KO mice in both studies is quite similar, including male subfertility and abnormal head morphology. We think the different targeting strategy and mouse strain may cause this discrepancy. In Schneider’s and our current studies, the total motility abnormality of Cylc1-KO mice are not observed. We appreciate the suggestion of reviewer 1 to further examine the detailed parameters of motility such as VCL, VSL, and ALH. Given that the head deformation is the most obvious phenotype of Cylc1-KO mice and the focus of our study, we feel sorry that this detailed analysis of sperm motility was not performed in the current stage. Reviewer 1 also asked whether Cylc1-KO female mice are fertile or not. Given that Cylc1 is an X chromosome gene and Cylc1-KO (Cylc1-/Y) mice are severely subfertile, we do not obtain enough Cylc1-KO female mice to examine their fecundity. We also would like to thank reviewer 1 to point out several inaccurate descriptions.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      To verify the function of PT-associated protein CYLC1, the authors generated a Cylc1-KO mouse model and revealed that loss of cylicin-1 leads to severe male subfertility as a result of sperm head deformities and acrosome detachment. Then they also identified a CYLC1 variant by WES analysis from 19 infertile males with sperm head deformities. To prove the pathogenicity of the identified mutation site, they further generated Cylc1-mutant mice that carried a single amino acid change equivalent to the variant in human CYLC1. The Cylc1-mutant mice also exhibited male subfertility with detached acrosomes of sperm cells.

      We appreciate the comprehensive summary of reviewer 2.


      The phenotypes observed in the Cylc1-KO mice provide strong evidence for the function of CYLC1 as a PT-associated protein in spermatogenesis and male infertility. Further mechanistic studies indicate that loss of cylicin-1 in mice may disrupt the connections between the inner acrosomal membrane and acroplaxome, leading to detached acrosomes of sperm cells.

      We appreciate the positive comment of reviewer 2.


      The authors identified a missense mutation (c.1377G>T/p. K459N) from 19 infertile males with sperm head deformities. The information for the variant in Table 1 is insufficient to determine the pathogenicity and reliability of the mutation site. More information should be added, including all individuals in gnomAD, East Asians in gnomAD, 1000 Genomes Project for allele frequency in the human population; MutationTaster, M-CAP, FATHMM, and more other tools for function prediction. Then, the expression of CYLC1 in the spermatozoa from men with CYLC1 mutation should be explored by qPCR, Western blot, or IF staining analyses. Although 19 infertile males were found carrying the same missense mutation (c.1377G>T/p. K459N), their phenotypes are somewhat different. For example, sperm concentrations for individuals AAX765, BBA344, and 3086 are extremely low but this is not observed in other infertile males. Then, progressive motility for individuals AAT812, 3165, 3172, 3203, and 3209 are extremely low but this is also not observed in other infertile males. It is worth considering why different phenotypes are observed in probands carrying the same mutation.

      We appreciate the suggestion of reviewer 2. First, Table 1 shows the information of the variant identified in CYLC1 gene, including allele frequency in gnomAD and functional prediction by SIFT, PolyPhen-2, and CADD. Given that mutant mice is a gold standard to confirm the pathogenicity of a variant, we generate Cylc1-mutant mice and Cylc1-mutant mice exhibit male subfertility with sperm acrosome detachment. The animal evidence is much more solid than bioinformatics prediction to confirm the pathogenicity of the identified variant in the CYLC1 gene. Second, the expression of CYLC1 in the spermatozoa from patients have been examined by IF staining (Fig. 5B). Unfortunately, the patients declined to continue in the project to donate more semen for qPCR and Western blot analyses. Third, the reviewer 2 asks why not all patients with CYLC1 gene mutation show the identical phenotype. Although some patients exhibit low sperm count or reduced motility, sperm head deformities are the shared phenotype of 19 patients. Many factors, such as way of life, may affect sperm quality. Perfectly identical phenotype of all 19 patients carrying the CYLC1 mutation is idealistic and will not always happen in clinical diagnosis. We also appreciate other suggestions from reviewer 2.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer 1

      Major points:

      R1C1: I appreciate that the data are aligned, in some points, with related studies of this niche. However, it would help the reader to have this alignment explored more extensively in the Discussion as well.

      Answer: We acknowledge that the discussion would benefit from additional comparisons to the available datasets. We thus add the following comment after the first paragraph of the discussion: “Previous studies of the different sub-populations of SVZ progenitors were carried out using transcriptomic approaches based on the expression of various more or less specific markers. These approaches have made it possible to identify quiescent and activated neural stem cells as well as mature neuroblasts, but have been faced with the strong influence of the cell cycle on cell clustering. Indeed, neural progenitors in these studies cycling have been gathered in either “mitotic” clusters (Llorens et al. 2015, Zywitza et al. 2018, Cebrian et al. 2021) or “neural progenitor cells” clusters (Dulken et al. 2017) that had no clear biological significance and hindering identification of subtypes of SVZ cycling progenitors. Our study, combining, for the first time, characterization of Facs-isolated cells and an irradiation-based model of sequential regeneration, allowed to clearly distinguish the molecular profiles of TAP and iNB among cycling progenitors reflecting differences in their in vitro and in vivo respective potentials”.

      R1C2: The data on multilineage differentiation, both in culture and upon engraftment, would be greatly strengthened by quantification. What is the relative yield of TUJ1/DCX-positive cells versus the other marker combinations? Specifically regarding the multilineage differentiation in vitro - because different media conditions are used to generate each lineage, it may be difficult to determine relative yield. Could a differentiation system that allows production of all 3 lineages be used instead?

      If the fraction of non-DCX/TUJ1-labeled progeny is low, particularly in vivo, this might suggest that while multilineage differentiation is possible, it is a much less likely cellular state outcome than production of mature neuroblasts. Some suggested references with examples of the culture conditions, experimental conditions, and discussions highlighted in the public review: Culture conditions that allow simultaneous trilineage differentiation. PMID: 17615304 Influence of culture conditions on potency: similar to issues covered in PMID: 21549325.

      Answer: We agree with the reviewer that quantification of a multilineage differentiation in vitro would improve the characterization of the relative potencies of the different SVZ progenitor.

      According to PMID: 17615304 and PMID: 21549325, and in agreement with our own experience, the only culture condition that allows neurosphere-derived neural progenitors to differentiate in vitro into the three lineages is the removal of mitogens from the culture medium. However, this does not work on freshly isolated SVZ cells, which remain in an undifferentiated state in this condition.

      This is why we chose to use specific differentiation media for each of the 3 lineages as in Figure 1C. It is also for this reason that we performed as many experiments as possible in vivo rather than in vitro as in Figure S2. In the new version, we have added a quantitative analysis of stainings by antibodies against GFAP, CNPase or DCX of GFP-positive cells persisting at IS, where high number of grafted cells were found in Figure S2B. This was performed by using the NIS software measuring eGFP-, GFAP-, CNPase- and DCX-positive areas. The intersection between each marker and eGFP areas was then determined as a percentage of staining (Figure S2C). The results showed that approximately one third of GFP+ cells expressed GFAP or DCX. The quantitative analysis of CNPase expression was complicated by CNPase-positive host cells, but the stronger CNPase staining in eGFP-positive areas clearly revealed the expression of CNPase by a significant proportion of eGFP-positive cells.

      R1C3: Additionally, for claims similar to what is currently made in the text, it would be extremely valuable to confirm the purity of the sort for each population - for example by fixing and staining the sorted fraction with additional antibodies that confirm cell identity.

      Answer: We have previously shown in Daynac et al. 2013 that s-iNB expressed the neuroblast markers CD24 and DCX, but also markers of neural progenitors such as Mash1, a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor. As suggested by the reviewer, we have further investigated the expression of other markers of neural progenitors by sorted cells. The results showed that the proportion of DLX2+ cells a marker of proliferating progenitors (Doetsch et al. 2002) was very high in aNSC/TAP (98%) and progressively decreased in iNB (82%) and mNB (25%). Similarly, the expression of the transcription factor SOX2 that plays an essential role in the maintenance of neural progenitors (PMID: 25126380) accounted for 78% of aNSC/TAP, 70% of iNB and 17% of mNB.

      Altogether, these new data confirmed the identity of the different cell populations and particularly that of iNB. They are commented at the beginning of the Results and shown in Figure S1.

      R1C4: Line 125: GFAP alone doesn't necessarily indicate a "conversion to NSCs" - this conclusion could be greatly strengthened by inclusion of more markers, particularly at the protein level, or cyto-architectural studies.

      Answer: We agree with the reviewer that GFAP expression alone is not sufficient to evidence the presence of NSC in the SVZ. We have thus modified the text accordingly: “Importantly, eGFP+ cells were present in the SVZ of all the animals transplanted with eGFP+s-iNB and eGFP+s-NSC/TAP (Fig. 1Db, Fig. 1Dc), some of them expressing GFAP indicating the generation of astrocytes, and therefore possibly NSC”.

      R1C5: Could these cellular states be reflective of preferential translation of DCX? It would be very helpful to see the flow cytometry sort data for iNBs / mNBs used in Figure 6, particularly if these cells were also fixed and stained directly for DCX protein.

      Answer: As suggested by the reviewer, freshly FAC-sorted iNB and mNB were fixed and labelled with an anti-DCX monoclonal antibody after permeabilization. As shown in the figure below, we found a higher level of DCX expression in mNB than in iNB. Therefore, this result tends to indicate that the proliferation capacity is somehow related to the level of DCX expression. However, because of the relatively low importance of this result, we decided not to include them in the manuscript.

      Author response image 1.

      Modal histogram representation of DCX expression level in unstained, iNB and mNB cells determined by flow cytometry (FlowJo).

      <R1C6: Figure S8 is all zeroes, showing the GFP+Dcxhigh NBs do not retain proliferative capacity. But we don't get a direct experimental comparison to EGFPnegative/lowDcxlow iNB engraftment, which would strengthen the conclusions of the paper.

      Answer: Unfortunately, there is no method available to analyse the eGFPnegative/lowDcxlow iNB engraftment: by definition, these cells do not express eGFP and the use of a tracker is not appropriate for long periods of time — and thus a high number of cell divisions — after engraftment. However, to us, this control is not needed to conclude that GFP+Dcxhigh iNB have no (or at least a lower) stem cell potential in vivo considering that we have shown in Figure 1 and Table 1 that the whole iNB population is able to generate the different types of neural cells.

      R1C7: Transplant data in Table 1 - a relatively small proportion of transplant derived cells are in OB, etc. Given that A cells are thought to cycle at least once in vivo, is this expected?

      Answer: The reviewer is right considering that a relatively small proportion of transplant derived cells were found in the OB. However, we should consider that we used immunocompetent mice as receivers, which could have significantly reduced the engraftment efficiency, and the migration of engrafted cells outside the injection site.

      R1C8: A caveat is that there is not much functional testing of the proposed model, especially for the interconversion of iNB states suggested by the diagram in Figure 7. The text is relatively restrained in proposing this model, so it is reasonable to keep - but perhaps should be noted that this part of the model will need additional testing.

      Answer: Data presented in Figure 6 clearly suggest that Dcxhigh iNB have similar in vitro potential than Dcxlow iNB, whereas they don’t have such potential in vivo (Figure S10). This suggests that, providing they are in appropriate conditions, Dcxhigh iNB could reacquire stem/progenitor properties. However, we agree that this hypothesis requires further investigation. Therefore, as suggested by the reviewer, we have added in the Figure 7 legend: “Possible interconversion of iNB states would require further experimental confirmation.”

      Additional minor points:

      R1C9: Introduction: the SVZ is described as "the lateral wall" - however, several works in the mouse have also examined the medial wall and callosal roof, as cited later in the intro. Suggest rephrasing the second sentence (line 48) and later sentence (line 66) to clarify that "the SVZ" encompasses all of these subregions, they are not necessarily separate niches. Answer: As indicated by the reviewer, the SVZ encompasses distinct subdomains, with NSCs having a regional identity based on their location in the lateral or septal wall of the ventricle and generating different types of neuronal and glial progeny (PMID:34259628.). To address the reviewer concern about possible confusion and clearly indicate that SVZ encompass several subdomains, we have modified the sentence line 66 as follows: “Since then, the single cell RNA-sequencing has revolutionized the field and has made it possible to precisely elucidate the transcriptome of SVZ cells present in the LW and in the septal wall which also harbors NSC niches”.

      However, we did not modify the line 48, since in this sentence we just indicate that the largest neurogenic niche in the adult brain reside in the LW of the SVZ.

      R1C10: Line 77: "exposure" not "exposition"

      Answer: The error has been corrected in the revised manuscript.

      R1C11: As noted in the Public Review - the use of the term "D1/D2" cells seems likely to confuse readers who are also versed in dentate gyrus neurogenesis. Recommend removing this term from the manuscript.

      Answer: We agree that the D1/D2 terminology could bring confusion, D cells referring to Tanycytes in the hypothalamus. We now refer to iNB1 for DcxLow iNB and iNB2 for DcxHigh iNB in the revised manuscript.

      Reviewer 2

      Major comments:

      Lack of rigor

      R2C1: There is a lack of appropriate normalization controls for the microarray data. As there is a decreased level of transcription in quiescent NSCs, there needs to be a cell number control (spike-ins based on cell numbers). Without this normalization, the readout can be greatly skewed.

      Answer: We agree that qNSC are marked by a decreased level of transcription due to quiescence. To overcome this problem in the Clariom assays, we thus chose to calibrate each population, with a fixed amount of cRNA and cDNA using Hela cells as internal control. We totally agree that this method is not optimal but it appears to be efficient in the end. Indeed, it should be noticed that it has been adopted, thus with the same rigor, in other microarray studies published in the field (PMID: 24811379) and also on skeletal muscle cells (PMID: 29273087). Moreover, interestingly the transcriptomic signature of qNSC matches perfectly with those from other studies and particularly to those of related clusters in single cell experiments (including ours, Figure S5). This is probably linked to the fact that more importantly that the number of cells, the main characteristic of these cells is the lack of expression of genes involved in cell proliferation and metabolism. Whatever so, these data confirming previously published are not the main information of our manuscript, which is mainly dedicated to the characterization of proliferating cells, which is not impaired by our choices of normalization.

      R2C2: The absolute segregation of clusters in the single-cell analysis is currently entirely in agreement with the cell cycle stage. This suggests that in the author's analysis, the clustering in 3F is entirely shaped by the cell cycle, making that the defining characteristic of the author's definitions for their cell types. Has an analysis been done that regresses out cell cycle-associated genes to see if there are clusters for different cell states/types that are identified in the absence of cell cycle stage being the defining factor? (Barron and Li, 2016). For example, just as you would see a difference in cluster if you are a quiescent or activated NSC as compared to a neuroblast for example, even without the contribution of cell cycle. These are different cell types.

      Answer: We agree that cell cycle regression would theoretically allow for further discrimination between cycling cells along successive neurogenic stages. We have already performed regression using several methods, including regressing using S- and G2/M-score regression as indicated in the Seurat workflow, removing cell cycle-related PCs from UMAP calculation as used in the Cebrian-Sylla study, and using alternative gene sets such as the ones provided by the tricycle method (PMID: 35101061). These regression methods have all been used on our datasets, the original Cebrian-Sylla datasets and a combination of our datasets with the Cebrian-Sylla original datasets to increase cell number and clustering resolution. However, none of these methods modified the clustering of cycling cells.

      In fact, the strong influence of the cell cycle over clustering highlights the relevance of our depletion/replenishment approaches to decipher the molecular changes masked by the cell cycle, as discussed below.

      R2C3: The use of the DCX-CreERT2 line is a lineage tracing line. Once DCX is expressed, Cre recombines the DNA to allow for fluorescence. It is binary, on or off associated with DCX expression. And once on, it is always on, whether the cell is currently expressing DCX or not. As the authors had previously described a DCXlow condition, the eGFP- cells would not reflect DCXlow, but no DCX at all. And the eGFP+ cells may not be currently expressing DCX anymore. The authors should have used a system where the DCX promoter itself drives fluorescence.

      Answer: We took advantage of the DCX-CreERT2 line to demonstrate that some neural cells that have recently acquired DCX expression (i.e. eGFP+ iNB) could keep (or recover) the potential of neural progenitors in vitro. Of course, some of these GFP+ cells could have stopped to express DCX. This is probably the case when they differentiate into astrocytes and oligodendrocytes in vitro as shown in Figure 6.

      Whatever so, the use of the Dcx promoter as a direct driver of eGFP fluorescence would have totally impeded our capacity to demonstrate such changes in cell fate in vivo because of the impossibility to track oligodendrocytes or astrocytes derived from iNB because of the loss of Dcx expression.

      R2C4: The lack of analysis of images (differentiation, for example) limits the conclusions of the in-vitro data, and the images with unclear staining, limit the conclusions of the in-vivo experiments.

      Answer: This comment is similar to that of R1C2. We have now added a quantification in Figure S2.

      R2C5: The cited difference in splicing differences in cell types was interesting (though did not show up in the transcriptome enrichment analyses Fig S2) and would be something to further pursue, however, this was a very limited analysis. There was no further study of these splicing mediators beyond single-cell data.

      Answer: We now show enrichments of GO terms corresponding to mRNA splicing isoforms in the different types of sorted SVZ cells (Figure S4). This analysis clearly revealed that spliced genes in SVZ cells are mainly involved in neuron development and neurogenesis. Interestingly this also showed that qNSC logically differed from the other cell types by splicing concerning genes involved in mitosis and cell cycle, consistently with their quiescent state. More importantly, GO annotations of differentially spliced isoforms further confirmed that s-TAP and s-iNB have distinct features. We agree with the reviewer that further analysis of splicing mediators would be very important for understanding molecular changes involved in neurogenesis. However, we think that it is largely beyond the scope of this study.

      R2C6: Fig 1C - Show values, not just pictures. You may need to shift your current differentiation paradigm to do so by removing growth factors instead of unique differentiation conditions.

      Answer: See the answer to R1C2.

      R2C7: Fig S1A - Stainings for GFAP and DCX are not clear. It is very hard to distinguish which cells are associated with these signals.

      Answer: This figure (now Figure S2A) shows an eGFP+iNB cell (white arrow) that has reached the rostral migratory stream and expressed DCX (inset a3), but not GFAP (inset a2). This is now indicated in the figure legend. We have also moved the arrow for more clarity.

      R2C8: Fig S1B2 - There is red staining everywhere, so it is very hard to see a specific CNPase signal.

      Answer: We have added a new figure (Fig S2B) distinguishing eGFP+CNPase+ cells (yellow arrows) from eGFP+CNPase- cells (white arrow).

      R2C9: Line 174 - It's the mRNA that you are detecting is being downregulated - be more specific as you are not showing protein downregulation.

      Answer: We specified, "encoding" a major splicing repressor in the Line 174 text to refer to the mRNA: “Interestingly, Ptbp1, encoding a major splicing repressor”.

      R2C10: Line 189 - text in this line have some clusters not shown in the figure - (clusters 6 and 15, DCX+ Ki67+ neuroblasts) - which would be an important thing to visualize. As is shown now, the authors are only showing that iNBs are similar to mitotic TAPs.

      Answer: Clusters 6 and 15 have been added to Figure S5.

      R2C11: Fig 3D-E - Why is cluster 17 called aNSCs (3E) when it has the highest GFAP (Fig 3D). Typically, the highest GFAP cells are qNSCs or astrocytes, not aNSCs.

      Answer: We previously reported that the level of gfap mRNA expression in neural stem cells (quiescent and activated) did not exactly reflect the amount of protein in these cells. This is the reason why we also used the Slc1a3 marker (Glast), which is highly expressed both at the RNA and protein levels in quiescent NSCs (Daynac et al. 2013).

      R2C12: Line 216 - You said in line 216 cluster 13 were astrocytes, then you said in line 227 that cluster 13 was s-qNSC. Which is it?

      Answer: This is due to the fact that we performed two distinct analyses.

      In the first one (line 216), cells were scored based on datasets provided by Cebrian et al. with one dataset containing genes enriched in astrocytes, and another one, genes enriched in quiescent B-cells. Therefore, cluster 13 was shown to contain 73% cells expressing astrocyte markers, whereas cluster 4 gathered cells expressing both qNSC (B-cells, 48%) and astrocyte (52%) genes.

      In the second one (line 227), cells were scored using our transcriptomic signatures of FAC-sorted SVZ cells, which do not include differentiated astrocytes. We demonstrated that the cluster 13 cells only expressed s-qNSC genes.

      R2C13: Line 214 - While other clusters were all named in lines 214-221 that were then further discussed in lines 227-230, clusters 15 and 19 were not. You associate both of those clusters with s-iNB - what was it associated with in the above section?

      Answer: Lines 219-221 have been reworded as follows: Clusters 10, 5, 15, 12, and 8 were defined as cycling progenitors based on the expression of proliferative markers such as Top2a, Mki67, Ascl1. Clusters 1, 3, 7 and 9 were identified as mNB due to the loss of Mki67, Top2 a and Ascl1 expressions and the expression of Robo2 and Dcx. Cluster 19 that have lost Ascl1 but still expressing Top2a and Mki67 together with Robo2 and Dcx appears at the transition between iNB and mNB.

      R2C14: Fig 3I-J - 5 days after irradiation, I would like to see from tissue slices how many cells are dividing compared to 1day post-irradiation and controls. In other paradigms, such as temozolomide experiments (Kalamakis et al), by 5 days we should see less cells in quiescence and more of those quiescent cells exiting quiescence into the cell cycle. Why would there be more cells in quiescence in the irradiated brain? Even if they are radiation resistant, the base number should be comparative between controls and irradiated, which is not what you show in Fig 3I-J. And R2C14)

      Line 234-235 - the text says normalized to numbers of qNSCs which is supposed to be the same (which I agree should be the same). However, your graph in 3I and J shows more qNSCs in irradiated conditions, which would influence greatly and is currently hard to interpret.

      Answer: As stated by the reviewer, there is no increase in the absolute number of quiescent cells in the irradiated SVZ. The reconstitution of SVZ cell populations after 4Gy irradiation has already been studied by our group (Daynac et al. 2013, see Fig. 3F), showing that s-iNB and s-mNB are still under-represented after 5 days, while qNSC are in similar numbers as in unirradiated SVZ. Therefore, this led to an over-representation of quiescent cells and early SVZ progenitors in Figure 3J as compared in Figure 3I.

      R2C15: Fig 6A - the authors show a significant difference in neurospheres between eGFP- (DCX-) and eGFP+ (DCX+) iNBs - as would be expected as DCX suggests a further commitment towards neurogenic fates, yet your population doubling is the same.

      Answer: To determine the population doublings, the medium was changed and cells numbered every 7 days. This condition masked the differences between two cell populations reaching the plateau phase at different time, explaining why eGFP-iNB and eGFP+iNB could not be clearly distinguished by this technique.

      R2C16: Fig 6C - Differentiation data (in-vitro) should be quantified in 6C, just as was mentioned for 1C. These values should be done for both of the populations (eGFP-iNB, and eGFP+iNB) and not just compared to the previous pictures which were on total iNB. Again, numbers are required, not just picture examples.

      Answer: Quantitative data have been given in Figure 6D showing that approximately 60-80% of cells eGFP+iNB are able to differentiate in either neurons, oligodendrocytes or astrocytes. We did not analyze the differentiation of eGFP-iNB since it would not add any supplementary information.

      R2C17: Fig S8 - The authors did not show if the lack of engraftment of eGFP+ cells is due to the transplant (previously you showed only 2/3 worked in a similar paradigm). It would be helpful if the authors would have some means to visualize the DCX low cells to confirm they worked as before in the transplantation (another color? Another type of mouse (Thy1 antigen differences)?) Answer: Unfortunately, the Thy1 antigen has not been documented in mouse subventricular zone progenitors, but only in neurons (PMID: 10813783). Thy1 antigen has also been described in bipotent glial progenitor cell (GCP) from the developing human brain giving rise to oligodendrocytes (PMID: 36931245).

      As shown, in Figure S10 we have performed 5 grafts with s-iNB eGFP+ cells, 2 alone and 3 mixed with eGFP- cells and never found any eGFP+ cells 5 weeks after grafting. Moreover, we did not find any eGFP+ cells in the brains of 3 other animals 2 weeks after grafting with s-iNB eGFP+ cells (These data have been added to Figure S10). As compared to the results described in Figure 1 this clearly shows that iNB DCXhigh are not able to generate persistent cells in the grafted brains similarly as mNB.

      R2C18: Fig S8 - Why were there no eGFP cells even at the injection site? DCX expression promotes migration, indeed DCX expression becomes very high in cells in the SVZ as they begin to exit to go to the migratory stream. If one didn't see migration, one would expect you would still have survival. Currently, the authors show no cells at 5 weeks, however, they would need to show earlier timepoints as well to determine what is happening with these cells. It is possible these GFP+ cells are not even expressing DCX anymore (see above).

      Answer: As stated above, we did not find any GFP+ cells in the brains of 3 other animals 2 weeks after grafting with s-iNB eGFP+ cells (see Figure S10).

      R2C19: Line 320 - the authors suggest a subpopulation of NEURONS continues to divide and cite 2 works from the 1990s showing proliferating SVZ cells can differentiate. Our knowledge of this system has come dramatically forward since the 1990s as well as technologically, and to date, neurons have not been shown to divide.

      Answer: We apologize for this lack of clarity, as we agree that neurons correspond to differentiated non-cycling cells, but we used the terminology used in these articles. The incorrect part of the sentence Line 320 has thus been deleted from the text.

      R2C20: Fig 7 - The whole figure is based on changing levels of RSR genes which were not confirmed in any way to be involved in any of these stages, only descriptively in single-cell analyses.

      Answer: As stated above, in our opinion, further characterization of the involvement of RSR genes in neurogenesis is largely beyond the scope of our manuscript. Nevertheless, we think that the role of RSR genes in neurogenesis is an important question that should be addressed in further studies.

      Overstatement of findings

      R2C21: Fig 1 - Authors did not compare all cell types in each condition but made overstatements about their relationships to each other between graphs. There should also be separate graphs showing all cell types at 4% and a separate one at 20%.

      Answer: In the revised version, Figure 1 shows the graph comparing all cell types at 4%O2 and a separate one at 20% as requested by the reviewer. The graphs clearly shows that 4%O2 promotes iNB proliferation compared to the 20% condition.

      R2C22: Fig 1D-b2 - Why does DCX look nuclear? One can't say they are only NSCs if they are GFAP as astrocytes also express GFAP. The authors would need another marker to separate those populations. In the text, the authors say expressing GFAP (line 124) which means NSC, but then in line 127 expressing GFAP means astrocytes - which further shows you need additional markers to validate those 2 different cell types. Answer: DCX nuclear translocation has been shown to improve cellular proliferation (PMID:32050972).

      As indicated in R1C4. The text has been modified as follows: “Importantly, eGFP+ cells were present in the SVZ of all the animals transplanted with s-iNB eGFP+ and s-NSC/TAP eGFP+ (Fig. 1Db, 1Dc), some of them expressing GFAP indicating the generation of astrocytes, and therefore possibly NSC”.

      R2C23: Fig S2 - The transcriptome signature for s-iNBs is very similar to s-TAP, basically suggesting the iNBs are further along in cell cycle.

      Answer: This is now the Figure S3. Functional enrichment analysis of individual transcriptome signatures revealed that both s-TAP and s-iNB are enriched in genes related to the cell cycle although with different GO terms enrichments. Indeed, s-TAP are enriched in genes related to G1, G1/S and S phase (but with low -log10 adjusted p-values) and s-iNB with genes related to cell cycle mitosis and M phase (with high -log10 adjusted p-values).

      We have previously shown that around 33 % s-iNB have DNA content>2N, versus around 26% of s-TAP and s- aNSC (Daynac et al. 2013), which is in accordance with GO terms enrichments. However, these data have also shown that most s-iNB and s-TAP are in G1, indicating that siNB are not just further along mitosis than TAP.

      Moreover, our transcriptomic data clearly show that s-iNB are distinct from s-TAP: 1) according to principal component analyses (Figure 2B et C), the whole transcriptome of s-TAP is closer to that of s-aNSCs than to that of s-iNB (10% variations in PCA2), 2) the heatmap in Figure 2D shows that they have different RSR genes expression profiles, 3) the new Figure S4 shows that GO annotations of differentially spliced isoforms further confirmed that s-TAP and s-iNB have distinct features, and 5) Figure S5 shows that s-iNB expressed genes associated to either TAP or NB that have been described in previous studies, whereas s-TAP did not express genes associated to NB, but look closer to aNSC. Finally, scRNAsq cell clusters related to s-iNB are distinct from the cluster related to s-TAP as shown 1) in Figure 3D and 2) in Figure 4.

      R2C24: Fig 3 - The lack of information about timepoint 0 after irradiation, and when proliferation and cell cycle entry begins again following irradiation, limits our interpretation of the single-cell irradiated data.

      Answer: We have previously reported the relative abundance of each SVZ neural progenitors in the young adult mouse brain in several papers. Particularly, we based our interpretation on our SVZ irradiation model reported in Daynac et al. 2013 demonstrating a radio resistance of qNSC re-entering into the cell cycle as early as 2 days after 4Gy irradiation successively regenerating aNSC, TAP then iNB and mNB.

      R2C25: Fig S3 - These results effectively show that the s-aNSCs and s-TAPs are actually less specific when compared to that same identity in other studies, and that the iNBs are most similar to mitotic TAPs. This supports what was mentioned above, which is that the transcriptional signatures are very similar between the s-TAPs and i-NBs, showing these are not a unique cell state, but just a bit further along mitosis within the TAP cell state.

      Answer: This is now the Figure S5. In this figure, we show that s-iNB expressed genes associated to either TAP or NB that have been described in previous studies, whereas s-TAP did not express genes associated to NB, but look like closer to aNSC. As indicated above in R2C23, s-iNB are not just a bit further along mitosis within the TAP cell state. Indeed, we give several data showing that s-iNB and s-TAP have different transcriptomic profiles.

      R2C26: Fig 4B - The focus on Ptbp1 as being associated with the iNB cluster border to mNB is expected as all previous studies of Ptbp1 have focused on its role in the progression of other cell types through the cell cycle, its control of cell cycle regulators, and a cell cycle mRNA regulon (Monzon-Casanova et al, 2018, 2019, 2020). This further supports these analyses are specifically defined by cell cycle stages.

      Answer: We totally agree that Ptbp1 expression distinguishes cycling cells from postmitotic neuroblasts in accordance with previously published paper, and that based on this unique gene we cannot find any differences between cycling cells ie. aNSC, TAP and iNB. However, as shown in the manuscript and stated above (R2C23 and 25), these cells can be distinguished by their respective expression of many other genes, including other RSR genes.

      R2C27: Line 281-282 is an overstatement - the authors suggest that this is a new type of cycling neural progenitor - when all studies point to it being the end of mitosis TAPs as they go on their way to mNBs. This clearly shows a trajectory and not a defined, binary cell type.

      Answer: We agree with this statement that the use of the word "type" was misleading, and changed it to "stage" to better reflect that s-iNB are a distinct stage along the differentiation process according to our pseudotime cell-trajectory analysis.

      Author response image 2.

      Pseudotime analysis using Monocle 3 (excluding the cluster 13 corresponding to astrocytes and starting from s-qNSC) revealed two branches starting from s-TAP, one towards cell cycle the other towards neuronal differentiation.

      minor comments:

      R2C28: Fig 3D - For ease, please define what you called the clusters in 3D - not just cluster numbers

      Answer: We chose not to call the clusters in 3D because their identification (Group names) is based on data presented after in Figures 3E, F and G.

      R2C29: Fig 3E-F - Show astrocytes by text in 3E and F

      Answer: As discussed above, astrocytes cannot be shown in these figures because they are based on our signatures which did not include astrocyte signature.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This manuscript presents a valuable approach to exploring CD4+ T-cell response in mice across stimuli and tissues through the analysis of their T-cell receptor repertoires. The authors use a transgenic mouse model, in which the possible diversity of the T-cell receptor repertoire is reduced, such that each of a diverse set of immune exposures elicits more detectably consistent T-cell responses across different individuals. However, whereas the proposed experimental system could be utilized to study convergent T-cell responses, the analyses done in this manuscript are incomplete and do not support the claims due to limitations in the statistical analyses and lack of data/code access.

      We worked to address the reviewers' concerns below, point-by-point.

      All data on immune repertoires are deposited here: https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/Convergence_plasticity_and_tissue_residence_of_regulatory_and_effector_T_cell_response/22226155

      We added the Data availability statement to the manuscript.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors investigate the alpha chain TCR landscape in conventional vs regulatory CD4 T cells. Overall I think it is a very well thought out and executed study with interesting conclusions. The authors have investigated CDR3 alpha repertoires coupled with a transgenic fixed CDR3beta in a mouse system.


      • One of a kind evidence and dataset.

      • State-of-the-art analyses using tools that are well-accepted in the literature.

      • Interesting conclusions on the breadth of immune response to challenges across different types of challenges (tumor, viral and parasitic).

      Thank you for the positive view.


      • Some conclusions regarding the eCD4->eTreg transition are not so strong using only the data.

      The overlaps between the top-nucleotide clones in both LLC and PYMT challenges are prominently above the average, and this result is reproducible in lungs and skin, so we have no doubts based on these data. Further experiments with different methods, including tracking the clonal fates, should clarify and confirm/correct/disprove our findings.

      • Some formatting issues.

      We are working on the manuscript to correct minor errors and formatting.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This study investigates T-cell repertoire responses in a mouse model with a transgenic beta chain, such that all T-cells in all mice share a fixed beta chain, and repertoire diversity is determined solely by alpha chain rearrangements. Each mouse is exposed to one of a few distinct immune challenges, sacrificed, and T-cells are sampled from multiple tissues. FACS is used to sort CD4 and Treg cell populations from each sample, and TCR repertoire sequencing from UMI-tagged cDNA is done.

      Various analyses using repertoire diversity, overlap, and clustering are presented to support several principal findings: 1) TCR repertoires in this fixed beta system have highly distinct clonal compositions for each immune challenge and each cell type, 2) these are highly consistent across mice, so that mice with shared challenges have shared clones, and 3) induction of CD4-to-Treg cell type transitions is challenge-specific.

      The beta chain used for this mouse model was previously isolated based on specificity for Ovalbumin. Because the beta chain is essential for determining TCR antigen specificity, and is highly diverse in wildtype mice, I found it surprising that these mice are reported to have robust and consistently focused clonal responses to very diverse immune challenges, for which a fixed OVA-specific beta chain is unlikely to be useful. The authors don't comment on this aspect of their findings, but I would think it is not expected a priori that this would work. If this does work as reported, it is a valuable model system: due to massively reduced diversity, the TCR repertoire response is much more stereotyped across individual samples, and it is much easier to detect challenge-specific TCRs via the statistics of convergent responses.

      This was to some extent expected, since these mice live almost normally and have productive adaptive immune responses and protection. In real life, there are frequent TCR-pMHC interactions where the TCR-alpha chain dominates (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5701794/; https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37047500/). On the fixed TCR-beta background this mechanics starts working full-fledged, essentially substituting TCR-beta diversity, at the extent of relatively simplified TCRab repertoire and probably higher cross-reactivity.

      We agree that this is a valuable model, for sure, and indicated this in the last sentence of our Discussion. Now we are also adding this point to the abstract.

      While the data and analyses present interesting signals, they are flawed in several ways that undermine the reported findings. I summarize below what I think are the most substantive data and analysis issues.

      (1) There may be systematic inconsistencies in repertoire sampling depth that are not described in the manuscript. Looking at the supplementary tables (and making some plots), I found that the control samples (mice with mock challenge) have consistently much shallower sampling-in terms of both read count and UMI count-compared with the other challenge samples. There is also a strong pattern of lower counts for Treg vs CD4 cell samples within each challenge.

      The immune response of control mice is less extensive, as it should be. Just like the fact that the number of Tregs in tissues is lower than CD4, this is normal. So this all follows the expectations. But please note that we were very accurate everywhere with appropriate data normalisation, using all our previous extensive experience (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29080364/).

      In particular (now adding more relevant details to Methods):

      For diversity metrics calculations, we randomly sampled an equal number of 1000 UMI from each cloneset. Samples with UMI < 700 were excluded from analysis.

      For amino acid overlap metrics calculations, we selected top-1000 largest clonotypes from each cloneset. Samples with clonotype counts < 700 were excluded from analysis.

      For nucleotide overlaps metrics calculations (eCD4-eTreg), we selected top-100 clonotypes from each cloneset. Samples with clonotypes < 100 were excluded from analysis.

      The top N clonotypes were selected as the top N clonotypes after randomly shuffling the sequences and aligning them in descending order. This was done in order to get rid of the alphabetical order for clonotypes with equal counts (e.g. count = 1 or 2).

      Downsampling was carried out using software vdjtools v.1.2.1.

      (2) FACS data are not reported. Although the graphical abstract shows a schematic FACS plot, there are no such plots in the manuscript. Related to the issue above, it would be important to know the FACS cell counts for each sample.

      Yes, we agree that this is valuable information that should be provided. Unfortunately, this data has not been preserved.

      (3) For diversity estimation, UMI-wise downsampling was performed to normalize samples to 1000 random UMIs, but this procedure is not validated (the optimal normalization would require downsampling cells). What is the influence of possible sampling depth discrepancies mentioned above on diversity estimation? All of the Treg control samples have fewer than 1000 total UMIs-doesn't that pose a problem for sampling 1000 random UMIs?

      Indeed, I simulated this procedure and found systematic effects on diversity estimates when taking samples of different numbers of cells (each with a simulated UMI count) from the same underlying repertoire, even after normalizing to 1000 random UMIs. I don't think UMI downsampling corrects for cell sampling depth differences in diversity estimation, so it's not clear that the trends in Fig 1A are not artifactual-they would seem to show higher diversity for control samples, but these are the very same samples with an apparent systematic sampling depth bias.

      We evaluated this approach through all our work, and summarised in the ref: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29080364/. Altogether, normalising to the same count of randomly sampled UMI seems to be the best approach (although, preferably, the initial sequencing depth should be essentially higher for all samples than the sampling threshold used). Initial sorting of identical numbers of cells and ideally uniform library preparation and sequencing is generally not realistic and does not work in the real world, while UMI downsampling does the same work much better.

      (4) The Figures may be inconsistent with the data. I downloaded the Supplementary Table corresponding to Fig 1 and made my own version of panels A-C. This looked quite different from the diversity estimations depicted in the manuscript. The data does not match the scale or trends shown in the manuscript figure.

      There was a wrong column for Chao1, now correcting. Also, please note that we only used samples with > 700 UMI. Supplementary Table now corrected accordingly. Also, please note that Figure 1 shows the results for lung samples only.

      (5) For the overlap analysis, a different kind of normalization was performed, but also not validated. Instead of sampling 1000 UMIs, the repertoires were reduced to their top 1000 most frequent clones. It is not made clear why a different normalization would be needed here. There are several samples (including all Treg control samples) with only a couple hundred clones. It's also likely that the noted systematic sampling depth differences may drive the separation seen in MDS1 between Treg and CD4 cell types. I also simulated this alternative downsampling procedure and found strong effects on MDS clustering due to sampling effects alone.

      That’s right, for the overlap analysis (which values are mathematically proportional to the clonotype counts in both compared repertoires, so the difference in the counts causes major biases) the right way to do it is to choose the same number of clonotypes. See Ref. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29080364/.

      We kept only samples with > 700 for the overlap analyses. Some relatively poor samples are present in all challenges, while MDS1 localization has clear reproducible logic, so we are confident in these results.

      It is not made clear how the overlap scores were converted to distances for MDS. It's hard to interpret this without seeing the overlap matrix.

      This is a built-in feature in VDJtools software (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26606115/). See also here: https://vdjtools-doc.readthedocs.io/en/master/overlap.html.

      (6) The cluster analysis is superficial, and appears to have been cherry-picked. The clusters reported in the main text have illegibly small logo plots, and no information about V/J gene enrichments. More importantly, as the caption states they were chosen from the columns of a large (and messier-looking) cluster matrix in the supplementary figure based on association with each specific challenge. There's no detail about how this association was calculated, or how it controlled for multiple tests. I don't think it is legitimate to simply display a set of clusters that visually correlate; in a sufficiently wide random matrix you will find columns that seem to correlate with any given pattern across rows.

      Particular CDR3 sequences and VJ segments do not mean much for the results of this manuscript. Logos are given just for visual explanation of how the consensus motifs of the clusters look like.

      We now add two more Supplementary Tables and a Supplementary Figure with full information about clusters.

      We disagree that the Supplementary Figure 1 (representing all the clusters) looks “messy”. Vice versa, it is surprisingly “digital”, showing the clear patterns of responses and homings. This becomes clear if you visually study it for a while. But yes, it is too big to let the reader focus on this or that aspect. That is why we need to select TCR clusters to illustrate this or that aspect discussed in the work, but they were selected from the overall already structured picture.

      (7) The findings on differential plasticity and CD4 to Treg conversion are not supported. If CD4 cells are converting to Tregs, we expect more nucleotide-level overlap of clones. This intuition makes sense. But it seems that this section affirms the consequent: variation in nucleotide-level clone overlap is a readout of variation in CD4 to Treg conversion. It is claimed, based on elevated nucleotide-level overlap, that the LLC and PYMT challenges induce conversion more readily than the other challenges. It is not noted in the textual interpretations, but Fig 4 also shows that the control samples had a substantially elevated nucleotide-level overlap. There is no mention of a null hypothesis for what we'd expect if there was no induced conversion going on at all. This is a reduced-diversity mouse model, so convergent recombination is more likely than usual, and the challenges could be expected to differ in the parts of TCR sequence space they induce focus on. They use the top 100 clones for normalization in this case, but don't say why (this is the 3rd distinct normalization procedure).

      Your point is absolutely correct: “This is a reduced-diversity mouse model, so convergent recombination is more likely than usual”. Distinct normalisation procedure was required to focus on the most expanded clonotypes to avoid the tail of (presumably cross-reactive) and identical TCRs present in all repertoires in these limited-repertoire mice. So we downsampled as strictly as possible to minimise this background signal of nucleotide overlap, and only this strict downsampling to the top-100 clonotypes allowed us to visualise the difference between the challenges. This is a sort of too complicated explanation that would overload the manuscript. But your comments and our answers will be available to the reader who wants to go into all the details.

      The observed (at this strict downsampling) overlaps between the top-nucleotide clones in both LLC and PYMT challenges are prominently above the average, and this result is reproducible in lungs and skin, so we have no doubts in interpretations based on these data. Further experiments with different methods, including tracking the clonal fates, should clarify and confirm/correct/disprove our findings.

      Although interpretations of the reported findings are limited due to the issues above, this is an interesting model system in which to explore convergent responses. Follow-up experimental work could validate some of the reported signals, and the data set may also be useful for other specific questions.

      Yes, thank you for your really thorough analysis. We fully agree with your conclusion.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Nakonechnaya et al present a valuable and comprehensive exploration of CD4+ T cell response in mice across stimuli and tissues through the analysis of their TCR-alpha repertoires.

      The authors compare repertoires by looking at the relative overlap of shared clonotypes and observe that they sometimes cluster by tissue and sometimes by stimulus. They also compare different CD4+ subsets (conventional and Tregs) and find distinct yet convergent responses with occasional plasticity across subsets for some stimuli.

      The observed lack of a general behaviour highlights the need for careful comparison of immune repertoires across cell subsets and tissues in order to better understand their role in the adaptive immune response.

      In conclusion, this is an important paper to the community as it suggests several future directions of exploration.

      Unfortunately, the lack of code and data availability does not allow the reproducibility of the results.

      Thank you for your positive view.

      All data on immune repertoires are deposited here: https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/Convergence_plasticity_and_tissue_residence_of_regulatory_and_effector_T_cell_response/22226155

      We added the Data availability statement to the manuscript.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • In the manuscript at "yielding 13,369 {plus minus} 1,255 UMI-labeled TCRα cDNA molecules and 3233 {plus minus} 310 TCRα CDR3 clonotypes per sample" I'm not sure how can there be fewer unique DNA molecules than clonotypes in each sample.

      That was our mistake for sure, now corrected.

      • In the manuscript at "This indicates that the amplitude and focused nature of the effector and regulatory T cell response in lungs is generally comparable."

      I'm not sure it's possible to conclude that a drop in diversity in all conditions necessarily signals a focused nature. Since at this stage, the nature of the colotypes was not compared between conditions, it is not possible to claim a focused nature of the response.

      We have softened the wording:

      "This could indicate that the amplitude and focused nature of the effector and regulatory T cell response in lungs is generally comparable."

      • What are your thoughts on why there is such a large overlap between Treg and Teff in the Lung in control? For some replicates it is almost as much as a post-LLC challenge!

      There is some natural dispersion in the data, which is generally expectable. The overlaps between the top-nucleotide clones in both LLC and PYMT challenges are prominently above the average, and this result is reproducible in lungs and skin, so we have no doubts based on these data. Further experiments with different methods, including tracking the clonal fates, should clarify and confirm/correct/disprove our findings.

      • In the manuscript at "These results indicate that distinct antigenic specificities are generally characteristic for eTreg cells that preferentially reside in particular lymphatic niches" I'm not sure we can conclude this from the Figure. Wouldn't you expect the samples to be grouped by color (the different challenges)? Maybe I'm not understanding the sentence!

      This is a different story, about resident Tregs, irrespective of the challenge.

      The whole explanation is here in the text:

      “Global CDR3α cluster analysis revealed that characteristic eTreg TCR motifs were present in distinct lymphatic tissues, including spleen and thymus, irrespective of the applied challenge (Supplementary Fig. 1). To better illustrate this phenomenon, we performed MDS analysis of CDR3α repertoires for distinct lymphatic tissues, excluding the lungs due to their otherwise dominant response to the current challenge. This analysis demonstrated close proximity of eTreg repertoires obtained from the same lymphatic tissues upon all lung challenges and across all animals (Fig. 5a, b). These results indicate that distinct antigenic specificities are generally characteristic for eTreg cells that preferentially reside in particular lymphatic niches. Notably, the convergence of lymphatic tissue-resident TCR repertoires was less prominent for the eCD4 T cells (Fig. 5c, d).”

      And in the abstract:

      “Additionally, our TCRα repertoire analysis demonstrated that distinct antigenic specificities are characteristic for eTreg cells residing in particular lymphatic tissues, regardless of the challenge, revealing the homing-specific, antigen-specific resident Treg populations. ”

      • In the manuscript at " Notably, the convergence of lymphatic tissue-resident TCR repertoires was less prominent for the eCD4 T cells ":

      5b and 5d seem to have the same pattern: Spleen and MLN group together, AxLN and IgLN together and thymus is separate. Do you mean to say that the groups are more diffuse? I feel like the pattern really is the same and it's likely due to some noise in the data…

      Yes, we just mean here that eTreg groups are less diffuse - means more convergent.

      • I'm not sold on the eCD4 to eTreg conversion evidence. Why only limit to the top 100 clones? The top 1000 clones were used in previous analyses! Moreover, the authors claim that calculating relative overlap (via F2) of matching CDR3+V+J genes is evidence of a conversion between eCD4 and eTreg. I think to convince myself of a real conversion, I would track the cells between groups, unfortunately, I'm not sure how to track this.. Maybe looking at the thymus population? For example, what is the overlap in the thymus vs. after the challenge? I don't have an answer on how to verify but I feel that this conclusion is a bit on the weaker end.

      Distinct normalisation procedure was required to focus on the most expanded clonotypes to avoid the tail of (presumably cross-reactive) and identical TCRs present in all repertoires in these limited-repertoire mice. So we downsampled as strictly as possible to minimise this background signal of nucleotide overlap, and only this strict downsampling to the top-100 clonotypes allowed us to visualise the difference between the challenges. This is a sort of too complicated explanation that would overload the manuscript. But your comments and our answers will be available to the reader who wants to go into all the details.

      The observed (at this strict downsampling) overlaps between the top-nucleotide clones in both LLC and PYMT challenges are prominently above the average, and this result is reproducible in lungs and skin, so we have no doubts in interpretations based on these data. Further experiments with different methods, including tracking the clonal fates, should clarify and confirm/correct/disprove our findings.

      • There is a nuance in the analysis between Figure 3 and Figure 5 which I think I am not grasping. Both Figures use the same method and the same data but what is different? I think the manuscript would benefit from making this crystal clear. The conclusions will likely be more evident as well!

      As explained in the text and above, on Figure 5 “we performed MDS analysis of CDR3α repertoires for distinct lymphatic tissues, excluding the lungs due to their otherwise dominant response to the current challenge.”

      The idea of this mini-chapter of the manuscript is to reveal tissue-resident Tregs, distinct for distinct tissues, resident there in all these mice, irrespectively of the challenge we applied. And they are really there (!).

      • Do the authors plan to share their R scripts?

      All calculations were performed in VDJtools. R was only used to build figures. Corrected this in Methods.

      Minor typos and formatting issues to address:

      • Typo in Figure 2a the category should read "worm" instead of "warm"


      • Figure 2a heatmap is missing a color bar indicating the value ranges

      The detailed information can be found in additional Supplementary materials.

      • Figure 2f is never mentioned in the manuscript!


      • "eTreg repertoire upon lung challenge is reflected in the draining lymph node" - the word upon is of a lower size


      • The authors should make the spelling of eTreg uniform across the manuscript (reg in subscript vs just lower case letters. Same goes for CDR3a vs CDR3\alpha


      • Figure 4a-d p-values annotations are not shown. Is it because they are not significant?


      • The spelling of FACS buffer should be uniform (FACs vs FACS, see methods)


      • In the gating strategy, I would make a uniform annotation for the cluster of differentiation, for example, "CD44 high" vs "CD44^{hi}", pos vs + etc.


      • Citation for MIGEC software (if available) is missing from methods

      Present in the text so probably sufficient.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I noticed the data was made available via Figshare in the preprint, but there is no data availability statement in the current ms.

      We provided Data availability statement.

      The methods state that custom scripts were written to perform the various analyses. Those should be made available in a code repository, and linked in the ms.

      All calculations were performed in VDJtools. R was only used to build figures. Corrected this in Methods.

      The title mentioned "TCR repertoire prism", so I thought "prism" was the name of a new method or software. But then the word "prism" didn't appear anywhere in the ms.

      We just mean viewing or understanding something from a different perspective or through a lens that reveals different aspects or nuances.

      Figure 1D lacks an x-axis label.

      Worked on the figures in general.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • The paper is very concise, possibly a bit too much. It could use additional explanations to properly affirm its relevance, for example:

      why the choice of fixing the CDR3beta background?

      To make repertoire more similar across the mice, and to track all the features of repertoire using only one chain.

      to what it is fixed?

      As explained in Methods:

      “C57BL/6J DO11.10 TCRβ transgenic mice (kindly provided by Philippa Marrack) and crossed to C57BL/6J Foxp3eGFP TCRa-/- mice.”

      What do you expect to see and not to see in this specific system and why it is important?

      As stated above: we expected repertoire to be more similar across the mice, and it is important to find antigen-specific TCR clusters across mice, and to be able to track all the features of the TCR repertoire using only one chain.

      Does this system induce more convergent responses? If so, can we extrapolate the results from this system to the full alpha-beta response?

      Such a model, compared to conventional mice, is much more powerful in terms of the ability of monitoring convergent TCR responses. At the same time, it behaves natural, mice live almost normally, so we believe it reflects natural behaviour of the full fledged alpha-beta T cell repertoire.

      • Is the lack of similarity of other tissues to Lung/MLN due to a lack of a response?

      As indicated in the title of the corresponding mini-chapter: “eTreg repertoire upon lung challenge is reflected in the draining lymph node”. And conclusion of this mini-chapter is that “these results demonstrate the selective tissue localization of the antigen-focused Treg response. ”

      Can you do a dendrogram like 2a for the other tissues to better clarify what is going on there? There is space in the supplementary material.

      We built lots of those, but in such single dimension mostly they are less informative compared to 2D MDS plots.

      • Figure 5 seems a bit out of place as it looks more related to Figure 2. It could maybe be integrated there, sent to supplementary or become Figure 3?

      This is a different story, about resident Tregs, irrespective of the challenge.

      The whole explanation is here in the text:

      “Global CDR3α cluster analysis revealed that characteristic eTreg TCR motifs were present in distinct lymphatic tissues, including spleen and thymus, irrespective of the applied challenge (Supplementary Fig. 1). To better illustrate this phenomenon, we performed MDS analysis of CDR3α repertoires for distinct lymphatic tissues, excluding the lungs due to their otherwise dominant response to the current challenge. This analysis demonstrated close proximity of eTreg repertoires obtained from the same lymphatic tissues upon all lung challenges and across all animals (Fig. 5a, b). These results indicate that distinct antigenic specificities are generally characteristic for eTreg cells that preferentially reside in particular lymphatic niches. Notably, the convergence of lymphatic tissue-resident TCR repertoires was less prominent for the eCD4 T cells (Fig. 5c, d).”

      And in the abstract:

      “Additionally, our TCRα repertoire analysis demonstrated that distinct antigenic specificities are characteristic for eTreg cells residing in particular lymphatic tissues, regardless of the challenge, revealing the homing-specific, antigen-specific resident Treg populations. ”

      • Have you explored more systematically the role of individual variability? If you stratify by individual, do you observe any trend? If not this is also an interesting observation to highlight and discuss.

      This is inside the calculations and figures/ one dot = 1 mice, so this natural variation is there inside.

      • Regarding the MDS plots: why are 2 dimensions the right amount? Maybe with 3, you can see both tissue specificity and stimuli contributions. Can you do a stress vs # dimensions plot to check what should be the right amount of dimensions to more accurately reproduce the distance matrix?

      Tissue specificity and stimuli contribution is hard to distinguish without focussing on appropriate samples, as we did on Fig. 3 and 5. The work is already not that simple as is, and attempting to analyse this in multidimensional space is far beyond our current abilities. But this is an interesting point for future work, thank you.

      • Figure 2: A better resolution is needed in order to properly resolve the logo plots at the bottom.

      Yes, we worked on Figures, and also provide new Supplementary Figure with all the logos.

      • No code or data are made available. There is also a lack of supplementary figures that complement and expand the results presented in the main text.

      We believe that the main text, although succinct, contains lots of information to analyse and conclusions (preliminary) to make. So we do not see it rational to overload it further.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the current reviews.

      Overall Response

      We thank the reviewers for reviewing our manuscript, recognizing the significance of our study, and offering valuable suggestions. Based on the reviewer’s comments and the updated eLife assessment, we would like to chose the current version of our manuscript as the Version of Record of our manuscript.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Given knowledge of the amino acid sequence and of some version of the 3D structure of two monomers that are expected to form a complex, the authors investigate whether it is possible to accurately predict which residues will be in contact in the 3D structure of the expected complex. To this effect, they train a deep learning model which takes as inputs the geometric structures of the individual monomers, per-residue features (PSSMs) extracted from MSAs for each monomer, and rich representations of the amino acid sequences computed with the pre-trained protein language models ESM-1b, MSA Transformer, and ESM-IF. Predicting inter-protein contacts in complexes is an important problem. Multimer variants of AlphaFold, such as AlphaFold-Multimer, are the current state of the art for full protein complex structure prediction, and if the three-dimensional structure of a complex can be accurately predicted then the inter-protein contacts can also be accurately determined. By contrast, the method presented here seeks state-of-the-art performance among models that have been trained end-to-end for inter-protein contact prediction.


      The paper is carefully written and the method is very well detailed. The model works both for homodimers and heterodimers. The ablation studies convincingly demonstrate that the chosen model architecture is appropriate for the task. Various comparisons suggest that PLMGraph-Inter performs substantially better, given the same input, than DeepHomo, GLINTER, CDPred, DeepHomo2, and DRN-1D2D_Inter.

      The authors control for some degree of redundancy between their training and test sets, both using sequence and structural similarity criteria. This is more careful than can be said of most works in the field of PPI prediction.

      As a byproduct of the analysis, a potentially useful heuristic criterion for acceptable contact prediction quality is found by the authors: namely, to have at least 50% precision in the prediction of the top 50 contacts.

      We thank the reviewer for recognizing the strengths of our work!


      The authors check for performance drops when the test set is restricted to pairs of interacting proteins such that the chain pair is not similar as a pair (in sequence or structure) to a pair present in the training set. A more challenging test would be to restrict the test set to pairs of interacting proteins such that none of the chains are separately similar to monomers present in the training set. In the case of structural similarity (TM-scores), this would amount to replacing the two "min"s with "max"s in Eq. (4). In the case of sequence similarity, one would simply require that no monomer in the test set is in any MMSeqs2 cluster observed in the training set. This may be an important check to make, because a protein may interact with several partners, and/or may use the same sites for several distinct interactions, contributing to residual data leakage in the test set.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! In the case of protein-protein prediction (“0D prediction”) or protein-protein interfacial residue prediction(“1D prediction”), we think making none of the chains in the test set separately similar to monomers in the training set is necessary, as the reviewer pointed out that a protein may interact with several partners, and may even use the same sites for the interactions. Since the task of this study is predicting the inter-protein residue-residue contacts (“2D prediction”), even though a protein uses the same site to interact with different partners, as long as the interacting partners are different, the inter-protein contact maps would be different. Therefore, we don’t think that in our task, making this restriction to the test set is necessary.

      The training set of AFM with v2 weights has a global cutoff of 30 April 2018, while that of PLMGraph-Inter has a cutoff of March 7 2022. So there may be structures in the test set for PLMGraph-Inter that are not in the training set of AFM with v2 weights (released between May 2018 and March 2022). The "Benchmark 2" dataset from the AFM paper may have a few additional structures not in the training or test set for PLMGraph-Inter. I realize there may be only few structures that are in neither training set, but still think that showing the comparison between PLMGraph-Inter and AFM there would be important, even if no statistically significant conclusions can be drawn.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! It is not enough to only use the date cutoff to remove the redundancy, since similar structures can be deposited in the PDB in different dates. Because AFM does not release the PDB codes of its training set, it is difficult for us to totally remove the redundancy. Therefore, we think no rigorous conclusion can be drawn by including these comparisons in the manuscript. Besides, the main point of this study is to demonstrate that the integration of multiple protein language models using protein geometric graphs can dramatically improve the model performance for inter-protein contact prediction, which can provide some important enlightenments for the future development of more powerful protein complex structure prediction methods beyond AFM, rather than providing a tool which can beat AFM at this moment. We think including too many stuffs in the comparison with AFM may distract the readers. Therefore, we choose to not include these comparisons in the manuscript.

      Finally, the inclusion of AFM confidence scores is very good. A user would likely trust AFM predictions when the confidence score is high, but look for alternative predictions when it is low. The authors' analysis (Figure 6, panels c and d) seems to suggest that, in the case of heterodimers, when AFM has low confidence, PLMGraph-Inter improves precision by (only) about 3% on average. By comparison, the reported gains in the "DockQ-failed" and "precision-failed" bins are based on knowledge of the ground truth final structure, and thus are not actionable in a real use-case.

      We agree with the reviewer that more studies are needed for providing a model which can well complement or even beat AFM. The main point of this study is to demonstrate that the integration of multiple protein language models using protein geometric graphs can dramatically improve the model performance for inter-protein contact prediction, which can provide some important enlightenments for the future development of more powerful protein complex structure prediction methods beyond AFM.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This work introduces PLMGraph-Inter, a new deep learning approach for predicting inter-protein contacts, which is crucial for understanding proteinprotein interactions. Despite advancements in this field, especially driven by AlphaFold, prediction accuracy and efficiency in terms of computational cost still remains an area for improvement. PLMGraph-Inter utilizes invariant geometric graphs to integrate the features from multiple protein language models into the structural information of each subunit. When compared against other inter-protein contact prediction methods, PLMGraph-Inter shows better performance which indicates that utilizing both sequence embeddings and structural embeddings is important to achieve high-accuracy predictions with relatively smaller computational costs for the model training.

      We thank the reviewer for recognizing the strengths of our work!

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • I recommend renaming the section "Further potential redundancies removal between the training and the test" to "Further potential redundancies removal between the training and the test sets"


      • In lines 768-769, the sentence seems to end prematurely in "to use more stringent threshold in the redundancy removal"


      • In Eq. (4), line 789, there are many instances of dashes that look like minus signs, creating some confusion.


      • I think I may have mixed up figure references in my first review. When I said (Recommendations to the authors): "p. 22, line 2: from the figure, I would have guessed "greater than or equal to 0.7", not 0.8", I think I was referring to what is now lines 423-424, referring to what is now Figure 5c. The point stands there, I think.


      • A couple of new grammatical mishaps have been introduced in the revision. These could be rectified.

      We carefully rechecked our revisions, and corrected the grammatical issues we found.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Most of my concerns were resolved through the revision. I have only one suggestion for the main figure.

      The current scatter plots in Figure 2 are hard to understand as too many different methods are abstracted into a single plot with multiple colors. I would suggest comparing their performances using box plot or violin plot for the figure 2.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! In the revision, we tried violin plot, but it does not look good since too many different methods are included in the plot. Besides, we chose the scatter plot as it can provide much more details. We also provided the individual head-to-head scatter plots as supplementary figures, we think which can also be helpful for the readers to capture the information of the figures.

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Overall Response

      We would like to thank the reviewers for reviewing our manuscript, recognizing the significance of our study, and offering valuable suggestions. We have carefully revised the manuscript to address all the concerns and suggestions raised by the reviewers.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Given knowledge of the amino acid sequence and of some version of the 3D structure of two monomers that are expected to form a complex, the authors investigate whether it is possible to accurately predict which residues will be in contact in the 3D structure of the expected complex. To this effect, they train a deep learning model that takes as inputs the geometric structures of the individual monomers, per-residue features (PSSMs) extracted from MSAs for each monomer, and rich representations of the amino acid sequences computed with the pre-trained protein language models ESM-1b, MSA Transformer, and ESM-IF. Predicting inter-protein contacts in complexes is an important problem. Multimer variants of AlphaFold, such as AlphaFold-Multimer, are the current state of the art for full protein complex structure prediction, and if the three-dimensional structure of a complex can be accurately predicted then the inter-protein contacts can also be accurately determined. By contrast, the method presented here seeks state-of-the-art performance among models that have been trained end-to-end for inter-protein contact prediction.


      The paper is carefully written and the method is very well detailed. The model works both for homodimers and heterodimers. The ablation studies convincingly demonstrate that the chosen model architecture is appropriate for the task. Various comparisons suggest that PLMGraph-Inter performs substantially better, given the same input than DeepHomo, GLINTER, CDPred, DeepHomo2, and DRN-1D2D_Inter. As a byproduct of the analysis, a potentially useful heuristic criterion for acceptable contact prediction quality is found by the authors: namely, to have at least 50% precision in the prediction of the top 50 contacts.

      We thank the reviewer for recognizing the strengths of our work!


      My biggest issue with this work is the evaluations made using bound monomer structures as inputs, coming from the very complexes to be predicted. Conformational changes in protein-protein association are the key element of the binding mechanism and are challenging to predict. While the GLINTER paper (Xie & Xu, 2022) is guilty of the same sin, the authors of CDPred (Guo et al., 2022) correctly only report test results obtained using predicted unbound tertiary structures as inputs to their model. Test results using experimental monomer structures in bound states can hide important limitations in the model, and thus say very little about the realistic use cases in which only the unbound structures (experimental or predicted) are available. I therefore strongly suggest reducing the importance given to the results obtained using bound structures and emphasizing instead those obtained using predicted monomer structures as inputs.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! In the revision, to emphasize the performance of PLMGraph-Inter using the predicted monomer structures, we moved the evaluation results based on the predicted monomer from the supplementary to the main text (see the new Table 1 and Figure 2 in the revised manuscript) and re-organized the two subsections “Evaluation of PLMGraph-Inter on HomoPDB and HeteroPDB test sets” and “Impact of the monomeric structure quality on contact prediction” in the main text.

      In particular, the most relevant comparison with AlphaFold-Multimer (AFM) is given in Figure S2, not Figure 6. Unfortunately, it substantially shrinks the proportion of structures for which AFM fails while PLMGraph-Inter performs decently. Still, it would be interesting to investigate why this occurs. One possibility would be that the predicted monomer structures are of bad quality there, and PLMGraph-Inter may be able to rely on a signal from its language model features instead. Finally, AFM multimer confidence values ("iptm + ptm") should be provided, especially in the cases in which AFM struggles.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! It is worth noting that AFM automatically searches monomer templates in the prediction, and when we checked our AFM runs, we found that 99% of the targets in our study (including all the targets in the four datasets: HomoPDB, HeteroPDB, DHTest and DB5.5) at least 20 templates were identified (AFM employed the top 20 templates in the prediction), and 87.8% of the targets employed the native templates (line 455-462 in page 25 in the subsection of “Comparison of PLMGraph-Inter with AlphaFold-Multimer”). Therefore, we think Figure 6 not Figure S5 (the original Figure S2) shows a fairer comparison. Besides, it is also worth noting the targets used in this study would have a large overlap with the training set of AlphaFold-Multimer, since AFM used all protein complex structures in PDB deposited before 2018-04-30 in the model training, which would further cause the overestimation of the performance of AFM (line 450-455 in page 24-25 in the subsection of “Comparison of PLMGraph-Inter with AlphaFold-Multimer”).

      To mimic the performance of AlphaFold2 in real practice and produce predicted monomeric structures with more diverse qualities, we only used the MSA searched from Uniref100 protein sequence database as the input to AlphaFold2 and set to not use the template (line 203~210 in page 12 in the subsection of “Evaluation of PLMGraph-Inter on HomoPDB and HeteroPDB test sets”). Since some of the predicted monomer structures are of bad quality, it is reasonable that the performance of PLMGraph-Inter drops when the predicted monomeric structures are used in the prediction. We provided a detailed analysis of the impact of the monomeric structure quality on the prediction performance in the subsection “Impact of the monomeric structure quality on contact prediction” in the main text.

      We provided the analysis of the AFM multimer confidence values (“iptm + ptm”) in the revision (Figure 6, Figure S5 and line 495-501 in page 27 in the subsection of “Comparison of PLMGraph-Inter with AlphaFold-Multimer”).

      Besides, in cases where any experimental structures - bound or unbound - are available and given to PLMGraph-Inter as inputs, they should also be provided to AlphaFold-Multimer (AFM) as templates. Withholding these from AFM only makes the comparison artificially unfair. Hence, a new test should be run using AFM templates, and a new version of Figure 6 should be produced. Additionally, AFM's mean precision, at least for top-50 contact prediction, should be reported so it can be compared with PLMGraph-Inter's.

      We thank the reviewers for the suggestion, and we are sorry for the confusion! In the AFM runs to predict protein complex structures, we used the default setting of AFM which automatically searches monomer templates in the prediction. When we checked our AFM runs, we found that 99% of the targets in our study (including all the targets in the four datasets: HomoPDB, HeteroPDB, DHTest and DB5.5) employed at least 20 templates in their predictions (AFM only used the top 20 templates), and 87.8% of the targets employed the native template. We further clarified this in the revision (line 455462 in page 25 in the subsection of “Comparison of PLMGraph-Inter with AlphaFoldMultimer”). We also included the mean precisions of AFM (top-50 contact prediction) in the revision (Table S5 and line 483-484 in page 26 in the subsection of “Comparison of PLMGraph-Inter with AlphaFold-Multimer”).

      It's a shame that many of the structures used in the comparison with AFM are actually in the AFM v2 training set. If there are any outside the AFM v2 training set and, ideally, not sequence- or structure-homologous to anything in the AFM v2 training set, they should be discussed and reported on separately. In addition, why not test on structures from the "Benchmark 2" or "Recent-PDB-Multimers" datasets used in the AFM paper?

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! The biggest challenge to objectively evaluate AFM is that as far as we known, AFM does not release the PDB ids of its training set and the “Recent-PDB-Multimers” dataset. “Benchmark 2” only includes 17 heterodimer proteins, and the number would be further decreased after removing targets redundant to our training set. We think it is difficult to draw conclusions from such a small number of targets.

      It is also worth noting that the AFM v2 weights have now been outdated for a while, and better v3 weights now exist, with a training cutoff of 2021-09-30.

      Author response image 1.

      The head-to-head comparison of qualities of complex predicted by AlphaFold-Multimer (2.2.0) and AlphaFold-Multimer (2.3.2) for each target PPI.

      We thank the reviewer for reminding the new version of AFM. The only difference between AFM V3 and V2 is the cutoff date of the training set. During the revision, we also tested the new version of AFM on the datasets of HomoPDB and HeteroPDB, but we found the performance difference between the two versions of AFM is actually very little (see the figure above, not shown in the main text). One reason might be that some targets in HomoPDB and HeteroPDB are redundant with the training sets of the two version of AFM. Since our test sets would have more overlaps with the training set of AFM V3, we keep using the AFM V2 weights in this study.

      Another weakness in the evaluation framework: because PLMGraph-Inter uses structural inputs, it is not sufficient to make its test set non-redundant in sequence to its training set. It must also be non-redundant in structure. The Benchmark 2 dataset mentioned above is an example of a test set constructed by removing structures with homologous templates in the AF2 training set. Something similar should be done here.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! In the revision, we explored the performance of PLMGraph-Inter when using different thresholds of fold similarity scores of interacting monomers to further remove potential redundancies between the training and test sets (i.e. redundancy in structure ) (line 353-386 in page 19-21 in the subsection “Ablation study”; line 762-797 in page 41-43 in the subsection “Further potential redundancies removal between the training and the test”). We found that for heteromeric PPIs (targets in HeteroPDB), the further removal of potential redundancy in structure has little impact on the model performance (~3%, when TM-score 0.5 is used as the threshold). However, for homomeric PPIs (targets in HomoPDB), the further removal of potential redundancy in structure significantly reduce the model performance (~18%, when TM-score 0.5 is used as the threshold) (see Table 2). One possible reason for this phenomenon is that the binding mode of the homomeric PPI is largely determined by the fold of its monomer, thus the does not generalize well on targets whose folds have never been seen during the training.

      Whether the deep learning model can generalize well on targets with novel folds is a very interesting and important question. We thank the reviewer for pointing out this! However, to the best of our knowledge, this question has rarely been addressed by previous studies including AFM. For example, the Benchmark 2 dataset is prepared by ClusPro TBM (bioRxiv 2021.09.07.459290; Proteins 2020, 88:1082-1090) which uses a sequence-based approach (HHsearch) to identify templates not structure-based. Therefore, we don’t think this dataset is non-redundant in structure.

      Finally, the performance of DRN-1D2D for top-50 precision reported in Table 1 suggests to me that, in an ablation study, language model features alone would yield better performance than geometric features alone. So, I am puzzled why model "a" in the ablation is a "geometry-only" model and not a "LM-only" one.

      Using the protein geometric graph to integrate multiple protein language models is the main idea of PLMGraph-Inter. Comparing with our previous work (DRN-1D2D_Inter), we consider the building of the geometric graph as one major contribution of this work. To emphasize the efficacy of this geometric graph, we chose to use the “geometry-only” model as the base model.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Some sections of the paper use technical terminology which limits accessibility to a broad audience. An obvious example is in the section "Results > Overview of PLMGraph-Inter > The residual network module": the average eLife reader is not a machine learning expert and might not be familiar with a "convolution with kernel size of 1 * 1". In general, the "Overview of PLMGraph-Inter" is a bit heavy with technical details, and I suggest moving many of these to Methods. This overview section can still be there but it should be shorter and written using less technical language.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! We moved some technical details to the Methods section in the revision (line 184-185 in page 11; line 729-735 in page 39).

      List of typos and minor issues (page number according to merged PDF):

      • p. 3. line -3: remove "to"

      Corrected (line 36, page 3)

      • p. 5, line 7: "GINTER" should be "GLINTER"

      Corrected (line 64, page 5)

      • p. 6, line -4: "Given structures" -> "Given the structures"

      Corrected (line 95, page 6)

      • p. 6, line -2: "with which encoded"... ?

      We rephrased this sentence in revision. (line 97, page 6)

      • p. 9, line 1: "principal" -> "principle"

      Corrected (line 142, page 9)

      • p. 13, line 1: "has" -> "but have"

      Corrected (line 231, page 13)

      • p. 14, lines 6-7: "As can be seen from the figure that the predicted" -> "As can be seen from the figure, the predicted"

      We rephrased this paragraph, and the sentence was deleted in the revision (line 257-259 in page 15).

      • p. 18, line 1: the "five models" are presumably models a-e? If so, say "of models a-e"

      Corrected (line 310, page 17)

      • p. 22, line 2: from the figure, I would have guessed "greater than or equal to 0.7", not 0.8

      Based the Figure 3C, we think 0.8 is a more appropriate cutoff, since the precision drops significantly when the DTM-score is within 0.7~0.8.

      • p. 23, lines 2-3: "worth to making" -> "worth making"

      Corrected (line 443, page 24)

      • p. 24, line -5: "predict" -> "predicted"

      Corrected (line 484, page 26)

      • p 28, line -5: Please clarify what you mean by "We doubt": are you saying that you don't think these rearrangements exist in nature? If not, then reword.

      Corrected (line 566, page 30)

      • Figure 2, panel c, "DCPred" in the legend should be "CDPred"


      • Figures 3 and 5: Please improve the y-axis title in panel C. "Percent" of what?

      We changed the “Percent” to “% of targets” in the revision.

      We thank the reviewer for carefully reading our manuscript!

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This work introduces PLMGraph-Inter, a new deep-learning approach for predicting inter-protein contacts, which is crucial for understanding proteinprotein interactions. Despite advancements in this field, especially driven by AlphaFold, prediction accuracy and efficiency in terms of computational cost) still remains an area for improvement. PLMGraph-Inter utilizes invariant geometric graphs to integrate the features from multiple protein language models into the structural information of each subunit. When compared against other inter-protein contact prediction methods, PLMGraph-Inter shows better performance which indicates that utilizing both sequence embeddings and structural embeddings is important to achieve high-accuracy predictions with relatively smaller computational costs for the model training.

      The conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by data, but test examples should be revisited with a more strict sequence identity cutoff to avoid any potential information leakage from the training data. The main figures should be improved to make them easier to understand.

      We thank the reviewer for recognizing the significance of our work! We have carefully revised the manuscript to address the reviewer’s concerns.

      (1) The sequence identity cutoff to remove redundancies between training and test set was set to 40%, which is a bit high to remove test examples having homology to training examples. For example, CDPred uses a sequence identity cutoff of 30% to strictly remove redundancies between training and test set examples. To make their results more solid, the authors should have curated test examples with lower sequence identity cutoffs, or have provided the performance changes against sequence identities to the closest training examples.

      We thank the reviewer for the valuable suggestion! The “40 sequence identity” is a widely used threshold to remove redundancy when evaluating deep-learning based protein-protein interaction and protein complex structure prediction methods, thus we also chose this threshold in our study (bioRxiv 2021.10.04.463034, Cell Syst. 2021 Oct 20;12(10):969-982.e6). In the revision, we explored whether PLMGraph-inter can keep its performance when more stringent thresholds (30%,20%,10%) is applied (line 353386 in page 20-21 in the subsection of “Ablation study” and line 762-780 in page 40 in the subsection of “Further potential redundancies removal between the training and the test”). The result shows that even when using “10% sequence identity” as the threshold, mean precisions of the predicted contacts only decreases by ~3% (Table 2).

      (2) Figures with head-to-head comparison scatter plots are hard to understand as scatter plots because too many different methods are abstracted into a single plot with multiple colors. It would be better to provide individual head-tohead scatter plots as supplementary figures, not in the main figure.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! We will include the individual head-to-head scatter plots as supplementary figures in the revision (Figure S1 and Figure S2 in the supplementary).

      (3) The authors claim that PLMGraph-Inter is complementary to AlphaFoldmultimer as it shows better precision for the cases where AlphaFold-multimer fails. To strengthen the point, the qualities of predicted complex structures via protein-protein docking with predicted contacts as restraints should have been compared to those of AlphaFold-multimer structures.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! We included this comparison in the revision (Figure S7).

      (4) It would be interesting to further analyze whether there is a difference in prediction performance depending on the depth of multiple sequence alignment or the type of complex (antigen-antibody, enzyme-substrates, single species PPI, multiple species PPI, etc).

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! We analyzed the relationship between the prediction performance and the depth of MSA in the revision (Figure S4 and Line 253264 in page 15 in the subsection of “Evaluation of PLMGraph-Inter on HomoPDB and HeteroPDB test sets” and line 798-806 in page 42 in the subsection of “Calculating the normalized number of the effective sequences of paired MSA”).

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I have the following suggestions in addition to the public review.

      (1) Overall, the manuscript is well-written; however, I recommend a careful review for minor grammar corrections to polish the final text.

      We carefully checked the manuscript and corrected all the grammar issues and typos we found in the revision.

      (2) It would be better to indicate that single sequence embeddings, MSA embeddings, and structure embeddings are ESM-1b, ESM-MSA & PSSM, and ESM-IF when they are first mentioned in the manuscript e.g. single sequence embeddings from ESM-1b, MSA embeddings from ESM-MSA and PSSM, and structural embeddings from ESM-IF.

      We revised the manuscript according to the reviewer’s suggestion (line 86-88 in page 6; line 99-101 in page 7).

      (3) I don't think "outer concatenation" is commonly used. Please specify whether it's outer sum, outer product, or horizontal & vertical tiling followed by concatenation.

      It is horizontal & vertical tiling followed by concatenation. We clarified this in the revision (line 129-130 in page 8).

      (4) 10th sentence on the page where the Results section starts, please briefly mention what are the other 2D pairwise features.

      We clarified this in the revision (line 131-132 in page 8).

      (5) In the result section, it states edges are defined based on Ca distances, but in the method section, it says edges are determined based on heavy atom distances. Please correct one of them.

      It should be Ca distances. We are sorry for the carelessness, and we corrected this in the revision (line 646 in page 35).

      (6) For the sentence, "Where ESM-1b and ESM-MSA-1b are pretrained PLMs learned from large datasets of sequences and MSAs respectively without label supervision,", I'd suggest replacing "without label supervision" with "with masked language modeling tasks" for clarity.

      We revised the manuscript according to the reviewer’s suggestion (line 150-151 in page 9).

      (7) It would be better to briefly explain what is the dimensional hybrid residual block when it first mentioned.

      We explained the dimensional hybrid residue block when it first mentioned in the revision (line 107 in page 7).

      (8) Please include error bars for the bar plots and standard deviations for the tables.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion! Our understanding is the error bars and standard deviations are very informative for data which follow gaussian-like distributions, but our data (precisions of the predicted contacts) are obviously not this type. Most previous studies in protein contact prediction and inter-protein contact prediction also did not include these in their plots or tables. In our case, including these elements requires a dramatic change of the styles of our figures and tables, but we would like to not change our figures and tables too much in the revision.

      (9) Please indicate whether the chain break is considered to generate attention map features from ESM-MSA-1b. If it's considered, please specify how.

      The paired sequences were directly concatenated without using any letter to connect them, which means we did not consider chain break in generating the attention maps from ESM-MSA-1b.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Response to reviewer 1 comments on “weaknesses”:

      “A weakness in the approach is the use of genetic models that do not offer complete deletion of the prolactin receptor from targeted neuronal populations...”

      We acknowledge that neither model used provided a complete deletion of the prolactin receptor (Prlr) from the targeted neuronal populations. We suspect that incomplete deletion of targeted genes is not uncommon in these sort of studies, but this remains the best approach to addressing our question, and we believe we have been thorough and transparent in reporting the degree of deletion observed. We thought we had appropriately discussed the implications of the low proportion of Kiss1 cells still expressing Prlr, but will certainly revisit to ensure it is discussed thoroughly. This does not detract, however, from the key conclusion that prolactin action is necessary for full suppression of fertility in lactation in the mouse.

      “Results showing no impact of progesterone on LH secretion during lactation are surprising, given the effectiveness of progesterone-containing birth control in lactating women...”

      We think that this comment misrepresents what has been done in our study. We did not report a lack of impact of progesterone, as exogenous progesterone was never administered to mice. We did, however, give mifepristone as a progesterone receptor antagonist to determine whether endogenous progesterone contributed to the suppression of kisspeptin neuronal activity. We found that mifepristone, at levels sufficient to terminate pregnancy, had no effect on pulsatile LH secretion in lactating mice. This is consistent with our prior observation that progesterone levels are low in mouse lactation, suggesting that progesterone does not contribute significantly to the suppression of kisspeptin neuronal activity during lactation in the mouse. We agree with the reviewer that if we had given exogenous progesterone, it likely would result in suppression of pulsatile LH secretion (as it does in women). Indeed, in other work, we have found that progesterone administration profoundly suppresses activity of the kisspeptin neurons in mice (https://doi.org/10.1210/en.2019-00193). But this was not the point of the present experiment. We will review how we have described this experiment to ensure that this is absolutely clear.

      “While the authors assert their findings may reflect an important role for prolactin in lactational infertility in other mammalian species, that remains to be seen….”

      We acknowledge that our study cannot address whether prolactin is necessary for the suppression of lactation in other mammalian species. We hope our data may stimulate a re-examination of this question in other species, however, as some of the prior methodology (such as using pharmacological suppression of prolactin) may have had off target effects that confound interpretation. We thought that this point was discussed appropriately in the manuscript but we will certainly check and make sure this is addressed suitably.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors present a number of deep-learning models to analyse the dynamics of epithelia. In this way, they want to overcome the time-consuming manual analysis of such data and also remove a potential operator bias. Specifically, they set up models for identifying cell division events and cell division orientation. They apply these tools to the epithelium of the developing Drosophila pupal wing. They confirm a linear decrease of the division density with time and identify a burst of cell division after the healing of a wound that they had induced earlier. These division events happen a characteristic time after and a characteristic distance away from the wound. These characteristic quantities depend on the size of the wound.


      The methods developed in this work achieve the goals set by the authors and are a very helpful addition to the toolbox of developmental biologists. They could potentially be used on various developing epithelia. The evidence for the impact of wounds on cell division is solid.


      Some aspects of the deep-learning models remained unclear, and the authors might want to think about adding details. First of all, for readers not being familiar with deep-learning models, I would like to see more information about ResNet and U-Net, which are at the base of the new deep-learning models developed here. What is the structure of these networks?

      We agree with the Reviewer and have included additional information on page 8 of the manuscript, outlining some background information about the architecture of ResNet and U-Net models.

      How many parameters do you use?

      We apologise for this omission and have now included the number of parameters and layers in each model in the methods section on page 25.

      What is the difference between validating and testing the model? Do the corresponding data sets differ fundamentally?

      The difference between ‘validating’ and ‘testing’ the model is validating data is used during training to determine whether the model is overfitting. If the model is performing well on the training data but not on the validating data, this a key signal the model is overfitting and changes will need to be made to the network/training method to prevent this. The testing data is used after all the training has been completed and is used to test the performance of the model on fresh data it has not been trained on. We have removed refence to the validating data in the main text to make it simpler and add this explanation to the methods. There is no fundamental (or experimental) difference between each of the labelled data sets; rather, they are collected from different biological samples. We have now included this information in the Methods text on page 24.

      How did you assess the quality of the training data classification?

      These data were generated and hand-labelled by an expert with many years of experience in identifying cell divisions in imaging data, to give the ground truth for the deep learning model.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      You repeatedly use 'new', 'novel' as well as 'surprising' and 'unexpected'. The latter are rather subjective and it is not clear based on what prior knowledge you make these statements. Unless indicated otherwise, it is understood that the results and methods are new, so you can delete these terms.

      We have deleted these words, as suggested, for almost all cases.

      p.4 "as expected" add a reference or explain why it is expected.

      A reference has now been included in this section, as suggested.

      p.4 "cell divisions decrease linearly with time" Only later (p.10) it turns out that you think about the density of cell divisions.

      This has been changed to "cell division density decreases linearly with time".

      p.5 "imagine is largely in one plane" while below "we generated a 3D z-stack" and above "our in vivo 3D image data" (p.4). Although these statements are not strictly contradictory, I still find them confusing. Eventually, you analyse a 2D image, so I would suggest that you refer to your in vivo data as being 2D.

      We apologise for the confusion here; the imaging data was initially generated using 3D z-stacks but this 3D data is later converted to a 2D focused image, on which the deep learning analysis is performed. We are now more careful with the language in the text.

      p.7 "We have overcome (...) the standard U-Net model" This paragraph remains rather cryptic to me. Maybe you can explain in two sentences what a U-Net is or state its main characteristics. Is it important to state which class you have used at this point? Similarly, what is the exact role of the ResNet model? What are its characteristics?

      We have included more details on both the ResNet and U-Net models and how our model incorporates properties from them on Page 8.

      p.8 Table 1 Where do I find it? Similarly, I could not find Table 2.

      These were originally located in the supplemental information document, but have been moved to the main manuscript.

      p.9 "developing tissue in normal homeostatic conditions" Aren't homeostatic and developing contradictory? In one case you maintain a state, in the other, it changes.

      We agree with the Reviewer and have removed the word ‘homeostatic’.

      p.9 "Develop additional models" I think 'models' refers to deep learning models, not to physical models of epithelial tissue development. Maybe you can clarify this?

      Yes, this is correct; we have phrased this better in the text.

      p.12 "median error" median difference to the manually acquired data?

      Yes, and we have made this clearer in the text, too.

      p.12 "we expected to observe a bias of division orientation along this axis" Can you justify the expectation? Elongated cells are not necessarily aligned with the direction of a uniaxially applied stress.

      Although this is not always the case, we have now included additional references to previous work from other groups which demonstrated that wing epithelial cells do become elongated along the P/D axis in response to tension.

      p.14 "a rather random orientation" Please, quantify.

      The division orientations are quantified in Fig. 4F,G; we have now changed our description from ‘random’ to ‘unbiased’.

      p.17 "The theories that must be developed will be statistical mechanical (stochastic) in nature" I do not understand. Statistical mechanics refers to systems at thermodynamic equilibrium, stochastic to processes that depend on, well, stochastic input.

      We have clarified that we are referring to non-equilibrium statistical mechanics (the study of macroscopic systems far from equilibrium, a rich field of research with many open problems and applications in biology).

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors propose a computational method based on deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to automatically detect cell divisions in two-dimensional fluorescence microscopy timelapse images. Three deep learning models are proposed to detect the timing of division, predict the division axis, and enhance cell boundary images to segment cells before and after division. Using this computational pipeline, the authors analyze the dynamics of cell divisions in the epithelium of the Drosophila pupal wing and find that a wound first induces a reduction in the frequency of division followed by a synchronised burst of cell divisions about 100 minutes after its induction.

      In general, novelty over previous work does not seem particularly important. From a methodological point of view, the models are based on generic architectures of convolutional neural networks, with minimal changes, and on ideas already explored in general. The authors seem to have missed much (most?) of the literature on the specific topic of detecting mitotic events in 2D timelapse images, which has been published in more specialized journals or Proceedings. (TPMAI, CCVPR etc., see references below). Even though the image modality or biological structure may be different (non-fluorescent images sometimes), I don't believe it makes a big difference. How the authors' approach compares to this previously published work is not discussed, which prevents me from objectively assessing the true contribution of this article from a methodological perspective.

      On the contrary, some competing works have proposed methods based on newer - and generally more efficient - architectures specifically designed to model temporal sequences (Phan 2018, Kitrungrotsakul 2019, 2021, Mao 2019, Shi 2020). These natural candidates (recurrent networks, long-short-term memory (LSTM) gated recurrent units (GRU), or even more recently transformers), coupled to CNNs are not even mentioned in the manuscript, although they have proved their generic superiority for inference tasks involving time series (Major point 2). Even though the original idea/trick of exploiting the different channels of RGB images to address the temporal aspect might seem smart in the first place - as it reduces the task of changing/testing a new architecture to a minimum - I guess that CNNs trained this way may not generalize very well to videos where the temporal resolution is changed slightly (Major point 1). This could be quite problematic as each new dataset acquired with a different temporal resolution or temperature may require manual relabeling and retraining of the network. In this perspective, recent alternatives (Phan 2018, Gilad 2019) have proposed unsupervised approaches, which could largely reduce the need for manual labeling of datasets.

      We thank the reviewer for their constructive comments. Our goal is to develop a cell detection method that has a very high accuracy, which is critical for practical and effective application to biological problems. The algorithms need to be robust enough to cope with the difficult experimental systems we are interested in studying, which involve densely packed epithelial cells within in vivo tissues that are continuously developing, as well as repairing. In response to the above comments of the reviewer, we apologise for not including these important papers from the division detection and deep learning literature, which are now discussed in the Introduction (on page 4).

      A key novelty of our approach is the use of multiple fluorescent channels to increase information for the model. As the referee points out, our method benefits from using and adapting existing highly effective architectures. Hence, we have been able to incorporate deeper models than some others have previously used. An additional novelty is using this same model architecture (retrained) to detect cell division orientation. For future practical use by us and other biologists, the models can easily be adapted and retrained to suit experimental conditions, including different multiple fluorescent channels or number of time points. Unsupervised approaches are very appealing due to the potential time saved compared to manual hand labelling of data. However, the accuracy of unsupervised models are currently much lower than that of supervised (as shown in Phan 2018) and most importantly well below the levels needed for practical use analysing inherently variable (and challenging) in vivo experimental data.

      Regarding the other convolutional neural networks described in the manuscript:

      (1) The one proposed to predict the orientation of mitosis performs a regression task, predicting a probability for the division angle. The architecture, which must be different from a simple Unet, is not detailed anywhere, so the way it was designed is difficult to assess. It is unclear if it also performs mitosis detection, or if it is instead used to infer orientation once the timing and location of the division have been inferred by the previous network.

      The neural network used for U-NetOrientation has the same architecture as U-NetCellDivision10 but has been retrained to complete a different task: finding division orientation. Our workflow is as follows: firstly, U-NetCellDivision10 is used to find cell divisions; secondly, U-NetOrientation is applied locally to determine the division orientation. These points have now been clarified in the main text on Page 14.

      (2) The one proposed to improve the quality of cell boundary images before segmentation is nothing new, it has now become a classic step in segmentation, see for example Wolny et al. eLife 2020.

      We have cited similar segmentation models in our paper and thank the referee for this additional one. We had made an improvement to the segmentation models, using GFP-tagged E-cadherin, a protein localised in a thin layer at the apical boundary of cells. So, while this is primarily a 2D segmentation problem, some additional information is available in the z-axis as the protein is visible in 2-3 separate z-slices. Hence, we supplied this 3-focal plane input to take advantage of the 3D nature of this signal. This approach has been made more explicit in the text (Pages 14, 15) and Figure (Fig. 2D).

      As a side note, I found it a bit frustrating to realise that all the analysis was done in 2D while the original images are 3D z-stacks, so a lot of the 3D information had to be compressed and has not been used. A novelty, in my opinion, could have resided in the generalisation to 3D of the deep-learning approaches previously proposed in that context, which are exclusively 2D, in particular, to predict the orientation of the division.

      Our experimental system is a relatively flat 2D tissue with the orientation of the cell divisions consistently in the xy-plane. Hence, a 2D analysis is most appropriate for this system. With the successful application of the 2D methods already achieving high accuracy, we envision that extension to 3D would only offer a slight increase in effectiveness as these measurements have little room for improvement. Therefore, we did not extend the method to 3D here. However, of course, this is the next natural step in our research as 3D models would be essential for studying 3D tissues; such 3D models will be computationally more expensive to analyse and more challenging to hand label.

      Concerning the biological application of the proposed methods, I found the results interesting, showing the potential of such a method to automatise mitosis quantification for a particular biological question of interest, here wound healing. However, the deep learning methods/applications that are put forward as the central point of the manuscript are not particularly original.

      We thank the referee for their constructive comments. Our aim was not only to show the accuracy of our models but also to show how they might be useful to biologists for automated analysis of large datasets, which is a—if not the—bottleneck for many imaging experiments. The ability to process large datasets will improve robustness of results, as well as allow additional hypotheses to be tested. Our study also demonstrated that these models can cope with real in vivo experiments where additional complications such as progressive development, tissue wounding and inflammation must be accounted for.

      Major point 1: generalisation potential of the proposed method.

      The neural network model proposed for mitosis detection relies on a 2D convolutional neural network (CNN), more specifically on the Unet architecture, which has become widespread for the analysis of biology and medical images. The strategy proposed here exploits the fact that the input of such an architecture is natively composed of several channels (originally 3 to handle the 3 RGB channels, which is actually a holdover from computer vision, since most medical/biological images are gray images with a single channel), to directly feed the network with 3 successive images of a timelapse at a time. This idea is, in itself, interesting because no modification of the original architecture had to be carried out. The latest 10-channel model (U-NetCellDivision10), which includes more channels for better performance, required minimal modification to the original U-Net architecture but also simultaneous imaging of cadherin in addition to histone markers, which may not be a generic solution.

      We believe we have provided a general approach for practical use by biologists that can be applied to a range of experimental data, whether that is based on varying numbers of fluorescent channels and/or timepoints. We envisioned that experimental biologists are likely to have several different parameters permissible for measurement based on their specific experimental conditions e.g., different fluorescently labelled proteins (e.g. tubulin) and/or time frames. To accommodate this, we have made it easy and clear in the code on GitHub how these changes can be made. While the model may need some alterations and retraining, the method itself is a generic solution as the same principles apply to very widely used fluorescent imaging techniques.

      Since CNN-based methods accept only fixed-size vectors (fixed image size and fixed channel number) as input (and output), the length or time resolution of the extracted sequences should not vary from one experience to another. As such, the method proposed here may lack generalization capabilities, as it would have to be retrained for each experiment with a slightly different temporal resolution. The paper should have compared results with slightly different temporal resolutions to assess its inference robustness toward fluctuations in division speed.

      If multiple temporal resolutions are required for a set of experiments, we envision that the model could be trained over a range of these different temporal resolutions. Of course, the temporal resolution, which requires the largest vector would be chosen as the model's fixed number of input channels. Given the depth of the models used and the potential to easily increase this by replacing resnet34 with resnet50 or resnet101 the model would likely be able to cope with this, although we have not specifically tested this. (page 27)

      Another approach (not discussed) consists in directly convolving several temporal frames using a 3D CNN (2D+time) instead of a 2D, in order to detect a temporal event. Such an idea shares some similarities with the proposed approach, although in this previous work (Ji et al. TPAMI 2012 and for split detection Nie et al. CCVPR 2016) convolution is performed spatio-temporally, which may present advantages. How does the authors' method compare to such an (also very simple) approach?

      We thank the Reviewer for this insightful comment. The text now discusses this (on Pages 8 and 17). Key differences between the models include our incorporation of multiple light channels and the use of much deeper models. We suggest that our method allows for an easy and natural extension to use deeper models for even more demanding tasks e.g. distinguishing between healthy and defective divisions. We also tested our method with ‘difficult conditions’ such as when a wound is present; despite the challenges imposed by the wound (including the discussed reduction in fluorescent intensities near the wound edge), we achieved higher accuracy compared to Nie et al. (accuracy of 78.5% compared to our F1 score of 0.964) using a low-density in vitro system.

      Major point 2: innovatory nature of the proposed method.

      The authors' idea of exploiting existing channels in the input vector to feed successive frames is interesting, but the natural choice in deep learning for manipulating time series is to use recurrent networks or their newer and more stable variants (LSTM, GRU, attention networks, or transformers). Several papers exploiting such approaches have been proposed for the mitotic division detection task, but they are not mentioned or discussed in this manuscript: Phan et al. 2018, Mao et al. 2019, Kitrungrotaskul et al. 2019, She et al 2020.

      An obvious advantage of an LSTM architecture combined with CNN is that it is able to address variable length inputs, therefore time sequences of different lengths, whereas a CNN alone can only be fed with an input of fixed size.

      LSTM architectures may produce similar accuracy to the models we employ in our study, however due to the high degree of accuracy we already achieve with our methods, it is hard to see how they would improve the understanding of the biology of wound healing that we have uncovered. Hence, they may provide an alternative way to achieve similar results from analyses of our data. It would also be interesting to see how LTSM architectures would cope with the noisy and difficult wounded data that we have analysed. We agree with the referee that these alternate models could allow an easier inclusion of difference temporal differences in division time (see discussion on Page 20). Nevertheless, we imagine that after selecting a sufficiently large input time/ fluorescent channel input, biologists could likely train our model to cope with a range of division lengths.

      Another advantage of some of these approaches is that they rely on unsupervised learning, which can avoid the tedious relabeling of data (Phan et al. 2018, Gilad et al. 2019).

      While these are very interesting ideas, we believe these unsupervised methods would struggle under the challenging conditions within ours and others experimental imaging data. The epithelial tissue examined in the present study possesses a particularly high density of cells with overlapping nuclei compared to the other experimental systems these unsupervised methods have been tested on. Another potential problem with these unsupervised methods is the difficulty in distinguishing dynamic debris and immune cells from mitotic cells. Once again despite our experimental data being more complex and difficult, our methods perform better than other methods designed for simpler systems as in Phan et al. 2018 and Gilad et al. 2019; for example, analysis performed on lower density in vitro and unwounded tissues gave best F1 scores for a single video was 0.768 and 0.829 for unsupervised and supervised respectively (Phan et al. 2018). We envision that having an F1 score above 0.9 (and preferably above 0.95), would be crucial for practical use by biologists, hence we believe supervision is currently still required. We expect that retraining our models for use in other experimental contexts will require smaller hand labelled datasets, as they will be able to take advantage of transfer learning (see discussion on Page 4).

      References :

      We have included these additional references in the revised version of our Manuscript.

      Ji, S., Xu, W., Yang, M., & Yu, K. (2012). 3D convolutional neural networks for human action recognition. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 35(1), 221-231. >6000 citations

      Nie, W. Z., Li, W. H., Liu, A. A., Hao, T., & Su, Y. T. (2016). 3D convolutional networks-based mitotic event detection in time-lapse phase contrast microscopy image sequences of stem cell populations. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (pp. 55-62).

      Phan, H. T. H., Kumar, A., Feng, D., Fulham, M., & Kim, J. (2018). Unsupervised two-path neural network for cell event detection and classification using spatiotemporal patterns. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 38(6), 1477-1487.

      Gilad, T., Reyes, J., Chen, J. Y., Lahav, G., & Riklin Raviv, T. (2019). Fully unsupervised symmetry-based mitosis detection in time-lapse cell microscopy. Bioinformatics, 35(15), 2644-2653.

      Mao, Y., Han, L., & Yin, Z. (2019). Cell mitosis event analysis in phase contrast microscopy images using deep learning. Medical image analysis, 57, 32-43.

      Kitrungrotsakul, T., Han, X. H., Iwamoto, Y., Takemoto, S., Yokota, H., Ipponjima, S., ... & Chen, Y. W. (2019). A cascade of 2.5 D CNN and bidirectional CLSTM network for mitotic cell detection in 4D microscopy image. IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics, 18(2), 396-404.

      Shi, J., Xin, Y., Xu, B., Lu, M., & Cong, J. (2020, November). A Deep Framework for Cell Mitosis Detection in Microscopy Images. In 2020 16th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS) (pp. 100-103). IEEE.

      Wolny, A., Cerrone, L., Vijayan, A., Tofanelli, R., Barro, A. V., Louveaux, M., ... & Kreshuk, A. (2020). Accurate and versatile 3D segmentation of plant tissues at cellular resolution. Elife, 9, e57613.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors propose a computational method based on deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to automatically detect cell divisions in two-dimensional fluorescence microscopy timelapse images. Three deep learning models are proposed to detect the timing of division, predict the division axis, and enhance cell boundary images to segment cells before and after division. Using this computational pipeline, the authors analyze the dynamics of cell divisions in the epithelium of the Drosophila pupal wing and find that a wound first induces a reduction in the frequency of division followed by a synchronised burst of cell divisions about 100 minutes after its induction.

      Comments on revised version:

      Regarding the Reviewer's 1 comment on the architecture details, I have now understood that the precise architecture (number/type of layers, activation functions, pooling operations, skip connections, upsampling choice...) might have remained relatively hidden to the authors themselves, as the U-net is built automatically by the fast.ai library from a given classical choice of encoder architecture (ResNet34 and ResNet101 here) to generate the decoder part and skip connections.

      Regarding the Major point 1, I raised the question of the generalisation potential of the method. I do not think, for instance, that the optimal number of frames to use, nor the optimal choice of their time-shift with respect to the division time (t-n, t+m) (not systematically studied here) may be generic hyperparameters that can be directly transferred to another setting. This implies that the method proposed will necessarily require re-labeling, re-training and re-optimizing the hyperparameters which directly influence the network architecture for each new dataset imaged differently. This limits the generalisation of the method to other datasets, and this may be seen as in contrast to other tools developed in the field for other tasks such as cellpose for segmentation, which has proven a true potential for generalisation on various data modalities. I was hoping that the authors would try themselves testing the robustness of their method by re-imaging the same tissue with slightly different acquisition rate for instance, to give more weight to their work.

      In this regard, and because the authors claimed to provide clear instructions on how to reuse their method or adapt it to a different context, I delved deeper into the code and, to my surprise, felt that we are far from the coding practice of what a well-documented and accessible tool should be.

      To start with, one has to be relatively accustomed with Napari to understand how the plugin must be installed, as the only thing given is a pip install command (that could be typed in any terminal without installing the plugin for Napari, but has to be typed inside the Napari terminal, which is mentioned nowhere). Surprisingly, the plugin was not uploaded on Napari hub, nor on PyPI by the authors, so it is not searchable/findable directly, one has to go to the Github repository and install it manually. In that regard, no description was provided in the copy-pasted templated files associated to the napari hub, so exporting it to the hub would actually leave it undocumented.

      Regarding now the python notebooks, one can fairly say that the "clear instructions" that were supposed to enlighten the code are really minimal. Only one notebook "trainingUNetCellDivision10.ipynb" has actually some comments, the other have (almost) none nor title to help the unskilled programmer delving into the script to guess what it should do. I doubt that a biologist who does not have a strong computational background will manage adapting the method to its own dataset (which seems to me unavoidable for the reasons mentioned above).

      Finally regarding the data, none is shared publicly along with this manuscript/code, such that if one doesn't have a similar type of dataset - that must be first annotated in a similar manner - one cannot even test the networks/plugin for its own information. A common and necessary practice in the field - and possibly a longer lasting contribution of this work - could have been to provide the complete and annotated dataset that was used to train and test the artificial neural network. The basic reason is that a more performant, or more generalisable deep-learning model may be developed very soon after this one and for its performance to be fairly compared, it requires to be compared on the same dataset. Benchmarking and comparison of methods performance is at the core of computer vision and deep-learning.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the current reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This important study used Voltage Sensitive Dye Imaging (VSDI) to measure neural activity in the primary visual cortex of monkeys trained to detect an oriented grating target that was presented either alone or against an oriented mask. The authors show convincingly that the initial effect of the mask ran counter to the behavioral effects of the mask, a pattern that reversed in the latter phase of the response. They interpret these results in terms of influences from the receptive field center, and although an alternative view that emphasizes the role of the receptive field surround also seems reasonable, this study stands as an interesting and important contribution to our understanding of mechanisms of visual perception.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This is a clear account of some interesting work. The experiments and analyses seem well done and the data are useful. It is nice to see that VSDI results square well with those from prior extracellular recordings.

      The authors have done a good job responding to the main points of my previous review. One important question remains, as stated in that review:

      "My reading is that this is primarily a study of surround suppression with results that follow pretty directly from what we already know from that literature, and although they engage with some of the literature they do not directly mention surround suppression in the text. Their major effect - what they repeatedly describe as a "paradoxical" result in which the responses initially show a stronger response to matched targets and backgrounds and then reverse - seems to pretty clearly match the expected outcome of a stimulus that initially evokes additional excitation due to increased center contrast followed by slightly delayed surround suppression tuned to the same peak orientation. Their dynamics result seems entirely consistent with previous work, e.g. Henry at al 2020, particularly their Fig. 3 https://elifesciences.org/articles/54264, so it seems like a major oversight to not engage with that work at all, and to explain what exactly is new here."

      Their rebuttal of my first review is not convincing -- I still believe that surround influences are important and perhaps predominant in determining the outcome of the experiments. This is particularly clear for the "paradoxical" dynamics that they observe, which seem exactly to reflect the behavior of the surround.

      The authors' arguments to the contrary are based on three main points. First, their stimuli cover the center and surround, unlike those of many previous experiments, so they argue that this somehow diminishes the impact of the surround. But the argument is not accompanied by data showing the effects of center stimuli alone or surround stimuli alone. Second, their model -- a normalization model -- does not need surround influences to account for the masking effect. Third, they cite human psychophysical masking results from their collaborators (Sebastian et al 2017), but do not cite an equally convincing demonstration that surround contrast creates potent orientation selective masking when presented alone (Petrov et al 2005, https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2871-05.2005).

      At the end of the day, these issues will be resolved by further experiments, not argumentation. The paper stands as an excellent contribution, but it might be wise for the authors to be less doctrinaire in their interpretations.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive comments and constructive criticism. In general, we agree with the reviewer’s comments. Importantly, we do not claim that there is no effect from the surround. What we say in the discussion is:

      “Because our targets are added to the background rather than occluding it, it is likely that a significant portion of the behavioral and neural masking effects that we observe come from target-mask interactions at the target location rather than from the effect of the mask in the surround.”

      We still stand by this assessment. We also make the point that, at least within the framework of our delayed normalization model, there is no need for the normalization mechanism to extend beyond the center mechanism to account for our results, and even if the normalization mechanism is somewhat larger than the center, the overlap region at the center would still have a large contribution to the modulations. Overall, we agree that these issues will be need to be resolved by future experiments.

      For the reasons discussed in our previous reply, we disagree with the reviewers’ statement “…this is primarily a study of surround suppression with results that follow pretty directly from what we already know from that literature”. For similar reasons we disagree with the statement “It is nice to see that VSDI results square well with those from prior extracellular recordings”.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this experiment, Voltage Sensitive Dye Imaging (VSDI) was used to measure neural activity in macaque primary visual cortex in monkeys trained to detect an oriented grating target that was presented either alone or against an oriented mask. Monkeys' ability to detect the target (indicated by a saccade to its location) was impaired by the mask, with the greatest impairment observed when the mask was matched in orientation to the target, as is also the case in human observers. VSDI signals were examined to test the hypothesis that the target-evoked response would be maximally suppressed by the mask when it matched the orientation of the target. In each recording session, fixation trials were used to map out the spatial response profile and orientation domains that would then be used to decode the responses on detection trials. VSDI signals were analyzed at two different scales: a coarse scale of the retinotopic response to the target and a finer scale of orientation domains within the stimulus-evoked response. Responses were recorded in three conditions: target alone, mask alone, and target presented with mask. Analyses were focused on the target evoked response in the presence of the mask, defined to be the difference in response evoked by the mask with target (target present) versus the mask alone (target absent). These were computed across five 50 msec bins (total, 250 msec, which was the duration of the mask (target present trials, 50% of trials) / mask + target (target present trials, 50% of trials). Analyses revealed that in an initial (transient) phase the target evoked response increased with similarity between target and mask orientation. As the authors note, this is surprising given that this was the condition where the mask maximally impaired detection of the target in behavior. Target evoked responses in a later ('sustained') phase fell off with orientation similarity, consistent with the behavioral effect. When analyzed at the coarser scale the target evoked response, integrated over the full 250 msec period showed a very modest dependence on mask orientation. The same pattern held when the data were analyzed on the finer orientation domain scale, with the effect of the mask in the transient phase running counter to the perceptual effect of the mask and the sustained response correlating the perceptual effect. The effect of the mask was more pronounced when analyzed at the scale.


      The work is on the whole very strong. The experiments are thoughtfully designed, the data collection methods are good, and the results are interesting. The separate analyses of data at a coarse scale that aggregates across orientation domains and a more local scale of orientation domains is a strength and it is reassuring that the effects at the more localized scale are more clearly related to behavior, as one would hope and expect. The results are strengthened by modeling work shown in Figure 8, which provides a sensible account of the population dynamics. The analyses of the relationship between VSDI data and behavior are well thought out and the apparent paradox of the anti-correlation between VSDI and behavior in the initial period of response, followed by a positive correlation in the sustained response period is intriguing.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive comments.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      None, except perhaps for a more balanced representation of the "surround" possibility in the Discussion. The Petrov et al paper (https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2871-05.2005) should be considered and cited.

      As discussed above, we believe that our discussion of possible contribution from the surround is balanced. While the paper by Petrov et al is interesting, the stimuli used to study the surround effects are quite different (e.g., gap between center and surround, and the sharp edge of the surround inner boundary) so direct comparison with our results is not possible.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The authors have addressed the questions/suggestions I raised in my review.

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We thank the reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions.

      eLife assessment

      This is an important contribution that extends earlier single-unit work on orientation-specific center-surround interactions to the domain of population responses measured with Voltage Sensitive Dye (VSD) imaging and the first to relate these interactions to orientation-specific perceptual effects of masking. The authors provide convincing evidence of a pattern of results in which the initial effect of the mask seems to run counter to the behavioral effects of the mask, a pattern that reversed in the latter phase of the response. It seems likely that the physiological effects of masking reported here can be attributed to previously described signals from the receptive field surround.

      We thank the reviewers for bringing up the relation of our results to findings from previous orientation-specific center-surround interactions studies. In our final manuscript, we added a paragraph discussing this important issue. Briefly, for multiple reasons, we believe that the orientation-dependent behavioral and neural masking effects that we observe are unlikely to depend on previously described center-surround interactions in V1. First, in human subjects, perceptual similarity masking effects are almost entirely accounted for by target-mask interactions at the target location and are recapitulated when the mask has the same size and location as the target (Sebastian et al 2017). Second, in our computational model, the effect of mask orientation on the dynamics of the response are qualitatively the same if the mask is restricted to the size and location of the target while mask contrast is increased (Fig. 8 – figure supplement 3). Third, in our model, the results are qualitatively the same when the spatial pooling region for the normalization signal is the same as that for the excitation signal (Fig. 8 – figure supplement figure 1). These considerations suggest that center-surround interactions may not be necessary for neural and behavioral similarity masking effects with additive targets.

      We would also like to point out some key differences between the stimuli that we use and the ones used in most previous center-surround studies. First, in our experiments, the target and the mask were additive, while in most previous center-surround studies the target occludes the background. Such studies therefore restrict the mask effect to the surround, while in our study we allow target-mask interactions at the center. Second, most center-surround studies have a sharp-edged target/surround, while in our experiments no sharp edges were present. Unpublished results from our lab suggest that such sharp edges have a large impact on V1 population responses. A third key difference is that our stimuli were flashed for a short interval of 250 ms corresponding to a typical duration of a fixation in natural vision, while most previous center-surround studies used either longer-duration drifting stimuli or very short-duration random-order stimuli for reverse-correlation analysis.

      In addition, we would like to emphasize that our results go beyond previous studies in two important ways. First, we study the effect of similarity masking in behaving animals and quantitatively compare the effect of similarity masking on behavior and physiology in the same subjects and at the same time. Second, VSD imaging allows us to capture the dynamics of superficial V1 population responses over the entire population of millions of neurons activated by the target at two important spatial scales. Such results therefore complement electrophysiological studies that examine the activity of a very small subset of the active neurons.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This is a clear account of some interesting work. The experiments and analyses seem well done and the data are useful. It is nice to see that VSDI results square well with those from prior extracellular recordings. But the work may be less original than the authors propose, and their overall framing strikes me as odd. Some additional clarifications could make the contribution more clear.

      Please see our reply above regarding the agreement with previous studies and framing.

      My reading is that this is primarily a study of surround suppression with results that follow pretty directly from what we already know from that literature, and although they engage with some of the literature they do not directly mention surround suppression in the text. Their major effect - what they repeatedly describe as a "paradoxical" result in which the responses initially show a stronger response to matched targets and backgrounds and then reverse - seems to pretty clearly match the expected outcome of a stimulus that initially evokes additional excitation due to increased center contrast followed by slightly delayed surround suppression tuned to the same peak orientation. Their dynamics result seems entirely consistent with previous work, e.g. Henry et al 2020, particularly their Fig. 3 https://elifesciences.org/articles/54264, so it seems like a major oversight to not engage with that work at all, and to explain what exactly is new here.

      We thank the reviewer for the pointing out this previous work which we now cite in the final version of the manuscript. For the reasons discussed above, while this study is interesting and related to our work, we believe that our results are quite distinct.

      • In the discussion (lines 315-316), they state "in order to account for the reduced neural sensitivity with target-background similarity in the second phase of the response, the divisive normalization signal has to be orientation selective." I wonder whether they observed this in their modeling. That is, how robust were the normalization model results to the values of sigma_e and sigma_n? It would be useful to know how critical their various model parameters were for replicating the experimental effects, rather than just showing that a good account is possible.

      Thank you for this suggestion. In the final manuscript we include a supplementary figure that shows how the model’s predictions are affected by the orientation tuning and spatial extent of the normalization signal, and by the size and contrast of the mask (Fig. 8 – figure supplement 1-4).

      • The majority of their target/background contrast conditions were collected only in one animal. This is a minor limitation for work of this kind, but it might be an issue for some.

      We agree that this is a limitation of the current study. These are challenging experiments and we were unable to collect all target/background contrast combinations from both monkeys. However, in the common conditions, the results appear similar in the two animals, and the key results seem to be robust to the contrast combination in the animal in which a wider range of contrast combinations was tested. We added these points to the discussion in the final manuscript.

      • The authors point out (line 193-195) that "Because the first phase of the response is shorter than the second phase, when V1 response is integrated over both phases, the overall response is positively correlated with the behavioral masking effect." I wonder if this could be explored a bit more at the behavioral level - i.e. does the "similarity masking" they are trying to explain show sensitivity to presentation time?

      We agree that testing the effect of stimulus duration on similarity masking is interesting, but unfortunately, it is beyond the scope of the current study. We would also like to point out that the duration of the presentation was selected to match the typical time of fixation during natural behaviors, so much shorter or much longer stimulus durations would be less relevant for natural vision.

      • From Fig. 3 it looks like the imaging ROI may include some opercular V2. If so, it's plausible that something about the retinotopic or columnar windowing they used in analysis may remove V2 signals, but they don't comment. Maybe they could tell us how they ensured they only included V1?

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. As part of our experiments, we extract a detailed retinotopic map for each chamber, so we were able to ensure that the area used for the decoding analysis lays entirely within V1. We now incorporate this information in the final manuscript (Fig. 3 – figure supplement 1).

      • In the discussion (lines 278-283) they say "The positive correlation between the neural and behavioral masking effects occurred earlier and was more robust at the columnar scale than at the retinotopic scale, suggesting that behavioral performance in our task is dominated by columnar scale signals in the second phase of the response. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of such decoupling between V1 responses at the retinotopic and columnar scales, and the first demonstration that columnar scale signals are a better predictor of behavioral performance in a detection task." I am having trouble finding where exactly they demonstrate this in the results. Is this just by comparison of Figs. 4E,K and 5E,K? I may just be missing something here, but the argument needs to be made more clearly since much of their claim to originality rests on it.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. In the final manuscript we are more explicit when we discuss this point and refer to the relevant panels in Figs. 4, 5 and their figure supplements. To substantiate this key claim, we also report the timing of the transition between the two phases in all temporal correlation panels and report the neural-behavioral correlation for the integration period.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this experiment, Voltage Sensitive Dye Imaging (VSDI) was used to measure neural activity in macaque primary visual cortex in monkeys trained to detect an oriented grating target that was presented either alone or against an oriented mask. Monkeys' ability to detect the target (indicated by a saccade to its location) was impaired by the mask, with the greatest impairment observed when the mask was matched in orientation to the target, as is also the case in human observers. VSDI signals were examined to test the hypothesis that the target-evoked response would be maximally suppressed by the mask when it matched the orientation of the target. In each recording session, fixation trials were used to map out the spatial response profile and orientation domains that would then be used to decode the responses on detection trials. VSDI signals were analyzed at two different scales: a coarse scale of the retinotopic response to the target and a finer scale of orientation domains within the stimulus-evoked response. Responses were recorded in three conditions: target alone, mask alone, and target presented with mask. Analyses were focused on the target evoked response in the presence of the mask, defined to be the difference in response evoked by the mask with target (target present) versus the mask alone (target absent). These were computed across five 50 msec bins (total, 250 msec, which was the duration of the mask (target present trials, 50% of trials) / mask + target (target present trials, 50% of trials). Analyses revealed that in an initial (transient) phase the target evoked response increased with similarity between target and mask orientation. As the authors note, this is surprising given that this was the condition where the mask maximally impaired detection of the target in behavior. Target evoked responses in a later ('sustained') phase fell off with orientation similarity, consistent with the behavioral effect. When analyzed at the coarser scale the target evoked response, integrated over the full 250 msec period showed a very modest dependence on mask orientation. The same pattern held when the data were analyzed on the finer orientation domain scale, with the effect of the mask in the transient phase running counter to the perceptual effect of the mask and the sustained response correlating the perceptual effect. The effect of the mask was more pronounced when analyzed at the scale.


      The work is on the whole very strong. The experiments are thoughtfully designed, the data collection methods are good, and the results are interesting. The separate analyses of data at a coarse scale that aggregates across orientation domains and a more local scale of orientation domains is a strength and it is reassuring that the effects at the more localized scale are more clearly related to behavior, as one would hope and expect. The results are strengthened by modeling work shown in Figure 8, which provides a sensible account of the population dynamics. The analyses of the relationship between VSDI data and behavior are well thought out and the apparent paradox of the anti-correlation between VSDI and behavior in the initial period of response, followed by a positive correlation in the sustained response period is intriguing.

      Points to Consider / Possible Improvements

      The biphasic nature of the relationship between neural and behavioral modulation by the mask and the surprising finding that the two are anticorrelated in the initial phase are left as a mystery. The paper would be more impactful if this mystery could be resolved.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive comments. In our view, while our results are surprising, there may not be a remaining mystery that needs to be resolved. As our model shows, the biphasic nature of V1’s response can be explained by a delayed orientation-tuned gain control. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that perception is based on columnar-scale V1 signals that are integrated over an approximately 200 ms long period that incorporates both the early and the late phase of the response, since such decoded V1 signals are positively correlated with the behavioral similarity masking effect (Fig. 5D, J; Fig. 5 – figure supplement 1). We now explain this more clearly in the discussion of our final manuscript.

      The finding is based on analyses of the correlation between behavior and neural responses. This appears in the main body of the manuscript and is detailed in Figures S1 and S2, which show the correlation over time between behavior and target response for the retinotopic and columnar scale.

      One possible way of thinking of this transition from anti- to positive correlation with behavior is that it might reflect the dynamics of a competitive interaction between mask and target, with the initial phase reflecting predominantly the mask response, with the target emerging, on some trials, in the latter phase. On trials when the mask response is stronger, the probability of the target emerging in the latter phase, and triggering a hit, might be lower, potentially explaining the anticorrelation in the initial phase. The sustained response may be a mixture of trials on which the target response is or is not strong enough to overcome the effect of the mask sufficiently to trigger target detection.

      It would, I think, be worth examining this by testing whether target dynamics may vary, depending on whether the monkey detected the target (hit trials) or failed to detect the target (miss trials). Unless I missed it I do not think this analysis was done. Consistent with this possibility, the authors do note (lines 226-229) that "The trajectories in the target plus mask conditions are more complex. For example, when mask orientation is at +/- 45 deg to the target, the population response is initially dominated by the mask, but then in mid-flight, the population response changes direction and turns toward the direction of the target orientation." This suggests (to this reviewer, at least) that the emergence of a positive correlation between behavioral and neural effects in the latter phase of the response could reflect either a perceptual decision that the target is present or perhaps deployment of attention to the location of the target.

      It may be that this transition reflected detection, in which it might be more likely on hit trials than miss trials. Given the SNR it would presumably be difficult to do this analysis on a trial-by-trial basis, but the hit and miss trials (which make each make up about 1/2 of all trials) could be averaged separately to see if the mid-flight transition is more prominent on hit trials. If this is so for the +/- 45 degree case it would be good to see the same analysis for other combinations of target and mask. It would also be interesting to separate correct reject trials from false alarms, to determine whether the mid-flight transition tends to occur on false alarm trials.

      If these analyses do not reveal the predicted pattern, they might still merit a supplemental figure, for the sake of completeness.

      We thank the reviewer for suggesting this interesting possibility. The original analysis in the manuscript was based on both correct and incorrect trials, raising the possibility that our results reflect some contribution from decision- and/or attention-related signals rather than from low-level nonlinear encoding mechanisms in V1 that we postulate in our model (Fig. 8). To explore this possibility, we re-examined our results while excluding error trials. We found that our key results from Figs 4 and 5 – namely that there is an early transient phase in which the neural and behavioral similarity effects are anti-correlated, and a later sustained phase in which they are positively correlated – hold even for the subset of correct trials, reducing the possibility that decision/attention-related signals play a major role in explaning our results. We now include the results of this analysis as a supplementary figure in the final manuscript (Fig. 4 – figure supplement 2). While there may be some interesting differences in the response dynamics between correct and incorrect trials, the current study was not designed to address this question and the large number of conditions and small number of repeats that it necessitated make this data set suboptimal for examining these phenomena.


      Sebastian S, Abrams J, Geisler WS. 2017. Constrained sampling experiments reveal principles of detection in natural scenes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114: E5731-e40

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This study presents valuable findings on diabetogenic risk from colorectal cancer (CRC) treatment. The authors claim that postoperative screening for type 2 diabetes should be prioritized in CRC survivors with overweight/obesity, irrespective of the oncological treatment received. The evidence supporting the claims is solid but requires confirmation in different populations. These results have theoretical or practical implications and will be of interest to endocrinologists, oncologists, general practitioners, gastrointestinal surgeons, and policymakers working on CRC and diabetes.

      Author response: We thank you for taking the time to provide constructive feedback on our manuscript and for the useful suggestions. We have provided a point-by-point response to each of the reviewers’ comments with clearly marked changes to the manuscript.

      Public reviews

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this study, the authors set out to determine whether colorectal cancer surgery site (right, left, rectal) and chemotherapy impact the subsequent risk of developing T2DM in the Danish national health register.


      • The research question is conceptually interesting

      • The Danish national health register is a comprehensive health database

      • The data analysis was thorough and appropriate

      • The findings are interesting, and a little surprising that there was no impact of chemotherapy on the development of T2DM


      This is not a weakness as such, but in the discussion, I would consider adding some brief comment on the international generalizability of the findings - e.g. demographic make up of the Danish population health register and background rates of DM and obesity in this population with CRC compared to countries on other continents.

      Author response: We agree that this information would be valuable. It has now been added in the Discussion section.

      Changes in manuscript: "In Denmark, the overall T2D prevalence is 6.9%25, lower than the global average in 2021 (10.5%) and also falls below the estimate of high-income countries (11.1%).26 Similarly, the obesity rate of 20% aligns with other Scandinavian countries and is below that of most high-income nations.27” (Page 8, line 256-258)

      A little more information would be helpful regarding how T2DM was diagnosed in the registry.

      Author response: We have now added a more thorough explanation of how T2D was diagnosed in the Methods section.

      Changes in manuscript: “Diabetes is defined as the second occurrence of any event across three types of inclusion events: 1) Diabetes diagnosed during hospitalisation 2) diabetes-specific services received at podiatrist 3) purchases of glucose lowering. Thus, if a patient developed transient T2D during chemotherapy treatment, it will only be an inclusion event if they purchase glucose lowering drugs. Individuals were classified as having T1D if they had received prescriptions for insulin combined with a diagnosis of type 1 from a medical hospital department. Otherwise, diabetes was classified as type 2.22” (Page 5, line 154-160)

      If someone did develop transient hyperglycemia requiring DM medications during chemotherapy, would the investigators have been able to identify these people?

      Author response: Yes, we have added a sentence in the Methods section.

      Changes in manuscript: “Thus, if a patient developed transient T2D during chemotherapy treatment, it will only be an inclusion event if they purchase glucose lowering drugs.” (Page 5, line 156-158)

      Would they have been classified as T2DM based on filling a prescription for DM meds for a period of time? Also, did the authors have information regarding time to development of T2DM after surgery?

      Author response: Yes, if they have 2 (or more) prescriptions of oral glucose lowering drugs. Yes, we have information regarding time to development of T2DM after surgery and found no difference between the groups.

      Changes in manuscript: Information on mean time to develop T2D post-surgery has now been added to Table 2.

      In the adjusted Models, the authors did not adjust for cancer stage, even though cancer stage appears to be very different between the chemo and no chemo groups. It would be interesting to know if it affects the results if the model adjusted for cancer stage

      Author response: We agree that adjustment for cancer stage would be a valuable information and we have performed the analysis and added a sentence in the Result section.

      Changes in manuscript: An adjusted analysis of cancer stage now appears in the Supplementary table 1.

      “Moreover, adjusting for cancer stage did not affect the results (Supplementary table 1).” (Page 7, line 219-220)

      It would be worthwhile to report if mortality rates were different between the groups during follow up, and if the authors investigated whether perhaps differences in mortality rates led to specific groups living longer, and therefore having more time to develop DM

      Author response: This situation is accounted for in the analysis by using Cox-regression analysis. This method accounts for the potential competing effect of mortality.

      Changes in manuscript: None.

      Overall, the authors achieved their aims, and the conclusions are supported by their results as reported.

      The results are unlikely to significantly change patient treatment or T2DM screening in this population. With some additional information, as described above, the results would be of interest to the community.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The study showed the impact of cancer treatment on new onset of diabetes among patients with colorectal cancer using the national database. Findings reported that individuals with rectal cancer without chemotherapy were less likely to develop diabetes but among other groups, treatment didn't show any impact on the development of diabetes. BMI still played a significant role in developing diabetes regardless of treatment types.


      One of the strengths of this study is innovative findings about the prognosis of colorectal cancer treatment stratified by treatment types. Especially, as it examined the impact of treatment on the risk of new chronic disease after diagnosis, it became significant evidence that suggests practical insights in developing a proper monitoring system for patients with colorectal cancer and their outcomes after treatment and diagnosis. It is imperative for providers to guide patients and caregivers to prevent adverse outcomes like new onset of chronic disease based on BMI and types of treatment. The next strength is the national database. As the study used the national database, the generalizability is validated.


      Even though the study attempted to examine the impact of each treatment option, the dosage of chemotherapy and the types of chemotherapy were not able to be examined due to the data source.

      Author response: No unfortunately not. We agree that this would have been valuable information. This is stated in the original manuscript as a limitation. Please refer to page 10 line 305-306.

      Changes in manuscript: None.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Minor things:

      There are minor inconsistencies in the methods and results regarding BMI. In the methods, the authors state that BMI <18.5 and >/=40 were excluded, but these groups are included in Table 2.

      Author response: This has been corrected

      Changes in manuscript: BMI groups <18.5 and >/=40 are now excluded in Table 2. (Page 18)

      Line 204, I believe should be BMI 18.5-24.9, not 20-24.9.

      Author response: This has been corrected

      Changes in manuscript: “For each group (type of surgery ± chemotherapy), the HR for developing T2D depending on BMI subgroups was calculated by using Cox regression analysis adjusted for age, sex, year of surgery, and ASA score using normal weight (BMI:18.5-24.9) as the reference group.” (Page 6, line 184-186)

      Rather than showing the BMI mean in Table 1, it would be interesting to see the BMI breakdown by category.

      Author response: Yes, we agree. This analysis has now been added to Table 1

      Changes in manuscript: Please refer to Table 1

      Re line 215, I would consider rewriting to remove the multiple negatives -e.g. Radiation therapy in rectal resected had did not impact the incidence rate of T2D in the Rectal-No-Chemo group or Rectal-Chemo group

      Author response: This has been corrected. Please refer to the Result section.

      Changes in manuscript: “Radiation therapy in the rectal resected groups had no impact on the incidence rate of T2D (Table 2); and the unadjusted/adjusted HR of developing T2D was non-significant when comparing Rectal-No-Radiation patients with Rectal-Radiation patients (Table 3).” (Page 7, 223-225)

      Consider changing some of the "didn't"s in the discussion to "did not"

      Author response: This has been corrected.

      Changes in manuscript: Revised and corrected throughout the discussion.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Some points need to be clarified and improved.

      In the method, patients with Type 1 Diabetes were excluded in the baseline but some patients were diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes after treatment and they were included in your analysis. It is interesting to identify Type 1 Diabetes after the treatment as an outcome, do you think that this diagnosis is caused by the treatment? And incidence rate or other HRs did not seem to include Type 1 Diabetes as stated in the methods. Did you exclude every Type 1 diabetes? If not, It needs to give further explanation about this outcome since the mechanism of Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes is different.

      Author response: This matter has now been clarified in the Methods section.

      Changes in manuscript: “Additionally, individuals diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes (T1D) either before or after surgery were excluded, along with those diagnosed with T2D preoperatively or within the first 2 weeks postoperatively, as the last group probably represents patients with preoperatively unknown pre-existing prediabetes or diabetes.22” (Page 4, line: 125-128)

      Despite limited existing findings, some studies actually reported the incidence rates of Type 2 Diabetes among patients with CRC (Singh S, Earle CC, Bae SJ, et al. Incidence of Diabetes in Colorectal Cancer Survivors. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2016;108(6):djv402. Published 2016 Feb 2. doi:10.1093/jnci/djv402; Khan NF, Mant D, Carpenter L, Forman D, Rose PW. Long-term health outcomes in a British cohort of breast, colorectal and prostate cancer survivors: a database study. Br J Cancer. 2011;105 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):S29-S37. doi:10.1038/bjc.2011.420; Jo A, Scarton L, O'Neal LJ, et al. New onset of type 2 diabetes as a complication after cancer diagnosis: A systematic review. Cancer Med. 2021;10(2):439-446. doi:10.1002/cam4.3666) whereas your study examined the impact of the different types of treatments.

      Author response: Our findings of T2D rate among CRC patients are now commented on in discussion section, and the abovementioned studies are included as references.

      Changes in manuscript: “This national cohort study demonstrated an IR of developing T2D after CRC surgery similar to previous studies.5,11” (Page 8, line 237-238)

      To strengthen the presentation, some places should be revised.

      • Line 216: it says that Table 1 showed no impact of radiation therapy on the incidence rate of T2D. However, either the interpretation or the table number seems wrong. Table 1 does not have this information. Correct this statement.

      • Line 239: There are typo and incomplete sentence. Check the sentence and correct the sentence.

      • Line 257-261: It may be a systematic issue to separate these two paragraphs. But two paragraphs seem related so make them one paragraph.

      Author response: These suggested changes have been made. Regarding line 216 the paragraph has been adjusted to the following:

      Changes in manuscript: “Radiation therapy in the rectal resected groups had no impact on the incidence rate of T2D (Table 2); and the unadjusted/adjusted HR of developing T2D was non-significant when comparing Rectal-No-Radiation patients with Rectal-Radiation patients (Table 3).” (Page 7, 223-225)


      (1) Araghi M, Soerjomataram I, Jenkins M, et al. Global trends in colorectal cancer mortality: projections to the year 2035. Int J Cancer. 2019;144(12):2992-3000. doi:10.1002/ijc.32055

      (2) Arnold M, Sierra MS, Laversanne M, Soerjomataram I, Jemal A, Bray F. Global patterns and trends in colorectal cancer incidence and mortality. Gut. 2017;66(4):683-691. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2015-310912

      (3) González N, Prieto I, del Puerto-Nevado L, et al. 2017 Update on the Relationship between Diabetes and Colorectal Cancer: Epidemiology, Potential Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Implications. Vol 8.; 2017. www.impactjournals.com/oncotarget

      (4) Mills KT, Bellows CF, Hoffman AE, Kelly TN, Gagliardi G. Diabetes mellitus and colorectal cancer prognosis: A meta-analysis. Dis Colon Rectum. 2013;56(11):1304-1319. doi:10.1097/DCR.0b013e3182a479f9

      (5) Singh S, Earle CC, Bae SJ, et al. Incidence of Diabetes in Colorectal Cancer Survivors. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2016;108(6). doi:10.1093/jnci/djv402

      (6) Xiao Y, Wang H, Tang Y, et al. Increased risk of diabetes in cancer survivors: a pooled analysis of 13 population-based cohort studies. ESMO Open. 2021;6(4). doi:10.1016/j.esmoop.2021.100218

      (7) Colorectal D, Nordcan 2019. 5-Year Age-Standardised Relative Survival (%), Males and Females. Accessed September 12, 2022. “https://nordcan.iarc.fr/en/dataviz/survival?cancers=520&set_scale=0&sexes=1_2&populations=208”" has been copied into your clipboard

      (8) Nano J, Dhana K, Asllanaj E, et al. Trajectories of BMI Before Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes: The Rotterdam Study. Obesity. 2020;28(6):1149-1156. doi:10.1002/oby.22802

      (9) Maddatu J, Anderson-Baucum E, Evans-Molina C. Smoking and the risk of type 2 diabetes. Translational Research. 2017;184:101-107. doi:10.1016/j.trsl.2017.02.004

      (10) Lega IC, Lipscombe LL. Review: Diabetes, Obesity, and Cancer-Pathophysiology and Clinical Implications. Endocr Rev. 2020;41(1). doi:10.1210/endrev/bnz014 (11) Jo A, Scarton L, O’Neal LTJ, et al. New onset of type 2 diabetes as a complication after cancer diagnosis: A systematic review. Cancer Med. 2021;10(2):439-446. doi:10.1002/cam4.3666

      (12) Feng JP, Yuan XL, Li M, et al. Secondary diabetes associated with 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy regimens in non-diabetic patients with colorectal cancer: Results from a single-centre cohort study. Colorectal Disease. 2013;15(1):27-33. doi:10.1111/j.1463-1318.2012.03097.x

      (13) Lee EK, Koo B, Hwangbo Y, et al. Incidence and disease course of new-onset diabetes mellitus in breast and colorectal cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: A prospective multicenter cohort study. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2021;174. doi:10.1016/j.diabres.2021.108751

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer 1


      In the present study, authors found the ternary complex formed by NCAN, TNC, and HA as an important factor facilitating the multipolar to bipolar transition in the intermediate zone (IZ) of the developing cortex. NCAM binds HA via the N-terminal Link modules, meanwhile, TNC cross-links NCAN through the CDL domain at the C-terminal. The expression and right localization of these three factors facilitate the multipolar-bipolar transition necessary for immature neurons to migrate radially. TNC and NCAM are also involved in neuronal morphology. The authors used a wide range of techniques to study the interaction between these three molecules in the developing cortex. In addition, single and double KO mice for NCAN and TNC were analyzed to decipher the role of these molecules in neuronal migration and morphology.


      The study of the formation of the cerebral cortex is crucial to understanding the pathophysiology of many neurodevelopmental disorders associated with malformation of the cerebral cortex. In this study, the authors showed, for the first time, that the ternary complex formed by NCAN, TNC, and HA promotes neuronal migration. The results regarding the interaction between the three factors forming the ternary complex are convincing.

      We appreciate the reviewers' positive assessment of our research.


      However, regarding the in vivo experiments, the authors should consider some points for the interpretation of the results:

      • The authors did not use the proper controls in their experiments. For embryonic analysis, such as cortical migration, neuronal morphology, and protein distribution (Fig. 6, 7, and 9), mutant mice should be compared with control littermates, since differences in the results could be due to differences in embryonic stages. For example, in Fig. 6 the dKO is more developed than the WT embryo.

      It was challenging to compare double knockout mice with control littermates. When crossing Ncan and Tcn double heterozygous mice, the probability of obtaining double knockout mice is 1/16. Given an average litter size of around 8, acquiring a substantial number of double knockout mice would necessitate an impractical number of breeding pairs. Consequently, we were constrained to use non-littermate control mice. To address potential differences in developmental stages, we analyzed 19-20 embryos obtained from five individuals in each group, demonstrating that the observed differences between the two groups are more substantial than the inherent variability within each group.

      • The authors claim that NCAM and TNC are involved in neuronal migration from experiments using single KO embryos. This is a strong statement considering the mild results, with no significant difference in the case of TNC KO embryos, and once again, using embryos from different litters.

      We agree with the reviewer's comment that a single deletion of TNC has a minimal impact on neuronal migration. We have revised the Results section to reflect the mild nature of the TNC KO phenotype more accurately.

      Page 8, line 225: "In NCAN KO mice, a significantly lower percentage of labeled cells resided in the upper layer (Bin2), and more cells remained in the lower layer (Bin5) than in WT mice (Figure 7a). In contrast, the impact of a single deletion of TNC on neuronal cell migration was minimal. Although TNC KO mice exhibited a tendency to have a higher proportion of labeled cells in the lower layer (Bin4) than in WT mice, this did not reach statistical significance (Figure 7a). The delay in neuronal migration observed in the single KO mice was milder when compared to that observed in DKO mice (Figure 6a-c), suggesting that simultaneous deletion of both NCAN and TNC is necessary for a more pronounced impairment in neuronal cell migration."

      • The measurement of immunofluorescence intensity is not the right method to compare the relative amount of protein between control and mutant embryos unless there is a right normalization.

      We agree that measuring immunofluorescence intensity alone is insufficient for comparing the relative amount of protein. In Figure 8, we have employed Western blotting to compare the protein levels, revealing an approximately 50% reduction in NCAN and TNC following hyaluronidase digestion. In Figures 7b and 7c, we demonstrated alterations in the localization patterns of TNC and NCAN in Ncan KO and Tnc KO mice; however, we did not mention their quantity.

      • Page 7, line 206. "No significant abnormalities were observed in the laminar structure in 4-week-old DKO mice". The authors should be more careful with this statement since they did not check the lamination of the adult cortex. I would recommend staining, control and mutant mice, with markers of different cortical populations, such as Cux1, Ctip2, Tbr1, to asses this point.

      In response to the suggestion, we have conducted additional experiments to provide a more detailed examination of the laminar structure in the cerebral cortex. The results have been incorporated into the revised manuscript as follows:

      Page 7, line 209: "To investigate the laminar organization of the postnatal cerebral cortex, we analyzed the distribution of NeuN-positive postmitotic neurons in DKO mice at 2 weeks of age. No notable abnormalities were observed in the laminar structure of DKO mice (Figure 6-figure supplement 3a, b). Additionally, the laminar distribution of Ctip2-positive deep layer neurons showed no significant differences between WT and DKO mice (Figure 6-figure supplement 3a, c)."

      • The authors do not explain how they measured the intensity of TNC around the transfected Turbo-RFP-positive neurons.

      We added the following description to the Materials and Methods:

      Page 18, line 608: "Images were captured in the IZ region containing Turbo-RFP-positive neurons using a 100X magnification objective lens with 3.0X optical zoom on an AX R confocal microscope (Nikon). A total of 10 optical sections were acquired with a step size of 190 nm. Z-projection views were generated, and the staining intensity of TNC around Turbo-RFP-positive neurons was measured in a 59 × 59 µm area using ImageJ FIJI."

      • The loading control of the western blots should be always included.

      In Figure 6-figure supplement 1, we have incorporated western blot data using a GAPDH antibody as a loading control. We have added an explanation in the figure legend of Figure 3c, stating that we analyzed the same samples as those used in Figure 1e.

      • For Fig. 3e, I think values are represented relative to E18 instead to P2.

      Thank you for pointing that out. As suggested, we have corrected the representation in Fig. 3e to be relative to E18 instead of P2.

      • I would recommend authors use the standard nomenclature for the embryonic stages. The detection of the vaginal plug is considered as E0.5 and therefore, half a day should be added to embryonic stages (E14.5...).

      We have revised our manuscript to designate the detection of the vaginal plug as E0.5, and subsequently, we have adjusted all embryonic stages by adding half a day, such as E14.5.

      • Fig 10K: I do not see the differences in the number of neurites in the graph.

      We have modified the presentation from a box-and-whisker plot to a bar graph to enhance the visibility of differences in the average number of neurites.

      • Line 37: Not all of the cerebral cortex is structured in 6 layers but the neocortex.

      We have changed 'cerebral cortex' to 'cerebral neocortex.'

      Reviewer 2


      ECM components are prominent constituents of the pericellular environment of CNS cells and form complex and dynamic interactomes in the pericellular spaces. Based on bioinformatic analysis, more than 300 genes have been attributed to the so-called matrisome, many of which are detectable in the CNS. Yet, not much is known about their functions while increasing evidence suggests important contributions to developmental processes, neural plasticity, and inhibition of regeneration in the CNS. In this respect, the present work offers new insights and adds interesting aspects to the facets of ECM contributions to neural development. This is even more relevant in view of the fact that neurocan has recently been identified as a potential risk gene for neuropsychiatric diseases. Because ECM components occur in the interstitial space and are linked in interactomes their study is very difficult. A strength of the manuscript is that the authors used several approaches to shed light on ECM function, including proteome studies, the generation of knockout mouse lines, and the analysis of in vivo labeled neural progenitors. This multi-perspective approach permitted to reveal hitherto unknown properties of the ECM and highlighted its importance for the overall organization of the CNS.


      Systematic analysis of the ternary complex between neurons, TNC, and hyaluronic acid; establishment of KO mouse lines to study the function of the complex, use of in utero electroporation to investigate the impact on neuronal migration;

      We appreciate the reviewers' insightful comments.


      The analysis is focused on neuronal progenitors, however, the potential impact of the molecules of interest, in particular, their removal on differentiation and /or survival of neural stem/progenitor cells is not addressed. The potential receptors involved are not considered. It also seems that rather the passage to the outer areas of the forming cortex is compromised, which is not the same as the migration process. The movement of the cells is not included in the analysis.

      In this study, we demonstrated that the ternary complex of NCAN, TNC, and HA is predominantly localized in the subplate/intermediate zone. This region lacks neural stem/progenitor cells but serves as the initiation site for the radial migration of postmitotic neurons. Consequently, our study focused on the role of the ternary complex in neuronal migration and polarity formation. We acknowledge that we did not investigate in-depth the potential effects of ECM perturbation on the differentiation and survival of neural stem/progenitor cells. However, as highlighted by the reviewer, it is important to explore the effects on neural stem/progenitor cells. To address this concern, we analyzed Pax6-positive radial glial cells and Tbr2-positive intermediate progenitor cells in the ventricular zone of wild-type and Ncan/Tnc double knockout (DKO) mice. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed no significant differences between WT and DKO mice (Figure 6-figure supplement 4a). Furthermore, the morphology of nestin-positive radial fibers exhibited no distinguishable variations between WT and DKO mice (Figure 6-figure supplement 4b, c).

      (1) In the description of the culture of cortical neurons the authors mentioned the use of 5% horse serum as a medium constituent. HS is a potent stimulus for astrocyte differentiation and astrocytes in vitro release neurocan. Therefore, the detection of neurocan in the supernatant of the cultures as shown in Figure 1h might as well reflect release by cultivated astrocytes.

      As pointed out by the reviewer, Figure 1h did not conclusively demonstrate that neurons are the sole source of NCAN production. Indeed, in situ hybridization analysis revealed the widespread distribution of Ncan mRNA throughout the cerebral cortex (Figure 2a). This result suggests that the production of NCAN involves not only neurons but also other cell populations, including radial glial cells and astrocytes. While we acknowledge the potential contribution of other cell types to NCAN production, Ncan expression by neurons during radial migration is a crucial aspect of our findings (Figure 1i, j). We have revised the manuscript as follows:

      Page 5, line 111: "This result suggested the secretion of NCAN by developing neurons; however, we cannot rule out the involvement of coexisting glial cells in the culture system. To investigate the expression of Ncan mRNA during radial migration in vivo, we labeled radial glial cells in the VZ with GFP through in utero electroporation at E14.5 (Figure 1i, Figure 1-figure supplement 1)."

      (2) It is known that neurocan in vivo is expressed by neurons, but may be upregulated in astrocytes after lesion, or in vitro, where the cells become reactive.

      We have incorporated the following description into the discussion:

      Page 11, line 359: "Previous studies have reported an upregulation of NCAN and TNC in reactive astrocytes, indicating the potential formation of the ternary complex of NCAN, TNC, and HA in the adult brain in response to injury (Deller et al., 1997; Haas et al., 1999)."

      (3) Do NCAN KO neurons show an increase in neurite growth on the TNC substrates? The response on POL was changed (Fig. 10h-k), but the ECM substrates were not tested with the KO neurons.

      The impact of ECM substrates on NCAN KO neurons has not been investigated, and this remains an avenue for further exploration in our ongoing research. Future studies aim to elucidate the NCAN-TNC connection by identifying TNC cell surface receptors and unraveling the subsequent intracellular signaling pathways.

      (4) Do the authors have an explanation for why the ternary complex is concentrated in the SP/IZ zone?

      In the mature brain, hyaluronan acts as a scaffold that facilitates the accumulation of ECM components, including proteoglycans and tenascins around neurons. Therefore, it is conceivable that the ECM components bind to hyaluronan in the embryonic brain, resulting in its accumulation in the subplate/intermediate zone. In support of this hypothesis, enzymatic digestion of hyaluronan in the subplate/intermediate zone led to the disappearance of TNC and NCAN accumulation (Figure 8a-c). This result may account for the disparity observed, where Tnc mRNA is expressed in the ventricular zone while the TNC protein localizes to the subplate/intermediate zone.

      (5) Are hyaluronic acid synthesizing complexes (HAS) concentrated in the SP/IZ?

      According to the reviewer's comment, we have investigated the localization of Has2 and Has3 mRNA using in situ hybridization. However, due to the relatively low expression levels of these enzymes, we encountered challenges in obtaining clear signals (Author response image 1). Further research is needed to understand the mechanisms behind the localization of hyaluronan in the intermediate zone.

      Author response image 1.

      In situ hybridization analysis of Has2 and 3 mRNA on the E16.5 cerebral cortex. Upper images show results of in situ hybridization using antisense against Has2 and 3. Lower images are in situ hybridization using sense probes as negative controls.

      (6) CSPGs as well as TNC are part of the neural stem/progenitors cell niche environment. Does the removal of either of the ECM compounds affect the proliferation, differentiation, and/or survival of NSPCs, or their progeny?

      )7) This question relates to the fact that the migration process itself is not visualized in the present study, rather its outcome - the quantitative distribution of labeled neurons in the different bins of the analysis. This could also derive from modified cell numbers.

      As pointed out by the reviewer, previous studies have shown the role of CSPGs and TNC as components of the neural stem/progenitor cell niche (see reviews by (Faissner et al., 2017; Faissner and Reinhard, 2015). However, as mentioned in Response #2, based on our analyses, we did not observe a reduction in neural stem/progenitor cells in NCAN/TNC double-knockout mice. While we cannot precisely explain this discrepancy, it is worth noting that many past studies evaluated the activities of the ECM molecules in in vitro systems such as neurospheres. The observed differences may stem from variations in experimental systems.

      (8) What is the role of the ECM in the SP/IZ area? Do the cells need the ECM to advance, the reduction would then leave the neuronal progenitors in the VZ area? This somehow contrasts with interpretations that the ECM acts as an obstacle for neurite growth or cell migration, or as a kind of barrier.

      The role of the ECM is multifaceted, with certain ECM molecules known to inhibit neurite outgrowth while others facilitate it. Additionally, the effects of ECM can vary depending on the cell type. It is established that after migrating neurons adhere to radial fibers, they utilize these fibers as a scaffold to migrate toward the cortical surface. However, in the subplate/intermediate zone, migrating neurons have not yet adhered to radial fibers. This study provides evidence that multipolar neurons undergo morphological changes into bipolar cells with the assistance of the NCAN, TNC, and HA complex. Subsequently, this facilitates their movement along radial fibers.

      (9) A direct visualization of the movement of neural progenitors in the tissue as has been for example performed by the Kriegstein laboratory might help resolve some of these issues.

      As suggested by the reviewer, utilizing live imaging techniques to directly observe the movement of neural progenitors within the tissue is indeed a powerful tool. We recognize the significance of addressing these points in future research.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The manuscript describes the crystal structures of Streptococcus pneumoniae NOXs. Crystals were obtained for the wild-type and mutant dehydrogenase domain, as well as for the full-length protein comprising the membrane domain. The manuscript further carefully studies the enzyme's kinetics and substrate-specificity properties. Streptococcus pneumoniae NOX is a non-regulated enzyme, and therefore, its structure should provide a view of the NOX active conformation. The structural and biochemical data are discussed on this ground.


      This is very solid work. The protein chemistry and biochemical analysis are well executed and carefully described. Similarly, the crystallography must be appreciated given the difficulty of obtaining good enzyme preparations and the flexibility of the protein. Even if solved at medium resolution, the crystal structure of the full-length protein conveys relevant information. The manuscript nicely shows that the domain rotations are unlikely to be the main mechanistic element of NOX regulation. It rather appears that the NADPH-binding conformation is pivotal to enzyme activation. The paper extensively refers to the previous literature and analyses the structures comprehensively with a comparison to previously reported structures of eukaryotic and prokaryotic NOXs.

      We thank the referee for these very nice comments about our work.


      The manuscript is not always very clear with regard to the analysis of NADPH binding. The last section describes a "crevice" featured by the NADPH-binding sites in NOXs. It remains unclear whether this element corresponds to the different conformations of the protein C-terminal residues or more extensive structural differences. This point must be clarified.

      We agree with the referee that our terminology was not very clear. Responding to your comment helped us to improve our explanation: we have changed the text to emphasize the differences we observe in the distances between the FAD binding groove and the entire NADPH binding groove, which includes conserved NADPH-contacting motifs as well as the critical aromatic.

      A second less convincing point concerns the nature of the electron acceptor. The manuscript states that this NOX might not physiologically act as a ROS producer. A question then immediately arises: Is this protein an iron reductase?

      Can the authors better discuss or provide more data about this point?

      The referee has a legitimate point, which was also our first idea. In the initial work on SpNOX, where we discovered bacterial NOX enzymes (see Hajjar et al 2017 in mBio), we evaluated its possible role as an iron reductase. There we showed that SpNOX can reduce CytC directly; however, while some reduction of Fe3+-NTA complex (used classically in ferric reductase activity assay) occurred, this reduction was inhibitable by SOD and occurred indirectly by the superoxide produced, so therefore not a true iron reductase activity. This represents a mixed situation of direct and indirect reduction of an iron-containing acceptor that appears to preclude physiological iron reductase activity since it appears that the protein component of CytC allows it to interact with SpNOX. As these questions had been already addressed in a previous paper, we did not add anything here and we prefer to underline this possibility of another acceptor and to leave this question open for future works.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors describe the structure of the S. pneumoniae Nox protein (SpNOX). This is a first. The relevance of it to the structure and function of eukaryotic Noxes is discussed in depth.

      Strengths and Weaknesses

      One of the strengths of this work is the effort put into preparing a pure and functionally active SpNOX preparation. The protein was expressed in E. coli and the purification and optimization of its thermostability and activity are described in detail, involving salt concentration, glycerol concentration, and pH.

      This reviewer was surprised by the fact that the purification protocol in the eLife paper differs from those in the mBio and Biophys. J. papers by the absence of the detergent lauryl maltose neopentyl glycol (LMNG). LMNG is only present in the activity assay at a low concentration (0.003%; molar data should be given; by my calculation, this corresponds to 30 μM).

      We regret this misunderstanding: our description was not clear enough. As the referee points out, in previous papers we purified the full length SpNOX with the detergent LMNG. In the current paper, we described only the protocol for SpNOX DH domain variant, a soluble cytoplasmic domain. We have now modified the text to clarify the difference between the purification of fulllength SpNOX variants, which were performed with detergent as cited in Vermot et al 2020, and the purification of DH domains, which are soluble and thus did not require detergent in the purification.

      In light of the presence of lipids in cryo-EM-solved structures of DUOX and NOX2, it is surprising that the authors did not use reconstitution of the purified SpNOX in phospholipid (nanodisk?). The issue is made more complicated by the statement on p. 18 of "structures solved in detergent like ours" when no use of detergent in the solubilization and purification of SpNOX is mentioned in the Methods section (p. 21-22).

      As stated above, detergent used to purify the full-length version of SpNOX. We did in fact perform some preliminary tests of reconstitution in nanodiscs. Different trials of negative staining studies showed heterogeneous size of SpNOX in nanodiscs and the initial images were not promising. Furthermore, in parallel, we had positive results in crystallography relatively quickly with protein in detergent. We thus focused on refining the crystals, which was a fairly long and mobilizing task; we decided to allocate time and resources to the promising avenue and did not further pursue nanodiscs.

      We did not go in theCryo-EM direction because the small size of the protein was initially believed to be a significant barrier to successful Cryo-EM. Perhaps we could have pursued this avenue: while our manuscript here was submitted to eLife, another group deposited a preprint in BioRxiv using CryoEM to solve the structure of SpNOX (see comment below). This structure was solved in detergent so even in this CryEM structure there is no information on the potential roles of lipids as asked by the referee.

      In this revised version, we have added a comment, in the last paragraph, in reference to the additional data available today thanks to the other structures generated by this other group (Murphy's group).

      Can the authors provide information on whether E. coli BL21 is sufficiently equipped for the heme synthesis required for the expression of the TM domain of SpNOX. Was supplementation with δaminolevulinic acid used

      The production of His-SpNox in E.coli C41(DE3) is without any δ-aminolevulinic acid supplementation. Supplementation was tested but no change was observed regarding the heme content (UV/Visible spectra) so we settled on the purification described by Vermot et al 2020. Initially, for the mBio paper (Haajar et al 2017), we performed heme titrations which gave stoichiometry between 1.35 to 1.5 heme/protein, indicating 2 hemes (these data were not shown). In the end in this work we observed two hemes in the crystal structure, thus confirming that E.coli, at least for this protein, did not need supplementation with δ-aminolevulinic acid .

      The 3 papers on SpNOX present more than convincing evidence that SpNOX is a legitimate Nox that can serve as a legitimate model for eukaryotic Noxes (cyanide resistance, inhibition by DPI, absolute FAD dependence, and NADPH/NADH as the donor or electrons to FAD). It is also understood that the physiological role of SpNOX in S. pneumoniae is unknown and that the fact that it can reduce molecular oxygen may be an experimental situation that does not occur in vivo.

      I am, however, linguistically confused by the statement that "SpNOX requires "supplemental" FAD". Noxes have FAD bound non-covalently and this is the reason that, starting from the key finding of Babior on NOX2 back in 1977 to the present, FAD has to be added to in vitro systems to compensate for the loss of FAD in the course of the purification of the enzyme from natural sources or expression in a bacterial host. I wonder whether this makes FAD more of a cosubstrate than a prosthetic group unless what the authors intend to state is that SpNOX is not a genuine flavoprotein.

      We believe there is some confusion between SpNOX – the full length transmembran protein -- and SpNOXDH -- the cytosolic domain only. The sentence pinpointed by the referee was in fact “The strict requirement of FAD addition for SpNOXDH activity suggests that the flavin behaves as a cosubstrate”. This statement was about the isolated cytosolic domain that does not contain the TM part of the protein.

      We agree that in WT NOX enzymes (including SpNOX) FAD is held within the enzyme structure and thus can be considered, by definition, as a prosthetic group. This is supported by the nanomolar affinity for FAD of SpNOX. We did not intend to say that NOX and SpNOX are not genuine flavoproteins.

      On the other hand, when isolated, the affinity of DH domain for flavins drops to the µM level. This µM level of affinity does not allow stable maintenance of the flavin in the active site as illustrated by the spectra of Figure 3. This is instead the typical affinity of a substrate or a co-substrate (similar to that of substrate NADPH) that can be exchangeable and diffuse in and out of the active site. The DH domain recognizes and reduces flavins but, as a consequence of its lower affinity, will release to its environment free reduced flavins. Thus the isolated DH behaves as a flavin reductase that uses flavin as substrate. Such enzymes have already been well described (and some of them are of the FNR family). Such enzymes, using flavin as substrate, typically have affinity for flavin in the µM range and share with the SpNOX DH binding properties centered on the isoalloxazine ring only.

      We understand that, in the text, to switch from the SpNOX to the SpNOX DH and for FAD from a prosthetic group to a diffusible co-substrate can be confusing. So, to make it clearer, we modified the following sentences and added references to “some flavin reductases characterization” that could provide support for the reader.

      “The strict requirement of FAD addition for SpNOXDH activity and its µM level of affinity suggests that the flavin behaves as a co-substrate rather than a prosthetic group. As an isolated domain, SpNOXDH may work as a flavin reductase enzyme (Gaudu et al, 1994; Fieschi et al 1995; Nivière et al 1996), ..”

      We hope that it will help.

      I am also puzzled by the statement that SpNOX "does not require the addition of Cyt c to sustain superoxide production". Researchers with a Cartesian background should differentiate between cause and effect. Cyt c serves merely as an electron acceptor from superoxide made by SpNOX but superoxide production and NADPH oxidation occur independently of the presence of added Cyt c.

      Thanks to the referee for pointing out this poor wording. We agree and have amended the text to clarify what we originally meant. It is now:

      “SpNOXDH requires supplemental FAD to sustain both superoxide production, which can be observed in the presence of Cyt c (Figure 2A), and NADPH oxidation, which can be observed in the absence of Cyt c (Figure 2B).”

      The ability of the DH domain of SpNOX (SpNOXDH) to produce superoxide is surprising to this reviewer.The result is based on the inhibition of Cyt c reduction by added superoxide dismutase (SOD) by 40%. In all eukaryotic Noxes superoxide is produced by the one-electron reduction of molecular oxygen by electrons originating from the distal heme, having passed from reduced FAD via two hemes. The proposal that superoxide is generated by direct transfer of electrons from FAD to oxygen deserves a more in-depth discussion and relies too heavily on the inhibitory effect of SOD. A control experiment with inactivated SOD should have been done (SOD is notoriously heat resistant and inactivation might require autoclaving).

      The initial reports of a NOX DH-domain-only construct (that of human Nox4) producing superoxide are cited in the text. Moreover, natural flavin reductases are known to produce superoxide due to the release of free reduced flavin in the medium.

      As explain above, FAD in full length SpNox is a relay for the electrons from NADPH to heme and is internal to the protein and thus devoted to this specific task.

      In the case of SpNOX DH, its flavin reductase behavior leads to the release in the medium of free reduced flavin as a nonspecific diffusible electron carrier. It has been already demonstrated that such free reduced flavin can efficiently reduce soluble O2 and be a source of superoxide.

      This has been particularly well documented in (Gaudu et al, 1994. J.Biol.Chem). We have added this reference to the text (see the modified sentence in a reply, 2 comments above).

      Furthermore, we want to point to the referee that the link between flavin and superoxide production here is not only based on the inhibition by SOD. When we added the flavin inhibitor DPI we observed no more superoxide production from the DH domain (Figure 2C). This supports the role of free-reduced flavin in both the production of superoxide and also part of direct cyt C reduction as observed.

      An unasked and unanswered question is that, since under aerobic conditions, both direct Cyt c reduction (60%) and superoxide production (40%) occur, what are the electron paths responsible for the two phenomena occurring simultaneously?

      We thank the referee for dedication to a clear understanding of the mechanism used by the SpNOXDH construct. It pushes us to develop a clear description of the mechanism at work here for the readers. Please find below a proposal mechanism describing the electron transfer from NAD(P)H to free flavin that can, as diffusible species, then reduce non-specifically either the O2 or the Cyt.C encountered.

      Author response image 1.

      However, it is important to remember that this is not physiological, and rather the result of using a DH domain isolated from the TM of SpNOX. Nonetheless, it shows that the DH domain is fully functional for NAD(P)H as well as the hydride transfer.

      This reviewer had difficulty in following the argument that the fact that the kcat of SpNOX and SpNOXDH are similar supports the thesis that the rate of enzyme activation is dependent on hydride transfer from nicotinamide to FAD.

      We have amended the text to clarify this point. If the reaction rate is not affected by the presence or absence of the hemes in the TM domain, this inevitably implies that the rate is NOT limited by the electron transfer to the heme, and ultimately to O2, from the FAD, and thus the hydride transfer step that oxidizes the FAD must be the rate limiting step.

      The section dealing with mutating F397 is a key part of the paper. There is a proper reference to the work of the Karplus group on plant FNRs (Deng et al). However, later work, addressing comparison with NOX2, should be cited (Kean et al., FEBS J., 284, 3302-3319, 2017). Also, work from the Dinauer group on the minimal effect of mutating or deleting the C-terminal F570 in NOX2 on superoxide production should be cited (Zhen et al., J. Biol. Chem. 273, 6575-6581, 1998).

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out our unintended omission of these important works; we have amended the text and added the citations.

      It is not clear why mutating F397 to W (both residues having aromatic side chains) would stabilize FAD binding.

      In a few words, trp’s double ring can establish larger and stronger vanderWaals contact with the isoalloxazine ring than the phe sidechain. Our discussion regarding this point is extensive in the structural section where we compare the structures with F and W in this position. At this time we do not think it is necessary to add anything to the text.

      Also, what is meant by "locking the two subdomains of the DH domain"? What subdomains are meant?

      The two subdomains are the NADPH-binding domain and the FAD-binding domain, which we define on p 11 (“SpNOXDH presents a typical fold of the FNR superfamily of reductase domain containing two sub-domains, the FAD-binding domain (FBD) and an NADPH-binding domain (NBD) “) and which are labeled in Fig. 4. By “locking” we meant to convey immobilizing them into a specific conformation; we have amended the text to clarify this point.

      Methodological details on crystallization (p. 11) should be delegated to the Methodology section. How many readers are aware that SAD means "Single Wavelength Anomalous Diffraction" or know what is the role of sodium bromide?

      We have amended the text to emphasize the intended point, which is the different origins of the two DH structures: the de novo structure was possible through co crystallization with bromide, and the molecular replacement structure used the de novo structure as a model.

      The data on the structure of SpNOX are supportive of a model of Nox activation that is "dissident" relative to the models offered for DUOX and NOX2 activation. These latter models suggested that the movement of the DH domain versus the TM domain was related to conversion from the resting to the activated state. The findings reported in this paper show that, unexpectedly, the domain orientation in SpNOX (constitutively active!) is much closer to that of resting NOX2. One of the criteria associated with the activated state in Noxes was the reduction of the distance between FAD and the proximal heme. The authors report that, paradoxically, this distance is larger in the constitutively active SpNOX (9.2 Å) than that in resting state NOX2 (7.6 Å) and the distance in Ca2+-activated DUOX is even larger (10.2 Å).

      A point made by the authors is the questioning of the paradigm that activation of Noxes requires DH domain motion.

      Instead, the authors introduce the term "tensing", within the DH domain, from a "relaxed" to a more rigid conformation. I believe that this proposal requires a somewhat clearer elaboration

      It is clear that the distance between the FAD and NADPH shown in the Duox and Nox2 structures is too large for the chemical reaction of hydride transfer. Wu et al used the terms ‘tense’ and ‘relaxed’ to describe conformations of the DH domain corresponding to ‘short distance’ and ‘longer distance’, respectively, between the two ligand binding sites. We quoted this terminology and have amended the text to clarify that we envision a motion of the NBD relative to the FBD, as distinct from a larger motion of the whole DH domain relative to the TM domain.

      The statement on p. 18, in connection to the phospholipid environment of Noxes, that the structure of SpNOX was "solved in detergent" is puzzling since the method of SpNOX preparation and purification does not mention the use of a detergent. As mentioned before, this absence of detergent in the present report was surprising because LMNG was used in the methods described in the mBio and Biophys. J. papers. The only mention of LMNG in the present paper was as an addition at a concentration of 0.003% in the activity assay buffers.

      Please see our response to similar points above. Detergent was present for the solubilization of the full-length SpNOX.

      The Conclusions section contains a proposal for the mechanism of conversion of NOX2 from the resting to the activated state. The inclusion of this discussion is welcome but the structural information on the constitutively active SpNOX can, unfortunately, contribute little to solving this important problem. The work of the Lambeth group, back in 1999 (cited as Nisimoto et al.), on the role of p67-phox in regulating hydride transfer from NADPH to FAD in NOX2 may indeed turn out to have been prophetic. However, only solving the structure of the assembled NOX2 complex will provide the much-awaited answer. The heterodimerization of NOX2 with p22-phox, the regulation of NOX2 by four cytosolic components, and the still present uncertainty about whether p67-phox is indeed the final distal component that converts NOX2 to the activated state make this a formidable task.

      The work of the Fieschi group on SpNOX is important and relevant but the absence of external regulation, the absence of p22-phox, and the uncertainty about the target molecule make it a rather questionable model for eukaryotic Noxes. The information on the role of the C-terminal Phe is of special value although its extension to the mechanism of eukaryotic Nox activation proved, so far, to be elusive.

      We really thank the referee for the positive comments on our work and the deep interest shown by this careful evaluation.

      We understand the arguments of the referee regarding the relevance of our work here to eukaryotic NOX, but we do not share the reservations expressed. While human NOXes need interactions with other proteins or have EF-hand or other domains that control them, SpNOX corresponds exactly to the minimal core common to any NOX isoform. In fact, because SpNOX has only this conserved core, it is unique in that it can work as a constitutively active NOX without protein-protein interactions or regulatory domains. Thus the fundamentals of electron transfer mechanisms of NOX enzyme are present in SpNOX.

      There might be some differences in the internal organization from isoform to isoform (as regarding the relative DH domain vs TM domain orientation) but considering the similarity between NOX2 and SpNOX topology we are rather confident that the SpNOX structure will turn out to be a reasonable model of the activated NOX2 structure. History will tell.

      In any case, this work on SpNOX allowed us to highlight hydride transfer as the limiting step and also to highlight some structural differences that could be at the source of the regulation in eukaryotic NOX. In itself, we think this is a significant contribution to the field.

      We warmly thank both referees for their constructive remarks and their help in the improvement of this manuscript.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • The manuscript states that the flavin "behaves" like a co-substrate and thereby reports on the Km for the flavins. I feel that this terminology might be confusing. The flavin is unchanged after the reaction, and what matters is the enzyme's affinity for the flavin and the flavin concentration needed to saturate the enzyme (to have it in the fully holo form).

      See above -- answering many questions from referee2, we have extensively commented on that point (substrate, cofactor, affinity, etc..) and made some adjustments in the text to clarify. We hope it is now satisfactory.

      • I could not find the methodological description of the experiments performed to measure the Km for the flavins, and the legend of Figure S4 does not help in this regard. I think that the data (left panels of S4) should be interpreted as binding curves with associated Kd values.

      We have changed the text to clarify the method used to measure Km for flavins.

      • A related point is that the manuscript refers to Km as an "affinity". This is inappropriate and should be avoided, as the Km is not the Kd.

      We agree with the referee that the Km is not the Kd. However, under the appropriate conditions, to which our experiments conform, Km is accepted as a relevant approximation of affinity (Srinisivan, FEBS Journal, v 289 pp 6086-6098 2022). We have added a sentence to clarify this point and cite this reference in the text.

      • The environment around the putative oxygen site should be shown. The text indicates that "the residues characteristic of the O2 reducing center in eukaryotic FRD domains of NOX and DUOX enzymes are not conserved in SpNOX." How does the site look? This point relates to the more general comment above on the oxidizing substrate used by this bacterial NOX.

      This is a really interesting point that contains many potential biological developments for future studies of this prokaryotic family of NOX enzymes. While we were submitting this work to eLife for evaluation, another group (Murphy's lab) filed a pre-publication in BioRXiv, in which they also solved the structure of SpNOX but this time by CryoEM with an unexpected level of resolution for such a small protein (their paper is not yet published but probably under peer review somewhere). In their work, they made a special effort to identify the O2 reducing center (bacterial NOX sequences alignment, mutation studies, …) They were not able to localize such a site with accuracy. There is also other complementary data between their work and ours. So, we will add a paragraph at the end of the discussion to comment on this parallel work and to emphasize on the complementarity of their studies and what it brings to the final understanding of this enzyme.

      • The section "A Close-up View of NOX's NAD(P)H Binding Domains vs the FNR Gold Standard" should be clarified.

      I found it difficult to understand. Is the different conformation of Phe397 creating the crevice? Could NADPH be modeled in NOX2 and DUOX in the same conformation observed in FNR and modeled in the bacterial NOX? Or would there be clashes, implying the necessity of larger conformational changes to bring the nicotinamide closer to the FAD?

      Please see responses above on this point; we have amended the text to clarify. In a few words, we propose that activation in the eukaryotic enzymes would entail NBD subdomain (containing NADPH site) towards the FBD subdomain (containing FAD) through an internal motion within the DH domain. Doing so, they would approach the DH domain topology of SpNOX, which models an active state.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      On p. 6, second line, it should be (Figure 1C and 1D). Space is missing between C and "and".

      On p. 9, in Figure 3, the labeling A and B are missing. Also, the legend of part B does not correspond to the actual graph colors. Thus, the tracing of F397W is red and not grey as indicated in the legend.

      Corrected. Thank you

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife Assessment

      This study investigated the factors related to understudied genes in biomedical research. It showed that understudied genes are largely abandoned at the writing stage, and it identified a number of biological and experimental factors that influence which genes are selected for investigation. The study is a valuable contribution to this branch of meta-research, and while the evidence in support of the findings is solid, the interpretation and presentation of the results (especially the figures) needs to be improved.

      We thank the editor and reviewers for their detailed and thoughtful assessment of our work. Below, we present detailed responses to reviewers’ comments and suggestions. We are also submitting a version edited for clarity of presentation and precision of interpretation.

      Following the eLife assessment, we also tried to identify further statements where results could be presented in a more precise way.

      First, in the section Subsequent reception by other scientists does not penalize studies on understudied genes, we now state “This result again opposes the hypothesis that less-investigated genes will yield articles with lower impact.”

      Second, in section Identification of biological and experimental factors associated with selection of highlighted genes, we now state:

      “We cautiously hypothesize that this might reflect on many different research groups producing reagents surrounding the genes that they actively study. The most informative continuous factor is the number of research articles about a gene (Figure 1B).”, removing claims of causality.

      Finally, for improved readability, we have moved all supplemental tables into separate .xlsx files.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary and strengths

      The authors tried to address why only a subset of genes are highlighted in many publications. Is it because these highlighted genes are more important than others? Or is it because there are non-genetic reasons? This is a critical question because in the effort to discover new genes for drug targets and clinical benefit, we need to expand a pool of genes for deep analyses. So I appreciate the authors' efforts in this study, as it is timely and important. They also provided a framework called FMUG (short for Find My Understudied Gene) to evaluate genes for a number of features for subsequent analyses.

      We thank the reviewer for their insightful comments and are pleased that the reviewer shares our appreciation for the gravity of these questions. As the reviewer emphasizes, it is critical to understand whether the choice of genes reflects their importance or non-genetic reasons. Previously we and others demonstrated that this choice does not reflect biological importance, when the latter is assessed through unbiased genome-wide data (e.g.: Haynes et al., 2018; Stoeger et al. 2018). Now we contribute to this critical question by systematically evaluating individual non-genetic reasons. We address the reviewer’s comments below.


      Many of the figures are hard to comprehend, and the figure legends do not sufficiently explain them.

      For example, what was plotted in Fig 1b? The number of articles increased from results -> write-ups -> follow-ups in all four categories with different degrees. But it does not seem to match what the authors meant to deliver.

      We apologize for the lack of clarity. We identified two interrelated elements that we have now fixed: i) the prior figure legend provided for each genomics approach n number of articles, such as “GWAS (n=450 articles)”; ii) the prior y-axis was labelled “Number of articles”.

      Addressing the first element, we now rephrased the legend for clarity:

      “b, We identified articles reporting on genome-wide CRISPR screens (CRISPR, 15 focus articles and 18 citing articles), transcriptomics (T-omics, 148 focus articles and 1,678 citing articles), affinity purification–mass spectrometry (AP-MS, 296 focus articles and 1,320 citing articles), and GWAS (450 focus articles and 3,524 citing articles). Focusing only on protein-coding genes (white box plot), we retrieved data uploaded to repositories describing which genes came up as “hits” in each experiment (first colored box plot). We then retrieved the hits mentioned in the titles and abstracts of those articles (second colored box plot) and hits mentioned in the titles and abstracts of articles citing those articles (third colored box plot). Unique hit genes are only counted once.”

      The number of genes in each box plot is now reported in the x-axis labels for each step. For example, the results for CRISPR were obtained from 15 focus studies (original research) and 18 subsequent studies (papers citing focus articles). Those 15 studies identified 9,268 genes where loss-of-function changed phenotypes but, in their titles and abstracts, mentioned only 18 of those 9,268 genes. While the 9,268 hit genes have received similar research attention to the entirety of protein-coding genes, the 18 hit genes mentioned in the title or abstract are significantly more well studied. The articles citing the focus articles also only mentioned in their titles and abstracts 19 highly studied hit genes.

      Addressing the second element, we updated the axis label to “Number of articles about gene”, to distinguish it from number of articles mentioned in the legend, convey that this is the number of articles about each gene that were published independently of the genomics assays we inspect. To further underscore this point we now label the “20% highest-studied genes” that we mention in the main text, and reworded the figure caption to better capture where the critical increase occurs: “A shift in focus towards well-studied genes occurs during the summarization and write-up of results and remains in subsequent studies.”.

      Fig 4 is also confusing. It appears that the genes were clustered by many features that the authors developed. But does it have any relationship with genes being under- or over-studied?

      We again apologize for the lack of clarity. As is described in the main text, while the results of Figs. 1-2 suggest that gene popularity may be predict the highlighting of a differentially expressed gene in the title or abstract, we want to conduct a systematically analysis of the factors that correlate with such a decision. We thus build a set of 45 factors that have been discussed as factors explaining why some genes receive increased research attention.

      The data in Fig. 4 shows that those 45 factors are not independent but that some are highly correlated. Because of those correlations, we are able to select a smaller number as representative of the full set. Those are the default factors shown to users of FMUG. While users can choose all factors that are significantly correlated with the highlighting in title or abstract, the default of presenting factors representing different clusters of factors enabled us to limit the number of factors that are initially displayed.

      Please note that following the suggestion of Reviewer 3, we have now moved this Figure to the supplemental material, as Figure S11.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review)

      Summary and strengths

      In this manuscript the authors analyse the trajectory of understudied genes (UGs) from experiment to publication and study the reasons for why UGs remain underrepresented in the scientific literature. They show that UGs are not underrepresented in experimental datasets, but in the titles and abstracts of the manuscripts reporting experimental data as well as subsequent studies referring to those large-scale studies. They also develop an app that allows researchers to find UGs and their annotation state. Overall, this is a timely article that makes an important contribution to the field. It could help to boost the future investigation of understudied genes, a fundamental challenge in the life sciences. It is concise and overall well-written, and I very much enjoyed reading it. However, there are a few points that I think the authors should address.

      We thank the reviewer for their kind assessment.


      The authors conclude that many UGs "are lost" from genome-wide assay at the manuscript writing stage. If I understand correctly, this is based on gene names not being reported in the title or abstract of these manuscripts. However, for genome-wide experiments, it would be quite difficult for authors to mention large numbers of understudied genes in the abstract. In contrast, one might highlight the expected behaviour of a well-studied protein simply to highlight that the genome-wide study provides credible results.

      We agree that it is not reasonable to expect a title or abstract to highlight hundreds or even thousands of differentially expressed genes. We’ve now extended our Study Limitations section to address this:

      “we take a gene being mentioned in the title or abstract of an article as a proxy for a gene receiving attention by the article’s authors. The title and abstract are space-limited and thus cannot accommodate discussion of large numbers of genes.”

      We also agree that highlighting the expected behavior of a well-studied protein may provide credibility to a study and increase confidence on other results. The soundness of such a strategy was quantitatively studied in a study by Uzzi et al. (Science 2013), which we now include in the section on study limitations as:

      “authors beginning manuscripts with something familiar before introducing something new”.

      To convey the practical limitation of abstracts needing to be concise, we added the following sentence to our discussion section, when suggesting controlled trials that add genes to abstracts:

      “This intervention would need to be carefully designed since abstracts are limited in their size.”

      To avoid over-interpretation we have in the discussion also extended the sentence on “lost in a leaky pipeline” to “lost to titles and abstracts of research articles in a leaky pipeline”.

      Our focus on titles and abstracts has been equally motivated by their availability (full text still is often behind paywalls and/or not accessible for bulk-download and text-mining) and by abstracts being the most visible and most read parts of research articles (e.g.: bioRxiv estimates that for the preprint for the present manuscript, the abstract was read ~10 times more frequently than full-text HTML and 4 times more frequently than the pdf).

      Could this bias the authors' conclusions and, if so, how could this be addressed? For example, would it be worth to normalise studies based on the total number of genes they cover?

      We previously described that – in line with the reviewer’s expectations – unstudied genes are preferentially added to the title or abstract of articles that feature more genes in the title or abstract (Stoeger et al., Plos Biology, 2022; Fig. 2B). Normalizing by the total number of genes should thus preserve the pronounced division between well-studied genes and unstudied genes show in Figure 1B. In line with these predictions, we randomly select one gene per title/abstract and find that the effect remains (see new Figure S7).

      Author response image 1.

      Figure 1B is confusing in its present form. I think the plot and/or the legend need revising. For example, what "numbers to the right of each box plot" are the authors referring to? Also, I assume that the filled boxes are understudied genes and the empty/white box is "all genes", but that's not explained in the legend. In the main text, the figure is referred to with the sentence "we found that hit genes that are highlighted in the title or abstract are strongly over-represented among the 20% highest-studied genes in all biomedical literature ". I cannot follow how the figure shows this. My interpretation is that the y-axis is not showing the number of articles, but represents the percentage of articles mentioning a gene in the title/abstract, displayed on a log scale. If so, perhaps a better axis labels and legend text could be sufficient. But then one would also need to somehow connect this to the statement in the main text about the 20% highest-studied genes (a dashed line?). Alternatively, the authors could consider other ways of plotting these data, e.g. simply plotting the "% of publication in which a gene appears" from 0-100% or so.

      Reviewer 1 raised a similar point on overall figure clarity. We identified two interrelated elements that contribute to overall confusion and have now fixed them (see response to Reviewer 1 beginning on page 2 of this document).

      We attempted an alternative plotting of Fig 1B according to the reviewer’s suggestion. In the version below, the y-axis instead shows the percent of gene-related articles that are about each gene. We chose to keep the original y-axis (showing number of articles about each gene) as it additionally conveys the absolute scale of scholarship on individual genes.

      Author response image 2.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary and strengths

      The manuscript investigated the factors related to understudied genes in biomedical research. It showed that understudied are largely abandoned at the writing stage and identified biological and experimental factors associated with selection of highlighted genes.

      It is very important for the research community to recognize the systematic bias in research of human genes and take precautions when designing experiments and interpreting results. The authors have tried to profile this issue comprehensively and promoted more awareness and investigation of understudied genes.

      We thank the reviewer for their kind assessment of our work.


      Regarding result section 1 "Understudied genes are abandoned at synthesis/writing stage", the figures are not clear and do not convey the messages written in the main text. For example, in Figure 1B, figure S5 and S6,

      • There is no "numbers to the right of each box plot".

      The “numbers to the right” statement in the caption was an erroneous inclusion from an earlier version of the figure. We apologize for our error and have now removed this statement.

      • Do these box plots only show understudied genes? How many genes are there in each box plot? The definition and numbers of understudied genes are not clear.

      The x-axis describes genes featured in each stage of the publication process (from all protein-coding genes to genes found as hits in genome-wide screen to genes found in the title/abstract to genes found in the title/abstract of citing articles) and the y-axis describes the number of articles annotated to those genes. We have also now added the number of genes in each box plot to the figure. This information is also in Materials and Methods under each technology’s heading (see also response to Reviewer 1 beginning on page 2 of this document).

      Author response image 3.

      • "We found that hit genes that are highlighted in the title or abstract are strongly over-represented among the 20% highest-studied genes in all biomedical literature (Figure 1B)". This is not clear from the figure.

      We have revised Figure 1B and its caption to better communicate the main point of the figure: that genes which make it to the title/abstract of the reporting article tend to be more popular than genes which are hits in genome-wide experiments from those articles. We have added a horizontal line that shows the cutoff for the top 20% most popular genes.

      Regarding result section 2 "Subsequent reception by other scientists does not penalize studies on understudied genes", the authors showed in figure 2 that there is a negative correlation between articles per gene before 2015 and median citations to articles published in 2015. Another explanation could be that for popular genes, there are more low-quality articles that didn't get citations, not necessarily that less popular genes attract more citations.

      We believe that both explanations for the observed phenomenon are not mutually exclusive. Previously, we focused on the median of citations to articles about a gene to capture the typical effect. In a new analysis, we also find support for the possibility outlined by the reviewer and believe that adding this to our manuscript complements and balances our analysis of citations. Specifically, in the new Figure S8B we find that most popular genes are slightly more likely to be among least cited papers (and in Figure S8A that the least studied genes have been much more likely to be among the most cited papers). In-text, we state:

      “Further, since 1990, articles about the least popular genes have at times been 3 to 4 times more likely to be among the most cited articles than articles on the most popular genes whereas articles on the most popular genes have been slightly less to be highly cited than lowly cited (Figure S8)”.

      We thank the reviewer for their suggestion, which strengthens our manuscript. The figure caption reads:

      “Figure S8: Likelihoods of being highly cited (top 5% of citations among all articles about genes, panel a) or lowly cited (bottom 5% of citations among all articles about genes, panel b) for articles about the most popular genes (top 5% accumulated articles) versus articles about the least popular genes (bottom 5% accumulated articles) by year of publication. Only articles with a single gene in the title/abstract are considered. Shaded regions show ±1 standard error of the proportion."

      Author response image 4.

      Regarding result section 3 "Identification of biological and experimental factors associated with selection of highlighted genes", in Figure 3 and table s2, the author stated that "hits with a compound known to affect gene activity are 5.114 times as likely to be mentioned in the title/abstract in an article using transcriptomics", The number 5.144 comes out of nowhere both in the figure and the table. In addition, figure 4 is not informative enough to be included as a main figure.

      This is the result of both a typo and imprecise terminology. The number should read 4.262 (the likelihood ratio of being mentioned in the title/abstract between genes with and without a compound), which corresponds to an odds ratio of 4.331. We have clarified this in the table caption, stating:

      “e.g. hits with a compound known to affect gene activity are 4.262 times as likely to be mentioned in the title/abstract in an article using transcriptomics, corresponding to an odds ratio of 4.331".

      We have removed Figure 4 as a main-text figure and added a version, with revised color scheme along comments of Reviewer 1, as Figure S11. We added to the figure caption “Bold indicates FMUG ‘s default factors, which we selected based on this clustering and based on their strength of association with gene selection (Figure 3, Table S2 and Table S3)."

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations for the authors):

      • Fig 2a shows that papers highlighting understudied genes are actually cited more. I wonder why authors only looked at data before 2015. Fig 2b shows an increased correlation since 2015. Please consider redrawing Fig 2a to include data from 2015-2020?

      We highlight data from 2015 since, from our used version of iCite (v32, released July 2022, covering citations made through most of 2021), papers published in 2015 have had about 6 years to accumulate citations. With fewer years to accumulate citations, insufficient signal may cause correlation to converge toward zero. Below, we repeat the analysis in Figure 2 but only considering citations made within a year of an article’s publication, which substantially reduces correlation (although remaining significant).

      Author response image 5.

      We added a note to the figure caption:

      “We forgo depicting more recent years than 2015 to allow for citations to accumulate over multiple years, providing a more sensitive and robust readout of long-term impact.”

      For Figure 2B, we add:

      “For more recent years, where articles have had less time to accumulate citations, insufficient signal may cause correlation to converge toward zero.”

      • Can FMUG be posted on the web for easy access by researchers with non-computational backgrounds?"

      We presently regretfully do not have the resources to create or maintain a web-based version. We hope that the publication of this manuscript will enable us to attract resources to create and maintain a web-based version.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations for the authors):

      • Related to the first weakness in my public review: The observed disparity between CRISPR and GWAS study in terms of which genes they promote to the abstract is interesting. I wonder if this has to do with the application of these techniques. GWAS studies will often highlight that they retrieve known associations between a gene and a phenotype, to show that a screen is working. I guess often the point is to subsequently identify more genes associated with a particular phenotype, but often it is unclear how to validate/verify newly found associations. In contrast, CRISPR screens might be more focussed on functionally/mechanistically understanding unknown processes, e.g. observing a phenotype that appears/disappears in response to a gene deletion. In such studies, the follow-up of a previously unknown gene could be more straightforward and relevant to the outcome. Does that mean CRIPSR screens are better than GWAS studies for addressing the UG problem? Perhaps the authors could briefly discuss this issue.

      The number of studies we included featuring CRISPR screens is relatively small (n = 15 compared to n = 450 for GWAS). Thus, it is not possible to conclude in a statistically sound manner whether authors of CRISPR screens are truly more likely to highlight understudied genes.

      However, the reviewer raises compelling reasons for why this might be the case, and we now embed the broader discussion point that some techniques might be more powerful toward understudied genes.

      The discussion now includes:

      “Further, the observed discrepancy between the popularity of hits highlighted by GWAS versus other technologies suggests that some -omics technologies may be more powerful than others for characterizing understudied genes. This possibility merits further research and researchers participating in unknomics should consider the relative strengths of each technology towards providing tractable results for follow-up.”

      • Affinity capture mass spectrometry (Aff-MS): Perhaps I misunderstood this, but typically this is referred to as affinity purification MS (AP-MS)

      Thank you for the clarification. We have changed ‘Aff-MS’ to ‘AP-MS’ throughout the manuscript.

      • Page 3, line 96. The sentence "The first possibility is that seemingly understudied genes are, in fact, not understudied as they would rarely be identified through experiments.". Would they not still be understudied, just not intentionally?

      We have rephrased this sentence to:

      “The first possibility is that some genes are less studied because they are rarely identified as hits in experiments.”

      • Fig 4 is very interesting, but I also found it a bit confusing. First, the choice of colour scheme, where blue shows the absence and white shows the presence of something, seems counterintuitive, especially on a white background. Second, I find it confusing that only some of the experiments are labelled in the heatmap. Could the authors not simply use Fig S9 as Fig 4? Or alternatively, only include the 8 labelled factors in the simplified figure.

      In line with this feedback and that of Review #1 and #3, we have removed Figure 4 as a main-text figure and instead include this figure as Supplementary Figure S11. We have reversed the color scheme so that purple indicates one and white indicates zero. We also now label all factors. Previously we had only listed the default features of FMUG. We also now updated the figure legend to convey how it assisted the choice of default factors in FMUG. It reads:

      “Bold indicates FMUG ‘s default factors, which we selected based on this clustering and based on their strength of association with gene selection (Figure 3, Table S2 and Table S3)”.

      • The FMUG app is fantastic and sounds exactly like something that is required to boost the visibility of understudied genes and overcome the understudied gene bias. However, I did not understand the choice of reporting this in the Discussion section.

      We thank the reviewer for their enthusiasm, and have now moved FMUG into the results section.

      • To further increase usability of the FMUG app, is there a way it could be deployed online? I appreciate this could require a major amount of coding work, which would not be reasonable to demand. So please consider this a suggestion, potentially for a future implementation.

      We presently regretfully do not have the resources to create or maintain a web-based version. We hope that the publication of this manuscript will enable us to attract resources to create and maintain a web-based version.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations for the authors):

      Table s2 and s3: p values are indicated by star signs. However, with so many hypothesis tests, the p values should be corrected for multiple tests.

      We have now applied Benjamini-Hochberg multiple hypothesis correction to these tables, correcting p-values within each of the four technologies. We update our significance calling to read:

      “We identified 45 factors that relate to genes and found 33 (12 out of 23 binary factors and 21 out of 22 continuous factors) associated with selection in at least one assay type at Benjamini-Hochberg FDR < 0.001.”

      Figure S1 - S4

      These figures contain too many noninformative boxes. In all the figures, only the last three boxes are informative (reports assessed for eligibility, reports excluded, and studies included in review). The rest boxes convey little information and should be simplified.

      We have simplified these diagrams, removing boxes which contained no information.

      Figure S6: what does it mean by "prior to the publication of the first article represented in this sample"? What is "this sample"?

      “This sample” refers to the collection of 450 GWAS articles, 296 articles using AP-MS, 148 transcriptomics articles, and 15 genome-wide CRISPR screen articles. We have rephrased this sentence to make this clear. It now reads:

      “Variant of Figure 1B only considering articles published in 2002 or before, prior to the publication of any of the articles featuring -omics experiments which we considered for this analysis.”

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This study by Lee et al. is a direct follow-up on their previous study that described an evoluBonary conservancy among placental mammals of two moBfs (a transmembrane moBf and a juxtamembrane palmitoylaBon site) in CD4, an anBgen co-receptor, and showed their relevance for T-cell anBgen signaling. In this study, they describe the contribuBon of these two moBfs to the CD4-mediated anBgen signaling in the absence of CD4-LCK binding. Their approach was the comparison of anBgen-induced proximal TCR signaling and distal IL-2 producBon in 58-/- T-cell hybridoma expressing exogenous truncated version of CD4 (without the interacBon with LCK), called T1 with T1 version with the mutaBons in either or both of the conserved moBfs. They show that the T1 CD4 can support signaling to the extend similar to WT CD4, but the mutaBon of the conserved moBfs substanBally reduced the signaling. The authors conclude that the role of these moBfs is independent of the LCK-binding.


      The authors convincingly show that T1 CD4, lacking the interacBon with LCK supports the TCR signaling and also that the two studied moBfs have a significant contribuBon to it.


      The study has several weaknesses.

      (1) The whole study is based on a single experimental system, geneBcally modified 58-/- hybridoma. It is unclear at this moment, how the molecular moBfs studied here contribute to the signaling in a real T cell. The evoluBonary conservancy suggests that these moBfs are important for T cell biology. However, the LCK-binding moBf is conserved as well (perhaps even more) and it plays a very minor role in their model. Without verifying their results in primary cells, the quanBtaBve, but even qualitaBve, importance of these moBfs for T-cell signaling and biology is unclear. Although the authors discuss this issue in the Discussion, it should be noted in all important parts of the manuscript, where conclusions are made (abstract, end of introducBon, perhaps also in the Btle) that the results are coming from the hybridoma cells.

      We appreciate the Reviewer’s thoughWul comments and suggesBon. We now state in the abstract and introducBon that wet-lab experiments were performed with T cell hybridomas. We have also beXer highlighted work from Killeen and LiXman (PMID: 8355789) wherein they showed that C-terminally truncated CD4, which lacked the moBfs that mediate CD4-Lck interacBons, can drive CD4+ T cell development, proliferaBon, and T-helper funcBon because we now provide mechanisBc data to help explain those in vivo results. Also, as noted by the reviewer, we discuss how the sum of our data provides jusBficaBon for the investment in and use of mouse models to interrogate how the funcBonally important residues/moBfs idenBfied and studied here influence T cell biology.

      We will take the opportunity to reiterate here that, while the study is based on a well characterized, albeit single, wet-lab experimental system, the whole study is based on two lines of invesBgaBon. The other approach was a systems biology computaBonal approach that analyzes data from real-world experiments in a variety of jawed vertebrate species over evoluBon. Specifically, we used a computaBonal reconstrucBon of the evoluBonary history of CD4 by performing mulBple analyses of CD4 from 99 jawed vertebrates spanning ~435 million years of evoluBon. This analysis allowed us to idenBfy residues, and networks of evoluBonarily coupled residues, that are predicted to be funcBonally important in vivo. Like other systems biology approaches, this allowed us to look at the larger picture by evaluaBng data points that have emerged from constant tesBng and adjustments of CD4 funcBon in vivo through selecBon on an evoluBonary Bmescale in more jawed vertebrate species, and under more real-world condiBons, than can be tested in the laboratory. Our structure-funcBon analysis provided a second, wet-lab reducBonist experimental system to cross-validate that the residues idenBfied by our evoluBonary analysis are funcBonally significant. This experimental validaBon is criBcal and elevates the relevance of our studies above ad hoc observaBons. Our work also provides mechanisBc insights for why the residues studied here are funcBonally significant (i.e., key determinants of pMHCII-specific signaling iniBaBon). In short, using both systems allowed us to cross-validate the funcBonal significance of the residues within the GGXXG and (C/F)CV+C moBfs studied here by two independent methods.

      (2) Many of the experiments lack the negaBve control. I believe that two types of negaBve controls should be included in all experiments. First, hybridoma cells without CD4 (or with CD4 mutant unable to bind MHCII). Second, no pepBde control, i.e., acBvaBon of the hybridoma cells with the APC not loaded with the cognate pepBde. These controls are required to disBnguish the basal levels of phoshorylaBon and CD4-independent anBgen-induced phosphorylaBon to quanBfy, what is the contribuBon of the parBcular moBfs to the CD4-mediated support. Although these controls are included in some of the experiments, they are missing in other ones. The binding mutant appears in some FC results as a horizontal bar (without any error bar/variability), showing that CD4 does not give a huge advantage in these readouts. Why don't the authors show no pepBde controls here as well? Why the primary FC data (histograms) are not shown? Why neither of these two controls is shown for the % of responders plots? Although the IL-2 producBon is a very robust and convincing readout, the phosphoflow is much less sensiBve. It seems that the signaling is elevated only marginally. Without the menBoned controls and showing the raw data, the precise interpretaBon is not possible.

      These comments, and those in point #3, concern our flow cytometry-based analysis of early intracellular signaling events where we asked: how do the moBfs under invesBgaBon impact phosphorylaBon of CD3z, ZAP-70, and PLCg1 in response to agonist pMHCII? Thank you for poinBng out areas of confusion regarding these analyses. We will try to clarify here and have worked to clarify the text.

      Our approach was to mutate consBtuent residues within the moBfs that our evoluBonary analysis predicted to be funcBonally significant, compare the performance of the mutants to that of controls bearing WT moBfs, and then infer the funcBon of the moBfs based on the differenBal phenotype of the mutants relaBve to their controls. In most cases, the C-terminally truncated CD4-T1 mutant served as the appropriate CD4 control backbone against which to evaluate the phenotypes of the GGXXG and (C/F)CV+C moBf mutants. This is a convenBonal structure-funcBon strategy.

      All experiments included APCs expressing null pMHCII (Hb:I-Ek) as negaBve controls. These were a necessary component of the data analysis, explained further below, which involved background subtracBon of the signal from control or mutant T cell hybridomas bound to these negaBve control APCs from those bound to the agonist pMHCII (MCC:I-Ek). Doing so allowed us to establish a true signal over background for calculaBng percent responders and signaling intensity. These negaBve controls served the same purpose of APCs expressing I-Ek not loaded with cognate pepBde requested by the reviewer. It is important to note that we previously published that TCR-CD3-pMHCII interacBons reciprocally increase CD4-pMHCII dwell Bme, and vice versa, such that dwell Bmes of the 5c.c7 TCR and CD4 to the null Hb:I-Ek are both basal in this system relaBve to antagonist, weak agonist, and agonist pMHCII (PMID 29386113). A recent study using different techniques also concluded that TCR-CD3 and CD4 cooperaBvely enhance signaling to pMHCII (PMID 36396644). The use of the null pMHCII, Hb:I-Ek, in each experiment thus serves as a well-characterized negaBve control for both TCR and CD4 engagement in this experimental system with regards to assembly of the TCR-CD3 and CD4 around pMHCII to drive signaling. In our view, it is the most important negaBve control for interpreBng our results, and it is present in each experiment. In Fig 1B and related supplemental figures we compare the Cterminally truncated CD4-T1 mutant to the full-length WT CD4 to evaluate the contribuBons of the intracellular domains to early signaling events. We found no significant differences for pCD3z, pZAP-70, and pPLCg1 levels demonstraBng that, in our system, CD4 WT and T1 are staBsBcally indisBnguishable.

      In Fig 1C we asked: what is the contribuBon of CD4-pMHCII interacBons made by CD4 T1, which lacks the intracellular domain, using our CD4 T1Dbind mutant. Fig 2C and Table 3 show that pCD3z levels for T1Dbind were ~54% of T1, meaning that CD4 binding to pMHCII roughly doubles pCD3z levels (even without the intracellular domain). We also showed that the percent of responders were not different between the CD4 T1 and T1Dbind mutant in Fig 2C. The impact on ZAP-70 and PLCg1 are shown in Figure 2—figure supplement 4. These differences, including the magnitude of the decrease, were observed reproducibly (p<0.001) in three independently generated sets of lines. We believe that this analysis saBsfies the request by the reviewer for an analysis of the contribuBons of CD4 binding to pMHCII. We did not include this as a negaBve control in experiments evaluaBng the contribuBons of the GGXXG and (C/F)CV+C moBfs to CD4 T1 signaling because the quesBon being asked in those experiments was how do the moBfs impact signaling in the absence of the intracellular domain (i.e., within the CD4 T1 backbone, making CD4 T1 the proper comparator for the quesBon we were asking). We showed the average normalized intensity for the T1Dbind mutant, relaBve to T1, for this lower bound of signaling mediated by TCR-CD3-only as a doXed line in those figures to provide a reference point for the readers to evaluate and put into perspecBve how the mutants we generated impacted the overall contribuBon of CD4 to these early signaling events. The T1Dbind mutants were not always measured in the same experiment at the same Bme with other mutants, because the cell lines used were not always made at the same Bme, so we did not think it appropriate to graph the results together.

      We do not know how to interpret the comment “Although the IL-2 producBon is a very robust and convincing readout, the phosphoflow is much less sensiBve. It seems that the signaling is elevated only marginally.” We will offer our perspecBve that we do not know how to equate the sensiBvity of the phos-flow to the IL-2. Because the IL-2 is a signaling output, it results from signaling amplificaBon from the membrane to the nucleus. If CD3z phosphorylaBon is the iniBaBng event for a signaling cascade that leads to IL-2 gene transcripBon and transducBon, as is widely believed, our data strongly suggests that the ~2-fold difference in pCD3z levels between CD4 T1 and T1Dbind (Fig 2C/Table 3 data) contributes to the difference between no IL-2 output for T1Dbind and IL-2 output by T1 in this experimental system. Because CD4 WT and T1 have significantly different levels of IL-2 output, but show no significant differences in pCD3z, pZAP-70, or pPLCg1 levels, there are likely to be other differences we did not measure via other pathways that intersect at the nucleus. At many levels, biology works on gradients such that small differences can Bp a system in one direcBon or another. The kineBc discriminaBon model (PMID 8643643), which is thought to be a reasonable descripBon of the relaBonship between pMHC engagement and signaling outcomes, suggests that very small differences in molecular interacBons at the earliest stages of a response can lead to big differences in signaling outcome. We therefore have no basis at this juncture to think that ~2-fold differences in pCD3z levels could not account for bigger differences in signaling output such as IL-2.

      (3) The processing of the data is not clear. Some of the figures seem to be overprocessed. For instance, I am not sure what "Normalized % responders of pCD3zeta" means (e.g., Fig. 1C and elsewhere)? Why do not the authors show the actual % of pCD3zeta+ cells including the gaBng strategy? Why do the authors subtract the two histograms in Fig. 2- Fig.S3? It is very unusual.

      We did develop and implement a novel strategy for measuring the impact of our mutaBons on CD3z, ZAP-70, and PLCg1 phosphorylaBon. This was explained in more detail in our prior study. The instrucBons to authors indicated that we should not repeat methods in the current manuscript. However, we will go through the approach here, and address why we did not show primary FC histograms for all experiments from above. First, we think that a brief explanaBon as to what moBvated us to develop our approach will add to a beXer understanding:

      (1) For experimental and staBsBcal rigor, our goal was to perform both experimental and biological replicates by measuring and comparing the average of at least three independently generated sets of paired WT/T1 control Vs. mutant cells lines generated at different Bmes to determine the staBsBcal significance of the difference, if any, between averages of the control and mutant lines.

      (2) Our quesBons necessitated that we measure signals generated naturally by the cooperaBve engagement of cognate pMHCII by TCR-CD3 and CD4 on APCs, rather than through aCD3/aCD4 crosslinking.

      (3) We chose to use flow cytometry rather than bulk cell analysis by Western Bloung to analyze signaling occurring in cells that were engaged to the agonist APC in order to avoid diluBon of that signal by cells that are not engaged to APCs and not signaling. 4. For each experiment, we wanted to subtract background signals from cells bound to APCs expressing a null pMHCII (Hb:I-Ek) from signals generated by cells bound to APCs expressing agonist pMHCII (MCC:I-Ek). Doing so allowed us to idenBfy cells that are signaling (responders) to agonist over null pMHCII. The goal here was to quanBtate the level of signaling in an objecBve manner with a method that can be applied to all samples uniformly rather than seung a flow cytometry gate on posiBve cells (e.g. pCD3z) because gaBng is subjecBve and can vary from experiment to experiment. To put that another way, as detailed below, we used our subtracBon method to idenBfy signaling responders rather than seung a signaling gate on the posiBve populaBon.

      Regarding gaBng schemes, controls, and data processing:

      Figure 2—figure supplement 3 of the current study and Figure 6—figure supplement 1 of our prior study are designed to walk the reader through our experimental design, gaBng, data processing and thinking. Here we will provide a detailed explanaBon to complement the figure legend as well as the methods provided in our prior manuscript (see pt #4 below).

      We will refer to Figure 2—figure supplement 3 here:

      Panel A. The dot plots show our approach to idenBfying 5c.c7+ CD4+ 58a-b- T cell hybridomas (yaxis, GFP posiBve) coupled to M12 cells (x-axis, TagIt Violet) expressing the null pMHCII Hb:I-Ek (lev) or agonist pMHCII MCC:I-Ek (right). The gaBng shows the frequency of GFP+ T cell hybridomas that are bound to TagIt violet posiBve APCs (i.e., cell couples). The histogram on the right then shows the staining intensity for pCD3z on the x-axis for the 10,000 coupled events collected wherein the APCs express the null pMHCII (filled cyan) or the agonist pMHCII (black line).

      Panel B. The data presented here is the same as in Panel A, but for CD4 T1 cells.

      Panel C. The data presented here walks through how we idenBfy 5c.c7+ CD4+ 58a-b- T cell hybridomas responding (i.e., signaling) to agonist pMHCII, as well as the mean signaling intensity of the responding populaBon, in a gaBng-independent manner aver background subtracBon. For the lev graph, we exported the data for the histograms shown in Panel A from FlowJo 10 sovware and ploXed them here using Prism 9 as smoothed lines (500 nearest neighbors). The cyan line is therefore a replicate of the flow cytometry histogram shown in Panel A for pCD3z intensity from 5c.c7+ CD4+ 58a-b- T cell hybridomas coupled to M12 cells expressing the null pMHCII (Hb:I-Ek), while the black histogram is a replicate of the pCD3z intensity for 5c.c7+ CD4+ 58a-b- T cell hybridomas coupled to M12 cells expressing the agonist pMHCII (MCC:I-Ek). Next, to idenBfy the responding populaBon in a gaBng-independent manner, we used Excel to subtract the pCD3z intensity for the null pMHCII (cyan) negaBve control populaBon on a bin-by-bin bases from the pCD3z intensity for the agonist pMHCII (black) responding populaBon. We then transferred the background subtracted values to Prism 9 for smoothing and ploung (grey line: MCC:I-Ek minus Hb:I-Ek). The middle graph shows the same data processing for the data from Panel B for the CD4 T1 cells. Please note that the background subtracted grey line has negaBve values and posiBve values. The negaBve values represent intensity bins where signaling in response to agonist pMHCII leads to fewer cells per bin than in the null pMHCII populaBon that is not signaling, while the posiBve values represent bins of intensity where signaling cells outnumber non-signaling cells. The right graph in this panel shows the populaBons aver background subtracBon for intensity bins that had more cells with pCD3z signal in the agonist pMHCII populaBon than the null pMHCII populaBon (grey = WT full length CD4 and blue = T1). In short, the right graph shows idenBficaBon of those cells that are signaling in response to agonist pMHCII. This approach miBgated the need for subjecBve gaBng in FlowJo to idenBfy signaling cells (i.e., pCD3z posiBve) and allowed for background subtracBon which could not be done in FlowJo. We used this approach for all analyses of pCD3z, pZAP-70, and pPLCg1 in this study.

      The number of cells in these background-subtracted populaBons were divided by 10,000 (the number of events collected and analyzed) to calculate the percent of responding 5c.c7+ CD4+ 58a-b- T cell hybridomas, while the mean fluorescent intensity for the cells within these populaBon represent the signaling intensity.

      Panel D. The graph on the lev shows the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) ± SEM for the posiBve signaling populaBon from the right graph of panel C. We see in this example comparing a WT and T1 cell line, generated at the same Bme from the same parental 58a-b- T cell hybridoma populaBon, that the T1 MFI is significantly greater than the WT. These intensity values represent one of the paired intensity values used in the main Fig 2B (Lev graph), where we show the paired MFI analysis of responding populaBons from 5 independently generated sets of cell lines. Please note that these single MFI values are directly derived from the flow cytometry histograms aver background subtracBon. Figure 2B, and similar figures, therefore equate to a disBllaBon of all of the histograms for the populaBons tested in a manner that we consider easier to digest than either overlaying all histograms or showing mulBple panels individually. It also conserves more space. This is why we only showed representaBve flow cytometry histograms, rather than all histograms.

      The graph on the right shows the % responders for the posiBve signaling populaBon from the right graph of panel C. Specifically, the total number of cells that were determined to be signaling in response to agonist pMHCII was divided by 10,000 (the number of coupled cells collected by flow cytometry) to determine the percent responders. These values represent one of five sets of values used to determine the average normalized percent responders (all normalized to WT). There was no significant difference between these two populaBons in terms of percent responders.

      Regarding graphing normalized values for the mean MFI for signaling intensity or the percent responders: in our first manuscript, we presented the individual MFI intensity values for matched pairs of cells as well as the actual percent responders per group. The feedback we received from colleagues on this presentaBon was that it was confusing, distracBng, and otherwise hard to digest. It was suggested to us by mulBple individuals that the normalized values would be preferable because it is easier and faster to understand. Upon reflecBon, we agreed with this feedback because the normalized presentaBon with staBsBcs allows for the two key relevant quesBons to be quickly evaluated: 1. Are the mutants different than the control? 2. By how much? We have lev the raw intensity values and well as the normalized intensity values in the version of record. Given the Reviewer’s comments, we have now graphed the average % responders instead of normalized values in the figures, and lev the normalized values in Table 3.

      (4) The manuscript lacks Materials and Methods. It only refers to the previous paper, which is very unusual. Although most of the methods are the same, they sBll should be menBoned here. Moreover, some of the mutants presented here were not generated in the previous study, as far as I understand. Perhaps the authors plan to include Materials and Methods during the revision...

      Because we submiXed this as a Research Advances arBcle we followed the journal instrucBons to reference the Materials and Methods in our prior publicaBon, upon which this work builds, as the methods used are the same. They are detailed in that study. We have now included a copy of the Materials and Methods for the eLife staff to determine how best to link with this manuscript. We have also included the gene sequences for the novel constructs used in this study. Thank you for poinBng out the omission.

      (5) Membrane rafts are a very controversial topic. I recommend the authors stick to the more consensual term "detergent resistant microdomains" in all cases/occurances.

      We agree this is a controversial topic with a variety of viewpoints. Because we are not experts in the field of membrane composition, we turned to the literature to inform our view of how best to refer to these membrane subdomains. In our reading, we found a 2006 meeting report from a Keystone symposium on lipid rafts and cell function authored by Linda Pike (PMID 16645198). At this meeting, a central focus was reaching a consensus on how best to refer to these domains. The consensus term agreed upon by this group was “membrane rafts”. Specifically, we will quote from this report published in the Journal of Lipid Research, ‘Together, the discussions permitted the generation of a definition for “lipid rafts” in an ad hoc session on the final day of the meeting. All participants were invited to contribute to this effort, and the work product reflects the consensus of this broad-based group…… First and foremost, the term “lipid raft” was discarded in favor of the term “membrane raft.”’ We chose to use the term “membrane raft” based on this consensus opinion.

      (6) Last, but not least, the mechanistic explanation (beyond the independence of LCK binding) of the role of these motifs is very unclear at the moment.

      We agree with this comment. One goal in making these results, and those in our prior study, available to the field at large is to provide evidence in support of our view that the dominant paradigm that is thought to explain the earliest events in T cell signaling needs re-evaluating. How T cell signaling is initiated in response to pMHCII is clearly more complex than is currently thought. However, out data is inconsistent with the dominant paradigm in which CD4 recruits Lck to TCR-CD3 to phosphorylate ITAMs to initiate signaling.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The paper by Kuhn and colleagues follows upon a 2022 eLife paper in which they identified residues in CD4 constrained by evolutionary purifying selection in placental mammals and then performed functional analyses of these conserved sequences. They showed that sequences distinct from the CXC "clamp" involved in recruitment of Lck have critical roles in TCR signaling, and these include a glycine-rich motif in the transmembrane (TM) domain and the cyscontaining juxtamembrane (JM) motif that undergoes palmitoylation, both of which promote TCR signaling, and a cytoplasmic domain helical motif, also involved in Lck binding, that constrains signaling. Mutations in the transmembrane and juxtamembrane sequences led to reduced proximal signaling and IL-2 production in a hybridoma's response to antigen presentation, despite retention of abundant CD4 association with Lck in the detergent-soluble membrane fraction, presumably mislocalized outside of lipid rafts and distal to the TCR. A major conclusion of that study was that CD4 sequences required for Lck association, including the CXC "clasp" motif, are not as consequential for CD4 co-receptor function in TCR signaling as the conserved TM and JM motifs. However, the experiments did not determine whether the functions of the TM and JM motifs are dependent on the Lck-binding properties of CD4 - the mutations in those motifs could result in free Lck redistributing to associate with CD4 in signaling-incompetent membrane domains or could function independently of CD4-Lck association. The current study addresses this specific question.

      Using the same model system as in the earlier eLife paper (the entire methods section is a citation to the earlier paper), the authors show that truncation of the Lck-binding intracellular domain resulted in a moderate reduction in IL-2 response, as previously shown, but there was no apparent effect on proximal phosphorylation events (CD3z, Lck, ZAP70, PLCg1). They then evaluated a series of TM and JM motif mutations in the context of the truncated Lck-nonbinding molecule, and showed that these had substantially impaired co-receptor function in the IL-2 assay and reduced proximal signaling. The proximal signaling could be observed at high ligand density even with a MHC non-binding mutation in CD4, although there was still impaired IL-2 production. This result additionally illustrates that phosphorylation of the proximal signaling molecules is not sufficient to activate IL-2 expression in the context of antigen presentation.


      The strength of the paper is the further clear demonstration that the classical model of CD4 coreceptor function (MHCII-binding CD4 bringing Lck to the TCR complex, for phosphorylation of the CD3 chain ITAMs and of the ZAP70 kinase) is not sufficient to explain TCR activation. The data, combined with the earlier eLife paper, further implicate the gly-rich TM sequence and the palmitoylation targets in the JM region as having critical roles in productive co-receptordependent TCR activation.


      The major weakness of the paper is the lack of mechanistic insight into how the TM and JM motifs function. The new results are largely incremental in light of the earlier paper from this group as well as other literature, cited by the authors, that implicates "free" Lck, not associated with co-receptors, as having the major role in TCR activation. It is clear that the two motifs are important for CD4 function at low pMHCII ligand density. The proposal that they modulate interactions of TCR complex with cholesterol or other membrane lipids is an interesting one, and it would be worth further exploring by employing approaches that alter membrane lipid composition. The JM sequence presumably dictates localization within the membrane, by way of palmitoylation, which may be critical to regulate avidity of the TCR:CD4 complex for pMHCII or TCR complex allosteric effects that influence the activation threshold. Experiments that explore the basis of the mutant phenotype could substantially enhance the impact of this study.

      We appreciate these thoughtful comments and suggestions. We will restate what we wrote in our preliminary response to the reviews to explain the scope of the current study:

      To address comments about the limited scope of this study and referencing of the Methods secBon to our prior study, we would like to note that we submiXed the current study via the Research Advance mechanism. Our goal was to build upon the conclusions of our 2022 eLife publicaBon (PMID: 35861317) and address an unresolved quesBon from that study (as nicely summarized by Reviewer #2). In the current manuscript we present data from reducBonist experiments that were designed specifically for this purpose and, as noted by the reviewers, we provide answers to the quesBon being asked. We think that the Research Advance mechanism is an ideal opportunity to make these results available to the field given the stated purpose of such arBcles (for reference: “A Research Advance might use a new technique or a different experimental design to generate results that build upon the conclusions of the original research by, for example, providing new mechanis=c insights or extend the pathway under inves=ga=on…”). Now that we have provided evidence that CD4 does not recruit Lck to phosphorylate TCR-CD3 ITAMs in our system, nor do the GGXXG and (C/F)CV+C motifs play a role in enabling CD4 to regulate Lck proximity to TCR-CD3, we agree that it is important to form and test alternative hypotheses for how TCR-CD3 signaling is initiated.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This important study addresses the fundamentally unresolved question of why many thousands of small-effect loci contribute more to the heritability of a trait than the large-effect lead variants. The authors explore resource competition within the transcriptional machinery as one possible explanation with a simple theoretical model, concluding that the effects of resource competition would be too small to explain the heritability effects. The topic and approximation of the problem are very timely and offer an intuitive way to think about polygenic variation, but the analysis of the simple model appears to be incomplete, leaving the main claims only partially supported.

      We thank eLife for recognizing the importance of our work. We hope the revised manuscript addresses the reviewers’ reservations.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study explores whether the extreme polygenicity of common traits can be explained in part by competition among genes for limiting molecular resources (such as RNA polymerases) involved in gene regulation. The authors hypothesise that such competition would cause the expression levels of all genes that utilise the same molecular resource to be correlated and could thus, in principle, partly explain weak trans-regulatory effects and the observation of highly polygenic architectures of gene expression. They study this hypothesis under a very simple model where the same molecule binds to regulatory elements of a large number m of genes, and conclude that this gives rise to trans-regulatory effects that scale as 1/m, and which may thus be negligible for large m.

      We thank the reviewer for their thorough and thoughtful review of our manuscript.

      The main limitation of this study lies in the details of the mathematical analysis, which does not adequately account for various small effects, whose magnitude scales inversely with the number m of genes that compete for the limiting molecular resource. In particular, the fraction of "free" molecule (which is unbound to any of the genes) also scales as 1/m, but is not accounted for in the analysis, making it difficult to assess whether the quantitative conclusions are indeed correct.

      It is explicitly accounted for in the supplement.

      Second, the questions raised in this study are better analysed in the framework of a sensitivity or perturbation analysis, i.e., by asking how changes in expression level or binding affinity at one gene (rather than the total expression level or total binding affinity) affect expression level at other genes. In the context of complex traits, where an increase in gene expression can either increase or decrease the trait, we believe the most important quantity of interest is variation in expression and, therefore, trait variation. Nevertheless, our results do show that the relative change in expression due to competition is also small.

      Thus, while the qualitative conclusion that resource competition in itself is unlikely to mediate trans-regulatory effects and explain highly polygenic architectures of gene expression traits probably holds, the mathematical reasoning used to arrive at this conclusion requires more care.

      In my opinion, the potential impact of this kind of analysis rests at least partly on the plausibility of the initial hypothesis- namely whether most molecular resources involved in gene regulation are indeed "limiting resources". This is not obvious, and may require a careful assessment of existing evidence, e..g., what is the concentration of bound vs. unbound molecular species (such as RNA polymerases) in various cell types?

      We intentionally looked at the most extreme case of extreme resource limitation, and we conclude that since extreme resource limitation is a small effect, the same would be true of weak resource limitation, when unbound molecules play an important role. We put more emphasis on this point in our revised text.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      While the main conclusion that resource competition in itself is unlikely to mediate trans effects and explain high levels of polygenicity may well be correct, I am not convinced that the mathematical reasoning presented in support of this conclusion is entirely correct. I will attempt to outline my concerns mainly in the context of section 2, since the arguments in sections 3 and 4 build upon this.

      (a) The key assumption underlying the approximations in equations 3, 4, and 5 is that there is very little free polymerase, in other words /_0 is a small quantity. However, the second and third terms that emerge in equation 7 are also small quantities and (as far as I can see) of the same order as /_0. Thus, one cannot simply use equation 4 or 5 as a starting point to derive eq. 7 and should instead use the exact x_i = (g_i [G])/ (1+g_tot [G]), in order to make sure that all (and not just some) terms that are similar in order of magnitude are accounted for in the analysis.

      The concentration of free polymerase is marked as [P], and we explicitly assume (just before eq. 2) that [P]<<[P]0 with [P]0 being the overall concentration of polymerase. This is a conservative assumption – we consider extreme resource competition with little free polymerase and since we since only a small effect in this extreme scenario we assume it would be a small effect also for less extreme scenarios. We put more emphasis on this point in our revised text.

      More concretely, the difference between the exact x_i = (g_i [G])/ (1+g_tot [G]) and the approximate x_i = (g_i / g_tot) is precisely 1/m (for large m) in the example considered line 246 onwards. Thus, I suspect that the conclusion that Var[x_i] = (1-1/m)Var[g_i] in that example is just an artefact of starting with eqs. 4 and 5. As a sanity check, it may be useful to actually simulate resource competition explicitly (maybe using a deterministic simulation) under the explicit model [PG_i] = g_i [G] and _0 = + Sum[[PG]_i , i=1,m] without making any further approximations to see if perturbations in g_i actually produce Order [1/m] effects in the variance of x_i for the example considered line 246 onwards (this would require simulating with a few different m and plotting Var[x_i] vs. m for example).

      The exact equation the reviewer is alluding to describes a scenario of non-extreme resource competition. If g_tot [G]>>1, i.e. if most polymerase is bound to a gene then x_i is equal to g_i/g_tot and this is the scenario we are considering of extreme competition. If g_tot [G]<<1, then x_i=g_i [G] and competition has no effect. While the intermediate case is interesting, we see no reason for the effects to be larger than in the extreme competition case. We have added the results of simulations in the supplement to validate our arguments.

      Lines 231-239: Because of the concerns highlighted above and questions about the validity of equation 7, I am not convinced that the interpretations given here and also in section 4 are correct.

      (b) Lines 219-230 (including equations 6 and 7): I think to address the question of whether genetic changes in cis-regulatory elements for a given gene have an effect on other genes (under this model of resource competition), it is better to spell out the argument in terms of Var[ dx_i ] rather than Var[x_i], where dx_i is the change in expression level at gene i due to changes at all m genes, dg_i is the change in gene activity due to (genetic) changes in the relevant regulatory elements associated with gene i etc. Var[ dx_i ] can then be expressed as a sum of Var[dg_i], Var[dg_tot] and Cov[d g_i, dg_tot]. However, I suspect that to do this correctly, one should not start with the approximate x_i=g_i/g_tot : see previous comment.

      The variance of the deviation from the mean is mathematically identical to the overall variance, Var[ dx_i ]= Var[ x_i ]. Our analysis is therefore equivalent to the suggested analysis.

      Somewhere in all of this, there is also an implicit assumption that E[dg_i] is zero, i.e, mutations are as likely to increase as to decrease binding affinities so that one needs to only consider Var[dx_i] and not E[dx_i]; this assumption should be spelled out.

      Our results concern the variation around trait means and therefore we have not included a possible mean effect of mutation, which would not affect the results but just shift the mean.

      Some minor comments (mostly related to the introduction and general context):

      • I think it would be worth connecting more with the literature on molecular competition and gene regulation (see e.g., How Molecular Competition Influences Fluxes in Gene Expression Networks, De Vos et al, Plos One 2011). Even though this literature does not frame questions in terms of "polygenicity of traits", these analyses address the same basic questions: to what extent do perturbations in gene expression at one gene affect other genes, or to what extent is there crosstalk between different genes or pathways?

      We have expanded our introduction to refer to De Vos et al, as well as a few other papers we have recently become aware of. (e.g., Jie Lin & Ariel Amir Nature Communications volume 9, Article number: 4496 (2018))

      • Lines 88-89: "supports the network component of the model" is a vague phrase that does not convey much. It would be useful to clarify and make this more precise.

      We have clarified this phrasing in the text.

      • Lines 113-114: In the context of "selective constraint", it may also be worth discussing previous work by one of the authors: "A population genetic interpretation of GWAS findings for human quantitative traits". What implications would stabilizing selection on multiple traits (as opposed to simple purifying selection) have for the distribution of variances across trait loci and the extent to which trait architectures appear to be polygenic?

      While most definitely of great interest to some of the authors, the distribution of variance across loci does not affect our results.

      References: Barton and Etheridge 2018 in line 54 is not the correct reference; it should be Barton et al 2017 (paper with Amandine Veber). Fisher 1919 in line 52 is actually Fisher 1918. The formatting of references in the next paragraph (and in various other places in the paper) is also a bit unusual, with some authors referred to by their full names and others only by their last. I believe that it may be useful to crosscheck references throughout the paper.

      We have crosschecked the references in the paper.

      Line 164: Some word appears to be missing here. Maybe bound -> bound to ?


      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The question the authors pose is very simple and yet very important. Does the fact that many genes compete for Pol II to be transcribed explain why so many trans-eQTL contribute to the heritability of complex traits? That is, if a gene uses up a proportion of Pol II, does that in turn affect the transcriptional output of other genes relevant or even irrelevant for the trait in a way that their effect will be captured in a genome-wide association study? If yes, then the large number of genetic effects associated with variation in complex traits can be explained but such trans-propagating has effects on the transcriptional output of many genes.

      This is a very timely question given that we still don't understand how, mechanistically, so many genes can be involved in complex traits variation. Their approach to this question is very simple and it is framed in classic enzyme-substrate equations. The authors show that the trans-propagating effect is too small to explain the ~70% of heritability of complex traits that are associated with trans-effects. Their conclusion relies on the comparison of the order of magnitude of a) the quantifiable transcriptional effects due to Pol II competition, and b) the observed percentage of variance explained by trans effects (data coming from Liu et al 2019, from the same lab).

      The results shown in this manuscript rule out that competition for limited resources in the cell (not restricted to Pol II, but applicable to any other cellular resource like ribosomes, etc) could explain the heritability of complex traits.

      We thanked the Reviewer for his resounding support of our paper!

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The authors rely on simulated data, and although the conclusions hold in a biologically-realistic scenario given the big difference in effect sizes, I wonder if the authors could provide data from the literature (if available) that give the reader a point of reference for the steady state of cells in terms of free/occupied Pol II molecules and/or free/occupied transcription binding sites. This information won't change the conclusion of the manuscript, but it will put it in the context of real biological data.

      We have scoured the literature, but have not found readily available data with which to validate our results (beyond that which is already referenced).

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Human complex traits including common diseases are highly polygenic (influenced by thousands of loci). This observation is in need of an explanation. The authors of this manuscript propose a model that competition for a single global resource (such as RNA polymerase II) may lead to a highly polygenic architecture of traits. Following an analytical examination, the authors reject their hypothesis. This work is of clear interest to the field. It remains to be seen if the model covers the variety of possible competition models.

      We thank the Reviewer for his assessment, support and comments.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      This manuscript provides a straightforward and elegant quantitative argument that the competition for the RNA polymerase is not a significant source of trans-eQTLs and, more generally, of genetic variance of complex polygenic phenotypes. This is an unusual manuscript because the authors propose a hypothesis that they confidently reject based on a calculation. This negative result is intuitive. Still, the manuscript is of interest. Progress in understanding the highly polygenic architecture of complex traits is welcome, and the resource competition hypothesis is quite natural. I have three specific comments/concerns listed below.

      (1) The manuscripts states that V(x_i)=V(g_i/g_tot). Unless I am missing something, this seems to result from a very strong implicit assumption that all genetic variance is due to variation in the binding of RNA polymerase, while x_i_max is a constant. I would expect that x_i_max may also be genetically variable due to many effects unrelated to the Pol II binding (e.g. transcription rate, bursting, presence of R-loops etc.). I guess that the assumption made by the authors is conservative.

      Indeed. We made conservative assumptions throughout, aiming to consider the most extreme scenario in which resource competition may affect trait variation. Our logic being that if even under the most extreme scenario resource competition is a small effect then it is a small effect in all scenarios. We put more emphasis on this point in our revised text.

      (2) The manuscript focuses on the competition for RNA polymerase but suggests that the lesson learned is highly generalizable. However, it is an example of a single global limiting resource resulting in first-order kinetics. What happens in a realistic scenario of competition for multiple resources associated with transcription and with downstream processes (free ribonucleotides, spliceosome, polyadenylation machinery, ribosome, post-translational modifications)? It is possible that in most cases a single resource is a limiting factor, but an investigation (or even a brief discussion) of this question would support the claim that the results are generalizable.

      We expect competition for multiple resource to result in similarly weak effects. Since there is not a great number of such resources, we do not expect it to change our qualitative result. We added language to that effect in the main text.

      (3) Alternatively, what happens in a scenario of competition for multiple local resources shared by a few genes (co-factors, substrates, chaperones, micro-RNAs, post-translational modification factors such as kinases, degradation factors, scaffolding proteins)? In this case, each gene would compete for resources with a few other genes increasing polygenicity without a global competition with all other genes. Intuitively, a large set of such local competitions may lead to a highly polygenic architecture.

      This is indeed a scenario in which competition may be a large effect which we mention in our discussion. “the conclusions may differ in contexts where a very small number of genes compete for a highly limited resource, such as access to a particular molecular transporter”

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study explores whether the extreme polygenicity of common traits (the fact that variation in such traits is explained by a very large number of genetic variants) could be explained in part by competition among genes for limiting molecular resources involved in gene regulation, which would cause the expression of most genes to be correlated. While the hypothesis is interesting, I still have some concerns about the analysis and interpretation.

      As the authors say in their rebuttal, assuming extreme resource limitation, i.e., going from equation 2 to 5 essentially assumes assuming that 1/(gtot [G] ) <<1 and that terms that are order [ 1/(gtot [G] ) ] can neglected. However, then the authors derive so-called resource competition terms that are order (1/m) where m is the number of genes, so that gtot is proportional to m. My main criticism (which I am not sure was addressed) is thus: can we reliably derive small order (1/m) effects while neglecting order [ 1/(gtot [G] ) ] terms, when both are presumably similar in order of magnitude? Is this mathematically sound?

      I do not think the supplement that the authors have added actually gets to this. For example, section 7.1 just gives the textbook derivation of Michelis-Menten kinetics, and does not address my earlier criticism that the terms neglected in going from eq. 16 to eq. 17 (or from eq. 2 to 3) may be similar in magnitude to the terms being derived and interpreted in eqs. 6 and 7.<br /> Similarly, it is unclear from section 7.2 how the authors are doing the simulations. Are these true Michelis-Menten simulations involving equation 2? If yes, then what is the value of [G] and [P_0] in the simulations? If these are not true Michelis-Menten simulations, but instead something that already uses equation 5, then this still does not address my earlier criticism.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.

      We thank the reviewers for their reading of the manuscript, and their suggestions. We have extensively addressed all these concerns in the text, and also included several new data and figures in the revised version of the manuscript. We hope that our response and the new experimental data fully address the concerns raised by the reviewers. We include a detailed, pointby-point response to each of the reviewer concerns, pointing to new data and specific changes made in the main manuscript.

      Note: Do note that these new data have resulted in a new figure-figure 6, a new supplementary figure -figure 2-figure supplement 2, and an increase in the number of panels in each figure, as well as supplementary figures.

      General response comments, highlighting a few aspects missed by the reviewers

      This manuscript has an enormous amount of data in it. This is understandable, since in part we are proposing an entirely new hypothesis, and way to think about mitochondrial repression, built around substantial circumstantial evidences from diverse literature sources. But to keep the narrative readable and the main idea understandable, a lot of information had to be only very briefly mentioned in the text, and is therefore included as supplemental information. Due to that, it may not always be apparent that this study has set several technical benchmarks. These experiments are extremely challenging to perform, took many iterations to standardize, and in themselves are a first in the field. Yeast cells have the highest known rate of glycolytic flux for any organism. Measuring this glycolytic rate using the formation of intermediates is hard, and all current estimates have been in vitro, and using a stop-flow type set up. In this study, we optimized and directly measured the glycolytic flux using isotope labelled glucose (13C-glucose), which has never been reported before in highly glycolytic cells such as yeast. This is due to the very rapid label saturation (within seconds) after 13C glucose pulse (as is now shown in the figure 2-figure supplement 1). For brevity, this is summarized in this study with sufficient information to reproduce the method, but we will put out a more detailed, associated methodology paper describing several challenges, infrastructure requirements, and resources to be able to carry out these types of experiments using yeast. An added highlight of these experiments with WT and Ubp3 deletion strains is the most direct till date experimental demonstration that glycolytic flux in yeast in high glucose follows zero-order kinetics, and depends entirely on the amounts of the glycolytic enzymes (presumably operating at maximal activity). This nicely complements the recent study by Grigatis 2022 (cited in the discussion), that suggests this possibility.

      Separately, this study required the estimation of total inorganic phosphates, as well as mitochondrial pools of phosphates. Till date, there are no studies that have estimated mitochondrial pools of phosphate (for a variety of reasons). In this study, we also experimentally determined the changes in mitochondrial phosphate pools. For this, we had to establish and standardize a rapid mitochondrial isolation method in yeast. Thus, this study provides the first quantitative estimates of mitochondrial Pi amounts (in the context of measured mitochondrial outputs), as shown now in Figure 4. This component on mitochondrial isolation in yeast to assess metabolites may also be explored in future as a methods paper.

      Specific responses to the Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The study by Vengayil et al. presented a role for Ubp3 for mediating inorganic phosphate (Pi) compartmentalization in cytosol and mitochondria, which regulates metabolic flux between cytosolic glycolysis and mitochondrial processes. Although the exact function of increased Pi in mitochondria is not investigated, findings have valuable implications for understanding the metabolic interplay between glycolysis and respiration under glucose-rich conditions. They showed that UBP3 KO cells regulated decreased glycolytic flux by reducing the key Pidependent-glycolytic enzyme abundances, consequently increasing Pi compartmentalization to mitochondria. Increased mitochondria Pi increases oxygen consumption and mitochondrial membrane potential, indicative of increased oxidative phosphorylation. In conclusion, the authors reported that the Pi utilization by cytosolic glycolytic enzymes is a key process for mitochondrial repression under glucose conditions.

      (1) However, the main claims are only partially supported by the low number of repeats and utilizing only one strain background, which decreased the overall rigor of the study. The fullpower yeast model could be utilized with testing findings in different backgrounds with increased biological repeats in many assays described in this study. In the yeast model, it has been well established that many phenotypes are genotype/strain dependent (Liti 2019, Gallone 2016, Boekout 2021, etc...). with some strains utilizing mitochondrial respiration even under high glucose conditions (Kaya 2021). It would be conclusive to test whether wild strains with increased respiration under high glucose conditions would also be characterized by increased mitochondrial Pi.

      “However, the main claims are only partially supported by the low number of repeats and utilizing only one strain background, which decreased the overall rigor of the study. The full-power yeast model could be utilized with testing findings in different backgrounds with increased biological repeats in many assays described in this study.”

      Thank you for the suggestion. We agree that a larger, universal statement cannot be made with data from a single strain, since yeasts do have substantial diversity. In this study, we had originally used a robust, prototrophic industrial strain (CEN.PK background). We have now utilized multiple, diverse strains of S. cerevisiae to test our findings. This includes strains from the common laboratory backgrounds – W303 and BY4742 – which have different auxotrophies, as well as another robust, highly flocculent strain from a prototrophic Σ1278 background. Using all these strains, we now comprehensively find that the role of altered Pi budgeting as a constraint for mitochondrial respiration, and the role of Ubp3 as a regulator of mitochondrial repression is very well conserved. In all tested strains of S. cerevisiae the loss of Ubp3 increases mitochondrial activity (as shown by increased mitochondrial membrane potential and increased Cox2 levels in Figure 6A, B). These data now expand the generality of our findings, and strengthen the manuscript. These results are included in the revised manuscript as a new figure- Figure 6 and the associated text.

      Some of the included data in the revised manuscript are shown below:

      Author response image 1.

      Mitochondrial activity and Cox2 levels in ubp3Δ in different genetic backgrounds

      We also used the W303 strain to assess Pi levels, and its role in increasing mitochondrial respiration. We find that the loss of Ubp3 in this genetic background also increases Pi levels and that the increased Pi is necessary for increasing mitochondrial respiration (Figure 6C, D).

      Author response image 2.

      Basal OCR in WT vs ubp3Δ (W303 strain background) in normal vs low Pi

      These experiments collectively have strengthened our findings on the critical role of intracellular Pi budgeting as a general constraint for mitochondrial respiration in high glucose.

      “It would be conclusive to test whether wild strains with increased respiration under high glucose conditions would also be characterized by increased mitochondrial Pi.”

      Addressed partially above. Right now the relative basal respiration in glucose across different strains is not well known. We measured mitotracker activity in high glucose in multiple WT strains of S. cerevisiae (W303, Σ1278, S288C and BY4742, compared to the CEN.PK strain). These strains all largely had similar mitotracker potential, except for a slight increase in mitochondrial membrane potential in Σ1278 strain, but not in other strains. We further characterized this using Cox2 protein levels as well as basal OCR, and found that these do not increase. These data is shown below, and is not included in the main text since it does not add any new component to the study.

      Author response image 3.

      Mitochondrial respiration in different WT strains

      We did find this suggestion very interesting though, and are exploring directions for future research based on this suggestion. Since we have now identified a role for intracellular Pi allocation in regulating the Crabtree effect, an interesting direction can be to understand the glucose dependent mitochondrial Pi transport in Crabtree negative yeast strains. We will have to bring in a range of new tools and strains for this, so these experiments are beyond the focus of this current study.

      We hope that these new experiments in different genetic backgrounds increases the breadth and generality of our findings, and stimulates new lines of thinking to address how important the role of Pi budgeting as a constraint for mitochondrial repression in high glucose might be.

      (2) It is not described whether the drop in glycolytic flux also affects TCA cycle flux. Are there any changes in the pyruvate level? If the TCA cycle is also impaired, what drives increased mitochondrial respiration?

      Thank you for pointing this out, and we agree this should be included. We have addressed these concerns in the revised version of the manuscript

      Since glucose derived pyruvate must enter the mitochondrial TCA cycle, one possibility is that a decrease in glycolytic rate could decrease the TCA flux. An alternate possibility is that the cells coincidently increase the pyruvate transport to mitochondria, to thereby maintain the TCA cycle flux comparable to that of WT cells. To test both these possibilities, we first measured the steady state levels of pyruvate and TCA cycle intermediates in WT vs ubp3Δ cells. We do not observe any significant change in the levels of pyruvate, or TCA cycle intermediates (except malate, which showed a significant decrease in ubp3Δ cells). This data is now included in the revised manuscript as Figure 2 – figure supplement 1D and figure supplement 2 A, along with associated text.

      Author response image 4.

      Pyruvate levels in WT vs ubp3Δ

      Author response image 5.

      Steady state TCA cycle intermediate levels

      Next, in order to address if the TCA cycle flux is impaired in ubp3Δ cells, we also measured the TCA cycle flux in WT vs ubp3Δ cells by pulsing the cells with 13C glucose and tracking 13C label incorporation from glucose into TCA cycle intermediates. This experiment first required substantial standardization, for the time of cell collection and quenching post 13C glucose addition, by measuring the kinetics of 13C incorporation into TCA cycle intermediates at different time points after 13C glucose addition. The standardization of this method is now included in the revised manuscript as Figure 2 – figure supplement 2 C, along with associated text, and is shown below for reference.

      Author response image 6.

      Kinetics of 13C labelling in TCA cycle intermediates

      Actual TCA cycle flux results: For measuring the TCA cycle flux, cells were treated with 1% 13C glucose, quenched and samples were collected at 7 mins post glucose addition which is in the linear range of 13C label incorporation (Figure 2- Figure 2 – figure supplement 2 C).

      Result: We did not observe any significant changes in the relative 13C label incorporation in TCA cycle intermediates. This data is included in the revised manuscript as Figure 2 – figure supplement 2 D, along with associated text, and is below for your reference.

      Author response image 7.

      TCA cycle flux

      What these data show is that the TCA cycle flux itself is not altered in ubp3Δ. A likely interpretation of this data is that this is due to the increase in the pyruvate transport to mitochondria in ubp3Δ cells, as indicated by the ~10-fold increase in Mpc3 (mitochondrial pyruvate transporter) protein levels (shown in Figure 5-figure supplement 5H), allowing the net same amount of pyruvate into the mitochondria. This increased mitochondrial pyruvate transport could support maintaining the TCA flux in ubp3Δ cells, and supporting the increased respiration. Putting a hierarchy together, the increased respiration in ubp3Δ cells could therefore be primarily due to increased Pi transport, followed by a consequent increase in ETC proteins. We leave it to the readers of this study to make this conclusion.

      We hope that we have addressed all concerns that the reviewer has with respect to TCA cycle flux in ubp3Δ cells.

      (3) In addition, some of the important literature was also missed in citation and discussion. For example, in a recent study (Ouyang et al., 2022), it was reported that phosphate starvation increases mitochondrial membrane potential independent of respiration in yeast and mammalian cells, and some of the conflicting results were presented in this study.

      We are very aware of the recent study by Ouyang et al, which reports that Pi starvation increases mitochondrial membrane potential independent of respiration. However, this study is distinct from the context of our case due to the reasons listed below.

      (a) The reviewer may have misinterpreted our low Pi condition as Pi starvation. There is no Pi ‘starvation’ in this study. Here, we cultured ubp3Δ and tdh2Δtdh3Δ cells in a low Pi medium with 1 mM Pi concentration in order to bring down the intracellular free Pi to that of WT levels. These cells are therefore not Pi-starved, but have been manipulated to have the same intracellular Pi levels as that of WT cells, as shown in Figure 4-figure supplement 1D. The Pi concentration in the medium is still in the millimolar range, and the cells are grown in this medium for a short time (~4 hrs) till they reach OD600 ~ 0.8. This is entirely different from the conditions used in Ouyang et al., 2022, where the cells were grown in a Pi-starvation condition with 1-100 micromolar Pi in the medium for a time duration of 6-8 hrs. Since cells respond differentially to changes in Pi concentrations over time (Vardi et al., 2014), the response to low Pi vs Pi starvation will be completely different.

      (b) In our study, mitochondrial membrane potential is used as only one of the readouts for mitochondrial activity. Our estimations of mitochondrial respiration are established by including other measurements such as Cox2 protein levels (as an indicator of the ETC) and basal OCR measurements (measuring respiration), all of which provide distinct information. The mitochondrial membrane potential can be regulated independent of mitochondrial respiration state (Liu et al., 2021), using membrane potential alone as a readout to estimate mitochondrial respiration can therefore be limiting in the information it provides. As indicated earlier, mitochondrial membrane potential can change, independent of mitochondrial respiration (Ouyang et al., 2022) and ATP synthesis (Liu et al., 2021). Since the focus of our study is mitochondrial respiration, and not just the change in membrane potential, making conclusions based on potential alone are ambiguous. Most studies in the field have in fact not used the comprehensive array of distinct estimates that we use in this study, and we believe the standards set in this study should become a norm for the field.

      (c) The only mutant that is similar to the Ouyang et al study is the Mir1 deletion mutant, which results in acute Pi starvation in mitochondria. In this strain, we find an increase in mitochondrial membrane potential. The data is not included in the manuscript but is shown below.

      Author response image 8.

      Mitochondrial potential in WT vs mir1Δ

      As clear from this data, mitochondrial membrane potential is significantly high in mir1Δ cells. However, the basal OCR and Cox2 protein levels clearly show decreased mitochondrial respiration which is expected in this mutant (Figure 5 A,B). This in fact highlights the limitations of solely relying on mitochondrial membrane potential measurements to draw conclusions, as doing so will lead to a misinterpretation of the actual mitochondrial activity in these cells. We do not wish to highlight limitations in other studies, but hope we make our point clear.

      (4) An additional experiment with strains lacking mitochondrial DNA under phosphate-rich and restricted conditions would further strengthen the result.

      Strains lacking mitochondrial DNA (Rho0 cells) cannot express the mitochondrially encoded ETC subunit proteins. These strains are therefore incapable of performing mitochondrial respiration. Since Rho0 cells are known to utilize alternate mechanisms to maintain their mitochondrial membrane potential (Liu et al., 2021), using mitotracker fluorescence as a readout of mitochondrial respiration in these strains under different Pi conditions is inconclusive and misleading due to the reasons mentioned in point number 3(b and c). However, since this was a concern raised by the reviewer, we now measured basal OCR in WT and Rho0 strains with Ubp3 deletion under normal vs low Pi medium. As expected, Rho0 cells show extremely low basal OCR values, an entire order of magnitude lower than WT cells. At these very low (barely detectable) levels the deletion of Ubp3 or change in Pi concentration in the medium does not change basal OCR, since these strains are not capable of respiration. We have included this data as Figure 4-figure supplement 1G.

      Author response image 9.

      Basal OCR in Rho0 cells

      (5) Western blot control panels should include entire membrane exposure, and non-cut western blots should be submitted as supplementary.

      The non-cut western blot images and the loading controls are now included in the revised manuscript as a supplementary file 2.

      (6) In Figure 4, it is shown that Pi addition decreases basal OCR to the WT level. However, the Cox2 level remains significantly higher. This data is confusing as to whether mitochondrial Pi directly regulates respiration or not.

      As described in the previous point, the Cox2 levels and the OCR provide distinct pieces of information. In figure 4, we show that culturing ubp3Δ in low Pi significantly decreases both Cox2 protein levels and basal OCR. Since Cox2 protein levels and basal OCR are different readouts for mitochondrial activity, there could be differences in the extent by which Pi availability controls each of these factors. Basal OCR is a direct readout for mitochondrial respiration, and is regulated by multiple factors including ETC protein levels, rate of ATP synthesis, rate of Pi transport etc. In figure 4, we find that culturing ubp3Δ in low Pi decreases basal OCR to WT level. This strongly suggests that high Pi levels are necessary to increase basal OCR in ubp3Δ.

      (7) Representative images of Ubx3 KO and wild-type strains stained with CMXRos are missing.

      Thank you for noticing this. This data is now included in the revised manuscript as Figure 1figure supplement 1C.

      Author response image 10.

      (8) Overall, mitochondrial copy number and mtDNA copy number should be analyzed in WT and Ubo3 KO cells as well as Pi-treated and non-treated cells, and basal OCR data should be normalized accordingly. The reported normalization against OD is not appropriate.

      This is a valid concern raised by the reviewer, and something we had extensively considered during the study. To normalize the total mitochondrial amounts in each strain, we always measure the protein levels of the mitochondrial outer membrane protein Tom70. While we had described this in the methods, it may not have been obvious in the text. But this information is included in Figure 1-figure supplement 1G. We did not observe any significant change in Tom70 levels, suggesting that the total mitochondrial amount does not change in ubp3Δ, and we have noted this in the manuscript (results section relevant to Figure 1). As an additional control, to directly measure the mitochondrial amount in these conditions, we have now measured the mitochondrial volume in ubp3Δ cells and WT cells treated with Pi. For this, we used a strain which encodes mitochondria targeted with mNeon green protein (described in Dua et al., JCB, 2023), and which can therefore independently assess total mitochondrial amount. We do not observe any changes in mitochondrial volume or amounts in ubp3Δ cells or WT+Pi, compared to that of WT cells. Therefore, the change in mitochondrial respiration in Ubp3 deletion and Pi addition are not due to changes in total amounts of mitochondria in these conditions. Given all these, the normalization of basal OCR using total cell number is therefore the most appropriate way for normalization. This is also conventionally used for basal OCR normalization in multiple studies.

      We have now included these additional data on mitochondrial volumes and amounts in the revised manuscript as Figure1-figure supplement 1F and Figure5-figure supplement 1D, and associated text, and is shown below.

      Author response image 11.

      Mitochondrial volume in WT vs ubp3Δ cells

      Author response image 12.

      Mitochondrial volume in WT and WT+Pi

      These data collectively address the reviewer’s concerns regarding changes in mitochondrial amounts in all the conditions and strains used in this study.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Cells cultured in high glucose tend to repress mitochondrial biogenesis and activity, a prevailing phenotype type called Crabree effect that is observed in different cell types and cancer. Many signaling pathways have been put forward to explain this effect. Vengayil et al proposed a new mechanism involved in Ubp3/Ubp10 and phosphate that controls the glucose repression of mitochondria. The central hypothesis is that ∆ubp3 shifts the glycolysis to trehalose synthesis, therefore leading to the increase of Pi availability in the cytosol, then mitochondria receive more Pi, and therefore the glucose repression is reduced.


      The strength is that the authors used an array of different assays to test their hypothesis. Most assays were well-designed and controlled.


      I think the main conclusions are not strongly supported by the current dataset.

      (1) Although the authors discovered ∆ubp3 cells have higher Pi and mitochondrial activity than WT in high glucose, it is not known if WT cultured in different glucose concentration also change Pi that correlate with the mitochondrial activity. The focus of the research on ∆ubp3 is somewhat artificial because ∆ubp3 not only affects glycolysis and mitochondria, but many other cellular pathways are also changed. There is no idea whether culturing cells in low glucose, which derepress the mitochondrial activity, involves Ubp3 or not. Similarly, the shift of glycolysis to trehalose synthesis is also not relevant to the WT cells cultured in a low-glucose situation. “The focus of the research on ∆ubp3 is somewhat artificial because ∆ubp3 not only affects glycolysis and mitochondria, but many other cellular pathways are also changed. There is no idea whether culturing cells in low glucose, which de-repress the mitochondrial activity, involves Ubp3 or not.”

      We would like to clarify that the focus of this research is not on Ubp3, or to address mechanistic aspects of how Ubp3 regulates mitochondrial activity, or to identify the targets of Ubp3. That would be an entirely distinct study, with a very different approach.

      In this study, while carrying out a screen, we serendipitously found that ubp3Δ cells showed an increase in mitochondrial activity in high glucose. Subsequently, we used this observation, bolstered by diverse orthogonal approaches, to identify a general, systems-level principle that governs mitochondrial repression in high glucose. Through this, we identify a role of phosphate budgeting as a controller of mitochondrial repression in high glucose. In this study, our entire focus has been to use orthogonal approaches, as well as parsimonious interpretations, to establish this new hypothesis as a possibility. We hope this idea, supported by these data, will now enable researchers to pursue other experiments to establish the generality of this phenomenon.

      We have not focused our effort in identifying the role of Ubp3, or its regulation upon changes in glucose concentration in this context. That is a very specific, and separate effort, and misses the general point we address here. It is entirely possible that Ubp3 might also regulate mitochondrial activity by additional mechanisms other than mitochondrial Pi availability (such as via the reduction of key glycolytic enzymes at nodes of glycolysis, resulting in reduced glycolytic flux and rerouted glucose metabolism). Had the goal been to identify Ubp3 substrates, it is very likely that we would not have found the role of Pi homeostasis in controlling mitochondrial respiration. This is particularly because the loss of Ubp3 does not result in an acute disruption of glycolysis, unlike say a glycolytic enzyme mutant, which would have resulted in severe effects on growth and overall metabolic state. This would have made it difficult to dissect out finer details of metabolic principles that regulate mitochondrial respiration.

      In order to further corroborate our findings, we used the glycolysis defective mutant tdh2Δtdh3Δ cells, where we find a similar change in Pi balance. This complements the key observations made using ubp3Δ cells. Distinctly, we utilized the glycolytic inhibitor 2DG to independently assess the role of mitochondrial Pi transport in regulating respiration. Together, in this study we do not just relying on genetic mutants, but combine the Ubp3 deletion strain with a reduced GAPDH activity strain, and pharmacologic inhibition of glycolysis. Distinctly, we find that mitochondrial Pi transporter levels are repressed under high glucose (Figure 5C, Figure 5-figure supplement 1B). Further, we find that mitochondrial Pi transport is important in increasing mitochondrial respiration upon shift to low glucose and glycolytic inhibition by 2-DG. Therefore, we collectively unravel a more systems level principle that regulates glucose mediated mitochondrial repression, as opposed to a mechanistic study of Ubp3 targets.

      Of course, given the conservation of Ubp3, we are very excited to pursue a mechanistic study of Ubp3 targets in future. This is a general challenge for deubiquitinase enzymes, and till date there are very few bona fide substrates known for any deubiquitinase enzyme, from any cellular system (due to challenges in the field that we discuss separately, and have included in the discussion section of this text).

      “Similarly, the shift of glycolysis to trehalose synthesis is also not relevant to the WT cells cultured in a low-glucose situation”

      The reviewer is correct in pointing out that in low-glucose, the shift to trehalose synthesis might not be as relevant. We observe that the glycolysis defective mutant tdh2Δtdh3Δ cells does not show an increase in trehalose synthesis (Figure 3-figure supplement 1E). However, in this context, the decrease in the rate of GAPDH catalysed reaction alone appears to be sufficient to increase the Pi levels (Figure 3F) even without an increase in trehalose. Therefore, there might be differences in the relative contributions of these two arms towards Pi balance, based on whether it is low glucose in the environment, or a mutant such as ubp3 that modulates glycolytic flux. In ubp3Δ cells, the combination of low rate of GAPDH catalyzed reaction and high trehalose will happen (based on how glycolytic flux is modulated), vs only the low rate of GAPDH catalyzed reaction in tdh2Δtdh3Δ cells. As an end point the increase in Pi happens in both cases, but with slightly differing outcomes. It is also to be noted that in terms of free Pi sources a low-glucose condition (with low glycolytic rate) is very different from a no-glucose, respiratory condition (where cells perform very high gluconeogenesis). In high respiration conditions such as ethanol, cells switch to high gluconeogenesis, where there is a huge increase trehalose synthesis as a default (eg see Varahan et al 2019). In this condition, trehalose synthesis could be a major source for Pi (eg see Gupta 2021), and could support the increased mitochondrial respiration. In an ethanol medium, the directionality of GAPDH reaction is reversed. Therefore, this reaction will also now become an added source of Pi, instead of a consumer of Pi (see illustration in Figure 3G). Therefore, a reasonable interpretation is that a combination of increased trehalose and increased 1,3 BPG to G3P conversion can be a major Pi source to increasing mitochondrial respiration in a non-glucose, respiratory medium.

      “it is not known if WT cultured in different glucose concentration also change Pi that correlate with the mitochondrial activity”

      This is valid point raised by the reviewer. We have already found that the protein levels of mitochondrial Pi transporter is increased in a non-glucose respiratory (ethanol) medium and a low (0.1%) glucose medium (see Figure 5C, Figure5-figure supplement 1B). In addition, we have tried measuring mitochondrial Pi levels in cells grown in a high glucose medium vs a respiratory, ethanol medium. The results are shown below for the reviewer’s reference. Reviewer response image 3 – Mitochondrial Pi levels in ethanol vs glucose

      Author response image 13.

      We observe a clear trend where mitochondrial Pi levels are high in cells grown in ethanol medium compared to that of cells grown in high glucose. However, the estimation of Pi, and normalising the Pi levels in isolated mitochondria is extremely difficult in this condition (note that this has never been done before). This is likely due to a rapid rate of conversion of ADP and Pi to ATP (in ethanol) which increases the variation in the estimation of steady state Pi levels, and the high amounts of mitochondria in ethanol grown cells. Since the date shows high variation, we have not included this data in the manuscript, but we are happy to include it here in the response.

      Indeed, this study opens up the exciting question of addressing how intracellular Pi allocation is regulated in different conditions of glucose. This can be further extended to Crabtree negative strains such as K. lactis which do not show mitochondrial repression in high glucose. All of these are rich future research programs.

      (2) The central hypothesis that Pi is the key constraint behind the glucose repression of mitochondrial biogenesis/activity is supported by the data that limiting Pi will suppress mitochondrial activity increase in these conditions (e.g., ∆ubp3). However, increasing the Pi supply failed to increase mitochondrial activity. The explanation put forward by the authors is that increased Pi supply will increase glycolysis activity, and somehow even reduce the mitochondrial Pi. I cannot understand why only the increased Pi supply in ∆ubp3, but not the increased Pi by medium supplement, can increase mitochondrial activity. The authors said "...that ubp3Δ do not increase mitochondrial Pi by merely increasing the Pi transporters, but rather by increasing available Pi pools". They showed that ∆ubp3 mitochondria had higher Pi but WT cells with medium Pi supplement showed lower Pi, it is hard to understand why the same Pi increase in the cytosol had a different outcome in mitochondrial Pi. Later on, they showed that the isolated mito exposed to higher Pi showed increased activity, so why can't increased Pi in intact cells increase mito activity? Moreover, they first showed that ∆ubp3 had a Mir1 increase in Fig3A, then showed no changes in FigS4G. It is very confusing.

      “I cannot understand why only the increased Pi supply in ∆ubp3, but not the increased Pi by medium supplement, can increase mitochondrial activity.”

      This is an interesting point, that requires a nuanced explanation, which we try to provide below.

      For mitochondrial respiration to increase in the presence of high Pi, the cytosolic Pi has to be transported to the mitochondria sufficiently. In ubp3Δ the increased free Pi (as a consequence of rewired glycolysis) is transported to the mitochondria (Figure 4). This increased mitochondrial Pi can therefore increase mitochondrial respiration in ubp3Δ.

      In case of WT+Pi, the externally supplemented Pi cannot further enter mitochondria (as shown in Figure 5-Figure supplement 1C) and is most likely restricted to the cytosol. Because of this inability of the Pi to access mitochondria, the mitochondrial respiration does not increase in WT+Pi (Figure 5-Figure supplement 1E).

      The likely reason for this difference in mitochondrial Pi transport in ubp3Δ vs WT+Pi is the relative difference in their glycolytic rate. The glycolytic rate is inherently decreased in ubp3Δ, but not in WT+Pi. To dissect this possibility of glycolytic rate itself contributing to the Pi availability in the mitochondria, we inhibited glycolysis in WT cells (using 2DG), and then supplemented Pi. Compared to cells in the same glucose condition (with 2DG, but without supplementing excess Pi), now the WT+Pi (+2DG) has higher mitochondrial respiration (Figure 5-Figure supplement 1F). This suggests that a combination of low glycolysis and high Pi is required for increasing mitochondrial respiration (as elaborated in the discussion section of the manuscript).

      An obvious question that arises out of this observation is how does the change in glycolytic rate regulate mitochondrial Pi transport. One consequence of altering the glycolytic rate is a change in cytosolic pH. This itself will bear on the extent of Pi transport into mitochondria, as discussed in detail below.

      In mitochondria, Pi is co-transported along with protons. Therefore, changes in cytosolic pH (which changes the proton gradient) can control the mitochondrial Pi transport (Hamel et al., 2004). Glycolytic rate is a major factor that controls cytosolic pH. The cytosolic pH in highly glycolytic cells is ~7, and decreasing glycolysis results in cytosolic acidification (Orij et al., 2011). Therefore, under conditions of decreased glycolysis (such as loss of Ubp3), cytosolic pH becomes acidic. Since mitochondrial Pi transport is dependent on the proton gradient, a low cytosolic pH would favour mitochondrial Pi transport. Therefore, under conditions of decreased glycolysis (2DG treatment, or loss of Ubp3), where cytosolic pH would be acidic, increasing cytosolic Pi might indirectly increase mitochondria Pi transport, thereby leading to increased respiration.

      To explain this and integrate all these points, we have extended a discussion section in this manuscript. We include this section below:

      “Supplementing Pi under conditions of low glycolysis (where mitochondrial Pi transport is enhanced), as well as directly supplementing Pi to isolated mitochondria, increases respiration (Figure 5, Figure 5-figure supplement 1). Therefore, in order to derepress mitochondria, a combination of increased Pi along with decreased glycolysis is required. An additional systems-level phenomenon that might regulate Pi transport to the mitochondria is the decrease in cytosolic pH upon decreased glycolysis (60, 61). The cytosolic pH in highly glycolytic cells is ~7, and decreasing glycolysis results in cytosolic acidification (60, 61). Therefore, under conditions of decreased glycolysis (2DG treatment, deletion of Ubp3, and decreased GAPDH activity), cytosolic pH becomes acidic. Since mitochondrial Pi transport itself is dependent on the proton gradient, a low cytosolic pH would favour mitochondrial Pi transport (62). Therefore, under conditions of decreased glycolysis (2DG treatment, or loss of Ubp3, or decreased GAPDH activity), where cytosolic pH would be acidic, increasing cytosolic Pi might indirectly increase mitochondria Pi transport, thereby leading to increased respiration. Alternately, increasing mitochondrial Pi transporter amounts can achieve the same result, as seen by overexpressing Mir1 (Figure 5).”

      This possibility of changes in cytosolic pH regulating mitochondrial Pi transport and thereby respiration is a really interesting future research question, and an idea that has not yet been explored till date. This can stimulate new lines of thinking towards finding conserved biochemical principles that control mitochondrial repression in high glucose.

      “Moreover, they first showed that ∆ubp3 had a Mir1 increase in Fig3A, then showed no changes in FigS4G. It is very confusing”

      increase in Mir1 in ubp3Δ shown in figure 3A comes from the analysis of the proteomics dataset from a previous study (Isasa et al., 2015). Subsequently, we more systematically experimentally assessed Mir1 levels directly, and did not observe an increase in Mir1 (Figure 4figure supplement 1H in revised manuscript). It is entirely possible that in a large-scale study (as in Isasa 2015), some specific proteomic targets might not fully reproduce when tested very specifically (as is described in Handler et al., 2018 and Mehta et al., 2022). We do clearly indicate this in the text, but given the density of information in this study, it is understandable that this point was missed by the reviewer.

      (3) Given that there is no degradation difference for these glycolytic enzymes in ∆ubp3, and the authors found transcriptional level changes, suggests an alternative possibility where ∆ubp3 may signal through unknown mechanisms to parallelly regulate both mitochondrial biogenesis and glycolytic enzyme expression. The increase of trehalose synthesis usually happens in cells under proteostasis stress, so it is important to rule out whether ∆ubp3 signals these metabolic changes via proteostasis dysregulation. This echoes my first point that it is unknown whether wild-type cells use a similar mechanism as ∆ubp3 cells to regulate the glucose repression of mitochondria.

      We appreciate this point raised by the reviewer, but this again requires some clarification (as made earlier). The goal of this study was to identify systems-level principles that explain mitochondrial repression in high glucose. Although we started by performing a screen to identify proteostatic regulators of mitochondrial activity in high glucose, and identified Ubp3 as a mediator of mitochondrial activity, our approach was to use ubp3Δ cells as a model to understand the metabolic principles that regulate mitochondrial repression. This has been reiterated repeatedly in the manuscript – for example lines 123-124 “We therefore decided to use ubp3Δ cells to start delineating requirements for glucose-mediated mitochondrial repression.” and again in the discussion section – lines 442-460, where we discuss some unique advantages of using ubp3Δ cells to understand a general basis of mitochondrial regulation. To test this hypothesis, we also used orthogonal approaches, as well as other mutants and conditions with defective glycolysis, such as tdh2Δtdh3Δ cells and 2DG treatments. Only with these multiple converging evidences do we infer that there might be a role of the change in Pi balance (due to changes in glycolytic rate) in regulating mitochondrial activity.

      We certainly agree that there is great value in identifying the mechanistic details of how Ubp3 regulates mitochondria. But this requires very distinct approaches not pursued in this study. This is not the question that we are addressing in this story. Separately, identifying targets of DUBs is one of the exceptional challenges in biology, since there are currently no straightforward chemicalbiology approaches to do so for this class of proteins. Unlike kinase/phosphatase systems, or even ubiquitin ligases, substrate trapping mutants etc have proven to be abject failures in identifying direct targets of DUBs. A quantitative proteomics study might suggest some proteins/cellular processes regulated by Ubp3. This has been attempted for several DUBs, but rarely have any direct substrates of DUBs every been identified, in any system. A high quality quantitative, descriptive proteome dataset of ubp3Δ cells is already available from a previous study (Isasa et al., 2015), which we cite extensively in this manuscript, and indeed was invaluable for this study. We cannot improve the outstanding quality dataset already available. Interestingly, the findings of this study actually help substantiate our idea of an increased mitochondrial activity and change in Pi homeostasis in ubp3Δ cells. The Isasa et al dataset finds proteins involved in mitochondrial respiration that are high in ubp3Δ cells, and the glycolytic enzymes and PHO regulon proteins are reduced. In our study, using these data references, we were able to conceptually piece together how changes in glycolytic flux can alter Pi balance.

      Apart from identifying changes in protein levels, a separate challenge in making sense of this quantitative proteomics data is the difficulty in pinpointing any target of Ubp3 that specifically regulates these processes. A single DUB can have multiple substrates, and this could regulate the cellular metabolic state in a combinatorial manner. This is the essence of all signaling regulators in how they function, and it is therefore important to understand what their systems-level regulation of cell states are (separate from their specific individual substrates). Therefore, identifying the specific target of Ubp3 responsible for this metabolic rewiring can be very challenging. These experiments are well beyond the scope or interest of the current manuscript.

      If we had pursued that road in this study, we would not have made any general findings related to Pi balance, nor would this more general hypothesis have emerged.

      (4) Other major concerns:

      (a) The authors selectively showed a few proteins in their manuscript to support their conclusion. For example, only Cox2 and Tom70 were used to illustrate mitochondrial biogenesis difference in line 97. Later on, they re-analyzed the previous MS dataset from Isasa et al 2015 and showed a few proteins in Fig3A to support their conclusion that ∆ubp3 increases mitochondrial OXPHOS proteins. However, I checked that MS dataset myself and saw that many key OXPHOS proteins do not change, for example, both ATP1 and ATP2 do not change, which encode the alpha and beta subunits of F1 ATPase. They selectively reported the proteins' change in the direction along with their hypothesis.

      To clarify, we observe an increase in Cox2 protein levels but not in Tom70 levels which suggests that there is no increase in mitochondrial biogenesis. The increase is specific to some respiration related mitochondrial proteins such as Cox2 (Figure 1E, Figure 3A). We have clearly pointed out this in the manuscript. We used Cox2 protein levels as an additional readout for ETC activity, to validate our observations coming from the potentiometric mitotracker readouts, and basal oxygen consumption rate (OCR) measurements. This was for 3 reasons: Cox2 is a mitochondrial genome encoded subunit of the complex IV (cytochrome c oxidase) in the ETC, and has a redox centre critical for the cytochrome c oxidase activity. The biogenesis and assembly of complex IV subunits have been studied with respect to multiple conditions such as glucose availability and hypoxia and the expression and stability of the mitochondrial encoded complex IV subunits are exceptionally well correlated to changes in mitochondrial respiration (Fontanesi et al., 2006). Cox2 is very well characterised in S. cerevisiae, and the commercially available Cox2 antibodies are outstanding, which makes estimating Cox2 levels by western blotting unambiguous and reproducible.

      We re-analyzed the proteomic dataset from Isasa et al to find out additional information regarding the key nodes that are differentially regulated in ubp3Δ. We have not claimed at any point in the manuscript that all OXPHOS related proteins are upregulated in ubp3Δ, nor is there any need for that to be so. We identified Ubp3 from our screen, observed an increase in mitochondrial potential, basal OCR, and Cox2 levels. We later found out that the proteomic data set for ubp3Δ also supports our observations that mitochondrial respiration is upregulated in ubp3Δ. The reviewer points out that we “showed a few proteins in Fig3A to support their conclusion that ∆ubp3 increases mitochondrial OXPHOS proteins”. Our conclusion is that the deletion of Ubp3 increases mitochondrial respiration. The combined readouts which we used to reach this conclusion (OCR, mitochondrial potential, mitochondrial ATP production, Cox2 levels) are far more direct, comprehensive and conclusive than showing an increase in a few proteins related to OXPHOS, as also explained earlier toward a distinct reviewer query. Since different mitochondrial proteins are regulated by different mechanisms, we need not see an increase in all the OXPHOS proteins in a mutant like ubp3Δ where mitochondrial respiration is high. An increase in some key proteins would be sufficient to increase the respiration as seen in our case.

      To summarise, the proteomic dataset supports our observation, but our conclusions are not dependent on the increase in OXPHOS proteins observed in the dataset.

      (b) The authors said they deleted ETC component Cox2 in line 111. I checked their method and table S1, I cannot figure out how they selectively deleted COX2 from mtDNA. This must be a mistake.

      Yes, we understand that for mitochondrially encoded proteins, a simple knock-out strategy has limitations. However, we first tried to generate the Cox2 deletion mutant by a standard PCR mediated gene deletion strategy (Longtine 1998), with the optimistic assumption that even if all Cox2 is not lost, a substantial fraction of the Cox2 genes would be lost via recombination. We selected the transformants after strong antibiotic selection, and then we measured the Cox2 protein levels. Gratifyingly, we found that the mutant strain had substantially decreased Cox2 protein levels (but not a complete loss), and this was retained across generations. The data is shown below.

      Author response image 14.

      Cox2 levels in WT vs Cox2 mutants

      Since the mutants have decreased Cox2 levels, we went ahead and performed growth assays using this strain, in a WT or Ubp3 deletion background. Deletion of Ubp3 in the Cox2 mutant resulted in a more severe growth defect.

      However, we fully agree that this strain is not a complete Cox2 knockout, and it is possible that the decrease in Cox2 is due to modifications in some other unelated gene. In the text, we should also not have named this cox2Δ. Since we are not sure of the exact genetic modification in this mutant, we have removed this data from the revised manuscript.

      Instead, we have now repeated all experiments, utilizing a fully characterised Cox2 mutant -cox262, described in (5) which has defective respiration. In this revised version, we find that deletion of Ubp3 in this strain retains the originally observed severe growth defect in glucose. This is consistent with our conclusion that a functional mitochondria is required for proper growth in ubp3Δ mutant. To separately validate this conclusion, we also utilized a Rho0 strain which does not have mitochondrial DNA and thereby cannot perform mitochondrial respiration. We show that deletion of Ubp3 results in a more severe growth defect in a Rho0 strain. These results are included in the revised manuscript as figure 1-figure supplement 1 I.

      Author response image 15.

      Also, we further confirmed that the Rho0 strain and Rho0 ubp3 strain is incapable of respiration, using seahorse assay. This data is included in the revised manuscript as Figure 4-figure supplement 1G.

      Author response image 16.

      Basal OCR in Rho0 cells

      We hope that these new data address the reviewer’s concerns about the Cox2 mutant.

      (c) They used sodium azide in a lot of assays to inhibit complex IV. However, this chemical is nonspecific and broadly affects many ATPases as well. Not sure why they do not use more specific inhibitors that are commonly used to assay OCR in seahorse.

      We have now performed growth assays for WT and ubp3Δ cells in the presence of specific mitochondrial OXPHOS inhibitors - oligomycin and FCCP. We observe a more severe growth defect in ubp3Δ cells compared to WT cells in the presence of oligomycin and FCCP, similar to the results observed with sodium azide. All these data are now included in the revised manuscript as Figure 1I, Figure1-figure supplement 1H, along with associated text.

      Author response image 17.

      Growth rate in the presence of FCCP

      Author response image 18.

      Figure1-figure supplement 1H- Growth rate in the presence of oligomycin

      We hope that these new data addresses the reviewer’s concerns.

      (d) The authors measured cellular Pi level by grinding the entire cells to release Pi. However, this will lead to a mix of cytosolic and vacuolar Pi. Related to this caveat, the cytosol has ~50mM Pi, while only 1-2mM of these glycolysis metabolites, I am not sure why the reduction of several glycolysis enzymes will cause significant changes in cytosolic Pi levels and make Pi the limiting factor for mitochondrial respiration. One possibility is that the observed cytosolic Pi level changes were caused by the measurement issue mentioned above.

      The Pi estimation shown in figure 3 C, E, F and G is a measure of total Pi in the cells. The vacuole is a major storehouse of phosphate in cells. However, unlike plant cells where free phosphate is stored in vacuoles, yeast vacuoles store phosphate only in the form of polyphosphates (Yang et al., 2017, Hürlimann et al., 2007). The free Pi formed from the hydrolysis of polyphosphate is subsequently transported to cytosol via the exporter Pho91 (Hürlimann et al., 2007). This therefore makes cytosol and mitochondria the major storage of usable free Pi in yeast. Since the malachite green assay that we use for phosphate estimation is specific to free Pi, and not polyphosphate, the Pi estimates that we show in figure 3 come from a combination of cytosolic and mitochondrial Pi. As explained earlier, in order to specifically measure mitochondrial Pi, we have established methods to rapidly isolate mitochondria, and then followed this by estimating Pi in these isolated mitochondria (Figure 4B). Here we clearly see a large increase in mitochondrial Pi in the Ubp3 deletion cells. This allows us to estimate the changes in Pi levels that specific to mitochondria, without relying only on total Pi changes.

      “the cytosol has ~50mM Pi, while only 1-2mM of these glycolysis metabolites, I am not sure why the reduction of several glycolysis enzymes will cause significant changes in cytosolic Pi levels and make Pi the limiting factor for mitochondrial respiration”

      The reviewer has completely missed the fact that the glycolytic rate in yeast is the highest known for any cell. While the steady state levels of glycolytic metabolites might be ~2 mM, the process of glycolysis is not static but is rapid and continuous. Glucose is continuously broken down and converted to pyruvate, along with the consumption of Pi and generation of ATP. This is the reason for the rapid 13C label saturation (within seconds of 13C glucose addition) in yeast cells (Figure 2-figure supplement 1F). This instantaneous label saturation makes accurate flux measurements arduous because of which we had to optimize a method for measuring glycolytic flux in yeast cells (Figure 2-D, Figure 2-figure supplement 1F). Indeed, for that reason, our measurements of glycolytic flux in yeast are the first time this is being reported in the field. This in itself is an enormously challenging experiment, and establishes a new benchmark.

      In highly glycolytic cells, most of the ATP is synthesized via glycolysis and the rate of glycolysis and ATP synthesis is very high. In the reaction catalysed by GAPDH, Pi and ADP is converted to ATP. This ATP formed acts as a Pi donor to most of the Pi consuming reactions in the cells. Some of these processes such a protein translation utilizes ATP, but releases Pi and ADP and this Pi enters the cellular Pi pool. Several other reactions such as nucleotide biosynthesis, polyphosphate biosynthesis and protein phosphorylation use ATP as a Pi donor and the Pi is fixed in biomolecules. Increasing the rates of these ‘Pi sinks’ therefore can result in a decrease in Pi pools. This is a concept we have earlier tried to clarify more elaborately in (Gupta and Laxman, 2021). In fact, increasing nucleotide biosynthesis and polyphosphate synthesis has earlier been suggested to decrease available free Pi (Austin and Mayer 2020, Desfougères et al., 2016). When glycolytic flux is high, this is coupled/tuned to the consumption of Pi which will be correspondingly high due to increased ATP, nucleotide and polyphosphate synthesis. Pi levels rapidly decrease upon glucose addition, due to the continuous Pi consumption during glycolysis (Hohmann et al., 1996, Van Heerden et al., 2014 , Koobs et al., 1972). Therefore, changes in glycolytic rate due to change in glycolytic enzyme levels can result in significant changes in Pi levels due to changes in Pi consumption rate.

      Our results also show that the apart from Pi levels, the glycolytic state can regulate mitochondrial Pi transport as well. This is the reason for mitochondrial Pi levels and basal OCR not increasing merely by adding Pi to cells. We show that basal OCR can be increased by adding Pi in the presence of 2DG. This regulation of mitochondrial Pi transport is a major limiting factor for mitochondrial respiration and could be mediated partly by the regulating of Mir1 levels and also by the changes in the cytosolic pH which regulates the rate of mitochondrial Pi transport. We have discussed these points in the discussion section in our manuscript.

      We hope that this clarifies the reviewer’s concerns regarding how changes in glycolytic rate can regulate changes in cytosolic Pi levels.

      (e) The authors used ∆mir1 and MIR1 OE to show that Pi viability in the mitochondrial matrix is important for mitochondrial activity and biogenesis. This is not surprising as Pi is a key substrate required for OXPHOS activity. I doubt the approach of adding a control to determine whether Pi has a specific regulatory function, while other OXPHOS substrates, like ADP, O2 etc do not have the same effect.

      To clarify, we only used the mir1Δ cells to understand the requirement for Pi transport from cytosol to mitochondria in controlling respiration. The reviewer is correct in stating that deletion of Mir1 would reduce Pi import to mitochondria and thereby inhibit respiration. This is exactly the conclusion we suggest from this experiment as stated in the manuscript – “These data suggest that mitochondrial Pi transport (via Mir1) is critical for maintaining basal mitochondrial activity even in high glucose”. We have only used these experiments to support the idea that even though glycolysis and mitochondria are in different compartments, a change in Pi balance in one compartment (cytosol) can affect Pi levels in the other (mitochondria) since there is Pi transport between these two compartments. Since mitochondria has its own polyphosphate reserves, in the absence of these experiments with mir1Δ cells it can be imagined that mitochondria PolyP can be an additional source of Pi to support respiration, and therefore changes in cytosolic Pi may have only a minor effect on mitochondrial respiration. Our experiments with mir1Δ and Mir1-OEcells indubitably suggest that Pi transport to mitochondria from cytosol is important for respiration, and therefore changes in cytosolic Pi levels (or maintaining cytosolic Pi at a lower level due to the rate of glycolysis) will have rippling effects in mitochondrial Pi availability. Further, these data suggest that for example under glycolytic inhibition (low glucose, or 2DG), while all factors (signalling, substrate availability etc) favour respiration (and mitochondrial derepression), cells cannot unable to achieve this in the absence of ample Pi transport from cytosol. This therefore places Pi at the centre stage in controlling mitochondrial respiration.

      We conclude that Pi is a major, but not the only constraint for mitochondrial respiration. There certainly could be a role for ADP, oxygen availability etc in regulating respiration. However, these are beyond the scope of our study. We have discussed about the potential role of ADP in regulating mitochondrial repression in the discussion section. “An additional consideration is the possible contribution of changes in ADP in regulating mitochondrial activity, where the use of ADP in glycolysis might limit mitochondrial ADP. Therefore, when Pi changes as a consequence of glycolysis, it could be imagined that a change in ADP balance can coincidentally occur. However, prior studies show that even though cytosolic ADP decreases in the presence of glucose, this does not limit mitochondrial ADP uptake, or decrease respiration, due to the very high affinity of the mitochondrial ADP transporter.”

      We hope that this clarifies the reviewer’s concerns regarding the use of Mir1 OE and mir1Δ strains.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Some of the experiments should be repeated in other strain backgrounds for reproducibility and rigor.

      As discussed in the response to point number 1, we have now utilized multiple strains of S. cerevisiae to test our findings. We now find that our discoveries regarding the role of altered Pi budgeting as a constraint for mitochondrial respiration, and the role of Ubp3 as a regulator of mitochondrial repression are conserved across multiple genetic backgrounds of S. cerevisiae. These results are included in the revised manuscript as a new figure- Figure 6 and associated text. We used the W303, Σ1278 and BY4742 strains of S. cerevisiae to show that deletion of Ubp3 increases mitochondrial activity (as shown by increased mitochondrial membrane potential and increased Cox2 levels). Using the W303 strain we show that the deletion of Ubp3 increases Pi levels and that the increased Pi is necessary for increasing mitochondrial respiration (Figure 6C, D). These added experiments have substantially broadened the generality of our findings.

      The number of biological repeats needs to be increased in all experiments.

      We have increased the number of biological repeats in key experiments that shows that the increased Pi levels are necessary for the increased mitochondrial respiration in ubp3Δ and tdh2Δtdh3Δ cells (revised Figure 4F). Apart from a few basal OCR measurements and mitotracker data in supplementary figure, all our experiments are performed for 3 biological repeats. In case of basal OCR measurements, yeast cells have to be aliquoted to poly-L-lysine coated seahorse plates and centrifuged to ensure that the cells are properly settled. This is due to the non-adherent nature of yeast cells. During the centrifugation step, the wells in the two end rows cannot be utilized due to uneven settling of cells which affects the basal OCR readings in these wells. In case of several experiments that involve multiple samples, we were therefore limited to restrict the number of biological replicates to 2 (repeated independently), so that all samples could be accommodated in the plate.

      Full western blot images should be supplemented along with the other data.

      The complete western blot images are now included in the revised manuscript as supplementary file 2.

      TCA cycle flux should be analyzed and presented in the study to conclude some of the findings.

      As discussed in detail in the response to point number 2, we have performed steady state and flux measurements for TCA cycle intermediates. This data is now included as a new supplement figure- Figure 2-figure supplement 2.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) In Fig. 2A, they should also include the gluconeogenesis enzymes (fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase, PEP carboxykinase, and pyruvate carboxylase) to exclude the possibility that glycolytic intermediates are not rerouted to gluconeogenesis.

      We measured the protein levels of Fbp1 (fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase) and Pck1 (PEP carboxykinase). We observed an increase in the protein levels in both enzymes in ubp3Δ. The data is shown below.

      Author response image 19.

      Fbp1 and Pck1 protein levels

      While we agree that this is an interesting observation which might help us in understanding the metabolic rewiring in ubp3Δ, we have not included this data in the current revised version of the manuscript due to two main reasons.

      (1) Since ubp3Δ cells have a defective glycolysis and therefore a defective glucose repression, the mRNA and protein levels of gluconeogenic enzymes which are usually glucose-repressed might increase. This might be a response at the level of transcription and translation of these enzymes and might or might not change the rate of gluconeogenesis in these cells. This is because of multiple other factors that regulate gluconeogenic flux such as allostery, mass action etc. Therefore, to avoid confounding our main points and since we cannot make a conclusive assumption on the gluconeogenic metabolism in these mutants, we don’t include this data. The primary focus of our story is the mitochondrial repression component. Understanding the feedback controls that alter gluconeogenesis in these mutants is beyond the scope of this study and could be addressed in a separate future study.

      (2) As we highlight extensively in the response letter and in the manuscript, our aim is not to understand the specific mechanistic role of Ubp3. In this manuscript, we identify the conserved constraints that control mitochondrial repression without focusing just on the role of Ubp3 in regulating this. Whether Ubp3 regulates gluconeogenesis is a question that could be addressed in a future study that focuses on identifying the altered signalling mechanisms in ubp3Δ and the targets of Ubp3.

      (2) In line 292, page 10, there is a typo "dermine".

      We apologize for this mistake. Corrected.

      (3) In Figure 5A, is there a reason why they chose 0.1% glucose condition as a low glucose condition? Also, is there a dose-dependent change in OCR or other mitochondrial functions according to the concentration of glucose?

      The glucose concentration of 0.1% was selected to decrease (but not completely remove) the available glucose. 0.1% glucose is considered as a standard low glucose condition in S. cerevisiae (Yin et al., 2003) and the effect of this glucose concentration on cellular processes has been extensively studied (Yin et al., 2003, Takeda et al., 2015 etc). <0.2% glucose is the critical threshold for activating respiratory metabolism (Takeda et al., 2015) and shifting cells to 0.1% glucose in our experiments will activate respiration, as we show in our data. However, this is very different from completely removing glucose or using an alternate carbon source such as ethanol, because this would result in full activation of gluconeogenesis. We further find that when cells are grown in ethanol, the gluconeogenic activation will also change the Pi homeostasis. This will in part be a result of the fully reversed direction of the GAPDH catalysed reaction (Figure 3G). If such a condition is used, it could lead to misinterpretations, and confound the conclusions that we make from these set of experiments where Pi homeostasis play a major role. In 0.1% glucose it has been shown that gluconeogenesis is still partly repressed (Yin et al., 2003). The pathways utilizing alternate carbon sources still remain repressed (even though to a lower extend compared to 2% glucose) in 0.1% glucose (Yin et al., 2003). We hope that this clarifies the concerns regarding the rationale behind using 0.1% glucose in our experiments.

      The extent of glucose repression is dependent on the concentration of glucose. Glucose concentration >1% has been shown to activate degradation of mRNAs involved in alternate carbon utilization. Different signaling pathways involved in growth under glucose and glucose repression is regulated by glucose concentration. This is discussed in detail in Yin et al., 2002. We (Figure 5figure supplement 1A) also observe a dose dependent increase in mitochondrial membrane potential in the presence of 2DG. This also suggests that the rate of glycolysis (which could be also mediated by changes in glucose concentration) can regulate the extent of mitochondrial derepression.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This manuscript provides important insights into the degradation of a host tRNA modification enzyme TRMT1 by SARS-CoV-2 protease nsp5. The data convincingly support the main conclusions of the paper. These results will be of interest to virologists interested in studying the alterations in tRNA modifications, host methyltransferases, and viral infections.

      Public Reviews:

      Response to Public Reviews

      We appreciate the reviewers’ assessment that our findings are well supported and provide important insight to the field. We also thank the reviewers for their comments and suggestions that have improved the quality of this manuscript. Through the requested edits and experiments, we provide additional results in this revision that further support and extend our original findings.

      We acknowledge the major questions that remain to be addressed, including the biological relevance of TRMT1 cleavage by Nsp5. We note that elucidating the biological role of host protein cleavage by viral proteases has been a long-standing challenge. For example, several endogenous proteins have been identified as cleavage targets of HIV protease, but the functional relevance for many of these cases took decades to resolve or remain unknown to this day. Nonetheless, we have added additional experiments that suggest a possible role for TRMT1 and TRMT1 cleavage in SARS-CoV-2 pathobiology.

      Key additions in the revised manuscript include:

      • Subcellular localization of full-length TRMT1 and TRMT1 fragments (Supplemental Figure 4).

      • Experiments demonstrating that TRMT1 levels are reduced to near background levels in SARS-CoV-2 infected human cells at higher MOI (Figure 6C and D).

      • Results showing that expression of the non-cleavable TRMT1 mutant can promote virion particle infectivity (Figure 8).

      • The addition of an “Ideas and Speculation” subsection that is now being offered to authors by eLife.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Zhang et al. investigate the hypothesis that tRNA methyl transferase 1 (TRMT1) is cleaved by NSP5 (nonstructural protein 5 or MPro), the SARS-CoV-2 main protease, during SARS-CoV-2 infection. They provide solid evidence that TRMT1 is a substrate of Nsp5, revealing an Nsp5 target consensus sequence and evidence of TRMT1 cleavage in cells. Their conclusions are exceptionally strong given the co-submission by D'Oliveira et al showing cleavage of TRMT1 in vitro by Nsp5. Separately, the authors convincingly demonstrate widespread downregulation of RNA modifications during CoV-2 infection, including a requirement for TRMT1 in efficient viral replication. This finding is congruent with the authors' previous work defining the impact of TRMT1 and m2,2g on global translation, which is most likely necessary to support infection and virion production. What still remains unclear is the functional relevance of TRMT1 cleavage by Nsp5 during infection. Based on the data provided here, TRMT1 cleavage may be an act by CoV2 to self-limit replication, as the expression of a non-cleavable TRMT1 (versus wild-type TRMT1) supports enhanced viral RNA expression at certain MOIs. Theoretically, TRMT1 cleavage should inactivate the modification activity of TRMT1, which the authors thoroughly and elegantly investigate with rigorous biochemical assays. However, only a minority of TRMT1 undergoes cleavage during infection in this study and thus whether TRMT1 cleavage serves an important functional role during CoV-2 replication will be an important topic for future work. The authors fairly assess their work in this regard. This study pushes forward the idea that control of tRNA expression and functionality is an important and understudied area of host-pathogen interaction.

      We thank the reviewer for the thoughtful assessment of our study.

      We acknowledge that only a minority of TRMT1 undergoes cleavage during infection at the originally tested MOI. However, the ~40% reduction in TRMT1 levels after infection with SARS-CoV-2 is quite substantial considering that the TRMT1 in the nucleus and mitochondria are likely to be inaccessible to Nsp5. Moreover, we detected a reduction in m2,2G modification in the infected human cells, providing evidence for a functional impact on TRMT1 activity (Figure 1C).

      To further test the effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection on endogenous TRMT1, we infected 293T cells at a higher MOI and measured TRMT1 levels. At MOI=5, we found that SARS-CoV-2 infection led to near complete depletion of TRMT1 in human cells. This result suggests that SARS-CoV-2 infection could have a profound impact on TRMT1 levels during pathogenesis. We have added this new experiment as Figures 6C and D.

      Weaknesses noted:

      The detection of the N-terminal TRMT1 fragment by western blot is not robust. The polyclonal antibody used to detect TRMT1 in this work cross-reacts with a non-specific protein product. Unfortunately, this obstructs the visualization of the predicted N-terminal TRMT1 fragment. It is unclear how the authors were able to perform densitometry, given the interference of the nonspecific band. Additionally, the replicates in the source data make it clear that the appearance of the N-terminal fragment "wisp" under the non-specific band is not seen in every replicate. Though the disappearance of this wisp with mutant Nsp5 and uncleavable TRMT1 is reassuring, the detection of the N-terminal fragment with the TRMT1 antibody should be assessed critically. Considering this group has strong research interests in TRMT1, I assume that attempts to make other antibodies have proved unfruitful. Additionally, N-terminal tagging of TRMT1 is predicted to disrupt the mitochondrial targeting signal, eliminating the potential for using alternative antibodies to see the N-terminal fragment.

      We agree that the anti-TRMT1 antibody used here is sub-optimal for detection of the N-terminal TRMT1 fragment. However, as noted by the Reviewer, we provided multiple ways of corroborating that the lower-molecular weight band detected in human cells expressing Nsp5 corresponds to the N-terminal TRMT1 fragment. We have shown that the TRMT1 cleavage band is not detectable in human cells expressing GFP or inactive Nsp5. This indicates that the lower molecular weight TRMT1 band only arises when active Nsp5 protease is expressed. Moreover, the TRMT1 cleavage band is not detectable in TRMT1-KO cell lines, demonstrating that the band arises from TRMT1 cleavage rather than a non-specific protein. We have also detected the C-terminal fragment if TRMT1 is over-expressed with Nsp5. In addition, we have shown that the mutation of the predicted Nsp5 cleavage site in TRMT1 abolishes the appearance of the N- and Cterminal cleavage fragments.

      Despite the drawbacks of this antibody, we identified gel running conditions that resolves the non-specific band from the N-terminal TRMT1 cleavage fragment. Thus, for quantification, we measured the total signal of both the cleavage band and the nonspecific band in all lanes (Figure 3). After normalization to actin, the total signal from the cleavage band and the non-specific band in the control lane from cells expressing GFP was subtracted from the lanes with cells expressing Nsp5 to calculate the signal arising from the cleavage band. We have updated our Materials and Methods to provide details on how we quantified the TRMT1 cleavage band.

      While we did test other antibodies against TRMT1, none of them were sensitive enough to detect TRMT1 cleavage fragments at endogenous levels. For example, we included results with an antibody targeting the C-terminus of TRMT1 that could not detect TRMT1 cleavage products at endogenous levels (Supplemental Figure 3). However, the antibody could detect the C-terminal TRMT1 fragments if TRMT1 was overexpressed with Nsp5 (Supplemental Figure 3).

      These technical issues reiterate the fact that the functional significance of TRMT1 cleavage during CoV-2 infection remains unclear. However, this study demonstrates an important finding that the tRNA modification landscape is altered during CoV-2 infection and that TRMT1 is an important host factor supporting CoV-2 replication.

      We agree that the functional relevance of TRMT1 cleavage by Nsp5 remains an open question. Thus, we have added an experiment to test the functional impact of TRMT1 on virion particle production and infectivity (Figure 8). We find that TRMT1 expression is required for optimal virus production, consistent with our observation that TRMT1deficient cells exhibit reduced viral RNA replication. In addition, we find that expression of the non-cleavable TRMT1 mutant can promote virion particle infectivity (Figure 8, TRMT1-Q530N). These results are consistent with the Reviewer’s conclusion that “TRMT1 cleavage may be an act by CoV-2 to self-limit replication, as the expression of a non-cleavable TRMT1 (versus wild-type TRMT1) supports enhanced viral RNA expression at certain MOIs”. We discuss the potential implications of this result and their functional relevance in the “Ideas and Speculation” subsection.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The manuscript titled 'Proteolytic cleavage and inactivation of the TRMT1 tRNA modification enzyme by SARS-CoV-2 main protease' from K. Zhang et al. demonstrates that several RNA modifications are downregulated during SARS-CoV-2 infection including the widespread m2,2G methylation, which potentially contributes to changes in host translation. To understand the molecular basis behind this global hypomodification of RNA during infection, the authors focused on the human methyltransferase TRMT1 that catalyzes the m2,2G modification. They reveal that TRMT1 not only interacts with the main SARS-CoV-2 protease (Nsp5) in human cells but is also cleaved by Nsp5. To establish if TRMT1 cleavage by Nsp5 contributes to the reduction in m2,2G levels, the authors show compelling evidence that the TRMT1 fragments are incapable of methylating the RNA substrates due to loss of RNA binding by the catalytic domain. They further determine that expression of full-length TRMT1 is required for optimal SARS-CoV-2 replication in 293T cells. Nevertheless, the cleavage of TRMT1 was dispensable for SARS-CoV-2 replication hinting at the possibility that TRMT1 could be an off-target or fortuitous substrate of Nsp5. Overall, this study will be of interest to virologists and biologists studying the role of RNA modification and RNA modifying enzymes in viral infection.

      We thank the reviewer for the thoughtful assessment of our study.

      We agree with the possibility that TRMT1 could be a fortuitous substrate of Nsp5 due to the coincidental presence of a Nsp5 cleavage site in TRMT1. As considered in our Discussion section, TRMT1 cleavage could be a collateral effect of SARS-CoV-2 infection. While TRMT1 could be an off-target substrate during viral infection, the subsequent effect on tRNA modification levels could have physiological consequences on downstream processes that affect cellular health. This information could still be useful for understanding the pathophysiological consequences of SARS-CoV-2 infection in tissues.


      • The authors use a state-of-the-art mass spectrometry approach to quantify RNA modifications in human cells infected with SARS-CoV-2.

      • The authors go to great length to demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 main protease, Nsp5, interacts, and cleaves TRMT1 in cells and perform important controls when needed. They use a series of overexpression with strategically placed tags on both TRMT1 and Nsp5 to strengthen their observations.

      • The use of an inactive Nsp5 mutant (C145A) strongly supports the claim of the authors that Nsp5 is solely responsible for TRMT1 cleavage in cells.

      • Although the direct cleavage was not experimentally determined, the authors convincingly show that TRMT1 Q530N is not cleaved by Nsp5 suggesting that the predicted cleavage site at this position is most likely the bona fide region processed by Nsp5 in cells.

      • To understand the impact of TRMT1 cleavage on its RNA methylation activity, the authors rigorously test four protein constructs for their capacity not only to bind RNA but also to introduce the m2,2G modification. They demonstrate that the fragments resulting from TRMT1 cleavage are inactive and cannot methylate RNA. They further establish that the C-terminal region of TRMT1 (containing a zinc-finger domain) is the main binding site for RNA.

      • While 293T cells are unlikely an ideal model system to study SARS-CoV-2 infection, the authors use two cell lines and well-designed rescue experiments to uncover that TRMT1 is required for optimal SARS-CoV-2 replication.


      • Immunoblo0ng is extensively used to probe for TRMT1 degradation by Nsp5 in this study. Regretfully, the polyclonal antibody used by the authors shows strong non-specific binding to other epitopes. This complicates the data interpretation and quantification since the cleaved TRMT1 band migrates very closely to a main non-specific band detected by the antibody (for instance Fig 3A). While this reviewer is concerned about the cross-contamination during quantification of the N-TRMT1, the loss of this faint cleaved band with the TRMT1 Q530N mutant is reassuring. Nevertheless, the poor behavior of this antibody for TRMT1 detection was already reported and the authors should have taken better precautions or designed a different strategy to circumvent the limitation of this antibody by relying on additional tags.

      We acknowledge the sub-optimal performance of the commercial anti-TRMT1 antibody used in our study. Nevertheless, we have provided multiple lines of evidence indicating that the lower molecular weight band detected using this antibody corresponds to the N-terminal TRMT1 fragment. As noted by the reviewer, we have shown that the lower molecular weight band disappears using the TRMT1-Q530N non-cleavable mutant. The lower molecular weight signal is also absent in TRMT1-KO cell lines expressing Nsp5. Moreover, we have shown that the TRMT1 cleavage band is undetectable in human cells expressing GFP or inactive Nsp5. We have also detected the C-terminal fragment when TRMT1 is over-expressed with Nsp5.

      As discussed in the response to Reviewer 1, we did consider alternative approaches for detecting the N-terminal fragment. We thought about tagging TRMT1 at the N-terminus so that we could detect the cleavage band using a different antibody. However, as noted by Reviewer 1, the tagging of TRMT1 at the N-terminus is likely to disrupt the mitochondrial targeting signal and alter the localization of TRMT1. In addition, we spent considerable time and effort testing alternative antibodies against TRMT1. However, none of them were effective at detecting the N- or C-terminal TRMT1 fragments. For example, we included results with a different antibody targeting the C-terminus of TRMT1 that could not detect TRMT1 cleavage products at endogenous levels but could detect them when TRMT1 was overexpressed with Nsp5 (Supplemental Figure 3).

      • While 293T cells are convenient to use, it is not a well-suited model system to study SARS-CoV2 infection and replication. Therefore, some of the conclusions from this study might not apply to better-suited cell systems such as Vero E6 cells or might not be observed in patient-infected cells.

      We acknowledge the potential caveats associated with using 293T human embryonic cells as a system for testing SARS-CoV2 replication. However, we note that 293T cells have been used as a physiological model for discovering and characterizing key aspects of SARS-CoV-2 biology, including viral replication. For example, SARS-CoV-2 has been shown to exhibit significant replication and virion production in 293T cells expressing ACE2 that can be inhibited by known SARS-CoV-2 antiviral compounds:





      293T cells have also been demonstrated to exhibit cytopathic effects upon SARS-CoV-2 infection that are dependent upon the ACE2 receptor and mirror that of infected lung cells in culture and in patient tissues:





      In addition to 293T cells, we have demonstrated that infection of MRC5 human pulmonary fibroblast cells with SARS-CoV-2 results in a decrease in TRMT1 levels and m2,2G modification (Figure 1). The reduction in TRMT1 levels in MRC5 cells after SARS-CoV-2 infection is similar to that observed in 293T cells.

      • The reduction of bulk TRMT1 levels is minor during infection of MRC5 cells with SARS-CoV-2 (Fig 1). This does not seem to agree with the more dramatic reduction in m2,2G modification levels. Cellular Localization experiments of TRMT1 would help clarify this. While TRMT1 is found in the cytoplasm and nucleus, it is possible that TRMT1 is more dramatically degraded in the cytoplasm due to easier access by Nsp5.

      We agree that the processing of newly synthesized TRMT1 in the cytoplasm is likely to be the main cause for the reduction of TRMT1 levels in the infected MRC5 cells. Thus, we followed the Reviewer’s suggestion to conduct cellular localization experiments of TRMT1 (Supplemental Figure 4). Through these experiments, we show that full-length TRMT1 exhibits localization to the cytoplasm, mitochondria, and nucleus, consistent with prior findings from our group and others. This result supports the conclusion that cytoplasmic TRMT1 is the likely target of Nsp5 cleavage while TRMT1 in the nucleus and mitochondria are inaccessible to Nsp5. We also note that the decrease in cytoplasmic TRMT1 could account for the reduction in m2,2G modifications if the cytoplasmic pool of TRMT1 is responsible for modifying any exported tRNAs that were not modified in the nucleus.

      • In Fig 6, the authors show that TRMT1 is required for optimal SARS-CoV-2 replication. This can be rescued by expressing TRMT1 (Fig 7). Nevertheless, it is unknown if the methylation activity of TRMT1 is required. The authors could have expressed an inactive TRMT1 mutant (by disrupting the SAM binding site) to establish if the RNA modification by TRMT1 is important for SARS-CoV-2 replication or if it is the protein backbone that might contribute to other processes.

      We agree that it would be interesting to test if the methylation activity of TRMT1 is important for optimal SARS-CoV-2 replication. However, the present study focuses on the cleavage of TRMT1 by Nsp5 and the biological effects of this cleavage. Thus, we feel that generating another human cell line lies outside the scope of this paper and would be an excellent idea for future studies. We thank the reviewer for the proposed experiment.

      • Fig 7, the authors used the Q530N variant to rescue SARS-CoV-2 replication in TRMT1 KO cells. This is an important experiment and unexpectedly reveals that TRMT1 cleavage by Nsp5 is not required for viral replication. To strengthen the claim of the authors that TRMT1 is required to promote viral replication and that its cleavage inhibits RNA methylation, the authors could express the TRMT1 N-terminal construct in the TRMT1 KO cells to assess if viral replication is restored or not to similar levels as WT TRMT1. This will further validate the potential biological importance of TRMT1 cleavage by Nsp5.

      Indeed, we did not expect to find that human cells expressing the TRMT1-Q530N variant exhibit higher levels of viral replication. This suggests that cleavage of TRMT1 is inhibitory for viral replication. To provide further support for this observation, we analyzed the viral titer and infectivity of supernatants derived from human cells expressing wildtype TRMT1 or TRMT1-Q530N. Consistent with our finding that TRMT1-Q530N cells contain more viral RNA, the media supernatants from TRMT1Q530N expressing cells exhibit higher viral titer and infectivity compared to supernatants from TRMT1-KO cells expressing wildtype TRMT1. These results provide additional evidence that TRMT1 is required to promote viral replication. Moreover, these findings suggest that TRMT1 cleavage and reduced protein synthesis could selflimit viral replication. The additional results have been added as Figure 8.

      • Fig 7 shows that the TRMT1 Q530N variant rescues SARS-CoV-2 replication to greater levels then WT TRMT1. The authors should discuss this in greater detail and its possible implications with their proposed statement. For instance, are m2,2G levels higher in Q530N compared to WT? Does Q530N co-elute with Nsp5 or is the interaction disrupted in cells?

      These are excellent points brought up by the Reviewer. As noted above, we have added an additional experiment that tests the functional relevance of TRMT1 expression and cleavage on virion production and infectivity (Figure 8). Moreover, we have followed the Reviewer’s suggestion and discussed the potential implications of these findings in the “Ideas and Speculation” subsection.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, the authors have used biochemical approaches to provide compelling evidence for the cleavage of TRMT1 by SARS-CoV-2 Nsp5 protease. This work is of wide interest to biochemists, cell biologists, and structural biologists in the coronavirus (CoV) field. Furthermore, it substantially advances the understanding of how CoV's interact with host factors during infection and modify cellular metabolism.

      We thank the reviewer for the thoughtful assessment of our study.


      The authors provide multiple lines of biochemical evidence to report a TRMT1-Nsp5 interaction during SARS-CoV-2 infection. They show that the host enzyme TRMT1 is cleaved at a specific site and that it generates fragments that are incapable of functioning properly. This is an important result because TRMT1 is a critical player in host protein synthesis. This also advances our understanding of virus-host interactions during SARS-CoV-2 infections.


      The major weakness is the lack of mechanistic insights into TRMT1-Nsp5 interactions. The authors have provided commendable biochemical data on proving the TRMT1-Nsp5 interaction but without clear mechanistic insights into when this interaction takes place in the context of SARS-CoV-2 propagation, what are the functional consequences of this interaction on host biology, and does this somehow benefit the infecting virus? I feel that the authors played it a bit safe despite having access to several reagents and an extremely promising research direction.

      We agree that our findings have prompted questions on the mechanistic and functional relevance of TRMT1 cleavage by Nsp5. To begin addressing the latter point, we have included a new experiment testing the impact of TRMT1 expression and cleavage on SARS-CoV-2 virus production and infectivity (Figure 8). We find that TRMT1-deficient cells infected with SARS-CoV-2 exhibit less virion production and the viruses produced are less infectious. Intriguingly, we find that expression of the non-cleavable TRMT1-Q530N variant in TRMT1-KO cells promotes an increase of viral titer as well as infectivity compared to expression of wildtype TRMT1. These results provide evidence for an unexpected role for TRMT1 expression in virus production and the generation of optimally infectious SARS-CoV-2 particles. We discuss the potential implications of this finding in the “Ideas and Speculation” subsection.

      We agree that understanding the timing and effects of Nsp5-TRMT1 interaction will be an important area of investigation moving forward. We would like to include additional time points beyond 24- and 48-hours post-infection. However, we have found that the MRC5-ACE2 cells exhibited increased levels of cell death at 72 and 96-hours postinfection that could confound results (Raymonda et al 2022). Moreover, we would like to know how the reduction in m2,2G modifications affects host tRNA biology and translation. However, these experiments involve large-scale methods such as tRNA sequencing and ribosome profiling which are outside the scope of our current studies and will be the subject of future efforts.

      We acknowledge the Reviewer’s assessment that we “played it a bit safe” in discussing the functional consequences of Nsp5-TRMT1 interaction. We aimed for a circumspect interpretation of our results and their biological implications, but might have been too cautious in our conclusions. Thus, we have added an “Ideas and Speculation” subsection that discusses possible reasons for how TRMT1 cleavage and interaction with Nsp5 could benefit the virus. We thank the Reviewer for pointing out this issue in our initial manuscript.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Having reviewed an earlier version of this manuscript, I appreciated the recent progress made by the authors. I felt the entire body of work is quite solid and the interpretations are clear and not overstated. One piece of data I thought deserved a sentence or two of discussion was the complementation assay with Q530N TRMT1. This experiment suggests the possibility that cleavage of TRMT1 by Nsp5 may be an act to self-limit replication, although this result could also be due to the elevated levels of Q530N TRMT1 expression compared to WT. I still think it is worthy of discussion. Another thing I would recommend is to include the length of infection by SARS-CoV-2 in the figure legends.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive response and constructive comments.

      We have followed the Reviewer’s suggestion to further discuss how cleavage of TRMT1 may act to self-limit replication in the “Ideas and Speculation” subsection. We have also included the length of infection by SARS-CoV-2 in the figure legends.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      In addition to the comments mentioned in the public review, this reviewer encourages the authors to address the following points:

      • Please clarify the rationale behind choosing 24 and 48 hours post-infection as time points for the analyses (Fig 1). One would expect even lower levels of TRMT1 and RNA modification after 72 and 96 hours post-infection.

      We chose the 24 and 48-hour time points since we have shown that MRC5 cells exhibit elevated accumulation of viral RNA at these time points (Raymonda et al 2022). However, at 72 and 96-hours post-infection, we have found that the MRC5-ACE2 cells exhibited cytopathic effects indicative of cell death that could confound results. We have included the rationale for these time points in our revised manuscript.

      • In Supplementary Figure 3, please add in the legend the meaning of the asterisk symbol.

      The asterisks denote non-specific bands that are still detectable in the TRMT1-KO cell line. We have updated the Figure Legend and thank the Reviewer for catching this omission.

      • In Supplementary Figure 3B, there is an intermediate band in lane 3 with C145A when using the antibody 609-659. The authors should clarify what that band is.

      The intermediate band in lane 3 (and in lane 6) of Supplemental Figure 3B represents non-specific detection of the Nsp5-C145A variant that exhibits extremely high levels of expression since it cannot self-cleave. We have clarified the identity of the band in the figure legend.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I have only minor comments:

      Although the authors have done a commendable job of providing compelling biochemical evidence of TRMT1 cleavage by Nsp5, it is not clear how this enhances viral infection. The discussion presents the experimental findings and prior publications as a series of correlated observations without clearly specifying the mechanistic benefits of TRMT1 hijacking towards CoV propagation, or even proposing a mechanistic hypothesis to this end.

      We agree with the Reviewer that providing a mechanistic hypothesis on how TRMT1 cleavage impacts virus biology will help inform future studies. We have followed the Reviewer’s suggestion and discuss potential mechanisms in the “Ideas and Speculation” subsection.

      How do these experiments inform us about the cell biology of SARS-CoV- infections? Does Nsp5-mediated degradation start early in infection? Is the loss of TRMT1 sustained over the course of the infection? Do Nsp5 concentrations or relative amounts correlate with TRMT1 loss during this period? For instance, is there only a modest increase in Nsp5 levels from 24h to 48h? I would suggest adding a few more data points than just 24h and 48h in the cell culture experiments. As the manuscript stands right now, it will be a bit difficult for readers to appreciate the relevance of this study in its present form.

      These are excellent questions raised by the Reviewer. The temporal effects of SARSCoV-2 infection on TRMT1 levels will be an important area to dissect moving forward.

      As mentioned above, we would like to include additional time points beyond 24- and 48-hours post-infection. However, at 72 and 96-hours post-infection, we have found that the MRC5-ACE2 cells exhibited increased levels of cell death that could confound results.

      However, we do observe a correlation between the level of infection and the amount of TRMT1 depletion. In our newly added Figure 6C and 6D, we show that increasing the MOI leads to a concomitant increase in N-protein production that correlates with the amount of TRMT1 depletion. Moreover, we have added additional experiments to explore the biological relevance of our findings in terms of virion particle production and infectivity. We thank the reviewer for these insightful questions that have improved our manuscript and provide a foundation for future studies.

      Related to this previous comment: how do the authors rationalize their inference that TRMT1 is essential for SARS-CoV-2 infection, yet it is cleaved during the infection? What seems to be the advantage of this seemingly contradictory but possibly quite intriguing inference?

      We acknowledge the paradox that TRMT1 seems to be essential for SARS-CoV-2 replication but is cleaved during the infection. We propose several hypotheses to explain these findings:

      Hypothesis 1: TRMT1 could be a bystander target. The loss of TRMT1 expression leads to a decrease in modifications that impacts translation. This decrease in translation capacity of the infected cells would lead to decreased production of viral proteins and reduced viral replication. This could explain why TRMT1-deficient cells exhibit less virus production. This could also account for why the TRMT1-Q530N mutant might produce more virus. In this case, the cleavage of TRMT1 and biological effects on viral replication and virion production are coincidental. However, even if TRMT1 cleavage and inactivation does not impact viral replication or production, it would still be important to know the cellular impacts that contribute to disease pathogenesis.

      Hypothesis 2: The slight diminishment of viral replication due to host translation inhibition could outweigh the benefits of shutting down host responses dependent upon protein synthesis. The decrease in TRMT1-catalyzed tRNA modification caused by Nsp5 cleavage could severely inhibit host translation while viral translation can still be maintained through a tRNA pool optimized for viral translation, albeit at a slightly lower rate than if TRMT1 is not cleaved.

      Hypotheses 3: The Nsp5-TRMT1 interaction could allow the virus to bind tRNAs that are packaged in viral particles as suggested previously (Pena et al., 2022). The finding that expression of the non-cleavable TRMT1-Q530N variant enhances viral replication and infectivity supports the hypothesis that TRMT1 could facilitate tRNA uptake into viral particles. The packaging of specific tRNAs in viral particles could enhance viral translation in the subsequent round of infection, thereby enhancing infectivity and perhaps facilitating the species jump of SARS-CoV-2 towards hosts with incompatible codon bias.

      We have included these hypotheses in the new “Ideas and Speculation” subsection.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Response to reviewers:

      We would like to thank all the reviewers and the editors for their thorough and helpful feedback on our work. Before addressing specific questions and points, we would like to make a general comment on a mechanistic aspect of this study. The reviewers correctly pointed out that our study does not reveal the molecular mechanism that leads to centromeric histone depletion specifically from meiotic chromosomes. Identifying this mechanism requires a deep and thorough understanding of how centromeric histones are loaded and centromeres are established each cell cycle, and how they are maintained over time in different cell types. To our knowledge, these mechanisms have not been described in plants. To add a further layer of complexity, it appears that the mechanisms governing CENH3 maintenance may be (partially) different in plant mitotic and meiotic cells, and the mechanistic basis of this difference is unknown. Obviously, these are interesting but also complex questions and their resolution will require considerable resources and effort, which we believe is beyond the scope of this manuscript. Nevertheless, our finding that CENH3 maintenance and centromere function in meiotic cells are sensitive to heat stress is an unexpected discovery with profound implications for plant adaptation, which provides a strong incentive for further exploration of centromere maintenance mechanisms in plants.

      Furthermore, we would like to apologize to reviewers for poor quality of pictures in the original submission. It was decreased by conversion to a pdf format during submission.

      eLife assessment

      This important study reports how heat stress affects centromere integrity by compromising the loading of the centromere protein CENH3 and by prolonging the spindle assembly checkpoint during male meiosis in Arabidopsis thaliana. The evidence supporting the claims by live cell imaging is convincing, although deeper mechanistic insight is lacking, making the study overall somewhat preliminary in nature. This work will be of interest to a broad audience of biologists working on how chromatin states are affected by stress conditions.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Khaitova and co-workers present here an analysis of centromere composition and function during elevated temperatures in the plant Arabidopsis. The work relates to the ongoing climate change during which spikes in high temperatures will be found. Hence, the paper addresses a timely subject.

      The authors start by confirming earlier studies that high temperatures reduce the fertility of Arabidopsis plants. Interestingly, a hypomorphic mutant of the centromeric histone variant CENH3 (CENP-A), which was previously described by the authors, sensitizes plants to heat and results in a drop in viable pollen and silique length. The drop in fertility coincides with the formation of micronuclei in meiosis and an extension of meiotic progression as revealed by live cell imaging. Based on this finding, the authors then show that at high temperatures, the fluorescence intensity of a YFP:CENH3 declines in meiosis but remarkably not in the surrounding cells (tapetum cells). In addition, the amount of BMF1 (a Bub1 homolog and part of the spindle assembly checkpoint) also appears to decline on the kinetochores of meiocytes as judged by BMF1 reporter line. However, whether this is dependent on a decline of CENH3 or represents a separate pathway is not clear.

      We provide new data in Figure S6 showing that BMF1 loading on centromeres is substantially reduced in cenh3-4 mutants. Thus, efficient tethering of BMF1 to centromeres depends on CENH3.

      Finally, the authors measure the duration of the spindle checkpoint and find that it is extended under high temperatures from which they conclude that the attachment of spindle fibers to kinetochores is compromised under heat.


      This is an interesting and important paper as it links centromere organization/function to heat stress in plants. A major conclusion of the authors is that weakened centromeres, presumably by heat, may be less effective in establishing productive interactions with spindle microtubules.


      The paper does not explain the molecular reason why CENH3 levels in meiocyctes are reduced or why the attachment of spindle fibers to kinetochore is less efficient at high versus low temperatures.

      While we cannot explain the molecular mechanism underlying temperature-dependent depletion of CENH3 in meiocytes, the less efficient attachment of microtubules to the kinetochores at higher temperatures is likely caused by reduced levels of CENH3, which result in smaller centromeres that are less effective in establishing productive microtubule-kinetochore attachments. Here (new Figure S6) and in our previous study (Capitao et al. 2021), we have shown that amount of centromere/kinetochore proteins is reduced at centromeres in cenh3-4 mutants, and that these plants exhibit prolonged SAC and slower chromosome biorientation.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This work investigates how increased temperature affects pollen production and fertility of Arabidopsis thaliana plants grown at selected temperature conditions ranging from 16C to 30C. They report that pollen production and fertility decline with increasing temperature. To identify the cause of reduced pollen and fertility, they resort to living cell imaging of male meiotic cells to identify that the duration of meiosis increases with an increase in temperature. They also show that pollen sterility is associated with the increased presence of micronuclei likely originating from heat stress-induced impaired meiotic chromosome segregation. They correlate abnormal meiosis to weakened centromere caused by meiosis-specific defective loading of the centromere-specific histone H3 variant (CenH3) to the meiotic centromeres. Similar is the case with kinetochore-associated spindle assembly checkpoint(SAC) protein BMF1. Intriguingly, they observe a reverse trend of strong CENH3 presence in the somatic cells of the tapetum in contrast to reduced loading of CENH3 in male meiocytes with increasing temperature. In contrast to CENH3 and BMF1, the SAC protein BMF3 persists for longer periods than the WT control, based on which authors conclude that the heat stress prolongs the duration of SAC at metaphase I, which in turn extends the time of chromosome biorientation during meiosis I. The study provides preliminary insights into the processes that affect plant reproduction with increasing temperatures which may be relevant to develop climate-resilient cultivars.


      The authors have mastered the live cell imaging of male meiocytes which is a technically demanding exercise, which they have successfully employed to examine the time course of meiosis in Arabidopsis thaliana plants exposed to different temperature conditions. In continuation, they also monitor the loading dynamics and resident time of fluorescently tagged centromere/kinetochore proteins and spindle assembly checkpoint proteins to precisely measure the time duration of respective proteins to study their precise dynamics and function in male meiosis.


      Here the authors use only one representative centromere protein CENH3, one kinetochore-associated SAC protein BMF1, and the SAC protein BMF3 to conclude that heat stress impairs centromere function and prolongs SAC with increased temperatures. Centromere and its associated protein complex the kinetochores and the SAC contain a multitude of proteins, some of which are well characterized in Arabidopsis thaliana. Hence the authors could have used additional such tagged proteins to further strengthen their claim.

      Indeed, several other proteins have recently been characterized as centromere/kinetochore components and could have been included in the study to further validate the results presented. To strengthen our argument, we have added new experimental data (Figure S4) showing temperature-induced depletion of CENH3 in wild-type plants by immunocytology. Thus, we convincingly show that temperature stress reduces the amount of CENH3. This is likely to affect the loading of most kinetochore and centromeric proteins. Here (new Figure S6) and in our previous study (Capitao et al., 2021), we have shown that genetic depletion of CENH3 in cenh3-4 mutants results in reduced loading of CENPC, MIS12 and BMF1 at mitotic centromeres and reduced loading of BMF3 and BMF1 at meiotic centromeres. We also attempted to assess the levels of CENPC and MIS12 on meiotic chromosomes by immunocytology, but our antibodies, which work on mitotic spreads, did not stain meiotic chromosomes.

      Though the results presented here are interesting and solid, the study lacks a deeper mechanistic understanding of what causes the defective loading of CenH3 to the centromeres, and why the SAC protein BMF3 persists only at meiotic centromeres to prolong the spindle assembly checkpoint. Also, this observation should be interpreted in light of the fact that SAC is not that robust in plants as several null mutants of plant SAC components are known to grow as healthy as wild-type plants at normal growth conditions without any vegetative and reproductive defects.

      Thank you for raising this point. We are of the opinion that SAC operates and it is important in plants - we have added a citation to a preprint from the Schnittger lab (Lampou et al., 2023, BioRxiv) that was published while this manuscript was under review. We think this is the most comprehensive analysis of plant SAC to date, clearly showing that SAC delays progression to anaphase in the presence of spindle inhibitors, although adaptation eventually occurs and the cell cycle progresses. This is very similar to the situation in animals, which also undergo spindle adaptation in similar situations. The difference between plants and animals may be due to subsequent events, where plants are better able to tolerate genome instability and resume cell division in the presence of abnormal chromosome numbers. Robustness and redundancy may be another reason why plant mutants deficient in SAC do not show obvious growth retardation.

      One of the immediate responses to heat stress is the production of heat shock proteins(Hsps), which act as molecular chaperones to safeguard the proteome. It will be interesting to see if the expression levels of known HsPs can be correlated with their role in stabilizing the structure of SAC proteins like BMF1 to prolong its presence at the meiotic kinetochores.

      Indeed, the heat stress response is likely to be involved in this process. We sought to investigate the role of this pathway by analyzing Arabidopsis mutants deficient in HEAT-SHOCK FACTOR BINDING PROTEIN (HSBP), which acts as a negative regulator of the heat shock response. This experiment was prompted by the observation that hsbp mutants have reduced fertility. We expected that an unrestricted heat stress response might affect meiosis and pollen formation. However, our initial experiments did not show altered pollen viability in response to heat stress in hsbp plants and we did not pursue this line of research further.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Khaitova et al. report the formation of micronuclei during Arabidopsis meiosis under elevated temperatures. Micronuclei form when chromosomes are not correctly collected to the cellular poles in dividing cells. This happens when whole chromosomes or fragments are not properly attached to the kinetochore microtubules. The incidence of micronuclei formation is shown to increase at elevated temperatures in wild-type and more so in the weak centromere histone mutant cenH3-4. The number of micronuclei formed at high temperatures in the recombination mutant spo11 is like that in wild-type, indicating that the increased sensitivity of cenh3-4 is not related to the putative role of cenh3 in recombination. The abundance of CENH3-GFP at the centromere declines with higher temperature and correlates with a decline in spindle assembly checkpoint factor BMF1-GFP at the centromeres. The reduction in CENH3-GFP under heat is observed in meiocytes whereas CENH3-GFP abundance increases in the tapetum, suggesting there is a differential regulation of centromere loading in these two cell types. These observations are in line with previous reports on haploidization mutants and their hypersensitivity to heat stress.


      This paper is an important contribution to our insights into the impact of heat stress on sexual reproduction in plants.


      While it is highly significant, I struggled to interpret the results because of the poor quality of the figures and the videos.

      We apologize for the poor quality of the figures. The figure resolution was drastically reduced during the conversion of the manuscript to pdf on publisher web site.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      To complete the presented analysis, it would be great to analyze the signal strength of the here-presented BMF3 reporter at high temps, see below for further reasoning.

      Quantification of the BMF3 signal is difficult - it is only transiently associated with kinetochores and its level changes over time. Nevertheless, analysis of our movies taken under the same microscope settings indicates that the amount of BMF3 decreases with increasing temperature. This is illustrated in the new Figure S6C.

      Conversely, how is the BMF1 and BMF3 signal strength in cenh3-4 mutants?

      We performed an analysis of BMF1 and BMF3 signal in cenh3-4 mutants and observed a reduced level of signal from both proteins (Figure S6). In the case of BMF1, no signal was detectable in either somatic or meiotic cells.

      How do the authors explain the reduction in BMF1 signal at 26 and 30{degree sign}C versus the extension of the duration of the SAC as measured by the persistence of a BMF3 signal (line 192: "...reduces the amount of CENH3 and the kinetochore protein BMF1 on meiotic centromeres, potentially affecting their functionality..." versus line 213: "...We observed that while the BMF3:GFP signal persisted, on average, for about 22.7 min at 21 and 26{degree sign}C, its appearance was prolonged to 40.5 min at 30{degree sign}C..."). Is the BMF3 signal also reduced at high temps (see question above)?

      This is a very interesting point. While we see reduced levels of both proteins under heat stress or in cenh3-4 plants, the effect on BMF1 is much more pronounced and becomes undetectable under these conditions. This contrasts with BMF3, which appears to be reduced but is still clearly visible. These data suggest that BMF1 is more sensitive to reduced levels of CENH3 and it further corroborates the findings from the Schnittger lab that BMF1 is not the core component of SAC.

      Line 18-20: The observation that heat stress reduces fertility has been made by several research teams before this study. I propose to write "confirm"/"support" etc. instead of "reveal" to avoid a (presumably not intended) false priority claim in the abstract.

      We apologize, this was unintentional and we cite the relevant literature in the article. We have rewritten the abstract to avoid this impression.

      Figure 2: The panel/legend appears to be a bit mixed up. Panel C is described in legend under A. In addition, I cannot find any blue arrows in panel A (which is described as panel B). Correspondingly, the references to the panels in this figure (lines 134/135 and following) need to be updated. I am also not sure how the meiocytes in this figure were stained. The dots look like centromeres but then their intensity rather increases with increasing temperature. If correct, how can this be reconciled with the authors' statement that centromeres decrease in size at higher temps?

      We apologize for the mix up. An early version of the Figure was accidentally submitted and we now corrected it. The Panel B shows DAPI stained meiocytes at the tetrad stage and examples of micronuclei are indicated by arrowheads.

      Line 520: Should read "genotype" not "phenotype".


      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) It is intriguing that heat stress impairs only the centromeres and segregation of meiotic chromosomes but not the mitotic chromosomes. No analysis of mitotic divisions is provided in the manuscript. As they have generated marker lines, it is reasonable to examine the mitotic time course as well by live monitoring of root tissues exposed to similar temperature conditions as done for meiotic analysis. This will help to address the effect of heat stress on mitotic centromeres and its comparison with meiosis will provide a better picture. There are two likely outcomes during mitosis:

      (a) It is possible that the heat stress also slows down mitotic progression as well as is the case in meiosis as shown in this paper and hence it is important to examine those as well to compare and contrast the CENH3/BMF1 dynamics in mitosis and meiosis.

      (b) The second scenario is that there is no effect of heat stress on the centromere integrity of mitotic chromosomes. In fact, the authors show indirect evidence in support of this wherein the eYFP: CENH3 showed a strong signal in the tapetal cells (somatic origin) surrounding the male meiocytes (generative origin). It is interesting that somatic cells of the tapetum show a strong signal whereas the meiocytes lack this. The authors should elaborate on this contrasting result.

      The effect we observed seems to be specific to meiosis. We analyzed the progression of mitosis in root cells and we see a negligible effect of temperature on mitotic progression and no micronuclei formation. Interestingly, in terms of CENH3 loading, root cells show a slight decrease in CENH3 at 30°C, in contrast to the situation in tapetum cells. These and other data suggest a tissue/cell specific behavior of centromere maintenance and deserve further analysis. We plan to publish data on mitosis and tissue-specific aspects of CENH3 loading in a separate manuscript.

      (2) Spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) comprises several core proteins that are recruited to the kinetochores to correct the errors during the defective cell cycle. Here the authors demonstrate the prolonged presence of BMF3 as the only proof to claim that heat stress prolongs the spindle assembly checkpoint during metaphase I. Have the authors observed the dynamics of any other SAC core components such as MAD1, MAD2, MPS1, BUB3, and the like during heat stress?

      No, we did not. We provide several independent lines of evidence that centromere structure and functionality are affected, and spindle checkpoint analysis is only one of them. At the time we designed these experiments, the only experimentally validated and well-characterized component of the SAC was BMF3, and we used only on this protein as SAC reporter because a general analysis of the SAC was not the primary goal of our study. While this paper was under review, a preprint from the Schnittger lab focusing on plant SAC was published that comprehensively analyzed these SAC components in Arabidopsis and provided a solid foundation and resources for further research in this direction. This study also uses BMF3 as a reporter for SAC in meiotic cells. It is noteworthy that despite using different microscopic methods and different plant reporter lines, our labs independently arrived at exactly the same duration of BMF3 association with the kinetochore (i.e. 22 min).

      (3) Is BMF1 a component of SAC or the kinetochore? I understand that BMF1 is a part of the core SAC ( Komaki and Schnittger, 2017) although it localizes to the kinetochore. There are well-characterized kinetochore proteins in Arabidopsis such as Mis12, NUF2, NNF1, and SPC24(MUN1) which the authors could have used as a kinetochore marker. Regardless, here the authors used it as a kinetochore marker. Being a part of SAC, one would expect the prolonged presence of BMF1 similar to BMF3 in the meiotic kinetochores but it is the other way. How to explain these contrasting results?

      As discussed in the public section of the review, BMF1 does not seem to be the core component of SAC. Furthermore, this protein localizes to centromeres/kinetochore throughout the cell cycle and therefore, it cannot be used as SAC reporter.

      (4) Micronuclei can form as a result of chromosome missegregation as shown for spo11-1 and also due to segregation error caused by DNA repair defects. Here it is not clear what is the origin of micronuclei. It is very hard to decipher from live cell imaging. A simple meiotic spread of anthers of different treatments would address the origin of micronuclei.

      Cytology cannot easily determine the origin of micronuclei in meiotic cells. Acentric fragments produced from aberrant DNA repair will still be cytologically detectable only after metaphase I as they are tethered to the remaining chromatin via cohesion. Therefore, we took advantage of spo11 mutants that do not form any meiotic breaks, and hence cannot generate acentric fragments by aberrant repair, to discriminate the origin of micronuclei. We reason that all micronuclei produced in spo11 plants originate from chromosome mis-segregation and their increase at elevated temperature support the notion that heat stress further impairs chromosome segregation.

      (5) Fig.1 B The microspores are not clearly visible in the alexander-stained anthers. It is not clear which is fertile and which is sterile. A better quality picture would be ideal to appreciate the fact.

      Again, we apologize for poor quality of pictures due to manuscript conversion.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) In Figure 2, it should be pointed out where the micronuclei are. I see here and there a single bright spot. In Arabidopsis, we have noticed bright spots under stress conditions that are autofluorescent signals. It needs to be shown that these spots are not observed in non-GFP lines. Better image quality may help too.

      The micronuclei in Figure 2 are visualized by DAPI staining, not with GFP. The nuclei are now indicated by arrowheads.

      (2) It was not possible to see the centromeres in Figure 3 hence I could not verify the fluorescence intensities of CENH3 and BMF1. There is also something wrong with the color codes blue and red in fig3B, C, and D.

      Again, we apologize for poor quality of pictures due to manuscript conversion.

      (3) Also in the videos it would help to point out where the micronuclei are seen. At what stage were these nuclei quantified? Given that meiosis progression in the cenh3-4 mutant is slower, it may be necessary to wait long enough to see established micronuclei. This information is supposed to be presented in Figure 2C. However, the X-axis shows time, not number. So I presume Fig 2C shows the duration of meiosis stages in the mutant. In Fig 2B, it shows the number of micronuclei per lobe. However, to correlate the incidence of micronuclei formation and the frequency of polyad formation (inviable microspores), one needs the quantification of the numbers of meiocytes carrying micronuclei. Then one can correlate the number of pollen per anther (shown in Fig 1c) with the incidence of micronuclei formation. The question of whether the degree of fertility reduction is due to micronuclei formation is a major issue that should be clarified.

      Then micronuclei were not quantified from the movies, but from DAPI stained whole anthers at the tetrad stage as indicated in the main text. We also apologize for confusion with the Figure 2 as we mixed up the panels in the original submission. This has been corrected in the new submission.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this study, Nishi et al. claim that the ratio of long-term hematopoietic stem cell (LT-HSC) versus short-term HSC (ST-HSC) determines the lineage output of HSCs and reduced ratio of ST-HSC in aged mice causes myeloid-biased hematopoiesis. The authors used Hoxb5 reporter mice to isolate LT-HSC and ST-HSC and performed molecular analyses and transplantation assays to support their arguments. How the hematopoietic system becomes myeloid-biased upon aging is an important question with many implications in the disease context as well. However, their study is descriptive with remaining questions.


      (1) The authors may need conceptual re-framing of their main argument because whether the ST-HSCs used in this study are functionally indeed short-term "HSCs" is questionable. The data presented in this study and their immunophenotypic definition of ST-HSCs (Lineage negative/Sca-1+/c-Kit+/Flk2-/CD34-/CD150+/Hoxb5-) suggest that authors may find hematopoietic stem cell-like lymphoid progenitors as previously shown for megakaryocyte lineage (Haas et al., Cell stem cell. 2015) or, as the authors briefly mentioned in the discussion, Hoxb5- HSCs could be lymphoid-biased HSCs. The authors disputed the idea that Hoxb5- HSCs as lymphoid-biased HSCs based on their previous 4 weeks post-transplantation data (Chen et al., 2016). However, they overlooked the possibility of myeloid reprogramming of lymphoid-biased population during regenerative conditions (Pietras et al., Cell stem cell., 2015). In other words, early post-transplant ST-HSCs (Hoxb5- HSCs) can be seen as lacking the phenotypic lymphoid-biased HSCs. Thinking of their ST-HSCs as hematopoietic stem cell-like lymphoid progenitors or lymphoid-biased HSCs makes more sense conceptually as well. ST-HSCs come from LT-HSCs and further differentiate into lineage-biased multipotent progenitor (MPP) populations including myeloid-biased MPP2 and MPP3. Based on the authors' claim, LT-HSCs (Hoxb5- HSCs) have no lineage bias even in aged mice. Then these LT-HSCs make ST-HSCs, which produce mostly memory T cells. These memory T cell-producing ST-HSCs then produce MPPs including myeloid-biased MPP2 and MPP3. This differentiation trajectory is hard to accept. If we think Hoxb5- HSCs (ST-HSCs by authors) as a sub-population of immunophenotypic HSCs with lymphoid lineage bias or hematopoietic stem cell-like lymphoid progenitors, the differentiation trajectory has no flaw.

      (2) Authors' experimental designs have some caveats to support their claims. Authors claimed that aged LT-HSCs have no myeloid-biased clone expansion using transplantation assays. In these experiments, authors used 10 HSCs and young mice as recipients. Given the huge expansion of old HSC by number and known heterogeneity in immunophenotypically defined HSC populations, it is questionable how 10 out of so many old HSCs can faithfully represent the old HSC population. The Hoxb5+ old HSC primary and secondary recipient mice data (Figure 2C and D) support this concern. In addition, they only used young recipients. Considering the importance of the inflammatory aged niche in the myeloid-biased lineage output, transplanting young vs old LT-HSCs into aged mice will complete the whole picture.

      (3) The authors' molecular data analyses need more rigor with unbiased approaches. They claimed that neither aged LT-HSCs nor aged ST-HSCs exhibited myeloid or lymphoid gene set enrichment but aged bulk HSCs, which are just a sum of LT-HSCs and ST-HSCs by their gating scheme (Figure 4A), showed the "tendency" of enrichment of myeloid-related genes based on the selected gene set (Figure 4D). Although the proportion of ST-HSCs is reduced in bulk HSCs upon aging, since ST-HSCs do not exhibit lymphoid gene set enrichment based on their data, it is hard to understand how aged bulk HSCs have more myeloid gene set enrichment compared to young bulk HSCs. This bulk HSC data rather suggests that there could be a trend toward certain lineage bias (although not significant) in aged LT-HSCs or ST-HSCs. The authors need to verify the molecular lineage priming of LT-HSCs and ST-HSCs using another comprehensive dataset.

      (4) Some data are too weak to fully support their claims. The authors claimed that age-associated extramedullary changes are the main driver of myeloid-biased hematopoiesis based on no major differences in progenitor populations upon transplantation of 10 young HSCs into young or old recipient mice (Figure 7F) and relatively low donor-derived cells in thymus and spleen in aged recipient mice (Figure 7G-J). However, they used selected mice to calculate the progenitor populations in recipient mice (8 out of 17 from young recipients denoted by * and 8 out of 10 from aged recipients denoted by * in Figure 7C). In addition, they calculated the progenitor populations as frequency in c-kit positive cells. Given that they transplanted 10 LT-HSCs into "sub-lethally" irradiated mice and 8.7 Gy irradiation can have different effects on bone marrow clearance in young vs old mice, it is not clear whether this data is reliable enough to support their claims. The same concern applies to the data Figure 7G-J. Authors need to provide alternative data to support their claims.

    1. ment. Performance studies taught us t"acting" is not just something set apart from reality, but a model of and for the procethrough which real identities are constructed. What I suggest here is that we cbegin to think of animation as more than an entertainment medium, as a possimode of performative (real, social) world

      Just like how performance affects how someone's identity is constrcuted, animation may also change the real world.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      1. General Statements

      Regarding significance, we would like to highlight that the main finding and breakthrough of our manuscript is the discovery that intronic polyadenylation (IPA) isoforms are a source of microproteins (indeed, IPA was not known to induce sORF-encoded microproteins). We make the proof of principle of this concept (called miP-5’UTR-IPA) and of its functional relevance for one gene (PRKAR1B).

      A second finding of this study is that IPA (including miP-5’UTR-IPA) isoforms are widely upregulated in cell response to cisplatin, and therefore we show the functional relevance of miP-5’UTR-IPA isoforms in this biological context.

      Regarding the generality of the miP-5’UTR-IPA concept, we provide evidence that many genes generate miP-5’UTR-IPA isoforms, by crossing our 3’-seq data with available Ribo-Seq and mass spectrometry datasets, which were generated without cisplatin treatment. Also, the miP-5’UTR-IPA isoforms of PHF20 and PRKAR1B are detected both in the presence and absence of cisplatin. Thus, the novel concept of microprotein-coding IPA isoforms opens wide perspectives, way beyond cisplatin response.

      2. Description of the planned revisions

      REVIEWER #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Microporteins originating from coding and non-coding transcript are increasingly understood to control various cellular processes. In the present study, the authors investigated whether intronic polyadenylation (IPA) contributes to the formation of transcript isoforms encoding microproteins. Using genotoxic stress by cisplatin as a model in cell cultures, the authors detect abundant IPA. IPA in a subset of such transcripts leads to short 5'UTR transcript isoforms that are poorly associated with heavy polysomes and encode microproteins. For PRKAR1B, they demonstrate the expression of a corresponding microprotein and a function in modulating the cisplatin response. Based on depletion experiments of FANCD2 and STX1, the authors propose that impaired transcription processivity after cisplatin is one mechanism leading to IPA and microprotein production.

      While this is an interesting manuscript, I felt the support for the claimed generalization falls a bit short.

      Our response: The generality of the miP-5’UTR-IPA concept is supported by the large-scale analysis that we presented (Fig. 6): indeed, by crossing our 3’-seq data with Ribo-Seq and MS data (both of which originate from multiple cell types and tissues), we identified 156 genes with cisplatin-regulated miP-5’UTR-IPA isoforms. To strengthen this part and highlight the generality of the miP-5’UTR-IPA concept, we will provide the cell type/ tissue distribution of our set of 156 miP-5’UTR-IPA isoforms, by exploiting available 3’-seq datasets from various cells/tissues. (Please also see major point 1 below.)


        • If I see it correctly, the authors mainly refer to existing riboSeq data and evidence from mass spectrometry/proteomics to infer the generality of the mechanism (beyond PRKAR1B). It is important to back this up with further experiments and validate this for the set-up used in this manuscript. This concerns the existence of the microproteins but also the downstream functional impact. Our response: In our study, we make the proof of principle of miP-5’UTR-IPA (that is, a microprotein-encoding IPA isoform) for the PRKAR1B gene and its sORF#2 (microprotein detection by WB and IF, functional evidence by siRNA and CRISPR of IPA site and sORF initiation codon). If I understand well (also based on minor point 3 below), this reviewer is requesting further evidence of microprotein existence (in addition to Ribo-Seq and mass spectrometry [MS] data) and function, for a second IPA-derived sORF that we study in this manuscript (either PHF20 sORF or PRKAR1B sORF#1). To the best of our knowledge, a proof of principle for a new concept is usually done on a single gene. Nevertheless, for the miP-5’UTR-IPA isoform of PHF20*, we already provided evidence for its function by using siRNAs (Fig. 3A-C) and for its translation by polysome profiling (Fig. 4C) in addition to Ribo-Seq and MS evidence (Fig. 4A). The fact that for PHF20 we did not detect the transfected Flag-tagged microprotein in HEK cells could be due to several reasons (as discussed on page 16); __we will __try this approach again with different biological conditions (cell lines, stress) or construct designs (as the sORF context may be important).
      1. Also, I wonder is this limited to cisplatin-induced genotoxic stress and the specific cell line used or is this a more global mechanism?*

      Our response: We provided evidence of IPA isoform regulation by cisplatin in two lung cancer cell lines (A549 and H358; Fig. 1A-B) but we agree that our analyses of miP-5’UTR-IPA were mainly done in A549 cells. We will: (i) clarify that we detected the miP-5’UTR-IPA isoforms of PRKAR1B and PHF20 in A549 cells (total cytosol and light polysomes) both in the presence and absence of cisplatin (Fig. 2D, 3A and S3D); (ii) add RT-qPCR validation of their cisplatin regulation in H358 cells; (iii) try to detect the PRKAR1B-encoded microprotein in a second cell line (Fig. 4); (iv) test the impact of PRKAR1B and PHF20 miP-5’UTR-IPA isoforms on cell survival in a second cell line and with a second genotoxic agent; (v) clarify in Fig. 6 that miP-5’UTR-IPA isoforms are regulated by cisplatin in both A549 and H358 cells (our 3’-seq data) and that the Ribo-Seq and MS datasets supporting their translation originate from multiple cell types and tissues without cisplatin treatment; and (vi) provide the cell type/ tissue distribution of our set of 156 miP-5’UTR-IPA isoforms (by exploiting available 3’-seq datasets from various cells/tissues).


        • While the rest of the paper reads well, the abstract could be improved/simplified to increase accessibility* Our response: We will improve the abstract.

      Page 11: Pertaining to Figure 3 and the functional impact: The authors analyze the IPA effect by probing cell viability and cell survival. It would be important to define the effects in further detail, as the mere regulation of cell cycle and/or apoptosis could also result in such outcome (which is then not necessarily a direct cisplatin response). Does this also impact the response to other genotoxic stress (also pertains to the effects studied and shown in Fig. 5)?

      Our response: Because cisplatin effects on cell growth are usually mediated by effects on cell cycle and cell death, we will determine which aspect is impacted by PRKAR1B and PHF20 miP-5’UTR-IPA isoforms, by carrying out FACS analysis of PI/BrdU and Annexin V (both in the presence and absence of cisplatin). As mentioned in major point 2, we will also test the impact of these isoforms on cell survival to a second genotoxic agent.

      Page 12 concerning the microprotein expression: the authors refer to data from other resources to claim that the microproteins are expressed, however they fail to demonstrate this for their setup (at least for 2 out of three they study here). I think this is a weak point as it does not directly support the general claim.

      Our response: Please see major point 1 above.

      Also, I did not understand what the authors intended to demonstrate with the immunoflourescence (Fig. 4E). What should a defined nuclear expression imply versus the diffuse staining throughout after cisplatin? How does this relate to the functional effects?

      Our response: We included in Fig. 4E the observation that the subcellular localization of the PRKAR1B-encoded micropotein is altered in response to cisplatin, because this supports the notion that this micropotein plays a role in cell response to cisplatin. We can remove this data if requested.

      Page 13/Fig. 5E: the different clones of the mATG show very high variability. To my understanding it is difficult to draw a clear conclusion from this heterogeneity.

      Our response: The statistical analysis shows a significant difference between the mATG and Control groups (p Page 15 on the mechanism: SETX has been demonstrated to control poly(A) site choice (PMID: 21700224, 32976578). However the quantitative role of SETX in poly(A) site choice regulation (compared to other regulators) seems to be rather marginal and not strictly unidirectional, i.e after SETX depletion also longer transcript isoforms can be detected (PMID: 32976578). How does this relate to the proposed mechanism of SETX-dependent processivity? Interestingly, from PMID: 32976578 it also appears that PRKAR1A has a 5'UTR poly(A) site that is regulated in a SETX-dependent manner.

      Our response: We will add in the discussion statements that (i) the role of SETX in cisplatin regulation of IPA:LE isoform ratio and processivity might be different from its role in APA regulation in the absence of genotoxic treatment (citing PMID 32976578; keeping in mind that we did not compare them side by side on a genome-wide scale) and (ii) PRKAR1A seems to have a 5'UTR poly(A) site regulated by SETX in TREND-DB (PMID 32976578).

      • Page 16, discussion first paragraph. While refs 1-4 are nice reviews that could be quoted here a study that appeared later represents the most comprehensive analysis to date covering the different facets from transcription to RNA processing and the resulting impact on poly(A) site choice (PMID: 30552333).*

      Our response: We will cite PMID 30552333 and 32976578 as resources of APA regulation by various regulators of gene expression (keeping in mind, however, that for most factors these studies do not exclude indirect effects).


      This could be a very significant report, provided the generality of the claims and mechanistic insigths are further strengthend.

      Overall it targets a rather specialized readership. This could be improved by simplifing the abstract, additional experimental evidence for the generality of the proposed mechanism, and a stringent rewording of the main text drawing a clear line, omitting unnecessary details and focussing on the novel findings.

      Our response: Please see our responses above. In addition, we will reword the main text where necessary.

      REVIEWER #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      *In this manuscript, Devaux et al. report that the anti-cancer drug cisplatin upregulates intronic polyadenylation (IPA) isoforms in non-small cell lung cancer cell lines. Their finding was based on 3' end sequencing and long-read sequencing. Through polysome profiling they confirmed that many of the IPA isoforms are translated, despite being inefficient in most cases. *

      Our response: There is some misunderstanding here. We will clarify in the text that inefficient association with heavy polysomes is observed for a minority (not the majority) of IPA isoforms. For this, in Fig. 2B and S2A, we will add the information that for the majority of IPA sites, the IPA:LE ratio is not significantly different (neither up or down) between total cytosol and heavy polysomes.

      They validated functions of IPA isoforms from two genes, PHF20 and PRKAR1B, in cell survival upon cisplatin treatment, based on an array of methods, including siRNA knockdown, CRISPR knockout of IPA polyA site, and CRISPR mutation of the start codon. They further found that FANCD2 and Senataxin can regulate cisplatin-mediated IPA activation. The authors advocate a new paradigm of expression of IPA-encoding microproteins in cisplatin-treated cells.

      Our response: We would like to point out that our data indicate that cisplatin upregulation of the IPA:LE isoform ratio is mediated at least in part by an inhibition of transcription processivity (explaining the decrease of LE isoforms), and that we do not claim an ‘IPA activation’ (that is, enhanced used of IPA sites) by cisplatin. This remark is also related to major point 1 below.

      Major comments:

        • While the phenomenon of IPA isoform upregulation by Cisplatin is quite convincing, the underlying mechanism is largely elusive. The authors indicated processivity as a potential mechanism and the effects of FACD2 and Senataxin appear in line with this hypothesis. However, they cannot rule out other possibilities based on the data presented in the manuscript. For example, it is not clear if the elongation rate of Pol II (distinct from its processivity) or nuclear RNA degradation is affected by cisplatin, which could also lead to increased expression of IPA isoforms. In addition, enhanced 3' end processing activity has been previously shown to activate IPA sites. Therefore, the underlying mechanism is mostly speculative. Our response: As explained on page 14, the reason why we focused on transcription processivity is that the cisplatin-induced upregulation of the IPA:LE isoform ratio was enriched in long genes and was accompanied by a decrease of LE isoform levels. Importantly, our data (e.g., for the PHF20 and PRKAR1B genes) indicate that the cisplatin-induced decrease of processivity explains –at least in part– the selective decrease of the LE but not IPA isoform levels and therefore the increase of the IPA:LE isoform ratio; we will clarify this in the manuscript (on pages 14 and 15). Our data also show that cisplatin effects on both processivity and IPA:LE isoform ratio are dependent on FANCD2 and SETX. We agree with the reviewer that we cannot exclude that IPA:LE isoform ratio upregulation by cisplatin might also be mediated in part by additional mechanisms (e.g.*, ‘factors involved in cleavage/ polyadenylation, splicing, transcription elongation and termination, and epigenetic marks’, as mentioned in the discussion on page 16) and we will add nuclear RNA degradation to the list of potential factors. However, we want to emphasize that the role of processivity is not speculative.

      The authors used the polysome:cytosolic ratio to indicate translational efficiency. However, because the CDS size affects the number of ribosomes per mRNA, the translational efficiency should be based on polysome:cytosolic ratio normalized to CDS size. Ideally, the authors should calculate number of ribosome per transcript based on monosome, light polysome and heavy polysome.

      Our response: We cannot normalize ribosome number by CDS size because (i) heavy polysomes are not a precise number of ribosomes and (ii) sORFs are not annotated as CDS.

      The functions of PHF20 and PRKAR1B IPA isoforms are based on knockdown or knockout mutations. Because of its gain-of-function property, overexpression of the isoforms in cisplatin-treated cells would be necessary to definitively confirm their funcitons.

      Our response: For PRKAR1B sORF#2, we ____will carry out overexpression of the sORF microprotein in A549 cells and CRISPR clones and analyze its effects on cell growth and cisplatin survival. We have appropriate constructs for this.


        • Fig. 1H, the numbers of IPA and LE transcripts should be provided. The statistical significance for the difference should also be included.* Our response: The numbers of IPA and LE transcripts were provided in Fig. S1I and we will provide the statistical significance (which is good), as requested.

      Fig. 1I, the image should be accompanied with fold difference as indicated in the text. Some statistics for difference between vehicle only and CisPt only is necessary.

      Our response: We will indicate the fold differences and provide the statistical significance, as requested.

      • Fig. 6, the authors did data mining of ribo-seq data and mass-spec data and identified 156 genes whose IPA isoforms have potentials of protein expression. The enriched GO terms for the 156 IPA genes are different than the overall IPA isoforms shown in Fig. 1C. Does this mean some genes, like those in DNA damage stimulus, produce IPA isoforms with different consequences, such as to inhibit their expression? *

      Our response: We think it is difficult to compare the enriched GO terms between overall IPA and miP-5’UTR-IPA. Indeed, differences could be due in part to trivial reasons (e.g., different number of genes in the lists). As suggested by this reviewer, it could be that for some gene sets enriched in particular functions, IPA may serve to downregulate the expression level of the full-length (canonical) mRNA. We discuss that this may be the case for the PRIM2 gene involved in DNA replication (page 17), but expanding on this would be speculative. Likewise, IPA isoforms encoding carboxy-terminal isoforms of canonical proteins, or IPA isoforms with a noncoding function (like ASCC3 or SPUD), might be enriched in particular gene functions, but again this idea is speculative and it goes beyond the scope of our manuscript.

      In addition, the authors need to use ribo-seq and mass spec data as a validation tool for their polysome profiling data to indicate the reliability of using polysome data to call protein expression.

      Our response: This comment seems to concern those IPA isoforms that are abundant in heavy polysomes. We do not wish to validate protein production from such isoforms, because they are not the focus of our study.


      The significance of this work is its novelty in reporting IPA isoform activation by cisplatin. More importantly, some IPA isoform give rise to microproteins that have functional roles in cell survival upon cisplatin treatment.

      Our response: We would like to highlight that the main finding of our manuscript is the discovery that IPA isoforms are a source of microproteins. Cisplatin response is the biological context in which we did the study, and therefore our functional and mechanistic analyses.

      REVIEWER #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Devaux et al. report how cisplatin treatment changes the abundance of mRNA isoforms, favoring the expression of short transcripts originating from intronic polyadenylation (IPA) events relative to the expression of the corresponding mRNA isoform that includes the last annotated exon (LE). To detect IPA events the authors performed 3' end sequencing of polyadenylated mRNAs, long-read sequencing and conventional total RNA sequencing experiments in control and cisplatin treated cells. Analysis of the 3' end sequencing data revealed numerous genes showing an increase in the IPA:LE ratio upon cisplatin treatment, whereas few events with a decreased IPA:LE ratio were detected. Many of the identified events could be corroborated by the long-read sequencing data, sequencing of total RNA, and an existing polyA database. Furthermore, the authors validate IPA:LE ratios for a few selected genes using quantitative PCR. Subsequently, the authors continue to analyze if IPA isoforms are translated with a specific focus on IPA isoforms that do not contain any parts of the LE isoform coding sequence but terminated transcription in what is annotated as 5' untranslated region (UTR). These experiments show that IPA isoforms (including 5' UTR-IPAs) are translated but frequently associated with fewer ribosomes than the corresponding LE isoform. For two selected 5' UTR-IPA isoforms the authors identified potential small open reading frames (sORFs) that could give rise to microproteins with a potential function during cisplatin treatment. siRNA experiments targeting either the 5' UTR-IPA or the LE mRNA isoform of selected genes identified a small but significant differential effect on cell viability upon cisplatin treatment. Similar results were obtained when the endogenous IPA locus was deleted or the start codon of the potential sORF was mutated. Finally, the authors shed some light onto the molecular mechanisms of how cisplatin affects the IPA:LE ratio by decreasing transcription processivity.

      *This is an interesting manuscript suggesting a link between IPA, sORFs and cancer treatment. The manuscript offers valuable datasets as a resource for the research community. While the authors generally present a well-analyzed and validated dataset supporting their claims, some aspects require further evidence or clearer presentation for robustness and reader comprehension. In addition, the manuscript would benefit from improving data visualization and we have several suggestions (see below) on how to make the representation of the data in the figures more appealing to the reader. We encourage the authors to reconsider several of their bar plots and instead plot their data on a continuous axis, e.g. using a scatter plot (fold change versus FDR) instead of a bar chart that can only represent up/down total numbers. *

      Our response: Please see our responses below.

      Main points:

        • We disagree with one of the data interpretations concerning the high polysome (HP) versus total cytosolic polysomes (cytosol) localized IPA and LE mRNA isoforms in the paragraph "A subset of IPA isoforms are depleted in heavy polysomes and terminate in the annotated 5'UTR part of genes". Preferential IPA isoform localization to cytosol versus HP in comparison to the LE isoform does not mean that the IPA isoform translation efficiency is lower than that of the LE isoform. It just reflects the fact that IPA isoform coding sequence is considerably shorter than the coding sequence of the LE isoform (and thus can accommodate fewer ribosomes!). The authors mention that point later in the text but it should already be made clear at this point in the manuscript. They should make sure not to confuse translation efficiency (ribosome density across an open reading frame) and open reading frame length. * Our response: We will modify the text of this section (pages 10-11). We will __state that ‘the HP:cytosol ratio is usually considered as a proxy for translation efficiency’ and __we will only make conclusions in terms of ‘HP:cytosol ratio’ or ‘HP recruitment efficiency’, instead of ‘translation efficiency’ (we had used this term in a few sentences for the sake of simplicity). Please note that these changes will not alter the main conclusion of this part, because both the title (‘a subset of IPA isoforms are depleted in heavy polysomes and terminate in the annotated 5'UTR part of genes’) and the end of this section (page 11), as well as the legend of Fig. 2, were already written in such terms. Thus, in this section, we do not need to discuss ORF length (and we cannot, because sORFs are not annotated as CDS and we introduce sORFs only two sections later [Fig. 4]).
      1. In Figure 5, the authors claim that the "cisplatin survival phenotype of the PRKAR1B 5'UTR-IPA isoform is attributable to its small ORF#2". This is an interesting phenotype but the authors only present a WST1 assay to support these claims. Given that it is an important Figure in their manuscript and links the observations made earlier to cisplatin-induced survival, it would be critical to bolster these claims with additional data, e.g. AnnexinV/PI staining and flow cytometry to distinguish changes in cisplatin-induced apoptosis from proliferation.*

      Our response: We will make the requested experiments with FACS analysis of Annexin V and PI/BrdU to distinguish changes in cisplatin-induced apoptosis from proliferation (cell cycle).

      • Along the same line, it would be important to test the overexpression of the sORF microprotein upon cisplatin treatment. Changes in the mRNA sequence (such as the AUG mutation) could potentially also alter the mRNA structure. It would therefore be critical to show that the sORF microprotein is indeed responsible for the changes in cisplatin-induced viability (for instance by expression of a sORF::P2A::GFP construct). *

      Our response: As requested, we will test whether overexpression of the sORF microprotein can rescue the cisplatin survival phenotype of our PRKAR1B IPA and ATG mutants. We have appropriate constructs for this.

      • Figure 5C: Please show the Western blot of PRKAR1B and GAPDH and not just the quantification. There is plenty of space in Figure 5. *

      Our response: We will show the Western blots for PRKAR1B and GAPDH.

      • In the following, we list suggestions to improve different figures where the data could be more adequately presented:*

      - Figure 1A and B: We suggest representing the data in a scatter plot log fold change on the x-axis and FDR on the y-axis. The authors decided for an FDR cutoff of 10%. This is quite high. Why did the authors decide for this cutoff? How many genes would be identified with a more stringent cutoff (1% for example)? Please list the corresponding FDR values in TableS4.

      Our response: We have never seen in the literature 3’-seq (or related) data of IPA:LE ratio regulation plotted as a scatter plot with log fold change on the x-axis and FDR on the y-axis. Instead, we propose to provide scatter plots with IPA fold change on the x-axis and LE fold change on the y-axis, as in many previous studies. We were not very stringent on the FDR or adjusted p values, in order to reduce the rate of false negatives, because we then cross our lists of regulated IPAs in different compartments (e.g., cytosol and heavy polysomes; Fig. 2C). We provided adjusted p values in Table S4; with an adjusted p value of 1%, we observe 1986 upregulated IPA sites and 33 downregulated ones.

      *-Figure 1C: There are many ways to visualize fold change, p value and number of genes of a GO term analysis. The authors could choose one of the common ways to represent such data instead of just showing raw numbers in a table. *

      Our response: We like showing GO terms as tables, but we can provide a figure if necessary.

      -Figure 1E-G: Add to the figure that PRIM2 was assayed. It is only written in the figure legend.

      Our response: We will write ‘PRIM2’ in the figure.

      *-Figure 2A and B: Same suggestion as for Figure 1A and B, a scatter plot log fold change on the x-axis and FDR on the y-axis would visualize the data much better. *

      Our response: Same response as for Fig 1A-B above.

      -Figure S1B: Where does the number of 2118 cisplatin regulated genes come from? It was not described anywhere else. Should it not be 1987 regulated genes?

      Our response: We will clarify that 2118 is the union of genes with cisplatin upregulated IPA:LE ratio in H358 and/or A549 cells.

      -Figure S1H: Typo in the y-axis.

      Our response: This typo will be corrected, thanks.

      -Figure S2A: Same suggestion as for Figure 1A and B, a scatter plot log fold change on the x-axis and FDR on the y-axis.

      Our response: Same response as for Fig 1A-B above.

      -Figure S3C: If possible, show the plotted digital data of the polysome curves.

      Our response: We do not have digital data for the polysome curves, just the printed graph shown at the bottom of the figure.

      • Data availability: The provided UCSC genome browser link unfortunately does not load the data bam files. Please fix.*

      Our response: We will fix this upon submission to journal.

      Minor points:

      • Please check the text for typos, e.g. page 8: artefacts instead of artifacts. *

      Our response: We will check for typos.


      The manuscript describes an interesting link between intronic polyadenylation, sORFs and cancer treatment and will be of interest to the gene expression regulation and RNA communities. As a relatively unknown mechanism to induce sORF-encoded microproteins, the study could lead to follow-up studies tackling intronic polyadenylation and their role in sORF expression.

      Our response: We would like to highlight that IPA was not previously known to induce sORF-encoded microproteins.

      While the authors generally present a well-analyzed and validated dataset, the link between sORF function and cisplatin response will require additional experiments to strengthen the sORF's impact for cellular survival.

      Our response: Please see our responses to main points 2 and 3 above.

      3. Description of the revisions that have already been incorporated in the transferred manuscript


      4. Description of analyses that authors prefer not to carry out

      REVIEWER #2

      Major point #2: The authors used the polysome:cytosolic ratio to indicate translational efficiency. However, because the CDS size affects the number of ribosomes per mRNA, the translational efficiency should be based on polysome:cytosolic ratio normalized to CDS size. Ideally, the authors should calculate number of ribosome per transcript based on monosome, light polysome and heavy polysome.

      Our response: We cannot normalize ribosome number by CDS size because (i) heavy polysomes are not a precise number of ribosomes and (ii) sORFs are not annotated as CDS.

      *Minor point #3: Fig. 6, the authors did data mining of ribo-seq data and mass-spec data and identified 156 genes whose IPA isoforms have potentials of protein expression. The enriched GO terms for the 156 IPA genes are different than the overall IPA isoforms shown in Fig. 1C. Does this mean some genes, like those in DNA damage stimulus, produce IPA isoforms with different consequences, such as to inhibit their expression? *

      Our response: We think it is difficult to compare the enriched GO terms between overall IPA and miP-5’UTR-IPA. Indeed, differences could be due in part to trivial reasons (e.g., different number of genes in the lists). As suggested by this reviewer, it could be that for some gene sets enriched in particular functions, IPA may serve to downregulate the expression level of the full-length (canonical) mRNA. We discuss that this may be the case for the PRIM2 gene involved in DNA replication (page 17), but expanding on this would be speculative. Likewise, IPA isoforms encoding carboxy-terminal isoforms of canonical proteins, or IPA isoforms with a noncoding function (like ASCC3 or SPUD), might be enriched in particular gene functions, but again this idea is speculative and it goes beyond the scope of our manuscript.

      In addition, the authors need to use ribo-seq and mass spec data as a validation tool for their polysome profiling data to indicate the reliability of using polysome data to call protein expression.

      Our response: This comment seems to concern those IPA isoforms that are abundant in heavy polysomes. We do not wish to validate protein production from such isoforms, because they are not the focus of our study.

      REVIEWER #3

      -Figure S3C: If possible, show the plotted digital data of the polysome curves.

      Our response: We do not have digital data for the polysome curves, just the printed graph shown at the bottom of the figure.

    1. Author Response:

      We would like to sincerely thank the referees and the editor for their time in considering our manuscript. The electrophysiology of bacteria is a fast-moving complex

      field and is proving contentious in places. We believe the peer review process of eLife provides an ideal mechanism to address the issues raised on our manuscript in an open and transparent manner. Hopefully we will encourage some more consensus in the field and help understand some of the inconsistencies in the current literature that are

      hampering progress.

      The editors stress the main issue raised was a single referee questioning the use of ThT as an indicator of membrane potential. We are well aware of the articles by the Pilizota group and we believe them to be scientifically flawed. The authors assume there are no voltage-gated ion channels in E. coli and then attempt to explain motility

      data based on a simple Nernstian battery model (they assume E. coli are unexcitable matter). This in turn leads them to conclude the membrane dye ThT is faulty, when in

      fact it is a problem with their simple battery model.

      In terms of the previous microbiology literature, the assumption of no voltage-gated ion channels in E. coli suggested by referee 2 is a highly contentious niche ideology. The majority of gene databases for E. coli have a number of ion-channels annotated as voltage sensitive due to comparative genetics studies e.g. try the https://bacteria.ensembl.org/ database (the search terms ‘voltage-gated coli’ give 2521 hits for genes, similarly you could check www.uniprot.org or www.biocyc.org) and M.M.Kuo, Y.Saimi, C.Kung, ‘Gain of function mutation indicate that E. coli Kch form a functional K + conduit in vivo’, EMBO Journal, 2003, 22, 16, 4049. Furthermore, recent microbiology reviews all agree that E. coli has a number of voltage-gated ion channels S.D.Beagle, S.W.Lockless, ‘Unappreciated roles for K + channels in bacterial physiology’,Trends in microbiology, 2021, 29, 10, 942-950. More emphatic experimental data is seen in spiking potentials that have been observed by many groups for E. coli, both directly using microelectrodes and indirectly using genetically expressed fluorophores, ‘Electrical spiking in bacterial biofilms’ E.Masi et al, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2015, 12, 102, ‘Electrical spiking in E. coli probed with a fluorescent voltage-indicating protein’, J.M.Kralj, et al, Science, 2011, 333, 6040, 345 and ‘Sensitive bacterial Vm sensors revealed the excitability of bacterial Vm and its role in antibiotic tolerance’, X.Jin et al, PNAS, 2023, 120, 3, e2208348120. The only mechanism currently known to cause spiking potentials in cells is due to positive feedback from voltage-gated ion channels (you need a mechanism to induce the oscillations). Indeed, people are starting to investigate the specific voltage-gated ion channels in E. coli and a role is emerging for calcium in addition to potassium e.g. ‘Genome-wide functional screen for calcium transients in E. coli identifies increased membrane potential adaptation to persistent DNA damage’, R.Luder, et al, J.Bacteriology, 2021, 203, 3, e00509.

      In terms of recent data from our own group, electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) experiments from E. coli indicate there are large conductivity changes associated with the Kch ion channels (https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c04446, 'Electrical impedance spectroscopy with bacterial biofilms: neuronal-like behavior',

      E.Akabuogu et al, ACS Nanoletters, 2024, in print). EIS experiments pr be the electrical phenomena of bacterial biofilms directly and do not depend on fluorophores i.e. they can’t be affected by ThT.

      Attempts to disprove the use of ThT to measure hyperpolarisation phenomena in E. coli using fluorescence microscopy also seem doomed to failure based on comparative control experiments. A wide range of other cationic fluorophores show similar behaviour to ThT e.g. the potassium sensitive dye used in our eLife article. Thus the behaviour of ThT appears to be generic for a range of cationic dyes and it implies a simple physical mechanism i.e. the positively charged dyes enter cells at low potentials. The elaborate photobleaching mechanism postulated by referee 2 seems most unlikely and is unable to explain our data (see below). ThT is photostable and chemically well- defined and it is therefore used almost universally in fluorescence assays for amyloids.

      A challenge with trying to use flagellar motility to measure intracellular potentials in live bacteria, as per referee 2’s many publications, is that a clutch is known to occur with E. coli e.g. ‘Flagellar brake protein YcgR interacts with motor proteins MotA and FliG to regulate the flagellar rotation speed and direction’, Q.Han et al, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2023, 14. Thus bacteria with high membrane potentials can have low motility when their clutch is engaged. This makes sense, since otherwise bacterial motility would be enslaved to their membrane potentials, greatly restricting their ability to react to their environmental conditions. Without quantifying the dynamics of the clutch (e.g. the gene circuit) it seems challenging to deduce how the motor reacts to Nernstian potentials in vivo. As a result we are not convinced by any of the Pilizota group articles. The quantitative connection between motility and membrane potential is too tenuous.

      In conclusion, the articles questioning the use of ThT are scientifically flawed and based on a niche ideology that E. coli do not contain voltage-gated ion channels. The current work disproves the simple Nernstian battery (SNB) model expounded by Pilizota et al, unpersuasively represented in multiple publications by this one group in the literature (see below for critical synopses) and demonstrates the SNB models needs to be replaced by a model that includes excitability (demonstrating hyperpolarization of the membrane potential).

      In the language of physics, a non-linear oscillator model is needed to explain spiking potentials in bacteria and the simple battery models presented by Pilizota et al do not have the required non-linearities to oscillate (‘Nonlinear dynamics and chaos’, Steve Strogatz, Westview Press, 2014). Such non-linear models are the foundation for describing eukaryotic electrophysiology, e.g. Hodgkin and Huxley’s Nobel prize winning research (1963), but also the vast majority of modern extensions (‘Mathematical physiology’, J.Keener, J.Sneyd, Springer, 2009, ‘Cellular biophysis and modelling: a primer on the computational biology of excitable cells’, G.C.Smith, 2019, CUP, ‘Dynamical systems in neuroscience: the geometry of excitability and bursting’, E.M.Izhikevich, 2006, MIT and ‘Neuronal dynamics: from single neurons to networks and models of cognition’, W.Gerstner et al, 2014, CUP). The Pilizota group is using modelling tools from the 1930s that quickly were shown to be inadequate to describe eukaryotic cellular electrophysiology and the same is true for bacterial electrophysiology (see the ground breaking work of A.Prindle et al, ‘Ion channels enable electrical communication in bacterial communities’, Nature, 2015, 527, 7576, 59 for the use of Hodgkin-Huxley models with bacterial biofilms). Below we describe a critical synopsis of the articles cited by referee 2 and we then directly answer the specific points all the

      referees raise.

      Critical synopsis of the articles cited by referee 2:

      1) ‘Generalized workflow for characterization of Nernstian dyes and their effects on bacterial physiology’, L.Mancini et al, Biophysical Journal, 2020, 118, 1, 4-14.

      This is the central article used by referee 2 to argue that there are issues with the calibration of ThT for the measurement of membrane potentials. The authors use a simple Nernstian battery (SNB) model and unfortunately it is wrong when voltage-gated ion channels occur. Huge oscillations occur in the membrane potentials of E. coli that cannot be described by the SNB model. Instead a Hodgkin Huxley model is needed, as shown in our eLife manuscript and multiple other studies (see above). Arrhenius kinetics are assumed in the SNB model for pumping with no real evidence and the generalized workflow involves ripping the flagella off the bacteria! The authors construct an elaborate ‘work flow’ to insure their ThT results can be interpreted using their erroneous SNB model over a limited range of parameters.

      2) ‘Non-equivalence of membrane voltage and ion-gradient as driving forces for the bacterial flagellar motor at low load’, C.J.Lo, et al, Biophysical Journal, 2007, 93, 1, 294.

      An odd de novo chimeric species is developed using an E. coli chassis which uses Na + instead of H + for the motility of its flagellar motor. It is not clear the relevance to wild type E. coli, due to the massive physiological perturbations involved. A SNB model is using to fit the data over a very limited parameter range with all the concomitant errors.

      3) Single-cell bacterial electrophysiology reveals mechanisms of stress-induced damage’, E.Krasnopeeva, et al, Biophysical Journal, 2019, 116, 2390.

      The abstract says ‘PMF defines the physiological state of the cell’. This statement is hyperbolic. An extremely wide range of molecules contribute to the physiological state of a cell. PMF does not even define the electrophysiology of the cell e.g. via the membrane potential. There are 0.2 M of K + compared with 0.0000001 M of H + in E. coli, so K + is arguably a million times more important for the membrane potential than H + and thus the electrophysiology! Equation (1) in the manuscript assumes no other ions are exchanged during the experiments other than H + . This is a very bad approximation when voltage-gated potassium ion channels move the majority ion (K + ) around! In our model Figure 4A is better explained by depolarisation due to K + channels closing than direct irreversible photodamage. Why does the THT fluorescence increase again for the second hyperpolarization event if the THT is supposed to be damaged? It does not make sense.

      4) ‘The proton motive force determines E. coli robustness to extracellular pH’, G.Terradot et al, 2024, preprint.

      This article expounds the SNB model once more. It still ignores the voltage-gated ion channels. Furthermore, it ignores the effect of the dominant ion in E. coli, K + . The manuscript is incorrect as a result and I would not recommend publication. In general, an important problem is being researched i.e. how the membrane potential of E. coli is related to motility, but there are serious flaws in the SNB approach and the experimental methodology appears tenuous.

      Answers to specific questions raised by the referees:

      Reviewer #1:

      Summary:<br /> Cell-to-cell communication is essential for higher functions in bacterial biofilms. Electrical signals have proven effective in transmitting signals across biofilms. These signals are then used to coordinate cellular metabolisms or to increase antibiotic tolerance. Here, the authors have reported for the first time coordinated oscillation of membrane potential in E. coli biofilms that may have a functional role in photoprotection.

      Strengths:<br /> - The authors report original data.<br /> - For the first time, they showed that coordinated oscillations in membrane potential occur in E. Coli biofilms.<br /> - The authors revealed a complex two-phase dynamic involving distinct molecular response mechanisms.<br /> - The authors developed two rigorous models inspired by 1) Hodgkin-Huxley model for the temporal dynamics of membrane potential and 2) Fire-Diffuse-Fire model for the propagation of the electric signal.<br /> - Since its discovery by comparative genomics, the Kch ion channel has not been associated with any specific phenotype in E. coli. Here, the authors proposed a functional role for the putative K+ Kch channel : enhancing survival under photo-toxic conditions.

      We thank the referee for their positive evaluations and agree with these statements.

      Weaknesses:<br /> - Since the flow of fresh medium is stopped at the beginning of the acquisition, environmental parameters such as pH and RedOx potential are likely to vary significantly during the experiment. It is therefore important to exclude the contributions of these variations to ensure that the electrical response is only induced by light stimulation. Unfortunately, no control experiments were carried out to address this issue.

      The electrical responses occur almost instantaneously when the stimulation with blue light begins i.e. it is too fast to be a build of pH. We are not sure what the referee means by

      Redox potential since it is an attribute of all chemicals that are able to donate/receive electrons. The electrical response to stress appears to be caused by ROS, since when ROS scavengers are added the electrical response is removed i.e. pH plays a very small minority role if any.

      - Furthermore, the control parameter of the experiment (light stimulation) is the same as that used to measure the electrical response, i.e. through fluorescence excitation. The use of the PROPS system could solve this problem.

      We were enthusiastic at the start of the project to use the PROPs system in E. coli as presented by J.M.Krajl et al,‘Electrical spiking in E. coli probed with a fluorescent voltage-indicating protein’, Science, 2011, 333, 6040, 345. However, the people we contacted in the microbiology community said that it had some technical issues and there have been no subsequent studies using PROPs in bacteria after the initial promising study. The fluorescent protein system recently presented in PNAS seems more promising, ‘Sensitive bacterial Vm sensors revealed the excitability of bacterial Vm and its role in antibiotic tolerance’, X.Jin et al, PNAS, 120, 3, e2208348120.

      - Electrical signal propagation is an important aspect of the manuscript. However, a detailed quantitative analysis of the spatial dynamics within the biofilm is lacking. In addition, it is unclear if the electrical signal propagates within the biofilm during the second peak regime, which is mediated by the Kch channel. This is an important question, given that the fire-diffuse-fire model is presented with emphasis on the role of K+ ions.

      We have presented a more detailed account of the electrical wavefront modelling work and it is currently under review in a physical journal, ‘Electrical signalling in three dimensional bacterial biofilms using an agent based fire-diffuse-fire model’, V.Martorelli, et al, 2024 https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.11.17.567515v1

      - Since deletion of the kch gene inhibits the long-term electrical response to light stimulation (regime II), the authors concluded that K+ ions play a role in the habituation response. However, Kch is a putative K+ ion channel. The use of specific drugs could help to clarify the role of K+ ions.

      Our recent electrical impedance spectroscopy publication provides further evidence that Kch is associated with large changes in conductivity as expected for a voltage-gated ion channel (https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c04446, 'Electrical impedance spectroscopy with bacterial biofilms: neuronal-like behavior', E.Akabuogu et al, ACS Nanoletters, 2024, in print.

      - The manuscript as such does not allow us to properly conclude on the photo-protective role of the Kch ion channel.

      That Kch has a photoprotective role is our current working hypothesis. The hypothesis fits with the data, but we are not saying we have proven it beyond all possible doubt.

      - The link between membrane potential dynamics and mechanosensitivity is not captured in the equation for the Q-channel opening dynamics in the Hodgkin-Huxley model (Supp Eq 2).

      Our model is agnostic with respect to the mechanosensitivity of the ion channels, although we deduce that mechanosensitive ion channels contribute to ion channel Q.

      - Given the large number of parameters used in the models, it is hard to distinguish between prediction and fitting.

      This is always an issue with electrophysiological modelling (compared with most heart and brain modelling studies we are very conservative in the choice of parameters for the bacteria). In terms of predicting the different phenomena observed, we believe the model is very successful.

      Reviewer #2:

      Summary of what the authors were trying to achieve:<br /> The authors thought they studied membrane potential dynamics in E.coli biofilms. They thought so because they were unaware that the dye they used to report that membrane potential in E.coli, has been previously shown not to report it. Because of this, the interpretation of the authors' results is not accurate.

      We believe the Pilizota work is scientifically flawed.

      Major strengths and weaknesses of the methods and results:<br /> The strength of this work is that all the data is presented clearly, and accurately, as far as I can tell.

      The major critical weakness of this paper is the use of ThT dye as a membrane potential dye in E.coli. The work is unaware of a publication from 2020 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349519308793 [sciencedirect.com] that demonstrates that ThT is not a membrane potential dye in E. coli. Therefore I think the results of this paper are misinterpreted. The same publication I reference above presents a protocol on how to carefully calibrate any candidate membrane potential dye in any given condition.

      We are aware of this study, but believe it to be scientifically flawed. We do not cite the article because we do not think it is a particularly useful contribution to the literature.

      I now go over each results section in the manuscript.

      Result section 1: Blue light triggers electrical spiking in single E. coli cells

      I do not think the title of the result section is correct for the following reasons. The above-referenced work demonstrates the loading profile one should expect from a Nernstian dye (Figure 1). It also demonstrates that ThT does not show that profile and explains why is this so. ThT only permeates the membrane under light exposure (Figure 5). This finding is consistent with blue light peroxidising the membrane (see also following work Figure 4 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349519303923 [sciencedirect.com] on light-induced damage to the electrochemical gradient of protons-I am sure there are more references for this).

      The Pilizota group invokes some elaborate artefacts to explain the lack of agreement with a simple Nernstian battery model. The model is incorrect not the fluorophore.

      Please note that the loading profile (only observed under light) in the current manuscript in Figure 1B as well as in the video S1 is identical to that in Figure 3 from the above-referenced paper (i.e. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349519308793 [sciencedirect.com]), and corresponding videos S3 and S4. This kind of profile is exactly what one would expect theoretically if the light is simultaneously lowering the membrane potential as the ThT is equilibrating, see Figure S12 of that previous work. There, it is also demonstrated by the means of monitoring the speed of bacterial flagellar motor that the electrochemical gradient of protons is being lowered by the light. The authors state that applying the blue light for different time periods and over different time scales did not change the peak profile. This is expected if the light is lowering the electrochemical gradient of protons. But, in Figure S1, it is clear that it affected the timing of the peak, which is again expected, because the light affects the timing of the decay, and thus of the decay profile of the electrochemical gradient of protons (Figure 4 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349519303923 [sciencedirect.com]).

      We think the proton effect is a million times weaker than that due to potasium i.e. 0.2 M K+ versus 10-7 M H+. We can comfortably neglect the influx of H+ in our experiments.

      If find Figure S1D interesting. There authors load TMRM, which is a membrane voltage dye that has been used extensively (as far as I am aware this is the first reference for that and it has not been cited https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1914430 [ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]/). As visible from the last TMRM reference I give, TMRM will only load the cells in Potassium Phosphate buffer with NaCl (and often we used EDTA to permeabilise the membrane). It is not fully clear (to me) whether here TMRM was prepared in rich media (it explicitly says so for ThT in Methods but not for TMRM), but it seems so. If this is the case, it likely also loads because of the damage to the membrane done with light, and therefore I am not surprised that the profiles are similar.

      The vast majority of cells continue to be viable. We do not think membrane damage is dominating.

      The authors then use CCCP. First, a small correction, as the authors state that it quenches membrane potential. CCCP is a protonophore (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/4962086 [pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]/), so it collapses electrochemical gradient of protons. This means that it is possible, and this will depend on the type of pumps present in the cell, that CCCP collapses electrochemical gradient of protons, but the membrane potential is equal and opposite in sign to the DeltapH. So using CCCP does not automatically mean membrane potential will collapse (e.g. in some mammalian cells it does not need to be the case, but in E.coli it is https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.11.19.469321v2 [biorxiv.org]). CCCP has also been recently found to be a substrate for TolC (https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/mbio.00676-21 [journals.asm.org]), but at the concentrations the authors are using CCCP (100uM) that should not affect the results. However, the authors then state because they observed, in Figure S1E, a fast efflux of ions in all cells and no spiking dynamics this confirms that observed dynamics are membrane potential related. I do not agree that it does. First, Figure S1E, does not appear to show transients, instead, it is visible that after 50min treatment with 100uM CCCP, ThT dye shows no dynamics. The action of a Nernstian dye is defined. It is not sufficient that a charged molecule is affected in some way by electrical potential, this needs to be in a very specific way to be a Nernstian dye. Part of the profile of ThT loading observed in https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349519308793 [sciencedirect.com] is membrane potential related, but not in a way that is characteristic of Nernstian dye.

      Our understanding of the literature is CCCP poisons the whole metabolism of the bacterial cells. The ATP driven K+channels will stop functioning and this is the dominant contributor to membrane potential.

      Result section 2: Membrane potential dynamics depend on the intercellular distance

      In this chapter, the authors report that the time to reach the first intensity peak during ThT loading is different when cells are in microclusters. They interpret this as electrical signalling in clusters because the peak is reached faster in microclusters (as opposed to slower because intuitively in these clusters cells could be shielded from light). However, shielding is one possibility. The other is that the membrane has changed in composition and/or the effective light power the cells can tolerate (with mechanisms to handle light-induced damage, some of which authors mention later in the paper) is lower. Given that these cells were left in a microfluidic chamber for 2h hours to attach in growth media according to Methods, there is sufficient time for that to happen. In Figure S12 C and D of that same paper from my group (https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0006349519308793-mmc6.pdf [ars.els-cdn.com]) one can see the effects of peak intensity and timing of the peak on the permeability of the membrane. Therefore I do not think the distance is the explanation for what authors observe.

      Shielding would provide the reverse effect, since hyperpolarization begins in the dense centres of the biofilms. For the initial 2 hours the cells receive negligible blue light. Neither of the referee’s comments thus seem tenable.

      Result section 3: Emergence of synchronized global wavefronts in E. coli biofilms

      In this section, the authors exposed a mature biofilm to blue light. They observe that the intensity peak is reached faster in the cells in the middle. They interpret this as the ion-channel-mediated wavefronts moved from the center of the biofilm. As above, cells in the middle can have different membrane permeability to those at the periphery, and probably even more importantly, there is no light profile shown anywhere in SI/Methods. I could be wrong, but the SI3 A profile is consistent with a potential Gaussian beam profile visible in the field of view. In Methods, I find the light source for the blue light and the type of microscope but no comments on how 'flat' the illumination is across their field of view. This is critical to assess what they are observing in this result section. I do find it interesting that the ThT intensity collapsed from the edges of the biofilms. In the publication I mentioned https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349519308793#app2 [sciencedirect.com], the collapse of fluorescence was not understood (other than it is not membrane potential related). It was observed in Figure 5A, C, and F, that at the point of peak, electrochemical gradient of protons is already collapsed, and that at the point of peak cell expands and cytoplasmic content leaks out. This means that this part of the ThT curve is not membrane potential related. The authors see that after the first peak collapsed there is a period of time where ThT does not stain the cells and then it starts again. If after the first peak the cellular content leaks, as we have observed, then staining that occurs much later could be simply staining of cytoplasmic positively charged content, and the timing of that depends on the dynamics of cytoplasmic content leakage (we observed this to be happening over 2h in individual cells). ThT is also a non-specific amyloid dye, and in starving E. coli cells formation of protein clusters has been observed (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30472191 [pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]/), so such cytoplasmic staining seems possible.

      It is very easy to see if the illumination is flat (Köhler illumination) by comparing the intensity of background pixels on the detector. It was flat in our case. Protons have little to do with our work for reasons highlighted before. Differential membrane permittivity is a speculative phenomenon not well supported by any evidence and with no clear molecular mechanism.

      Finally, I note that authors observe biofilms of different shapes and sizes and state that they observe similar intensity profiles, which could mean that my comment on 'flatness' of the field of view above is not a concern. However, the scale bar in Figure 2A is not legible, so I can't compare it to the variation of sizes of the biofilms in Figure 2C (67 to 280um). Based on this, I think that the illumination profile is still a concern.

      The referee now contradicts themselves and wants a scale bar to be more visible. We have changed the scale bar.

      Result section 4: Voltage-gated Kch potassium channels mediate ion-channel electrical oscillations in E. coli

      First I note at this point, given that I disagree that the data presented thus 'suggest that E. coli biofilms use electrical signaling to coordinate long-range responses to light stress' as the authors state, it gets harder to comment on the rest of the results.

      In this result section the authors look at the effect of Kch, a putative voltage-gated potassium channel, on ThT profile in E. coli cells. And they see a difference. It is worth noting that in the publication https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349519308793 [sciencedirect.com] it is found that ThT is also likely a substrate for TolC (Figure 4), but that scenario could not be distinguished from the one where TolC mutant has a different membrane permeability (and there is a publication that suggests the latter is happening https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2958.2010.07245.x [onlinelibrary.wiley.com]). Given this, it is also possible that Kch deletion affects the membrane permeability. I do note that in video S4 I seem to see more of, what appear to be, plasmolysed cells. The authors do not see the ThT intensity with this mutant that appears long after the initial peak has disappeared, as they see in WT. It is not clear how long they waited for this, as from Figure S3C it could simply be that the dynamics of this is a lot slower, e.g. Kch deletion changes membrane permeability.

      The work that TolC provides a possible passive pathway for ThT to leave cells seems slightly niche. It just demonstrates another mechanism for the cells to equilibriate the concentrations of ThT in a Nernstian manner i.e. driven by the membrane voltage.

      The authors themselves state that the evidence for Kch being a voltage-gated channel is indirect (line 54). I do not think there is a need to claim function from a ThT profile of E. coli mutants (nor do I believe it's good practice), given how accurate single-channel recordings are currently. To know the exact dependency on the membrane potential, ion channel recordings on this protein are needed first.

      We have good evidence form electrical impedance spectroscopy experiments that Kch increases the conductivity of biofilms  (https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c04446, 'Electrical impedance spectroscopy with bacterial biofilms: neuronal-like behavior', E.Akabuogu et al, ACS Nanoletters, 2024, in print.

      Result section 5: Blue light influences ion-channel mediated membrane potential events in E. coli

      In this chapter the authors vary the light intensity and stain the cells with PI (this dye gets into the cells when the membrane becomes very permeable), and the extracellular environment with K+ dye (I have not yet worked carefully with this dye). They find that different amounts of light influence ThT dynamics. This is in line with previous literature (both papers I have been mentioning: Figure 4 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349519303923 [sciencedirect.com] and https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0006349519308793-mmc6.pdf [ars.els-cdn.com] especially SI12), but does not add anything new. I think the results presented here can be explained with previously published theory and do not indicate that the ion-channel mediated membrane potential dynamics is a light stress relief process.

      The simple Nernstian battery model proposed by Pilizota et al is erroneous in our opinion for reasons outlined above. We believe it will prove to be a dead end for bacterial electrophysiology studies.

      Result section 6: Development of a Hodgkin-Huxley model for the observed membrane potential dynamics

      This results section starts with the authors stating: 'our data provide evidence that E. coli manages light stress through well-controlled modulation of its membrane potential dynamics'. As stated above, I think they are instead observing the process of ThT loading while the light is damaging the membrane and thus simultaneously collapsing the electrochemical gradient of protons. As stated above, this has been modelled before. And then, they observe a ThT staining that is independent from membrane potential.

      This is an erroneous niche opinion. Protons have little say in the membrane potential since there are so few of them. The membrane potential is mostly determined by K+.

      I will briefly comment on the Hodgkin Huxley (HH) based model. First, I think there is no evidence for two channels with different activation profiles as authors propose. But also, the HH model has been developed for neurons. There, the leakage and the pumping fluxes are both described by a constant representing conductivity, times the difference between the membrane potential and Nernst potential for the given ion. The conductivity in the model is given as gK*n^4 for potassium, gNa*m^3*h sodium, and gL for leakage, where gK, gNa and gL were measured experimentally for neurons. And, n, m, and h are variables that describe the experimentally observed voltage-gated mechanism of neuronal sodium and potassium channels. (Please see Hodgkin AL, Huxley AF. 1952. Currents carried by sodium and potassium ions through the membrane of the giant axon of Loligo. J. Physiol. 116:449-72 and Hodgkin AL, Huxley AF. 1952. A quantitative description of membrane current and its application to conduction and excitation in nerve. J. Physiol. 117:500-44).

      In the 70 years since Hodgkin and Huxley first presented their model, a huge number of similar models have been proposed to describe cellular electrophysiology. We are not being hyperbolic when we state that the HH models for excitable cells are like the Schrödinger equation for molecules. We carefully adapted our HH model to reflect the currently understood electrophysiology of E. coli.

      Thus, in applying the model to describe bacterial electrophysiology one should ensure near equilibrium requirement holds (so that (V-VQ) etc terms in authors' equation Figure 5 B hold), and potassium and other channels in a given bacterium have similar gating properties to those found in neurons. I am not aware of such measurements in any bacteria, and therefore think the pump leak model of the electrophysiology of bacteria needs to start with fluxes that are more general (for example Keener JP, Sneyd J. 2009. Mathematical physiology: I: Cellular physiology. New York: Springer or https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0000144 [journals.plos.org])

      The reference is to a slightly more modern version of a simple Nernstian battery model. The model will not oscillate and thus will not help modelling membrane potentials in bacteria. We are unsure where the equilibrium requirement comes from (inadequate modelling of the dynamics?)

      Result section 7: Mechanosensitive ion channels (MS) are vital for the first hyperpolarization event in E. coli.

      The results that Mcs channels affect the profile of ThT dye are interesting. It is again possible that the membrane permeability of these mutants has changed and therefore the dynamics have changed, so this needs to be checked first. I also note that our results show that the peak of ThT coincides with cell expansion. For this to be understood a model is needed that also takes into account the link between maintenance of electrochemical gradients of ions in the cell and osmotic pressure.

      The evidence for permeability changes in the membranes seems to be tenuous.

      A side note is that the authors state that the Msc responds to stress-related voltage changes. I think this is an overstatement. Mscs respond to predominantly membrane tension and are mostly nonspecific (see how their action recovers cellular volume in this publication https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1522185113 [pnas.org]). Authors cite references 35-39 to support this statement. These publications still state that these channels are predominantly membrane tension-gated. Some of the references state that the presence of external ions is important for tension-related gating but sometimes they gate spontaneously in the presence of certain ions. Other publications cited don't really look at gating with respect to ions (39 is on clustering). This is why I think the statement is somewhat misleading.

      We have reworded the discussion of Mscs since the literature appears to be ambiguous. We will try to run some electrical impedance spectroscopy experiments on the Msc mutants in the future to attempt to remove the ambiguity.

      Result section 8: Anomalous ion-channel-mediated wavefronts propagate light stress signals in 3D E. coli biofilms.

      I am not commenting on this result section, as it would only be applicable if ThT was membrane potential dye in E. coli.

      Ok, but we disagree on the use of ThT.

      Aims achieved/results support their conclusions:

      The authors clearly present their data. I am convinced that they have accurately presented everything they observed. However, I think their interpretation of the data and conclusions is inaccurate in line with the discussion I provided above.

      Likely impact of the work on the field, and the utility of the methods and data to the community:

      I do not think this publication should be published in its current format. It should be revised in light of the previous literature as discussed in detail above. I believe presenting it in it's current form on eLife pages would create unnecessary confusion.

      We believe many of the Pilizota group articles are scientifically flawed and are causing the confusion in the literature.

      Any other comments:

      I note, that while this work studies E. coli, it references papers in other bacteria using ThT. For example, in lines 35-36 authors state that bacteria (Bacillus subtilis in this case) in biofilms have been recently found to modulate membrane potential citing the relevant literature from 2015. It is worth noting that the most recent paper https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/mbio.02220-23 [journals.asm.org] found that ThT binds to one or more proteins in the spore coat, suggesting that it does not act as a membrane potential in Bacillus spores. It is possible that it still reports membrane potential in Bacillus cells and the recent results are strictly spore-specific, but these should be kept in mind when using ThT with Bacillus.

      ThT was used successfully in previous studies of normal B. subtilis cells (by our own group and A.Prindle, ‘Spatial propagation of electrical signal in circular biofilms’, J.A.Blee et al, Physical Review E, 2019, 100, 052401, J.A.Blee et al, ‘Membrane potentials, oxidative stress and the dispersal response of bacterial biofilms to 405 nm light’, Physical Biology, 2020, 17, 2, 036001, A.Prindle et al, ‘Ion channels enable electrical communication in bacterial communities’, Nature, 2015, 527, 59-63). The connection to low metabolism pore research seems speculative.

      Reviewer #3:

      It has recently been demonstrated that bacteria in biofilms show changes in membrane potential in response to changes in their environment, and that these can propagate signals through the biofilm to coordinate bacterial behavior. Akabuogu et al. contribute to this exciting research area with a study of blue light-induced membrane potential dynamics in E. coli biofilms. They demonstrate that Thioflavin-T (ThT) intensity (a proxy for membrane potential) displays multiphasic dynamics in response to blue light treatment. They additionally use genetic manipulations to implicate the potassium channel Kch in the latter part of these dynamics. Mechanosensitive ion channels may also be involved, although these channels seem to have blue light-independent effects on membrane potential as well. In addition, there are challenges to the quantitative interpretation of ThT microscopy data which require consideration. The authors then explore whether these dynamics are involved in signaling at the community level. The authors suggest that cell firing is both more coordinated when cells are clustered and happens in waves in larger, 3D biofilms; however, in both cases evidence for these claims is incomplete. The authors present two simulations to describe the ThT data. The first of these simulations, a Hodgkin-Huxley model, indicates that the data are consistent with the activity of two ion channels with different kinetics; the Kch channel mutant, which ablates a specific portion of the response curve, is consistent with this. The second model is a fire-diffuse-fire model to describe wavefront propagation of membrane potential changes in a 3D biofilm; because the wavefront data are not presented clearly, the results of this model are difficult to interpret. Finally, the authors discuss whether these membrane potential changes could be involved in generating a protective response to blue light exposure; increased death in a Kch ion channel mutant upon blue light exposure suggests that this may be the case, but a no-light control is needed to clarify this.

      In a few instances, the paper is missing key control experiments that are important to the interpretation of the data. This makes it difficult to judge the meaning of some of the presented experiments.

      1. An additional control for the effects of autofluorescence is very important. The authors conduct an experiment where they treat cells with CCCP and see that Thioflavin-T (ThT) dynamics do not change over the course of the experiment. They suggest that this demonstrates that autofluorescence does not impact their measurements. However, cellular autofluorescence depends on the physiological state of the cell, which is impacted by CCCP treatment. A much simpler and more direct experiment would be to repeat the measurement in the absence of ThT or any other stain. This experiment should be performed both in the wild-type strain and in the ∆kch mutant.

      ThT is a very bright fluorophore (much brighter than a GFP). It is clear from the images of non-stained samples that autofluorescence provides a negligible contribution to the fluorescence intensity in an image.

      2. The effects of photobleaching should be considered. Of course, the intensity varies a lot over the course of the experiment in a way that photobleaching alone cannot explain. However, photobleaching can still contribute to the kinetics observed. Photobleaching can be assessed by changing the intensity, duration, or frequency of exposure to excitation light during the experiment. Considerations about photobleaching become particularly important when considering the effect of catalase on ThT intensity. The authors find that the decrease in ThT signal after the initial "spike" is attenuated by the addition of catalase; this is what would be predicted by catalase protecting ThT from photobleaching (indeed, catalase can be used to reduce photobleaching in time lapse imaging).

      Photobleaching was negligible over the course of the experiments. We employed techniques such as reducing sample exposure time and using the appropriate light intensity to minimize photobleaching.

      3. It would be helpful to have a baseline of membrane potential fluctuations in the absence of the proposed stimulus (in this case, blue light). Including traces of membrane potential recorded without light present would help support the claim that these changes in membrane potential represent a blue light-specific stress response, as the authors suggest. Of course, ThT is blue, so if the excitation light for ThT is problematic for this experiment the alternative dye tetramethylrhodamine methyl ester perchlorate (TMRM) can be used instead.

      Unfortunately the fluorescent baseline is too weak to measure cleanly in this experiment. It appears the collective response of all the bacteria hyperpolarization at the same time appears to dominate the signal (measurements in the eLife article and new potentiometry measurements).

      4. The effects of ThT in combination with blue light should be more carefully considered. In mitochondria, a combination of high concentrations of blue light and ThT leads to disruption of the PMF (Skates et al. 2021 BioRXiv), and similarly, ThT treatment enhances the photodynamic effects of blue light in E. coli (Bondia et al. 2021 Chemical Communications). If present in this experiment, this effect could confound the interpretation of the PMF dynamics reported in the paper.

      We think the PMF plays a minority role in determining the membrane potential in E. coli. For reasons outlined before (H+ is a minority ion in E. coli compared with K+).

      5. Figures 4D - E indicate that a ∆kch mutant has increased propidium iodide (PI) staining in the presence of blue light; this is interpreted to mean that Kch-mediated membrane potential dynamics help protect cells from blue light. However, Live/Dead staining results in these strains in the absence of blue light are not reported. This means that the possibility that the ∆kch mutant has a general decrease in survival (independent of any effects of blue light) cannot be ruled out.

      Both strains of bacterial has similar growth curve and also engaged in membrane potential dynamics for the duration of the experiment. We were interested in bacterial cells that observed membrane potential dynamics in the presence of the stress. Bacterial cells need to be alive to engage in membrane potential  dynamics (hyperpolarize) under stress conditions. Cells that engaged in membrane potential dynamics and later stained red were only counted after the entire duration. We believe that the wildtype handles the light stress better than the ∆kch mutant as measured with the PI.

      6. Additionally in Figures 4D - E, the interpretation of this experiment can be confounded by the fact that PI uptake can sometimes be seen in bacterial cells with high membrane potential (Kirchhoff & Cypionka 2017 J Microbial Methods); the interpretation is that high membrane potential can lead to increased PI permeability. Because the membrane potential is largely higher throughout blue light treatment in the ∆kch mutant (Fig. 3AB), this complicates the interpretation of this experiment.

      Kirchhoff & Cypionka 2017 J Microbial Methods, using fluorescence microscopy, suggested that changes in membrane potential dynamics can introduce experimental bias when propidium iodide is used to confirm the viability of tge bacterial strains, B subtilis (DSM-10) and Dinoroseobacter shibae, that are starved of oxygen (via N2 gassing) for 2 hours. They attempted to support their findings by using CCCP in stopping the membrane potential dynamics (but never showed any pictoral or plotted data for this confirmatory experiment). In our experiment methodology, cell death was not forced on the cells by introducing an extra burden or via anoxia. We believe that the accumulation of PI in ∆kch mutant is not due to high membrane potential dynamics but is attributed to the PI, unbiasedly showing damaged/dead cells. We think that propidium iodide is good for this experiment. Propidium iodide is a dye that is extensively used in life sciences. PI has also been used in the study of bacterial electrophysiology (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32343961/, ) and no membrane potential related bias was reported.

      Throughout the paper, many ThT intensity traces are compared, and described as "similar" or "dissimilar", without detailed discussion or a clear standard for comparison. For example, the two membrane potential curves in Fig. S1C are described as "similar" although they have very different shapes, whereas the curves in Fig. 1B and 1D are discussed in terms of their differences although they are evidently much more similar to one another. Without metrics or statistics to compare these curves, it is hard to interpret these claims. These comparative interpretations are additionally challenging because many of the figures in which average trace data are presented do not indicate standard deviation.

      Comparison of small changes in the absolute intensities is problematic in such fluorescence experiments. We mean the shape of the traces is similar and they can be modelled using a HH model with similar parameters.

      The differences between the TMRM and ThT curves that the authors show in Fig. S1C warrant further consideration. Some of the key features of the response in the ThT curve (on which much of the modeling work in the paper relies) are not very apparent in the TMRM data. It is not obvious to me which of these traces will be more representative of the actual underlying membrane potential dynamics.

      In our experiment, TMRM was used to confirm the dynamics observed using ThT. However, ThT appear to be more photostable than TMRM (especially towars the 2nd peak). The most interesting observation is that with both dyes, all phases of the membrane potential dynamics were conspicuous (the first peak, the quiescent period and the second peak). The time periods for these three episodes were also similar.

      A key claim in this paper (that dynamics of firing differ depending on whether cells are alone or in a colony) is underpinned by "time-to-first peak" analysis, but there are some challenges in interpreting these results. The authors report an average time-to-first peak of 7.34 min for the data in Figure 1B, but the average curve in Figure 1B peaks earlier than this. In Figure 1E, it appears that there are a handful of outliers in the "sparse cell" condition that likely explain this discrepancy. Either an outlier analysis should be done and the mean recomputed accordingly, or a more outlier-robust method like the median should be used instead. Then, a statistical comparison of these results will indicate whether there is a significant difference between them.

      The key point is the comparison of standard errors on the standard deviation.

      In two different 3D biofilm experiments, the authors report the propagation of wavefronts of membrane potential; I am unable to discern these wavefronts in the imaging data, and they are not clearly demonstrated by analysis.

      The first data set is presented in Figures 2A, 2B, and Video S3. The images and video are very difficult to interpret because of how the images have been scaled: the center of the biofilm is highly saturated, and the zero value has also been set too high to consistently observe the single cells surrounding the biofilm. With the images scaled this way, it is very difficult to assess dynamics. The time stamps in Video S3 and on the panels in Figure 2A also do not correspond to one another although the same biofilm is shown (and the time course in 2B is also different from what is indicated in 2B). In either case, it appears that the center of the biofilm is consistently brighter than the edges, and the intensity of all cells in the biofilm increases in tandem; by eye, propagating wavefronts (either directed toward the edge or the center) are not evident to me. Increased brightness at the center of the biofilm could be explained by increased cell thickness there (as is typical in this type of biofilm). From the image legend, it is not clear whether the image presented is a single confocal slice or a projection. Even if this is a single confocal slice, in both Video S3 and Figure 2A there are regions of "haze" from out-of-focus light evident, suggesting that light from other focal planes is nonetheless present. This seems to me to be a simpler explanation for the fluorescence dynamics observed in this experiment: cells are all following the same trajectory that corresponds to that seen for single cells, and the center is brighter because of increased biofilm thickness.

      We appreciate the reviewer for this important observation. We have made changes to the figures to address this confusion. The cell cover has no influence on the observed membrane potential dynamics. The entire biofilm was exposed to the same blue light at each time. Therefore all parts of the biofilm received equal amounts of the blue light intensity. The membrane potential dynamics was not influenced by cell density (see Fig 2C). 

      The second data set is presented in Video S6B; I am similarly unable to see any wave propagation in this video. I observe only a consistent decrease in fluorescence intensity throughout the experiment that is spatially uniform (except for the bright, dynamic cells near the top; these presumably represent cells that are floating in the microfluidic and have newly arrived to the imaging region).

      A visual inspection of Video S6B shows a fast rise, a decrease in fluorescence and a second rise (supplementary figure 4B). The data for the fluorescence was carefully obtained using the imaris software. We created a curved geometry on each slice of the confocal stack. We analyzed the surfaces of this curved plane along the z-axis. This was carried out in imaris.

      3D imaging data can be difficult to interpret by eye, so it would perhaps be more helpful to demonstrate these propagating wavefronts by analysis; however, such analysis is not presented in a clear way. The legend in Figure 2B mentions a "wavefront trace", but there is no position information included - this trace instead seems to represent the average intensity trace of all cells. To demonstrate the propagation of a wavefront, this analysis should be shown for different subpopulations of cells at different positions from the center of the biofilm. Data is shown in Figure 8 that reflects the velocity of the wavefront as a function of biofilm position; however, because the wavefronts themselves are not evident in the data, it is difficult to interpret this analysis. The methods section additionally does not contain sufficient information about what these velocities represent and how they are calculated. Because of this, it is difficult for me to evaluate the section of the paper pertaining to wave propagation and the predicted biofilm critical size.

      The analysis is considered in more detail in a more expansive modelling article, currently under peer review in a physics journal, ‘Electrical signalling in three dimensional bacterial biofilms using an agent based fire-diffuse-fire model’, V.Martorelli, et al, 2024 https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.11.17.567515v1

      There are some instances in the paper where claims are made that do not have data shown or are not evident in the cited data:

      1. In the first results section, "When CCCP was added, we observed a fast efflux of ions in all cells"- the data figure pertaining to this experiment is in Fig. S1E, which does not show any ion efflux. The methods section does not mention how ion efflux was measured during CCCP treatment.

      We have worded this differently to properly convey our results.

      2. In the discussion of voltage-gated calcium channels, the authors refer to "spiking events", but these are not obvious in Figure S3E. Although the fluorescence intensity changes over time, it's hard to distinguish these fluctuations from measurement noise; a no-light control could help clarify this.

      The calcium transients observed were not due to noise or artefacts.

      3. The authors state that the membrane potential dynamics simulated in Figure 7B are similar to those observed in 3D biofilms in Fig. S4B; however, the second peak is not clearly evident in Fig. S4B and it looks very different for the mature biofilm data reported in Fig. 2. I have some additional confusion about this data specifically: in the intensity trace shown in Fig. S4B, the intensity in the second frame is much higher than the first; this is not evident in Video S6B, in which the highest intensity is in the first frame at time 0. Similarly, the graph indicates that the intensity at 60 minutes is higher than the intensity at 4 minutes, but this is not the case in Fig. S4A or Video S6B.

      The confusion stated here has now been addressed. Also it should be noted that while Fig 2.1 was obtained with LED light source, Fig S4A was obtained using a laser light source. While obtaining the confocal images (for Fig S4A ), the light intensity was controlled to further minimize photobleaching. Most importantly, there is an evidence of slow rise to the 2nd peak in Fig S4B. The first peak, quiescence and slow rise to second peak are evident.

    2. Author Response

      We would like to sincerely thank the referees and the editor for their time in considering our manuscript. The electrophysiology of bacteria is a fast-moving complex field and is proving contentious in places. We believe the peer review process of eLife provides an ideal mechanism to address the issues raised on our manuscript in an open and transparent manner. Hopefully we will encourage some more consensus in the field and help understand some of the inconsistencies in the current literature that are hampering progress.

      The editors stress the main issue raised was a single referee questioning the use of ThT as an indicator of membrane potential. We are well aware of the articles by the Pilizota group and we believe them to be scientifically flawed. The authors assume there are no voltage-gated ion channels in E. coli and then attempt to explain motility data based on a simple Nernstian battery model (they assume E. coli are unexcitable matter). This in turn leads them to conclude the membrane dye ThT is faulty, when in fact it is a problem with their simple battery model.

      In terms of the previous microbiology literature, the assumption of no voltage-gated ion channels in E. coli suggested by referee 2 is a highly contentious niche ideology. The majority of gene databases for E. coli have a number of ion-channels annotated as voltage sensitive due to comparative genetics studies e.g. try the https://bacteria.ensembl.org/ database (the search terms ‘voltage-gated coli’ give 2521 hits for genes, similarly you could check www.uniprot.org or www.biocyc.org) and M.M.Kuo, Y.Saimi, C.Kung, ‘Gain of function mutation indicate that E. coli Kch form a functional K+ conduit in vivo’, EMBO Journal, 2003, 22, 16, 4049. Furthermore, recent microbiology reviews all agree that E. coli has a number of voltage-gated ion channels S.D.Beagle, S.W.Lockless, ‘Unappreciated roles for K+ channels in bacterial physiology’, Trends in microbiology, 2021, 29, 10, 942-950. More emphatic experimental data is seen in spiking potentials that have been observed by many groups for E. coli, both directly using microelectrodes and indirectly using genetically expressed fluorophores, ‘Electrical spiking in bacterial biofilms’ E.Masi et al, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2015, 12, 102, ‘Electrical spiking in E. coli probed with a fluorescent voltage-indicating protein’, J.M.Kralj, et al, Science, 2011, 333, 6040, 345 and ‘Sensitive bacterial Vm sensors revealed the excitability of bacterial Vm and its role in antibiotic tolerance’, X.Jin et al, PNAS, 2023, 120, 3, e2208348120. The only mechanism currently known to cause spiking potentials in cells is due to positive feedback from voltage-gated ion channels (you need a mechanism to induce the oscillations). Indeed, people are starting to investigate the specific voltage-gated ion channels in E. coli and a role is emerging for calcium in addition to potassium e.g. ‘Genome-wide functional screen for calcium transients in E. coli identifies increased membrane potential adaptation to persistent DNA damage’, R.Luder, et al, J.Bacteriology, 2021, 203, 3, e00509.

      In terms of recent data from our own group, electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) experiments from E. coli indicate there are large conductivity changes associated with the Kch ion channels (https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c04446, 'Electrical impedance spectroscopy with bacterial biofilms: neuronal-like behavior', E.Akabuogu et al, ACS Nanoletters, 2024, in print). EIS experiments probe the electrical phenomena of bacterial biofilms directly and do not depend on fluorophores i.e. they can’t be affected by ThT.

      Attempts to disprove the use of ThT to measure hyperpolarisation phenomena in E. coli using fluorescence microscopy also seem doomed to failure based on comparative control experiments. A wide range of other cationic fluorophores show similar behaviour to ThT e.g. the potassium sensitive dye used in our eLife article. Thus the behaviour of ThT appears to be generic for a range of cationic dyes and it implies a simple physical mechanism i.e. the positively charged dyes enter cells at low potentials. The elaborate photobleaching mechanism postulated by referee 2 seems most unlikely and is unable to explain our data (see below). ThT is photostable and chemically well-defined and it is therefore used almost universally in fluorescence assays for amyloids.

      A challenge with trying to use flagellar motility to measure intracellular potentials in live bacteria, as per referee 2’s many publications, is that a clutch is known to occur with E. coli e.g. ‘Flagellar brake protein YcgR interacts with motor proteins MotA and FliG to regulate the flagellar rotation speed and direction’, Q.Han et al, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2023, 14. Thus bacteria with high membrane potentials can have low motility when their clutch is engaged. This makes sense, since otherwise bacterial motility would be enslaved to their membrane potentials, greatly restricting their ability to react to their environmental conditions. Without quantifying the dynamics of the clutch (e.g. the gene circuit) it seems challenging to deduce how the motor reacts to Nernstian potentials in vivo. As a result we are not convinced by any of the Pilizota group articles. The quantitative connection between motility and membrane potential is too tenuous.

      In conclusion, the articles questioning the use of ThT are scientifically flawed and based on a niche ideology that E. coli do not contain voltage-gated ion channels. The current work disproves the simple Nernstian battery (SNB) model expounded by Pilizota et al, unpersuasively represented in multiple publications by this one group in the literature (see below for critical synopses) and demonstrates the SNB models needs to be replaced by a model that includes excitability (demonstrating hyperpolarization of the membrane potential).

      In the language of physics, a non-linear oscillator model is needed to explain spiking potentials in bacteria and the simple battery models presented by Pilizota et al do not have the required non-linearities to oscillate (‘Nonlinear dynamics and chaos’, Steve Strogatz, Westview Press, 2014). Such non-linear models are the foundation for describing eukaryotic electrophysiology, e.g. Hodgkin and Huxley’s Nobel prize winning research (1963), but also the vast majority of modern extensions (‘Mathematical physiology’, J.Keener, J.Sneyd, Springer, 2009, ‘Cellular biophysics and modelling: a primer on the computational biology of excitable cells’, G.C.Smith, 2019, CUP, ‘Dynamical systems in neuroscience: the geometry of excitability and bursting’, E.M.Izhikevich, 2006, MIT and ‘Neuronal dynamics: from single neurons to networks and models of cognition’, W.Gerstner et al, 2014, CUP). The Pilizota group is using modelling tools from the 1930s that quickly were shown to be inadequate to describe eukaryotic cellular electrophysiology and the same is true for bacterial electrophysiology (see the ground breaking work of A.Prindle et al, ‘Ion channels enable electrical communication in bacterial communities’, Nature, 2015, 527, 7576, 59 for the use of Hodgkin-Huxley models with bacterial biofilms). Below we describe a critical synopsis of the articles cited by referee 2 and we then directly answer the specific points all the referees raise.

      Critical synopsis of the articles cited by referee 2:

      (1) ‘Generalized workflow for characterization of Nernstian dyes and their effects on bacterial physiology’, L.Mancini et al, Biophysical Journal, 2020, 118, 1, 4-14.

      This is the central article used by referee 2 to argue that there are issues with the calibration of ThT for the measurement of membrane potentials. The authors use a simple Nernstian battery (SNB) model and unfortunately it is wrong when voltage-gated ion channels occur. Huge oscillations occur in the membrane potentials of E. coli that cannot be described by the SNB model. Instead a Hodgkin Huxley model is needed, as shown in our eLife manuscript and multiple other studies (see above). Arrhenius kinetics are assumed in the SNB model for pumping with no real evidence and the generalized workflow involves ripping the flagella off the bacteria! The authors construct an elaborate ‘work flow’ to insure their ThT results can be interpreted using their erroneous SNB model over a limited range of parameters.

      (2) ‘Non-equivalence of membrane voltage and ion-gradient as driving forces for the bacterial flagellar motor at low load’, C.J.Lo, et al, Biophysical Journal, 2007, 93, 1, 294.

      An odd de novo chimeric species is developed using an E. coli chassis which uses Na+ instead of H+ for the motility of its flagellar motor. It is not clear the relevance to wild type E. coli, due to the massive physiological perturbations involved. A SNB model is using to fit the data over a very limited parameter range with all the concomitant errors.

      (3) Single-cell bacterial electrophysiology reveals mechanisms of stress-induced damage’, E.Krasnopeeva, et al, Biophysical Journal, 2019, 116, 2390.

      The abstract says ‘PMF defines the physiological state of the cell’. This statement is hyperbolic. An extremely wide range of molecules contribute to the physiological state of a cell. PMF does not even define the electrophysiology of the cell e.g. via the membrane potential. There are 0.2 M of K+ compared with 0.0000001 M of H+ in E. coli, so K+ is arguably a million times more important for the membrane potential than H+ and thus the electrophysiology!

      Equation (1) in the manuscript assumes no other ions are exchanged during the experiments other than H+. This is a very bad approximation when voltage-gated potassium ion channels move the majority ion (K+) around!

      In our model Figure 4A is better explained by depolarisation due to K+ channels closing than direct irreversible photodamage. Why does the THT fluorescence increase again for the second hyperpolarization event if the THT is supposed to be damaged? It does not make sense.

      (4) ‘The proton motive force determines E. coli robustness to extracellular pH’, G.Terradot et al, 2024, preprint.

      This article expounds the SNB model once more. It still ignores the voltage-gated ion channels. Furthermore, it ignores the effect of the dominant ion in E. coli, K+. The manuscript is incorrect as a result and I would not recommend publication. In general, an important problem is being researched i.e. how the membrane potential of E. coli is related to motility, but there are serious flaws in the SNB approach and the experimental methodology appears tenuous.

      Answers to specific questions raised by the referees

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary: Cell-to-cell communication is essential for higher functions in bacterial biofilms. Electrical signals have proven effective in transmitting signals across biofilms. These signals are then used to coordinate cellular metabolisms or to increase antibiotic tolerance. Here, the authors have reported for the first time coordinated oscillation of membrane potential in E. coli biofilms that may have a functional role in photoprotection.


      • The authors report original data.

      • For the first time, they showed that coordinated oscillations in membrane potential occur in E. Coli biofilms.

      • The authors revealed a complex two-phase dynamic involving distinct molecular response mechanisms.

      • The authors developed two rigorous models inspired by 1) Hodgkin-Huxley model for the temporal dynamics of membrane potential and 2) Fire-Diffuse-Fire model for the propagation of the electric signal.

      • Since its discovery by comparative genomics, the Kch ion channel has not been associated with any specific phenotype in E. coli. Here, the authors proposed a functional role for the putative K+ Kch channel : enhancing survival under photo-toxic conditions.

      We thank the referee for their positive evaluations and agree with these statements.


      • Since the flow of fresh medium is stopped at the beginning of the acquisition, environmental parameters such as pH and RedOx potential are likely to vary significantly during the experiment. It is therefore important to exclude the contributions of these variations to ensure that the electrical response is only induced by light stimulation. Unfortunately, no control experiments were carried out to address this issue.

      The electrical responses occur almost instantaneously when the stimulation with blue light begins i.e. it is too fast to be a build of pH. We are not sure what the referee means by Redox potential since it is an attribute of all chemicals that are able to donate/receive electrons. The electrical response to stress appears to be caused by ROS, since when ROS scavengers are added the electrical response is removed i.e. pH plays a very small minority role if any.

      • Furthermore, the control parameter of the experiment (light stimulation) is the same as that used to measure the electrical response, i.e. through fluorescence excitation. The use of the PROPS system could solve this problem.

      We were enthusiastic at the start of the project to use the PROPs system in E. coli as presented by J.M.Krajl et al, ‘Electrical spiking in E. coli probed with a fluorescent voltage-indicating protein’, Science, 2011, 333, 6040, 345. However, the people we contacted in the microbiology community said that it had some technical issues and there have been no subsequent studies using PROPs in bacteria after the initial promising study. The fluorescent protein system recently presented in PNAS seems more promising, ‘Sensitive bacterial Vm sensors revealed the excitability of bacterial Vm and its role in antibiotic tolerance’, X.Jin et al, PNAS, 120, 3, e2208348120.

      Electrical signal propagation is an important aspect of the manuscript. However, a detailed >quantitative analysis of the spatial dynamics within the biofilm is lacking. In addition, it is unclear if the electrical signal propagates within the biofilm during the second peak regime, which is mediated by the Kch channel. This is an important question, given that the fire-diffuse-fire model is presented with emphasis on the role of K+ ions.

      We have presented a more detailed account of the electrical wavefront modelling work and it is currently under review in a physical journal, ‘Electrical signalling in three dimensional bacterial biofilms using an agent based fire-diffuse-fire model’, V.Martorelli, et al, 2024 https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.11.17.567515v1

      • Since deletion of the kch gene inhibits the long-term electrical response to light stimulation (regime II), the authors concluded that K+ ions play a role in the habituation response. However, Kch is a putative K+ ion channel. The use of specific drugs could help to clarify the role of K+ ions.

      Our recent electrical impedance spectroscopy publication provides further evidence that Kch is associated with large changes in conductivity as expected for a voltage-gated ion channel (https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c04446, 'Electrical impedance spectroscopy with bacterial biofilms: neuronal-like behavior', E.Akabuogu et al, ACS Nanoletters, 2024, in print.

      • The manuscript as such does not allow us to properly conclude on the photo-protective role of the Kch ion channel.

      That Kch has a photoprotective role is our current working hypothesis. The hypothesis fits with the data, but we are not saying we have proven it beyond all possible doubt.

      • The link between membrane potential dynamics and mechanosensitivity is not captured in the equation for the Q-channel opening dynamics in the Hodgkin-Huxley model (Supp Eq 2).

      Our model is agnostic with respect to the mechanosensitivity of the ion channels, although we deduce that mechanosensitive ion channels contribute to ion channel Q.

      • Given the large number of parameters used in the models, it is hard to distinguish between prediction and fitting.

      This is always an issue with electrophysiological modelling (compared with most heart and brain modelling studies we are very conservative in the choice of parameters for the bacteria). In terms of predicting the different phenomena observed, we believe the model is very successful.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary of what the authors were trying to achieve:

      The authors thought they studied membrane potential dynamics in E.coli biofilms. They thought so because they were unaware that the dye they used to report that membrane potential in E.coli, has been previously shown not to report it. Because of this, the interpretation of the authors' results is not accurate.

      We believe the Pilizota work is scientifically flawed.

      Major strengths and weaknesses of the methods and results:

      The strength of this work is that all the data is presented clearly, and accurately, as far as I can tell.

      The major critical weakness of this paper is the use of ThT dye as a membrane potential dye in E.coli. The work is unaware of a publication from 2020 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349519308793 [sciencedirect.com] that demonstrates that ThT is not a membrane potential dye in E. coli. Therefore I think the results of this paper are misinterpreted. The same publication I reference above presents a protocol on how to carefully calibrate any candidate membrane potential dye in any given condition.

      We are aware of this study, but believe it to be scientifically flawed. We do not cite the article because we do not think it is a particularly useful contribution to the literature.

      I now go over each results section in the manuscript.

      Result section 1: Blue light triggers electrical spiking in single E. coli cells

      I do not think the title of the result section is correct for the following reasons. The above-referenced work demonstrates the loading profile one should expect from a Nernstian dye (Figure 1). It also demonstrates that ThT does not show that profile and explains why is this so. ThT only permeates the membrane under light exposure (Figure 5). This finding is consistent with blue light peroxidising the membrane (see also following work Figure 4 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349519303923 [sciencedirect.com] on light-induced damage to the electrochemical gradient of protons-I am sure there are more references for this).

      The Pilizota group invokes some elaborate artefacts to explain the lack of agreement with a simple Nernstian battery model. The model is incorrect not the fluorophore.

      Please note that the loading profile (only observed under light) in the current manuscript in Figure 1B as well as in the video S1 is identical to that in Figure 3 from the above-referenced paper (i.e. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349519308793 [sciencedirect.com]), and corresponding videos S3 and S4. This kind of profile is exactly what one would expect theoretically if the light is simultaneously lowering the membrane potential as the ThT is equilibrating, see Figure S12 of that previous work. There, it is also demonstrated by the means of monitoring the speed of bacterial flagellar motor that the electrochemical gradient of protons is being lowered by the light. The authors state that applying the blue light for different time periods and over different time scales did not change the peak profile. This is expected if the light is lowering the electrochemical gradient of protons. But, in Figure S1, it is clear that it affected the timing of the peak, which is again expected, because the light affects the timing of the decay, and thus of the decay profile of the electrochemical gradient of protons (Figure 4 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349519303923 [sciencedirect.com]).

      We think the proton effect is a million times weaker than that due to potasium i.e. 0.2 M K+ versus 10-7 M H+. We can comfortably neglect the influx of H+ in our experiments.

      If find Figure S1D interesting. There authors load TMRM, which is a membrane voltage dye that has been used extensively (as far as I am aware this is the first reference for that and it has not been cited https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1914430 [ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]/). As visible from the last TMRM reference I give, TMRM will only load the cells in Potassium Phosphate buffer with NaCl (and often we used EDTA to permeabilise the membrane). It is not fully clear (to me) whether here TMRM was prepared in rich media (it explicitly says so for ThT in Methods but not for TMRM), but it seems so. If this is the case, it likely also loads because of the damage to the membrane done with light, and therefore I am not surprised that the profiles are similar.

      The vast majority of cells continue to be viable. We do not think membrane damage is dominating.

      The authors then use CCCP. First, a small correction, as the authors state that it quenches membrane potential. CCCP is a protonophore (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/4962086 [pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]/), so it collapses electrochemical gradient of protons. This means that it is possible, and this will depend on the type of pumps present in the cell, that CCCP collapses electrochemical gradient of protons, but the membrane potential is equal and opposite in sign to the DeltapH. So using CCCP does not automatically mean membrane potential will collapse (e.g. in some mammalian cells it does not need to be the case, but in E.coli it is https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.11.19.469321v2 [biorxiv.org]). CCCP has also been recently found to be a substrate for TolC (https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/mbio.00676-21 [journals.asm.org]), but at the concentrations the authors are using CCCP (100uM) that should not affect the results. However, the authors then state because they observed, in Figure S1E, a fast efflux of ions in all cells and no spiking dynamics this confirms that observed dynamics are membrane potential related. I do not agree that it does. First, Figure S1E, does not appear to show transients, instead, it is visible that after 50min treatment with 100uM CCCP, ThT dye shows no dynamics. The action of a Nernstian dye is defined. It is not sufficient that a charged molecule is affected in some way by electrical potential, this needs to be in a very specific way to be a Nernstian dye. Part of the profile of ThT loading observed in https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349519308793 [sciencedirect.com] is membrane potential related, but not in a way that is characteristic of Nernstian dye.

      Our understanding of the literature is CCCP poisons the whole metabolism of the bacterial cells. The ATP driven K+ channels will stop functioning and this is the dominant contributor to membrane potential.

      Result section 2: Membrane potential dynamics depend on the intercellular distance

      In this chapter, the authors report that the time to reach the first intensity peak during ThT loading is different when cells are in microclusters. They interpret this as electrical signalling in clusters because the peak is reached faster in microclusters (as opposed to slower because intuitively in these clusters cells could be shielded from light). However, shielding is one possibility. The other is that the membrane has changed in composition and/or the effective light power the cells can tolerate (with mechanisms to handle light-induced damage, some of which authors mention later in the paper) is lower. Given that these cells were left in a microfluidic chamber for 2h hours to attach in growth media according to Methods, there is sufficient time for that to happen. In Figure S12 C and D of that same paper from my group (https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0006349519308793-mmc6.pdf [ars.els-cdn.com]) one can see the effects of peak intensity and timing of the peak on the permeability of the membrane. Therefore I do not think the distance is the explanation for what authors observe.

      Shielding would provide the reverse effect, since hyperpolarization begins in the dense centres of the biofilms. For the initial 2 hours the cells receive negligible blue light. Neither of the referee’s comments thus seem tenable.

      Result section 3: Emergence of synchronized global wavefronts in E. coli biofilms

      In this section, the authors exposed a mature biofilm to blue light. They observe that the intensity peak is reached faster in the cells in the middle. They interpret this as the ion-channel-mediated wavefronts moved from the center of the biofilm. As above, cells in the middle can have different membrane permeability to those at the periphery, and probably even more importantly, there is no light profile shown anywhere in SI/Methods. I could be wrong, but the SI3 A profile is consistent with a potential Gaussian beam profile visible in the field of view. In Methods, I find the light source for the blue light and the type of microscope but no comments on how 'flat' the illumination is across their field of view. This is critical to assess what they are observing in this result section. I do find it interesting that the ThT intensity collapsed from the edges of the biofilms. In the publication I mentioned https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349519308793#app2 [sciencedirect.com], the collapse of fluorescence was not understood (other than it is not membrane potential related). It was observed in Figure 5A, C, and F, that at the point of peak, electrochemical gradient of protons is already collapsed, and that at the point of peak cell expands and cytoplasmic content leaks out. This means that this part of the ThT curve is not membrane potential related. The authors see that after the first peak collapsed there is a period of time where ThT does not stain the cells and then it starts again. If after the first peak the cellular content leaks, as we have observed, then staining that occurs much later could be simply staining of cytoplasmic positively charged content, and the timing of that depends on the dynamics of cytoplasmic content leakage (we observed this to be happening over 2h in individual cells). ThT is also a non-specific amyloid dye, and in starving E. coli cells formation of protein clusters has been observed (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30472191 [pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]/), so such cytoplasmic staining seems possible.

      It is very easy to see if the illumination is flat (Köhler illumination) by comparing the intensity of background pixels on the detector. It was flat in our case. Protons have little to do with our work for reasons highlighted before. Differential membrane permittivity is a speculative phenomenon not well supported by any evidence and with no clear molecular mechanism.

      Finally, I note that authors observe biofilms of different shapes and sizes and state that they observe similar intensity profiles, which could mean that my comment on 'flatness' of the field of view above is not a concern. However, the scale bar in Figure 2A is not legible, so I can't compare it to the variation of sizes of the biofilms in Figure 2C (67 to 280um). Based on this, I think that the illumination profile is still a concern.

      The referee now contradicts themselves and wants a scale bar to be more visible. We have changed the scale bar.

      Result section 4: Voltage-gated Kch potassium channels mediate ion-channel electrical oscillations in E. coli

      First I note at this point, given that I disagree that the data presented thus 'suggest that E. coli biofilms use electrical signaling to coordinate long-range responses to light stress' as the authors state, it gets harder to comment on the rest of the results.

      In this result section the authors look at the effect of Kch, a putative voltage-gated potassium channel, on ThT profile in E. coli cells. And they see a difference. It is worth noting that in the publication https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349519308793 [sciencedirect.com] it is found that ThT is also likely a substrate for TolC (Figure 4), but that scenario could not be distinguished from the one where TolC mutant has a different membrane permeability (and there is a publication that suggests the latter is happening https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2958.2010.07245.x [onlinelibrary.wiley.com]). Given this, it is also possible that Kch deletion affects the membrane permeability. I do note that in video S4 I seem to see more of, what appear to be, plasmolysed cells. The authors do not see the ThT intensity with this mutant that appears long after the initial peak has disappeared, as they see in WT. It is not clear how long they waited for this, as from Figure S3C it could simply be that the dynamics of this is a lot slower, e.g. Kch deletion changes membrane permeability.

      The work that TolC provides a possible passive pathway for ThT to leave cells seems slightly niche. It just demonstrates another mechanism for the cells to equilibriate the concentrations of ThT in a Nernstian manner i.e. driven by the membrane voltage.

      The authors themselves state that the evidence for Kch being a voltage-gated channel is indirect (line 54). I do not think there is a need to claim function from a ThT profile of E. coli mutants (nor do I believe it's good practice), given how accurate single-channel recordings are currently. To know the exact dependency on the membrane potential, ion channel recordings on this protein are needed first.

      We have good evidence form electrical impedance spectroscopy experiments that Kch increases the conductivity of biofilms (https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c04446, 'Electrical impedance spectroscopy with bacterial biofilms: neuronal-like behavior', E.Akabuogu et al, ACS Nanoletters, 2024, in print.

      Result section 5: Blue light influences ion-channel mediated membrane potential events in E. coli

      In this chapter the authors vary the light intensity and stain the cells with PI (this dye gets into the cells when the membrane becomes very permeable), and the extracellular environment with K+ dye (I have not yet worked carefully with this dye). They find that different amounts of light influence ThT dynamics. This is in line with previous literature (both papers I have been mentioning: Figure 4 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349519303923 [sciencedirect.com] and https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0006349519308793-mmc6.pdf [ars.els-cdn.com] especially SI12), but does not add anything new. I think the results presented here can be explained with previously published theory and do not indicate that the ion-channel mediated membrane potential dynamics is a light stress relief process.

      The simple Nernstian battery model proposed by Pilizota et al is erroneous in our opinion for reasons outlined above. We believe it will prove to be a dead end for bacterial electrophysiology studies.

      Result section 6: Development of a Hodgkin-Huxley model for the observed membrane potential dynamics

      This results section starts with the authors stating: 'our data provide evidence that E. coli manages light stress through well-controlled modulation of its membrane potential dynamics'. As stated above, I think they are instead observing the process of ThT loading while the light is damaging the membrane and thus simultaneously collapsing the electrochemical gradient of protons. As stated above, this has been modelled before. And then, they observe a ThT staining that is independent from membrane potential.

      This is an erroneous niche opinion. Protons have little say in the membrane potential since there are so few of them. The membrane potential is mostly determined by K+.

      I will briefly comment on the Hodgkin Huxley (HH) based model. First, I think there is no evidence for two channels with different activation profiles as authors propose. But also, the HH model has been developed for neurons. There, the leakage and the pumping fluxes are both described by a constant representing conductivity, times the difference between the membrane potential and Nernst potential for the given ion. The conductivity in the model is given as gKn^4 for potassium, gNam^3*h sodium, and gL for leakage, where gK, gNa and gL were measured experimentally for neurons. And, n, m, and h are variables that describe the experimentally observed voltage-gated mechanism of neuronal sodium and potassium channels. (Please see Hodgkin AL, Huxley AF. 1952. Currents carried by sodium and potassium ions through the membrane of the giant axon of Loligo. J. Physiol. 116:449-72 and Hodgkin AL, Huxley AF. 1952. A quantitative description of membrane current and its application to conduction and excitation in nerve. J. Physiol. 117:500-44).

      In the 70 years since Hodgkin and Huxley first presented their model, a huge number of similar models have been proposed to describe cellular electrophysiology. We are not being hyperbolic when we state that the HH models for excitable cells are like the Schrödinger equation for molecules. We carefully adapted our HH model to reflect the currently understood electrophysiology of E. coli.

      Thus, in applying the model to describe bacterial electrophysiology one should ensure near equilibrium requirement holds (so that (V-VQ) etc terms in authors' equation Figure 5 B hold), and potassium and other channels in a given bacterium have similar gating properties to those found in neurons. I am not aware of such measurements in any bacteria, and therefore think the pump leak model of the electrophysiology of bacteria needs to start with fluxes that are more general (for example Keener JP, Sneyd J. 2009. Mathematical physiology: I: Cellular physiology. New York: Springer or https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0000144 [journals.plos.org])

      The reference is to a slightly more modern version of a simple Nernstian battery model. The model will not oscillate and thus will not help modelling membrane potentials in bacteria. We are unsure where the equilibrium requirement comes from (inadequate modelling of the dynamics?)

      Result section 7: Mechanosensitive ion channels (MS) are vital for the first hyperpolarization event in E. coli.

      The results that Mcs channels affect the profile of ThT dye are interesting. It is again possible that the membrane permeability of these mutants has changed and therefore the dynamics have changed, so this needs to be checked first. I also note that our results show that the peak of ThT coincides with cell expansion. For this to be understood a model is needed that also takes into account the link between maintenance of electrochemical gradients of ions in the cell and osmotic pressure.

      The evidence for permeability changes in the membranes seems to be tenuous.

      A side note is that the authors state that the Msc responds to stress-related voltage changes. I think this is an overstatement. Mscs respond to predominantly membrane tension and are mostly nonspecific (see how their action recovers cellular volume in this publication https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1522185113 [pnas.org]). Authors cite references 35-39 to support this statement. These publications still state that these channels are predominantly membrane tension-gated. Some of the references state that the presence of external ions is important for tension-related gating but sometimes they gate spontaneously in the presence of certain ions. Other publications cited don't really look at gating with respect to ions (39 is on clustering). This is why I think the statement is somewhat misleading.

      We have reworded the discussion of Mscs since the literature appears to be ambiguous. We will try to run some electrical impedance spectroscopy experiments on the Msc mutants in the future to attempt to remove the ambiguity.

      Result section 8: Anomalous ion-channel-mediated wavefronts propagate light stress signals in 3D E. coli biofilms.

      I am not commenting on this result section, as it would only be applicable if ThT was membrane potential dye in E. coli.

      Ok, but we disagree on the use of ThT.

      Aims achieved/results support their conclusions:

      The authors clearly present their data. I am convinced that they have accurately presented everything they observed. However, I think their interpretation of the data and conclusions is inaccurate in line with the discussion I provided above.

      Likely impact of the work on the field, and the utility of the methods and data to the community:

      I do not think this publication should be published in its current format. It should be revised in light of the previous literature as discussed in detail above. I believe presenting it in it's current form on eLife pages would create unnecessary confusion.

      We believe many of the Pilizota group articles are scientifically flawed and are causing the confusion in the literature.

      Any other comments:

      I note, that while this work studies E. coli, it references papers in other bacteria using ThT. For example, in lines 35-36 authors state that bacteria (Bacillus subtilis in this case) in biofilms have been recently found to modulate membrane potential citing the relevant literature from 2015. It is worth noting that the most recent paper https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/mbio.02220-23 [journals.asm.org] found that ThT binds to one or more proteins in the spore coat, suggesting that it does not act as a membrane potential in Bacillus spores. It is possible that it still reports membrane potential in Bacillus cells and the recent results are strictly spore-specific, but these should be kept in mind when using ThT with Bacillus.

      ThT was used successfully in previous studies of normal B. subtilis cells (by our own group and A.Prindle, ‘Spatial propagation of electrical signal in circular biofilms’, J.A.Blee et al, Physical Review E, 2019, 100, 052401, J.A.Blee et al, ‘Membrane potentials, oxidative stress and the dispersal response of bacterial biofilms to 405 nm light’, Physical Biology, 2020, 17, 2, 036001, A.Prindle et al, ‘Ion channels enable electrical communication in bacterial communities’, Nature, 2015, 527, 59-63). The connection to low metabolism pore research seems speculative.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      It has recently been demonstrated that bacteria in biofilms show changes in membrane potential in response to changes in their environment, and that these can propagate signals through the biofilm to coordinate bacterial behavior. Akabuogu et al. contribute to this exciting research area with a study of blue light-induced membrane potential dynamics in E. coli biofilms. They demonstrate that Thioflavin-T (ThT) intensity (a proxy for membrane potential) displays multiphasic dynamics in response to blue light treatment. They additionally use genetic manipulations to implicate the potassium channel Kch in the latter part of these dynamics. Mechanosensitive ion channels may also be involved, although these channels seem to have blue light-independent effects on membrane potential as well. In addition, there are challenges to the quantitative interpretation of ThT microscopy data which require consideration. The authors then explore whether these dynamics are involved in signaling at the community level. The authors suggest that cell firing is both more coordinated when cells are clustered and happens in waves in larger, 3D biofilms; however, in both cases evidence for these claims is incomplete. The authors present two simulations to describe the ThT data. The first of these simulations, a Hodgkin-Huxley model, indicates that the data are consistent with the activity of two ion channels with different kinetics; the Kch channel mutant, which ablates a specific portion of the response curve, is consistent with this. The second model is a fire-diffuse-fire model to describe wavefront propagation of membrane potential changes in a 3D biofilm; because the wavefront data are not presented clearly, the results of this model are difficult to interpret. Finally, the authors discuss whether these membrane potential changes could be involved in generating a protective response to blue light exposure; increased death in a Kch ion channel mutant upon blue light exposure suggests that this may be the case, but a no-light control is needed to clarify this.

      In a few instances, the paper is missing key control experiments that are important to the interpretation of the data. This makes it difficult to judge the meaning of some of the presented experiments.

      (1) An additional control for the effects of autofluorescence is very important. The authors conduct an experiment where they treat cells with CCCP and see that Thioflavin-T (ThT) dynamics do not change over the course of the experiment. They suggest that this demonstrates that autofluorescence does not impact their measurements. However, cellular autofluorescence depends on the physiological state of the cell, which is impacted by CCCP treatment. A much simpler and more direct experiment would be to repeat the measurement in the absence of ThT or any other stain. This experiment should be performed both in the wild-type strain and in the ∆kch mutant.

      ThT is a very bright fluorophore (much brighter than a GFP). It is clear from the images of non-stained samples that autofluorescence provides a negligible contribution to the fluorescence intensity in an image.

      (2) The effects of photobleaching should be considered. Of course, the intensity varies a lot over the course of the experiment in a way that photobleaching alone cannot explain. However, photobleaching can still contribute to the kinetics observed. Photobleaching can be assessed by changing the intensity, duration, or frequency of exposure to excitation light during the experiment. Considerations about photobleaching become particularly important when considering the effect of catalase on ThT intensity. The authors find that the decrease in ThT signal after the initial "spike" is attenuated by the addition of catalase; this is what would be predicted by catalase protecting ThT from photobleaching (indeed, catalase can be used to reduce photobleaching in time lapse imaging).

      Photobleaching was negligible over the course of the experiments. We employed techniques such as reducing sample exposure time and using the appropriate light intensity to minimize photobleaching.

      (3) It would be helpful to have a baseline of membrane potential fluctuations in the absence of the proposed stimulus (in this case, blue light). Including traces of membrane potential recorded without light present would help support the claim that these changes in membrane potential represent a blue light-specific stress response, as the authors suggest. Of course, ThT is blue, so if the excitation light for ThT is problematic for this experiment the alternative dye tetramethylrhodamine methyl ester perchlorate (TMRM) can be used instead.

      Unfortunately the fluorescent baseline is too weak to measure cleanly in this experiment. It appears the collective response of all the bacteria hyperpolarization at the same time appears to dominate the signal (measurements in the eLife article and new potentiometry measurements).

      (4) The effects of ThT in combination with blue light should be more carefully considered. In mitochondria, a combination of high concentrations of blue light and ThT leads to disruption of the PMF (Skates et al. 2021 BioRXiv), and similarly, ThT treatment enhances the photodynamic effects of blue light in E. coli (Bondia et al. 2021 Chemical Communications). If present in this experiment, this effect could confound the interpretation of the PMF dynamics reported in the paper.

      We think the PMF plays a minority role in determining the membrane potential in E. coli. For reasons outlined before (H+ is a minority ion in E. coli compared with K+).

      (5) Figures 4D - E indicate that a ∆kch mutant has increased propidium iodide (PI) staining in the presence of blue light; this is interpreted to mean that Kch-mediated membrane potential dynamics help protect cells from blue light. However, Live/Dead staining results in these strains in the absence of blue light are not reported. This means that the possibility that the ∆kch mutant has a general decrease in survival (independent of any effects of blue light) cannot be ruled out.

      Both strains of bacterial has similar growth curve and also engaged in membrane potential dynamics for the duration of the experiment. We were interested in bacterial cells that observed membrane potential dynamics in the presence of the stress. Bacterial cells need to be alive to engage in membrane potential dynamics (hyperpolarize) under stress conditions. Cells that engaged in membrane potential dynamics and later stained red were only counted after the entire duration. We believe that the wildtype handles the light stress better than the ∆kch mutant as measured with the PI.

      (6) Additionally in Figures 4D - E, the interpretation of this experiment can be confounded by the fact that PI uptake can sometimes be seen in bacterial cells with high membrane potential (Kirchhoff & Cypionka 2017 J Microbial Methods); the interpretation is that high membrane potential can lead to increased PI permeability. Because the membrane potential is largely higher throughout blue light treatment in the ∆kch mutant (Fig. 3AB), this complicates the interpretation of this experiment.

      Kirchhoff & Cypionka 2017 J Microbial Methods, using fluorescence microscopy, suggested that changes in membrane potential dynamics can introduce experimental bias when propidium iodide is used to confirm the viability of tge bacterial strains, B subtilis (DSM-10) and Dinoroseobacter shibae, that are starved of oxygen (via N2 gassing) for 2 hours. They attempted to support their findings by using CCCP in stopping the membrane potential dynamics (but never showed any pictoral or plotted data for this confirmatory experiment). In our experiment methodology, cell death was not forced on the cells by introducing an extra burden or via anoxia. We believe that the accumulation of PI in ∆kch mutant is not due to high membrane potential dynamics but is attributed to the PI, unbiasedly showing damaged/dead cells. We think that propidium iodide is good for this experiment. Propidium iodide is a dye that is extensively used in life sciences. PI has also been used in the study of bacterial electrophysiology (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32343961/, ) and no membrane potential related bias was reported.

      Throughout the paper, many ThT intensity traces are compared, and described as "similar" or "dissimilar", without detailed discussion or a clear standard for comparison. For example, the two membrane potential curves in Fig. S1C are described as "similar" although they have very different shapes, whereas the curves in Fig. 1B and 1D are discussed in terms of their differences although they are evidently much more similar to one another. Without metrics or statistics to compare these curves, it is hard to interpret these claims. These comparative interpretations are additionally challenging because many of the figures in which average trace data are presented do not indicate standard deviation.

      Comparison of small changes in the absolute intensities is problematic in such fluorescence experiments. We mean the shape of the traces is similar and they can be modelled using a HH model with similar parameters.

      The differences between the TMRM and ThT curves that the authors show in Fig. S1C warrant further consideration. Some of the key features of the response in the ThT curve (on which much of the modeling work in the paper relies) are not very apparent in the TMRM data. It is not obvious to me which of these traces will be more representative of the actual underlying membrane potential dynamics.

      In our experiment, TMRM was used to confirm the dynamics observed using ThT. However, ThT appear to be more photostable than TMRM (especially towars the 2nd peak). The most interesting observation is that with both dyes, all phases of the membrane potential dynamics were conspicuous (the first peak, the quiescent period and the second peak). The time periods for these three episodes were also similar.

      A key claim in this paper (that dynamics of firing differ depending on whether cells are alone or in a colony) is underpinned by "time-to-first peak" analysis, but there are some challenges in interpreting these results. The authors report an average time-to-first peak of 7.34 min for the data in Figure 1B, but the average curve in Figure 1B peaks earlier than this. In Figure 1E, it appears that there are a handful of outliers in the "sparse cell" condition that likely explain this discrepancy. Either an outlier analysis should be done and the mean recomputed accordingly, or a more outlier-robust method like the median should be used instead. Then, a statistical comparison of these results will indicate whether there is a significant difference between them.

      The key point is the comparison of standard errors on the standard deviation.

      In two different 3D biofilm experiments, the authors report the propagation of wavefronts of membrane potential; I am unable to discern these wavefronts in the imaging data, and they are not clearly demonstrated by analysis.

      The first data set is presented in Figures 2A, 2B, and Video S3. The images and video are very difficult to interpret because of how the images have been scaled: the center of the biofilm is highly saturated, and the zero value has also been set too high to consistently observe the single cells surrounding the biofilm. With the images scaled this way, it is very difficult to assess dynamics. The time stamps in Video S3 and on the panels in Figure 2A also do not correspond to one another although the same biofilm is shown (and the time course in 2B is also different from what is indicated in 2B). In either case, it appears that the center of the biofilm is consistently brighter than the edges, and the intensity of all cells in the biofilm increases in tandem; by eye, propagating wavefronts (either directed toward the edge or the center) are not evident to me. Increased brightness at the center of the biofilm could be explained by increased cell thickness there (as is typical in this type of biofilm). From the image legend, it is not clear whether the image presented is a single confocal slice or a projection. Even if this is a single confocal slice, in both Video S3 and Figure 2A there are regions of "haze" from out-of-focus light evident, suggesting that light from other focal planes is nonetheless present. This seems to me to be a simpler explanation for the fluorescence dynamics observed in this experiment: cells are all following the same trajectory that corresponds to that seen for single cells, and the center is brighter because of increased biofilm thickness.

      We appreciate the reviewer for this important observation. We have made changes to the figures to address this confusion. The cell cover has no influence on the observed membrane potential dynamics. The entire biofilm was exposed to the same blue light at each time. Therefore all parts of the biofilm received equal amounts of the blue light intensity. The membrane potential dynamics was not influenced by cell density (see Fig 2C).

      The second data set is presented in Video S6B; I am similarly unable to see any wave propagation in this video. I observe only a consistent decrease in fluorescence intensity throughout the experiment that is spatially uniform (except for the bright, dynamic cells near the top; these presumably represent cells that are floating in the microfluidic and have newly arrived to the imaging region).

      A visual inspection of Video S6B shows a fast rise, a decrease in fluorescence and a second rise (supplementary figure 4B). The data for the fluorescence was carefully obtained using the imaris software. We created a curved geometry on each slice of the confocal stack. We analyzed the surfaces of this curved plane along the z-axis. This was carried out in imaris.

      3D imaging data can be difficult to interpret by eye, so it would perhaps be more helpful to demonstrate these propagating wavefronts by analysis; however, such analysis is not presented in a clear way. The legend in Figure 2B mentions a "wavefront trace", but there is no position information included - this trace instead seems to represent the average intensity trace of all cells. To demonstrate the propagation of a wavefront, this analysis should be shown for different subpopulations of cells at different positions from the center of the biofilm. Data is shown in Figure 8 that reflects the velocity of the wavefront as a function of biofilm position; however, because the wavefronts themselves are not evident in the data, it is difficult to interpret this analysis. The methods section additionally does not contain sufficient information about what these velocities represent and how they are calculated. Because of this, it is difficult for me to evaluate the section of the paper pertaining to wave propagation and the predicted biofilm critical size.

      The analysis is considered in more detail in a more expansive modelling article, currently under peer review in a physics journal, ‘Electrical signalling in three dimensional bacterial biofilms using an agent based fire-diffuse-fire model’, V.Martorelli, et al, 2024 https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.11.17.567515v1

      There are some instances in the paper where claims are made that do not have data shown or are not evident in the cited data:

      (1) In the first results section, "When CCCP was added, we observed a fast efflux of ions in all cells"- the data figure pertaining to this experiment is in Fig. S1E, which does not show any ion efflux. The methods section does not mention how ion efflux was measured during CCCP treatment.

      We have worded this differently to properly convey our results.

      (2) In the discussion of voltage-gated calcium channels, the authors refer to "spiking events", but these are not obvious in Figure S3E. Although the fluorescence intensity changes over time, it's hard to distinguish these fluctuations from measurement noise; a no-light control could help clarify this.

      The calcium transients observed were not due to noise or artefacts.

      (3) The authors state that the membrane potential dynamics simulated in Figure 7B are similar to those observed in 3D biofilms in Fig. S4B; however, the second peak is not clearly evident in Fig. S4B and it looks very different for the mature biofilm data reported in Fig. 2. I have some additional confusion about this data specifically: in the intensity trace shown in Fig. S4B, the intensity in the second frame is much higher than the first; this is not evident in Video S6B, in which the highest intensity is in the first frame at time 0. Similarly, the graph indicates that the intensity at 60 minutes is higher than the intensity at 4 minutes, but this is not the case in Fig. S4A or Video S6B.

      The confusion stated here has now been addressed. Also it should be noted that while Fig 2.1 was obtained with LED light source, Fig S4A was obtained using a laser light source. While obtaining the confocal images (for Fig S4A ), the light intensity was controlled to further minimize photobleaching. Most importantly, there is an evidence of slow rise to the 2nd peak in Fig S4B. The first peak, quiescence and slow rise to second peak are evident.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      (1) Fig. 3C needs the "still" for the movie of control C. owczarzaki (in Movie S1).

      We have now added a WT control in this figure panel.

      (2) The elongated cell shape is seen infrequently in control cells, and I wonder whether these events are transient inactivation of coHpo or coWts in these cells. Perhaps the authors could comment on this in the discussion.

      This is an interesting possibility and we have now included it in our discussion (Lines 401403).

      (3) Does C. owczarzaki normally aggregate or this is a lab-specific phenotype? For example, the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum forms aggregates during its life cycle. Could some additional information about C. owczarzaki be added to the introduction?

      Unfortunately little is known about Capsaspora “in the wild”, as it was isolated as an endosymbiont from a laboratory strain of snails. However, some related filasterians isolated from natural environments also show aggregatve ability, indicating that aggregation is in fact a physiological process in this group of organisms. We have updated our introduction to include this fact (Line 78-80).

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The studies on Hippo signalling in Capsaspora are currently limited to genetic experiments and analysis of Yki/YAP localisation. Biochemical evidence that Co Wts phosphorylates Co Yki/YAP on a conserved serine residue(s) would give important further evidence that this essential signalling step in the animal Hippo pathway is conserved in Capsaspora. However, such experiments require antibodies that detect specific phosphorylation events, which might not be available at present. Is mass spectrometry of the phospho-proteome a potential approach that could be employed to investigate this? The benefit of this approach is it would give information on other Hippo pathway proteins and could be used to probe signalling events under different culture conditions (e.g., aggregate, non-aggregate).

      In response to this recommendation, we attempted to detect Phospho-coWts and PhosphocoHpo using commercial antibodies against mammalian their homologs, in the hope of cross-species reactivity. However, we could not detect a signal by Western blot. Thus better reagents or refinement of techniques beyond the scope of this article may be required to examine the phosphorylation of these Capsaspora proteins. There was a published report of Capsaspora phosphoproteome analysis (Sebe Pedros et al., 2016 Dev Cell), although phosphorylation of the conserved sites on coYki, coWts, and coHpo was not reported in this analysis, suggesting more targeted approaches may be needed to examine phosphorylation of these core Hippo pathway components.

      The following statement that Wts LOF is stronger than Hpo LOF Capsaspora is consistent with overgrowth phenotypes in flies and mammals:

      "Interestingly, we found that coWts-/- cells were significantly more likely to show nuclear mScarlet-coYki localization than coHpo-/- cells (Figure 1D), which is consistent with Hpo/MST independent activity of Wts/LATS previously reported in Drosophila and mammals (Zheng et al., 2015)."

      However, the following statement describes a stronger phenotype in Hpo LOF Capsaspora than Wts LOF:

      "As contractile cells in the coHpo mutant background tended to show a more extreme elongated morphology than the coWts mutant, we focused on the coHpo mutant for further analysis."

      Does this mean that Hpo can regulate actomyosin contractility in both Wts/Yki-dependent and independent manners? A genetic experiment, similar to those that have been performed in Drosophila and mammals could help to address this, e.g., what is the phenotype of Hpo, Yki Capsaspora and Wts, Yki double mutant Capsaspora? Do they phenocopy Yki LOF Capsaspora and are the actomyosin phenotypes associated with Hpo and Wts mutant Capsaspora completely or partially suppressed? The authors indicate that generation of double mutant Capsaspora is not technically possible at present, however.

      Indeed given available techniques the generation of such double mutants is not currently possible. With this phenotype (aberrant cytoskeletal dynamics), it is hard to say what a “stronger” phenotype is, and which mutant has the “stronger” phenotype. We have edited this statement to try and reflect this point (Line 208-209).

      Another outstanding question is whether the Hpo/Wts/Yki-related actomyosin phenotypes are linked to regulation of transcription by Yki, or are regulated non-transcriptionally. Indeed, a non-transcriptional role for Drosophila Yki in promoting actomyosin contractility has been reported (Fehon lab, Dev Cell, 2018). Generation of Scalloped/TEAD mutant Capsaspora would allow this question to be investigated. Alternatively, this could be explored using variant Co Yki transgenes, e.g., one a Co Yki transgene does not form a physical complex with Co Sd/TEAD and a Co Yki transgene that is targeted to the cell cortex.

      To address this point, we tested whether a conserved amino acid residue in coYki (F123) that is required for transcriptional activity of human YAP (in this case, F95) is required for the phenotypic effects of the coYki 4SA mutant. We found that, in contrast to expression of coYki 4SA, expression of a coYki 4SA F123A mutant showed no effect on cell or aggregate morphology. These new results, which support a requirement for transcriptional activity for coYki function, have now been added to Figure 7.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Repetition from previous publication:

      (1) ej: last sentences of the abstract in both works: From Phillips et al. eLife 2022;0:e77598: "Taken together, these findings implicate an ancestral role for the Hippo pathway in cytoskeletal dynamics and multicellular morphogenesis predating the origin of animal multicellularity, which was co-opted during evolution to regulate cell proliferation".

      From this manuscript: "Together, these results implicate cytoskeletal regulation but not proliferation as an ancestral function of the Hippo pathway and uncover a novel role for Hippo signaling in regulating cell density in a proliferation-independent manner "

      Our two papers deal with different components of the Hippo pathway: Yorkie/YAP/coYki in Phillips et al. eLife 2022;0:e77598 and upstream kinases in the current paper. The fact that perturbing different components of the pathway leads to similar conclusions actually strengthens the overall conclusion. Nevertheless, to be more clear about the novelty of the current manuscript, we have now changed the current text from “Hippo pathway” to “Hippo kinase cascade”, to emphasize that the current analysis deals with kinases upstream of Yorkie/YAP/coYki (Lines 35, 368-371).

      (2) The authors claim that the change in localization of coYki in Hpo -/- and Wts -/- , being now able to enter the nucleus, is the demonstration that the nuclear regulation of Yki by the Hippo pathway is ancestral to animals. Nevertheless, the authors had already made this claim in their publication of eLife 2022, when they made a mutant version of Yki with the four conserved phosphorylation sites (Sebé-Padrós 2012) mutated. Figure 5 A to F in Phillips et al. eLife 2022;0:e77598. In their words "This regulation of coYki nuclear localization, along with the previous finding that coYki can induce the expression of Hippo pathway genes when expressed in Drosophila (Sebé-Pedrós et al., 2012), suggests that the function of coYki has a transcriptional regulator and Hippo pathway effector is conserved between Capsaspora and animals. ".

      I understand that the localization of Yki in the coHpo-/- and coWts-/- is needed as part of final proof that Hpo and Wts are the kinases that control Yki phosphorylation in C. owczarzaki, but does not constitute a completely new message and should be written like that. Figure 1C of the actual manuscript drives to the same conclusion as Figure 5 A to F in Phillips et al. eLife 2022;0:e77598

      We think that demonstrating that Hippo and Warts orthologs specifically are responsible for regulation of coYki localization is a very important finding: Many unicellular organisms encode Hippo, Warts, and/or Yorkie’s transcriptional factor partner Sd, but not Yorkie. Our understanding is that in these earlier-branching unicellular organisms, the Hippo/Warts kinase module and Sd-like proteins functioned in distinct signaling modules. Thus Yorkie has the interesting property of “fusing” these two distinct signaling modules when it emerged. In this framework, it is interesting to show that this “fusion” occurred in Capsaspora, the most distant known relative of animals with a Yorkie ortholog, indicating that this “fusion” event is very ancient. Although fleshing out of this idea is beyond the scope of this manuscript and we plan to write about it elsewhere, we have modified our discussion to point out the importance that Hippo and Warts specifically are upstream regulators of coYki.

      In Drosophila among the genes transcriptionally regulated by Yki, are the positive regulators of the Hippo pathway in order to down regulate the Yki production.

      (1) The authors don't explain if these upstream regulators of the Hippo pathway are conserved in C. owczarzaki.

      We have now indicated the conservation of some upstream Hippo pathway components (Line 69-71).

      (2) Also it would be important to know how much coYki is being active in the C. owczarzaki in the mutant lines of coHpo-/- and coWts-/- in respect to wt and also in respect to coYki 4SA, and how this is impacting the transcription and protein production of down stream genes of coYki. I think some transcriptional and proteomic data would be informative. At least for those genes related with cytoskeleton.

      We have now performed RNA-seq on the coHpo and coWts mutants to address the concerns above (See Figure 8 and the final section of Results).

      Related with the above. Among the downstream targets of coYki, the authors mentioned in their previous work (Phillips et al. eLife 2022;0:e77598) that B-integrins were up regulated in coYki -/- suggesting that B-integrins could be behind the stronger cell-substrate attachment observed in the coYki-/- mutant. It would be important to investigate if the integrin adhesome is now down regulated and how previous and new results are related to the stronger cellsubstrate attachment in the coHpo-/- and coWts-/- lines. It would be important that previous results on coYki-/-, a mutant line of the same pathway, are discussed in these two new mutant contexts.

      Two Capsaspora integrin beta genes were previously found to be upregulated in the coYki mutant (CAOG_05058 and CAOG_01283, from Phillips et al., 2022 eLife). In our coWts and coHpo mutant RNAseq data, we see that CAOG_05058 is upregulated in both coHpo and coWts mutants, whereas CAOG_01283 does not show significantly different expression in either the coHpo or coWts mutant. Because the CAOG_05058 expression data seems to go in the “opposite” direction than you might expect (i.e. not “down regulated” as the reviewer predicts), and because we see no change in expression in CAOG_01283, these results are difficult to interpret. Therefore the role of integrins in Capsaspora Hippo pathway mutant phenotypes is thus still an open question.

      Some cells from the coHpo-/- and coWts-/- mutant lines, show higher attachment to the substrate, which results in an elongated shape while the cell detaches from the substrate. The authors claim this phenotype as a contractile behavior in these cells. This behavior would be caused by changes in cytoskeleton regulation or increased number of microvilli or a change in the distribution of microvilli.

      (1) In my opinion, this phenotype can not be considered a behavior per se (the cells become round once they are free from the substrate, so the elongation is temporal and the contractile behavior is a consequence from this attachment to the substrate), so I would not say that the Hippo pathway controls a contractile behavior as the authors state as one of the main conclusions of the manuscript.

      Many cell behaviors are known to depend on external conditions, such as substrates, growth factors, nutrients, chemokines, etc., and are therefore “temporal” by the reviewer’s criteria. We therefore feel that the phenotype we describe here can be considered a cell behavior.

      (2) On the other hand I think that further efforts on microscopy or immunocytochemistry could be performed in order to discern among the different causes; more microvilli? change in microvilli distribution? change in the acto-myosin cytoskeleton? Moreover these options are not mutually exclusive and very likely the explanation is multifactorial.

      (3) coWts-/- has a different phenotype at the periphery of the aggregates than coHpo-/-. The authors use stable transfected lines with NMM-Venus to visualize microvilli. It would be interesting that further experiments using this tool would be performed in order to visualize putative differences of the cell membrane at the periphery in the two mutant genotypes.

      We have now performed experiments examining filopodia in round vs elongated cells using the NMM-venus marker, as well as differences in filopodial morphology within aggregates in the different genotypes. Our data and conclusions are included in our updated manuscript (Figure 3- figure supplement 1).

      The authors nicely inspect the consequences of the mutant lines coHpo-/- and coWts-/- in the formation of the aggregates. They find that the aggregates in these cases are more densely packed likely due to the higher attachment from microvilli, which they are able to revert by using myosin inhibitors.

      (1) As mentioned above, it would be interesting that further experiments are performed by using NMM-Venus transfection into the coHpo-/- and coWts-/-genotypes in order to visualize putative differences of the strength and distribution of the microvilli in the aggregates of these two mutant genotypes. These experiments would inform if more or less microvilli contacts are created in these lines and support a mechanical explanation of the denser aggregates in the mutant lines, as they now suggest in the discussion.

      We have now performed these experiments, and our data and conclusions are described in the updated manuscript (Figure 5- figure supplement 1).

      (2) On the other hand, myosin inhibition through blebbistatin increases the number of elongated cells in the mutant lines, demonstrating that myosin is necessary for the cells to resolve their substrate attachment and become round. In my view is confusing that myosin is needed for cells to become round again (wt phenotype) and at the same time myosin inhibition is needed for aggregates to become less dense (wt phenotype). Do they lose density because more elongated cells are now in the aggregate? These results look confusing to me and I think they should be better discussed. Again the above transfections of NMM-Venus into the coHpo-/- and coWts-/-genotypes could be informative.

      We have attempted to detect cells with an “elongated” morphology within WT and mutant aggregates but so far have been unable to visualize such cells. More advanced microscopy techniques at extended time scales may allow us to observe such things, but we believe such studies are beyond the scope of this manuscript.

      The authors do not connect and discuss their results with a very relevant study done in Drosophila, Xu J et al. Dev Cell. 2018; 46(3): 271-284.e5, where a transcriptionally independent role of Yki is characterized. In Drosophila, Yki has an important role in a positive feedback loop with myosin at the cortical part of the cell, which is especially relevant for cytoskeleton regulation.

      The results encountered by the authors in their previous study with coYki-/-, indicated that coYki was important for proper actin dynamics and cell shape in C. owczarzaki. At that moment they did not interrogate if this phenotype could be due to the lack of a possible role of coYki in the cortex and they argue that the phenotype was caused by the lack of transcription regulation of downstream genes of coYki, which actually many were cytoskeleton related.

      Because the cortex function of Yki is independent of regulation of Hpo and Wts, the authors could use these genotypes by comparing them with WT (where the cortical role of Yki should be the same) and coYki-/- to investigate if the cortex role of Yki, is conserved in C. owczarzaki. In Drosophila the cortex role of Yki has been suggested to control tension at the cell surface. Drosophila Yki at the cortex activates myosin II through the N-terminal part of the protein and establishes a positive feedback loop by down regulating the Hippo pathway and obtaining therefore more active DmYki into the nucleus. This mechanism has been proposed by Xu et al. to work as the link between sensing cell tensions at the surface with control of tissue proliferation.

      In my opinion these are relevant results in the field that should be addressed in this study or at least well discussed. Actually, I think they could be a great opportunity for investigating if a putative cortex role of Yki is ancestral to its role linked to the Hippo pathway.

      We have now addressed this study in our manuscript- please see our response to reviewer #2’s last comment above.

      It would be informative to understand how stable expression through hygromicin selection is achieved in the transfection experiments. Is the recombinant plasmid integrated in the genome? Or is it stable as an episome?

      We believe that the plasmids stably integrate, as we never lose fluorescent signal once established in a clonal line, even after extended culturing (>6 months). It may be worthwhile to definitely determine integration vs. episome in future studies.

      The authors do not speculate or discuss how cell tension and cell proliferation is different for a unicellular organism or a tissue (multicellular) and I think should be addressed since the contexts are different.

      This is an interesting and important point, which we plan to discuss in detail in an upcoming review article, as a proper discussion of this idea, we think, is beyond the scope of this manuscript.

      Minor point. The study should cite other unicellular holozoans that have been also developed into treatable organisms such as Monosiga brevicollis (Woznica A, Kumar A, et al 2021eLife 10:e70436) and Abeoforma whisleri (Faktorová, D., Nisbet, R.E.R., Fernández Robledo, J.A. et al. Nat Methods17, 481-494 (2020) in line 83 of the manuscript. I am sure the authors appreciate how much effort there is behind every non-model organism put forward as experimentally treatable and should be properly acknowledged.

      We agree, and we have now included these examples of non-model organism development in our manuscript.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      We thank all the reviewers for taking the time to assess and provide valuable feedback on the manuscript. We believe these comments helped clarify the manuscript’s prose, and the suggestions on the functionality and aim of the toolbox were globally incorporated into the following updates of the toolbox. Particularly, we would like to point out some changes that will help all reviewers, independently of their individual comments, to understand the current state of the toolbox and some systematic changes that were made to the manuscript.

      We have received a significant amount of feedback asking for a PyTorch implementation of the toolbox. Consequently, we decided to enact this, and the next version of the toolbox will be exclusively in PyTorch. We will maintain the Application Programming Interface (API) and tutorial documentation for the TensorFlow version of the toolbox on the online website. However, going forward we will focus exclusively on bug-fixing and expanding from the latest version of MotorNet, which will be in PyTorch. We now believe that the greater popularity of PyTorch in the academic community makes that choice more sustainable while helping a greater proportion of research projects.

      These changes led to a significant alteration of the MotorNet structure, which is reflected by changes made throughout the manuscript, most particularly in Figure 3 and Table 1. A beneficial side-effect of this is a much simpler structure for MotorNet which ought to contribute positively toward its usability by researchers in the neuroscience community.

      We also refactored some terminology to be more in line with current computational neuroscience vocabulary:

      • The term “plant”, which comes from industrial engineering and is more niche in neuroscience, has been replaced by “effector”.

      • The term “task” has been replaced by “environment” to match the gymnasium toolbox terminology, which MotorNet is now compatible with. Task objects essentially performed the same function as environment objects from the gymnasium toolbox.

      • The term “controller” has been replaced by “policy” throughout, as this term is more general.

      • The term “motor command” is very specific to the motor control subfield of neuroscience, and therefore is replaced by “action”, which is more commonplace for this modelling component in computational neuroscience and machine learning.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Codol et al. present a toolbox that allows simulating biomechanically realistic effectors and training Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to control them. The paper provides a detailed explanation of how the toolbox is structured and several examples that demonstrate its usefulness.

      Main comments:

      (1) The paper is well written and easy to follow. The schematics help in understanding how the toolbox works and the examples provide an idea of the results that the user can obtain.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment.

      (2) As I understand it, the main purpose of the paper should be to facilitate the usage of the toolbox. For this reason, I have missed a more explicit link to the actual code. As I see it, researchers will read this paper to figure out whether they can use MotorNet to simulate their experiments, and how they should proceed if they decide to use it. I'd say the paper provides an answer to the first question and assures that the toolbox is very easy to install and use. Maybe the authors could support this claim by adding "snippets" of code that show the key steps in building an actual example.

      This is an important point, which we also considered when writing this paper. We instead decided to focus on the first approach, because it is easier to illustrate the scientific use of the toolbox using code or interactive (Jupyter) notebooks than a publication format. We find the “how to proceed” aspect of the toolbox can more easily and comprehensively be covered using online, interactive tutorials. Additionally, this allows us to update these tutorials as the toolbox evolves over different versions, while it is more difficult to update a scientific article. Consequently, we explicitly avoided code snippets on the article itself. However, we appreciate that the paper would gain in clarity if this was more explicitly stated early. We have modified the paper to include a pointer to where to find tutorials online. We added this at the last paragraph of the introduction section:

      “The interested reader may consult the full API documentation, including interactive tutorials on the toolbox website at https://motornet.org.”

      (3) The results provided in Figures 1, 4, 5 and 6 are useful, because they provide examples of the type of things one can do with the toolbox. I have a few comments that might help improving them:

      (a) The examples in Figures 1 and 5 seem a bit redundant (same effector, similar task). Maybe the authors could show an example with a different effector or task? (see point 4).

      The effectors from figures 1 and 5 are indeed very similar. However, the tasks in figure 1 and 5 present some important differences. The training procedure in figure 1 never includes any perturbations, while the one from figure 5 includes a wide range of perturbations of different magnitudes, timing and directions. The evaluation procedure of figure 1 includes center-out reaches with permanent viscous (proportional to velocity) external dynamics, while that of figure 5 are fixed, transient, square-shaped perturbation orthogonal to the reach direction. Finally, the networks in figure 1 undergo a second training procedure after evaluation while the network of figure 5 do not. While we agree that some variation of effectors would be beneficial, we do show examples of a point-mass effector in figure 6. Overall, figure 5 shows a task that is quite different from that of figure 1 with a similar effector, while the opposite is true for figure 6. We have modified the text to clarify this for the reader, by adding the following.

      End of 1st paragraph, section 2.4.

      “Therefore, the training protocol used for this task largely differed from section 2.1 in that the networks are exposed to a wide range of mechanical perturbations with varying characteristics.”

      1st paragraph of section 2.5

      […] this asymmetrical representation of PMDs during reaching movements did not occur when RNNs were trained to control an effector that lacked the geometrical properties of an arm such as illustrated in Figure 4c-e and section 2.1.

      (b) I missed a discussion on the relevance of the results shown in Figure 4. The moment arms are barely mentioned outside section 2.3. Are these results new? How can they help with motor control research?

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. This relates to a point from reviewer 2 indicating that the purpose of each section was sometimes difficult to grasp as one reads. Section 2.3 explains the biomechanical properties that the toolbox implements to improve realism of the effector. They are not new results in the sense that other toolboxes implement these features (though not in differentiable formats) and these properties of biological muscles are empirically well-established. However, they are important to understand what the toolbox provides, and consequently what constraints networks must accommodate to learn efficient control policies. An example of this is the results in figure 6, where a simple effector versus a more biomechanically complex effector will yield different neural representations.

      Regarding the manuscript itself, we agree that more clarity on the goal of every paragraph may improve the reader’s experience. Consequently, we ensured to specify such goals at the start of each section. Particularly, we clarify the purpose of section 2.3 by adding several sentences on this at the end of the first paragraph in that section. We also now clearly state the purpose of section 2.3 with the results of figure 6 and reference figure 4 in that section.

      (c) The results in Figure 6 are important, since one key asset of ANNs is that they provide access to the activity of the whole population of units that produces a given behavior. For this reason, I think it would be interesting to show the actual "empirical observations" that the results shown in Fig. 6 are replicating, hence allowing a direct comparison between the results obtained for biological and simulated neurons.

      These empirical observations are available from previous electrophysiological and modelling work. Particularly, polar histograms across reaching directions like panel C are displayed in figures 2 and 3 of Scott, Gribble, Graham, Cabel (2001, Nature). Colormaps of modelled unit activity across time and reaching directions like panel F are also displayed in figure 2 of Lillicrap, Scott (2013, Neuron). Electrophysiological recordings of M1 neurons during a similar task in non-human primates can also be seen on “Preserved neural population dynamics across animals performing similar behaviour” figure 2 B (https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.09.26.509498) and “Nonlinear manifolds underlie neural population activity during behaviour” figure 2 B as well (https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.07.18.549575). Note that these two pre-prints use the same dataset.

      We have added these citations to the text and made it explicit that they contain visualizations of similar modelling and empirical data for comparison:

      “This heterogeneous set of responses matches empirical observations in non-human primate primary motor cortex recordings (Churchland & Shenoy, 2007; Michaels et al., 2016) and replicate similar visualizations from previously published work (Fortunato et al., 2023; Lillicrap & Scott, 2013; Safaie et al., 2023).”

      (4) All examples in the paper use the arm26 plant as effector. Although the authors say that "users can easily declare their own custom-made effector and task objects if desired by subclassing the base Plant and Task class, respectively", this does not sound straightforward. Table 1 does not really clarify how to do it. Maybe an example that shows the actual code (see point 2) that creates a new plant (e.g. the 3-joint arm in Figure 7) would be useful.

      Subclassing is a Python process more than a MotorNet process, as python is an object-oriented language. Therefore, there are many Python tutorials on subclassing in the general sense that would be beneficial for that purpose. We have amended the main text to ensure that this is clearer to the reader.

      Subclassing a MotorNet object, in a more specific sense, requires overwriting some methods from the base MotorNet classes (e.g., Effector or Environment classes, which correspond to the original Plant and Task object, respectively). Since we made the decision (mentioned above) to not include code in the main text, we added tutorials to the online documentation, which include dedicated tutorials for MotorNet class subclassing. For instance, this tutorial showcases how to subclass Environment classes:


      (5) One potential limitation of the toolbox is that it is based on Tensorflow, when the field of Computational Neuroscience seems to be, or at least that's my impression, transitioning to pyTorch. How easy would it be to translate MotorNet to pyTorch? Maybe the authors could comment on this in the discussion.

      We have received a significant amount of feedback asking for a PyTorch implementation of the toolbox. Consequently, we decided to enact this, and the next version of the toolbox will be exclusively in PyTorch. We will maintain the Application Programming Interface (API) and tutorial documentation for the TensorFlow version of the toolbox on the online website. However, going forward we will focus exclusively on bug-fixing and expanding from the latest version of MotorNet, which will be in PyTorch. We now believe that the greater popularity of PyTorch in the academic community makes that choice more sustainable while helping a greater proportion of research projects.

      These changes led to a significant alteration of the MotorNet structure, which are reflected by changes made throughout the manuscript, notably in Figure 3 and Table 1.

      (6) Supervised learning (SL) is widely used in Systems Neuroscience, especially because it is faster than reinforcement learning (RL). Thus providing the possibility of training the ANNs with SL is an important asset of the toolbox. However, SL is not always ideal, especially when the optimal strategy is not known or when there are different alternative strategies and we want to know which is the one preferred by the subject. For instance, would it be possible to implement a setup in which the ANN has to choose between 2 different paths to reach a target? (e.g. Kaufman et al. 2015 eLife). In such a scenario, RL seems to be a more natural option Would it be easy to extend MotorNet so it allows training with RL? Maybe the authors could comment on this in the discussion.

      The new implementation of MotorNet that relies on PyTorch is already standardized to use an API that is compatible with Gymnasium. Gymnasium is a standard and popular interfacing toolbox used to link RL agents to environments. It is very well-documented and widely used, which will ensure that users who wish to employ RL to control MotorNet environments will be able to do so relatively effortlessly. We have added this point to accurately reflect the updated implementation, so users are aware that it is now a feature of the toolbox (new section 3.2.4.).


      MotorNet aims at simplifying the process of simulating complex experimental setups to rapidly test hypotheses about how the brain produces a specific movement. By providing an end-to-end pipeline to train ANNs on the simulated setup, it can greatly help guide experimenters to decide where to focus their experimental efforts.

      Additional context:

      Being the main result a toolbox, the paper is complemented by a GitHub repository and a documentation webpage. Both the repository and the webpage are well organized and easy to navigate. The webpage walks the user through the installation of the toolbox and the building of the effectors and the ANNs.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      MotorNet aims to provide a unified interface where the trained RNN controller exists within the same TensorFlow environment as the end effectors being controlled. This architecture provides a much simpler interface for the researcher to develop and iterate through computational hypotheses. In addition, the authors have built a set of biomechanically realistic end effectors (e.g., an 2 joint arm model with realistic muscles) within TensorFlow that are fully differentiable.

      MotorNet will prove a highly useful starting point for researchers interested in exploring the challenges of controlling movement with realistic muscle and joint dynamics. The architecture features a conveniently modular design and the inclusion of simpler arm models provides an approachable learning curve. Other state-of-the-art simulation engines offer realistic models of muscles and multi-joint arms and afford more complex object manipulation and contact dynamics than MotorNet. However, MotorNet's approach allows for direct optimization of the controller network via gradient descent rather than reinforcement learning, which is a compromise currently required when other simulation engines (as these engines' code cannot be differentiated through).

      The paper could be reorganized to provide clearer signposts as to what role each section plays (e.g., that the explanation of the moment arms of different joint models serves to illustrate the complexity of realistic biomechanics, rather than a novel discovery/exposition of this manuscript). Also, if possible, it would be valuable if the authors could provide more insight into whether gradient descent finds qualitatively different solutions to RL or other non gradient-based methods. This would strengthen the argument that a fully differentiable plant is useful beyond improving training time / computational power required (although this is a sufficiently important rationale per se).

      We thank the reviewer for these comments. We agree that more clarity on the section goals may improve the reader’s experience and ensured this is the case throughout the manuscript. Particularly, we added the following on the first paragraph of section 2.3, for which an explicit goal was most missing:

      “In this section we illustrate some of these biomechanical properties displayed by MotorNet effectors using specific examples. These properties are well-characterised in the biology and are often implemented in realistic biomechanical simulation software.”

      Regarding the potential difference in solutions obtained from reinforcement or supervised learning, this would represent a non-trivial amount of work to do so conclusively and so may not be within the scope of the current article. We do appreciate however that in some situations RL may be a more fitting approach to a given task design. In relation to this point we now specify in the discussion that the new API can accommodate interfacing with reinforcement learning toolboxes for those who may want to pursue this type of policy training approach when appropriate (new section 3.2.4.).

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Artificial neural networks have developed into a new research tool across various disciplines of neuroscience. However, specifically for studying neural control of movement it was extremely difficult to train those models, as they require not only simulating the neural network, but also the body parts one is interested in studying. The authors provide a solution to this problem which is built upon one of the main software packages used for deep learning (Tensorflow). This allows them to make use of state-of-the-art tools for training neural networks.

      They show that their toolbox is able to (re-)produce several commonly studied experiments e.g., planar reaching with and without loads. The toolbox is described in sufficient detail to get an overview of the functionality and the current state of what can be done with it. Although the authors state that only a few lines of code can reproduce such an experiment, they unfortunately don't provide any source code to reproduce their results (nor is it given in the respective repository).

      The possibility of adding code snippets to the article is something we originally considered, and which aligns with comment two from reviewer one (see above). Hopefully this provides a good overview of the motivation behind our choice not to add code to the article.

      The modularity of the presented toolbox makes it easy to exchange or modify single parts of an experiment e.g., the task or the neural network used as a controller. Together with the open-source nature of the toolbox, this will facilitate sharing and reproducibility across research labs.

      I can see how this paper can enable a whole set of new studies on neural control of movement and accelerate the turnover time for new ideas or hypotheses, as stated in the first paragraph of the Discussion section. Having such a low effort to run computational experiments will be definitely beneficial for the field of neural control of movement.

      We thank the reviewer for these comment.

    1. Author Response

      This important work presents a new methodology for the statistical analysis of fiber photometry data, improving statistical power while avoiding the bias inherent in the choices that are necessarily made when summarizing photometry data. The reanalysis of two recent photometry data sets, the simulations, and the mathematical detail provide convincing evidence for the utility of the method and the main conclusions, however, the discussion of the re-analyzed data is incomplete and would be improved by a deeper consideration of the limitations of the original data. In addition, consideration of other data sets and photometry methodologies including non-linear analysis tools, as well as a discussion of the importance of the data normalization are needed.

      Thank you for the thorough and positive review of our work! We will incorporate this feedback to strengthen the manuscript. Specifically, we plan to revise the Discussion section to include a deeper consideration of the limitations of the original data, a description of the capacities of our method for conducting non-linear analyses, and the role data normalization plays in applicability of our tool.

      Reviewer 1:


      The framework the authors present is solid and well-explained. By reanalyzing formerly published data, the authors also further increase the significance of the proposed tool opening new avenues for reinterpreting already collected data.


      However, this also leads to several questions. The normalization method employed for raw fiber photometry data is different from lab to lab. This imposes a significant challenge to applying a single tool of analysis.

      Thank you for the positive feedback, we will address your comments in our revision. We agree that any data pre-processing steps will have down-stream consequences on the statistical inference from our method. Note, though, that this would also be the case with standard analysis approaches (e.g., t-tests, correlations) applied to summary measures like AUCs. For that reason, we do not believe that variability in pre-processing is an impediment to widespread adoption of a standard analysis procedure. Rather, we argue that the sensitivity of analysis results to pre-processing choices underscores the need for establishing statistical techniques that reduce the need for pre-processing, and properly account for structure in the data arising from experimental designs. The reviewer brings up an excellent point that we can further elaborate on how our methods actually reduce the need for such pre-processing steps. Indeed, our method provides smooth estimation results along the functional domain (i.e., across trial timepoints), has the ability to adjust for between-trial and -animal heterogeneity, and provides a valid statistical inference framework that quantifies the resulting uncertainty. For example, adjustment for session-to-session variability in signal magnitudes or dynamics could be accounted for, at least in part, through the inclusion of session-level random effects. This heterogeneity would then influence the width of the confidence intervals. This stands in contrast to “sweeping it under the rug” with a pre-processing step that may have an unknown impact on the final statistical inferences. Similarly, the level of smoothing is at least in part selected as a function of the data, and again is accounted for directly in the equations used to construct confidence intervals. In sum, our method provides both a tool to account for challenges in the data, and a systematic framework to quantify the additional uncertainty that accompanies accounting for those data characteristics.

      Does the method that the authors propose work similarly efficiently whether the data are normalized in a running average dF/F as it is described in the cited papers? For example, trace smoothing using running averages (Jeong et al. 2022) in itself may lead to pattern dilution. The same question applies if the z-score is calculated based on various responses or even baselines.

      This is an important question given how common this practice is in the field. Briefly, application of pre-processing steps will change the interpretation of the results from our analysis method. For example, if one subtracts off a pre-trial baseline average from each trial timepoint, then the “definition of 0”, and the interpretation of coefficients and their statistical significance, changes. Similarly, if one scales the signal (e.g., divides the signal magnitude by a trial- or animal-specific baseline), then this changes the interpretation of the FLMM regression coefficients to be in terms of an animal-specific signal unit as opposed to a raw dF/F. This is, however, not specific to our technique, and pre-processing would have a similar influence on, for example, linear regression (and thus t-tests, ANOVAs and Pearson correlations) applied to summary measures. We agree with the reviewer that explicitly discussing this point will strengthen the paper.

      While it is difficult to make general claims about the anticipated performance of the method under all the potential pre-processing steps taken in the field, we believe that most common pre-processing strategies will not negatively influence the method’s performance or validity; they would, instead, change the interpretation of the results. We are releasing a series of vignettes to guide analysts through using our method and, to address your comment, we will add a section on interpretation after pre-processing.

      How reliable the method is if the data are non-stationary and the baselines undergo major changes between separate trials?

      This is an excellent question. We believe the statistical inferences will be valid and will properly quantify the uncertainty from non-stationarities, since our framework does not impose stationarity assumptions on the underlying process. It is worth mentioning that non-stationarity and high trial-to-trial variability may increase variance estimates if the model does not include a rich enough set of covariates to capture the source of the heterogeneity across trial baselines. However, this is a feature of our framework, rather than a bug, as it properly conveys to the analyst that high unaccounted for variability in the signal may result in high model uncertainty. Finally, mixed effects modeling provides a transparent, statistically reasonable, and flexible approach to account for between-session, and between-trial variability, a type of non-stationarity. We agree with the reviewer that this should be more explicitly discussed in the paper, and will do so.

      Finally, what is the rationale for not using non-linear analysis methods? Following the paper's logic, non-linear analysis can capture more information that is diluted by linear methods.

      Functional data analysis assumes that the function varies smoothly along the functional domain (i.e., across trial timepoints). It is a type of non-linear modeling technique over the functional domain since we do not assume a linear model (straight line). Therefore, our functional data analysis approach is able to capture more information that is diluted by linear models. While the basic form of our model assumes a linear change in the signal at a fixed trial timepoint, across trials/sessions, our package allows one to easily model changes with non-linear functions of covariates using splines or other basis functions. One must consider, however, the tradeoff between flexibility and interpretability when specifying potentially complex models.

      Reviewer 2


      The open-source package in R using a similar syntax as the lme4 package for the implementation of this framework on photometry data enhances the accessibility, and usage by other researchers. Moreover, the decreased fitting time of the model in comparison with a similar package on simulated data, has the potential to be more easily adopted.

      The reanalysis of two studies using summary statistics on photometry data (Jeong et al., 2022; Coddington et al., 2023) highlights how trial-by-trial analysis at each time-point on the trial can reveal information obscured by averaging across trials. Furthermore, this work also exemplifies how session and subject variability can lead to opposite conclusions when not considered.

      Thank you for the positive assessment of our work!


      Although this work has reanalyzed previous work that used summary statistics, it does not compare with other studies that use trial-by-trial photometry data across time-points in a trial.

      As described by the authors, fitting pointwise linear mixed models and performing t-test and Benjamini-Hochberg correction as performed in Lee et al. (2019) has some caveats. Using joint confidence intervals has the potential to improve statistical robustness, however, this is not directly shown with temporal data in this work. Furthermore, it is unclear how FLMM differs from the pointwise linear mixed modeling used in this work.

      We agree with the reviewers that providing more detail about the drawbacks of the approach applied in Lee et al., 2019 will strengthen the paper. We will add an example analysis applying the method proposed by Lee et al., 2019 to show how the set of timepoints at which coefficient estimates reach statistical significance can vary dramatically depending on the sampling rate one subsamples their data at, a highly undesirable property of this strategy. Our approach is robust to this, and still provides a multiple comparisons correction through the joint confidence intervals.

      In this work, FLMM usages included only one or two covariates. However, in complex behavioral experiments, where variables are correlated, more than two may be needed (see Simpson et al. (2023), Engelhard et al. (2019); Blanco-Pozo et al. (2024)). It is not clear from this work, how feasible computationally would be to fit such complex models, which would also include more complex random effects.

      This is a good point. In our experience, the code is still quite fast (often taking seconds to tens of seconds in our experience) on a standard laptop when fitting complex models that include, for example, 10 covariates, or complex random effect specifications on dataset sizes common in fiber photometry. In the manuscript, we included results from simpler models with few covariates in an attempt to show results from the FLMM versions of the standard analyses (e.g., correlations, t-tests) applied in Jeong et al., 2022. Our goal was to show that our method reveals effects obscured by standard analyses even in simple cases. Some of our models did, however, include complex nested random effects (e.g., the models described in Section 4.5.2).

      Like other mixed-model based analyses, our method becomes slower when the number of observations in the dataset is on the order of tens of thousands of observations. However, we coded the methods to be memory efficient so that even these larger analyses can be run on standard laptops. We thank the reviewer for this point, as we worked extremely hard to scale the method to be able to efficiently fit models commonly applied in neuroscience. Indeed, challenges with scalability were one of the main motivations for applying the estimation procedure that we did; in the appendix we show that the fit time of our approach is much faster than existing FLMM software such as the refund package function pffr(), especially for large sample sizes. While pffr() appears to scale exponentially with the number of clusters (e.g., animals), our method appears to scale linearly. We will more explicitly emphasize the scalability in the revision, since we agree this will strengthen the final manuscript.

      Reviewer #3


      The statistical framework described provides a powerful way to analyze photometry data and potentially other similar signals. The provided package makes this methodology easy to implement and the extensively worked examples of reanalysis provide a useful guide to others on how to correctly specify models.

      Modeling the entire trial (function regression) removes the need to choose appropriate summary statistics, removing the opportunity to introduce bias, for example in searching for optimal windows in which to calculate the AUC. This is demonstrated in the re-analysis of Jeong et al., 2022, in which the AUC measures presented masked important details about how the photometry signal was changing.

      Meanwhile, using linear mixed methods allows for the estimation of random effects, which are an important consideration given the repeated-measures design of most photometry studies.

      Thank you for the positive assessment of our work!


      While the availability of the software package (fastFMM), the provided code, and worked examples used in the paper are undoubtedly helpful to those wanting to use these methods, some concepts could be explained more thoroughly for a general neuroscience audience.

      We appreciate this and, to address your and other reviewers’ comments, we are creating a series of vignettes walking users through how to analyze photometry data with our package. We will include algebraic illustrations to help users gain familiarity with the regression modeling here.

      While the methodology is sound and the discussion of its benefits is good, the interpretation and discussion of the re-analyzed results are poor:

      In section 2.3, the authors use FLMM to identify an instance of Simpson's Paradox in the analysis of Jeong et al. (2022). While this phenomenon is evident in the original authors' metrics (replotted in Figure 5A), FLMM provides a convenient method to identify these effects while illustrating the deficiencies of the original authors' approach of concatenating a different number of sessions for each animal and ignoring potential within-session effects. The discussion of this result is muddled. Having identified the paradox, there is some appropriate speculation as to what is causing these opposing effects, particularly the decrease in sessions. In the discussion and appendices, the authors identify (1) changes in satiation/habitation/motivation, (2) the predictability of the rewards (presumably by the click of a solenoid valve) and (3) photobleaching as potential explanations of the decrease within days. Having identified these effects, but without strong evidence to rule all three out, the discussion of whether RPE or ANCCR matches these results is probably moot. In particular, the hypotheses developed by Jeong et al., were for a random (unpredictable) rewards experiment, whereas the evidence points to the rewards being sometimes predictable. The learning of that predictability (e.g. over sessions) and variation in predictability (e.g. by attention level to sounds of each mouse) significantly complicate the analysis. The FLMM analysis reveals the complexity of analyzing what is apparently a straightforward task design.

      While we are disappointed to hear the reviewer felt our initial interpretations and discussion were poor, the reviewer brings up an excellent point that we had not considered. They have convinced us that acknowledging and elaborating on this alternative perspective will strengthen the paper. We agree that the ANCCR/RPE model predictions were made for unpredictable rewards and, as the reviewer rightly points out, there is evidence that the animals sense the reward delivery. Regardless of the learning theory one adopts (RPE, ANCCR or others), we agree that this (potentially) learned predictability alone could account for the increase in signal magnitude across sessions.

      After reading the reviewer’s comments, we consulted with a number of researchers in this area, and several felt that a CS+ can serve as a reward, within itself. From this perspective, the rewards in the Jeong et al., 2022 experiment might still be considered unexpected. After discussing extensively with the authors of Jeong et al., 2022, it is clear that they went to enormous trouble to prevent the inadvertent generation of a CS+, and it is likely changes in pressure from the solenoid (rather than a sound) that served as a cue. This underscores the difficulty of preventing perception of reward delivery in practice. As this paper is focused on analysis approaches, we feel that we can contribute most thoughtfully to the dopamine–learning theory conversation by presenting both sides.

      Overall, we agree with the reviewer that future experiments will be needed for testing the accuracy of the models’ predictions for random (unpredicted) rewards. While we understand that our attempt to document our conversations with the Jeong et al., 2022 authors may have room for improvement, we hope the reviewer can appreciate that this was done with the best of intentions. We wish to emphasize that we also consulted with several other researchers in the field when crafting the discussion. The Jeong et al., 2022 authors could easily have avoided acknowledging the potential incompleteness of their theory, by claiming that our results do not invalidate their predictions for a random reward, as the reward was not unpredicted in the experiment (as a result of the inadvertent solenoid CS+). Instead, they went out of their way to emphasize that their experiment did test a random reward, and that our results do present problems for their theory. We think that engagement with re-analyses of one’s data, even when findings are inconvenient, is a good demonstration of open science practice. For that reason as well, we feel providing readers with a perspective on the entire discussion will contribute to the scientific discourse in this area.

      Finally, we would like to reiterate that this conversation is happening because our method, by analyzing the signal at every trial timepoint, revealed a neural signal that appears to indicate that the animals sense reward delivery. Ultimately, this was what we set out to do: help researchers ask questions of their data that they could not ask before. We believe that having a demonstration that we can indeed do this for a “live” issue is the most appropriate way of demonstrating the usefulness of the method.

      It is clear the reviewer put a lot of time into understanding what we did, and was very thoughtful about the feedback. We would like to thank the reviewer again for taking such care in reviewing our paper.

      If this paper is not trying to arbitrate between RPE and ANCCR, as stated in the text, the post hoc reasoning of the authors of Jeong et al 2022 provided in the discussion is not germane.

      While we appreciate that the post hoc reasoning of the authors of Jeong et al., 2022 may not seem germane, we would like to provide some context for its inclusion. As statisticians and computer scientists, our role is to create methods, and this often requires using open source data and recreating past analyses. This usually involves extensive conversation with authors about their data and analysis choices because, if we cannot reproduce their findings using their analysis methods, we cannot verify that results from our own methods are valid. As such, we prefer to conduct method development in a collaborative fashion, and we strive to constructively, and respectfully, discuss our results with the original authors. We feel that giving them the opportunity to suggest analyses, and express their point of view if our results conflict with their original conclusions, is important, and we do not want to discourage authors from making their datasets public. As such, we conducted numerous analyses at the suggestion of Jeong et al., 2022 and discussed the results over the course of many months. Indeed the analyses in the Appendix that the reviewer is referring to were conducted at the suggestion of the authors of Jeong et al., 2022, in an attempt to rule out alternative explanations. We nevertheless appreciate that our interpretations of these results can include some of the caveats suggested by the reviewer, and we will strive to improve these sections.

      Arbitrating between the models likely requires new experimental designs (removing the sound of the solenoid, satiety controls) or more complex models (e.g. with session effects, measures of predictability) that address the identified issues.

      We agree with the reviewer that the results suggest that new experimental designs will likely be necessary to adjudicate between models. It is our hope that, by weighing the different issues and interpretations, our paper might provide useful suggestions into what experimental designs would be most beneficial to rule out competing hypotheses in future data collection efforts. We believe that our methodology will strengthen our capacity to design new experiments and analyses. We will make the reviewer’s suggestions more explicit in the discussion by emphasizing the limitations of the original data.

      Of the three potential causes of within-session decreases, the photobleaching arguments advanced in the discussion and expanded greatly in the appendices are not convincing. The data being modeled is a processed signal (ΔF/F) with smoothing and baseline correction and this does not seem to have been considered in the argument.

      We are disappointed to hear that this extensive set of analyses, much of which was conducted at the suggestion of Jeong et al., 2022, was not convincing. We agree that acknowledging any pre-processing would provide useful context for the reader. We do wish to clarify that we analyzed the data that were made available online (raw data was not available). Moreover, for comparison with the authors’ results, we felt it was important to maintain the same pre-processing steps as they did. These conditions were held constant across analysis approaches; therefore, we think that the changes within-trial are likely not influenced substantially by these pre-processing choices. While we cannot speak definitively to the impact any of the processing conducted by the authors had on the results, we believe that it was likely minor, given that the timing of signals at other points in the trial, and in other experiments, were as expected (e.g., the signal rose rapidly after cue onset in Pavlovian tasks).

      Furthermore, the photometry readout is also a convolution of the actual concentration changes over time, influenced by the on-off kinetics of the sensor, which makes the interpretation of timing effects of photobleaching less obvious than presented here and more complex than the dyes considered in the cited reference used as a foundation for this line of reasoning.

      We appreciate the nuance of this point, and we will add it to our discussion. In response to your criticism, we have consulted with more experts in the field regarding the potential for bleaching in this data, and it is not clear to us why photobleaching would be visible in one time-window of a trial, but not at another (less than a second away), despite high dF/F magnitudes in both time-windows. We do wish to point out that, at the request of the authors, we analyzed many experiments from the same animals and in most cases did not observe other indications of photobleaching. Hence, it is not clear to us why this particular set of experiments would garner additional skepticism regarding the potential for photobleaching to invalidate results. While the role of photobleaching may be more complicated with this sensor than others in the references, that citation was included, at the suggestion of Jeong et al., 2022 simply as a way of acknowledging that non-linearities in photobleaching can occur.

      Within this discussion of photobleaching, the characterization of the background reward experiments used in part to consider photobleaching (appendix 7.3.2) is incorrect. In this experiment (Jeong et al., 2022), background rewards were only delivered in the inter-trial-interval (i.e. not between the CS+ and predicted reward as stated in the text). Both in the authors' description and in the data, there is a 6s before cue onset where rewards are not delivered and while not described in the text, the data suggests there is a period after a predicted reward when background rewards are not delivered. This complicates the comparison of this data to the random reward experiment.

      Thank you for pointing this out!! We will remove the parenthetical on page 18 of the appendix that incorrectly stated that rewards can occur between the CS+ and the predicted reward.

      The discussion of the lack of evidence for backpropagation, taken as evidence for ANCCR over RPE, is also weak.

      This point was meant to acknowledge that, although our method yields results that conflict with the conclusions described by Jeong et al., 2022 on data from some experiments, on other experiments our method supports their results. Again, we believe that a critical part of open science is acknowledging both areas where analyses support and conflict with those of the original authors. We agree with the reviewer that qualifying our results so as not to emphasize support for/against RPE/ANCCR will strengthen our paper, and we will make these changes.

      A more useful exercise than comparing FLMM to the methods and data of Jeong et al., 2022, would be to compare against the approach of Amo et al., 2022, which identifies backpropagation (data publicly available: DOI: 10.5061/dryad.hhmgqnkjw). The replication of a positive result would be more convincing of the sensitivity of the methodology than the replication of a negative result, which could be a result of many factors in the experimental design. Given that the Amo et al. analysis relies on identifying systematic changes in the timing of a signal over time, this would be particularly useful in understanding if the smoothing steps in FLMM obscure such changes.

      Thank you for this suggestion, and we agree this could be a useful analysis for the field. Your thoughtful review has convinced us that focusing on our statistical contribution will strengthen the paper, and we will make changes to further emphasize that we are not seeking to adjudicate between RPE/ANCCR. We only had space in the manuscript to include a subset of the analyses conducted on Jeong et al., 2022, and had to relegate the results from the Coddington et al., data to an appendix. Realistically, it would be hard for us to justify analyzing a third dataset. As you may surmise from the one we presented, reanalyzing a new dataset is usually very time consuming, and invariably requires extensive communication with the original authors. We did include numerous examples in our manuscript where we already replicated positive results, in a way that we believe demonstrates the sensitivity of the methodology. We have also been working with five groups at NIH and elsewhere using our approach, in experiments targeting different scientific questions. In fact, one paper that extensively applies our method and compares the results from those yielded by standard analysis of AUCs is already accepted and in press. Hence there should soon be additional demonstrations of what the method can do in less controversial settings. Finally, our forthcoming vignettes include additional analyses, not included in the manuscript, that replicate positive results. We take your point that our description of the data supporting one theory or the other should be qualified, and we will correct that. Again, your review was very thorough, and we appreciate your taking so much time to help us improve our work.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      First, I would like to commend the authors for the clarity of the paper, and for creating an open-source package that will help researchers more easily adopt this type of analysis.

      Thank you!

      I would suggest the authors consider adding to the manuscript, either some evidence or some intuition on how feasible would be to use FLMM for very complex model specifications, in terms of computational cost and model convergence.

      This is an excellent point and we will make this suggested change in the Methods and Discussion section in the next draft.

      From my understanding, this package might potentially be useful not just for photometry data but also for two-photon recordings for example. If so, I would also suggest the authors add to the discussion this potential use.

      We appreciate your thinking on this point, as it would definitely help expand use of the method. We included a brief point in the Discussion that this package would be useful for other techniques, but we will expand upon this.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The authors should define 'function' in context, as well as provide greater detail of the alternate tests that FLMM is compared to in Figure 7. Given the novelty of estimating joint CIs, the authors should be clearer about how this should be reported and how this differs from pointwise CIs (and how this has been done in the past).

      Thank you, this is a very good point and will be critical for helping analysts describe and interpret results. We will add more detail to the Methods section on this point.

      The authors identify that many photometry studies are complex nested longitudinal designs, using the cohort of 8 animals used in five task designs of Jeong et al. 2022 as an example. The authors miss the opportunity to illustrate how FLMM might be useful in identifying the effects of subject characteristics (e.g. sex, CS+ cue identity).

      This is a great suggestion and we will add this important point to the discussion , especially in light of the factorial designs common in neuroscience experiments.

      In discussing the delay-length change experiment, it would be more accurate to say that proposed versions of RPE and ANCCR do not predict the specific change.

      We will make this change and agree this is a better phrasing.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This study provides valuable insights into how the brain parses the syntactic structure of a spoken sentence. A unique contribution of the work is to use a large language model to quantify how the mental representation of syntactic structure updates as a sentence unfolds in time. Solid evidence is provided that distributive cortical networks are engaged for incremental parsing of a sentence, although the contribution could be further strengthened if the authors would further highlight the main results and clarify the benefit of using a large language model.

      We thank the editors for the overall positive assessment. We have revised our manuscript to further emphasize our main findings and highlight the advantages of using a large language model (LLM) over traditional behavioural and corpus-based data.

      This study aims to investigate the neural dynamics underlying the incremental construction of structured interpretation during speech comprehension. While syntactic cues play an important role, they alone do not define the essence of this parsing process. Instead, this incremental process is jointly determined by the interplay of syntax, semantics, and non-linguistic world knowledge, evoked by the specific words heard sequentially by listeners. To better capture these multifaceted constraints, we derived structural measures from BERT, which dynamically represent the evolving structured interpretation as a sentence unfolds word-by-word.

      Typically, the syntactic structure of a sentence can be represented by a context-free parse tree, such as a dependency parse tree or a constituency-based parse tree, which abstracts away from specific content, assigning a discrete parse depth to each word regardless of its semantics. However, this context-free parse tree merely represents the result rather than the process of sentence parsing and does not elucidate how a coherent structured interpretation is concurrently determined by multifaceted constraints. In contrast, BERT parse depth, trained to approach the context-free discrete dependency parse depth, is a continuous variable. Crucially, its deviation from the corresponding discrete parse depth indicates the preference for the syntactic structure represented by this context-free parse. As BERT processes a sentence delivered word-by-word, the dynamic change of BERT parse depth reflects the incremental nature of online speech comprehension.

      Our results reveal a behavioural alignment between BERT parse depth and human interpretative preference for the same set of sentences. In other words, BERT parse depth could represent a probabilistic interpretation of a sentence’s structure based on its specific contents, making it possible to quantify the preference for each grammatically correct syntactic structure during incremental speech comprehension. Furthermore, both BERT and human interpretations show correlations with linguistic knowledge, such as verb transitivity, and non-linguistic knowledge, like subject noun thematic role preference. Both types of knowledge are essential for achieving a coherent interpretation, in accordance with the “constraint-based hypothesis” of sentence processing.

      Motivated by the observed behavioural alignment between BERT and human listeners, we further investigated BERT structural measures in source-localized EEG/MEG using representational similarity analyses (RSA). This approach revealed the neural dynamics underlying incremental speech comprehension on millisecond scales. Our main findings include: (1) a shift from bi-hemispheric lateral frontal-temporal regions to left-lateralized regions in representing the current structured interpretation as a sentence unfolds, (2) a pattern of sequential activations in the left lateral temporal regions, updating the structured interpretation as syntactic ambiguity is resolved, and (3) the influence of lexical interpretative coherence activated in the right hemisphere over the resolved sentence structure represented in the left hemisphere.

      From our perspective, the advantages of using a LLM (or deep language model) like BERT are twofold. Conceptually, BERT structural measures offer a deep contextualized structural representation for any given sentence by integrating the multifaceted constraints unique to the specific contents described by the words within that sentence. Modelling this process on a word-by-word basis is challenging to achieve with behavioural or corpus-based metrics. Empirically, as demonstrated in our responses to the reviewers below, BERT measures show better performance compared to behavioural and corpus-based metrics in aligning with listeners’ neural activity. Moreover, when it comes to integrating multiple sources of constraints for achieving a coherent interpretation, BERT measures also show a better fit with the behavioural data of human listeners than corpus-based metrics.

      Taken together, we propose that LLMs, akin to other artificial neural networks (ANNs), can be considered as computational models for formulating and testing specific neuroscientific hypotheses, such as the “constraint-based hypothesis” of sentence processing in this study. However, we by no means overlook the importance of corpus-based and behavioural metrics. These metrics play a crucial role in interpreting and assessing whether and how ANNs stimulate human cognitive processes, a fundamental step in employing ANNs to gain new insights into the neural mechanisms of human cognition.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors investigate where and when brain activity is modulated by incoming linguistic cues during sentence comprehension. Sentence stimuli were designed such that incoming words had varying degrees of constraint on the sentence's structural interpretation as participants listened to them unfolding, i.e. due to varying degrees of verb transitivity and the noun's likelihood of assuming a specific thematic role. Word-by-word "online" structural interpretations for each sentence were extracted from a deep neural network model trained to reproduce language statistics. The authors relate the various metrics of word-by-word predicted sentence structure to brain data through a standard RSA approach at three distinct points of time throughout sentence presentation. The data provide convincing evidence that brain activity reflects preceding linguistic constraints as well as integration difficulty immediately after word onset of disambiguating material.

      We thank Reviewer #1 (hereinafter referred to as R1) for their recognition of the objectives of our study and the analytical approaches we have employed in this study.

      The authors confirm that their sentence stimuli vary in degree of constraint on sentence structure through independent behavioral data from a sentence continuation task. They also show a compelling correlation of these behavioral data with the online structure metric extracted from the deep neural network, which seems to pick up on the variation in constraints. In the introduction, the authors argue for the potential benefits of using deep neural networkderived metrics given that it has "historically been challenging to model the dynamic interplay between various types of linguistic and nonlinguistic information". Similarly, they later conclude that "future DLMs (...) may provide new insights into the neural implementation of the various incremental processing operations(...)".

      We appreciate R1’s positive comments on the design, quantitative modelling and behavioural validation of the sentence stimuli used in this experiment.

      By incorporating structural probing of a deep neural network, a technique developed in the field of natural language processing, into the analysis pipeline for investigating brain data, the authors indeed take an important step towards establishing advanced machine learning techniques for researching the neurobiology of language. However, given the popularity of deep neural networks, an argument for their utility should be carefully evidenced.

      We fully concur with R1 regarding the need for cautious evaluation and interpretation of deep neural networks’ utility. In fact, this perspective underpinned our decision to conduct extensive correlation analyses using both behavioural and corpus-based metrics to make sense of BERT metrics. These analyses were essential to interpret and validate BERT metrics before employing them to investigate listeners’ neural activity during speech comprehension. We do not in any way undermine the importance of behavioural or corpus-based data in studying language processing in the brain. On the contrary, as evidenced by our findings, these traditional metrics are instrumental in interpreting and guiding the use of metrics derived from LLMs.

      However, the data presented here don't directly test how large the benefit provided by this tool really is. In fact, the authors show compelling correlations of the neural network-derived metrics with both the behavioral cloze-test data as well as several (corpus-)derived metrics. While this is a convincing illustration of how deep language models can be made more interpretable, it is in itself not novel. The correlation with behavioral data and corpus statistics also raises the question of what is the additional benefit of the computational model? Is it simply saving us the step of not having to collect the behavioral data, not having to compute the corpus statistics or does the model potentially uncover a more nuanced representation of the online comprehension process? This remains unclear because we are lacking a direct comparison of how much variance in the neural data is explained by the neural network-derived metrics beyond those other metrics (for example the main verb probability or the corpusderived "active index" following the prepositional phrase).

      From our perspective, a primary advantage of using the neural network-derived metrics (or LLMs as computational models of language processing), compared to traditional behavioural and corpus-based metrics, lies in their ability to offer more nuanced, contextualized representations of natural language inputs. There seems no effective way of computationally capturing the distributed and multifaceted constraints within specific contexts until the current generation of LLMs came along. While it is feasible to quantify lexical properties or contextual effects based on the usage of specific words via corpora or behavioural tests, this method appears less effective in modelling the composition of meanings across more words on the sentence level. More critically, it struggles with capturing how various lexical constraints collectively yield a coherent structured interpretation.

      Accumulating evidence suggests that models designed for context prediction or next-word prediction, such as word2vec and LLMs, outperform classic count-based distributional semantic models (Baroni et al. 2014) in aligning with neural activity during language comprehension (Schrimpf et al. 2021; Caucheteux and King 2022). Relevant to this, we have conducted additional analyses to directly assess the additional variance of neural data explained by BERT metrics, over and above what traditional metrics account for. Specifically, using RSA, we re-tested model RDMs based on BERT metrics while controlling for the contribution from traditional metrics (via partial correlation).

      During the first verb (V1) epoch, we tested model RDMs of V1 transitivity based on data from either the behavioural pre-test (i.e., continuations following V1) or massive corpora. Contrasting sharply with the significant model fits observed for BERT V1 parse depth in bilateral frontal and temporal regions, the two metrics of V1 transitivity did not exhibit any significant effects (see Author response image 1).

      Author response image 1

      RSA model fits of BERT structural metrics and behavioural/corpus-based metrics in the V1 epoch. (upper) Model fits of BERT V1 parse depth (relevant to Appendix 1-figure 10A); (middle) Model fits of the V1 transitivity based on the continuation pre-rest conducted at the end of V1 (e.g., completing “The dog found …”); (bottom) Model fits of the V1 transitivity based on the corpus data (as described in Methods). Note that verb transitivity is quantified as the proportion of its transitive uses (i.e., followed by a direct object) relative to its intransitive uses.

      In the PP1 epoch, which was aligned to the onset of the preposition in the prepositional phrase (PP), we tested the probability of a PP continuation following V1 (e.g., the probability of a PP after “The dog found…”). While no significant results were found for PP probability, we have plotted the uncorrected results for PP probability (Author response image 2). These model fits have very limited overlap with those of BERT parse depth vector (up to PP1) in the left inferior frontal gyrus (approximately at 360 ms) and the left temporal regions (around 600 ms). It is noteworthy that the model fits of the BERT parse depth vector (up to PP1) remained largely unchanged even when PP probability was controlled for, indicating that the variance explained by BERT metrics cannot be effectively accounted for by the PP probability obtained from the human continuation pre-test.

      Author response image 2

      Comparison between the RSA model fits of BERT structural metrics and behavioural / corpusbased metrics in the PP1 epoch. (upper) Model fits of BERT parse depth vector up to PP1 (relevant to Figure 6B in the main text); (middle) Model fits of the probability of a PP continuation in the prerest conducted at the end of the first verb; (bottom) Model fits of BERT parse depth vector up to PP1 after partialling out the variance explained by PP probability.

      Finally, in the main verb (MV) epoch, we tested the model RDM based on the probability of a MV continuation following the PP (e.g., the probability after “The dog found in the park…”). When compared with the BERT parse depth vector (up to MV), we observed a similar effect in the left dorsal frontal regions (see Author response image 3). However, this effect did not survive after the whole-brain multiple comparison correction. Subsequent partial correlation analyses revealed that the MV probability accounted for only a small portion of the variance in neural data explained by the BERT metric, primarily the effect observed in the left dorsal frontal regions around 380 ms post MV onset. Meanwhile, the majority of the model fits of the BERT parse depth vector remained largely unchanged after controlling for the MV probability.

      Note that the probability of a PP/MV continuation reflect participants’ predictions based on speech input preceding the preposition (e.g., “The dog found…”) or the main verb (e.g., “The dog found in the park…”), respectively. In contrast, BERT parse depth vector is designed to represent the structure of the (partial) sentence in the speech already delivered to listeners, rather than to predict a continuation after it. Therefore, in the PP1 and MV epochs, we separately tested BERT parse depth vectors that included the preposition (e.g., “The dog found in…”) and the main verb (e.g., “The dog found in the park was…”) to accurately capture the sentence structure at these specific points in a sentence. Despite the differences in the nature of information captured by these two types of metrics, the behavioural metrics themselves did not exhibit significant model fits when tested against listeners’ neural activity.

      Author response image 3

      Comparison between the RSA model fits of BERT structural metrics and behavioural / corpusbased metrics in the MV epoch. (upper) Model fits of BERT parse depth vector up to MV (relevant to Figure 6C in the main text); (middle) Model fits of the probability of a MV continuation in the pre-rest conducted at the end of the prepositional phrase (e.g., “The dog found in the park …”); (bottom) Model fits of BERT parse depth vector up to MV after partialling out the variance explained by MV probability.

      Regarding the corpus-derived interpretative preference, we observed that neither the Active index nor the Passive index showed significant effects in the PP1 epoch. In the MV epoch, while significant model fits of the passive index were observed, which temporally overlapped with the BERT parse depth vector (up to MV) after the recognition point of the MV, the effects of these two model RDMs emerged in different hemispheres, as illustrated in Figures 6C and 8D in the main text. Consequently, we opted not to pursue further partial correlation analysis with the corpus-derived interpretative preference. Besides, as shown in Figure 8A, 8B and 8C, subject noun thematic role preference and non-directional index exhibit significant model fits in the PP1 or the MV epoch. Interesting, these effects lead corresponding effects of BERT metrics in the same epoch (see Figure 6B and 6C), suggesting that the overall structured interpretation emerges after the evaluation and integration of multifaceted lexical constraints.

      In summary, our findings indicate that, in comparison to corpus-derived or behavioural metrics, BERT structural metrics are more effective in explaining neural data, in terms of modelling both the unfolding sentence input (i.e., incremental BERT parse vector) and individual words (i.e., V1) within specific sentential contexts. This advantage of BERT metrics might be due to the hypothesized capacity of LLMs to capture more contextually rich representations. Such representations effectively integrate the diverse constraints present in a given sentence, thereby outperforming corpus-based metrics or behavioural metrics in this respect. Concurrently, it is important to recognize the significant role of corpus-based / behavioral metrics as explanatory variables. They are instrumental not only in interpreting BERT metrics but also in understanding their fit to listeners’ neural activity (by examining the temporal sequence and spatial distribution of model fits of these two types of metrics). Such an integrative approach allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the complex neural processes underpinning speech comprehension.

      With regards to the neural data, the authors show convincing evidence for early modulations of brain activity by linguistic constraints on sentence structure and importantly early modulation by the coherence between multiple constraints to be integrated. Those modulations can be observed across bilateral frontal and temporal areas as well as parts of the default mode network. The methods used are clear and rigorous and allow for a detailed exploration of how multiple linguistic cues are neurally encoded and dynamically shape the final representation of a sentence in the brain. However, at times the consequences of the RSA results remain somewhat vague with regard to the motivation behind different metrics and how they differ from each other. Therefore, some results seem surprising and warrant further discussion, for example: Why does the neural network-derived parse depth metric fit neural data before the V1 uniqueness point if the sentence pairs begin with the same noun phrase? This suggests that the lexical information preceding V1, is driving the results. However, given the additional results, we can already exclude an influence of subject likelihood for a specific thematic role as this did not model the neural data in the V1 epoch to a significant degree.

      As pointed out by R1, model fits of BERT parse depth vector (up to V1) and its mismatch for the active interpretation were observed before the V1 uniqueness point (Figures 6A and 6D). These early effects could be attributed to the inclusion of different subject nouns in the BERT parse depth vectors. In our MEG data analyses, RSA was performed using all LoTrans and HiTrans sentences. Each of the 60 sentence sets contained one LoTrans sentence and one HiTrans sentence, which resulted in a 120 x 120 neural data RDM for each searchlight ROI across the brain within each sliding time window. Although LoTrans and HiTrans sentences within the same sentence set shared the same subject noun, subject nouns varied across sentence sets. This variation was expected to be reflected in both the model RDM of BERT metrics and the data RDM, a point further clarified in the revised manuscript.

      In contrast, when employing a model RDM constructed solely from the BERT V1 parse depth, we observed model fits peaking precisely at the uniqueness point of V1 (see Appendix 1figure 10). It is important to note that BERT V1 parse depth is a contextualized metric influenced by the preceding subject noun, which could account for the effects of BERT V1 parse depth observed before the uniqueness point of V1.

      Relatedly, In Fig 2C it seems there are systematic differences between HiTrans and LoTrans sentences regarding the parse depth of determiner and subject noun according to the neural network model, while this is not expected according to the context-free parse.

      We thank R1 for pointing out this issue. Relevant to Figure 3D (Figure 2C in the original manuscript), we presented the distributions of BERT parse depth for individual words as the sentence unfolds in Appendix 1-figure 2. Our analysis revealed that the parse depth of the subject noun in high transitivity (HiTrans) and low transitivity (LoTrans) sentences did not significantly differ, except for the point at which the sentence reached V1 (two-tailed twosample t-test, P = 0.05).

      However, we observed a significant difference in the parse depth of the determiner between HiTrans and LoTrans sentences (two-tailed two-sample t-test, P < 0.05 for all results in Appendix 1-figure 2). Additionally, the parse depth of the determiner was found to covary with that of V1 as the input unfolded to different sentence positions (Pearson correlation, P < 0.05 for all plots in Appendix 1-figure 2). This difference, unexpected in terms of the contextfree (dependency) parse used for training the BERT structural probing model, might be indicative of a “leakage” of contextual information during the training of the structural probing model, given the co-variation between the determiner and V1 which was designed to be different in their transitivity in the two types of sentences.

      Despite such unexpected differences observed in the BERT parse depths of the determiner, we considered the two sentence types as one group with distributed features (e.g., V1 transitivity) in the RSA, and used the BERT parse depth vector including all words in the sentence input to construct the model RDMs. Moreover, as indicated in Appendix 1-figure 3, compared to the content words, the determiner contributed minimally to the incremental BERT parse depth vector. Consequently, the noted discrepancies in BERT parse depth of the determiner between HiTrans and LoTrans sentences are unlikely to significantly bias our RSA results.

      "The degree of this mismatch is proportional to the evidence for or against the two interpretations (...). Besides these two measures based on the entire incremental input, we also focused on Verb1 since the potential structural ambiguity lies in whether Verb1 is interpreted as a passive verb or the main verb." The neural data fits in V1 epoch differ in their temporal profile for the mismatch metrics and the Verb 1 depth respectively. I understand the "degree of mismatch" to be a measure of how strongly the neural network's hidden representations align with the parse depth of an active or passive sentence structure. If this is correct, then it is not clear from the text how far this measure differs from the Verb 1 depth alone, which is also indicating either an active or passive structure.

      Within the V1 epoch, we tested three distinct types of model RDMs based on BERT metrics: (1) The BERT parse depth vector, representing the neural network’s hidden representation of the incremental sentence structure including all words up to V1. (2) The mismatch metric for either the Active or Passive interpretation, calculated as the distance between the BERT parse depth vector and the context-free parse depth vector for each interpretation. (3) The BERT parse depth of V1, crucial in representing the preferred structural interpretation of the unfolding sentence given its syntactic role as either a passive verb or the main verb.

      While the BERT parse depth vector per se does not directly indicate a preferred interpretation, its mismatch with the context-free parse depth vectors of the two possible interpretations reveals the favoured interpretation, as significant neural fit is only anticipated for the mismatch with the interpretation being considered. The contextualized BERT depth of V1 is also indicative of the preferred structure given the context-free V1 parse depth corresponding to different syntactic roles, however, compared to the interpretative mismatch, it does not fully capture contributions from other words in the input. Consequently, we expected the interpretative mismatch and the BERT V1 depth to yield different results. Indeed, our analysis revealed that, although both metrics extracted from the same BERT layer (i.e., layer 13) demonstrated early RSA fits in the left fronto-temporal regions, the V1 depth showed relatively more prolonged effects with a notable peak occurring precisely at the uniqueness point of V1 (compare Figure 6C and Appendix 1-figure 10). These complementary results underscore the capability of BERT metrics to align with neural responses, in terms of both an incrementally unfolding sentence and a specific word within it.

      In previous studies, differences in neural activity related to distinct amounts of open nodes in the parse tree have been interpreted in terms of distinct working memory demands (Nelson et al. pnas 2017, Udden et al tics 2020). It seems that some of the metrics, for example the neural network-derived parse depth or the V1 depth may be similarly interpreted in the light of working memory demands. After all, during V1 epoch, the sentences do not only differ with respect to predicted sentence structure, but also in the amount of open nodes that need to be maintained. In the discussion, however, the authors interpret these results as "neural representations of an unfolding sentence's structure".

      We agree with the reviewer that the Active and Passive interpretations differ in terms of the number of open nodes before the actual main verb is heard. Given the syntactic ambiguity in our sentence stimuli (i.e., LoTrans and Hi Trans sentences), it is infeasible to determine the exact number of open nodes in each sentence as it unfolds. Nevertheless, the RSA fits observed in the dorsal lateral frontal regions could be indicative of the varying working memory demands involved in building the structured interpretations across sentences. We have added this perspective in the revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This article is focused on investigating incremental speech processing, as it pertains to building higher-order syntactic structure. This is an important question because speech processing in general is lesser studied as compared to reading, and syntactic processes are lesser studied than lower-level sensory processes. The authors claim to shed light on the neural processes that build structured linguistic interpretations. The authors apply modern analysis techniques, and use state-of-the-art large language models in order to facilitate this investigation. They apply this to a cleverly designed experimental paradigm of EMEG data, and compare neural responses of human participants to the activation profiles in different layers of the BERT language model.

      We thank Reviewer #2 (hereinafter referred to as R2) for the overall positive remarks on our study.


      (1) The study aims to investigate an under-explored aspect of language processing, namely syntactic operations during speech processing

      (2) The study is taking advantage of technological advancements in large language models, while also taking linguistic theory into account in building the hypothesis space

      (3) The data combine EEG and MEG, which provides a valuable spatio-temporally resolved dataset

      (4) The use of behavioural validation of high/low transitive was an elegant demonstration of the validity of their stimuli

      We thank R2 for recognizing and appreciating the motivation and the methodology employed in this study.


      (1) The manuscript is quite hard to understand, even for someone well-versed in both linguistic theory and LLMs. The questions, design, analysis approach, and conclusions are all quite dense and not easy to follow.

      To address this issue, we have made dedicated efforts to clarify the key points in our study. We also added figures to visualize our experimental design and methods (see Figure 1, Figure 3C and Figure 5 in the revised main text). We hope that these revisions have made the manuscript more comprehensible and straightforward for the readers.

      (2) The analyses end up seeming overly complicated when the underlying difference between sentence types is a simple categorical distinction between high and low transitivity. I am not sure why tree depth and BERT are being used to evaluate the degree to which a sentence is being processed as active or passive. If this is necessary, it would be helpful for the authors to motivate this more clearly.

      Indeed, as pointed by R2, the only difference between LoTrans and HiTrans sentences is the first verb (V1), whose transitivity is crucial for establishing an initial preference for either an Active or a Passive interpretation as the sentence unfolds. Nonetheless, in line with the constraint-based approach to sentence processing and supported by previous research findings, a coherent structured interpretation of a sentence is determined by the combined constraints imposed by all words within that sentence. In our study, the transitivity of V1 alone is insufficient to fully explain the interpretative preference for the sentence structure. The overall sentence-level interpretation also depends on the thematic role preference of the subject noun – its likelihood of being an agent performing an action or a patient receiving the action.

      This was evident in our findings, as shown in Author response image 1 above, where the V1 transitivity based on corpus or behavioural data did not fit to the neural data during the V1 epoch. In contrast, BERT structural measures [e.g., BERT parse depth vector (up to V1) and BERT V1 parse depth] offered contextualized representations that are presumed to integrate various lexical constraints present in each sentence. These BERT metrics exhibited significant model fits for the same neural data in the V1 epoch. Besides, a notable feature of BERT is its bi-directional attention mechanism, which allows for the dynamic updating of an earlier word’s representation as more of the sentence is heard, which is also changeling to achieve with corpus or behavioural metrics. For instance, the parse depth of the word “found” in the BERT parse depth vector for “The dog found…” differs from its parse depth in the vector for “The dog found in…”. This feature of BERT is particularly advantageous for investigating the dynamic nature of structured interpretation during speech comprehension, as it stimulates the continual updating of interpretation that occurs as a sentence unfolds (as shown by Figure 7 in the main text). We have elaborated on the rationale for employing BERT parse depth in this regard in the revised manuscript.

      (3) The main data result figures comparing BERT and the EMEG brain data are hard to evaluate because only t-values are provided, and those, only for significant clusters. It would be helpful to see the full 600 ms time course of rho values, with error bars across subjects, to really be able to evaluate it visually. This is a summary statistic that is very far away from the input data

      We appreciate this suggestion from R2. In the Appendix 1 of the revised manuscript, we have provided individual participants’ Spearman’s rho time courses for every model RDM tested in all the three epochs (see Appendix 1-figures 8-10 & 14-15). Note that RSA was conducted in the source-localized E/MEG, it is infeasible to plot the rho time course for each searchlight at one of the 8196 vertices on the cortical surface mesh. Instead, we plotted the rho time course of each ROI reported in the original manuscript. These plots complement the time-resolved heatmap of peak t-value in Figures 6-8 in the main text.

      (4) Some details are omitted or not explained clearly. For example, how was BERT masked to give word-by-word predictions? In its default form, I believe that BERT takes in a set of words before and after the keyword that it is predicting. But I assume that here the model is not allowed to see linguistic information in the future.

      In our analyses, we utilized the pre-trained version of BERT (Devlin et al. 2019) as released by Hugging Face (https://github.com/huggingface). It is noteworthy that BERT, as described in the original paper, was initially trained using the Cloze task, involving the prediction of masked words within an input. In our study, however, we neither retrained nor fine-tuned the pre-trained BERT model, nor did we employ it for word-by-word prediction tasks. We used BERT to derive the incremental representation of a sentence’s structure as it unfolded word-by-word.

      Specifically, we sequentially input the text of each sentence into the BERT, akin to how a listener would receive the spoken words in a sentence (see Figure 3C in the main text). For each incremental input (such as “The dog found”), we extracted the hidden representations of each word from BERT. These representations were then transformed into their respective BERT parse depths using a structural probing model (which was trained using sentences with annotated dependency parse tress from the Penn Treebank Dataset). The resulting BERT parse depths were subsequently used to create model RDMs, which were then tested against neural data via RSA.

      Crucially, in our approach, BERT was not exposed to any future linguistic information in the sentence. We never tested BERT parse depth of a word in an epoch where this word had not been heard by the listener. For example, the three-dimensional BERT parse depth vector for “The dog found” was tested in the V1 epoch corresponding to “found”, while the fourdimensional BERT parse depth vector for “The dog found in” was tested in the PP1 epoch of “in”.

      How were the auditory stimuli recorded? Was it continuous speech or silences between each word? How was prosody controlled? Was it a natural speaker or a speech synthesiser?

      Consistent with our previous studies (Kocagoncu et al. 2017; Klimovich-Gray et al. 2019; Lyu et al. 2019; Choi et al. 2021), all auditory stimuli in this study were recorded by a female native British English speaker, ensuring a neutral intonation throughout. We have incorporated this detail into the revised version of our manuscript for clarity.

      It is difficult for me to fully assess the extent to which the authors achieved their aims, because I am missing important information about the setup of the experiment and the distribution of test statistics across subjects.

      We are sorry for the previously omitted details regarding the experimental setup and the results of individual participants. As detailed in our responses above, we have now included the necessary information in the revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Syntactic parsing is a highly dynamic process: When an incoming word is inconsistent with the presumed syntactic structure, the brain has to reanalyze the sentence and construct an alternative syntactic structure. Since syntactic parsing is a hidden process, it is challenging to describe the syntactic structure a listener internally constructs at each time moment. Here, the authors overcome this problem by (1) asking listeners to complete a sentence at some break point to probe the syntactic structure mentally constructed at the break point, and (2) using a DNN model to extract the most likely structure a listener may extract at a time moment. After obtaining incremental syntactic features using the DNN model, the authors analyze how these syntactic features are represented in the brain using MEG.

      We extend our thanks to Reviewer #3 (referred to as R3 below) for recognizing the methods we used in this study.

      Although the analyses are detailed, the current conclusion needs to be further specified. For example, in the abstract, it is concluded that "Our results reveal a detailed picture of the neurobiological processes involved in building structured interpretations through the integration across multifaceted constraints". The readers may remain puzzled after reading this conclusion.

      Following R3’s suggestion, we have revised the abstract and refined our conclusions in the main text to explicitly highlight our principal findings. These include: (1) a shift from bihemispheric lateral frontal-temporal regions to left-lateralized regions in representing the current structured interpretation as a sentence unfolds, (2) a pattern of sequential activations in the left lateral temporal regions, updating the structured interpretation as syntactic ambiguity is resolved, and (3) the influence of lexical interpretative coherence activated in the right hemisphere over the resolved sentence structure represented in the left hemisphere.

      Similarly, for the second part of the conclusion, i.e., "including an extensive set of bilateral brain regions beyond the classical fronto-temporal language system, which sheds light on the distributed nature of language processing in the brain." The more extensive cortical activation may be attributed to the spatial resolution of MEG, and it is quite well acknowledged that language processing is quite distributive in the brain.

      We fully agree with R3 on the relatively low spatial resolution of MEG. Our emphasis was on the observed peak activations in specific regions outside the classical brain areas related to language processing, such as the precuneus in the default mode network, which are unlikely to be artifacts due to the spatial resolution of MEG. We have revised the relevant contents in the Abstract.

      The authors should also discuss:

      (1) individual differences (whether the BERT representation is a good enough approximation of the mental representation of individual listeners).

      To address the issue of individual differences which was also suggested by R2, we added individual participants’ model fits in ROIs with significant effects of BERT representations in Appendix 1 of the revised manuscript (see Appendix 1-figures 8-10 & 14-15).

      (2) parallel parsing (I think the framework here should allow the brain to maintain parallel representations of different syntactic structures but the analysis does not consider parallel representations).

      In the original manuscript, we did not discuss parallel parsing because the methods we used does not support a direct test for this hypothesis. In our analyses, we assessed the preference for one of two plausible syntactic structures (i.e., Active and Passive interpretations) based on the BERT parse vector of an incremental sentence input. This assessment was accomplished by calculating the mismatch between the BERT parse depth vector and the context-free dependency parse depth vector representing each of the two structures. However, we only observed one preferred interpretation in each epoch (see Figures 6D-6F) and did not find evidence supporting the maintenance of parallel representations of different syntactic structures in the brain. Nevertheless, in the revised manuscript, we have mentioned this possibility, which could be properly explored in future studies.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Consider fitting the behavioral data from the continuation pre-test to the brain data in order to illustrate the claimed advantage of using a computational model beyond more traditional methods.

      Following R1’s suggestion, we conducted additional RSA using more behavioural and corpusbased metrics. We then directly compared the fits of these traditional metrics to brain data with those of BERT metrics in the same epoch to provide empirical evidence for the advantage of using a computational model like BERT to explain listeners’ neural data (see Appendix 1figures 11-13).

      Clarify the use of "neural representations: For a clearer assessment of the results, please discuss your results (especially the fits with BERT parse depth) in terms of the potential effects of distinct sentence structure expectations on working memory demands and make clear where these can be disentangled from neural representations of an unfolding sentence's structure.

      In the revised manuscript, we have noted the working memory demands associated with the online construction of a structured interpretation during incremental speech comprehension. As mentioned in our response to the relevant comment by R1 above, our experimental paradigm is not suitable for quantitatively assessing working memory demands since it is difficult to determine the exact number of open nodes for our stimuli with syntactic ambiguity before the disambiguating point (i.e., the main verb) is reached. Therefore, while we can speculate the potential contribution of varying working memory demands (which might correlate with BERT V1 parse depth) to RSA model fits, we think it is not possible to disentangle their effects from the neural representation of an unfolding sentence’s structure modelled by BERT parse depths in our current study.

      Please add in methods a description of how the uniqueness point was determined.

      In this study, we defined the uniqueness point of a word as the earliest point in time when this word can be fully recognized after removing all of its phonological competitors. To determine the uniqueness point for each word of interest, we first identified the phoneme by which this word can be uniquely recognized according to CELEX (Baayen et al. 1993). Then, we manually labelled the offset of this phoneme in the auditory file of the spoken sentence in which this word occurred. We have added relevant description of how the uniqueness point was determined in the Methods section of the revised manuscript.

      I found the name "interpretative mismatch" very opaque. Maybe instead consider "preference".

      We chose to use the term “interpretative mismatch” rather than “preference” based on the operational definition of this metric, which is the distance between a BERT parse depth vector and one of the two context-free parse depth vectors representing the two possible syntactic structures, so that a smaller distance value (or mismatch) signifies a stronger preference for the corresponding interpretation.

      In the abstract, the authors describe the cognitive process under investigation as one of incremental combination subject to "multi-dimensional probabilistic constraint, including both linguistic and non-linguistic knowledge". The non-linguistic knowledge is later also referred to as "broad world knowledge". These terms lack specificity and across studies have been operationalized in distinct ways. In the current study, this "world knowledge" is operationalized as the likelihood of a subject noun being an agent or patient and the probability for a verb to be transitive, so here a more specific term may have been the "knowledge about statistical regularities in language".

      In this study, we specifically define “non-linguistic world knowledge” as the likelihood of a subject noun assuming the role of an agent or patient, which relates to its thematic role preference. This type of knowledge is primarily non-linguistic in nature, as exemplified by comparing nouns like “king” and “desk”. Although it could be reflected by statistical regularities in language, thematic role preference hinges more on world knowledge, plausibility, or real-world statistics. In contrast, “linguistic knowledge” in our study refers to verb transitivity, which focuses on the grammatically correct usage of a verb and is tied to statistical regularities within language itself. In the revised manuscript, we have provided clearer operational definitions for these two concepts and have ensured consistent usage throughout the text.

      Please spell out what exactly the "constraint-based hypothesis" is (even better, include an explicit description of the alternative hypothesis?).

      The “constraint-based hypothesis”, as summarized in a review (McRae and Matsuki 2013), posits that various sources of information, referred to as “constraints”, are simultaneously considered by listeners during incremental speech comprehension. These constraints encompass syntax, semantics, knowledge of common events, contextual pragmatic biases, and other forms of information gathered from both intra-sentential and extra-sentential context. Notably, there is no delay in the utilization of these multifaceted constraints once they become available, neither is a fixed priority assigned to one type of constraint over another. Instead, a diverse set of constraints is immediately brought into play for comprehension as soon as they become available as the relevant spoken word is recognized.

      An alternative hypothesis, proposed earlier, is the two-stage garden path model (Frazier and Rayner 1982; Frazier 1987). According to this model, there is an initial parsing stage that relies solely on syntax. This is followed by a second stage where all available information, including semantics and other knowledge, is used to assess the plausibility of the results obtained in the first-stage analysis and to conduct re-analysis if necessary (McRae and Matsuki 2013). In the Introduction of our revised manuscript, we have elaborated on the “constraint-based hypothesis” and mentioned this two-stage garden path model as its alternative.

      Fig1 B&C: In order to make the data more interpretable, could you estimate how many possible grammatical structural configurations there are / how many different grammatical structures were offered in the pretest, and based on this what would be the "chance probability" of choosing a random structure or for example show how many responded with a punctuation vs alternative continuations?

      In our analysis of the behavioural results, we categorized the continuations provided by participants in the pre-test at the offset of Verb1 (e.g., “The dog found/walked …”) into 6 categories, including DO (direct object), INTRANS (intransitive), PP (prepositional phrase), INF (infinitival complement), SC (sentential complement) and OTHER (gerund, phrasal verb, etc.).

      Author response table 1.

      Similarly, we categorized the continuations that followed the offset of the prepositional phrase (e.g., “The dog found/walked in the park …”) into 7 categories, including MV (main verb), END (i.e., full stop), PP (prepositional phrase), INF (infinitival complement), CONJ (conjunction), ADV (adverb) and OTHER (gerund, sentential complement, etc.).

      Author response table 2.

      It is important to note that the results of these two pre-tests, including the types of continuations and their probabilities, exhibited considerable variability between and within each sentence type (see also Figures 2B and 2C).

      Typo: "In addition, we found that BERT structural interpretations were also a correlation with the main verb probability" >> correlated instead of correlation.

      We apologize for this typo. We have conducted a thorough proofreading to identify and correct any other typos present in the revised manuscript.

      "In this regard, DLMs excel in a flexible combination of different types of features embedded in their rich internal representations". What are the "different types", spell out at least some examples for illustration.

      We have rephrased this sentence to give a more detailed description.

      Fig 2 caption: "Same color scheme as in (A)" >> should be 'as in (B)'?, and later A instead of B.

      We are sorry for this typo. We have corrected it in the revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      My biggest recommendation is to make the paper clearer in two ways: (i) writing style, by hand-holding the reader through each section, and the motivation for each step, in both simple and technical language; (ii) schematic visuals, of the experimental design and the analysis. A schematic of the main experimental manipulation would be helpful, rather than just listing two example sentences. It would also be helpful to provide a schematic of the experimental setup and the analysis approach, so that people can refer to a visual aid in addition to the written explanation. For example, it is not immediately clear what is being correlated with what - I needed to go to the methods to understand that you are doing RSA across all of the trials. Make sure that all of the relevant details are explained, and that you motivate each decision.

      We thank R2 for these suggestions. In the revised manuscript, we have enhanced the clarity of the main text by providing a more detailed explanation of the motivation behind each analysis and the interpretation of the corresponding results. Additionally, in response to R2’s recommendation, we have added a few figures, including the illustration of the experimental design (Figure 1) and methods (see Figure 3C and Figure 5).

      Different visualisation of neural results - The main data result figures comparing BERT and the EMEG brain data are hard to evaluate because only t-values are provided, and those, are only for significant clusters. It would be helpful to see the full 600 ms time course of rho values, with error bars across subjects, to really be able to evaluate it visually.

      In the original manuscript, we opted to present t-value time courses for the sake of simplicity in illustrating the fits of the 12 model RDMs tested in 3 epochs. Following R2’s suggestion, we have included the ROI model fit time courses of each model RDM for all individual participants, as well as the mean model fit time course with standard error in Appendix 1figures 8-10 & 14-15.

      How are the authors dealing with prosody differences that disambiguate syntactic structures, that BERT does not have access to?

      All spoken sentence stimuli were recorded by a female native British English speaker, ensuring a neutral intonation throughout. Therefore, prosody is unlikely to vary systematically between different sentence types or be utilized to disambiguate syntactic structures. Sample speech stimuli have been made available in the following repository: https://osf.io/7u8jp/.

      A few writing errors: "was kept updated every time"

      We are sorry for the typos. We have conducted proof-reading carefully to identify and correct typos throughout the revised manuscript.

      Explain why the syntactic trees have "in park the" rather than "in the park"?

      The dependency parse trees (e.g., Figure 3A) were generated according to the conventions of dependency parsing (de Marneffe et al. 2006).

      Why are there mentions of the multiple demand network in the results? I'm not sure where this comes from.

      The mention of the multiple demand network was made due to the significant RSA fits observed in the dorsal lateral prefrontal regions and the superior parietal regions, which are parts of the multiple demand network. This observation was particularly notable for the BERT parse depth vector in the main verb epoch when the potential syntactic ambiguity was being resolved. It is plausible that these effects observed are partly attributed to the varying working memory demands required to maintain the “opening nodes” in the different syntactic structures being considered by listeners at this point in the sentence.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The study first asked human listeners to complete partial sentences, and incremental parsing of the partial sentences can be captured based on the completed sentences. This analysis is helpful and I wonder if the behavioral data here are enough to model the E/MEG responses. For example, if I understood it correctly, the parse depth up to V1 can be extracted based on the completed sentences and used for the E/MEG analysis.

      The behavioural data alone do not suffice to model the E/MEG data. As we elucidated in our responses to R1, we employed three behavioural metrics derived from the continuation pretests. These metrics include the V1 transitivity and the PP probability, given the continuations after V1 (e.g., after “The dog found…”), as well as the MV probability, given the continuations after the prepositional phrase (e.g., after “The dog found in the park…”). These metrics aimed to capture participants’ prediction based on their structured interpretations at various positions in the sentence. However, none of these behavioural metrics yielded significant model fits to the listeners’ neural activity, which sharply contrasts with the substantial model fits of the BERT metrics in the same epochs. Besides, we also tried to model V1 parse depth as a weighted average based on participants’ continuations. As shown in Figure 3A, V1 parse depth is 0 in the active interpretation, 2 in the passive interpretation, while the parse depth of the determiner and the subject noun does not differ. However, this continuation-based V1 parse depth [i.e., 0 × Probability(active interpretation) + 2 × Probability(passive interpretation)] did not show significant model fits.

      Related to this point, I wonder if the incremental parse extracted using BERT is consistent with the human results (i.e., parsing extracted based on the completed sentences) on a sentence-bysentence basis.

      In fact, we did provide evidence showing the alignment between the incremental parse extracted using BERT and the human interpretation for the same partial sentence input (see Figure 4 in the main text and Appendix 1-figures 4-6).

      Furthermore, in Fig 1d, is it possible to calculate how much variance of the 3 probabilities is explained by the 4 factors, e.g., using a linear model? If these factors can already explain most of the variance of human parsing, is it possible to just use these 4 factors to explain neural activity?

      Following R3’s suggestion, we have conducted additional linear modelling analyses to compare the extent to which human behavioural data can be explained by corpus metrics and BERT metrics separately. Specifically, for each of the three probabilities obtained in the pretests (i.e., DO, PP, and MV), we constructed two linear models. One model utilized the four corpus-based metrics as regressors (i.e., SN agenthood, V1 transitivity, Passive index, and Active index), while the other model used BERT metrics as regressors (i.e., BERT parse depth of each word up to V1 from layer 13 for DO/PP probability and BERT parse depth of each word up to the end of PP from layer 14 for MV probability, consistent with the BERT layers reported in Figure 6).

      As shown in the table below, corpus metrics demonstrate a more effective fit than BERT metrics for predicting the DO/PP probability. The likelihood of a DO/PP continuation is chiefly influenced by the lexical syntactic property of V1 (i.e., transitivity), and appears to rely less on contextual factors. Since V1 transitivity is explicitly included as one of the corpus metrics, it is thus expected to align more closely with the DO/PP probability compared to BERT metrics, primarily reflecting transitive versus intransitive verb usage.

      Author response table 3.

      Actually, BERT V1 parse depth was not correlated with V1 transitivity when the sentence only unfolds to V1 (see Appendix 1-figure 6). This lack of correlation may stem from the fact that the BERT probing model was designed to represent the structure of a (partially) unfolded sentence, rather than to generate a continuation or prediction. Moreover, V1 transitivity alone does not conclusively determine the Active or Passive interpretation by the end of V1. For instance, both transitive and intransitive continuations after V1 are compatible with an Active interpretation. Consequently, the initial preference for an Active interpretation (as depicted by the early effects before V1 was recognized in Figure 6D), might be predominantly driven by the animate subject noun (SN) at the beginning of the sentence, a word order cue in languages like English (Mahowald et al. 2023).

      In contrast, when assessing the probability of a MV following the PP (e.g., after “The dog found in the park ...”), BERT metrics significantly outperformed corpus metrics in terms of fitting the MV probability. Although SN thematic role preference and V1 transitivity were designed to be the primary factors constraining the structured interpretation in this experiment, we could only obtain their context-independent estimates from corpora (i.e., considering all contexts). Additionally, despite Active/Passive index (a product of these two factors) are correlated with the MV probability, it may oversimplify the task of capturing the specific context of a given sentence. Furthermore, the PP following V1 is also expected to influence the structured interpretation. For instance, whether “in the park” is a more plausible scenario for people to find a dog or for a dog to find something. Thus, this finding suggests that the corpus-based metrics are not as effective as BERT in representing contextualized structured interpretations (for a longer sentence input), which might require the integration of constraints from every word in the input.

      In summary, corpus-based metrics excel in explaining human language behaviour when it primarily relies on specific lexical properties. However, they significantly lag behind BERT metrics when more complex contextual factors come into play at the same time. Regarding their performance in fitting neural data, among the four corpus-based metrics, we only observed significant model fits for the Passive index in the MV epoch when the intended structure for a Passive interpretation was finally resolved, while the other three metrics did not exhibit significant model fits in any epoch. Note that subject noun thematic role preference did fit neural data in the PP and MV epochs (Figure 8A and 8B). In contrast, the incremental BERT parse depth vector exhibited significant model fits in all three epochs we tested (i.e., V1, PP1, and MV).

      To summarize, I feel that I'm not sure if the structural information BERT extracts reflect the human parsing of the sentences, especially when the known influencing factors are removed.

      Based on the results presented above and, in the manuscript, BERT metrics align closely with human structured interpretations in terms of both behavioural and neural data. Furthermore, they outperform corpus-based metrics when it comes to integrating multiple constraints within the context of a specific sentence as it unfolds.

      Minor issues:

      Six types of sentences were presented. Three types were not analyzed, but the results for the UNA sentences are not reported either.

      In this study, we only analysed two out of the six types of sentences, i.e., HiTrans and LoTrans sentences. The remaining four types of sentences were included to ensure a diverse range of sentence structures and avoid potential adaption the same syntactic structure.

      Fig 1b, If I understood it correctly, each count is a sentence. Providing examples of the sentences may help. Listing the sentences with the corresponding probabilities in the supplementary materials can also help.

      Yes, each count in Figure 2B (Figure 1B in the original manuscript) is a sentence. All sentence stimuli and results of pre-tests are available in the following repository https://osf.io/7u8jp/.

      "trajectories of individual HiTrans and LoTrans sentences are considerably distributed and intertwined (Fig. 2C, upper), suggesting that BERT structural interpretations are sensitive to the idiosyncratic contents in each sentence." It may also mean the trajectories are noisy.

      We agree with R3 that there might be unwanted noise underlying the distributed and intertwined BERT parse depth trajectories of individual sentences. Meanwhile, it is also important to note that the correlation between BERT parse depths and lexical constraints of different words at the same position across sentences is statistically supported.


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    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The brain-machine interface used in this study differs from typical BMIs in that it's not intended to give subjects voluntary control over their environment. However, it is possible that rats may become aware of their ability to manipulate trial start times using their neural activity. Is there any evidence that the time required to initiate trials on high-coherence or low-coherence trials decreases with experience?

      This is a great question. First, we designed the experiment to avoid this possibility. Rats were experienced on the sequence of the automatic maze both pre and post implantation (totaling to weeks of pre-training and habituation). As such, the majority of the trials ever experienced by the rat were not controlled by their neural activity. During BMI experimentation, only 10% of trials were triggered during high coherence states and 10% for low coherence states, leaving ~80% of trials not controlled by their neural activity. We also implemented a pseudo-randomized trial sequence. When considered together, we specifically designed this experiment to avoid the possibility that rats would actively use their neural activity to control the maze.

      Second, we had a similar question when collecting data for this manuscript and so we conducted a pilot experiment. We took 3 rats from experiment #1 (after its completion) and we required them to perform “forced-runs” over the course of 3-4 days, a task where rats navigate to a reward zone and are rewarded with a chocolate pellet. The trajectory on “forced-runs” is predetermined and rats were always rewarded for navigating along the predetermined route. Every trial was initiated by strong mPFC-hippocampal theta coherence. We were curious as to whether time-to-trial-onset would decrease if we repeatedly paired trial onset to strong mPFC-hippocampal theta coherence. 1 out of 3 rats (rat 21-35) showed a significant correlation between time-to-trial onset and trial number, indicating that our threshold for strong mPFC-hippocampal theta coherence was being met more quickly with experience (Figure R1A). When looking over sessions and rats, there was considerable variability in the magnitude of this correlation and sometimes even the direction (Figure R1B). As such, the degree to which rat 21-35 was aware of controlling the environment by reaching strong mPFC-hippocampal theta coherence is unclear, but this question requires future experimentation.

      Author response image 1.

      Strong mPFC-hippocampal theta coherence was used to control trial onset for the entirety of forced-navigation sessions. Time-to-trial onset is a measurement of how long it took for strong coherence to be met. A) Time-to-trial onset was averaged across sessions for each rat, then plotted as a function of trial number (within-session experience on the forced-runs task). Rat 21-35 showed a significant negative correlation between time-to-trial onset and trial number, indicating that time-to-coherence reduced with experience. The rest of the rats did not display this effect. B) Correlation between trial-onset and trial number (y-axis; see A) across sessions (x-axis). A majority of sessions showed a negative correlation between time-to-trial onset and trial number, like what was seen in (A), but the magnitude and sometimes direction of this effect varied considerably even within an animal.

      Is there any evidence that rats display better performance on trials with random delays in which HPC-PFC coherence was naturally elevated?

      This question is now addressed in Extended Figure 5 and discussed in the section titled “strong prefrontal-hippocampal theta coherence leads to correct choices on a spatial working memory task”.

      The introduction frames this study as a test of the "communication through coherence" hypothesis. In its strongest form, this hypothesis states that oscillatory synchronization is a pre-requisite for inter-areal communication, i.e. if two areas are not synchronized, they cannot transfer information. Recent experimental evidence shows this relationship is more likely inverted-coherence is a consequence of inter-areal interactions, rather than a cause. See Schneider et al. (DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2021.09.037) and Vinck et al. (10.1016/j.neuron.2023.03.015) for a more in-depth explanation of this distinction. The authors should expand their treatment of this hypothesis in light of these findings.

      Our introduction and discussions have sections dedicated to these studies now.

      Figure 6 - It would be much more intuitive to use the labels "Rat 1", "Rat 2", and "Rat 3"; the "21-4X" identifiers are confusing.

      This was corrected in the paper.

      Figure 6C - The sub-plots within this figure are rather small and difficult to interpret. The figure would be easier to parse if the data were presented as a heatmap of the ratio of theta power during blue vs. red stim, with each pixel corresponding to one channel.

      This suggestion was implemented in the paper. See Fig 6C. Extended Fig. 8 now shows the power spectra as a function of recording shank and channel.

      Ext. Figure 2B - What happens during an acquisition failure? Instead of "Amount of LFP data," consider using "Buffer size".


      Ext. Figure 2D-E - Instead of "Amount of data," consider using "Window size"

      Referred to as buffer size.

      Ext. Figure 2E - y-axis should extend down to 4 Hz. Are all of the last four values exactly at 8 Hz?

      Yes. Values plateau at 8Hz. These data represent an average over ~50 samples.

      Ext. Figure 2F - consider moving this before D/E, since those panels are summaries of panel F


      Ext. Figure 4A - ANOVA tells you that accuracy is impacted by delay duration, but not what that impact is. A post-hoc test is required to show that long delays lead to lower accuracy than short ones. Alternatively, one could compute the correlation between delay duration and proportion correctly for each mouse, and look for significant negative values.

      We included supplemental analyses in Extended Fig. 4

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The authors should replace terms that suggest a causal relationship between PFC-HPC synchrony and behavior, such as 'leads to', 'biases', and 'enhances' with more neutral terms.

      Causal implications were toned down and wherever “leads” or “led” remains, we specifically mean in the context of coherence being detected prior to a choice being made.

      The rationale for the analysis described in the paragraph starting on line 324, and how it fits with the preceding results, was not clear to me. The authors also write at the start of this paragraph "Given that mPFC-hippocampal theta coherence fluctuated in a periodical manner (Extended Fig. 5B)", but this figure only shows example data from 2 trials.

      The reviewer is correct. While we point towards 3 examples in the manuscript now, we focused this section on the autocorrelation analysis, which did not support our observation as we noticed a rather linear decay in correlation over time. As such, the periodicity observed was almost certainly a consequence of overlapping data in the epochs used to calculate coherence rather than intrinsic periodicity.

      Shortly after the start of the results section (line 112), the authors go into a very detailed description of how they validated their BMI without first describing what the BMI actually does. This made this and the subsequent paragraphs difficult to follow. I suggest the authors start with a general description of the BMI (and the general experiment) before going into the details.

      Corrected. See first paragraph of “Development of a closed-loop…”.

      In Figure 2C, as expected, around the onset of 'high' coherence trials, there is an increase in theta coherence but this appears to be very transient. However, it is unclear what the heatmap represents: is it a single trial, single session, an average across animals, or something else? In Figure 3F, however, the increase appears to be much more sustained.

      The sample size was rats for every panel in this figure. This was clarified at the end of Fig. 3.

      In Figure 2D, it was not clear to me what units of measurement are used when the averages and error bars are calculated. What is the 'n' here? Animals or sessions? This should be made clear in this figure as well as in other figures.

      The sample size is rats. This is now clarified at the end of Fig 2.

      Describing the study of Jones and Wilson (2005), the authors write: "While foundational, this study treated the dependent variable (choice accuracy) as independent to test the effect of choice outcome on task performance." (line 83) It was not clear to me what is meant by "dependent" and "independent" here. Explaining this more clearly might clarify how the authors' study goes beyond this and other previous studies.

      The reviewer is correct. A discussion on independent/dependent variables in the context of rationale for our experiment was removed.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      As explained in the public review, my comments mainly concern the interpretation of the experimental paradigm and its link with previous findings. I think modifying these in order to target the specific advance allowed by the paradigm would really improve the match between the experimental and analytical data that is very solid and the author's conclusions.

      Concerning the paradigm, I recommend that the authors focus more on their novel ability to clearly dissociate the functional role of theta coherence prior to the choice as opposed to induced by the choice. Currently, they explain by contrasting previous studies based on dependent variables whereas their approach uses an independent variable. I was a bit confused by this, particularly because the task variable is not really independent given that it's based on a brain-driven loop. Since theta coherence remains correlated with many other neurophysiological variables, the results cannot go beyond showing that leading up to the decision it correlates with good choice accuracy, without providing evidence that it is theta coherence itself that enhances this accuracy as they suggest in lines 93-94.

      The reviewer is correct. A discussion on independent/dependent variables in the context of rationale for our experiment was removed.

      Regarding previous results with muscimol inactivation, I recommend that the authors expand their discussion on this point. I think that their correlative data is not sufficient to conclude as they do that despite "these structures being deemed unnecessary" (based on causal muscimol experiments), they "can still contribute rather significantly" since their findings do not show a contribution, merely a correlation. This extra discussion could include possible explanations of the apparent, and thought-provoking discrepancies that they uncover such as: theta coherence may be a correlate of good accuracy without an underlying causal relation, theta coherence may always correlate with good accuracy but only be causally important in some tasks related to spatial working memory or, since muscimol experiments leave the brain time to adapt to the inactivation, redundancy between brain areas may mask their implication in the physiological context in certain tasks (see Goshen et al 2011).

      The second paragraph of the discussion is now dedicated to this.

      Possible further analysis :

      • In Extended 4A the authors show that performance drops with delay duration. It would be very interesting to see this graph with the high coherence / low coherence / yoked trials to see if the theta coherence is most important for longer trials for example.

      This is a great suggestion. Due to 10% of trials being triggered by high coherence states, our sample size precludes a robust analysis as suggested. Given that we found an enhancement effect on a task with minimal spatial working memory requirements (Fig. 4), it seems that coherence may be a general benefit or consequence of choice processes. Nonetheless, this remains an important question to address in a future study.

      • Figure 6: The authors explain in the text that although the effect of stimulation of VMT is variable, overall VMT activation increased PFC-HPC coherence. I think in the figure the results are only shown for one rat and session per panel. It would be interesting to add a figure including their whole data set to show the overall effect as well as the variability.

      The reviewer is correct and this comment promoted significant addition of detail to the manuscript. We have added an extended figure (Ext. Fig. 9) showing our VMT stimulation recording sessions. We originally did not include these because we were performing a parameter search to understanding if VMT stimulation could increase mPFC-hippocampal theta coherence. The results section was expanded accordingly.

      Changes to writing / figures :

      • The paper by Eliav et al, 2018 is cited to illustrate the universality of coupling between hippocampal rhythms and spikes whereas the main finding of this paper is that spikes lock to non-rhythmic LFP in the bat hippocampus. It seems inappropriate to cite this paper in the sentence on line 65.

      We agree with the reviewer and this citation was removed.

      • Line 180 when explaining the protocol, it would help comprehension if the authors clearly stated that "trial initiation" means opening the door to allow the rat to make its choice. I was initially unfamiliar with the paradigm and didn't figure this out immediately.

      We added a description to the second paragraph of our first results section.

      • Lines 324 and following: the analysis shows that there is a slow decay over around 2s of the theta coherence but not that it is periodical (as in regularly occurring in time), this would require the auto-correlation to show another bump at the timescale corresponding to the period of the signal. I recommend the authors use a different terminology.

      This comment is now addressed above in our response to Reviewer #2.

      • Lines 344: I am not sure why the stable theta coherence levels during the fixed delay phase show that the link with task performance is "through mechanisms specific to choice". Could the authors elaborate on this?

      We elaborated on this point further at the end of “Trials initiated by strong prefrontal-hippocampal theta coherence are characterized by prominent prefrontal theta rhythms and heightened pre-choice prefrontal-hippocampal synchrony”

      • Line 85: "independent to test the effect of choice outcome on task performance." I think there is a typo here and "choice outcome" should be "theta coherence".

      The sentence was removed in the updated draft.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Mice can learn to associate sensory cues (sound and light) with a reward or activation of dopamine neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), and then anticipate the reward from the sensory cue only. Using this paradigm, Harada et al. showed that after learning, the cue is able to induce dopamine release in the projection targets of the VTA, namely the nucleus accumbens and lateral hypothalamus (LH). Within the LH, dopamine release from VTA neurons (either by presentation of the cue or direct optical stimulation of VTA neurons) activates orexin neurons, measured as an increase in intracellular calcium levels.


      This study utilized genetically encoded optical tools to selectively stimulate dopamine neurons and to monitor dopamine release in target brain areas and the calcium response of orexin neurons. This allowed a direct assessment of the relationship between the behavioral response of the animals, the release of a key neurotransmitter in select brain areas, and its effect on target cells, with a precision previously not possible. The results shed light on the mechanism underlying reward-related learning and expectation.

      Weaknesses: - The Ca increase in orexin neurons in response to optical stimulation of VTA DA neurons is convincing. However, there is an accumulated body of literature indicating that dopamine inhibits orexin neurons through D2 receptors, particularly at high concentrations both directly and indirectly (PMID 15634779, 16611835, 26036709, 30462527; but note that synaptic effects at low conc are excitatory - PMID 30462527, 26036709). There should be a clear acknowledgment of these previous studies and a discussion directly addressing the discrepancy. Furthermore, there are in-vivo studies that investigated the role of dopamine in the LH involving orexin neurons in different behavioral contexts (e.g. PMID 24236888). The statement found in the introduction "whether and how dopamine release modulates orexin neuronal activity has not been investigated vigorously" (3rd para of Introduction) is an understatement of these previous reports.

      We thank the Reviewer for pointing out that we missed several important citations. We added the references mentioned and the discrepancy of concern is addressed in the discussion section

      • Along these lines, previous reports of concentration-dependent bidirectional dopaminergic modulation of orexin neurons suggest that high and low levels of DA would affect orexin neurons differently. Is there any way to estimate the local concentration of DA released by the laser stimulation protocol used in this study? Could there be a dose dependency in the Intensity of laser stimulation and orexin neuron response?

      We agree that this is an interesting point. However, one limitation of our study, and of intensity-based genetically-encoded sensors in general, is that the estimation of the concentration is technically difficult. The sensor effectively reports changes in extra-synaptic levels of neurotransmitters, but to get the absolute value other modalities would be needed such as fast scan voltammetry. This limitation is now included in the discussion section.

      • The transient dip in DA signal during omission sessions in Fig2C (approx 1% decrease from baseline) is similar in amplitude compared to the decrease seen in non-laser trails shown in Fig 1C right panel (although the time course of the latter is unknown as the data is truncated). The authors should clarify whether those dips are a direct effect of the cue itself or indeed reward prediction error.

      Thanks for raising this important point. Indeed, there is a dip of the signal during non-stimulation trials. At day 1, the delivery of the cue triggered a dip and at day 10, there was a slight increase of the signal and followed by the dip. The data is difficult to interpret but our hypothesis is that two components trigger this dip of the signal. One is the aversiveness of the cue. Because a relatively loud sound (90dB) was used for the cue, it would not be surprising if the auditory cue was slightly aversive to the experimental animals. It has been shown that aversive stimuli induce a dip of dopamine in the NAc, although it is specific to NAc subregions. The second component is reward prediction error. Although the non-laser paired cue never triggered the laser stimulation, it is similar to the laser paired one. In a way both are composed of loud tone and same color of the visual cue (spatially different). We think it is possible that reward-related neuronal circuit was slightly activated by the non-laser paired cue. In line with this interpretation, a small increase of the signal was observed at day 10 but not day 1. If our hypothesis is true, since this signal was induced by two components, further analysis is unfortunately difficult.

      • There seem to be orexin-negative-GCaMP6 positive cells (Fig. 4B), suggesting that not all cells were phenotypically orexin+ at the time of imaging.<br /> The proportion of GCaMP6 cells that were ORX+ or negative and whether they responded differently to the stimuli should be indicated.

      While we acknowledge the observation of orexin-negative-GCaMP6 positive cells in Figure 4B, it's important to note that this phenomenon is consistent with the characteristics of the hOX-GCaMP virus used in prior experiments. The virus has undergone thorough characterization, and it has been reported to exhibit over 90% specificity, as demonstrated in prior work conducted in the laboratory of one of our contributing authors (PMID: 27546579). To address the concern raised by the reviewer, we have included Supplemental Figure 4 confirming that all mice consistently exhibited qualitatively similar hOX-GCaMP transients upon dopaminergic terminal stimulation. This additional evidence supports the reliability and specificity of our experimental approach.

      • Laser stimulation of DA neurons at the level of cell bodies (in VTA) induces an increase in DA release within the LH (Fig. 3C, D), however, there is no corresponding Ca signal in orexin neurons (Fig.4C).

      We realized that the figures were not clear and we understood that the reviewer did not see any corresponding Ca signal, but this description is not true. We now added Supplemental Figure 3 to show that there is Ca signal at day 1 already.

      In contrast, stimulating DA terminals within the LH induces a robust, long-lasting Ca signal (> 30s) in orexin neurons (Fig. 5). The initial peak is blocked by raclopride but the majority of Ca signal is insensitive to DA antagonists (please add a positive control or cite references indicating that the dose of antagonists used was sufficient; also the timing of antagonist administration should be indicated).

      This is now included in the discussion section. Also, the timing and dose of the antagonist is now described in the method section.

      Taken together, these results seem to suggest that DA does not directly increase Ca signal in orexin neurons. What could be mediating the remaining component?

      This point has been included in the discussion section.

      • Similarly, there is an elevation of Ca signal in orexin neurons that remains significantly higher after the cue/laser stimulation (Fig. 4F). It appears that it is this sustained component that is missing in omission trials. This can be analyzed further.

      It is true that there is a sustained component in stimulation trials, that is missing in omission trials. Most likely that is evoked by the stimulation of dopamine neurons. We argue that this component is isolated in Fig 5 and analyzed as much as we can.

      • Mice of both sexes were used in this study; it would be interesting to know whether sex differences were observed or not.

      We agree that this is an important point. However, our sample number is not high enough to make a meaningful comparison between male and female.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This is an interesting and well-written study assessing the role of dopaminergic inputs from the VTA on orexin cell responses in an opto-pavlovian conditioning task. These data are consistent with a possible role of this system in reward expectation and are surprisingly one of the first demonstrations of a role for dopamine in this phenomenon.


      The study has used an interesting opto-Pavlovian approach combined with fibre photometry.


      It is unclear what n size was used or analysed, particularly for AUC measures e.g. Figures 1 D/E and 3 G. The number of trials reflected and the animal numbers need clarification.

      The sample size is indicated in the legend section.

      The study focused on opto-stim omissions - this work would be significantly strengthened by a comparison to a real-world examination where animals are trained for a radiation reward (food pellet).

      We agree that this would be an important experiment. This experiment is partially done in one of the contributing authors laboratories (doi.org/10.1101/2022.04.13.488195) and would be one of our follow up study.

      Have the authors considered the role of orexin in the opposing situation i.e. a surprise addition of reward?

      That would be an interesting experiment. To do that, natural reward, not optical stimulation, should be used as a reinforcer. This could be part of our follow up study.

      Similarly, there remains some conjecture regarding the role of these systems in reward and aversion - have the authors considered aversive learning paradigms - fear, or fear extinction - to further explore the roles of this system? There are some (important) discussions about the possible role of orexin in negative reinforcement. Further studies to address this could be warranted.

      It is true that dopamine also plays a significant role in aversive learning. Therefore, this would be an interesting experiment. The discussion section now includes this point.

      I think some further discussion of the work by Lineman concerning the interesting bidirectional actions of d1/d2 r signalling on glutamatergic transmission onto orexin neurons is worthwhile. While this work is currently cited, the nuance and perhaps relevance to d1 and d2 signalling could be contextualised a little more (https://doi.org/10.1152/ajpregu.00150.2018).

      Thanks for the suggestion. The discussion has been expanded.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Harada and colleagues describe an interesting set of experiments characterizing the relationship between dopamine cell activity in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and orexin neuron activity in the lateral hypothalamus (LH). All experiments are conducted in the context of an opto-Pavlovian learning task, in which a cue predicts optogenetic stimulation of VTA dopamine neurons. With training, cues that predict DA stimulation come to elicit dopamine release in LH (a similar effect is seen in accumbens). After training, omission trials (cue followed by no laser) result in a dip (inhibition) of dopamine release in LH, characteristic of reward prediction error observed in the striatum. Across cue training, the activity pattern of orexin neurons in LH mirrors that of LH DA levels. However, unlike the DA signal, orexin neurons do not exhibit a decrease in activity in omission trials. Systemic blockade of D2 but not D1 receptors blocked DA release in LH following VTA DA cell stimulation.

      Strengths: Although much work has been dedicated to examining projections from orexin cells to VTA, less has been done to characterize reciprocal projections and their function. In this way, this paper is a very important addition to the literature. The experiments are technically sound (with some limitations, below) and utilize sophisticated approaches, the manuscript is nicely written, and the conclusions are mostly reasonable based on the data collected.


      I believe the impact of the paper could be enhanced by considering and/or addressing the following:


      • I encourage the authors to discuss in the Introduction previous work on DA regulation of orexin neurons. In particular, the authors cite, but do not describe in any detail, the very relevant Linehan paper (2019; Am J Physiol Regul) which shows that DA differentially alters excitatory/inhibitory input onto orexin neurons and that these actions are reversed by D1 vs D2 receptor antagonists. Another paper (Bubser, 2005, EJN) showed that dopamine agonists increase the activity of orexin neurons and that these effects are blocked by D1/D2 antagonists. The current findings should be discussed in the context of these (and any other relevant) papers in the Discussion, too.

      Thanks for the valuable suggestion. This point has been integrated and the introduction and discussion sections have been revised carefully.

      • In the Discussion, the authors provide two (plausible) explanations for why they did not observe a dip in the calcium signal of orexin neurons during omission trials. Is it not possible that these cells do not encode for this type of RPE?

      We completely agree that it is possible. Now our current hypothesis is that dopamine in the LH encodes RPE and that information is transmitted to orexin neurons. Orexin neurons integrate other information and encode something else, we call it ‘multiplexed cognitive information’. It is still open question what this means exactly. This point is now mentioned in the discussion section.

      • Related to the above - I am curious about the authors' thoughts on why there is such redundancy in the system. i.e. why is dopamine doing the same thing in NAC and LH in the context of cue-reward learning?

      Thank you for the question. This is an important point, indeed. Our current hypothesis is described in the discussion section.

      ’Our data indicate that dopamine in both the NAc and LH encodes reward prediction error (RPE). One open question is the existence of such a redundant mechanism. We hypothesize that dopamine in the LH boosts dopamine release via a positive feedback loop between the orexin and dopamine systems. It has already been established that some orexin neurons project to dopaminergic neurons in the VTA, positively modulating firing. On the other hand, our data indicate that dopamine in the LH stimulates orexinergic neurons. These collective findings suggest that when either the orexin or dopamine system is activated, the other system is also activated consequently. Although the current findings align with this idea, the hypothesis should be carefully challenged and scrutinized.’

      • The data, as they stand, are largely correlative and do not indicate that DA recruitment of orexin neurons is necessary for learning to occur. It would be compelling if blocking the orexin cell recruitment affected some behavioral outcomes of learning. Similarly - does raclopride treatment across training prevent learning?

      We appreciate the insightful comment. It is indeed a limitation of our study that we lack behavioral data. However, given the extensive previous research on the crucial role of orexin in motivated behavior, we argue that establishing dopaminergic regulation of the orexin system itself is a valuable contribution. This perspective is thoroughly discussed in the dedicated section of our paper. It's important to note that the injection of D2 antagonists, including raclopride, is known to induce significant sedation. Due to this sedative effect, combining behavioral experiments with these drugs poses considerable challenges.

      • Only single doses of SCH23390 and raclopride were used. How were these selected? It would be nice to use more of a dose range to show that 1) and effect of D1R blockade was not missed, and 2) that the reduction in orexin signal with raclopride was dose-dependent.

      The rationale of the dose has been added to the discussion session. It is reported that these doses block dopamine receptors. We agree that it would be nice to have a dose-response curve, we are reluctant to increase the doses to avoid adverse effect to the experimental animals. The doses we used effectively induced hypo-locomotion, although data is not shown.

      • Fig 1C, could the effect the authors observed be due to movement?

      We argue this is unlikely. We recorded two channels one for the control and the other one for the signal. The motion-related artifact is corrected based on the control channel. One example trace around the laser stimulation is shown below. Please note that a typical motion-related artifact is a fast dip of the signal, normally observed in both 405 and 465 nm channels.

      Relatedly, what was the behavior like when the cue was on? Did mice orient/approach the cue?

      Although it has been reported that rats approach the cue (PMID: 30038277) in a similar task, it was not obvious in our case. It could be because we used both visual and auditory cues. Mice showed a general increase of locomotion during the cue and the stimulation but the direction was not clear to the experimenter.

      Also, when does the learning about the cue occur? Does it take all 10 days of learning or does this learning/cue-induced increase in dopamine signaling occur in less than 10 days?

      It is hard to say when the learning occurs. When we look at the learning curve of Figures 1,3 and 4, it seems the response to the cue plateaus at day 5 but since we don’t have behavioral data, the assessment is relayed only on the neuronal signal.

      • Also related to the above, could the observed dopamine signal be a result of just the laser turning on? It would seem important to include mice with a control sensor.

      We recorded two channels, 405 nm and 465 nm wavelength. 405 nm signal did not show increase of the signal while 465 nm signal did. The example trace is shown. Besides, the sensor has been characterized by the corresponding author already so we argue that this is unlikely.

      Author response image 1.

      Fig 1E, the effect seems to be driven by one mouse which looks like it could be a statistical outlier. The inclusion of additional animals would make these data more compelling.

      We agree that adding more mice would make data more compelling. However, considering the fact that dopamine in the accumbens has been investigated vigorously and our data is in line with the prior studies, we argue that we have enough data to claim our conclusion.

      • For Fig 1C, 3D, 3F, and 4D, could the authors please show the traces for the entire length of laser onset? It would be helpful to see both the rise and the fall of dopamine signals.

      For Fig 1C, one panel has been added. For fig 3, 4, supplemental figure was created to show the signal around laser stimulation.

      • Fig 2C, could the authors comment on how they compared the AUC to baseline? Was this comparison against zero? Because of natural hills and troughs during signals prior to cue (which may not equate to a zero), comparing the omission-induced dip to a zero may not be appropriate. A better baseline might be using the signals prior to the cue.

      The signal immediately before the cue onset was considered as a baseline, and baseline was subtracted. This means zero and baseline would be the same in our way of analysis.

      • Could the authors comment on how they came up with the 4-5.3s window to observe the AUC in Fig 3H?

      Since the kinetic of dopamine in the NAc and LH is different, different time windows have been used to observed a dip of dopamine. The analysis of the kinetics has been added.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Specific feedback to the authors

      • Sample size for each experiment/group could not be found.

      The sample size is now included in the legends.

      • In most figures, the timing of onset for the cue and laser stimulation is unclear. This makes the data interpretation difficult. They should be labeled as in Fig. 3C, for example.

      Panels have been updated to address this point.

      • Please provide the rationale for selecting the time range for the measurement of AUC for different experiments (e.g. Fig. 2C, 3H, 4A, 5F).

      The kinetics of dopamine in NAc and LH are different. This is now shown in the new Supplemental Figure 2. Based on this difference, the different window was chosen.

      • Fig. 1E, 3G right, 4E right: statistical analysis should use two-way repeated measures ANOVA rather than one-way ANOVA. Fig 1D, 3G left and 4E left panels can also be analyzed by two-way repeated measures ANOVA.

      We realized that those panels were redundant. Some panels have been removed and the analysis has been conducted according to this point.

      Minor comments:

      Fig. 2C can also show non-omission trials as a comparison.

      The panel has been updated.

      • The term "laser cue" is confusing, as the cue itself does not involve a laser.

      ’Laser-paired cue’ is used instead.

      • Color contrast can be improved for some figures, including Fig. 2C right, Fig. 3H right, and green and blue fluorescent fonts.

      The panels have been updated.

      • Figure legends: Tukey's test, rather than Tekey's test.

      This has been fixed.

      • There are some long-winded sentences that are hard to follow.


      • p.2, line 11 from bottom: should read ...the VTA evokes the release of dopamine.


      • p.3, line 9: remove e from release.

      This has been addressed.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):


      • When discussing the understudied role of dopamine in brain regions other than the striatum in the Introduction, it might be helpful to cite this article: https://elifesciences.org/articles/81980 where the authors characterize dopamine in the bed nucleus of stria terminalis in associative behaviors and reward prediction error.

      The discussion session has been updated accordingly.

      • In the Discussion, it might be better to refrain from describing the results as 'measuring dopamine release' in the LH. Since there was no direct detection of dopamine release, rather a dopamine binding to the dLight receptors, referring to the detection as dopamine signaling/binding/transients is a better alternative.

      This point has been addressed.

      • In the Discussion, without measuring tonic dopamine release, it is difficult to say that there was a tonic dopamine release in the LH prior to negative RPE. In addition, I wouldn't describe the negative RPE as silencing of dopamine neurons projecting to the LH since this was not directly measured and it is hard to say for sure if the dip in dopamine is caused by silencing of the neurons. There certainly seems to be a reduction in extra-synaptic dopamine signaling in LH, however, what occurs upstream is unknown.

      We respectfully disagree with this point. In our opinion, the dopamine transient is more important than the firing of dopamine neurons because what matters for downstream neurons is dopamine concentration. For example, administration of cocaine increases the dopamine concentration extra-synaptically via blockade of DAT, while the firing of dopamine neurons go down via activation of D2 receptors expressed in dopamine neurons. Administration of cocaine is not known to induce negative RPE.

      • Typo at multiple places: 'Tekey's multiple comparison test'.

      This has been fixed.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      "Expanding the Drosophila toolkit for dual control of gene expression" by Zirin et al. aims to develop resources for simultaneous independent manipulation of multiple genes in Drosophila. The authors use CRISPR knock-ins to establish a collection of T2A-LexA and T2A-QF2 transgenes with expression patterns in a number of commonly studied organs and tissues. In addition to the transgenic lines that are established, the authors describe a number of plasmids that can be used to generate additional transgenes, including a plasmid to generate a dual insert of LexA and QF that can be resolved into a single insert using FLP/FRT-mediated recombination, and plasmids to generate RNAi reagents for the LexA and QF systems. Finally, the authors demonstrate that a subset of the LexA and QF lines that they generated can induce RNAi phenotypes when paired with LexAop or QUAS shRNA lines. In general, the claims of the paper are well supported by the evidence and the authors do a thorough job of validating the transgenic lines and characterizing their expression patterns.


      • Numerous Gal4 lines allow for highly specific genetic manipulation in a wide range of organs and tissues, however, similar tissue-specific drivers using alternative binary expression systems are not currently well developed. This study provides a large number of tissue and organ-specific LexA and QF2 driver lines that should be broadly useful for the Drosophila community.

      • While a minority of the driver lines do not express the expected pattern (likely due to cryptic regulatory elements in the LexA or QF2 sequences), the ability to generate drivers using two different Gal4 alternatives mitigates this issue (as in nearly all cases at least one of the two systems produces a clean driver line with the expected expression pattern).

      • The use of LexA-GAD provides an additional degree of control as it is subject to Gal80 repression. This could prove to be particularly useful in cases where a researcher wishes to manipulate multiple genes using Gal4 and LexA-GAD drivers as the Gal80(ts) system could be used for simultaneous temporal control of both constructs.

      • The use of Fly Cell Atlas information to generate novel oenocyte-specific driver lines provides a useful proof-of-concept for constructing additional highly tissue-specific drivers.


      • Since these reagents will most commonly be paired with existing Gal4 lines, adding information about corresponding Gal4 lines targeting these tissues and how faithfully the LexA and QF2 lines recapitulate these Gal4 patterns would be highly beneficial.

      It is outside the scope of this paper to analyze the expression patterns of the corresponding publicly available Gal4 lines. It is clear from the tissue specificity of the LexA-GAD and QF2 lines that they are expressed in the expected larval tissues based on the target genes. We have added a sentence in the discussion section noting “Further, we expect that there will also be differences between the expression pattern of corresponding Gal4 and the LexA-GAD/QF lines, as the latter were made by knock-in, while the former are often enhancer traps. However, based on our larval mounts and dissections, the stocks generated in this paper are highly specific to the expression pattern of the targeted genes.”

      • It is not stated in the manuscript if these transgenic lines and plasmids are currently publicly available. Information about how to obtain these reagents through Bloomington, Addgene, or TRiP should be added to the manuscript.

      We have added to the materials section that “All vectors described here that are required to produce new driver lines will be made available at Addgene.” And “All transgenic fly stocks described here will be made available at the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center.”

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Zirin, Jusiak, and Lopes et al presented an efficient pipeline for making LexA-GAD and QF2 drivers. The tools can be combined with a large collection of existing GAL4 drivers for a dual genetic control of two cell populations. This is essential when studying inter-organ communications since most of the current genetic drivers are biased toward the expression of the central nervous system. In this manuscript, the authors described the methodology for efficiently generating T2A-LexA-GAD and T2A-QF2 knock-ins by CRISPR, targeting a number of genes with known tissue-specific expression patterns. The authors then validated and compared the expression of double as well as single drivers and found the tissue-specific expression results were largely consistent as expected. Finally, a collection of plasmids for LexA-GAD and QF,2 as well as the corresponding LexAop and QUAS plasmids were generated to facilitate the expansion of these tool kits. In general, this study will be of considerable interest to the fly community and the resources can be readily generalized to make drivers for other genes. I believe this toolkit will have a significant, immediate impact on the fly community.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • Lines 56-57: Janelia Flylight lines are not necessarily brain-specific - this collection has or could be screened in other tissues.

      Correct. We have altered this sentence to read: However, these lines were developed primarily for brain expression. Although they are often expressed in other tissues, they are not well suited for experiments targeting non-neuronal cell types

      • Line 197 - I don't see the referenced Figure S1 in the reviewer materials. It appears this is actually referencing panels LL and MM in Figure 2.

      Correct. We have fixed this error.

      • No information on the injection efficiency to create the CRISPR knock-in lines is presented. I am guessing the efficiency will be similar to that of other reported HDR-based CRISPR knock-ins, but if this information is available it would be useful to include it so that others know what to expect when injecting these vectors.

      We did not systematically assay the injection efficiency. However, we can say that it was in line with previous descriptions of CRISPR-based plasmid and ‘drop-in’ HDR methods. We have added a note in the methods that “Knock-in efficiencies were comparable to previous reports (Kanca et al. 2019; Kanca et al. 2022).”

      • Demonstration of successful multi-manipulation would strengthen the paper.

      We do not feel that this is necessary as there have been many papers showing combinatorial Gal4+LexA/QF experiments. An example from our lab can be seen in PMID: 37582831.

      • Also, are there approaches for efficiently constructing pairs of UAS/LexAOp or UAS/QUAS shRNA lines that would potentially streamline the genetics for multi-manipulation? Otherwise, this could be rather cumbersome to implement as one needs to combine a Gal4 line, a LexA/QF2 line (which will be constrained as to its chromosomal location by the target gene), and separate UAS-shRNA and LexAop/QUAS-shRNA constructs into the same fly.

      There are some recent innovations that are useful in this respect. We have added a sentence to the discussion that says: “There remains an unmet need for a single vector that would allow for UAS/LexAop/QUAS control of different shRNAs. However, recent innovations in multi module vectors and multiplexed drug-based genetics allow researchers to more efficiently generate UAS/QUAS/lexAop transgenic fly strains (Matinyan et al. 2021; Wendler et al. 2022).”

      • In Figure 5 - is the difference for the hh inserts attributable to the driver line or the GFP/mCherry construct (or differential ability to detect GFP/mCherry)? One could try visualizing hhL(-Q) with the LexAop-GFP line. I guess that the correspondence between the nubbin and hh result suggests that maybe QF2 is suppressed in the wing pouch, but this could also be the difference in the reporter constructs and it would be interesting to know if this difference is truly attributable to the driver constructs from the standpoint of knowing how consistent the QF/LexA patterns are expected to be.

      The difference is not attributable to GFP versus mCherry or the specific LexAop and QUAS lines that we used in figure 5. We tested the double knock-in and derivative single knock-ins with various QUAS and lexAop reporters and always observed the same pattern.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      There are a few points that should be clarified. A list of these specific points is provided below with the view that this could help the preparations of a stronger, improved paper.

      Line 50-51: "There have been no systematic studies comparing the two systems, with only anecdotal evidence to support one system over the other." It is unclear to me what the anecdotal evidence the authors referred to. Could the authors elaborate more on this part?

      Based on an examination of QUAS brains, Potter et al, 2010 (PMID 20434990) makes the claim that “The low basal expression of QUAS and UAS reporters provides significant advantage compared to the lexA binary expression system.”

      Shearin et al., 2014 (PMID: 24451596) compared Gal4/UAS, LexA/LexAop, and QF/QUAS reporter strength with the nompC driver and found that the QF system produced the strongest expression.

      While these observations might be true in the nervous system, it isn’t clear that this extends to other tissues, nor what effect this would have on gene knockdown experiments.

      There have been some reports that have explored swapping out a Gal4 insertion for a LexA or QF at the same locus. For example, Gohl et al. 2011 PMID: (PMID 21473015) mentions that “the majority of the swaps captured most features of the original GAL4 expression patterns. In some cases, however, either prominent features of the GAL4 pattern were lost or we observed new expression patterns. These changes may have resulted from differences in the strength or responsiveness of reporter lines. Alternately, the swap may have modified some combination of enhancer spacing and sequence composition flanking the promoter.”

      Line 61-62: "On average, each StanEx line expresses LexA activity in five distinct cell types, with only one line showing expression in just one tissue..." What's the evidence to support this claim?

      This observation comes from Figure S3 of Kockel et al. 2016 (PMID: 27527793), where the authors “analyzed a subset of 76 StanEx lines that are unambiguously inserted within, or adjacent to, a single known gene.” We cited this reference in the preceding sentence. To clarify, we have added the citation again for line 61-62.

      Line 63-65: "These findings are consistent with prior studies indicating that enhancers very rarely produce expression patterns that are limited to a single cell type in a complex organism (Jenett et al. 2012)." It might be worth expanding on the use of the split system to achieve high cell-type-specificity. Especially, there are growing resources using split-intein and T2A-split-GAL4 with the prediction of genes from single-cell RNA sequencing datasets.

      We agree that the split system is currently the premier method to produce the most specific driver lines. Indeed, our group has recently published a paper on the split-intein Gal4 system (see PMID 37276389). However, the tradeoff is that split systems usually require generation of transgenic lines, which becomes impractical for research involving two independent binary transcriptional systems, as the user would need to combine at least three driver components into single stocks, plus the UAS/QUAS/LexAop insertions. The ideal would be to generate complementary split insertions on the same chromosome, but we think a discussion of this is tangential to the thrust of our work here.

      The authors did not fully discuss the rationale of using LexA-GAD vs LexA-p65 or VP16AD throughout the manuscript. I assumed the main reason for choosing LexA-GAD was to be compatible with GAL80 suppression. It might be worth explicitly stating in the result (e.g., line 123 or in the introduction). Also, did the authors observe weak transcriptional activation using LexA-GAD? It has been shown that the strength of transactional activation is much weaker for GAL4AD than the p65 or VP16AD. This might be worth noting in the manuscript as well.

      We did briefly mention in the introduction that one disadvantage of the Flylight lines is that they “use a p65 transcriptional activation domain and therefore are not compatible with the Gal80 temperature sensitive Gal4 repression system.” We have expanded on this issue in the introduction which now says: “We chose to use LexA with the Gal4 activation domain, rather than the p65 or VP16 activation domains to allow for temporal control by Gal80 (Lai and Lee 2006; Pfeiffer et al. 2010). We chose to use QF2 variant over the original QF, to avoid the toxicity reported for the latter (Riabinina et al. 2015).”

      We did not have any problems visualizing gene expression with fluorescent reporters. Nor did we have any difficulty obtaining knock-down phenotypes with ubiquitous drivers.

      Line 125-127. Is there a specific reason why the authors chose the SV40 terminator for the double driver construct but the Hsp70 terminator for the single driver construct?

      We found that the Hsp70 terminator gave slightly lower expression and decided to use this for the singles to avoid toxicity. For the doubles we chose the SV40, to compensate for reduced protein expressiojn of the second gene position.

      Line 144-146: "To verify the knock-ins, we PCR-amplified the genomic regions flanking the insertion sites and confirmed that the insertions were seamless and in-frame." Did the authors recover lines with indel introduced, resulting in out-of-frame insertion?

      Yes, we did see indels, which sometimes resulted in out of frame insertions, which were discarded. This result is in line with what we have observed with other CRISPR HDR knock-in experiments.

      The underlying reason might be out of the scope of this manuscript. However, it would still be helpful for the authors to speculate the potential reasons why the T2A-LexA-GAD and T2A-QF2 targeting the same insertion site showed very distinct expressions.

      It is outside the scope of this report to test this issue experimentally. We have a section in the discussion which does speculate as to the reason: “While we had no difficulty obtaining knock-ins for both types of activators, we did observe that for some target genes, the T2A-QF2 was only active in a subset of the expected gene expression pattern. In particular, we found that T2A-QF2 was difficult to express in the wing pouch. It may be that toxicity is an issue, and the weaker QF2w may be a better option for generating drivers in some organs (Riabinina and Potter 2016). Alternatively, differences in the LexA-GAD and QF2 sequences, and sequence length, could impact the function of nearby gene regulatory regions.”

      Regarding the observation that the existence of 3XP3-RFP marker can interfere with the expression of T2A-LexA-GAD and T2A-QF2 expression in a case-by-case manner, it might be worth emphasizing in the discussion that the proper removal of 3XP3-RFP marker by Cre/LoxP recombination is important.

      We have added the following to the discussion: “Importantly, our knock-in constructs contain the 3XP3-RFP cassette for screening transformants. Perhaps due to interaction between the 3XP3 promoter and the regulatory regions of the target gene, we occasionally saw misexpression of the LexA-GAD/QF2 in the 3XP3 domain. We have therefore prioritized Cre-Lox removal of the 3XP3-RFP cassette from our knock-in stocks, and advise that users of the plasmids described here likewise remove the marker, following successful knock-in.”

      For Fig. 5B, 5F-G, the authors should elaborate more in the result section. For example, lines 215-217: "We tested this with the hh and dpp lines and observed robust generation of both T2A-QF2 and T2A-LexA-GAD from hs-Flp; T2A-QF2-T2A-LexA-GAD parents (Figure 5B)." It is unclear what the authors mean by "robust generation". Also, there is no description of the results in Fig. 5F-G.

      We have expanded this section for figure 5B, which now reads: “We tested this with the hh and dpp lines and observed robust generation of both T2A-QF2 and T2A-LexA-GAD from hs-Flp; T2A-QF2-T2A-LexA-GAD parents (Figure 5B). In the case of the hh line, 15 out of 36 heat-shocked parents gave rise to at least one T2A-LexA-GAD progeny, with a mean of 14% recombinant offspring per parent. 20 out of 36 gave rise to at least one T2A-QF2 progeny, with a mean of 9% recombinant offspring per parent. In the case of the dpp line, 31 out of 32 heat-shocked parents gave rise to at least one T2A-LexA-GAD progeny, with a mean of 30% recombinant offspring per parent. 17 out of 32 gave rise to at least one T2A-QF2 progeny, with a mean of 9% recombinant offspring per parent.

      We have also added a description for Figure 5F-G, which reads: “Recombinants were also independently verified by PCR of the insertions (Figure 5F-G), where we observed the expected smaller band sizes in the derivative T2A-QF2 and T2A-LexA-GAD relative to the parental double driver.”

      Line 229, minor error: "Into these vectors, ..."

      We have edited this to read: “We cloned shRNAs targeting forked (f) and ebony (e) genes into these vectors and assayed their phenotypes when crossed to ubiquitous LexA-GAD and QF2 drivers.”

      Line 238-240: "Both Tub-LexA-GAD and Tub-QF2 drivers generated knockdown phenotypes in the thorax when crossed to f and e shRNA lines. However, the Tub-LexA-GAD phenotypes were stronger than those of Tub-QF2 (Figure 6C-D, F-G, I-J)." The stated "stronger phenotypes" are not clear to me. It might be worth elaborating more.

      We have further clarified this by changing it to: “However, the Tub-LexA-GAD phenotypes were stronger than those of Tub-QF2 (Figure 6C-D, F-G, I-J). For example, Tub-LexA-GAD produced a fully penetrant f bristle phenotype (Figure 6F) while some wild-type bristles remained on the thoraces of Tub-QF2 f knockdown (Figure 6G). Neither Tub-LexA-GAD or Tub-QF2 was able to achieve the strength of phenotype generated by the T2A-LexA-GAD da knock-in line (compare the darkness of the cuticle caused by e knockdown in Figure 6H-J).”

      Line 257-250: "Our collection of T2A-LexA-GAD and T2A-QF2 and double driver vectors can be easily adapted to target any gene for CRISPR knock-in, with a high probability that the resulting line will accurately reflect the expression of the endogenous locus" The authors could refer to the recent gene-specific Trojan GAL4/split-GAL4 work to support the idea that these gene-specific T2A-GAL4/split-GAL4 drivers reflect better than the enhancer-based drivers.

      We have added the following sentence to the discussion: “The specificity achieved with this approach can also be seen in recent efforts to build collections of gene specific T2A-Split-Gal4 and T2A-Gal4 insertions (Kanca et al. 2019; Chen et al. 2023; Ewen-Campen et al. 2023).”

      Line 630: "Removal of 3XP3-RFP eliminated gut and anal pad misexpression and did not affect glial cell expression." It would be helpful to add the annotation on Fig. 3B to show the location of glial cell expression.

      We have added arrowheads on Figure 3 and the legend now reads: “Removal of 3XP3-RFP eliminated gut and anal pad misexpression and did not affect glial cell expression (white arrowheads).

      Line 650-651: "The fat body mCherry expression is also present in the reporter stock and does not indicate LexA-GAD activity." I did not get what the authors were trying to convey. Where did the fat body mCherry expression come from? Please elaborate more.

      We have changed this section to explain that “The fat body mCherry expression (yellow arrowhead) is from leakiness of the reporter stock and does not indicate LexA-GAD activity.”

      Line 679-680: "forked shRNA produced a forked bristles phenotype." Please add the annotation on the figures to show where the phenotypes were.

      We have added arrowheads and asterisks to the figure. The legend now reads: “(E-G) forked shRNA produced a forked bristles phenotype (white arrowheads). Note that some bristles retain a more elongated wild-type morphology with the Tub-QF2 driven forked knockdown (G, yellow asterisk).”

      Fig 1D-E and 4A-B. There is no description throughout the manuscript about QA, QS regulation as well as little GAL80ts regulation. It will confuse readers with a little fly genetic background. Please include the introductions of these regulations of different binary expression systems.

      We have added a section in the introduction, which states: “We chose to use LexA with the Gal4 activation domain, rather than the p65 or VP16 activation domains to allow for temporal control by the temperature sensitive Gal4 repressor, Gal80 (Lai and Lee 2006; Pfeiffer et al. 2010). We chose to use QF2 variant over the original QF, to avoid the toxicity reported for the latter (Riabinina et al. 2015). Like Gal80-based modulation of LexA-GAD, QF2 activity can also be regulated temporally by expressing QS, a QF repressor. QS repression of QF can be released by feeding flies quinic acid (Riabinina and Potter 2016).”

      Fig. 2, there are several ND in the figure without any explanation in the manuscript (e.g. Mef2 and He). In addition, the expression patterns look quite different between T2A-LexA-GAD and T2A-QF2 for some genes (e.g., mex1, Myo31DF), but the authors did not mention any of them in the manuscript. Please elaborate more.

      We have altered the Figure 2 legend as follows: “(A-KK) T2A-LexA-GAD knock-in lines crossed to a LexAop-GFP reporter and T2A-QF2 knock-in lines crossed to a QUAS-GFP reporter. Panels show 3rd instar larva. GFP shows the driver line expression pattern. RFP shows the 3XP3 transformation marker, which labels the posterior gut and anal pads of the larva. Gene names and tissues are on the left. We failed to obtain LexA-GAD knock-ins for Mef2 (E) and He (DD). (LL-MM) 3rd instar imaginal disc from the insertions in the nubbin (nub) gene. Note that most of the lines are highly tissue-specific and are comparable between the LexA-GAD and QF2 knock-ins. Insertions in the daughterless gene (da) and nub are an exception, as the T2A-LexA-GAD, but not the T2A-QF2, gives the expected expression pattern. Insertions in the gut-specific genes mex1 (X-Y) and Myo31Df (Z-AA) also differed between the LexA-GAD and QF2 drivers.”

      We have also added a note on the inconsistency of mex1 and Myo31Df in the discussion: “While we had no difficulty obtaining knock-ins for both types of activators, we did observe that for some target genes, the T2A-QF2 was only active in a subset of the expected gene expression pattern. In particular, we found that T2A-QF2 was difficult to express in the wing pouch. Additionally, we found that the driver expression in the gut-specific genes, mex1 and Myo31Df differed between the LexA-GAD and QF2 transformants. In both cases the LexA-GAD was more broadly expressed along the length of the gut than the QF2. It may be that toxicity is an issue, and the weaker QF2w may be a better option for generating drivers in some organs (Riabinina and Potter 2016).”

      Fig. 4B, it is unclear why the hsp70 is present downstream of the enhancer of interest (upstream of T2A). Is it the molecular mark resulting from the cloning steps? Does it serve any specific purpose?

      This is the Drosophila hsp70 gene minimal promoter and is standard for many expression constructs in Drosophila. In the methods section we described how we made versions of the pMCS-T2A-QF2-T2A-LexA-GAD-WALIUM20 with and without tis minimal promoter: “We used pMCS-T2A-QF2-T2A-lexA0GAD-WALIUM20 for dpp-blk and pMCS-T2A-QF2-T2A-lexGAD-WALIUM20-alt (which lacks the hsp70 promoter) for Ilp2, since dpp-blk does not have a basal promoter, but the Ilp2 enhancer does.”

      Fig 5A. The resulting single T2A-QF2 and T2A LexA-GAD from the double driver parental lines retain the sequence of FRT3 upstream of the QF2 and LexA-GAD. I assume the FRT3 part will be translated and remain attached to QF2 and LexA-GAD. Is that correct? If so, would this cause any adverse effect?

      Correct. The FRT3 sequence is present in both the parental double and single derivatives. We can say that the additional amino acids do not prevent LexA-GAD or QF2 transcriptional activation. We do not know whether there may be other adverse effects, though we did not observe any.

      Fig. 5C-C'. It seems like the images of Fig. 5C-C' were the same as Fig. 4D-D'. If so, the authors should indicate that in the figure legend.

      We have made a note of this in the figure legend.

    1. Then Gawain bethought him, and it came into his heart that this were a jewel for the jeopardy that awaited him when he came to the Green Chapel to seek the return blow–could he so order it that he should escape unslain, ’twere a craft worth trying

      Here the green girdle serves as a symbol of life, however we come to see the meaning of the girdle changes throughout the text. We see Sir Gawain not follow with his chivalrous values and duty of faith as the presentation of the girdle challenges his beliefs as it becomes a stronger symbol of faith than God himself. This is an interesting development considering how previously in the text Sir Gawain was devoted to his faith, turning to it in his moments of need by praying "that Mary may be his guide". I think this is a key moment in the text because it reveals the humanity in Sir Gawain and his fear for death. As time goes by and the day to which he is interred to meet with the Green Knight approaches, he resorts to supernatural objects in the midst of fear for his own life.

      Works cited: Malarkey, Stoddard, and J. Barre Toelken. “Gawain and the Green Girdle.” The Journal of English and Germanic Philology, vol. 63, no. 1, 1964, pp. 14–20. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/27714339. Accessed 6 Mar. 2024.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer 1:

      Comment 1.1: The distinction of PIGS from nearby OPA, which has also been implied in navigation and ego-motion, is not as clear as it could be.

      Response1.1: The main “functional” distinction between TOS/OPA and PIGS is that TOS/OPA responds preferentially to moving vs. stationary stimuli (even concentric rings), likely due to its overlap with the retinotopic motion-selective visual area V3A, for which this is a defining functional property (e.g. Tootell et al., 1997, J Neurosci). In comparison, PIGS does not show such a motion-selectivity. Instead, PIGS responds preferentially to more complex forms of motion within scenes.

      Moreover, PIGS and TOS/OPA are located in differently relative to the retinotopic visual areas. Briefly, PIGS is located adjacent to areas IPS3-4 while TOS/OPA overlaps with areas V3A/B and IPS0 (V7). This point is now highlighted in the new experiment 3b and the new Figure 6. In this revision, we also tried to better highlight these point in sections 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5. (see also the response to the first comment from Reviewer #2).

      Reviewer 2:

      Comment 2.1: First, the scene-selective region identified appears to overlap with regions that have previously been identified in terms of their retinotopic properties. In particular, it is unclear whether this region overlaps with V7/IPS0 and/or IPS1. This is particularly important since prior work has shown that OPA often overlaps with v7/IPS0 (Silson et al, 2016, Journal of Vision). The findings would be much stronger if the authors could show how the location of PIGS relates to retinotopic areas (other than V6, which they do currently consider). I wonder if the authors have retinotopic mapping data for any of the participants included in this study. If not, the authors could always show atlas-based definitions of these areas (e.g. Wang et al, 2015, Cerebral Cortex).

      Response 2.1: We thank the reviewers for reminding us to more clearly delineate this issue of possible overlap, including the information provided by Silson et al, 2016. The issue of possible overlap between area TOS/OPA and the retinotopic visual areas, both in humans and non-human primates, was also clarified by our team in 2011 (Nasr et al., 2011). As you can see in Figure 6 (newly generated), and consistent with those previous studies, TOS/OPA overlaps with visual areas V3A/B and V7. Whereas PIGS is located more dorsally close to IPS3-4. As shown here, there is no overlap between PIGS and TOS/OPA and there is no overlap between PIGS and areas V3A/B and V7.

      To more directly address the reviewer’s concern, in this revision, we have added a new experiment (Experiment 3b) in which we have shown the relative position of PIGS and the retinotopic areas in two individual subjects (Figure 6). All the relevant points are also discussed in section 4.3.

      Comment 2.2: Second, recent studies have reported a region anterior to OPA that seems to be involved in scene memory (Steel et al, 2021, Nature Communications; Steel et al, 2023, The Journal of Neuroscience; Steel et al, 2023, biorXiv). Is this region distinct from PIGS? Based on the figures in those papers, the scene memory-related region is inferior to V7/IPS0, so characterizing the location of PIGS to V7/IPS0 as suggested above would be very helpful here as well. If PIGS overlaps with either of V7/IPS0 or the scene memory-related area described by Steel and colleagues, then arguably it is not a newly defined region (although the characterization provided here still provides new information).

      Response 2.2: The lateral-place memory area (LPMA) is located on the lateral brain surface, anterior relative to the IPS (see Figure 1 from Steel et al., 2021 and Figure 3 from Steel et al., 2023). In contrast, PIGS is located on the posterior brain surface, also posterior relative to the IPS. In other words, they are located on two different sides of a major brain sulcus. In this revision we have clarified this point, including the citations by Steel and colleagues in section 4.3.

      Comments 2.3: Another reason that it would be helpful to relate PIGS to this scene memory area is that this scene memory area has been shown to have activity related to the amount of visuospatial context (Steel et al, 2023, The Journal of Neuroscience). The conditions used to show the sensitivity of PIGS to ego-motion also differ in the visuospatial context that can be accessed from the stimuli. Even if PIGS appears distinct from the scene memory area, the degree of visuospatial context is an alternative account of what might be represented in PIGS.

      Response 2.3: The reviewer raises an interesting point. One minor confusion is that we may be inadvertently referring to two slightly different types of “visuospatial context”. Specifically, the stimuli used in the ego-motion experiment here (i.e. coherently vs. incoherently changing scenes) represent the same scenes, and the only difference between the two conditions is the sequence of images across the experimental blocks. In that sense, the two experimental conditions may be considered to have the same visuospatial “context”. However, it could be also argued that the coherently changing scenes provide more information about the environmental layout. In that case, considering the previous reports that PPA/TPA and RSC/MPA may also be involved in layout encoding (Epstein and Kanwisher 1998; Wolbers et al. 2011), we expected to see more activity within those regions in response to coherently compared incoherently changing scenes. These issues are now more explicitly discussed in the revised article (section 4.6).

      Reviewer 3:

      Comment 3.1: There are few weaknesses in this work. If pressed, I might say that the stimuli depicting ego-motion do not, strictly speaking, depict motion, but only apparent motion between 2s apart photographs. However, this choice was made to equate frame rates and motion contrast between the 'ego-motion' and a control condition, which is a useful and valid approach to the problem. Some choices for visualization of the results might be made differently; for example, outlines of the regions might be shown in more plots for easier comparison of activation locations, but this is a minor issue.

      Response 3.1: We thank the reviewer for these constructive suggestions, and we agree with their comment that the ego-motion stimuli are not smooth, even though they were refreshed every 100 ms. However, the stimuli were nevertheless coherent enough to activate areas V6 and MT, two major areas known to respond preferentially to coherent compared to incoherent motion.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I enjoyed reading this article. I have a few suggestions for improvement:

      (1) Delineation from OPA: The OPA has been described in quite similar terms as PIGS, with its involvement in ego-motion (e.g., crawling, walking) and navigation in general (e.g., Dilks' recent work; Bonner and Epstein). The authors address the distinction in section 4.4. Unlike Kamps et al. (2016) and Jones et al. (2023), the authors found weak or no evidence for ego-motion in OPA. They explain this discrepancy with differences in refresh rates and different levels of spatial smoothing of the fMRI data. It is not clear why these fairly small methodological differences would lead to different findings of ego-motion in the OPA. Arguably, the OPA is the closest of the "established" scene areas to PIGS, both in anatomical location and in function. I would therefore appreciate a more detailed discussion of the differences between these two areas.

      Response: Jones et al. have also shown that ego-motion TOS/OPA activity when compared to scrambled scenes. This is fundamentally different than what we have shown here, which coherently vs. incoherently changing scenes (i.e. not a small difference). Also, Kamps et al. used static scenes as a control which, considering TOS/OPA motion-selectivity, have a large impact on TOS/OPA response.

      (2) Random effects analysis: The authors mention using a "random effects analysis" for several of their experiments. I would ask them to provide more details on what statistical models were used here. Were they purely random-effects models or actually mixed-effects models? What were the factors that entered into the analysis? Providing more detail would make the analysis techniques more transparent.

      Response: This point is now clarified in the Methods section.

      (3) Data and code availability: The authors write that data and code "are ready to be shared upon request." (section 2.5) In the spirit of transparency and openness, I strongly encourage the authors to make the data publicly available, e.g., on OSF or OpenNeuro. In particular, having probabilistic maps of PIGS available will allow other researchers to include PIGS in their analysis pipelines, making the current work more impactful.

      Response: We have made the probabilistic labels available to the public. This point is now highlighted in section 2.5.

      (4) Minor comments on the writing that caught my eye while reading the article:

      • Line 27: "in the human brain".

      Response: Done.

      -Line 30: I don't agree with the characterization of the previous model of scene perception as "simplistic." Adding one additional ROI makes it no less simplistic. Perhaps the authors can rephrase to make this slightly less antagonistic?

      Response: Done.

      • Line 71: it is not clear why NHPs are relevant here.

      Response: We decided to keep the text intact.

      • Line 138" "were randomized".

      Response: Done.

      • Line 152: "consisting".

      Response: Done.

      • Line 155: "sets" (plural).

      Response: Done.

      • Lines 253-255: Why were the 3T spatially smoothed but not the 7T data? This seems odd.

      Response: We kept the text intact.

      • Line 481: "we found strong motion selectivity" (remove "a").

      Response: Done.

      • Line 564: a word is missing, probably: "a stronger effect of ego-motion".

      Response: Done.

      • Line 591: "controlling spatial attention" (remove "the").

      Response: Done.

      • Line 591 and 594: Both sentences start with "However". I think the first of these should not because it is setting up the contrast for the second sentence.

      Response: Done.

      • Line 607: "higher-level" (hyphen).

      Response: Done.

      • Throughout the manuscript: adverbial phrases such as "(in)coherently changing" or "probabilistically localized" do not get a hyphen.

      Response: Done.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The authors state that "All data, codes and stimuli are ready to be shared upon request". Ideally, these materials should be deposited in appropriate repositories (e.g. OpenMRI, GitHub) and not require readers to contact the authors to obtain such materials.

      Other Comments:

      (a) The title ("A previously undescribed scene-selective site is the key to encoding ego-motion in natural environments") is potentially misleading - the work was not conducted in a natural environment. At best, you could say they are 'naturalistic stimuli'. Also, in what sense is PIGS "key" to encoding ego-motion - the study just shows sensitivity to this factor.

      Response: We changed the title to “naturalistic environments”.

      (b) Figure 1 - I'm not sure what point the authors are trying to make with Figure 1. The comparison is between a highly smoothed, group fixed-effects analysis and a less-smoothed individual subject analysis. The differences between the two could reflect group vs. individual, highly-smoothed (5 mm) versus less-smoothed (2 mm), or differences in thresholding. If the thresholding were lower for the group analysis, it would probably start to look more similar to the individual subject. As it stands, this figure isn't particularly informative, it seems redundant with Figure 2, and Figure 1A is not even referenced in the main text. Further, fixed effects analyses are relatively uncommon in the recent literature, so their inclusion is unusual.

      Response: Figure 1A is a replication of the data/method used in Nasr et al., 2011 and it will help the readers see the difference between the “traditional” scene-selectivity maps generated based on group-averaging” vs. data from individual subjects. In this case, we decided not to change the Figure.

      (c) Figure 3 - why are the two sets of maps shown at different thresholds? For 3B given the larger sample size, it is expected that the extent of the significant activations will increase. Currently the higher threshold for 3B and the smaller range for 3A is making the sets of maps look more comparable.

      Response: As the reviewer noticed, the number of subjects is larger in Figure 3B compared to 3A. The main point of this figure is to show that the PIGS activity center does not vary across populations. Considering this point, we decided not to change this figure.

      (d) Figure 10 - why is the threshold lower than used for other figures? It would be helpful if there was consistent thresholding across figures.

      Response: Experiment 6 and Experiment 1 are based on different stimuli (see Methods). Also, among those subjects who participated in Experiment 1, two subjects did not participate in Experiment 6. These points are already highlighted in the text.

      (e) Figures - how about the AFNI approach of thresholding and showing sub-threshold data at the same time? (Taylor et al, 2023, Neuroimage).

      Response: We highly appreciate the methodology suggested by Taylor and colleagues. However, our main point here is to show the center of PIGS activity. In this condition, showing an unthresholded activity map doesn’t have any advantage over the current maps. Considering these points, we decided not to change the figures.

      (f) Coherent versus incoherent scenes - there are many differences between the coherent and incoherent scenes. Arguing that it must be ego-motion seems a little premature without further investigation. Activity anterior to OPA has been associated with the construction of an internal representation of a spatial environment (Steel et al., 2023, The Journal of Neuroscience). Could it be that this is the key effect, not really the ego-motion?

      Response: In this revision, we discussed the study by Steel et al., 2021 and 2023 in section 4.3.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Overall, I think this is already an excellent contribution. The suggestions I have are minor and may help with the clarity of the results.

      (1) My main request of the authors would be to provide more points of reference in some of the figures with cortical maps. In many cases, the authors use arrows to point to the locations of activations of interest. However, the arrows in adjacent figures are often not placed in exactly the same places on maps that are meant to be compared. It would very much help the viewer to compare activations if the arrows pointing to activations or regions of interest were placed in identical locations for the same brains appearing in different sub-panels (e.g. in panels A and B of Figure 1). The underlying folds of the cortical surface provide some points of reference, but these are often occluded to different extents by data in figures that are meant to be compared.

      Response: To address the reviewer’s concern, we regenerated Figure 8 (Figure 7 in the previous submission) and we tried to put arrowheads in identical locations, as much as possible. Especially for PIGS, this point was also considered in Figures 2 and 3.

      (2) Outlines (such as those in Figure 5) are also very useful, and I would encourage broader use of them in other figures (e.g. Figures 7, 10, and 12). Figures 10 and 12 are on the fsaverage surface, so the same outlines could be used for them as for Figure 5.

      To be clear, it's possible to apprehend the results with the figures as they are, but I think a few small changes could help a lot.

      Response: In this revision, we added outlines to Figures 11 and 13 (Figure 10 and 12 in the previous submission). We did not add the outline to Figure 8 because it made it hard to see PIGS. Rather we used arrows (see the previous comment).

      Other minor points:

      In the method for Experiment 4, the authors write: "Other details of the experiment were similar to those in Experiment 1.". Similar or the same? The authors should clarify this statement, e.g. "the number of images per block, the number of blocks, the number of runs were the same as Experiment 1" - with any differences noted.

      Response: This point is now addressed in the Methods section.

      In Figure 8, it would be better to have the panel labels (A, B, C, D) in the upper left of each panel rather than the lower left.

      Response: We tried to keep the panels arrangement consistent across the figures. That is why letters are positioned like this.

      A final gentle suggestion: pycortex (http://github.com/gallantlab/pycortex) provides a means to visualize the flattened fsaveage surface with outlines for localized regions of interest and overlaid lines for major sulci. Though it is by no means necessary for publication, It would be lovely to see these results on that surface, which is freely available and downloadable via a pycortex command (surface here: https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/fsaverage_subject_for_pycortex/9916166)

      Response: We thank the reviewer for bringing pycortex to our attention. We will consider using it in our future studies.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The emergence of catalytic self-replication of polymers is an important question in the context of the origin of life. Tkachenko and Maslov present a model in which such a catalytic polymer sequence emerges from a random pool of replicating polymers.


      The model is part of a theme from many previous papers from the same authors and their colleagues. The model is interesting, technically correct, and demonstrates qualitatively new phenomena. It is good that the paper also makes a connection with possible experimental scenarios -- specifically, concrete proposals are made for testing the core ideas of the model. It would indeed be an exciting demonstration when such an experiment does indeed materialize.


      Unlike the rest of the paper which is very tight in its arguments, I find that the discussion section is not so. Specifically, sentences such as " In fact, this can be seen as a special case of the classical error catastrophe" are a bit loose and not well substantiated -- although these are in the discussion section, I find this to be a weakness of an otherwise good paper. Tightening some of the arguments here will make it an excellent paper in my opinion.

      We followed the reviewer's recommendations by streamlining the discussion and removing the potentially confusing comparison to the classic error catastrophe.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The replication of information-coding polymers and the emergence of catalytic ribozymes pose significant challenges, both experimentally and theoretically, in the study of the RNA world hypothesis. In this context, Tkachenko et al. put forth a novel hypothesis regarding a replication oligomer system based on a cleavage ribozyme. They initially highlighted that the breakage of oligomers could contribute to self-replication, provided that these fragments function as primers for subsequent replications. Next, they proposed a self-replicating system of oligomers founded on a hammerhead structure that catalyzes cleavage. By a simple dynamical model, they demonstrated that such a system is self-sustainable in certain parameter regimes. Furthermore, they delved into discussions regarding the potential emergence of such a system and the evolution toward further optimized ribozymes.

      Strengths: Although the cleavage (hammerhead) ribozyme has been discussed in the context of the origins of life, the authors are the first to discuss how they could be selected using a mathematical model as far as I know. The idea is simple: ribozyme activity creates fragments by breakage of an oligomer, which works as a primer for the ribozyme itself, resulting in a positive feedback system (i.e., autocatalytic sets in a broader sense). This potentially enables us to resolve at the same time problems on the (i) supply of new primers (but note that there is a major concern on this as described in the 'weakness'), and (ii) the sustaining of the cleavage ribozyme.


      The major weakness of their theory is that the ends of the new primers, formed through the breakage/cleavage of polymers, must be chemically active (as the authors have already emphasized in the last paragraph of their discussion) to enable further elongation. Reactivating the ends of preexisting oligomers without enzymes, to the best of our current knowledge, could be a challenging task. Although their model heavily relies on this aspect, the authors do not elaborate on it.

      We have added a discussion of the need for chemical activation: "It is important to note that in the context of RNA, such bidirectional elongation requires chemical activation of the phosphate group at the 5' end of the primer to provide free energy for the newly formed covalent bond. Like the polymerization process itself, achieving this without enzymes is biochemically challenging. One might speculate that prebiotic evolution relied on inorganic catalysis, such as on mineral surfaces, or involved polymers other than today's RNA."

      We also included in the discussion a comment on a possible combination of our mechanism and the Virtual Circle Genome model that would avoid the need for bidirectional growth: "It may be possible to incorporate the selection mechanism proposed in this paper into the Virtual Circle Genome model. Such a hybrid approach would avoid the need for the biochemically problematic bidirectional growth while explaining the emergence of early catalytic activity unaffected by sequence scrambling"

      Another weakness is in the setup of their discussion on evolutionary dynamics. While they claim that their model is robust against replication errors, their approach to evolutionary dynamics appears unconventional, and it remains unclear under what conditions their assumptions are founded. They treat a whole set of oligos as a subject of evolution, rather than each individual oligo. This may necessitate more complex assumptions, such as the encapsulation of sets of oligos inside a protocell, to be adequately rationalized. Thus, it remains uncertain whether the system is indeed robust against replication errors in a more natural context. For example, if a mutant oligo, denoted as b', arises due to an error in the replication of oligo b, and if b' has lower catalytic activity but replicates more rapidly than b, it may ultimately come to dominate the system.

      We agree with the reviewer that the evolutionary dynamics in multi-species ecosystems are somewhat complicated and potentially confusing. To this end, we have added the following text and citations to our discussion: "Note that this fitness is defined at the level of the ecosystem, comprising all sequences in the chemostat, and is not necessarily attributable to individual members of that population. Over time, similar to microbial ecosystems, this population changes according to the laws of competitive exclusion [34, 35]". However, we would like to point out that we assume that our model operates in a chemostat-like environment, which can be realized, for example, in a prebiotic pool supplied with a constant flux of monomers. Thus, the evolutionary dynamics described by our equations do not require encapsulation of sets of oligos in a protocell followed by selection of these protocells.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Non-enzymatic replication of RNA or a similar polymer is likely to be important for the origin of life. The authors present a model of how a functional catalytic sequence could emerge from a mixture of sequences undergoing non-enzymatic replication.


      Interesting model describing details of the proposed replication mechanism.


      A discussion of the virtual circular genome idea proposed in [33] is included in the discussion section together with the problem of sequence scrambling faced by this mechanism that was raised in [34]. However, the authors state that sequence scrambling is a special case of the classical error catastrophe. This should be reworded, because these phenomena are completely different. The error catastrophe occurs due to single-point mutational errors in a model that assumes that a complete template is being copied in one cycle. Sequence scrambling arises in models that assume cycles of melting and reannealing, in which case only part of a template is copied in one cycle. Scrambling is due to the many alternative ways in which pairs of sequences can reanneal. Many of these alternatives are incorrect and this leads to the disappearance of the original sequence. This problem exists even in the limit where there is zero mutational error rate. Therefore, it cannot be called a special case of the error catastrophe problem.

      We followed the reviewer's recommendations and removed the potentially confusing comparison to the classic error catastrophe.

      The authors seem to believe that their model avoids the scrambling problem. If this is the case, a clear explanation should be added about why this problem is avoided. Two possible points are mentioned.

      (i) Replication is bidirectional in this model. This seems like a small detail to me. I don't think it makes any difference to whether scrambling occurs.

      (ii) The functional activity is located in a short sequence region. I can imagine that if the length of a strand that is synthesized in a single cycle is long enough to cover the complete functional region, then sometimes the complete functional sequence can be copied in one cycle. Is this what is being argued? If so, it depends a lot on rates of primer extension and lengths of melting cycles etc, and some comment on this should be made.

      As we now explain in the text, while the scrambling problem itself is not completely avoided in our model, it does not affect the replication of the functionally relevant regions of the oligomers. Our key observation is that, due to the simplicity of the cleaving enzymes, the length of the functionally relevant region is much smaller than the scrambling-free length. This can be seen from a back-of-the-envelope estimate of the scrambling-free length added to the text: "...assuming the minimal hybridization length l_0=6 and random statistics of the master sequence, one gets the scrambling free length \sqrt{2 x 4^l_0}+l_0 ~100. This is an order of magnitude larger than both l_0 and the length of the core region of the hammerhead ribozyme."

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I have evaluated that the authors have proposed a novel mechanism potentially relevant to the origins of life, and they have explained it with a sufficiently simple model. However, I recommend that they address the following issues, including those I raised in the public review:

      • Title: I believe that the title "Emergence of catalytic activity in ..." is rather broad. Could it be more specific to accurately represent the system described in the paper? For instance, "Selective advantage (or selection) of the hammerhead cleavage ribozyme in..." may better encapsulate the paper's focus.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. However, our mechanism is not unique to hammerhead ribozymes. So we decided to keep the old title.

      • One theoretically non-trivial aspect is the stability of the cooperative structure. Could the authors provide a more detailed explanation of what drives the instability of the system and what mechanisms restore its stability? For example, in a similar self-reproducing oligomer system with ribozymes and their fragments (Kamimura et al. PLoS Comp. 2019), the symmetry of fragments breaks because they effectively suppress each other's replication. Also, it would be beneficial to clarify the necessary assumptions for stability. (For instance, the authors assumed that a_L can serve as a primer for only a, while a_R can serve for both a and b.).

      We thank the reviewer for bringing this interesting paper to our attention. The cooperative fixed point in our model is intrinsically dynamically stable. It is an interesting point why the replicase in Kamimura et al can be dynamically unstable, while the ligase in our model is always stable. However, it goes beyond the scope of our study. We added the following discussion to the manuscript: "Note that the stability of our cooperative fixed point is a non-trivial result. For example, in a related model by Kamimura et al. [34], the fixed point corresponding to a viable composite replicase is dynamically unstable and requires additional stabilization, e.g., by cell-like compartments."

      • As mentioned in the public review, a critical aspect of the practical applicability of the theory is whether cleaved oligos can be reactivated and further elongated, especially through non-enzymatic pathways. Alternatively, is it possible with the presence of enzymes? While I appreciate the conceptual beauty of their model, I recommend that they at least address the difficulty or feasibility of achieving this.

      We addressed this point in response to the public review

      • As also mentioned, in the section on evolutionary dynamics, it's essential to clarify the unit of evolution and the assumptions made. For a system-level evolution (i.e., all the sets of oligos, a and b can be the unit of evolution), more detailed assumptions are required, such as the presence of compartments whose growth is coupled with the replication of oligos inside, and the competition between these compartments. I recommend the authors clarify these points.

      We addressed this point in response to the public review

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Assuming that the above points can be addressed, this reviewer would support publication with minor modifications.

      We addressed all points in response to the public review

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      Reply to the reviewers

      We thank the reviewers for their kind works and helpful insights and suggestions. Below, we have pasted the reviews (in italics), with our responses:

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The study provides insights into how polyploidization via endomitosis may arise in human hepatocytes by studying fetal liver cell line-derived organoids. Using live cell imaging and LSM microscopy, binculeation was consistently observed in two independent cell line systems, at frequencies seen in human liver and sensitive to pharmacological inhibition (GSK3i) and genetic manipulation (E2F7 & E2F8 editing). The findings presented are in line with earlier data, largely gathered studying rodents. The data is convincing and robust indicating that these systems can be used to study cause and consequences of polyploidy in human hepatocytes.

      1. While the authors do suggest that they provide a mechanisms how polyploidy is initiated in human hepatocytes undergoing endomitosis, ie. loss of membrane association of membrane-anchoring proteins at the midbody (e.g. Anillin, RacGAP1), I do feel that the data provided is rather descriptive and does not address a particular mechanism that may account for loss of membrane anchoring. As such, the title is making a too strong point, as, in my point of view, it associates with loss of membrane anchorage, but may not drive endomitosis. Whether this is a "passive" process in response to changes in physical forces and tension, or regulated via signalling intermediates to initiate regression of the cleavage furrow is not addressed experimentally (mislocalizing these proteins on a larger scale). Discussion seems warranted.

      We agree with the reviewer that our mechanistic insights into the molecular mechanisms of endomitosis are limited, and we cannot currently prove that the loss of membrane-anchoring drives endomitosis. We have therefore toned down this conclusion and changed the title to “Binucleated human hepatocytes arise through late cytokinetic regression during endomitosis M phase”. Furthermore, we have expanded the Discussion to reflect on the gaps in knowledge and speculate about possible molecular mechanisms of endomitosis, see pages 12-16 (in particular, lines 404-423, lines 433-443, and 445-472.

      I do not see the need for additional experiments, as I believe the data is robust and introduces an interesting new model where the role of ploidy can be studied in human hepatocytes ex vivo. However, if the authors wish to extend their studies and document further similarities with pathways engaged in rodents, some E2F7/8 targets relevant for ploidy control such as Anillin or PIDDosome components, or, maybe MDM2 processing for p53 activation, could be tested in wt and E2F mutant cell lines.

      Unfortunately, we have not been able to look at E2F7/8 targets and their expression in E2F mutant Hep-Orgs. We performed qPCRs for some cytokinesis regulators such as Ect2, RacGap1 and Mklp1 in Hep-Orgs, however these genes are so lowly expressed that we can hardly detect them. This is likely because these transcripts are only expressed in a short period of the cell cycle during S/G2 phase, whereas the vast majority of cells in Hep-Orgs are in G1. Therefore, differences in gene expression are very difficult (if not impossible) to detect by qPCR. We also tried to perform single molecule FISH on Hep-Orgs, which would allow us to quantify lowly expressed transcripts in single cells, however despite that the smFISH stainings work well on cholangiocyte organoids and intestinal organoids, we could not get good signals in Hep-Orgs. Taken together, we are unable at this point to look into downstream targets of E2F7/8.

      A minor suggestion is to clarify the term M-CDK activity in the introduction, as it may not be fully intuitive to all readers; similarly, ploidy reversal is still controversial in the field, but it is stated as a given fact.

      Thank you for these suggestions, we have clarified the term M-CDK on page 3, lines 60-61, and have rephrased the sentence on ploidy reversal on page 3, lines 81-82.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      Polyploidy at the cellular and nuclear level is a key feature of hepatocytes albeit the physiological significance of the process is not entirely clear. Increased ploidy has been linked to cancer resistance in the liver, but may pose a threat to hepatocyte survival under conditions of repeated compensatory proliferation cycles. Curiously, during normal regeneration after single surgical intervention liver regeneration is not compromised, even though it may recover faster starting when starting from higher ploidy levels. Mechanistically, most data has been generates studying rodents where it is documented that the proliferation behaviour changes around the time of weaning in mice when hepatocytes start to fail cytokinesis and undergo endomitosis, leading to cellular and nuclear polyploidy. In rodents, insulin signalling / AKT appears involved as is the E2F network and p53, activated by the caspase-2-PIDDosome.

      The model system introduced here will allow mechanistic studies in human organoids and help to increase our understanding of this process in steady state and under conditions of stress.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      Polyploid cells arise within various human tissues by multiple different mechanisms. Here, Darmasaputra et al present a study of one such mechanism, endomitosis, in liver cells using fetal-derived human hepatocyte organoids. In this model, they demonstrate that binucleated cells arise through the late regression of the cytokinetic furrow prior to abscission. They identify a rare event in cytokinetic cells - loss of midbody association with the plasma membrane - that could explain the cytokinesis failure observed in a proportion of these cells. Finally, they show that loss of Wnt signalling increases the number of binucleation events in a manner that depends on E2F7 and E2F8, similar to what has been observed in murine hepatocytes.

      Major comments:

      This is a compelling and well-presented study. The data presented are high quality, the experiments are well described and controlled and the conclusions are convincing. I am particularly impressed by the technical effort that the authors must have put into obtaining high quality live and IF images of dividing cells within organoids and their careful documentation of what are very rare mitotic events. In addition, the manuscript is extremely well written and I found it a pleasure to read.

      1. I do not think that there are additional experiments that are essential to justify the conclusions of the paper. However, I do have suggestions that I think would strengthen this work and increase its significance. As is, the authors present findings in two different areas: the documentation of cytokinesis failure in hepatocyte organoids and the role of Wnt and E2F7/8 on binucleation. It would be really nice if the two parts could be linked. For example, the authors could examine cell divisions in the organoids without Wnt either live or fixed and show that they have a higher proportion of cells undergoing cytokinetic regression or with membrane-midbody attachment defects. Alternatively, they could look at whether the expression levels of key cytokinetic genes are changed in the Wnt and E2F7/8 organoids. As I said, these experiments are not required for or the publication of this work and I will leave it up to the authors to decide if they have the time or capacity to add additional data.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. Unfortunately, despite substantial effort, we have been unable to perform successful live imaging of Hep-Orgs under CHIR99021 removal conditions: these organoids become very sensitive to live imaging and they also proliferate very slowly. We have tried to look at the expression of cytokinetic genes by qPCR, however these experiments were inconclusive (see also our response to reviewer #1, point 2). Thus, we cannot rule out that the increase in binucleation that we see upon CHIR99021 removal is not due to increased endomitosis, but rather occurs independently, for example by an increased survival rate of binucleated cells upon WNT removal. We have now discussed this issue and explained the limitations of our study in the discussion, pages 14-15, lines 451-460.

      Finally, before publication, the authors should discuss further the mechanisms by which loss of membrane attachment during cytokinesis could occur - there is quite a lot of literature in this area on the role of RacGAP1 and Ect2 in membrane attachment that is not discussed, particularly from the lab of Mark Pentronczki (eg Kotynkova 2026 PMID: 27926870, Lekmotsev PMID: 23235882). It's surprising that the authors haven't mentioned (or looked at) Ect2 at all, especially since Ect2 levels have been shown to control polyploidy in cardiomyocytes (Liu 2019 PMID: 31597755). This at least warrants some discussion.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing us to these articles. We have elaborated the discussion to include the work on rodent and human cardiomyocytes, and to explain why we think that there is no defect in ECT2 and RhoA signaling in human hepatocytes undergoing endomitosis, see pages 13-14, 404-423 and 433-443.

      Minor comments:

      Table 1 would be more striking as a graphical representation. I appreciate that the n numbers in the regressed cells means that statistical comparisons is not possible, but some kind of colour coding or graph would make this part clearer

      We agree that Table 1 was difficult to read – we now show the data schematically in a new figure, Fig.4.

      It's not clear what the difference between Hep-Org 1 and Hep-Org 2 are. Are these from different donors?

      Indeed Hep-Org1 and Hep-Org2 are from different donors. We have clarified this in the text, see page 5, lines 131-133.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      This study is an important technical development in that it reports a new system to study in depth cell biology of liver endomitosis in non-transformed and, crucially, human 3D hepatocyte organoids. The findings reported using this system are potentially interesting although they could be further developed if they were mechanistically linked together (see major comments). This work is likely to be highly interesting to scientists studying cell division, cytokinesis and hepatocyte biology. It also has wider implications for liver biology and particularly liver regeneration. Additionally, given the role of polyploidisation in many different tissues, it will likely be of interest to scientists studying polyploidy and endomitosis more generally.

      My area of expertise is in cytokinesis and cell division in general, although not specifically in hepatocytes. I am not an expert in organoids.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this manuscript, Darmasaputra and colleagues took advantage of human hepatocyte organoids (Hep-Org) to investigate the formation of binucleated cells that naturally occurs in liver. So far, the mechanism of hepatocyte binucleation has been studied in rodents, where binucleated hepatocytes arise upon weaning through an insulin/akt pathway that inhibits furrow contraction in a fraction of cells (Ref. 21, 22). In addition, it is known that E2F7 and E2F8 downstream of the Wnt signaling repress the expression in mouse hepatocytes of several key cytokinetic proteins (AuroraB, Mklp1, Ect2, Racgap1) and thereby promote binucleation (Ref. 23).


      As seen in vivo, the authors first show that a fraction (5-15%) of cells are binucleated in two independently derived human Hep-Orgs. Live cell imaging reveals that binucleation is not due to furrow ingression defects after anaphase but rather arises from post-furrowing intercellular bridge regression. Fixed data suggest that the cytokinetic midbody formed normally but lost its anchorage to the bridge membrane. Activation of the Wnt signaling resulted in a modest but significant increase in the proportion of binucleated cells (4.5 to Major comments

      1. An outstanding question is whether human Hep-Orgs represent a bona-fide model to study the process of human liver binucleation. The absence of cholangiocytes, vascularization, other cell types and physiological hormones etc. might impact on the mechanism of binucleation, which is the main focus of this study. Since the mechanism of binucleation in human Hep-Orgs appears radically different from what has been reported in vivo in rodents, the authors should reproduce the lack of furrow ingression in mouse Hep-Orgs (that they were able to generate in Ref. 44). This could be done in fixed cells as in Fig. 3. Alternatively, they could use live cell imaging and chemical dyes such as SiR-Tubulin and Cell Mask to label microtubules and the plasma membrane, respectively, without the need of creating genome-edited reporter lines.

      The mechanism of endomitosis that we observe in human hepatocyte organoids is indeed different from what has been observed in mouse hepatocytes. Unfortunately, mouse Hep-Orgs are more difficult to generate as they require a two-step perfusion protocol from live mice (described in Hu et al., 2018). Additionally, mouse Hep-Orgs do not survive freezing, so to be able to perform the suggested experiments, we would need to generate new mouse Hep-Org lines. As our collaborators are currently not performing any experiments with mouse livers, we would need to request an ethical permit to generate these organoids, which would take several months. We have seriously considered this option, however due to the substantial investment in time and resources, we feel these experiments would be more suited for a follow-up study.

      To nonetheless better clarify the differences between what has been observed in rodents, and what we see in the Hep-Orgs, we have added a paragraph in the discussion, see pages 14-15 lines 433-460.

      The videos acquired in Fig. 2 contain much more information than presented. The authors should measure the rate of furrow ingression, the extend of spindle elongation, the time of MT severing and the time of furrow/bridge regression after cytokinesis onset. All these parameters are important since spindle elongation and furrow ingression are altered in rodents. Is this also the case in human Hep-orgs? Furthermore, the spindle seems very different (bent bridges) in endomitotic compared to canonical cytokinesis (Fig. 2A). Finally, the authors should provide more time points during the time of furrow regression to better show how this phenomenon occurs. It seems, based on fixed images, that the midbody stays attached to the plasma yhmembrane in an asymmetric manner (i.e. does not fully detach, contrary to what is stated in the text). 3D reconstructions in fixed cells and a further characterization of the movies would clarify this point.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. Although there are some technical limitations that pose some restrictions (explained below), we have extended our analyses where possible. In our live imaging, we use 5-minute time intervals with 4 mm z-slices, which allows a delicate balance between having enough frames in M phase, and imaging for at least 48 hours, which is required to catch enough divisions. We are unable to image with smaller time intervals or smaller z-slices, as this leads to phototoxicity. Nonetheless, using these settings, we can get an indication of the rate of furrow ingression, time of severing and the time of furrow regression:

      • We find that the time of furrowing onset and the rate of furrow ingression is very similar between canonical M phases and endomitosis M phases: we have now added this data in the results section, page 7, lines 192-199 and Fig. 2D.
      • The time of cytokinetic regression is more variable between endomitoses events, and can range between 30 minutes and 2,5 hours. We have also added this information to page 7, lines 199-202and Fig. 2E
      • The time of MT severing is similar between endomitosis M phases, as we show in Fig. 2C
      • Unfortunately, we cannot accurately measure the extent of spindle elongation, as the divisions occur in 3D and our Z resolution is not good enough. Regarding the observation that the spindle looks different in the endomitosis example in Fig. 2A: we have quantified how often we observe bent midzones in endomitosis versus canonical M phases, and this occurs in 60% of canonical (n=12/20) and 83% of endomitosis M phases (n=15/18). We have now added this information in the results section, page 6, lines 1862-185.
      • We have quantified how often we see the midbody remaining attached to one side of the plasma membrane versus fully detaching: we find that in 6 out of 9 late stage endomitotic regressions, the membrane is detached from both sides, and in 3 out of 9, it remains attached to one side. We have added this information to the results section, page 8 line 249-251.

        DAPI staining is not sensitive enough to detect thin chromatin bridges. To rule out that post-furrowing regression is not merely due to the present of DNA bridges, the authors should confirm their results with LAP2b staining (see PMID 19203582).

      To exclude the presence of ultrafine DNA bridges during anaphase, we have performed a staining for RIF1, a factor that localizes to ultrafine DNA bridges in anaphase and is required for their resolution (Hengeveld et al, 2015, PMID: 26256213). In early anaphase, we find many RIF1-positive thread-like structures, as has been described before in other non-transformed and non-stressed cells. However, in late anaphase and telophase, we never observe these fibers (n=57/57), suggesting that they are fully resolved and are not the cause of cytokinetic regression. We have added this data to the results section, see page 8, lines 226-234, and Fig. S1.

      The authors shows that binucleation results from defective anchorage of the bridge membrane to the midbody, but the molecular mechanism remains elusive and should be further probed. In Fig. 3, there is no obvious changes in the investigated markers. Are the intensities of RACGAP1, Anillin, CIT-K reduced in regressing cells? Are ECT2, activated (phospho) Myosin II, CEP55/ESCRT-III, (activated) AuroraB and MKLP1 normally localized/concentrated? ECT2, AuroraB and MKLP1 are regulated by E2F7/8 (Ref. 23) and AuroraB inactivation after bridge formation leads to late regression (PMID 19203582).

      We agree with the reviewer that the molecular mechanism by which midbodies lose their attachment to the membrane is currently unclear. We do not see any clear differences in the intensities of RACGAP1, Anillin, or CIT-K in cells undergoing endomitotic regression. We also do not expect large differences in localization or abundancies of ECT2, AuroraB or MKLP1, because if this were the case, you would expect differences in early cytokinesis in endomitosis, such as a delay or a slower rate of furrow ingression. We did perform additional IF experiments to investigate the localization of SEPT9, a septin that is expressed in human hepatocytes and that has essential functions in membrane anchorage during cytokinesis. Although we find that SEPT9 exhibits more variable localizations than RACGAP1, Anillin, and CIT-K, we find that in the majority of endomitotic regressions, it is also absent from the regressed membrane (n=5/7 cells). We have added this data to the results section on page 9, and in the figures Fig. 3C and Fig.4C.

      The results of Fig. 4F indicate that the increased proportion of binucleated cells upon CHIR99021 removal depends on E2F7/8. Without live cell imaging (or FISH experiments) the authors cannot conclude that conclude that the increase in endomitosis is dependent on E2F7/8. A decrease in binucleation could indeed not imply a reduced occurrence of endomitosis. For instance, it is possible that E2F7/8 KO induces the formation of mononucleated 4n cells due to early mitotic failure. This issue should be clarified.

      The reviewer raises an important point. Unfortunately, we were unable to generate E2F7/8 KO lines containing fluorescent nuclear and membrane markers, which would allow us to perform live-imaging and confirm that these organoids perform less endomitosis. As an alternative, we tried to use SiR-Tubulin dyes for live imaging, but even at very low concentrations these dyes are toxic for the organoids. To exclude the possibility that E2F7/8 KO induces the formation of mononucleated 4n cells, we have measured the DNA content in wildtype, E2F7 and E2F8 lines, and found that the distribution of ploidies is very similar between these lines, both in normal growth conditions as well as upon removal of CHIR99021 (see the new supplemental figure, Fig. S3). We thus think it is unlikely that E2F7/8 KO induces the formation of mononucleated 4n, however it remains possible that the differences in percentage of binucleated cells arise independently of endomitosis. We have now toned down our conclusions on the function of WNT signaling and E2F7/8 in endomitosis, and discussed alternative explanations for our findings in the discussion, see page 14, lines 451-460.

      Binucleation increases with age both in humans and rodents. Could this feature be mimicked in the human Hep-Org by leaving the organoids longer in culture? (optional but would reinforce the value of the model).

      We do not see an increase in binucleation percentages in organoids that are kept longer in cultures, and we have now also tested the effect of growing the organoids in a “differentiation medium”, which was previously described to give rise to more mature hepatocyte gene expression (Hu et al. 2018), however we see no significant differences in the percentages of binucleated cells per organoid. We have now included this data, as well as our analyses of the effect of insulin in the growth medium (see our response to point 12 below) in the results section on page 11 lines 341-353 and we further discuss this point in the Discussion, pages 12-13, lines 389-397.

      Minor comments

      The results of Table 1 are based on very few fixed cells (3 to 6). The authors should consider increasing the number of regressing cells.

      We are aware that the number of endomitotic regressions is very low. Unfortunately, it is extremely challenging to catch these events by IF: cells in Hep-Orgs cycle very slowly (they divide once every ±50 hours), and thus very few cells are in M phase at any given moment (only 1 or 2 cells per organoid) – the chance that this cell is then also in telophase is even lower, and then only ± 5% of the telophase are actually undergoing endomitosis. Due to technical limitations of the organoid IF staining protocol, it is not trivial to scale up these experiments, making it very difficult to find more than 3-5 endomitotic regressions per condition. Despite the low numbers of endomitotic regressions that we have identified, we find that RacGAP1, Anillin and CIT-K localize in a very similar manner in cells undergoing endomitosis. For SEPT9, we see a little bit more variation in the localizations, but also here the majority of cells in undergoing endomitosis have lost SEPT9 membrane association on the regressed membrane (see Fig. 4C).

      Is WNT signaling modified by E2F7/8 mutations? To conclude that "WNT signaling inhibits binucleation in an E2F7/8-dependent manner", the authors should check that E2F7/8 KO does not impair the increase of WNT signaling upon CHIR99021 removal.

      We had not thought of this option, but it is indeed possible that E2F7/8 influences the ability of cells to respond to CHIR99021 removal. WNT regulators are not known to be targets of E2F7 or E2F8 in mice (see PMIDs: 22180533, 18194653, and 23064264), however as we have not analyzed the gene expression changes in E2F7 or E2F8 mutant organoids, we cannot exclude the possibility that CHIR99021 has different effects in E2F7/E2F8 knock-out cells. We now discuss this possibility in the discussion, page 15, lines 459-460.

      Please provide movies of the cells presented in Fig. 2A.

      We have included movies of these cells, see Supplemental Movie 1 and Supplemental Movie 2.

      1. Removal of CHIR99021 induces major shape changes and lumen formation (rather than "exhibited some morphological changes" as stated). Could the author speculate on this?

      WNT signaling is likely important for many aspects of hepatocyte growth and differentiation, and it is possible that upon CHIR99021 removal, Hep-Orgs are starting to differentiate and become more secretory, which would explain why they start forming larger lumens. We now discuss this in more detail in the final part of the results section, see page 11 lines 341-353, and in the discussion, page 15 lines 462-472.

      1. Fig. 4: Why do the authors use the cell line-1 that has the lowest level of binucleation in this experiment? Would the results be the same in cell line 2? (optional)

      We perform most experiments in Hep-Org line 1 because this line is easier to maintain in culture, and we have been unable to generate CRISPR knock-outs in Hep-Org line 2.

      1. Would insulin increase the proportion of binucleated cells, as in rodents? (optional)

      We have tested this, but do not see a difference in the percentage of binucleated cells when we either increase or decrease the concentration of insulin in the growth medium. We have now added this data in the results section, see page 11, lines 347-350 and Fig. 5J.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      Strengths and limitations:

      The manuscript is well written, easy to follow, and the quality of the data is overall high. A clear strength of this study is the use of state-of-the-art human hepatocyte organoids and genome editing (to generate reporter lines and to KO E2F7/8). This allows the authors to address the mechanism of binucleation in a human context. Interestingly, it revealed both similarities (e.g. E2F7/8 depends for binucleation) and striking mechanistic differences (e.g. post-furrowing regression) between rodent and human systems. The study is rather descriptive -which is fine- but deeper mechanistic insights would strengthen the conclusions of the manuscript. For instance, "our results identify how human hepatocytes inhibit cell division in endomitosis" appears as an overstatement since the molecular reason of midbody anchorage defects remains elusive.

      We thank the reviewer for their kind words. Unfortunately, we have been unable to gain deeper mechanistic insights into the molecular mechanism of membrane regression in endomitosis. We have therefore toned down our conclusions, see the new concluding sentence in the abstract, page 2, lines 35-36.

    1. In a recent AMS webinar on CRT, Dr. Valaida Wise makes the important distinction that as a theoretical framework, CRT helps us think about and critically analyze systems; as such, it can help teachers think about the right questions to ask regarding potential or actual inequities that may be present in our classrooms. Our concern at the classroom level, therefore, is not the theoretical work of CRT, but that we have a culturally responsive pedagogy (CRP) in place. We will come back to this.

      In a webinar, Dr. Valaida Wise points out that CRT helps teachers analyze systems and spot potential issues. The main focus should be on using culturally responsive teaching methods in classrooms.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Response to reviewer’s comments

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, the structural characteristics of plant AlaDC and SerDC were analyzed to understand the mechanism of functional differentiation, deepen the understanding of substrate specificity and catalytic activity evolution, and explore effective ways to improve the initial efficiency of theanine synthesis.

      On the basis of previous solid work, the authors successfully obtained the X-ray crystal structures of the precursors of theanine synthesis-CsAlaDC and AtSerDC, which are key proteins related to ethylamine synthesis, and found a unique zinc finger structure on these two crystal structures that are not found in other Group II PLP-dependent amino acid decarboxylases. Through a series of experiments, it is pointed out that this characteristic zinc finger motif may be the key to the folding of CsAlaDC and AtSerDC proteins, and this discovery is novel and prospective in the study of theine synthesis.

      In addition, the authors identified Phe106 of CsAlaDC and Tyr111 of AtSerDC as key sites of substrate specificity by comparing substrate binding regions and identified amino acids that inhibit catalytic activity through mutation screening based on protein structure. It was found that the catalytic activity of CsAlaDCL110F/P114A was 2.3 times higher than that of CsAlaDC. At the same time, CsAlaDC and AtSerDC substrate recognition key motifs were used to carry out evolutionary analysis of the protein sequences that are highly homologous to CsAlaDC in embryos, and 13 potential alanine decarboxylases were found, which laid a solid foundation for subsequent studies related to theanine synthesis.

      In general, this study has a solid foundation, the whole research idea is clear, the experimental design is reasonable, and the experimental results provide strong evidence for the author's point of view. Through a large number of experiments, the key links in the theanine synthesis pathway are deeply studied, and an effective way to improve the initial efficiency of theanine synthesis is found, and the molecular mechanism of this way is expounded. The whole study has good novelty and prospectivity, and sheds light on a new direction for the efficient industrial synthesis of theanine

      Response: Thank you very much for taking time to review this manuscript. We appreciate all your insightful comments and constructive suggestions.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) If some test methods are not original, references or method basis should be indicated.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. We have added references for the enzymatic activity experiments performed to measure the synthesis of theanine in the revised manuscript.

      (2) The conclusion is a little lengthy, and the summary of the whole study is not well condensed.

      Response: Thank you very much for your valuable suggestions. We have refined the conclusion in the revised manuscript, and it is as follows:

      In conclusion, our structural and functional analyses have significantly advanced understanding of the substrate-specific activities of alanine and serine decarboxylases, typified by CsAlaDC and AtSerDC. Critical amino acid residues responsible for substrate selection were identified—Tyr111 in AtSerDC and Phe106 in CsAlaDC—highlighting pivotal roles in enzyme specificity. The engineered CsAlaDC mutant (L110F/P114A) not only displayed enhanced catalytic efficiency but also substantially improved L-theanine yield in a synthetic biosynthesis setup with PsGS or GMAS. Our research expanded the repertoire of potential alanine decarboxylases through the discovery of 13 homologous enzyme candidates across embryophytic species and uncovered a special motif present in serine protease-like proteins within Fabale, suggesting a potential divergence in substrate specificity and catalytic functions. These insights lay the groundwork for the development of industrial biocatalytic processes, promising to elevate the production of L-theanine and supporting innovation within the tea industry.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review)


      The manuscript focuses on the comparison of two PLP-dependent enzyme classes that perform amino acyl decarboxylations. The goal of the work is to understand the substrate specificity and factors that influence the catalytic rate in an enzyme linked to theanine production in tea plants.


      The work includes x-ray crystal structures of modest resolution of the enzymes of interest. These structures provide the basis for the design of mutagenesis experiments to test hypotheses about substrate specificity and the factors that control catalytic rate. These ideas are tested via mutagenesis and activity assays, in some cases both in vitro and in plants.


      The manuscript could be more clear in explaining the contents of the x-ray structures and how the complexes studied relate to the reactant and product complexes. The structure and mechanism section would also be strengthened by including a diagram of the reaction mechanism and including context about reactivity. As it stands, much of the structural results section consists of lists of amino acids interacting with certain ligands without any explanation of why these interactions are important or the role they play in catalysis. The experiments testing the function of a novel Zn(II)-binding domain also have serious flaws. I don't think anything can be said at this point about the function of the Zn(II) due to a lack of key controls and problems with experimental design.

      Response: Thank you very much for your thoughtful comments and feedback on our manuscript. We are pleased to hear that the work's strengths, such as the X-ray crystal structures and the mutagenesis experiments tied to the catalytic rate and substrate specificity, align with the goals of our research.

      We recognize the areas identified for improvement and appreciate the suggestions provided. We have emphasized how we use the structural information obtained to infer the roles of key amino acid residues in the reaction. Additionally, we have added a diagram of the reaction mechanism in the Supplementary figure to provide clearer context on reactivity and improve the overall understanding of the catalytic process. Regarding the structural results section, we have included a discussion that contextualizes the list of amino acids and their interactions with the ligands by explaining their significance and roles in catalysis. We acknowledge the weaknesses you've pointed out in the experiments concerning the novel Zn(II)-binding domain, but we would like to clarify that the focus of our study was not primarily on the zinc structure. While we agree that there may be limitations in the experimental design and controls for the zinc binding domain, we believe that these flaws do not significantly impact the overall findings of the study. The experiment served as a preliminary exploration of the potential functionality of the domain, and further studies are required to fully understand its role and mechanism.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) In addition to the points raised in the public review, it would be ideal to provide some context for the enzymatic characterization. Why are the differences in kinetic parameters for AlaDC and SerDC significant?

      Response: Thank you for your comments and suggestions. The Km values for CsAlaDC and SerDCs are comparable, suggesting similar substrate affinities. However, CsAlaDC exhibits a significantly lower Vmax compared to AtSerDC and CsSerDC. This discrepancy implies that CsAlaDC and SerDCs may differ in the rates at which they convert substrate to product when saturated with substrate. SerDCs may have a faster turnover rate, meaning they convert substrate to product and release the enzyme more quickly, resulting in a higher Vmax. Differences in the stability or correct folding of the enzymes under assay conditions can also affect their Vmax. If SerDCs are more stable, they might maintain their catalytic activity better at higher substrate concentrations, contributing to a higher Vmax. We have added these to the part of “Enzymatic properties of CsAlaDC, AtSerDC, and CsSerDC” in our revised manuscript.

      (2) Why is Phe106/Tyr111 pair critical for substrate specificity? Does the amino acid contact the side chain? It might be helpful to a reader to formulate a hypothesis for this interaction.

      Response: Thank you for the question and comments. We conducted a comparison between the active sites of CsAlaDC and AtSerDC and observed a distinct difference in only two amino acids: F106 in CsAlaDC and Y111 in AtSerDC. The remaining amino acids were found to be identical. Expanding on previous research concerning Group II PLP-dependent amino acid decarboxylases, it was postulated and subsequently confirmed that these specific amino acids play a crucial role in substrate recognition. However, since we lack the structure of the enzyme-substrate complex, we are unable to elucidate the precise interactions occurring between the substrate and the amino acids at this particular site based solely on structural information.

      (3) Line 55 - Define EA again.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. We have redefined “EA” as the abbreviation for ethylamine in the revised manuscript.

      (4) Line 58 - The meaning of "determined by the quality formation of tea" is not clear.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. We have modified it in the revised manuscript.

      (5) Line 65 - Missing words between "despite they".

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript. We have corrected it in the revised manuscript.

      (6) Line 67 - Need a reference for the statement about lower activity?

      Response: Thank you for the question and comments. We have provided the following reference to support this statement in the revised manuscript.

      Reference: Bai, P. et al. (2021) Biochemical characterization of specific Alanine Decarboxylase (ADC) and its ancestral enzyme Serine Decarboxylase (SDC) in tea plants (Camellia sinensis). BMC Biotechnol. 21,17.

      (7) Line 100-101 - The meaning of "its closer relationship was Dicots plants." is not clear.

      Response: We have revised the sentence in the revised manuscript, as follows: “Phylogenetic analysis indicated that CsAlaDC is homologous with SerDCs in Dicots plants.”

      (8) Line 139 - Missing a word between "as well as" and "of".

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. We have corrected it in the revised manuscript.

      (9) Line 142 - The usage of comprised here is not correct. It would be more correct to say "The overall architecture of CsAlaDC and AtSerDC is homodimeric with the two subunits...".

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. We have corrected it in the revised manuscript.

      (10) Line 148-149 - I didn't understand the statement about the "N-terminal structures" Are these structures obtained from protein samples that have a truncated N-terminus?

      Response: Group II PLP-dependent amino acid decarboxylases are comprised of three distinct structural domains: the N-terminal domain, the large domain, and the C-terminal domain. Each of these domains possesses unique structural features. Similarly, CsAlaDC and AtSerDC can also be classified into three structural domains based on their specific characteristics. To achieve more stable proteins for further experiments, we conducted truncation on both of these proteins. The truncated section pertains to a subsection of the N-terminal domain and is truncated from the protein's N-terminus.

      (11) Line 153 - Say "is composed of" instead of "composes of".

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. We have corrected it in the revised manuscript.

      (12) Line 156 - I didn't understand the statement about the cofactor binding process. What is the cofactor observed? And how can we say anything about the binding process from a single static structure of the enzyme? It might be better to say that the cofactor binding site is located at the subunit junction - but the identity of the cofactor still needs to be defined first.

      Response: Thank you for your comments and suggestions. The cofactor mentioned here is PLP. We aim to elucidate the binding state of PLP at the active site, excluding the binding process. The description has been revised in the revised manuscript.

      (13) Lines 157-158 - I didn't understand the conclusion about the roles of each monomer. In the images in Figure 3 - both monomers appear to bind PLP but the substrate is not present - so it's not clear how conclusions can be drawn about differential substrate binding in the two subunits.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading and valuable suggestions. The main idea we want to convey is that this protein possesses two active sites. At each active site, the two monomers carry out distinct functions. Of course, our previous conclusion is inaccurate due to the non-existence of the substrate. So, we have made the necessary amendments in the revised manuscript.

      (14) Line 161 - I would say loop instead of ring.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. We have corrected it in the revised manuscript.

      (15) Line 165 - Please provide some references for this statement. It would also be ideal to state the proximity of the Zn-binding motif to the active site or otherwise provide some information about the role of the motif based on its location.

      Response: Thank you for your comments and suggestions. We have provided the following references to support this statement in the revised manuscript.

      Author response image 1.

      (A) Structure of histidine decarboxylase. (B) Structure of glutamate decarboxylase.


      30 Komori, H. et al. (2012) Structural study reveals that Ser-354 determines substrate specificity on human Histidine Decarboxylase. J Biol Chem. 287, 29175-83.

      31 Huang, J. et al. (2018) Lactobacillus brevis CGMCC 1306 glutamate decarboxylase: Crystal structure and functional analysis. Biochem Biophys Res Co. 503, 1703-1709

      In CsAlaDC, the zinc is positioned at a distance of 29.6 Å from the active center, whereas in AtSerDC, the zinc is situated 29 Å away from the active center. Hence, we hypothesize that this structure does not impact the enzyme's catalytic activity but might be correlated with its stability.

      (16) Lines 166-178 - This paragraph appears to be a list of all of the interactions between the protein, PLP, and the EA product. It would be ideal to provide some text to explain why these interactions are important and what we can learn from them.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. We have been conducting additional analysis on the functional roles of amino acid residues involved in the interaction between the active site and PLP. This analysis focuses on aiding PLP binding, determining its orientation, and understanding enzyme catalytic mechanisms. These details are mentioned in the revised manuscript.

      (17) Line 192 - Bond not bound.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. We have made corrections in the revised manuscript.

      (18) Lines 201-207 - It would be ideal to verify that the inclusion of 5 mM DTT affects Zn binding. It's not clear to me that this reagent would necessarily disrupt Zn binding. Under certain circumstances, it could instead promote Zn association. For example, if the Cys ligands are oxidized initially but then become reduced? I don't think the current experiment really provides any insight into the role of the Zn.

      Response: Thank you for your valuable insights regarding the role of DTT and its potential effects on Zn binding in our experiments. The main function of DTT is to protect or restore the reduced state of proteins and other biological molecules, particularly by disrupting the crosslinking formed by thiol (-SH) groups and disulfide bonds to maintain the function and structure of proteins. Therefore, the reason for DTT's inhibition of enzyme activity is unknown, and we cannot provide a reasonable explanation for this phenomenon. As a result, we have removed the section discussing the inhibition of enzyme activity by DTT in our revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In the manuscript titled "Structure and Evolution of Alanine/Serine Decarboxylases and the Engineering of Theanine Production," Wang et al. solved and compared the crystal structures of Alanine Decarboxylase (AlaDC) from Camellia sinensis and Serine Decarboxylase (SerDC) from Arabidopsis thaliana. Based on this structural information, the authors conducted both in vitro and in vivo functional studies to compare enzyme activities using site-directed mutagenesis and subsequent evolutionary analyses. This research has the potential to enhance our understanding of amino acid decarboxylase evolution and the biosynthetic pathway of the plant-specialized metabolite theanine, as well as to further its potential applications in the tea industry. Response: Thank you very much for taking the time to review this manuscript. We appreciate all your insightful comments.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Page 6, Figure 2, Page 23 (Methods)

      "The supernatants were purified with a Ni-Agarose resin column followed by size-exclusion chromatography."

      What kind of SEC column did the authors use? Can the authors provide the SEC elution profile comparison results and size standard curve?

      Response: We use a Superdex 200 (Hiload 16/600) column for size exclusion chromatography. The comparison results of SEC elution profiles for AtSerDC and CsAlaDC, along with the standard curve of SEC column, are presented below.

      Author response image 2.

      (A) Comparison of elution profiles of CsAlaDC and AtSerDC. (B) Elution profile of Blue Dextron 2000. (C) Elution profile of mixed protein (Aldolase, 158000 Da,71.765ml; Conalbumin, 75000 Da,79.391ml; Ovalbumin, 44000 Da,83.767ml; Carbonic anhydrase, 29000 Da,90.019ml; Ribonuclease A, 13700 Da,98.145ml). (D) Size standard curves of Superdex 200 (Hiload 16/600) column.

      Page 6 & Page 24 (Methods)

      "The 100 μL reaction mixture, containing 20 mM substrate (Ala or Ser), 100 mM potassium phosphate, 0.1 mM PLP, and 0.025 mM purified enzyme, was prepared and incubated at standard conditions (45 ℃ and pH 8.0 for CsAlaDC, 40 ℃ and pH 8.0 for AtSerDC for 30 min)."

      (1) The enzymatic activities of CsAldDC and AtSerDC were measured at two different temperatures (45 and 40 ℃, but their activities were directly compared. Is there a reason for experimenting at different temperatures?

      Response: We determined that the optimal reaction temperature for AtSerDC is 40°C and for CsAlaDC is 45°C through our verification process. Consequently, all subsequent experiments were performed at these specific temperatures.

      Author response image 3.

      (A) Relative activity of CsAlaDC at different temperatures. (B) Relative activity of AtSerDC at different temperatures.

      (2) Enzyme activities were measured at temperatures above 40℃, which is not a physiologically relevant temperature and may affect the stability or activity of the proteins. At the very least, the authors should provide temperature-dependent protein stability data (e.g., CD spectra analysis) or, if possible, temperature-dependent enzyme activities, to show that their experimental conditions are suitable for studying the activities of these enzymes.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading. We have already validated that the experimental temperature we used did not significantly affect the stability of the protein before experimenting. The results are shown in the figure below:

      Author response image 4.

      Place the two proteins individually into water baths set at temperatures of 25°C, 37°C, 45°C, 60°C, and 80°C for 15 minutes. Subsequently, carry out enzymatic reactions utilizing a standard reaction system, with untreated enzymes serving as the experimental control within the said system. The experimental results suggest that the temperature at which we experimented does not have a significant impact on the stability of the enzyme.

      (3) The authors used 20 mM of substrate. What are the physiological concentrations of alanine and serine typically found in plants?

      Response: The content of alanine in tea plant roots ranges from 0.28 to 4.18 mg/g DW (Yu et al., 2021; Cheng et al., 2017). Correspondingly, the physiological concentration of alanine is 3.14 mM to 46.92 mM, in tea plant roots. The content of serine in plants ranges from 0.014 to 17.6 mg/g DW (Kumar et al., 2017). Correspondingly, the physiological concentration of serine is 0.13 mM to 167.48 mM in plants. In this study, the substrate concentration of 20 mM was close to the actual concentrations of alanine and serine in plants.

      Yu, Y. et al. (2021) Glutamine synthetases play a vital role in high accumulation of theanine in tender shoots of albino tea germplasm "Huabai 1". J. Agric. Food Chem. 69 (46),13904-13915.

      Cheng, S. et al. (2017) Studies on the biochemical formation pathway of the amino acid L-theanine in tea (Camellia sinensis) and other plants.” J. Agric. Food Chem. 65 (33), 7210-7216.

      Kumar, V. et al. (2017) Differential distribution of amino acids in plants. Amino Acids. 49(5), 821-869.

      Pages 6-7 & Table 1

      (1) Use the correct notation for Km and Vmax. Also, the authors show kinetic parameters and use multiple units (e.g., mmol/L or mM for Km).

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. We have corrected this in the revised manuscript.

      (2) When comparing the catalytic efficiency of enzymes, kcat/Km (or Vmax/Km) is generally used. The authors present a comparison of catalytic activity from results to conclusion. A clarification of what results are being compared is needed.

      Response: Thank you for your comments and suggestions. The catalytic activity is assessed by comparing reaction rates.

      Page 7 & Figure 3

      In Figure 3A, the authors describe the overall structure, but a simple explanation or labeling within the figure should be added.

      Response: Thank you very much for your suggestions, we have made modifications to Figure 3A as follows:

      Author response image 5.

      Crystal structures of CsAlaDC and AtSerDC. (A) Dimer structure of CsAlaDC. The color display of the N-terminal domain, large domain, and C-terminal domains of chain A is shown in light pink, khaki and sky blue, respectively. Chain B is shown in spring green. The PLP molecule is shown as a sphere model. The zinc finger structure at the C-terminus of CsAlaDC is indicated by the red box. The gray spheres represent zinc ions, while the red dotted line depicts the coordination bonds formed by zinc ions with cysteine and histidine.

      Figures 3F & 4A

      In these figures, the two structures are overlaid and compared, but the colors are very similar to see the differences. The authors should use a different color scheme.

      Response: Thank you very much for your suggestions, we have made modifications to the Figure 3F & 4A as follows:

      Author response image 6.

      (Figure 3F) The monomers of CsAlaDC and AtSerDC are superimposed. CsAlaDC is depicted in spring green, while AtSerDC is shown in plum. The conserved amino acid catalytic ring is indicated by the red box.

      (Figure 4A) Superposition of substrate binding pocket amino acid residues in CsAlaDC and AtSerDC. The amino acid residues of CsAlaDC are shown in spring green, the amino acid residues of AtSerDC are shown in plum, with the substrate specificity-related amino acid residue highlighted in a red ellipse.

      Pages 7 & 8

      Figures 3 and 4 do not include illustrations of what the authors describe in the text. The reader will not be able to understand the descriptions until they download and view the structures themselves. The authors should create additional figures to make it easier for readers to understand the structures.

      Response: Thank you very much for your suggestions, we have included supplementary figure 1 in the revised manuscript, which presents more elaborate structural depictions of the two proteins.

      Pages 9 & 10

      "This result suggested this Tyr is required for the catalytic activity of CsAlaDC and AtSerDC."

      The author's results are interesting, but it is recommended to perform the experiments in a specific order. First, experiments should determine whether mutagenesis affects the protein's stability (e.g., CD, as discussed earlier), and second, whether mutagenesis affects ligand binding (e.g., ITC, SPR, etc.), before describing how site-directed mutagenesis alters enzyme activity. In particular, the authors' hypothesis would be much more convincing if they could show that the ligand binding affinity is similar between WT and mutants.

      Response: Thank you for your insightful feedback on our manuscript, which we greatly appreciate. Your suggestion to methodically sequence the experiments provides a clear pathway to bolster the strength and conclusiveness of our results.

      We agree that it is crucial to first assess the stability of the mutant proteins, as changes therein could inadvertently affect catalytic activity. To this end, we have employed circular dichroism (CD) to study the potential structural alterations in the proteins induced by mutations. The experimental results are shown in the following figure:

      Author response image 7.

      (A) Circular Dichroism Spectra of CsAlaDC (WT). (B) Circular Dichroism Spectra of CsAlaDC (Y336F). (C) Circular Dichroism Spectra of CD of AtSerDC (WT). (D) Circular Dichroism Spectra of AtSerDC (Y341F).

      The experimental results indicate that the secondary structure of the mutant proteins remains unchanged, which means the mutations do not alter the protein's stability.

      The ligand PLP forms a Schiff base structure with the ε-amino group of a lysine residue in the protein, with maximum absorbance around 420-430 nm. Since we have already added PLP during the protein purification process, as long as the absorbance of mutant proteins and wild-type proteins is the same at 420-430 nm at equivalent concentrations, it indicates that the mutant proteins do not affect the binding of the ligand PLP. Therefore, we scanned the UV-visible absorption spectra of both the wild-type and mutant proteins, and the results are as presented in the following figure:

      Author response image 8.

      (A) UV-Visible Absorption Spectra of CsAlaDC (WT) compared to CsAlaDC (Y336F). (B) UV-Visible Absorption Spectra of AtSerDC (WT) compared to AtSerDC (Y341F).

      The mutant protein and the wild-type protein exhibit similar absorbance at 420-430 nm, indicating that the mutation does not affect the binding of PLP to the protein.

      The above experiments have confirmed that the mutations do not significantly affect the stability of the protein or the affinity for the ligand, so we can more confidently attribute changes in enzyme activity to the specific role of the tyrosine residue in question. We believe this comprehensive approach will substantiate our hypothesis and illustrate the necessity of this Tyr residue for the catalytic activity of CsAlaDC and AtSerDC enzymes.

      Figure 3

      In the 3D structure figure provided by the authors, the proposed reaction mechanism of the enzyme and the involved amino acids are not included. Can the authors add a supplementary figure with a schematic drawing that includes more information, such as distances?

      Response: Thank you for your valuable feedback on our manuscript. We completely agree that a schematic drawing with additional details, including distances, would enhance the clarity and understanding of the enzymatic mechanism. In response to your suggestion, we have added a supplementary figure 2 in the revised manuscript that accurately illustrates the proposed reaction pathway, highlighting the key amino acids involved.

      Page 10

      "The results showed that 5 mM L-DTT reduced the relative activity of CsAlaDC and AtSerDC to 22.0% and 35.2%, respectively"

      The authors primarily use relative activity to compare WT and mutants. Can the authors specify the exact experiments, units, and experimental conditions? Is it Vmax or catalytic efficiency? If so, under what specific experimental conditions?

      Response: Thank you for your attention and review of our research paper, we appreciate your suggestions and feedback. The experimental protocol employed to evaluate the influence of DTT on protein catalytic efficiency is outlined as follows:

      The 100 μL reaction mixture, containing 20 mM substrate (Ala or Ser), 100 mM potassium phosphate, 0.1 mM PLP, 5 mM L-DTT, and 0.025 mM purified enzyme, was prepared and incubated at standard conditions (45 °C and pH 8.0 for CsAlaDC for 5 min, 40 °C and pH 8.0 for AtSerDC for 2 min). DTT is absent as a control in the reaction system. Then the reaction was stopped with 20 μL of 10% trichloroacetic acid. The product was derivatized with 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxy-succinimidyl carbamate (AQC) and subjected to analysis by UPLC. All enzymatic assays were performed in triplicate.

      However, due to the unknown mechanism of DTT inhibition on protein activity, we have removed this part of the content in the revised manuscript.

      Pages 10-12

      The identification of 'Phe106 in CsAlaDC' and 'Tyr111 in AtSerDC,' along with the subsequent mutagenesis and enzymatic activity assays, is intriguing. However, the current manuscript lacks an explanation and discussion of the underlying reasons for these results. As previously mentioned, it would be helpful to gain insights and analysis from WT-ligand and mutant-ligand binding studies (e.g., ITC, SPR, etc.). Furthermore, the authors' analysis would be more convincing with accompanying structural analysis, such as steric hindrance analysis.

      Response: Thank you for your insightful comments and constructive feedback on our manuscript. We appreciate the interest you have expressed in the identification of 'Phe106 in CsAlaDC' and 'Tyr111 in AtSerDC' and their functional implications based on mutagenesis and enzymatic assays.

      In order to investigate the binding status of the mutant protein and the ligand PLP,we scanned the UV-visible absorption spectra of both the wild-type and mutant proteins, and the results are as presented in the following figure:

      Author response image 9.

      (A) UV-Visible Absorption Spectra of CsAlaDC (WT) compared to CsAlaDC (F106Y). (B) UV-Visible Absorption Spectra of AtSerDC (WT) compared to AtSerDC (Y111F).

      The mutant protein and the wild-type protein exhibit similar absorbance at 420-430 nm, indicating that the mutation does not affect the binding of PLP to the protein. Therefore, we can conclude that the change in activity of the mutant protein is caused by the substitution of the amino acid at that site, i.e., the amino acid at that site affects substrate specificity. By combining the structure of the two proteins, we can see that the Lys at position 111 of AtSerDC is a hydrophilic amino acid, which increases the hydrophilicity of the active site, and thus the substrate is the hydrophilic amino acid Ser. In contrast, the amino acid at the corresponding site in CsAlaDC is Phe, which, lacking a hydroxyl group compared to Lys, increases the hydrophobicity of the active site, making the substrate lean towards the hydrophobic amino acid Ala. We have added a discussion of the potential reasons for this result to the revised manuscript's discussion section.

      Page 5 & Figure 1B

      "As expected, CsSerDC was most closed to AtSerDC, which implies that they shared similar functions. However, CsAlaDC is relatively distant from CsSerDC."

      In Figure 1B, CsSerDC and AtSerDC are in different clades, and this figure does not show that the two enzymes are closest. To provide another quantitative comparison, please provide a matrix table showing amino acid sequence similarities as a supplemental table.

      Response: Many thanks for your constructive suggestion. We added a matrix table showing amino acid sequence similarities in the supplemental materials. The results showed that the similarity of amino acid sequences between CsSerDC and AtSerDC is 86.21%, which is higher than that between CsAlaDC and CsSerDC (84.92%). This data exactly supports the description of Figure 1B. We added the description of the amino acid sequence similarities analysis in the revised manuscript. The description of "As expected, CsSerDC was most closed to AtSerDC, which implies that they shared similar functions. " is not accurate enough, so we revised it to "As expected, CsSerDC was closer to AtSerDC, which implies that they shared similar functions.", in the revised manuscript.

      Page 5 & Figure 1C

      Figure 1C, which shows a multiple sequence alignment with the amino acid sequences of the 6 SerDCs and CsAlaDC, clearly shows the differences between the sequences of AlaDC and other SerDCs. However, the authors' hypothesis would be more convincing if they showed that this difference is also conserved in AlaDCs from other plants. Can the authors show a new multiple-sequence alignment by adding more amino acid sequences of other AlaDCs?

      Response: Thank you for your comments and suggestions. We aim to discover additional alanine decarboxylase. However, at present, the only experimentally confirmed alanine decarboxylase is CsAlaDC. No experimentally verified alanine decarboxylases have been found in other plant species.

      Figure 5A

      Figure 5A is missing the error bar.

      Response: Figure 5A serves as a preliminary screening for these mutants, without conducting repeated experiments. Subsequently, only the L110F and P114A mutants, which exhibited significantly improved activity, underwent further experimental verification to confirm their enhanced functionality.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      In this valuable study, the discovery and subsequent design of the AF03-NL chimeric antibody yielded a tool for studying filoviruses and provides a possible blueprint for future therapeutics. However, the data are incomplete and not presented clearly, which obscures flaws in the analyses and leaves unexplained phenomena. The work will be of interest to virologists studying antibodies.

      Author response: Thank for your very valuable comments. The ms has been revised substantially and some new data have been added to further support the conclusions.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary and Strengths:

      Zhang et al. conducted a study in which they isolated and characterized a Marburg virus (MARV) glycoprotein-specific antibody, AF-03. The antibody was obtained from a phage-display library. The study shows that AF-03 competes with the previously characterized MARV-neutralizing antibody MR78, which binds to the virus's receptor binding site. The authors also performed GP mutagenesis experiments to confirm that AF-03 binds near the receptor binding site. In addition, the study confirmed that AF-03, like MR78, can neutralize Ebola viruses with cleaved glycoproteins. Finally, the authors demonstrated that NPC2-fused AF-03 was effective in neutralizing several filovirus species.


      (1) The main premise of this study is unclear. Flyak et al. in 2015 described the isolation and characterization of a large panel of neutralizing antibodies from a Marburg survivor (Flyak et al., Cell, 2015). Based on biochemical and structural characterization, Flyak proposed that the Marburg neutralizing antibodies bind to the NPC1 receptor binding side. In the same study, it has been shown that several MARV-neutralizing antibodies can bind to cleaved Ebola glycoproteins that were enzymatically treated to remove the mucin-like domain and glycan cap. In the following study, it has been shown that the bispecific-antibody strategy can be used to deliver Marburg-specific antibodies into the endosome, where they can neutralize Ebola viruses (Wec et al., Science 2016). Finally, the use of lysosome-resident protein NPC2 to deliver antibody cargos to late endosomes has been previously described (Wirchnianski et al., Front. Immunol, 2021). The above-mentioned studies are not referenced in the introduction. The authors state that "there is no licensed treatment or vaccine for Marburg [virus] infection." While this is true, there are human antibodies that recognize neutralizing epitopes - that information can't be excluded while providing the rationale for the study. Furthermore, the authors use the word "novel" to describe the AF-03 antibody. How novel is AF-03 if multiple Marburg-neutralizing antibodies were previously characterized in multiple studies? Since AF-03 competes with previously characterized MR78, it binds to the same antigenic region as MR78. AF-03 also has comparable neutralization potency as MR78.

      Author response: Thank for your valuable advice. In terms of the novelty of AF-03, the inhibition assay indicates that Q128/N129/C226 functions as key amino acids responsible for AF-03 neutralization given that the neutralizing capacity of AF-03 to pesudotyped virus harboring these mutants is impaired (see revised Fig. 2A left panel). Furthermore, ELISA assays show that mutation of Q128S-N129S or C226Y significantly disrupts the binding of GP to AF-03, while the neutralizing and binding capacity of MR78 to mutant GP and pseudovirus harboring C226Y instead of Q128S-N129S is not almost affected (see revised Fig. 2A right panel and 2B). Considering the fact that AF-03 and MR78 could compete with each other to bind to MARV GP (Fig. 2D). we thus make a conclusion that the epitopes of these two mAbs overlapped partially. Therefore, AF-03 is not a clone of MR78 and is a novel neutralizing mAb to MARV.

      The work from Wirchnianski and colleagues has been referenced actually in the ms (see Ref. 38). Although our strategy for the design of broad-spectrum neutralizing antibody refers to their work, we further expand the species being evaluated including RAVN and mutated EBOV strains. The results show that NPC2-fused AF-03 exhibits neutralizing activity to 10 filovirus species and 17 EBOV mutants (Fig. 6A and B). The work by Flyak et al. in 2015 that described the isolation and characterization of a large panel of neutralizing antibodies from a Marburg survivor has been cited in Introduction section accordingly.

      (2) Without the AF-03-MARV GP crystal structure, it's unclear how van der Waals interactions, H-bonds, and polar and electrostatic interactions can be evaluated. While authors use computer-guided homology modeling, this technique can't be used to determine critical interactions. Furthermore, Flyak et al. reported that binding to the NPC1 receptor binding site is the main mechanism of Marburg virus neutralization by human monoclonal antibodies. Since both AF-03 (this study) and MR78 (Flyak study) competed with each other, that information alone was sufficient for GP mutagenesis experiments that identified the NPC1 receptor binding site as the main region for mutagenesis.

      Author response: Computer-guided homology modeling has been exploited successfully in our lab to determine key residues responsible for the interaction between antigen and mAbs (Immunol Res. 2015, 62:377; Scand J Immunol. 2019, 90:e12777; Sci Rep. 2022, 12:8469; Front Immunol. 2022, 13:831536). We refer to the crystal structure of MARV GP and the complex of MR78 and GP reported previously (Cell 2015, 160:904) and then model the complex of MARV GP and AF-03. Although AF-03 and MR78 compete with each other, we show that the epitopes of these two mAbs just overlap partially (Fig. 2A-D).

      (3) The AF-03-GP affinity measurements were performed using bivalent IgG molecules and trimeric GP molecules. This format does not allow accurate measurements of affinity due to the avidity effect. The reported KD value is abnormally low due to avidity effects. The authors need to repeat the affinity experiments by immobilizing trimeric GPs and then adding monovalent AF-03 Fab.

      Author response: As shown in Fig. 1A, GP protein used in this work is not trimer but largely monomer composed of MLD-deleted GP1 and GP2, which may at a certain extent weaken the engagement between GP and AF-03. It is noteworthy that we re-done the SPR assays for the binding of AF-03 to GP and show that KD value is 4.71x10-11M (see revised Fig. 1C). This GP protein is thus available to the evaluation of mAb affinity. In addition, it is reasonable to utilize bivalent IgG to detect the affinity of mAb to monomeric GP since the affinity likely decreases significantly when monovalent Fab is used.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors describe the discovery of a filovirus neutralizing antibody, AF03, by phage display, and its subsequent improvements to include NPC2 that resulted in a greater breadth of neutralization. Overall, the manuscript would benefit from considerable grammatical review, which would improve the communication of each point to the reader. The authors do not convincingly map the AF03 epitope, nor do they provide any strong support for their assumption that AF03 targets the NPC1 binding site. However, the authors do show that AF03 competes for MR78 binding to its epitope, and provides good support for the internalization of AF03-NL as the mechanism for improved breadth over the original AF03 antibody.


      This study shows convincing binding to Marburgvirus GP and neutralization of Marburg viruses by AF03, as well as convincing neutralization of Ebolaviruses by AF03-NL. While there are no distinct populations of PE-stained cells shown by FACS in Figure 5A, the cell staining data in Figure 5C are compelling to a non-expert in endosomal staining like me. The control experiments in Figure 7 are compelling showing neutralization by AF03-NL but not AF03 or NPC2 alone or in combination. Altogether these data support the internalisation and stabilisation mechanism that is proposed for the gain in neutralization breadth observed for Ebolaviruses by AF03-NL over AF03 alone.


      Overall, this reviewer is of the opinion that this paper is constructed haphazardly. For instance, the neutralization of mutant pseudoviruses is shown in Figure 2 before the concept of pseudovirus neutralization by AF03 is introduced in Figure 3. Similarly, the control experiments for AF03+NPC2 are described in Figure 7 after the data for breadth of neutralization are shown in Figure 6. GP quality controls are shown in Figure 2 after GP ELISAs / BLI experiments are done in Figure 1. This is disorienting for the reader.

      Author response: AF-03 production and its binding capacity to GP is determined in Fig. 1. The epitopes of AF-03 is identified in Fig. 2. The neutralizing activity of AF-03 to pseudotyped MARV in vitro and in vivo is detected in Fig. 3. The neutralizing activity of AF-03 to pseudotyped ebolavirus harboring cleaved GP is detected in Fig. 4. The endosome-delivering ability of AF03-NL is examined in Fig. 5. The neutralization of filovirus species and EBOV mutants by AF03-NL is detected in Fig. 6. The requirement of CI-MPR for neutralization activity of AF03-NL is determined in Fig. 7. We think that this arrangement is suitable.

      Figure 1: The visualisation of AF03 modelling and docking endeavours is extremely difficult to interpret. Firstly, there is no effort to orient the non-specialist reader with respect to the Marburgvirus GP model. Secondly, from the figures presented it is impossible to tell if the Fv docks perfectly onto the GP surface, or if there are violent clashes between the deeply penetrating AF03 CDRs and GP. This information would be better presented on a white background, perhaps showing GP in surface view from multiple angles and slices. The authors attempt to label potential interactions, but these are impossible to read, and labels should be added separately to appropriately oriented zoomed-in views.

      Author response: To be readily understood the rationale of computer-guided modeling, the descriptions in the Methods and Results section have been refined accordingly. In addition, the information of the theoretical structure was presented on white background (see revised Fig. 1D-F).

      Figure 2: The neutralization of mutant pseudoviruses cannot be properly assessed using bar graphs. These data should be plotted as neutralization curves as they were done for the wild-type neutralization data in Figure 3. The authors conclude that Q128 & N129 are contact residues, but the neutralization data for this mutant appear odd as the lowest two concentrations of AF03 show higher neutralization than the second highest AF03 concentration. Neutralization of T204/Q205/T206 (green), Y218 (orange), K222 (blue), or C226 (purple) appears to be better than neutralization of the wild-type MARV. The authors do not discuss this oddity. What are the IC50's? The omission of antibody concentrations on the x-axis and missing IC50 values give a sense of obscuring the data, and the manuscript would benefit from greater transparency, and be much easier to interpret if these were included. I am intrigued that the Q128S/N129S mutant is reported as having little effect on the neutralization of MR78. The bar graph appears to show some effect (difficult to interpret without neutralization curves and IC50 data), and indeed PDB:5UQY seems to suggest that these amino acids form a central component of the MR78 epitope (Q128 forms potential hydrogen bonds with CDRH1 Y35 and CDRL3 Y91, while N129 packs against the MR78 CDRH3 and potentially makes additional polar contact with the backbone). Lastly, since neutralization was tested in both HEK293T cells and Huh7 cells in Figure 3, the authors should clarify which cells were used for neutralization in Figure 2.

      Author response: Thank for your advice. Accordingly, in the revised ms, the neutralization curve of AF-03 and MR78 is presented in revised Fig. 2A. The neutralization of AF-03 to pseudotyped MARV harboring Q128S/N129S or C226Y is impaired significantly compared with WT MARV and those bearing other indicated mutations, while Q128S/N129S instead of C226Y mutation affect the neutralizing capacity of MR78 at a certain extent. This is consistent with the data on the binding of AF-03 or MR78 to MARV GP protein assayed by ELISA (see revised Fig. 2B). Overall, these results show that Q128/N129/C226 functions as key amino acids responsible for AF-03 neutralization.

      Figure 3: The first two images in Figure 3C showing bioluminescent intensity from pseudovirus-injected mice pretreated with either 10mg/kg or 3mg/kg AF03 are identical images. This is apparent from the location, shape, and intensity of the bioluminescence, as well as the identical foot placement of each mouse in these two panels. Currently, this figure is incomplete and should be corrected to show the different mice treated with either 10mg/kg or 3mg/kg of AF03.

      Author response: Thank for your carefulness. Indeed, it is our mistake. In the revised ms, this fault has been corrected. The correct images have been added (see revised Fig. 3C).

      Figure 4 would benefit from a control experiment without antibodies comparing infection with GP-cleaved and GP-uncleaved pseudoviruses. The paragraph describing these data was also difficult to read and would benefit from additional grammatical review.

      Author response: Accordingly, a control experiment comparing the infection of GP-cleaved with GP-uncleaved pseudoviruses is performed. The results show that The infection of pseudotyped ebolavirus harboring cleaved GP to host cells is comparable or stronger than those containing intact GP(see revised Fig. s1). Therefore, the data in Fig. 4 support the inhibition of cell entry of ebolavirus species harboring cleaved GP by AF-03, which is not attributed to the possible impairment of cell entry capacity of GPcl-containing ebolavirus. In addition, the sentences have been modified to be read smoothly.

      Figure 5: The authors should clarify in the methods section that the "mock" experiment included the PE anti-human IgG Fc antibody. Without this clarification, the lack of a distinct negative population in the FACS data could be interpreted as non-specific staining with PE. If the PE antibody was added at an equivalent concentration to all panels, what does the directionality of the arrowheads in Figure 5A (labelled PE) and 5B (labelled pHrodo Red) indicate?

      Author response: Thank for your advice. In the revised version, we denote that the mock is actually a human IgG isotype in the figure legend. The arrowheads denote the fluorescence intensity of PE or pHrodo on the lateral axis of the plots. Of course, herein the percentage of PE or pHrodo-positive cells is shown.

      Figure 6B: These data would benefit from the inclusion of IC50, transparency of antibody concentrations used, and consistency in the direction of antibody concentrations (increasing to the right or left of the x-axis) when compared to Figure 2.

      Author response: The concentration of antibody titrated is shown in figure legends. The direction of antibody concentrations is unified throughout the paper. Although IC50 is not included, these data clearly show that AF03-NL rather than AF-03 prominently inhibits the cell entry of EBOV mutants.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Line 143: anti-human should be anti-human.

      Line 223: From the SDS-PAGE results, it's not clear that the AF-03 was expressed in the eukaryotic cell line. Please, rephrase the sentence.

      Line 263: ELISA experiments can't be used to determine affinity.

      Line 394: Flyak et al. generated human antibodies from PBMC samples of Marburg survivors, not plasma samples.

      Author response: According to reviewer's advice, the sentences have been modified or corrected to more accurately describe the results. As well, the grammatic errors in the ms have been corrected carefully.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This important study combines psychophysics, fMRI, and TMS to reveal a causal role of FEF in generating an attention-induced ocular dominance shift, with potential relevance for clinical applications. The evidence supporting the claims of the authors is solid, but the theoretical and mechanistic interpretation of results and experimental approaches need to be strengthened. The work will be of broad interest to perceptual and cognitive neuroscience.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Based on a "dichoptic-background-movie" paradigm that modulates ocular dominance, the present study combines fMRI and TMS to examine the role of the frontoparietal attentional network in ocular dominance shifts. The authors claimed a causal role of FEF in generating the attention-induced ocular dominance shift.


      A combination of fMRI, TMS, and "dichoptic-background-movie" paradigm techniques is used to reveal the causal role of the frontoparietal attentional network in ocular dominance shifts. The conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by data.


      (1) The relationship between eye dominance, eye-based attention shift, and cortical functions remains unclear and merits further delineation. The rationale of the experimental design related to the hemispheric asymmetry in the FEF and other regions should be clarified.

      Thanks for the reviewer’s comments! We have further clarified the relationship between eye dominance shift, eye-based attention, and cortical functions in the Introduction and Discussion. In the Introduction, we introduce the modulating effects of eye-based attention on eye dominance. On one hand, eye-based attention can enhance eye dominance of the attended eye in real time (see page 3 first paragraph or below):

      ”For instance, presenting top-down attentional cues to one eye can intensify the competition strength of input signals in the attended eye during binocular rivalry (Choe & Kim, 2022; Zhang et al., 2012) and shift the eye balance towards the attended eye (Wong et al., 2021).”

      On the other hand, prolonged eye-based attention can induce a shift of eye dominance to the unattended eye (see page 3 second paragraph or below):

      “In Song et al. (2023)’s “dichoptic-backward-movie” adaptation paradigm (see Figure 1B), participants are presented with regular movie images in one eye (i.e., attended eye) while the other eye (i.e., unattended eye) received the backward movie images of the same episode. They were also instructed to try their best to follow the logic of the regular movie and ignore the superimposed backward movie. Therefore, the goal-directed eye-based attention was predominantly focused on the attended eye. Song et al. (2023) found that the predominance of the unattended eye in binocular rivalry increased after one hour of adaptation to the “dichoptic-backward-movie”, indicating a shift of perceptual ocular dominance towards the unattended eye. Since the overall energy of visual input from the two eyes was balanced throughout the adaptation period, the change of ocular dominance after adaptation is thought to result from unbalanced eye-based attention rather than unbalanced input energy as in typical short-term monocular deprivation (Bai et al., 2017; Lunghi et al., 2011; Zhou et al., 2014).”

      Moreover, we discussed how FEF regulates attention-induced ocular dominance shift (see page 21 second paragraph to page 23 first paragraph or below, which also respond to this reviewer’s comment of Weakness #2):

      “Then how does FEF regulate the attention-induced ocular dominance shift? Our previous work has found that the aftereffect (for simplicity, hereafter we use aftereffect to denote the attention-induced ocular dominance shift) can be produced only when the adapting stimuli involve adequate interocular competition, and is measurable only when the testing stimuli are not binocularly fused (Song et al., 2023). Given the indispensability of interocular competition, we explained those findings in the framework of the ocular-opponency-neuron model of binocular rivalry (Said & Heeger, 2013). The model suggests that there are some opponency neurons which receive excitatory inputs from monocular neurons for one eye and inhibitory inputs from monocular neurons for the other eye (e.g. AE-UAE opponency neurons receive excitatory inputs from the attended eye (AE) and inhibitory inputs from the unattended eye (UAE)). Then a difference signal is computed so that the opponency neurons fire if the excitatory inputs surpass the inhibitory inputs. Upon activation, the opponency neurons will in turn suppress the monocular neurons which send inhibitory signals to them.

      Based on this model, we proposed an ocular-opponency-neuron adaptation account to explain the aftereffect, and pointed out that the attentional system likely modulated the AE-UAE ocular opponency neurons (Song et al., 2023). So why would FEF modulate the AE-UAE opponency neurons? The reason may be two fold. Firstly, understanding the logic during the dichoptic-backward-movie viewing may require filtering out the distracting information (from the unattended eye) and sustaining attention (to the attended eye), which is exactly the role of FEF (Esterman et al., 2015; Lega et al., 2019).

      Secondly, due to the special characteristics of binocular vision system, filtering the distracting input from the unattended eye may have to rely on the interocular suppression mechanism. According to the ocular-opponency-neuron model, this is achieved by the firing of the AE-UAE opponency neurons that send inhibitory signals to the UAE monocular neurons.

      As mentioned previously, the firing of the AE-UAE opponency neurons requires stronger activity for the AE monocular neurons than for the UAE monocular neurons. This is confirmed by the results shown in Figure 8 of Song et al. (2023) that monocular response for the attended eye during the entire adaptation phase was slightly stronger than that for the unattended eye. Accordingly, during adaptation the AE-UAE opponency neurons were able to activate for a longer period thus adapted to a larger extent than the UAE-AE opponency neurons. This would cause the monocular neurons for the unattended eye to receive less inhibition from the AE-UAE opponency neurons in the post-test as compared with the pre-test, leading to a shift of ocular dominance towards the unattended eye. In this vein, the magnitude of this aftereffect should be proportional to the extent of adaptation of the AE-UAE relative to UAE-AE opponency neurons. Attentional enhancement on the AE-UAE opponency neurons is believed to strengthen this aftereffect, as it has been found that attention can enhance adaptation (Dong et al., 2016; Rezec et al., 2004). Inhibition of FEF likely led such attentional modulation to be much less effective. Consequently, the AE-UAE opponency neurons might not have the chance to adapt to a sufficiently larger extent than the UAE-AE opponency neurons, leading to a statistically non-detectable aftereffect in Experiment 2. Therefore, the results of Experiments 2-4 in the present study suggest that within the context of the ocular-opponency-neuron adaptation account, FEF might be the core area to fulfill the attentional modulations on the AE-UAE opponency neurons.”

      We used the experimental design with hemispheric asymmetry in the FEF and other regions for two reasons. First, many studies have shown that the dorsal attentional network has a functional right-hemisphere dominance (Duecker et al., 2013; Mayrhofer et al., 2019; Sack, 2010). This was also indicated by the results of Experiment 1 (Figure 3). Second, we found that a recent research applying TMS to FEF and IPS stimulated only the right hemisphere (Gallotto et al., 2022). Therefore, we selected the right FEF and right IPS as the target regions for cTBS. In the Methods section of Experiment 2, we have elucidated the reasons for the selection of cTBS target regions (see page 35, first paragraph or below):

      “Given that the dorsal attentional network primarily consists of the FEF and the IPS (Corbetta & Shulman, 2002; Mayrhofer et al., 2019), with a functional right-hemisphere dominance (Duecker et al., 2013; Mayrhofer et al., 2019; Sack, 2010), we selected the right FEF and right IPS from the four clusters identified in Experiment 1 as the target regions for cTBS (Gallotto et al., 2022).”

      (2) Theoretically, how the eye-related functions in this area could be achieved, and how it interacts with the ocular representation in V1 warrant further clarification.

      Thanks for the reviewer’s comment! In the revised manuscript, we have discussed how FEF regulates attention-induced ocular dominance shift (see page 21 second paragraph to page 23 first paragraph or the quoted paragraphs under this reviewer’s first Public comment).

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Song et al investigate the role of the frontal eye field (FEF) and the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) in mediating the shift in ocular dominance (OD) observed after a period of dichoptic stimulation during which attention is selectively directed to one eye. This manipulation has been previously found to transiently shift OD in favor of the unattended eye, similar to the effect of short-term monocular deprivation. To this aim, the authors combine psychophysics, fMRI, and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). In the first experiment, the authors determine the regions of interest (ROIs) based on the responses recorded by fMRI during either dichoptic or binocular stimulation, showing selective recruitment of the right FEF and IPS during the dichoptic condition, in line with the involvement of eye-based attention. In a second experiment, the authors investigate the causal role of these two ROIs in mediating the OD shift observed after a period of dichoptic stimulation by selectively inhibiting with TMS (using continuous theta burst stimulation, cTBS), before the adaptation period (50 min exposure to dichoptic stimulation). They show that, when cTBS is delivered on the FEF, but not the IPS or the vertex, the shift in OD induced by dichoptic stimulation is reduced, indicating a causal involvement of the FEF in mediating this form of short-term plasticity. A third control experiment rules out the possibility that TMS interferes with the OD task (binocular rivalry), rather than with the plasticity mechanisms. From this evidence, the authors conclude that the FEF is one of the areas mediating the OD shift induced by eye-selective attention.


      (1) The experimental paradigm is sound and the authors have thoroughly investigated the neural correlates of an interesting form of short-term visual plasticity combining different techniques in an intelligent way.

      (2) The results are solid and the appropriate controls have been performed to exclude potential confounds.

      (3) The results are very interesting, providing new evidence both about the neural correlates of eye-based attention and the involvement of extra-striate areas in mediating short-term OD plasticity in humans, with potential relevance for clinical applications (especially in the field of amblyopia).


      (1) Ethics: more details about the ethics need to be included in the manuscript. It is only mentioned for experiment 1 that participants "provided informed consent in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences". (Which version of the Declaration of Helsinki? The latest version requires the pre-registration of the study. The code of the approved protocol together with the code and date of the approval should be provided.) There is no mention of informed consent procedures or ethics approval for the TMS experiments. This is a huge concern, especially for brain stimulation experiments!

      Response: Thanks for the reviewer’s comment! In the revised manuscript, we have provided the code of the approved protocol and date of the approval (see page 25 second paragraph or below):

      “This study was approved (H21058, 11/01/2021) by the Institutional Review Board of the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.”

      Indeed, ethics approval and informed consent were obtained for each experiment. To avoid duplication in the text, we only presented the ethics instructions in the Methods section of Experiment 1. We have now clarified in that section that all the experiments in this study were approved by the IRB in our Institute.

      (2) Statistics: the methods section should include a sub-section describing in detail all the statistical analyses performed for the study. Moreover, in the results section, statistical details should be added to support the fMRI results. In the current version of the manuscript, the claims are not supported by statistical evidence.

      Response: Thanks for the reviewer’s suggestion! In the Methods section of revised manuscript, we have added a section to describe the detailed statistical analyses for each experiment (see page 37 last paragraph for Experiment 2 and page 38 last paragraph for Experiment 3 or below):

      “Statistical analyses were performed using MATLAB. A 3 (stimulation site: Vertex, FEF, IPS) × 2 (test phase: pre-test and post-test) repeated measures ANOVA was used to investigate the effect of cTBS delivery on ocular dominance shift. Moreover, for the blob detection test, the target detection rate of each experimental condition was calculated by dividing the summed number of detected blob targets by the total number of blob targets. Then, a 2 (eye: attended eye, unattended eye) × 3 (stimulation site: Vertex, FEF, IPS) repeated measures ANOVA on the detection performance was performed. Post-hoc tests were conducted using paired t-tests (2-tailed significance level at α = 0.05), and the resulting p-values were corrected for multiple comparisons using the false discovery rate (FDR) method (Benjamini & Hochberg, 1995).”

      “In addition to the data analysis in Experiment 2, we complemented the standard inferential approach with the Bayes factor (van den Bergh et al., 2023; van Doorn et al., 2021; Wagenmakers et al., 2018), which allows quantifying the relative evidence that the data provide for the alternative (H1) or null hypothesis (H0). We conducted the Bayesian repeated measures ANOVA using JASP with default priors and computed inclusion Bayes factors (BFincl) which suggest the evidence for the inclusion of a particular effect calculated across matched models. A BF greater than 1 provides support for the alternative hypothesis. Specifically, a BF between 1 and 3 indicates weak evidence, a BF between 3 and 10 indicates moderate evidence, and a BF greater than 10 indicates strong evidence (van Doorn et al., 2021). In contrast, a BF below 1 provides evidence in favor of the null hypothesis.”

      Furthermore, in the Results section of revised manuscript, we have added the statistical details to support the fMRI results (see page 9 last paragraph or below):

      “To seek these brain regions, we used the AFNI program “3dttest++” to access the difference of ‘dichoptic-binocular’ contrast between the experimental and control runs. The AFNI program “ClustSim” was then applied for multiple comparison correction, yielding a minimum significant cluster size of 21 voxels (voxel wise p = .001; cluster threshold α = 0.05). We found 4 clusters showing stronger responses to the dichoptic movies than to the binocular movies especially in the experimental runs.”

      (3) Interpretation of the results: the TMS results are very interesting and convincing regarding the involvement of the FEF in the build-up of the OD shift induced by dichoptic stimulation, however, I am not sure that the authors can claim that this effect is related to eye-based attention, as cTBS has no effect on the blob detection task during dichoptic stimulation. If the FEF were causally involved in eye-based attention, one would expect a change in performance in this task during dichoptic stimulation, perhaps a similar performance for the unattended and attended eye. The authors speculate that the sound could have an additional role in driving eye-based attention, which might explain the lack of effect for the blob discrimination task, however, this hypothesis has not been tested.

      Response: Thanks for the reviewer’s comment! Following this reviewer’s insightful suggestion, we have conducted a new experiment to examine the effect of sound on blob detection task (see Experiment 4 in the revised manuscript). The procedure was similar to that of Experiment 2 except that the sound was no longer presented during the dichoptic-backward-movie adaptation. The results showed that the interocular difference of blob detection rate after sound elimination remained unaffected by the cTBS, which disagreed with our explanation in the previous version of manuscript. Based on the new data, we now question the validity to use the blob detection rate to precisely quantify eye-based attention, and have tried to explain why the blob detection results do not contradict with our account for the function role of FEF in modulating the aftereffect in the Discussion of the revised manuscript (see page 23 second paragraph to page 24 first paragraph or below):

      “An unresolved issue is why inhibiting the cortical function of FEF did not impair the performance of blob detection task. One potential explanation is that the synchronized audio in Experiment 2 might help increase the length of time that the regular movie dominated awareness. However, the results of Experiment 4 did not support this explanation, in which the performance of blob detection survived from the inhibition of FEF even when silent movies were presented. Although this issue remains to be explored in future work, it does not contradict with our notion of FEF modulating AE-UAE opponency neurons. It should be noted that our notion merely states that FEF is the core area for attentional modulations on activities of AE-UAE opponency neurons. No other role of FEF during the adaptation is assumed here (e.g. boosting monocular responses or increasing conscious level of stimuli in the attended eye). In contrast, according to the most original definition, the blob detection performance serves as an estimation of visibility (or consciousness level) of the stimuli input from each eye, despite the initial goal of adopting this task is to precisely quantify eye-based attention (which might be impractical). Thus, according to our notion, inhibition of FEF does not necessarily lead to deteriorate performance of blob detection. Furthermore, our findings consistently indicated that the visibility of stimuli in the attended eye was markedly superior to that of stimuli in the unattended eye, yet the discrepancy in the SSVEP monocular responses between the two eyes was minimal though it had reached statistical significance (Song et al., 2023). Therefore, blob detection performance in our work may only faithfully reflect the conscious level in each monocular pathway, but it is probably not an appropriate index tightly associated with the attentional modulations on monocular responses in early visual areas. Indeed, previous work has argued that attention but not awareness modulates neural activities in V1 during interocular competition (Watanabe et al., 2011), but see (Yuval-Greenberg & Heeger, 2013). We have noticed and discussed the counterintuitive results of blob detection performance in our previous work (Song et al., 2023). Here, with the new counterintuitive finding that inhibition of FEF did not impair the performance of blob detection, we suspect that blob detection performance in the “dichoptic-backward-movie” adaptation paradigm may not be an ideal index that can be used to accurately quantify eye-based attention.

      (4) Writing: in general, the manuscript is well written, but clarity should be improved in certain sections.

      (a) fMRI results: the first sentence is difficult to understand at first read, but it is crucial to understand the results, please reformulate and clarify.

      Response: Thanks for the reviewer’s suggestion! In the revised manuscript, we have reformulated this sentence (see page 9 last paragraph or below):

      “It was only in the dichoptic condition of experimental runs that participants had to selectively pay more attention to one eye (i.e., eye-based attention). Therefore, we speculate that if certain brain regions exhibit greater activities in the dichoptic condition as compared to the binocular condition in the experimental runs but not in the control runs, the activation of these brain regions could be attributable to eye-based attention.”

      (b) Experiment 3: the rationale for experiment one should be straightforward, without a long premise explaining why it would not be necessary.

      Response: Thanks for the reviewer’s suggestion! In the revised manuscript, we have streamlined the lengthy premise explaining to make the rationale of Experiment 3 more straightforward (see page 15 last two paragraphs or below):

      “The results of Experiment 2 support the notion that eye-based attention was the cause for attention-induced ocular dominance plasticity. However, an alternative account is that the significant two-way interaction between test phase and stimulation site did not stem from any persistent malfunction of FEF in modulating ocular dominance, but rather it was due to some abnormality of binocular rivalry measures in the post-test that occurred after stimulation at the FEF only (and not at the other two brain sites). For instance, stimulation at the FEF might simply reduce the ODI measured in the binocular rivalry post-test.

      Therefore, we conducted Experiment 3 to examine how suppression of the three target sites would impact binocular rivalry performance, in case that any unknown confounding factors, which were unrelated to adaptation but related to binocular rivalry measures, contributed to the results.”

      (c) Discussion: the language is a bit familiar here and there, a more straightforward style should be preferred (one example: p.19 second paragraph).

      Response: Thanks for the reviewer’s suggestion! We have carefully revised the language in the discussion. The discussion following the example paragraph has been largely rewritten.

      (5) Minor: the authors might consider using the term "participant" or "observer" instead of "subject" when referring to the volunteers who participated in the study.

      Response: Thanks for the reviewer’s suggestion! In the revised manuscript, we have replaced the term “subject” with “participant”.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This study studied the neural mechanisms underlying the shift of ocular dominance induced by "dichoptic-backward-movie" adaptation. The study is self-consistent.


      The experimental design is solid and progressive (relationship among three studies), and all of the raised research questions were well answered.

      The logic behind the neural mechanisms is solid.

      The findings regarding the cTMS (especially the position/site can be useful for future medical implications).


      Why does the "dichoptic-backward-movie" adaptation matter? This part is severely missing. This kind of adaptation is neither intuitive like the classical (Gbison) visual adaptation, nor practical as adaptation as a research paradigm as well as the fundamental neural mechanism. If this part is not clearly stated and discussed, this study is just self-consistent in terms of its own research question. There are tons of "cool" phenomena in which the neural mechanisms are apparent as "FEF controls vision-attention" but never tested using TMS & fMRI, but we all know that this kind of research is just of incremental implications.

      Response: Thanks for the reviewer’s comment! We designed the "dichoptic-backward-movie" adaptation to study the perceptual consequence and mechanisms of sustained attention to a monocular pathway. Since the overall visual input to both eyes during adaptation were identical, any effect (i.e. the change of ocular dominance in our study) after adaptation can be easily ascribed to unbalanced eye-based attention between the two eyes rather than unbalanced input energy across the eyes. In typical short-term monocular deprivation, input signal from one eye is blocked. Accordingly, attention is undoubtedly distributed to the non-deprived eye. The fact that in a short-term monocular deprivation paradigm the deprived eye is also the unattended eye prevents researchers from ascertaining whether unbalanced eye-based attentional allocation contributes to the shift of ocular dominance just like unbalanced visual input across the two eyes. That is why the “dichoptic-backward-movie” adaptation was adopted in the present study. This new paradigm balances the input energy across the eyes but leaves attention unbalanced across the eyes. In the revised manuscript, we have added the description of the “dichoptic-backward-movie” adaptation (see page 3 last paragraph and page 4 first paragraph or below). Hope this complementary information improves the clarity.

      “In Song et al. (2023)’s “dichoptic-backward-movie” adaptation paradigm (see Figure 1B), participants are presented with regular movie images in one eye (i.e., attended eye) while the other eye (i.e., unattended eye) received the backward movie images of the same episode. They were also instructed to try their best to follow the logic of the regular movie and ignore the superimposed backward movie. Therefore, the goal-directed eye-based attention was predominantly focused on the attended eye. Song et al. (2023) found that the predominance of the unattended eye in binocular rivalry increased after one hour of adaptation to the “dichoptic-backward-movie”, indicating a shift of perceptual ocular dominance towards the unattended eye. Since the overall energy of visual input from the two eyes was balanced throughout the adaptation period, the change of ocular dominance after adaptation is thought to result from unbalanced eye-based attention rather than unbalanced input energy as in typical short-term monocular deprivation (Bai et al., 2017; Lunghi et al., 2011; Zhou et al., 2014).” In short-term monocular deprivation, input signal from one eye is blocked. Accordingly, attention is biased towards the non-deprived eye. However, it is difficult to tease apart the potential contribution of unbalanced eye-based attention from the consequence of the unbalanced input energy, as the deprived eye is also the unattended eye. Therefore, the advantage of the “dichoptic-backward-movie” adaptation paradigm is to balance the input energy across the eyes but leave attention unbalanced across the eyes.

      Our previous work (Song et al., 2023) has shown that eye-based attention plays a role in the formation of ocular dominance shift following adaptation to dichoptic backward movie. However, because the “dichoptic-backward-movie” adaptation paradigm is new, to our knowledge, no literature has ever discovered the brain areas that are responsible for eye-based attention. Our fMRI experiment for the first time resolves this issue, which, we believe, is one of the novelties of the present study. Attention is a pretty general definition of our ability to select limited information for preferential or privileged processing, yet it includes numerous aspects (e.g. spatial attention for spatial locations, feature-based attention for visual features, object-based attention for objects, social attention for social cues, and eye-based attention for monocular pathways etc). Are we 100% sure that the same brain network always underlies every aspect of attention including eye-based attention? No test, no answer. Maybe the answer is Yes, but we are not aware of any evidence for that from literature. It is not unlikely that attention is like an elephant while researchers are like blind people touching the elephant from different angles. Even if all previous researchers have touched the side of the elephant and state that an elephant is no different from a wall, as long as one researcher grabs the elephant’s tail, the “wall” knowledge will be falsified. From this perspective of the essence of science (falsifiable), we have the confidence to say that our fMRI experiment on eye-based attention is novel, because to our knowledge our experiment is the first one to explore the issue. On the basis of the fMRI experiment (otherwise we would have no idea on which precise brain site to apply the cTBS), we could successfully complete the subsequent TMS experiments.

      Of course, if the reviewer can kindly point out any previous neuroimaging work we missed that has already disclosed the neural mechanisms underlying human’s eye-based attention, we would truly appreciate the reviewer very much. But even so, we would like to emphasize that the purpose of the current study was actually not to use TMS & fMRI to confirm that “FEF controls visual attention”. As we mentioned in the Abstract and expanded the introduction in the last two paragraphs of Introduction, the goal of the TMS experiments is to examine the causal role of eye-based attention in producing the aftereffect of “dichoptic-backward-movie” adaptation. This research question is also new, thus we do not think the TMS experiments are incremental, either. Our findings provided direct causal evidence for the effect of FEF on modulating ocular dominance through eye-based attention. Please see the last two sentences in the first paragraph on page 20 in the revised manuscript or below,

      “Interestingly, in our Experiment 2 this aftereffect was significantly attenuated after we temporarily inhibited the cortical function of FEF via cTBS. This finding indicates the crucial role of FEF in the formation of attention-induced ocular dominance shift.”

      as well as the last sentence of the Abstract,

      “…and in this network, FEF plays a crucial causal role in generating the attention-induced ocular dominance shift.”

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) The hemispheric asymmetry in the eye-based attention-related cortex should be further examined and discussed. For example, IPS in both hemispheres was identified in the fMRI experiment. It is not clear why only the right IPS was stimulated in the TMS experiment.

      Response: Thanks for the comment. We have elucidated the reasons for the experimental design with hemispheric asymmetry in FEF and IPS. Please see our response to the Weakness #1 raised by Reviewer #1 in the Public Review section.

      (2) It is known that the frontoparietal cortex plays a role in the contralateral shift of attentional allocation. Meanwhile, the latest stage of ocular-specific representation is V1. The authors should discuss how the eye-related function can be achieved in FEF.

      Response: Thanks for the comment. we have discussed how FEF regulates attention-induced ocular dominance shift (see page 21 second paragraph to page 23 first paragraph in the revised manuscript, and our response to the Weakness #2 raised by Reviewer #1 in the Public Review section).

      (3) To further validate the role of FEF in eye-related attention shifts, the authors may consider using the traditional monocular deprivation paradigm with fMRI and TMS. It would be valuable to compare the neural mechanisms related to the classical monocular deprivation paradigm with the current findings.

      Response: Thanks for the reviewer’s suggestion! That is indeed an interesting research topic that we are currently exploring. The current study investigated the attention-induced ocular dominance shift with the “dichoptic-backward-movie-adaptation” paradigm. This paradigm is substantially different from traditional short-term monocular deprivation. In our Neuroscience Bulletin paper (Song et al. 2023), we discuss the reason as follows.

      “An alternative account of our results is the homeostatic plasticity mechanism. The function of this mechanism is to stabilize neuronal activity and prevent the neuronal system from becoming hyperactive or hypoactive. For this goal, the mechanism moves the neuronal system back toward its baseline after a perturbation [51, 52]. In our case, the aftereffect can be explained such that the visual system boosts the signals from the unattended eye to maintain the balance of the network’s excitability. However, this account cannot easily explain why the change of neural ocular dominance led by prolonged eye-based attention was observed here using the binocular rivalry testing stimuli, but absent in the previous research using the binocularly fused stimuli [11]. In contrast, a recent SSVEP study also using the binocularly fused stimuli has successfully revealed a shift of neural ocular dominance after two hours of monocular deprivation [31], which is in line with the homeostatic plasticity account. Therefore, the mechanisms underlying the “dichoptic-backward-movie” adaptation and monocular deprivation are probably not fully overlapped with each other; and the binocular rivalry mechanism described in the ocular-opponency-neuron model seems to be more preferable than the homeostatic plasticity mechanism in accounting for the present findings.”

      Therefore, before asking whether FEF plays a role in the attention-induced ocular dominance shift in a traditional monocular deprivation paradigm, one should probably first examine whether attention also plays a role in traditional monocular deprivation, and whether the ocular-opponency-neuron adaptation account can also be used to explain the traditional monocular deprivation effect. Our newly accepted paper “Negligible contribution of adaptation of ocular opponency neurons to the effect of short-term monocular deprivation” (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1282113/full) gives a generally negative answer to the second question. And as to the first question, we have one manuscript under review and another ongoing study. In other words, to get a satisfactory answer to this particular comment of this reviewer, we need to first obtain clear answers to the two above questions. We think this is far beyond the scope of one single manuscript.

      (4) The authors only presented regular movies to the dominant eye to maximize the ocular dominance shift. This critical information of design should be clarified, not only in the method section.

      Response: Thanks for the reviewer’s suggestion! In the Results section of Experiment 2, we have added a description of this critical information of design (see page 11 last paragraph to page 12 first paragraph or below):

      “Then, participants adapted to the “dichoptic-backward-movie” in which regular movie images were presented to the dominant eye to maximize the effect of eye dominance shift (Song et al., 2023). Meanwhile they were asked to detect some infrequent blob targets presented on the movie images in one eye at the same time.”

      (5) The frame rate of the movie is 30 fps, which is much lower than a typical 60 fps visual presentation, does this have an effect on the adaptation outcome?

      Response: To our best of knowledge, there is no evidence that the frame rate of the movie influences the aftereffect of attention-induced ocular dominance shift. In our previous research, the frame rate of the movie during adaptation was 25 fps, which still produced a stable adaptation aftereffect (Song et al., 2023). And the frame rate of the movie was 30 fps in our monocular deprivation work (Lyu et al., 2020), which showed a similar monocular deprivation effect we previously observed in an altered reality study (Bai et al., 2017). The frame rate of the altered-reality video in Bai et al.’s (2017) work was 60 fps. All these clues suggest that the frame rate does not have an effect on the adaptation outcome.

      (6) Figure 5: The ODSE derived from ODI in Experiment 3 should also be illustrated, for a better comparison with results from Experiment 2.

      Response: Thanks for the reviewer’s suggestion! In the revised manuscript, we have added the results of ODSE in Experiment 3 to Figure 5 (see page 15 or below):

      Author response image 1.

      Figure 5. The results of (A) the ocular dominance index (ODI), (B) the ocular dominance shift effects (ODSE) in Experiment 2, (C) the ODI and (D) the ODSE in Experiment 3. The bars show the grand average data for each condition. The individual data are plotted with gray lines or dots. The dashed gray line represents the absolute balance point for the two eyes (ODI = 0.5). Error bars indicate standard errors of means. * p < .05; ** p < .01; n.s. p > .05.

      (7) Spelling issues: "i.e." → "i.e.,"

      Response: Thanks for the reviewer’s suggestion! In the revised manuscript, we have changed “i.e.” to “i.e.,”.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Linked to weakness 3: Ideally, a control experiment with cTBS and dichoptic stimulation without sound but with the blob discrimination task should be performed to be able to make important claims about the neural mechanisms involved in eye-based attention.

      Response: Thanks for the comment. We have performed a new experiment as the reviewer suggested. Please see our response to the Weakness #3 raised by Reviewer #2 in the Public Review section.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) The neural mechanisms are so apparent. We all know the FEF\IPS\SC matter in vision and attention and gaze. This is not groundbreaking.

      Response: As we addressed in our response to Reviewer #3’s public comment, the current study aimed at investigating the causal mechanism for eye-based attentional modulation of ocular dominance plasticity rather than simply the role of FEF\IPS\SC in visual attention. Moreover, eye-based attention is a less investigated aspect of visual attention. The neural mechanism underlying eye-based attention is still largely unknown, and seeking the brain areas for controlling eye-based attention is the necessary preparation work for applying the cTBS. We have responded in detail to Reviewer #3’s public comment why we think both the fMRI and TMS experiments are novel to the field, which we will not reiterate it here to avoid redundancy.

      (2) Why does the "dichoptic-backward-movie" adaptation matter? Is playing a backward movie to one eye realistic? Does that follow the efficient coding? Is that a mere consequence of information theory?

      Response: Thanks for the comments. We have added the description of the “dichoptic-backward-movie” adaptation paradigm in the revised manuscript (see page 3 last paragraph and page 4 first paragraph or our response to this reviewer’s Public comment).

      Is it realistic to play backward movie to one eye? We feel this question is somehow ambiguous to us. If the reviewer means the technical operability for such stimulus presentation, we can assure it since we have used this paradigm in both the current and previously published studies. To be more specific, we made the video stimuli in advance. The left half of the video was the regular movie and the right half was the backward version of the same movie (or vice versa). When viewing such video stimuli through stereoscopes, participants could only see the left half of the video with the left eye and the right half of the video with the right eye. In other words, the regular movie and backward movie were viewed dichoptically. Alternatively, if the reviewer means that such dichoptic presentation rarely happens in real world thus not realistic, we agree with the reviewer on one hand. On the other hand, we have explained on page 3 last paragraph and page 4 first paragraph why it is a particular useful paradigm for the main purpose of the present study. Let us make a similar example. The phenomenon of binocular rivalry rarely happens in everyday life. So people may say binocular rivalry is not realistic. However, our visual system does have the ability to deal with such conflicting visual inputs across the eyes, even binocular rivalry is unrealistic! Sometimes it is fun to investigate those seemingly unrealistic functions of our brains since those may also reveal the mystery of our neural system. As we know, despite binocular rivalry is uncommon in daily life, it is frequently used to investigate awareness. And in our work, we use binocular rivalry to measure perceptual ocular dominance.

      Finally, the reviewer queried about if the "dichoptic-backward-movie" adaptation paradigm follow efficient coding and information theory. The information theory and efficient coding assume that messages with low expectedness or of rare occurrence would attract more attention and induce larger neural responses than those with high expectedness. In the "dichoptic-backward-movie" adaptation paradigm, the backward movie should be less expected since the actions of the characters in the backward movie appeared illogical. Thus, according to the information theory and efficient coding, it would be expected that more attention was paid to the backward movie and thus the backward movie might dominate the awareness for a longer period during adaptation (Zhang et al., 2012). However, we instructed participants to follow the regular movie during adaptation. The results of blob detection task also showed a better task performance when the targets appeared in the eye presented with the regular movie, which contradicted with the prediction of the information theory and efficient coding. Thus, it seems not very likely that the "dichoptic-backward-movie" adaptation followed efficient coding and information theory.


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    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the current reviews.

      Joint Public Review

      This study is concerned with the general question as to how pools of synaptic vesicles are organized in presynaptic terminals to support different types of transmitter release, such as fast synchronous and asynchronous release. To address this issue, the authors employed the classical method of load- ing synaptic vesicle membranes with FM-styryl dyes and assessing dye destaining during repetitive synapse stimulation by live imaging as a readout of the mobilization of vesicles for fusion. Among other 1ndings, the authors provide evidence indicating that there are multiple reserve vesicle pools, that quickly and slowly mobilized reserves do not mix, and that vesicle fusion does not follow a mono-exponential time course, leading to the notion that two separate reserve pools of vesicles - slowly vs. rapidly mobilizing - feed two distinct releasable pools - reluctantly vs. rapidly releasing. These 1ndings are valuable to the 1eld of synapse biology, where the organization of synaptic vesicle pools that support synaptic transmission in different temporal and stimulation regimes has been a focus of intense experimentation and discussion for more than two decades.

      On the other hand, the present study has limitations, so that the authors’ key conclusions remain incompletely supported by the data, and alternative interpretations of the data remain possible. The approach of using bulk FM-styryl dye destaining as a readout of precise vesicle arrangements and pools in a population of functionally very diverse synapses bears problems. In essence, the approach is ’blind’ to many additional processes and confounding factors that operate in the back- ground, from other forms of release to inter-synaptic vesicle exchange. Further, averaging signals over many - functionally very diverse - synapses makes it diicult to distinguish the dynamics of separate vesicle pools within single synapses from a scenario where different kinetics of release originate from different types of synapses with different release probabilities.

      We thank the editors and reviewers for their time and patience, and are happy that they found our results valuable.

      We do not have a clear understanding of what the alternative interpretations might be - beyond those already addressed - but would like to. At present, we believe that the evidence for parallel processing of slowly and quickly mobilized reserve vesicles is solid and hope that people who are open to the possibility will evaluate the reasoning described within our report. The hypothesis that reserves are kept separate because they feed distinct subdivisions of the readily releasable pool remains to be tested.

      Beyond that, we have used FM-dye de-staining as a bulk measurement of sub-synaptic events in the sense that we have made no attempt to measure mobilization of isolated individual vesicles. We do not see how this necessarily leaves viable alternative interpretations, but this is diZcult to evaluate without knowing what the alternatives might be. On the other hand, the FM-dye technique has had good resolution at the level of distinguishing between individual synapses since at least Murthy et al. (2001). For our part, we are con1dent that our analysis in Figure 3 combined with the results in Figures 4-11 shows that the multiple reserve pools co-occur in many individual presynaptic terminals. We did not use electron microscopy to con1rm that all of the punctae analyzed in Figure 3 were indeed single synapses, but the reviewers did not recommend this, and we believe there is already enough published about the spatial distribution of synapses in cell culture to be con1dent that many of the punctae that are smaller than 1.5 µm were individuals.

      Overall, we have attempted to address all of the individual concerns raised by reviewers, and our understanding is that these concerns and our responses will be available on the eLife website. The reviewers were not convinced on every point, but these are cases where the nature of the concern was not clear to us. We hope that people who share these concerns will check out our responses and contact us with any further questions or alternative interpretations.

      (1) The authors sincerely addressed many of the previous concerns, mainly by clari1cation. The data are consistent with the authors’ hypothesis. The pool concept is somewhat similar to that of Richards et al (2000) and Rey et al (2015). The authors further propose that two reserve pools feed vesicles to two readily-releasable pools independently.

      To clarify further: The possibility that distinct reserve pools feed distinct readily releasable pools is predicted by our working model, and is something that we would like to test in the future, but is not a conclusion of the present study. Instead, in the present study, we tested the prediction that quickly and slowly mobilized reserve vesicles are processed in parallel without making assumptions about the the underlying mechanism.

      Unfortunately, the heterogeneity among individual synapses remains a concern as shown in (some of) the raw data (Fig. 3 and supplements).

      We emphasize that we have not attempted to minimize the extensive heterogeneity among synapses, but actually highlight this. In fact, we chose the image in Figure 3 for an example in part because of the lower left region replicated in Figure 3 supplement 2 demonstrating extensive heterogeneity along what appears to be a single axon. We are not the 1rst to notice the heterogeneity (see Waters and Smith, 2002), but we do provide a new possible explanation which, if correct, might be impor- tant for understanding biological computation (see our Discussion). At the same time, we believe that our evidence for multiple reserve pools within individual synapses with heterogenous properties is compelling. We see no contradiction, and indeed, our conclusion that the ratio of slowly to quickly mobilized varies extensively between synapses can only be correct if individual synapses contain mul- tiple types. We hope that people who are interested in our conclusions will evaluate the evidence and reasoning presented in our report.

      Bulk imaging of FM de-staining does not really measure the fraction of non-stained vesicles, which changes dynamically during stimulation, so that the situation calls for an independent readout of stained and non-stained vesicles. Moreover, direct correspondence between two speci1c stimulation frequencies (with long stimulation) and vesicle pools is not straightforward. These issues make the experimentally measured pools not well-de1ned.

      We think that the reviewer is suggesting an alternative scenario where decreases in the fractional rate of FM-dye de-staining seen during 1 Hz stimulation might be caused by a large (4-fold) increase in the total size of the reserve pool that dilutes the stained vesicles by mixing. This scenario is consis- tent with the results in Figures 2 and 4-7, and initially seems plausible because previous studies have shown that many vesicles are not mobilized, and therefore are not stained, during our standard load- ing protocol of 100 s at 20 Hz (Harata et al., 2001). However, liberation of this "deep reserve" as an explanation for the decrease in fractional destaining is not compatible with the results in Figures 10-11 that rule out mixing. For example, liberation of the deep reserve would cause fractional destaining to appear equally depressed during subsequent 20 Hz stimulation, and Figure 10 shows that this is not the case. The scenario cannot be rescued by postulating that the subsequent 20 Hz stimulation caused the deep reserve to quickly recapture the liberated vesicles because Figure 11D-E shows that fractional de-staining continues to be depressed at the very beginning of a second 1 Hz train that follows the 20 Hz stimulation.

      (2) The authors’ latest round of responses did not alleviate most of my major previous concerns. The additional data now shown in Fig 3 rely on conceptually the same type of bulk measurements and thus suffer from the same limitations as outlined in the earlier review.

      We believe that the new evidence in Figure 3 for multiple reserve pools at individual synapses is strong when evaluated in combination with the results in Figures 4-11. We do not, at present, see how the fact that FM-dye destaining is used as a bulk measurement at the sub-synaptic level could undercut our logic.

      Moreover, the image of neuronal cultures shown in Fig. 3 might be problematic. It shows very bright staining with large round lumps, which may be indicative of unhealthy cultures.

      Unhealthy cultures are not a concern because we used strict quantitative criteria to assess health that are better than we have seen elsewhere (details below). We think the reviewer might be reacting to the way we rendered the image; i.e., as “overexposed”. We did this to highlight the dimmest punctae, which is a key element of the analysis. The same image rendered with less contrast is now displayed in Author response image 1 (3rd panel from left).

      Author response image 1.

      Image to left is a reproduction of the example image in Figure 3, which was the average of 120 time lapse raw data images; scale bar is 20 µm. The second image is a replicate except all 69 punctae that were included in the study are occluded by 1.5 µm × 1.5 µm yellow squares. The third image is another replicate except with a different brightness setting. The rightmost image is one of the raw data images with brightness matched to the third image.

      More details (relevance to in vivo is in point 4):

      (1) Identifying unhealthy cultures is straightforward with our technique because synapses in un- healthy cultures destain spontaneously. Our criteria for accepting experiments for further analy- sis was less than 1.5 % spontaneous rundown/minute. This is a better way to judge health than we have seen elsewhere because it eliminates subjective decisions, and would be equally appli- cable for microscopes and imaging software of any quality. For our part, we used a 25X objective with a low numerical aperture and low intensity illumination that allowed us to completely avoid photobleaching. The images will look worse to some compared to when acquired with a higher quality microscope, but the absence of photobleaching is an important bene1t because it allowed us to avoid complicated corrections.

      (2) Stained areas larger than 1.5 µm across - such as the ones noted by the reviewer - were expressly excluded from our study because they could have been clusters of multiple synapses. The size criteria are detailed in the Legend of Figure 3. Punctae and larger areas that were excluded are the ones that are not occluded by yellow squares in the 2nd image from the left, above; at least two of the largest were likely clusters of synapses that were out of focus. Nevertheless, despite being excluded, it is unlikely that the stained areas larger than 1.5 µm in the image in Figure 3 were characteristic of unhealthy cultures because these areas did not de-stain spontaneously, but instead de-stained in response to 1 and 20 Hz electrical stimulation much like the small punctae that were included in the analysis.

      (3) Electron microscopy results have shown that individual synapses vary >10-fold in size, so a large range of brightness is expected (Murthy et al., 2001). The large range would either make the brighter punctae and clusters appear to be overexposed in a printed image, or render the dimmer punctae invisible. We have opted to present an image with overall brightness adjusted so that the dimmest punctae are visible. This is appropriate because one of the concerns was that analyzing the dimmest punctae would reveal underlying populations where the rate of fractional destaining was constant. In the end, no evidence for underlying populations emerged, which supports the conclusion that the decreases in fractional destaining occur at individual synapses. Note that adjusting brightness for example images was unavoidable; we used the camera in a range that was far below saturation and, because of this, images presented without adjusting brightness would appear to be completely black.

      (4) Primary cell cultures are non-physiological by de1nition, so the concept of health is intrinsically arbitrary, and relevance to synapses in brains is questioned routinely. However, the new 1ndings in the present report are that: (1) individual hippocampal synapses contain multiple reserve pools; (2) the reserves remain separate but are not distinguishable by the timing of mobilization when the frequency of stimulation is high; and (3) the reserves are nevertheless processed in parallel even when the frequency of stimulation is high. Of these, 1nding (1) has been reported previously for other synapse types, but 1ndings (2) and (3) were both unexpected, and 1nding (3) was not compatible with current concepts. Nevertheless, all three 1ndings were predicted by a model that was developed to explain orthogonal results from studies of intact synapses in ex vivo slices that did not 1t with current concepts either, as referenced in the Introduction. Because of this, we think that the parallel processing of quickly and slowly mobilized reserve vesicles likely occurs in individual Schaffer collateral synapses in vivo, and is not a cell culture artifact; the alternative would be too much of an unlikely coincidence.


      Harata N, Pyle JL, Aravanis AM, Mozhayeva M, Kavalali ET & Tsien RW (2001). Limited numbers of recycling vesicles in small CNS nerve terminals: implications for neural signaling and vesicular cycling. Trends in Neurosciences 24, 637–43.

      Murthy VN, Schikorski T, Stevens CF & Zhu Y (2001). Inactivity produces increases in neurotransmitter release and synapse size. Neuron 32, 673–82.

      Waters J & Smith SJ (2002). Vesicle pool partitioning in2uences presynaptic diversity and weighting in rat hippocampal synapses. Journal of Physiology 541, 811–23.

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer 1

      Mahfooz et al. investigated the time course of synaptic vesicle fusion of cultured mouse hippocampal synapses using FM-styryl dyes. The major finding is that the FM destaining time course deviates from a mono-exponential function during 1 Hz, but not 20 Hz stimulation. The deviation from a mono-exponential function was also seen during a second stimulus train applied after recovery periods of several minutes, or after depletion of the readily-releasable vesicle pool. Furthermore, this "decreased fractional destaining" was unlikely due to long-term synaptic depression, or incomplete dye clearance. Fractional destaining was enhanced when the dye was loaded with 1 Hz compared with 20 Hz stimulation, suggesting that vesicles recycled during 1 Hz stimulation are predominantly sorted into a rapidly mobilized pool. Finally, they show that 20 Hz stimulation does not affect the decrease in fractional destaining induced and recorded during 1 Hz stimulation. Based on these observations, they put forward a model in which slowly and quickly resupplied synaptic vesicles are mobilized in parallel.

      The demonstration that FM destaining time courses deviate from single exponentials during 1 Hz stimulation (Figs 2-3) is a starting point used to rule out simple models where vesicles intermix freely and to introduce a mathematical technique for quantifying the extent of the deviations that is essential for the analysis of later experiments, where curve fitting could not be used. We then:

      1) Show that the deviation from simple models is not caused by depletion of the readily releasable pool, as noted by the reviewer;

      2) rule out a number of explanations for the deviation that do not involve reserve pools at all, again as noted;

      3) provide affirmative evidence for the presence of multiple reserve pools by labeling them with distinct colors;

      4) show that the vesicles within the distinct reserve pools do not intermix even when activity is intense enough to drive destaining with single exponential kinetics.

      We believe that the 4th point - documented in Figs 10-11 - is a key element.

      Beyond that, we note that our working model arose from previous studies, as referenced in the Introduction, not from the present results. The model did predict the parallel processing of quickly and slowly mobilized reserves, and the present study was designed to test this prediction. In that sense, the evidence in the current study supports our working model, not the other way around.

      In any case, most readers in the near term will be more interested in the serial versus parallel question, and less in precisely what the present results mean for evaluating our working model. Because of this, we emphasize that evidence for parallel processing of separate reserve pools depends solely on experimental results within the study, and not on modeling. As a consequence, the evidence will continue to be equally strong even if problems with our working model arise later on (lines 382-386).

      We do have additional unpublished evidence for the working model that does not bear directly on the parallel versus serial question. Some of this was removed from an earlier version of the manuscript and some has been newly gathered since the original submission. We will publish the additional evidence at a later point. We decided not to include it in the present manuscript expressly to avoid confusion about the relationship between modeling and the evidence for parallel processing in general.

      The paper addresses an interesting question - the relationship between the resupply and release of synaptic vesicles. The study is based on a lot of data of high quality. Most data are solid. However, some of the major conclusions are not well supported by the data. Moreover, it remains unclear how speci1c the findings are to the experimental design.

      The following points should be addressed:

      1) Most traces display a decrease in fluorescence intensity before stimulation. Data with a decrease in baseline fluorescence intensity of up to 1.5 % were considered for the analysis (Fig 2-supplement 2). I may have missed it, but were the data corrected for the observed decrease in baseline fluorescence intensity? (In the model shown in Appendix 1 Figure 1, they correct for "rundown"). For instance, are the residuals shown in Fig 2D, E based on corrected data? In case the data would not be corrected for a decrease in baseline fluorescence, would the decay kinetics also deviate from a single exponential after correction?

      We did not correct for rundown - as now noted on lines 96-97 - except in the figure in the Appendix, noted by the reviewer, where the uncorrected and corrected time courses are plotted side by side for easy comparison. However, our study includes an analysis showing that correcting for rundown during 1 Hz stimulation would increase - not decrease - the deviation from a single exponential (2 bars in rightmost panel in Fig 2C, and lines 113-116 of Results), so the absence of a correction does not weaken our conclusions.

      2) The analysis of "fractional destaining" is not clear to me. How many intervals of which length were chosen and why? For instance, the intervals often differ in length, number and do not cover the complete decay (e.g., Fig 2B).

      We calculated fractional destaining from longer intervals at later times because the overall amount of stain was less, meaning signal/noise was less, and scatter was more. We did this because increased scatter at later times could be counteracted by estimating the slope of destaining from longer intervals. An additional bene1t is that elongating the later intervals allowed us to plot only 6 bars for 25 min of 1 Hz destaining, which works better visually than 17.

      Increasing the interval length for later times is mathematically sound because the key factor causing distortions related to deviations from linearity is not the length of the interval per se but, instead, the fractional destaining over the interval. The fractional destaining is greater at the start of 1Hz stimulation, thus requiring shorter intervals.

      It would be possible to choose inappropriately long intervals that would distort estimates of the change in fractional destaining. However, we now include Fig 2-supplement 6 – which includes all 17 1.5 min intervals - to con1rm that any distortions after the first interval were minimal. The Appendix predicts a biologically important distortion for the first interval which we are following up, but this would underestimate the true deviation from quickly mixing pools, so would not be problematic for the present conclusions.

      Sometimes, only the interval right after stimulation onset was considered (e.g., Fig 7, 8).

      Figs 7, 8 in the previous version are now Figs 8, 9.

      This is appropriate because the goal was to estimate the fractional destaining at the very start, before the quickly mobilized fraction has destained.

      How quickly fractional destaining is expected to revert to the lowest value seen after 15 min of 1Hz stimulation in Fig 2 (and elsewhere) depends very much on assumptions - such as the number of reserve pools, etc. We sought to avoid this kind of additional analysis because we are keen to avoid the impression that our main conclusions depend on the speci1cs of modeling.

      How sensitive are the changes in fractional destaining to the choice of the intervals?

      Minimally. This can be seen by eye because the magenta lines in Fig 2B 1t the data well, but see Fig 2-supplement 6 for a quantitative comparison.

      For instance, would fractional destaining be increased if later intervals would have been chosen for the second 20 Hz stimulus in the experiment shown in Fig 9B?

      Previous Fig 9B is now Fig 10B.

      We cannot be certain, but think it probably would not be different. Neither an increase nor a decrease would be problematic for our conclusions.

      More detail: There is not enough data to evaluate this specifically for Fig 10B because the total amount of stain remaining at later intervals is little, meaning signal/noise is low, which causes extensive experimental scatter. However, synapses were even more extensively destained prior to time course c of Figure2-supplement 2C, which nevertheless matches time courses a, b, and d.

      I propose fitting all baseline-corrected data with a single and a double-exponential function (as well as single exponential plus line?) and reporting the corresponding time constants (slopes) and amplitudes.

      As noted above, we purposefully do not baseline correct data in a way that would make this possible. However, we do include exponential fits when appropriate, in Fig 2D-E, Fig 2- supplement 1, Fig 2-supplement-7, Fig 2-supplement-8, and Fig 12B.

      Indeed, the absence of any change in the weighting parameter despite substantial changes for both time constants seen after raising the temperature to 35C (Fig 2-supplement-8 vs Fig12B) is notable because it suggests that the contents of the reserve pools are not altered by changing temperature, even though vesicle trafficking is accelerated. Fig 2-supplement-8 is a supplementary figure because the result is outside the scope of the main point, not because the quality is lower than for other figures.

      Beyond that, exponential fits would not be adequate for most of the study because many experiments - including the core experiments in Figs 10-11 - require discontinuous stimulation, such as when we stop stimulating at 1 Hz, rest for minutes, and then start up again at 1 or 20 Hz. And, although widely used, exponentials are non-linear equations after all. Even when they can be used to quantify time courses, the fractional destaining measurement is almost always more informative, in the technical sense, because it avoids complications when estimating the importance of deviations occurring at the two extremes versus deviations in the middle of the time course.

      3) Along the same lines, is the average slow time constant indeed around 40 min? (Are the data shown in Fig 2 S7 based on an average?) If this would be the case, I suggest conducting a control experiment with a recording time > 40 min. Would fitting an exponential or a line to baseline data (without stimulation) also give a similar slow component?

      Fig 2-supplement 7 in the previous version is now Fig 2-supplement 8.

      First, yes, the time course shown in Fig 2-supplement 8 is the mean across preparations. The time courses of the individual preparations were quanti1ed as the median value of the individual ROIs before averaging.

      Second, no, fitting baseline data would give an approximately 3-fold greater time constant (i.e., 120 min) because fractional destaining decreases by about 3-fold when we stop stimulating after 25 min of 1 Hz stimulation (i.e., Fig 2C, 3B, and many others).

      The key point is that fractional destaining decreases greatly over long trains of 1 Hz stimulation.

      For Fig 2, we saw a 2.7+/-0.1-fold decrease before accounting for baseline destaining (lines 106-110), which increased to a 4.4-fold decrease when we did account for baseline destaining (lines 113-116). Overall, the 2.7-fold value is simultaneously a safe minimum boundary, and much greater than the value of 1.0 expected from models where vesicles mix freely.

      Note that future studies will show that even the 4.4-fold value is probably an underestimate because 1 Hz stimulation misses a fast component at the very beginning of the time courses, as predicted in the Appendix.

      4) How speci1c are the findings to 1 Hz (and 20 Hz) stimulation? From which frequency onward can a decrease in fractional destaining be no longer observed?

      Our logic depends only on the premise that we are able to find some frequency where fractional destaining no longer decreases. We knew that 20 Hz was a good place to start because of previous electrophysiological experiments - frequency jumps (Fig 1 of Wesseling and Lo, 2002 and Fig 2C of Garcia-Perez and Wesseling, 2008), and trains of action potentials followed by osmotic shocks (Fig 2A of Garcia-Perez et al., 2008) - showing that 20 Hz stimulation is enough to nearly completely exhaust the readily releasable pool. This is noted in lines 202-203, and Box 2.

      would previous stimulation with frequencies <20 Hz interfere with fractional destaining? These control experiments would help assessing how general/speci1c the findings are.

      Yes (Figs 4 and 11A at 1 Hz). Also, we have done experiments at 0.1 Hz, which will be published later; some of these were actually removed from an earlier version of the manuscript because the results are primarily relevant to deciding between particular parallel models, and are not relevant to the conclusion of the present study that quickly and slowly mobilized reserves are processed in parallel.

      Similarly, a major conclusion of the paper - the parallel mobilization of two vesicle pools - is largely based on these two stimulation frequencies. Can they exclude that mixing between the two pools occurs at other frequencies?

      We cannot exclude the possibility of breakdown at a higher frequency, but this would not undercut our conclusions. We do not have plans to try this experiment because: (1) a positive result would be open to concerns about non-physiologically heavy stimulation; and (2) a negative result would be difficult to interpret because of the possibility that the axons cannot follow at higher frequencies.

      6) Some information in the methods section is lacking. For instance, which species is the cell culture based on?

      Mice from both sexes were used. This is now speci1ed in the Methods.

      Reviewer 2

      By using optical monitoring of synaptic vesicles with FM1-43 at hippocampal synapses, the authors try to show the evidence for two parallel reserve pools of synaptic vesicles, which feed the vesicles to the readily releasable pool. The major strength of the study is the use of a quantitative model, which can be readily testable by experiments: in the course of the study, the authors propose the best vesicle pool model, which fits the experimental data "averaged over synapses" nicely. On the other hand, the weak point of the study comes from the optical method and the data: bulk imaging of vesicle dynamics monitored at each synapse is noisy and the signals vary considerably among synapses. Therefore, the average signals over many synapses may not reflect the vesicle dynamics of two reserve pools within a synapse, but something else, such as the different kinetics of release from multiple synapses with different release probability. Nevertheless, a new framework of two reserve pools offers a testable hypothesis of vesicle dynamics, and the use of single vesicle tracking and EM may allow one to give a de1nitive answer in the future studies Therefore, the study may be of interest to the community of synaptic neurobiology.

      1) The current version includes a new figure (Fig 3) showing that the deviations from single pool models seen in populations are caused by deviations occurring at the level of single synapses. The heterogeneity between synapses actually causes population statistics to underestimate - not overestimate - the mean and median size of the deviations at individuals.

      We think the new evidence in Fig 3 and supplements is conclusive without follow-on EM of the same punctae given the substantial body of already published EM on similar cultures. Essentially, the only way to explain the results without invoking multiple reserve pools in individual synapses would be to say that individual synapses ALWAYS come in clumps containing multiple types and are NEVER separated from neighbors by more than 1.5 microns - even when the clumps are separated from each other by 5 microns. There is already clear evidence against this.

      2) No new model is proposed here, see the first response to the first reviewer.

      3) We are not aware of alternative hypotheses that could account for our results, so cannot evaluate if single vesicle tracking and EM could add meaningful additional support.

      1) The existence of non-stained vesicles complicates the interpretation of the data. Because the release by 20 Hz and 1 Hz stimulation do not entirely reflect the release from fast and slow vesicle pools. the estimation of non-stained vesicles using synaptopHluorin (+ba1lomycin) and EPSCs would be helpful to examine fraction of non-stained / stained vesicles over time (with stimulation, the ratio may change dynamically, which may bring complications).

      Non-stained vesicles are not a complication, but instead a key element of our logic which is included in the diagrams in Boxes 1 and 2 and Figure 9. That is, quickly and slowly mobilized reserves can be distinguished at 1 Hz precisely because 1 Hz is not intense enough to exhaust the readily releasable pool (Box 2). The corollary is that stained vesicles must be replaced by non-stained vesicles, because otherwise 1 Hz stimulation would exhaust the readily releasable pool. And this is why FM-dyes (plus a beta-cyclodextrin during washing) are ideal for the current questions whereas other techniques, such as electrophysiology or synaptopHluorin imaging are obviously indispensable for other questions, but could not replace the FM-dyes in the current study. This is now noted on lines 86-89.

      We are aware that synaptopHluorin + ba1lomycin could, in principle, accomplish some of the same goals. However, ba1lomycin ended up being toxic when applied for tens of minutes, as it would have to be in our experiments. And, we do not see what critical question is not already answered with strong evidence using FM dyes.

      2) Individual synapses show marked differences in the time course of de-staining, suggesting differences in release probability. The averaging of the whole data may reflect "average" behavior of synapses, but for example, bi-exponential time course may reflect high Pr and low Pr synapses, rather than vesicle recruitment.

      The authors may comment on this issue.

      See newly added Fig 3, and responses above.

      3) Some differences are very small (Fig 10, the same amplitude as bleaching time course), and I am not certain if the observed differences are meaningful, given low signal to noise ratio in each synapse.

      Fig 10 in the previous version is Fig 11 in the current version.

      Even if correct, this would not be problematic because 20 Hz stimulation clearly did not cause fractional destaining to return to the initial value when stimulation was resumed at 1 Hz (compare d and f in Fig 11E). In any case, Figs 2C, 3B, 5B, 7B, and Fig 10-supplement 2A all show that the minimum fractional destaining value during 1 Hz stimulation is about 3-fold greater than during subsequent rest intervals, which is not a small difference. Also, note that Fig 2-supplement 3 shows that photobleaching likely did not play a role.

      Reviewer 3

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      This study attempts to conceptualize the long-standing question of vesicle pool organization in presynaptic terminals. Authors used classical FM dye release experiments to support a hypothesis that rapidly and slowly releasing vesicles are mobilized in parallel without intermixing. This modular model is also supported indirectly by the authors’ recent findings of molecular links that connect a subset of vesicles in linear chains (published elsewhere).

      Our study should be seen as a test of the hypothesis that quickly and slowly mobilized reserves are processed in parallel. The evidence is independent of any modeling, and would continue to be equally strong if our working model turns out to be incorrect (lines 382-386).

      The scope of the original model was limited by a number of caveats. The main concerns included a limited data set measured in bulk from a highly heterogeneous synapse population, and a complex interrelationship between vesicle mobilization and the bulk FM dye de-staining kinetics. The second major limitation was measurements being performed at room temperature, which inhibits or alters a number of critical synaptic processes that are being modeled. This includes the efficiency of exo/endocytosis coupling, vesicle mobility and release site refractory period, which are stimulus- and temperature-dependent, but were not accounted for in the original model.

      The present study contains experiments at body temperature (Fig 12 and Fig 12-supplement 1 in the current version) and analyses of individual synapses (especially Fig 3 in the current version). To our knowledge all results are consistent with everything that is known about the efficiency of exo/endocytosis coupling, vesicle mobility and release site refractory periods.

      The authors made strong efforts to address previous concerns. However, the main conceptual point, i.e. linking the bulk FM dye de-staining kinetics with precise arrangement of vesicle pools, is not well supported and is generally highly problematic because it ignores many additional processes and confounding factors.

      For example, vesicle exchange between neighboring synapses constitutes from 15% to over 50% of total recycling vesicle population, and therefore is a major contributing factor to FM dye loss/redistribution, but is not considered in this study. Additionally, this vesicle exchange process undergoes calcium/activity-dependent changes, contributing to difficulty in interpreting the current experiments comparing FM de-staining at different stimulation frequencies.

      We do not see how exchange of vesicles between synapses could be a problem for our logic, so cannot evaluate this without a more detailed description of the concern. Instead, our results rule out random inter-synaptic exchange between quickly and slowly mobilized reserve pools because this would show up in our assays as mixing, which does not occur. We think there are three remaining possibilities:

      1) vesicles are exchanged primarily between quickly mobilized reserve pools

      2) vesicles are exchanged primarily between slowly mobilized reserve pools

      3) vesicles in quickly mobilized reserve pools are targeted to quickly mobilized reserve pools in other synapses and vesicles in slowly mobilized reserve pools are targeted to slowly mobilized reserve pools in other synapses.

      It would be interesting to know which of these is correct, but this is outside the scope of the current study.

      Moreover, other forms of release, such as asynchronous release, contribute a large fraction of released vesicles, but are not factored in. Asynchronous release varies widely in synapse population from 0.1 to >0.4 of synchronous release, but is entirely ignored. Spontaneous release may also contribute to FM dye loss over extended 25min recordings used.

      Spontaneous release and asynchronous release are not caveats.

      First, spontaneous: We suspect that spontaneous release contributes to the background destaining rate, but this is 3-fold slower than the minimum during 1 Hz stimulation on average (Figs 2C, 3C, 5B etc), so we know that the slowly mobilized reserve is mobilized by low frequency trains of action potentials (lines 410-412). Note that a different outcome - where the rate of destaining decreased to a very low level during long trains of 1 Hz stimulation - would not have been consistent with the idea that slowly mobilized vesicles are only released spontaneously because the remaining fluorescence can always be destained rapidly by increasing the stimulation intensity to 20 Hz (e.g., see examples in Fig 3).

      Second, asynchronous: We know that slowly mobilized reserves must be released synchronously at 35C because the asynchronous component is eliminated at this temperature (Huson et al., 2019), without altering the quantity of slowly mobilized reserves that are mobilized by 1 Hz stimulation (lines 350-360 of Results, and 445-452 of Discussion; we can con1rm from our own unpublished experiments that the disappearance of asynchronous release at 35C is a robust phenomenon in these cell cultures). Asynchronous release of slowly mobilized vesicles might occur at room temperature, but this would not argue against the conclusion that slowly mobilized vesicles are processed in parallel with quickly mobilized.

      Speci1c comments:

      Points 1-4 are already addressed above.

      5) The notion of the chained vesicles is somewhat confusing: how does the "first" vesicle located at the plasma membrane/release site get released if it is attached to the chain? Wouldn’t this "first" vesicle be non-immediately releasable since it must first be liberated? Since all vesicles shown in the Figure 1 have chains attached to them, what vesicle population then give rise to sub-millisecond release?

      This is not a concern relevant to the present study because none of the conclusions rely on the model in any way (see Introduction, and lines 382-386 of the Discussion). Beyond that: We previously published clear evidence that docked vesicles are tethered to non-docked vesicles (Figure 8 of Wesseling et al., 2019). We see no reason to suspect that a tether to an internal vesicle would prevent the docked vesicle from priming for release.

      7) Model: For fitting de-staining during 20 Hz stimulation, authors state that it was necessary to allow >5-fold Facilitation. This seems to be non-physiologically relevant, since previous studies found only very mild facilitation at room temperature (typically below a factor of 1.5-2.0) and the authors themselves state that, at most, a 1.3 fold facilitation was found.

      If the 1.3-fold facilitation estimate comes from us, it must have been in a different context.

      Most estimates of facilitation that are published are heavily convolved with simultaneous depression, and there is additionally a saturation mechanism for readily releasable vesicles with high release probability that is not widely known (Garcia-Perez and Wesseling, 2008). The standard method for eliminating the depression is to lower the probability of release by lowering extracellular [Ca2+], which additionally relieves occlusion by the saturation mechanism. And, lowering [Ca2+] uncovers an enormous amount facilitation at synapses in hippocampal cell culture. For example, see Figure 2B of Stevens and Wesseling (1999), which shows a 7-fold enhancement during 9 Hz stimulation, and Figure 3 of the same study, which shows a linear relationship with frequency. Taken together these two results suggest 15-fold enhancement during 20 Hz stimulation, which far exceeds the 5-fold value needed at inefficient release sites to make our working model 1t the FM-dye destaining results.


      Garcia-Perez E, Lo DC & Wesseling JF (2008). Kinetic isolation of a slowly recovering component of short-term depression during exhaustive use at excitatory hippocampal synapses. Journal of Neurophysiology 100, 781–95.

      Garcia-Perez E & Wesseling JF (2008). Augmentation controls the fast rebound from depression at excitatory hippocampal synapses. Journal of Neurophysiology 99, 1770–86.

      Huson V, van Boven MA, Stuefer A, Verhage M & Cornelisse LN (2019). Synaptotagmin-1 enables frequency coding by suppressing asynchronous release in a temperature dependent manner. Scienti1c reports 9, 11341.

      Stevens CF & Wesseling JF (1999). Augmentation is a potentiation of the exocytotic process. Neuron 22, 139–46.

      Wesseling JF & Lo DC (2002). Limit on the role of activity in controlling the release-ready supply of synaptic vesicles. Journal of Neuroscience 22, 9708–20.

      Wesseling JF, Phan S, Bushong EA, Siksou L, Marty S, Pérez-Otaño I & Ellisman M (2019). Sparse force-bearing bridges between neighboring synaptic vesicles. Brain Structure and Function 224, 3263–3276.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This valuable study reports comprehensive multi-omic data on the changes induced in young and aged male mouse tail fibroblasts after treatment with chemical reprogramming factors. The authors claim that chemical reprogramming factors induce changes consistent with a reduction of cellular 'biological' age (e.g., correlations with established aging markers in whole tissues). However, the study relies on previously identified aging markers (instead of aging in the tail fibroblast system itself), and thus, at this stage, the evidence in support of the observed molecular changes truly reflecting changes in biological age in the study system is still incomplete.

      Essential revisions

      After discussion with reviewers, we believe that the conclusions of the manuscript would be significantly strengthened with the following revisions:

      (1) Rather than basing the analysis of age-related markers on public tissue data, it is recommended that authors use their own data on pre-reprogramming fibroblasts to define molecular aging-related markers/signatures specifically for male tail fibroblasts at 4 vs 20 months. This should also always be included in figures as reference points.

      We appreciate these helpful comments. Please refer to our responses to Reviewers #1 and #2 concerning these suggestions and the corresponding changes we have made in the revised manuscript.

      (2) In general, the methods as written lack the details necessary to fully understand the study/reproduce it independently, notably in terms of data analysis choices (e.g. use of FWER/FDR type correction for multiple testing, use of raw vs normalized RNA counts for PCA, etc).

      Thank you for this feedback. We have modified our text to address this issue. Please refer to our responses to Reviewer #1 for the specific changes we have made.

      (3) More generally, the authors should better outline the limitations/caveats of their experimental design in the discussion and/or abstract, including the specific cell type and the choice of using only male data (since aging itself is very sex-dimorphic, and the impact of partial reprogramming on aging phenotypes may also be sex-dimorphic).

      Thank you for this important feedback. We have now added a section to our Discussion in which we directly address potential limitations of our study concerning sex-specific differences and the cell type used.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1:


      The investigators employed multi-omics approach to show the functional impact of partial chemical reprogramming in fibroblasts from young and aged mice.


      Multi-omics data was collected, including epigenome, transcriptome, proteome, phosphoproteome, and metabolome. Different analyses were conducted accordingly, including differential expression analysis, gene set enrichment analysis, transcriptomic and epigenetic clock-based analyses. The impact of partial chemical reprogramming on aging was supported by these multi-source results.

      We appreciate the reviewer noting the strength and comprehensiveness of our approach.


      More experimental data may be needed to further validate current findings.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. To further validate our findings, we have proceeded as follows: (1) First, we have investigated the role of Prkaca activation during partial chemical reprogramming with 7c (see updated Fig. 5C, Fig. 5 – figure supplement 1B). By confocal microscopy, we show that partial chemical reprogramming with 7c does not cause Prkaca to localize to mitochondria; rather, its cellular distribution is altered to favor nuclear localization. We also use RNAi to knockdown Prkaca and find that Prkaca is not necessary for mediating the increase in mitochondrial membrane potential upon partial chemical reprogramming with 7c.

      (2) We have determined the effect of partial chemical reprogramming with 7c on apoptosis using Annexin V assay (see updated Fig. 5 – figure supplement 1C). We show that during the course of partial chemical reprogramming, the proportion of apoptotic cells steadily increases to about 20 percent.

      (3) We have re-analyzed our multi-omics data to determine the molecular differences (e.g. at the epigenome, transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome levels) between fibroblasts isolated from young and old mice (see updated Fig. 2 – figure supplement 1, Fig. 6 – figure supplement 1, and Fig. 7 – figure supplement 2). Additionally, we have updated Fig. 7A to include statistical comparisons of transcriptomic age of 4-month-old and 20-month-old fibroblasts. Finally, we have updated Fig. 3D to include functional enrichment of gene and protein expression levels of aged fibroblasts.

      (4) We have more thoroughly characterized the effects of partial chemical reprogramming on the epigenome (see Fig. 7 – figure supplement 3).

      (5) Julie Y. Chen was added on as an additional co-author for producing the analyses shown in Fig. 7 – figure supplement 2, and Fig. 7 – figure supplement 3.

      Reviewer #2:

      The short-term administration of reprogramming factors to partially reprogram cells has gained traction in recent years as a potential strategy to reverse aging in cells and organisms. Early studies used Yamanaka factors in transgenic mice to reverse aging phenotypes, but chemical cocktails could present a more feasible approach for in vivo delivery. In this study, Mitchell et al sought to determine the effects that short-term administration of chemical reprogramming cocktails have on biological age and function. To address this question, they treated young and old mouse fibroblasts with chemical reprogramming cocktails and performed transcriptome, proteome, metabolome, and DNA methylation profiling pre- and post-treatment. For each of these datasets, they identified changes associated with treatment, showing downregulation of some previously identified molecular signatures of aging in both young and old cells. From these data, the authors conclude that partial chemical reprogramming can rejuvenate both young and old fibroblasts.

      The main strength of this study is the comprehensive profiling of cells pre- and post-treatment with the reprogramming cocktails, which will be a valuable resource for better understanding the molecular changes induced by chemical reprogramming. The authors highlighted consistent changes across the different datasets that are thought to be associated with aging phenotypes, showing reduction of age-associated signatures previously identified in various tissues. However, from the findings, it remains unclear which changes are functionally relevant in the specific fibroblast system being used. Specifically:

      (1) The 4 month and 20 month mouse fibroblasts are designated "young" vs "old" in this study. An important analysis that was not shown for each of the profiled modalities was a comparison of untreated young vs old fibroblasts to determine age-associated molecular changes in this specific model of aging. Then, rather than using aging signatures defined in other tissues, it would be more appropriate to determine whether the chemical cocktails reverted old fibroblasts to a younger state based on the age-associated changes identified in this comparison.

      In our study, we have used 4 biological samples per group for young and old untreated fibroblasts, and these samples have been used to calculate the effect of 7c and 2c cocktails on gene expression in each age group. Therefore, the correlation between logFC induced by 7c/2c treatment and logFC between young and old fibroblasts would be biased, since the same untreated samples would be used in both calculations: estimates B-A and C-B will be, on average, negatively correlated even if A, B and C are independent random variables. For this reason, to investigate the effect of cocktails on biological age, we utilized gene expression signatures of aging, estimated based on more than 2,600 samples of different ages from 25 data sources (PMID: 37269831). Notably, our multi-tissue signatures of aging were identified based on data from 17 tissues, including skin. Therefore, these biomarkers seem to represent more reliable and universal molecular mechanisms of aging. Since they have been identified using independent data, the signatures also don’t introduce the statistical bias described above. For these reasons, we think that they are more applicable for the current analysis. To demonstrate that the utilized aging signatures are overall consistent with the changes observed in studied fibroblasts, we performed GSEA-based analysis, testing association between logFC in aged fibroblasts and various signatures of aging and reprogramming (similar to our analysis in Fig. 2E). We found that the changes in aged fibroblasts from the current study demonstrated positive association with the majority of aging signatures (kidney, liver and multi-tissue signatures in mouse and rat) (Fig. 2 – figure supplement 1A) and were negatively associated with signatures of reprogramming. In addition, we characterized functional changes perturbed in untreated aged fibroblasts at the level of gene expression and protein concentrations and observed multiple changes consistent with the aging signatures, such as upregulation of genes and proteins involved in inflammatory response and interferon signaling (Fig. 3D, Fig. 2 – figure supplement 1C). Therefore, changes observed in untreated aged fibroblasts seem to agree with age-related molecular changes identified across mammalian tissues in our previous studies.

      We would also like to mention that the epigenetic clocks used in this study consistently show that the fibroblasts from 20-month-old fibroblasts are significantly older than the fibroblasts from 4-month-old mice (Fig. 7B). Moreover, we have revised the manuscript to show that these epigenetic differences between young and old untreated fibroblasts are not due to overall changes in mean DNA methylation (Fig. 7 – figure supplement 2). In contrast, in the revised manuscript, we observe that 7c treatment is reducing the epigenetic age of cells by decreasing mean DNA methylation levels (Fig. 7 – figure supplement 3).

      (2) Across all datasets, it appears that the global profiles of young vs old mouse fibroblasts are fairly similar compared to treated fibroblasts, suggesting that the chemical cocktails are not reverting the fibroblasts to a younger state but instead driving them to a different cell state. Similarly, in most cases where specific age-related processes/genes are being compared across untreated and treated samples, no significant differences are observed between young and old fibroblasts.

      We agree that our data shows that partial chemical reprogramming seems to induce a similar effect on young and old fibroblasts. In Fig. 2 – figure supplement 1B, the Spearman correlation coefficients for the effects on gene expression in young and old fibroblasts are 0.80 and 0.85 for 2c and 7c, respectively. It is important to note that the effect of partial chemical reprogramming is a magnitude higher (say in terms of number of differentially expressed genes) than the effect of aging in the untreated fibroblasts. Partial chemical reprogramming with 7c, we believe, is pushing the cells to a younger state as a byproduct of producing a different cellular metabolic state with a strong increase in OXPHOS capacity.

      (3) Functional validation experiments to confirm that specific changes observed after partial reprogramming are indeed reducing biological age is limited.

      Functional validation of rejuvenating interventions is limited in vitro, as cells do not completely maintain their “aged” phenotype once isolated and cultured, and pursuing partial chemical reprogramming in vivo in naturally-aged mice was beyond the scope of the study. One of the best reporters of biological age that are preserved in primary cells in vitro are epigenetic and transcriptomic clocks, which were both utilized in this manuscript to show that 7c treatment, but not 2c, reduces biological age. We show that splicing-related damage is marginally elevated in old fibroblasts compared to young, and that 7c reduces splicing damage by reducing intron retention. Moreover, the epigenetic clocks used in this study show that the 20-month-old fibroblasts are significantly older than the 4-month-old fibroblasts, indicating that the “aged” phenotype is at least partially preserved. Furthermore, according to previous studies (PMIDs: 37269831, 31353263), one of the strongest functional biomarkers of aging is downregulation of mitochondrial function and energy metabolism, including oxidative phosphorylation, while upregulation of these functions is usually associated with extended lifespan in mice. For this reason, we have focused on these pathways in our study and assessed them with functional assays.

      (4) Partial reprogramming appears to substantially reduce biological age of the young (4 month) fibroblasts based on the aging signatures used. It is unclear how this result should be interpreted.

      This is a caveat of all reprogramming strategies/”anti-aging” interventions developed and tested to date. Currently, there are no genetic or pharmacological methods that target only the “aged” state and not the “young” state as well (i.e. an intervention that would only cause a change in old cells and revert them to a younger state). However, “young” cells in our study and many other studies are still the cells of an intermediate age, as aging appears to begin early during development. Therefore, perhaps unsurprisingly, partial chemical reprogramming seemed to have similar effects on fibroblasts isolated from young and old mice, which is in line with OSK/OSKM reprogramming. These results should be interpreted as follows: partial chemical reprogramming does not depend on the epigenetic state (biological age) of adult cells to induce rejuvenation. We have updated the discussion section of our manuscript accordingly.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1:

      (1) How was the PCA conducted for RNA-seq data? Were the raw or normalized counts used for PCA?

      Normalized counts were used for PCA of the RNA-seq data.

      (2) Supplementary Fig 3c, why was the correlation between the red rows and red columns low? Was the color of group messed up? Why was the Pearson correlation used instead of Spearman correlation? Most of the correlation analyses in the manuscript used Spearman correlation.

      We thank the reviewer for noticing this mistake. The colors of the groups have now been corrected. Furthermore, to be consistent with the rest of the manuscript, we have performed a Spearman correlation analysis on the normalized proteomics data to evaluate sample-to-sample similarities and updated Fig. 3 – figure supplement 1 accordingly. Overall, the results are similar to those obtained by Pearson correlation.

      (3) Were the significant metabolites tested by one-way ANOVA adjusted for family-wise type I error rate? It is surprising that over 50% metabolites were significant.

      Yes, the significant metabolites were adjusted for family-wise type I error rate (with a 5% significance threshold) in Fig. 6B.

      (4) Missing full names of several abbreviations, such as NIA, RLE, PSI, etc.

      Thank you for noticing the missing abbreviations. We have corrected this by writing out the full term in the first instance in which each abbreviation appears.

      (5) Methods section may be too long. Some paragraphs could be moved to supplementary text.

      eLife does not have a limit to the number of figures or amount of text. Therefore, we have kept the methods section largely unaltered as we feel that they would be helpful to the scientific community.

      Reviewer #2:

      (1) As discussed in the public review, I would recommend first establishing what differences exist between 4 month and 20 month fibroblasts to identify potential age-related changes in these fibroblasts.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have now thoroughly characterized the molecular differences between fibroblasts taken from young and old mice at the epigenome, transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome levels. Please refer to previous responses for more specific details.

      We have also attempted to establish aging-related differences at the phosphoproteome level, particularly in regards to mitochondrial processes (see figure below), but only GOcc: mitochondrion and GObp: mitochondrial transport come close to being statistically significant (raw p-values of 0.05 and 0.08, respectively) in the control comparison.

      Author response image 1.

      (2) While the global changes currently highlighted in the study are informative and should remain in the revised manuscript, additional analyses to show which age-related changes identified in point 1 are reverted upon 2c or 7c treatment would better address the question of whether these cocktails revert age-related changes seen in fibroblasts. These analyses should be performed for each dataset (i.e transcriptomic, proteomic, epigenomic, metabolomic) generated.

      Thank you for this comment. We have now evaluated the effects of partial chemical reprogramming on the specific molecular differences between fibroblasts isolated from young and old mice (see updated Fig. 2 – figure supplement 1, Fig. 6 – figure supplement 1, Fig. 7 – figure supplement 2, and Fig. 7 – figure supplement 3). For functional enrichment of aged fibroblasts at the gene and protein level, please refer to updated Fig. 3D.

      (3) Comparisons between partial reprogramming and OSKM reprogramming signatures are repeatedly made in the paper, but it is not clear from the text whether similarity to OSKM reprogramming signatures is a desired or undesired feature. Since there are likely both rejuvenating and oncogenic aspects of the OSKM signatures, it is unclear what conclusions can be made from these comparisons.

      Two central questions of this study were (1) if partial chemical reprogramming could induce cellular rejuvenation, and (2) if so, would it do so by merely chemically activating expression of Yamanaka factors. In this study, we find that 7c, the cocktail that demonstrated the most profound effect on biological age, only minorly upregulates Klf4, downregulates c-Myc, and has no effect on Sox2 or Oct4 expression. Thus, partial chemical reprogramming seems to operate through a mechanism independent of upregulating OSK/OSKM gene expression. This is crucial as it suggests that there are other transcription factors outside of OSKM that can be targeted to induce cellular rejuvenation and reversal of biological age. However, the direct transcriptional targets of partial chemical reprogramming are currently unknown and require further investigation.

      Partial reprogramming with OSK/OSKM has several limitations, including low efficiency, oncogenic risk, and differences in the speed of reprogramming according to cell/tissue type. These risks could be inherently tied to the transcription factors OSKM themselves; thus, partial chemical reprogramming, by avoiding strong activation of these genes, could potentially avoid these risks and provide a safer means for reversing biological age in vivo. However, extensive follow-up studies beyond the scope of this manuscript are certainly required to determine this.

      We have addressed this comment by modifying the discussion to include these points.

      (4) When analyzing the phospho-proteomics data, results are discussed as general changes in phosphorylation of proteins involved in different cellular processes. However, phosphorylation can either activate or inhibit a specific protein, and can depend on the specific residue in a protein that is modified. Different proteins in a cellular process can also respond in opposite directions to phosphorylation. Treating activating and inactivating phosphorylation events separately in describing these results would be more informative.

      We agree that an analysis that considers for each specific phosphosite whether it activates or inactivates a particular pathway would in principle be preferable over our current enrichment analysis that only accounts for the increase or decrease in phosphorylation of each site without knowing its biological meaning. However, unfortunately, we think it is currently practically not possible to conduct such an analysis. The proposed analysis would require a database with information on which residues are (de-)phosphorylated when a certain pathway is activated. However, as far as we know, there are currently no databases that link activation or inactivation of specific phosphosites to pathways in repositories like KEGG, HALLMARK, GObp, GOcc, GOmf, Reactome, etc.

      Some databases link phosphosites to drugs, diseases and kinases (e.g. PTMsigDB (PMID: 30563849)). However, these authors explicitly state: “We note that we do not capture functional annotations of PTM sites in PTMsigDB, such as activating or inactivating effect on the modified protein.” Furthermore, even in these databases, for the vast majority of the registered phosphosites, the responsible kinases are unknown, especially in mice. In our work, we made use of PhosphoSitePlus for kinase substrate enrichment analysis (see Fig. 5B). Such analyses, where kinase activity is inferred based on activated phosphosites are indeed commonly performed (see PMIDs: 34663829, 37269289, 37585503).

      In the absence of a repository that assigns activity to phosphosites, if enrichment analysis is being done for biological pathways, it is standard practice to so without accounting for whether phosphosites are activating or inactivating (see PMID: 34663829), as we have done in our manuscript (Fig. 5A).

      Despite the drawbacks, we believe our analysis is relevant, as it demonstrates important biological activity in these pathways uopn 2c/7c treatments as compared to controls. For example, the observed increase in abundance in mitochondrial OXPHOS complexes (Fig. 3E) combined with an increase in general phosphorylation of mitochondrial proteins (Fig. 5A) likely points to an increase mitochondrial activity, although one cannot exclude that some individual phosphorylation events might have inhibitory effects on certain mitochondrial proteins, while others might indicate increases in activity.

      (5) For the transcriptomic and epigenetic aging clocks used in Fig 7, significance tests need to be included for untreated 4 month vs 20 month fibroblasts. Particularly for the transcriptional clock, the differences are small and suggest that it may not be a strong aging signature.

      We have updated our clock analysis with the most recent versions of the clocks and added statistical significance between 4-month-old and 20-month-old untreated fibroblasts there (Fig. 7A). The difference is statistically significant for the chronological clock. However, when the lifespan-adjusted clock was applied, no statistical significance was observed, suggesting that 20-month-old fibroblasts do not exhibit substantial changes in gene expression associated with decreased healthspan and increased mortality.

      (6) For heatmaps shown in Figure 3D and Figure 4, please include untreated 4 month and 20 month fibroblasts as well to determine if pathways being compared are different between young and old fibroblasts.

      We have updated Figure 3D with functional enrichment results for aged fibroblasts at gene and protein expression levels, as requested. As for Fig. 4, we explained in our reply to point 1 of Reviewer #2 in the public review why addition of aged fibroblasts there would be biased there. Instead, we have performed GSEA-based association analysis for changes observed in aged fibroblasts and signatures of aging (Fig. 2 – figure supplement 1), confirming that our signatures are overall consistent with patterns of 20-month-old fibroblasts from the current study.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors investigated the antigenic diversity of recent (2009- 2017) A/H3N2 influenza neuraminidases (NAs), the second major antigenic protein after haemagglutinin. They used 27 viruses and 43 ferret sera and performed NA inhibition. This work was supported by a subset of mouse sera. Clustering analysis determined 4 antigenic clusters, mostly in concordance with the genetic groupings. Association analysis was used to estimate important amino acid positions, which were shown to be more likely close to the catalytic site. Antigenic distances were calculated and a random forest model was used to determine potential important sites.

      This has the potential to be a very interesting piece of work. At present, there are inconsistencies in the methods, results and presentation that limit its impact. In particular, there are weaknesses in some of the computational work.


      (1) The data cover recent NA evolution and a substantial number (43) of ferret (and mouse) sera were generated and titrated against 27 viruses. This is laborious experimental work and is the largest publicly available neuraminidase inhibition dataset that I am aware of. As such, it will prove a useful resource for the influenza community.

      (2) A variety of computational methods were used to analyse the data, which give a rounded picture of the antigenic and genetic relationships and link between sequence, structure and phenotype.


      (1) Inconsistency in experimental methods

      Two ferret sera were boosted with H1N2, while recombinant NA protein for the others. This, and the underlying reason, are clearly explained in the manuscript. The authors note that boosting with live virus did not increase titres. Nevertheless, these results are included in the analysis when it would be better to exclude them (Figure 2 shows much lower titres to their own group than other sera).

      As an exercise, we have excluded the H1N2 boosted ferrets sera and no major impact was observed in the antigenic grouping (see Author response image 1a). Another way to control for differences in immunogenicity is to normalize the NAI values with the homologous ELISA titers for each antigen. Clustering based on these ELISA normalized NAI titers reveals the same 4 distinct antigenic groups but with one change: Kan17 is shifted from group 1 to group 2 (Author response image 1b). Note that a homologous ELISA titer is not available for A/West-Virginia/17/2012 and thus this serum sample is not included in Author response image 1b.

      Author response image 1.

      Antigenic and phylogenetic relatedness of N2 NAs. Phylogenetic tree based on the N2 NA head domain amino acid sequences and heat-map representing the average of normalized neuraminidase inhibition titer per H6N2 [log2 (max NAI/NAI)] determined in ferret sera after the boost (listed vertically). The red-to-blue scale indicates high-to-low NAI observed in ELLA against the H6N2 reassortants (listed at the bottom). UPGMA clustering of H6N2s inhibition profiles are shown on top of the heat map and colored according to the phylogenetic groups.(a) Based on the ferret sera with exclusion of the sera that were obtained following prime-boost by infection with H1N2 (A/Estonia/91625/2015 and A/Stockholm/15/2014). (b) Based on serum NAI titers that were normalized by the homologous ELISA titer.

      (2) Inconsistency in experimental results

      Clustering of the NA inhibition results identifies three viruses which do not cluster with their phylogenetic group. Again, this is clearly pointed out in the paper. Further investigation of this inconsistency is required to determine whether this has a genetic basis or is an experimental issue. It is difficult to trust the remaining data while this issue is unresolved.

      We understand the concern of the reviewer. It is important to keep in mind that discrete grouping of antigens allows to visualize major antigenic drifts. However, within closely related groups the cross reactivity of antisera is more likely distributed in a spectrum. When we constructed an antigenic map based on the antigenic cartography algorithm (as described by Smith D. et al, 2004), Kansas17, Wis15, and Ala15 are positioned more closely to antigenic group 1 than the majority of other antigens that were classified as group 2 (Author response image 2a). Similar results were obtained when individual ferret sera from the biological duplicates were used (Author response image 2b). This antigenic cartography map is now added as Figure 2. Figure supplement 3 to the revised manuscript.

      Author response image 2.

      The antigenic cartography was constructed using averaged data from pairs of ferrets (a). Similar analysis was performed on individual ferrets sera (b).

      (3) Inconsistency in group labelling

      A/Hatay/4990/2016 & A/New Caledonia/23/2016 are in phylogenetic group 1 in Figure 2 and phylogenetic group 1 in Figure 5 - figure supplement 1 panel a.

      Our apologies: there was indeed a mistake in labeling of Figure 5. A new antigenic cartography was constructed and included in the revised manuscript. As a result Figure 5 - figure supplement has now become redundant and was removed from the manuscript.

      A/Kansas/14/2017 is selected as a representative of antigenic group 2, when in Figure 2 it is labelled as AC1 (although Figure 2 - supplement 4 which the text is referring to shows data for A/Singapore/Infimh-16-0019/2016 as the representative of AC2). A/Kansas/14/2017 is coloured and labelled as AC2 in Figure 2 - supplement 5.

      Thank you for pointing out this inconsistency. Kan17 clustered antigenically in group 1 based on the NAI values that were normalized relative to the serum with the maximal NAI value against the H6N2 virus that was tested. When using NAI titers that are normalization with the homologous ELISA titer, Kan17 is positioned in group 2. Likewise, antigenic cartography mapping positions Kan17 in group 2. Therefore, we conclude that A/Kansas/14/2017 NA is a representative of group 2.

      The colouring is changed for Figure 3a at the bottom. A/Heilongjiang-Xiangyang/1134/2011 is coloured the same as AC4 viruses when it is AC1 in Figure 2. This lack of consistency makes the figures misleading.

      We apologize for this mistake. The coloring in Figure 3a has been corrected.

      (4) Data not presented, without explanation

      The paper states that 44 sera and 27 H6N2 viruses were used (line 158). However, the results for the Kansas/14/2017 sera do not appear to be presented in any of the figures (e.g. Figure 2 phylogenetic tree, Figure 5 - figure supplement 1). It is not obvious why these data were not presented. The exclusion of this serum could affect the results as often the homologous titre is the highest and several heatmaps show the fold down from the highest titre.

      Serum against A/Kansas/14/2017 was not prepared. For that reason, it is not included in the analysis. We agree that such homologous serum ideally should have been included and in the NAI assay would have resulted in a high if not the highest titer. However, we noticed that homologous sera did not always have the highest titers, especially in panels like ours were some antigens are closely related. The highest titer obtained against Kan17 H6N2 was from A/Bris/16 sera: 1/104, a titer that is in the range of other, homologous titers observed in the panel (Table S3). The Bris16 and Kan17 NAs have five amino acid differences. In summary, inclusion of Kan17 homologous sera would likely not impact the analysis and interpretation of the results because there are multiple highly cross-inhibiting heterologous serum samples against Kan17.

      (5) The cMDS plot does not have sufficient quality assurance A cMDS plot is shown in Figure 5 - figure supplement 1, generated using classical MDS. The following support for the appropriateness of this visualisation is not given. a. Goodness of fit of the cMDS projection, including per point and per titre. b. Testing of the appropriate number of dimensions (the two sera from phylogenetic group 3 are clustered with phylogenetic group 2; additional dimensions might separate these groups). c. A measure of uncertainty in positioning, e.g. bootstrapping. d. A sensitivity analysis of the assumption about titres below the level of detection (i.e. that <20 = 10). Without this information, it is difficult to judge if the projection is reliable.

      We agree with these comments. We have removed Figure 5 – figure supplement 1, and added new figure 2 – figure supplement 3 (antigenic cartography) instead.

      (6) Choice of antigenic distance measure

      The measure of antigenic distance used here is the average difference between titres for two sera. This is dependent on which viruses have been included in the analysis and will be biased by the unbalanced number of viruses in the different clusters (12, 8, 2, 5).

      To verify the impact of the number of antigens on our analysis, the matrix of differences was generated with only 4 H6N2s representing at least one phylogenetic group (Per09, Sin16, Hel823 and Ind11) (Author response image 3a). This matrix is very similar to the one calculated based on all 27 antigens (Author response image 3b). The obtained matrix (Author response image 3a) was used in random forest to model antigenic distances and the result of prediction was plotted against real differences calculated based on the full data. The correlation coefficient (R2) of predicted vs observed values dropped from 0.81 to 0.71, suggesting that the number of antigens tested does not drastically affect the antigenic differences calculated based on serum values (Author response image 3e). Importantly, amino acid substitutions potentially associated with increased antigenic distances are similarly identified (Author response image 3c, d and f).

      Author response image 3.

      Matrix of differences was calculated using only 4 H6N2 antigens (a) or the full panel (b). The matrixes from (c) 4 or (d) 27 antigens were used in random forest modeling to estimate the impact of amino acid changes, respectively. The rf modeling data generated from 4 H6N2 only was plotted and correlated with values calculated from the full panel of 27 H6N2s (e). The multi-way importance plot indicates in red that 7 out of the 10 most important substitutions were identified by the analysis using only 4 H6N2s (f).

      Interestingly, when matrix of differences is calculated using only 4 H6N2s data but not including at least one representative of antigenic group 1 and 2, the correlation coefficient between the predicted values and values obtained from the full panel is dramatically impacted (R2 values drops from 0.81 to 0.5 and 0.57. It is important to note that most of the sera also belong to phylogenetic antigens from groups 1 and 2. As a consequence, poorer prediction of those antigens would more drastically impact the correlation. No drastic drop was observed when representative H6N2s from group 3 or 4 were excluded from the data (from 0.81 to 0.75 and 0.73, Author response image 4 c and d).

      Author response image 4.

      Random forest analysis was repeated using only 4 antigens, but excluding representatives of one of the phylogenetic groups (a) no group 1, (b) no group 2, (c) no group 3, and (d) no group 4.

      We also used Euclidean distances as a measure of differences (Author response image 5). The predictive values obtained in rf have a slightly reduced R2 compared to the values obtained using average of differences.

      In conclusion the unbalanced number of antigens used per group and metric of distance does not seem to impact per se our analysis.

      Author response image 5.

      Antigenic distances were calculated using Euclidian distances of sera to sera. Those antigenic distances were used in rf for estimation of antigenic distance and importance of each amino acid substitution.

      (7) Association analysis does not account for correlations

      For each H6N2 virus and position, significance was calculated by comparing the titres between sera that did or did not have a change at that position. This does not take into account the correlations between positions. For haemagglutinin, it can be impossible to determine the true antigenic effects of such correlated substitutions with mutagenesis studies.

      Most of the potential correlated effects cannot be addressed with the panel of N2s, except for combinations of substitution that are included in the panel, such as 245/247 with or without 468. Only mutagenesis studies would shed light on the epistatic effects. However, it is important to keep in mind that those individual substitutions in such kind of study likely do not reflect natural evolution of N2 (cfr. the importance of the NA charge balance (Wang et al., 2021: 10.7554/eLife.72516).

      (8) Random forest method

      25 features are used to classify 43 sera, which seems high (p/3 is typical for classification). By only considering mismatches, rather than the specific amino acid changes, some signals may be lost (for example, at a given position, one amino acid change might be neutral while another has a large antigenic effect). Features may be highly, or perfectly correlated, which will give them a lower reported importance and skew the results.

      The number of features were optimized in the range from 5 to 80, with 25 being optimal (best R-value in predicted vs observed antigenic distances). Those features refer to the number of amino acid substitutions used in each tree. The number of trees was also optimized in the range of 100 to 2000.

      In random forest the matrix of differences is made considering only position based and not the type of substitution in pairs of NA. Indeed, substitutions with distinct effects may skew results by indicating lower reported importance.

      We have highlighted such potential bias in our discussion:

      “Also, our modelling does not consider that substitution by other amino acids can have a distinct impact on the antigenic distance. As a consequence, predictions based on the model could underestimate or overestimate the importance of a particular amino acid residue substitution in some cases.”

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors characterized the antigenicity of N2 protein of 44 selected A(H3N2) influenza A viruses isolated from 2009-2017 using ferret and mice immune sera. Four antigenic groups were identified, which correlated with their respective phylogenic/ genetic groups. Among 102 amino acids differed by the 44 selected N2 proteins, the authors identified residues that differentiate the antigenicity of the four groups and constructed a machine-learning model that provides antigenic distance estimation. Three recent A(H3N2) vaccine strains were tested in the model but there was no experimental data to confirm the model prediction results.


      This study used N2 protein of 44 selected A(H3N2) influenza A viruses isolated from 2009-2017 and generated corresponding panels of ferret and mouse sera to react with the selected strains. The amount of experimental data for N2 antigenicity characterization is large enough for model building.


      The main weakness is that the strategy of selecting 44 A(H3N2) viruses from 2009-2017 was not explained. It is not clear if they represent the overall genetic diversity of human A(H3N2) viruses circulating during this time. A comprehensive N2 phylogenetic tree of human A(H3N2) viruses from 2009-2017, with the selected 44 strains labeled in the tree, would be helpful to assess the representativeness of the strains included in the study.

      The selection of antigens was performed using the method described by Bien and Tibshirani 2011 (doi: 10.1198/jasa.2011.tm10183). This method calculates MinMax distances to identify a central representative among distinct clusters.

      To facilitate visualization of in a phylogenetic tree, only 180 representative N2 proteins from 2009-2017 were randomly selected (20 strains per year, unlabelled). Those 180 representatives and 44 readout panel strains (labelled) are shown in the phylogenetic tree below. Readout strains cover the major branches of the tree. The tree has been built using PhyML 3.0 using JTT substitution model and default parameters (Guindon S. et al, Systematic Biology 59(3):307-21, 2010) and visualized using ETE3 (Huerta-Cepas J. et al, Mol. Biol. Evol 33(6):1635-38, 2016).

      Author response image 6.

      The second weakness is the use of double-immune ferret sera (post-infection plus immunization with recombinant NA protein) or mouse sera (immunized twice with recombinant NA protein) to characterize the antigenicity of the selected A(H3N2) viruses. Conventionally, NA antigenicity is characterized using ferret sera after a single infection. Repeated influenza exposure in ferrets has been shown to enhance antibody binding affinity and may affect the cross-reactivity to heterologous strains (PMID: 29672713). The increased cross-reactivity is supported by the NAI titers shown in Table S3, as many of the double immune ferret sera showed the highest reactivity not against its own homologous virus but to heterologous strains. Although the authors used the post-infection ferret sera to characterize 5 viruses (Figure 2, Figure Supplement 4), the patterns did not correlate well. If the authors repeat the NA antigenic analysis using the post-infection ferret sera with lower cross-reactivity, will the authors be able to identify more antigenic groups instead of 4 groups?

      This is a very valuable remark. In their paper, Kosikova et al. (CID 2018) report that repeated infection of ferrets with antigenically slightly different H3N2 viruses results in a broader anti-HA response, compared to a prime infection of an influenza naïve ferret, which results in a narrower anti-HA response. In our ferret immunizations the boost was performed with recombinant, enzymatically active NA that was homologous to the NA of the H1N2 virus that was used for the priming by infection. We determined the NAI responses in sera from ferrets after H1N2 infection against 5 different H6N2 viruses (Figure 2 – figure supplement 5). Compared to NAI responses in sera from H1N2 infected and subsequently NA protein boosted ferrets, the NAI titers obtained after a single infection were considerably lower. Although the normalized NAI titers of day 14 and day 42 sera correlated well, we cannot exclude a degree of broadening of the NAI response in the NA protein boost sera (Author response image 7). On the other hand, repeated influenza antigen exposure is the reality for the majority of people.

      Author response image 7.

      Correlation obtained on NAI data from ferrets at day 14 after infection vs data from day 42 after boost.

      Another weakness is that the authors used the newly constructed model to predict the antigenic distance of three recent A(H3N2) viruses but there is no experimental data to validate their prediction (eg. if these viruses are indeed antigenically deviating from group 2 strains as concluded by the authors).

      Indeed, there is no experimental data from A/Hong_Kong/45/2018, A/Tasmania/503/2020, or A/Darwin/9/2021. The generation of data to determine experimental values for A/Hong_Kong/45/2018, A/Tasmania/503/2020, or A/Darwin/9/2021 would require the generation of new reassortant viruses (H1N2s), recombinant protein and immunization of new ferrets. The ferrets sera would have to be analyzed against all 27 H6N2s, including duplicated control sera for normalization. The major point of the modeling was to evaluate if it is possible to predict the antigenic behavior based on amino acid substitutions.

      As an exercise we have run the model again but this time excluding the Swe17 and HK17 antigens from the data set. Sequences of Sw17 or HK17 were then used to predict antigenic distances. The modeled versus experimental data are plotted in Author response image 8 and show a robust predictive outcome with R2 values of 0.94 and 0.91 for Sw17 and HK17, respectively.

      Author response image 8.

      Antigenic distances from Swe17 and HK17 calculated using the random forest algorithm that was constructed without experimental data from Swe17 and HK17. The predicted distances were plotted side by side to the experimental distances in (a) and correlations are shown in (b).

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This paper by Portela Catani et al examines the antigenic relationships (measured using monotypic ferret and mouse sera) across a panel of N2 genes from the past 14 years, along with the underlying sequence differences and phylogenetic relationships. This is a highly significant topic given the recent increased appreciation of the importance of NA as a vaccine target, and the relative lack of information about NA antigenic evolution compared with what is known about HA. Thus, these data will be of interest to those studying the antigenic evolution of influenza viruses. The methods used are generally quite sound, though there are a few addressable concerns that limit the confidence with which conclusions can be drawn from the data/analyses.


      • The significance of the work, and the (general) soundness of the methods.

      • Explicit comparison of results obtained with mouse and ferret sera.


      • Approach for assessing the influence of individual polymorphisms on antigenicity does not account for the potential effects of epistasis.

      Indeed, possible epistatic effects or individual polymorphisms were not assessed, which is limited by the nature of the panel of N2s selected in the study. We now emphasize this in the discussion as follows:

      “Also, our modelling does not consider that substitution by different amino acids can have distinct impact on antigenic distance. As a consequence, predictions based on the model could underestimate the importance of a particular amino acid residue substitution in some cases.”

      • Machine learning analyses were neither experimentally validated nor shown to be better than simple, phylogenetic-based inference.

      This is a valid remark and indeed we have found a clear correlation between NAI cross reactivity and phylogenetic relatedness. However, besides achieving good prediction of the experimental data (as shown in Figure 5 and in FigureR7), machine Learning analysis has the potential to rank or indicate major antigenic divergences based on available sequences before it has consolidated as new clade. ML can also support the selection and design of broader reactive antigens.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Major corrections

      No major corrections, beyond the issues I touched on in the public review, for which I give a little more detail below:

      Point 2. If there's not a putative genetic basis for the unexpected clustering seen in the NAI, then reiterating a small subset of the data would show the reliability of the experimental methods and substantiate this unexpected finding.

      We thank the reviewer for this pertinent point and suggestion. We have modified our analysis by reiterating individual ferret data normalized with the homologous ELISA titers. This reiteration is shown in figure R1b. In this case both Kan17 and Wis15 are switched to antigenic group 2. The profile of sera inhibition against those 2 strains that shift from antigenic cluster 1 to 2, is clearly an intermediate between profiles observed in those 2 groups. Considering that antigenic evolution occurs gradually, it is not unexpected that those intermediate profiles would swing from one side to another when pushed to forced discrimination. Antigenic cartography mapping, as in Smith et al. (2004), also indicated that those H6N2s are located closer to G1 than overall antigens from G2. Raw data distribution (max and min EC50) also do not indicate potential bias in analysis.

      Point 5. If you want to use antigenic cartography (Smith et al 2004), there is the R CRAN package (https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=Racmacs) which can handle threshold titres (like <20) and has functions for the diagnostic tools I describe, in order to quality assure the resulting plot. It does use a different antigenic distance metric than the paper currently uses, so you might not want to take that route.

      Thank you for this suggestion. We have performed antigenic cartography using the methodology described by Smith et al made accessible by Sam Wilks. The outcome of this analysis has been added to the manuscript as Figure 2 – Figure supplement 3.

      Point 6. More robust measures of antigenic distance take into account the homologous titre, homologous and heterologous titres (Archetti & Horsfall, 1950) or use the highest observed titre for a serum (Smith et al 2004). A limitation of the first two is that the antigenic distance can only be calculated when you have the homologous titre, which will limit you as you only have this for 26/43 sera. They may give similar results to your average antigenic distance, in which case your analysis still stands. Calculating antigenic distance using the homologous or maximum titre only gives the antigenic distance between the antigen and the serum. If you want the distance between all the sera, then further analysis is required (making an antigenic map and outputting the serum-serum distances, see the point above).

      We thank the reviewer for these suggestions. A complete set of 43 H6N2 viruses that matches all 43 sera would have been ideal. This would require the generation of 17 additional H6N2 viruses and their testing in ELLA, a significant amount of work in terms of time and resources. Instead, we have generated an antigenic map of the 27 antigens and homologous sera (cfr. our response to point 5 above). Despite different methods the outcome showing 4 major antigenic groups is consistent.

      Minor corrections

      Table S1

      A/New_Castle/67/2016 should be A/Newcastle/67/2016

      A/Gambia/2012 is not the full virus name


      Table S3 has multiple values of exactly 10.0. I think these should be <20 as they are below the threshold of detection for the assay.

      All the values lower than 20 in Table S3 were replaced by “< 20”.

      Line 376: A/Sidney/5/1997 should be A/Sydney/5/1997


      Line 338: "25 randomly sampled data" is a bit vague, "25 randomly sampled features" would be better


      Include RMSE of the random forest model.

      RMSE=19.6 RMSE/mean = 0.207 is now mentioned in the manuscript.

      Figure 5 - supplement 1: These plots are difficult to interpret as the aspect ratio is not 1:1, and panels a & b are difficult to compare as they have not been aligned (using a Procrustes analysis). It would be neater if they were labelled with short names.

      We have generated an antigenic cartography map instead. As a consequence, the MDS has become redundant and Figure 5 – supplement 1 was removed.

      Line 562: 98 variable residues, where it is 102 elsewhere in the text.

      There are 4 mutations near the end of the NA stalk domain, which are not resolved in the N2 structure. Therefore, amino acid distances to these residues cannot be calculated.

      No data availability statement. Some of the raw data is available in Table S3 and there is no link to the code.

      The data and code used for generation of rf modelling was uploaded to Github and made available. The following statement has been added to the manuscript: “The data and code used for the generation of the rf model is available at https://github.com/SaelensLAB/RF..”

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) More than 42,000 NA sequences are available for the mentioned period on GISAID, it is therefore important to understand the selection criteria for the 44 strains and if these strains represent the overall genetic diversity of N2 of human A(H3N2) viruses. To demonstrate the representativeness of the 44 selected strains, please construct a representative N2 phylogenetic tree for human A(H3N2) viruses circulated in 2009-2017 and label the 44 selected strains on the tree.

      The selection of antigens was performed using the method described by Bien and Tibshirani 2011 (doi: 10.1198/jasa.2011.tm10183). This method uses MinMax distances to identify a central representative among distinct clusters.

      To facilitate visualization tree only of 180 representative N2 proteins from 2009-2017 were randomly selected (20 strains per year, unlabelled). Those 180 representatives and 44 readout panel strains (labelled) are shown in the phylogenetic tree below. Readout strains cover the major branches of the tree. The tree has been built using PhyML 3.0 using JTT substitution model and default parameters (Guindon S. et al, Systematic Biology 59(3):307-21, 2010) and visualized using ETE3 (Huerta-Cepas J. et al, Mol. Biol. Evol 33(6):1635-38, 2016).

      Author response image 9.

      (2) Double immune ferret sera may increase antibody binding affinity and cross-reactivity against heterologous strains. Using single-infection ferret sera may yield different antigenic grouping results (eg. may identify more antigenic groups). Can the authors repeat the NA antigenic grouping using single-infection ferret sera? Although data from a subset of 5 strains was presented (Figure 2, Figure Supplement 4), the information was not sufficient to support if the use of single-infection or double immune ferret sera will yield similar antigenic grouping results.

      In our ferret immunizations the boost was performed with recombinant, enzymatically active NA that was homologous to the NA of the H1N2 virus that was used for the priming by infection. We determined the NAI responses in sera from ferrets after H1N2 infection against 5 different H6N2 viruses (Figure 2 – figure supplement 5). Compared to NAI responses in sera from H1N2 infected and subsequently NA protein boosted ferrets, the NAI titers obtained after a single infection were considerably lower. Although the normalized NAI titers of day 14 and day 42 sera correlated well, we cannot exclude a degree of broadening of the NAI response in the NA protein boost sera (Figure R6). On the other hand, repeated influenza antigen exposure is the reality for the majority of people.

      (3) NA antigenicity data is presented in heat maps and the authors would often describe the heat map patterns matches without further explanations. Line 234-235, the heat map of mouse sera (Figure 2. Figure supplement 5) was described to match the results of ferret sera (Figure 2), but this tends to be subjective. A correlation analysis of 7 selected antigens showed a positive correlation, what about the other 37 antigens?

      The interpretation of heatmaps is indeed very subjective, for this reason the correlation of the 7 selected antigens was also provided. The other 37 antigens were not tested. Considering the results using post boost sera, a simulation of using random forest modeling indicate that the data from one antigen of each antigenic group is sufficient to achieve a reliable predictive output (R2=0.71) (Figure R3 of this rebuttal).

      (4) Can the authors explain in more detail how data in Figure 4a was generated? According to the authors, residues close to the catalytic pocket are more likely to impact NAI. Can the authors explain how they define if a residue is close to the catalytic pocket?

      The correlation of distances of amino acid residues with significance values is explained as follows. Consider 7 distinct elements that are distributed horizontally as shown by the squares in the figure below (Author response image 10a). The elements highlighted in yellow have a numerical propriety (in case of N2 neuraminidase this was the significance values obtained in the association study). Taking P1 as reference we can calculate the distance (red arrows) between P1 and P2, P4 and P7, those distances can them be correlated to intrinsic values of P2, P4 and P7, which enables the calculation of the correlation coefficient Tau. This same process is repeated for each position (or each amino acid), as a consequence every position will have a correlation coefficient calculated (Author response image 8b). This correlation coefficient can be represented as a heat map at the surface of N2.

      Author response image 10.

      The 2D scheme represents the strategy used to calculate the correlation (i.e. the Tau values) between distances and p-values. Tau values can then be presented in a heat map.

      (5) Can the authors provide experimental data using the three recent A(H3N2) viruses as antigens and perform NAI assay to confirm if they are antigenic all deviating from group 2 viruses?

      The generation of data to determine experimental values for A/Hong_Kong/45/2018, A/Tasmania/503/2020, or A/Darwin/9/2021 would require the generation of new reassortant viruses (H1N2s), recombinant protein and immunization of new ferrets. The ferrets sera would have to be analyzed against all 27 H6N2s, including duplicated control sera for normalization. The major point of the modeling was to evaluate if it is possible to predict the antigenic behavior based on amino acid substitutions.

      As an exercise we have run the model again but this time excluding the Swe17 and HK17 antigens from the data set. Sequences of Sw17 or HK17 were then used to predict antigenic distances. The modeled versus experimental data are plotted in Author response image 7 and show a robust predictive outcome with R2 values of 0.94 and 0.91 for Sw17 and HK17, respectively.

      (6) According to Ge et al. 2022 (PMID: 35387078), N2 NA's before 2014 (2007-2013) showed a 329-N-glycosylation and E344, and they were subsequently replaced by H3N2 viruses with E344K and 329 non-glycosylation changing the NI reactivity in ferret antisera towards later strains. Were these residues also predicted to be important to N2 antigenicity from your machine-learning method?

      Three of the N2 NAs used in our panel, A/Victoria/361/2011, A/Hong_Kong/3089/2017, and A/Tennessee/18/2017, lack this N-glycosylation motif. The E344K substitution is present in another 3 NAs, derived from A/Nagano/2153/2017, A/Minnesota/11/2010, and A/Indiana/08/2011. The importance of those mutations is among the lowest ones predicted in our modeling. However, the differences in NAI reported by Ge et al. are low (not even twofold). The experimental variability in our study potentially limits the identification of substitutions with a subtle impact NAI. We have added the following to the discussion in our revised manuscript:

      “It has been reported that an N-glycosylation site at position 329 combined with E344 in NA from human H3N2 viruses from 2007 to 2013 was gradually lost in later H3N2 viruses (Ge et al., 2022). This loss of an N-glycosylation site at position 329 combined with an E344K substitution was associated with a change in NAI reactivity in ferret sera. Three N2 NAs in our panel, derived from A/Victoria/361/2011, A/Hong_Kong/3089/2017, and A/Tennessee/18/2017, lack this N-glycosylation motif. The E344K substitution is present in three other NAs, derived from A/Nagano/2153/2017, A/Minnesota/11/2010, and A/Indiana/08/2011. The importance of those mutations is among the lowest ones predicted by our modeling. However, the differences in NAI reported by Ge et al. are very modest (lower than twofold). The experimental variability in our study potentially limits the identification of substitutions with a subtle impact NAI.”

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Specific suggestions:

      Line 132: Did the authors confirm the absence of compensatory mutations due to a heterologous H6 background that could potentially confound downstream NAI results?

      All NAs genes of the rescued H6N2 viruses were fully sequenced and were found to be identical to the expected NA sequences, with the only exception being the A/Tasmania/1018/2015 were a mixed population of wt and M467I was found. This substitution is located at the surface and at the top of the NA head domain, and thus could potentially impact NA antigenicity. However, A/Tasmania/1018/2015 H6N2s had a similar inhibition profile as other H6N2s in phylogenetic and antigenic group 1. This indicates that, at least in this mixed population, antigenicity was not drastically affected by the M467I substitution.

      Line 96: how do these data rule out variation in the fraction of properly folded protein across NAs? They certainly show that properly folded NA protein is present, but not whether amounts vary between the different NAs.

      SEC-MALS (size exclusion chromatography-Multiangle light scattering) data and enzymatic activity were considered as a proxy for correctly folded NA. Although the specific activity of the recombinant N2 NAs is expressed per mass unit (microgram), we cannot exclude that the fraction of properly folded protein across the different recombinant NAs may vary.

      Lines 262-269: this analysis approach (based on my reading) seems to consider each polymorphism in isolation and thus does not seem well suited for accounting for epistatic interactions within the NA. For example, the effect of a substitution on NAI may be contingent upon other alleles within NA that are not cleanly segregated between the two serum comparator groups. Can the authors address the potential of epistasis within NA to confound the results shown in Figure 3?

      Unfortunately, epistatic interactions cannot be solved using the panel of N2 selected for the study. This limitation is mentioned in our discussion:

      “It is important to highlight that co-occurring substitutions in our panel (the ones present in the main branches of the phylogenetic tree) cannot be individually assessed by association analysis or the random forest model. The individual weight of those mutation on NA drift thus remains to be experimentally demonstrated.”

      Line 331: is there a way to visualize and/or quantify how these two plots (F5 supplement 1a/b) reflect each other or not? Without this, it is hard to ascertain how they relate to each other.

      We have generated an antigenic cartography map instead. As a consequence, the MDS has become redundant and Figure 5 – supplement 1 was removed.

      Figure 4B structural images are not well labelled.

      The active site in 1 of the protomers is now indicated with an arrow in the top and side views of the NA tetramer.

      Lines 339-359: the ML predictions are just predictions and kind of meaningless without experimental validation of the predicted antigenic differences between recent NAs. This section would also be strengthened by an assessment of whether the ML approach obtains more accurate results than simply using phylogeny to predict antigenic relationships.

      Indeed, there is no experimental data from A/Hong_Kong/45/2018, A/Tasmania/503/2020, or A/Darwin/9/2021. The generation of data to determine experimental values for A/Hong_Kong/45/2018, A/Tasmania/503/2020, or A/Darwin/9/2021 would require the generation of new reassortant viruses (H1N2s), recombinant protein and immunization of new ferrets. The ferrets sera would have to be analyzed against all 27 H6N2s, including duplicated control sera for normalization. The major point of the modeling was to evaluate if it is possible to predict the antigenic behavior based on amino acid substitutions.

      As an exercise we have run the model again but this time excluding the Swe17 and HK17 antigens from the data set. Sequences of Sw17 or HK17 were then used to predict antigenic distances. The modeled versus experimental data are plotted in figure R7 and show a robust predictive outcome with R2 values of 0.94 and 0.91 for Sw17 and HK17, respectively. A major advantage of antigenic modeling is the potential to rank or indicate major antigenic divergences based on available sequences before it has consolidated as new clade. The support in selecting or designing broader reactive antigens is another advantage of machine learning analysis.

      Lines 416-421: appreciate the direct comparison of results obtained from ferrets versus mice.

      We thank the reviewer for expressing this appreciation.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The modeling approaches are very sophisticated, and clearly demonstrate the selective nature of acute ketamine to reduce the impact of trial losses on subsequent performance, relative to neutral or gain outcomes. The authors then, not unreasonably, suggest that this effect is important in the context of the negative bias in interpreting events that is prominent in depression, in that if ketamine reduces the ability of negative outcomes to alter behavior, this may be a mechanism for its rapid acting antidepressant effects.

      However, there is a very strong assumption in this regard, as shown by the first sentence of the discussion which implies this is a systematic study of ketamine's acute antidepressant effects. In actuality, this is a study of the acute effects of ketamine on reinforcement learning (RL) modeled parameters. A primary concern here is that an effect presented as a "robust antidepressant-like behavioral effect" should be more enduring than just an alteration during the acute administration. As it is, the link to an "anti-depressant effect" is based solely on the selective effects on losses. This is not to say this is not an interesting observation, worthy of exploration. It is noted that a similar lack of enduring effects on outcome evaluation is observed in humans, as shown in supplemental fig. S4, but there is not accompanying citation for the human work.

      We agree with the reviewer that the way we linked the study results to ketamine’s antidepressant action can be misleading and based on a rather strong assumption which was not systematically tested in the study. We made the following changes to the manuscript:

      (1) These results constitute a rare report of a robust antidepressant-like behavioral effect produced by therapeutic doses of ketamine during acute phase (<1 hour) after injection (Introduction, 3rd paragraph, line 8-9 in the original manuscript).

      Changed to: These results constitute a rare report of an acute effect of therapeutic dose of ketamine on the processing of affectively negative events during dynamic decision-making.

      (2) We clarified in the Discussion that our study is to gain insights into, but not a systematic investigation of ketamine’s antidepressant action as follows:

      (2.1) A sentence was added (1st paragraph of Discussion): Using a token-based decision task and extensive computational modeling, we examined the behavioral modulation induced by therapeutic doses of ketamine to gain insights into possible early signs of ketamine’s antidepressant activity.

      (2.2) Consistent with the findings from humans, ketamine’s effect on outcome evaluation was acute and did not last over subsequent days (Supplemental Figure S4) (Discussion, 2nd paragraph, line 6-7 in the original manuscript).

      Changed to: While ketamine’s antidepressant effect is reported to be sustained over a week of period (5), ketamine’s effect on outcome evaluation was acute and did not last over subsequent days (Supplemental Figure S4). This discrepancy might be attributable to the possible differences in the state of brain network between healthy subjects and those with depression as well as the type of measures taken to assess ketamine’s effect.

      (2.3) A sentence was added (Discussion, last sentence of the 2nd paragraph) : Nevertheless, systematic studies are required to understand whether the reduced aversiveness to loss in our task might share the same mechanisms that underlie ketamine’s antidepressant action.

      One question that comes to mind in terms of the selectivity observed is whether similar work has been done to examine the acute effects of any other drugs. If ketamine is unique in this regard, that would be quite interesting.

      We think this is an interesting idea. However, comparing ketamine’s effect to that of other drugs is not the scope of the current study. We hope that we will be able to answer this question with future studies.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Oemisch and Seo set out to examine the effects of low-dose ketamine on reinforcement learning, with the idea that alterations in reinforcement learning and/or motivation might inform our understanding of what alterations co-occur with potential antidepressant effects. Macaques performed a reinforced/punished matching pennies task while under effects of saline or ketamine administration and the data were fit to a series of reinforcement learning models to determine which model described behavior under saline most closely and then what parameters of this best-fitting model were altered by ketamine. They found a mixed effect, with two out of three macaques primarily exhibiting an effect of ketamine on processing of losses and one out of three macaques exhibiting an effect of ketamine on processing of losses and perseveration. They found that these effects of ketamine appeared to be dissociable from the nystagmus effects of the ketamine.

      The findings are novel and the data suggesting that ketamine is primarily having its effects on processing of losses (under the procedures used) are solid. However, it is unclear whether the connection between processing of losses and the antidepressant effects of ketamine is justified and the current findings may be more useful for those studying reinforcement learning than those studying depression and antidepressant effects. In addition, the co-occurrence of different behavioral procedures with different patterns of ketamine effects, with one macaque tested with different parameters than the other two exhibiting effects of ketamine that were best fit with a different model than the other two macaques, suggests that there may be difficulty in generalizing these findings to reinforcement learning more generally.

      (1) First, the authors should be more explicit and careful in the connection they are trying to make about the link between loss processing and depression. The authors call their effect a "robust antidepressant-like behavioral effect" but there are no references to support this or discussion of how the altered loss processing would relate directly to the antidepressant effects.

      We agree with the reviewer’s point on the way we made the connection between the study results and ketamine’s antidepressant action. This concern overlaps with the reviewer #1’s concern. Please refer to our response 2, 2-1, 2-2 and 2-3.

      (2) It appears that the monkey P was given smaller rewards and punishers than the other two monkeys and this monkey had an effect of ketamine on perseveration that was not observed in the other two monkeys. Is this believed to be due to the different task, or was this animal given a different task because of some behavioral differences that preceded the experiment? The authors should also discuss what these differences may mean for the generality of their findings. For example, might there be some set of parameters where ketamine would only alter perseveration and not processing of losses?

      Although the best-fitting ketamine model for monkey P includes an additional element – perseveration, we believe that monkey P’s baseline behavior and ketamine’s effect are not significantly different from the other two monkeys for the following reasons.

      First, monkey P was the first animal that we tested ketamine’s effect, and therefore we aimed to match the other two monkeys’ baseline behavior similar to monkey P’s behavior in order to reduce variability in ketamine’s effect potentially attributable to the difference in baseline behavior before pharmacological manipulation. We had to adjust the payoff matrix for the subsequent animals (Y and B) because these monkeys were more sensitive to loss, and seldom chose “risky” target (yielding loss). In order to make the other two monkeys’ behavior similar to that of monkey P, we adjusted the asymmetry between the risky and the safe target in the way that loss (neutral) outcome occurred from the safe (risky) target as well. Eventually, this adjustment made the baseline behavior similar across all three monkeys. The goal of the study was to reliably measure the ketamine’s effect, and not to study individual differences that can naturally occur with the same task parameters. Therefore, we believe that the adjustment of payoff matrix helped to reliably detect ketamine’s effect starting from the common baseline behavior.

      Second, the best-fitting model for monkey P (K-model 7) and that for the other two monkeys (K-model 4) make very similar predictions both qualitatively and quantitatively as are seen in the revised Figure 4. The parameters for outcome values estimated from these two models in monkey P are very similar as is seen in the revised Table 3. In addition, the difference in BIC between the model which includes only perseveration modulation (K-model 6) and the model incorporating outcome value modulation as well (K-model 7) is 441, whereas the difference in BIC between K-model 7 and the model that includes only outcome value modulation (K-model 4) is as small as 4. These BIC results indicate that the variability explained by ketamine’s modulation of outcome evaluation is remarkably larger that that explained by its modulation of perseveration in monkey P.

      Therefore, we conclude that ketamine’s effect was not significantly different between monkey P and the other two monkeys. We clarified this in the revised manuscript by adding the following paragraph in the Result section:

      “Unlike monkey Y and B, the best-fitting model for monkey P indicated that ketamine increased overall tendency to switch choice in addition to outcome-dependent modulation of outcome evaluation. However, BIC differed only slightly (dBIC = 3.99) between the best-fitting (K-model 7) and the second-best model (K-model 4) and the model predictions for choice behavior were very similar both qualitatively and quantitatively (Table 3, Figure 4). We conclude that the behavioral effects of ketamine were consistent across all three monkeys.”

      (3) The authors should discuss whether the plasma ketamine levels they observed are similar to those seen with rapid antidepressant ketamine or are higher or lower.

      We added a sentence in the first paragraph of the Result section as follows with a reference.

      “Plasma concentration and its time course over 60 minutes were also comparable to those measured after 0.5mg/kg in human subjects (35).”

      (35) Zarate CA, Brutsche N, Laje G, Luckenbaugh DA, Venkata SLV, Ramamoorthy A, et al (2012): Relationship of ketamine’s plasma metabolites with response, diagnosis, and side effects in major depression. Biol Psychiatry, 72: 331-338.

      (4) For Figure 4 or S3, the authors should show the data fitted to model 7, which was the best for one of the animals.

      We added the parameters and model predictions from both K-model 7 and K-model 4 for monkey P to help comparison between two models in Table 3, and Figure 4. Revised Table 3 and Figure 4 are as follows:

      Author response table 1.

      Maximum likelihood parameter estimates of the best models for saline and ketamine sessions.

      In all three animals, the model incorporating valence-dependent change in outcome evaluation best fit the choice data from ketamine sessions with (K-model 7 in the parenthesis, P) or without (K-model 4, P and Y/B) additional change in the tendency of choice perseveration (Figure 3, Table 3).

      Author response image 1.

      ketamine-induced behavioral modulation simulated with differential forgetting model (for saline session) and best-fitting K-model (for ketamine session).

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Comments

      Reviewer 1

      (1) Despite the well-established role of Netrin-1 and UNC5C axon guidance during embryonic commissural axons, it remains unclear which cell type(s) express Netrin-1 or UNC5C in the dopaminergic axons and their targets. For instance, the data in Figure 1F-G and Figure 2 are quite confusing. Does Netrin-1 or UNC5C express in all cell types or only dopamine-positive neurons in these two mouse models? It will also be important to provide quantitative assessments of UNC5C expression in dopaminergic axons at different ages.

      Netrin-1 is a secreted protein and in this manuscript we did not examine what cell types express Netrin-1. This question is not the focus of the study and we consider it irrelevant to the main issue we are addressing, which is where in the forebrain regions we examined Netrin-1+ cells are present. As per the reviewer’s request we include below images showing Netrin-1 protein and Netrin-1 mRNA expression in the forebrain. In Figure 1 below, we show a high magnification immunofluorescent image of a coronal forebrain section showing Netrin-1 protein expression.

      Author response image 1.

      This confocal microscope image shows immunofluorescent staining for Netrin-1 (green) localized around cell nuclei (stained by DAPI in blue). This image was taken from a coronal section of the lateral septum of an adult male mouse. Scale bar = 20µm

      In Author response images 2 and 3 below we show low and high magnification images from an RNAscope experiment confirming that cells in the forebrain regions examined express Netrin-1 mRNA.

      Author response image 2.

      This confocal microscope image of a coronal brain section of the medial prefrontal cortex of an adult male mouse shows Netrin-1 mRNA expression (green) and cell nuclei (DAPI, blue). Brain regions are as follows: Cg1: Anterior cingulate cortex 1, DP: dorsopeduncular cortex, fmi: forceps minor of the corpus callosum, IL: Infralimbic Cortex, PrL: Prelimbic Cortex

      Author response image 3.

      A higher resolution image from the same sample as in Figure 2 shows Netrin-1 mRNA (green) and cell nuclei (DAPI; blue). DP = dorsopeduncular cortex

      Regarding UNC5c, this receptor homologue is expressed by dopamine neurons in the rodent ventral tegmental area (Daubaras et al., 2014; Manitt et al., 2010; Phillips et al., 2022). This does not preclude UNC5c expression in other cell types. UNC5c receptors are ubiquitously expressed in the brain throughout development, performing many different developmental functions (Kim and Ackerman, 2011; Murcia-Belmonte et al., 2019; Srivatsa et al., 2014). In this study we are interested in UNC5c expression by dopamine neurons, and particularly by their axons projecting to the nucleus accumbens. We therefore used immunofluorescent staining in the nucleus accumbens, showing UNC5 expression in TH+ axons. This work adds to the study by Manitt et al., 2010, which examined UNC5 expression in the VTA. Manitt et al. used Western blotting to demonstrate that UNC5 expression in VTA dopamine neurons increases during adolescence, as can be seen in the following figure:


      Daubaras M, Bo GD, Flores C. 2014. Target-dependent expression of the netrin-1 receptor, UNC5C, in projection neurons of the ventral tegmental area. Neuroscience 260:36–46. doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2013.12.007

      Kim D, Ackerman SL. 2011. The UNC5C Netrin Receptor Regulates Dorsal Guidance of Mouse Hindbrain Axons. J Neurosci 31:2167–2179. doi:10.1523/jneurosci.5254-10.20110.2011

      Manitt C, Labelle-Dumais C, Eng C, Grant A, Mimee A, Stroh T, Flores C. 2010. Peri-Pubertal Emergence of UNC-5 Homologue Expression by Dopamine Neurons in Rodents. PLoS ONE 5:e11463-14. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011463

      Murcia-Belmonte V, Coca Y, Vegar C, Negueruela S, Romero C de J, Valiño AJ, Sala S, DaSilva R, Kania A, Borrell V, Martinez LM, Erskine L, Herrera E. 2019. A Retino-retinal Projection Guided by Unc5c Emerged in Species with Retinal Waves. Current Biology 29:1149-1160.e4. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2019.02.052

      Phillips RA, Tuscher JJ, Black SL, Andraka E, Fitzgerald ND, Ianov L, Day JJ. 2022. An atlas of transcriptionally defined cell populations in the rat ventral tegmental area. Cell Reports 39:110616. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110616

      Srivatsa S, Parthasarathy S, Britanova O, Bormuth I, Donahoo A-L, Ackerman SL, Richards LJ, Tarabykin V. 2014. Unc5C and DCC act downstream of Ctip2 and Satb2 and contribute to corpus callosum formation. Nat Commun 5:3708. doi:10.1038/ncomms4708

      (2) Figure 1 used shRNA to knockdown Netrin-1 in the Septum and these mice were subjected to behavioral testing. These results, again, are not supported by any valid data that the knockdown approach actually worked in dopaminergic axons. It is also unclear whether knocking down Netrin-1 in the septum will re-route dopaminergic axons or lead to cell death in the dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta?

      First we want to clarify and emphasize, that our knockdown approach was not designed to knock down Netrin-1 in dopamine neurons or their axons. Our goal was to knock down Netrin-1 expression in cells expressing this guidance cue gene in the dorsal peduncular cortex.

      We have previously established the efficacy of the shRNA Netrin-1 knockdown virus used in this experiment for reducing the expression of Netrin-1 (Cuesta et al., 2020). The shRNA reduces Netrin-1 levels in vitro and in vivo.

      We agree that our experiments do not address the fate of the dopamine axons that are misrouted away from the medial prefrontal cortex. This research is ongoing, and we have now added a note regarding this to our manuscript.

      Our current hypothesis, based on experiments being conducted as part of another line of research in the lab, is that these axons are rerouted to a different brain region which they then ectopically innervate. In these experiments we are finding that male mice exposed to tetrahydrocannabinol in adolescence show reduced dopamine innervation in the medial prefrontal cortex in adulthood but increased dopamine input in the orbitofrontal cortex. In addition, these mice show increased action impulsivity in the Go/No-Go task in adulthood (Capolicchio et al., Society for Neuroscience 2023 Abstracts)


      Capolicchio T., Hernandez, G., Dube, E., Estrada, K., Giroux, M., Flores, C. (2023) Divergent outcomes of delta 9 - tetrahydrocannabinol in adolescence on dopamine and cognitive development in male and female mice. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, United States [abstract].

      Cuesta S, Nouel D, Reynolds LM, Morgunova A, Torres-Berrío A, White A, Hernandez G, Cooper HM, Flores C. 2020. Dopamine Axon Targeting in the Nucleus Accumbens in Adolescence Requires Netrin-1. Frontiers Cell Dev Biology 8:487. doi:10.3389/fcell.2020.00487

      (3) Another issue with Figure1J. It is unclear whether the viruses were injected into a WT mouse model or into a Cre-mouse model driven by a promoter specifically expresses in dorsal peduncular cortex? The authors should provide evidence that Netrin-1 mRNA and proteins are indeed significantly reduced. The authors should address the anatomic results of the area of virus diffusion to confirm the virus specifically infected the cells in dorsal peduncular cortex.

      All the virus knockdown experiments were conducted in wild type mice, we added this information to Figure 1k.

      The efficacy of the shRNA in knocking down Netrin-1 was demonstrated by Cuesta et al. (2020) both in vitro and in vivo, as we show in our response to the reviewer’s previous comment above.

      We also now provide anatomical images demonstrating the localization of the injection and area of virus diffusion in the mouse forebrain. In Author response image 4 below the area of virus diffusion is visible as green fluorescent signal.

      Author response image 4.

      Fluorescent microscopy image of a mouse forebrain demonstrating the localization of the injection of a virus to knock down Netrin-1. The location of the virus is in green, while cell nuclei are in blue (DAPI). Abbreviations: DP: dorsopeduncular cortex IL: infralimbic cortex


      Cuesta S, Nouel D, Reynolds LM, Morgunova A, Torres-Berrío A, White A, Hernandez G, Cooper HM, Flores C. 2020. Dopamine Axon Targeting in the Nucleus Accumbens in Adolescence Requires Netrin-1. Frontiers Cell Dev Biology 8:487. doi:10.3389/fcell.2020.00487

      (4) The authors need to provide information regarding the efficiency and duration of knocking down. For instance, in Figure 1K, the mice were tested after 53 days post injection, can the virus activity in the brain last for such a long time?

      In our study we are interested in the role of Netrin-1 expression in the guidance of dopamine axons from the nucleus accumbens to the medial prefrontal cortex. The critical window for these axons leaving the nucleus accumbens and growing to the cortex is early adolescence (Reynolds et al., 2018b). This is why we injected the virus at the onset of adolescence, at postnatal day 21. As dopamine axons grow from the nucleus accumbens to the prefrontal cortex, they pass through the dorsal peduncular cortex. We disrupted Netrin-1 expression at this point along their route to determine whether it is the Netrin-1 present along their route that guides these axons to the prefrontal cortex. We hypothesized that the shRNA Netrin-1 virus would disrupt the growth of the dopamine axons, reducing the number of axons that reach the prefrontal cortex and therefore the number of axons that innervate this region in adulthood.

      We conducted our behavioural tests during adulthood, after the critical window during which dopamine axon growth occurs, so as to observe the enduring behavioral consequences of this misrouting. This experimental approach is designed for the shRNa Netrin-1 virus to be expressed in cells in the dorsopeduncular cortex when the dopamine axons are growing, during adolescence.


      Capolicchio T., Hernandez, G., Dube, E., Estrada, K., Giroux, M., Flores, C. (2023) Divergent outcomes of delta 9 - tetrahydrocannabinol in adolescence on dopamine and cognitive development in male and female mice. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, United States [abstract].

      Reynolds LM, Yetnikoff L, Pokinko M, Wodzinski M, Epelbaum JG, Lambert LC, Cossette M-P, Arvanitogiannis A, Flores C. 2018b. Early Adolescence is a Critical Period for the Maturation of Inhibitory Behavior. Cerebral cortex 29:3676–3686. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhy247

      (5) In Figure 1N-Q, silencing Netrin-1 results in less DA axons targeting to infralimbic cortex, but why the Netrin-1 knocking down mice revealed the improved behavior?

      This is indeed an intriguing finding, and we have now added a mention of it to our manuscript. We have demonstrated that misrouting dopamine axons away from the medial prefrontal cortex during adolescence alters behaviour, but why this improves their action impulsivity ability is something currently unknown to us. One potential answer is that the dopamine axons are misrouted to a different brain region that is also involved in controlling impulsive behaviour, perhaps the dorsal striatum (Kim and Im, 2019) or the orbital prefrontal cortex (Jonker et al., 2015).

      We would also like to note that we are finding that other manipulations that appear to reroute dopamine axons to unintended targets can lead to reduced action impulsivity as measured using the Go No Go task. As we mentioned above, current experiments in the lab, which are part of a different line of research, are showing that male mice exposed to tetrahydrocannabinol in adolescence show reduced dopamine innervation in the medial prefrontal cortex in adulthood, but increased dopamine input in the orbitofrontal cortex. In addition, these mice show increased action impulsivity in the Go/No-Go task in adulthood (Capolicchio et al., Society for Neuroscience 2023 Abstracts)


      Capolicchio T., Hernandez, G., Dube, E., Estrada, K., Giroux, M., Flores, C. (2023) Divergent outcomes of delta 9 - tetrahydrocannabinol in adolescence on dopamine and cognitive development in male and female mice. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, United States [abstract].

      Jonker FA, Jonker C, Scheltens P, Scherder EJA. 2015. The role of the orbitofrontal cortex in cognition and behavior. Rev Neurosci 26:1–11. doi:10.1515/revneuro2014-0043 Kim B, Im H. 2019. The role of the dorsal striatum in choice impulsivity. Ann N York Acad Sci 1451:92–111. doi:10.1111/nyas.13961

      (6) What is the effect of knocking down UNC5C on dopamine axons guidance to the cortex?

      We have found that mice that are heterozygous for a nonsense Unc5c mutation, and as a result have reduced levels of UNC5c protein, show reduced amphetamine-induced locomotion and stereotypy (Auger et al., 2013). In the same manuscript we show that this effect only emerges during adolescence, in concert with the growth of dopamine axons to the prefrontal cortex. This is indirect but strong evidence that UNC5c receptors are necessary for correct adolescent dopamine axon development.


      Auger ML, Schmidt ERE, Manitt C, Dal-Bo G, Pasterkamp RJ, Flores C. 2013. unc5c haploinsufficient phenotype: striking similarities with the dcc haploinsufficiency model. European Journal of Neuroscience 38:2853–2863. doi:10.1111/ejn.12270

      (7) In Figures 2-4, the authors only showed the amount of DA axons and UNC5C in NAcc. However, it remains unclear whether these experiments also impact the projections of dopaminergic axons to other brain regions, critical for the behavioral phenotypes. What about other brain regions such as prefrontal cortex? Do the projection of DA axons and UNC5c level in cortex have similar pattern to those in NAcc?

      UNC5c receptors are expressed throughout development and are involved in many developmental processes (Kim and Ackerman, 2011; Murcia-Belmonte et al., 2019; Srivatsa et al., 2014). We cannot say whether the pattern we observe here is unique to the nucleus accumbens, but it is certainly not universal throughout the brain.

      The brain region we focus on in our manuscript, in addition to the nucleus accumbens, is the medial prefrontal cortex. Close and thorough examination of the prefrontal cortices of adult mice revealed practically no UNC5c expression by dopamine axons. However, we did observe very rare cases of dopamine axons expressing UNC5c. It is not clear whether these rare cases are present before or during adolescence.

      Below is a representative set of images of this observation, which is now also included as Supplementary Figure 4:

      Author response image 5.

      Expression of UNC5c protein in the medial prefrontal cortex of an adult male mouse. Low (A) and high (B) magnification images demonstrate that there is little UNC5c expression in dopamine axons in the medial prefrontal cortex. Here we identify dopamine axons by immunofluorescent staining for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH, see our response to comment #9 regarding the specificity of the TH antibody for dopamine axons in the prefrontal cortex). This figure is also included as Supplementary Figure 4 in the manuscript. Abbreviations: fmi: forceps minor of the corpus callosum, mPFC: medial prefrontal cortex.


      Kim D, Ackerman SL. 2011. The UNC5C Netrin Receptor Regulates Dorsal Guidance of Mouse Hindbrain Axons. J Neurosci 31:2167–2179. doi:10.1523/jneurosci.5254- 10.20110.2011

      Murcia-Belmonte V, Coca Y, Vegar C, Negueruela S, Romero C de J, Valiño AJ, Sala S, DaSilva R, Kania A, Borrell V, Martinez LM, Erskine L, Herrera E. 2019. A Retino-retinal Projection Guided by Unc5c Emerged in Species with Retinal Waves. Current Biology 29:1149-1160.e4. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2019.02.052

      Srivatsa S, Parthasarathy S, Britanova O, Bormuth I, Donahoo A-L, Ackerman SL, Richards LJ, Tarabykin V. 2014. Unc5C and DCC act downstream of Ctip2 and Satb2 and contribute to corpus callosum formation. Nat Commun 5:3708. doi:10.1038/ncomms4708

      (8) Can overexpression of UNC5c or Netrin-1 in male winter hamsters mimic the observations in summer hamsters? Or overexpression of UNC5c in female summer hamsters to mimic the winter hamster? This would be helpful to confirm the causal role of UNC5C in guiding DA axons during adolescence.

      This is an excellent question. We are very interested in both increasing and decreasing UNC5c expression in hamster dopamine axons to see if we can directly manipulate summer hamsters into winter hamsters and vice versa. We are currently exploring virus-based approaches to design these experiments and are excited for results in this area.

      (9) The entire study relied on using tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) as a marker for dopaminergic axons. However, the expression of TH (either by IHC or IF) can be influenced by other environmental factors, that could alter the expression of TH at the cellular level.

      This is an excellent point that we now carefully address in our methods by adding the following:

      In this study we pay great attention to the morphology and localization of the fibres from which we quantify varicosities to avoid counting any fibres stained with TH antibodies that are not dopamine fibres. The fibres that we examine and that are labelled by the TH antibody show features indistinguishable from the classic features of cortical dopamine axons in rodents (Berger et al., 1974; 1983; Van Eden et al., 1987; Manitt et al., 2011), namely they are thin fibres with irregularly-spaced varicosities, are densely packed in the nucleus accumbens, sparsely present only in the deep layers of the prefrontal cortex, and are not regularly oriented in relation to the pial surface. This is in contrast to rodent norepinephrine fibres, which are smooth or beaded in appearance, relatively thick with regularly spaced varicosities, increase in density towards the shallow cortical layers, and are in large part oriented either parallel or perpendicular to the pial surface (Berger et al., 1974; Levitt and Moore, 1979; Berger et al., 1983; Miner et al., 2003). Furthermore, previous studies in rodents have noted that only norepinephrine cell bodies are detectable using immunofluorescence for TH, not norepinephrine processes (Pickel et al., 1975; Verney et al., 1982; Miner et al., 2003), and we did not observe any norepinephrine-like fibres.

      Furthermore, we are not aware of any other processes in the forebrain that are known to be immunopositive for TH under any environmental conditions.

      To reduce confusion, we have replaced the abbreviation for dopamine – DA – with TH in the relevant panels in Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 to clarify exactly what is represented in these images. As can be seen in these images, fluorescent green labelling is present only in axons, which is to be expected of dopamine labelling in these forebrain regions.


      Berger B, Tassin JP, Blanc G, Moyne MA, Thierry AM (1974) Histochemical confirmation for dopaminergic innervation of the rat cerebral cortex after destruction of the noradrenergic ascending pathways. Brain Res 81:332–337.

      Berger B, Verney C, Gay M, Vigny A (1983) Immunocytochemical Characterization of the Dopaminergic and Noradrenergic Innervation of the Rat Neocortex During Early Ontogeny. In: Proceedings of the 9th Meeting of the International Neurobiology Society, pp 263–267 Progress in Brain Research. Elsevier.

      Levitt P, Moore RY (1979) Development of the noradrenergic innervation of neocortex. Brain Res 162:243–259.

      Manitt C, Mimee A, Eng C, Pokinko M, Stroh T, Cooper HM, Kolb B, Flores C (2011) The Netrin Receptor DCC Is Required in the Pubertal Organization of Mesocortical Dopamine Circuitry. J Neurosci 31:8381–8394.

      Miner LH, Schroeter S, Blakely RD, Sesack SR (2003) Ultrastructural localization of the norepinephrine transporter in superficial and deep layers of the rat prelimbic prefrontal cortex and its spatial relationship to probable dopamine terminals. J Comp Neurol 466:478–494.

      Pickel VM, Joh TH, Field PM, Becker CG, Reis DJ (1975) Cellular localization of tyrosine hydroxylase by immunohistochemistry. J Histochem Cytochem 23:1–12.

      Van Eden CG, Hoorneman EM, Buijs RM, Matthijssen MA, Geffard M, Uylings HBM (1987) Immunocytochemical localization of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex of the rat at the light and electron microscopical level. Neurosci 22:849–862.

      Verney C, Berger B, Adrien J, Vigny A, Gay M (1982) Development of the dopaminergic innervation of the rat cerebral cortex. A light microscopic immunocytochemical study using anti-tyrosine hydroxylase antibodies. Dev Brain Res 5:41–52.

      (10) Are Netrin-1/UNC5C the only signal guiding dopamine axon during adolescence? Are there other neuronal circuits involved in this process?

      Our intention for this study was to examine the role of Netrin-1 and its receptor UNC5C specifically, but we do not suggest that they are the only molecules to play a role. The process of guiding growing dopamine axons during adolescence is likely complex and we expect other guidance mechanisms to also be involved. From our previous work we know that the Netrin-1 receptor DCC is critical in this process (Hoops and Flores, 2017; Reynolds et al., 2023). Several other molecules have been identified in Netrin-1/DCC signaling processes that control corpus callosum development and there is every possibility that the same or similar molecules may be important in guiding dopamine axons (Schlienger et al., 2023).


      Hoops D, Flores C. 2017. Making Dopamine Connections in Adolescence. Trends in Neurosciences 1–11. doi:10.1016/j.tins.2017.09.004

      Reynolds LM, Hernandez G, MacGowan D, Popescu C, Nouel D, Cuesta S, Burke S, Savell KE, Zhao J, Restrepo-Lozano JM, Giroux M, Israel S, Orsini T, He S, Wodzinski M, Avramescu RG, Pokinko M, Epelbaum JG, Niu Z, Pantoja-Urbán AH, Trudeau L-É, Kolb B, Day JJ, Flores C. 2023. Amphetamine disrupts dopamine axon growth in adolescence by a sex-specific mechanism in mice. Nat Commun 14:4035. doi:10.1038/s41467-023-39665-1

      Schlienger S, Yam PT, Balekoglu N, Ducuing H, Michaud J-F, Makihara S, Kramer DK, Chen B, Fasano A, Berardelli A, Hamdan FF, Rouleau GA, Srour M, Charron F. 2023. Genetics of mirror movements identifies a multifunctional complex required for Netrin-1 guidance and lateralization of motor control. Sci Adv 9:eadd5501. doi:10.1126/sciadv.add5501

      (11) Finally, despite the authors' claim that the dopaminergic axon project is sensitive to the duration of daylight in the hamster, they never provided definitive evidence to support this hypothesis.

      By “definitive evidence” we think that the reviewer is requesting a single statistical model including measures from both the summer and winter groups. Such a model would provide a probability estimate of whether dopamine axon growth is sensitive to daylight duration. Therefore, we ran these models, one for male hamsters and one for female hamsters.

      In both sexes we find a significant effect of daylength on dopamine innervation, interacting with age. Male age by daylength interaction: F = 6.383, p = 0.00242. Female age by daylength interaction: F = 21.872, p = 1.97 x 10-9. The full statistical analysis is available as a supplement to this letter (Response_Letter_Stats_Details.docx).

      Reviewer 3

      (1) Fig 1 A and B don't appear to be the same section level.

      The reviewer is correct that Fig 1B is anterior to Fig 1A. We have changed Figure 1A to match the section level of Figure 1B.

      (2) Fig 1C. It is not clear that these axons are crossing from the shell of the NAC.

      We have added a dashed line to Figure 1C to highlight the boundary of the nucleus accumbens, which hopefully emphasizes that there are fibres crossing the boundary. We also include here an enlarged image of this panel:

      Author response image 6.

      An enlarged image of Figure1c in the manuscript. The nucleus accumbens (left of the dotted line) is densely packed with TH+ axons (in green). Some of these TH+ axons can be observed extending from the nucleus accumbens medially towards a region containing dorsally oriented TH+ fibres (white arrows).

      (3) Fig 1. Measuring width of the bundle is an odd way to measure DA axon numbers. First the width could be changing during adult for various reasons including change in brain size. Second, I wouldn't consider these axons in a traditional bundle. Third, could DA axon counts be provided, rather than these proxy measures.

      With regards to potential changes in brain size, we agree that this could have potentially explained the increased width of the dopamine axon pathway. That is why it was important for us to use stereology to measure the density of dopamine axons within the pathway. If the width increased but no new axons grew along the pathway, we would have seen a decrease in axon density from adolescence to adulthood. Instead, our results show that the density of axons remained constant.

      We agree with the reviewer that the dopamine axons do not form a traditional “bundle”. Therefore, throughout the manuscript we now avoid using the term bundle.

      Although we cannot count every single axon, an accurate estimate of this number can be obtained using stereology, an unbiassed method for efficiently quantifying large, irregularly distributed objects. We used stereology to count TH+ axons in an unbiased subset of the total area occupied by these axons. Unbiased stereology is the gold-standard technique for estimating populations of anatomical objects, such as axons, that are so numerous that it would be impractical or impossible to measure every single one. Here and elsewhere we generally provide results as densities and areas of occupancy (Reynolds et al., 2022). To avoid confusion, we now clarify that we are counting the width of the area that dopamine axons occupy (rather than the dopamine axon “bundle”).


      Reynolds LM, Pantoja-Urbán AH, MacGowan D, Manitt C, Nouel D, Flores C. 2022. Dopaminergic System Function and Dysfunction: Experimental Approaches. Neuromethods 31–63. doi:10.1007/978-1-0716-2799-0_2

      (4) TH in the cortex could also be of noradrenergic origin. This needs to be ruled out to score DA axons

      This is the same comment as Reviewer 1 #9. Please see our response below, which we have also added to our methods:

      In this study we pay great attention to the morphology and localization of the fibres from which we quantify varicosities to avoid counting any fibres stained with TH antibodies that are not dopamine fibres. The fibres that we examine and that are labelled by the TH antibody show features indistinguishable from the classic features of cortical dopamine axons in rodents (Berger et al., 1974; 1983; Van Eden et al., 1987; Manitt et al., 2011), namely they are thin fibres with irregularly-spaced varicosities, are densely packed in the nucleus accumbens, sparsely present only in the deep layers of the prefrontal cortex, and are not regularly oriented in relation to the pial surface. This is in contrast to rodent norepinephrine fibres, which are smooth or beaded in appearance, relatively thick with regularly spaced varicosities, increase in density towards the shallow cortical layers, and are in large part oriented either parallel or perpendicular to the pial surface (Berger et al., 1974; Levitt and Moore, 1979; Berger et al., 1983; Miner et al., 2003). Furthermore, previous studies in rodents have noted that only norepinephrine cell bodies are detectable using immunofluorescence for TH, not norepinephrine processes (Pickel et al., 1975; Verney et al., 1982; Miner et al., 2003), and we did not observe any norepinephrine-like fibres.


      Berger B, Tassin JP, Blanc G, Moyne MA, Thierry AM (1974) Histochemical confirmation for dopaminergic innervation of the rat cerebral cortex after destruction of the noradrenergic ascending pathways. Brain Res 81:332–337.

      Berger B, Verney C, Gay M, Vigny A (1983) Immunocytochemical Characterization of the Dopaminergic and Noradrenergic Innervation of the Rat Neocortex During Early Ontogeny. In: Proceedings of the 9th Meeting of the International Neurobiology Society, pp 263–267 Progress in Brain Research. Elsevier.

      Levitt P, Moore RY (1979) Development of the noradrenergic innervation of neocortex. Brain Res 162:243–259.

      Manitt C, Mimee A, Eng C, Pokinko M, Stroh T, Cooper HM, Kolb B, Flores C (2011) The Netrin Receptor DCC Is Required in the Pubertal Organization of Mesocortical Dopamine Circuitry. J Neurosci 31:8381–8394.

      Miner LH, Schroeter S, Blakely RD, Sesack SR (2003) Ultrastructural localization of the norepinephrine transporter in superficial and deep layers of the rat prelimbic prefrontal cortex and its spatial relationship to probable dopamine terminals. J Comp Neurol 466:478–494.

      Pickel VM, Joh TH, Field PM, Becker CG, Reis DJ (1975) Cellular localization of tyrosine hydroxylase by immunohistochemistry. J Histochem Cytochem 23:1–12.

      Van Eden CG, Hoorneman EM, Buijs RM, Matthijssen MA, Geffard M, Uylings HBM (1987) Immunocytochemical localization of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex of the rat at the light and electron microscopical level. Neurosci 22:849–862.

      Verney C, Berger B, Adrien J, Vigny A, Gay M (1982) Development of the dopaminergic innervation of the rat cerebral cortex. A light microscopic immunocytochemical study using anti-tyrosine hydroxylase antibodies. Dev Brain Res 5:41–52.

      (5) Netrin staining should be provided with NeuN + DAPI; its not clear these are all cell bodies. An in situ of Netrin would help as well.

      A similar comment was raised by Reviewer 1 in point #1. Please see below the immunofluorescent and RNA scope images showing expression of Netrin-1 protein and mRNA in the forebrain.

      Author response image 7.

      This confocal microscope image shows immunofluorescent staining for Netrin-1 (green) localized around cell nuclei (stained by DAPI in blue). This image was taken from a coronal section of the lateral septum of an adult male mouse. Scale bar = 20µm

      Author response image 8.

      This confocal microscope image of a coronal brain section of the medial prefrontal cortex of an adult male mouse shows Netrin-1 mRNA expression (green) and cell nuclei (DAPI, blue). RNAscope was used to generate this image. Brain regions are as follows: Cg1: Anterior cingulate cortex 1, DP: dorsopeduncular cortex, IL: Infralimbic Cortex, PrL: Prelimbic Cortex, fmi: forceps minor of the corpus callosum

      Author response image 9.

      A higher resolution image from the same sample as in Figure 2 shows Netrin-1 mRNA (green) and cell nuclei (DAPI; blue). DP = dorsopeduncular cortex

      (6) The Netrin knockdown needs validation. How strong was the knockdown etc?

      This comment was also raised by Reviewer 1 #1.

      We have previously established the efficacy of the shRNA Netrin-1 knockdown virus used in this experiment for reducing the expression of Netrin-1 (Cuesta et al., 2020). The shRNA reduces Netrin-1 levels in vitro and in vivo.


      Cuesta S, Nouel D, Reynolds LM, Morgunova A, Torres-Berrío A, White A, Hernandez G, Cooper HM, Flores C. 2020. Dopamine Axon Targeting in the Nucleus Accumbens in Adolescence Requires Netrin-1. Frontiers Cell Dev Biology 8:487. doi:10.3389/fcell.2020.00487

      (7) If the conclusion that knocking down Netrin in cortex decreases DA innervation of the IL, how can that be reconciled with Netrin-Unc repulsion.

      This is an intriguing question and one that we are in the planning stages of addressing with new experiments.

      Although we do not have a mechanistic answered for how a repulsive receptor helps guide these axons, we would like to note that previous indirect evidence from a study by our group also suggests that reducing UNC5c signaling in dopamine axons in adolescence increases dopamine innervation to the prefrontal cortex (Auger et al, 2013).


      Auger ML, Schmidt ERE, Manitt C, Dal-Bo G, Pasterkamp RJ, Flores C. 2013. unc5c haploinsufficient phenotype: striking similarities with the dcc haploinsufficiency model. European Journal of Neuroscience 38:2853–2863. doi:10.1111/ejn.12270

      (8) The behavioral phenotype in Fig 1 is interesting, but its not clear if its related to DA axons/signaling. IN general, no evidence in this paper is provided for the role of DA in the adolescent behaviors described.

      We agree with the reviewer that the behaviours we describe in adult mice are complex and are likely to involve several neurotransmitter systems. However, there is ample evidence for the role of dopamine signaling in cognitive control behaviours (Bari and Robbins, 2013; Eagle et al., 2008; Ott et al., 2023) and our published work has shown that alterations in the growth of dopamine axons to the prefrontal cortex leads to changes in impulse control as measured via the Go/No-Go task in adulthood (Reynolds et al., 2023, 2018a; Vassilev et al., 2021).

      The other adolescent behaviour we examined was risk-like taking behaviour in male and female hamsters (Figures 4 and 5), as a means of characterizing maturation in this behavior over time. We decided not to use the Go/No-Go task because as far as we know, this has never been employed in Siberian Hamsters and it will be difficult to implement. Instead, we chose the light/dark box paradigm, which requires no training and is ideal for charting behavioural changes over short time periods. Indeed, risk-like taking behavior in rodents and in humans changes from adolescence to adulthood paralleling changes in prefrontal cortex development, including the gradual input of dopamine axons to this region.


      Bari A, Robbins TW. 2013. Inhibition and impulsivity: Behavioral and neural basis of response control. Progress in neurobiology 108:44–79. doi:10.1016/j.pneurobio.2013.06.005

      Eagle DM, Bari A, Robbins TW. 2008. The neuropsychopharmacology of action inhibition: cross-species translation of the stop-signal and go/no-go tasks. Psychopharmacology 199:439–456. doi:10.1007/s00213-008-1127-6

      Ott T, Stein AM, Nieder A. 2023. Dopamine receptor activation regulates reward expectancy signals during cognitive control in primate prefrontal neurons. Nat Commun 14:7537. doi:10.1038/s41467-023-43271-6

      Reynolds LM, Hernandez G, MacGowan D, Popescu C, Nouel D, Cuesta S, Burke S, Savell KE, Zhao J, Restrepo-Lozano JM, Giroux M, Israel S, Orsini T, He S, Wodzinski M, Avramescu RG, Pokinko M, Epelbaum JG, Niu Z, Pantoja-Urbán AH, Trudeau L-É, Kolb B, Day JJ, Flores C. 2023. Amphetamine disrupts dopamine axon growth in adolescence by a sex-specific mechanism in mice. Nat Commun 14:4035. doi:10.1038/s41467-023-39665-1

      Reynolds LM, Pokinko M, Torres-Berrío A, Cuesta S, Lambert LC, Pellitero EDC, Wodzinski M, Manitt C, Krimpenfort P, Kolb B, Flores C. 2018a. DCC Receptors Drive Prefrontal Cortex Maturation by Determining Dopamine Axon Targeting in Adolescence. Biological psychiatry 83:181–192. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2017.06.009

      Vassilev P, Pantoja-Urban AH, Giroux M, Nouel D, Hernandez G, Orsini T, Flores C. 2021. Unique effects of social defeat stress in adolescent male mice on the Netrin-1/DCC pathway, prefrontal cortex dopamine and cognition (Social stress in adolescent vs. adult male mice). Eneuro ENEURO.0045-21.2021. doi:10.1523/eneuro.0045-21.2021

      (9) Fig2 - boxes should be drawn on the NAc diagram to indicate sampled regions. Some quantification of Unc5c would be useful. Also, some validation of the Unc5c antibody would be nice.

      The images presented were taken medial to the anterior commissure and we have edited Figure 2 to show this. However, we did not notice any intra-accumbens variation, including between the core and the shell. Therefore, the images are representative of what was observed throughout the entire nucleus accumbens.

      To quantify UNC5c in the accumbens we conducted a Western blot experiment in male mice at different ages. A one-way ANOVA analyzing band intensity (relative to the 15-day-old average band intensity) as the response variable and age as the predictor variable showed a significant effect of age (F=5.615, p=0.01). Posthoc analysis revealed that 15-day-old mice have less UNC5c in the nucleus accumbens compared to 21- and 35-day-old mice.

      Author response image 10.

      The graph depicts the results of a Western blot experiment of UNC5c protein levels in the nucleus accumbens of male mice at postnatal days 15, 21 or 35 and reveals a significant increase in protein levels at the onset adolescence.

      Our methods for this Western blot were as follows: Samples were prepared as previously (Torres-Berrío et al., 2017). Briefly, mice were sacrificed by live decapitation and brains were flash frozen in heptane on dry ice for 10 seconds. Frozen brains were mounted in a cryomicrotome and two 500um sections were collected for the nucleus accumbens, corresponding to plates 14 and 18 of the Paxinos mouse brain atlas. Two tissue core samples were collected per section, one for each side of the brain, using a 15-gauge tissue corer (Fine surgical tools Cat no. NC9128328) and ejected in a microtube on dry ice. The tissue samples were homogenized in 100ul of standard radioimmunoprecipitation assay buffer using a handheld electric tissue homogenizer. The samples were clarified by centrifugation at 4C at a speed of 15000g for 30 minutes. Protein concentration was quantified using a bicinchoninic acid assay kit (Pierce BCA protein assay kit, Cat no.PI23225) and denatured with standard Laemmli buffer for 5 minutes at 70C. 10ug of protein per sample was loaded and run by SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis in a Mini-PROTEAN system (Bio-Rad) on an 8% acrylamide gel by stacking for 30 minutes at 60V and resolving for 1.5 hours at 130V. The proteins were transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane for 1 hour at 100V in standard transfer buffer on ice. The membranes were blocked using 5% bovine serum albumin dissolved in tris-buffered saline with Tween 20 and probed with primary (UNC5c, Abcam Cat. no ab302924) and HRP-conjugated secondary antibodies for 1 hour. a-tubulin was probed and used as loading control. The probed membranes were resolved using SuperSignal West Pico PLUS chemiluminescent substrate (ThermoFisher Cat no.34579) in a ChemiDoc MP Imaging system (Bio-Rad). Band intensity was quantified using the ChemiDoc software and all ages were normalized to the P15 age group average.

      Validation of the UNC5c antibody was performed in the lab of Dr. Liu, from whom it was kindly provided. Briefly, in the validation study the authors showed that the anti-UNC5C antibody can detect endogenous UNC5C expression and the level of UNC5C is dramatically reduced after UNC5C knockdown. The antibody can also detect the tagged-UNC5C protein in several cell lines, which was confirmed by a tag antibody (Purohit et al., 2012; Shao et al., 2017).


      Purohit AA, Li W, Qu C, Dwyer T, Shao Q, Guan K-L, Liu G. 2012. Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecule (DSCAM) Associates with Uncoordinated-5C (UNC5C) in Netrin-1mediated Growth Cone Collapse. The Journal of biological chemistry 287:27126–27138. doi:10.1074/jbc.m112.340174

      Shao Q, Yang T, Huang H, Alarmanazi F, Liu G. 2017. Uncoupling of UNC5C with Polymerized TUBB3 in Microtubules Mediates Netrin-1 Repulsion. J Neurosci 37:5620–5633. doi:10.1523/jneurosci.2617-16.2017

      (10) "In adolescence, dopamine neurons begin to express the repulsive Netrin-1 receptor UNC5C, and reduction in UNC5C expression appears to cause growth of mesolimbic dopamine axons to the prefrontal cortex".....This is confusing. Figure 2 shows a developmental increase in UNc5c not a decrease. So when is the "reduction in Unc5c expression" occurring?

      We apologize for the mistake in this sentence. We have corrected the relevant passage in our manuscript as follows:

      In adolescence, dopamine neurons begin to express the repulsive Netrin-1 receptor UNC5C, particularly when mesolimbic and mesocortical dopamine projections segregate in the nucleus accumbens (Manitt et al., 2010; Reynolds et al., 2018a). In contrast, dopamine axons in the prefrontal cortex do not express UNC5c except in very rare cases (Supplementary Figure 4). In adult male mice with Unc5c haploinsufficiency, there appears to be ectopic growth of mesolimbic dopamine axons to the prefrontal cortex (Auger et al., 2013). This miswiring is associated with alterations in prefrontal cortex-dependent behaviours (Auger et al., 2013).


      Auger ML, Schmidt ERE, Manitt C, Dal-Bo G, Pasterkamp RJ, Flores C. 2013. unc5c haploinsufficient phenotype: striking similarities with the dcc haploinsufficiency model. European Journal of Neuroscience 38:2853–2863. doi:10.1111/ejn.12270

      Manitt C, Labelle-Dumais C, Eng C, Grant A, Mimee A, Stroh T, Flores C. 2010. Peri-Pubertal Emergence of UNC-5 Homologue Expression by Dopamine Neurons in Rodents. PLoS ONE 5:e11463-14. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011463

      Reynolds LM, Pokinko M, Torres-Berrío A, Cuesta S, Lambert LC, Pellitero EDC, Wodzinski M, Manitt C, Krimpenfort P, Kolb B, Flores C. 2018a. DCC Receptors Drive Prefrontal Cortex Maturation by Determining Dopamine Axon Targeting in Adolescence. Biological psychiatry 83:181–192. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2017.06.009

      (11) In Fig 3, a statistical comparison should be made between summer male and winter male, to justify the conclusions that the winter males have delayed DA innervation.

      This analysis was also suggested by Reviewer 1, #11. Here is our response:

      We analyzed the summer and winter data together in ANOVAs separately for males and females. In both sexes we find a significant effect of daylength on dopamine innervation, interacting with age. Male age by daylength interaction: F = 6.383, p = 0.00242. Female age by daylength interaction: F = 21.872, p = 1.97 x 10-9. The full statistical analysis is available as a supplement to this letter (Response_Letter_Stats_Details.docx).

      (12) Should axon length also be measured here (Fig 3)? It is not clear why the authors have switched to varicosity density. Also, a box should be drawn in the NAC cartoon to indicate the region that was sampled.

      It is untenable to quantify axon length in the prefrontal cortex as we cannot distinguish independent axons. Rather, they are “tangled”; they twist and turn in a multitude of directions as they make contact with various dendrites. Furthermore, they branch extensively. It would therefore be impossible to accurately quantify the number of axons. Using unbiased stereology to quantify varicosities is a valid, well-characterized and straightforward alternative (Reynolds et al., 2022).


      Reynolds LM, Pantoja-Urbán AH, MacGowan D, Manitt C, Nouel D, Flores C. 2022. Dopaminergic System Function and Dysfunction: Experimental Approaches. Neuromethods 31–63. doi:10.1007/978-1-0716-2799-0_2

      (13) In Fig 3, Unc5c should be quantified to bolster the interesting finding that Unc5c expression dynamics are different between summer and winter hamsters. Unc5c mRNA experiments would also be important to see if similar changes are observed at the transcript level.

      We agree that it would be very interesting to see how UNC5c mRNA and protein levels change over time in summer and winter hamsters, both in males, as the reviewer suggests here, and in females. We are working on conducting these experiments in hamsters as part of a broader expansion of our research in this area. These experiments will require a lengthy amount of time and at this point we feel that they are beyond the scope of this manuscript.

      (14) Fig 4. The peak in exploratory behavior in winter females is counterintuitive and needs to be better discussed. IN general, the light dark behavior seems quite variable.

      This is indeed a very interesting finding, which we have expanded upon in our manuscript as follows:

      When raised under a winter-mimicking daylength, hamsters of either sex show a protracted peak in risk taking. In males, it is delayed beyond 80 days old, but the delay is substantially less in females. This is a counterintuitive finding considering that dopamine development in winter females appears to be accelerated. Our interpretation of this finding is that the timing of the risk-taking peak in females may reflect a balance between different adolescent developmental processes. The fact that dopamine axon growth is accelerated does not imply that all adolescent maturational processes are accelerated. Some may be delayed, for example those that induce axon pruning in the cortex. The timing of the risk-taking peak in winter female hamsters may therefore reflect the amalgamation of developmental processes that are advanced with those that are delayed – producing a behavioural effect that is timed somewhere in the middle. Disentangling the effects of different developmental processes on behaviour will require further experiments in hamsters, including the direct manipulation of dopamine activity in the nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex.

      Full Reference List

      Auger ML, Schmidt ERE, Manitt C, Dal-Bo G, Pasterkamp RJ, Flores C. 2013. unc5c haploinsufficient phenotype: striking similarities with the dcc haploinsufficiency model. European Journal of Neuroscience 38:2853–2863. doi:10.1111/ejn.12270

      Bari A, Robbins TW. 2013. Inhibition and impulsivity: Behavioral and neural basis of response control. Progress in neurobiology 108:44–79. doi:10.1016/j.pneurobio.2013.06.005

      Cuesta S, Nouel D, Reynolds LM, Morgunova A, Torres-Berrío A, White A, Hernandez G, Cooper HM, Flores C. 2020. Dopamine Axon Targeting in the Nucleus Accumbens in Adolescence Requires Netrin-1. Frontiers Cell Dev Biology 8:487. doi:10.3389/fcell.2020.00487

      Daubaras M, Bo GD, Flores C. 2014. Target-dependent expression of the netrin-1 receptor, UNC5C, in projection neurons of the ventral tegmental area. Neuroscience 260:36–46. doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2013.12.007

      Eagle DM, Bari A, Robbins TW. 2008. The neuropsychopharmacology of action inhibition: crossspecies translation of the stop-signal and go/no-go tasks. Psychopharmacology 199:439– 456. doi:10.1007/s00213-008-1127-6

      Hoops D, Flores C. 2017. Making Dopamine Connections in Adolescence. Trends in Neurosciences 1–11. doi:10.1016/j.tins.2017.09.004

      Jonker FA, Jonker C, Scheltens P, Scherder EJA. 2015. The role of the orbitofrontal cortex in cognition and behavior. Rev Neurosci 26:1–11. doi:10.1515/revneuro-2014-0043

      Kim B, Im H. 2019. The role of the dorsal striatum in choice impulsivity. Ann N York Acad Sci 1451:92–111. doi:10.1111/nyas.13961

      Kim D, Ackerman SL. 2011. The UNC5C Netrin Receptor Regulates Dorsal Guidance of Mouse Hindbrain Axons. J Neurosci 31:2167–2179. doi:10.1523/jneurosci.5254-10.2011

      Manitt C, Labelle-Dumais C, Eng C, Grant A, Mimee A, Stroh T, Flores C. 2010. Peri-Pubertal Emergence of UNC-5 Homologue Expression by Dopamine Neurons in Rodents. PLoS ONE 5:e11463-14. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011463

      Murcia-Belmonte V, Coca Y, Vegar C, Negueruela S, Romero C de J, Valiño AJ, Sala S, DaSilva R, Kania A, Borrell V, Martinez LM, Erskine L, Herrera E. 2019. A Retino-retinal Projection Guided by Unc5c Emerged in Species with Retinal Waves. Current Biology 29:1149-1160.e4. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2019.02.052

      Ott T, Stein AM, Nieder A. 2023. Dopamine receptor activation regulates reward expectancy signals during cognitive control in primate prefrontal neurons. Nat Commun 14:7537. doi:10.1038/s41467-023-43271-6

      Phillips RA, Tuscher JJ, Black SL, Andraka E, Fitzgerald ND, Ianov L, Day JJ. 2022. An atlas of transcriptionally defined cell populations in the rat ventral tegmental area. Cell Reports 39:110616. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110616

      Purohit AA, Li W, Qu C, Dwyer T, Shao Q, Guan K-L, Liu G. 2012. Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecule (DSCAM) Associates with Uncoordinated-5C (UNC5C) in Netrin-1-mediated Growth Cone Collapse. The Journal of biological chemistry 287:27126–27138. doi:10.1074/jbc.m112.340174

      Reynolds LM, Hernandez G, MacGowan D, Popescu C, Nouel D, Cuesta S, Burke S, Savell KE, Zhao J, Restrepo-Lozano JM, Giroux M, Israel S, Orsini T, He S, Wodzinski M, Avramescu RG, Pokinko M, Epelbaum JG, Niu Z, Pantoja-Urbán AH, Trudeau L-É, Kolb B, Day JJ, Flores C. 2023. Amphetamine disrupts dopamine axon growth in adolescence by a sex-specific mechanism in mice. Nat Commun 14:4035. doi:10.1038/s41467-023-39665-1

      Reynolds LM, Pantoja-Urbán AH, MacGowan D, Manitt C, Nouel D, Flores C. 2022. Dopaminergic System Function and Dysfunction: Experimental Approaches. Neuromethods 31–63. doi:10.1007/978-1-0716-2799-0_2

      Reynolds LM, Pokinko M, Torres-Berrío A, Cuesta S, Lambert LC, Pellitero EDC, Wodzinski M, Manitt C, Krimpenfort P, Kolb B, Flores C. 2018a. DCC Receptors Drive Prefrontal Cortex Maturation by Determining Dopamine Axon Targeting in Adolescence. Biological psychiatry 83:181–192. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2017.06.009

      Reynolds LM, Yetnikoff L, Pokinko M, Wodzinski M, Epelbaum JG, Lambert LC, Cossette M-P, Arvanitogiannis A, Flores C. 2018b. Early Adolescence is a Critical Period for the Maturation of Inhibitory Behavior. Cerebral cortex 29:3676–3686. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhy247

      Schlienger S, Yam PT, Balekoglu N, Ducuing H, Michaud J-F, Makihara S, Kramer DK, Chen B, Fasano A, Berardelli A, Hamdan FF, Rouleau GA, Srour M, Charron F. 2023. Genetics of mirror movements identifies a multifunctional complex required for Netrin-1 guidance and lateralization of motor control. Sci Adv 9:eadd5501. doi:10.1126/sciadv.add5501

      Shao Q, Yang T, Huang H, Alarmanazi F, Liu G. 2017. Uncoupling of UNC5C with Polymerized TUBB3 in Microtubules Mediates Netrin-1 Repulsion. J Neurosci 37:5620–5633. doi:10.1523/jneurosci.2617-16.2017

      Srivatsa S, Parthasarathy S, Britanova O, Bormuth I, Donahoo A-L, Ackerman SL, Richards LJ, Tarabykin V. 2014. Unc5C and DCC act downstream of Ctip2 and Satb2 and contribute to corpus callosum formation. Nat Commun 5:3708. doi:10.1038/ncomms4708

      Torres-Berrío A, Lopez JP, Bagot RC, Nouel D, Dal-Bo G, Cuesta S, Zhu L, Manitt C, Eng C, Cooper HM, Storch K-F, Turecki G, Nestler EJ, Flores C. 2017. DCC Confers Susceptibility to Depression-like Behaviors in Humans and Mice and Is Regulated by miR-218. Biological psychiatry 81:306–315. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2016.08.017

      Vassilev P, Pantoja-Urban AH, Giroux M, Nouel D, Hernandez G, Orsini T, Flores C. 2021. Unique effects of social defeat stress in adolescent male mice on the Netrin-1/DCC pathway, prefrontal cortex dopamine and cognition (Social stress in adolescent vs. adult male mice). Eneuro ENEURO.0045-21.2021. doi:10.1523/eneuro.0045-21.2021

      Private Comments

      Reviewer #1

      (12) The language should be improved. Some expression is confusing (line178-179). Also some spelling errors (eg. Figure 1M).

      We have removed the word “Already” to make the sentence in lines 178-179 clearer, however we cannot find a spelling error in Figure 1M or its caption. We have further edited the manuscript for clarity and flow.

      Reviewer #2

      (1) The authors claim to have revealed how the 'timing of adolescence is programmed in the brain'. While their findings certainly shed light on molecular, circuit and behavioral processes that are unique to adolescence, their claim may be an overstatement. I suggest they refine this statement to discuss more specifically the processes they observed in the brain and animal behavior, rather than adolescence itself.

      We agree with the reviewer and have revised the manuscript to specify that we are referring to the timing of specific developmental processes that occur in the adolescent brain, not adolescence overall.

      (2) Along the same lines, the authors should also include a more substantiative discussion of how they selected their ages for investigation (for both mice and hamsters), For mice, their definition of adolescence (P21) is earlier than some (e.g. Spear L.P., Neurosci. and Beh. Reviews, 2000).

      There are certainly differences of opinion between researchers as to the precise definition of adolescence and the period it encompasses. Spear, 2000, provides one excellent discussion of the challenges related to identifying adolescence across species. This work gives specific ages only for rats, not mice (as we use here), and characterizes post-natal days 28-42 as being the conservative age range of “peak” adolescence (page 419, paragraph 1). Immediately thereafter the review states that the full adolescent period is longer than this, and it could encompass post-natal days 20-55 (page 419, paragraph 2).

      We have added the following statement to our methods:

      There is no universally accepted way to define the precise onset of adolescence. Therefore, there is no clear-cut boundary to define adolescent onset in rodents (Spear, 2000). Puberty can be more sharply defined, and puberty and adolescence overlap in time, but the terms are not interchangeable. Puberty is the onset of sexual maturation, while adolescence is a more diffuse period marked by the gradual transition from a juvenile state to independence. We, and others, suggest that adolescence in rodents spans from weaning (postnatal day 21) until adulthood, which we take to start on postnatal day 60 (Reynolds and Flores, 2021). We refer to “early adolescence” as the first two weeks postweaning (postnatal days 21-34). These ranges encompass discrete DA developmental periods (Kalsbeek et al., 1988; Manitt et al., 2011; Reynolds et al., 2018a), vulnerability to drug effects on DA circuitry (Hammerslag and Gulley, 2014; Reynolds et al., 2018a), and distinct behavioral characteristics (Adriani and Laviola, 2004; Makinodan et al., 2012; Schneider, 2013; Wheeler et al., 2013).


      Adriani W, Laviola G. 2004. Windows of vulnerability to psychopathology and therapeutic strategy in the adolescent rodent model. Behav Pharmacol 15:341–352. doi:10.1097/00008877-200409000-00005

      Hammerslag LR, Gulley JM. 2014. Age and sex differences in reward behavior in adolescent and adult rats. Dev Psychobiol 56:611–621. doi:10.1002/dev.21127

      Hoops D, Flores C. 2017. Making Dopamine Connections in Adolescence. Trends in Neurosciences 1–11. doi:10.1016/j.tins.2017.09.004

      Kalsbeek A, Voorn P, Buijs RM, Pool CW, Uylings HBM. 1988. Development of the Dopaminergic Innervation in the Prefrontal Cortex of the Rat. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 269:58–72. doi:10.1002/cne.902690105

      Makinodan M, Rosen KM, Ito S, Corfas G. 2012. A critical period for social experiencedependent oligodendrocyte maturation and myelination. Science 337:1357–1360. doi:10.1126/science.1220845

      Manitt C, Mimee A, Eng C, Pokinko M, Stroh T, Cooper HM, Kolb B, Flores C. 2011. The Netrin Receptor DCC Is Required in the Pubertal Organization of Mesocortical Dopamine Circuitry. J Neurosci 31:8381–8394. doi:10.1523/jneurosci.0606-11.2011

      Reynolds LM, Flores C. 2021. Mesocorticolimbic Dopamine Pathways Across Adolescence: Diversity in Development. Front Neural Circuit 15:735625. doi:10.3389/fncir.2021.735625

      Reynolds LM, Yetnikoff L, Pokinko M, Wodzinski M, Epelbaum JG, Lambert LC, Cossette MP, Arvanitogiannis A, Flores C. 2018. Early Adolescence is a Critical Period for the Maturation of Inhibitory Behavior. Cerebral cortex 29:3676–3686. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhy247

      Schneider M. 2013. Adolescence as a vulnerable period to alter rodent behavior. Cell and tissue research 354:99–106. Doi:10.1007/s00441-013-1581-2

      Spear LP. 2000. Neurobehavioral Changes in Adolescence. Current directions in psychological science 9:111–114. doi:10.1111/1467-8721.00072

      Wheeler AL, Lerch JP, Chakravarty MM, Friedel M, Sled JG, Fletcher PJ, Josselyn SA, Frankland PW. 2013. Adolescent Cocaine Exposure Causes Enduring Macroscale Changes in Mouse Brain Structure. J Neurosci 33:1797–1803. doi:10.1523/jneurosci.3830-12.2013

      (3) Figure 1 - the conclusions hinge on the Netrin-1 staining, as shown in panel G, but the cells are difficult to see. It would be helpful to provide clearer, more zoomed images so readers can better assess the staining. Since Netrin-1 expression reduces dramatically after P4 and they had to use antigen retrieval to see signal, it would be helpful to show some images from additional brain regions and ages to see if expression levels follow predicted patterns. For instance, based on the allen brain atlas, it seems that around P21, there should be high levels of Netrin-1 in the cerebellum, but low levels in the cortex. These would be nice controls to demonstrate the specificity and sensitivity of the antibody in older tissue.

      We do not study the cerebellum and have never stained this region; doing so now would require generating additional tissue and we’re not sure it would add enough to the information provided to be worthwhile. Note that we have stained the forebrain for Netrin-1 previously, providing broad staining of many brain regions (Manitt et al., 2011)


      Manitt C, Mimee A, Eng C, Pokinko M, Stroh T, Cooper HM, Kolb B, Flores C. 2011. The Netrin Receptor DCC Is Required in the Pubertal Organization of Mesocortical Dopamine Circuitry. J Neurosci 31:8381–8394. doi:10.1523/jneurosci.0606-11.2011

      (4) Figure 3 - Because mice tend to avoid brightly-lit spaces, the light/dark box is more commonly used as a measure of anxiety-like behavior than purely exploratory behavior (including in the paper they cited). It is important to address this possibility in their discussion of their findings. To bolster their conclusions about the coincidence of circuit and behavioral changes in adolescent hamsters, it would be useful to add an additional measure of exploratory behaviors (e.g. hole board).

      Regarding the light/dark box test, this is an excellent point. We prefer the term “risk taking” to “anxiety-like” and now use the former term in our manuscript. Furthermore, our interest in the behaviour is purely to chart the development of adolescent behaviour across our treatment groups, not to study a particular emotional state. Regardless of the specific emotion or emotions governing the light/dark box behaviour, it is an ideal test for charting adolescent shifts in behaviour as it is well-characterized in this respect, as we discuss in our manuscript.

      (5) Supplementary Figure 4,5 The authors defined puberty onset using uterine and testes weights in hamsters. While the weights appear to be different for summer and winter hamsters, there were no statistical comparison. Please add statistical analyses to bolster claims about puberty start times. Also, as many studies use vaginal opening to define puberty onset, it would be helpful to discuss how these measurements typically align and cite relevant literature that described use of uterine weights. Also, Supplementary Figures 4 and 5 were mis-cited as Supp. Fig. 2 in the text (e.g. line 317 and others).

      These are great suggestions. We have added statistical analyses to Supplementary Figures 5 and 6 and provided Vaginal Opening data as Supplementary Figure 7. The statistical analyses confirm that all three characters are delayed in winter hamsters compared to summer hamsters.

      We have also added the following references to the manuscript:

      Darrow JM, Davis FC, Elliott JA, Stetson MH, Turek FW, Menaker M. 1980. Influence of Photoperiod on Reproductive Development in the Golden Hamster. Biol Reprod 22:443–450. doi:10.1095/biolreprod22.3.443

      Ebling FJP. 1994. Photoperiodic Differences during Development in the Dwarf Hamsters Phodopus sungorus and Phodopus campbelli. Gen Comp Endocrinol 95:475–482. doi:10.1006/gcen.1994.1147

      Timonin ME, Place NJ, Wanderi E, Wynne-Edwards KE. 2006. Phodopus campbelli detect reduced photoperiod during development but, unlike Phodopus sungorus, retain functional reproductive physiology. Reproduction 132:661–670. doi:10.1530/rep.1.00019

      (6) The font in many figure panels is small and hard to read (e.g. 1A,D,E,H,I,L...). Please increase the size for legibility.

      We have increased the font size of our figure text throughout the manuscript.

      Reviewer #3

      (15) Fig 1 C,D. Clarify the units of the y axis

      We have now fixed this.

      Full Reference List

      Adriani W, Laviola G. 2004. Windows of vulnerability to psychopathology and therapeutic strategy in the adolescent rodent model. Behav Pharmacol 15:341–352. doi:10.1097/00008877-200409000-00005

      Hammerslag LR, Gulley JM. 2014. Age and sex differences in reward behavior in adolescent and adult rats. Dev Psychobiol 56:611–621. doi:10.1002/dev.21127

      Hoops D, Flores C. 2017. Making Dopamine Connections in Adolescence. Trends in Neurosciences 1–11. doi:10.1016/j.tins.2017.09.004

      Kalsbeek A, Voorn P, Buijs RM, Pool CW, Uylings HBM. 1988. Development of the Dopaminergic Innervation in the Prefrontal Cortex of the Rat. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 269:58–72. doi:10.1002/cne.902690105

      Makinodan M, Rosen KM, Ito S, Corfas G. 2012. A critical period for social experiencedependent oligodendrocyte maturation and myelination. Science 337:1357–1360. doi:10.1126/science.1220845

      Manitt C, Mimee A, Eng C, Pokinko M, Stroh T, Cooper HM, Kolb B, Flores C. 2011. The Netrin Receptor DCC Is Required in the Pubertal Organization of Mesocortical Dopamine Circuitry. J Neurosci 31:8381–8394. doi:10.1523/jneurosci.0606-11.2011

      Reynolds LM, Flores C. 2021. Mesocorticolimbic Dopamine Pathways Across Adolescence: Diversity in Development. Front Neural Circuit 15:735625. doi:10.3389/fncir.2021.735625 Reynolds LM, Yetnikoff L, Pokinko M, Wodzinski M, Epelbaum JG, Lambert LC, Cossette M-P, Arvanitogiannis A, Flores C. 2018. Early Adolescence is a Critical Period for the Maturation of Inhibitory Behavior. Cerebral cortex 29:3676–3686. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhy247

      Schneider M. 2013. Adolescence as a vulnerable period to alter rodent behavior. Cell and tissue research 354:99–106. doi:10.1007/s00441-013-1581-2

      Spear LP. 2000. Neurobehavioral Changes in Adolescence. Current directions in psychological science 9:111–114. doi:10.1111/1467-8721.00072

      Wheeler AL, Lerch JP, Chakravarty MM, Friedel M, Sled JG, Fletcher PJ, Josselyn SA, Frankland PW. 2013. Adolescent Cocaine Exposure Causes Enduring Macroscale Changes in Mouse Brain Structure. J Neurosci 33:1797–1803. doi:10.1523/jneurosci.3830-12.2013

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Lee et al. compared encoding of odor identity and value by calcium signaling from neurons in the ventral pallidum (VP) in comparison to D1 and D2 neurons in the olfactory tubercle (OT).


      They utilize a strong comparative approach, which allows the comparison of signals in two directly connected regions. First, they demonstrate that both D1 and D2 OT neurons project strongly to the VP, but not the VTA or other examined regions, in contrast to accumbal D1 neurons which project strongly to the VTA as well as the VP. They examine single unit calcium activity in a robust olfactory cue conditioning paradigm that allows them to differentiate encoding of olfactory identity versus value, by incorporating two different sucrose, neutral and air puff cues with different chemical characteristics. They then use multiple analytical approaches to demonstrate strong, low-dimensional encoding of cue value in the VP, and more robust, high-dimensional encoding of odor identity by both D1 and D2 OT neurons, though D1 OT neurons are still somewhat modulated by reward contingency/value. Finally, they utilize a modified conditioning paradigm that dissociates reward probability and lick vigor to demonstrate that VP encoding of cue value is not dependent on encoding of lick vigor during sucrose cues, and that separable populations of VP neurons encode cue value/sucrose probability and lick vigor.


      The conclusions of the data are mostly well supported by the analyses, but the statistical analysis is somewhat limited and needs to be clarified and extended.

      (1) The manuscript includes limited direct statistical comparison of the neural populations, and many of the comparisons between the subregions are descriptive, including descriptions of the percentage of neurons having specific response types, or differences in effect sizes or differing "levels" of significance. An additional direct comparison of data from each subpopulation would help to confirm whether the differences reported are statistically meaningful.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for their helpful suggestions. As the reviewer noted, the first version of our manuscript had limited direct comparisons of single-neuron metrics across subpopulations. These analyses were also limited to the supplementary figures: 1) {SK vs. XK} and {SK vs. ST} decoder auROC (S10F), 2) Valence scores (S10G), and 3) S-cue confusion after MNR classification (S11D). We have now included the following statistical comparisons of single-neuron metrics across subpopulation: 1) % of neurons that respond to both S cues (Tables S10, S11), 2) % of neurons that have auROC >0.75 for {SK vs. XK}, {SK vs. PK}, and {SK vs. ST} (Tables S12-S17), 3) response magnitudes to S cues (Table S38), and 4) valence scores (Tables S44-46).

      (2) When hypothesis tests are conducted between the neural populations, it is not clear whether the authors have accounted for the random effect of the subject, or whether individual units were treated as fully independent. For instance, pairwise differences are reported in Figures 4I, 5G/I/L, and others, but the statistical methods are unclear. Assessment of the statistics is further limited by the lack of reporting of degrees of freedom. If the individual neurons are treated as independent in these analyses, it could increase the likelihood of

      Response: We have clarified when statistical analyses are comparing individual neurons vs. simultaneously recorded populations. Per the reviewer’s recommendation, we have also incorporated linear mixed-effects models when statistically analyzing individual neurons. Lastly, to further clarify the statistical analyses used, we have added multiple supplementary tables that better describe the statistical tests used and the relevant outputs.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This work is interesting since the authors provide an in vivo analysis into how odor-associations may change as represented at the level of olfactory tubercle (presynaptic) and next at the level of the ventral pallidum (postsynaptic). First the authors start-off with a seemingly careful characterization of the anterograde and retrograde connectivity of dopamine 1 receptor (D1) and dopamine 2 receptor (D2) expressing medium spiny neurons in the olfactory tubercle and neurons in the ventral pallidum. From this work they claim that regardless of D1 or D2 expression, tubercle neurons mainly project to the lateral portion of the ventral pallidum. Next, to compare how odor-associated neuronal activity in the ventral pallidum and the olfactory tubercle (D1 vs D2 MSNs) transforms across association learning, the authors performed 2photon calcium imaging while mice engaged in a lick / no-lick task wherein two odors are associated with reward, two odors are associated with no outcome, and two odors are associated with an air puff.

      This manuscript builds off of prior work by several groups indicating that the olfactory tubercle neurons form flexible learned associations to odors by looking at outputs into the pallidum (but without looking specifically at palladial neurons that truly get input from tubercle I should highlight) and with that, this work is novel. We appreciated the use of a straight-forward odoroutcome behavioral paradigm and the careful computational methods and analyses utilized to disentangle the contributions of single neurons vs population level responses to behavior. With one exception from the Murthy lab, 2P imaging in the tubercle is a new frontier and that is appreciated - as is the 2P imaging in the pallidum which was well-supported by the histology. The anatomical work is also well presented.

      Overall the approach and methods are superb. The issues come when considering how the authors present the story and what conclusions are made from these data. Several key points before going into specifics about each are: 1) The authors can not conclude that their results are contradictory to prior results, 2) The authors over-interpret the results and do not discuss several key methodological issues. We were concerned with the ability to make strong claims regarding the circuitry presented, especially given how much the presented claims contradict prior work. There were also issues with the interpretability of neuronal encoding of value vs valence based on the present behavior (in which a distinction between the air puff and neutral trial types was not clear) and the imaging methodology (in which the neuronal populations analyzed were not clearly defined). In addition to toning down and rectifying some of the language and interpretations, we suggest including a study limitations section where these methodological and interpretation issues are discussed. Over-interpreting and playing up the significance of this work is unnecessary, especially given eLife's new review and publication policy. Readers should be given a sufficiently detailed and nuanced presentation of these thought-provoking results, and from there allowed to interpret the results as they want.


      State-of-the-art approaches (as detailed above)

      Possible conceptual innovation in terms of looking into output from the olfactory tubercle which has yet to be investigated in this avenue.


      On the first point regarding the authors repeated and unsupported claims that their results are contradictory. There are papers by numerous groups, in respected journals including this one, all together which used 5 different methods (cfos, photometry, 2P, units, fMRI), in animals ranging from humans to mice, which support that tubercle neurons reflect the emotional association of an odor, whether spontaneous or learned. With that, it is on the authors to not claim that their results contradict as if the other papers are suspect, but instead, from our standpoint it is on the authors to explain how and why their results differ from these other papers versus just simply saying they found something different [which at present is framed in a way that is 'correct' due to primacy if nothing else].

      Response: We acknowledge that the first version of the manuscript contained unnecessary disagreeing language. We do not think that our results are broadly in disagreement with the existing literature, but we do come to different conclusions about what the OT is representing. Namely, our comparison of valence encoding in OT to that in the VP strongly indicates that the anteromedial OT has a less robust representation of valence, and we argue that this reflects either an intermediate form of valence representation or potentially might not be important for valence representation at all. We have toned down our conclusions, made clear that we are only recording from one domain of the OT, limited our speculation to the discussion and added a “speculations” section.

      Second, onto the points of interpretation of results, there are several specific areas where this should be rectified. As is, the authors overinterpret their results and draw too far-reaching conclusions. This needs to be corrected.

      In particular, the claims that D1 and D2 neurons of the olfactory tubercle nearly exclusively send projections to the ventral pallidum must be interpreted with caution given that the authors injected an anterograde AAV into the anteromedial olfactory tubercle, and did not examine the projections from either the posterior or lateral portions of the olfactory tubercle. This is especially significant since the retrograde tracing performed from the ventral pallidum indicates that the lateral olfactory tubercle, not the medial olfactory tubercle, primarily projects to the ventral pallidum (Fig 1D-F), however this may be due to leakage into the nucleus accumbens, as seen in the supplementary figure, S1G.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for the point of caution. We have now made it clear that our conclusions are limited to the anteromedial portion of the OT, and other areas may have other projections.

      The same caution must be advised when interpreting the retrograde tracing performed in Fig 1G-I, since the neuronal tracer used and the laterality and rostral-caudal injection site within the VTA could result in different projection patterns and under- or over-labelling. Additionally, the metric used, %Fiber Density (Figure 1C), as in the percentage of 16-bit pixels within the region of interest with an intensity greater than 200, is semi-quantitative, and is more applicable for examining axonal fibers that pass through a region rather than the synaptic terminals (like with a synaptophysin fusion protein-based tracing paradigm) found within a region (puncta). The statements made in contrast to prior studies should therefore be softened, and these concerns should be addressed in the introduction, discussion, and the limitations section if added.

      Response: We have added statements to address these limitations.

      The other major concern is whether the behavioral data generated is indicative of the full spectrum of valence. The authors appropriately state that the mice "perceive" the air puff, yet based on their data the mice did not clearly experience the puff-associated odor as emotionally aversive (viz., negative valence). The way the authors describe these results, it seems they agree with this. With that, the authors can't say the puff is aversive without data to show such - that is an assumption which, while seemingly intuitive, is not supported by the data unfortunately. To elaborate more since this is important to the messaging of the paper: The authors utilized a simple behavioral design, wherein two molecular classes of odors were included in either a sucrose rewarded, neutral no outcome, or air puff punished trial type. The odor-outcome pairs were switched after three days, allowing the authors to compare neuronal responses on the basis of odor identity and the later associated outcome. While the mice showed clear learning of the rewarded trial types by an increase in anticipatory licking during the odor, they did not show any significant changes in behavior that indicated learning of the air puff trial type (change in running velocity or % maximal eye size), especially in contrast to the neutral trial type. This brings up the concern that either the odor-air puff aversive associations (to odors) were not learned, or that the neutral trial types, in which a reward was omitted, were just as aversive as the air puff to the rear, despite the lack of startle response - perhaps due to stimulus generalization between neutral and air puff odor. The possibility of lack of learning is addressed in the paragraph starting at line 578, but does not account for the possibility that the lack of reward is also sufficiently punishing. The authors also address the possibility that laterality in the VP contributed to the lack of neural responsivity observed, but should also include a statement regarding laterality in the olfactory tubercle, as described in https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.25423 and https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0073-15.2015, since the effects of modulating the lateral portion of the olfactory tubercle are not yet reported. Lastly, use of the term "reward processing" should be avoided/omitted since the authors did not specifically study the processing of reinforcers.

      Response: As the reviewer points out, we tried to be cautious interpreting the “aversive” odor response, and focused mainly on the reward association. This was discussed in the discussion. We don’t see the need to further add a redundent statement to a “limitations section”. We have also added a note about the previously identified laterality of the OT, which might account for lack of aversive responsive neurons in the OT. The reviewer makes an interesting suggestion that behavioral responses to airpuff-associated odors are not significantly different from un-associated because the lack of reward in this context is already aversive. We note that the walking velocity between reward- and puff-associated odor is significantly different, but not that to unassociated. This is in agreement with the suggestion, and we have added a statement to reflect this.

      Also, I would appreciate justification of the term "value". How specifically does the assay used assess value versus a more simplistic learned association which influences perceived hedonics or valence of the odors.

      Response: We have removed the term “value” with the exception of areas where we cite the work of others. We acknowledge that the word value is complicated in the incentive learning field and appreciate the suggestion. Our experimental design was meant to investigate learned association for positive and negative stimuli, thus valence is more appropriate and we have used this term.

      More information is needed regarding how neurons are identified day-to-day, both in textual additions to the Methods and also in terms of elaborating more in the results and/or figure legends about what neurons are included:

      (a) The ROI maps for identifying/indicating cells in the FOVs are nice to see and at the same time raise some concerns about how cells are identified and/or borders for those specific ROIs drawn. For instance, Figure 4, A & D, ROI #13 (cell #13) between those two panels is VERY different in shape/size. Also see ROIs 15 and 4. Why was an ROI map not made on day 1 and then that same map applied and registered to frames from consecutive imaging days in that same mouse? As it is new ROIs are drawn, smaller for some "cells" and larger for others. And at least in ROI #13 above, one ROI is about twice as large as the other. This inconsistency in the work flow and definition of the ROIs is needing to be addressed in Methods. Also, the authors should address if and how this could possibly impact their results.

      Response: We have added details and clarified the methods section to make this more clear. We note that we extracted calcium transients from the raw data with the the widely used Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (CNMF) algorithm. This processing algorithm simultaneously identifies spatial and temporal components using modeled kinetics of calcium transients and pre-trained CNN classifiers. Using 2-photon microscopy the optical resolution in the z plane is narrow and we may not always capture components of a neuron that look like “neurons”, but all ROIs were confirmed manually to ensure they were not artifacts.

      (b) Also, more details are needed in results and/or figure legends regarding the changes in cell numbers over days that are directly compared in the results. Some days there are 10% or more or less cells. Why? It is not the same population being compared in this case and so some Discussion of this is needed.

      Response: The shapes of the spatial components can vary across days due to nonrigid motion in the brain and/or miniscule differences in the imaging angle across days. Although we visually verified that we are imaging approximately the same z plane across days, we cannot (and do not) claim to image identical populations of neurons across days.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This manuscript describes a study of the olfactory tubercle in the context of reward representation in the brain. The authors do so by studying the responses of OT neurons to odors with various reward contingencies and compare systematically to the ventral pallidum. Through careful tracing, they present convincing anatomical evidence that the projection from the olfactory tubercle is restricted to the lateral portion of the ventral pallidum.

      Using a clever behavioral paradigm, the authors then investigate how D1 receptor- vs. D2 receptor-expressing neurons of the OT respond to odors as mice learn different contingencies. The authors find that, while the D1-expressing OT neurons are modulated marginally more by the rewarded odor than the D2-expressing OT neurons as mice learn the contingencies, this modulation is significantly less than is observed for the ventral pallidum. In addition, neither of the OT neuron classes shows significant modulation by the reward itself. In contrast, the OT neurons contained information that could distinguish odor identities. These observations have led the authors to conclude that the primary feature represented in the OT is not reward.


      The highly localized projection pattern from olfactory tubercle to ventral pallidum is a valuable finding and suggests that studying this connection may give unique insights into the transformation of odor by reward association.

      Comparison of olfactory tubercle vs. ventral pallidum is a good strategy to further clarify the olfactory tubercle's position in value representation in the brain.


      The authors' interpretation of the physiologic results - that a novel framework is needed to interpret the OT's role - requires more careful treatment.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for their recommendation. We have toned down the conclusiveness of our language in the discussion. Additionally, we have removed several speculative sentences from the concluding paragraph.

      Reviewer recommendations for Authors:

      We thank the reviewers for this helpful list of recommended changes to the manuscript.<br /> Regrettably, a few of the recommendations were overlooked in the revision, as indicated below.<br /> We do agree with the suggestions and plan to add appropriate changes to the version of record.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      If the comparisons mentioned in point 2 in the public review do not account for the lack of independence of individual neurons, I suggest the authors do so by either running linear mixed effects models with a random effect for subject, or one-way ANOVAs with a random effect of subject, where appropriate. The authors could also run analyses on summarized individual subject data (averages, % of neurons, etc.), though the authors would lose substantial power when assessing whether average changes differ between subjects in each recording group.

      We have clarified when statistical analyses are comparing individual neurons vs. simultaneously recorded populations. Per the reviewer’s recommendation, we have also incorporated linear mixed-effects models when statistically analyzing individual neurons. Lastly, to further clarify the statistical analyses used, we have added supplementary tables for every statistical test that better describe the parameters used and the relevant outputs.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Of minor note, there are some symbols/special characters that did not translate in the figure caption for Figure 6C, repeated text between lines 700-705 and 707-712, and some other small grammatical errors. Additionally, the source of the anterograde tracing virus (AAV9-phSyn1FLEX-tdTomato-T2A-SypEGFP-WPRE) needs to be stated.

      Thank you for pointing these out. We have added description to the figure legend, and deleted the repeated lines and fixed grammatical errors. During the revision, we Regrettably overlooked the request to provide the source for the AAV9-phSyn1-FLEX-tdTomato-T2A-SypEGFP-WPRE. We agree that this small detail is important and will add it before publication of the version of record. This viral vector was purchased from The Salk Institute GT3 Core.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The authors' interpretation of the physiologic results - that a novel framework is needed to interpret the OT's role - requires more careful treatment. As the authors note, there is rewardcontingency modulation in OT, especially when D1 neurons are compared against D2, as shown in Fig. 3D,E, Fig. 4I, and Fig. F,J. Though small in effect size, presumably, these modulations cannot be explained by the odor identity. These observations, to this reviewer, suggest the D1 neurons of OT have a component of cue-reward representation. In other words, rather than developing an entirely new framework, an alternative possibility that D1 neurons of OT occupy an intermediate stage in associating cues with reward (i.e., under the same framework, but occupying a different position in the emergence of value representation) should be considered.

      We thank the reviewer for this thoughtful comment. We have eliminated the statement that “novel framework is needed” and have been more conservative in our interpretations. We have also acknowledged that our results are not necessarily in conflict with existing literature, but we do draw different conclusions, namely that the anteromedial OT is not a robust valence encoding population in comparison to that in the VP. We appreciate the suggestion of the term “intermediate stage” in reward association and have now included this in the discussion. Lastly, we have limited broader speculation to a “speculation” section of the discussion.

      Related to the above point, have the authors analyzed if the similarities in the chemical structures correspond to perceptual and neural similarities? In the data presented in Figure S4, there are greater similarities in the population patterns within the same rewarding condition than within chemical groups. A comparison of the reward vs. chemical group (a simpler version of Fig. 5B) may be beneficial and take full advantage of the experimental design.

      This comparison already exists in 5B and lines 285-289 of results. In VP populations, the distribution was structured such that intervalence pairwise comparisons between sucrose-paired and not sucrose-paired odors (e.g. ||SK-PK|| and ||SK-XK||) were larger than intravalence pairwise comparisons (e.g. ||SK-ST||, or ||XK-XT||). OTD1 populations showed an intermediate trend where most intravalence pairwise distances were smaller than intervalence pairwise distances with the exception of ||SK-ST||.

      Related to the point about chemical similarities - is the smaller effect size (amount of modulation associated with reward contingency) in this study, compared to the study by Martiros et al, explained by the similarities of odorants used?

      This is an interesting point. Although the odorants we use are different from those in Martiros et al, we think it is unlikely to the basis of smaller effect size due to reward modulation. If OT represents odor in a population code, whereby identity is encoded in unique ensembles of activity, then variation in the expression of D1R between OT neurons could account for different effects in different ensembles. However, there is no evidence for such varied expression and it doesn’t seem like an ideal mechanism for the OT to broadly associate odor with reward. Moreover, we do not observe any differences in effect size of reward association between the different odorants used in our study. Rather, we think the difference between our findings is more likely to result from recording in different populations of neurons, which is addressed in lines 522-535.

      Regarding the data presented in Fig. 3I - the rewarded odor responses (Sk) are compared against neutral ones (Xk responses), but an S vs. P comparison may be informative, too. Even though the authors mention that the effect of air puff is subtle, the behavioral data presented in Fig. 2F and G suggest that these serve as aversive stimuli. For example, on day 4, the first day after the reward contingency switch, the licking levels seem the lowest for the P odors.

      We have added the S vs P comparison. Indeed, we had originally omitted this because the neural and behavioral response to puff cues was not robust. This is discussed in the discussion (lines 563-579), and our conclusions about aversive conditioning are cautious.

      Regarding the data presented in Fig. 4G: it is difficult to interpret the data when the data for day 1 reward period and day 3 reward cue period are combined. Or do the authors mean day 1 S cue and day 3 S cue?

      These data were based on an observation that some neurons in the VP only responded to sucrose (not odor) on day 1, but later became responsive to the associated odor on day 4. To quantify this, Fig. 4G shows the percentage of these neurons by reporting the percentage that were both responsive to sucrose (not odor) on day 1 and also rewarded odor on day 3. This is described in lines 260-274.

      Figure 6 presentation would benefit from a revision. For example, it is unclear if the water port becomes available for the "N" odors with 100% or 50% chance of reward delivery, and if so, how that happens. There are some errors e.g., colormap used for panel G; odors listed may be wrong in line 752 etc. It was unfortunately not possible to understand what was presented.

      We have added a schematic (Fig 6B) to better describe the movement of the port and details to the methods. The color scale was indeed inverted in panel G (now H), and it has been corrected. We have verified that the odors listed in the methods are correct. Although not included in the revision, in the version of record we will also add corresponding descriptors (e.g., LHi & Lx) to the odors in the methods for easier comparison.

      Minor comments

      For Figure 2H, an alternative description in the legend may be beneficial, as the phrasing is not intuitive. A suggested alternative is "licks in response to sugar-associated odors expressed as fraction of all odors".

      We appreciate the suggestion and have changed this to “licks during either sucrose cue expressed as a fraction of all licks during any odor.”

      Figure 2H: please explain the color code for crosses in the legend and the statistical comparison shown in the figure.

      We have added a legend to explain the color code and included a statement about the statistics in the legend with a link to a supplemental table for statistical parameters.

      Figure 3D: may contain mislabeling in the legend - the legend for 3D does not match the plot (legend refers to bar graph while plot shows line graphs)

      Unclear what is meant. 3D legend says: “Percentage of total neurons that were significantly excited or inhibited by each odor (Bonferroni- adjusted FDR < 0.05) as a function of time relative to odor. Lines represent the mean across biological replicates and the shaded area reflects the mean ± SEM.” This is not a bar plot and is not referred to as one. 3E does show bar plots and is correctly described in the legend.

      Figure 3M: uses letters to refer to cell populations that are identical to the roman numerals used in Fig 3 A-C as well as colours similar to the ones in Fig 3C. However, the cell groups are unrelated; splitting the figures or using a different nomenclature might help

      We have adapted a different color code that we think makes this more distinct.

      Figure 4I: statistical comparison shown in figure not explained (neither in main text nor legend)

      We have added a statement about the statistical comparison and referenced a supplementary table.

      Figure 5 D: color code appears to have a different range than the values shown (i.e. lower limit is 0.7 while the plot shows values below 0.7)

      We confirm this is not a mistake but a stylistic choice. The displayed color scale does only show values to lower limit of 0.7, while the lower limit of values is 0.67. Although the color for 0.67 is not shown in the scale it is approximately the same as the lower limit. The values are reported for full transparency and accuracy.

      Figure 5 G, I, & L: statistical comparison shown in figure not explained

      The comparisons have been explained in supplemental tables (S22-29) and referenced in the legend.

      Figure 5 I: meaning of symbols overlayed over bars not explained

      “Markers represent the mean across biological replicates” has been added.

      Figure 5 J&K: please state if error bars show SEM or SD; also please describe individual thinner lines in the legend

      This has been added to describe 5I. The same format applies to J&K.

      Figure 5L: please describe the individual crosses overlayed over bars in the legend

      Described in 5I.

      Figure S6A-C: please mention the odors used.

      S6A-C shows kinetics for the odor a-terpinene, which is now indicated in the legend.

      Line 129: mentions a 70 psi airpuff but methods say 75 psi - please clarify This has been corrected. 70 psi is the correct value.

      Line 134 typo: SP should be PK

      This has been corrected.

      Line 428: typo; should be cluster 3, not 2

      This has been corrected.

      Line 474 (and figure 6O): please explain what "P" is

      “P” is probability, used as P(S), as in probability of sucrose. This is defined in in line 466.

      Line 692: please describe the staining protocol in the methods (rather than just listing the antibodies and concentrations)

      We have added more details (lines 692-699).

      Line 707-712: duplicate text (identical to Line 700-705)

      This has been deleted.

    1. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      In this manuscript the authors are interested in understanding how fission yeast respond to a Nitrogen Signaling Factor (NSF) that has previously been shown to allow Leucine auxotrophs to grow in the presence of Leucine when Nitrogen Catabolite Repression (NCR) is triggered by the presence of a high quality Nitrogen source such as Ammonium Chloride (NH4Cl).

      The authors begin with a screen to identify genes that affect the ability of wild type cells grown near cells with leucine auxotrophy to enhance or abolish NCR phenotype. They screened the non-essential gene deletion library which they manipulate so that it only contains a leucine auxotrophy (unlike the original gene deletion library which contains additional auxotrophies). They identify 137 genes whose deletion allows growth of Leu auxotrophs in the presence of Leucine and Ammonia without the presence of WT cells. These genes are required for NCR. They further identify 203 genes which do not bypass NCR even in the presence of wild type cells, and are thus important for bypassing NCR in the presence of WT cells.

      They then conduct a second screen to identify which of these genes are important for bypassing NCR in response to the Synthetic NSF, 10(R)-hydroxy-8(Z)-octadecenoic acid, by looking for genes which grow in the presence of leucine when ammonia is not present, but do not grow in the presence of leucine when ammonia is present, even when NSF is added. This second screen identifies 117 strains carrying deletions in a gene set enriched for genes related to cellular respiration and mitochondria. They then show that the NSF bypass of NCR is linked to respiration by showing that it is abolished in the presence of the respiration inhibitor Antimycin A, that growth in low levels of glucose can bypass NCR in the absence of NSF< and that cells supplemented with NSF have a higher oxygen consumption rate.

      To gain insight into how the cell responds to NSF, the authors then gather RNA expression data from cells grown in high ammonium concentrations following treatment with NSF relative to a negative control treated only with Methanol (the vehicle into which NSF is dissolved). They argue that the gene expression pattern resembles gene expression data from cells undergoing respiration in glycerol relative to cells undergoing fermentation in glucose. They show that the upregulated genes relate to trehalose synthesis, detoxification of Reactive Oxygen Species, and cellular fusion and the downregulated genes are related to cellular adhesion and flocculation.

      They validate their RNA-seq measurements by showing that the two most highly induced and two most highly repressed genes respond to NSF addition in a dose dependent manner and do not respond oleic acid which is chemically similar to NSF. The most highly responsive gene they identify is an uncharacterized gene, SPBPB2B2.01, which they suggest naming "NSF-responsive amino acid transporter 1" (nrt1). They also show that the nrt1 response is dependent on the culture density, and that the response is present (though the magnitude varies) in YES and in EMM under varying nitrogen concentrations, and that yfp driven by the nrt1 promoter is induced by NSF.

      The authors then investigate the 8 transcription factors that were present in their list of genes required for NSF-mediated adapted growth. They note that Hsr1 was the only one of these transcription factors, indeed the only gene, that was a hit in their screen for NSF-mediated adapted growth and whose expression was induced upon NSF treatment. To see if the activity of the other transcription factors changed in response to NSF treatment, the authors then gathered ChIP-seq data using 6 of these transcription factors as targets for IP. They saw that for Hsr1 and Php3, targets that had increased RNA-seq expression showed an increase in promoter occupancy while for Hsr1, Php3, Adn2, and Atf1, genes that had decreased RNA-seq expression showed a decrease in promoter activity.

      Finally the authors attempt to identify the mode of action of NSF by generating a functionalized NSF with an alkyne tag (AlkNSF) which they then use as a probe to identify NSF binding partners. They first show that AlkNSF does allow bypass of NCR, although at 30-fold higher concentration. Also AlkNSF induces nrt1 expression in a dose dependent manner, although the expression saturates at a lower level and requires a much higher concentration for induction. They then look for proteins that co-purify with AlkNSF compared to a control that was pre-incubated with NSF which was expected to compete off AlkNSF. The only significant protein they saw was Ayr1, which was not identified in their screen and which did not abrogate NSF bypass of NCR when deleted independantly. They saw that Ayr1 deletion actually increases the response of nrt1 and mei2 targets to NSF, and speculate that Ayr1 metabolises NSF and reduces the cell's ability to respond to NSF to bypass NCR.

      They then repeat the affinity purification / mass spec protocol in an Ayr1 delete cells to identify other interaction partners, this time incubating with a higher concentration of NSF, and also comparing to an experiment using Alkeyne Oleic Acid as a control for non-specific binding. The top two specific hits from this assay are Hmt2 and Gst3. NSF was still able to rescue NCR in gst3 deletes, indicating that it was not relevant for the phenotype. Cells lacking hmt2 did not grow in EMM, but did grow in YES when not supplemented with ammonium and when supplemented with ammonium did not grow, and addition of NSF did not rescue growth. They also see that nrt1 and mei2 gene induction in response to NSF is abolished when hmt2 is deleted. They then argue that hmt2, a sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase localized in the inner membrane of mitochondria is a direct target of NSF that triggers a switch to respiratory metabolism and allows bypass of NCR.

      Below are comments that I think ought to be addressed prior to publication (Major comments)

      1. In line 70, the authors state that "S. pombe cells rely on their own BCAA synthesis to sustain growth" when grown alongside Leucine when ammonium is supplied in the media. If prototrophs can inhibit NCR via NSFs in neighboring auxotrophic cells on the same plate, couldn't they also inhibit NCR within their own colony? How do we know that prototrophic cells grown in high quality nitrogen sources along with, say leucine, are not taking up leucine? The fact that leucine auxotrophs cannot grow in high quality nitrogen sources when leucine is present does not imply that wild type cells must use be synthesizing BCAAs rather than importing them. In a recent paper (Kamrad et al Nat. Microbiol. 2023, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41564-022-01304-8), it was shown that S. cerevisiae cells grown in lysine and in high concentrations of ammonium uptake lysine rather than synthesize it as lysine concentrations in the media are increased. I am aware via unpublished results that this is the case for Leucine as well. I would be surprised if the same isn't true in S. pombe. The authors should caveat or remove this assertion.
      2. It is important for the authors to put their observation linking respiration to rescue from NCR in context with findings from a closely related study (Chiu et al 2022) which included some authors from this manuscript and which the authors cite. In that paper, it was shown that the siderefore ferrichrome can also rescue NCR in fission yeast. That paper stated "It is likely that ferrichrome increased mitochondrial activity, which enabled efficient utilization of glucose downstream of the glycolytic pathway" based on experiments in different concentrations of glucose. This evidence seems to support the link between respiration and rescue from NCR proposed by the authors of this manuscript. The authors should acknowledge this closely related and earlier work as it strengthen's the case they are trying to make. They could even test if ferrichrome addition makes cells sensitive to antimycin A (as in fig 1E), but that extra experiment would be optional in my opinion.
      3. In figure 1B for the second screen I do not understand what the photos represent. For the photos, two rows are meant to have no NH4 and also no NSF and the label on that image makes no mention of Leucine supplementation. In the diagram there are two rows that have NH4 and leucine and one row that has no NH4 but does have leucine. I assume the diagram is correct and the labels on the images are incorrect.
      4. It would be important for the authors to put their observation linking respiration to rescue from NCR in context with findings from Chiu et al 2022 which the authors cite. In that paper, it was shown that the siderefore Ferrichrome can also rescue NCR in fission yeast which the authors site which found that a siderephore rescues NCR. Also the authors of that paper stated "It is likely that ferrichrome increased mitochondrial activity, which enabled efficient utilization of glucose downstream of the glycolytic pathway." based on experiments in different concentrations of glucose. This evidence seems to support the link between respiration and rescue from NCR proposed by the authors of this manuscript.
      5. In line 133. The authors state that the 29 mutants that didn't grow under Leucine supplementation either without NH4CL or with NH4Cl whether or not NSF was present were "related to EMM Growth, leucine uptake, or utilization of ammonium as the sole nitrogen source." The first two make sense, but I can't see why a a strain with deletion of a gene related to utilization of ammonium as a sole nitrogen source wouldn't grow when supplemented with leucine. In fact for all the leucine auxotrophs in the screen, if one was to try to grow them with ammonium as the sole nitrogen source they would not grow, so it isn't clear that this screen can identify genes responsible for utilization of ammonium as a sole nitrogen source. The authors should clarify or remove this point.
      6. 203 strains are important for avoidance of NCR (because in the presence of Ammonium and Leucine, as well as a WT strain, they cannot grow). Of these 57 strains can't grow in the presence of a WT strain but they can grow in the presence of NSF. The authors conclude in line 138 that these strains are "likely to respond to a transmissible signal that is different from NSF". This is confusing because deletion of these genes still does allow cells to respond to NSF, however when these cells are growing in the presence of wild type cells (which in their model are releasing NSF), the cells don't grow. I am confused about the nature of the transmissible signal that the authors suggest. It would appear that when these genes are deleted and grown next to a wild type cell which sends the alternative signal and the NSF, the other transmissible signal would inhibits the ability of NSF to release NCR (as NSF can still rescue the gene). It is not clear how the other transmissible signal would work when the gene is present as it is clearly not necessary to rescue growth.

      A simpler explanation might be that there was contamination in the second screen, or that there was a threshold effect - perhaps in the first screen the strains grew just below a threshold and in the second screen it grew just above that level.

      The authors should clarify their interpretation for these strains, and acknowledge any alternative technical explanations.<br /> 7. The authors' efforts to removed confounding effects that might stem from additional auxotrophic alleles made the screen more convincing. However, Fig 1E, 1F, 5B, and 5E were done with EMM+Leu+Ade+Ura, while the initial strain was just done in the presence of additional Leucine. It is unclear why this was done from the text and captions, but I assume it was because they used a strain that was ade- and ura- in addition to being leu-. Given that they had strains without these additional mutations, this seems like a strange choice. The authors should acknowledge that there are possible confounding effects of adding adenine and uracil to the media, and, if they did have additional metabolic deletions, acknowledge that that could possibly be confounding.<br /> 8. Fig 1E, it appears that cells can grow without NSF in the presence of ammonium and additional amino acids after 10 days (although NSF is required for growth at 5 days). This is not a problem for the screen as that was taken at 5-6 days, but it appears as though NSF does not rescue growth so much as speed it up. The authors should acknowledge this when describing the phenotype. It also argues for a quantitative time course growth experiment to compare growth over the course of 10 days with and without NSF, although this would not be necessary to the paper's main argument.<br /> 9. In line 191 and 192, the authors suggest that the "downregulation of flocculation/adhesion related genes by NSF could serve to avoid undesirable mating during growth". If this is the case, I don't understand why mating genes and cellular fusion genes would be upregulated. What do the authors mean by undesirable mating? Wouldn't flocculation increase desirable mating as well? If all mating is undesirable, wouldn't upregulation of mating and cellular fusion genes be detrimental? 10. The authors mention that trehalose is an antioxidant, for which they reference Malecki 2019, however that paper shows no direct evidence of trehalose functioning as an antioxidant under respiratory conditions. It only shows that some trehalose synthesis genes are upregulated when cells are grown under glucose. The authors should identify primary literature to back this statement up, or soften the wording. Also trehalose is known to be a storage metabolite (which is mentioned in Malicki et al 2019, but not in this manuscript). In fact work in budding yeast has show that trehalose can be a shared metabolite that can be produced by respiring cells and used as a fermentable carbon source in communities of budding yeast cells that consist of fermenting and non-fermenting cells (Varahan et al, eLife 2019 https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.46735). It seems that this role should be considered as an alternative explanation for the induction of trehalose in respiratory cells.<br /> 11. Line 208: The stimulatory effect of NSF on NRT1 decreased with cell density, thus cell density is likely to be an important factor in terms of gene expression. The methods section, text and figure captions do not mention the density at which cells were inoculated/harvested for RNA-seq and other experiments. If that density was more than OD 0.1, then this would be inconsistent with the measurements from Fig 3. Also in fig 3D, The culture density is not mentioned in the figure or the caption, even though the text suggests that for that experiment cells were grown at low density (Lines 212-213). The authors should provide information on density for their experiments in order for them to be reproducible, as they show it is a key factor. 12. In suggesting a name for NRT1 (NSF-responsive amino acid transporter 1), the authors assume that the gene has a role in amino acid transmembrane transport, but they have no experiments showing this phenotype. They mention that it is Inferred from homology with other amino acid transporters. I presume this name has already been approved by Pombase and is not provisional, but it seems that including phenotypes inferred from homology, rather than from experiments is unwise. Do the authors have any other direct evidence that this is a bona fide Amino Acid Transporter? Perhaps a name like "NSF-responsive gene" would be more appropriate.

      Related to this, it appears that the expression level of Nrt1 may be very low (see Fig S2B in which the scale of the RNA-seq track is very small [-1,1] and the amount of expression is very small even when NSF is added). Looking at Fig 2A, the total transcript abundance did not appear to be very low in terms of counts per million (over 100) is this a discrepancy in fig S2B? Perhaps the large fold change is the result of counts very close to zero in the control condition? Also in Fig 3 the nrt1 expression levels did not appear to be especially low and they appeared repeatable. Is the RNA-seq data shown in fig S2B for nrt1 a fluke or am I misinterpreting it? <br /> 13. To show that their Chip-seq worked, the authors showed specific examples of Chip-seq reads for target genes Line 240, "Previously determined target genes of these TFs were significantly enriched in our data set, demonstrating that the experiment has worked (Figure S2A)." Is the significance here, the threshold from fig S2B? If so that threshold should be clearly stated here in the text. If it is the fact that asn1 shows up as "Fil1 bound" is strange as there are no genes that had significant changes in ChIP-seq signals for fig S2B. If there is another threshold the authors should describe it. While some of the examples they showed were convincing (e.g. php3-flag for the php3 regulated gene gln1 and the increased reads for srw1 for the reb1 target srw1), there were some targets that didn't seem to be especially enriched for their designated transcription factor. For example, the gene trx1 which was identified as an Hsr1 binding target had some binding from Hsr1, but more from Php3 and equivalent amounts for many of the other transcription factors. A clear description of how genes are chosen to be significant in the text, alongside references/selection criteria the authors used to select the specific genes shown should be provided to improve reproducability. <br /> 14. In lines 244-246 the authors state that "These differences in TF occupancy were positively correlated with target gene expression changes. That is, individual genes that were upregulated by NSF tended to be more strongly bound by the TFs, whereas downregulated genes were less occupied by the respective TFs (Figure 4A)." This is far from a general trend. The trend is not there for reb1 and fil1. In fact fil1 looks to the eye like it shows a decrease in occupancy for genes with increased expression, and I worry that the authors did a one sided test for significance that would have missed this, although the variability of the genes that don't change in this case is very high, so there could be no significant effect. The authors elaborate on some of the detail in following statements, but they should soften or remove this statement.

      Related to this, in line 254, the authors state: "These results imply that NSF exposure rewires the recipient cell's transcriptional program, for which the TFs Atf1, Adn2, Adn3, Fil1, Hsr1, Php3, Php5, and Reb1 are indispensable (Table S3)." While I am convinced from the RNA-seq evidence and some of the chip-seq evidence that NSF exposure rewires cell's transcriptional program, I am not convinced that the 8 transcription factors they mention are indespensable for rewiring the transcriptional program. While they may be indespensible for the phenotype itself, Reb1, and Fil1 show no no siginificant enrichment in occupancy of upregulated or downregulated targets (Fig 4A) and, along with Atf1, Reb1, and Fil1, have very few genes in which ocupancy is changed significantly (Fig S2B), while no chip-seq experiments were shown for Php5 and Adn3.

      The more specific summary of the data (Lines 250-253) from Fig S2B describing how hsr1 and adn2 have the strongest effects of the transcription factors required for NSF-mediated NCR bypass is a much stronger message for this section. 15. In line 335, the authors state that "in contrast to other communication systems, NSF does not induce noticeable changes in S. pombe's morphology", referring to changins in mating, filamentation, and bacterial biofilm formation. However they do show very clearly that NSF does cause a large decrease in expression in flocculation/adhesion genes. The fact that they do not see a change in morphology is likely due to the fact that the lab strain in the conditions used for this assay do not flocculate. We have recently identified conditions and strains which do exhibit flocculation in this preprint [https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.15.571870v2]. It is likely that if they had a strain and conditions that did flocculate addition of NSF would break up flocculation and thus change the morphology based on their evidence. The authors should remove or caveat this point.<br /> 16. Line 270 Fig 5B: The concentration of NH4Cl listed in the text (374mM) does not match the concentration shown on the figure (748mM). I assume this is a typo but it should be corrected prior to publication.

      Also I have several minor comments to help improve the manuscript.

      m1: Lines 66-70- state that "uptake of the branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) isoleucine (Ile), leucine (Leu), and valine (Val) is suppressed in the presence of high-quality nitrogen sources such as ammonium or glutamate, because the expression of transporters or permeases that are needed for the uptake of poorer nitrogen sources are down regulated (Zhang et al, 2018)." This reference is for S. cerevisiae and is a review. The authors should cite original results in S. pombe if possible, and if that is not available, alert the reader that this result is from a different species.

      m2: It is unclear from the methods section how the images taken for the screens were analyzed. Were they analayzed and scored by hand, or using custom image analysis software. Either way, when publishing the authors should publish the scores for each deletion mutant in their screen. If there was custom image analysis, the authors should mention in their methods the cutoffs which they used to score growth, and consider plotting the data as a supplement so readers can get a sense of how sensitive the screen was.

      m3: The authors identify 137 mutants that did not require NSF signaling to bypass NCR and claimed these genes were required for NCR. It would be helpful and give more confidence in this screen to demonstrate the extent to which the genes identified in this study overlap with any previous genes required for NCR, and whether there was any GO-term enrichment in this set.

      m4: It would be interesting if the authors could speculate a bit in their discussion on why mitochondrial respiration counteracts NCR. Is there something about cells undergoing respiration that would make it easier for them to use BCAAs than to produce them, or conversely something about fermenting cells that makes it easier for them to produce BCAAs rather than importing them?

      m5: It is unclear why Figure 1F has 'MP biomedicals TM' listed in the figure. It doesn't seem to be listed in the caption or the methods. Is this different media than in other experiments? If so, the authors should add that information to the methods or the caption.

      m6: In Line 160, positively influenced is strange wording, do the authors mean "induced"?

      m7: In the section on gene expression change upon exposure to NSF, the authors use a + after each gene name. My understanding is that that notation is meant to refer to strains with the wild type genotype of that gene, and not the gene itself. Shouldn't the gene be italicised in lower case to represent the gene? See: Lera-Ramirez et al 2023 https://doi.org/10.1093/genetics/iyad143.

      m8: In Fig 2A, genes are displayed on a plot that depicts level vs log2FC, but a comparison between the fold change and p-value would be more useful, and I believe DESeq2 should provide an adjusted p-value for these genes. A related issue is that it appears as though there were no biological replicates, though there was data gathered at different time points. In these genome wide experiments, replicates can give confidence to data and help distinguish true change from intrinsic variability of expression in specific genes. Though the authors did qPCR to validate specific results, it would have improved the quality of their systems-level data to have replicates for these and other key experiments (Chip-seq, affinity purification and even the screen).

      m9: Supp Fig S1: To show that similar gene expression profiles exist for other time points, it would be more convincing to show Log fold change 2h vs 4h and 2h vs 6h and show correlation, or else to make a heat map with all genes to see that genes that go up in one condition go up in the other conditions. It is not clear if the red and blue colors are defined for the 2h dataset and then mapped onto the 4 and 6h dataset, or if they are independently assigned for each plot.

      m10: Mbx2 is a key transcription factor related to flocculation and adhesion genes, and its expression is correlated with expression of its targets. If this transcription factor's expression levels decreased in response to NSF, that might strengthen and help explain the decrease in expression the authors observe in flocculation/adhesion genes when cells encounter NSF. If it it does not change, it might also be interesting for readers interested in these phenotypes.

      m11: In Fig 3D, The notation for the Ammonium concentrations for EMM and YES are inconcistent (+ vs parentheses), also the units (mM from the caption) are not on the figure, but the abbreviation "N" is which is confusing and inconsistent with the other plots in which NH4CL is not abbreviated. Additionally, the caption lists additional nutrients in the media for the EMM conditions (Leu, Ade, Ura) which ought to also be listed.

      m12: In lines 233-235, the authors say "One possibility is that they remain bound to their target genes but become activated or deactivated by NSF directly, or posttranslational modification, such as phosphorylation in the case of Atf1". I don't think the authors intend this, but this sentence could be taken to mean that Atf1 has been shown to be phorphorylated by NSF in the reference they site. I think the authors should clarify, i.e. by saying "..such as phophorylation which is known to regulate activity of Aft1 in response to oxidative and osmotic stress [Lawrence et al 2009]".

      m13: In Fig 4B and Fig S2A, there are grey and colored tracks for the chip-seq (- and + NSF), but they are very difficult to see. If grey is in front it is hard to tell how close the colored peak wehn the colored peak is lower. For example, grey is in front for pex7 while color is in front for yhb1. Could the authors add some transparancy so that the data for both conditions could be seen at once? Also there is little information on the control. My assumption for the input(ChIP) sample was that it was cross-linked and sonicated but not immunoprecipitated, but it is not clear what conditions it was in. I would assume it was done without NSF treatment in WT cells, but those details should be added in the caption or methods. In particular, in the input there is a large spike for Gsf2. Do the authors have any explanation for this and does it have anything to do with that gene's NSF responsiveness?

      m14: The authors might consider putting something like Fig S2B (or even a corresponding volcano plot) as a main figure for Fig 4 in addition to the other two panels, as the individual examples from fig 4B are nice to see, but do not give a broad overview of the data.

      m15: In line 348, the wording "Would score" might be better replaced by "would be identified."



      In general I find the authors arguments compelling and their experiments convincing. The initial and follow on screens were well designed and the authors linked respiration and the action of NSF in a convincing way. The analysis of RNA-seq data was also convincing, especially regarding the decreased expression of flocculation and adhesion genes, and the follow up of specific targets gives confidence in the data (though see Major point 12 below regarding the naming and expression levels of nsf1). The identification of hmt2 as a functional target of NSF was compelling and rigorous, and the authors offer an interesting hypothesis to connect this to respiration that could form the basis of future studies.

      At times I thought that some of the interpretation of the results was hard to follow, poorly worded, or off the mark (see comments below). The presentation of the CHiP seq data also felt incomplete, though the influence of Hsr1 and Adn2 on expression of NSF1 targets was convincing. The genome wide assays (RNA-seq, CHiP seq, screen and pull-down/mass spec) could have done with replicates which would have improved statistics and reliability of the results presented for those experiments, although for key messages, the authors followed up with convincing targeted experiments.

      The study represents an advance on recent work in NCR in fission yeast in linking this with the broad metabolic switch between fermentation and respiration, and in that sense makes this of interest to a broader swathe of the microbiology community, outside those interested in metabolic regulation in microbes. In addition to being of interest to applied researchers interested in producing metabolites with yeast and other microbes, the link to cell signaling and, via flocculation and adhesion genes, to microbial multicellular-like phenotypes would make this work of interest to those interested in microbial communities.

    1. Author Response

      Comments on eLife Reviews

      We thank the reviewers for their positive comments and constructive feedback following their thorough reading of the manuscript. In this provisional reply we will briefly address the reviewer’s comments and suggestions point by point. In the forthcoming revised manuscript, we will more thoroughly address the reviewer’s comments and provide additional supporting data.

      (1) The expression 'randomly clustered networks' needs to be explained in more detail given that in its current form risks to indicate that the network might be randomly organized (i.e., not organized). In particular, a clustered network with future functionality based on its current clustering is not random but rather pre-configured into those clusters. What the authors likely meant to say, while using the said expression in the title and text, is that clustering is not induced by an experience in the environment, which will only be later mapped using those clusters. While this organization might indeed appear as randomly clustered when referenced to a future novel experience, it might be non-random when referenced to the prior (unaccounted) activity of the network. Related to this, network organization based on similar yet distinct experiences (e.g., on parallel linear tracks as in Liu, Sibille, Dragoi, Neuron 2021) could explain/configure, in part, the hippocampal CA1 network organization that would appear otherwise 'randomly clustered' when referenced to a future novel experience.

      As suggested by the reviewer, we will revise the text to clarify that the random clustering is random with respect to any future, novel environment. The cause of clustering could be prior experiences (e.g. Bourjaily M & Miller P, Front. Comput. Neurosci. 5:37, 2011) or developmental programming (e.g. Perin R, Berger TK, & Markram H, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108:5419, 2011).

      (2) The authors should elaborate more on how the said 'randomly clustered networks' generate beyond chance-level preplay. Specifically, why was there preplay stronger than the time-bin shuffle? There are at least two potential explanations:

      (2.1) When the activation of clusters lasts for several decoding time bins, temporal shuffle breaks the continuity of one cluster's activation, thus leading to less sequential decoding results. In that case, the preplay might mainly outperform the shuffle when there are fewer clusters activating in a PBE. For example, activation of two clusters must be sequential (either A to B or B to A), while time bin shuffle could lead to non-sequential activations such as a-b-a-b-a-b where a and b are components of A and B;

      (2.2) There is a preferred connection between clusters based on the size of overlap across clusters. For example, if pair A-B and B-C have stronger overlap than A-C, then cluster sequences A-B-C and C-B-A are more likely to occur than others (such as A-C-B) across brain states. In that case, authors should present the distribution of overlap across clusters, and whether the sequences during run and sleep match the magnitude of overlap. During run simulation in the model, as clusters randomly receive a weak location cue bias, the activation sequence might not exactly match the overlap of clusters due to the external drive. In that case, the strength of location cue bias (4% in the current setup) could change the balance between the internal drive and external drive of the representation. How does that parameter influence the preplay incidence or quality?

      Based on our finding that preplay occurs only in networks that sustain cluster activity over multiple decoding time bins (Figure 5d-e), our understanding of the model’s function is consistent with the reviewers first explanation. We will provide additional analysis in the forthcoming revised manuscript in order to directly test the first explanation and will also test the intriguing possibility that the reviewer’s second suggestion contributes to above-chance preplay.

      (3) The manuscript is focused on presenting that a randomly clustered network can generate preplay and place maps with properties similar to experimental observations. An equally interesting question is how preplay supports spatial coding. If preplay is an intrinsic dynamic feature of this network, then it would be good to study whether this network outperforms other networks (randomly connected or ring lattice) in terms of spatial coding (encoding speed, encoding capacity, tuning stability, tuning quality, etc.)

      We agree that this is an interesting future direction, but we see it as outside the scope of the current work. There are two interesting avenues of future work: 1) Our current model does not include any plasticity mechanisms, but a future model could study the effects of synaptic plasticity during preplay on long-term network dynamics, and 2) Our current model does not include alternative approaches to constructing the recurrent network, but future studies could systematically compare the spatial coding properties of alternative types of recurrent networks.

      (4) The manuscript mentions the small-world connectivity several times, but the concept still appears too abstract and how the small-world index (SWI) contributes to place fields or preplay is not sufficiently discussed.

      For a more general audience in the field of neuroscience, it would be helpful to include example graphs with high and low SWI. For example, you can show a ring lattice graph and indicate that there are long paths between points at opposite sides of the ring; show randomly connected graphs indicating there are no local clustered structures, and show clustered graphs with several hubs establishing long-range connections to reduce pair-wise distance.

      How this SWI contributes to preplay is also not clear. Figure 6 showed preplay is correlated with SWI, but maybe the correlation is caused by both of them being correlated with cluster participation. The balance between cluster overlap and cluster isolation is well discussed. In the Discussion, the authors mention "...Such a balance in cluster overlap produces networks with small-world characteristics (Watts and Strogatz, 1998) as quantified by a small-world index..." (Lines 560-561). I believe the statement is not entirely appropriate, a network similar to ring lattice can still have the balance of cluster isolation and cluster overlap, while it will have small SWI due to a long path across some node pairs. Both cluster structure and long-range connection could contribute to SWI. The authors only discuss the necessity of cluster structure, but why is the long-range connection important should also be discussed. I guess long-range connection could make the network more flexible (clusters are closer to each other) and thus increase the potential repertoire.

      We agree that the manuscript would benefit from a more concrete explanation of the small-world index. We will revise the text and add illustrative figures.

      We note that while our most successful clustered networks are indeed those with small-world characteristics, there are other ways of producing small-world networks which may not show good place fields or preplay. We will test another type of small-world network if time permits.

      Our discussion of “cluster overlap” is specific to our type of small-world network in which there is no pre-determined spatial dimension (unlike the ring network of Watts and Strogatz). Therefore, because clusters map randomly to location once a particular spatial context is imposed, the random overlap between clusters produces long-range connections in that context (and any other context) so one can think of the amount of overlap between clusters as representing the number of long-range connections in a Watts-Strogatz model, except, we wish to iterate, such models involve a spatial topology within the network, which we do not include.

      (5) What drives PBE during sleep? Seems like the main difference between sleep and run states is the magnitude of excitatory and inhibitory inputs controlled by scaling factors. If there are bursts (PBE) in sleep, do you also observe those during run? Does the network automatically generate PBE in a regime of strong excitation and weak inhibition (neural bifurcation)?

      During sleep simulations, the PBEs are spontaneously generated by the recurrent connections in the network. The constant-rate Poisson inputs drive low-rate stochastic spiking in the recurrent network, which then randomly generates population events when there is sufficient internal activity to transiently drive additional spiking within the network.

      During run simulations, the spatially-tuned inputs drive greater activity in a subset of the cells at a given point on the track, which in turn suppress the other excitatory cells through the feedback inhibition.

      (6) Is the concept of 'cluster' similar to 'assemblies', as in Peyrache et al, 2010; Farooq et al, 2019? Does a classic assembly analysis during run reveal cluster structures?

      Yes, we are highly confident that the clusters in our network would correspond to the functional assemblies that have been studied through assembly analysis and will present the relevant data in a revision.

      (7) Can the capacity of the clustered network to express preplay for multiple distinct future experiences be estimated in relation to current network activity, as in Dragoi and Tonegawa, PNAS 2013?

      We agree this is an interesting opportunity to compare the results of our model to what has been previously found experimentally and will test this if time permits.

      Reviewer # 2


      My main critiques of the paper relate to the form of the input to the network.

      First, because the input is the same across trials (i.e. all traversals are the same duration/velocity), there is no ability to distinguish a representation of space from a representation of time elapsed since the beginning of the trial. The authors should test what happens e.g. with traversals in which the animal travels at different speeds, and in which the animal's speed is not constant across the entire track, and then confirm that the resulting tuning curves are a better representation of position or duration.

      We agree that this is an important question, and we plan to run further simulations where we test the effects of varying the simulated speed. We will present results in the resubmission.

      Second, it's unclear how much the results depend on the choice of a one-dimensional environment with ramping input. While this is an elegant idealization that allows the authors to explore the representation and replay properties of their model, it is a strong and highly non-physiological constraint. The authors should verify that their results do not depend on this idealization. Specifically, I would suggest the authors also test the spatial coding properties of their network in 2-dimensional environments, and with different kinds of input that have a range of degrees of spatial tuning and physiological plausibility. A method for systematically producing input with varying degrees of spatial tuning in both 1D and 2D environments has been previously used in (Fang et al 2023, eLife, see Figures 4 and 5), which could be readily adapted for the current study; and behaviorally plausible trajectories in 2D can be produced using the RatInABox package (George et al 2022, bioRxiv), which can also generate e.g. grid cell-like activity that could be used as physiologically plausible input to the network.

      We agree that testing the robustness of our results to different models of feedforward input is important and we plan to do this in our revised manuscript for the linear track and W-track.

      Testing the model in a 2D environment is an interesting future direction, but we see it as outside the scope of the current work. To our knowledge there are no experimental findings of preplay in 2D environments, but this presents an interesting opportunity for future modeling studies.

      Finally, I was left wondering how the cells' spatial tuning relates to their cluster membership, and how the capacity of the network (number of different environments/locations that can be represented) relates to the number of clusters. It seems that if clusters of cells tend to code for nearby locations in the environment (as predicted by the results of Figure 5), then the number of encodable locations would be limited (by the number of clusters). Further, there should be a strong tendency for cells in the same cluster to encode overlapping locations in different environments, which is not seen in experimental data.

      Thank you for making this important point and giving us the opportunity to clarify. We do find that subsets of cells with identical cluster membership have correlated place fields, but as we show in Figure 7b the network place map as a whole shows low remapping correlations across environments, which is consistent with experimental data (Hampson RE et al, Hippocampus 6:281, 1996; Pavlides C, et al, Neurobiol Learn Mem 161:122, 2019). Our model includes a relatively small number of cells and clusters compared to CA3, and with a more realistic number of clusters, the level of correlation across network place maps should reduce even further in our model network. The reason for a low level of correlation is because cluster membership is combinatorial, whereby cells that share membership in one cluster can also belong to separate/distinct other clusters, rendering their activity less correlated than might be anticipated. In our revised manuscript we will address this point more carefully and cite the relevant experimental support.

      Reviewer # 3


      To generate place cell-like activity during a simulated traversal of a linear environment, the authors drive the network with a combination of linearly increasing/decreasing synaptic inputs, mimicking border cell-like inputs. These inputs presumably stem from the entorhinal cortex (though this is not discussed). The authors do not explore how the model would behave when these inputs are replaced by or combined with grid cell inputs which would be more physiologically realistic.

      We chose the linearly varying spatial inputs as the minimal model of providing spatial input to the network so that we could focus on the dynamics of the recurrent connections. We agree our results will be strengthened by testing alternative types of border-like input so will present such additional results in our revised version. However, given that a sub-goal of our model was to show that place fields could arise in locations at which no neurons receive a peak in external input, whereas combining input from multiple grid cells produces peaked place-field like input, adding grid cell input (and the many other types of potential hippocampal input) is beyond the scope of the paper.

      Even though the authors claim that no spatially-tuned information is needed for the model to generate place cells, there is a small location-cue bias added to the cells, depending on the cluster(s) they belong to. Even though this input is relatively weak, it could potentially be driving the sequential activation of clusters and therefore the preplays and place cells. In that case, the claim for non-spatially tuned inputs seems weak. This detail is hidden in the Methods section and not discussed further. How does the model behave without this added bias input?

      First, we apologize for a lack of clarity if we have caused confusion about the type of inputs (linear and cluster-dependent as we had attempted to portray prominently in Figure 1, where it is described in the caption, l. 156-157, and Results, l. 189-190 & l. 497-499, as well as in the Methods, l. 671-683) and if we implied an absence of spatially-tuned information in the network. In the revision we will clarify that for reliable place fields to appear, the network must receive spatial information and that one point of our paper is that the information need not arrive as peaks of external input already resembling place cells or grid cells. We chose linearly ramping boundary inputs as the minimally place-field like stimulus (that still contains spatial information) but in our revision we will include alternatives. We should note that during sleep, when “preplay” occurs, there is no such spatial bias (which is why preplay can equally correlate with place field sequences in any context). In the revision, we will update Figure 1 to show more clearly the cluster-dependent linearly ramping input received by some specific cells with both similar and different place fields.

      Unlike excitation, inhibition is modeled in a very uniform way (uniform connection probability with all E cells, no I-I connections, no border-cell inputs). This goes against a long literature on the precise coordination of multiple inhibitory subnetworks, with different interneuron subtypes playing different roles (e.g. output-suppressing perisomatic inhibition vs input-gating dendritic inhibition). Even though no model is meant to capture every detail of a real neuronal circuit, expanding on the role of inhibition in this clustered architecture would greatly strengthen this work.

      This is an interesting future direction, but we see it as outside the scope of our current work. While inhibitory microcircuits are certainly important physiologically, we focus here on a minimal model that produces the desired place cell activity and preplay, as measured in excitatory cells.

      For the modeling insights to be physiologically plausible, it is important to show that CA3 connectivity (which the model mimics) shares the proposed small-world architecture. The authors discuss the existence of this architecture in various brain regions but not in CA3, which is traditionally thought of and modeled as a random or fully connected recurrent excitatory network. A thorough discussion of CA3 connectivity would strengthen this work.

      We agree this is an important point that is missing, and we will revise the text to specifically address CA3 connectivity (Guzman et al., Science 353 (6304), 1117-1123 2016) and the small-world structure therein due to the presence of “assemblies”.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This study investigated transcriptional profiles of midbrain dopamine neurons using single nucleus RNA (snRNA) sequencing. The authors found more nuanced subgroups of dopamine neurons than previous studies, and idenfied some genes that are preferenally expressed in subpopulaons that are more vulnerable to neurochemical lesions using 6-hydroxydopamine (6OHDA). The reviewers found the results are solid, and the study is overall valuable, providing crical informaon on the heterogeneity and vulnerability of dopamine neurons although the scope is somewhat limited because the result with snRNA is similar to previous results and cell deaths were induced by 6OHDA injecons.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study by Yaghmaeian Salmani et al., the authors performed single-nuclei RNA sequencing of a large number of cells (>70,000) in the ventral midbrain. The authors focused on cells in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and substana nigra (SN), which contain heterogeneous cell populaons comprising dopaminergic, GABAergic, and glutamatergic neurons. Dopamine neurons are known to consist of heterogeneous subtypes, and these cells have been implicated in various neuropsychiatric diseases. Thus, idenfying specific marker genes across different dopamine subpopulaons may allow researchers in future studies to develop dopamine subtype-specific targeng strategies that could have substanal translaonal implicaons for developing more specific therapies for neuropsychiatric diseases.

      A strength of the authors' approach compared to previous work is that a large number of cells were sequenced, which was achieved using snRNA-seq, which the authors found to be superior compared to scRNA-seq for reducing sampling bias. A weakness of the study is that relavely litle new informaon is provided as the results are largely consistent with previous studies (e.g., Poulin et al., 2014). Nevertheless, it should be noted that the authors found some more nuanced subdivisions in several genecally idenfied DA subtypes.

      On this point we respectfully disagree with the reviewer. In this study, over 30,000 mDA neurons have been analyzed at the genome-wide gene expression level, idenfying mDA territories and neighborhoods (that some may call “subtypes”), a descripon of the mDA neuron diversity that goes far beyond what has been published previously.

      Although several single-cell RNA sequencing studies of mDA neurons have added to our understanding of mDA diversity, they have been limited by the low numbers of sequenced mDA neurons. As the reviewer specifically referred to the study by Poulin et al., 2014, it should be noted that in this report, 159 mDA neurons were analyzed by qPCR – not by RNAseq – of 96 previously identified marker genes. Despite those limitaons, this was indeed a highly impressive study, suggesng five different mDA neuron subtypes (as compared to the 16 neighborhoods described here), published before the era of single-cell genome-wide gene expression methods and advanced bioinformac tools were available. On average, the following scRNAseq studies typically captured a few hundred mDA neurons - compared to over 30,000 in this study. None of the studies menoned in our manuscript were close to capturing the full diversity, and the informaon on mDA neuron diversity is, for this reason, somewhat fragmented in the scienfic literature. Indeed, the seven mDA “subtypes” described in the excellent reviews by Poulin et al., 2020 in Trends in Neurosciences and Garritsen et al., 2023 in Nature Neuroscience are integrated interpretaons of the results from numerous independent studies, each methodologically unique. Several previously idenfied groups, especially Vglut2+ populaons in VTA and SNpc, have been considered poorly defined. As menoned above, our findings in this study could reliably idenfy, by computaonal analyses and combinatorial marker expression in situ, 16 different neighborhoods within the mDA populaon and localize them in the ssue (Figure 4, Supplementary figures 4-1 to 4-3, described further in Supplementary Results). To menon three examples: Within Sox6+ SNpc, we idenfied four different variants (neighborhoods) with partly unique anatomical localizaon. In addion, the large group of mDA neurons referred to as the Pcsk6 territory has not been clearly defined in earlier studies. We also idenfied a novel mDA neuron group that is related to the previously well described Vip-expressing mDA neurons. These and other novel features are menoned in the manuscript and in Supplementary Figure 4-1 to 4-3.

      Although we have, for the consideraon of the space and intelligibility, characterized the 16 neighborhoods with only a few selected key marker genes, we have idenfied numerous addional novel markers, some of which are shown in dot plots in Figure 3 and Supplementary Figure 3, which can be used to characterize these groups further. We also provide all our sequencing data and our Padlock probe ISS data for anyone to download and analyze further, and we have made a web-based tool, CELLxGENE, available on our group’s website to facilitate exploraon of the different aspects of our dataset.

      Lastly, the authors performed molecular analysis of ventral midbrain cells in response to 6-OHDA exposure, which leads to the degeneraon of SN dopamine neurons, whereas VTA dopamine neurons are mainly unaffected. Based on this analysis, the authors idenfied several candidate genes that may be linked to neuronal vulnerability or resilience.

      Overall, the authors present a comprehensive mouse brain atlas detailing gene expression profiles of ventral midbrain cell populaons, which will be important to guide future studies that focus on understanding dopamine heterogeneity in health and disease.<br /> We thank the reviewer for poinng this out.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In the manuscript by Salmani et al., the authors explore the transcriptomic characterizaon of dopamine neurons in order to explore which neurons are parcularly vulnerable to 6-OHDA-induced toxicity. To do this they perform single nucleus RNA sequencing of a large number of cells in the mouse midbrain in control animals and those exposed to 6-OHDA. This manuscript provides a detailed atlas of the transcriptome of various types of ventral midbrain cells - though the focus here is on dopaminergic cells, the data can be mined by other groups interested in other cell types as well.

      The results in terms of cell type classificaon are largely consistent with previous studies, though a more nuanced picture of cellular subtypes is portrayed here, a unique advantage of the large dataset obtained. The major advance here is exploring the transcriponal profile in the ventral midbrain of animals treated with 6-OHDA, highlighng potenal candidate genes that may influence vulnerability. This approach could be generalizable to invesgate how various experiences and insults alter unique cell subtypes in the midbrain, providing valuable informaon about how these smuli impact DA cell biology and which cells may be the most strongly affected.

      We appreciate these comments. We want to state that the study not only gives a more nuanced picture but goes far beyond previously published studies and provides a highly resolved and detailed atlas of mDA neurons. Thus, it clarifies poorly described diversity and idenfies enrely novel groups of diverse mDA neurons at the genome-wide gene expression level.

      Overall, the manuscript is relavely heavy on characterizaon and comparavely light on funconal interpretaon of findings. This limits the impact of the proposed work. It also isn't clear what the vulnerability factors may be in the neurons that die. Beyond the characterizaon of which neurons die - what is the reason that these neurons are suscepble to lesion? Also, the interpretaon of these findings is going to be limited by the fact that 6-OHDA is an injectable, and the effects depend on the accuracy of injecon targeng and the equal access of the toxin to access all cell populaons. Though the site of injecon (MFB) should hit most/all of the forebrain-projecng DA cells, the injecon sites for each animal were not characterized (and since the cells from animals were pooled, the effects of injecon targeng on the group data would be hard to determine in any case).

      We agree that the results are presented to provide a comprehensive and valuable resource rather than explaining molecular mechanisms. The reviewer points out that “what the vulnerability factors may be in the neurons that die” is unclear. However, our study was designed to answer the queson: What genes are enriched in clusters of mDA neurons that are parcularly likely to die aer toxic stress? Using single-cell analysis, we believe this queson had higher priority than atempng to idenfy gene expression changes occurring during the cell death process. We agree that we cannot answer why neurons are suscepble to lesions, only idenfy genes that correlate with either high or low sensivity. Thus, the genes we refer to as “vulnerability genes” and “resilience genes” are candidates for influencing differenal vulnerability. Hard evidence for such influence will require addional and extensive funconal analysis. As for the variability of injecon and the characterizaon of individual animals, we wish to menon the online interacve explorer available at htps://perlmannlab.org/resources/. It allows visualizaon of nuclei distribuon per territory and neighborhood for each mouse, making it easy to determine the cell loss rao and cell distribuon per animal. There is indeed variance in the proporons of intact/lesioned total nuclei per animal. This is also evident from the DAT autoradiographs shown for each lesioned animal and presented in Figure Supplement 5-1 A. Importantly, the relave UMAP distribuon of nuclei is quite similar between individual animals. To further invesgate this, we used Pearson’s Chi square test of independence with a conngency table for animals, each with two categorical variables as the proporon of nuclei from intact vs lesioned parts of the vMB (see added Supplementary figure 5-1 C ). This shows that – while there is a difference in the number of nuclei remaining aer lesioning – the relave distribuon among clusters and neighborhoods is similar between animals. We have clarified this point in the manuscript (see page 12 ).

      I am also not clear why the authors don't explore more about what the genes/pathways are that differenate these condions and why some cells are parcularly vulnerable or resilient. For example, one could run GO analyses, weighted gene co-expression network analysis, or any one of a number of analysis packages to highlight which genes/pathways may give rise to vulnerability or resilience. Since the manuscript is focused on idenfying cells and gene expression profiles that define vulnerability and resilience, there is much more that could have been done with this based on the data that the authors collected.

      We performed GO analysis for the genes upregulated and downregulated in the ML clusters (specific to the lesion condion) in the original manuscript (Please see figure supplement 7-1 C-E, and the newly added Supplementary file 10), but we agree with the reviewer that we could also have analyzed funconal categories of genes correlang with differenal vulnerability. Thus, we have used tools recently developed by Morabito et al., Cell Reports Methods (2023), and their hdWGCNA package to address this queson. This method is parcularly suitable for analyzing high-dimensional transcriptomics data such as single-cell RNA-seq or spaal transcriptomics. We calculated the coexpression network based on the lesioned nuclei of the mDA territories. Of the 9 co-expression modules calculated, one has the highest expression in Sox6 territory and has genes in common with the vulnerability module. Another co-expression module has genes in common with the resilience module and is most highly expressed in Otx2 and Ebf1 territories. We also did GO analysis for these co-expression modules and added addional GO analysis of the ML-enriched genes (see Supplementary Figure 7-1 D,E, the newly added Supplementary Figure 6-3, and the newly added Supplementary file 9). Text describing these addional analyses are menoned on page 15 and 17.

      In addition, we wish to emphasize our idenficaon of the genes we refer to as vulnerability and resilience modules in the previous version of the manuscript. Several of the genes were discussed in the previous version of the manuscript but we have now included more informaon on these genes, based on previously published studies and discuss their potenal funconal roles (see pages 22 & 23 in the Discussion).

      Another limitation of this study as presented is the missed opportunity to integrate it with the rich literature on midbrain dopamine (and non-dopamine) neuron subtypes. Many subtypes have been explored, with divergent funcons, and can usually be disnguished by either their projecon site, neurotransmiter identy, or both. Unfortunately, the projecon site does not seem to track parcularly well with transcriptomic idenes, aside from a few genes such as DAT or the DRD2 receptor. However, this could have been more thoroughly explored in this manuscript, either by introducing AAVretro barcodes through injecon into downstream brain sites, or through exisng evidence within their sequencing dataset. There are likely clear interpretaons from some of that literature, some of which may be more excing than others. For example, the authors note that vGluT2-expressing cells were part of the resilient territory. This might be because this is expressed in medially-located DA cells and not laterally-located ones, which tends to track which cells die and which don't.

      The manuscript consists of a comprehensive descripon of transcriponal diversity. Although of clear value, we believe that addional, comprehensive analysis that combines snRNAseq with, e.g., AAVretro barcodes must be done in a separate study. It should also be noted that we describe each territory and neighborhoods in the further detail in the Supplementary Results, which contains references to the relevant literature. In line with the comments, this secon has now been expanded with further references to relevant studies (see Supplementary Results related to Figure 4-figure supplements 1-3).

      It is not immediately clear why the authors used a relaxed gate for mCherry fluorescence in Figure 1. This makes it difficult to definively isolate dopaminergic neurons - or at least, neurons with a DATCre expression history. While the expression of TH/DAT should be able to give a fairly reliable idenficaon of these cells, the reason for this decision is not made clear in the text.

      We used a relaxed gang to ensure that we could capture nuclei expressing low levels of RFP, which we believe could be especially relevant for the lesioned dataset (see page 5). We did not find that it would be advantageous to use a more stringent gang that would risk losing all cells expressing no (or very low levels) RFP. Idenfying mDA neurons based on their typical markers is straighorward, as their transcriponal relaonship is evident from the expression profile of several markers, including transcripon factors such as Nr4a2, Pitx3, and En1. In addion, as pointed out in response to Reviewer #1, point 5, atypical DA neurons expressing Th and other mDA markers with no or low levels of Slc6a3 (DAT) were isolated. We believe the study is more complete by the inclusion of these cells. Moreover, we included a sufficiently large number of cells, which ensured a comprehensive analysis of mDA neurons in relaon to other cell types dissected from the ventral midbrain.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) The authors state that a major advantage of their approach is that it prevents biased datasets when compared to methods that rely on capturing certain cell types. I was wondering if the authors could follow up on this topic with a more detailed descripon of their methodological advantages regarding potenal sampling bias. This is somewhat unclear to me, given that the results of the present study are largely consistent with previous work on this topic.

      As expanded on above (see response to the inial comment in the public review), we strongly disagree that there is litle novelty in our study. None of the previous studies come close to describing the mDA neuron populaon with a similar resoluon, which is unsurprising given the differences in the number of analyzed mDA neurons in this versus previous reports. We agree with the reviewer that our data is consistent with previous studies, when they are all combined. Thus, we idenfied mDA neuron groups that correspond (or roughly correspond) to major DA neuron groups idenfied in previous studies (see pages 8-14 in the Supplementary Results). However, the atlas presented here goes well beyond anything published in scope and resoluon. The diversity we define is comparable to findings that, with careful cross-paper analyses, can be stched together from previous single-cell studies. However, even such a combined analysis does not unravel the resoluon and diverse categorizaon of what we have demonstrated herein (16 neighborhoods in midbrain dopaminergic territories). Considering the well-established problems of dissociang and isolang whole neurons from adult brain ssue, this is likely due to sampling bias, resulng in an almost complete exclusion of some sub-populaons of neurons. We have added text on page 20 to clarify this point.

      (2) In the abstract, the authors state that their "results showed that differences between mDA neuron group could best be understood as a connuum without sharp differences between subtypes". However, I am not sure whether this is the most appropriate descripon of the authors' results, parcularly when looking at the schemac overview shown in Fig. 4F. To me, it seems more likely that genecally-defined DA subtypes overlap with discrete ventral midbrain subnuclei - parcularly in the case of Sox6-expressing cells, which are almost exclusively located in the SNc. In the case of genes that are specific for the VTA, there also seems to be a strong bias toward certain VTA subnuclei, although I agree that arguments can be made that there is some topographic organizaon along a dorso-ventral and medio-lateral gradient, which seems to be largely consistent with the anatomical locaon of projecon-defined dopamine neurons as described previously by Poulin et al., 2018 (Nature Neuroscience).

      What was meant by connuum must be interpreted in the context of the transcriponal landscape of mDA neurons and not their anatomical localizaon. As stated in the paper, the dendrogram depicon of mDA neurons’ transcriptome can be misinterpreted as an indicaon of sharp boundaries and discrete groups in transcriponal profiles. In contrast, we assert that differences between developmentally related mDA neurons are beter described as a connuum with areas in the gene expression landscape defined by the expression of shared genes but without sharp borders between them. We decided to name different areas within this connuum as “territories” at the higher hierarchical level and “neighborhoods” at the more highly resolved level. Hypothecally, such categorizaon can be even more fine-grained, but we find it unlikely that a resoluon beyond the neighborhood level is biologically relevant. As pointed out, the Sox6 territory is the territory that best qualifies as a disncve subtype, while mDA neurons in, e.g., the VTA consist of much higher and nuanced diversity. Importantly, all mDA neurons are much more related to each other than cell types lacking a common developmental origin, including hypothalamic DA neurons. Thus, our effort to define differences in such a gene expression connuum is, in our opinion, more accurate than conveying the message that the diversity consists of subtypes comparable in difference to other cell types that lack a close developmental relaonship with the mDA neuron populaon. Such disnct neuron types, despite using the same neurotransmiter as hypothalamic DA neurons, appear as disnct islands in the UMAP snRNA-seq landscape and typically harbor hundreds of differenally expressed genes. As pointed out in the Discussion, several other studies have noted similar difficules in defining different subtypes among related neurons in e.g. the cortex, striatum, and hippocampus (Kozareva et al., 2021; Saunders et al., 2018; Tasic et al., 2018; Yao et al., 2021). For example, Yao et al., 2021, used a similar hierarchical definion to avoid the implicaon that different groups (“neighborhoods” in this study) should be defined as disnct subtypes of neurons with obvious disncve funcons.

      (3) I recommend that the authors revise the introducon to include more current literature on this topic. The review by Bjoerklund and Dunnet, 2006, is very informave and important, but there is more current literature available that discusses anatomical, molecular, and funconal heterogeneity in the ventral midbrain. For example, it would be nice to incorporate recent work from the Awatramani lab on the mapping of the projecon of molecularly defined dopamine neurons (Poulin et al., 2018; Nature Neuroscience).

      We deliberately avoided including primary references to previously described diversity in the Introducon since numerous papers are relevant to cite. Instead, we refer to three essenal reviews, including the recent arcles from Awatramani and Pasterkamp. In the Supplementary Results related to Figure 4 (pages 8-14 in the Supplementary Results), we include many references and the Poulin 2018 paper. We believe that this is the appropriate place for a comprehensive discussion on anatomical, molecular, and funconal heterogeneity. In the revised manuscript's main body, we now emphasize that previous literature is discussed in the Supplementary Results (see page 11).

      (4) In Fig. 1C, the authors show a sample image demonstrang overlap between TH and mCherry, but this has not been quanfied. Similarly, there seem to be no sample images and quanficaon for the contralateral side that was exposed to 6-OHDA.

      The mouse lines used here (Dat-Cre and Rpl10a-mCherry) have been characterized before (Toskas et al., Science Advances 2022). The labelling colocalizes nearly fully with TH, with some excepons (see response below to point #5). We have now complemented with addional data showing an IHC image of one of the midbrain of a unilaterally lesioned mouse in Figure Supplement 5-1E.

      (5) The authors state that they focused their analysis on 33,052 nuclei expressing above-threshold levels of either Th OR Slc6a3. However, there seem to be cell populaons in the ventral midbrain of mice that express TH mRNA but not TH protein, and these cells do not seem to be bona fide dopamine neurons (see work from the Morales lab). Similarly, not all dopamine neurons may express DAT mRNA. I was wondering how these discrepancies may influence the authors' analysis and interpretaon.

      Indeed, the presence of cells lacking TH protein despite Th mRNA being expressed has been previously described. We also detected these cells across SNpc and VTA and now show these data as a newly added supplementary figure 2-1. In our dataset, the Gad2 territory, located in the ventromedial VTA, contains cells that express many typical mDA markers, such as Pitx3, but very low levels of TH protein. We have idenfied these based on Pitx3-EGFP and Gad2 mRNA co-expression (figure supplement 4-3). In other parts of VTA and SNpc, most cells seem to co-express Th mRNA and protein and are labeled with Dat-Cre. Also scatered in these areas, we could detect some rare mDA cells that lack TH protein. It should be noted that in our mDA territories other typical mDA neuron genes were expressed, such as Slc18a2, Ddc, Nr4a2 and Pitx3, and thus, they were not solely defined by the presence of Th and/or Slc6a3. Cells that do not have a history of DAT-expression, and therefore were not mCherry labelled, were also included in the analysis due to the relaxed gang used during FANS isolaon.

      (6) The sex and age of the mice that are used for the experiments are not stated in the Materials and Methods secon under "Mouse lines and genotyping".

      Thank you for pointing this out. This informaon has been added to the updated manuscript in the methods secon.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I think that the manuscript can be significantly improved just by providing deeper analyses of the exisng data and linking them to the current state of the art in terms of defining midbrain dopamine neurons (e.g., by projecon). The dataset is likely richer than was explored in the manuscript and more valuable insights could be gleaned with a deeper analysis.

      Please see our response to Reviewer #2 (Public Review), regarding WGCNA analysis, and the comments on ML-based GO analysis, as well as the comments on the added secons in the supplementary results file.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      The delineation of MBOAT function is important with theoretical and practical implications in MAFLD, alcohol-induced hepatic steatosis, and lysosomal diseases. The strength of evidence is convincing using methodology in line with current state-of-the-art, with good support for the claims.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors provide mechanistic insights into how the loss of function of MBOAT7 promotes alcoholassociated liver disease. They showed that hepatocyte-specific genetic deletion of Mboat7 enhances ethanol-induced hepatic steatosis and increased ALT levels in a murine model of ethanol-induced liver disease. Through lipidomic profiling, they showed that mice with Mboat7 deletion demonstrated augmented ethanol-induced endosomal and lysosomal lipids, together with impaired transcription factor EB (TFEB)-mediated lysosomal biogenesis and accumulation of autophagosomes.


      Alcohol-induced liver disease (ALD) and metabolic-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) are major global health problems, and polymorphism near the gene encoding MBOAT7 has been associated with these conditions. This paper is timely as it is important to gain insights on how loss of MBOAT function contributes to liver disease as this may eventually lead to therapeutic strategies. -The conclusions of the paper are mostly well supported by data.

      We sincerely thank Reviewer #1 for constructive feedback on this work.


      (1) In regards to circulating levels of MBOAT7 products, a comparison of heavy drinkers with ALD versus heavy drinkers without ALD would be more clinically relevant.

      We agree this comparison would be an important comparison to make in future studies, but given the difficulties in accessing well-matched samples such as these we see this as beyond the scope of the current work.

      (2) A few typos need to be addressed. For Figure 1 - figure supplement 1, should the second column heading be "Heavy drinkers" instead of "Healthy drinkers"? Also, in the same figure, it is unclear what the "healthy" subcategory under MELD means.

      The typographical error was addressed in the main text and in all associated tables and figures.

      (3) Some of the data in the tables need to be addressed/discussed. For instance, the white blood cell count (WBC) in Figure 1 - figure supplement 1 for "healthy controls" is 34, compared to 13.51 for drinkers. A WBC of 34 is not at all healthy and should be explained. The vast difference between BMI and also between racial distribution within the two cohorts should also be explained. Is it possible that some of these differences contributed to the different levels of circulating MBOAT7 products that were measured?

      Sincere thanks for catching this error. In follow up, we found that some of our patient recruitment sites were using different units to report WBC counts (percent vs 1000/ml) and at this time we cannot retrospectively correct that difference. Therefore, we have incomplete WBC values for the cohort so elected to exclude that information to avoid confusing readers. A revised table is provided in revision reflecting these changes/ If we look at each site separately, values for WBC were in the normal range, so we do not think this is a major limitation of our studies. In regards to BMI and race: Race is not actually significant, but close. For BMI, there are 2 very low BMIs in the Heavy drinkers which bring that average down. We agree with Reviewer # 1 that race and / or BMI could impact MBOAT7, but larger cohorts are needed to detect such potential differences.

      (4) The representation of the statistical difference between the bars in the results figures by using alphabets is a bit confusing. For instance, in figure 2C, does that mean all the bars labelled A are significantly different from B? The solid black bar seems to be very similar to the open red bar; please double check.

      We apologize for this confusing presentation. Using the letter system, groups not sharing a common superscript differ statistically. Given this concern, we have gone back and reviewed all statistical comparisons and realized that there were several mistakes in the graph Figure 2C, Figure 3F and G, Figure 3-Supplementary Figure 1 F and Figure 3-Supplementary Figure 10H. The graphs themselves were not altered, but the denotation of statistical significance was updated with the correct letter superscripts.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The work by Varadharajan et. al. explored a previously known genetic variant and its pathophysiology in the development of alcohol-associated liver injury. It provides a plausible mechanism for how varying levels of MBOAT7 could impact the lipid metabolomics of the cell, leading to a deleterious phenotype in MBOAT7 knockout. The authors further characterized the impact of the lipidomic changes and raised lysosomal biogenesis and autophagic flux as mechanisms of how MBOAT7 deletion causes the progression of ALD.


      Connecting the GWAS data on MBOAT7 variants with plausible pathophysiology greatly enhances the translational relevance of these findings. The global lipidomic profiling of ALD mice is also very informative and may lead to other discoveries related to lipid handling pathways.

      We sincerely thank Reviewer #1 for constructive feedback on this work.


      The rationale of why MBOAT7 metabolites are lower in heavy drinkers than in normal individuals is not well explained. MBOAT7 loss of function drives ALD, but unclear if MBOAT7 deletion also drives preference for alcohol or if alcohol inhibits MBOAT7 function. Presuming most individuals studied here were WT and expressed an appropriate level of MBOAT7?

      Although we were unable to genotype for the rs641738 SNP in the human subjects studied here, the original study by Buch et al. published in Nature Genetics performed cis expression quantitative trait lock (cis-eQTL) analyses to demonstrate that the minor disease-associated allele was associated with reduced MBOAT7 expression in subjects with alcohol-related cirrhosis. It is important to note that we did not see any evidence that alcohol preference was altered in either myeloid- or hepatocyte-specific Mboat7-knockout mice, given ethanol intake was similar in all genotypes. Additional studies are needed to address the possibility that MBOAT7 loss of function may promote alcohol preference, but we agree that this should be further investigated.

      Also, the discussion of mechanisms of MBOAT7-induced dysregulation of lysosomal biogenesis/autophagy, while very interesting, seems incomplete. It is not clear how MBOAT7 an enzyme involved in membrane phospholipid remodeling increases mTOR which leads to decreased TFEB target gene transcription.

      Although we agree with Reviewer #2 that mechanistic understanding by which MBOAT7 loss of function impacts mTOR activity and TFEB-driven lysosomal biogenesis is still incomplete, we do feel that the results published here will inform downstream investigation linking phosphatidylinositol remodeling to mTOR and TFEB. The MBOAT7 gene encodes an acyltransferase enzyme that specifically esterifies arachidonyl-CoA to lysophosphatidylinositol (LPI) to generate the predominant molecular species of phosphatidylinositol (PI) in cell membranes (38:4). It is well established that PI-related lipids can regulate membrane dynamics and signal transduction pathways. For instance PI-phosphates (PIPs) are dynamically shaped by PI kinases and phosphatases to play crucial roles in the regulation of a wide variety of cellular processes via specific interactions of PIP-binding proteins. Among PI phosphates, PI 3phosphate (PI3P) regulates vesicular trafficking pathways, including endocytosis, endosome-toGolgi retrograde transport, autophagy and mTOR signaling. Although additional work is needed to understand the molecular details of how MBOAT7-driven LPI acylation impacts mTOR and TFEB, it is not particularly surprising that PI lipid remodeling could broadly impact cell signaling.

      Furthermore, given the significant disturbances of global lipidomic profiling in MBOAT7 knockout, many pathways are potentially affected by this deletion. Further in vivo modeling that specifically addresses these pathways (TFEB targeting, mTOR inhibitor) would help strengthen the conclusions of this paper.

      We agree that further in vivo studies are needed that are beyond the scope of the current work.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) p values are rather hard to read. For example, Figure 2c, Hepatocyte-specific deletion of Mboat7 resulted in enhanced ethanol-induced increases in liver weight. However, doesn't look like there is a significant difference between the 2 EtOH groups in Figure 2C? Same comment for Figure 2e, not sure if pair-fed groups had a significant difference.

      (2) Figure 2 Supp fig 1, what is the top band on the MBOAT7 WB?

      We have addressed these statistical comparison comments as described above. Although we cannot be sure, it is likely that the top band on the MBOAT7 Western blot is a non-specific band that shows up with the antibody combination used given there is equal intensity in the Mboat7flox/flox and the MSKO mice (Mboat7flox/flox+LysM-Cre).

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This study looks into the complex dominance patterns of S-allele incompatibilities in Brassicaceae, through which it attempts to learn more about the sheltering of deleterious load. I found several weak points in the analyses that diminished my excitement about the results. In particular, the way in which deleterious mutations were classified lacked the ability to distinguish the severity of the mutations and thus their expected associated dominance. Furthermore, the simulation approach could have provided this exact sort of insight but was not designed to do so, making this comparison to the empirical data also less than exciting for me.

      Major and minor comments:

      I think the introduction (or somewhere before we dive into it in the results) of the dominance hierarchy for the S-alleles needs a more in-depth explanation. Not being familiar with this beforehand really made this paper inaccessible to me until I then went to find out more before continuing. I would expect this paper to be broad enough that self-contained information makes it accessible to all readers. For example, lines 110-115 could be in the Introduction.

      Along with my above comment, perhaps it is not my place to comment, but I find the paper not of a broad enough scope to be of interest to a broad readership. This S-allele dominance system is more than simple balancing selection, it is a very complex and specific form of dominance between several haplotypes, and the mechanism of dominance does not seem to be genetic. I am not sure that it thus extrapolates to broad comments on general dominance and balancing selection, e.g. it would not be the same as considering inversions and this form of balancing selection where we also expect recessive deleterious mutations to accumulate.

      It would have been particularly interesting, or a nice addition, to see deleterious mutations classed by something like SNPeff or GERP where you can have different classes of moderate to severe deleterious variants, which we would expect also to be more recessive the more deleterious they are. In line with my next comment on the simulations, I think relative differences between mutations expected to be more or less dominant may be even more insightful into the process of sheltering which may or may not be going on here.

      In the simulations, h=0 and s=0.01 (as in Figure 5) for all deleterious mutations seems overly simplistic, and at the convenient end for realistic dominance. I think besides recessive lethals which we expect to be close to h=0 would have a much larger selection coefficient, and other deleterious mutations would only be partially recessive at such an s value. I expect this would change some of the simulation results seen, though to what degree I am not certain. It would be nice to at least check the same exact results for h=0.3 or 0.2 (or additionally also for recessive lethals, e.g. h=0 and s=-0.9). I would also disagree with the statement in line 677, many studies have shown, particularly those on balancing selection, that partially recessive deleterious mutations are not eliminated by natural selection and do play a role in population genetic dynamics. I am also not surprised that extinction was found for higher s values when the mutation rate for such mutations was very high and the distribution of s values was constant. An influx of such highly deleterious mutations is unlikely to ever let a population survive, yet that does NOT mean that in nature, the rare influx of such mutations does lead to them being sheltered. I find overall that the simulation results contribute very little, to none, to this paper, as without something more realistic, like a simultaneous distribution of s and h values, you cannot say which, if any class of these mutations are the ones expected to accumulate because of S-allele dominance. Rather they only show the disappointing or less exciting result that fully recessive, weakly deleterious mutations (which I again think do not even exist in nature as I said above) have minor, to no effect across the classes of S-allele dominance. They provide no insight into whether any type of recessive deleterious mutation can accumulate under the S-allele dominance hierarchy, and that is the interesting question at hand. I would either remove these simulations or redo them in another approach. The authors never mention what simulation approach was used, so I can only assume this is custom, in-house code. Yet I do not find that code provided on the github page. I do not know if the lack of a distribution for h and s values is then a choice or a programming limitation, but I see it as one that should be overcome if these simulations are meant to be meaningful to the results of the study.

  3. Feb 2024
    1. level 1 vs level 2

      (#14) (*14)J11(Rita) Is there a specific sampling design for multilevel regression analysis? Are there any assumptions to take into consideration when looking at multilevel regression?

      Response: Anytime the data is clustered you have a multilevel design. I.e., Add health data is clustered by schools. Longitudinal data like the NLSY is clustered at the individual level. The WVS is clustered by countries. Clusters provide the context→and context, for a sociologist, may actually be the point. (More on this in class).

      (*14)J12(Osamudia): A very broad question as I start the reading–is there ever any debate about how we define the levels in multilevel modeling? Reading table 1.1 of the reading, I found myself questioning whether the various levels were appropriately characterized and distinguished.

      Response: You are right to critique this. The levels depend on how we are conceptualizing context, and that depends on sociological theory. I.e., variation in social structure and context might be a level 2 variable, but the way we define that will affect how we think about the model. I.e., is religion a level 1 or level 2 variable?

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Thank you and the two reviewers for the thorough review of our manuscript. We found the reviewer’s comments highly valuable and addressed them by the following additional experiments and changes in the text and the figures:

      (1) We measured the effect of ROCK MASO’s on the ROCK expression by immunostaining and observed a reduction in ROCK signal, supporting the downregulation of ROCK protein level under ROCK MASO’s (new Fig. S3).

      (2) We measured the effect of lower concertation of ROCK inhibitor, Y27632 (10µM), and observe the same phenotypes of skeletal loss, skeletal reduction and ectopic branching in this concentration (Fig. 2, S4). Importantly, these phenotypes were not observed when directly inhibiting PKA and PKC, in whole sea urchin embryos (1) and in skeletogenic cell cultures (2), further supporting the specificity of ROCK inhibitor.

      (3) We added a time course of Pl-ROCK expression and immunostaining of ROCK in the fertilized egg, that show that this gene is maternal and the protein is present in the egg Fig. 2SA-C.

      (4) We recorded F-actin in ROCK MASO’s and demonstrate that it is still detected around the spicules and their tips, similarly to ROCK inhibited embryos (new Fig.S3).

      (5) We revised the paper text and figures to provide a better description of our results, distinguish clearly between our data and our interpretations and emphasize the novelty of our findings.

      This paper demonstrates that ROCK, F-actin polymerization and actomyosin contractility play critical roles in biomineral growth and in shaping biomineral morphology in the sea urchin embryo, and that ROCK activity affects skeletogenic gene expression. Our findings together with previous reports of the role of actomyosin in Eukaryotes biomineralization, suggest that this molecular machinery is a part of the common molecular tool-kit used in biomineralization. The identification of a common molecular mechanism within the diverse gene regulatory networks, organic scaffolds and minerals that Eukaryote use to build their biominerals will be of high interest to the field of biomineralization and evolutionary biology. Furthermore, our paper portrays the interplay between the cellular and the genetic machinery that drives morphogenesis. We believe it would be of great interest to the broad readership of eLife and particularly to the fields of biomineralization, cell, developmental and evolutionary biology.

      Thank you very much for the helpful review of our paper.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      We thank the reviewer for the appreciation of our work the helpful comments that guided us to strengthen the experimental evidence for our conclusions and increase the paper’s clarity. Below are our responses to the specific comments:

      Major comments

      One MASO led to reduced skeleton formation while the other one additionally induced ectopic branching. How was the optimum concentration for the MASOs determined? Did the authors perform a dose-response curve? What is the reason for this difference? Which of the two MASOs can be validated by reduced ROCK protein abundance? Since the ROCK antibody works, I would like to see a control experiment on Rock protein abundance in control and ROCK MO injected larvae which is the gold-standard for validating the knock-down.

      We tested several MASO concentrations to identify a concentration where the control embryos injected with Random MASO were overall healthy and ROCK MASO’s showed clear phenotypes.

      To test the effect of ROCK MASO’s on ROCK protein levels we did immunostaining experiments that are now presented in new Fig. S3. We could not do Western blot for injected embryos since ROCK antibody requires thousands of embryos for Western blot, which is not feasible for injected embryos. Therefore, we tested the effect of the two translation ROCK MASO’s on ROCK abundance compared to uninjected and Random MASO injected embryos using immunostaining. We observed a reduction of ROCK signal, supporting the downregulation of ROCK protein level in these genetic perturbations (new Fig. S3).

      L212 "Together, these measurements show that ROCK is not required for the uptake of calcium into cells." But what about trafficking and exocytosis? As mentioned earlier, I think this is a really important point that needs to be confirmed to understand the function of ROCK in controlling calcification. In their previous study (reference 45) the authors demonstrated that they have superior techniques in measuring vesicle dynamics in vivo. Here an acute treatment with the ROCK inhibitor would be sufficient to test if calcein-positive vesicle motion, including the observed reduction in velocity close to the tissue skeleton interface, is affected by the inhibitor.

      We thank the reviewer for the appreciation of our previous work where we studied calcium vesicle dynamics in whole embryos (Winter et al, Plos Com Biol 2021). We agree with the reviewer that the best way to test directly the effect of ROCK on mineral deposition and vesicle kinetics is to observe it in live skeletogenic cells. However, in Winter et al 2021, we found that the skeleton (spicules) doesn’t grow when the embryos are immobilized in either control or treated embryos. We have to immobilize the embryos to record live timelapses of whole embryos. Hence, this means that we can not determine the role of ROCK or any other perturbation in vesicle trafficking and exocytosis based on experiments conducted in immobilized whole embryos, since skeletogenesis is arrested. We believe that we can do it in skeletogenic cell cultures and we are currently developing this assay for vesicle tracking, but this is beyond the scope of this current work.

      Is there a colocalization of ROCK and f-actin in the tips of the spicules? This would support the mechano-sensing-hypothesis by ROCK.

      Our studies show that F-actin is localized around the spicule cavity and in the cortex of the cells (Figs. 5 and 6) while ROCK is enriched in the skeletogenic cell bodies, with some localization near the skeletogenic cell membranes (Fig. 1). To directly address the reviewer question we immune-stained ROCK and F-actin in the same embryos, and showed that their sub-cellular localizations does not show a strong overlap (Fig. S3 Q-T). However, ROCK does not bind F-actin directly: ROCK activates another kinase, LimK that phosphorylates Cofilin that interacts with F-actin. Therefore, the fact that ROCK is not colocalized with F-actin does not support nor contradicts the possible role of ROCK in mechano-sensing.

      L 283. "F-actin is enriched at the tips of the spicules independently of ROCK activity" The results of this paragraph clearly demonstrate that ROCK inhibition has no effect on the localization of f-actin at the tips of the growing spicules. In addition, the new cell culture experiments underline this observation. Still, the central question that remains is, what is the interaction between ROCK, f-actin, and the mineralization process, that leads to the observed deformations? What does the f-actin signal look like in a branched phenotype or in larvae that failed to develop a skeleton (inhibition from Y20)?

      As we report in Fig. 6, and now on new Fig. S3, under ROCK late inhibition or in ROCK morphants, we still detect F-actin around the spicule and enriched at the tips. When ROCK is inhibited and the embryo fails to develop a skeleton, we observe Factin accumulation in the skeletogenic cells, but the F-actin is not organized (Fig. 5). As the spicule is absent in this condition, it is hard to conclude whether the effect on F-actin organization is direct or due to the absence of spicule in this condition. We stated that explicitly in the current version in the results, lines 324-326 and in the discussion, lines 405-408.

      Immunohistochemical analyses on f-actin localization and abundance should be additionally performed with ROCK knock-down phenotypes to confirm the pharmacological inhibition.

      We did that in our new Figure S3 and showed that ROCK morphant show the same F-actin localization at the tips like control and ROCK inhibited embryos.

      L 365 "...supporting its role in mineral deposition..." "...Overall, our studies indicate that ROCK activity....is essential for the formation of the spicule cavity......which could be essential for mineral deposition..." I think the authors need to do a better job in clearly separating between the potential processes impacted by ROCK perturbation. Is it stabilization and mechano-sensing in the spicule tip or the intracellular trafficking and deposition of the ACC? If the dataset does not allow for a definite conclusion, I suggest clearly separating the different possibilities combined with thorough discussion-based findings from other mineralizing systems where the interaction between ROCK and F-actin has been described.

      We thank the reviewer for this important comment. We believe that ROCK and the actomyosin are involved in both, mechano-sensing of the rigid biomineral and in the transport and exocytosis of mineral-bearing vesicles. In the current version we provide explicit explanations of these two hypotheses in the discussion section. The possible role in exocytosis and the experiments that are required to assess this role are described in lines 427-439, and the possible mechano-sensing role and effect on gene expression is described in lines 440-453.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Minor comments

      L185 "These SR-µCT measurements show that the rate of mineral deposition is significantly reduced under ROCK inhibition." To correctly support this statement I would suggest to calculate the real growth rates (µm3 time-1). For example, an increase in volume from 6,850 µm3 at 48 hpf to 14,673 µm3 at 72 hpf would result in a growth rate of 7823 µm3 24h-1.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We calculated the rate of spicule growth as the reviewer suggested and we added this information in lines 218-221.

      L343: "This implies that....within the skeletogenic lineage." This concluding sentence is very speculative and therefore misplaced in the results section.

      We removed this sentence from the results section into the discussion, lines 443-445.

      L382: "The participation of F-actin and ROCK in polarized tip-growth and vesicle exocytosis has been observed in both, animals and plants." L407-409: "...F-actin could be regulating the localized exocytosis of mineral-bearing vesicles...." I think this is exactly the core question that remains unresolved in this study. To reduce speculations I strongly recommend addressing the effect of ROCK inhibition on vesicle trafficking and exocytosis (Monitoring of calcein-positive Vesicles in PMCs).

      We agree with the reviewer that this is a critical question that we would have address, but as we explained above, is beyond the scope of this study.

      Figure 5: The values below the scale bars in the newly added figures U+V are extremely small. Also, the Legend for this figure sounds incorrect. Should read: "...and skeletogenic cell cultures that were treated with 30µM ROCK inhibitor that was added at 48hpf and recorded at 72hpf.

      We increased the font near the scale bars and corrected the figure caption. Thanks for this and your other helpful comments!

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      We thank the reviewer for raising the important issue of inhibitor concentration which led us to do additional experiments with lower concentration that were valuable and strengthen the manuscript. We also thank the reviewer for asking us to be clearer with the interpretation of the results. Below are our responses to the specific comments:

      My concerns are the interpretation of the experiments. The main overriding concern is a possible over-interpretation of the role of ROCK. In the literature that ROCK participates in many biological processes with a major contribution to the actin cytoskeleton. And when a function is attributed to ROCK, it is usually based on the determination of a protein that is phosphorylated by this kinase. Here that is not the case. The observation here is in most cases stunted growth of the spicule skeleton and some mis-patterning occurs or there is an absence of skeleton if the inhibitor is added prior to initiation of skeletal growth. They state in the abstract that ROCK impairs the organization of F-actin around the spicules. The evidence for that as a direct role is absent.

      We agree with the reviewer that since the spicule doesn’t form under ROCK continuous inhibition, it is unclear if the absence of F-actin around the spicule in this condition is a direct outcome of the lack of ROCK activation of F-actin polymerization, or an indirect outcome due to the lack of spicule to coat. We therefore deleted this line in the abstract and explicitly stated that we cannot conclude whether the impaired F-actin organization is directly due to ROCK effect on actin polymerization in the results, lines 324-326 and in the discussion, lines 405-408.

      They use morpholino data and ROCK inhibitor data to draw their conclusion. My main concern is the concentration of the inhibitor used since at the high concentrations used, the inhibitor chosen is known to inhibit other kinases as well as ROCK (PKA and PKC). They indicate that this inhibition is specifically in the skeletogenic cells based on the isolation of skeletogenic cells in culture and spicule production either under control or ROCK inhibition and they observe the same - stunting and branching or absence of skeletons if treated before skeletogenesis commences. Again, however, the high concentrations are known to inhibit the other kinases.

      In the previous version of the paper we used the range of 30-80µM Y-27632 to block ROCK activity. These concentrations are commonly used in mammalian systems and in Drosophila to block ROCK activity (3-8). The reviewer is correct stating that at high concentration, this inhibitor can block PKA and PKC. However, the affinity of the inhibitor for these kinases is more than 100 times lower than its affinity to ROCK as indicated by the biochemical Ki values reported in the manufactory datasheet: 0.14-0.22 μM for ROCK1, 0.3 μM for ROCK2, 25 μM for PKA and 26 μM for PKC.

      Importantly, these Ki values are based on biochemistry assays where the activity of the inhibitor is tested in-vitro with the purified protein. Therefore, these concentrations are not relevant to cell or embryo cultures where the inhibitor has to penetrate the cells and affect ROCK activity in-vivo. Y-27632 activity was studied both in-vitro and in-vivo in Narumiya, Ishizaki and Ufhata, Methods in Enzymology 2000 (9). This paper reports similar concentrations to the ones indicated in the manufactory datasheet for the in-vitro experiments, but shows that 10µM concentration or higher are effective in cell cultures. We therefore tested the effect of 10µM Y-27632 added at 0hpf (continuous inhibition) and at 25hpf (late inhibition) and added this information to Figs. 2 and S3. Continuous inhibition at this concentration resulted with three major phenotypes: skeletal loss, spicule initiations and small spicules with ectopic branching. This result supports our conclusion that ROCK activity is necessary for spicule formation, elongation and prevention of branching. Late inhibition in this concentration resulted with the majority of the embryos developing branched spicules, which is very similar to the effect of MyoII inhibition with Blebbistatin. This result again, supports the inference that ROCK activity is required for normal skeletal growth and the prevention of ectopic branching. Importantly, there are two papers were PKA and PKC were directly inhibited in whole sea urchin embryos (1) and in skeletogenic cell cultures (2). In both assays, PKC inhibition resulted with mild reduction of spicule length while PKA inhibition did not affect skeletal formation. Neither skeletal loss nor ectopic branching were ever observed under PKC or PKA inhibition, supporting the specific inhibition of ROCK by Y-27362. Furthermore, both genetic and pharmacological perturbations of ROCK resulted with significant reduction of skeletal growth and with the enhancement of ectopic branching. Therefore, we believe we provide convincing evidence for the role of ROCK in spicule formation, growth and prevention of branching. We revised Fig. 2 and S3 to include the 10µM Y-27632 data and the text describing the inhibition to include the explanations and references we provided here.

      They use blebbistatin and latrunculin and show that these known inhibitors of actin cytoskeleton lead to abnormal spiculogenesis, This coincidence is suggestive but is not proof that it is ROCK acts on the actomyosin cytoskeleton given the specificity concerns.

      As stated above, we believe that in the current vesion we overcame the specificity concerns and provided solid evidence that ROCK activity is necessary for spicule formation, growth and prevention of branching. Furthermore, the skeletogenic phenotypes of late 10µM Y-27632 are highly similar to those of MyoII inhibition (Blebbistatin) while the phenotypes of higher concetrations resemble the inhibition of actin polymerization by Latrunculin. We agree with the reviewer that: “This coincidence is suggestive but is not proof that ROCK acts on the actomyosin cytoskeleton” and we revise the discussion paragraph to differentiate between our solid findings and our speculations (lines 421-426): “These correlative similarities between ROCK and the actomyosin perturbations lead us to the following speculations: the low dosage of late ROCK inhibition is perturbing mostly ROCK activation of MyoII contractility while the higher dosage affects factors that control actin polymerization (Fig. 8F). Further studies in higher temporal and spatial resolution of MyoIIP activity and F-actin structures in control and under ROCK inhibition will enable us to test this.”

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The following areas require attention:

      (1) You begin and end the abstract with statements on evolution in which the actomyosin cytoskeleton is associated with skeletogenesis despite different GRNs, different contributing proteins, etc. You then move to ROCK and claim to reveal that ROCK is a central player in the process. As above, in the judgement of this reviewer, you fail to establish a direct role of ROCK to the actomyosin role in skeletogenesis. Sure, the ROCK inhibitors suggest that ROCK plays some kind of role in the process but you also indicate that ROCK could act on many processes, none of which you directly associate with the necessary activity of ROCK.

      We agree that our paper provides correlative similarities between the phenotypes of ROCK and those of direct pertrubations of the actomyosin network, and lacks causal relationship. We made this point clear throughout the current version of the manuscript.

      (2) In the abstract you report that ROCK inhibition impairs the actin cytoskeleton around the skeleton. In examining your images in Fig. 5 that is not the case. Based on Phalloidin staining, actin surrounds both the control and the ROCK-inhibited skeleton. The distribution of actin is the same in both cases. Myosin is also stained in this figure and it too shows similar staining both in experimental and control. So, to this reviewer, there is insufficient evidence to suggest that the actin cytoskeleton is impaired, and there is no evidence directly relating ROCK with that cytoskeleton. I'm not questioning the observation that inhibition of ROCK causes stunting and mispatterning of the skeleton. That you show and quantify well. The issue is the precise target of ROCK. Your data does not establish the specific cause. It could be the actin cytoskeleton but your experiments do not directly address that.

      Fig. 5 shows a clear difference between F-actin in control and under ROCK inhibition. In control F-actin is enriched around the spicule and under ROCK inhibition the spicule doesn’t form and disorganized F-actin is accumulated in the skeletogenic cells. Yet, as we stated above – this is not a proof for the direct effect of ROCK on F-actin polymerization, and we explain it explicitly in the results, lines 324-326 and in the discussion, lines 405-408.

      (3) In parts of the manuscript you use the term filopodia and in other parts I think you use pseudopodia to refer to the same structure. Since Ettensohn has provided the most evidence on the organization of the skeletogenic syncytia, I suggest you use the same term he used for those cellular extensions.

      The filopodia and the pseudopodia are two distinct structures generated by the skeletogenic cells. The filopodia is the common cellular extension described in many cells, while the term “pseudopodia cable” describes the specific structure that forms between the skeletogenic cells in which the spicule cavity forms, in agreement with Prof. Ettensohn terminology.

      (4) In trying to find relationships you cite a number of previous papers at the end of the introduction. I went back to those papers and they describe (from your work) calcium exocytosis, plus filopodia formation, plus planar cell polarity, plus CDC42, any one of which could involve an actin cytoskeleton. You even cite a paper saying that perturbations of ROCK prevent spicule formation. I went back to that paper and that isn't the case. You then summarize the Introduction by relating ROCK and the actin cytoskeleton, thereby raising reader expectation that the two will be connected. As above, in reality, your evidence here does not connect the two.

      We thank the reviewer for giving us credit for all these works, but only the paper on vesicle kinetics is from our lab (winter et al 2021). As for Croce et al, 2006 that the reviewer refers to: in Fig. 9A, 75µM of Y-27632 is used to inhibit ROCK in the same sea urchin species that we use, and the phenotype is identical to what we observe – the skeletogenic cells are there, but the spicule is not formed. As mentioned above, in the current version we distinguished clearly between our solid findings and our interpretations.

      (5) You emphasize in Fig. 1 the inhibition of ROCK in the presence of VEGFR inhibition. However, at no place in the manuscript do you say anything about how VEGFR is inhibited, when it is inhibited, or how you know it is inhibited. That oversight must be corrected. You mention axitinib but don't say anything about what it does. Some readers may know its activity but many will not.

      We now indicate that we use Axitinib to block VEGFR in the results section (line 104) and in the methods section (lines 470-471).

      (6) Fig. 2. The use of Y27632 as a selective inhibitor of ROCK. According to data sheets from the manufacturer, at the levels used in your experiments, 120 µm, 80 µm and 30 µm, those levels of inhibitor also inhibit the activity of PKA and PKC (both inhibited at around 25 µm). This is concerning because of the literature indicating that activation of the VEGFR operates through PKA. Inhibition of PKA, then, would inhibit the activity of VEGF signaling. Thus, the inhibitory effects of Y27632 may actually not be attributed specifically to ROCK. Furthermore, the heading of this section states that ROCK activity controls initiation, growth, and morphology of the spicule. Yet, even in high levels of inhibitor spicule production is initiated. Yes, the growth and the morphology are compromised, but the initiation doesn't seem to be.

      The spicule fails to form under ROCK continuous inhibition in all concentrations (Fig. 2). Also, as we explained in details above, these Ki values are based on biochemical experiments with purified proteins and are not relevant to in-vivo use of the inhibitor. Yet, these Ki values demonstrate that the affinity of the inhibitor to ROCK is 100 higher than of its affinity to PKA and PKC. Specifically to the reviewer suggestion here: direct inhibition of PKA does not have skeletogenic phenotypes, not in whole embryos (1) and not in skeletogenic cell culture (2). Since we see the same skeletogenic phenotypes at low Y-27362 concentration and the genetic and pharmacological pertrubations of ROCK reconcile, we believe that these phenotypes can be atributed directly to ROCK.

      (7) The synchrotron study is very nice with two points that should be addressed. Again, a high concentration of Y27632 was used giving a caveat on ROCK specificity. And second, the blue and green calcein pulses are very nice but the recent paper by the Bradham group should be cited.

      We added a reference to Bradham recent paper on two calcein pulses (10).

      (8) Fig. 5 is where an attempt is made to associate ROCK inhibition to alterations in actomyosin. Again, a high concentration of the inhibitor is used casting doubt on whether it specifically inhibits ROCK. However, even if the inhibition is specific to ROCK the images do not provide convincing evidence that ROCK activity normally is directed toward actomyosin. This is crucial to the manuscript.

      As stated above, we addressed the specificity in this version and we modified the text to emphasize the correlation and not cuasation: Fig. 5 shows a clear difference between F-actin in control and under ROCK inhibition. In control F-actin is enriched around the spicule and under ROCK inhibition the spicule doesn’t form and disorganized F-actin is accumulated in the skeletogenic cells. Yet, as we stated above – this is not a proof for the direct effect of ROCK on F-actin polymerization, and we explain it explicitly in the results, lines 324-326 and in the discussion, lines 405-408.

      (9) Again in Fig. 6 the inhibitor is used with the same concern about whether the effects noted are due to ROCK.

      Fig. 6 is now Fig. 7 – the effect of ROCK on gene expression and as explained above, we addressed the specificity in this version.

      (10) Lines 350-358. This interpretation falls apart without showing that the inhibitor is specific for ROCK as indicated above. Also, Fig. 5 is unconvincing in showing a difference in actin or myosin distribution in control vs ROCK inhibited embryos. Yes, the spicules are stunted, but whether actin or myosin have anything to do with that as a result of lack of ROCK activity is not demonstrated.

      As stated above, we addressed the specificity in the revised version and we modified the text to emphasize the correlation and not cuasation: Fig. 5 shows a clear difference between F-actin in control and under ROCK inhibition. In control F-actin is enriched around the spicule and under ROCK inhibition the spicule doesn’t form and disorganized F-actin is accumulated in the skeletogenic cells. Yet, as we stated above – this is not a proof for the direct effect of ROCK on F-actin polymerization, and we explain it explicitly in the results, lines 324-326 and in the discussion, lines 405-408.

      (11) Throughout, the manuscript spelling, grammar, and sentence structure will require extensive editing. The mistakes are numerous.

      We did our best to correct the spelling and grammar. If we still missed some mistakes, we would be happy to further correct them.


      (1) Mitsunaga K, Shinohara S, Yasumasu I. Probable Contribution of Protein Phosphorylation by Protein Kinase C to Spicule Formation in Sea Urchin Embryos: (sea urchin/protein kinase C/spicule formation/H-7/HA1004). Dev Growth Differ. 1990;32(3):335-42.

      (2) Mitsunaga K, Shinohara S, Yasumasu I. Does Protein Phosphorylation by Protein Kinase C Support Pseudopodial Cable Growth in Cultured MicromereDerived Cells of the Sea Urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus?: (sea urchin/protein kinase C/spicule formation/phorbol ester/H-7). Dev Growth Differ. 1990;32(6):647-55.

      (3) Su Y, Huang H, Luo T, Zheng Y, Fan J, Ren H, et al. Cell-in-cell structure mediates in-cell killing suppressed by CD44. Cell Discov. 2022;8(1):35.

      (4) Kagawa H, Javali A, Khoei HH, Sommer TM, Sestini G, Novatchkova M, et al. Human blastoids model blastocyst development and implantation. Nature. 2022;601(7894):600-5.

      (5) Canellas-Socias A, Cortina C, Hernando-Momblona X, Palomo-Ponce S, Mulholland EJ, Turon G, et al. Metastatic recurrence in colorectal cancer arises from residual EMP1(+) cells. Nature. 2022;611(7936):603-13.

      (6) Becker KN, Pettee KM, Sugrue A, Reinard KA, Schroeder JL, Eisenmann KM. The Cytoskeleton Effectors Rho-Kinase (ROCK) and Mammalian DiaphanousRelated (mDia) Formin Have Dynamic Roles in Tumor Microtube Formation in Invasive Glioblastoma Cells. Cells. 2022;11(9).

      (7) Segal D, Zaritsky A, Schejter ED, Shilo BZ. Feedback inhibition of actin on Rho mediates content release from large secretory vesicles. J Cell Biol. 2018;217(5):1815-26.

      (8) Fischer RS, Gardel M, Ma X, Adelstein RS, Waterman CM. Local cortical tension by myosin II guides 3D endothelial cell branching. Curr Biol. 2009;19(3):2605.

      (9) Narumiya S, Ishizaki T, Uehata M. Use and properties of ROCK-specific inhibitor Y-27632. Methods Enzymol. 2000;325:273-84.

      (10) Descoteaux AE, Zuch DT, Bradham CA. Polychrome labeling reveals skeletal triradiate and elongation dynamics and abnormalities in patterning cue-perturbed embryos. Dev Biol. 2023;498:1-13.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The OSCA/TMEM63 channels have recently been identified as mechanosensitive channels. In a previous study, the authors found that OSCA subtypes (1, 2, and 3) respond differently to stretch and poke stimuli. For example, OSCA1.2 is activated by both poke and stretch, while OSCA3.1, responds strongly to stretch but poorly to poke stimuli. In this study, the authors use cryo-EM, mutagenesis, and electrophysiology to dissect the mechanistic determinants that underlie the channels' ability to respond to poke and stretch stimuli.

      The starting hypothesis of the study is that the mechanical activation of OSCA channels relies on the interactions between the protein and the lipid bilayer and that the differential responses to poke and stretch might stem from variations in the lipid-interacting regions of OSCA proteins. The authors specifically identify the amphipathic helix (AH), the fenestration, and the Beam Like Domain (BLD) as elements that might play a role in mechanosensing.

      The strength of this paper lies in the technically sound data - the structural work and electrophysiology are both very well done. For example, the authors produce a high-resolution OSCA3.1 structure which will be a useful tool for many future studies. Also, the study identifies several interesting mutants that seemingly uncouple the OSCA1.2 poke and stretch responses. These might be valuable in future studies of OSCA mechanosensation.

      However, the experimental approach employed by the authors to dissect the molecular mechanisms of poke and stretch falls short of enabling meaningful mechanistic conclusions. For example, we are left with several unanswered questions surrounding the role of AH and the fenestration lipids in mechanosensation: Is the AH really important for the poke response if mutating residues conserved between OSCA1.2 and OSCA3.1 disrupts the OSCA1.2 ability to respond to poke but mutating the OSCA1.2 AH to resemble that of OSCA3.1 results in no change to its "pokability"? Similar questions arise in response to the study of the fenestrationlining residues.

      We thank the reviewer for their feedback. We believe that the different OSCA1.2 mutants on their own suggest an involvement of the AH and fenestration-lining residues in its mechanosensitive response. We attribute the inability to restore the poke response of OSCA3.1 with similar mutations to its inherent high threshold to this particular stimulus and perhaps other structural differences, or a combination of them, that we did not probe in this study. We agree more work is required in the field to address these remaining questions and further dissect the difference between poke and stretch responses.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Jojoa-Cruz et al. determined a high-resolution cryo-EM structure in the Arabidopsis thaliana (At) OSCA3.1 channel. Based on a structural comparison between OSCA3.1 and OSCA1.2 and the difference between these two paralogs in their mechanosensitivity to poking and membrane stretch, the authors performed structural-guided mutagenesis and tested the roles of three structural domains, including an amphipathic helix, a beam-like domain, and a lipid fenestration site at the pore domain, for mechanosensation of OSCA channels.


      The authors successfully determined a structure of the AtOSCA3.1 channel reconstituted in lipid nanodiscs by cryo-EM to a high resolution of 2.6 Å. The high-resolution EM map enabled the authors to observe putative lipid EM densities at various sites where lipid molecules are associated with the channel. Overall, the structural data provides the information for comparison with other OSCA paralogs.

      In addition, the authors identified OSCA1.2 mutants that exhibit differential responses to mechanical stimulation by poking and membrane stretch (i.e., impaired response to poke assay but intact response to membrane stretch). This interesting behavior will be useful for further study on differentiating the mechanisms of OSCA activation by distinct mechanical stimuli.

      Major weakness:

      The major weaknesses of this study are the mutagenesis design and the functional characterization of the three structural domains - an amphipathic helix (AH), a beam-like domain (BLD), and the fenestration site at the pore, in OSCA mechanosensation.

      (1) First of all, it is confusing to the reviewer, whether the authors set out to test these structural domains as a direct sensor(s) of mechanical stimuli or as a coupling domain(s) for downstream channel opening and closing (gating). The data interpretations are vague in this regard as the authors tend to interpret the effects of mutations on the channel 'sensitivity' to different mechanical stimuli (poking or membrane stretch). The authors ought to dissect the molecular bases of sensing mechanical force and opening/closing (gating) the channel pore domain for the structural elements that they want to study.

      We agree with the reviewer that our data are unable to distinguish the transduction of a mechanical stimulus and channel gating. We set up to determine whether these features were involved in the mechanosensitive response. However, as the reviewer points out, evaluating whether they work as direct sensors or coupling domains would require a more involved experimental design that lies beyond the scope of this work. Thus, we do not claim in our study whether these features act as direct sensors of mechanosensitive stimuli or as coupling domains, only their involvement.

      Furthermore, the authors relied on the functional discrepancies between OSCA1.2 (sensitive to both membrane poking and stretch) and OSCA3.1 (little or weak sensitivity to poking but sensitive to membrane stretch). But the experimental data presented in the study are not clear to address the mechanisms of channel activation by poking vs. by stretch, and why the channels behave differently.

      We had hoped that when we switched regions of the OSCA1.2 and OSCA3.1 channels we would abolish poke-induced responses in OSCA1.2 and confer poke-induced sensitivity to OSCA3.1. We agree with the reviewer that we were not able to pinpoint the reason or multiple reasons, as it could be a compounded effect of several differences, that caused OSCA3.1 higher threshold and thus we could not confer to it an OSCA1.2-like phenotype. Yet, we shed some light on some of the structural differences that appear to contribute to OSCA3.1 behavior, as mutagenesis of OSCA1.2 to resemble this channel led to OSCA3.1-like phenotype.

      (2) The reviewer questions if the "apparent threshold" of poke-induced membrane displacement and the threshold of membrane stretch are good measures of the change in the channel sensitivity to the different mechanical stimuli.

      The best way to determine an accurate measure of sensitivity to mechanical stimuli is stretch applied to a patch of membrane. There are more complicating factors that influence the determination of "apparent threshold" in the whole cell poking assay, including visualizing when the probe first hits the cell (very difficult to see). With that said, the stretch assay has its own issues such as the creep of the membrane into the pipette glass which we try to minimize with positive pressure between tests.

      (3) Overall, the mutagenesis design in the various structural domains lacks logical coherence and the interpretation of the functional data is not sufficient to support the authors' hypothesis. Essentially the authors mutated several residues on the hotspot domains, observed some effects on the channel response to poking and membrane stretch, then interpreted the mutated residues/regions are critical for OSCA mechanosensation. Examples are as follows.

      In the section "Mutation of key residues in the amphipathic helix", the authors mutated W75 and L80, which are located on the N- and C-terminal of the AH in OSCA1.2, and mutated Pro in the OSCA1.2 AH to Arg at the equivalent position in OSCA3.1 AH. W75 and L80 are conserved between OSCA 1.2 and OSCA3.1. Mutations of W75 and/or L80 impaired OSCA1.2 activation by poking, but not by membrane stretch. In comparison, the wildtype OSCA3.1 which contains W and L at the equivalent position of its AH exhibits little or weak response to poking. The loss of response to poking in the OSCA1.2 W/L mutants does not indicate their roles in pokinginduced activation.

      Besides, the P2R mutation on OSCA1.2 AH showed no effect on the channel activation by poking, suggesting Arg in OSCA3.1 AH is not responsible for its weak response to poking. Together the mutagenesis of W75, L80, and P2R on OSCA1.2 AH does not support the hypothesis of the role of AH involved in OSCA mechanosensation.

      Mutagenesis of OSCA1.2 in the amphipathic helix for residues W75 and L80 suggests a role of the helix in the poke response in OSCA1.2, regardless of OSCA3.1 having the same residues. Furthermore, the lack of alteration in the response for mutant P77R suggests that specific residues of the helix are involved in this response and is not a case where any mutation in the helix will lead to a loss of function.

      OSCA3.1 WT exhibits a high-threshold response (near membrane rupture) in the poke assay without any mutations, and this could be due to other features, for example, the residues lining the membrane fenestration, as well as features not identified/probed in this study. We agree with the reviewer that the differences in the AH do not explain the different response to poke in OSCA1.2 and OSCA3.1, and we have added this statement explicitly in the discussion for clarification (line #251-252).

      In the section "Replacing the OSCA3.1 BLD in OSCA1.2", the authors replaced the BLD in OSCA 1.2 with that from OSCA3.1, and only observed slightly stronger displacement by poking stimuli. The authors still suggest that BLD "appears to play a role" in the channel sensitivity to poke despite the evidence not being strong.

      We agree with the reviewer that the experiments carried out show little difference between the response of OSCA1.2 WT and OSCA1.2 with OSCA3.1 BLD, and we have stated so (line #259: “Substituting the BLD of OSCA1.2 for that of OSCA3.1 had little effect on poke- or stretchactivated responses. Although these results suggest that the BLD may not be involved in modulating the MA response of OSCA1.2…”). However, the section of the discussion that the reviewer points out also considers evidence provided by recent reports from Zheng, et al. (Neuron, 2023) and Jojoa-Cruz, et al. (Structure, 2024) and we suggest an hypothesis to reconcile our findings with these new evidence.

      OSCA1.2 has four Lys residues in TM4 and TM6b at the pore fenestration site, which were shown to interact with the lipid phosphate head group, whereas two of the equivalent residues in OSCA3.1 are Ile. In the section "Substitution of potential lipid-interacting lysine residues", the authors made K435I/K536I double mutant for OSCA1.2 to mimic OSCA3.1 and observed poor response to poking but an intact response to stretch. Did the authors mutate the Ile residues in OSCA3.1 to Lys, and did the mutation confer channel sensitivity to poking stimuli resembling OSCA1.2? The reviewer thinks it is necessary to perform such an experiment, to thoroughly suggest the importance of the four Lys residues in lipid interaction for channel mechanoactivation.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We agree that the suggested experiments will further improve the quality of the results, but we are no longer able to perform such experiments.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Jojoa-Cruz et al provide a new structure of At-OSCA3.1. The structure of OSCA 3.1 is similar to previous OSCA cryo-em structures of both OSCA3.1 and other homologues validating the new structure. Using the novel structure of OSCA3.1 as a guide they created several point mutations to investigate two different mechanosensitive modalities: poking and stretching. To investigate the ability of OSCA channels to gate in response to poking they created point mutations in OSCA1.2 to reduce sensitivity to poking based on the differences between the OSCA1.2 and 3.1 structures. Their results suggest that two separate regions are responsible for gating in response to poking and stretching.


      Through a detailed structure-based analysis, the authors identified structural differences between OSCA3.1 and OSCA1.2. These subtle structural changes identify regions in the amphipathic helix and near the pore that are essential for the gating of OSCA1.2 in response to poking and stretching. The use of point mutations to understand how these regions are involved in mechanosensation clearly shows the role of these residues in mechanosensation.


      In general, the point mutations selected all show significant alterations to the inherent mechanosensitive regions. This often suggests that any mutation would disrupt the function of the region, additional mutations that are similar in function to the WT channel would support the claims in the manuscript. Mutations in the amphipathic helix at W75 and L80 show reduced gating in response to poking stimuli. The gating observed occurs at poking depths similar to cellular rupture, the similarity in depths suggests that these mutations could be a complete loss of function. For example, a mutation to L80I or L80Q would show that the addition of the negative charge is responsible for this disruption not just a change in the steric space of the residue in an essential region.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We agree that the suggested experiments will further improve the quality of the results, but we are unable to perform such experiments due to the authors having moved on from the respective labs.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I have several questions regarding some of the aspects of your study:

      Mutation of the hydrophobic W75 and L80 in OSCA1.2 to charged residues significantly decreases the poke response in OSCA1.2 without affecting the stretch response. However, W75 and L80 are also present in OSCA3.1, which does not respond efficiently to poke. You conclude that these two residues are important for the poke response, but do not delve into why, if these residues are important, OSCA3.1 is not poke-sensitive.

      In addition, mutation of the OSCA1.2 AH to resemble that of OSCA3.1 does not produce channels that are less poke-sensitive. Given the data presented, if AH were a universal "poke sensor", one could also expect WT OSCA3.1 to exhibit a robust poke response, like OSCA1.2. Here I think it would be important to explain in more detail how this data might fit together.

      We thank the reviewer for bringing up this issue. We decided to test the importance of the AH due to the presence of similar structures in other mechanosensitive channels. Our data showed that single and double mutants of the AH of OSCA1.2 affected its poke response but not stretch. This supports the idea of the AH involvement in the poke response. Yet, we agree that the differences in the AH between OSCA1.2 and OSCA3.1 (P77R mutation) do not explain the higher threshold of OSCA3.1, we have explicitly added this in line #255. The particular OSCA3.1 phenotype may be due to other differences in the structure, for example, differences in the membrane fenestration area, or a combined effect of several differences, which we believe is more likely.

      I also have some questions about the protein-lipid interactions in the fenestration. A lipid has been observed in this location in both OSCA1.2 and OSCA3.1 structures. Mutation of the two OSCA1.2 lysines to isoleucines results in channels that are resistant to poke which leads to the conclusion that the interactions between the fenestration lysines and lipids are important for the poke response.

      Here, there are several questions that arise but are not answered:

      It is not shown what happens when OSCA3.1 isoleucines are mutated to lysines - do these mutants result in poke-able channels? Is the OSCA3.1 mechanosensing altered?

      We performed a preliminary test on OSCA3.1 I423K/I525K double mutant (n = 3). However, we did not see an increase in poke sensitivity. We attributed this to other unexplored differences in OSCA3.1 having an effect in channel mechanosensitivity.

      It is implied that the poke response is predicated on the lysine-lipid interaction. However, lipid densities are present in both OSCA1.2 and OSCA3.1 structures, indicating that both fenestrations interact with lipids. How can we be certain that the mutation of lysine to isoleucine does not disrupt an inter-protein interaction rather than a protein-lipid one? For example, the K435I mutation might disrupt interactions with D523 or the backbone of G527?

      The reviewer brings up a good point. We believe the phenotype seen is due to a different strength in the interaction between lipids and proteins, however, disrupted interaction with other residues is a valid alternative explanation. We agree that the suggested experiments will further clarify the results, but we are unable to perform such experiments due to the authors having moved on from the respective labs.

      Similarly, the effects of single lysine-to-isoleucine (K435I or K536I) mutations are not explored.

      The observed effect might be caused by only one of these substitutions.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We agree that the suggested experiments will further improve the quality of the results, but we are unable to perform such experiments due to the authors having moved on from the respective labs.

      I also wanted to take this opportunity to ask a couple of philosophical (?) questions about using a mammalian system to study ion channels that have evolved to function in plants. Your study highlights the intimate relationship between the lipid bilayer and protein function/mechanosensitivity. Plant cells contain high levels of sterols and cerebrosides that would significantly affect both cell stiffness and the specific interactions that can be formed between the protein and the lipid bilayer. I wonder if the properties of the lipid bilayer might shift the thresholds for poke and/or stretch stimuli and if structural elements that do not appear to have a major role in mechanosensation in a mammalian cell (e.g., BLD) might be very influential in a lipid environment that more closely resembles that of a plant?

      Conversely, is it possible that OSCA channels are not poke-sensitive in plant cells? These questions are beyond the scope of your study, but they might be a nice addition to your discussion.

      The reviewer poses a great question. Electrophysiological approaches for studying plant mechanosensitive channels suffer the limitation of not being able to fully reconstitute the environment of a plant cell. To be able to patch the cell, the cell wall needs to be disposed of, which eliminates the tension generated from this structure onto the membrane. In that sense, performing these assays in plant cells or another system would not give us a fully accurate picture of the physiological thresholds of these channels. Given this limitation, we performed our study with mammalian cells given our expertise with them. Like the reviewer, we are also intrigued by the effect of different membrane compositions on the behavior of OSCA channels and how these channels will behave under physiological conditions, but we agree with the reviewer that these questions are out of the scope of our work. To address this point, in line #294 we have added: “It is also important to note that the membrane of a plant cell contains a different lipid composition than that of HEK293 cells used in our assays, and thus these lipids, or the plant cell wall, may alter how these channels respond to physiological stimuli.”

      Line 313 For structural studies, human codon-optimized OSCA3.1. Could you please clarify what this means?

      We have changed the phrase to “For structural studies, the OSCA3.1 (UniProt ID: Q9C8G5) coding sequence was synthesized using optimized codons for expression in human cells and subsequently cloned into the pcDNA3.1 vector” in line #327 to clarify this sentence.

      As a final comment, in the methods you use references to previously published work. I would strongly encourage you to replace these with experimental details.

      We understand the reviewer’s argument. However, this article falls under eLIFE’s Research Advances and will be linked to the original published work to which we reference the method. As suggested in the guidelines for this type of article, we only described the methods that were different from the original paper.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) In line 85, provide C-alpha r.m.s.d. values for the structural alignment among OSCA3.1, OSCA1.1, and OSCA1.2 protomers.

      As requested, we have added the C-alpha RMSD in line #86.

      (2) In line 90, should the figure reference to Fig. 1d be Fig. 1e?

      We thank the reviewer for catching this error. We have corrected it in the manuscript.

      (3) In lines 89-94, what putative lipid is it resolved in the OSCA3.1 pore? Can the authors assign the lipid identity? Is this the same or different from the lipids resolved in OSCA1.2, OSCA1.1, and TMEM63?

      In the model, we have built the lipid as palmitic acid to represent a lipid tail, but the resolution in this area makes it difficult to ascertain the identity of said lipid, hence we cannot compare to lipids in other orthologs.

      (4) In lines 115-121, the authors describe the presence of AHs and their functional roles in MscL and TMEM16. It will be more informative if the authors can add figures to show the structure of MscL and highlight the analogous AH. In addition, the current Supplementary Fig. 6 is not informative so it should be improved. It is not clear to the reviewer why that stretch of helix in TMEM16 is equivalent or analogous to the AH in OSCAs, either sequence alignment or a detailed structural alignment is helpful to address this point. Also, in lines 120-121, it says this helix in TMEM16 "does not present amphipathic properties", please show the sequence or amphipathicity of the helix.

      We thank the reviewer for the feedback on this figure. Supplementary Fig. 6 has been thoroughly modified to address the reviewer’s concerns. We now include a panel showing the structure of MscL and its amphipathic helix. We have modified the alignment of OSCA3.1 to a TMEM16 homolog to make clearer the homologous positioning of the helices in question and zoom in to show their sequences.

      (5) In discussion, lines 249-257, the authors referred to a recent study that suggested three evolutionarily coupled residue pairs located on BLD and TM6b. The authors speculate that the reason they did not observe a significant effect of channel response to poke/stretch stimuli in the BLD swapping between OSCA1.2 and 3.1 is due to the 2 of 3 salt bridges remaining for the residue pairs. To test the importance of these residue pairs and their coupling for channel gating, instead of swapping the entire BLD, can the authors systematically mutate the residue pairs, disrupt the salt-bridge interactions, and analyze the effect on channel response to mechanical force?

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We agree that the suggested experiments will further improve the quality of the results, but we are unable to perform such experiments due to the authors having moved on from the respective labs.

      (6) The reviewer suggests the authors tone down the elaboration of polymodal activation of OSCA by membrane poking and stretch.

      We believe the idea of polymodal activation is sufficiently toned down as we only postulate it as a possibility and following we give an alternative explanation based on methodological limitations: “Nonetheless, the discrepancy could be due to inherent methodological differences between these two assays, as whole-cell recordings during poking involve channels in inaccessible membranes (at the cell-substrate interface) and channel interactions with extracellular and intracellular components, while the stretch assay is limited to recording channels inside the patch.”

      (7) In lines 81-83, the authors described the BLD as showing increased flexibility, and the EM map at this region is less well resolved for registry assignment. In the method for cryo-EM image processing and Supplementary Fig. 1, the authors only carried out 3D refinement and classification at the full channel level. Have the authors attempted to do focus refinement or classification at the BLD domain in order to improve the local resolution or to sort out conformational heterogeneity? The reviewer suggests doing so because the BLD domain is a hot spot that the authors have proposed to play an important role in OSCA mechanosensation. Conformational changes identified in this region might provide insights into its role in the channel function.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have performed focused classification on the BLD with and without surrounding regions and, in our hands, it did not improve the resolution or provide further insights.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Here are a few specific minor corrections that should be addressed

      (1) In lines 117-135, in the discussion of Figure 2, the data shows an apparent increase in the poking threshold to gate W75K/L80E. The substantial increase in the depth required to gate the channel suggests that these channels are less sensitive to poking. Would it be possible to compare the depth at which these two patches show activity and the depth at which the other 22 cells ruptured? Line 161 mentions that the rupture threshold of HEK cells is close to the gating of OSCA3.1 at 13.8 µm.

      The distance just before the cell ruptured in 22 cells with no response was 12.5 +/- 2.5 um. The distance at which the cells ruptured was 0.5 um more (13 +/- 2.5 n=22). We have added this last value in line #137.

      (2) Would it be possible in Figures 2 panels b and c, 3, and figure 4 to label the WT as WT OSCA1.2?

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. We agree this modification will improve the clarity of the figures and have changed the figures to follow the reviewer’s suggestion.

      (3) Can you provide a western blot of the mutations described in Figure 2? This would provide insight into the amount of protein at the cell surface and available to respond to poking, the stretch data shows that these channels are in the membrane but does not show if they are in the membrane in similar quantities.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We agree that the suggested experiments will further improve the quality of the results, but we are unable to perform such experiments due to the authors having moved on from the respective labs.

      (4) The functional differences between the two channels are projected to be tied to several distinct point mutations, however, the data could be strengthened by additional point mutations at all sites to show that the phenotypes are due to the mutations specifically not just any mutation in the region.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We agree that the suggested experiments will further improve the quality of the results, but we are unable to perform such experiments due to the authors having moved on from the respective labs.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      First, we discovered several erroneous duplicate values in our source data sets from figures S1, 2, 4, and 8, due to mistakes from MATLAB analysis. We have re-analyzed the data and corrected these errors; since limited values in each data set changed, the results were unaffected. The changes are reflected in updated figures and source data.

      Overall, the reviewers gave a positive assessment of our work, but had reservations about:

      (1) Specifics of the iGluSnFR data and analysis

      (2) Overstatement/oversimplification of the importance of syt7 and Doc2

      (3)The strength and interpretation of the EM data 4) The relevance and parametrization of the modeling data

      (1) We have clarified aspects of the iGluSnFR data and analysis in the point-by-point response, as well as in the manuscript.

      (2) We have toned down our statements about the role of syt7 and Doc2 throughout, and emphasized that the DKO data are conclusive and reveal that there must be additional Ca2+ sensors for AR. We have also added to the discussion, noting syt3 as a strong candidate to perform a function analogous to syt7 (to regulate docking), along with another protein (or proteins) performing a role similar to Doc2 (directly in fusion) that has not been identified as a candidate in the field yet.

      (3) We feel the EM data are consistent with the model as much as they could be, and while a sequence of events can only be inferred from time-resolved EM, we believe our work falls in the scope of reasonable interpretation. However, upon reexamining the terminology of ‘feeding’ and related discussion, we realized this could be misleading, so these sections have been revised.

      (4) We have improved the description and interpretation of the model in the manuscript and provide a detailed rationale of our approach in the point-by-point-response.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Major points:

      (1) It is surprising the optical GluSnFR approach reports so much asynchronous release in control hippocampal neurons after single stimuli (36% of release). This seems much higher than what is observed at most synapses, where asynchronous release is usually less than 5% of the initial response to the first evoked stimuli. Any thoughts on why the GluSnFR approach reports such a high level of asynchronous release? Could the optical approach be slower in activation kinetics in some cases, which artificially elevates the asynchronous aspect of fusion? This seems to be the case, given electrophysiology recordings in Figure 3 show the asynchronous release component as ~10% in controls at the 1st stimuli (panel C).

      The reported proportion of asynchronous release from cultured hippocampal neurons varies, contingent upon a range of factors (calcium concentration, how asynchronous release is quantified, etc). However, we would argue that there is considerable evidence for a higher percentage of asynchronous release (more than the <5% indicated by the referee) at synapses in the hippocampus. In our previous work on Doc2 using electrophysiology in cultured hippocampal neurons (Yao et al., 2011, Cell), it was noted that there is an approximate 25% incidence of asynchronous release after a single action potential. Furthermore, Hagler and Goda also reported a 26% ratio of asynchronous neurotransmitter release, also from cultured hippocampal neurons (Hagler and Goda, 2001, J Neurophysiol.).

      We also point out that another study using iGluSnFR to measure synchronous/asynchronous release ratios, with more sophisticated stimulation, imaging, and analysis procedures than ours, found an average ratio of synchronous to asynchronous release that is in-line with our values, with considerable variability among individual boutons (Mendonça et al., 2022; 25% asynchronous release after a single action potential). We feel that iGluSnFR is actually the superior approach (barring specialized e-phys preparations that can measure quantal events at individual small synapses; please see Miki et al., 2018), as it directly measures the timing of individual release events at individual boutons. By comparison, in most electrophysiology experiments there is a large peak of synchronous release from many synapses. iGluSnFR also bypasses postsynaptic considerations such as receptor kinetics and desensitization, or asynchronous release being poorly aligned to AMPA receptors, per a recent study of ours (Li et al., 2021), and a study showing 25% of asynchronous release occurs outside the active zone (Malagon et al., 2023). All these factors could obscure asynchronous release or otherwise make it difficult to measure by electrophysiology. To our knowledge, the approach in Miki et al., 2018 best bypasses these limitations, though the data in that study are from exceptionally fast and synchronous cerebellar synapses, and so cannot be directly compared to our findings. Thus, it is possible that iGluSnFR can report more asynchronous release than electrophysiological recordings, but this may actually reflect real biology.

      This being said, after considering the reviewer’s points we realized that our analysis method likely underestimates the total amount of synchronous release when using the high-affinity sensor (Figure 1). We quantify release by ‘events’ (that is, peaks), which does not take into account multiquantal peaks resulting from near-simultaneous multivesicular release. We have previously determined by quantal analysis that most synchronous peaks after a single action potential are multiquantal, while for asynchronous release there are still multiquantal events but they are in the minority (Vevea et al., 2021; Mendonça et al., 2022). So, in our data sets, the total amount of synchronous release is underestimated more so than asynchronous release. Thus, 37% asynchronous release is probably an overestimate, which explains the 12% difference compared to Mendonça et al., 2022, who used sophisticated quantal analysis (though that study also was performed at room temperature, which could also cause differences). We have now pointed this out in the text:

      “This ratio of synchronous to asynchronous release is likely an underestimate, since our analysis only counts the number of peaks (‘events’) and does not take into account multiquantal peaks resulting from near-simultaneous multivesicular release. We have previously determined by quantal analysis that most synchronous peaks are multiquantal after a single action potential, while for AR there are still multiquantal events but they are in the minority (Vevea et al., 2021). So, in our measurements, the total amount of synchronous release is underestimated; sophisticated quantal analysis using the A184V iGlusnFR recently found the percentage of total release that is AR to be ~25%, with otherwise similar results to ours (Mendonça et al., 2022) . Nonetheless, this approach faithfully distinguishes synchronous from asynchronous release…”

      However, while this method underestimates total synchronous release, it does not misclassify synchronous events as asynchronous because of kinetics. Even the slower iGluSnFR variant does not have a rise time that would misrepresent a synchronous event as asynchronous (Marvin et al., 2018). Mendonça et al (2022) note that averaged iGluSnFR traces for the A184V are biphasic, with the transition from fast to slow component occurring around 10 ms. These authors also determined that the temporal resolution of glutamate imaging is actually limited by the frame rate, not the biosensor, and based on simulations found that detection time was biased in their data to be about 1 ms earlier than the actual timing of release events.

      The reviewer’s final point about Figure 3 is a misunderstanding, as these are data from iGluSnFR, not electrophysiology. The asynchronous proportion in these experiments is ~10% because, as noted in the manuscript, we used a faster, lower-affinity variant of iGluSnFR in train stimulation experiments (Figure 2). In contrast to the high-affinity sensor, as explained above, in our analysis this variant would be expected to underestimate the amount of asynchronous release because it fails to detect many uniquantal release events (presumably those further from the focal plane, with too little fluorescence to reach our detection threshold) as evidenced by the fact that the apparent mini rate is much lower as measured by this sensor compared to higher-affinity variants. Since synchronous peaks are mostly multiquantal after a single action potential, while asynchronous peaks are mostly uniquantal, a fraction of release going undetected results in mostly smaller synchronous peaks, which are counted the same in our analysis while many asynchronous peaks are missed entirely. We have added a bit more clarification in the text to avoid confusion on this point:

      “This sensor underestimates the fraction of AR (~10% of total release for a single action potential) as compared to the A184V variant used above that overestimates the fraction of AR (~35% of total release for a single action potential). This is because it is less sensitive and misses many uniquantal events; as discussed above, our analysis quantifies release by number of peaks, and most synchronous peaks are multiquantal after a single action potential, while most AR peaks are uniquantal (Vevea et al., 2021). Still, the S72A variant reported the same phenotypes as the A184V variant after the first action potential (Fig. 3B, C).”

      As discussed above, we think the synchronous-to-asynchronous ratio is actually harder to determine with electrophysiology, and the preparations are different (acute slice vs dissociated culture); still, our electrophysiological measurements are in line with the iGluSnFR data: 29% for Figure 2 and 26% from the first action potential of Figure 4. These values also agree with the findings from Yao et al. (2011) and Hagler and Goda (2001), discussed above.

      Finally, the ultimate goal of our study was to measure the effects of deleting Doc2 and syt7 on synchronous and asynchronous release, not to measure the exact ratio between the two. If iGluSnFR greatly misreported synchronous events as asynchronous, we would expect the results from the knockouts to diverge between our imaging and electrophysiology data, which they do not. We have also previously applied this approach to syt1 knockouts, showing the characteristic desynchronization of release (Vevea et al., 2020). Furthermore, the high-affinity and low-affinity iGluSnFR variants, which as discussed above in our analysis overestimate and underestimate the fraction of release that is asynchronous, respectively, both reported the same phenotypes.

      (2) In the acute hippocampal physiology traces, it looks like the effect on cumulative release in Doc2A mutants only appears around ~40 msec after stimulation. This is a relatively late phase of asynchronous release. Any reason this effect does not show up sooner, where most asynchronous fusion events occur, or is this due to some technical aspects of the physiology clamp that masks earlier components?

      The reviewer is correct, although the curves actually diverge at around 30 ms (see image below). This can be attributed to the fact that the EPSCs in our recordings are broad, probably because of the large number of different synaptic inputs captured in our stimulation and recording paradigm (note that the currents are also quite large), resulting in a broad spread in the timing of release. That is to say, synchronous release is likely still occurring fairly late into the trace, obscuring any changes in asynchronous release earlier than 30 ms. This is not related to Doc2 specifically, as the EGTA charge transfer curve also diverges from the control curve at the same time. This EGTA control gives us confidence that our broad EPSCs still faithfully report synchronous and asynchronous release, even if the exact timing is spread-out to some extent.

      Author response image 1.

      (3) How do the authors treat multi-vesicular release in their synchronous/asynchronous quantification? It was not clear from the methods section. Many of the optical traces show dual peaks - are those that occur in the 10 ms bin assigned to synchronous and those outside to asynchronous? Are the authors measuring the area of the response or just the peak amplitude for the measurements? The methods seem to indicate peak amplitude, but asynchronous is better quantified with area measurements for electrophysiology.

      This is an excellent point by the reviewer, and in the Methods we now explicitly state how we treat multivesicular release/multiple peaks in our analysis. Release timing is assigned based on peak timing, including when there are multiple peaks at the same bouton.

      “Timing of release was determined based on the frame in which the signal peaked, including for dual peaks in the case of synchronous and asynchronous release at the same bouton.”

      Regarding the comparison to area measurements for electrophysiology, we agree with the reviewer, which is why we used such an approach for our electrophysiological data. However, a key advantage of iGluSnFR is the ability to resolve individual quantal events (or, as is often the case for synchronous release, simultaneous multiquantal events), so temporal binning of the peaks is the appropriate analysis approach regarding these data. This is comparable to the analysis used for electrophysiology recordings of responses from single small synapses, which also detects individual quantal events, where release timing is calculated as the latency between the stimulus and the beginning of each EPSC (Miki et al., 2018).

      This leaves the general concern that multiple vesicle fusions at the same bouton that occur milliseconds apart could blur together and make it more difficult to accurately determine release timing, particularly with the slower sensor used in the single-stim experiments in Figure 1. We believe this is not a major concern, since we also performed experiments with the much faster sensor, S72A which can resolve peaks from 100 Hz stimulation (Marvin et al., 2018). Furthermore, while the peak-calling method we used is crude by comparison, the synchronous/asynchronous ratio we report is similar to that of Mendonça et al. (2022) who used a higher frame rate and deconvolution to produce more easily distinguishable quanta when synchronous and asynchronous release occur at the same bouton after the same action potential.

      (4) It would be relevant to show that calcium binding mutations in Syt7 do not support SV docking/capture in the current assays, given some evidence for Syt7 calcium-independent activities has been reported in the field.

      To our knowledge, when using the correct mutations to block calcium binding, none of the reported syt7 knockout phenotypes (including those reported by our laboratory in Liu et al., 2014) have ever been rescued. However, this does not formally rule out a calciumindependent role in transient docking. For the EM data, we originally considered including rescue experiments with normal and non-calcium binding mutants of both syt7 and Doc2 in our study. However, our EM approach is spectacularly expensive and labor-intensive and such experiments would as much as triple the amount of EM work in the study. We plan on doing such experiments, and there is a great deal of additional structure-function work to be done on both these proteins. We feel that reassessing the calcium binding mutants with iGluSnFR and zap-andfreeze falls into the scope of this future work. For now, this as a limitation of the current study.

      (5) The authors are not consistent in how they describe the role of the two proteins in asynchronous release, with the reader often drawing the impression that these two proteins solely mediate this aspect of SV fusion. As the authors note, some synapses do not require Syt7 or Doc2 for SV release, indicating different asynchronous sensors or molecular components at distinct brain synapses. Indeed, asynchronous release is only reduced, not eliminated, in the double mutants the authors report, so other components are at play even in these hippocampal synapses. The authors should be more consistent in noting this in their text, as the wording can be confusing as noted below:

      "Together, these data further indicated that AR after single action potentials is driven by Doc2α, but not syt7, in excitatory mouse hippocampal synapses."

      "after a single action potential, Doc2α accounts for 54-67% of AR at hippocampal excitatory synapses, whereas deleting syt7 has no effect."

      "This, along with our finding that syt7/Doc2a DKOs still had remaining AR, raises the possibility that there are other unidentified calcium sensors for AR."

      We have made adjustments throughout to not overstate the role of syt7 and Doc2, including at the locations the reviewer points out. This is an important point from the reviewer, and not just to avoid misleading readers. It is itself interesting; in the original manuscript we should have emphasized, far more than we did, that the DKO experiments strongly point to asyet-unidentified proteins being involved in asynchronous release. This has been rectified in the revised text: we now emphasize that another calcium sensor for asynchronous release is likely present at all relevant points in the manuscript.

      (6) Given the authors' data, I don't think it's fair to say "raises the possibility" of other AR sensors, as almost 50% of AR remained in the Doc2A mutant in some of the experimental approaches. Clearly, other AR calcium sensors or molecular components are required, so better to just state that in the 1st paragraph of the discussion with something like: "Given syt7/Doc2a DKOs still had remaining AR, further work should explore the diversity of synaptic Ca2+ sensors and how they contribute to heterogeneity in synaptic transmission throughout the brain."

      We agree; this was poor phrasing on our part. We meant to imply that there may be proteins that have not even been considered, because it is also technically possible that the remaining asynchronous release is supported by the known machinery (i.e., syt1). We have changed “raises the possibility” to “indicates”.

      Minor points:

      (1) Remove "on" from the abstract sentence "Consequently, both synchronous and asynchronous release depress from the second pulse on during repetitive activity".

      We have changed “on” to “onward” to reduce ambiguity.

      (2) Shouldn't syt7 be Syt7 and syt1 be Syt1 when referring to the proteins?

      To our knowledge there is not a hard-and-fast convention for non-acronym mouse protein abbreviations. The technically correct full name is lowercase, so we find it reasonable to use lowercase for the abbreviation.

      (3) Both calcium and Ca2+ are used in the manuscript - better to stick to one term throughout.

      We thank the referee for catching this error; we now use only “Ca2+” throughout our study.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) While the GluSnFR experiments appear to be well done, what is striking is the relatively small and "jagged" fluorescent responses. Are the authors concerned that they are missing many fast (with peaks occurring within 10 ms) synchronous events and incorrectly identifying them asynchronous? If this is not a concern, why not?

      With respect to the small raw responses, this is the nature of measuring individual quanta from individual boutons while imaging at 100 Hz, even with the excellent signal-to-noise ratio of the iGluSnFR variants we used.

      As far as kinetics, as noted in the response to Reviewer 1 point #1, even the slower iGluSnFR variant has a rise time fast enough that it cannot misrepresent a synchronous event as asynchronous (Marvin et al., 2018). This threshold for iGluSnFR has been used by others: see Mendonça et al., 2022, who note that averaged iGluSnFR traces are biphasic, with the transition from fast to slow component occurring around 10 ms. The ‘jaggedness’ is in large part due to the frame rate (100 Hz); Mendonça et al., 2022 used 250 Hz and deconvolution to produce smoother, cleaner traces, but still achieved similar results to us.

      Finally, we reiterate what we wrote in response to Reviewer 1 point #1: “the ultimate goal of our study was to measure the effects of deleting Doc2 and syt7 on synchronous and asynchronous release, not to measure the exact ratio between the two. If iGluSnFR misreported synchronous events as asynchronous, we would expect the results from the knockouts to diverge between those data and our electrophysiology data, which they do not. We have also previously applied this approach to syt1 knockouts, showing the characteristic desynchronization of release (Vevea et al., 2020). Also, the phenotypes reported by the faster and slower iGluSnFR variants were identical. ”

      (2) On page 6, I'm not sure I would agree that short-term plasticity is "so catastrophically disrupted". It is probably enough to say that plasticity is disrupted in the ko.

      We argue that syt7 knockout causes the most severe phenotype specific to short-term plasticity so far described (that is, without affecting initial release probability), but we have changed “catastrophically” to “strongly”.

      (3) Differences in the post-stim number of "docked" vesicles between conditions are, in absolute numbers, very small. For example, it seems that the number of docked vesicles goes from ~ 2.2 prior to stimulation, to ~ 1.5 in the first 5 ms window following stimulation. While this number may be statistically significant, I worry about bias and sampling errors. It is comforting that images are randomized prior to analysis. Nevertheless, the differences are very small and this should be explicitly acknowledged.

      This ~40% decrease in number of docked vesicles in dissociated cultured hippocampal neurons has been consistent throughout all our studies using flash-and-freeze and zap-and-freeze electron microscopy (Watanabe et al., 2013; Kusick et al., 2020, Li et al., 2021), as well as those of other labs (Chang et al., 2018). Statistically, 40% is far beyond the limit to detect differences between samples with 200-300 synapses quantified per condition and an average of ~2 docked vesicles per image. The low absolute number of docked vesicles per synaptic profile (since the 40 nm section only captures a portion of the active zone, which contain an average of 12 docked vesicles in total; Kusick et al., 2020) is not relevant except that it does reduce the statistical power to detect differences, but this is compensated for by the huge number of images we capture and annotate per sample. We are able to detect differences in fusion and endocytic pits (albeit with much less precision and sensitivity), such as the Doc2 phenotype in this study, even though these events are an order of magnitude rarer than docked vesicles. Biologically, in our view, a 40% reduction in all docked vesicles across all synapses, considering that the majority of synapses do not have even 1 vesicle fusion, after only a single action potential, is substantial. We have even been puzzled why there is such a large decrease, but as stated above this result has been consistent for a decade of using this approach. For comparison to the magnitude of baseline docking changes in mutants, this 40% is similar to the effect of deleting synaptotagmin 1 (Imig et al, 2014; Chang et al, 2018; note in Imig et al., considered a gold standard in the field, the average number of docked vesicles per tomogram is ~10, but there are fewer than 25 tomograms per sample, so the actual amount of sampling in our data set is slightly greater).

      (4) The related point is that how can one know about the "transient" nature of vesicle docking when the analysis is performed on completely different sections from different cells? Moreover, what does it mean that the docked granules have recovered or not recovered (abstract)? This should be explained in more detail.

      This is a fundamental difficulty of interpreting time-resolved electron microscopy data. We cannot observe a sequence of events at any given synapse, but only try to measure each time point as accurately as we can and interpret the data.

      By ‘recovery’ we simply mean that the number of docked vesicles at a given time point after stimulation is similar to the no-stimulation baseline. We have replaced ‘recovery’ in the abstract with ‘replenishment’ to avoid confusion.

      We now realize that in the context of this study the term ‘transient docking’ is confusing, since we only measured out to 14 ms in this study. In experiments with samples frozen at 5 ms, 14 ms , 100 ms, 1,s and 10 s, the return to baseline at 14 ms appears temporary, since samples frozen at 100 ms have a similar reduction of docked vesicles as those at 5 ms (Kusick et al., 2020). The number of vesicles again returns to baseline at 10 s, so we used the term ‘transient docking’ to distinguish the recovery at 14 ms from the slower and presumably permanent return to baseline that takes 10 s. The apparently temporary nature of this process is why we believe it contributes to facilitation, which likewise peaks soon after stimulation and decays over the course of ~100 ms.

      To make the transient docking terminology less confusing, we have removed the word ‘transiently’ from the title and added a clarification of what transient docking is when it is first mentioned:

      “vesicles can dock within 15 ms of an action potential to replenish vacated release sites and undock over the next 100 ms”

      As noted by the reviewer, such a sequence of events, where vesicles dock within 14 ms, then undock over the course of 100 ms, then dock again over the course of 10 s, is an inference, but is based on predictions from electrophysiological data and modeling (see Silva, Tran, and Marty, 2021 for review; those authors use the term ‘calcium-dependent docking’ but this refers to the same process), and as yet there is no way to directly observe vesicle dynamics at synapses down to nanometer resolution in live cells.

      On the reviewers recommendation we have removed references to syt7 ‘feeding’ vesicles from the abstract and the beginning of the “physiological relevance” section of the discussion. This phrasing could imply a direct molecular pipeline between syt7 and syt1/Doc2, which is a misrepresentation of our actual model that syt7 simply helps recruit docked vesicles.

      “These findings result in a new model whereby syt7 drives activity-dependent docking, thus providing synaptic vesicles for synchronous (syt1) and asynchronous (Doc2 and other unidentified sensors) release during ongoing transmission.”

      “In the case of paired-pulse facilitation it can supply docked vesicles for syt1-mediated synchronous release to enhance signaling; it likely functions in the same manner to reduce synaptic depression during train stimulation. In the case of AR, syt-7-mediated docked vesicles can be used by Doc2α, which then directly triggers this slow mode of transmission.”

      (5) In this study, docking is phenomenologically defined and, therefore, arbitrary; vesicles are defined as docked if there is no space between them and the plasma membrane. What happens if the definition is broadened to include some small distance between the respective membranes? Does the timecourse of "recovery" change?

      We always quantify at least all vesicles within 100 nm of the active zone; these data are shown in Figure S6D. We show only docking in the main figures because, consistent with our previous work and as stated in the text, we found no change in the number of vesicles at any distance from the plasma membrane at the active zone after stimulation, nor did we find any difference in the mutants. In our previous work on syt7 (Vevea et al., 2021) we quantified all the vesicles within the synapse and also found no differences after stimulation or in the KO further from the active zone.

      The reviewer is correct that the term ‘docking’ at synapses is often used quite arbitrarily; even among morphological studies the definition is inconsistent. We consider our strict docking definition that we explain in the manuscript (in high-pressure-frozen and freeze-substituted samples) of no visible distance between membranes to be less arbitrary, since only the number of these attached vesicles decreases after stimulation (Watanabe et al., 2013, Kusick et al., 2020, Li et al., 2021, this study) and in SNARE knockouts (Imig et al., 2014). Broadening the definition, as is done in some other studies (for example Chang et al., 2018), retains the effect, since the majority of vesicles within 10 nm are at ~0 nm, but again all that is actually changing is the number of vesicles at ~0 nm.

      (6) My overall impression is that this model is not adding much to the story. Specifically, the model was not fit to any data and has a huge number of states and free parameters given the dynamics that it is trying to capture (ie I think this is overkill). Many of the free parameters were arbitrarily constrained with little to no justification and there was minimal parameter space exploration, in part because the model wasn't being quantitatively constrained to any data. While advertised to be a 3-state model, there is a combinatorial explosion of substates by distinguishing between levels of calcium occupancy simultaneously in three separate calcium sensors so that one ends up with 9 empty states, 9 tethered states, and 45 docked states for a total of 63 distinguishable states. At 63 states and 21 free parameters, one could of course model just about any dynamics imaginable. But the relatively simple dynamics of AR and its perturbation by removal of Doc2 and Syt7 can likely be captured with far fewer states and parameters (such as Neher's recent proposal). Specifically, starting with the Neher ES-LS-TS model along with adding a transient labile docked state affected by Syt7 and Doc2 (TSL in Neher nomenclature), I wonder if the authors could more or less capture what they are observing during stimulus trains. The advantage of a minimal model is that readers don't have to struggle with fairly elaborate systems of differential equations and parameter plots to get a feel for what's going on. Especially since the point of this model is to develop intuition rather than to capture with physical accuracy exactly what is transpiring at a docked vesicle (which would require many more details excluded from the current model).

      We would like to thank the reviewer for pointing out unclarities and mistakes in the description of the model. We have worked on improving on these points. We now more elaborately explain why we have made certain assumptions and what decisions we have made to constrain the parameter values in the model. As the reviewer points out other models might also work in explaining the dynamics of the experimental data presented in this paper. Thus, we agree that it is unlikely that this theory and model implementation is the only one that can account for the observations. With this model we aimed to investigate whether the theory proposed based on the experimental data could indeed reproduce the dynamics that are observed experimentally. In the section below we will briefly explain why we made different decisions in constructing the model to comment on the reviewer’s concerns. We will also discuss more precisely what adjustments we have made to the model’s description to improve its readability and be open about its limitations.

      One of the main concerns of the reviewer is that the model has many states and free parameters, some of which are poorly constrained. We agree that the model indeed contains many states. However, in essence, the model corresponds to a two-step docking model, in which SVs get tethered to an empty release site and subsequently dock/prime in a fusion-competent state. This structure of the model corresponds to the ES-LS-TS model (Neher and Brose 2018, Neuron) mentioned by the reviewer or the replacement-docking model (Miki et al., 2016, Neuron). As the reviewer points out, by making the transition rates calcium-dependent in those models, we would indeed be able to capture similar dynamics with these models as with ours. However, instead of directly implementing calcium-dependent rates, we let the rates depend on the number of calcium ions bound to syt7, Doc2 and Syt1. We decided to do so, as some information on the calcium binding dynamics of these proteins is available. By simulating the calcium binding to the proteins explicitly we could integrate this knowledge into our model. Moreover, by explicitly simulating calcium-binding to these proteins, we included the time it takes before a new steady state-binding occupancy is reached after a change of calcium levels. Especially for Ca2+ sensors with slow kinetics such as, syt7 and Doc2, this is crucial. These properties are highly relevant for asynchronous release (which we quantified as the release >5 ms after onset of AP). The consequence is that because of combinatorics (e.g., if we assume 5 calcium ions to bind to syt1 and 2 to Doc2 this leads to 24 different states), explicit simulation of all relevant states extends the number of potential different states a vesicle can be in. In the main text of the manuscript, we added this explanation on why we decided on the structure of the model as it is presented and discussed it in context of other previous models.

      Our decision to simulate calcium binding to syt1, syt7 and Doc2 also increased the number of parameters in our model. As the reviewer points out, the large number of parameters in our model compared to the relative low number of features in the experimental behavior the model is compared to – is a limitation. However, after thorough exploration of the model, we are certain that the model cannot create any type of desired dynamics. The large number of parameters does make it possible that different combinations of parameter values would lead to similar responses, as can be seen in the parameter space exploration in Figure S9. This means that our modelling effort does not provide estimates of parameter values. We now mention this explicitly in the discussion section of the model. Some of the parameter values we were able to constrain based on previous literature (10 parameters), others were more arbitrary set (8 parameters), and some of them were adjusted to match the experimental data closely (7 parameters). We indicated more clearly now in Supplementary Table 3 to which category each parameter value belongs in table. We determined the values of the model parameters through a manual exploration of the parameter space. One of the main reasons why we decided not to perform a fitting of the model to data obtained in this work is that the obtained parameters would not be informative (e.g., multiple combinations of parameters will lead to similar results). We agree with the reviewer that a direct quantitative comparison between model predictions and experimental data obtained by fitting would be nice. However, fitting the model to experimental data would be close to impossible computationally. This is in part because of the large number of states, but mainly due to the large number of APs that need to be simulated. Especially since the transients in our model have slow and fast parts (the decay of the residual Ca2+-transient, and the peak of the local Ca2+transient), the model is challenging to solve with ODE solvers available in Matlab, even when using a high-performance computer system optimized for parallel computation (32 cores). Moreover, fitting the model to experimental data would require the addition of extra assumptions and parameters to the model. As the experiments are performed using different samples, different parameter settings are probably required (e.g. it is likely that the number of release site or the fusion probability differs between cultured hippocampal neurons and hippocampal slices). Additionally, if we decide to fit the model, we would need to define a cost function (i.e., a quantitative measure of how well the model is fitting to experimental data), which requires us to determine the different weights the different experiments we are comparing our model predictions to have. The decision on how to weight the different types of data is very difficult (not to say arbitrary).

      Therefore, we constrained the parameter values in our model based on a manual (but systematic) exploration of the parameter space. The simulations of the model were evaluated based on the increase in the number of docked vesicles between 5 and 15 ms after AP stimulation (this should be as large as possible for the control and Doc2- model, and close to 0 for the syt7- model simulations), the peak release rates in response to the first AP (to be equal between all conditions), the ratio between the peak release rate of the 1st and 10th response (depressive phenotype should be more prominent in the syt7- model simulation and the least in the Doc2- simulation), and the amount of asynchronous release (syt7- and Doc2- simulations should have approximately half of the total amount of asynchronously released vesicles compared to the control simulations). Moreover, the parameter values for the calcium transient should be realistic. We do not know the exact parameter values of the calcium transient in the samples used in the experiments performed here, but previous studies have provided a range of realistic parameter values (Brenowitz and Regehr 2007, PMID: 17652580; Helmchen et al., 1998, PMID: 9138591; Sabatini and Regehr 1998, PMID: 9512051; Wang et al., 2008, PMID: 19118179). Furthermore, we decided to set the parameters describing calcium binding to syt7 and Doc2 to the same values, as the scope of the model was to investigate the role of syt7 and Doc2 in asynchronous release when they act on different steps in the reaction scheme. By using the same parameter values both proteins are identical except for their mechanism of action. We added this section to the methods of the manuscript.

      In the parameter space evaluation, we decided to vary parameters one-by-one or in pairs of two. We decided not to further extend the parameter space evaluation as it will be challenging to give a proper interpretation of these results, to visualize them, and to simulate it (computationally expensive).

      (7) The graphics, equations, and nomenclature all need some work. The equations aren't numbered or indexed, so I can't really refer to any of them in particular, but the symbols being used generally were not defined well enough for a naïve reader to follow. The 15 diffEQs compressed into a single expression at the bottom of page 19 are basically impenetrable. The 'equation' near the bottom of p. 20 is not an equation - it is a set of four symbols lacking a definition. The fusion rate equation (with f1 and f2 factors) isn't spelled out clearly enough (top of p. 20). Can fusion occur from any of the 45 docked states but just with a different probability? Or does fusion only occur from the 3 states where Doc2+Syt1 Ca occupancy = 5? The graphical representation of Syt7 occupancy and its effects in Fig S7 doesn't work well. Tons of color and detail but very hard to decipher and intuit what Syt7 is doing to the SV buried in the arrow lengths. And this is a crucial point of the paper - it really needs to shine through in this figure.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out the unclarities in the description of the model. We have worked on improving this section. Specifically, we have improved the equations and now more clearly explain the symbols used in these equations. We have altered the graphical representation of the effect of calcium binding to syt7 on docking and undocking rates.

      (8) I would strongly recommend abandoning this large-scale soft modeling effort altogether, but if the authors feel that all the states and parameters are absolutely required, they need to justify this point, define all symbols systematically, number all equations, and provide some evidence of actual data fitting, systematic parameter space exploration, and more exposition of why they are making the various assumptions and constraints that were used to lower the number of free parameters. For instance, why are the tethering and untethering (or docking and undocking) rate constants set to equal each other? And why is it assumed that Syt7 enhances both the docking and undocking rates? Why is fusion set to occur as long as the sum of Syt1 and Doc2 calcium occupancy is exactly 5 regardless of the specific occupancy of either Syt1 or Doc2? Again probably quite important but unjustified physically. Given the efforts of this model to capture some sort of realistic calcium liganding by Syt1, Syt7, and Doc2, the model doesn't seem to take into account the copy number of each protein at a release site. Shouldn't it matter if there are 2 Syt7s vs 20 Syt7s? Or the stoichiometry between Doc2 and Syt1? Either this model assumes that there is exactly one copy of each protein at a release site or that all copies are always identically liganded and strictly act as a unit. Neither of these possibilities seems plausible.

      Despite the fact that this model (as all models) is a simplified version of reality and despite the fact that this model (as all models) has its limitations, we decided to keep the model in our work to illustrate that this well-defined hypothesis put forth in this paper is consistent with the experimental data. Again, we are not claiming that this model is the only one that may explain this, nor do we claim that we have uniquely identified its parameters. As indicated above, we worked on improving the description of the model in the methods and improved on our description of how the parameter values are constrained. For the reasons mentioned above (first and foremost because of infeasibility due to excessive computation time) we did not perform data fitting or changed the parameter space exploration. We would like to thank the reviewer for pointing out that some of the assumptions of the model are not well enough explained. We added an extra explanation of these assumptions to the main text.

      One of the assumptions we made, as the reviewer points out, is that the tethering and untethering and docking and undocking rates constants are set to equal each other. This is indeed an arbitrary assumption, with the main aim of reducing the number of free parameters in our model given that there is currently no experimental constraint on the relation between the two rate constants. We agree that this assumption is as good as any other, and we have pointed this out more clearly in the main text.

      In the model syt7 enhances both docking and undocking rates as we assumed it to function as a catalyst of the docking reaction. A catalyst lowers the energy barrier for the reaction and thereby promotes both forward and backward rates. One of the main reasons we decided on this is because in the model also syt1 and Doc2 are assumed to function by lowering the energy barrier for the fusion reaction. However, since fusion is irreversible this would only affect the forward reaction rate. We cannot exclude that syt7 acts on the forward rate only, which we now mention in the results section of the model.

      In our model fusion can occur from any possible docked SV state. The probability of fusion however increases the more calcium ions are bound to Doc2 or Syt1, with Syt1-bound to Calcium being more effective in promoting fusion. This structure matches the dual-sensor model proposed by Sun et al., 2007, Science (PMID: 18046404) and Kobbersmed et al. 2020, Elife (PMID: 32077852), and is based on the assumption that each protein bound to calcium lowers the energy barrier with a certain amount. We have explained this more in the results section of the model.

      We decided that syt1 and Doc2 together could have no more than five calcium ions bound to them. This is based on the idea that syt1 and Doc2 are competing for the same type of resources, which could for instance be a limited number of SNARE complexes that are available to execute the reaction. An indication for competition between the two proteins can be found in the synchronous release amplitudes after stimulus 2, which are larger in the Doc2KO.

      The reviewer rightfully points out that for realistic simulations of the role of syt1, syt7 and Doc2 the stoichiometry of these proteins at the release site is relevant. In the ideal scenario, we would have included this in our model. However, this would massively increase the possible number of states (which this reviewer criticizes already in our simpler model), making the model even more computationally expensive to run. Additionally, we currently have no reliable estimates of the number of syt7 and Doc2 molecules per release site. In our model, all syt1s expressed on an SV can bind up to five calcium ions. We have recently shown that this simplified model can capture the features of all syt1 proteins per vesicle that compete for the binding of three substrates on the plasma membrane to exert their function in speeding up fusion (Kobbersmed et al., 2022 eLife PMID: 35929728). This means that the copy number is indirectly covered in our model. This number of five calcium ions (and two for Doc2 and syt7) however is not based on the estimated number of syt1s on an SV (which would be around 15, Takamori 2006), but rather on the calcium-dependence of the fusion reaction. Similarly, the number of two calcium ions binding to Doc2 is based on the Calcium-dependence of asynchronous fusion rates (Sun et al., 2007). Based on the reviewer’s comment we now more explicitly mention in the text that the numbers of calcium ions binding to syt1, Doc2 and syt7 corresponds to the total number of calcium ions that can bind to each of these molecules per release site/SV.

      We again would like to thank the reviewer for asking us to improve the explanation on the assumptions made to construct our model and how we constrained the parameter values in our model.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We are pleased to send you a revised version of our manuscript entitled “voyAGEr: free web interface for the analysis of age-related gene expression alterations in human tissues” and the associated shiny web app, in which we incorporate the referees’ feedback. We would like to express our gratitude for their time and valuable insights, which have contributed to the improvement of our work. We appreciate the rigorous evaluation process that eLife maintains.

      In this letter, we address each of the reviewers' comments and concerns, point-by-point, offering detailed responses and clarifications. We have made several revisions to our manuscript following their recommendations.

      We must note that the revised version of the manuscript has two novel joint first authors, Rita Martins-Silva and Alexandre Kaizeler, who performed all the requested reanalyses, given that the initial first author, Arthur Schneider, already left our lab. We must also point to the following minor unsolicited improvements we took the opportunity to make:

      • Added a comprehensive tutorial to the GitHub repository on how to navigate through voyAGEr’s features.

      • Implemented sample randomisation in the scatter plots depicting gene expression across the age axis to ensure data privacy.

      • Implemented minor adjustments within the web app to enhance user comprehension and clarity when visualizing the data.

      • Improved clarity of the methodological sections.

      Reviewer 1

      (1.1) While this may be obvious to others for some reason that escaped me, I was unsure what was the basis for the authors' choice of 16 years as the very specific sliding window size. If I'm not alone in this, it might add clarity for other readers and users if this parameter choice were explained and justified more explicitly.

      We apologise for our omission in providing the rationale behind our choice in the previous version. We chose 16 years as our sliding window size because this was the minimum needed to guarantee the presence of more than one sample per window, across all the tissues considered in the study (Figure R1 below).

      We added the following sentence to the manuscript (v. Methods, ShARP-LM):

      “This was the minimum age span needed to guarantee the presence of more than one sample per window, across all considered tissues.”

      (1.2) "In particular, tissue-specific periods of major transcriptional changes in the fifth and eighth decades of human lifespan have been revealed, reflecting the so-called digital aging and consistently with what is observed in mice" here I think that "consistently" should be "consistent".

      We thank the reviewer for the comment and following the suggestion, we have revised 'Consistently' to 'consistent' as it is the correct usage in our sentence.

      (1.3) "On a different note, sex biases have been reported in for the expression of SALL1 and KAL1 in adipose tissue and lung, respectively." Here I think that "in for" should be "in".

      As recommended by the reviewer, we have replaced ‘in for’ for ‘in’. As we substituted KAL1, the current sentence now stands as “On a different note, sex biases have been reported in the expression of SALL1 and DDX43 in adipose tissue and lung, respectively”.

      (1.4) "We downloaded the matrix with the RNA-seq read counts for each gene in each GTEx v7 sample from the project's data portal (https://www.gtexportal.org/)." In my pdf manuscript this hyperlink appears to be broken.

      We appreciate the reviewer's attention to the broken link, and we have rectified the issue. The link should now be fully operational, effectively directing users to the GTEx Portal.

      (1.5) Under methods, I might suggest "Development platform" or "Development platforms" over "Development's platform" as a heading.

      We have modified the heading of this section in the methods to 'Development Platforms', as we believe it better reflects the information conveyed.

      Reviewer 2

      (2.1) In this tool/resource paper, it is crucial that the data used is up-to-date to provide the most comprehensive and relevant information to users. However, the authors utilized GTEx v7, which is an outdated (2016) version of the dataset. It is worth noting that GTEx v8 includes over 940 individuals, representing a 35% increase in individuals, and a 50% increase in the total number of samples. The authors should check the newer versions of GTEx and update the data.

      When the development of the voyAGEr web application began, GTEx version 7 was the most up to date. Nevertheless, we agree that the version 8 offers a notably more extensive dataset, encompassing a larger number of individuals, samples, and introducing new tissues. Consequently, we have updated our application to incorporate the data from GTEx version 8.

      (2.2) The authors did not address any correction for batch effects or RNA integrity numbers, which are known to affect transcriptome profiles. For instance, our analysis of GTEx v8 Cortex tissue revealed that after filtering out lowly expressed genes, in the same way authors did, PC1 (which accounts for 24% of the variation) had a Spearman's correlation value of 0.48 (p<6.1e-16) with RNA integrity number.

      We acknowledge the validity of the reviewer’s comment and appreciate the importance of such corrections to enhancing data interpretation. In response, we conducted a thorough unbiased investigation into potential batch effects, with the COHORT variable emerging as the primary driver of those observed across most tissues. Furthermore, SMRIN (as the reviewer pointed), DTHHRDY, MHSMKYRS and the number of detected genes in each sample were consistently associated with the primary sources of variation. As a result, we implemented batch effect correction for those five conditions, in a tissue-specific manner.

      We provide a detailed explanation of the batch effect correction methodology and its importance in the biological interpretation of results in the Methods section, specifically under "Read count data pre-processing". Additionally, we have included two new supplementary figures, Sup. Figures 7 and 8, to illustrate a batch effect example in lung tissue and emphasise the critical role of this correction in data interpretation.

      (2.3) The data analyzed in the GTEx dataset is not filtered or corrected for the cause of death, which can range from violent and sudden deaths to slow deaths or cases requiring a ventilator. As a result, the data may not accurately represent healthy aging profiles but rather reflect changes in the transcriptome specific to certain diseases due to the age-related increase in disease risk. While the authors do acknowledge this limitation in the discussion, stating that it is not a healthy cohort and disease-specific analysis is not feasible due to the limited number of samples, it would be useful for users to have the option to analyze only cases of fast death, excluding ventilator cases and deaths due to disease. This is typically how GTEx data is utilized in aging studies. Alternatively, the authors should consider including the "cause of death" variable in the model.

      This comment is closely related to the prior discussion (point 2.2). Notably, two of the covariates selected for batch effect correction, namely, DTHHRDY (Death classification based on the 4-point Hardy Scale1) and COHORT (indicating whether the participant was a postmortem, organ, or surgical donor1), have a direct relevance to this issue, i.e., both relate to the cause of death of the individual.

      1 According to the nomenclature of variables described in https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/gap/cgibin/ GetListOfAllObjects.cgi?study_id=phs000424.v9.p2&object_type=variable

      We therefore effectively account for their influence on gene expression, mitigating these factors' impact.

      This approach represents a compromise, as it is practically infeasible to ascertain the absence of underlying health conditions in the remaining samples, even if only considering cases of “fast death”. Hence, we opted to keep all samples, independently of the cause of death of its donor, to dilute potential effects associated with individual causes of death.

      (2.4) The age distribution varies across tissues which may impact the results of the study. The authors' claim that age distribution does not affect the outcomes is inconclusive. Since the study aims to provide cross-tissue analysis, it is important to note that differing age distributions across tissues can influence the overall results. To address this, the authors should conduct downsampling to different age distributions across tissues and evaluate the level of tissue-specific or common changes that remain after the distributions are made similar.

      We acknowledge that variations in age distributions are evident across different tissues, with brain tissues displaying a notably pronounced disparity (green density lines in Figure R2 below).

      To address this issue comprehensively, we conducted tissue-specific downsampling, by reducing the number of samples in a given age window to the minimum available sample size within all age windows for a given tissue. The histograms (density plots) of the number of samples per age window of 16 years considered in the ShARP-LM model, as well as the minimum number of samples in each age window, per tissue are illustrated in Figure R1. After performing downsampling, we computed the logFC and p-value of differential expression for each gene, per age window, and compared them (for all genes in a given age window) with those involving all samples.

      Despite changes in logFC with downsampling, a considerable positive correlation is maintained (Figure R3, top panel). This suggests that the overall trends in gene expression changes persist. However, the downsampling process expectedly results in a decrease of statistical power within each age window concomitant with the decreased sample size, evident from the shift of genes from the third to the first quadrant in Figure R3, bottom panel. Consequently, we have opted for maintaining results encompassing all samples and removing the paragraph in the Discussion that asserted the absence of age distribution impact on the overall outcomes (“Indeed, we found no confounding between the distribution of samples’ ages and the trend of gene expression progression over age in any tissue.”), as we deem it inaccurate, potentially leading to misinterpretation. We have added a supplementary figure (Supplementary Figure 8, identical to Figure R3) illustrating the effect of downsampling, and the following paragraph to the manuscript’s Discussion section:

      “When downsampling to ensure a balanced age distribution, a loss of statistical power is apparent but a considerable positive correlation with the original results is maintained and a substantial number of significant alterations remain so (Supplementary Figure 8).”

      We acknowledge that this limitation can be addressed with the growing accumulation of human tissue transcriptomes in publicly available databases, a trend we anticipate in the near future. We are committed to promptly updating voyAGEr with any new data releases that may offer a solution to this concern.

      Nonetheless, we want to underscore, as the reviewer has astutely pointed out, that while voyAGEr can facilitate cross-tissue comparisons, it must be done with caution. In this regard, we inserted the following paragraph into the Discussion:

      “Due to the tissue-specific nature of the pre-processing steps (v. Read count data preprocessing in the Methods section), and given that most of the plotted gene expression distributions are centred and scaled by tissue, it is important to note that voyAGEr may not be always suited for direct comparisons between different tissues. For instance, it does not allow to directly ascertain if a gene exhibits different expression levels in different tissues or if the expression of a particular gene in one tissue changes more drastically with age than in another tissue.”

      (2.5) The GTEx resource is extremely valuable, however, it comes with challenges. GTEx contains tissue samples from the same individuals across different tissues, resulting in varying degrees of overlap in sample origin across tissues as not all tissues are collected for all individuals. This could affect the similar/different patterns observed across tissues. As this tool is meant for broader use by the community, it is crucial for the authors to either rule out this possibility by conducting a cross-tissue comparison using a non-parametric model that accounts for the dependency between samples from the same individual, or to provide information on the degree of similarity between samples so that the users can keep this possibility in mind when using the tool for hypothesis generation.

      We agree that the variable degrees of overlap between tissues (Figure R4) could lead to a confounding between trends in a population of common individuals and those associated with age. We therefore examined the contributions of variables 'donor,' 'tissue,' and 'age' to the overall variance in the data (Figure R5, panel A), having normalised the data collectively across all tissues. Tissue and donor contribute approximately 90% and 10% of the variance, respectively. Age exhibits minimal impact (around 1%), which may be attributed to the relative subtlety of its effects on gene expression and to the tissue specificity of ageing-associated changes. Notably, removing the 'donor' variable does not transfer this variance to 'age', suggesting a limited confounding between these variables (see Figure R5, panel B).

      We also specifically examined the pairs of tissues exhibiting the lowest (Brain Amygdala / Small Intestine), median (Pancreas / Heart Left Ventricle), and highest (Kidney Cortex / Muscle Skeletal) percentages of shared donors. We identified and selectively removed samples from shared donors while maintaining the original sample size imbalance between tissues. Subsequently, we calculated each gene’s mean expression within each age window from the ShARP-LM pipeline, followed by each gene’s Pearson’s correlation of expression between tissue pairs. The resulting coefficients, both with and without the removal of common donors, were compared in scatter plots (Figure R6, left plots). As this process inherently involves downsampling, which may impact results (v. comment 2.4), we performed additional downsampling by randomly removing samples from both tissues according to the proportions defined for the removal of common donors (Figure R6, right plots).

      In the chosen scenarios, we note a similar impact between the targeted removal of common donors and random downsampling. Nevertheless, the effects of removing samples may vary according to the absolute number of remaining samples. Consequently, singling out individual cases may not provide conclusive insights. To systematically address this, we represented all tissue pairs in a heatmap, colour-coded based on whether the removal of common donors is more impactful (red) or less impactful (blue) than random downsampling (Figure R7). The values depicted in the heatmap, denoted as the Impact of Common Donors (ICD), are computed for each tissue pair. This calculation involves several steps: first, we determined the absolute difference in Pearson’s correlation for each gene’s mean expression within each age window from the ShARP-LM pipeline, between the original data and the subset of data without common donors (DiffWoCD) or with random downsampling (DiffRD). Subsequently, the medians of DiffWoCD and DiffRD are computed, and the difference between these median values provides the ICD for each tissue pair. Due to the unidirectional nature of correlation (i.e., the results for tissue 1 vs tissue 2 mirror those for tissue 2 vs tissue 1), the resulting matrix is triangular in form.

      We have added a supplementary figure (Supplementary Figure 4, a composition of Figures R4-R7, together with a scatterplot relating the values of heatmaps R4 and R7) that aims to provide guidance to users when interpreting specific tissue pairs, acknowledging inherent limitations (refer to comment 2.4). We have also inserted the following paragraph into the manuscript’s Discussion section:

      “Furthermore, we must emphasise that the majority of GTEx donors contributed samples to multiple tissues (Supplementary Figure 4A), potentially introducing biases and confounders when comparing gene expression patterns between tissues. Our analyses of variance (Supplementary Figure 4B) and downsampling to control for common donors (Supplementary Figures 4C-E) suggest very limited global confounding between the impacts of donor and age on gene expression and that any potential cross-tissue bias not to depend much on the proportion of common donors (Supplementary Figure 4E). However, this effect must be taken into account when comparing specific pairs of tissues (e.g., Colon – Transverse and Whole Blood, Supplementary Figure 4D).”

      (2.6) The authors aimed to create an open-source and ever-evolving resource that could be adapted and improved with new functionality. However, this goal was only partially achieved. Although the code for the web app is open source, crucial components such as the statistical tests or the linear model are not included in the repository, limiting the tool's customizability and adaptability.

      We greatly appreciate the reviewer’s concern and share their commitment to maintaining the principles of openness, reproducibility, and adaptability for voyAGEr. voyAGEr was primarily designed as a visualisation tool, displaying pre-processed results, and indeed only the code for the Shiny app itself was accessible through the project's GitHub repository.

      To address this shortcoming, we have made the entire data preprocessing script publicly available in the GitHub repository of voyAGEr. This script encompasses, among others, filtration, normalisation, batch effect correction, the ShARP-LM pipeline and statistical tests employed, and module definition. Moreover, the web app itself offers functionality to export relevant plots and tables.

      (2.7) Furthermore, the authors' choice of visualization platform (R shiny) may not be the best fit for extensibility and open-source collaboration, as it lacks modularity. A more suitable alternative could be production-oriented platforms such as Flask or FastAPI.

      We appreciate this thoughtful concern. The decision to use Shiny was primarily driven by our data having already been prepared in the R environment during pre-processing steps. Consequently, and as the web app serves the purpose of visualisation only (and not data processing), Shiny is as a natural and convenient extension of our scripts, enabling data visualisation seamlessly.

      We acknowledge that Shiny may lack the modularity required for optimal open-source collaboration. While we recognise the merits of alternative platforms like Flask or FastAPI, we decided to keep Shiny because the current iteration of voyAGEr offers significant value to the community. Transitioning to a different platform would be a time-consuming endeavour, that would postpone the release of such resource.

      However, the reviewer’s feedback regarding modularity and open-source collaboration is duly noted and highly valuable. We will certainly take it into account when developing new web applications within our laboratory.

      (2.8) To facilitate collaboration and improve the tool's adaptability, data resulting from the preprocessing pipeline should be made publicly available. This would make it easier for others to contribute and extend the tool's functionality, ultimately enhancing its value for the scientific community.

      As outlined in point 2.6 of this rebuttal letter, certain metadata used in our analysis are subject to restricted access. To address this, we have taken several measures to foster transparency and reproducibility of our analyses. First, we have made the scripts for data pre-processing publicly available, along with a comprehensive explanation of our methodology within the main manuscript. This empowers users to replicate our analyses and provides a foundation for those interested in contributing to the tool's development. Furthermore, we have created new issues on voyAGEr’s GitHub repository, outlining novel features and improvements we envision for the application in the future. We actively encourage users to engage with this section.

      (2.9) It is unfortunate that the manuscript has no line numbers, which makes pointing out language issues or typos cumbersome. Below are some minor typos present in the current version mostly due to inconsistent usage of British vs US English, and the authors would be advised to do a thorough proofreading for the final submission.

      • Page 12: Inconsistent spelling of "analyzed" and "analysed". Should be "analyzed", since US English is used throughout the rest of the paper.

      • Page 14: "randomised"

      • Page 15: "emphasise"

      We apologise for it and include line numbers in the revised version. We have opted for British English and corrected the manuscript accordingly.

      (2.10) Some figures in the supplemental material have a low resolution (e.g. S. Fig 5). Especially figures that are not based on screenshots would ideally be of a higher resolution.

      As voyAGEr is designed as a web application for visualisation, it is inherent that some screenshots of the final resource may have lower resolutions. In response to this concern, we re-generated the figures in this manuscript with a resolution that maintains clarity and readability. We also recreated figures not derived from screenshots, further improving their resolution.

      We saved all figures in PDF format and are sending them together with this letter and the revised manuscript, to address any potential issues related to low-resolution figures that may occur during the export of the Word document.

      <(2.11) In Fig. 1 in the bottom row the sex labels are hard to see.

      We have adapted the figure to address this concern.

      (2.12) Math symbols and equations are not well formatted. For example, the GE equation on p. 13, or Oiij equation should be properly typeset. Also, the Oiij notation might be confusing, I believe the authors meant to use a capital "I", i.e. OI_ij.

      We have incorporated these recommendations into the revised manuscript.

      (2.13) The Readme file in the git repo is very short. It would be helpful to have build and run instructions.

      We have updated the README file in the GitHub repository, which now contains, among other features, instructions for launching the Shiny app and building the associated Docker image. Additionally, a simple tutorial has also been included to assist users in navigating through voyAGEr's functionalities.

      (2.14> "Module" tab's UI inconsistent to other tabs (i.e. "Gene" and "Tissue"), since it contains an "About" page. Adding the "About" page in the actual "Module" page might make the UI clearer.

      We believed that the Modules section, due to its distinct methodology, would benefit from an additional tab explaining its underlying rationale. We relate to the reviewer’s concern regarding the use of tabs throughout the application and made changes to the app in order to ensure consistency.

      (2.15) I would suggest changing the type of the article to "Tools and Resources".

      We agree and followed the reviewer’s suggestion.

      Reviewer 3

      (3.1) In the gene-centric analyses section of the result, to improve this manuscript and database, linear regression tests accounting for the entire range of age should be added. The authors' algorithm, ShARP-LM, tests locally within a 16-year window which makes it has lower power than the linear regression test with the whole ages. I suspect that the power reduction is strongly affected in the younger age range since a larger number of GTEx donors are enriched in old age. By adding the results from the lm tests, readers would gain more insight and evidence into how significantly their interest genes change with age.

      We are grateful for the reviewer's thoughtful and pertinent recommendation and have thus conducted linear regression tests covering the entire age range. The outcomes of these tests have been integrated into the web application, denoted by a dotted orange line on the 'Gene Expression Alterations Over Age' plots. Additionally, a summary of statistics of overall changes, encompassing pvalues, t-statistics, and logFC per year, has been included below the plot title. We have also updated the manuscript to include such changes (v. Methods, Gene-centric visualisation of tissue-specific expression changes across age):

      “We also applied a linear model across the entire age range, thereby providing users with more insight and supporting evidence into how a specific gene changes with age. For visualisation purposes, we incorporated a dashed orange line, with the logFC per year for the Age effect as slope, in the respective scatter plots (Figure 3B c). We depict the Sex effect therein by prominent dots on the average samples, with pink and blue denoting females and males, respectively.”

      Concerning the observation about the potential reduction in statistical power due to the limited number of samples in younger ages, we acknowledge its validity. Indeed, we have addressed this issue in the manuscript's Discussion (v. Supplementary Figure 6).

      (3.1) In line with the ShARP-LM test results, it is not clear which criterion was used to define the significant genes and the following enrichment analyses. I assume that the criterion is P < 0.05, but it should be clearly noted. Additionally, the authors should apply adjusted p-values for multiple-test correction. The ideal criterion is an adjusted P < 0.05. However, if none or only a handful of genes were found to be significant, the authors could relax the criteria, such as using a regular P < 0.01 or 0.05.

      We apologise for any confusion regarding the terminology "significant genes." Our choice to use nonadjusted p-values for determining the significance of gene expression changes with Age, Sex, and their interaction was deliberate, and we would like to clarify our reasoning:

      (1) In the "Gene" tab of the application, individual genes are examined. When users inquire about a specific gene, multiple-testing correction of the p-value does not apply.

      (2) In the "Tissue" tab, using adjusted p-values and a threshold of 0.05 yielded very few differentially expressed genes, limiting the utility of Peaks. Our objective therein is not to assess the significance of alterations in individual genes but to provide a metric for global alterations within a tissue. We then determine significance based on the False Discovery Rate (FDR), using the p-values as a nominal metric of gene expression alterations.

      To avoid using the concept of “differential expression”, commonly linked to significance, we now refer to 'altered genes' in both the manuscript and the app. For clarity and to align with voyAGEr's role as a hypothesis-generation tool, we define 'altered genes' as those with non-adjusted p-values < 0.01 or < 0.05, as discriminated in the Methods section.

      (3.3) In the gene-centric analyses section, authors should provide a full list of donor conditions and a summary table of conditions as supplementary.

      We appreciate the suggestion and we have now included a reference that directs readers to those data, alternatively to including this information as an additional supplementary table. We would like to emphasise that the web app includes information on donor conditions we hypothesise to affect gene expression.

      3.4) The tissue-specific assessment section has poor sub-titles. Every title has to contain information.

      We agree and revised the sub-titles to more accurately reflect the information conveyed in each corresponding section.

      (3.5) I have an issue understanding the meaning of NES from GSEA in the tissue-specific assessment section. The authors performed GSEA for the DEGs against the background genes ordered by tstatistics (from positive to negative) calculated from the linear model. I understand the p-value was two-tailed, which means that both positive and negative NES are meaningful as they represent up-regulated expression direction (positive coefficient) and down-regulated expression direction (negative coefficient) with age, respectively, within a window. However, in the GSEA section of Methods, authors were not fully elaborate on this directionality but stated, "The NES for each pathway was used in subsequent analyses as a metric of its over- or downrepresentation in the Peak". The authors should clearly elaborate on how to interpret the NES from their results.

      We added the following paragraph to the manuscript’s Methods section, in order to clarify the NES’ directionality:

      “We extracted the GSEA normalised enrichment score (NES), which represents the degree to which a certain gene set is overrepresented at the extreme ends of the ranked list of genes. A positive NES corresponds to the gene set’s overrepresentation amongst up-regulated genes within the age window, whereas a negative NES signifies its overrepresentation amongst down-regulated genes. The NES for each pathway was used in subsequent analyses as a metric of its up- or down-regulation in the Peak.”

      (3.6) In the Modules of co-expressed genes section, the authors did not explain how or why they selected the four tissues: brain, skeletal muscle, heart (left ventricle), and whole blood. This should be elaborated on.

      We apologise for not providing a detailed explanation for this selection. As the ‘Modules of coexpressed genes’ section was primarily intended as a proof of concept, we opted to include tissues for which we had a substantial number of samples available and availability of comprehensive cell type signatures, those being the tissues that met such criteria. Nonetheless, as the diversity of cell type signatures increases (e.g., through the increasing availability of scRNA-seq datasets), we plan to encompass a wider range of tissues in the near future. However, as this task is time-demanding and in order to avoid a substantial delay in the release of voyAGEr, we opted to approach this issue in the next version of the App and included a dedicated issue in the projects’ GitHub repository so that users can share their preferences of the next tissues to include.

      We also added a brief sentence in this regard to the Methods section of the manuscript:

      “The four tissues (Brain - Cortex, Muscle - Skeletal, Heart - Left Ventricle, and Whole Blood) covered by the Module section of voyAGEr were selected due to their relatively high sample sizes and availability of comprehensive cell type signatures. The increasing availability of human tissue scRNA-seq datasets (e.g., through the Human Cell Atlas) will allow future updates of voyAGEr to encompass a wider range of tissues.”

      (3.7) In the modules of the co-expressed genes section, the authors did not provide an explanation of the "diseases-manual" sub-tab of the "Pathway" tab of the voyAGEr tool. It would be helpful for readers to understand how the candidate disease list was prepared and what the results represent.

      We greatly appreciate the reviewer's feedback, and in response, we have restructured the 'Modules of co-expressed genes' method section to provide a more comprehensive explanation of the 'diseases' sub-section. To clarify, we obtained a curated set of diseases and their associated genes from DisGeNET v.7.0. We assessed the enrichment of modules in relation to these diseases through two methods: a manual approach utilising Fisher’s tests (i.e. comparing the genes of a given module with the genes associated with a given disease) and another through use of the disgenet2r package, employing the function disease_enrichment. Significance of these enrichments were determined by adjusting p-values using the Benjamini-Hochberg correction.

      (3.8) Most figures have low resolutions, and their fonts are too small to read.

      As already mentioned in issue 2.10, we have recreated all of the images with better resolution to enhance legibility. We also exported such figures in PDF, which we attach to this revision.

      (3.9) Authors used GTEx V7, which is not latest version. Although researchers have developed a huge amount of pipelines and tools for their research, most of them were neglected without a single update. I am sure many users, including myself, would appreciate it if the authors kept updating the database with GTEx V8 for the future version of the database.

      We express our gratitude to the reviewer for their valuable suggestion, and, as already explained in issue 2.1, we have incorporated GTEx V8 into voyAGEr.

      (3.10) I would like to have an option for downloading the results as a whole for gene, tissue, and coexpressed genes. This would be a great option for secondary analysis by users.

      The implementation of such feature would be a time-demanding endeavour that would delay the release of voyAGEr, and we therefore chose not to perform it for this version. However, we agree that it would be a good resource for secondary analyses and acknowledge the possibility of adding this feature in the future. For now, voyAGEr allows the user to download all plots and corresponding data.

      (3.11) How the orders of tissues in the heatmaps (both gene and tissue section) were determined? Did the authors apply hierarchical clustering? If not, I would recommend the authors perform the hierarchical clustering and add it to display the heatmap display.

      We apologise for the oversight in explaining the process behind determining the order of tissues. To clarify, we employed hierarchical clustering to establish the tissue order for visualisation within the app. Although the reviewer suggested adding a dendrogram to illustrate this clustering, we decided against it. The reason for such is that including a dendrogram, while informative, is not essential for the app's primary purpose.

      (3.12) I understand that this is a vast amount of work, but I hope that the authors can expand the coexpressed module analysis to include other tissues in the future version of the database.

      Knowing what co-expressed genes in line with aging are and their pathway and disease enrichments across tissues would be highly informative, and I'm sure many users, including myself, would greatly appreciate it. <br /> We express our gratitude to the reviewer for the valuable suggestion and for acknowledging the extensive effort required to incorporate new tissues into the module section. We completely agree that understanding co-expressed genes across the aging process is of significant value, and we are committed to the ongoing inclusion of additional tissues. As already stated in issue 3.6, comprehensive list of tissues slated for integration in future voyAGEr versions is readily available on voyAGEr’s GitHub repository.

      Author response image 1.

      Density plots (“smoothed” histograms) of the distribution of numbers of samples per moving age window for the ShARP-LM pipeline, categorised by tissue. The numerical value within each rectangle represents the minimum number of samples observed across all age windows for that particular tissue.

      Author response image 2.

      Density lines (“smoothed” histograms) of the distribution of the age of donors per tissue. As depicted in the chart, there are more samples for older ages, particularly of brain tissues.

      Author response image 3.

      Effect of downsampling in ShARP-LM results. A – Per tissue violin plots of gene-wide distributions of Pearson’s correlation coefficients between original and downsampled logFC values for the Age variable across age windows, with tissues coloured by and ordered by increasing percentage of downsampling-associated reduction in the number of samples. B – Density scatter plots of comparison of associated original and downsampled p-values for each tissue, coloured by the downsampling percentage in each age window, highlighting the low range of p-values (from 0 to 0.1). Despite changes in logFC with downsampling, a considerable correlation in significance is maintained, although downsampling naturally results in a loss of statistical power, evident by the shift of points towards the first quadrant (dashed lines: p-value = 0.05).

      Author response image 4.

      Heatmap depicting the percentage of common donors between pairs of tissues. A given square illustrates the percentage of all samples of tissue in the x axis (Tissue 1) that is in common with the tissue in the y axis (Tissue 2)

      Author response image 5.

      Assessment of the relative contributions of different sources to the dataset’s variance. A - tissue accounts for approximately 90% of the total variance, while donor contributes around 10%; age has a minimal impact (1%), likely due to the relative subtlety of its effects on gene expression and to the tissue specificity of ageing dynamics. B - Removal of the donor variable does not transfer variance to age, suggesting limited confounding between the two variables.

      Author response image 6.

      Impact of the relative proportion of common donors on gene expression correlation between tissue pairs. Panels A, B, and C showcase the tissue pairs with the highest (Muscle Skeletal / Kidney Cortex), median (Pancreas / Heart Left Ventricle), and lowest (Small Intestine / Brain Amygdala) percentages of common donors, respectively. The left panels illustrate gene-bygene Pearson’s correlations of gene expression between the two tissues, comparing the scenarios with (x-axis) and without (yaxis) the removal of common donors. The ri ght panels depict the same comparisons, but with random downsampling (y-axis) in both tissues based on the proportions defined for common donor removal. The depicted examples show that the outcomes are comparable when removing common donors or employing random downsampling.

      Author response image 7.

      Comparison of the impacts of removing common donor samples and random downsampling across tissue pairs. The heatmap is coloured based on whether the removal of common donors has a greater (red) or lesser impact (blue) than random downsampling. The values depicted in the heatmap, denoted as the Impact of Common Donors (ICD), are computed for each tissue pair. This calculation involves several steps: first, by determining the absolute difference in Pearson’s correlation for each gene’s mean expression within each age window from the ShARP-LM pipeline, between the original data and the subset of data without common donors (DiffWoCD) or with random downsampling (DiffRD). Subsequently, the medians of DiffWoCD and DiffRD are computed, and the difference between these median values provides the ICD for each tissue pair. Due to the unidirectional nature of correlation (i.e., the results for tissue 1 vs tissue 2 mirror those for tissue 2 vs tissue 1), the resulting matrix is triangular in form. Grey tiles denote NA values, i.e., where the tissue-tissue comparison does not have a meaning, namely self-self and between sex-specific tissues. Top right insert: density line (“smoothed” histogram) of all ICD values.

    1. Limits of Reconciliation# When we think about repair and reconciliation, many of us might wonder where there are limits. Are there wounds too big to be repaired? Are there evils too great to be forgiven? Is anyone ever totally beyond the pale of possible reconciliation? Is there a point of no return? One way to approach questions of this kind is to start from limit cases. That is, go to the farthest limit and see what we find there by way of a template, then work our way back toward the everyday. Let’s look at two contrasting limit cases: one where philosophers and cultural leaders declared that repairs were possible even after extreme wrongdoing, and one where the wrongdoers were declared unforgivable.1 Nuremberg Trials# After the defeat of Nazi Germany, prominent Nazi figures were put on trial in the Nuremberg Trials. These trials were a way of gathering and presenting evidence of the great evils done by the Nazis, and as a way of publicly punishing them. We could consider this as, in part, a large-scale public shaming of these specific Nazis and the larger Nazi movement. Some argued that there was no type of reconciliation or forgiveness possible given the crimes committed by the Nazis. Hannah Arendt argued that no possible punishment could ever be sufficient: The Nazi crimes, it seems to me, explode the limits of the law; and that is precisely what constitutes their monstrousness. For these crimes, no punishment is severe enough. It may well be essential to hang Göring, but it is totally inadequate.

      I think the Nuremberg Trials illustrate a critical boundary in the concept of reconciliation. In my view, they show that while legal justice is vital, it may not always provide complete closure or moral resolution, especially for vast atrocities. This challenges us to think deeply about the limits of forgiveness and justice.

    1. Harassment in social media contexts can be difficult to define, especially when the harassment pattern is created by a collective of seemingly unconnected people. Maybe each individual action can be read as unpleasant but technically okay. But taken together, all the instances of the pattern lead up to a level of harm done to the victim which can do real damage. Because social media spaces are to some extent private spaces, the moderators of those spaces can ask someone to leave if they wish. A Facebook group may have a ‘policy’ listed in the group info, which spells out the conditions under which a person might be blocked from the group. As a Facebook user, I could decide that I don’t like the way someone is posting on my wall; I could block them, with or without warning, much as if I were asking a guest to leave my house. In the next section, we will look in more detail about when harassment tactics get used; how they get justified, and what all this means in the context of social media.

      in my opinion, this detailed exploration of the nuanced nature of violence and harassment underscores the complexity of defining and addressing these issues within the frameworks of law and social norms. It leads me to think the fine line between permissible actions and those that cause harm, which totally broaden my views.

    2. You might remember from Chapter 14 that social contracts, whether literal or metaphorical, involve groups of people all accepting limits to their freedoms. Because of this, some philosophers say that a state or nation is, fundamentally, violent. Violence in this case refers to the way that individual Natural Rights and freedoms are violated by external social constraints. This kind of violence is considered to be legitimated by the agreement to the social contract. This might be easier to understand if you imagine a medical scenario. Say you have broken a bone and you are in pain. A doctor might say that the bone needs to be set; this will be painful, and kind of a forceful, “violent” action in which someone is interfering with your body in a painful way. So the doctor asks if you agree to let her set the bone. You agree, and so the doctor’s action is construed as being a legitimate interference with your body and your freedom. If someone randomly just walked up to you and started pulling at the injured limb, this unagreed violence would not be considered legitimate. Likewise, when medical practitioners interfere with a patient’s body in a way that is non-consensual or not what the patient agreed to, then the violence is considered illegitimate, or morally bad. We tend to think of violence as being another “normatively loaded” word, like authenticity. But where authenticity is usually loaded with a positive connotation–on the whole, people often value authenticity as a good thing–violence is loaded with a negative connotation. Yes, the doctor setting the bone is violent and invasive, but we don’t usually call this “violence” because it is considered to be a legitimate exercise of violence. Instead, we reserve the term “violence” mostly for describing forms of interference that we consider to be morally bad. 17.4.2. A Bit of History# In much of mainstream Western thought, the individual’s right to freedom is taken as a supreme moral good, and so anything that is viewed as an illegitimate interference with that individual freedom is considered violence or violation. In the founding of the United States, one thing on people’s minds was the way that in a Britain riddled with factions and disagreement, people of one subgroup could not speak freely when another subgroup was in power. This case was unusual because instead of one group being consistently dominant, the Catholic and Protestant communities alternated between being dominant and being oppressed, based on who was king or queen. So the United States wanted to reinforce what they saw as the value of individual freedoms by writing it into the formal, explicit part of our social contract. Thus, we got the famous First Amendment to the Constitution, saying that individuals’ right to freely express themselves in speech, in their religion, in their gatherings, and so on could not legally be interfered with. As a principle, the concept is pretty clear: let people do their thing. But we do still live in a society which does not permit total freedom to do whatever one wants, with no consequences. Some actions do too much damage, and would undermine the society of freedom, so those actions are written into the law (that is, proscribed) as a basis for reprisals. This happens a few ways: Some are proscribed as crimes that lead to arrest, trial, and possibly incarceration. Some are proscribed as concepts or categories of thing, which a person could use to take someone else to court. For example, copyright infringement doesn’t usually result in someone showing up to arrest and imprison in the States. But if someone believes their copyrights have been violated, they can sue the offending party for damages pay, etc. The concept of copyright is proscribed in law, so it forms the basis for such lawsuits. Beyond what is proscribed by law, there are plenty of other actions and behaviors we don’t want people to be doing in our society, but they are not such as should be written into law. I don’t want my friends to lie to me, generally speaking, but this is not against the law. It would be weird if it was! Plain old lying isn’t proscribed, but perjury is (lying under oath in a court of law). The protections of freedom in the First Amendment were designed to help articulate a separation between what we might not like (e.g., someone having a different faith, or someone lying) and what is actually damaging enough to warrant formal legal mechanisms for reprisal (e.g. perjury). The Catholics and the Protestants don’t need to like each other, but they have the right to coexist in this society regardless of which group currently has a monarch on the throne. 17.4.3. So what is harassment?# One useful way to think about harassment is that it is often a pattern of behavior that exploits the distinction between things that are legally proscribed and things that are hurtful, but not so harmful as to be explicitly prohibit by law given the protection of freedoms. Let’s use an example to clarify. Suppose it’s been raining all day, and as I walk down the sidewalk, a car drives by, spraying me with water from the road. This does not make me happy. It makes me uncomfortable, since my clothes are wet, and it could hurt me if wet clothes means I get so cold I become ill. Or it could hurt me if I were on my way to an important interview, for which I will now show up looking sloppy. But the car has done nothing wrong, from a legal standpoint. There is no legal basis for reprisals, and indeed it would seem quite ridiculous if I tried to prosecute someone for having splashed me by driving near me. In a shared world, we sometimes wind up in each others’ splash zones. Now, suppose it was more dramatic than that. Suppose the car had to really veer to spray me with the puddle, such that they could be described as driving recklessly, if anyone happened to be describing it. This is not the splash zone of regular living; it’s malice. But it’s still not illegal, nor the basis for legal action. Finally, suppose it’s not just one car. There is a whole caravan of cars. I recognize the drivers as classmates whom I don’t get along with. They have planned a coordinated strike, each driving through the puddles so fast I can’t hardly catch a breath between splashes. My bag is soaked; my laptop and phone permanently damaged. Since damaging someone else’s private property is proscribed, I could try to prosecute the drivers. I have no idea if this hypothetical case would get anywhere in a real court, but if I could get a judge onside, they might issue a fine, to be paid by the drivers, to answer for my damages (that is, to pay for the replacement of my private property which was destroyed, specifically my laptop and phone). At a guess, I would suspect that it would be very difficult to get anywhere with such a suit in court. Puddle-based harassment isn’t something that is recognized by law. This is what harassment does: it uses a pattern of minorly hurtful actions, so that the harasser can maintain plausible deniability about intent to harm, or at least, failing that, can avoid formal consequences. When harassment concepts get proscribed, this situation shifts. Think about employment law in the States. Depending on what State you’re in and what sector, employment law does not permit racial harassment in the workplace. This means that if you can show a pattern of repeating behavior which is hurtful and based on racially coded comments, then you might have a viable case for a racial harassment suit. (Practically, this probably doesn’t mean suing. It means notifying HR that you have evidence of the pattern and request that they take disciplinary action. What the law does is say that if the harassing party subsequently sues for something like wrongful termination, the company has a legal basis for construing your evidence as showing a pattern of harassment.) If there were a rise in, or a new recognition of, widespread and harmful puddle-based harassment, we might gather with activists and fight to get puddle-based harassment recognized by law, in order to reduce its occurrence. Not that this would be easy, but it would give us the legal basis for pressing charges when coordinated puddle-attacks occur. Getting the action proscribed by the law doesn’t stop people from taking that action. They are still free to puddle-splash at will. But there would be a possibility of consequences, should their pedestrian victims seek reprisal. Harassment is behavior which uses a pattern of actions which are permissible by law, but still hurtful. Variations: Where a relevant harassment definition exists in law, there can be legal consequences. Other institutions can also make their own harassment policies. The consequences would not arise at the legal level, but at the social level. Many universities have policies about sexual harassment which are much richer and more detailed than statutory law. If behavior is reported which is defined by the university policy as harassment, then they can issue consequences such as suspension of the student. Implicit policies can be implemented as well. I don’t have a formal harassment policy that I require my houseguests to sign before entering my home; but it is my home, and if they start behaving in ways that I consider problematic, I do have the right to kick them out of my house. Harassment in social media contexts can be difficult to define, especially when the harassment pattern is created by a collective of seemingly unconnected people. Maybe each individual action can be read as unpleasant but technically okay. But taken together, all the instances of the pattern lead up to a level of harm done to the victim which can do real damage. Because social media spaces are to some extent private spaces, the moderators of those spaces can ask someone to leave if they wish. A Facebook group may have a ‘policy’ listed in the group info, which spells out the conditions under which a person might be blocked from the group. As a Facebook user, I could decide that I don’t like the way someone is posting on my wall; I could block them, with or without warning, much as if I were asking a guest to leave my house. In the next section, we will look in more detail about when harassment tactics get used; how they get justified, and what all this means in the context of social media.

      The comparison of harassment to being sprayed by oncoming cars effectively emphasizes how difficult it is to identify and deal with harassment, particularly in social media settings where people's individual actions may appear harmless but can have detrimental effects when combined. In the same way that a homeowner may ask someone to leave their home if their behavior becomes undesirable, platforms must have clear policies and procedures in place to deal with such behavior.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: RC-2023-02270

      Corresponding author(s): Usha Vijayraghavan

      General Statements

      We thank all three Reviewers for their thorough assessment of our manuscript and their constructive feedback and comments.

      Point-by-point description of the revisions

      This section is mandatory. *Please insert a point-by-point reply describing the revisions that were already carried out and included in the transferred manuscript. *

      Reviewer #1

      We are encouraged by the very positive comments made on the significance of our study that it provides convincing insights on alternative modes of nuclear positioning and division which is an important question in cell biology. We also took all possible suggestions to improve the interpretation of our results, have also added some newer data to address the constructive points raised by the reviewer.

      Major comments:

      1. A) I am concerned about the lethal phenotype caused by slu7 deprivation. Slu7 deficiency causes defective nuclear positioning at the bud in late G2. This phenotype per se should not cause defective mitosis, so slu7 deficiency may also be interfering with other aspects of mitosis which might indeed impinge on cell viability.

      Response: Our data indeed show Slu7 knockdown has severe growth defect when grown on non-permissive media (YPD) where a two-fold difference in O.D. was seen by 12 hours (Supplementary figure 2.B).

      We agree with the reviewer that defective mitosis, arises from several aspects of cell cycle including those in mitosis. The data we present show G2 arrest, small-budded cells with unsegregated nuclei and large-budded cells with segregated nuclei, all which do not progress through cell cycle phases and contribute to the severe growth defect. Further, GO enrichment analysis of deregulated pathways on knockdown of Slu7 support the above findings as various cell cycle related pathways are abnormal in their expression levels. In this study, we have focused on an in depth analysis of the role of Slu7 in a particular window and uncover how it controls nuclear position for progress G2-M phase cell cycle progression. The likely targets and mechanisms by which Slu7 regulates other phases of the cell cycle which needs similar other deeper investigations in future. Our detailed analysis of nuclear movement in Slu7 knockdown cells grown in YPD for 12 hours showed no nuclear movement (Supplementary figure 3B) which is the terminal phenotype. To examine events that lead to nuclear mispositioning phenotype we investigated the dividing slu7kd cells grown in non-permissive media for only 6 hours; under these conditions Slu7 protein is still detected at lower amount (Supplementary figure 1D). From the studies of nuclear position, mitotic spindle position and dynein distribution in mother and daughter cell, we propose that in the dividing cells, the nucleus does not experience enough force to move inside the daughter bud during mitosis. Further, we delineate the role of Slu7 in the splicing of transcripts for PAC1 encoding a protein whose homolog in S. cerevisiae has a proven role in nuclear migration. In live imaging of slu7kd cells that show nuclear segregation at the start of live imaging, new bud was not formed till the end of 60 minutes, implying that are arrested after transition to mitosis. We could speculate a role for Slu7 through regulation of genes involved in mitotic exit or cytokinesis.

      1. B) Supp. Fig4 shows defective mitosis in TBZ, so TBZ may be exacerbating defective mitosis of slu7-deficient cells.

      __Response: __Studies with yeast and mammalian model systems have revealed that the mobility and repair of damaged DNA are compromised upon disruption of microtubules (Wu et al, 2008; Chung et al, 2015; Lottersberger et al, 2015; Lawrimore et al, 2017; Oshidari et al, 2018; Laflamme et al, 2019). These data point to reasons why the mutants in DNA damage checkpoint genes are sensitive to TBZ. In this context, we observed that CnSlu7 knockdown is also sensitive to MMS stress (shown below). In addition, recent work on human Slu7 in Hela cell lines has elucidated the its role in the maintenance of genome integrity by preventing the formation of R-loops (Jiménez et al, 2019). We suggest that TBZ may exacerbate the defective mitosis of Slu7 depleted cells, however, whether it is particular only to mitosis or to the other cellular processes where the microtubules are involved needs further investigation.

      Throughout the figures it can be observed uneven chromosome/nuclear segregation in cells deprived of slu7, however, these mitotic defects have not been mentioned or explored in depth. From Supp Figure 3C it can be inferred that CENP-A segregation is uneven. Is this correct? Is CENP-A-GFP segregation normal?

      __Response: __ It should be noted that in Cryptococcus, the kinetochore remains unclustered during the early phase of cell cycle, cluster to a single punctum at the end of G2 phase and then de-cluster at the end of mitosis. Since this is a highly dynamic process, its technically challenging to measure the intensity CENP-A in mother and daughter cell. In the fixed cell imaging or live imaging data, there are no appreciable differences in intensity of the GFP signal of the tagged proteins (H4 and CENPA). The uneven chromosome/nuclear segregation observed in certain panels images presented are due to technical issues in that particular stack while generating the montage. This has been re-examined and we infer that there are no major differences in the signals from GFP-H4 and GFP - CENPA through mitosis.

      Additionally, taking the cue from the reviewer’s comment, we examined the likelihood of improper chromosome segregation by evaluating if there are any appreciable cell populations that are aneuploid. We revisited our flow cytometry data, we found no significant difference in the population of aneuploid cells between the knockdown strain and wildtype strain grown in non-permissive condition for 12 hours. This data was assessed again in new experiments where we also analyzed by flow cytometry the ipl1 mutant where aneuploidy is reported (Varshney et al, 2019). It has been reported in Cryptococcus neoformans that aneuploid cells are resistance to anti-fungal drug fluconazole. Preliminary experiments showed that slu7kd cells were sensitive to fluconazole and in this assay were similar to wildtype cells. Hence, we speculate that chromosome segregation is normal in Slu7 depleted cells.

      If chromosome segregation is altered upon slu7 deprivation, this might also explain the drop in cell viability and slow growth rates of this condition.

      __Response: __ From live microscopy imaging and flow cytometry data, we believe that the chromosome segregation is normal in Slu7 depleted cells. Dilution spotting in permissive media after growth in non-permissive media revealed that slu7kd cells resumed growth without losing viability, indicating the arrest phenotype associated with the depletion of Slu7 is largely reversible and does not cause chromosome mis-segregation (figure is now added to manuscript as supplementary figure 2D). Prolonged arrest at various cell cycle phase might lead to cell death and hence drop in cell viability.

      The manuscript will improve if authors analyse chromosome segregation for example, by showing time-lapse images of chromosome dynamics during mitosis.

      __Response: __Chromosome dynamics during the mitotic phase is given below. We observe that the chromosome segregation is equal in both mother and daughter bud. The uneven chromosome/nuclear segregation observed in certain panels images presented in original manuscript were due to technical issues while generating the montage.

      The authors perform an RNA seq comparing wild-type cells with slu7 deficiency and detect changes in gene expression, however, they do not explore from this data the percentage of un-spliced introns genome-wide which might be very informative, even more than changes in gene expression, which many of them, might be an indirect consequence of Slu7 deficiency. Authors should re-analyze the RNA seq data looking for unprocessed mRNAs and provide information about the overall impact of slu7 in intron processing.

      __Response: __ A very detailed bioinformatic analysis of the impact on slu7 on global transcriptome and splice pattern, is an ongoing study in the laboratory. The findings are indeed giving good leads which are being validated by further experiments using mini-gene exon-intron constructs. These studies are extensive and form a future manuscript identifying and characterizing intronic features which predispose an intron towards Slu7 dependency. Therefore, it falls outside the scope for this study on the cell biological role of Slu7 on mitosis, specifically nuclear position to ensure faithful mitotic segregation.

      Minor comments:

      __ __1. "Previous studies of slu7 mutants in S. cerevisiae and the conditional knockdown of its S. pombe homolog". Consider replacing homolog with Ortholog.

      Response: The suggestion is well taken, and the word “homolog” has been replaced with word “ortholog”.

      1. A) Taking these results together, we conclude that the inability of the conditional mutant to grow in the non-permissive media is due to impaired progression through the G2-M phase of the cell cycle. Is the G2/M delay the cause of the slow growth phenotype of the Slu7 deficiency?

      Response: From the live microscopy, we note that even when the budding index for mitosis has been reached the nucleus in slu7kd cells is still in the mother cell and spends more time here rather than reaching the bud or bud neck. We present G2/M delay as ONE of the reasons for the slow growth of Slu7 depleted cells. Although we have showed that Slu7 depletion does not activate MAD2 dependent Spindle Assembly Checkpoint, we have not investigated the activation of other cell cycle checkpoints such as G2 DNA damage checkpoint. These are potential new leads as we infer from our RNA seq datasets that CHK1, TEL1, BDR1 and RAD51 show increased expression in Slu7 knockdown condition when compared to wildtype. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that Slu7 might play a role at various cell cycle phases through direct or indirect effect on genes involved in these phases. Delayed positioning of the nucleus during G2/M is one of the major effects that is investigated in depth in this study.

      1. B) If so, growth defects of slu7 deficiency could be suppressed by ectopic expression of G2/M activators.

      Response: We have not tested this possibility, but we predict that expression of G2/M activators would at best offer only partial rescue the growth defect of Slu7 depleted cells since multiple pathways are adversely affected in cells depleted of Slu7.

      In this line of investigation, we have tested the consequences of PAC1 overexpression, as PAC1 expression levels and splicing are affected by loss of Slu7. We report a partial rescue of nuclear position defect during mitosis, yet these cells were arrested at cytokinesis. Further, the unavailability of an array of suitable auxotrophic (or other) markers in this model system makes it technically challenging to do rescue experiments by overexpression of multiple candidate downstream genes.

      Supp Figure 3C, remove the drawing on the right. Adjust times relative to panels.

      Response: The drawing has been removed and the time points have been adjusted.

      1. Tracking the nucleus in wild-type cells with a small bud showed that the nucleus moved into the daughter bud, divided into two, and one-half migrated to the mother bud (Supplementary Figure 3B, top row).

      Please replace the sentence: "one-half" with "one of the daughter nuclei". Additionally, as this nuclear positioning occurring during late mitosis is due to spindle elongation, I would not use the term migrated but "positioned" or "moved". Nuclear movement into the bud, which is referred to as "moved", can indeed be named "migrated".

      Response: The word “migrated” in the above sentence has been replaced with the word “moved”.

      1. Indicates in Figure 2B the marker used (GFP-H4), as in Fig Supp 3B.

      Response: The marker has been indicated in the figure.

      1. Nuclear division initiates in the bud, and one of the divided nuclei with segregated chromosomes migrates back to the mother cell (Figure 2B, top panel, wildtype, quantified in Figure 2C grey bar).

      As mentioned before, I would not name this, nuclear migration as it is the result of spindle elongation, and it can be confusing or misleading for non-expert readers.

      Response: The word “migrate” in the above sentence has been replaced with the word “move”.

      1. These two conclusions should be revised and described in temporal/sequential order.
      2. Thus, we identify that the depletion of CnSlu7 severely affects the temporal and spatial sequence of events during mitosis, particularly nuclear migration and division.
      3. Together, these results confirmed that without affecting the kinetochore clustering, depletion of Slu7 affects nuclear migration during the G2 to mitotic transition in Cryptococcus neoformans.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for bringing out the clarity in the concluding statements. These has now been revised to read as follows:

      “Together, these results confirm that without affecting the kinetochore clustering, depletion of Slu7 affects nuclear movement during the G2 to mitotic transition in Cryptococcus neoformans. Thus, we identify that the depletion of CnSlu7 severely affects the temporal and spatial sequence of events during mitosis, particularly nuclear migration, and division.”

      1. In slu7d cells, in cells with small buds, numerous cMTs were nucleated from the MTOCs, and as the cell cycle progressed, they organized to form the unipolar mitotic spindle (Figure 3A, slu7kd GFP-TUB1 panel, time point 55 mins).

      Please, revise whether the term unipolar mitotic spindle is correct here.

      Response: The word unipolar has been removed.

      1. I suggest including page and line numbers in the manuscript to facilitate revision.

      Response: We regret missing out this formatting guideline. The Page and line numbers have provided.

      Reviewer #2

      We are thankful by the very positive comments on the significance of our work, its novelty and findings being of broad interest to microbiology; splicing; cell cycle and cell division communities. We respond to all comments raised below.

      1. The authors test the Mad2-dependent spindle assembly checkpoint and show that it is not relevant for slu7-depletion. This is as expected if the defect is in nuclear positioning. They could test other checkpoint pathways that would monitor nuclear positioning in budding yeasts. Perhaps they have considered this: Bub2, Bfa1, Tem1, Lte1 mutants? I don't think this experiment is essential for publication, but it could strongly support their model.

      Response: We appreciate the comment on other checkpoints operating during mitosis. However, we have not done these experiments to examine role of components that arrest mitosis (Bub2, Tem1 etc.) in response to spindle or kinetochore damage. We hope the reviewer appreciates that this line of work would require the generation of bub2Δ strain and extensive characterization for their role in checkpoint in Cryptococcus before it can be brought into strains compromised for Slu7.

      __ Minor comments:__ 1. in Figure 3, Dyn1-GFP is imaged and in many of the cells in which Slu7 is depleted, nothing (or very little) can be seen. It is later argued that this is an indirect effect, due to defects in Pac1 and associated functions. Have the authors attempted a Dynein western blot (the 3xGFP tag should be quite sensitive)? It would be good to demonstrate that the Dynein motor complex hasn't simply fallen apart and Dynein been degraded in the slu7-depletion.

      Response: A study in S. cerevisiae has reported the dynein expression does not change in pac1Δ cells (Lee et al., 2003). Since the molecular weight of CnnDYN1 along with the tag is 630kDa, we did attempt the very challenging experiment of western blot to check for the expression levels this very large protein in wildtype and slu7kd cells. Based on the reviewer’s suggestion, we have attempted dot blot of protein lysates from wild type and from slu7kd cells probed with anti GFP antibody for estimating DYN-GFP levels. Untagged WT H99 strain was used as negative control. The same blot was stripped and re-probed for PSTAIRE which served as a loading control. This experiment revealed that dynein levels are same in both wildtype and slu7kd cells.

      in Figure 7: have any intronless genes been tested for rescue of the post-mitotic delay/arrest? This is not necessary for publication, but if any have been tested already, they could be listed here.

      Response: We have not tested intronless genes for their role in the rescue of post mitotic delay/arrest. From the RNA seq data, we observed that most of the genes involved in mitotic exit network (MEN) and cytokinesis were highly expressed in slu7kd cells as compared to the wildtype indicating and indirect role for Slu7 in their expression level. So, we had validated three candidates MOB2, CDC12 and DBF2 by qRT PCR (Supplementary 7.D) and found they were upregulated in slu7kd cells and hence speculate that deregulation of these transcript could contribute to the post mitotic arrest in slu7kd.

      In SFig2C legend make it clear that these cells are HU arrested at time zero. Are the cells in glucose or galactose during HU treatment.?

      Response: We regret the lack of clarity in the legend and the required details have been added. The cells were initially grown in non-permissive media for 2 hours to deplete Slu7 and then HU was added to the non-permissive media and the cell were allowed to grow for 4 hours.

      in SFig4, the TBZ sensitivity isn't very convincing as the slu7kd strain is struggling to grow at all on YPD.

      Response: We agree with the reviewer comment on the growth of slu7kd cells on media YPD containing TBZ. TBZ may exacerbate the defective mitosis of Slu7 depleted cells, however whether it pertains only to mitosis or any cellular processes where microtubules are involved requires further investigation.

      In SFig5 legend the volcano plot needs to be better explained. What are the dashed lines etc. ?

      Response: We regret missing these details on the volcano plot which has now been added to the legend.

      __Reviewer #3 __

      We appreciate the views that our work provides strong evidence to support out conclusions that Cryptococcus neoformans Slu7 controls mitotic progression by efficient splicing of cell cycle regulators and cytoskeletal elements. We have taken all comments of the reviewer into account to revise our manuscript with additional data, and by improving the presentation. The key additional data are summarized below.

      Major comments:

      1) The authors claimed that CnSlu7 is the most divergent among the fungal homologs and closer to its human counterpart (Fig. 1A, Supplementary Fig 1A). -Just based on the phylogenetic tree including limited members, as in Supplementary Fig. 1, it cannot be concluded that CnSlu7 is closer to its human counterpart since the basidiomycete yeast such as C. neoformans itself is more closely positions to humans compared to the ascomycete yeasts S. cerevisiae and Sch. pombe in phylogenetic tree analysis. It is strongly recommended to include other fungal species from the Basidiomycota, such as Ustilago maydis, in phylogenetic analysis in Supplementary Fig. 1. - Conservation analysis among diverse eukaryotes is more meaningful data that the conservation withing the fungi group, so that it is recommended that the data of Fig. 1 A would be replaced with the revised Supplementary Fig 1. -The analysis data on amino acid identities among Slu7 homologues should be presented to support the claim.

      Response: We agree with the reviewer that our data would be better served by an improved analysis of the phylogenetic relationship between various Slu7 homologs. We have therefore reconstructed the phylogenetic tree by including other fungal groups. This is presented here and also in the revised manuscript Supplementary Figure 1A. These data too, show that Cryptococcus (deneoformans and neoformans) Slu7 is the most diverged among its homologs from various fungal species with its closest homologs being other pathogens Puccinia graminis and Ustilago maydis.

      2) Despite that CnSlu7 is the main key subject, the comparative analysis of CnSlu7 to the previously reported Slu7 homologues, in the aspect of functional domain organization, is not provided in the present manuscript. - It was reported that Slu7 contains the four motifs that control its cellular localization and canonical function as a splicing factor, such as a nuclear location signal, a zinc knuckle motif, four stretches of leucine repeats and a lysine-rich domain. Notably, human Slu7 protein is 204 amino acids longer than S. cerevisiae homolog with only 24% identity in the zinc knuckle motif (Molecular Biology of the Cell Vol. 15, 3782-3795). Thus, it is strongly recommended to provide additional information on the conserved and diverged features of CnSlu7 compared to other Slu7 homologs as a part of revised Figure.

      Response: The multiple sequence alignment of Cryptococcus neoformans Slu7 with its fungal and higher eukaryote homologs such as human Slu7 and plant Slu7 proteins revealed that only the CCHC zinc finger motif is highly conserved. We do not detect conservation in the nuclear localization signal, stretch of leucine repeats and lysine rich domain except for leucine 3 stretch near the C terminal. This additional information is presented in revised Figure 1A.

      3) The manuscript clearly demonstrated that one of key targets of Slu7-mediated splicing is PAC1 in C. neoformans. Considering, Pac1 is also conserved from S. cerevisiae to human, it could be speculated that the defect of Slu7 can affect nuclear migration in other fungal species and human cells by inefficient splicing of PAC1, despite striking differences in their nuclear position during cell division. Please discuss this possibility or provide the qRT-PCR analysis data of PAC1 homologs in the available fungal Slu7 mutant strains.

      Response: Cell cycle arrest phenotypes of splicing factor mutants (studied largely in budding and fission yeast) results from inefficient pre-mRNA splicing of cell cycle-related genes. Slu7 is a well characterized second step splicing factor in S. cerevisiae where in vitro splicing assays with ACT1 minigene transcripts with a modified single intron showed ScSlu7 is dispensable for splicing when the branchpoint to 3'SS distance is less than seven nucleotides in the mini transcript (Brys and Schwer, 1996). In fission yeast we reported the effects of metabolic depletion of Slu7, which is an essential gene (Banerjee et al., 2013) and showed unexpectedly that in addition to BrP to 3'SS distance new intronic features contributors of dependency of fission yeast intron containing transcripts on Slu7 functions. The work also showed in multi-intronic transcripts its role is intron-specific and thus the candidate gene/ transcript is likely to be to dependent on Slu7 by virtue of the intronic features and not its biological function. In this study a splicing dependent role of CnSlu7 in cell cycle progression is investigated where based on a strong nuclear mis-positioning phenotype we narrowed on PAC1 transcripts as one of targets. We show PAC1, encoding a cytoskeletal factor, has introns dependent on CnSlu7 for efficient splicing and show partial rescue of nuclear position in strain complemented with expression of an intronless PAC1 gene. In this scenario, while it is likely that in other species where PAC1 exon-introns nucleotide sequences are similar to that in Cryptococcus a role for Slu7 may be predicted, for validation by other experimentalists.

      Interestingly, PAC1 in S. cerevisiae is an intronless gene and its homolog is not annotated in S. pombe. In human cell lines, knockdown of Slu7 by siRNA resulted in metaphase arrest by inefficient splicing of soronin – which is crucial in sister chromatid cohesion and correct spindle assembly, according to recent research in human cell lines (Jiménez et al., 2019).

      Hence the roles of splicing factor in cell cycle is through splicing of targets involved in cell cycle wherein the targets regulated by splicing factor may or may not be conserved in other species.

      Minor comments:

      General points 1) Provide information on the marker sizes in the data of qRT-PCR analysis presented in Figures 5 and 6, and Supplementary Fig 2A.

      Response: We regret the omission of this technical data and have corrected the same by providing the marker sizes in all the figures.

      2) Please unify the format of gene names. Some genes were written with superscript of "+", such as CLN1+ and PAC1+ in Fig. 4. What does "+" mean in the gene names?

      Response: We have taken the suggestion to carefully review the nomenclature of genes and their expressed transcripts as is typical for Cryptococcus neoformans. To depict the wildtype form of transcript we had used +. Thus CLN1+ was used to denote Cyclin 1 cellular transcript from expressed from its own locus without any modification of promoter or the intronic features.

      3) Supplementary Figure 1 C: Please correct "Slu7KD" 6 hrs YPD to "slu7kd" 6 hrs YPD.

      Response: This error has been corrected.

      4) Supplementary Figure 2A: What do "mRNA" and "No RT29X/", respectively, indicate?

      Response: The mRNA indicates the spliced form across any intron after intron is spliced out, so denotes exon-exon sequences in the mRNA. The reactions marked as “No RT 29 X” denote semi- quantitative PCR performed on DNase treated RNA sample, without reverse transcription to generate the cDNA. These reactions were done to confirm that there is no genomic DNA present in the RNA sample used for reverse transcription reaction of the cellular transcripts. Some of these details are now included in the Supp Fig 2A legend.

      5) Supplementary Figure 4C: Please provide brief explanation in the text on why the authors employed mad2Δ slu7kd cells.

      Response: In Page 8, line 6, we had provided the rationale for generating and studying mad2Δ slu7kd strain. This is recapitulated below:

      “To investigate whether Slu7 knockdown triggers the activation of spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), we generated a strain with conditional slu7kd in cells with mad2Δ allele and the GFP-H4 nuclear marker.”

      6) Supplementary Figure 6D legend: Please correct the description of "slu7kd SH:Slu7 FL" from "expressing intronless PAC1" to "expressing full length of SLU7".

      Response: The error in the legend is regretted and this has been corrected.

      7) Supplementary Figure 7D: The authors confirmed that MOB2, CDC12, and DFB1 were expressed at higher levels in slu7kd when compared to wildtype. Please briefly explain in the text why the expression level of these genes in slu7kd was mentioned.

      Response: slu7kd cells expressing intronless Pac1 arrest post nuclear division. Revisiting our transcriptomic data, we found that genes involved in mitosis exit network and cytokinesis, such as DFB1, MOB2, CDC12, BUD4, and CHS2, were deregulated in slu7kd when compared to wildtype. We confirmed the same by performing qRT PCRs for three candidates, MOB2, DBF1 and CDC12 and that these transcript were expressed at high levels in knockdown when compared to wildtype.

      8) The species name should be written as abbreviation after the first mention. For example, please correct Cryptococcus neoformans to C. neoformans throughout manuscript.

      Response: The suggestion is well taken, and the required edits have been made throughout the text.

      9) Please unify the format of paper titles listed in References.

      Response: This formatting error is regretted and corrected to have all references in a single format.

      10) No page information for Hoffmann et al (2010) in References.

      Response: This omission is corrected.

      11) Update the information on the published journal of Chatterjee et al. (2021) in References.

      Response: This omission is regretted and is now corrected.

      12) Information on the authors, title, published journal and pages should be provided for the papers (Yadav and Sanyal, 2018; Sridhar et al., 2021) in Supplementary Table 1, which were not included in the main Reference list.

      Response: The references are now added to the main list.

      References used for addressing the reviewer’s comments:

      1. Chung DKC, Chan JNY, Strecker J, Zhang W, Ebrahimi-Ardebili S, Lu T, Abraham KJ, Durocher D, Mekhail K (2015) Perinuclear tethers license telomeric DSBs for a broad kinesin- and NPC-dependent DNA repair process. Nat Commun doi:10.1038/NCOMMS8742.
      2. Jiménez M, Urtasun R, Elizalde M, Azkona M, Latasa MU, Uriarte I, Arechederra M, Alignani D, Bárcena-Varela M, Alvarez-Sola G et al (2019) Splicing events in the control of genome integrity: Role of SLU7 and truncated SRSF3 proteins. Nucleic Acids Res 47: 3450–3466. doi:10.1093/nar/gkz014.
      3. Laflamme G, Sim S, Leary A, Pascariu M, Vogel J, D’Amours D (2019) Interphase Microtubules Safeguard Mitotic Progression by Suppressing an Aurora B-Dependent Arrest Induced by DNA Replication Stress. Cell Rep 26: 2875-2889.e3. doi:10.1016/J.CELREP.2019.02.051.
      4. Lawrimore J, Barry TM, Barry RM, York AC, Friedman B, Cook DM, Akialis K, Tyler J, Vasquez P, Yeh E et al (2017) Microtubule dynamics drive enhanced chromatin motion and mobilize telomeres in response to DNA damage. Mol Biol Cell 28: 1701–1711. doi:10.1091/MBC.E16-12-0846.
      5. Lee WL, Oberle JR, Cooper JA (2003) The role of the lissencephaly protein Pac1 during nuclear migration in budding yeast. J Cell Biol. doi:10.1083/jcb.200209022.
      6. Lottersberger F, Karssemeijer RA, Dimitrova N, De Lange T (2015) 53BP1 and the LINC Complex Promote Microtubule-Dependent DSB Mobility and DNA Repair. Cell 163: 880–893. doi:10.1016/J.CELL.2015.09.057.
      7. Oshidari R, Strecker J, Chung DKC, Abraham KJ, Chan JNY, Damaren CJ, Mekhail K (2018) Nuclear microtubule filaments mediate non-linear directional motion of chromatin and promote DNA repair. Nat Commun doi:10.1038/S41467-018-05009-7.
      8. Varshney N, Som S, Chatterjee S, Sridhar S, Bhattacharyya D, Paul R, Sanyal K (2019) Spatio-temporal regulation of nuclear division by Aurora B kinase Ipl1 in Cryptococcus neoformans. PLoS Genet doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1007959.
      9. Wu G, Zhou L, Khidr L, Guo XE, Kim W, Lee YM, Krasieva T, Chen PL (2008) A novel role of the chromokinesin Kif4A in DNA damage response. Cell Cycle 7: 2013–2020. doi:10.4161/CC.7.13.6130.
    1. "I don't remember. Are you measuring yourself by that?""You waited six months, and you do too remember. And this is five months. And we're not measuring anything. William and I have known each other longer than five months, but we've been together - you know, as a couple - five months. And I'm almost twenty-three, which is two years older than Mom was. And don't tell me it was different when you guys did it.""No," he heard himself say. "It's pretty much the same, I imagine?"

      In this section, I noticed the dynamic both Ballinger and Melanie have is very odd, especially the way she assumes telling her father about her significant other when the truth is the contrary. By the beginning of the conversation, we can already see that Melanie and Ballinger have a close relationship with each other, but Melanie seems to have grown distant from her family and made some choices she knew her parents would not be proud of once she told them the truth. However, she has an idea; she can start the conversation by slowly introducing her father Coombs by talking a little bit more about him and quickly assuming they already had this conversation before which does not give her father the chance to think properly about the situation except to accept it. That strategy did not work for long once her father started to figure out how serious her relationship was with Coombs as well as how impossible it was to share Melanie his problems with his wife, Mary. Ballinger and Melanie seemed to have a close relationship with each other, but this situation may drift the, away for a long time.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      • A summary of what the authors were trying to achieve.

      The authors cultured pre- and Post-vaccine PBMCs with overlapping peptides encoding S protein in the presence of IL-2, IL-7, and IL-15 for 10 days, and extensively analyzed the T cells expanded during the culture; by including scRNAseq, scTCRseq, and examination of reporter cell lines expressing the dominant TCRs. They were able to identify 78 S epitopes with HLA restrictions (by itself represents a major achievement) together with their subset, based on their transcriptional profiling. By comparing T cell clonotypes between pre- and post-vaccination samples, they showed that a majority of pre-existing S-reactive CD4+ T cell clones did not expand by vaccinations. Thus, the authors concluded that highly-responding S-reactive T cells were established by vaccination from rare clonotypes.

      • An account of the major strengths and weaknesses of the methods and results.


      • Selection of 4 "Ab sustainers" and 4 "Ab decliners" from 43 subjects who received two shots of mRNA vaccinations.

      • Identification of S epitopes of T cells together with their transcriptional profiling. This allowed the authors to compare the dominant subsets between sustainers and decliners.


      • Fig. 3 provides the epitopes, and the type of T cells, yet the composition of subsets per subject was not provided. It is possible that only one subject out of 4 sustainers expressed many Tfh clonotypes and explained the majority of Tfh clonotypes in the sustainer group. To exclude this possibility, the data on the composition of the T cell subset per subject (all 8 subjects) should be provided.

      In accordance with the reviewer’s suggestion, we provided the composition of the T cell subset per subject (all 8 subjects) in the revised manuscript (shown below).

      Author response image 1.

      • S-specific T cells were obtained after a 10-day culture with peptides in the presence of multiple cytokines. This strategy tends to increase a background unrelated to S protein. Another shortcoming of this strategy is the selection of only T cells amenable to cell proliferation. This strategy will miss anergic or less-responsive T cells and thus create a bias in the assessment of S-reactive T cell subsets. This limitation should be described in the Discussion.

      We thank the reviewer for raising the question related to our experimental strategy. We chose this method because a background unrelated to S protein was lower than widely used AIM methods, which is verified by reconstituting many TCRs and testing the responses in vitro. One more reason is this method can identify S-reactive functional (proliferative) T cell clonotypes than anergic or less-responsive T cells as the reviewer mentioned, which is our objective in this study. In accordance with the reviewer’s suggestion, we have carefully described our limitation and rationale of our experimental strategy in the revised manuscript.

      • Fig. 5 shows the epitopes and the type of T cells present at baseline. Do they react to HCoV-derived peptides? I guess not, as it is not clearly described. If the authors have the data, it should be provided.

      As the reviewer mentioned, the pre-existing highly expanded clonotypes that we analyzed did not react to HCoV-derived peptides. After we determined the epitopes of the clonotypes, the S peptide sequences were analyzed for homology in HCoVs. The only two clonotypes whose epitope sequences were relatively conserved in HCoV strains (clonotypes #8-pre_9 and #8-pre_10) were tested for their reactivity to the similar HCoV epitope counterparts, but no activation was observed (shown below). We added these data in the revised manuscript.

      Author response image 2.

      • As the authors discussed (L172), pre-existing S-reactive T cells were of low affinity. The raw flow data, as shown in Fig. S3, for pre-existing T cells may help discuss this aspect.

      As the reviewer mentioned, some pre-existing S-reactive T cells might appear to react with S peptides judging from the NFAT-GFP expression of their reporter cell lines. However, the percentage of GFP-expressing cells is affected by many factors such as TCR expression level and HLA molecule expression level. Thus, the affinity of pre-existing S-reactive T cells was not fully deduced from the activation of reporter cell lines as shown in Fig. S3 in the present manuscript. We thank the reviewer for this constructive suggestion, but we therefore decided not to use these data quantitatively to evaluate affinity in this manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      A short-term comparison of durability of S antibody levels after 2-dose vaccination, showing that better or more poorly sustained responses correlate with the presence of Tfh cells.


      Novelty of approach in expanding, sequencing and expressing TCRs for functional studies from the implicated populations.


      Somewhat outdated question, short timeline, small numbers, over-interpretation of sequence homology data

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      In line with my above comments, it might be useful for the authors to look at moderating some of the assertions in what is a rather small-scale descriptive account of correlates of some quite nuanced, short-term, S antibody response differences

      We clearly described that some homologous microbe-derived peptides were indeed recognized by S-reactive T cells. Also, we have removed our overstatement from the revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The paper aims to investigate the relationship between anti-S protein antibody titers with the phenotypes&clonotypes of S-protein-specific T cells, in people who receive SARS-CoV2 mRNA vaccines. To do this, the paper recruited a cohort of Covid-19 naive individuals who received the SARS-CoV2 mRNA vaccines and collected sera and PBMCs samples at different timepoints. Then they mainly generate three sets of data: 1). Anti-S protein antibody titers on all timepoints. 2) Single-cell RNAseq/TCRseq dataset for divided T cells after stimulation by S-protein for 10 days. 3) Corresponding epitopes for each expanded TCR clones. After analyzing these results, the paper reports two major findings & claims: A) Individuals having sustained anti-S protein antibody response also have more so-called Tfh cells in their single-cell dataset, which suggests Tfh-polarization of S-specific T cells can be a marker to predict the longevity of anti-S antibody. B). S-reactive T cells do exist before the vaccination, but they seem to be unable to respond to Covid-19 vaccination properly.

      The paper's strength is it uses a very systemic and thorough strategy trying to dissect the relationship between antibody titers, T cell phenotypes, TCR clonotypes and corresponding epitopes, and indeed it reports several interesting findings about the relationship of Tfh/sustained antibody and about the S-reactive clones that exist before the vaccination. However, the main weakness is these interesting claims are not sufficiently supported by the evidence presented in this paper. I have the following major concerns:

      (1) The biggest claim of the paper, which is the acquisition of S-specific Tfh clonotypes is associated with the longevity of anti-S antibodies, should be based on proper statistical analysis rather than just a UMAP as in Fig2 C, E, F. The paper only shows the pooled result, but it looks like most of the so-called Tfh cells come from a single donor #27. If separating each of the 4 decliners and sustainers and presenting their Tfh% in total CD4+ T cells respectively, will it statistically have a significant difference between those decliners and sustainers? I want to emphasize that solid scientific conclusions need to be drawn based on proper sample size and statistical analysis.

      In accordance with the reviewer’s request, we have also analyzed the T cells separately (shown below). We observed the average frequency was much lower in decliners than sustainers, while the difference did not reach statistical significance partly because of the large deviation due to one sustainer (#27) who possessed quite a high Tfh%. We modified our description in the revised manuscript.

      Author response image 3.

      (2) The paper does not provide any information to justify its cell annotation as presented in Fig 2B, 4A. Moreover, in my opinion, it is strange to see that there are two clusters of cells sit on both the left and right side of UMAP in Fig2B but both are annotated as CD4 Tcm and Tem. Also Tfh and Treg belong to a same cluster in Fig 2B but they should have very distinct transcriptomes and should be separated nicely. Therefore I believe the paper can be more convincing if it can present more information and discussion about the basis for its cell annotation.

      We agree with the reviewer’s concern. Since antigen stimulation only induced the proliferation of antigen-specific T cells, the multiple clusters were mostly due to the fluctuation of cell cyclerelated genes. We therefore carefully and manually annotated these clusters by selecting the cell type-related genes (Kaech et al, Nat. Rev. Immunol., 2002; Sallusto et al, Annu Rev Immunol., 2004) and determined their subsets regardless of the automatic clustering based on the whole transcriptome. Indeed, antigen-responded Tfh and Treg are close, as ICOS and PDCD1 are expressed. We mainly used IL21 and FOXP3 to distinguish the Tfh and Treg populations, respectively. We thank the reviewer for pointing out this important process that we carefully addressed. We added the description of annotation methods to the revised manuscript.

      (3) Line 103-104, the paper claims that the Tfh cluster likely comes from cTfh cells. However considering the cells have been cultured/stimulated for 10 days, cTfh cells might lose all Tfh features after such culture. To my best knowledge there is no literature to support the notion that cTfh cells after stimulated in vitro for 10 days (also in the presence of IL2, IL7 and IL15), can still retain a Tfh phenotype after 10 days. It is possible that what actually happens is, instead of having more S-specific cTfh cells before the cell culture, the sustainers' PBMC can create an environment that favors the Tfh cell differentiation (such as express more pro-Tfh cytokines/co-stimulations). Thus after 10-days culture, there are more Tfh-like cells detected in the sustainers. The paper may need to include more evidence to support cTfh cells can retain Tfh features after 10-days' culture.

      We thank the reviewer for raising this important issue. As the reviewer pointed out, culturing T cells for 10 days indeed changed the repertoire and features, so the Tfh clonotypes we detected after the expansion may not correspond to the cTfh clonotypes in vivo. Because our observation and analysis were mostly based on the dominant T cell clonotypes expanded in vitro, we modified our description and conclusion accordingly in the revised manuscript.

      (4) It is in my opinion inaccurate to use cell number in Fig4B to determine whether such clone expands or not, given that the cell number can be affected by many factors like the input number, the stimulation quality and the PBMC sample quality. A more proper analysis should be considered by calculating the relative abundance of each TCR clone in total CD4 T cells in each timepoint.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out our inaccuracy. As the reviewer suggested, we used percentages to demonstrate the relative abundance of each clonotype in Fig. 4B of the revised manuscript.

      (5) It is well-appreciated to express each TCR in cell line and to determine the epitopes. However, the author needs to make very sure that this analysis is performed correctly because a large body of conclusions of the paper are based on such epitope analysis. However, I notice something strange (maybe I am wrong) but for example, Table 4 donor #8 clonotype post_6 and _7, these two clonotypes have exactly the same TRAV5 and TRAJ5 usage. Because alpha chain don't have a D region, in theory these clonotypes, if have the same VJ usage, they should have the same alpha chain CDR3 sequences, however, in the table they have very different CDR3α aa sequences. I wish the author could double check their analysis and I apologize in advance if I raise such questions based on wrong knowledge.

      We thank the reviewer for carefully reading our manuscript. Although the two clonotypes, donor #8 clonotype post_6 and _7, have the exactly same TRAV5 and TRAJ5 usage, they have different CDR3a aa sequences due to random nucleotide addition in the rearrangement. Likewise, donor #27 clonotype post_1 and donor #13 clonotype post_15 had the same TRAV9-2 and TRAJ17 usage but different CDR3a.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) Related to my public review 1. To make a solid conclusion, I think the author can include more sustainers and decliners if possible, can just stimulate their PBMCs for 10 days and check the Tfh features in proliferated CD4 T cells (e.g. IL21 secretion, PD-1 expression etc). And then compare these values in sustainers vs decliners

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. Unfortunately, additional PBMCs from more sustainers and decliners are not available to us. Instead, we carefully described the current observation in the revised manuscript.

      (2) Related to my public review 3. The author can attempt to sort CXCR5+ cTfh and CXCR5- non cTfh, stimulate in vitro for 10 days and compare whether the stimulated cTfh still have more Tfh-related features such as increased IL- 21 secretion.

      As the reviewer recommended, sorting and culturing the cTfh and non cTfh separately will clarify this issue. Due to the limitation of the samples, we could not perform these experiments.

      (3) I couldn't find information about the availability of data and code to analyze the single cell RNA-seq dataset in the manuscript

      We clarified the availability of data and added the codes for the single cell RNA-seq dataset in the revised manuscript.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      TRIP13/Pch2 is a conserved essential regulator of meiotic recombination from yeast to humans. In this manuscript, the authors generated TRIP13 null mice and Flag-tagged TRIP13 knock-in mice to study its role in meiosis. They demonstrate that TRIP13 regulates MORMA domain proteins and is essential for meiotic completion and fertility. The main impact of this manuscript is its clarification of the in vivo function of TRIP13 during mouse meiosis and its previously unrecognized role as a dose-sensitive regulator of meiosis.


      Two previously reported Trip13 mutations in mice are both hypomorphic alleles with distinct phenotypes, precluding a conclusion on its function. This study for the first time generated the TRIP13 null mice, definitively revealing the function of TRIP13 in meiosis. The authors also show the novel localization of TRIP13 at SC and its independence from the axial element components. The finding of dose-sensitive regulation of meiosis by TRIP13 has implications in understanding human meiosis and disease phenotypes.


      This manuscript would be more impactful if more mechanistic advancements could be made. For example, the authors could follow up with one of the new interactors identified by MS to offer new insight into the molecular function of TRIP13.

      We agree that it would be interesting to follow up on new candidate interactors but think that it would be more feasible to follow up on them in future studies.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary and Strengths:

      In this manuscript, Chotiner and colleagues demonstrated the localization of TRIP13 and clarified the phenotypes of Trip13-null mice in mouse meiosis. The meiotic phenotypes of Trip13 have been well characterized using the hypomorph alleles in the literature. However, the null phenotypes have not been examined, and the localization of TRIP13 was not clearly demonstrated. The study fills these important knowledge gaps in the field. The demonstration of TRIP13 localization to SC in mice provides an explanation of how HOMRA domain proteins are evicted from SC in diverse organisms. This conclusion was confirmed in both IF and TRIP13-tagged Tg mice. Further, the phenotypes of Trip13-null mice are very clear. The manuscript is well crafted, and the discussion section is well organized and comprehends the topic in the field. All in all, the manuscript will provide important knowledge in the field of meiosis.


      The heterozygous phenotypes demonstrate that TRIP13 is a dosage-sensitive regulator of meiosis. In relation to this conclusion, as summarized in the discussion section, other mutants defective in meiotic recombination showed dosage-sensitive phenotypes. However, the authors did not examine meiotic recombination in the Trip13-null mice.

      Meiotic recombination was extensively characterized in Trip13 severe hypomorph mutants in two previous studies: gamma-H2AX, BLM, BRCA1, ATR, RPA, RAD51, DMC1, MLH1 (Li and Schimenti, 2007; Roig et al., 2010). All the meiotic defects in our Trip13-null mice were also present in Trip13 severe hypermorph mutants: meiotic arrest, defects in chromosomal synapsis, asynapsis at chromosomal ends, and accumulation of HORMAD1/2 on the SC axis. Therefore, the defects in meiotic recombination in Trip13-null mice are expected to be similar to those in Trip13 severe hypermorph mutants and thus we did not examine the proteins involved in meiotic recombination in the Trip13-null mutant.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors perform a thorough examination of the phenotypes of a newly generated Trip13 null allele in mice, noting defects in chromosome synapsis and impact on localization of other key proteins (namely HORMADs) on meiotic chromosomes. The vast majority of data confirms observations of several prior studies of Trip13 alleles (moderate and severe hypomorphs). The original or primary aims of the study aren't clear, but it can be assumed that the authors wanted to better study the role of this protein in evicting HORMADs upon synapsis by studying phenotypes of mutants and better characterizing TRIP13 localization data (which they find localizes to the central element of synapsed chromosomes using a new epitope-tagged allele). Their data confirm prior reports and are consistent with localization data of the orthologous Pch2 protein in many other organisms.


      The quality of data is high. Probably the most important data the authors find is that TRIP13 is localized along the CE of synapsed chromosomes. However, this was not unexpected because PCH2 is also similarly localized. Also, the authors use a clear null (deletion allele), whereas prior studies used hypomorphs.


      There is limited new data; most are confirmatory or expected (i.e., SC localization), and thus the impact of this report is not high. The claim that TRIP13 "functions as a dosage-sensitive regulator of meiosis" is exaggerated in my opinion. Indeed, the authors make the observation that hets have a phenotype, but numerous genes have haploinsufficient phenotypes. In my opinion, it is a leap to extrapolate this to infer that TRIP13 is a "regulator" of meiosis. What is the definition of a meiosis regulator? Is it at the apex of the meiosis process, or is it a crucial cog of any aspect of meiosis?

      TRIP13 is not haploinsufficient, as Trip13 heterozygotes were still viable and fertile (albeit with defects in meiosis). TRIP13 is an ATPase and changes the conformation of meiosis-specific proteins such as HORMAD proteins. TRIP13 is essential for meiosis and its mutations cause defects in both meiotic recombination and chromosomal synapsis. Reviewer 1 stated that “TRIP13/Pch2 is a conserved essential regulator of meiotic recombination from yeast to humans”. Therefore, we feel that TRIP13 can be called a regulator of meiosis.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      A schematic illustration of SC structure, the components involved, and the main finding, would be helpful for readers to better understand the advancement made by this study.

      We have now added a schematic illustration in a new panel - Figure 7C.

      Fig. 1B, the stage with diplotene cells should be XII.

      The pachytene cells (Pac) were mis-labelled as diplotene cells. Corrected.

      Fig. 1C, color mislabeled.


      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The manuscript will provide important knowledge in the field of meiosis. I support the publication of this study. I have some suggestions to improve and polish the manuscript.

      Major points:

      (1) The heterozygous phenotypes demonstrate that TRIP13 is a dosage-sensitive regulator of meiosis. In relation to this conclusion, as summarized in the discussion section, other mutants defective in meiotic recombination showed dosage-sensitive phenotypes. Given the function of HORMAD1 in meiotic recombination, it would be informative if the authors could examine how major makers of meiotic recombination behave in Trip13-null meiosis.

      Please see our response to Weaknesses from Reviewer #2.

      (2) Relating to the above point, the complete lack of synapsis on the sex chromosomes in the Trip13-null meiosis is impressive. This result raises a question as to whether the pathway to designate XY-obligatory crossover (which can be detected with large foci of ANKRD31 and MEI4/REC114 at PAR) is affected or not. It would be interesting to examine whether the ANKRD31 and MEI4/REC114 foci are present on PAR in Trip13-null meiosis.

      We have performed immunofluorescent analysis of REC114 in spermatocytes. In Trip13-null pachytene-like spermatocytes, X and Y chromosomes are not synapsed. REC114 still formed one focus each on the unsynapsed X and Y chromosomes. We have added this new data in the Results as a new supplementary figure (Figure 4 -supplement 1).

      (3) Figure 4 can be improved if there are quantified data for each phenotype. These phenotypes look nearly complete, but it would be informative to show the penetrance of these phenotypes.

      Because some chromosomes have unsynapsed ends, resulting in two centromere or telomere foci, the total number of centromere or telomere foci is always higher in Trip13-null pachytene-like spermatocytes than wild type pachytene spermatocytes. Therefore, we did not count the foci of centromeres and telomeres. Consistently, the centromere and telomere markers localized as expected in both wild type and Trip13-null spermatocytes.

      (4) I am not fully convinced by these photos: "synapsed sister chromatids (Figure 6B)" and "Sycp2-/- spermatocytes formed short stretches of synapsis (Figure 6C)". The authors may try confocal microscopy with super-resolution deconvolution as they did for other data.

      These have been previously demonstrated. The “synapsed sister chromatids (Figure 6B)” were previously demonstrated by confocal microscopy with super-resolution deconvolution (Guan et al., 2020). The short stretches of synapsis in Sycp2-/- spermatocytes was previously demonstrated by electron microscopy (Tripartite SC structure) and SYCP1 immunofluorescence (Yang et al., 2006). We have revised the text by citing the previous evidence and the publications.

      Minor points:

      (1) Line 19-21: "Loss of TRIP13 leads to meiotic arrest and thus sterility in both sexes. Trip13-null meiocytes exhibit abnormal persistence of HORMAD1 and HOMRAD2 on synapsed SC". These findings confirm the previously reported phenotypes of the Trip13 hypomorph alleles. This information can be added to the abstract. Otherwise, it sounds like these are totally new findings, as written.

      This information is now added to the abstract: “These findings confirm the previously reported phenotypes of the Trip13 hypomorph alleles.”

      (2) The introduction section seems too long and contains unnecessary information. Some molecular details that are not touched in the result section can be deleted (e.g., Line 65-73).

      We would like to keep the molecular details on the two conformation states, as it provides biochemical background on TRIP13-HORMAD interactions.

      (3) Introduction, Line 92. A rationale can be added as to why the authors characterized the Trip13-null allele.

      a rationale has been added as follows: “To determine the effect of complete loss of TRIP13, we characterized Trip13-null mice.”

      (4) Line 205: Typo "TRRIP13". Corrected.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Just a few recommendations:

      (1) In my opinion, the title is an overreach. "Regulator" invokes other concepts such as transcription factors.

      Please see our explanation in response to weaknesses from Reviewer #3.

      (2) The first sentence of the results deals with TRIP13 expression in only 3 tissues. The authors might look at more comprehensive RNA-seq data from mice and humans.

      We examined TRIP13 protein expression in 8 mouse tissues by WB and found that TRIP13 protein was abundant in testis but present at a very low level in ovary and liver (Figure 1A). We feel that readers can easily look up the relative transcript levels of Trip13 in more tissues from mice and humans from NCBI database under “Gene”.

      (3) The null allele is semi-lethal. Is body size affected? Were the mice abnormal in any other ways, given that TRIP13 has been implicated in other diseases and processes, and is expressed in other tissues (TRIP13 stands for Thyroid receptor interacting protein).

      The body weight of 2-3 month-old males was not significantly different between wild type (24.3±2.8 g, n=5) and Trip13 KO mice (22.8±1.7 g, n=5, p=0.3, Student’s t-Test). We have included the body weight information in the revised manuscript. We didn’t observe abnormal somatic defects in the viable Trip13-null mice, nor did the authors report any in the Trip13 hypomorph mutants in two previous studies (Li and Schimenti, 2007; Roig et al., 2010).

      (4) Line 276 : It would be nice to elaborate on the "spatial explanation."

      We meant that TRIP13 localizes to SC while HORMAD proteins are removed from SC upon chromosomal synapsis, thus providing a spatial explanation. However, we have now deleted “spatial”.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      However, there are several concerns to be explained more in this study. In addition, some results should be revised and updated.

      Thank you for your comments. The concerns were addressed by the description and experiment.

      Some results were revised and updated accordingly.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The minor weakness of the study is inconsistent use of terminology throughout the manuscript, occasional logic-jump in their flow, and missing detailed description in methodologies used either in the text or Materials and Methods section, which can be easily rectified.

      Thank you for your review. We have revised the manuscript and corrected errors according to your comments.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Importantly, besides the Miwi ubiquitination experiment which is performed in a heterologous and therefore may not be ideal for extracting conclusions, the possible involvement of ubiquitination was not shown for any other proteins that the authors found that interact with FBXO24. Could histones and transition proteins be targets of the proposed ubiquitin ligase activity of FBXO24, and in its absence, histone replacement is abrogated?

      Thank you for your comments. The histones and transition proteins were not found in the immunoprecipitates of FBXO24, suggesting they are not the direct targets of FBXO24, shown in Figure S3G.

      Miwi should be immunoprecipitated and Miwi ubiquitination should be detected (with WB or mass spec) in WT testis.

      We agree with this suggestion. In the revision, the expression and ubiquitination of MIWI were detected in WT testis by the immunoprecipitation and ubiquitination assay, as shown in Figure 8H.

      Therefore, the claim that FBXO24 is essential for piRNA biogenesis/production (lines 308, 314) is not appropriately supported.

      We appreciate the comment. We have revised the description and modified the claim on page 11.

      Reviewing Editor's note for revision

      (1) As noted by all three reviewers, as currently written the rationale to focus on MIWI is not entirely clear. A transitional narrative to focus on MIWI needs to be provided as well as an explanation for how the absence of FBXO24 as an E3 ubiquitin ligase is responsible for the observed mRNA and protein differential expression.

      We appreciate your comments. We have supplemented the transitional narrative by focusing on MIWI and explained mRNA and protein differential expression upon FBXO24 deletion, shown on Page 7 and Page 13, respectively.

      (2) As it can be indirect, mass spec detection of MIWI in testis co-IP and MIWI ubiquitination should be detected (with WB or mass spec) in WT testis.

      In the revision, the expression and ubiquitination of MIWI were detected in WT testis by the immunoprecipitation and ubiquitination assay, as shown in Figure 8H.

      (3) Please tone down the claim that FBXO24 is essential for piRNA biogenesis/production as it requires further evidence.

      We have revised the description and modified the claim on page 11.

      (4) Ontology analysis of the genes with abnormally spliced mRNAs to provide an explanation for developmental defects.

      In the revision, we have performed the ontology analysis and provided new data regarding the abnormally spliced genes, as shown in Figure S4D.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Major comments

      (1) The authors performed mainly with the WT (or knock-in) and Fbxo24-knockout mouse model. Do the heterozygous males and their sperm have any physiological defects like FBXO24-deficient mice?

      This is a good question. We did the phenotype analysis and found that heterozygous males are all fertile, and their sperm do not have any physiological defects.

      (2) Fbxo24-KO sperm carries swollen mitochondria. How do the mitochondria affect sperm function?

      Thank you for raising this interesting question. Based on our data and published literature, the defective mitochondria were associated with energetic disturbances and reduced sperm motility, as shown on Page 12.

      (3) TEM images show that Fbxo24-KO spermatids carry swollen mitochondria and enlarged chromatoid bodies. How the swollen mitochondria and enlarged chromatid are defective for sperm motility and flagellar development, requires more explanation. In addition, it is unclear how the enlarged diameter of the chromatoid body is critical for normal sperm development.

      Thank you for your comments. The chromatoid bodies are considered to be engaged in mitochondrial sheath morphogenesis. Analysis of the chromatoid bodies' RNA content reveals enrichment of PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs), further emphasizing the role of the chromatoid bodies in post-transcriptional regulation of spermatogenetic genes. We added this explanation on Page 12-13.

      (4) The authors only show band images to compare the protein amounts between WT and KO sperm and round spermatids. As the blots for loading controls are not clear, the authors should quantify the protein levels and perform a statistical comparison.

      We quantified the protein levels and performed a statistical comparison, as shown in Figure S3B.

      (5) The authors show the defective sperm head structure from Fbxo24-KO sperm in Figure 5. However, the Fbxo24-KO sperm heads seem quite normal in Figure 3. How many sperm show defective sperm head structure? In addition, the authors observed altered histone-to-protamine conversion in sperm, but it is unclear whether the altered nuclear protein conversion causes morphological defects in the sperm head.

      We appreciate the comments. In our study, we found over 80% of Fbxo24 KO sperm showed defective structure in the sperm head. Altered histone-to-protamine conversion caused the decondensed nucleus of Fbxo24 KO sperm. Notably, in many knockout mice studies, impaired chromatin condensation is frequently associated with abnormal sperm head morphology, as shown in reference 15 of Page 8.

      (6) The authors compare the protein levels of RNF8, PHF7, TSSK6, which participate in nuclear protein replacement in sperm. However, considering the sperm is the endpoint for the nuclear protein conversion, it is unclear to compare the protein levels in mature sperm. The authors might want to compare the protein levels in developing germ cells.

      Thank you for your comment. Yes, we actually detected the protein levels of RNF8, PHF7, and TSSK6 in the testes, not in sperm. We have corrected it in the Figure 5E. We apologize for our carelessness.

      (7)This reviewer suggests describing more rationales for how the authors focus on the MIWI protein. Also, it is wondered whether MIWI is also detected from testis co-IP mass spectrometry.

      We agree with this suggestion. Since MIWI was a core component of CB and also identified as an FBOX24 interacting partner from our immunoprecipitation-mass spectrometry (IP-MS) (Table S1), we focused on the examination of MIWI expression between WT and Fbxo24 KO testes. We have added this description in the revision (see lines 191-193 on page 7).

      (8) The authors need to provide a more detailed explanation for how the altered piRNA production affects physiological defects in germ cell development. In addition, it will be good to describe more how the piRNAs affect a broad range of mRNA levels.

      Thank you for your comments. The previously published studies have demonstrated that piRNAs could act as siRNAs to degrade specific mRNAs during male germ cell development and maturation. We have cited these studies on lines 369-372 of Page 13.

      (9) The authors observed an altered splicing process in the absence of FBXO24. However, it is a little bit confusing how the altered splicing events affect developmental defects. Therefore, the authors should state which mRNAs have undergone abnormal splicing processes and provide ontology analysis for the genes.

      We have performed the ontology analysis and showed the new data in Figure S4D.

      Minor comments

      (1) Figure 1A-C - Statistical comparison is missed. Numbers for biological replication should be described in corresponding legends.

      Thank you for your careful review. We have provided the statistical comparison and the numbers for biological replication in the legends of Figure 1A-C.

      (2) Figure 1E, F - Current images can't clearly resolve the nuclear localization of the FBXO24 testicular germ cells. To clarify the intracellular localization, the authors should provide images with higher resolution.

      The resolution of Figure 1E, F was improved, as suggested. Thank you!

      (3) Figure 1E, F - Scale bar information is missing.

      The scale bars of Figure 1E, F were provided.

      (4) It will be much better to show the predicted frameshift and early termination of the protein translation in Fbxo24-knockout mice.

      The predicted frameshift of Fbxo24-knockout mice was added and shown in Figure S1B.

      (5) It is required to provide primer information for qPCR.

      The primer information for qPCR was provided, as shown in Table S7.

      (6) The authors describe that Fbxo24-KO sperm show abrupt bending of the tail. However, the description is unclear and the sperm shown in Figure 3C seems quite normal. The authors should clarify the abnormal bending pattern of the tail and show quantified results.

      Thank you for pointing out this issue. In Fbxo24 KO sperm, abnormal bending of the sperm tails mainly included neck bending and midpiece bending. We have shown them in Figure S3A.

      (7) The authors mention that Fbxo24-KO sperm have swollen mitochondria at the midpiece, but this is also unclear. How many mitochondria are swollen in Fbxo24-KO sperm?

      This is a good question. However, since it is very difficult to observe all of the mitochondria in each sperm using the electronic microscope, we could not quantify the swollen mitochondria in Fbxo24 KO sperm.

      (8) Scale bar information is missed - Fig 3C insets, Fig 3D, Fig 3F insets, 4A insets, Figure 4C insets.

      All the scale bars have been added.

      (9) How many sperm have annulus defects? In Figure 3F, WT sperm does not have an annulus, which could be damaged during sample preparation. Is the annulus defects in Fbxo24-KO sperm consistent?

      Thank you for asking these questions. Based on our results, about 30% of Fbxo24 KO sperm showed defective annulus structure. Since both TEM (Figure 3F) and SEM (Figure 3G) results clearly showed the defective annulus structure of Fbxo24 KO sperm, we believe the annulus defects are consistent and highly unlikely caused by sample preparation.

      (10) A Cross-section image for the endpiece of Fbxo24-KO sperm is not suitable. There is a longitudinal column structure of the principal piece.

      Thank you for your comments. It is difficult to observe a completely longitudinal structure of sperm tail under TEM. The cross-section of the endpiece and principal piece allowed us know the structure of the axoneme, ODFs and fibrous sheath (FS).

      (11) The endpiece of Fbxo24-KO sperm seems to have a normal axoneme. Do all endpieces of Fbxo24KO sperm have normal axoneme? Also, the authors need to describe whether an axonemal structure is damaged and disrupted in all Fbxo24-KO sperm.

      Our TEM data showed the axonemal structure was impaired in the endpiece of Fbxo24 KO sperm (See right panels of Figure 3H). Moreover, based on the ultrastructure analysis of TEM, we found over 90% of Fbxo24 sperm had a damaged axonemal structure.

      (12) Reference blots in Fig 3I, 3J, 4E (left), 5C and 5E are quite faint. The authors should replace the blot images.

      Thank you for pointing out this. We have rerun Western blot multiple times but could not obtain better images due to antibody sensitivity. However, we quantified the protein levels and performed a statistical comparison, as shown in Figure S3B, to establish a good readout from these images for the readers.

      (13) Loading controls are required - 7D-H.

      Done as suggested. Thanks!

      (14) How do the authors measure the midpiece length? From where to where? This should be clarified.

      Good question. We measured the midpiece length from the sperm neck to the sperm annulus by MitoTracker staining. We have clarified this on Page 16.

      (15) How are the bands for Fbxo24 shifted during IP in Fig 7A?

      The protein modification in the interaction may cause the band shift.

      (16) There are several typos throughout the manuscript. Please check carefully and fix them.

      Thank you for your careful review. We have corrected and fixed all the typos as far as we can.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Major comments

      (1) Please provide a schematic of HA-Fbxo24 knock-in construct and strategy together with knockout (Figure S2) or even separately early in Figure S1. The description of using the transgenic mouse is mentioned even earlier than the knockout but there are no citations or methods provided in the text other than that listed in Materials and Methods.

      Thank you for your suggestion. As suggested, the schematic of the HA-Fbxo24 knock-in strategy has been supplemented in Figure S2A. The description of using the transgenic mouse has been added to the results, as shown on page 4 of lines 102-103.

      Also, it is not clear to what extent the phenotypic and molecular characterization of HA-transgenic mice is performed. For example, Lines 134-139: The use of Fbxo24-HA labeled transgenic mice results in the rescue of spermatogenesis and fertility as shown in Figure 2F by measuring the litter size. It is not clear how this observation leads the author to state that this rescues defects in spermiogenesis. Please clarify how and what other measures are taken to support this conclusion. Is the observed infertility due to defects in spermatogenesis or spermiogenesis?

      Thank you for your question. We crossed FBXO24-HATag males with FBXO24−/− females to obtain FBXO24−/−; FBXO24-HATag males. We examined the testes volume and histological morphology of FBXO24−/−; FBXO24-HATag males and found that they were similar to FBXO24+/−; FBXO24-HATag littermates, indicating that spermatogenesis was restored, as shown in Figure S2H.

      (2) Line 107 vs Line 114: Please use the terminology spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis consistently throughout the text. Earlier in the introduction, the authors clearly defined that spermatogenesis involves three phases, with the third phase referred to as spermiogenesis. However, the author concludes in the first line that "FBXO24 plays a role during spermatogenesis" while summarizing at the end of the paragraph that this protein is "expressed in haploid spermatids specifically during spermiogenesis". Therefore, it is not clear whether the authors conclude that FBXO24 is important for all of spermatogenesis (line 107) or only for part of spermiogenesis (line 114). Another example is line 219 vs. 238: At this point in the manuscript, it is again unclear whether the authors want to study molecular changes during spermatogenesis or spermiogenesis upon FBXO24 depletion. Many examples of such cases throughout the text, and it is recommended to be consistent in using more restrictive terminology whenever applicable for a clear interpretation.

      We thank you for your careful review. We have double-checked the terminology of spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis and made it consistent throughout the text of the revised manuscript.

      (3) It is not clear how rampant/frequent the Fbxo24-knockout sperm show defects in head morphology based on Figures 3C, 3F, and 5A since it seems that there are some sperm showing relatively normallooking sperm heads. Please provide quantification.

      We have performed the quantification and found that over 80% of Fbxo24 KO sperm showed defective structures in the sperm head.

      (4) Figure 3B: The authors describe in the figure legend that 3 mice were analyzed in each group. The standard deviation for the WT analysis is missing, or if the author wanted to set the WT value to 100%, the bar and scale shown on the y-axis do not fit. The value for WT looks more like 95%.

      We have indeed analyzed sperm motility based on the WT value set at 100% and have revised Figure 3B in the revision. We apologize for this oversight.

      (5) Figure 3 B and C: It is not clear how the motility is measured. Is CASA used (not described in Methods). The conclusion about abnormal flagellar bending in KO spermatozoa cannot be drawn from the static microscopic images alone. Please provide more details of motility analysis together with videos of live cell imaging.

      The sperm motility was measured manually using a hemocytometer, according to the reference.

      We provided the details of sperm motility analysis in the Materials and Methods section on Page 16.

      (6) Figure 3 I and J: These are one of a few figures that are not supported by statistical analysis. In particular, for 3I, GAPDH controls of WT and KO protein do not show equal loading, which could explain the lower expression of the KO protein. Please show normalized bar graphs with multiple biological replicates or at least show a representee technical replicat that shows equal loading of GAPDH to better support the conclusion.

      Thank you for your suggestion. Statistical comparison of relative protein expression was supplemented, as shown in new Figure S3B.

      (7) Line 184: It is not clear how the authors define a swollen mitochondrion? Are there any size criteria (roundness) that can be measured to distinguish between a swollen and a non-swollen mitochondrion? It is recommended to use another terminology as often 'swollen' implies there is a difference in osmolarity but there is no experiment to support this implication.

      Thank you for your comment. We have changed the “swollen” to “vacuolar” in the revision, as shown on Page 7.

      (8) Figure S4, without a bright field image, it is hard to see the purity and morphology of the isolated prep. Please provide the bright field images together or as overlaid images.

      We agree with your comment. We have provided the overlaid images in new Figure S4A.

      (9) There is a big logic jump in what prompts the authors to look MIWI protein level and link the observation to MIWI/piRNA pathway in both Introduction and Results while it is one of the main findings. It is recommended to provide a better rationale and logical flow in the text.

      Thank you for your suggestion. We have added a sentence explaining why we wanted to focus on studying MIWI expression (see lines 190-193 on page 7).

      Minor comments

      (1) Please keep all the conventions of gene vs. protein nomenclature. For example, write the genes mentioned in the figures in italics with the first letter in Capital, as it is done in the main part. Proteins should be in ALL CAPITAL like FBXO24.

      The names of gene and protein have been revised in the revision, as suggested.

      (2) In the MM section, the name of the manufacturer and the location of the materials used are missing in several sections. Please go back through the MM section and add this information in the appropriate places.

      Done as suggested. Thank you!

      (3) On page 4, the authors mentioned that "Further qPCR analysis of developmental testes and purified testicular cells showed that FBXO24 mRNA was highly expressed in the round spermatids and elongating spermatids (Fig 1B-C)". Please include statistical analyses for Fig 1B-C as well as for Fig 1A to support the written statements.

      Statistical comparison was supplemented, as shown in Figure 1. P-values are denoted in figures by *p < 0.05.

      (4) Figure 3E: Please describe in more detail how the length of the midpiece was measured. Was it based on TEM images or based on fluorescent images using MitoTracker?

      As we responded to Reviewer #1, we measured the midpiece length from the sperm neck to the sperm annulus by MitoTracker staining. We have clarified this in the Method and Material section on Page 16.

      (5) Line 431: In the "Electron Microscopy" section of the MM part, the author should indicate the ascending ethanol series (%) used.

      Done as suggested. Thank you!

      (6) Line 432: The thickness of the sections prepared is missing, as well as an indication of the microtome used.

      We have added thickness and the microtome in the Method and Material section on Page 16.

      (7) Line 433: If the generated tiff files have been processed with Adobe Photoshop, this information is missing.

      We have provided information on the usage of Adobe Photoshop for the generation of tiff files on Page 17.

      (8) Lines 445, 452, 467: In some places in the paper, the temperature is written with a space between the number and {degree sign}C, and sometimes it is not. Please go through the paper and make it consistent. The usual spelling is 4{degree sign}C.

      We have gone through the manuscript and checked all the spelling of temperature writing to make them consistent. Thank you for careful review.

      (9) Line 469: The gel documentation system used is not mentioned.

      Done as suggested. Thank you!

      (10) Line 469: The 'TM' should be superscripted.

      Done as suggested.

      (11) Line 489: A space is missing between the changes and the parenthesis.

      Done as suggested.

      (12) Line 495-496: The authors write that the fractions enriched with round spermatids after sedimentation were collected manually. Was a determination of cell concentration - e.g., 2 x106 cells/ml -performed after collection of the cells? How were the cells stored until use? Please add the sedimentation time and used temperature.

      Store the cell in the 1´ Krebs buffer on ice. The cell sediment was through a BSA density gradient for 1.5 h at 4°C. The cell concentration was determined after collection, as shown on Page 18.

      (13) Line 505: spelling error. Instead of " manufacturer's procedure" it is written manufactures' instructions.

      The spelling error was corrected.

      (14) Line 520: Please write a short sentence on how the purification of the 16-40 nt long RNA was performed.

      The length of 16–40 nt RNA was enriched by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. We added this information on Page 19 of line 531.

      (15) Line 528: The version of the used GraphPad software is missing.

      The version of GraphPad software was supplemented, as shown on Page 19.

      (16) Line 677: For qPCR analyses, the number of mice analyzed (N) and a statistical evaluation are missing.

      The statistical comparison and the numbers for biological replication were added, as shown on Page 26.

      (17) Figure 3D: Please add a scale bar.

      Done as suggested. Thanks!

      (18) Line 371 and Line 377: Two times "in summary" is written. Please make one summary for the whole paper.

      This sentence was revised, as shown in Page 13.

      (19) Line 382: To be consistent in the whole paper, please write Figure 10 in bold letters.

      Done as suggested.

      (20) Please make the size and font of the references consistent with the main text.

      Done as suggested. Thanks again for your careful review.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I would like to see the description of the FBXO24 immunoprecipitation experiment performed in HEK293T cells. This somatic cell line does not normally express Miwi, so how Miwi was detected in FBXO24 mCherry IP beads? It is not mentioned if Miwi is expressed from a recombinant vector in this experiment. Similarly, I would like to see a better description of the experiment described in the same paragraph towards the end of it with the ubiquitin peptides, it is not clear.

      Thank you for your comments. FBXO24-mCherry was expressed in HEK293T cells and the immunoprecipitates was incubated with the protein lysate of the testes (see lines 268-272 on Page 10). The description of the ubiquitin experiment was added as well, as shown in lines 283-286 on Page 10.

      Line 263: I think the term ectopic here is not appropriate, a correction is needed.

      We have changed “ectopic” to “increased” in the revision (see line 268 on Page 10).

      I would like the authors to provide a tentative explanation or evidence of why FBXO24 KO males are completely sterile, even though there are still mature sperm produced with some motility. Since there are defects in nuclear condensation it will be very relevant to check DNA damage/fragmentation, which could contribute to the sterility phenotype.

      This is a good suggestion. We reanalyzed the sperm DNA damage by TUNEL staining and shown the new data in Figure S3E-F.

      Line 213: There have been some conflicting reports about the role of RNF8 in spermiogenesis, but a recent report has shown that RNF8 is not involved in histone PTMs that mediate histone to protamine transition (Abe et al Biol Reprod 2021 https://doi.org/10.1093%2Fbiolre%2Fioab132).

      Thank you for your comment. We have cited this critical reference and discussed it in Discussion section on Page 12.

      Figure 7: I would like to see zoomed-out views of the affected exons, so that flanking unaffected exons can be used as a reference for unaffected splicing. Most of the genome browser views in this image only show affected exons and it is impossible to see if these alone are affected or if the reduced RNAseq coverage in those exons is a result of overall reduced mapped reads in these genes. Also, a fixed Y axis with the same max value should be shown for these genome browser snapshots so that the expression level is comparable between the two genotypes.

      Thank you for your comments. Loading control of RT-PCR and scale range of Y axis were added in new Figure 7.

      Minor corrections:

      Line 70: correct "..functions as protein-protein interaction..".

      Thank you for your careful review. We have corrected this sentence (see line 69 on Page 3).

      Line 101: correct "..qPCR analysis of developmental testis..".

      We have corrected this sentence (see line 100 on Page 4). Thanks again.

      Line 116: correct "..results in detective..".


      Line 186: correct ".. explored..".


      Line 218: correct ".. gene expressions.


      Line 221: correct "..genes significantly differentiated expressed".


      Line 241: FBXO24 was shown earlier in both cytoplasm and nucleus.

      We have changed “FBXO24 is mainly confined to the nucleus” to “FBXO24 expressed in the nucleus”, as shown in line 247 on Page 9.

      Line 501-502: correct "..reverse transcriptional".

      “reverse transcriptional” was changed into “reverse transcription”, showing in Page 18.

      Line 686: correct ".. deficiency male..".


      Line 769: correct "..Western blots were adopted..".


      Line 784: correct "..WT tesis..".


      I cannot understand exactly what is shown in Figure 9B. Some elements marked on the X-axis are single base locations (-2K, TSS, +2K) and others are stretches of sequences so they cannot be equivalent. Why there is only an intron shown? There should be a measure of normalized expression on the Y-axis.

      Thank you for your questions. The X-axis means that genome segments were scaled to the same size and were calculated the signal abundance, which was analyzed by computeMatrix. Aim to know the piRNA source, piRNA was mapped to the gene body, including introns, CDS and UTRs. The value of the Y-axis is the normalized count.

      Figure 6F is not needed.

      Figure 6F was used to illustrate the number of different types of mRNA splicing upon FBXO24 deletion in the round spermatids. To better understand the splicing for the reader, we decided to keep it.

      The last two paragraphs of the discussion seem to be redundant.

      Thank you for pointing out this. We have revised the last two paragraphs of the discussion.

    1. Author Response

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this study, Maestri et al. use an integrative framework to study the evolutionary history of coronaviruses. They find that coronaviruses arose recently rather than having undergone ancient codivergences with their mammalian hosts. Furthermore, recent host switching has occurred extensively, but typically between closely related species. Humans have acted as an intermediate host, especially between bats and other mammal species.


      The study draws on a range of data sources to reconstruct the history of virus-host codivergence and host switching. The analyses include various tests of robustness and evaluations through simulation.


      The analyses are limited to a single genetic marker (RdRp) from coronaviruses, but using other sections of the genome might lead to different conclusions. The genetic marker also lacks resolution for recent divergences, which precludes the detailed examination of recent host switches. Careful and detailed reconstruction of the timescale would be helpful for clarifying the evolutionary history of coronaviruses alongside their hosts.

      The use of a single short genetic marker (the RdRp palmprint region) from coronaviruses is indeed a limitation. However, this marker is the one that is currently used for routinely delimiting operational taxonomic units in RNA viruses and reconstructing their evolutionary history (Edgar et al. 2022, see also the Serratus project; https://serratus.io/); therefore, we took the conscious decision early on to rely on this expertise. Unfortunately, this marker cannot provide robust timescale reconstructions for coronavirus evolution (previous estimates of coronavirus origin range from around 10 thousand years ago to 293 million years ago depending on modeling assumptions). Only future genomic work across Coronaviridae that will characterize multiple genetic regions with different evolutionary rates will allow us to precisely elucidate the timescale of the evolutionary history of coronaviruses alongside their hosts. In the meantime, we show here that, while the RdRp palmprint region cannot by itself resolve the precise timescale of coronavirus evolution, it strongly suggests, when used along with cophylogenetic approaches, a recent evolutionary origin in bats.

      R. C. Edgar, et al., Petabase-scale sequence alignment catalyses viral discovery. Nature 602, 142–147 (2022).

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In their study titled "Recent evolutionary origin and localized diversity hotspots of mammalian coronaviruses," authors Benoît Perez-Lamarque, Renan Maestri, Anna Zhukova, and Hélène Morlon investigate the complex evolutionary history of coronaviruses, particularly those affecting mammals, including humans. The study focuses on unraveling the evolutionary trajectory of these viruses, which have shown a high propensity for causing pandemics, as evidenced by the SARS-CoV2 outbreak.

      The research addresses a significant gap in our understanding of the evolutionary dynamics of coronaviruses, particularly their history, patterns of host-to-host transmission, and geographical spread. These aspects are important for predicting and managing future pandemic scenarios.

      Historically, studies have employed cophylogenetic tests to explore virus-host relationships within the Coronaviridae family, often suggesting a long history of virus-host codiversification spanning millions of years. However, the team led by Perez-Lamarque proposes a novel phylogenetic framework that contrasts this traditional view. Their approach, which involves adapting gene tree-species tree reconciliation, is designed to robustly test the validity of two competing scenarios: an ancient origination and codiversification versus a more recent emergence and diversification through host switching.

      Upon applying this innovative framework to the study of coronaviruses and their mammalian hosts, the authors' findings challenge the prevailing notion of a deep evolutionary history. Instead, their results strongly support a scenario where coronaviruses have a more recent origin, likely in bat populations, followed by diversification predominantly through host-switching events. This diversification, interestingly, seems to occur preferentially within mammalian orders.

      A critical aspect of their findings is the identification of hotspots of coronavirus diversity, particularly in East Asia and Europe. These regions align with the proposed scenario of a relatively recent origin and subsequent localized host-switching events. The study also highlights the rarity of spillovers from bats to other species, yet underscores the relatively higher likelihood of such spillovers occurring towards humans, suggesting a significant role for humans as an intermediate host in the evolutionary journey of these viruses.

      The research also points out the high rates of host-switching within mammalian orders, including between humans, domesticated animals, and non-flying wild mammals.

      In conclusion, the study by Perez-Lamarque and colleagues presents an important quantitative advance in our understanding of the evolutionary history of mammalian coronaviruses. It suggests that the long-held belief in extensive virus-host codiversification may have been substantially overestimated, paving the way for a reevaluation of how we understand, predict, and potentially control the spread of these viruses.


      The study is conceptually robust, and its conclusions are convincing.


      Despite the availability of a dated host tree the authors were only able to use the "undated" model in ALE, with the dated method (which only allows time-consistent transfers) failing on their dataset (possibly due to dataset size?). Further exploration of the question would be potentially valuable.

      Our intuition is that ALE in its “dated” version did not necessarily fail on our dataset due to its size (ALE ran, but provided unrealistic parameter estimates and was not able to output possible reconciliations, as mentioned in our Material and Methods section). We think it most likely did not run because there is no pattern of codiversification: the coronavirus and mammal trees are so distinct that finding a reconciliation scenario between these trees with time-consistent transfers is very difficult and ALE fails at estimating an amalgamated likelihood for such an unlikely scenario. Following a suggestion from reviewer #3, we are going to try running the dated version of ALE independently on the alpha and beta-coronaviruses, resulting in smaller datasets. This will help us elucidate whether the dated version of ALE fails due to data size or the absence of a codiversification pattern.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This work uses tools and concepts from co-phylogenetic analyses to reconstruct the evolutionary and diversification history of coronaviruses in mammals. It concludes that cross-species transmissions from bats to humans are a relatively common event (compared to bats to other species). Across all mammals, the diversification history of coronaviruses suggests that there is potential for further evolutionary diversification.


      The article uses an interesting approach based on jointly looking at the extant network of coronaviruses-mammals interactions, and the phylogenetic history of both these organisms. The authors do an impressive job of explaining the challenges of reconstructing evolutionary dynamics for RNA viruses, and this helps readers appraise the relevance of their approach.


      I remain unconvinced by the argument that sampling does not introduce substantial biases in the analyses. As the authors highlight, incomplete knowledge of the extant interactions would lead to a biased reconstruction of the diversification history. In a recent paper (Poisot et al. 2023, Patterns), we look at sampling biases in the virome of mammals and suggest that is a fairly prominent issue, that is furthermore structured by taxonomy, space, and phylogenetic position. Case in point, even for betacoronaviruses, there have been many newly confirmed hosts in recent years. For organisms that have received less intense scrutiny, I think a thorough discussion of potential gaps in data would be required (see for example Cohen et al. 2022, Nat. Comms).

      I was also surprised to see little discussion of the differences between alpha and beta coronaviruses - there is evidence that they may differ in their cross-species transmission (see Caraballo et al. 2022 Micr. Spectr.), which could call into question the relevance of treating all coronaviruses as a single, homogeneous group.

      Some of the discussions in this paper also echo previous work by e.g. Geoghegan et al. (see 2017, PLOS Pathogens), which I was surprised to not see discussed, as it is a much earlier investigation of the relative frequencies of co-divergence and host switches for different viral families, with a deep discussion of how this may structure future evolutionary dynamics.

      We totally agree that sampling biases in the virome of mammals is a prominent issue, which is why we conducted a series of sensitivity analyses to test their effect on our main conclusions. We thoroughly tested the effect of (i) the unequal sampling effort across mammalian species that have been screened and (ii) the unequal screening of mammalian species across the mammalian tree of life by subsampling the data to correct for the unequal sampling effort (see Supporting Information Text). In both cases, we still reported low support for a scenario of codiversification, the origin in bats in East Asia, the preferential host switches within mammalian orders, and the rare spillovers from bats to humans. The robustness of our findings to sampling biases may be explained by the fact that the cophylogenetic approach we used (ALE) explicitly accounts for undersampling by assuming that all host transfers involve unsampled intermediate hosts. To address the reviewer's comment, we will better underline the importance of sampling biases in our main text and include the suggested references. We will also better highlight our sensitivity analyses by moving them from the Supporting Information Text to the main text.

      We agree that distinguishing between alpha and beta coronaviruses will provide useful additional insights; we are going to run separate cophylogenetic analyses for these two sub-clades. We will report the results of these additional analyses in the revised manuscript, and put them in context with the existing literature about the two sub-clades.

      We were not aware of the work of Geoghegan et al. (see 2017, PLOS Pathogens), thank you for providing this reference that we will now discuss.

    2. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This work uses tools and concepts from co-phylogenetic analyses to reconstruct the evolutionary and diversification history of coronaviruses in mammals. It concludes that cross-species transmissions from bats to humans are a relatively common event (compared to bats to other species). Across all mammals, the diversification history of coronaviruses suggests that there is potential for further evolutionary diversification.

      Strengths:<br /> The article uses an interesting approach based on jointly looking at the extant network of coronaviruses-mammals interactions, and the phylogenetic history of both these organisms. The authors do an impressive job of explaining the challenges of reconstructing evolutionary dynamics for RNA viruses, and this helps readers appraise the relevance of their approach.

      Weaknesses:<br /> I remain unconvinced by the argument that sampling does not introduce substantial biases in the analyses. As the authors highlight, incomplete knowledge of the extant interactions would lead to a biased reconstruction of the diversification history. In a recent paper (Poisot et al. 2023, Patterns), we look at sampling biases in the virome of mammals and suggest that is a fairly prominent issue, that is furthermore structured by taxonomy, space, and phylogenetic position. Case in point, even for betacoronaviruses, there have been many newly confirmed hosts in recent years. For organisms that have received less intense scrutiny, I think a thorough discussion of potential gaps in data would be required (see for example Cohen et al. 2022, Nat. Comms).

      I was also surprised to see little discussion of the differences between alpha and beta coronaviruses - there is evidence that they may differ in their cross-species transmission (see Caraballo et al. 2022 Micr. Spectr.), which could call into question the relevance of treating all coronaviruses as a single, homogeneous group.

      Some of the discussions in this paper also echo previous work by e.g. Geoghegan et al. (see 2017, PLOS Pathogens), which I was surprised to not see discussed, as it is a much earlier investigation of the relative frequencies of co-divergence and host switches for different viral families, with a deep discussion of how this may structure future evolutionary dynamics.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers


      Reviewer #1

      __Evidence, reproducibility and clarity: __Interesting results from exposing human brain organoids to FGF8 include suggestions that FGF8 contributes to the anterior to posterior patterning of the neocortex, as previously reported in mouse. Good, varied methods with reproducibility described well in the methods section. It would improve the reader's experience however to cite numbers of organoids used in specific experiments/assays in the main text.

      Response: We thank the Reviewer for the positive assessment of our study, and we agree that citing the number of organoids per experimental approach would better allow the readers to appreciate the intrinsic variability of organoid protocols. We will include the number of organoids per experiment both in figure legends and in Materials and Methods as a summary table.

      ....Organoids do not develop individual neocortical areas. To approach this issue of area identity, however, the authors compared control and FGF8-treated organoids against an existing dataset of transcriptomes of human fetal brains that separated pre-frontal, motor, somatosensory, and visual areas. This seems a good idea, but results showed both treated and untreated organoids alike expressed genes characteristic of somatosensory and pre-frontal cortical regions (anterior and midlevel areas) apparently suggesting that exogenous FGF8 had little effect. Because the previous dataset was not the authors' work, however, and because a comparison between organoids and actual human tissue is hard to interpret, this whole section is probably only confusing to include.

      Response: We would like to clarify to the reviewer that the effect of FGF8 on antero-posterior area identity is only partial in our organoid system, suggesting that different doses or temporal windows of FGF8 treatment may be necessary to achieve a stronger modulation of area identity genes. We agree with the Reviewer that, due to this partial effect, the transcriptomic comparison with fetal brain areas might be confusing for readers. Therefore, we plan to move this type of data to the Supplementary Material. We thank the Reviewer for bringing this to our attention.

      The authors further stress a dorsal/ventral effect in FGF8-treated organoids. The population of ventral telencephalic interneurons, produced in the lateral ganglionic eminence in mice, expand in the human organoids at the expense of glutamatergic neurons of the dorsal telencephalon. This may be consistent with the loss of ventral telencephalic structures in FGF8-deficient mice. The authors suggest that FGF8 expansion of interneurons is a novel finding not previously seen in animal research and may point to a human-specific characteristic. Readers may believe this part of the paper requires more support, just because multiple studies of FGF8 have not revealed this action. Overall, this paper would benefit from shortening, and by statements that some of the results suggest, but do not guarantee, particular conclusions.

      Response: We agree with the reviewer that before stating that FGF8-induced expansion of interneurons in dorsal telencephalic territories is a human-specific characteristic, more support in mouse studies would need to be performed. However, as suggested by reviewer 2 below, there is some evidence that ventral interneuron markers, such as ASCL1 and DLX2, are expressed in the dorsal telencephalon of the early fetal human cerebral cortex, even if at much lower levels than in the ventral telencephalon, and that individual human cortical progenitors can generate both excitatory neurons and inhibitory interneurons in culture. Thus, FGF8 might promote an intrinsic capacity of dorsal cortical neurons to induce the generation of ventral interneurons, which would indeed be a human (or maybe primate)-specific trait. We plan to better discuss this issue in the revised version of the manuscript.


      The paper is for a fairly specialized audience interested in the development of the cerebral cortex, but also has interest regarding developmental human brain defects

      Response: Although the manuscript sounds upon first reading specific to a specialized audience interested in cortical development, we believe that the strength of our human organoid system is the formation of regionalized organoids including brain regions other than the cortex. Moreover, considering the increasing attention on brain organoids in general, and the lack of information on the action of FGF8 during human cortical development, we are confident that this study will attract a broader audience.

      Interesting results from exposing human brain organoids to FGF8 include suggestions that FGF8 contributes to the anterior to posterior patterning of the neocortex, as previously reported in mouse. Good, varied methods with reproducibility described well in the methods section. It would improve the reader's experience however to cite numbers of organoids used in specific experiments/assays in the main text.

      Response: We thank again the reviewer for acknowledging the potential of our study. As previously mentioned, we agree that providing information about the number of organoids used will enhance the statistical analysis. This will definitely be added in a revised version.

      Reviewer #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      ……However, organoid technology offers a solution to this and the present study presents an elegant approach to addressing how FGF8 signalling directs both anterior/posterior and dorsal/ventral identity in neural progenitors and their offspring in human development. This has both biological and clinical relevance has the study demonstrates how FGF8 may be a key regulator of expression of susceptibility genes for neurodevelopmental conditions. The methods and approach are described clearly and in great detail and it serves as an exemplar for how studies like this might be pursued in the future. Likewise, the results are presented logically, using excellent figures with clear descriptions of the findings. It is positively entertaining to read and very thought provoking. We don't have any major issues with the conclusions.

      Response: We sincerely appreciate the reviewer’s enthusiastic and thoughtful feedback. The positive remarks on the clarity and detail of our methods and results are very encouraging, and we are pleased that the reviewer found our study both entertaining and thought-provoking.

      We have some minor issues over presentation and interpretation that we would like the authors to consider.

      1) Developmental staging. It is stated that the organoids have reached a developmental stage equivalent to 16.5 GW based on expression of key genes such as CRYAB. Firstly, we would prefer an unambiguous way of stating age such as post-conceptional age. It is never clear what gestational weeks exactly means (post-menstrual, post-ovulatory?). Secondly, in several figures, UMAPs generated from the organoids are presented alongside representative mouse brain sections from E13.5 which is equivalent to about 11 post conceptional weeks in human. Although we find the mouse sections helpful, perhaps the potential discrepancy in developmental stage should be pointed out.

      Response: We agree with the reviewer that the staging of human organoids in vitro can be very tricky. We will clarify this issue by using post-conceptional weeks (PCW) instead of gestational weeks in the revised version of the manuscript. It is true, that schematic representations of brain sections of mouse telencephalon of around E13.5 were used in the paper, but the idea was to choose an age where dorsal and ventral territories are clearly separated during embryogenesis to highlight the expression of the different genes. We will change the schematics to make sure they can be better compared with scRNA-seq data and will highlight that they represent early mid-gestation stages of mouse embryos.

      2) Dorso-ventral patterning. Firstly, we wondered why VGLUT2 was used as a marker for dorsal identity when it is generally regarded as being expressed by subcortical neurons, e.g. thalamus and midbrain, whereas VGLUT1 is the standard marker for cortical neurons :https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tins.2003.11.005? Potentially, VGLUT2 expression may be more an indicator of mid/hindbrain identity than cortical identity. Is there any evidence for VGLUT2 expression by cortical cells in development? Also, MASH1 (more correctly called ASCL1) is not exclusively ventral, having shown to be expressed in a subset of intermediate progenitor cells for glutamatergic neurons in rodent doi:10.1093/cercor/bhj168 and particularly human doi: 10.1111/joa.12971. We are surprised that the recent evidence that human cortical progenitors do have capacity to generate GABAergic neurons 10.1038/s41586-021-04230-7; 10.1101/2023.11.06.565899 is not mentioned in this section as perhaps FGF8 doesn't so much ventralise progenitor cells as promote an inherent property. This might explain why MGE-like identity is not observed, whereas LGE/CGE like is, as it has already been shown that MGE-like gene expression by dorsal progenitors is very much less likely than LGE/CGE like expression 10.1038/s41586-021-04230-7; DOI 10.1007/s00429-016-1343-5

      Response: We fully agree and thank the reviewer for bringing to our attention this interesting discussion and pointing to our confusion between VGLUT1 and VGLUT2 expression profiles. After checking our scRNA-seq data, we realized that the Reviewer is absolutely correct about the issue of using VGLUT2 as a dorsal telencephalic marker, as it is expressed in both dorsal and ventral cells. In contrast, VGLUT1 appears to be more specific for neocortical (dorsal) neurons (see UMAP images below). Moreover, it perfectly fits with our results showing a downregulation of VGLUT1 in dorsal glutamatergic neurons.

      We are currently conducting additional staining experiments to support this point. Specifically, our plan includes:

      • Performing immunostaining assays to validate the expression patterns of VGLUT2 in dorsal cortical neurons, notably triple VGLUT2/TRB1/CTIP2 and double VGLUT2/SATB2 stainings, to be added in Supplementary material. This will allow to confirm the use of VGLUT2 as a dorsal marker.
      • Performing additional immunostainings involving VGLUT1, either juxtaposed with GAD67 to assess dorso-ventral neuronal balance or in conjunction with dorsal cortical markers to examine co-expression. This new analysis will be quantified using AI and integrated into Figure 4. Notably, these experiments will provide a comprehensive understanding of the expression patterns of VGLUT1 and VGLUT2 in the dorsal or ventral telencephalon and will further elucidate their utility as markers for specific neuronal populations in human brain organoids.

      Furthermore, and importantly, we fully agree with the reviewer that human dorsal cortical progenitors do have the ability to generate GABAergic neurons, even if at lower efficiency than glutamatergic neurons, and that FGF8 might promote this inherent property in human organoids. This new discussion and the new references suggested by the reviewer will significantly contribute to our data interpretation about LGE/MGE development. Therefore, we intend to incorporate them into the revised version of the text. Again, thank you to the reviewer for these insightful suggestions.

      3) MEA recordings. The presentation of electrophysiological data is quite simple. Detection of spikes is claimed therefore representative traces of the spikes should be included and these can be easily generated with the Maxwell system software. It isn't clear how many times the experiments were repeated and there is no statistical analysis. For example, in the text they state on page 15 'Notably, WNTi+FGF8 organoids showed lower spike frequency (firing rate) and amplitude'. The amplitude difference is 43uV vs 41uV; we doubt this is significantly different. Threshold for detecting burst firing appears to be different between Figure 5C and 5d. Why? Shouldn't it be the same? The axonal tracking analysis in fig 5E/F needs more explanation. How many axons were tracked? Is there any statistical analysis beyond means and standard deviation?

      Response: We agree with the Reviewer that the presentation of our electrophysiological data need further improvement. We are currently repeating key recordings on four additional samples coming from two different batches, which will allow us to conduct a better statistical analysis.

      In detail, we plan to:

      • Extract representative traces of spikes from the Maxwell software, which will be included as Supplementary material. Footprints of action potentials will be extracted using the in-built analysis tool available in the software.
      • Perform axon tracking analysis on three control and three FGF8-treated samples coming from two distinct batches of organoids. Recordings and analyses will be conducted over a period of two weeks to monitor the growth of axonal tracts, enabling us to perform statistical analysis and observe the temporal evolution of axonal growth. Furthermore, placing the threshold for detecting bursts in the network analysis at different levels in control or treated samples seems to be a routine procedure in this MEA system. Indeed, while the user can set a fixed multiplying factor (that is, of course, the same for both control and treated samples), it is the software that multiplies such factor by the basal average activity of the sample. In this way, bursts can be detected as synchronized activity emerging from the basal one, which, of course, varies in every sample. We plan to better explain this point in the Materials and Methods section, and we thank the reviewer for raising this lack of clarity.

      4) Anterior/posterior patterning. Returning to the subject of cortical GABAergic neurons, it has been proposed that the prefrontal cortex contains a relatively higher proportion of GABAergic neurons, although the mechanism for this has not been elucidated (see https://doi.org/10.1111/joa.13055 and references therein). Might higher anterior FGF8 specifying cortical progenitors to produce GABA neurons have a role in this?

      Response: We thank the reviewer for citing this very interesting review. It is highly possible that FGF8 normally expressed anteriorly might have a role in inducing distinct GABAergic subtypes, such as Calretinin+ interneurons, which have been found to be more abundant in frontal cortices of the developing human fetal brain. Our organoids are too early in terms of developmental age to verify whether interneuron subtypes such as CalR+ are more or less represented, but we will definitely add this very interesting point to our discussion in the revised version.

      5) Nomenclature. As this study principally presents data on mRNA expression levels it might be preferable to use italicised capitals for all gene names (except where referring to mouse genes). Also, common names are used in places and standard gene names in others, e.g. COUPTF1 is referred to NR2F1 but VGLUT1 is not referred to SLC17A7 (also see above re MASH1). It would be good to see everything standardised.

      Response: We appreciate the Reviewer for highlighting these discrepancies. We will standardize gene names both in the text and figures accordingly.


      This study involves a very imaginative use of organoids combined with a variety of approaches to test if fundamental principles of forebrain development, particularly cell specification and regional patterning, that we have learnt from mouse models are relevant to human brain development. It also has clinical relevance as it explores potential disruptions to development that leader to diseases of higher cognition, such as autism of schizophrenia. It is a very accessible manuscript that should have broad appeal. It makes several incremental additions to the field and points the way to future experiments in this area.

      Response: We sincerely thank the Reviewer's insightful comments and positive assessment of our study.

      __Reviewer #3 __

      __Evidence, reproducibility and clarity: __

      In the manuscript "FGF8-mediated gene regulation affects regional identity in human cerebral organoids" the authors used FGF8 to change cellular fate in human brain organoids. The experiments are well-performed and the authors used well-established protocols to generate brain organoids. The results clearly show that FGF8 addition induces an increase of diencephalon/midbrain markers (OTX2, EN2), suggesting that long-term FGF8 treatment can induce also posterior regional identities. These data are reinforced also by scRNAseq highlighting a possible mix of cellular identity.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this encouraging report about our study highlighting the significance of our findings.

      Main concern:

      1. The authors should start using FGF8 at later stages than day 19-21, in trying to maintain the forebrain identity.

      Response: As the Reviewer correctly pointed out, the temporal window of FGF8 treatment seems of pivotal importance for the final outcome of regional identity acquisition. Indeed, while early treatment with FGF8 at day 5 disrupts FOXG1 expression in organoids, as demonstrated in Supplementary Figure 1, our first attempts at adding FGF8 at day 15 resulted in poor regulation of the major FGF8-target gene NR2F1. However, we noticed that high expression of FOXG1 was still maintained, supporting forebrain identity. We fully agree with the reviewer that it is worth treating organoids with FGF8 at later stages to test whether forebrain identity becomes enriched while midbrain one is reduced, which would highlight an FGF8-dependent dosage of forebrain identity acquisition. To this purpose, we have already started additional experiments to assess the effect of delayed FGF8 treatment on forebrain markers and FGF-target genes, such as ETV1, SPRY4, DUSP6, ETV4 and ETV5, but also on representative midbrain markers. Importantly, we will treat the same batch of organoids with the same amount of FGF8 but at different times to be able to compare the different treatments in parallel. We plan to incorporate these supplementary analyses into the Supplementary material to provide a more comprehensive characterization of the efficiency time windows of FGF8.

      In detail, we plan to structure these additional experiments as follows:

      • We will culture in parallel neural progenitors (cortical induction protocol, with XAV-939 as a WNT inhibitor) that will be treated with 100 ng/ML FGF8 starting at day5 (early treatment), at day10 (normal treatment) or at day 20 (late treatment).
      • Each condition will require at least n=6 organoids.
      • Samples will be cultured until day 30.
      • At day 30, we will fix n=3 organoids per condition to be processed by immunostaining, and harvest n=3 organoids per condition for RNA extraction and Real Time RT-PCR analysis.
      • By immunostaining, we will measure the number of FOXG1+ cells as a read-out of telencephalic identity and the intensity of NR2F1 staining to evaluate FGF8 action.
      • By RT-PCR, we will measure the expression level of the following regional identity markers and FGF8 target genes: FOXG1, EN2, OTX2, NR2F1, ETV1, SPRY4, DUSP6, ETV4 and ETV5. This experimental setup will allow us to further detail the efficiency of distinct temporal windows for FGF8 treatment and their effects on cell identity and FGF target gene modulation. However, based on the first data we already obtained, we expect poor FGF target gene modulation upon late FGF8 treatment. This is why we believe that the temporal window we selected for our study already represents an optimal compromise between maintaining high levels of FOXG1 while effectively modulating FGF8 targets in human organoids.

      To verify the identity of the neurons in the organoids the authors should check their ability to make projections in immunodeficient mice. Human iPSC-derived cortical neurons establish subcortical projections in the mouse brain after transplantation and the location of the different neuronal projections could reveal the rosto-caudal identity of the cortical neurons.

      Response: We agree with the reviewer that in general conducting in vivo transplants of human organoids offers an interesting approach to testing the identity of differentiated neurons by tracking their projections. However, we believe that due to the multi-regional character of FGF8-treated organoids (which includes also midbrain-like neurons), their transplant into the neocortex would be of difficult interpretation and would not reveal the precise rostrocaudal identity of transplanted human cortical neurons, as requested by the reviewer. Furthermore, this would almost constitute an entire project on its own, given the technical challenges associated with such experimental approaches. We think that our thorough scRNA sequencing analysis is powerful enough for assessing cell identity, as supported by the majority of organoid studies investigating cell identity through scRNA-seq without resorting to transplantation. In our study, the scRNA-seq analysis was subsequently validated by several steps of immunostainings, a simple but fundamental corroborative control approach that is sometimes overlooked in similar studies. Finally, we would like to emphasize that reviewers #1 and 2 found our complementary approaches (molecular, cellular, and functional) appropriate, well-performed, logical and reproducible.


      The proposed protocol is useful to generate brain organoids with mixed cell populations from different regions of the brain (forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain). However, has limited applications since is not clear whether the proposed structures have some kind of organization.

      Response: We agree with the Reviewer that each protocol comes with its own limitations and that a careful characterization of the proportion of different regional domains could definitively improve the significance and applicability of our protocol. To this aim, we are now using artificial intelligence-mediated detection of cortical versus midbrain-like domains in control and FGF8-treated organoids, to further improve the characterization of distinct cellular populations and quantify the extent of their domains in multi-regional organoids. These data will be added in Figure 3.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We would like to first thank the Editor as well as the two reviewers for their enthusiasm and careful evaluation of our manuscript. We also appreciate their thoughtful and constructive comments and suggestions. They did, however, have concerns regarding experimental design, data analysis, and over-interpretation of our findings. We endeavored to address these concerns through refinement of our framing, inclusion of additional new analyses, and rewriting some parts of our discussion section. We hope our response can better explain the rationale of our experimental design and data interpretation. In addition, we also acknowledge the limitations of our present study, so that it will benefit future investigations into this topic. Our detail responses are provided below.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review)

      This study examines whether the human brain uses a hexagonal grid-like representation to navigate in a non-spatial space constructed by competence and trustworthiness. To test this, the authors asked human participants to learn the levels of competence and trustworthiness for six faces by associating them with specific lengths of bar graphs that indicate their levels in each trait. After learning, participants were asked to extrapolate the location from the partially observed morphing bar graphs. Using fMRI, the authors identified brain areas where activity is modulated by the angles of morphing trajectories in six-fold symmetry. The strength of this paper lies in the question it attempts to address. Specifically, the question of whether and how the human brain uses grid-like representations not only for spatial navigation but also for navigating abstract concepts, such as social space, and guiding everyday decision-making. This question is of emerging importance.

      Thanks very much again for the evaluation and comments. Please find our revision plans to each comment below.

      The weak points of this paper are that its findings are not sufficiently supporting their arguments, and there are several reasons for this:

      (1) Does the grid-like activity reflect 'navigation over the social space' or 'navigation in sensory feature space'? The grid-like representation in this study could simply reflect the transition between stimuli (the length of bar graphs). Participants in this study associated each face with a specific length of two bars, and the 'navigation' was only guided by the morphing of a bar graph image. Moreover, any social cognition was not required to perform the task where they estimate the gridlike activity. To make social decision-making that was conducted separately, we do not know if participants needed to navigate between faces in a social space. Instead, they can recall bar graphs associated with faces and compute the decision values by comparing the length of bars. Notably, in the trust game in this study, competence and trustworthiness are not equally important to make a decision (Equation 1). The expected value is more sensitive to one over the other. This also suggests that the space might not reflect social values but perceptual differences.

      The Reviewer raises an interesting point. We apologize for not being clear enough to address this possibility in our original manuscript and we will improve the clarity in our revision. To address this issue, we would like to break it into two sub-questions and answer them separately: 1) Are participants merely memorizing the values associated with each avatar or do they place the avatars on a two-dimensional map in their internal representation. 2) If so, are the two dimensions of this internal representation social dimensions relating to competence and trust or sensory dimensions relating to bar height (i.e., social space or sensory space).

      For the first question, we hope our analysis of the distance effect on the reaction time in the comparison task can address this issue. Specifically, it came from the idea that distance is a measure of similarity between two avatars in the 2D social space. The closer two avatars are, the more similar they are, hence distinguishing them will be harder and result in longer reaction time. If participants are merely memorizing the avatars as six isolated instances without integrating them into a low-dimensional map, then avatars should be equidistant (as if they were lying on the vertices of a 5-simplex), and would not show a distance effect. Therefore, we interpreted the stronger distance effect as a behavioural index of having a better internal map-like representation. This approach is adopted from the work by Park et al. (2020), where they used the distance effect to demonstrate human brains map abstract relationships among entities from piecemeal learning.

      For the second question of ‘social space’ vs. ‘sensory space’, our study adopted the paradigm developed by, in which they used a similar way to construct a conceptual space and found that such space can be represented with grid-like code in the entorhinal and prefrontal cortex. We stayed close to the original design by Constantinescu et al. (2016) and hoped that our work could provide, to some extent, a close replication of their result but using non-spatial social concepts instead. Indeed, this led to the limitation of our study that participants are passively traversing the artificial space rather than actively navigating in the space to make decisions/inferences. And we did not find sufficient evidence as reported in previous grid-like coding fMRI studies. This may have to do with low signal quality in the medial temporal region, we are not entirely sure. Nevertheless, we don’t think our findings contradict or disprove previous findings in any way. Here we would also like to point to the work by Park et al. (2021). Their task involves making novel inferences in a 2D social hierarchy space and found that grid-like code in the entorhinal cortex and medial prefrontal cortex support such novel inferences. Hence, we argue that results from these studies and partial evidence from our study collectively support the idea that the entorhinal is important for representing abstract knowledge (spatial and non-spatial).

      (2) Does the brain have a common representation of faces in a social space? In this study, participants don't need to have a map-like representation of six faces according to their levels of social traits. Instead, they can remember the values of each trait. The evidence of neural representations of the faces in a 2-dimensional social space is lacking. The authors argued that the relationship between the reaction times and the distances between faces provides evidence of the formation of internal representations. However, this can be found without the internal representation of the relationships between faces. If the authors seek internal representations of the faces in the brain, it would be important to show that this representation is not simply driven by perceptual differences between bar graphs that participants may recall in association with each face.

      Considering these caveats, it is hard for me to agree if the authors provide evidence to support their claims.

      With regard to the common representation of faces, this is a potential limitation of our paradigm because our current task design didn’t include a stage of face presentation to properly test this question. With regard to the asymmetry between the two dimensions in determining expected value. We think that the prerequisite for identifying six-fold grid-like coding is to have an abstract space formed by orthogonal dimensions, i.e., competence and trustworthiness in our task are not correlated. In addition, the scanner task does not require computation of expected value. However, we do think that it is worth investigating whether the extent to which each dimension contributes to decision-making and inference will distort the grid-like representation of the map. Our prediction is that the entorhinal cortex will maintain a representation of the map invariant to this aspect so that it can support inferences in different contexts where different weights may be assigned to different dimensions. But this will be an interesting hypothesis for future studies to test. We hope that our revision plans with above considerations could address the Reviewer’s comments.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review)


      In this work, Liang et al. investigate whether an abstract social space is neurally represented by a grid-like code. They trained participants to 'navigate' around a two-dimensional space of social agents characterized by the traits of warmth and competence, then measured neural activity as participants imagined navigating through this space. The primary neural analysis consisted of three procedures: 1) identifying brain regions exhibiting the hexagonal modulation characteristic of a grid-like code, 2) estimating the orientation of each region's grid, and 3) testing whether the strength of the univariate neural signal increases when a participant is navigating in a direction aligned with the grid, compared to a direction that is misaligned with the grid.

      From these analyses, the authors find the clearest evidence of a grid-like code in the prefrontal cortex and weaker evidence in the entorhinal cortex.


      The work demonstrates the existence of a grid-like neural code for a socially-relevant task, providing evidence that such coding schemes may be relevant for a variety of two-dimensional task spaces.

      Thank you very much again for your careful evaluation and thoughtful comments. Please find our response to the comments below.


      In various parts of this manuscript, the authors appear to use a variety of terms to refer to the (ostensibly) same neural regions: prefrontal cortex, frontal pole, ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). It would be useful for the authors to use more consistent terminology to avoid confusing readers.

      Thanks for pointing out the use of terms, we will try to improve that in the revision of our manuscript.

      Claims about a grid code in the entorhinal cortex are not well-supported by the analyses presented. The whole-brain analysis does not suggest that the entorhinal cortex exhibits hexagonal modulation; the strength of the entorhinal BOLD signal does not track the putative alignment of the grid code there; multivariate analyses do not reveal any evidence of a grid-like representational geometry.

      On a conceptual level, it is not entirely clear how this work advances our understanding of gridlike encoding of two-dimensional abstract spaces, or of social cognition. The study design borrows heavily from Constantinescu et al. 2016, which is itself not an inherent weakness, but the Constantinescu et al. study already suggests that grid codes are likely to underlie two-dimensional spaces, no matter how abstract or arbitrary. If there were a hypothesis that there is something unique about how grid codes operate in the social domain, that would help motivate the search for social grid codes specifically, but no such theory is provided. The authors do note that warmth and competence likely have ecological importance as social traits, but other past studies have used slightly different social dimensions without any apparent loss of generality (e.g., Park et al. 2021). There are some (seemingly) exploratory analyses examining how individual difference measures like social anxiety and avoidance might affect the brain and behavior in this study, but a strong theoretical basis for examining these particular measures is lacking.

      We acknowledge that we used very similar dimensions to the work by Park et al. (2021). While Park and colleagues (2021) took a more innovative and rigorous approach, we tried to stay close to the original design by Constantinescu et al. (2016) with the hope that our work could provide, to some extent, a close replication of their result. Our data was collected before the 2021 paper came out and as the comment points out, we did not find as complete and convincing evidence as in these previous grid-like coding fMRI papers. This may be due to low signal quality in the medial temporal region, we are not entirely sure. But we don’t think our current findings can contradict or disprove previous findings in any way.

      I found it difficult to understand the analyses examining whether behavior (i.e., reaction times) and individual difference measures (i.e., social anxiety and avoidance) can be predicted by the hexagonal modulation strength in some region X, conditional on region X having a similar estimated grid alignment with some other region Y. It is possible that I have misunderstood the authors' logic and/or methodology, but I do not feel comfortable commenting on the correctness or implications of this approach given the information provided in the current version of this manuscript.

      We apologize for not being clear enough in the manuscript and we will improve the clarity in our revision. This exploratory analysis aims to examine if there is any correlation between the strength of grid-like representation of social value map and behavioral indicators of map-like representation; and test if there are any correlation between the strength of grid-like representation of this social value map and participants’ social trait. For the behavioral indicator, we used the distance effect in the reaction time of the comparison task outside the scanner. The closer a pair of avatars are, the more similar they are, hence distinguishing them will be harder and results in longer reaction time when making comparison judgement. If participants are merely memorizing the avatars as six isolated instances without integrating them into a map, all avatars should be equidistant and there wouldn’t be a distance effect. We interpreted stronger grid-like activity as a neural index of better representation of the 2D social space, and we interpreted stronger distance effect as a behavioral index of having better internal map-like representation.

      It was puzzling to see passing references to multivariate analyses using representational similarity analysis (RSA) in the main text, given that RSA is only used in analyses presented in the supplementary material.

      We speculate if RSA in entorhinal ROI would be more sensitive than the wholebrain univariate analysis to identify grid-like code because a previous paper on grid-like code in olfactory space (Bao et al., 2019) didn’t identify grid-like representation with univariate analysis but identified it with RSA analysis. However, we failed to find evidence of grid-like code in the entorhinal ROI aligned to its own putative grid orientation with the RSA approach. We reported this result in the main text to show that we carried out a relatively thorough investigation to test the hypothesis using various approaches and decided to add references to the RSA approach in the main text as well.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review)

      Liang and colleagues set out to test whether the human brain uses distance and grid-like codes in social knowledge using a design where participants had to navigate in a two-dimensional social space based on competence and warmth during an fMRI scan. They showed that participants were able to navigate the social space and found distance-based codes as well as grid-like codes in various brain regions, and the grid-like code correlated with behavior (reaction times).

      On the whole, the experiment is designed appropriately for testing for distant-based and grid-like codes and is relatively well-powered for this type of study, with a large amount of behavioral training per participant. They revealed that a number of brain regions correlated positively or negatively with distance in the social space, and found grid-like codes in the frontal polar cortex and posterior medial entorhinal cortex, the latter in line with prior findings on grid-like activity in the entorhinal cortex. The current paper seems quite similar conceptually and in design to previous work, most notably by Park et al., 2021, Nature Neuroscience.

      Thanks very much again for your careful evaluation and comments. Please find our response to the comments below.

      Below, I raise a few issues and questions on the evidence presented here for a grid-like code as the basis of navigating abstract social space or social knowledge.

      (1) The authors claim that this study provides evidence that humans use a spatial / grid code for abstract knowledge like social knowledge.

      This data does specifically not add anything new to this argument. As with almost all studies that test for a grid code in a similar "conceptual" space (not only the current study), the problem is that when the space is not a uniform, square/circular space, and 2-dimensional then there is no reason the code will be perfectly grid-like, i.e., show six-fold symmetry. In real-world scenarios of social space (as well as navigation, semantic concepts), it must be higher dimensional - or at least more than two-dimensional. It is unclear if this generalizes to larger spaces where not all part of the space is relevant. Modelling work from Tim Behrens' lab (e.g., Whittington et al., 2020) and Bradley Love's lab (e.g., Mok & Love, 2019) have shown/argued this to be the case. In experimental work, like in mazes from the Mosers' labs (e.g., Derdikman et al., 2009), or trapezoid environments from the O'Keefe lab (Krupic et al., 2015), there are distortions in mEC cells, and would not pass as grid cells in terms of the six-fold symmetry criterion.

      The authors briefly discuss the limitations of this at the very end but do not really say how this speaks to the goal of their study and the claim that social space or knowledge is organized as a grid code and if it is in fact used in the brain in their study and beyond. This issue deserves to be discussed in more depth, possibly referring to prior work that addressed this, and raising the issue for future work to address the problem - or if the authors think it is a problem at all.

      Thanks very much for the references to the papers that we haven’t considered enough in our discussion. We will endeavour to discuss the topic in more depth in our revision. In summary, we raise this discussion point because various research groups have found gridlike representations in 2D artificial conceptual space. We think that the next step for a stronger claim would be to find the representation of more spontaneous non-spatial maps.

      Data and analysis

      (2) Concerning the negative correlation of distance with activation in the fusiform gyrus and visual cortex: this is a slightly puzzling but potentially interesting finding. However, could this be related to reaction times? The larger the distance, the longer the reaction times, so the original finding might reflect larger activations with smaller distances.

      Thanks very much for the suggestion. However, we didn’t find a correlation between response time in the choice stage in the scanner task and the negative distance activation in the fusiform gyrus (Figures below). Meanwhile, the morph period in each trial remains the same, the negative correlation of distance with activation in the fusiform gyrus could also be interpreted as a positive correlation of morphing speed with activation in the fusiform gyrus. Indeed, stronger negative activation indicates larger activation for smaller distances, but we are uncertain what it indicates concerning the functional role of Fusiform in our current task.

      Author response image 1.

      (3) Concerning the correlation of grid-like activity with behavior: is the correlation with reaction time just about how long people took (rather than a task-related neural signal)? The authors have only reported correlations with reaction time. The issue here is that the duration of reaction times also relates to the starting positions of each trial and where participants will navigate to. Considering the speed-accuracy tradeoff, could performance accuracy be negatively correlated with these grid consistency metrics? Or it could be positively correlated, which would suggest the grid signal reflects a good representation of the task.

      We apologize for not being clear enough in the manuscript and we will improve the clarity in our revision. The reaction time used to calculate the distance effect is from a task outside the scanner. The closer a pair of avatars are, the more similar they are, hence distinguishing them will be harder and results in longer reaction time when making comparison judgement. If participants are merely memorizing the avatars as six isolated instances without integrating them into a map, all avatars should be equidistant and there wouldn’t be a distance effect. We interpreted stronger grid-like activity as a neural index of better representation of the 2D social space, and we interpreted stronger distance effect as a behavioural index of having better internal map-like representation. This was the motivation behind this analysis.


      Bao, X., Gjorgieva, E., Shanahan, L. K., Howard, J. D., Kahnt, T., & Gottfried, J. A. (2019). Grid-like Neural Representations Support Olfactory Navigation of a Two-Dimensional Odor Space. Neuron, 102(5), 1066-1075 e1065. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2019.03.034

      Constantinescu, A. O., O'Reilly, J. X., & Behrens, T. E. J. (2016). Organizing conceptual knowledge in humans with a gridlike code. Science,352(6292), 1464-1468. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aaf0941

      Park, S. A., Miller, D. S., & Boorman, E. D. (2021). Inferences on a multidimensional social hierarchy use a grid-like code. Nat Neurosci, 24(9), 1292-1301. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-02100916-3

      Park, S. A., Miller, D. S., Nili, H., Ranganath, C., & Boorman, E. D. (2020). Map Making: Constructing, Combining, and Inferring on Abstract Cognitive Maps. Neuron, 107(6), 1226-1238 e1228. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2020.06.030

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We wish to thank the reviewers for their helpful insightful comments. Their concerns were mainly related to the interpretation of the data, help in clarifying our statements and improving our discussion.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      This is a very interesting study It involves the utilization of hippocampal neuronal cultures from syntaxin 1 knock-out mice. These cultures serve as a platform for monitoring changes in synaptic transmission through electrophysiological recording of postsynaptic currents, upon lentiviral infection with various isoforms, chimeras, and point mutations of syntaxins.

      The authors observe the following:

      (1) Syntaxin2 restores neuronal viability and can partially rescue Ca2+-evoked release in syntaxin1 knock-out neurons that it is much slower (cumulative charge transfer differences) and with a clearly smaller RRP than when rescued with syntaxin1. In contrast, syntaxin2-mediated rescue leads to a high increase in spontaneous release (Figure 1). Convincingly, the authors conclude that syntaxin 1 is optimized for fast phasic release and for clamping of spontaneous release, in comparison with syntaxin2.

      (2) The replacement of the SNARE domain (or its C-terminal part) of syntaxin1 by the SNARE domain of syntaxin2 (or its C-terminal part) rescues the fast kinetics, but not the amplitude, of Ca2+-evoked release. This is associated with a decrease in the size of the RRP and an increase in spontaneous release. The probability of vesicular release (PVR) is a little bit increased, which is intriguing because a little decrease would be expected instead according to the reduced RRP, indicating that an enhancement of Ca2-dependent fusion is occurring at the same time by unknown mechanisms as the authors properly point out. The replacement of the Analogous experiments in which the SNARE domain of syntaxin1 is replaced into syntaxin2, reveals the exitance of differential regulatory elements outside the SNARE domain.

      (3) Different constructs of syntaxin 1 and syntaxin 2 display different expression levels. On the other hand, the expression levels of Munc-18 are associated with the characteristics of the transfected specific syntaxin construct. In any case, the electrophysiological phenotypes cannot be consistently explained by changes in Munc-18.

      (4) Mutations in several residues of the outer surface of the C-terminal half of the syntaxin1 SNARE domain lead to alterations in the RRP and the frequency of spontaneous release, but the changes cannot attributed to a change in the net surface charge, because the alterations occur even in paired mutations in which electrical neutrality is conserved.


      (1) This is a comment regarding the interpretation of the results. In general, the decrease in the RRP size is associated with the increased frequency of spontaneous release due to unclamping. The authors claim that both phenomena seem to be independent of each other. In any case, how can the authors discard the possibility that the unclamping of spontaneous release leads to a decrease in the RRP size?

      The main argument against the reduction of the RRP being caused by the observed increase in the mEPSC frequency is based on kinetics of refilling and depletion. The average time a vesicle fuses spontaneously after it becomes primed is 500 – 1000 seconds (spontaneous vesicle release rate – STX1 Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3). The time it takes to refill the RRP after depletion is in the order of 3 seconds (Rosenmund and Stevens, 1996). Therefore, the refilling of the RRP is more than 100 times faster. Even when the spontaneous release would increase 5 fold, this would lead to less than 5 % of the steady state depletion of the RRP.

      (2) The authors have analyzed the kinetics of mEPSCs and found differences (Fig2-Supp. Fig1; Fig2-Supp. Fig1). It would be interesting and pertinent to discuss these data in the context of potential phenotypes in the fusion pore kinetics involving syntaxin1 and syntaxin2 and their SNARE domains. Indeed, the figure will improve by including averaged traces of mEPSCs.

      We thank the reviewer for the idea. Upon closer examination of the changes in mEPSC rise time and mEPSC decay time we noticed a minor slowing in the mEPSC rise time from 0.443ms (SEM0.0067) of STX1A to 0.535ms (SEM0.0151) for STX1A-2(SNARE) or 0.507ms (SEM0.01251) for STX1A-2(Cter), while the mEPSC half widths did not change significantly. It is possible that the measured change is related to the detection algorithm as mEPSC detection at elevated frequencies becomes more difficult due to increased overlap of event, and we therefore prefer to refrain from making any mechanistic claims.

      Minor comments:

      (1) Fig2 J; Fig 3 J. It is difficult to distinguish between different colors and implementing a legend within the graph will be very helpful.

      (2) Fig3 H. Please change the color of the box plot for Stx1 A to improve the contrast with the individual data points.

      (3) Page 6. Line 225. "Figure 2D and E" should be corrected to "Figure 2C and D"

      (1) Colors were changed for clearer visualization. (2) Unfortunately, changing the color did not improve the contrast with the individual plots. However, the numerical data is all included in the data sheets of the corresponding figure. (3) The mistake was corrected.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Line 135-136: Are cited numbers cited in the text mean and SEM? Please indicate.

      Line 139 and Figure 1G: The difference between purple and blue was very hard to see on my hard copy.

      Line 152: Reference to Figure 1L should probably be 1K.

      Line 183: Reference to Figure 2C should probably be Figure 2F.

      Line 225: Reference to Figure 2D and 2E should probably be 2C and 2D.

      Line 239: Reference to Figure 3I should probably be 3H.

      All typos were addressed and colors were changed for better visualization.

      Line 210-211: Sentence ("One of the benefits..") is hard to understand.

      Thank you for noticing this mistake, agreeably the the sentence did not add any important or new information and so it was deleted. Additionally, the message of the mentioned sentence was already clearly stated in lines 209-211.

      Figure 4E-H misses data for STX2, for the figure to be arranged like Figure 5.

      Given that STX1 is the endogenous syntaxin in hippocampal neurons, we use it at a control for all the analysis done in STX2 and STX2-chimera experimental groups, thus it is included in Figure 3 and 5.

      It appears that the authors do not present or discuss the Western Blot in Fig. 4D. Are the quantitative results of the Western Blot consistent with or different from the quantification of the immunostainings (Fig. 4B-C)? A similar question for Figure 5D, which also seems not to be presented.

      In terms of quantification, we have relied mainly on the ICC experiments because they test also for putative impairments in transport to the presynaptic compartment. Our WB data are overall consistent with the results, but were not used to quantitate expression of our syntaxin chimeras and mutations in the STX1-null hippocampal neuron model.

      Figure 6F-G: The normalization of spontaneous vesicular release rates is not clear, because the vesicular release rates already contain a normalization (mEPSC rate divided by RRP size). Is a further normalization of the STX1A condition informative? The authors should consider presenting the release rates themselves. In any case, the normalization should be presented/explained, at least in the legends.

      The reviewer is in principle correct. Due to the large number of experimental groups we had to perform recordings from multiple cultures, where not all experimental groups were present, while the WT STX1 was present as a consistent control. The reduce culture to culture variability, additional normalization to the WT control group was performed. However, we also included the raw data numerical values in the data-source sheets (Normalized and absolute), which produce a similar overall outcome.

      References to Figure 7 subpanels (A, B, and C) are missing.

      Thank you for the comment. We have integrated all panels into one for better representation and understanding since they are representative of one another.

      Lines 330-339 and Figure 7 in Discussion: the authors discuss that adding the non-cognate STX2 SNARE-domain to syntaxin-1 might destabilize the primed state and decrease the fusion energy barrier (as indicated in Figure 7C). What is the evidence that the decrease in RRP size is not caused solely by the depletion of the pool due to the increased spontaneous fusion?

      Please see the comments to major point 2 of reviewer 1.

      Statistics: Missing is the number of observations (n) for all data. Even if all data points are displayed, this should be stated.

      N numbers are included in the data sheets attached to each figure.

      The statement (start of Discussion,) that the SNARE-domain of STX1 'plays a minimal role in the regulation for Ca2+-evoked release' is somewhat puzzling, since without the SNARE-domain in STX1 there would be no Ca2+-evoked release. I guess these statements (similar statements are found elsewhere) are due to the interesting finding that STX2 leads to a decrease in release kinetics, compared to STX1, and this is not (entirely) due to differences in the SNARE-domain. I would suggest rephrasing the finding in terms of release kinetics. Also, the statement in the last sentence of the Abstract is not clear.

      Thank you for pointing this out and we agree that our experiments showed strong impact of the syntaxin isoform exchange on release kinetics and overall release output. A similar comment came also from reviewer #3 and so, we have addressed both comments as one.

      Our confusing statement resulted from the order of the presented results and our summarizing remarks for each section. Our statement reflected our finding that mutating residues in the C-terminal part of the STX1 SNARE motif affected only spontaneous release and RRP size but not release efficacy. We now state (pg. 6 lines 231-233) that the data observed from the comparison of “the results obtained from the Ca2+-evoked release between STX1 and STX2 support major regulatory differences of the domains outside of the SNARE domain between isoforms”.

      We have changed the abstract pg. 2 lines 55-56

      We have changed the introduction pg. 3 lines 102-105 for a better contextualization.

      We have changed the start of the discussion pg. 9 lines 250-252 for better contextualization.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      In this manuscript, Salazar-Lázaro et al. presented interesting data that C-terminal half of the Syx1 SNARE domain is responsible for clamping of spontaneous release, stabilizing RRP, and also Ca2+-evoked release. The authors routinely utilized the chimeric approach to replace the SNARE domain of Syx1 with its paralogue Syx2 and analyzed the neuronal activity through electrophysiology. The data are straightforward and fruitful. The conclusions are partly reasonable. One obvious drawback is that they did not explore the underlying mechanism. I think it is easy for the authors to carry out some simple assays to verify their hypothesis for the mechanism, instead of just talking about it in the discussion section. In all, I appreciate the data presented in the manuscript. If the authors could supply more data on the mechanisms, this would be important research in the field. Some critical comments are listed below:

      We thank the reviewer for his/her comments and suggestions.

      Major comments:

      (1) In pg.3, lines 102-104, the authors stated that 'We found that the C-terminal half of the SNARE domain of STX1.. ..while it is minimally involved in the regulation of Ca2+-evoked release.' But in pg.5, lines 174-176, they wrote that 'Replacement of the full-SNARE domain (STX1A-2(SNARE)) or the C-terminal half (STX1A-2(Cter)) of the SNARE domain of STX1A with the same domain from STX2 resulted in a reduction in the EPSC amplitude (Figure 2B).' and in pg.5-6, lines 197-199, they wrote that 'Taken together our results suggest that the C-terminal half of the SNARE domain of STX1A is involved in the regulation of the efficacy of Ca2+-evoked release, the formation of the RRP and in the clamping of spontaneous release.' It puzzles me a lot as to what the authors are really trying to express for the relationship between C-half of the SNARE complex and Ca2+-evoked release (i.e., minimally involved or significantly participate in the process?). Please clarify and reorganize the contexts.

      Please see our reply to the last comment of reviewer 2.

      (2) Figure 1-figure supplement 1, the authors should analyze Syx1/VGlut1 level additionally. And, if possible, compare the difference between Syx1/VGlut1 and Syx2/VGlut1.

      The levels of STX1/VGlut1 and STX2/VGlut1 were analyzed in detail in Figures 4 and 5.

      The direct comparison between the expression levels of these two proteins is not possible since affinities of the antibodies to the target proteins are different and can induce potential biases. While this could be overcome by the use of a FLAG-tag to the syntaxin proteins, we have not utilized this approach in this publication. We in addition inferred sufficient and comparable expression of both syntaxins from their ability to rescue some of syntaxin1 loss of function phenotypes.

      (3) Figure 2D only analyzed the EPSC half-width, could the author alternatively analyze the rise/decay time? Also, in Figure 3-figure supplement 1, does it refer to the kinetic parameters of Syx2-1A in Figure 3? It is very confused.

      We have changed the text accordingly and each parameter is referenced to its corresponding figure for clarity. As for the decay and rise time of STX1 and STX1-chimeras, they are in Figure 2-figure supplement 1A and B.

      (4) On pg.4, lines 151-152, 'Finally, no change was observed in the paired-pulse ratio (PPR) between STX1A and STX2 groups (Figure 1L).' does not contain any explanations and comments for this observation in the texts.

      The small EPSC amplitudes and altered kinetics on the STX2 constricts (Figure 1 and Figure 3) have made it more difficult to quantitate paired pulse experiments. Therefore, we preferred not to overinterpret these measurements. The findings that the paired pulse data were not significantly different, fit with the vesicular release probability measurements which showed no major changes. We have made our statement on this basis.

      (5) On pg.6, lines 235-236, the authors wrote that 'Additionally, we found that only STX2-1A(SNARE) and STX2-1A(Cter) could rescue the RRP to around double of what we measured from STX2 and STX2-1A(Nter) (figure 3F)'. However, in Figure 3F, the authors indicated 'n.s.' (p>0.05) for the differences between STX2 and STX2-1A(SNARE)/STX2-1A(Cter). It is perplexing how the authors interpret their data. Definitely, the p-value could not be arbitrarily used as a criterion of difference. An easier way is that indicating the exact p-values for each comparison (indicate in figure legends or list in tables).

      We apologize for any confusion, and hope the modification gives more clarity in our interpretation. The calculated p-values are included in attached data source tables and hope this will provide clarity to our comparative analysis. We have changed the text in pg 7 lines 238-241 and are cautious to overinterpret these results and rely more on the data observed in STX1A-chimeras, which show significant changes in the RRP.

      (6) I noticed that the authors preferred using 'xx% increase/decrease' or 'xx-fold increase/decrease' to interpret their inter-group data. I would doubt whether the interpretations are appropriate. First, it seems that most of the individual scatters from one set were not subject to Gaussian distribution; also, the authors utilized non-parameter tests to compare the differences. Second, the authors did not explicitly indicate the method to calculate the % or fold, e.g., by comparing mean value or median. I think it is a bad choice to use the median to calculate fold changes; meanwhile, the mean value would also be biased, given the fact that the data were not Gaussian-distributed. The authors should be cautious in interpreting their data.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing the inaccuracy of our descriptions and have included the parameter used to calculated the percentage and fold increase/decrease in the materials and methods section. Specifically, the mean. Our intention is to plainly state the amount of change seen in a parameter based on the observed changes in the mean value. We agree with the reviewer that interpreting this could be problematic if we are speculating possible mechanisms. Further test should be conducted as to state whether similar increase/decrease changes in a parameter are due to the disturbance of the same mechanisms or different. E.g., we discussed whether the regulation of SYT1 might be or not be the mechanism affected in some of the chimeras that show an increase in the spontaneous release rate, for the release rate observed in some is massively higher than that seen in SYT1-KO (Bouazza-Arostegui et al., 2022). It is tempting to speculate that it could be due to other mechanisms based on the differences in the changes. For this reason, we have given an array of possible mechanisms affected when we manipulate the SNARE domain of STX1.

      (7) The authors routinely analyzed the levels of Munc18-1 in neuronal lysates by WB and Munc18-1/VGlut1 by immunofluorescence in various Syx1 mutants. However, in my view, these assays were slightly indirect. It is evident that the SNARE domain of Syx1 participates in the binding to Munc18-1 according to the atomic structures (pdb entries: 3C98 and 7UDB). Meanwhile, Han et al. reported that K46E mutation (located in domain 1 of Munc18-1) strongly impairs Syx1 expression, Syx1-interaction, vesicle docking and secretion (Han et al., 2011, PMID: 21900502). Intriguingly, the residue K46 of Munc18-1, which is close to D231/R232 of Syx1, may have potential electrostatic contacts to D231 and R232 of Syx1. This is reminiscent of the possibility that Syx1D231/R232 and some Syx1-2 chimeras lost their normal function through their defective binding to Munc18-1.nmb, To better understand the underlying mechanism, the authors may need to carry out in vivo and/or in vitro binding analysis between syntaxin mutants/chimeras and Munc18-1. They also need to conduct more discussions about the issue.

      We express our gratitude for the identification of a previously overlooked aspect in our investigation of the interplay between Munc18-1 and STX1. In response, we have incorporated additional discourse on this matter in pg11 lines 419-431.

      Additionally, we appreciate the thoughtful suggestion regarding additional experiments to further explore the molecular relationship between Munc18-1 and STX1. We agree that co-immunoprecipitation experiments (either by using an antibody against Munc18-1 or STX1 and STX2) would offer greater insight into whether the binding of these proteins is affected in the isoform or the mutants. Notably, we performed immunoprecipitation experiments by using neuronal lysates of the corresponding groups and using STX1A and STX2 antibodies for the pull-downs. However, we were unable to co-IP Munc18-1 when doing so. Changing the conditions of the experiment did not yield better results and so these experiments remained inconclusive for the moment. For this reason, we included it as an open question and a potential concluding hypothesis of the molecular mechanism. However, Shi et al., 2021, have performed co-IP assays using Munc18-1-wt and a mutant form which affects the binding to the C-terminal half of the SNARE domain of STX, and STX1-wt and a STX mutants targeting some of our residues of interest and showed a decrease in the pulled-down levels of Munc18-1 using HeLa cells. We have made sure to mention the conclusion of this important publication in our discussion.

      (8) The third possible mechanism (i.e., interaction with Syt1) proposed by the authors seems more reasonable. However, the discussions raised by the authors were not enough. For instance, plenty of literature has indicated that Syt1 may participate in synaptic vesicle priming through stabilizing partially or fully assembled SNARE complex (Li et al., 2017, PMID: 28860966; Bacaj et al., 2015, PMID: 26437117; Mohrmann et al., 2013, PMID: 24005294; Wang et al., 2011; PMID: 22184197; Liu et al., 2009, PMID: 19515907); complexins are also SNARE binding modules that regulate synaptic exocytosis. Lack of complexins could lead to unclasping of spontaneous fusion of synaptic vesicles, though it causes severe Ca2+-triggered release at the same time (Maximov et al., 2009, PMID: 19164751). Meanwhile, different domains of complexin may accomplish different steps of SV fusion, early research had indicated that the C-terminal sequence of complexin is selectively required for clamping of spontaneous fusion and priming but not for Ca2+-triggered release (Kaeser-Woo et al., 2012, PMID: 22357870). Likewise, if possible, the authors may need to carry out in vivo and/or in vitro binding analysis to confirm their hypothesis.

      The exploration of complexin´s involvement was limited in our study primarily due to our methodological focus on comprehending molecular mechanisms concerning the sequence disparities between STX1 and STX2. Our laboratory has studied the role of Complexin extensively, and we certainly have had a possible involvement in mind. However, since the sites identified on syntaxin are either conserved between STX1 and STX2 or not close to the central or accessory helical domains of complexin, we did not perform experiments to test putative interactions, and we refrained from discussing complexin in this paper.

      (9) Lastly, I would suspect that whether the defects of Syx2 and Syx1 chimeras were caused by the SNARE complex itself, from another point of view that is different from the hypothesis raised by the authors. Changing the outward residues (or we say the solvent-accessible residues) of the SNARE complex may affect the stability, assembly kinetics, and energetics (Wang and Ma, 2022, PMID: 35810329; Zorman et al., 2014, PMID: 25180101), especially for the C-terminal halves. Is this another possible mechanism through which the C-terminus of Syx1 might contribute to SV priming and clamping of spontaneous release? The authors should at least conduct some discussions about the point.

      Thank you for this suggestion. We indeed assumed that since the hydrophobic layers of the SNARE domains that form the hydrophobic pocket of STX2 and STX1 are mainly conserved, that the intrinsic stability of the SNARE complex is largely unchanged. Additionally, Li et al., (2022) PMID: 35810329 examined the stability of the alfa-helix structure of the SNARE domain of SNAP25. And while they found no changes in the stability and formation of the alfa-helix when mutating outwards-facing residues for methodological purposes (bimane-tryptophan quenching), their study did not selectively explore the effect of mutations of outer-surface residues on the stability of the alfa-helix.

      Zorman et al., (2014) PMID: 25180101, as noted by the reviewer, observed that changes in the sequence of the SNARE domain (by using SNARE proteins from different trafficking systems (neuron, GLUT4, yeast…) correlated with changes in the step-wise SNARE complex assembly. However, they also did not selectively mutate the outer solvent-accessible residues, hindering conclusive speculations in the contribution of said residues on the kinetics and energetics of assembly and intrinsic stability of the SNARE complex.

      Upon petition of the reviewer, we have added this paragraph to discuss an additional mechanism:

      “As a final remark, it is possible that the changes in the spontaneous release rate and the priming stability may stem from a reduced stability of the SNARE complex itself through putative interactions between outer surface residues. Studies of the kinetics of assembly of the SNARE complex which mutate solvent-accessible residues in the C-terminal half of the SNARE domain of SYB2 have shown reduction in the stability of the SNARE complex assembly and are correlated with impaired fusion (Jiao et al., 2018). However, STX1 mutations of outward residues were inconclusive and were always accompanied by hydrophobic layer mutations (Jiao et al., 2018), which affect the assembly kinetics and energetics of the SNARE complex (Ma et al., 2015). Single molecule optical-tweezer studies have focused on the impact of regulatory molecules on the stability of assembly such as Munc18-1 (Ma et al., 2015; Jiao et al., 2018) and complexin (Hao et al., 2023), or on the intrinsic stability of the hydrophobic layers in the step-wise assembly of the SNARE complex (Gao et al., 2012; Ma et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2017). Although the conserved hydrophobic layers in the SNARE domains of STX1A and STX2 (Figure 1) suggest unchanged zippering and intrinsic stability of the complex, further studies addressing the contribution of surface residues on the stability of the alfa-helix structure of the SNARE domain of STX1 (Li et al., 2022) or the stability of the SNARE complex should be conducted.”

      Minor comments:

      (1) In pg.6, line 236, 'figure 3F', the initial 'f' should be uppercased.

      (3) On pg.11, line 396, the section title 'The interaction of the C-terminus of de SNARE domain of STX1A with Munc18-1 in the stabilization of the primed pool of vesicles.' The word 'de' is confusing, please check.

      (4) In pg.12, line 446, the section title, should 'though' be 'through'?

      These comments have been acknowledged and changed. Thank you

      (2) In pg.7, line 239, '..had an increased PVR (Figure 3G), no change in the release rate (Figure 3I)', should Figure 3I be Figure 3H? and line 240, 'and an increase in short-term depression during 10Hz train stimulation (Figure 3I)', should Figure 3I be Figure 3J? If so, Figure 3I will not be cited in the texts and lack adequate interpretations. Please check.

      We apologize for the oversight in not referencing this specific subpanel of the figure and have incorporated the reference in the text. Additionally, our interpretation of this data is connected to the mechanisms that govern efficacy of Ca2+-evoked response, and its dependence on the integrity of the entire-SNARE domain. We wish to highlight the modifications made to the discussion on the regulation of the Ca2+-evoked response based on previous reviewer comment #1, and a similar comment from reviewer #2 (as stated previously).

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Visual Perceptual Learning (VPL) results in varying degrees of generalization to tasks or stimuli not seen during training. The question of which stimulus or task features predict whether learning will transfer to a different perceptual task has long been central in the field of perceptual learning, with numerous theories proposed to address it. This paper introduces a novel framework for understanding generalization in VPL, focusing on the form invariants of the training stimulus. Contrary to a previously proposed theory that task difficulty predicts the extent of generalization - suggesting that more challenging tasks yield less transfer to other tasks or stimuli - this paper offers an alternative perspective. It introduces the concept of task invariants and investigates how the structural stability of these invariants affects VPL and its generalization. The study finds that tasks with high-stability invariants are learned more quickly. However, training with low-stability invariants leads to greater generalization to tasks with higher stability, but not the reverse. This indicates that, at least based on the experiments in this paper, an easier training task results in less generalization, challenging previous theories that focus on task difficulty (or precision). Instead, this paper posits that the structural stability of stimulus or task invariants is the key factor in explaining VPL generalization across different tasks


      • The paper effectively demonstrates that the difficulty of a perceptual task does not necessarily correlate with its learning generalization to other tasks, challenging previous theories in the field of Visual Perceptual Learning. Instead, it proposes a significant and novel approach, suggesting that the form invariants of training stimuli are more reliable predictors of learning generalization. The results consistently bolster this theory, underlining the role of invariant stability in forecasting the extent of VPL generalization across different tasks.

      • The experiments conducted in the study are thoughtfully designed and provide robust support for the central claim about the significance of form invariants in VPL generalization.


      • The paper assumes a considerable familiarity with the Erlangen program and the definitions of invariants and their structural stability, potentially alienating readers who are not versed in these concepts. This assumption may hinder the understanding of the paper's theoretical rationale and the selection of stimuli for the experiments, particularly for those unfamiliar with the Erlangen program's application in psychophysics. A brief introduction to these key concepts would greatly enhance the paper's accessibility. The justification for the chosen stimuli and the design of the three experiments could be more thoroughly articulated.

      Response: We appreciate the reviewer's feedback regarding the accessibility of our paper. In response to this feedback, we plan to enhance the introduction section of our paper to provide a concise yet comprehensive overview of the key concepts of Erlangen program. Additionally, we will provide a more thorough justification for the selection of stimuli and the experimental design in our revised version, ensuring that readers understand the rationale behind our choices.

      • The paper does not clearly articulate how its proposed theory can be integrated with existing observations in the field of VPL. While it acknowledges previous theories on VPL generalization, the paper falls short in explaining how its framework might apply to classical tasks and stimuli that have been widely used in the VPL literature, such as orientation or motion discrimination with Gabors, vernier acuity, etc. It also does not provide insight into the application of this framework to more naturalistic tasks or stimuli. If the stability of invariants is a key factor in predicting a task's generalization potential, the paper should elucidate how to define the stability of new stimuli or tasks. This issue ties back to the earlier mentioned weakness: namely, the absence of a clear explanation of the Erlangen program and its relevant concepts.

      Response: Thanks for highlighting the need for better integration of our proposed theory with existing observations in the field of VPL. Unfortunately, the theoretical framework proposed in our study is based on the Klein’s Erlangen program and is only applicable to geometric shape stimuli. For VPL studies using stimuli and paradigms that are completely unrelated to geometric transformations (such as motion discrimination with Gabors or random dots, vernier acuity, spatial frequency discrimination, contrast detection or discrimination, etc.), our proposed theory does not apply. Some stimuli employed by VPL studies can be classified into certain geometric invariants. For instance, orientation discrimination with Gabors (Dosher & Lu, 2005) and texture discrimination task (F. Wang et al., 2016) both belong to tasks involving Euclidean invariants, and circle versus square discrimination (Kraft et al., 2010) belongs to tasks involving affine invariance. However, these studies do not simultaneously involve multiple geometric invariants of varying levels stability, and thus cannot be directly compared with our research. It is worth noting that while the Klein’s hierarchy of geometries, which our study focuses on, is rarely mentioned in the field of VPL, it does have connections with concepts such as 'global/local', 'coarse/fine', 'easy/difficulty', 'complex/simple': more stable invariants are closer to 'global', 'coarse', 'easy', 'complex', while less stable invariants are closer to 'local', 'fine', 'difficulty', 'simple'. Importantly, several VPL studies have found ‘fine-to-coarse’ or ‘local-to-global’ asymmetric transfer (Chang et al., 2014; N. Chen et al., 2016; Dosher & Lu, 2005), which seems consistent with the results of our study.

      In the introduction section of our revised version and subsequent full author response, we will provide a clear explanation of the Erlangen program and elucidate how to define the stability of new stimuli or tasks. In the discussion section of our revised version, we will compare our results to other studies concerned with the generalization of perceptual learning and speculate on how our proposed theory fit with existing observations in the field of VPL.

      • The paper does not convincingly establish the necessity of its introduced concept of invariant stability for interpreting the presented data. For instance, consider an alternative explanation: performing in the collinearity task requires orientation invariance. Therefore, it's straightforward that learning the collinearity task doesn't aid in performing the other two tasks (parallelism and orientation), which do require orientation estimation. Interestingly, orientation invariance is more characteristic of higher visual areas, which, consistent with the Reverse Hierarchy Theory, are engaged more rapidly in learning compared to lower visual areas. This simpler explanation, grounded in established concepts of VPL and the tuning properties of neurons across the visual cortex, can account for the observed effects, at least in one scenario. This approach has previously been used/proposed to explain VPL generalization, as seen in (Chowdhury and DeAngelis, Neuron, 2008), (Liu and Pack, Neuron, 2017), and (Bakhtiari et al., JoV, 2020). The question then is: how does the concept of invariant stability provide additional insights beyond this simpler explanation?

      Response: We appreciate the alternative explanation proposed by the reviewer and agree that it presents a valid perspective grounded in established concepts of VPL and neural tuning properties. However, performing in the collinearity and parallelism tasks both require orientation invariance. While utilizing the orientation invariance, as proposed by the reviewer, can explain the lack of transfer from collinearity or parallelism to orientation task, it cannot explain why collinearity does not transfer to parallelism.

      As stated in the response to the previous review, in the revised discussion section, we will compare our study with other studies (including the three papers mentioned by the reviewer), aiming to clarify the necessity of the concept of invariant stability for interpreting the observed data and understanding the mechanisms underlying VPL generalization.

      • While the paper discusses the transfer of learning between tasks with varying levels of invariant stability, the mechanism of this transfer within each invariant condition remains unclear. A more detailed analysis would involve keeping the invariant's stability constant while altering a feature of the stimulus in the test condition. For example, in the VPL literature, one of the primary methods for testing generalization is examining transfer to a new stimulus location. The paper does not address the expected outcomes of location transfer in relation to the stability of the invariant. Moreover, in the affine and Euclidean conditions one could maintain consistent orientations for the distractors and targets during training, then switch them in the testing phase to assess transfer within the same level of invariant structural stability.

      Response: Thanks for raising the issue regarding the mechanism of transfer within each invariant conditions. We plan to design an additional experiment that is similar in paradigm to Experiment 2, aiming to examine how VPL generalizes to a new test location within a single invariant stability level.

      • In the section detailing the modeling experiment using deep neural networks (DNN), the takeaway was unclear. While it was interesting to observe that the DNN exhibited a generalization pattern across conditions similar to that seen in the human experiments, the claim made in the abstract and introduction that the model provides a 'mechanistic' explanation for the phenomenon seems overstated. The pattern of weight changes across layers, as depicted in Figure 7, does not conclusively explain the observed variability in generalizations. Furthermore, the substantial weight change observed in the first two layers during the orientation discrimination task is somewhat counterintuitive. Given that neurons in early layers typically have smaller receptive fields and narrower tunings, one would expect this to result in less transfer, not more.

      Response: We appreciate the reviewer's feedback regarding the clarity of our DNN modeling experiment. We acknowledge that while DNNs have been demonstrated to serve as models for visual systems as well as VPL, the claim that the model provides a ‘mechanistic’ explanation for the phenomenon still overstated. In our revised version,

      We will attempt a more detailed analysis of the DNN model while providing a more explicit explanation of the findings from the DNN modeling experiment, emphasizing its implications for understanding the observed variability in generalizations.

      Additionally, the substantial weight change observed in the first two layers during the orientation discrimination task is not contradictory to the theoretical framework we proposed, instead, it aligns with our speculation regarding the neural mechanisms of VPL for geometric invariants. Specifically, it suggests that invariants with lower stability rely more on the plasticity of lower-level brain areas, thus exhibiting poorer generalization performance to new locations or stimulus features within each invariant conditions. However, it does not imply that their learning effects cannot transfer to invariants with higher stability.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The strengths of this paper are clear: The authors are asking a novel question about geometric representation that would be relevant to a broad audience. Their question has a clear grounding in pre-existing mathematical concepts, that, to my knowledge, have been only minimally explored in cognitive science. Moreover, the data themselves are quite striking, such that my only concern would be that the data seem almost too clean. It is hard to know what to make of that, however. From one perspective, this is even more reason the results should be publicly available. Yet I am of the (perhaps unorthodox) opinion that reviewers should voice these gut reactions, even if it does not influence the evaluation otherwise. Below I offer some more concrete comments:

      (1) The justification for the designs is not well explained. The authors simply tell the audience in a single sentence that they test projective, affine, and Euclidean geometry. But despite my familiarity with these terms -- familiarity that many readers may not have -- I still had to pause for a very long time to make sense of how these considerations led to the stimuli that were created. I think the authors must, for a point that is so central to the paper, thoroughly explain exactly why the stimuli were designed the way that they were and how these designs map onto the theoretical constructs being tested.

      (2) I wondered if the design in Experiment 1 was flawed in one small but critical way. The goal of the parallelism stimuli, I gathered, was to have a set of items that is not parallel to the other set of items. But in doing that, isn't the manipulation effectively the same as the manipulation in the orientation stimuli? Both functionally involve just rotating one set by a fixed amount. (Note: This does not seem to be a problem in Experiment 2, in which the conditions are more clearly delineated.)

      (3) I wondered if the results would hold up for stimuli that were more diverse. It seems that a determined experimenter could easily design an "adversarial" version of these experiments for which the results would be unlikely to replicate. For instance: In the orientation group in Experiment 1, what if the odd-one-out was rotated 90 degrees instead of 180 degrees? Intuitively, it seems like this trial type would now be much easier, and the pattern observed here would not hold up. If it did hold up, that would provide stronger support for the authors' theory.

      It is not enough, in my opinion, to simply have some confirmatory evidence of this theory. One would have to have thoroughly tested many possible ways that theory could fail. I'm unsure that enough has been done here to convince me that these ideas would hold up across a more diverse set of stimuli.

      Response: (1) We appreciate the reviewer’s feedback regarding the justification for our experimental designs. We recognize the importance of thoroughly explaining how our stimuli were designed and how these designs correspond to the theoretical constructs being tested. In our revised version, we will enhance the introduction of Erlangen program and provide a more detailed explanation of the rationale behind our stimulus designs, aiming to enhance the clarity and transparency of our experimental approach for readers who may not be familiar with these concepts.

      (2) We appreciate the reviewer’s insight into the design of Experiment 1 and the concern regarding the potential similarity between the parallelism and orientation stimuli manipulations.

      The parallelism and orientation stimuli in Experiment 1 were first used by Olson & Attneave (1970) to support line-based models of shape coding and then adapted to measure the relative salience of different geometric properties (Chen, 1986). In the parallelism stimuli, the odd quadrant differs from the rest in line slope, while in the orientation stimuli, in contrast, the odd quadrant contains exactly the same line segments as the rest but differs in direction pointed by the angles. The result, that the odd quadrant was detected much faster in the parallelism stimuli than in the orientation stimuli, can serve as evidence for line-based models of shape coding. However, according to Chen (1986, 2005), the idea of invariants over transformations suggests a new analysis of the data: in the parallelism stimuli, the fact that line segments share the same slope essentially implies that they are parallel, and the discrimination may be actually based on parallelism. Thus, the faster discrimination of the parallelism stimuli than that of the orientation stimuli may be explained in terms of relative superiority of parallelism over orientation of angles—a Euclidean property.

      The group of stimuli in Experiment 1 has been employed by several studies to investigate scientific questions related to the Klein’s hierarchy of geometries (L. Chen, 2005; Meng et al., 2019; B. Wang et al., n.d.). Due to historical inheritance, we adopted this set of stimuli and corresponding paradigm, despite their imperfect design.

      (3) Thanks for raising the important issue of stimulus diversity and the potential for "adversarial" versions of the experiments to challenge our findings. We acknowledge the validity of your concern and recognize the need to demonstrate the robustness of our results across a range of stimuli. We plan to design additional experiments to investigate the potential implications of varying stimulus characteristics, such as different rotation angles proposed by the reviewer, on the observed patterns of performance.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study used a multi-day learning paradigm combined with fMRI to reveal neural changes reflecting the learning of new (arbitrary) shape-sound associations. In the scanner, the shapes and sounds are presented separately and together, both before and after learning. When they are presented together, they can be either consistent or inconsistent with the learned associations. The analyses focus on auditory and visual cortices, as well as the object-selective cortex (LOC) and anterior temporal lobe regions (temporal pole (TP) and perirhinal cortex (PRC)). Results revealed several learning-induced changes, particularly in the anterior temporal lobe regions. First, the LOC and PRC showed a reduced bias to shapes vs sounds (presented separately) after learning. Second, the TP responded more strongly to incongruent than congruent shape-sound pairs after learning. Third, the similarity of TP activity patterns to sounds and shapes (presented separately) was increased for non-matching shape-sound comparisons after learning. Fourth, when comparing the pattern similarity of individual features to combined shape-sound stimuli, the PRC showed a reduced bias towards visual features after learning. Finally, comparing patterns to combined shape-sound stimuli before and after learning revealed a reduced (and negative) similarity for incongruent combinations in PRC. These results are all interpreted as evidence for an explicit integrative code of newly learned multimodal objects, in which the whole is different from the sum of the parts.

      The study has many strengths. It addresses a fundamental question that is of broad interest, the learning paradigm is well-designed and controlled, and the stimuli are real 3D stimuli that participants interact with. The manuscript is well written and the figures are very informative, clearly illustrating the analyses performed.

      There are also some weaknesses. The sample size (N=17) is small for detecting the subtle effects of learning. Most of the statistical analyses are not corrected for multiple comparisons (ROIs), and the specificity of the key results to specific regions is also not tested. Furthermore, the evidence for an integrative representation is rather indirect, and alternative interpretations for these results are not considered.

      We thank the reviewer for their careful reading and the positive comments on our manuscript. As suggested, we have conducted additional analyses of theoretically-motivated ROIs and have found that temporal pole and perirhinal cortex are the only regions to show the key experience-dependent transformations. We are much more cautious with respect to multiple comparisons, and have removed a series of post hoc across-ROI comparisons that were irrelevant to the key questions of the present manuscript. The revised manuscript now includes much more discussion about alternative interpretations as suggested by the reviewer (and also by the other reviewers).

      Additionally, we looked into scanning more participants, but our scanner has since had a full upgrade and the sequence used in the current study is no longer supported by our scanner. However, we note that while most analyses contain 17 participants, we employed a within-subject learning design that is not typically used in fMRI experiments and increases our power to detect an effect. This is supported by the robust effect size of the behavioural data, whereby 17 out of 18 participants revealed a learning effect (Cohen’s D = 1.28) and which was replicated in a follow-up experiment with a larger sample size.

      We address the other reviewer comments point-by-point in the below.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Li et al. used a four-day fMRI design to investigate how unimodal feature information is combined, integrated, or abstracted to form a multimodal object representation. The experimental question is of great interest and understanding how the human brain combines featural information to form complex representations is relevant for a wide range of researchers in neuroscience, cognitive science, and AI. While most fMRI research on object representations is limited to visual information, the authors examined how visual and auditory information is integrated to form a multimodal object representation. The experimental design is elegant and clever. Three visual shapes and three auditory sounds were used as the unimodal features; the visual shapes were used to create 3D-printed objects. On Day 1, the participants interacted with the 3D objects to learn the visual features, but the objects were not paired with the auditory features, which were played separately. On Day 2, participants were scanned with fMRI while they were exposed to the unimodal visual and auditory features as well as pairs of visual-auditory cues. On Day 3, participants again interacted with the 3D objects but now each was paired with one of the three sounds that played from an internal speaker. On Day 4, participants completed the same fMRI scanning runs they completed on Day 2, except now some visual-auditory feature pairs corresponded with Congruent (learned) objects, and some with Incongruent (unlearned) objects. Using the same fMRI design on Days 2 and 4 enables a well-controlled comparison between feature- and object-evoked neural representations before and after learning. The notable results corresponded to findings in the perirhinal cortex and temporal pole. The authors report (1) that a visual bias on Day 2 for unimodal features in the perirhinal cortex was attenuated after learning on Day 4, (2) a decreased univariate response to congruent vs. incongruent visual-auditory objects in the temporal pole on Day 4, (3) decreased pattern similarity between congruent vs. incongruent pairs of visual and auditory unimodal features in the temporal pole on Day 4, (4) in the perirhinal cortex, visual unimodal features on Day 2 do not correlate with their respective visual-auditory objects on Day 4, and (5) in the perirhinal cortex, multimodal object representations across Days 2 and 4 are uncorrelated for congruent objects and anticorrelated for incongruent. The authors claim that each of these results supports the theory that multimodal objects are represented in an "explicit integrative" code separate from feature representations. While these data are valuable and the results are interesting, the authors' claims are not well supported by their findings.

      We thank the reviewer for the careful reading of our manuscript and positive comments. Overall, we now stay closer to the data when describing the results and provide our interpretation of these results in the discussion section while remaining open to alternative interpretations (as also suggested by Reviewer 1).

      (1) In the introduction, the authors contrast two theories: (a) multimodal objects are represented in the co-activation of unimodal features, and (b) multimodal objects are represented in an explicit integrative code such that the whole is different than the sum of its parts. However, the distinction between these two theories is not straightforward. An explanation of what is precisely meant by "explicit" and "integrative" would clarify the authors' theoretical stance. Perhaps we can assume that an "explicit" representation is a new representation that is created to represent a multimodal object. What is meant by "integrative" is more ambiguous-unimodal features could be integrated within a representation in a manner that preserves the decodability of the unimodal features, or alternatively the multimodal representation could be completely abstracted away from the constituent features such that the features are no longer decodable. Even if the object representation is "explicit" and distinct from the unimodal feature representations, it can in theory still contain featural information, though perhaps warped or transformed. The authors do not clearly commit to a degree of featural abstraction in their theory of "explicit integrative" multimodal object representations which makes it difficult to assess the validity of their claims.

      Due to its ambiguity, we removed the term “explicit” and now make it clear that our central question was whether crossmodal object representations require only unimodal feature-level representations (e.g., frogs are created from only the combination of shape and sound) or whether crossmodal object representations also rely on an integrative code distinct from the unimodal features (e.g., there is something more to “frog” than its original shape and sound). We now clarify this in the revised manuscript.

      “One theoretical view from the cognitive sciences suggests that crossmodal objects are built from component unimodal features represented across distributed sensory regions.8 Under this view, when a child thinks about “frog”, the visual cortex represents the appearance of the shape of the frog whereas the auditory cortex represents the croaking sound. Alternatively, other theoretical views predict that multisensory objects are not only built from their component unimodal sensory features, but that there is also a crossmodal integrative code that is different from the sum of these parts.9,10,11,12,13 These latter views propose that anterior temporal lobe structures can act as a polymodal “hub” that combines separate features into integrated wholes.9,11,14,15” – pg. 4

      For this reason, we designed our paradigm to equate the unimodal representations, such that neural differences between the congruent and incongruent conditions provide evidence for a crossmodal integrative code different from the unimodal features (because the unimodal features are equated by default in the design).

      “Critically, our four-day learning task allowed us to isolate any neural activity associated with integrative coding in anterior temporal lobe structures that emerges with experience and differs from the neural patterns recorded at baseline. The learned and non-learned crossmodal objects were constructed from the same set of three validated shape and sound features, ensuring that factors such as familiarity with the unimodal features, subjective similarity, and feature identity were tightly controlled (Figure 2). If the mind represented crossmodal objects entirely as the reactivation of unimodal shapes and sounds (i.e., objects are constructed from their parts), then there should be no difference between the learned and non-learned objects (because they were created from the same three shapes and sounds). By contrast, if the mind represented crossmodal objects as something over and above their component features (i.e., representations for crossmodal objects rely on integrative coding that is different from the sum of their parts), then there should be behavioral and neural differences between learned and non-learned crossmodal objects (because the only difference across the objects is the learned relationship between the parts). Furthermore, this design allowed us to determine the relationship between the object representation acquired after crossmodal learning and the unimodal feature representations acquired before crossmodal learning. That is, we could examine whether learning led to abstraction of the object representations such that it no longer resembled the unimodal feature representations.” – pg. 5

      Furthermore, we agree with the reviewer that our definition and methodological design does not directly capture the structure of the integrative code. With experience, the unimodal feature representations may be completely abstracted away, warped, or changed in a nonlinear transformation. We suggest that crossmodal learning forms an integrative code that is different from the original unimodal representations in the anterior temporal lobes, however, we agree that future work is needed to more directly capture the structure of the integrative code that emerges with experience.

      “In our task, participants had to differentiate congruent and incongruent objects constructed from the same three shape and sound features (Figure 2). An efficient way to solve this task would be to form distinct object-level outputs from the overlapping unimodal feature-level inputs such that congruent objects are made to be orthogonal from the representations before learning (i.e., measured as pattern similarity equal to 0 in the perirhinal cortex; Figure 5b, 6, Supplemental Figure S5), whereas non-learned incongruent objects could be made to be dissimilar from the representations before learning (i.e., anticorrelation, measured as patten similarity less than 0 in the perirhinal cortex; Figure 6). Because our paradigm could decouple neural responses to the learned object representations (on Day 4) from the original component unimodal features at baseline (on Day 2), these results could be taken as evidence of pattern separation in the human perirhinal cortex.11,12 However, our pattern of results could also be explained by other types of crossmodal integrative coding. For example, incongruent object representations may be less stable than congruent object representations, such that incongruent objects representation are warped to a greater extent than congruent objects (Figure 6).” – pg. 18

      “As one solution to the crossmodal binding problem, we suggest that the temporal pole and perirhinal cortex form unique crossmodal object representations that are different from the distributed features in sensory cortex (Figure 4, 5, 6, Supplemental Figure S5). However, the nature by which the integrative code is structured and formed in the temporal pole and perirhinal cortex following crossmodal experience – such as through transformations, warping, or other factors – is an open question and an important area for future investigation.” – pg. 18

      (2) After participants learned the multimodal objects, the authors report a decreased univariate response to congruent visual-auditory objects relative to incongruent objects in the temporal pole. This is claimed to support the existence of an explicit, integrative code for multimodal objects. Given the number of alternative explanations for this finding, this claim seems unwarranted. A simpler interpretation of these results is that the temporal pole is responding to the novelty of the incongruent visual-auditory objects. If there is in fact an explicit, integrative multimodal object representation in the temporal pole, it is unclear why this would manifest in a decreased univariate response.

      We thank the reviewer for identifying this issue. Our behavioural design controls unimodal feature-level novelty but allows object-level novelty to differ. Thus, neural differences between the congruent and incongruent conditions reflects sensitivity to the object-level differences between the combination of shape and sound. However, we agree that there are multiple interpretations regarding the nature of how the integrative code is structured in the temporal pole and perirhinal cortex. We have removed the interpretation highlighted by the reviewer from the results. Instead, we now provide our preferred interpretation in the discussion, while acknowledging the other possibilities that the reviewer mentions.

      As one possibility, these results in temporal pole may reflect “conceptual combination”. “hummingbird” – a congruent pairing – may require less neural resources than an incongruent pairing such as “bark-frog”.

      “Furthermore, these distinct anterior temporal lobe structures may be involved with integrative coding in different ways. For example, the crossmodal object representations measured after learning were found to be related to the component unimodal feature representations measured before learning in the temporal pole but not the perirhinal cortex (Figure 5, 6, Supplemental Figure S5). Moreover, pattern similarity for congruent shape-sound pairs were lower than the pattern similarity for incongruent shape-sound pairs after crossmodal learning in the temporal pole but not the perirhinal cortex (Figure 4b, Supplemental Figure S3a). As one interpretation of this pattern of results, the temporal pole may represent new crossmodal objects by combining previously learned knowledge. 8,9,10,11,13,14,15,33 Specifically, research into conceptual combination has linked the anterior temporal lobes to compound object concepts such as “hummingbird”.34,35,36 For example, participants during our task may have represented the sound-based “humming” concept and visually-based “bird” concept on Day 1, forming the crossmodal “hummingbird” concept on Day 3; Figure 1, 2, which may recruit less activity in temporal pole than an incongruent pairing such as “barking-frog”. For these reasons, the temporal pole may form a crossmodal object code based on pre-existing knowledge, resulting in reduced neural activity (Figure 3d) and pattern similarity towards features associated with learned objects (Figure 4b).”– pg. 18

      (3) The authors ran a neural pattern similarity analysis on the unimodal features before and after multimodal object learning. They found that the similarity between visual and auditory features that composed congruent objects decreased in the temporal pole after multimodal object learning. This was interpreted to reflect an explicit integrative code for multimodal objects, though it is not clear why. First, behavioral data show that participants reported increased similarity between the visual and auditory unimodal features within congruent objects after learning, the opposite of what was found in the temporal pole. Second, it is unclear why an analysis of the unimodal features would be interpreted to reflect the nature of the multimodal object representations. Since the same features corresponded with both congruent and incongruent objects, the nature of the feature representations cannot be interpreted to reflect the nature of the object representations per se. Third, using unimodal feature representations to make claims about object representations seems to contradict the theoretical claim that explicit, integrative object representations are distinct from unimodal features. If the learned multimodal object representation exists separately from the unimodal feature representations, there is no reason why the unimodal features themselves would be influenced by the formation of the object representation. Instead, these results seem to more strongly support the theory that multimodal object learning results in a transformation or warping of feature space.

      We apologize for the lack of clarity. We have now overhauled this aspect of our manuscript in an attempt to better highlight key aspects of our experimental design. In particular, because the unimodal features composing the congruent and incongruent objects were equated, neural differences between these conditions would provide evidence for an experience-dependent crossmodal integrative code that is different from its component unimodal features.

      Related to the second and third points, we were looking at the extent to which the original unimodal representations change with crossmodal learning. Before crossmodal learning, we found that the perirhinal cortex tracked the similarity between the individual visual shape features and the crossmodal objects that were composed of those visual shapes – however, there was no evidence that perirhinal cortex was tracking the unimodal sound features on those crossmodal objects. After crossmodal learning, we see that this visual shape bias in perirhinal cortex was no longer present – that is, the representation in perirhinal cortex started to look less like the visual features that comprise the objects. Thus, crossmodal learning transformed the perirhinal representations so that they were no longer predominantly grounded in a single visual modality, which may be a mechanism by which object concepts gain their abstraction. We have now tried to be clearer about this interpretation throughout the paper.

      Notably, we suggest that experience may change both the crossmodal object representations, as well as the unimodal feature representations. For example, we have previously shown that unimodal visual features are influenced by experience in parallel with the representation of the conjunction (e.g., Liang et al., 2020; Cerebral Cortex). Nevertheless, we remain open to the myriad possible structures of the integrative code that might emerge with experience.

      We now clarify these points throughout the manuscript. For example:

      “We then examined whether the original representations would change after participants learned how the features were paired together to make specific crossmodal objects, conducting the same analysis described above after crossmodal learning had taken place (Figure 5b). With this analysis, we sought to measure the relationship between the representation for the learned crossmodal object and the original baseline representation for the unimodal features. More specifically, the voxel-wise activity for unimodal feature runs before crossmodal learning was correlated to the voxel-wise activity for crossmodal object runs after crossmodal learning (Figure 5b). Another linear mixed model which included modality as a fixed factor within each ROI revealed that the perirhinal cortex was no longer biased towards visual shape after crossmodal learning (F1,32 = 0.12, p = 0.73), whereas the temporal pole, LOC, V1, and A1 remained biased towards either visual shape or sound (F1,30-32 between 16.20 and 73.42, all p < 0.001, η2 between 0.35 and 0.70).” – pg. 14

      “To investigate this effect in perirhinal cortex more specifically, we conducted a linear mixed model to directly compare the change in the visual bias of perirhinal representations from before crossmodal learning to after crossmodal learning (green regions in Figure 5a vs. 5b). Specifically, the linear mixed model included learning day (before vs. after crossmodal learning) and modality (visual feature match to crossmodal object vs. sound feature match to crossmodal object). Results revealed a significant interaction between learning day and modality in the perirhinal cortex (F1,775 = 5.56, p = 0.019, η2 = 0.071), meaning that the baseline visual shape bias observed in perirhinal cortex (green region of Figure 5a) was significantly attenuated with experience (green region of Figure 5b). After crossmodal learning, a given shape no longer invoked significant pattern similarity between objects that had the same shape but differed in terms of what they sounded like. Taken together, these results suggest that prior to learning the crossmodal objects, the perirhinal cortex had a default bias toward representing the visual shape information and was not representing sound information of the crossmodal objects. After crossmodal learning, however, the visual shape bias in perirhinal cortex was no longer present. That is, with crossmodal learning, the representations within perirhinal cortex started to look less like the visual features that comprised the crossmodal objects, providing evidence that the perirhinal representations were no longer predominantly grounded in the visual modality.” – pg. 13

      “Importantly, the initial visual shape bias observed in the perirhinal cortex was attenuated by experience (Figure 5, Supplemental Figure S5), suggesting that the perirhinal representations had become abstracted and were no longer predominantly grounded in a single modality after crossmodal learning. One possibility may be that the perirhinal cortex is by default visually driven as an extension to the ventral visual stream,10,11,12 but can act as a polymodal “hub” region for additional crossmodal input following learning.” – pg. 19

      (4) The most compelling evidence the authors provide for their theoretical claims is the finding that, in the perirhinal cortex, the unimodal feature representations on Day 2 do not correlate with the multimodal objects they comprise on Day 4. This suggests that the learned multimodal object representations are not combinations of their unimodal features. If unimodal features are not decodable within the congruent object representations, this would support the authors' explicit integrative hypothesis. However, the analyses provided do not go all the way in convincing the reader of this claim. First, the analyses reported do not differentiate between congruent and incongruent objects. If this result in the perirhinal cortex reflects the formation of new multimodal object representations, it should only be true for congruent objects but not incongruent objects. Since the analyses combine congruent and incongruent objects it is not possible to know whether this was the case. Second, just because feature representations on Day 2 do not correlate with multimodal object patterns on Day 4 does not mean that the object representations on Day 4 do not contain featural information. This could be directly tested by correlating feature representations on Day 4 with congruent vs. incongruent object representations on Day 4. It could be that representations in the perirhinal cortex are not stable over time and all representations-including unimodal feature representations-shift between sessions, which could explain these results yet not entail the existence of abstracted object representations.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and have conducted the two additional analyses. Specifically, we split the congruent and incongruent conditions and also investigated correlations between unimodal representations on Day 4 with crossmodal object representations on Day 4. There was no significant interaction between modality and congruency in any ROI across or within learning days. One possible explanation for these findings is that both congruent and incongruent crossmodal objects are represented differently from their underlying unimodal features, and all of these representations can transform with experience.

      However, the new analyses also revealed that perirhinal cortex was the only region without a modality-specific bias after crossmodal learning (e.g., Day 4 Unimodal Feature runs x Day 4 Crossmodal Object runs; now shown in Supplemental Figure S5). Overall, these results are consistent with the notion of a crossmodal integrative code in perirhinal cortex that has changed with experience and is different from the component unimodal features. Nevertheless, we explore alternative interpretations for how the crossmodal code emerges with experience in the discussion.

      “To examine whether these results differed by congruency (i.e., whether any modality-specific biases differed as a function of whether the object was congruent or incongruent), we conducted exploratory linear mixed models for each of the five a priori ROIs across learning days. More specifically, we correlated: 1) the voxel-wise activity for Unimodal Feature Runs before crossmodal learning to the voxel-wise activity for Crossmodal Object Runs before crossmodal learning (Day 2 vs. Day 2), 2) the voxel-wise activity for Unimodal Feature Runs before crossmodal learning to the voxel-wise activity for Crossmodal Object Runs after crossmodal learning (Day 2 vs Day 4), and 3) the voxel-wise activity for Unimodal Feature Runs after crossmodal learning to the voxel-wise activity for Crossmodal Object Runs after crossmodal learning (Day 4 vs Day 4). For each of the three analyses described, we then conducted separate linear mixed models which included modality (visual feature match to crossmodal object vs. sound feature match to crossmodal object) and congruency (congruent vs. incongruent)….There was no significant relationship between modality and congruency in any ROI between Day 2 and Day 2 (F1,346-368 between 0.00 and 1.06, p between 0.30 and 0.99), between Day 2 and Day 4 (F1,346-368 between 0.021 and 0.91, p between 0.34 and 0.89), or between Day 4 and Day 4 (F1,346-368 between 0.01 and 3.05, p between 0.082 and 0.93). However, exploratory analyses revealed that perirhinal cortex was the only region without a modality-specific bias and where the unimodal feature runs were not significantly correlated to the crossmodal object runs after crossmodal learning (Supplemental Figure S5).” – pg. 14

      “Taken together, the overall pattern of results suggests that representations of the crossmodal objects in perirhinal cortex were heavily influenced by their consistent visual features before crossmodal learning. However, the crossmodal object representations were no longer influenced by the component visual features after crossmodal learning (Figure 5, Supplemental Figure S5). Additional exploratory analyses did not find evidence of experience-dependent changes in the hippocampus or inferior parietal lobes (Supplemental Figure S4c-e).” – pg. 14

      “The voxel-wise matrix for Unimodal Feature runs on Day 4 were correlated to the voxel-wise matrix for Crossmodal Object runs on Day 4 (see Figure 5 in the main text for an example). We compared the average pattern similarity (z-transformed Pearson correlation) between shape (blue) and sound (orange) features specifically after crossmodal learning. Consistent with Figure 5b, perirhinal cortex was the only region without a modality-specific bias. Furthermore, perirhinal cortex was the only region where the representations of both the visual and sound features were not significantly correlated to the crossmodal objects. By contrast, every other region maintained a modality-specific bias for either the visual or sound features. These results suggest that perirhinal cortex representations were transformed with experience, such that the initial visual shape representations (Figure 5a) were no longer grounded in a single modality after crossmodal learning. Furthermore, these results suggest that crossmodal learning formed an integrative code different from the unimodal features in perirhinal cortex, as the visual and sound features were not significantly correlated with the crossmodal objects. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. Horizontal lines within brain regions indicate a significant main effect of modality. Vertical asterisks denote pattern similarity comparisons relative to 0.” – Supplemental Figure S5

      “We found that the temporal pole and perirhinal cortex – two anterior temporal lobe structures – came to represent new crossmodal object concepts with learning, such that the acquired crossmodal object representations were different from the representation of the constituent unimodal features (Figure 5, 6). Intriguingly, the perirhinal cortex was by default biased towards visual shape, but that this initial visual bias was attenuated with experience (Figure 3c, 5, Supplemental Figure S5). Within the perirhinal cortex, the acquired crossmodal object concepts (measured after crossmodal learning) became less similar to their original component unimodal features (measured at baseline before crossmodal learning); Figure 5, 6, Supplemental Figure S5. This is consistent with the idea that object representations in perirhinal cortex integrate the component sensory features into a whole that is different from the sum of the component parts, which might be a mechanism by which object concepts obtain their abstraction…. As one solution to the crossmodal binding problem, we suggest that the temporal pole and perirhinal cortex form unique crossmodal object representations that are different from the distributed features in sensory cortex (Figure 4, 5, 6, Supplemental Figure S5). However, the nature by which the integrative code is structured and formed in the temporal pole and perirhinal cortex following crossmodal experience – such as through transformations, warping, or other factors – is an open question and an important area for future investigation.” – pg. 18

      In sum, the authors have collected a fantastic dataset that has the potential to answer questions about the formation of multimodal object representations in the brain. A more precise delineation of different theoretical accounts and additional analyses are needed to provide convincing support for the theory that “explicit integrative” multimodal object representations are formed during learning.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive comments and helpful feedback. We hope that our changes to our wording and clarifications to our methodology now more clearly supports the central goal of our study: to find evidence of crossmodal integrative coding different from the original unimodal feature parts in anterior temporal lobe structures. We furthermore agree that future research is needed to delineate the structure of the integrative code that emerges with experience in the anterior temporal lobes.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      This paper uses behavior and functional brain imaging to understand how neural and cognitive representations of visual and auditory stimuli change as participants learn associations among them. Prior work suggests that areas in the anterior temporal (ATL) and perirhinal cortex play an important role in learning/representing cross-modal associations, but the hypothesis has not been directly tested by evaluating behavior and functional imaging before and after learning cross- modal associations. The results show that such learning changes both the perceived similarities amongst stimuli and the neural responses generated within ATL and perirhinal regions, providing novel support for the view that cross-modal learning leads to a representational change in these regions.

      This work has several strengths. It tackles an important question for current theories of object representation in the mind and brain in a novel and quite direct fashion, by studying how these representations change with cross-modal learning. As the authors note, little work has directly assessed representational change in ATL following such learning, despite the widespread view that ATL is critical for such representation. Indeed, such direct assessment poses several methodological challenges, which the authors have met with an ingenious experimental design. The experiment allows the authors to maintain tight control over both the familiarity and the perceived similarities amongst the shapes and sounds that comprise their stimuli so that the observed changes across sessions must reflect learned cross-modal associations among these. I especially appreciated the creation of physical objects that participants can explore and the approach to learning in which shapes and sounds are initially experienced independently and later in an associated fashion. In using multi-echo MRI to resolve signals in ventral ATL, the authors have minimized a key challenge facing much work in this area (namely the poor SNR yielded by standard acquisition sequences in ventral ATL). The use of both univariate and multivariate techniques was well-motivated and helpful in testing the central questions. The manuscript is, for the most part, clearly written, and nicely connects the current work to important questions in two literatures, specifically (1) the hypothesized role of the perirhinal cortex in representing/learning complex conjunctions of features and (2) the tension between purely embodied approaches to semantic representation vs the view that ATL regions encode important amodal/crossmodal structure.

      There are some places in the manuscript that would benefit from further explanation and methodological detail. I also had some questions about the results themselves and what they signify about the roles of ATL and the perirhinal cortex in object representation.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive feedback and address the comments in the below point-by-point responses.

      (A) I found the terms "features" and "objects" to be confusing as used throughout the manuscript, and sometimes inconsistent. I think by "features" the authors mean the shape and sound stimuli in their experiment. I think by "object" the authors usually mean the conjunction of a shape with a sound---for instance, when a shape and sound are simultaneously experienced in the scanner, or when the participant presses a button on the shape and hears the sound. The confusion comes partly because shapes are often described as being composed of features, not features in and of themselves. (The same is sometimes true of sounds). So when reading "features" I kept thinking the paper referred to the elements that went together to comprise a shape. It also comes from ambiguous use of the word object, which might refer to (a) the 3D- printed item that people play with, which is an object, or (b) a visually-presented shape (for instance, the localizer involved comparing an "object" to a "phase-scrambled" stimulus---here I assume "object" refers to an intact visual stimulus and not the joint presentation of visual and auditory items). I think the design, stimuli, and results would be easier for a naive reader to follow if the authors used the terms "unimodal representation" to refer to cases where only visual or auditory input is presented, and "cross-modal" or "conjoint" representation when both are present.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and agree. We have replaced the terms “features” and “objects” with “unimodal” and “crossmodal” in the title, text, and figures throughout the manuscript for consistency (i.e., “crossmodal binding problem”). To simplify the terminology, we have also removed the localizer results.

      (B) There are a few places where I wasn't sure what exactly was done, and where the methods lacked sufficient detail for another scientist to replicate what was done. Specifically:

      (1) The behavioral study assessing perceptual similarity between visual and auditory stimuli was unclear. The procedure, stimuli, number of trials, etc, should be explained in sufficient detail in methods to allow replication. The results of the study should also minimally be reported in the supplementary information. Without an understanding of how these studies were carried out, it was very difficult to understand the observed pattern of behavioral change. For instance, I initially thought separate behavioral blocks were carried out for visual versus auditory stimuli, each presented in isolation; however, the effects contrast congruent and incongruent stimuli, which suggests these decisions must have been made for the conjoint presentation of both modalities. I'm still not sure how this worked. Additionally, the manuscript makes a brief mention that similarity judgments were made in the context of "all stimuli," but I didn't understand what that meant. Similarity ratings are hugely sensitive to the contrast set with which items appear, so clarity on these points is pretty important. A strength of the design is the contention that shape and sound stimuli were psychophysically matched, so it is important to show the reader how this was done and what the results were.

      We agree and apologize for the lack of sufficient detail in the original manuscript. We now include much more detail about the similarity rating task. The methodology and results of the behavioral rating experiments are now shown in Supplemental Figure S1. In Figure S1a, the similarity ratings are visualized on a multidimensional scaling plot. The triangular geometry for shape (blue) and sound (red) indicate that the subjective similarity was equated within each unimodal feature across individual participants. Quantitatively, there was no difference in similarity between the congruent and incongruent pairings in Figure S1b and Figure S1c prior to crossmodal learning. In addition to providing more information on these methods in the Supplemental Information, we also now provide a more detailed description of the task in the manuscript itself. For convenience, we reproduce these sections below.

      “Pairwise Similarity Task. Using the same task as the stimulus validation procedure (Supplemental Figure S1a), participants provided similarity ratings for all combinations of the 3 validated shapes and 3 validated sounds (each of the six features were rated in the context of every other feature in the set, with 4 repeats of the same feature, for a total of 72 trials). More specifically, three stimuli were displayed on each trial, with one at the top and two at the bottom of the screen in the same procedure as we have used previously27. The 3D shapes were visually displayed as a photo, whereas sounds were displayed on screen in a box that could be played over headphones when clicked with the mouse. The participant made an initial judgment by selecting the more similar stimulus on the bottom relative to the stimulus on the top. Afterwards, the participant made a similarity rating between each bottom stimulus with the top stimulus from 0 being no similarity to 5 being identical. This procedure ensured that ratings were made relative to all other stimuli in the set.”– pg. 28

      “Pairwise similarity task and results. In the initial stimulus validation experiment, participants provided pairwise ratings for 5 sounds and 3 shapes. The shapes were equated in their subjective similarity that had been selected from a well-characterized perceptually uniform stimulus space27 and the pairwise ratings followed the same procedure as described in ref 27. Based on this initial experiment, we then selected the 3 sounds from the that were most closely equated in their subjective similarity. (a) 3D-printed shapes were displayed as images, whereas sounds were displayed in a box that could be played when clicked by the participant. Ratings were averaged to produce a similarity matrix for each participant, and then averaged to produce a group-level similarity matrix. Shown as triangular representational geometries recovered from multidimensional scaling in the above, shapes (blue) and sounds (orange) were approximately equated in their subjective similarity. These features were then used in the four-day crossmodal learning task. (b) Behavioral results from the four-day crossmodal learning task paired with multi-echo fMRI described in the main text. Before crossmodal learning, there was no difference in similarity between shape and sound features associated with congruent objects compared to incongruent objects – indicating that similarity was controlled at the unimodal feature-level. After crossmodal learning, we observed a robust shift in the magnitude of similarity. The shape and sound features associated with congruent objects were now significantly more similar than the same shape and sound features associated with incongruent objects (p < 0.001), evidence that crossmodal learning changed how participants experienced the unimodal features (observed in 17/18 participants). (c) We replicated this learning-related shift in pattern similarity with a larger sample size (n = 44; observed in 38/44 participants). *** denotes p < 0.001. Horizontal lines denote the comparison of congruent vs. incongruent conditions. – Supplemental Figure S1

      (2) The experiences through which participants learned/experienced the shapes and sounds were unclear. The methods mention that they had one minute to explore/palpate each shape and that these experiences were interleaved with other tasks, but it is not clear what the other tasks were, how many such exploration experiences occurred, or how long the total learning time was. The manuscript also mentions that participants learn the shape-sound associations with 100% accuracy but it isn't clear how that was assessed. These details are important partly b/c it seems like very minimal experience to change neural representations in the cortex.

      We apologize for the lack of detail and agree with the reviewer’s suggestions – we now include much more information in the methods section. Each behavioral day required about 1 hour of total time to complete, and indeed, participants rapidly learned their associations with minimal experience. For example:

      “Behavioral Tasks. On each behavioral day (Day 1 and Day 3; Figure 2), participants completed the following tasks, in this order: Exploration Phase, one Unimodal Feature 1-back run (26 trials), Exploration Phase, one Crossmodal 1-back run (26 trials), Exploration Phase, Pairwise Similarity Task (24 trials), Exploration Phase, Pairwise Similarity Task (24 trials), Exploration Phase, Pairwise Similarity Task (24 trials), and finally, Exploration Phase. To verify learning on Day 3, participants also additionally completed a Learning Verification Task at the end of the session. – pg. 27

      “The overall procedure ensured that participants extensively explored the unimodal features on Day 1 and the crossmodal objects on Day 3. The Unimodal Feature and the Crossmodal Object 1-back runs administered on Day 1 and Day 3 served as practice for the neuroimaging sessions on Day 2 and Day 4, during which these 1-back tasks were completed. Each behavioral session required less than 1 hour of total time to complete.” – pg. 27

      “Learning Verification Task (Day 3 only). As the final task on Day 3, participants completed a task to ensure that participants successfully formed their crossmodal pairing. All three shapes and sounds were randomly displayed in 6 boxes on a display. Photos of the 3D shapes were shown, and sounds were played by clicking the box with the mouse cursor. The participant was cued with either a shape or sound, and then selected the corresponding paired feature. At the end of Day 3, we found that all participants reached 100% accuracy on this task (10 trials).” – pg. 29

      (3) I didn't understand the similarity metric used in the multivariate imaging analyses. The manuscript mentions Z-scored Pearson's r, but I didn't know if this meant (a) many Pearson coefficients were computed and these were then Z-scored, so that 0 indicates a value equal to the mean Pearson correlation and 1 is equal to the standard deviation of the correlations, or (b) whether a Fisher Z transform was applied to each r (so that 0 means r was also around 0). From the interpretation of some results, I think the latter is the approach taken, but in general, it would be helpful to see, in Methods or Supplementary information, exactly how similarity scores were computed, and why that approach was adopted. This is particularly important since it is hard to understand the direction of some key effects.

      The reviewer is correct that the Fisher Z transform was applied to each individual r before averaging the correlations. This approach is generally recommended when averaging correlations (see Corey, Dunlap, & Burke, 1998). We are now clearer on this point in the manuscript:

      “The z-transformed Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used as the distance metric for all pattern similarity analyses. More specifically, each individual Pearson correlation was Fisher z-transformed and then averaged (see 61).” – pg. 32

      (C) From Figure 3D, the temporal pole mask appears to exclude the anterior fusiform cortex (or the ventral surface of the ATL generally). If so, this is a shame, since that appears to be the locus most important to cross-modal integration in the "hub and spokes" model of semantic representation in the brain. The observation in the paper that the perirhinal cortex seems initially biased toward visual structure while more superior ATL is biased toward auditory structure appears generally consistent with the "graded hub" view expressed, for instance, in our group's 2017 review paper (Lambon Ralph et al., Nature Reviews Neuroscience). The balance of visual- versus auditory-sensitivity in that work appears balanced in the anterior fusiform, just a little lateral to the anterior perirhinal cortex. It would be helpful to know if the same pattern is observed for this area specifically in the current dataset.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. After close inspection of Lambon Ralph et al. (2017), we believe that our perirhinal cortex mask appears to be overlapping with the ventral ATL/anterior fusiform region that the reviewer mentions. See Author response image 1 for a visual comparison:

      Author response image 1.

      The top four figures are sampled from Lambon Ralph et al (2017), whereas the bottom two figures visualize our perirhinal cortex mask (white) and temporal pole mask (dark green) relative to the fusiform cortex. The ROIs visualized were defined from the Harvard-Oxford atlas.

      We now mention this area of overlap in our manuscript and link it to the hub and spokes model:

      “Notably, our perirhinal cortex mask overlaps with a key region of the ventral anterior temporal lobe thought to be the central locus of crossmodal integration in the “hub and spokes” model of semantic representations.9,50 – pg. 20

      (D) While most effects seem robust from the information presented, I'm not so sure about the analysis of the perirhinal cortex shown in Figure 5. This compares (I think) the neural similarity evoked by a unimodal stimulus ("feature") to that evoked by the same stimulus when paired with its congruent stimulus in the other modality ("object"). These similarities show an interaction with modality prior to cross-modal association, but no interaction afterward, leading the authors to suggest that the perirhinal cortex has become less biased toward visual structure following learning. But the plots in Figures 4a and b are shown against different scales on the y-axes, obscuring the fact that all of the similarities are smaller in the after-learning comparison. Since the perirhinal interaction was already the smallest effect in the pre-learning analysis, it isn't really surprising that it drops below significance when all the effects diminish in the second comparison. A more rigorous test would assess the reliability of the interaction of comparison (pre- or post-learning) with modality. The possibility that perirhinal representations become less "visual" following cross-modal learning is potentially important so a post hoc contrast of that kind would be helpful.

      We apologize for the lack of clarity. We conducted a linear mixed model to assess the interaction between modality and crossmodal learning day (before and after crossmodal learning) in the perirhinal cortex as described by the reviewer. The critical interaction was significant, which is now clarified in the text as well as in the rescaled figure plots.

      “To investigate this effect in perirhinal cortex more specifically, we conducted a linear mixed model to directly compare the change in the visual bias of perirhinal representations from before crossmodal learning to after crossmodal learning (green regions in Figure 5a vs. 5b). Specifically, the linear mixed model included learning day (before vs. after crossmodal learning) and modality (visual feature match to crossmodal object vs. sound feature match to crossmodal object). Results revealed a significant interaction between learning day and modality in the perirhinal cortex (F1,775 = 5.56, p = 0.019, η2 = 0.071), meaning that the baseline visual shape bias observed in perirhinal cortex (green region of Figure 5a) was significantly attenuated with experience (green region of Figure 5b). After crossmodal learning, a given shape no longer invoked significant pattern similarity between objects that had the same shape but differed in terms of what they sounded like. Taken together, these results suggest that prior to learning the crossmodal objects, the perirhinal cortex had a default bias toward representing the visual shape information and was not representing sound information of the crossmodal objects. After crossmodal learning, however, the visual shape bias in perirhinal cortex was no longer present. That is, with crossmodal learning, the representations within perirhinal cortex started to look less like the visual features that comprised the crossmodal objects, providing evidence that the perirhinal representations were no longer predominantly grounded in the visual modality.” – pg. 13

      We note that not all effects drop in Figure 5b (even in regions with a similar numerical pattern similarity to PRC, like the hippocampus – also see Supplemental Figure S5 for a comparison for patterns only on Day 4), suggesting that the change in visual bias in PRC is not simply due to noise.

      “Importantly, the change in pattern similarity in the perirhinal cortex across learning days (Figure 5) is unlikely to be driven by noise, poor alignment of patterns across sessions, or generally reduced responses. Other regions with numerically similar pattern similarity to perirhinal cortex did not change across learning days (e.g., visual features x crossmodal objects in A1 in Figure 5; the exploratory ROI hippocampus with numerically similar pattern similarity to perirhinal cortex also did not change in Supplemental Figure S4c-d).” – pg. 14

      (E) Is there a reason the authors did not look at representation and change in the hippocampus? As a rapid-learning, widely-connected feature-binding mechanism, and given the fairly minimal amount of learning experience, it seems like the hippocampus would be a key area of potential import for the cross-modal association. It also looks as though the hippocampus is implicated in the localizer scan (Figure 3c).

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and now include additional analyses for the hippocampus. We found no evidence of crossmodal integrative coding different from the unimodal features. Rather, the hippocampus seems to represent the convergence of unimodal features, as evidenced by …[can you give some pithy description for what is meant by “convergence” vs “integration”?]. We provide these results in the Supplemental Information and describe them in the main text:

      “Analyses for the hippocampus (HPC) and inferior parietal lobe (IPL). (a) In the visual vs. auditory univariate analysis, there was no visual or sound bias in HPC, but there was a bias towards sounds that increased numerically after crossmodal learning in the IPL. (b) Pattern similarity analyses between unimodal features associated with congruent objects and incongruent objects. Similar to Supplemental Figure S3, there was no main effect of congruency in either region. (c) When we looked at the pattern similarity between Unimodal Feature runs on Day 2 to Crossmodal Object runs on Day 2, we found that there was significant pattern similarity when there was a match between the unimodal feature and the crossmodal object (e.g., pattern similarity > 0). This pattern of results held when (d) correlating the Unimodal Feature runs on Day 2 to Crossmodal Object runs on Day 4, and (e) correlating the Unimodal Feature runs on Day 4 to Crossmodal Object runs on Day 4. Finally, (f) there was no significant pattern similarity between Crossmodal Object runs before learning correlated to Crossmodal Object after learning in HPC, but there was significant pattern similarity in IPL (p < 0.001). Taken together, these results suggest that both HPC and IPL are sensitive to visual and sound content, as the (c, d, e) unimodal feature-level representations were correlated to the crossmodal object representations irrespective of learning day. However, there was no difference between congruent and incongruent pairings in any analysis, suggesting that HPC and IPL did not represent crossmodal objects differently from the component unimodal features. For these reasons, HPC and IPL may represent the convergence of unimodal feature representations (i.e., because HPC and IPL were sensitive to both visual and sound features), but our results do not seem to support these regions in forming crossmodal integrative coding distinct from the unimodal features (i.e., because representations in HPC and IPL did not differentiate the congruent and incongruent conditions and did not change with experience). * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. Asterisks above or below bars indicate a significant difference from zero. Horizontal lines within brain regions in (a) reflect an interaction between modality and learning day, whereas horizontal lines within brain regions in reflect main effects of (b) learning day, (c-e) modality, or (f) congruency.” – Supplemental Figure S4.

      “Notably, our perirhinal cortex mask overlaps with a key region of the ventral anterior temporal lobe thought to be the central locus of crossmodal integration in the “hub and spokes” model of semantic representations.9,50 However, additional work has also linked other brain regions to the convergence of unimodal representations, such as the hippocampus51,52,53 and inferior parietal lobes.54,55 This past work on the hippocampus and inferior parietal lobe does not necessarily address the crossmodal binding problem that was the main focus of our present study, as previous findings often do not differentiate between crossmodal integrative coding and the convergence of unimodal feature representations per se. Furthermore, previous studies in the literature typically do not control for stimulus-based factors such as experience with unimodal features, subjective similarity, or feature identity that may complicate the interpretation of results when determining regions important for crossmodal integration. Indeed, we found evidence consistent with the convergence of unimodal feature-based representations in both the hippocampus and inferior parietal lobes (Supplemental Figure S4), but no evidence of crossmodal integrative coding different from the unimodal features. The hippocampus and inferior parietal lobes were both sensitive to visual and sound features before and after crossmodal learning (see Supplemental Figure S4c-e). Yet the hippocampus and inferior parietal lobes did not differentiate between the congruent and incongruent conditions or change with experience (see Supplemental Figure S4).” – pg. 20

      (F) The direction of the neural effects was difficult to track and understand. I think the key observation is that TP and PRh both show changes related to cross-modal congruency - but still it would be helpful if the authors could articulate, perhaps via a schematic illustration, how they think representations in each key area are changing with the cross-modal association. Why does the temporal pole come to activate less for congruent than incongruent stimuli (Figure 3)? And why do TP responses grow less similar to one another for congruent relative to incongruent stimuli after learning (Figure 4)? Why are incongruent stimulus similarities anticorrelated in their perirhinal responses following cross-modal learning (Figure 6)?

      We thank the author for identifying this issue, which was also raised by the other reviewers. The reviewer is correct that the key observation is that the TP and PRC both show changes related to crossmodal congruency (given that the unimodal features were equated in the methodological design). However, the structure of the integrative code is less clear, which we now emphasize in the main text. Our findings provide evidence of a crossmodal integrative code that is different from the unimodal features, and future studies are needed to better understand the structure of how such a code might emerge. We now more clearly highlight this distinction throughout the paper:

      “By contrast, perirhinal cortex may be involved in pattern separation following crossmodal experience. In our task, participants had to differentiate congruent and incongruent objects constructed from the same three shape and sound features (Figure 2). An efficient way to solve this task would be to form distinct object-level outputs from the overlapping unimodal feature-level inputs such that congruent objects are made to be orthogonal from the representations before learning (i.e., measured as pattern similarity equal to 0 in the perirhinal cortex; Figure 5b, 6, Supplemental Figure S5), whereas non-learned incongruent objects could be made to be dissimilar from the representations before learning (i.e., anticorrelation, measured as patten similarity less than 0 in the perirhinal cortex; Figure 6). Because our paradigm could decouple neural responses to the learned object representations (on Day 4) from the original component unimodal features at baseline (on Day 2), these results could be taken as evidence of pattern separation in the human perirhinal cortex.11,12 However, our pattern of results could also be explained by other types of crossmodal integrative coding. For example, incongruent object representations may be less stable than congruent object representations, such that incongruent objects representation are warped to a greater extent than congruent objects (Figure 6).” – pg. 18

      “As one solution to the crossmodal binding problem, we suggest that the temporal pole and perirhinal cortex form unique crossmodal object representations that are different from the distributed features in sensory cortex (Figure 4, 5, 6, Supplemental Figure S5). However, the nature by which the integrative code is structured and formed in the temporal pole and perirhinal cortex following crossmodal experience – such as through transformations, warping, or other factors – is an open question and an important area for future investigation. Furthermore, these anterior temporal lobe structures may be involved with integrative coding in different ways. For example, the crossmodal object representations measured after learning were found to be related to the component unimodal feature representations measured before learning in the temporal pole but not the perirhinal cortex (Figure 5, 6, Supplemental Figure S5). Moreover, pattern similarity for congruent shape-sound pairs were lower than the pattern similarity for incongruent shape-sound pairs after crossmodal learning in the temporal pole but not the perirhinal cortex (Figure 4b, Supplemental Figure S3a). As one interpretation of this pattern of results, the temporal pole may represent new crossmodal objects by combining previously learned knowledge. 8,9,10,11,13,14,15,33 Specifically, research into conceptual combination has linked the anterior temporal lobes to compound object concepts such as “hummingbird”.34,35,36 For example, participants during our task may have represented the sound-based “humming” concept and visually-based “bird” concept on Day 1, forming the crossmodal “hummingbird” concept on Day 3; Figure 1, 2, which may recruit less activity in temporal pole than an incongruent pairing such as “barking-frog”. For these reasons, the temporal pole may form a crossmodal object code based on pre-existing knowledge, resulting in reduced neural activity (Figure 3d) and pattern similarity towards features associated with learned objects (Figure 4b).” – pg. 18

      This work represents a key step in our advancing understanding of object representations in the brain. The experimental design provides a useful template for studying neural change related to the cross-modal association that may prove useful to others in the field. Given the broad variety of open questions and potential alternative analyses, an open dataset from this study would also likely be a considerable contribution to the field.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer 1

      Comment 1.1: “Did the UKB or HCHS datasets have information on accurate markers of insulin resistance, such as HbA1c or HOMA-IR (if fasting glucose was not available)? Looking at that data would allow us to determine the contribution of insulin resistance to the observed cortical phenotype.”

      Reply 1.1: We appreciate the insightful suggestion from the reviewer. In response, we incorporated the HbA1c into our analysis, enhancing its sensitivity to potential effects of insulin resistance. Subsequently, our analysis was reperformed, integrating HbA1c alongside non-fasting blood glucose in the PLS. This addition did not alter our main results, i.e., that of the PLS, virtual histology, and network contextualization analysis. Notably, as a result of the inclusion of HbA1c, the second latent variable now accounted for a greater shared variance (22.13%), with HbA1c showing the highest loading among MetS component variables. The manuscript has been thoroughly revised to incorporate these results.

      Comments 1.2: “(Results, p.13, 291-292) "A correlation matrix relating all considered MetS component measures is displayed in supplementary figure S12. Please clarify in this figure labels whether this was non-fasting glucose. If this is non-fasting glucose, it is not a MetS-related risk factor. The reader might be misled into thinking that fasting-glucose has a weak correlation, while its contribution (and the effect of insulin resistance) was not studied here.”

      “Table S8 and Table S9: Is the glucose metric here measured following fasting? If not, this should not be listed as a metabolic syndrome criterion. Or it should be specified that it isn't fasted glucose, otherwise, it sounds misleading.”

      Reply 1.2: We thank the reviewer for bringing this ambiguity to our attention. The initial analysis included only non-fasting plasma glucose in the PLS, as fasting plasma glucose data was unavailable for UKB and HCHS participants. Following your suggestion in reply 1.1, we have now incorporated HbA1c, a more indicative marker of insulin resistance. We retained non-fasting blood glucose in our analysis, recognizing its relevance as a diagnostic variable for type 2 diabetes mellitus, although it is less informative than fasting plasma glucose, HbA1c, or HOMA-IR. This decision is substantiated by the significant correlation found between non-fasting plasma glucose and HbA1c in our sample (r=.49).

      To enhance clarity, we have revised the methods section to explicitly mention that the study investigates non-fasting blood glucose. The revised sentence reads: “Here, we related regional cortical thickness and subcortical volumes to clinical measurements of MetS components, i.e., obesity (waist circumference, hip circumference, waist-hip ratio, body mass index), arterial hypertension (systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure), dyslipidemia (high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, total cholesterol, triglycerides) and insulin resistance (HbA1c, non-fasting blood glucose).”

      Additionally, we have updated the caption of supplementary figure S13 (formerly supplementary figure S12) to clearly indicate the investigation of non-fasting plasma glucose. The table detailing diagnostic MetS criteria (supplementary table S2) has also been amended to clarify the absence of fasting plasma glucose data in our study and to indicate that only data on antidiabetic therapy and diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus were used as criteria for insulin resistance in the case-control analysis.

      Comment 1.3: “I do not understand how the authors can claim there is a deterministic relationship there if all the results are only correlational or comparative. Can the differences in functional connectivity and white matter fiber tracts observed not be caused by the changes in cortices they relate to? How can the authors be sure the network organisation is shaping the cortical effects and not the opposite (the cortical changes influence the network organisation)? This should be further discussed or explained.”

      Reply 1.3: We agree with the reviewer's comment on the non-causative nature of our data and have accordingly revised the discussion section to reflect a more cautious interpretation of our findings. We have carefully reframed our language to avoid any implications of causality, ensuring the narrative aligns with the correlational nature of our data. Nevertheless, we believe that exploring causal interpretations can offer valuable clinical insights. Therefore, while moderating our language, we have maintained certain speculative discussions regarding potential causative pathomechanistic pathways.

      Comment 1.4: “The hippocampus is also an area where changes have consistently been observed. Why did the authors limit their analysis to the cortex.”

      Reply 1.4: We appreciate this reviewer comment. In response, we have added volumes of Melbourne Subcortical Atlas parcels (including the hippocampus) to the analysis. Corresponding results are now shown in figure 2. The subcortical bootstrap ratios indicated that higher MetS severity was related to lower volumes across all investigated subcortical structures.

      Comment 1.5: “Which field ID of the UK biobank are the measures referring to? If possible, please specify the Field ID for each of the UKB metrics used in the study.”

      Reply 1.5: We thank the reviewer for the recommendation. The Field IDs used in our study are now listed in supplementary figure S1.

      Comment 1.6: “Several Figures were wrongly annotated, making it hard to follow the text.”

      Reply 1.6: Thank you for bringing the annotation issues to our awareness. We have thoroughly edited all annotations which should now correctly reference the figure content.

      Reviewer 2

      Comment 2.1: “Do the authors have the chance to see how the pattern relates to changes in cognitive function in the UKBB and possibly HCHS? This could help to provide some evidence about the directionality of the effect.” Reply 2.1: Thank you for your suggestion. We acknowledge the potential value of investigating gray matter morphometric data alongside longitudinal information on cognitive function. Although we concur with the significance of this approach, we are constrained by the ongoing processing of the UKB's imaging follow-up data and the pending release of the HCHS follow-up data. Consequently, our current analysis cannot incorporate this aspect for now. We plan to explore the relationship between MetS, cognition and brain morphology using longitudinal data as soon as it becomes available.

      Comment 2.2: “Also, you could project new data onto the component and establish a link with cognition in a third sample which would be even more convincing. I can offer LIFE-Adult study for this aim.”

      Reply 2.2: We are grateful for your recommendation to enhance our study's robustness by including a third sample to establish a cognitive link. While we recognize the merit of such a sensitivity analysis, we believe that our current dataset, derived from two large, independent cohorts, is sufficiently comprehensive for the scope of our current analysis. However, we are open to considering this approach in future studies and appreciate your offer of the LIFE-Adult study. We would welcome further conversation with you regarding future joint projects.

      Comment 2.3: “The sentences (p.17, ll.435 ff) seem to repeat: "Interestingly, we also observed a positive relationship between cortical thickness and MetS in the superior frontal, parietal and occipital lobe. Interpretation of this result is, however, less intuitive. We also noted a positive MetS-cortical thickness association in superior frontal, parietal and occipital lobes, a less intuitive finding that has been previously reported [60,61].”

      Reply 2.3: Thank you for making us aware of this duplication. We have deleted the first part of the section. It now reads “We also noted a positive MetS-cortical thickness association in superior frontal, parietal and occipital lobes, a less intuitive finding that has been previously reported.”

      Comment 2.4: “I would highly appreciate empirical evidence for the claim in ll. 442 "In support of this hypothesis, the determined cortical thickness abnormality pattern is consistent with the atrophy pattern found in vascular mild cognitive impairment and vascular dementia" Considering the previous reports about the co-localization of obesity-associated atrophy and AD neurodegeneration (Morys et al. 2023, DOI: 10.3233/JAD-220535), that most dementias are mixed and that MetS probably increases dementia risk through both AD and vascular mechanisms, I feel such "binary" claims on VaD/AD-related atrophy patterns should be backed up empirically.”

      Reply 2.4: Thank you for highlighting the need for clarity in differentiating between vascular and Alzheimer's dementia. We recognize the intricate overlap in dementia pathologies. Acknowledging the prevalence of mixed dementia and the influence of MetS on both AD and vascular mechanisms, we realize our original statement might have implied a specificity to vascular dementia, which was not intended.

      To address your concern, we have revised our statement to avoid an exclusive focus on vascular pathology, ensuring a more balanced representation of dementia types. Additionally, we have included Morys et al. 2023 as a reference. The section now reads: “In support of this hypothesis, the determined brain morphological abnormality pattern is consistent with the atrophy pattern found in vascular mild cognitive impairment, vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s dementia.”

      Comment 2.5: “I wonder how specific the cell-type results are to this covariance pattern. Maybe patterns of CT (independent of MetS) show similar associations with one or more of the reported celltypes? Would it be possible to additionally show the association of the first three components of general cortical thickness variation with the cell type densities?”

      Reply 2.5: Thank you for your query regarding the specificity of the cell-type results to the observed covariance pattern. To address this, we have conducted a virtual histology analysis of the first three latent variables of the main analysis PLS. The findings of this extended analysis have been detailed in the supplementary Figure S21. The imaging covariance profile of latent variable 2 was significantly associated with the density of excitatory neurons of subtype 3. The imaging covariance profile linked to latent variable 3 showed no significant association of cell type densities. Possibly, latent variable 3 represents only a noise component as it explained only 2.12% of shared variance. We hope this addition provides a clearer understanding of the specificity of our main results.

      Comment 2.6: “I agree that this multivariate approach can contribute to a more holistic understanding, yet I would like to see the discussion expanded on how to move on from here. Should we target the MetS more comprehensively or would it be best to focus on obesity (being the strongest contributor and risk factor for other "downstream" conditions such as T2DM)? A holistic approach is somewhat at odds with the in-depth investigation of specific mechanisms.”

      Reply 2.6: We value your suggestion to elaborate on the implications of our findings. Our study indicates that obesity may have the most pronounced impact on brain morphology among MetS components, suggesting it as a key contributor to the clinical-anatomical covariance pattern observed in our analysis. This highlights obesity as a primary target for future research and preventive strategies. However, we believe that our results warrant further validation, ideally through longitudinal studies, before drawing definitive clinical conclusions.

      Additionally, our study endorses a comprehensive approach to MetS, highlighting the importance of considering the syndrome as a whole to gain broader insights. We want to clarify, however, that such an approach is meant to complement, rather than replace, the study of individual cardiometabolic risk factors. The broad perspective our study adopts is facilitated by its epidemiological nature, which may not be as applicable in experimental settings that are vital for deriving mechanistic disease insights.

      To reflect these points, we have expanded the discussion in our manuscript to include a more detailed consideration of these implications and future research directions.

      Comment 2.7: “Please report the number of missing variables.”

      Reply 2.7: Thank you for your request to report the number of missing variables. We would like to direct your attention to table 1, where we have listed the number of available values for each variable in parentheses. To determine the number of missing variables, one can subtract these numbers from the total sample size.

      Comment 2.8: “Was the pattern similar in pre-clinical (pre-diabetes, pre-hypertension) vs. clinical conditions?“

      Reply 2.8: Thank you for your interest in the applicability of our findings across different MetS severity levels. Our analysis employs a continuous framework to encompass the entire range of vascular and cardiometabolic risks, including those only mildly affected by MetS. The linear relationship we observed between MetS severity and gray matter morphology patterns, as illustrated in Figure 2d, supports the interpretation that our findings apply to the entire spectrum of MetS severities.

      Comment 2.9: “How did you deal with medication (anti-hypertensive, anti-diabetic, statins..)?”

      Reply 2.9: Information on medication was considered for defining MetS for the case-control sensitivity analysis but was not included in the PLS. Detailed information can be found in table 1.

      Comment 2.10: “It would be really interesting to determine the genetic variations associated with the latent component. Have you considered doing a GWAS on this, potentially in the CHARGE consortium or with UKBB as discovery and HCHS as replication sample?”

      Reply 2.10: Thank you for your valuable suggestion regarding the implementation of a GWAS. We agree that incorporating a GWAS would provide significant insights, but we also recognize that it extends beyond the scope of our current analysis. However, we are actively planning a follow-up analysis. This subsequent analysis will encompass a comprehensive examination of both genetic variation and imaging findings in the context of MetS.

      Comment 2.11: “Please provide more information on which data fields from UKBB were used exactly (e.g. in github repository).”

      Reply 2.11: We appreciate your recommendation. The details regarding the Field IDs used in our study have been included as supplementary table S1.

      Reviewer 3

      Comments 3.1: “After a thorough review of the methods and results sections, I found no direct or strong evidence supporting the authors' claim that the identified latent variables were related to more severe MetS to worse cognitive performance. While a sub-group comparison was conducted, it did not adequately account for confounding factors such as educational level.”

      “Page 18-19 lines 431-446: the fifth paragraph in the discussion section. - As previously mentioned in the "Weaknesses" section, this study did not conduct a direct association analysis between MetS and cognitive levels without considering subgroup comparisons. Hence, I recommend the content of this paragraph warrants careful reconsideration.”

      Reply 3.1: We acknowledge the reviewer's constructive feedback regarding our analysis of cognitive data. We have performed a mediation analysis relating the subject-specific clinical PLS score of latent variable 1 representing MetS severity and cognitive test performances and testing for mediating effects of the imaging PLS score capturing the MetS-related brain morphological abnormalities. The imaging score was found to statistically mediate the relationship between the clinical PLS score and executive function and processing speed, memory, and reasoning test performance. These findings highlight brain structural differences as a relevant pathomechanistic correlate in the relationship of MetS and cognition. Corresponding information can now be found in figure 3, methods section 2.6.2, result section 3.3 and discussion section 4.2.

      Moreover, we would like to apologize for any confusion caused by previous unclear presentation. Our study further incorporates association analyses between MetS, brain structure, and cognition using MetS components, regional brain morphological measures, and cognitive performance data in a PLS to investigate whether cognitive measures contribute to the latent variable. These analyses were separately performed on the UK Biobank and HCHS datasets, due to their distinct cognitive assessments. We adjusted for age, sex, and education in the subgroup analyses by removing their effects from the input variables. These relationships are detailed in supplementary figures S16b and S17b, with loadings close to zero for age, sex, and education, confirming effective deconfounding.

      In sum, we greatly appreciate the suggestion to conduct a mediation analysis, which has substantially enhanced the strength and relevance of our analysis.

      Comment 3.2: “I would suggest the authors provide a more comprehensive description of the metrics used to assess each MetS component, such as obesity (incorporating parameters like waist circumference, hip circumference, waist-hip ratio, and body mass index) and arterial hypertension (detailing metrics like systolic and diastolic blood pressure), etc.”

      Reply 3.2: Thank you for your suggestion regarding a more detailed description of the metrics for assessing each component of MetS. We would like to point out that the specific metrics used, including those for obesity (such as waist circumference, hip circumference, waist-hip ratio, and body mass index) and arterial hypertension (including systolic and diastolic blood pressure), are comprehensively detailed in table 1 of our manuscript. We hope this table provides the clarity and specificity you are seeking regarding the MetS assessment metrics in our study.

      Comment 3.3: “I recommend the inclusion of an additional, detailed flowchart to further illustrate the procedure of virtual histology analysis. This would enhance the clarity of the methodological approach and assist readers in better comprehending the analysis method.”

      Reply 3.3: Thank you for your suggestion. Recognizing the challenges in visually representing many of our analysis steps, we have instead supplemented our manuscript with additional references. These references provide a clearer understanding of our virtual histology approach, particularly focusing on the processing of regional microarray expression data.

      The corresponding sentence reads: “Further details on the processing steps covered by ABAnnotate can be found elsewhere (https://osf.io/gcxun) [42]”

      Comment 3.4: “Why were both brain hemispheres used instead of solely utilizing the left hemisphere as the atlas, especially considering that the Allen Human Brain Atlas (AHBA) only includes gene data for the right hemisphere for two subjects?”

      Reply 3.4: Thank you for your query regarding our decision to use both brain hemispheres instead of solely the left hemisphere, especially considering the Allen Human Brain Atlas (AHBA) predominantly featuring gene data from the left hemisphere. Given the AHBA's limited spatial coverage of expression data in the right hemisphere, our approach involved mirroring the existing tissue samples across the left-right hemisphere boundary using the abagen toolbox,1 a practice supported by findings that suggest minimal lateralization of microarray expression.2,3 Further details are provided in previous work employing ABAnnotate.4 These studies are now referenced in our methods section.

      Comment 3.5: “The second latent variable was not further discussed. If this result is deemed significant, it warrants a more detailed discussion. "

      Reply 3.5: Thank you for the suggestion. We have added a paragraph to the discussion that discusses the second latent variable in greater detail. It reads: “The second latent variable accounted for 22.33% of shared variance and linked higher insulin resistance and lower dyslipidemia to lower thickness and volume in lateral frontal, posterior temporal, parietal and occipital regions. The distinct covariance profile of this latent variable, compared to the first, likely indicates a separate pathomechanistic connection between MetS components and brain morphology. Given that HbA1c and blood glucose were the most significant contributors to this variable, insulin resistance might drive the observed clinicalanatomical relationship.”

      Comment 3.6: “I suggest appending positive MetS effects after "..., insular, cingulate and temporal cortices;" for two reasons: a). The "positive MetS effects" might represent crucial findings that should not be omitted. b). Including both negative and positive effects ensures that subsequent references to "this pattern" are more precise.”

      Reply 3.6: We concur with the notion that the positive MetS effects should be highlighted as well. We modified the first discussion paragraph now mentioning them.

      Comment 3.7: “I would appreciate further clarification on this sentence and the use of the term "uniform" in this context. Does this suggest that despite the heterogeneity in the physiological and pathological characteristics of the various MetS components (e.g., obesity, hypertension), their impacts on cortical thickness manifest similarly? How is it that these diverse components lead to "uniform" effects on cortical thickness? Does this observation align with or deviate from previous findings in the literature?”

      Reply 3.7: Thank you for highlighting the ambiguity in our previous explanation. We agree that the complexity of the relationship between MetS components and brain morphology requires clearer articulation. To address this, we have revised the relevant sentence for better clarity. It now reads: „This finding indicates a relatively uniform connection between MetS and brain morphology, implying that the associative effects of various MetS components on brain structure are comparatively similar, despite the distinct pathomechanisms each component entails.“

      Comment 3.8: “Figure 1 does not have the labels "c)" and "d)". ”

      Reply 3.8: Thank you. We have modified figure 1 and made sure that the caption correctly references its content.

      Comment 3.10: “Incorrect figure/table citation:

      • Page 18 line 418: "(figure 2b and 1c)" à (figure 2b and 2c).

      • Page 18 line 419: "(supplementary figures S8 and S12-13)" à (supplementary figures S11 and S1516).

      • In the supplementary material, "Text S5 - Case-control analysis" section contains several figure or table citation errors. Please take a moment to review and correct them.”

      Reply 3.10: Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have corrected the figure and table citation errors.

      Comment 3.11: “Page 8 line 184: The more commonly used term is "insulin resistance" rather than "insuline resistance.”

      Reply 3.11: We now use “insulin resistance” throughout the manuscript.

      Comment 3.12: “Nevertheless, variations in gene sets may introduce a degree of heterogeneity in the results (Seidlitz, et al., 2020; Martins et al., 2021). Consequently, further validation or exploratory analyses utilizing different gene sets can yield more compelling results and conclusions.”

      Reply 3.12: Thank you for your insightful comment regarding the potential heterogeneity introduced by variations in gene sets. We agree that exploring different gene sets could indeed enhance the robustness and generalizability of our findings. However, we think conducting a comprehensive methodological analysis of the available cell-type specific gene sets is a substantial effort and warrants its own investigation to thoroughly implement it and assess its implications. We also like to highlight that we are adhering to previous practices in our analysis setup.4,5


      (1) Markello RD, Arnatkeviciute A, Poline JB, Fulcher BD, Fornito A, Misic B. Standardizing workflows in imaging transcriptomics with the abagen toolbox. Jbabdi S, Makin TR, Jbabdi S, Burt J, Hawrylycz MJ, eds. eLife. 2021;10:e72129. doi:10.7554/eLife.72129

      (2) Hawrylycz MJ, Lein ES, Guillozet-Bongaarts AL, et al. An anatomically comprehensive atlas of the adult human brain transcriptome. Nature. 2012;489(7416):391-399. doi:10.1038/nature11405

      (3) Hawrylycz M, Miller JA, Menon V, et al. Canonical genetic signatures of the adult human brain. Nat Neurosci. 2015;18(12):1832-1844. doi:10.1038/nn.4171

      (4) Lotter LD, Saberi A, Hansen JY, et al. Human cortex development is shaped by molecular and cellular brain systems. Published online May 5, 2023:2023.05.05.539537. doi:10.1101/2023.05.05.539537

      (5) Lotter LD, Kohl SH, Gerloff C, et al. Revealing the neurobiology underlying interpersonal neural synchronization with multimodal data fusion. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 2023;146:105042. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2023.105042

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This study presents a useful characterization of the biochemical consequences of a disease-associated point mutation in a nonmuscle actin. The study uses solid and well-characterized in vitro assays to explore function. In some cases the statistical analyses are inadequate and several important in vitro assays are not employed.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors first perform several important controls to show that the expressed mutant actin is properly folded, and then show that the Arp2/3 complex behaves similarly with WT and mutant actin via a TIRF microscopy assay as well as a bulk pyrene-actin assay. A TIRF assay showed a small but significant reduction in the rate of elongation of the mutant actin suggesting only a mild polymerization defect.

      Based on in silico analysis of the close location of the actin point mutation and bound cofilin, cofilin was chosen for further investigation. Faster de novo nucleation by cofilin was observed with mutant actin. In contrast, the mutant actin was more slowly severed. Both effects favor the retention of filamentous mutant actin. In solution, the effect of cofilin concentration and pH was assessed for both WT and mutant actin filaments, with a more limited repertoire of conditions in a TIRF assay that directly showed slower severing of mutant actin.

      Lastly, the mutated residue in actin is predicted to interact with the cardiomyopathy loop in myosin and thus a standard in vitro motility assay with immobilized motors was used to show that non-muscle myosin 2A moved mutant actin more slowly, explained in part by a reduced affinity for the filament deduced from transient kinetic assays. By the same motility assay, myosin 5A also showed impaired interaction with the mutant filaments.

      The Discussion is interesting and concludes that the mutant actin will co-exist with WT actin in filaments, and will contribute to altered actin dynamics and poor interaction with relevant myosin motors in the cellular context. While not an exhaustive list of possible defects, this is a solid start to understanding how this mutation might trigger a disease phenotype.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive evaluation of our work.


      • Potential assembly defects of the mutant actin could be more thoroughly investigated if the same experiment shown in Fig. 2 was repeated as a function of actin concentration, which would allow the rate of disassembly and the critical concentration to also be determined.

      The polymerization rate of individual filaments observed in TIRFM experiments showed only minor changes, as did the bulk-polymerization rate of 2 µM actin in pyrene-actin based experiments. Therefore, we decided not to perform additional pyrene-actin based experiments, in which we titrate the actin concentration, as we expect only very small changes to the critical concentration. Instead, we focused on the disturbed interaction with ABPs, as we assume these defects to be more relevant in an in vivo context. Using pyrene-based bulkexperiments, we did determine the rate of dilution-induced depolymerization of mutant filaments and compare them with the values determined for wt (Figure 5A, Table 1).

      • The more direct TIRF assay for cofilin severing was only performed at high cofilin concentration (100 nM). Lower concentrations of cofilin would also be informative, as well as directly examining by the TIRF assay the effect of cofilin on filaments composed of a 50:50 mixture of WT:mutant actin, the more relevant case for the cell.

      The TIRF assay for cofilin severing was performed initially over the cofilin concentration range from 20 to 250 nM. The results obtained in the presence of 100 nM cofilin allow a particularly informative depiction of the differences observed with mutant and WT actin. This applies to the image series showing the changes in filament length, cofilin clusters, and filament number as well as to the graphs showing time dependent changes in the number of filaments and total actin fluorescence. We have not included the results for a 50:50 mixture of WT:mutant actin because its attenuating effect is documented in several other experiments in the manuscript.

      • The more appropriate assay to determine the effect of the actin point mutation on class 5 myosin would be the inverted assay where myosin walks along single actin filaments adhered to a coverslip. This would allow an evaluation of class 5 myosin processivity on WT versus mutant actin that more closely reflects how Myo5 acts in cells, instead of the ensemble assay used appropriately for myosin 2.

      Our results with Myo5A show a less productive interaction with mutant actin filaments as indicated by a 1.7-fold reduction in the average sliding velocity and an increase in the optimal Myo5A-HMM surface density from 770 to 3100 molecules per µm2. These results indicate a reduction in binding affinity and coupling efficiency, with a likely impact on processivity. We expect only a small incremental gain in knowledge about the extent of changes by performing additional experiments with an inverted assay geometry, given that under physiological conditions the motor properties of Myo5A and other cytoskeletal myosins are modulated by other factors such as the presence of tropomyosin isoforms and other actin binding proteins.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Greve et al. investigated the effects of a disease-associated gamma-actin mutation (E334Q) on actin filament polymerization, association of selected actin-binding proteins, and myosin activity. Recombinant wildtype and mutant proteins expressed in sf9 cells were found to be folded and stable, and the presence of the mutation altered a number of activities. Given the location of the mutation, it is not surprising that there are changes in polymerization and interactions with actin binding proteins. Nevertheless, it is important to quantify the effects of the mutation to better understand disease etiology.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive evaluation of our work.

      Some weaknesses were identified in the paper as discussed below.

      • Throughout the paper, the authors report average values and the standard-error-of-the-mean (SEM) for groups of three experiments. Reporting the SEM is not appropriate or useful for so few points, as it does not reflect the distribution of the data points. When only three points are available, it would be better to just show the three different points. Otherwise, plot the average and the range of the three points.

      We have gone through the manuscript carefully to correct any errors in the statistics, as explained below.

      Figure 1B, 5B, 5C, 5D, 8D, 9B, and 8 – figure supplement 2 all show the mean ± SD, as also correctly reported for Figure 8E and 8F in the figure legend. The statement, that these figures show the mean ± SEM was inaccurate. We corrected this mistake for all the listed figures. Furthermore, we now give the exact N for every experiment in the figure legend.

      Figure 2C, 2E, 2F, 4B, 5A, 6B-E showed the mean ± SEM. As suggested by the reviewer, we corrected the figures to show the mean ± SD.

      We still refer to the mean ± SEM in Figure 2B, where elongation rates for more than 100 filaments were recorded, and in Figure 8B, where sliding velocities for several thousand actin filaments were measured.

      • The description and characterization of the recombinant actin is incomplete. Please show gels of purified proteins. This is especially important with this preparation since the chymotrypsin step could result in internally cleaved proteins and altered properties, as shown by Ceron et al (2022). The authors should also comment on N-terminal acetylation of actin.

      We added an additional figure showing the purification strategy for the recombinant cytoskeletal γ –actin WT and p.E334Q protein with exemplary SDS-gels from different stages of purification (Figure 1 – figure supplement 1).

      In a previous paper, we reported the mass spectrometric analysis of the post-translational modifications of recombinant human β- and γ-cytoskeletal actin produced in Sf-9 cells. (Müller et al., 2013, Plos One). Recombinant actin showing complete N-terminal processing resulting in cleavage of the initial methionine and acetylation of the following aspartate (β-actin) or glutamate (γ-actin) is the predominant species in the analyzed preparations (> 95 %). While the recombinant actin in the 2013 study was produced tag-free and purified by affinity chromatography using the column-immobilized actin-binding domain of gelsolin (G4-G6), we have no reason to assume that the purification strategy using the actin-thymosin-β4 changes the efficiency of the N-terminal processing in Sf-9 cells. This is supported by our, yet unpublished, mass-spectrometric studies on recombinant human α-cardiac actin purified using the actin- thymosin-β4 fusion construct, which revealed actin species with an acetylated aspartate-3. This N-terminal modification of α-cardiac actin is catalyzed by the same actinspecific acetyltransferase (NAA80) as the acetylation of asparate-2 or glutamate-2 in cytoskeletal actin isoforms (Varland et al., 2019, Trends in Biochemical Sciences). Furthermore, additional studies that used the actin-thymosin-β4 fusion construct for the production of recombinant human cytoskeletal actin isoforms in Pichia pastoris reported robust N-terminal acetylation, when the actin was co-produced with NAA80 (In contrast to Sf-9 cells, NAA80 is not endogenously expressed in Pichia pastoris) (Hatano et al., 2020, Journal of Cell Science).

      We therefore, added the following statement to the manuscript:

      “Purification of the fusion protein by immobilized metal affinity chromatography, followed by chymotrypsin–mediated cleavage of C–terminal linker and tag sequences, results in homogeneous protein without non–native residues and native N-terminal processing, which includes cleavage of the initial methionine and acetylation of the following glutamate. “

      • The authors do not use the best technique to assess actin polymerization parameters. Although the TIRF assay is excellent for some measurements, it is not as good as the standard pyrene-actin assays that provide critical concentration, nucleation, and polymerization parameters. The authors use pyrene-actin in other parts of the paper, so it is not clear why they don't do the assays that are the standard in the actin field.

      The polymerization rate of individual filaments observed in TIRFM experiments showed only minor changes, as did the bulk-polymerization rate of 2 µM actin in pyrene-actin based experiments. Therefore, we decided not to perform additional pyrene-actin based experiments, in which we titrate the actin concentration, as we expect only very small changes to the critical concentration. Instead, we focused on the disturbed interaction with ABPs, as we assume these defects to be more relevant in an in vivo context. Using pyrene-based bulkexperiments, we did determine the rate of dilution-induced depolymerization of mutant filaments and compare them with the values determined for WT (Figure 5A, Table 1).

      • The authors' data suggest that, while the binding of cofilin-1 to both the WT and mutant actins remains similar, the major defect of the E334Q actin is that it is not as readily severed/disassembled by cofilin. What is missing is a direct measurement of the severing rate (number of breaks per second) as measured in TIRF.

      The severing rate as measured in TIRF is dependent on a number of parameters in a nonlinear manner. Therefore, we opted to show the combination of images directly showing the progress of the reaction and graphs summarizing the concomitant changes in cofilin clusters, actin filaments, actin-related fluorescence intensity and cofilin-related fluorescence intensity.

      • Figure 4 shows that the E334Q mutation increases rather than decreases the number of filaments that spontaneously assemble in the TIRF assay, but it is unclear how reduced severing would lead to increased filament numbers, rather, the opposite would be expected. A more straightforward approach would be to perform experiments where severing leads to more nuclei and therefore enhances the net bulk assembly rate.

      Figure 4 shows polymerization experiments that were started from ATP-G-actin in the presence of cofilin-1. These experiments show clearly that, especially at the higher cofilin-1 concentration (100 nM), the filament number is strongly increased in experiments performed with mutant actin. Inspection of the corresponding videos of these TIRFM experiments suggest that the increased number of filaments must result from an increased number of de novo nucleation events and not primarily from a mutation-induced change in severing susceptibility. The observation of a cofilin-stimulated increase in the de novo nucleation efficiency of actin was initially described by Andrianantoandro & Pollard (2006, Molecular Cell) using TIRFMbased experiments and is thought to arise from the stabilization of thermodynamically unfavorable actin dimers and trimers by cofilin. While the exact role of this cofilin-mediated effect in vivo is not completely clear, it is thought to contribute to cofilin-meditated actin dynamics synergistically with cofilin-mediated severing. It is therefore necessary, to clearly distinguish between the two effects of cofilin in vitro: stimulation of de novo nucleation and stimulation of filament disassembly. Our data indicated that the E334Q mutation affects these two effects differentially, as we state in the abstract and in the discussion.

      Abstract: “E334Q differentially affects cofilin-mediated actin dynamics by increasing the rate of cofilin-mediated de novo nucleation of actin filaments and decreasing the efficiency of cofilin-mediated filament severing.”

      Discussion: “Cofilin-mediated severing and nucleation were previously proposed to synergistically contribute to global actin turnover in cells (Andrianantoandro & Pollard, 2006; Du & Frieden, 1998). Our results show that the mutation affects these different cofilin functions in actin dynamics in opposite ways. Cofilin-mediated filament nucleation is more efficient for p.E334Q monomers, while cofilin-mediated severing of filaments containing p.E334Q is significantly reduced. The interaction of both actin monomers and actin filaments with ADF/cofilin proteins involves several distinct overlapping reactions. In the case of actin filaments, cofilin binding is followed by structural modification of the filament, severing and depolymerizing the filament (De La Cruz & Sept, 2010). Cofilin binding to monomeric actin is followed by the closure of the nucleotide cleft and the formation of stabilized “long-pitch” actin dimers, which stimulate nucleation (Andrianantoandro & Pollard, 2006)”.

      We interpret the reviewer's suggestion to mean that additional pyrene-actin-based bulk polymerization experiments should be performed to investigate the bulk-polymerization rate of ATP-G-actin in the presence of cofilin-1. In our understanding, these experiment would not provide additional value as 1) An observed increase of the bulk-polymerization rate cannot be directly correlated to a change of the efficiency of de novo nucleation or severing and 2) the effect of the mutation on cofilin-mediated filament disassembly was extensively analyzed in other experiments starting from preformed actin filaments. Moreover, our results are consistent with in silico modelling and normal mode analysis of the WT and mutant actin-cofilin complex.

      • Figure 5 A: in the pyrene disassembly assay, where actin is diluted below its critical concentration, cofilin enhances the rate of depolymerization by generating more free ends. The E334Q mutation leads to decreased cofilin-induced severing and therefore lower depolymerization. While these data seem convincing, it would be better to present them as an XY plot and fit the data to lines for comparison of the slopes.

      We now present the data as suggested by the reviewer. Furthermore, we determined the apparent second-order rate constant for cofilin-induced F-actin depolymerization (kc) to quantify the observed differences between WT, mutant and heterofilaments, as suggested by the reviewer.

      The paragraph describing these results was changed accordingly:

      “The observed rate constant values are linearly dependent on the concentration of cofilin–1 in the range 0–40 nM, with the slope corresponding to the apparent second– order rate constant (kC) for the cofilin-1 induced depolymerization of F–actin. In experiments performed with p.E334Q filaments, the value obtained for kC was 4.2-fold lower (0.81 × 10-4 ± 0.08 × 10-4 nM-1 s-1) compared to experiments with WT filaments (3.42 × 10-4 ± 0.22 × 10-4 nM-1 s-1). When heterofilaments were used, the effect of the mutation was reduced to a 2.2-fold difference compared to WT filaments (1.54 × 10-4 ± 0.11 × 10-4 nM-1 s-1).”

      • Figure 5 B and C: the cosedimentation data do not seem to help elucidate the underlying mechanism. While the authors report statistical significance, differences are small, especially for gel densitometry measurements where the error is high, which suggests that there may be little biological significance. Importantly, example gels from these experiments should be shown, if not the complete set included in the supplement. In B, the higher cofilin concentrations would be expected to stabilize the filaments and thus the curve should be Ushaped.

      We do not completely agree with the reviewer on this point. We think the co-sedimentation experiments are useful, as they show that cofilin-1 efficiently binds to mutant filaments, but is less efficient in stimulating disassembly in these endpoint-experiments. This information is not provided by the analysis of the effect of cofilin-1 on the bulk-depolymerization rate and adds to our understanding of the defect of the actin-cofilin interaction for the mutant.

      While we agree with the reviewer on the point that co-sedimentation experiments must be repeated several times to produce reliable data, we cannot fully grasp the reasoning behind the statement “While the authors report statistical significance, differences are small, especially for gel densitometry measurements where the error is high, which suggests that there may be little biological significance.”. We interpret this statement as advice to be cautious when extrapolating the observed perturbances of cofilin-mediated actin dynamics in vitro to the in vivo context. We think we are cautious about this throughout the manuscript.

      The author expects a U-shape curve, as high cofilin concentrations are reported to stabilize actin filaments by completely decorating the filament before severing-prone boundaries between cofilin-decorated and undecorated regions are generated. We have also performed these experiment with cytoskeletal β-actin and human cofilin-1 and never observed this U shape. This indicates that significant filament disassembly also happens at high cofilin concentrations, most likely directly after mixing of F-actin and cofilin. We cannot rule out that the incubation time plays an important role and that the U-shape only appears after longer incubation times. We also want to direct the reviewer to the publication “A Mechanism for Actin Filament Severing by Malaria Parasite Actin Depolymerizing Factor 1 via a Low Affinity Binding Interface” (Wong et al. 2013, JBC) in which comparable co-sedimentation experiments were performed (Figure 5E-G) with rabbit skeletal α-actin and human cofilin-1 and also no Ushaped curves were observed, even at higher molar excess of cofilin-1 compared to our experiments and with longer incubation times (1 hour vs. 10 minutes).

      We now included an exemplary gel showing co-sedimentation experiments performed with WT, mutant actin and different concentrations of cofilin at pH 7.8 in the manuscript (Figure 5 – figure supplement 2)

      • Figure 5 D: these data show that the binding of cofilin to WT and E334Q actin is approximately the same, with the mutant binding slightly more weakly. It would be clearer if the two plots were normalized to their respective plateaus since the difference in arbitrary units distracts from the conclusion of the figure. If the difference in the plateaus is meaningful, please explain.

      As suggested by the reviewer, we normalized the data for a better understanding of the message conveyed.

      • Figure 6: It is assumed that the authors are trying to show in this figure that cofilin binds both actins approximately the same but does not sever as readily for E334Q actin. The numerous parameters measured do not directly address what the authors are actually trying to show, which presumably is that the rate of severing is lower for E334Q than WT. It is therefore puzzling why no measurement of severing events per second per micron of actin in TIRF is made, which would give a more precise account of the underlying mechanism.

      The severing rate as measured in TIRF is dependent on a number of parameters in a nonlinear manner. Therefore, we opted to show the combination of images directly showing the progress of the reaction and graphs summarizing the concomitant changes in cofilin clusters, actin filaments, actin-related fluorescence intensity and cofilin-related fluorescence intensity.

      • Actin-activated steady-state ATPase data of the NM2A with mutant and WT actin would have been extremely useful and informative. The authors show the ability to make these types of measurements in the paper (NADH assay), and it is surprising that they are not included for assessing the myosin activity. It may be because of limited actin quantities. If this is the case, it should be indicated.

      Indeed, the measurement of the steady-state actin-activated ATPase with recombinant cytoskeletal actin is very material-intensive and therefore costly, as a complete titration of actin is required for the generation of meaningful data. Since the vast majority of our assays involving a myosin family member were performed with NM2A-HMM, we decided to perform a full actin titration of the steady-state actin-activated ATPase of NM2A-HMM with WT and mutant filaments. The results of these experiments are now shown in Figure 8C. The panel showing the results used for determining the dissociation rate constants (k-A) for the interaction of NM2C-2R with p.E334Q or WT γ –actin in the absence of nucleotide was moved to the supplement (Figure 8 – figure supplement 2).

      We added the following paragraph to the Material and Methods section concerning the Steady-State ATPase assay:

      “For measurements of the basal and actin–activated NM2A–HMM ATPase, 0.5 µM MLCKtreated HMM was used. Phalloidin–stabilized WT or mutant F-actin was added over the range of 0–25 µM. The change in absorbance at 340 nm due to oxidation of NADH was recorded in a Multiskan FC Microplate Photometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). The data were fitted to the Michaelis-Menten equation to obtain values for the actin concentration at half-maximal activation of ATP-turnover (Kapp) and for the maximum ATP-turnover at saturated actin concentration (kcat).”

      Furthermore, we added a description of the results of the experiments to the Results section of the manuscript:

      “Using a NADH-coupled enzymatic assay, we determined the ability of p.E334Q and WT filaments to activate the ATPase of NM2A-HMM over the range of 0-25 µM F-actin (Figure 8C). While we observed no significant difference in Kapp, indicated by the actin concentration at half-maximal activation, in experiments with p.E334Q filaments (2.89 ± 0.49 µM) and WT filaments (3.20 ± 0.74 µM), we observed a 28% slower maximal ATP turnover at saturating actin concentration (kcat) with p.E334Q filaments (0.076 ± 0.005 s-1 vs. 0.097 ± 0.002 s-1).”

      • (line 310) The authors state that they "noticed increased rapid dissociation and association events for E334Q filaments" in the motility assay. This observation motivates the authors to assess actin affinities of NM2A-HMM. Although differences in rigor and AM.ADP affinities are found between mutant and WT actins, the actin attachment lifetimes (many minutes) are unlikely to be related to the rapid association and dissociation event seen in the motility assay. Rather, this jiggling is more likely to be related to a lower duty ratio of the myosins, which appears to be the conclusion reached for the myosin-V data. These points should be clarified in the text.

      We changed the text in accordance with the reviewer’ suggestion. It reads now: Cytoskeletal –actin filaments move with an average sliding velocity of 195.3 ± 5.0 nm s–1 on lawns of surface immobilized NM2A–HMM molecules (Figure 8A, B). For NM2A-HMM densities below about 10,000 molecules per μm2, the average sliding speed for cytoskeletal actin filaments drops steeply (Hundt et al, 2016). Filaments formed by p.E334Q actin move 5fold slower, resulting in an observed average sliding velocity of 39.1 ± 3.2 nm/s. Filaments copolymerized from a 1:1 mixture of WT and p.E334Q actin move with an average sliding velocity of 131.2 ± 10 nm s–1 (Figure 8A, B). When equal densities of surface-attached WT and mutant filaments were used, we observed that the number of rapid dissociation and association events increased markedly for p.E334Q filaments (Figure 8 – video supplement 7– 9).

      Using a NADH-coupled enzymatic assay, we determined the ability of p.E334Q and WT filaments to activate the ATPase of NM2A-HMM over the range of 0-25 µM F-actin (Figure 8C). While we observed no significant difference in Kapp, indicated by the actin concentration at halfmaximal activation, in experiments with p.E334Q filaments (2.89 ± 0.49 µM) and WT filaments (3.20 ± 0.74 µM), we observed a 28% slower maximal ATP turnover at saturating actin concentration (kcat) with p.E334Q filaments (0.076 ± 0.005 s-1 vs. 0.097 ± 0.002 s-1). To investigate the impact of the mutation on actomyosin–affinity using transient–kinetic approaches, we determined the dissociation rate constants using a single–headed NM2A–2R construct (Figure 8D). …..

      • (line 327) The authors report that the 1/K1 value is unchanged. There are no descriptions of this experiment in the paper. I am assuming the authors measured the ATP-induced dissociation of actomyosin and determined ATP affinity (K1) from this experiment. If this is the case, they should describe the experiment and show the data, provide a second-order rate constate for ATP binding, and report the max rate of dissociation (k2). This is a kinetic experiment done frequently by this group, so the absence of these details is surprising.

      In the previous version of the manuscript, the method used to determine 1/K1 (ATP-induced dissociation of the actomyosin complex) was described in the Material and Methods paragraph “Transient kinetic analysis of the actomyosin complex” and the values obtained for 1/K1 were given in Table 1. We now included the experimental data as an additional figure in the manuscript (Figure 8 – figure supplement 3). Furthermore, we also give the maximal dissociation rate k+2 and the apparent second-order rate constant for ATP-binding (K1k+2) for the WT and mutant actomyosin complex in Table 1. Therefore, we changed the paragraph in the Results section concerning this experiment to:

      “The apparent ATP–affinity (1/K1), the maximal dissociation rate of NM2A from F-actin in the presence of ATP (k+2), and the apparent second-order rate constant of ATP binding (K1k+2) showed no significant differences for complexes formed between NM2A and WT or p.E334Q filaments (Table 1, Figure 8 – figure supplement 3).”

      and the section in the Material and Methods to:

      “The apparent ATP–affinity of the actomyosin complex was determined by mixing the apyrase–treated, pyrene–labeled, phalloidin–stabilized actomyosin complex with increasing concentrations of ATP at the stopped–flow system. Fitting an exponential function to the individual transients yields the ATP–dependent dissociation rate of NM2A–2R from F–actin (kobs). The kobs–values were plotted against the corresponding ATP concentrations and a hyperbola was fitted to the data. The fit yields the apparent ATP–affinity (1/K1) of the actomyosin complex and the maximal dissociation rate k+2.

      The apparent second–order rate constant for ATP binding (K1k+2) was determined by applying a linear fit to the data obtained at low ATP concentrations (0 – 25 µM).”

      For a better understanding of the numerous rate and equilibrium constants, we have now included a figure showing the kinetic reaction scheme of the myosin ATPase cycle (Figure 8 – figure supplement 1).

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1:

      • The subdomains of actin are mislabeled in Fig. 1A.

      The labeling of the subdomains has been corrected.

      • Additional experimental data addressing the 3 weaknesses noted in the public review would be informative but are not essential in my opinion. Examining the effect of cofilin on severing by the TIRF assay in more detail and using a processivity assay for myosin V (immobilized actin) would be the two aspects I would most value.

      The TIRF assay for cofilin severing was performed initially over the cofilin concentration range from 20 to 250 nM. The results obtained in the presence of 100 nM cofilin allow a particularly informative depiction of the differences observed with mutant and WT actin. This applies to the image series showing the changes in filament length, cofilin clusters, and filament number as well as to the graphs showing time dependent changes in the number of filaments and total actin fluorescence. We have not included the results for a 50:50 mixture of WT:mutant actin because its attenuating effect is documented in several other experiments in the manuscript.

      Our results with Myo5A show a less productive interaction with mutant actin filaments as indicated by a 1.7-fold reduction in the average sliding velocity and an increase in the optimal Myo5A-HMM surface density from 770 to 3100 molecules per µm2. These results indicate a reduction in binding affinity and coupling efficiency, with a likely impact on processivity. Given that Myo5A is only one of many cytoskeletal myosin motors and that the motor properties of all myosins are modulated by the presence of tropomyosin isoforms and other actin binding proteins, we expect only a small incremental gain in knowledge by performing additional experiments with an inverted assay geometry.

      Reviewer #2:

      • The authors should address the concerns regarding the statistical methodologies.

      We have gone through the manuscript carefully to correct any errors in the statistics, as explained below.

      Figure 1B, 5B, 5C, 5D, 8D, 9B, and 8 – figure supplement 2 all show the mean ± SD, as also correctly reported for Figure 8E and 8F in the figure legend. The statement, that these figures show the mean ± SEM was wrong and we corrected this mistake for all the listed figures. Furthermore, we now give the exact N for every experiment in the figure legend.

      Figure 2C, 2E, 2F, 4B, 5A, 6B-E indeed showed the mean ± SEM. As the reviewer rightly points out, this is not the appropriate way to deal with such sample sizes. We therefore corrected the figures to show the mean ± SD.

      We still refer to the mean ± SEM in Figure 2B, where elongation rates for more than 100 filaments were recorded, and in Figure 8B, where sliding velocities for several thousand actin filaments were measured.

      • The authors should present the actin titration of the steady state ATPase activity for at least one of the myosins, or preferably all of them.

      An actin titration of the steady state ATPase activity of NM-2A has been included in the revised version of the manuscript (Fig 8C).

      • The authors should consider the use of pyrene-actin in measuring the assembly/disassembly of actin.

      Values for the rate of actin assembly/disassembly measured with pyrene-actin are given in Table 1. Based on the small changes observed, we did not determine the critical actin concentration for the mutant construct.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      We thank reviewer #1 for identifying the major caveats of the paper, and have split them out into separate comments below to address them.

      Comment 1) The caveats are that ecosystem processes beyond water availability are not investigated although they are brought into play in the title and in the paper

      Author response: We disagree that water availability is the only ecosystem process investigated in this study, as herbivory, plant mortality, and the maintenance of diversity in higher trophic levels are important processes within ecosystems. We have added text to the abstract and introduction clarifying that we consider these response measures to be ecosystem processes. Further language to this effect already exists in the abstract, methods, and discussion.

      Comment 2) That herbivory beyond leaf damage was not reported (there might be none, the reader needs to be shown the evidence for this)

      Author response: This is typically how herbivory is assessed in ecological studies, and our focus is on folivores. There may be additional herbivory in the form of fluid-sucking insects, shoot/root herbivory, etc., but these were not assessed. It would be interesting to assess these other forms of herbivory to see if they respond similarly with additional studies.

      Comment 3) That herbivore diversity is defined by leaf damage (authors need to give evidence that this is a valid inference)

      Author response: We thank reviewer #1 for pointing out the lack of written support for this claim. We have modified the methods (lines 138-139; 214-217) to clarify that this is a useful proxy for insect richness in the Piper system, and have added citations demonstrating it has been found to correlate well with insect richness in tropical forests.

      Comment 4) That the plots were isolated from herbivores beyond their borders

      Author response: This was not an assumption of the study. We have modified the methods (line 200) to make this clearer to the reader.

      Comment 5) That the effects of extreme climate events were isolated to Peru

      Author response: This was not an assumption of the study, rather it is an observation. While we consider it important to include observed climate differences between sites in the interpretation of our results, it was not necessary for there to be extreme climate events at other sites as we consider manipulated water availability to represent changes in precipitation that are expected to occur at these sites with climate change.

      Comment 6) That intraspecific variation in the host plants needs to be explained and interpreted in more detail

      Author response: We thank reviewer #1 for identifying that our current explanations needed development. We have modified the introduction to explore potential mechanisms relating intraspecific diversity to ecosystem function based on recent studies, and have modified the discussion to bring focus to why the effects of intraspecific differ from interspecific.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Comment 1) Pare this material down to simpler results. The most significant to me is the intraspecific variation in damage. Were this broken out and reported in some detail it could be quite interesting. I find the results to be a confusing blizzard of multiple factors that differ among sites; after reading the paper twice I could not recall the takeaway lesson beyond that drought wrecks the diversity of herbivores and sometimes even kills the host plant.

      Author response: We agree that the results are complicated given the variation in effects among sites, but this variation and complexity is important – and is in itself is one of the takeaway points. Unfortunately, nature is not simple. We have made several large edits to the results section, including the removal of methodological and otherwise redundant information, to hopefully bring the major takeaways into focus.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Comment 1) This is an important and large experimental study examining the effects of plant species richness, plant genotypic richness, and soil water availability on herbivory patterns on Piper species in tropical forests.

      A major strength is the size of the study and the fact that it tackled so many potentially important factors simultaneously. The authors examined both interspecific plant diversity and intraspecific plant diversity. They crossed that with a water availability treatment. And they repeated the experiment across five geographically separated sites.

      The authors find that both water availability and plant diversity, intraspecific and interspecific, influence herbivore diversity and herbivory, but that the effects differ in important ways across sites. I found the study to be solid and the results to be very convincing. The results will help the field grapple with the importance of environmental change and biodiversity loss and how they structure communities and alter species interactions.

      Author response: We thank reviewer #2 for their kind words.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Comment 1) I was confused about why the authors measured species diversity/richness as a proportion of the species pool. This means that the metric of richness decreases if species are added to the species pool but not the plot/experiment. I think I understand it, but I suggest the authors explain this choice.

      Author response: We thank reviewer #2 for pointing out that this was confusing. We have clarified the methods (lines 228-232) to explain that this choice was made to allow easier comparison between intra- and interspecific richness.

      Comment 2) One of the stronger estimated relationships was a positive effect of plant species richness on insect richness. I found it a little hard to interpret this relationship. Is this just because there are host species specialists? So, with more host species there are more herbivore species? Or does insect richness increase multiplicatively with increasing plant species richness? One way to look for this would be for the authors to examine the relationship between plant species richness and the average number of herbivore damage types per plant species.

      Author response: We agree that this is important for the reader to understand and have added text to the introduction and discussion sections explaining that this is the expectation based on theory and other empirical studies. We have additionally added text to the discussion (lines 386-388) pointing out that this pattern was not observed at all sites. While we agree that it would be interesting to explore if this effect was additive or multiplicative, we do not believe this is in the scope of the paper due to the methods used to measure insect richness.

      Comment 3) Unless I missed it, some important information about the models was missing. E.g., what distributions were assumed for each of the variables? Any transformations?

      Author response: We thank reviewer #2 for pointing this out, this information has been added to the methods (lines 272-274)

      Comment 4) Why is there no model with water addition affecting insect richness directly but not percent herbivory directly?

      Author response: While we originally decided to not include this model due to lack of theoretical support and low statistical performance, we have added references to this model (now model II) in the methods and results for consistency and to make model performance clearer to the reader. We have additionally moved supplemental table S1 to the main text to make the models and hypotheses tested by each model more accessible.

      Comment 5) Fig. 2. What are the percentages above the figures? Maybe PD values?

      Author response: These values are now clarified in the figure caption

      Comment 6) L364 "can differ dramatically" This is vague and confusing. Differ in what way? From each other? Did the authors really expect plant richness to have the same effect on herbivory and plant survival? What would it mean anyway for plant richness to have the same effect on herbivory and plant survival?

      Author response: We agree that the language here is confusing and thank reviewer #1 for drawing our attention to it. We have modified the discussion (lines 363-365) to clarify that the direction of effect of intraspecific richness can vary from the direction of effect of interspecific richness, rather than the effects on different response variables varying from each other.

      Comment 7) L 375 "only meaningful differences" This statement feels a little overly strong. It seems like there is a good argument for this, but there could be other things going on.

      Author response: We agree that the language here was unnecessarily strong, and have modified the discussion (lines 398-403) to focus on the lack of difference between methodologies at these two sites, and the observed differences in climate and community structure at each site.

    1. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, Kohler et al analyze the impact of miR200c on cell motility in vitro and breast cancer metastasis in mouse models. The they show that miR200c represses metastasis to several different organs and propose that reduced motility is a significant cause of this. The experiments are generally sound and well performed. However, the insight gained with the study does not go much beyond what is already known about miR200c function in breast cancer. The experimental tools used in the study could provide the opportunity to reveal novel insights into the role of miR200c in metastasis. However, the investigators did not take full advantage of this and thus we are left with findings that are rather predictable based on the current literature. Details below.

      Major points:

      1. The primary weakness of this study is limited novelty. miR200c has been shown to regulate migration and invasion of breast cancer cells in several previous studies, and this includes analysis using the same breast cancer cell lines that Kohler et al use in the current study, MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 (Jurmeister et al Mol Cell Bio 2012; Zhang et al Genet Mol Res 2017) and a study by the same group (Ljepoja et al Plos One 2019). Moreover, previous studies have also shown that miR200c represses metastasis in two different claudin low triple negative breast cancer models, MDA-MB-231 and genetically-engineered p53 null transplantable model (Simpson et al Genes 2022, Knezevic et al Oncogene 2016). Of note, Kohler et al do analyze metastases not only in lungs, but also in liver, brain and spleen and this could be a source of novel insights depending on the scientific questions. Is the miR200c mediated repression of metastasis caused by the same mechanisms in all these organs, or is it context dependent? What about molecular mediators downstream of miR200c?
      2. The authors focus primarily on migration issues as the potential cause of miR200c mediated repression of metastasis. However, there is significant literature on the role of miR200c in cancer progression. miR200c has been associated with multiple cellular functions, including regulation of epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) by repressing key EMT transcription factors ZEB1 and ZEB2. EMT regulation of course may suggest an effect on cell motility, but also several other functions, such as stem cell activity, plasticity, survival under stress and many more. Indeed, in a clinical setting some may question the importance of migration, considering that breast cancer cells disseminate from the primary tumor early in the process and upon diagnosis the cells are likely already lodged in secondary organs. Therefore, it is probable that cell functions such as survival under stress, proliferation and plasticity would be of even higher importance compared to cell motility. I would think that miR200c functional studies need to go beyond cell motility to generate additional insights into its role in metastasis and reveal potentially actionable targets.
      3. The investigators use a dox inducible system to express miR200c in MDA-MB-231 mammary tumors in mice. The mice were treated with dox to induce miR200c when the tumors reached 200 mm3 in size. This is a rather early induction of miR200c and may not address the ability of miR200c to repress actively growing metastatic lesions. I think these experiments should also be done by waiting longer before miR200c induction. What happens if the tumors are allowed to grow to 500 mm3 or 750 mm3? This would really test the ability of miR200c to inhibit overt metastasis.

      Minor points:

      1. Although in some figures the plots/graphs show individual data points, this is not always the case. All box plots and bar graphs should show individual data points (biological replicates).
      2. Representative histological examples of the metastases in Figure 1C-1D should be shown.
      3. Presentation of the data in Figure 2C-2F is confusing. Statistics are also missing.


      Although the study is technically sound, it suffers from limited novelty. Overall conclusions are predictable from previous studies. Of note, this study does provide somewhat more detailed analysis of migratory regulation by miR200c in cancer cells compared to previous reports. However, the study's advance is still quite modest.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors aimed to investigate how cells respond to dynamic combinations of two stresses compared to dynamic inputs of a single stress. They applied the two stresses - carbon stress and hyperosmotic stress - either in or out of phase, adding and removing glucose and sorbitol.

      Both a strength and a weakness, as well as the main discovery, is that the cells' hyperosmotic response strongly requires glucose. For in-phase stress, cells are exposed to hyperosmotic shock without glucose, limiting their ability to respond with the well-studied HOG pathway; for anti-phase stress, cells do have glucose when hyperosmotically shocked, but experience a hypo-osmotic shock when both glucose and sorbitol are simultaneously removed. Responding with the HOG pathway and so amassing intracellular glycerol amplifies the impact of this hypo-osmotic shock. Counterintuitively then, it is the presence of glucose rather than the stress of its absence that is deleterious for the cells.

      The bulk of the paper supports these conclusions with clean, compelling time-lapse microscopy, including extensive analysis of gene deletions in the HOG network and measurements of both division and death rates. The methodology the authors develop is powerful and widely applicable.

      Some discussion of the value of applying periodic inputs would be helpful. Cells are unlikely to have previously seen such inputs, and periodic stimuli may reveal behaviours that are rarely relevant to selection.

      We thank the referee for his review. To answer the reviewer’s last comment, our main objective was not to study conditions that are ecologically relevant, but rather to perturb the system in an original way to reveal new mechanisms and properties of the system. The main advantage of periodic inputs over more complex or unpredictible types of temporal fluctuations is that they can be defined with few parameters that are easy to interpret and to integrate in biophysical models. For instance, by using periodic inputs we were able to investigate how changing the phasing of two stresses impacted fitness while keeping other parameters constant (the duration of each stress was kept constant). We added two sentences at the beginning of the discussion to highlight the value of using periodic inputs.

      We do not fully agree with the reviewer’s statement that periodic stimuli may reveal behaviours that are rarely relevant to selection. Indeed, many parameters of natural environments are known to vary periodically, such as light, temperature, predation, tides. Even if the periodic stimuli we use are artificial, they can still be a valuable tool to reveal new molecular processes. For instance, null mutants have been invaluable to understand biological systems despite being unlikely to reveal behaviours relevant to selection.

      The authors' findings demonstrate the tight links that can exist between metabolism and the ability to respond to stress. Their study appears to have parted somewhat from their original aim because of the HOG pathway's reliance on glucose. It would be interesting to see if the cells behaviour is simpler in periodically varying sorbitol and a stress where there is little known connection to the HOG network, such as nitrogen stress.

      The use of periodic nitrogen stress is a very interesting suggestion from both reviewers. However, we think it represents a large amount of work that deserves its own study. In particular, it would require first identifying a relevant period at which nitrogen fluctuations have an impact on division rate similar to what we observed for glucose fluctuations before performing experiments in AS and IPS conditions.

      Nitrogen starvation is known to induce filamentous growth via activation of components of the HOG pathway (Cullen and Sprague, 2012), with potential cross-talk between filamentous growth and hyperosmotic stress response. Therefore, periodic osmotic stress and periodic nitrogen starvation may interact in a complex way.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors have used microfluidic channels to study the response of budding yeast to variable environments. Namely, they tested the ability of the cells to divide when the medium was repeatedly switched between two different conditions at various frequencies. They first characterized the response to changes in glucose availability or in the presence of hyper-osmotic stress via the addition of sorbitol to the medium. Subsequently, the two stresses were combined by applying the alternatively or simultaneously (in-phase). Interestingly, the observed that the in-phase stress pattern allowed more divisions and low levels of cell mortality compared to the alternating stresses where cells were dividing slowly and many cells died. A number mutants in the HOG pathway were tested in these conditions to evaluate their responses. Moreover, the activation of the MAPK Hog1 and the transcriptional induction of the hyper-osmotic stress promoter STL1 were quantified by fluorescence microscopy.

      Overall, the manuscript is well structured and data are presented in a clear way. The time-lapse experiments were analyzed with high precision. The experiments confirm the importance of performing dynamic analysis of signal transduction pathways. While the experiments reveal some unexpected behavior, I find that the biological insights gained on this system remain relatively modest.

      In the discussion section, the authors mention two important behaviors that their data unveil: resource allocation (between glycolysis and HOG-driven adaptation) and regulation of the HOG-pathway based on the presence of glucose. These behaviors had been already observed in other reports (Sharifan et al. 2015 or Shen et al. 2023, for instance). I find that this manuscript does not provide a lot of additional insights into these processes.

      We thank the referee for his review. We agree with the reviewer that the interaction between glucose availability and osmotic stress response has been investigated in previous studies. However, this interaction was investigated using experimental procedures that differed from our approach in critical ways, and therefore the behaviors observed were not the same. In Sharifian et al. (2015), the authors identified a new negative feedback loop regulating Hog1 basal activity and described underlying molecular mechanisms. This feedback loop is unlikely to explain differences of cell fitness we observed in IPS and AS conditions, because 1) differences of division rate was still observed in hog1 mutant cells and 2) differences of death rate involve glycerol synthesis, which is independent of the feedback loop described in Sharifian et al. (2015). In Shen et al. (2023), the authors observed a stronger expression of Hog-responsive genes at lower glucose concentrations, which seems contradictory with our observation of very low pSTL1-GFP expression in absence of glucose. However, they did not use fluctuating conditions and they did not report expression of stress-response genes when glucose was totally depleted (the lower glucose concentration they used was 0.02%) as we did, which may explain the different outcomes. We added three sentences in the discussion to compare our findings to those of Shen et al. (2023).

      One clear evidence that is presented, however, is the link between glycerol accumulation during the sorbitol treatment and the cell death phenotype upon starvation in alternating stress condition. However, no explanations or hypothesis are formulated to explain the mechanism of resource allocation between glycolysis and HOG response that could explain the poor growth in alternating stresses or the lack of adaptation of Hog1 activity in absence of glucose.

      In the revised version of the manuscript, we included a new result section and a supplementary figure (Figure 4 – figure supplement 2) where we tested three hypotheses to explain the lower division rate observed in AS condition relative to IPS condition. We found no evidence supporting these hypotheses, and the mechanisms responsible for the reduced growth in AS condition therefore remains elusive.

      Another key question is to what extent the findings presented here can be extended to other types of perturbations. Would the use of alternative C-source or nitrogen starvation change the observed behaviors in dynamic stresses? If other types of stresses are used, can we expect a similar growth pattern between alternating versus in-phase stresses?

      As mentioned above in our response to the other reviewer, these are very interesting questions that we think go beyond the scope of our study due to the amount of work involved.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1

      My comments are only minor.<br /> - More paragraphs would improve legibility.

      To improve legibility, we split the longer section of the Results in three paragraphs (page 12, section entitled “Osmoregulation is impaired under in-phase stresses but not under alternating stresses.” However, we kept it as one section with a single title for global coherency: each section of the results corresponds to one main figure and have one main conclusion.

      • I found AS and IPS confusing because what becomes important is whether sorbitol appears with glucose or not. For me, an acronym that makes that co-occurrence clear would be better or even better still no acronyms at all.

      We tried several alternative names for the two conditions in previous drafts of the manuscript. Based on colleagues feedback, AS and IPS acronyms appeared as a good compromise between concision and clarity. To avoid confusion, the two acronyms are precisely defined when they are first used in the Results section. We think it is more important to emphasize the co-occurrence (or not) of the two stresses, rather than the co-occurrence of glucose and sorbitol. Indeed, standard yeast medium contains glucose but no sorbitol, and therefore we defined the two periodic conditions based on differences from standard medium. Even though we avoided using acronyms as much as possible in the manuscript, the use of these two acronyms to refer to the dual fluctuations of the environment seemed essential for concision. Indeed, IPS and AS acronyms are used many times in the results (16 occurrences on page 12 alone), figures and figure legends.

      • I would consider moving some of Fig S2 to the main text: it helps clarify where Fig 2 is coming from and is referenced multiple times.

      We fully agree with the reviewer and we moved panels A-D from Figure S2 to the main Figure 2.

      • On page 10, "constantly facing a single stress that changes over time" is confusing. Perhaps "repetitively facing a single stress" instead?

      We agree this sentence could be wrongly interpreted the way it was written. We changed it to: “cells grow more slowly when facing periodic alternation of the two stresses (AS) than when facing periodic co-occurrence of these stresses (IPS)”.

      • Is there any knowledge on how cells resist hyperosmotic stress in the absence of glucose? That would help explain the IPS results.

      Based on comments from both reviewers, we surveyed the literature to flesh out the discussion of hypotheses that would help explain observed differences between AS and IPS conditions. We found few studies that investigated cell responses in the absence of glucose, and because of significant differences in the experimental approaches it remains difficult to explain our results from conclusions of these previous studies. For instance, Shen et al., 2023 described and modeled the hyperosmotic stress response at various glucose concentrations. They found that Hog1p relocation to the nucleus after hyperosmotic shock lasted longer at lower glucose concentration, which is consistent with our finding in absence of glucose. However, they did not include the absence of glucose in their experiments or periodic fluctuations of glucose concentration. In addition, their model ignores the impact of cell signaling processes involved in growth arrest in response to hyperosmotic stress or glucose depletion. It is therefore difficult to relate their conclusions to our results. We have developed the discussion of our study to include these hypotheses and to clarify what is explained or not in our IPS and AS results.

      There is knowledge on activation of the hyperosmotic stress pathway in response to glucose fluctuations, but not about the response to hyperosmotic stress in absence of glucose.

      • On page 11, Figure 5a should be Figure 4a.


      • I would explain the components of the HOG pathway in the caption of Fig 1 or in the text when you cite Fig 1a. They are described later, but an early overview would be useful.

      To give more context, we added the following sentences to the caption of Figure 1: “Yeast cells maintain osmotic equilibrium by regulating the intracellular concentration of glycerol. Glycerol synthesis is regulated by the activity of the HOG MAP kinase cascade that acts both in the cytoplasm (fast response) and on the transcription of target genes in the nucleus (long-term response). For simplicity, we only represented on the figure genes and proteins involved in this study.”

      • On page 16, I wasn't sure what "redirect metabolic fluxes against glycerol synthesis" meant.

      For more clarity, we modified this sentence to: “Since glucose is a metabolic precursor of glycerol, the absence of glucose may prevent glycerol synthesis and thereby fast osmoregulation."

      • For Fig 2, having a dot-dash and dash-dash lines rather than both dash-dash would be better.

      We made the proposed change, assuming the reviewer was referring to the gray dashed lines and not the colored ones.

      • In the caption of Fig 3, 2% glucose is 20 g/L.

      We thank the reviewer for catching this typo.

      • In the Materials and Methods Summary, adding how you estimated death rates would be helpful: they are not often reported.

      The calculation of death rates was explained in the Methods section. For more clarity, we modified the names of the parameters in the equation to make more explicit which ones refer to cell death.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      In Figure 2, it would be interesting to show individual growth rates of the perturbations at various frequencies as shown in Figures 3 c and d.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We added a new supplementary figure (Figure 2 – figure supplement 2) showing the temporal dynamics of division rates at three different frequencies of osmostress and glucose depletion. We did not include high frequencies (periods below 48 minutes) because the temporal resolution of image acquisition in our experiments (1 image every 6 minutes) was too low. Very interestingly, this new analysis suggests that the positive relationship between the frequency of glucose depletion and division rate is explained by a delay between glucose removal and growth arrest rather than a delay between glucose addition and growth recovery. We therefore added the following conclusion:

      “Under periodic fluctuations of 2% glucose, the division rate was lower during half-periods without glucose than during half-periods with glucose (Figure 2 – figure supplement 2d-f), as expected. However, this difference depended on the frequency of glucose fluctuations: the average division rate during half-periods without glucose was higher at high frequency (small period) than at low frequency (large period) of fluctuations (Figure 2 – figure supplement 2d-f). Therefore, the effect of the frequency of glucose availability on the division rate in 2% glucose is likely due to a delay between glucose removal and growth arrest: cell proliferation never stops when the frequency of glucose depletion is too fast.”

      According to Sharifan et al. 2015, I would have expected that Hog1 would not relocate in the nucleus in 0% glucose. I wonder if this is due to the use of sorbitol as a stressor or the presence of low levels of glucose in the medium. I would suggest performing some control experiments with NaCl as hyperosmotic agent and test the addition of 2-deoxy-glucose to completely block glycolysis.

      After careful reading of Sharifian et al. 2015, we fail to understand why the reviewer think Hog1 would be expected to not relocate to the nucleus after hyperosmotic stress in 0% glucose. In this previous study, the authors never combined glucose depletion with a strong hyperosmotic stress as we did in our study. They report the results of independent experiments where cells were exposed either to a single pulse of hyperosmotic stress (0.4 M NaCl) or to transient glucose starvation, but they did not combine these two stimuli. In this context, it is difficult to compare their results with ours. The fact that Sharifian et al. 2015 did not observe Hog1 nuclear relocation in 0% glucose (consistent with our result in Figure 6 – figure supplement 1a, yellow curve) is not inconsistent with our observation of Hog1 nuclear enrichment in 0% glucose + 1M sorbitol. One potential discrepancy between the two studies is the fact that they observed a small transient peak of Hog1 nuclear localization just after glucose is added back to the medium, while we failed to observe this peak in similar conditions (yellow curve in Figure 6 – figure supplement 1a). However, this could be simply explained by the temporal resolution of our experimental system: we image cells once every 6 minutes and the peak lasts less than 2 minutes in Sharifian et al. 2015. We added a sentence to discuss this minor point in the Results: “Although previous studies observed small transient (less than two minutes) peaks of Hog1-GFP nuclear localization after glucose was added back to the medium following glucose depletion (Sharifian et al., 2015, Piao et al., 2013), the temporal resolution in our experiments (one image every 6 minutes) may have been too low to detect these peaks.”.

      While we agree many additional experiments would be interesting, such as testing the effects of different stress factors or the non-metabolizable glucose analog 2-deoxy-D-glucose, we think this is beyond the scope of this study because such experiments are likely to open broad perspectives and to not be conclusive in a reasonable amount of time.

      When discussing Figure 7, the authors write that the HOG pathway is "overactivated" or "hyperactivated". I would refrain from using these terms because as seen in Figure 6, the Hog1 activity pattern, if anything, decreases as the number of alternative pulses increases. The high level of pSTL1mCitrine measured is mostly due to the long half-life of the fluorescent protein.

      We used the formulation “hyper-activation” of the HOG pathway because Mitchell et al. 2015 used it to refer to the same phenomenon in their seminal study. This "hyper-activation" refers to the fact that both the integral activation of Hog1p (sum of areas under Hog1 nuclear peaks) and the global activation of transcriptional targets is much higher during fast periodic hyperosmotic stress than during constant hyperosmotic stress. That being said, we understand the point made by the reviewer about the decreasing size of Hog1 peaks over time during repeated pulses of osmotic stress. Therefore, we slightly modified the text to refer to hyper-activation of pSTL1-mCitrine transcription or expression instead of hyper-activation of the HOG pathway. For coherency, we replaced all instances of “overactivation” by “hyper-activation”.

      Last but not least, the high level of pSTL1-mCitrine is both due to the long half-life of the protein and to the fact that pSTL1 transcription is never turned off due to high Hog1p activity under fast periodic osmostress.

      Minor comments:

      In the main text, I think it might be more intuitive to refer to doubling time in hours instead of division rates in 1/min which are harder to interpret.

      In an early draft of the manuscript, we made figures with either division rates or with doubling times (ln(2)/division rate) and we received mixed opinions from colleagues on what measure was more intuitive to interpret. Both measures are widely used in the literature, and we decided to use division rates in the final version of the figures because it was more directly related to population growth rate and to fitness. For instance, the population growth rate shown in Figure 5 is simply calculated by subtracting the death rate from the division rate. For coherency, we therefore reported division rates instead of doubling times in figures and results. However, to address the reviewer’s comment we included the doubling times (in addition to the division rates) when mentioning the most important results. For instance, page 12: “Strikingly, cells divided about twice as fast under IPS condition (1.67 x 10-3 division/min, corresponding to an average doubling time of 415 minutes) than under AS condition (9.4 x 10-4 division/min, corresponding to an average doubling time of 737 minutes)”.

      I found various capitalized version of "HOG /Hog pathway"

      We corrected this incoherency and used “HOG pathway” everywhere.

      Page 11. Figure 5a should refer to Figure 4a I believe.


      The methods are generally very thorough and precise. The explanation about the calculation of the division rate seems incomplete. For completeness, it would be good to mention the brand and model of valves used. In addition, it would be interesting to have an idea of the number of cells and microcolonies tracked in the various growth experiments.

      We are not sure why the reviewer found the explanation of the calculation of division rate incomplete. For more clarity, we modified the names of parameters in the equations to make them more explicit. We also added a reference to Supplementary File 1 that contains all R scripts used to calculate division rates and death rates. We included the brand and model of valves used, as requested. As for the number of cells tracked in the various experiments, we mentioned in the Methods: “we selected 25 positions (25 fields of view) of the motorized stage (Prior Scientific ProScan III) that captured 10 to 50 cells in each of the 25 growth chambers of the chip and were focused slightly below the median cell plane based on cell wall contrast.” To address the reviewer’s comment, we also included the range of number of tracked cells for each experiment in corresponding figure legends.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      First, we would like to thank you and all the reviewers for acknowledging the meaningful contribution of our manuscript to the field. Your useful comments helped us improve the manuscript's quality. We understood the key issues of the manuscript were the quantification of inference accuracy and applicability to methylome data. We here therefore present a revised version of the manuscript addressing all major comments.

      For each demographic inference we have added the root mean square error as demanded by the reviewers. These results confirm the previous interpretation of the graphs especially in recent times. We also added TMRCA inference analysis as requested by one reviewer as a proof of principle that integrating multiple markers can improve ARG inference.

      The discussion was rewritten to further discuss the challenges of application to empirical methylation data. We clarify that in the case epimutations are well understood and modelled, they can be integrated into a SMC framework to improve the approaches accuracy. When epimutations are not well understood, our approach can help understand the epimutations process through generations at the evolutionary time scale along the genome. Hence, in both cases our approach can be used to unveil marker evolution processes through generations, and/or deepen our understanding of the population past history. We hope our discussion underlies better how our approach is designed and can be used.

      eLife assessment

      This important study advances existing approaches for demographic inference by incorporating rapidly mutating markers such as switches in methylation state. The authors provide a solid comparison of their approach to existing methods, although the work would benefit from some additional consideration of the challenges in the empirical use of methylation data. The work will be of broad interest to population geneticists, both in terms of the novel approach and the statistical inference proposed.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors developed an extension to the pairwise sequentially Markov coalecent model that allows to simultaneously analyse multiple types of polymorphism data. In this paper, they focus on SNPs and DNA methylation data. Since methylation markers mutate at a much faster rate than SNPs, this potentially gives the method better power to infer size history in the recent past. Additionally, they explored a model where there are both local and regional epimutational processes.

      Integrating additional types of heritable markers into SMC is a nice idea which I like in principle. However, a major caveat to this approach seems to be a strong dependence on knowing the epimutation rate. In Fig. 6 it is seen that, when the epimutation rate is known, inferences do indeed look better; but this is not necessarily true when the rate is not known. A roughly similar pattern emerges in Supp. Figs. 4-7; in general, results when the rates have to be estimated don't seem that much better than when focusing on SNPs alone. This carries over to the real data analysis too: the interpretation in Fig. 7 appears to hinge on whether the rates are known or estimated, and the estimated rates differ by a large amount from earlier published ones.

      Overall, this is an interesting research direction, and I think the method may hold more promise as we get more and better epigenetic data, and in particular better knowledge of the epigenetic mutational process. At the same time, I would be careful about placing too much emphasis on new findings that emerge solely by switching to SNP+SMP analysis.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer 1 for his positive comments and acknowledging the future promises of our method as better and more reliable data will be available in different species. We appreciate the reviewer noticing the complete set of work undertaken here to integrate local and regional effects of methylation into a model containing as much knowledge of the epigenetics mutational processes as possible. Note that in Figure 2 of the manuscript we observed a gain of accuracy even when the rates are unknown. Our results thus suggests that the accuracy gain of additional marker with unknown rates is also possible, although it is most likely be scenario and rate dependent.

      At last, as noticed and highlighted by the very recent work of the Johannes lab (Yao et al. Science 2023) using phylogenetic methods, knowing the epimutation rate is essential at short time scale to avoid confounding effects of homoplasy. In our estimation of the coalescent trees, the same applies, though our model considers finite site markers. We now provide additional evidence for the potential gain of power to infer the TMRCA (Supplementary Table S7) when knowing or not the epimutation rates and revised the discussion to clarify the potential shortcomings/caveats for the analysis of real data.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      A limitation in using SNPs to understand recent histories of genomes is their low mutation frequency. Tellier et al. explore the possibility of adding hypermutable markers to SNP based methods for better resolution over short time frames. In particular, they hypothesize that epimutations (CG methylation and demethylation) could provide a useful marker for this purpose. Individual CGs in Arabidopsis tends to be either close to 100% methylated or close to 0%, and are inherited stably enough across generations that they can be treated as genetic markers. Small regions containing multiple CGs can also be treated as genetic markers based on their cumulative methylation level. In this manuscript, Tellier et al develop computational methods to use CG methylation as a hypermutable genetic marker and test them on theoretical and real data sets. They do this both for individual CGs and small regions. My review is limited to the simple question of whether using CG methylation for this purpose makes sense at a conceptual level, not at the level of evaluating specific details of the methods. I have a small concern in that it is not clear that CG methylation measurements are nearly as binary in other plants and other eukaryotes as they are in Arabidopsis. However, I see no reason why the concept of this work is not conceptually sound. Especially in the future as new sequencing technologies provide both base calling and methylating calling capabilities, using CG methylation in addition to SNPs could become a useful and feasible tool for population genetics in situations where SNPs are insufficient.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer 2 for his positive comments. Indeed, surveys of CG methylation in other plant species show that its distribution is clearly bimodal (i.e. binary). This is not the case for non-CG methylation, such as CHG and CHH (where H=C,T,A). However, these later types of methylation contexts are also not heritable across generations and can therefore not be used as heritable molecular markers.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      I very much like this approach and the idea of incorporating hypervariable markers. The method is intriguing, and the ability to e.g. estimate recombination rates, the size of DMRs, etc. is a really nice plus. I am not able to comment on the details of the statistical inference, but from what I can evaluate it seems sound and reasonable. This is an exciting new avenue for thinking about inference from genomic data. I have a few concerns about the presentation and then also questions about the use of empirical methylation data sets.

      I think a more detailed description of demographic accuracy is warranted. For example, in L245 MSMC2 identifies the bottleneck (albeit smoothed) and only slightly overestimates recent size. In the same analysis the authors' approach with unknown mu infers a nonexistent population increase by an order of magnitude that is not mentioned.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer 3 for his positive comments and refer to our answer to reviewer 1 above. We added RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) analyses to quantify the inference accuracy. We apologize for not mentioning this last point. Thank you for pointing this out and we have now fixed it (line 245-253).

      Similarly, it seems problematic that (L556) the approach requiring estimation of site and region parameters (as would presumably be needed in most empirical systems like endangered nonmodel species mentioned in the introduction) does no better than using only SNPs. Overall, I think a more objective and perhaps quantitative comparison of approaches is warranted.

      Answer : See answer to reviewer 1 above, and more elaborate answers below. We provide now new RMSE analyses to quantify the accuracy of our demographic inference (Supplementary Tables 1,6,7,8,9,10). We also discuss the validity and usefulness of our approach when the epimutation rates are unknown. In short, the discussion was rewritten to further discuss the challenges of application to empirical methylation data. We clarify that in the case epimutations are well known and modelled (as much is known in A. thaliana for example), they can be integrated into a SMC framework to improve the accuracy of the method approach. When epimutations are not well understood and rates unknown, our approach can help understand the epimutational process through generations at the evolutionary time scale. Hence, whether makers are understood or not, our approach can be used to study the marker evolutionary processes through generations and/or to deepen our understanding of the population past history. We hope our discussion underlies better how our approach is designed and can be used.

      The authors simulate methylated markers at 2% (and in some places up to 20%). In many plant genomes a large proportion of cytosines are methylated (e.g. 70% in maize: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8496265/). I don't know what % of these may be polymorphic, but this leads to an order of magnitude more methylated cytosines than there are SNPs. Couldn't this mean that any appreciable error in estimating methylation threatens to be of a similar order of magnitude to the SNP data? I would welcome the authors' thoughts here.

      Answer : The reviewer is correct and this is an interesting question. First, studies show that heritable epimutations in plants are restricted to CG dinucleotides that are located well outside of the target regions of de novo methylation pathways in plants. Most of these CGs tend of fall within so-called gene body methylated regions. While it is true that plant species can differ substantially in their proportion of methylation at the genome-wide scale, the number of gene body methylated genes (i.e. genic CG methylation) is relatively similar, and at least well within the same order of magnitude (Takuno et al. Nature Plants 2016, review in Muyle et al. Genome Biol Evol 2022). Moreover, spontaneous CG epimutations in gene body methylated regions has been shown to be neutral (van Der Graaf et al. 2015, Vidali et al. 2016, Yao et al. 2023), which is an ideal property for phylogentic and demographic inference.

      Second, CG methylation calls are sometimes affected by coverage or uncertainty. Stringent filtering for reliable SMP calls typically reduces the total proportion of CG sites that can be used as input for demographic inference. Here we only kept CG sites where the methylation information could be fully trusted after SMP calling (i.e. >99.9% posteriori certainty). Overall, this explains why the percentage of sites with methylation information is so small, and why we have decided to work on simulation with 2% of reliable methylated markers.

      Nevertheless, for the sake of generality, it may be that in some species such as maize a higher percentage of polymorphic methylated sites can be used, and the number of SMPs could be higher than that of SNPs when the effective population size is very small (due to past demographic history and/or life history traits). In this case, any error in the epimutation rate and variance due to the finite site model estimation (and homoplasy) are not corrected by the lack of SNPs and can lead to mis-inference.

      A few points of discussion about the biology of methylation might be worth including. For example, methylation can differ among cell types or cells within a tissue, yet sequencing approaches evaluate a pool of cells. This results in a reasonable fraction of sites having methylation rates not clearly 0 or 1. How does this variation affect the method? Similarly, while the authors cite literature about the stable inheritance of methylation, a sentence or so more about the time scale over which this occurs would be helpful.

      Answer: We thank reviewer 3 for asking those very interesting questions, which we further developed below and mention in the discussion (lines 716-722).

      For Arabidopsis thaliana:

      Following up on our previous comment above, the majority of the CG sites that serve as input to our approach are located in body methylated genes. Previous work has shown that CG methylation in these regions shows essentially no tissue and cellular heterogeneity (e.g. Horvath et al. 2019). This means that bulk methylation measurements only show limited susceptibility to measurement error. That said, to guard against any spurious SMPs call that could arise from residual measurement variation, we applied stringent filtering of CG methylation. We have kept sites where the methylation percentage is close to either 0% or 100% (the rest being removed from the analysis). We have used similar filtering strategies in previous studies of epimutational processes in mutation accumulation lines and long-lived perennials (work of the Johannes lab). In these later studies we found that the SMP calls sufficiently accurate for inferences of phylogenetic parameters in experimental settings (Sharyhary et al. Genome Biology 2021, Yao et al. Science, 2023).

      For other species:

      It is true that currently, evaluating the methylation state of a site from a pool of cells may be problematic for some species for two main reasons: 1) it will add noise to the signal and SMP calling could be erroneous, and 2) the methylation state used in analysis might originate from different tissues at different location of the genome/methylome. Overall, this will lead to spurious SMPs and can render the inference inaccurate (see Sellinger et al 2021 for the effect of spurious SNPs). Hence, caution is advised when calling SMPs in other species and for different tissues.

      Finally, in some species methylated cytosines have mutation rates an order of magnitude higher than other nucleotides. The authors mention they assume independence, but how would violation of this assumption affect their inference?

      Answer: Indeed, we assume the mutation and epimutation process to be independent thus the probability for a SNP to occur does not depend on the local methylation state. If this was the case, the mutation rate use would indeed be wrong to a degree function of the dependency between the processes. We suggest that by ignoring this dependence, we are in the same situation as ignoring the variation of mutation rate along the genome. We have previously documented the effect of ignoring this biological feature of genomes in Strüt et al 2023 and Sellinger et al 2021. The variation in mutation rate along the genome if too extreme and not accounted for can lead to erroneous inference results. However, this problem could be easily solved (modelled) by adapting the emission matrix. To correctly model this dependency, additional knowledge is needed: either the mutation and epimutation rates must be known to quantify the dependency, or the dependency must be known to quantify the resulting rates. As far as we know, these data are at the moment not available, but could maybe be obtained using the MA lines of A. thaliana (used in Yao et al. 2023).

      Recommendations for the authors:

      All three reviewers liked this approach and found it a valuable contribution. I think it is important to address reviewer 1/3 concerns about quantifying the accuracy of inference (the TMRCA approach from reviewer 1 sounds pretty reasonable), and reviewer 1 also highlights an intriguing point about model accuracy being worse when the mutation rate is known. Additionally, I think some discussion is warranted about challenges dealing with empirical methylation data (points from Rev 2 and 3 as well as Rev 1's question about inferred vs published rates of epigenetic mutation).

      Answer : We have added tables containing the root mean square error (RMSE) of every demographic inference in the manuscript to better quantify accuracy. We have below given the explanation on why accuracy in presence of site and region epimutations can in some cases decrease when real rates are known (because methylation state at the region level needs to be first inferred). We added evidence that accounting for methylation can improve the accuracy when recovering the TMRCA along the genome when the rates are known. We also have enhanced the discussion on the challenges of dealing with epimutations data for inference. As is suggested, we hope this study will generate an interest in tackling these challenges by applying the methods to various methylome datasets from different species.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Major comments:

      • For all of the simulated demographic inference results, only plots are presented. This allowsfor qualitative but not quantitative comparisons to be made across different methods. It is not easy to tell which result is actually better. For example, in Supp. Fig. 5, eSMC2 seems slightly better in the ancient past, and times the trough more effectively, while SMCm seems a bit better in the very recent past. For a more rigorous approach, it would be useful to have accompanying tables that measure e.g. mean-squared error (along with confidence intervals) for each of the different scenarios, similar to what is already done in Tables 1 and 2 for estimating $r$.

      Answer : We understand the concern of reviewer #1 for a more quantitative approach to compare the inference results. We agree that plots are not sufficient to fully grasp a method performance. To provide better supports to quantity approaches performance, we added Sup tables 1,6,8,9 and 10 containing the RMSE (in log10 for visibility) for all Figures. The root mean-squared error is calculated as in Sellinger 2021 and a description of how the root mean-squared error is calculated and now found in the method section lines 886-893.

      • 434: The discussion downplays the really odd result that inputting the true value of themutation rate, in some cases, produces much worse estimates than when they are learned from data (SFig. 6)! I can't think of any reason why this should happen other than some sort of mathematical error or software bug. I strongly encourage the authors to pin down the cause of this puzzling behaviour.

      Answer : There are unfortunately no errors in this plot and those results are perfectly normal and coherent, but we understand they can be confusing at first.

      As described in the method section and in the appendix, when accounting for regionlevel epimutations, our algorithm requires the regional methylation status which needs to be inferred as a first step from the data (real or simulated). Because region and single site epimutation events are occurring at similar rates in our simulated scenario, the methylation state of the region is very hard to correctly recover (e.g. there will be unmethylated site in methylated regions and methylated sites in unmethylated regions). In other words, the accuracy of the region estimation HMM procedure is decreased by the joint action of site and region epimutation processes.

      When subsequently applying the HMM for inference, as described in the appendix, the probabilities of two CG site being in the same or different methylation state depends on the methlylation state of the "region". Hence the mislabelling of the region methylation state is (to some extent) equivalent to spurious SMPs (or inaccurate SMP calling).

      If the true rates for site and region epimutations are given as input, the model forces the demography (and other inferred parameters) to fit the observed distribution of SMPs (given the inputted rates), resulting in the poor accuracy observed in the Figure (Now Supplementary Figure 7).

      Note: The estimated rates from real data in A. thaliana suffer from the same issue as the region and site epimutation rates are independently estimated, and the existence of regions first quantified using an independent HMM method (Denkena et al. 2022).

      However, when rates are freely inferred, they are inferred accordingly to the estimated methylation status of regions and SNPs. Therefore, even if the inferred rates are wrong, they are used by the SMC in a more consistent way.

      Note: When methylation rates violate the infinite site assumption, such as here, we first estimate the tree sequence along the genome using SNPs (i.e. DNA mutations). The algorithm then infers the epimutations rates given the inferred coalescent times and the observed methylation diversity.

      To summarise: when inputting rates to the model, if the model fails to correctly recover the region methylation status there will be conflicting information between SNPs and SMPs leading to accuracy loss. However if the rates are inferred this is realized with the help of SNPs, leading to less conflicting information and potentially smaller loss of accuracy. We apologize that the explanations were missing from the manuscript and have added them lines 449-460 and 702-716.

      A further argument is that if region and site epimutations occur at rates of at least two orders of magnitude difference, the inference results are better (and accurate) when the true rates are given. The reason is that one epimutational process overrides the other (see Supplementary Table 2). In that case one epimutation process is almost negligible and we fall back to results from Figure 5 or Supplementary Figure 6.

      • As noted at 580, all of the added power from integrating SMPs/DMRs should come fromimproved estimation of recent TMRCAs. So, another way to study how much improvement there is would be to look at the true vs. estimated/posterior TMRCAs. Although I agree that demographic inference is ultimately the most relevant task, comparing TMRCA inference would eliminate other sources of differences between the methods (different optimization schemes, algorithmic/numerical quirks, and so forth). This could be a useful addition, and may also give you more insight into why the augmented SMC methods do worse in some cases.

      Answer : We fully agree with reviewer 1. We have added a comparison in TMRCA inference as proof of principle between using or not using methylation sites. The results are written in Supplementary Table 7 and methodology is inspired by Schiffels 2014 and described at the end of the method section (line 894-907). Those results demonstrate the potential gain in accuracy when using methylation polymorphic. However, TMRCA (or ARG) inference is a very vast and complex subject in its own right. Therefore, we are developing a complete TMRCA/ARG inference investigation and an improve methodology than the one presented in this manuscript. To do so we are currently working on a manuscript focusing on this topic specifically. We hence consider further investigations of TMRCA/ARG inference beyond the scope of this current study.

      • A general remark on the derivations in Section 2 of the supplement: I checked theseformulas as best I could. But a cleaner, less tedious way of calculating these probabilities would be to express the mutation processes as continuous time Markov chains. Then all that is needed is to specify the rate matrices; computing the emission probabilities needed for the SMC methods reduces to manipulating the results of some matrix exponentials. In fact, because the processes are noninteracting, the rate matrix decomposes into a Kronecker sum of the individual rate matrices for each process, which is very easy to code up. And this structure can be exploited when computing the matrix exponential, if speed is an issue.

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for this very interesting suggestion! Unfortunately, it is a bit late to re-implement the algorithm and reshape the manuscript according to this suggestion. Speed is not yet an issue but will most likely become one in the future when integrating many different rates or when using a more complex SMC model. Hence, we added reviewer #1 suggestions to the discussion (line 648) and hope to be using it in our future projects.

      • Most (all?) of the SNP-only SMC methods allow for binning together consecutiveobservations to cut down on computation time. I did not see binning mentioned anywhere, did you consider it? If the method really processes every site, how long does it take to run?

      Answer: This is a very good question. We do the binning exactly as described in Mailund 2013 & Terhorst 2017, and added this information in the method section (lines 801-809). However, as described in Terhorst 2017, one can only bin observation of the same "type" (to compute the Baum-Welch algorithm). Therefore, the computation time gain by binning is reduced when different markers spread along the genome in high proportion. This is the approach we used throughout the study when facing multiple markers as it had the best speed performance. As for example, when the proportion of site with methylated information is 1% or less, computation time is only slightly affected (i.e. same order of magnitude).

      However, the binning method presented in Mailund 2013 can be extended to observation of different types, but parameters need to be estimated through a full likelihood approach (as presented in Figure 2). In our study this approach did not have the best speed performance. However, as our study is the first of its kind, it remains sub-optimal for now. Hence, we did not further investigate the performance of our approach in presence of many multiple different genomic marker (e.g. 5 different markers each representing ~20% of the genome each). Currently, with SMC approaches a high proportion of sites contain the information "No SNPs", making the Baum welch algorithm described in Terhorst 2017 very efficient. But when further developing our theoretical approach, we expect that most of the sites in a genome analysis will contain some "information", which could render the full likelihood approach computationally more tractable.

      • 486: The assumed site and region (de)methylation rates listed here are several OOMdifferent from what your method estimated (Supp. Tables 5-6). Yet, on simulated data your method is usually correct to within an order of magnitude (Supp. Table 4). How are we to interpret this much larger difference between the published estimates and yours? If the published estimates are not reliable, doesn't that call into question your interpretation of the blue line in Fig. 7 at 533?

      Answer: We thank the reviewer for asking this question. We believe answering this question is indeed the most interesting aspect of our study. Beyond demographic inference, our study has indeed unveiled a discrepancy between rates inferred through biological experiment and our study through the use of SNPs and branch length. There are several reasons which could explained the discrepancy between both approaches:

      • Firstly, our underlying HMM hypotheses are certainly violated. We ignoredpopulation structure, variation of mutations and recombination rate along the genome as well as the effect of selection. Hence, the branch lengths used for methylation rate estimations are to some extent inaccurate. We note that this is especially likely for the short branches of coalescent tree originating from background selection events in the coding regions and which are especially observable when using the methylation sites with a higher mutation rate than SNPs (Yao et al. 2023) at body methylated genes.

      • Secondly, calling single methylation site polymorphism is not 100 % reliable. If theerror rate is 0.1%, as the study was conducted on ~10 generations a minimum epimutation rate of 10-4 is to be expected. However, because our approach works at the evolutionary time scale, we expect that it suffers less from this bias as the proportion of diversity originating from actual epimutations, and not SMP calling error, should be greater.

      • Thirdly, as mentioned above, recovering the methylation status of a region is veryhard. Hence false region status inference could affect our inference accuracy as shown in Supplementary Figure 4.

      • Lastly and most importantly, the reason behind this discrepancy is the modelling ofepimutation and methylation between sites and regions. As we discuss, the current combination of rates and models is still limited to describe the observed diversity along the genome (as we intend in SMC methods). This is in contrast to the recent study by Yao et al. where very few regions of polymorphic SMPs are chosen, which implicitly avoids the influence of the methylation region effect. A study just published by Biffra et al. (Cell reports 2023) also uses a functional model of methylation modelling using a mix of region and site epimutation, albeit not tuned for evolutionary analyses. Thus we suggest, in line with functional studies, that epimutations are not independent from the local methylation context and may tend to stabilize the methylation state of a region. Therefore, the estimated methylation rates show a discrepancy to the previously measured ones. Indeed, the biological experiment would reveal a fast epimutation rate because epimutations can actually be tracked at sites which can mutate, while region mutation rate is much slower. However, because the methylation state of a region is rather stable through time it would reduce the methylation diversity over long time scale, and these rates would differ between methylated or unmethylated regions (i.e. the methylation rate is higher in methylated regions). Our results are thus in agreement with the observation by Biffra et al. that region methylation modelling is needed to explain patterns of methylation across the genome.

      To solve the discrepancy, one would need to develop a theoretical region + site epimutation model capable of describing the observed diversity at the evolutionary time scale (possibly based on the Biffra et al. model within an underlying population evolution model), and then use this model to reanalyse the sequence data from the biological experiment (i.e. in de Graaf et al. 2015 & Denkena et al. 2022) to re-estimate the methylation region sizes and epimutation rates.

      Minor comments:

      • 189: "SMCtheo" first occurs here, but it's not mentioned until 247 that this is the newmethod being presented.

      Answer : Fixed

      • 199: Are the estimates in this section from a single diploid sequence? Or is it n=5 (diploid) as mentioned in the earlier section?

      Answer : Yes, those results were obtained with 5 diploid individuals. We added it in the Table 1 description.

      • 336: I'm confused by the wording: it sounds like the test rejects the null if there is positivecorrelation in the methylation status across sites. But then, shouldn't 339 read "if the test is significant" (not non-significant)?

      Answer : We apologize for the confusion and rewrote the sentence line 339-348, the choice of word was indeed misleading .

      • Fig. 6: for some reason fewer simulations were run for 10Mb (panels C nad D) than for100Mb (A and B). Since it's very difficult to tell what's happening on average in the 10Mb case, I suggest running the same number of simulations.

      Answer : Yes we understand your concern. Actually, the same number of simulations were run but we plotted only the first 3 runs as it was less visually confusing. We now have added the missing lines to the plot C and D.


      • 104: "or or"

      • 292: build => built

      • 388: fulfil

      • 683: sample => samples

      Answer : Many thanks to reviewer 1 for pointing out the typos. They are all now fixed.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The authors may find some valuable information in Pisupati et al (2023) "On the causes of gene-body methylation variation in Arabidopsis thaliana" on interpreting epimutation rates.

      Answer: Many thanks for the recommended manuscript. We add it to the cited literature as it strongly supports our use of heritability or methylation. We also added the recent Biffra et al. paper.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      There are many places throughout the manuscript with minor grammatical errors. Please review these. A few noted below as I read:

      L104: extra "or"

      L123: built not build

      L 160 "relies" instead of "do rely"

      L161 "events"

      L 336 "from methylation data"

      L 378 "exists"

      L 379 "regions are on average shorter" instead of "there are shorter"

      L 338 "a regional-level"

      L 349 "," instead of "but"

      L 394 DMRs

      Table 1 legend: parentheses not brackets?

      Answer : Many thanks to reviewer #3 for finding those mistakes. They are all now fixed.

      I think a paragraph in the discussion of considerations of when to use this approach might be helpful to readers. Comparison to e.g. increased sample size in MSMC2, while not necessary, might be helpful here. It may often be the case that doubling the number of haplotypes with SNP data may be easier and cheaper estimating methylation accurately.

      Answer : We discuss (lines 691-698) that our approach is always useful by design, but cannot always be used for the same purpose. If the evolutionary properties of the used marker used are not understood, we suggest that our approach can be used to investigate the marker heritability process through generations. This could help to correctly design experiments aiming to study the marker heritability through lineages. And if the properties of the marker are well understood and modelled, it can be integrated into the SMC framework to improve inference accuracy.

      Other minor notes:

      L 486 "known" is a stretch. empirically estimated seems appropriate.

      Answer : Fixed

      L 573 ARG? You are not estimating the full ARG here.

      Answer : We apologize for the wrong choice of word and have rephrased the sentence.

      Fig. 2 is not super useful and could be supplemental.

      Answer : We moved Figure 2 to the appendix (now sup fig 1)

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors developed an extension to the pairwise sequentially Markov coalecent model that allows to simultaneously analyze multiple types of polymorphism data. In this paper, they focus on SNPs and DNA methylation data. Since methylation markers mutate at a much faster rate than SNPs, this potentially gives the method better power to infer size history in the recent past. Additionally, they explored a model where there are both local and regional epimutational processes.

      Integrating additional types of heritable markers into SMC is a nice idea which I like in principle. However, a major caveat to this approach seems to be a strong dependence on knowing the epimutation rate. In Fig. 6 it is seen that, when the epimutation rate is known, inferences do indeed look better; but this is not necessarily true when the rate is not known. (See also major comment #1 below about the interpretation of these plots.) A roughly similar pattern emerges in Supp. Figs. 4-7; in general, results when the rates have to be estimated don't seem that much better than when focusing on SNPs alone. This carries over to the real data analysis too: the interpretation in Fig. 7 appears to hinge on whether the rates are known or estimated, and the estimated rates differ by a large amount from earlier published ones.

      Overall, this is an interesting research direction, and I think the method may hold more promise as we get more and better epigenetic data, and in particular better knowledge of the epigenetic mutational process. At the same time, I would be careful about placing too much emphasis on new findings that emerge solely by switching to SNP+SMP analysis.

      Major comments:<br /> - For all of the simulated demographic inference results, only plots are presented. This allows for qualitative but not quantitative comparisons to be made across different methods. It is not easy to tell which result is actually better. For example, in Supp. Fig. 5, eSMC2 seems slightly better in the ancient past, and times the trough more effectively, while SMCm seems a bit better in the very recent past. For a more rigorous approach, it would be useful to have accompanying tables that measure e.g. mean-squared error (along with confidence intervals) for each of the different scenarios, similar to what is already done in Tables 1 and 2 for estimating $r$.

      - 434: The discussion downplays the really odd result that inputting the true value of the mutation rate, in some cases, produces much worse estimates than when they are learned from data (SFig. 6)! I can't think of any reason why this should happen other than some sort of mathematical error or software bug. I strongly encourage the authors to pin down the cause of this puzzling behaviour. (Comment addressed in revision. Still, I find the explanation added at 449ff to be somewhat puzzling -- shouldn't the results of the regional HMM scan only improve if the true mutation rate is given?)

      - As noted at 580, all of the added power from integrating SMPs/DMRs should come from improved estimation of recent TMRCAs. So, another way to study how much improvement there is would be to look at the true vs. estimated/posterior TMRCAs. Although I agree that demographic inference is ultimately the most relevant task, comparing TMRCA inference would eliminate other sources of differences between the methods (different optimization schemes, algorithmic/numerical quirks, and so forth). This could be a useful addition, and may also give you more insight into why the augmented SMC methods do worse in some cases. (Comment addressed in revision via Supp. Table 7.).

      - A general remark on the derivations in Section 2 of the supplement: I checked these formulas as best I could. But a cleaner, less tedious way of calculating these probabilities would be to express the mutation processes as continuous time Markov chains. Then all that is needed is to specify the rate matrices; computing the emission probabilities needed for the SMC methods reduces to manipulating the results of some matrix exponentials. In fact, because the processes are noninteracting, the rate matrix decomposes into a Kronecker sum of the individual rate matrices for each process, which is very easy to code up. And this structure can be exploited when computing the matrix exponential, if speed is an issue.

      - Most (all?) of the SNP-only SMC methods allow for binning together consecutive observations to cut down on computation time. I did not see binning mentioned anywhere, did you consider it? If the method really processes every site, how long does it take to run?

      - 486: The assumed site and region (de)methylation rates listed here are several OOM different from what your method estimated (Supp. Tables 5-6). Yet, on simulated data your method is usually correct to within an order of magnitude (Supp. Table 4). How are we to interpret this much larger difference between the published estimates and yours? If the published estimates are not reliable, doesn't that call into question your interpretation of the blue line in Fig. 7 at 533? (Comment addressed in revision.)

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This study examines the role of host blood meal source, temperature, and photoperiod on the reproductive traits of Cx. quinquefasciatus, an important vector of numerous pathogens of medical importance. The host use pattern of Cx. quinquefasciatus is interesting in that it feeds on birds during spring and shifts to feeding on mammals towards fall. Various hypotheses have been proposed to explain the seasonal shift in host use in this species but have provided limited evidence. This study examines whether the shifting of host classes from birds to mammals towards autumn offers any reproductive advantages to Cx. quinquefasciatus in terms of enhanced fecundity, fertility, and hatchability of the offspring. The authors found no evidence of this, suggesting that alternate mechanisms may drive the seasonal shift in host use in Cx. quinquefasciatus.


      Host blood meal source, temperature, and photoperiod were all examined together.

      Weaknesses: The study was conducted in laboratory conditions with a local population of Cx. quinquefasciatus from Argentina. I'm not sure if there is any evidence for a seasonal shift in the host use pattern in Cx. quinquefasciatus populations from the southern latitudes.

      We agree on the reviewers observation about the evidence on seasonal shift in the host use pattern in Cx. quinquefasciatus populations from southern latitudes. We include a paragraph in the Introduction section regarding this. Unfortunately, studies conducted in South America to understand host use by Culex mosquitoes are very limited, and there are virtually no studies on the seasonal feeding pattern. In Argentina, there is some evidence (Stein et al., 2013, Beranek, 2019) regarding the seasonal change in host use by Culex species, including Cx. quinquefasciatus, where the inclusion of mammals during the autumn has been observed. As part of a comprehensive study on characterising bridge vectors for SLE and WN viruses, our research group is currently working on the molecular identification of blood meals from engorged females to gain deeper insights into the seasonal feeding pattern of Culex mosquitoes. While the seasonal change in host use by Culex quinquefasciatus has not been reported in Argentina so far, there has been an observed increase in reported cases of SLE virus in humans between summer and fall (Spinsanti et al., 2008). It is based on this evidence that we hypothesise there is a seasonal change in host use by Cx. quinquefasciatus, similar to what occurs in the United States. This is also considering that both countries (Argentina and the United States) have regions with similar climatic conditions (temperate climates with thermal and hydrological seasonality). Since we work on the same species and in a similar temperate climate regimen, we assumed there is a seasonal shift in the host use by this mosquito species.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations for the authors):


      Line 23: fed on two different hosts.

      Accepted as suggested.

      I think the concluding statement should be rewritten to say that immediate reproductive outcomes do not explain the shift in host use pattern of Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes from birds to mammals towards autumn.

      Accepted as suggested.


      No comments.

      Materials and Methods

      Please mention sample sizes in the text as well (n = ?) for each treatment.

      Accepted as suggested.

      Page 99: ......C. quinquefasciatus, since C. pipiens and its hybrids are present as well in Cordoba.

      Accepted as suggested.

      Results – Line 146: subsequently instead of posteriorly

      Accepted all changes as suggested.

      Line 148: were counted instead of was counted.

      Accepted all changes as suggested.

      Line 160: Subsequently instead of posteriorly

      Accepted all changes as suggested.

      Line 171: on fertility

      Accepted all changes as suggested.

      Line 174: there was an interaction effect on…

      Accepted all changes as suggested.

      Line 175: there were no differences in the number of eggs

      Accepted all changes as suggested.


      I think the first paragraph in the discussion section is redundant and should be deleted.

      The whole discussion was rewritten to be focused on our aims and results.

      Line 282: this sentence needs to be rewritten.

      Accepted as suggested.

      Line 299: at 28{degree sign}C

      Line 300: at 30{degree sign}C

      Sorry, but we are not sure about your comment here. We checked. Temperatures are written as stated, 28°C and 30°C.

      Line 363: I think the authors need to discuss more about the bigger question they were addressing. I think that the discussion section can be strengthened greatly by elaborating on whether there is evidence for a seasonal shift in host use pattern in Cx. quinquefasciatus in the southern latitudes. If yes, what alternate mechanisms they believe could be driving the seasonal change in host use in this species in the southern latitudes now that they show the 'deriving reproductive advantages' hypothesis to be not true for those populations.

      Thanks for this observation. We agree and so the Discussion section was restructured to align it with our results, as suggested.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Conceptually, this study is interesting and is the first attempt to account for the potentially interactive effects of seasonality and blood source on mosquito fitness, which the authors frame as a possible explanation for previously observed host-switching of Culex quinquefasciatus from birds to mammals in the fall. The authors hypothesize that if changes in fitness by blood source change between seasons, higher fitness in birds in the summer and on mammals in the autumn could drive observed host switching. To test this, the authors fed individuals from a colony of Cx. quinquefasciatus on chickens (bird model) and mice (mammal model) and subjected each of these two groups to two different environmental conditions reflecting the high and low temperatures and photoperiod experienced in summer and autumn in Córdoba, Argentina (aka seasonality). They measured fecundity, fertility, and hatchability over two gonotrophic cycles. The authors then used a generalized linear mixed model to evaluate the impact of host species, seasonality, and gonotrophic cycle on fecundity and fertility and a null model analysis via data randomization for hatchability. The authors were trying to test their hypothesis by determining whether there was an interactive effect of season and host species on mosquito fitness. This is an interesting hypothesis; if it had been supported, it would provide support for a new mechanism driving host switching. While the authors did report an interactive impact of seasonality and host species, the directionality of the effect was the opposite of that hypothesized. While this finding is interesting and worth reporting, there are significant issues with the experimental design and the conclusions that are drawn from the results, which are described below. These issues should be addressed to make the findings trustworthy.


      (1) Using a combination of laboratory feedings and incubators to simulate seasonal environmental conditions is a good, controlled way to assess the potentially interactive impact of host species and seasonality on the fitness of Culex quinquefasciatus in the lab.

      (2) The driving hypothesis is an interesting and creative way to think about a potential driver of host switching observed in the field.


      (1) There is no replication built into this study. Egg lay is a highly variable trait, even within treatments, so it is important to see replication of the effects of treatment across multiple discrete replicates. It is standard practice to replicate mosquito fitness experiments for this reason. Furthermore, the sample size was particularly small for some groups (e.g. 15 egg rafts for the second gonotrophic cycle of mice in the autumn, which was the only group for which a decrease in fecundity and fertility was detected between 1st and 2nd gonotrophic cycles). Replicates also allow investigators to change around other variables that might impact the results for unknown reasons; for example, the incubators used for fall/summer conditions can be swapped, ensuring that the observed effects are not artefacts of other differences between treatments. While most groups had robust sample sizes, I do not trust the replicability of the results without experimental replication within the study.

      We agree egg lay is a variable trait and so we consider high numbers of mosquitoes and egg lay during experiments compared to our studies of the same topics. Evaluating variables such as fecundity, fertility, or other types of variables (collectively referred to as "life tables") is a challenging issue that depends on several intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Because all of this, in some experiments, sample sizes might not be very large, and in several articles, lower sample sizes could be found. For instance, in Richards et al. (2012), for Culex quinquefasciatus, during the second gonotrophic cycle, some experiments had 13 or even 6 egg rafts. For species like Aedes aegypti, the sample size for life table analysis is also usually small. As an example, Muttis et al. (2018) reported between 1 and 4 engorged females (without replicates). In addition, small sample size would be a problem if we would not have obtained any effect, which is not the case due to the fact that we were interested in finding an effect, regardless of the effect size. Because of this, we do find our sample sizes quite robust for our results.

      Regarding the need to repeat the experiments in order to give more robustness to the study we also agree. However, after a review of the literature (articles cited in the original manuscript), it is apparent that similar experiments are not frequently repeated as such. Examples of this are the studies of Richards et al. (2012), Demirci et al. (2014) or Telang & Skinner (2019), which even they manipulate several cages at a time as “replicates”, they are not true replicates because they summarise and manipulate all data together, and do not repeat the experiment several times. We see these “replicates” as a way of getting a greater N.

      As was stated by the reviewer, repetition is a resource and time-consuming activity that we are not able to do. Replicating the experiment poses a significant time and resources challenge. The original experiment took over three months to complete, and it is anticipated that a similar timeframe would be necessary for each replication (6 months in total considering two more replicates). Given our existing commitments and obligations, dedicating such an extensive period solely to this would impede progress on other crucial projects and responsibilities.

      Given the limitations of resources and time and the infrequent use of experimental replication in this type of studies, we performed a simulation-based analysis via a Monte Carlo approach. This approach involved generating synthetic data that mimics the expected characteristics of the original experiment and subsequently subjecting it to the same analysis routine. The main goal of this simulation was to evaluate the potential spuriousness and randomness of the results that might arise due to the experimental conditions. So, evaluating the robustness and confidence of our results and data.

      (2) Considering the hypothesis is driven by the host switching observed in the field, this phenomenon is discussed very little. I do not believe Cx. quinquefasciatus host switching has been observed in Argentina, only in the northern hemisphere, so it is possible that the species could have an entirely different ecology in Argentina. It would have been helpful to conduct a blood meal analysis prior to this experiment to determine whether using an Argentinian population was appropriate to assess this question. If the Argentinian populations don't experience host switching, then an Argentinian colony would not be the appropriate colony to use to assess this question. Given that this experiment has already been conducted with this population, this possibility should at least be acknowledged in the discussion. Or if a study showing host switching in Argentina has been conducted, it would be helpful to highlight this in the introduction and discussion.

      Thanks for this observation. We agree. However, we conducted the experiment beside host use data from Argentina since we used the mosquito species, and the centre region of Argentina (Córdoba) has a similar temperate weather regimen that those observed in the east coast of US.

      We are aware that few studies regarding host shifting in South America are available, some such that those conducted by Stein et al. (2013) and Beranek (2019) reported a moderate host switch for Culex quinquefasciatus in Argentina. We have already performed a study about seasonal host feeding patterns for this species. However, even though there are few studies regarding host shifting, our hypothesis is based mainly in the seasonality of human cases of WNV and SLEV, a pattern that has been demonstrated for our region, see for example the study of Spinsanti et al. (2008).

      We include a new paragraph in the Introduction and Discussion sections. Please see answers Reviewer #1.

      (3) The impacts of certain experimental design decisions are not acknowledged in the manuscript and warrant discussion. For example, the larvae were reared under the same conditions to ensure adults of similar sizes and development timing, but this also prevents mechanisms of action that could occur as a result of seasonality experienced by mothers, eggs, and larvae.

      We understand the confusion that may have arisen due to a lack of further details in the methodology. If we are not mistaken, you are referring to our oversight regarding the consideration of carry-over effects of larvae rearing that could potentially impact reproductive traits. When investigating the effects of temperature or other environmental factors on reproductive traits, it is possible to acclimate either larvae or adults. This is due to the significant phenotypic plasticity that mosquitoes exhibit throughout their entire ontogenetic cycle. In our study, we followed an approach similar to that of other authors where the adults are exposed to experimental conditions (temperature and photoperiod). For a similar approach you can refer to the studies conducted by Ferguson et al. (2018) for Cx. pipiens, Garcia Garcia & Londoño Benavides (2007) for Cx. quinquefasciatus or Christiansen-Jucht et al. (2014, 2015) for Anopheles gambiae.

      (4) There are aspects of the data analysis that are not fully explained and should be further clarified. For example, there is no explanation of how the levels of categorical variables were compared.

      The methodology and statistical analysis were expanded for a better understanding.

      (5) The results show the opposite trend as was predicted by the authors based on observed feeding switches from birds to mammals in the autumn. However, they only state this once at the end of the discussion and never address why they might have observed the opposite trend as was hypothesized.

      The discussion was restructured to focus on our results and our model.

      (6) Generally speaking, the discussion has information that isn't directly related to the results and/or is too detailed in certain parts. Meanwhile, it doesn't dig into the meaning of the results or the ways in which the experimental design could have influenced results.

      As mentioned above, the discussion was restructured to reflect our findings. We also included the effect that our design might have influenced our results. However, as stated above we do not fully agree that the design is inadequate for our analysis, we performed standard protocols followed by other researchers and studies in this research field.

      (7) Beyond the issue of lack of replication limiting trust in the conclusions in general, there is one conclusion reached at the end of the discussion that would not be supported, even if additional replicates are conducted. The results do not show that physiological changes in mosquitoes trigger the selection of new hosts. Host selection is never measured, so this claim cannot be made. The results don't even suggest that fitness might trigger selection because the results show that physiological changes are in the opposite direction as what would be hypothesized to produce observed host switches. Similarly, the last sentence of the abstract is not supported by the results.

      We agree with this observation. However, we did not evaluate the impact of fitness on host selection in this study. Instead, we aimed to investigate the potential influence of seasonality on mosquito fitness as a potential trigger for a shift in host selection. We agree that we have incorrectly used the term “host selection” when we should actually be discussing “host use change”. Our results indicate a seasonal alteration in mosquito fitness in response to temperature and photoperiod changes. Building upon this observation, we re-discussed our hypothesis and theoretical model to explain this seasonal shift in host use.

      (8) Throughout the manuscript, there are grammatical errors that make it difficult to understand certain sentences, especially for the results.

      All English grammar and writing of the manuscript was revised and corrected to be easily understood.

      This study is driven by an interesting question and has the potential to be a valuable contribution to the literature.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations for The Authors):

      I hope that the authors will consider the suggested revisions and experimental replication to improve the quality of the study and paper.

      This study tests a very interesting hypothesis. I understand that additional replicates are difficult to conduct, but I do believe that fitness studies absolutely require experimental replicates. Unless you are able to replicate the observed effects, I personally would not trust the results of this study. I hope that you will consider conducting replicates so that this important question can be answered in a more robust manner. Below, I expand upon some additional points in the public review and also provide more specific suggestions. I provided some copy-editing feedback, but was not able to point out all grammatical mistakes. I suggest that you use ChatGPT to help you edit the English. For example, you can feed ChatGPT your MS and ask it to bold the grammatical errors or you can ask it to edit grammatical errors and bold the sections that were edited. I understand that writing in a second language is very difficult (from personal experience!), so I view ChatGPT as a great tool to help even the playing field for publishing. Below are line item suggestions. Apologies that wording is curt, I was trying to be efficient in writing.

      20-21: I suggest that you emphasize that you are investigating the interactive effect.

      Accepted as suggested.

      22: they weren't "reared" (from larvae) in different conditions, they were "maintained" as adults

      Accepted as suggested.

      26-27: increased/decreased is a bit misleading since you did not evaluate these groups sequentially in time. It might be more accurate to describe it as less than/greater than. Also, if you say increased/decreased or less than/greater than, you should always say what you are comparing to. The same applies throughout the MS.

      Accepted as suggested.

      29-30: "finding the" is not correct here; could be "with the lowest..."

      Accepted as suggested.

      34-36: I do not think that your results suggest this, even if you were to replicate the results of this experiment. You haven't shown metabolic changes.

      We understand the point. Accepted as suggested.

      42-44: "one of the main responsible" should be "one of the main species responsible..."

      Accepted as suggested.

      48: I think that "host preference" is better than selection here; -philic denotes preference

      Accepted as suggested.

      50: "Moreover" isn't the correct transition word here

      Accepted as suggested.

      57: "could" isn't correct here; consider saying "... species sometimes feed primarily on mammal hosts, including humans, in certain situations."

      Accepted as suggested.

      58: Different isn't correct word here

      Accepted as suggested.

      60: delete "feeding"

      Accepted as suggested.

      66-68: I am not familiar with any blood meal analysis studies in the southern hemisphere that show host switching for Culex species between summer and autumn. If this hasn't been shown, then this critique of the host migration hypothesis doesn't make sense.

      There are some studies pointing this out (Stein et al., 2013, Beranek 2019), and unpublished data from us). However, our hypothesis has supported by epidemiological data observed in human population which indicate a seasonal activity pattern. It was explained in depth in the Introduction section.

      68: ensures is not the right word; I suggest "suggests"

      Accepted as suggested.

      68-70: this explanation isn't clear to me; please revise

      It will be revised. Accepted as suggested.

      70: change cares to care

      Accepted as suggested.

      76-77: can you explain how they were not supported by the data for the benefit of those who are not familiar with these papers please?

      Accepted as suggested.

      87-89: I suggest the following wording: "In the autumn, we expect a greater number of eggs (fecundity) and larvae (fertility) in mosquitoes after feeding on a mammal host compared to an avian host, and the opposite relationship in the summer."

      Accepted as suggested.

      99: edit for grammar

      Accepted as suggested.

      102: suggest: "...offered a blood meal from a restrained chicken twice a month"

      Accepted as suggested.

      107: powder

      Accepted as suggested.

      108: inbred? Is this the term you meant to use?

      Changed as suggested.

      109: "several" cannot be used to describe 20 generations; suggest using "over twenty generations"; also, it would be good to acknowledge in your discussion that lab adaptation could force evolution, especially since mosquitoes are kept at constant temperatures and fed with certain hosts (with easy access) in the lab. Also, it would be good to know when the experiments were conducted to know the lapse of time between the creation of the colony and the experiments.

      Accepted as suggested.

      110-111: Does humidity vary between summer and fall in Córdoba? If so, I suggest acknowledging in the discussion that if humidity differences are involved in a potential interaction between host species and seasonality, then this would not have been captured by your experimental design.

      Several variables change during seasons. We were interested in capturing the effects of temperature and photoperiod, since humidity is a variable difficult to control.

      113-116: I suggest combining into one sentence to make more concise.

      Accepted as suggested.

      135: You might be obscuring the true impact of seasonality by rearing the larvae under the same conditions. There may be signals that mothers/eggs/larvae receive that influence their behavior (e.g. I believe this is the case for diapause), so this limitation should also be acknowledged. I understand why you decided to do this to control for development time and size, but it is something that should be considered in the discussion.

      As it was explained above, Cx. quinquefasciatus do not suffer diapause in our country. Maintaining mosquitoes from adults was an approach selected by us based on other studies.

      138: edit: "with cotton pads soaked in... on plastic..."; what is plastic glass? Do you mean plastic dishes?

      Accepted as suggested.

      141: here and throughout paragraph, full should be "fully"

      Accepted as suggested.

      144: located should be "placed"

      Accepted as suggested.

      147: suggest editing to "at which point, they were fixed with 1 mL of 96% ethanol and the number of L1 larvae per raft was counted."

      Accepted as suggested.

      154-155: edit for grammar

      Accepted as suggested.

      157: Your GLM explanation doesn't say anything about how you made pairwise comparisons between your levels; did you use emmeans?

      This revised version includes a more detailed methodology and statistical analysis. Accepted as suggested.

      158-160: I don't understand why you took this approach - it seems strange to me to use this analysis, but I am not familiar with it, so it might be that I lack the knowledge to be able to adequately evaluate. Please provide more explanation so that readers can better understand this analysis. A citation for this kind of application of the analysis would be helpful.

      It was changed to be in accordance with the remaining analyses.

      173: replace neither with either

      Accepted as suggested.

      174: this applies throughout; edit to : "An interaction effect was observed..."

      Accepted as suggested.

      175: "it was not found" is grammatically incorrect; instead : "We did not find ..." or "no differences in... were detected", etc

      Accepted as suggested.

      183: "it was detected" is grammatically incorrect

      Accepted as suggested.

      185-186: "being this treatment... in terms of fitness": I do not understand what this means. Please rephrase

      Accepted as suggested.

      170-199: you should provide the effect sizes and p values in text and/or in the figure for the pairwise comparisons

      Accepted as suggested.

      193-196. These two sentences are confusing and I am not sure what you mean, especially in the first sentence.

      It was rewritten. Accepted as suggested.

      Figure 1: This figure is great and easy to read and interpret! Thank you for the comment! 218-219: it is important to state which mosquito species you are referring to here.

      Accepted as suggested.

      226-227: you definitely should acknowledge the small sample size here.


      227: "it was observed" should be "We observed" or "A greater hatching rate.... was observed."

      Accepted as suggested.

      228-229: is the result really comparable even though you took very different approaches to the analysis for these outcomes?

      Changed to be comparable.

      230-278: the discussion of these hypotheses is too long and detailed, especially since the comparison of mouse vs chicken wasn't your main question; you really wanted to understand this in the context of seasonality. I suggest cutting this down a lot and making room to dig into your results more, and also to discuss the potential impacts of your experimental design/limitations on the results.

      Discussion was changed to focus on our results and model. Accepted as suggested.

      281: Hoffman is an old citation; I suggest you cite a modern review.

      Accepted as suggested. We deleted it due to the re-writing of the manuscript.

      282: "It can be recognise".. I am not sure what you are trying to say here

      Accepted as suggested.

      1. After the first time you write a species name, you can abbreviate the genus in all future mentions unless it is at the beginning of a sentence.

      Accepted as suggested.

      303-305: Revise this sentence. E.g "Fewer studies are available regarding photoperiod and show mixed results; Mogi (1992) found that mid and long day lengths induced greater fecundity while Costanzo et al. (2015) did not find differences in fecundity by day length."

      Accepted as suggested.

      315-316: typically, unpublished data shouldn't be referenced; I'm not sure if eLife has a policy on this.

      We will check this with eLife guidelines. However, since the lack of evidence on this pattern we consider important to include this unpublished data.

      316: Aegypti should be lowercase

      Accepted as suggested.

      328-330: This sentence is redundant with the first sentence of the paragraph

      Accepted as suggested.

      321-336: You never reintroduced your hypothesis in your discussion. I suggest that you center your whole discussion more directly around the hypothesis that motivated the study. If you decide not to restructure your discussion, you should at least reintroduce your hypothesis here and discuss how your results do not support the hypothesis.

      Accepted as suggested.

      337-348: This paragraph is a bit confusing as you jump between fertility and hatchability

      Accepted as suggested.

      353: is viral transmission the right word to use here? I think you might mean bridge vector transmission to humans specifically?

      Accepted as suggested.

      357: you say "neither" but never define which traits you are referring to

      Accepted as suggested.

      361: I suggest "two variables previously analyzed separately..."

      Accepted as suggested.

      General: There is no statement about the availability of data; it is eLife policy to require all data to be publicly available. Also, it would be helpful to share your code to help understand how you conducted pairwise comparisons, etc.

      In the submission it was not mentioned anything about data availability. However, all data and scripts will be uploaded with the VOR if it is required.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      I found your study interesting and potentially promising. However, there are some fundamental problems with the study design and the hypothesis, including:

      <(1) Seasonality simulation - Seasonality is strongly associated with time, so it is unusual to simulate seasonal factors without accounting for time. The actual factors associated with seasonal change in reproductive output may be neither a difference in host blood meal nor temperature and photoperiod. It is therefore, odd to reduce seasonality to a difference in photoperiod and temperature in summer and autumn without even mentioning the time of year when the experiment was carried (except for the mention of February as the time the stock samples were collected from the wild).

      The temperature and photoperiod settings are established according to a representative day in both autumn and summer. To determine these settings, we utilized climate data spanning a 3-year period (2020-2022), encompassing the most frequently occurring temperatures and day lengths. The weather conditions remained notably consistent throughout this time frame, which is why the specific year was not mentioned. Moreover, including the year in laboratory experiment details is uncommon, as evident in various papers. This practice can be corroborated by referring to multiple sources (cited in the original manuscript). We mention this in the new version.

      (2) Hypothesis - While the hypothesis alludes to the 'reason' for seasonal host shift, the prediction is on the outcome of the interaction between blood meal type and season.

      It might be nicer to frame your hypothesis to be consistent with the aim, which is, testing the partial contributions of blood meal type, versus photoperiod and temperature to seasonal change in the reproductive output of Culex quinquefasciatus. A hypothesis like that can be accompanied by alternative predictions according to the expected individual and interactive effects of both factors.

      It was rewritten in the revised version to be consistent with our predictions and findings.

      Blood meal type, temperature, and photoperiod are all components of seasonality, so the strength of the study is its potential to decouple the effect of blood meal type from that of temperature and photoperiod on the seasonal reproductive output of Culex quinquefasciatus by comparing the two blood meal types under simulated summer and winter conditions. Ideally, this should have been over a natural summer and winter because a natural time difference captures the effect of other seasonal factors other than temperature and photoperiod.

      Furthermore, the hypothesis stemmed from field observations, while the study itself was conducted under laboratory conditions using a local population of Culex quinquefasciatus from Argentina. It remains uncertain whether there is supporting evidence for a seasonal shift in host usage in Culex quinquefasciatus from the stock population. Discussing the field observations within the stock population would provide valuable insights.

      It was considered in the new version.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This important study enhances our understanding of the effects of landscape context on grassland plant diversity and biomass. Notably, the authors use a well-designed field sampling method to separate the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation per se. Most of the data and analyses provide solid support for the findings that habitat loss weakens the positive relationship between grassland plant richness and biomass.

      Response: Thanks very much for organizing the review of the manuscript. We are grateful to you for the recognition. We have carefully analyzed all comments of the editors and reviewers and revised our manuscript to address them. All comments and recommendations are helpfully and constructive for improving our manuscript. We have described in detail our response to each of comment below.

      In addition to the reviewers' assessments, we have the following comments on your paper.

      (1) Some of the results are not consistent between figures. The relationships between overall species richness and fragmentation per se are not consistent between Figs. 3 and 5. The relationships between aboveground biomass and habitat loss are not consistent between Figs. 4 and 5. How shall we interpret these inconsistent results?

      Response: Thanks for your insightful comments. The reason for these inconsistencies is that the linear regression model did not take into account the complex causal relationships (including direct and indirect effects) among the different influencing factors. The results in Figures 3 and 4 just represent the pairwise relationship pattern and relative importance, respectively. The causal effects of habitat loss and fragmentation per se on plant richness and above-ground biomass should be interpreted based on the structural equation model results (Figure 6). We have revised the data analysis to clear these inconsistent results. Line 225-228

      In the revised manuscript, we have added the interpretation for these inconsistent results. The inconsistent effects between Figures 3 and 6 suggest that fragmentation per se actually had a positive effect on plant richness after accounting for the effects of habitat loss and environmental factors simultaneously.

      The inconsistent effects between Figures 4 and 6 are because the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation per se on above-ground biomass were mainly mediated by plant richness and environmental factors, which had no significant direct effect (Figure 6). Thus, habitat loss and fragmentation per se showed no significant relative effects on above-ground biomass after controlling the effects of plant richness and environmental factors (Figure 4).

      (2) One of the fragmentation indices, mean patch area metric, seems to be more appropriate as a measure of habitat loss, because it represents "a decrease in grassland patch area in the landscape".

      Response: Thanks for your insightful comments. We apologize for causing this confusion. The mean patch area metric in our study represents the mean size of grassland patches in the landscape for a given grassland amount. Previous studies have often used the mean patch metric as a measure of fragmentation, which can reflect the processes of local extinction in the landscape (Fahrig, 2003; Fletcher et al., 2018). We have revised the definition of the mean patch area metric and added its ecological implication in the revised manuscript to clarify this confusion.

      (3) It is important to show both the mean and 95% CI (or standard error) of the slope coefficients regarding to Figs. 3 and 6.

      Response: Thanks for your suggestions. We have added the 95% confidence intervals to the Figure 3 and Figure 6 in the revised manuscript.

      (4) It would be great to clarify what patch-level and landscape-level studies are in lines 302-306. Note that this study assesses the effects of landscape context on patch-level variables (i.e., plot-based plant richness and plot-based grassland biomass) rather than landscape-level variables (i.e., the average or total amount of biomass in a landscape).

      Response: Thanks for your insightful comment. We agree with your point that our study investigated the effect of fragmented landscape context (habitat loss and fragmentation per se) on plot-based plant richness and plot-based above-ground biomass rather than landscape-level variables.

      Therefore, we no longer discussed the differences between the patch-level and landscape-level studies here, instead focusing on the different ecological impacts of habitat loss and fragmentation per se in the revised manuscript.

      Line 369-374:

      “Although habitat loss and fragmentation per se are generally highly associated in natural landscapes, they are distinct ecological processes that determine decisions on effective conservation strategies (Fahrig, 2017; Valente et al., 2023). Our study evaluated the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation per se on grassland plant diversity and above-ground productivity in the context of fragmented landscapes in the agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China, with our results showing the effects of these two facets to not be consistent.”

      (5) One possible way to avoid the confusion between "habitat fragmentation" and "fragmentation per se" could be to say "habitat loss and fragmentation per se" when you intend to express "habitat fragmentation".

      Response: Thanks for your constructive suggestions. To avoid this confusion, we no longer mention habitat fragmentation in the revised manuscript but instead express it as habitat loss and fragmentation per se.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This is a well-designed study that explores the BEF relationships in fragmented landscapes. Although there are massive studies on BEF relationships, most of them were conducted at local scales, few considered the impacts of landscape variables. This study used a large dataset to specifically address this question and found that habitat loss weakened the BEF relationships. Overall, this manuscript is clearly written and has important implications for BEF studies as well as for ecosystem restoration.

      Response: We are grateful to you for the recognition and constructive comments. All the comments and suggestions are very constructive for improving this manuscript. We have carefully revised the manuscript following your suggestions. All changes are marked in red font in the revised manuscript.

      My only concern is that the authors should clearly define habitat loss and fragmentation. Habitat loss and fragmentation are often associated, but they are different terms. The authors consider habitat loss a component of habitat fragmentation, which is not reasonable. Please see my specific comments below.

      Response: We agree with your point. In the revised manuscript, we no longer consider habitat loss and fragmentation per se as two facets of habitat fragmentation. We have clearly defined habitat loss and fragmentation per se and explicitly evaluated their relative effects on plant richness, above-ground biomass, and the BEF relationship.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Title: It is more proper to say habitat loss, rather than habitat fragmentation.

      Response: Thanks for your suggestion. We have revised the title to “Habitat loss weakens the positive relationship between grassland plant richness and above-ground biomass”

      Line 22, remove "Anthropogenic", this paper is not specifically discussing habitat fragmentation driven by humans.

      Response: Thanks for your suggestion. We have removed the “Anthropogenic” from this sentence.

      Line 26, revise to "we investigated the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation per se on plant richness... in grassland communities by using a structural equation model".

      Response: Thanks for your suggestion. We have revised this sentence.

      Line 25-28:

      “Based on 130 landscapes identified by a stratified random sampling in the agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China, we investigated the effects of landscape context (habitat loss and fragmentation per se) on plant richness, above-ground biomass, and the relationship between them in grassland communities using a structural equation model.”

      Line 58-60, habitat fragmentation generally involves habitat loss, but habitat loss is independent of habitat fragmentation, it is not a facet of habitat fragmentation.

      Response: Thanks for your insightful comment. We have no longer considered habitat loss and fragmentation per se as two facets of habitat fragmentation. In the revised manuscript, we consider habitat loss and fragmentation as two different processes in fragmented landscapes.

      Line 65-67, this sentence is not very relevant to this paragraph and can be deleted.

      Response: Thanks for your suggestion. We have deleted this sentence from the paragraph.

      Line 87-90, these references are mainly based on microorganisms, are there any references based on plants? These references are more relevant to this study. In addition, this is a key mechanism mentioned in this study, this section needs to be strengthened with more evidence and further exploration.

      Response: Thanks for your comment and suggestion. Thanks for your comment and suggestion. We have added some references based on plants here to strengthen the evidence and mechanism of habitat specialisation determines the BEF relationship.

      Line 89-95:

      “In communities, specialists with specialised niches in resource use may contribute complementary roles to ecosystem functioning, whereas generalists with unspecialised in resource use may contribute redundant roles to ecosystem functioning due to overlapping niches (Dehling et al., 2021; Denelle et al., 2020; Gravel et al., 2011; Wilsey et al., 2023). Therefore, communities composed of specialists should have a higher niche complementarity effect in maintaining ecosystem functions and a more significant BEF relationship than communities composed of generalists.”

      Denelle, P., Violle, C., DivGrass, C., Munoz, F. 2020. Generalist plants are more competitive and more functionally similar to each other than specialist plants: insights from network analyses. Journal of Biogeography 47: 1922-1933.

      Dehling, D.M., Bender, I.M.A., Blendinger, P.G., Böhning-Gaese, K., Muñoz, M.C., Neuschulz, E.L., Quitián, M., Saavedra, F., Santillán, V., Schleuning, M., Stouffer, D.B. 2021. Specialists and generalists fulfil important and complementary functional roles in ecological processes. Functional Ecology 35: 1810-1821.

      Wilsey, B., Martin, L., Xu, X., Isbell, F., Polley, H.W. 2023. Biodiversity: Net primary productivity relationships are eliminated by invasive species dominance. Ecology Letters.

      Line 129-130, Although you can use habitat loss in the discussion or the introduction, here preferably use habitat amount or habitat area, rather than habitat loss in this case. Habitat loss represents changes in habitat area, but the remaining grasslands could be the case of natural succession or other processes, rather than loss of natural habitat.

      Response: Thanks for your insightful comment. We agree with your point. In the revised manuscript, we have explicitly stated that habitat loss was represented by the loss of grassland amount in the landscape.

      Since the remaining grassland fragments in this region were mainly caused by grassland loss due to human activities such as cropland expansion (Chen et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2020), we used the percentage of non-grassland cover in the landscape to represent habitat loss in our study.

      Line 132-135:

      “Habitat loss was represented by the loss of grassland amount in the landscape. As the remaining grassland fragments in this region were mainly caused by grassland loss due to human activities such as cropland expansion (Chen et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2020), the percentage of non-grassland cover in the landscape was used in our study to represent habitat loss.”

      Lines 245-246, please also give more details of the statistical results, such as n, r value et al in the text.

      Response: Thanks for your suggestion. We have added the details of the statistical results in the revised manuscript.

      Line 283-290:

      “Habitat loss was significantly negatively correlated with overall species richness (R = -0.21, p < 0.05, Figure 3a) and grassland specialist richness (R = -0.41, p < 0.01, Figure 3a), but positively correlated with weed richness (R = 0.31, p < 0.01, Figure 3a). Fragmentation per se was not significantly correlated with overall species richness and grassland specialist richness, but was significantly positively correlated with weed richness (R = 0.26, p < 0.01, Figure 3b). Habitat loss (R = -0.39, p < 0.01, Figure 3c) and fragmentation per se (R = -0.26, p < 0.01, Figure 3d) were both significantly negatively correlated with above-ground biomass.”

      Fig. 5, is there any relationship between habitat amount and fragmentation per se in this study?

      Response: Thanks for your insightful comment. We have considered a causal relationship between habitat loss and fragmentation per se in the structural equation model. We have discussed this relationship in the revised manuscript.

      Line 290-293, how about the BEF relationships with different fragmentation levels? I may have missed something somewhere, but it was not shown here.

      Response: Thanks for your insightful comment. We have added the BEF relationships with different fragmentation per se levels here.

      Line 323-340:

      “The linear regression models showed that habitat loss had a significant positive modulating effect on the positive relationship between plant richness and above-ground biomass, and fragmentation per se had no significant modulating effect (Figure 5). The positive relationship between plant richness and above-ground biomass weakened with increasing levels of habitat loss, strengthened and then weakened with increasing levels of fragmentation per se.

      Author response image 1.

      Relationships between grassland plant richness and above-ground biomass at different levels of habitat loss and fragmentation per se from 130 landscapes in the Tabu River Basin, a typical agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China: (a) high habitat loss and low fragmentation per se, (b) high habitat loss and moderate fragmentation per se, (c) high habitat loss and high fragmentation per se, (d) moderate habitat loss and low fragmentation per se, (e) moderate habitat loss and moderate fragmentation per se, (f) moderate habitat loss and high fragmentation per se, (g) low habitat loss and low fragmentation per se, (h) low habitat loss and moderate fragmentation per se. The R2 values in each panel are from linear regression models. The n in each panel is the number of surveying sites used in the linear regression models. The blue solid and dashed trend lines represent the significant and not significant effects, respectively. The shaded area around the trend line represents the 95% confidence interval. * represent significance at the 0.05 level. ** represent significance at the 0.01 level.”


      The Discussion (Section 4.2) needs to be revised and focused on your key findings, it is habitat loss, not fragmentation per se, that weakens the BEF relationships.

      Response: Thanks for your insightful comment and suggestion. In the revised manuscript, we have rephrased the Discussion (Section 4.2) to mainly discuss the inconsistent effects of habitat loss and fragmentation per se on the BEF relationship.

      Line 414-416:

      “4.2 Habitat loss rather than fragmentation per se weakened the magnitude of the positive relationship between plant diversity and ecosystem function”

      The R2 in the results are low (e.g., Fig. 3), please also mention other variables that might influence the observed pattern in the Discussion, such as soil and topography, though I understand it is difficult to collect such data in this study.

      Response: Thanks for your insightful comment and suggestion. We agree with you and reviewer 3 that the impact of environmental factors should also be considered.

      Therefore, we have considered two environmental factors related to water and temperature (soil water content and land surface temperature) in the analysis and discussed their impacts on plant diversity and above-ground biomass in the revised manuscript.

      Lines 344-345, its relative importance was stronger in the intact landscape than that of the fragmented landscape?

      Response: We apologize for making this confusion. We have rephrased this sentence.

      Line 422-426:

      “Our study found grassland plant diversity showed a stronger positive impact on above-ground productivity than landscape context and environmental factors. This result is consistent with findings by Duffy et al. (2017) in natural ecosystems, indicating grassland plant diversity has an important role in maintaining grassland ecosystem functions in the fragmented landscapes of the agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China.”

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, Yan et al. assess the effect of two facets of habitat fragmentation (i.e., habitat loss and habitat fragmentation per se) on biodiversity, ecosystem function, and the biodiversity-ecosystem function (BEF) relationship in grasslands of an agro-pastoral ecotone landscape in northern China. The authors use stratified random sampling to select 130 study sites located within 500m-radius landscapes varying along gradients of habitat loss and habitat fragmentation per se. In these study sites, the authors measure grassland specialist and generalist plant richness via field surveys, as well as above-ground biomass by harvesting and dry-weighting the grass communities in each 3 x 1m2 plots of the 130 study sites. The authors find that habitat loss and fragmentation per se have different effects on biodiversity, ecosystem function and the BEF relationship: whereas habitat loss was associated with a decrease in plant richness, fragmentation per se was not; and whereas fragmentation per se was associated with a decrease in above-ground biomass, habitat loss was not. Finally, habitat loss, but not fragmentation per se was linked to a decrease in the magnitude of the positive biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationship, by reducing the percentage of grassland specialists in the community.


      This study by Yan et al. is an exceptionally well-designed, well-written, clear and concise study shedding light on a longstanding, important question in landscape ecology and biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research. Via a stratified random sampling approach (cf. also "quasi-experimental design" Butsic et al. 2017), Yan et al. create an ideal set of study sites, where habitat loss and habitat fragmentation per se (usually highly correlated) are decorrelated and hence, separate effects of each of these facets on biodiversity and ecosystem function can be assessed statistically in "real-world" (and not experimental, cf. Duffy et al. 2017) communities. The authors use adequate and well-described methods to investigate their questions. The findings of this study add important empirical evidence from real-world grassland ecosystems that help to advance our theoretical understanding of landscape-moderation of biodiversity effects and provide important guidelines for conservation management.


      I found only a few minor issues, mostly unclear descriptions in the study that could be revised for more clarity.

      Response: Thanks very much for your review of the manuscript. We are grateful to you for the recognition. All the comments and suggestions are very insightful and constructive for improving this manuscript. We have carefully studied the literature you recommend and revised the manuscript carefully following your suggestions. All changes are marked in red font in the revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Specific comments

      (1) Some aspects of the Methods section were not entirely clear to me, could you revise them for more clarity?

      (a) Whereas you describe 4 main facets of fragmentation per se that are used to create the PC1 as a measure of overall fragmentation per se, it looks as if this PC1 is mainly driven by 3 facets only (ED, PD and AREA_MN), and patch isolation (nearest neighbour distance, ENN) having a relatively low loading on PC1 (Figure A1). I think it would be good to discuss this fact and the consequences of it, that your definition of fragmentation is focused more on edge density, patch density and mean patch area, and less on patch isolation in your Discussion section?

      Response: Thanks for your insightful comment and suggestion. We agree with your point. We have discussed this fact and its implications for understanding the effects of fragmentation per se in our study.

      Line 384-389:

      “However, it is important to stress that the observed positive effect of fragmentation per se does not imply that increasing the isolation of grassland patches would promote biodiversity, as the metric of fragmentation per se used in our study was more related to patch density, edge density and mean patch area while relatively less related to patch isolation (Appendix Table A1). The potential threats from isolation still need to be carefully considered in the conservation of biodiversity in fragmented landscapes (Haddad et al., 2015).”

      (b) Also, from your PCA in Figure A1, it seems that positive values of PC1 mean "low fragmentation", whereas high values of PC1 mean "high fragmentation", however, in Figure A2, the inverse is shown (low values of PC1 = low fragmentation, high values of PC1 = high fragmentation). Could you clarify in the Methods section, if you scaled or normalized the PC1 to match this directionality?

      Response: We apologize for making this confusion. In order to be consistent with the direction of change in fragmentation per se, we took the inverse of the PC1 as a single fragmentation per se index, which was positively correlated with patch density, edge density, mean nearest-neighbor distance metric, and negatively with mean patch area (Appendix Figure A1 and Table A1). We have clarified this point in the Method section.

      Line 160-163:

      “We took the inverse of the PC1 as a single fragmentation per se index, which was positively correlated with patch density, edge density, mean nearest-neighbor distance metric, and negatively with mean patch area (Appendix Figure A1 and Table A1).”

      (c) On line 155 you describe that you selected at least 20 landscapes using stratified sampling from each of the eight groups of habitat amount and fragmentation combination. Could you clarify: 1) did you randomly sample within these groups with a minimum distance condition or was it a non-random selection according to other criteria? (I think you could move the "To prevent overlapping landscapes..." sentence up here to the description of the landscape selection process) 2) Why did you write "at least 20 landscapes" - were there in some cases more or less landscapes selected? 130 study landscapes divided by 8 groups only gives you 16.25, hence, at least for some groups there were less than 20 landscapes? Could you describe your final dataset in more detail, i.e. the number of landscapes per group and potential repercussions for your analysis?

      Response: Thanks for your insightful comments. In the revised manuscript, we have rephrased the method to provide more detail for the sampling landscape selection.

      (1) Line 169-172

      We randomly selected at least 20 grassland landscapes with a minimum distance condition using stratified sampling from each of the remaining eight grassland types as alternative sites for field surveys. The minimum distance between each landscape was at least 1000 m to prevent overlapping landscapes and potential spatial autocorrelation.

      (2) Line 184-191

      The reason for selecting at least 20 grassland landscapes of each type in this study was to ensure enough alternative sites for the field survey. This is because the habitat type of some selected sites was not the natural grasslands, such as abandoned agricultural land. Some of the selected sites may not be permitted for field surveys.

      Thus, we finally established 130 sites in the field survey. The types of the 130 sites were: 19 high-moderate, 14 high-low, 19 moderate-high, 16 moderate-moderate, 18 moderate-low, 16 low-high, 17 low-moderate, 11 low-low habitat amount and fragmentation per se.

      (d) On line 166, you describe that you established 130 sites of 30 m by 30 m - I assume they were located (more or less) exactly in the centre of the selected 500 m - radius landscapes? Were they established so that they were fully covered with grassland? And more importantly, how did you establish the 10 m by 10 m areas and the 1 m2 plots within the 30 m by 30 m sites? Did you divide the 30 m by 30 m areas into three rectangles of 10 m by 10 m and then randomly established 1 m2 plots? Were the 1 m2 plots always fully covered with grassland/was there a minimum distance to edge criterion? Please describe with more detail how you established the 1 m2 study sites, and how many there were per landscape.

      Response: Thanks for your insightful comments. In the revised manuscript, we have provided more detailed information on how to set up 130 sites of 30 m by 30 m and three plots of 1 m by 1 m.

      (1) As these 130 sites were selected based on the calculation of the moving window, they were located (more or less) exactly in the centre of the 500-m radius buffer.

      (2) These sites were fully covered with grassland because their size (30 m by 30 m) was the same as the size of the grassland cell (30 m by 30 m) used in the calculation of the moving window.

      (3) We randomly set up three 1 m * 1 m plots in a flat topographic area at the 10 m * 10 m centre of each site. Thus, there was a minimum distance of 10 m to the edge for each 1 m * 1 m plot.

      (4) There are three 1 m * 1 m plots per landscape.

      Line 182-191:

      “Based on the alternative sites selected above, we established 130 sites (30 m * 30 m) between late July to mid-August 2020 in the Tabu River Basin in Siziwang Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (Figure 1). The types of the 130 sites were: 19 high-moderate, 14 high-low, 19 moderate-high, 16 moderate-moderate, 18 moderate-low, 16 low-high, 17 low-moderate, 11 low-low habitat amount and fragmentation per se. In order to exclude the impact of historical agricultural activities, the habitat type of the established sites was natural grasslands with regional vegetation characteristics. Each site was not abandoned agricultural land, and there was no sign of agricultural reclamation.

      At the 10 m * 10 m center of each site, we randomly set up three 1 m * 1 m plots in a flat topographic area to investigate grassland vascular plant diversity and above-ground productivity.”

      (e) Line 171: could you explain what you mean by reclaimed?

      Response: Thanks for your comment. The “reclaimed” means that historical agricultural activities. We have rephrased this sentence to make it more explicit.

      Line 186-189:

      “In order to exclude the impact of historical agricultural activities, the habitat type of the established sites was natural grasslands with regional vegetation characteristics. Each site was not abandoned agricultural land, and there was no sign of agricultural reclamation.”

      (f) Line 188 ff.: Hence your measure of productivity is average-above ground biomass per 1 m2. I think it would add clarity if you highlighted this more explicitly.

      Response: Thanks for your suggestion. We have highlighted that the productivity in our study was the average above-ground biomass per 1 m * 1 m plots in each site.

      Line 215-217:

      “For each site, we calculated the mean vascular plant richness of the three 1 m * 1 m plots, representing the vascular plant diversity, and mean above-ground biomass of the three 1 m * 1 m plots, representing the above-ground productivity.”

      (2) All figures are clear and well-designed!

      (a) Just as a suggestion: in Figures 3 and 6, you could maybe add the standard errors of the mean as well?

      Response: Thanks for your suggestion. In the revised manuscript, we have added the standard errors of the mean in Figures 3 and 6.

      (b) Figure 4: Could you please clarify: Which models were the optimal models on which these model-averaged standardized parameter estimates were based on? And hence, the optimal models contained all 4 predictors (otherwise, no standardized parameter estimate could be calculated)? Or do these model-averaged parameters take into account all possible models (and not only the optimal ones)?

      Response: Thanks for your suggestion. We selected the four optimal models based on the AICc value to calculate the model-averaged standardized parameter estimates. The four optimal models contained all predictors in Figure 4. We have added the four optimal models in Appendix Table A3.


      Author response table 1.

      Four optimal models of landscape context, environment factors, and plant diversity affecting above-ground biomass.

      Note: AGB: above-ground biomass; HL: habitat loss; FPS: fragmentation per se; SWT: soil water content; LST: land surface temperature; GSR: grassland specialist richness; WR: weed richness; **: significance at the 0.01 level.”

      (c) Please add in all Figures (i.e., Figures 4, 5 and 6, Figure 6 per "high, moderate and low-class") the number of study units the analyses were based on.

      Response: Thanks for your suggestion. In the revised manuscript, we have added the number of study units the analyses were based on in all Figures.

      (d) Figure 6: I think it would be more consistent to add a second plot where the BEF-relationship is shown for low, moderate and high levels of habitat fragmentation per se. Could you also add a clearer description in the Methods and/or Results section of how you assessed if habitat amount or fragmentation per se affected the BEF-relationship? I.e. based on the significance of the interaction term (habitat amount x species richness) in a linear model?

      Response: Thanks for your insightful comment and suggestion. We have added a second plot in Figure 5 to show the BEF relationship at low, moderate and high levels of fragmentation per se.

      Line 328-340:

      Author response image 2.

      Relationships between grassland plant richness and above-ground biomass at different levels of habitat loss and fragmentation per se from 130 landscapes in the Tabu River Basin, a typical agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China: (a) high habitat loss and low fragmentation per se, (b) high habitat loss and moderate fragmentation per se, (c) high habitat loss and high fragmentation per se, (d) moderate habitat loss and low fragmentation per se, (e) moderate habitat loss and moderate fragmentation per se, (f) moderate habitat loss and high fragmentation per se, (g) low habitat loss and low fragmentation per se, (h) low habitat loss and moderate fragmentation per se. The R2 values in each panel are from linear regression models. The n in each panel is the number of surveying sites used in the linear regression models. The blue solid and dashed trend lines represent the significant and not significant effects, respectively. The shaded area around the trend line represents the 95% confidence interval. * represent significance at the 0.05 level. ** represent significance at the 0.01 level.”

      We determined whether habitat loss and fragmentation per se moderated the BEF relationship by testing the significance of their interaction term with plant richness. We have added a clearer description in the Methods section of the revised manuscript.

      Line 245-250:

      “We then assessed the significance of interaction terms between habitat loss and fragmentation per se and plant richness in the linear regression models to evaluate whether they modulate the relationship between plant richness and above-ground biomass. Further, we used a piecewise structural equation model to investigate the specific pathways in which habitat loss and fragmentation per se modulate the relationship between plant richness and above-ground biomass.”

      (3) While reading your manuscript, I missed a discussion on the potential non-linear effects of habitat amount and fragmentation per se. In your study, it seems that the effects of habitat amount and fragmentation per se on biodiversity and ecosystem function are quite linear, which contrasts previous research highlighting that intermediate levels of fragmentation/heterogeneity could maximise spatial asynchrony, biodiversity and ecosystem function (e.g. Redon et al. 2014, Thompson & Gonzalez 2016, Tscharntke et al. 2012, Wilcox et al. 2017). I think it would add depth to your study if you discussed your finding of linear effects of habitat amount and fragmentation on biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and BEF. For example:

      Response: Thanks for your constructive suggestions. We have carefully studied the literature (e.g. Redon et al. 2014, Thompson & Gonzalez 2016, Tscharntke et al. 2012, Wilcox et al. 2017), which highlights that intermediate levels of fragmentation/heterogeneity could maximise spatial asynchrony, biodiversity and ecosystem function.

      In the revised manuscript, we have added the discussion about the linear positive effects of fragmentation on plant diversity and above-ground productivity and discussed possible reasons for this linear effect.

      Line 402-413:

      “In our study, a possible mechanism for the positive impacts of fragmentation per se on plant diversity and above-ground productivity (indirect positive impact via plant diversity) is that fragmentation per se increases the habitat heterogeneity in the landscape, which can promote biodiversity through spatial asynchrony and spatial insurance effects (Tscharntke et al., 2012). Previous studies indicated that heterogeneity typically has nonlinear effects on biodiversity and ecosystem function, as moderate heterogeneity can maximise spatial asynchrony (Redon et al., 2014; Wilcox et al., 2017). However, our study did not observe nonlinear patterns between fragmentation per se and plant diversity and above-ground productivity. This may be due to the low spatial heterogeneity of this area as a result of agricultural intensification (Benton et al., 2003; Chen et al., 2019). The gradient of fragmentation per se in our study may not cover the optimal heterogeneity levels for maximising plant diversity and above-ground productivity (Thompson and Gonzalez, 2016).”

      Meanwhile, we also discussed the nonlinear pattern of the BEF relationship with increasing levels of fragmentation per se to add depth to the discussion.

      Line 442-451:

      “In addition, our study found that the BEF relationship showed a nonlinear pattern with increasing levels of fragmentation per se. For a given level of habitat loss, the positive BEF relationship was strongest at moderate fragmentation per se level and became neutral at high fragmentation per se level. This can be explained by the increased spatial asynchrony at moderate fragmentation per se level, which can promote niche complementary among species in the community and thus strengthen the BEF relationship (Gonzalez et al., 2020; Thompson and Gonzalez, 2016; Tscharntke et al., 2012). The neutral BEF relationship at high fragmentation per se level may be due to edge effects enhancing environmental filtering, thereby leading to functional redundancy among species and decoupling the BEF relationship (Fetzer et al., 2015; Hu et al., 2016; Zambrano et al., 2019).”

      (a) Line 74-75: I was wondering if you also thought of spatial insurance effects or spatial asynchrony effects that can emerge with habitat fragmentation, which could lead to increased ecosystem functioning as well? (refs. above).

      Response: Thanks for your constructive suggestions. In the revised manuscript, we have explicitly considered the spatial insurance effect or spatial asynchrony as the important mechanism for fragmentation per se to increase plant diversity, ecosystem function, and the BEF relationship.

      Line 74-77:

      “In theory, habitat loss and fragmentation per se can regulate ecosystem function and the BEF relationship by altering species composition, interactions, and spatial asynchrony regardless of changes in species richness (Liu et al., 2018; Thompson and Gonzalez, 2016; Tscharntke et al., 2012).”

      Line 402-408:

      “In our study, a possible mechanism for the positive impacts of fragmentation per se on plant diversity and above-ground productivity (indirect positive impact via plant diversity) is that fragmentation per se increases the habitat heterogeneity in the landscape, which can promote biodiversity through spatial asynchrony and spatial insurance effects (Tscharntke et al., 2012). Previous studies indicated that heterogeneity typically has nonlinear effects on biodiversity and ecosystem function, as moderate heterogeneity can maximise spatial asynchrony (Redon et al., 2014; Wilcox et al., 2017).”

      Line 442-451:

      “In addition, our study found that the BEF relationship showed a nonlinear pattern with increasing levels of fragmentation per se. For a given level of habitat loss, the positive BEF relationship was strongest at moderate fragmentation per se level and became neutral at high fragmentation per se level. This can be explained by the increased spatial asynchrony at moderate fragmentation per se level, which can promote niche complementary among species in the community and thus strengthen the BEF relationship (Gonzalez et al., 2020; Thompson and Gonzalez, 2016; Tscharntke et al., 2012). The neutral BEF relationship at high fragmentation per se level may be due to edge effects enhancing environmental filtering, thereby leading to functional redundancy among species and decoupling the BEF relationship (Fetzer et al., 2015; Hu et al., 2016; Zambrano et al., 2019).”

      (b) I was wondering, if this result of linear effects could also be the result of a fragmentation gradient that does not cover the whole range of potential values? Maybe it would be good to compare the gradient in habitat fragmentation in your study with a theoretical minimum maximum/considering that there might be an optimal medium degree of fragmentation.

      Response: Thanks for your insightful comment. We agree with your point that the linear effect of fragmentation per se in our study may be due to the fact that the gradient of fragmentation per se in this region may not cover the optimal heterogeneity levels for maximising spatial asynchrony. This is mainly because the agricultural intensification in the agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China could lead to lower spatial heterogeneity in this region. We have explicitly discussed this point in the revised manuscript.

      Line 406-413:

      “Previous studies indicated that heterogeneity typically has nonlinear effects on biodiversity and ecosystem function, as moderate heterogeneity can maximise spatial asynchrony (Redon et al., 2014; Wilcox et al., 2017). However, our study did not observe nonlinear patterns between fragmentation per se and plant diversity and above-ground productivity. This may be due to the low spatial heterogeneity of this area as a result of agricultural intensification (Benton et al., 2003; Chen et al., 2019). The gradient of fragmentation per se in our study may not cover the optimal heterogeneity levels for maximising plant diversity and above-ground productivity (Thompson and Gonzalez, 2016).”

      (4) Some additional suggestions:

      (a) Line 3: Maybe add "via reducing the percentage of grassland specialists in the community"?

      Response: Thanks for your suggestion. We have revised this sentence.

      Line 19:

      “Habitat loss can weaken the positive BEF relationship via reducing the percentage of grassland specialists in the community”

      (b) Lines 46-48: Maybe add "but see: Duffy, J.E., Godwin, C.M. & Cardinale, B.J. (2017). Biodiversity effects in the wild are common and as strong as key drivers of productivity. Nature."

      Response: Thanks for your suggestion. We have added this reference here.

      Line 47-49:

      “When research expands from experiments to natural systems, however, BEF relationships remain unclear in the natural assembled communities, with significant context dependency (Hagan et al., 2021; van der Plas, 2019; but see Duffy et al., 2017).”

      (c) Lines 82-87 and lines 90-93: Hence, your study actually is in contrast to these findings, i.e., fragmented landscapes do not necessarily have a lower fraction of grassland specialists? If yes, could you highlight this more explicitly?

      Response: Thanks for your insightful comment. We have explicitly highlighted this point in the revised manuscript.

      Line 434-439:

      “Meanwhile, our study demonstrates that habitat loss, rather than fragmentation per se, can decrease the degree of habitat specialisation by leading to the replacement of specialists by generalists in the community, thus weakening the BEF relationship. This is mainly because fragmentation per se did not decrease the grassland specialist richness in this region, whereas habitat loss decreased the grassland specialist richness and led to the invasion of more weeds from the surrounding farmland into the grassland community (Yan et al., 2022; Yan et al., 2023).”

      (d) Line 360: Could you add some examples of these multiple ecosystem functions you refer to?

      Response: Thanks for your suggestion. We have added some examples of these multiple ecosystem functions here.

      Line 456-457:

      “Therefore, future studies are needed to focus on multiple ecosystem functions, such as below-ground productivity, litter decomposition, soil carbon stocks, etc.”

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The authors aim to solve how landscape context impacts the community BEF relationship. They found habitat loss and fragmentation per se have inconsistent effects on biodiversity and ecosystem function. Habitat loss rather than fragmentation per se can weaken the positive BEF relationship by decreasing the degree of habitat specialization of the community.


      The authors provide a good background, and they have a good grasp of habitat fragmentation and BEF literature. A major strength of this study is separating the impacts of habitat loss and fragmentation per se using the convincing design selection of landscapes with different combinations of habitat amount and fragmentation per se. Another strength is considering the role of specialists and generalists in shaping the BEF relationship.

      Response: We are grateful to you for the recognition and constructive comments. All the comments and suggestions are very constructive for improving this manuscript. We have carefully revised the manuscript following your suggestions. All changes are marked in red font in the revised manuscript.


      (1) The authors used five fragmentation metrics in their study. However, the choice of these fragmentation metrics was not well justified. The ecological significance of each fragmentation metric needs to be differentiated clearly. Also, these fragmentation metrics may be highly correlated with each other and redundant. I suggest author test the collinearity of these fragmentation metrics for influencing biodiversity and ecosystem function.

      Response: Thanks for your constructive suggestion. The fragmentation metrics used in our study represent the different processes of breaking apart of habitat in the landscape, which are widely used by previous studies (Fahrig, 2003; Fahrig, 2017). In the revised manuscript, we have provided more detailed information about the ecological significance of these fragmentation indices.

      Line 142-148:

      “The patch density metric reflects the breaking apart of habitat in the landscape, which is a direct reflection of the definition of fragmentation per se (Fahrig et al., 2019). The edge density metric reflects the magnitude of the edge effect caused by fragmentation (Fahrig, 2017). The mean patch area metric and the mean nearest-neighbor distance metric are associated with the area and distance effects of island biogeography, respectively, reflecting the processes of local extinction and dispersal of species in the landscape (Fletcher et al., 2018).”

      Meanwhile, we have calculated the variance inflation factors (VIF) for each fragmentation metric to assess their collinearity. The VIF of these fragmentation metrics were all less than four, suggesting no significant multicollinearity for influencing biodiversity and ecosystem function.

      Author response table 2.

      Variance inflation factors of habitat loss and fragmentation per se indices for influencing plant richness and above-ground biomass.

      (2) I found the local environmental factors were not considered in the study. As the author mentioned in the manuscript, temperature and water also have important impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem function in the natural ecosystem. I suggest authors include the environmental factors in the data analysis to control their potential impact, especially the structural equation model.

      Response: Thanks for your constructive suggestion. We agree with you that environmental factors should be considered in our study. In the revised manuscript, we have integrated two environmental factors related to water and temperature (soil water content and land surface temperature) into the data analysis to control their potential impact. The main results and conclusions of the revised manuscript are consistent with those of the previous manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) L60-63. The necessity to distinguish between habitat loss and fragmentation per se is not clearly stated. More information about biodiversity conservation strategies can be given here.

      Response: Thanks for your suggestion. In the revised manuscript, we have provided more evidence about the importance of distinguishing between habitat loss and fragmentation per se for biodiversity conservation.

      Line 62-67:

      “Habitat loss is often considered the major near-term threat to the biodiversity of terrestrial ecosystems (Chase et al., 2020; Haddad et al., 2015), while the impact of fragmentation per se remains debated (Fletcher Jr et al., 2023; Miller-Rushing et al., 2019). Thus, habitat loss and fragmentation per se may have inconsistent ecological consequences and should be considered simultaneously to establish effective conservation strategies in fragmented landscapes (Fahrig et al., 2019; Fletcher et al., 2018; Miller-Rushing et al., 2019).”

      (2) L73-77. The two sentences are hard to follow. Please rephrase to improve the logic. And I don't understand the "however" here. There is no twist.

      Response: Thanks for your suggestion. We have rephrased the two sentences to improve their logic.

      Line 74-79:

      “In theory, habitat loss and fragmentation per se can regulate ecosystem function and the BEF relationship by altering species composition, interactions, and spatial asynchrony regardless of changes in species richness (Liu et al., 2018; Thompson and Gonzalez, 2016; Tscharntke et al., 2012). This is because species in communities are not ecologically equivalent and may respond differently to habitat loss and fragmentation per se, and contribute unequally to ecosystem function (Devictor et al., 2008; Wardle and Zackrisson, 2005).”

      (3) L97. Are grasslands really the largest terrestrial ecosystem? Isn't it the forest?

      Response: We apologize for making this confusion. We have rephrased this sentence here.

      Line 101-104:

      “Grasslands have received considerably less attention, despite being one of the largest terrestrial ecosystems, and suffering severe fragmentation due to human activities, such as agricultural reclamation and urbanisation (Fardila et al., 2017).”

      (4) Fig.1, whether the four sample plots presented in panel b are from panel a. Please add the scale bar in panel b.

      Response: Thanks for your comment. The four sample plots presented in panel b are from panel a in Figure 1. We have also added the scale bar in panel b.

      (5) L105. This statement is too specific. Please remove and consider merging this paragraph with the next.

      Response: Thanks for your suggestion. We have removed this sentence and merged this paragraph with the next.

      (6) L157. The accuracy and kappa value of the supervised classification should be given.

      Response: Thanks for your suggestion. We have added the accuracy and kappa value of the supervised classification in the revised manuscript.

      Line 176-177:

      “The overall classification accuracy was 84.3 %, and the kappa coefficient was 0.81.”

      (7) I would recommend the authors provide the list of generalists and specialists surveyed in the supplementary. Readers may not be familiar with the plant species composition in this area.

      Response: Thanks for your suggestion. We agree with your point. We have provided the list of generalists and specialists surveyed in the Appendix Table A4.

      Line 282-283:

      “A total of 130 vascular plant species were identified in our study sites, including 91 grassland specialists and 39 weeds (Appendix Table A4).”

      (8) Fig.4, it is better to add the results of variation partition to present the relative contribution of habitat fragmentation, environmental factors, and plant diversity.

      Response: Thanks for your suggestion. We have integrated the landscape context, environmental factors, and plant diversity into the multi-model averaging analysis and redraw Figure 4 to present their relative importance for above-ground biomass.

      Line 313-319:

      Author response image 3.

      Standardised parameter estimates and 95% confidence intervals for landscape context, plant diversity, and environmental factors affecting above-ground biomass from 130 landscapes in the Tabu River Basin, a typical agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China. Standardised estimates and 95% confidence intervals are calculated by the multi-model averaging method based on the four optimal models affecting above-ground biomass (Appendix Table A3). ** represent significance at the 0.01 level.

      (9) Please redraw Fig.2 and Fig.5 to integrate the environmental factors. Add the R-square to Fig 5.

      Response: Thanks for your suggestion. We have integrated two environmental factors into the structural equation model and redraw Figure 2 and Figure 5 in the revised manuscript. And we have added the R-square to the Figure 5.

      (10) L354. The authors should be careful to claim that habitat loss could reduce the importance of plant diversity to ecosystem function. This pattern observed may depend on the type of ecosystem function studied.

      Response: Thanks for your suggestion. We have avoided this claim in the revised manuscript and explicitly discussed the importance of simultaneously focusing on multiple ecosystem functions, such as below-ground productivity, litter decomposition, soil carbon stocks, etc.

      Line 454-457:

      “This inconsistency can be explained by trade-offs between different ecosystem functions that may differ in their response to fragmentation per se (Banks-Leite et al., 2020). Therefore, future studies are needed to focus on multiple ecosystem functions, such as below-ground productivity, litter decomposition, soil carbon stocks, etc.”

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This valuable study seeks to disentangle the different selective forces shaping the evolutionary dynamics of transposable elements (TEs) in the wild grass Brachypodium distachyon. Using haplotype-length metrics, and genetic and environmental differentiation tests, the authors present in large parts convincing evidence that positive selection on TE polymorphisms is rare, and that the distribution of TE ages points to purifying selection being the main force acting on TE evolution in this species. A caveat of this study, as of other studies that seek to assess TE insertion polymorphisms with short reads, is that the rates of false negatives and false positives are difficult to estimate, which may have major effects on the interpretation. This study will be relevant for anyone interested in the role of TEs in evolution and adaptation.

      Thank you for considering our manuscript for publication in eLife. We appreciate the constructive comments and suggestions of the reviewers. We have addressed the raised issues by the reviewers. Below, we provide a more detailed response to each of the reviewer comments.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1:

      The study presented in this manuscript presents very convincing evidence that purifying selection is the main force shaping the landscape of TE polymorphisms in B. distachyon, with only a few putatively adaptive variants detected, even though most conclusions are based on the 10% of polymorphisms contributed by retrotransposons. That first conclusion is not novel, however, as it had already been clearly established in natural A. thaliana strains (Baduel et al. Genome Biol 2021) and in experimental D. simulans lines (Langmüller et al. NAR 2023), two studies that the authors do not mention, or improperly mention. In contrast to the conclusions reached in A. thaliana, however, Horvath et al. report here a seemingly deleterious effect of TE insertions even very far away from genes (>5kb), a striking observation for a genome of relatively similar size. If confirmed, as a caveat of this study is the lack of benchmarking of the TE polymorphisms calls by a pipeline known for a high rate of false positives (see detailed Private Recommendations #1), this set of observations would make an important addition to the knowledge of TE dynamics in the wild and questioning our understanding of the main molecular mechanisms through which TEs can impact fitness.

      Thank you for your positive evaluation of our paper. We have now adjusted the manuscript to include the mentioned studies (Line 330-333) and to address the issue of false positive and false negative calls. The detailed responses to all the raised points are below.

      Reviewer #2:


      Transposable elements are known to have a strong potential to generate diversity and impact gene regulation, and they are thought to play an important role in plant adaptation to changing environments. Nevertheless, very few studies have performed genome-wide analyses to understand the global effect of selection on TEs in natural populations. Horvath et al. used available whole-genome re-sequencing data from a representative panel of B. distachyon accessions to detect TE insertion polymorphisms (TIPs) and estimate their time of origin. Using a thorough combination of population genomics approaches, the authors demonstrate that only a small amount of the TE polymorphisms are targeted by positive selection or potentially involved in adaptation. By comparing the age-adjusted population frequencies of TE polymorphisms and neutral SNPs, the authors found that retrotransposons are affected by purifying selection independently of their distance to genes. Finally, using forward simulations they were able to quantify the strength of selection acting on TE polymorphisms, finding that retrotransposons are mainly under moderate purifying selection, with only a minority of the insertions evolving neutrally.


      Horvath et al., use a convincing set of strategies, and their conclusions are well supported by the data. I think that incorporating polymorphism's age into the analysis of purifying selection is an interesting way to reduce the possible bias introduced by the fact that SNPs and TEs polymorphisms do not occur at the same pace. The fact that TE polymorphisms far from genes are also under purifying selection is an interesting result that reinforces the idea that the trans-regulatory effect of TE insertions might not be a rare phenomenon, a matter that may be demonstrated in future studies.


      TEs from different classes and orders strongly differ in multiple features such as size, the potential impact of close genes upon insertion, insertion/elimination ratio (ie, MITE/TIR excision, solo-LTR formation), or insertion preference. Given such diversity, it is expected that their survival rates on the genome and the strength of selection acting on them could be different. The authors differentiate DNA transposons and retrotransposons in some of the analyses, the specificities of the most abundant plant TE types (ie, LTR/Gypsy, LTR/Copia, MITE DNA transposons) are not considered.

      The authors used a short-read-based approach to detect TIPs and TAPs. It is known that detecting TE polymorphisms is challenging and can lead to false negatives, depending on the method used and the sequencing coverage. The methodology used here (TEPID) has been previously applied to other species, but it is unclear if the sensitivity of the TIP/TAP caller is equivalent to that of the SNP caller and how these potential differences may affect the results.

      Thank you for your positive evaluation of our paper. We have now adjusted the manuscript and the discussion to include the mentioned points on the different TE superfamilies and the reliability of the TE calls. The detailed responses to all the raised points are below.

      Private Recommendations:

      Reviewer #1:

      (1) TE polymorphisms (presence and absence variants) were called from short-read sequencing data using a pipeline (TEPID, Stuart et al. eLife 2016) that is known to have a low specificity as well as a low sensitivity in its detection of presence variants (Baduel et al. MIMB 2021). An assessment of the rate of false positives and false negatives in the data presented in this study and how it varies across TE superfamilies is therefore of crucial importance as it may bias all downstream analyses, especially if it impacts the identification of polymorphisms contributed by retrotransposons, as these are the basis of most conclusions of the manuscript. Nonetheless, the fact that the PCA of the polymorphisms contributed by DNA transposons is less able to distinguish genetic clades than with those contributed by retrotransposons, suggests the issue of false positives is most preeminent for DNA transposons. However, high rates of false positives may explain why no significant increase in TE frequency is detected within selective sweep regions, a result that runs against the expectation of hitch-hiking of neutral or weakly deleterious polymorphisms which the authors claim is the category of many TE polymorphisms. Furthermore, given that the reference genome belongs to the B_east clade, and the TEPID is better at calling absence than presence it may bias analyses in this clade (where clade-specific insertions will take the form of absence in other clades which are well detected) compared to other clades (where clade-specific insertions will be presence polymorphisms and may be missed). A benchmark of TE polymorphism calls could be done by de novo assembling one genome from each clade or by cross-checking at least the presence variant calls from TEPID with those made with another of the many TE calling pipelines available.

      We agree with this issue raised by both reviewers regarding the effects of false negative and false positive TE calls. We also think that some reasonable follow-ups should be done to check the potential impact of the false negative and false positive TE calls on the presented results, without turning the manuscript in a method comparison paper as this is not the main goal of this study. Therefore, we generated a subsample of our dataset that included only accession with an average genome wide mapping coverages of at least 20x, as the false negative TE call rate is correlated with the mapping coverage and a high mapping coverage is expected to lead to a reduction in the false negative TE call rates. We then used this subsample to check if our results would change if our dataset had a lower false negative TE call rate. However, reducing the rate of false negative calls through the use of only higher coverage samples did not change our results and interpretations.

      Re-running the ANCOVA analyses revealed similar results regarding the accumulation of TEs in selective sweep regions. This was added to the main text Line 143-148: “Similar results were obtained when investigating the number of fixed TE polymorphisms (Additional file 2: Table S1) and the allele frequency of TE polymorphisms (Additional file 2: Table S2) in high iHS regions using a subset of our dataset with an expected lower false negative TE call rate, that only included samples with a genome-wide mapping coverage of at least 20x (see Discussion and Materials and Methods for more details).” and in Additional file 2: Table S1 and S2.

      Further, we re-ran the age-adjusted SFS based on this subset of our dataset and found that the results and conclusions from the age-adjusted SFS were not only driven by false negative TE calls. This was also included in the text Line 338-349: “One caveat of the approach used in this study is that TE calling pipelines based on short-reads tend to have higher false positive and false negative call rates than SNP calling pipelines, which is also the case for the TEPID TE calling pipeline used here [57, 59]. A high false negative TE calling rate however might bias our TE frequency estimates toward lower frequencies, which could drive the observed patterns in the age-adjusted SFS. To assess if the false negative TE calling rate in our study substantially affected our results, we re-run the age-adjusted SFS on a subset of our dataset only including samples with a genome-wide mapping coverage of at least 20x, as higher mapping coverages are expected to reduce the false negative call rate [27, 59]. Using the TE allele frequencies estimated based on this subset of our data to estimate  frequency revealed similar results of the age-adjusted SFS based on the whole dataset (Additional file 1: Fig. S9), indicating that our observation of retrotransposons evolving under purifying selection is not solely driven by a high false negative TE calling rate.” and in Additional file 1: Fig. S9.

      The details of this analyses have been added to the materials and methods Line 493-498: “Mapping coverage is known to influence false discovery rate [27, 59]. To investigate the impact of false positive and false negative TE calls on our results, we down sampled the TE dataset to only include TEs that have been called in samples that had at least an average mapping coverage of 20x. The allele frequencies of TEs present in our high coverage dataset was recalculated only considering samples with at least an average mapping coverage of 20x. This second TE dataset was then used to check if using a dataset with a higher mapping coverage and presumably a lower false TE calling rate impacted our results.”

      (2) If confirmed, the observation that retrotransposons located more than 5kb away from genes appear to be also affected by purifying selection (L209) is indeed surprising. The authors should add a comparison with SNPs at the same distance from genes to strengthen the claim and make sure it is not the result of mapping artifacts, such as alignment quality dropping far away from genes.

      We added a comparison of the age-adjusted SFS of SNPs and retrotransposons more than 5 kb away from genes to evaluate if the observed shape of the age-adjusted SFS of retrotransposons more than 5 kb away from genes were due to artefacts. The results are included on line 383-389: “Finally, we tested whether TE polymorphisms located more than 5 kb away from genes are evolving under purifying selection could be due to mapping or other artefacts by comparing the shape of the age-adjusted SFS of retrotransposons and SNPs more than 5 kb away from genes. However, the age-adjusted SFS of SNPs 5 kb away from genes differs from the one of retrotransposons (Additional file 1: Fig. S10), indicating that the shape of the age-adjusted SFS of retrotransposons more than 5 kb away from genes is not likely to be the result of artefacts in regions of the genome far away from genes.” and Additional file 1: Fig. S10.

      (3) The authors' claim that most TE polymorphisms are under weak to moderate purifying selection (L273) relies on the comparison of the age of polymorphisms in the oldest age bin with forward simulations. However, the conclusions from these comparisons cannot be extrapolated to the fitness effects of all TE polymorphisms as variants in the oldest age bin are de facto a biased sample of the variants of a category, a point the authors highlight.

      We adjusted the mentioned paragraph to better highlight this point. Line 390-397: “To further ascertain the strength of purifying selection, we used forward simulation and showed that simulations assuming a moderately weak selection pressure (S = -5 or S = -8) against TE polymorphisms best fitted our observed data. In theory, no TE polymorphisms under strong purifying selection should be present in a natural population, as such mutations are expected to be quickly lost, especially in a predominantly selfing species where most loci are expected to be homozygous. Therefore, it is not surprising that TE polymorphisms which persist in B. distachyon are under weak to moderate selection, as also shown, for example, for the L1 retrotransposons in humans [27] or the BS retrotransposon family in Drosophila melanogaster [62].”

      L220-228 for high-effect SNPs. Indeed, the most deleterious TE polymorphisms would be purged very quickly and never contribute to variants in the oldest age bin. Unless new arguments can be made to support this claim, this conclusion should be rephrased to claim instead that even the oldest TE polymorphisms are still mostly non-neutral and under weak to moderate purifying.

      This has been adjusted. Line 231-232: “. Hence, even the oldest retrotransposon polymorphisms seem to be mostly non-neutral and are affected by purifying selection.”

      L214: replace smaller with more negative for clarity.


      L233: Given the discussion L220-228, the oldest age bin seems to be biased in its composition and thus not useful for comparisons. The sentence should therefore be rephrased to reflect that DNA transposon polymorphisms appear to be actually less deleterious than high-effect SNPs in S9A and B based on the penultimate age bin.

      This has been fixed.

      Reviewer #2:

      • I wonder if false negative detection could artificially increase the evidence for purifying selection by increasing the amount of low-frequency variants. This could be easily checked if long-read data or genome assembly is available for any of the samples in the collection, by comparing the TIP/TAP prediction with the actual sequence.

      We agree with this point from the reviewers that false negative calls can lead to misinterpretations of the observed low-frequencies of the TEs. (But see response to the first comment of reviewer #1). Unfortunately, long-read data from the sample used here are not available to estimate false negative call rates. However, to check if the observed results are manly driven by high false negative rates, we re-run the age-adjusted SFS based on samples with at least 20x mapping coverage, which should result in the reduction the false negative TE calling rate. The results and conclusions from this second analyses were included in the text Line 338-349: “One caveat of the approach used in this study is that TE calling pipelines based on short-reads tend to have higher false positive and false negative call rates than SNP calling pipelines, which is also the case for the TEPID TE calling pipeline used here [57, 59]. A high false negative TE calling rate however might bias our TE frequency estimates toward lower frequencies, which could drive the observed patterns in the age-adjusted SFS. To assess if the false negative TE calling rate in our study substantially affected our results, we re-run the age-adjusted SFS on a subset of our dataset only including samples with a genome-wide mapping coverage of at least 20x, as higher mapping coverages are expected to reduce the false negative call rate [27, 59]. Using the TE allele frequencies estimated based on this subset of our data to estimate  frequency revealed similar results of the age-adjusted SFS based on the whole dataset (Additional file 1: Fig. S9), indicating that our observation of retrotransposons evolving under purifying selection is not solely driven by a high false negative TE calling rate.” and in Additional file 1: Fig. S9.

      • Supplementary Figure S1. DNA transposons are much worse at separating the samples in comparison to LTR-retrotransposons. Doesn´t this suggest that these two classes have very different dynamics in the population and maybe different intensities of the selection forces acting on them? Could this profile be explained as DNA transposons being older and likely more fixed in all the clades, whereas retrotransposons are more recent and more specific to some populations? Another possibility might be that some B. distachyon DNA transposons had an unusually high excision rate. In any case, in my opinion, this reinforces the need to study the different TE orders in more detail.

      Indeed, different TE orders and superfamilies can have different excision rates, age distributions and be under different selective regimes. To investigate the possibility that different TE orders are affected by very different selective regimes, we split our TE dataset into the four different TE types: Copia, Ty3, Helitron and MITE. We than re-run the age-adjusted SFS analyses and added our results to the text Line 422-430: “To further examine our conclusion on purifying selection, we investigated the selective regime affecting different retrotransposons and DNA-transposons superfamilies. Thereby, we generated age-adjusted SFS for the four most common TE superfamilies Copia, Ty3 (also known under the name Gypsy, but we will avoid using this name because of its problematic nature see [71]), Helitron and MITE and found similar deviations of the  frequency from 0 in the four investigated TE superfamilies (Additional file 1: Fig. S12–S15). These results indicate that our conclusion on the broad effect of purifying selection is not driven by a single TE superfamily but is at least common among the four most numerous TE superfamilies.” and in Additional file 1: Fig. S12- S15.

      • Line 112: "most TE polymorphisms in our dataset were young and only a few were very old". Does this change substantially among TE orders/superfamilies?

      Indeed, there are some differences in the age distribution of the TEs depending on the superfamilies, However, the differences are no substantial as the age bins in the age-adjusted SFS of the different TE superfamilies are fairly similar. See Additional file 1: Fig. S12-S15.

      • Figure 2. Is difficult to read, especially lower panels. I think the grey border of the boxplots makes visualization difficult.

      The gray borders have been removed.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Heer and Sheffield used 2 photon imaging to dissect the functional contributions of convergent dopamine and noradrenaline inputs to the dorsal hippocampus CA1 in head-restrained mice running down a virtual linear path. Mice were trained to collect water rewards at the end of the track and on test days, calcium activity was recorded from dopamine (DA) axons originating in the ventral tegmental area (VTA, n=7) and noradrenaline axons from the locus coeruleus (LC, n=87) under several conditions. When mice ran laps in a familiar environment, VTA DA axons exhibited ramping activity along the track that correlated with distance to reward and velocity to some extent, while LC input activity remained constant across the track, but correlated invariantly with velocity and time to motion onset. A subset of recordings taken when the reward was removed showed diminished ramping activity in VTA DA axons, but no changes in the LC axons, confirming that DA axon activity is locked to reward availability. When mice were subsequently introduced to a new environment, the ramping to reward activity in the DA axons disappeared, while LC axons showed a dramatic increase in activity lasting 90 s (6 laps) following the environment switch. In the final analysis, the authors sought to disentangle LC axon activity induced by novelty vs. behavioral changes induced by novelty by removing periods in which animals were immobile and established that the activity observed in the first 2 laps reflected novelty-induced signal in LC axons.


      The results presented in this manuscript provide insights into the specific contributions of catecholaminergic input to the dorsal hippocampus CA1 during spatial navigation in a rewarded virtual environment, offering a detailed analysis of the resolution of single axons. The data analysis is thorough and possible confounding variables and data interpretation are carefully considered.


      Aspects of the methodology, data analysis, and interpretation diminish the overall significance of the findings, as detailed below.

      The LC axonal recordings are well-powered, but the DA axonal recordings are severely underpowered, with recordings taken from a mere 7 axons (compared to 87 LC axons). Additionally, 2 different calcium indicators with differential kinetics and sensitivity to calcium changes (GCaMP6S and GCaMP7b) were used (n=3, n=4 respectively) and the data pooled. This makes it very challenging to draw any valid conclusions from the data, particularly in the novelty experiment. The surprising lack of novelty-induced DA axon activity may be a false negative. Indeed, at least 1 axon (axon 2) appears to be showing a novelty-induced rise in activity in Figure 3C. Changes in activity in 4/7 axons are also referred to as a 'majority' occurrence in the manuscript, which again is not an accurate representation of the observed data.

      The reviewer points out a weakness in the analysis of VTA axons in our dataset. The relatively low n (currently 7) comes from the fact that VTA axons in the CA1 region of the hippocampus are very sparse and very difficult to record from (due to their sparsity and the low level of baseline fluorescence inherent in long range axon segments). This is the reason they have not been recorded from in any other lab outside of our lab. LC axons, on the other hand, are more abundant in CA1. In the paper when comparing VTA versus LC axons we deal with the mismatch in n by downsampling the LC axons to match the VTA axons and repeated this 1000 times to create a distribution. However, because the VTA axon n is relatively low, it is possible that we have not sampled the VTA axon population sufficiently and therefore have a biased population in our dataset. The issue is that it takes months for the baseline expression of GCaMP to reach sufficient levels to be able to record from VTA axons, and it is typical to find only a single axon in a FOV per animal. There are additional reasons why mice and/or axon recordings do not reach criteria and cannot be included in the dataset (these exclusion criteria are reported in the Methods section). For instance, out of the 54 DAT-Cre mice injected, images were never conducted in 36 for lack of expression or because mice failed to reach behavioral criteria. Another 11 mice were excluded for heat bubbles that developed during imaging, z-drift of the FOV, or bleaching of the GCaMP signal.

      However, we do have n=2 additional VTA axon recordings that we will add to the dataset to bring the n up from 7 to 9. We plan on re-analyzing the data with n=9 VTA axons and making comparisons to down-sampled LC axons as described above. This boost in n will increase the power of our VTA axon analysis. To more formally test whether this is sufficient for statistical tests, we plan to utilize the G*power power-analysis tool to compute statistical power for each of the different tests we use. We will report this in the next version of the paper. However, the n=2 additional axons were nor recorded in the novel environment, so the next version will remain at n=7 for the novel environment analysis. We agree with the reviewer that the lack of the novelty induced DA axon activity may be a false negative, and so we will adjust the description of our results and discussion accordingly.

      During the data collection of VTA axon activity we tried two variants of GCaMP: 6s and 7b, to see if one would increase the success rate of finding and recording from VTA axons. Given the long time-course of these experiments and the low yield in success, we pooled the GCaMP variants together to increase statistical power. Because the 2 additional VTA DA axons that were recorded from expressed GCaMP6s, the next version of the paper will have n=5 GCaMP6s, and n=4 GCaMP7b VTA DA axons, which will allow us to compare the activity of the two sensors in the familiar environment. The reviewer correctly pointed out that the sensors themselves could confound our results, and so they should not be pooled unless we can show they do not produce different signals in the axons. We will make this comparison and report the findings in the next version of the paper. If we find no significant differences, we will pool the data. If differences are detected, we will keep these axons separate for subsequent analysis and comparisons to LC axons.

      The authors conducted analysis on recording data exclusively from periods of running in the novelty experiment to isolate the effects of novelty from novelty-induced changes in behavior. However, if the goal is to distinguish between changes in locus coeruleus (LC) axon activity induced by novelty and those induced by motion, analyzing LC axon activity during periods of immobility would enhance the robustness of the results.

      This is indeed true, and this suggested analysis could further support our conclusions regarding the LC novelty signal. For the next version of the paper, we will use the periods of immobility to analyze and isolate any novelty induced activity in LC axons. However, following exposure to the novel environment, mice spend much less time immobile, therefore there may not be sufficient periods of immobility close in time to the exposure to the novel environment (which is when the novelty signal occurs). We plan to analyze mouse behavior during the early exposure to the novel environment for immobility and check whether we have enough of this behavior to perform the suggested analysis.

      The authors attribute the ramping activity of the DA axons to the encoding of the animals' position relative to reward. However, given the extensive data implicating the dorsal CA1 in timing, and the remarkable periodicity of the behavior, the fact that DA axons could be signalling temporal information should be considered.

      This is a very good point. We agree that the VTA DA axons could be signaling temporal information, as we have previously shown that these axons also exhibit ramping activity when you average their activity by time to reward (Krishnan et. al., 2022). We will conduct this analysis on this dataset. We have not, however, conducted any experiments designed to separate out time from distance, such as the experiments conducted in Kim et. al., 2020. Therefore, we cannot determine whether this is due to proximity in space to reward or time to reward. We will clarify in our text that by proximity, we mean either place or time, and cannot conclude which feature of the experience drives the VTA axon signal.

      Krishnan, L.S., Heer, C., Cherian, C., Sheffield, M.E. Reward expectation extinction restructures and degrades CA1 spatial maps through loss of a dopaminergic reward proximity signal. Nat Commun 13, 6662 (2022).

      Kim, HyungGoo R., Athar N. Malik, John G. Mikhael, Pol Bech, Iku Tsutsui-Kimura, Fangmiao Sun, Yajun Zhang, et al. A Unified Framework for Dopamine Signals across Timescales. Cell 183, no. 6 (2020).

      The authors should explain and justify the use of a longer linear track (3m, as opposed to 2m in the DAT-cre mice) in the LC axon recording experiments.

      LC axon activity was recorded on a 3m track to match the track length from an experiment we recently published (Dong et al., 2021) in which mice were exposed to a novel 3m track while populations of CA1 pyramidal cells were recorded. In that paper we described the time course of place field formation on the novel track. We wanted to test if LC axons signaled novelty (as we hypothesized) and whether the time course of LC axon activity matched the time course of place field formation. We briefly discuss this in the Discussion section of this paper and hypothesize that LC axons in CA1 could open a window of plasticity in which new place fields can form.

      VTA axons were recorded on a 2m track (same VR tracks as LC axons were recorded on) to match another recent paper from our lab in which reward expectation was manipulated (Krishnan et al, 2022). In that study CA1 populations of pyramidal cells were recorded during the reward expectation experiment. To match the experience during recordings of VTA axons in CA1 to test how reward expectation may influence axon signaling along the track, we also used a 2m track. The idea was to check how VTA dopaminergic inputs to CA1 may influence CA1 population dynamics along the track.

      Although the tracks were identical for LC and VTA recordings for both the familiar and novel tracks in terms of visual cues and design, the track lengths are different (simply modulated by gain control of the rotary encoder). To account for this we normalized the lengths for our comparison analysis. This normalization allows for a direct comparison of the patterns of activity across the two types of axons, controlling for the potential confound introduced by the different track lengths. By adjusting the data to a common scale, we could assess the relative changes in activity levels at matched spatial bins, ensuring that any observed differences or similarities are due to the intrinsic properties of the axons rather than differences in track lengths. However, the different lengths do make the animal’s experience slightly different. This is somewhat offset by the observations in our study that none of the LC or VTA axon signals would be expected to be majorly influenced by variations in track length. For instance, LC axons are associated with velocity and a pre-motion initiation signal, neither of which would be influenced by track length. VTA axons are also associated with velocity, which would not influence a direct comparison to LC axon velocity signals as mice reach maximal velocity very rapidly along the track. VTA axons do ramp up in activity as they approach the reward zone, and this signal could be modulated by track length (or maybe not if the signal is encoding time to reward rather than distance). However, LC axons show no ramping to reward signals, so a comparison across axons recorded on different track lengths for this analysis is justified.

      However, to add rigor to comparisons of axon dynamics recorded along 2m and 3m tracks, we plan to plot axon activity of both sets of axons by time to reward, and actual (un-normalized) distance from reward.

      Krishnan, L.S., Heer, C., Cherian, C., Sheffield, M.E. Reward expectation extinction restructures and degrades CA1 spatial maps through loss of a dopaminergic reward proximity signal. Nat Commun 13, 6662 (2022).

      Dong, C., Madar, A. D. & Sheffield, M.E. Distinct place cell dynamics in CA1 and CA3 encode experience in new environments. Nat Commun 12, 2977 (2021).

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors used 2-photon Ca2+-imaging to study the activity of ventral tegmental area (VTA) and locus coeruleus (LC) axons in the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus in head-fixed male mice moving on linear paths in virtual reality (VR) environments.

      The main findings were as follows:

      • In a familiar environment, the activity of both VTA axons and LC axons increased with the mice's running speed on the Styrofoam wheel, with which they could move along a linear track through a VR environment.
      • VTA, but not LC, axons showed marked reward position-related activity, showing a ramping-up of activity when mice approached a learned reward position.
      • In contrast, the activity of LC axons ramped up before the initiation of movement on the Styrofoam wheel.
      • In addition, exposure to a novel VR environment increased LC axon activity, but not VTA axon activity.

      Overall, the study shows that the activity of catecholaminergic axons from VTA and LC to dorsal hippocampal CA1 can partly reflect distinct environmental, behavioral, and cognitive factors. Whereas both VTA and LC activity reflected running speed, VTA, but not LC axon activity reflected the approach of a learned reward, and LC, but not VTA, axon activity reflected initiation of running and novelty of the VR environment.

      I have no specific expertise with respect to 2-photon imaging, so cannot evaluate the validity of the specific methods used to collect and analyse 2-photon calcium imaging data of axonal activity.


      (1) Using a state-of-the-art approach to record separately the activity of VTA and LC axons with high temporal resolution in awake mice moving through virtual environments, the authors provide convincing evidence that the activity of VTA and LC axons projecting to dorsal CA1 reflect partly distinct environmental, behavioral and cognitive factors.

      (2) The study will help a) to interpret previous findings on how hippocampal dopamine and norepinephrine or selective manipulations of hippocampal LC or VTA inputs modulate behavior and b) to generate specific hypotheses on the impact of selective manipulations of hippocampal LC or VTA inputs on behavior.


      (1)The findings are correlational and do not allow strong conclusions on how VTA or LC inputs to dorsal CA1 affect cognition and behavior. However, as indicated above under Strengths, the findings will aid the interpretation of previous findings and help to generate new hypotheses as to how VTA or LC inputs to dorsal CA1 affect distinct cognitive and behavioral functions.

      (2) Some aspects of the methodology would benefit from clarification.<br /> First, to help others to better scrutinize, evaluate, and potentially to reproduce the research, the authors may wish to check if their reporting follows the ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments) guidelines for the full and transparent reporting of research involving animals (https://arriveguidelines.org/). For example, I think it would be important to include a sample size justification (e.g., based on previous studies, considerations of statistical power, practical considerations, or a combination of these factors). The authors should also include the provenance of the mice. Moreover, although I am not an expert in 2-photon imaging, I think it would be useful to provide a clearer description of exclusion criteria for imaging data.

      We thank the reviewer for helping us formalize the scientific rigor of our study. There are ten ARRIVE Guidelines and we have addressed most of them in our study already. However, there is an opportunity to add detail. We have listed below all ten points and how we have or will address each one.

      (1) Experimental design - we go into great depth explaining the experimental set-up, how we used the autofluorescent blebs as imaging controls, how we controlled for different sample sizes between the two populations, and the statistical tests used for comparisons. We also carefully accounted for animal behavior when quantifying and describing axon dynamics both in the familiar and novel environments.

      (2)Sample size - We state both the number of ROIs and mice for each analysis. Wherever we state how many axons had a certain kind of activity, we will also state the number of mice we saw this activity in. For the next version of the paper, we plan to conduct a power analysis using G*power to assess the power of our sample sizes for statistical analysis.

      (3) Inclusion/exclusion criteria - Out of the 36 NET-Cre mice injected, 15 were never recorded for either failing to reach behavioral criteria, or a lack of visible expression in axons. Out of the 54 DAT-Cre mice injected, images were never conducted in 36 for lack of expression or failing to reach behavioral criteria. Out of the remaining 21 NET-CRE, 5 were excluded for heat bubbles, z-drift, or bleaching, while 11 DAT-Cre were excluded for the same reasons. This was determined by visually assessing imaging sessions, followed by using the registration metrics output by suite2p. This registration metric conducted a PCA on the motion-corrected ROIs and plotted the first PC. If the PC drifted largely, to the point where no activity was apparent, the video was excluded from analysis.

      (4) Randomization - Already included in the paper is a description of random down sampling of LC axons to make statistical comparisons with VTA axons. LC axons were selected pseudo-randomly (only one axon per imaging session) to match VTA sampling statistics. This randomization was repeated 1000 times and comparisons were made against this random distribution.

      (5) Blinding-masking - no blinding/masking was conducted as no treatments were given that would require this. We will include this statement in the next version.

      (6) Outcomes - We defined all outcomes measured, such as those related to animal behavior and related axon signaling.

      (7) Statistical methods - None of the reviewers had any issues regarding our description of statistical methods, which we described in detail in this version of the paper.

      (8) Experimental animals - We described that DAT- Cre mice were obtained through JAX labs, and NET-Cre mice were obtained from the Tonegawa lab (Wagatsuma et al. 2017)

      (9) Experimental procedure - Already listed in detail in Methods section.

      (10) Results - Rigorously described in detail for behaviors and related axon dynamics.

      Wagatsuma, Akiko, Teruhiro Okuyama, Chen Sun, Lillian M. Smith, Kuniya Abe, and Susumu Tonegawa. “Locus Coeruleus Input to Hippocampal CA3 Drives Single-Trial Learning of a Novel Context.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, no. 2 (January 9, 2018): E310–16. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1714082115.

      Second, why were different linear tracks used for studies of VTA and LC axon activity (from line 362)? Could this potentially contribute to the partly distinct activity correlates that were found for VTA and LC axons?

      A detailed response to this is written above for a similar comment from reviewer 1.

      Third, the authors seem to have used two different criteria for defining immobility. Immobility was defined as moving at <5 cm/s for the behavioral analysis in Figure 3a, but as <0.2 cm/s for the imaging data analysis in Figure 4 (see legends to these figures and also see Methods, from line 447, line 469, line 498)? I do not understand why, and it would be good if the authors explained this.

      This is an error leftover from before we converted velocity from rotational units of the treadmill to cm/s. This will be corrected in the next version of the paper.

      (3) In the Results section (from line 182) the authors convincingly addressed the possibility that less time spent immobile in the novel environment may have contributed to the novelty-induced increase of LC axon activity in dorsal CA1 (Figure 4). In addition, initially (for the first 2-4 laps), the mice also ran more slowly in the novel environment (Figure 3aIII, top panel). Given that LC and VTA axon activity were both increasing with velocity (Figure 1F), reduced velocity in the novel environment may have reduced LC and VTA axon activity, but this possibility was not addressed. Reduced LC axon activity in the novel environment could have blunted the noveltyinduced increase. More importantly, any potential novelty-induced increase in VTA axon activity could have been masked by decreases in VTA axon activity due to reduced velocity. The latter may help to explain the discrepancy between the present study and previous findings that VTA neuron firing was increased by novelty (see Discussion, from line 243). It may be useful for the authors to address these possibilities based on their data in the Results section, or to consider them in their Discussion.

      This is a great point. The decreased velocity in the novel environment could lead to a diminished novelty response in LC axons. We will add a discussion point on this in the next version. This could also be the case for VTA axons, so will add a discussion point that the lack of novelty signaling seen in VTA axons could be due to reduced velocity masking this signal.

      (4) Sensory properties of the water reward, which the mice may be able to detect, could account for reward-related activity of VTA axons (instead of an expectation of reward). Do the authors have evidence that this is not the case? Occasional probe trials, intermixed with rewarded trials, could be used to test for this possibility.

      Mice receive their water reward through a waterspout that is immobile and positioned directly in front of their mouth (which is also immobile as they are head fixed) and water delivery is triggered by a solenoid when the mice reach the end of the virtual track. Therefore, because the waterspout remains in the same place relative to the mouse, and the water reward is not delivered until they reach the end of the virtual track, there is nothing for the mice to detect. We will update the paper to make this clearer.

      Additionally, on the initial laps with no reward, the ramping activity is still present (Krishnan et al, 2022) indicating this activity is not directly related to the presence/absence of water but is instead caused by reward expectation.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Heer and Sheffield provide a well-written manuscript that clearly articulates the theoretical motivation to investigate specific catecholaminergic projections to dorsal CA1 of the hippocampus during a reward-based behavior. Using 2-photon calcium imaging in two groups of cre transgenic mice, the authors examine the activity of VTA-CA1 dopamine and LC-CA1 noradrenergic axons during reward seeking in a linear track virtual reality (VR) task. The authors provide a descriptive account of VTA and LC activities during walking, approach to reward, and environment change. Their results demonstrate LC-CA1 axons are activated by walking onset, modulated by walking velocity, and heighten their activity during environment change. In contrast, VTA-CA1 axons were most activated during the approach to reward locations. Together the authors provide a functional dissociation between these catecholamine projections to CA1. A major strength of their approach is the methodological rigor of 2-photon recording, data processing, and analysis approaches. These important systems neuroscience studies provide solid evidence that will contribute to the broader field of learning and memory. The conclusions of this manuscript are mostly well supported by the data, but some additional analysis and/or experiments may be required to fully support the author's conclusions.


      (1) During teleportation between familiar to novel environments the authors report a decrease in the freezing ratio when combining the mice in the two experimental groups (Figure 3aiii). A major conclusion from the manuscript is the difference in VTA and LC activity following environment change, given VTA and LC activity were recorded in separate groups of mice, did the authors observe a similar significant reduction in freezing ratio when analyzing the behavior in LC and VTA groups separately?

      In response to this comment, we will analyze the freezing ratios in DAT-Cre and NET-Cre mice separately. However, other members of the lab have seen the same result in other mouse strains (See Dong et al. 2021), so we do not expect to see a difference (but it is certainly worth checking).

      (2) The authors satisfactorily apply control analyses to account for the unequal axon numbers recorded in the LC and VTA groups (e.g. Figure 1). However, given the heterogeneity of responses observed in Figures 3c, 4b and the relatively low number of VTA axons recorded (compared to LC), there are some possible limitations to the author's conclusions. A conclusion that LC-CA1 axons, as a general principle, heighten their activity during novel environment presentation, would require this activity profile to be observed in some of the axons recorded in most all LC-CA1 mice.

      We agree with the reviewer’s point here. To help avoid this problem, when downsampling LC axons to compare to VTA axons, we matched the sampling statistics of the VTA axons/mice (i.e. only one LC axon was taken from each mouse to match the VTA dataset).

      However, in the next version of the paper we will also report the number of mice that we see a significant novel response in. We will also add the number of mice with significant activity for each of the measures in the familiar environment (e.g. how many mice had axons positively correlated with velocity).

      Additionally, if the general conclusion is that VTA-CA1 axons ramp activity during the approach to reward, it would be expected that this activity profile was recorded in the axons of most all VTA-CA1 mice. Can the authors include an analysis to demonstrate that each LC-CA1 mouse contained axons that were activated during novel environments and that each VTA-CA1 mouse contained axons that ramped during the approach to reward?

      As stated above, we will add the number of mice that had each activity type we reported here.

      (3) A primary claim is that LC axons projecting to CA1 become activated during novel VR environment presentation. However, the experimental design did not control for the presentation of a familiar environment. As I understand, the presentation order of environments was always familiar, then novel. For this reason, it is unknown whether LC axons are responding to novel environments or environmental change. Did the authors re-present the familiar environment after the novel environment while recording LC-CA1 activity?

      This is an important point to address. While we never varied the presentation order of the familiar vs novel environments, we did record the activity of LC axons in some of the mice in a dark environment (no VR cues) prior to exposure to the familiar environment. We will look at these axons to address whether they respond to initial exposure to the familiar environment. This will allow us to check whether they are responding to environmental change or novelty. We will add this analysis to the next version of the paper.

    1. ABSTRACTAs genomic sequencing technology continues to advance, it becomes increasingly important to perform joint analyses of multiple datasets of transcriptomics. However, batch effect presents challenges for dataset integration, such as sequencing data measured on different platforms, and datasets collected at different times. Here, we report the development of BatchEval Pipeline, a batch effect workflow used to evaluate batch effect on dataset integration. The BatchEval Pipeline generates a comprehensive report, which consists of a series of HTML pages for assessment findings, including a main page, a raw dataset evaluation page, and several built-in methods evaluation pages. The main page exhibits basic information of the integrated datasets, a comprehensive score of batch effect, and the most recommended method for removing batch effect from the current datasets. The remaining pages exhibit evaluation details for the raw dataset, and evaluation results from the built-in batch effect removal methods after removing batch effect. This comprehensive report enables researchers to accurately identify and remove batch effects, resulting in more reliable and meaningful biological insights from integrated datasets. In summary, the BatchEval Pipeline represents a significant advancement in batch effect evaluation, and is a valuable tool to improve the accuracy and reliability of the experimental results.

      This work has been published in GigaByte Journal under a CC-BY 4.0 license (https://doi.org/10.46471/gigabyte.108) as part of our Spatial Omics Methods and Applications series (https://doi.org/10.46471/GIGABYTE_SERIES_0005), and has published the reviews under the same license as follows:

      **Reviewer 1. Chunquan Li **

      1. Page 1, Lines 14-16. The authors indicate that “it is crucial to thoroughly investigate the batch effects in the dataset before integrating and processing the data”. The term “thoroughly” may be not accurate enough. The current method can alleviate the batch effects, but it can’t thoroughly solve the related problems. In addition, this work proposes a batch evaluation tool, such “reasonably evaluate the batch effects” may be more accurate than “thoroughly investigate the batch effects”.
      2. In Figure 1, does the first box is “integrated datasets”?
      3. Page 5, Line 168, and Page 6, Lines 169-175, the content of these two paragraphs is similar, with some redundant descriptions. It is recommended to organize and write them into one paragraph.
      4. There is Table 1 in the table list, but Table 1 is missing in the main text.
      5. Page 8, Discussion section, it is better to discuss the differences between the proposed tool and a similar tool “batchQC”, especially the advantages of the proposed tool.
      6. Some other minor issues: Page 1, Line 22, “to do so” should be “to do it”. Page 3, Line 100, Ref. [13] should be cited when it first appears on Line 97. Page 4, Line 114 and Page 5, Line 146, “UMAP” should be given its full name when it first appears and abbreviated directly in the following text. The variable should be in italics, such as “p” on Page 4, Line 119, “H” on Page 6, Line 184.

      Reviewer 2. W. Evan Johnson and Howard Fan

      Is the source code available, and has an appropriate Open Source Initiative license (https://opensource.org/licenses) been assigned to the code?

      Yes. However, the code could use substantial improvements.

      Is installation/deployment sufficiently outlined in the paper and documentation, and does it proceed as outlined?

      No. The manuscript is missing a section describing the software and its implementation.

      Is there enough clear information in the documentation to install, run and test this tool, including information on where to seek help if required?

      Yes. But it took a while to get it installed.

      Have any claims of performance been sufficiently tested and compared to other commonly-used packages?

      No. I think the most glaring deficiency in the paper is the lack of comparison with other methods. For example, there is no comparison of the tools available in BatchEval compared to other methods, such as BatchQC. Also, they mention that BatchQC might not work on larger datasets, but they perform no performance evaluation for BatchEval, and no comparison with BatchQC to demonstrate improved performance.

      Are there (ideally real world) examples demonstrating use of the software?

      Yes. Missed opportunity--I think the most exciting thing I observed from the paper was that the example data were from spatial transcriptomics data! To my knowledge, existing batch effect methods are not directly adapted to manage these data (although they did mention tools like BatchQC cannot handle large datasets, which may be true). But they don’t mention anything about batch adjustment/evaluation in spatial data in the manuscript. I feel that if the authors address this niche it would increase the value/impact of their work!

      Additional Comments:

      This review was conducted and written by Evan Johnson, who developed the competing BatchQC software.

      The authors provide an interesting toolkit for assessing batch effects in genomics data. The paper was clear and well-written, albeit I had a few concerns (see below). We were also able to download the associated software and test it out (comments below as well).

      I think the most exciting thing I observed from the paper was that the example data were from spatial transcriptomics data! To my knowledge, existing batch effect methods are not directly adapted to manage these data (although they did mention tools like BatchQC cannot handle large datasets, which may be true). But they don’t mention anything about batch adjustment/evaluation in spatial data in the manuscript. I feel that if the authors address this niche it would increase the value/impact of their work!

      In addition, this toolkit is written in Python, while BatchQC and other tools are written in R, so this is an advantage of the method as well—it addresses an audience that uses Python for gene expression analysis (not as big as the R community, but substantial). Their Python toolkit might also be more accessible to implementation in a pipeline workflow (for a core or large project) than R-based tools like BatchQC—this might be important to mention this as well.

      I think the most glaring deficiency in the paper is the lack of comparison with other methods. For example, there is no comparison of the tools available in BatchEval compared to other methods, such as BatchQC. Also, they mention that BatchQC might not work on larger datasets, but they perform no performance evaluation for BatchEval, and no comparison with BatchQC to demonstrate improved performance.

      Similarly, the authors claim: “Manimaran [10] has developed user-friendly software for evaluating batch effects. However, the software does not take into account nonlinear batch effects and may not be able to provide objective conclusions.” I don’t understand what the authors mean by “may not be able to provide objective conclusions” – BatchQC provides – several visual and numerical evaluations of batch effect – more so than even the proposed BatchEval does. Did the authors mean something else, maybe that the lack of non-linear correction may lead to less accurate conclusions?

      A related concern: does BatchEval provide non-linear adjustments? I may have missed this, but it seems that BatchEval is not providing non-linear adjustments either. Also, regarding non-linear adjustments, the authors should show in an example the problems with a lack non-linear adjustments and show that pre-transforming the data before using BatchQC does not perform as well as the non-linear BatchEval adjustments.

      In Equation 10, should “batchScore” be BatchEvalScore?

      Also, in the bottom of Figure on page 15, should the “BatchQCScore” also be BatchEvalScore??

      The manuscript is missing a section describing the software and its implementation.

      I asked my research scientist, who recently graduated with his PhD in Bioinformatics, to assess the software and examples. First of all, much of the software is named “BatchQC”. I think this is confusing, since the method is really named BatchEval and it will be confused with BatchQC which is another existing/competing software. Furthmore, it took him a significant effort to install the BatchEval software and get is working on our cluster. I would recommend the authors make their software more accessible and easier to install.

      The output of the software was a nice .html report diagnosing the batch effects in the data—very useful (attached is a combined .pdfs of the .htmls that we generated). We were also able to generate a report for the harmony adjusted example using their code. One major disadvantage was that these reports are separate files, and this could get very complicated comparing cases using multiple batch effect methods that will all be in separate reports (refer to a recent single cell batch comparison that compared more than a dozen methods – Tran et al. Genome Biology, 2020 – it would be hard to use BatchEval for this comparison).

      Also, it seems that the user is required to conduct the batch correction themselves, BatchEval does not help with the correction except for their example code for Harmony.

      Finally, on comparing the raw and Harmony adjusted datasets, inspection of the visual assessments (e.g. PCA) show some improvement—although not a perfect correction. But must of the numerical assessments are still the sample. The BatchEvalScore in both cases leads to the conclusion “Need to do batch effect removal”. What’s missing is the difference or improvement that Harmony makes on its correction. Maybe this is just because Harmony doesn’t fully remove the batch effects? Or is there something not working in the code? Might be good to see another example where the batch effect correction improves the BatchEvalScore significantly.

      Additional Files: https://gigabyte-review.rivervalleytechnologies.com/journal/gx/download-files?YXJ0aWNsZT00NDImZmlsZT0xNzEmdHlwZT1nZW5lcmljJnZpZXc9dHJ1ZQ~~


      I find this paper to be much improved in this version. The authors have clearly worked hard to address my concerns and have addressed them in a satisfactory manner. I fully support the publication of this paper, and I believe their tools are a nice addition to the field.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this study, the authors collected a large set of data on root traits and root-associated microbes in the root endosphere and rhizosphere in order to integrate these important organisms in the root economics spectrum. By sampling a relatively large set of species from the subtropics along an elevation gradient, they tested whether microbial functions covary with root traits and root trait axes and if so, aimed to discuss what this could tell us about the (belowground) functioning of trees and forests.

      Strengths:<br /> The strengths of this study lie mostly in the impressive dataset set the authors compiled: they sampled belowground properties of a relatively large number of tree species from an understudied region: i.e., the subtropics, where species-level root data are notoriously scarce. Secondly, their extensive sampling of associated microbes to integrate them in the root economics space is an important quality, because of the strong associations between roots and fungi and bacteria: soil microbes are directly related to root form (e.g., mycorrhizal fungi and root diameter and SRL), and function (e.g., taking up soil nutrients from various sources). Thirdly, the PCA figures (Figures 2 and 3) look very nice and intuitive and the paper is very well written.

      Weaknesses:<br /> That said, this study also has several methodological weaknesses that make the results, and therefore the impact of this study difficult to evaluate and interpret.

      (1) Design: The design of this study needs further explanation and justification in the Introduction and Methods sections in order to understand the ecological meaning of the results. Root traits and microbial community composition differ with their environment, and therefore (likely) also with elevation. Elevation is included in the redundancy analysis as a main effect, but without further environmental information, its impact is not ecologically meaningful. What is the rationale for including an elevation gradient in the design and as a main effect in the analyses? Do environmental conditions vary across altitudes and how, and if so, how would this impact the data?

      What is the rationale behind sampling endosphere and rhizosphere microbial communities - why do both? And why also include pathogens - what are their expected roles in the RES? What do we know about this already? The introduction needs a more extensive literature review of these additional variables that are included in the analyses.

      (2) Units of replication and analysis in the model: What are the units of replication and analyses, e.g., how many trees were sampled per species, how many species or trees per elevation, and how many plots per elevation? Were all 11 plots at different elevations and if so, which ones? The level of analysis for the redundancy analyses is not entirely clear: L. 404 mentions that the analyses were done 'across the rhizosphere and root tissue samples', but is that then at the individual-tree level? If so, it seems that these analyses should then also account for dependencies between trees from the same species and phylogeny (as (nested) covariates or random factors). With the information provided, I cannot tell whether there was sufficient replication for statistical interpretations.

      (3) PCA: The results of the parallel analyses are not described: which components were retained? Because the authors aim to integrate microbial functions in a root economics space, I recommend first demonstrating the existence of a root economics space across the 52 subtropical species before running a PCA that includes the microbial traits. The PCA shown in this study does not exactly match the RES and this could be because traits of these species covary differently, but may also simply result from including additional traits to the PCA.

      Also, the PCA's shown are carried out at the individual-tree level. I would recommend, however, including the species-level PCA's in the main text, because the individual-level PCA may not only reflect species-inherent ecological strategies (that e.g., the RES by Bergmann et al. 2020 describe) but also plasticity (Figures 2 and 3 both show an elevation effect that may be partly due to plasticity). While the results here are rather similar, intraspecific differences in root traits may follow different ecological principles and therefore not always be appropriate to compare with an interspecific RES (see for example Weemstra & Valverde-Barrantes, 2022, Annals of Botany).

      I could not deduce whether tree species in the "fungal PCA" (Figure 2) were assigned as AM or EcM based on Table 1, or based on their observed fungal community composition. In the former case, the fungal functional guild gradient (from EcM to saprotrophs and AM) is partially an artificial one, because EcM tree species are not AM species (according to Table 1) and therefore, by definition, constitute a tradeoff or autocorrelation. And, as the authors also discuss, AM tree species may host EcM fungal species. Before I can evaluate the ecological meaning of PC1, and whether or not it really represents a mineral/organic nutrient gradient, information is needed on which data are used here.

      I do not agree with the term 'gradient of bacterial guilds' (i.e., PC1 in Figure 3). All but 1 bacterial 'function' positively loaded on PC1 and 'fermentation' was only weakly negatively correlated with PC1. I do not think this constitutes a 'bacterial gradient'.

      (4) Soil samples: Were they collected from the surrounding soil of each tree (L. 341), or from the root zone (L. 110). The former seems to refer to bulk soil samples, but the latter could be interpreted as rhizosphere soils. It is therefore not entirely clear whether these are the same soil samples, and if so, where they were sampled exactly.

      Aims:<br /> The authors aimed to integrate endospheric and rhizospheric microbial and fungal community composition in the root economics space. Owing to statistical concerns (i.e., lacking parallel analysis results and the makeup of the PCs (AM versus EcM classification), I am not sure the authors succeeded in this. Besides that, the interpretation of the axes seems rather oversimplified and needs some consideration.

      Root N is discussed as an important driver of fungal functional composition. Indeed, it was one of the significant variables in the redundancy models predicting microbial community composition, but its contribution to community composition was small (2 - 3 %), and the mechanistic interpretation was rather speculative. Specifically, the role of root N in root (and tree) functioning remains highly uncertain: the link with respiration and exudation is increasingly demonstrated but its actual meaning for nutrient uptake is not well understood (Freschet et al. 2021. New Phytologist). If and how root economics (represented by root N) and the fungal-driven nutrient economy (EcM versus AM, saprotrophs) can indeed be integrated into a unified framework (L. 223 - 224) seems a relevant question that is worth pursuing based on this paper, but in my opinion, this study does not clearly answer it, because the statistical analyses might need further work (or explanation) and underlying mechanisms are not well explained and supported by evidence.

      In addition, the root morphology axis was indeed independent of the "fungal gradient", but this is in itself not an interesting finding. What is interesting, but not discussed is that, generally, AM species are expected to have thicker roots than EcM tree species (Gu et al. 2014 Tree Physiology; Kong et al. 2014 New Phytologist). I am therefore curious to see why this is not the case here? Did the few EcM species sampled just happen to have very thick roots? Or is there a phylogenetic effect that influences both mycorrhizal type and root thickness that is not accounted for here (Baylis, 1975; Guo et al., 2008 New Phytologist; Kubisch et al., 2015 Frontiers in Plant Science; Valverde-Barrantes et al., 2015 Functional Ecology; 2016 Plant and Soil)?

      I also do not agree with the conclusion that this integrated framework 'explained' tree distributions along the elevation gradient. First of all, it is difficult to interpret because the elevation gradient is not well explained (e.g., in terms of environmental variation). Secondly, the framework might coincide with the framework, but the framework does not explain it: an environmental gradient probably underlies the elevation gradient that may be selected for species with certain root traits or mycorrhizal types, but this is not tested nor clearly demonstrated by the data. It thus remains rather speculative, and it should be more thoroughly explained based on the data observed. Similarly, I do not understand from this study how root traits like root N can influence the abundance of EcM and pathogenic fungi (L. 242 - 243). Which data show this causality? It seems a strong statement, but not well supported (or explained).

      Impact:<br /> The data collected for this study are timely, valuable, and relevant. Soilborne microbes (fungi and bacteria; symbionts and pathogens) play important roles in root trait expressions (e.g., root diameter) and below-ground functioning (e.g., resource acquisition). They should therefore not be excluded from studies into the belowground functioning of forests, but they mostly are. This dataset therefore has the potential to improve our understanding of this subject. Making these data publicly available in large-scale datasets that have recently been initiated (e.g., FRED) will also allow further study in comparative (with other biomes) or global (across biomes) studies.

      Technically, the methodology seems sound, although I lack the expertise to judge the Molecular Methods (L. 349 - 397). However, owing to some statistical uncertainties mentioned above (that the authors might well clarify or improve) and the oversimplified discussion, I am hesitant to determine the impact of the contents of this work. Statistical improvements and/or clearer explanation/justification of statistical choices made can make this manuscript highly interesting and impact, however.

      Context:<br /> As motivated above, I am not sure to what extent the EcM - AM/saprotroph presents a true ecological tradeoff. However, if it does, this work would fit very well in the context of the mycorrhizal-associated nutrient economy (Phillips et al. 2013 New Phytology). This theory postulates that EcM trees generally produce low-quality litter (associated with 'slow traits') that can be more readily accessed by EcM but not AM fungi, thereby slowing down nutrient cycling rates at their competitive advantage, and vice versa for AM tree species. This study did not aim to test the MANE, so it was beyond its scope to study litter quality, and the number of EcM and AM species was unbalanced (8 EcM versus 44 AM species): nonetheless, the denser roots of EcM species and higher root N of AM species indicates that the MANE may also apply to this subtropical forest and may be an interesting impetus for future work on this topic. It might also offer one way to bridge the root economics space and the MANE.

      What I also found interesting is the sparse observations of EcM fungal taxa in the root endosphere of species typically identified as AM hosts (L. 212 - 214). While their functionality remains to be tested (fungal structures in the endosphere were not studied here), this observation might call for renewed attention to classifying species as AM, EcM, or both.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      We appreciate the positive and constructive comments of the reviewers on our paper. Below please find our point-by-point response to their comments.

      Reviewer #1:

      Main comments:

      1) The expression levels of many genes, including some major TFs (like CEBPa or HNF4) in isolated primary hepatocytes greatly differ from that in normal liver. This is due to the disruption of cell-cell contacts. For this reason, single nuclei sequencing is more reliable and it is the preferred method. It is not indicated how many biological replicates were used and what level of variability was observed between different preparations.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out the immediate response of hepatocytes to dissociation, including in expression of CEBPa or HNF4 (this reviewer) and stress-related genes (reviewer 3), which we were aware of.

      Unfortunately, however no perfect method exists to explore only hepatocytes in the context of the liver and single nuclei RNA-seq, which was not available at the start of our study, also has its limitations (e.g. substantial ambient RNA contamination, a lower median number of genes detected and potential for biases and higher doublet rates due to increased amplification steps (PMID: 34515767)).

      Importantly, in our current study, we were interested in exploring gene regulatory networks in hepatocytes by the combination of RNA-seq and ATAC-seq. In our hands, data that we obtained from single cell ATAC-seq was far too shallow and noisy to predict gene regulatory networks. Hence, we needed to rely on pure populations of hepatocytes to perform our studies with bulk ATAC-seq, for which we optimized perfusion and subsequent density gradient centrifugation. While we succeeded in obtaining a very pure hepatocyte population, we agree with the reviewer that due to dissociation-associated changes the results that we obtain might not fully reflect the events happening in hepatocytes in the liver.

      To address this issue brought up by reviewer 1 and 3, i) we will better indicate our rationale within the manuscript, and the limitations as indicated by both reviewer 1 and 3; ii) to provide an overview of potential changes that were induced by the perfusion procedure that we applied, we will compare the hepatocyte RNA-seq transcriptomes that we obtained with in vivo liver RNA-seq, with specific attention to transcription factors and stress-related genes (see reviewer 3, point 1); iii) we will better separate in the figures data obtained from hepatocytes versus data obtained from liver (see also point 2 from this reviewer).

      Additionally, we will indicate how many replicated were used, and the level of variability between different preparations (donors).

      2) The regulome studies involved analysis of ENCODE data sets (ChIP-seq), while the RNA-seq data were obtained in the current work. Due to the different source of the data (e.g primary hepatocytes used for ENCODE consortia members and this study) differences are expected. In the present study the cells were FACS-sorted immediately after isolation, while the ones used to produce ENCODE data sets were not subjected to sorting and were also probably cultured. This limits the accuracy of comparisons. Furthermore, the authors should indicate exactly which ENCODE data-sets were used.

      It is also unusual to observe broad distribution of the ATF3, JUND and EGR1 ChIP-seq reads over the PCK1 gene or the Alb gene (Fig S3). Peaks called by MACS should be indicated. Have the authors verified this distribution, e.g by ChIP-PCR or other means? It is quite unlikely that binding motifs are present all over the gene bodies. Is it possible that these factors interact with elongating RNA Pol-II complexes? What is the situation in other actively transcribing gene bodies?

      In the first paragraph of this comment, the reviewer rightfully points out that we use data from different sources in the first part of our study: scRNA-seq and ATAC-seq from perfusion-obtained hepatocytes (this study) and ENCODE ChIP-seq data which, in contrast to what the reviewer seems to assume, is obtained from liver (as profiled by ENCODE).

      We did choose to use ChIP-seq data from liver tissue to corroborate our findings in isolated hepatocytes in the tissue of origin (largely composed of hepatocytes). Indeed, the near perfect co-localization of HNF4A and ATF3/EGR1 in liver tissue and the enrichment of corresponding DNA motifs in our ATAC-seq data strongly suggests interaction between bZIP family members and hepatocyte-specific transcription factors (including HNF4A) and hence support our conclusion.

      To further address this issue, we will better separate the data obtained from hepatocytes versus data obtained from liver in the figures and include additional data for liver if available (see also point 1 from this reviewer). Additionally, we will indicate exactly which ENCODE datasets were used (see table below). Where relevant, we will explicitly mention the limitations/confounding factors of our analysis.

      EGR1-liver ChIP-seq

      ENCODE Project Consortium


      JUND-liver ChIP-seq

      ENCODE Project Consortium


      ATF3-liver ChIP-seq

      ENCODE Project Consortium


      HNF4A-liver ChIP-seq

      ENCODE Project Consortium


      FOXA1-liver ChIP-seq

      ENCODE Project Consortium


      CTCF-liver ChIP-seq

      ENCODE Project Consortium


      RAD21-liver ChIP-seq

      ENCODE Project Consortium


      EGR1- K562 ChIP-seq

      ENCODE Project Consortium


      JUND- K562 ChIP-seq

      ENCODE Project Consortium


      ATF3- K562 ChIP-seq

      ENCODE Project Consortium


      With respect to the second paragraph: We obtained these liver tissue ChIP-seq profiles from ENCODE, in which these have gone through thorough validation procedures. Furthermore, we do observe very similar patterns with a complementary, but independent approach, ATAC-seq in hepatocytes. Hence, we do not think that further validation by ChIP-qPCR will have much added value.

      We will follow the advice of the reviewer by i) indicating MACS peaks in our examples, ii) check whether ChIP-seq peaks in coding regions are typical for these datasets. If not, we will show better examples. If they are, we will are investigate potential motifs present in gene bodies, iii) investigate literature for a possible link between these factors and elongating RNA Pol-II complexes; and iv) investigate actively transcribing gene bodies

      3) The synergism between AP1 and HNF4 is based on RNA and ChIP data in Primary hepatocytes. The main evidence for the synergism are co-binding of the two factors and the regulome profiles in the individual cells. In ICOs where both factors are expressed at high levels ChIP-seq data are not available and the potential binding distribution is estimated by the presence of binding motifs in ATAC-seq positive areas. Considering the concern described in point 2, it is important to obtain ChIP-seq data in ICOs too.

      We would like to point out that, we make the central observations on overlapping regulatory modules in perfusion-derived hepatocytes, the ChIP-seq data to show co-binding of AP-1 and other factors with HNF4A (Fig 2c-f; Fig S3c-e) is all based on liver tissues. By showing this in the tissue or origin, we feel we provide sufficient evidence for the (potential) interplay between these factors in the liver, making ChIP-seq in ICOs redundant and beyond the scope of this study.

      In addition, more direct experimental evidence for the synergism is needed. For example, demonstrating the synergism between HNF4 and some AP1 factors in specific genes by co-transfection experiments.

      With regards to the potential synergy between HNF4 and AP1 in adult hepatocytes: previous studies have shown an essential role for c-Jun (part of AP1) in normal hematogenesis, with hepatocytes being rounded and detached in c-Jun KO mice (PMID: 8371760). This clearly shows the critical role of c-Jun in liver development and support to a potential interaction with HNF4 factors.

      Yet, we agree with the reviewers that co-transfection (or knock down) experiments would be an elegant means to further support our conclusion. Unfortunately, however, PHHs are refractory to transfection making this experiment nearly impossible. Hence, instead we will tone down our statements about cooperation between these factors, instead referring to overlapping regulatory modules and co-binding as we observe.

      4) Transcriptome comparisons between primary hepatocytes and intrahepatic cholangiocyte organoids (ICO) or ICOs cultured in hepatocyte differentiation medium (DM-ICO) were performed before (Ref. 6). These cells were derived from the same donor. In the current study ICOs were obtained from a biobank, thus they were from different donors. Differences between the expression patterns of primary cells and EM-IOC and DM-IOC organoid cultures are expected even if they derived from the same donor. In Ref.6 it is clearly demonstrated that DM-IOCs closely mimic many, but not all aspects of the liver phenotype. The present paper therefore provides only incremental new knowledge about the usefulness of organoid cultures in general. On the other hand, the scRNA-seq data with cells from the organoids point to the lack of zonation, which is an important new information, not analysed in Ref.6

      We agree with the reviewer that the EM-ICOs and DM-ICOs have been well characterized in the ground-breaking works Reference 6. Indeed, in Figure 5d of Reference 6, it is shown that DM-ICOs display more comparable expression profile to hepatocytes than EM-ICOs. However, there are also clear differences between hepatocytes and DM-ICOs, indicating incomplete differentiation of the later. In our study, we now make the important observation that the differentiation potential of ICOs at least in part depends on the expression of ELF3 (Figure 3B).

      To address this issue, we will put emphasis on the findings in Ref 6, and we will put our observations in better perspective in relation to Ref 6.

      5) In the methods section the description of ICO culture conditions are very epigrammatic. It refers to previously published protocols but also mentions the addition of BMP7 in the first round of culturing without explaining why was this important. It would be useful if the authors describe exactly the culture conditions they used. Were the ICOs from the biobank established under culture conditions described in Ref 6 or by previous protocols?

      We apologize for this being unclear. We will include this information in the revised manuscript.

      6) The results about ELF3 function are interesting and convincing. This is a novel finding and may worth to perform a global transcriptome analysis and some immunostainings with specific markers in siELF3 cells to further strengthen its regulatory role in cholangiocyte-hepatocyte conversion.

      We agree with the reviewer. To follow this up, we will perform RNA-seq during differentiation of ICOs towards hepatocytes, with and without siRNA-mediated ELF3 knockdown. This will further reveal the precise regulatory role of ELF3 in during hepatocyte differentiation.

      Reviewer #2:


      1) Hepatocyte nuclear factors do not form a transcription factor (TF) family, they are from different TF families: the nuclear receptor, homeobox, and forkhead TF (super)families.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing the mistakes in points 1 to 6 with regards to the naming of protein and protein families in our manuscript, we apologize for these inaccuracies. We will correct these naming and references, and check for any further inconsistencies.

      2) AP-1 is not a TF family either. It is basically a heterodimer of FOS and JUN (sub)family members, which are part of the bZIP (super)family such as C/EBPs and ATF3, which latter is related to JDP2.

      We will adapt this.

      3) EGR1 is not a bZIP protein, it is a zinc finger protein from the EGR family. Was the motif of EGRs enriched? Only the motif of C/EBPs is shown on Fig. 2D.

      We will adapt this. We will also analyze whether the motif of EGRs is enriched

      4) RAD21 is not a TF, it is part of the Cohesin ring, which is associated to the insulator-binding CTCF.

      We will adapt this.

      5) EP300 (Fig. 2A) and PPARGC1A (Fig. 3B) are not TFs, they are co-regulators, basically co-activators, which can interact with several TFs. EP300 is otherwise not so specific, its presence in the chromatin is one of the major active enhancer marks.

      We will adapt this.

      6) DNA sequence motifs are typically not specific for a single TF, rather for a TF (sub)family, so based on a motif, it is usually not possible to identify a certain TF (Fig. 3F). Are there other nuclear receptors, SOX or ETS proteins that can bind to the identified motifs? (For example, FLI1 and several other ETS proteins can bind to the motif of ELF3/EHF, or there are several DR1-binding nuclear receptor dimers like HNF4/HNF4 or PPAR/RXR.)

      We agree with the reviewer. We will analyze this and adapt the manuscript according to our findings.

      &) Although the manuscript is easy to follow and understand, it needs to be checked for grammar.

      We have asked a native speaker to proofread and adapt the manuscript.

      Reviewer #3:

      1) It is well known that perfusion of primary hepatic tissues (mice and human) results in immediate genetic responses, which will be captured right away in the performed RNASeq analysis. Stress pathways are upregulated and will normalize when the cells are put in culture for a couple of days. (Not too long, as they then undergo EMT and de-differentiate into non-parenchyma cells.) These responses can influence the expression profiles observed.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. Please see how we will address this concern in our reply to reviewer 1, issue 1, who raised a very similar point.

      2) Why were the organoid cultures not differentiating properly into hepatocytes using different media cocktails (EM versus DM)? They seem to maintain cholangiocyte features, which questions the culture conditions used.

      We thank the reviewer for the chance to clarify this important point. We like to stress that we do use the standard differentiation protocol as published (which we will also better detail in our material methods) and it does lead to differentiation towards hepatocyte like cells (both morphologically and gene expression-wise). However, what is not highlighted in previous publications, but broadly observed in the field, is that this differentiation is far from being complete and that the extent to which proper differentiation occurs varies between organoids from different donors. In our study, we now make the important observation that the differentiation potential of ICOs at least in part depends on the expression of ELF3 (Figure 3B).

      3) The authors found the up-regulation of the AP-1 family proteins such as ATF3 and EGR1 which are known to induce apoptosis/cell death. Hepatic organoids are often found to have the un-intended necrotic core development which is caused by the oxygen diffusion matter and this issue is highly likely relevant to the size of the organoids. So, it would be advisable to specify the size of hepatic organoids (i.e., diameter) and check the necrosis-related genes.

      To follow-up on this comment of the reviewer: We will measure the size of our organoids. These organoids indeed are typically hollow inside and hence we will check the expression of necrosis related genes and adjust our conclusions accordingly.

      4) The KD approach with ELF3 in the ICOs is a good way forward, however only a minor number of hepatocellular genes are recovered, questioning the central role of ELF3 in driving the hepatocellular program. Functional assays, such as albumin release, bile acid production and CYP450 response should be coupled with the gene expression analysis.

      In line with the response to reviewer 1 (point 6) we will perform RNA-seq to better characterize ELF3 KD-associated genes expression changes including genes typical and functionally relevant for hepatocyte function (e.g. albumin release and bile acid secretion)

      5) The manuscript should be supplemented by adding the statement regarding the specific reason why a different set of donors was selected for two transcriptomics. The authors used three different donors for scRNA-seq and other two donors for the ATAC-seq. It seems better if all five donors were used for both transcriptomics analyses to reduce the inconsistent proportion of primary human hepatocytes (PHHs) from each donor. In addition, the donors which are selected should have identical genetic backgrounds for in-depth analysis of PHHs. The various backgrounds such as age, sex and ethnicity cause the transcriptional and translational heterogeneity. The authors need to explain the criteria on the selection of the donors.

      We do agree with the reviewer that ideally all experiments are performed on the same set of donors. However, PHHs are obtained from surgical margins and hence provide a very limited source, leading to different experiments being performed on different donors. Importantly, the replicates for each experiment type have been obtained from multiple donors enabling us to capture common rather than donor specific expression/chromatin accessibility signatures.

      Within the revised manuscript, we will include a paragraph on the criteria on the selection of the donors, and why a different set of donors was selected for two transcriptomics. Also, we will provide information with respect to the background of the donors.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      We appreciate the time and effort that you and the reviewers have dedicated to providing your valuable feedback on our manuscript. Those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper, as well as the importance guiding significance to our researches. We have highlighted the changes in yellow within the manuscript.

      *Here is a point-by-point response to the reviewers’ comments and concerns. *

      Comments from Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The provided document, titled "Camel Milk Affects Serum Metabolites by Modulating the Intestinal Microflora," is an extensive research paper. My summary covers the first 44 pages of the total 63 pages. The document begins with a standard review commons manuscript notice and provides contact information for the Review Commons office.

      The research focuses on the effects of camel milk on serum metabolites and the intestinal microflora. It starts with a detailed introduction to the topic, outlining the crucial role of gut microbes in human health and the influence of various factors like diet, genetics, and environment on these microbes. The paper emphasizes the nutritional richness of camel milk and its potential as a functional food, particularly its impact on gut microbiota and host metabolism.

      Initial sections of the paper discuss the research methodologies, including the study's keywords, abstract, and introduction. The abstract highlights the study's significant findings, such as the presence of various beneficial bacteria in sour camel milk, the inter- and intra-species transportation of microbiomes, and the impact of camel milk on the gut microflora and serum metabolites of type 2 diabetic rats.

      The introduction further delves into the composition of the human gut microbiota and the shaping factors of the adult gut microbiome. It also examines the role of diet in modulating gut microbiota and the potential health benefits of dairy products, with a particular focus on camel milk.

      Subsequent sections present detailed research findings, including the results of microbial composition and source analysis in camel milk, the composition and changes of rat gut microbiota under camel milk regulation, and the effects of camel milk-regulated gut microbiota on metabolism in rats. The research also explores the interspecies transfer of microbes using camel milk as a vector and analyzes the gut microbiota in people consuming camel milk.

      The paper further discusses the endophytic flora of camel edible desert plants and their possible influence on the camel's gut microbiota. The discussion section integrates the findings, offering insights into the potential health benefits of camel milk and its probiotic qualities. It also compares the effects of camel milk with other dairy products and discusses its role as a vector for beneficial microbes.

      Materials and methods used in the study are detailed towards the end of the summarized portion, describing sample collection and processing, the experimental setup for rats, and data processing and analysis techniques.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The paper continues with detailed research findings, including the microbial composition in camel milk, the impact on the gut microflora of rats and humans, and the serum metabolism effects.

      There's a focus on how camel milk, as a vector, can transfer beneficial microbes between species, influencing gut microbiota and host metabolism.

      The paper compares the effects of camel milk with other dairy products, emphasizing its unique health benefits and its role in transferring beneficial microbes.

      It discusses various bacteria found in camel milk and their potential health benefits.

      The research findings extend to understanding how camel milk affects human gut microbiota, with studies on pastoral herders who consume camel or bovine milk.

      Author response: We thank you for your approval and constructive and valuable feedback from you and other reviewers.

      Comments from Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      The authors introduce a study assessing the bacterial flora of sour fermented camel milk and its capability to introduce beneficial species into consumer's gut. They further tested the potential of its nutrients and species for beneficial effects on type 2 diabetic (t2d) rats. They claim that t2d rats fed with high-dose camel whey reveal a microbiota closer to that of healthy rats rather than that of other t2d rats not receiving the camel whey treatment. Further they claim that this effect is due to the presence of Eubacterium limnetica that was exclusively found in the gut microflora of rats taking camel milk and producing MtcB protein. They conclude that camel milk may have the potential to be functional food.

      Overall, I think the approach of looking into camel milk and its microbiota is of broad interest, as it is food consumed traditionally by many tribes and in several countries. However, to me the presentation of the findings, the data and the analysis is often unprecise and confusing.

      For example, the MtcB protein they claim to be the mechanism of reducing the risk for t2d in the abstract is mentioned only once in the whole study and there only as a finding of another study (cited). According to my understanding the abstract should contain the main findings of the study, rather than some side-finding from other studies happens to match with the study results. I assume the authors have plenty of results from their sequencing data and metabolomics that they could mention in the abstract.

      In the text the authors mention the analysis of the microbial composition and source analysis of camel milk, the analysis of the gut microbiota of young camels, the composition, and changes of rat gut microbiota under the regulation of camel milk, the structure and changes of gut microbiota in people taking camel milk and the analysis of the endophytic flora of camel edible desert plants. And this just quoting the headers in the results section. Why is that not represented/mentioned in the abstract? Instead the authors focus on the t2d rats and the MtcB mechanism they fail to present.

      Further the authors are sloppy when it comes to typos and preciseness. For example, in the abstract they talk first about sour camel milk, then whey and then milk again.

      I suggest a major restructuring/rewriting and if necessary partial reanalysing of the results and the conclusions.

      It would be good to have an overview figure combining the work done, also stating the number of samples for each experiment.

      __Author response: __Thank you very much for your nice suggestion on our manuscript, we applied some restructuring to our manuscript and the changes were highlighted in yellow.

      Major comments:

      1) Please make sure all raw data (sequences and filtering/assembly results) are deposited in public databases, like NCBI, ENA or else.

      __Author response: __The corresponding data is available as Mendeley Data, V1, https://doi.org/10. 17632/4w8n8n96tc.1, some datasets with bigger size uploaded failed owing to internet problem. The full version could be offered in other approaches if requested.

      2) Please state briefly for each dataset analysed, which sequencing method was used, how many samples were collected and how many were pooled for the sequencing runs:

      AmpliAeq, whole metagenome HiSeq, MiSeq?

      __Author response: __Sample and dataset information for sequence was supplied in Supplementary Table 9 and 12. Sequencing library was prepared following Illumina library preparation instructions, and sequenced using Illumina Miseq platform at Majorbio Bio-Pharm Technology Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China) with pair-end (PE) 150 bp reads.

      3) Page14 line283:

      F082? What is it? A strain, species or a sample?

      Please state clearly in the text.

      Also please avoid using abbreviations where possible and if you have to use them, please define.

      __Author response: __When applying diversity analysis at the specie level, a species annotated as unclassified_g_norank_f_F082 was found abundant in camel feces in Darbancheng.

      4) Page14 line307:

      "These evidenced that camel milk was a vector transferring microbes from the female camel to their cubs."

      Yes, that may be likely, but 16S amplicon-seq cannot provide evidence. Evidence would be strain similarity confirmed by SNP's or the like. So please state that this is speculative or show appropriate evidence.

      __Author response: __We completely agree that SNP’s is better evidence for this point and thank you. Microbial diversity analysis was a main part of initial design, and our limited sample couldn’t meet the needs of diversity and SNPs in the same time. There also were reports which used 16S based methods to trace the microbes source(Du et al., 2022; El-Mokdad, 2014; Wang et al., 2018).

      5) Page15 line322 ff:

      "Besides, using raw milk was not effective in type 2 diabetic rat model, so we chose camel whey and bovine whey as the diet of type 2 diabetic rats in follow-up experiments"

      Data/evidence? How is it different from whey on a nutrient perspective, as whey was more effective? Any explanation for this difference? And the bovine whey, what species did it contain? Can they be transferred regarding the processing of whey prior to application?

      __Author response: __This is an interesting and valuable question. We prepared raw milk and whey for the pre-test, then directly turned to validate the function of whey. Maybe we will investigate the composition difference in the future. The whey was prepared using the following protocol: Centrifuge fresh milk for 20 mins at 5000 r/min, discard the fat, and precipitate and obtain the middle layer of skim milk. After 20 mins in a 40 ℃ water bath, adjust the pH to 4.6 with 10% glacial acetic acid, and store in a 4°C refrigerator, overnight. Then, the skim milk was centrifuged at 8000 r/min for 20 min, repeated twice, and the middle whey fraction was collected. The centrifuged whey was poured into a petri dish and sealed. It was frozen at -80°C for 12 hours and then pierced with a sterile toothpick on the petri dish and then freeze-dried to get whey powders. A speculation was the preparing progress of whey played an important role in their functional difference. A comprehensive comparison of camel raw milk, camel whey, bovine raw milk, and whey will be an interesting point and we may investigate it shortly.

      6) Page17 line366ff:

      "Taking the number of microbes involved in this pathway, 8001 species were noted in the high-dose camel whey group, 3447 in the positive drug group, and only 1467 in the diabetics." How many species were present in the rats initially? Was species abundance different in the first place, or did they get lost, or came from the camel whey?

      __Author response: __The rats were fed with broad-spectrum antibiotics for 2 weeks, which ensured the same species abundance in the beginning.

      7) Page17 line369 ff:

      "It indicated that these microbes might resist the high glucose environment of the host through the synthesis and metabolism of their amino acids, and the effect of high-dose camel milk was more effective than that of metformin"

      -> How high was the glucose level in the rat gut? Or were there any obvious physiological changes in the t2d model rats that are characteristic for such a high-glucose environment? Please explain.

      __Author response: __This is an interesting and critical question. We didn’t measure the glucose level in the rat gut directly because we had to make sure other related characterizations worked properly. Besides, we thought camel milk could regulate microbial community, and further influence the blood sugar level, which was more representative in our sight. Blood sugar level is supplied in Fig.4O and Supplementary Table 11.

      8) The resolution/quality of the figures is low and the labelling often small. So not all text is readable.

      __Author response: __We adjusted the figures in the manuscript and offered additional independent picture files. Additionally, it seemed caused by the PDF merge progress, please check the pictures in .docx or .png files for details.

      9) Page19 line400 ff:

      What serum metabolites were analysed and why? Please write an intro-sentence to make it easier for the reader.

      Please write more precise what methods were used. Maybe I missed it, but I didn't find it in the methods part as well (Page40/41).

      __Author response: __The rats fed high-dose camel whey or metformin showed similar improvement in serum metabolite imbalance and were closer to normal. Caproylcarnitine, taurodeoxycholic acid, acetylcarnitine, creatinine, linoleic acid, and tridecanoic acid were detected as upregulated; 2-deoxyuridine, cyclohexylamine, L-pipecolic acid, LysoPC(18:0), uracil, caprylic acid, cholesterol sulfate, L-citrulline, pelargonic acid, and phenol downregulated. Carnitine supplementation, due to its key role in lipid metabolism and antioxidant effects, may effectively manage Type 2 Diabetes by addressing fatty acid metabolism dysregulation and oxidative stress(Bene, Hadzsiev, & Melegh, 2018). Studies have shown that taurodeoxycholic acid can enhance the effect of insulin and reduce blood sugar levels by regulating endoplasmic reticulum stress, and have potential in the treatment of diabetes(Xing, Zhou, Wang, & Xu, 2023). Low serum creatinine is associated with the development of T2D(Song, Hong, Sung, & Lee, 2022). Increased linoleic acid consumption was recommended for the prevention of T2D(Henderson, Crofts, & Schofield, 2018). The uridine is phosphorylated into uracil, which is converted to 2-deoxyuridine. Then 2-deoxyuridine is further converted to thymine with thymidine phosphorylase, the expression of thymidine phosphorylase was lost or considerably reduced when the organism suffered nephropathy and the high concentration of thymidine is a cause of DNA impairment, which is related to diabetes and diabetic nephropathy(Spinazzola et al., 2002; Szabo et al.; Xia, Hu, Liang, Zou, Wang, & Luo, 2010). L-Pipecolic acid are associated with higher incidence of T2D(Razquin et al., 2019). A research showed LysoPC(16:0) and (18:0) may mediated a fast progression of diabetic kidney disease(Yoshioka et al., 2022). Cholesterol sulfate is the most abundant known sterol sulfate in human plasma, and it plays a significant role in the control of glucose metabolism, which contribute to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and the resultant development of diabetes(Shi et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2022). L-citrulline supplementation might improve glucose homeostasis, some lipid factors and inflammatory markers in overweight and obese patients with T2D(Azizi, Mahdavi, Mobasseri, Aliasgharzadeh, Abbaszadeh, & Ebrahimi-Mameghani, 2021). T2D mellitus is associated with increased total plasma free fatty acid and modulating its concentration is the mechanism of some fibrates and statins drugs(I. S. Sobczak, A. Blindauer, & J. Stewart, 2019). Most of these metabolites have been reported as causes of T2D or consequences of T2D progress, some have been designed as therapeutic target.

      The serum metabolites were carried out using Agilent 1290 Infinity UHPLC system equipped with a HILIC column. The mobile phase of the optimized method consisted of (A) water with 25 mM ammonium acetate and 25 mM ammonia; and (B) acetonitrile (ACN). The following gradient elution was used: 5% A at 0-1min; 5-35% A at 1-14 min; 35-60% A at 14-16 min; 60% A at 16-18 min ; 60-5% A at 18-18.1 min and 5% A at 18.1-23 min. The flow rate was 0.3 mL/min, injection volume 2 μL, and column temperature was 25 ℃. Triple TOF 5600 mass spectrometer was applied for mass spectrometer analysis. The condition was used as following: Ion Source Gas1:60,Ion Source Gas2:60,Curtain gas:30,source temperature:600℃,IonSapary Voltage Floating ± 5500 V. TOF MS scan m/z range:60-1000 Da,product ion scan m/z range:25-1000 Da,TOF MS scan accumulation time 0.20 s/spectra, product ion scan accumulation time 0.05 s/spectra.MS/MS was gathered by information dependent acquisition (IDA) using high sensitivity mode, Declustering potential:±60 V, Collision Energy:35±15 eV, and IDA was set as Exclude isotope within 4 Da, Candidate ions to monito per cycle: 6. The methods part was complemented.

      Minor comments:

      1) Page1, line56-58 ff

      Please phrase more clearly:

      "This study specified that the transportation of microbiome happened both intra- and inter-species and played a principal role in the formation of progeny gut microflora."

      While the content is mostly comprehensible, there is a need for rephrasing and correction of language also in the following text.

      __Author response: __As suggested by the reviewer, we have rephrased and modified the abstract part.

      2) Page14 line300 ff:

      There is no need to show the OTU numbers in the text, please provide your results as a table in the supplements and refer to it in the text.

      Author response: We deleted OTU numbers in the manuscript and added the corresponding table in supplementary file.

      3) Page15 line328: Please check for typos, it is Shannon index, not Shanno.

      __Author response: __The corresponding correction was applied in the manuscript.

      4) Page16 line334:

      Please mention the number, age and sex of the rats used and how many groups you had in your experiments.

      __Author response: __SPF-grade male rats weighing 180-220 g were used for our related experiments. The detailed information is available in Supplementary Material (Supplementary Table 11-13).

      5) The headlines should logically structure the paper:

      For example, the authors have two very similar sections in the results part: "Composition and changes of rat gut microbiota under the regulation of camel milk" and "Analysis of the composition of gut microbiota in rats". Those can be combined or stated more concise.

      Also, other headlines improvement to make it easier for the reader to follow.

      __Author response: __We adjusted this part in the manuscript according to the reviewer’s suggestion.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      I do think the study is of broad interest and relevance. However, the presentation of the analysis and data needs major revision. Especially it is lacking clarity on what was done for which samples and how the authors draw their conclusions. Also, I think that abstract and main text have a different focus. I would suggest to the authors to concentrate on their findings in abstract and text and state precisely what was done and what they found.

      __Author response: __Thank you very much for your recognition of our manuscript.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity


      The authors introduce a study assessing the bacterial flora of sour fermented camel milk and its capability to introduce beneficial species into consumer's gut. They further tested the potential of its nutrients and species for beneficial effects on type 2 diabetic (t2d) rats. They claim that t2d rats fed with high-dose camel whey reveal a microbiota closer to that of healthy rats rather than that of other t2d rats not receiving the camel whey treatment. Further they claim that this effect is due to the presence of Eubacterium limnetica that was exclusively found in the gut microflora of rats taking camel milk and producing MtcB protein. They conclude that camel milk may have the potential to be functional food.

      Overall, I think the approach of looking into camel milk and its microbiota is of broad interest, as it is food consumed traditionally by many tribes and in several countries. However, to me the presentation of the findings, the data and the analysis is often unprecise and confusing. For example, the MtcB protein they claim to be the mechanism of reducing the risk for t2d in the abstract is mentioned only once in the whole study and there only as a finding of another study (cited). According to my understanding the abstract should contain the main findings of the study, rather than some side-finding from other studies happens to match with the study results. I assume the authors have plenty of results from their sequencing data and metabolomics that they could mention in the abstract. In the text the authors mention the analysis of the microbial composition and source analysis of camel milk, the analysis of the gut microbiota of young camels, the composition, and changes of rat gut microbiota under the regulation of camel milk, the structure and changes of gut microbiota in people taking camel milk and the analysis of the endophytic flora of camel edible desert plants. And this just quoting the headers in the results section. Why is that not represented/mentioned in the abstract? Instead the authors focus on the t2d rats and the MtcB mechanism they fail to present. Further the authors are sloppy when it comes to typos and preciseness. For example, in the abstract they talk first about sour camel milk, then whey and then milk again.

      I suggest a major restructuring/rewriting and if necessary partial reanalysing of the results and the conclusions.

      It would be good to have an overview figure combining the work done, also stating the number of samples for each experiment.

      Major comments:

      1. Please make sure all raw data (sequences and filtering/assembly results) are deposited in public databases, like NCBI, ENA or else.
      2. Please state briefly for each dataset analysed, which sequencing method was used, how many samples were collected and how many were pooled for the sequencing runs: AmpliAeq, whole metagenome HiSeq, MiSeq?
      3. Page14 line283: F082? What is it? A strain, species or a sample? Please state clearly in the text. Also please avoid using abbreviations where possible and if you have to use them, please define.
      4. Page14 line307: "These evidenced that camel milk was a vector transferring microbes from the female camel to their cubs." Yes, that may be likely, but 16S amplicon-seq cannot provide evidence. Evidence would be strain similarity confirmed by SNP's or the like. So please state that this is speculative or show appropriate evidence.
      5. Page15 line322 ff: "Besides, using raw milk was not effective in type 2 diabetic rat model, so we chose camel whey and bovine whey as the diet of type 2 diabetic rats in follow-up experiments" Data/evidence? How is it different from whey on a nutrient perspective, as whey was more effective? Any explanation for this difference? And the bovine whey, what species did it contain? Can they be transferred regarding the processing of whey prior to application?
      6. Page17 line366ff: "Taking the number of microbes involved in this pathway, 8001 species were noted in the high-dose camel whey group, 3447 in the positive drug group, and only 1467 in the diabetics." How many species were present in the rats initially? Was species abundance different in the first place, or did they get lost, or came from the camel whey?
      7. Page17 line369 ff: "It indicated that these microbes might resist the high glucose environment of the host through the synthesis and metabolism of their amino acids, and the effect of high-dose camel milk was more effective than that of metformin"
      8. How high was the glucose level in the rat gut? Or were there any obvious physiological changes in the t2d model rats that are characteristic for such a high-glucose environment? Please explain.
      9. The resolution/quality of the figures is low and the labelling often small. So not all text is readable.
      10. Page19 line400 ff: What serum metabolites were analysed and why? Please write an intro-sentence to make it easier for the reader. Please write more precise what methods were used. Maybe I missed it, but I didn't find it in the methods part as well (Page40/41).

      Minor comments:

      1. Page1, line56-58 ff Please phrase more clearly: "This study specified that the transportation of microbiome happened both intra- and inter-species and played a principal role in the formation of progeny gut microflora." While the content is mostly comprehensible, there is a need for rephrasing and correction of language also in the following text.
      2. Page14 line300 ff: There is no need to show the OTU numbers in the text, please provide your results as a table in the supplements and refer to it in the text.
      3. Page15 line328: Please check for typos, it is Shannon index, not Shanno.
      4. Page16 line334: Please mention the number, age and sex of the rats used and how many groups you had in your experiments.
      5. The headlines should logically structure the paper: For example, the authors have two very similar sections in the results part: "Composition and changes of rat gut microbiota under the regulation of camel milk" and "Analysis of the composition of gut microbiota in rats". Those can be combined or stated more concise. Also, other headlines improvement to make it easier for the reader to follow.


      I do think the the study is of broad interest and relevance. However, the presentation of the analysis and data needs major revision. Especially it is lacking clarity on what was done for which samples and how the authors draw their conclusions. Also I think that abstract and main text have a different focus. I would suggest to the authors to concentrate on their findings in abstract and text and state precisely what was done and what they found.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      DBF4 and DRF1 knockout cells were generated and used to separate DBF4- and CDC7-dependent from DRF1- and CDC7-dependent activities. DBF4- and CDC7-dependent activities at replication forks were independent of DRF1. These include the replication timing pattern, replication fork velocity, DNA damage signaling. DBF4 is required to recruit CDC7 to active replication forks. The study is in large part exceptional.

      The inclusion of quantitation for a modest bandshift on CDC7 in figure 2 (30% vs 50% reduced) is not justified given the abundance of the main band and our knowledge of the lack of linearity of western blot quantitation. This should be removed.

      We thank the reviewer for evaluating our manuscript and for the positive feedback.

      In the revised manuscript we have removed the quantification of the bandshift related to CDC7 autophosphorylation in mitotic cells which was reported in Figure 1E. We recognise that the quantification may not be accurate although performed using semiquantitative near-infrared scanning technology. Importantly the experiment was performed three times with almost identical results.

      The only significant weakness in the paper is the explanation of the replication timing analyses in Figure 3. I don't understand what the differences between the plots equate to in terms of timing. I understand the replication of these regions that diverge is either early or late, but their were only two fractions of cells - 2N-3N and 3N-4N (the cells are "normal"). If this is the case, isn't the readout binary? a sequence either replicates in S phase between 2N and 3N or in S phase between 3N and 4N. Why are the differences so small? Are they only evident in a small population of cells? If that is the case, then what does the difference really mean? I think the description of these data needs to be precise.

      The replication timing experiments were performed with a well-established and reliable protocol (Ryba et al., 2011, https://doi.org/10.1038/nprot.2011.328). Asynchronous cells are labelled with a short pulse of BrdU, and sorted in two fractions, early and late S-phase, as described in Hiratani et al., 2008, Ryba et al., 2010, Hadjadj et al, 2016 and 2020 (https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.0060245) (https://doi.org/10.1101/gr.099655.109, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gdata.2016.07.003, https://doi.org/10.1093/nargab/lqaa045).

      This method does not take into account the variation in the DNA copy number (2N vs 4N) between replicated and non-replicated parts of the genome (S/G1 ratio) as in Siefert et al., 2017 (https://doi.org/10.1101/gr.218602.116).

      The profiles depict the average replication timing of a population of 20,000,000 cells; thus, the readout is not binary.

      Replication timing profiles display the log ratio between early and late replicated fractions along the chromosome. Early replicated regions show positive log ratios and late replicated regions show negative ratios. The differential analysis performed with the START-R suite allows the comparison of the profiles (Ctrl vs either CDC7i-treated or DBF4-deficient cells). The genomic regions with altered timing are shown in green or in purple below the profiles, showing advanced and delayed regions, respectively.

      Importantly, the differences in replication timing are expressed with log ratio, that explains why the profiles are varying from -2 (very late replicating regions) and +2 (very early replicating regions). The differences we observed in Figure 3 are representative of two experiments, each composed of two technical replicates that are highly reproducible.

      To better describe the data, we have modified the text in the results section with the words in bold, as below: “These two neo-synthesized DNA fractions were then hybridised on human whole genome microarrays, as previously described. The log ratio between early and late replicated fractions was calculated and visualised for the whole genome.” We also changed the labelling of the replication profiles in Figure 3 and former Figure S3 (now Figure S4) by adding Log2 (Early/Late) to intensity and added two new sentences to the figure legend 3.“____Replication timing profiles display the log ratio between early and late replicated fractions along the chromosome. Positive log ratios correspond to early replicated regions whereas negative ratios correspond to late replicated regions.”

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      I think this paper is a significant advance that should be published. CDC7 is a critical kinase and identifying its co-factor at the replication fork is important both for our understanding of mechanisms of DNA replication and the impact of CDC7 kinase inhibitors in the clinic. I think the majority of the experiments are well designed and the results are unambiguous and precisely described.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      CDC7 is a master cell cycle kinase with essential functions in DNA replication and important roles in the DNA damage response. For its functions, CDC7 relies on a regulatory factor, DBF4, which is essential in many species but not in human cells as a consequence of the presence of a second DBF4-related factor, DRF1. In this work, Göder and colleagues study the relative relevance of these regulatory proteins in CDC7 roles. Their study reveals DBF4 as the major regulatory subunit both in DNA replication, DNA damage checkpoint and fork dynamics. The objective of the study is highly relevant to understand an essential cell cycle kinase with potential applications in cancer therapies, the experiments are well performed and the conclusions are "in principle" sound.

      We thank this reviewer for the time and attention in evaluating the manuscript, for the positive feedback and for indicating key points for improvement and discussion.

      The major handicap of the study is the absence of western blots showing the elimination of DBF4 and DRF1 in the edited cell lines due to the lack of specific antibodies. The authors have generated homozygous mutations that lead to premature stop codons behind critical CDC7 domains. However, as they mention, it is not possible to fully exclude some proteins arising from internal start sites or exon skipping events with residual (functional or altered, and not necessarily residual) activity. This is not unexpected, especially for essential proteins. This would not be a major handicap if the study were focused in a specific factor because it would only question the impact of but not the affected function, but it aims to compare the relative effect of two defective genes. In this case, it is essential to confirm that both genes are eliminated, at least to the same degree.

      We agree with the reviewer that it would be valuable to confirm the effect of the mutations by immunoblotting.

      Over the years we have had multiple attempts at generating sensitive antibodies against both DBF4 and DRF1, using recombinant proteins and synthetic peptides. We also tested several commercially available anti-DBF4 and anti-DRF1 antibodies. While often we were able to detect overexpressed proteins, the detection of endogenous levels has been particularly challenging especially in non-transformed cells, such MCF10A.

      Nevertheless, with an anti-DBF4 serum we obtained from the Diffley lab, which was generated against the C-terminus fragment of hDBF4, we managed to detect endogenous full length DBF4 in parental but not in the DBF4-KO cells (this blot is now included as supplementary Fig S1B). Even with this reagent the detection levels are low and multiple non-specific immunoreactive bands are present, making the detection of DBF4 particularly challenging across the experiments. Interestingly, while DBF4 is no longer detectable in DBF4-11, one the two clones used in this work , we detect a new immunoreactive band of approximately 55kDa in the other clone DBF4-30. We reckon that this may be the result of mRNA translation from the next downstream methionine. In this case this aberrant protein would lack the N domain and most of the M domain, involved in CDC7 binding and activation, and thus this fragment is very likely not functional.

      Importantly, most results in this study were obtained using both DBF4-11 and DBF4-30 clones with indistinguishable results. Only the replication timing experiments were done using a single clone DBF4-11, in which DBF4 protein is not detected.

      We had less success with the direct detection of DRF1. As also suggested by reviewer #3, to screen the clones after genome editing, we originally performed IP-western experiments. We used an anti-DRF1 mAb and unrelated IgG for the immunoprecipitations and an anti-CDC7 antibody as a probe in western blotting. We detected an immunoreactive band above the background at the expected molecular weight for CDC7 when the immunoprecipitation was performed with extracts from parental cells (as well as in a clone obtained with a different sgRNA, targeting DRF1 Exon1 and never used in this study) but not when the immunoprecipitation was performed with extracts from the DRF1- 5 and DRF1-7 clones used in the study. These original co-IPs are credible although not particularly pretty and importantly the result was confirmed in a more convincing experiment in the DRF1-5 clone.

      These new data are now included in the resubmission in Figure S1. So, while the detection of the CDC7 regulatory subunits still remains particularly difficult, we can now provide evidence that their expression is altered in the engineered cell lines used in the study.

      The computational analysis in Figure 1C is consistent with the major conclusion about the primary regulatory role of DBF4 in replication, but it is insufficient to validate the specific phenotypes addressed in the study.

      The figure reports the effects of targeting single genes with multiple sgRNA (4 to 8 according to the library used) on proliferation rate/fitness measured after multiple days in more than 1000 screens across many different human cell types. Loss of fitness can be due either to a direct problem with DNA replication or with other cellular processes.

      We agree with the reviewer that the analysis in Fig 1C is consistent with the phenotypes shown in the study. Particularly it is consistent with the lack of a major defect of DRF1-deficient cells in DNA replication, and it strongly indicates an essential role for CDC7 which was somehow challenged by Suski and co-workers (see also below).

      Indeed, there is a result that is hard to understand if the edited cell lines are defective in the expression of the regulators, specially DRF1. Figure S2D-E shows no synergistic defect in DNA synthesis when the second regulator is knock down with specific siRNAs, not even DRF1 defective cell lines treated with a siDBF4 that reduces its expression 10 times. Also, it is not clear why the defects, specially in DBF4-defective cell lines, are less severe than in cells treated with an inhibitor that causes a partial inhibition of CDC7. If it is due to the expression of DRF4, a siRNA against DRF4 should cause more severe defects.

      Yes, we did not detect synergy or additive effect on the rate of DNA replication when targeting both DBF4 and DRF1 by multiple approaches. This was also for us an unexpected result, that we examined to the best of our capabilities.

      The lack of the expected synergy in the replication assays could be explained in multiple ways and could be of biological or technical nature such as 1) residual low levels of DBF4/DRF1 proteins remaining in the cells upon either CRISPR/Cas9 or siRNA targeting, 2) alternative mechanisms of kinase activation by a different, yet unidentified protein, 3) minimal residual enzymatic activity of hCdc7 kinase not requiring an activating subunit.

      We performed further computational analysis using the dataset of the DepMap project, assessing if the effect of targeting DBF4 on fitness may be dependent on the levels of DRF1 expression. In several instances, when dealing with paralogues the gene effect of knocking out one of the paralogues directly correlates with the expression levels of the second, a phenomenon known as paralogue buffering (De Kegel et al. 2019 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1008466 ).

      In the case of DBF4 and DRF1, this correlation is minimal (plot below: X and Y axes are DRF1 expression levels and DBF4 gene effect respectively, Pearson's correlation = 0.12) so that there are ~ 470 other genes whose expression is more correlated with DBF4 essentiality. Furthermore, by stratifying cell lines according to whether DBF4 was essential or not and then looking at DBF4B (DRF1) expression, we failed to see significant association (graph below).

      Thus, this analysis reinforces the idea that if cooperation between DBF4 and DRF1 exists, it is particularly difficult to demonstrate. To date the interplay between DBF4 and DRF1 is only indicated by the partial impairment on MCM2 phosphorylation and CDC7 autophosphorylation observed in the individual KOs and by the fact that we were unable to obtaining viable double KO mutant clones. We recognise that the latter is a negative result and double KO may be generated in other cellular models or with different strategies.

      We are happy to include the above computational analysis in a revised manuscript and to expand the discussion on the essentiality of CDC7, DBF4 and DRF1.

      The effects of directly inhibiting CDC7 with 10 microM XL413 (concentration used in this study) are indeed stronger than DBF4 KO / depletion on both DNA synthesis (Fig 2A-B) and MCM2 phosphorylation (Fig 4A and Fig 5A).

      We and others have previously shown that CDC7 inhibition by XL413 causes a dose dependent decrease in MCM2 phosphorylation and DNA synthesis. Importantly in the experiments where XL413 was titrated on MCF10A cells from 0.3 microM to 80 microM, we demonstrated that these parameters are uncoupled and that doses that are ~20-fold higher are required to cause a strong impediment of DNA synthesis compared to the dose required to cause full MCM2 dephosphorylation (Rainey et al. 2017 https://doi.org/10.1021/acschembio.7b00117 ).

      DBF4 deficiency only partially affects MCM2 phosphorylation thus it is comparable to very low doses of XL413, that we can estimate to be in the range between 1 and 2 microM.

      Minor points

      • Title in Pag 12. "DBF4 mediates the majority of CDC7 functions in the replication stress response". In this section the authors address only the role of CDC7 in checkpoint signalling but not in other processes related to the replication stress response.

      We agree and we have modified the title of this section accordingly.

      • Figure 2. "EdU incorporation in late S-phase/ per cell" is clearer

      We have modified the label of this figure.

      • Right panels in Figures 3A and 3B are duplicated

      We sincerely apologise for the mistake occurred while assembling the figure. The figure has been corrected, and shows that the changes in the replication timing with the CDC7i or with DBF4-KO are indeed similar but not identical.

      **Referees cross-commenting**

      I am aware of the difficulty to sort out the detection problem, a major handicap of the work. Immunoprecipitation as suggested by rev. 3 might be an interesting possibility. The results should be published, in any case, as they are well performed and try to answer a relevant question. But, if finally the authors fail to detect the proteins, they should make clear in the paper the limitation of their conclusions by the possibility that the expression of the regulators is not completely eliminated or could be altered. Indeed, the apparent contradiction with Suski's results raised by Rev 3 might be discussed in this context.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s recognition of the technical problems we have encountered. We are glad that we now are in a position to provide evidence of impairment of DBF4 and DRF1 expression in the engineered cells (discussed above and reported in new Figure S1 and S2).

      Also, it is important to explain the lack of synergism when combining the edited mutations with siRNAs.

      In a revised manuscript we will explain the potential reasons why lack of synergism either doesn’t exist or is not observed, as discussed above.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      In summary, the work is relevant and interesting, but the lack of controls about the effect of the edition rises important concerns about the conclusions. It is evident from the acknowledgment section that the authors have tried without success to generate specific antibodies. An alternative possibility would be 1) to get similar results with at least two clones addressing different exons (actually, only one clone was used for DRF1 in most cases) and 2) show synergistic effects for the more important phenotypes in edited cells transfected with efficient siRNAs. This is particularly important for DRF1-defective cells, which show no phenotypes except for an increase in micronuclei. If DBF4 is not essential because the complementary activity of DRF1, impairment of DBF4 expression with siRNAs in DRF1 deficient cells should cause synergistic defects at least in DNA replication and cell viability.

      We hope we have satisfactory addressed this reviewer’s comments, by providing experimental evidence of the impairment of DBF4 and DRF1 expression/function in the engineered cells and several points for discussion addressing the lack of obvious synergy between DBF4 and DRF1.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary Assembly of the CMG helicase during DNA replication initiation is regulated by the DBF-Dependent Kinase known as CDC7 (or DDK), which also plays roles at DNA replication forks during elongation. In vertebrates, DDK has two regulatory subunits called DBF4 and DRF1. Until now, the division of labour between these two activators of CDC7 was poorly understood in mammalian cells. To address this issue, the authors used CRISPR-Cas9 to edit the DBF4 and DRF1 genes in immortalised human breast cells (MCF10A), thereby truncating key domains of the DBF4 and DRF1 proteins. The DBF4-deficient and DRF1-deficient lines are viable, whereas the double mutant was unobtainable and likely inviable, as reported previously by the authors for knockout of CDC7 in MCF10A cells. The authors compare the DBF4-deficient and DRF1-deficient lines with the CDC7 inhibitor XL413, providing evidence that DBF4 has the major role in supporting CDC7 activity in MCF10A cells compared to DRF1, in terms of DNA replication, origin firing, fork progression, and checkpoint activation. Curiously, DRF1 appears to be more important in preventing the formation of micronuclei - another phenotype seen upon inhibition of CDC7 kinase activity.

      Major comments: The data are of high quality and the key conclusions are convincing, although it is unfortunate that the authors were not able to monitor the level of DBF4 and DRF1 by immunoblotting to validate their edited cell lines. The authors previously reported using immunoprecipitation of CDC7, DBF4 and DRF1 (Tenca et al, 2007, 10.1074/jbc.M604457200) to monitor DDK subunits in HeLa cells, which would presumably have been helpful here in MCF10A cells. Nevertheless, the DNA sequence of the edited clones indicates frameshift mutations that lead to premature STOP codons, and the various phenotypes reported in this manuscript are consistent with loss of DBF4 / DRF1 function as described.

      We thank the reviewer the time an effort in carefully assessing the manuscript, and with his/her positive assessment.

      We have now included experimental evidence indicating that DBF4 expression is deficient in the DBF4 KO cells used in this study and that the interaction with DRF1 and CDC7 is deficient in the DRF1-KO cells using the same Co-IP strategy previously reported in Hela cells. Please see also the response to reviewer #2 to the same point.

      Minor comments: 1. The authors should discuss their data in the context of the recent study by Suski et al (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04698). The latter study reported that knockout of DBF4 in mouse fibroblasts impairs proliferation but is not lethal, in agreement with the present manuscript, but Suski et al also argue that CDC7 is dispensable for DNA replication in mammalian cells due to redundancy with CDK1.

      The requirement for CDC7 kinase activity for genome duplication in mammalian cells has become a contentious point of debate. CRISPR screens in more than 1000 cell lines indicate that CDC7 is a core essential gene required for proliferation (DepMap.org). Clearly human cells can clearly withstand reduced CDC7 activity, and several proteins contribute both positively and negatively to the effectiveness of CDC7 inhibition in DNA replication and cell proliferation e.g. RIF1 depletion, ATR inhibition, PTBP1 mutation. (Hiraga et al. 2017 https://doi.org/10.15252/embr.201641983 ; Rainey et al. 2020 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108096 : Jones et al. 2021 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2021.01.004 ; Göder et al. 2023 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2023.106951).

      Specifically CDK1-phosphporylatyon of RIF1 was shown to disrupt RIF1/PP1 interaction and PP1’s ability to counteract CDC7-dependnet phosphorylation of the MCM complex (Moiseeva et al. 2019 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1903418116 ; Jones et al. 2021 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2021.01.004). Thus increased CDK1 activity can be helpful in dealing with low levels of CDC7 kinase.

      Suski et al argue that CDC7 is dispensable for DNA replication in human cells based on acute degradation of CDC7 or by its inhibition using an “Shokat type” analogue sensitive CDC7 allele. However, another study showed that DNA replication is not completed using the same approach and the same analogue sensitive allele (Jones et al. 2021 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2021.01.004). In mouse embryonic stem cells, the Masai group had previously shown that CRE-Lox mediated inactivation of mDBF4 leads to a strong decrease of DNA synthesis and that mDBF4, like mCDC7 is essential for cell ES cells viability (Kim et al, 2002 https://doi.org/10.1093/emboj/21.9.2168 and Yamashita 2005 https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2443.2005.00857.x ). Intriguingly mDRF1 has yet not been identified nor characterised. In our opinion, the simplest explanation to reconciliate the different reports is that human and mouse CDC7 are indeed required for DNA replication and for cell proliferation, but the phenotype of the most severe effects of its inhibition requires the complete loss of function of the kinase and may be delayed in time. We are happy to add these considerations in the discussion section of the revised manuscript.

      1. Some discussion of the increased frequency of micronuclei in DRF1-deficient cells compared to DBF4-deficient lines would be useful (c.f. Figure 1F-G).

      In the discussion we have suggested that the increase of micronucleated cells in the DRF1 deficient clones “could be consistent with a (DRF1) specific but not yet identified function in chromosome segregation, in the fine-tuning of DNA replication or the DNA repair process”. Of interest, CDC7 kinase was recently involved in modulating ATR function in cytokinetic abscission, and impairment of this process can lead to increase frequency of micro nucleated cells (Luessing et al. 2023 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2022.104536 ). It is possible that this new role of CDC7 could be dependent on DRF1, an hypothesis at present purely speculative, that we will be testing in the future. We are happy to add these considerations to the discussion section of the revised manuscript.

      1. It would be helpful to present actual p values in Figure 2, rather than asterisks.

      Asterisks report the range in which the p values fall into, which currently is specified in the legend. These can be substituted with actual numbers in the figures, and we will comply with the requirement of the journal in which the manuscript will be accepted.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      The main strength of this manuscript is the exploration of the division of labour between DBF4 and DRF1 in human cells, regarding the roles of CDC7 kinase during DNA replication initiation, fork progression and checkpoint control. A limitation would be the failure to monitor the level of DBF4 and DRF1 in the CRISPR-edited cell lines, whilst it is also possible that the relative roles of DBF4 and DRF1 might vary in different cell types.

      Previous studies of DNA replication in Xenopus egg extracts (e.g. Takahashi et al, 2005: doi: 10.1101/gad.1339805) indicated that DRF1 is the dominant activator of CDC7. In contrast, past work from the current authors (Tenca et al, 2007, 10.1074/jbc.M604457200) indicated that DBF4 is the major partner of CDC7 in human HeLa cells, at least at the level of promoting MCM2 phosphorylation (the only parameter monitored in the previous study, whereas the present manuscript goes much deeper into the various roles of CDC7 in DNA replication control and focusses on the role of CDC7 at replication forks and in checkpoint control).

      This study should be of interest to those studying chromosome replication, checkpoints and genome integrity. It should also interest those with a more clinical perspective, due to the potential importance of CDC7 kinase inhibitors as anti-cancer agents.

      My own expertise is in the field of chromosome replication.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This important study assesses anatomical, behavioral, physiological, and neurochemical effects of early-life seizures in rats, describing a striking astrogliosis and deficits in cognition and electrophysiological parameters. The convincing aspects of the paper are the wide range of convergent techniques used to understand the effects of early-life seizures on behavior as well as hippocampal prefrontal cortical dynamics. While reviewers thought that the scope was impressive, there was criticism of the statistical robustness and number of animals used per study arm, as well as the lack of causal manipulations to determine cause-and-effect relationships. This paper will be of interest to neurobiologists, epileptologists, and behavioral scientists.

      We thank Joseph Gleeson as the Reviewing Editor and Laura Colgin as the Senior Editor for considering this revision of our manuscript for publication in eLife. We appreciate the positive acknowledgment of the study and the critical points raised by the reviewers. We have addressed all the excellent comments of the two reviewers, providing a detailed response for each comment. We believe that these revisions have significantly improved the quality and rigor of our study.

      We want to assure you that our experimental design was meticulously crafted, incorporating adequate control groups, and is grounded in prominent studies in systems neurophysiology focusing into early-life seizures effects, especially for capturing mild effects. We conducted statistical tests adhering to established norms and recommendations, ensuring a thorough and transparent description of the employed statistical methods. We welcome any specific suggestions to further improve this aspect.

      In fact, the concerns raised by the reviewers regarding statistical robustness may stem from a misunderstanding of the rat cohorts used in each experiment. Criticism was directed at the use of only 5 animals without a control group for acute electrophysiological recording. It is essential to clarify that this group served the sole purpose of confirming that the injection of lithium-pilocarpine would induce both behavioral and electrographic seizures. Importantly, this was a descriptive result, and no statistical test or further analysis was conducted with these data. In the revised manuscript, we have made adjustments to this description, aiming to eliminate any ambiguity, particularly addressing the issue of sample size in each experiment.

      Regarding the lack of causal manipulations, we fully agree that this approach would provide a deeper mechanistic understanding of our findings and is an essential next step. Still, developmental brain disturbances are linked to manifold intricate outcomes, so an initial observational exploration would offer insights about particular and nuanced relationships for following studies aimed at targeted interventions. In this context, our objective was to provide a comprehensive characterization of ELS effects to serve as a foundation for future research. While recognizing the relevance of causal manipulations, only a more sophisticated data analyses were able to reveal more complex aspects like specific multivariate associations and non-linear relationships that would not have been revealed by causally perturbing one or another factor at first. In the revised manuscript, we emphasized the limitation of lacking causal manipulations as well as the advantages of our approach. Also, we mentioned some possible targets for following perturbational investigations based on our findings.

      For a more detailed discussion on these matters, we invite you to review our response to reviewers.

      Reviewer 1

      In this paper, Ruggiero, Leite, and colleagues assess the effects of early-life seizures on a large number of anatomical, physiological, behavioral, and neurochemical measures. They find that prolonged early-life seizures do not lead to obvious cell loss, but lead to astrogliosis, working memory deficits on the radial arm maze, increased startle response, decreased paired pulse inhibition, and increased hippocampal-PFC LTP. There was a U-shape relationship between LTP and cognitive deficits. There is increased theta power during the awake state in ELS animals but reduced PFC theta-gamma coupling and reduced theta HPC-PFC coherence. Theta coherence seems to be similar in ACT and REM states in ELS animals while in decreases in active relative REM in controls.


      The main strength of the paper is the number of convergent techniques used to understand how hippocampal PFC neural dynamics and behavior change after early-life seizures. The sheer scale, breadth, and reach of the experiments are praiseworthy. It is clear that the paper is a major contribution to the field as far as understanding the impact of early-life seizures. The LTP findings are robust and provide an important avenue for future study. The experiments are performed carefully and the analysis is appropriate. The paper is well-written and the figures are clear.

      We express our gratitude to Reviewer #1 for conducting a thoughtful and comprehensive review of our manuscript. We sincerely value both the constructive criticisms provided and your acknowledgment of the manuscript's strengths.


      The main weakness of the paper is the lack of causal manipulations to determine whether prevention or augmentation of any of the findings has any impact on behavior or cognition. Alternatively, if other manipulations would enhance working memory in ELS animals, it would be interesting to see the effects on any of these parameters measured in the paper.

      We sincerely appreciate the insightful comments from Reviewer #1 regarding the potential benefits of including causal manipulations in our study. We wholeheartedly agree that such manipulations can provide a deeper understanding of the mechanistic underpinnings of the observed relationships and represent a crucial next step in our research trajectory.

      Our primary objective in this study was to establish a comprehensive framework through observational examinations, exploring intricate relationships across various neurobiological and behavioral variables in the aftermath of early-life seizures (ELS). By identifying these associations, our work aims to provide a foundation for future investigations that can delve into targeted interventions.

      While we acknowledge the importance of causal manipulations, we would like to underscore the advantages of our initial multivariate correlational study. Importantly, developmental brain disturbances have lasting impacts affecting multiple biological outcomes that may have intricate relationships between themselves. Firstly, although some neurobiological variables stood out from the comparisons of group means, this did not reveal some nuanced relationships within the data. The complexity of the relationships we uncovered, involving behavior, cognition, immunohistochemistry, plasticity, neurochemistry, and network dynamics, required a more elaborate analytical approach. Only through sophisticated data analysis techniques, we were able to dissect important peculiarities, such as the robust multivariate association between brain-wide astrogliosis and sensorimotor impairments, as well as non-linear relationships, such as the inverted-U relationship between plasticity and working memory. These nuances might not have been fully revealed through causal manipulations, since several variables are strongly related and consequently can affect several outcomes, leading to a false conclusion of direct causality.

      Nevertheless, we acknowledge the understatement of the limitation of lacking causal manipulations in our manuscript. To address this, we have included a dedicated section in the discussion highlighting this limitation. We emphasize the advantages of this exploratory phase, supported by a review of the literature on cause-and-effect studies that align with our findings. Additionally, we speculate on promising targets for future cause-and-effect studies based on our findings. For instance, we hypothesize that enhancing plasticity may improve working memory in control subjects, while attenuating plasticity might have a similar effect in ELS subjects. Furthermore, we propose that reactive astrogliosis and concurrent neuroinflammatory processes likely underlie sensorimotor changes in the ELS group. Lastly, we suggest that dopaminergic antagonism in the ELS group could normalize behavioral deficits, prevent the exaggerated LTP induction of the HPC-PFC pathway, reestablish the state-dependent network dynamics, and desensitize the dopaminergic response.

      [...]Also, I find the sections where correlations and dimensionality reduction techniques are used to compare all possible variables to each other less compelling than the rest of the paper (with the exception of the findings of U-shaped relationship of cognition to LTP). In fact, I think these sections take away from the impact of the actual findings.

      We appreciate the reviewer's feedback and would like to emphasize the significance of the multivariate analysis conducted in our study. Multivariate analysis extends beyond bivariate correlations and is the only type of analysis capable of comprehending the relation of data in a multidimensional way, offering a comprehensive approach to understanding complex relationships among multiple variables. By employing techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA), generalized linear models (GLM), and canonical correlation analysis (CCA), we aimed to unravel intricate patterns of covariance that explore how different variables collectively contribute to the observed outcomes and assess the impact of each independent variable (predictor) on the dependent variable (the variable to be predicted or explained). Importantly, it enables us to control for potential confounding factors by keeping all other variables constant.

      While we acknowledge that these sections may appear intricate, their inclusion is indispensable for a comprehensive understanding of the diverse variables associated with SE outcomes. We believe that these analyses offer valuable insights into the intricate dynamics of our study, providing a more holistic perspective on the altered spectrum induced by early-life seizures (ELS).

      Regarding the reviewer's observations about the impact of the U-shaped relationship between cognition and LTP, we have made graphical and textual adjustments to emphasize the significance of these findings, aiming to enhance their clarity and impact within the broader context of our research. We trust that these modifications contribute to a more compelling presentation of our results.

      […]Finally, the apomorphine section seemed to hang separately from the rest of the paper and did not seem to fit well.

      We appreciate the Reviewer #1 feedback on the apomorphine section. In order to address this point, we carefully rewrote our rationale before the results to clarify our hypothesis and chosen methodology. In our work, we performed the apomorphine experiment as a logical next step of previous data. We showed that ELS rats display REM-like oscillatory dynamics during active behavior, similar to genetically and pharmacologically hyperdopaminergic mice (Dzirasa et al., 2006). Furthermore, other results also indicated possible dopamine neurotransmission alterations, such as working memory deficits, hyperlocomotion, PPI deficits, aberrant HPC-PFC LTP, and abnormal PFC gamma coordination. Therefore, we hypothesized that ELS animals would present a state of hyperdopaminergic activity. Among the possible methodologies to investigate the hyperdopaminergic state, we choose the apomorphine sensitivity test, which is classically used and induces unambiguous behavior and neurochemical alterations in hyperdopaminergic rodents (Duval, 2023; Ellenbroek & Cools, 2002).

      Reviewer 1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) It would be useful to stain for other GABAergic interneuron markers such as somatostatin, VIP, CCK.

      (2) The authors refer to neuroinflammation but they are really referring to reactive astrogliosis. I would also suggest staining for microglial markers.

      (3) The duration of chronic electrographic seizures in ELS animals should also be calculated and presented.

      (4) Word usage: the authors frequently use the word "presents" when "demonstrates" would be more appropriate

      (1) We appreciate your insight into staining for other GABAergic interneuron markers such as somatostatin, VIP, CCK. While investigating additional interneuron types is indeed relevant, it was not the primary focus of this study for several reasons: 1) The overall neuron density, assessed through NeuN immunostaining, revealed no differences between controls and early life seizure (ELS) groups, even in brain regions susceptible to neuron death after SE (i.e., CA1). Therefore, differences in interneurons, which are more resistant to death in SE and constitute approximately 20% of the cells, are unlikely. 2) Among all interneuron subtypes, Parvalbumin-positive (PV+) interneurons represent a substantial population and are susceptible to various stressors. In the hippocampus, 24% of GABAergic neurons are PV+, whereas 14% are SST+, 10% are CCK+, and VIP+ are less than 10% (Freund and Buzsaki, 1996). Consequently, we considered PV+ interneurons to be a more sensitive subpopulation for evaluating the effects of SE. As they showed no significant difference, we do not believe that assessing smaller subtypes, such as VIP+ or CCK+ cells, would yield significant differences.

      (2) While we often see activated microglia in hippocampal sclerosis, these cells are only slightly increased in cases without hippocampal sclerosis (which are similar to our animals), as we previously published (Peixoto-Santos et al., 2012). Astrocytes are a better marker for the epileptogenic zone, as are increased in epileptogenic zones without neuron loss and are also important for controlling neuronal activity by neurotransmitter recycling and ion buffering. In fact, our present model is very similar to the mesial temporal lobe epilepsy patients with gliosis-only, which are characterized by only presenting increased reactive astrogliosis in the hippocampus, without cell loss, and also present changes in innate inflammatory response related to the presence of reactive astrocytes (Grote et al., 2023).

      (3) We have performed these calculations and added this information to the revised manuscript.

      (4) We thank the reviewer for the word usage recommendation. Indeed, we frequently used “present” throughout the manuscript to describe the observations and patterns the groups “exhibited” or “showed”. However, we believe this is truly not the most appropriate usage in the Discussion when we describe the multivariate latent factors, as we did not “present” them, but rather, we “demonstrated” their existence and significance through our analysis. We rewrote these sentences and hope this is the point the reviewer was referring to.


      Duval F. Systematic review of the apomorphine challenge test in the assessment of dopaminergic activity in schizophrenia. Healthcare. 2023 11 (1487): 1-11. doi: 10.3390/healthcare11101487.

      Dzirasa K, Ribeiro S, Costa R, Santos LM, Lin SC, Grosmark A, Sotnikova TD, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG, Nicolelis MAL. Dopaminergic control of sleep-wake states. Journal of Neuroscience. 2006 26:10577–10589. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1767-06.2006.

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      Reviewer 2

      In this manuscript, the authors employ a multilevel approach to investigate the relationship between the hippocampal-prefrontal (HPC-PFC) network and long-term phenotypes resulting from early-life seizures (ELS). Their research begins by establishing an ELS rat model and conducting behavioral and neuropathological studies in adulthood. Subsequently, the manuscript delves into testing hypotheses concerning HPC-PFC network dysfunction. While the results are intriguing, my enthusiasm is tempered by concerns related to the logical flow

      We thank the reviewer for bringing attention to the logical flow of the manuscript. Given the diverse array of behavioral and neurobiological variables examined in our study obtained through various methods and measures, we utterly recognize the utmost importance of a clear and coherent logical flow to provide a comprehensive understanding of the overall narrative.

      Our goal was to articulate the neurobiological findings in a manner that underscores their convergence of mechanisms, revealing a cohesive relationship between early-life seizure, cognitive deficits, sensorimotor impairments, abnormal network dynamics, aberrant plasticity, neuroinflammation and dysfunctional dopaminergic transmission.

      Briefly, an outline of our narrative could be summarized in the highlights:

      (1) ELS induces sensorimotor alterations and working memory deficits.

      (2) ELS does not induce neuronal loss, so neurobiological underpinnings may be molecular and functional.

      (3) ELS induces brain-wide astrogliosis and exaggerated HPC-PFC long-term plasticity.

      (4) ELS does not induce neuronal loss, so neurobiological underpinnings may be molecular and functional.

      (5) Sensorimotor alterations are more correlated to astrogliosis, while cognitive deficits to altered HPC-PFC plasticity.

      (6) ELS-induced functional alterations may also be observable in freely moving subjects. ELS induces state-dependent alterations in the HPC-PFC network dynamics, such as increased hippocampal theta and abnormal PFC gamma coordination during behavioral activity.

      (7) ELS leads to REM-ACT similarity, previously reported in hyperdopaminergic mice, indicating dopaminergic dysfunction.

      (8) ELS exhibits altered dopaminergic transmission and behavioral sensitivity that mirror the initial sensorimotor findings.

      (9) The literature establishes an inverted-U relationship between dopamine and cognition and PFC plasticity, which may explain our finding of an inverted-U relationship between working memory and HPC-PFC LTP across CTRL and ELS rats.

      To address this concern, we have made revisions to enhance the logical flow, ensuring a more seamless transition between the different sections of the Results by presenting clearer links between observations and following investigations. We hope these changes contribute to a more straightforward rationale and easily understandable presentation of our hypotheses and results.

      Focus on Correlations: The manuscript primarily highlights correlations as the most significant findings. For instance, it demonstrates that ELS induces cognitive and sensorimotor impairments. However, it falls short of elucidating why these deficits are specifically linked to HPC-PFC synaptic plasticity/network. Furthermore, the manuscript mentions the involvement of other brain regions like the thalamus in the long-term outcomes of ELS based on immunohistochemistry data.

      Thank you for your insightful comments, which allowed us to provide further clarification on our study's focus and findings. Our primary goal was to delve into the electrophysiological alterations within the HPC-PFC pathway. The rationale behind this choice lies in the hypothesis that, even in the absence of significant neuronal loss, functional changes in circuits closely linked to the cognitive and behavioral aspects under investigation could be identified.

      While we concentrated our electrophysiological investigation on the HPC-PFC pathway due to its well-established functional correlates in existing literature, it is essential to highlight that our data reveal broader alterations in neural circuitry. Notably, we observed an increase in GFAP in the entorhinal cortex and thalamic reticular nucleus, along with changes in the dopaminergic release within the VTA-NAc pathway. These findings suggest that the impact of early-life seizures extends beyond the HPC-PFC circuit.

      While we recognize the relevance of other brain circuits in the outcomes of ELS, we argue for a specific role of the HPC-PFC circuit in the outcomes of ELS. We will detail the supporting evidence and arguments that specifically link the HPC-PFC function to our ELS-related observations in a later comment regarding the "overinterpretation" of the HPC-PFC role. To better convey these important nuances, we have made specific modifications to the results and in the discussion section to underscore the broader implications of our findings, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the study's scope and outcomes.

      […]This raises questions about the subjective nature and persuasiveness of the statistical studies presented.

      All statistical analyses were carefully applied based on the literature and following well-established precepts and precautions. Specifically, we constructed the experimental design for univariate inferential statistics for the data related to behavioral tests, synaptic plasticity, immunohistochemistry, oscillatory activity, and dopaminergic sensitization. However, we also submitted our data to multivariate statistical analysis, which is recommended in cases with a considerable amount of data, and intend to investigate possible hidden effects. In this situation, multivariate analyses are inherently exploratory due to the possibility of using multiple measurements for each phenomenon investigated. Nevertheless, their application is not subjective and follows the same statistical rigor as univariate analyses. We firmly believe that abstaining from exploring these data, would not reach the full potential of this analytical method in dissecting the multidimensional associations within our dataset. In order to eliminate any doubt regarding the objectivity in the choice and application of statistics, we carefully rewrote the methods, highlighting the details of statistical rigor even more.

      Sample Size Concerns: The manuscript raises concerns about the adequacy of sample sizes in the study. The initial cohort for acute electrophysiology during ELS induction comprised only 5 rats, without a control group. Moreover, the behavioral tests involved 11 control and 14 ELS rats, but these same cohorts were used for over four different experiments. Subsequent electrophysiology and immunohistochemistry experiments used varying numbers of rats (7 to 11). Clarification is needed regarding whether these experiments utilized the same cohort and why the sample sizes differed. A power analysis should have been performed to justify sample sizes, especially given the complexity of the statistical analyses conducted.

      We appreciate the reviewer's thoroughness and considerations regarding the sample sizes used in our study. The concerns raised about statistical robustness seem to stem from a lack of clarity in delineating the rat cohorts used in each experiment. It is encouraging to note that several studies in the field of neurophysiology, employing similar analyses, utilize a sample size similar to what was used in our research. The choice of the sample size was based on a thorough analysis of the existing literature, considering specific experimental demands, the complexity of employed techniques, and the need to achieve statistically robust results. In response to these concerns and to enhance clarity on the sample sizes, we have made several modifications (highlighted in red) in the text. Below, we provide details for each animal cohort utilized:

      Cohort 1 - Acute Electrophysiology

      The decision to use only 5 animals without a control group for acute electrophysiological recording aimed specifically to confirm that the injection of lithium-pilocarpine would induce both behavioral and electrographic seizures. It is crucial to note that this was a descriptive result and a methodological control of the ELS model. Besides, no statistical test or further analysis was conducted on these data. We maintain the belief that a group of 5 animals is sufficient to demonstrate that the protocol induces electrographic seizures, and introducing a control group was considered unnecessary to show that saline injection does not induce electrographic seizures.

      Cohort 2 - Behavior, LTP Recording, and Immunohistochemistry

      Initially, 14 (ELS) and 11 (CTRL) rats were used for behavior assessment. The reduction in sample size for LTP and immunohistochemistry experiments was influenced by practical challenges, including mortality during LTP surgery and issues with immunohistochemical staining that hindered a proper analysis for some animals.

      Cohort 3 - Chronic Freely-Moving Electrophysiology

      A new cohort of animals (n=6 and 9 for CTRL and ELS, respectively) was used specifically for freely-moving electrophysiological data.

      Cohort 4 - Behavioral Sensitization to Psychostimulants

      A fourth cohort was utilized for assessing behavioral sensitization to psychostimulants (CTRL n=15 and ELS n=14). The reduced sample size for neurotransmitter analysis (CTRL n=8 and ELS n=9) was a deliberate selection of a subsample to ensure a sufficient sample for quantification while maintaining statistical validity

      Overinterpretation of HPC-PFC Network Dysfunction: The manuscript potentially overinterprets the role of HPC-PFC network dysfunction based on the results.

      We appreciate the insight from Reviewer #2 regarding the potential overinterpretation of the role of the hippocampal-prefrontal cortex (HPC-PFC) network dysfunction in the various alterations observed after ELS.

      The significance of HPC-PFC plasticity and network function has been extensively documented concerning cognitive, affective, and sensorimotor functions, as well as in models of neuropsychiatric diseases. Our recent review (Ruggiero et al., 2021) compiles these findings. Specifically, the HPC-PFC network has been linked to spatial working memory through a series of causal and correlational studies conducted by Floresco et al. and Gordon et al. These findings make the HPC-PFC pathway a plausible candidate for underlying alterations associated with working memory, consistent with our observation of exaggerated HPC-PFC LTP associated with poorer performance in the ELS group. Regarding the immunohistochemical observations, we concur with Reviewer #2 that these findings suggest broader-scale brain alterations related to sensorimotor dysfunction beyond the HPC-PFC circuitry. Surely, we acknowledge that these large-scale alterations may underlie brain-wide network functional changes.

      In our network dynamics study arm, we investigated HPC-PFC oscillatory activity, allowing us to discuss potential relationships between abnormal plasticity (verified in the second study arm) and network dynamics. It is important to note that while there is some anatomical specificity to the LFPs recorded in the HPC and PFC, these activities may represent larger-scale limbic-cortical dynamics. The intermediate HPC exhibits a significant influence from both dorsal and ventral HPC, and the prelimbic PFC is intricately related to both hippocampal and thalamic oscillations exhibiting under-demand state-dependent synchrony. Additionally, the state maps used in our study were initially described to distinguish states at a global forebrain network level. Even in our past studies, we have described HPC-PFC patterns of network activity (Marques et al., 2022a) that later were found to represent a part of a brain-wide synchrony pattern (Marques et al., 2022b). However, most of our findings on oscillatory dynamics were centered around theta oscillations, a well-established brain-wide activity that originates and spreads from the hippocampus and are present in the HPC-PFC circuit during activity.

      In conclusion, we believe the correlations between HPC-PFC LTP and working memory, as well as the specific alterations of theta coordinated activity, support a particular role of the HPC-PFC network dysfunction in the effects of ELS. However, the brain-wide immunochemical alterations are plausible indications of larger-scale dysfunctional networks. To address this issue, we emphasized in the discussion of network findings that the immunohistochemical and neurochemical findings endorse the need to investigate ELS effects on larger networks.

      Notably, cognitive deficits are described as subtle, with no evidence of learning deficits and only faint working memory impairments. However, sensorimotor deficits show promise. Consequently, it's essential to justify the emphasis on the HPC-PFC network as the primary mechanism underlying ELS-associated outcomes, especially when enhanced LTP is observed. Additionally, the manuscript seems to sideline neuropathological changes in the thalamus and the thalamus-to-PFC connection. The analysis lacks a direct assessment of the causal relationship between HPC-PFC dysfunction and ELS-associated outcomes, leaving a multitude of multilevel analyses yielding potential correlations without easily interpretable results.

      We thank Reviewer #2 for the thorough review and insightful comments. To better grasp the context, it is crucial to consider this characterization within the scope of our experimental design and expected outcomes. Unlike epilepsy models involving adult animals or interventions causing pronounced neuronal loss and structural modifications, our study was intentionally designed to explore moderate behavioral alterations. In fact, the mild behavioral alterations observed in ELS models and the lack of neuronal loss guided our focus on investigating changes in HPC-PFC communication.

      While our observed cognitive deficits may be milder compared to certain models, it is imperative to underscore their robustness and clinical relevance. These findings have been consistently replicated globally across various experimental models, encompassing ELS induced by hyperthermia (Chang et al., 2003; Kloc et al., 2022), kainic acid (Statsfrom et al. 1993), flurothyl (Karnam et al., 2009a; 2009b), and hypoxia (Najafian et al., 2021; Hajipour et al., 2023). Mild cognitive deficits were also evident by other research groups using the pilocarpine model in P12 (Mikulecká et al., 2019; Kubová et al., 2013; Kubová et al., 2002). Furthermore, our group replicated the working memory deficit results using an alternative paradigm (the T-maze) and a different rat strain (Sprague Dawley), enhancing the reliability of our observations (D’Agosta et al., 2023).

      The clinical perspective gains importance, considering that cognitive effects of ELS may be less severe than those in patients with long-term epilepsy. In fact, the majority of patients with childhood epilepsy exhibit mild cognitive impairment as the most common grade of severity - more than two times the rate of severe cognitive impairment (Sorg et al., 2022). Investigating the mechanisms underlying these mild cognitive changes is crucial for shedding light on neurobiological aspects not fully understood, thereby expanding our comprehension of the consequences of ELS.

      We recognize the challenges associated with conducting causal experiments in neuroscience, especially in long-term and chronic alterations as seen in our model. Isolating modifications of specific activities is indeed intricate. However, it's essential to acknowledge that neuroscience progress has not solely relied on causal experiments but has significantly advanced through correlational observations. Our findings serve as a foundational step in comprehending the repercussions of ELS, proposing mechanisms and circuits that necessitate further in-depth dissection and study in the future. We have integrated these considerations into the discussion section of the manuscript to enhance clarity.

      Overall, while the manuscript presents intriguing findings related to the HPC-PFC network and ELS outcomes, it requires a more rigorous experimental design[…]

      We thank the reviewer for acknowledging our intriguing findings. Regarding the experimental design, we are confident that all the manuscript hypotheses, design, and execution of experiments were rigorously based on the literature and carried out with all necessary controls. As stated earlier, we constructed the experimental design for univariate inferential statistics and explored associations between variables using multivariate statistics. Specifically, we achieved a rigorously experimental design following a series of guidelines. First, the planning of the sample size in each experiment and their respective controls were based on mild effects from the ELS literature. As previously indicated, the only experiment with one group was just the description of the behavioral effects and electrographic seizures after the acute injection of lithium-pilocarpine. Given the exhaustive replication of these data in the ELS literature, this result was presented descriptively as a methodological control. Second, detailed descriptions of statistics were made in both methods and results, always indicating positive and negative results. Notably, the experimental designs used in the work do not correspond to any novelty or radicalization, strictly following the literature of the field. However, new indications and references about the experimental accuracy were added to the manuscript to resolve any doubts regarding objectivity.


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      D'Agosta R, Prizon T, Zacharias LR, Marques DB, Leite JP, Ruggiero RN. Alterations in hippocampal-prefrontal cortex connectivity are associated with working memory impairments in rats subjected to early-life status epilepticus. In: NEWROSCIENCE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, 2023, Ribeirão Preto. Poster.

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      Kloc ML, Marchand DH, Holmes GL, Pressman RD, Barry JM. Cognitive impairment following experimental febrile seizures is determined by sex and seizure duration. Epilepsy Behav. 2022 Jan;126:108430. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2021.108430. Epub 2021 Dec 10. PMID: 34902661; PMCID: PMC8748413.

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      Marques DB, Ruggiero RN, Bueno-Junior LS, Rossignoli MT, and Leite JP. Prediction of Learned Resistance or Helplessness by Hippocampal-Prefrontal Cortical Network Activity during Stress. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2022a 42 (1): 81-96.. https://doi.org/10.1523/jneurosci.0128-21.2021.

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    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1

      This is a short but important study. Basically, the authors show that α-synuclein overexpression's negative impact on synaptic vesicle recycling is mediated by its interaction with E-domain containing synapsins. This finding is highly relevant for synuclein function as well as for the pathophysiology of synucleinopathies. While the data is clear, functional analysis is somewhat incomplete.

      (1) The authors should present a clearer dissociation of endocytosis and exocytosis under the various conditions they study. They should quantify the rate of rise and decay of pHluorin signals. 2. In addition, I strongly recommend a few additional experiments with and without a vATPase inhibitor such as bafilomycin to estimate the relative effects on exo- vs. endocytosis. As the authors are aware bafilomycin will mask the re-acidification /endocytosis component, thus revealing pure exocytosis and thus enabling quantification of endocytosis with minimal contamination from exocytosis.

      In the revised version, we analyzed and quantified exocytosis and endocytosis separately, with bafilomycin experiments, as the reviewer suggested (new data, Fig. 1- Fig. Supp. 1A-B). Overexpression of human alpha-synuclein only attenuated exocytosis in neurons that also expressed synapsins (WT neurons and synapsin TKO neurons transduced with synapsin Ia). In parallel, we also examined endocytosis by calculating the time-constant of the decay in the fluorescence of sypHy during the endocytotic phase (Fig. 1- Fig. Supp. 1C-E). Previous studies have shown that after brief stimulus-trains – like those used in our study (20Hz/300AP) – most endocytosis occurs after the cessation of stimulation 1. Expression of human alpha-synuclein did not alter the endocytosis time-constant in any of our experiments. To summarize, the interaction of alpha-synuclein with the synapsin E domain was required for alpha-synuclein induced attenuation of exocytosis, but not endocytosis.

      Reviewer #2

      ...The paper will be improved significantly if additional experiments are added to expand and provide a more mechanistic understanding of the effect of α-syn and the intricate interplay between synapsin, α-syn, and the SV. For an enthusiastic reader, the manuscript as it looks now with only 3 figures, ends prematurely. Some of the experiments above or others could complement, expand and strengthen the current manuscript, moving it from a short communication describing the phenomenon to a coherent textbook topic. Nevertheless, this work provides new and exciting evidence for the regulation of neurotransmitter release and its regulation by synapsin and α-syn.

      (1) Did the authors try to attach E-domain for example to synapsin Ib and restore α-syn inhibition with synapsin Ib-E?

      This is an interesting idea, but in previous studies, we found that synapsin Ib does not associate with synaptic vesicles2, so it will not be present at the right location to be able to restore alpha-synuclein induced synaptic attenuation. We have also seen that this mis-localization alters synaptic properties (unpublished).

      (2) Was the expression level of Synapsin-IaScrE examined and compared to WT Synapsin-Ia in Fig 3?

      Yes, this data is now shown in Fig. 3-Fig. Supp. 1.

      (3) Were SVs dispersed in α-syn overexpression as predicted?

      We interpret the reviewer’s question and reasoning as follows. If alpha-synuclein binds to the E-domain of synapsin, a prediction in the alpha-synuclein over-expression scenario is that the overabundance of alpha-synuclein molecules would bind to and sequester the E-domain synapsins away from synaptic vesicles. In the absence of E-domain synapsins, the synaptic-vesicle clustering effects of synapsins would be lost, and there would be dispersion of synaptic vesicles. We tested this prediction, which is now shown in an additional figure (new data, Fig. 4). Indeed, the AAV-mediated over-expression of alpha-synuclein leads to a dispersion of synaptic vesicles, and this dispersion is dependent on synapsins Ia and Ib, but not IIa and IIb (please see Fig. 4D-E in the revised manuscript). Appropriate text is also added, starting with “Previous studies have shown that loss of all synapsins...” presents this data and interprets it.

      (4) How does this study coincide with the effects of α-syn on fusion pore and endocytosis? This should be at least discussed. It is also possible that the effects of α-syn on endocytosis might affect the results as if endocytosis is affected, SVs number and distribution will be also affected.

      It is difficult to reconcile our data with the idea that alpha-synuclein facilitates fusion-pore opening, as proposed by the Edwards lab 3. In fact, its difficult to reconcile this concept with their own previous data, showing that alpha-synuclein over-expression attenuates SV-recycling 4. As mentioned above, modulation of endocytosis does not seem to be a major factor in our experiments, though this does not rule out a physiologic role for alpha-synuclein in endocytosis, since all our experiments are based on over-expression paradigms. Future experiments looking at phenotypes after acute alpha-synuclein knockdown may provide more clarity. In any case, there are many purported roles of alpha-synuclein, and this is now mentioned in the last paragraph (starting with Additionally, -syn has been implicated…”

      (5) What happened after stimulation when synapsin is detached from SV, does α-syn continues to be linked to it?

      The fate of alpha-synuclein after stimulation is unclear in our experiments. Previous experiments suggest that while both synapsin and alpha-synuclein detach from the SV cluster during stimulation, synapsin returns to synapses while alpha-synuclein does not 5. However, our more recent experiments (unpublished) suggest that the activity-induced dispersion of alpha-synuclein might be phosphorylation-dependent, and that over-expression of alpha-synuclein may not be the best setting to evaluate protein dispersion. We hope to answer this question more rigorously using alpha-synuclein knock-in constructs.

      (6) The experiment with E-domain fused to syPhy assumes that α-syn will still be bound to the SV. So how does α-syn inhibit ST?

      The goal of this experiment was to force the synapsin E-domain to be in a location where it would normally be present – i.e. surface of the synaptic vesicle – by tagging it to sypHy (sypHy-E), and ask if this forced-retention would be sufficient to reinstate the alpha-synuclein mediated attenuation of SV-recycling (as shown in Fig. 3F, it does). Please note that the sypHy-E in these experiments does target to the synapses (new data, Fig. 3-Fig. Supp. 2D). In this context, we are not sure what the reviewer means by “So how does a-syn inhibit synaptic transmission?” We don’t think that alpha-synuclein needs to unbind from the SVs in order to inhibit synaptic transmission. Overall, we think that alpha-synuclein needs to cooperate with synapsins to perform its function, but as mentioned above and in the manuscript, the precise role of alpha-synuclein in this process is still unclear.

      (7) An interesting experiment will be the expression of the isolated E-domain and examining blockage of α-syn inhibition and disruption of synapsin- α-syn interaction. Have the authors examined it as was done in other models?

      We did do the experiment where we only over-expressed the isolated synapsin E-domain in neurons. We were thinking that perhaps the E-domain would have a dominant-negative effect on SV-clustering, as it did in the lamprey and other model-systems, where the E-peptide was directly injected into the axon. However, we found that in cultured hippocampal neurons, the over-expressed E-domain behaves like a soluble protein and is not enriched in synapses (see new data, Fig. 3-Fig. Supp. 2B). Also, the over-expressed E-domain cannot reinstate the synaptic attenuation induced by alpha-synuclein (new data, Fig. 3-Fig. Supp. 2C), likely because the E-domain does not target to synapses. Actually, this is why we did the syPhy-E domain experiment in the first place, to ensure that the E-domain was in the right location to have an effect.

      (8) A schematic model/scheme providing a mechanistic view of the interplay between the proteins is essential and can improve the paper.

      The only model we can confidently make right now would be stick-figures showing the site where alpha-synuclein C-terminus binds to synapsin, which is obviously not very insightful. As noted above (and in the revised version), several different functions have been attributed to alpha-synuclein, and the precise role of alpha-synuclein/synapsin interactions in regulating the SV-cycle is unclear. We hope to create a better model after getting some more data from us and our colleagues working on this challenging problem.


      (1) Kononenko NL & Haucke V. (2015) Molecular mechanisms of presynaptic membrane retrieval and synaptic vesicle reformation. Neuron 85, 484-496.

      (2) Gitler D, Xu Y, Kao H-T, Lin D, Lim S, Feng J, Greengard P & Augustine GJ. (2004) Molecular Determinants of Synapsin Targeting to Presynaptic Terminals. J. Neurosci. 24, 3711-3720.

      (3) Logan T, Bendor J, Toupin C, Thorn K & Edwards RH. (2017) α-Synuclein promotes dilation of the exocytotic fusion pore. Nat Neurosci 20, 681-689.

      (4) Nemani VM, Lu W, Berge V, Nakamura K, Onoa B, Lee MK, Chaudhry FA, Nicoll RA & Edwards RH. (2010) Increased expression of alpha-synuclein reduces neurotransmitter release by inhibiting synaptic vesicle reclustering after endocytosis. Neuron 65, 66-79.

      (5) Fortin DL, Nemani VM, Voglmaier SM, Anthony MD, Ryan TA & Edwards RH. (2005) Neural activity controls the synaptic accumulation of alpha-synuclein. J Neurosci 25, 10913-10921.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This important work identifies a previously uncharacterized capacity for songbirds to recover vocal targets even without sensory experience. While the evidence supporting this claim is solid, with innovative experiments exploring vocal plasticity in deafened birds, additional behavioral controls and analyses are necessary to shore up the main claims. If improved, this work has the potential for broad relevance to the fields of vocal and motor learning.

      We were able to address the requests for additional behavioral controls about the balancing of the groups (reviewer 1) and the few individual birds that showed a different behavior (reviewer 2) without collecting any further data. See our detailed replies below.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Zai et al test if songbirds can recover the capacity to sing auditory targets without singing experience or sensory feedback. Past work showed that after the pitch of targeted song syllables is driven outside of birds' preferred target range with external reinforcement, birds revert to baseline (i.e. restore their song to their target). Here the authors tested the extent to which this restoration occurs in muted or deafened birds. If these birds can restore, this would suggest an internal model that allows for sensory-to-motor mapping. If they cannot, this would suggest that learning relies entirely on feedback-dependent mechanisms, e.g. reinforcement learning (RL). The authors find that deafened birds exhibit moderate but significant restoration, consistent with the existence of a previously under-appreciated internal model in songbirds.


      The experimental approach of studying vocal plasticity in deafened or muted birds is innovative, technically difficult, and perfectly suited for the question of feedback-independent learning. The finding in Figure 4 that deafened birds exhibit subtle but significant plasticity toward restoration of their pre-deafening target is surprising and important for the songbird and vocal learning fields, in general.


      The evidence and analyses related to the directed plasticity in deafened birds are confusing, and the magnitude of the plasticity is far less than the plasticity observed in control birds with intact feedback. The authors acknowledge this difference in a two-system model of vocal plasticity, but one wonders why the feedback-independent model, which could powerfully enhance learning speed, is weak in this songbird system.

      We fully agree with the reviewer. This surprising weakness applies to birds’ inability rather than our approach for characterizing it.

      There remains some confusion about the precise pitch-change methods used to study the deafened birds, including the possibility that a critical cohort of birds was not suitably balanced in a way where deafened birds were tested on their ability to implement both pitch increases and decreases toward target restoration.

      Both deaf groups were balanced: (dLO and WNd) were balanced in that half of the birds (5/10 WNm and 4/8 dLO) shifted their pitch up (thus target restoration corresponded to decreasing pitch) and half of the birds (5/10 WNd and 4/8 dLO) shifted their pitch down (thus target restoration corresponded to increasing pitch), see Methods.

      To clarify the precise pitch-change method used, we added to the methods an explanation about why we used the sensitivity index 𝒅′ in Fig. 4:

      We used sensitivity 𝒅′ relative to the last 2 h of WN/LO instead of NRP because we wanted to detect a pitch change, which is the realm of detection theory, i.e. 𝒅′. Furthermore, by measuring local changes in pitch relative to the last 2 h of WN/LO reinforcement, our measurements are only minimally affected by the amount of reinforcement learning that might have occurred during this 2 h time window — choosing an earlier or longer window would have blended reinforced pitch changes into our estimates. Last but not least, changes in the way in which we normalized 𝒅’ values — dividing by 𝑺𝑩, — or using the NRP relative to the last 2 h of WN/LO did not qualitatively change the results shown in Fig. 4D.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This paper investigates the role of motor practice and sensory feedback when a motor action returns to a learned or established baseline. Adult male zebra finches perform a stereotyped, learned vocalization (song). It is possible to shift the pitch of particular syllables away from the learned baseline pitch using contingent white noise reinforcement. When the reinforcement is stopped, birds will return to their baseline over time. During the return, they often sing hundreds of renditions of the song. However, whether motor action, sensory feedback, or both during singing is necessary to return to baseline is unknown.

      Previous work has shown that there is covert learning of the pitch shift. If the output of a song plasticity pathway is blocked during learning, there is no change in pitch during the training. However, as soon as the pathway is unblocked, the pitch immediately shifts to the target location, implying that there is learning of the shift even without performance. Here, they ask whether the return to baseline from such a pitch shift also involves covert or overt learning processes. They perform a series of studies to address these questions, using muting and deafening of birds at different time points. learning.


      The overall premise is interesting and the use of muting and deafening to manipulate different aspects of motor practice vs. sensory feedback is a solid approach.


      One of the main conclusions, which stems primarily from birds deafened after being pitch-shifted using white noise (WNd) birds in comparison to birds deafened before being pitchshifted with light as a reinforcer (LOd), is that recent auditory experience can drive motor plasticity even when an individual is deprived of such experience. While the lack of shift back to baseline pitch in the LOd birds is convincing, the main conclusion hinges on the responses of just a few WNd individuals who are closer to baseline in the early period. Moreover, only 2 WNd individuals reached baseline in the late period, though neither of these were individuals who were closer to baseline in the early phase. Most individuals remain or return toward the reinforced pitch. These data highlight that while it may be possible for previous auditory experience during reinforcement to drive motor plasticity, the effect is very limited. Importantly, it's not clear if there are other explanations for the changes in these birds, for example, whether there are differences in the number of renditions performed or changes to other aspects of syllable structure that could influence measurements of pitch.

      We thank the reviewer for these detailed observations. We looked into the reviewer’s claim that our main conclusion of revertive pitch changes in deaf birds with target mismatch experience hinges on only few WNd birds in the early period.

      When we remove the three birds that were close to baseline (NRP=0) in the early period, we still get the same trend that WNd birds show revertive changes towards baseline: Early 𝒅’ = −𝟎. 𝟏𝟑, 𝒑 = 𝟎. 𝟐𝟒, tstat = −𝟎.𝟕𝟒, 𝒅𝒇 = 𝟔, 𝑵 = 𝟕 birds, one-sided t-test of H0: 𝒅′ = 𝟎; Late 𝒅’ = −𝟏. 𝟐𝟔, 𝒑 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟖, tstat = −𝟏.𝟔𝟑, 𝒅𝒇 = 𝟔, 𝑵 = 𝟕 birds, one-sided t-test of H0: 𝒅′ = 𝟎. Furthermore, even without these three birds, bootstrapping the difference between WNd and dC birds shows the same trend in the early period (p=0.22) and a significant reversion in the late period (p<0.001). Thus, the effect of reversion towards baseline in the late period is robustly observed on a population level, even when discounting for three individual birds that the reviewer suspected would be responsible for the effect.

      Moreover, note that there are not two but three WNd individuals that reached baseline in the late period (see Figure 2C, D). One of them was already close to baseline in the early period and another one was already relatively close, too.

      Also, the considerable variability among birds is not surprising, it is to be expected that the variability across deaf birds is large because of their ongoing song degradation that might lead to a drift of pitch over time since deafening.

      Last but not least, see also our multivariate model (below).

      With regards to the “differences in the number of renditions” that could explain pitch changes: Deaf birds sing less after deafening than hearing birds: they sing less during the first 2 hours (early): 87±59 renditions (WNd) and 410±330 renditions (dLO) compared to 616±272 renditions (control birds). Also, WN deaf birds sing only 4300±2300 motif renditions between the early and late period compared to the average of 11000±3400 renditions that hearing control birds produce in the same time period. However, despite these differences, when we provide WNd birds more time to recover, namely 9 days after the early period, they sung on average 12000±6000 renditions, yet their NRP was still significantly different from zero (NRP = 0.37, p=0.007, tstat=3.47, df=9). Thus, even after producing more practice songs, deaf birds do not recover baseline pitch and so the number of songs alone cannot explain why deaf birds do not fully recover pitch. We conclude that auditory experience seems to be necessary to recover song.

      We added this information to the Results.

      In this context, note that the interesting part of our work is not that deaf birds do not fully recover, but that they recover anything at all (“main conclusion”, Fig. 4). The number of songs does not explain why deaf birds with mismatch experience (WNd, singing the least and singing significantly less than control birds, p=2.3*10-6, two-tailed t-test) partially revert song towards baseline, unlike deaf birds without mismatch experience (dLO, singing significantly more than WNd birds, p=0.008, and indistinguishable from control birds, p=0.1). We added this information to the Results section.

      With regards to ‘other aspects of syllable structure’: We did not look into this. Regardless of the outcome of such a hypothetical analysis, whether other syllable features change is irrelevant for our finding that deaf birds do not recover their target song. Nevertheless, note that in Zai et al. 2020 (supplementary Figure 1), we analyzed features other than pitch change in deaf birds. Absolute change in entropy variance was larger in deaf birds than in hearing birds, consistent with the literature on song degradation after deafening (Lombardino and Nottebohm, 2000, Nordeen and Nordeen 2010 and many others). In that paper, we found that only pitch changes consistently along the LO direction. All other features that we looked at (duration, AM, FM and entropy) did not change consistently with the LO contingency. We expect that a similar result would apply for the changes across the recovery period in WNd and dLO birds, i.e., that song degradation can be seen in many features and that pitch is the sole feature that changes consistently with reinforcement (LO/WN) direction.

      While there are examples where the authors perform direct comparisons between particular manipulations and the controls, many of the statistical analyses test whether each group is above or below a threshold (e.g. baseline) separately and then make qualitative comparisons between those groups. Given the variation within the manipulated groups, it seems especially important to determine not just whether these are different from the threshold, but how they compare to the controls. In particular, a full model with time (early, late), treatment (deafened, muted, etc), and individual ID (random variable) would substantially strengthen the analysis.

      We performed a full model of the NRP as the reviewer suggests and it supports our conclusions: Neither muting, deafening nor time without practice between R and E windows have a significant effect on pitch in the E window, but the interaction between deafening and time (late, L) results in a significant pitch change (fixed effect 0.67, p=2*10-6), demonstrating that deaf birds are significantly further away from baseline (NRP=0) than hearing birds in late windows, thereby confirming that birds require auditory feedback to recover a distant pitch target. Importantly, we find a significant fixed effect on pitch in the direction of the target with mismatch experience (fixed effect -0.37, p=0.006), supporting our finding that limited vocal plasticity towards a target is possible even without auditory feedback.

      We included this model as additional analysis to our manuscript.

      The muted birds seem to take longer to return to baseline than controls even after they are unmuted. Presumably, there is some time required to recover from surgery, however, it's unclear whether muting has longer-term effects on syrinx function or the ability to pass air. In particular, it's possible that the birds still haven't recovered by 4 days after unmuting as a consequence of the muting and unmuting procedure or that the lack of recovery is indicative of an additional effect that muting has on pitch recovery. For example, the methods state that muted birds perform some quiet vocalizations. However, if birds also attempt to sing, but just do so silently, perhaps the aberrant somatosensory or other input from singing while muted has additional effects on the ability to regain pitch. It would also be useful to know if there is a relationship between how long they are muted and how quickly they return to baseline.

      We agree, it might be the case that muting has some longer-term effects that could explain why WNm birds did not recover pitch 4 days after unmuting. However, if such an effect exists, it is only weak. Arguing against the idea that a longer muting requires longer recovery, we did not find a correlation between the difference in NRP between early and late and 1. the duration the birds were muted (correlation coefficient = -0.50, p=0.20), and 2. the number of renditions the birds sung between early and late (correlation coefficient = 0.03, p=0.95), and 3. the time since they last sung the target song (last rendition of baseline, correlation coefficient = -0.43, p=0.29). Neither did we find a correlation between the early NRP and the time since the muting surgery (correlation coefficient = 0.26, p=0.53), suggesting that the lack of pitch recovery while muted was not due to a lingering burden of the muting surgery. We added these results to the results section.

      In summary, we used the WNm group to assess whether birds can recover their target pitch in the absence of practice, i.e. whether they recovered pitch in the early time period. Whether or not some long-term effect of the muting/unmuting procedure affects recovery does not impair the main finding we obtained from WNm birds in Figure 1 (that birds do not recover without practice).

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Zai et al. test whether birds can modify their vocal behavior in a manner consistent with planning. They point out that while some animals are known to be capable of volitional control of vocalizations, it has been unclear if animals are capable of planning vocalizations -that is, modifying vocalizations towards a desired target without the need to learn this modification by practicing and comparing sensory feedback of practiced behavior to the behavioral target. They study zebra finches that have been trained to shift the pitch of song syllables away from their baseline values. It is known that once this training ends, zebra finches have a drive to modify pitch so that it is restored back to its baseline value. They take advantage of this drive to ask whether birds can implement this targeted pitch modification in a manner that looks like planning, by comparing the time course and magnitude of pitch modification in separate groups of birds who have undergone different manipulations of sensory and motor capabilities. A key finding is that birds who are deafened immediately before the onset of this pitch restoration paradigm, but after they have been shifted away from baseline, are able to shift pitch partially back towards their baseline target. In other words, this targeted pitch shift occurs even when birds don't have access to auditory feedback, which argues that this shift is not due to reinforcement-learning-guided practice, but is instead planned based on the difference between an internal representation of the target (baseline pitch) and current behavior (pitch the bird was singing immediately before deafening).

      The authors present additional behavioral studies arguing that this pitch shift requires auditory experience of the song in its state after it has been shifted away from baseline (birds deafened early on, before the initial pitch shift away from baseline, do not exhibit any shift back towards baseline), and that a full shift back to baseline requires auditory feedback. The authors synthesize these results to argue that different mechanisms operate for small shifts (planning, does not need auditory feedback) and large shifts (reinforcement learning, requires auditory feedback).

      We thank the reviewer for this concise summary of our paper. To clarify, we want to point out that we do not make any statement about the learning mechanism birds use to make large shifts to recover their target pitch, i.e. we do not say that large shifts are learned by reinforcement learning requiring auditory feedback. We only show that large shifts require auditory feedback.

      The authors also make a distinction between two kinds of planning: covert-not requiring any motor practice and overt-requiring motor practice but without access to auditory experience from which target mismatch could be computed. They argue that birds plan overtly, based on these deafening experiments as well as an analogous experiment involving temporary muting, which suggests that indeed motor practice is required for pitch shifts.


      The primary finding (that partially restorative pitch shift occurs even after deafening) rests on strong behavioral evidence. It is less clear to what extent this shift requires practice, since their analysis of pitch after deafening takes the average over within the first two hours of singing. If this shift is already evident in the first few renditions then this would be evidence for covert planning. This analysis might not be feasible without a larger dataset. Similarly, the authors could test whether the first few renditions after recovery from muting already exhibit a shift back toward baseline.

      This work will be a valuable addition to others studying birdsong learning and its neural mechanisms. It documents features of birdsong plasticity that are unexpected in standard models of birdsong learning based on reinforcement and are consistent with an additional, perhaps more cognitive, mechanism involving planning. As the authors point out, perhaps this framework offers a reinterpretation of the neural mechanisms underlying a prior finding of covert pitch learning in songbirds (Charlesworth et al., 2012).

      A strength of this work is the variety and detail in its behavioral studies, combined with sensory and motor manipulations, which on their own form a rich set of observations that are useful behavioral constraints on future studies.


      The argument that pitch modification in deafened birds requires some experience hearing their song in its shifted state prior to deafening (Fig. 4) is solid but has an important caveat. Their argument rests on comparing two experimental conditions: one with and one without auditory experience of shifted pitch. However, these conditions also differ in the pitch training paradigm: the "with experience" condition was performed using white noise training, while the "without experience" condition used "lights off" training (Fig. 4A). It is possible that the differences in the ability for these two groups to restore pitch to baseline reflect the training paradigm, not whether subjects had auditory experience of the pitch shift. Ideally, a control study would use one of the training paradigms for both conditions, which would be "lights off" or electrical stimulation (McGregor et al. 2022), since WN training cannot be performed in deafened birds. This is difficult, in part because the authors previously showed that "lights off" training has different valences for deafened vs. hearing birds (Zai et al. 2020). Realistically, this would be a point to add to in discussion rather than a new experiment.

      We added the following statement to our manuscript:

      It is unlikely that dLO birds’ inability to recover baseline pitch is somehow due to our use of a reinforcer of a non-auditory (visual) modality, since somatosensory stimuli do not prevent reliable target pitch recovery in hearing birds (McGregor et al 2022).

      A minor caveat, perhaps worth noting in the discussion, is that this partial pitch shift after deafening could potentially be attributed to the birds "gaining access to some pitch information via somatosensory stretch and vibration receptors and/or air pressure sensing", as the authors acknowledge earlier in the paper. This does not strongly detract from their findings as it does not explain why they found a difference between the "mismatch experience" and "no mismatch experience groups" (Fig. 4).

      We added the following statement: Our insights were gained in deaf birds and we cannot rule out that deaf birds could gain access to pitch information via somatosensoryproprioceptive sensory modalities. However, such information, even if available, cannot explain the difference between the "mismatch experience” (WNd) and the "no mismatch experience" (dLO) groups, which strengthens our claim that the pitch reversion we observe is a planned change and not merely a rigid motor response (as in simple usedependent forgetting).

      More broadly, it is not clear to me what kind of planning these birds are doing, or even whether the "overt planning" here is consistent with "planning" as usually implied in the literature, which in many cases really means covert planning. The idea of using internal models to compute motor output indeed is planning, but why would this not occur immediately (or in a few renditions), instead of taking tens to hundreds of renditions?

      Indeed, what we call ‘covert planning’ refers to what usually is called ‘planning’ in the literature. Also, there seems to be currently no evidence for spontaneous overt planning in songbirds (which we elicited with deafening). Replay of song-like syringeal muscle activity can be induced by auditory stimuli during sleep (Bush, A., Doppler, J. F., Goller, F., and Mindlin, G. B. (2018), but to our knowledge there are no reports of similar replay in awake, non-singing birds, which would constitute evidence for overt planning.

      We cannot ascertain how fast birds can plan their song changes, but our findings are not in disagreement with fast planning. The smallest time window of analysis we chose is 2h, which sets a lower bound of the time frame within which we can measure pitch changes. Our approach is probably not ideally suited for determining the minimal planning time, because the deafening and muting procedures cause an increase in song variability, which calls for larger pitch sample sizes for statistical testing, and the surgeries themselves cause a prolonged period without singing during which we have no access to the birds’ planned motor output. Note that fast planning is demonstrated by the recent finding of instant imitation in nightingales (Costalunga, Giacomo, et al. 2023) and is evidenced by fast re-pitching upon context changes in Bengalese finches (Veit, L., Tian, L. Y., Monroy Hernandez, C. J., & Brainard, M. S., 2021).

      To resolve confusion, it would be useful to discuss and add references relating "overt" planning to the broader literature on planning, including in the introduction when the concept is introduced.

      Overt and covert planning are terms used in the literature on child development and on adult learning, see (Zajic, Matthew Carl, et al., Overt planning behaviors during writing in school-age children with autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, 2020) and (Abbas zare-ee, Researching Aptitude in a Process-Based Approach to Foreign Language Writing Instruction. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 2014), and references therein.

      Indeed, muddying the interpretation of this behavior as planning is that there are other explanations for the findings, such as use-dependent forgetting, which the authors acknowledge in the introduction, but don't clearly revisit as a possible explanation of their results. Perhaps this is because the authors equate use-dependent forgetting and overt planning, in which case this could be stated more clearly in the introduction or discussion.

      We do not mean to strictly equate use-dependent forgetting and overt planning, although they can be related, namely when ‘use’ refers to ‘altered use’ as is the case when something about the behavior is missing (e.g. auditory feedback in our study), and the dependence is not just on ‘use’ but also on ‘experience’.

      We added the following sentence to the discussion: We cannot distinguish the overt planning we find from more complex use-and-experience dependent forgetting, since we only probed for recovery of pitch and did not attempt to push birds into planning pitch shifts further away from baseline.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) The single main issue with this paper is in the section related to Figure 4, and the Figure itself - this is the most important part of the paper essential to buttress the claim of covert learning. However, there are several sources of confusion in the text, analyses, and figures. The key result is in Figure 4B, C - and, in the context of Figs 1-3, the data are significant but subtle. That is, as the authors state, the birds are mostly dependent on slow sensory feedback-dependent (possibly RL) mechanisms but there is a small component of target matching that evidences an internal model. One wonders why this capacity is so small - if they had a good internal model they'd be much faster and better at recovering target pitches after distortion-driven deviations even without sensory feedback.

      (1a) The analysis of the WNd and DLO reversions of pitch (related to Fig. 4) uses a d' analysis which is a pivot from the NRP analysis used in the rest of the paper. It is not clear why different analyses are being used here to compute essentially the same measure, i.e. how much did the pitch revert. It's also odd that different results are now obtained - Fig. 4 has a small but significant reversion of pitch in WNd birds but Fig. 2 shows no significant return to baseline.

      We did not test for reversion towards baseline in Fig. 2 and made no statement about whether there is a significant reversion or not. But when we do such a test, we find a significant reversion for WNd birds in the ‘late’ window (NRP=0.5, p=0.02, N=10, tstat=-1.77, two-tailed t-test), which agrees with Figure 4. In the ‘early’ window in Fig. 2, we find only a trend but no reversion (NRP = 0.76, p=0.11, n=10, tstat=-1.76), which contrasts with our findings in Figure 4. However, the discrepancy can be simply explained by the difference in time alignment that we detail in the Materials and Methods. Namely, in Figure 2, we measure pitch relative to the pitch in the morning on the day before, which is not a good measure of ‘reversion’ (since pitch had been reinforced further away during the day), which is why we do not present this analysis in the paper and dedicate a separate analysis in Figure 4 to reversion.

      (1b) Also in Fig. 4 is it the case that, as in the schematic of 4a, ALL birds in these experiments had their pitch pushed up - so that the return to baseline was all down? If this is the case the analysis may be contaminated by a pitch-down bias in deafened birds. This would ideally be tested with a balance of pitch-up and pitch-down birds in the pre-deafening period, and/or analysis of non-targeted harmonic stacks to examine their pitch changes. If non-targeted stacks exhibit pitch-down changes after deafening, then the reversion that forms the key discovery of this paper will be undermined. Please address.

      Both groups in Figure 4 were balanced (same number of birds were shifted their pitch up and down), see response to public review and Methods.

      (1c) After multiple re-reads and consultations with the Methods section I still do not understand the motivation or result for Figure 4E. Please provide clarification of the hypothesis/control being assessed and the outcome.

      Figure 4E does not add an additional result but strengthens our previous findings because we obtain the same result with a different method. The pitch of deaf birds tends to drift after deafening. To discount for this drift and the effect of time elapsed since deafening, we bootstrapped the magnitude of the pitch change in WNd and dLO birds by comparing them to dC birds in matched time windows. We modified the sentence in the results section to clarify this point:

      To discount for the effect of time elapsed since deafening and quantify the change in pitch specifically due to reinforcement, we bootstrapped the difference in 𝒅′ between dLO/WNd birds and a new group of dC birds that were deafened but experienced no prior reinforcement (see methods).

      (1d) Line 215. It's not clear in the text here how the WNd birds experience a pitch mismatch. Please clarify the text that this mismatch was experienced before deafening. This is a critical paragraph to set up the main claims of the paper. Also, it's not clear what is meant by 'fuel their plan'? I can imagine this would simply be a DA-dependent plasticity process in Area X that does not fuel a plan but rather re-wires and HVC timestep to medium spiny neurons whose outputs drive pitch changes - i.e. not a fueled plan but simply an RL-dependent re-mapping in the motor system. Alternatively, a change could result in plasticity in pallial circuits (e.g. auditory to HVC mappings) that are RL independent and invoke an inverse model along the lines of the author's past work (e.g. Ganguli and Hahnlsoer). This issue is taken up in the discussion but the setup here in the results is very confusing about the possible outcomes. This paragraph is vague with respect to the key hypotheses. It's possible that the WNd and DLO groups enable dissection of the two hypotheses above - because the DLO groups would presumably have RL signals but without recovery - but there remains a real lack of clarity over exactly how the authors are interpreting Fig 4 at the mechanistic level.

      WNd birds experience a pitch mismatch because while singing they hear that their pitch differs from baseline pitch, but the same is not true for dLO birds. We simply tested whether this experience makes a difference for reversion and it does. We added ‘before deafening’ to the paragraph and changed the wording of our hypothesis to make it clearer (we reworded ‘fuel their plan’). Mechanistic interpretations we left in the discussion. Without going to details, all we are saying is that birds can only plan to revert motor changes they are aware of in the first place.

      Minor issues

      The songs of deafened birds degrade, at a rate that depends on the bird's age. Younger crystalized birds degrade much faster, presumably because of lower testosterone levels that are associated with increased plasticity and LMAN function. Some background is needed on deafened birds to set up the WNd experiments.

      Despite deafening leading to the degradation of song (Lombardino and Nottebohm, 2000), syllable detection and pitch calculation were still possible in all deaf birds (up to 13-50 days after deafening surgery, age range 90-300 dph, n=44 birds).

      Since pitch shifting was balanced in both deaf bird groups (the same number of birds were up- and down-shifted), systematic changes in pitch post deafening (Lombardino and Nottebohm, 2000) will average out and so would not affect our findings.

      Lines 97-103. The paragraph is unclear and perhaps a call to a SupFig to show the lack of recovery would help. If I understand correctly, the first two birds did not exhibit the normal recovery to baseline if they did not have an opportunity to hear themselves sing without the WN. I am failing to understand this.

      In the early window (first 2 hours after unmuting) birds have not changed their pitch compared to their pitch in the corresponding window at the end of reinforcement (with matching time-of-day). We added ‘immediately after unmuting (early)’ to clarify this statement.

      Lines 68-69. What is the difference between (2) and (3)? Both require sensory representation/target to be mapped to vocal motor output. Please clarify or fuse these concepts.

      We fused the concept and changed the figure and explanation accordingly.

      Line 100. Please name the figure to support the claim.

      We marked the two birds in the Fig. 1H and added a reference in the text.

      Line 109. Is there a way to confirm / test if muted birds attempted to sing?

      Unfortunately, we do not have video recordings to check if there are any signs of singing attempts in muted birds.

      Line 296: Why 'hierarchically 'lower'?

      Lower because without it there is nothing to consolidate, i.e. the higher process can only be effective after the lower but not before. We clarified this point in the text.

      Past work on temporal - CAF (tcaf) by the Olveczky group showed that syllable durations and gaps could be reinforced in a way that does not depend on Area X and, therefore, related to the authors' discussion on the possible mechanisms of sensory-feedback independent recovery, may rely on the same neural substrates that Fig. 4 WNd group uses to recover. Yet the authors find in this paper that tCAF birds did not recover. There seems to be an oddity here - if covert recovery relies on circuits outside the basal ganglia and RL mechanisms, wouldn't t-CAF birds be more likely to recover? This is not a major issue but is a source of confusion related to the authors' interpretations that could be fleshed out.

      This is a good point, we reinvestigated the tCAF birds in the context of Fig 4 where we looked for pitch reversions towards baseline. tCAF birds do also revert towards baseline. We added this information to the supplement. We cannot say anything about the mechanistic reasons for lack of recovery, especially given that we did not look at brain-level mechanisms.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The data presentation could be improved. It is difficult to distinguish between the early and late symbols and to distinguish between the colors for the individual lines on the plots or to match them with the points on the group data plots. In addition, because presumably, the points in plots like 2D are for the same individuals, lines connecting those points would be useful rather than trying to figure out which points are the same color.

      We added lines in Fig. 2D connecting the birds in early and late.

      The model illustrations (Fig 1A, Fig 5) are not intuitive and do not help to clarify the different hypotheses or ideas. I think these need to be reworked.

      We revised the model illustrations and hope they improved to clarify the different hypothesis.

      Some of the phrasing is confusing. Especially lines 157-158 and 256-257.

      Lines 157-158: we removed an instance of ‘WNd’, which was out of place.

      Lines 256-257: we rephrased to ‘showing that prior experience of a target mismatch is necessary for pitch reversion independently of auditory feedback’

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      For Fig. 1, the conclusion in the text "Overall, these findings suggest that either motor practice, sensory feedback, or both, are necessary for the recovery of baseline song" is not aligned with the figure header "Recovery of pitch target requires practice".

      We rephrased the conclusion to: Overall, these findings rule out covert planning in muted birds and suggest that motor practice is necessary for recovery of baseline song.

      The use of the term "song experience" can be confusing as to whether it means motor or auditory experience. Perhaps replace it with "singing experience" or "auditory experience" where appropriate.

      We did the requested changes.

      Fig. 1A, and related text, reads as three hypotheses that the authors will test in the paper, but I don't think this turns out to the be the main goal (and if it is, it is not clear their results differentiate between hypotheses 1, 2, and 3). Perhaps reframe as discussion points and have this panel not be so prominent at the start, just to avoid this confusion.

      We modified the illustration in Fig 1A and simplified it. We now only show the 2 hypotheses that we test in the paper.

      Line 275-276, "preceding few hours necessitates auditory feedback, which sets a limit to zebra finches' covert planning ability". Did the authors mean "overt", not covert? Since their study focuses on overt planning.

      Our study focuses on covert planning in figure 1 and overt planning in subsequent figures.

      The purpose of the paragraph starting on line 278 could be more clear. Is the goal to say that overt planning and what has previously been described as use-dependent forgetting are actually the same thing? If not, what is the relationship between overt planning and forgetting? In other words, why should I care about prior work on use-dependent forgetting?

      We moved the paragraph further down where it does not interrupt the narrative. See also our reply to reviewer 3 on use-dependent forgetting.

      Line 294, "...a dependent process enabled by experience of the former...", was not clear what "former" is referring to. In general, this paragraph was difficult to understand. Line 296: Which is the "lower" process?

      We added explanatory parentheses in the text to clarify. We rephrased the sentence to ‘the hierarchically lower process of acquisition or planning as we find is independent of immediate sensory experience.’

      Line 295, the reference to "acquisition" vs. "retention". It is not clear how these two concepts relate to the behavior in this study, and/or the hierarchical processes referenced in the previous sentence. Overall, it is not clear how consolidation is related to the paper's findings.

      We added explanatory parentheses in the text and changed figure 5 to better explain the links.

      Line 305, add a reference to Warren et al. 2011, which I believe was the first study (or one of them) that showed that AFP bias is required for restoring pitch to baseline.

      We are citing Warren et al. 2011 in the sentence:

      Such separation also applies to songbirds. Both reinforcement learning of pitch and recovery of the original pitch baseline depend on the anterior forebrain pathway and its output, the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium (LMAN)(1).

      Line 310, "Because LMAN seems capable of executing a motor plan without sensory feedback", is this inferred from this paper (in which case this is an overreach) or is this referencing prior work (if so, which one, and please cite)?

      We changed the wording to ‘It remains to be seen whether LMAN is capable of executing a motor plans without sensory feedback’.

      Line 326, "which makes them well suited for planning song in a manner congruent with experience." I don't fully understand the logic. Can this sentence be clarified?

      We rephrased the sentence and added an explanation as follows: …which makes them well suited for executing song plans within the range of recent experience (i.e., if the song is outside recent experience, it elicits no LMAN response and so does not gain access to planning circuits).

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors conducted two tasks at 300 days of separation. First, a social perception task, where Ps responded whether a pictured person either deserved or needed help. Second, an altruism task, where Ps are offered monetary allocations for themselves and a partner. Ps decide whether to accept, or a default allocation of 20 dollars each. The partners differed in perceived merit, such that they were highly deserving, undeserving, or unknown. This categorisation was decided on the basis of a prisoner's dilemma game the partner played beforehand. "Need" was also manipulated, by altering the probability that the partner must have their hand in cold water at the end of the experiment and this partner can use the money to buy themselves out. These two tasks were conducted to assess the perception of need/merit in the first instance, and how this relates to social behaviour in the second. fMRI data were collected alongside behavioural.

      The authors present many analyses of behaviour (including DDM results) and fMRI. E.g., they demonstrate that they could decode across the mentalising network whether someone was making a need or deserving judgement vs control judgement but couldn't decode need vs deserving. And that brain responses during merit inferences (merit - control) systematically covaried with participants' merit sensitivity scores in the rTPJ. They also found relationships between behaviour and rTPJ in the altruism task. And that merit sensitivity in the perception task predicted the influence of merit on social behaviour in the altruism task.


      This manuscript represents a sensible model to predict social perceptions and behaviours, and a tidy study design with interesting findings. The introduction introduced the field especially brilliantly for a general audience.

      Response: We are pleased that the reviewer found the model sensible and the findings interesting! Below, we respond to each of the reviewer’s comments/critiques.

      Weaknesses: (1) The authors do acknowledge right at the end that these are small samples. This is especially the case for the correlational questions. While the limitation is acknowledged at the end, it is not truly acknowledged in the way that the data are interpreted. I.e. much is concluded from absent relationships, where the likelihood of Type II error is high in this scenario. I suggest that throughout the manuscript, authors play down their conclusions about absence of effects.

      Response: We agree with the reviewer that the limitation of small samples should be adequately reflected in the interpretation of the data. We have therefore added cautionary language to the interpretation of the correlational effects in several places of the revised manuscript. For example, we now state: “However, this absence of effects for need ought to be interpreted with caution, given the comparatively small sample size.” (pg. 33) and “As mentioned above, we cannot rule out the possibility that null findings may be due to the comparatively small sample size and should be interpreted cautiously (also see discussion)” (pg. 34-35).

      (2) I found the results section quite a marathon, and due to its length I started to lose the thread concerning the overarching aims - which had been established so neatly in the introduction. I am unsure whether all of these analyses were necessary for addressing the key questions or whether some were more exploratory. E.g. it's unclear to me what one would have predicted upfront about the decoding analyses.

      Response: We acknowledge and share the reviewer’s concern about the length of the results section and potential loss of clarity. Regarding the decoding analyses, we want to clarify that they were conducted as a sanity check to compare against the results of the univariate analysis. We didn’t have apriori hypotheses regarding these supplemental decoding analysis. We have clarified this issue in the revised version of the manuscript and moved the decoding analyses fully to the supplemental material to streamline the main text. The remaining results reported in the manuscript are indeed all based on apriori, key questions (unless specified otherwise, for example, supplemental analyses for other regions of interest for the sake of completeness). The only exception is the final set of results (Neural markers of merit sensitivity predict merit-related behavioral changes during altruistic choice) which represent posthoc tests to clarify the role of activation in the right temporoparietal junction (rTPJ) in merit-related changes in other-regard in altruistic decisions. While we acknowledge that this is a complex paper, after careful consideration we couldn’t identify any other parts of the results section to remove or report in the supplemental material.

      (3) More specifically, the decoding analyses were intriguing to me. If I understand the authors, they are decoding need vs merit, and need+merit vs control, not the content of these inferences. Do they consider that there is a distributed representation of merit that does not relate to its content but is an abstracted version that applies to all merit judgements? I certainly would not have predicted this and think the analyses raise many questions.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for sharing their thoughts on the decoding analyses and agree that this set of analyses are intriguing, yet raise additional questions, such as the neural computations required to assess content. However, we wish to clarify that the way we view our current results is very much analogous to results obtained from studies of perception in other fields. For example, in the face perception literature, it is often observed that the fusiform face area is uniformly more active, not only when a face (as opposed to an object) is on the screen, but when a compound stimulus consistent of features of a face and other features (e.g. of objects) is on the screen, but participants are instructed to attend to and identify solely the face. Moreover, multivariate activity in the FFA (but not univariate activity) is sufficient to decode the identity of the face. We view the results we report in the manuscript as more akin to the former types of analyses, where any region that is involved in the computation is uniformly more active when attention is directed to judgment-specific features. Unfortunately, the present data are not sufficient to properly answer the latter questions, about which areas enable decoding of specific intensity or identity of merit-related content. Follow-up experiments with a more optimized design are needed. Although interesting, we thus refrain from further discussing the decoding analyses in the manuscript to avoid distracting from the main findings based on the univariate comparison of brain responses observed while participants make merit or need inferences in the social perception task.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      When people help others is an important psychological and neuroscientific question. It has received much attention from the psychological side, but comparatively less from neuroscience. The paper translates some ideas from a social Psychology domain to neuroscience using a neuroeconomically oriented computational approach. In particular, the paper is concerned with the idea that people help others based on perceptions of merit/deservingness, but also because they require/need help. To this end, the authors conduct two experiments with an overlapping participant pool:

      (1) A social perception task in which people see images of people that have previously been rated on merit and need scales by other participants. In a blockwise fashion, people decide whether the depicted person a) deserves help, b) needs help, and c) whether the person uses both hands (== control condition).

      (2) In an altruism task, people make costly helping decisions by deciding between giving a certain amount of money to themselves or another person. How much the other person needs and deserves the money is manipulated.

      The authors use a sound and robust computational modelling approach for both tasks using evidence accumulation models. They analyse behavioural data for both tasks, showing that the behaviour is indeed influenced, as expected, by the deservingness and the need of the shown people. Neurally, the authors use a block-wise analysis approach to find differences in activity levels across conditions of the social perception task (there is no fMRI data for the other task). The authors do find large activation clusters in areas related to the theory of mind. Interestingly, they also find that activity in TPJ that relates to the deservingness condition correlates with people's deservingness ratings while they do the task, but also with computational parameters related to helping others in the second task, the one that was conducted many months later. Also, some behavioural parameters correlate across the two tasks, suggesting that how deserving of help others are perceived reflects a relatively stable feature that translates into concrete helping decisions later-on.

      The conclusions of the paper are overall well supported by the data.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for the positive evaluation of our study and the comprehensive summary of our main findings. We would like to clarify, though, that we did originally collect fMRI data for the independent altruism task. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19-related interruptions, only 25 participants from the sample that performed the social perception task also completed the fMRI altruism task (see pg. 18). Given the limited sample size and noise level of fMRI data, we moved anything related to the neuroimaging data of the altruism task to the supplemental material (see Note S7) and decided to focus solely on the behavior of the altruism task to address our research objectives. We apologize for any confusion.

      (1) I found that the modelling was done very thoroughly for both tasks. Overall, I had the impression that the methods are very solid with many supplementary analyses. The computational modelling is done very well.

      Response: We are pleased that the reviewer found the computational model sensible.

      (2) A slight caveat, however, regarding this aspect, is that, in my view, the tasks are relatively simplistic, so even the complex computational models do not do as much as they can in the case of more complex paradigms. For example, the bias term in the model seems to correspond to the mean response rate in a very direct way (please correct me if I am wrong).

      Response. We agree that the Bias term relates to mean responding (although it is not the sole possibility: thresholds and starting default biases can also produce changes in mean levels of responding that, without the computational model, are not possible to dissociate). However, we think that the primary value of this parameter comes not from the analysis of the social judgment task (where the reviewer is correct that the bias relates in a quite straightforward way to the mean response rate), but in the relationship of this parameter to the un-contextual generosity response in the altruism task. Here, we find that this general bias term relates not to overall generosity, but rather to the overall weight given to others’ outcomes, a finding that makes sense if the tendency to perceive others as deserving overall yields an increase in overall attention/valuation of their outcomes. Thus, a simple finding in one task relates to a more nuanced finding in another. However, we agree it is important to acknowledge the point raised by the reviewer, and now do so on pg. 20: “It is worth noting that the Bias parameters are strongly associated with (though not the sole determinant of) the mean response rate.”

      (3) Related to the simple tasks: The fMRI data is analysed in a simple block-fashion. This is in my view not appropriate to discern the more subtle neural substrates of merit/need-based decision-making or person perception. Correspondingly, the neural activation patterns (merit > control, need > control) are relatively broad and unspecific. They do not seem to differ in the classic theory of mind regions, which are the focus of the analyses.

      Response: The social perception task is modified from a well-established social inference task (Spunt & Adolphs, 2014; 2015) designed to reliably localize the mentalizing network in the brain. As such, we acknowledge that it is not optimally designed to discern the intrinsic complexities of social perception, or the specific appraisals or computations that yield more or less perception (of need or merit) in a given context. Instead, it was designed to highlight regions that are more generally recruited for performing these social perceptions/inferences.

      We heartily agree with the reviewer that it would be interesting and informative to analyze this task in a trial-wise way, with parametric variation in evidence for each image predicting parametric variation in brain activity. Unfortunately, the timing of this task is not optimal for this kind of an analysis, since trials were presented in rapid and blocked fashion. We were also limited in the amount of time we could devote to this task, since it was collected in conjunction with a number of other tasks as part of a larger effort to detail the neural correlates of social inference (reported elsewhere). Thus, we were not able to introduce the kind of jittered spacing between trials that would have enabled such analysis, despite our own wish to do so. We hope that this work will thus be a motivator for future work designed more specifically to address this interesting question, and now include a statement to this effect on pgs. 2223: “Future research may reveal additional distinctions between merit and need appraisals in trial-wise (compared to our block-wise) fMRI designs.”


      Spunt, R. P. & Adolphs, R. Validating the Why/How contrast for functional MRI studies of Theory of Mind. Neuroimage 99, 301-311, doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.05.023 (2014).

      Spunt, R. P. & Adolphs, R. Folk explanations of behavior: a specialized use of a domain-general mechanism. Psychological Science 26, 724-736, doi:10.1177/0956797615569002 (2015).

      (4) However, the relationship between neural signal and behavioural merit sensitivity in TPJ is noteworthy.

      Response: We agree with this assessment and thank the reviewer for their positive assessment; we feel that linking individual differences in merit sensitivity with variance in TPJ activity during merit judgments is one of the key findings of the study.

      (5) The latter is even more the case, as the neural signal and aspects of the behaviour are correlated across subjects with the second task that is conducted much later. Such a correlation is very impressive and suggests that the tasks are sensitive for important individual differences in helping perception/behaviour.

      Response: Again, we share the reviewer’s impression that this finding is more noteworthy for appearing in tasks separated both by considerable conceptual/paradigmatic differences, and by such a long temporal distance. These findings make us particularly excited to follow up on these results in future research.

      (6) That being said, the number of participants in the latter analyses are at the lower end of the number of participants that are these days used for across-participant correlations.

      Response: We fully agree with this assessment. Unfortunately, COVID-related disruptions in data collection, as well as the expiration of grant funds due to the delay, severely limited our ability to complete assessments in a larger sample. Future research needs to replicate these results in a larger sample. We comment on this issue in the discussion on pg. 40. If the editor or reviewer has suggestions for other ways in which we could more fully acknowledge this, we would be happy to include them.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The paper aims to provide a neurocomputational account of how social perception translates into prosocial behaviors. Participants first completed a novel social perception task during fMRI scanning, in which they were asked to judge the merit or need of people depicted in different situations. Secondly, a separate altruistic choice task was used to examine how the perception of merit and need influences the weights people place on themselves, others, and fairness when deciding to provide help. Finally, a link between perception and action was drawn in those participants who completed both tasks.


      The paper is overall very well written and presented, leaving the reader at ease when describing complex methods and results. The approach used by the author is very compelling, as it combines computational modeling of behavior and neuroimaging data analyses. Despite not being able to comment on the computational model, I find the approach used (to disentangle sensitivity and biases, for merit and need) very well described and derived from previous theoretical work. Results are also clearly described and interpreted.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for their positive comments regarding presentation, approach, and content.


      My main concern relates to the selection of the social perception task, which to me is the weakest point. Such weakness has been also addressed by the same authors in the limitation section, and related to the fact that merit and need are evaluated by means of very different cues that rely on different cognitive processes (more abstract thinking for merit than need). I wonder whether and how such difference can bias the overall computational model and interpretation of the results (e.g. ideal you vary merit and need to leave all other aspects invariant).

      Response: We agree with the reviewer on the importance of future research to more fully unpack the differences in this task, and develop better ways to manipulate need and merit in more comparable fashion. However, we point out that the issue of differences in abstractness of cues for need and merit does not actually seem to have a strong influence on the parameters retrieved by the computational model. Participants seem to be equally sensitive to BOTH merit and need information, despite that information deriving from different sources, as evidenced by the fact that the magnitude of the sensitivity parameters for need and merit in the social judgment task were nearly identical, and not statistically distinguishable. Nor were other parameters related to non-decision time or threshold statistically different (see Supplemental Table S2). If our results were driven purely by differences in the difficulty or abstractness of these judgments, we would have expected to see some evidence of this in the computational model, in the form of longer non-decision times, higher thresholds, or both. We do not. Likewise, the neural underpinnings evoked by both need and merit perceptions in this task (in the mentalizing brain network) were comparable. This is not to say that there aren’t real differences in the cues that might signal these quantities in our social perception task - just that there is little direct evidence for this difference in computational parameters or evoked brain responses, and thus it is unlikely that our results (which rely on an analysis of computational parameters) are driven solely by computational model biases, or the inability of the model to adequately assess participant sensitivity to need as opposed to merit.

      A second weakness is related to the sample size which is quite small for study 2. I wonder, given that study 2 fRMI data are not analyzed, whether is possible to recover some of the participants' behavioral results, at least the ones excluded because of bad MR image quality.

      Response: We fully agree with the reviewer that increasing the sample size for the cross-task correlations would be desirable. Unfortunately, the current sample size already presents the maximum of ‘usable’ data; the approach suggested by the reviewer won’t affect the sample size. We used all participants whose behavioral data in the altruism task suggested they were performing the task in good faith and conscientiously.

      Finally, on a theoretical note, I would elaborate more on the distinction of merit and need. These concepts tap into very specific aspects of morality, which I suspect have been widely explored. At the moment I am missing a more elaborate account of this.

      Response: Need and merit are predominantly studied in separate lines of research (Molouki & Bartels, 2020) so there is relatively little theoretical research on the distinction between the two. Consequently, Siemoneit (2023) states that the relation between the concepts of need and merit in allocative distributions remains diffuse. To emphasize the distinct concepts of morality in the introduction we have now added to pg. 3: “Need and deservingness (merit) are two distinct principles of morality. The need principle involves distributing resources to those who require them, irrespective of whether they have earned them, while the "merit principle" focuses on allocating resources based on individuals' deservingness, regardless of their actual need (Wilson, 2003).”

      One of the added values of our paper to the research literature is in adding to the clarification of computational and neural underpinnings of broad concepts like merit and need. To highlight the latter point, we have added the following statement on pg. 5 to the manuscript: “Examining need and merit concurrently in this task will also help clarify the computational and neural underpinnings of related, but distinct concepts, distinguishing between them more effectively.”


      Molouki, S., & Bartels, D. M. (2020). Are future selves treated like others? Comparing determinants and levels of intrapersonal and interpersonal allocations. Cognition, 196, 104150.

      Siemoneit, A. (2023). Merit first, need and equality second: hierarchies of justice. International Review of Economics, 70(4), 537-567.

      Wilson, C. (2003). The role of a merit principle in distributive justice. The Journal of ethics, 7, 277-314.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I acknowledge the difficulty with respect to recruitment, especially in the age of covid, but is it possible for the authors to collect larger samples for their behavioural questions via online testing? Admittedly, I'm sure they don't want to wait 300 days to have the complete dataset, but I would be in favour of collecting a sample in the hundreds on these behavioural tasks, completed at a much shorter separation (if any). I believe this would strengthen the authors' conclusions considerably if they could both replicate the effects they have and check these null effects in a sample where they could draw conclusions from them. Indeed, Bayesian stats to provide evidence for the null would also help here.

      Response: We share the reviewer’s desire to see these results replicated (ideally in a sample of hundreds of participants). We have seriously considered the possibility of trying to replicate our results online, even before submitting the first version of the paper. However, it is difficult to fully replicate this paradigm online, given the elaborate story and context we engaged in to convince participants that they were playing with real others, as well as the usage of physical pain (Cold Pressor Task) for the need manipulation in the altruism task. Moreover, given comments by this reviewer that the results are already a little long, adding a new, behavioral replication would likely only add to the memory burden for the reader. We have thus opted not to include a replication study in the current work. However, we are actively working on a replication that can be completed online, using a modified experimental paradigm and different ways to manipulate need and merit. Because of the differences between that paradigm and the one described here, which would require considerable additional exposition, we have opted not to include the results of this work in the current paper. We hope to be able to publish this work as a separate, replication attempt in the future.

      Given the difficulty of wading through the results section while keeping track of the key question being answered, I would suggest moving any analyses that are less central to the supplementary. And perhaps adding some more guiding sentences at the start and end of each section to remind the reader how each informs the core question.

      Response: We deliberated for quite some time about what results could be removed, but in the end, felt that nearly all results that we already described need to be included in the paper, since each piece of the puzzle contributes to the central finding (relating parameters and behavior to neural and choice data across two separate tasks). However, we did move the decoding analysis results to the supplemental (see point below). We also take the reviewers point that the results can be made clearer. We thus have worked to include some guiding sentences at the start and end of sections to remind the readers how each analysis informs the core questions.

      I think it needs unpacking more for the reader what they should conclude from the significant need+merit vs control decoding analyses, and what they would have expected in terms of cortical representation from the decoding analyses in general.

      Response: We agree with the reviewer that given the decoding results position in the main manuscript it would need unpacking. After considering the reviewer's prior suggestion, we have reevaluated the placement of these supplemental results. Consequently, we have relocated it to the supplemental materials, as it was deemed less relevant to directly addressing the core research questions in the main manuscript. On pg. 23, the main manuscript now only states “We also employed supplemental multivariate decoding analyses (searchlight analysis 85-87), as commonly used in social perception and neuroscience research 7,58,82,88,89, corroborating our univariate findings (see Supplemental Note S6, Supplemental Table S10).”

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) I would suggest moving information on how the computational models were fitted to the main text.

      Response: The computational models are a key element of the paper and we deliberated about the more central exposure of the description of how the models were fitted in the main manuscript. However, we are concerned about the complexity and length of the article, which requires quite a lot from readers to keep in mind (as also commented on by reviewer 1). Those readers who are particularly interested in details of model fitting can still find an extensive discussion of the procedures we followed in the supplements. We thus have opted to retain the streamlined presentation in the main manuscript. However, if the editor feels that including the full and extensive description of model fitting in the main paper would significantly improve the flow and exposition of ideas, we are happy to do so.

      (2) For the fMRI analyses: Could it be worth analysing the choices in the different conditions? They could be modelled as a binary regressor (yes/no) and this one might be different across conditions (merit/need/hands). Maybe this won't work because of the tight trial timeline, but it could be another avenue to discern differences across fMRI conditions.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this interesting suggestion! Unfortunately, the block design and rapid presentation of stimuli within each condition make it challenging to distinguish the different choices (within or across conditions). While we see the merit in the suggested analytical approach (in fact, we discussed it before the initial submission of the article), it would require some modifications of the task structure (e.g., longer inter-trial-intervals between individual stimuli) and an independent replication fMRI study. We were not able to have such a long inter-trial interval in the original design due to practical constraints on the inclusion of this paradigm in a larger effort to examine a wide variety of social judgment and inference tasks. We hope to investigate this kind of question in greater detail in future fMRI work.

      (3) The merit effects seem to be more stable across time than the need conditions. Would it be worthwhile to test if the tasks entailed a similar amount of merit and need variation? Maybe one variable varied more than the other in the task design, and that is why one type of effect might be stronger than the other?

      Response: We thank the reviewer for drawing attention to this important point. We used extensive pilot testing to select the stimuli for the social perception task, ensuring an overall similar amount of need and merit variation. For example, the social perception ratings of the independent, normative sample suggest that the social perception task entails a similar amount of need and merit variation (normative participant-specific percentage of yes responses for merit (mean ± standard deviation: 53.95 ± 13.87) and need (45.65 ± 11.07)). The results of a supplemental paired t-test (p = 0.122) indicate comparable SD for need and merit judgments. Moreover, regarding the actual fMRI participant sample, Figure S3 illustrates comparable levels of variations in need and merit perceptions (participant-specific percentage of yes responses for merit (56.70 ± 11.91) and need (48.69 ± 10.81) in the social perception task). Matching the results for the normative sample, the results of a paired t-test (p = 0.705) suggest no significant difference in variation between need and merit judgments. With respect to the altruism task, we manipulated the levels of merit and need externally (high vs. low).

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) It would be good to provide the demographics of each remaining sample.

      Response: We appreciate the attention to detail and agree with the reviewer’s suggestion. We have now added the demographics for each remaining sample to the revised manuscript.

      (2) The time range from study 1 to study 2, is quite diverse. Did you use it as a regressor of no interest?

      Response: We thank the reviewer for this interesting suggestion. We have examined this in detail in the context of our cross-task analyses (i.e., via regressions and partial correlations). Interestingly, variance in the temporal delay between both tasks does not account for any meaningful variation, and results don’t qualitatively change controlling for this factor.

      For example, when we controlled for the delay between both separate tasks (partial correlation analysis), we confirmed that variance in merit sensitivity (social perception task) still reflected meritinduced changes in overall generosity (altruism task; p = 0.020). Moreover, we confirmed that variance in merit sensitivity reflected individuals’ other-regard (p = 0.035) and self-regard (p = 0.040), but not fairness considerations (p = 0.764) guiding altruistic choices. Regarding people’s general tendency to perceive others as deserving, we found that the link between merit bias (social perception task) and overall other-regard (p = 0.008) and fairness consideration (p = 0.014) (altruism task) holds when controlling for the time range (no significant relationship between merit bias and self-regard, p = 0.191, matching results of the main paper).

      We refer to these supplemental analyses in the revised manuscript on ps. 33 and 35: “Results were qualitatively similar when statistically controlling for the delay between both tasks (partial correlations).”

      (3) Why in study 1 a dichotomous answer has been used? Would not have been better (also for modeling) a continuous variable (VAS)?

      Response: We appreciate the reviewer's thoughtful feedback. In Study 1, opting for a dichotomous response format in the social perception task (Figure 1a) was a deliberate methodological choice. This decision, driven by the study's model requirements, aligns with the common use of a computational model employing two-alternative forced choices ("yes" and "no") as decision boundaries. While drift– diffusion models for multiple-alternative forced-choice designs exist, our study's novel research questions were effectively addressed without their complexity. Finally, our model cannot accept continuous response variables as input unless they are transformed into categorical variables.

      (4) In the fMRI analyses, when you assess changes in brain activity as a function of merit, I would control for need (and the other way round), to see whether such association is specific.

      Response: Regarding the reviewer’s suggestion on controlling for need when assessing changes in brain activity as a function of merit, and vice versa, we would like to clarify the nature of our fMRI analyses in the social perception task. Our focus is on block-wise assessments (need vs. control, merit vs. control, need vs. merit blocks, following the fMRI task design from which our social perception task was modified from). We don’t assess changes in brain activity as a function of the level of perceived merit or need (i.e., “yes” vs. “no” trials within or across task blocks). Blocks are clearly defined by the task instruction given to participants prior to each block (i.e., need, merit, or control judgments). Thus, unfortunately, given the short inter-stimulus-intervals of each block, the task design is not optimal to implement the suggested approach.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity): Summary:

      This research article describes genetic identification and expression analyses of six Ephrin type-B receptor 4 (EPHB4) variants identified in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Variants were identified Variants were identified in a cohort of 573 patients enrolled through the multicenter DZHK-TORCH (TranslatiOnal Registry for CardiomyopatHies) study and the Institute for Cardiomyopathies Heidelberg registry. Expression of downstream molecules, CAV1 and CD36, was assessed in human cardiac tissues by immunohistochemistry. EPHB4 cardiac expression was assessed using recently published single-cell/nucleus RNA sequencing data (Nicin et al 2022) incorporating siRNA-seq data from two other studies (healthy cardiac tissue, Litvinukova et al 2020) and (hypertrophic/aortic stenosis, Nicin et al. 2020).

      We thank the reviewer for the recommendations that have improved our manuscript.

      Major Comments:

      1. Details of identified truncating RBM20 and TTN variants must be provided. These should be integrated into Table 1 alongside each co-occurring EPHB4 variant. List whether the TTN truncating variant is located in the A-band and whether these variants would be adjudicated as pathogenic/likely pathogenic, variant of uncertain significance by ACMG and/or similarly refined DCM criteria (Morales et al. 2020, Circ-Genom Precis Med).

      Details of the truncating RNM20 and TTN have been provided in the new supplementary table 1. As indicated in the table both mutations are pathogenic, and thus, most probable the cause for the disease in these patients. In case of TTN this is a truncating variant and is located in the M-band in exon 358, which is annotated with a PSI in DCM of 100% in cardiodb.org. The fact that these mutations are most probably the cause for DCM in these patients has been included in the discussion section and reads as follows:

      Although it is most probable that in the case of the patients carrying TNN and RNM20 variants this would be the cause of the disease, this study further supports, the importance of EPHB4 regulating CD36 caveolar trafficking to the membrane, whether this happens in endothelial cells or cardiomyocytes, maintaining cardiac homeostasis in humans and its implication on DCM

      1. Discuss co-occurrence of multiple EPHB4 variants in two patients (DCM1, DCM3) and identification of 2 EPHB4 variants in more than one proband.

      As shown in Figure 1A, the detected variants are found in multiple domains of the protein, hence no clear hotspot is detected. We did not yet investigate on the exact mechanisms of action, however, when we compare the two patients with multiple EPHB4 variants, the average LVEF (echo) is 17.5 compared to 38,67 for the remaining 4 patients with only one EPHB4 variant and 35,17 for the six non-EPHB4 variant-carriers. Although the sample number only allows for a semi-quantitively analysis, it still hints at a possible EPHB4-variant effect, which certainly needs verification in a larger cohort.

      Since we do not postulate the detected variants as independently disease-causing, and we also did not explicitly filter for very rare variants, it is not surprising that we find two variants in multiple patients. As stated above, we did not investigate this further, but evidence is growing that compound heterozygosity is playing a role in heritable diseases. It will be interesting to analyze e.g. phasing (Hofmeister et al., Nature Genetics, 2023) or additive (biallelic) effects, which have come to attention also in cardiomyopathies recently (Lipov et al., Nature Cardiovascular Research, 2023).

      This fact has now been included in the manuscript, both in the results and in the discussion. It reads as follows:

      Interestingly, two of the analysed patients present more than one variant of EPHB4 and we could identify the same variant in more than one patient (Table 1)


      Nevertheless, two of the patients carrying one benign or likely benign also carry another variant classified as likely pathogenic or of uncertain significance (Table 1) and interestingly, the average LVEF of the two patients with multiple EPHB4 variants is 17.5 compared to 38,67 for the remaining 4 patients with only one EPHB4 variant and 35,17 for the six non-EPHB4 variant-carriers. Although the sample number only allows for a semi-quantitively analysis, it still hints at a possible EPHB4-variant effect, which certainly needs verification in a larger cohort.

      1. Three of the six variants (p.Lys635Asn, Val113Ile, Glu890Asp) are classified as Clinvar Benign/Likely Benign. Additionally, p.Glu890Asp has been identified in 50 homozygotes in gnomAD non-Finnish European population. These data cast doubt on the pathogenicity of these variants. These classifications, as well as VUS classification of p.Pro79Leu, should be listed in Table 1. The authors should reconcile the benign/likely benign Clinvar classifications with their presented evidence for pathogenicity in the discussion.

      We have now included the ACMG classification in Table 1. Similar to the Clinvar classification, some of the variants are classified benign or likely benign. Still, the fact that the patients that carry them also carry another variant and that the histological findings are similar among the patients carrying an EPHB4 variant and different to those that don’t and the enriched presence of EPHB4 variants in the DCM population support our hypothesis that the Eph-ephrin signalling pathway plays a role in the development of DCM.

      Nevertheless, we agree with the reviewer that the fact that some of these variants have been classified as benign, and the presence of mutations in other genes already related to DCM like TNN or RMM20 may suggest that the EPHB4 mutations may not be the only cause for the disease but rather have an additive effect. As a consequence, we have toned down our conclusions and the discussion reads now as follows:

      Finally, although not as the main disease cause, this study not only supports the role of EPHB4 in the heart, but it also corroborates the importance of CD36 and CAV1 for the cardiac health, and has the potential to improve diagnosis and risk stratification tools for DCM. In addition, as other genes crucial for fatty acid transport may be involved in cardiac disease, this study may help identify new diagnostic or therapeutic targets.

      1. CD36 and CAV1 expression are not quantified. Qualitatively, it is difficult to confirm CD36 reduction in DCM and disruption in EPHB4 variant samples as imaging parameters are not specified and do not appear to be standardized across treatments. Clearly state (either in the figure legend or in the methods) whether identical imaging parameters were used across panels 1C-1E. Note any differences in these parameters.

      We have now quantified the two IHC. It is very clear that the total CD36 is significantly reduced in both groups when compared to the healthy donor (Figure for the reviewer 1A). In case of CAV1 this is not so evident, although the signal seems reduced this is not significant (Figure for the reviewer 1B). These new data have been included in the figure of the manuscript.

      Figure for the reviewer 1. Quantification of (A) CD36 and (B) CAV1 in the immunohistochemistry analysis of patients biopsies. Data shown as mean ± SEM. (A) P value was calculated using one sample one sample Wilcoxon test for DCM and one sample t test for DCM EPHB4. Both cohorts where compared to the mean of HD. P value < 0.05 was considered significant. (B) P value was calculated with one sample t test for both cohorts. P value < 0.05 was considered significant.

      All the images have been taken in the same conditions. The observed difference in the background is due to the disease conditions of the DCM samples. Furthermore, the apparent reduced number of capillaries observed in the DCM patients are caused by the hypertrophic state of the cardiomyocytes in the diseased state. These are bigger and thus, less cells and capillaries appear per picture. The parameters have been included in the methods and read as follow:

      Immunohistochemistry was imaged in a Leica Stellaris confocal microscope. All images were obtained with 63x magnification and the same laser and gain intensities. Images were acquired using the software LAS X (Leica, version 4.4) and quantified using the Volocity Software (Quorum Technologies, version 6.5.1)

      1. Why was EPHB4 membrane localization not assessed or reported?

      We agree with the reviewer that this would be a very interesting point. Unfortunately, we had very limited amount of material and we did not have a proper working antibody.

      1. A key finding of the manuscript is that all six variants produce similar histological impacts on CAV1 and CD36 expression, denoting downstream impacts of EPHB4 genetic disruption. There is no granular data presented to support this claim. Additional discussion is also required to address how the authors anticipate variants in functionally distinct domains on either side of the plasma membrane to similarly impact downstream expression of CAV1/CD36. Mapping to available crystal structures in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) may be insightful to determine which variants may be most likely to have an impact on heterotetramer formation or to exert dominant negative effects on receptor function.

      As an appendix to this revision we have included a figure with representation images of all biopsies analysed to support our claim.

      The whole protein structure is not solved and only some individual domains are present in the Protein Data Bank making difficult to analyse the effect on the tetramer without crystallising the whole protein.

      1. Study limitations are not discussed and are significant. 5 of the 6 samples were from male patients, there are limitations to analyses of non-diverse patient ancestry, there is uncertainty regarding pathogenic contributions of variants in established DCM genes in 2/6 patients, data is limited to expression-only analyses highlighting need for additional functional modeling in cell or animal based systems.

      We have now included a limitation sections that includes all the points raised by the reviewer. It reads as follows:

      Although this study offers valuable insights to the potential implication of the Eph-ephrin signalling pathway in the development of DCM it has some limitations that need to be discussed. Despite finding increased presence of EPHB4 variants in the DCM population when compared to the healthy population, analysis of the identified variants in using different classifications (CADD and ACMG) not always predicted pathogenicity for these variants. For this reason, further experiments should be performed to determine the effect of every variant.

      It is also important to note that given the lower number of patients analysed these are not age and gender matched. The EPHB4 carrying DCM patients were younger than the DCM patients carrying a wild type EPHB4 sequence and mainly male. Finally, no biomaterial nor genetic testing from family related patients is available.

      1. Language used in conclusions overstates study findings ["our results confirm a crucial role of the Eph-ephrin signaling pathway in DCM" (page 3), "this study not only confirms the crucial role of EPHB4 in the heart..." (page 8)]. Change to "suggest" or "support".

      We have revised our discussion according to the limitations discussed in the previous remark and these words have been corrected.

      Major Methods Comments:

      1. DCM diagnostic criteria (clinical and imaging) for inclusion in the DZHK-TORCH study and the Institute for Cardiomyopathies Heidelberg registry should be stated or referenced. Likewise, describe and/or reference DCM exclusion criteria. State any relevant differences in DCM enrolment criteria for the two registries.

      We have now included our inclusion criteria in the methods and include two references to support this. The paragraph reads as follows:

      The criteria to be included in the study was reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) <50% validated either with two independent image techniques or at two different time points with the same imaging technique. Furthermore, patients should include left ventricular dilation (LVEDD) >117% corrected with age and body surface according to the Henry-Formel formula (LVEDD= 45,3 * BSA1/3 – 0,03*Age –7,2). In both cases the heart were analysed either by echocardiography or magnetic resonance tomography (MRT)

      1. Describe how the final cohort of 573 DCM patients was reached. (All patients with DCM in the DZHK-TORCH study/Heidelberg registry? All patients with available exome data meeting QC standards and having available cardiac tissue?).

      From the 573 DCM patients, 100 have been recruited as part of the DZHK-TORCH registry and have been genome sequenced. Further 62 genomes and 411 exomes have been sequenced from patients of the cohort from the Institute for Cardiomyopathies (ICH) at the Heidelberg University Hospital.

      From this cohort, we selected 6 patients with and 6 without an EPHB4 variant and received heart tissue slides from the pathology department.

      1. State whether any family/segregation data is available for these patients.

      DCM4 has a mother and aunt (mother’s sister) who are also affected by CMP. In case of DCM6, the mother was also diagnosed with CMP. Unfortunately, no further biomaterial nor genetic testing of those individuals is available. This has been included in the new limitation sections as described above.

      1. Description of genetic testing methods are inadequate. Describe how genetic analyses were completed for each study/registry and how results were filtered/quality controlled. If sequencing methods were different across registries, state which patients were tested by which methods. If any testing was gene-targeted rather than whole exome/genome, list the specific DCM genes tested.

      All data has been sequenced using Illumina paired-end technology with either 2x100bp or 2x150bp. Exome enrichment was achieved using SureSelect Human All Exon V6 Target Enrichment (Agilent Genomics) was used. Bioinformatics analysis pipeline was based on “Best Practices Guideline” from the Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) (https://gatk.broadinstitute.org/hc/en-us). Besides the analysis for EPHB4, we assessed further genes associated with cardiomyopathies (ACTC1, ACTN2, ALPK3, BAG3, CRYAB, CSRP3, DES, DMD, DSC2, DSG2, DSP, FLNC, GLA, HCN4, HRAS, JPH2, JUP, KRAS, LAMP2, LDB3, LMNA, MIB1, MYBPC3, MYH7, MYL2, MYL3, MYPN, NEXN, PKP2, PLN, PRDM16, PRKAG2, PTPN11, RAF1, RBM20, RYR2, SCN5A, SHOC2, TAZ, TMEM43, TNNC1, TNNI3, TNNT2, TPM1,TTN, TTR, VCL).

      This is information has been included in the methods section.

      1. Provide additional detail for human cardiac biopsies. Was the same chamber/tissue biopsied in all samples? Is an endomyocardial biopsy available for all 573 patients included in this study? If not, were additional EPHB4 variants identified in patients without biopsy samples?

      All biopsies investigated are from left-ventricular tissue, accessed during cardiac catheterization.

      We did find additional, mainly non-coding variants in the cohort. However, as the focus on the study was on the histological analysis of the CD36 and CAV1 expression, we did restrict our analysis to our selected samples as described in the response to comment 2.

      1. Describe the source of the healthy control biopsy, alongside brief clinical detail establishing suitability as a control. Did DCM controls carry variants in known DCM genes (including truncating variants in RBM20 or TTN)? How were DCM controls selected?

      The healthy control biopsy was kindly donated by Prof. Dettmeyer from the University Gießen. This is a postmortem sample with unrelated cause of death. Cardiac biopsy was examined to discard any pathological alterations. This sample originates from a 27 years old female, and thus ideal as a healthy sample. This information has been included in the methods.

      1. List statistical analyses and associated experiments. (Page 5).

      Statistical tests have been included in the figure legend of each experiment. This reads as follows:

      (B) EPHB4 variant allelle frequency analysis. Each variant is compared in a paired wise manner between the two population. P value was calculated with a paired one-tailed Student’s t test comparing the frequencies of the different variants in the two populations.


      (F) Quantification of CD36 and CAV1 expression in the immunohistochemistry analysis of patients biopsies. Data shown as mean ± SEM. In the case of CD36, P value was calculated using one sample one sample Wilcoxon test for DCM and one sample t test for DCM EPHB4. P value < 0.05 was considered significant. In the case of CAV1, P value was calculated with one sample t test for both cohorts. P value < 0.05 was considered significant. In both cases, the cohorts where compared to the mean of HD.

      1. List microscopes/equipment and software used to complete immunohistochemistry experiments. Describe imaging parameters to facilitate comparisons between treatments in Figure 1C-E.

      Immunohistochemistry was imaged in a Leica Stellaris confocal microscope. All images were obtained with 63x magnification and the same laser and gain intensities. Images were acquired using the software LAS X (Leica, version 4.4) and quantified using the Volocity Software (Quorum Technologies, version 6.5.1)

      This paragraph has now been included in the methods section.

      1. Please reword the following passage, which is almost verbatim to the same passage in Nicin et al. 2022.

      Page 4

      **"In brief, a combination of two human snRNA-seq datasets was used. Data from healthy cardiac tissue from the septum of 14 individuals in the Litvinukova et al. study and data from location-matched hypertrophic cardiac tissues from five patients with aortic stenosis."

      Nicin et al. 2022 (https://doi.org/10.1038/s44161-022-00019-7)**

      "Two human snRNA-seq datasets were used: data from healthy cardiac tissue from the septum of 14 individuals in the Litvinukova et al. study and data from location-matched hypertrophic cardiac tissues from five patients with aortic stenosis."

      We have reworded the paragraph in the methods sections. Now it reads as follows:

      Healthy cardiac tissue data was derived from the cardiac septum of 14 individuals 15. Subsequently, it was integrated with data from the septum of hypertrophc cardiac tissue from 5 patients with aortic stenosis 16.

      Minor Comments:

      1. Results: List source for Non-Finnish European Control cohort (gnomAD) (Page 5).

      The Non-Finnish European Control cohort (gnomAD) was obtained from https://gnomad.broadinstitute.org/. This information has been included in the methods section.

      1. Discussion: "all DCM patients" (page 6) requires clarification.

      We have made clear that this refers to the patients analysed in this study. The new sentence reads as follows:

      Furthermore, our results stress the importance of the endothelial CD36 in the onset of cardiac disease as all DCM patients analysed by immunohistochemistry show a downregulation of CD36 in the endothelium and warrant a more detailed assessment of genes involved in vascular function20

      1. Discussion: Define acronyms. CSF, IL4, LPS (Page 7)

      We have defined the acronyms in the discussion. The new sentence reads as follows:

      CD36 expression is upregulated by the nuclear hormone transcription factor Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-Gamma (PPAR-ɣ), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cytokines and Interleukin-4 (IL4). In the other hand, lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and dexamethasone downregulate its expression In microvascular endothelial cells, CD36 is downregulated by lysophosphatidic acid.

      1. Table 1. Table is confusingly arranged. It would make more sense to organize the table by cDNA/AAchange to better correspond to Figure 1A. List the impacted protein domain for each variant in a separate column. It is also unclear how DCM allele frequencies were calculated as the reported number of patients (DCM1-6) carrying each variant do not universally correspond to the listed allele frequencies (see AFs of 0.0052 and 0.0208). Clarification should be added to the legend so it is clear to the reader how these frequencies were determined

      In case of the EPHB4 variants table, we agree with the reviewer and to make the table more understandable we have removed the first three columns, which are the same for all variants. This information has been included in the table legend. Nevertheless, this information has been kept in the new Supplementary table 1 that contains the variants on the other DCM causing genes.

      Regarding the calculation of the allele frequency we made by dividing the number of alleles found in the population by the total number of alleles in the population. This information has been included in the methods.

      We want to note that we performed a mistake in the original table. We had calculated the frequencies by dividing the number of alleles by the number of individuals in the population. We have now corrected both Table 1 and Figure 1B.

      1. Figure 1B. Add variant labels. Indicate relevant p-values for each variant. It is unclear to which comparison the p = 0.024 belongs. State in legend that 2 variants were omitted (presumably due to absence from gnomAD)

      No variants were omitted in the representation of Figure 1B. Some of them have the same allele frequency in the DCM population and thus, the individual data points appear overlapping. The variants that were not detected in the genomAD population were considered as 0 for the representation and for the analysis.

      For the comparison with P=0.024 (now corrected to 0.0011) between the two groups we have performed a one tail paired t test comparing the frequencies in both populations. The information regarding the test has been included in the figure legend and included in the methods section as indicated above.

      1. Figure 1E. Add label to indicate which EPHB4 variant is depicted.

      The DCM sample from which the images originates is now indicated in Figure 1E.

      <br /> Referees cross-commenting****

      As is, this manuscript is not ready for publication. Our comments are in complete alignment. Like the other reviewer, I also emphasize the need for other DCM genes tested to be listed. I also reiterate that any similarly worded passages to other published material must be corrected

      Reviewer #1 (Significance): This study presents genetic and expression data on a novel DCM gene candidate (EPHB4) from a European cohort of 573 DCM patients. This work is of interest as much of genetic DCM remains unexplained and identification of novel genes and pathways will be critical to advance understanding of the disease and to develop novel treatments. Reported data will be of greatest interest to cardiovascular practitioners and translational/basic researchers working with genetic heart disease/DCM. The fact that cardiac tissue was available for histological analyses for all six patients is an asset. There are considerable weaknesses to the paper, as written. There is a lack of detail in the included genetic methods and results. While the premise of the study is intriguing, additional detail is required for identified TTN and RBM20 truncating variants and additional discussion is needed to resolve confusion regarding reported allele frequencies and benign/likely benign Clinvar classifications. Because study design is restricted to genetic and expression analyses, reported data do not address possible pathogenic mechanisms. Overall, there is insufficient data presented to confirm a role for EPHB4 in causing DCM. Manuscript-specific (as-opposed to study specific) weaknesses include insufficient methods detail, a lack of clarity in the presented genetic and expression data (particularly Figure 1), insufficiently described study limitations, and overstated study conclusions. These scientific and manuscript issues will need to be addressed for the manuscript to be suitable for publication.

      Reviewer fields of expertise: cardiovascular genetics, DCM.

      Insufficient expertise to evaluate statistical methods.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity):<br /> I reviewed a paper by Luxan et al. describing EPHB4 variants as a novel disease gene for dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM).

      The short report is interesting, however, not enough evidence is given to convince me EPHB4 is indeed a novel disease gene for DCM. More work is needed before this can be published.

      Major points:

      1. Genetics: two individuals have EPHB4 variants together with DCM causing TTN tv or RBM20 variants. Which other DCM genes were excluded for the remaining four cases? GnomAD MAF of 0.008748404 suspiciously high.

      So overall the small case number makes it hard to judge whether these are truly pathogenic variants.<br /> Could the authors attempt co-segregation of DCM with EPHB4 variant in families?

      Unfortunately we do not have family information from these patients. We have included this in the new limitation sections in the discussion that reads as follows:

      Although this study offers valuable insights to the potential implication of the Eph-ephrin signalling pathway in the development of DCM it has some limitations that need to be discussed. Despite finding increased presence of EPHB4 variants in the DCM population when compared to the healthy population, analysis of the identified variants in using different classifications (CADD and ACMG) not always predicted pathogenicity for these variants. For this reason, further experiments should be performed to determine the effect of every variant.

      It is also important to note that given the lower number of patients analysed these are not age and gender matched. The EPHB4 carrying DCM patients were younger than the DCM patients carrying a wild type EPHB4 sequence and mainly male. Finally, no biomaterial nor genetic testing from family related patients is available.

      1. Only CADD tools was used for pathogenicity, several tools should be used. Is the structure solved? Structural predictions on the consequences of the variants should be done.

      We have now included the ACMG classification in Table 1. As discussed above in the comments of Reviewer 1, some of the variants are classified as benign or likely benign. For this reason we have now toned down our conclusion suggesting that the EPHB4 may not be sufficient to trigger DCM but act as modifiers. This is supported by the fact that the histological analysis revealed that the patients carrying EPHB4 variants are similar among themselves and different to the other patients. Furthermore, our hypothesis is also supported by the fact that those patients carrying benign or potentially benign variants also carry another variant and the fact that they even have lower LVEF. The new classification has been included in the results and discussion sections and it reads as follows:

      Nevertheless, the classification of the variants according to the American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG) 25 suggests that two of the variants are benign, two likely benign, one likely pathogenic and one variant of uncertain significance (Table1). Nevertheless, two of the patients carrying one benign or likely benign also carry another variant classified as likely pathogenic or of uncertain significance (Table 1) and interestingly, the average LVEF of the two patients with multiple EPHB4 variants is 17.5 compared to 38,67 for the remaining 4 patients with only one EPHB4 variant and 35,17 for the six non-EPHB4 variant-carriers. Although the sample number only allows for a semi-quantitively analysis, it still hints at a possible EPHB4-variant effect, which certainly needs verification in a larger cohort.


      Our analysis identified several variants in EPHB4 enriched in a cohort of DCM patients. According to the CADD score prediction, all these variants have a deleterious potential. Nevertheless, the ACMG classified some of the variants as benign or potentially benign. Also the fact, that one variant has identified in two non-related patients suggests that this variant may be benign for the protein. Nevertheless, two of the patients carrying a benign or potentially benign variant also carried another potentially pathogenic or of uncertain significance. During Eph-ephrin signalling, the binding of the ligand induces Eph receptor heterotetramers to initiate the signalling via Eph–Eph cis interactions30. Thus, variant EPHB4 molecules could have a dominant negative effect on these heterotetramers, and while maybe not completely abrogating its function, reducing the functionality of the heterotetramers. This observation could explain why the presence of one variant copy in the DCM patients of our cohort would be sufficient to reduce the activity of the Eph-ephrin signalling pathway. Although this shows that some of the variants may indeed not be the sole cause for DCM it shows that the Eph-ephrin signalling pathway, and in particular EPHB4 may be important for the development of DCM.

      Only parts of the protein have been resolved and present in the Protein Data Base.

      1. The microscopy Figure 1C-E is not convicing. Only one sample shown while 6 were available/investigated. I would not be comfortable to identify cardiomyocytes/endothelial cells from these sections

      As an appendix to this document, we included figures with images obtained from all the analysed patients. These were not included on the original figure for space reasons.

      These sections are perfect to identify cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells in cardiac tissue. First, endothelial cells, that form the microvasculature are labelled with ULEX, a well known marker of endothelial cells. Secondly, cardiomyocytes are really big cells easy to score for their size and location between the capillaries in the heart. Other cells present in the heart, like fibroblasts, macrophages, or pericytes would also be located in the space left in between cardiomyocytes but would need to be labelled for visualization. We believe that our interpretation of the immunohistochemistry pictures is correct.

      1. Functional work is needed to understand the interplay between EPHB4, CAV1 and CD36. Such as transfecting mutant EPHB4 into cells and probing for altered localisation/attachment of binding partners, most likely in endothelial - cardiomyocyte co-culture systems.

      Our study is based in our previous murine study in which we showed that the deletion of EphB4 or its ligand ephrinB2 would induce a phenotype similar to DCM in mice. At the molecular level, defects in the Ephb4 are linked to compromised caveolar function and reduced CAV1 phosphorylation, which involves the kinase Src, a known mediator of Eph receptor signalling. In the healthy heart, caveolar transport is required for the membrane translocation and correct function of fatty acid translocase FAT/CD36, which mediates the uptake of fatty acids. The objective of this follow up study was to study whether we could identify EPHB4 mutations in DCM patients. As seen in the results we have observed that there is an enrichment of EPHB4 variants in the DCM population. We think that the previous study supports our conclusions and hope that the reviewer agrees with us. Nevertheless, we agree with the reviewer that functional assays could be performed with every variant. We have included this in the new limitation sections of the manuscript described above.

      Minor points:

      1. Figure 1B does not make sense

      Figure 1B confirms the enrichment of EPHB4 mutations in the DCM population. We have corrected the labelling to make this clearer. We have now labelled the figure “EPHB4 variant allele frequency in control and DCM population”.

      1. Statistics: Which tests were performed, if normality tests were applied, which one was used?

      The tests used for every comparison are included in the figure legend. In case of EPHB4 variant allele frequency, we performed a paired one-tailed Student’s t test comparing the frequencies of the different variants in the two populations. In case of the CD36 and CAV1 quantifications, we performed a two-tailed one sample t test. In this case, we compare the expression of CD36 and CAV1 to an hypothetical healthy population with mean equal 1 as que have used this value for normalization.

      1. Please do not use contractions, e.g. 'can't' in discussion section

      Contractions have been removed from the manuscript.

      <br /> Referees cross-commenting****

      Overall I agree with the other reviewer on the points raised.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance): Description of EPHB4 as a novel DCM gene is of interest, but the current data are not convincing enough to make this statement.

      Mechanistic work on the interplay of endothelial cells and cardiomyocytes and consequences of EPHB4 variants would make it a very compelling story.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity): Summary:

      The authors of this manuscript studied the prevalence of a population of Ephrin type-B receptor 4 (EPHB4) in a cohort of 573 DCM patients and found six new EPHB4 variants, possibly pathogenic based on the Combined Annotation Dependent Depletion (CADD) score and population frequency. Moreover, the authors perform immunofluorescence (IF) and histologic analysis on 6 EPHB4 variant carrying DCM patients, 6 DCM patients with wild type EPHB4 and one healthy control biopsy and found dysregulation of Caveolin 1 (CAV1) and CD36 (which are implicated in fatty acid transport in endothelial cells and cardiomyocytes) in both groups of DCM patients.

      Major comments:

      • Additional experiments are necessary to prove the hypothesis: for example, co-IF staining with endothelial markers should be provided. IF should be supported by western blots and qPCR.

      The objective of this study was to explore whether we could identify EPHB4 mutants in a DCM cohort. Interestingly we have shown that EPHB4 mutations are enriched in the DCM population when compared to the general population. Nevertheless, we agree with the reviewer that a more in depth mechanistic study would improve the significance of the study. We have included a limitations section that reads as follows:

      Although this study offers valuable insights to the potential implication of the Eph-ephrin signalling pathway in the development of DCM it has some limitations that need to be discussed. Despite finding increased presence of EPHB4 variants in the DCM population when compared to the healthy population, analysis of the identified variants in using different classifications (CADD and ACMG) not always predicted pathogenicity for these variants. For this reason, further experiments should be performed to determine the effect of every variant.

      It is also important to note that given the lower number of patients analysed these are not age and gender matched. The EPHB4 carrying DCM patients were younger than the DCM patients carrying a wild type EPHB4 sequence and mainly male. Finally, no biomaterial nor genetic testing from family related patients is available.

      • The DCM samples with wild type EPHB4, have no CD36: the mechanism by which a mutation in another gene could affect the Eph-ephrin signaling pathway should be at least discussed.

      These patients do not have any mutation on EPHB4. Based in the literature and the previous murine study show that the Eph-ephrin signaling pathway is upstream of CD36. For these reasons we believe that our observation that shows that CD36 expression is reduced in all DCM patients confirms the important role of CD36 in cardiac homeostasis and the development of DCM. We further, as indicated in the discussion, other genes crucial for fatty acid transport may be involved in cardiac disease and thus, this study may help identify new diagnostic or therapeutic targets.

      • The authors should discuss and possibly prove the correlation between mutant EPHB4 and CD36 and CAV1 expression and localization in endothelial cells vs cardiomyocytes and explain the mechanistic implications of co-localization of CAV1 with CD36.

      In a previous study we showed that the deletion of EphB4 or its ligand ephrinB2 would induce a phenotype similar to DCM in mice. At the molecular level, defects in the Ephb4 are linked to compromised caveolar function and reduced CAV1 phosphorylation, which involves the kinase Src, a known mediator of Eph receptor signalling. In the healthy heart, caveolar transport is required for the membrane translocation and correct function of fatty acid translocase FAT/CD36, which mediates the uptake of fatty acids. We have expanded the introduction to explain the relationship between these molecules. It reads as follows:

      Mechanistically, EPHB4 deficient endothelial cells are characterized by compromised caveolar function and reduced Caveolin 1 (CAV1) phosphorylation. EPHB4 is required for the phosphorylation of CAV1 at Tyr-149. The phosphorylation of CAV1 promotes the release of caveolae from the plasma membrane10. Caveolae are required for the correct membrane translocation of the fatty acid translocase FAT/CD3611 and fatty acids are used by cardiomyocytes to obtain about 50% to 70% of their energy12. Absence of CD36 in cardiomyocytes reduces fatty acid uptake by the cardiac muscle cells13 and accelerates the progression from compensated hypertrophy to heart failure14. Finally, some cardiomyopathies a causally related to defects in the synthesis of the proteins required for fatty acid uptake in the heart15.

      • The available snRNAseq raw data are from normal subjects and aortic stenosis patients who are different from DCM patients. A better dataset would be the one from Reichart D, et al. Pathogenic variants damage cell composition and single cell transcription in cardiomyopathies. Science 2022.

      The single nucleus RNA sequencing data was used in an exploratory manner to study whether EPHB4 would also be expressed in cardiomyocytes. We did not perform any study on gene expression comparing the two groups. We believe that the use of this dataset is justified. We hope that the reviewer agrees with us.

      • Furthermore, the link between the analysis done on the published snRNA seq datasets and the authors' own data is not clearly explained.

      As we stated above and in the methods, we have used the single nucleus RNA sequencing to explore whether cardiomyocytes express EPHB4. The sentence in the methods reads as follows:

      The single-nucleus-RNA-sequencing data set generated in the paper by Nicin et al.14 was used to explore EPHB4 expression in human cardiac cells

      • DCM1 and DCM 3 carry 2 EPHB4 variants: please describe if the phenotype was more severe.

      As discussed above in the response to reviewer 1, the two patients with multiple EPHB4 variants present an average LVEF (echo) of 17.5 compared to 38,67 for the remaining 4 patients with only one EPHB4 variant and 35,17 for the six non-EPHB4 variant-carriers. Although the sample number only allows for a semi-quantitively analysis, it still hints at a possible EPHB4-variant effect, which certainly needs verification in a larger cohort.

      This information has been included in the manuscript and reads as follows:

      and interestingly, the average LVEF of the two patients with multiple EPHB4 variants is 17.5 compared to 38,67 for the remaining 4 patients with only one EPHB4 variant and 35,17 for the six non-EPHB4 variant-carriers. Although the sample number only allows for a semi-quantitively analysis, it still hints at a possible EPHB4-variant effect, which certainly needs verification in a larger cohort.

      • Provide p values on suppl table 1. The 2 groups are not matched by age and maybe gender, and this could affect the histological findings.

      We have not performed any comparison between the two groups in the characteristics shown in supplementary table 1. Nevertheless, we agree with the reviewers that the fact that the patients are not matched in age and gender is a limitation to our study. We have acknowledged this in the new included limitations section that is mentioned above.

      • Please discuss why in the DCM population the EPHB4 variant is enriched as compared with controls. Causal role? Modifiers?

      The deletion of EphB4 and its ligand ephrin-B2 induce DCM in mouse. The objective of this study was to determine whether there would be mutations in EPHB4 associated to DCM. We agree with the reviewer that in depth mechanistic studies both in vivo and in vitro would be required to determine the exact role of the here identified mutations in the development of DCM. This has been acknowledged in the new limitations sections and indicated in the discussion of the results as follows:

      Finally, this study not only supports the crucial role of EPHB4 in the heart, but it also corroborates the importance of CD36 and CAV1 for the cardiac health, and has the potential to improve diagnosis and risk stratification tools for DCM. Nevertheless, whether mutations in EPHB4 are causative or modifiers of the disease should be further studied. In addition, as other genes crucial for fatty acid transport may be involved in cardiac disease, this study may help identify new diagnostic or therapeutic targets.

      • The data and the methods are presented in such a way that they could be reproduced however,

      We thank the reviewer for the positive comment on our methods section.

      • At least 2 more healthy controls should be included, and the DCM groups should be matched by gender and age.

      Healthy donor biopsies are very rare and difficult to obtain. Although we agree with the reviewer that this could strengthen our study, we cannot add more healthy biopsies. We hope the reviewer understands this.

      As stated above, we have included a limitation section in the manuscript discussing the issue with the gender and age.

      • The causal mutation of the DCM patients should be provided.

      Only 35% of DCM cases have been related to mutations in genes encoding cytoskeletal, sarcomere or nuclear envelope proteins. In our case, the DCM patients that we use do not carry a variant in any of the DCM known genes. We have now expanded the methods sections explaining the inclusion criteria for the DCM patients including this issue:

      The criteria to be included in the study was reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) <50% validated either with two independent image techniques or at two different time points with the same imaging technique. Furthermore, patients should include left ventricular dilation (LVEDD) >117% corrected with age and body surface according to the Henry-Formel formula (LVEDD= 45,3 * BSA1/3 – 0,03*Age –7,2). In both cases the heart were analysed either by echocardiography or magnetic resonance tomography (MRT).

      Minor comments:

      • I would explain in more detail the interactions among EPHB4, CD36 and CAV1 in the introduction, as the readers may not be familiar with this pathway.

      We have completed the introduction expanding the paragraph where the relationship between EPHB4, CD36 and CAV1 is presented. It now reads as follows:

      Mechanistically, EPHB4 deficient endothelial cells are characterized by compromised caveolar function and reduced Caveolin 1 (CAV1) phosphorylation. EPHB4 is required for the phosphorylation of CAV1 at Tyr-149. The phosphorylation of CAV1 promotes the release of caveolae from the plasma membrane10. Caveolae are required for the correct membrane translocation of the fatty acid translocase FAT/CD3611 and fatty acids are used by cardiomyocytes to obtain about 50% to 70% of their energy12. Absence of CD36 in cardiomyocytes reduces fatty acid uptake by the cardiac muscle cells13 and accelerates the progression from compensated hypertrophy to heart failure14. Finally, some cardiomyopathies a causally related to defects in the synthesis of the proteins required for fatty acid uptake in the heart15.

      • Panel B in Fig 1 shows 4 variants and not 6.

      All variants are shown in the panel As stated in the response to reviewer 1, it the fact that some variants have the same value that induces to think that only four are shown. The variants that do not appear in the genomAD have been considered 0 for this analysis.

      • IF in Fig 1: make sure that control and DCM are at the same magnification.

      Both control and DCM are at the same magnification. The reason why it looks different is the DCM phenotype. Cardiomyocytes are hypertrophic in the in the disease samples giving the impression that they are shown in a higher magnification.

      • The authors analyze snRNA seq data from available datasets and not from their own patients: so, the paragraph title in the method section should be changed as it is misleading.

      We have changed the title of this section of the methods. We have labelled it now “Analysis of single-nucleus-RNA-sequencing”.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance): Despite the main focus of the manuscript is EPHB4, dysregulation of CD36 and its interaction with CAV1 seem to be a common mechanism in the pathogenesis of all DCM. The significance of these findings is higher than the role of EPHB4 alone and should be improved.<br /> Metabolic abnormalities, mainly affecting the fatty acid metabolism, have been described as causes or modifiers of DCM pathogenesis but in my knowledge the role of EPHDB4, CD36 and CAV 1 have not been studied in human tissues. The discovery of the mechanisms through which dysregulation of metabolism is induced by DCM genetic mutations would be an advance in the field. However, the paper in the present form is not going to have a significant impact. There is no clear connection between the sets of experiments and more mechanistic experiments should be provided to prove causality. This may take months or even years depending on the availability of human tissues and resources.

      The type of audience interested in this research are mainly translational scientists mainly in the field of genetic cardiomyopathies. Furthermore, the elucidation of the metabolic effects of genetic mutations on DCM evolution may be of interest in the field of heart failure in general.

      The focus of my research is genetic and molecular pathogenesis of cardiomyopathies.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Revision summary.

      Additional new data.

      • CYPA expression levels in Scrm Vs KO Vs R55A isogenic cell lines as new Fig 1C.
      • ATR signaling: western blot analysis of HU-induced p-CHK1 (S345) in Scrm, KO and R55A isogenic cell lines as new Suppl Fig 1B.
      • MRN expression: western blot analysis of expression of NBS1, MRE11, RAD50 and MCM2 is Scrm, KO and R55A isogenic cell lines as new Suppl Fig 7A.
      • NBS1 subcellular fractionation: western blot analysis of NBS1 from whole cell extract Vs cytoplasmic extract Vs nuclear extract comparing expression/distribution in Scrm, KO and R55A isogenic cell lines, as new Suppl Fig 7B.
      • CYPA immunofluorescence (IF) staining on untreated and HU treated U2OS, as new Suppl Fig 7C.
      • CYPA immunofluorescence (IF) staining on untreated and HU treated U2OS following pre-extraction, as new Suppl Fig 7D.
      • DepMap Project Score Cancer Gene Dependency cell survival (“fitness”) following PPIA/CYPA-KO in breast carcinoma cell lines mapped against BRCA2 status, as a new Suppl Table 5.
      • DepMap Project Score Cancer Gene Dependency cell fitness following PPIA/CYPA-KO in Neuroblastoma cell lines, as a new Suppl Spreadsheet 4.
      • DepMap Project Score Cancer Gene Dependency cell fitness following PPIA/CYPA-KO in Multiple Myeloma cell lines, as a new Suppl Spreadsheet 4.
      • DepMap Project Score Cancer Gene Dependency cell fitness following PPIA/CYPA-KO in Chronic Myelogenous Leukaemia cell lines, as a new Suppl Spreadsheet 4.

      Revised and/or additional text.

      The Abstract, Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results and Discussion have been amended as necessary, to facilitate the issues raised by the Reviewers.

      Reviewer #1: We thank this reviewer for their understanding and appreciation of our CYPA study as espoused by their comprehensive summary of the content, importance, and potential implications of our work; “The manuscript presents clear and comprehensive data, demonstrating the profound impact of CYPA on DNA repair.” Furthermore, we very much appreciate their robust and complementary words regarding the significance of our work and its wide appeal; “The significance of this study is twofold: it adds a new layer to our understanding of DNA repair mechanisms and, importantly, it could point the way to novel therapeutic strategies for cancer. It will spark interest from molecular biologists to clinicians and pharmaceutical researchers.”


      It's surprising to find that the loss of CYPA abolished HU-induced NBS1 foci, as the MRE11 interactive domain of NBS1 should remain intact in CYPA deficient conditions and the N-terminus of NBS1 is dispensable for ATM activation (Kim et al., 2017; Stracker and Petrini, 2011). A more detailed mechanistic explanation of this phenotype would be appreciated. The authors should check the subcellular localization of NBS1 and the stability of MRN in wildtype and CYPA KO cells. Additionally, including the kinetics of NBS1 foci formation using multiple timepoints in wildtype and CYPA KO cells after damage will further support the observation.


      Regarding NBS1 foci formation, we note that rather than abolish HU-induced NBS1 foci formation, CYPA loss (through KO) and/or inhibition (through p.R55A) in fact results in a “…spontaneously elevated yet unresponsive amount of NBS1 foci/cells when compared to scrambled” (see original Fig 9A legend and associated Results section text). We have reinforced this observation in the revised Results section entitled ‘CYPA influences NBS1 and MDC1 foci formation’ and in the Discussion section. We do describe a kinetic impairment of RAD51 foci formation in the CYPA-engineered lines up to 16hrs post HU-treatment (Fig 6D). Our mechanistic working model is that CYPA interacts directly with NBS1 via a Pro residue within the short linking peptide between the FHA and BRCT1, and that this likely influences the relative dynamic positioning of the FHA with BRCA1-BRCT2, at least following acute HU treatment; replication fork stalling, likely biased towards ATR-dependent signaling initially, rather than that of ATM. The relative positioning of these functional domains can impact MRN function, and we discuss this possible mechanism in the section entitled ‘CYPA and the MRN complex’, with reference to the detailed structure-function analyses and complementary DDR activation models described by<br /> - Williams, R.S., et al., Nbs1 flexibly tethers Ctp1 and Mre11-Rad50 to coordinate DNA double-strand break processing and repair. Cell, 2009. 139(1): p. 87-99.<br /> and<br /> - Lloyd, J., et al., A supramodular FHA/BRCT-repeat architecture mediates Nbs1 adaptor function in response to DNA damage. Cell, 2009. 139(1): p. 100-11.<br /> and<br /> - Rotheneder, M., et al., Cryo-EM structure of the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 complex reveals the molecular mechanism of scaffolding functions. Mol Cell, 2023. 83(2): p. 167-185.e9.

      The N-terminal FHA-BRCT region of NBS1 does indeed influence MRN recruitment and HRR execution, a point we highlight in the section entitled ‘CYPA influences NBS1 and MDC1 foci formation’, with reference to the seminal original observations of<br /> - Sakamoto, S., et al., Homologous recombination repair is regulated by domains at the N-<br /> and C-terminus of NBS1 and is dissociated with ATM functions. Oncogene, 2007. 26(41): p.6002-6009<br /> and<br /> - Tauchi, H., et al., The forkhead-associated domain of NBS1 is essential for nuclear foci formation after irradiation but not essential for hRAD50-hMRE11-NBS1 complex<br /> DNA repair activity. J Biol Chem, 2001. 276(1): p. 12-15.<br /> and<br /> - Zhao, S., W. Renthal, and E.Y. Lee, Functional analysis of FHA and BRCT domains of NBS1 in chromatin association and DNA damage responses. Nucleic Acids Res, 2002. 30(22): p. 4815-22.<br /> and<br /> - Cerosaletti, K.M. and P. Concannon, Nibrin forkhead-associated domain and breast cancer C-terminal domain are both required for nuclear focus formation and phosphorylation. J Biol Chem, 2003.<br /> 278(24): p. 21944-21951.

      HU-unresponsive NBS foci (indicative of MRN dysfunction) and MDC1 foci formation are consistent with the DNA-R (i.e., DR-GFP reporter systems: Fig 3A-C and impaired RAD51 foci formation: Fig 6D) and resection-related phenotypes (Fig 6A-B) we report here and are also consistent with the relative resistance to HU-induced killing we report for CYPA-KO and CYPA-R55A cells (Fig 11A and as reported by Manthey, K.C., et al., NBS1 mediates ATR-dependent RPA hyperphosphorylation following replication-fork stall and collapse. J Cell Sci, 2007. 120(Pt 23): p. 4221-9).

      At the reviewer’s request we include additional novel experimental data showing that MRN expression is stable and equivalent in control, CYPA-KO and CYPA-R55A cells (Suppl Fig 7A). We also provide evidence that NBS1 subcellular distribution (via extract fractionation) is not altered upon CYPA loss and/or inhibition (Suppl Fig 7B).


      The authors showed that the interaction between CYPA and MRN didn't change after HU treatment. The authors should also include co-localization analysis of CYPA and NBS1 after HU.


      At the reviewer’s suggestion we undertook a series of IF analyses concerning endogenous CYPA (i.e., +/- HU, +/- pre-extraction). We found that endogenous CYPA failed to form foci following HU thereby precluding CYPA-NBS1 foci co-localization analysis (Suppl Fig 7C-D).


      The paper demonstrated that BRCA2 knockdown cells were sensitive to CsA. The authors should also examine CsA sensitivity in BRCA2 deficient cancer cells. In addition, the authors could elaborate more on their criteria for selecting cancers for CYPA inhibition, whether it is based on high genomic instability or an addiction to HRR for survival.


      Despite repeated attempts we have been unable to successfully routinely culture the TNBC suspension line HCC1599 (BRCA2 c.4154_5572del1419 and p.K1517fs*23), consistent with its reported ~5 days population doubling time. Although not a tumour line per se, we also failed to effectively culture the FANC-D1 patient FB line HSC62 (BRCA2 c.8488-1 G>A (IVS19-1G>A)) to enable survival analysis. We provide new quantification analysis of the CsA survival on the H1299 conditional shBRCA2 line (Fig 11E). Additionally, we include a comprehensive new analysis of cell survival (“fitness”) of a range of breast carcinoma cell lines following PPIA/CYPA-KO, extracted from DepMap Project Score Cancer Gene Dependency portal (https://score.depmap.sanger.ac.uk/), and also specify the BRCA2 status of each line. Interestingly, we find that reduced BRCA2 copy number is more commonly associated with loss of fitness following PPIA/CYPA loss (Suppl Table 5). We also include similar cell line fitness datasets for each of the cancers for whom we demonstrate elevated sensitivity to CYPAi (i.e., Neuroblastoma, Multiple Myeloma and CML) (Suppl Spreadsheet 4). Fascinatingly, PPIA/CYPA loss clearly results in loss of fitness in most of these cancer cell lines. Collectively, these new independent comprehensive datasets support our argument that targeting CYPA in select cancer scenarios shows impact in the preclinical setting and may represent an effective new strategy.

      The unifying features of the cancers showing elevated sensitivity to CYPAi are indeed high genomic instability, denoted by elevated RS and hence a dependency upon replication fork protection machinery. This would be consistent with the observed lethality of our CYPA-panel to shBRCA2, siXRCC3 and siRAD51C. The cancers are additionally characterised by aberrantly elevated HRR (i.e. an addiction to/dependency on HRR). This would be consistent with the observed lethality of our CYPA-panel to siCtIP, siRAD52, siXRCC3, and siRAD51C. At the Reviewer’s request we have reinforced and better clarified this point in the section Potential rational applications of CYPA inhibition in select cancers and in the Discussion.

      Reviewer #2:

      We thank this reviewer for their positive and supportive comments concerning our work; “Authors have quite conclusively explored the interaction between NBS1 and cyclophilinA as well as the putative proline residue important for this interaction.” We appreciate the constructive feedback concerning the range of consequences/impacts of CYPA impairment and we concur with their contention that “This manuscript will have broad interest from groups working on genomic stability, immunology as well as cancer therapy.”; a general view also voiced by Reviewer #1.

      We do stress that whilst other prolyl isomerases have previously been linked to DNA repair (e.g., most notably the Parvulin family member PIN1), this is the first time that CYPA has been directly implicated in DNA repair, and the first time CYPA has been shown to directly interact with a known DNA-R protein (i.e. NBS1).

      We believe that the comprehensive CYPA-BioID we describe is worthy of report and should serve as a very useful starting point for additional studies concerning CYPA biology, which is undoubtedly complex. The interactome will also function as a useful tool in helping dissect the clinically significant wider biological consequences of CYPA inhibition. Our interactome findings demonstrate that CYPA may influence DNA-R via multiple, and not necessarily mutually exclusive, routes. We do not argue that CYPA’s role in DNA-R is exclusively via NBS1/MRN. This is clearly demonstrated by our validation of CYPA interactions via co-IP with endogenous CYPA with proteins including PCNA, 53BP1, CHAMP1 and ILF2-3 complex (Fig 5). These are completely novel observations that furthermore reinforce the validity and efficacy of our experimental approach in leveraging the CYPA-BioID to provide new biological insight into this druggable prolyl cis-trans isomerase.


      Authors show delayed S-phase transit along with reduced replication speed indicating replication stall. However, authors have not discussed how cyclophilinA might regulate replication (other than hypothesizing regarding altered dynamism of FHA-BRCT). It is conceivable that it could be an indirect effect on cellular metabolism or if authors believe it could be due to direct disruption to core replication machinery or signaling. In this regard, it will be helpful to see if there is shortening of (premature entry) G1 phase and comment on the status of the associated G1/S checkpoint.


      The reviewer makes a very interesting and astute observation concerning the DNA replication phenotypes we report following CYPA loss and/or inhibition. The bases of these phenotypes are likely multifactorial, and we have revised the associated Discussion text to reflect this. Specifically, we highlight the elevated and unresponsive NBS1 and MDC1 foci seen in the CYPA-KO lines (Fig 9. i.e., persistent protein-DNA complexes) and dependence upon fork protection factors (XRCC3, RAD51C, BRCA2: Fig 11). We also report that a range of DNA replication factors are found in the CYPA-BioID (Fig 5A). Untangling the functional significance of these putative interactions would involve further study. Are they direct/indirect interactors? If direct, are they prolyl isomerase substrates or chaperone clients or regulated by liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS)? Similarly, the CYPA-BioID throws-up an extensive set of RNA binding factors (Suppl Table 2), many of whom may conceivably contribute to the replication–transcription fork conflicts/collisions under conditions of CYPA-dysfunction. As this is the first comprehensive report of the cellular impacts of CYPA loss and inhibition, we thought it worth reporting the DNA replication associated phenotypes specifically to demonstrate the pleiotropic impact of loss and inhibition of this particular prolyl isomerase, to underscore its significance/importance. Although we have indeed found cell cycle phase transition impairments in our CYPA-KO and CYPA-R55A cells (for both G1-S and G2-M), these constitute additional studies requiring more thorough molecular-mechanistic characterization. We chose to focus on DNA repair for this first manuscript, as the CYPA-NBS1 interaction was the physical relationship for which we have assembled the most detailed and interconnected datasets, to-date. We do intend to pursue the cell cycle work as it too is derived from our CYPA-BioID (Suppl Spreadsheet 1), and we have already validated some of those relevant interactions by CYPA co-IP, but this is very much a work-in-progress. With this manuscript we’re endeavoring to tread a fine line by showcasing a wide range of cellular phenotypes resultant from CYPA loss and inhibition, but then also showing a deeper level of characterisation with at least one relevant interactor known to function in a range of DNA-R pathways wherein we’ve found impairments and dependencies.


      In connection to this, it will also be interesting to see if the ATR/Chk1 signaling axis is intact in CYPA KO cells with or without additional DNA damage compared to WT.


      At the reviewer’s request we include new data showing that HU-induced ATR-dependent CHK1 phosphorylation is normal in CYPA-KO and CYPA-R55A cells, and that ATR does not appear to be spontaneously activated in the absence of replication stress in these cells (Suppl Fig 1B).


      Authors show that the P112 residue of NBS1 is important for the binding of cyclophilinA. What is the status of interaction among components of the MRN complex in CYPAKO cells and P112G NBS1? Further, what are the authors' thoughts on rescue experiments and whether P112G containing NBS1 to perform resection function.


      We include new data showing normal expression of MRN components and normal subcellular localisation of NBS1 in the CYPA-KO and CYPA-R55A cells (Suppl Fig 7A-B). Regarding the interaction status of P112G, we show that this fails to co-IP endogenous CYPA when transiently expressed in HEK293 cells, in marked contrast to WT-NBS1 (Fig 8A). Furthermore, we show that ablation of another FHA Pro residue (P64) does not impair co-IP with endogenous CYPA under similar conditions, suggesting P112G is unique in this regard. Our recombinant protein interaction work demonstrates that CYPA-Step directly interacts with a HIS-(FHA-BRCT1) peptide and that P112G abolishes this interaction (Fig 8B). Regarding rescue experiments, we’ve found that stable overexpression of NBS1 can be neomorphic, resulting in resistance to certain DNA damaging agents, thereby complicating cell-based rescue analyses. We stress that along with our engineered KO and R55A (isomerase-dead) lines we have employed the well-known CYPAi Cyclosporin A (CsA) to reproduce several of the DNA-R related phenotypes (e.g., Fig 1, Fig 3, Fig 6, Fig 10, Fig 11). To further examine impacts upon resection specifically, a logical approach would be to engineer P112G into a full-length recombinant (baculoviral produced) human MRN complex for in vitro kinetic assessment using various labelled DNA substrates. But we think that this specialist and not insignificant undertaking is outside the scope of our report of the extensive cellular consequences of CYPA loss and dysfunction and it’s potential (pre)clinical significance with regards CYPAi repurposing.


      What are the protein levels of MRN, RAD51 etc. in CYPAKO cells? It will be important control to delineate the effects of CYPA on global transcription and translation vs specific and direct effect on end-resection. Can overexpression of NBS1 rescue the observed resection and focus phenotypes?


      Basal levels of RAD51 foci/cell are comparable between Scrm and both CYPA-KO and R55A cells (Fig 6D). We also find comparable levels of MRN components between these lines (Suppl Fig 7A). Importantly, we observe the pRPA/resection defect following an acute (up to 3hrs) treatment with CsA; conditions unlikely to grossly impair translation to an extent that would result in reduced expression of the relevant DNA-R proteins. Furthermore, microarray based transcriptomic analyses of these isogenic lines did not show evidence of a global impact upon transcription following CYPA-KO or R55A, nor was there evidence of reduced expression of any genome stability/DNA-R genes. We did not include this negative data so as to maintain the focus on the functional link with DNA repair.

      Reviewer #3: This critically negative review is myopic, unbalanced, self-contradictory and frustratingly mis-represents some of our key findings. The dismissive tone of the text unnecessarily and unprofessionally crosses into the pejorative (“Either evidence is lacking or experiments were not performed in a convincing way”). The stark contrast between this review and the summations of Reviewer #1 and Reviewer #2 serve to highlight this hyper-negative approach.

      It is very frustrating that this reviewer describes our findings as “…an interesting story…”, that “…the identification of NBS1 as a novel substrate of CYPA is significant” , that the “..manuscript may provide new insight…”, and that “…the role of CYPA in DNA repair is fairly well described using its inhibitor or KO cells”, and yet then concludes by stating “… the current manuscript suffers lack of evidence to support the main conclusion”. This is self-contradictory and unbalanced. Again, the contrast with Reviewer #1 and Reviewer #2 in this regard is stark.

      Major critical theme no. 1.

      Expression of CYPA-R55A: “…vastly different…”


      This reviewer dismisses the entirety of the R55A model cell line work based upon the apparent “…vastly different…” expression levels of the reconstituted lines. This is an overstatement of the situation and notably not an issue for either Reviewer #1 or Reviewer #2. Nonetheless, we have replaced the original CYPA blot in Fig 1C with a clearer and more representative depiction of expression levels between the engineered lines and control. Importantly, the pRPA/resection work, siRAD52 and siXRCC3 dependency work were all corroborated/reproduced using the CYPA PPI inhibitor Cyclopsorine A (CsA). The plurality of our complementary approaches showing the influence of CYPA upon DNA-R is minimised and/or ignored by this Reviewer. Although not shown in this study, we find that the R55A cells are selectively sensitive to DNA cross-linker melphalan, in contrast to the CYPA-KO cells. Although we don’t yet understand the basis of this observation, this clearly indicates that R55A expression is a valid model in our hands and is not a like-for-like mimic of CYPA-KO simply because of reduced expression. We appreciate the reviewer could not know this.

      Major critical theme no. 2.

      CYPA-NBS1 work: “Another major concern is that the evidence to support that NBS1 is the major substrate of CYPA is lacking since all the experiments were performed with the CYPA mutant or CsA treatment.”


      We do not claim that NBS1 is ”… the major substrate of CYPA.” . We do not claim that all the DNA-R deficits we have identified are specifically a consequence of impaired NBS1 function. These are misrepresentations of our findings and how we’ve presented and discussed them. This Reviewer ignores our comprehensive CYPA-BioID, and specifically our discussion pertaining to the DNA-R and Replication factors found therein (section entitled ‘CYPA Interacting protein partners’ and Fig 5A). We explicitly discuss the fact that “A recurring theme amongst these CYPA interactors is that all are involved in end-resection” whilst also demonstrating CYPA co-IP with 53BP1, CHAMP1 and ILF2-3 (Fig 5C-E). In the ‘Discussion’ section we describe a “homesostatic role for CYPA in genome stability”, including possible contributions to controlling LLPS of well-known DNA-R factors and the fact that several mitotic, kinetochore, centrosomal and spindle proteins are found in the CYPA-BioID.

      Major critical theme no. 3.

      A major repeated criticism levelled by this reviewer as a basis for dismissing the entirety our findings is that we have failed to demonstrate that the catalytic activity of CYPA is required for DSB repair.

      • Their conclusion should be supported by additional key experiments to prove that the catalytic activity of CYPA is indeed required for DSB repair…

      • Another major concern is that the evidence to support that NBS1 is the major substrate of CYPA is lacking since all the experiments were performed with the CYPA mutant or CsA treatment.

      • One major weakness of this study is that it focuses on characterizing the interaction between CYPA and NBS1, then jumps into a conclusion that the catalytic activity of CYPA is required for DSB repair based on its direct interaction with NBS1


      As this criticism is repeated, the impression created, and no doubt intended, is that the manuscript is irreparably flawed (“…major weakness…”). This is an over-simplification and a misdirection. It’s notable that this critique isn’t raised in such a manner by either Reviewer #1 or Reviewer #2. This is likely because any modest inferences we made concerning the possible role of CYPA catalytic isomerase activity were based on a combination of differing but complementary approaches. Firstly, we routinely used the p.R55A engineered CYPA variant, although this Reviewer regards our use of this as invalid. This longstanding peptidyl prolyl isomerase (PPI)-dead mutant model has frequently been employed to invoke the catalytic function of CYPA. The mutant was originally proposed and characterized as catalytically-dead using the in vitro chymotrypsin-coupled prolyl isomerase assay using N-succinyl-AAPF-p-nitroanilide as a substrate as far back as 1992 (Zydowsky, L.D., et al., Active site mutants of human cyclophilin A separate peptidyl-prolyl isomerase activity from cyclosporin A binding and calcineurin inhibition. Protein Science, 1992. 1(9): p.1092-1099). In addition, we routinely use Cyclopsorin A (CsA), the longstanding clinically relevant CYPA PPI inhibitor, and we also use a different and more potent CYPA PPI inhibitor, namely NIM811 (N-methyl-4-isoleucine-cyclosporine) for the DR-GFP reporter assays of individual DNA-R pathway function (i.e.’ NHEJ, HRR and SSA).

      With regards to our findings concerning CYPA-NBS1 interaction, in the Discussion section we clearly state that mechanistic analyses of prolyl isomerase on the dynamism of NBS1 FHA-BRCT would require specialist approaches outside the scope of this manuscript, as the manuscript is firmly within the realm of cellular biology. This is ignored by this Reviewer. Specifically, we state that “A regulated cis-trans isomerisation of the E111-P112 peptide bond could conceivably dynamically alter the relative positioning of the FHA domain with the tandem BRCTs of NBS1 (Fig 7C-D). This may then impact on these domains’ abilities to dynamically interact with their respective phospho-threonine (for FHA) and phospho-serine (BRCT) containing targets, consequently likely shaping/impacting NBS1 recruitment dynamics and/or plasticity of its interactome [120-122]. Demonstrating this hypothesis would require additional structural analysis using techniques such as 2D-NMR which is outside the scope of this manuscript.”

      Minor comments: 1.

      Fig. 1E; is the survival between KO and R55A statistically significant? If so, do the authors have an explanation? Why is the reconstitution of R55A more toxic than KO alone?


      Yes, R55A is slightly more sensitive compared to KO for this endpoint. The irony that this observation runs contrary to the Reviewer’s dismissal of the R55A model line is not lost on us (Major critical theme no. 1). As is well-known for PARP1, inhibition is not equivalent to absence. A possible speculative explanation is that the R55A isomerase-dead could have additional dominant impacts compared to the KO situation. Nonetheless, we suspect this Reviewer would object to such speculation in the absence of ever more data.

      Minor comments: 2.

      In Fig. 3D, the NHEJ activity of CsA- or NIM811-treated cells is significantly downregulated in comparison to control, which raises the possibility of the pleiotropic effect of CYPA inhibition. The authors should discuss this issue.


      Not necessarily indicative of a pleiotropic effect if one accepts that absence of a protein is not always biologically equivalent to the presence of an inhibited version the same protein. Of note, we do see somewhat reduced NHEJ following siCYPA (Fig 3A), something not mentioned by this Reviewer. Furthermore, we explicitly discuss and show interaction between CYPA and 53BP1, CHAMP1 and ILF2-3 complex, all players in NHEJ and in the intricate balance between NHEJ and resection-mediated recombination directed repair pathways.

      Minor comments: 3.

      In Figure 8A, since the expressions of Flag-NBS1 WT, P112G, and P64G are very different, the conclusion that the isomerization of CYPA is essential for NBS1 cannot be supported. Given the variation of input levels, it appears that the P64G mutation actually enhances the interaction with endogenous CYPA. Is this reproducible? This co-IP result may need to be quantified from independent sets for statistical analysis.


      We do not claim that “…isomerization of CYPA is essential for NBS1…”. Fig 8A data is derived from a transient transfection. Whilst there is some variation in expression, we do not make any precise quantitative conclusions from these co-IPs. Nonetheless, FLAG-NBS1-P112G clearly interacts less with endogenous CYPA in this system. Importantly, and ignored by this Reviewer, the associated recombinant protein work shown in Fig 8B clearly confirms that NBS1-P112G is profoundly compromised in its ability to interact with CYPA.

      Minor comments: 4.

      A defect in DSB repair generally hypersensitizes cells to DNA replication stress, including HU. In this regard, resistance of the CYPA KO (or R55A cells) to HU is interesting, but it may be due to the nonspecific effect of the CYPA loss in multiple DNA damage signaling and repair processes. Alternatively, cell cycle may be affected nonspecifically, rendering cells resistant to replication-associated genotoxic stress. This needs to be addressed further. Analysis of overall cell cycle profile may be required.


      Resistance to HU is likely multifactorial and cell cycle transition kinetics may be relevant here. That is why we linked the DNA replications phenotypes to this discussion in the section entitled “Impaired CYPA function reveals novel genetic dependencies/vulnerabilities”. A comprehensive analysis of cell cycle profile and phase transits is outside the scope of the current manuscript (see response to Reviewer #2).<br /> Impaired HU-induced pRPA has been linked to HU-resistance via NBS1 previously: Manthey, K.C., et al., NBS1 mediates ATR-dependent RPA hyperphosphorylation following replication-fork stall and collapse. J Cell Sci, 2007. 120(Pt 23): p. 4221-9.

      Minor comments: 5.

      Text not to mention Abstract is too dense. The manuscript will benefit a lot from extensive editing and rearrangement of figures to make the story more succinct for journal submission.


      The Reviewer’s view concerning a lack of succinctness is not shared by Reviewer #1 and Reviewer #2. We have endeavored to draft a concise and accessible manuscript, the main body of which comes in at just over 23x sides of A4 (including Materials & Methods). Considering we guide the reader through 12x multipart figures, 5x supplementary tables and 8x supplementary figure, we believe we have achieved succinctness. Nonetheless, we will of course take direction from the appropriate journal editorial team regarding house style and format.

    1. Authors’ response (3 January 2024)


      The TMEM16 protein family is composed of ten members in mammals, and fewer in lower eukaryotes. Members within this protein family play remarkably different roles: some serve as Ca<sup>2+</sup>-activated ion channels, others work as lipid scramblases in a Ca<sup>2+</sup>-dependent manner, and some combine the two functions. The molecular determinants responsible for lipid transport in TMEM16 scramblases are not fully defined. The current view of lipid scrambling is that, in presence of Ca<sup>2+</sup>, TMEM16 scramblases change their conformation to expose a hydrophilic ‘groove’ to the membrane. This destabilizes the lipid bilayer, enabling translocation of lipids (e.g. phosphatidylserine) from the inner to outer leaflet of the membrane. However, recent evidence suggests that scrambling can occur even when the hydrophilic groove is closed.

      The new study by Feng and colleagues aims to investigate the molecular basis of closed-groove scrambling using the fungal scramblase, nhTMEM16. This protein was previously reported to maintain closed groove conformations even in the presence of Ca<sup>2+</sup>. The authors resolved a series of WT nhTMEM16 structures in two different nanodisc scaffolds, as well as several mutants with impaired scrambling. Strikingly, the conformational landscape of nhTMEM16 was found to rely on the lipid composition and scaffold used: the smaller E3D1 scaffold favored closed groove states and the larger 2N2 scaffold permitted intermediate and open-groove conformations. A high-resolution closed-groove structure obtained in E3D1 allowed the identification of a continuous file of lipid molecules around the catalytic groove region, providing a structural basis for lipid interaction with the closed groove. This complements prior work from this group involving a closely-related homolog, afTMEM16, in which the authors were able to visualize lipid molecules around the open groove. Furthermore, the authors succeeded in capturing three novel states of nhTMEM16 (Ca<sup>2+</sup>-free closed, Ca<sup>2+</sup>-bound intermediate-open and Ca<sup>2+</sup>-bound wider open states), completing the picture of conformational transitions that this protein undergoes upon activation.

      Mutation of key residues interacting with outer leaflet lipids selectively impaired scrambling in the absence of Ca<sup>2+</sup>. Residues involved in groove opening (E313-R432) were also identified and a mutation at this site (R432A) locked the nhTMEM16 scramblase in a closed-groove conformation, providing new insights into residues critical for groove opening. Furthermore, the authors tested the activity of nhTMEM16 mutants in several lipid compositions and reported striking differences, clarifying discrepancies from the authors’ prior work on nhTMEM16 using different lipid compositions and consolidating some of the observations from other TMEM16 homologs. It is noteworthy that the authors probed the effect of nanodisc size and lipid composition on nhTMEM16 conformation, providing thought-provoking insights for the membrane protein field. This approach is particularly valuable for closed-groove mutant structures, to ensure that the observed conformation is not dictated by scaffold size.

      Overall, this is a piece of carefully executed experimental work. The results are interpreted carefully in the context of the published literature, and the work provides important insight into plasma membrane lipid homeostasis. While the study does not have technical weaknesses, it could be improved in its presentation in order to make it more accessible to readers who are not experts in the TMEM16 field.

      We wish to thank the Colab editor and reviewers for their insightful comments, helpful suggestions, and appreciation of our work. We have extensively revised our manuscript to address their comments and suggestions. Below is a detailed point-by-point response to their suggestions.


      Essential revisions:

      1. For readers not familiar with the field, some technical details might need to be explained in greater detail. For example:

      - In the section “Residues coordinating outer leaflet lipids are important in closed groove scrambling”, please indicate the method of measuring scrambling (liposome-based activity assay etc.) and refer to some of your prior work where the method is described for readers not familiar with the TMEM16 field. Additionally, it needs to be stated clearly what is considered a significant change in scrambling, as liposome assays are usually quite variable.

      We thank the reviewers for this suggestion. We edited the text to indicate the use of the well-established in vitro assay and added the relevant references (Lines 236-238).

      We illustrate the reproducibility of the experimental results by reporting in the bar charts the mean ± St. Dev of the scrambling rate constants, and by showing the values obtained from individual experiments (red dots superimposed to the bar charts). Additionally, we evaluated the statistical significance of the reported changes using Student’s t-test with Bonferroni correction. Finally, we added text discussing the limitations of our assay in lines 318-322.

      - Since prior work done by the group indicates that membrane thinning is a determinant of scrambling, and an open groove further thins the membrane to potentiate scrambling, it is not intuitive why the R432A mutant scrambles with WT-like rates in the presence of Ca<sup>2+</sup>. If this is due to the limitation of the assay (e.g. rate of NBD lipids bleaching), this should be stated more explicitly. Do the authors have insights from their structures regarding membrane thinning by R432A with/without Ca<sup>2+</sup> and how that compares to WT protein?

      We thank the reviewers for raising this important point. In the presence of Ca2+ the fluorescence decay of N-NBD-PE in nhTMEM16 vesicles occurs with kinetics that are slightly slower than those of the chemical reduction step by dithionite. Therefore, while we can resolve two exponential components, it is possible we are underestimating the scrambling rate constants α and β. However, we note that a large slowing effect would be well resolved in our experimental conditions. In contrast, in the absence of Ca2+, which is the focus of our current analyses, scrambling is much slower than the chemical step and is well resolved. Finally, we note that the triple mutant Y327A/F330A/Y439A alone has no effect on scrambling in 0.5 mM Ca2+ but induces a ~8 fold reduction in the scrambling rate constants in 0 Ca2+. When this mutant is combined with R432A, which favors the closed groove conformation, we now see in the presence of Ca2+ the same ~8-fold reduction in the scrambling rate constants. This suggests that our assay can resolve effects even in the presence of Ca2+. This is discussed in Lines 318-322.

      We only determined the structure of R432A in the presence of Ca2+, therefore we cannot evaluate how Ca2+ binding affects membrane thinning in this mutant.

      - It is difficult to follow the reasoning for the R432A+Y327A/F330A/Y439A mutant phenotype. Is the assumption that Y327A/F330A/Y439A is in the open conformation with Ca<sup>2+</sup>, and therefore adding a mutation stabilizing the closed groove impairs scrambling in presence of Ca<sup>2+</sup>?

      We have expanded the rationale for this experiment in lines 307-315.

      - What the authors believe about the lipid pathway when the groove is open should be discussed in more detail and with reference to Alvadia et al 2019.

      We thank the reviewers for this important suggestion. We now explicitly state that: “With a closed groove, thinning is less pronounced, and scrambling is slower than when the groove is open, rationalizing the Ca2+ dependence of this process (Extended Data Fig. 10d-f).” (Lines 432-434) Since the present work is focused on the mechanism of closed groove scrambling, we prefer to refrain from adding more speculations on what happens when the groove is open, especially since this topic was the focus of a paper we recently published (Falzone, Feng et al., Nat Comms, 2022).

      2. A more detailed account of the physiological significance of the findings should be presented in the Discussion to offer reader the authors’ view on the broader implications of the work. Relevant points include:

      - Do the authors believe that conformational bias in nhTMEM16 in various cryo-EM conditions may be reflective of physiological regulation? Is it likely to happen in cells in vivo?

      This is an excellent point. We do hypothesize that the various observed conformation are physiological and indeed we explicitly state “…that the 7 observed conformations represent intermediates along the transition from apo closed to Ca2+ bound open” (Lines 444-445). Beyond this, we cannot speculate on whether the environmental dependent bias on nhTMEM16 can happen in a physiological context. We imagine that subtle changes in membrane composition can affect TMEM16 function, and indeed we see quite dramatic effects of lipid composition of scrambling activity, however whether these changes are reflective of shifts in the conformational landscape of groove opening, of effects of membrane properties, or both, it remains to be seen. Gaining definitive insights into this would require extensive additional structural experiments in unbounded membranes (i.e., from reconstituted liposomes of different composition or native vesicles, cell membranes) that are outside of the scope of the present work.

      - Do the authors believe that such regulation may also apply to mammalian TMEM16 scramblases or even channels?

      We consider this is a definite possibility, and now added a sentence stating that “This raises the possibility that unbounded membranes, such as those of liposomes, might perturb less the conformational landscape of the imaged proteins.” (Lines 499-501) However, without direct evidence we prefer to avoid speculating on this fascinating topic.

      - What implications do these findings have for our understanding of lipid scrambling mechanisms by TMEM16 scramblases that work in intracellular (thinner) membranes (such as TMEM16K)?

      We agree this is an important point. We now added a sentence stating “The strong dependence of closed groove scrambling on membrane properties could provide a mode of regulation of TMEM16 activity in cellular membranes, such as the cholesterol rich plasma membrane or the thinner ER membrane.” (Lines 434-436)

      - What implications might the knowledge of residues involved in lipid scrambling of closed scramblases potentially have for medicine and therapy? Can the authors speculate as to whether the identified residues have the potential to be tackled pharmacologically and what use could this have?

      We do not know whether the residues we identified as important for closed groove scrambling could provide a pathway to pharmacological manipulation of TMEM16 scramblase activity. This is a fascinating topic, especially in light of the very poor availability of pharmacological tools to manipulate TMEM16 scramblase activity. However, at present it remains speculative and outside the scope of the present manuscript.

      More generally, what is the physiological role of lipid transport in the absence of Ca<sup>2+</sup>? Does this constitute a lipid "leak”?

      This is an excellent question. One possibility is that scramblases have a basal activity, that in cellular homeostasis is counteracted by the activity of flippases and floppases. Alternatively (or complementarily), it is possible that in the context of an unperturbed native membrane the basal activity is negligible. However, we do not have data addressing the present point and therefore our hypotheses remain limited to pure speculations, therefore we prefer to maintain the focus of the present manuscript on the mechanism of closed groove scrambling and on the potential effects that the environment can have on the interpretation cryoEM imaging experiments.

      Optional suggestions:

      1. Regarding residues involved in groove opening (E313-R432), it would be very interesting to expand the work by studying additional mutants and investigating more fully the role of E313 in DOPC:DOPG lipids, since at present only a mutation in R432 was tested experimentally in this lipid composition.

      We agree with the reviewers that expanding the analysis to other residues, such as E313, would be interesting. However, initial functional experiments suggested this mutant behaves similarly to R432A, and thus we did not think it would provide much additional mechanistically insights to what we already have.

      2. Measurements of ion transport in nhTMEM16 would also be useful to further validate the closed groove conformation of R432A. This could shed new light onto whether ion transport and lipid transport are coupled in TMEM16 proteins.

      This is an excellent suggestion, one that indeed we considered at length during this project. Ultimately, we decided not to pursue this avenue of investigations because of the limitations of the flux assay for non-specific ion channels. While flux assays can provide quantitative measures of effects for anion or cation selective channels, for non-selective channels these assays only provide very coarse yes/no answers (i.e., whether the construct mediates any channel activity or not). Since we expected these mutants might have intermediate phenotypes, rather than completely ablating channel activity, we were concerned that the experiments would be inconclusive at best or, at worst, misleading. These limitations are extensively discussed in our previous manuscripts (Lee et al., Nat Comms, 2018; Falzone and Accardi, Methods Mol Biol, 2020).

      3. Since the authors found significant differences in their new structures with previously reported, how do Ca<sup>2+</sup>-bound closed structures of nhTMEM16 in POPC/POPG (previously published) and DOPC/DOPG (obtained in this study) compare to each other?

      We thank the reviewers for this suggestion. In Lines 167-168 we now state: “The Ca2+ bound closed conformations in MSP1E3 DOPC/DOPG (PDBID: 6QMB) and MSP2N2 POPC/POPG are nearly identical (Cα r.m.s.d ~0.50 Å).”

      4. The purpose of creating composite symmetric maps from symmetry expanded monomers is questionable – if it is not possible to isolate this symmetric state by classification approaches, it is probably very transient, or not present at all. However, there are no strict guidelines, and it is acceptable as long as everything is described in MM and all the maps deposited. Are composite and monomer E3D1 apo maps deposited alongside the main map as EMD-41477?

      We agree with the reviewers that depositing the maps of the unexpanded dimers is appropriate and opportune, and indeed we did so

      i. the combined dimer map which was primarily used for model building is deposited as EMDB: 41453 and the model as PDB: 8TOI;

      ii. the local refined monomer map was deposited as EMDB: 41458

      iii. the dimer consensus map used for map combination was deposited as EMDB: 41457

      The rationale to generate a combined dimer map is that this allows for a better visualization of the protein-bilayer interface and the ensuing distortions. When viewing the map of a single monomer it is difficult to appreciate these effects.

      5. The authors show that Ca<sup>2+</sup>-dependent α6 straightening is important for closed-groove scrambling. This is directly relevant for TMEM16F, for which this is the only conformational change observed. The authors note that extracellular α4 is more mobile in R432A mutant, is this in any way similar to the conformations reported for more active TMEM16F mutants (Arndt et al., 2022)?

      What we see is that the density for the top of TM4 becomes very weak. This is quite different from what Arndt et al. reported, where they see a significant and defined movement of both TM4 and TM3. While we think many of the basic mechanisms of closed-groove scrambling we and many others are beginning to unravel are likely conserved across TMEM16 homologues, it is very likely that differences will exist between homologues. We now make this important point in Lines 432-434.

      (This is a response to peer review conducted by Biophysics Colab on version 1 of this preprint.)

    1. Authors’ response (11 February 2024)


      Ionotropic glutamate receptors mediate the large majority of excitatory synaptic transmission in the brain. These receptors consist of four classes: AMPA, kainate, NMDA and delta receptors. NMDA receptors are obligate tetramers composed of two GluN1 and two GluN2 (or GluN3) subunits. Compared to other iGluRs, they have the particularity of requiring two different agonists for their channel to open: glycine binding on GluN1 and glutamate on GluN2.

      Seljeset et al. investigate the molecular determinants controlling ligand potency and NMDAR activity at the level of the ligand-binding domains (LBDs), where the agonists bind. They identify a specific position, D732, whose mutation to either leucine or phenylalanine leads to a constitutively active GluN1 subunit, and thus to NMDARs activated solely by glutamate. This aspartate is well known in the field, since it is a highly conserved, signature residue in iGluRs that binds amino acid ligands, together with an arginine in the LBD upper lobe. Surprisingly, although glycine cannot further activate GluN1-D732L/GluN2Awt receptors, glycine site antagonists like 5,7-DCKA or CGP-78608 can still bind and inhibit NMDAR activity. This study is therefore very intriguing, as it raises new questions about something that was previously thought to be understood. By using a combination of unnatural amino acids and conventional mutagenesis, the authors propose that D732 contributes to glycine-mediated effects by changing local interactions with nearby residues. In addition, they show that this behavior is specific for the GluN1 subunit, since mutation of the equivalent aspartate in the GluN2 subunit does not yield constitutively activated GluN2 subunits. Finally, the authors identify a homomeric iGluR from the placozoan Trichoplax adhaerens, Trichoplax AKDF<sup>19383</sup>, in which this conserved aspartate is replaced by a tyrosine. When expressed in Xenopus oocytes, the channel shows constitutive activity. Mutation of the tyrosine into an aspartate, to convert Trichoplax AKDF<sup>19383</sup> into a “classical” iGluR, decreases Trichoplax AKDF<sup>19383</sup> constitutive current and allows this channel to be activated by glycine and D-serine. Interestingly, an adjacent residue that is a serine in most mammalian subunits is also a tyrosine in Trichoplax AKDF<sup>19383</sup>, and mutation of both tyrosines yields a glutamate-gated ion channel comparable to mammalian receptors. All of this suggests that the nature of the residue at position 732 influences not only ligand binding but also channel gating.

      The study is technically sound, with appropriate controls, and uncovers intriguing properties of a position in GluN1 LBD at which specific side chain mutations can lock the subunit in an active state. Investigation of Trichoplast iGluR further reinforces these findings. This study should lead to a better understanding of how LBDs prime channel opening in iGluRs in the absence of agonists. In addition, co-agonist insensitive GluN1-D732L containing NMDARs could be used as tools to investigate the physiological consequences of NMDAR regulation by their co-agonist site. In contrast to previously engineered NMDARs activated solely by glutamate, which rely on the LBD being locked in its active state by cysteine bridges (Blanke and VanDongen, J Biol Chem 2008), GluN1-D37L/GluN2A NMDARs remain druggable (i.e. they can still be inhibited by glycine-site competitive antagonists). This is a great advantage when investigating the function of these receptors in a native context. The study identifies a few gaps that remain in our mechanistic understanding of D732’s role in channel gating. Particularly, it is unclear how subtle modification of residue side chains at position D732 lead to such drastic changes in function and why these effects are specific to GluN1 LBD. Also, why does mutation of D732 into isoleucine lead to a constitutively active GluN1 subunit, while mutation of a closely related leucine residue prevents activation of the receptor by glycine? The idea of a “hydrophobic plug” formed by D732L or D732F sidechains leading to constitutive activation would benefit from further validation since other hydrophobic substitutions (A, V, I, Y, and W) do not produce similar effects. Finally, it would be interesting to carry out further investigations of the role of the interaction between D732 and Q536 in open conformation stability. Thus, this paper puts forth interesting questions that could be addressed by future studies, for example molecular dynamics simulations and exploration of the LBD free energy landscapes (as in Yao et al., Structure 2013), to understand the impact of the GluN1-D732L mutation on GluN1 LBD conformational mobility.


      Essential revisions:

      1. Page 2, “These data show that essentially all substitutions at the GluN1-732 position decrease glycine potency, but leucine and phenylalanine substitutions also remove the requirement for glycine co-agonism in GluN1/GluN2A NMDA receptors”: One other hypothesis for the lack of glycine dependence of GluN1-D732I and D732Y + GluN2A receptors could be that the mutated receptors have a glycine potency so high that GluN1 LBD is already saturated by contaminating, ambient glycine. At this point in the paper, the authors cannot distinguish between one hypothesis or the other, therefore we suggest that this sentence be rephrased. Later in the text, control experiments with GluN1-R523K mutations that kill glycine binding and competition with 5,7-DCKA show that glycine-independent activation of GluN1-D732L/GluN2A mutants is not due to constitutive occupancy of GluN1 LBD by contaminating glycine.

      ER1) We have now changed this to (page 4): “These data show that most substitutions at the GluN1-732 position decrease glycine potency, but leucine and phenylalanine substitutions alter GluN1 activity in such a way that leads to single-mutant NMDA receptors activated solely by glutamate.”

      1. Does glycine insensitivity in GluN1-D732L/GluN2A NMDARs reflect a constitutively active GluN1 subunit or is this subunit locked in another conformational state that cannot be further modified by glycine? This could be answered by estimating the maximum open probability of GluN1-D732L/GluN2A NMDARs compared to their wt counterparts. To estimate Po, the authors could measure the kinetics of NMDA receptor current inhibition by MK801 (the slower MK801 inhibition, the lower the Po; see Chen et al., J. Neurosci 1999; Blanke and VanDongen, JBC 2008) in the presence of saturating agonist concentrations (100 μM Glu, 100 μM Gly for wt and only 100 μM Glu for mutant).

      ER2) We have now assessed the rate of MK-801 block in glutamate-gated mutant and glycine + glutamate-gated WT receptors, and reshuffled text/figures, as this ties in well with ER4) below. MK-801 results now in Figure 3 on page 6, and main text on page 5: “In order to understand whether the glycine-insensitive GluN1-D732L subunit is in a constantly activated state or occupies a different conformation that may reflect an alternative to typical channel gating, we compared the kinetics of WT receptor and GluN1-D732L-containing receptor inhibition by the open-channel blocker MK-801, which can be used to evaluate maximum open probability of NMDARs <sup>26,30</sup>. We observed very similar kinetics of inhibition of WT and mutant receptors (Fig. 3A), indicating similar open probability in solely glutamate-gated GluN1-D732L-containing receptors and glutamate and glycine-gated WT receptors. This reflects unchanged maximum open probability in solely glutamate-gated NMDARs with disulfide-locked GluN1 LBDs assayed by single channel recordings <sup>27</sup>. This suggests that the GluN1-D732L subunit is in a constantly activated state.”

      When viewed alongside high sensitivity of mutant subunits to DCKA - OS1) below - it’s difficult to conclude what sort of active state the mutant subunit adopts. We’ve assessed the best we can at the moment, and in this paper we’ll have to leave it at “here is the observation; here is some evidence ruling out various possibilities; and here is a receptor from another family that shows something remarkably consistent”. Future studies will have to establish exactly what state the mutant subunit adopts.

      1. Page 4: The term “hydrophobic plug” is not fully justified since other hydrophobic residues do not lock GluN1 LBD in its active state.

      ER3) We have replaced nearly all use of this term, in the title and in the main text, to e.g. “certain hydrophobic substitutions” or “L/F substitutions”.

      1. Figure 2, redox sensitivity of GluN1-D732L/GluN2Awt: It would be helpful to explain the point of this experiment – maybe to investigate if the D732L mutation has an impact on the receptor gate rather than on the LBD? In any case, the authors should investigate the effect of DTT on the activity of wt GluN1/GluN2A receptors to determine whether there is an absence of an effect of the D732L mutant on redox sensitivity.

      ER4) Indeed we were curious if D732L affected the gate via this allosteric route, rather than by just altering LBD conformation. And we have now shown the effect of DTT on WT receptors.

      In addition to re-writing to better explain the point, as suggested, we have also re-written to follow on from new data/text on the whether the D732L mutation affects LBD, gating, etc: “We next questioned if D732L/F substitutions affect channel gating, rather than simply altering the LBD conformation. The gating machinery is complex, but it includes the peptide segment linking the C-terminal end of the LBD to membrane-spanning helix 4 (LBD-M4 linker, (11)). The LBD and LBD-M4 linker are confined by a C744—C798 disulfide, just four helical turns after D732, whose disruption by reduction enhances channel gating (28)). We considered that if the D732L/F substitution is coupled to channel gating via this route, then removal of the C744—C798 disulfide via the C744A mutation might alter glutamate-gated currents in GluN1-D732L-containing receptors. Alternatively, the typical enhancement by the reducing agent dithiothreitol (DTT) might differ in GluN1-D732L compared to WT receptors.”

      And new Figure 3 now includes DTT effects on WT receptors.

      1. Page 6: The authors find that mutation of Q536 decreases glycine potency and conclude there is an interaction between D732 and Q536. However, the effects of D732 and Q536 mutations could be independent, therefore the authors should consider mutating both residues together to look at the additive/non-additive effects of the mutations. Or perhaps, note in the Discussion that some sort of mutant cycle analysis or molecular dynamics simulation would be needed to rigorously test these ideas.

      ER5) We have now made and tested a double mutant combining D732E and Q536N and performed mutant cycle analysis.

      (We also tried to do this for Q536 side chain (regular mutations) and A734 main chain (non-canonical substitutions), but double mutants involving non-canonical amino acids at A734 were not successful – Figure S1.)

      As is now shown in Figure 4D, the effects of the mutations are decidedly non-additive, yielding an Ω value of 0.05, corresponding to a reasonably high energetic coupling of ~7 kJ/mol. We have now added to the relevant section of the Results on page 8: “If an interaction between Q536 and D732 were energetically important for receptor activation, the effects of their mutations should be non-additive <sup>31</sup>. We therefore tested glycine potency at double-mutant GluN1-Q536N/D732E-containing receptors and observed non-additive changes in EC<sub>50</sub>, with a strong coupling value, Ω, of 0.05 (Fig. 4D). This deviation of Ω from unity, corresponding to an interaction energy of 7.4 kJ/mol is relatively high <sup>31</sup>, confirming that Q536 and D732 are energetically coupled. We tried to analyse energetic coupling between Q536 and A734 via double mutants incorporating nonsense suppression at the A734 position, but unfortunately, attempts to incorporate Aah into such double mutants via nonsense suppression were unsuccessful (Fig. S1B).”

      1. Page 6, “A hydrophobic plug does not cause constitutive activity in all NMDA receptor subtypes”: This title is misleading as it raises the expectation that the effect of GluN1-D732L has been investigated in the context of GluN1/GluN2A, GluN1/GluN2B, etc NMDARs. Instead, the equivalent mutation is made in the GluN2 subunit. We suggest using the word “subunit” rather than “subtype”.

      ER6) We have changed this Results section title (page 8) to: “L/F substitutions do not cause constitutive activity in all NMDA receptor subunits”

      1. Page 7, effect of GluN1-D732L in the context of GluN1/GluN3 NMDARs: We would not expect current to be observed with GluN1-D732L/GluN3 NMDARs, since locking GluN1 LBD in its active state desensitizes the receptors. The effect of the D732L mutation seems therefore conserved between GluN1/GluN2 and GluN1/GluN3 NMDARs. In addition, when using CGP, please cite Grand et al., Nat. Commun. 2018 since they were the first to use CGP as a tool to record GluN1/GluN3 currents.

      ER7) We have now cited that paper specifically here (page 8) and inserted the following (page 8/9): “While this seems like inactivity of the mutant GluN1 subunit in GluN1(4a)/GluN3A, it could yet reflect the activity of constitutively active mutant GluN1 subunits in GluN1/GluN2A receptors, as GluN1 activity in GluN1/GluN3A receptors is known to cause more desensitization than activation (Grand et al 2018).”

      1. Figure 5C: It is stated in the text that the aspartate position is “highly” conserved. However, no actual number or percentages are given for this statement. How does it compare to the residues in the highly conserved SYTANLAAF motif or other conserved positions? This sort of analysis does not need to be done for the entire receptor, but perhaps for glycine and glutamate binding residues and SYTANLAAF motif, to give a quantitative feel for statements about conservation. In addition, what other types of residues occupy this position in other species? And what was the number of species/subunits included in the analysis?

      ER8) To clarify the level of conservation, we have added Table 1 (page 10) listing the % conservation of amino acids at selected positions.

      In analyzing % conservation, we noticed that several iGluR sequences with gaps in the ligand-binding domain or channel-forming helices had escaped our filtering out incomplete sequences in our phylogenetic analysis. We therefore revisited our phylogenetic analysis, removed several incomplete sequences, and replaced Crassostrea gigas (a mollusc spiralian) iGluR sequences with Schmidtea mediterranea (a flatworm spiralian) sequences. This (1) means less sequences with gaps in the ligand-binding domain in our alignment/tree and (2) better covers the diversity of the lineage Spiralia now that we have sequences of Lingula anatina and Schmidtea mediterranea, which are more distantly related than Lingula anatina and Crassosttrea gigas (Laumer et al 2019, PMID:31690235; Marlétaz et al., 2019, PMID:30639106).

      The result is a phylogenetic and amino acid sequence analysis of 204 iGluR genes (previous version had 212 genes) with the same overall topology as the previous version, including lambda, NDMA, epsilon, and AKDF iGluR families (Fig. 5B, page 9).

      The number of subunits/genes used is stated in the Figure legend. The number of and reasoning behind the number of species used is described under Methods, Bioinformatic analyses: in exploring the conservation of the D732 residue, we have not tried to use as many iGluR sequences as possible; rather we have tried to assess this residue in a broad sample covering all (animal) iGluR families and from a careful selection of different animal lineages, while also avoiding fast-evolving species like Drosophila, which complicate tree topology. Hence our description of “two ctenophores, one poriferan, etc” under Methods, Bioinformatic analyses. In the main text (Results, page 9), we retain our original description: “We assembled diverse iGluR sequences, covering all animal lineages and animal iGluR families (Fig. 6A,B)…”

      1. Figure 5, panel F: From what we understand, the authors created dose-response curves for wt Trichoplast AKDF<sup>193863</sup> based on steady-state currents and for Y742D/Y743S mutants based on peak currents. If this is the case, one cannot compare the two dose-response curves since peak current potentiation and steady-state inhibition likely reflect different conformational transitions.

      ER9) We acknowledge this issue and that we can’t really say that ligand-activated D742 channels bind D-serine better than ligand-deactivated Y742 channels. But we think it’s fair to point out that mutant D742 channels react (by conducting current) to micromolar ligand concentrations whereas wildtype Y742 channels react (with decreased current) only to millimolar concentrations, and we have re-written to acknowledge the issue raised for this comparison (page 11): “Finally, we tried to assess whether position 742 determines ligand potency in addition to channel activity in AKDF<sup>19383</sup> receptors. For these experiments we employed D-serine, as recovery from glycine-induced deactivation (Fig. 6C, far-left) and activation/desensitization (Fig. 6C, far-right) was very slow. Substantial deactivation of WT receptors was only induced by millimolar D-serine concentrations, whereas Y742D-containing mutants were activated by micromolar concentrations (Fig. 6D,E), with an EC<sub>50</sub> of 490 ± 120 µM at Y742D/Y743S (n = 4; Y742D EC<sub>50</sub> not assessed due to slow recovery from desensitization). Our measure of potency is confounded by the fact that deactivation (in WT channels) and activation (in mutant channels) are presumably coupled to D-serine binding via different conformational transitions. Nonetheless, we observe that a naturally occurring large hydrophobic side chain at the top of the β-strand preceding the αI helix leads to an AKDF homo-tetramer that shows constitutive activity and responds only to millimolar concentrations of D-serine. In contrast, “re-introducing” an aspartate to this position reinstates more typical ligand-dependent activation and sensitivity to micromolar concentrations of D-serine.”

      Optional suggestions:

      1. Figure 2, glycine/DCKA competition: It is difficult to understand how a GluN1 LBD-locked closed (active state) could still bind DCKA. If the open-to-close equilibrium of GluN1 LBD is displaced towards its closed state, then DCKA Ki should be shifted to the right compared to wt receptors. Additionally, DCKA inhibition kinetics should be slower if DCKA needs to “wait” for rare resting-like conformational changes to bind. Did the authors investigate DCKA potency and inhibition kinetics?

      OS1) We have now investigated DCKA potency. DCKA capably inhibits GluN1-D732L/GluN2A-WT activity, and perhaps surprisingly, potency of DCKA at the mutant is greater than at wildtype. We suspect this is due to (1) the introduction of a hydrophobic leucine residue right next to an aryl group of DCKA, increasing DCKA affinity directly, (2) the absence of glycine binding to this site, so no need for competition, and (3) potentially other mechanisms such as cooperativity between subunits. Again, establishing the precise nature of our mutant LBD conformation here is for future structural and molecular dynamics studies. But we have described the results, along with our following interpretation, (page 4): “Whether increased DCKA potency in GluN1-D732L subunits derives from the now non-competitive nature of the inhibition in mutant receptors or from the introduction of a favourable hydrophobic interaction with the dichlorobenzene moiety of the inhibitor is unclear. But the high DCKA potency would suggest that the constitutively active GluN1-D732L subunit is, unexpectedly, not due to a permanently clamshell-closed LBD in the mutant. This may reflect the fact that extent of LBD closure is poorly correlated with agonist efficacy in GluN1 subunits, in contrast to AMPA receptor GluA2 subunits <sup>21</sup>.”

      1. The authors show in many panels that GluN1/GluN2A currents desensitize (e.g. Fig.1B, 3C, 4A). In Xenopus oocytes, NMDAR currents do not normally desensitize. We fear this desensitization might stem from contamination of the NMDA current by calcium-activated chloride channels, which can be activated by high quantities of barium when large NMDAR currents are measured. To avoid this problem, we advise that NMDA currents above 2 µA are avoided.

      OS2) We have moved forward presuming that potential changes in current amplitude due to a small chloride flux doesn’t affect our measures of potency or ligand-selectivity. But in our new experiments, we’ve especially tried to avoid large currents.

      1. Page 5, investigation of D732 state-dependent interactions: Mutation of residues near D732 to unnatural amino acids to replace the peptidic NH do not bring much information about the mechanisms of D732 action. The fact that the 734Aah and 735Vah cannot mimic the effect of the D732L mutation could be due to many factors, including the fact that changing the peptide bond probably changes the local structure of the LBD. Perhaps mention this in the discussion.

      OS3) We have now acknowledged this possibility in the Results, right after we describe the decrease in glycine potency caused by the 734Aah mutation (page 7): “Although this may be due to local conformational changes due to altered main chain structure,…”

      1. It is intriguing that the D732L mutation locks an active conformation of the GluN1 subunit but not the GluN2 subunit, suggesting two different mechanisms of LBD closure by glutamate and glycine. It would be interesting to look at the effect of the equivalent mutation on the GluN3 subunit to investigate if this locking effect is specific to glycine-binding LBDs or just to the GluN1 subunit.

      OS4) We have now made and tested mutant GluN3A subunits D485L and D485F. Simply decreases glycine activity altogether (reflecting the effects of the mutations in GluN2A). Described on page 9: “Similarly, at oocytes injected with GluN1(4a)-WT and GluN3A-D845L or -D845F mRNAs, we saw no response to glycine alone or glycine in the presence of CGP 78608 (Fig 5D). Together, these results indicate that the induction of a constitutively active state by the D732L/F substitution is an exclusive feature of the GluN1 subunit, and the only conserved feature of the mutation in different subunits is a decrease in agonist potency.”

      1. Page 9: Discussing the position of residue side chains from structures with 4 Å resolution does not seem relevant and would benefit from a caveat.

      OS5) We want to retain our comparison of experiments with available structural data, so we have kept this but re-written to more openly acknowledge the caveat (page 12): “Indeed, in a cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) study of GluN1/GluN2B receptors, D732 has only swung toward the ligand and away from A734 in a second of two putative pre-gating step structural models, although this is speculative considering the poor resolution of D732 side chains in those cryo-EM maps (12).”

      1. Page 10: We don’t understand the point that the authors want to make with the activation of Aplysia californica. Please clarify.

      OS6) He we were trying to say that “not much is required to change NMDARs from requisite co-agonism to single-ligand agonism”, either (a) in the lab via the D732L mutation or (b) naturally, as invertebrate NMDA receptors apparently show single-ligand agonism (results on invertebrate NDMARs in the literature). Further, we want to say that “by extension, we wonder if (c) in certain physiological situations, vertebrate NMDARs might indeed need only a single ligand.” We acknowledge this was unclear and – although it’s still speculative – we have now changed to (page 13): “Our work shows that only small changes in the GluN1 LBD are required for solely glutamate-gated currents in vertebrate GluN1/GluN2 receptors, and previous work suggests that invertebrate Drosophila melanogaster and Aplysia californica GluN1/GluN2 receptors can be activated by single ligands <sup>50,51</sup>. This suggests that NMDA receptors’ requirement of co-agonism is easily alleviated by certain mutations or conditions. As iGluR-modulatory proteins vary across cell types or even across neuronal compartments <sup>52,53</sup> and NMDA receptor sequence varies across animals, it is foreseeable that in certain physiological settings, certain NMDA receptors might be activated by glutamate alone. But in most settings, certainly in vertebrates, it seems that glutamate-induced activation of NMDA receptors relies on a system of ambient glycine or D-serine <sup>54,55</sup>.”

      1. In iGluRs, constitutive currents are often induced by mutations in the gate region, near the SYTANLAAF motif (e.g. lurcher mutations). Does the sequence around the gate of Trichoplast AKDF<sup>193863</sup> predict channel constitutive activity?

      OS7) Our results with WT, single mutant Y742D, and double mutant Y742D/Y743S Trichoplax AKDF<sup>19383</sup> receptors already show convincing evidence that the constitutive activity is via the Y742 and Y743 position: the tyrosine residues are unique to this leaky channel, and their mutation to more typical residues removes the leak current (Fig. 7B, page 11, revised manuscript).

      But a look at upper M3 is warranted. As shown in Fig. 6C, AKDF<sup>19383</sup> (YTANMAAFL) is quite similar to typical iGluRs (e.g. GluA2 YTANLAAFL). But one might ask about the single M/L difference in that motif, and we have therefore made and tested the M657L AKDF<sup>19383</sup> mutant, comparing it with WT. Results show that this small M3 difference has little effect on channel activity. We have added this data in new Figure 7D and described it (page 11): “As channel activity of iGluRs also relies on the upper segment of the third membrane-spanning helix (M3, (34)), we also examined this segment in AKDF<sup>19383</sup>. AKDF<sup>19383</sup> differs only subtly from most iGluRs with a methionine residue (M657) instead of leucine here (Fig. 6C), but we tested potential effects of this difference by mutating M657 to leucine. M657L activity was much like WT (Fig. 7D), however, confirming that divergence at Y742/Y743 and not the upper M3 segment determines the unique activity of AKDF<sup>19383</sup>.”

      1. D-serine is another co-agonist that binds the GluN1 subunit. Compared to glycine, D-serine can make additional interactions with the lower lobe of GluN1 LBD. It would be interesting to look at D-serine dose-response curves in GluN1-D732L/GluN2A receptors: are these receptors also D-serine insensitive or can they be further activated by D-serine?

      OS8) We have now measured the effects of D-serine on GluN1-D732L/GluN2A-WT receptors. As we now show in Figure 1B (green symbols), D-serine at increasing concentrations (100 nM through 100 μM) activates no additional current on top of the glutamate-gated current in mutant receptors. We have added to the end of the first Results paragraph (page 3): “Similarly, large currents were activated in mutant GluN1-D732L/GluN2A-WT receptors when 100 nM through 100 μM D-Serine was applied the presence of 100 µM glutamate (green in Fig. 1B).”

      (This is a response to peer review conducted by Biophysics Colab on version 1 of this preprint.)

    1. Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors compared four types of hiPSCs and four types of hESCs at the proteome level to elucidate the differences between hiPSCs and hESCs. Semi-quantitative calculations of protein copy numbers revealed increased protein content in iPSCs. Particularly in iPSCs, proteins related to mitochondrial and cytoplasmic were suggested to reflect the state of the original differentiated cells to some extent. However, the most important result of this study is the calculation of the protein copy numbers per cell, and the validity of this result is problematic. In addition, several experiments need to be improved, such as using cells of different genders (iPSC: female, ESC: male) in mitochondrial metabolism experiments.


      The focus on the number of copies of proteins is exciting and appreciated if the estimated calculation result is correct and biologically reproducible.


      The proteome results in this study were likely obtained by simply looking at differences between clones, and the proteome data need to be validated. First, there were only a few clones for comparison, and the gender and number of cells did not match between ESCs and iPSCs. Second, no data show the accuracy of the protein copy number per cell obtained by the proteome data.

      We agree with the reviewer in their assessment that more independent stem cell clones and an equal gender balance would be preferable. We will mention these considerations as limitations of our study and encourage a larger-scale follow-up.

      Regarding the estimated copy numbers, we would like to highlight that they have been extensively in the field, with direct validation of the differences in copy numbers with orthogonal methods like FACS2-4,7,10. Furthermore, the original paper directly compared the copy numbers estimated using the “proteomic ruler” to spike-in protein epitope signature tags and found remarkable concordance. This was performed with a much older generation mass spectrometer with reduced peptide coverage, and the author predicted that higher coverage would increase the quantitative performance.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Pluripotent stem cells are powerful tools for understanding development, differentiation, and disease modeling. The capacity of stem cells to differentiate into various cell types holds great promise for therapeutic applications. However, ethical concerns restrict the use of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). Consequently, induced human pluripotent stem cells (ihPSCs) offer an attractive alternative for modeling rare diseases, drug screening, and regenerative medicine.

      A comprehensive understanding of ihPSCs is crucial to establish their similarities and differences compared to hESCs.

      This work demonstrates systematic differences in the reprogramming of nuclear and non-nuclear proteomes in ihPSCs.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive assessment.


      The authors employed quantitative mass spectrometry to compare protein expression differences between independently derived ihPSC and hESC cell lines. Qualitatively, protein expression profiles in ihPSC and hESC were found to be very similar. However, when comparing protein concentration at a cellular level, it became evident that ihPSCs express higher levels of proteins in the cytoplasm, mitochondria, and plasma membrane, while the expression of nuclear proteins is similar between ihPSCs and hESCs. A higher expression of proteins in ihPSCs was verified by an independent approach, and flow cytometry confirmed that ihPSCs had larger cell sizes than hESCs. The differences in protein expression were reflected in functional distinctions. For instance, the higher expression of mitochondrial metabolic enzymes, glutamine transporters, and lipid biosynthesis enzymes in ihPSCs was associated with enhanced mitochondrial potential, increased ability to uptake glutamine, and increased ability to form lipid droplets.


      While this finding is intriguing and interesting, the study falls short of explaining the mechanistic reasons for the observed quantitative proteome differences. It remains unclear whether the increased expression of proteins in ihPSCs is due to enhanced transcription of the genes encoding this group of proteins or due to other reasons, for example, differences in mRNA translation efficiency. Another unresolved question pertains to how the cell type origin influences ihPSC proteomes. For instance, whether ihPSCs derived from fibroblasts, lymphocytes, and other cell types all exhibit differences in their cell size and increased expression of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial proteins. Analyzing ihPSCs derived from different cell types and by different investigators would be necessary to address these questions.

      We agree with the Reviewer that our study does not provide a mechanistic reason for the quantitative differences between the two cell types. However, we will include an expanded section in the discussion where we discuss the potential causes.<br /> We also agree studying hiPSCs reprogrammed from different cell types, such as blood lymphocytes, would be of great interest and will include a section about this within the discussion to encourage further research into the area.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In this study, Brenes and colleagues carried out proteomic analysis of several human induced pluripotent (hiPSC) and human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines. The authors found quantitative differences in the expression of several groups of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial proteins. Overall, hiPSC expressed higher levels of proteins such as glutamine transporters, mitochondrial metabolism proteins, and proteins related to lipid synthesis. Based on the protein expression differences, the authors propose that hiPSC lines differ from hESC in their growth and metabolism.


      The number of generated hiPSC and hESC lines continues to grow, but potential differences between hiPSC and hESC lines remain to be quantified and explained. This study is a promising step forward in understanding of the differences between different hiPSC and hESC lines.


      It is unclear whether changes in protein levels relate to any phenotypic features of cell lines used. For example, the authors highlight that increased protein expression in hiPSC lines is consistent with the requirement to sustain high growth rates, but there is no data to demonstrate whether hiPSC lines used indeed have higher growth rates.

      We respectfully disagree with the reviewer on this point. Our data shows that hESCs and hiPSCs show significant differences in protein mass and cell size, validated by the EZQ assay and FACS, while having no significant differences in their cell cycle profiles. Thus increased size and protein content would require higher growth rates to sustain the increased mass, which is what we show.

      The authors claim that the cell cycle of the lines is unchanged. However, no details of the method for assessing the cell cycle were included so it is difficult to appreciate if this assessment was appropriately carried out and controlled for.<br /> We apologise for this omission; the details will be included in the revised version of the document.

      Details and characterisation of iPSC and ESC lines used in this study were overall lacking. The lines used are merely listed in methods, but no references are included for published lines, how lines were obtained, what passage they were used at, their karyotype status, etc. For details of basic characterisation, the authors should refer to the ISSC Standards for the use of human stem cells in research. In particular, the authors should consider whether any of the changes they see may be attributed to copy number variants in different lines.

      We agree with the reviewer on this. The hiPSC lines were generated by the HipSci consortium in the Wellcome Sanger Centre as described in the flagship HipSci paper13. We cite the flagship paper which specifies in great detail the reprogramming protocols and quality control measures, including looking at copy number variations13. However, we agree that we did not make this information easily accessible for readers. We also believe it is relevant to also explicitly include this information on our manuscript instead of expecting readers to look at the flagship paper. These details will be added to the revised version.

      The expression data for markers of undifferentiated state in Figure 1a would ideally be shown by immunocytochemistry or flow cytometry as it is impossible to tell whether cultures are heterogeneous for marker expression.

      We agree with the reviewer on this. FACS is indeed much more quantitative and a better method to study heterogeneity. However, we did not have protocols to study these markers using FACS.

      TEM analysis should ideally be quantified.

      We agree with the reviewer that it would be nice to have a quantitative measure.

      All figure legends should explicitly state what graphs are representing (e.g. average/mean; how many replicates (biological or technical), which lines)? Some data is included in Methods (e.g. glutamine uptake), but not for all of the data (e.g. TEM).

      We agree with the reviewer completely. These points will be remediated in the revised version of the manuscript.

      Validation experiments were performed typically on one or two cell lines, but the lines used were not consistent (e.g. wibj_2 versus H1 for respirometry and wibj_2, oaqd_3 versus SA121 and SA181 for glutamine uptake). Can the authors explain how the lines were chosen?

      We will include these details within the updated manuscript.

      The authors should acknowledge the need for further functional validation of the results related to immunosuppressive proteins.

      We agree with the reviewer and will add a clear sentence in the discussion making this point explicitly.

      Differences in H1 histone abundance were highlighted. Can the authors speculate as to the meaning of these differences?

      Regarding H1 histones, our study of the literature as well as interaction with chromatin and histone experts both within our institute and externally have not shed light into what the differences could imply. We think this is an interesting result that merits further study, but we don’t have a clear hypothesis on the consequences.

      In summary, we thank the reviewers for their comments and will prepare a revised version that addresses their suggestions.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The manuscript titled 'Rab7 dependent regulation of goblet cell protein CLCA1 modulates gastrointestinal 1 homeostasis' by Gaur et al discusses the role of Rab7 in the development of ulcerative colitis by regulating the lysosomal degradation of Clca1, a mucin protease. The manuscript presents interesting data and provides a potential molecular mechanism for the pathological alterations observed in ulcerative colitis. Gaur et al demonstrate that Rab7 levels are lowered in UC and CD. However, a similar analysis of Rab7 levels in ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD) patient samples was conducted recently (Du et al, Dev Cell, 2020) which showed that Rab7 levels are found to be elevated under these conditions. While Gaur et al have briefly mentioned Du et al's paper in passing in the discussion, they need to discuss these contradictory results in their paper and clarify these differences. Additionally, Du et al are not included in the list of references.


      The manuscript used a multi-pronged approach and compares patient samples, mouse models of DSS, and protocols that allow differentiation of goblet cells. They also use a nanogel-based delivery system for siRNAs, which is ideal for the knockdown of specific genes in the gut.


      (1) Du et al, Dev Cell 2020 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.devcel.2020.03.002) have previously shown that Rab7 levels are elevated in a similar set of colonic samples (age group, number etc.) from UC and CD patients. Gaur et al have not discussed this paper or its findings in detail, which directly contradicts their results. Clarification regarding this should be provided.

      We thank and appreciate the reviewer for bringing this point.

      The results shown by Du et al, Dev Cell, 2020 depict elevated expression of Rab7 in UC and CD patients compared to controls. In first occurrence, these results appear contradictory, but there may be a few possible explanations for this.

      Firstly, Rab7 expression levels may fluctuate in the tissue depending on the degree of the gut inflammation. This can be concluded from our observations in DSS-mice dynamics model and the human patient samples with mild and moderate UC. Furthermore, Du et al provide no information of the severity of the condition among the patients employed in the study. Our motive, in the current work, was to emphasize this aspect. This point was mentioned in the discussion section of the manuscript. However, in view of the reviewer’s concern, we have now added a detailed comment on this in the main text of the revised version of the manuscript.

      Secondly, the control biopsies in our investigation were acquired from non-IBD patients, and not what was done by Du et al., wherein biopsies from the normal para-carcinoma region of the colorectal cancer patients were used. One cannot overlook the fact that physiological and molecular changes are apparent even in non-inflamed regions in the gut of an IBD or CRC patient. It is possible that the observed discrepancy arises due to the differences in the sample type used for comparing the Rab7 expression.

      Finally, the main sub-tissue region showing a decrease in Rab7 expression in UC samples, appeared to be the Goblet cells which was not covered by Du et al.

      Keeping these points in mind we do not think that there is a contradiction in our findings with that of Du et al., 2020. In the revised submission some of these explanations are incorporated (Lines 106-109).

      This was an oversight from our side. We have actually mentioned Du et al., 2020 in the discussion (line number 345) but somehow the reference was missing in the main list. We have ensured that the reference is included in the revised version and that their findings are included both in main text and in the discussion.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this work, the authors report a role for the well-studied GTPase Rab7 in gut homeostasis. The study combines cell culture experiments with mouse models and human ulcerative colitis patient tissues to propose a model where, Rab7 by delivering a key mucous component CLCA1 to lysosomes, regulates its secretion in the goblet cells. This is important for the maintenance of mucous permeability and gut microbiota composition. In the absence of Rab7, CLCA1 protein levels are higher in tissues as well as the mucus layer, corroborating with the anticorrelation of Rab7 (reduced) and CLCA1 (increased) from ulcerative colitis patients. The authors conclude that Rab7 maintains CLCA1 level by controlling its lysosomal degradation, thereby playing a vital role in mucous composition, colon integrity, and gut homeostasis.


      The biggest strength of this manuscript is the combination of cell culture, mouse model, and human tissues. The experiments are largely well done and, in most cases, the results support their conclusions. The authors go to substantial lengths to find a link, such as alteration in microbiota, or mucus proteomics.


      (1) There are also some weaknesses that need to be addressed. The association of Rab7 with UC in both mice and humans is clear, however, claims on the underlying mechanisms are less clear. Does Rab7 regulate specifically CLCA1 delivery to lysosomes, or is it an outcome of a generic trafficking defect?

      We thank the reviewer for the insightful comment. We would like to bring forth the following explanation for each these concerns:

      Our immunofluorescence imaging experiments revealed co-localization of Rab7 protein with CLCA1 and the lysosomes (Fig 7I). In addition, the absence of Rab7 affects the transport of CLCA1 to lysosomes (Fig 7J). This demonstrates that Rab7 may be involved in regulation of CLCA1 transport (presumably along with other cargo), to lysosomes selectively. However, we do recognize that the point raised by the reviewer about possible effect of a generic trafficking defect is valid.

      (2) CLCA1 is a secretory protein, how does it get routed to lysosomes, i.e., through Golgi-derived vesicles, or by endocytosis of mucous components? Mechanistic details on how CLCA1 is routed to lysosomes will add substantial value.

      As mentioned in the manuscript, the trafficking of CLCA1 protein or CLCA1-containing vesicles within the goblet cell is unknown, with no information on the proteins involved in its mobility. The switching of CLCA1 containing vesicles from the secretory route to lysosomes needs extensive investigation involving overall trafficking of the protein. Taken together, the complete answer to both these important questions will need a series of experiments and those may be interesting avenues for future research.

      (3) Why does the level of Rab7 fluctuate during DSS treatment (Fig 1B)?

      This is a very thoughtful point from the reviewer. We detected a distinct pattern of Rab7 expression fluctuation in intestinal epithelial cells after DSS-dynamics treatment in mice. Perhaps, these changes are the result of complex cellular signaling in response to the DSS treatment. Rab7, being a fundamental protein involved in protein sorting pathway, is expected to undergo alteration based on cells requirement. Presently there are no reports suggesting the regulatory mechanisms that govern Rab7 levels in the gut.

      (4) Does the reduction seen in Rab7 levels (by WB) also reflect in reduced Rab7 endosome numbers?

      We observed reduction in Rab7 expression both at RNA and protein levels. To confirm whether this alteration will lead to reduced Rab7 positive endosome numbers may require detailed investigations.

      (5) Are other late endosomal (and lysosomal) populations also reduced upon DSS treatment and UC? Is there a general defect in lysosomal function?

      There are no direct evidences showing reduction in the late endosomal and lysosomal population during gut inflammation, but few studies link lysosomal dysfunction with risk for colitis (doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2016.05.007).

      (6) The evidence for lysosomal delivery of CLCA1 (Fig 7 I, J) is weak. Although used sometimes in combination with antibodies, lysotracker red is not well compatible with permeabilization and immunofluorescence staining. The authors can substantiate this result further using lysosomal antibodies such as Lamp1 and Lamp2. For Fig 7J, it will be good to see a reduction in Rab7 levels upon KD in the same cell.

      We used Lysotracker red in live cells followed by fixation. So, permeabilization issues were resolved. Lamp1, as suggested by the reviewer, is definitely a better marker for lysosomes in immunofluorescence studies, but is also shown to mark late endosomes (doi: 10.1083/jcb.132.4.565). As Rab7 protein also marks the late endosomes, using Lamp1 may leave the ambiguity of CLCA1 in Rab7 positive late endosomes versus lysosomes. Nevertheless, we have carried out this experiment, as suggested by the reviewer, by staining the cells with LAMP1 (author response image 1). As demonstrated in our previous data, the colocalization of CLCA1 with LAMP1 positive vesicles decreased upon Rab7 knockdown. Also, we observed a decrease in the intensity of LAMP1 staining in cells with Rab7 knockdown. Additionally, we noted a reduction in the LAMP1 staining intensity in cells where Rab7 was knocked down. This observation can be attributed to the decrease in the presence of Rab7-positive vesicles or late endosomes which also exhibit LAMP1 staining.

      Author response image 1.

      (A) Representative confocal images of HT29-MTX-E12 cells transfected with either scrambled siRNA (control) or Rab7 siRNA (Rab7Knockdown). Cells are stained with CLCA1 (green) using antiCLCA1 antibody and lysosomes with LAMP1. (B) Graph shows quantitation of colocalization between CLCA1 and LAMP1 from images (n=20) using Mander’s overlap coefficient. Inset shows zoomed areas of the image with colocalization puncta (yellow) marked with arrows.

      (7) In this connection, Fig S3D is somewhat confusing. While it is clear that the pattern of Muc2 in WT and Rab7-/- cells are different, how this corroborates with the in vivo data on alterations in mucus layer permeability -- as claimed -- is not clear.

      The data in Fig. S3D suggest the involvement of Rab7 in packaging of Muc2. The whole idea for doing this experiment was to support our observation in the Rab7KD-mice model where mucus layer was seen to be loose and more permeable in Rab7 deficient mice.

      (8) Overall, the work shows a role for a well-studied GTPase, Rab7, in gut homeostasis. This is an important finding and could provide scope and testable hypotheses for future studies aimed at understanding in detail the mechanisms involved.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Specific questions to the authors:

      (1) Why is the dotted line in Fig. 1c at -7.5? What does this signify?

      Response: The dotted line was intended to represent the baseline; in the revised manuscript it is corrected and placed at y=0.

      (2) Du et al should be cited. Fig 6 K-Q from Du et al should be discussed and reasons for contradictory findings should be given in greater detail, rather than a single sentence in the discussion.

      Response: The reference for Du et al is included in the list and the possible reasons the findings of the current work are discussed in the main text (Line 106-109).

      (3) Fig1. Why are Rab7 levels low even in remission patient samples? Can DSS be withdrawn to induce remission followed by analysis of colonic samples?

      Response: A possible explanation for this observation could be that the restoration of Rab7 levels may not immediately follow the resolution of clinical symptoms in remission patients. After the remission initiation, the normalization of cellular processes, including the regulation of Rab7 expression, might exhibit a time lag. A thorough investigation of Rab7 levels and the allied pathways at different time points during the remission phase could provide deeper insights into the gradual dynamics of recovery. As suggested by the reviewer, DSS withdrawal induced recovery model can be utilized for understanding the same and could be a good approach for future investigations.

      (4) Fig. 2: Single-channel fluorescence should be shown.

      Response: The single channel fluorescence images are incorporated in Fig. S2.

      (5) Line 456 should be modified. 'Blind pathologist' does not read well!

      Response: The line has been modified with ‘Blinded pathologist’.

      (6) Other inflammatory markers, cytokine levels should be looked at in addition to TNF alpha.

      Response: TNF-α is a crucial mediator in intestinal inflammation, actively contributing to the development of IBD. Elevated levels of TNF-α are observed in patients of IBD (Billmeier U. et al, World J Gastroenterol. 2016). In the current work, while probing for TNF-α our primary objective was to examine this significant indicator of colitis following Rab7 knockdown in mice, aiming to gain insights into heightened gut inflammation.

      (7) Quantitation of S3D should be provided.

      Response: The dispersed expression of Muc2 was observed in n=20 cells per sample and it was a qualitative observation. The aim was to identify any changes in Muc2 packaging under Rab7 knockout conditions.

      (8) Microbiota analysis should include Rab7KD+DSS mice.

      Response: We understand the importance of this point, however, in the current work our primary objective was to specifically investigate changes in microbial diversity and abundance in Rab7KD mice compared to both DSS+CScr and CScr mice. Rab7KD+DSS mice is expected to show higher dysbiosis in comparison to DSS+CScr.

      (9) Fig 6 H and I, G. How do Clca1 levels reduce in Rab7kd +DSS relative to Scr+DSS while they are higher in Rab7kd compared to Scr. Comment.

      Response: The decreased expression of CLCA1 in the mucus of DSS+Rab7KD mice can be attributed to a consequence of significant reduction in goblet cell numbers in these mice, as evidenced by the observed loss of these cells (Fig.S3 B and Fig. S3C). CLCA1 is exclusively secreted by goblet cells, so a decline in their numbers directly affects CLCA1 levels.

      (10) How are Rab7 levels downregulated? What is the predicted mechanism?

      Response: While our current study didn't explore this aspect, it's worth noting that Rab7 protein levels undergo regulation through various mechanisms, including post-translational modifications such as Ubiquitination and SUMOylation. These modifications are known to regulate Rab7 stability, transport and recycling. Specific experiments conducted during this study (work not included in the manuscript) indicated the participation of SENP7, a deSUMOylase, in controlling the stability of Rab7 protein, particularly in the context of colitis. Additionally, goblet cell specific mechanisms are also likely to be controlling the Rab7 in the gut.

      (11) What is the explanation for opposite changes in CLCa1 RNA (down) and protein (up).

      Response: The reduction in CLCA1 at the RNA level could be associated with the decrease in goblet cell numbers during colitis. Our investigation indicates that Rab7 predominantly influences CLCA1 at the protein level by impacting its degradation pathway. It is important to acknowledge that not all the alterations in CLCA1 observed during colitis can be solely attributed to Rab7, but our study has identified a connection between Rab7 and CLCA1.

      (12) In light of Du et al, it would be interesting to see how the number of peroxisomes changes upon alteration of Rab7 levels.

      Response: The suggestion by the reviewer is noteworthy. Since, being an altogether different domain, it deviates from the primary objectives of current work. Here, our goal was specifically on exploring the role of Rab7 in goblet cell functioning. Thus is an attractive theme for future investigations.

      (13) While Gaur et al suggest in their discussion that Du et al may have observed an upregulation in Rab7 levels in different cell types of the intestine, this is not apparent from the data provided. Tissue sections should be carefully analysed to provide data supporting this observation. Differences in reagents used (antibodies) should also be considered. As far as the human patient data is concerned, it does not appear that the sample stages are very different across the two manuscripts (based on age, inclusion criteria etc.).

      Response: This has been explained in detail in our public comments.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) In general, image-based measurements could be done better (for example, object-based statistics than pixel-based overlaps) and represented differently. It is difficult to appreciate the reduction in Rab7 levels in goblet cells in Fig 2 A, C. It might be good to show the channels separately, and perhaps use an intensity gradient LUT for the Rab7 channel.

      Response: The single channel fluorescence images are incorporated in Fig. S2.

      (2) The EM images, and particularly Fig 2F are not convincing, with an oddly square-shaped vesicle. I'm not sure what value they are adding to the interpretation.

      Response: The observed square-shaped vesicle in Fig. 2F could be attributed to the dynamic nature of vesicles within a cell. This dynamicity allows them to adopt various shapes depending on their state and function within the cell. The presence of Rab7 near vacuoles of goblet cells signify its probable involvement in the regulation of secretory function of these cells which is the key aspect being covered in this work.

      (3) A general method question concerns the definition of the distal colon. How is this decided, particularly when colon lengths are reduced upon DSS treatment?

      Response: The murine colon is divided into proximal and distal colon of mouse and has a visual difference of inner folds which are quite prominent in proximal colon. Additionally, the portion towards the rectum (predominantly distal colon) was majorly utilized for the experiments. In each case the various experimental groups were matched for the respective areas.

      (4) The use of an in vivo intestine-specific Rab7 silencing model is good. Why does Rab7 KD itself not capitulate aspects of DSS treatment, rather it seems to exacerbate it.

      Response: Our objective was to determine whether the downregulation of Rab7 during colitis was the cause or consequence of gut inflammation. Interestingly, our investigation using the murine Rab7 knockdown model revealed that the reduction of Rab7 expression in the intestine exacerbates inflammation. Subsequent analysis demonstrated that the absence of Rab7 disrupts goblet cell secretory function, consequently contributing to heightened inflammation. Our findings overall suggest that Rab7 downregulation is not merely a consequence but plays a contributory role in aggravating inflammation in the context of colitis.

      (5) The axes labels in Fig 5 are not readable. It is unclear how Rab7 KD is more similar in gut microbiota phenotypes to DSS than to CScr.

      Response: The microbial analysis revealed an abnormal composition of gut microbiota in Rab7KD mice compared to CScr. Interestingly, this composition exhibited some similarity to the inflamed gut microbiota observed in DSSScr mice. The analysis further demonstrated a shift in microbial diversity in Rab7KD mice, showcasing characteristics akin to those observed in inflamed mice. This similarity in gut microbiota phenotypes between Rab7KD and DSSScr suggests a potential link or influence of Rab7 downregulation on the microbiota, contributing to the observed similarities with DSS-induced inflammation.

      (6) The use of mucous proteomics to identify mechanisms of Rab7-mediated phenotype is a good approach. The replicates in the proteomics dataset (Fig 6F) do not seem to match. Detailing of methodology used for analysis will help to overcome these doubts.

      Response: The identified proteins in different samples of mucus proteomics were subjected to label free quantification. Subsequently, the significantly altered proteins were subjected to analysis with the False Discovery Rate (FDR) to control for potential false positives and ascertain the validity of the findings.

      (7) It will be good to see the immunoblots showing the negative correlation between Rab7 and CLCL1 in Fig 7D.

      Response: Fig. 7C shows western blot for protein expression of CLCA1of the same control and UC samples which were used in Fig. 1F to show Rab7 expression. Fig. 7D is the quantitative correlation plot for Fig. 1F (Rab7 expression) and Fig. 7C (CLCA1 expression).

      (8) Why is UC different from the DSS model for Rab7 gene expression but not protein levels? Endosomal counts could help address this.

      Response: We encountered challenges in accurately counting the individual puncta of Rab7 expression in immunofluorescence images due to the nature of tissue samples. Locating endosomes within a single cell proved to be challenging, and the proximity of many puncta made it difficult to delineate them individually. Despite these technical difficulties, the intriguing prospect of correlating Rab7 expression with endosomal counts remains a compelling aspect that may well be area for future investigations.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This study uses a multi-pronged empirical and theoretical approach to advance our understanding of how differences in learning relate to differences in the ways that male versus female animals cope with urban environments, and more generally how reversal learning may benefit animals in urban habitats. The work makes an important contribution and parts of the data and analyses are solid, although several of the main claims are only partially supported or overstated and require additional support.

      Public Reviews:

      We thank the Editor and both Reviewers for their time and for their constructive evaluation of our manuscript. We worked to address each comment and suggestion offered by the Reviewers in our revision—please see our point-by-point responses below.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this highly ambitious paper, Breen and Deffner used a multi-pronged approach to generate novel insights on how differences between male and female birds in their learning strategies might relate to patterns of invasion and spread into new geographic and urban areas.

      The empirical results, drawn from data available in online archives, showed that while males and females are similar in their initial efficiency of learning a standard color-food association (e.g., color X = food; color Y = no food) scenario when the associations are switched (now, color Y = food, X= no food), males are more efficient than females at adjusting to the new situation (i.e., faster at 'reversal learning'). Clearly, if animals live in an unstable world, where associations between cues (e.g., color) and what is good versus bad might change unpredictably, it is important to be good at reversal learning. In these grackles, males tend to disperse into new areas before females. It is thus fascinating that males appear to be better than females at reversal learning. Importantly, to gain a better understanding of underlying learning mechanisms, the authors use a Bayesian learning model to assess the relative role of two mechanisms (each governed by a single parameter) that might contribute to differences in learning. They find that what they term 'risk sensitive' learning is the key to explaining the differences in reversal learning. Males tend to exhibit higher risk sensitivity which explains their faster reversal learning. The authors then tested the validity of their empirical results by running agent-based simulations where 10,000 computersimulated 'birds' were asked to make feeding choices using the learning parameters estimated from real birds. Perhaps not surprisingly, the computer birds exhibited learning patterns that were strikingly similar to the real birds. Finally, the authors ran evolutionary algorithms that simulate evolution by natural selection where the key traits that can evolve are the two learning parameters. They find that under conditions that might be common in urban environments, high-risk sensitivity is indeed favored.


      The paper addresses a critically important issue in the modern world. Clearly, some organisms (some species, some individuals) are adjusting well and thriving in the modern, human-altered world, while others are doing poorly. Understanding how organisms cope with human-induced environmental change, and why some are particularly good at adjusting to change is thus an important question.

      The comparison of male versus female reversal learning across three populations that differ in years since they were first invaded by grackles is one of few, perhaps the first in any species, to address this important issue experimentally.

      Using a combination of experimental results, statistical simulations, and evolutionary modeling is a powerful method for elucidating novel insights.

      Thank you—we are delighted to receive this positive feedback, especially regarding the inferential power of our analytical approach.


      The match between the broader conceptual background involving range expansion, urbanization, and sex-biased dispersal and learning, and the actual comparison of three urban populations along a range expansion gradient was somewhat confusing. The fact that three populations were compared along a range expansion gradient implies an expectation that they might differ because they are at very different points in a range expansion. Indeed, the predicted differences between males and females are largely couched in terms of population differences based on their 'location' along the rangeexpansion gradient. However, the fact that they are all urban areas suggests that one might not expect the populations to differ. In addition, the evolutionary model suggests that all animals, male or female, living in urban environments (that the authors suggest are stable but unpredictable) should exhibit high-risk sensitivity. Given that all grackles, male and female, in all populations, are both living in urban environments and likely come from an urban background, should males and females differ in their learning behavior? Clarification would be useful.

      Thank you for highlighting a gap in clarity in our conceptual framework. To answer the Reviewer’s question—yes, even with this shared urban ‘history’, it seems plausible that males and females could differ in their learning. For example, irrespective of population membership, such sex differences could come about via differential reliance on learning strategies mediated by an interaction between grackles’ polygynous mating system and malebiased dispersal system, as we discuss in L254–265 (now L295–306). Population membership might, in turn, differentially moderate the magnitude of any such sex-effect since an edge population, even though urban, could still pose novel challenges—for example, by requiring grackles to learn novel daily temporal foraging patterns such as when and where garbage is collected (grackles appear to track this food resource: Rodrigo et al. 2021 [DOI: 10.1101/2021.06.14.448443]). We now introduce this important conceptual information— please see L89–96.

      Reinforcement learning mechanisms:

      Although the authors' title, abstract, and conclusions emphasize the importance of variation in 'risk sensitivity', most readers in this field will very possibly misunderstand what this means biologically. Both the authors' use of the term 'risk sensitivity' and their statistical methods for measuring this concept have potential problems.

      Please see our below responses concerning our risk-sensitivity term.

      First, most behavioral ecologists think of risk as predation risk which is not considered in this paper. Secondarily, some might think of risk as uncertainty. Here, as discussed in more detail below, the 'risk sensitivity' parameter basically influences how strongly an option's attractiveness affects the animal's choice of that option. They say that this is in line with foraging theory (Stephens and Krebs 2019) where sensitivity means seeking higher expected payoffs based on prior experience. To me, this sounds like 'reward sensitivity', but not what most think of as 'risk sensitivity'. This problem can be easily fixed by changing the name of the term.

      We apologise for not clearly introducing the field of risk-sensitive foraging, which focuses on how animals evaluate and choose between distinct food options, and how such foraging decisions are influenced by pay-off variance i.e., risk associated with alternative foraging options (seminal reviews: Bateson 2002 [DOI: 10.1079/PNS2002181]; Kacelnik & Bateson 1996 [DOI: 10.1093/ICB/36.4.402]). We have added this information to our manuscript in L494–497. We further apologise for not clearly explaining how our lambda parameter estimates such risk-sensitive foraging. To do so here, we need to consider our Bayesian reinforcement learning model in full. This model uses observed choice-behaviour during reinforcement learning to infer our phi (information-updating) and lambda (risksensitivity) learning parameters. Thus, payoffs incurred through choice simultaneously influence estimation of each learning parameter—that is, in a sense, they are both sensitive to rewards. But phi and lambda differentially direct any reward sensitivity back on choicebehaviour due to their distinct definitions. Glossing over the mathematics, for phi, stronger reward sensitivity (bigger phi values) means faster internal updating about stimulus-reward pairings, which translates behaviourally into faster learning about ‘what to choose’. For lambda, stronger reward sensitivity (bigger lambda values) means stronger internal determinism about seeking the non-risk foraging option (i.e., the one with the higher expected payoffs based on prior experience), which translates behaviourally into less choice-option switching i.e., ‘playing it safe’. We hope this information, which we have incorporated into our revised manuscript (please see L153–161), clarifies the rationale and mechanics of our reinforcement learning model, and why lamba measures risk-sensitivity.

      In addition, however, the parameter does not measure sensitivity to rewards per se - rewards are not in equation 2. As noted above, instead, equation 2 addresses the sensitivity of choice to the attraction score which can be sensitive to rewards, though in complex ways depending on the updating parameter. Second, equations 1 and 2 involve one specific assumption about how sensitivity to rewards vs. to attraction influences the probability of choosing an option. In essence, the authors split the translation from rewards to behavioral choices into 2 steps. Step 1 is how strongly rewards influence an option's attractiveness and step 2 is how strongly attractiveness influences the actual choice to use that option. The equation for step 1 is linear whereas the equation for step 2 has an exponential component. Whether a relationship is linear or exponential can clearly have a major effect on how parameter values influence outcomes. Is there a justification for the form of these equations? The analyses suggest that the exponential component provides a better explanation than the linear component for the difference between males and females in the sequence of choices made by birds, but translating that to the concepts of information updating versus reward sensitivity is unclear. As noted above, the authors' equation for reward sensitivity does not actually include rewards explicitly, but instead only responds to rewards if the rewards influence attraction scores. The more strongly recent rewards drive an update of attraction scores, the more strongly they also influence food choices. While this is intuitively reasonable, I am skeptical about the authors' biological/cognitive conclusions that are couched in terms of words (updating rate and risk sensitivity) that readers will likely interpret as concepts that, in my view, do not actually concur with what the models and analyses address.

      To answer the Reviewer’s question—yes, these equations are very much standard and the canonical way of analysing individual reinforcement learning (see: Ch. 15.2 in Computational Modeling of Cognition and Behavior by Farrell & Lewandowsky 2018 [DOI: 10.1017/CBO9781316272503]; McElreath et al. 2008 [DOI: 10.1098/rstb/2008/0131]; Reinforcement Learning by Sutton & Barto 2018). To provide a “justification for the form of these equations'', equation 1 describes a convex combination of previous values and recent payoffs. Latent values are updated as a linear combination of both factors, there is no simple linear mapping between payoffs and behaviour as suggested by the reviewer. Equation 2 describes the standard softmax link function. It converts a vector of real numbers (here latent values) into a simplex vector (i.e., a vector summing to 1) which represents the probabilities of different outcomes. Similar to the logit link in logistic regression, the softmax simply maps the model space of latent values onto the outcome space of choice probabilities which enter the categorial likelihood distribution. We can appreciate how we did not make this clear in our manuscript by not highlighting the standard nature of our analytical approach—we now do so in our revised manuscript (please see L148–149). As far as what our reinforcement learning model measures, and how it relates cognition and behaviour, please see our previous response.

      To emphasize, while the authors imply that their analyses separate the updating rate from 'risk sensitivity', both the 'updating parameter' and the 'risk sensitivity' parameter influence both the strength of updating and the sensitivity to reward payoffs in the sense of altering the tendency to prefer an option based on recent experience with payoffs. As noted in the previous paragraph, the main difference between the two parameters is whether they relate to behaviour linearly versus with an exponential component.

      Please see our two earlier responses on the mechanics of our reinforcement learning model.

      Overall, while the statistical analyses based on equations (1) and (2) seem to have identified something interesting about two steps underlying learning patterns, to maximize the valuable conceptual impact that these analyses have for the field, more thinking is required to better understand the biological meaning of how these two parameters relate to observed behaviours, and the 'risk sensitivity' parameter needs to be re-named.

      Please see our earlier response to these suggestions.

      Agent-based simulations:

      The authors estimated two learning parameters based on the behaviour of real birds, and then ran simulations to see whether computer 'birds' that base their choices on those learning parameters return behaviours that, on average, mirror the behaviour of the real birds. This exercise is clearly circular. In old-style, statistical terms, I suppose this means that the R-square of the statistical model is good. A more insightful use of the simulations would be to identify situations where the simulation does not do as well in mirroring behaviour that it is designed to mirror.

      Based on the Reviewer’s summary of agent-based forward simulation, we can see we did a poor job explaining the inferential value of this method—we apologise. Agent-based forward simulations are posterior predictions, and they provide insight into the implied model dynamics and overall usefulness of our reinforcement learning model. R-squared calculations are retrodictive, and they say nothing about the causal dynamics of a model. Specifically, agent-based forward simulation allows us to ask—what would a ‘new’ grackle ‘do’, given our reinforcement learning model parameter estimates? It is important to ask this question because, in parameterising our model, we may have overlooked a critical contributing mechanism to grackles’ reinforcement learning. Such an omission is invisible in the raw parameter estimates; it is only betrayed by the parameters in actu. Agent-based forward simulation is ‘designed’ to facilitate this call to action—not to mirror behavioural results. The simulation has no apriori ‘opinion’ about computer ‘birds’ behavioural outcomes; rather, it simply assigns these agents random phi and lambda draws (whilst maintaining their correlation structure), and tracks their reinforcement learning. The exercise only appears circular if no critical contributing mechanism(s) went overlooked—in this case computer ‘birds’ should behave similar to real birds. A disparate mapping between computer ‘birds’ and real birds, however, would mean more work is needed with respect to model parameterisation that captures the causal, mechanistic dynamics behind real birds’ reinforcement learning (for an example of this happening in the human reinforcement learning literature, see Deffner et al. 2020 [DOI: 10.1098/rsos.200734]). In sum, agent-based forward simulation does not access goodness-of-fit—we assessed the fit of our model apriori in our preregistration (https://osf.io/v3wxb)—but it does assess whether one did a comprehensive job of uncovering the mechanistic basis of target behaviour(s). We have worked to make the above points on the method and the insight afforded by agent-based forward simulation explicitly clear in our revision—please see L192–207 and L534–537.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The study is titled "Leading an urban invasion: risk-sensitive learning is a winning strategy", and consists of three different parts. First, the authors analyse data on initial and reversal learning in Grackles confronted with a foraging task, derived from three populations labeled as "core", "middle" and "edge" in relation to the invasion front. The suggested difference between study populations does not surface, but the authors do find moderate support for a difference between male and female individuals. Secondly, the authors confirm that the proposed mechanism can actually generate patterns such as those observed in the Grackle data. In the third part, the authors present an evolutionary model, in which they show that learning strategies as observed in male Grackles do evolve in what they regard as conditions present in urban environments.


      The manuscript's strength is that it combines real learning data collected across different populations of the Great-tailed grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus) with theoretical approaches to better understand the processes with which grackles learn and how such learning processes might be advantageous during range expansion. Furthermore, the authors also take sex into account revealing that males, the dispersing sex, show moderately better reversal learning through higher reward-payoff sensitivity. I also find it refreshing to see that the authors took the time to preregister their study to improve transparency, especially regarding data analysis.

      Thank you—we are pleased to receive this positive evaluation, particularly concerning our efforts to improve scientific transparency via our study’s preregistration (https://osf.io/v3wxb).


      One major weakness of this manuscript is the fact that the authors are working with quite low sample sizes when we look at the different populations of edge (11 males & 8 females), middle (4 males & 4 females), and core (17 males & 5 females) expansion range. Although I think that when all populations are pooled together, the sample size is sufficient to answer the questions regarding sex differences in learning performance and which learning processes might be used by grackles but insufficient when taking the different populations into account.

      In Bayesian statistics, there is no strict lower limit of required sample size as the inferences do not rely on asymptotic assumptions. With inferences remaining valid in principle, low sample size will of course be reflected in rather uncertain posterior estimates. We note all of our multilevel models use partial pooling on individuals (the random-effects structure), which is a regularisation technique that generally reduces the inference constraint imposed by a low sample size (see Ch. 13 in Statistical Rethinking by Richard McElreath [PDF: https://bit.ly/3RXCy8c]). We further note that, in our study preregistration (https://osf.io/v3wxb), we formally tested our reinforcement learning model for different effect sizes of sex on learning for both target parameters (phi and lambda) across populations, using a similarly modest N (edge: 10 M, 5 F; middle: 22 M, 5 F ; core: 3 M, 4 F) to our actual final N, that we anticipated to be our final N at that time. This apriori analysis shows our reinforcement learning model: (i) detects sex differences in phi values >= 0.03 and lambda values >= 1; and (ii) infers a null effect for phi values < 0.03 and lambda values < 1 i.e., very weak simulated sex differences (see Figure 4 in https://osf.io/v3wxb). Thus, both of these points together highlight how our reinforcement learning model allows us to say that across-population null results are not just due to small sample size. Nevertheless the Reviewer is not wrong to wonder whether a bigger N might change our population-level results (it might; so might muchneeded population replicates—see L310), but our Bayesian models still allow us to learn a lot from our current data. We now explain this in our revised manuscript—please see L452–457.

      Another weakness of this manuscript is that it does not set up the background well in the introduction. Firstly, are grackles urban dwellers in their natural range and expand by colonising urban habitats because they are adapted to it? The introduction also fails to mention why urban habitats are special and why we expect them to be more challenging for animals to inhabit. If we consider that one of their main questions is related to how learning processes might help individuals deal with a challenging urban habitat, then this should be properly introduced.

      In L74–75 (previously L53–56) we introduce that the estimated historical niche of grackles is urban environments, and that shifts in habitat breadth—e.g., moving into more arid, agricultural environments—is the estimated driver of their rapid North American colonisation. We hope this included information sufficiently answers the Reviewer’s question. We have worked towards flushing out how urban-imposed challenges faced by grackles, such as the wildlife management efforts introduced in L64–65 (now L85–86), may apply to animals inhabiting urban environments more broadly; for example, we now include an entire paragraph in our Introduction detailing how urban environments may be characterised differently to nonurban environments, and thus why they are perhaps more challenging for animals to inhabit— please see L56–71.

      Also, the authors provide a single example of how learning can differ between populations from more urban and more natural habitats. The authors also label the urban dwellers as the invaders, which might be the case for grackles but is not necessarily true for other species, such as the Indian rock agama in the example which are native to the area of study. Also, the authors need to be aware that only male lizards were tested in this study. I suggest being a bit more clear about what has been found across different studies looking at: (1) differences across individuals from invasive and native populations of invasive species and (2) differences across individuals from natural and urban populations.

      We apologise for not including more examples of such learning differences. We now include three examples (please see L43–49), and we are careful to call attention to the fact that these data cover both resident urban and non-urban species as well as urban invasive species (please see L49–50). We also revised our labelling of the lizard species (please see L44). We are aware only male lizards were tested but this information is not relevant to substantiating our use of this study; that is, to highlight that learning can differ between urbandwelling and non-urban counterparts. We hope the changes we did make to our manuscript satisfy the Reviewer’s general suggestion to add biological clarity.

      Finally, the introduction is very much written with regard to the interaction between learning and dispersal, i.e. the 'invasion front' theme. The authors lay out four predictions, the most important of which is No. 4: "Such sex-mediated differences in learning to be more pronounced in grackles living at the edge, rather than the intermediate and/or core region of their range." The authors, however, never return to this prediction, at least not in a transparent way that clearly pronounces this pattern not being found. The model looking at the evolution of risk-sensitive learning in urban environments is based on the assumption that urban and natural environments "differ along two key ecological axes: environmental stability 𝑢 (How often does optimal behaviour change?) and environmental stochasticity 𝑠 (How often does optimal behaviour fail to pay off?). Urban environments are generally characterised as both stable (lower 𝑢) and stochastic (higher 𝑠)". Even though it is generally assumed that urban environments differ from natural environments the authors' assumption is just one way of looking at the differences which have generally not been confirmed and are highly debated. Additionally, it is not clear how this result relates to the rest of the paper: The three populations are distinguished according to their relation to the invasion front, not with respect to a gradient of urbanization, and further do not show a meaningful difference in learning behaviour possibly due to low sample sizes as mentioned above.

      Thank you for highlighting a gap in our reporting clarity. We now take care to transparently report our null result regarding our fourth prediction; more specifically, that we did not detect credible population-level differences in grackles’ learning (please see L130). Regarding our evolutionary model, we agree with the Reviewer that this analysis is only one way of looking at the interaction between learning phenotype and apparent urban environmental characteristics. Indeed, in L282–288 (now L325–329) we state: “Admittedly, our evolutionary model is not a complete representation of urban ecology dynamics. Relevant factors—e.g., spatial dynamics and realistic life histories—are missed out. These omissions are tactical ones. Our evolutionary model solely focuses on the response of reinforcement learning parameters to two core urban-like (or not) environmental statistics, providing a baseline for future study to build on”. But we can see now that ‘core’ is too strong a word, and instead ‘supposed’, ‘purported’ or ‘theorised’ would be more accurate—we have revised our wording throughout our manuscript to say as much (please see, for example, L24; L56; L328). We also further highlight the preliminary nature of our evolutionary model, in terms of allowing a narrow but useful first-look at urban eco-evolutionary dynamics—please see L228–232. Finally, we now detail the theorised characteristics of urban environments in our Introduction (rather than in our Results; please see L56–71), and we hope that by doing so, how our evolutionary results relate to the rest of our paper is now better set up and clear.

      In conclusion, the manuscript was well written and for the most part easy to follow. The format of eLife having the results before the methods makes it a bit harder to follow because the reader is not fully aware of the methods at the time the results are presented. It would, therefore, be important to more clearly delineate the different parts and purposes. Is this article about the interaction between urban invasion, dispersal, and learning? Or about the correct identification of learning mechanisms? Or about how learning mechanisms evolve in urban and natural environments? Maybe this article can harbor all three, but the borders need to be clear. The authors need to be transparent about what has and especially what has not been found, and be careful to not overstate their case.

      Thank you, we are pleased to read that the Reviewer found our manuscript to be generally digestible. We have worked to add further clarity, and to tempter our tone (please see our above and below responses).

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Several of the results are based on CIs that overlap zero. Tone these down somewhat.

      We apologise for overstating our results, which we have worked to tone down in our revision. For instance, in L185–186 we now differentiate between estimates that did or did not overlap zero (please also see our response to Reviewer 2 on this tonal change). We note we do not report confidence intervals (i.e., the range of values expected to contain the true estimate if one redoes the study/analysis many times). Rather, we report 89% highest posterior density intervals (i.e., the most likely values of our parameters over this range). We have added this definition in L459, to improve clarity.

      The literature review suggesting that urban environments are more unpredictable is not convincing. Yes, they have more noise and light pollution and more cars and planes, but does this actually relate to the unpredictability of getting a food reward when you choose an option that usually yields rewards?

      To answer the Reviewer’s question—yes. But we can see that by not including empirical examples from the literature, we did a poor job of arguing such links. In L43–49 we now give three empirical examples; more specifically, we state: “[...] experimental data show the more variable are traffic noise and pedestrian presence, the more negative are such human-driven effects on birds' sleep (Grunst et al., 2021), mating (Blickley et al., 2012), and foraging behaviour (Fernández-Juricic, 2000).” We note we now detail such apparently stable but stochastic urban environmental characteristics in our Introduction rather than our Results section, to hopefully improve the clarity of our manuscript (please see L56–71). We further note that we cite three literature reviews—not one—suggesting urban environments are stable in certain characteristics and more unpredictable in others (please see L59–60). Finally, we appreciate such characterisation is not certain, and so in our revision we have qualified all writing about this potential dynamic with words such as “apparent”, “supposed”, “theorised”, “hypothesised” etc.

      It would be interesting to see if other individual traits besides sex affect their learning/reversal learning ability and/or their learning parameters. Do you have data on age, size, condition, or personality? Or, the habitat where they were captured?

      We do not have these data. But we agree with the Reviewer that examining the potential influence of such covariates on grackles’ reinforcement learning would be interesting in future study, especially habitat characteristics (please see L306–309).

      For most levels of environmental noise, there appears to be an intermediate maximum for the relationship between environmental stability and the risk sensitivity parameter. What does this mean?

      There is indeed an intermediate maximum for certain values of environmental stochasticity (although the differences are rather small). The most plausible reason for this is that for very stable environments, simulated birds essentially always “know” the rewarded solution and never need to “relearn” behaviour. In this case, differences in latent values will tend to be large (because they consistently get rewarded for the same option), and different lambda values (in the upper range) will produce the same choice behaviour, which results in very weak selection. While in very unstable environments, optimal choice behaviour should be more exploratory, allowing learners to track frequently-changing environments. We now note this pattern in L240–248.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      L2: I'd encourage the authors to reconsider the term "risk-sensitive learning", at least in the title. It's not apparent to me how 'risk' relates to the investigated foraging behaviour. Elsewhere, risk-reward sensitivity is used which may be a better term.

      We apologise for not clearly introducing the field of risk-sensitive foraging, which focuses on how animals evaluate and choose between distinct food options, and how such foraging decisions are influenced by pay-off variance i.e., risk associated with alternative foraging options (seminal reviews: Bateson 2002 [DOI: 10.1079/PNS2002181]; Kacelnik & Bateson 1996 [DOI: 10.1093/ICB/36.4.402]). We have added this information to our manuscript in L494–497. In explaining our reinforcement model, we also now detail how risk relates to foraging behaviour. Specifically, in L153–161 we now state: “Both learning parameters capture individual-level internal response to incurred reward-payoffs, but they differentially direct any reward sensitivity back on choice-behaviour due to their distinct definitions (full mathematical details in Materials and methods). For 𝜙, stronger reward sensitivity (bigger values) means faster internal updating about stimulus-reward pairings, which translates behaviourally into faster learning about ‘what to choose’. For 𝜆, stronger reward sensitivity (bigger values) means stronger internal determinism about seeking the nonrisk foraging option (i.e., the one with the higher expected payoffs based on prior experience), which translates behaviourally into less choice-option switching i.e., ‘playing it safe’.” We hope this information clarifies why lamba measures risk-sensitivity, and why we continue to use this term.

      L1-3: The title is a bit misleading with regard to the empirical data. From the data, all that can be said is that male grackles relearn faster than females. Any difference between populations actually runs the other way, with the core population exhibiting a larger difference between males and females than the mid and edge populations.

      It is customary for a manuscript title to describe the full scope of the study. In our study, we have empirical data, cognitive modelling, and evolutionary simulations of the background theory all together. And together these analytical approaches show: (1) across three populations, male grackles—the dispersing sex in this historically urban-dwelling and currently urban-invading species—outperform female counterparts in reversal learning; (2) they do this via risk-sensitive learning, so they’re more sensitive to relative differences in reward payoffs and choose to stick with the ‘safe’ i.e., rewarding option, rather than continuing to ‘gamble’ on an alternative option; and (3) risk-sensitive learning should be favoured in statistical environments characterised by purported urban dynamics. So, we do not feel our title “Leading an urban invasion: risk-sensitive learning is a winning strategy” is misleading with regard to our empirical data; it just doesn’t summarise only our empirical data. Finally, as we now state in L312–313, we caution against speculating about any between-population variation, as we did not infer any meaningful behavioural or mechanistic population-level differences.

      L13: "Assayed", is that correctly put, given that the authors did not collect the data?

      Merrian-Webster defines assay as “to analyse” or “examination or determination as to characteristics”, and so to answer the Reviewer’s question—yes, we feel this is correctly put. We note we explicitly introduce in L102–103 that we did not collect the data, and we have an explicit “Data provenance” section in our methods (please see L342–347).

      L42-46: The authors provide a single example of how learning can differ between populations from more urban and more natural habitats. I would like to point out that many of these studies do not directly confirm that the ability in question has indeed led to the success of the species tested (e.g. show fitness consequences). Then the authors could combine these insights to form a solid prediction for the grackles. As of now, this looks like cherry-picking supportive literature without considering negative results.

      Here are some references that might be helpful in identifying relevant literature to cite:

      Szabo, B., Damas-Moreira, I., & Whiting, M. J. (2020). Can cognitive ability give invasive species the means to succeed? A review of the evidence. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 187.

      Griffin AS, Tebbich S, Bugnyar T, 2017. Animal cognition in a human-dominated world. Anim Cogn 20(1):1-6.

      Kark, S., Iwaniuk, A., Schalimtzek, A., & Banker, E. (2007). Living in the city: Can anyone become an "urban exploiter"? Journal of Biogeography, 34(4), 638-651.

      We apologise for not including more examples of such learning differences. We now include three examples (please see L43–49). We are aware that direct evidence of fitness consequences is entirely lacking in the scientific literature on cognition and successful urban invasion; hence why such data is not present in our paper. But we now explicitly point out a role for likely fitness-affecting anthropogenic disturbances on sleep, mate, and foraging behaviour on animals inhabiting urban environments (please see L63–68). We hope these new data bolster our predictions for our grackles. Finally, the Reviewer paints a (in our view) inaccurate picture of our use of available literature. Nevertheless, to address their comment, we now highlight a recent meta-analysis advocating for further research to confirm apparent ‘positive’ trends between animal ‘smarts’ and successful ‘city living’ (please see L43).

      L64: Is their niche historically urban, or have they recently moved into urban areas?

      In L74–75 (previously L53–56) we introduce that the estimated historical niche of grackles is urban environments, and that shifts in habitat breadth—e.g., moving into more arid, agricultural environments—is the estimated driver of their rapid North American colonisation. We hope this included information sufficiently answers the Reviewer’s question.

      L66-67: This is an important point that is however altogether missing from the discussion.

      We thank the Reviewer for highlighting a gap in our discussion regarding populationlevel differences in grackles’ reinforcement learning. In L310–312 we now state: “The lack of spatial replicates in the existing data set used herein inherently poses limitations on inference. Nevertheless, the currently available data do not show meaningful population-level behavioural or mechanistic differences in grackles’ reinforcement learning, and we should thus be cautious about speculating on between-population variation”.

      L68-71: The paper focuses on cognitive ability. The whole paragraph sets up the prediction of why male grackles should be better learners due to their dispersal behaviour. This example, however, focuses on aggression, not cognition. Here is a study showing differences in learning in male and female mynas that might be better suited:

      Federspiel IG, Garland A, Guez D, Bugnyar T, Healy SD, Güntürkün O, Griffin AS, 2017. Adjusting foraging strategies: a comparison of rural and urban common mynas (Acridotheres tristis). Anim Cogn 20(1):65-74.

      We thank the Reviewer for suggesting this paper. We feel it is better suited to substantiating our point in the Discussion about reversal learning not being indicative of cognitive ability—please see L276–277.

      L73: Generally, I suggest not writing "for the first time" as this is not a valid argument for why a study should be conducted. Furthermore, except for replication studies, most studies investigate questions that are novel and have not been investigated before.

      The Reviewer makes a fair point—we have removed this statement.

      L80-81: Here again, this is left undiscussed later on.

      By ‘this’ we assume the Reviewer is referring to our hypothesis, which is that sex differences in dispersal are related to sex differences in learning in an urban invader— grackles. At the beginning of our Discussion, we state how we found support for this hypothesis (please see L250–261); and in our ‘Ideas and speculation’ section, we discuss how these hypothesis-supporting data fit into the literature more broadly (please see L294–331). We feel this is therefore sufficiently discussed.

      L77-81: This sentence is very long and therefore hard to read. I suggest trying to split it into at least 2 separate sentences which would improve readability.

      Per the Reviewer’s useful suggestion, we have split this sentence into two separate sentences—please see L97–115.

      L83: Please explain choice-option switches. I am not aware of what that is and it should be explained at first mention.

      We apologise for this operational oversight. We now include a working definition of speed and choice-option switches at first mention. Specifically, in L107–108 we state: “[...] we expect male and female grackles to differ across at least two reinforcement learning behaviours: speed (trials to criterion) and choice-option switches (times alternating between available stimuli)”.

      L83-87: Again, a very long sentence. Please split.

      We thank the Reviewer for their suggestion. In this case we feel it is important to not change our sentence structure because we want our prediction statements to match between our manuscript and our preregistration.

      L96-97: Important to not overstate this. It merely demonstrates the potential of the proposed (not detected) mechanism to generate the observed data.

      As in any empirical analysis, our drawn conclusions depend on causal assumptions about the mechanisms generating behaviour (Pearl, J. (2009). Causality). Therefore, we “detected” specific learning mechanisms assuming a certain generative model, namely reinforcement learning. As there is overwhelming evidence for the widespread importance of value-based decision making and Rescorla-Wagner updating rules across numerous different animals (Sutton & Barto (2018) Reinforcement Learning), we would argue that this assumed model is highly plausible in our case. Still, we changed the text to “inferred” instead of “detected” learning mechanisms to account for this concern—please see L123–124.

      L99: "urban-like settings" again a bit confusing. The authors talk about invasion fronts, but now also about an urbanisation gradient. Is the main difference between the size and the date of establishment, or is there additionally a gradient in urbanisation to be considered?

      We now include a paragraph in our Introduction detailing apparent urban environmental characteristics (please see 56–71), and we now refer to this dynamic specifically when we define urban-like settings (please see L126–127). To answer the Reviewer’s question—we consider both differences. Specifically, we consider the time since population establishment in our paper (with respect to our behavioural and mechanistic modelling), as well as how statistical environments that vary in how similar they are to apparently characteristically urban-like environments, might favour particular learning phenotypes (with respect to our evolutionary modelling). We hope the edits to our Introduction as a whole now make both of the aims clear.

      L11-112: Above the authors talk about a comparable number of switches (10.5/15=0.7), and here of fewer number of switches (25/35=0.71), even though the magnitude of the difference is almost identical and actually runs the other way. The authors are probably misled by their conservative priors, which makes the difference appear greater in the second case than in the first. Using flat priors would avoid this particular issue.

      Mathematically, the number of trials-to-finish and the number of choice-optionswitches are both a Poisson distributed outcome with rate λ (we note lambda here is not our risk-sensitivity parameter; just standard notation). As such, our Poisson models infer the rate of these outcomes by sex and phase—not the ratio of these outcomes by sex and phase. So comparing the magnitude of divided medians of choice-option-switches between the sexes by phase is not a meaningful metric with respect to the distribution of our data, as the Reviewer does above. For perspective, 1 vs. 2 switches provides much less information about the difference in rates of a Poisson distribution than 50 vs 100 (for the former, no difference would be inferred; for the latter, it would), but both exhibit a 1:2 ratio. To hopefully prevent any such further confusion, and to focus on the fact that our Poisson models estimate the expected value i.e., the mean, we now report and graph (please see Fig. 2) mean and not median trialsto-finish and total-switch-counts. Finally, we can see that our use of the word “conservative” to describe our weakly informative priors is confusing, because conservative could mean either strong priors with respect to expected effect size (not our parameterisation) or weak priors with respect to such assumptions (our parameterisation). To address this lack of clarity, we now state that we use “weakly informative priors” in L457–458.

      L126: It is not clear what risk sensitivity means in the context of these experiments.

      Thank you for pointing out our lack of clarity. In L153–161 we now state: “Both learning parameters capture individual-level internal response to incurred reward-payoffs, but they differentially direct any reward sensitivity back on choice-behaviour due to their distinct definitions (full mathematical details in Materials and methods). For 𝜙, stronger reward sensitivity (bigger values) means faster internal updating about stimulus-reward pairings, which translates behaviourally into faster learning about ‘what to choose’. For 𝜆, stronger reward sensitivity (bigger values) means stronger internal determinism about seeking the nonrisk foraging option (i.e., the one with the higher expected payoffs based on prior experience), which translates behaviourally into less choice-option switching i.e., ‘playing it safe’.” We hope this information clarifies what risk sensitivity means and measures, with respect to our behavioural experiments.

      L128-129: I find this statement too strong. A plethora of other mechanisms could produce similar patterns, and you cannot exclude these by way of your method. All you can show is whether the mechanism is capable of producing broadly similar outcomes as observed

      In describing the inferential value of our reinforcement learning model, we now qualify that the insight provided is of course conditional on the model, which is tonally accurate. Please see L161.

      L144: As I have already mentioned above, here is the first time we hear about unpredictability related to urban environments. I suggest clearly explaining in the introduction how urban and natural environments are assumed to be different which leads to animals needing different cognitive abilities to survive in them which should explain why some species thrive and some species die out in urbanised habitats.

      Thank you for this suggestion. We now include a paragraph in our Introduction detailing as much—please see L56–71.

      L162: "almost entirely above zero" again, this is worded too strongly.

      In reporting our lambda across-population 89% HPDI contrasts in L185–186, we now state: “[...] across-population contrasts that lie mostly above zero in initial learning, and entirely above zero in reversal learning”. Our previous wording stated: ““[...] across-population contrasts that lie almost entirely above zero”. The Reviewer was correct to point out that this previous wording was too strong if we considered the contrasts together, as, indeed, we find the range of the contrast in initial learning does minimally overlap zero (L: -0.77; U: 5.61), while the range of the contrast in reversal learning does not (L: 0.14; U: 4.26). This rephrasing is thus tonally accurate.

      L178-179: I think it should be said instead that the model accounts well for the observed data.

      We have rephrased in line with the Reviewer’s suggestion, now stating in L217–218 that “Such quantitative replication confirms our reinforcement learning model results sufficiently explain our behavioural sex-difference data.”

      L188-190: I am not convinced this is a general pattern. It is quite a bold claim that I don't find to be supported by the citations. Why should biotic and abiotic factors differ in how they affect behavioural outcomes? Also, events in urban environments such as weekend/weekday could lead to highly regular optimal behaviour changes.

      Please see our response to Reviewer 1 on this point. We note we now touch on such regular events in L94–96.

      L209-211: The first sentence is misleading. The authors have found that males and females differ in 'risk sensitivity', that their learning model can fit the data rather well, and that under certain, not necessarily realistic assumptions, the male learning type is favoured by natural selection in urban environments. A difference between core, middle, and edge habitats however is barely found, and in fact seems to run the other way than expected.

      In our study, we found: (1) across three populations, male grackles—the dispersing sex in this historically urban-dwelling and currently urban-invading species—outperform female counterparts in reversal learning; (2) they do this via risk-sensitive learning, so they’re more sensitive to relative differences in reward payoffs and choose to stick with the ‘safe’ i.e., rewarding option, rather than continuing to ‘gamble’ on an alternative option; (3) we are sufficiently certain risk-sensitive learning generates our sex-difference data, as our agentbased forward simulations replicate our behavioural results (not because our model ‘fits’ the data, but because we inferred meaningful mechanistic differences—see our response to Reviewer 1 on this point); and (4) under theorised dynamics of urban environments, natural selection should favour risk-sensitive learning. We therefore do not feel it is misleading to say that we mapped a full pathway from behaviour to mechanisms through to selection and adaptation. Again, as we now state in L311–313, we caution against speculating about any between-population variation, as we did not infer any meaningful behavioural or mechanistic population-level differences. And we note the Reviewer is wrong to assume an interaction between learning, dispersal, and sex requires population-level differences on the outcome scale—please see our discussion on phenotypic plasticity and inherent species trait(s) in L313–324.

      L216: "indeed explain" again worded too strongly.

      We have tempered our wording. Specifically, we now state in L218: “sufficiently explain”. This wording is tonally accurate with respect to the inferential value of agent-based forward simulations—please see L192–207 on this point.

      L234: "reward-payoff sensitivity" might be a better term than risk-sensitivity?

      Please see our earlier response to this suggestion. We note we have changed this text to state “risk-sensitive learning” rather than “reward-payoff sensitivity”, to hopefully prevent the reader from concluding only our lambda term is sensitive to rewards—a point we now include in L153–154.

      L234-237: I think these points may be valuable, but come too much out of the blue. Many readers will not have a detailed knowledge of the experimental assays. It therefore also does not become clear how they measure the wrong thing, what this study does to demonstrate this, or whether a better alternative is presented herein. It almost seems like this should be a separate paper by itself.

      We apologise for this lack of context. We now explicitly state in L275 that we are discussing reversal learning assays, to give all readers this knowledge. In doing so, we hope the logic of our argument is now clear: reversal learning assays do not measure behavioural flexibility, whatever that even is. The Reviewer’s suggestion of a separate paper focused on what reversal learning assays actually measure, in terms of mechanism(s), is an interesting one, and we would welcome this discussion. But any such paper should build on the points we make here.

      L270-288: Somewhere here the authors have to explain how they have not found differences between populations, or that in so far as they found them, they run against the originally stated hypothesis.

      We thank the Reviewer for these suggestions. In L310—313 we now state: “The lack of spatial replicates in the existing data set used herein inherently poses limitations on inference. Nevertheless, the currently available data do not show meaningful population-level behavioural or mechanistic differences in grackles’ reinforcement learning, and we should thus be cautious about speculating on between-population variation”.

      L284: should be "missing" not "missed out"

      We have made this change.

      L290-291: It is unclear what "robust interactive links" were found. A pattern of sexbiased learning was found, which can potentially be attributed to evolutionary pressures in urban environments. An interaction e.g. between learning, dispersal, and sex can only be tentatively suggested (no differences between populations). Also "fully replicable" is a bit misleading. The analysis may be replicable, but the more relevant question of whether the findings are replicable we cannot presently answer.

      We apologise for our lack of clarity. By “robust” we mean “across population”, which we now state in L333. We again note the Reviewer is wrong to assume an interaction between learning, dispersal, and sex requires population-level differences on the outcome scale— please see our discussion on phenotypic plasticity and inherent species trait(s) in L313–324. Finally, the Reviewer makes a good point about our analyses but not our findings being replicable. In L334 we now make this distinction by stating “analytically replicable”.

      L306-315: I think you have a bit of a sample size issue not so much when populations are pooled but when separated. This might also factor in the fact that you do not really find differences across the populations in your analysis. When we look at the results presented in Figure 2 (and table d), we can see a trend towards males having better risk sensitivity in core (HPDI above 0) and middle populations (HPDI barely crossing 0) but the difference is very small. Especially the results on females are based on the performance of only 8 and 4 females respectively. I suggest making this clear in the manuscript.

      In Bayesian statistics, there is no strict lower limit of required sample size as the inferences do not rely on asymptotic assumptions. With inferences remaining valid in principle, low sample size will of course be reflected in rather uncertain posterior estimates. We note all of our multilevel models use partial pooling on individuals (the random-effects structure), which is a regularisation technique that generally reduces the inference constraint imposed by a low sample size (see Ch. 13 in Statistical Rethinking by Richard McElreath [PDF: https://bit.ly/3RXCy8c]). We further note that, in our study preregistration (https://osf.io/v3wxb), we formally tested our reinforcement learning model for different effect sizes of sex on learning for both target parameters (phi and lambda) across populations, using a similarly modest N (edge: 10 M, 5 F; middle: 22 M, 5 F ; core: 3 M, 4 F) to our actual final N, that we anticipated to be our final N at that time. This apriori analysis shows our reinforcement learning model: (i) detects sex differences in phi values >= 0.03 and lambda values >= 1; and (ii) infers a null effect for phi values < 0.03 and lambda values < 1 i.e., very weak simulated sex differences (see Figure 4 in https://osf.io/v3wxb). Thus, both of these points together highlight how our reinforcement learning model allows us to say that across-population null results are not just due to small sample size. Nevertheless the Reviewer is not wrong to wonder whether a bigger N might change our population-level results; it might; so might muchneeded population replicates—see L310. But our Bayesian models still allow us to learn a lot from our current data, and, at present, we infer no meaningful population-level behavioural or mechanistic differences in grackles’ behaviour. To make clear the inferential sufficiency of our analytical approach, we now include some of the above points in our Statistical analyses section in L452–457. Finally, we caution against speculating on any between-population variation, as we now highlight in L311—313 of our Discussion.

      Figure 2: I think the authors should rethink their usage of colour in this graph. It is not colour-blind friendly or well-readable when printed in black and white.

      We used the yellow (hex code: #fde725) and green (hex code: #5ec962) colours from the viridis package. As outlined in the viridis package vignette (https://cran.rproject.org/web/packages/viridis/index.html), this colour package is “designed to improve graph readability for readers with common forms of color blindness and/or color vision deficiency. The color maps are also perceptually-uniform, both in regular form and also when converted to black-and-white for printing”.

      Figure 3B: Could the authors turn around the x-axis and the colour code? It would be easier to read this way.

      We appreciate that aesthetic preferences may vary. In this case, we prefer to have the numbers on the x-axis run the standard way i.e., from small to large. We note we did remove the word ‘Key’ from this Figure, in line with the Reviewer’s point about these characteristics not being totally certain.

      I also had a look at the preregistration. I do think that there are parts in the preregistration that would be worth adding to the manuscript:

      L36-40: This is much easier to read here than in the manuscript.

      We changed this text generally in the Introduction in our revision, so we hope the Reviewer will again find this easier to read.

      L49-56: This is important information that I would also like to see in the manuscript.

      We no longer have confidence in these findings, as our cleaning of only one part of these data revealed considerable experimenter oversight (see ‘Learning criterion’).

      L176: Why did you remove the random effect study site from the model? It is not part of the model in the manuscript anymore.

      The population variable is part of the RL_Comp_Full.stan model that we used in our manuscript to assess population differences in grackles’ reinforcement learning, the estimates from which we report in Table C and D (please note we never coded this variable as “study cite”). But rather than being specified as a random effect, in our RL_Comp_Full.stan model we index phi and lambda by population as a predictor variable, to explicitly model population-level effects. Please see our code:

      https://github.com/alexisbreen/Sex-differences-in-grackles- learning/blob/main/Models/Reinforcement%20learning/RL_Comp_Full.stan

      L190-228: I am wondering if the model validation should also be part of the manuscript as well, rather than just being in the preregistration?

      We are not sure how the files were presented to the Reviewer for review, but our study preregistration, which includes our model validation, should be part of our manuscript as a supplementary file.

    1. how do we educate our children so they have a sense of cultural identity and so that we can pass on the cultural genes of our 00:00:53 communities while being part of the process of globalization how do you square that circle the problem is they're trying to meet the future by doing what they did in the past

      I think it is important to know your culture. In my opinion it's important because it's where I came from and where my family comes from. It also may provide reasoning as to why some things are the way they are in your life.

    1. Let’s face it, very few people read the “terms and conditions,” or the “terms of use” agreements prior to installing an application (app). These agreements are legally binding, and clicking “I agree” may permit apps (the companies that own them) to access your: calendar, camera, contacts, location, microphone, phone, or storage, as well as details and information about your friends.

      This is so important it's not something I ever considered or worried about when thinking of privacy and security. I never read the "terms and conditions" when getting on to new apps or websites. I didn't think about how I could be agreeing to things that I would never agree to if someone asked me directly. This could not only be harmful to me, but to family and friends too because their information could be embedded into what I allowed access to. This caused me to think about how I can say something or see something and an ad for that specific thing pops up on my social media or google account right after. I'm agreeing for social media accounts to listen and look at everything on my device and share it with people. This is scary to think about, especially for young children. Anyone could hack into these accounts and get information about everything dealing with a child's life. As educators, we need to be cautious about reading the terms and conditions and we need to teach our students to be cautious of them too for their safety.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      (1.1) This work introduces a new method of imaging the reaction forces generated by small crawling organisms and applies this method to understanding locomotion of Drosophila larva, an important model organism. The force and displacement data generated by this method are a qualitative improvement on what was previously available for studying the larva, improving simultaneously the spatial, temporal, and force resolution, in many cases by an order of magnitude. The resulting images and movies are quite impressive.

      We thank the reviewer for their recognition of the achievements our work presents and for their feedback with regard to what they consider our most important findings and the points raised in their review. We will address these points individually below.

      (1.2) As it shows the novel application of recent technological innovations, the work would benefit from more detail in the explanation of the new technologies, of the rationales underlying the choice of technology and certain idiosyncratic experimental details, and of the limitations of the various techniques. In the methods, the authors need to be sure to provide sufficient detail that the work can be understood and replicated. The description of the results and the theory of motion developed here focus only on forces generated when the larva pushes against the substrate and ignores the equally strong adhesive forces pulling the larva onto the substrate.

      As the reviewer correctly points out, our present work adapts a recently developed set of methods (namely, ERISM and WARP) for use with small soft-bodied animals. The foundational methods have been described in detail in previous publications (refs, 23 and 26). However, upon reflection, we agree that more information can be provided to ensure our work is more accessible and reproducible. We also agree that some additional clarifying information on our approach could be helpful. We have addressed this in the following ways:

      (1) We have included a detailed Key Resources table in the methods section to allow for maximum transparency on equipment and reagent sourcing. This can now be found on Pages 16-19.

      (2) We have modified the ‘Freely behaving animals force imaging’ section of the Materials and Methods section to include more detailed information on practical aspects of conducting experiments. These changes can be found on page 23-24 (lines 566–567, 571-577).

      (3) We have re-ordered the Materials and Methods section, such that microcavity fabrication and microcavity characterisation occur prior to the description of ERISM and WARP experiments - this change should hopefully aid replication. Details regarding the application of a silicone well to the surface of microcavities have also been added (lines 472-474).

      (4) We have added additional text in the Introduction and Results (Pages 3-4 and 7, lines 56-86, and 152-153) to explain our rationale for using ERISM/WARP and additional text in the discussion that discusses the potential role(s) of adhesive forces in larval locomotion (Page 12, lines 301307).

      (1.3) The substrate applies upward, downward, and horizontal forces on the larva, but only upward and downward forces are measured, and only upward forces are considered in the discussions of "Ground Reactive Forces." An apparent weakness of the WARP technique for the study of locomotion is that it only measures forces perpendicular to the substrate surface ("vertical forces" in Meek et al.), while locomotion requires the generation of forces parallel to the substrate ("horizontal forces"). It should be clarified that only vertical forces are studied and that no direct information is provided about the forces that actually move the larva forward (or about the forces which impede this motion and are also generated by the substrate). Along with this clarification, it would be helpful to include a discussion of other techniques, especially micropillar arrays and traction force microscopy, that directly measure horizontal forces and of why these techniques are inappropriate for the motions studied here.

      We attempted to provide a streamlined Introduction in our initial submission and then compared ERISM/WARP to other methods in our discussion. We are happy to provide a brief overview of substrate force measurement methods in the introduction to help set the stage for readers. The Introduction section of our revised manuscript now contains the following comparison of different mechanobiological imaging techniques on pages 3-4 lines 56-86:

      ‘However, in the field of cellular mechanobiology, many new force measuring techniques have been developed which allow measurement of comparatively small forces from soft structures exhibiting low inertia (15–17) often with relatively high spatial-resolution. Early methods such as atomic force microscopy required the use of laser-entrained silicon probes to make contact with a cell of interest (15). This approach is problematic for studying animal behaviour due to the risk of the laser and probe influencing behaviour. Subsequently, techniques have been developed which allow indirect measurement of substrate interactions. One such approach is Traction Force Microscopy (TFM) in which the displacement of fluorescent markers suspended in a material with known mechanical properties relative to a zero-force reference allows for indirect measurement of horizontally aligned traction forces (17–19). This technique allows for probe-free measurement of forces, but the need to obtain a precise zero-force reference would make time-lapse measurements on behaving animals challenging; further, depending on the version used, it has insufficient temporal resolution for the measurement of forces produced by many behaving animals, despite recent improvements (20). A second approach revolves around the use of micropillar arrays; in this technique, horizontally-aligned traction forces are measured by observing the deflection of pillars made of an elastic material with known mechanical properties. This approach can be limited in spatial resolution and introduces a non-physiological substrate that may influence animal behavior (21,22).

      Recently we have introduced a technique named Elastic Resonator Interference Stress Microscopy (ERISM) which allows for the optical mapping of vertically aligned GRFs in the pico and nanonewton ranges with micrometre spatial resolution by monitoring local changes in optical resonances of soft and deformable microcavities. This technique allows reference-free mapping of substrate deformations and calculation of vertically directed GRFs; it has been used to study a range of questions related to exertion of cellular forces (23–25). Until recently, this technique was limited by its low temporal resolution (~10s), making it unsuitable for recording substrate interaction during fast animal movements, but a further development of ERISM known as wavelength alternating resonance pressure microscopy (WARP), has been demonstrated to achieve down to 10 ms temporal resolution (26). Given ERISM/WARP allows for probe-free measurement of vertical ground reaction forces with high spatial and temporal resolution, it becomes an attractive method for animal-scale mechanobiology.’

      (1.4) The larvae studied are about 1 mm long and 0.1 mm in cross-section. Their volumes are therefore on order 0.01 microliter, their masses about 0.01 mg, and their weights in the range of 0.1 micronewton. This contrasts with the force reported for a single protpodium of 1 - 7 micronewtons. This is not to say that the force measurements are incorrect. Larvae crawl easily on an inverted surface, showing gravitational forces are smaller than other forces binding the larva to the substrate. The forces measured in this work are also of the same magnitude as the horizontal forces reported by Khare et al. (ref 32) using micropillar arrays.

      I suspect that the forces adhering the larva to the substrate are due to the surface tension of a water layer. This would be consistent with the ring of upward stress around the perimeter of the larva visible in S4D, E and in video SV3. The authors remark that upward deflection of the substrate may be due to the Poisson's ratio of the elastomer, but the calibration figure S5 shows that these upward deflections and forces are much smaller than the applied downward force. In any case, there must be a downward force on the larva to balance the measured upward forces and this force must be due to interaction with the substrate. It should be verified that the sum of downward minus upward forces on the gel equals the larva's weight (given the weight is neglible compared to the forces involved, this implies that the upward and downward forces should sum to 0).

      We have carefully calculated the forces exerted by protopodia and are confident in the accuracy of our measurements as reported. We further agree with the reviewer’s suggestion that gravitational forces can be largely neglected.

      As the reviewer points out, one would expect forces due to upward and downward deflections to cancel when considering the entire system. However, we see indications that the counteracting / balancing force often acts over a much larger area than the acting force, e.g. a sharp indentation by a protopodium might be counteracted by an upward deflection over a 10-20 fold larger radius and hence 100 to 400-fold larger area, thereby reducing the absolute value of the upward deflection at any given pixel surrounding the indentation. This in turn increases error in determining the integrated upward deformation, making it difficult to perform an absolute comparison of acting and counteracting force. Further, recording the entire counteracting force induced deformation would require acquiring data with a prohibitively large field of view.

      We agree that in some situations, water surface tension may be adhering animals to the substrate. Importantly, this is a challenge that the animal faces outside the lab in its natural environment of moist rotting fruit and yeast. The intricate force patterns seen in our study in the presence of water surface tension are therefore ecologically relevant. In other situations (e.g. preparing for pupation), larvae are able to stick to dry surfaces, suggesting that other adhesive forces such as mucoid adhesion can also come into play in certain behavioural contexts. A full characterization of the effects of water tension and mucoid adhesion are beyond the scope of this study. However, we have now added a sentence on pages 8 and 12 commenting on these other biomechanical forces at play:

      ‘We also observed that the animals travel surrounded by a relatively large water droplet (lines 189-190).’

      ‘We observed that larvae travel surrounded by moisture from a water droplet, which produces a relatively large upwardly directed force in a ring around the animal. The surface tension produced by such a water droplet likely serves a role in adhering the animal to the substrate. However, during forward waves, we found that protopodia detached completely during SwP, suggesting this surface tensionrelated adhesion force can be easily overcome by the behaving animal. (lines 301-307) .’

      (1.5) Much of the discussion and the model imply that the sites where the larva exerts downward force on the gel are the sites where horizontal propulsion is generated. This assumption should be justified. Can the authors rule out that the larva 'pulls' itself forward using surface tension instead of 'pushing' itself forward using protopodia?

      Determining the exact ‘sites’ where horizontal propulsion is generated is challenging. In our conceptual model, movement is not initiated by protopodia per se, but rather by a constellation of muscle contractions, which act upon the hydrostatic skeleton, which in turn causes visceral pistoning that heaves larvae forward. This is based on previous findings in Ref 31. While there are indeed downward protopodial ‘vaulting’ forces prior to initiation of swing, we propose that the main function of protopodia is not to push the larvae forward, but rather to provide anchoring to counteract opposing forces generated by muscles. We agree that water surface tension could also be sculpting biomechanical interactions; however, a full characterization of how water surface tension shapes larval locomotion is beyond the scope of this study.

      Since we have observed larvae move over dry terrain (e.g. glass) without an encasing water bubble, we do not believe that an encasing water bubble is strictly required for locomotion. We have also seen no obvious locomotion related modulations in the pulling forces created by water bubbles encasing larva, which would be expected if animals were somehow using water tension to pull themselves forward. Overall, the most likely explanation is that larvae use a mixture of biomechanical tactics to suit the moment in a given environment. This represents a challenge but also an opportunity for future research.

      We have now added additional text in the ‘Functional subdivisions within protopodia’ subsection to discuss these nuances (page 14, lines 382-387):

      ‘This increased force transmitted into the substrate is unexpected as the forces generated for the initiation of movement should arise from the contraction of the somatic muscles. We propose that the contraction of the musculature responsible for sequestration acts to move haemolymph into the protopodia thus exerting an increased pressure onto the substrate while the contact area decreases as a consequence of the initiation of sequestration.’

      and (page 15, lines 398-399):

      ‘Water surface films appear to facilitate larval locomotion in general but the biomechanical mechanisms by which they do this remain unclear.’

      (1.6) More detail should be provided about the methods, their limitations, and the rationale behind certain experimental choices.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. As this significantly overlaps with a point raised earlier, we kindly direct them to our answer to comment #1.2 above.

      (1.7) Three techniques are introduced here to study how a crawling larva interacts with the substrate: standard brightfield microscopy of a larva crawling in an agarose capillary, ERISM imaging of an immobilized larva, and WARP imaging of a crawling larva. The authors should make clear why each technique was chosen for a particular study - e.g. could the measurements using brightfield microscopy also be accomplished using WARP? They should also clarify how these techniques relate to and possibly improve on existing techniques for measuring forces organisms exert on a substrate, particularly micropillar arrays and Traction Force Microscopy.

      Indeed, each of the three methods used has a specific merit. The brightfield microscopy was selected to track features on the animal’s body and to provide a basic control for the later measurements. However, this technique cannot directly measure the substrate interaction, it only allows inferences to be made from tracked features at the substrate interface. ERISM provides high resolution maps of the indentation induced by the larva; it is also extensively validated for mapping cell forces and the data analysis is robust against defects on the substrate (refs 23, 24 and 25). However, as we explain in the manuscript, ERISM lacks the temporal resolution needed to monitor mechanical activity of behaving larva. Its use was therefore limited to the study of anaesthetised animals. For mapping forces exerted by behaving larva, we used WARP which is a further development of ERISM that offers higher frame rates but at the cost of requiring more extensive calibration (Supplementary Figure S4). The streamlined introduction of the different methods in our original manuscript originates from our attempt to be as concise as possible. However, as state in response to comment #1.2, we agree that additional explanation and discussion will be helpful for readers and that it will helpful to briefly refer to other methods for force mapping. We have now added references to a variety of techniques in the Introduction (Page 3-4, lines 56-86) as stated in a prior response.

      (1.8) As written, "(ERISM) (19) and a variant, Wavelength Alternating Resonance Pressure microscopy (WARP) (20) enable optical mapping of GRFs in the nanonewton range with micrometre and millisecond precision..." (lines 53-55) may generate confusion. ERISM as described in this work has a much lower temporal resolution (requires the animal to be still for 5 seconds - lines 474-5); In this work, WARP does not appear to have nanonewton precision (judging by noise on calibration figures) and it is not clear that it has millisecond precision (the camera used and its frame rate should be specified in the methods).

      Previous studies have demonstrated the capabilities and limitations of ERISM and WARP. Upon reflection, we agree that our wording here could be more precise. To clarify our claim, we now separate the statements on ERISM and WARP in the introduction as follows (page 4, lines 78-83):

      “Until recently, this technique was limited by its low temporal resolution (~10s) making it unsuitable for use in recording substrate interaction during fast animal movements, but a further development of ERISM known as wavelength alternating resonance pressure microscopy (WARP), has been demonstrated to achieve down to 10 ms temporal resolution (26)”

      While WARP can achieve comparable force resolution as ERISM when used in a cellular context (c.f. Ref 26), we agree that for the present study, the resolution was in the 10s of nanonewton range, due to the need to use stiffer substrates and larger fields of view.

      The camera used in our work was specified in the appropriate subsection of the Materials and Methods (“All WARP and ERISM images were acquired using an Andor Zyla 4.2 sCMOS camera (Andor Technology, Belfast, UK)”). We apologise that the exact frame rate used in our current work was not mentioned in our original manuscript; this has now been added to the ‘Freely behaving animals force imaging’ section of the Materials and Methods (page 23, lines 574-577).

      (1.9) It would be helpful to have a discussion of the limits of the techniques presented and tradeoffs that might be involved in overcoming them. For instance, what is the field of view of the WARP microscope, and could it be increased by choosing a lower power objective? What would be required to allow WARP microscopy to measure horizontal forces? Can a crawling larva be imaged over many strides by recentering it in the field of view, or are there only particular regions of the elastomer where a measurement may be made?

      We agree with the reviewer that some discussion of the limitations of our technique will allow readers to have a more informed appreciation of what we are capable of measuring using WARP. However, as this is the first work to ever demonstrate such measurements, the limitations and tradeoffs cannot all be known with certainty at the present stage.

      To answer your individual questions:

      (1) There is a trade-off between numerical aperture and the ability to resolve individual interference fringes. Since our approach to calculate displacement from reflection maps relies upon counting of individual fringe transitions, going to a lower powered objective risks having these fringes blend and thus the identification of the individual transitions becoming impossible. The minimum numerical aperture of the objective will therefore generally depend on the steepness of indentations produced by the animals; the steeper an indentation, the closer the neighbouring fringes and thus the higher the required magnification to resolve them.

      (2) From WARP and ERISM data, one can make inferences about horizontal forces, as is described in detail in our earlier publications about ERISM (ref, 23). However, quantitation of horizontal forces at sufficient temporal resolution to allow the investigation of behaving Drosophila larva is currently not possible.

      (3) Many strides can indeed be imaged using our technique, however, this comes with additional technical challenges. Whether or not the animal itself can be recentred is an ongoing challenge. We have found that the animals are amenable to recentring themselves within the field of view if chasing an attractive odorant. However, manual recentering using a paintbrush risks destroying the top surface of the soft elastic resonator and recentering the microscope stage would require real-time object tracking which has been outside the scope of this original work, given the other challenging requirements on hardware and optics for obtaining high quality force maps.

      To provide more information on limitations of our technique, we have added the following text into the discussion (pages 13-14, lines 356-370).

      ‘Despite the substantial advances they have provided, the use of WARP and ERISM also brings challenges and has several technical limitations. For example, fabrication of resonators is much more challenging than preparation of the agarose substrates conventionally used for studying locomotion of Drosophila. This problem is compounded by the fragility of the devices owing to the fragility of the thin gold top mirror. This becomes problematic when placing animals onto the microcavities, as often the area local to the initial placement of the animal is damaged by the paintbrush used to move the animals. Further, as a result of the combining of the two wavelengths, the effective framerate of the resultant displacement and stress maps is equal to half of the recorded framerate of the interference maps. To be able to monitor fast movements, recording at very high framerates is therefore necessary which, depending on hardware, might require imaging at reduced image size, but this in turn reduces the number of peristaltic waves that can be recorded before the animal escapes the field of view. A further limitation is that WARP and ERISM are sensitive mainly to forces in the vertical direction; this is complementary to TFM, which is sensitive to forces in horizontal directions. Using WARP in conjunction with high speed TFM (possibly using the tuneable elastomers presented here) could provide a fully integrated picture of underlying vertical and horizontal traction forces during larval locomotion.’ And further on page 13, lines 337-341:

      ‘More detailed characterisation of this behaviour remains a challenge owing to the changing position of the mouth hooks. Due to their rigid structure and the relatively large forces produced in planting, mouth hooks produce substrate interaction patterns which our technique struggles to map accurately due to overlapping interference fringes ambiguating the fringe transitions.’

      We trust that the above discussion and our modifications to our manuscript resulting from these will address the reviewer’s concerns.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      (2.1) With a much higher spatiotemporal resolution of ground dynamics than any previous study, the authors uncover new "rules" of locomotory motor sequences during peristalsis and turning behaviors. These new motor sequences will interest the broad neuroscience community that is interested in the mechanisms of locomotion in this highly tractable model. The authors uncover new and intricate patterns of denticle movements and planting that seem to solve the problem of net motion under conditions of force-balance. Simply put, the denticulated "feet" or tail of the Drosophila larva are able to form transient and dynamic anchors that allow other movements to occur.

      We thank the reviewer for their feedback and the information regarding which of our results is likely to resonate most impactfully with readers from a biological background.

      The biology and dynamics are well-described. The physics is elementary and becomes distracting when occasionally overblown. For example, one doesn't need to invoke Newton's third law, per se, to understand why anchors are needed so that peristalsis can generate forward displacements. This is intuitively obvious.

      We are sorry to hear that the reviewer found some of the physics details distracting. To address this concern, we have simplified some of the language while still attempting to keep the core arguments intact. For context and analogy, we still believe that including a brief reference to the laws of motion is helpful for some readers to explain some of our results and highlight their general implications, especially with regard to anchoring against reaction forces.

      One of our objectives is to make this article accessible and interesting for biologists and physicists at all levels. We feel it is important to reach out to both communities and try to be inclusive as possible in our writing. Newton’s 3rd law is clearly relevant for our study and it is a common point of reference for anyone with a highschool education, and so we feel it is appropriate to mention it as a way to help readers across disciplines understand the biophysical challenges faced by the animals we study.

      (2.2) Another distracting allusion to "physics" is correlating deformation areas with displaced volume, finding that "volume is a consequence of mass in a 2nd order polynomial relationship". I have no idea what this "physics" means or what relevance this relationship has to the biology of locomotion.

      Upon reflection, we agree that this language may be overly complex and distracts from what is, at its core, a simple, but important principle governing how Drosophila larvae interact with their substrates. The point we are trying to make is that our data show that forces exerted by an animal are proportional in a non-linear way to contact area. This suggests that to increase force exerted on the substrate, an animal must increase contact area. We do not observe contact area remaining constant while force increases, or vice versa. To make this result more clear, we have made several changes in our revised manuscript. Figure 5B no longer shows the relationship between the protopodial contact area and the displaced volume of the elastic resonator, but instead now shows the protopodial contact area and recorded force transmitted into the substrate. This then shows that in order to increase force transmitted into the substrate, these animals must increase their contact area. We have made changes to the figure legend of Figure 5 and the statements in the Results section accordingly (Page 9, lines 220-222).

      2.3 The ERISM and WARP methods are state-of-the-art, but aside from generally estimating force magnitudes, the detailed force maps are not used. The most important new information is the highly accurate and detailed maps of displacement itself, not their estimates of applied force using finite element calculations. In fact, comparing displacements to stress maps, they are pretty similar (e.g., Fig 4), suggesting that all experiments are performed in a largely linear regime. It should also be noted that the stress maps are assumed to be normal stresses (perpendicular to the plane), not the horizontal stresses that are the ones that actually balance forces in the plane of animal locomotion.

      We largely agree with the statement made by the reviewer here. However, we have found that in many contexts, audiences appreciate having the absolute number of the forces and stresses involved reported. Therefore, where possible, we have used stress maps, rather than displacement maps. We also observe that while stress and displacement maps show similar patterns, features sometimes appear sharper in the stress map, which is a result of the finite element algorithm being able to attribute a broad indentation to a somewhat more localised downward force. We have thus opted to keep to original stress maps. We have been more explicit about WARP and ERISM being more tuned to recording vertically directed forces throughout the revised manuscript (lines 75, 78, 86, 162, 301, 305, 336).

      We have also modified our Discussion section to encourage further investigation of our proposed model using a technique more tuned to horizontal stresses (pages 12-13, lines 324-328):

      ‘However, WARP microscopy is best suited to measurements of forces in the vertical direction, and though we can make inferences such as this as they are a consequence of fundamental laws of physics, we present this conclusion as a testable prediction which could be confirmed using a force measurement technique more tuned to horizontally directed forces relative to the substrate.’

      (2.4) But none of this matters. The real achievements are the new locomotory dynamics uncovered with these amazing displacement measurements. I'm only asking the authors to be precise and down-to-earth about the nature of their measurements.

      We thank the reviewer for their perceptiveness in finding that though the forces are interesting, the interactions themselves are the most noteworthy result here. We trust that with the changes made in our revised manuscript, the description is now more “down-to-earth”, more concise where appropriate, and accurate as to which results are particularly important and novel.

      (2.5) It would be good to highlight the strength of the paper -- the discovery of new locomotion dynamics with high-resolution microscopy -- by describing it in simple qualitative language. One key discovery is the broad but shallow anchoring of the posterior body when the anterior body undertakes a "head sweep". Another discovery is the tripod indentation at the tail at the beginning of peristalsis cycles.

      We thank the reviewer for this recommendation. We agree that including a more explicit statement of some of our findings, especially with regards to these new posterior tripod structures and the whole-abdomen preparatory anchoring prior to head sweeps, would make the paper more impactful. As a result, we have modified the discussion section to include a statement for each new result and have also amended our abstract as a result (lines 407-416):

      “Here we have provided new insights into the behaviour of Drosophila larval locomotion. We have provided new quantitative details regarding the GRFs produced by locomoting larvae with high spatiotemporal resolution. This mapping allowed the first detailed observations of how these animals mitigate friction at the substrate interface and thus provide new rules by which locomotion is achieved. Further, we have ascribed new locomotor function to appendages not previously implicated in locomotion in the form of tripod papillae, providing a new working hypothesis of how these animals initiate movement. These new principles underlying the locomotion outlined here may serve as useful biomechanical constraints as called for by the wider modelling community (39).”

      (2.6) As far as I know, these anchoring behaviors are new. It is intuitively obvious that anchoring has to occur, but this paper describes the detailed dynamics of anchoring for the first time. Anchoring behavior now has to be included in the motor sequence for Drosophila larva locomotion in any comprehensive biomechanical or neural model.

      We agree with the reviewer on this. We think it is best to let our colleagues reflect on our findings and then decide how best to include them in future models.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Please be sure to describe in a figure caption or in the methods the details of the optical setup, especially the focal lengths of all the lenses, including the objective, and part numbers of the LEDs and filters. It would be helpful to have a figure in the main paper explaining the principles of ERISM/WARP microscopy along with the calibration measurements and computational pipeline (this would mainly combine elements already in the supplement). Such a figure should also include details of the setup that are alluded to in the methods but not fully explained (for instance, a "silicone well" is referred to in the methods but never described). The calibration of elastomer stiffness that now appears in the main text could be made a supplementary figure, unless there is some new art in the fabrication of the elastomers that should be highlighted as an advance in the main text.

      We appreciate the importance of explaining our methods to readers.

      In response to the public comments, we have added further details in our methods section to clarify practical aspects and ensure that readers will be able to reproduce our work.

      In Supplemental Figure 2, we show the full optical light path for ERISM and WARP along with named components. In addition, the principles of ERISM and WARP microscopy have already been extensively described in previous publications (See Refs 23-26). In light of this, we feel that the best approach in this paper is to direct readers to those publications.

      We feel that it is appropriate to present the calibration of elastomer stiffness in the main text because this is indeed a new innovation that is not just about making the elastomers but making force sensors based on these different materials. This is really important because it shows how researchers can tune the stiffness of an ERISM/WARP elastomer to match the type of tissue or organism under study. This is really the key technical advance that enables whole animal biomechanics across a range of animal sizes, so we think it is appropriate to keep it in the main text.

      We want to make sure that we do not oversell this point, and we feel that we make it sufficiently clear in the main text of our manuscript that making elastomer based force sensors of appropriate stiffness is important, when we state

      “First, we developed optical microcavities with mechanical stiffnesses in the range found in hydrogel substrates commonly used for studying Drosophila larval behaviour, i.e. Young’s modulus (E) of 10-30kPa (36–38).” (p. 5, ll. 124) and later

      “Here we used Drosophila larvae as a test case, but our methods now allow elastic optical resonators to be tuned to a wide range of animal sizes and thus create new possibilities for studying principles of neuro-biomechanics across an array of animals.” (p. 12, ll. 337)

      I would appreciate a description of the "why" behind some experimental choices, as understanding the motivation would be helpful for other researchers looking to adopt these techniques.

      We have now added additional text in the introduction and discussion that explains the rationale behind our experimental choices. in more detail. Please see our response to Reviewer 1’s public comments on the same point.

      (1) The WARP and ERISM experiments were conducted on a collagen coated gold surface rather than agarose. Why? EG does agarose not adhere to the gold, or would its thickness interfere with the measurement?

      The gold layer is applied above the elastomer and the collagen on top of the gold layer makes the gold a more natural biological surface for the animals. Agarose is unsuitable as an elastomer because it would dry during the vacuum based deposition of the gold. It is also unsuitable as a surface coating on top of the gold as the coating on the gold needs to very thin to preserve the spatial and mechanical resolution of our sensors. Further, processing of agarose generally requires temperatures of 60°C and higher which we find can damage the elastomer / gold films.

      (2) The ERISM measurements are made on a cold anesthetized animal right as it starts to wake up (visible mouth-hooks movement), which presents some difficulty. Why not start imaging while the animal is still completely immobile? Or why not use a dead larva?

      This approach allowed us to get measurements of forces exerted by denticles that are physiologically and biomechanically accurate. In dead or fully anesthetized animals, one cannot be sure that the forces exerted by denticles and denticle bands are representative of the forces exerted by an animal with active hydrostatic control.

      (3) In the ERISM setup the monochromator is spatially filtered by focusing through pinhole, while in the WARP setup, the LEDs are not.

      Yes that’s correct. The LED light sources used in WARP have better spatial homogeneity than the tungsten filament used in ERISM and so a pinhole is not required in WARP.

      (4) SV4 shows the interference image of a turning larva (presumably from one illumination wavelength) rather than a reconstruction of the displacement or stresses. Why?

      We felt that in this particular case the interference images provided a clearer representation of the behavioural sequence, showing both the small indentations generated by individual denticles and the larger indentations of the animal overall.

      Lines 49-50 "a lack of methods with sufficient spatiotemporal resolution for measuring GRFs in freely behaving animals has limited progress." This needs a discussion of what sufficient spatial and temporal resolutions would be and how existing methods fall short of these goals.

      We have now rewritten the introduction to include an overview of other alternative approaches and of what we see as the requirements here. See our response to the public comments.

      Figure caption 1B (line 789) refers to "concave areas of naked cuticle (black line) which generally do not interact with the substrate" While I think this might be supported by later WARP images, it's not clear how the technique of figure 1 measures interaction, which could e.g. be mediated by surface tension of a transparent fluid.

      The technique of Figure 1 provides qualitative information which as the reviewer points out is validated by WARP measurements later.

      Lines 184-189 "However, unexpectedly, we observed an additional force on the substrate when protopodia leave the substrate (SI) and when they are replanted (ST). To investigate whether this force was due to an active behaviour or due to shifting body mass, we plotted integrated displacement (i.e. displaced volume) against the contact area for each protopodium, combining data from multiple forwards waves (Figure 5B). Area is correlated with displaced volume for most time points, indicating that volume is a consequence of mass in a 2nd order polynomial relationship." I couldn't follow this argument at all.

      We have now reworded this section and explained our rationale. Also see our response to a similar critique in Reviewer 2’s public comments.

      Generally the authors might reconsider their use of acronyms. e.g. (244-246) "SI latencies were much more strongly correlated with wave duration across most segments than ST latencies. SIs scale with SwP and this could be mediated by proprioceptor activity in the periphery" is made more difficult to parse by the abbreviations.

      As we need to refer to these terms multiple times throughout the manuscript, we feel the use of acronyms is appropriate here.

      The video captions are inadequate. Please expand on them to explain clearly what is shown, and also describe in the methods how the data were acquired and processed. For instance, it seems that in SV3 a motion correction algorithm is applied so that the larva appears stationary even as it crawls forward. I think "fourier filtered" means that the images were processed with a spatial high pass filter - this should be explained and the parameters noted.

      We have revisited the video captions provided in the supplementary information document and conclude that these contain the important information. The mode of acquisition are described in the methods, e.g. Video 1 and 2 see section in Methods on “Denticle band kinematic imaging” and Videos 3 and 4 see section in Methods on WARP. Supplementary Video 3 does not make use of motion correction; indeed, one can see the larvae moving upwards/forwards in the field of view. We apologize for not explaining the Fourier filtering process for Video 3. We have now modified the video caption to read as follows:

      Video SV3. WARP imaging during forwards peristalses.

      Video showing high frame rate displacement maps produced by a freely behaving Drosophila larva. Displacement maps were Fourier filtered to make denticulated cuticle more readily visible and projected in 3D to show the effects of substrate interaction. Details of the Fourier filtering procedure were described elsewhere [Kronenberg et al, Nat Cell Biol 19, 864–872 (2017)].

      What were the reflectances of the bottom (10 nm Au/Cr) and top (15nm Au) metal layers at the wavelengths used? I imagine the bottom layer should be less than 38%, the top layer higher, and the product of the square of the bottom transmission and the top reflectance coefficients equal to the bottom reflectance (to make the two paths of the interferometer contribute equal intensity), but none of this is stated.

      The reflectance of the gold mirrors was studied in detail in prior work on ERISM. See Kronenberg et al, Nat Cell Biol 19, 864–872 (2017). We therefore refrained from adding a complete optical characterization of the ERISM sensors again here. In brief, we found that a reflectance >13% at each Au mirror is required for reliable ERISM measurements.

      The description of the gold coated elastomer as a microcavity is confusing to me. Does the light really make multiple round trips between the plates before returning to the detector? The loss of light on each round trip would depend on the reflectance and parallelism of the top and bottom mirrors. From the WARP calculation it's appears that there is only one round trip - a pi/2 phase shift results from the calculation for one round trip: 2pi*2nL 5nm/(630nm)^2, with n = 1.4 and L = 8 microns - if there were two round trips, the phase shift would be pi etc. Would this better be described as a mostly common path interferometer?

      The physics of our devices is best described within the framework of thin film interference and (weak) microcavity optics. Indeed, light can make multiple roundtrips, though it gets attenuated with each reflection. The complete calculation of the multiple roundtrips is only required to obtain quantitative information on the amount of light that is reflected. The spectral position of minima in reflectance can also be obtained from assuming one roundtrip which is what is done in the description of the WARP calculations.

      Figure 2 e,f: the line fits appear to be dominated by the data points at 2 s. If these are removed, do the fits change? To support the argument that 2e shows a correlation and 2f does not, some kind of statistical test, ideally a hierarchical bootstrap, should be conducted to compare between the two measurements.

      If we remove the data points at 2 s, then R^2’s for swing initiation latencies change as follows: A2: 0.35 to 0.005; A4: 0.78 to 0.31; A6: 0.61 to 0.01. The data in 2e,f are the averages from 3 waves in each animal and so the data points at 2 s are not simply the result of single ‘rogue’ waves but rather averages of several trials. Further, if all individual waves are plotted, we can see that the overall trends are still visible.

      We don’t think it is appropriate to remove the data at 2 s from our analysis, but we take the point regarding statements about presence or absence of correlation in a formal sense. We have therefore changed the wording in the description of 2e,f to refer simply to the fact that wave duration can ‘largely determine' latencies in some instances, but is less able to in other instances, as is suggested by the R^2 (coefficient of determination) data. In discussion, we have also adjusted our wording.

      Figure 4 - please provide in the main figure or as a supplement the full images (i.e. not cropped to the assumed shape of the larva)

      We do not feel that it is necessary or helpful to provide the full images given that the focus of the analysis is on dynamics of protopodia movements.

      Figure 5e top: single data points around wave duration 0.6s appear to dominate fit lines. Does removing these points alter the fits? To support the argument that 5e top shows a correlation and 5e bottom does not, some kind of statistical test, ideally a hierarchical bootstrap, should be conducted to compare between the two measurements.

      In Figure 5e, we are showing all waves analysed across animals. If we remove the datapoints at 0.6 s, A2 R^2 changes from 0.24 to 0.05, A4 R^2 changes from 0.48 to 0.11, A6 R^2 changes from 0.69 to 0.34; however we don’t feel it is appropriate to remove these data from our analysis. We take the point about needing to be cautious about making claims about correlation versus no correlation and have now reworded description of these results along same lines as Figure 4.

      It appears from the methods (467-489) that animals were kept wet for warp imaging but not for ERISM imaging. Please confirm or explain further the presence or absence of a water layer in these two sets of measurements, as this could affect the adhesion forces.

      In each case, the animals were transferred onto experimental substrates with a moistened paintbrush. We have added text explicitly stating this in the methods section.

      Kim et al. Nature Methods 2017 (10.1038/nmeth.4429) describes recording two images separated by less than 60 microseconds using a scientific CMOS camera with a frame rate of 200 Hz. This is accomplished by triggering a pulsed LED once at the end of one frame's capture window and then a second time at the beginning of the next frame's window (see Supplementary Figure 10). I'm not sure if this trick is widely known, but it's worth considering if the authors are running into a problem with movement between the two wavelength exposures in their WARP setup.

      Thank you for this tip. We will take this under consideration for future work.

      Is the setup compatible with optogenetics? (EG is the red light dim enough that it wouldn't activate CsChrimson, or could a longer wavelength led be used for interferometry?) If so, activation of mooncrawler descending neuron (MDN) could be used to study backward crawling (or thermogenetic activation of MDN), e.g. to contrast the sites and order of "anchoring" between the two directions of crawling.

      The set-up is potentially compatible with optogenetics. We are in the process of exploring this in current ongoing work.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Simplify/reduce the commentary about force measurements, and highlight the clear, qualitative descriptions of the novel locomotion patterns that they have observed. The microscopy and movements seem to matter more than the ground force estimations.

      We have addressed these issues in our responses to Reviewer 2’s public comments.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the current reviews.

      We thank the reviewers for their valuable feedback which has improved this work greatly from its original form, and are elated to have such glowing reviews of the revised work published alongside the revised preprint. Reviewer 3 raises some final salient points, which deserve a brief address here.

      Teeth: We thank the reviewer for clarifying their points. We do make the assumption that the ecological parameter space of toothed and beaked organisms will be comparable. Both are governed by the same set of physical principles and have the jaw bone as the most likely point of failure (teeth are harder than bone, and keratinous rhamphothecae are malleable and can be regrown with relative ease when deformed). Differences in stress/strain distribution between toothed and beaked organisms will occur but are already accounted for in our methods as we model both the teeth and rhamphotheca and will observe these different effects. We have added an explicit statement of this hypothesis to the Methods section of the manuscript.

      Cranial kinesis: In our opinion, it is a safe assumption that the lower jaws of extant birds and enantiornithines are comparable. We do not see why the acquisition of kinesis in the upper jaw would generally affect the functional role of or constraints on the lower jaw. One possibility we discussed is that a quickly-moving kinetic premaxilla could let the lower jaw move a shorter distance during effective prey capture and lower the selection for speed (i.e. allow jaw-closing MA to remain higher). While we have added this possibility to our call for the investigation of cranial kinesis, we consider it too speculative to begin altering interpretations of fossil taxa. All raw measurement data remains available so that, if evidence is found for cranial kinesis having predictable effects on our measured parameters, future researchers can re-analyse our data and update any ecological predictions accordingly.

      Organization: To our knowledge eLife format incorporates what one would think of as a Conclusions section into the Discussion. Our Discussion section currently contains 18 subheadings which should guide a reader to any specific topic of interest. The Discussion also progresses from a more narrow to broad focus which we and several colleagues find intuitive.

      We thank all three reviewers once again for their feedback that has improved this work and their kind words throughout the process.

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We thank all three reviewers for their detailed reviews, and generally agree with their feedback. To accompany the reviewed preprint of this manuscript, we wished to respond to comments from the reviewers so that they (and the public) will know what we are planning to incorporate in the revised manuscript we are currently preparing. If there are any comments on our plans in the meantime, please let us know.

      • Reviewer 1, on concerns regarding identification of ontogenetic stage and comparison of taxa from different ontogenetic stages: It is fair to say that enantiornithine ontogeny is still poorly understood, though we believe all current evidence points to each specimen used in this study to being adequately mature for comparison to the extant birds used in the study. Stages of skeletal fusion are the standard method of assessing enantiornithine ontogeny (Hu and O'Connor 2017), and our comparison of histological work (Atterholt, Poust et al. 2021) to skeletal stages in Table S4 suggests a transition from juvenile to subadult in stage 0 or 1 and from subadult to adult within stage 3. Thus, the specimens we quantitatively examine in this study, all at stages 2 or 3 (Figure S10), are advanced subadults or adults. It is well-known that many living animals considered “adults” would be considered subadults or even juveniles to a palaeontologist (Hone, Farke et al. 2016). So, even if some individuals in this study are not fully skeletally mature, they should have obtained the morphology which they would possess for most of their lives and thus the morphology which undergoes selective pressure. We will add this context to the “Bohaiornithid Ontogeny” section and thank the reviewer for seeking more detail for this point.

      • Reviewer 2, on need of a context figure: We have an artistic life reconstruction of a bohaiornithid in preparation, and can include that in the revised manuscript as a figure.

      • Reviewer 2, on raptor claw categories: We explain these categories in-depth in a previous work (Miller, Pittman et al. 2023). However, we will now add a short summary of that explanation to this work so that this manuscript will become self-contained in this regard. In short, the “large raptor” category includes extant birds with records of regularly taking prey which cannot be encircled with the pes, while birds in the “small raptor” have no such records. As Reviewer 2 points out this does often follow phylogenetic lines, but not always. E.g. most owls specialise in taking small prey, but the great horned owl Bubo virginianus regularly takes mammals and birds larger than its pes (Artuso, Houston et al. 2020); and conversely we can only find reports of the common black hawk Buteogallus anthracinus taking prey samll enough for the pes to encircle (Schnell 2020) despite other accipiters frequently taking large prey. In both cases these taxa plot in PCA nearer to other large or small raptors (respectively) than to their phylogenetic relatives.

      • Reviewer 3, on teeth vs beaks: We are not aware of any foods which are exclusive to toothed or beaked animals. There are some aspects of extant bird biology that may affect the way a certain diet may need to be adapted to which we do comment on, e.g. discussion of alternatives to the crop and ventriculus for processing plant matter in the Bohaiornithid Ecology and Evolution section. For functional studies, e.g. FEA, we have included the rhamphotheca in toothless models which serves the same role as teeth, to be a feeding surface. It should not matter, in theory, if the feeding surface is hard or soft as mechanical failure occurs in high stress/strain states regardless of the medium. If having teeth necessarily increases or decreses overall stress/strain relative to a beak (and from our work this does not appear to be the case), this would in turn necessarily limit dietary options. So, all models in our work should be directly comparable.

      As an additional note on this topic, we address tooth shape in bohaiornithids at the end of the Bohaiornithid Ecology and Evolution section. We specifically note that their tooth shape is likley controlled by phylogeny in the current version, though we will add a note in the upcoming version that the morphospace of bohaiorntihid teeth overlaps that of many other clades with purportedly diverse diets, which is consistent with a hypothesis of diverse diets within the clade.

      • Reviewer 3, on cranial kinesis: Our FE models should be unaffected by cranial kinesis, as these are two-dimensional and model the akinetic lower jaw only. Some mediolateral kinesis may be relevant in the mandible in the form of “wishboning” in different taxa, but its prevalence in extant birds is currently unknown. The preservation of enantiornithines (two-dimensionally and typically in lateral view) limits the ability to capture any mediolateral function regardless.

      Our models of mechanical advantage do not account for any cranial kinesis. This is a necessary simplifcation. The nature of cranial kinesis in extant birds, and the role that it plays in feeding, is poorly understood. Cranial kinesis will increase gape, but we don’t yet know how/if it affects jaw closing force and speed (moreover, given the variation in quadrate and hinge morphology present in extant birds, this is also something that is likely to be highly diverse). We have therefore modelled the extant birds’ jaw closing systems as having one, akinetic out lever (the jaw joint to the bite point), to match the situation in our fossil taxa. This is a common simplification that has been used previously with success (Corbin, Lowenberger et al. 2015, Olsen 2017). However, we acknowledge that this simplification may introduce some error. Unfortunately, until the mechanics of cranial kinesis – and the variation in the anatomy and performance of kinetic structures in extant birds – are better understood, we cannot determine exactly what that error looks like. We therefore have greater confidence in the inter-species comparability this conservative, akinetic approach (in other words, we may not be making assumptions that are 100% accurate, but we are at least making the same assumption across all taxa, so it should be comparable in its error). We will add a section in the Mechanical Advantage and Functional Indices discussion calling for further research into the mechanics of cranial kinesis so future mechanical advantage work in birds can take this matter into account.

      • Reviewer 3, on skull reconstruction: This issue is partly addressed in the Bohaiornithid Skull Reconstruction section, though we agree that adding more mentions of it in the MA and FEA Discussion sections and the Bohaiornithid Ecology and Evolution sections will benefit the manuscript. Most notably Shenqiornis and Sulcavis have similar ecological interpretations, but much of the Shenqiornis skull reconstruction uses Sulcavis bones. Longusunguis is the only other taxon which takes more than two bones from a different taxon, and in this case all but the quadrate are not used in any quanitative measurements. We have ensured that the skull reconstructions presented in Figure 2 show what portions of the skull come from what specimen so that as new material is discovered and phylogenetic relationships are updated it will be clear to future readers which parts of reconstructions will need to be updated.

      • Reviewer 3, on data availability: All data including FEA models and raw measurement data are included in the same repository as the scripts, which we will make clear in the manuscript. Good catch on the data link being dead, we will publish it now.

      As a final note, it was brought to our attention by another colleague that the original manuscript’s ancestral state reconstrction lacked an outgroup. An updated reconstruction using Sapeornis as an outgroup will be included in the revised manuscript. The addition of the outgroup does not change any conclusions of the manuscript.

      We once again thank our reviewers for their valuable feedback and will submit a revised version of this manuscript for publication shortly. Please let us know if you have any additional comments after reading our response that we can take onboard in our revision.


      Artuso, C., C. S. Houston, D. G. Smith and C. Rohner (2020). Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus), version 1.0. Birds of the World. A. F. Poole. Ithaca, NY, USA, Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

      Atterholt, J., A. W. Poust, G. M. Erickson and J. K. O'Connor (2021). "Intraskeletal osteohistovariability reveals complex growth strategies in a Late Cretaceous enantiornithine." Frontiers in Earth Science 9: 640220.

      Corbin, C. E., L. K. Lowenberger and B. L. Gray (2015). "Linkage and trade‐off in trophic morphology and behavioural performance of birds." Functional ecology 29(6): 808-815.

      Hone, D. W. E., A. A. Farke and M. J. Wedel (2016). "Ontogeny and the fossil record: what, if anything, is an adult dinosaur?" Biology letters 12(2): 20150947.

      Hu, H. and J. K. O'Connor (2017). "First species of Enantiornithes from Sihedang elucidates skeletal development in Early Cretaceous enantiornithines." Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 15(11): 909-926.

      Miller, C. V., M. Pittman, X. Wang, X. Zheng and J. A. Bright (2023). "Quantitative investigation of Mesozoic toothed birds (Pengornithidae) diet reveals earliest evidence of macrocarnivory in birds." iScience 26(3): 106211.

      Olsen, A. M. (2017). "Feeding ecology is the primary driver of beak shape diversification in waterfowl." Functional Ecology 31(10): 1985-1995.

      Schnell, J. H. (2020). Common Black Hawk (Buteogallus anthracinus), version 1.0. Birds of the World. A. F. Poole and F. B. Gill. Ithaca, NY, USA, Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This important study combines a range of advanced ultrastructural imaging approaches to define the unusual endosomal system of African trypanosomes. Compelling images show that instead of a distinct set of compartments, the endosome of these protists comprises a continuous system of membranes with functionally distinct subdomains as defined by canonical markers of early, late and recycling endosomes. The findings suggest that the endocytic system of bloodstream stages has evolved to facilitate the extraordinarily high rates of membrane turnover needed to remove immune complexes and survive in the blood, which is of interest to anyone studying infectious diseases.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Bloodstream stages of the parasitic protist, Trypanosoma brucei, exhibit very high rates of constitutive endocytosis, which is needed to recycle the surface coat of Variant Surface Glycoproteins (VSGs) and remove surface immune complexes. While many studies have shown that the endo-lysosomal systems of T. brucei BF stages contain canonical domains, as defined by classical Rab markers, it has remained unclear whether these protists have evolved additional adaptations/mechanisms for sustaining these very high rates of membrane transport and protein sorting. The authors have addressed this question by reconstructing the 3D ultrastructure and functional domains of the T. brucei BF endosome membrane system using advanced electron tomography and super-resolution microscopy approaches. Their studies reveal that, unusually, the BF endosome network comprises a continuous system of cisternae and tubules that contain overlapping functional subdomains. It is proposed that a continuous membrane system allows higher rates of protein cargo segregation, sorting and recycling than can otherwise occur when transport between compartments is mediated by membrane vesicles or other fusion events.


      The study is a technical tour-de-force using a combination of electron tomography, super-resolution/expansion microscopy, immune-EM of cryo-sections to define the 3D structures and connectivity of different endocytic compartments. The images are very clear and generally support the central conclusion that functionally distinct endocytic domains occur within a dynamic and continuous endosome network in BF stages.


      The authors suggest that this dynamic endocytic network may also fulfil many of the functions of the Golgi TGN and that the latter may be absent in these stages. Although plausible, this comment needs further experimental support. For example, have the authors attempted to localize canonical makers of the TGN (e.g. GRIP proteins) in T. brucei BF and/or shown that exocytic carriers bud directly from the endosomes?

      We agree with the criticism and have shortened the discussion accordingly and clearly marked it as speculation. However, we do not want to completely abandon our hypothesis.

      The paragraph now reads:

      Lines 740 – 751:

      “Interestingly, we did not find any structural evidence of vesicular retrograde transport to the Golgi. Instead, the endosomal ‘highways’ extended throughout the posterior volume of the trypanosomes approaching the trans-Golgi interface. It is highly plausible that this region represents the convergence point where endocytic and biosynthetic membrane trafficking pathways merge. A comparable merging of endocytic and biosynthetic functions has been described for the TGN in plants. Different marker proteins for early and recycling endosomes were shown to be associated and/ or partially colocalized with the TGN suggesting its function in both secretory and endocytic pathways (reviewed in Minamino and Ueda, 2019). As we could not find structural evidence for the existence of a TGN we tentatively propose that trypanosomes may have shifted the central orchestrating function of the TGN as a sorting hub at the crossroads of biosynthetic and recycling pathways to the endosome. Although this is a speculative scenario, it is experimentally testable.”

      Furthermore, we removed the lines 51 - 52, which included the suggestion of the TGN as a master regulator, from the abstract.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors suggest that the African trypanosome endomembrane system has unusual organisation, in that the entire system is a single reticulated structure. It is not clear if this is thought to extend to the lysosome or MVB. There is also a suggestion that this unusual morphology serves as a trans-(post)Golgi network rather than the more canonical arrangement.

      The work is based around very high-quality light and electron microscopy, as well as utilising several marker proteins, Rab5A, 11 and 7. These are deemed as markers for early endosomes, recycling endosomes and late or pre-lysosomes. The images are mostly of high quality but some inconsistencies in the interpretation, appearance of structures and some rather sweeping assumptions make this less easy to accept. Two perhaps major issues are claims to label the entire endosomal apparatus with a single marker protein, which is hard to accept as certainly this reviewer does not really even know where the limits to the endosomal network reside and where these interface with other structures. There are several additional compartments that have been defined by Rob proteins as well, and which are not even mentioned. Overall I am unconvinced that the authors have demonstrated the main things they claim.<br /> The endomembrane system in bloodstream form T. brucei is clearly delimited. Compared to mammalian cells it is tidy and confined to the posterior part of the spindleshaped cell. The endoplasmic reticulum is linked to one side of the longitudinal cell axis, marked by the attached flagellum, while the mitochondrion locates to the opposite side. Glycosomes are easily identifiable as spheres, as are acidocalcisomes, which are smaller than glycosomes and – in electron micrographs – are characterized by high electron density. All these organelles extend beyond the nucleus, which is not the case for the endosomal compartment, the lysosome and the Golgi. The vesicles found in the posterior half of the trypanosome cell are quantitatively identifiable as COP1, CCVI or CCVII vesicles, or exocytic carriers. The lysosome has a higher degree of morphological plasticity, but this is not topic of the present work. Thus, the endomembrane system in T. brucei is comparatively well structured and delimited, which is why we have chosen trypanosomes as cell biological model.

      We have published EP1::GFP as marker for the endosome system and flagellar pocket back in 2004. We have defined the fluid phase volume of the trypanosome endosome in papers published between 2002 and 2007. This work was not intended to represent the entirety of RAB proteins. We were only interested in 3 canonical markers for endosome subtypes. We do not claim anything that is not experimentally tested, we have clearly labelled our hypotheses as such, and we do not make sweeping assumptions.

      The approaches taken are state-of-the-art but not novel, and because of the difficulty in fully addressing the central tenet, I am not sure how much of an impact this will have beyond the trypanosome field. For certain this is limited to workers in the direct area and is not a generalisable finding.

      To the best of our knowledge, there is no published research that has employed 3D Tokuyasu or expansion microscopy (ExM) to label endosomes. The key takeaway from our study, which is the concept that "endosomes are continuous in trypanosomes" certainly is novel. We are not aware of any other report that has demonstrated this aspect.

      The doubts formulated by the reviewer regarding the impact of our work beyond the field of trypanosomes are not timely. Indeed, our results, and those of others, show that the conclusions drawn from work with just a few model organisms is not generalisable. We are finally on the verge of a new cell biology that considers the plethora of evolutionary solutions beyond ophistokonts. We believe that this message should be widely acknowledged and considered. And we are certainly not the only ones who are convinced that the term "general relevance" is unscientific and should no longer be used in biology.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      As clearly highlighted by the authors, a key plank in the ability of trypanosomes to evade the mammalian host’s immune system is its high rate of endocytosis. This rapid turnover of its surface enables the trypanosome to ‘clean’ its surface removing antibodies and other immune effectors that are subsequently degraded. The high rate of endocytosis is likely reflected in the organisati’n and layout of the endosomal system in these parasites. Here, Link et al., sought to address this question using a range of light and three-dimensional electron microscopy approaches to define the endosomal organisation in this parasite.

      Before this study, the vast majority of our information about the make-up of the trypanosome endosomal system was from thin-section electron microscopy and immunofluorescence studies, which did not provide the necessary resolution and 3D information to address this issue. Therefore, it was not known how the different structures observed by EM were related. Link et al., have taken advantage of the advances in technology and used an impressive combination of approaches at the LM and EM level to study the endosomal system in these parasites. This innovative combination has now shown the interconnected-ness of this network and demonstrated that there are no ‘classical’ compartments within the endosomal system, with instead different regions of the network enriched in different protein markers (Rab5a, Rab7, Rab11).


      This is a generally well-written and clear manuscript, with the data well-presented supporting the majority of the conclusions of the authors. The authors use an impressive range of approaches to address the organisation of the endosomal system and the development of these methods for use in trypanosomes will be of use to the wider parasitology community.

      I appreciate their inclusion of how they used a range of different light microscopy approaches even though for instance the dSTORM approach did not turn out to be as effective as hoped. The authors have clearly demonstrated that trypanosomes have a large interconnected endosomal network, without defined compartments and instead show enrichment for specific Rabs within this network.


      My concerns are:

      i) There is no evidence for functional compartmentalisation. The classical markers of different endosomal compartments do not fully overlap but there is no evidence to show a region enriched in one or other of these proteins has that specific function. The authors should temper their conclusions about this point.

      The reviewer is right in stating that Rab-presence does not necessarily mean Rabfunction. However, this assumption is as old as the Rab literature. That is why we have focused on the 3 most prominent endosomal marker proteins. We report that for endosome function you do not necessarily need separate membrane compartments. This is backed by our experiments.

      ii) The quality of the electron microscopy work is very high but there is a general lack of numbers. For example, how many tomograms were examined? How often were fenestrated sheets seen? Can the authors provide more information about how frequent these observations were?

      The fenestrated sheets can be seen in the majority of the 37 tomograms recorded of the posterior volume of the parasites. Furthermore, we have randomly generated several hundred tiled (= very large) electron micrographs of bloodstream form trypanosomes for unbiased analyses of endomembranes. In these 2D-datasets the “footprint” of the fenestrated flat and circular cisternae is frequently detectable in the posterior cell area.

      We now have included the corresponding numbers in all EM figure legends.

      iii) The EM work always focussed on cells which had been processed before fixing. Now, I understand this was important to enable tracers to be used. However, given the dynamic nature of the system these processing steps and feeding experiments may have affected the endosomal organisation. Given their knowledge of the system now, the authors should fix some cells directly in culture to observe whether the organisation of the endosome aligns with their conclusions here.

      This is a valid criticism; however, it is the cell culture that provides an artificial environment. As for a possible effect of cell harvesting by centrifugation on the integrity and functionality of the endosome system, we consider this very unlikely for one simple reason. The mechanical forces acting in and on the parasites as they circulate in the extremely crowded and confined environment of the mammalian bloodstream are obviously much higher than the centrifugal forces involved in cell preparation. This becomes particularly clear when one considers that the mass of the particle to be centrifuged determines the actual force exerted by the g-forces. Nevertheless, the proposed experiment is a good control, although much more complex than proposed, since tomography is a challenging technique. We have performed the suggested experiment and acquired tomograms of unprocessed cells. The corresponding data is now included as supplementary movie 2, 3 and 4. We refer to it in lines 202 – 206: To investigate potential impacts of processing steps (cargo uptake, centrifugation, washing) on endosomal organization, we directly fixed cells in the cell culture flask, embedded them in Epon, and conducted tomography. The resulting tomograms revealed endosomal organization consistent with that observed in cells fixed after processing (see Supplementary movie 2, 3, and 4).

      We furthermore thank the reviewer for the experiment suggestion in the acknowledgments.

      iv) The discussion needs to be revamped. At the moment it is just another run through of the results and does not take an overview of the results presenting an integrated view. Moreover, it contains reference to data that was not presented in the results.

      We have improved the discussion accordingly.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      The reviewers concurred about the high calibre of the work and the importance of the findings.

      They raised some issues and made some suggestions to improve the paper without additional experiments - key issues include

      (1) Better referencing of the trypanosome endocytosis/ lysosomal trafficking literature.

      The literature, especially the experimental and quantitative work, is very limited. We now provide a more complete set of references. However, we would like to mention that we had cited a recent review that critically references the trypanosome literature with emphasis on the extensive work done with mammalian cells and yeast.

      (2) Moving the dSTORM data that detracts from otherwise strong data in a supplementary figure.

      We have done this.

      (3) Removal of the conclusion that the continuous endosome fulfils the functions of TGN, without further evidence.

      As stated above, this was not a conclusion in our paper, but rather a speculation, which we have now more clearly marked as such. Lines 740 to 751 now read:

      “Interestingly, we did not find any structural evidence of vesicular retrograde transport to the Golgi. Instead, the endosomal ‘highways’ extended throughout the posterior volume of the trypanosomes approaching the trans-Golgi interface. It is highly plausible that this region represents the convergence point where endocytic and biosynthetic membrane trafficking pathways merge. A comparable merging of endocytic and biosynthetic functions was already described for the TGN in plants. Different marker proteins for early and recycling endosomes were shown to be associated and/ or partially colocalized with the TGN suggesting its function in both secretory and endocytic pathways (reviewed in Minamino and Ueda, 2019). As we could not find structural evidence for the existence of a TGN we tentatively propose that trypanosomes may have shifted the central orchestrating function of the TGN as a sorting hub at the crossroads of biosynthetic and recycling pathways to the endosome. Although this is a speculative scenario, it is experimentally testable.”

      (4) Broader discussion linking their findings to other examples of organelle maturation in eukaryotes (e.g cisternal maturation of the Golgi)

      We have improved the discussion accordingly.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      What are the multi-vesicular vesicles that surround the marked endosomal compartments in Fig 1. Do they become labelled with fluid phase markers with longer incubations (e.g late endosome/ lysosomal)?

      The function of MVBs in trypanosomes is still far from being clear. They are filled with fluid phase cargo, especially ferritin, but are devoid of VSG. Hence it is likely that MVBs are part of the lysosomal compartment. In fact, this part of the endomembrane system is highly dynamic. MVBs can be physically connected to the lysosome or can form elongated structures. The surprising dynamics of the trypanosome lysosome will be published elsewhere.

      Figure 2. The compartments labelled with EP1::Halo are very poorly defined due to the low levels of expression of the reporter protein and/or sensitivity of detection of the Halo tag. Based on these images, it would be hard to conclude whether the endosome network is continuous or not. In this respect, it is unclear why the authors didn't use EP1-GFP for these analyses? Given the other data that provides more compelling evidence for a single continuous compartment, I would suggest removing Fig 2A.

      We have used EP1::GFP to label the entire endosome system (Engstler and Boshart, 2004). Unfortunately, GFP is not suited for dSTORM imaging. By creating the EP1::Halo cell line, we were able to utilize the most prominent dSTORM fluorescent dye, Alexa 647. This was not primarily done to generate super resolution images, but rather to measure the dynamics of the GPI-anchored, luminal protein EP with single molecule precision. The results from this study will be published separately. But we agree with the reviewer and have relocated the dSTORM data to the supplementary material.

      The observation that Rab5a/7 can be detected in the lumen of lysosome is interesting. Mechanistically, this presumably occurs by invagination of the limiting membrane of the lysosome. Is there any evidence that similar invagination of cytoplasmic markers occurs throughout or in subdomains of the endocytic network (possibly indicative of a 'late endosome' domain)?

      So far, we have not observed this. The structure of the lysosome and the membrane influx from the endosome are currently being investigated.

      The authors note that continuity of functionally distinct membrane compartments in the secretory/endocytic pathways has been reported in other protists (e.g T. cruzi). A particular example that could be noted is the endo-lysosomal system of Dictyostelium discoideum which mediates the continuous degradation and eventual expulsion of undigested material.

      We tried to include this in the discussion but ultimately decided against it because the Dictyostelium system cannot be easily compared to the trypanosome endosome.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):


      Not sure that 'common' is the correct term here. Frequent, near-universal..... it would be true that endocytosis is common across most eukaryotes.

      We have changed the sentence to “common process observed in most eukaryotes” (line 33).

      Immune evasion - the parasite does not escape the immune system, but does successfully avoid its impact, at least at the population level.

      We have replaced the word “escape” with “evasion” (line 35).

      The third sentence needs to follow on correctly from the second. Also, more than Igs are internalised and potentially part of immune evasion, such as C3, Factor H, ApoL1 etcetera.

      We believe that there may be a misunderstanding here. The process of endocytic uptake and lysosomal degradation has so far only been demonstrated in the context of VSGbound antibodies, which is why we only refer to this. Of course, the immune system comprises a wide range of proteins and effector molecules, all of which could be involved in immune evasion.

      I do not follow the logic that the high flux through the endocytic system in trypanosomes precludes distinct compartmentalisation - one could imagine a system where a lot of steps become optimised for example. This idea needs expanding on if it is correct.

      Membrane transport by vesicle transfer between several separate membrane compartments would be slower than the measured rate of membrane flux.

      Again I am not sure 'efficient' on line 40. It is fast, but how do you measure efficiency? Speed and efficiency are not the same thing.

      We have replaced the word “efficient” with “fast” (line 42).

      The basis for suggesting endosomes as a TGN is unclear. Given that there are AP complexes, retromer, exocyst and other factors that are part of the TGN or at least post-G differentiation of pathways in canonical systems, this seems a step too far. There really is no evidence in the rest of the MS that seems to support this.

      Yes, we agree and have clarified the discussion accordingly. We have not completely removed the discussion on the TGN but have labelled it more clearly as speculation.

      I am aware I am being pedantic here, but overall the abstract seems to provide an impression of greater novelty than may be the case and makes several very bold claims that I cannot see as fully valid.

      We are not aware of any claim in the summary that we have not substantiated with experiments, or any hypothesis that we have not explained.

      Moreover, the concept of fused or multifunctional endosomes (or even other endomembrane compartments) is old, and has been demonstrated in metazoan cells and yeast. The concept of rigid (in terms of composition) compartments really has been rejected by most folks with maturation, recycling and domain structures already well-established models and concepts.

      We agree that the (transient) presence of multiple Rab proteins decorating endosomes has been demonstrated in various cell types. This finding formed the basis for the endosomal maturation model in mammals and yeast, which has replaced the previous rigid compartment model.

      However, we do not appreciate attempts to question the originality of our study by claiming that similar observations have been made in metazoans or yeast. This is simply wrong. There are no reports of a functionally structured, continuous, single and large endosome in any other system. The only membrane system that might be similar was described in the American parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, however, without the use of endosome markers or any functional analysis. We refer to this study in the discussion.

      In summary, the maturation model falls short in explaining the intricacies of the membrane system we have uncovered in trypanosomes. Therefore, one plausible interpretation of our data is that the overall architecture of the trypanosome endosomes represents an adaptation that enables the remarkable speed of plasma membrane recycling observed in these parasites. In our view, both our findings and their interpretation are novel and worth reporting. Again, modern cell biology should recognize that evolution has developed many solutions for similar processes in cells, about whose diversity we have learned almost nothing because of our reductionist view. A remarkable example of this are the Picozoa, tiny bipartite eukaryotes that pack the entire nutritional apparatus into one pouch and the main organelles with the locomotor system into the other. Another one is the “extreme” cell biology of many protozoan parasites such as Giardia, Toxpoplasma or Trypanosoma.

      Higher plants have been well characterised, especially at the level of Rab/Arf proteins and adaptins.

      We now mention plant endosomes in our brief discussion of the trypanosome TGN. Lines 744 – 747:

      “A comparable merging of endocytic and biosynthetic functions was already described for the TGN in plants. Different marker proteins for early and recycling endosomes were shown to be associated and/ or partially colocalized with the TGN suggesting its function in both secretory and endocytic pathways (reviewed in Minamino and Ueda, 2019).”

      The level of self-citing in the introduction is irritating and unscholarly. I have no qualms with crediting the authors with their own excellent contributions, but work from Dacks, Bangs, Field and others seems to be selectively ignored, with an awkward use of the authors' own publications. Diversity between organisms for example has been a mainstay of the Dacks lab output, Rab proteins and others from Field and work on exocytosis and late endosomal systems from Bangs. These efforts and contributions surely deserve some recognition?

      This is an original article and not a review. For a comprehensive overview the reviewer might read our recent overview article on exo- and endocytic pathways in trypanosomes, in which we have extensively cited the work of Mark Field, Jay Bangs and Joel Dacks. In the present manuscript, we have cited all papers that touch on our results or are otherwise important for a thorough understanding of our hypotheses. We do not believe that this approach is unscientific, but rather improves the readability of the manuscript. Nevertheless, we have now cited additional work.

      For the uninitiated, the posterior/anterior axis of the trypanosome cell as well as any other specific features should be defined.

      In lines 102 - 110 we wrote:

      “This process of antibody clearance is driven by hydrodynamic drag forces resulting from the continuous directional movement of trypanosomes (Engstler et al., 2007). The VSG-antibody complexes on the cell surface are dragged against the swimming direction of the parasite and accumulate at the posterior pole of the cell. This region harbours an invagination in the plasma membrane known as the flagellar pocket (FP) (Gull, 2003; Overath et al., 1997). The FP, which marks the origin of the single attached flagellum, is the exclusive site for endo- and exocytosis in trypanosomes (Gull, 2003; Overath et al., 1997). Consequently, the accumulation of VSG-antibody complexes occurs precisely in the area of bulk membrane uptake.”

      We think this sufficiently introduces the cell body axes.

      I don't understand the comment concerning microtubule association. In mammalian cells, such association is well established, but compartments still do not display precise positioning. This likely then has nothing to do with the microtubule association differences.

      We have clarified this in the text (lines 192 – 199). There is no report of cytoplasmic microtubules in trypanosomes. All microtubules appear to be either subpellicular or within the flagellum. To maintain the structure and position of the endosomal apparatus, they should be associated either with subpellicular microtubules, as is the case with the endoplasmic reticulum, or with the more enigmatic actomyosin system of the parasites. We have been working on the latter possibility and intend to publish a follow-up paper to the present manuscript.

      The inability to move past the nucleus is a poor explanation. These compartments are dynamic. Even the nucleus does interesting things in trypanosomes and squeezes past structures during development in the tsetse fly.

      The distance between the nucleus and the microtubule cytoskeleton remains relatively constant even in parasites that squeeze through microfluidic channels. This is not unexpected as the nucleus can be highly deformed. A structure the size of the endosome will not be able to physically pass behind the nucleus without losing its integrity. In fact, the recycling apparatus is never found in the anterior part of the trypanosome, most probably because the flagellar pocket is located at the posterior cell pole.

      L253 What is the evidence that EP1 labels the entire FP and endosomes? This may be extensive, but this claim requires rather more evidence. This is again suggested at l263. Again, please forgive me for being pedantic, but this is an overstatement unless supported by evidence that would be incredibly difficult to obtain. This is even sort of acknowledged on l271 in the context of non-uniform labelling. This comes again in l336.

      The evidence that EP1 labels the entire FP and endosomes is presented here: Engstler and Boshart, 2004; 10.1101/gad.323404).

      Perhaps I should refrain from comments on the dangers of expansion microscopy, or asking what has actually been gained here. Oddly, the conclusion on l290 is a fair statement that I am happy with.

      An in-depth discussion regarding the advantages and disadvantages of expansion microscopy is beyond the manuscript's intended scope. Our approach involved utilizing various imaging techniques to confirm the validity of our findings. We appreciate that our concluding sentence is pleasing.

      F2 - The data in panel A seem quite poor to me. I also do not really understand why the DAPI stain in the first and second columns fails to coincide or why the kinetoplast is so diffuse in the second row. The labelling for EP1 presents as very small puncta, and hence is not evidence for a continuum. What is the arrow in A IV top? The data in panel B are certainly more in line with prior art, albeit that there is considerable heterogeneity in the labelling and of the FP for example. Again, I cannot really see this as evidence for continuity. There are gaps.... Albeit I accept that labelling of such structures is unlikely to ever be homogenous.

      We agree that the dSTORM data represents the least robust aspect of the findings we have presented, and we concur with relocating it to the supplementary material.

      F3 - Rather apparent, and specifically for Rab7, that there is differential representation - for example, Cell 4 presents a single Rab7 structure while the remaining examples demonstrate more extensive labelling. Again, I am content that these are highly dynamic strictures but this needs to be addressed at some level and commented upon. If the claim is for continuity, the dynamics observed here suggest the usual; some level of obvious overlap of organellar markers, but the representation in F3 is clever but not sure what I am looking at. Moreover, the title of the figure is nothing new. What is also a bit odd is that the extent of the Rab7 signal, and to some extent the other two Rabs used, is rather variable, which makes this unclear to me as to what is being detected. Given that the Rab proteins may be defining microdomains or regions, I would also expect a region of unique straining as well as the common areas. This needs to at least be discussed.

      The differences in the representation result from the dynamics of the labelled structures. Therefore, we have selected different cells to provide examples of what the labelling can look like. We now mention this in the results section.

      The overlap of the different Rab signals was perhaps to be expected, but we now have demonstrated it experimentally. Importantly, we performed a rigorous quantification by calculating the volume overlaps and the Pearson correlation coefficients.

      In previous studies the data were presented as maximal intensity projections, which inherently lack the complete 3D information.

      We found that Rab proteins define microdomains and that there are regions of unique staining as well as common areas, as shown in Figure 3. The volumes do not completely overlap. This is now more clearly stated in lines 315 – 319:

      “These objects showed areas of unique staining as well as partially overlapping regions. The pairwise colocalization of different endosomal markers is shown in Figure 3 A, XI - XIII and 3 B. The different cells in Figure 3 B were selected to represent the dynamic nature of the labelled structures. Consequently, the selected cells provide a variety of examples of how the labelling can appear.”

      This had already been stated in lines 331 – 336:

      “In summary, the quantitative colocalization analyses revealed that on the one hand, the endosomal system features a high degree of connectivity, with considerable overlap of endosomal marker regions, and on the other hand, TbRab5A, TbRab7, and TbRab11 also demarcate separated regions in that system. These results can be interpreted as evidence of a continuous endosomal membrane system harbouring functional subdomains, with a limited amount of potentially separated early, late or recycling endosomes.”

      F4-6 - Fabulous images. But a couple of issues here; first, as the authors point out, there is distance between the gold and the antigen. So, this of course also works in the z-plane as well as the x/y-planes and some of the gold may well be associated with membraneous figures that are out of the plane, which would indicate an absence of colinearity on one specific membrane. Secondly, in several instances, we have Rab7 essentially mixed with Rab11 or Rab5 positive membrane. While data are data and should be accepted, this is difficult to reconcile when, at least to some level, Rab7 is a marker for a late-endosomal structure and where the presence of degradative activity could reside. As division of function is, I assume, the major reason for intracellular compartmentalisation, such a level of admixture is hard to rationalise. A continuum is one thing but the data here seem to be suggesting something else, i.e. almost complete admixture.

      We are grateful for the positive feedback regarding the image quality. It is true that the "linkage error," representing the distance between the gold and the antigen, also functions to some extent in the z-axis. However, it's important to note that the zdimension of the section in these Figures is 55 nm. Nevertheless, it's interesting to observe that membranes, which may not be visible within the section itself but likely the corresponding Rab antigen, is discernible in Figure 4C (indicated by arrows).

      We have clarified this in lines 397 – 400:

      “Consequently, gold particles located further away may represent cytoplasmic TbRab proteins or, as the “linkage error” can also occur in the z-plane, correspond to membranes that are not visible within the 55 nm thickness of the cryosection (Figure 4, panel C, arrows). “

      The coexistence of different Rabs is most likely concentrated in regions where transitions between different functions are likely. Our focus was primarily on imaging membranes labelled with two markers. We wanted to show that the prevailing model of separate compartments in the trypanosome literature is not correct.

      F7 - Not sure what this adds beyond what was published by Grunfelder.

      First, this figure is an important control that links our results to published work (Grünfelder et al. (2003)). Second, we include double staining of cargo with Rab5, Rab7, and Rab11, whereas Grünfelder focused only on Rab11. Therefore, our data is original and of such high quality that it warrants a main figure.

      F8 - and l583. This is odd as the claim is 'proof' which in science is a hard thing to claim (and this is definitely not at a six sigma level of certainty, as used by the physics community). However, I am seeing structures in the tomograms which are not contiguous - there are gaps here between the individual features (Green in the figure).

      We have replaced the term "proof". It is important to note that the structures in individual tomograms cannot all be completely continuous because the sections are limited to a thickness of 250 nm. Therefore, it is likely that they have more connectivity above and below the imaged section. Nevertheless, we believe that the quality of the tomograms is satisfactory, considering that 3D Tokuyasu is a very demanding technique and the production of serial Tokuyasu tomograms is not feasible in practice.

      Discussion - Too long and the self-citing of four papers from the corresponding author to the exclusion of much prior work is again noted, with concerns about this as described above. Moreover, at least four additional Rab proteins are known associated with the trypanosome endosomal system, 4, 5B, 21 and 28. These have been completely ignored.

      We have outlined our position on referencing in original articles above. We also explained why we focused on the key marker proteins associated with early (Rab5), late (Rab7) and recycling endosomes (Rab11). We did not ignore the other Rabs, we just did not include them in the present study.

      Overall this is disappointing. I had expected a more robust analysis, with a clearer discussion and placement in context. I am not fully convinced that what we have here is as extreme as claimed, or that we have a substantial advance. There is nothing here that is mechanistic or the identification of a new set of gene products, process or function.

      We do not think that this is constructive feedback.

      This MS suggests that the endosomal system of African trypanosomes is a continuum of membrane structures rather than representing a set of distinct compartments. A combination of light and electron microscopy methods are used in support. The basic contention is very challenging to prove, and I'm not convinced that this has been. Furthermore, I am also unclear as to the significance of such an organisation; this seems not really addressed.

      We acknowledge and respect varying viewpoints, but we hold a differing perspective in this matter. We are convinced that the data decisively supports our interpretation. May future work support or refute our hypothesis.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Line 81 - delete 's


      Generally, the introduction was very well written and clearly summarised our current understanding but the paragraph beginning line 134 felt out of place and repeated some of the work mentioned earlier.

      We have removed this paragraph.

      For the EM analysis throughout quantification would be useful as highlighted in the public review. How many tomograms were examined, and how often were types of structures seen? I understand the sample size is often small but this would help the reader appreciate the diversity of structures seen.

      We have included the numbers.

      Following on from this how were the cells chosen for tomogram analysis? For example, the dividing cell in 1D has palisades associating with the new pocket - is this commonly seen? Does this reflect something happening in dividing cells. This point about endosomal division was picked up in the discussion but there was little about in the main results.

      This issue is undoubtedly inherent to the method itself, and we have made efforts to mitigate it by generating a series of tomograms recorded randomly. We have refrained from delving deeper into the intricacies of the cell cycle in this manuscript, as we believe that it warrants a separate paper.

      As the authors prosecute, the co-localisation analysis highlights the variable nature of the endosome and the overlap of different markers. When looking at the LM analysis, I was struck by the variability in the size and number of labelled structures in the different cells. For example, in 3A Rab7 is 2 blobs but in 3B Cell 1 it is 4/5 blobs. Is this just a reflection of the increase in the endosome during the cell cycle?

      The variability in representation is a direct consequence of the dynamic nature of the labelled structures. For this reason, we deliberately selected different cells to represent examples of how the labelling can look like. We have decided not to mention the dynamics of the endosome during the cell cycle. This will be the subject of a further report.

      Moreover, Rab 11 looks to be the marker covering the greatest volume of the endosomal system - is this true? I think there's more analysis of this data that could be done to try and get more information about the relative volumes etc of the different markers that haven't been drawn out. The focus here is on the co-localisation.

      Precisely because we recognize the importance of this point, we intend to turn our attention to the cell cycle in a separate publication.

      I appreciate that it is an awful lot of work to perform the immuno-EM and the data is of good quality but in the text, there could be a greater effort to tie this to the LM data. For example, from the Rab11 staining in LM you would expect this marker to be the most extensive across the networks - is this reflected in the EM?

      For the immuno-EM there were no numbers, the authors had measured the position of the gold but what was the proportion of gold that was in/near membranes for each marker? This would help the reader understand both the number of particles seen and the enrichment of the different regions.

      Our original intent was to perform a thorough quantification (using stereology) of the immuno-EM data. However, we later realized that the necessary random imaging approach is not suitable for Tokuyasu sections of trypanosomes. In short, the cells are too far apart, and the cell sections are only occasionally cut so that the endosomal membranes are sufficiently visible. Nevertheless, we continue to strive to generate more quantitative data using conventional immuno-EM.

      The innovative combination of Tokuyasu tomograms with immuno-EM was great. I noted though that there was a lack of fenestration in these models. Does this reflect the angle of the model or the processing of these samples?

      We are grateful to the referee, as we have asked ourselves the same question. However, we do not attribute the apparent lack of fenestration to the viewing angle, since we did not find fenestration in any of the Tokuyasu tomograms. Our suspicion is more directed towards a methodological problem. In the Tokuyasu workflow, all structures are mainly fixed with aldehydes. As a result, lipids are only effectively fixed through their association with membrane proteins. We suggest that the fenestration may not be visible because the corresponding lipids may have been lost due to incomplete fixation.

      We now clearly state this in the lines 563 – 568.

      “Interestingly, these tomograms did not exhibit the fenestration pattern identified in conventional electron tomography. We suspect that this is due to methodological reasons. The Tokuyasu procedure uses only aldehydes to fix all structures. Consequently, effective fixation of lipids occurs only through their association with membrane proteins. Thus, the lack of visible fenestration is likely due to possible loss of lipids during incomplete fixation.”

      The discussion needs to be reworked. Throughout it contains references to results not in the main results section such as supplementary movie 2 (line 735). The explicit references to the data and figures felt odd and more suited to the results rather than the discussion. Currently, each result is discussed individually in turn and more effort needs to be made to integrate the results from this analysis here but also with previous work and the data from other organisms, which at the moment sits in a standalone section at the end of the discussion.

      We have improved the discussion and removed the previous supplementary movies 2 and 3. Supplementary movie 1 is now mentioned in the results section.

      Line 693 - There was an interesting point about dividing cells describing the maintenance of endosomes next to the old pocket. Does that mean there was no endosome by the new pocket and if so where is this data in the manuscript? This point relates back to my question about how cells were chosen for analysis - how many dividing cells were examined by tomography?

      The fate of endosomes during the cell cycle is not the subject of this paper. In this manuscript we only show only one dividing cell using tomography. An in-depth analysis focusing on what happens during the cell cycle will be published separately.

      Line 729 - I'm unclear how this represents a polarization of function in the flagellar pocket. The pocket I presume is included within the endosomal system for this analysis but there was no specific mention of it in the results and no marker of each position to help define any specialisation. From the results, I thought the focus was on endosomal co-localisation of the different markers. If the authors are thinking about specialisation of the pocket this paper from Mark Field shows there is evidence for the exocyst to be distributed over the entire surface of the pocket, which is relevant to the discussion here. Boehm, C.M. et al. (2017) The trypanosome exocyst: a conserved structure revealing a new role in endocytosis. PLoS Pathog. 13, e1006063

      We have formulated our statement more cautiously. However, we are convinced that membrane exchange cannot physically work without functional polarization of the pocket. We know that Rab11, for example, is not evenly distributed on the pocket. By the way, in Boehm et al. (2017) the exocyst is not shown to cover the entire pocket (as shown in Supplementary Video 1).

      We now refer to Boehm et al. (Lines 700 – 703):

      “Boehm et al (2017) report that in the flagellar pocket endocytic and exocytic sites are in close proximity but do not overlap. We further suggest that the fusion of EXCs with the flagellar pocket membrane and clathrin-mediated endocytosis take place on different sites of the pocket. This disparity explains the lower colocalization between TbRab11 and TbRab5A.”

      Line 735 - link to data not previously mentioned I think. When I looked at this data I couldn't find a key to explain what all the different colours related to.

      We have removed the previous supplementary movies 2 and 3. We now reference supplementary movie 1 in the results section.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The current work by Kulich et al. examines the dynamic relocalization of NGR1 (LAZY2) a member of the LAZY protein family which is key for auxin redistribution during gravitropic responses. After gravistimulation of the triple mutant ngr123 (lazy234), the PIN3 activating kinase D6PK is not polarized in the columella cells.


      The authors show a thorough characterization of NGR1 relocalization dynamics after gravistimulation.


      Genetically the relocalization of D6PK depends on the LAZY protein family, but some essential details are missing in this study. On the one hand, NGR1-GFP does not associate with the BFA compartments and maintains its association with the PM and amyloplasts. On the other hand, D6PK relies on GNOM, via vesicle trafficking sensitive to BFA, suggesting that D6PK follows a different relocalization route than NGR1 which is BFA-insensitive. Based on these observations, D6PK relocalization requires the LAZY proteins, but D6PK and NGR1 relocalize through independent routes. How can this be interpreted or reconciled?

      Response: Since we demonstrated that D6PK does not relocalize in the absence of NGR proteins, we conclude that NGR1 acts upstream of D6PK. The molecular mechanism driving this interaction is not fully understood; however, it is evident that NGR1 triggers the mobilization of D6PK. Despite previous investigations into D6PK mobility, the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. Notably, despite its sensitivity to BFA, D6PK does not localize to BFA bodies and does not undergo conventional endocytosis (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.devcel.2014.05.006). We fully acknowledge the importance and interest in gaining a better understanding of these processes, and it will be a focal point of our future research.

      Two other works (now published) provide valuable and fundamental findings related to the mechanism examined in the current manuscript and display complementary and similar results to the ones shown in the current manuscript. Given the similarities in the examined mechanisms, these preprints should be referenced, recognized, and discussed in the manuscript under review. It is assumed that the three projects were independently developed, but the results of these previous works should be addressed and taken into account at least during the discussion and when drawing any conclusions. This does not mean that this work is less relevant. On the contrary, some of the observations that seem to be redundant are more solid, and firm conclusions can now be drawn from them.

      Response: We have included and discussed these works in the revised discussion

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This manuscript addresses what rapid molecular events underly the earliest responses after gravity-sensing via the sedimentation of starch-enriched amyloplasts in columella cells of the plant root cap. The LAZY or NEGATIVE GRAVITROPIC RESPONSE OF ROOTS (NGR) protein family is involved in this process and localizes to both the amyloplast and to the plasma membrane (PM) of columella cells.

      The current manuscript complements and extends Nishimura et al., Science, 2023. Kulich and colleagues describe the role of the LZY2 protein, also called NGR1, during this process, imaging its fast relocation and addressing additional novel points such as molecular mechanisms underlying NGR1 plasma membrane association as well as revealing the requirement of NGR1/LZY2, 3,4 for the polar localization of the AGCVIII D6 protein kinase at the PM of columella cells, in which NGR1/LZY2 acts redundantly with LZY3 and LZY4.

      The authors initially monitored relocalization of functional NGR1-GFP in columella cells of the ngr1 ngr2 ngr3 triple mutant after 180-degree reorientation of the roots. Within 10 -15 min NGR1-GFP signal disappeared from the upper PM after reorientation and reappeared at the lower PM of the reoriented cells in close proximity to the sedimented amyloplasts. Reorientation of NGR1-GFP occurred substantially faster than PIN3-GFP reorientation, at about the same time or slightly later than a rise in a calcium sensor (GCaMP3) just preceding a change in D2-Venus auxin sensor alterations. Reorientation of NGR1-GFP proved to be fast and not dependent on a brefeldin A-sensitive ARF GEF-mediated vesicle trafficking, unlike the trafficking of PIN proteins, like PIN3, or the AGCVIII D6 protein kinase. Strikingly, the PM association of NGR1-GFP was highly sensitive to pharmacological interference with sterol composition or concentration and phosphatidylinositol (4)kinase inhibition as well as dithiothreitol (DTT) treatment interfering with thioester bond formation e.g. during S-acylation. Indeed, combined mutation of a palmitoylation site and polybasic regions of NRG1 abolished its PM but not its amyloplast localization and rendered the protein non-functional during the gravitropic response, suggesting NRG1 PM localization is essential for the gravitropic response. Targeting the protein to the PM via an artificially introduced N-terminal myristoylation and an ROP2-derived polybasic region and geranylgeranylation site partially restored its functionality in the gravitropic response.


      This timely work should be of broad interest to plant, cell and developmental biologists across the field as gravity sensing and signaling may well be of general interest. The point that NGR1 is rapidly responsive to gravistimulation, polarizes at the PM in the vicinity to amyloplast and that this is required for repolarization of D6 protein kinase, prior to PIN relocation is really compelling. The manuscript is generally well-written and accessible to a general readership. The figures are clear and of high quality, and the methods are sufficiently explained for reproduction of the experiments.


      Statistical analysis has been performed for some figures but is lacking for most of the quantitative analyses in the figure legends.

      Response: We added this information to the figure legends

      The title claims a bit more than what is actually shown in the manuscript: While auxin response reporter alterations are monitored, "rapid redirection of auxin fluxes" are not really directly addressed and, while D6PK can activate PIN proteins in other contexts, it is not explicitly shown in the manuscript that PIN3 is a target in the context of columella cells in vivo. A title such as "Rapid redirection of D6 protein kinase during Arabidopsis root gravitropism relies on plasma membrane translocation of NGR proteins" would reflect the results better.

      Response: We modified the title to Rapid translocation of NGR proteins driving polarization of PIN-activating D6 protein kinase during root gravitropism

      Fig. 4: The point that D6PK is transcytosed cannot be made here based on the data of these authors. They should have used a photoswitchable version of NGR1 to show that the same molecules observed at the upper PM are translocated to the lower PM. Nishimura and colleagues actually did that for NGR4. However, this is a lot of work and maybe for NGR1 that fusion would have too low fluorescence intensity (as it was the case for NGR3). So, I think a rewording would be sufficient such as NGR-dependent reorientation of D6PK plasma membrane localization" as this does not say, from where it comes to the lower PM. Theoretically, the signal could also be amyloplast-derived or newly synthesized (or just folded) NGR1-GFP.

      Response: We fully agree and rephrased the text using translocation instead of transcytosis

      The authors make a model in which D6PK AGCVIII kinase-dependent on NGRs activates PIN3 to drive auxin fluxes. However, alterations in auxin responses are observed prior to PIN3 reorientation. They should explain this discrepancy better and clearly describe that this is a working hypothesis for the future rather than explicitly proven, yet.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The mechanism controlling plant gravity sensing has fascinated researchers for centuries. It has been clear for at least the past decade that starch-filled plastids (termed statoliths) in specialised gravity-sensing columella cells sense changes in root orientation, triggering an asymmetric auxin gradient that alters root growth direction. Nevertheless, exactly how statolith movement triggers PIN auxin efflux carrier activation and auxin gradient formation has remained unclear until very recently. A series of new papers (in Science and Cell) and this manuscript report how LAZY proteins (also referred to as NEGATIVE GRAVITROPIC 50 RESPONSE OF ROOTS; NGR) play a pivotal role in regulating root gravitropism. In terms of their overall significance, their collective findings provide seminal insights into the very earliest steps for how plant roots sense gravity which are arguably the most important papers about root gravitropism in the past decade.

      In the current manuscript, Kulich et al initially report (through creating a functional NGR1-GFP reporter) that "NGR1-GFP displayed a highly specific columella expression, which was most prominent at the PM and the statolith periphery." Is NGR1-GFP expressed in shoot tissues? If yes, is it in starch sheath (the gravity-sensing equivalent of root columella cells)? The authors also note "NGR1-GFP signal from the PM was not evenly distributed, but rather polarized to the lower side of the columella cells in the vicinity of the sedimented statoliths (Fig. 1A)." and (when overexpressing NGR-GFP) "chloroplasts in the vicinity of the PM strongly correlated with NGR1 accumulating at the PM nearby, similar to the scenario in columella" suggesting that NGR1 does not require additional tissue-specific factors (i.e. trafficking proteins or lipids) to assist in its intracellular movement from plastid to PM.

      Response: Yes, NGR1, also called LAZY2 is expressed in the inner hypocotyl tissues, according to https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.17.00942. Unfortunately, we saw very little signal with our NGR-GFP construct, possibly due to NGR1-GFP weak signal and/or NGR1 being expressed only exclusively in the inner tissues.

      Next, the authors study the spatiotemporal dynamics of NGR1-GFP re-localisation with other early gravitropic signals and/or components Calcium, auxin, and PIN3. The temporal data presented in Figure 1 illustrates how the GCaMP calcium reporter (in panel E) revealed "the first signaling event in the root gravitropic bending is the statolith removal from the top membrane, rather than its arrival at the bottom" It appeared that the auxin DII-VENUS reporter was also changing rapidly (panel G) - was this detectable BEFORE statolith re-sedimentation?

      Response: In our data (Figure 1G), we observe that the increase in signal at the top side begins prior to starch sedimentation, in contrast to the bottom side, where the decrease starts only after starch grains land on the bottom membrane. While this observation aligns with our hypothesis and other data, we refrained from commenting on it due to the small differences between the first 2-3 timepoints, which are obscured by noise. This phenomenon arises because the DII response relies on protein degradation and is relatively slow. Hence, for rapid tracking of the auxin response, we utilized auxin-induced calcium as a proxy, with NPA treatment serving as a negative control.

      Please can the authors explain their NPA result in Fig 1E? Why would treatment with the auxin transport inhibitor NPA block Ca signalling (unless the latter was dependent on the former)?

      Response: Auxin induces rapid calcium transients (e.g., http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2015.10.025). Consequently, when auxin reaches the bottom elongation zone approximately 5-6 minutes after rotation, we observe an increased GCaMP signal at this location. Notably, when we inhibit PIN function using NPA, the GCaMP signal persists, but the difference between the top and bottom diminishes. This validates that the calcium transients at the bottom side can be interpreted as monitoring increase in auxin accumulation as a result of auxin transport.

      They go on to note "This initial auxin asymmetry is mediated by PIN-dependent auxin transport, despite visible polarization of PIN3 can be detected only later" which suggests that PIN activity was being modified prior to PIN polarisation.

      In contrast to other proteins involved in gravity response like RLDs and PINs, NGR1 localization and gravity-induced polarization does not undergo BFA-sensitive endocytic recycling by ARF-GEF GNOM. This makes sense given NGR1 is initially targeted to plastids, THEN the PM. Does NGR1 contain a cleavable plastid targeting signal? The authors go on to elegantly demonstrate that NGR1 PM targeting relies on palmitoylation through imaging and mutagenesis-based transgenic ngr rescue assays.

      Response: Yes, there is weakly conserved plastid targeting signal on NGR1. Although we also started researching in this direction, we quickly realized, that two other groups showed very comprehensive data regarding NGR plastid localization.

      Finally, the authors demonstrate that gravitropic-induced auxin gradient formation is initially dependent on PIN3 auxin efflux activation (prior to PIN3 re-localisation). This early PIN3 activation process is dependent on NGR1 re-targeting D6PK (a PIN3 activating kinase). This elegant molecular mechanism integrates all the regulatory components described in the paper into a comprehensive root gravity sensing model.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Minor comments:

      Line 83: This construct fully rescued the agravitropic bending phenotype of the ngr1/2/3 triple mutant (see further).

      What does it mean the see further in this context?

      Response: It is a reference to the second part of the manuscript (Fig. 3, Supplementary Fig S3, Fig S4), where we extensively address the complementation with wild type and point mutated versions of NGR. There we show that the construct we are using is functional. This does not prove, but strongly imply that the GFP signal we obtain is relevant. We updated the text to point this out.

      Line 101: Timing of events during the gravitropic response

      When describing the equipment employed and the rotation applied to the samples, "the vertical stage microscope and minimized the time required for rotating the sample. 180{degree sign} rotation..."

      The authors mentioned a travel time of 5 minutes first and later of 15 minutes for the relocalization of NGR1. Are these two different experiments? Were there two different rotation angles or degrees applied? Could the authors please rephrase this part of the description to answer these questions and help the reader understand how the assay performed?

      Response: We added this explanation to the text.

      Figure 1 E, F, and G.

      Could the authors please provide pictures and/or videos for the PIN3 localization dynamics, intracellular calcium transients, and auxin reporter DII-Venus? In other words, show the complementing images for Figure 1E, 1F, and 1G as the authors did for Figure 2D where authors presented the pictures and the corresponding quantification plots.

      Response: We wanted to avoid overcrowding the figure, but we would also love to show the videos. Therefore, we did additional supplementary movie 3, where we put all the additional observations.

      Line 194: This implies the existence of posttranslational modifications such as S-acylation to associate with PM.

      Why is this specific modification suggested/examined and no other modification? What is the criteria to select this kind of modification? Based on what premises? Could the authors elaborate on that? Could the authors please include references?

      Response: Thank you for this comment. We of course first checked the prediction tools which have shown very strongly conserved S-acylation side. We now clarified this in the text and added other modifications as an example. Later on, we rule out myristoylation (that happens on the glycins) and prenylation (it happens only at the C-terminus CAAX box).

      Line 255: NGR1 PM localization is synergistically mediated by polybasic regions and a palmitoylation site

      Similarly to the previous commentary, How and why are these regions examined/analyzed? Likewise, why is the palmitoylation site selected? Please provide some background, criteria, and references.

      Response: Here, we clearly state that the prediction of the palmitoylation site is made based on the GPS lipid prediction tool.

      As for the polybasic region, these can be seen upon manual inspection of the primary protein sequence. We simply looked at the protein and saw it there. We rephrased the text so that it is more clear.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Please, proofread the manuscript for style and minor language errors.

      Statistical analysis has been performed for some figures but is lacking for most of the quantitative analyses in the figure legends. Where it has been performed it is not given what "n" number of roots, cells, or plasma membranes were analyzed NGR1-GFP and no information is given whether the data is derived from a representative experiment or several or pooled data from several experiments. This certainly requires revision in Fig. 1D-G, Fig. 2B-D, Fig. S2 B,E, Fig. 3B,D, F-H, Fig. S.3 B,D, Fig. S. 4 ,E-H, Fig. 4 D.

      Response: Thank you, we added this information to the figure legends.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We appreciate the care and the detail shown by the Reviewers. Their comments have made our article more focused and more accessible to a general audience.

      We would like to begin with a comment about the last sentence of the “eLife assessment”. The evolution of metamorphosis in insects was a major triumph in animal evolution that subsequently impacted almost every aspect of plant and animal evolution in the terrestrial and freshwater aquatic biospheres. Unlike the metamorphoses of most other groups, whose evolutions are lost in time, insect evolution arose relatively recently (~400 mya) and insect orders have branched off at various points in this evolution and have persisted to modern times. Although these “relic” groups also have undergone millions of years of evolution and specialization, they still provide us with windows into how this progression may have come about. The study of these groups provides a unique opportunity to explore the mechanisms that underlie major life history shifts and should be of interest to anyone interested in evolution – not just entomologists.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This paper provides strong evidence for the roles of JH in an ametabolous insect species. In particular, it demonstrates that:

      • JH shifts embryogenesis from a growth mode to a differentiation mode and is responsible for terminal differentiation during embryogenesis. This, and other JH roles, are first suggested as correlations, based on the timing of JH peaks, but then experimentally demonstrated using JH antagonists and rescue thereof with JH mimic. This is a robust approach and the experimental results are very convincing.

      • JH redirects ecdysone-induced molting to direct formation of a more mature cuticle

      • Kr-h1 is downstream of JH in Thermobia, as it is in other insects, and is a likely mediator of many JH effects

      • The results support the proposed model that an ancestral role of JH in promoting and maintaining differentiation was coopted during insect radiations to drive the evolution of metamorphosis. However, alternate evolutionary scenarios should also be considered.


      Overall, this is a beautiful, in-depth student. The paper is well-written and clear. The background places the work in a broad context and shows its importance in understanding fundamental questions about insect biology. The researchers are leaders in the field, and a strength of this manuscript is their use of a variety of different approaches (enzymatic assays, gene expression, agonists & antagonists, analysis of morphology using different types of microscopy and detection, and more) to attack their research questions. The experimental data is clearly presented and carefully executed with appropriate controls and attention to detail. The 'multi-pronged' approach provides support for the conclusions from different angles, strengthening conclusions. In sum, the data presented are convincing and the conclusions about experimental outcomes are well-justified based on the results obtained.


      This paper provides more detail than is likely needed for readers outside the field but also provides sufficient depth for those in the field. This is both a strength and a weakness. I would suggest the authors shorten some aspects of their text to make it more accessible to a broader audience. In particular, the discussion is very long and accompanied by two model figures. The discussion could be tightened up and much of the text used for a separate review article (perhaps along with Figure 11) that would bring more attention to the proposed evolution of JH roles.

      We appreciate the comments about the strengths and weaknesses of the paper. To deal with the weaknesses, we have condensed some of the Results to make them less cumbersome and the Discussion has been completely revised, keeping a sharp focus on the actions of JH in Thermobia embryos and how these actions relate to the status quo functions of JH in insects with metamorphosis. As part of the revision of the Discussion, we have replaced Figures 10 and 11.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      In keeping with my public review, this paper is very strong and I have very few suggestions for improvement. They are:

      (1) Thermobia are extant insects and are not ancestral insects. It is likely that they retain features found in an insect ancestor. However, these insects have been evolving for a very long time, and for any one feature, many changes may have occurred, both gain and loss of gene function and morphology. Further, even for morphological features present in an extant species that are the same as an ancestor, genetic pathways regulating this feature may have changed over time (see for examples papers from the Haag and Pick labs). Although I realize this is a small, possibly almost semantic point, I feel it is important to be precise here. For example, in the title, "before" is speculative as there could have been a different role in the ancestor with the role in embryogenesis arising in lineages leading to Thermobia; similarly in the abstract, "this ancestral role of JH' is an overstatement since we cannot actually measure the ancestral role.

      Since the title has already been cited in a Perspectives review, we decided to keep the title as is.

      (2) I don't understand the results in Met and myo in Fig. 3B. Perhaps include them in the explanation of Fig.3 and not after the description of Fig. 4 and explain them in more detail (or perhaps not include them at all?). I don't really understand the statistical analysis of these panels either.

      We have revised the figure legends to explain the statistics.

      (3) Another point regarding language - talking about the embryo being "able" to go through a developmental stage implies decision-making. I would suggest dropping that wording (e.g, in the description of Fig. 5C). Similarly, in explaining Fig. 6B, it would be more correct to say "JH treatment no longer inhibited" than as written "could no longer inhibit" (implying 'no matter how hard it tried, it still couldn't do it')

      We have removed the “can’t” wording. Figure 6 has been revised

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors have studied in detail the embryogenesis of the ametabolan insect Thermobia domestica. They have also measured the levels of the two most important hormones in insect development: juvenile hormone (JH) and ecdysteroids. The work then focuses on JH, whose occurrence concentrates in the final part (between 70 and 100%) of embryo development. Then, the authors used a precocene compound (7-ethoxyprecocene, or 7EP) to destroy the JH producing tissues in the embryo of the firebrat T. domestica, which allowed to unveil that this hormone is critically involved in the last steps of embryogenesis. The 7EP-treated embryos failed to resorb the extraembryonic fluid and did not hatch. More detailed observations showed that processes like the maturational growth of the eye, the lengthening of the foregut and posterior displacement of the midgut, and the detachment of the E2 cuticle, were impaired after the 7EP treatment. Importantly, a treatment with a JH mimic subsequent to the 7EP treatment restored the correct maturation of both the eye and the gut. It is worth noting that the timing of JH mimic application was essential for correcting the defects triggered by the treatment with 7EP.

      This is a relevant result in itself since the role of JH in insect embryogenesis is a controversial topic. It seems to have an important role in hemimetabolan embryogenesis, but not so much in holometabolans. Intriguingly, it appears important for hatching, an observation made in hemimetabolan and in holometabolan embryos. Knowing that this role was already present in ametabolans is relevant from an evolutionary point of view, and knowing exactly why embryos do not hatch in the absence of JH, is relevant from the point of view of developmental biology.

      The unique and intriguing aspect of juvenile hormone is its status quo action in the control of metamorphosis. Our reason for dealing with an insect group that branched off from the line of insects that eventually evolved metamorphosis, was to gain insight into the ancestral functions of this hormone. Our data from Thermobia as well as that from grasshoppers and crickets indicate that the developmental actions of JH were originally confined to embryogenesis where it promoted the terminal differentiation of the embryo. Its actions in promoting differentiation also included suppressing morphogenesis. This latter function was not pronounced during embryogenesis because JH only appeared after morphogenesis was essentially completed. However, it was a preadaptation that proved useful in more derived insects that delayed aspects of morphogenesis into the postembryonic realm. JH was then used postembryonically to inhibit morphogenesis until late in juvenile growth when JH disappears, and this inhibition is released.

      Then, the authors describe a series of experiments applying the JH mimic in early embryogenesis, before the natural peak of JH occurs, and its effects on embryo development. Observations were made under different doses of JHm, and under different temporal windows of treatment. Higher doses triggered more severe effects, as expected, and different windows of application produced different effects. The most used combination was 1 ng JHm applied 1.5 days AEL, checking the effects 3 days later. Of note, 1.5 days AEL is about 15% embryonic development, whereas the natural peak of JH occurs around 85% embryonic development. In general, the ectopic application of JHm triggered a diversity of effects, generally leading to an arrest of development. Intriguingly, however, a number of embryos treated with 1 ng of JHm at 1.5 days AEL showed a precocious formation of myofibrils in the longitudinal muscles. Also, a number of embryos treated in the same way showed enhanced chitin deposition in the E1 procuticle and showed an advancement of at least a day in the deposition of the E2 cuticle.

      While the experiments and observations are done with great care and are very exhaustive, I am not sure that the results reveal genuine JH functions. The effects triggered by a significant pulse of ectopic JHm when the embryo is 15% of the development will depend on the context: the transcriptome existing at that time, especially the cocktail of transcription factors. This explains why different application times produce different effects. This also explains why the timing of JHm application was essential for correcting the effects of 7EP treatment. In this reasoning, we must consider that the context at 85% development, when the JH peaks in natural conditions and plays its genuine functions, must be very different from the context at 15% development, when the JHm was applied in most of the experiments. In summary, I believe that the observations after the application of JHm reveal effects of the ectopic JHm, but not necessarily functions of the JH. If so, then the subsequent inferences made from the premise that these ectopic treatments with JHm revealed JH functions are uncertain and should be interpreted with caution.

      We disagree with the reviewer. An analogous situation would be in exploring gene function in which both gain-of-function and loss-of-function experiments often provide complementary insights into how a gene functions. We see JH effects only when its receptor, Met, is present and JH can induce its main effector protein, Kr-h1. The latter gives us confidence that we are looking at bona fide JH effects. We have also kept in mind, though, that the nature of the responding tissues is changing through time. Nevertheless, we see a consistent pattern of responses in the embryo and these can be related to its postembryonic effects in metamorphic insects.

      Those inferences affect not only the "JH and the progressive nature of embryonic molts" section, but also, the "Modifications in JH function during the evolution of hemimetabolous and holometabolous life histories" section, and the entire "Discussion". In addition to inferences built on uncertain functions, the sections mentioned, especially the Discussion, I think suffer from too many poorly justified speculations. I love speculation in science, it is necessary and fruitful. But it must be practiced within limits of reasonableness, especially when expressed in a formal journal.

      We have tried to dial back the speculation.

      Finally, In the section "Modifications in JH function during the evolution of hemimetabolous and holometabolous life", it is not clear the bridge that connects the observations on the embryo of Thermobia and the evolution of modified life cycles, hemimetabolan and holometabolan.

      Our Figure 12 should put this into perspective.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Main points

      (1) Please, reduce the level of overinterpretation of ectopic treatment experiments with JHm, since the resulting observations represent effects, but not necessarily functions of JH.

      We have revised this section to indicate that the “effects” of ectopic treatments provide insights into the function of JH. Using a genetic analogy, both “loss-of-function” and “gain-of-function” experiments provide insights into a given gene. (see response to Public Comments)

      (2) Especially in the sections "JH and the progressive nature of embryonic molts" and "Modifications in JH function during the evolution of hemimetabolous and holometabolous life histories", and the entire "Discussion", please keep the level of speculation within reasonable limits, avoiding especially the inference of conclusions on the basis of speculation, itself based on previous speculation.

      We have toned down some of the speculation and provided reasons why it is worth suggesting.

      (3) Please revisit the argued roles of myoglianin in the story, in light of its effects as an inhibitor of JH production, repressing the expression of JHAMT, as has been reliably demonstrated in hemimetabolan species (DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1600612113 and DOI: 10.1096/ fj.201801511R).

      Our appreciation to the reviewer. We are more explicit about the relationship between JH and myo.

      Minor points

      (4) Please keep the consistency of the scientific binomial nomenclature for the species mentioned. For example, read "Manduca sexta" (in italics) at the first mention, and then "M. sexta" (in italics) in successive mentions (instead of reading "Manduca" on page 17, and then "Manduca sexta" on page 18, for example). The same for "Drosophila" ("Drosophila melanogaster" first, and then "D. melanogaster"), "Thermobia" ("Thermobia domestica" first, and then "T. domestica"), etc. In the figure legends, I recommend using the complete name: Thermobia domestica, in the main heading.

      Where there is no possibility of confusion, we intend to use Thermobia, rather than T. domestica, etc. We think that it is easier for a non-specialist to read and it is commonly done in endocrine papers.

      (5) There is no purpose in evolution and biological processes. Thus, I suggest avoiding expressions that have a teleological aftertaste. For example (capitals are mine), on p. 3 "appears to have been extended into postembryonic life where it acts TO antagonize morphogenic and allow the maintenance of a juvenile state".

      We have tried to avoid teleological wording.

      (6) The title "The embryonic role of juvenile hormone in the firebrat, Thermobia domestica, reveals its function before its involvement in metamorphosis" contains a redundancy ("role" and "function"), and an apparent obviousness ("before its involvement in metamorphosis"). I suggest a more straightforward title. Something like "Juvenile hormone plays developmental functions in the embryo of the firebrat Thermobia domestica, which predate its status quo action in metamorphosis".

      As noted above, we are retaining the title since it has already been cited.

      (7) Page 2. "The transition from larva to adult then occurred through a transitional stage, the pupa, thereby providing the three-part life history diagnostic of the "complete metamorphosis" exhibited by holometabolous insects (reviews: Jindra, 2019; Truman & Riddiford, 2002, 2019)". I suggest adding the reference ISBN: 9780128130209 9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 1 3 0 2 0 - 9, as the most comprehensive and recent review on complete metamorphosis.


      (8) Page 3. "These severe developmental effects suggest that the developmental role of JH in insects was initially CONFINED to the embryonic domain" (capitals are mine). This appears contradictory with the observations of Watson, 1967, on the relationships between the apparition of scales and JH, mentioned shortly before by the authors.

      This is explained in the Discussion. Although JH can suppress scale appearance in the J4 stage, we have not been able to show that scales appearance is caused by changes in the juvenile JH titer.

      (9) Page 4. "we measured JH III levels during Thermobia embryogenesis at daily intervals starting at 5 d AEL". Why not before, like in the case of ecdysteroids? The authors might perhaps argue that the levels of Kr-h1 expression are consistently low from the very beginning, according to Fernandez-Nicolas et al, 2022 (reference cited later in the manuscript).

      (10) Page 4. "Ecdysteroid titers through embryogenesis and the early juvenile instars were measured using the enzyme immunoassay method (Porcheron et al., 1989) that is optimized for detecting 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E)". The antibody generated by Porcheron (and now sold by Cayman) recognizes ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone alike. But that's not relevant here. I would refer to "ecdysteroids" when mentioning measurements. Also in figure 2B (and "juvenile hormone III" without the formula, in Panel A, for harmonization). And I would not expand on specifications, like those at the beginning of page 5, or towards the end of page

      We thank the reviewer for this important correction.

      (12) ("the fact that we detected only a slight rise in ecdysteroids at this time (Fig 2B) is likely due to the assay that we used being designed to detect 20E rather than ecdysone").


      (11) Page 5. "Low levels of Kr-h1 transcripts were present at 12 hr after egg deposition, but then were not detected until about 6 d AEL when JH-III first appeared". There is a very precise Kr-h1 pattern in Fernandez-Nicolas et al. 2023 (reference mentioned later in the manuscript).

      (12) Page 5. "notably myoglianin (myo), have become prominent as agents that promote the competence and execution of metamorphosis in holometabolous and hemimetabolous insects (He et al., 2020; Awasaki et al., 2011)". See my note 3 above.

      The myoglianin issue has been revised.

      (13) Page 5. "a drug that suppresses JH production". Rather, "a drug that destroys the JH producing tissues". Why the way, do the authors know when the CA are formed in T. domestica embryo development?

      We prefer to keep our original wording. There have been some cases in which precocene has blocked JH production but did not kill the CA cells. We do not have observations that show that 7EP kills the CA cells in Thermobia embryos.

      (14) Page 5. "subsequent treatment with a JHm". I would say here that the JHm is pyriproxyfen, not on page 6 or page 7. Thus, to be consistent, after the first mention of "pyriproxyfen (JHm)" on page 5, I'd consistently use the abbreviation "JHm".

      (15) Page 9. "Limb loss in such embryos was often STOCHASTIC, i.e., in a given embryo some limbs were completely lost while others were maintained in a reduced state" (capitals are mine). The meaning of "stochastic" is random, involving a random variable; it is a concept usually associated to probability theory and related fields. I suggest using the less specialized word "variable", since to ascertain that the values are really stochastic would require specific mathematical approaches.

      We are still using stochastic because the loss is random.

      (16) Page 10. "9E). Indeed, the JH treatment redirects the molt to be more like that to the J2 stage, rather than to the E2 (= J1) stage". Probably too assertive given the evidence available (see my points 1 and 2 above).

      We do not see a problem with our conclusion. In response to the JHm treatment, the embryo produced a smooth, rather than a “pebbly” cuticle, failed to make the J1-specific egg tooth, and attempted to make cuticular lenses (a J2 feature). This ability of premature JH exposure to cause embryos to “skip” a stage is also seen in locusts (Truman & Riddiford, 1999) and crickets (Erezyilmaz et al., 2004). The JHm treatment resulted in the production of smooth cuticle, lack of a hatching tooth, and an attempt to make cuticular lenses.

      (17) Page 11. "early JHM treatment", read "early JHm treatment".


      (18) Page 11. "likely. A target of JH, and likely Kr-h1, in Thermobia is myoglianin...". Please see my notes 1, 2, and especially 3, above.

      This has been revised

      (19) Page 13. "the locust, Locusta americana (Aboulafia-Baginshy et al.,1984)". Please read "the locust, Locusta migratoria (Aboulafia-Baginshy et al.,1984)".


      (20) Page 13 "Acheta domesticus" three times. The correct name now is "Acheta domestica", after harmonizing the declension of the specific name with the generic one. See additionally my note 4 above.

      Acheta domesticus has been used in hundreds (thousands?) of papers since it was originally named by Linnaeus. We will continue to use it.

      (21) Page 15, "(also called the vermiform larva (Bernays, 1971) redirects embryonic development to form an embryo with proportions, cuticular pigmentation, cuticular sculpturing and bristles characteristic of a nymph, while pronymph modifications, such as the cuticular surface sculpturing (Bernays, 1971)". The reference "Bernays, 1971" is indeed "Bergot et al., 1971".

      There was a mistake in the references. The Bernays reference was omitted from the revised Discussion

      (22) Page 16. "Since JH also induces Kr-h1 in embryos of many insects, including Thermobia". I'm not sure that this has been studied in many insects. In any case, any reference would be useful.

      (23) Page 17. "Tribolium casteneum". Please read "Tribolium castaneum".


      (24) Page 17. "...results in a permanent larva that continues to molt well after it has surpassed its critical weight (He et al., 2019)". The paper of He et al., 2019 is preceded by two key papers that previously demonstrate (and in hemimetabolan insects) that myoglianin is a determining factor in the preparation for metamorphosis: DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1600612113 and DOI: 10.1096/ fj.201801511R). See my note 3 above.

      Corrected in revision

      (25) Page 18. "These persisting embryonic primordia join the wing primordia in delaying their morphogenesis into postembryonic life". This reader does not understand this sentence.

      Made clearer in the revision.

      (26) Page 18. "is first possible in the commercial silkworm (Daimon et al., 2015)". Please mention the scientific Latin name of the species, Bombyx mori.

      (27) Page 19. "The functioning of farnesol derivatives in growth versus differentiation control extends deep into the eukaryotes.../... this capacity was eventually exploited by the insects to provide the hormonal system that regulates their metamorphosis". This information appears quite out of place.

      We have retained this point.

      (28) Page 21. Heading "Hormones". I suggest using the heading "Bioactive compounds", as neither pyriproxyfen nor 7-ethoxyprecocene are hormones.


      (29) Page 29, legend of figure 1. "Photomicrographs" is somewhat redundant. The technical word is "micrographs". "Thermobia domestica" appears in the explanation of panel C, but this is not necessary, as the name appears in the main heading of the legend.


      (30) Page 30, legend of figure 2. Panel B, see my comment 10 above. Why embryonic age is expressed in % embryo development in panel C (and in days in panels A and B)?

      All have been converted to days AEL

      (31) Page 35, legend of figure 5. "Photomicrograph" see my note 28 above.


      (32) Page 40, figure 10. In panel A, the indication of the properties of JH is misleading. The arrow going to promoting differentiation and maturation is OK, but the repression sign that indicates suppression of morphogenetic growth and cell determination seems to suggest that JH has retroactive effects. In panel B, I suggest to label "Flies" instead of "Higher Diptera", which is an old-fashioned term. In any case, see my general comments 1 and 2, above, about speculation.

      Figure has been completely revised

      (33) Figure 11. See my general comments 1 and 2, above, about speculation.

      Figure has been revised

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, the authors use inhibitors and mimetics of juvenile hormone (JH) to demonstrate that JH has a key role in late embryonic development in Thermobia, specifically in gut and eye development but also resorption of the extraembryonic fluid and hatching. They then exogenously apply JH early in development (when it is not normally present) to examine the biological effects of JH at these stages. This causes a plethora of defects including developmental arrest, deposition of chitin, limb development, and enhanced muscle differentiation. The authors interpret these early effects on development as JH being important for the shift from morphogenetic growth to differentiation - a role that they speculate may have facilitated the evolution of metamorphosis (hemi- and holo-metaboly). This paper will be of interest to insect evo-devo researchers, particularly those with interests in the evolution of metamorphosis.


      The experiments are generally conducted very well with appropriate controls and the authors have included a very detailed analysis of the phenotypes.

      The manuscript significantly advances our understanding of Thermobia development and the role of JH in Thermobia development.

      The authors interpret this data to present some hypotheses regarding the role of JH in the evolution of metamorphosis, some aspects of which can be addressed by future studies.


      The results are based on using inhibitors and mimetics of JH and there was no attempt to discern immediate effects of JH from downstream effects. The authors show, for instance, that the transcription of myoglianin is responsive to JH levels, it would have been interesting to see if any of the phenotypic effects are due to myoglianin upregulation/suppression (using RNAi for example). These kinds of experiments will be necessary to fully work out if and how the JH regulatory network has been co-opted into metamorphosis.

      We agree completely and should be a feature of future work.

      The results generally support the authors' conclusions. However, the discussion contains a lot of speculation and some far-reaching conclusions are made about the role of JH and how it became co-opted into controlling metamorphosis. There are some interesting hypotheses presented and the author's speculations are consistent with the data presented. However, it is difficult to make evolutionary inferences from a single data point as although Thermobia is a basally branching insect, the lineage giving rise to Thermobia diverged from the lineages giving rise to the holo- and hemimetabolous insects approx.. 400 mya and it is possible that the effects of JH seen in Thermobia reflect lineage-specific effects rather than the 'ancestral state'. The authors ignore the possibility that there has been substantial rewiring of the networks that are JH responsive across these 400 my. I would encourage the authors to temper some of the discussion of these hypotheses and include some of the limitations of their inferences regarding the role of JH in the evolution of metamorphosis in their discussion.

      We have tried to be less all-encompassing in the Discussion. The strongest comparisons can be made between ametabolous and hemimetabolous insects and we have focused most of the Discussion on the role of JH in that transition. We still include some discussion of holometabolous insects because the ancestral embryonic functions of JH may be somehow related to the unusual reappearance of JH in the prepupal period. We have reduced this discussion to only a few sentences.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) The overall manuscript is very long (especially the discussion), and the main messages of the manuscript get lost in some of the details. I would suggest that the authors move some of the results to the supplementary material (e.g. it might be possible to put a lot of the detail of Thermobia embryogenesis into the supplementary text if the authors feel it is appropriate). The discussion contains a lot of speculation and I suggest the authors make this more concise. One example: At the moment there is a large section on the modification in JH function during the evolution of holo and hemi-metabolous life history strategies. There are some interesting ideas in this section and the authors do a good job of integrating their findings with the literature - but I would encourage the authors to limit the bulk of their discussion to the specific things that their results demonstrate. E.g. The first half of p17 contains too much detail, and the focus should be on the relationship with Thermobia (as at the bottom of p17).

      Section has been revised and is more focused

      (2) I would also suggest a thorough proofread of the manuscript, I have highlighted some of the errors/points of confusion that I found in the list below - but this list is unlikely to be exhaustive . We appreciate catching the errors. Hopefully the final version is better proofed.

      (3) It might be me, but I found the wording in the second half of the abstract a bit confusing. Particularly the statement about the redeployment of morphogen systems - could this be stated more clearly?

      Abstract has been revised.

      (4) Introduction

      a. "powered flight" rather than 'power flight'


      b. 'brought about a hemimetabolous lifecycle' implies causality which hasn't been shown and directionality to evolution - suggest 'facilitated the evolution of a hemi...". Similar comment for 'subsequent step to complete metamorphosis'.

      c. Bottom of p2 - unclear whether you are referring to hemi- holo- or both

      d. Suggest removing sentence beginning "besides its effects..." as the relevance of the role of JH in caste isn't clear.

      Kept sentence but removed initial clause

      e. State that Thermoia is a Zygentoma.


      f. Throughout - full species names on first usage only, T. domestica on subsequent usages.

      We will continue to use genus names for the reason given above.

      Gene names e.g. kr-h1 in italics.

      g. 'antagonise morphogens"? rather than 'antagonise morphoentic'.


      (5) Results

      a. Unclear why drawings are provided rather than embryonic images in Fig. 1A

      We think that the points can be made better with diagrams.

      b. Top of p4, is 'slot' the correct word?


      c. Unclear why the measurements of JHIII weren't measured before 5 days AEL, especially given that many of the manipulative experiments are at earlier time points than this. I appreciate that, based on kr-h1, levels that JHIII is also likely to be low.

      d. Reference for the late embryonic peak of 20E being responsible for the J2 cuticle?

      Clarified that this is an assumption

      e. Clarify "some endocrine related transcripts" why were these ones in particular picked? Kr-h1 is a good transcriptional proxy for JH and Met is the JH-receptor, why myoglianin and not some of the other transcriptional proxies of neuroendocrine signalling?

      Hopefully, the choice is clearer.

      f. Fig 2C rather than % embryo development for the gene expression data please represent this in days (to be consistent with your other figures).

      It is now consistent with other parts of figure.

      g. In Fig. 3 the authors do t-tests, because there are three groups there needs to be some correction for multiple testing (e.g. Bonferroni) can the authors add this to the relevant methods section?

      We think that pair-wise comparisons are appropriate.

      h. Fig. 3 legend: you note that you treat stage 2 juveniles with 7EP - I couldn't tell what AEL this corresponded to.

      This is after hatching so AEL does not apply.

      i. Top of p7 'deformities' rather than 'derangements'?


      j. Regarding the dosage effects of embryonic abnormalities - it would be good to include these in the supp material, as it convinces the reader that the effects you have seen aren't just due to toxicity.

      It is not clear what the objection is.

      k. Bottom of p7 'problematic' not 'problematical'


      l. P8 Why are the clusters of Its important? - provide a bit more interpretation for the reader here.

      This is clear in the revised version.

      m. P9 Why is the modulation of transcription of kr-h1, met, and myo important in this context


      n. P9 'fig. 7F'? there is no Fig. 5F

      Thanks for catching the typo.

      o. Fig. 7B add to the legend which treatment the dark and light points correspond to.

      We think it is obvious from the labeling on Fig 7B.

      (6) Discussion:

      a. What do we know about how terminal differentiation is controlled in non-insect arthropods? Most of the discussion is focused on insects (which makes sense as JH is an insect-specific molecule), but if the authors are arguing the ancestral role of JH it would be useful to know how their findings relate to non-insect arthropods.

      We have not been able to find any information about systemic signals being involved in non-insect arthropods.

      b. There is no Fig. 5E (are they referring to 7E?)

      Yes, it should have been Fig. 7E.

      c. Is myoglianin a direct target of JH in other species?

      Other reports are in postembryonic stages and show that myoglianin suppresses JH production. Our paper is the first examination in embryos and we find that the opposite is true – i.e., that JH treatment suppresses myoglianin production. We suspect that these two signaling systems are mutually inhibitory. It would be interesting to see whether treatment of a post-critical weight larva with JH (which would induce a supernumerary larval molt) would also suppress myoglianin production (as we see in Thermobia embryos).

      d. P12 What is the evidence that JH interacts with the first 20E peak to alter the embryonic cuticle?

      We are not sure what the issue is. The experimental fact is that treatment with JH before the E1 ecdysteroid peak causes the production of an altered E1 cuticle. We are faced with the question of why is this molt sensitive to JH when the latter will not appear until 3 or 4 days later? A possible answer is that the ecdysone response pathway has a component that has inherent JH sensitivity. The mosquito data suggest that Taiman provides another link between JH and ecdysone action

      e. Top of p13 - this paragraph can be cut down substantially. Although this is evidence that JH can alter ecdysteriods - it is in a species that is 400 my derived from the target species. Is it likely to be the exact same mechanism? I would encourage the authors to distil and retain the most important points.

      This paragraph has been shortened and focused.

      f. Bottom of p13 - what does this study add to this knowledge?

      The response of Thermobia embryos to JH treatment is qualitatively the same as seen in other short germband embryos. This similarity supports the assumption that the same responses would have been seen in their last common ancestor.

      g. P19 the last paragraph in the conclusions is really peripherally relevant to the paper and is a bit of a stretch, I would encourage the authors to leave this section out.

      We agree that it is a stretch. JH and its precursor MF are the only sesquiterpene hormones. How did they come about to acquire this function? We think it is worth pointing out the farnesol metabolites have been associated with promoting differentiation in various eukaryotes. An ancient feature of these molecules in promoting (maintaining?) differentiation may have been exploited by the insects to develop a unique class of hormones. It is worth putting the idea out to be considered.

      h. P19 "conclusions" rather than 'concluding speculations'.

      Changed as suggested.


      It is standard practice to include at least two genes as reference genes for RT-qPCR analysis (https://doi.org/10.1186/gb-2002-3-7-research0034, https://doi.org/10.1373/clinchem.2008.112797) If there are large-scale differences in the tissues being compared (e.g. as there are here during development) then more than two reference genes may be required and a reference gene study (such as https://doi.org/10.3390%2Fgenes12010021) is appropriate. Have the authors confirmed that rp49 is stably expressed during the stages of Thermobia development that they assay here?

      We have explained our choice in the Methods.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This work describes a new method for sequence-based remote homology detection. Such methods are essential for the annotation of uncharacterized proteins and for studies of protein evolution.


      The main strength and novelty of the proposed approach lies in the idea of combining stateof-the-art sequence-based (HHpred and HMMER) and structure-based (Foldseek) homology detection methods with recent developments in the field of protein language models (the ESM2 model was used). The authors show that features extracted from high-dimensional, information-rich ESM2 sequence embeddings can be suitable for efficient use with the aforementioned tools.

      The reduced features take the form of amino acid occurrence probability matrices estimated from ESM2 masked-token predictions, or structural descriptors predicted by a modified variant of the ESM2 model. However, we believe that these should not be called "embeddings" or "representations". This is because they don't come directly from any layer of these networks, but rather from their final predictions.

      We agree that there is some room for discussion about whether the amino acid probabilities returned by pre-trained ESM-2 and the 3Di sequences returned by ESM-2 3B 3Di can be properly referred to as “embeddings”. The term “embedding” doesn’t have a formal definition, other than some kind of alternative vector representation of the input data which, preferably, makes the input data more suitable for some downstream task. In that simple sense of the word “embedding”, amino acid probabilities and 3Di sequences output by our models are, indeed, types of embeddings. We posed the question on Twitter (https://twitter.com/TrichomeDoctor/status/1715051012162220340) and nobody responded, so we are left to conclude that the community is largely ambivalent about the precise definition of “embedding”.

      We’ve added language in our introduction to make it more clear that this is our working definition of an “embedding”, and why that definition can apply to profile HMMs and 3Di sequences.

      The benchmarks presented suggest that the approach improves sensitivity even at very low sequence identities <20%. The method is also expected to be faster because it does not require the computation of multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) for profile calculation or structure prediction.


      The benchmarking of the method is very limited and lacks comparison with other methods. Without additional benchmarks, it is impossible to say whether the proposed approach really allows remote homology detection and how much improvement the discussed method brings over tools that are currently considered state-of-the-art.

      We thank the reviewer for the comment. To address the question, we’ve expanded the results by adding a new benchmark and added a new figure, Figure 4. In this new content, we use the SCOPe40 benchmark, originally proposed in the Foldseek paper (van Kempen et al., 2023), to compare our best method, ESM-2 3B 3Di coupled to Foldseek, with several other recent methods. We find our method to be competitive with the other methods.

      We are hesitant to claim that any of our proposed methods are state-of-the-art because of the lack of a widely accepted standard benchmark for remote homology detection, and because of the rapid pace of advancement of the field in recent years, with many groups finding innovative uses of pLMs and other neural-network models for protein annotation and homology detection.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors present a number of exploratory applications of current protein representations for remote homology search. They first fine-tune a language model to predict structural alphabets from sequence and demonstrate using these predicted structural alphabets for fast remote homology search both on their own and by building HMM profiles from them. They also demonstrate the use of residue-level language model amino acid predicted probabilities to build HMM profiles. These three implementations are compared to traditional profile-based remote homology search.


      • Predicting structural alphabets from a sequence is novel and valuable, with another approach (ProstT5) also released in the same time frame further demonstrating its application for the remote homology search task.

      • Using these new representations in established and battle-tested workflows such as MMSeqs, HMMER, and HHBlits is a great way to allow researchers to have access to the state-of-the-art methods for their task.

      • Given the exponential growth of data in a number of protein resources, approaches that allow for the preparation of searchable datasets and enable fast search is of high relevance.


      • The authors fine-tuned ESM-2 3B to predict 3Di sequences and presented the fine-tuned model ESM-2 3B 3Di with a claimed accuracy of 64% compared to a test set of 3Di sequences derived from AlphaFold2 predicted structures. However, the description of this test set is missing, and I would expect repeating some of the benchmarking efforts described in the Foldseek manuscript as this accuracy value is hard to interpret on its own.

      The preparation of training and test sets are described in the methods under the heading “Fine tuning ESM-2 3B to convert amino acid sequences into 3Di sequences”. Furthermore, there is code in our github repository to reproduce the splits, and the entire model training process: https://github.com/seanrjohnson/esmologs#train-esm-2-3b-3di-starting-from-the-esm-2-3bpre-trained-weights

      We didn’t include the training/validation/test splits in the Zenodo repository because they are very large: train 33,924,764; validation 1,884,709; test 1,884,710 sequences, times 2 because there are both amino acid and 3Di sequences. It comes out to about 30 Gb total, and is easily rebuilt from the same sources we built it from.

      We’ve added the following sentence to the main text to clarify:

      “Training and test sets were derived from a random split of the Foldseek AlphaFold2 UniProt50 dataset (Jumper et al., 2021; van Kempen et al., 2023; Varadi et al., 2022), a reducedredundancy subset of the UniProt AlphaFold2 structures (see Methods for details).”

      To address the concern about comparing to Foldseek using the same benchmark, we’ve expanded the results section and added a new figure, Figure 4 using the SCOPe40 benchmark originally presented in the Foldseek paper, and subsequently in the ProstT5 paper to compare Foldseek with ESM-2 3B 3Di to Foldseek with ProstT5, AlphaFold2, and experimental structures.

      • Given the availability of predicted structure data in AFDB, I would expect to see a comparison between the searches of predicted 3Di sequences and the "true" 3Di sequences derived from these predicted structures. This comparison would substantiate the innovation claimed in the manuscript, demonstrating the potential of conducting new searches solely based on sequence data on a structural database.

      See response above. We’ve now benchmarked against both ProstT5 and AF2.

      • The profile HMMs built from predicted 3Di appear to perform sub-optimally, and those from the ESM-2 3B predicted probabilities also don't seem to improve traditional HMM results significantly. The HHBlits results depicted in lines 5 and 6 in the figure are not discussed at all, and a comparison with traditional HHBlits is missing. With these results and presentation, the advantages of pLM profile-based searches are not clear, and more justification over traditional methods is needed.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out the lack of clarity in the discussion of lines 5 and 6.

      We’ve re-written that section of the discussion, and reformatted Figure 3 to enhance clarity.

      We agree, a comparison to traditional HHBlits could be interesting, but we don’t expect to see stronger performance from the pLM-predicted profiles than from traditional HHBlits, just as we don’t see stronger performance from pLM-hmmscan or pLM-Foldseek than from the traditional variants. We think that the advantages of pLM based amino acid hmm searches are primarily speed. There are many variables that can influence speed of generating an MSA and HMM profile, but in general we expect that it will be much slower than generating an HMM profile from a pLM.

      We don’t know why making profiles of 3Di sequences doesn’t improve search sensitivity, we just think it’s an interesting result that is worth presenting to the community. Perhaps someone can figure out how to make it work better.

      • Figure 3 and its associated text are hard to follow due to the abundance of colors and abbreviations used. One figure attempting to explain multiple distinct points adds to the confusion. Suggestion: Splitting the figure into two panels comparing (A) Foldseek-derived searches (lines 7-10) and (B) language-model derived searches (line 3-6) to traditional methods could enhance clarity. Different scatter markers could also help follow the plots more easily.

      We thank the reviewer for this helpful comment. We’ve reformatted Figure 3 as suggested, and we think it is much easier to read now.

      • The justification for using Foldseek without amino acids (3Di-only mode) is not clear. Its utility should be described, or it should be omitted for clarity.

      To us, the use of 3Di-only mode is of great theoretical interest. From our perspective, this is one of our most significant results. Previous methods, such as pLM-BLAST and related methods, have made use of very large positional embeddings to achieve sensitive remote homology search. We show that with the right embedding, you don’t need very many bits per position to get dramatically improved search sensitivity from Smith-Waterman, compared to amino acid searches. We also doubt that predicted 3Di sequences are the optimal small encoding for remote homology detection. This result and observation opens up an exciting avenue for future research in developing small, learned positional embeddings that are optimal for remote homology detection and amenable to SIMD-optimized pre-filtering and Smith-Waterman alignment steps.

      We’ve expanded the discussion, explaining why we are excited about this result.

      • Figure 2 is not described, unclear what to read from it.

      It's just showing that ESM-2-derived amino acid probabilities closely resemble amino acid frequencies in MSAs. We think it gives readers some visual intuition about why predicted profile HMMs perform as well as they do. We’ve added some additional explanation of it in the text.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The paper would mainly benefit from a more comprehensive benchmark:

      We suggest that the authors extend the benchmark by including the reference methods (HHpred and Foldseek) run with their original representations, i.e., MSAs obtained with 2-3 iterations of hhblits (for HHpred) and experimental or predicted structures (for Foldseek). HHpred profile-profile comparisons and Foldseek structure-structure comparisons would be important reference points for assessing the applicability of the proposed approach in distant homology detection. It is also essential to compare the method with other emerging tools such as EBA (DOI: 10.1101/2022.12.13.520313), pLM-BLAST (DOI: 10.1101/2022.11.24.517862), DEDAL (DOI: 10.1038/s41592-022-01700-2), etc.

      We also suggest using an evolutionary-oriented database for the benchmark, such as ECOD or CATH (these databases classify protein domains with known structures, which is important in the context of including Foldseek in the benchmark). We ran a cursory benchmark using the ECOD database and generated HH-suite .hhm files (using the single_seq_to_hmm.py and hhsearch_multiple.py scripts). Precision and recall appear to be significantly lower compared to "vanilla" hhsearch runs with MSA-derived profiles. It would also be interesting to see benchmarks for speed and alignment quality.

      The pLM-based methods for homology detection are an emerging field, and it would be important to evaluate them in the context of distinguishing between homology and analogy. In particular, the predicted Foldseek representations may be more likely to capture structural similarity than homology. This could be investigated, for example, using the ECOD classification (do structurally similar proteins from different homology groups produce significant matches?) and/or resources such as MALISAM that catalog examples of analogy.

      We’ve added the SCOPe40 benchmark, which we think at least partially addresses these comments, adding a comparison to pLM-BLAST, ProstT5, and AF2 followed by Foldseek. The question of Analogy vs homology is an interesting one. It could be argued that the SCOPe40 benchmark addresses this in the difference between Superfamily (distant homology) and Fold (analogy, or very distant homology).

      Our focus is on remote homology detection applications rather than alignment quality, so we don’t benchmark alignment quality, although we agree that those benchmarks would be interesting.

      Page 2, lines 60-67. This paragraph would benefit from additional citations and explanations to support the superiority of the proposed approach. The fact that flattened embeddings are not suitable for annotating multidomain proteins seems obvious. Also, the claim that "current search implementations are slow compared to other methods" should be supported (tools such as EBA or pLM-BLAST have been shown to be faster than standard MSA-based methods). Also, as we mentioned in the main review, we believe that the generated pseudo-profiles and fine-tuned ESM2 predictions should not be called "smaller positional embeddings".

      Discriminating subdomains was a major limitation of the influential and widely-cited PfamN paper (Bileschi et al., 2022), we’ve added a citation to that paper in that paragraph for readers interested in diving deeper.

      To address the question of speed, we’ve included data preparation and search benchmarks as part of our presentation of the SCOPe40 benchmark.

      Finally, we were not sure why exactly every 7th residue is masked in a single forward pass. Traditionally, pseudo-log likelihoods are generated by masking every single token and predicting probabilities from logits given the full context - e.g. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.14659.pdf. Since this procedure is crucial in the next steps of the pipeline, it would be important to either experiment with this hyperparameter or explain the logic used to choose the mask spacing.

      We’ve added discussion of the masking distance to the Methods section.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • While the code and data for the benchmark are available, the generation of searchable databases using the methods described for a popular resource such as Pfam, AFDB, SCOP/CATH which can be used by the community would greatly boost the impact of this work.

      3Di sequences predicted by ESM-2 3B 3Di can easily be used as queries against any Foldseek database, such as PDB, AFDB, etc. We’ve added Figure 4E to demonstrate this possibility, and added some related discussion.

      • Minor: In line 114, the text should likely read "compare lines 7 and 8" instead of "compare lines 6 and 7."

      We’ve clarified the discussion of Figure 3.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Redhardt and colleagues describe a structure of the voltage and Ca-activated Slo1 channel in complex with an auxiliary subunit, γ1. In complex with γ1, Slo1 adopts an open state that closely resembles previous open state structures. Of γ1, only the single membrane-spanning helix, which binds to the periphery of the Slo1 VSD, is resolved. There, it establishes several interactions with Slo1 that authors propose may favor adoption of the open state, potentially explaining how γ1 can shift I-V profile of Slo1 to be activated at more negative membrane potentials. The interactions described fit well with existing mutagenesis analyses.

      While this report provides a first glimpse of how γ1 can bind to Slo1, its impact will be minimal. It describes a single structural snapshot and there are no functional analyses presented. Additional analyses would be helpful in understanding of how γ1 can regulate Slo1 channels.

      We thank the reviewer for their honest judgment. We agree that validating the structure by biochemical and/or functional data would have significantly strengthened the manuscript. However, we are convinced that our structural data alone already provides significant novel understanding of the assembly of the Slo1-γ1 complex and regulation of Slo1 by γ1. Thus, we feel that publication of this manuscript is justified by the high importance of Slo channels and our data will have an impact in the field.

      __Major comments: __ 1. The authors propose several models for how γ1 regulates Slo1, yet none of them are experimentally evaluated. For example, on page 8, it is written that "we propose that the combination of three different principles, namely shape complementarity, covalent anchoring and lowering the resting state potential by a positively charged intracellular stretch, act in concert to stabilize an active VSD conformation in the Slo1-γ1 complex." This is a testable hypothesis and one that should be experimentally evaluated to better understand regulation by γ1.

      We agree with the reviewer that experimental validation of this hypothesis would have been an asset. Nevertheless, we think that our structural data in context of previous functional data e.g. from Li et al. 2015,2016) and also in comparison with the other two manuscripts on the same topic which have been published while this manuscript was under review, allows us to draw conclusions about the mechanism of γ1-mediated activation of Slo1. We have now, however, toned down some of the earlier statements and changed parts of our interpretations in light of the novel findings by Yamanouchi et al. and Kallure et al.

      The authors analysis of the extracellular domain of γ1 is incomplete. The only presented structure was performed with C4 symmetry imposed, in which extracellular domains were largely lost. The authors propose that these domains are dynamic and that their dynamism would enable simultaneous binding of both γ and b subunits, as occurs in cells. A more thorough analysis of the dynamics and well as potential asymmetric conformations should be performed to better understand how these domains interact with Slo1.

      We completely agree with the reviewer that a thorough analysis of the extracellular domain is important and thank the reviewer for their valuable suggestions. We had attempted such analysis already from the beginning, but were not successful. More specifically, we have attempted reconstructions with lower symmetry (C2 and C1) from the beginning or by symmetry relaxation after initial C4 reconstruction. Also, we tested different masking and signal subtraction strategies in combination with different global and local refinements, as well as symmetry expansion and 3D classification. Unfortunately, none of these strategies led to a better resolved LRR module.

      We now think that in comparison with Kallure et al. and Yamanouchi et al., the ice in our sample was thinner, which allowed us to reach higher resolution in the core particle (Slo1 and γ1 TM helix), but at the cost of the γ1 LRRs being denatured or at least distorted by the air-water interface.

      The refinement statistics suggest that the model was incompletely refined. This reviewer was not provided with the map or models, but the validation report lists a clashscore of 9 and 5.7% of the rotamers as being outliers, both of which are high for the reported resolution of the structure. It is also strange that the Q-score varied between different γ1 protomers. Why are the four protomers not identical when the map is 4-fold symmetric? The authors should carefully inspect their model to insure that it is as correct as possible.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out, and while the values for clashscores and rotamers were not outside the range of values typically found in many other cryo-EM structures, we agree that there was still some room for improvement. We have worked on this and could lower the values to a clashscore of 7.0 and 1.8 % rotamer outliers.

      The difference in Q-score is also something not too uncommon since, while the map is indeed C4-symmetric, during model refinement the NCS restraints are not completely preventing small deviations between the protomers. We have now also successfully attempted to minimize these differences further.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The impact of this report is limited. Functional analyses will be necessary to uncover precisely how gamma subunits regulate Slo1 channels.

      We thank the reviewer for this honest statement, but respectfully disagree. While additional functional analyses would have certainly boosted the impact, we are certain that our structural data and their interpretation will be very valuable for the field, because they provide (as stated by Reviewer 3) new insights into the regulation of Slo channel activity by the γ subunits and suggest (as stated by reviewer 2) a novel mechanism of activation of voltage-gated ion channels..

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Summary This study presents a high resolution cryo-EM study of a voltage-gated Ca++-dependent K+ channel in the presence of a gamma1 subunit. Analysis of the structure and sequence alignments suggest a novel mechanism of activation of voltage-gated ion channels.

      __Major comments __ The major issue in this paper is that it is only a structural biology paper. There is no structure-function relationship study, no functional studies of mutants that could validate -or not- the inferred underlying mechanism. Even though the authors have identified good candidates for mutations (e.g. p. 6) they have not attempted to validate their importance experimentally. As a result, reading their discussion is somewhat frustrating and full of assumptions, as indicated by sentences (p.7) like

      "a possible mechanism... might be... which would make... more likely".

      "... which might act ... seems important... might indicate... might lower... likely most pronounced... could be responsible..."

      "... might play an important role... does not allow a certain conclusion..."

      We completely agree with the reviewer that the paper would have been much stronger if we would have been able to perform biochemical or functional assays testing mutations in the binding interface. However, this would have unfortunately been beyond the scope of the project. We are nevertheless confident that our structural data will be of value for the field, also in context of the two structure-function papers that have been published since which confirm and validate our data and provide the link to function.

      __Minor comments which could be confidently addressed __ The Introduction contains no description of the state-of-the-art in the field concerning the available structures in the same system or similar ones. Hence, it is difficult to judge for people outside the field if the novelty. is incremental or significant.

      We have adjusted the introduction to explicitly mention previously published structural data on the Slo channels.

      References 10 and 42 (eLife) lacj some details.

      We have adjusted said references accordingly.

      __Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)): ______

      Significance general assessment As it turns out, at least two papers in exactly the same field just appeared: -one in Molecular Cell by a Japanese group, which is much more developed and contains functional tests and structure-function relationships, in addition to beautiful structures (available on-line early December) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1097276523009218

      -one in biorxiv, deposited yesterday https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2023/12/20/2023.12.20.572542.full.pdf

      Advances wrt known results See above. As a result of these new papers in Mol Cell and biorxiv, I think the authors should reconsider submitting their article elsewhere, perhaps for a more specialized audience.

      We agree with the reviewer that in light of the other two publications which both were published a while after we deposited our preprint on biorxiv and while the manuscript was under review, the uniqueness of our data is somewhat lowered. However, since our data is overall in large agreement with these two other publications, but we report a structure at significantly higher resolution and from a different species (indeed the first Slo1 structure from rabbit, a model organism of BK channel characterization in the last decades), we are confident that our data are still very valuable for the field and qualify for publication in one of the affiliate journals of Review Commons. After all, the fact that three papers reporting very similar data were published within a few weeks (plus another preprint reporting structures of a Slo channel, but unrelated to γ subunits) illustrates the importance for understanding the regulation of this essential ion channel and the impact of all structural data enhancing this understanding, and independent confirmation by three different labs is something very valuable to the community.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      "This manuscript by Redhardt et al. presents the cryo-EM structure of the Slo K+ channel from rabbits in conjunction with its auxiliary subunit, γ1, and proposes a mechanistic model for regulating channel activation. "This manuscript by Redhardt et al. presents the cryo-EM structure of the Slo K+ channel from rabbits in conjunction with its auxiliary subunit, γ1, and proposes a mechanistic model for regulating channel activation. The Slo channel, also known as the large-conductance calcium-activated potassium channel or BK channel, is an ion channel type found in various cell membranes, including neurons, muscle cells, and other tissue types. Its key features encompass Ca2+ activation, voltage dependence, and regulation by auxiliary subunits. Different auxiliary subunits have been shown to modulate channel functions distinctly; notably, the γ1 subunit enables channel activation at lower voltages compared to the wild-type channel. This manuscript offers a structural-functional framework that enhances our comprehension of how Slo channels are regulated by auxiliary subunits, such as gamma and beta subunits. While the structure of Slo channels in complex with the beta subunit is understood, the binding and interaction of the gamma subunit with the channels remain elusive due to the absence of corresponding structures. Along these lines, the presented structure here indeed provides new insights into the regulation of Slo channel activity by the gamma subunit. However, there are some important questions below that should be addressed."

      1. In Figure 1D panel, the calcium ions appear to be indistinct, likely due to the figure's low resolution. The authors are recommended to enhance the figure quality and consider a better positioning to effectively illustrate the ions.

      We have adjusted the coloring of calcium ions Fig. 1D to increase their visibility.

      It would be beneficial for the readers if the authors provided detailed methodology explaining how they arrived at the 7% and 11% coexpression, aiding in the complex formation. Additionally, it would be informative to know the observed shift in the size exclusion chromatography (SEC) profile of Slo1-Y1 compared to apo Slo1.

      We have arrived at these concentrations of the respective viruses by empirically testing ranges between 3 % and 15 %. We have now added a sentence to the manuscript to explain this.

      Is there any rationale behind initially purifying using strep affinity followed by His affinity?

      The idea behind using a dual-affinity protocol is to ensure that all purified complexes contain at least one copy of Slo1 and one copy of γ1. Using the Strep tag first allows to remove most contaminants already in the first step, due to its higher specificity compared to the His tag. We have added a sentence to the methods section to explain this.

      Regarding the Slo1 tetramer with gamma subunit binding, are there other classes where one, two, or three gamma subunits are bound to Slo1? Or is there only one class where all protomers of Slo1 are occupied by the gamma subunit? How do these classes appear when refined in C1 symmetry? Are there classes displaying C1 or C2 symmetry, or is the four-fold symmetry preserved across all refined classes?"

      We exclusively observe complexes with four γ1 subunits. This is also in agreement with the other two recent publications reporting Slo1-γ1 complex structures, but could in principle be an artifact of artificial overexpression. Also when we refine the particles in C1, we retain C4 symmetry and do not observe any classes with C2 or C1 symmetry.

      The authors utilized nearly 1.9 million particles to reconstruct the final class, resulting in a high resolution. Is such a large number of particles truly necessary to achieve high resolution in this context?

      The large number of particles is not strictly necessary, i.e. we could obtain similar quality by using fewer particles. In the end, we have now further classified down to ~827k particles, which very slightly improved the resolution and quality of the map.

      Authros mentioned that F273 of γ1 forms pi-stacking interactions, it remains unclear with which components of the channel these interactions occur.

      F273 forms (slightly distorted) T stacking interactions with F164 in S2 and F187 in S3. We now changed the sentence in the manuscript to mention the residues that line the hydrophobic pocket to make it more clear which elements contribute to the interaction with F273.

      The authors propose that the disulfide bond between the γ subunit and Slo1 could play a crucial role in their interaction. Was there any observation of a covalent linkage in SDS page analysis? Furthermore, how would this interaction be affected if either cysteine C253 of gamma1 or C141 on the channel were mutated or neutralized?"

      We have run all our SDS-PAGE experiments under reducing conditions, thus destroying any disulfide bridges that might have been present in the complex. We have now, however obtained a slightly better defined reconstruction (as pointed out in our answer to point 5 raised by this reviewer) where we do not see as clear continuous density anymore between the two cysteine side chains. Thus, we have removed the cystine bond from the final model and have adjusted text and figures accordingly. We still think that it might be more than coincidence that those two side chains come into such close proximity, though, and still discuss the possibility of a cystine bridge in the manuscript.

      Author's state that "The presence of several immobile positive charges on the intracellular side in close proximity to the VSD as in the case of the Slo1-γ1 complex is likely to locally lower the resting state potential and repulse the gating charges, thereby reducing the energy to overcome for the VSD to transition to the active conformation." Authors need to be little more elaborative here as it is not clear what authors mean repulse of gating charges.

      We have expanded our description of the proposed repulsive effect of the positive charges in the manuscript and in addition also discuss the additional role of the charges in stabilizing the Ca2+-bound conformation of the gating ring as proposed by Yamanouchi et al.

      Probably beyond this study but I was wondering whether it is possible that Beta and gamma subunit can together assemble as heteromers to form a cage-like structure with contribution from both.

      We agree with the reviewer that this is an interesting question which we have also thought about and one which should be tested, but as the reviewer already mentioned, this would go beyond the present study and should be subject to an independent follow-up investigation.

      Are there any specific lipids observed within the structure that could potentially contribute to the functional conformation or stability of the complex?"

      Given the high resolution of our structure, we observe a number of ordered lipid and detergent molecules, most of which were located at similar positions as in previous structures of Slo channels. Besides those molecules clustering in the deep cleft between neighboring voltage-sensor domains, we also observe lipid densities close to the binding site of γ1 on the distal side of the VSD. However, as their relevance for γ1 binding is unclear, we don’t discuss them in the manuscript. In general, of course, we agree with the reviewer that lipids can have a large impact on the function of membrane proteins.

      It would be interesting to see if the kink in the gamma subunit is entirely neutralized through mutations of proline and glycine, how these alteration might impact the assembly of the mutated gamma subunit with the channel. The authors should provide insights into whether this mutated form of the gamma subunit assembles effectively with the channel and whether there are functional consequences associated with this alteration.

      As shown by Kallure et al., substituting P270 in the kink by serine (the native residue at this position in γ3) strongly diminished the ability of γ1 to associate with Slo1 in vitro, demonstrating the importance of the kink and providing a rationale for the observed differences in the potency of the TM helices of γ1 and γ3 in Slo1 activation.

      It would be generally beneficial for the authors to provide functional insights that can support the physiological relevance of this kink in the gamma subunit. Understanding the potential consequences of this mutation and its implications for the assembly and function of the channel complex will offer valuable insights into the physiological role of the kink.

      We absolutely agree with the reviewer that functional insights on the relevance of the kink would be very valuable, but we think that the available experimental data together with the natural sequence differences in γ1-γ4 and the correlation with their physiological activity are very clear indications that the kink is relevant. However, future follow-up studies that prove this beyond any doubt would be valuable.

      Is it known that binding of beta or gamma subunit can impact the subsequent binding of beta and gamma to channels. If it is, it need to be discussed briefly in the discussion part.

      This is, to the best of our knowledge, not known. The only existing data that suggests co-presence of beta and gamma subunits on Slo1, reported in Gonzalez-Perez et al., 2015, stems from electrophysiological experiments and does not reveal anything about hierarchy and temporal order of binding events.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      The Slo channel, also known as the large-conductance calcium-activated potassium channel or BK channel, is an ion channel type found in various cell membranes, including neurons, muscle cells, and other tissue types. Its key features encompass Ca2+ activation, voltage dependence, and regulation by auxiliary subunits. Different auxiliary subunits have been shown to modulate channel functions distinctly; notably, the γ1 subunit enables channel activation at lower voltages compared to the wild-type channel. This manuscript offers a structural-functional framework that enhances our comprehension of how Slo channels are regulated by auxiliary subunits, such as gamma and beta subunits. While the structure of Slo channels in complex with the beta subunit is understood, the binding and interaction of the gamma subunit with the channels remain elusive due to the absence of corresponding structures. Along these lines, the presented structure here indeed provides new insights into the regulation of Slo channel activity by the gamma subunit.

      We thank the reviewer for this positive assessment of the data and agree that our structural data, also when regarded together with the complementary manuscripts by Kallure et al. and Yamanouchi et al., provides significant new insight into the assembly and activity of γ subunits.

    1. We may characterize this process with reference to thechanges which it brings about in the familiar instinctual dispositions of human beings, to satisfy which is,after all, the economic task of our lives. A few of these instincts are used up in such a manner thatsomething appears in their place which, in an individual, we describe as a character-trait.

      You can see this within different generations. For example, how boomers and gen z do not think the same as society has changed and so has different norms. It is more normal for gen Z to stay with their parents as long as they can because of factors that have changed from the boomer generation.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The current manuscript focuses on the adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (Aprt) and how the lack of its function affects nervous system function. It puts it into the context of Lesch-Nyhan disease, a rare hereditary disease linked to hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HGPRT). Since HGPRT appears absent in Drosophila, the study focuses initially on Aprt and shows that aprt mutants have a decreased life-span and altered uric acid levels (the latter can be attenuated by allopurinol treatment). Moreover, aprt mutants show defects in locomotor reactivity behaviors. A comparable phenotype can be observed when specifically knocking down aprt in dopaminergic cells. Interestingly, also glia-specific knock-down caused a similar behavioral defect, which could not be restored when re-expressing UAS-aprt, while neuronal re-expression did restore the mutant phenotype. Moreover, mutants, pan-neuronal and pan-neuronal plus glia RNAi for aprt caused sleep-defects. Based on immunostainings Dopamine levels are increased; UPLC shows that adenosine levels are reduced and PCR showed in increase of Ent2 levels are increased (but not AdoR). Moreover, aprt mutants display seizure-like behaviors, which can be partly restored by purine feeding (adenosine and N6methyladenosine). Finally, expression of the human HGPRT also causes locomotor defects.

      The authors provide a wide range of genetic experimental data to assess behavior and some molecular assessment on how the defects may emerge. It is clearly written, and the arguments follow the experimental evidence that is provided. The findings provide a new example of how manipulating specific genes in the fruit fly allows the study of fundamental molecular processes that are linked to a human disease.

      We thank the reviewer for his clear understanding and positive assessment of our work.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Petitgas et al demonstrates that loss of function for the only enzyme responsible for the purine salvage pathway in fruit-flies reproduces the metabolic and neurologic phenotypes of human patients with Lesch-Nyhan disease (LND). LND is caused by mutations in the enzyme HGPRT, but this enzyme does not exist in fruit-flies, which instead only have Aprt for purine recycling. They demonstrate that mutants lacking the Aprt enzyme accumulate uric acid, which like in humans can be rescued by feeding flies allopurinol, and have decreased longevity, locomotion and sleep impairments and seizures, with striking resemblance to HGPRT loss of function in humans. They demonstrate that both loss of function throughout development or specifically in the adult ubiquitously or in all neurons, or dopaminergic neurons, mushroom body neurons or glia, can reproduce the phenotypes (although knock-down in glia does not affect sleep). They show that the phenotypes can be rescued by over-expressing a wild-type form of the Aprt gene in neurons. They identify a decrease in adenosine levels as the cause underlying these phenotypes, as adenosine is a neurotransmitter functioning via the purinergic adenosine receptor in neurons. In fact, feeding flies throughout development and in the adult with either adenosine or m6A could prevent seizures. They also demonstrate that loss of adenosine caused a secondary up-regulation of ENT nucleoside transporters and of dopamine levels, that could explain the phenotypes of decreased sleep and hyperactivity and night. Finally, they provide the remarkable finding that over-expression of the human mutant HGPRT gene but not its wild-type form in neurons impaired locomotion and induced seizures. This means that the human mutant enzyme does not simply lack enzymatic activity, but it is toxic to neurons in some gain-of-function form. Altogether, these are very important and fundamental findings that convincingly demonstrate the establishment of a Drosophila model for the scientific community to investigate LND, to carry out drug testing screens and find cures.

      We thank the reviewer for his clear understanding and positive assessment of our work.

      The experiments are conducted with great rigour, using appropriate and exhaustive controls, and on the whole the evidence does convincingly or compellingly support the claims. The exception is an instance when authors mention 'data not shown' and here data should either be provided, or claims removed: "feeding flies with adenosine or m6A did not rescue the SING phenotype of Aprt mutants (data not shown)". It is important to show these data (see below).

      As recommended by the reviewer, these results are now shown in the new Figure S15.

      Sleep is used to refer to lack of movement of flies to cross a beam for more than 5 minutes. However, lack of movement does not necessarily mean the flies are asleep, as they could be un-motivated to move (which could reflect abnormal dopamine levels) or engaged in incessant grooming instead. These differences are important for future investigation into the neural circuits affect by LND.

      We agree that the method we used could overestimate sleep duration because flies that don't move do not necessarily sleep either, as it is the case with brain-dopamine deficient flies (Riemensperger et al., PNAS 2011). To address this issue, we have recorded video data showing that after 5 min of inactivity, wild-type and Aprt5 mutant flies are less sensitive to stimulation, indicating that they were indeed asleep. This is now shown in the new Figure S10 and mentioned on page 17, lines 338-339 in the main text. In addition, in this work we report that Aprt mutant flies have a nocturnal insomnia phenotype. Sleep overestimation is not, therefore, an issue that could challenge these results.

      The authors claim that based on BLAST genome searchers, there are no HPRTI (encoding HGPRT) homologues in Drosophila. However, such a claim would require instead structure-based searches that take into account structural conservation despite high sequence divergence, as this may not be detected by regular BLAST.

      To reinforce our conclusions about the lack of homologue of the human HPRT1 gene in Drosophila, we have now added a Results section about the evolution of HGPRT proteins on pages 6-7, lines 122150, and two phylogenetic analyses as new Figures S2 and S3 with more details in legends. We have also carried out structural similarity searches against the RCSB PDB repository. The structural analysis did not identify any relevant similarity with HGPRT 3D structures in Insecta (mentioned lines 146-150). We hope these new analyses address the Reviewer's concerns. Furthermore, as shown in Table S2, no enzymatic HGPRT activity could be detected in extracts of wild-type Drosophila. A protein that would be structurally similar to human HGPRT but with a divergent sequence could not be involved in purine recycling without expressing HGPRT-like activity. In contrast, enzymatic Aprt activity could be easily detected in this organism (Figure S4 and Table S1).

      This work raises important questions that still need resolving. For example, the link between uric acid accumulation, reduced adenosine levels, increased dopamine and behavioural neurologic consequences remain unresolved. It is important that they show that restoring uric acid levels does not rescue locomotion nor seizure phenotypes, as this means that this is not the cause of the neurologic phenotypes.

      We agree with the reviewer about the potential importance of our results and the need to resolve the exact origin of the neurological phenotypes. This would need to be addressed in further studies in our opinion. The fact that allopurinol treatment did not improve the locomotor ability of Aprt5 mutant flies is now shown in Figure 1D, E to emphasize this result. Results showing that allopurinol does not rescue the bang-sensitivity phenotype of Aprt-deficient mutants are shown in Figure S14.

      Instead, their data indicate adenosine deficiency is the cause. However, one weakness is that for the manipulations they test some behaviours but not all. The authors could attempt to improve the link between mechanism and behaviour by testing whether over-expression of Aprt in neurons or glia, throughout development or in the adult, and feeding with adenosine and m6A can rescue each of the behavioural phenotypes handled: lifespan, SING, sleep and seizures. The authors could also attempt to knock-down dopamine levels concomitantly with feeding with adenosine or m6A to see if this rescues the phenotypes of SING and sleep.

      The reviewer is right. However, carrying out all these experiments properly with enough repeats will require about two more years of work. Because of that, they could not be included in the revision of the present article. Here we show that Aprt overexpression in neurons, but not in glia, rescues the SING phenotype of Aprt5 mutants (Figure 2B and 2E). We have also added in the revised article the new result that Aprt overexpression reduces transcript levels of DTH1, which codes for the neural form of the dopamine-synthesizing enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase (new Figure 5F).

      Visualising the neural circuits that express the adenosine receptor could reveal why the deficit in adenosine can affect distinct behaviours differentially, and which neurologic phenotypes are primary and which secondary consequences of the mutations. This would allow them to carry out epistasis analysis by knocking-down AdoR in specific circuits, whilst at the same time feeding Aprt mutants with Adenosine.

      Deciphering the specific circuits involved in the various effects of adenosine would indeed be extremely interesting. Unfortunately very few is currently known about the neural circuits that express AdoR in flies. No antibody is available to detect this receptor in situ and mutated AdoR gene coding for a tagged form of the receptor has not been engineered yet to our knowledge.

      The revelation that the mutant form of human HGPRT has toxic effects is very intriguing and important and it invites the community to investigate this further into the future.

      To conclude, this is a fundamental piece of work that opens the opportunity for the broader scientific community to use Drosophila to investigate LND.

      We sincerely thank the reviewer for his thoughtful and positive comments on our work.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The study attempts to develop a Drosophila model for the human disease of LND. The issue here, and the main weakness of this study, is that Drosophila does not express the enzyme, HGPRT, which when mutated causes LND. The authors, instead, mutate the functionally-related Drosophila Aprt enzyme. However, it is unknown whether Aprt is also a structural homologue. Because of this, it will likely not be possible to identify pharmacological compounds that rescue HGPRT activity via a direct interaction (unless modelling predicts high conservation of substrate binding pocket between the two enzymes, etc).

      As stated in our Provisional Responses prior to revision of the Reviewed Preprint, the enzymes APRT and HGPRT are actually known to be functionally and structurally related. We apologize for not providing this information in the original submission. This point is now made clearer in the revised article on page 39, lines 785-792. Indeed, both human APRT and HGPRT belong to the type I PRTases family identified by a conserved phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate (PRPP) binding motif, which is used as a substrate to transfer phosphoribosyl to purines. This binding motif is only found in PRTases from the nucleotide synthesis and salvage pathways (see: Sinha and Smith (2001) Curr Opin Struct Biol 11(6):733-9, doi: 10.1016/s0959-440x(01)00274-3). The purine substrates adenine, hypoxanthine and guanine share the same chemical skeleton and APRT can bind hypoxanthine, indicating that APRT and HGPRT also share similarities in their substrate binding sites (Ozeir et al. (2019) J Biol Chem. 294(32):11980-11991, doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA119.009087). Moreover, Drosophila Aprt and Human APRT are closely related as the amino acid sequences of APRT proteins have been highly conserved throughout evolution (see Figure S5B in our paper).

      An additional weakness is that the study does not identify a molecule that may act as a lead compound for further development for treating LND. Rather, the various rescues reported are selective for only a subset of the disease-associated phenotypes. Thus, whilst informative, this first section of the study does not meet the study ambitions.

      In this study, we identify adenosine and N6-methyladenosine as rescuers of the epileptic behavior in Aprt mutant flies (shown in Figure 7E, F). Interestingly, the same molecules have been found to rescue the viability of fibroblasts and neural stem cells derived from iPSCs of LND patients, in which de novo purine synthesis was prevented (discussed on page 38, lines 747-753). This suggests that the Drosophila model reported here could help to identify new genetic targets and pharmacological compounds capable to rescue HGPRT mutations in humans.

      The second approach adopted is to express a 'humanised mutated' form of HGPRT in Drosophila, which holds more promise for the development of a pharmacological screen. In particular, the locomotor defect is recapitulated but the seizure-like activity, whilst reported as being recapitulated, is debatable. A recovery time of 2.3 seconds is very much less than timings for typical seizure mutants. Nevertheless, the SING behaviour could be sufficient to screen against. However, this is not explored.

      We agree with the reviewer that it would be very interesting to do a pharmacological screen in this second LND model. However, we did not have the possibility to carry out such a screen yet.

      In summary, this is a largely descriptive study reporting the behavioural effects of an Aprt loss-offunction mutation. RNAi KD and rescue expression studies suggest that a mix of neuronal (particularly dopaminergic and possibly adenosinergic signalling pathways) and glia are involved in the behavioural phenotypes affecting locomotion, sleep and seizure. There is insufficient evidence to have confidence that the Arpt fly model will prove valuable for understanding / treating LND.

      Here we report many common phenotypes between the Aprt fly model and the symptoms of LND patients (reduced longevity, locomotor problems, sleep defects, overproduction of uric acid that is rescued by allopurinol treatment…). Moreover, APRT and HGPRT enzymes are both functional and structural homologues, as explained in our answers. We also found that the same drugs can rescue the seizure-like phenotype in Aprt-deficient flies and the viability of LND fibroblasts and neural stem cells, derived from iPSCs of LND patients, in which de novo purine synthesis is prevented (Figure 7E, F). In many respects, our results therefore suggest that Aprt mutant flies could be useful to better understand LND, and potentially to screen for new therapeutic compounds.

      From the Reviewing Editor:

      (1) How are the pathways of purine catabolism different between flies and mammals? How does the absence of HGPRT and presence of only AGPRT affect purine catabolism? When did HGPRT appear in evolution?

      Purine catabolism is quite similar in flies and mammals, except for the lack of urate oxidase in primates, as described in Figure S1. We added words in the revised article about purine anabolism/catabolism pathways lines 123-126 (see below our detailed response to Reviewer 1’s Recommandations). HGPRT is present in Bacteria, Archea and Eukaryota, and nearly all animal phyla. However, BLAST search indicates that HGPRT homologues cannot be found in most insect species, such as Drosophila. To reinforce our conclusions about the lack of homologue of the human HPRT1 gene in Drosophila melanogaster, we have now added a Results section about the evolution of HGPRT proteins on pages 6-7, lines 122-150, and two phylogenetic analyses as new Figures S2 and S3 with details in legends.

      In addition to BLAST a structural based modelling method should be used to establish the loss of HGPRT in Drosophila.

      In agreement with the phylogenetic analyses, we have confirmed that no HGPRT enzymatic activity can be detected in wild-type Drosophila extract (Table S2). To complete these observations, as recommended by reviewer #2, we have carried out 3D structure-based searches in the RCSB Protein Data Bank. This enabled us to compare human HGPRT with all currently available protein structures. W found no Drosophila protein with a divergent sequence showing relevant structural similarity to human HGPRT. In contrast, this search identified proteins similar to human HGPRT in many other species of Eukaryota, Archea and Bacteria. This is now mentioned on page 7, lines 146-150 in the revised article.

      (2) Of the three biochemical changes reported the change in dopamine levels should be validated by other methods given the unreliable nature of IHC.

      As recommended by Reviewer #1, we have added the results of new experiments carried out by RTqPCR and Western blotting, which confirm the effect of Aprt mutation on brain dopamine levels. In addition, we added the consistent result that Aprt overexpression reduces transcript levels of DTH1. The results are shown in the new panels E to H of Figure 5 and mentioned in the text on page 20, lines 385-389.

      (3) As suggested by reviewer 2 it would be helpful to clearly identify which of the three biochemical changes (DA, uric acid, adenosine) are responsible for the numerous behaviours tested. This is important because it is relevant for developing any therapeutic strategy arising from this study.

      We agree that it would be very interesting to decipher the relationship between the different behaviors observed in mutant flies and the biochemical changes (dopamine, uric acid or adenosine). However, this would require a large amount of new experiments and it would probably double the size of our paper, which already includes many original data. In our opinion, such a detailed study should logically be the purpose of another article.

      (4) There is concern regarding the robustness of the seizure data. Reviewer 3 has suggestions on how to address this.

      See our answers to Reviewer 3’s recommendations below.

      (5) Editorial corrections and changes suggested by reviewers 2 and 3 need to be addressed.

      As indicated in our answers, we have taken into account and when possible addressed the corrections and changes suggested by the reviewers.

      (6) It is recommended that the authors tone down the relevance of this model for LND, particularly in the abstract. The focus should be on stating what is actually delivered.

      As recommended by the reviewing editor, and to take in account the reserved comments of reviewer #3, we have toned down our affirmation that our new fly models are relevant for LND in the last sentences of the Abstract and Discussion, and also added a question mark in the subtitle of the Discussion on line 777. As mentioned in our provisional responses to the Public Reviews, we would like to emphasize, however, that reviewers #1 and #2 expressed more confidence than reviewer #3 in the potential usefulness of our work. Reviewer #1 indeed stated that: “The findings provide a new example of how manipulating specific genes in the fruit fly allows the study of fundamental molecular processes that are linked to a human disease”, and reviewer #2 further wrote: "Altogether, these are very important and fundamental findings that convincingly demonstrate the establishment of a Drosophila model for the scientific community to investigate LND, to carry out drug testing screens and find cures”, and added: “To conclude, this is a fundamental piece of work that opens the opportunity for the broader scien2fic community to use Drosophila to inves2gate LND”.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • An important prerequisite for the current study is that there appears to be no HGPRT "activity" in Drosophila. It is initially stated that there was previously no "HGPRT activity observed" in two papers form the 70ies. It would be important to corroborate this notion and provide some background on the <br /> /catabolism pathways. How shared or divergent are these pathways between Drosophila and mammals?

      In agreement with the pioneering studies of Becker (1974a, b), we have confirmed in this work that no HGPRT enzymatic activity can be detected in wild-type Drosophila extracts, as mentioned in Results on page 6, lines 127-130 and reported in Table S2. Purine catabolism is quite similar in flies and mammals, except for the lack of urate oxidase in primates, as shown in Figure S1. All the enzymes involved in purine anabolism/catabolim or recycling in humans have been conserved in Drosophila and humans, with the notorious exception of HPRT1.

      If there is no HGPRT gene, but only the APRT ortholog, what would this mean for the metabolites? Our enzymatic assays on Drosophila extracts indicated that hypoxanthine and guanine cannot be recycled into IMP and GMP, respectively, contrary to adenine which can be converted into AMP in flies. In the absence of HGPRT activity, GMP and IMP could be produced by de novo purine synthesis, or, alternatively, synthesized from AMP, which can be converted into IMP by the enzyme AMPD, and then IMP can be converted into GMP by the enzymes IMPDH and GMPS. These metabolic pathways are depicted in Figure S1A.

      Is the lack of HGPRT specific for Drosophila, insects (generally in invertebrates)? I feel clarifying this would provide more insight into the motivation of the experimental approach.

      As suggested by the Reviewer and the Reviewing Editor, we have addressed the evolution of HGPRT proteins more precisely in the revision. We have added a section on this subject in Results on pages 67, lines 122-150, and two phylogenetic analyses as Figures S2 and S3 with details in legends. A phylogenetic analysis was carried out a few years ago by Giorgio Matassi, who is now co-author of this paper. The most striking result was the great impact of horizontal gene transfer in the evolution of HGPRT in Insects (Figures S2 and S3). Our analysis of the phyletic distribution of HGPRT proteins revealed their striking rareness in Insecta, and in particular, their absence in Drosophilidae. The PSIBlast search detected however a significant hit in Drosophila immigrans (accession KAH8256851.1). Yet, this sequence is 100% identical to the HGPRT of the Gammaroteobacterium Serratia marcescens. Indeed, a phylogenetic analysis showed that D. immigrans HGPRT clusters with the Serratia genus (see Figure S3). This can be interpreted either a contamination of the sequenced sample, or as a very recent horizontal gene transfer event. The second scenario is more likely for the corresponding nucleotide sequences differ by 5 synonymous substitutions (out of 534 positions). A powerful approach to try to understand the "origin" of the D. immigrans protein would be to analyze whether horizontal gene transfer has affected its chromosomal neighbours. This approach, proposed previously by G. Matassi (BMC Evol Biol, 2017, 17:2, doi: 10.1186/s12862-016-0850-6), is highly demanding in terms of computing time and would require an ad hoc study. We hope that these new analyses address the Reviewer's concerns.

      • On the mechanistic side on how the behavioral defects may arise, the authors show that dopaminergic neurons (and glia cells) are involved. One interesting finding is that dopamine immunostainings suggest increased dopamine levels. However, immunostainings are notorious for artifacts and do not provide a strong quantitative assessment. I feel it would be helpful to have an alternative technique to corroborate this finding.

      We agree with the reviewer and we added the results of further confirmatory experiments in the four new panels E-H of Figure 5, showing that: 1) the transcript levels of DTH1 (encoding the neuronal isoform of the dopamine-synthesizing enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase in Drosophila) are increased in Aprt5 mutants compared to wild-type flies (new Figure 5E), 2) consistent with this, DTH1 transcript levels were found in contrast to be decreased when Aprt was overexpressed ubiquitously in flies (new Figure 5F), 3) Western blot experiments showed that DTH1 protein levels are also increased in Aprt5 mutant flies compared to controls (new Figure 5G-H).

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      As mentioned in the public review, the behavioural phenotypes of decreased lifespan, SING, sleep and seizures could be tested for all manipulations: feeding with allopurinol, adenosine and m6A, and combining this with knock-down dopamine levels in PAMs or MBs. This could help dissect the relationship between mutations in Aprt and behaviour.

      We thank the reviewer for these suggestions, and, indeed, we would have liked to do all these experiments. However, as mentioned in our responses to the Public Reviews, carrying out these experiments properly with sufficient repeats would require about two more years of work. We have already accumulated a large amount of data, so we have decided to publish our results at this stage in order to make our new fly models available to the scientific community. We are giving careful and due consideration to these experimental proposals and we hope to continue our investigation on this topic in the future.

      It would also be helpful to find out which neurons and glia express AdoR. Perhaps there are already tools available the authors could test or at least check with the scRNAseq Fly Atlas (public Scope database).

      Following the reviewer’s recommendation, we have checked the scRNAseq Fly Atlas for AdoR expression in the brain, compared to that of ple (encoding tyrosine hydroxylase) and Eaat1 (encoding the astrocytic glutamate transporter). As shown in the image below, the results are not very informative. AdoR appears to be expressed in rather widespread subsets of neurons and glial cells, that partly overlap with ple and Eaat1 expression. Further work would be required to identify more precisely the neurons and glial cells expressing AdoR in the brain.

      Author response image 1.

      Page 7, line 161: use of the word 'normalize'. "We tried to normalise uric acid content in flies..." would best to use 'rescue' instead, as normalisation in science has a different meaning.

      We modified this word as suggested.

      Page 9 line 203: 'genomic deficiencies that cover': the genetic term is 'uncover', as a deficiency for a locus reveals a phenotypes, thus it is said 'a gene uncovered by xx deficiency".

      Thank you for this helpful remark. We corrected this in line 221.

      Page 10, lines 206-208: 'allopurinol treatment did not improve the locomotor activity...". These are important observations that should be best presented within the main manuscript Figure 1.

      As recommended, we have transferred the graphs of Figure S5 to new panels D and E of Figure 1.

      Figure 4: please indicate genotypes in the figure, where no information is given that these are UASAprt-RNAi experiments.

      We added the complete genotype in Figure 4G, and also in Figure S12C and D. Thank you for noting that.

      Page 25 line 491: "None of these drugs was able to rescue the SING defects (data not shown)". Either provide the data or remove this claim.

      We have added these data in the new Figure S15.

      Statistical analyses: details are provided in the methods, but the name of test and multiple comparisons corrections should be also provided in the legends.

      Thank you very much for the careful proofreading. This was an oversight and we have added the information in all legends of the revised article.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      This is a difficult manuscript to appreciate. The abstract and introduction suggest that the study is to identify novel treatments for a human disease (LND) by development of a Drosophila model. Much of the results, however, are focussed to describing the consequences to purine metabolism of the Aprt mutation. To my mind, a rewrite to focus on the latter would be beneficial. The potential applicability to LND would be best restricted to the discussion.

      We apologize for not making our goals clearer. Our purpose was to find out if purine recycling deficiency could lead to metabolic and neurobehavioral disturbances in Drosophila, as it is the case in human LND patients when HGPRT is mutated. Interestingly, we observed that mutation of the only purine recycling enzyme in flies, Aprt, did induce defects in part comparable to that of LND in humans, including overproduction of uric acid that is rescued by allopurinol treatment, reduced longevity, and various neurobehavioral phenotypes including bang-sensitive seizure, sleep defects and locomotor impairments. We also identified adenosine and N6-methyladenosine as rescuers of the epileptic behavior in these mutants. These drugs were also identified as therapeutic candidates in screens based on iPSCs from LND patients. This suggests that Aprt deficiency in Drosophila could be used as a model to better understand this disease and find new therapeutic targets.

      Regardless of the above comment, the concluding sentence of the abstract is inappropriate. This study does not show that Drosophila can be used to identify a cure for LND.

      We agree with the Reviewer that the last sentence of the abstract was too affimative. As also recommended by the reviewing editor, we have modified this sentence in the abstract and other sentences in the text in order to tone down the affirmation that our new fly models are relevant for LND. See our answers to the Reviewing Editor above for details.

      Indeed, I would challenge the premise that screening against a functional, but unknown if structural, homologue (Aprt) will ever provide an exploitable opportunity. To meet this statement, this study needs to identify a treatment that rescues all of the behavioural phenotypes associated with the Aprt mutation, in addition to rescuing the influences of the mis-expression of mutated HGPRT.

      APRT and HGPRT are both functionally and structurally related. Both human APRT and HGPRT belong to the type I PRTases family identified by a conserved phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate (PRPP) binding motif, which is used as a substrate to transfer phosphoribosyl to purines. This binding motif is only found in PRTases from the nucleotide synthesis and salvage pathways (see: Sinha and Smith (2001) Curr Opin Struct Biol 11(6):733-9733-9, doi: 10.1016/s0959-440x(01)00274-3). The purine substrates adenine, hypoxanthine and guanine share the same chemical skeleton and APRT can bind hypoxanthine, indicating that APRT and HGPRT also share similarities in their substrate binding sites (Ozeir et al. (2019) J Biol Chem. 294(32): 11980-11991, doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA119.009087)). This point has been made clearer in the Discussion page 39, in lines 785-792.. Finally, Drosophila Aprt and Human APRT are closely related as the amino acid sequences of APRTs have been highly conserved throughout evolution (shown in Figure S5B).

      With respect to expression of the mutated HGPRT: the short seizure recovery time of 2.3 seconds is not very convincing evidence of a seizure phenotype. This is far below the timings reported for typical BS mutations. Because of this, the authors should run a positive control (e.g. one of the wellestablished BS mutations: parabss, eas or jus) to validate their assay. Moreover, was the seizure induced by the Aprt mutation (17.3 secs - again a low value) rescued by prior exposure to an antiepileptic? Could this behaviour be, instead, related to the SING locomotor phenotype?

      The assay we used to test for bang-sensitivity has been validated in previous articles from different laboratories. We agree that the recovery times we observed were shorter than those of the BS mutations mentioned by the reviewer. However, we could cite another Drosophila BS mutant, porin, that shows similarly short recovery times (2.5 and 6 sec, according to the porin alleles tested, Graham et al. J Biol Chem. 2010, doi: 10.1074/jbc.M109.080317). This is now mentioned on page 36 lines 717-720). In addition, the BS phenotype we observed with Aprt mutants was robust and highly significant compared to control flies (Figure 7). We did not try to rescue this phenotype by exposing the flies to an antiepileptic, but we do not think that it can be related to the SING phenotype. Indeed, providing adenosine or N6-methyladenosine to Aprt5 mutant flies was able to rescue the BS phenotype (Figure 7E, F), but did not rescue the locomotor defects (new Figure S15). Moreover, SING performances of Aprt5 mutant flies at 8 or 30 d a. E. are decreased nearly in almost identical way (Figure 1C), while we observed an effect on BS behavior at 30 d a. E., which implies that the SING and BS behaviors are most likely unrelated.

      Line 731 states that 'Aprt mutants show a typical BS phenotype' - whilst accurate to some extent (e.g. the behaviour depicted in the supp videos), it should be made clear, it should be made clear that the recovery time is uncharacteristically short and thus differs from typical BS mutations.

      We have corrected the sentence in the revised article to mention that (page 36, lines 717-718).

      Line 732 stating that BS phenotype is often linked to neuronal activity - what other links would there be? Even if via glia or other tissues the final effect is via neurons.

      We have modified this sentence (page 36, line 720).

      The introduction and, particularly, the discussion are overly long and, in the case of the latter, repetitive of the results text. Pruning to make the paper more concise would be very beneficial. Removal of the extensive speculation about how DA and adenosine may interact would help in this regard (line 688 onwards). Indeed, in many places the discussion morphs into a review.

      We agree with the reviewer on this point, and have therefore done our best to shorten the Introduction and Discussion, which are now 24% and 21% shorter, respectively, in the revised article compared to the original submission.

      The applicability of using Drosophila Aprt mutations to screen for compounds that may treat LND is predicated on some degree of similarity in either enzyme structure or metabolic pathways. A discussion of how relevant, therefore, studying Aprt is needs to be included. Given the authors insights - where should potential new rugs be targeted to?

      As stated above, we now mention in the article that APRT and HGPRT share similarities in their structure. In addition, the metabolic pathways between humans and Drosophila have been largely conserved (shown in Figure S1B).

    1. Before we talk about public criticism and shaming and adults, let’s look at the role of shame in childhood. In at least some views about shame and childhood1, shame and guilt hold different roles in childhood development: Shame is the feeling that “I am bad,” and the natural response to shame is for the individual to hide, or the community to ostracize the person. Guilt is the feeling that “This specific action I did was bad.” The natural response to feeling guilt is for the guilty person to want to repair the harm of their action. In this view, a good parent might see their child doing something bad or dangerous, and tell them to stop. The child may feel shame (they might not be developmentally able to separate their identity from the momentary rejection). The parent may then comfort the child to let the child know that they are not being rejected as a person, it was just their action that was a problem. The child’s relationship with the parent is repaired, and over time the child will learn to feel guilt instead of shame and seek to repair harm instead of hide.

      I think whats important is supporting children's emotional well-being, social growth, and moral knowledge during childhood requires an awareness of and appropriate response to the subtle differences between shame and guilt. It makes it possible for adults to help kids respond constructively to errors and setbacks, establishing the foundation for them to grow into emotionally strong, socially proficient, and morally aware adults.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The coupling between cell polarity and cell cycle progression is an important aspect of symmetric and asymmetric cell division. Although there are several examples of cell cycle kinases phosphorylating polarity proteins, it has been difficult to assess the importance of these on cell division due to the strong and pleiotropic effects of manipulating these kinases. Here, the authors generate an analogue-sensitive allele of cdk1 in flies to tackle this question in neuroblasts (NBs) and sensory organ precursors (SOPs), two well characterised examples of asymmetric cell divisions. They show that partial Cdk1 inhibition (which still allows cell cycle progression) does not block Bazooka (PARD3 in mammals) polarization in NBs, but prevents coalescence of the Baz crescent, which has previously been shown to be an actomyosin-based process. They further identify a Cdk1 consensus site on Baz (S180) for which they generate a phospho-specific antibody, allowing them to show that this site is specifically phosphorylated in dividing NBs and SOPs. Although mutations at this site do not recapitulate the effect of Cdk1 on Baz coalescence, they do delay Miranda polarization in NBs and affect lateral inhibition and asymmetric cell division of SOPs. Finally, the authors show that human PARD3 can also be phosphorylated by Cyclin B/Cdk1 in vitro.

      Major comments:

      • Figure 2A: it would be good to show that polarization of Baz::GFP in consecutive divisions is maintained in cdk1as2 animals in the absence of 1-NA-PP1. We now show in Fig S2B a panel with two consecutive divisions of a cdk1as2 neuroblast in the absence of 1-NAP-PP1, followed by a third division in the presence of 1-NAP-PP1. The neuroblast shows high levels of Baz polarization in the two first divisions.

      • The interpretation of the observed SOP phenotypes is complicated by the uneven expression of the pnr-GAL4 driver and the fact that it is expressed in epithelial cells rather than just SOPs. The authors could express their control and mutant Baz constructs under the control of neurP72-GAL4. It is not likely they would be able to deplete endogenous Baz as they have done in NBs, as neurP72-GAL4 is expressed too late to deplete most proteins before SOP division, but they could at least look at localization of the mutants and any possible gain-of-function phenotypes.

      Following this suggestion, we have recombined Neur-GAL4 with UAS-delta RNAi to attempt to deplete both endogenous Baz::mScarlet and Delta while expressing our Baz::GFP constructs specifically in SOPs. Baz::mScarlet depletion was surprisingly efficient considering, as the reviewer points out, the late timing of Neur-GAL4 expression. However, the adult flies did not present any sensory organs transformations, perhaps because Delta might not be as efficiently depleted. We can at least rule out dominant-negative effects.

      We thank the reviewer for his constructive feedback and as suggested, we now extensively analysed the localisation of the Baz-S180 mutants in SOPs and found significant defects. We describe these observations in a new Figure 6. Briefly, we observed that the Baz phosphomutants have localisation defects during the pIIa cell division but not the pI cell division. We also observed a very surprising mosaicism of expression of our UASz-driven constructs within the SOP lineage that allowed us to make a few interesting observations which should be of interest to SOP specialists. Briefly, mosaic expression of Baz::GFP within the SOP lineage allowed to analyse the relative contributions of pIIa and pIIb/pIIIb to different Baz cortical pools and revealed an unexpected cell non-autonomous mechanism controlling pIIb division orientation. We describe these findings in a new associated supplemental figure.

      The authors speculate that Baz phosphorylation during lateral inhibition may be the reason for the observed excess specification of SOPs in the S180 mutants. This could easily be tested by looking at their antibody staining at earlier stages in the notum. Following this suggestion (also coming from Reviewer #2), we have stained nota between around 8h APF. We observed that patches of cells of the early notum display a strong Baz-pS180 phospho-signal. These patches partially overlap with the Delta-positive stripes in which lateral inhibition occurs (as described for example in (Corson et al., 2017), consistent with the possibility that Baz-S180 phosphorylation does somehow regulate lateral inhibition.

      These new experiments clearly show that Baz can be phosphorylated on S180 in cells that do not divide asymmetrically. This led us to change the title.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Cell polarization in dividing cells, including stem cells, is typically coupled such that polarity can inform the architecture, orientation, and/or asymmetry during cell division. In Drosophila neural stem cells (neuroblasts/SOP), Par polarity is coupled to the cell cycle, but the nature of this coupling remains unclear. In this work, Loyer and colleagues report on impacts of CDK1 inhibition on Bazooka/Par3 localization and basal fate determinant localization. They provide evidence for a novel phosphorylation site that appears unique to asymmetrically dividing cells and may be involved in regulation of asymmetric division. Finally, they show that CDK1 can, at least in principle, phosphorylate human Par3 in vitro.

      Overall, the major claims of the abstract appear supported by the experimental work; however, we think the title overstates the overall conclusions that can be drawn from the work.

      Major comments:

      • The major claim of the paper is the role of specific phosphorylation of S180 in asymmetrically dividing cells in polarization and sensory organ formation, which relies heavily on interpretation of S180A/D phosphomutants. The experiments are carefully performed and quantified, and are consistent with the conclusions drawn. However, we wondered if it possible that the phenotypes are not linked to phosphorylation (the authors acknowledge this in the Discussion)? In other words could the A/D mutants simply be weak Baz mutants? This could this potentially explain the extra-SOP phenotype if Baz function is generally altered, especially given that it is difficult to rationalise a role for SOP-specific phosphorylation in the processes that specify SOP cells in the precursor epithelial cells. The authors speculate that these early precursors may exhibit also phosphorylation, but this isn't examined. Chasing this down seems key to support the core titular claim of the paper. Following this suggestion (also coming from Reviewer #1), we have stained nota around 8h APF. We observed that patches of cells of the early notum display a strong Baz-pS180 phospho-signal. These patches partially overlap with the Delta-positive stripes in which lateral inhibition occurs (as described for example in Corson et al., 2017). This result is presented in Fig. 5H. As would be the case for any phosphomutant, this does not strictly rule out that the S180A and S180D could simply be weak Baz mutants, but it strongly supports the possibility that the lateral inhibition defects observed in these mutants result from defective Baz-S180 phosphorylation.

      • Implicit in the core message of the paper is the elucidation of CDK1 regulation of polarity and specifically Baz. However, the connection between CDK1 and S180 (and Baz regulation overall) is relatively tenuous in this work. First, the S180A mutant does not phenocopy CDK1 inhibition with respect to basal determinant phenotypes, though obviously CDK1 may be more pleiotropic. Second, whether the CDK1 inhibition phenotype is linked to any effect on Baz/PAR behaviour is not really explored. Third, they do not test whether S180 phosphorylation is CDK1-dependent. We fully agree with these comments. We cannot think of any way of addressing the first two points, which would require fully inhibiting CDK1 and somehow maintaining neuroblasts in mitosis to examine how it impacts Baz localisation. We tried to arrest neuroblasts in mitosis and block the proteasome as this at least in HeLa cells led to persistence of mitosis when CDK1 was inhibited (Skoufias et al., 2007). However, neuroblasts arrested in mitosis by proteasome inhibition slipped out of mitosis.

      However, concerning the third point, we now provide evidence showing that, at least in vitro, Drosophila BazS180 is phosphorylated by CDK1 (see below).

      The method for quantifying domain signal only references prior work and should be described in this work. From our search of the cited reference, it appears to be peak signal intensity at a user specified point on the cortex. While this does not undermine the core findings as presented, it may not capture additional features that may be informative (domain size, fluorescence distribution, total signal etc.). For example domain coalescence would imply smaller, brighter domains, but similar total protein amounts, which appears to be the case from images, but isn't quantified per se. We now describe our method for quantifying average signal intensity in the middle of the Baz crescents. We agree that quantifying additional features to check whether they are affected by partial CDK1 inhibition would be interesting. However, doing so requires determining exactly where Baz crescents start and end. As Baz crescent edges in neuroblasts often end in a gradient rather than a sharp edge (Hannaford et al., 2018), we are not sure to be able to confidently do so in every case with the image quality of our dataset: we prioritised limiting photobleaching to accurately quantify the levels of endogenously expressed Baz rather than obtaining very sharp and high contrast images. This is further complicated by the fact that, depending on the depth of neuroblasts within the tissue and the orientation of their division relative to the imaging plane, the signal intensity of Baz crescents is quite variable, preventing a simple thresholding approach to arbitrarily determine the limits of crescents based on signal intensity. In short, accurately determining the size of crescents is very challenging.

      The phosphospecific antibody signal is relatively weak, leading to relatively low signal to noise, which could compromise the ability to detect phospho-S180 in non-asymmetrically dividing cells or generally in cells in which Baz is not polarised and thus signal would be diffused around the cell rather than concentrated. Similar caveats could also apply to the lack of signal in interphase cells, where Baz may be less enriched at the cortex and not polarized. We are inclined to believe the authors conclusions, particularly given their examination of multiple cell types and tissues. However, it is a potential caveat as it may be most visible in polarised cells where it is asymmetrically enriched. We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. Given the fact that Baz levels at the neuroepithelial cells adherens junctions are similar, we are confident that Baz-S180 is phosphorylated in dividing neuroblasts but not in non-mitotic epithelial cells, which is at least consistent with our new finding that CDK1 phosphorylates Baz-S180 in vitro. However, we agree that we cannot strictly rule out that Baz-S180 is phosphorylated but below a detection threshold in mitotic neuroepithelial cells as cortical Baz levels decrease in these cells.

      We have also gathered new data showing that, in the early notum, Baz-S180 is detected in epithelial cells that are not dividing asymmetrically, definitely ruling out the notion that Baz-S180 is strictly ACD-specific. We have changed the title of the paper accordingly, toned down the mention of apparently ACD-specific Baz-S180 phosphorylation in the abstract and now describe and discuss the fact that the apparent ACD-specificity of Baz-S180 phosphorylation is context-specific.

      Examination of in vitro phosphorylation of human Par3D (Figure 6) seems out of place and does not add much. It is human, not Bazooka. They reveal 30 sites, 18 of which in both replicates, but most are not obvious CDK sites and the S180 equivalent site is missing. None of these sites is validated in vivo, at least in this work.

      We fully agree with these comments. We initially attempted to purify both full length Baz and human PARD3 but only managed to purify small amounts of PARD3, which is why our analysis was limited to human PARD3. To circumvent these difficulties, we instead purified a smaller N-terminal fragment of Baz and PARD3, which was successful for both proteins and gave us much higher quantities of sample for analysis. Using two different approaches (Western blot with our phospho-specific antibody on Baz and targeted mass spectrometry on Baz and PARD3), we now show in a new Figure 7 that CDK1 phosphorylates Baz-S180 and PARD3-S187 in vitro.

      Minor comments: Figure 1: Uses metaphase arrested cells, presumably colcemid, but colcemid is only noted in Figure 2. We now mention Colcemid in the legend of Figure 1. - Figure 2A: Scale bar is truncated. We have corrected this. - Figure 2A: Example images of control neuroblasts could be useful to readers. We now show control neuroblasts in Figure 2A. - Figure 2G' vs H': Because G' has two panels and H' has only one, we often confused the PKC and Mira box plots when comparing to Numb. Perhaps Mira could be in a separate sub panel or be more closely juxtaposed with Numb? The quantification of the Mira signal is now right next to Numb. - Whereas both Numb/Mira were examined in CDK1(as), only Mira is reported for the S180A/D experiments. Is there a Numb phenotype as well?

      We actually co-stained Numb and Miranda in the dataset that we analysed in the S180A/D experiments shown in Fig 4E, F. We did not analyse Numb localisation in the first version we submitted because of a penetration issue of the Numb antibody: the Numb signal fades extremely fast as we image deeper in the tissue, causing large difference of signal intensity even within a single cell. This prevents us from performing any meaningful quantitative measurement of the Numb signal like the one we did in Fig. 2H, K, for which we did not encounter this issue. All our further immunostaining experiments with this antibody have had the same problem since then, even after using Triton concentrations up to 4% for permeabilization.

      Nonetheless, following the reviewer’s question, we have at least performed a simple qualitative analysis of Numb localisation in this experiment. We observed that Numb localised to the basal pole in most cases in controls and Baz phosphomutants, but localised uniformly at the cortex in half the cases where Miranda showed very low levels of polarisation in metaphase in BazS180D mutants. This Numb localisation defect suggests a loss of function of the PAR complex whereas, intriguingly, the Miranda localisation defect suggests a gain of function of the PAR complex. These new observations are described in Fig. 4G-H’.

      • The discussion of the notch / Baz phenotypes (Figure 5) is rather complicated and a bit difficult to follow. We agree with this, we have rewritten this part. This is further simplified by our new observation that Baz-S180 is phosphorylated in the early notum during lateral inhibition.

      • Figure 5A: captions should indicate that RFP RNAi is depleting Baz. We have modified the figure accordingly.

      • Box plots are used, but not described. i.e. outliers seem to be marked, but criteria unclear. Mean vs median, etc. We now describe boxplots in the legend in the first instance they are used (Fig 2A’), and in the material and methods
      • Some grammatical mistakes:
      • Title: neuroblast (no 's'),
      • Page 1: Cell fate difference(s?) in the resulting daughter cells
      • Page 4: (As) CDK1 inhibition with 10 μM 1-NA-PP1 prevents neuroblasts from cycling and causes metaphase- arrested neuroblasts to slip out of mitosis. (Reword)
      • Page 6: increased levels of basal fate(no 's') determinants

      We have corrected these mistakes.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The links between cell cycle and cell polarity are clearly important and remain poorly understood. Hence, the work addresses key conceptual/mechanistic questions relevant to our fundamental understanding of stem cell biology and regulation of polarity and asymmetric cell division. In our opinion, there are clearly some interesting observations in the manuscript, the experiments are performed carefully, and the data are generally well described. That said, overall, the work seems somewhat premature.

      The direct impact of CDK1 on Baz behaviour remains somewhat unclear. The authors do a good job of limiting the concentration of inhibitor to decouple effects of cell cycle progression from CDK1 levels per se, but this does potentially impact the strength of the phenotypes they can detect and hence the observed phenotypes are relatively minor. Note that driving cells out of mitosis with stronger CDK1 inhibition clearly impacts Baz localization, so the 'real' effect of CDK1 inhibition on Baz could be stronger than reported here. It is also unclear whether the phenotypes observed are directly linked to CDK1 regulation of PAR polarity or an indirect effect of cell cycle control of other processes. The authors' suggestion that it could be related to defects in cortical actin organization, which is known to be cell cycle controlled, seems most likely, but neither this or other models are explored further. We agree but are not aware of any experiment that would allow testing full inhibition of CDK1 on membrane-bound Baz in mitotic neuroblasts. As mentioned above in our response to reviewer #1 we tried to arrest neuroblasts in mitosis and block the proteasome as this at least in HeLa cells led to persistence of mitosis when CDK1 was inhibited (Skoufias et al., 2007). However, neuroblasts arrested in mitosis by proteasome or Colcemid or both slipped out of mitosis upon inhibition of CDK1.

      We agree it would be interesting to study how CDK1 affects the actomyosin network in neuroblasts but feel that this is somewhat beyond the scope of the manuscript.

      Using phosphospecific antibodies, they report on a novel putative CDK1 phosphorylation site, but aside from looking like a consensus CDK1 site, whether this site is CDK1 dependent is not examined. Notably, the corresponding phosphomutants have modest effects and don't obviously account for the CDK1 inhibition phenotype, leaving it somewhat unclear whether it is under cell cycle regulation. We now provide a new figure 7 to address this point. As mentioned already above, using two different approaches (Western blot with our phospho-specific antibody on Baz and targeted mass spectrometry on Baz and PARD3 using), we now show in a new Figure 7 that CDK1 phosphorylates Baz-S180 and PARD3-S187 in vitro. Again, we cannot identify any experiment that would allow us testing whether S180 Baz is a direct target of CDK1 in vivo. The fact that we now report significant defects on Baz localisation in pIIa divisions, strongly suggests functional relevance and CDK1 seems a plausible kinase based on the new in vitro results.

      The observation that S180 phosphorylation appears unique to asymmetrically dividing cells is very curious, but this observation is not followed up extensively. Again phenotypes of phosphomutants are quite modest, and while one can propose models to rationalise the phenotypes observed, these models are not fully explored. As mentioned above, we now show that Baz-S180 phoshorylation is not strictly ACD-specific and changed the title accordingly. We also have new data showing that the S180 phosphomutants of Baz have localisation defects in mitotic pIIa divisions (new figure 6). Therefore, this phosphorylation event on Baz can be linked to Baz’s cortical localisation and interestingly shows context dependency.

      The findings that human Par3D can be phosphorylated by CDK1 in vitro do not add much particularly as they obtain a very large number of putative sites raising questions of specificity, the sites are not validated, and an S180 equivalent site was not identified. We agree that this has been a weakness which we feel we have addressed. We paste here the answer already provided above when replying to reviewer #1.

      We initially attempted to purify both full length Baz and human PARD3 but only managed to purify small amounts of PARD3, which is why our phospho-proteomics analysis was limited to human PARD3. To circumvent these difficulties, we instead purified a smaller N-terminal fragment of Baz and PARD3, which was successful for both proteins and gave us much higher quantities of sample for analysis. Using two different approaches (Western blot with our phospho-specific antibody on Baz and phosphor proteomics on Baz and PARD3 using mass spectrometry), we now show in a new Figure 7 that CDK1 phosphorylates Baz-S180 and PARD3-S187 in vitro.


      CORSON, F., COUTURIER, L., ROUAULT, H., MAZOUNI, K. & SCHWEISGUTH, F. 2017. Self-organized Notch dynamics generate stereotyped sensory organ patterns in Drosophila. Science, 356.

      HANNAFORD, M. R., RAMAT, A., LOYER, N. & JANUSCHKE, J. 2018. aPKC-mediated displacement and actomyosin-mediated retention polarize Miranda inDrosophilaneuroblasts. eLife, 7__,__ 166.

      SKOUFIAS, D. A., INDORATO, R. L., LACROIX, F., PANOPOULOS, A. & MARGOLIS, R. L. 2007. Mitosis persists in the absence of Cdk1 activity when proteolysis or protein phosphatase activity is suppressed. J Cell Biol, 179__,__ 671-85.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Cell polarization in dividing cells, including stem cells, is typically coupled such that polarity can inform the architecture, orientation, and/or asymmetry during cell division. In Drosophila neural stem cells (neuroblasts/SOP), Par polarity is coupled to the cell cycle, but the nature of this coupling remains unclear. In this work, Loyer and colleagues report on impacts of CDK1 inhibition on Bazooka/Par3 localization and basal fate determinant localization. They provide evidence for a novel phosphorylation site that appears unique to asymmetrically dividing cells and may be involved in regulation of asymmetric division. Finally, they show that CDK1 can, at least in principle, phosphorylate human Par3 in vitro.

      Overall, the major claims of the abstract appear supported by the experimental work; however, we think the title overstates the overall conclusions that can be drawn from the work.

      Major comments:

      1. The major claim of the paper is the role of specific phosphorylation of S180 in asymmetrically dividing cells in polarization and sensory organ formation, which relies heavily on interpretation of S180A/D phosphomutants. The experiments are carefully performed and quantified, and are consistent with the conclusions drawn. However, we wondered if it possible that the phenotypes are not linked to phosphorylation (the authors acknowledge this in the Discussion)? In other words could the A/D mutants simply be weak Baz mutants? This could this potentially explain the extra-SOP phenotype if Baz function is generally altered, especially given that it is difficult to rationalise a role for SOP-specific phosphorylation in the processes that specify SOP cells in the precursor epithelial cells. The authors speculate that these early precursors may exhibit also phosphorylation, but this isn't examined. Chasing this down seems key to support the core titular claim of the paper.
      2. Implicit in the core message of the paper is the elucidation of CDK1 regulation of polarity and specifically Baz. However, the connection between CDK1 and S180 (and Baz regulation overall) is relatively tenuous in this work. First, the S180A mutant does not phenocopy CDK1 inhibition with respect to basal determinant phenotypes, though obviously CDK1 may be more pleiotropic. Second, whether the CDK1 inhibition phenotype is linked to any effect on Baz/PAR behaviour is not really explored. Third, they do not test whether S180 phosphorylation is CDK1-dependent.
      3. The method for quantifying domain signal only references prior work and should be described in this work. From our search of the cited reference, it appears to be peak signal intensity at a user specified point on the cortex. While this does not undermine the core findings as presented, it may not capture additional features that may be informative (domain size, fluorescence distribution, total signal etc.). For example domain coalescence would imply smaller, brighter domains, but similar total protein amounts, which appears to be the case from images, but isn't quantified per se.
      4. The phosphospecific antibody signal is relatively weak, leading to relatively low signal to noise, which could compromise the ability to detect phospho-S180 in non-asymmetrically dividing cells or generally in cells in which Baz is not polarised and thus signal would be diffused around the cell rather than concentrated. Similar caveats could also apply to the lack of signal in interphase cells, where Baz may be less enriched at the cortex and not polarized. We are inclined to believe the authors conclusions, particularly given their examination of multiple cell types and tissues. However, it is a potential caveat as it may be most visible in polarised cells where it is asymmetrically enriched.
      5. Examination of in vitro phosphorylation of human Par3D (Figure 6) seems out of place and does not add much. It is human, not Bazooka. They reveal 30 sites, 18 of which in both replicates, but most are not obvious CDK sites and the S180 equivalent site is missing. None of these sites is validated in vivo, at least in this work.

      Minor comments:

      • Figure 1: Uses metaphase arrested cells, presumably colcemid, but colcemid is only noted in Figure 2.
      • Figure 2A: Scale bar is truncated
      • Figure 2A: Example images of control neuroblasts could be useful to readers.
      • Figure 2G' vs H': Because G' has two panels and H' has only one, we often confused the PKC and Mira box plots when comparing to Numb. Perhaps Mira could be in a separate sub panel or be more closely juxtaposed with Numb?
      • Whereas both Numb/Mira were examined in CDK1(as), only Mira is reported for the S180A/D experiments. Is there a Numb phenotype as well?
      • The discussion of the notch / Baz phenotypes (Figure 5) is rather complicated and a bit difficult to follow.
      • Figure 5A: captions should indicate that RFP RNAi is depleting Baz.
      • Box plots are used, but not described. i.e. outliers seem to be marked, but criteria unclear. Mean vs median, etc.

      Some grammatical mistakes:

      • Title: neuroblast (no 's'),
      • Page 1: Cell fate difference(s?) in the resulting daughter cells
      • Page 4: (As) CDK1 inhibition with 10 μM 1-NA-PP1 prevents neuroblasts from cycling and causes metaphase- arrested neuroblasts to slip out of mitosis. (Reword)
      • Page 6: increased levels of basal fate(no 's') determinants


      The links between cell cycle and cell polarity are clearly important and remain poorly understood. Hence, the work addresses key conceptual/mechanistic questions relevant to our fundamental understanding of stem cell biology and regulation of polarity and asymmetric cell division. In our opinion, there are clearly some interesting observations in the manuscript, the experiments are performed carefully, and the data are generally well described. That said, overall, the work seems somewhat premature.

      1. The direct impact of CDK1 on Baz behaviour remains somewhat unclear. The authors do a good job of limiting the concentration of inhibitor to decouple effects of cell cycle progression from CDK1 levels per se, but this does potentially impact the strength of the phenotypes they can detect and hence the observed phenotypes are relatively minor. Note that driving cells out of mitosis with stronger CDK1 inhibition clearly impacts Baz localization, so the 'real' effect of CDK1 inhibition on Baz could be stronger than reported here. It is also unclear whether the phenotypes observed are directly linked to CDK1 regulation of PAR polarity or an indirect effect of cell cycle control of other processes. The authors' suggestion that it could be related to defects in cortical actin organization, which is known to be cell cycle controlled, seems most likely, but neither this or other models are explored further.
      2. Using phosphospecific antibodies, they report on a novel putative CDK1 phosphorylation site, but aside from looking like a consensus CDK1 site, whether this site is CDK1 dependent is not examined. Notably, the corresponding phosphomutants have modest effects and don't obviously account for the CDK1 inhibition phenotype, leaving it somewhat unclear whether it is under cell cycle regulation.
      3. The observation that S180 phosphorylation appears unique to asymmetrically dividing cells is very curious, but this observation is not followed up extensively. Again phenotypes of phosphomutants are quite modest, and while one can propose models to rationalise the phenotypes observed, these models are not fully explored.
      4. The findings that human Par3D can be phosphorylated by CDK1 in vitro do not add much paritcularly as they obtain a very large number of putative sites raising questions of specificity, the sites are not validated, and an S180 equivalent site was not identified.

      In summary, the individual findings of this work are interesting and generally solid. Each could be followed up to provide mechanistic insight into cell cycle- or cell type-dependent regulation of Par polarity. However, in their current state, the results seem more like a loosely connected set of observations.

      Expertise: Cell polarity and asymmetric cell division

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We thank the reviewers for their thorough reading and helpful comments which has allowed us to further improve the manuscript. Following the suggestions of the reviewers we have run a number of new simulations including mutations of the PIP binding residues and with an elastic network allowing more mobility of the linker. Together these excellent ideas have allowed us to strengthen the conclusions of the study. Below, we provide point-by-point responses to their suggestions.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Here, the authors were attempting to use molecular simulation or probe the nature of how lipids, especially PIP lipids, bind to a medically-important ion channel. In particular, they look at how this binding impact the function of the channel.


      The study is very well written and composed. The techniques are used appropriately, with plenty of sampling and analysis. The findings are compelling and provide clear insights into the biology of the system.


      A few of the analyses are hard to understand/follow, and rely on "in house" scripts. This is particularly the case for the lipid binding events, which can be difficult to compute accurately. Additionally, a lack of experimental validation, or coupling to existing experimental data, limits the study.

      Our analysis scripts have now been made publicly accessible as a Jupyter notebook on Github https://github.com/etaoster/etaoster.github.io/tree/main/nav_pip_project

      It is my view that the authors have achieved their aims, and their findings are compelling and believable. Their findings should have impacts on how researchers understand the functioning of the Nav1.4 channel, as well as on the study of other ion channels and how they interact with membrane lipids.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      Y., Tao E., et al. used multiscale MD simulations to show that PI(4,5)P2 binds stably to an inactivated state of Nav channels at a conserved site within the DIV S4-S5 linker, which couples the voltage sensing domain (VSD) to the pore. The authors hypothesized that PI(4,5)P2 prolongs inactivation by binding to the same site where the C-terminal tail is proposed to bind during recovery from inactivation. They convincingly showed that PI(4,5)P2 reduces the mobility of both the DIV S4-S5 linker and the DIII-IV linker, thus slowing the conformational changes required for the channel to recover to the resting state. They also conducted MD simulations to show that phosphoinositides bind to VSD gating charges in the resting state of Nav channels. These interactions may anchor VDS at the resting state and impede its activation. Their results provide a mechanism by which phosphoinositides alter the voltage dependence of activation and the recovery rate from inactivation, an important step for developing novel therapies to treat Nav-related diseases. However, the study is incomplete and lacks the expected confirmatory studies which are relevant to such proposals.


      The authors identified a novel binding between phosphoinositides and the VSD of Nav and showed that the strength of this interaction is state-dependent. Based on their work, the affinity of PIPs to the inactivated state is higher than the resting state. This work will help pave the way for designing novel therapeutics that may help relieve pain or treat diseases like arrhythmia, which may result from a leftward shift of the channel's activation.


      However, the study lacks the expected confirmatory studies which are relevant to such proposals. For example, one would expect that the authors would mutate the positive residues that they claim to make interactions with phosphoinositides to show that there are much fewer interactions once they make these mutations. Another point is that the authors found that the main interaction site of PIPs with Nav1.4 is the VSD-DIV and DIII-DIV linker, an interaction that is expected to delay fast inactivation if it happens at the resting state. The authors should make a resting state model of the Nav1.4 channel to explain the recent experimental data showing that PIP2 delays the activation of Nav1.4, with almost no effect on the voltage dependence of fast inactivation.

      Following the reviewers suggestion we have conducted new simulations demonstrating that there are many fewer protein-PIP interactions after mutating the positive residues as shown in the new Supplementary Fig S6.

      The reviewer mentions that if PIPs interact with the VSD-DIV and DIII-DIV linker in the resting state that it could delay fast inactivation. However, as described in the original manuscript and depicted in the schematic (Fig 7) the C-terminal domain impeded PIP binding at the position in the resting state (but not the inactivated state), meaning that PIP does not bind in the resting state to delay fast inactivation. We have clarified this statement in the text on page 14 lines 1-2.

      Following the reviewer’s suggestion we have examined PIP binding to a model of the resting state of Nav1.4 (in addition to the resting state of Nav1.7 described in the original manuscript) as described on page 12 lines 28-30 (and in Fig S12). Similar to what we saw for Nav1.7, PIP binding to VSDI-III can impair activation of the channel.

      Major concern:

      (1) Lack of confirmatory experiments, e.g., mutating the positive residues that show a high affinity towards PIPs to a neutral and negative residue and assessing the effect of mutagenesis on binding.

      Done as described above

      (2) Nav1.4 is the only channel that has been studied in terms of the effect of PIPs on it, therefore the authors should build a resting state model of Nav1.4 and study the effect of PIPs on it.

      Done as described above

      Minor points:

      There are a lot of wrong statements in many areas, e.g., "These diseases 335 are associated with accelerated rates of channel recovery from inactivation, consistent with our observations that an interaction between PI(4,5)P2 and the residue corresponding to R1469 in other Nav 337 subtypes could be important for prolonging the fast-inactivated state." Prolonging the fast inactivated state would actually reduce recovery from inactivation and not accelerate it.

      We disagree with this statement from the reviewer which may have come from a misreading of the mentioned sentence. Our statement in the original manuscript is consistent with the original experiments that show that the presence of PIP prolongs the time spent in the fast inactivated state. Mutations at the PIP binding site are likely to reduce PIP binding, and with less PIP bound the channel is expected to recover from inactivation more quickly. We have reworded this sentence for clarity on page 13 line 27-30.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This work uses multiscale molecular dynamics simulations to demonstrate molecular mechanism(s) for phosphatidylinositol regulation of voltage gated sodium channel (Nav1.4) gating. Recent experimental work by Gada et al. JGP 2023 showed altered Nav1.4 gating when Nav1.4 current was recorded with simultaneous application of PI(4,5)P2 dephosphorylate. Here the authors revealed probable molecular mechanism that can explain PI(4,5)P2 modulation of Nav1.4 gating. They found PIP lipids interacting with the gating charges - potentially making it harder to move the voltage sensor domain and altering the channels voltage sensitivity. They also found a stable PIP binding site that reaches the D_IV S4-S5 linker, reducing the mobility of the linker and potentially competing with the C-terminal domain.


      Using multiscale simulations with course-grained simulations to capture lipid-protein interactions and the overall protein lipid fingerprint and then all-atom simulations to verify atomistic details for specific lipidprotein interactions is extremely appropriate for the question at hand. Overall, the types of simulation and their length are suitable for the questions the authors pose and a thorough set of analysis was done which illustrates the observed PIP-protein interactions.


      Although the set of current simulations and analysis supports the conclusions drawn nicely, there are some limitations imposed by the authors on the course-grained simulations. If those were not imposed, it would have allowed for an even richer set and more thorough exploration of the protein-lipid interactions. The Martini 2 force field indeed cannot change secondary structure but if run with a properly tuned elastic network instead of backbone restraints, the change in protein configuration can be sampled and/or some adaptation of the protein to the specific protein environment can be observed. Additionally, with the 4to1 heavy atoms to a bead mapping some detailed chemical specificity is averaged out but parameters for different PIP family members do exist - including specific PIP(4,5)P2 vs PIP(3,4)P2, and could have been explored.

      We thank the reviewer for their excellent suggestions and have run new simulations with an elastic network instead of backbone restraints which have generated new insights. Indeed, as shown in the new panel Fig 4E, the new data allows us to demonstrate that the presence of PIP in the proposed binding site stabilises binding of the DIII-DIV linker to the inactivation receptor site, strengthening the conclusions of the paper.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out that there do exist parameters for different PIP sub-species and have corrected our statement on page 14 line 16 to reflect this. We have not run additional CG simulations with each of these parameters but use the all-atom simulations to examine the interactions of phosphates at specific positions.

      In our atomistic simulations, we backmapped both PI(4,5)P2 and PI(4)P in the binding site to study their specific interactions. We chose to focus on PI(4,5)P2 given its physiological significance. However, we agree that differences in binding with PI(3,4)P2 would be interesting and warrants future investigation. We also note that the newer Martini3 forcefield would be useful in further work to differentiate between PIP subspecies interactions.

      Detailed Comments

      We thank the reviewers for their thorough reading and helpful comments which has allowed us to further strengthen the manuscript. Below, we provide point-by-point responses to their suggestions.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I don't have many suggestions for the manuscript, just a few text edits. Of course, experimental analysis would bolster the claims made in the text, but I don't believe that this is necessary, given the quality of the data.

      I understand the focus on the PIP lipids, but it's a shame that the high binding likelihood of glycosphingolipid isn't considered or analysed in any way. This is an especially interesting lipid from the point-of-view of raftlike membrane domains. Given the potential role of raft-like domains in sodium channel function, I feel this would be worth a paragraph or two in the discussion.

      We thank the reviewer for bringing our attention to this interesting point. Glycolipids accumulate around Nav1.4 in our complex membrane simulations, however, given reports that carbohydrates tend to interact too strongly in the Martini2.2 forcefield (Grünewald et al. 2022, Schmalhorst et al. 2017) and there are no specific residues on Nav1.4 that interact preferentially with glycolipid species, we chose not to focus on this. However, we have noted that interactions with other lipids deserve further attention in our revised discussion.

      The analyses have been run using Martini 2. I don't suggest the authors repeat using the Martini 3 force field, but some mention of this in the discussion would be good.

      We have added the following statement to the discussion: “Our coarse grain simulations were carried out using the Martini2.2 forcefield, for which lipid parameters for many plasma membrane lipids have been developed. We expect that future investigations of lipid-protein interactions will benefit from use of the newer, refined Martini 3 forcefield (Souza et al. 2021) as parameters become available for more lipid types.

      This might just be an oversight, but no mention is made of an elastic network applied to the backbone beads.

      Lack of a network has been known to cause the protein to collapse, so if this is missing, I'd like to see an RMSD to show that the protein dynamics are not compromised.

      While no elastic network was used in our original CG simulations, weak protein backbone restraints (10 kJ mol-1 nm-2) used in our simulations allowed us to maintain the structure while allowing some protein movement. However, following the suggestion of reviewer 3, we conducted additional simulations with an elastic instead of backbone restraints as described in the results on page 9 line 30-37 (and in Fig 4E) of the revised manuscript.


      •In Fig 3B, are these lipids binding to the channel at the same time? And therefore do the authors see cooperativity?

      The Fig 3B caption has been amended in the revised manuscript to read “Representative snapshots from the five longest binding events from different replicates, showing the three different PIP species (PIP1 in blue, PIP2 in purple and PIP3 in pink) binding to VSD-IV and the DIII-IV linker.” We cannot comment on PIP cooperativity based on these simulations shown in Fig 3, due to the artificially high concentrations used here; however, in model complex membrane simulations we see co-binding of PIPs at the binding site. This is likely due to PIP’s ability to accumulate together and the high density of positively charged residues in the region, attracting and supporting multiple PIP bindings.

      •What charges were used for the atomistic PIP lipids? Does this match the CG lipids?

      We used the CHARMM-GUI PIP parameters for the atomistic simulations. SAPI24 (PIP2) has a headgroup charge of –4e which is one less negative charge than the CG PIP2; whereas SAPI14 (PIP1) has a charge of –3e which is the same as the CG PIP1. We have explicitly included this charge information in the updated Methods of the manuscript (on page 15-16).

      •Line 259-260: "we performed embedded three structures"

      Corrected in the revised manuscript.

      •Line 272: "us" should be "µs"

      Corrected in the revised manuscript.

      •Line 434: kJ/mol should probably also have 'nm-2' included

      Corrected in the revised manuscript.

      •What charge state titratable residues were set to, and were pKa analyses done to decide this?

      Charge states were assigned to default values at neutral pH. We appreciate that future studies could examine this more carefully using constant pH simulations or similar.

      •It's stated that anisotropic scaling is used the AT sims - is this correct? If so, is there a reason this was chosen over semi-isotropic scaling?

      Anisotropic scaling was used for the atomistic simulations allowing all box dimensions to change independently.

      •I would recommend in-house analysis scripts are made available on GitHub or similar, just so the details can be seen.

      Per the reviewer’s request, the Jupyter notebooks used for analysis has been made available on GitHub (https://github.com/etaoster/etaoster.github.io/tree/main/nav_pip_project ).<br /> -One coarse grained notebook:

      • Lipid DE

      • Contact occupancy + outlier plots

      • Binding duration plots

      • Minimum distance plots

      • Number of ARG/LYS plots

      • PIP Occupancy, binding duration, gating charge residues

      • One atomistic notebook:

      • RMSD, RMSF and distance between IFM and its binding pocket (using MDAnalysis)

      • Atomistic PIP headgroup interaction analyses and plots (using ProLIF)

      As a final note, I am NOT saying this needs to be done for the current study, but I recommend the authors try the PyLipID package (https://github.com/wlsong/PyLipID) if they haven't yet, as it might be useful for similar projects they run in the future (i.e. for binding site identification, accurate binding kinetics calculations, lipid pose generation etc.).

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and will keep this in mind for future projects.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Lin Y., Tao E., et al. used multiscale MD simulations to show that PI(4,5)P2 binds stably to an inactivated state of Nav channels at a conserved site within the DIV S4-S5 linker, which couples the voltage sensing domain (VSD) to the pore. The authors hypothesized that PI(4,5)P2 prolongs inactivation by binding to the same site where the C-terminal tail is proposed to bind during recovery from inactivation. They convincingly showed that PI(4,5)P2 reduces the mobility of both the DIV S4-S5 linker and the DIII-IV linker, thus slowing the conformational changes required for the channel to recover to the resting state. They also conducted MD simulations to show that phosphoinositides bind to VSD gating charges in the resting state of Nav channels. These interactions may anchor VDS at the resting state and impede its activation. Their results provide a mechanism by which phosphoinositides alter the voltage dependence of activation and the recovery rate from inactivation, an important step for developing novel therapies to treat Nav-related diseases. However, the study is incomplete lacks the expected confirmatory studies which are relevant to such proposals.

      The authors identified a novel binding between phosphoinositides and the VSD of Nav and showed that the strength of this interaction is state-dependent. Based on their work, the affinity of PIPs to the inactivated state is higher than the resting state. This work will help pave the way for designing novel therapeutics that may help relieve pain or treat diseases like arrhythmia, which may result from a leftward shift of the channel's activation. However, the study lacks the expected confirmatory studies which are relevant to such proposals. For example, one would expect that the authors would mutate the positive residues that they claim to make interactions with phosphoinositides to show that there are much fewer interactions once they make these mutations. Another point is that the authors found that the main interaction site of PIPs with Nav1.4 is the VSD-DIV and DIII-DIV linker, an interaction that is expected to delay fast inactivation if it happens at the resting state. The authors should make a resting state model of the Nav1.4 channel to explain the recent experimental data showing that PIP2 delays the activation of Nav1.4, with almost no effect on the voltage dependence of fast inactivation.

      Major concern:

      (1) Lack of confirmatory experiments, e.g., mutating the positive residues that show a high affinity towards PIPs to a neutral and negative residue and assessing the effect of mutagenesis on binding.

      (2) Nav1.4 is the only channel that has been studied in terms of the effect of PIPs on it, therefore the authors should build a resting state model of Nav1.4 and study the effect of PIPs on it. Minor points:

      Following the reviewer’s suggestion we have conducted new simulations demonstrating that there are notably fewer protein-PIP interactions after performing charge neutralizing and charge reversal mutations to the positive residues as shown in the new Fig S6.

      The reviewer mentions that if PIPs interact with the VSD-DIV and DIII-DIV linker in the resting state that it could delay fast inactivation. However as described in the original manuscript and depicted in the schematic (Fig 7) the C-terminal domain impeded PIP binding at the position in the resting state (but not the inactivated state), meaning that PIP does not bind in the resting state to delay fast inactivation. We have clarified this statement in the text on page 14 lines 1-2.

      Following the reviewers suggestion we have examined PIP binding to a model of the resting state of Nav1.4 (in addition to the resting state of Nav1.7 described in the original manuscript) as described on page 12 lines 28-30 (and in Fig S12). Similar to what we saw for Nav1.7 PIP binding to VSDI-III can impair activation of the channel.

      There are a lot of wrong statements in many areas, e.g., "These diseases 335 are associated with accelerated rates of channel recovery from inactivation, consistent with our observations that an interaction between PI(4,5)P2 and the residue corresponding to R1469 in other Nav 337 subtypes could be important for prolonging the fast-inactivated state." Prolonging the fast inactivated state would actually reduce recovery from inactivation and not accelerate it.

      We disagree with this statement from the reviewer which may have come from a misreading of the mentioned sentence. Our statement in the original manuscript is consistent with the the original experiments that show that the presence of PIP prolongs the time spent in the fast inactivated state. Mutations at the PIP binding site are likely to reduce PIP binding, and with less PIP present the channel will recover from inactivation more quickly. We have reworded this sentence for clarity on page 13 line 27-30.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      As mentioned in the public review, overall, I am impressed with the manuscript and do think the conclusions are supported. There are, however, quite a few mistakes, mostly minor (listed below). Additionally, I do have a few questions and several extensions that could be done and I mention a few but fully realize many of those could be outside of the scope of the current manuscript.

      We greatly appreciate the time taken by Reviewer 3 to carefully review our manuscript and provide detailed comments. We believe their suggestions have helped to improve our manuscript.

      First comments are in general about the PIP subtype.

      • In the paper you claim:

      L196, "However, this loss of resolution prevents distinction between phosphate positions on the inositol group and does not permit analysis of protein conformational changes induced by PIP binding"

      L367, "it does not distinguish between phosphate positions within each charge state (e.g. PI(3,4)P2 vs PI(4,5)P2)."

      This is not true the PIP2 most commonly used in Martini 2 is from dx.doi.org/10.1021/ct3009655 and is a PI(3,4)P2 subtype. Also other extensions and alternative parameters exist for PIPs in Martini 2 e.g. http://cgmartini.nl/index.php/tools2/other-tools - Martini lipid .itp generator has all three main variants of both PIP1 and PIP2.

      As described in the response to the public review we are grateful for the reviewer for pointing out that there do exist parameters for different PIP sub-species and have corrected our statement on page 14 to reflect this, and clarified the parameters chosen in the methods section (page 16 line 2-3). We have not run additional CG simulations with each of these parameters in the current work but use the all-atom simulations to examine the interactions of phosphates at specific positions.

      • One detail that is missing in the manuscript is some mention of the charge state of the PIPs e.g. Fig.1D does not specify and Fig.4D PIP2 looks like -2 on position 5 and -1 on position 4. Which I think fits the used SAPI24, please specify. Also, what if you use SAPI25 with the flipped charges would that significantly alter the results?

      The charge state of PIP2 is -2e on the 5’ phosphate and -1e on the 4’ phosphate, using the SAPI24 CHARMM lipid parameters. We have ensured that this charge information is stated clearly in the revised manuscript in the methods section on page 16 (line 21). We considered looking at SAPI25, however we expected that it would behave quite similarly, given that the PIP headgroup can adopt slightly different poses and orientations within the binding site across replicates and does fluctuate over simulations (Fig S8). We have noted this in the revised discussion on page 14 line 15-17.

      • I was very intrigued and puzzled by the lower binding of PIP3 vs PIP2 in the Martini simulations. Could it be that PIP3 has a harder time fully entering the binding site, or maybe just sampling? i.e. and its lower number of binding events is a sampling issue.

      We agree with the reviewer that PIP3 is less able to access the binding site than PIP2, likely because of its larger size. This might also be why we see PIP1 binding at the location via a more buried route (since it has the smallest headgroup size). However, PIP1 does not have enough negative charge to keep it in the binding site. It seems to be a Goldilocks-like situation where PIP2 has the optimal size and charge to allow access and stable binding at the site. We also see that when PIP3 enters the binding site it leaves before the end of the simulations. While it is hard to prove statistical significance given the number of binding and dissociation events even with the high and equal concentrations of all three PIP species in the enriched PIP membrane CG simulations, the data strongly suggests preferential binding of PIP2 over PIP3.

      Also the same L196 sentence as above "However, this loss of resolution prevents distinction between phosphate positions on the inositol group and does not permit analysis of protein conformational changes induced by PIP binding". The later part is also wrong, there are no conformational changes due to the restraints on the protein backbone, from methods "backbone beads were weakly restrained to their starting coordinates using a force constant of 10 kJ mol−1nm−2". Martini in general might have a hard time with some conformational changes and definitely cannot sample changes in secondary structure, but conformational changes can, and have on many occasions, been successfully sampled (even full ion channel opening and closing).

      On a similar note, in L179 you mention "owing to the flexibility of the linker." Hose does this fit with simulation with position restraints on all backbone atoms?

      We applied fairly weak restraints to the backbone only – therefore we still observe some flexibility in the highly flexible loop portion of the linker, where sidechains are able to flip between membrane-facing and cytosol-facing orientations.

      However, after reading the comments from the reviewer we have run additional simulations with an elastic network rather than backbone restraints on the DIII-DIV linker which have given further insight. As seen in Fig 4E and described in the results paragraph on page 9 line 30-37 of the revised manuscript, we can see that the presence of PIP does stabilise the linker in its receptor site. To accentuate this effect, we also ran simulation of the ‘IQM’ mutant known to have a less stable fast inactivated state due to weaker binding to the receptor. Without backbone restraints we can see partial dissociation of the DIII-DIV linker from the receptor that is partially rescued by the presence of PIP.

      I know the paper focuses on PIPs, also very nicely in Fig.2B and Fig. S1-2 the lipid enrichment is shown for other lipids, but why show all lipid classes except cholesterol? And, for the left-hand panels in Fig. S1-2 those really should be leaflet specific - as both the membrane and protein are asymmetric.

      The depletion/enrichment of Cholesterol is shown in Fig 2B and as are the Lipid Z-Density maps and contact occupancy structures a (in row 5 of Fig S2, labeled as CL in yellow). The Z-density maps are meant to provide an overall summary of lipid distribution. The contact occupancy structures showing the transverse views and intracellular/ extracellular views provide a better indication of the occupancy across the different leaflets.

      In L237 for the comparison of Cav2.2 and Kv7.1 bound to PI(4,5)P2 structures: They do agree well with the PIP1 simulations but not as much for the main PIP2 binding site. If you look in the CG simulations, is there another (not the main) PIP2 binding site at that same location (which might also be stable in AA simulations)?

      In some replicates of the CG simulations, we identify stable PIP1 binding via the other orientation (i.e. the one that overlaps with the Cav2.2 and Kv7.1 structures). Since we did not directly observe any PIP2 binding events from the other orientation, we did not run any backmapped atomistic simulations with PIP2 at this position. However, the binding site residues that the PIP1/2 headgroup binds to are the same regardless of which side PIP1/2 approaches from. We would expect that PIP2 bound from the alterative position is also stable.

      Two references I want to put for consideration to the authors, for potential inclusion if the authors find their inclusion would strengthen the manuscript. This one gives a good demonstration of using the same PM mixture to define lipid protein fingerprints with Martini:


      And this one https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33836525/ shows how Nav1.4 function could also be affected by general changes in bilayer properties (in addition to the specific lipid interactions explored here).

      We thank the reviewer for bringing to our attention these two relevant references that will help to respectively substantiate the use Martini to study membrane protein-lipid interactions, as well as, why Nav channels are interesting to study in the context of their membrane environment (and also the potential implications with drugs that can bind from within the membrane). We have added these citations to the introduction and discussion.

      Minor comments and fixes:

      L2, Title: A binding site for phosphoinositide modulation of voltage-gated sodium channels described by multiscale simulations

      The title reads very strangely to me, should it be "A binding site for phosphoinositide" ; "modulation". We thank the reviewer for this comment - title has been updated to: A binding site for phosphoinositides described by multiscale simulations explains their modulation of voltage gated sodium channels.

      L25, Abstract, "The phosphoinositide PI(4,5)P2 decreases Nav1.4 activity by increasing the difficulty of channel opening, accelerating fast activation and slowing recovery from fast inactivation." Assuming this is referring to results from Gada et al JGP, 2023 should this not be "accelerating fast inactivation"?

      Corrected in the revised manuscript.

      L71 maybe good to write the longer version of IFM on first use e.g. Ile-Phe-Met (IFM), as to not mistake it for some random three letter acronym.

      Corrected in the revised manuscript.

      L109, Fig.2. Maybe change the upper and lower leaflet to intracellular and cytoplasmic leaflets (or outer / inner). In D "(D) Distribution of PIP binding occupancies (left)" something missing can I assume, for/over all lipids exposed residues. Also, for D I am a little confused how occupancy is defined as the total occupancy per residue dose not add up to 100.

      The figure has been updated with intracellular and cytoplasmic leaflet labels. The binding occupancy distribution boxplot shows binding occupancies for all lipid exposed residues. In our analysis, we define contact occupancy as the proportion of simulation time in which a lipid type is within 0.7 nm of a given residue. It is possible for more than one lipid to be within this cut in any given frame – that is, both a PIP and PE can be simultaneously bound.

      L160 "occurring the identified site" in the

      Corrected in the revised manuscript.

      L170 "PIP3 (headgroup charge: -7e) has interacts similarly to PIP1," - remove has Corrected in the revised manuscript.

      L194, "reducing system size" the size does not change, I am assuming you want to say reducing the number of particles?

      Corrected in the revised manuscript.

      L252, Fig.6 "(B) Occupancy of all PIPs (PIP1, PIP2, PIP3) at binding site residues in the three systems" A little confusing, initially was expecting 3x3 data points per residue, maybe change to, Combined occupancy of all PIPs...

      Corrected in the revised manuscript.

      L253, Fig.6 D, I don't really have a good suggestion for improvement here, so this is just a FYI that this panel was very confusing for me and took some time to figure out what is shown.

      We have added to the caption of Fig. 6D to try to clarify this panel.

      L257, Fig.6 (F) not in bold

      Corrected in the revised manuscript.

      L259 "PIP binding, we performed embedded three structures of Nav1.7" something missing?

      Corrected in the revised manuscript.

      L272, "In triplicate 50 us coarse-grained simulations" us instead of (micro_greek)s

      Corrected in the revised manuscript.

      L272, that paragraph how long/many simulations only reported for the inactivated Nav1.7 system not the Nav1.7-NavPas chimera, which I am assuming is the same?

      Corrected in the revised manuscript.

      L297, "marked by both shortened inactivation times", can I assume this is: shortened times to inactivation (i.e. to get inactivated not times in the inactivated states)?

      Corrected in the revised manuscript.

      L331, "are conserved in Nav1.1-1.9 (Fig. 5D)," Fig.5C Corrected in the revised manuscript.

      L353, "channel opening []" [] maybe a missing reference?

      Thank you for pointing out this oversight - Goldschen-Ohm et al. has been cited here.

      L394, "The composition of the complex mammalian membrane is as reported in Ingólfsson, et al. (38)." Ref 38 is the "Computational lipidomics of the neuronal plasma membrane" which indeed uses the 63 component PM but the original reference for the average 63 lipid mixture PM is dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja507832e.

      Corrected in the revised manuscript.

      L404, "Additionally, a model Nav1.7 with all four VSDs in the deactivated state using Modeller (40)." Something missing, e.g. was also built and simulated for ...

      Corrected in the revised manuscript.

      Table S1 "Disease information", I am guessing this should be Disease information; mechanism? Of the x5 entries two have mechanism, one has "; unknown significance ", one has "; unknown" maybe clarify in title and make same if unknown.

      Corrected in the revised manuscript.

      Table S1 and S2 have different styles.

      The tables have been amended to have the same style.

      Fig. S3 "for all 12 lipid types in the mammalian membrane " there are many more lipid types in a typical PM (hundreds) and 63 in the PM mixture simulated here, so maybe write: 12 lipid classes?

      Corrected in the revised manuscript.

      Fig.S6 PIP headgroup, can I assume that is for the bound PIP only, please specify.

      Only a single PIP at the identified binding site was backmapped into all cases of atomistic simulations. We have now clarified this point in the methods, results and the FigS6 caption.

      Writing of PI(4,5)P2 and PI(4)P1 most of the time use 1 and 2 as subscripts but not always (at least not in SI), also the same with Nav vs Na_v (v subscript) and even NAV (in Table S1).

      Subscripts have been implemented in the updated Supplementary Information (as well as within various figures and throughout the manuscript).

    1. O now in danger tri'd, now known in Armes Not to be overpowerd, Companions deare, Found worthy not of Libertie alone, [ 420 ] Too mean pretense, but what we more affect, Honour, Dominion, Glorie, and renowne, Who have sustaind one day in doubtful fight (And if one day, why not Eternal dayes?) What Heavens Lord had powerfullest to send [ 425 ] Against us from about his Throne, and judg'd Sufficient to subdue us to his will, But proves not so: then fallible, it seems, Of future we may deem him, though till now Omniscient thought. True is, less firmly arm'd, [ 430 ] Some disadvantage we endur'd and paine, Till now not known, but known as soon contemnd, Since now we find this our Empyreal form Incapable of mortal injurie Imperishable, and though pierc'd with wound, [ 435 ] Soon closing, and by native vigour heal'd. Of evil then so small as easie think The remedie; perhaps more valid Armes, Weapons more violent, when next we meet, May serve to better us, and worse our foes, [ 440 ] Or equal what between us made the odds, In Nature none: if other hidden cause Left them Superiour, while we can preserve Unhurt our mindes, and understanding sound, Due search and consultation will disclose. [ 445 ]

      In this section Satan is attempting to boost the confidence of his council. The speaker says that they will gain more than they have suffered, that it's not all for loss (ll. 429-45). The speaker goes on to say that the council must prepare with "weapons more violent" (6.439) than before. The speaker seems to be describing his plans for revenge in hopes to boost the council's confidence. Sadly, knowing that one cannot win fighting fire with fire, this could foreshadow Satan and all of Hell's population to continue to suffer eternally.

    2. Whom the grand foe with scornful eye askance Thus answerd. Ill for thee, but in wisht houre [ 150 ] Of my revenge, first sought for thou returnst From flight, seditious Angel, to receave Thy merited reward, the first assay Of this right hand provok't, since first that tongue Inspir'd with contradiction durst oppose [ 155 ] A third part of the Gods, in Synod met Thir Deities to assert, who while they feel Vigour Divine within them, can allow Omnipotence to none. But well thou comst Before thy fellows, ambitious to win [ 160 ] From me som Plume, that thy success may show Destruction to the rest: this pause between (Unanswerd least thou boast) to let thee know; At first I thought that Libertie and Heav'n To heav'nly Soules had bin all one; but now [ 165 ] I see that most through sloth had rather serve, Ministring Spirits, traind up in Feast and Song; Such hast thou arm'd, the Minstrelsie of Heav'n, Servilitie with freedom to contend, As both thir deeds compar'd this day shall prove. [ 170 ]

      Lines 149-170 are Satan speaking to the seraph Abdiel. The passage begins with Satan telling Abdiel that he will be the first to face his wrath, saying he will be victim to "the first assay / of this right hand provok'd" (6.153-154). As we discussed earlier in class, before Christ, Satan was God's right hand, so the use of "right hand provok'd" works both physically with the image of an attack, as well as in the sense of his former title. Satan then goes on to reference a group or "Synod" of gods who agreed that "while they feel / Vigor divine within them, can allow / Omnipotence to none" (6.158-159). This is an important part of Satan's speech, both because of his rejection of singular omnipotence, as well as his assertion of multiple gods. This reminded me of a key pillar of Christianity: a singular God. It is important to note, though, the biblical quote "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:3), which can be interpreted as there being multiple gods, but a more powerful, singular God. So, when Satan mentions other gods rejecting omnipotence and implies that God embraced it, his portrayal of a more sinister, power-hungry God can be understood.

      Further in this section, Satan says that Abdiel has only confronted him out of a desire to be praised by God. He states, "But well thou com'st / Before thy fellows, ambitious to win / From me some Plume, that thy success may show / Destruction to the rest" (6.159-162). According to the OED, "Plume" in this instance refers to an adornment received for an accomplishment or merit (as opposed to the modern definition of colourful feathers). Following his assertion about Abdiel's motivations, Satan explains that he used to think that freedom could exist in Heaven, but that he realized that servitude to God removes the possibility for true freedom. He mocks those who have remained faithful to God, saying "Minist'ring Spirits, train'd up in Feast and Song; / Such hast thou arm'd, the Minstrelsy of Heav'n, / Servility with freedom to contend" (6.167-169). These lines serve the dual purpose of mocking the power of God's army, and making Satan's followers represent the positive attribute of freedom, as opposed to the [generally] negative attribute of servitude.

    1. To whom the Angel. Therefore what he gives (Whose praise be ever sung) to man in part [ 405 ] Spiritual, may of purest Spirits be found No ingrateful food: and food alike those pure Intelligential substances require As doth your Rational; and both contain Within them every lower facultie [ 410 ] Of sense, whereby they hear, see, smell, touch, taste, Tasting concoct, digest, assimilate, And corporeal to incorporeal turn. For know, whatever was created, needs To be sustaind and fed; of Elements [ 415 ] The grosser feeds the purer, Earth the Sea, Earth and the Sea feed Air, the Air those Fires Ethereal, and as lowest first the Moon; Whence in her visage round those spots, unpurg'd Vapours not yet into her substance turnd. [ 420 ] Nor doth the Moon no nourishment exhale From her moist Continent to higher Orbes. The Sun that light imparts to all, receives From all his alimental recompence In humid exhalations, and at Even [ 425 ] Sups with the Ocean: though in Heav'n the Trees Of life ambrosial frutage bear, and vines Yield Nectar, though from off the boughs each Morn We brush mellifluous Dewes, and find the ground Cover'd with pearly grain: yet God hath here [ 430 ] Varied his bounty so with new delights, As may compare with Heaven; and to taste Think not I shall be nice. So down they sat,

      the speaker is describing the hierarchy of Earth, starting with humans, then animals, and then slowly moving down the line to the inanimate, "Corporeal to incorporeal" (413) as the poem says. The speaker goes on to say that there needs to be some type of food chain in the world and relates the chain to the elements as it lists which element feeds another as the cycle continues. They then compare the moon and the sun and state how the moon does not give or take from anything, "unpurg'd / Vapors not yet into her substance turn'd. / Nor doth the Moon no nourishment exhale" (419-421), while the sun both gives and takes from the world, "The Sun that light imparts to all, receives / From all his alimental recompense / In humid exhalations" (423-425). In the last bit of the passage the speaker describes the food in heaven and is comparing them with the new foods that God has created on earth.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors of this study seek to visualize NS1 purified from dengue virus infected cells. They infect vero cells with DV2-WT and DV2 NS1-T164S (a mutant virus previously characterized by the authors). The authors utilize an anti-NS1 antibody to immunoprecipitate NS1 from cell supernatants and then elute the antibody/NS1 complex with acid. The authors evaluate the eluted NS1 by SDS-PAGE, Native Page, mass spec, negative-stain EM, and eventually Cryo-EM. SDS-PAGE, mas spec, and native page reveal a >250 Kd species containing both NS1 and the proteinaceous component of HDL (ApoA1). The authors produce evidence to suggest that this population is predominantly NS1 in complex with ApoA1. This contrasts with recombinantly produced NS1 (obtained from a collaborator) which did not appear to be in complex with or contain ApoA1 (Figure 1C). The authors then visualize their NS1 stock in complex with their monoclonal antibody by CryoEM. For NS1-WT, the major species visualized by the authors was a ternary complex of an HDL particle in complex with an NS1 dimer bound to their mAB. For their mutant NS1-T164S, they find similar structures, but in contrast to NS1-WT, they visualize free NS1 dimers in complex with 2 Fabs (similar to what's been reported previously) as one of the major species. This highlights that different NS1 species have markedly divergent structural dynamics. It's important to note that the electron density maps for their structures do appear to be a bit overfitted since there are many regions with electron density that do not have a predicted fit and their HDL structure does not appear to have any predicted secondary structure for ApoA1. The authors then map the interaction between NS1 and ApoA1 using cross-linking mass spectrometry revealing numerous NS1-ApoA1 contact sites in the beta-roll and wing domain. The authors find that NS1 isolated from DENV infected mice is also present as a >250 kD species containing ApoA1. They further determine that immunoprecipitation of ApoA1 out of the sera from a single dengue patient correlates with levels of NS1 (presumably COIPed by ApoA1) in a dose-dependent manner.

      In the end, the authors make some useful observations for the NS1 field (mostly confirmatory) providing additional insight into the propensity of NS1 to interact with HDL and ApoA1. The study does not provide any functional assays to demonstrate activity of their proteins or conduct mutagenesis (or any other assays) to support their interaction predications. The authors assertion that higher-order NS1 exists primarily as a NS1 dimer in complex with HDL is not well supported as their purification methodology of NS1 likely introduces bias as to what NS1 complexes are isolated. While their results clearly reveal NS1 in complex with ApoA1, the lack of other NS1 homo-oligomers may be explained by how they purify NS1 from virally infected supernatant. Because NS1 produced during viral infection is not tagged, the authors use an anti-NS1 monoclonal antibody to purify NS1. This introduces a source of bias since only NS1 oligomers with their mAb epitope exposed will be purified. Further, the use of acid to elute NS1 may denature or alter NS1 structure and the authors do not include controls to test functionality of their NS1 stocks (capacity to trigger endothelial dysfunction or immune cell activation). The acid elution may force NS1 homo-oligomers into dimers which then reassociate with ApoA1 in a manner that is not reflective of native conditions. Conducting CryoEM of NS1 stocks only in the presence of full-length mAbs or Fabs also severely biases what species of NS1 is visualized since any NS1 oligomers without the B-ladder domain exposed will not be visualized. If the residues obscured by their mAb are involved in formation of higher-order oligomers then this antibody would functionally inhibit these species from forming. The absence of critical controls, use of one mAb, and acid elution for protein purification severely limits the interpretation of these data and do not paint a clear picture of if NS1 produced during infection is structurally distinct from recombinant NS1. Certainly there is novelty in purifying NS1 from virally infected cells, but without using a few different NS1 antibodies to purify NS1 stocks (or better yet a polyclonal population of antibodies) it's unclear if the results of the authors are simply a consequence of the mAb they selected.

      Data produced from numerous labs studying structure and function of flavivirus NS1 proteins provide diverse lines of evidence that the oligomeric state of NS1 is dynamic and can shift depending on context and environment. This means that the methodology used for NS1 production and purification will strongly impact the results of a study. The data in this manuscript certainly capture one of these dynamic states and overall support the general model of a dynamic NS1 oligomer that can associate with both host proteins as well as itself but the assertions of this manuscript are overall too strong given their data, as there is little evidence in this manuscript, and none available in the large body of existing literature, to support that NS1 exists only as a dimer associated with ApoA1. More likely the results of this paper are a result of their NS1 purification methodology.

      Suggestions for the Authors:


      (1) Because of the methodology used for NS1 purification, it is not clear from the data provided if NS1 from viral infection differs from recombinant NS1. Isolating NS1 from viral infection using a polyclonal antibody population would be better to answer their questions. On this point, Vero cells are also not the best candidate for their NS1 production given these cells do not come from a human. A more relevant cell line like U937-DC-SIGN would be preferable.

      We performed an optimization of sNS1 secretion from DENV infection in different cell lines (Author response image 1 below) to identify the best cell line candidate to obtain relatively high yield of sNS1 for the study. As shown in Author response image 1, the levels of sNS1 in the tested human cell lines Huh7 and HEK 293T were at least 3-5 fold lower than in Vero cells. Although using a monocytic cell line expressing DC-SIGN as suggested by the reviewer would be ideal, in our experience the low infectivity of DENV in monocytic cell lines will not yield sufficient amount of sNS1 needed for structural analysis. For these practical reasons we decided to use the closely related non-human primate cell line Vero for sNS1 production supported by our optimization data.

      Author response image 1.

      sNS1 secretion in different mammalian and mosquito cell lines after DENV2 infection. The NS1 secretion level is measured using PlateliaTM Dengue NS1 Ag ELISA kit (Bio-Rad) on day 3 (left) and day 5 (right) post infection respectively.

      (2) The authors need to support their interaction predictions and models via orthogonal assays like mutagenesis followed by HDL/ApoA1 complexing and even NS1 functional assays. The authors should be able to mutate NS1 at regions predicted to be critical for ApoA1/HDL interaction. This is critical to support the central conclusions of this manuscript.

      In our previous publication (Chan et al., 2019 Sci Transl Med), we used similarly purified sNS1 (immunoaffinity purification followed by acid elution) from infected culture supernatants from both DENV2 wild-type and T164S mutant (both also studied in the present work) to carry out stimulation assay on human PBMCs as described by other leading laboratories investigating NS1 (Modhiran et al., 2015 Sci Transl Med). For reader convenience we have extracted the data from our published paper and present it as Author response image 2 below.

      Author response image 2.

      (A) IL6 and (B) TNFa concentrations measured in the supernatants of human PBMCs incubated with either 1µg/ml or 10µg/ml of the BHK-21 immunoaffinity-purified WT and TS mutant sNS1 for 24 hours. Data is adapted from Chan et al., 2019.

      Incubation of immunoaffinity-purified sNS1 (WT and TS) with human PBMCs from 3 independent human donors triggered the production of proinflammatory cytokines IL6 and TNF in a concentration dependent manner (Author response image 2), consistent with the published data by Modhiran et al., 2015 Sci Transl Med. Interestingly the TS mutant derived sNS1 induced a higher proinflammatory cytokines production than WT virus derived sNS1 that appears to correlate with the more lethal and severe disease phenotype in mice as also reported in our previous work (Chan et al., 2019). Additionally, the functionality of our immune-affinity purified infection derived sNS1 (isNA1) is now further supported by our preliminary results on the NS1 induced endothelial cell permeability assay using the purified WT and mutant isNS1 (Author response image 3). As shown in Author response image 3, both the isNS1wt and isNS1ts mutant reduced the relative transendothelial resistance from 0 to 9 h post-treatment, with the peak resistance reduction observed at 6 h post-treatment, suggesting that the purified isNS1 induced endothelial dysfunction as reported in Puerta-Guardo et al., 2019, Cell Rep.) It is noteworthy that the isNS1 in our study behaves similarly as the commercial recombinant sNS1 (rsNS1 purchased from the same source used in study by Puerta-Guardo et al., 2019) in inducing endothelial hyperpermeability. Collectively our previous published and current data suggest that the purified isNS1 (as a complex with ApoA1) has a pathogenic role in disease pathogenesis that is also supported in a recent publication by Benfrid et al., EMBO 2022). The acid elution has not affected the functionality of NS1.

      Author response image 3.

      Functional assessment of isNS1wt and isNS1ts on vascular permeability in vitro. A trans-endothelial permeabilty assay via measurement of the transendothelial electrical resistance (TEER) on human umbilical vascular endothelial cells (hUVEC) was performed, as described previously (Puerta-Guardo et al., 2019, Cell Rep). Ovalbumin serves as the negative control, while TNF-α and rsNS1 serves as the positive controls.

      We agree with reviewer about the suggested mutagnesis study. We will perform site-directed mutagenesis at selected residues and further structural and functional analyses and report the results in a follow-up study.

      (3) The authors need to show that the NS1 stocks produced using acid elution are functional compared to standard recombinantly produced NS1. Do acidic conditions impact structure/function of NS1?

      We are providing the same response to comments 1 & 2 above. We would like to reiterate that we have previously used sNS1 from immunoaffinity purification followed by acid elution to test its function in stimulating PBMCs to produce pro-inflammatory cytokines (Chan et al., 2019; Author response image 2). Similar to Modhiran et al. (2015) and Benfrid et al. (2022), the sNS1 that we extracted using acid elution are capable of activating PBMCs to produce pro-inflammatory cytokines. We have now further demonstrated the ability of both WT and TS isNS1 in inducing endothelial permeability in vitro in hUVECs, using the TEER assay (Author response image 3). Based on the data presented in the rebuttal figures as well as our previous publication we do not think that the acid elution has a significant impact on function of isNS1.

      We performed affinity purification to enrich the complex for better imaging and analysis (Supp Fig. 1b) since the crude supernatant contains serum proteins and serum-free infections also do not provide sufficient isNS1. The major complex observed in negative stain is 1:1 (also under acidic conditions which implies that the complex are stable and intact). We agree that it is possible that other oligomers can form but we have observed only a small population (74 out of 3433 particles, 2.15%; 24 micrographs) of HDL:sNS1 complex at 1:2 ratio as shown in the Author response image 4 below and in the manuscript (p. 4 lines 114-117, Supp Fig. 1c). Other NS1 dimer:HDL ratios including 2:1 and 3:1 have been reported by Benfrid et al., 2022 by spiking healthy sera with recombinant sNS1 and subsequent re-affinity purification. However, this method used an approximately 8-fold higher sNS1 concentration (400 ug/mL) than the maximum clinically reported concentration (50 ug/mL) (Young et al., 2000; Alcon et al., 2002; Libraty et al., 2002). In our hands, the sNS1 concentration in the concentrated media from in vitro infection was quantified as 30 ug/mL which is more physiologically relevant.

      We conclude that the integrity of the HDL of the complex is not lost during sample preparation, as we are able to observe the complex under the negative staining EM as well as infer from XL-MS. Our rebuttal data and our previous studies with our acid-eluted isNS1 from immunoaffinity purification clearly show that our protein is functional and biologically relevant.

      Author response image 4.

      (A) Representative negative stain micrograph of sNS1wt (B) Representative 2D averages of negative stained isNS1wt. Red arrows indicating the characteristic wing-like protrusions of NS1 inserted in HDL. (C) Data adapted from Figure 2 in Benfrid et al. (2022).

      (4) Overall, the data obtained from the mutant NS1 (contrasted to WT NS1) reveals how dynamic the oligomeric state of NS1 proteins are but the authors do not provide any insight into how/why this is, some additional lines of evidence using either structural studies or mutagenesis to compare WT and their mutant and even NS1 from a different serotype of DENV would help the field to understand the dynamic nature of NS1.

      The T164S mutation in DENV2 NS1 was proposed as the residue associated with disease severity in 1997 Cuban dengue epidemic (Halsted SB. “Intraepidemic increases in dengue disease severity: applying lessons on surveillance and transmission”. Whitehorn, J., Farrar. J., Eds., Clinical Insights in Dengue: Transmission, Diagnosis & Surveillance. The Future Medicine (2014), pp. 83-101). Our previous manuscript examined this mutation by engineering it into a less virulent clade 2 DENV isolated in Singapore and showed that sNS1 production was higher without any change in viral RNA replication. Transcript profiling of mutant compared to WT virus showed that genes that are usually induced during vascular leakage were upregulated for the mutant. We also showed that infection of interferon deficient AG129 mice with the mutant virus resulted in disease severity, increased complement protein expression in the liver, tissue inflammation and greater mortality compared to WT virus infected mice. The lipid profiling in our study (Chan et al., 2019) suggested small differences with WT but was overall similar to HDL as described by Gutsche et al. (2011). We were intrigued by our functional results and wanted to explore more deeply the impact of the mutation on sNS1 structure which at that stage was widely believed to be a trimer of NS1 dimers with a central channel (~ X Å) stuffed with lipid as established in several seminal publications (Flamand et al., 1999; Gutsche et al., 2011; Muller et al., 2012). In fact “This Week in Virology” netcast (https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-725/) discussed two back-to-back publications in Science (Modhiran et al., 371(6625)190-194; Biering et al., Science 371(6625):194-200)) which showed that therapeutic antibodies can ameliorate the NS1 induced pathogenesis and expert discussants posed questions that also pointed to the need for more accurate definition of the molecular composition and architecture of the circulating NS1 complex during virus infection to get a clearer handle on its pathogenic mechanism. Our current studies and also the recent high resolution cryoEM structures (Shu et al., 2022) do not support the notion of a central channel “stuffed with lipid”. Even in the rare instances where trimer of dimers are shown, the narrow channel in the center could only accommodate one molecule of lipoid molecule no bigger than a typical triglyceride molecule. This hexamer model cannot explain the lipid proeotmics data in the literature.

      In our study we observed predominantly 1:1 NS1 dimer to HDL (~30 μg/mL) mirroring maximum clinically reported concentration of sNS1 in the sera of DENV patients (40-50 μg/mL) as we highlighted in our main text (P. 18, lines 461-471). What is often quoted (also see later) is the recent study of Flamand & co-workers which show 1-3 NS1 dimers per HDL (Benfrid et al, 2022) by spiking rsNS1 (400 μg/mL) with HDL. This should not be confused with the previous models which suggested a lipid filled central channel holding together the hexamer. The use of physiologically relevant concentrations is important for these studies as we have highlighted in our main text (P. 18, lines 461-471).

      Our interpretation for the mutant (isNS1ts) is that it is possible that the hydrophilic serine at residue 164 located in the greasy finger loop may weaken the isNS1ts binding to HDL hence the observation of free sNS1 dimers in our immunoaffinity purified (acid eluted sample). The disease severity and increased complement protein expression in AG129 mice liver can be ascribed to weakly bound mutant NS1 with fast on/off rate with HDL being transported to the liver where specific receptors bind to free sNS1 and interact with effector proteins such as complement to drive inflammation and associated pathology. Our indirect support for this is that the XL-MS analysis of purified isNS1ts identified only 7 isNS1ts:ApoA1 crosslinks while 25 isNS1wt:ApoA1 crosslinks were identified from purified isNS1wt (refer to Fig. 4 and Supp. Fig. 8).

      Taken together, the cryoEM and XL-MS analysis of purified isNS1ts suggest that isNS1ts has weaker affinity for HDL compared to isNS1wt. We welcome constructive discussion on our interpretation that we and others will hopefully obtain more data to support or deny our proposed explanation. Our focus has been to compare WT with mutant sNS1 from DENV2 and we agree that it will be useful to study other serotypes.

      Reviewer #2:


      Some of the neg-stain 2D class averages for sNS1 in Fig S1 clearly show 1 or 2 NS1 dimers on the surface of a spherical object, presumably HDL, and indicate the possibility of high-quality cryoEM results. However, the cryoEM results are disappointing. The cryo 2D class averages and refined EM map in Fig S4 are of poor quality, indicating sub-optimal grid preparation or some other sample problem. Some of the FSC curves (2 in Fig S7 and 1 in Fig S6) have extremely peculiar shapes, suggesting something amiss in the map refinement. The sharp drop in the "corrected" FSC curves in Figs S5c and S6c (upper) indicate severe problems. The stated resolutions (3.42 & 3.82 Å) for the sNS1ts-Fab56.2 are wildly incompatible with the images of the refined maps in Figs 3 & S7. At those resolutions, clear secondary structural elements should be visible throughout the map. From the 2D averages and 3D maps shown in the figures this does not seem to be the case. Local resolution maps should be shown for each structure.

      The same sample is used for negative staining and the cryoEM results presented. The cryoEM 2D class averages are similar to the negative stain ones, with many spherical-like densities with no discernible features, presumably HDL only or the NS1 features are averaged out. The key difference lies in the 2D class averages where the NS1 could be seen. The side views of NS1 (wing-like protrusion) are more obvious in the negative stain while the top views of NS1 (cross shaped-like protrusion) are more obvious under cryoEM. HDL particles are inherently heterogeneous and known to range from 70-120 Å, this has been highlighted in the main text (p. 8, lines 203 and 228). This helps to explain why the reviewer may find the cryoEM result disappointing. The sample is inherently challenging to resolve structurally as it is (not that the sample is of poor quality). In terms of grid preparation, Supp Fig 4b shows a representative motion-corrected micrograph of the isNS1ts sample whereby individual particles can be discerned and evenly distributed across the grid at high density.

      We acknowledge that most of the dips in the FSC curves (Fig S5-7) are irregular and affect the accuracy of the stated resolutions, particularly for the HDL-isNS1ts-Fab56.2 and isNS1ts-Fab56.2 maps for which the local resolution maps are shown (Fig S7d-e). Probable reasons affecting the FSC curves include (1) the heterogeneous nature of HDL, (2) preferred orientation issue (p 7, lines 198 -200), and (3) the data quality is intrinsically less ideal for high resolution single particle analysis. Optimizing of the dynamic masking such that the mask is not sharper than the resolution of the map for the near (default = 3 angstroms) and far (12 angstroms) parameters during data processing, ranging from 6 - 12 and 14 - 20 respectively, did not help to improve the FSC curves. To report a more accurate global resolution, we have revised the figures S5-7 with new FSC curve plots generated using the remote 3DFSC processing server.

      Regardless, the overall architecture and the relative arrangement of NS1 dimer, Fab, and HDL are clearly visible and identifiable in the map. These results agree well with our biochemical data and mass-spec data.

      The samples were clearly challenging for cryoEM, leading to poor quality maps that were difficult to interpret. None of the figures are convincing that NS1, Ab56.2 or Fab56.2 are correctly fit into EM maps. There is no indication of ApoA1 helices. Details of the fit of models to density for key regions of the higher-resolution EM maps should be shown and the models should be deposited in the PDB. An example of modeling difficulty is clear in the sNS1ts dimer with bound Fab56.2 (figs 3c & S7e). For this complex, the orientation of the Fab56.2 relative to the sNS1ts dimer in this submission (Fig 3c) is substantially different than in the bioRxiv preprint (Fig 3c). Regions of empty density in Fig 3c also illustrate the challenge of building a model into this map.

      We acknowledge the modelling challenge posed by low resolution maps in general, such as the handedness of the Fab molecule as pointed out by the reviewer (which is why others have developed the use of anti-fab nanobody to aid in structure determination among other methods). The change in orientation of the Fab56.2 relative to the sNS1ts dimer was informed by the HDX-MS results which was not done at the point of bioRxiv preprint mentioned. With regards to indication of ApoA1 helices, this is expected given the heterogeneous nature of HDL. To the best of our knowledge, engineered apoA1 helices were also not reported in many cryoEM structures of membrane proteins solved in membrane scaffold protein (MSP) nanodiscs. This is despite nanodiscs, comprised of engineered apoA1 helices, having well-defined size classifications.

      Regions of weak density in Fig 3c is expected due to the preferred orientation issue acknowledged in the results section of the main text (p. 9, line 245). The cryoEM density maps have been deposited in the Electron Microscopy Data Bank (EMDB) under accession codes EMD-36483 (isNS1ts:Fab56.2) and EMD-36480 (Fab56.2:isNS1ts:HDL). The protein model files for isNS1ts:Fab56.2 and Fab56.2:isNS1ts:HDL model are available upon request. Crosslinking MS raw files and the search results can be downloaded from https://repository.jpostdb.org/preview/14869768463bf85b347ac2 with the access code: 3827. The HDX-MS data is deposited to the ProteomeXchange consortium via PRIDE partner repository51 with the dataset identifier PXD042235.

      Mass spec:

      Crosslinking-mass spec was used to detect contacts between NS1 and ApoA1, providing strong validation of the sNS1-HDL association. As the crosslinks were detected in a bulk sample, they show that NS1 is near ApoA1 in many/most HDL particles, but they do not indicate a specific protein-protein complex. Thus, the data do not support the model of an NS1-ApoA1 complex in Fig 4d. Further, a specific NS1-ApoA1 interaction should have evidence in the EM maps (helical density for ApoA1), but none is shown or mentioned. If such exists, it could perhaps be visualized after focused refinement of the map for sNS1ts-HDL with Fab56.2 (Fig S7d). The finding that sNS1-ApoA1 crosslinks involved residues on the hydrophobic surface of the NS1 dimer confirms previous data that this NS1 surface engages with membranes and lipids.

      We thank the reviewer for the comment. The XL-MS is a method to identify the protein-protein interactions by proximity within the spacer arm length of the crosslinker. The crosslinking MS data do support the NS1-ApoA1 complex model obtained by cryo-EM because the identified crosslinks that are superimposed on the EM map are within the cut-off distance of 30 Å. We agree that the XL-MS data do not dictate the specific interactions between specific residues of NS1-ApoA1 in the EM model. We also do not claim that specific residue of NS1 in beta roll or wing domain is interacting with specific residue of ApoA1 in H4 and H5 domain. We claim that beta roll and wing domain regions of NS1 are interacting with ApoA1 in HDL indicating the proximity nature of NS1-ApoA1 interactions as warranted by the XL-MS data.

      As explained in the previous response on the lack of indication of ApoA1 helical density, this is expected given the heterogeneous nature of HDL. It is typical to see lipid membranes as unstructured and of lower density than the structured protein. In our study, local refinement was performed on either the global map (presented in Fig S7d) or focused on the NS1-Fab region only. Both yielded similar maps as illustrated in the real space slices shown in Author response image 5. The mask and map overlay is depicted in similar orientations to the real space slices, and at different contour thresholds at 0.05 (Author response image 5e) and 0.135 (Author response image 5f). While the overall map is of poor resolution and directional anisotropy evident, there is clear signal differences in the low density region (i.e. the HDL sphere) indicative of NS1 interaction with ApoA1 in HDL, extending from the NS1 wing to the base of the HDL sphere.

      Author response image 5.

      Real Space Slices of map and mask used during Local Refinement for overall structure (a-b) and focused mask on NS1 region (c-d). The corresponding map (grey) contoured at 0.05 (e) and 0.135 (f) in similar orientations as shown for the real space slices of map and masks. The focused mask of NS1 used is colored in semi-transparent yellow. Real Space Slices of map and mask are generated during data processing in Cryosparc 4.0 and the map figures were prepared using ChimeraX.

      Sample quality:

      The paper lacks any validation that the purified sNS1 retains established functions, for example the ability to enhance virus infectivity or to promote endothelial dysfunction.

      Please see detailed response for question 2 in Reviewer #1’s comments. In essence, we have showed that both isNS1wt and isNS1ts are capable of inducing endothelial permeability in an in vitro TEER assay (Rebuttal Fig 3) and also in our previous study that quantified inflammation in human PBMC’s (Rebuttal Fig 2).

      Peculiarities include the gel filtration profiles (Fig 2a), which indicate identical elution volumes (apparent MWs) for sNS1wt-HDL bound to Ab562 (~150 kDa) and to the ~3X smaller Fab56.2 (~50 kDa). There should also be some indication of sNS1wt-HDL pairs crosslinked by the full-length Ab, as can be seen in the raw cryoEM micrograph (Fig S5b).

      Obtaining high quality structures is often more demanding of sample integrity than are activity assays. Given the low quality of the cryoEM maps, it's possible that the acidification step in immunoaffinity purification damaged the HDL complex. No validation of HDL integrity, for example with acid-treated HDL, is reported.

      Please see detailed response for question 3 in Reviewer #1’s comments.

      Acid treatment is perhaps discounted by a statement (line 464) that another group also used immunoaffinity purification in a recent study (ref 20) reporting sNS1 bound to HDL. However the statement is incorrect; the cited study used affinity purification via a strep-tag on recombinant sNS1.

      We thank the Reviewer for pointing this out and have rewritten this paragraph instead (p 18, line 445-455). We also expanded our discussion to highlight our prior functional studies showing that acid-eluted isNS1 proteins do induce endothelial hyperpermeability (p 18-19, line 470-476).


      The Discussion reflects a view that the NS1 secreted from virus-infected cells is a 1:1 sNS1dimer:HDL complex with the specific NS1-ApoA1 contacts detected by crosslinking mass spec. This is inconsistent with both the neg-stain 2D class average with 2 sNS1 dimers on an HDL (Fig S1c) and with the recent study of Flamand & co-workers showing 1-3 NS1 dimers per HDL (ref 20). It is also ignores the propensity of NS1 to associate with membranes and lipids. It is far more likely that NS1 association with HDL is driven by these hydrophobic interactions than by specific protein-protein contacts. A lengthy Discussion section (lines 461-522) includes several chemically dubious or inconsistent statements, all based on the assumption that specific ApoA1 contacts are essential to NS1 association with HDL and that sNS1 oligomers higher than the dimer necessarily involve ApoA1 interaction, conclusions that are not established by the data in this paper.

      We thank the Reviewer and have revised our discussion to cover available structural and functional data to draw conclusions that invariably also need further validation by others. One point that is repeatedly brought up by Reviewer 1 & 2 is the quality and functionality of our sample. Our conclusion now reiterates this point based on our own published data (Chan et al., 2019) and also the TEER assay data provided as Author response image 3.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):


      (1) Fig. S3B, should the label for lane 4 be isNS1? In figure 1C you do not see ApoA1 for rsNS1 but for S3B you do? Which is correct?

      This has been corrected in the Fig. S3B, the label for lane 4 has been corrected to isNS1 and lane 1 to rsNS1, where no ApoA1 band (25 kDa) is found.

      (2) Line 436, is this the correct reference? Reference 43?

      This has been corrected in the main text. (p 20, Line 507; Lee et al., 2020, J Exp Med).

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The cryoEM data analysis is incompletely described. The process (software, etc) leading to each refined EM map should be stated, including the use of reference structures in any step. These details are not in the Methods or in Figs S4-7, as claimed in the Methods. The use of DeepEMhancer (which refinements?) with the lack of defined secondary structural features in the maps and without any validation (or discussion of what was used as "ground truth") is concerning. At the least, the authors should show pre- and post-DeepEMhancer maps in the supplemental figures.

      The data processing steps in the Methods section have been described with improved clarity. DeepEMhancer is a deep learning solution for cryo-EM volume post-processing to reduce noise levels and obtain more detailed versions of the experimental maps (Sanchez-Garcia, et al., 2021). DeepEMhancer was only used to sharpen the maps and reduce the noise for classes 1 and 2 of isNS1wt in complex with Ab56.2 for visualization purpose only and not for any refinements. To avoid any confusion, the use of DeepEMhancer has been removed from the supp text and figures.

      Line 83 - "cryoEM structures...recently reported" isn't ref 17

      This reference has been corrected in to Shu et al. (2022) in p 3, line 83.

      Fig. S3 - mis-labeled gel lanes

      This has been corrected in the Fig. S3B, the label for lane 4 has been corrected to isNS1 and lane 1 to rsNS1.

      Fig S6c caption - "Representative 2D classes of each 3D classes, white bar 100 Å. Refined 3D map for classes 1 and 2 coloured by local resolution". The first sentence is unclear, and there is no white scale bar and no heat map.

      Fig S6c caption has been corrected to “Representative 3D classes contoured at 0.06 and its particle distribution as labelled and coloured in cyan. Scale bar of 100 Å as shown. Refined 3D maps and their respective FSC resolution charts and posterior precision directional distribution as generated in crysosparc4.0”.

    1. It has been exhilarating to work in effective partnership.


    2. He urges that men of science should then turn to the massive task of making more accessible our bewildering store of knowledge. For years inventions have extended man's physical powers rather than the powers of his mind.

      Interesting to read this after just watching Oppenheimer on the plane to London.

    3. an individual stores all his books, records, and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility.

      Definitely my activity page!

    1. 2019 the company Facebook (now called Meta) presented an internal study that found that Instagram was bad for the mental health of teenage girls, and yet they still allowed teenage girls to use Instagram. So, what does social media do to the mental health of teenage girls, and to all its other users? The answer is of course complicated and varies. Some have argued that Facebook’s own data is not as conclusive as you think about teens and mental health. Many have anecdotal experiences with their own mental health and those they talk to. For example, cosmetic surgeons have seen how photo manipulation on social media has influenced people’s views of their appearance: People historically came to cosmetic surgeons with photos of celebrities whose features they hoped to emulate. Now, they’re coming with edited selfies. They want to bring to life the version of themselves that they curate through apps like FaceTune and Snapchat. Selfies, Filters, and Snapchat Dysmorphia: How Photo-Editing Harms Body Image Comedian and director Bo Burnham has his own observations about how social media is influencing mental health: “If [social media] was just bad, I’d just tell all the kids to throw their phone in the ocean, and it’d be really easy. The problem is it - we are hyper-connected, and we’re lonely. We’re overstimulated, and we’re numb. We’re expressing our self, and we’re objectifying ourselves. So I think it just sort of widens and deepens the experiences of what kids are going through. But in regards to social anxiety, social anxiety - there’s a part of social anxiety I think that feels like you’re a little bit disassociated from yourself. And it’s sort of like you’re in a situation, but you’re also floating above yourself, watching yourself in that situation, judging it. And social media literally is that. You know, it forces kids to not just live their experience but be nostalgic for their experience while they’re living it, watch people watch them, watch people watch them watch them. My sort of impulse is like when the 13 year olds of today grow up to be social scientists, I’ll be very curious to hear what they have to say about it. But until then, it just feels like we just need to gather the data.” Director Bo Burnham On Growing Up With Anxiety — And An Audience - NPR Fresh Air (10:15-11:20) It can be difficult to measure the effects of social media on mental health since there are so many types of social media, and it permeates our cultures even of people who don’t use it directly. Some researchers have found that people using social media may enter a dissociation state, where they lose track of time (like what happens when someone is reading a good book). Researchers at Facebook decided to try to measure how their recommendation algorithm was influencing people’s mental health. So they changed their recommendation algorithm to show some people more negative posts and some people more positive posts. They found that people who were given more negative posts tended to post more negatively themselves. Now, this experiment was done without informing users that they were part of an experiment, and when people found out that they might be part of a secret mood manipulation experiment, they were upset. 13.1.1. Digital Detox?# Some people view internet-based social media (and other online activities) as inherently toxic and therefore encourage a digital detox, where people take some form of a break from social media platforms and digital devices. While taking a break from parts or all of social media can be good for someone’s mental health (e.g., doomscrolling is making them feel more anxious, or they are currently getting harassed online), viewing internet-based social media as inherently toxic and trying to return to an idyllic time from before the Internet is not a realistic or honest view of the matter. In her essay “The Great Offline,” Lauren Collee argues that this is just a repeat of earlier views of city living and the “wilderness.” As white Americans were colonizing the American continent, they began idealizing “wilderness” as being uninhabited land (ignoring the Indigenous people who already lived there, or kicking them out or killing them). In the 19th century, as wilderness tourism was taking off as an industry, natural landscapes were figured as an antidote to the social pressures of urban living, offering truth in place of artifice, interiority in place of exteriority, solitude in place of small talk. Similarly, advocates for digital detox build an idealized “offline” separate from the complications of modern life: Sherry Turkle, author of Alone Together, characterizes the offline world as a physical place, a kind of Edenic paradise. “Not too long ago,” she writes, “people walked with their heads up, looking at the water, the sky, the sand” — now, “they often walk with their heads down, typing.” […] Gone are the happy days when families would gather around a weekly televised program like our ancestors around the campfire! But Lauren Collee argues that by placing the blame on the use of technology itself and making not using technology (a digital detox) the solution, we lose our ability to deal with the nuances of how we use technology and how it is designed: I’m no stranger to apps that help me curb my screen time, and I’ll admit I’ve often felt better for using them. But on a more communal level, I suspect that cultures of digital detox — in suggesting that the online world is inherently corrupting and cannot be improved — discourage us from seeking alternative models for what the internet could look like. I don’t want to be trapped in cycles of connection and disconnection, deleting my social media profiles for weeks at a time, feeling calmer but isolated, re-downloading them, feeling worse but connected again. For as long as we keep dumping our hopes into the conceptual pit of “the offline world,” those hopes will cease to exist as forces that might generate change in the worlds we actually live in together. So in this chapter, we will not consider internet-based social media as inherently toxic or beneficial for mental health. We will be looking for more nuance and where things go well, where they do not, and why. { requestKernel: true, binderOptions: { repo: "binder-examples/jupyter-stacks-datascience", ref: "master", }, codeMirrorConfig: { theme: "abcdef", mode: "python" }, kernelOptions: { kernelName: "python3", path: "./ch13_mental_health" }, predefinedOutput: true } kernelName = 'python3' previous 13. Mental Health next 13.2. Unhealthy Activities on Social Media By Kyle Thayer and Susan Notess © Copyright 2022.

      This paragraph talks about how social media, especially Instagram, might affect mental health, especially for teenage girls. It mentions different opinions, a study by Meta, anecdotes from cosmetic surgeons, and thoughts from comedian Bo Burnham. The passage acknowledges the complexity of measuring social media's impact and mentions a "digital detox." It doesn't label social media as entirely good or bad, aiming for a more nuanced view. I find it interesting, but the whole social media and mental health issue is really complicated.

    2. 13.1. Social Media Influence on Mental Health# In 2019 the company Facebook (now called Meta) presented an internal study that found that Instagram was bad for the mental health of teenage girls, and yet they still allowed teenage girls to use Instagram. So, what does social media do to the mental health of teenage girls, and to all its other users? The answer is of course complicated and varies. Some have argued that Facebook’s own data is not as conclusive as you think about teens and mental health. Many have anecdotal experiences with their own mental health and those they talk to. For example, cosmetic surgeons have seen how photo manipulation on social media has influenced people’s views of their appearance: People historically came to cosmetic surgeons with photos of celebrities whose features they hoped to emulate. Now, they’re coming with edited selfies. They want to bring to life the version of themselves that they curate through apps like FaceTune and Snapchat. Selfies, Filters, and Snapchat Dysmorphia: How Photo-Editing Harms Body Image Comedian and director Bo Burnham has his own observations about how social media is influencing mental health: “If [social media] was just bad, I’d just tell all the kids to throw their phone in the ocean, and it’d be really easy. The problem is it - we are hyper-connected, and we’re lonely. We’re overstimulated, and we’re numb. We’re expressing our self, and we’re objectifying ourselves. So I think it just sort of widens and deepens the experiences of what kids are going through. But in regards to social anxiety, social anxiety - there’s a part of social anxiety I think that feels like you’re a little bit disassociated from yourself. And it’s sort of like you’re in a situation, but you’re also floating above yourself, watching yourself in that situation, judging it. And social media literally is that. You know, it forces kids to not just live their experience but be nostalgic for their experience while they’re living it, watch people watch them, watch people watch them watch them. My sort of impulse is like when the 13 year olds of today grow up to be social scientists, I’ll be very curious to hear what they have to say about it. But until then, it just feels like we just need to gather the data.” Director Bo Burnham On Growing Up With Anxiety — And An Audience - NPR Fresh Air (10:15-11:20) It can be difficult to measure the effects of social media on mental health since there are so many types of social media, and it permeates our cultures even of people who don’t use it directly. Some researchers have found that people using social media may enter a dissociation state, where they lose track of time (like what happens when someone is reading a good book). Researchers at Facebook decided to try to measure how their recommendation algorithm was influencing people’s mental health. So they changed their recommendation algorithm to show some people more negative posts and some people more positive posts. They found that people who were given more negative posts tended to post more negatively themselves. Now, this experiment was done without informing users that they were part of an experiment, and when people found out that they might be part of a secret mood manipulation experiment, they were upset.

      The examination of social media's impact, particularly its detrimental effects on the mental health of teenage girls, highlights a critical area of concern within the digital age's societal framework. The revelation from Meta's internal study about Instagram underscores the ethical dilemma faced by social media corporations: the responsibility to safeguard the mental health of their users while balancing the inherent drive for engagement and growth. This conundrum is further complicated by the rising trend of individuals seeking to emulate digitally altered self-images, which distorts perceptions of body image and exacerbates mental health issues.

    3. 13.1. Social Media Influence on Mental Health# In 2019 the company Facebook (now called Meta) presented an internal study that found that Instagram was bad for the mental health of teenage girls, and yet they still allowed teenage girls to use Instagram. So, what does social media do to the mental health of teenage girls, and to all its other users? The answer is of course complicated and varies. Some have argued that Facebook’s own data is not as conclusive as you think about teens and mental health. Many have anecdotal experiences with their own mental health and those they talk to. For example, cosmetic surgeons have seen how photo manipulation on social media has influenced people’s views of their appearance: People historically came to cosmetic surgeons with photos of celebrities whose features they hoped to emulate. Now, they’re coming with edited selfies. They want to bring to life the version of themselves that they curate through apps like FaceTune and Snapchat. Selfies, Filters, and Snapchat Dysmorphia: How Photo-Editing Harms Body Image Comedian and director Bo Burnham has his own observations about how social media is influencing mental health: “If [social media] was just bad, I’d just tell all the kids to throw their phone in the ocean, and it’d be really easy. The problem is it - we are hyper-connected, and we’re lonely. We’re overstimulated, and we’re numb. We’re expressing our self, and we’re objectifying ourselves. So I think it just sort of widens and deepens the experiences of what kids are going through. But in regards to social anxiety, social anxiety - there’s a part of social anxiety I think that feels like you’re a little bit disassociated from yourself. And it’s sort of like you’re in a situation, but you’re also floating above yourself, watching yourself in that situation, judging it. And social media literally is that. You know, it forces kids to not just live their experience but be nostalgic for their experience while they’re living it, watch people watch them, watch people watch them watch them. My sort of impulse is like when the 13 year olds of today grow up to be social scientists, I’ll be very curious to hear what they have to say about it. But until then, it just feels like we just need to gather the data.” Director Bo Burnham On Growing Up With Anxiety — And An Audience - NPR Fresh Air (10:15-11:20) It can be difficult to measure the effects of social media on mental health since there are so many types of social media, and it permeates our cultures even of people who don’t use it directly. Some researchers have found that people using social media may enter a dissociation state, where they lose track of time (like what happens when someone is reading a good book). Researchers at Facebook decided to try to measure how their recommendation algorithm was influencing people’s mental health. So they changed their recommendation algorithm to show some people more negative posts and some people more positive posts. They found that people who were given more negative posts tended to post more negatively themselves. Now, this experiment was done without informing users that they were part of an experiment, and when people found out that they might be part of a secret mood manipulation experiment, they were upset. 13.1.1. Digital Detox?# Some people view internet-based social media (and other online activities) as inherently toxic and therefore encourage a digital detox, where people take some form of a break from social media platforms and digital devices. While taking a break from parts or all of social media can be good for someone’s mental health (e.g., doomscrolling is making them feel more anxious, or they are currently getting harassed online), viewing internet-based social media as inherently toxic and trying to return to an idyllic time from before the Internet is not a realistic or honest view of the matter. In her essay “The Great Offline,” Lauren Collee argues that this is just a repeat of earlier views of city living and the “wilderness.” As white Americans were colonizing the American continent, they began idealizing “wilderness” as being uninhabited land (ignoring the Indigenous people who already lived there, or kicking them out or killing them). In the 19th century, as wilderness tourism was taking off as an industry, natural landscapes were figured as an antidote to the social pressures of urban living, offering truth in place of artifice, interiority in place of exteriority, solitude in place of small talk. Similarly, advocates for digital detox build an idealized “offline” separate from the complications of modern life: Sherry Turkle, author of Alone Together, characterizes the offline world as a physical place, a kind of Edenic paradise. “Not too long ago,” she writes, “people walked with their heads up, looking at the water, the sky, the sand” — now, “they often walk with their heads down, typing.” […] Gone are the happy days when families would gather around a weekly televised program like our ancestors around the campfire! But Lauren Collee argues that by placing the blame on the use of technology itself and making not using technology (a digital detox) the solution, we lose our ability to deal with the nuances of how we use technology and how it is designed: I’m no stranger to apps that help me curb my screen time, and I’ll admit I’ve often felt better for using them. But on a more communal level, I suspect that cultures of digital detox — in suggesting that the online world is inherently corrupting and cannot be improved — discourage us from seeking alternative models for what the internet could look like. I don’t want to be trapped in cycles of connection and disconnection, deleting my social media profiles for weeks at a time, feeling calmer but isolated, re-downloading them, feeling worse but connected again. For as long as we keep dumping our hopes into the conceptual pit of “the offline world,” those hopes will cease to exist as forces that might generate change in the worlds we actually live in together. So in this chapter, we will not consider internet-based social media as inherently toxic or beneficial for mental health. We will be looking for more nuance and where things go well, where they do not, and why.

      I think the discussion concerning social media and mental health is not about deciding between blatant rejection and unquestioning acceptance. It is about achieving a balanced relationship with digital technology, in which the advantages are maximized while the hazards are actively addressed through informed use, supporting communities, and responsible platform administration.

    1. Facial expressions can help bring a speech to life when used by a speaker to communicate emotions and demonstrate enthusiasm for the speech. As with vocal variety, we tend to use facial expressions naturally and without conscious effort when engaging in day-to-day conversations. Yet I see many speakers’ expressive faces turn “deadpan” when they stand in front of an audience. Some people naturally have more expressive faces than others—think about the actor Jim Carey’s ability to contort his face as an example.

      When you have an animated face, it conveys that you take interest in what you are saying, even if that may not be the case. It also makes it easier to connect with your audience. Jim Carey is a good exaggerated example of this. In a speech, it's easy to get so caught up in what you have to say. How you present yourself is just as important in getting your message across.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the current reviews.

      Responses to the reviewers

      We thank the editor and reviewers for their insightful feedback and valuable suggestions on our revised manuscript. In this reply, we provided further clarifications and made changes accordingly. Reviewers’ comments are in bold, and our responses are immediately below. Changes in the main text are presented in italics, accompanied by the specific line numbers in the revised manuscript where these changes can be found. Below, we respond to each reviewer’s comments in turn.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Ps observed 24 objects and were asked which afforded particular actions (14 action types). Affordances for each object were represented by a 14-item vector, values reflecting the percentage of Ps who agreed on a particular action being afforded by the object. An affordance similarity matrix was generated which reflected similarity in affordances between pairs of objects. Two clusters emerged, reflecting correlations between affordance ratings in objects smaller than body size and larger than body size. These clusters did not correlate themselves. There was a trough in similarity ratings between objects ~105 cm and ~130 cm, arguably reflecting the body size boundary. The authors subsequently provide some evidence that this clear demarcation is not simply an incidental reflection of body size, but likely causally related. This evidence comes in the flavour of requiring Ps to imagine themselves as small as a cat or as large as an elephant and showing a predicted shift in the affordance boundary. The manuscript further demonstrates that ChatGPT (theoretically interesting because it's trained on language alone without sensorimotor information; trained now on words rather than images) showed a similar boundary.

      The authors also conducted a small MRI study task where Ps decide whether a probe action was affordable (graspable?) and created a congruency factor according to the answer (yes/no). There was an effect of congruency in posterior fusiform and superior parietal lobule for objects within body size range, but not outside. No effects in LOC or M1.

      The major strength of this manuscript in my opinion is the methodological novelty. I felt the correlation matrices were a clever method for demonstrating these demarcations, the imagination manipulation was also exciting, and the ChatGPT analysis provided excellent food for thought. These findings are important for our understanding of the interactions between action and perception, and hence for researchers from a range of domains of cognitive neuroscience.

      The major element that limits conclusions is that an MRI study with 12 P in this context can really only provide pilot data. Certainly the effects are not strong enough for 12 P to generate much confidence. The others of my concerns have been addressed in the revision.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I think that the authors need to mention in the abstract that the MRI study constitutes a small pilot.

      Response: We appreciate the reviewer’s positive evaluation and constructive suggestions. In response to the concern about the limited number of participants in the fMRI study, we fully acknowledge the implications this has on the generalizability and robustness of our findings related to the congruency effect. To clarity, we have explicitly stated its preliminary nature of the MRI study in the abstract [line 22]: “A subsequent fMRI experiment offered preliminary evidence of affordance processing exclusively for objects within the body size range, but not for those beyond.”

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this work, the authors seek to test a version of an old idea, which is that our perception of the world and our understanding of the objects in it are deeply influenced by the nature of our bodies and the kinds of behaviours and actions that those objects afford. The studies presented here muster three kinds of evidence for a discontinuity in the encoding of objects, with a mental "border" between objects roughly of human body scale or smaller, which tend to relate to similar kinds of actions that are yet distinct from the kinds of actions implied by human-or-larger scale objects. This is demonstrated through observers' judgments of the kinds of actions different objects afford; through similar questioning of AI large-language models (LLMs); and through a neuroimaging study examining how brain regions implicated in object understanding make distinctions between kinds of objects at human and larger-than-human scales.


      The authors address questions of longstanding interest in the cognitive neurosciences -- namely how we encode and interact with the many diverse kinds of objects we see and use in daily life. A key strength of the work lies in the application of multiple approaches. Examining the correlations among kinds of objects, with respect to their suitability for different action kinds, is novel, as are the complementary tests of judgments made by LLMs. The authors include a clever manipulation in which participants are asked to judge action-object pairs, having first adopted the imagined size of either a cat or an elephant, showing that the discontinuity in similarity judgments effectively moved to a new boundary closer to the imagined scale than the veridical human scale. The dynamic nature of the discontinuity hints that action affordances may be computed dynamically, "on the fly", during actual action behaviours with objects in the real world.


      A limitation of the tests of LLMs may be that it is not always known what kinds of training material was used to build these models, leading to a possible "black box" problem. Further, presuming that those models are largely trained on previous human-written material, it may not necessarily be theoretically telling that the "judgments" of these models about action-object pairs shows human-like discontinuities. Indeed, verbal descriptions of actions are very likely to mainly refer to typical human behaviour, and so the finding that these models demonstrate an affordance discontinuity may simply reflect those statistics, rather than providing independent evidence for affordance boundaries.

      The relatively small sample size of the brain imaging experiment, and some design features (such as the task participants performed, and the relatively narrow range of objects tested) provide some limits on the extent to which it can be taken as support for the authors' claims.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for the positive evaluation and the constructive comments. We agree that how LLMs work is a “black box”, and thus it is speculative to assume them to possess any human-like ability, because, as the reviewer pointed out, “these models demonstrate an affordance discontinuity may simply reflect those statistics.” Indeed, our manuscript has expressed a similar idea [line 338]: “We speculated that ChatGPT models may have formed the affordance boundary through a human prism ingrained within its linguistic training corpus.” That is, our intention was not to suggest that such information could replace sensorimotor-based interaction or achieve human-level capability, but rather to highlight that embodied interaction is necessary. Additionally, the scope of the present study does not extend to elucidating the mechanisms behind LLMs’ resemblance of affordance boundary, whether through statistical learning or actual comprehension. To clarify this point, in the revised manuscript, we have clarified that the mechanisms underlying the observed affordance boundary in LLMs may be different from human cognitive processes, and advocated future studies to explore this possibility [line 415]: “Nevertheless, caution should be taken when interpreting the capability of LLMs like ChatGPT, which are often considered “black boxes.” That is, our observation indicates that certain sensorimotor information is embedded within human language materials presumably through linguistic statistics, but it is not sufficient to assert that LLMs have developed a human-like ability to represent affordances. Furthermore, such information alone may be insufficient for LLMs to mimic the characteristics of the affordance perception in biological intelligence. Future studies are needed to elucidate such limitation.”

      Regarding the concern about the models’ results not “providing independent evidence for affordance boundaries”, our objective in employing LLMs was to explore if an affordance boundary could emerge from conceptual knowledge without direct sensorimotor experience, rather than to validate the existence of the affordance boundary per se.

      As for the concern about the limitations imposed by the small sample size and certain design features of our brain imaging experiment, please see our reply to Reviewer #1.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      Feng et al. test the hypothesis that human body size constrains the perception of object affordances, whereby only objects that are smaller than the body size will be perceived as useful and manipulable parts of the environment, whereas larger objects will be perceived as "less interesting components."

      To test this idea, the study employs a multi-method approach consisting of three parts:

      In the first part, human observers classify a set of 24 objects that vary systematically in size (e.g., ball, piano, airplane) based on 14 different affordances (e.g., sit, throw, grasp). Based on the average agreement of ratings across participants, the authors compute the similarity of affordance profiles between all object pairs. They report evidence for two homogenous object clusters that are separated based on their size with the boundary between clusters roughly coinciding with the average human body size. In follow-up experiments, the authors show that this boundary is larger/smaller in separate groups of participants who are instructed to imagine themselves as an elephant/cat.

      In the second part, the authors ask different large language models (LLMs) to provide ratings for the same set of objects and affordances and conduct equivalent analyses on the obtained data. Some, but not all, of the models produce patterns of ratings that appear to show similar boundary effects, though less pronounced and at a different boundary size than in humans.

      In the third part, the authors conduct an fMRI experiment. Human observers are presented with four different objects of different sizes and asked if these objects afford a small set of specific actions. Affordances are either congruent or incongruent with objects. Contrasting brain activity on incongruent trials against brain activity on congruent trials yields significant effects in regions within the ventral and dorsal visual stream, but only for small objects and not for large objects.

      The authors interpret their findings as support for their hypothesis that human body size constrains object perception. They further conclude that this effect is cognitively penetrable, and only partly relies on sensorimotor interaction with the environment (and partly on linguistic abilities).


      The authors examine an interesting and relevant question and articulate a plausible (though somewhat underspecified) hypothesis that certainly seems worth testing. Providing more detailed insights into how object affordances shape perception would be highly desirable. Their method of analyzing similarity ratings between sets of objects seems useful and the multi-method approach is original and interesting.


      The study presents several shortcomings that clearly weaken the link between the obtained evidence and the drawn conclusions. Below I outline my concerns in no particular order:

      (1) It is not entirely clear to me what the authors are proposing and to what extent the conducted work actually speaks to this. For example, in the introduction, the authors write that they seek to test if body size serves not merely as a reference for object manipulation but also "plays a pivotal role in shaping the representation of objects." This motivation seems rather vague motivation and it is not clear to me how it could be falsified.

      Overall, the lack of theoretical precision makes it difficult to judge the appropriateness of the approaches and the persuasiveness of the obtained results. I would strongly suggest clarifying the theoretical rationale and explaining in more detail how the chosen experiments allow them to test falsifiable predictions.

      (2) The authors used only a very small set of objects and affordances in their study and they do not describe in sufficient detail how these stimuli were selected. This renders the results rather exploratory and clearly limits their potential to discover general principles of human perception. Much larger sets of objects and affordances and explicit data-driven approaches for their selection would provide a more convincing approach and allow the authors to rule out that their results are just a consequence of the selected set of objects and actions.

      (3) Relatedly, the authors could be more thorough in ruling out potential alternative explanations. Object size likely correlates with other variables that could shape human similarity judgments and the estimated boundary is quite broad (depending on the method, either between 80 and 150 cm or between 105 to 130 cm). More precise estimates of the boundary and more rigorous tests of alternative explanations would add a lot to strengthen the authors' interpretation.

      (4) While I appreciate the manipulation of imagined body size, as a clever way to solidify the link between body size and affordance perception, I find it unfortunate that it is implemented in a between-subjects design, as this clearly leaves open the possibility of pre-existing differences between groups. I certainly disagree with the authors' statement that their findings suggest "a causal link between body size and affordance perception."

      (5) The use of LLMs in the current study is not clearly motivated and I find it hard to understand what exactly the authors are trying to test through their inclusion. As it currently stands, I find it hard to discern how the presence of perceptual boundaries in LLMs could constitute evidence for affordance-based perception.

      (6) Along the same lines, the fMRI study also provides little evidence to support the authors' claims. The use of congruency effects as a way of probing affordance perception is not well motivated. Importantly (and related to comment 2 above), the very small set of objects and affordances in this experiment heavily complicates any conclusions about object size being the crucial variable determining the occurrence of congruency effects.

      Overall, I consider the main conclusions of the paper to be far beyond the reported data. Articulating a clearer theoretical framework with more specific hypotheses as well as conducting more principled analyses on more comprehensive data sets could help the authors obtain stronger tests of their ideas.

      Response: We appreciate the insightful inquiries regarding our manuscript. Below, we explained the theoretical motivation and rationale of each part of our experiments.

      In response to the reviewer’s insights, we have modified the expression “plays a pivotal role in shaping the representation of objects” in the revised manuscript and have restated the general question of our study in the introduction. Our motivation is on the long-lasting debate over the representation versus direct perception of affordance, specifically examining the “representationalization” of affordance. That is, we tested whether object affordance simply covaried directly with continuous constraints such as object size, a perspective aligned with the representation-free (direct perception) view, or whether affordance became representationalized, adhering to the representation-based view, constrained by body size. Such representationalization would generate a categorization between objects that are affordable and the environment that exceeds affordance.

      To test these hypotheses, we first delineated the affordance of various objects. We agree with the reviewer that in this step a broader selection of objects and actions could mitigate the risk of our results being influenced by the specific selection of objects and actions. However, our results are unlikely to be biased, because our selection was guided by two key criteria, rather than being arbitrary. First, the objects were selected from the dataset in Konkle and Oliva's study (2011), which systematically investigated object size’ impact on object recognition, thus providing a well-calibrated range of sizes (i.e., from 14 cm to 7,618 cm) reflective of real-world objects. Second, the selected actions covered a wide range of daily humans-objects/environments interactions, from single-point movements (e.g., hand, foot) to whole-body movements (e.g., lying, standing) based on the kinetics human action video dataset (Kay et al., 2017). Thus, this set of objects and actions is a representative sampling of typical human experiences.

      Upon demonstrating a trough in perceived affordance similarity, we recognized the location of the affordance boundary coincidentally fell within the range of human body size. We agree with the reviewer that this observation of the coincidence between body size and the location of boundary alone is not sufficient for a mechanistic explanation, because variables co-varying with object sizes might also generate this coincidence. The identification of a more precise location for the boundary unlikely rules out alternative explanations of this kind. To establish a causal link between body size and the affordance boundary, we opted for a direct manipulation of body sizes through imagination, while keeping all other variables constant across conditions. This approach allowed us to examine whether and how the affordance boundary shifts in response to body size changes.

      Regarding the between-subjects design of the imagination experiment, we wish to clarify that this design aimed to prevent carryover effects. Although a within-subjects design indeed is more sensitive in detecting manipulation effects by accounting for subject variability, it risks contamination across conditions. Specifically, transitioning immediately between different imagined body sizes poses a challenge, and sequential participation could induce undesirable response strategies, such as deliberately altering responses to the same objects in different conditions. The between-subjects design, which susceptible to participant variability (e.g., “pre-existing differences between groups” suggested by the reviewer), avoids such contamination. In addition, we employed random assignment of participants to different conditions (cat-size versus elephant-size).

      The body imagination experiment provided causal evidence of an embodied discontinuity, suggesting the boundary is tied to the agent’s motor capacity, rather than amodal sources. The LLMs experiment then sought to test a prediction from the embodied theories of cognition: the supramodality of object perception. Especially, we asked whether the embodied discontinuity is supramodally accessible, using LLMs to assess whether affordance perception discretization is supramodally accessible beyond the sensorimotor domain through linguistic understanding. From this perspective, our LLM experiment was employed not to affirm affordance-based perception but to examine and support a prediction by the embodied theories of cognition.

      Finally, our preliminary fMRI study aimed to conceptually replicate the perceptual discontinuity and explore it neural correlates using a subset of objects and actions from the behaviour experiments. This approach was chosen to achieve stable neural responses and enhance study power, employing the congruent effect (congruent - incongruent) as a metric for affordance processing (e.g., Kourtis et al., 2018), which reflects facilitated responses when congruent with objects’ affordances (e.g., Ellis & Tucker, 2000). Nevertheless, we recognize the limitation of a relatively small sample sizes, for details please see our reply to the reviewer #1.

      In summary, our findings contribute to the discourse on computationalism’s representation concept and influence of these representations, post-discretization, on processes beyond the sensorimotor domain. We hope that these additional explanations and revisions effectively address the concerns raised and demonstrate our commitment to enhancing the quality of our work in light of your valuable feedback. By acknowledging these limitations and directions for future research, we hope to further the discourse on affordance perception and embodied cognition.


      Ellis, R., & Tucker, M. (2000). Micro‐affordance: The potentiation of components of action by seen objects. British Journal of Psychology, 91(4), 451-471.

      Kay, W., Carreira, J., Simonyan, K., Zhang, B., Hillier, C., Vijayanarasimhan, S., ... & Zisserman, A. (2017). The kinetics human action video dataset. arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.06950.

      Konkle, T., & Oliva, A. (2011). Canonical visual size for real-world objects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: human perception and performance, 37(1), 23.

      Kourtis, D., Vandemaele, P., & Vingerhoets, G. (2018). Concurrent cortical representations of function-and size-related object affordances: an fMRI study. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 18, 1221-1232.

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Responses to the reviewers

      We deeply appreciate the reviewers’ comments. In response to the concerns raised, we have revised the manuscript accordingly. Below we address each of the reviewers’ comments in turn. Reviewers’ comments are in bold, and our responses are immediately below. Changes in the main text are presented in italics, followed by corresponding page and line numbers in the revised manuscript. We also highlighted tracks of change in the revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      (1) The main behavioural work appears well-powered (>500 Ps). This sample reduces to 100 for the imagination study, after removing Ps whose imagined heights fell within the human range (100-200 cm). Why 100-200 cm? 100 cm is pretty short for an adult. Removing 80% of data feels like conclusions from the imagination study should be made with caution.

      R1: Sorry for the confusion. We did not remove 80% of the participants; instead, a separate sample of participants was recruited in the imagination experiment. The size of this sample (100 participants) was indeed smaller than the first experiment (528 participants), because the first experiment was set for exploratory purposes and was designed to be over-powered. Besides, inspection of the data of the first sample showed that the affordance pattern became stable after the first 50 participants. We explained this consideration in the revised manuscript:

      (p 21, ln 490) “…, another one hundred and thirty-nine participants from the same population were recruited from the same platform. We chose a smaller sample size for the imagination experiment compared to that for the object-action relation judgement task, because inspection of the data of the first sample showed that the affordance pattern became stable after the first 50 participants.”

      The average adult human height ranges from 140-170 cm for women and 150180 cm for men (NCD-RisC, 2016). Accordingly, the criterion of 100-200 cm covered this range and was set to ensure that participants unambiguously imagined a body schema different from that of human, as the tallest domestic cat below 100 cm according to the Guinness World Records and an elephant above 200 cm according to Crawley et al. (2017). We clarified these considerations in the revised manuscript:

      (p 21, ln 494) “To maximize the validity of the manipulation, data from participants whose imagined height fell within the average human size range (100cm - 200cm) were excluded from further analysis. Consequently, 100 participants (49 males, aged from 17 to 39 years, mean age = 23.2 years) remained in the analysis. This exclusion criterion was broader than the standard adult human height range of 140cm to 180cm (NCD-RisC, 2016). This approach ensured that our analysis focused on participants who unambiguously imagined a body schema different from humans, yet within the known height range of cats and elephants.”

      In addition, we also reanalysed the data with a more conservative criterion of 140cm to 180cm, and the results remained.

      (2) There are only 12 Ps in the MRI study, which I think should mean the null effects are not interpreted. I would not interpret these data as demonstrating a difference between SPL and LOC/M1, but rather that some analyses happened to fall over the significance threshold and others did not.

      R2: We would like to clarify that the null hypothesis of this fMRI study is the lack of two-way interaction between object size and object-action congruency, which was rejected by the observed significant interaction. That is, the interpretation of the present study did not rely on accepting any null effect.

      Having said this, we admit that the fMRI experiment is exploratory and the sample size is small (12 participants), which might lead to low power in estimating the affordance effect. In the revision, we acknowledge this issue explicitly:

      (p 16, ln 354) “…, supporting the idea that affordance is typically represented only for objects within the body size range. While it is acknowledged that the sample size of the fMRI study was small (12 participants), necessitating cautious interpretation of its results, the observed neural-level affordance discontinuity is notable. That is, qualitative differences in neural activity between objects within the affordance boundary and those beyond replicated our behavioral findings. This convergent evidence reinforced our claim that objects were discretized into two broad categories along the continuous size axis, with affordance only being manifested for objects within the boundary.”

      (3) I found the MRI ROI selection and definition a little arbitrary and not really justified, which rendered me even more cautious of the results. Why these particular sensory and motor regions? Why M1 and not PMC or SMA? Why SPL and not other parietal regions? Relatedly, ROIs were defined by thresholding pF and LOC at "around 70%" and SPL and M1 "around 80%", and it is unclear how and why these (different) thresholds were determined.

      R3: Our selection of these specific sensory and motor regions was based on prior literature reporting their distinct contribution to affordance perception (e.g., Borghi, 2005; Sakreida et al., 2016). The pFs was chosen as a representative region of the ventral visual stream, involved in object identification and classification, and the SPL was chosen as a representative region of the dorsal visual stream, involved in object perception and manipulation. The primary motor cortex (M1) has also been reported involved in affordance processing (e.g., McDannald et al., 2018), and we chose this region to probe the affordance congruency effect in the motor execution stage of the sense-think-act pathway. We did not choose the premotor cortex (PMC) and the supplementary motor area (SMA) because they were proposedly also involved in processes beyond motor execution (e.g., Hertrich et al., 2016; Kantak et al., 2012), and if any effect was observed, one cannot exclusively attribute the effect to motor execution. As for the parietal regions, our choice of the SPL not IPL/IPS is based on the meta-analysis of affordance processing areas where only the SPL shows consistent activation for both stable and variable affordances (Sakreida et al., 2016). We chose the SPL to capture effects on either type of affordances. In revision, we explained these considerations in the revised manuscript:

      (p 14, ln 280) “In addition to the pFs and SPL, we also examined the congruency effect in the lateral occipital cortex (LO), which is involved in object representation (e.g., Grill-Spector et al., 2000; Konkle & Caramazza, 2013) and provides inputs to both the pFs and SPL (Hebart et al., 2018). Meanwhile, the primary motor cortex (M1), which receives inputs from the dorsal stream (Vainio & Ellis, 2020), is involved in affordance processing (e.g., McDannald et al., 2018) and action executions (Binkofski et al., 2002).”

      (p 29, ln 684) “We chose the pFs, LO, SPL, and M1 as ROIs based on existing literature highlighting their distinct contributions to affordance perception (Borghi, 2005; Sakreida et al., 2016).”

      Regarding ROI thresholding, we apologize for the lack of clarity in reporting the thresholds in the original manuscript. The thresholds were different between ventral regions (from Zhen et al., 2015) and dorsal regions (from Fan et al., 2016) because they are from two different atlases. The former was constructed by probability maps of task-state fMRI activity during localizer contrast with stationary images and the latter by a parcellation of the brain's functional connectivity; therefore, the numerical values in these two atlases are not comparable. To extract ROIs with comparable sizes, we selected a threshold of 55% for the pFs, 90% for the LO, 78% for the SPL, and 94% for the M1 in the original manuscript.

      To rule out the possibility that the results were distorted by the specific choice of thresholds, we re-ran the analysis with a threshold 80% for all ROIs (resulting in 456 voxels in the lpFs, 427 voxels in the rpFs, 1667 voxels in the lLO, 999 voxels in the rLO, 661 voxels in the lSPL, 310 voxels in the rSPL, 231 voxels in the lM1, and 327 voxels in the rM1) with the 2-by-2 repeated-measures ANOVA. Our results remained the same qualitatively. A significant interaction between object type and congruency was observed in the pFs (F(1,11) = 24.87, p <.001, 𝜂2=.69) and SPL (F(1,11) = 14.62, p =.003, 𝜂2=.57). The simple effect analysis revealed the congruency effect solely for objects within body size range (pFs: p =.003; SPL: p <.001), not for objects beyond (ps >.30). For the M1 and LO, neither significant main effects (ps >.11) nor interactions were found (ps >.20).

      We clarified our choice of thresholds in the methods section in the revised manuscript:

      (p 29, ln 686) “Eight ROIs depicted in Fig. 3b were constructed based on the overlap between the whole-brain map activated by both objects within and beyond and corresponding functional atlases (the pFs and LO from Zhen et al., 2015; the SPL and M1 from Fan et al., 2016). To achieve ROIs of similar sizes, we applied varying thresholds to each cortical area: for the pFs and LO, the atlases were thresholded at 55% and 90%, resulting in 266 voxels in the lpFs, 427 in the rpFs, 254 in the lLO and 347 in the rLO; for the SPL and M1, the atlases were thresholded at 78% and 94%, resulting in 661 voxels in the lSPL, 455 in the rSPL, 378 in the lM1, and 449 in the rM1. In the subsequent analysis, homologous areas spanning both cortical hemispheres were merged.”

      (4) Discussion and theoretical implications. The authors discuss that the MRI results are consistent with the idea we only represent affordances within body size range. But the interpretation of the behavioural correlation matrices was that there was this similarity also for objects larger than body size, but forming a distinct cluster. I therefore found the interpretation of the MRI data inconsistent with the behavioural findings.

      R4: We speculated that the similarity in action perception among objects beyond the body size range may be due to these objects being similarly conceptualized as ‘environment’, in contrast to the objects within the body size range, which are categorized differently, namely as the ‘objects for the animal.’ Accordingly, in cortical regions involved in object processing, objects conceptualized as ‘environment’ unlikely showed the congruency effect, distinct from objects within the body size range. We have explained this point in the revised manuscript:

      (p 17, ln 370) “…which resonates the embodied influence on the formation of abstract concepts (e.g., Barsalou, 1999; Lakoff & Johnson, 1980) of objects and environment. Consistently, our fMRI data did not show the congruency effect for objects beyond the body size range, distinct from objects within this range, suggesting a categorization influenced by objects’ relative size to the human body.”

      (5) In the discussion, the authors outline how this work is consistent with the idea that conceptual and linguistic knowledge is grounded in sensorimotor systems. But then reference Barsalou. My understanding of Barsalou is the proposition of a connectionist architecture for conceptual representation. I did not think sensorimotor representation was privileged, but rather that all information communicates with all other to constitute a concept.

      R5: We are sorry for the confusion. We do not intend to argue that the sensorimotor representation is privileged. Instead, we would like to simply emphasize their engagement in concept. According to our understanding, Barsalou’s Perceptual Symbol Theory proposes that grounded concepts include sensorimotor information, and conceptual knowledge is grounded in the same neural system that supports action (Barsalou, 1999). This is consistent with our proposal that the affordance boundary locked to an animal’s sensorimotor capacity might give rise to a conceptual-ish representation of object-ness specific to the very animal. We have clarified this point in the introduction and discussion on the conceptual knowledge and sensorimotor information:

      In the introduction (p 2, ln 59) “…, and the body may serve as a metric that facilitates meaningful engagement with the environment by differentiating objects that are accessible for interactions from those not. Further, grounded cognition theory (see Barsalou, 2008 for a review) suggests that the outputs of such differentiation might transcend sensorimotor processes and integrate into supramodal concepts and language. From this perspective, we proposed two hypotheses...”

      In the discussion (p 18, ln 392) “Indeed, it has been proposed that conceptual knowledge is grounded in the same neural system that supports action (Barsalou, 1999; Glenberg et al., 2013; Wilson & Golonka, 2013), thereby suggesting that sensorimotor information, along with other modal inputs, may be embedded in language (e.g., Casasanto, 2011; Glenberg & Gallese, 2012; Stanfield & Zwaan, 2001), as the grounded theory proposed (see Barsalou, 2008 for a review).”

      (6) More generally, I believe that the impact and implications of this study would be clearer for the reader if the authors could properly entertain an alternative concerning how objects may be represented. Of course, the authors were going to demonstrate that objects more similar in size afforded more similar actions. It was impossible that Ps would ever have responded that aeroplanes afford grasping and balls afford sitting, for instance. What do the authors now believe about object representation that they did not believe before they conducted the study? Which accounts of object representation are now less likely?

      R6: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. The theoretical motivation of the present study is to explore whether, for continuous action-related physical features (such as object size relative to the agents), affordance perception introduces discontinuity and qualitative dissociation, i.e., to allow the sensorimotor input to be assigned into discrete states/kinds, as representations envisioned by the computationalists; alternatively, whether the activity may directly mirror the input, free from discretization/categorization/abstraction, as proposed by the Replacement proposal of some embodied theories on cognition.

      By addressing this debate, we hoped to shed light on the nature of representation in, and resulted from, the vision-for-action processing. Our finding of affordance discontinuity suggests that sensorimotor input undergoes discretization implied in the computationalism idea of representation. Further, not contradictory to the claims of the embodied theories, these representations do shape processes out of the sensorimotor domain, but after discretization.

      We have now explained our hypotheses and alternatives explicitly in the revised introduction and discussion:

      In the introduction (p 2, ln 45) “However, the question of how object perception is influenced by the relative size of objects in relation to the human body remains open. Specifically, it is unclear whether this relative size simply acts as a continuous variable for locomotion reference, or if it affects differentiating and organizing object representation based on their ensued affordances.”

      In the discussion (p 14, ln 295) “One long-lasting debate on affordance centers on the distinction between representational and direct perception of affordance. An outstanding theme shared by many embodied theories of cognition is the replacement hypothesis (e.g., Van Gelder, 1998), which challenges the necessity of representation as posited by computationalism’s cognitive theories (e.g., Fodor, 1975). This hypothesis suggests that input is discretized/categorized and subjected to abstraction or symbolization, creating discrete stand-ins for the input (e.g., representations/states). Such representationalization would lead to a categorization between the affordable (the objects) and those beyond affordance (the environment), in contrast to the perspective offered by embodied theories. The present study probed this ‘representationalization’ of affordance by examining whether affordance perception introduces discontinuity and qualitative dissociation in response to continuous action-related physical features (such as object size relative to the agents), which allows sensorimotor input to be assigned into discrete states/kinds, in line with the representation-based view under the constraints of body size. Alternatively, it assessed whether activity directly mirrors the input, free from discretization/categorization/abstraction, in line with the representation-free view.

      First, our study found evidence demonstrating discretization in affordance perception. Then, through the body imagination experiment, we provided causal evidence suggesting that this discretization originates from sensorimotor interactions with objects rather than amodal sources, such as abstract object concepts independent of agent motor capability. Finally, we demonstrated the supramodality of this embodied discontinuity by leveraging the recent advances in AI. We showed that the discretization in affordance perception is supramodally accessible to disembodied agents such as large language models (LLMs), which lack sensorimotor input but can access linguistic materials built upon discretized representations. These results collectively suggest that sensorimotor input undergoes discretization, as implied in the computationalism’s idea of representation. Note that, these results are not contradictory to the claim of the embodied theories, as these representations do shape processes beyond the sensorimotor domain but after discretization.

      This observed boundary in affordance perception extends the understanding of the discontinuity in perception in response to the continuity of physical inputs (Harnad, 1987; Young et al., 1997).”

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      a) I would recommend providing further justification for why 100-200 cm were used as the cut-offs reflecting acceptable imagined body size. Were these decisions preregistered anywhere? If so, please state.

      Ra: Please see R1.

      b) I would encourage the authors to call the MRI a small pilot study throughout, including in the abstract.

      Rb: We completely agree and have indicated the preliminary nature of this study in the revised version:

      (p 11, ln 236) “To test this speculation, we ran an fMRI experiment with a small number of participants to preliminarily investigate the neural basis of the affordance boundary in the brain by measuring neural activity in the dorsal and ventral visual streams when participants were instructed to evaluate whether an action was affordable by an object (Fig. 3a).”

      c) Please provide much further justification of ROI selection, why these thresholds were chosen, and therefore why they are different across regions.

      Rc: Please see R3.

      d) Further elucidation in the discussion would help the reader interpret the MRI data, which should always be interpreted also in light of the behavioural findings.

      Rd: Please see R4.

      e) The authors may wish to outline precisely what they claim concerning the nature of conceptual/linguistic representation. Is sensorimotor information privileged or just part of the distributed representation of concepts?

      Re: This is a great point. For details of corresponding revision, please see R5.

      f) There are some nods to alternative manners in which we plausibly represent objects (e.g. about what the imagination study tells us) but I think this theoretical progression should be more prominent.

      Rf: We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. For details of corresponding revision, please see R6.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      (1) A limitation of the tests of LLMs may be that it is not always known what kinds of training material was used to build these models, leading to a possible "black box" problem. Further, presuming that those models are largely trained on previous human-written material, it may not necessarily be theoretically telling that the "judgments" of these models about action-object pairs show human-like discontinuities. Indeed, verbal descriptions of actions are very likely to mainly refer to typical human behaviour, and so the finding that these models demonstrate an affordance discontinuity may simply reflect those statistics, rather than evidence that affordance boundaries can arise independently even without "organism-environment interactions" as the authors claim here.

      R1: We agree that how LLMs work is a “black box”, and thus it is speculative to assume them to possess any human-like ability, because, as the reviewer pointed out, “these models demonstrate an affordance discontinuity may simply reflect those statistics.” Indeed, our manuscript has expressed a similar idea: “We speculated that ChatGPT models may have formed the affordance boundary through a human prism ingrained within its linguistic training corpus. (p 16 ln 338)”. That is, we did not intend to claim that such information is sufficient to replace sensorimotor-based interaction, or to restore human-level capability, for which we indeed speculated that embodied interaction is necessary. In the revised manuscript, we have clarified our stand that the mechanism generating the observed affordance boundary in LLMs might be different from that in human cognition, and urged future studies to explore this possibility:

      (p 18, ln 413) “…, as well as alignment methods used in fine-tuning the model (Ouyang et al., 2022). Nevertheless, caution should be taken when interpreting the capabilities of LLMs like ChatGPT, which are often considered “black boxes.” That is, our observation indicates that some degree of sensorimotor information is embedded within human language materials presumably through linguistic statistics, but it is not sufficient to assert that LLMs have developed a human-like ability to represent affordances. Furthermore, such information alone may be insufficient for LLMs to mimic the characteristics of the affordance perception in biological intelligence. Future studies are needed to elucidate such limitation.”

      Indeed, because of this potential dissociation, our LLM study might bear novel implications for the development of AI agents. We elaborated on them in the revised discussion on LLMs:

      (p 19, ln 427) “…, represents a crucial human cognitive achievement that remains elusive for AI systems. Traditional AI (i.e., task-specific AI) has been confined with narrowly defined tasks, with substantial limitations in adaptability and autonomy. Accordingly, these systems have served primarily as tools for humans to achieve specific outcomes, rather than as autonomous agents capable of independently formulating goals and translating them into actionable plans. In recent years, significant efforts have been directed towards evolving traditional AI into more agent-like entities, especially in domains like navigation, object manipulation, and other interactions with the physical world. Despite these advancements, the capabilities of AI still fall behind human-level intelligence. On the other hand, embodied cognition theories suggest that sensorimotor interactions with the environment are foundational for various cognitive domains. From this point of view, endowing AI with human-level abilities in physical agent-environment interactions might provide an unreplaceable missing piece for achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). This development would significantly facilitate AI’s role in robotics, particularly in actions essential for survival and goal accomplishment, a promising direction for the next breakthrough in AI (Gupta et al., 2021; Smith & Gasser, 2005).

      However, equipping a disembodied AI with the ability for embodied interaction planning within a specific environment remains a complex challenge. By testing the potential representationalization of action possibilities (affordances) in both humans and LLMs, the present study suggests a new approach to enhancing AI’s interaction ability with the environment. For instance, our finding of supramodal affordance representation may indicate a possible pathway for disembodied LLMs to engage in embodied physical interactions with their surroundings. From an optimistic view, these results suggest that LLM-based agents, if appropriately designed, may leverage affordance representations embedded in language to interact with the physical world. Indeed, by clarifying and aligning such representations with the physical constitutes of LLM-based agents, and even by explicitly constructing an agent-specific object space, we may foster the sensorimotor interaction abilities of LLM-based agents. This progression could lead to achieving animal-level interaction abilities with the world, potentially sparking new developments in the field of embodied cognition theories.”

      (2) The authors include a clever manipulation in which participants are asked to judge action-object pairs, having first adopted the imagined size of either a cat or an elephant, showing that the discontinuity in similarity judgments effectively moved to a new boundary closer to the imagined scale than the veridical human scale. The dynamic nature of the discontinuity suggests a different interpretation of the authors' main findings. It may be that action affordance is not a dimension that stably characterises the long-term representation of object kinds, as suggested by the authors' interpretation of their brain findings, for example. Rather these may be computed more dynamically, "on the fly" in response to direct questions (as here) or perhaps during actual action behaviours with objects in the real world.

      R2: We thank the reviewer for pointing out the dynamic nature of affordance perception in our study. This feature indeed reinforced our attribution of the boundary into an affordance-based process instead of a conceptual or semantic process, the latter of which would predict the action possibilities being a fixed belief about the objects, instead of being dynamically determined according to the feature of the agent-object dyads. In addition, this dynamic does not contradict with our interpretation of the observed boundary in affordance perception. With this observation, we speculated that continuous input was abstracted or representationalized into discontinued categories, and the boundary between these categories was drawn according to the motor capacity of the agent. The finding of the boundary adapting to manipulation on body schema suggests that the abstraction/representationalization dynamically updates according to the current belief of motor capacity and body schema of the animal. In addition, we agree that future studies are needed to examine the dynamics of the abstraction/representationalization of affordance, probably by investigating the evolvement of affordance representation during ongoing actual interactions with novel objects or manipulated motor capability. These points are now addressed in the revision:

      (p 17, ln 380) “Therefore, this finding suggests that the affordance boundary is cognitively penetrable, arguing against the directness of affordance perception (e.g., Gibson, 1979; Greeno, 1994; Prindle et al., 1980) or the exclusive sensorimotor origin of affordances (e.g., Gallagher, 2017; Thompson, 2010; Hutto & Myin, 2012; Chemero, 2013). Further, this finding that the boundary adapted to manipulation on body schema suggests that the abstraction/representationalization may be dynamically updated in response to the current motor capacity and body schema of the agent, suggesting that the affordance-based process is probably determined dynamically by the nature of the agent-object dyads, rather than being a fixed belief about objects. Future studies could explore the dynamics of affordance representationalization, probably by investigating how affordance representations evolve during active interactions with novel objects or under conditions of altered motor capabilities. Finally, our findings also suggest that disembodied conceptual knowledge pertinent to action likely modulates affordance perception.”

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      a) As described, I think the authors could improve their discussion of the LLM work and consider more deeply possible different interpretations of their findings with those models. Are they really providing an independent data point about how objects may be represented, or instead is this a different, indirect way of asking humans the same questions (given the way in which these models are trained)?

      Ra: Please see R1.

      b) Some of the decisions behind the design of the fMRI experiment, and some of the logic of its interpretation, could be made clearer. Why those four objects per se? What kinds of confounds, such as familiarity, or the range of possible relevant actions per object, might need to be considered? Is there the possibility that relative performance on the in-scanner behavioural task may be in part responsible for the findings? Why were those specific regions of interest chosen and not others? The authors find that the dorsal and ventral regions make a univariate distinction between congruent and incongruent trials, but only for human-scale objects, but it was not clear from the framework that the authors adopted why that distinction should go in that direction (e.g. congruent > incongruent) nor why there shouldn't also be a distinction for the "beyond" objects? Finally, might some of these brain questions better be approached with an RSA or similar approach, as that would seem to better map onto the behavioural studies?

      Rb: We thank the reviewer for the detailed suggestions.

      Regarding the fMRI study, we have provided further justification on its rationale in the revised manuscript:

      (p 11, ln 231) “The distinct categories of reported affordances demarcated by the boundary imply that the objects on either side of the boundary may be represented differently in the brain. We thus speculated that the observed behavioral discontinuity is likely underpinned by distinct neural activities, which give rise to these discrete ‘representations’ separated by the boundary.”

      The objects used in the fMRI study were selected by taking into account the objective of the fMRI study, which was to provide the neural basis for the affordance discontinuity found in behaviour experiments. In other words, the fMRI study is not an exploratory experiment, but a validation experiment. To this end, we deliberately selected a small range of common objects to ensure that participants were sufficiently familiar with them, as confirmed through their oral reports. Furthermore, to ensure a fair comparison between the two categories of objects in terms of action possibility range, we predetermined an equal number of congruent and incongruent actions for each category. This arrangement was intended to eliminate any bias that might arise from different amount of action choices associated with each category. Therefore, the present object and action sets in the fMRI study, which were based on the behavior experiments, are sufficient for its purpose.

      Regarding the possibility that the performance of the in-scanner behavioural task may be in part responsible for the findings, we analysed participants’ performance. Not surprisingly, participants demonstrated high consistency and accuracy in their responses:

      𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑡_𝑂𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛 = 0.991, SD = 0.018;

      𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑡_𝑂𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛 = 0.996, SD = 0.007;

      𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑡_𝑂𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝐵𝑒𝑦𝑜𝑛𝑑 = 0.996, SD = 0.004;

      𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑂𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝐵𝑒𝑦𝑜𝑛𝑑 = 0.998, SD = 0.002

      in all conditions, suggesting constant active engagement with the task. Thus, the inscanner behaviour unlikely resulted in the lack of congruency effect for the ‘beyond’ objects observed in the brain.

      Regarding the selection of ROIs, our decision to focus on these specific sensory and motor regions was based on existing literature highlighting their distinct contribution to affordance perception (Borghi, 2005; Sakreida et al., 2016). The pFs was chosen for its role in object identification and classification, while the SPL was chosen for its involvement in object manipulation. Additionally, the primary motor cortex (M1) is known to be engaged in affordance processing (e.g., McDannald et al., 2018), which was included to investigate the affordance congruency effect during the motor execution stage of the sense-think-act pathway. These considerations are detailed in the revised manuscript:

      (p 14, ln 280) “In addition to the pFs and SPL, we also examined the congruency effect in the lateral occipital cortex (LO), which is involved in object representation (e.g., Grill-Spector et al., 2000; Konkle & Caramazza, 2013) and provides inputs to both the pFs and SPL (Hebart et al., 2018). Meanwhile, the primary motor cortex (M1), which receives inputs from the dorsal stream (Vainio & Ellis, 2020), is involved in affordance processing (e.g., McDannald et al., 2018) and action executions (Binkofski et al., 2002).”

      (p 29, ln 684) “We chose the pFs, LO, SPL, and M1 as ROIs based on existing literature highlighting their distinct contributions to affordance perception (Borghi, 2005; Sakreida et al., 2016).”

      Regarding the congruency effect, in our study, we followed the established fMRI research paradigm of employing the congruent effect as a measure of affordance processing (e.g., Kourtis et al., 2018), and the rationale behind the directionality of the distinction in our framework (congruent > incongruent) is grounded in the concept of affordance, in which the mere perception of a graspable object facilitates motor responses that are congruent with certain qualities of the object (e.g., Ellis & Tucker, 2000). From the interaction of congruency by object type, we observed only congruency effect for objects within rather than objects beyond. We speculate that the objects beyond the affordance boundary is generally beyond the motor capacities of the very animal, being too large for the animal to manipulate, thus no congruency effect was found. We have added these clarifications in the revised manuscript:

      (p 11, ln 244) “The congruency effect, derived from the contrast of Congruent versus Incongruent conditions, is a well-established measure of affordance processing (e.g., Kourtis et al., 2018).”

      (p 16, ln 340) “In contrast, objects larger than that range typically surpass the animal’s motor capabilities, rendering them too cumbersome for effective manipulation. Consequently, these larger objects are less likely to be considered as typical targets for manipulation by the animal, as opposed to the smaller objects. That is, they are perceived not as the “objects” in the animal’s eye, but as part of the background environment, due to their impracticality for direct interactions.”

      Regarding the RSA analysis, we agree with the reviewer that RSA may offer a more direct comparison with similarities among objects. However, our primary objective in this fMRI study was to explore the neural basis of the affordance boundary observed in the behavioural study, rather than explaining the similarities in neural responses between different objects. For this reason, we did not conduct RSA analysis.

      c) Page 4 Re statistical evaluation of the discontinuity in judgments, the authors might consider a Bayesian approach, which would be stronger than using "all ps > 0.05" to argue that within-boundary similarities are consistent and high.

      Rc: We thank the reviewer for the suggestion on the Bayesian approach for significance tests, which has been now added in the revised manuscript:

      In the results (p 4, ln 105) “This trough suggested an affordance boundary between size rank 4 and 5, while affordance similarities between neighboring ranks remained high (rs > 0.45) and did not significantly differ from each other (ps > 0.05, all 𝐵𝐹10 < 10) on either side of the boundary (Fig. 1d, left panel, green lines).”

      In the methods (p 25, ln 597) “Pearson and Filon’s (1898) Z, implemented in R package “cocor” (Diedenhofen & Musch, 2015) was used to evaluate the significance of these similarities (alpha level = .05, one-tail test). For significance tests, Bayesian statistical analyses were conducted using the web version of the “bayesplay” R package (Colling, 2021). Specifically, the data (likelihood) model was specified as a normal distribution, where the correlation coefficients were transformed to Fisher’s z. The null hypothesis was specified as a standard normal distribution centred at zero. Conversely, the alternative hypothesis was specified as a normal distribution centred at 2. Bayes factors (BF10) were calculated and interpreted using the classification scheme suggested by Wagenmakers et al. (2011), wherein a Bayes factor greater than 10 is considered strong evidence for accepting H1 over H0.”

      d) Page 4 One question I had about the big objects is whether their internal similarity and dissimilarity to smaller objects, might largely arise if most of the answers about actions for those larger objects are just "no"? This depends on the set of possible actions that were considered: the authors chose 14 from a previous study but did not describe these further or consider possible strengths/limitations of this selection. This is a very important point that needs addressing - to what extent are these findings "fragile" in that they relate only to that specific selection of 14 action kinds?

      Rd: The action judgements for objects beyond body size were not mostly “no”; in fact, there was no significant difference between average action possibilities related to objects beyond (25%) and within (26%). Rather, the dissimilarity between objects within and those beyond likely arose from the difference in most-plausible action set they related. For example, the top three actions related to objects within are “grasp”, “hold” and “throw”, while those related to objects beyond are “sit”, “lift” and “stand”, as stated in our original manuscript: “A further analysis on the affordances separated by the boundary revealed that objects within human body size range were primarily subjected to hand-related actions such as grasping, holding and throwing. These affordances typically involve object manipulation with humans’ effectors. In contrast, objects beyond the size range of human body predominantly afforded actions such as sitting and standing, which typically require locomotion or posture change of the whole body around or within the objects (p 11 ln 229)”.

      Regarding the validity of action selection, the selection of the objects and affordances in this study was guided by two key criteria. First, the objects were selected from the dataset published in Konkle and Oliva's study (2011), which systematically investigates the effect of object size on object recognition. Therefore, the range of object sizes, from 14 cm to 7,618 cm, is well-calibrated and represents a typical array of object sizes found in the real world. Second, the actions were selected to cover a wide range of daily humans-objects/environments interactions, from singlepoint movements (e.g., hand, foot) to whole-body movements (e.g., lying, standing), based on the kinetics human action video dataset (Kay et al., 2017). Thus, this set of objects and actions is a sufficiently representative of typic human experiences. In revision, we have clarified these two criteria in the methods section:

      (p 22, ln 517) “The full list of objects, their diagonal size, and size rankings were provided in Supplementary Table S6. The objects were selected from the dataset in Konkle and Oliva’s study (2011) to cover typic object sizes in the world (ranging from 14 cm to 7,618 cm), and actions related to these objects were selected to span a spectrum of daily humans-objects/environments interactions, from single-point movements (e.g., hand, foot) to whole-body movements (e.g., lying, standing), based on the Kinetics Human Action Video Dataset (Kay et al., 2017).”

      Having said this, we agree with reviewer that a larger set of objects and actions will facilitate finer localization of the representational discontinuity, which can be addressed in future studies

      (p 16, ln 344): “…, due to their impracticality for direct interactions. Future studies should incorporate a broader range of objects and a more comprehensive set of affordances for finer delineation of the representational discontinuity between objects and the environment.”

      e) Page 12 "no region showed the congruency effect for objects beyond the body size" in a whole brain analysis. What about a similar analysis for the humanscale objects? We must also keep in mind that with N=12 there may be relatively little power to detect such effects at the random-effects level, so this null finding may not be very informative.

      Re: We thank the reviewer for this advice. The whole brain analysis on the congruency effect for human-scale objects (objects within) has now been included in the supplementary materials (please see Author response figure 1d (New Supplementary Fig. S4d) and Author response table 1 (New Supplementary Table S5) below).

      Author response image 1.

      Significant brain activations of different contrasts in the whole-brain level analysis. a, the effect of object type, positive values (warm color) indicated higher activation for objects within than objects beyond and negative values (cold color) indicated the opposite. b, the effect of congruency, positive values indicated higher activation in congruent than incongruent condition. c, the effect of interaction between object type and congruency, positive values indicated the larger congruency effect for objects within than beyond. d, the congruency effect for objects within. All contrasts were corrected with cluster-level correction at p < .05. The detailed cluster-level results for each contrast map can be found in Supplementary Table S2 to S5.

      Author response table 1.

      Cortical regions showing significant congruency effect (congruent versus incongruent) for objects within, whole-brain analysis (R = right hemisphere, L = left hemisphere; Z > 2.3, p = 0.05, cluster corrected)

      Regarding the power of the fMRI study, we would like to clarify that, the critical test of this fMRI study is the two-way interaction of congruency effect by object size instead of the (null) congruency effect for the object beyond. Having said this, we agree that the sample size is small which might lead to lack of power in the fMRI study. In the revision we have now acknowledged this issue explicitly:

      (p 16, ln 354) “…supporting the idea that affordance is typically represented only for objects within the body size range. While it is acknowledged that the sample size of the fMRI study was small (12 participants), necessitating cautious interpretation of its results, the observed neural-level affordance discontinuity is notable. That is, qualitative differences in neural activity between objects within the affordance boundary and those beyond replicated our behavior findings. This convergent evidence reinforced our claim that objects were discretized into two broad categories along the continuous size axis, with affordance only being manifested for objects within the boundary.”

      f) Page 14 [the fMRI findings] "suggest that affordance perception likely requires perceptual processing and is not necessarily reflected in motor execution". This seems a large leap to make from a relatively basic experiment that tests only a small set of (arbitrarily chosen) objects and actions. It's important to keep in mind too that none of the studies here actually asked participants to interact with objects; that objects were shown as 2D images; and that the differences between real-world sizes of objects were greatly condensed by the way they are scaled for presentation on a computer screen (and such scaling is probably greater for the larger-than-human objects).

      Rf: The action-congruency judgement task is widely used in the studies of affordance processing (e.g., Kourtis et al., 2018; Peelen & Caramazza, 2012), so does the practice of not including actual interaction with the objects and using 2D instead of 3D objects (e.g., Peelen & Caramazza, 2012; Matić et al., 2020). However, we are aware that alternative practice exists in the field and we agree that it would be interesting for future studies to test whether actual interactions and 3D objects presentation may bring any change on the affordance boundary observed in our study.

      Our inference “affordance perception likely requires perceptual processing and is not necessarily reflected in motor execution” was based on the fMRI finding that the congruency effect only in cortical regions proposedly engaged in perceptual processing, but not in the M1 which is associated with motor execution. This significant two-way interaction pointed to a possibility that affordance processing may not necessarily manifest in motor execution.

      We acknowledge the scaling issue inherent in all laboratory experiments, but we doubt that it significantly influenced our results. In fact, it is a common practice in studies on object size to present objects of different physical sizes as constantly sized images on a screen (e.g., Konkle & Oliva, 2012; Huang et al., 2022). Moreover, scaling does not change the smoothness of object sizes, whereas the affordance boundary represents a singularity point that disrupts this smoothness. Finally, regarding the limited variety of objects and actions, please see Rd.

      g) Page 15 Why are larger objects "less interesting"? They have important implications for navigation, for example?

      Rg: We are sorry for the confusion. Our intention was to express that objects beyond the affordance boundary are generally beyond motor capacities of the animal in question. As such, compared to smaller objects within the environment, these larger objects may not typically be considered as potential targets for manipulation. We have now corrected the wording in the revised text:

      (p 16, ln 340) “In contrast, objects larger than that range typically surpass the animal’s motor capabilities, rendering them too cumbersome for effective manipulation. Consequently, these larger objects are less likely to be considered as typical targets for manipulation by the animal, as opposed to smaller objects in the environment. That is, they are perceived not as the “objects” in the animal’s eye, but as part of the background environment, due to their impracticality for direct interactions.”

      h) Page 15 At several places I wondered whether the authors were arguing against a straw man. E.g. "existing psychological studies...define objects in a disembodied manner..." but no citations are given on this point, nor do the authors describe previous theoretical positions that would make a strong counter-claim to the one advocated here.

      Rh: We are sorry for not presenting our argument clearly. Previous studies often define the object space based on object features alone, such as absolute size or function, without reference to the knowledge and the abilities of the agent (e.g., de Beeck et al., 2008; Konkle & Oliva, 2011). This perspective overlooks the importance of the features of the animal-object pairs. Gibson (1979) highlighted that an object’s affordance, which includes all action possibilities it offers to an animal, is determined by the object’s size relative to the animal’s size, rather than its real-world size. Under this embodied view, we argue that the object space is better defined by the features of the agent-object system, and this is the primary assumption and motivation of the present study. We have now clarified this point and added the references in the revision:

      (p 2, ln 35) “A contemporary interpretation of this statement is the embodied theory of cognition (e.g., Chemero, 2013; Gallagher, 2017; Gibbs, 2005; Wilson, 2002; Varela et al., 2017), which, diverging from the belief that size and shape are inherent object features (e.g., de Beeck et al., 2008; Konkle & Oliva, 2011), posits that human body scale (e.g., size) constrains the perception of objects and the generation of motor responses.”

      (p 17, ln 365) “Existing psychological studies, especially in the field of vision, define objects in a disembodied manner, primarily relying on their physical properties such as shape (e.g., de Beeck et al., 2008) and absolute size (e.g., Konkle & Oliva, 2011).”

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      (1) Even after several readings, it is not entirely clear to me what the authors are proposing and to what extent the conducted work actually speaks to this. In the introduction, the authors write that they seek to test if body size serves not merely as a reference for object manipulation but also "plays a pivotal role in shaping the representation of objects." This motivation seems rather vague motivation and it is not clear to me how it could be falsified.

      Similarly, in the discussion, the authors write that large objects do not receive "proper affordance representation," and are "not the range of objects with which the animal is intrinsically inclined to interact, but probably considered a less interesting component of the environment." This statement seems similarly vague and completely beyond the collected data, which did not assess object discriminability or motivational values.

      Overall, the lack of theoretical precision makes it difficult to judge the appropriateness of the approaches and the persuasiveness of the obtained results. This is partly due to the fact that the authors do not spell out all of their theoretical assumptions in the introduction but insert new "speculations" to motivate the corresponding parts of the results section. I would strongly suggest clarifying the theoretical rationale and explaining in more detail how the chosen experiments allow them to test falsifiable predictions.

      R1: We are sorry for the confusion about the theoretical motivation and rationale. Our motivation is on the long-lasting debate regarding the representation versus direct perception of affordance. That is, we tested whether object affordance would simply covary with its continuous constraints such as object size, in line with the representation-free view, or, whether affordance would be ‘representationalized’, in line with the representation-based view, under the constrain of body size. In revision, we have clarified the motivation and its relation to our approach:

      In the introduction (p 2, ln 45): “However, the question of how object perception is influenced by the relative size of objects in relation to the human body remains open. Specifically, it is unclear whether this relative size simply acts as a continuous variable for locomotion reference, or if it affects differentiating and organizing object representations based on their ensued affordances.”

      In the discussion (p 14, ln 295): “One long-lasting debate on affordance centers on the distinction between representational and direct perception of affordance. An outstanding theme shared by many embodied theories of cognition is the replacement hypothesis (e.g., Van Gelder, 1998), which challenges the necessity of representation as posited by computationalism’s cognitive theories (e.g., Fodor, 1975). This hypothesis suggests that input is discretized/categorized and subjected to abstraction or symbolization, creating discrete stand-ins for the input (e.g., representations/states). Such representationalization would lead to a categorization between the affordable (the objects) and those beyond affordance (the environment). Accordingly, computational theories propose the emergence of affordance perception, in contrast to the perspective offered by embodied theories. The present study probed this ‘representationalization’ of affordance by examining whether affordance perception introduces discontinuity and qualitative dissociation in response to continuous action-related physical features (such as object size relative to the agents), which allows sensorimotor input to be assigned into discrete states/kinds, in line with the representation-based view under the constraints of body size. Alternatively, it assessed whether activity directly mirrors the input, free from discretization/categorization/abstraction, in line with the representation-free view.

      First, our study found evidence demonstrating discretization in affordance perception. Then, through the body imagination experiment, we provided causal evidence suggesting that this discretization originates from sensorimotor interactions with objects rather than amodal sources, such as abstract object concepts independent of agent motor capability. Finally, we demonstrated the supramodality of this embodied discontinuity by leveraging the recent advances in AI. We showed that the discretization in affordance perception is supramodally accessible to disembodied agents such as large language models (LLMs), which lack sensorimotor input but can access linguistic materials built upon discretized representations. These results collectively suggest that sensorimotor input undergoes discretization, as implied in the computationalism’s idea of representation. Note that, these results are not contradictory to the claim of the embodied theories, as these representations do shape processes beyond the sensorimotor domain but after discretization.

      The observed boundary in affordance perception extends the understanding of the discontinuity in perception in response to the continuity of physical inputs (Harnad, 1987; Young et al., 1997).”

      We are also sorry for the confusion about the expression “proper affordance representation”. We intended to express that the neural responses to objects beyond the boundary in the whole brain failed to reflect affordance congruency, and therefore did not show evidence of affordance processing. We have clarified this expression in the revised manuscript:

      (p 12, ln 265) “Taken together, the affordance boundary not only separated the objects into two categories based on their relative size to human body, but also delineated the range of objects that evoked neural representations associated with affordance processing.”

      Finally, we agree with the reviewer that the expressions, such as “not…inclined to interact” and “probably considered a less interesting component of the environment”, may be misleading. Rather, we intended to express that the objects beyond the affordance boundary is generally beyond the motor capacities of the very animal, being too large for the very animal to manipulated, as comparing to the smaller objects in the environment, may not be a typical target object for manipulation for the animal. We have revised these expressions in the manuscript and clarified their speculative nature:

      (p 16, ln 340) “In contrast, objects larger than that range typically surpass the animal’s motor capabilities, rendering them too cumbersome for effective manipulation. Consequently, these larger objects are less likely to be considered as typical targets for manipulation by the animal, as opposed to the smaller objects. That is, they are perceived not as the “objects” in the animal’s eye, but as part of the background environment, due to their impracticality for direct interactions.”

      (2) The authors used only a very small set of objects and affordances in their study and they do not describe in sufficient detail how these stimuli were selected. This renders the results rather exploratory and clearly limits their potential to discover general principles of human perception. Much larger sets of objects and affordances and explicit data-driven approaches for their selection would provide a far more convincing approach and allow the authors to rule out that their results are just a consequence of the selected set of objects and actions.

      R2: The selection of the objects and affordances in this study was guided by two key criteria. First, the objects were selected from the dataset published in Konkle and Oliva's study (2011), which systematically investigates the effect of object size on object recognition. Therefore, the range of object sizes, from 14 cm to 7,618 cm, is well-calibrated and represents a typical array of object sizes found in the real world. Second, the actions were selected to cover a wide range of daily humans objects/environments interactions, from single-point movements (e.g., hand, foot) to whole-body movements (e.g., lying, standing), based on the kinetics human action video dataset (Kay et al., 2017). Thus, this set of objects and actions is a sufficiently representative of typic human experiences. In revision, we have clarified these two criteria in the methods section:

      (p 22, ln 517) “The full list of objects, their diagonal sizes, and size rankings were provided in Supplementary Table S6. The objects were selected from the dataset in Konkle and Oliva’s study (2011) to cover typic object sizes in the world (ranging from 14 cm to 7,618 cm), and actions related to these objects were selected to span a spectrum of daily humans-objects/environments interactions, from single-point movements (e.g., hand, foot) to whole-body movements (e.g., lying, standing), based on the Kinetics Human Action Video Dataset (Kay et al., 2017).”

      Having said this, we agree with reviewer that a larger set of objects and actions will facilitate finer localization of the representational discontinuity, which can be addressed in future studies

      (p 16, ln 344): “…, due to their impracticality for direct interactions. Future studies should incorporate a broader range of objects and a more comprehensive set of affordances for finer delineation of the representational discontinuity between objects and the environment.”

      (3) Relatedly, the authors could be more thorough in ruling out potential alternative explanations. Object size likely correlates with other variables that could shape human similarity judgments and the estimated boundary is quite broad (depending on the method, either between 80 and 150 cm or between 105 to 130 cm). More precise estimates of the boundary and more rigorous tests of alternative explanations would add a lot to strengthen the authors' interpretation.

      R3: We agree with the reviewer that correlation analyses alone cannot rule out alternative explanations, as any variable co-varying with object sizes might also affect affordance perception. Therefore, our study experimentally manipulated the imagined body sizes, while keeping other variable constant across conditions. This approach provided evidence of a causal connection between body size and affordance perception, effectively ruling out alternative explanations. In revision, the rationale of experimentally manipulation of imagined body sizes has been clarified

      (p 7, ln 152): “One may argue that the location of the affordance boundary coincidentally fell within the range of human body size, rather than being directly influenced by it. To rule out this possibility, we directly manipulated participants’ body schema, referring to an experiential and dynamic functioning of the living body within its environment (Merleau-Ponty & Smith, 1962). This allowed us to examine whether the affordance boundary would shift in response to changes in the imagined body size. This experimental approach was able to establish a causal link between body size and affordance boundary, as other potential factors remained constant. Specifically, we instructed a new group of participants to imagine themselves as small as a cat (typical diagonal size: 77cm, size rank 4, referred to as the “cat condition”), and another new group to envision themselves as large as an elephant (typical diagonal size: 577 cm, size rank 7, referred to as the “elephant condition”) throughout the task (Fig. 2a).”

      Meanwhile, with correlational analysis, precise location of the boundary cannot help ruling out alternative explanation. However, we agree that future studies are needed to incorporate a broader range of objects and a more comprehensive set of affordances. For details, please see R2.

      (4) Even though the division of the set of objects into two homogenous clusters appears defensible, based on visual inspection of the results, the authors should consider using more formal analysis to justify their interpretation of the data. A variety of metrics exist for cluster analysis (e.g., variation of information, silhouette values) and solutions are typically justified by convergent evidence across different metrics. I would recommend the authors consider using a more formal approach to their cluster definition using some of those metrics.

      R4: We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. We performed three analyses on this point, all of which consistently indicated the division of objects into two distinct groups along the object size axis.

      First, a hierarchical clustering analysis of the heatmaps revealed a two-maincluster structure, which is now detailed in the revised methods section (p 25, ln 589) “A hierarchical clustering analysis was performed, employing the seaborn clustermap method with Euclidean distance and Complete linkage (Waskom, 2021).”

      Second, the similarity in affordances between neighbouring size ranks revealed the same two-main-cluster structure. In this analysis, each object was assigned a realworld size rank, and then Pearson’s correlation was calculated as the affordance similarity index for each pair of neighbouring size ranks to assess how similar the perceived affordances were between these ranks. Our results showed a clear trough in affordance similarity, with the lowest point approaching zero, while affordance similarities between neighbouring ranks on either side of the boundary remained high, confirming the observation that objects formed two groups based on affordance similarity.

      Finally, we analysed silhouette values for this clustering analysis, where 𝑎𝑖 represents the mean intra-cluster distance, and 𝑏𝑖 represents the mean nearest-cluster distance for each data point i. The silhouette coefficient is calculated as (Rousseeuw, 1987):

      The silhouette analysis revealed that the maximum silhouette value coefficient corresponded to a cluster number of two, further confirming the two-cluster structure (please see Author response table 2 below).

      Author response table 2.

      The silhouette values of a k-means clustering when k (number of clusters) = 2 to 10

      (5) While I appreciate the manipulation of imagined body size, as a way to solidify the link between body size and affordance perception, I find it unfortunate that this is implemented in a between-subjects design, as this clearly leaves open the possibility of pre-existing differences between groups. I certainly disagree with the authors' statement that their findings suggest "a causal link between body size and affordance perception."

      R5: The between-subjects design in the imagination experiment was employed to prevent contamination between conditions. Specifically, after imagining oneself as a particular size, it can be challenging to immediately transition to envisioning a different body size. In addition, participating sequentially participate in two conditions that only differ in imagined body sizes may lead to undesirable response strategies, such as deliberately altering responses to the same objects in the different conditions. The reason of employing the between-subjects design is now clarified in the revised text (p 7, ln 161): “A between-subject design was adopted to minimize contamination between conditions. This manipulation was effective, as evidenced by the participants’ reported imagined heights in the cat condition being 42 cm (SD = 25.6) and 450 cm (SD = 426.8) in the elephant condition on average, respectively, when debriefed at the end of the task.”

      Further, to address the concern that “pre-existing differences between groups” would generate this very result, we adhered to standard protocols such as random assignment of participants to different conditions (cat-size versus elephant-size). Moreover, experimentally manipulating one variable (i.e., body schema) to observe its effect on another variable (i.e., affordance boundary) is the standard method for establishing causal relationships between variables. We could not think of other better ways for this objective.

      (6) The use of LLMs in the current study is not clearly motivated and I find it hard to understand what exactly the authors are trying to test through their inclusion. As noted above, I think that the authors should discuss the putative roles of conceptual knowledge, language, and sensorimotor experience already in the introduction to avoid ambiguity about the derived predictions and the chosen methodology. As it currently stands, I find it hard to discern how the presence of perceptual boundaries in LLMs could constitute evidence for affordance-based perception.

      R6: The motivation of LLMs is to test the supramodality of this embodied discontinuity found in behavioral experiments: whether this discontinuity is accessible beyond the sensorimotor domain. To do this, we leveraged the recent advance in AI and tested whether the discretization observed in affordance perception is supramodally accessible to disembodied agents which lack access to sensorimotor input but only have access to the linguistic materials built upon discretized representations, such as large language models (LLM). The theoretical motivation and rationale regarding the LLM study are now included in the introduction and discussion:

      In the introduction (p 2, ln 59) “…, and the body may serve as a metric that facilitates meaningful engagement with the environment by differentiating objects that are accessible for interactions from those not. Further, grounded cognition theory (see Barsalou, 2008 for a review) suggests that the outputs of such differentiation might transcend sensorimotor processes and integrate into supramodal concepts and language. From this perspective, we proposed two hypotheses...”

      In the introduction (p 3, ln 70) “Notably, the affordance boundary varied in response to the imagined body sizes and showed supramodality. It could also be attained solely through language, as evidenced by the large language model (LLM), ChatGPT (OpenAI, 2022).”

      For details in the discussion, please see R1.

      (7) Along the same lines, the fMRI study also provides very limited evidence to support the authors' claims. The use of congruency effects as a way of probing affordance perception is not well motivated. What exactly can we infer from the fact a region may be more active when an object is paired with an activity that the object doesn't afford? The claim that "only the affordances of objects within the range of body size were represented in the brain" certainly seems far beyond the data.

      R7: In our study, we followed the established fMRI research paradigm of employing the congruent effect as a measure of affordance processing (e.g., Kourtis et al., 2018). The choice of this paradigm has now been clarified in the revised manuscript (p 11, ln 244): “The congruency effect, derived from the contrast of Congruent versus Incongruent conditions, is a well-established measure of affordance processing (e.g., Kourtis et al., 2018).”

      The statement that “only the affordances of objects within the range of body size were represented in the brain” is based on the observed interaction of congruency by object size. In the revised text, we have weakened this statement to better align with the direct implications of the interaction effect (p 1 ln 22): “A subsequent fMRI experiment revealed evidence of affordance processing exclusively for objects within the body size range, but not for those beyond. This suggests that only objects capable of being manipulated are the objects capable of offering affordance in the eyes of an organism.”

      (8) Importantly (related to my comments under 2) above), the very small set of objects and affordances in this experiment heavily complicates any conclusions about object size being the crucial variable determining the occurrence of congruency effects.

      R8: The objective of the fMRI study was to provide the neural basis for the affordance discontinuity found in behaviour experiments. In other words, the fMRI study is not an exploratory experiment, and therefore, the present object and action sets, which are based on the behaviour experiments, are sufficient.

      (9) I would also suggest providing a more comprehensive illustration of the results (including the effects of CONGRUENCY, OBJECT SIZE, and their interaction at the whole-brain level).

      R9: We agree and in revision, we have now included these analyses in the supplementary material (p 30, ln 711): “For the whole-brain analyses on the congruency effect, the object size effect, and their interaction, see Supplementary Fig. S4 and Table S2 to S5.” Please see Author response image 2 (New Supplementary Fig. S4) and Author responses tables 3 to 5 (New Supplementary Table S2 to S4) below.

      Author response image 2.

      Significant brain activations of different contrasts in the whole-brain level analysis. a, the effect of object type, positive values (warm color) indicated higher activation for objects within than objects beyond and negative values (cold color) indicated the opposite. b, the effect of congruency, positive values indicated higher activation in congruent than incongruent condition. c, the effect of interaction between object type and congruency, positive values indicated the larger congruency effect for objects within than beyond. d, the congruency effect for objects within. All contrasts were corrected with cluster-level correction at p < .05. The detailed cluster-level results for each contrast map can be found in Supplementary Table S2 to S5.

      Author response table 3.

      Cortical regions reaching significance in the contrasts of (A) objects within versus object beyond and (B) objects beyond versus objects within, whole-brain analysis (R = right hemisphere, L = left hemisphere; Z > 2.3, p = 0.05, cluster corrected).

      Author response table 4.

      Cortical regions reaching significance in contrasts of (A) congruent versus incongruent and (B) incongruent versus congruent, whole-brain analysis (R = right hemisphere, L = left hemisphere; Z > 2.3, p = 0.05, cluster corrected).

      Author response table 5.

      Review Table 5 (New Supplementary Table S4). Cortical regions showing significant interaction between object type and congruency, whole-brain analysis (OW = Objects within, OB = Objects beyond; R = right hemisphere, L = left hemisphere; Z > 2.3, p = 0.05, cluster corrected)

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      a. >a) Clarify all theoretical assumptions already within the introduction and specify how the predictions are tested (and how they could be falsified).

      Ra: Please see R1.

      b. >b) Explain how the chosen experimental approach relates to the theoretical questions under investigation (e.g., it is not clear to me how affordance similarity ratings can inform inference about which part of the environment is perceived as more or less manipulable).

      Rb: We thank the reviewer for the suggestion, and the theoretical motivation and rationale are now clarified. For details, please see R1.

      c. >c) Include a much larger set of objects and affordances in the behavioural experiments (that is more generalizable and also permits a more precise estimation of the boundary), and use a more rigorous methodology to justify a particular cluster solution.

      Rc: Please see R2 for the limited variance of objects and actions, and R4 for more analyses on the boundary.

      d. >d) Clearly motivate what the use of LLMs can contribute to the study of affordance perception.

      Rd: Please see R6.

      e) Clearly motivate why congruency effects are thought to index "affordance representation in the brain" Re: Please see R7.

      e) Include a much larger set of objects and affordances in the fMRI study.

      Re: Please see R7.

      f) Consider toning down the main conclusions based on the limitations outlined above.

      Rf: We have toned down the main conclusions accordingly.

      We are profoundly grateful for the insightful comments and suggestions provided by the three reviewers, which have greatly improved the quality of this manuscript.   References

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    1. Author Response

      Public reviews:

      Reviewer 1:


      While I generally agree with the author's interpretations, the idea of Saccorhytida as a divergent, simplified off-shot is slightly contradictory with a probably non-vermiform ecdysozoan ancestor. The author's analyses do not discard the possibility of a vermiform ecdysozoan ancestor (importantly, Supplementary Table 4 does not reconstruct that character),

      Reply: Thanks for the comments. Saccorhytids are only known from the early Cambrian and their unique morphology has no equivalent among any extinct or extant ecdysozoan groups. This prompted us to consider them as a possible dead-end evolutionary off-shot. The nature of the last common ancestor of ecdysozoan (i.e. a vermiform or non-vermiform animal with capacities to renew its cuticle by molting) remains hypothetical. At present, palaeontological data do not allow us to resolve this question. The animal in Fig. 4b at the base of the tree is supposed to represent an ancestral soft-bodied form with no cuticle from which ecdysozoan evolved via major innovations (cuticular secretion and ecdysis). Its shape is hypothetical as indicated by a question mark. Our evolutionary model is clearly intended to be tested by further studies and hopefully new fossil discoveries.

      and outgroup comparison with Spiralia (and even Deuterostomia for Protostomia as a whole) indicates that a more or less anteroposteriorly elongated (i.e., vermiform) body is likely common and ancestral to all major bilaterian groups, including Ecdysozoa. Indeed, Figure 4b depicts the potential ancestor as a "worm". The authors argue that the simplification of Saccorhytida from a vermiform ancestor is unlikely "because it would involve considerable anatomical transformations such as the loss of vermiform organization, introvert, and pharynx in addition to that of the digestive system". However, their data support the introvert as a specialisation of Scalidophora (Figure 4a and Supplementary Table 4), and a pharyngeal structure cannot be ruled out in Saccorhytida. Likewise, loss of an anus is not uncommon in Bilateria. Moreover, this can easily become a semantics discussion (to what extent can an animal be defined as "vermiform"? Where is the limit?).

      Reply: We agree with you that “vermiform” is an ill-defined term that should be avoided. “Elongated” might be a better term to designate the elongation of the body along the antero-posterior axis. Changes have been made in the text to solve this semantic problem. Priapulid worms or annelids are examples of extremely elongated, tubular animals. In saccorhytids, the antero-posterior elongation is present (as it is in the vast majority of bilaterians) but extremely reduced, Saccorhytus and Beretella having a sac-like or beret-shape, respectively. That such forms may have derived from elongated, tubular ancestors (e.g. comparable with scalidophoran worms) would require major anatomical transformations that have no equivalent among modern animals. We agree that further speculation about the nature of these transformations is unnecessary and should be deleted simply because the nature of these ancestors is purely hypothetical. We also agree that the loss of anus and the extreme simplification of the digestive system is common among extant bilaterians. The single opening seen in Saccorhytus and possibly Beretella may result from a comparable simplification process. In Figure 4b, the hypothetical pre-ecdysozoan animal is slightly elongated (antero-posterior axis and polarity) but in no way comparable with a very elongated and cylindrical ecdysozoan worm (e.g. extant or extinct priapulid).

      Therefore, I suggest to leave the evolutionary scenario more open. Supporting Saccorhytida as a true group at the early steps of Ecdysozoa evolution is important and demonstrates that animal body plans are more plastic than previously appreciated. However, with the current data, it is unlikely that Saccorhytida represents the ancestral state for Ecdysozoa (as the authors admit), and a vermiform nature is not ruled out (and even likely) in this animal group. Suggesting that the ancestral Ecdysozoan might have been small and meiobenthic is perhaps more interesting and supported by the current data (phylogeny and outgroup comparison with Spiralia).

      Reply: We agree the evolutionary scenario should be more open, especially the evolutionary process that gave rise to Saccorhytida. Again, we know nothing about the morphology of the ancestral ecdysozoan (typically the degree of body elongation, whether it had a differentiated introvert or not, whether it had a through gut or not). Simplification appears as one possible option, but which assumes that the ancestral ecdysozoan was an elongated animal with a through gut. Changes will be made in Fig.4A accordingly. Alternatively, the ancestral ecdysozoan might have been small and meiobenthic.

      Reviewer 2:


      The preservations of the specimens, in particular on the putative ventral side, are not good, and the interpretation of the anatomical features needs to be tested with additional specimens in the future. The monophyly of Cycloneuralia (Nematoida + Scalidophora) was not necessarily well-supported by cladistic analyses, and the evolutionary scenario (Figure 4) also needs to be tested in future works.

      Reply: Yes, we agree that our MS is the first report on an enigmatic ecdysozoan. Whereas the dorsal side of the animal is well documented (sclerites), uncertainties remain concerning its ventral anatomy (typically the mouth location and shape). Additional better-preserved specimens will hopefully provide the missing information. Concerning Cycloneuralia, their monophyly is generally better supported by analyses based on morphological characters than in molecular phylogenies. I

      Reviewer 3:

      Weaknesses: I, as a paleontology non-expert, experienced several difficulties in reading the manuscript. This should be taken into consideration when assuming a wide range of readers including non-experts.

      Reply: We have ensured that the text is comprehensible to biologists. Our main results are summarized in relatively simple diagrams (e.g. Fig. 4). We are aware that technical descriptive terms may appear obscure to non-specialists. However, we think that our text-figures help the reader to understand the morphology of these ancient animals.

    1. Author Response

      eLife assessment

      The manuscript explores the ways in which the genetic code evolves, specifically how stop codons are reassigned to become sense codons. The authors present phylogenetic data showing that mutations at position 67 of the termination factor are present in organisms that nevertheless use the UGA codon as a stop codon, thereby questioning the importance of this position in the reassignment of stop codons. Alternative models on the role of eRF1 would reflect a more balanced view of the data. Overall, the data are solid and these findings will be valuable to the genomic/evolution fields.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The issue:

      The ciliates are a zoo of genetic codes, where there have been many reassignments of stop codons, sometimes with conditional meanings which include retention of termination function, and thus > 1 meaning. Thus ciliate coding provides a hotspot for the study of genetic code reassignments.

      The particular issue here is the suggestion that translation of a stop (UGA) in Blastocritihidia has been attributed to a joint change in the protein release factor that reads UGA's and also breaking a base pair at the top of the anticodon stem of tRNATrp (Nature 613, 751, 2023).

      The work:

      However, Swart, et al have looked into this suggestion, and find that the recently suggested mechanism is overly complicated.

      The broken pairing at the top of the anticodon stem of tRNATrp indeed accompanies the reading of UGA as Trp as previously suggested. It changes the codon translated even though the anticodon remains CCA, complementary to UGG. A compelling point is that this misreading matches previous mutational studies of E coli tRNA's, in which breaking the same base pair in a mutant tRNATrp suppressor tRNA stimulated the same kind of miscoding.

      This is a fair characterization, and we would also note the additional positive aspect: that we observed there is consistency in the presence of 4 bp tRNA-Trp anticodon stems in those ciliates which translate UGA as tryptophan, and generally 5 bp anticodon stems in those that do not (including Euplotes with UGA=Cys).

      But the amino acid change in release factor eRF1, the protein that catalyzes termination of protein biosynthesis at UGA is broadly distributed. There are about 9 organisms where this mutation can be compared with the meaning of UGA, and the changes are not highly correlated with a change in the meaning of the codon. Therefore, because UGA can be translated as Trp with or without the eRF1 mutation, Swart et al suggest that the tRNA anticodon stem change is the principal cause of the coding change.

      We do think multiple lines of evidence support the shorter tRNA anticodon stem promoting UGA translation, but also think other changes in the translation system may be important. For instance, structural studies suggest interaction of ribosomal RNA with extended stop codons (particularly the base downstream of the triplet) during translation termination (Brown et al. 2015, Nature). As we noted, previous studies have sought to correlate individual eRF1 substitutions with genetic code changes, but the proposed correlations have invariably disappeared once new tranches of eRF1 sequences and alternative genetic codes for different species became available. This is why we concluded that there needs to be more focus on obtaining and understanding molecular structures during translation termination, particularly in the organisms with alternative codes.

      The review:

      Swart et al have a good argument. I would only add that eRF1 participation is not ruled out, because finding that UGA encodes Trp does not distinguish between encoding Trp 90% of the time and encoding it 99% of the time. The release factor could still play a measurable quantitative role, but the major inference here seems convincing.

      We agree that eRF1 may participate and compete with the tRNA, but we question the hypothesis that the particular amino acid position/substitution proposed by Kachale et al. 2023 is the key. There is experimental evidence in the form of Ribo-seq for the ciliate Condylostoma magnum (A67), which does appear to efficiently translate UGA sense codons (Swart et al. 2016, Figure S3: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2016.06.020): we observed no dip in ribosome footprints downstream of these codons, as there would be in the case of classical translational readthrough in standard genetic code organisms (which is usually relatively inefficient - certainly well below 50% of upstream translation from our reading of the literature). Ribo-seq also supports efficient termination at those Condylostoma UGA codons that are stops.

      Of course, the entire translation system may have evolved to be as efficient as what we currently observe, and it is not unreasonable to consider that it may have been less efficient in the past. However, not so inefficient that the error rate incurred would have been strongly deleterious. Importantly also, we believe the role of multiple eRF1 paralogs in translation termination in the ciliates really needs to be investigated, given that translation is inherently probabilistic with any of these proteins potentially being incorporated into the ribosome.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript raises interesting observations about the potential evolution of release factors and tRNA to readdress the meaning of stop codons. The manuscript is divided into two parts: The first consists of revealing that the presence of a trp tRNA with an AS of 5bp in Condylostoma magnum is probably linked to contamination in the databases by sequences from bacteria. This is an interesting point which seems to be well supported by the data provided. It highlights the difficulty of identifying active tRNA genes from poorly annotated or incompletely assembled genomes.

      We will consider adding subheadings in revising the manuscript to make the structure more explicit, as it really has three parts to it, with the third largely in the supplement. The “good” was that there is a range of support for the 4 bp AS stem, with new evidence we supplied from ciliates and older studies with E. coli tRNAs. The “bad” is that scrutiny of eRF1 sequences, with the addition of ones we provided, contradicts the hypothesis by Kachale et al. that a S67A/G substitution is necessary for genetic code evolution in Blastocrithidia and certain ciliates. The “ugly” is that a tRNA shown in a main figure in Kachale et al. 2023, and which was investigated in a number of subsequent experiments, is almost certainly a bacterial contaminant.

      Proper scrutiny of the bacterial tRNA should have led to its immediate recognition and rejection, as one of us did years ago in searches of tRNAs in a preliminary Condylostoma genome assembly (only predicted 4 bp AS tRNA secondary structures were shown in Swart et al. 2016, Fig S4B and C). Evidence for the bacterial nature of this tRNA was placed in the supplement of the present manuscript, as the meat of the critique was the consideration of the evidence for and against its good and bad aspects. The bacterial tRNA secondary structure has been removed from the main figure by Kachale et al. 2023, and downstream experiments based on synthetic constructs for this tRNA have also been revised (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07065-0).

      Much of the rest of the supplement served to correct multiple errors in genetic codes in public sequence databases that led to additional errors and difficulties in interpreting the eRF1 substitutions in Kachale et al. 2023. It is important that these codes get corrected. If not they create multiple headaches for users besides those investigating genetic codes, as we found out in communications with authors and a colleague of Kachale et al. 2023 (in particular, leading to thousands of missing genes in the macronuclear genome of the standard code ciliate Stentor coeruleus that were removed in automated GenBank processing due to incorrectly having an alternative genetic code specified).

      Recently the NCBI Genetic Codes curators reinstated a genetic code incorrectly attributed to the ciliate Blepharisma (“Blepharisma nuclear genetic code”) (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Utils/wprintgc.cgi#SG15), despite us requesting a reasonable fix years ago. This would be very confusing for those that are not in the know. We have explained this confusion in our supplement too. Thus we also hope that this paper will aid in communication with the genetic code database curators and in correcting such issues.

      The second part criticises the fact that a mutation at position S67 of eRF1 is required to allow the UGA codon to be reassigned as a sense codon. As supporting evidence, they provide a phylogenetic study of the eRF1 factor showing that there are numerous ciliates in which this position is mutated, whereas the organism shows no trace of the reassignment of the UGA codon into a sense codon. While this criticism seems valid at first glance, it suffers from the lack of information on the level of translation of UGA codons in the organisms considered.

      Firstly, we not only showed that there are organisms with the S67 substitution but no UGA reassignment, but also provided evidence for the converse: organisms with a UGA=Trp reassignment but without the S67 substitution (both ciliates and a non-ciliate). So, two related lines of substitutions were not consistent with the eRF1 substitution hypothesis proposed.

      Secondly, we disagree that there is a “lack of information about UGA translation in the organisms considered”. Evolution has already supplied information as to whether UGA codons are translated at an appreciable level in the organisms of interest, in the form of codon frequencies within their protein-coding sequences and those ending them. If UGA was translated at appreciable levels, it would be found at a corresponding frequency in coding sequences. In genomes with thousands of genes, if not predicted as amino acids, they likely primarily serve as stops. Low levels of potential readthrough of actual stops would not change the arguments. With the exception of selenocysteine translation (which is restricted to a limited number of genes by the condition of requiring a specific mRNA secondary structure) there is no expectation of meaningful levels of UGA translation when this codon is missing from the bulk of coding sequences (CDSs).

      This is well illustrated by the heterotrichs, a clade of ciliates that use a variety of genetic codes. In heterotrichs that use the standard code, UGA is virtually absent from coding sequences, only appearing at the 3’ end of transcripts in the predicted stop codon and 3’-UTR (Seah et al. 2022, Figure 5). This contrasts notably with other genera like Blepharisma where appreciable levels of UGA codons occur throughout coding sequences, upstream of the predicted UAA and UAG stops (Seah et al. 2022, Figure 5: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2022/07/12/2022.04.12.488043/F5.large.jpg). The difference in the UGA, UAG and UAA codon frequencies in 3’ UTRs compared to the upstream frequencies in CDSs of standard genetic code heterotrichs is stark. Frequencies of all three codons are elevated in the 3’ UTRs of all heterotrich ciliates, irrespective of their genetic codes (Seah et al. 2022, Figure 5), according with these codons not being deleterious in this region and strongly selected against upstream, within CDSs.

      The reviewer raises the possibility that UGA may appear to be a stop codon but still have biologically significant translational readthrough. We think that this is unlikely in the heterotrich ciliate species discussed here, which have extremely short (median 21-26 bp) and AU-rich 3’-UTRs compared to yeast and animals (Seah et al. 2022). Therefore, in heterotrichs where UGA is predicted to be a stop, translational readthrough would lead to extensions of only a few amino acids and be relatively inconsequential, as there are plenty of secondary UAA, UAG and UGA codons downstream of the typical stop.

      If one were to consistently pursue the reviewer’s line of argumentation, one would also have to argue against the very reasoning used in Kachale et al. 2023 about all the stop codon predictions/reassignments in protists for which experiments were not conducted in S. cerevisiae or other translation systems, as well as decades of prior work using sequence conservation in multiple sequence alignments to infer alternative genetic codes.

      Furthermore, experimental information for UGA translation levels is available for the ciliate Condylostoma magnum, predominantly in the form of Ribo-seq (Swart et al. 2016). Similarly to Condylostoma’s UAA and UAG codons, Ribo-seq shows that the UGA codons are generally either efficiently translated when present in the bodies of CDSs or terminate translation as actual stops close to mRNA 3’ termini/poly(A) tails (Swart et al. 2016). Thus, irrespective of the presence of the hypothesized eRF1 substitution there is an example of relatively discrete reading of UGA codons in ciliates as either stops or amino acids. This contrasts with Kachale et al 2023’s experiments in yeast with yeast eRF1 S67G or Blastocrithida eRF1 which also has glycine at the equivalent position that appear to lead to modest readthrough. In addition, efficient reading of codons in either of two ways also occurs in the ciliate genus Euplotes in which “stop” codons can either serve as frameshift sites during translation within coding sequences or be actual stops when they are close to 3’ mRNA termini (Lobanov et al. 2017), as verified by Ribo-seq and protein mass spectrometry.

      It has been clearly shown that S67G or S67A mutations allow a strong increase in the reading of UGA codons by tRNAs, so this point is not in doubt. However, this has been demonstrated in model organisms, and we now need to determine whether other changes in the translational apparatus could accompany this mutation by modifying its impact on the UGA codon. This is a point partly raised at the end of the manuscript.

      There is no doubt that S67G or S67A mutations lead to increased translational readthrough, but this is restricted to experiments with or in baker’s yeast or other standard genetic code surrogate model organisms. Experiments introducing eRF1 sequences from alternative genetic code eukaryotes into translation systems of such standard genetic code eukaryotes are not compelling because the rest of the associated translation system has also evolved tremendously. As far as we are aware, no in vivo experiments with ciliate eRF1s have been conducted to determine if position 67 or other substitutions have any effect. These considerations are critical given the vast evolutionary distances between yeasts, Blastocrithidia, the ciliates and Amoebophrya sp. ex Karlodinium veneficum. On the other hand, the evolutionary information presented contradicts the importance of this substitution in the Amoebophyra species and ciliates. We will consider how to incorporate these ideas in the revised version of the manuscript.

      Indeed, it is quite possible that in these organisms the UGA codon is both used to complete translation and is subject to a high level of readthrough. Actually, in the presence of a mutation at position 67 (or elsewhere), the reading of the UGA can be tolerated under specific stress conditions (nutrient deficiency, oxidative stress, etc.), so the presence of this mutation could allow translational control of the expression of certain genes.

      As explained a couple replies above, it is not constructive to invoke the additional complexity of conditional translation or any other kinds of factors that lead to enhanced readthrough, because the translation of UGA sense codons in the ciliate Condylostoma, where we have supporting experimental evidence, does not resemble translational readthrough. These codons occur in constitutively expressed single-copy genes, like a tryptophan tRNA synthetase and an eRF1 protein (Swart et al. 2016), not ones that might be expected to be conditionally translated.

      On the other hand, it seems obvious to me that there are other ways of reading through a stop codon without mutating eRF1 at position S67. So the absence of a mutation at this position is not really indicative of a level of reading of the UGA codon.

      It may seem obvious to the reviewer, but that is neither what Kachale et al. originally proposed nor what we questioned. Kachale et al. hypothesized that mutation of S67 to A or G is necessary for UGA=Trp translation, but we provided evidence that it is not: multiple organisms with S67 or C67 that translate UGA as tryptophan. Kachale et al. also originally suggested that the S67 to A/G substitution is also necessary in Condylostoma for UGA translation as tryptophan by weakening its recognition of this codon as a stop (from their abstract: “Virtually the same strategy has been adopted by the ciliate Condylostoma magnum.”). However, as we have stated, Condylostoma (A67) is both able to efficiently terminate at UGA stop codons and to efficiently translate (other) UGA sense codons, which does not fit this hypothesis.

      Before writing such a strong assertion as that found on page 3, experiments should be carried out. The authors should therefore moderate their assertion.

      Experiments should be carried out in the organisms in which stop codon reassignments have readily occurred and their close relatives that have not, not distantly related ones where they rarely, if ever, occur, like yeasts. We made this point in the conclusion. There is too much emphasis on models for investigation of genetic code evolution via stop codon reassignments in questionable models and too little investigation in the really good ones, particularly the ciliates. This clade has genera that are amenable to molecular experiments including Paramecium, Tetrahymena and Oxytricha. We plan to add some text about these considerations in revision.

      To make a definitive conclusion, we would need to be able to measure the level of termination and readthrough in these organisms. So, from my point of view, all the arguments seem rather weak.

      We reiterate: there is experimental information about translation and termination in two ciliate species worth considering, including one that translates UGA codons depending on their context. If one chooses to ignore the evolutionary information presented, this not only ignores all prior approaches to infer genetic codes, but also the fact that there is experimental verification and other lines of evidence supporting these approaches.

      Moreover, the authors themselves indicate that the conjunction between a Trp tRNA that is efficient at reading the UGA codon and an eRF1 factor that is not efficient at recognising this stop codon could be the key to reassignment.

      This does not convey well what we wrote, since the main consideration was overall eRF1 structure, rather than individual amino acid substitutions. Here are the key sentences:

      “Instead, in a transitional evolutionary phase, codons may be interpreted in two ways, with potential eRF1-tRNA competition. With time, beneficial mutations or modifications in either the tRNA or eRF1 (or other components of translation) that reduce competition may be selected.

      Instead of focusing on individual eRF1 substitutions, we propose future investigations should more generally explore the structure of non-standard genetic code eRF1’s captured in translation termination in the context of their own ribosomes.”

    1. When social media users work together, we can consider what problem they are solving. For example, for some of the Tiktok Duet videos from the virality chapter, the “problem” would be something like “how do we create music out of this source video” and the different musicians contribute their own piece to the solution.

      I think this collaborative problem-solving dynamic not only fosters a sense of community but also demonstrates the versatility of social media platforms as spaces for collective creativity. It goes beyond mere individual expression and taps into the collective intelligence of the user base. By identifying a problem or challenge, users can come together to contribute unique perspectives, skills, or talents, ultimately leading to the co-creation of content that may not have been possible without the collaborative efforts of the community.

    1. Author Response

      The authors' responses to the public reviews can be found here

      The following is the authors’ response to the most recent recommendations.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I appreciate the effort that the authors have put into this revised version of the manuscript. Before going into details, I would suggest that, in the future, the authors include enough information in their response to allow reviewers to follow the changes made. Not simply "Fixed", but instead "we have modified the description of these results and now state on lines XXX to XXX (revised text)".

      We greatly apologize, we certainly did not wish to cause more work for the reviewer to find the necessary changes. We will list the line number and our changes in the following response.

      The authors' response to my comments was confined to the minor points, with no attention to more important questions regarding speculations about mechanism which were (and still are) presented as factual conclusions. I do not consider the responses adequate.

      We responded to each of your comments and where we disagree, we have explained in detail.

      With respect to the meaning of "above" and "below" in the context of an intracellular organelle, I think that referring to up and down in a figure is fine, provided that the cytoplasmic and luminal sides are indicated in that figure. I think that labeling to that effect in each figure would be immensely helpful for the reader.

      We agree with this point and have updated all the figures to include these labels.

      The statement on lines 333-335 about non-competitive inhibition is a bit naïve. The only thing ruled out by this type of inhibition is that substrate and TBZ binding do not share the same binding process, in which case they would compete. It doesn't show that TBZ gets to its binding site from the lumen or from the bilayer, or by any other process that isn't shared with substrate. It also doesn't rule out kinetic effects, such as slow inhibitor dissociation, that result in non-competitive kinetics. Please rewrite this sentence to indicate that one explanation of the non-competitive nature of TBZ inhibition would be that TBZ diffuses into the vesicle and binds from the lumen. It's not the only explanation.

      We have changed this sentence lines 334-336 to be more speculative and not include any statement about non-competitive inhibition. Please see, “Studies have proposed that TBZ first enters VMAT2 from the lumenal side, binding to a lumenal-open conformation.”

      The revised version integrates the MD simulations into a plausible mechanism for luminal release of substrate. A key element in this mechanism is the protonation of D33, E312 and D399, which allows substrate to leave following water entry into the binding site. The acidic interior of synaptic vesicles should facilitate such protonation, but the fate of those protons needs to be considered. Are any of them predicted to dissociate prior to the return to a cytoplasm-facing conformation? If so, are all 3 released in that conformation? Postulating protonation events at one point in the reaction cycle requires some accounting for those protons - or at least recognition of the problem of reconciling their binding with the known stoichiometry of VMAT.

      We completely agree with this point and while we cannot account for all protons with a single structure and simulation of neurotransmitter release, some discussion of the fate of the protons is warranted. We have included a highly speculative statement in the discussion on this point, see lines 462-465, “Given the known transport stoichiometry of two protons per neurotransmitter, we speculate that two protons may dissociate back into the lumen, perhaps driven by the formation of salt bridges between D33 and K138 or R189 and E312 for example in an cytosol-facing state.”

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      On page 13, line 238, the statement "The protonation states of titratable residues D33, E312, D399, D426, K138 and R189, which are in close proximity to TBZ, also impact its binding stability (Table 4)" is misleading. Table 4 only shows that D426 is charged and what the pKa values are. This should be rephrased to separate out which residues are in close proximity from what is known about how their protonation states affect TBZ stability.

      We agree with this statement and have rephrased this on line 290-294 on page 13 to read, “Several titratable residues, including D33, E312, D399, D426, K138, and R189, line the central cavity of VMAT2 and impact TBZ binding stability (Table 4). We found that maintaining an overall neutral charge within the TBZ binding pocket, as observed in system TBZ_1, most effectively preserves the TBZ-bound occluded state of VMAT2. Residues R189 and E312 in particular are within close proximity of TBZ and participate directly in binding.” We note that given the acidic pH of the vesicle lumen (5.5), it is likely all four residues may be protonated to a significant degree in this state.


      • luminal is another name for the drug generically known as phenobarbital, lumenal means in the lumen. (This typo seems to have crept into the published literature now too).

      Thank you for pointing this out. Indeed, we had considered carefully whether to use ‘lumenal’ or ‘luminal’ in our revised text. In fact, both are used interchangeably throughout the scientific literature and luminal is the more commonly used term. Please also see: https://www.merriam-webster.com/medical/luminal we do agree that there may be confusion because ‘Luminal’ is a trademark of phenobarbital. Therefore, we have changed the text to read ‘lumenal’ throughout.

      The following is the authors’ response to the original recommendations.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I congratulate the authors on this study, which I enjoyed reading. Overall, the study reports a novel and exciting new structure for a member of the SLC18 family of vesicular monoamine transporters. Associated MD, binding and transport assays provide support for the hypothesis and firm up the modelled pose for the TBZ drug. The main strengths of the study largely sit with the structure, which, as the authors say, provides additional and essential insights above those available from AF2. The structures also reveal several potentially interesting observations concerning the mechanism of gating and proton-driven transport. The main weakness lies in the limited mutational data and studies into the role of pH in regulating ligand binding. As detailed below, my main comment would be to spend a little extra time expanding the mutational data (perhaps already done during the review?) to enable more evidence-based conclusions to be drawn.

      We thank reviewer #1 for their helpful comments and suggestions. We agree that mutational analysis specifically of neurotransmitter transport would strengthen the mechanistic conclusions of the work. We also agree with reviewer #1 and #3 that the role of pH and the protonation state of charged residues was a weakness in the first version of the manuscript. Therefore, we have expanded our mutational and computational data as detailed below and we believe that this has further solidified our findings.

      Specific comments & suggestions:

      It is an interesting strategy to fuse the mVenus and anti-GFP nanobody to the N-/C-termini. The authors should also include in SI Fig. 1 a full model for the features observed in these maps and deposit this in the PDB.

      Great point, we have made a main text panel describing the construct. Figure S1 includes a full description of the construct. The reviewer will note that the PDB entry contains the entire amino acid sequence of the construct and while the GFP and GFP-Nb cannot be well modeled into the density, we have included all of the relevant information for the reader.

      Difficult to make out the ligand in Fig. 2b, I would suggest changing the color of the carbon atoms.


      It is difficult to make out the side chains in ED Fig. 5d.

      This is now its own supplemental figure and is presented larger.

      ED Figures are called out of order in the manuscript. For example, in line 143 ED Fig.6 is called before ED Fig. 5d (line 152), and then ED 5d is called before ED 5a. This makes it rather confusing to follow the description, analysis, and data when reading the paper. Although there are other examples. I would suggest trying to order the figure callouts to flow with the narrative of the study.

      Agreed. Fixed.

      It wasn't clear to me what the result was produced by just imaging the ligand-free chimaera protein. It would be useful to say whether this resulted in low-resolution maps and whether the presence of the TBZ compound was essential for high-resolution structure determination.

      The ligand is likely required for structure determination. We have not, however, made such a statement largely because we have yet to determine an apo reconstruction.

      The role of E127 and W318 on EL1 in gating the luminal side of the transporter is very intriguing. As the authors suggest, this may represent an atypical gating mechanism for the MFS (line 182). I did wonder if the authors had considered providing more insight into this potentially novel mechanism. Additional experiments would be further mutations of W318 to F, Y, V, and I to see if they can identify a non-dead variant that could be analysed kinetically. They may have more luck with variants of E127, as they suggest this stabilises W318. If these side chains are important for gating and transport regulation, one might expect to see interesting effects on the transport kinetics.

      This is a fantastic suggestion. We have done this, and we think that the reviewer will find the results to be quite interesting. Some VMAT2 sequences have an R or an H at position 318 while VPAT has an F at the equivalent position. We have made these mutants including the E127A mutant and analyzed them using TBZ binding and transport experiments. Interestingly the W318R, H, and F mutants preserve activity in varying degrees with the R mutant closely resembling wild type. W318A has no transport activity. Only the W318F mutant retains some TBZ binding. The E127A mutant also has little transport activity but nearly wild type like TBZ binding which we believe suggests a role for this residue also in stabilizing W318.

      The authors identify an interesting polar network, which is described in detail and shown in Fig. 2d. However, the authors present no experimental data to shed further mechanistic insight into how these side chains contribute to monoamine transport or ligand binding. Additional experiments that would be helpful here might include repeating the binding and competition assays shown in Fig. 1c under different pH conditions for the WT and different mutations of this polar network. At present, this section of the manuscript is very descriptive without providing much novel insight into the mechanism of VMAT transport. I did wonder whether a similar analysis of pH effects on DTBZ binding might also provide insight into the role of E312 and the role of protons in the mechanism.

      Thank you, we have addressed this point in several different ways. The first is that many of these residues have already been characterized in several earlier studies, see refs 31, 32, and 42 and we have incorporated this into our discussion where appropriate. With respect to E312, the reviewers’ comments are again very appropriate. We have addressed this using computational experiments exploring the protonation status of E312 and other residues as well as TBZ. Our simulations and Propka calculations clearly show that E312 must be protonated and TBZ must be deprotonated to maintain TBZ binding. We have also extended these computational studies toward understanding the protonation status of residues which orchestrate dopamine binding and release.

      The authors then describe the binding pose for TBZ. This section also provides some biochemical characterisation of the binding site, in the form of the binding assay introduced in Fig. 1. However, the insights are again somewhat reduced as the mutants were chosen to show reduced binding. Could the authors return to this assay and try more conservative mutations of the key side chains to illuminate more detail? For example, does an R189K mutant still show binding but not transport? Similarly, what properties does an E312D have? The authors speculate that K138 might play a role in coupling ligand binding/transport to the protonation, possibly through an interaction with D426 and D33 (line 236). Given the presence of D33 in the polar network described previously, I was left wondering how this might occur. I feel that some of the experiments with pH and conservative mutants might shed some light on this important aspect. Please label the data points in Fig. 3d.

      Indeed, alanine mutants at these positions while valuable do not provide the level of detailed insight into mechanism that we also would have liked to obtain. Thus, we have made more conservative and targeted mutants like the R189K mutant and various mutants at N34 for example and tested them in both transport and binding assays. We have also made a mutant at K138 and found that it is not transport competent or able to bind TBZ to a significant degree. With respect to labels and color codes, we have made the color codes consistent between the bar graphs and the curves. We have also labeled the data points in the figure legends.

      The manuscript currently doesn't present a hypothesis for how TBZ induces the 'dead-end' complex compared to physiological ligands. Does the MD shed any light on this aspect of the study? If the authors place the physiological ligand in the same location as the TBZ and run the simulation for 500ns, what do they observe? 100ns is also a very short time window. I appreciate the comment about N34 in line 303, but is this really the answer? It would be very interesting to provide more evidence on this important aspect of VMAT pharmacology.

      MD with a natural ligand (dopamine) provides substantial insight into why TBZ is a dead-end complex. Since water cannot penetrate into the binding site in the TBZ bound complex, this does not allow for substantial luminal release. In contrast, simulations conducted in the presence of DA bound to the occluded VMAT2 show the propensity of that structure to accommodate an influx of water molecules that promote the release of DA to the lumen. The new results are illustrated in Figure 5 (main text) as well as supplemental figure 8 panels d-h. The new simulations further emphasized the importance of the protonation state of acidic residues near the substrate-binding pocket.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Line 68, "both sides of the membrane" -> "alternately to either side of the membrane".

      Fixed. Thanks.

      Transmembrane proteins in intracellular organelles present unique issues of nomenclature. I suggest the authors refer to cytoplasmic and luminal faces of the protein (not intracellular or extracellular (line 124)) and adhere to these names to avoid confusion. This creates problems for loops called IL and EL, but they could be defined on first use.

      We agree with this point and had initially gone with the conventional definitions used in the literature. We have now changed this throughout the text to be luminal and cytosolic.

      Lines 135-6, are these residue numbers correct? The pdb file lists 126 as Asp and 333 as Ala.

      Thank you. This is fixed.

      ED Fig. 6 is not clear. A higher-resolution figure is needed.

      We have updated this figure and hope that the reviewer will find it to be much clearer.

      Lines 158-9, Is there any data to support effects on dynamics or folding? If not, please indicate that this is speculation.


      Line 174, Should "I315" be "L315"?


      Line 179, Please indicate what is meant by "inner" and "below" (also lines 183 and 258).

      We have added Figure calls here where needed.

      Line 192, S197 is listed as part of polar network 1, but not discussed further. Is it actually involved, or just in the neighborhood?

      It is part of the network, but we did not discuss in further detail because we do not have data indicating its precise function and thus have left this as a description.

      Line 199, E312, and N388 are fairly distant from each other. Do you want to clarify why they represent a network?

      While they are not within hydrogen bonding distance, we nevertheless include them as part of the same network because they may come into closer proximity in a different conformational state.

      Line 206, Protonation of all 3? VMAT2 doesn't transport 3 protons per cycle. Please clarify.

      We believe that these residues may be protonated, but they may not necessarily all be involved in proton transport.

      Line 219, Do you mean the aspartate unique to DAT, NET, and SERT? This is Gly in all the amino acid transporters in the NSS family. Please be specific.

      Fixed. Thank you.

      Line 224, "mutation of E312 to Q" or "mutation of Glu312 to Gln".

      Fixed. Thank you.

      Fig. 3d, Normally, one would expect full saturation curves for each mutant. How can a reader distinguish between low affinity or a decrease in the number of binding sites? Would full binding curves be prohibitive for the mutants because of the cost or availability of the ligand? These points should be addressed. A couple of the curves are not visible. Would an expanded scale inset show them more clearly? Also, would it be possible to include chemical structures for all ligands discussed?

      Many if not most of these mutants bind TBZ with such low affinity that it is not possible to measure a full saturation curve either because of ligand availability (radioactive ligand concentration is only in µM) or due to technical issues with being able to measure such low affinity binding. We have changed the presentation of the curves and have split the gating and binding site mutants into their own figures. We feel this improves the readability of these curves. We have also included a table with the respective Kd values determined for each of the mutants where possible.

      Line 235, The distances are long for a direct interaction between K138 and the TBZ methoxy groups. The unusual distances should be mentioned if an interaction is being proposed.

      We do not think that K138 is directly involved in TBZ binding, however this was written in a confusing way and has been now changed.

      Line 243, Please give a quantitative estimate of the affinity difference. "modestly" is vague.

      It is an approximately 2-fold difference. Fixed in the text.

      Line 248, 150 nM is, at best, a Kd, not an affinity.

      Agreed, this is changed.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The (3 x ~100ns-long) molecular dynamics simulations provided suggest some instability of the pose identified by cryo-EM. While it is not unreasonable that ligands shift around and adopt multiple conformations within a single binding site (in a reversible manner), the present results do raise questions about the assumptions made when starting the simulations, in particular (1) the protonation states of charged residues in the TBZ binding sites; (2) the parameters used for tetrabenazine; (3) the conformations of acidic side chains that are notoriously difficult to resolve in cryoEM maps; and (4) any contributions of the truncated regions truncated in the simulated structure, namely the cysteine cross-linked loop and the terminal domains. The authors should examine and/or discuss these contributions before attributing mechanistic insights into the newly observed binding orientation.

      In order to estimate the effects of protonation states on TBZ binding, we now added three new systems with altered protonation on TBZ and binding pocket lining residues (see Table 3 in the revised vision); and for each system, we performed multiple MD runs to address the question and concerns raised by reviewer.

      Regarding the protonation states: Propka3.0 was used to determine the protonation states, finding that E312 and D399 should be protonated. If I am not mistaken, this version of ProPka cannot account for non-protein ligands (https://github.com/jensengroup/propka). Given their proximity to the binding site, these protonation states will be critical factors for the stability of the simulations. The authors could test their assumption by repeating the calculations with Propka 3.1 or higher, to establish sensitivity to the ligand. Beyond this, showing the resultant hydrogen bond networks will help to reassure the reader that the dynamics in the lumenal gates do not arise from an artifact.

      We thank the reviewer for suggestion of using higher version of Propka. We used the most recent Propka3.5 and carried out protonation calculations in the presence and absence of TBZ. The new calculations are presented in Table 4 and SI Figure 8c of the revised version.

      It should be possible to assess whether waters penetrate the ligand binding site during the simulations if that is of concern.

      We now added the number of waters within the ligand binding pockets for all MD simulations we performed, which are presented in Table 3 and Table 5 of the revised version.

      Finally, I didn't fully understand the conclusion based on the simulations and the "binding affinity" calculations: do they imply that the pose identified in the EM map is not stable? What is the value of the binding affinity histogram?

      We apologize for this confusion. For each MD snapshot, we calculated TBZ binding affinity using PRODIGY-LIG (Vangone et al., Bioinformatics 2019), which is a contact-based tool for computing ligand binding affinity. The binding affinity histogram shown in the original submission was the histogram of those binding affinities calculated for MD snapshots. In the revision, we replaced binding affinity histogram by time evolution of binding affinity changes (SI Fig 6c in the revision). The simulations confirmed that the pose identified in the EM map is stable, with a flattened binding affinity of -9.4 ± 0.3 kcal/mol in all three runs.

      Recommendations regarding writing/presentation:

      The authors use active tense terminology in attributing forces to elements of structure (cinching, packing tightly, locking). While appealing and commonplace in structural biology, this style frequently overstates the understanding obtained from a static structure and can give a rather misleading picture, so I encourage rephrasing.

      We appreciate this point; the use of these words is not meant to overstate or provide a misleading picture but rather to aid the reader in mechanistic understanding of the proposed processes.

      I would also recommend replacing the terms "above" and "below" for identifying aspects of the structure; the protein's location in the vesicular membrane makes these terms particularly difficult to follow.

      These terms refer specifically to the Figures themselves which we have always oriented with the luminal side at the top of the page and the cytosolic on the bottom. We have indicated in Figure 1 the orientation of VMAT2. The Figures are the point of reference which we refer to, and the ‘above’ and ‘below’ terms have been used to assist the reader to make the manuscript easier for a more casual or non-expert reader to follow.

      Minor corrections:

      • the legend in Figure 2 lacks details, e.g. how many simulation frames are shown, how were the electrostatic maps calculated?

      We revised Figure 2 and moved simulation frames to SI figure 6e. A total of 503 simulation frames are shown.

      • how were the TBZ RMSDs calculated? using all atoms or just the non-hydrogen atoms?

      For TBZ RMSDs, we used non-hydrogen atoms. This information is presented in the Methods section.

      MD simulation snapshots and input files can be provided via zenodo or another website.

      We will upload snapshots and input files to Zenodo upon acceptance of the manuscript.

      Reviewing editor specific points:

      Specific points

      L.97: Remove "readily available"


      L.99: The authors are not measuring competition binding. It is well known that reserpine and substrates inhibit TBZ binding only at concentrations 100 times higher than their respective KD and KM values. It is, therefore, surprising that the authors use this isotherm and refrain from commenting on the significance of the finding. Moreover, the presentation of results as "Normalized Counts" does not provide any information about the fraction of VMAT molecules binding the ligand. At least, the authors should provide the specific activity of the ligand, and the number of moles bound per mole of protein should be calculated.

      The point was not to infer any details about the conformations that TBZ and reserpine bind but merely to point out that both constructs have a similar behavior with respect to their Ki for reserpine. We have added a sentence to say that reserpine binding stabilizes cytoplasmic-open so the reader is aware of the significance of this competition experiment.

      L.102: The characterization of serotonin transport activity needs to be more satisfactory. The Km in rVMAT2 is 100-200 nM, so why are the experiments done at 1 and 10 micromolar? Is the Km of this construct very different? The results provided (counts per minute at the steady state) need to give more information.

      The Km of human VMAT2 varies somewhat according to the source but has generally been reported to be between 0.6 to 1.4 µM for serotonin according to these references.

      https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3019297/ https://www.cell.com/cell/pdf/0092-8674(92)90425-C.pdf https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.93.10.5166

      Fig 1B could be more informative. I suggest adding a cartoon model with TMs labeled, similar to ED Fig6a.

      This panel is to aid the reader in accessing the overall map quality and thus we do not wish to add additional labels/fits which would distract from that point. Instead, we have added overall views of the model in Figs 2,3.

      L.179: The authors claim that the inner gate is located "below" (whatever this could mean) the TBZ ligand. In L.214, they claim that TBZ adopts a pose.....just "below" the location of the luminal gating residues. Please clarify and use appropriate terminology.

      This refers to the position of these residues in the Figures themselves. We have added figure calls where appropriate here.

      Fig. 4: The cartoon could be more informative.

      We have added more information to the mechanism cartoon which is now Figure 6. This incorporates some of our new data and we believe it will be more informative.

      L. 213: The paragraph describes residues involved in TBZ binding. Mutagenesis is used to validate the structural information. However, the results (ED fig. 5B) must be corrected for protein expression levels. In the Methods section, the authors state (L.444), "Mutants were evaluated similarly from cell lysates of transfected cells." Without normalization of protein expression levels, the results are meaningless even if they agree with predictions.

      In fact, we have normalized the concentrations of protein in our binding experiments. This was noted in the methods section. And to account for these differences, experiments were conducted using 2.5 nM of VMAT2 protein as assessed by FSEC.

      L.220: The referral to ED Fig.7 is not appropriate here. The figure shows docking-predicted poses of dopamine and serotonin.

      Figure call has been changed.

      L.226: The referral to Fig. 3b needs to be corrected. The figure shows TBZ and not the neurotransmitter.

      This has been corrected.

      L. 337: "The neurotransmitter substrate is bound at the central site." What do the authors mean in this cartoon? Do they have evidence for this? Tetrabenazine is not a substrate.

      This cartoon drawing is meant to illustrate the elements of structure. Similar drawings are presented throughout the literature such as here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5940252/ Figure 3 and here: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.chemrev.0c00983 Figure 2.

      The same compound is mentioned with different names: 3H-dihydrotetrabenazine and 3H-labeled DTBZ.


      ED fig 1d is illegible.

      The high-resolution figure is completely legible. We will provide this to the journal upon publication.

      Figure 2d: A side view would be more visual.

      We have updated this figure and believe that it is much easier to understand now.

      L. 179: The inner gate is located 'below' the TBZ ligand

      Please see above response, this refers to the figures themselves. The figures are our point of reference.

      L. 213-215: Tetrabenazine binding site just 'below' the location of the luminal gating residues.

      See above.

      Throughout the paper, results are given as cpm or counts. The reader can only estimate the magnitude of the binding/transport by knowing the specific activity of the radiolabel. I recommend switching to nano/picomoles or supplying enough information to understand what the given cpm values could mean.

      Binding experiments were done using scintillation proximity assays and therefore converting the CPMs to values in pmol of bound ligand is simply not possible. For the transport experiments (now Fig 1d) the point was to show that the wild type was similar in activity to the chimera. In our new transport experiments we have presented for the mutants, many experiments were combined together and therefore, we have normalized the counts to the relative activity of wild type VMAT2.

    1. When the focus is shifted from leadership as individual direction to leadership as freely chosen collective work, the shared moral purpose of that work becomes prominent, and it is work to which all may contribute regardless of role or positional status.

      I believe my very first school held true to this. We had our principal and five teachers. That was the whole staff and we truly worked as a team. Not once did my principal ever feel like a "boss" and the team of teachers I was a part of really steered the school. And I like to think that that model was for the better. The students were at the heart of every decision made and many of the things we engaged in came from a collective decision we made as a team rather than an order given from the top down. I felt as if being a first year teacher, I had just as much respect from my principal and colleagues as the veteran teacher of twenty-five years had. Unfortunately, I have since learned that this is not the culture of many schools and is very hard to achieve. Why? I'm not quite sure. I think the small nature of the school is what kept the team so close and respectful.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      The manuscript from Richter et al. is a very thorough anatomical description of the external sensory organs in Drosophila larvae. It represents an important tool for investigating the relationship between the structure and function of sensory organs. Using improved electron microscopy analysis and digital modeling, the authors provide compelling evidence offering the basis for molecular and functional studies to decipher the sensory strategies of larvae to navigate through their environment.

      Public Reviews:


      This is a very meticulous and precise anatomical description of the external sensory organs (sensillia) in Drosophila larvae. Extending on their previous study (Rist and Thum 2017) that analyzed the anatomy of the terminal organ, a major external taste organ of fruit fly larva, the authors examined the anatomy of the remaining head sensory organs - the dorsal organ, the ventral organ, and the labial organ-also described the sensory organs of the thoracic and abdominal segments. Improved serial electron microscopy and digital modeling are used to the fullest to provide a definitive and clear picture of the sensory organs, the sensillia, and adjacent ganglia, providing an integral and accurate map, which is dearly needed in the field. The authors revise all the data for the abdominal and thoracic segments and describe in detail, for the first time, the head and tail segments and construct a complete structural and neuronal map of the external larval sensilla.


      It is a very thorough anatomical description of the external sensory organs of the genetically amenable fruitfly. This study represents a very useful tool for the research community that will definitely use it as a reference paper. In addition to the classification and nomenclature of the different types of sensilla throughout the larval body, the wealth of data presented here will be valuable to the scientific community. It will allow for investigating sensory processing in depth. Serial electron microscopy and digital modeling are used to the fullest to provide a comprehensive, definitive, and clear picture of the sensory organs. The discussion places the anatomical data into a functional and developmental frame. The study offers fundamental anatomical insights, which will be helpful for future functional studies and to understand the sensory strategies of Drosophila larvae in response to the external environment. By analyzing different larval stages (L1 and L3), this work offers some insights into the developmental aspects of the larval sense organs and their corresponding sensory cells.


      There are no apparent weaknesses, although it is not a complete novel anatomical study. It revisits many data that already existed, adding new information. However, the repetitiveness of some data and prior studies may be avoided for easy readability.

      We would like to thank the reviewers for their respective reviews. The detailed comments and efforts have helped us to improve our manuscript. In the following, we have listed the comments one by one and provide the respective information on how we addressed the concerns.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      We have tried to address every single comment as far as possible. In order to structure our response a little better, we have listed the relevant page number and the original comments once again. Directly following this you will find our response and a description of what we have changed in the manuscript.

      REVIEWER #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I have a few comments that will help the reader navigate this long and detailed paper.

      REVIEWER 1.1. page 4

      The final section of "the Structural organization of Drosophila larvae" needs some reorganization.


      "The DO and the TO are prominently located on the tip of the head lobes" Can the authors rewrite the sentence in a way that it is clear that there is one DO and one VO on each side of the head? Check at the beginning of each section, please. There is a mention about hemi-segments but it is still confusing.

      Done – replaced with “The largest sense organs of Drosophila larvae are arranged in pairs on the right and left side of the head.”

      REVIEWER 1.2. page 5

      "The sequence of sensilla is always similar for and different between T1, T2-T3, and A1-A7" This sentence is not clear, please break it into two sentences.

      Done – replaced with: “We noticed varying arrangements for T1, T2-T3, and A1-A7, with a consistent sequence of sensilla in each configuration.”

      REVIEWER 1.3. figures page 4

      Double hair can't be found in Figure 1B or C (is it h3, h4?) - please clarify.

      Done - changed to double hair organ in page 11, included double hair sketch in legend in figure 1B. We changed the name of the structure to double hair organ, to clarify that this is a compound sensillum consisting of two individual sensilla.

      REVIEWER 1.4. page 5

      The authors go back and forth in their descriptions of the different sensory organs. Knob sensilla and then papilla sensilla are discussed and then a few lines later a further description is done. Please unify the description of each separately.

      Done – we restructured the whole section.

      REVIEWER 1.5. figures page 6

      "We found three hair sensilla on T1-T3, and "two" on A1-A7" - in the figure there seem to be "four" on A1-A7.

      Done – we included the two hair sensilla of the double hair organ

      REVIEWER 1.6. figures page 6


      Can the authors explain the colour map meaning in Figure 2A? It is explained in 2C but the image already has colours. Add your sentence "Color code in A applies to all micrographs in this Figure".

      Done – we added a sentence to explain that the color code in A applies to the whole figure.

      REVIEWER 1.7. page 6

      Page 10: which comprises seven olfactory sensilla "composing" three dendrites each: replace this with"with". At the end, we want to think 7 X 3= 21 ORNs.

      Done – replaced.

      REVIEWER 1.8. page 9


      "We find these these DO associated ChO (doChO).. .". Please remove one "these"

      Done – removed.

      REVIEWER 1.9. page 8

      Is the DO associated ChO part of the dorsal ganglion???? It does not look like it. Could you clarify?

      Done – we added a sentence that clarifies that the ChO neuron is not iside the DOG.

      REVIEWER 1.10. page 9 VENTRAL ORGAN: A figures page 12

      Please add to the Figure 8 legend the description of 8c' and 8c'?

      Done – added description in figure legend.

      B page 9

      8H, what are the *, arrows? Please clarify - it is hard to interpret the figure.

      Done – we added parentheses in the figure legend that state which structures the asterisks and arrows indicate.

      C page 9

      "Three of them are innervated by a single neuron () and one by two neurons () (Figure 8F-I). Please add which are innervated by 1 (VO1, VO2-VO4) and which by 2 (VO3).

      Done – we added parentheses that clarify which sensilla are innervated by 1 or 2 neurons.

      REVIEWER 1.11. page 9

      Can you add something (or speculate) about the difference in sensory processing of the different types of sensilla?

      Done – new sentence in discussion:

      ‘Their different size and microtubule organization likely correlate with processing of different stimulus intesities applied to the mechanotransduction apparatus (Bechstedt et al. 2010).’

      REVIEWER 1.12. figures page 16


      FIGURE 10a, please add the name of each sensillum from p1, p2, px py, etc... (if not we have to go back to figure 1 when you describe specific ps.)

      Thanks for the comment, it really makes it a lot easier for the reader.

      REVIEWER 1.13. figures page 18 Figure 11, can you add the name of each hair, please?

      Done – updated figure.

      REVIEWER 1.14. figures pages 16, 18, 20

      In Figures 10, 11, and 12 you clearly draw an area on the internal side that I assume is what you call the "electron-dense sheath". It is wider in papilla sensilla than in hair sensilla, most likely due to the difference in stimuli sensed that you explain in detail in the discussion. Can you say in the figure what this "internal" thing is? Can you add this difference to your list "Apart from the difference in outer appearance and structure of the tubular body"?

      This is the basal septum, but it is not certain that it is wider in the papillae sensillae, at least we could not observe this in our data sets. The impression could have been created by different scales in the 3D reconstructions and a perspective view. Therefore, we do not want to list this as a difference here, as we are not sure.

      However, we have now specified the socket septum in the figure legends and in Figures 10A, 11A and 12A.

      REVIEWER 1.15. page 11


      Page 25;" Knob sensilla have been described under "vaious" names such as": add various.


      REVIEWER 1.16. page 12

      "reveals that the three hair and the two papilla sensilla are associated with a single dendrite." Can you write that "reveals THAT EACH OF the three hair and the two papilla sensilla" if not it seems that there is only one dendrite.


      REVIEWER 1.17. figures page 25 TERMINAL SENSORY CONES:

      Please name the t1-t7 cones in Figure 15A.

      Done – we updated the figure.

      REVIEWER 1.18. page 13

      The spiracle sense organ deserves a new paragraph. As does the papilla sensillum of the anal plate.

      Done – we added subtitles before the prargraphs.


      REVIEWER 1.19. page 15

      Page 38: "v'entral" correct typo

      PAGE 15

      Done – we have updated the nomenclature  ventral 1 (v), ventral 2 (v’) and ventral 3 (v’’)

      REVIEWER #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I have only a few comments:

      REVIEWER 2.1. page 5

      p.5, right column, middle: the use of trichoid, campaniform, and basiconical (sensilla) in previous works were based on even older papers and reviews that attempted to link EM architecture to function (e.g., KEIL, T. A. & STEINBRECHT, R. A. (1986). Mechanosensitive and olfactory sensilla of insects. In Insect Ultrastructure, vol. 2. (ed. R. C. King & H. Akai), pp. 477-516. New York/London: Plenum Press). Trichoid sensilla can be mechano-sensitive, olfactory, or gustatory; trichoid simply refers to the shape (hair). The same applies to basiconical sensilla. The use of "campaniform", which Ghysen et al called "papilla sensilla", was the only really problematic case, because these (Drosophila larval) sensilla did not really resemble closely the classical campaniform sensilla (e.g., adult haltere). The only reason we called them campaniform is because they were not more similar to any other type of (previously named) sensillum.

      Thank you for the explanation. The nomenclature of structures is generally always a complex topic with often different approaches and principles. We are aware of this and have therefore tried to be as careful as possible. We were not sure from this comment whether you were suggesting to change the text or whether you wanted to explain how these names were assigned to the sensilla in the past. However, we hope that the current version is in line with your understanding, but could of course make changes if necessary (see also comments of reviewer 1).

      REVIEWER 2.2. page 9

      p.21, Labial Organ: the ventral lip is the labium; the dorsal one is the labrum.

      Done – replaced labrum with labium.

      REVIEWER 2.3. page 9

      p.20/21, Ventral organ and labial organ: here, the projection of the axons could be mentioned as an ordering principle. In the previous literature, for larva and embryo, a labial organ (lbo) was described that most likely corresponds to the labial organ presented here. This (previously mentioned) lbo characteristically projects along the labial nerve to the labial segment (hence the name). It fasciculates with axons of another sensory complex, also generated by the labial segment, namely the ventral pharyngeal sensory organ (VPS). Does the labial organ described here share this axonal path?

      Yes, it has the same axonal pathway and is the same organ as the lbo. We have tried to standardise the nomenclature for all important external head organs (DO, TO, VO, LO) and have therefore used abbreviations with two letters. However, to avoid confusion, we have now added that the LO was also called lbo in the past.

      For the ventral organ, the segmental origin (to my knowledge) was never clarified. The axons of the ventral organ project along the maxillary nerve (which carries axons of the terminal=maxillary organ). This nerve, closely before entering the VNC, splits into a main branch to the maxillary segment (TO axons) and a thinner branch that appears to target the mandibular segment. This branch could contain the axons of the ventral organ (as described previously and in this paper). Could the authors confirm this axonal projection of the VO?

      In this work, we did not focus on the axonal projections into the SEZ. This is also not a simple and fast process, as in the entire larval dataset, the large head nerves unfortunately exhibit a highly variable quality of representation. Therefore, the reconstruction of nerves and individual neurons within it is often challenging and very time-consuming. The research question is, of course, very intriguing, and one could also attempt to match each sensory neuron of the periphery with the existing map of the brain connectome. However, this is a project in itself, exceeding the scope of this work, and is therefore more feasible as a subsequent project.

      REVIEWER #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Minor suggestions that the authors might consider:

      REVIEWER 3.1. figures all

      Recheck the scale bar in figures and figure legends. Missing in a few places.

      Done – we replaced or added some (missing) scale bars in figures and figure legends (see annotated figure document).

      REVIEWER 3.2. figures page 4

      The color schematic in Figure 1 can be improved for readability.

      Done – we changed the color schematic, especially for the head region to improve readability.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The manuscript titled "Coevolution due to physical interactions is not a major driving force behind evolutionary rate covariation" by Little et al., explores the potential contribution of physical interaction between correlated evolutionary rates among gene pairs. The authors find that physical interaction is not the main driving of evolutionary rate covariation (ECR). This finding is similar to a previous report by Clark et al. (2012), Genome Research, wherein the authors stated that "direct physical interaction is not required to produce ERC." The previous study used 18 Saccharomycotina yeast species, whereas the present study used 332 Saccharomycotina yeast species and 11 outgroup taxa. As a result, the present study is better positioned to evaluate the interplay between physical interaction and ECR more robustly.

      Strengths & Weaknesses:

      Various analyses nicely support the authors' claims. Accordingly, I have only one significant comment and several minor comments that focus on wordsmithing - e.g., clarifying the interpretation of statistical results and requesting additional citations to support claims in the introduction.

      We are pleased the reviewer found the analyses to support the claims. We have addressed comments related to clarifying interpretations as suggested in the Recommendations to the Authors. For example, we have added discussion and clarification on the other parameters that could affect the strength of ERC correlations.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The authors address an important outstanding question: what forces are the primary drivers of evolutionary rate covariation? Exploration of this topic is important because it is currently difficult to interpret the functional/mechanistic implications of evolutionary covariation. These analyses also speak to the predictive power (and limits) of evolutionary rate covariation. This study reinforces the existing paradigm that covariation is driven by a varied/mixed set of interaction types that all fall under the umbrella explanation of 'co-functional interactions'.


      Very smart experimental design that leverages individual protein domains for increased resolution.


      Nuanced and sometimes inconclusive results that are difficult to capture in a short title/abstract statement.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s acknowledgement of the experimental design. We have addressed the nuance of the results by changing the title and clarifying other statements throughout the manuscript as suggested in the reviewer’s recommendations. We have also addressed reviewer comments asking for further explanation on using Fisher transformations when normalizing the Pearson correlations for branch counts.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The paper makes a convincing argument that physical interactions of proteins do not cause substantial evolutionary co-variation.


      The presented analyses are reasonable and look correct and the conclusions make sense.


      The overall problem of the analysis is that nobody who has followed the literature on evolutionary rate variation over the last 20 years would think that physical interactions are a major cause of evolutionary rate variation. First, there have been probably hundreds of studies showing that gene expression level is the primary driver of evolutionary rate variation (see, for example, [1]). The present study doesn't mention this once. People can argue the causes or the strength of the effect, but entirely ignoring this body of literature is a serious lack of scholarship. Second, interacting proteins will likely be co-expressed, so the obvious null hypothesis would be to ask whether their observed rates are higher or lower than expected given their respective gene expression levels. Third, protein-protein interfaces exert a relatively weak selection pressure so I wouldn't expect them to play much role in the overall evolutionary rate of a protein.

      We thank the reviewer for their comments and suggestions. A point to immediately clarify is that the methods studied in this manuscript deal with rate variation of individual proteins over time, and if that variation correlates with that of another protein.. The numerous studies the reviewer refers to deal with explaining the differences in average rate between proteins. These are different sources of variation. It has not, to our knowledge, been shown that variation in the expression level of a single protein over time is responsible for its variation in evolutionary rate over time, let alone to a degree that allows its variation to correlate with that of a functionally related protein. That question interests us, but it is not the focus of this study.

      In our study, we sought to test for a contribution of physical interaction to the correlation of evolutionary rate changes as they vary over time, i.e. between branches. We made many changes to clarify this distinction in our revisions.

      We agree that the manuscript would be more clear to define the forces proposed to lead to difference in rate in general, which includes expression levels. We had generally considered expression level as one of the many potential non-physical forces, but failed to make that explicit and instead focused on selection pressure. In our revision we describe expression level as another potential driver of evolutionary rate variation over time. References to previous literature have been made in the introduction. We also added a more explicit explanation of the rate covariation over time that we are measuring in contrast with the association between expression level and rate differences between proteins that was studied in previous literature.

      On point 3, the authors seem confused though, as they claim a co-evolving interface would evolve faster than the rest of the protein (Figure 1, caption). Instead, the observation is they evolve slower (see, for example, [2]). This makes sense: A binding interface adds additional constraint that reduces the rate at which mutations accumulate. However, the effect is rather weak.

      The values in Fig 1B are a measure of correlation, specifically a Fisher transformed correlation coefficient. They are not evolutionary rates, so they are not reflecting faster or slower evolution, rather more or less covariation of evolutionary rates over time. We are not predicting that physically interacting interfaces evolve faster than the rest of the protein, but rather that if physical interaction drives covariation in evolutionary rates over time, their correlation would be stronger between pairs of physically interacting domains. In response, we have used clearer language in the figure caption and reorganized labels in Figure 1B to clearly show that the values are correlations. Revised Figure 1 Legend:

      “Overview of experimental schema and hypotheses. Proteins that share functional/physical relationships have similar relative rates of evolution across the phylogeny, as shown in (A) with SMC5 and SMC6. The color scale along the bottom indicates the relative evolutionary rate (RER) of the specific protein for that species compared to the genome-wide average. A higher (red) RER indicates that the protein is evolving at a faster rate than the genome average for that branch. Conversely, a lower (blue) RER indicates that protein is evolving at a slower rate than the genome average. The ERC (right) is a Pearson correlation of the RERs for each shared branch of the gene pair. (B) Suppose the correlation in relative evolutionary rates between two proteins is due to compensatory coevolution and physical interactions. In that case, the correlation of their rates (ie. ERC value) would be higher for just the amino acids in the physically interacting domain. (C) Outline of experimental design. Created with Biorender.com

      All in all, I'm fine with the analysis the authors perform, and I think the conclusions make sense, but the authors have to put some serious effort into reading the relevant literature and then reassess whether they are actually asking a meaningful question and, if so, whether they're doing the best analysis they could do or whether alternative hypotheses or analyses would make more sense.

      [1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4523088/

      [2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4854464/

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Major comments

      (1) Numerous parameters influence ECR calculation. The authors note that their use of a large dataset of budding yeast provides sufficient statistical power to calculate ECR. I agree with that. However, a discussion of other parameters needs to be improved, especially when comparing the present study to others like Kann et al., Hakes et al., and Jothi et al.. For example, what is the evolutionary breadth and depth used in the Kann, Hakes, Jothi and other studies? How does that compare to the present study? Budding yeast evolve rapidly with gene presence/absence polymorphisms observed in genes otherwise considered universally conserved. Is there any reason to expect different results in a younger, slower-evolving clade such as mammals? There is potential to acknowledge and discuss other parameters that may influence ECR, such as codon optimization and gene/complex "essentiality," among others.

      More discussion of these parameters is a good idea. We have added the number and phylogeny of species used in the previous studies in the discussion paragraph starting with “Previous studies attributed varying degrees of evolutionary rate covariation signal to physical interactions between proteins.” We also like the idea of studying the effect of younger and more slowly evolving clades as opposed to the contrary, but currently we lack the required number of datasets to do this.

      We have also added more discussion and clarification of potential non-physical forces leading to ERC correlations in the introduction.

      Minor comments

      (1) It would be good to add a citation to the second sentence of the first paragraph, which reads, "It has been observed that some genes have rates that covary with those of other genes and that they tend to be functionally related."

      Added citation to Clark et al. 2012

      (2) In the last sentence of the first paragraph of the introduction, ERC is discussed in the context of only amino acid divergence, however, there is no reason that DNA sequences can't be used, especially if ERC is being calculated among species that are less ancient than, for example, Saccharomycotina yeasts. Thus, it may be more accurate to suggest that ERC measures how correlated branch-specific rates of sequence divergence are with those of another gene.

      Nice suggestion to generalize. We have made this change.

      (3) ERC was not calculated in reference #2. For the sentence "Protein pairs that have high ERC values (i.e., high rate covariation) are often found to participate in shared cellular functions, such as in a metabolic pathway2 or meiosis3 or being in a protein complex together," I think more appropriate citations (including inspiring work by the corresponding author) would be

      a) Coevolution of Interacting Fertilization Proteins (https://journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgen.1000570)

      b) Evolutionary rate covariation analysis of E-cadherin identifies Raskol as a regulator of cell adhesion and actin dynamics in Drosophila (https://journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgen.1007720)

      c) An orthologous gene coevolution network provides insight into eukaryotic cellular and genomic structure and function (https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abn0105)

      d) PhyKIT: a broadly applicable UNIX shell toolkit for processing and analyzing phylogenomic data (https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article/37/16/2325/6131675)

      Thank you for pointing out these works. We agree that there are more appropriate citations and we have referenced your suggested b-d.

      (4) The dataset of 343 yeast species also includes outgroup taxa. Therefore, indicating that 332 species are Saccharomycotina yeast and 11 are closely related outgroup taxa may be more accurate.

      Thank you for the suggestion, the following sentence has been added, citing the Shen et. al 2018 paper that the dataset was derived from:

      “To investigate the discrepancy between contributions to ERC signal from co-function and physical interaction, we used a dataset of 343 evolutionarily distant yeast species. 332 of the species are Saccharomycotina with 11 closely related outgroup species providing as much evolutionary divergence as humans to roundworms3”

      (5) Are there statistics/figures to support the claim that "Almost all complexes and pathways had mean ERC values significantly greater than a null distribution consisting of random protein pairs"?

      This is shown in supplementary figure 1. A reference to this figure was added as well as quantification within the text.

      (6)Similar to the previous comment, can quantitative values be added to the statement "While protein complexes appear to have higher mean ERC scores than the pathways..."?

      The median of the mean ERC scores for protein complexes is 5.366 while the median for the mean ERC score in pathways is 4.597. This quantification has been included in the text: “While protein complexes have higher mean ERC scores (median 5.366) than the pathways (median 4.597), the members of a given complex are also co-functional, making interpretation of the relative contribution of physical interactions to the average ERC score difficult”

      These quantifications are were also added to the figure caption for figure 2A

      (7) A semantic point: In the sentence "The lack of significance in the global permutation test shows that the...", I recommend saying that the analysis suggests, not shows, because there is potential for a type II error.

      Good suggestion, we have made this change.

      (8) The authors suggest that shared evolutionary pressures, "and hence shared levels of constraint," drive signatures of coevolution. The manuscript does not delve into selection measures (e.g., dN/dS). Perhaps it would be more representative to remove any implication of selection.

      We have added better language to clarify that discussion of selection is purely a hypothesis and that selection is not probed in our analyses.

      “Previous work finds evidence that relaxation of selective constraint can lead to drastic rate variation and hence covariation6. Rather, the greater and consistent contribution comes from non-physical interaction drivers that could include variation in essentiality, expression level, codon adaptation, and network connectivity. These non-physical forces would be under shared selective pressures and hence shared levels of constraint, the result of which was elevated ERC between non-interacting proteins, as visible in our study of genetic pathways that do not physically interact (Figure 2).”

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Major comments:

      -Title: In my opinion, the title of the manuscript is a somewhat misleading summary of the results of this paper. In the majority of the analyses in this paper, physical interactions do account for a significantly outsized portion of the ERC signature. The current title downplays the consistent (although sometimes small effect-sized) result that physically interacting domains do show higher ERC than non-physically interacting domains by every statistical measure employed in this paper to compare physical vs non-physical interactions. The authors' interpretation of their results within the manuscript body is that the effect of physical interactions is an inconsistent, weak, and non-generalizable driver of ERC. I generally agree with the authors' interpretations, but the nuance of these interpretations is lost in the title of the paper. I would suggest rewording the title to try to capture the nuance or at least be subjectively accurate. For example, stating that "...physical interactions are not the sole driving force.." is inarguably accurate based on these results.

      As an alternative title, I would suggest focusing on an important takeaway from the paper: ERC is a reliable predictor of co-functional interactions but not necessarily physical interactions. I agree with the statement that "there is not a strong enough signal to confidently call an interaction physical or not and would be of little value to an experimentalist wanting to infer interacting domains" and I think that a title that emphasizes this idea would be more accurate and impactful.

      Great suggestion. We agree that the current title is downplaying the minutiae of the method and the signal we capture with it, we have used your suggested title.

      There are an outsized number of complexes that had ROC-AUCs greater than 0.5 which is why we performed the permutation tests to determine how significant each of the individual ROC-AUCs were given the differing number of protein/domain pairs in each complex. Between the statistical methods used only 3 of the 17 complexes ranked physical interactions significantly higher than non-physically interacting domains in every analysis. Even among the 3 that were statistically significant some of the physically interacting domains still fell among the bottom portion of the ERC scores for that complex (Figure 5: MCM and CUL8 complexes) This is why we concluded that physical interactions are not the sole driving force of the signal captured by ERC.

      -Abstract: related to my preceding comment, the word "negligible" in the abstract is misleading. If physical interactions were truly entirely negligible, the comparisons of physically interacting vs non-physically interacting domains would yield 0.5. Instead, these comparisons always yielded results greater than 0.5. Consider rewording.

      Thank you for the suggestion this phrasing has been changed to “Therefore, we conclude that coevolution due to physical interaction is weak, but present in the signal captured by ERC”

      We agree that “negligible” may be too strong of a word, however, the comparisons do not always yield results greater than 0.5.

      5 of the 17 complexes do not reach the 0.5 threshold for the initial ROC analysis and even among those that do, only 4 had significantly high ROC-AUCs. You are correct that the signal is not completely negligible which is why we continued by determining if the physical interaction was driving high ERC only within proteins (Figure 5)

      -Figure 3: I think there may be an error in the domain labeling in Figure 3. The comparison between OKP1_2 and AME1_3 is the highest ERC value in the matrix. From the complex structure, it appears that OKP1_2 and AME1_3 are two helix domains that appear to physically interact. However, in the ERC matrix, they are not shaded to indicate they are a physical interaction pair. Please double-check that the interacting domains are properly annotated, since mis-annotation would have a large impact on the interpretation of this figure with respect to the overall question the paper addresses.

      Thank you for catching this - fixed.

      Minor comments:

      -Methods: "The full ERC pipeline can be found at (Github)." Provide github URL here? Thanks for the catch, fixed

      -Discussion: "Evidence for physical coevolution however was tempered by a global permutation test, which did not reach significance, indicating that this inference is sensitive to approach and further underlines the relatively weak contribution of physical coevolution." The word "relatively" may not be a good choice of words. In comparison to what? As is, the phrasing could be interpreted as implying "in comparison to non-physical interactions". This would not be accurate, because the results show that in general, physical interactions are a stronger contributor to ERC (consistent trend but varied significance, depending on methodology) than non-physical interactions.

      Thank you for your help with clarification. The word relatively was removed.

      However, we do not agree that in general physical interactions are a stronger contributor to ERC than non-physical interactions (such as gene expression, codon adaptation, etc.). In all of our statistical tests a maximum of 5 of the 17 complexes ranked physical interactions significantly higher than non-physical interactions. While the ROC-AUC is greater than 0.5 for 12 of the 17 complexes only 4 of those were significant.

      -I have not seen Fisher-transformed correlation coefficients used in the context of ERC. I understand that it's helpful in normalizing the results so that they are comparable between ERC comparisons with differing numbers of overlapping branches (i.e. points on a linear correlation plot). A reference of where the authors got this idea or a little more verbiage to describe the rationale would be helpful. On a related note, I would expect that using linear correlation p-value instead of R-squared would account for differences in overlapping branches, eliminating the need to apply fisher-transformation. It would be helpful for the authors to outline their rationale for using a correlation coefficient rather than a P-value.

      We agree that this method could be made clearer. We made a methodological choice to use Fisher transformation over linear correlation p-value. Both methods should achieve the same end result by taking the number of branches into consideration. We have added additional explanation to the results section “Both protein pathways and complexes have elevated ERC”:

      “ERC was calculated for all pairs of the 12,552 genes. For each pair the correlation is Fisher transformed to normalize for the number of shared branches that contribute to the correlation. This normalization is necessary to reduce false positives that have high correlation solely due to a small number of data points. This normalization also allows for direct comparison of ERC between gene pairs that have differing numbers of branches contributing to the score.”

      We also added additional explanation in the methods section including the formula used to calculate the Fisher transformation

      -Did the authors use Pearson or Spearman correlation coefficient?

      Pearson. We clarified this in the methods section, “Calculating evolutionary rate covariation” : “Evolutionary rate covariation is calculated by correlating relative evolutionary rates (RERs) between two gene trees using a Pearson correlation.”

      -Did the authors explore ERC between domains within a single protein? Do domains within a protein exhibit ERC? I would expect that they do. If they do, this could likely be attributed to linkage/genetic hitchhiking, representing a new angle/factor beyond physical interaction that could lead to ERC. This is just an idea for a future analysis, not necessarily a request within the scope of the present paper.

      We did calculate the ERC between domains of a single protein but did not include them in the analysis since they didn’t address the specific question we posed. As expected they are highly correlated, and past unpublished studies in the lab do find a very weak, but detectable genome-wide, signature of rate covariation between neighboring colinear genes on a chromosome. That signal was however so weak as to be eclipsed by true functional relationships, when present.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Please read the literature and revise accordingly.

      We understand the confusion surrounding previous literature on the relationship between expression levels and evolutionary rates when comparing between different proteins. Those studies clearly showed how expression level is highly predictive of a given protein’s average evolutionary rate. However, we are studying the change in evolutionary rate over branches for single proteins. This is inherently different because we’re following rate fluctuations in the same protein over time. To our knowledge it has not yet been shown that expression level commonly varies enough over time to produce large rate variations over time in the same protein, and if it is responsible for the correlations of rate we observe between co-functional proteins. It is however reasonable to expect that what governs between-protein differences in rate could also contribute to between-branch differences (over time for a single protein). In fact, our earlier study approached this (Clark et al. Genome Research 2012). We expect expression level could influence rate over time and lump its effect together with general non-physical forces, such as selection pressures. We recognize we could do better in defining more of the non-physical forces and the past literature. We added the following section to the introduction and many other clarifying statements throughout the manuscript:

      “For the purposes of this study, the forces that contribute to correlated evolutionary rates are grouped into two bins, physical and non-physical. The physical force is coevolution occurring at physical interaction interfaces. Non-physical forces include gene co-expression, codon adaptation, selective pressures, and gene essentiality. There is a well accepted negative relationship between gene expression and rate of protein evolution where genes that are highly expressed generally have slower rates of evolution14,15. However, Cope et al.16 found that there is a weak relationship between both gene expression and the number of interactions a protein has with the coevolution of expression level. Conversely, they found a strong relationship between proteins that physically interact and the coevolution of gene expression. These findings illuminate the difference between the strong relationship of gene expression level on the average evolutionary rate of a protein and the weak contribution of gene expression level to correlated evolutionary rates of proteins across branches. The finding that physically interacting proteins have strong expression level coevolution brings to question how much coevolution of physically interacting proteins contributes to overall covariation in protein evolutionary rates.”

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This manuscript provides novel and important findings regarding the impact of noradrenergic signaling from the locus coeruleus on hippocampal gene expression. The locus coeruleus is the sole source of noradrenaline to the hippocampus and many rapid molecular changes induced by stress are regulated by noradrenaline. This manuscript provides a rigorous investigation into hippocampal genes uniquely regulated by noradrenaline in the presence or absence of stress. Data were collected and analyses were performed using solid methodology, and the results mostly convincingly support the conclusion made with few weaknesses. The study would benefit from a more comprehensive analyses of sex differences.

      Response: We thank the reviewers and the editors for the positive evaluation of our work and for the constructive feedback. To address some of the key criticisms, we have performed several new experiments and analyses. Importantly, we now provide a much more rigorous comparison of males and females, which strongly suggests that there are no major sex differences in the transcriptomic response to stress and noradrenaline in the hippocampus. We think that these - and other additions discussed below - significantly strengthen the manuscript. We provide detailed responses to all the reviewers comments. We have added numbers to the reviewers’ comments for easier referencing.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Comment 1: Privitera et al., provide a comprehensive and rigorous assessment of how noradrenaline (NA) inputs from the locus coeruleus (LC) to the hippocampus regulate stress-induced acute changes in gene expression. They utilize RNA-sequencing with selective activation/inhibition of LC-NA activity using pharmacological, chemogenetic and optogenetic manipulations to identify a great number of reproducible sets of genes impacted by LC activation. It is noteworthy that this study compares transcriptomic changes in the hippocampus induced by stress alone, as compared with selective circuit activation/inhibition. This reveals a small set of genes that were found to be highly reproducible. Further, the publicly available data will be highly useful to the scientific community.

      Response: We are very grateful for this positive evaluation.

      Comment 2: A major strength of the study is the inclusion of both males and females. However, with this aspect of the study also lies the biggest weakness. While the experiments tested males and females, they were not powered for identifying sex differences. There are vast amounts of literature documenting the inherent sex differences, both under resting and stress-evoked conditions, in the LC-NA system and this is a major missed opportunity to better understand if there is an impact of these sex-specific differences at the genetic level in a major LC projection region. There are many instances whereby sex effects are apparent, but do not pass multiple testing correction due to low n's. The authors highlight one of them (Ctla2b) in supplemental figure 6. This gene is only upregulated by stress in females. It is appreciated that the manuscript provides an incredible amount of novel data, making the investigation of sex differences ambitious. Data are publicly available for others to conduct follow up work, and therefore it may be useful if a list of those genes that were different based on targeted interrogation of the dataset be provided with a clear statement that multiple testing corrections failed. This will aid further investigations that are powered to evaluate sex effects.

      Response: The assessment of the reviewers and the editorial feedback encouraged us to look more thoroughly into potential sex differences, because we believe it would indeed be a major additional strength if our manuscript could make a firm statement on this important issue. To this end, we have expanded the manuscript in two major ways:

      (1) To expand the analysis of sex effects also to the dorsal hippocampus, and to increase robustness of the data, we have performed RNA-seq in 32 additional samples of male and female mice exposed to stress (or control) and propranolol (or saline) injection. Figure 1fh and Supplementary Figure 1d-f have been updated to reflect this new addition, and the results are presented in a new section on Pages 3-4 (pasted below for ease of reviewing). In summary, the strongly support our initial observation that the effects of stress on gene expression, as well as the effects of propranolol on blocking stress-induced effects, are highly similar in both sexes.

      (2) To further increase the power for detection of sex-effects, we have performed a small meta-analysis. For this, we combined several RNAseq datasets from the current manuscript and published datasets from our previous work (Floriou-Servou et al., 2018; von Ziegler et al., 2022), which also investigated transcriptomic sex-differences in the hippocampus 45 min after cold swim stress exposure in the same setup as used for the current manuscript. This approach increased our sample size to 51 males and 20 females. In summary, this well-powered approach shows no evidence for sex differences in the transcriptional response to stress, even when more lenient analyses were applied. These results are described in a new section on page 4, and summarized in Supplementary Figures 1f+g. This section is pasted below for ease of reviewing.

      "While blocking β-adrenergic receptors was able to block stress-induced gene expression, we did not test whether propranolol might decrease gene expression already at baseline, independent of stress. Additionally, all tests had thus far been conducted in male mice, raising the question about potential sex differences in NA-mediated transcriptomic responses. To address these two issues, we repeated the experiment in both sexes and included a group that received a propranolol injection but was not exposed to stress (Fig. 1f). Combining the data from both experiments, we repeated the analysis for each region, to identify genes whose response to stress was inhibited by propranolol (Figure 1g). As in the previous experiment, we found that many of the stress-induced gene expression changes were blocked by propranolol injection in both dHC (Figure 1g, left panel) and vHC (Figure 1g, right panel). Importantly, propranolol did not change the expression level of these genes in the absence of stress. We then directly compared the genes sensitive to stress and propranolol treatment in both dHC and vHC. To this end, we plotted the union of genes showing a significant stress:propranolol interaction in either region in one heatmap across both dHC and vHC (Supplementary Figure 1d). This showed again that the stress-induced changes were very similar in dHC and vHC, and that propranolol similarly blocked many of them. Finally, we asked whether the response differs between males and females. Despite clear sex differences in gene expression at baseline (data not shown), we found no significant sex differences in response to stress or propranolol between male and female mice (FDR<0.05; Fig. 1g). To more directly visualize this, we compared females and males by plotting the log2-fold changes of the stress:propranolol interaction across all stress-induced genes that were blocked by propranolol. We find very similar regulation patterns in both sexes (Figure 1h). Although none of these sex differences are significant, some genes seem to show quantitative differences, so we plotted the expression patterns of the 5 genes showing the largest difference in interaction term as box-plots, which suggest that these spurious differences are likely due to noisy coefficient estimates (Supplementary Fig. 1e). To address concerns that our analysis of sex differences might not have been sufficiently powered, we performed a meta-analysis of the experiments shown here along with previously published datasets from our lab (Floriou-Servou et al. 2018; von Ziegler et al. 2022). In all these experiments, the vHC of male and female mice was profiled 45 min after exposure to an acute swim stress challenge. This resulted in a sample size of 51 males and 20 females. Despite this high number of independent samples, we could not identify any statistically significant interaction between sex and the stress response. To identify candidates that might not reach significance while discounting differences due to noise in fold-change estimates, we reproduced the same analysis using DESeq2 with Approximate Posterior Estimation for generalized linear model (apeglm) logFC shrinkage (A. Zhu, Ibrahim, and Love 2018). This analysis also did not reveal any sex differences in the stress response (Supplementary Fig. 1f). We then tailored the meta-analysis specifically to the set of stress-responsive genes that were blocked by propranolol, and also for these genes the response to stress was strikingly similar in both sexes (Supplementary Fig. 1g). Altogether, we conclude that there are no major sex differences in the rapid transcriptomic stress response in the hippocampus, and that blocking beta-receptors prevents a large set of stress-induced genes in both females and males."

      To put these findings in context with existing literature, we agree with the reviewer that there are many studies that have reported sex differences in the LC-circuitry as summarized by Bangasser and colleagues (Bangasser et al., 2016, 2019). However, these studies primarily focus on the LC itself, suggesting that female rats have more LC neurons, denser LC-dendrites in the peri-LC region, and that LC neurons are more readily activated by stress in females because of heightened sensitivity to CRF-signaling. A recent study in mice reports, in contrast, that females have fewer TH-positive neurons in the LC, but they also find enhanced excitability of LC neurons in females (Mariscal et al., 2023). Similarly, one study has suggested molecular differences in the makeup of the LC (Mulvey et al., 2018). Our experiments, however, focus on the impact of NA release in a projection region (hippocampus). Further, we use a strong stress induction protocol (swim stress) and various potent modes of direct LC activation, so differences in "LC-excitability" are likely less relevant in this context. We added evidence showing that we trigger powerful NA release in both sexes (Supplementary Figure 2c-h; see response to Reviewer #2, Comment #3 for more details). In addition, we show that the intensity or pattern of LC stimulation does not appear to alter the molecular response (Figure 3a-b), and that various stressors (mild or intense) all trigger the same NA-dependent molecular changes (Figure 4a-b). Therefore, our results suggest that once NA is released (in the hippocampus), the molecular downstream effects on gene expression are very similar - independent of stimulation intensity, sex, or hippocampal subregion (dorsal/ventral). This does not mean that there are no sex differences for activation of LC, but rather that the transcriptional response to NA release in the hippocampus is robust across sexes, and that propranolol seems to block NA-dependent effects similarly in both sexes. This does not rule out quantitative differences between sexes that only emerge with targeted analyses of individual genes, or once fluctuations in ovarian hormones are taken into account. We have updated the section in the discussion to summarize these considerations in light of the new results (see pages 20-21, section: "A uniform molecular response to stress and noradrenaline release in both sexes").

      Comment 3: A major finding of the present study is the involvement of noradrenergic transcriptomic changes occurring in astrocytic genes in the hippocampus. Given the stated importance of this finding within the discussion, it seems that some additional dialogue integrating this with current literature about the role of astrocytes in the hippocampus during stress or fear memory would be important.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for giving us an opportunity to add a more detailed discussion about the role of astrocytes and thyroid hormones in the hippocampus during learning and memory formation. We have added these statements to the discussion:

      “Within the hippocampus, astrocytic pathways are emerging as important players for learning and memory processes (Gibbs, Hutchinson, and Hertz 2008; Bohmbach et al. 2022). In fact, it is well-known that NA enhances memory consolidation (Schwabe et al. 2022; McGaugh and Roozendaal 2002), and recent work suggests that these effects are mediated by astrocytic β-adrenergic receptors (Gao et al. 2016; Iqbal et al. 2023). Our transcriptomic screens revealed Dio2 as the most prominent target influenced by LC activity. Dio2 is selectively expressed in astrocytes and encodes for the intracellular type II iodothyronine deiodinase, which converts thyroxine (T4) to the bioactive thyroid hormone 3,3',5-triiodothyronine (T3) and therefore regulates the local availability of T3 in the brain (Bianco et al. 2019). Enzymatic activity of DIO2 has further been shown to be increased by prolonged noradrenergic transmission through desipramine treatment in LC projection areas (Campos-Barros et al. 1994). This suggests that the LC-NA system and its widespread projections could act as a major regulator of brain-derived T3. Notably, T3-signaling plays a role in hippocampal memory formation (Rivas and Naranjo 2007; Sui et al. 2006), raising the possibility that NA-induced Dio2 activity in astrocytes might mediate some of these effects.”

      Comment 4: The comparison of the candidate genes activated by the LC in the present study (swim) with datasets published by Floriou-Servou et al., 2018 (Novelty, swim, restraint, and footshock) is an interesting and important comparison. Were there other stressors identified in this paper or other publications that do not regulate these candidate genes? Further, can references be added to clarify to the reader, that prior studies have identified that novelty, restraint and footshock all activate LC-NA neurons.

      ponse: Thank you for the positive feedback. We have only tested the stressors reported in Figure 4a-b (novelty, swim, restraint, and footshock). It is known that all these stressors trigger noradrenaline release, in fact we are not aware of stressors that do not trigger NA release. This reproducible finding supports the notion that the identified set of genes is indeed highly NAresponsive. As suggested, we have now included references that show increased NA release in response to all these stressors:

      “Therefore, we assessed their expression in a dataset comparing the effect of various stressors on the hippocampal transcriptome (Floriou-Servou et al., 2018). The stressors included restraint, novelty and footshock stress, which have all previously been shown to increase hippocampal NA release (HajósKorcsok et al., 2003; Lima et al., 2019; Masatoshi Tanaka et al., 1982).”

      Comment 5: Comparisons are made between chemogenetic studies and yohimbine, stating that fewer genes were activated by chemogenetic activation of LC neurons. There is clear justification for why this may occur, but a caveat may need to be mentioned, that evidence of neuronal activation in the LC by each of these methods were conducted at 90 (yohimbine) versus 45 (hM3Dq) minutes, and therefore it cannot be ruled out that differences in LC-NA activity levels might also contribute.

      Response: The reviewer raises an important point about some inconsistencies between the time points chosen in our study, an aspect that was also pointed out by Reviewer #2. We have chosen the 45 and 90 min time points for two different reasons. On the one hand, cFos changes on the protein level are known to peak 90 min after neuronal activation, and we wanted to capture the strongest possible cFos signal in the LC. On the other hand, we wanted to measure gene expression changes triggered by NA release, which already occur 45 min after noradrenergic activation (Roszkowski et al., 2016). Thus, when the experimental design allowed separate experiments (e.g. systemic yohimbine injection), we chose to measure gene expression after 45 min, but to validate cFos activation in the LC separately after 90min. In response to DREADD activation, however, we wanted to confirm within the same animal that LC activation was successful, and thus we collected LC and hippocampus simultaneously (Figure 2c,d). While the cFos increase is already very pronounced at the 45min time point (Figure 2g), the quality of IHC is slightly lower because the tissue cannot be perfused in this experimental design. Therefore, we do not think that the time point for cFos sampling matters in this context. However, we agree with the reviewer that it remains unclear whether yohimbine and DREADDs activate the LC with similar potency. To directly compare NA release would require a set of photometry-based experiments to measure NA release using genetically-encoded NA-sensors. While we have added such experiments for LC activation with DREADDs and optogenetics to show rapid NA release indeed occurs in the hippocampus (see Reviewer #2, Comment 3; Supplementary Figure 2c-h), yohimbine interferes with the NA-sensors as explained in detail in response to Reviewer 2, Comment 3. Thus, it was too challenging for us to directly compare the release dynamics in response to DREADDs and yohimbine, which was also not the main focus of our work. To explicitly address this caveat, we have extended the corresponding section in the discussion:

      "Finally, our observation that systemic administration of the α2-adrenergic receptor antagonist yohimbine very closely recapitulates the transcriptional response to stress stands in contrast to the much more selective transcriptional changes observed after chemogenetic or optogenetic LC-NA activation. This difference could be due to various factors. First, it remains unclear how strong the LC gets activated by yohimbine versus hM3Dq-DREADDs. However, given the potent LC activation observed after DREADD activation, it seems unlikely that yohimbine would lead to a more pronounced LC activation, thus explaining the stronger transcriptional effects. Second, contrary to LC-specific DREADD-activation, systemic yohimbine injection will also antagonize postsynaptic α2-adrenergic receptors throughout the brain (and periphery). More research is needed to determine whether this could have a more widespread impact on the hippocampus (and other brain regions) than isolated LC-NA activation, further enhancing excitability by preventing α2-mediated inhibition of cAMP production. Finally, systemic yohimbine administration and noradrenergic activity have been shown to induce corticosterone release into the blood (Johnston, Baldwin, and File 1988; Leibowitz et al. 1988; Fink 2016). Thus, yohimbine injection could have broader transcriptional consequences, including corticosteroid-mediated effects on gene expression."

      Comment 6: Please add information about how virus or cannula placement was confirmed in these studies. Were missed placements also analyzed separately?

      Response: Pupillometry recordings were performed with all animals involving optogenetic or chemogenetic manipulations of the LC, before subjecting them to stress experiments. These assessments account for both correct optic fiber placement and virus expression (Privitera et al., 2020). If an animal did not show a clear pupil response, it was not included any further in the study. To demonstrate correct cannula placement for drug infusion of isoprotenerol in the dorsal hippocampus, we added a representative image of cannula placement in Supplementary Figure 1h.

      Comment 7: Time of day for tissue collection used in genetic analysis should be reported for all studies conducted or reanalyzed.

      Response: Thank you for pointing out this omission. Tissue collection for RNA-seq analysis was always performed between 11am and 5pm during the dark phase of the reversed light-dark cycle. We have added this information to the corresponding method section (“Tissue collection”).

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Comment 8: This is a well written, comprehensive and rigorous manuscript that will be of great interest to those in the scientific community.

      Response: Thank you for the positive evaluation of our work and for the constructive feedback.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Comment 1: The present manuscript investigates the implication of locus coeruleus-noradrenaline system in the stress-induced transcriptional changes of dorsal and ventral hippocampus, combining pharmacological, chemogenetic, and optogenetic techniques. Authors have revealed that stress-induced release of noradrenaline from locus coeruleus plays a modulatory role in the expression of a large scale of genes in both ventral and dorsal hippocampus through activation of β-adrenoreceptors. Similar transcriptional responses were observed after optogenetic and chemogenetic stimulation of locus coeruleus. Among all the genes analysed, authors identified the most affected ones in response to locus coeruleus-noradrenaline stimulation as being Dio2, Ppp1r3c, Ppp1r3g, Sik1, and Nr4a1. By comparing their transcriptomic data with publicly available datasets, authors revealed that these genes were upregulated upon exposure to different stressors. Additionally, authors found that upregulation of Ppp1r3c, Ppp1r3g, and Dio2 genes following swim stress was sustained from 90 min up to 2-4 hours after stress and that it was predominantly restricted to hippocampal astrocytes, while Sik1 and Nr4a1 genes showed a broader cellular expression and a sharp rise and fall in expression, within 90 min of stress onset.

      Overall, the paper is well written and provides a useful inventory of dorsal and ventral hippocampal gene expression upregulated by activation of LC-NA system, which can be used as starting point for more functional studies related to the effects of stress-induced physiological and pathological changes.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for the careful assessment of our work.

      Comment 2: However, I believe that the study would have benefited of a more comprehensive analyses of sex differences. Experiments in females were conducted only in one experiment and analyses restricted to the ventral hippocampus.

      Response: In response to the comments by the reviewer, as well as Reviewer #1 and the editors, we have sequenced an additional 32 brain samples to expand the comparison of sex effects in females and males across dorsal and ventral hippocampus, and we included a new meta-analysis of 3 experimental datasets (51 male and 20 female) samples, to thoroughly assess sex differences in the transcriptomic response to stress. We refer the reviewer to our detailed response provided above to Reviewer #1, comment #2, and the updated results section on pages 3-4.

      Comment 3: Although, the experiments were overall sound and the results broadly support the conclusion made, I think some methodological choices should be better explained and rationalized. For instance, the study focuses on identifying transcriptional changes in the hippocampus induced by stress-mediated activation of the LC-NA system, however NA release following stress exposure and pharmacological or optogenetic manipulation was mostly measured in the cortex.

      Response: Because the hippocampus was used for RNA-sequencing, we could not assess NA release in the hippocampus (as this would require fiber implants that would interfere with molecular measures, or different tissue processing for HPLC). Nonetheless, we wanted to assess the transcriptional changes in the hippocampus, while simultaneously measuring successful stimulation of the LC-NA system in the same animals. To achieve this, we pursued 3 routes: 1) we used pupillometry to confirm functional LC activation; 2) we measured cFOS in the LC to directly demonstrate LC activation; 3) we assessed NA release using uHPLC (which requires larger tissue samples) and we chose the cortex because both cortex and hippocampus receive NA predominantly from the LC (Samuels & Szabadi, 2008). Importantly, we had previously shown that chemogenetic LC activation leads to a similar NA turnover in both the cortex and hippocampus, as measured by uHPLC (Zerbi et al., 2019). The relevant figure from that paper is inserted below to quickly show the striking similarity between hippocampus and cortex.

      Author response image 1.

      Levels of noradrenaline (NE) turnover (MHPG/NE ratio) in the cortex (CTX) and hippocampus (HC), measured in whole tissue with uHPLC 90min after hM3Dq-DREADD activation of the LC (copied and cropped from Zerbi et al, 2019, Neuron).

      In response to the reviewers comment, we performed additional experiments to directly demonstrate that LC-activation with DREADDs as well as optogenetics causes an increase in hippocampal NA-release. We recorded NA release in the hippocampus (using fiber photometry combined with genetically encoded NA sensors). For DREADD activation, we observed a strong increase in hippocampal noradrenaline that started a few minutes after clozapine administration, and this increase was sustained throughout the duration of the 21 minute recording (see Supplementary Figure2c-e). For optogenetic LC activation, we find a rapid and immediate sharp increase in NA levels in the hippocampus (Supplementary Figure 2f-h). These experiments were performed in females and males and triggered similar responses. An adapted and cropped version of Supplementary Figure 2 is pasted below for ease of reading.

      Please note that we could not perform a similar experiment using yohimbine, because the GRABNE sensors are based on the alpha-2 adrenergic receptor, thus yohimbine administration interferes with the photometry recording. However, we believe that it is clear from this response that strong activation of the LC leads to uniform release of NA in the hippocampus and cortex.

      Author response image 2.

      c, Schematic of fiber photometry recording of hippocampal NA during chemogenetic activation of the LC. After 5 min baseline recording in the homecage animals were injected with clozapine (0.03mg/kg, i.p.) and placed in the OFT for 21min. d, Average ΔF/F traces of GRABNE2m photometry recordings in response to chemogenetic activation of the LC (mean±SEM for hM3DGq+ and hM3DGq- split into females and males, n=3/group/sex). e, Peak ΔF/F response of fiber photometry trace. f, Schematic of fiber photometry recording of hippocampal NA during optogenetic activation of the LC. Animals were lightly anesthetized (1.5% isoflurane) and recorded in a stereotaxic frame. After 1 min baseline recording, animals were stimulated three times with 5Hz for 10s (10ms pulse width, ~8mW laser power) and recorded for 2 min post-stimulation. g, Average ΔF/F traces of the NA sensors GRABNE1m and nLightG in response to optogenetic activation of the LC (mean±SEM for females and males, n(females)= 10, n(males)=5. h, Peak ΔF/F response of fiber photometry trace.

      Comment 4: Furthermore, behavioral changes following systemic pharmacologic or chemogenetic manipulation were observed in the open field task immediately after peripheral injections of yohimbine or CNO, respectively. Is this timing sufficient for both drugs to cross the blood brain barrier and to exert behavioral effects?

      Response: We have previously shown that chemogenetic activation of the LC through clozapine elicits pupil responses within 1-2 minutes after injection (Privitera et al., 2020; Zerbi et al., 2019). This indicates that clozapine rapidly crosses the blood brain barrier and affects LC activity within a few minutes after injection. Our additional experiments using genetically encoded sensors in the hippocampus show this even more directly (Supplementary Figure 2d), see also the response to Comment 3 above.

      Similarly, yohimbine also rapidly crosses the blood brain barrier within the same time frame (Hubbard et al., 1988). These observations are consistent with the rapid behavioral effects that can be detected within a few minutes after injection of clozapine for LC-DREADD activation (Zerbi et al., 2019), and for yohimbine as well (von Ziegler et al., 2023). In response to another comment of this reviewer, we have also re-analyzed the behavior presented in the current manuscript in time-bins of 3 minutes, which also shows the rapid onset of effects in response to yohimbine (within the first 3 min) and DREADDs (within 6 min), see Supplementary Fig. 3.

      Comment 5: Finally, the study shows that activation of noradrenergic hippocampus-projecting LC neurons is sufficient to regulate the expression of several hippocampal genes, although the necessity of these projection to induce the observed transcriptional effects has been tested to some extent through systemic blockade of beta-adrenoceptor, I believe the study would have benefited of more selective (optogenetic or chemogenetic) necessity experiments.

      Response: We understand the reviewer's point that blocking the LC during stress exposure would be an interesting experiment. However, it is very hard to completely silence the LC during intense stressors. In fact, despite intense efforts, we have not been able to silence the LC during swim stress exposure using DREADDs or other chemogenetic approaches (PSAM/PSEM). We were in fact able to silence the LC with the optogenetic inhibitor JAWS (and others have reported successful LC silencing with GtACR2), but there is a major issue involving the "rebound effect", where more NA is released once the inhibition is stopped. We would thus have had to optogenetically silence the LC for 45-90 min, which would create heat artifacts, and require challenging control experiments to draw firm conclusions. Given all these issues, we reasoned that blocking adrenergic receptors is a simple and elegant solution, which provides clear evidence for the necessity of beta-adrenergic signaling.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Major concerns:

      Comment 6: The study focuses on the identification of transcriptional changes in the hippocampus induced by stress-mediated activation of the LC-NA system, however, noradrenaline release following stress exposure or yohimbine injection was measured in the cortex. Authors should consider measuring NA concentrations in the hippocampus after exposure to swim stress or administration of yohimbine, or at least explain their choice to analyse to cortex in the manuscript.

      Response: We have addressed this issue in detail in Response to "Reviewer 2, Comment #3", where we provided an overview of the additional data that support our approach. As mentioned before, measuring NA release after yohimbine is not compatible with our GRABNE-photometry approach, as the GRAB-sensor is based on alpha2-adrenoceptor. Here, we would like to add that measuring NA release using photometry during swim stress is also challenging. The challenge is the vigorous movement (swimming, typically in one direction), which creates pressure on the cables/implants. We felt that overcoming these experimental challenges (setup, troubleshooting and controls) would be beyond the scope of the paper, given that it is already known that this stressor leads to strong NA release in the hippocampus. We have now included references that demonstrate that all the stressors used in our work trigger NA increase in the hippocampus (see response to Reviewer 1, Comment 3): “Therefore, we assessed their expression in a dataset comparing the effect of various stressors on the hippocampal transcriptome (Floriou-Servou et al., 2018). The stressors included restraint, novelty and footshock stress, which have all previously been shown to increase hippocampal NA release (Hajós-Korcsok et al., 2003; Lima et al., 2019; Masatoshi Tanaka et al., 1982).”

      Comment 7: Concerning the experiment aimed at investigating sex differences in gene expression, it is not clear the reason why authors decided to restrict their analyses in females to the ventral hippocampal only. The explanation that in males they did not detect major differences between the dorsal and ventral hippocampus is not sufficient, because there could have been different effects in females. Therefore, the conclusion made by the authors that their "results suggest that the transcriptomic response is independent of sex" is not entirely correct, since sex differences were only evaluated in the ventral hippocampus.

      Response: We appreciate the reviewer's critique. As described above, we have now also sequenced the dorsal hippocampal tissue from the propranolol experiment (males and females, 32 samples) and additionally added an extensive meta-analysis of three large datasets (n=71) to compare transcriptional sex differences in response to stress. A detailed description of these experiments and how they have extended/supported our conclusions have been provided in response to Reviewer #1, Comment #2.

      Comment 8: Besides the effects on females, the same experiment examined whether propranolol by itself (in the absence of stress) would have been able to alter gene expression: such effects were not examined in the dorsal hippocampus. In contrast, in a different experiment, the effects of isoproterenol on genes expression were restricted to the dorsal hippocampus only. Furthermore, related to this latter experiment, intra-dorsal hippocampal injection of isoproterenol should presumably mimic the rise in NA observed after stress exposure, why was gene expression measured 90 min after isoproterenol central injections while in the other experiments gene expression was determined 45 min after stress, that is when authors observe the peak NA concentration?

      Response: We have addressed the reviewer's critique of dorsal vs ventral hippocampus by reanalyzing 32 additional samples from dorsal hippocampus of male and female mice after propranolol (or saline) injection. Please see response to Reviewer #1, comment #2.

      Regarding the time points: We have chosen the 45 and 90 min time points mainly for two reasons. First, cFos protein changes are known to be strongest 90 min after neuronal activation. Second, because we wanted to capture gene expression changes triggered by NA release, we reasoned that these effects must be fast and should thus be measured at an early transcriptional time-point (45min). However, after performing the time-course experiment after swim stress exposure (Figure 4d,c), we observed that the LC-NA-sensitive genes (e.g. Dio2 and several PP1-subunits) show the strongest changes 90 min after stress exposure. Therefore, in some of our experiments we opted to analyze gene expression changes at 90min, converging with the time-point we typically use for cFos staining. Contrary to the reviewer's statement, peak NA concentrations are not observed 45 min after the various interventions, but rather the peak in the main metabolite (MHPG) is observed then, due to the temporal dynamics of NA release and breakdown. NA release occurs immediately upon stress exposure (or direct LC activation), which we also show in the new photometry data described above. Thus, rapid NA release triggers intracellular cascades that lead to downstream transcriptional changes, which peak presumably between 4590 min later.

      Comment 9: Behavioral changes following systemic pharmacologic or chemogenetic manipulation were observed in the open field task immediately after peripheral injections of yohimbine or CNO, respectively. Is this timing sufficient for both drugs to cross the blood brain barrier and to exert behavioral effects? It is also not immediately clear the reason why the open field tasks have different durations depending on the experiments, which can also impact the results. Authors might also consider to split the open field data analyses in 2 or 3 min time-bins, to allow for a better comparison across the different results.

      Response: We thank the reviewer for the suggestion to plot the behavior data as time-bins. We have implemented this change for the yohimbine and DREADD experiments, and updated the corresponding figure accordingly (Supplementary Figure 3, pasted below for ease of reading). The new visualization clearly shows that yohimbine injection triggers rapid behavioral effects already in the first three minutes, whereas the LC-DREADD activation triggers behavioral changes within 3-6 minutes after injection. Thus, clear drug effects are visible in the first 10 minutes, which is comparable to the standard OFT test (10min testing) shown in response to swim stress exposure (Suppl. Figure 3a). The choice to expose mice to the OFT for 21 minutes in total was due to the fact that we based our experimental approach on the optogenetic LC-stimulation protocol first published by McCall and colleagues (McCall et al, Neuron, 2015), in which the LC is stimulated for 3 min followed by 3 min pauses (see Suppl. Figure 3d). Because of this on-off design, we decided to keep the optogenetic analysis simple and show the overall effect (Supplementary Figure 3d), particularly as we know that NA dynamics do not recover rapidly enough after 3 min continuous stimulation to justify a bin-analysis (unpublished data).

      Author response image 3.

      Effects of acute stress and noradrenergic stimulation on anxiety-like behaviour in the open field test. a, Stress-induced changes in the open field test 45 min after stress onset. Stressed animals show overall reductions in distance traveled (unpaired t-test; t=3.55, df=22, p=0.0018), time in center (welch unpaired t-test; t=3.50, df=13.61, p=0.0036), supported rears (unpaired t-test; t=3.39, df=22, p=0.0026) and unsupported rears (unpaired t-test; t=5.53, df=22, p = 1.47e-05) compared to controls (Control n = 12; Stress n = 12). This data have been previously published (von Ziegler et al., 2022). b, Yohimbine (3 mg/kg, i.p.) injected animals show reduced distance traveled (unpaired t-test; t=2.39, df=10, p=0.03772), reduced supported rears (unpaired t-test; t=6.56, df=10, p=0.00006) and reduced unsupported rears (welch unpaired t-test; t=3.69, df=4.4, p = 0.01785) compared to vehicle injected animals (Vehicle n = 6; Yohimbine n = 7). c, Chemogenetic LC activation induced changes in the open field test immediately after clozapine (0.03 mg/kg, i.p.) injection. hM3Dq+ animals show reduced distance traveled (unpaired t-test; t=6.28, df=13, p=0.00003), reduced supported rears (unpaired t-test; t=4.28, df=13, p=0.0009), as well as reduced unsupported rears (welch unpaired t-test; t=4.28, df=13, p = 0.00437) compared to hM3D- animals (hM3Dq- n = 7; hM3Dq+ n = 8). d, Optogenetic 5 Hz LC activation induced changes during the open field test. ChR2+ animals show reduced supported rears (unpaired t-test; t=2.42, df=64, p=0.0185) and reduced unsupported rears (unpaired ttest; t=2.91, df=64, p = 0.00499) compared to ChR2- animals (ChR2- n = 32; ChR2+ n = 36). Data expressed as mean ± SEM. p < 0.05, p < 0.01, p < 0.001, **p < 0.0001.

      Comment 9: The study shows that activation of noradrenergic hippocampus-projecting LC neurons is sufficient to regulate the expression of several hippocampal genes. I believe the study would have benefited of more selective necessity experiments. Authors might consider adding optogenetic (or chemogenetic) experiments aimed at inhibiting LC-NA hippocampal projections during stress exposure (or, alternatively, perform intrahippocampal pharmacological blockade of β-adrenoreceptors during stress exposure), and determine the effects on gene expression.

      Response: We kindly refer the reviewer to our previous response to Comment #2 above.

      Minor concerns:

      There is a typo in the abstract. Please correct "LN-NA" with "LC-NA"

      Response: Thank you, we have corrected it.


      Bangasser, D. A., Eck, S. R., & Ordoñes Sanchez, E. (1/2019). Sex differences in stress reactivity in arousal and attention systems. Neuropsychopharmacology: Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 44(1), 129–139.

      Bangasser, D. A., Wiersielis, K. R., & Khantsis, S. (06/2016). Sex differences in the locus coeruleusnorepinephrine system and its regulation by stress. Brain Research, 1641, 177–188.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      All comments made in the public section.

      We would like to thank the reviewer for their assessment of our study and for suggestions for additional experiments to follow up our studies.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      ‐ Preparation of spike proteins and VLPs. Although Triton‐X114 extraction was done to remove endotoxin from the recombinant spike protein preparations, its removal efficiency depends on the levels of endotoxin in the samples. Therefore, the residual endotoxin levels in each of the test samples and batches should be measured. Even very low but varying levels of residual endotoxin would substantially impact the reported results, as they create inconsistent data that are not interpretable.

      Certainly, endotoxin contamination in instilled materials is always an issue. Established protocols for inducing acute inflammatory responses using endotoxin outline specific ranges of endotoxin levels in the instillation materials. To induce acute lung inflammation in mice at least 2 µg of endotoxin must be instilled. We have endeavored to reduce the possibility of endotoxin contamination in our recombinant proteins by using a mammalian expression system; careful aseptic culture and protein purification techniques; and a final Triton-X114 partitioning protocol. We assessed the possibility of endotoxin contamination using the Pierce™ Chromogenic Endotoxin Quant Kit, which is based on the amebocyte lysate assay. Our analysis revealed that the endotoxin level in the purified recombinant protein preparation is below 1.0 EU/ml, which closely aligns with the levels specified for recombinant proteins. An endotoxin concentration of 1.0 EU/ml is equivalent to approximately 0.1 ng/ml. Throughout all mouse nasal instillation experiments, the total volume of recombinant protein administered did not exceed 6 µl. The amount of contaminant endotoxin instilled did not exceed 1 pg (50 µl of 0.02 ng/ml of endotoxin). Consequently, we can confirm that the extent of endotoxin contamination is at trace levels. Moreover, our study reveals multiple results indicating that the level of endotoxin contamination in the recombinant protein was inadequate to independently induce neutrophil recruitment in the cremaster muscle, lymph nodes, and liver. For further insights, refer to Figure 5.

      ‐ Doses of spike and VLPs: The amount of spike protein incorporated into HIV Gag‐based VLPs should be determined and compared to that found in the native SARS‐CoV‐2 virus particles. This should provide more physiologic doses (or dose ranges/titration) of spike than the arbitrary doses (3 ug or 5 ug) used in the mouse experiments.

      To visualize the acquisition of spike protein and track cells that have acquired the spike protein, we conducted a series of tests and optimizations using different concentrations of Alexa 488 labeled spike protein, ranging from 0.5 to 5 µg. During the processing of lung tissue for microscopic imaging, it was of utmost importance to preserve the integrity of the labeled spike protein in the tissue samples. We determined that instillation of 3 µg of Alexa 488 labeled spike protein yielded the optimal signal strength across the lung sections. Notably, in many mouse models employing intra-nasal instillation protocols for SARS-CoV2 spike protein or RBD domain-only recombinant proteins, a dosage of approximately 3 µg or higher were commonly used. Regarding the titer of spike-incorporated VLPs, it is important to highlight that we did not directly compare the quantity of spike protein present in NL4.3 VLPs to that of the naïve SARS-CoV-2 virus. HIV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 viruses typically carry around 70 gp120 spikes and 30 spikes, respectively. We estimated that SARS-CoV-2 spike-incorporated NL4.3 VLPs may display twice the number of spikes compared to naïve SARS-CoV-2. Notably, our measurements of SARS-CoV-2 spike on NL4.3 VLPs demonstrated similar behavior to SARS-CoV-2 in terms of specific binding to ACE2-expressing 293T cells, indicating their functional similarity in this context.

      Author response image 1.

      Spike protein-incorporated NL4.3 VLPs test with human ACE2-transfected HEK293 cells. The wild-type spike protein-incorporated VLPs and delta envelope NL4.3 VLPs were analyzed using human ACE2-transfected HEK293 cells. The first plot shows ACE2 expression levels in HEK293 cells. The second plot displays the binding pattern of Delta Env NL4.3 VLPs on ACE2-expressing HEK293 cells. The third plot illustrates the binding pattern of wild-type spike protein-incorporated NL4.3 VLPs on ACE2expressing HEK293 cells. The histogram provides a comparison of VLP binding strength to ACE2expressing HEK293 cells.

      ‐ The PNGase F‐treated protein was not studied in Fig 1. In Fig 2, glycan‐removal by PNGaseF has little effects on cell uptake and cell recruitment in the lung. If binding to one of the Siglec lectins is a critical initial step, experiments should be designed to evaluate this aspect of the spike‐cell interaction in a greater depth.

      As the reviewer states results with the PNGase F-treated protein were not shown in Fig. 1 although we showed results in Figs. 2 & 3. See discussion below about our preparation of the PNGase F-treated protein. Perhaps because we elected to use a purified fraction that retained ACE2 binding, the protein we used likely retained some complex glycans. As the reviewer notes the PNGase F treated protein had similar overall cellular recruitment and uptake profiles compared to the untreated spike protein. The PNGase Ftreated fraction we used no longer bound Siglec-F in the flow-based assay, shown in Fig. 7. This argues that the initial uptake and cellular recruitment following intranasal instillation of the Spike protein did not depend upon the engagement of Siglec-F. While Siglec-F on the murine alveolar macrophage can likely efficiently capture the spike proteins other cellular receptors contribute and the overall impact of the spike protein on alveolar macrophages likely reflects its engagement of multiple receptors.

      • Enzymatic removal of sialic acids from spike may be one parameter to explore. The efficiency of enzymatic removal should also be verified prior to experiments. Finally, the authors need to assess whether the proteins remained functional, folded properly, and did not aggregate.

      To obtain the de-glycosylated form of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, we employed PNGase F enzymatic digestion to remove glycans. Subsequently, the spike protein was purified using a size exclusion column. During this purification process, the PNGase F-treated spike protein segregated into two distinct fractions, specifically fraction 6 to 8 and fraction 9 to 11 (see revised Figure 1- figure supplement 1).

      Author response image 2.

      Size exclusion chromatography. The peak lines represent the absorbance at 280 nm. PNGase F-treated spike proteins were loaded onto a Superdex 26/60 column, resolved at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min, and collected in 1 ml fractions.

      The Coomassie blue staining of an SDS-PAGE gel revealed that fractions 6 to 8 likely underwent a more pronounced de-glycosylation by PNGase F compared to fractions 9 to 11. Additionally, during the size column purification, we noticed that fraction 6 to 8 exhibited a faster mobility than the untreated spike protein, implying a potentially substantial modification of the protein's conformation. To probe the functional characteristics of the de-glycosylated spike protein in fraction 6 to 8, we conducted binding tests with human ACE2. Strikingly, the spike protein in fraction 6 to 8 completely lost its binding affinity to ACE2, indicating a loss of its ACE2-binding capability. Conversely, the protein in fraction 9 to 11 showed partial de-glycosylation but still retained its original functionality to bind to ACE2 and its antibody.

      Author response image 3.

      FACS analysis of various spike protein-bound beads. Protein bound beads were detected with labeled spike antibody, recombinant human ACE2, and recombinant mouse Siglec-F.

      Based on these results, we concluded that fraction 9 to 11 would be the most suitable choice for further studies as the de-glycosylated spike protein, considering its retained functional properties relevant for ligating ACE2 and antibody motifs yet had lost Siglec-F binding. In the revised manuscript we have describe in more detail the purification of the PNGase F treated Trimer and its functional assessment.

      ‐ Increases in macrophages and alveolar macrophages by Kifunensine Tx spike in Fig 2A suggest effects that are not related to Siglec lectins. These effects are not seen with the wild type or D614 spike trimers, so the relevance of high‐ mannose spike is unclear. On the other hand, there were clear differences between Wuhan and D614 trimers seen in Fig 2A and 2B, but there was no verification to ascertain whether these differences were indeed due to strain differences and not due to batch‐to‐batch variability of the recombinant protein production. The overall glycan contents of the Wuhan and D614 spike protein samples should be measured. If Siglec interaction is the main interest in this study, the terminal sialic acid contents should be determined and compared to those in the corresponding strains in the context of native SARS‐CoV‐2 virions.

      Our initial observation that Siglec-F positive alveolar macrophages (AMs) avidly acquired spike proteins followed by a rapid leukocyte recruitment provided the rational for us to examine the impact of modifying the glycosylation pattern on the spike protein (de-glycosylated and spike variants) on their binding tropism and their cellular recruitment profiles in the lung. In this context, we examined the influence of several glycan modification on spike proteins, hypothesizing that these modifications would alter the acquisition of the spike protein by mouse AMs compared to the wild-type trimer. While we did not conduct an indepth analysis of the glycan composition and terminal sialic acid contents of the SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins we used we did verify that the different proteins behaved as expected. Most of the biochemical studies were performed in Jim Arthos’ laboratory, which has a long interest in the glycosylation of the HIV envelope protein. On SDS-PAGE the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein purified from the Kifunesine treated CHO cells exhibited a 12 kDa reduction. It bound much better to L-Sign, DC-Sign, and maltose binding lectin, and poorly to Siglec-F. In the cellular studies it bound less well to most of the cellular subsets examined including murine alveolar macrophages. In studies with human blood leukocytes, it relied on cations for binding. However, it retained its toxicity directed at mouse and human neutrophils and it elicited a similar cytokine profile when added to human macrophages. The D614G mutation increased the spike protein binding to P-Selectin, CD163, and snowdrop lectin (mannose binding) suggesting that the mutation had altered the glycan content of the protein. We used the D614G spike protein in a limited number of experiments as it behaved like the wild-type protein except for a slightly altered cellular retention pattern 18 hrs after intranasal instillation. In the revised manuscript we have included its binding to peripheral blood leukocytes. The D614G mutation conferred stronger binding to human monocytes than the original Spike protein. As discussed above, we recovered two fractions following the PNGase F treatment, one with a 40 kDa reduction on SDS-PAGE and the other a 60 kDa decrease and we chose to evaluate the fraction with a 40 kDa reduction in subsequent experiments. Consistent with a loss of N-linked glycans the PNGase F treatment reduced the binding to the lectin PHA, which recognizes complex carbohydrates, and it resulted in a sharp reduction in Siglec-F binding. The lower molecular weight fraction recovered after PNGase F treatment no longer bound ACE2. While our studies showed that alveolar macrophages likely employ Siglec-F as a capturing receptor they possess other receptors that also can capture the spike protein. The downstream consequences of engaging SiglecF and other Siglecs by the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein will require additional studies.

      While acknowledging the possibility of some batch-batch variation in recombinant protein preparation, we don’t think this was a major issue. We have noted some batch-batch variations in yield- efficiency, however the purified proteins consistently gave similar results in the various experiments.

      ‐ Fig 3: The same concern described above applies to the hCoV‐HKU1 spike protein. In Panel D, the PNGase and Kifunensine treatment did not appear to abrogate the neutrophil recruitment. Panel A did not include PNGase and Kif Tx spike proteins. Quantification of images in panel D is missing and should be done on many randomly selected areas.

      We analyzed the neutrophil count of images in panel D and the results are presented. (Figure 3-figure supplement 1C). The Kifunensine treatment reduced the neutrophil recruitment at 3 hours, while the PNGase F treated Spike protein recruited as well or slightly more neutrophils. The hCoV-HKU1 S1 domain did not differ much from the saline control.

      ‐ Fig 4: Kifunensine Tx spike caused more increase in neutrophil damage after intrascrotal injections. PNGase Tx spike was not tested. Connection between Siglec‐spike binding and neutrophil recruitment/damage is lacking.

      Exteriorized cremaster muscle imaging functions as a model system for monitoring neutrophil behavior recruited by spike proteins within the local tissue, distinct from Siglec F-positive alveolar macrophages residing in lung tissue. Hence, our primary focus was not on investigating the Siglec/Spike protein interaction. Consequently, we did not utilize PNGase F-treated spike protein in these experiments. To clarify this issue, we added a sentence in main text ‘Although this model lacks Siglec F-positive macrophages, it is worth monitoring the effect of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein on neutrophils recruited in the inflammatory local tissue.’

      ‐ Fig 5. Neutrophil injury was also seen after inhalation (intranasal) of spike protein in mice and in vitro with human neutrophils. Panel B shows no titrating effects of spike (from 0.1 to 2) on Netosis of murine neutrophils. Panel C: Netosis was seen with human neutrophils at 1 but not 0.1. Is this species difference important?

      Given the observation of neutrophil NETosis in the mouse imaging experiment, our objective was to characterize the direct impact of the spike protein on human and murine neutrophils. The origins of the neutrophils are different as the murine neutrophils were purified from mouse bone marrow while the human neutrophils were purified from human blood. Both purification protocols led to greater than 98% neutrophils. However, the murine neutrophils contain many more immature cells (50-60%) because the bone marrow served as their source. Furthermore, the murine neutrophils are from 6–8-week-old mice while the human neutrophils are from 30-50 year-old humans. More work would be needed to sort out whether there is any difference between human and mouse neutrophils in their propensity to undergo netosis in response to Spike protein.

      ‐ Kifunensine Tx again did not cause any reduction, indicating the lack of involvement of sialic acid. How was this related to Siglec participation directly or indirectly? There was no quantification for Panel D.

      We do not think that Siglecs play a role in the induction of neutrophil netosis as the Spike proteins lacking Siglec interactions induced similar levels of netosis. Likely other neutrophil receptors are important. As noted in the text,

      "human neutrophils express several C-type lectin receptors including CLEC5A, which has been implicated in SARS-CoV-2 triggered neutrophil NETosis." Our goal with the data in Panel D was to visualize human neutrophil NETosis on trimer-bearing A549 cells we relied on the flow cytometry assays for quantification.

      ‐ The rationale for testing cation dependence is unclear and should be described. What is the significance of "cations enhanced leukocyte binding particularly so with the high mannose protein"? Are there cationdependent receptors for spike independent of glycans and huACE‐2? If so, how is this relevant to the main topic of this paper?

      It is well known that many glycan bindings by C-type lectins are calcium-dependent, involving specific amino acid residues that coordinate with calcium ions and bind to the hydroxyl groups of sugars. As discussed in our previous draft, the C-type lectin receptor L-SIGN has been suggested as a calciumdependent receptor for SARS-CoV-2, specifically interacting with high-mannose-type N-glycans on the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Therefore, it was worthwhile to investigate the calcium-dependent manner of spike protein binding to various types of immune cells. We added some data to this figure. It now includes the binding profile of the D614G protein. In addition, we corrected the binding data by subtracting the fluorescent signal from the unstained control cells.

      ‐ Fig 7: human Siglec 5 and 8 were studied in comparison with mouse Siglec F. Recombinant protein data are not congruent with transfected 293 cell data. Panel A, the best binding to hSiglec 5 and 8 are the PNGase F Tx spike protein; how to interpret these data? Panel B: only the WT and D614G spike proteins binding to Siglec 5 and 8 on transfected cells. It made sense that kif Tx (high‐mannose) and PNGaseF Tx (no glycan) spike would not bind to the Siglecs, but they did not bind to ACE2 either, indicative of nonfunctional spike proteins.

      We discussed this as follows: ‘The closest human paralog of mouse Siglec-F is hSiglec-8 (reference 40). While expressed on human eosinophils and mast cells, human AMs apparently lack it. In contrast, human AMs do express Siglec-5 (reference 37). Along with its paired receptor, hSiglec-14, Siglec-5 can modulate innate immune responses (reference 41). When tested in a bead binding assay, in contrast to Siglec-F, neither hSiglec-5 or -8 bound the recombinant spike protein, yet their expression in a cellular context allowed binding. The in vitro bead binding assay we established demonstrated the specific binding of the bait molecule to target molecules. However, it does have limitations in replicating the complexities of the actual cellular environment. As discussed previously the PNGase Tx fraction we used in these experiments retained ACE2 binding, but loss binding to Siglec-F in the bead assay. In a biacore assay, not shown, the PNGase Tx fraction bound L-Sign and DC-Sign better than the untreated trimer, and it retained human ACE2 binding although it bound less well than wild type-trimer. Why the PNGase Tx fractions bound poorly to the human ACE2 transfected HEK293 cells is unclear. A higher density of recombinant ACE2 on the beads compared to that expressed on the surface of HEK293 may explain the difference. Alternatively in the bead assay we used a recombinant human ACE2-Fc fragment fusion protein purified from HEK293 cells, while in the transfection assay, we expressed human full length ACE2. The biacore, the bead binding, and the functional assays we performed all suggest that we had used intact recombinant proteins.

      ‐ Fig 8: This last set of experiment was to measure cytokine release by different types of macrophage cultures treated with spike from different cells with vs without Kifunensine Tx. The connection of these experiments to the rest is tenuous and is not explained. This is one of the examples where bits of data are presented without tying them together.

      Dysregulated cytokine production significantly contributes to the pathogenesis of severe COVID-19 infection. Since we had observed strong binding of the spike protein to human monocytes and murine alveolar macrophages, we tested whether the spike protein altered cytokine production by human monocyte-derived macrophages. Depending on the culture conditions human monocytes can be differentiated M0, M1, or M2 phenotypes. Each type of macrophage responds differently to stimulants, often leading to distinct patterns of cytokine secretion. These patterns offer valuable insights into the immune response. The cytokine profiling conducted in this study enhances our understanding of how distinct macrophage types react to the spike protein.

      ‐ Discussion section did not describe how the various experiments and data are tied together. The authors explained the interactions of spike with different cell types in each paragraph separately, leaving this reviewer really confused as to what the authors want to convey as the main message of the paper.

      We have modified discussion to address this issue.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      ‐ The authors may want to refer to "intranasal instillation" to distinguish it from inhalation of an aerosolised liquid. How was the dose of the spike protein selected? There is some dose information in different settings, but usually between 0.1‐1 µg/ml or 0.1 µg‐5 µg range for in vivo injection, but the rationale for these ranges should be discussed. Is this mimicking a real situation during infections or a condition that might be used for vaccines?

      While inhalation of aerosolized liquid closely mimics the natural route of human exposure to respiratory infectious materials, intranasal instillation with a liquid inoculum remains a widely accepted standard approach for virus or vaccine inoculation across various laboratory species. To clearly define our mouse model, we are changing the term 'inhalation' to 'instillation'. We previously answered to Reviewer #2 as following: To visualize the acquisition of spike protein and track cells that have acquired the spike protein, we conducted a series of tests and optimizations using different concentrations of Alexa Fluor 488 labeled spike protein, ranging from 0.5 to 5 µg. During the processing of lung tissue for microscopic imaging, it was of utmost importance to preserve the integrity of the labeled spike protein on the tissue samples. Through our investigations, we determined that an instillation of 3 µg of Alexa Fluor 488 labeled spike protein yielded the most optimal signal strength across the lung sections. Notably, in many mouse models employing intra-nasal instillation protocols for SARS-CoV-2 spike protein or RBD domain-only recombinant proteins, a dosage of approximately 3 µg or higher was commonly used. Hence, based on these references and our preliminary studies, we selected 3 µg as the optimal concentration of instilled spike protein per mouse.

      ‐ Controls are not evenly applied. In some cases, the control for the large and complex SARS‐CoV2 spiker trimer is PBS. This seems insufficient to control against effects of injecting such complex proteins that can undergo significant conformational changes after uptake by a cell. In some cases, human coronavirus spike proteins from different viruses are used, but not much is said about these proteins and the different glycoforms are not explored. Are these prepared in the same way and do they have similar glycoforms. For example, if the Siglecs bind sialic acid on N‐linked glycans, then why do the purified Siglecs or Siglecs expressed in cells not bind the HKU‐1 spike, which would have such sialic acids if expressed in the same way as the CoV2 spike?

      We have taken careful consideration to select an appropriate control material for these experiments. Initially, we opted to employ Saline or PBS for intranasal instillation as a vehicle control, a choice aligned with the approach taken in numerous previous studies involving lung inflammation mouse models. However, as the reviewer pointed out, we share the concern for achieving more meaningful and comparable control materials, particularly considering the size and complexity of the recombinant protein. In accordance with this perspective, we introduced glycan-modified spike proteins and the HCoV-HKU1 S1 subunit. Figure 3 illustrates our comprehensive evaluation of various spike proteins in terms of their impact on neutrophil recruitment. The diversity of sialic acid structures observed on recombinant proteins expressed within the same cell emerges from the intricate interplay of multiple factors within the cellular glycosylation machinery. This complex enzymatic process empowers cells to finely modulate glycan structures and sialic acid patterns, tailoring them to suit the diverse biological functions of distinct proteins. Despite structural similarities between the HCoV-HKU1 and SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins, their glycan modifications vary, thereby leading to distinct binding properties with various Siglec subtypes. All recombinant proteins used in this study except for the S1 subunits were generated within our laboratory. These include the wild-type spike protein, the D614G Spike protein, the Kifunensine-treated high mannose spike proteins, and the PNGase F-treated deglycosylated spike proteins. All the proteins were produced using the same protocol using CHO cells or on occasion HEK293F cells. We have indicated in the manuscript where we used HEK293F cells for the protein production otherwise they were produced in CHO cells.

      ‐ Figure 1 F‐I, there should be a control for VLP without SARS‐CoV2 spike as the VLP will contain other components that may be active in the system.

      We tested the delta Env VLP for alveolar macrophage acquisition and neutrophil recruitment. We found a similar alveolar macrophage acquisition of the VLPs, but significantly less neutrophil recruitment compared to the free Spike protein. Since the uptake pattern with the VLPs matched that of the spike protein we did not consider adding a non-spike bearing VLP as a control. The rapid VLPs clearance into the lymphatics shortly after instillation may account for the reduced neutrophil recruitment following their instillation (Figure 1 figure supplement 2B, C).

      ‐ In Figure 1H, that do they mean by autofluorescence? Is this the cyan signal?

      Is the green signal also autofluorescence as this is identified as the VLP?

      We appreciate reviewer pointing out the typo regarding autofluorescence in the figure image. To provide clarity regarding the background in all lung section images, we have included additional supplemental data. During the fixation process of lung tissue, various endogenous elements in the tissue sample contribute to autofluorescence when exposed to lasers in the confocal microscope. Specifically, collagen and elastin present in the lung vasculature, including airways and blood vessels, are dominant structures that generate autofluorescence. To address this issue, we have implemented optimizations to distinguish between real signals and the noise caused by autofluorescence. We inadvertently failed to indicate the source of the strong cyan signal. The signal is due to Evans Blue dye delineating lung airway structures, which contain collagen and elastin—known binding materials for Evans Blue dye. This explains the strong fluorescence signals observed in the airways. We conjugated the recombinant spike protein with Alexa Fluor 488, and viral-like particles (VLPs) were visualized with gag-GFP. (Figure 1 figure supplement 2A, D)

      ‐ The control for SARS‐CoV2 spike trimer is PBS, but how can the authors distinguish patterns specific to the spike trimer from any other protein delivered by intranasal instillation. Could they use another channel with a control glycoprotein to determine if there is anything unique about the pattern for spike trimer?

      Alveolar macrophages employ numerous receptors to capture glycoproteins that have mannose, Nacetylglucosamine, or glucose exposed. Galactose-terminal glycoproteins are typically not bound. We do not think that the Spike protein is unique in its propensity to target alveolar macrophages.

      ‐ What is the parameter measured in Figure S2B?

      The percentage of the different cell types that have retained the instilled Spike protein at the three-hour time point. .

      ‐ The Spike trimer with high mannose oligosaccharides may gain binding to the mannose receptor. It may be helpful to state the distribution of this receptor and comment is it could be responsible for this having the largest effect size for some cell types.

      We agree that the spike trimer with high mannose should target cells bearing the mannose receptor. We have modified the discussion to address this point and have mentioned some of the cell types likely to bind the high mannose bearing spike protein.

      ‐ A key experiment is the Evans Blue measure of lung injury in Figure 3A. A control with the HKU‐1 spike is also performed, but more details on the matching of this proteins production to the SARS‐CoV2 spike trimer and the quantification of these comparative result should be provided. To show that the SARSCoV2 spike trimer can cause tissue injury on its own seems like a very important result, but the impact is currently reduced by the inconsistent application of controls and quantification of key results. Furthermore, if these results can be repeated in the B6 and B6 K18‐hACE2 mouse model it might further increase the impact by demonstrating whether or not hACE2 contributes to this effect.

      We repeated the lung permeability assay using the S1 subunit from the original SARS-CoV-2 and the S1 subunit from HCoV-HKU1. Both proteins were made by the same company using a similar expression system and purification protocol. Consistent with our original data, the instillation of the SARS-CoV-2 S1 subunit led to an increase in lung vasculature permeability, whereas the HCoV-HKU-1 S1 subunit had a minimal impact. (Figure 3 figure supplement 1A). This experiment suggests that it the S1 subunit that leads to the increase in vascular permeability. To address the contribution of hACE2 in this phenomenon, we conducted a lung permeability assay using K18-hACE2 transgenic mice. The K18-hACE2 transgenic mice exhibited a slight increase in lung vasculature permeability upon SARS-CoV-2 trimer instillation compared to the non-transgenic mice. This suggests that the hACE2-Spike protein interaction may contribute to an increase in lung vascular permeability during SARS-CoV-2 lung infection (Figure 3 figure supplement 1B).

      ‐ For Figure 4A, could they provide quantification. The neutrophil extravasation with Trimer appears quite robust, but the authors seem to down‐play this and it's not clear without quantification.

      To address this issue, we analyzed and graphed the neutrophil numbers in each image. Injection of the trimer along with IL-1β significantly increased neutrophil infiltration. (Figure 4 figure supplement 1)

      ‐ In Figure 4B, there are no neutrophils at all in the BSA condition. Is this correct? Intravascular neutrophils were detected with PBS injection in Figure 4A.

      We demonstrated that the neutrophil behaviors occur within the infiltrated tissue rather than within the blood vessels. Even when examining the blood vessels in all other images, it is challenging to identify neutrophils adhering to the endothelium of the blood vessels. Neutrophils observed in the PBS 3-hour control group are likely acute responders to the local injection, as a smaller number of neutrophils were observed in the 6-hour image.

      ‐ In Figure 5A the observation of neutrophil response in lung slices seems to be presented an anecdotal account. The neutrophil appears to polarize, but is this a consistent observation? How many such observations were made?

      We have consistent observations across three different experiments. In addition, highly polarized and fragmented neutrophils were consistently observed in the fixed lung section images.

      ‐ The statement: "human Siglec‐5 and Siglec‐8 bound poorly despite being the structural and functional equivalents of Siglec F, respectively (37)". How can one Siglec be the structural and the other the functional equivalent of Siglec‐F? It might help to provide a little more detail as to how these should be seen.

      Mouse Siglec-F has two distinct counterparts in the human Siglec system, both in terms of structure and function. In the context of domain structure, human Siglec-5 serves as the counterpart to mouse Siglec-F. However, it's important to note that while human Siglec-8 is not a genetic ortholog of mouse Siglec-F, it is expressed on similar cellular populations and functions as a functional paralog.

      ‐ The assay using purified proteins and proteins expressed in cells don't fully agree. For example, it's very surprising that recombinant Siglec 5 and 8 bind better to the non‐glycosylated form than to the glycosylated trimer. It appears from Figure S1 that the PNGaseF treated Spike contains at least partly glycosylated monomers and it also appears that the Kifunesine effect may be partial. PNGaseF may have a hard time removing some glycans from a native protein.

      We were also surprised by the results using the PNGase F treated Spike protein in that it lost binding to Siglec-F and retained binding to human Siglec-5 and 8 in the bead assay, shown in Figure 7A. As explained above we used a purified fraction of the PNGase F treated protein that retained some functional activity as assessed in the ACE2 binding assay and in biacore assays not shown. The persistent binding of Siglec-5 and Siglec-8 suggests that removal of some of the complex glycans had revealed sites capable of binding Siglec-5 and 8. We would agree with the reviewer that the PNGase treatment we used only removed some of the glycans from the native protein. In data not shown the high mannose spike protein behaved as predicted in biacore assays, binding better to DC-SIGN and maltose binding lectin, but less well to PHA and less well to ACE2. The high mannose trimer also bound less to the HEK293 cells expressing ACE2, Siglec-5, or Siglec-8 as well as peripheral blood leukocytes.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1:


      In this study, Yan et al. investigate the molecular bases underlying mating type recognition in Tetrahymena thermophila. This model protist possesses a total of 7 mating types/sexes and mating occurs only between individuals expressing different mating types. The authors aimed to characterize the function of mating type proteins (MTA and MTB) in the process of self- and non-self recognition, using a combination of elegant phenotypic assays, protein studies, and imaging. They showed that the presence of MTA and MTB in the same cell is required for the expression of concavalin-A receptors and for tip transformation - two processes that are characteristic of the costimulation phase that precedes cell fusion. Using protein studies, the authors identify a set of additional proteins of varied functions that interact with MTA and MTB and are likely responsible for the downstream signaling processes required for mating. This is a description of a fascinating self- and non-self-recognition system and, as the authors point out, it is a rare example of a system with numerous mating types/sexes. This work opens the door for the further understanding of the molecular bases and evolution of these complex recognition systems within and outside protists.

      The results shown in this study point to the unequivocal requirement of MTA and MTB proteins for mating. Nevertheless, some of the conclusions regarding the mode of functioning of these proteins are not fully supported and require additional investigation.


      (1) The authors have established a set of very useful knock-out and reporter lines for MT proteins and extensively used them in sophisticated and well-designed phenotypic assays that allowed them to test the role of these proteins in vivo.

      (2) Despite their apparent low abundance, the authors took advantage of a varied set of protein isolation and characterization techniques to pinpoint the localization of MT proteins to the cell membrane, and their interaction with multiple other proteins that could be downstream effectors. This opens the door for the future characterization of these proteins and further elucidation of the mating type recognition cascade.


      The manuscript is structured and written in a very clear and easy-to-follow manner. However, several conclusions and discussion points fall short of highlighting possible models and mechanisms through which MT proteins control mating type recognition:

      (1) The authors dismiss the possibility of a "simple receptor-ligand system", even though the data does not exclude this possibility. The model presented in Figure 2 S1, and on which the authors based their hypothesis, assumes the independence of MTA and MTB proteins in the generation of the intracellular cascade. However, the results presented in Figure 2 show that both proteins are required to be active in the same cell. Coupled with the fact that MTA and MTB proteins interact, this is compatible with a model where MTA would be a ligand and MTB a receptor (or vice-versa), and could thus form a receptor-ligand complex that could potentially be activated by a non-cognate MTA-MTB receptor-ligand complex, leading to an intracellular cascade mediated by the identified MRC proteins. As it stands, it is not clear what is the proposed working model, and it would be very beneficial for the reader for this to be clarified by having the point of view of the authors on this or other types of models.

      We are very grateful that Reviewer #1 proposed the possibility that MTA and MTB form a receptor-ligand complex in which one acting as the ligand and the other as the receptor. We considered this hypothesis when asking how dose MTRC function, too. However, our current results do not support this idea. For instance, if MTA were a ligand and MTB a receptor, we would expect a mating signal upon treatment with MTAxc protein, but not with MTBxc. Contrary to this expectation, our experiments revealed that both MTAxc and MTBxc exhibit very similar effects (Figure 5, green and blue), and their combined treatment produces a stronger effect (Figure 5, teal). This suggests a mixed function for both proteins. (We incorporated this discussion into the revised version [line 120-121, 240-244].) It is pity that our current knowledge does not provide a detailed molecular mechanism for this intricate system. We are actively investigating the protein structures of MTA, MTB, and the entire MTRC, hoping to gain deeper insights into the molecular functions of MTA and MTB.

      Additionally, we also realized that the expression we used in the previous version, “simple receptor-ligand model”, is not clearly defined. As Reviewer #1 pointed out, in this section, we examined whether the individual proteins of MTA and MTB act as a couple of receptor and ligand. We think this is the simplest possibility as a null hypothesis for Tetrahymena mating-type recognition. We have clarified it in the revised version (line 90-91, 104-106). According to this section, we proposed that MTA and MTB may form a complex that serves as a recognizer (functioning as both ligand and receptor) (line 117-118).

      (2) The presence of MTA/MTB proteins is required for costimulation (Figure 2), and supplementation with non-cognate extracellular fragments of these proteins (MTAxc, or MTBxc) is a positive stimulator of pairing. However, alone, these fragments do not have the ability to induce costimulation (Figure 5). Based on the results in Figures 5 and 6 the authors suggest that MT proteins mediate both self and non-self recognition. Why do MTAxc and MTBxc not induce costimulation alone? Are any other components required? How to reconcile this with the results of Figure 2? A more in-depth interpretation of these results would be very helpful, since these questions remain unanswered, making it difficult for the reader to extract a clear hypothesis on how MT proteins mediate self- and non-self-recognition.

      Several factors could contribute to the inability of MTA/Bxc to induce costimulation. It is highly likely that additional components are necessary, given that MTA/B form a protein complex with other proteins. Moreover, the expression of MTA/Bxc in insect cells, compared with Tetrahymena, might result in differences in post-translational modifications. Additionally, there are variations in protein conditions; on the Tetrahymena membrane, these proteins are arranged regularly and concentrated in a small area, while MTA/Bxc is randomly dispersed in the medium. The former condition could be more efficient. If there is a threshold required to stimulate a costimulation marker, MTA/Bxc may fail to meet this requirement. Much more studies are needed to fully answer this question. We acknowledged this limitation in the revised version (line 244-248).

      Reviewer #2:

      This manuscript reports the discovery and analysis of a large protein complex that controls mating type and sexual reproduction of the model ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila. In contrast to many organisms that have two mating types or two sexes, Tetrahymena is multi-sexual with 7 distinct mating types. Previous studies identified the mating type locus, which encodes two transmembrane proteins called MTA and MTB that determine the specificity of mating type interactions. In this study, mutants are generated in the MTA and MTB genes and mutant isolates are studied for mating properties. Cells missing either MTA or MTB failed to co-stimulate wild-type cells of different mating types. Moreover, a mixture of mutants lacking MTA or MTB also failed to stimulate. These observations support the conclusion that MTA and MTB may form a complex that directs mating-type identity. To address this, the proteins were epitope-tagged and subjected to IP-MS analysis. This revealed that MTA and MTB are in a physical complex, and also revealed a series of 6 other proteins (MRC1-6) that together with MTA/B form the mating type recognition complex (MTRC). All 8 proteins feature predicted transmembrane domains, three feature GFR domains, and two are predicted to function as calcium transporters. The authors went on to demonstrate that components of the MTRC are localized on the cell surface but not in the cilia. They also presented findings that support the conclusion that the mating type-specific region of the MTA and MTB genes can influence both self- and non-self-recognition in mating.

      Taken together, the findings presented are interesting and extend our understanding of how organisms with more than two mating types/sexes may be specified. The identification of the six-protein MRC complex is quite intriguing. It would seem important that the function of at least one of these subunits be analyzed by gene deletion and phenotyping, similar to the findings presented here for the MTA and MTB mutants. A straightforward prediction might be that a deletion of any subunit of the MRC complex would result in a sterile phenotype. The manuscript was very well written and a pleasure to read.

      Thanks for the valuable comments and suggestions. We are currently in the process of constructing deletion strains for these genes. As of now, we have successfully obtained ΔMRC1-3 and MRC4-6 knockdown strains. Our preliminary observations indicate that ΔMRC1-3 strains are unable to undergo mating. However, we prefer not to include these results in the current manuscript, as we believe that more comprehensive studies are still needed.

      Reviewer #3:

      The authors describe the role, location, and function of the MTA and MTB mating type genes in the multi-mating-type species T. thermophila. The ciliate is an important group of organisms to study the evolution of mating types, as it is one of the few groups in which more than two mating types evolved independently. In the study, the authors use deletion strains of the species to show that both mating types genes located in each allele are required in both mating individuals for successful matings to occur. They show that the proteins are localized in the cell membrane, not the cilia, and that they interact in a complex (MTRC) with a set of 6 associated (non-mating type-allelic) genes. This complex is furthermore likely to interact with a cyclin-dependent kinase complex. It is intriguing that T. thermophila has two genes that are allelic and that are both required for successful mating. This coevolved double recognition has to my knowledge not been described for any other mating-type recognition system. I am not familiar with experimental research on ciliates, but as far as I can judge, the experiments appear well performed and mostly support the interpretation of the authors with appropriate controls and statistical analyses.

      The results show clearly that the mating type genes regulate non-self-recognition, however, I am not convinced that self-recognition occurs leading to the suppression of mating. An alternative explanation could be that the MTA and MTB proteins form a complex and that the two extracellular regions together interact with the MTA+MTB proteins from different mating types. This alternative hypothesis fits with the coevolution of MTA and MTB genes observed in the phylogenetic subgroups as described by Yan et al. (2021 iScience). Adding MTAxc and/or MTBxc to the cells can lead to the occupation of the external parts of the full proteins thereby inhibiting the formation of the complex, which in turn reduces non-self interactions. Self-recognition as explained in Figure 2S1 suggests an active response, which should be measurable in expression data for example. This is in my opinion not essential, but a claim of self-recognition through the MTA and MTB should not be made.

      We express our gratitude to Reviewer #3 for proposing the occupation model and have incorporated this possibility into the manuscript. We believe it is possible that occupation may serve as the molecular mechanism through which self-recognition negatively regulates mating. If there is a physical interaction between mating-type proteins of the same type, but this interaction blocks the recognition machinery rather than initiating mating, it can be considered a form of self-recognition. This aligns with the observation that strains expressing MTA/B6 and MTB2 mate normally with WT cells of all mating types except for VI and II (line 203-204). A concise discussion on this topic is included in the manuscript (line 288-293, 659-661). We are actively investigating the downstream aspects of mating-type recognition, and we hope to provide further insights into this question soon.

      The authors discuss that T. thermophila has special mating-type proteins that are large, while those of other groups are generally small (lines 157-160 and discussion). The complex formed is very large and in the discussion, they argue that this might be due to the "highly complex process, given that there are seven mating types in all". There is no argument given why large is more complex, if this is complex, and whether more mating types require more complexity. In basidiomycete fungi, many more mating types than 7 exist, and the homeodomain genes involved in mating types are relatively small but highly diverse (Luo et al. 1994 PMID: 7914671). The mating types associated with GPCR receptors in fungi are arguably larger, but again their function is not that complex, and mating-type specific variations appear to evolve easily (Fowler et al 2004 PMID: 14643262; Seike et al. 2015 PMID: 25831518). The large protein complex formed is reminiscent of the fusion patches that develop in budding or fission yeasts. In these species, the mating type receptors are activated by ligand pheromones from the opposite mating type that induce polarity patch formation (see Sieber et al. 2023 PMID: 35148940 for a recent review). At these patches, growth (shmooing) and fusion occur, which is reminiscent (in a different order) of the tip transformation in T. thermophilia. The fusion of two cells is in all taxa a dangerous and complex event that requires the evolution of very strict regulation and the existence of a system like the MTRC and cyclin-dependent complex to regulate this process is therefore not unexpected. The existence of multiple mating types should not greatly complicate the process, as most of the machinery (except for the MTA and MTB) is identical among all mating types.

      We are very grateful that Reviewer #3 provide this insightful view and relevant papers. In response to the feedback, we removed the sentences regarding “multiple mating types greatly complicate the process” in the revised version. Instead, we have introduced a discussion section comparing the mating systems of yeasts and Tetrahymena (line 279-286).

      The Tetrahymena/ciliate genetics and lifecycle could be better explained. For a general audience, the system is not easy to follow. For example, the ploidy of the somatic nucleus with regards to the mating type is not clear to me. The MAC is generally considered "polyploid", but how does this work for the mating type? I assume only a single copy of the mating type locus is available in the MAC to avoid self-recognition in the cells. Is it known how the diploid origin reduces to a single mating type? This does not become apparent from Cervantes et al. 2013.

      In T. thermophila, the MIC (diploid) contains several mating-type gene pairs (mtGP, i.e., MTA and MTB) organized in a tandem array at the mat locus on each chromosome. In sexual reproduction, the new MAC of the progeny develops from the fertilized MIC through a series of genome editing events, and its ploidy increases to ~90 by endoreduplication. During this process, mtGP loss occurs, resulting in only one mtGP remaining on the MAC chromosome. The mating-type specificity of mtGPs on each chromosome within one nucleus becomes relatively pure through intranuclear coordination. After multiple assortments (possibly caused by MAC amitosis during cell fission), only mtGPs of one mating-type specificity exist in each cell, determining the cell’s mating type.

      It is pity that the exact mechanisms involved in this complicated process remain a black box. The loss of mating-type gene pairs is hypothesized to involve a series of homologous recombination events, but this has not been completely proven. Furthermore, there is no clear understanding of how intranuclear coordination and assortment are achieved. While we have made observations confirming these events, a breakthrough in understanding the molecular mechanism is yet to be achieved.

      We included more information in the revised version (line 672-683). Given the complexity of these unusual processes, we recommend an excellent review by Prof. Eduardo Orias (PMID: 28715961), which offers detailed explanations of the process and related concepts (line 685-686).

      Also, the explanation of co-stimulation is not completely clear (lines 49-60). Initially, direct cell-cell contact is mentioned, but later it is mentioned that "all cells become fully stimulated", even when unequal ratios are used. Is physical contact necessary? Or is this due to the "secrete mating-essential factors" (line 601)? These details are essential, for interpretation of the results and need to be explained better.

      Sorry that we didn’t realize the term “contact” is not precise enough. In Tetrahymena, physical contact is indeed necessary, but it can refer to temporary interactions. Unlike yeast, Tetrahymena cells exhibit rapid movement, swimming randomly in the medium. Occasionally, two cells may come into contact, but they quickly separate instead of sticking together. Even newly formed loose pairs often become separated. As a result, one cell can come into contact with numerous others and stimulate them. We have clarified this aspect in the revised version (line 50-51, 57).

      Abstract and introduction: Sexes are not mating types. In general, mating types refer to systems in which there is no obvious asymmetry between the gametes, beyond the compatibility system. When there is a physiological difference such as size or motility, sexes are used. This distinction is of importance because in many species mating types and sexes can occur together, with each sex being able to have either (when two) or multiple mating types. An example are SI in angiosperms as used as an example by the authors or mating types in filamentous fungi. See Billiard et al. 2011 [PMID: 21489122] for a good explanation and argumentation for the importance of making this distinction.

      We have clarified the expression in the revised version (line 20, 38, 40, 45).

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1:

      I really enjoyed reading this manuscript and I think a few tweaks in the writing/data presentation could greatly improve the experience for the reader:

      (1) The information about your previous work in identifying downstream proteins CDK19, CYC9, and CIP1 (lines 170-173) could be directly presented in the introduction.

      We have moved this information in the introduction in the revised version (line 74-77).

      (2) For a reader who is not familiar with Tetrahymena, a few more details on how reporter and knock-out lines are generated would be beneficial.

      We introduced the knock-out method in Figure 2 – figure supplement 1B, HA-tag method in Figure 3A, and MTB2-eGFP construction method in Figure 4E. In addition, we introduced how co-stimulation markers observed in Materials and Methods (line 404-410)

      (3) Figures 5 and 6: clarify the types of pairing and treatments that were done directly in the figure (eg. adding additional labels). As of now, it is necessary to go through the text and legend to try and understand in detail what was done.

      Cell types and treatments were directly introduced in the revised figure (Figure 5 and 6).

      (4) The logical transition in lines 136-142 is hard to follow.

      We rewrote this paragraph in the revised version (lines 143-156). Additionally, we added a figure to illustrate the theoretical mating-type recognition model between WT cells and ΔCDK19, ΔCYC9 cells, MTAxc, MTBxc proteins, and ΔMTA, ΔMTB cells (Figure 2 – figure supplement 1D-G).

      (5) Lines 191-196: the fact that cells expressing multiple mating types can self goes against an active self-rejection system - if this is the case there should be self-rejection among all expressed mating types. Unless non-self recognition is an active process and self-recognition is simply the absence of non-self recognition. The authors briefly mention this in lines 263-265, but it would be interesting to expand and clarify this.

      We appreciate that Reviewer #1 notice the interesting selfing phenotype of the MTB2-eGFP (MTVI background) strain. We further discussed it in the revised manuscript (line 298-306).

      (6) The authors briefly mention the possibility of different mating types using different recognition mechanisms (lines 255-260), based on the big differences in the size of the mating-specific region of MT proteins. Following this and the weakness nr. 2, I think it would be pertinent to gather and present more information on the properties and structures of the mating-type specific regions of MT proteins. Simple in silico analysis of motifs, structure, etc. could help clarify the role of these regions. It seems more parsimonious that MT proteins would have variable mating type specific regions that account for the recognition of the different mating types, and conserved cytoplasmic functions that could trigger a single downstream signaling cascade. It would be interesting to know the authors' opinion on this.

      We are very grateful for this suggestion. Actually, we are currently working on determining the 3D structure of MTRC. The Alphafold2 prediction indicates that the MT-specific region is comprised of seven global β-sheets, resembling the structure of immunoglobulins (Ig). Our most recent cryo-EM results have revealed a ~15Å structure, aligning well with the prediction. However, the main challenge lies in the low expression levels, both in Tetrahymena and insect/mammal cells. We anticipate obtaining more detailed results soon. Therefore, we prefer to present the MT recognition model with robust experimental evidence in the future, and didn’t discuss too much on this aspect in the current manuscript.

      (7) Adding a figure including a proposed model, as well as expanding the discussion on the points presented as "weaknesses" would help clarify the ideas/hypothesis on how the mating recognition works. I think this would really elevate the paper and help highlight the results.

      We added a figure to introduce the model and the weaknesses in the revised version (Figure 7, line 656-665).

      (8) Line 202-203: It is far-fetched to infer subcellular localization based on the data presented here, couterstaining with other dyes and antibodies specific to certain cell components, as well as negative control images, are required.

      Thanks for the suggestion. We attempted to stain cell components using various dyes and antibodies. Unfortunately, we found that cell surface and cilia (especially oral cilia) is very easy to give a false positive signal. We think this issue seriously affects the credibility of the results. It may seem like splitting hairs, but we are trying to be precise.

      Meanwhile, we still believe the mating-type proteins localizes to cell surface because MTA-HA is identified in the isolated cell surface proteins.

      Regarding negative control, as shown in Fig. 4G, where a MTB2-eGFP cell is pairing with a WT cell, no GFP signal is observed in the WT cell.

      (9) Lines 131: clarify the sentence - expression of Con-A receptors requires both MTA and MTB (MTA to receive the signal).

      We modified the sentence in the revised version (line 139-140).

      Reviewer #2:

      Minor points.

      (1) Line 194-196. Why are these cells able to self?

      These cells able to self may because the MTRC contain heterotypic mating-type proteins (MTA6 and MTB2), which activate mating when they interact with another heterotypic MTRC (line 207-208).

      (2) Line 232. What do the authors mean by the term synergistic effect here? Definition and statistics?

      Sorry about the confusion. The synergistic effect refers to the effect of MTAxc and MTBxc become stronger when using together. We clarified it in the revised version (line 232).

      (3) For Figure 4 panel D, are there antibodies that are available as a control for cilia? If so, then blotting this membrane would show that cilia-associated proteins are in the cilia preparation, which is a standard control for sub-cellular fractionation.

      Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, we didn’t find a suitable cilia-specific antibody yet. Instead, we employed MS analysis to confirm the presence of cilia proteins in this sample (line 195-196, Figure 4–Source data 1). We also observed the sample under the microscope, which directly revealed the presence of cilia (Figure 4C).

      (4) At least one reference cited in the text was not present in the reference list. The authors should go through the references cited to ensure that all have made it into the reference list.

      We have checked all the references.

      Some minor edits:

      (1) MTA and MTB are presented in both roman and italics (e.g. line 209) in the manuscript. Maybe all should be in italics? Or is this a distinction between the gene and the protein?

      The italics word (MTA) refers to gene, and non-italics word (MTA) refers to protein.

      (2) Line 251. Change "achieving" to "achieve".

      We have corrected this word (line 266).

      Reviewer #3:

      Line 101. It would help to explain this expectation earlier in this paragraph.

      We explained the expectation in the revised version (line 92-97, 104-106).

      Line 109. How is a co-receptor different from the MTRC complex?

      We have rewritten the relevant sentences to enhance clarity (line 116-119). The molecular function of the MTRC complex could involve acting as a co-receptor or recognizer (functioning as both ligand and receptor). Based on the results presented in this section, we propose that MTA and MTB may function as a complex, but the confirmation of this hypothesis (MTRC) is provided in a later section. Therefore, we did not use the term “MTRC” here. These sentences briefly discuss the molecular function of this complex and explain why MTRC does not appear to function as a co-receptor.

      Line 251: which "dual approach" is referred to?

      Dual approach is referred to both self and non-self recognition. We explained it in the revised version (line 265-266).

      Line 258: what "different mechanisms" do the authors have in mind? Why would a different mechanism be expected? The different sizes could have evolved for (coevolutionary?) selection on the same mechanism.

      Sorry about the confusion. We clarified it in the revised version (line 269-278).

      What we intended to express is that we are uncertain whether the mating-type recognition model we discovered in T. thermophila is applicable to all Tetrahymena species due to significant differences in the length of the mating-type-specific region. We believe it is important to highlight this distinction to avoid potential misinterpretations in future studies involving other Tetrahymena species. At the same time, we look forward to future research that may provide insights into this question.

      Fig 2 C&D. Is it correct that these figures show the strains only after 'preincubation'? This is not apparent from the caption of the text. Additionally, the order of the images is very confusing. Write in the figures (so not just in the caption) what the sub-script means.

      These panels are re-organized in the revised version (Fig. 2C&D). There are three kinds of pictures: “not incubated”, “WT pre-incubated by mutant” and “mutant pre-incubated by WT”.

      The methods used to generate Figure 5 are not clearly described. I understand that the obtained xc proteins were added to the cells, and then washed, after which a test was performed mixing WT-VI and WT-VII cells. Were both cells treated? Or only one of the strains? The explanation for the reused washing medium is not clear and the method is not indicated.

      Both cells are treated. More details are provided in the revised manuscript (line 230-231, 633-634, 637-639, Fig. 5). To prepare the starvation medium containing mating-essential factors, cells were starved in fresh starvation medium for ~16 hours. Subsequently, cells were removed by three rounds of centrifugation (1000 g, 3 min) (line 330-332).

      In general, the figures are difficult to understand without repeated inquiries in the captions. Give more information in the figures themselves.

      More information is introduced in the figure (Fig. 2C, Fig. 3B, Fig. 4A, B, D, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6).

  4. mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com
    1. Similarly, it is a constitutive featureof the concept 'correct' that, if you judge that it is correct for you to disbelieveq and not correct for you to believe q, you are thereby committed to not believ?ing q

      Given the author's thesis, I was wondering if it is a reasonable task to determine/ define the correctness of a belief in such a sense, since many people hold beliefs to be deeply personal and private. Not all beliefs that a person has may necessarily be true, and this knowledge may be possessed by the person themselves as well, but that does not make the belied any less of one. A belief is not fact, and facts are not beliefs--normatively too, when we speak of beliefs, there is an aspect of the personal attached to it. We do not use "believes" as a placeholder for "knows", nor is it a moniker for fact--and i think that inherently suggests that the nature of the correctness of a belief is more subjective, and thus cannot really be said to be determined through the truth value of its propositions. A belief may seem irrational on the surface, but if it holds great value for the person who upholds said belief, it seems uncharitable to suspend judgement on the correctness of it--especially if it a belief that does not have to do with how things are in the world.

    1. Activity: Value statements in what goes viral# 12.7.1. Choose three scenarios# When content goes viral there may be many people with a stake in it’s going viral, such as: The person (or people) whose content or actions are going viral, who might want attention, or get financial gain, or might be embarrassed or might get criticism or harassment, etc. Different people involved might have different interests. Some may not have awareness of it happening at all (like a video of an infant). Different audiences might have interests such as curiosity or desire to bring justice to a situation or desire to get attention for themselves or their ideas based on engaging the viral content, or desire to troll or harass others. Social networking platforms might have interests such as increased attention to their platform or increased advertising, or increased or decreased reputation (in views of different audiences). List at least three different scenarios of content going viral and list out the interests of different groups and people in the content going viral. 12.7.2. Create value statements# Social media platforms have some ability to influence what goes viral and how (e.g., recommendation algorithms, what actions are available, what data is displayed, etc.), though they only have partial control, since human interaction and organization also play a large role. Still, regardless of whether we can force any particular outcome, we can still consider of what you think would be best for what content should go viral, how much, and in what ways. Create a set of value statements for when and how you ideally would want content to go viral. Try to come up with at least 10 value statements. We encourage you to consider different ethics frameworks as you try to come up with ideas.

      As we engage with viral content, whether as creators, participants, or observers, these value statements require us to reflect on the broader implications of online interactions. Behind every viral phenomenon lies a complex web of human stories, aspirations and responsibilities that deserve our thoughtful consideration.

    1. What does the individual badger‘hear’ as a result of the changing pressures on its tympanum that we choose to calla sound?

      Its interesting how he put the word hear in quotes because it shows that we have no way of knowing if badgers perceive sound the way that we do and process it in the way that we can. What we think of as hearing may not be the same process for animals. Even though we can scientifically know the hearing levels of a badger, we can't ever really know what hearing is like for them


    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Manuscript number: #RC-2023-02281

      Corresponding author(s): Maurizio Molinari

      Point-by-point description of the revisions

      This section is mandatory. *Please insert a point-by-point reply describing the revisions that were already carried out and included in the transferred manuscript. *

      • *

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In this manuscript from Fasana et al., the authors present data that investigates potential compensatory degradation pathways for misfolded glycoproteins in the ER - postulating that the ER-to-lysosome associated degradation (ERLAD) pathway becomes employed in the absence of a path for substrates to reach the ER-associated degradation (ERAD) mechanism. Using the classic ERAD substrate alpha1-antitrypsin NHK variant (NHK), the authors first demonstrate that pharmacologically preventing access of NHK to ERAD either with KIF (early) or PS-341 (late) elevates the number of LAMP-1 positive endolysosomes also immunoreactive for NHK (via HA), similar to what is observed for the ATZ variant that forms polymers in the ER (Fig 2). The authors next use shRNAs that silence essential ERAD factors (EDEM1, OS-9) involved in glycan recognition to demonstrate comparable enrichment of NHK in endolysosomes through genetic disruption (Fig 3). Next, the authors employ FAM134B-deficient MEFs to demonstrate the requirement for this ER-phagy receptor when ERAD is unavailable (Fig 4). Reconstituting FAM134B-/- MEFs treated with KIF/PS-341 + Baf, with a full length FAM134B rescue plasmid restores endolysosomal accumulation of NHK while a FAM134B-∆LIR does not, providing supporting evidence for substrate rerouting to ERLAD. Finally, the authors use knockouts of Atg7 and Atg13 to demonstrate dependence on LC3 lipidation and independence from macro-ERphagy (Fig 6), that points towards a pathway that is like that used to remove ATZ polymers. From these data, the authors conclude that ERLAD is increasingly engaged for substrate degradation when ERAD is impaired.

      MAJOR COMMENTS 1. All assays rely on quantification of the NHK-HA substrates by microscopy. Would it be possible for the authors to also include biochemical analysis of NHK - potentially including data assessing its changing abundance and glycosylation state?

      To consider this, and other comments, the new submission includes biochemical data (pulse-chase analyses) on NHK (new panels A-D in Fig. 2) and on BACE457delta, an additional ERAD substrate (new Fig. 6). Please also refer to Comment 3.

      In Figure 3D, the knockdown of OS-9.1/2 is modest compared to that of EDEM1 (Fig 3A). Moreover, there is only data from single shRNAs presented. Could the authors please at least include another shRNA to confirm and demonstrate whether the targeting to ERLAD is accordingly scaled to loss of access to ERAD (based on the degree of OS-9 or EDEM1 remaining)?

      __The reviewer is right. The phenotype (i.e., lysosomal delivery of NHK, Figs. 3B, 3C) is quite modest upon EDEM1 silencing. However, one has to consider that in contrast to OS9 lectins, EDEM1 is an enzyme, and residual protein may partially facilitate NHK de-mannosylation and access to the ERAD pathways and therefore reduce the ERLAD contribution for NHK clearance in these cells. Moreover, cells also express EDEM2 and 3 that may partially compensate the loss of EDEM1. __

      While degradation is implied, it is not specifically demonstrated at any point in the manuscript. Perhaps the authors might include some demonstration of NHK stabilization in one of the figures via a translational shutoff or pulse-chase assay.

      __In the new submission, we show biochemical analyses (pulse-chase) that reveal the decay of radiolabeled NHK (Fig. 2A, lanes 1-3) and BACE457delta (Fig. 6A, lanes 1-3), the inhibition by PS341 (lanes 4, 5) and by KIF (lanes 8, 9), and the intervention of lysosomal enzymes when ERAD is inhibited (lanes 6, 7 and 10, 11). Moreover, we confirm that the protein delivered to the endolysosome is eventually degraded by performing a Bafilomycin washout experiment (new Fig. 2J-2O). __

      10-30% of NHK-HA positive endolysosomes are detected even with Baf alone (e.g. Fig 2E)? Does this mean that Baf impairs ERAD to some extent since or is it evidence for continuous ERLAD involvement when ERAD is intact? If so, how much is its contribution?

      Pulse-chase analyses (new Fig. 2D) and published data show that BafA1 or chloroquine do not inhibit clearance of the ERAD substrates NHK and BACE457delta (e.g., Liu et al 1999, Molinari et al 2002, references in the manuscript). A basal level of endolysosomal delivery between the 20 and 30% as quantified with LysoQuant is observed in all experiments (Figs. 2I, 2O, 3C, 3F, 4C, 4K, 5H, 6G, 6O), which have been performed in 3 different cell lines (3T3, HEK293, MEF). We measure similar basal levels also when ER-phagy is monitored on quantification of lysosomal delivery of endogenous ER marker proteins (e.g., CNX), possibly to be ascribed to constitutive ER phagy that controls physiologic ER turnover.

      An accounting of how much ERLAD is contributing to NHK degradation with or without ERAD impairment is not really present.. Effectively, how much degradation capacity is ERLAD making up? These would be interesting data to include if possible as they would speak to the "division of labour" for ER substrate degradation its potentially dynamic nature.

      The biochemical analyses show the contribution of ERLAD on NHK (new Figs 2B, 2C, grey zones) and BACE457delta (new Figs. 6B,C, grey zones) clearance, when ERAD is dysfunctional.

      MINOR COMMENTS 1. In Figure 4, an increase is observed for the rescue of FAM134B-/-MEFs with WT FAM134B that is 50% greater that of WT MEFs, suggesting that its availability might be rate limiting. Could the authors compare the relative levels of FAM134B for the WT and KO-rescue MEFs to address this possibility?

      __The referee is right in assuming that FAM134B, expressed at low levels in these cells, is limiting. We now show the levels of endogenous FAM134B and of recombinant FAM134B in WB (new Fig. 4A). __

      In Figures 1 and 6, the terms siOS9 and siEDEM1 are used but Figure 3 shows data from shRNAs and not siRNAs.

      We apologize for the mistake. We have corrected this in the new Figures 1 and 7.

      Samples from Figure 3 treated with Baf but this is not indicated in the figure or figure legend.

      We have corrected this, thank you.

      VCP/p97 inhibitors typically stabilize ERAD glycoprotein substrates better than proteasome inhibitors do. Is the same degree of endolysosomal targeting present ?

      __For the convenience of the reviewer (we did not put these data in the new manuscript). In our experiments, the p97 inhibitor DBeQ is less efficient in deviating NHK to the endolysosomal degradative compartments, if compared with KIF (see below). At higher doses, DBeQ also inhibits other AAA-ATPases (e.g., VPS4, which plays a role in certain types of autophagy). This, or other cross-reactivities of DBeQ could explain the moderate capacity to activate ERLAD pathways as a response of ERAD inhibition, if compared with the phenotypes observed when ERAD is inhibited with KIF or PS341. __

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      Deconvolution of the different pathways taken by misfolded proteins to escape the ER is of great interest not only to the ER community but also represents consequences to consider for those interested in therapeutics involving UPS inhibition. While concise, this manuscript does a good job of trying to demonstrate the principal of substrate rerouting and the prioritisation of degradation pathways. Overall, the manuscript is well written, the experiments presented are performed to a sufficient standard, the data are lean but of good quality, and the appropriate statistical analyses have mostly been included where necessary and are described. The Methods and Materials is brief but describes the experiments that have been performed. The manuscript is brief in its results and would obviously benefit from additional complementary assays that would strengthen and broaden the authors arguments for rerouting. But too their credit, the authors do not grossly overstate their findings and merely present the culmination of a set of experiments to answer a single question - what happens to a misfolded glycoprotein substrate when ERAD is impaired. This is a key question with broad implications.

      While their limited data clearly demonstrates an acquired dependence on ERLAD, one can't help but wonder how broadly these findings hold true, as only a single glycoprotein substrate example is used.

      We have now added a complete set of experiments (imaging + biochemical to monitor clearance of the model polypeptides by pulse-chase analyses) performed with a second ERAD substrate (BACE457delta, Fig. 6). These data fully recapitulate the results obtained with NHK.

      Moreover, it is not clear what percentage ERLAD contributes to overall NHK degradation (with or without ERAD) as the total NHK amount remaining is not assessed or measured.

      Pulse-chase analyses (new Fig. 2D) and published data (e.g., Liu et al 1999, Molinari et al 2002, references in the manuscript) show that BafA1 or chloroquine do not inhibit clearance of the ERAD substrates NHK and BACE457delta. The biochemical analyses now show the contribution of ERLAD on NHK (new Figs 2B, 2C, grey zones) and BACE457delta (new Figs. 6B,C, grey zones) clearance, when ERAD is dysfunctional.

      Nevertheless, the manuscript is an advancement of understanding of the fate of substrates unable to access ERAD and raises many future questions of interdependency between the ERAD and ERLAD pathways. The data just need a bit of shoring up.

      Expertise - ERAD, UPS, protein quality control

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a crucial site for protein synthesis and folding within the cell, and strict protein quality control is essential for maintaining ER homeostasis. In this context, ER-associated degradation (ERAD) and the unfolded protein response (UPR) play pivotal roles. Recent researches have highlighted the significance of ER-phagy in protein quality control. In this manuscript, the authors demonstrate the role of FAM134B in degrading misfolded proteins such as ATZ through the ER-phagy pathway when the ERAD pathway is obstructed. This work partially addresses a prominent issue in the field, unveiling the interconnections between different regulatory pathways in maintaining ER homeostasis.

      Major issues: 1: In a multitude of experiments, the authors employed Bafilomycin A1 (BafA1) to block the fusion between autophagosomes and lysosomes, attempting to demonstrate that the clearance of misfolded proteins mediated by FAM134B is independent of autolysosomes. However, in Figure 4, the lack of rescue of FAM134B knockout by overexpressing FAM134B△LIR suggests a dependence on the interaction between FAM134B and LC3. The conclusions drawn before and after appear contradictory.

      We apologize if our explanations were unclear. We have now modified the text and performed new experiments to clarify these issues.

      __The inhibitor of the V-ATPase BafA1 is used here to inhibit the activity of lysosomal hydrolases and to accumulate undegraded material in the LAMP1-endolysosomes (note that these endolysosomes also display RAB7 at their limiting membrane) (Fregno et al 2018, Forrester et al 2019, Fregno et al 2021, …). __

      __In Figs. 2A-2D, we now monitor the lack of NHK stabilization by cell exposure to BafA1 (Fig. 2D), which correlates with lack of accumulation of NHK in the LAMP1-positive compartment (e.g., Fig. 2F, 2J, and quantifications in 2I and 2O). The biochemical data also show that BafA1 stabilizes NHK in cells where ERAD has been inactivated with PS341 or KIF (Fig. 2A, lanes 6, 7, 10, 11 and grey zones in Figs. 2B and 2C), which correlates with accumulation of NHK in LAMP1-positive organelles (Figs. 2G, 2H, 2I, 2K, 2M, 2O). __

      __In Figs. 2J-2O, we have now added panels showing that NHK clearance from the LAMP1-positive endolysosome lumen is restored upon BafA1 washout. __

      Importantly, the involvement of the lipidation machinery, of the ER-phagy receptor FAM134B and of the LC3-binding function of FAM134B (the LIR), does not necessarily imply the involvement of autophagosomes in the process under investigation, as the comment by the referee seems to suggest. For example, both the clearance from the ER of ATZ polymers and of mutant forms of procollagen rely on the LC3 lipidation machinery and on the LC3-binding function of FAM134B, but ERLAD of ATZ polymers does not rely on autophagosomes intervention (new Fig. 1B, arrow 1 and Fregno et al 2018), whereas ERLAD of procollagen relies on intervention of autophagosomes (new Fig. 1B, arrow 2 and Forrester et al 2019).

      2: Some Western blot data are insufficient to substantiate the author's conclusions. For instance, in Figure 5D, the ATG7 KO line is inadequately supported

      The WB show____s the absence of ATG7 in the ATG7-KO cells (a well-established cell line generated in the lab of Masaaki Komatsu (____Komatsu M, et al. J Cell Biol 169: 425-434_) and used in many_ laboratories, including our lab in Fumagalli et al 2016, Fregno et al 2018, Fregno et al 2021, Loi et al 2019, Kucinska et al 2023). We agree with the reviewer that the anti-Atg7 shows cross-reactions. We have now added a WB showing the lack of LC3 lipidation in the Atg7-KO cells exposed to nutrient deprivation (new Fig. 5D).

      3: The author employed Lamp1 antibody for lysosomal staining in cells and observed a significant abundance of lysosomes in some experiments, as depicted in Figure 2C, 2D, 4I, etc. Is the phenomenon of lysosomes extensively filling the entire cell a common occurrence? Is it indicative of a normal physiological state?

      There may be variations depending on the cell type used for the experiments. In the new version of the manuscript, we now present imaging data for 3 cell lines (NIH 3T3 with stable expression of NHK and ATZ (Figs. 2E-2H), MEF (Figs. 2J-2N, 4, 5, 6) and HEK293 with transient expression of ERAD clients (Figs. 3).

      Minor issues: 1: Some immunofluorescence experimental data are unclear. Please request the authors to replace these with more distinct images, as seen in Figure 3B and 3E.

      We hope that the quality of the new images will be considered sufficient for publication.

      2: Some expressions appear to be questionable. For instance, the necessity of utilizing endolysosomes requires clarification.

      For the use of endolysosomes (lysosome would be incorrect in our opinion to indicate these LAMP1/RAB7-positive degradative organelles), we now refer to the papers by Bright et al ____Endolysosomes Are the Principal Intracellular Sites of Acid Hydrolase Activity_ Curr Biol 2016, and the original definition by Huotari and Helenius _Endosome maturation EMBO J 2011 (Introduction, page 2).

      3: Some writing lacks precision, such as referring to FAM134B as FAM134.

      __Corrected, thank you____ __ Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      o General assessment: o Advance: provide an meaningful evidence that how two degradative pathways are coordinated in maintaining ER homeostasis. o Audience: cell biologist o Reviewer's expertise: autophagy, vesicle trafficking, organelle biolgy Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      In their study, Fasana and colleagues investigate protein quality control in the ER. Specifically, they test whether folding-incompetent proteins that are normally cleared by ER-associated degradation (ERAD) can also be targeted for degradation by direct vesicular transport from the ER to lysosomes in case ERAD is blocked. They show that blocking ERAD pharamacologically or genetically indeed leads to re-rerouting of an ERAD model substrate (the NHK variant of alpha-antitrypsin) to lysosomes and that this pathway requires the reticulon-like protein FAM134B, the ability of FAM134B to interact with the ubiquitin-like protein LC3 and the machinery for LC3 lipidation.

      The paper is, for the most part, easy to follow. There are, however, a few minor issues and I think the authors could do more to connect their work with similar studies in the literature. Accordingly, I have some general and specific suggestions to make the manuscript more accessible for the reader.

      General suggestions

      1. To avoid confusion, it would be helpful to more clearly distinguish between vesicular transport to endolysosomes and autophagy. Previous work by the authors has defined a trafficking pathway from the ER to endolysosomes that appears to rely on conventional vesicle-mediated transport (Fregno et al, EMBO J 2018). This pathway delivers material from the ER lumen to the lumen of endolysosomes, which are both topologically equivalent to the extracellular space. Hence, this pathway is distinct from autophagy, which is the transport of cytoplasmic components to endolysosomes and thus the transport of material from intracellular to extracellular space. This distinction is particularly important as both vesicular ER-to-lysosome transport and autophagy of the ER involve LC3 and FAM134B, which is typically referred to as an ER-phagy receptor. To make this less confusing, it may be helpful to explain that FAM134B appears to be a multifunctional molecule that can function as a receptor for macroautophagy but also in the vesicular transport pathway studied here. In addition, it would be helpful to point out that LC3 appears to also have roles unrelated to autophagosome formation.

      The reviewer is referring to the original definition of ERLAD to describe the mechanisms of clearance of ATZ polymers (Fregno et al 2018). The definition of ERLAD has now been expanded and is given, for example, in Klionsky DJ, et al (2021) Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition). Autophagy 17: 1-382 and is explained in detail in our recent review Rudinskiy M, Molinari M (2023) ER-to-lysosome-associated degradation in a nutshell: mammalian, yeast, and plant ER-phagy as induced by misfolded proteins. Febs Letters: 1928-1945.

      __Notably, the acronym ERAD for ER-associated degradation has originally been used to describe ____the proteasomal clearance from the ER of misfolded pro-alpha factor in a reconstituted yeast system in McCracken AA, Brodsky JL (1996) Assembly of ER-associated protein degradation in vitro: dependence on cytosol, calnexin, and ATP. The Journal of cell biology 132: 291-298. Only later on, the acronym has been used as an umbrella term that now covers all the pathways that control proteasomal clearance of misfolded proteins from the ER. A short historical excursus is presented in the new introduction to better explain these issues. __

      It is well established that LC3 and the LC3 lipidation machinery have functions that go beyond macroautophagy (which involves double membrane autophagosomes). Micro-autophagy (or micro-ER-phagy to remain on the topic of our paper) is an example of autophagic pathway relying on ER-phagy receptor that engage LC3, on the LC3 lipidation machinery, without involving autophagosomes. This is schematically represented in the new Fig. 1B.

      Several recent papers that appear relevant to the present study are not mentioned. In particular, Sun et al., Dev Cell 2023 (PMID: 37922908) appears worthy of discussion, as does Gonzalez et al., Nature 2023 (PMID: 37225996).

      Thank you. Both papers are not directly linked to our study addressing the intervention of ERLAD pathways when ERAD activity is impaired. In particular the work of Gonzales et al describes post-translational modification of ER-phagy receptors for their activation. The Sun et al paper is not really related to the topic covered in our manuscript, but we cite it as an alternative pathway that removes ATZ from the ER (page 8).

      Specific suggestions

      1. Abstract: The abstract begins with "About 40% of the eukaryotic cell's proteome is synthesized ... in the ER." Similar statements can be found in many papers and purportedly reflect common knowledge. However, it is unclear where the figure of 'about 40%' comes from. It would be proper to provide a reference and demonstrate that giving such a fairly precise estimate is supported by experimental data. Alternatively, the statement could be modified to avoid being precise than is justified.

      No reference is allowed in the abstract. We therefore modified the sentence as suggested by the reviewer.

      1. p2: "The ER is site of gene expression in nucleated cells and ... native proteins to be delivered at their site of activity ...". There is something missing at the beginning of this sentence. Also, it should be 'delivered to their site of activity', not 'delivered at'.

      Thank you

      1. p2: "... by mechanistically distinct ER-phagy pathways collectively defined as ER-to-lysosome-associated degradation ERLAD." This statement suggests that all pathways subsumed under the term ERLAD are ER-phagy pathways, which I believe is misleading (see comment above on the distinction between autophagy and vesicular transport pathway).

      See point 1.

      1. p2: "KIF selectively ...". Please spell out KIF and explain what kind of compound it is.

      Thank you, we changed to “_The alkaloid kifunensine (KIF) is a cell permeable selective inhibitor of the members of the glycosyl hydrolase 47 family of a____1,2-mannosidases_”____ __ 5. p3: "Notably, ERAD inhibition delays, rather than blocking degradation of ERAD clients ...". Please correct, for example: Notably, ERAD inhibition delays rather than blocks degradation of ERAD clients ...

      Thank you

      Figures 2 - 5: The number of quantified cells is given but it is not clear if experiments were done once or in biological replicates. Please indicate this in the figure legends.

      __N is now given for all panels in the corresponding figure legends.____ __ 7. p4: "To verify if ERAD inactivation ..." sounds odd. Less ambiguous would be 'To test whether' or 'To ask if'.

      Thank you

      1. p7, beginning of discussion: Please correct "delivered at" to 'delivered to'.

      Thank you

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      This is a concise and convincing manuscript with a clear message. The idea that proteins that cannot be processed by ERAD can be eliminated by other means, for instance by autophagy, is not new. Similarly, the FAM134B- and LC3-dependent pathway for ER-to-lysosome transport has been described by the authors before (Fregno et al, EMBO J 2018). Furthermore, the study exclusively relies on microscopy and does not attempt to tackle new mechanistic questions. Still, this study presents a definite functional advance in our understanding of the interplay of various ER quality control pathways.

      The findings presented here will be of interest mainly to molecular cell biologists working on protein quality control and organelle homeostasis. However, given the disease-relevance of misfolded proteins, and alpha-antitrypsin in particular, the impact of this study may eventually go beyond basic research and may also interest translational researchers.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      This is significant work, and you should certainly make the best case you can on the weaknesses discussed.

      We thank reviewer for this positive comment on the significance of our work. The referee indicates as weaknesses (i) that the force involving the bent or straight αI-helix is not readily apparent, (ii) the residue types were not varied in the helix mutations, and (iii) that the chemical shift perturbations are indirect observations.

      We think we have tried to address a large part of these questions by being very careful in our analysis and by the discussion in the manuscript. The following remarks may help to clarify this further:

      (i) The force emanating from the helix is e.g. visualized in the PC2 loadings in Figure 6E of the PCA carried on all observed SH3-SH2-KD resonances for all apo forms of the helix mutants. The SH2 residues identified by these loadings are in direct vicinity to the αI-helix. The respective PC2 scores correlate to 98% with the vmax of the catalytic reaction and to 94 % with the PC1 scores found for imatinib-induced opening. Importantly, the structure of the KD with the straight αI-helix indicates that mostly residues F516, Q517, S520, and I521 would clash with the SH2 domain in a closed core (Figure 6F). Thus, the expected clashes are in direct vicinity of the SH2 residues identified by the PC2 loadings as correlated to vmax and imatinib-induced opening. These data are completely orthogonal and show that most of the force is coming from residues F516, Q517, S520, and I521 in the αI-αI’ turn.

      (ii) We agree that we mainly used truncations of the αI-helix to study its involvement in activation. Point (i) makes it clear that a larger part of the αI-helix effects is caused by steric clashes of the residues in the αI-αI’ turn. In the latter region, we don’t expect strong amino acid type-specific effects besides excluded volume. Due to expression problems, we could not vary the helix length between residues 519 and 534. However, in this region we introduced the amino acid type mutation E528K. The latter showed a clear specific effect. Further amino acid type-specific effects may be possible in this region. However, we expect that the identified electrostatic E528-R479 interaction is one of the most important interactions in this region.

      (iii) We agree that chemical shift changes of individual resonances are often hard to interpret. However, we want to stress that our conclusions are all drawn from principal component analyses, which in all cases had as input well over 100 if not over 200 1H-15H resonances. The first two principal components of these analyses are robust averages over many residues, which reveal general correlated structural trends.

      We assume that chemical shift deposition etc will be pursued.

      We are currently depositing a larger collection of our Abl data to the “Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank (BMRB)”, which includes the NMR chemical shift data of the present work. A ‘collection’ will be a new feature of the BMRB, and we are in discussion with their staff. We will provide the accession codes as soon as possible (probably within the next month) to be included into the final version of the manuscript. We have amended the Data Availability Section accordingly.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) The overall discussion of the implications of the described allostery on kinase activation is provided through lenses of imatinib binding, which is used as an experimental trigger to disassemble the autoinhibited core. Can the authors elaborate in the Discussion on what event would play this role in the kinase catalytic cycle, communicating to helix I? Would dissociation of the myristate from the active site be hypothesized to be the first step in kinase activation? While I understand that certainty may be challenging to attain, it would be good to introduce some ideas into the Discussion.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s suggestions for the discussion and added the following text to the Conclusion section:

      "We have used here imatinib binding to the ATP-pocket as an experimental tool to disassemble the Abl regulatory core. Our previous analysis (Sonti et al., 2018) of the high-resolution Abl transition-state structure (Levinson et al., 2006) indicated that due to the extremely tight packing of the catalytic pocket, binding and release of the ATP and tyrosine peptide substrates is only possible if the P-loop and thereby the N-lobe move towards the SH3 domain by about 1–2 Å. This motion is of similar size and direction as the motion of the N-lobe observed in complexes with imatinib and other type II inhibitors (Sonti et al., 2018). From this we concluded that substrate binding opens the Abl core in a similar way as imatinib. The present NMR and activity data now clearly establish the essential role of the αI-helix both in the imatinib- and substrate-induced opening of the core, thereby further corroborating the similarity of both disassembly processes.

      Notably, the used regulatory core construct Abl83-534 lacks the myristoylated N-cap. Although we have previously demonstrated that the latter construct is predominantly assembled (Skora et al., 2013), the addition of the myristoyl moiety is expected to further stabilize the assembled conformation in a similar way as asciminib.

      Considering this mechanism, dissociation of myristoyl from the native Abl 1b core may be a first step during activation. However, it should be kept in mind that the Abl 1a isoform lacks the N-terminal myristoylation, and it is presently unclear whether other moieties bind to the myristoyl pocket of Abl 1a during cellular processes."

      2) Can the authors comment more on the differentiation between assembled conformations induced by type I inhibitor binding vs apo forms (or AMP-PNP and allosteric inhibitor) reported in Figure 3B? The differences are clearly identified by PCA but not sufficiently discussed.

      As indicated in the text, we think two structural effects are intermingled within PC2. Due to this admixture, it is hard to draw strong conclusions and we don’t want to expand on this too much. We have slightly modified the respective paragraph (p.7) as follows):

      "As the affected residues react differently to perturbations by type I inhibitors and truncation of the αI’-helix (Figure 3A, right), we attribute this behavior to two effects intermixed into the PC2 detection: (i) a minor rearrangement of the SH3/KD N-lobe interface caused by filling of the ATP pocket with type I inhibitors, which in contrast to the stronger N-lobe motion induced by type II inhibitors does not yet lead to core disassembly and (ii) a small rearrangement of the SH2/KD C-lobe interface caused by shortening and mutations of the αI-helix."

      3) The allosteric connection between active site inhibitor binding and the myristate/allosteric inhibitor binding has been observed in the past and noted before, in papers such as Zhang et al, Nature 2010. While the authors reference this paper, they do not acknowledge its specific findings or engage in a broader discussion of how their conclusions relate to this work.

      We have modified the beginning of the Conclusion section:

      "The allosteric connection between Abl ATP site and myristate site inhibitor binding has been noted before, albeit specific settings such as construct boundaries and the control of phosphorylation vary in published experiments. Positive and negative binding cooperativity of certain ATP-pocket and allosteric inhibitors has been observed in cellular assays and in vitro (Kim et al., 2023; Zhang et al., 2010). Furthermore, hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry has indicated changes around the unliganded ATP pocket upon binding of the allosteric inhibitor GNF-5 (Zhang et al., 2010). Here, we present a detailed high-resolution explanation of these allosteric effects via a mechanical connection between the kinase domain N- and C-lobes that is mediated by the regulatory SH2 and SH3 domains and involves the αI helix as a crucial element.

      Specifically, we have established a firm correlation between the kinase activity of the Abl regulatory core, the imatinib (type II inhibitor)-induced disassembly of the core, which is caused by a force FKD–N,SH3 between the KD N-lobe and the SH3 domain, and a force FαI,SH2 exerted by the αI-helix towards the SH2 domain. The FαI,SH2 force is mainly caused by a clash of the αI-αI’ loop with the SH2 domain. Both the FKD–N,SH3 and FαI,SH2 force act on the KD/SH2SH3 interface and may lead to the disassembly of the core, which is in a delicate equilibrium between assembled and disassembled forms. As disassembly is required for kinase activity, the modulation of both forces constitutes a very sensitive regulation mechanism. Allosteric inhibitors such as asciminib and also myristoyl, the natural allosteric pocket binder, pull the αI-αI’ loop away from the SH2 interface, and thereby reduce the FαI,SH2 force and activity. Notably, all observations described here were obtained under nonphosphorylated conditions, as phosphorylation will lead to additional strong activating effects."

      4) Figure 6 could do a better job of providing an illustration of steric clashes.

      We have revised Figure 6, panel F, in order to better illustrate the steric clashes, and modified the legend accordingly.

      5) There is a typo in line 5 from the top on page 11 (dash missing from "83534" superscript).

      Thank you. This was fixed.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, the researchers aimed to investigate the cellular landscape and cell-cell interactions in cavernous tissues under diabetic conditions, specifically focusing on erectile dysfunction (ED). They employed single-cell RNA sequencing to analyze gene expression patterns in various cell types within the cavernous tissues of diabetic individuals. The researchers identified decreased expression of genes associated with collagen or extracellular matrix organization and angiogenesis in several cell types, including fibroblasts, chondrocytes, myofibroblasts, valve-related lymphatic endothelial cells, and pericytes. They also discovered a newly identified marker, LBH, that distinguishes pericytes from smooth muscle cells in mouse and human cavernous tissues. Furthermore, the study revealed that pericytes play a role in angiogenesis, adhesion, and migration by communicating with other cell types within the corpus cavernosum. However, these interactions were found to be significantly reduced under diabetic conditions. The study also investigated the role of LBH and its interactions with other proteins (CRYAB and VIM) in maintaining pericyte function and highlighted their potential involvement in regulating neurovascular regeneration. Overall, the manuscript is well-written and the study provides novel insights into the pathogenesis of ED in patients with diabetes and identifies potential therapeutic targets for further investigation.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary: In this manuscript, the authors performed single cell RNA-sequencing of cells from the penises of healthy and diabetes mellitus model (STZ injection-based) mice, identified Lbh as a marker of penis pericytes, and report that penis-specific overexpression of Lbh is sufficient to rescue erectile function in diabetic animals. In public human single cell RNA-sea datasets, the authors report that LBH is similarly specific to pericytes and down regulated in diabetic patients. Additionally, the authors report discovery of CRYAB and VIM1 as protein interacting partners with LBH.

      The authors contributions are of interest to the erectile dysfunction community and their Lbh overexpression experiments are especially interesting and well-conducted. However, claims in the manuscript regarding the specificity of Lbh as a pericyte marker, the mechanism by which Lbh overexpression rescues erectile function, cell-cell interactions impaired by diabetes, and protein-interaction partners require qualification or further evidence to justify.

      Major claims and evidence:

      1) Marker gene specificity and quantification: One of the authors' major contributions is the identification of Lbh as a marker of pericytes in their data. The authors present qualitative evidence for this marker gene relationship, but it is unclear from the data presented if Lbh is truly a specific marker gene for the pericyte lineage (either based on gene expression or IF presented in Fig. 2D, E). Prior results (see Tabula Muris Consortium, 2018) suggest that Lbh is widely expressed in non-pericyte cell types, so the claims presented in the manuscript may be overly broad. Even if Lbh is not a globally specific marker, the authors' subsequent intervention experiments argue that it is still an important gene worth studying.

      Answer: We appreciate this comment. In our scRNAseq data for the mouse cavernosum tissues, previously known markers such as Rgs5, Pdgfrb, Cspg4, Kcnj8, Higd1b, and Cox4i2 were found to be expressed not exclusively in pericytes, while Lbh exhibited specific expression patterns in pericytes (Fig. 2 and Supplementary Fig. 5). LBH expression was easily distinguishable from α-SMA, not only in mouse cavernosum but also in dorsal artery and dorsal vein tissues within penile tissues. This distinctive expression pattern of LBH was also observed in the human cavernous pericytes (Fig. 5). Then, we examined Lbh expression patterns in various mouse tissues using the mouse single-cell atlas (Tabula Muris), although endothelial and pericyte clusters were not subclustered in most tissues from Tabula Muris. To identify pericytes, we relied on the expression pattern of known marker genes (Pecam1 for endothelial cells, Rgs5, Pdgfrb, and Cspg4 for pericytes). Lbh was expressed in pericytes of the bladder, heart and aorta, kidney, and trachea but not as specifically in penile pericytes (Supplementary Fig. 6A-D). However, it is worth noting that other known pericyte markers were also did not exhibit exclusive expression in pericytes across all the tissues we analyzed. Therefore, in certain tissues, particularly in mouse penile tissues, Lbh may be a valuable marker in conjunction with other established pericyte marker genes for distinguishing pericytes.

      2) Cell-cell communication and regulon activity changes in the diabetic penis: The authors present cell-cell communication analysis and TF regulon analysis in Fig 3 and report differential activities in healthy and DM mice. These results are certainly interesting, however, no statistical analyses are performed to justify claimed changes in the disease state and no validations are performed. It is therefore challenging to interpret these results, and the relevant claims do not seem well supported.

      Answer: In response to these helpful suggestions, we calculated statistical significance and performed experimental validation. CellphoneDB permutes the cluster labels of all cells 1000 times and calculates the mean(mean(molecule 1 in cluster X), mean(molecule 2 in cluster Y)) at each time for each interaction pair, for each pairwise comparison between two cell types. We only considered interactions in which the difference in means calculated by these permutations were greater than 0.25-fold between diabetes and normal. Also, we considered that the interactions with P-value < 0.05 were significant.

      To assess differential regulon activities of transcription factor (SCENIC) between diabetic and normal pericytes, we utilized a generalized linear model with scaled activity scores for each cell as input. These scaled regulon activity values for angiogenesis-related TFs exhibited differences between diabetic and normal pericytes. The results of the generalized linear model revealed that Klf5, Egr1, and Junb were TFs with significantly altered regulon activities in diabetic pericytes. Experimental data indicated that the expression level of Lmo2, Junb, Elk1, and Hoxd10 was higher (Hoxd10) or lower (Lmo2, Junb, Elk1) in diabetic pericytes compared to normal pericytes (Supplementary Fig. 9). We have added the scaled regulon activity values and statistical significance in Fig. 3E.

      3) Rescue of ED by Lbh overexpression: This is a striking and very interesting result that warrants attention. By simple overexpression of the pericyte marker gene Lbh, the authors report rescue of erectile function in diabetic animals. While mechanistic details are lacking, the phenomenon appears to have a large effect size and the experiments appear sophisticated and well conducted. If anything, the authors appear to underplay the magnitude of this result.

      Answer: We appreciate this comment. Therefore, we have added relevant clarification in the revised manuscript discussion section to emphasize the importance of LBH overexpression on rescuing ED as follows: “To test our hypothesis, we utilized the diabetes-induced ED mouse model, commonly employed in various studies focusing on microvascular complications associated with type 1 diabetes. We observed that the overexpression of LBH in diabetic mice led to the restoration of reduced erectile function by enhancing neurovascular regeneration. However, this study primarily demonstrated the observed phenomenon without delving into the detailed mechanisms. Nonetheless, these results of LBH on erections provide us with new strategies for treating ED and should be of considerable concern.” (Please see revised ‘Discussion’)

      4) Mechanistic claims for rescue of ED by Lbh overexpression: The authors claim that cell type-specific effects on MPCs are responsible for the rescue of erectile function induced by Lbh overexpression. This causal claim is unsupported by the data, which only show that Lbh overexpression influences MPC performance. In vivo, it's likely that Lbh is being over expressed by diverse cell types, any of which could be the causal driver of ED rescue. In fact, the authors report rescue of cell type abundance in endothelial cells and neuronal cells. Therefore, it cannot be concluded that MPC effects alone or in principal are responsible for ED rescue.

      Answer: We agree with these claims. Therefore, we have added relevant clarifications in the discussion section of the revised manuscript. Our findings suggest that LBH can affect the function of cavernous pericytes, although we cannot definitively specify which particular cavernous cell types are affected by the overexpressed LBH, whether it be cavernous endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, or others. Subsequent research will be required to conduct more comprehensive mechanistic investigations, such as in vitro studies using cavernous endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, and fibroblasts to address these knowledge gaps. (Please see revised ‘Discussion’)

      5) Protein interaction data: The authors claim that CRYAB and VIM1 are novel interacting partners of LBH. However, the evidence presented (2 blots in Fig. 6A,B) lack the relevant controls. It is possible that CRYAB and VIM1 are cross-reactive with the anti-LBH antibody or were not washed out completely. The abundance of bands on the Coomassie stain in Fig. 6A suggests that either event is plausible. Therefore, the evidence presented is insufficient to support the claim that CRYAB and VIM1 are protein interacting partners of LBH.

      Answer: We agree with these claims. Therefore, we have added the relevant controls(Input) and performed Co-IP (IP: CRYAB or VIM, WB: LBH) to demonstrate CRYAB and VIM1 are not simply cross-reactive antigens to their LBH antibody. Our results show that we can detect the expression of CRYAB and VIM after LBH IP, and we also detect the expression of LBH after CRYAB and VIM IP. In addition, it can be seen from our results that the binding of LBH to VIM is higher than that of CRYAB. Regardless, these results indicate that the binding of CRYAB or VIM to LBH is not a random phenomenon. (Please see revised ‘Result’ and ‘Figure 6B’)

      Impact: These data will trigger interest in Lbh as a target gene within the erectile dysfunction community.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Bae et al. described the key roles of pericytes in cavernous tissues in diabetic erectile dysfunction using both mouse and human single-cell transcriptomic analysis. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is caused by dysfunction of the cavernous tissue and affects a significant proportion of men aged 40-70. The most common treatment for ED is phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors; however, these are less effective in patients with diabetic ED. Therefore, there is an unmet need for a better understanding of the cavernous microenvironment, cell-cell communications in patients with diabetic ED, and the development of new therapeutic treatments to improve the quality of life.

      Pericytes are mesenchymal-derived mural cells that directly interact with capillary endothelial cells (ECs). They play a vital role in the pathogenesis of erectile function as their interactions with ECs are essential for penile erection. Loss of pericytes has been associated with diabetic retinopathy, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease and has been investigated in relation to the permeability of cavernous blood vessels and neurovascular regeneration in the authors' previous studies. This manuscript explores the mechanisms underlying the effect of diabetes on pericyte dysfunction in ED. Additionally, the cellular landscape of cavernous tissues and cell type-specific transcriptional changes were carefully examined using both mouse and human single-cell RNA sequencing in diabetic ED. The novelty of this work lies in the identification of a newly identified pericyte (PC)-specific marker, LBH, in mouse and human cavernous tissues, which distinguishes pericytes from smooth muscle cells. LBH not only serves as a cavernous pericyte marker, but its expression level is also reduced in diabetic conditions. The LBH-interacting proteins (Cryab and Vim) were further identified in mouse cavernous pericytes, indicating that these signaling interactions are critical for maintaining normal pericyte function. Overall, this study demonstrates the novel marker of pericytes and highlights the critical role of pericytes in diabetic ED.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) The methods are poorly written. It lacks specific information on the sample size, experimental design, and data analysis methods employed. The absence of these crucial details makes it difficult to evaluate the robustness and reliability of the findings.

      Answer: We agree with the reviewer’s suggestion, now we revised the methods of our manuscript, and added detailed information or references. For sample size we have added detailed information in Figure legend (Please see revised ‘Method’ , Figure Legend, and Supplementary information.)

      2) The cell number in the scRNA-seq analysis is small (~12000) and some minor cell types are probably underrepresented. It is not clear whether the authors pooled the cells from different mice as one sample, or replicates in different groups have been included. It will be helpful to label different samples in the UMAP. The authors should repeat the experiments with more replicates to increase the cell number and validate the findings.

      Answer: We understand the reviewer's concern, but due to the small size of mouse penile tissue, we had to pool 5 corpus cavernosum tissues for each group (using pooled samples) for scRNA-seq analysis. Moreover, owing to the unique nature of mouse penile tissue, which is highly resistant, it posed challenges for the dissolution and isolation of single cells using conventional single-cell separation methods. Consequently, we had to increase the concentration of the enzyme to finally obtain 12,894 cells. Rather than conducting a repetitive scRNAseq analysis on the same mouse model, we validated our findings in human cavernous single-cell transcriptome data. This analysis allowed us to confirm the presence of pericyte in human corpus cavernosum, specific expression of LBH in human cavernous pericytes, and the identification of relevant GO terms associated with pericyte functions (Figure 5). We have add these information in ‘Method’ (Please see revised ‘Method’).

      3) Functional studies are lacking to justify how manipulating LBH expression or its interacting proteins might lead to effective therapeutic approaches for diabetic ED.

      Answer: We have performed the functional study to evaluate LBH expression might lead to effective therapeutic approaches for diabetic ED as showed in Figure 4G. Assessment of intracavernous pressure (ICP) is the most representative test for evaluating erectile function. Therefore, we modulated LBH expression in the penis of diabetic mice and assessed the erectile function of the mice by intracavernous pressure. However, we have not performed ICP studies and relative in vitro studies (migration, survival experiment) to assess whether LBH-interacting proteins have the same effect.

      4) Although the abstract identifies novel targets for potential interventions, such as LBH and its interacting proteins, the clinical relevance of these findings remains uncertain. The authors should include a discussion regarding the translation of these discoveries into therapeutic strategies or their potential impact on patients with diabetes and ED.

      Answer: We appreciate the reviewer's suggestion and have added a discussion as per the reviewer’s recommendation (Please see revised ‘Discussion’).

      5) While the study highlights the importance of pericytes in penile erection, it fails to mention the broader context of other cell types involved in the pathogenesis of ED. Neglecting to discuss potential contributions from endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, or neural elements limits the comprehensive understanding of the cellular interactions underlying diabetic ED.

      Answer: We agree with the reviewer's suggestion and have added a discussion regarding the significance of other cell populations in penile tissues, such as endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells fibroblasts, and neural elements, along with the rationale for our focus on pericytes. (Please see revised ‘Discussion’).

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      We congratulate the authors on an interesting study. We were especially excited to see their Lbh overexpression results. However, we felt other claims in the paper could benefit from additional investigation, analysis, and statistical rigor. We have provided a set of suggestions for improvement below.

      Major points:

      1) Pericyte marker gene proposal: See public review for commentary on the following suggested experiments. The authors should perform binary classification analysis using Lbh and report the performance of this gene as a marker (e.g. using the area under the receiver operating characteristic, accuracy, precision and recall). Further, they should consider performing this analysis for all other genes in their data to determine whether Lbh is the best marker gene.

      Answer: We appreciate this comment. AUC scores of Rgs5, Pln, Ednra, Npylr, Atp1b2, and Gpc3 for ability of a binary classifier to distinguish between pericyte and the other cell types in mouse penile tissues were measured by using FindMarkers function. Rgs5 had the highest AUC, but Rgs5 was also expressed in SMCs in our data. Pln, Ednra, Gpc3, and Npy1r also seemed to be candidate markers, but the literature search excluded these genes as they are also expressed in the SMCs of other tissues or different cell types. The AUC score of Lbh was over 0.7, and expression in SMC was not identified in previous studies, and ultimately, we experimentally identified that Lbh is penis pericyte specific. We have added this to the manuscript.

      Author response table 1.

      Robust differential expression analysis should also be performed for this gene (if not all) and the statistics should be reported, given known issues with the statistical approach used by the authors for differential expression (see: Squair 2021, 10.1038/s41467-021-25960-2). The authors' should also report the number of cells involved in these comparisons, as the number of pericytes in the data (Fig 1B) appears quite small.

      Answer: We appreciate this comment. We used “MAST” to identify differentially expressed genes. This test is often used to find DEGs in single-cell RNA data. However, because the pseudobulk method has advantages over the single cell DEG method (Squair 2021, 10.1038/s41467-021-25960-2), we additionally performed DEG analysis with DESeq2 to confirm whether Lbh can distinguish pericytes from other cell types in the penile. As a result, even when tested with DESeq2, Lbh expression was significantly higher in pericytes than in other cell types in penile (adjusted p-value = 2.694475e-07 in Pericyte vs SMC, adjusted P-value = 3.700118e-58 in Pericyte vs the other cell types). Mouse penile tissue is small in size, and the number of pericytes in mouse penile tissue is relatively smaller compared to fibroblasts and chondrocytes. In our mouse penile scRNAseq data, the number of pericytes is as follows: normal: 58, diabetes: 116. Despite the limited number of cells, we were able to establish statistical significance in our analyses.

      Immunostaining results in Fig. 2D, E should likewise be quantified. At present, it's unclear that LBH and aSMA are mutually exclusive as claimed. The authors should also investigate Lbh expression in public single cell genomics data, rather than performing candidate gene literature searches. For example, the Tabula Muris suggests Lbh is expressed widely outside pericytes.

      Answer: For Figure 2D and E, the aim of these analyses was to assess the distribution of LBH and other cellular markers to see if they overlap and if they can be distinguished. We think that some of the overlapping staining in the tissue may be caused by multilayered cellular structures, so staining within cells would be more convincing. Therefore, we quantified the percentage of LBH- or α-SMA-expressed pericytes and relative expression in smooth muscle cells in cell staining (Supplementary Fig. 5E). We found that only 3% of smooth muscle cells expressed LBH, 67% of mouse cavernous pericytes (MCPs) expressed α-SMA, and more than 97% of MCPs expressed LBH. Therefore, these results may illustrate the specific expression of LBH in MCPs. These information was added as ‘Supplementary Fig. 5E’ (Please see revised ‘Supplementary information’). We also examined Lbh expression patterns in various mouse tissues using the public mouse single-cell atlas (Tabula Muris), and provided a detailed response in reviewer 2’s public review 1.

      Even if Lbh is not the best marker, the authors' intervention experiment still motivates study of the gene, but these analyses would help contextualize the result for readers.

      2) Statistical anslyses for cell-cell communication and TF regulon analysis: See public review for context on these comments. The authors should perform statistical tests to evaluate the significance of differences detected for each of these analysis. For example, generalized linear models can be used to assess the significance of TF regulon activity scores from SCENIC, and permutation tests can be used to measure the significance of cell-cell interaction score changes. Without these statistical tests, it's challenging for a reader to interpret whether the results reported are meaningful or within the realm of experimental noise.

      Answer: We appreciate this comment. We calculated statistical significance TF regulon analyses as suggested by the reviewer and described a detailed statistical calculation method for cell-cell communication. We provided a detailed response in reviewer 2’s public review 2.

      3) Mechanism of ED rescue by Lbh overexpression: To support this claim, the authors would need to perform an experiment where Lbh is over expressed specifically in MPCs (using e.g. a specific promoter on their LTV construct, or a transgenic line with a cell type-specific Cre-Lox system). Absent these data, the claim should be removed.

      Answer: We agree with the reviewer's suggestion and we have reworked the claim that ‘LBH overexpression is affected by pericytes during ED recovery’ and have added relevant clarification in the Discussion section to clearly state that LBH overexpression may affect many cavernosum cells, such as cavernous endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, fibroblasts, and pericytes (Please see revised ‘Result’ and ‘Discussion’)

      4) Protein interaction claims: This experiment would require that the authors perform a similar pull-down with LBH KO cells and or a reciprocal Co-IP (e.g. IP: CRYAB or VIM1, WB: LBH) to demonstrate CRYAB and VIM1 are not simply cross-reactive antigens to their LBH antibody. Further, these experiments appear to only have a single replicate for each condition. The authors should either remove associated claims, or perform a Co-IP experiment with the relevant controls with sufficient replication.

      Answer: We agree with the claims. Therefore, we have included the necessary controls (Input) and performed Co-IP (IP: CRYAB or VIM1, WB: LBH) to demonstrate that CRYAB and VIM1 are not simply cross-reactive antigens to their LBH antibody. Our results show that we can detect the expression of CRYAB and VIM after LBH IP, and we also detect the expression of LBH after CRYAB and VIM IP. In addition, it can be seen from our results that the binding of LBH to VIM is higher than that of CRYAB. Regardless, these results indicate that the binding of CRYAB or VIM to LBH is not a random phenomenon. Additionally, all IP experiments were replicated at least three times. (Please see revised ‘Result’ and ‘Figure 6B’)

      Minor Points:

      • The reference "especially in men" on line 56 seems odd given that only males can experience penile erectile dysfunction.

      Answer: We agree with the reviewer's suggestion and have removed the description 'especially male' (Please see revised ‘Introduction’)

      • Line 109, it's unclear what genes showed altered expression in Schwann cells.

      Answer: We apologize for the confusion. There was no significant differentially expressed genes between normal and diabetes in Schwann cells. We revised this part in the manuscript. (Schwann cells showed an increased expression compared to normal cells in diabetes, though not significant. In Schwann cells, there were no significant DEGs between diabetic and normal cells.)

      • It would be helpful for readers to see an analysis of the cell types that are transduced in the Lbh overexpression experiment in vivo. At present, some pericyte specificity is implied, but not demonstrated.

      Answer: We appreciate this comment. Our findings suggest that LBH can affect the function of cavernous pericytes, although we cannot definitively conclude which specific-cavernous cell types are affected by the overexpressed LBH, whether it be cavernous endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, or others. Subsequent research will be required to conduct more comprehensive mechanistic investigations, such as in vitro studies using cavernous endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, and fibroblasts to address these knowledge gaps. These were also mentioned in the manuscript.

      • To improve clarity and enhance readability, define abbreviations before their initial usage in the text. For instance, in the second paragraph of the Introduction, the abbreviation 'ECs' is used without prior definition. It can be inferred that it is referring to endothelial cells, mentioned in parentheses in the subsequent sentence.

      Answer: We agree with the reviewer's suggestion to expand acronyms and ensure that all acronyms are defined in the revised manuscript before they are used for the first time in the text (Please see revised Manuscript).

      • It is important to include relevant references that align with the content being discussed. For example, in the Introduction, pericytes are described as being involved in various processes such as angiogenesis, vasoconstriction, and permeability. The text refers to a single reverence, a review by Gerhardt and Besholtz, which primarily focuses on pericyte's role in regulating angiogenesis. Adding additional sources, such as the review by Bergers and Song (Neuro Oncol., 2005) is recommended.

      Answer: We agree with the reviewer's suggestion, and have added the reference as reviewer recommended (Please see revised Manuscript and reference).

      • Figure 3E: it is stated that a panel of 53 angiogenesis factors were tested, it is stated that only MMP3 showed increased expression. However, various unlabeled spots appear to show changed expression patterns. It would be helpful to show a summary graph with the relative intensities of the full array of factors tested.

      Answer: We agree with the reviewer’s suggestion, now we showed all spots density in angiogenesis array as Supplementary Table 1. The condition of the spots we selected was that the expression density was at least above 1500, and the change ratio was greater than 1.2. (Please see revised ‘Supplementary information’)

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Detailed statistical power calculation

      Data availability statement( were both mouse and human scRNA deposited in GEO with a taken and when will they be released to the public?)

      Answer: Human scRNA data have been deposited in GEO under accession number GSE206528. Our mouse scRNA dataset has been uploaded to KoNA and is available for download (https://www.kobic.re.kr/kona/review?encrypt_url=amlod2FucGFya3xLQUQyMzAxMDEz)

      Major concerns about this work

      1) The single cell RNAseq data collected for mouse diabetic ED(Fig 1B), FB are the most abundant cell population compared to PC, EC, SMC and other clusters. The rationale for studying FB clusters (in Figure 1, D-F) instead of PC cluster is unclear. Which cluster DEG did the authors annotate for Fig 1G-H?

      Answer: We understand the reviewer's suggestion and confusion. Although other major cell populations in penile tissue such as smooth muscle cells, endothelial cell, and fibroblasts have been extensively studied, pericytes have mainly been investigated in the context of the central nervous system (CNS). For example, in the CNS, pericytes are involved in maintaining the integrity of the brain's blood-brain barrier (BBB) [PMID: 27916653], regulating blood flow at capillary junctions [PMID: 33051294], and promoting neuroinflammatory processes [PMID: 31316352], whose dysfunction is considered an important factor in the progression of vascular diseases such as Alzheimer's disease [PMID: 24946075]. But little is known about the role of pericytes in penile tissue [PMID: 35865945; PMID: 36009395; PMID: 26044953]. In order to explore the role of pericytes in repairing the corpus cavernosum vascular and neural tissues damaged by DM, we focused on pericytes, which are multipotent perivascular cells that contribute to the generation and repair of various tissues in response to injury. Although recent studies have shown that pericytes are involved in physiological mechanisms of erection, little is known about their detailed mechanisms. We have also added this rationale in discussion.

      Single cell level study has not been conducted in mouse penile tissues. Therefore, before delving into pericytes, we aimed to identify overall transcriptome differences between normal and diabetic conditions in mouse penile tissues. We presented the analyses of FB, which make up the largest proportion among the cell types in the mouse penis, in Fig. 1D-F. The analysis of other cell types is provided in Supplementary Fig. 1-4. Fig. 1G-H are GO terms for Fibroblasts clusters. We added this information in the figure.

      2) Fig 2 is the critical data to show Lbh is a cavernous PC specific marker. More PC violin plots to identify PC cluster such as Cspg4, Kcnj8, Higd1b, Cox4i2 and more SMC violin plots to identify SMC cluster such as Acta2, Myh11, Tagln, Actg2 should be used for inclusion and exclusion of PC( the same concern applied to human scRNAseq in Fig 5B).

      Answer: We appreciate this comment. We examined the expression of other marker genes of pericytes and SMCs. Although some marker genes were rarely expressed in the mouse penis data (Kcnj8, Higd1b), the expression of marker genes tended to be relatively high in each cluster. The expression of Cspg4 and Cox4i2 was higher in pericytes than in SMCs, while the expression of Acta2, Myh11,and Tagln was higher in SMCs than in pericytes. Actag2 was specifically expressed in SMCs. Through the gene set enrichment test as well as the expression of known cell type marker genes, we identified that the annotation of pericyte and SMC was appropriate (Fig. 2B and Fig. 5C). We added the violin plots of these marker genes in Supplementary Fig. 5.

      Author response image 1.


      In human penis data, ACTA2 and MYH11 were expressed in SMCs, pericytes, and myofibroblasts, as in the previous paper [PMID: 35879305]. Among pericyte markers, the number of cells expressing KCNJ8 and HIGD1B was small. The cluster we annotated as pericyte was double positive for pericyte markers CSPG4 and COX4I2. ACTG2, a marker for SMC, was expressed more highly in SMC than in pericytes and myofibroblasts. As in the mouse penis data, we identified that the annotation of each cell type was appropriate through the gene set enrichment test in the human penis data. We added the violin plots of CSPG4, COX4I2, and ACTG2 in Supplementary Fig. 11.

      Author response image 2.


      When exploring Lbh expression levels in "Database of gene expression in adult mouse brain and lung vascular and perivascular cells" from https://betsholtzlab.org/VascularSingleCells/database.html, Lbh is not uniquely expressed in PC, suggesting its tissue-specific expression level. This difference should be discussed in the Discussion section.

      Answer: We appreciate this valuable comment. For the answer to this comment, we extensively analyzed Lbh expression patterns in various mouse tissues using the public mouse single-cell atlas (Tabula Muris) as also suggested by Reviewer 2. Please see our detailed response in reviewer 2’s public review 1.

      3) In prior studies on PC morphology and location (PMID: 21839917), they reside in capillaries (diameter less than 10um) or distal vessels (diameter less than 25um) and have oval cell body and long processes. Due to the non-specificity of Pdgfrb, SMC are positive for Pdgfrb staining (this has been shown in many publications that SMC are Pdgfrb+; unfortunately, NG2 antibody also stains for both PC and SMC). Therefore, the LBH immunostaining (in Fig 2D and 2E of large-sized vessels) are very likely for SMC identity, not PC. PC should be in close contact with CD31+ ECs in healthy conditions. The LBH immunostaining of PC in both mouse and human tissues (Fig 4) must be replaced and better characterized.

      Answer: We agree with the reviewer's suggestion. As it is widely known, peicytes are primarily located in capillaries, where they surround endothelial cells of blood vessels. However, recent discoveries have identified cells with pericyte-like characteristics in the walls of large blood vessels, challenging the traditional concept [PMID: 27268036]. In our study, we observed minimal overlap in staining between LBH and α-SMA, suggesting that the cells expressing LBH were not smooth muscle cells but possibly pericyte-like cells in large vessels. In small vessels within the bladder, kidney, and even the aorta, we found LBH-expressing cells surrounding CD31-expressing vessels, consistent with the known characteristics of pericytes. Further research is needed to comprehend the differences in LBH expression and its characteristics in both large and small blood vessels. We have added discussions and references for this issue (Please see revised ‘Discussion’ and ‘Reference’)

      4) How do mouse cavernous pericytes isolate? How is purity?

      Answer: As the reviewer points out, we isolated mouse spongiform pericytes following our and other previously published methods. We used pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF), which removes non-pericytic cells [PMID: 30929324, 23493068]. Although there are no purity study results such as FACS, other staining results thoroughly support the notion that this method yields pericytes with a notably high level of purity. (Please see ‘Method’ section).

      5) Can mouse scRNAseq cell-cell communication in Fig 3 be reproducible in human scRNAseq cell-cell communication? The results in human ED are more clinically significant than in mouse data.

      Answer: In human scRNAseq data, the difference between angiogenesis-related interactions between normal and diabetes was not as significant as that in mouse data. Because the cell type composition of the human and mouse penis is not completely identical, there are limitations in comparing cell-cell interactions. However, in the human penis data, some interactions related to angiogenesis between pericytes and other cell types were decreased in diabetes compared to normal (boxed parts).

      Author response image 3.

      6) Fibroblasts also express Vim. Murine PC VIM/CRYAB( should be written as Vim/Cryab as mouse proteins) direct interaction with Lbh is unclear from Lbh IP as Fig 6A red boxes showed a wide range of sizes. Where is the band for Lbh? Do human PC LBH interact with VIM/CRYAB?

      Answer: We agree with the reviewer's comment. VIM is a type III intermediate filament protein expressed in many cell types. We have added the relevant controls (Input) and performed Co-IP (IP: CRYAB or VIM, WB: LBH) to demonstrate CRYAB and VIM are not simply cross-reactive antigens to their LBH antibody. In western blot study, the LBH band was expressed between 35 kDa-48 kDa. From Figure 6A, we detected CRYAB in band 1 and VIM in bands 2 and 3. This may be due to the formation of dimers or multimers by VIM. We did not use human PCs for IP studies because IP requires large amounts of protein, making IP studies using human pericyte challenging. Nevertheless, the interaction between LBH and CRYAB in humans has been reported through fluorescent resonance energy transfer assay and affinity chromatography technology assay [PMID:34000384, PMID:20587334].

      7) In Fig 6H and I, why does CRYAB expression significantly reduce in vitro and in vivo under diabetic conditions, whereas VIM expression significantly increases?

      Answer: As the reviewer pointed out, and we have discussed on this issue in the manuscript, CRYAB is known to promote angiogenesis. Diabetes reduces CRYAB expression, so angiogenesis may be impaired. Furthermore, since VIM is a multifunctional protein, it interacts with several other proteins with multiple functions under various pathophysiological conditions. There are many relevant literatures showing that VIM expression is increased under diabetic conditions [PMID: 28348116 and PMID: 32557212]. And VIM deficiency protects against obesity and insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes. Therefore, we hypothesize that exogenous LBH may have the ability to bind to the increased VIM in diabetic conditions and inactivate the effects of VIM. Thereby achieving the protective effect. This needs to be proved in further studies.

      8) The therapeutic strategies targeting (Lbh-Cryab-Vim) on mouse diabetic ED model is not investigated and need to be further validated and discussed.

      Answer: As the reviewers pointed out, in this study, we did not evaluate the targeted therapeutic strategy for LBH-CRYAB-VIM in a mouse diabetic ED model. We only identified the binding potential of these three proteins. Evaluation of this treatment strategy requires further study. For example, we can employ shRNA lentivirus, either alone or in combination, to downregulate CRYABexpression [PMID: 31612679] in normal mice, utilize a lentiviral vector CMV-GFP-puro-vimentin to overexpress Vimentin [PMID: 36912679], and then treat it with LBH to evaluate whether the LBH effect still exists (in vivo erectile function study and in vitro angiogenesis assay). We include this information in the Discussion section as a limitation of this study (Please see revised ‘Discussion’).

      9) The Discussion of current knowledge of pericytes in diabetic ED and other diseases and the significance of this study as well as clinical implications, should be expanded.

      Answer: As the reviewers pointed out, we have expanded the current knowledge of pericytes in diabetic ED and other diseases (CNS disease) and clinical implications as follows: “Although other major cell populations in penile tissue such as smooth muscle cells, endothelial cell, and fibroblasts have been extensively studied, pericytes have mainly been investigated in the context of the central nervous system (CNS). For example, in the CNS, pericytes are involved in maintaining the integrity of the brain's blood-brain barrier (BBB), regulating blood flow at capillary junctions, and promoting neuroinflammatory processes, whose dysfunction is considered an important factor in the progression of vascular diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. But little is known about the role of pericytes in penile tissue.” (Please see revised ‘Discussion’).

      10) How many clinical samples were used? How many times did each experiment repeat?

      Answer: As the reviewers pointed out, the clinical samples’ information was added in ‘method’ section. A total four human samples were used in this study (‘human corpus cavernosum tissues were obtained from two patients with congenital penile curvature (59-year-old and 47-year-old) who had normal erectile function during reconstructive penile surgery and two patients with diabetic ED (69-year-old and 56-year-old) during penile prosthesis implantation.’). For in vivo study, we quantified four different fields from human samples.

      Minor concerns

      1) Fig 1A, why normal mouse's body size is the same as DM?

      Answer: As the reviewer pointed out, in Figure 1A, while the size of normal mice and DM mice may not appear significantly different, there are indeed notable difference in body weight and size. The normal mice body weigh we used was about 30 grams, while DM mice body weigh was generally less than 24 grams. We found that we missed information on physiological and metabolic parameters from in vivo studies (ICP function study). Therefore, we have added it in Supplementary Table 2 (Please see revised ‘Supplementary information’)

      2) The label and negative, and positive controls for Fig 6B are missing.

      Answer: We thank for pointing out this. We have added the relevant controls (Input) and performed Co-IP (IP: CRYAB or VIM1, WB: LBH) to demonstrate CRYAB and VIM1 are not simply cross-reactive antigens to their LBH antibody and all IP was replicated for at least 3 times. (Please see revised ‘Result’ and ‘Figure 6B’)

      3) The limitation of this study and future work should be discussed.

      Answer: As the reviewer pointed out, we have added the limitation of this study and future direction in the discussion section (Please see revised ‘Discussion’).

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      REVIEWER 1

      The claim that olivooid-type feeding was most likely a prerequisite transitional form to jet-propelled swimming needs much more support or needs to be tailored to olivooids. This suggests that such behavior is absent (or must be convergent) before olivooids, which is at odds with the increasing quantities of pelagic life (whose modes of swimming are admittedly unconstrained) documented from Cambrian and Neoproterozoic deposits. Even among just medusozoans, ancestral state reconstruction suggests that they would have been swimming during the Neoproterozoic (Kayal et al., 2018; BMC Evolutionary Biology) with no knowledge of the mechanics due to absent preservation.

      Thanks for your suggestions. Yes, we agree with you that the ancestral swimming medusae may appear before the early Cambrian, even at the Neoproterozoic deposits. However, discussions on the affinities of Ediacaran cnidarians are severely limited because of the lack of information concerning their soft anatomy. So, it is hard to detect the mechanics due to absent preservation. Olivooids found from the basal Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Formation can be reasonably considered as cnidarians based on their radial symmetry, external features, and especially the internal anatomies (Bengtson and Yue 1997; Dong et al. 2013; 2016; Han et al. 2013; 2016; Liu et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2017; 2020; 2022). The valid simulation experiment here was based on the soft tissue preserved in olivooids.

      While the lack of ambient flow made these simulations computationally easier, these organisms likely did not live in stagnant waters even within the benthic boundary layer. The absence of ambient unidirectional laminar current or oscillating current (such as would be found naturally) biases the results.

      Many thanks for your suggestion concerning the lack of ambient flow in the simulations. We revised the section “Perspectives for future work and improvements” (lines 381-392 in our revised version of manuscript). Conducting the simulations without ambient flow can reduce the computational cost and, of course, making the simulation easier, while adding ambient flow can lead to poorer convergency and more technical issues. Meanwhile, we strongly agreed that these (benthic) organisms did not live in stagnant waters, as discussed in Liu et al. 2022. However, reducing computational complexity is not the main reason that the ambient flow was not incorporated in the simulations. As we discussed in section “Perspectives for future work and improvements”, our work focuses on the theoretical effect caused by the dynamics (based on fossil observation and hypothesis) of polyp on ambient environment (i.e., how fast the organism inhales water from ambient environment) rather than effect caused by ambient flow on organism (e.g., drag forces), which was what previous palaeontological CFD simulations mainly focused based on fossil morphology and hydrodynamics. To this end, we mainly concern the flow velocity above or near peridermal aperture (and vorticity computed in this paper) generated only by polyp’s dynamics itself without the interference of ambient flow (as many CFD simulations for modern jellyfish, i.e., McHenry & Jed 2003; Gemmell et al. 2013; Sahin et al. 2009. All those simulations were conducted under hydrostatic conditions). Adding ambient flow to our simulations “biases” the flow velocity profiles we expect to obtain in this case.

      Nevertheless, we do agree that the ambient unidirectional laminar current or oscillating current plays an important role in feeding and respiration behavior of Quadrapyrgites. Further investigations need to be realized by designing a set of new insightful simulations and is beyond the scope of this work. We conducted CFD simulations incorporated with a randomly generated surface that imitated uneven seabed, where unidirectional laminar current and oscillating current (or vortex) were formed and exerted on Quadrapyrgites located in different places on the surface (Zhang et al. 2022). We assumed that combining the method we used in Zhang et al. 2022 and the velocity profiles collected in this work to conduct new simulations may be a promising way to further investigate the effect of the ambient current on organisms’ active feeding behavior.

      There is no explanation for how this work could be a breakthrough in simulation gregarious feeding as is stated in the manuscript.

      Thanks for your suggestion. We revised the section “Perspectives for future work and improvements” (lines 396-404 in our revised version of manuscript).

      Conducting simulations of gregarious active feeding behavior generally need to model multi (or clustered) organisms, which is beyond the present computational capability. However, exploiting the simulation result and thus building a simplified model can be possible to realize that, as we may apply an inlet or outlet boundary condition to the peridermal aperture of Quadrapyrgites with corresponding exhale or inhale flow velocity profiles collected in this work. By doing this we can obtain a simplified version of an active feeding Quadrapyrgites model without using computational expensive moving mesh feature. Such a model can be used solely or in cluster to investigate gregarious feeding behavior incorporated with ambient current. Those above are explicit explanations for how this work could be a “breakthrough” in simulation gregarious feeding. However, we modified the corresponding description in section “Perspectives for future work and improvements” to make it more appropriate.

      Throughout the manuscript there are portions that are difficult to digest due to grammar, which I suspect is due to being written in a second language. This is particularly problematic when the reader is attempting to understand if the authors are stating an idea is well documented versus throwing out hypotheses/interpretations.

      Thanks. Our manuscript was checked and corrected by a native speaker of English again.


      L023: "Although fossil evidence suggests..."

      L026: "demonstrated" instead of "proven"

      We corrected them accordingly.

      L030: "The hydrostatic simulations show that the..." Maybe I'm confused by the wording, but shouldn't this be the case since it's a set part of the model?

      As is demonstrated in our manuscript, all the simulations were conducted under “hydrostatic” environment. We originally intend to use the description “hydrostatic” here to emphasize the simulation condition we set in our work. However, it can literally lead to misunderstanding that some of the simulations we conducted are “hydrostatic” while the others are not. To this end, deleting the word “hydrostatic” here (line 30) may be appropriate to eliminate confusion.

      L058: "lacking soft tissue" Haootia preservation suggests it is soft tissue (Liu et al., 2014), unless the preceding sentence is not including Haootia, in which case this section is confusingly worded

      Thank you. We deleted the sentence “However, their affinities are not without controversy as the lacking soft tissue.”

      L085: change "proxy"

      Yes, we changed to “Considering their polypoid shape and cubomedusa-type anatomy, the hatched olivooids appear to a type of periderm-bearing polyp-shaped medusa (Wang et al. 2020) (lines 86-88).”

      L092: "assist in feeding" has this been stated before? Citation needed, else this interpretation should primarily be in the discussion

      Yes, you are right. We cited the reference at the end of the mentioned sentence (lines 91-94).

      L095: Remove "It is suggested that"

      Thanks for your suggestions. We corrected it.

      L100: "Probably the..." here to the end belongs in the discussion and not introduction.

      Thanks for your suggestions. We corrected the sentences.

      L108: "an abapical"

      Thanks for your suggestions. We revised it in line 107.

      L112: "for some distance" be specific or remove

      Yes, we deleted “for some distance” in line 111.

      L133: I can't find a corresponding article to Zhang et al., 2022. Is this the correct reference?

      The article Zhang et al. 2022 (entitled “Effect of boundary layer on simulation of microbenthic fossils in coastal and shallow seas”.) was in press at the time when we first submitted this manuscript. We complemented the corresponding term in References with the doi (10.13745/j.esf.sf.2023.5.32), which may help readers to locate this article easier.

      L138: You can't be positive that your simulations "provide a good reproduction of the movement." You have attempted to reconstruct said movement, but the language here is overly firm - as is "pave a new way"

      Thanks for your suggestions. We corrected the corresponding description (lines 138-140) to make it more rigorous.

      L149: "No significant change" implies statistics were computed that are not presented here.

      The statistics were computed by using built-in function of Excel and presented in Table supplement 2 (deposited in figshare, https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.23282627.v2) rather than in manuscript. To be specific, the error computations are followed by the formula of relative error, which is defined by:

      where u_z denotes the velocity profile collected on each cut point z with the current mesh parameters, u_z^* denotes the velocity profile collected on each cut point z with the next finer mesh parameters, i denotes each time step (from 0.01 to 4.0). In this case, the total average error was computed by averaging the sum of each 〖error〗_i on corresponding time step. The results are red marked in Table supplement 2. We revised the corresponding description in lines 140-146

      L152: "line graphs" >> "profiles"

      Thanks for your suggestions. We corrected it in line 144.

      L159: remove "significant" unless statistics are being reported, in which case those need to be explained in detail.

      Thanks for your suggestions. We removed "significant" and corrected the corresponding sentences in lines 150-153 to make them more rigorous.

      L159: I would recommend including a supplemental somewhere that shows how tall the modeled Quadrapyrgites is and where the cut lines exist above it.

      Many thanks for your suggestions. Corresponding complementation was made in the last paragraph of section “Computational fluid dynamics” (line 455 and line 535). We agree that it is appropriate to elucidate the height of modeled Quadrapyrgites and the position of each cut point. Hence, we add a supplementary figure (entitled Figure supplement 1) to illustrate those above.

      L183: "The maximum vorticity magnitude was set..." I do not follow what this threshold is based on the current phrasing.

      The vorticity magnitude mentioned here is the visualisation range of the color scalebar, which can be set manually set in the software. The positive number represent the vortex rotated counterclockwise, while the negative number represent that rotated clockwise on the cut plane. In this case, the visualisation range is [-0.001,0.001] (i.e., the absolute value of 0.001 is the threshold), as the color scalebar in Figure 7. Decreasing the threshold, for example, setting the visualisation range to [-0.0001,0.0001], can capture smaller vorticity on the cut plane, as the figure below on the left. Otherwise, setting the range to [-0.01,0.01] will focus on bigger vorticity, as the figure below on the right. We found [-0.001,0.001] could be an appropriate parameter to visualize the vortex near periderm based on our trial. To be more rigorous and to avoid confusion, we modified the description in the corresponding place of the manuscript (lines 172-174).

      Author response image 1.

      L201: "3.9-4 s"

      Thanks, we corrected it in line 191.

      L269: "Sahin et al.,..." add to the next paragraph

      Yes, we rearranged the corresponding two paragraphs (lines 258-289).

      L344: "Higher expansion-contraction..." this needs references and/or more justification.

      Thanks. We deleted the sentence.

      L446: two layers of hexahedral elements is a very low number for meshing boundary layer flow

      Many thanks for your question. We agree that an appropriate hexahedral elements mesh for boundary layer is essential to recover boundary flow, especially in cases where turbulence model incorporated with wall function is adopted such as the standard k-epsilon model. In this case, the boundary flow is not the main point since the velocity profile was collected above periderm aperture rather than near no-slip wall region. What else, we do not need drag (related to sheer stress and pressure difference) computations in this case, which requires a more accurate flow velocity reconstruction near no-slip walls as what previous palaeontological CFD simulations have done. Thus, we think two layers of hexahedral elements are enough. What else, hexahedral elements added to periderm aperture domain, as illustrated in figure below, can let the velocity near wall vary smoothly and thus can benefit the convergency of simulations.

      Author response image 2.

      L449: similar to comments regarding lines 146-148, key information is missing here. Figure 3C appears to be COMSOL's default meshing routine. While it is true that the domain is discretized in a non-uniform manner, no information is provided as to what mesh parameters were "tuned" to determine "optimal settings" or what those settings are (or how they are optimal).

      Many thanks for your question. Specific mesh parameters were listed in Table supplement 3 and corresponding descriptions and modifications were made both in lines 475-479 and lines 542-549. In most CFD cases, the mesh parameters need to be tuned to ensure a balance between computational cost and accuracy. If the difference of the result obtained from present mesh and that obtained from the next finer mesh ranges from 5% -10%, the present mesh is expected to be “optimal”. To achieve this, we prescribed several sets of different mesh (mainly concerning maximum and minimum element size) to each subdomain (domain of the inner cavity, domain of the peridermal aperture and domain outside of fossil model) of the whole computational domain in the test model. Subsequently, we refined the mesh step by step as much as possible and adjust the element size of subdomains to find suitable mesh parameters, that is how the mesh parameters were "tuned". We agree that we should explicit what mesh parameters were tuned and what those settings are.

      Figure 7 should have the timesteps included and the scaling of the arrows should be explicit in the caption

      Many thanks for your suggestions. We intended to use the white arrows to represent the velocity orientation rather than true velocity scale in Figure 7 (Instead, the white arrows in Animation supplement 1 represent a normalized velocity profile). To avoid confusion, we revised Figure 7 with timesteps and arrows represent a normalized velocity profile, making it consistent with Animation supplement 1. Corresponding modification is also made in the caption of Figure 7.

      The COMSOL simulation files (raw data) are missing from the supplemental data. These should be posted to Dryad or here.

      We uploaded the files to Dryad (https://datadryad.org/stash/share/QGDSqLh8HOll7ofl6JWVrqM57Rp62ZPjvZU0AQQHwTY), and added the corresponding link to section “Data Availability Statement”.

      REVIEWER 2

      Lines 319-334: The omission in this paragraph of Paraconularia ediacara Leme, Van Iten and Simoes (2022) from the terminal Ediacaran of Brazil is a serious matter, as (1) the medusozoan affinities of this fossil are every bit as well established as those of anabaritids, Sphenothallus, Cambrorhytium and Byronia, and (2) P. ediacara was a large (centimetric) polyp, the presence of which in Precambrian times is thus a problem for the simple evolutionary scenario (very small polyps followed later in evolutionary history by large polyps) outlined in the paragraph. Thus, Paraconularia ediacara must be mentioned in this paper, both in connection with the early evolution of size in cnidarian polyps and in other places where the early evolution of cnidarians is discussed.

      Thanks for your important suggestions. We added some sentences in lines 323-326 as following: “Significantly, the large-bodied, skeletonized conulariids-like Paraconularia found from the terminal Ediacaran Tamengo Formation of Brazil confirmed their ancient predators like the extant medusozoans and suggested the origin of cnidarians even farther into the deep evolutionary scenario (Leme et al. 2022).”

      Line 23. Delete the word, been.

      Line 25. Replace conjecture with conjectural.

      Line 26. Delete the word, the before calyx-like.

      Line 32. Replace consisting with consistent.

      Thanks for your suggestions. We all corrected them.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors utilize fluid-structure interaction analyses to simulation fluid flow within and around the Cambrian cnidarian Quadrapyrgites to reconstruct feeding/respiration dynamics. Based on vorticity and velocity flow patterns, the authors suggest that the polyp expansion and contraction ultimately develop vortices around the organism that are like what modern jellyfish employ for movement and feeding. Lastly, the authors suggest that this behavior is likely a prerequisite transitional form to swimming medusae.

      Strengths:<br /> While fluid-structure-interaction analyses are common in engineering, physics, and biomedical fields, they are underutilized in the biological and paleobiological sciences. Zhang et al. provide a strong approach to integrating active feeding dynamics into fluid flow simulations of ancient life. Based on their data, it is entirely likely the described vortices would have been produced by benthic cnidarians feeding/respiring under similar mechanisms. However, some of the broader conclusions require additional justification.


      1. The claim that olivooid-type feeding was most likely a prerequisite transitional form to jet-propelled swimming needs much more support or needs to be tailored to olivooids. This suggests that such behavior is absent (or must be convergent) before olivooids, which is at odds with the increasing quantities of pelagic life (whose modes of swimming are admittedly unconstrained) documented from Cambrian and Neoproterozoic deposits. Even among just medusozoans, ancestral state reconstruction suggests that they would have been swimming during the Neoproterozoic (Kayal et al., 2018; BMC Evolutionary Biology) with no knowledge of the mechanics due to absent preservation.<br /> 2. While the lack of ambient flow made these simulations computationally easier, these organisms likely did not live in stagnant waters even within the benthic boundary layer. The absence of ambient unidirectional laminar current or oscillating current (such as would be found naturally) biases the results.<br /> 3. There is no explanation for how this work could be a breakthrough in simulation gregarious feeding as is stated in the manuscript.

      Despite these weaknesses the authors dynamic fluid simulations convincingly reconstruct the feeding/respiration dynamics of the Cambrian Quadrapyrgites, though the large claims of transitionary stages for this behavior are not adequately justified. Regardless, the approach the authors use will be informative for future studies attempting to simulate similar feeding and respiration dynamics.

      The following text is directly in response to the revised version of the manuscript.<br /> Dynamic simulations of feeding and respiration of the early Cambrian periderm-bearing cnidarian polyps

      Revision 1

      I think this manuscript has been improved by the authors, and I appreciate their time and effort in considering my earlier comments. While most of my line by line comments have been incorporated, I do feel that some of my larger points have been insufficiently addressed. Those are repeated with additional clarifications below.

      Original comment: The claim that olivooid-type feeding was most likely a prerequisite transitional form to jet-propelled swimming needs much more support or needs to be tailored to olivooids. This suggests that such behavior is absent (or must be convergent) before olivooids, which is at odds with the increasing quantities of pelagic life (whose modes of swimming are admittedly unconstrained) documented from Cambrian and Neoproterozoic deposits. Even among just medusozoans, ancestral state reconstruction suggests that they would have been swimming during the Neoproterozoic (Kayal et al., 2018; BMC Evolutionary Biology) with no knowledge of the mechanics due to absent preservation.

      Author response: Thanks for your suggestions. Yes, we agree with you that the ancestral swimming medusae may appear before the early Cambrian, even at the Neoproterozoic deposits. However, discussions on the affinities of Ediacaran cnidarians are severely limited because of the lack of information concerning their soft anatomy. So, it is hard to detect the mechanics due to absent preservation. Olivooids found from the basal Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Formation can be reasonably considered as cnidarians based on their radial symmetry, external features, and especially the internal anatomies (Bengtson and Yue 1997; Dong et al. 2013; 2016; Han et al. 2013; 2016; Liu et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2017; 2020; 2022). The valid simulation experiment here was based on the soft tissue preserved in olivooids.

      Reviewer response: This response does not sufficiently address my earlier comment. While the authors are correct that individual Ediacaran affinities are an area of active research and that Olivooids can reasonably be considered cnidarians, this doesn't address the actual critique in my comment. Most (not all) Ediacaran soft-bodied fossils are considered to have been benthic, but pelagic cnidarian life is widely acknowledged to at least be present during later White Sea and Nama assemblages (and earlier depending on molecular clock interpretations). The authors have certainly provided support for the mechanics of this type of feeding being co-opted for eventual jet-propulsion swimming in Olivooids. They have not provided sufficient justifications within the manuscript for this to be broadened beyond this group.

      Original comment: There is no explanation for how this work could be a breakthrough in simulation gregarious feeding as is stated in the manuscript.

      Author response: Thanks for your suggestion. We revised the section "Perspectives for future work and improvements" (lines 396-404 in our revised version of MS). Conducting simulations of gregarious active feeding behavior generally need to model multi (or clustered) organisms, which is beyond the present computational capability. However, exploiting the simulation result and thus building a simplified model can be possible to realize that, as we may apply an inlet or outlet boundary condition to the peridermal aperture of Quadrapyrgites with corresponding exhale or inhale flow velocity profiles collected in this work. By doing this we can obtain a simplified version of an active feeding Quadrapyrgites model without using computational expensive moving mesh feature. Such a model can be used solely or in cluster to investigate gregarious feeding behavior incorporated with ambient current. Those above are explicit explanations for how this work could be a "breakthrough" in simulation gregarious feeding. However, we modified the corresponding description in section "Perspectives for future work and improvements" to make it more appropriate.

      Reviewer response: I think I understand where the authors are trying to take this next step. If the authors were to follow up on this study with the proposed implementation of inhalant/exhalent velocities profiles (or more preferably velocity/pressure fields), then that study would be a breakthrough in simulating such gregarious feeding. Based on what has been done within the present study, I think the term "breakthrough" is instead overly emphatic.<br /> An additional note on this. The authors are correct that incorporating additional models could be used to simulation a population (as has been successfully done for several Ediacaran taxa despite computational limitations), but it's not the only way. The authors might explore using periodic boundary conditions on the external faces of the flow domain. This could require only a single Olivooid model to assess gregarious impacts - see the abundant literature of modeling flow through solar array fields.

      Original comment: L446: two layers of hexahedral elements is a very low number for meshing boundary layer flow

      Author response: Many thanks for your question. We agree that an appropriate hexahedral elements mesh for boundary layer is essential to recover boundary flow, especially in cases where turbulence model incorporated with wall function is adopted such as the standard k-epsilon model. In this case, the boundary flow is not the main point since the velocity profile was collected above periderm aperture rather than near no-slip wall region. What else, we do not need drag (related to sheer stress and pressure difference) computations in this case, which requires a more accurate flow velocity reconstruction near no-slip walls as what previous palaeontological CFD simulations have done. Thus, we think two layers of hexahedral elements are enough. What else, hexahedral elements added to periderm aperture domain, as illustrated in figure below, can let the velocity near wall vary smoothly and thus can benefit the convergency of simulations.

      Reviewer response: As the authors point out in the main text, these organisms are small (millimeters in scale) and certainly lived within the boundary layer range of the ocean. While the boundary layer is not the main point, it still needs to be accurately resolved as it should certainly affect the flow further towards the far field at this scale. I'm not suggesting the authors need to perfectly resolve the boundary layer or focus on using turbulence models more tailored to boundary layer flows (such as k-w), but the flow field still needs sufficient realism for a boundary bounded flow. The authors really should consider quantitatively assessing the number of hexahedral elements within their mesh refinement study.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Questions and concerns:

      The abstract is hard to follow. The authors there refer to a previous experiment showing that "overnight fasting diminishes excessive avoidance and speeds up fear extinction by decreasing subjective relief during threat omissions" (L26). They go on to say that "relief tracks the reward prediction error signal that governs safety learning" (L28). This is puzzling. While getting less relief/safety from avoidance actions will surely diminish avoidance (because avoidance actions are less reinforced), getting less relief/safety from omissions of an unconditioned stimulus (US) in fear extinction should slow down (not speed up) fear extinction. In the same vein, why are "lower activations [in fMRI] in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens in response to threat omissions signaled by a safe cue" (L34) associated with "increased effective avoidance and sped up fear extinction" (L33)? This clearly goes against the existing literature on reward prediction errors (PEs) in fear learning paradigms, where these PEs in the mesolimbic dopamine system drive extinction, that is, they are associated with better extinction (and should therefore also be associated with more avoidance). For instance, in the rodent, Luo et al., 2018 (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-04784-7) and Salinas-Hernandez et al., 2018 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.388181 of 25RESEARCH ARTICLE) and 2023 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2023.08.025ll) have in various constellations optogenetically enhanced and diminished, respectively, the PE signal at the time of US omission in extinction in either VTA or nucleus accumbens and thereby sped up and slowed down, respectively, extinction learning. If the results of the current experiment contradict established knowledge, the reader must be clearly informed about this. By contrast, the abstract gives the impressions as if the current results were to be expected and in line with the literature ("since relief tracks the reward prediction error signal ..., we hypothesized ...").

      It would also help the reader if it was clarified that the finding of "increased effective avoidance" (L33) went counter to the hypothesis, e.g., by saying "Contrary to our hypothesis, we observed ...".


      L51: The presentation of exposure therapy is a bit misleading and may create confusion. While it is probably correct that exposure works by "promoting safety learning", this is generally thought to be the case only for Pavlovian associations (CS-US), that is, for extinction (where safety learning creates the new association of CS and "no US"). It is, however, not generally considered to be the case for the instrumental action-outcome associations that underlie avoidance learning ("I do this or that, then I do not have to experience the feared object or situation"). Therapists try to prevent this type of learning from happening, exactly by promoting the confrontation with fear objects or situations in the absence of any avoidance action.

      Generally, I think the introduction suffers from the absence of a short explanation of what avoidance and extinction learning are, behaviorally, and what types of mechanisms are believed to drive them, and that the one (avoidance) is thought to contribute to the maintenance of fears whereas the other (extinction) reduces fear. The non-specialist reader is somehow left in the dark.

      In the same vein, on L63, presenting the results of their previous fasting study that serves as a discovery study for the present experiment, the authors make a distinction between "unnecessary avoidance during a signal of safety" and "effective avoidance during a signal of upcoming threat". It is really expecting too much from the reader that they will understand at this stage that a CS can become a signal of safety through extinction or that a CS not paired with a US during conditioning (a "CS-") is a safety signal and that it is not necessary to avoid such a signal, whereas a non-extinguished CS (signaling threat) may well be avoided. (At least, this is how I understood the distinction.)

      I was then really confused by the following statement (L65) that "the decrease in unnecessary avoidance was mediated by lower levels of relief ... during omissions of threat". If a CS is already extinguished (has no remaining or only little threat value, that is, is a safety stimulus), there is no longer threat omission when the US does not occur, and no relief. There should also be no relief to US omission after a CS-. More importantly even, if fasted participants reported lower levels of relief from threat omission, why did they not also show less effective avoidance (which is driven by the reinforcement provided by the relief that occurs when a successful avoidance action has prevented a US from occurring after or during the CS)?

      L69: Also the statement "a faster decline in relief ... ratings during ... extinction, suggesting faster decrease of threat expectancies" can only be understood by the reader if they already know what a PE is and by what rules PE-driven learning is governed (that is, essentially, if they know Rescorla-Wagner). I think the authors must explain, in order to allow a non-specialist reader to follow their text, that the PE (supposed to be indexed by the relief rating) reflects the discrepancy between the magnitude of an outcome expectation (e.g., here, expectation of the US) and the obtained outcome (here, US or not); that, therefore, a PE is generated when a subject expects a US (as a result of prior conditioning) but does not get it; that this leads to a proportional update (reduction) of the US expectation in the next trial; and that this in turn leads to a diminished PE when the US again does not occur. Notably, the reader must be made aware that the higher the PE, the higher the reduction and the faster the extinction (proportionality).

      The reader must also be made aware that the update is additionally determined by some multiplicatory "transmission" function or constant (e.g., learning rate in Rescorla-Wagner) that defines the size of the relationship between the magnitude of the PE and the magnitude of the update (reduction). Hence, in two individuals, even if the magnitude of the PE is identical, the magnitude of the update may differ because of individual differences in the learning rate (to take the Rescorla-Wagner implementation). The authors, however, seem to ignore the possibility that fasting changes the learning rate.

      Both the dynamics of the PE and the learning rate, of course, add complexity to the interpretation of the past and present data. But I think the authors cannot avoid this when they want to make sense of a treatment (fasting) that they believe affects safety learning. Speaking of "lower levels of relief" (L66) must be qualified by whether these lower ratings were observed initially (when the first PEs were registered at initial threat omissions, meaning that safety learning should be relatively slowed down by fasting) or on average or later during a safety learning experiment (which could indicate that learning under fasting was relatively quicker/more successful).

      Following upon this, in L74, the conclusion from observations of lower levels of relief during avoidance and faster decline in relief during extinction in the previous study that "overnight fasting decreased the reward value of safety (less relief pleasantness)" may be wrong if the faster decline and the resulting lower average levels of relief were the consequence of a higher initial PE in the fasting group, as would be expected from the Rescorla-Wagner rule. If the latter were the case, this would suggest that subjects actually registered more safety (a higher discrepancy to their threat expectation) in early trials. This could also explain why fasting sped up extinction in that study (see Abstract). It might also explain why "effective avoidance" (L64) was at least maintained (although it should actually also be sped up). It might make less parsimonious explanations ("fasting biases .. to focus on food at the expense of safety", L79), requiring the presence of a food source and a utility function of accepting a threat in the obtainment of food, unnecessary.

      All this, however, rests on whether I think I have understood what the authors want to say about their relief measurements and the way the operationalized avoidance in the previous study.

      More unclarities due to not giving full information: L91: "... extinction and avoidance learning. Accordingly, human fMRI studies have found ... activations in the ventral striatum and the VTA during threat omissions that might contribute to establishing a new safety CS-->noUS memory that reduces the initial fear response." However, in avoidance, it is an action that is reinforced by the US omission and hence an action-->noUS memory that is being formed. The CS keeps its threat value acquired during the preceding conditioning phase, and the reduction of fear during CS presentations is contingent upon the exertion of the avoidance action.

      L99: "Because overnight fasting decreased relief rating particularly during omissions after safety signals". Again, if a US is omitted after a safety signal (an extinguished CS or a CS-), there should be no PE and no relief. If there were still relief ratings at US omission after a safety signal, this would suggest extinction did not fully work or differential conditioning was not successful. In any case, it is not clear at all why relief was specifically decreased during omissions after safety signals and not (and much more so) during omissions after threat signals, where there is clearly a PE. If this was not the case, one has to wonder if something went wrong in the discovery study.

      The paragraph starting L103 and the associated figure 1 could be a bit more precise and give a bit more information in order to provide the reader a proper understanding of key experimental manipulations, in particular the ART task. Please define abbreviations "CS+unav", "CS+av". L108 ff.: One gets the impression there is only one CS+, whereas there are two. Say explicitly that one CS+ remains unavoidable during the Avoidance phase (CS+unav). What is the purpose of this stimulus? Do participants learn during the Avoidance phase that the CS+unav is unavoidable and the CS+av is avoidable or is this instructed? Do participants have to press the button within a certain time after CS+unav onset in order to avoid the US, or with a certain force? Is avoidance in case of successful button pressing deterministic or probabilistic? Say that the frame with the non-lit lamp is the ITI.

      Relief ratings (Figure 1b): The rating says "How pleasant was the relief that you felt?". That is, the experimenter insinuates that the participant will have felt relief and only wants to know how pleasant that relief was. The subjects has no chance to indicate there was no relief. This may be the reason why, in the discovery study, subjects indicated relief to safe stimuli, see above. Why did the authors not simply ask about the degree of relief felt, which would give a subject the chance to say there was no relief? I think this is a major flaw.

      L119: "We previously found that overnight fasting reduces avoidance and relief mostly to a safe CS-." If this is really the only thing that the authors found, then the fasting manipulation in their previous study failed to modulate avoidance of CS+s and the PE signaling at the time of US omissions after CS+s, that is, after actual threat stimuli. The procedure then clearly is not suited to study influences of fasting on avoidance learning. Whatever it does manipulate, it is not relief-based avoidance learning.

      L130: It makes absolutely no sense to hypothesize that a manipulation reducing relief in extinction learning will decrease activation in the neural PE circuitry at the time of US omission more after the CS- than after the CS+. Of course, the PE is highest when the US is not given after the CS+, and this is where any relief manipulation should have an effect. As said above, the authors must also specify their hypothesis with respect of timing (early or late extinction? See the animal papers cited above.)

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1


      This study uses a carefully constructed experiment design and decision-making task that allows separation of multiple electroencephalographic (EEG) signals thought to track different stages of decision-making. For example, the steady-state visual evoked potential measures can be cleanly dissociated from more anterior beta-band activity over the motor cortex. They also allow evaluation of how cued expectancy effects may unfold over a number of testing sessions. This is important because the most consistent evidence of expectation-related modulations of electrophysiological measures (using EEG, local field potentials, or single neuron firing rates) is from studies of nonhuman primates that involved many days of cue-stimulus contingency learning, and there is a lack of similar work using several testing sessions in humans. Although there were several experimental conditions included in the study, careful trial-balancing was conducted to minimise biases due to incidental differences in the number of trials included for analyses across each condition. Performance for each individual was also carefully calibrated to maximise the possibility of identifying subtle changes in task performance by expectation and avoid floor or ceiling effects.

      We would like to thank Reviewer 1 for these very positive comments.


      Although the experiment and analysis methods are cohesive and well-designed, there are some shortcomings that limit the inferences that can be drawn from the presented findings.

      Comment #1

      The first relates to the measures of SSVEPs and their relevance for decision-making in the task. In order to eliminate the influence of sporadic pulses of contrast changes that occurred during stimulus presentation, a time window of 680-975 ms post-stimulus onset was used to measure the SSVEPs. The mean response times for the valid and neutral cues were around 850-900 ms for correct responses, and within the same time window for errors in the invalid cue condition. In addition, a large portion of response times in perceptual decision-making tasks are substantially faster than the mean due to right-skewed response time distributions that are typically observed. As it has also been estimated to require 70-100 ms to execute a motor action (e.g., a keypress response) following the commitment to a decision. This raises some concerns about the proportion of trials in which the contrast-dependent visual responses (indexed by the SSVEPs) indexed visual input that was actually used to make the decision in a given trial. Additional analyses of SSVEPs that take the trial-varying pulses into account could be run to determine whether expectations influenced visual responses earlier in the trial.

      The reviewer raises a very valid point and, indeed, it is an issue that we grappled with in our analyses. Actually, in this study, the RT distributions were not right-skewed, but appear to be relatively normal (RT distributions shown below). This is something that we have previously observed when using tasks that involve an initial zero-evidence lead in at the start of each trial which means that participants cannot start accumulating at stimulus onset and must rely on their knowledge of the lead-in duration to determine when the physical evidence has become available (e.g. Kelly et al 2021, Nat Hum Beh). We agree that it is important to establish whether the reported SSVEP modulations occur before or after choice commitment. In our original submission we had sought to address this question through our analysis of the response-locked ‘difference SSVEP’. Figure 4D clearly indicates that the cue modulations are evident before as well as after response.

      However, we have decided to include an additional Bayesian analysis of the response-locked signal to offer more evidence that the cue effect is not a post-response phenomenon.

      Manuscript Changes

      To quantify the evidence that the cue effect was not driven by changes in the signal after the response, we ran Bayesian one-way ANOVAs on the SSVEP comparing the difference across cue conditions before and after the response. If the cue effect only emerged after the response, we would expect the difference between invalid and neutral or invalid and valid cues to increase in the post-response window. There was no compelling evidence of an increase in the effect when comparing invalid to neutral (BF10 = 1.58) or valid cues (BF10 = 0.32).

      Comment #2

      Presenting response time quantile plots may also help to determine the proportions of motor responses (used to report a decision) that occurred during or after the SSVEP measurement window.

      We agree that it may be helpful for the reader to be able to determine the proportion of responses occurring at different phases of the trial, so we have included the requested response time quantile plot (shown below) as a supplementary figure.

      Author response image 1.

      Reaction time quantiles across cue conditions. The plot illustrates the proportion of trials where responses occurred at different stages of the trial. The SSVEP analysis window is highlighted in purple.

      Comment #3

      In addition, an argument is made for changes in the evidence accumulation rate (called the drift rate) by stimulus expectancy, corresponding to the observed changes in SSVEP measures and differences in the sensory encoding of the stimulus. This inference is limited by the fact that evidence accumulation models (such as the Diffusion Decision Model) were not used to test for drift rate changes as could be determined from the behavioural data (by modelling response time distributions). There appear to be ample numbers of trials per participant to test for drift rate changes in addition to the starting point bias captured in earlier models. Due to the very high number of trials, models could potentially be evaluated for each single participant. This would provide more direct evidence for drift rate changes than the findings based on the SSVEPs, particularly due to the issues with the measurement window relating to the response times as mentioned above.

      The focus of the present study was on testing for sensory-level modulations by predictive cues, rather than testing any particular models. Given that the SSVEP bears all the characteristics of a sensory evidence encoding signal, we believe it is reasonable to point out that its modulation by the cues would very likely translate to a drift rate effect. But we do agree with the reviewer that any connection between our results and previously reported drift rate effects can only be confirmed with modelling and we have tried to make this clear in the revised text. We plan to comprehensively model the data from this study in a future project. While we do indeed have the benefit of plenty of trials, the modelling process will not be straightforward as it will require taking account of the pulse effects which could have potentially complicated, non-linear effects. In the meantime, we have made changes to the text to qualify the suggestion and stress that modelling would be necessary to determine if our hypothesis about a drift rate effect is correct.

      Manuscript Changes

      (Discussion): [...] We suggest that participants may have been able to stabilise their performance across task exposure, despite reductions in the available sensory evidence, by incorporating the small sensory modulation we detected in the SSVEP. This would suggest that the decision process may not operate precisely as the models used in theoretical work describe. Instead, our study tentatively supports a small number of modelling investigations that have challenged the solitary role of starting point bias, implicating a drift bias (i.e. a modulation of the evidence before or upon entry to the decision variable) as an additional source of prior probability effects in perceptual decisions (Dunovan et al., 2014; Hanks et al., 2011; Kelly et al., 2021; van Ravenzwaaij et al., 2012 Wyart et al., 2012) and indicates that these drift biases could, at least partly, originate at the sensory level. However, this link could only be firmly established with modelling in a future study.

      Recommendations For The Authors:

      Comment #4

      The text for the axis labels and legends in the figures is quite small relative to the sizes of the accompanying plots. I would recommend to substantially increase the sizes of the text to aid readability.

      Thank you for this suggestion. We have increased the size of the axis labels and made the text in the figure legends just 1pt smaller than the text in the main body of the manuscript.

      Comment #5

      It is unclear if the scalp maps for Figure 5 (showing the mu/beta distributions) are on the same scale or different scales. I assume they are on different scales (adjusted to the minimum/maximum within each colour map range), as a lack of consistent signals (in the neutral condition) would be expected to lead to a patchy pattern on the scalp as displayed in that figure (due to the colour range shrinking to the degree of noise across electrodes). I would recommend to include some sort of colour scale to show that, for example, in the neutral condition there are no large-amplitude mu/ beta fluctuations distributed somewhat randomly across the scalp.

      Thank you to the reviewer for pointing this out. They were correct, the original topographies were plotted according to their own scale. The topographies in Figure 5 have now been updated to put them on a common scale and we have included a colour bar (as shown below). The caption for Figure 5 has also been updated to confirm that the topos are on a common scale.

      Author response image 2.

      Manuscript Changes

      (Figure 5 Caption): [...] The topography of MB activity in the window - 200:0 ms before evidence onset is plotted on a common scale for neutral and cued conditions separately.

      Comment #6

      In Figure 2, the legend is split across the two panels, despite the valid/invalid/neutral legend also applying to the first panel. This gives an initial impression that the legend is incomplete for the first panel, which may confuse readers. I would suggest putting all of the legend entries in the first panel, so that all of this information is available to readers at once.

      We are grateful to the reviewer for spotting this. Figure 2 has been updated so that the full legend is presented in the first panel, as shown below.

      Author response image 3.

      Comment #7

      Although linear mixed-effects models (using Gaussian families) for response times are standard in the literature, they incorrectly specify the distributions of response times to be Gaussian instead of substantially right-skewed. Generalised linear mixed-effects models using gamma families and identity functions have been shown to more accurately model distributions of response times (see Lo and Andrews, 2015. Frontiers in Psychology). The authors may consider using these models in line with good practice, although it might not make a substantial difference relating to the patterns of response time differences.

      We appreciate this thoughtful comment from Reviewer 1. Although RT distributions are often right skewed, we have previously observed that RT distributions can be closer to normal when the trial incorporates a lead-in phase with no evidence (e.g. Kelly et al 2021, Nat Hum Beh). Indeed, the distributions we observed in this study were markedly Gaussian (as shown in the plot below). Given the shape of these distributions and the reviewer’s suggestion that adopting alternative models may not lead to substantial differences to our results, we have decided to leave the mixed effects models as they are in the manuscript, but we will take note of this advice in future work.

      Author response image 4.

      Reviewer #2


      The work is executed expertly and focuses cleverly on two features of the EEG signals that can be closely connected to specific loci of the perceptual decision-making process - the SSVEP which connects closely to sensory (visual) encoding, and Mu-Beta lateralisation which connects closely to movement preparation. This is a very appropriate design choice given the authors' research question.

      Another advantage of the design is the use of an unusually long training regime (i.e., for humans) - which makes it possible to probe the emergence of different expectation biases in the brain over different timecourses, and in a way that may be more comparable to work with nonhuman animals (who are routinely trained for much longer than humans).

      We are very grateful for these positive comments from Reviewer 2.


      In my view, the principal shortcoming of this study is that the experimental task confounds expectations about stimulus identity with expectations about to-be-performed responses. That is, cues in the task don't just tell participants what they will (probably) see, but what they (probably) should do.

      In many respects, this feature of the paradigm might seem inevitable, as if specific stimuli are not connected to specific responses, it is not possible to observe motor preparation of this kind (e.g., de Lange, Rahnev, Donner & Lau, 2013 - JoN).

      However, the theoretical models that the authors focus on (e.g., drift-diffusion models) are models of decision (i.e., commitment to a proposition about the world) as much as they are models of choice (i.e., commitment to action). Expectation researchers interested in these models are often interested in asking whether predictions influence perceptual processing, perceptual decision, and/ or response selection stages (e.g., Feuerriegel, Blom & Hoogendorn, 2021 - Cortex), and other researchers have shown that parameters like drift bias and start point bias can be shifted in paradigms where observers cannot possibly prepare a response (e.g., Thomas, Yon, de Lange & Press, 2020 - Psych Sci).

      The present paradigm used by Walsh et al makes it possible to disentangle sensory processing from later decisional processes, but it blurs together the processes of deciding about the stimulus and choosing/initiating the response. This ultimately limits the insights we can draw from this study - as it remains unclear whether rapid changes in motor preparation we see reflect rapid acquisition of new decision criterion or simple cue-action learning. I think this would be important for comprehensively testing the models the authors target - and a good avenue for future work.

      Thank you to Reviewer 2 for these observations. We adopted this paradigm because it is typical of the perceptual decision making literature and our central focus in this study was to test for a sensory-level modulation as a source of a decision bias. We are pleased that the Reviewer agrees that the paradigm successfully disentangles sensory encoding from later decisional processes since this was our priority. However, we agree with Reviewer 2 that because the response mapping was known to the participants, the cues predicted both the outcome of the perceptual decision (“Is this a left- or right-tilted grating?”) and the motor response that the participant should anticipate making (“It’s probably going to be a left click on this trial”). They are correct that this makes it difficult to know whether the changes in motor preparation elicited by the predictive cues reflect action-specific preparation or a more general shift in the boundaries associated with the alternate perceptual interpretations. We fully agree that it remains an interesting and important question and in our future work we hope to conduct investigations that better dissect the distinct components of the decision process during prior-informed decisions. In the interim, we have made some changes to the manuscript to reflect the Reviewer’s concerns and better address this limitation of the study design (these are detailed in the response to the comment below).

      Recommendations For The Authors:

      Comment #8

      As in my public review, my main recommendation to the authors is to think a bit more in the presentation of the Introduction and Discussion about the difference between 'perceiving', 'deciding', and 'responding'.

      The paper is presently framed in terms of the debates around whether expectations bias decision or bias perception - and these debates are in turn mapped onto different aspects of the driftdiffusion model. Biases in sensory gain, for instance, are connected to biases in the drift rate parameter, while decisional shifts are connected to parameters like start points.

      In line with this kind of typology, the authors map their particular EEG signals (SSVEP and MB lateralisation) onto perception and decision. I see the logic, but I think the reality of these models is more nuanced.

      In particular, strictly speaking, the process of evidence accumulation to bound is the formation of a 'decision' (i.e., a commitment to having seen a particular stimulus). Indeed, the dynamics of this process have been beautifully described by other authors on this paper in the past. Since observers in this task simultaneously form decisions and prepare actions (because stimuli and responses are confounded) it is unclear whether changes in motor preparation are reflecting changes in what perceivers 'decide' (i.e., changes in what crosses the decision threshold) or what they 'do' (i.e., changes in the motor response threshold). This is particularly important for the debate around whether expectations change 'perception' or 'decision' because - in some accounts - is the accumulation of evidence to the bound that is hypothesised to cause the perceptual experience observers actually have (Pereira, Perrin & Faivre, 2022 - TiCS). The relevant 'bound' here though is not the bound to push the button, but the bound for the brain to decide what one is actually 'seeing'.

      I completely understand the logic behind the authors' choices, but I would have liked more discussion of this issue. In particular, it seems strange to me to talk about the confounding of stimuli and responses as a particular 'strength' of this design in the manuscript - when really it is a 'necessary evil' for getting the motor preparation components to work. Here is one example from the Introduction:

      "While some have reported expectation effects in humans using EEG/MEG, these studies either measured sensory signals whose relevance to the decision process is uncertain (e.g. Blom et al., 2020; Solomon et al., 2021; Tang et al., 2018) and/or used cues that were implicit or predicted a forthcoming stimulus but not the correct choice alternative (e.g. Aitken et al., 2020; Feuerriegel et al., 2021b; Kok et al., 2017). To assess whether prior probabilities modulate sensory-level signals directly related to participants' perceptual decisions, we implemented a contrast discrimination task in which the cues explicitly predicted the correct choice and where sensory signals that selectively trace the evidence feeding the decision process could be measured during the process of deliberation."

      I would contend that this design allows you to pinpoint signals related to participant's 'choices' or 'actions' but not necessarily their 'decisions' in the sense outlined above.

      As I say though, I don't think this is fatal and I think the paper is extremely interesting in any case. But I think it would be strengthened if some of these nuances were discussed a bit more explicitly, as a 'perceptual decision' is more than pushing a button. Indeed, the authors might want to consider discussing work that shows the neural overlap between deciding and acting breaks down when Ps cannot anticipate which actions to use to report their choices ahead of time (Filimon, Philiastides, Nelson, Kloosterman & Heekeren, 2013 - JoN) and/or work which has combined expectations with drift diffusion modelling to show how expectations change drift bias (Yon, Zainzinger, de Lange, Eimer & Press, 2020 - JEP:General) and/or start bias (Thomas, Yon, de Lange & Press, 2020 - Psych Sci) even when Ps cannot prepare a motor response ahead of time.

      While our focus was on testing for sensory-level modulations, we think the question of whether the motor-level effects we observed are attributable to the task design or represents a more general perceptual bound adjustment is an important question for future research. In our previous work, we have examined this distinction between abstract, movement-independent evidence accumulation (indexed by the centro-parietal positivity, CPP) and response preparation in detail. The CPP has been shown to trace evidence accumulation irrespective of whether the sensory alternatives are associated with a specific response or not (Twomey et al 2016, J Neurosci). When speed pressure is manipulated in tasks with fixed stimulus-response mappings we have found that the CPP undergoes systematic adjustments in its pre-response amplitude that closely accord with the starting-level modulations observed in mu/beta, suggesting that motor-level adjustments do still translate to differences at the perceptual level under these task conditions (e.g. Kelly et al 2021, Nat Hum Beh; Steinemann et al., 2018, Nat Comms). We have also observed that the CPP and mu-beta exhibit corresponding adjustments in response to predictive cues (Kelly et al., 2021) that are consistent with both a starting-point shift and drift rate bias. However, the Kelly et al. study did not include a signature of sensory encoding and therefore could not test for sensory-level modulations.

      We have added some remarks to the discussion to acknowledge this issue with the interpretation of the preparatory shifts in mu-beta activity we observed when the predictive cues were presented, and we have included references to the papers that the reviewer helpfully provided. We have also offered some additional consideration of the features of the task design that may have influenced the SSVEP results.

      Manuscript Changes

      An implication of using cues that predict not just the upcoming stimulus, but the most likely response, is that it becomes difficult to determine if preparatory shifts in mu-beta (MB) activity that we observed reflect adjustments directly influencing the perceptual interpretation of the stimulus or simply preparation of the more probable action. When perceptual decisions are explicitly tied to particular modes of response, the decision state can be read from activity in motor regions associated with the preparation of that kind of action (e.g. de Lafuente et al., 2015; Ding & Gold, 2012; Shadlen & Newsome, 2001; Romo et al., 2004), but these modules appear to be part of a constellation of decision-related areas that are flexibly recruited based on the response modality (e.g. Filimon et al., 2013). When the response mapping is withheld or no response is required, MB no longer traces decision formation (Twomey et al., 2015), but an abstract decision process is still readily detectable (e.g. O’Connell et al., 2012), and modelling work suggests that drift biases and starting point biases (Thomas et al., 2020; Yon et al., 2021) continue to influence prior-informed decision making. While the design of the present study does not allow us to offer further insight about whether the MB effects we observed were inherited from strategic adjustments at this abstract level of the decision process, we hope to conduct investigations in the future that better dissect the distinct components of prior-informed decisions to address this question.

      Several other issues remain unaddressed by the present study. One, is that it is not clear to what extent the sensory effects may be influenced by features of the task design (e.g. speeded responses under a strict deadline) and if these sensory effects would generalise to many kinds of perceptual decision-making tasks or whether they are particular to contrast discrimination.

      Comment #9

      On a smaller, unrelated point - I thought the discussion in the Discussion section about expectation suppression was interesting, but I did not think it was completely logically sound. The authors suggest that they may see relative suppression (rather than enhancement) of their marginal SSVEP under a 'sharpening' account because these accounts suggest that there is a relative suppression of off-channel sensory units, and there are more off-channel sensory units than onchannel sensory units (i.e., there are usually more possibilities we don't expect than possibilities that we do, and suppressing the things we don't expect should therefore yield overall suppression).

      However, this strikes me as a non-sequitur given that the marginal SSVEP only reflects featurespecific visual activity (i.e., activity tuned to one of the two grating stimuli used). The idea that there are more off-channel than on-channel units makes sense for explaining why we would see overall signal drops on expected trials e.g., in an entire visual ROI in an fMRI experiment. But surely this explanation cannot hold in this case, as there is presumably an equal number of units tuned to each particular grating?

      My sense is that this possibility should probably be removed from the manuscript - and I suspect it is more likely that the absence of a difference in marginal SSVEP for Valid vs Neutral trials has more to do with the fact that participants appear to be especially attentive on Neutral trials (and so any relative enhancement of feature-specific activity for expected events is hard to detect against a baseline of generally high-precision sensory evidence on these highly attentive, neutral trials).

      We thank the reviewer for flagging that we did not clearly articulate our thoughts in this section of the manuscript. Our primary purpose in mentioning this sharpening account was simply to point out that, where at first blush our results seem to conflict with expectation suppression effects in the fMRI literature, the sharpening account provides an explanation that can reconcile them. In the case of BOLD data, the sharpening account proposes that on-channel sensory units are boosted and off-channel units are suppressed and, due to the latter being more prevalent, this leads to an overall suppression of the global signal. In the case of the SSVEP, the signal isolates just the onunits and so the sharpening account would predict that when there is a valid cue, the SSVEP signal associated with the high-contrast, expected stimulus should be boosted and the SSVEP signal associated with the low-contrast, unexpected stimulus should be weakened; this would result in a larger difference between these signals and therefore, a larger ‘marginal SSVEP’. Conversely, when there is an invalid cue, the SSVEP signal associated with the, now unexpected, high-contrast stimulus should be relatively weakened and the SSVEP signal associated with the expected, but low-contrast stimulus should be relatively boosted; this would result in a smaller difference between these signals and therefore, a lower amplitude marginal SSVEP. We do not think that this account needs to make reference to any channels beyond those feature-specific channels driving the two SSVEP signals. Again our central point is simply that the sharpening account offers a means of reconciling our SSVEP findings with expectation suppression effects previously reported in the fMRI literature.

      We suspect that this was not adequately explained in the discussion. We have adjusted the way this section is phrased to make it clear that we are not invoking off-channel activity to explain the SSVEP effect we observed and we thank the Reviewer for pointing out that this was unclear in the original text.

      Manuscript Changes

      An alternative account for expectation suppression effects, which is consistent with our SSVEP results, is that they arise, not from a suppression of expected activity, but from a ‘sharpening’ effect whereby the response of neurons that are tuned to the expected feature are enhanced while the responses of neurons tuned to unexpected features are suppressed (de Lange et al., 2018). On this account, the expectation suppression commonly reported in fMRI studies arises because voxels contain intermingled populations with diverse stimulus preferences and the populations tuned to the unexpected features outnumber those tuned to the expected feature. In contrast to these fMRI data, the SSVEP represents the activity of sensory units driven at the same frequency as the stimulus, and thus better isolates the feature-specific populations encoding the task-relevant sensory evidence. Therefore, according to the sharpening account, an invalid cue would have enhanced the SSVEP signal associated with the low contrast grating and weakened the SSVEP signal associated with the high contrast grating. As this would result in a smaller difference between these signals, and therefore, a lower amplitude marginal SSVEP compared to the neutral cue condition, this could explain the effect we observed. 

      Reviewer #3

      Observers make judgements about expected stimuli faster and more accurately. How expectations facilitate such perceptual decisions remains an ongoing area of investigation, however, as expectations may exert their effects in multiple ways. Expectations may directly influence the encoding of sensory signals. Alternatively (or additionally), expectations may influence later stages of decision-making, such as motor preparation, when they bear on the appropriate behavioral response.

      In the present study, Walsh and colleagues directly measured the effect of expectations on sensory and motor signals by making clever use of the encephalogram (EEG) recorded from human observers performing a contrast discrimination task. On each trial, a predictive cue indicated which of two superimposed stimuli would likely be higher contrast and, therefore, whether a left or right button press was likely to yield a correct response. Deft design choices allowed the authors to extract both contrast-dependent sensory signals and motor preparation signals from the EEG. The authors provide compelling evidence that, when predictive cues provide information about both a forthcoming stimulus and the appropriate behavioral response, expectation effects are immediately manifest in motor preparation signals and only emerge in sensory signals after extensive training.

      Future work should attempt to reconcile these results with related investigations in the field. As the authors note, several groups have reported expectation-induced modulation of sensory signals (using both fMRI and EEG/MEG) on shorter timescales (e.g. just one or two sessions of a few hundred trials, versus the intensive multi-session study reported here). One interesting possibility is that perceptual expectations are not automatic but demand the deployment of feature-based attention, while motor preparation is comparatively less effortful and so dominates when both sources of information are available, as in the present study. This hypothesis is consistent with the authors' thoughtful analysis showing decreased neural signatures of attention over posterior electrodes following predictive cues. Therefore, observing the timescale of sensory effects using the same design and methods (facilitating direct comparison with the present work), but altering task demands slightly such that cues are no longer predictive of the appropriate behavioral response, could be illuminating.

      We would like to thank Reviewer 3 for their positive comments and thoughtful suggestions for future work.

      Recommendations For The Authors:

      Comment #10

      In the methods, the term 'session' is used early on but only fleshed out at the end of the 'Procedure' subsection and never entirely explained (e.g., did sessions take place over multiple days?). A brief sentence laying this out early on, perhaps in 'Participants' after the (impressive) trial counts are reported, might be helpful.

      Thank you to Reviewer 3 for pointing out that this was not clear in the original draft. We have amended the text in the Methods section to better explain the relationship between sessions, days, and trial bins.

      Manuscript Changes

      (Methods - Participants): [...] All procedures were approved by the Trinity College Dublin School of Psychology Ethics Committee and were in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Participants completed between 4 and 6 testing sessions, each on a different day. While the sample size was small, on average, participants completed 5750 (SD = 1066) trials each.

      (Methods - Data Analysis): [...] As there were two lengths of testing session and participants completed different numbers of sessions, we analysed the effect of task exposure by pooling trials within-subjects and dividing them into five ‘trial bins’. The first bin represents the participants’ earliest exposure to the task and the final bin represents trials at the end of their participation, when they had had substantial task exposure. All trials with valid responses and reaction times greater than 100 ms were included in the analyses of behavioural data and the SSVEP.

      Comment #11

      On a related note: participants completed a variable number of trials/sessions. To facilitate comparison across subjects, training effects are reported by dividing each subject's data into 5 exposure bins. This is entirely reasonable but does leave the reader wondering about whether you found any effects of rest or sleep between sessions.

      We agree with the reviewer that this is an interesting question that absolutely merits further investigation. As different participants completed different numbers of sessions, different session lengths, and had variable gaps between their sessions, we do not think a per-session analysis would be informative. We think it may be better addressed in a future study, perhaps one with a larger sample where we could collect data specifically about sleep and more systematically control the intervals between testing sessions.

      Comment #12

      Fig 2B: the 'correct' and 'neutral' labels in the legend are switched

      Thank you to the reviewer for spotting that error, the labels in Figure 2 have been corrected.

      Comment #13

      Fig 4B: it's a bit difficult to distinguish which lines are 'thick' and 'thin'

      We have updated Figure 4.B to increase the difference in line thickness between the thick and thin lines (as shown below).

      Author response image 5.

      Comment #14

      Fig 4C: missing (I believe?) the vertical lines indicating median reaction time

      We have updated Figure 4.C to include the median reaction times.

      Author response image 6.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      We often have prior expectations about how the sensory world will change, but it remains an open question as to how these expectations are integrated into perceptual decisions. In particular, scientists have debated whether prior knowledge principally changes the decisions we make about the perceptual world, or directly alters our perceptual encoding of incoming sensory evidence.

      The authors aimed to shed light on this conundrum by using a novel psychophysical task while measuring EEG signals that have previously been linked to either the sensory encoding or response selection phase of perceptual choice. The results convincingly demonstrate that both features of perceptual decision making are modulated by prior expectations - but that these biases in neural process emerge over different time courses (i.e., decisional signals are shaped early in learning, but biases in sensory processing are slower to emerge).

      Another interesting observation unearthed in the study - though not strictly linked to this perceptual/decisional puzzle - is that neural signatures of focused attention are exaggerated on trials where participants are given neutral (i.e. uninformative) cues. This is consistent with the idea that observers are more attentive to incoming sensory evidence when they cannot rely on their expectations.

      In general, I think the study makes a strong contribution to the literature, and does an excellent job of separating 'perceiving' from 'responding'. More perhaps could have been done though to separate 'perceiving' and 'responding' from 'deciding' (see below).


      The work is executed expertly and focuses cleverly on two features of the EEG signals that can be closely connected to specific loci of the perceptual decision making process - the SSVEP which connects closely to sensory (visual) encoding, and Mu-Beta lateralisation which connects closely to movement preparation. This is a very appropriate design choice given the authors' research question.

      Another advantage of the design is the use of an unusually long training regime (i.e., for humans) - which makes it possible to probe the emergence of different expectation biases in the brain over different timecourses, and in a way that may be more comparable to work with nonhuman animals (who are routinely trained for much longer than humans).


      In my view, the principal shortcoming of this study is that the experimental task confounds expectations about stimulus identity with expectations about to-be-performed responses. That is, cues in the task don't just tell participants what they will (probably) see, but what they (probably) should do.

      In many respects, this feature of the paradigm might seem inevitable, as if specific stimuli are not connected to specific responses, it is not possible to observe motor preparation of this kind (e.g., de Lange, Rahnev, Donner & Lau, 2013 - JoN).

      However, the theoretical models that the authors focus on (e.g., drift diffusion models) are models of decision (i.e., commitment to a proposition about the world) as much as they are models of choice (i.e., commitment to action). Expectation researchers interested in these models are often interested in asking whether predictions influence perceptual processing, perceptual decision and/or response selection stages (e.g., Feuerriegel, Blom & Hoogendorn, 2021 - Cortex), and other researchers have shown that parameters like drift bias and start point bias can be shifted in paradigms where observers cannot possibly prepare a response (e.g., Thomas, Yon, de Lange & Press, 2020 - Psych Sci).

      The present paradigm used by Walsh et al makes it possible to disentangle sensory processing from later decisional processes, but it blurs together the processes of deciding about the stimulus and choosing/initiating the response. This ultimately limits the insights we can draw from this study - as it remains unclear whether rapid changes in motor preparation we see reflect rapid acquisition of new decision criterion or simple cue-action learning. I think this would be important for comprehensively testing the models the authors target - and a good avenue for future work.

      In revising the manuscript after an initial round of revisions, the authors have done a good job of acknowledging these complexities - and I don't think that any of these outstanding scientific puzzles detract from the value of the paper as a whole.

    1. Author Response

      Thanks to all the reviewers for their insightful and constructive comments, which are very helpful in improving the manuscript. We are encouraged by the many positive comments regarding the significance of our findings and the value of our data. Regarding the reviews’ concern on cell classification, we used several additional marker genes to explain the identification of cell clusters and subclusters. We have further analyzed and rewrote part of the text to address the concerns raised. Here is a point-by-point response to the reviewers’ comments and concerns. Figures R1-R9 were provided only for additional information for reviewers and were not included in the revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In the article "Temporal transcriptomic dynamics in developing macaque neocortex", Xu et al. analyze the cellular composition and transcriptomic profiles of the developing macaque parietal cortex using single-cell RNA sequencing. The authors profiled eight prenatal rhesus macaque brains at five timepoints (E40, E50, E70, E80, and E90) and obtained a total of around 53,000 high-quality cells for downstream analysis. The dataset provides a high-resolution view into the developmental processes of early and mid-fetal macaque cortical development and will potentially be a valuable resource for future comparative studies of primate neurogenesis and neural stem cell fate specification. Their analysis of this dataset focused on the temporal gene expression profiles of outer and ventricular radial glia and utilized pesudotime trajectory analysis to characterize the genes associated with radial glial and neuronal differentiation. The rhesus macaque dataset presented in this study was then integrated with prenatal mouse and human scRNA-seq datasets to probe species differences in ventricular radial glia to intermediate progenitor cell trajectories. Additionally, the expression profile of macaque radial glia across time was compared to those of mouse apical progenitors to identify conserved and divergent expression patterns of transcription factors.

      The main findings of this paper corroborate many previously reported and fundamental features of primate neurogenesis: deep layer neurons are generated before upper layer excitatory neurons, the expansion of outer radial glia in the primate lineage, conserved molecular markers of outer radial glia, and the early specification of progenitors. Furthermore, the authors show some interesting divergent features of macaque radial glial gene regulatory networks as compared to mouse. Overall, despite some uncertainties surrounding the clustering and annotations of certain cell types, the manuscript provides a valuable scRNA-seq dataset of early prenatal rhesus macaque brain development. The dynamic expression patterns and trajectory analysis of ventricular and outer radial glia provide valuable data and lists of differentially expressed genes (some consistent with previous studies, others reported for the first time here) for future studies.

      The major weaknesses of this study are the inconsistent dissection of the targeted brain region and the loss of more mature excitatory neurons in samples from later developmental timepoint due to the use of single-cell RNA-seq. The authors mention that they could observe ventral progenitors and even midbrain neurons in their analyses. Ventral progenitors should not be present if the authors had properly dissected the parietal cortex. The fact that they obtained even midbrain cells point to an inadequate dissection or poor cell classification. If this is the result of poor classification, it could be easily fixed by using more markers with higher specificity. However, if it is the result of a poor dissection, some of the cells in other clusters could potentially be from midbrain as well. The loss of more mature excitatory neurons is also problematic because on top of hindering the analysis of these neurons in later developmental periods, it also affects the cell proportions the authors use to support some of their claims. The study could also benefit from the validation of some of the genes the authors uncovered to be specifically expressed in different populations of radial glia.

      We thank the Reviewer’s comments and apologize for the shortcomings of tissue dissection and cell capture.

      We used more marker genes for major cell classification, such as SHOX2, IGFBP5, TAC1, PNYN, FLT1, and CYP1B, in new Figure 1D, to improve the cell type annotation results. We improved the cell type annotation results by fixing cluster 20 from C20 as Ventral LGE-derived interneuron precursor and cluster by the expression of IGFBP5, TAC1, and PDYN; fixing cluster 23 from meningeal cells to thalamus cells by the expression of ZIC2, ZIC4, and SHOX2. These cell types were excluded in the follow-up analysis. Due to EN8 being previously incorrectly defined as midbrain neurons, it resulted in a misunderstanding of the dissection result as a poor dissection. After carefully reviewing the data analysis process, we determined that EN8 was a small group of cells in cluster 23 mistakenly selected during excitatory neuron analysis, as shown in Figure R5(A), which was corrected after revision. In the revised manuscript, we deleted the previous EN8 subcluster and renumbered the rest of the excitatory neuron subclusters in the new Figure 2.

      In addition, we also improved the description of sample collection as follows: “We collected eight pregnancy-derived fetal brains of rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) at five prenatal developmental stages (E40, E50, E70, E80, E90) and dissected the parietal lobe cortex. Because of the different development times of rhesus monkeys, prenatal cortex size and morphology are different. To ensure that the anatomical sites of each sample are roughly the same, we use the lateral groove as a reference to collect the parietal lobe for single-cell sequencing (as indicated by bright yellow in Figure S1A) and do not make a clear distinction between the different regional parts including primary somatosensory cortex and association cortices in the process of sampling”. As shown in Figure S1A, due to the small volume of the cerebral cortex at early time points, especially in E40, a small number of cells beyond the dorsal parietal lobe, including the ventral cortex cells and thalamus cells, were collected during the sampling process with the brain stereotaxic instrument.

      In this study, the BD method was used to capture single cells. Due to the fixed size of the micropores, this method might be less efficient in capturing mature excitatory neurons. However, it has a good capture effect on newborn neurons at each sampling time point so that the generation of excitatory neurons at different developmental time points can be well observed, as shown in Figure 2, which aligns with our research purpose.

      To verify the reliability of our cell annotation results, we compared the similarity of cell-type association between our study and recently published research(Micali N, Ma S, Li M, et al. Science. doi:10.1126/science.adf3786.PMID: 37824652), using the scmap package to project major cell types in our macaque development scRNA-seq dataset to GSE226451. The river plot in Author response image 1 illustrates the broadly similar relationships of cell type classification between the two datasets.

      Author response image 1.

      Riverplot illustrates relationships between datasets in this study and recently published developing macaque telencephalon datasets major cell type annotation.

      Furthermore, bioinformatics analysis is used for the validation of genes specifically expressed in outer radial glia. We verified terminal oRG differentiation genes in the recently published macaque telencephalic development dataset(Micali N, Ma S, Li M, et al. Science. doi:10.1126/science.adf3786.PMID: 37824652) (GEO accession: GSE226451). The results of Author response image 2 show that the gene expression showed states/stages. Most of the oRG terminal differentiation markers genes identified in our study were also expressed in the oRG cells of the GSE226451 dataset. In particular, the two datasets were consistent in the expression of ion channel genes ATP1A2, ATP1A2, and SCN4B.

      Author response image 2.

      Heatmap shows the relative expression of genes displaying significant changes along the pseudotime axis of vRG to oRG from the dataset of Nicola Micali et al.2023(GEO: GSE226451). The columns represent the cells being ordered along the pseudotime axis.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This manuscript by Xu et al., is an interesting study aiming to identify novel features of macaque cortical development. This study serves as a valuable atlas of single cell data during macaque neurogenesis, which extends the developmental stages previously explored. Overall, the authors have achieved their aim of collecting a comprehensive dataset of macaque cortical neurogenesis and have identified a few unknown features of macaque development.


      The authors have accumulated a robust dataset of developmental time points and have applied a variety of informatic approaches to interrogate this dataset. One interesting finding in this study is the expression of previously unknown receptors on macaque oRG cells. Another novel aspect of this paper is the temporal dissection of neocortical development across species. The identification that the regulome looks quite different, despite similar expression of transcription factors in discrete cell types, is intriguing.


      Due to the focus on demonstrating the robustness of the dataset, the novel findings in this manuscript are underdeveloped. There is also a lack of experimental validation. This is a particular weakness for newly identified features (like receptors in oRG cells). It's important to show expression in relevant cell types and, if possible, perform functional perturbations on these cell types. The presentation of the data highlighting novel findings could also be clarified at higher resolution, and dissected through additional informatic analyses. Additionally, the presentation of ideas and goals of this manuscript should be further clarified. A major gap in the study rationale and results is that the data was collected exclusively in the parietal lobe, yet the rationale and interpretation of what this data indicates about this specific cortical area was not discussed. Last, a few textual errors about neural development are also present and need to be corrected.

      We thank you for your comments and suggestions concerning our manuscript. The comments and suggestions are all valuable and helpful for revising and improving our paper and the essential guiding significance to our research. We have studied the comments carefully and made corrections, which we hope to meet with approval. We have endeavored to address the multiple points raised by the referee.

      To support the reliability of our data and newly identified features, we verified terminal oRG differentiation genes in the recently published macaque telencephalic development dataset(Micali N, Ma S, Li M, et al. Science. doi:10.1126/science.adf3786.PMID: 37824652) (GEO accession: GSE226451). The results of Figure R2 show that the gene expression showed states/stages. Most of the oRG terminal differentiation markers genes identified in our study were also expressed in the oRG cells of the GSE226451 dataset. In particular, the two datasets were consistent in the expression of ion channel genes ATP1A2, ATP1A2, and SCN4B.

      Our research results mainly explore the conserved features of neocortex development across species. By comparing evolution, we found the types of neural stem cells in the intermediate state, their generative trajectories, and gene expression dynamics accompanying cell trajectories. We further explored the stages of transcriptional dynamics during vRG generating oRG. More analysis was performed through transcriptional factor regulatory network analysis. We performed the TFs regulation network analysis of human vRG with pyscenic workflow. The top transcription factors of every time point in human vRG were calculated, and we used the top 10 TFs and their top 5 target genes to perform interaction analysis and generate the regulation network of human vRG in revised figure 6. In comparison of the pyscenic results of mouse, macaque and human vRG, it was obvious that the regulatory networks were not evolutionarily conservative. Compared with macaque, the regulatory network of transcription factors and target genes in humans is more complex. Some conserved regulatory relationships present in more than one species are identified, such as HMGN3, EMX2, SOX2, and HMGA2 network at an early stage when deep lager generation and SOX10, ZNF672, ZNF672 network at a late stage when upper-layer generation.

      Although the parietal lobe is the center of the somatic senses and is significant for interpreting words as well as language understanding and processing. In this study, the parietal lobe area was selected mainly because of the convenience of sampling the dorsal neocortex. As we described in the Materials and Methods section as follows: “Because of the different development times of rhesus monkeys, prenatal cortex size and morphology are different. To ensure that the anatomical sites of each sample are roughly the same, we use the lateral groove as a reference to collect the parietal lobe for single-cell sequencing (as indicated by bright yellow in Figure S1A) and do not make a clear distinction between the different regional parts including primary somatosensory cortex and association cortices in the process of sampling”.

      Thanks for carefully pointing out our manuscript's textual errors about neural development. We have corrected them which were descripted in the following response.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary: The study adds to the existing data that have established that cortical development in rhesus macaque is known to recapitulate multiple facets cortical development in humans. The authors generate and analyze single cell transcriptomic data from the timecourse of embryonic neurogenesis.


      Studies of primate developmental biology are hindered by the limited availability and limit replication. In this regard, a new dataset is useful.

      The study analyzes parietal cortex, while previous studies focused on frontal and motor cortex. This may be the first analysis of macaque parietal cortex and, as such, may provide important insights into arealization, which the authors have not addressed.


      The number of cells in the analysis is lower than recent published studies which may limit cell representation and potentially the discovery of subtle changes.

      The macaque parietal cortex data is compared to human and mouse pre-frontal cortex. See data from PMCID: PMC8494648 that provides a better comparison.

      A deeper assessment of these data in the context of existing studies would help others appreciate the significance of the work.

      We thank the reviewer for these suggestions and constructive comments. We agree with the reviewer that the cell number in our study is lower than in recently published studies. The scRNA sequencing in this study was completed between 2018 and 2019, the early stages of the single-cell sequencing technology application. Besides, we have been unable to get extra macaque embryos to enlarge the sample numbers recently since rhesus monkey samples are scarce. Therefore, the number of cells in our study is relatively small compared to recently published single-cell studies.

      The dataset suggested by the reviewers is extremely valuable, and we tried to perform analysis as the reviewer suggested to explore temporal expression patterns in different species of parietal cortex. The dataset from PMCID: PMC8494648 provides the developing human brain across regions from gestation week (GW)14 to gestation week (GW)25. Since this data set only covers the middle and late stages of embryonic neurogenesis, it did not fully match the developmental time points of our study for integration analysis. However, we quoted the results of this study in the discussion section.

      The human regulation analysis with pyscenic workflow was added into new figure 6 for the comparison of different species vRG regulatory network. Compared with macaque, the regulatory network of transcription factors and target genes in humans is more complex. Some conserved regulatory relationships present in more than one species are identified, such as HMGN3, EMX2, SOX2, and HMGA2 network at an early stage when deep lager generation and SOX10, ZNF672, ZNF672 network at a late stage when upper-layer generation.

      Besides, we performed additional integration analysis of our dataset with the recently published macaque neocortex development datase (GEO accession: GSE226451) to verify the reliability of our cell annotation results and terminal oRG differentiation genes. The river plot in Figure R1 illustrates the broadly similar relationships of cell type classification between the two datasets. The result in Figure R2 showed that most of the oRG terminal differentiation markers genes identified in our study were also expressed in the oRG cells of the GSE226451 dataset. In particular, the two datasets were consistent in the expression of ion channel genes ATP1A2, ATP1A2, and SCN4B.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) Throughout the manuscript, the term "embryonic" or "embryogenesis" is used in reference to all timepoints (E40-E90) in this study. The embryonic period is a morphologically and anatomically defined developmental period that ends ~E48-E50 in rhesus macaque. Prenatal or developing is a more accurate term when discussing all timepoints of this study.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this terminology that needs to be clarified. We have now replaced “embryonic” with “prenatal” as a more appropriate description for the sampling time points in the manuscript.

      2) Drosophila should be italicized in the introduction.

      Thanks for suggesting that we have set the “Drosophila” words to italics in the manuscript.

      3) Introduction - "In rodents, radial glia are found in the ventricular zone (VZ), where they undergo proliferation and differentiation." This sentence implies that only within rodents are radial glia found within the ventricular zone. Radial glia are present within the ventricular zone of all mammals.

      Thanks for careful reading. This sentence has been corrected “In mammals, radial glial cells are found in the ventricular zone (VZ), where they undergo proliferation and differentiation.”

      4) Figure 1A - an image of the E40 brain is missing.

      We first sampled the prenatal developmental cortex of rhesus monkeys at the E40 timepoint. Unfortunately, we forgot to save the photo of the sampling at the E40 time point.

      5) Figure 1B and 1C - it is unclear why cluster 20 is not annotated in Figure 1 as in the text it is stated "Each of the 28 identified clusters could be assigned to a cell type identity..." This cluster expresses VIM and PAX6 suggestive of ventricular radial glia and is located topographically approximate to IPC cluster 8 and seems to bridge the gap between neural stem cells and the interneuron clusters. Additionally, cluster 20 appears to be subclustered by itself in the progenitor subcluster UMAP (Figure 3A) suggestive of a batch effect or cells with low quality. The investigation, quality control, and proper annotation of this cluster 20 is necessary.

      We appreciate for the reviewer’s suggestion. We detected specific expression marker genes of cluster 20, cells in this cluster specifically expressed VIM, IGFBP5 and TAC. According to the cell annotation results from a published study, we relabeled cluster 20 as ventral LGE-derived interneuron precursors (Yu, Yuan et al. Nat Neurosci. 2021. doi:10.1038/s41593-021-00940-3. PMID: 34737447.). Cluster 20 cells have been deleted in the new Figure 3A.

      6) Figure 1B UMAP - it is unexpected that meningeal cells would cluster topographically closer to the excitatory neuron cluster (one could even argue that the meningeal cell cluster is located within the excitatory neuron clusters) instead of next to or with the endothelial cell clusters. This is suspicious for a mis-annotated cell cluster. ZIC2 and ZIC3 were used as the principal marker genes for meningeal cells. However, these genes are not specific for meninges (PanglaoDB) and had not been identified as marker genes in a developmental sc-RNAseq dataset of the developing mouse meninges (DeSisto et al. 2020). Additional marker genes (COL1A1, COL1A2, CEMIP, CYP1B1, SLC13A3) may be helpful to delineate the identity of this cluster and provide more evidence for a meningeal origin.

      We thank the reviewer for the constructive advice. The violin plot in Author response image 3 has checked additional marker genes, including COL1A1, COL1A2, CEMIP, and CYP1B2. Cluster 23 does not express these marker genes but specifically expresses thalamus marker genes SHOX2(Rosin, Jessica M et al. Dev Biol. 2015. doi:10.1016/j.ydbio.2014.12.013. PMID: 25528224.) and TCF7L2(Lipiec, Marcin Andrzej et al. Development. 2020. doi: 10.1242/dev.190181. PMID: 32675279). According to the gene expression results, we corrected the cell definition of cluster 23 to thalamic cells in the revised manuscript. Specifically, we added marker genes SHOX2 and CYP1B1 in the new Figure 1D violin plot and corrected the cell definition of cluster23 from meninges to thalamus cells in the revised manuscript and figures.

      Author response image 3.

      Vlnplot of additional markers in cluster 23.

      7) From Figure 1A, it appears that astrocytes (cluster 13) are present at E40 and E50 timepoints. This is inconsistent with literature and experimental data of the timing of the neuron-glia switch in primates and inconsistent with the claim within the text that, "Collectively, these results suggested that cortical neural progenitors undergo neurogenesis processes during the early stages of macaque embryonic cortical development, while gliogenic differentiation... occurs in later stages." The clarification of the percentage of astrocytes at each timepoint would clarify this point.

      According to the suggestion, we have statistically analyzed the percentage of astrocytes (cluster 13) at each time point. The statistical results showed that the proportion of astrocytes was low to 0.1783% and 0.1046% at E40 and E50 time points, and increased significantly at E80 and E90, suggesting the onset of macaque gliogenesis might be around embryonic 80 days to 90 days. The result was consistent with published research on the timing of the neuron-glial transition in primates (Rash, Brian G et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019. doi:10.1073/pnas.1822169116. PMID: 30894491). Besides, we thought that the cells in cluster 13 captured at E40 to E50 time points, with a total number of less than 200, maybe astrocyte precursor cells expressing the AQP4 gene (Yang, Lin, et al. Neuroscience bulletin. 2022. doi:10.1007/s12264-021-00759-9. PMID: 34374948).

      8) A subcluster of ExN neurons was identified and determined to be of midbrain origin based on expression of TCF7L2. Did this subcluster express other known markers of the developing midbrain (OTX2, LMX1A, NR4A2, etc...)? Additionally, does this subcluster suggest that the limits of the dissection extended to the midbrain in samples E40 and E50?

      We apologize for the previous inadequacy of the excitatory neuron cell annotation. In the description of the previous version of the manuscript, we misidentified the cells of the EN8 as midbrain cells. Following the reviewer’s suggestion, we verified the expression of more tissue- specific marker genes of EN8. As the violin diagram in Author response image 4 shows, other developing midbrain markers OTX2, NR4A2, and PAX7 did not express in EN8, but thalamus marker genes SHOX2, TCF7L2, and NTNG1 were highly expressed in EN8. Besides, dorsal cortex excitatory neuron markers NEUROD2, NEUROD6, and EMX1 were not expressed in EN8, which suggests that EN8 might not belong to cortical cells. After carefully reviewing the data analysis process, we determined that EN8 was a small group of cells in cluster 23 mistakenly selected during excitatory neuron analysis, as shown in Figure R5(A), which was corrected after revision. In the revised manuscript, we have removed EN8 from the analysis of excitatory neurons. In the revised manuscript, we have deleted the previous EN8 subcluster and renumbered the left excitatory neuron subclusters in new Figure 2 and Figure S3.

      Author response image 4.

      (A). Modified diagram of clustering of excitatory neuron subclusters collected at all time points, visualized via UMAP related to Figure 2A. (B) Vlnplot of different marker genes in EN8.

      9) "These data suggested that the cell fate determination by diverse neural progenitors occurs in the embryonic stages of macaque cortical development and is controlled by several key transcriptional regulators" The authors present a list of differentially expressed genes specific to the various radial glia clusters along pseudotime. Some of these radial glia DEGs are known and have been characterized by previous literature while other DEGs they have identified had not been previously shown to be associated with radial glia specification/maturation. However, this list of DEGs does not support the claim that cell fate determination is controlled by several key transcriptional regulators. What were the transcriptional regulators of radial glia specification identified in this study and how were they validated?

      We agree with the reviewer and honestly admit that the description of this part in the previous manuscript is inaccurate. The description has been deleted in the revised manuscrip.

      10) "Comparing vRG to IPC trajectory between human, macaque, and mouse, we found this biological process of vRG-to-IPC is very conserved across species, but the vRG to oRG trajectory is divergent between species. The latter process is almost invisible in mice, but it is very similar in primates and macaque." Firstly, macaques are primates, and the text should be updated to reflect this. Secondly, from Figure 5C., it seems there were no outer radial glia detected at all within the vRG-oRG and vRG-IPC developmental trajectories. This would imply that oRGs are not "almost invisible" in mice, but rather do not exist. The authors need to clarify the presence or absence of identifiable outer radial glia in the integrated dataset and relate the relative abundance of these cells to their interpretation of the developmental trajectories for each species.

      We apologize for the description inaccuracies in the manuscript and thank the reviewer for pointing out the expression errors. At your two suggestions, the description has been corrected in the revised manuscript as "Comparing vRG to IPC trajectory between human, macaque, and mouse, we found this biological process of vRG-to-IPC is very conserved across species. However, the vRG to oRG trajectory is divergent between species because the oRG population was not identified in the mouse dataset. The latter process is almost invisible in mice but similar in humans and macaques".

      Although several published research has shown that oRG-like progenitor cells were present in the mouse embryonic neocortex(Wang, Xiaoqun et al. Nature neuroscience.2011. doi:10.1038/nn.2807; Vaid, Samir et al. Development. 2018, doi:10.1242/dev.169276. PMID: 30266827). However, oRG cells were barely detected in the scRNA-seq dataset of mice cortical development studies(Ruan, Xiangbin et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021. doi:10.1073/pnas.2018866118. PMID: 33649223; Di Bella, Daniela J et al. Nature. 2021. doi:10.1038/s41586-021-03670-5. PMID: 34163074; Chen, Ao et al. Cell. 2022. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2022.04.003. PMID: 35512705). There were no oRG populations detected in the mouse embryonic cortical development dataset (GEO: GSE153164) used for integration analysis in our study.

      11) "Ventral radial glia cells generate excitatory neurons by direct and indirect neurogenesis" This should be corrected to dorsal radial glia cells as this paper is discussing radial glia of the dorsal pallium.

      13) Editorially, gene names need to be italicized in the text, figures, and figure legends.

      14) Figure 5B - a scale bar showing the scale of the relative expression denoted by the dark blue color would be beneficial.

      15) Figure S7D is mislabeled in the figure legend.

      Merged response to points 11 to 15: Thank you for kindly pointing out the errors in our manuscript. We have corrected the above four points in the revised version.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Specific suggestions for authors:

      In the abstract the authors state: "thicker upper-layer neurons". I think it's important to be clear in the language by stating either that the layers are thicker or the neurons are most dense.

      Thanks for your good comments. The description of “thicker upper-layer neurons” was corrected to “the thicker supragranular layer” in the revised manuscript. The supragranular layer thickness in primates was much higher than in rodents, both in absolute thickness and in proportion to the thickness of the whole neocortex (Hutsler, Jeffrey J et al. Brain research. 2005. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2005.06.015. PMID: 16018988). Here, we want to describe the supragranular layer of primates as significantly higher than that of rodents, both in absolute thickness and in proportion to the thickness of the whole neocortex.

      The introduction needs additional clarification regarding the vRG vs oRG discussion. I was unclear what the main takeaway for readers should be. Similarly, the discussion of previous studies and the importance for comparing human and macaque could be clarified.

      We appreciate the suggestion and apologize for the shortcomings of the introduction part. We have rewritten the section and added additional clarification in the revised introduction. In the revised manuscript, the contents of the introduction are as follows:

      “The neocortex is the center for higher brain functions, such as perception and decision-making. Therefore, the dissection of its developmental processes can be informative of the mechanisms responsible for these functions. Several studies have advanced our understanding of the neocortical development principles in different species, especially in mice. Generally, the dorsal neocortex can be anatomically divided into six layers of cells occupied by distinct neuronal cell types. The deep- layer neurons project to the thalamus (layer VI neurons) and subcortical areas (layer V neurons), while neurons occupying more superficial layers (upper-layer neurons) preferentially form intracortical projections1. The generation of distinct excitatory neuron cell types follows a temporal pattern in which early-born neurons migrate to deep layers (i.e., layers V and VI), while the later- born neurons migrate and surpass early-born neurons to occupy the upper layers (layers II-IV) 2. In Drosophila, several transcription factors are sequentially explicitly expressed in neural stem cells to control the specification of daughter neuron fates, while very few such transcription factors have been identified in mammals thus far. Using single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), Telley and colleagues found that daughter neurons exhibit the same transcriptional profiles of their respective progenitor radial glia, although these apparently heritable expression patterns fade as neurons mature3. However, the temporal expression profiles of neural stem cells and the contribution of these specific temporal expression patterns in determining neuronal fate have yet to be wholly clarified in humans and non-human primates. Over the years, non-human primates (NHP) have been widely used in neuroscience research as mesoscale models of the human brain. Therefore, exploring the similarities and differences between NHP and human cortical neurogenesis could provide valuable insight into unique features during human neocortex development.

      In mammals, radial glial cells are found in the ventricular zone (VZ), where they undergo proliferation and differentiation. The neocortex of primates exhibits an extra neurogenesis zone known as the outer subventricular zone (OSVZ), which is not present in rodents. As a result of evolution, the diversity of higher mammal cortical radial glia populations increases. Although ventricular radial glia (vRG) is also found in humans and non-human primates, the vast majority of radial glia in these higher species occupy the outer subventricular zone (OSVZ) and are therefore termed outer radial glia (oRG). Outer radial glial (oRG) cells retain basal processes but lack apical junctions 4 and divide in a process known as mitotic somal translocation, which differs from vRG 5. VRG and oRG are both accompanied by the expression of stem cell markers such as PAX6 and exhibit extensive self-renewal and proliferative capacities 6. However, despite functional similarities, they have distinct molecular phenotypes. Previous scRNA-seq analyses have identified several molecular markers, including HOPX for oRGs, CRYAB, and FBXO32 for vRGs7. Furthermore, oRGs are derived from vRGs, and vRGs exhibit obvious differences in numerous cell-extrinsic mechanisms, including activation of the FGF-MAPK cascade, SHH, PTEN/AKT, and PDGF pathways, and oxygen (O2) levels. These pathways and factors involve three broad cellular processes: vRG maintenance, spindle orientation, and cell adhesion/extracellular matrix production8.

      Some transcription factors have been shown to participate in vRG generation, such as INSM and TRNP1. Moreover, the cell-intrinsic patterns of transcriptional regulation responsible for generating oRGs have not been characterized.

      ScRNA-seq is a powerful tool for investigating developmental trajectories, defining cellular heterogeneity, and identifying novel cell subgroups9. Several groups have sampled prenatal mouse neocortex tissue for scRNA-seq 10,11, as well as discrete, discontinuous prenatal developmental stages in human and non-human primates 7,12 13,14. The diversity and features of primate cortical progenitors have been explored 4,6,7,15. The temporally divergent regulatory mechanisms that govern cortical neuronal diversification at the early postmitotic stage have also been focused on 16. Studies spanning the full embryonic neurogenic stage in the neocortex of humans and other primates are still lacking. Rhesus macaque and humans share multiple aspects of neurogenesis, and more importantly, the rhesus monkey and human brains share more similar gene expression patterns than the brains of mice and humans17-19. To establish a comprehensive, global picture of the neurogenic processes in the rhesus macaque neocortex, which can be informative of neocortex evolution in humans, we sampled neocortical tissue at five developmental stages (E40, E50, E70, E80, and E90) in rhesus macaque embryos, spanning the full neurogenesis period. Through strict quality control, cell type annotation, and lineage trajectory inference, we identified two broad transcriptomic programs responsible for the differentiation of deep-layer and upper-layer neurons. We also defined the temporal expression patterns of neural stem cells, including oRGs, vRGs, and IPs, and identified novel transcription factors involved in oRG generation. These findings can substantially enhance our understanding of neocortical development and evolution in primates.”

      Why is this study focused on the parietal lobe? This should be discussed in the introduction and interpretation of the data should be contextualized in the context of this cortical area.

      In this study, samples were collected from the parietal lobe area mainly for the following reasons:

      (1) To ensure that the cortical anatomical parts collected at each time point are consistent, we used the lateral cerebral sulcus as a marker to collect the parietal lobe tissue above the lateral sulcus for single-cell sequencing sample collection. Besides, the parietal region is also convenient for sampling the dorsal cortex.

      (2) Previous studies have made the timeline of the macaque parietal lobe formation process during the prenatal development stage clear ( Finlay, B L, and R B Darlington.Science.1995. doi:10.1126/science.7777856. PMID: 7777856), which is also an essential reason for using the parietal lobe as the research object.

      Figure 1:

      Difficult to appreciate how single cell expression reflects the characterization of layers described in Figure 1A. A schematic for temporal development would be helpful. Also, how clusters correspond to discrete populations of excitatory neurons and progenitors would improve figure clarity. Perhaps enlarge and annotate the UMAPS on the bottom of Figure 1A.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion and apologize for that Figure 1A does not convey the relationship between single-cell expression and neocortex layer formation. In the revised manuscript, time points information associated with the hierarchy is labeled to the diagram in Figure S1A. The UMAPS on the bottom of Figure 1A was enlarged in the revised manuscript as new Figure 1C.

      Labels on top of clusters for 1A/1B would be helpful as it's difficult to see which colors the numbers correspond to on the actual UMAP.

      Many thanks to the reviewer for carefully reading and helpful suggestions. We have adjusted the visualization of UMAP in the revised vision. The numbers in the label bar of Figure 1B have been moved to the side of the dot so that the dot can be seen more clearly.

      Microglia and meninges are also non-neural cells. This needs to be changed in the discussion of the results.

      Thanks for the suggestion. We have fixed the manuscript as the reviewer suggested. The description in the revised manuscript has been fixed as follows: “According to the expression of the marker genes, we assigned clusters to cell type identities of neurocytes (including radial glia (RG), outer radial glia (oRG), intermediate progenitor cells (IPCs), ventral precursor cells (VP), excitatory neurons (EN), inhibitory neurons (IN), oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPC), oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, ventral LGE-derived interneuron precursors and Cajal-Retzius cells, or non-neuronal cell types (including microglia, endothelial, meninge/VALC(vascular cell)/pericyte, and blood cells). Based on the expression of the marker gene, cluster 23 was identified as thalamic cells, which are small numbers of non-cortical cells captured in the sample collection at earlier time points. Each cell cluster was composed of multiple embryo samples, and the samples from similar stages generally harbored similar distributions of cell types.”.

      It's important to define the onset of gliogenesis in the text and figure. What panels/ages show this?

      We identified the onset of gliogenesis by statistically analyzing the percentage of astrocytes (cluster 13) at each time point and added the result in Figure S1. The statistical results showed that the proportion of astrocytes was deficient at E40 and E50 time points and increased significantly at E80 and E90, suggesting the onset of macaque gliogenesis might be around embryonic 80 days to 90 days. The result was consistent with published research on the timing of the neuron-glial transition in primates (Rash, Brian G et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 201. doi:10.1073/pnas.1822169116. PMID: 30894491).

      Figure 2:

      Why are there so few neurons at E90? Is it capture bias, dissociation challenges (as postulated for certain neuronal subtypes in the discussion), or programmed cell death at this time point?

      We thought it was because mature neurons at E90 with abundant axons and processes were hard to settle into micropores of the BD method for single cell capture. Due to the fixed size of the BD Rhapsody microwells, this sing-cell capture method might be less efficient in capturing mature excitatory neurons but has a good capture effect on newborn neurons at each sampling time point. In conclusion, based on the BD cell capture method feature, the immature neurons at each point are more easily captured than mature neurons in our study, so the generation of excitatory neurons at different developmental time points can be well observed, as shown in Figure 2, which aligns with our research purpose.

      The authors state: "We then characterized temporal changes in the composition of each EN subcluster. While the EN 5 and EN 11 (deep-layer neurons) subclusters emerged at E40 and E50 and disappeared in later stages, EN subclusters 1, 2, 3, and 4 gradually increased in population size from E50 to E80 (Figure 2D)." What about EN7? It's labeled as an upper layer neuron that is proportionally highest at E40. Could this be an interesting, novel finding? Does this indicate something unique about macaque corticogenesis? The authors don't describe/discuss this cell type at all.

      We apologize for the manuscript’s lack of detailed descriptions of EN results. In our study, EN7 is identified as CUX1-positive, PBX3-positive, and ZFHX3-positive excitatory neuron subcluster. The results of Fig. 2B show that EN7 was mainly captured from the early time points (E40/E50) samples. Above description was added in the revised manuscript.

      The Pbx/Zfhx3-positive excitatory neuron subtype reported in Moreau et al. study on mouse neocortex development progress ( Moreau, Matthieu X et al. Development. 2021. doi:10.1242/dev.197962. PMID: 34170322). Our study verified that the Pbx3/Zfhx3-positive cortical excitatory neurons also exist in the early stage of prenatal macaque cortex development.

      Is there any unique gene expression in identified subtypes that are surprising? Did the comparison against human data, in later figures, inform any unique features of gene expression?

      Based on the excitatory neuron subclusters analysis result in our study, we found no astonishing results in excitatory neuron subclusters. In subsequent integrated cross-species analyses, macaque excitatory neurons showed similar transcriptional characteristics to human excitatory neurons. In general, excitatory neurons tend to have a greater diversity in the cortex of animals that are more advanced in evolution (Ma, Shaojie et al. Science. 2022. doi:10.1126/science.abo7257. PMID: 36007006; Wei, Jia-Ru et al. Nat Commun. 2022. doi:10.1038/s41467-022-34590-1. PMID: 36371428; Galakhova, A A et al. Trends Cogn Sci. 2022. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2022.08.012. PMID: 36117080; Berg, Jim et al. Nature. 2021. doi:10.1038/s41586-021-03813-8. PMID: 34616067). Since only single-cell transcriptome data was analyzed in this study, we did not find any unique features of the prenatal developing macaque cortex excitatory neurons in the comparison against the human dataset due to the limitation of information dimension.

      Figure 3:

      The identification of terminal oRG differentiation genes is interesting. The confirmation of known gene expression as well as novel markers that indicate different states/stages of oRG cells is a valuable resource. As the identification of described ion channel expression is a novel finding, it should be explored more and would be strengthened by validation in tissue samples and, if possible, functional assays.

      E is the most novel part of this figure, but it's very hard to read. I think increasing the focus of this figure onto this finding and parsing these results more would be informative.

      Thanks for the positive comments. We apologize for the lack of clarity and conciseness in figure visualizations. We hypothesized vRG to oRG cell trajectories into three phases: onset, commitment, and terminal. The leading information conveyed by Figure 3E was the dynamic gene expression along the developmental trajectory from vRG to oRG. Specific genes were selected and shown in the schema diagram of new Figure 3.

      We verified terminal oRG differentiation genes in the recently published macaque telencephalic development dataset(Micali N, Ma S, Li M, et al. Science. doi:10.1126/science.adf3786.PMID: 37824652) (GEO accession: GSE226451). The results of Author response image 2 show that the gene expression showed states/stages. Most of the oRG terminal differentiation markers genes identified in our study were also expressed in the oRG cells of the GSE226451 dataset. In particular, the two datasets were consistent in the expression of ion channel genes ATP1A2, ATP1A2, and SCN4B.

      I'm curious about the granularity of the oRG_C12 terminal cluster. Are there ways to subdivide the different cells that seem to be glial-committed vs actively dividing vs neurogenically committed to IPCs? In the text, the authors referred to different oRG populations, but they are annotated as the same cluster and cell type. The authors should clarify this.

      According to the reviewer's suggestion, we subdivide the oRG_C12 into eight subclusters. Based on the marker gene in Author response image 5C, subclusters 1,2 and 4 might be glial- committed with AQP4/S100B positive expression; subclusters 3,6,7 might be neurogenically committed to IPCs with NEUROD6 positive expression; subclusters 0,3,5,6,7 might be actively dividing state with MKI67/TOP2A positive expression.

      Author response image 5.

      Subdivide analysis of oRG_C12. (A)and (B) Subdividing of e oRG_C12 visualized via UMAP. Cells are colored according to subcluster timepoint (A) and subcluster identities (B). (C) Violin plot of molecular markers for the subclusters.

      Figure 4:

      Annotating/labeling the various EN clusters (even as deep/upper) would help improve the clarity of this and other figures. It's clear what each progenitor subtype is but it's hard to read the transitions. Why are all the EN groups in pink/red? It makes the data challenging to interpret.

      In Figure4A, we use different yellow/orange colors for deep-layer excitatory neuron subclusters (EN5 and EN10), and different red/pink colors for upper-layer excitatory neuron subclusters (EN1, EN2, EN3, EN4, EN6, EN7, EN8 and EN9). We add the above information in the legend of Figure 4 in the revised manuscript.

      E50 seems to be unique - what's EN11?

      Based on the molecular markers for EN subclusters in Author response image 2, we recognized EN11 as a deep-layer excitatory neuron subcluster expressing BCL11B and FEZF2. As explained in the above reply, the microplate of BD has a good effect on capturing newborn neurons at each time point. The EN11 was mainly a newborn excitatory neuron at the E50 timepoint, which makes the subcluster seem unique.

      Author response image 6.

      Vlnplot of different markers in EN8.

      Figure 4E - the specificity of gene expression for deep vs upper layer markers seems to be over stated given the visualized gene expression pattern (ex FEZF2). Could the right hand panels be increased to better appreciate the data and confirm the specificity, as described.

      In our study, we used slingshot method to infer cell lineages and pseudotimes, which have been used to identifying biological signal for different branching trajectories in many scRNA- seq studies. We apologize for the lack of visualization clarity in the figure 4E. Due to the size limitation of the uploaded file, the file was compressed, resulting in a decrease in the clarity of the image. Below, we provided figure 4E with a higher definition and increased several genes’ slingshot branching tree results according to the reviewer's suggestion.

      Figure 5:

      There are some grammatical typos at the bottom of page 8. In this section, it also feels like there is a missing logical step between expansion of progenitors through elongated developmental windows that impact long-term expansion of the upper cortical layers.

      We apologize for the grammatical typos and have corrected them in the revised manuscript. We understand the reviewer’s concern. Primates have much longer gestation than rodents, and previous study evidence had shown that extending neurogenesis by transplanting mouse embryos to a rat mother increases explicitly the number of upper-layer cortical neurons, with concomitant abundant neurogenic progenitors in the subventricular zone(Stepien, Barbara K et al. Curr Biol. 2020. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2020.08.046. PMID: 32888487). We thought this mechanism could also explain primates' much more expanded abundance of upper-layer neurons.

      I'm curious about the IPCs that arise from the oRGs. Lineage trajectory shows vRG decision to oRG or IPC, but oRGs also differentiate into IPCs. Could the authors conjecture why they are not in this dataset or are indistinguishable from vRG-derived IPCs.

      Several published experiments have proved that oRG can generate IPC in human and macaque developing neocortex. (Hansen, David V et al. Nature. 2010. doi:10.1038/nature08845. PMID: 20154730; Betizeau, Marion et al. Neuron. 2013. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2013.09.032. PMID: 24139044). Clearly identifying the difference between IPC generated from vRG and oRG at the transcriptional level in our single-cell transcriptome dataset is difficult. We hypothesized that the IPCs produced by both pathways have highly similar transcriptional features. Due to the limit of the scRNA data analysis algorithm used in this study, we didn’t distinguish the two kinds of IPC, which could not be in terms of pseudo-time trajectory reconstruction and transcriptional data.

      Figure 6 :

      How are the types 1-5 in 6A defined? Were they defined in one species and then applied across the others?

      We applied the same analysis to each species. We first picked up vRG cells in each species dataset and screened the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between adjacent development time points using the “FindMarkers” function (with min. pct = 0.25, logfc. threshold = 0.25). After separate normalization of the DEG expression matrix from different species datasets, we use the “standardise” function from the Mfuzz package to standardize the data. The DEGs of vRG in each species were grouped into five clusters using the Mfuzz package in R with fuzzy c- means algorithm.

      The temporal dynamics in the highlighted section in B have interesting, consistent patterns of gene expression of the genes described, but what about the genes below that appear less consistent temporally? What processes do not appear to be conserved, given those gene expression differences?

      Many thanks for the constructive comments. The genes in Figure 6B below are temporal dynamics non-conserved transcription factors among the three species vRG. We performed a functional enrichment analysis on the temporal dynamics of non-conserved transcription factors with the PANTHER (Protein ANalysis THrough Evolutionary Relationships) Classification System(https://www.pantherdb.org/), and the analysis results are shown in Author response image 7. The gene ontology (GO) analysis results show that unconserved transcription factors were related to different biological processes, cellular components, and molecular functions. However, subsequent experiments are still needed to verify specific genes.

      Author response image 7.

      Gene Ontology (GO) analysis of unconserved temporal patterns transcription factors among mouse, macaque and human vRG cells.

      The identification of distinct regulation of gene networks, despite conservation of transcription factors in discrete cell types, is interesting. What does the comparison between humans and macaques indicate about regulatory differences evolutionarily?

      We appreciate the reviewer for the comments. We performed the TFs regulation network analysis of human vRG with pyscenic workflow. The top transcription factors of every time point in human vRG were calculated, and we used the top 10 TFs and their top 5 target genes to perform interaction analysis and generate the regulation network of human vRG in revised figure 6. In comparison of the pyscenic results of mouse, macaque and human vRG, it was obvious that the regulatory networks were not evolutionarily conservative. Compared with macaque, the regulatory network of transcription factors and target genes in humans is more complex. Some conserved regulatory relationships present in more than one species are identified, such as HMGN3, EMX2, SOX2, and HMGA2 network at an early stage when deep lager generation and SOX10, ZNF672, ZNF672 network at a late stage when upper-layer generation.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The data should be compared to a similar brain region in human and mouse, if available. (See data from PMCID: PMC8494648).

      We appreciate the reviewer’s suggestions. In Figure 6, the species-integration analysis, the mouse data were from the perspective of the somatosensory cortex, macaque data were mainly from the parietal lobe in this study, and human data including the frontal lobe (FL), parietal lobe (PL), occipital lobe (OL), and temporal lobe (TL). PMC8494648 offered high-quality data covering the period of gestation week 14 to gestation week 25. However, our study's development stage of rhesus monkeys is E40-E90 days, corresponding to pcw8-pcw21 in humans. The quality of data from PMC8494648 is particularly good. However, the developmental processes covered by PMC8494648 don’t perfectly match the development time of the macaque cortex that we focused on in this study. Therefore, it is challenging to integrate the dataset (PMCID: PMC8494648) into the data analysis part. However, we have cited the results of this precious research (PMCID: PMC8494648) in the discussion part of the revised manuscript.

      A deeper assessment of these data in the context of existing studies would help distinguish the work and enable others to appreciate the significance of the work.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s constructive suggestions. The human regulation analysis with pyscenic workflow was added into new figure 6 for the comparison of different species vRG regulatory network. Analysis of the regulatory activity of human, macaque and mouse prenatal neocortical neurogenesis indicated that despite commonalities in the roles of classical developmental TFs such as GATA1, SOX2, HMGN3, TCF7L1, ZFX, EMX2, SOX10, NEUROG1, NEUROD1 and POU3F1. The top 10 TFs of the human, macaque, and mouse vRG each time point and their top 5 target genes identified by pySCENIC as an input to construct the transcriptional regulation network (Figure 6 D, F and H). Some conserved regulatory TFs present in more than one species are identified, such as HMGN3, EMX2, SOX2, and HMGA2 at an early stage when deep- lager generation and SOX10, ZNF672, and ZNF672 at a late stage when upper-lay generation.

      Besides, we performed some comparative analysis with our macaque dataset and the newly published macaque telencephalon development dataset. The results were only used to provide additional information to reviewers and were not included in the revised manuscript.

      To verify the reliability of our cell annotation results, we compared the similarity of cell-type association between our study and recently published research(Micali N, Ma S, Li M, et al. Science. doi:10.1126/science.adf3786.PMID: 37824652), using the scmap package to project major cell types in our macaque development scRNA-seq dataset to GSE226451. The river plot in Author response image 1 illustrates the broadly similar relationships of cell type classification between the two datasets. Otherwise, we used more marker genes for cell annotation to improve the results of cell type definition in new Figure 1D. Besides, the description of distinct excitatory neuronal types has been improved in the new Figure 2.

      Furthermore, we verified terminal oRG differentiation genes in the recently published macaque telencephalic development dataset(Micali N, Ma S, Li M, et al. Science. doi:10.1126/science.adf3786.PMID: 37824652) (GEO accession: GSE226451). The results of Authro response image 2 show that the gene expression showed states/stages. Most of the oRG terminal differentiation markers genes identified in our study were also expressed in the oRG cells of the GSE226451 dataset. In particular, the two datasets were consistent in the expression of ion channel genes ATP1A2, ATP1A2, and SCN4B.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This valuable study reports on the potential of neural networks to emulate simulations of human ventricular cardiomyocyte action potentials for various ion channel parameters with the advantage of saving simulation time in certain conditions. The evidence supporting the claims of the authors is solid, although the inclusion of open analysis of drop-off accuracy and validation of the neural network emulators against experimental data would have strengthened the study. The work will be of interest to scientists working in cardiac simulation and quantitative pharmacology.

      Thank you for the kind assessment. It is important for us to point out that, while limited, experimental validation was performed in this study and is thoroughly described in the work.

      Reviewer 1 - Comments

      This manuscript describes a method to solve the inverse problem of finding the initial cardiac activations to produce a desired ECG. This is an important question. The techniques presented are novel and clearly demonstrate that they work in the given situation. The paper is well-organized and logical.


      This is a well-designed study, which explores an area that many in the cardiac simulation community will be interested in. The article is well written and I particularly commend the authors on transparency of methods description, code sharing, etc. - it feels rather exemplary in this regard and I only wish more authors of cardiac simulation studies took such an approach. The training speed of the network is encouraging and the technique is accessible to anyone with a reasonably strong GPU, not needing specialized equipment.


      Below are several points that I consider to be weaknesses and/or uncertainties of the work:

      C I-(a) I am not convinced by the authors’ premise that there is a great need for further acceleration of cellular cardiac simulations - it is easy to simulate tens of thousands of cells per day on a workstation computer, using simulation conditions similar to those of the authors. I do not really see an unsolved task in the field that would require further speedup of single-cell simulations. At the same time, simulations offer multiple advantages, such as the possibility to dissect mechanisms of the model behaviour, and the capability to test its behaviour in a wide array of protocols - whereas a NN is trained for a single purpose/protocol, and does not enable a deep investigation of mechanisms. Therefore, I am not sure the cost/benefit ratio is that strong for single-cell emulation currently.

      An area that is definitely in need of acceleration is simulations of whole ventricles or hearts, but it is not clear how much potential for speedup the presented technology would bring there. I can imagine interesting applications of rapid emulation in such a setting, some of which could be hybrid in nature (e.g. using simulation for the region around the wavefront of propagating electrical waves, while emulating the rest of the tissue, which is behaving more regularly/predictable, and is likely to be emulated well), but this is definitely beyond of the scope of this article.

      Thank you for this point of view. Simulating a population of few thousand cells is completely feasible on single desktop machines and for fixed, known parameters, emulation may not fill ones need. Yet we still foresee a great untapped potential for rapid evaluations of ionic models, such as for the gradient-based inverse problem, presented in the paper. Such inverse optimization requires several thousand evaluations per cell and thus finding maximum conductances for the presented experimental data set (13 cell pairs control/drug → 26 APs) purely through simulations would require roughly a day of simulation time even in a very conservative estimation (3.5 seconds per simulation, 1000 simulations per optimization). Additionally, the emulator provides local sensitivity information between the AP and maximum conductances in the form of the gradient, which enables a whole new array of efficient optimization algorithms [Beck, 2017]. To further emphasize these points, we added the number of emulations and runtime of each conducted experiment in the specific section and a paragraph in the discussion that addresses this point:

      "Cardiomyocyte EP models are already very quick to evaluate in the scale of seconds (see Section 2.3.1), but the achieved runtime of emulations allows to solve time consuming simulation protocols markedly more efficient. One such scenario is the presented inverse maximum conductance estimation problem (see Section 3.1.2 and Section 3.1.3), where for estimating maximum conductances of a single AP, we need to emulate the steady state AP at least several hundred times as part of an optimization procedure. Further applications include the probabilistic use of cardiomyocyte EP models with uncertainty quantification [Chang et al., 2017, Johnstone et al., 2016] where thousands of samples of parameters are potentially necessary to compute a distribution of the steady-state properties of subsequent APs, and the creation of cell populations [Muszkiewicz et al., 2016, Gemmell et al., 2016, Britton et al., 2013]." (Section 4.2)

      We believe that rapid emulations are valuable for several use-cases, where thousands of evaluations are necessary. These include the shown inverse problem, but similarly arise in uncertainty quantification, or cardiomyocyte population creation. Similarly, new use-cases may arise as such efficient tools become available. Additionally, we provided the number of evaluations along with the runtimes for each of the conducted experiments, showing how essential these speedups are to realize these experiments in reasonable timeframes. Utilizing these emulations in organ-level electrophysiological models is a possibility, but the potential problems in such scenarios are much more varied and depend on a number of factors, making it hard to pin-point the achievable speed-up using ionic emulations.

      C I-(b) The authors run a cell simulation for 1000 beats, training the NN emulator to mimic the last beat. It is reported that the simulation of a single cell takes 293 seconds, while emulation takes only milliseconds, implying a massive speedup. However, I consider the claimed speedup achieved by emulation to be highly context-dependent, and somewhat too flattering to the presented method of emulation. Two specific points below:

      First, it appears that a not overly efficient (fixed-step) numerical solver scheme is used for the simulation. On my (comparable, also a Threadripper) CPU, using the same model (”ToR-ORd-dyncl”), but a variable step solver ode15s in Matlab, a simulation of a cell for 1000 beats takes ca. 50 seconds, rather than 293 of the authors. This can be further sped up by parallelization when more cells than available cores are simulated: on 32 cores, this translates into ca. 2 seconds amortized time per cell simulation (I suspect that the NN-based approach cannot be parallelized in a similar way?). By amortization, I mean that if 32 models can be simulated at once, a simulation of X cells will not take X50 seconds, but (X/32)50. (with only minor overhead, as this task scales well across cores).

      Second, and this is perhaps more important - the reported speed-up critically depends on the number of beats in the simulation - if I am reading the article correctly, the runtime compares a simulation of 1000 beats versus the emulation of a single beat. If I run a simulation of a single beat across multiple simulated cells (on a 32-core machine), the amortized runtime is around 20 ms per cell, which is only marginally slower than the NN emulation. On the other hand, if the model was simulated for aeons, comparing this to a fixed runtime of the NN, one can get an arbitrarily high speedup.

      Therefore, I’d probably emphasize the concrete speedup less in an abstract and I’d provide some background on the speedup calculation such as above, so that the readers understand the context-dependence. That said, I do think that a simulation for anywhere between 250 and 1000 beats is among the most reasonable points of comparison (long enough for reasonable stability, but not too long to beat an already stable horse; pun with stables was actually completely unintended, but here it is...). I.e., the speedup observed is still valuable and valid, albeit in (I believe) a somewhat limited sense.

      We agree that the speedup comparison only focused on a very specific case and needs to be more thoroughly discussed and benchmarked. One of the main strengths of the emulator is to cut the time of prepacing to steady state, which is known to be a potential bottleneck for the speed of the single-cell simulations. The time it takes to reach the steady state in the simulator is heavily dependant on the actual maximum conductance configuration and the speed-up is thus heavily reliant on a per-case basis. The differences in architecture of the simulator and emulator further makes direct comparisons very difficult. In the revised version we now go into more detail regarding the runtime calculations and also compare it to an adaptive time stepping simulation (Myokit [Clerx et al., 2016]) in a new subsection:

      "The simulation of a single AP (see Section 2.1) sampled at a resolution of 20kHz took 293s on one core of a AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2990WX (clock rate: 3.0GHz) in CARPentry. Adaptive timestep solver of variable order, such as implemented in Myokit [Clerx et al., 2016], can significantly lower the simulation time (30s for our setup) by using small step sizes close to the depolarization (phase 0) and increasing the time step in all other phases. The emulation of a steady state AP sampled at a resolution of 20kHz for t ∈ [−10, 1000]ms took 18.7ms on a AMD Ryzen 7 3800X (clock rate: 3.9GHz) and 1.2ms on a Nvidia A100 (Nvidia Corporation, USA), including synchronization and data copy overhead between CPU and GPU.

      "The amount of required beats to reach the steady state of the cell in the simulator has a major impact on the runtime and is not known a-priori. On the other hand, both simulator and emulator runtime linearly depends on the time resolution, but since the output of the emulator is learned, the time resolution can be chosen at arbitrarily without affecting the AP at the sampled times. This makes direct performance comparisons between the two methodologies difficult. To still be able to quantify the speed-up, we ran Myokit using 100 beats to reach steady state, taking 3.2s of simulation time. In this scenario, we witnessed a speed-up of 171 and 2 · 103 of our emulator on CPU and GPU respectively (again including synchronization and data copy overhead between CPU and GPU in the latter case). Note that both methods are similarly expected to have a linear parallelization speedup across multiple cells.

      For the inverse problem, we parallelized the problem for multiple cells and keep the problem on the GPU to minimize the overhead, achieving emulations (including backpropagation) that run in 120µs per AP at an average temporal resolution of 2kHz. We consider this the peak performance which will be necessary for the inverse problem in Section 3.1.2." (Section 2.3.1)

      Note that the mentioned parallelization across multiple machines/hardware applies equally to the emulator and simulator (linear speed-up), though the utilization for single cells is most likely different (single vs. multi-cell parallelization).

      C I-(c) It appears that the accuracy of emulation drops off relatively sharply with increasing real-world applicability/relevance of the tasks it is applied to. That said, the authors are to be commended on declaring this transparently, rather than withholding such analyses. I particularly enjoyed the discussion of the not-always amazing results of the inverse problem on the experimental data. The point on low parameter identifiability is an important one and serves as a warning against overconfidence in our ability to infer cellular parameters from action potentials alone. On the other hand, I’m not that sure the difference between small tissue preps and single cells which authors propose as another source of the discrepancy will be that vast beyond the AP peak potential (probably much of the tissue prep is affected by the pacing electrode?), but that is a subjective view only. The influence of coupling could be checked if the simulated data were generated from 2D tissue samples/fibres, e.g. using the Myokit software.

      Given the points above (particularly the uncertain need for further speedup compared to running single-cell simulations), I am not sure that the technology generated will be that broadly adopted in the near future.

      However, this does not make the study uninteresting in the slightest - on the contrary, it explores something that many of us are thinking about, and it is likely to stimulate further development in the direction of computationally efficient emulation of relatively complex simulations.

      We agree that the parameter identifiability is an important point of discussion. While the provided experimental data gave us great insights already, we still believe that given the differences in the setup, we can not draw conclusions about the source of inaccuracies with absolute certainty. The suggested experiment to test the influence of coupling is of interest for future works and has been integrated into the discussion. Further details are given in the response to the recommendation R III- (t)

      Reviewer 2 - Comments


      This study provided a neural network emulator of the human ventricular cardiomyocyte action potential. The inputs are the corresponding maximum conductances and the output is the action potential (AP). It used the forward and inverse problems to evaluate the model. The forward problem was solved for synthetic data, while the inverse problem was solved for both synthetic and experimental data. The NN emulator tool enables the acceleration of simulations, maintains high accuracy in modeling APs, effectively handles experimental data, and enhances the overall efficiency of pharmacological studies. This, in turn, has the potential to advance drug development and safety assessment in the field of cardiac electrophysiology.


      1) Low computational cost: The NN emulator demonstrated a massive speed-up of more than 10,000 times compared to the simulator. This substantial increase in computational speed has the potential to expedite research and drug development processes

      2) High accuracy in the forward problem: The NN emulator exhibited high accuracy in solving the forward problem when tested with synthetic data. It accurately predicted normal APs and, to a large extent, abnormal APs with early afterdepolarizations (EADs). High accuracy is a notable advantage over existing emulation methods, as it ensures reliable modeling and prediction of AP behavior

      C II-(a) Input space constraints: The emulator relies on maximum conductances as inputs, which explain a significant portion of the AP variability between cardiomyocytes. Expanding the input space to include channel kinetics parameters might be challenging when solving the inverse problem with only AP data available.

      Thank you for this comment. We consider this limitation a major drawback, as discussed in Section 4.3. Identifiability is already an issue when only considering the most important maximum conductances. Further extending the problem to include kinetics will most likely only increase the difficulty of the inverse problem. For the forward problem though, it might be of interest to people studying ionic models to further analyze the effects of channel kinetics.

      C II-(b) Simplified drug-target interaction: In reality, drug interactions can be time-, voltage-, and channel statedependent, requiring more complex models with multiple parameters compared to the oversimplified model that represents the drug-target interactions by scaling the maximum conductance at control. The complex model could also pose challenges when solving the inverse problem using only AP data.

      Thank you pointing out this limitation. We slightly adapted Section 4.3 to further highlight some of these limitations. Note however that the experimental drugs used have been shown to be influenced by this drug interaction in varying degrees [Li et al., 2017] (e.g. dofetilide vs. cisapride). However, the discrepancy in identifiability was mostly channel-based (0%-100%), whereas the variation in identifiability between drugs was much lower (39%-66%).

      C II-(c) Limited data variety: The inverse problem was solved using AP data obtained from a single stimulation protocol, potentially limiting the accuracy of parameter estimates. Including AP data from various stimulation protocols and incorporating pacing cycle length as an additional input could improve parameter identifiability and the accuracy of predictions.

      The proposed emulator architecture currently only considers the discussed maximum conductances as input and thus can only compensate when using different stimulation protocols. However, the architecture itself does not prohibit including any of these as parameters for future variants of the emulator. We potentially foresee future works extending on the architecture with modified datasets to include other parameters of importance, such as channel kinetics, stimulation protocols and pacing cycle lengths. These will however vary between the actual use-cases one is interested in.

      C II-(d) Larger inaccuracies in the inverse problem using experimental data: The reasons for this result are not quite clear. Hypotheses suggest that it may be attributed to the low parameter identifiability or the training data set were collected in small tissue preparation.

      The low parameter identifiability on some channels (e.g. GK1) poses a problem, for which we state multiple potential reasons. As of yet, no final conclusion can be drawn, warranting further research in this area.

      Reviewer 3 - Comments


      Grandits and colleagues were trying to develop a new tool to accelerate pharmacological studies by using neural networks to emulate the human ventricular cardiomyocyte action potential (AP). The AP is a complex electrical signal that governs the heartbeat, and it is important to accurately model the effects of drugs on the AP to assess their safety and efficacy. Traditional biophysical simulations of the AP are computationally expensive and time-consuming. The authors hypothesized that neural network emulators could be trained to predict the AP with high accuracy and that these emulators could also be used to quickly and accurately predict the effects of drugs on the AP.


      One of the study’s major strengths is that the authors use a large and high-quality dataset to train their neural network emulator. The dataset includes a wide range of APs, including normal and abnormal APs exhibiting EADs. This ensures that the emulator is robust and can be used to predict the AP for a variety of different conditions.

      Another major strength of the study is that the authors demonstrate that their neural network emulator can be used to accelerate pharmacological studies. For example, they use the emulator to predict the effects of a set of known arrhythmogenic drugs on the AP. The emulator is able to predict the effects of these drugs, even though it had not been trained on these drugs specifically.

      C III-(a) One weakness of the study is that it is important to validate neural network emulators against experimental data to ensure that they are accurate and reliable. The authors do this to some extent, but further validation would be beneficial. In particular for the inverse problem, where the estimation of pharmacological parameters was very challenging and led to particularly large inaccuracies.

      Thank you for this recommendation. Further experimental validation of the emulator in the context of the inverse problem would be definitely beneficial. Still, an important observation is that the identifiability varies greatly between channels. While the inverse problem is an essential reason for utilizing the emulator, it is also empirically validated for the pure forward problem and synthetic inverse problem, together with the (limited) experimental validation. The sources of problems arising in estimating the maximum conductances of the experimental tissue preparations are important to discuss in future works, as we now further emphasize in the discussion. See also the response to the recommendations R III-(t).

      Reviewer 1 - Recommendations

      R I-(a) Could further detail on the software used for the emulation be provided? E.g. based on section 2.2.2, it sounds like a CPU, as well as GPU-based emulation, is possible, which is neat.

      Indeed as suspected, the emulator can run on both CPUs and GPUs and features automatic parallelization (per-cell, but also multi-cell), which is enabled by the engineering feats of PyTorch [Paszke et al., 2019]. This is now outlined in a bit more detail in Sec. 2 and 5.

      "The trained emulator is provided as a Python package, heavily utilizing PyTorch [Paszke et al., 2019] for the neural network execution, allowing it to be executed on both CPUs and NVidia GPUs." (Section 5)

      R I-(b) I believe that a potential use of NN emulation could be also in helping save time on prepacing models to stability - using the NN for ”rough” prepacing (e.g. 1000 beats), and then running a simulation from that point for a smaller amount of time (e.g. 50 beats). One could monitor the stability of states, so if the prepacing was inaccurate, one could quickly tell that these models develop their state vector substantially, and they should be simulated for longer for full accuracy - but if the model was stable within the 50 simulated beats, it could be kept as it is. In this way, the speedup of the NN and accuracy and insightfulness of the simulation could be combined. However, as I mentioned in the public review, I’m not sure there is a great need for further speedup of single-cell simulations. Such a hybrid scheme as described above might be perhaps used to accelerate genetic algorithms used to develop new models, where it’s true that hundreds of thousands to millions of cells are eventually simulated, and a speedup there could be practical. However one would have to have a separate NN trained for each protocol in the fitness function that is to be accelerated, and this would have to be retrained for each explored model architecture. I’m not sure if the extra effort would be worth it - but maybe yes to some people.

      Thank you for this valuable suggestion. As pointed out in C I-(a), one goal of this study was to reduce the timeconsuming task of prepacing. Still, in its current form the emulator could not be utilized for prepacing simulators, as only the AP is computed by the emulator. For initializing a simulation at the N-th beat, one would additionally need all computed channel state variables. However, a simple adaptation of the emulator architecture would allow to also output the mentioned state variables.

      R I-(c) Re: ”Several emulator architectures were tried on the training and validation data sets and the final choice was hand-picked as a good trade-off between high accuracy and low computational cost” - is it that the emulator architecture was chosen early in the development, and the analyses presented in the paper were all done with one previously selected architecture? Or is it that the analyses were attempted with all considered architectures, and the well-performing one was chosen? In the latter case, this could flatter the performance artificially and a test set evaluation would be worth carrying out.

      We apologize for the unclear description of the architectural validation. The validation was in fact carried out with 20% of the training data (data set #1), which is however completely disjoint with the test set (#2, #3, #4, formerly data set #1 and #2) on which the evaluation was presented. To further clarify the four different data sets used in the study, we now dedicated an additional section to describing each set and where it was used (see also our response below R I-(d)), and summarize them in Table 1, which we also added at R II-(a). The cited statement was slightly reworked.

      "Several emulator architectures were tried on the training and validation data sets and the final choice was hand-picked as a good trade-off between high accuracy on the validation set (#1) and low computational runtime cost." (Section 2.2.2)

      R I-(d) When using synthetic data for the forward and inverse problem, with the various simulated drugs, is it that split of the data into training/validation test set was done by the drug simulated (i.e., putting 80 drugs and the underlying models in the training set, and 20 into test set)? Or were the data all mixed together, and 20% (including drugs in the test set) were used for validation? I’m slightly concerned by the potential of ”soft” data leaks between training/validation sets if the latter holds. Presumably, the real-world use case, especially for the inverse problem, will be to test drugs that were not seen in any form in the training process. I’m also not sure whether it’s okay to reuse cell models (sets of max conductances) between training and validation tests - wouldn’t it be better if these were also entirely distinct? Could you please comment on this?

      We completely agree with the main points of apprehension that training, validation and test sets all serve a distinct purpose and should not be arbitrarily mixed. However, this is only a result of the sub-optimal description of our datasets, which we heavily revised in Section 2.2.1 (Data, formerly 2.3.1). We now present the data using four distinct numbers: The initial training/validation data, now called data set #1 (formerly no number), is split 80%/20% into training and validation sets (for architectural choices) respectively. The presented evaluations in Section 2.3 (Evaluation) are purely performed on data set #2 (normal APs, formerly #1), #3 (EADs, formerly #2) and #4 (experimental).

      R I-(e) For the forward problem on EADs, I’m not sure if the 72% accuracy is that great (although I do agree that the traces in Fig 12-left also typically show substantial ICaL reactivation, but this definitely should be present, given the IKr and ICaL changes). I would suggest that you also consider the following design for the EAD investigation: include models with less severe upregulation of ICaL and downregulation of IKr, getting a population of models where a part manifests EADs and a part does not. Then you could run the emulator on the input data of this population and be able to quantify true, falsexpositive, negative detections. I think this is closer to a real-world use case where we have drug parameters and a cell population, and we want to quickly assess the arrhythmic risk, with some drugs being likely entirely nonrisky, some entirely risky, and some between (although I still am not convinced it’s that much of an issue to just simulate this in a couple of thousands of cells).

      Thank you for pointing out this alternative to address the EAD identification task. Even though the values chosen in Table 2 seem excessively large, we still only witnessed EADs in 171 of the 950 samples. Especially border cases, which are close to exhibiting EADs are hardest to estimate for the NN emulator. As suggested, we now include the study with the full 950 samples (non-EAD & EAD) and classify the emulator AP into one of the labels for each sample. The mentioned 72.5% now represent the sensitivity, whereas our accuracy in such a scenario becomes 90.8% (total ratio of correct classifications):

      "The data set #3 was used second and Appendix C shows all emulated APs, both containing the EAD and non-EAD cases. The emulation of all 950 APs took 0.76s on the GPU specified in Section 2.2.3 We show the emulation of all maximum conductances and the classification of the emulation. The comparison with the actual EAD classification (based on the criterion outlined in Appendix A) results in true-positive (EAD both in the simulation and emulation), false-negative (EAD in the simulation, but not in the emulation), false-positive (EAD in the emulation, but not in the simulation) and true-negative (no EAD both in the emulation and simulation). The emulations achieved 72.5% sensitivity (EAD cases correctly classified) and 94.9% specificity (non-EAD cases correctly classified), with an overall accuracy of 90.8% (total samples correctly classified). A substantial amount of wrongly classified APs showcase a notable proximity to the threshold of manifesting EADs. Figure 7 illustrates the distribution of RMSEs in the EAD APs between emulated and ground truth drugged APs. The average RMSE over all EAD APs was 14.5mV with 37.1mV being the maximum. Largest mismatches were located in phase 3 of the AP, in particular in emulated APs that did not fully repolarize." (Section 3.1.1)

      R I-(f) Figure 1 - I think a large number of readers will understand the mathematical notation describing inputs/outputs; that said, there may be a substantial number of readers who may find that hard to read (e.g. lab-based researchers, or simulation-based researchers not familiar with machine learning). At the same time, this is a very important part of the paper to explain what is done where, so I wonder whether using words to describe the inputs/outputs would not be more practical and easier to understand (e.g. ”drug-based conductance scaling factor” instead of ”s” ?). It’s just an idea - it needs to be tried to see if it wouldn’t make the figure too cluttered.

      We agree that the mathematical notation may be confusing to some readers. As a compromise between using verbose wording and mathematical notation, we introduced a legend in the lower right corner of the figure that shortly describes the notation in order to help with interpreting the figure.

      R I-(g) ”APs with a transmembrane potential difference of more than 10% of the amplitude between t = 0 and 1000 ms were excluded” - I’m not sure I understand what exactly you mean here - could you clarify?

      With this criterion, we try to discard data that is far away from fully repolarizing within the given time frame, which applies to 116 APs in data set #1 and 50 APs in data set #3. We added a small side note into the text:

      "APs with a transmembrane potential difference of more than 10% of the amplitude between t = 0 and 1000ms (indicative of an AP that is far away from full repolarization) were excluded." (Section 2.2.1)

      R I-(h) Speculation (for the future) - it looks like a tool like this could be equally well used to predict current traces, as well as action potentials. I wonder, would there be a likely benefit in feeding back the currents-traces predictions on the input of the AP predictor to provide additional information? Then again, this might be already encoded within the network - not sure.

      Although not possible with the chosen architecture (see also R I-(b)), it is worth thinking about an implementation in future works and to study differences to the current emulator.

      Entirely minor points:

      R I-(i) ”principle component analysis” → principal component analysis


      R I-(j) The paper will be probably typeset by elife anyway, but the figures are often quite far from their sections, with Results figures even overflowing into Discussion. This can be often fixed by using the !htb parameters (\begin{figure}[!htb]), or potentially by using ”\usepackage[section]{placeins}” and then ”\FloatBarrier” at the start and end of each section (or subsection) - this prevents floating objects from passing such barriers.

      Thank you for these helpful suggestions. We tried reducing the spacing between the figures and their references in the text, hopefully improving the reader’s experience.

      R I-(k) Alternans seems to be defined in Appendix A (as well as repo-/depolarization abnormalities), but is not really investigated. Or are you defining these just for the purpose of explaining what sorts of data were also included in the data?

      We defined alternans since this was an exclusion criterion for generating simulation data.

      Reviewer 2 - Recommendations

      R II-(a) Justification for methods selection: Explain the rationale behind important choices, such as the selection of specific parameters and algorithms.

      Thank you for this recommendation, we tried to increase transparency of our choices by introducing a separate data section that summarizes all data sets and their use cases in Section 2.2.1 and also collect many of the explanations there. Additionally we added an overview table (Table 1) of the utilized data.

      Author response table 1.

      Table 1: Summary of the data used in this study, along with their usage and the number of valid samples. Note that each AP is counted individually, also in cases of control/drug pairs.

      R II-(b) Interpretation of the evaluation results: After presenting the evaluation results, consider interpretations or insights into what the results mean for the performance of the emulator. Explain whether the emulator achieved the desired accuracy or compare it with other existing methods. In the revised version, we tried to further expand the discussion on possible applications of our emulator (Section 4.2). See also our response to C I-(a). To the best of our knowledge, there are currently no out-of-the-box methods available for directly comparing all experiments we considered in our work.

      Reviewer 3 - Recommendations

      R III-(a) In the introduction (Page 3) and then also in the 2.1 paragraph authors speak about the ”limit cycle”: Do you mean steady state conditions? In that case, it is more common to use steady state.

      When speaking about the limit cycle, we refer to what is also sometimes called the steady state, depending on the field of research and/or personal preference. We now mention both terms at the first occurence, but stick with the limit cycle terminology which can also be found in other works, see e.g. [Endresen and Skarland, 2000].

      R III-(b) On page 3, while comparing NN with GP emulators, I still don’t understand the key reason why NN can solve the discontinuous functions with more precision than GP.

      The potential problems in modeling sharp continuities using GPs is further explained in the referenced work [Ghosh et al., 2018] and further references therein:

      "Statistical emulators such as Gaussian processes are frequently used to reduce the computational cost of uncertainty quantification, but discontinuities render a standard Gaussian process emulation approach unsuitable as these emulators assume a smooth and continuous response to changes in parameter values [...] Applying GPs to model discontinuous functions is largely an open problem. Although many advances (see the discussion about non-stationarity in [Shahriari et al., 2016] and the references in there) have been made towards solving this problem, a common solution has not yet emerged. In the recent GP literature there are two specific streams of work that have been proposed for modelling non-stationary response surfaces including those with discontinuities. The first approach is based on designing nonstationary processes [Snoek et al., 2014] whereas the other approach attempts to divide the input space into separate regions and build separate GP models for each of the segmented regions. [...]"([Ghosh et al., 2018])

      We integrated a short segment of this explanation into Section 1.

      R III-(c) Why do authors prefer to use CARPentry and not directly openCARP? The use of CARPentry is purely a practical choice since the simulation pipeline was already set up. As we now point out however in Sec. 2.1 (Simulator), simulations can also be performed using any openly available ionic simulation tool, such as Myokit [Clerx et al., 2016], OpenCOR [Garny and Hunter, 2015] and openCARP [Plank et al., 2021]. We emphasized this in the text.

      "Note, that the simulations can also be performed using open-source software such as Myokit [Clerx et al., 2016], OpenCOR [Garny and Hunter, 2015] and openCARP [Plank et al., 2021]." (Section 2.1)

      R III-(d) In paragraph 2.1:

      (a) In this sentence: ”Various solver and sampling time steps were applied to generate APs and the biomarkers used in this study (see Appendix A)” this reviewer suggests putting the Appendix reference near “biomarkers”. In addition, a figure that shows the test of various solver vs. sampling time steps could be interesting and can be added to the Appendix as well.

      (b) Why did the authors set the relative difference below 5% for all biomarkers? Please give a reference to that choice. Instead, why choose 2% for the time step?

      1) We adjusted the reference to be closer to “biomarkers”. While we agree that further details on the influence of the sampling step would be of interest to some of the readers, we feel that it is far beyond the scope of this paper.

      2) There is no specific reference we can provide for the choice. Our goal was to reach 5% relative difference, which we surpassed by the chosen time steps of 0.01 ms (solver) and 0.05 ms (sampling), leading to only 2% difference. We rephrased the sentence in question to make this clear.

      "We considered the time steps with only 2% relative difference for all AP biomarkers (solver: 0.01ms; sampling: 0.05ms) to offer a sufficiently good approximation." (Section 2.1)

      R III-(e) In the caption of Figure 1 authors should include the reference for AP experimental data (are they from Orvos et al. 2019 as reported in the Experimental Data section?)

      We added the missing reference as requested. As correctly assumed, they are from [Orvos et al., 2019].

      R III-(f) Why do authors not use experimental data in the emulator development/training?

      For the supervised training of our NN emulator, we need to provide the maximum conductances of our chosen channels for each AP. While it would be beneficial to also include experimental data in the training to diversify the training data, the exact maximum conductances in our the considered retrospective experiments are not known. In the case such data would be available with low measurement uncertainty, it would be possible to include.

      R III-(g) What is TP used in the Appendix B? I could not find the acronymous explanation.

      We are sorry for the oversight, TP refers to the time-to-peak and is now described in Appendix A.

      R III-(h) Are there any reasons for only using ST and no S1? Maybe are the same?

      The global sensitivity analysis is further outlined in Appendix B, also showing S1 (first-order effects) and ST (variance of all interactions) together (Figure 11) [Herman and Usher, 2017] and their differences (e.g. in TP) Since S1 only captures first-order effects, it may fail to capture higher-order interactions between the maximum conductances, thus we favored ST.

      R III-(i) In Training Section Page 8. It is not clear why it is necessary to resample data. Can you motivate?

      The resampling part is motivated by exactly capturing the swift depolarization dynamics, whereas the output from CARPentry is uniformly sampled. This is now further highlighted in the text.

      "Then, the data were non-uniformly resampled from the original uniformly simulated APs, to emphasize the depolarization slope with a high accuracy while lowering the number of repolarization samples. For this purpose, we resamled the APs [...]" (Section 2.2.1)

      R III-(j) For the training of the neuronal network, the authors used the ADAM algorithm: have you tested any other algorithm?

      For training neural networks, ADAM has become the current de-facto standard and is certainly a robust choice for training our emulator. While there may exist slightly faster, or better-suited training algorithms, we witnessed (qualitative) convergence in the training (Equation (2)). We thus strongly believe that the training algorithm is not a limiting factor in our study.

      R III-(k) What is the amount of the drugs tested? Is the same dose reported in the description of the second data set or the values are only referring to experimental data? Moreover, it is not clear if in the description of experimental data, the authors are referring to newly acquired data (since they described in detail the protocol) or if they are obtained from Orvos et al. 2019 work.

      In all scenarios, we tested 5 different drugs (cisapride, dofetilide, sotalol, terfenadine, verapamil). We revised our previous presentation of the data available, and now try to give a concise overview over the utilized data (Section 2.2.1 and table 1) and drug comparison with the CiPA distributions (Table 5, former 4). Note that in the latter case, the available expected channel scaling factors by the CiPA distributions vary, but are now clearly shown in Table 5.

      R III-(l) In Figure 4, I will avoid the use of “control” in the legend since it is commonly associated with basal conditions and not with the drug administration.

      The terminology “control” in this context is in line with works from the CiPA initiative, e.g. [Li et al., 2017] and refers to the state of cell conditions before the drug wash-in. We added a minor note the first time we use the term control in the introduction to emphasize that we refer to the state of the cell before administering any drugs

      "To compute the drugged AP for given pharmacological parameters is a forward problem, while the corresponding inverse problem is to find pharmacological parameters for given control (before drug administration) and drugged AP." (Section 1)

      R III-(m) In Table 1 when you referred to Britton et al. 2017 work, I suggest adding also 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002061.

      We added the suggested article as a reference.

      R III-(n) For the minimization problem, only data set #1 has been used. Have you tested data set #2?

      In the current scenario, we only tested the inverse problem for data set #2 (former #1). The main purpose for data set #3 (former #2), was to test the possibility to emulate EAD APs. Given the overall lower performance in comparison to data set #2 (former #1), we also expect deteriorated results in comparison to the existing inverse synthetic problem.

      R III-(o) In Figure 6 you should have the same x-axis (we could not see any points in the large time scale for many biomarkers). Why dVmMax is not uniformed distributed compared to the others? Can you comment on that?

      As suggested, we re-adjusted the x-range to show the center of distributions. Additionally, we denoted in each subplot the number of outliers which lie outside of the shown range. The error distribution on dVmMax exhibits a slightly off-center, left-tailed normal distribution, which we now describe a bit more in the revised text:

      "While the mismatches in phase 3 were simply a result of imperfect emulation, the mismatches in phase 0 were a result of the difficulty in matching the depolarization time exactly. [...] Likewise, the difficulty in exactly matching the depolarization time leads to elevated errors and more outliers in the biomarkers influenced by the depolarization phase (TP and dVmMax)," (Section 3.1.1)

      R III-(p) Page 14. Can the authors better clarify ”the average RMSE over all APs 13.6mV”: is it the mean for all histograms in Figure 7? (In Figure 5 is more evident the average RMSE).

      The average RMSE uses the same definition for Figures 5 and 7: It is the average over all the RMSEs for each pair of traces (simulated/emulated), though the amount of samples is much lower for the EAD data set and not normal distributed.

      R III-(q) In Table 4, the information on which drugs are considered should be added. For each channel, we added the names of the drugs for which respective data from the CiPA initiative were available.

      R III-(r) Pag. 18, second paragraph, there is a repetition of ”and”.


      R III-(s) The pair’s combination of scaling factors for simulating synthetic drugs reported in Table 2, can be associated with some effects of real drugs? In this case, I suggest including the information or justifying the choice.

      The scaling factors in Table 2 are used to create data set #3 (former #2), and is meant to provide several APs which expose EADs. This is described in more detail in the new data section, Section 2.2.1:

      "Data set #3: The motivation for creating data set #3 was to test the emulator on data of abnormal APs showing the repolarization abnormality EAD. This is considered a particularly relevant AP abnormality in pharmacological studies because of their role in the genesis of drug-induced ventricular arrhythmia’s [Weiss et al., 2010]. Drug data were created using ten synthetic drugs with the hERG channel and the Cav1.2 channel as targets. To this end, ten samples with pharmacological parameters for GKr and PCa (Table 2) were generated and the synthetic drugs were applied to the entire synthetic cardiomyocyte population by scaling GKr and PCa with the corresponding pharmacological parameter. Of the 1000 APs simulated, we discarded APs with a transmembrane potential difference of more than 10% of the amplitude between t = 0 and 1000ms (checked for the last AP), indicative of an AP that does not repolarize within 1000ms. This left us with 950 APs, 171 of which exhibit EAD (see Appendix C)." (Section 2.2.1)

      R III-(t) A general comment on the work is that the authors claim that their study highlights the potential of NN emulators as a powerful tool for increased efficiency in future quantitative systems pharmacology studies, but they wrote ”Larger inaccuracies were found in the inverse problem solutions on experimental data highlight inaccuracies in estimating the pharmacological parameters”: so, I was wondering how they can claim the robustness of NN use as a tool for more efficient computation in pharmacological studies.

      The discussed robustness directly refers to efficiently emulating steady-state/limit cycle APs from a set of maximum conductances (forward problem, Section 3.1.1). We extensively evaluated the algorithm and feel that given the low emulation RMSE of APs (< 1 mV), the statement is warranted. The inverse estimation, enabled through this rapid evaluation, performs well on synthetic data, but shows difficulties for experimental data. Note however that at this point there are multiple potential sources for these problems as highlighted in the Evaluation section (Section 4.1) and Table 5 (former 4) highlights the difference in accuracy of estimating per-channel maximum conductances, revealing a potentially large discrepancy. The emulator also offers future possibilities to incorporate additional informations in the forms of either priors, or more detailed measurements (e.g. calcium transients) and can be potentially improved to a point where also the inverse problem can be satisfactorily solved in experimental preparations, though further analysis will be required.

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    1. Author Response

      We would like to thank the editor and the reviewers for their constructive comments and the chance to revise the manuscript. The suggestions have allowed us to improve our manuscript. We have been able to fulfil all reviewer comments and added new statistical analyses to examine associations for subsets of data. Whilst suggested by a reviewer, we did not perform large-scale experiments to confirm the viability of low sporozoite densities at different time-points post salivary gland colonization. For these assays there are currently no satisfactory in vitro models for sporozoites harvested from single mosquitoes and setting up and validating such experiments could be a PhD project in itself. We do consider this suggestion very relevant but beyond the scope of the current work.

      Relevantly, during the time the manuscript was under review at eLife, we have been able to examine the multiplicity of infection in our field experiments. This was, as written in the original manuscript, a key reason to also perform experiments in the field where there is a greater diversity of parasite lines. We have successfully performed AMA-1 amplicon deep sequencing on infected mosquito salivary glands and infected skins. Although this does not change the key messages of the manuscript and is secondary to our main hypothesis, we do consider it a relevant addition since we were able to demonstrate that for some infected mosquitoes from the Burkina Faso study, multiple clones were expelled by mosquitoes during probing on a single piece of artificial skin. We have added a short paragraph to our revised manuscript and updated the acknowledgement section to include the supporting researcher who conducted those experiments.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary: There is a long-believed dogma in the malaria field; a mosquito infected with a single oocyst is equally infectious to humans as another mosquito with many oocysts. This belief has been used for goal setting (and modelling) of malaria transmission-blocking interventions. While recent studies using rodent malaria suggest that the dogma may not be true, there was no such study with human P. falciparum parasites. In this study, the numbers of oocysts and sporozoite in the mosquitoes and the number of expelled sporozoites into artificial skin from the infected mosquito was quantified individually. There was a significant correlation between sporozoite burden in the mosquitoes and expelled sporozoites. In addition, this study showed that highly infected mosquitoes expelled sporozoites sooner.


      • The study was conducted using two different parasite-mosquito combinations; one was lab-adapted parasites with Anopheles stephensi and the other was parasites, which were circulated in infected patients, with An. coluzzii. Both combinations showed statistically significant correlations between sporozoite burden in mosquitoes and the number of expelled sporozoites.

      • Usually, this type of study has been done in group bases (e.g., count oocysts and sporozoites at different time points using different mosquitoes from the same group). However, this study determined the numbers in individual bases after multiple optimization and validation of the approach. This individual approach significantly increases the power of correlation analysis.


      • In a natural setting, most mosquitoes have less than 5 oocysts. Thus, the conclusion is more convincing if the authors perform additional analysis for the key correlations (Fig 3C and 4D) excluding mosquitoes with very high total sporozoite load (e.g., more than 5-oocyst equivalent load).

      In the revised manuscript, we have also performed our analysis including only the subset of mosquitoes with low oocyst burden. In our Burkina Faso experiments, where we could not control oocyst density, 48% (15/31) of skins were from mosquitoes with <5 oocyst sheets. Whilst low oocyst densities were thus not very uncommon, we acknowledge that this may have rendered some comparisons underpowered. At the same time, we observe a strong positive trend between oocyst density and sporozoite density and between salivary gland sporozoite density and mosquito inoculum. This makes it very likely that this trend is also present at lower oocyst densities, an association where sporozoite inoculation saturates at high densities is plausible and has been observed before for rodent malaria (DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008181) whilst we consider it less likely that sporozoite expelling would be more efficient at low (unmeasured) sporozoite densities.

      • As written as the second limitation of the study, this study did not investigate whether all expelled sporozoites were equally infectious. For example, Day 9 expelled sporozoites may be less infectious than Day 11 sporozoites, or expelled sporozoites from high-burden mosquitoes may be less infectious because they experience low nutrient conditions in a mosquito. Ideally, it is nice to test the infectivity by ex vivo assays, such as hepatocyte invasion assay, and gliding assay at least for salivary sporozoites. But are there any preceding studies where the infectivity of sporozoites from different conditions was evaluated? Citing such studies would strengthen the argument.

      We appreciate this thought and can see the value of these experiments. We are not aware of any studies that examined sporozoite viability in relation to the day of salivary gland colonization or sporozoite density.

      One previous study assessed the NF54 sporozoite infectivity on different days post infection (days 12-13-14-15-16-18) and observed no clear differences in ‘per sporozoite hepatocyte invasion capacity’ over this period (DOI: 10.1111/cmi.12745). We nevertheless agree that it is conceivable that sporozoites require maturation in the salivary glands and might not all be equally infectious. While hepatocyte invasion experiments are conducted with bulk harvesting of all the sporozoites that are present in the salivary glands, it would even be more interesting to assess the invasion capacity of the smaller population of sporozoites that migrate to the proboscis to be expelled. This would, as the reviewer will appreciate, be a major endeavour. To do this well the expelled sporozoites would need to be harvested from the salivary glands/proboscis and used in the best and most natural environment for invasion. The suggested work would thus depend on the availability of primary hepatocytes since conventional cell-lines like HC-04 are likely to underestimate sporozoite invasion. Importantly, there are currently no opportunities to include the barrier of the skin environment in invasion assays whilst this may be highly important in determining the likelihood that sporozoites manage to achieve invasion and give rise to secondary infections. In short, we agree with the reviewer that these experiments are of interest but consider these well beyond the scope of the current work. We have added a section to the Discussion section to highlight these future avenues for research. ‘Of note, our assessments of EIP and of sporozoite expelling did not confirm the viability of sporozoites. Whilst the infectivity of sporozoites at different time-points post infection has been examine previously (https://doi.org/10.1111/cmi.12745), these experiments have never been conducted with individual mosquito salivary glands. To add to this complexity, such experiments would ideally retain the skin barrier that may be a relevant determinant for invasion capacity and primary hepatocytes.’

      • Since correlation analyses are the main points of this paper, it is important to show 95% CI of Spearman rank coefficient (not only p-value). By doing so, readers will understand the strengths/weaknesses of the correlations. The p-value only shows whether the observed correlation is significantly different from no correlation or not. In other words, if there are many data points, the p-value could be very small even if the correlation is weak.

      We appreciate this comment and agree that this is indeed insightful. We have added the 95% confidence intervals to all figure legends and main text. We also provide them below.

      Fig 3b: 95% CI: 0.74, 0.85

      Fig 3c: 95% CI: 0.17, 0.50

      Fig 4c: 95% CI: 0.80, 0.95

      Fig 4d: 95% CI: 0.52, 0.82

      Supp Fig 5a: 95% CI: 0.74, 0.85

      Supp Fig 5b: 95% CI: 0.73, 0.93

      Supp Fig 6: 95% CI: 0.11, 0.48

      Supp Fig 7: 95% CI: -0.12, 0.16

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary: The malaria parasite Plasmodium develops into oocysts and sporozoites inside Anopheles mosquitoes, in a process called sporogony. Sporozoites invade the insect salivary glands in order to be transmitted during a blood meal. An important question regarding malaria transmission is whether all mosquitoes harbouring Plasmodium parasites are equally infectious. In this paper, the authors investigated the progression of P. falciparum sporozoite development in Anopheles mosquitoes, using a sensitive qPCR method to quantify sporozoites and an artificial skin system to probe for parasite expelling. They assessed the association between oocyst burden, salivary gland infection intensity, and sporozoites expelled.

      The data show that higher sporozoite loads are associated with earlier colonization of salivary glands and a higher prevalence of sporozoite-positive salivary glands and that higher salivary gland sporozoite burdens are associated with higher numbers of expelled sporozoites. Intriguingly, there is no clear association between salivary gland burdens and the prevalence of expelling, suggesting that most infections reach a sufficient threshold to allow parasite expelling during a mosquito bite. This important observation suggests that low-density gametocyte carriers, although less likely to infect mosquitoes, could nevertheless contribute to malaria transmission.

      Strengths: The paper is well written and the work is well conducted. The authors used two experimental models, one using cultured P. falciparum gametocytes and An. stephensi mosquitoes, and the other one using natural gametocyte infections in a field setup with An. coluzzii mosquitoes. Both studies gave similar results, reinforcing the validity of the observations. Parasite quantification relies on a robust and sensitive qPCR method, and parasite expelling was assessed using an innovative experimental setup based on artificial skin.

      Weaknesses: There is no clear association between the prevalence of sporozoite expelling and the parasite burden. However, high total sporozoite burdens are associated with earlier and more efficient colonization of the salivary glands, and higher salivary gland burdens are associated with higher numbers of expelled sporozoites. While these observations suggest that highly infected mosquitoes could transmit/expel parasites earlier, this is not directly addressed in the study. In addition, whether all expelled sporozoites are equally infectious is unknown. The central question, i.e. whether all infected mosquitoes are equally infectious, therefore remains open.

      We agree that the manuscript provides important steps forward in our understanding of what makes an infectious mosquito but does not conclusively demonstrate that highly infected mosquitoes are more likely to initiate a secondary infection. We consider this to be beyond the scope of the current work although the current work lays the foundation for these important future studies. For human Plasmodium infections the most satisfactory answer on the infectiousness of low versus high infected mosquitoes comes from controlled human infection models. In response to reviewer comments, we have extended our Discussion section to highlight this importance. To accommodate the (very fair) reviewer comments, we have avoided any phrasings that suggest that our findings demonstrate differences in transmission.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Summary: This study uses a state-of-the-art artificial skin assay to determine the quantity of P. falciparum sporozoites expelled during feeding using mosquito infection (by standardised membrane feeding assay SMFA) using both cultured gametocytes and natural infection. Sporozoite densities in salivary glands and expelled into the skin are quantified using a well-validated molecular assay. These studies show clear positive correlations between mosquito infection levels (as determined by oocyst numbers), sporozoite numbers in salivary glands, and sporozoites expelled during feeding. This indicates potentially significant heterogeneity in infectiousness between mosquitoes with different infection loads and thus challenges the often-made assumption that all infected mosquitoes are equally infectious.

      Strengths: Very rigorously designed studies using very well validated, state-of-the-art methods for studying malaria infections in the mosquito and quantifying load of expelled sporozoites. This resulted in very high-quality data that was well-analyzed and presented. Both sources of gametocytes (cultures vs. natural infection) show consistent results further strengthening the quality of the results obtained.

      Weaknesses: As is generally the case when using SMFAs, the mosquito infections levels are often relatively high compared to wild-caught mosquitoes (e.g. Bombard et al 2020 IJP: median 3-4 ), and the strength of the observed correlations between oocyst sheet and salivary gland sporozoite load even more so between salivary gland sporozoite load and expelled sporozoite number may be dominated by results from mosquitoes with infection levels rarely observed in wild-caught mosquitoes. This could result in an overestimation of the importance of these well-observed positive relationships under natural transmission conditions. The results obtained from these excellently designed and executed studies very well supported their conclusion - with a slight caveat regarding their application to natural transmission scenarios

      For efficiency and financial reasons, we have worked with an approach to enhance mosquito infection rates. If we had worked with gametocytes at physiological concentrations and a small number of donors, we probably have had considerably lower mosquito infection rates. Whilst this would indeed result in lower infection burdens in the sparse infected mosquitoes, addressing the reviewer concern, it would have made the experiments highly inefficient and expensive. The skin mimic was initially provided free of charge when the matrix was close to the expiry date but for the experiments in Burkina Faso we had to purchase the product at market value. Whilst we consider the biological question sufficiently important to justify this investment – and think our findings prove us right – it remained important to avoid using skins for uninfected mosquitoes. Since oocyst prevalence and density are strongly correlated (doi: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2012.09.002; doi: 10.7554/eLife.34463), a low oocyst density in natural infections typically coincides with a high proportion of negative mosquitoes.

      Of note, our approach did result in the inclusion of 15 skins from infected mosquitoes with 1-4 oocysts. This number may be modest but we did include observations from this low oocyst range which is, we agree, highly important for better understanding malaria epidemiology.

      This work very convincingly highlights the potential for significant heterogeneity in the infectiousness between individual P. falciparum-infected mosquitoes. Such heterogeneity needs to be further investigated and if again confirmed taken into account both when modelling malaria transmission and when evaluating the importance of low-density infections in sustaining malaria transmission.

      Reviewer #4 (Public Review):

      Summary: The study compares the number of sporozoites expelled by mosquitoes with different Plasmodium infection burden. To my knowledge this is the first report comparing the number of expelled P. falciparum sporozoites and their relation to oocyst burden (intact and ruptured) and residual sporozoites in salivary glands. The study provides important evidence on malaria transmission biology although conclusions cannot be drawn on direct impact on transmission.

      Strengths: Although there is some evidence from malaria challenge studies that the burden of sporozoites injected into a host is directly correlated with the likelihood of infection, this has been done using experimental infection models which administer sporozoites intravenously. It is unclear whether the same correlation occurs with natural infections and what the actual threshold for infection may be. Host immunity and other host related factors also play a critical role in transmission and need to be taken into consideration; these have not been mentioned by the authors. This is of particular importance as host immunity is decreasing with reduction in transmission intensity.

      Weaknesses: The natural infections reported in the study were not natural as the authors described. Gametocyte enrichment was done to attain high oocyst infection numbers. Studying natural infections would have been better without the enrichment step. The infected mosquitoes have much larger infection burden than what occurs in the wild.

      Nevertheless, the findings support the same results as in the experiments conducted in the Netherlands and therefore are of interest. I suggest the authors change the wording. Rather than calling these "natural" infections, they could be called, for example, "experimental infections with wild parasite strains".

      We have addressed these concerns and, in the process, also changed our manuscript title. The following sentences have been changed:

      “It is currently unknown whether all Plasmodium falciparum infected mosquitoes are equally infectious. We assessed sporogonic development using cultured gametocytes in the Netherlands and natural infections in Burkina Faso”.

      Now reads: “It is currently unknown whether all Plasmodium falciparum infected mosquitoes are equally infectious. We assessed sporogonic development using cultured gametocytes in the Netherlands and experimental infections with naturally circulating parasite strains in Burkina Faso”. 226-228 “Experimental infections with naturally circulating parasite strains show comparable correlation between oocyst density, salivary gland density and sporozoite inoculum”.

      Has now replaced the original phrasing: “Natural infected mosquitoes by gametocyte carriers in Burkina Faso show comparable correlation between oocyst density, salivary gland density and sporozoite inoculum”.

      I do not believe the study results generate sufficient evidence to conclude that lower infection burden in mosquitoes is likely to result in changes to transmission potential in the field. In study limitations section, the authors say "In addition, our quantification of sporozoite inoculum size is informative for comparisons between groups of high and low-infected mosquitoes but does not provide conclusive evidence on the likelihood of achieving secondary infections. Given striking differences in sporozoite burden between different Plasmodium species - low sporozoite densities appear considerably more common in mosquitoes infected with P. yoelii and P. berghei the association between sporozoite inoculum and the likelihood of achieving secondary infections may be best examined in controlled human infection studies. However, in the abstract conclusion the authors state "Whilst sporozoite expelling was regularly observed from mosquitoes with low infection burdens, our findings indicate that mosquito infection burden is associated with the number of expelled sporozoites and may need to be considered in estimations of transmission potential." Kindly consider ending the sentence at "expelled sporozoites." Future studies on CHMI can be recommended as a conclusion if authors feel fit.

      We agree that we need to be very cautious with conclusions on the impact of our findings for the infectious reservoir. We have rephrased parts of our abstract and have updated the Discussion section following the reviewer suggestions. We agree with the reviewer that CHMI studies are recommended and have expanded the Discussion section to make this clearer. The sentence in the abstract now ends as:

      "Whilst sporozoite expelling was regularly observed from mosquitoes with low infection burdens, our findings indicate that mosquito infection burden is associated with the number of expelled sporozoites. Future work is required to determine the direct implications of these findings for transmission potential."

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      • Prevalence data shown in Fig 2A and Table S1 are different. For example, >50K at Day 11, Fig 2A shows ~85% prevalence, but Table S1 says 100%. If the prevalence in Table S1 shows a proportion of observations with positive expelled sporozoites (instead of a proportion of positive mosquitoes shown in Fig 2A), then the prevalence for <1K at Day 11 cannot be 6.7% (either 0 or 20% as there were a total of 5 observations). So in either case, it is not clear why the numbers shown in Fig 2A and Table S1 are different.

      Figure 2A and Table S2 are estimated prevalence and odds ratios from an additive logistic regression model (i.e. excluding the interaction between day and sporozoite categories). Table S1 includes this interaction when estimating prevalence and odds ratios and as we can see some categories in the interaction were extremely small resulting in blown up confidence intervals especially in day 11. So Table S1 and Fig 2A are the results from two different models. Whilst our results are thus correct, we can understand the confusion and have added a sentence to explain the model used in the figure/table legends.

      Figure. 2 Extrinsic Incubation Period in high versus low infected mosquitoes. A. Total sporozoites (SPZ) per mosquito in body plus salivary glands (x-axis) were binned by infection load <1k; 1k-10k; 10k-50k; >50k and plotted against the proportion of mosquitoes (%) that were sporozoite positive (y-axis) as estimated from an additive logistic regression model with factors day and SPZ categories. Supplementary Table S1. The extrinsic incubation period of P. falciparum in An. stephensi estimated by quantification of sporozoites on day 9, 10, 11 by qPCR. Based on infection intensity mosquitoes were binned into four categories (<1k, 1k-10k, 10k-50k, >50) that was assessed by combining sporozoite densities in the mosquito body and salivary gland. Prevalences and odds ratios were estimated from a logistic regression model with factors day, SPZ category and their interaction.

      There are 3 typos in the paper. Please fix them.

      Line 464; ...were counted using a using an incident....

      Line 473; Supplementary Figure 7 should be Fig S8.

      Line 508: ...between days 9 and 10 using a (t=-2.0467)....

      We appreciate the rigour in reviewing our text and have corrected all typos.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      High infection burdens may result in earlier expelling capacity in mosquitoes, which would reflect more accurately the EIP. The fact that earlier colonization of SG and correlation between SG burden and numbers expelled suggest it could be the case, but it would be interesting to directly measure the prevalence of expelling over time to directly assess the effect of the sporozoite burden (not just at day 15 but before). This could reveal how the parasite burden in mosquitoes is a determinant of transmission.

      We appreciate this suggestion and will consider this for future experiments. It adds another variable that is highly relevant but will also complicate comparisons where sporozoite expelling is related to both time since infectious blood meal and salivary gland sporozoite density (that is also dependent on time since infectious bloodmeal). Moreover, we then consider it important to measure this over the entire duration of sporozoite expelling, including late time-points post infectious bloodmeal. This may form part of a follow-up study.

      Another question is whether all sporozoites (among expelled parasites) are equally infective, i.e. susceptible to induce secondary infection. If not, this could reconcile the data of this study and previous results in the rodent model where high burdens were associated with an increased probability to transmit.

      As also indicated above, we are aware of a single study that assessed NF54 sporozoite infectivity on different days post infection (days 12-13-14-15-16-18) and observed no clear differences in ‘per sporozoite hepatocyte invasion capacity’ over this period (DOI: 10.1111/cmi.12745). We nevertheless agree that it is conceivable that sporozoites require maturation in the salivary glands and might not all be equally infectious. While hepatocyte invasion experiments are conducted with bulk harvesting of all the sporozoites that are present in the salivary glands, it would even be more interesting to assess the invasion capacity of the smaller population of sporozoites that migrate to the proboscis to be expelled. This would, as the reviewer will appreciate, be a major endeavour. To do this well the expelled sporozoites would need to be harvested from the salivary glands/proboscis and used in the best and most natural environment for invasion. The suggested work would thus depend on the availability of primary hepatocytes since conventional cell-lines like HC-04 are likely to underestimate sporozoite invasion. Importantly, there are currently no opportunities to include the barrier of the skin environment in invasion assays whilst this may be highly important in determining the likelihood that sporozoites manage to achieve invasion and give rise to secondary infections. In short, we agree with the reviewer that these experiments are of interest but consider these well beyond the scope of the current work. We have added a section to the Discussion section to highlight these future avenues for research. ‘Of note, our assessments of EIP and of sporozoite expelling did not confirm the viability of sporozoites. Whilst the infectivity of sporozoites at different time-points post infection has been examine previously (ref), these experiments have never been conducted with individual mosquito salivary glands. To add to this complexity, such experiments would ideally retain the skin barrier that may be a relevant determinant for invasion capacity and primary hepatocytes.’

      The authors evaluated oocyst rupture at day 18, i.e. 3 days after feeding experiments (performed at day 15). Did they check in control experiments that the prevalence of rupture oocysts does not vary between day 15 and day 18?

      We did not do this and consider it very unlikely that there is a noticeable increase in the number of ruptured oocysts between days 15 and 18. We observe that salivary gland invasion plateaus around day 12 and the provision of a second bloodmeal that is known to accelerate oocyst maturation and rupture (doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1009131) makes it even less likely that a relevant fraction of oocysts ruptures very late. Perhaps most compellingly, the time of oocyst rupture will depend on nutrient availability and rupture could thus occur later for oocysts from a heavily infected gut compared to oocysts from mosquitoes with a low infection burden. We observe a very strong association between salivary gland sporozoite density (day 15) and oocyst density (assessed at day 18) without any evidence for change in the number of sporozoites per oocyst for different oocyst densities. In our revised manuscript we have also assessed correlations for different ranges of oocyst intensities and see highly consistent correlation coefficients and find no evidence for a change in ‘slope’. If oocyst rupture would regularly happen between days 15 and 18 and this late rupture would be more common in heavily infected mosquitoes, we would expect this to affect the associations presented in figures 3B and 4C This is not the case.

      The authors report higher sporozoite numbers per oocyst and a higher proportion of SG invasion as compared to previous studies (30-50% rather than 20%). How do they explain these differences? Is it due to the detection method and/or second blood meal? Or parasite species?

      We were also intrigued by these findings in light of existing literature. To address potential discrepancies, it is indeed possible that the 2nd bloodmeal made a difference. In addition, NF54 is known to be a highly efficient parasite in terms of gametocyte formation and transmission. And there are marked differences in these performances between NF54 isolates and definitely between NF54 and its clone 3D7 that is regularly used. We also used a molecular assay to detect and quantify sporozoites but consider it less likely that this is a major factor in terms of explaining SG invasion since sporozoite densities were typically within the range that would be detected by microscopy. We can only hypothesize that the 2nd bloodmeal may have contributed to these findings and acknowledge this in the revised Discussion section.

      The median numbers of expelled sporozoites seem to be higher in the natural gametocyte infection experiments as compared to the cultures. Is it due to the mosquito species (An. coluzzii versus An. stephensi?).

      The added value of our field experiments, a more relevant mosquito species and more relevant parasite isolates, is also a weakness in terms of understanding possible differences between in vitro experiments and field experiments with naturally circulating parasite strains. We only conclude that our in vitro experiments do not over-estimate sporozoite expelling by using a highly receptive mosquito source and artificially high gametocyte densities. We have clarified this in the revised Discussion.

      39% of sporozoite-positive mosquitoes failed to expel, irrespective of infection densities. Could the authors discuss possible explanations for this observation?

      In paragraph 304-307 we now write that:” This finding broadly aligns with an earlier study of Medica and Sinnis that reported that 22% of P. yoelii infected mosquitoes failed to expel sporozoites. For highly infected mosquitoes, this inefficient expelling has been related to a decrease of apyrase in the mosquito saliva”.

      In Figure 3, it would be interesting to zoom in the 0-1k window, below the apparent threshold for successful expelling.

      We have generated correlation estimates for different ranges of oocyst and sporozoite densities and added these in Supplementary Table 5. We agree that this helps the reader to appreciate the contribution of different ranges of parasite burden to the observed associations.

      In Fig S8. Did they observe intact oocysts with fixed samples? These could be shown as well in the figure.

      We have incorporated this comment. An intact oocyst from fixed samples was now added to Fig S10.

      Minor points

      -line 119: LOD and LOQ could be defined here.

      We agree that this should have been defined. We changed line 119 to explain LOD and LOQ to: …“the limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ)”….

      • line 126: the title does not reflect the content of this paragraph.

      We have changed the title: “Immunolabeling allows quantification of ruptured oocysts ”into: A comparative analysis of oocyst densities using mercurochrome staining and anti-CSP immunostaining.

      -line 269: infectivity is not appropriate. The data show colonization of SG.

      Line 269: infectivity has been changed with colonization of salivary glands.

      There seems to be a problem with Fig S6. The graph seems to be the same as Fig 3C. Please check whether the graph and legends are correct.

      Supplementary Figure 6 shows the sporozoite expelling density in relation to infection burden with a threshold set at > 20 sporozoites while Fig 3C shows the total sporozoite density (residual salivary gland sporozoites + sporozoites expelled, X-axis) in relation to the number of expelled sporozoites (Y-axis) by COX-1qPCR without any threshold density. We have explained this in more detail in the revised supplemental figure where we now state

      “Of note, this figure differs from Figure 3C in the main text in the following manner. This figure presents sporozoite expelling density in relation to infection burden with a threshold set at > 20 sporozoites to conclude sporozoite positivity while Figure 3C shows the total sporozoite density (residual salivary gland sporozoites + sporozoites expelled, X-axis) in relation to the number of expelled sporozoites (Y-axis) by COX-1 qPCR without any threshold density and thus includes all observations with a qPCR signal”

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Congratulations to the authors for the really excellently designed and rigorously conducted studies.

      My main concern is in regards to the relatively high oocyst numbers in their experimental mosquitoes (from both sources of gametocytes) compared to what has been reported from wild-caught mosquitoes in previous studies in Burkina Faso.

      We have addressed this concern above. For completeness, we include the main points here again. We enriched gametocytes for efficiency reasons, experiments on gametocytes at physiological concentrations would have resulted in a lower oocyst density (and thus more ‘natural’ although a minority of individuals achieves very high oocyst densities in all studies that included a broad range of oocyst densities (e.g. doi: 10.1016/j.exppara.2014.12.010; doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(18)30044-6). Of note, we did include 15 skins from low oocyst densities (1-4 oocysts). Whilst low oocyst densities were thus not very uncommon in our sample set, we acknowledge that this may have rendered some comparisons underpowered. At the same time, we observe a strong positive trend between oocyst density and sporozoite density and between salivary gland sporozoite density and mosquito inoculum. This makes it very likely that this trend is also present at lower oocyst densities, an association where sporozoite inoculation saturates at high densities is plausible and has been observed before for rodent malaria (DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008181) whilst we consider it less likely that sporozoite expelling would be more efficient at low (unmeasured) sporozoite densities. In the revised manuscript we have also performed our analysis including only the subset of mosquitoes with low oocyst burden.

      The best way to address this would be to do comparable artificial skin-feeding experiments on such wild-caught mosquitoes, but I appreciate that this is very difficult to do.

      This would indeed by difficult to do. Mostly because infection status can only be examined post-hoc and it is likely that >95% of mosquitoes are sporozoite negative at the moment experiments are conducted (in many settings this will even be >99%). Importantly, also in wild-caught mosquitoes very high oocyst burdens are observed in a small but relevant subset of mosquitoes (doi: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2020.05.012).

      Instead, I would suggest the authors conduct addition analysis of their data using different cut-offs for maximum oocyst numbers (e.g. <5, <10, <20) to determine if these correlations hold across the entire range of observed oocyst sheets and salivary gland sporozoite load.

      We have provided these calculations for the proposed range of oocyst numbers. In addition, we also provided them for a range of sporozoite densities. These findings are now provided in

      Entire range of observed oocyst sheets and salivary gland sporozoite load. A minor point on the regression lines in Figures 3 & 4: both variables in these plots have inherent variation (measurement & natural), but regression techniques such as reduced major exit regression (MAR) that allow error in both x and y variables may be preferable to a standard lines regression. Also, as it is implausible that mosquitoes with zero sporozoite in salivary glands expel several hundred sporozoites at feeding, the regression should probably also be constrained to pass through the 0,0 point.

      Since the main priority of the analyses is the correlation, and not the fit of the regression line – which is only for indication, and also because of the availability of software, we did not change the type of regression. We have however added a disclaimer to the legend, and we have also forced the intercept to 0 – which does indeed better reflect the biological association. Additionally we added 95% confidence intervals to all Spearman’s correlation coefficients in the legends.

    1. Author Response

      Responses to public reviews

      Reviewer 1

      We thank the reviewer for the valuable and constructive comments and are pleased that the re-viewer finds our study timely and our behavioral results clear.

      1) The RSA basically asks on the lowest level, whether neural activation patterns (as measured by EEG) are more similar between linked events compared to non-linked events. At least this is the first question that should be asked. However, on page 11 the authors state: "We ex-amined insight-induced effects on neural representations for linked events [...]". Hence, the critical analysis reported in the manuscript fully ignores the non-linked events and their neu-ral activation patterns. However, the non-linked events are a critical control. If the reported effects do not differ between linked and non-linked events, there is no way to claim that the effects are due to experimental manipulation - neither imagination nor observation. Hence, instead of immediately reporting on group differences (sham vs. control) in a two-way in-teraction (pre vs. post X imagination vs. observation), the authors should check (and re-port) first, whether the critical experimental manipulation had any effect on the similarity of neural activation patterns in the first place.

      We completely agree that the non-link items are a critical control. Therefore, we had reported not only the results for linked but also for non-linked events on page 15, lines 336-350. We clarified this important point now on page 12 lines 283-286:

      “Subsequently, we examined insight-induced effects on neural representations for linked (vs. non-linked) events by comparing the change from pre- to post-insight (post-pre) and the difference between imagination and observation (imagination - observation) between cTBS and sham groups using an independent cluster-based permutation t-test.”

      Moreover, to directly compare linked and non-linked events we performed a four-way in-teraction including link vs. non-link. This analysis yielded a significant four-way interaction, showing that the interaction of time (pre vs. post), mode of insight (imagination vs. obser-vation) and cTBS differed for linked vs. non-linked items. We then report the follow-up analyses, separately for linked and non-linked events. Please see pages 12-13, lines 287-294:

      “First, we included the within-subject factors time (pre vs. post), mode of insight (imagina-tion vs. observation) and link (vs. non-link) by calculating the difference waves. Subse-quently we conducted a cluster-based permutation test comparing the cTBS and the sham groups. This analysis yielded a four-way interaction within a negative cluster in a fronto-temporal region (electrode: FT7; p = 0.007, ci-range = 0.00, SD = 0.00). This result indicates that the impact of cTBS over the angular gyrus on the neural pattern reconfiguration follow-ing imagination- vs. observation-based insight may differ between linked and non-linked events. For linked events, this analysis yielded a […]”

      2) Overall, the focus on the targeted three-way interaction is poorly motivated. Also, a func-tional interpretation is largely missing.

      In order to better explain our motivation for the three-way interaction, we em-phasized in the introduction the importance of disentangling potential differences due to the mode of insight, given the known role of the angular gyrus in imagination on pages 4-5, lines 107-115:

      “Considering this involvement of the angular gyrus in imaginative processes, we expected that the effect of cTBS on the change in representational similarity from pre- to post-insight will differ based on the mode of insight – whether this insight was gained via imagination or observation. Specifically, we expected a more pronounced impairment in the neural recon-figurations when insight is gained via imagination, as this function may depend more on an-gular gyrus recruitment than insight gained via observation. Additionally, we expected cTBS to the left angular gyrus to interfere with the increase in neural similarity for linked events and with the decrease of neural similarity for non-linked event.”

      As discussed on page 21 (starting from line 478; see also the intro on page 4), we expected that the angular gyrus would be particularly implicated in imagination-based insight, given its known role in imagination (e.g.: Thakral et al., 2017). Moreover, given the angular gyrus’s strong connectivity with other regions, the results observed may not be driven by this re-gion alone but also by interconnected regions, such as the hippocampus. We clarified these important points at the very end of the discussion on pages 23-24, lines 543-560:

      “Furthermore, the differential impact of cTBS to the angular gyrus on neural reconfigura-tions between events linked via imagination and those linked via observation may be at-tributed to its crucial role in imaginative processes (Ramanan et al., 2018; Thakral et al., 2017). Another intriguing aspect to consider is that the stimulated site was situated in the more ventral portion of the angular gyrus, recognized for its stronger connectivity to the episodic hippocampal memory system in contrast to its more dorsal counterpart (Seghier, 2013; Uddin et al., 2010). This stronger connectivity between the ventral angular gyrus and the hippocampus may shed light on the greater impact of cTBS to the angular gyrus on im-agination-based insight. Given the angular gyrus’s robust connectivity with other brain re-gions, including the hippocampus (Seghier, 2013), it is plausible that the observed changes might not solely stem from alterations within the angular gyrus itself, but could also origi-nate from these interconnected regions. This notion may bear particular importance given the required accessibility to the hippocampus during imaginative processes (Benoit & Schacter, 2015; Grob et al., 2023a; Zeidman & Maguire, 2016). Interactions between the an-gular gyrus and the hippocampus may give rise to rich memory representations (Ramanan et al., 2018). In line with this, recent studies have demonstrated that cTBS to the angular gy-rus resulted in enhanced hippocampal connectivity and improved associative memory (Hermiller et al., 2019; Tambini et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2014).”

      3) "Interestingly, we observed a different pattern of insight-related representational pattern changes for non-linked events." It is not sufficient to demonstrate that a given effect is pre-sent in one condition (linked events) but not the other (non-linked events). To claim that there are actually different patterns, the authors would need to compare the critical condi-tions directly (Nieuwenhuis et al., 2011).

      We completely agree and now compared the two conditions directly. Specifical-ly, we now report the significant four-way interaction, including the factor link vs. non-link, before delving into separate analyses for linked and non-linked events on pages 12-13, lines 287-294:

      “First, we included the within-subject factors time (pre vs. post), mode of insight (imagina-tion vs. observation) and link (vs. non-link) by calculating the difference waves. Subse-quently we conducted a cluster-based permutation test comparing the cTBS and the sham groups. This analysis yielded a four-way interaction within a negative cluster in a fronto-temporal region (electrode: FT7; p = 0.007, ci-range = 0.00, SD = 0.00). This result indicates that the impact of cTBS over the angular gyrus on the neural pattern reconfiguration follow-ing imagination- vs. observation-based insight may differ between linked and non-linked events. For linked events, this analysis yielded a […]”

      4) "This analysis yielded a negative cluster (p = 0.032, ci-range = 0.00, SD = 0.00) in the parieto-temporal region (electrodes: T7, Tp7, P7; Fig. 3B)." (p. 11). The authors report results with specificity for certain topographical locations. However, this is in stark contrast to the fact that the authors derived time X time RSA maps.

      We did derive time × time similarity maps for each electrode within each partic-ipant, which allowed us to find a cluster consisting of specific electrodes. We apologize for not making this aspect clear enough and have, therefore, modified the respective part of our methods section on page 38, lines 951-952:

      “In total, this analysis produced eight Representational Dissimilarity Matrices (RDMs) for each electrode and each participant.”

      5) "These theta power values were then combined to create representational feature vectors, which consisted of the power values for four frequencies (4-7 Hz) × 41 time points (0-2 sec-onds) × 64 electrodes. We then calculated Pearson's correlations to compare the power pat-terns across theta frequency between the time points of linked events (A with B), as well as between the time points of non-linked events (A with X) for the pre- and the post-phase separately, separately for stories linked via imagination and via observation. To ensure un-biased results, we took precautions not to correlate the same combination of stories twice, which prevented potential inflation of the data. To facilitate statistical comparisons, we ap-plied a Fisher z-transform to the Pearson's rho values at each time point. This yielded a global measure of similarity on each electrode site. We, thus, obtained time × time similarity maps for the linked events (A and B) and the non-linked events (A and X) in the pre- and post-phases, separately for the insight gained through imagination and observation." (p. 34+35).

      If RSA values were calculated at each time point and electrode, the Pearson correlations would have been computed effectively between four samples only, which is by far not enough to derive reliable estimates (Schönbrodt & Perugini, 2013). The problem is aggra-vated by the fact that due to the time and frequency smoothing inherent in the time-frequency decomposition of the EEG data, nearby power values across neighboring theta frequencies are highly similar to start with. (e.g., Schönauer et al., 2017; Sommer et al., 2022).

      Alternative approaches would be to run the correlations across time for each electrode (re-sulting in the elimination of the time dimension) or to run the correlations at each time point across electrodes (resulting in the elimination of topographic specificity).

      At least, the authors should show raw RSA maps for linked and non-linked events in the pre- and post-phases separately for the insight gained through imagination and observa-tion in each group, to allow for assessing the suitability of the input data (in the supple-ments?) before progressing to reporting the results of three-way interactions.

      Although we do see the reviewer’s point, we think that an RSA specific to the theta range yielding electrode specific time × time similarity maps must be run this way, otherwise, as you pointed out, one or the other dimension is compromised. Running an RSA across time for each electrode will lead to computing a similarity measure between the events without information on when these stimuli become more or less similar, thereby ig-noring the temporal dynamics crucial to EEG data and not taking advantage of the high temporal resolution. Conversely, conducting an RSA across electrodes might result in an overall similarity measure per participant, disregarding the spatial distribution and potential variations among electrodes. Although EEG has limited spatial resolution, different elec-trodes can capture differences that may aid in understanding neural processing. However, as suggested by the reviewer, we included the raw RSA maps for linked and non-linked events separately for pre- and post-phases, imagination and observation and link and non-link in the supplement and refer to these data in the results section on pages 12-13, lines 293-295:

      “For linked events, this analysis yielded a negative cluster (p = 0.032, ci-range = 0.00, SD = 0.00) in the parieto-temporal region (electrodes: T7, Tp7, P7; Fig. 3B; Figure 3 – Figure sup-plement 1).”

      And on page 15, lines 339-341:

      “This analysis yielded a positive cluster (p = 0.035, ci-range = 0.00, SD = 0.00) in a fronto-temporal region (electrode: FT7; Fig. 3C; Figure 3 – Figure supplement 2).”

      Reviewer 2

      We thank the reviewer for the very helpful and constructive comments and appreciate that the reviewer finds our study relevant to all areas of cognitive research.

      1) While the observed memory reconfiguration/changes are attributed to the angular gyrus in this study, it remains unclear whether these effects are solely a result of the AG's role in re-configuration processes or to what extent the hippocampus might also mediate these memory effects (e.g., Tambini et al., 2018; Hermiller et al., 2019).

      We agree that, in addition to the critical role of the angular gyrus, there may be an involvement of the hippocampus. We point now explicitly to the modulatory capacities of angular gyrus stimulation on the hippocampus. Please see page 4, lines 81-88:

      “One promising candidate that may contribute to insight-driven memory reconfiguration is the angular gyrus. The angular gyrus has extensive structural and functional connections to many other brain regions (Petit et al., 2023), including the hippocampus (Coughlan et al., 2023; Uddin et al., 2010). Accordingly, previous studies have shown that stimulation of the angular gyrus resulted in altered hippocampal activity (Thakral et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2014). Furthermore, the angular gyrus has been implicated in a myriad of cognitive func-tions, including mental arithmetic, visuospatial processing, inhibitory control, and theory-of-mind (Cattaneo et al., 2009; Grabner et al., 2009; Lewis et al., 2019; Schurz et al., 2014).”

      We further added a new paragraph to the discussion pointing at the possibility that not solely the angular gyrus but another brain region, such as the hippocampus, may have me-diated the changes observed in our study on pages 23-24, lines 546-562:

      “Another intriguing aspect to consider is that the stimulated site was situated in the more ventral portion of the angular gyrus, recognized for its stronger connectivity to the episodic hippocampal memory system in contrast to its more dorsal counterpart (Seghier, 2013; Ud-din et al., 2010). This stronger connectivity between the ventral angular gyrus and the hip-pocampus may shed light on the greater impact of cTBS to the angular gyrus on imagination-based insight. Given the angular gyrus’s robust connectivity with other brain regions, includ-ing the hippocampus (Seghier, 2013), it is plausible that the observed changes might not solely stem from alterations within the angular gyrus itself, but could also originate from these interconnected regions. This notion may bear particular importance given the re-quired accessibility to the hippocampus during imaginative processes (Benoit & Schacter, 2015; Grob et al., 2023a; Zeidman & Maguire, 2016). Interactions between the angular gyrus and the hippocampus may give rise to rich memory representations (Ramanan et al., 2018). In line with this, recent studies have demonstrated that cTBS to the angular gyrus resulted in enhanced hippocampal connectivity and improved associative memory (Hermiller et al., 2019; Tambini et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2014). However, it should be noted that our study detected impaired associative memory following cTBS to the angular gyrus.”

      2) Another weakness in this manuscript is the use of different groups of participants for the key TMS intervention, along with underspecified or incomplete hypotheses/predictions.

      In our view, the chosen between-subjects design is to be preferred over a crossover design for several reasons. First, our choice aimed to eliminate potential se-quence effects that may have adversely affected performance in the narrative-insight task (NIT). Second, this approach ensured consistency in expectations regarding the story links while also mitigating potential differences induced by fatigue. Additionally, we accounted for the potential advantage of a within-subject design – the stimulation of the same brain – by utilizing neuro-navigated TMS for targeting the stimulation coordinate. Finally, it is im-portant to note that we measured the event representations pre- and post-insight and that also the mode of insight was manipulated within-subject. Thus, our design did include a within-subject component and we are convinced that the chosen paradigm balances the different strengths and weaknesses of within-subject and between-subjects designs in the best possible manner. We specified our rationale for choosing a between-subjects ap-proach in the introduction on page 5, lines 122-126:

      “We intentionally adopted a mixed design, combining both between-subjects and within-subject methodologies. The between-subjects approach was chosen to minimize the risk of carry-over effects and sequence biases. Simultaneously, we capitalized on the advantages of a within-subject design by altering the pre- to post-insight comparison and the mode of insight (imagination vs. observation) within each participant.”

      Moreover, to provide a comprehensive portrayal of the two groups, we incorporated de-scriptions concerning trait and state variables alongside age and motor thresholds and in-cluded t-test comparisons between these variables on page 7, lines 157-160:

      “Notably, the groups did not differ on levels of subjective chronic stress (TICS), state and trait anxiety (STAI-S, STAI-T), depressive mood (BDI), imaginative capacities (FFIS), person-ality dimensions (BFI), age, and motor thresholds (for descriptive statistics see Table 1; all p > 0.053).”

      And further included age and motor thresholds as control variables in Table 1 on page 18, lines 402-404:

      “Overall, levels of subjective chronic stress, anxiety, and depressive mood were relatively low and not different between groups. The groups did further not differ in terms of per-sonality traits, imagination capacity, age or motor thresholds (all p > 0.053; see Table 1).”

      For greater precision in outlining our hypotheses, we specified these at the end of the in-troduction on pages 4-55, lines 107-118:

      “Considering this involvement of the angular gyrus in imaginative processes, we expected that the effect of cTBS on the change in representational similarity from pre- to post-insight will differ based on the mode of insight – whether this insight was gained via imagination or observation. Specifically, we expected a more pronounced impairment in the neural recon-figurations when insight is gained via imagination, as this function may depend more on an-gular gyrus recruitment than insight gained via observation. Additionally, we expected cTBS to the left angular gyrus to interfere with the increase in neural similarity for linked events and with the decrease of neural similarity for non-linked events. We further predicted that cTBS to the left angular gyrus would reduce the impact of (imagination-based) insight into the link of initially unrelated events on memory performance during free recall, given its higher variability compared to other memory measures.”

      3) Furthermore, in some instances, the types of analyses used do not appear to be suitable for addressing the questions posed by the current study, and there is limited explanation pro-vided for the choice of analyses and questionnaires.

      We addressed this concern by inserting a new section “control variables” in the methods explaining our rationale for employing the different questionnaires as control var-iables on pages 40-41, lines 1003-1019:

      “Control variables In order to ensure that the observed effects were solely attributable to the TMS manipula-tion and not influenced by other factors, we comprehensively evaluated several trait and state variables. To account for potential variations in anxiety levels that could impact our re-sults, we specifically measured state and trait anxiety using STAI-S and STAI-T (Laux et al., 1981), thus minimizing the potential confounding effects of anxiety on our findings (Char-pentier et al., 2021). Additionally, we evaluated participants’ chronic stress levels using the TICS (Schulz & Schlotz, 1999) to exclude any group variations that might explain the effect on memory, cosidering the well-established impact of stress on memory (Sandi & Pinelo-Nava, 2007; Schwabe et al., 2012). Moreover, we assessed participants’ depressive symp-toms employing the BDI (Hautzinger et al., 2006), to guarantee group comparability on this clinical measure. We further assessed fundamental personality dimensions using the BFI-2 (Danner et al., 2016) to exclude any potential group discrepancies that could account for dif-ferences observed. Lastly, we assessed participants’ imaginative capacities using the FFIS (Zabelina & Condon, 2019), to ensure uniformity across groups regarding this central varia-ble, considering the significant role of imagination in relation to the cTBS-targeted angular gyrus (Thakral et al., 2017).”

      We further specified why we chose to analyze our behavioral data using LMMs on page 34, lines 849-85:

      “For our behavioral analyses we opted to employ linear-mixed models (LMM), given their high robustness regarding the underlying distribution and high sensitivity to individual varia-tion (Pinheiro & Bates, 2000; Schielzeth et al., 2020).”

      Moreover, we added an explanation on why we opted for the RSA approach in the meth-ods section on page 37, lines 920-923:

      “This method is ideally suited to measure neural representation changes and was specifical-ly chosen as it has been previously identified as the preferred approach for quantifying in-sight-induced neural changes (Grob et al., 2023b; Milivojevic et al., 2015).”

      To clarify on the rationale behind our coherence analysis, we incorporated an explanatory sentence in the methods section on page 39, lines 966-967:

      “Due to the robust connectivity between the angular gyrus and other brain regions (Petit et al., 2023; Seghier, 2013), we proceeded with a connectivity analysis as a next step.”

      Reviewer 3

      We thank the reviewer for the constructive and very helpful comments. We are pleased that the reviewer considered our experimental design to be strong and our behavioral results to be striking.

      1) My major criticism relates to the main claim of the paper regarding causality between the angular gyrus and the authors' behavior of interest. Specifically, I am not convinced by the evidence that the effects of stimulation noted in the paper are attributable specifically to the angular gyrus, and not other regions/networks.

      While our results showed specific changes after cTBS over the angular gyrus, demonstrating a causal involvement of the angular gyrus in these effects, we completely agree that this does not rule out an involvement of additional areas. In particular, there is evidence suggesting that cTBS over parietal regions, such as the angular gyrus, could poten-tially influence hippocampal functioning. We address this issue now in a new paragraph that we have added to the discussion, on pages 23-24, lines 546-564:

      “Another intriguing aspect to consider is that the stimulated site was situated in the more ventral portion of the angular gyrus, recognized for its stronger connectivity to the episodic hippocampal memory system in contrast to its more dorsal counterpart (Seghier, 2013; Ud-din et al., 2010). This stronger connectivity between the ventral angular gyrus and the hip-pocampus may shed light on the greater impact of cTBS to the angular gyrus on imagination-based insight. Given the angular gyrus’s robust connectivity with other brain regions, includ-ing the hippocampus (Seghier, 2013), it is plausible that the observed changes might not solely stem from alterations within the angular gyrus itself, but could also originate from these interconnected regions. This notion may bear particular importance given the re-quired accessibility to the hippocampus during imaginative processes (Benoit & Schacter, 2015; Grob et al., 2023a; Zeidman & Maguire, 2016). Interactions between the angular gyrus and the hippocampus may give rise to rich memory representations (Ramanan et al., 2018). In line with this, recent studies have demonstrated that cTBS to the angular gyrus resulted in enhanced hippocampal connectivity and improved associative memory (Hermiller et al., 2019; Tambini et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2014). However, it should be noted that our study detected impaired associative memory following cTBS to the angular gyrus. Expanding upon this idea, it is conceivable that targeting a more dorsal segment of the angular gyrus might exert a stronger influence on observation-based linking – an aspect that warrants future in-vestigations.”

      Responses to reviewer recommendations

      Reviewer 1

      1) On page 26, the authors write: "[...] different video events (A, B, and X) were recalled from day one [...]". I may have missed this point, but I had the impression that the task was con-ducted within one day.

      Indeed, this study was conducted within a single day. We rephrased the respec-tive statement accordingly. Please see page 7, lines 149-153:

      “To test this hypothesis and the causal role of the angular gyrus in insight-related memory reconfigurations, we combined the life-like video-based narrative-insight task (NIT) with representational similarity analysis of EEG data and (double-blind) neuro-navigated TMS over the left angular gyrus in a comprehensive investigation within a single day.”

      We further included this information in the methods section on page 27, lines 634-635:

      “In total, the experiment took about 4.5 hours per participant and was completed within a single day. ”

      Reviewer 2

      1) There is a substantial disconnection between the introduction and the methods/results sec-tion. One reason is that there is not sufficient detail regarding the hypotheses/predictions and the specific types of analyses chosen to test these hypotheses/predictions. Additionally, it is not explained what comparisons and outcomes would be informative/expected. This should be made clear. Second and related to the above, the rationale for conducting certain types of analyses (correlation, coherence, see below) sometimes is not specified.

      To address this concern, we elaborated on our hypotheses incorporating specif-ic predictions for the free recall, given its higher variability than the other memory measures, and for imagination vs. observation at the end of the introduction on pages 4-5, lines 107-122:

      “Considering this involvement of the angular gyrus in imaginative processes, we expected that the effect of cTBS on the change in representational similarity from pre- to post-insight will differ based on the mode of insight – whether this insight was gained via imagination or observation. Specifically, we expected a more pronounced impairment in the neural recon-figurations when insight is gained via imagination, as this function may depend more on an-gular gyrus recruitment than insight gained via observation. Additionally, we expected cTBS to the left angular gyrus to interfere with the increase in neural similarity for linked events and with the decrease of neural similarity for non-linked events. We further predicted that cTBS to the left angular gyrus would reduce the impact of (imagination-based) insight into the link of initially unrelated events on memory performance during free recall, given its higher variability compared to other memory measures. Considering the high connectivity profile of the angular gyrus within the brain (Seghier, 2013), we conducted an EEG connec-tivity analysis building upon prior findings concerning alterations in neural reconfigurations. To establish a link between neural and behavioral findings, we chose a correlational ap-proach to relate observations from these two domains.”

      Moreover, we made our rationale for the employed analyses more explicit and specified why we chose to analyze our behavioral data using LMMs on page 34, lines 849-851:

      “For our behavioral analyses we opted to employ linear-mixed models (LMM), given their high robustness regarding the underlying distribution and high sensitivity to individual varia-tion (Pinheiro & Bates, 2000; Schielzeth et al., 2020).”

      Moreover, we added an explanation on why we opted for the RSA approach in the meth-ods section on page 37, lines 920-923:

      “This method is ideally suited to measure neural representation changes and was specifical-ly chosen as it has been previously identified as the preferred approach for quantifying in-sight-induced neural changes (Grob et al., 2023b; Milivojevic et al., 2015).”

      To clarify on the rationale behind our coherence analysis, we incorporated an explanatory sentence in the methods section on page 39, lines 966-967:

      “Due to the robust connectivity between the angular gyrus and other brain regions (Petit et al., 2023; Seghier, 2013), we proceeded with a connectivity analysis as a next step.”

      2) The authors suggest that besides Branzi et al. (2021), this is one of the first studies showing that memory update is linked to the AG. I suggest having a look at work from Tambini, Nee, & D'Esposito, 2018, JoCN, and other papers from Joel Voss' group that target a similar re-gion of AG/Inferior parietal cortex. Many studies, using multiple TMS protocols, have now shown this brain region is causally involved in episodic and associative memory encoding.

      As mentioned above, further consideration of this literature is important as it delves into the region's hippocampal connectivity (and other network properties), and how that mediates the memory effects. Indeed because of the nature of the methods employed in this study, we do not know if the memory-related behavioural effects are due to TMS-changes induced at the AG's versus the hippocampal' s level, or both. How do the current findings square with the existing TMS effects from this region? Can the connectivity profile of the target re-gion highlighted by previous studies provide further insight into how the current behaviour-al effect arises? Some comments on this could be added to the discussion.

      We completely agree that the other studies showing enhanced associative memory after TMS to parietal regions need to be addressed. Therefore, we updated the discussion on page 20, lines 449-453:

      “Interestingly, recent work has additionally indicated that targeting parietal regions with TMS led to alterations in hippocampal functional connectivity, thereby enhancing associa-tive memory (Nilakantan et al., 2017; Tambini et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2014), potentially shedding light on the underlying mechanisms involved.”

      Moreover, we included a section specifically addressing the possibility that the effects ob-served may pertain to having modulated other regions via the targeted region and updated the discussion on pages 23-24, lines 543-562:

      “Furthermore, the differential impact of cTBS to the angular gyrus on neural reconfigura-tions between events linked via imagination and those linked via observation may be at-tributed to its crucial role in imaginative processes (Ramanan et al., 2018; Thakral et al., 2017). Another intriguing aspect to consider is that the stimulated site was situated in the more ventral portion of the angular gyrus, recognized for its stronger connectivity to the episodic hippocampal memory system in contrast to its more dorsal counterpart (Seghier, 2013; Uddin et al., 2010). This stronger connectivity between the ventral angular gyrus and the hippocampus may shed light on the greater impact of cTBS to the angular gyrus on im-agination-based insight. Given the angular gyrus’s robust connectivity with other brain re-gions, including the hippocampus (Seghier, 2013), it is plausible that the observed changes might not solely stem from alterations within the angular gyrus itself, but could also origi-nate from these interconnected regions. This notion may bear particular importance given the required accessibility to the hippocampus during imaginative processes (Benoit & Schacter, 2015; Grob et al., 2023a; Zeidman & Maguire, 2016). Interactions between the an-gular gyrus and the hippocampus may give rise to rich memory representations (Ramanan et al., 2018). In line with this, recent studies have demonstrated that cTBS to the angular gy-rus resulted in enhanced hippocampal connectivity and improved associative memory (Hermiller et al., 2019; Tambini et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2014). However, it should be noted that our study detected impaired associative memory following cTBS to the angular gyrus.”

      3) Another comment I have regards the results observed for the observation vs imagination insight conditions. The authors mention that the 'changes in representational similarity for the observation condition should be interpreted with caution, as these seemingly opposite changes appeared to be at least in part driven by group differences already in the pre-phase before participants gained insight.' I wonder what these group differences are and whether the authors have any hypothesis about what factors determined them.

      We could only speculate about the basis of the observed pre-insight phase dif-ferences. However, we provide now the raw RSA data as supplemental material to make the pattern of the (raw) RSA findings in the pre- and post-insight phases more transparent. We refer the interested reader to this material on pages 12-13, lines 293 to 295:

      “For linked events, this analysis yielded a negative cluster (p = 0.032, ci-range = 0.00, SD = 0.00) in the parieto-temporal region (electrodes: T7, Tp7, P7; Fig. 3B; Figure 3 – Figure sup-plement 1).”

      And on page 15, lines 339-341:

      “This analysis yielded a positive cluster (p = 0.035, ci-range = 0.00, SD = 0.00) in a fronto-temporal region (electrode: FT7; Fig. 3C; Figure 3 – Figure supplement 2).”

      Furthermore, the age of participants is not reported separately for the two groups (cTBS to AG vs Sham), I think. This should be reported including a t-test showing that the two groups have the same age.

      We agree and report now explicitly that groups did not significantly differ in rel-evant control variables including age. Please see page 7, lines 157-160:

      “Notably, the groups did not differ on levels of subjective chronic stress (TICS), state and trait anxiety (STAI-S, STAI-T), depressive mood (BDI), imaginative capacities (FFIS), person-ality dimensions (BFI), age, and motor thresholds (for descriptive statistics see Table 1; all p > 0.053).”

      And further included age and motor thresholds as control variables in Table 1 on page 18, lines 402-412:

      “Overall, levels of subjective chronic stress, anxiety, and depressive mood were relatively low and not different between groups. The groups did further not differ in terms of per-sonality traits, imagination capacity, age or motor thresholds (all p > 0.053; see Table 1).”

      The fact this study is not a within-subject design makes difficult the interpretation of the results and this should be recognised as an important limitation of the study.

      As outlined above, a within-subject design would in our view come with several disadvantages, such as significant sequence/carry-over effects. Moreover, the neural rep-resentation change was measured in a pre-post design, enabling us to measure the insight-driven neural reconfiguration at the individual level.

      We clarify our rationale for the between-subjects factor TMS in the introduction on page 5, lines 122-126:

      “We intentionally adopted a mixed design, combining both between-subjects and within-subject methodologies. The between-subjects approach was chosen to minimize the risk of carry-over effects and sequence biases. Simultaneously, we capitalized on the advantages of a within-subject design by altering the pre- to post-insight comparison and the mode of insight (imagination vs. observation) within each participant.”

      Furthermore, we included our rationale for choosing a between-subjects approach for the crucial TMS manipulation in the methods section on page 25, lines 601-604:

      “We implemented a mixed-design including the within-subject factors link (linked vs. non-linked events), session (pre- vs. post-link), and mode (imagination vs. observation) as well as the between-subjects factor group (cTBS to the angular gyrus vs. sham) to mitigate the risk of carry-over effects and sequence biases of the crucial cTBS manipulation.”

      4) The angular gyrus is a heterogeneous region with multiple graded subregions. The one tar-geted in the present study is the ventral AG which has strong connections with the episodic-hippocampal memory system. I was wondering if this might explain why the AG TMS ef-fects on representational changes have been observed for events linked via imagination but not direct observation. Perhaps the stimulation of a more 'visual' AG subregion (see Hum-phreys et al., 2020, Cerebral Cortex) would have resulted in a different (opposite) pattern of results. It would be good to add some comments on this in the discussion.

      We appreciate this interesting perspective offered regarding the potential out-comes of our study, particularly in relation to the activation of a more ventral sub region of the angular gyrus. We incorporated this idea into our discussion, alongside considerations regarding the potential effects of a more dorsal angular gyrus stimulation on observation-based linking. However, caution is warranted recognizing the inherent limitations posed by the precision of TMS manipulations, which is further underscored by our electric field simu-lations, utilizing a 10 mm radius. We included this section in the discussion on pages 23-24, lines 546-569:

      “Another intriguing aspect to consider is that the stimulated site was situated in the more ventral portion of the angular gyrus, recognized for its stronger connectivity to the episodic hippocampal memory system in contrast to its more dorsal counterpart (Seghier, 2013; Ud-din et al., 2010). This stronger connectivity between the ventral angular gyrus and the hip-pocampus may shed light on the greater impact of cTBS to the angular gyrus on imagina-tion-based insight. Given the angular gyrus’s robust connectivity with other brain regions, including the hippocampus (Seghier, 2013), it is plausible that the observed changes might not solely stem from alterations within the angular gyrus itself, but could also originate from these interconnected regions. This notion may bear particular importance given the re-quired accessibility to the hippocampus during imaginative processes (Benoit & Schacter, 2015; Grob et al., 2023a; Zeidman & Maguire, 2016). Interactions between the angular gyrus and the hippocampus may give rise to rich memory representations (Ramanan et al., 2018). In line with this, recent studies have demonstrated that cTBS to the angular gyrus resulted in enhanced hippocampal connectivity and improved associative memory (Hermiller et al., 2019; Tambini et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2014). However, it should be noted that our study detected impaired associative memory following cTBS to the angular gyrus. Expanding upon this idea, it is conceivable that targeting a more dorsal segment of the angular gyrus might exert a stronger influence on observation-based linking – an aspect that warrants future in-vestigations. Yet, while acknowledging the functional heterogeneity within the angular gy-rus (Humphreys et al., 2020), pinpointing specific sub regions via TMS remains challenging due to its limited focal precision at the millimeter level (Deng et al., 2013; Thielscher & Kammer, 2004), as reinforced by our electric field simulations utilizing a 10 mm radius. Hence, drawing definitive conclusions regarding distinct angular gyrus sub regions requires future research employing rigorous checks to assess the focality of their stimulation.”

      5) Regarding the methods section, I have the following specific queries. It is unclear what is the purpose of the coherence and correlation analyses (pages 35, 36). Could the authors pro-vide further clarification on this? These analyses seem not to be mentioned anywhere in the introduction. This should be clarified briefly in the introduction and then in the methods sec-tion. The same for the questionnaires (anxiety, stress, etc): It is unclear the reason for col-lecting this type of data. This should be clarified in the introduction as well.

      We agree, and have updated the introduction as follows on page 5, lines 118-122:

      “Considering the high connectivity profile of the angular gyrus within the brain (Seghier, 2013), we conducted an EEG connectivity analysis building upon findings from the RSA anal-yses concerning alterations in neural reconfigurations. To establish a link between neural and behavioral findings, we chose a correlational approach to relate observations from these two domains.”

      We additionally provided an explanation for including these questionnaires in the introduc-tion on page 5, lines 126-129:

      “To control for any group differences beyond the TMS manipulation, we gathered various control variables through questionnaires, including trait- and state-anxiety, depressive symptoms, chronic stress levels, personality dimensions, and imaginative capacities.”

      Moreover, we elaborated on the underlying rationale guiding our chosen analytical ap-proaches. Therefore, we specified why we chose to analyze our behavioral data using LMMs on page 34, lines 849-851:

      “For our behavioral analyses we opted to employ linear-mixed models (LMM), given their high robustness regarding the underlying distribution and high sensitivity to individual varia-tion (Pinheiro & Bates, 2000; Schielzeth et al., 2020).”

      Furthermore, we added an explanation on why we opted for the RSA approach in the methods section on page 37, lines 920-923:

      “This method is ideally suited to measure neural representation changes and was specifical-ly chosen as it has been previously identified as the preferred approach for quantifying in-sight-induced neural changes (Grob et al., 2023b; Milivojevic et al., 2015).”

      To clarify on the rationale behind our coherence analysis, we incorporated an explanatory sentence in the methods section on page 39, lines 966-967:

      “Due to the robust connectivity between the angular gyrus and other brain regions (Petit et al., 2023; Seghier, 2013), we proceeded with a connectivity analysis as a next step.”

      6) The preregistration webpage is in German. This is not ideal as it means that the information is available only to German speakers.

      This webpage can easily be switched to English by changing the settings in the top right corner:

      To address this issue, we included a description of how to set the webpage to English in the methods section on page 25, lines 581-582:

      “For translation to English, please adjust the page settings located in the top right corner.”

      7) Page 18. 'NIT' and 'MAT' - avoid abbreviations when possible.

      We included the full name for the narrative-insight task (NIT) on page 7, line 151, line 153, and line 165, page 8 lines 177-178 and line 187, page 19 on line 427, page 26 on line 615, line 629 and line 632, page 27, line 653, page 30, lines 730-731, page 31, line 754, page 35, line 870, line 873, and page 36 and line 885.

      We further included the full name for the multi-arrangements task (MAT) on page 19, lines 428-429.

      8) Line 21....we further observed DECREASED...should be replaced with INCREASED, if I am not wrong.

      We checked the sentence again and it looks correct to us, since it describes the change for observation-based insight, not imagination-based insight. We clarified that this finding pertains to observation-based linking by modifying the sentence on page 23, lines 525-528, as follows:

      “Following cTBS to the angular gyrus, we further observed decreased pattern similarity for non-linked events in the observation-based condition, resembling the pattern change ob-served in the sham group for linked events, which may highlight the role of the angular gy-rus in representational separation during observation-based linking”

      Reviewer 3

      1) The major claim of the paper is that the angular gyrus is causally involved in insight-driven memory reconfiguration. To the authors' credit, they localized stimulation to the angular gyrus using an anatomical scan, the strength of the estimated electromagnetic field in the angular gyrus correlated with their behavioral results, and there were also brain-behavior correlations involving sensors located in the parietal lobe. However, the minimum evidence needed to claim causality is 1) evidence of a behavioral change (which the authors found) and 2) evidence of target engagement in the angular gyrus. It is also important to show brain-behavior correlations between target engagement and behavior. Although the au-thors stimulated the angular gyrus, that does not mean that rTMS specifically affected this region or that the behavioral results can be attributed to rTMS effects on the angular gyrus. As the authors point out, the angular gyrus has dense connections with other regions such as the hippocampus. In fact, several studies have shown that angular gyrus (or near AG) stimulation affects the hippocampal network (Wang et al., 2014, Science; Freedberg et al. 2019, eNeuro; Thakral et al., 2020, PNAS). EEG also has a poor spatial resolution, so even though the results were attributable to parieto-temporal sensors, this is not sufficient evi-dence to claim that the angular gyrus was modulated. Source localization would be re-quired to reconstruct the signal specifically from the AG. Thus, with the manuscript written as is, the authors can claim that "cTBS to the angular gyrus modulates insight-driven memory reconfiguration," but the current claim is not sufficiently substantiated.

      While acknowledging the potential role of the angular gyrus in driving the ob-served changes, we recognize that the available evidence may not be sufficient. Conse-quently, we have introduced several modifications within our manuscript to address this concern.

      In the revised Introduction, we now explicitly address the possibility of a stimulation of the hippocampus via the angular gyrus on page 4, lines 84-85:

      “Accordingly, previous studies have shown that stimulation of the angular gyrus resulted in altered hippocampal activity (Thakral et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2014).”

      Additionally, we included relevant evidence demonstrating previous instances of targeted stimulation of the angular gyrus, which led to alterations in hippocampal connectivity and associative memory. These insights have been included in the discussion on page 20, lines 449-453:

      “Interestingly, recent work has additionally indicated that targeting parietal regions with TMS led to alterations in hippocampal functional connectivity, thereby enhancing associa-tive memory (Nilakantan et al., 2017; Tambini et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2014), potentially shedding light on the underlying mechanisms involved.”

      Next, we have integrated crucial modifications essential for establishing a conclusive infer-ence of causality in our study. Moreover, we now explore the potential mediation of the effects observed from angular gyrus stimulation through other brain regions, like the hip-pocampus. In addition, we have highlighted prior work where such stimulation coincided with alterations in associative memory. For the updated discussion section, please see pag-es 23-24, lines 538-562:

      “Although our study provided evidence suggesting a causal role of the angular gyrus in in-sight-driven memory reconfigurations – highlighted by behavioral changes after cTBS to the angular gyrus, neural changes in left parietal regions, and relevant brain-behavior associa-tions – it is important to acknowledge the limitations imposed by the spatial resolution of EEG. Consequently, the precise source of the observed signal changes in the parietal re-gions remains uncertain, potentially tempering the definitive nature of these findings. Fur-thermore, the differential impact of cTBS to the angular gyrus on neural reconfigurations between events linked via imagination and those linked via observation may be attributed to its crucial role in imaginative processes (Ramanan et al., 2018; Thakral et al., 2017). An-other intriguing aspect to consider is that the stimulated site was situated in the more ven-tral portion of the angular gyrus, recognized for its stronger connectivity to the episodic hippocampal memory system in contrast to its more dorsal counterpart (Seghier, 2013; Ud-din et al., 2010). This stronger connectivity between the ventral angular gyrus and the hip-pocampus may shed light on the greater impact of cTBS to the angular gyrus on imagina-tion-based insight. Given the angular gyrus’s robust connectivity with other brain regions, including the hippocampus (Seghier, 2013), it is plausible that the observed changes might not solely stem from alterations within the angular gyrus itself, but could also originate from these interconnected regions. This notion may bear particular importance given the re-quired accessibility to the hippocampus during imaginative processes (Benoit & Schacter, 2015; Grob et al., 2023a; Zeidman & Maguire, 2016). Interactions between the angular gyrus and the hippocampus may give rise to rich memory representations (Ramanan et al., 2018). In line with this, recent studies have demonstrated that cTBS to the angular gyrus resulted in enhanced hippocampal connectivity and improved associative memory (Hermiller et al., 2019; Tambini et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2014). However, it should be noted that our study detected impaired associative memory following cTBS to the angular gyrus.”

      We further replaced terms that imply inhibition of the angular gyrus with a more operation-ally descriptive phrase:

      “cTBS to the angular gyrus”

      2) The authors frequently claim that cTBS is "inhibitory stimulation" and that inhibition of the angular gyrus caused their effects. There is a common misconception within the cognitive neuroscience literature that stimulation is either "inhibitory" or "excitatory," but there is no such thing as either. The effects of rTMS are dependent on many physiological, state, and trait-specific variables and the location of stimulation. For example, while cTBS does repro-ducibly inhibit behavior supported by the motor cortex (Wilkinson et al., 2010, Cortex; Rosenthal et al., 2009, J Neurosci), cTBS of the posterior parietal cortex reproducibly en-hances hippocampal network functional connectivity and episodic memory (Hermiller et al., 2019, Hippocampus; Hermiller et al., 2020, J Neurosci). The authors reference the Huang et al. (2005) paper as evidence of its inhibitory effects but work in this paper is not sufficient to broadly categorize cTBS as inhibitory. First, Huang et al. stimulated the motor cortex and measured the effects on corticospinal excitability, which is significantly different from what the current authors are measuring. Furthermore, this oft-cited study only included 9 sub-jects. Other studies have found that the effects of theta-burst are significantly more varia-ble when more subjects are used. For example, intermittent theta-burst, which is assumed to be excitatory based on the Huang paper, was found to produce unreliable excitatory ef-fects when more subjects were examined (Lopez-Alonso, 2014, Brain Stimulation). Thus, the a priori assumption that stimulation would be inhibitory is weak and cTBS should not be dis-cussed as "inhibitory."

      We agree and included now a statement in the methods section that explicitly states that cTBS effects may be region-specific on page 33, lines 817-819:

      “Nonetheless, the effects of cTBS appear to vary based on the targeted region, with cTBS to parietal regions demonstrating the capability to enhance hippocampal connectivity (Hermiller et al., 2019, 2020).”

      We further substituted all terminology suggestive of an inhibitory effect with the phrase:

      “cTBS to the angular gyrus”.

      However, it is important to note, that while other studies (Hermiller et al., 2019; Tambini et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2014) found increased hippocampal connectivity after rTMS to a parie-tal region as well as enhanced associative memory, we observed impaired memory for the linked events. We included this clarification in the discussion on page 24, lines 558-562:

      “In line with this, recent studies have demonstrated that cTBS to the angular gyrus resulted in enhanced hippocampal connectivity and improved associative memory (Hermiller et al., 2019; Tambini et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2014). However, it should be noted that our study detected impaired associative memory following cTBS to the angular gyrus.”

      3) The hypothesis at the end of the introduction did not strike me as entirely clear. From this hypothesis, it seems that the authors are just comparing the differences in memory and re-configuration during imagination-based insight links. However, the authors also include ob-servation-based links and a non-linking condition, which seem ancillary to the main hy-pothesis. Thus, I am confused about why these extra factors were included and exactly what statistical results would confirm the authors' hypothesis.

      We agree, and have clarified our hypotheses on pages 4-5, lines 107-115:

      “Considering this involvement of the angular gyrus in imaginative processes, we expected that the effect of cTBS on the change in representational similarity from pre- to post-insight will differ based on the mode of insight – whether this insight was gained via imagination or observation. Specifically, we expected a more pronounced impairment in the neural recon-figurations when insight is gained via imagination, as this function may depend more on an-gular gyrus recruitment than insight gained via observation. Additionally, we expected cTBS to the left angular gyrus to reduce the increase in neural similarity for linked events and in-crease of neural dissimilarity for non-linked events.”

      4) Many of the distributions throughout the paper do not look normal. Was normality checked? Are non-parametric stats warranted?

      We evaluated and reported the normality assumption in our behavioral anal-yses. Despite the non-normal distribution of our data, we chose to utilize linear-mixed models due to their robust performance even in case of deviations from normal distribu-tions. This update in our methods section can be found on page 36, lines 890-896:

      “After outlier correction, we identified non-normality in our data using a Shapiro-Wilk test (narrative-insight task: W = 0.92, p < 0.001; multi-arrangements task: W = 0.94, p < 0.001; forced-choice recognition: W = 0.50, p < 0.001; free recall details: W = 0.85, p < 0.001; free recall naming of linking events: W = 0.94, p < 0.001). However, we mitigated this by employ-ing linear-mixed models (LMMs), recognized for their robustness even with non-normally distributed data (Schielzeth et al., 2020).”

      We recalculated the correlational analysis between the RSA data and the behavioral recall of linking events by using the Spearman method on page 13, lines 306-308:

      “Furthermore, to address a deviation from the normality assumption, the correlational analysis was repeated using the Spearman method, which indicated an even stronger cor-relation (r(59) = 0.32, p = 0.012).”

      We further recalculated the correlation between the change in coherence for linked events and the recall of details for events linked via imagination on page 16, lines 376-378:

      “Please note that for addressing a deviation from the normality assumption, the correla-tional analysis was repeated using the Spearman method, which yielded a significant corre-lation of similar strength (r(59) = 0.31, p = 0.015).”

      Our EEG analyses , including RSA and coherence analyses, utilized a cluster-based permuta-tion test (Fieldtrip; Oostenveld et al., 2011). These tests do not assume a normal distribu-tion by utilizing empirical sampling for statistical inference. This approach ensures robust-ness without constraints imposed by specific distributional assumptions. Subsequent t-tests, stemming from significant clusters identified in the initial non-parametric analyses, were extensions of the robust non-parametric approach and did not require additional normality testing.

      5) Can the authors include more detail about the sham coil? Was it subthreshold? Did the EMF cross the skull?

      The sham coil, also obtained from MAG & More GmbH, München, Germany, provided a similar sensory experience; however, the company did not specify any field strength (n.a.) as this coil was purposefully designed to prevent the induction of an elec-tromagnetic field (EMF) capable of penetrating the skull, thereby ensuring it had no impact on the brain. We clarified on this point in the methods section on pages 31-32, lines 772-778:

      “Two identically looking but different 70 mm figure-of-eight-shaped coils were used de-pending on the TMS condition: The PMD70-pCool coil (MAG & More GmbH, München, Germany) with a 2T maximum field strength was used for cTBS, while the PMD70-pCool-SHAM coil (MAG & More GmbH, München, Germany), with minimal magnetic field strength, was employed for sham, providing a similar sensory experience, with stimulation pulses being scattered over the scalp and not penetrating the skull.”

      6) There are differences between exclusion criteria in pre-registration and report. For example, BMI is an exclusion factor in the report, but not in the pre-registration. Can the authors provide a reason for this deviation?

      This discrepancy is due to (partial) participant recruitment from previous fMRI studies conducted in our lab that involved a stress induction protocol (as a structural MRI image was needed for the ‘neuronavigated’ TMS). Owing to the distinct cortisol stress reac-tivity observed in individuals with varying body mass indices (BMIs), participants with a BMI below 19 or above 26 kg/m² were excluded from these studies. To maintain consistency within our sample, only participants meeting these criteria were included. We elaborated on this point in the methods section on page 25, lines 586-592:

      “Participants were screened using a standardized interview for exclusion criteria that com-prised a history of neurological and psychiatric disease, medication use and substance abuse, cardiovascular, thyroid, or renal disease, evidence of COVID-19 infection or expo-sure, and any contraindications to MRI examination or TMS. Additionally, participants with a body mass index (BMI) below 19 or above 26 kg/m² were excluded. This decision stemmed from recruiting some participants from prior studies that incorporated stress induction pro-tocols, which imposed this specific criterion (Herhaus & Petrowski, 2018; Schmalbach et al., 2020).”

      7) Were impedances monitored and minimized during EEG?

      Yes, they were monitored. We clarified this point in the methods section on page 34, lines 845-847:

      “We maintained impedances within a range of ± 20 μV using the common mode sense (CMS) and driven right leg (DRL) electrodes, serving as active reference and ground, re-spectively”

      8) I think there may be a typo related to the Thakral coordinates. I believe Thakral used MNI coordinates -48,-64, 30, whereas the authors stated they used -48,-67,30. Is this a mistake?

      Upon reevaluation of our study coordinates, we identified a slight deviation in our stimulation coordinates compared to those reported by Thakral et al. (2017; +3mm on the y-axis). This variance resulted from the required MNI to Talairach (TAL) transformations necessary for utilizing the neuronavigation software Powermag View! (MAG & More GmbH, München, Germany). Notably, this deviation was consistent across all participants in our study. While TMS is more precise than tDCS, its focality is not as fine-grained down to the millimeter level. Despite this, our electric field simulations, adopting a 10mm radius, ef-fectively encompassed the original coordinates specified by Thakral et al. (2017). This radius ensured coverage over the intended target area, mitigating the impact of this minor devia-tion on the overall study outcomes. We updated the methods section accordingly on page 33, lines 800-806:

      “Based on the individual T1 MR images, we created 3D reconstructions of the participants' heads, allowing us to precisely locate the left angular gyrus coordinate (MNI: -48, -67, 30), initially derived from previous work (Thakral et al., 2017), for TMS stimulation. Despite a mi-nor deviation in coordinates due to necessary MNI to Talairach transformations for soft-ware compatibility (Powermag View! by MAG & More GmbH, München, Germany), our methodology ensured precise localization of the angular gyrus target area.”

      9) How was the tail of the coil positioned during stimulation? Was it individualized so that the lobes of the coil are perpendicular to the nearest gyrus, as is commonly done?

      The coil handle always pointed upwards to maintain optimal positioning with the coil holder. We followed the positioning procedure in the neuronavigation software Powermag View!, which did not indicate any positioning of the coil handle but specified the position and angle of the coil itself. To incorporate this aspect, we updated the legend of figure 2 on page 11, lines 260-261:

      “Please note that in the study, the coil handle was oriented upwards; however, in this illus-tration, it has been intentionally depicted as pointing downwards for better visibility pur-poses.”

      We further updated the method section on page 33, lines 723-824:

      “The coil was positioned tangentially on the head and mechanically fixed in a coil holder, with its handle pointing upwards to maintain its position”

    1. Author Response

      We are grateful for the insightful suggestions and comments provided by the reviewers. Your constructive feedback has been valuable, and we are thankful for the opportunity to address each point.

      We appreciate both reviewers’ recognition of our devotion to rigorous methodology and experimental control in this study, as evidenced by the comments: “remarkable efforts were made to isolate peripheral confounds”, “a clear strength of the study is the multitude of control conditions … that makes results very convincing”, and “thorough design of the study”. Indeed, we hope to have provided more than solid, but compelling evidence for sound-driven motor inhibitory effects of online TUS. We hope that this will be reflected in the assessment. Our conclusions are supported by multiple experiments across multiple institutions using exemplary experimental control including (in)active controls and multiple sound-sham conditions. This contrasts with the sole use of flip-over sham or no-stimulation conditions used in the majority of work to date. Indeed, the current study communicates that substantiated inferences on the efficacy of ultrasonic neuromodulation cannot be made under insufficient experimental control.

      In response to the reviewers' comments, we have substantially changed our manuscript. Specifically, we have open-sourced the auditory masking stimuli and specified them in better detail in the text, we have improved the figures to reflect the data more closely, we have clarified the intracranial doseresponse relationship, we have elaborated in the introduction, and we have further discussed the possibility of direct neuromodulation. We hope that you agree these changes have helped to substantially improve the manuscript.

      Public reviews

      1.1) Despite the main conclusion of the authors stating that there is no dose-response effects of TUS on corticospinal inhibition, both the comparison of Isppa and MEP decrease for Exp 1 and 2, and the linear regression between MEP decrease (relative to baseline) and the estimated Isppa are significant, arguing the opposite, that there is a dose-response function which cannot be fully attributed to difference in sound (since the relationship in inversed, lower intracranial Isppa leads to higher MEP decrease). These results suggest that doseresponse function needs to be further studied in future studies.

      We thank the reviewer for bringing up this point. While we are convinced our study provides no evidence for a direct neuromodulatory dose-response relationship, we have realized that the manuscript could benefit from improved clarity on this point.

      A dose-response relationship between TUS intensity and motor cortical excitability was assessed by manipulating free-water Isppa (Figure 4C). Here, no significant effect of free-water stimulation intensity was observed for Experiment I or II, thus providing no evidence for a dose-response relationship (Section 3.2). To aid in clarity, ‘N.S.’ has been added to Figure 4C in the revised manuscript.

      However, it is likely that the efficacy of TUS would depend on realized intracranial intensity, which we estimated with 3D simulations for on-target stimulation. These simulations resulted in an estimated intracranial intensity for each applied free-water intensity (i.e., 6.35 and 19.06 W/cm2), for each participant. We then tested whether inter-individual differences in intracranial intensity during on-target TUS affected MEP amplitude. We have realized that the original visualization used to display these data and its explanation was unintuitive. Therefore, we have completely revised Supplementary Figure 6. Because of the substantial length of this section, we have not copied it here. Please see the Supplementary material for the implemented improvements.

      In brief, we now show MEP amplitudes on the y-axis, rather than expressing values a %change. This plot depicts how individuals with higher intracranial intensities during ontarget TUS exhibit higher MEP amplitudes. However, this same relationship is observed for active control and sound-sham conditions. If there were a direct neuromodulatory doseresponse relationship of TUS, this would be reflected as the difference between on-target and control conditions changing as the estimated intracranial intensity increases. This was not the case. Further, the fact that the difference between on-target stimulation and baseline changes across intracranial intensities is notable, but this occurs to an equal degree in the control conditions. Therefore, these data cannot be interpreted as evidence for a doseresponse relationship.

      We hope the changes in Supplementary Figure 6 will make it clear that there is no evidence for direct intracranial dose-response effects.

      1.2) Other methods to test or mask the auditory confound are possible (e.g., smoothed ramped US wave) which could substantially solve part of the sound issue in future studies or experiments in deaf animals etc... 

      We agree with the reviewer’s statement. We aimed to replicate the findings of online motor cortical inhibition reported in prior work using a 1000 Hz square wave modulation frequency. While ramping can effectively reduce the auditory confound, as noted in the discussion, this is not feasible for the short pulse durations (0.1-0.3 ms) employed in the current study (Johnstone et al., 2021). We have further clarified this point in the methods section of the revised manuscript as follows:

      “While ramping the pulses can in principle mitigate the auditory confound (Johnstone et al., 2021; Mohammadjavadi et al., 2019), doing so for such short pulse durations (<= 0.3 ms) is not effective. Therefore, we used a rectangular pulse shape to match prior work.”

      Mitigation of the auditory confound by testing deaf subjects is a valid approach, and has now been added to the revised manuscript in the discussion as follows:

      “Alternative approaches could circumvent auditory confounds by testing deaf subjects, or perhaps more practically by ramping the ultrasonic pulse to minimize or even eliminate the auditory confound.”

      1.3) Dose-response function is an extremely important feature for a brain stimulation technique. It was assessed in Exp II by computing the relationship between the estimated intracranial intensities and the modulation of corticospinal excitability (Fig. 3b, 3c). It is not clear why data from Experiment I could not be integrated in a global intracranial dose-response function to explore wider ranges of intracranial intensities and MEP variability.

      We chose not to combine data from Experiment 1 in a global intracranial dose-response function because TUS was applied at different fundamental frequencies and focal depths (Experiment I: 500 kHz, 35 mm; Experiment II: 250 kHz, 28 mm). We have now explicitly communicated this under Supplementary Figure 6:

      “It was not appropriate to combine data from Experiments I and II given the different fundamental frequencies and stimulation depths applied… we ran simple linear models for Experiment II, which had a sufficient sample size (n = 27) to assess inter-individual variability.”

      1.4) Furthermore, the dose response function as computed with the MEP change relative to baseline shows a significant effect (6.35W/cm2) or a trend (19.06 W/cm2) for a positive linear relationship. This comparison cannot disentangle the auditory confound from the pure neuromodulatory effect but given the direction of the relationship (lower Isppa associated with larger neuromodulatory effect), it is unlikely that it is driven by sound. This relationship is absent for the Active control condition or the Sound Sham condition, more or less matched for peripheral confound. This needs to be further discussed. 

      Please refer to point 1.1

      1.5) The clear auditory confound arises from TUS pulsing at audible frequencies, which can be highly subject to inter-individual differences. Did the authors individually titrate the auditory mask to account for this intra- and inter-individual variability in auditory perception? 

      In Experiments I-III, the auditory mask was identical between participants. In Experiment IV, the auditory mask volume and signal-to-noise ratio were adjusted per participant. In the discussion we recommend individualized mask titration. However, we do note that masking successfully blinded participants in Experiment II, despite using uniform masking stimuli (Supplementary Figure 5).

      1.6) How different is the masking quality when using bone-conducting headphones (e.g., Exp. 1) compared to in-ear headphones (e.g., Exp. 2)?

      In our experience, bone conducting headphones produce a less clear, fuzzier, sound than in-ear headphones. However, in-ear headphones block the ear canal and likely result in the auditory confound being perceived as louder. We have included this information in the discussion of the revised manuscript:

      “Titrating auditory mask quality per participant to account for intra- and inter-individual differences in subjective perception of the auditory confound would be beneficial. Here, the method chosen for mask delivery must be considered. While bone-conducting headphones align with the bone conduction mechanism of the auditory confound, they might not deliver sound as clearly as in-ear headphones or speakers. Nevertheless, the latter two rely on airconducted sound. Notably, in-ear headphones could even amplify the perceived volume of the confound by obstructing the ear canal.”

      1.7) I was not able to find any report on the blinding efficacy of Exp. 1. Do the authors have some data on this? 

      We do not have blinding data available for Experiment I. Following Experiment I, we decided it would be useful to include such an assessment in Experiment II.

      1.8) Was the possibility to use smoothed ramped US wave form ever tested as a control condition in this set of studies, to eventually reduce audibility? For such fast PRF, for fast PRF, the slope would still need to be steep to stimulate the same power (AUC), it might not be as efficient. 

      We indeed tested smoothing (ramping) the waveform. There was no perceptible impact on the auditory confound volume. Indeed, prior research has also indicated that ramping over

      such short pulse durations is not effective (Johnstone et al., 2021). Taken together, we chose to continue with a square wave modulation as in prior TUS-TMS studies. We have updated the methods section of the manuscript with the following:

      “While ramping the pulses can in principle mitigate the auditory confound (Johnstone et al., 2021; Mohammadjavadi et al., 2019), doing so for such short pulse durations (<= 0.3 ms) is not effective. Therefore, we used a rectangular pulse shape to match prior work.”

      Importantly, our research shows that auditory co-stimulation can confound effects on motor excitability, and this likely occurred in multiple seminal TUS studies. While some preliminary work has been done on the efficacy of ramping in humans, future work is needed to determine what ramp shapes and lengths are optimal for reducing the auditory confound.

      1.9) There are other models or experiments that need to be discussed in order to clearly disassociate the TUS effect from the auditory confound effect, for instance, testing deaf animal models or participants, or experiments with multi-region recordings (to rule out the effects of the dense structural connectivity between the auditory cortex and the motor cortex). 

      The suggestion to consider multi-region recording in future experiments is important. Indeed, the effects of the auditory confound are expected to vary between brain regions. In the primary motor cortex, we observe a learned inhibition, which is perhaps supported by dense structural connectivity with the auditory system. In contrast, in perceptual areas such as the occipital cortex, one might expect tuned attentional effects in response to the auditory cue. We suggest that it is likely that the impact of the auditory confound also operates on a more global network level. It is reasonable to propose that, in a cognitive task for example, the confound will affect task performance and related brain activity, ostensibly regardless of the extent of direct structural connectivity between the auditory cortex and the (stimulated) region of interest.

      Regarding the testing of deaf subjects, this has been included in the revised discussion as follows:

      “Alternative approaches could circumvent auditory confounds by testing deaf subjects, or perhaps more practically by ramping the ultrasonic pulse to minimize or even eliminate the auditory confound.”

      1.10) The concept of stochastic resonance is interesting but traditionally refers to a mechanism whereby a particular level of noise actually enhances the response of non-linear systems to weak sensory signals. Whether it applies to the motor system when probed with suprathreshold TMS intensities is unclear. Furthermore, whether higher intensities induce higher levels of noise is not straightforward neither considering the massive amount of work coming from other NIBS studies in particular. Noise effects are indeed a function of noise intensity, but exhibit an inverted U-shape dose-response relationship (Potok et al., 2021, eNeuro). In general SR is rather induced with low stimulation intensities in particular in perceptual domain (see Yamasaki et al., 2022, Neuropsychologia).  In the same order of ideas, did the authors compare inter-trials variability across the different conditions? 

      We thank the reviewer for these insightful remarks. Indeed, stochastic resonance is a concept first formalized in the sensory domain. Recently, the same principles have been shown to apply in other domains as well. For example, transcranial electric noise (tRNS) exhibits similar stochastic resonance principles as sensory noise (Van Der Groen & Wenderoth, 2016). Indeed, tRNS has been applied to many cortical targets, including the motor system. In the current manuscript, we raise the question of whether TUS might engage with neuronal activity following principles similar to tRNS. One prediction of this framework would be that TUS might not modulate excitation/inhibition balance overall, but instead exhibit an inverted U-shape dose-dependent relationship with stochastic noise. Please note, we do not use the ‘suprathreshold TMS intensity’ to quantify whether noise could bring a sub-threshold input across the detection threshold, nor whether it could bring a sub-threshold output across the motor threshold. Instead, we use the MEP read-out to estimate the temporally varying excitability itself. We argue that MEP autocorrelation captures the mixture of temporal noise and temporal structure in corticospinal excitability. Building on the non-linear response of neuronal populations, low stochastic noise might strengthen weakly present excitability patterns, while high stochastic noise might override pre-existing excitability. It is therefore not the overall MEP amplitude, but the MEP timeseries that is of interest to us. Here, we observe a non-linear dose-dependent relationship, matching the predicted inverted U-shape. Importantly, we did not intend to assume stochastic resonance principles in the motor domain as a given. We have now clarified in the revised manuscript that we propose a putative framework and regard this as an open question:

      “Indeed, human TUS studies have often failed to show a global change in behavioral performance, instead finding TUS effects primarily around the perception threshold where noise might drive stochastic resonance (Butler et al., 2022; Legon et al., 2018). Whether the precise principles of stochastic resonance generalize from the perceptual domain to the current study is an open question, but it is known that neural noise can be introduced by brain stimulation (Van Der Groen & Wenderoth, 2016). It is likely that this noise is statedependent and might not exceed the dynamic range of the intra-subject variability (Silvanto et al., 2007). Therefore, in an exploratory analysis, we exploited the natural structure in corticospinal excitability that exhibits as a strong temporal autocorrelation in MEP amplitude.”

      Following the above reasoning, we felt it critical to estimate noise in the timeseries, operationalized as a t-1 autocorrelation, rather than capture inter-trial variability that ignores the timeseries history and requires data aggregation thereby reducing statistical power. Importantly, we would expect the latter index to capture global variability, putatively masking the temporal relationships which we were aiming to test. The reviewer raises an interesting option, inviting us to wonder if inter-trial variability might be sensitive enough, nonetheless. To this end, we compared inter-trial variability as suggested. This was achieved by first calculating the inter-trial variability for each condition, and then running a three-way repeated measures ANOVA on these values with the independent variables matching our autocorrelation analyses, namely, procedure (on-target/active control)intensity (6.35/19.06)masking (no mask/masked). This analysis did not reveal any significant interactions or main effects.

      Author response table 1.

      1.11) State-dependency/Autocorrelations: These values were extracted from Exp2 which has baseline trials. Can the authors provide autocorrelation values at baseline, with and without auditory mask?  Can the authors comment on the difference between the autocorrelation profiles of the active TUS condition at 6.35W/cm2 or at 19.06W/cm2. They should somehow be similar to my understanding.  Besides, the finding that TUS induces noise only when sound is present and at lower intensities is not well discussed. 

      In the revised manuscript, we have now included baseline in the figure (Figure 4D). Regarding baseline with and without a mask, we must clarify that baseline involves only TMS (no mask), and sham involves TMS + masking stimulus (masked).

      The dose-dependent relationship of TUS intensity with autocorrelation is critical. One possible observation would have been that TUS at both intensities decreased autocorrelation, with higher intensities evoking a greater reduction. Here, we would have concluded that TUS introduced noise in a linear fashion.

      However, we observed that lower-intensity TUS in fact strengthened pre-existing temporal patterns in excitability (higher autocorrelation), while during higher-intensity TUS these patterns were overridden (lower autocorrelation). This non-linear relationship is not unexpected, given the non-linear responses of neurons.

      If this non-linear dependency is driven by TUS, one could expect it to be present during conditions both with and without auditory masking. However, the preparatory inhibition effect of TUS likely depends on the salience of the cue, that is, the auditory confound. In trials without auditory masking, the salience of the confound in highly dependent on (transmitted) intensity, with higher intensities being perceived as louder. In contrast, when trials are masked, the difference in cue salience between lower and higher intensity stimulation in minimized. Therefore, we would expect for any nuanced dose-dependent direct TUS effect to be best detectable when the difference in dose-dependent auditory confound perception is minimized via masking. Indeed, the dose-dependent effect of TUS on autocorrelation is most prominent when the auditory confound is masked.

      “In sum, these preliminary exploratory analyses could point towards TUS introducing temporally specific neural noise to ongoing neural dynamics in a dose-dependent manner, rather than simply shifting the overall excitation-inhibition balance. One possible explanation for the discrepancy between trials with and without auditory masking is the difference in auditory confound perception, where without masking the confound’s volume differs between intensities, while with masking this difference is minimized. Future studies might consider designing experiments such that temporal dynamics of ultrasonic neuromodulation can be captured more robustly, allowing for quantification of possible state-dependent or nondirectional perturbation effects of stimulation.”

      1.12) Statistical considerations. Data from Figure 2 are considered in two-by-two comparisons. Why not reporting the ANOVA results testing the main effect of TUS/Auditory conditions as done for Figure 3. Statistical tables of the LMM should be reported. 

      Full-factorial analyses and main effects for TUS/Auditory conditions are discussed from Section 3.2 onwards. These are the same data supporting Figure 2 (now Figure 3). We would like to note that the main purpose of Figure 2 is to demonstrate to the reader that motor inhibition was observed, thus providing evidence that we replicated motor inhibitory effects of prior studies. A secondary purpose is to visually represent the absence of direct and spatially specific neuromodulation. However, the appropriate analyses to demonstrate this are reported in following sections, from Section 3.2 onwards, and we are concerned that mentioning these analyses earlier will negatively impact comprehensibility.

      Statistical tables of the LMMs are provided within the open-sourced data and code reported at the end of the paper, embedded within the output which is accessible as a pdf (i.e., analysis/analysis.pdf).

      1.13) Startle effects: The authors dissociate two mechanisms through which sound cuing can drive motor inhibition, namely some compensatory expectation-based processes or the evocation of a startle response. I find the dissociation somehow artificial. Indeed, it is known that the amplitude of the acoustic startle response habituates to repetitive stimulation. Therefore, sensitization can well explain the stabilization of the MEP amplitude observed after a few trials. 

      Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Indeed, an acoustic startle response would habituate over repetitive stimulation. A startle response would result in MEP amplitude being significantly altered in early trials. As the participant would habituate to the stimulus, the startle response would decrease. MEP amplitude would then return to baseline levels. However, this is not the pattern we observe. An alternative possibility is that participants learn the temporal contingency between the stimulus and TMS. Here, compensatory expectation-based change in MEP amplitude would be observed. In this scenario, there would be no change in MEP amplitude during early trials because the stimulus has not yet become informative of the TMS pulse timing. However, as participants learn how to predict TMS timing by the stimulus, MEP amplitude would decrease. This is also the pattern we observe in our data. We have clarified these alternatives in the revised manuscript as follows:

      “Two putative mechanisms through which sound cuing may drive motor inhibition have been proposed, positing either that explicit cueing of TMS timing results in compensatory processes that drive MEP reduction (Capozio et al., 2021; Tran et al., 2021), or suggesting the evocation of a startle response that leads to global inhibition (Fisher et al., 2004; Furubayashi et al., 2000; Ilic et al., 2011; Kohn et al., 2004; Wessel & Aron, 2013). Critically, we can dissociate between these theories by exploring the temporal dynamics of MEP attenuation. One would expect a startle response to habituate over time, where MEP amplitude would be reduced during startling initial trials, followed by a normalization back to baseline throughout the course of the experiment as participants habituate to the starling stimulus. Alternatively, if temporally contingent sound-cueing of TMS drives inhibition, MEP amplitudes should decrease over time as the relative timing of TUS and TMS is being learned, followed by a stabilization at a decreased MEP amplitude once this relationship has been learned.”

      1.14) Can the authors further motivate the drastic change in intensities between Exp1 and 2? Is it due to the 250-500 carrier difference? It this coming from the loss power at 500kHz? 

      The change in intensities between Experiments I and II was not an intentional experimental manipulation. Following completion of data acquisition, our TUS system received a firmware update that differentially corrected the 250 kHz and 500 kHz stimulation intensities. In this manuscript, we report the actual free-water intensities applied during our experiments.

      1.15) Exp 3: Did 4 separate blocks of TUS-TMS and normalized for different TMS intensities used with respect to baseline. But how different was it. Why adjusting and then re adjusting intensities? 

      The TMS intensities required to evoke a 1 mV MEP under the four sound-sham conditions significantly differed from the intensities required for baseline. In the revised appendix, we have now included a figure depicting the TMS intensities for these conditions, as well as statistical tests demonstrating each condition required a significantly higher TMS intensity than baseline.

      TMS intensities were re-adjusted to avoid floor effects when assessing the efficacy of ontarget TUS. Sound-sham conditions themselves attenuate MEP amplitude. This is also evident from the higher TMS intensities required to evoke a 1 mV MEP under these conditions. If direct neuromodulation by TUS would have further decreased MEP amplitude, the concern was that effects might not be detectible within such a small range of MEP amplitudes.

      1.16) In Exp 4, TUS targeted the ventromedial WM tract. Since direct electrical stimulation on white matter pathways within the frontal lobe can modulate motor output probably through dense communication along specific white matter pathways (e.g., Vigano et al., 2022, Brain), how did the authors ensure that this condition is really ineffective? Furthermore, the stimulation might have covered a lot more than just white matter. Acoustic and thermal simulations would be helpful here as well. 

      Thank you for pointing out this possibility. Ultrasonic and electrical stimulation have quite distinct mechanisms of action. Therefore, it is challenging to directly compare these two approaches. There is a small amount of evidence that ultrasonic neuromodulation of white matter tracts is possible. However, the efficacy of white matter modulation is likely much lower, given the substantially lesser degree of mechanosensitive ion channel expression in white matter as opposed to gray matter (Sorum et al., 2020, PNAS). Further, recent work has indicated that ultrasonic neuromodulation of myelinated axonal bundles occurs within the thermal domain (Guo et al., 2022, SciRep), which is not possible with the intensities administered in the current study. Nevertheless, based on Experiment IV in isolation, it cannot be definitively excluded that there TUS induced direct neuromodulatory effects in addition to confounding auditory effects. However, Experiment IV does not possess sufficient inferential power on its own and must be interpreted in tandem with Experiments I-III. Taken together with those findings, it is unlikely that a veridical neuromodulation effect is seen here, given the equivalent or lower stimulation intensities, the substantially deeper stimulation site, and the absence of an additional control condition in Experiment IV. This likelihood is further decreased by the fact that inhibitory effects under masking descriptively scale with the audibility of TUS.

      Off-target effects such as unintended co-stimulation of gray matter when targeting white matter is always an important factor to consider. Unfortunately, individualized simulations for Experiment IV are not available. However, the same type of transducer and fundamental frequency was used as in Experiment II, for which we do have simulations. Given the size of the focus and the very low in-situ intensities extending beyond the main focal point, it is incredibly unlikely that effective stimulation was administered outside white matter in a meaningful number of participants. Nevertheless, the reviewer is correct that this can only be directly confirmed with simulations, which remain infeasible due to both technical and practical constraints. We have included the following in the revised manuscript:

      “The remaining motor inhibition observed during masked trials likely owes to, albeit decreased, persistent audibility of TUS during masking. Indeed, MEP attenuation in the masked conditions descriptively scale with participant reports of audibility. This points towards a role of auditory confound volume in motor inhibition (Supplementary Fig. 8). Nevertheless, one could instead argue that evidence for direct neuromodulation is seen here. This unlikely for a number of reasons. First, white matter contains a lesser degree of mechanosensitive ion channel expression and there is evidence that neuromodulation of these tracts may occur primarily in the thermal domain (Guo et al., 2022; Sorum et al., 2021). Second, Experiment IV lacks sufficient inferential power in the absence of an additional control and must therefore be interpreted in tandem with Experiments I-III. These experiments revealed no evidence for direct neuromodulation using equivalent or higher stimulation intensities and directly targeting grey matter while also using multiple control conditions. Therefore, we propose that persistent motor inhibition during masked trials owes to continued, though reduced, audibility of the confound (Supplementary Fig. 8). However, future work including an additional control (site) is required to definitively disentangle these alternatives.”

      1.17) Still for Exp 4. the rational for the 100% MSO or 120% or rMT is not clear, especially with respect to Exp 1 and 2. Equipment is similar as well as raw MEPs amplitudes, therefore the different EMG gain might have artificially increased TMS intensities. Could it have impacted the measured neuromodulatory effects?

      Experiment IV was conducted independently at a different institute than Experiments I-II. In contrast to Experiments I-II, a gel pad was used to couple TUS to the participant’s head. The increased TMS-to-cortex distance introduced by the gel pad necessitates higher TMS intensities to compensate for the increased offset. In fact, in 9/12 participants, the intended intensity at 120% rMT exceeded the maximum stimulator output. In those cases, we defaulted to the maximum stimulator output (i.e., 100% MSO). We have clarified in the revised supplementary material as follows:

      “We aimed to use 120% rMT (n =3). However, if this intensity surpassed 100% MSO, we opted for 100% MSO instead (n = 9). The mean %MSO was 94.5 ± 10.5%. The TMS intensities required in this experiment were higher than those required in Experiment I-II using the same TMS coil, though still within approximately one standard deviation. This is likely due to the use of a gel pad, which introduces more distance between the TMS coil and the scalp, thus requiring a higher TMS intensity to evoke the same motor activity.”

      Regarding the EMG gain, this did not affect TMS intensities and did not impact the measured neuromodulatory effects. The EMG gain at acquisition is always considered during signal digitization and further analyses.

      1.18) Exp. 4. It would be interesting to provide the changes in MEP amplitudes for those subjects who rated "inaudible" in the self-rating compared to the others. That's an important part of the interpretation: inaudible conditions lead to inhibition, so there is an effect. The auditory confound is not additive to the TUS effect. 

      Previously, we only provided participant’s ratings of audibility, and showed that conditions that were rated as inaudible more often showed less inhibition, descriptively indicating that inaudible stimulation does not lead to inhibition. This interpretation is in line with our conclusion that the TUS auditory confound acts as a cue signaling the upcoming TMS pulse, thus leading to preparatory inhibition.

      We have now included an additional plot and discussion in Supplementary Figure 8 (Subjective Report of TUS Audibility). Here, we show the change in MEP amplitude from baseline for the three continuously masked TUS intensities as in the main manuscript, but now split by participant rating of audibility. Descriptively, less audible sounds result in no marked change or a smaller change in MEP amplitude. This supports our conclusion that direct neuromodulation is not being observed here. When participants were unsure whether they could hear TUS, or when they did hear TUS, more inhibition was observed. However, this is still to a lesser degree than unmasked stimulation which was nearly always audible, and likely also more salient. This also supports our conclusion that these results indicate a role of cue salience rather than direct neuromodulation. Regarding masked conditions where participants were uncertain whether they heard TUS, the sound was likely sufficient to act as a cue, albeit potentially subliminally. After all, preparatory inhibition is not a conscious action undertaken by the participant either. We would also like to note that participants reported perceived audibility after each block, not after each trial, so selfreported audibility was not a fine-grained measurement. The data from Experiment IV suggest that the volume of the cue has an impact on motor inhibition. Taken together with the points mentioned in 1.16, it is not possible to conclude there is evidence for direct neuromodulation in Experiment IV.

      1.19) I suggest to re-order sub panels of the main figures to fit with the chronologic order of appearance in the text. (e.g Figure 1 with A) Ultrasonic parameters, B) 3D-printed clamp, C) Sound-TMS coupling, D) Experimental condition). 

      We have restructured the figures in the manuscript to provide more clarity and to have greater alignment with the eLife format.

      2.1) Although auditory confounds during TUS have been demonstrated before, the thorough design of the study will lead to a strong impact in the field.

      We thank the reviewer for recognition of the impact of our work. They highlight that auditory confounds during TUS have been demonstrated previously. Indeed, our work builds upon a larger research line on auditory confounds. The current study extends on the confound’s presence by quantifying its impact on motor cortical excitability, but perhaps more importantly by invalidating the most robust and previously replicable findings in humans. Further, this study provides a way forward for the field, highlighting the necessity of (in)active control conditions and tightly matched sham conditions for appropriate inferences in future work. We have amended the abstract to better reflect these points:

      “Primarily, this study highlights the substantial shortcomings in accounting for the auditory confound in prior TUS-TMS work where only a flip-over sham control was used. The field must critically reevaluate previous findings given the demonstrated impact of peripheral confounds. Further, rigorous experimental design via (in)active control conditions is required to make substantiated claims in future TUS studies.”

      2.2) A few minor [weaknesses] are that (1) the overview of previous related work, and how frequent audible TUS protocols are in the field, could be a bit clearer/more detailed

      We have expanded on previous related work in the revised manuscript:

      “Indeed, there is longstanding knowledge of the auditory confound accompanying pulsed TUS (Gavrilov & Tsirulnikov, 2012). However, this confound has only recently garnered attention, prompted by a pair of rodent studies demonstrating indirect auditory activation induced by TUS (Guo et al., 2022; Sato et al., 2018). Similar effects have been observed in humans, where exclusively auditory effects were captured with EEG measures (Braun et al., 2020). These findings are particularly impactful given that nearly all TUS studies employ pulsed protocols, from which the pervasive auditory confound emerges (Johnstone et al., 2021).”

      2.3) The acoustic control stimulus can be described in more detail

      We have elaborated upon the masking stimulus for each experiment in the revised manuscript as follows:

      Experiment I: “In addition, we also included a sound-only sham condition that resembled the auditory confound. Specifically, we generated a 1000 Hz square wave tone with 0.3 ms long pulses using MATLAB. We then added white noise at a signal-to-noise ratio of 14:1. This stimulus was administered to the participant via bone-conducting headphones.”

      Experiment II: “In this experiment, the same 1000 Hz square wave auditory stimulus was used for sound-only sham and auditory masking conditions. This stimulus was administered to the participant over in-ear headphones.”

      Experiment III: “Auditory stimuli were either 500 or 700 ms in duration, the latter beginning 100 ms prior to TUS (Supplementary Fig. 3.3). Both durations were presented at two pitches. Using a signal generator (Agilent 33220A, Keysight Technologies), a 12 kHz sine wave tone was administered over speakers positioned to the left of the participant as in Fomenko and colleagues (2020). Additionally, a 1 kHz square wave tone with 0.5 ms long pulses was administered as in Experiments I, II, IV, and prior research (Braun et al., 2020) over noisecancelling earbuds.”

      Experiment IV: “We additionally applied stimulation both with and without a continuous auditory masking stimulus that sounded similar to the auditory confound. The stimulus consisted of a 1 kHz square wave with 0.3 ms long pulses. This stimulus was presented through wired bone-conducting headphones (LBYSK Wired Bone Conduction Headphones). The volume and signal-to-noise ratio of the masking stimulus were increased until the participant could no longer hear TUS, or until the volume became uncomfortable.”

      In the revised manuscript we have also open-sourced the audio files used in Experiments I, II, and IV, as well as a recording of the output of the signal generator for Experiment III:

      “Auditory stimuli used for sound-sham and/or masking for each experiment are accessible here: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8374148.”

      2.4) The finding that remaining motor inhibition is observed during acoustically masked trials deserves further discussion.

      We agree. Please refer to points 1.16 and 1.18.

      2.5) In several places, the authors state to have "improved" control conditions, yet remain somewhat vague on the kind of controls previous work has used (apart from one paragraph where a similar control site is described). It would be useful to include more details on this specific difference to previous work.

      In the revised manuscript, we have clarified the control condition used in prior studies as follows:


      “Primarily, this study highlights the substantial shortcomings in accounting for the auditory confound in prior TUS-TMS work where only a flip-over sham control was used.”


      “To this end, we substantially improved upon prior TUS-TMS studies implementing solely flip-over sham by including both (in)active control and multiple sound-sham conditions.”


      “We introduced controls that improve upon the sole use of flip-over sham conditions used in prior work. First, we applied active control TUS to the right-hemispheric face motor area, allowing for the assessment of spatially specific effects while also better mimicking ontarget peripheral confounds. In addition, we also included a sound-only sham condition that closely resembled the auditory confound.”

      2.6) I also wondered how common TUS protocols are that rely on audible frequencies. If they are common, why do the authors think this confound is still relatively unexplored (this is a question out of curiosity). More details on these points might make the paper a bit more accessible to TUS-inexperienced readers. 

      Regarding the prevalence of the auditory confound, please refer to point 2.2.

      Peripheral confounds associated with brain stimulation can have a strong impact on outcome measures, often even overshadowing the intended primary effects. This is well known from electromagnetic stimulation. For example, the click of a TMS pulse can strongly modulate reaction times (Duecker et al., 2013, PlosOne) with effect sizes far beyond that of direct neuromodulation. Unfortunately, this consideration has not yet fully been embraced by the ultrasonic neuromodulation community. This is despite long known auditory effects of TUS (Gavrilov & Tsirulnikov, 2012, Acoustical Physics). It was not until the auditory confound was shown to impact brain activity by Guo et al., and Sato et al., (2018, Neuron) that the field began to attend to this phenomenon. Mohammadjavadi et al., (2019, BrainStim) then showed that neuromodulation persisted even in deaf mice, and importantly, also demonstrated that ramping ultrasound pulses could reduce the auditory brainstem response (ABR). Braun and colleagues (2020, BrainStim) were the first bring attention to the auditory confound in humans, while also discussing masking stimuli. This was followed by a study from Johnstone and colleagues (2021, BrainStim) who did preliminary work assessing both masking and ramping in humans. Recently, Liang et al., (2023) proposed a new form of masking colourfully titled the ‘auditory Mondrian’. Further research into the peripheral confounds associated with TUS is on the way.

      However, we agree that the confound remains relatively unexplored, particularly given the substantial impact it can have, as demonstrated in this paper. What is currently lacking is an assessment of the reproducibility of previous work that did not sufficiently consider the auditory confound. The current study constitutes a strong first step to addressing this issue, and indeed shows that results are not reproducible when using control conditions that are superior to flip-over sham, like (in)active control conditions and tightly matched soundsham conditions. This is particularly important given the fundamental nature of this research line, where TUS-TMS studies have played a central role in informing choices for stimulation protocols in subsequent research.

      We would speculate that, with TUS opening new frontiers for neuroscientific research, there comes a rush of enthusiasm wherein laying the groundwork for a solid foundation in the field can sometimes be overlooked. Therefore, we hope that this work sends a strong message to the field regarding how strong of an impact peripheral confounds can have, also in prior work. Indeed, at the current stage of the field, we see no justification not to include proper experimental control moving forward. Only when we can dissociate peripheral effects from direct neuromodulatory effects can our enthusiasm for the potential of TUS be warranted.

      2.7) Results, Fig. 2: Why did the authors not directly contrast target TUS and control conditions? 

      Please refer to point 1.1.

      2.8) The authors observe no dose-response effects of TUS. Does increasing TUS intensity also increase an increase in TUS-produced sounds? If so, should this not also lead to doseresponse effects? 

      We thank the reviewer for this insightful question. Yes, increasing TUS intensity results in an increased volume of the auditory confound. Under certain circumstances this could lead to ‘dose-response’ effects. In the manuscript, we propose that the auditory confounds acts as a cue for the upcoming TMS pulse, thus resulting in MEP attenuation once the cue is informative (i.e., when TMS timing can be predicted by the auditory confound). In this scenario, volume can be taken as the salience of the cue. When the auditory confound is sufficiently salient, it should cue the upcoming TMS pulse and thus result in a reduction of MEP amplitude.

      If we take Experiment II as an example (Figure 3B), the 19.06 W/cm2 stimulation would be louder than the 6.35 W/cm2 intensity. However, as both intensities are audible, they both cue the upcoming TMS pulse. One could speculate that the very slight (nonsignificant) further decrease for 19.06 W/cm2 stimulation could owe to a more salient cueing.

      One might notice that MEP attenuation is less strong in Experiment I, even though higher intensities were applied. Directly contrasting intensities from Experiments I and II was not feasible due to differences in transducers and experimental design. From the perspective of sound cueing of the upcoming TMS pulse, the auditory confound cue was less informative in Experiment I than Experiment II, because TUS stimulus durations of both 100 and 500 ms were administered, rather than solely 500 ms durations. This could explain why descriptively less MEP attenuation was observed in Experiment I, where cueing was less consistent.

      Perhaps more convincing evidence of a sound-based ‘dose-response’ effect comes from Experiment IV (Figure 4B). Here, we propose that continuous masking reduced the salience of the auditory confound (cue), and thus, less MEP attenuation was be observed. Indeed, we see less MEP change for masked stimulation. For the lowest administered volume during masked stimulation, there was no change in MEP amplitude from baseline. For higher volumes, however, there was a significant inhibition of MEP amplitude, though it was still less attenuation than unmasked stimulation. These results indicate a ‘doseresponse’ effect of volume. When the volume (intensity) of the auditory confound was low enough, it was inaudible over the continuous mask (also as reported by participants), and thus it did not act as a cue for the upcoming TMS pulse, therefore not resulting in motor inhibition. When the volume (intensity) was higher, less participants reported not being able to hear the stimulation, so the cue was to a given extent more salient, and in line with the cueing hypothesis more inhibition was observed.

      In summary, because the volume of the auditory confound scales with the intensity of TUS, there may be dose-response effects of the auditory confound volume. Along the border of (in)audibility of the confound, as in masked trials of Experiment IV, we may observe dose-response effects. However, at clearly audible intensities (e.g., Experiment I & II), the size of such an effect would likely be small, as both volumes are sufficiently audible to act as a cue for the upcoming TMS pulse leading to preparatory inhibition.

      2.9) I wonder if the authors could say a bit more on the acoustic control stimulus. Some sound examples would be useful. The authors control for audibility, but does the control sound resemble the one produced by TUS? 

      Please refer to point 2.3.

      2.10) The authors' claim that the remaining motor inhibition observed during masked trials is due to persistent audibility of TUS relies "only" on participants' descriptions. I think this deserves a bit more discussion. Could this be evidence that there is a TUS effect in addition to the sound effect? 

      Please refer to points 1.16 and 1.18.

    1. Author Response

      Thank you for your letter and for the reviewers’ comments concerning our manuscript entitled “The cation channel mechanisms of subthreshold inward depolarizing currents in the VTA dopaminergic neurons and their roles in the depression-like behavior”. These comments are constructive and very helpful for improving our manuscript. We have studied comments carefully and have made provisional revision which we hope meet with approval. We also respond to the reviewer’s comments point by point as following.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Comment 1:

      The pharmacological tools used in this study are highly non-selective. Gd3+, used here to block NALCN is actually more commonly used to block TRP channels. 2-APB inhibits not only TRPC channels, but also TRPM and IP3 receptors while stimulating TRPV channels (Bon and Beech, 2013), while FFA actually stimulates TRPC6 channels while inhibiting other TRPCs (Foster et al., 2009).

      We agree with the reviewer that the substances mentioned are not specific. Although we performed shRNA experiments against NALCN and TRPC6, we also used more specific pharmacological modulators for these two channels, L703,606 (the antagonist of NALCN)[1] and larixyl acetate (a potent TRPC6 inhibitor)[2]. The results are shown in figure 3E, F and figure 4C, E.

      Comment 2:

      -The multimodal approach including shRNA knockdown experiments alleviates much of the concern about the non-specific pharmacological agents. Therefore, the author's claim that NALCN is involved in VTA dopaminergic neuron pacemaking is well-supported.

      -However, the claim that TRPC6 is the key TRPC channel in VTA spontaneous firing is somewhat, but not completely supported. As with NALCN above, the pharmacology alone is much too non-specific to support the claim that TRPC6 is the TRP channel responsible for pacemaking. However, unlike the NALCN condition, there is an issue with interpreting the shRNA knockdown experiments. The issue is that TRPC channels often form heteromers with TRPC channels of other types (Goel, Sinkins and Schilling, 2002; Strübing et al., 2003). Therefore, it is possible that knocking down TRPC6 is interfering with the normal function of another TRPC channel, such as TRPC7 or TRPC4.

      From our single-cell RNA-seq results, TRPC7 and TRPC4 are found not to be present broadly like TRPC6 in the VTA DA neurons. And in experiments using single cell PCR (sFig. 9A), only a very small proportion of TRPC6-positive DA cells (DAT+) expressed TRPC4 (sFig. 9Bi) or TRPC7 (sFig. 9Bii), in consistent with the results of single-cell RNA-seq (Fig.2). Therefore, it is possible that knocking down TRPC6 maybe not interfering with the normal function of another TRPC channel, such as TRPC7 or TRPC4.

      Comment 3:

      The claim that TRPC6 channels in the VTA are involved in the depressive-like symptoms of CMUS is supported.

      • However, the connection between the mPFC-projecting VTA neurons, TRPC6 channels, and the chronic unpredictable stress model (CMUS) of depression is not well supported. In Figure 2, it appears that the mPFC-projecting VTA neurons have very low TRPC6 expression compared to VTA neurons projecting to other targets. However, in figure 6, the authors focus on the mPFC-projecting neurons in their CMUS model and show that it is these neurons that are no longer sensitive to pharmacological agents non-specifically blocking TRPC channels (2-APB, see above comment). Finally, in figure 7, the authors show that shRNA knockdown of TRPC6 channels (in all VTA dopaminergic neurons) results in depressive-like symptoms in CMUS mice. Due to the low expression of TRPC6 in mPFC-projecting VTA neurons, the author's claims of "broad and strong expression of TRPC6 channels across VTA DA neurons" is not fully supported. Because of the messy pharmacological tools used, it cannot be clamed that TRPC6 in the mPFC-projecting VTA neurons is altered after CMUS. And because the knockdown experiments are not specific to mPFC-projecting VTA neurons, it cannot be claimed that reducing TRPC6 in these specific neurons is causing depressive symptoms.

      The reason we focused on the mPFC-projecting VTA DA neurons is that this pathway is indicated in depressive-like behaviors of the CMUS model[3-5]. Although mPFC-projecting VTA DA neurons seem have lower level of TRPC6, we reason they are still functional there. However, we do agree with the reviewer that the statement “broad and strong expression of TRPC6 channels across VTA DA neurons" is not fully supported. We have changed the statements based on the reviewer suggestion. Furthermore, we did selectively knockdown TRPC6 in the mPFC-projecting VTA DA neurons, and then studied the behavior (Fig.8).

      Comment 4:

      It is important to note that the experiments presented in Figure 1 have all been previously performed in VTA dopaminergic neurons (Khaliq and Bean, 2010) including showing that low calcium increases VTA neuron spontaneous firing frequency and that replacement of sodium with NMDG hyperpolarizes the membrane potential.

      We agree with reviewer that similar experiments have been performed previously [6] for the flow of our manuscript and for general readers.

      Comment 5:

      -The authors explanation for the increase in firing frequency in 0 calcium conditions is that calcium-activated potassium channels would no longer be activated. However, there is a highly relevant finding that low calcium enhances the NALCN conductance through the calcium sensing receptor from Dejian Ren's lab (Lu et al., 2010) which is not cited in this paper. This increase in NALCN conductance with low calcium has been shown in SNc dopaminergic neurons (Philippart and Khaliq, 2018), and is likely a factor contributing to the low-calcium-mediated increase in spontaneous VTA neuron firing.

      We agree with the reviewer and thanks for the suggestions. A discussion for this has been added.

      Comment 6:

      -One of the only demonstrations of the expression and physiological significance of TRPCs in VTA DA neurons was published by (Rasmus et al., 2011; Klipec et al., 2016) which are not cited in this paper. In their study, TRPC4 expression was detected in a uniformly distributed subset of VTA DA neurons, and TRPC4 KO rats showed decreased VTA DA neuron tonic firing and deficits in cocaine reward and social behaviors.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. The references and a discussion for this has been added.

      Comment 7:

      • Out of all seven TRPCs, TRPC5 is the only one reported to have basal/constitutive activity in heterologous expression systems (Schaefer et al., 2000; Jeon et al., 2012). Others TRPCs such as TRPC6 are typically activated by Gq-coupled GPCRs. Why would TRPC6 be spontaneously/constitutively active in VTA DA neurons?

      In a complex neuronal environment where VTA DA neurons are located, multiple modulatory factors including the GPCRs could be dynamically active, this could lead to the activation of TRP channels including TRPC6.

      Comment 8:

      A new paper from the group of Myoung Kyu Park (Hahn et al., 2023) shows in great detail the interactions between NALCN and TRPC3 channels in pacemaking of SNc DA neurons.

      The reference mentioned has been added. We thank the reviewer.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Comment 1:

      These results do not show that TRPC6 mediates stress effects on depression-like behavior. As stated by the authors in the first sentence of the final paragraph, "downregulation of TRPC6 proteins was correlated with reduced firing activity of the VTA DA neurons, the depression-like behaviors, and that knocking down of TRPC6 in the VTA DA neurons confer the mice with depression behaviors." Therefore, the results show associations between TRPC6 downregulation and stress effects on behavior, occlusion of the effects of one by the other on some outcome measures, and cell manipulation effects that resemble stress effects. There is no experiment that shows reversal of stress effects with cell/circuit-specific TRPC6 manipulations. Please adjust the title, abstract and interpretation accordingly.

      We agree with the reviewer’s suggestion. The title was changed to ‘’The cation channel mechanisms of subthreshold inward depolarizing currents in the VTA dopaminergic neurons and their roles in the chronic stress-induced depression-like behavior” and the abstract and interpretation were also adjusted accordingly.

      Comment 2:

      Statistical tests and results are unclear throughout. For all analyses, please report specific tests used, factors/groups, test statistic and p-value for all data analyses reported. In some cases, the chosen test is not appropriate. For example, in Figure 6E, it is not clear how an experiment with 2 factors (stress and drug) can be analyzed with a 1-way RM ANOVA. The potential impact of inappropriate statistical tests on results makes it difficult to assess the accuracy of data interpretation.

      We have redone the statistical analysis as suggested by the reviewer and added specific tests used, factors/groups, test statistic and p-value for all data analyses into the figure legends of the revised manuscript.

      Comment 3:

      Why were only male mice used? Please justify and discuss in the manuscript. Also, change the title to reflect this.

      Although most similar previous studies used male mice or rats[7, 8], we do agree with the reviewer that the female animals should also be tested, in consideration possible role of sex hormones, as such we repeated some key experiments on female mice (sFig.1.6.8. and 13).

      Comment 4:

      Number of recorded cells is very low in Figure 1. Where in VTA did recordings occur? Given the heterogeneity in this brain region, this n may be insufficient. Additional information (e.g., location within VTA, criteria used to identify neurons) should be included. Report the number of mice (i.e., n = 6 cells from X mice) in all figures.

      Yes indeed, the number here is not high. More experiments were performed to increase the N/n number. And the location of recorded cells in VTA and the number of used mice is now shown in all figures; criteria to identify neurons is stated in the Methods-Identification of DA neurons and electrophysiological recordings. At the end of electrophysiological recordings, the recorded VTA neurons were collected for single-cell PCR. VTA DA neurons were identified by single-cell PCR for the presence of TH and DAT.

      Comment 5:

      Authors refer to VTA DA neurons as those that are DAT+ in line 276, although TH expression is considered the standard of DAergic identity, and studies (e.g., Lammel et al, 2008) have shown that a subset of VTA DA neurons have low levels of DAT expression. Authors should reword/clarify that these are DAT-expressing VTA DA neurons.

      The study published by Lammel[9] in 2015 has shown the low dopamine specificity of transgene expression in ventral midbrain of TH-Cre mice; on the other hand, DAT-Cre mice exhibit dopamine-specific Cre expression patterns, although DAT-Cre mice are likely to suffer from their own limitations (for example, low DAT expression in mesocortical DA neurons may make it difficult to target this subpopulation, see Lammel et al., 2008[10]).Hence, in our study, the DAT was used as criteria to identify DAT neurons. Of course, TH and DAT were all tested in single-cell PCR to identify whether the recorded cells were DA neurons.

      Comment 6:

      Neuronal subtype proportions should be quantified and reported (Fig. 1Aii).

      Neuronal subtype proportions are now quantified and reported in Fig. 1Aii.

      Comment 7:

      In addition to reporting projection specificity of neurons expressing specific channels, it would be ideal to report these data according to spatial location in VTA.

      The spatial location of recorded cells in VTA are now shown in all figures.

      Comment 8:

      The authors state that there are a small number of Glut neurons in VTA, then they state that a "significant proportion" of VTA neurons are glutamatergic.

      Thanks, “a significant proportion of neurons” has been changed to “less than half of sequenced DA neurons”.

      Comment 9:

      It is an overstatement that VTA DA neurons are the key determinant of abnormal behaviors in affective disorders.

      Thanks, we have amended the statement to that “Dopaminergic (DA) neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) play an important role in mood, reward and emotion-related behaviors”.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      Comment 1:

      The authors of this study have examined which cation channels specifically confer to ventral tegmental area dopaminergic neurons their autonomic (spontaneous) firing properties. Having brought evidence for the key role played by NALCN and TRPC6 channels therein, the authors aimed at measuring whether these channels play some role in so-called depression-like (but see below) behaviors triggered by chronic exposure to different stressors. Following evidence for a down-regulation of TRPC6 protein expression in ventral tegmental area dopaminergic cells of stressed animals, the authors provide evidence through viral expression protocols for a causal link between such a down-regulation and so-called depression-like behaviors. The main strength of this study lies on a comprehensive bottom-up approach ranging from patch-clamp recordings to behavioral tasks. However, the interpretation of the results gathered from these behavioral tasks might also be considered one main weakness of the abovementioned approach. Thus, the authors make a confusion (widely observed in numerous publications) with regard to the use of paradigms (forced swim test, tail suspension test) initially aimed (and hence validated) at detecting the antidepressant effects of drugs and which by no means provide clues on "depression" in their subjects. Indeed, in their hands, the authors report that stress elicits changes in these tests which are opposed to those theoretically seen after antidepressant medication. However, these results do not imply that these changes reflect "depression" but rather that the individuals under scrutiny simply show different responses from those seen in nonstressed animals. These limits are even more valid in nonstressed animals injected with TRPC6 shRNAs (how can 5-min tests be compared to a complex and chronic pathological state such as depression?). With regard to anxiety, as investigated with the elevated plus-maze and the open field, the data, as reported, do not allow to check the author's interpretation as anxiety indices are either not correctly provided (e.g. absolute open arm data instead of percents of open arm visits without mention of closed arm behaviors) or subjected to possible biases (lack of distinction between central and peripheral components of the apparatus).

      We agree with the reviewer that behavior tests we used here is debatable whether they represent a real depression state, and this is an open question that could be discussed from different respective. Since these testes (forced swimming and tail suspension), as the reviewer noted, were “widely observed in numerous publications”, we used these seemly only options to reflect a “depression-like” state. One could argue that since these testes were initially used for testing antidepressants (“validated”), with decreased immobility time as indications of anti-depressive effects, why not an increased immobility time reflect a “depression-like” state. As for anxiety tests, the data concerning the elevated plus-maze are also changed based on the reviewer’s suggestion.

      Recommendations for the authors: please note that you control which, if any, revisions, to undertake

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Recommendation 1 for improving the paper:

      -The paper needs extensive editing for both overall structural clarity and for the high number of typos and grammatical errors.

      We thank the reviewer’s suggestion. The revised manuscript has been edited extensively.

      Recommendation 2 for improving the paper:

      -Retrobeads are often toxic to cells and build up with increasing time. It is surprising that the authors wait 14-21 days for retrobead expression in their target cells. It is also a problem that the mPFC projecting cells have a longer time with the retrobeads than the other projection-targeting cells because the toxicity could be more extensive with the longer wait time thus confounding the results. The authors should repeat some mPFC experiments at the 14 day time point to confirm that the longer time with the beads is not influencing the differential effects in these cells.

      According to the methods published by Stephan Lammel and Jochen Roeper, “For sufficient labeling, survival periods for retrograde tracer transport depended on respective injection areas: DS and NAc lateral shell, 7 days; NAc core, NAc medial shell, and BLA, 14 days; and mPFC, 21 days[10]”, we did the experiments related to mPFC projecting cells at the 21 day time point. Consistent with the mentioned above, the labeled mPFC projecting cells at 14 day time point, is not sufficient, compared with this at 21 day time point, which is shown as followings.

      Author response image 1.

      Confocal images showing the anatomical distribution of mPFC-projecting DA neurons labelled with retrobeads (red) in the VTA after DAT-immunofluorescence (green) staining at different day time point (A, 14d; B, 21d) after retrobeads injection; Scale bars=10 μm.

      Recommendation 3 for improving the paper:

      -The experiment with FFA in Figure 4E seems weird. Why is there no baseline before the FFA application? And why is the baseline trending downward immediately? The authors should explain why this example experiment is presented differently from all the others.

      We apologize for this part that this example time-course is not typical. Since the FFA is not specific antagonist for TRPC6 and actually stimulates TRPC6 channels, we repeated the experiments with a more specific pharmacological modulator for TRPC6, larixyl acetate (LA), and the results are shown in Figure 4C and 4F.

      Recommendation 4 for improving the paper:

      -It would be much more useful to see exact p values in the text, as it aids in interpreting the 'insignificance' of specific comparisons. Specifically, in Figure 5F, the 2-APB looks like it is having a small effect, and the already low firing rate (due to the TRPC6 knockdown) makes a big effect less likely. It would be useful to know what the actual p value is here (and everywhere).

      OK. We now report all P values in the figure legends of the revised version.

      Recommendation 5 for improving the paper:

      -In the results, it should be explained that the "RMP" of VTA DA neurons was obtained by treating the cells with TTX.

      A sentence indicating the presence of TTX when measuring “RMP” is added in the Results part of the revised version.

      Recommendation 6 for improving the paper:

      -The spacing of the panels in the figures is somewhat odd. The figures could be more compact.

      Thanks, we have re-arranged all figures.

      Recommendation 7 for improving the paper:

      The paper is difficult to read because of significant grammatical errors. Here are some examples by line number, but this list is not at all exhaustive.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out grammatical errors and we corrected them.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Recommendation 1 for improving the paper:

      Fix typos: e.g., change HCH to HCN, change EMP to EPM, "these finding", "compact par" should read "pars compacta", "substantial" in line 475 should read "substantia", Incomplete sentences on line 73 and line 107, etc. Also, what is meant by "autonomic" firing activity? What is meant by "expression files"? Change "depression behaviors" to depression-like behaviors. "The HCN" as written in line 69 is a bit misleading, as HCN channels in the heart and brain are different members of a family of channels, although as written in the text, it seems that they are identical. In Figure 2, rearrange order of brain regions (e.g., from "BLA-VTA" to "VTA-BLA"), because as written, it seems that the focus is on projections into the VTA from each brain region, rather than VTA neurons that project to each respective region.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out these errors and we corrected them. Autonomic firing activity has been changed to spontaneous firing activity. Expression files has been changed to expression levels. All the “depression behavior” have been changed to depression-like behaviors. In the Figure 2, all “xx-VTA” have been changed to “VTA-xx”.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Recommendation 1 for improving the paper:

      Methodology: as opposed to sFig. 8 where the order through which mice were repeatedly tested is precise, such a key information is lacking in Fig. 6 as well as in the Methods section (for example, when such traumatic stress as forced swimming is performed with regard to the other tests?). Relevant to this point is the possible bias triggered by such chronological testing as exposure to the forced swim test likely affects the behaviors recorded in the other tests. Furthermore, the way this test is conducted is appealing as it is mentioned that the water depth was set to 10 cms which is quite low given that immobility scores might be affected by the ability of mice to stand on their tails.

      With regard to the elevated plus-maze, data are erroneously provided. Absolute values regarding open arm behaviors should be provided as percentages of the number of visits (or time spent therein) over the total (open + closed) number of arm visits. Indeed, closed arm visits should also be provided. This variable, also considered an index of locomotor activity, would allow the reader to exclude any effect of locomotion on the exploration in the open field.

      As they stand, data in the open field seem to indicate parallel changes at the center(center time) and the periphery (total distance), hence suggesting locomotor effects rather than anxiogenic effects. Data related to the center and the periphery should be clearly distinguished. Lastly, the number of weeks allowed for the mice to recover from surgeries aimed at delivering viruses are not mentioned. This is important as it could have affected the amplitude of the sensitivity to the stressors.

      We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. The lack information in Figure 6 and the Methods is now supplied. We apologize for the wrong number of “10 cm” in the forced swimming test, this has been corrected. The data concerning the elevated plus-maze are also changed based on the reviewer’s suggestion. For a possible role of locomotor effect, we tested the mice on the rota-rod test. From the result, there is no difference in locomotor activity between control and depressed-like mice (sFig.10G, sFig.12I and sFig.13G). We modified the experimental procedure timeline in Figure 6 and in the method- AAV for gene knockdown or overexpression and viral construct and injection, we added “Mice were singly housed with enough food and water to recover for 4-5 weeks after injection of virus, before behavior tests and electrophysiological recordings.” to report the number of weeks allowed for the mice to recover from surgeries aimed at delivering virus.

      Recommendation 2 for improving the paper:

      Results/conclusions: as yet mentioned, the authors make a confusion in the interpretation of their tail suspension tests and forced swimming tests. I acknowledge that such a confusion is frequent but it is important to note that the tests used by the authors were INITIALLY aimed at detecting the antidepressant effects of drugs under investigation. However, it is not because a test reveals such antidepressant properties that they also provide indices of depression. The authors will surely agree that it is unlikely that a 5-min test provides a model of a chronic pathology accounted for by a complex intrication between genetics and environmental factors. I would propose the authors to read for example Molendijk and De Kloet (Eur J Neurosci 2022). I think that the authors should just neutrally mention their results without any interpretation related to depression. On the other hand, what could have been interesting is to test whether the so-called "depressive-like" responses recorded in the study were sensitive to chronic antidepressant treatments. This would have allowed the authors to further suggest some relevance (if any) with depression-like pathologies.

      As we discussed above, we again agree with the reviewer’s concern. However, if as stated by the reviewer that “However, it is not because a test reveals such antidepressant properties that they also provide indices of depression”, then the experiments suggested by the reviewer “….. to test whether the so-called "depressive-like" responses recorded in the study were sensitive to chronic antidepressant treatments”

      Recommendation 3 for improving the paper:

      A close examination of the responses to CMUS or chronic restraint suggests that indeed two populations of animals were detected, possibly sensitive and resilient to these stressors. Did the authors try to examine this possibility?

      Based on the results of behavior test in CMUS and CRS, animals might be divided into two populations of animals highly-sensitive and moderately-sensitive ones.

      Recommendation 4 for improving the paper:

      There are some text changes that need to be performed:

      Page 2 line 46: ref 4 uses a social stress model which brings no clearcut evidence for it being a "depression" model. Indeed, this model can also be suggested to be a model of chronic anxiety (Kalueff et al., Science 2006; Chaouloff, Cell tissue Res 2013), hence indicating that VTA dopaminergic neurons might also be involved in anxiety.

      page 11, line 329: the references supporting the hypothesis that VTA DA neurons are linked to depression cannot be found in the reference list (10-15 do not correspond to the appropriate references).

      page 11, line 3341: reference 47 does not fit with the authors' assertion as it did not include any behavior.

      Fig. S8: body weight data are likely provided as changes rather than absolute values (e.g. 8 g)

      We agreed with the reviewer’s comments. The line 46“……such as depression states” has been changed to “such as depression- or anxiety-related states”. And we corrected the references in line 329 and 341. Finally, the body weight has been changed to the change in body weight.


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      8. Friedman, A.K., et al., Enhancing depression mechanisms in midbrain dopamine neurons achieves homeostatic resilience. Science, 2014. 344(6181): p. 313-9.

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    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #1:

      This work describes a new and powerful approach to a central question in ecology: what are the relative contributions of resource utilisation vs interactions between individuals in the shaping of an ecosystem? This approach relies on a very original quantitative experimental set-up whose power lies in its simplicity, allowing an exceptional level of control over ecological parameters and of measurement accuracy.

      In this experimental system, the shared resource corresponds to 10^12 copies of a fixed single-stranded target DNA molecule to which 10^15 random single-stranded DNA molecules (the individuals populating the ecosystem) can bind. The binding process is cycled, with a 1000x-PCR amplification step between successive binding steps. The composition of the population is monitored via high-throughput DNA sequencing. Sequence data analysis describes the change in population diversity over cycles. The results are interpreted using estimated binding interactions of individuals with the target resource, as well as estimated binding interactions between individuals and also self-interactions (that can all be directly predicted as they correspond to DNA-DNA interactions). A simple model provides a framework to account for ecosystem dynamics over cycles. Finally, the trajectory of some individuals with high frequency in late cycles is traced back to the earliest cycles at which they are detected by sequencing. Their propensities to bind the resource, to form hairpins, or to form homodimers suggest how different interaction modes shape the composition of the population over cycles.

      The authors report a shift from selection for binding to the resource to interactions between individuals and self-interactions over the course of cycles as the main drivers of their ecosystem. The outcome of the experiment is far from trivial as the individual resource binding energy initially determines the relative enrichment of individuals, and then seems to saturate. The richness of the population dynamics observed with this simple system is thus comparable to that found in some natural ecosystems. The findings obtained with this new approach will likely guide the exploration of natural ecosystems in which parameters and observables are much less accessible.

      My review focuses mainly on the experimental aspects of this work given my own expertise. The introduction exposes very convincingly the scientific context of this work, justifying the need for such an approach to address questions pertaining to ecology. The manuscript describes very clearly and rigorously the experimental setup. The main strengths of this work are (i) the outstanding originality of the experimental approach and (ii) its simplicity. With this setup, central questions in ecology can be addressed in a quantitative manner, including the possibility of running trajectories in parallel to generalize the findings, as reported here. Technical aspects have been carefully implemented, from the design of random individuals bearing flanking regions for PCR amplification, binding selection and (low error) amplification protocols, and sequencing read-out whose depth is sufficient to capture the relevant dynamics.<br /> :<br /> We thank the reviewer for summarizing our work and the main findings in a very clear and effective manner.

      One missing aspect in the data analysis is the quantification of the effect of PCR amplification steps in shaping the ecosystem (to be modeled if significant). In addition, as it stands the current work does not fully harness the power of the approach. For instance, with this setup, one can tune the relative contributions of binding selection vs amplification for instance (to disentangle forces that shape the ecosystem). One can also run cycles with new DNA individuals, designed with arbitrarily chosen resource binding vs self-binding, that are predicted to dominate depending on chosen ecological parameters. I have three main recommendations to the authors:

      1) PCR amplification steps (and not only binding selection steps) should be taken into account when interpreting the outcome of experiments.

      2) More generally, a systematic analysis of the possible modes of propagation of a DNA molecule from one cycle to the next, including those considered as experimental noise, would help with interpreting the results.

      3) Testing experimentally the predictions from the analysis and the modelling of results would strengthen the case for this approach.

      Despite its conceptual simplicity, our approach has indeed a few experimental handles that enable exploring a relevant variety of conditions much beyond those described in this paper, of which we are very aware. These involve selection vs. amplification or set the stage to explore competition, parasitism or cooperation among specific species, as the reviewer points out, but also introduce mutations and explore the kinetics of evolution in static or dynamic environments. Ongoing experiments are considering some of these conditions. We modified the text to mention more explicitly these possibilities, which are now mentioned in p11 lines 376-378 and lines 416-417. The three points raised by the reviewer helped us to further improve and clarify strengths and limitations of our work, as detailed below.

      Regarding the first point, here are my suggestions :

      • Run one cycle of just amplification vs 'binding + amplification', or simply increase the number of PCR cycles (and subsample the product) to check whether it impacts the population composition, in particular for sequences with predictions derived from the current analysis.

      The point raised by the reviewer is indeed very relevant and not discussed in our manuscript. Prompted by the reviewer’s comment, we performed two new experiments to distinguish resource-binding selection from PCR amplification effects.

      First, we performed a negative control experiment in which we performed the “selection step” with bear beads, i.e. beads without with no DNA grafted on them. We then compared the results with the corresponding results of the original experiments on Oligo 1 and 2.

      After 6 cycles, the most abundant sequence in the negative dataset has a relative occurrence of 0.05%, whereas the dominant strand in Oligo 1 and Oligo 2 has an abundance of 8% and 16%, respectively, i.e. 40-80 times larger.

      This indicates that the drift due to non-specific binding + PCR amplification is at least two orders of magnitude smaller than the selection induced by the affinity with the resource.

      This results are now cited in p14 lines 468-470, and described in Appendix 1, Experimental controls.

      Second, we tested the effect of PCR amplification on the selection process. We exploited the fact that we have aliquots for each generation of our evolution experiment, which we sampled and saved after PCR and before sequencing. We thus chose a specific generation - specifically generation 9 from Oligo 1 experiments - and performed another PCR round we proceeded directly to sequencing with no beadsselection step. We then compared the ensemble of oligos obtained in this way, which we named Oligo 1 “cycle 9 replica”, with both the original Oligo1 cycle 9, and with Oligo1 cycle 10.

      We sampled 20 times 4 x 10^5 sequences from the cycle 9 dataset, from cycle 9 replica and from cycle 10 with a bootstrap approach. To compare the three systems we extracted the fraction of the population of each covered by the 10 most abundant individuals. The results are shown in Figure 2 - Figure Supplement 4. In the figure caption further details on the analysis can be found. The similarity between cycle 9 and cycle 9 replica and the marked difference between cycle 9 replica and cycle 10

      indicates that the relevant part of the selection is indeed performed by the resourcebinding mechanism, while drifts induced by PCR play a secondary role.

      As a further check, we compared the specific sequences across the 20 samples in cycle 9 and cycle 9 replica datasets and found that the 10 most abundant sequences are almost always the same. In particular, the first 8/9 are always the same, possibly shuffled.

      These new pieces of evidence are now cited in p14 lines 483-484 and described in Appendix 1, Experimental controls.

      • Sequencing read-out includes the same PCR protocol as the one used for amplification steps, so read-out potentially has an effect on the composition of the ecosystem. Again, varying the number of PCR cycles is a direct way to test this.

      The PCR amplification involved in the read-out might have a minor effect on the sequencing outcome but not on the composition of the ecosystem. In fact, the sample that undergoes sequencing is taken from the pool at each cycle, and not inserted back into it. Thus, it does not participate in the following selection steps. This is specified in the text at p3 line 104

      • Could self-interactions (hairpins of homodimers) benefit individuals during amplification steps? The role of self-interactions during binding selection steps could also be tested directly over one cycle (again varying the relative weight of the binding vs amplification to disentangle both).

      Our choice of conditions for PCR amplification were thought to minimize effects of this type. PCR amplification is carried out at 68 C, a temperature at which, given the level of self and mutual complementarity in the sequences analyzed in the text, hairpins or homodimers should be melted and thus have no effect. This is specified in the text at p. 14 lines 479-480 However, if an effect is present, it gives a disadvantage (rather than an advantage) to self-interacting individuals. For the amplification step we used Q5® Hot Start HighFidelity DNA Polymerase, which does not possess strand displacement activity. Therefore, in theory, if during amplification the polymerase encounters a double strand portion, it stops and synthesizes only a truncated product, which will be then lost during the purification step. In other words, sequences with secondary and/or tertiary structures are less likely to be amplified during the polymerization step. As a consequence, a DNAi that is characterized by this kind of structures, will be negatively selected even in the case of optimal binding to the resource, and will be underrepresented in the pool.

      About the second point:

      • Regarding the effect of sampling (sequencing read-out), PCR amplification errors: explicitly check the consistency of observations with the expected outcome, in the methods section (right now these aspects are only briefly mentioned in the main text), which would highlight again the level of control and accuracy of the system.

      Hoping to have well interpreted the request, we performed a technical replicate sequencing Oligo 1 cycle 9 again and analyzed the sequences that have at least 100 reads (corresponding to 27.42% of the total reads). We find that among the 800 DNA species that have at least 100 reads, 93.6% are found in both replicates. All the nonoverlapping sequences have very low abundance, close to 100.

      Moreover, we compare the population size of each DNA species between the two replicas, after having equalized the database sizes. The results are now cited in p14 lines 509-510, In Appendix 1, Experimental Controls and shown in Figure 2-figure supplement 3, where we plot the ratio of the number of reads in the two replicates for each sequence as a function of the number of reads in one. We found an average of 0.965 with a standard deviation of 0.119. High fluctuations are found in the most rare species, as expected.

      We think this evaluation indeed strengthens the solidity of our results.

      • I have a small concern about target resource accessibility: is there any spacer between the ssDNA and the bead? The methods section does not mention any, and I would expect such a proximity between the target DNA and the bead to yield steric repulsion that impedes interactions with random DNA individuals.

      Yes, there is a 12-carbon spacer between the bead and the resource, which was inserted exactly to make the resource more accessible. This information is now available in Table 1 of Supplementary Information detailing the sequences used in the experiment. However, as now described in the text (p8 lines 284-286), we observe that the interaction with the resource is always shifted to the 3', the terminal furthest from the bead, indicating some residual issue of accessibility to the resource sections closest to the bead.

      • Regardless of the existence of a spacer, binding of random DNA molecules to beads instead of the target DNA constitutes a potential source of noise (described for now as '1-x' in the IBEE model), which can be probed by swapping targets, selecting without target etc.

      This issue is addressed by the test with bare beads described above, in which we found little effects, corresponding to small 1−𝑥 value.

      • Is there any recombination potentially occurring during amplification steps? This could be tested with a set of known molecules amplified over 24 amplification steps in a row (no binding step).

      It is possible for recombination to occur during the amplification steps. In Appendix 2, the section "By-Product Formation from PCR Amplification", discusses PCR byproducts as aberrant forms of amplification, such as recombination events. We adopted several strategies to limit by-product formation, such as: i) use of “blockers” characterized by a phosphate group at 3’ end (thus inhibiting their usage during the amplification and allowing a better control of the reaction conditions over the PCR cycles), ii) a high annealing temperature (to limit the possibility of a spurious primer annealing to the random region), iii) fewer PCR cycles, iv) a high primer concentration, v) a very short elongation step (all these strategies have been implemented to avoid a possible mispriming event between different DNAi, and the formation of concatemers). However, the formation of by-products is a problem inherent to the technique: in fact, it is a known issue for classical SELEX technology (Tolle et al. 2014), mainly due to the random region within the DNAi. Q5® Hot Start High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase (New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MA, USA) has an error rate of <0.44 x 10-6/base.

      In classic SELEX technology, the average number of selection cycles is 10. This limitation is partly due to the increase in PCR by-products. As we can see from Figure 2 Supplementary Figure 1, the percentage of PCR by-products is less than 20% at cycle 12, and then increases dramatically in the following cycles. We are performing a series of experiments with known and limited sequences to verify and better understand the phenomenon for future applications of the SEDES platform. On this issue we decided not to modify the manuscript since we think it is already well discussed in Appendix 1.

      And the third point:

      • Perform one cycle (or a few cycles) with random DNA individuals, the most frequent individuals at the end of the current experiment, newly designed individuals with higher binding affinity to the target than currently dominating individuals, newly designed individuals with higher propensity to form hairpins or to form homodimers. Such experimental testing of predictions from the data analysis/modeling, typical of a physics approach, would illustrate the level of understanding one can reach with a simple yet powerful experimental setup.

      We perfectly agree that the approach we propose and the set of results we obtained call for further investigations that could strengthen analysis and modeling. The final aim we envisage is the understanding, within this simplified approach, of key evolutionary factors such as fitness. Indeed, becoming able to write an explicit fitness function would be a significant new contribution to the understanding of evolutionary processes, even within the limited settings of the ADSE approach, as discussed in the conclusions of the manuscript.

      However, undergoing such an analysis is a long and expensive job, which we have started and will be completed in a not immediate future. For this reason, given the already significant body of results we are presenting here, we prefer to keep this paper confined to the study of the evolution of a random DNAi population and discuss in a future contribution the behavior of smaller designed sets of competing, collaborating or parasitic individuals.

      Looking ahead, additional stages of investigations will also include mutations - to investigate the kinetics of speciation, and, in an even further stage, the interplay between evolution kinetics and dynamical mutation of resources.

      I have a few smaller points:

      • It would be very useful to provide the expected dynamic range of binding free energies (in terms of DeltaG and omega): what is the maximum binding free energy for the perfect complement?

      The NUPACK-computed binding free energy of a 20 basis-long oligomer complementary to the resource (𝜔=20) is -24.36 Kcal/mol for Oligo1 and -23.08 Kcal/mol for oligo 2. This is the best answer we can offer to the reviewer’s request, since the maximum binding free energy of DNAi individuals (much longer than the target strand) would include contributions from the unpaired bases. Indeed, the values give above are approached by the left tail of the distribution of Fig. 3a, which however includes DNAi self-energies.<br /> The perfect complement binding free energy is now cited in the text as a reference for the dynamical range of DeltaG (p4 lines 151-152).

      • How is the number of captured DNA molecules quantified? Is 10^12 measured, estimated, or hypothesized?

      The number of sequences was calculated from data obtained from 260 nm absorbance quantification. We have now added this information in the Methods, Selection Phase” section.

      Reviewer #2:


      In this manuscript, the authors introduced ADSE, a SELEX-based protocol to explore the mechanism of emergency of species. They used DNA hybridization (to the bait pool, "resources") as the driving force for selection and quantitatively investigated the factors that may contribute to the survival during generation evolution (progress of SELEX cycle), revealing that besides individual-resource binding, the inter- and intra-individual interactions were also important features along with mutualism and parasitism.


      The design of using pure biochemical affinity assay to study eco-evolution is interesting, providing an important viewpoint to partly explain the molecular mechanism of evolution.


      Though the evidence of the study is somewhat convincing, some aspects still need to be improved, mostly technical issues.


      1) There are a few technical issues that the authors should clarify in the manuscript to make the analysis more transparent:

      1.1) To my understanding, it is difficult to guarantee the even distribution of different species (individuals) in the initial individual pool. Even though the authors have shown in Fig. 2a that the top 10 sequences take up ~ 0% in the pool, it remains unclear how abundant these top and bottom representative sequences are, given the huge number of the pool (10E15). Can the author show the absolute number of these sequences in different quantiles? Please show both Oligo sets.<br /> : First, we thank the reviewer for both positive and critical comments that have guided us in reformulating or clarifying some messages of our work.

      As for this specific point: 10E15 is a small number compared to 4^50 = 10E30, the number of possible sequences of length 30. Thus, we don’t expect more than one individual per sequence in the initial pool. However, sequencing requires a preparation amplification, which may lead to detecting a few sequences with more than one individual.

      Specifically, in the initial pool of Oligo 1, the most abundant individual (of sequence GAACTAAAGGGGCGGTGTCCACTTGCCTGTAGTGGTTATCAGTCCGGTTG)has 3 copies. The 0.7% of the sequences has 2 copies, while the vast majority of strings (99.3% on a sample of about 1.5 x 10E6 sequenced DNAi) is present in one copy only. A similar situation holds for Oligo 2, with 4 DNAi present in 3 copies and the 0.8% of the sequences (in a pool of 2 x 10E6 DNAi) in 2 copies.

      It is worth noticing that none of the 10 most abundant species in the last cycle is present in the sample. Indeed, the fraction of the pool which is sequenced is removed from the population that undergoes evolution (as now specified in p2, line 104). We specified in the text (p2, lines 69-70, p3 lines 94-96) the fact that in the initial pool no sequence is expected to be present in more than one individual.

      1.2) The author claimed that they used two different oligo sets (Oligo1 and Oligo2) in this study. It is unclear which data was used in the presentation. How reproducible are they? Similar to this concern, how reproducible if the same oligo set was used to repeat the experiment?

      The oligo used in the main text was declared in Methods, Replica section. It is now declared also in the main text (p3 lines 106-108 and in the captions of Figure 2, Figure 3 and Figure 4). Reproducibility is addressed in: Figure 2-figure supplement 5; Figure 2-figure supplement 6; Appendix 2: Results of the experimental replica.

      It should also be noted that two starting pools of random 50mers are necessarily disjoint sets for the same reason discussed in the previous answer: the probability of common sequences in two 10E15 selections from a 10E30 is negligibly small. Thus, it is expected that each time a new evolution experiment is started, different dominant sequences are found. However, the statistical properties of the DNAi pool during the evolution process of Oligo1 and Oligo2 are similar as discussed in Appendix 2 of the paper.

      1.3) PCR and illumina sequencing itself introduced selection bias. How would the analysis eliminate them? The authors only discussed the errors created during PCR cycles (page 3, lines 115-122). However the PCR itself would prefer to amplify some sequences over the others (e.g. with high GC content). Similarly, the illumina sequencing would be difficult to sequence the low complexity sequences. How would this be circumvented?

      Yes, both PCR and Illumina sequencing have some known biases in the amplification process (e.g. sequencing of homopolymers or amplification of GC-rich sequences) that are intrinsic to the used techniques. Regarding PCR, we implemented a thermal protocol optimized for our chosen experimental setup, characterized by very short denaturation, annealing and amplification steps performed at high temperatures. Regarding Illumina sequencing, we can’t rule out a bias against specific sequences (e.g, homopolymers), which however should not be captured during the selection step, due to the design of the resource. Also, the libraries subjected to sequencing are characterized by a low complexity: according to the experimental design, the first and last 25 nucleotides are the same for all DNAi, the only differences being in the central 50 nt-long sequence. It is known that a low complexity library might encounter problems during sequencing due to the design of Illumina instruments: nucleotide diversity, especially in the first sequencing cycles, is critical for cluster filtering, optimal run performance and high-quality data generation. To overcome this limitation, the obtained libraries were run together with more complex and diverse library preparations: the ADSE sequences were about 1-2% of the total reads per run, corresponding to only a few million reads.

      This discussion is now in Appendix 1, Intrinsic limitations of the molecular approach.

      1.4) Some DNA sequences would bind to the beads instead of the resource sequence coated on them. Should the author run the experiment using bead alone as a control?<br /> : We performed a negative control experiment in which we performed the “selection step” with bear beads, i.e. beads without with no DNA grafted on them. We then compared the results with the corresponding results of the original experiments on Oligo 1 and 2.

      After 6 cycles, the most abundant sequence in the negative dataset has a relative occurrence of 0.05%, whereas the dominant strand in Oligo 1 and Oligo 2 has an abundance of 8% and 16%, respectively, i.e. 40-80 times larger.

      This indicates that the drift due to non-specific binding (+ PCR amplification) is at least two orders of magnitude smaller than the selection induced by the affinity with the resource.<br /> This part is now discussed in Appendix 1, Experimental controls.

      2) It would be interesting to study the impact of environmental factors, for example, changing pH, salt concentration, and detergent. Would these factors accelerate/decelerate the evolution?

      We agree that the approach we propose and the set of results we obtained call for further investigations. However, performing these additional experiments, which would require a minimum of 6 generations each, is a long and expensive job, which we have started and will not be completed in the near future. For this reason, given the already significant body of results we are presenting here, we prefer to keep this paper confined to the study of the evolution of a random DNAi population in the selected conditions and leave the exploration of new conditions, potentially opening new evolutionary scenarios, to a future contribution. In fact, our aim was to show that through our platform we can indeed observe fundamental elements of evolution in a non-biological system, which, in the set of chosen parameters, we do.

      3) The concentration of individual oligo is apparently one of the most important factors in determining the interactions. In later cycles, some oligos become dominant, namely with extremely higher concentrations compared to their concentration in earlier cycles. This would definitely affect its interaction with resources, or self-interaction, or interaction with other oligos in the pool. However, the authors failed to discuss this factor, which may explain the exponential enrichment in later cycles.

      We agree with the reviewer that this is an important point, but we disagree that we have not discussed it. We introduce the topic at the end of the “Null Model and Eco-evolutionary Algorithm”, where we comment on the change of the gamma parameter by saying that there must be a shift in the evolution process, first dominated by the interactions with the resources, and in later stages by some other factors (lines 227230) that we then discuss in “Self and mutual DNAi interactions are evolutionary drivers”. In this latter chapter and in the following, we indeed discussed the effects of mutual and self interactions between DNAi.

      Indeed, a key point in our paper is the change in the gamma parameter necessary to match the IBEE model to experiments, as it is now more openly stated (p5 lines 217218 where we also mention figure 2-supplement 8 which clearly shows the necessity of a variable gamma). The two regimes enlightened by the gamma value must reflect a change in the competition for the resources and interactions among species. In the first generations, where the diversity of species is large (there are few strings for each species) and binding to the resources generally very week (small <omega>), the affinity with the resource is the main driving force (fast growth of <omega>), while mutual interactions remain too random to favor any species in particular. In the later cycles instead, when <omega> becomes large enough to provide a significant stability to the resource-binding of the majority of species, the dominating species compete more intensively on the basis of their structure and capacity of self-defense, parasitism and mutualism, a condition in which evolution affects more modifications in sequences than in <omega>.

      Certainly, our understanding of this shift is based on statistical behavior and it is inferential, based on the study of specific DNAi described in the last part of the manuscript. For a better molecular model, more experiments with selected DNAi competing, cooperating or being parasitic would be necessary, with the final aim of defining a predictive fitness function. Alas, this requires months of further investigation. :

      4) The author observed the different behaviors of medium 𝜔 in early and late cycles, referring to Fig 2h. Using the IBEE model, they found out it is the change of gamma. However, the authors did not further discuss the molecular mechanism. It could be very interesting to understand the evolutionary change of these individuals.

      This comment might be related to the previous one. It is true that our discussion and understanding of the whole process is statistical, and misses a molecular model to predict the value of gamma.

      However, the specific behavior that the reviewer asks about (those in Fig. 2h) is not related to the change in gamma. Even if gamma remains as in the first part of the evolution (gamma = 3), the species with overlap between 6 and 10 would first grow in number and later decrease. Indeed, during the first cycles they have an advantage with respect to the majority of species with lower maximum overlap, a condition that favors their amplification. However, in the second stage of the evolution dominant species with a larger affinity emerge and outcompete the individuals of this class. We added a sentence in the text to clarify this point (p7 lines 227-229).

      5) In Figure 2f, some high w become quite missing. Should the authors give some interpretation? It is not observed in cycle 12 though (panel e).

      Such an effect is just due to under-sampling. In a pool of 10^n oligomers, any sequence with a given 𝜔 with P(omega) < 10E-n will have a vanishing probability to appear in that sample.<br /> At cycle 12 the overall number of sequenced strands is larger than at cycle 24, due to the growing presence of PCR by-products. Thus, the right tail of the cyan distribution at the last cycle is sampled with less accuracy than at cycle 12. We have added a sentence in the revised manuscript (p5 lines 177-178) to clarify this point.

      6) It would be interesting to further explore if another type of selection resource is used, for example protein that binds to particular sequences, i.e. transcription factors. Previous studies have used a large amount of sequence-specific transcription factors to run SELELX. Since the data have existed there, why not explore?

      This is an interesting suggestion: can we use data from “ordinary” SELEX favoring specific sequences to explore sequence evolution? Two limitations make us a bit skeptical on this path: first, the consensus sequences of DNA-binding proteins are rather short and typically target dsDNA rather than ssDNA; second, the free energy of interaction is known only for the consensus sequence but not for sequences with all possible mutations with respect to the consensus sequence, making very hard to develop any molecular understanding of the process.


      1) There is no figure legend or in-text citation of Figure 2b.

      2) Please correct "⁃C" with "{degree sign}C" in lines 470, 471, 472, 477 et al.

      3) Typos and grammar issues should be corrected. Examples are shown below (but not limited to these only):

      • mixed use of past and present tense.

      • Line 152, "basis" should be "bases".

      • Line 277, "a impediment" should be "an impediment"

      • Line 278, "a major deadly threats" should be "major deadly threats"<br /> :<br /> We are sorry for the mistakes, and we have corrected them. Many thanks to the reviewer!

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The goal of the current study was to evaluate the effect of neuronal activity on blood-brain barrier permeability in the healthy brain, and to determine whether changes in BBB dynamics play a role in cortical plasticity. The authors used a variety of well-validated approaches to first demonstrate that limb stimulation increases BBB permeability. Using in vivo-electrophysiology and pharmacological approaches, the authors demonstrate that albumin is sufficient to induce cortical potentiation and that BBB transporters are necessary for stimulus-induced potentiation. The authors include a transcriptional analysis and differential expression of genes associated with plasticity, TGF-beta signaling, and extracellular matrix were observed following stimulation. Overall, the results obtained in rodents are compelling and support the authors' conclusions that neuronal activity modulates the BBB in the healthy brain and that mechanisms downstream of BBB permeability changes play a role in stimulus-evoked plasticity. These findings were further supported with fMRI and BBB permeability measurements performed in healthy human subjects performing a simple sensorimotor task. While there are many strengths in this study, there is literature to suggest that there are sex differences in BBB dysfunction in pathophysiological conditions. The authors only used males in this study and do not discuss whether they would also expect to sex differences in stimulation-evoked BBB changes in the healthy brain. Another minor limitation is the authors did not address the potential impact of anesthesia which can impact neurovascular coupling in rodent studies. The authors could have also better integrated the RNAseq findings into mechanistic experiments, including testing whether the upregulation of OAT3 plays a role in cortical plasticity observed following stimulation. Overall, this study provides novel insights into how neurovascular coupling, BBB permeability, and plasticity interact in the healthy brain.

      While there are many strengths in this study, there is literature to suggest that there are sex differences in BBB dysfunction in pathophysiological conditions. The authors only used males in this study and do not discuss whether they would also expect to sex differences in stimulation-evoked BBB changes in the healthy brain.

      We agree with the reviewer regarding the importance of examining sex differences on stimulation-evoked BBB changes. To address this issue we have: (1) clarified in the methods section that the human study involved both males and females; (2) added a section to the discussion highlighting the male bias as a key limitation of our animal experiments; and (3) stated that future work should examine whether stimulation-evoked BBB changes differ between makes and females.

      Another minor limitation is the authors did not address the potential impact of anesthesia which can impact neurovascular coupling in rodent studies.

      We are grateful for this comment and agree with the reviewer that the potential effects of anesthesia should be discussed. We have added the following discussion paragraph:

      “A key limitation of our animal experiments is the fact they were performed under anesthesia, due to the complex nature of the experimental setup (i.e., simultaneous cortical imaging and electrophysiological recordings). Anesthetic agents can affect various receptors within the NVU, potentially altering neuronal activity, SEPs, CBF, and vascular responses (Aksenov et al., 2015; Lindauer et al., 1993; Masamoto & Kanno, 2012). To minimize these effects, we used ketamine-xylazine anesthesia, which unlike other anesthetics, was shown to generate robust BOLD and SEP responses to neuronal activation (Franceschini et al., 2010; Shim et al., 2018).”

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This study builds upon previous work that demonstrated that brain injury results in leakage of albumin across the bloodbrain barrier, resulting in activation of TGF-beta in astrocytes. Consequently, this leads to decreased glutamate uptake, reduced buffering of extracellular potassium, and hyperexcitability. This study asks whether such a process can play a physiological role in cortical plasticity. They first show that stimulation of a forelimb for 30 minutes in a rat results in leakage of the blood-brain barrier and extravasation of albumin on the contralateral but not ipsilateral cortex. The authors propose that the leakage is dependent upon neuronal excitability and is associated with an enhancement of excitatory transmission. Inhibiting the transport of albumin or the activation of TGF-beta prevents the enhancement of excitatory transmission. In addition, gene expression associated with TGF-beta activation, synaptic plasticity, and extracellular matrix are enhanced on the "stimulated" hemisphere. That this may translate to humans is demonstrated by a breakdown in the blood-brain barrier following activation of brain areas through a motor task.


      This study is novel and the results are potentially important as they demonstrate an unexpected breakdown of the blood-brain barrier with physiological activity and this may serve a physiological purpose, affecting synaptic plasticity.

      The strengths of the study are:

      1) The use of an in vivo model with multiple methods to investigate the blood-brain barrier response to a forelimb stimulation.

      2) The determination of a potential functional role for the observed leakage of the blood-brain barrier from both a genetic and electrophysiological viewpoint.

      3) The demonstration that inhibiting different points in the putative pathway from activation of the cortex to transport of albumin and activation of the TGF-beta pathway, the effect on synaptic enhancement could be prevented.

      4) Preliminary experiments demonstrating a similar observation of activity-dependent breakdown of the blood-brain barrier in humans.


      There are both conceptual and experimental weaknesses.

      1) The stimulation is in an animal anesthetized with ketamine, which can affect critical receptors (ie NMDA receptors) in synaptic plasticity.

      We agree that the potential effects of anesthesia should be considered. The Discussion was revised to address this point: “A key limitation of our animal experiments is the fact they were performed under anesthesia, due to the complex nature of the experimental setup (i.e., simultaneous cortical imaging and electrophysiological recordings). Anesthetic agents can affect various receptors within the NVU, potentially altering neuronal activity, SEPs, CBF, and vascular responses (Aksenov et al., 2015; Lindauer et al., 1993; Masamoto & Kanno, 2012). To minimize these effects, we used ketamine-xylazine anesthesia, which unlike other anesthetics, was shown to generate robust BOLD and SEP responses to neuronal activation (Franceschini et al., 2010; Shim et al., 2018)”

      2) The stimulation protocol is prolonged and it would be helpful to know if briefer stimulations have the same effect or if longer stimulations have a greater effect ie does the leakage give a "readout" of the stimulation intensity/length.

      Thank you for this important comment. We are also very curious about the potential relationship between stimulation magnitude/duration and subsequent leakage and have added the following statement to the discussion:

      “Future studies should also explore the effects of stimulation magnitude/duration on BBB modulation, as well as the stimulation threshold between physiological and pathological increase in BBB permeability.”

      Our current findings indicate that a one-minute stimulation does not affect vascular permeability or SEP and we aim to test additional stimulation paradigms in future studies.

      3) For some of the experiments (see below), the numbers of animals are low and the statistical tests used may not be the most appropriate, making the results less clear cut.

      We appreciate this comment and have revised the statistical analysis of Figure 1J,K. We now use a nested t-test to test for differences between rats (as opposed to sections). The differences remain significant (EB, p=0.0296; Alexa, p=0.0229). The text was modified accordingly.

      4) The experimental paradigms are not entirely clear, especially the length of time of drug application and the authors seem to try to detect enhancement of a blocked SEP.

      Thank you for pointing this out. Figures 2&3 were revised for clarification and a ‘Drug Application’ subsection was added to the methods section.

      5) It is not clear how long the enhancement lasts. There is a remark that it lasts longer than 5 hours but there is no presentation of data to support this.

      Thank you for this comment. As the length of experiments differed between animals, the exact length could not be specifically stated. To clarify this point, we revised the text to indicate that LTP was recorded until the end of each experiment (between 1.5-5 hours, depending on the condition the animal was in). We also added a panel to figure 2 (Figure 2d) with exemplary data showing potentiation 60, 90, and 120 min post stimulation.

      6) The spatial and temporal specificity of this effect is unclear (other than hemispheric in rats) and even less clear in humans.

      Our animal experiments (using both in vivo imaging and histological analysis) showed no evidence of BBB modulation outside the cortical somatosensory area corresponding to the limbs. We looked at the entirety of the coronal section of the brain and found enhancement solely in the somatosensory area corresponding to limb. The right side of panels h and i in Figure 1 show an x20 magnification of the section, focusing on the enhanced area. The whole section was not shown, as no fluorescence was found outside the magnified area. Moreover, our quantification showed that the enhancement was specific to the contralateral and not ipsilateral somatosensory cortex (Figure 1 j-k).

      We agree that temporal specificity needs to be further explored, and we have now stated that in the discussion: “Future studies are needed to explore the BBB modulating effects of additional stimulation protocols – with varying durations, frequencies, and magnitudes. Such studies may also elucidate the temporal and ultrastructural characteristics that may differentiate between physiological and pathological BBB modulation.”

      We also agree that larger studies are needed to better understand the specificity of the observed effect in humans, and to account for potential inter-human variability in vascular integrity and brain function due to different schedules, diets, exercise habits, etc.

      8) The experimenters rightly use separate controls for most of the experiments but this is not always the case, also raising the possibility that the application of drugs was not done randomly or interleaved, but possibly performed in blocks of animals, which can also affect results.

      Thank you for pointing out this lack of clarity. We have now highlighted that drug application was done randomly.

      9) Methyl-beta-cyclodextrin clears cholesterol so the effect on albumin transport is not specific, it could be mediating its effect through some other pathway.

      We agree that the effect of mβCD may not be specific. To mitigate this issue, we used a very low mβCD concentration (10uM). Notably, this is markedly lower than the concentrations reported by Koudinov et al, showing that cholesterol depletion is observed at 5mM mβCD and not at 2.5mM/5mM (Koudinov & Koudinova, 2001). This point was added to the discussion.

      10) Since the breakdown of the blood-brain barrier can be inhibited by a TGF-beta inhibitor, then this implies that TGFbeta is necessary for the breakdown of the blood-brain barrier. This does not sit well with the hypothesis that TGF-beta activation depends upon blood-brain barrier leakage.

      Thank you for pointing out this lack of clarity. We have added a discussion paragraph that clarifies our hypothesis: “As mentioned above, albumin is a known activator of TGF-β signaling, and TGF-β has a well-established role in neuroplasticity. Interestingly, emerging evidence suggests that TGF-β also increases cross-BBB transcytosis (Betterton et al., 2022; Kaplan et al., 2020; McMillin et al., 2015; Schumacher et al., 2023). Hence, we propose the following two-part hypothesis for the TGF-β/BBB-mediated synaptic potentiation observed in our experiments: (1) prolonged stimulation triggers TGF-β signaling and increased caveolae-mediated transcytosis of albumin; and (2) extravasated albumin induces further TGF-β signaling, leading to synaptogenesis and additional cross-BBB transport – in a self-reinforcing positive feedback loop. Future research is needed to examine the validity of this hypothesis.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This study used prolonged stimulation of a limb to examine possible plasticity in somatosensory evoked potentials induced by the stimulation. They also studied the extent that the blood-brain barrier (BBB) was opened by prolonged stimulation and whether that played a role in the plasticity. They found that there was potentiation of the amplitude and area under the curve of the evoked potential after prolonged stimulation and this was long-lasting (>5 hrs). They also implicated extravasation of serum albumin, caveolae-mediated transcytosis, and TGFb signalling, as well as neuronal activity and upregulation of PSD95. Transcriptomics was done and implicated plasticity-related genes in the changes after prolonged stimulation, but not proteins associated with the BBB or inflammation. Next, they address the application to humans using a squeeze ball task. They imaged the brain and suggested that the hand activity led to an increased permeability of the vessels, suggesting modulation of the BBB.


      The strengths of the paper are the novelty of the idea that stimulation of the limb can induce cortical plasticity in a normal condition, and it involves the opening of the BBB with albumin entry. In addition, there are many datasets and both rat and human data.


      The conclusions are not compelling however because of a lack of explanation of methods and quantification. It also is not clear whether the prolonged stimulation in the rat was normal conditions. To their credit, the authors recorded the neuronal activity during stimulation, but it seemed excessive excitation. Since seizures open the BBB this result calls into question one of the conclusions. that the results reflect a normal brain. The authors could either conduct studies with stimulation that is more physiological or discuss the caveats of using a supraphysiological stimulus to infer healthy brain function.

      The conclusions are not compelling however because of a lack of explanation of methods and quantification.

      Thank you for this comment. In the revised paper, we expanded the Methods section to better describe the procedures and approaches we used for data analysis.

      It also is not clear whether the prolonged stimulation in the rat was normal conditions.

      We believe that the used stimulation protocol is within the physiological range (and relevant to plasticity, learning and memory) for the following reasons:

      1) In our continuous electrophysiological recordings, we did not observe any form of epileptiform or otherwise pathological activity.

      2) Memory/training/skill acquisition experiments in humans often involve similar training duration or longer (Bengtsson et al., 2005), e.g., a 30 min thumb training session performed by (Classen et al., 1998).

      3) The levels of SEP potentiation we observed are similar to those reported in:

      a) Rats following a 10-minute whisker stimulation (one hour post stimulation, (Mégevand et al., 2009)).

      b) Humans following a 15 min task (McGregor et al., 2016).

      This important point is now presented in the discussion.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The discussion would benefit from additional discussion of the potential impacts of sex and anesthesia in their findings.

      We agree with the reviewer and have added the following paragraph to the discussion:

      “A key limitation of our animal experiments is the fact they were performed under anesthesia, due to the complex nature of the experimental setup (i.e., simultaneous cortical imaging and electrophysiological recordings). Anesthetic agents can potentially alter neuronal activity, SEPs, CBF, and vascular responses (Aksenov et al., 2015; Lindauer et al., 1993; Masamoto & Kanno, 2012). To minimize these effects, we used ketaminexylazine anesthesia, which unlike other anesthetics, was shown to maintain robust BOLD and SEP responses to neuronal activation (Franceschini et al., 2010; Shim et al., 2018). Another limitation of our animal study is the potentially non-specific effect of mβCD – an agent that disrupts caveola transport but may also lead to cholesterol depletion (Keller & Simons, 1998). To mitigate this issue, we used a very low mβCD concentration (10uM), orders of magnitude below the concentration reported to deplete cholesterol (Koudinov et al). Lastly, our animal study is limited by the inclusion of solely male rats. While our findings in humans did not point to sex-related differences in stimulation-evoked BBB modulation, larger animals and human studies are needed to examine this question.”

      The figure text is quite small.

      Thank you for pointing this out, we revised all figures and increased font size for clarity.

      Including pharmacological concentrations within the figure legends would improve the readability of the manuscript.

      Thank you for this suggestion, the figure legends were modified accordingly.

      In methods for immunoassays the 5 groups could be more clear by stating that there are 3 timepoints for stimulation experiments. There is a typo in this section where the 24-hour post is stated twice in the same sentence.

      Thank you for pointing this out, the text was modified accordingly.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) In Figure 1, J and K seem to indicate that in these experiments the statisitics were done per slice and not per animal. This is not a reasonable approach, a repeat measure ANOVA or averaging for each animal are more appropriate statistical approaches.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. The statistical analysis for Figure 1j,k was modified. We now use a nested ttest to test for differences between rats and not sections. The differences are still significant (EB, p=0.0296; Alexa, p=0.0229). The manuscript was modified accordingly.

      2) In Figure 2, the protocol does not seem to give much idea about time course. There was a stimulation test for 1 minute before and then 1 minute after the 30-minute stimulation train. How was potentiation assessed for the next 5 hours and where are the data?

      Potentiation was assessed by repeating 1min test stim every 30 min for the duration of the experiment, we added a panel to show late potentiation, see response above.

      3) In Figure 2, there is a notable lack of controls eg the effect of sham stimulation and application of saline. These are important as the drift of response magnitude can be a problem in long experiments.

      We did test for the potential presence of response drift, by examining whether SEPs of non-stimulated animals change over time (at baseline, 30 or 60 minutes of recording; n=6). No statistical differences were found. Our analysis focused on using each animal as its own control (i.e., comparing baseline SEP to SEP post albumin perfusion), because SEP studies highlight the importance of comparing each animal to its own baseline, due to the large inter-animal variability (All et al., 2010; Mégevand et al., 2009; Zandieh et al., 2003).

      4) Figure 3 a is not clear – were the drugs applied throughout?

      Thank you for pointing this out. We have revised Figure 3 a to show that the drugs were applied for 50 min before the stimulation.

      5) In Figure 3 panel d is repeated in panel j. This needs correcting

      Thank you. This mistake was fixed.

      6) In LTP-type experiments usually the antagonist is applied during the stimulation and then washed out. This avoids the problem in this figure in which CNQX effectively blocks transmission and so it is not possible to detect any enhancement if it were there. Eg in panel e, CNQX block transmission, and then the assessment is performed when the AMPA receptors are blocked after 30 minutes of stimulation. If receptors are blocked no enhancement will be detectable. Moreover, surely the question is the ratio of the effect of 30-minute stimulation on the SEP in the presence of CNQX and so the statistics should be done on the fold change in the SEP following 30-minute stimulation in the presence of CNQX.

      Thank you. The protocol might have been misrepresented in the original figure. We modified Fig 3a to clarify that the antagonists were indeed washed out upon stimulation start to make sure the receptors are not blocked during the test stimulation following the 30 min stimulation. In addition, we tested for the difference in fold change between 30 min stim, and 30 min stimulation following antagonists wash-in (Fig 3f and Fig S2a).

      7) Interesting in Figure f, stimulation, albumin, and AP5 all seem to have the same enhancement of the SEP. Is the lack of effect of 30-minute stimulation in the presence of AP5, a ceiling effect ie AP5 has enhanced the SEP, and no further enhancement from stimulation is possible.

      This is a very interesting point that will require further research.

      8) SJN seems to block neurotransmission. What is the mechanism? The same analysis as for CNQX should be performed ie what is the fold change not compared to baseline but in the presence of SJN.

      Our quantification showed that SJN did not significantly reduce the SEP max amplitude, and we therefore did not include this graph in the figure.

      9) Please acknowledge that the effect of mbetaCD is non-specific. There is a large literature on the effects of cholesterol depletion on LTP.

      We agree that the effect of mβCD may not be specific. To mitigate this issue, we used a very low mβCD concentration (10µM). Notably, this is markedly lower than the concentrations reported by Koudinov et al, showing that cholesterol depletion is only observed at a concentration of 5mM (Koudinov & Koudinova, 2001). This point is now discussed under the discussion paragraph describing the study’s limitations.

      10) k&l seem to have used the same control in which case they should not be analysed separately (they are all part of the same experiment).

      We agree with the reviewer and have revised the figure accordingly.

      11) The difference in gene expression in Figure 4 would be more convincing if it could be prevented by for example a TGFbeta inhibitor.

      We agree and acknowledge the impact such experiments could provide. We plan to incorporate these experiments into our future studies.

      12) Figure 5 seems to indicate bilateral and widespread BBB modulation arguing that this may be a non-specific effect. Panel g should look at other neocortical regions eg occipital cortex.

      We agree and thank the reviewer for this comment. We revised the figure to include other cortical areas, such as the frontal and occipital cortices (Figure 5g)

      Minor comments

      1) Paired data eg in Fig 2D are better represented by pairing the dots usually with a line.

      2) Please correct the %fold baseline in axes in graphs which show % change for baseline.

      3) Figure 4 is not correctly referred to in the text.

      We agree with all the points raised by the reviewer and revised the figures and text accordingly.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The conclusions are not compelling however because of a lack of explanation of methods and quantification. It also is not clear whether the prolonged stimulation in the rat was normal conditions. To their credit, the authors recorded the neuronal activity during stimulation, but it seemed excessive excitation. Since seizures open the BBB this result calls into question one of the conclusions. that the results reflect a normal brain. The authors could either conduct studies with stimulation that is more physiological or discuss the caveats of using a supraphysiological stimulus to infer healthy brain function.

      Major concerns:

      Methods need more explanation. Rationales need more justification. Examples are provided below.

      Throughout many sections of the paper, sample sizes and stats are often missing. For stats, please provide p-values and other information (tcrit, U statistic, F, etc.)

      Thank you, we added the relevant information where it was missing throughout the manuscript.

      For transcriptomics, they might have found changes in BBB-related genes if they assayed vessels but they assayed the cortex.

      We agree with the reviewer that this would be a very interesting future direction. The present study could not include this kind of analysis due to lack of access to vasculature isolation methods or single-cell RNA seq.

      What were the inclusion/exclusion criteria for the subjects?

      Thank you for pointing out this lack of clarity. The methods section (under ‘Magnetic Resonance Imaging’ – ‘Participants’) was expanded to include the following:

      “Male and female healthy individuals, aged 18-35, with no known neurological or psychiatric disorders were recruited to undergo MRI scanning while performing a motor task (n=6; 3 males and 3 females). MRI scans of 10 sex- and age- matched individuals (with no known neurological or psychiatric disorders) who did not perform the task were used as control data (n=10; 5 males and 5 females.

      Were they age and sex-matched?

      They were, indeed, age and sex-matched. This was now clarified in the relevant Methods section.

      Were there other factors that could have influenced the results?

      Certainly. Human subjects are difficult to control for due to different schedules, diets, exercise habits, and other factors that may impact vascular integrity and brain function. Larger multimodal studies are needed to better understand the observed phenomenon.

      Fig. 1. Images are very dim. Text here and in other figures is often too small to see. Some parts of the figures are not explained.

      Our apologies. Figures and legends were revised accordingly.

      Fig 2a, f. I don't see much difference here- do the authors think there was?

      We agree that the difference may not be visually obvious. The quantification of trace parameters (amplitude and area under curve) does, however, reveal a significant SEP difference in response to both stimulation (panels X and y) and albumin (panels z and q).

      Fig 3 d and j seem the same.

      We thank the reviewer for noticing. This was a copy mistake that was now rectified.

      Lesser concerns and examples of text that need explana9on:


      Insulin-like growth factor is transported. From where to where?

      The text was edited to clarify that this was cross-BBB influx of insulin-like growth factor-I.

      RMT that underlies the transport of plasma proteins was induced by physiological or non-physiological stimulation.

      This was shown without stimulation, in normal physiology of young and aged healthy mice. The text was edited to clarify this point.

      What was the circadian modulation that was shown to implicate BBB in brain function?

      The text was edited for clarity.


      When the word stimulation is used please be specific if whiskers are moved by an experimenter, an electrode is used to apply current, etc.

      We have now moved the ‘Stimulation protocol’ section closer to beginning of the Methods and emphasized that we administered electrical stimulation to the forepaw or hindlimb using subdermal needle electrodes.

      Please explain how the authors are convinced they localized the vascular response.

      The vascular response was localized via: (1) visual detection of arterioles that dilated in response to stimulation (due to functional hyperemia / neurovascular coupling) [figure 1 d]; and (2) quantitative mapping of increased hemoglobin concentration (Bouchard et al., 2009) [Figure 1 b]. This is now mentioned in the methods (under ‘In vivo imaging’) and results (under the ‘Stimulation increases BBB permeability’).

      "30 min of limb stimulation" means what exactly? 6 Hz 2mA for 30 min?

      Thank you. The text was revised for clarity (Methods under ‘Stimulation protocol’):

      “The left forelimb or hind limb of the rat was stimulated using Isolated Scmulator device (AD Instruments) attached with two subdermal needle electrodes (0.1 ms square pulses, 2-3 mA) at 6 Hz frequency. Test stimulation consisted of 360 pulses (60 s) and delivered before (as baseline) and after long-duration stimulation (30 min, referred throughout the text as ‘stimulation’). In control and albumin rats, only short-duration stimulations were performed. Under sham stimulation, electrodes were placed without delivering current.”

      Histology that was performed to confirm extravasation needs clarification because if tissue was removed from the brain, and fixed in order to do histology, what is outside the vessels would seem likely to wash away.

      Thank you for pointing out the need to clarify this point. The Histology description in the Methods section was revised in the following manner:

      “Albumin extravasacon was confirmed histologically in separate cohorts of rats that were anesthetized and stimulated without craniotomy surgery. Assessment of albumin extravasacon was performed using a well-established approach that involves peripheral injection of either labeled-albumin (bovine serum albumin conjugated to Alexa Flour 488, Alexa488-Alb) or albumin-labeling dye (Evans blue, EB – a dye that binds to endogenous albumin and forms a fluorescent complex), followed by histological analysis of brain tissue (Ahishali & Kaya, 2020; Ivens et al., 2007; Lapilover et al., 2012; Obermeier et al., 2013; Veksler et al., 2020). Since extravasated albumin is taken up by astrocytes (Ivens et al., 2007; Obermeier et al., 2013), it can be visualized in the brain neuropil after brain removal and fixation (Ahishali & Kaya, 2020; Ivens et al., 2007; Lapilover et al., 2012; Veksler et al., 2020). Five rats were injected with Alexa488-Alb (1.7 mg/ml) and five with EB (2%, 20 mg/ml, n=5). The injections were administered via the tail vein. Following injection, rats were transcardially perfused with…”

      It is not clear why there was extravasacon contralateral but not ipsilateral if there are cortical-cortical connections.

      Interpersonally, we also did not observe ipsilateral SEP in response to limb stimulation, with evidence of SEP and BBB permeability only in the contralateral sensorimotor region. This finding is consistent with electrophysiological and fMRI studies showing that peripheral stimulation results in predominantly contralateral potentials (Allison et al., 2000; Goff et al., 1962).

      After injection of Evans blue or Alexa-Alb, how was it shown that there was extravasacon?

      Extravasalon in cortical sections was visualized using a fluorescent microscope (Figure 1 h-i). Since extravasated albumin is taken up by astrocytes, fluorescent imaging can be used for visualizing and quantifying labeled albumin (Ahishali & Kaya, 2020; Ivens et al., 2007; Knowland et al., 2014). Here is the relevant methods excerpt:

      “Coronal sections (40-μm thick) were obtained using a freezing microtome (Leica Biosystems) and imaged for dye extravasacon using a fluorescence microscope (Axioskop 2; Zeiss) equipped with a CCD digital camera (AxioCam MRc 5; Zeiss).”

      How is a sham control not stimulated - what is the sham procedure?

      In the sham stimulation protocol electrodes were placed, but current was not delivered. A section titled ‘Stimulation protocol’ was added to the methods to clarify this point.

      What was the method for photothrombosis-induced ischemia?

      The procedure for photothrombosis-induced ischemia is described under the Methods section ‘Immunoassays’ – ‘Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for albumin extravasalon’:

      “Rats were anesthetilzed and underwent … photothrombosis stroke (PT) as previously described (Lippmann et al., 2017; Schoknecht et al., 2014). Briefly, Rose Bengal was administered intravenously (20 mg/kg) and a halogen light beam was directed for 15 min onto the intact exposed skull over the right somatosensory cortex.”

      Fig 1d. All parts of d are not explained.

      Thank you for pointing this out. In the revised manuscript, the panels of this figure were slightly reordered, and we made sure all panels are explained in the legend.

      e. Is the LFP a seizure? How physiological is this- it does not seem very physiological.

      Thank you for your comment. We believe that this activity is not a seizure because it lacks the typical slow activity that corresponds to the “depolarizalon shir” observed during seizures (Ivens et al., 2007; Milikovsky et al., 2019; Zelig et al., 2022).

      f. Permeability index needs explanation. How was the area chosen for each rat? Randomly? Was it the same across rats?

      We have now revised the Methods section to provide a clearer description of the permeability index calculation and the choice of the imaging area:

      “Across all experiments, acquired images were the same size (512 × 512 pixel, ~1x1 mm), centered above the responding arteriole. Images were analyzed offline using MATLAB as described (Vazana et al., 2016). Briefly, image registration and segmentation were performed to produce a binary image, separating blood vessels from extravascular regions. For each extravascular pixel, a time curve of signal intensity over time was constructed. To determine whether an extravascular pixel had tracer accumulation over time (due to BBB permeability), the pixel’s intensity curve was divided by that of the responding artery (i.e., the arterial input function, AIF, representing tracer input). This ratio was termed the BBB permeability index (PI), and extravascular pixels with PI > 1 were identified as pixels with tracer accumulation due to BBB permeability.”

      g. For Evans blue and Alexa-Alb was the sample size rats or sections?

      Thank you for this question. We revised the statistical analysis for Figure 1j,k to appropriately asses the differences between rats. We used a nested t-test to test for differences between rats (and not sections). The differences remained significant (EB, p=0.0296; Alexa, p=0.0229) and the text was modified accordingly.

      h, i, j need more contrast and/or brightness to appreciate the images. Arrows would help. The text is too small to read.

      Thank you. This issue was addressed in the revised paper.

      To induce potentiation, 6 Hz 2 mA stimuli were used for 30 min. Please justify this as physiological.

      Thank you for the comment. We believe that the used stimulation protocol is within the physiological range (and relevant to plasticity, learning and memory) for the following reasons:

      1. In our continuous electrophysiological recordings, we did not observe any form of epileptiform or otherwise pathological activity.

      2. Memory/training/skill acquisition experiments in humans often involve similar training duration or longer (Bengtsson et al., 2005), e.g., a 30 min thumb training session performed by (Classen et al., 1998).

      3. The levels of SEP potentiation we observed are similar to those reported in:

      a. Rats following a 10-minute whisker stimulation (one hour post stimulation, (Mégevand et al., 2009)).

      b. Humans following a 15 min task (McGregor et al., 2016).

      We have revised the Discussion of the paper to clarify this important point.

      The test stimulus to evoke somatosensory evoked potentials was 1 min. Was this 6 Hz 2 mA for 1 min? Please justify.

      Yes. We chose these parameters as these ranges were shown to induce the largest changes in blood flow (with laserdoppler flowmetry) and summated SEP (Ngai et al., 1999), corresponding with our findings. We also show that these stimulation parameters do not induce changes in BBB permeability nor synaptic potentiation, therefore served as test control.

      How long after the 30 min was the test stimulus triggered- immediately? 30 sec afterwards?

      The test stimulus was applied 5 min afterwards to allow for BBB imaging protocol (now explained in the Methods section).

      How were amplitude and AUC measured? Baseline to peak? For AUC is it the sum of the upward and downward deflections comprising the LFP?

      Yes, and yes. This is now clarified in the ‘Analysis of electrophysiological recordings’ section in the Methods.

      How was the same site in the somatosensory cortex recorded for each animal?<br /> Potentiation was said to last >5 hrs. How often was it measured? Was potentiation the same for the amplitude and the AUC?

      The location of the cranial window over the somatosensory cortex was the same in all rats. The location of the specific responding arteriole may change between animals, but the recording electrode was places around the responding arteriole in the same approaching angle and depth for all animals.

      As the length of experiments differed between animals, the exact length could not be specifically stated. We therefore revised the text to clarify that LTP was recorded until the end of each experiment (depending on the animal condition, between 1.5-5 hours) and added a panel to figure 2 (Figure 2f) with exemplary data showing potentiation 120 min (2hr) post stimulation.

      Why was 25% of the serum level of albumin selected- does the brain ever get exposed to that much? Was albumin dissolved in aCSF or was aCSF chosen as a control for another reason?

      Yes, albumin was dissolved in aCSF and the solution was allowed to diffuse through the brain. The relatively high concentration of albumin was chosen to account for factors that lower its effective tissue concentration:

      1. The low diffusion rate of albumin (Tao & Nicholson, 1996).

      2. The likelihood of albumin to encounter a degradation site or a cross-BBB efflux transporter (Tao & Nicholson, 1996; Zhang & Pardridge, 2001).

      Figure 2.

      a. Please show baseline, the stimulus, and aftier the stimulus.

      Please point out when there was stimulacon.

      What is the inset at the top?

      The inset on top is the example trace of the stimulus waveform, the legend of the figure was modified for clarity.

      b. Please show when the stimulus artifact occurred. The end of the 1-minute test stimulus period is fine. Why are the SEPs different morphologies? It suggests the different locations in the cortex were recorded.

      What is shown is the averaged SEP response over 1min test stimulus, each SEP is time locked to each stimulus. Regarding SEP waveform, it does indeed show different morphology between animals, as sometimes different arterioles respond to the stimulation, and we localize the recording to the responding vessel in each rat. However, in each rat the recording is only from one location. Once the electrode was positioned near the responding arteriole it was not moved.

      d, e. What are the stats?

      h, i. Add stats. Are all comparisons Wilcoxon? Please provide p values.

      The comparisons were performed with the Wilcoxon test. We now state that and provide the exact p values.

      j. What was selected from the baseline and what was selected during Albumin and how long of a record was selected?

      What program was used to create the spectrogram?

      What is meant by changes at frequencies above 200 Hz, the frequencies of HFOs?

      The Method section (under ‘Electrophysiology – Data acquisition and analyses’) has been revised for clarification. Spectrogram was created with MATLAB and graphed with Prism. For analysis, we selected a 10 min recorded segment before starting albumin perfusion, and 10 min after terminating albumin perfusion.

      When the cortial window was exposed to drugs, what were concentrations used that were selective for their receptor? How long was the exposure?

      Was the vehicle tested?

      We have revised the Methods section (under ‘Animal preparation and surgical procedures - Drug application’) to clarify the duration and concentration used and justification. All blockers were exposed for 50 min. The vehicle was an artificial cerebrospinal fluid solution (aCSF).

      For PSD-95, what was the area of the cortex that was tested?

      Were animals acutely euthanized and the brain dissected, frozen, etc?

      We have revised the Methods section (under ‘Immunoassays’) for clarity.

      What is mbetaCD?

      The full term was added to the results section. It is also mentioned in the Methods.

      Is SJN specific at the concentration that was chosen? Did it inhibit the SEP?

      In the concentration used in our experiments, SJN is a selective TGF-β type I receptor ALK5 inhibitor (see (Gellibert et al., 2004)).

      Fig. 3b. It looks like CNQX increased the width of the vessels quite a bit. Please explain.

      For AP5, very large vessels were imaged, making it hard to compare to the other data.

      The vascular dilation in response to the stimulation under CNQX was similar to that seen under “normal” conditions (i.e. aCSF). As for AP5, in some experiments the responding arteriole was in close proximity to a large venule that cannot be avoidable while imaging. For quantification we always measured arterioles within the same diameter range.

      e. Sometimes CNQX did not block the response after 30 min stimulation. Why?

      CNQX is washed out before the 30 min stimulation starts, so it is not expected to block the response to stimulation. However, in some cases the response to stimulation was lower in amplitude, likely due to residual CNQX that did not wash out completely.

      Regarding DEGs, on the top of p 10 what are the percentages of?

      In this analysis we tested in each hemisphere how many genes expressed differentially between 1 and 24 hours post stimulation (either up- or down- regulated). The results were presented as the percentages of differentially expressed genes in each hemisphere (13.2% contralateral, and 7.3% ipsilateral). The text was rephrased for clarity.

      Please add a ref for the use of the JSD metric methods and support for its use as the appropriate method. Other methods need explanation/references.

      References were added to the text to clarify. The Jensen-Shannon Divergence metric is commonly used to calculate the statistical pairwise distance among two distributions (Sudmant et al., 2015). From comparing a few different distance metric calculations including JSD, our results were similar irrespective of the distance metric applied. Therefore, we demonstrate the variability between paired samples of stimulated and non-stimulated cortex of each animal at two time points following stimulation (24 h vs. 1 h) using JSD.

      What synaptic plasticity genes were selected for assay and what were not?

      What does "largely unaffected" mean? Some of the genes may change a small amount but have big functional effects.

      The selected genes of interest were taken from a large list compiled from previous publications (see (Cacheaux et al., 2009; Kim et al., 2017)) and are well documented in gene ontology databases and tools (e.g., Metascape, (Zhou et al., 2019)).

      We agree that the term ‘largely unaffected’ is suboptimal, and we rephrased this section of the results to indicate that “No significant differences were found in BBB or inflammation related genes between the hemispheres”. We also agree that a small number of genes can have big functional effects. Future studies are needed to better understand the genes underlying the observed BBB modulation.

      Please note that Slc and ABCs are not only involved in the BBB.

      Thank you. We modified the text to no longer specify that these are BBB-specific transporters.

      Please explain the choice of the stress ball squeeze task, and DCE.

      DCE is a well-established method for BBB imaging in living humans, and it is cited throughout the manuscript. The ball squeeze task was chosen as it is presumed to involve primarily sensory motor areas, without high-level processing (Halder et al., 2005). This is now stated in the discussion.

      What is Gd-DOTA?

      Gd-DOTA is a gadolinium-based contrast agent (gadoterate meglumine, AKA Dotarem). Text was revised for clarity. Please see the Methods section under ‘Magnetic Resonance Imaging’ - ‘Data Acquisition’.

      What does a higher percentage of activated regions mean- how was activacon defined and how were regions counted?

      Higher percentage of activated regions refers to regions in which voxels showed significant BOLD changes due to the motor task preformed. The statistical approaches and analyses are detailed in the Methods section under ‘Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Preprocessing of functional data, and fMRI Localizer Motor Task’.

      Figure. 4

      Was stimulation 1 min or 30 min.?

      30 min, Text has been revised for clarity.

      What is the Wald test and how were p values adjusted-please add to the Stats section.

      The Methods section under ‘Statistical analysis’ was revised to clarify this point.

      Is there a reason why p values are sometimes circles and otherwise triangles?

      The legend was revised to explain that ”Circles represent genes with no significant differences between 1 and 24 h poststimulation. Upward and downward triangles indicate significantly up- and down- regulated genes, respectively.”

      How can a p-value be zero? Please explain abbreviations.

      The p-value is very low (~10-10) and therefore appears to be zero due to the scale of the y-axis.

      Fig. 5b.

      There are unexplained abbreviations.

      The x on the ball and hand is not clear relative to the black ball and hand.

      Thank you for noticing. We revised the figure for clarity.

      c. What was the method used to make an activator map and what is meant by localizer task?

      The explanation of the “fMRI Localizer Motor Task” section in the methods was revised for added clarity.

      f. What is the measurement "% area" that indicates " BBB modulation"?

      Is it in f, the BBB permeable vessels (%)? f. Please explain: "Heatmap of BBB modulated voxels percentage in motor/sensory-related areas of task vs. controls."

      The %area measurement indicates the percentage of voxels within a specific brain region that have a leaky BBB. See Methods.

      Is Task - the control?


      Supplemental Fig. 2.

      Why is AUC measured, not amplitude?

      The amplitude, and now also the AUC are shown in Figure 3.

      b. There is no comparison to baseline. The arrowhead points to the start of stimulation but there is no arrowhead marking the end.

      In the revised paper we added a grey shade over the stimulation period to better visualize the difference to baseline. In this panel we wanted to show that NMDA receptor antagonist did not block the SEP, while AMPA receptor antagonist did.

      c. In the blot there are two bands for PSD95- which is the one that is PSD95? There is no increase in PSD95 uncl 24 hrs but in the graph in d there is. In the blot, there is a strong expression of PSD95 ipsilateral compared to contralateral in the sham-why?

      What is the percent change fold?

      The PSD-95 is the top and larger band. The lower band was disregarded in the analysis. The example we show may not fully reflect the group statistics presented in panel d. Upon quantification of 8 animals, PSD-95 is significantly higher 30 min and 24 hours post stimulation in the contralateral hemisphere. No significant changes were found in sham animals. The % change fold refers to the AUC change compared to baseline. This panel was now incorporated in Figure 3 (panel h), and the title was corrected to “|AUC|, % change from baseline”.

      Supplemental Fig. 4.

      a. If ipsilateral and contralateral showed many changes why do the authors think the effects were only contralateral?

      Our gene analysis was designed to complement our in vivo and histological findings, by assessing the magnitude of change in differentially expressed genes (DEGs). This analysis showed that: (1) the hemisphere contralateral to the stimulus has significantly more DEGs than the ipsilateral hemisphere; and (2) the DEGs were related to synaptic plasticity and TGF-b signaling. These findings strengthen the hypothesis raised by our in vivo and histological experiments.

      Supplemental Fig. 5 includes many processes not in the results. Examples include dorsal cuneate and VPL, dynamin, Kir, mGluR, etc. The top right has numbers that are not mentioned. If the drawings are from other papers they should be cited.

      The drawings of Figure 5 are original and were not published before. This hypothesis figure points to mechanisms that may drive the phenomena described in the paper. The legend of the figure was revised to include references to mechanisms that were not tested in this study.

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    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review)

      Midbrain dopamine neurons have attracted attention as a part of the brain's reward system. A different line of research, on the other hand, has shown that these neurons are also involved in higher cognitive functions such as short-term memory. However, these neurons are thought not to encode short-term memory itself because they just exhibit a phasic response in short-term memory tasks, which cannot seem to maintain information during the memory period. To understand the role of dopamine neurons in short-term memory, the present study investigated the electrophysiological property of these neurons in rodents performing a T-maze version of a short-term memory task, in which a visual cue indicated which arm (left or right) of the T-maze was associated with a reward. The animal needed to maintain this information while they were located between the cue presentation position and the selection position of the T-maze. The authors found that the activity of some dopamine neurons changed depending on the information while the animals were located in the memory position. This dopamine neuron modulation was unable to explain the motivation or motor component of the task. The authors concluded that this modulation reflected the information stored as short-term memory.

      I was simply surprised by their finding because these dopamine neurons are similar to neurons in the prefrontal cortex that store memory information with sustained activity. Dopamine neurons are an evolutionally conserved structure, which is seen even in insects, whereas the prefrontal cortex is developed mainly in the primate. I feel that their findings are novel and would attract much attention from readers in the field. But the authors need to conduct additional analyses to consolidate their conclusion.

      We thank reviewer #1 for the positive assessment and for the valuable and constructive comments on our manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations to The Authors)

      (1) The authors found the dopamine neuron modulation that reflected the memory information during the delay period. Here the dopamine neuron activity was aligned by the position, not by time, in which the animals needed to maintain the information. Usually, the activity was aligned by time, and many studies found that dopamine neurons exhibited a short duration burst in response to rewards and behaviorally relevant stimuli including visual cues presented in short-term memory tasks. For comparison, I (and probably other readers) want to see the time-aligned dopamine neuron modulation that reflected the memory information. Did the modulation still exist? Did it have a long duration? The authors just showed the time-aligned "population" activity that exhibited no memory-dependent modulation.

      We agree that the point raised by the reviewer is important. To address this question, we added a new paragraph to the Methods section titled “Methodological considerations” (in line 793 of the revised manuscript), where we explain the caveats of using time alignment in the T-maze task study. We also created a new sup figure 5 to clarify our argument. As the figure shows, we did not observe major differences in the firing rates when they were arranged by position or time. More importantly, we did not detect brief bursts of activity in response to the visual cue which could reflect an RPE signaling scheme. Our interpretation is that in the T-maze task, DA neurons encode “miniature” RPE signals between successive states in the T-maze, which are hard to detect, especially when neurons receive a continuous sensory input during trials.

      (2) Several studies have reported that dopamine neurons at different locations encode distinct signals even within the VTA or SNr. Were the locations of dopamine neurons maintaining the memory information different from those of other dopamine neurons?

      We thank the reviewer’s comment. Indeed, there is evidence from recent studies demonstrating that DA neurons form functional and anatomical clusters in the VTA and SN. Following the reviewer’s advice, we report the anatomical structure of memory and non-memory-specific neurons in the revised manuscript. You can read these results in the paragraph “Anatomical organization of trajectory-specific neurons.” in the “Results” section (in line 383 of the revised manuscript) and in the new sup figure 11. We only observed a clear functional-anatomical segregation in GABA neurons, but not in DA neurons. But we should note that the absence of segregation in the DA neurons could be accounted for by the fact that we recorded mostly from the lateral VTA, therefore we do not have any numbers from the medial VTA.

      (3a) Did the dopamine neurons maintaining the memory information respond to reward?

      We believe that we have already provided the data that can partially answer this question by correlating the firing rate difference between the reward and memory delay sections. This result was described in the “Neuronal activities in delay and reward are unrelated.” paragraph and in Figure 6. Moreover, motivated by the reviewer’s question, we also performed additional analysis, which is included in the revised manuscript. Briefly, we clustered significant responses between the memory delay and reward sections (Category 1: Left-signif, R-signif or No-signif / Category 2: Memory delay or Reward). We discovered that only a very small number of neurons showed the same significant trajectory preference in the memory delay and reward sections (i.e., significant preference for left trials in the memory delay and significant preference for the left reward). In fact, more significant neurons showed a preference for opposite trajectories (i.e. significant preference for left trials in memory delay and a significant preference for right rewards). A description of the new results is included in the “Neuronal activities in delay and reward are unrelated.” paragraph (in line 349 of the revised manuscript) and in the new supplementary Figure 11.

      (3b) Did they encode reward prediction error? The relationship between the present data and the conventional theory may be valuable.

      We understand that the readers of this study will come up with the question of how memory-specific activities are related to RPE signaling. However, the T-maze task we used in this research was designed for studying working memory and was not adequate to extract information about the RPE signaling of DA neurons.

      RPE signaling is mainly studied in Pavlovian conditioning. These are low-dimensional tasks with usually four (4) states (state1: ITI, state2: trial start, state3: stimulus presentation, state4: reward delivery). Evidence of RPE signaling is extracted from the firing activity of states 3 and 4 (which is theorized to be related to the difference in the values for states 3 and 4).

      However, in the T-maze task, the number of states is hard to define and practically countless. In these conditions, it has been suggested that numerous small RPEs are signaled while the mice navigate the maze; Thus, they are very difficult to detect. To our knowledge, only Kim et al 2020, Cell, vol183, pg1600, managed to detect the RPE signaling activity of DA neurons while mice were teleported in a virtual corridor.

      Another confounding factor in extracting RPE signals in the T-maze task is that the environment is high-dimensional and DA neurons are multitasking. Therefore, it is likely that RPE signaling could be masked by other parallel encoding schemes.

      We have added these descriptions in the “Methodological considerations” (in line 793 of the revised manuscript).

      (4) Did the dopamine neurons maintaining the memory information (left or right) prefer a contralateral direction like neurons in the motor cortex?

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. Indeed, the majority of the memory-specific DA neurons showed a preference for the contralateral direction. We report this result in the legend of the new sup fig 10 (in line 1668 of the revised manuscript).

      (5) As shown in Table S2, the proportion of GABA neurons maintaining the memory information (left or right during delay) was much larger than that of dopamine neurons. It seems to be strange because the main output neurons in the VTA are dopaminergic. What is the role of these GABA neurons?

      We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. The present study shows that in both populations a sizeable portion of neurons show memory-specific encoding activities. However, the percentage of memory-encoding GABA neurons is more than twice as large as in the DA neurons. Moreover, we show that GABA neurons are functionally and anatomically segregated.

      From this evidence, one could raise the hypothesis that the GABA neurons have a primary role and that the activity of DA neurons is a collateral phenomenon, triggered in a sequence of events within the VTA network. To characterize the (1) role and (2) importance of GABA neurons in memory-guided behavior, one should first identify the afferent and efferent projections of these cells in great detail. Unfortunately, we do not provide anatomical evidence.

      So far, with the electrophysiological data we have collected (unit and field recordings), we can address an alternative hypothesis. It has been reported earlier (but we have also observed) that the VTA circuit engages in behaviorally related network oscillations which range from 0.4Hz up to 100Hz. Converging evidence from different brain regions, in vitro preparations but also in vivo recordings agree that local networks of inhibitory neurons are crucial for the generation, maintenance, and spectral control of network oscillations. Ongoing analysis, which we hope will lead to a publication, is looking for the behavioral correlates of network oscillations on the T-maze task, as well as the correlation of single-unit firing activity to the field oscillations. We expect to detect a higher field-unit coherence in GABA neurons, which could explain their stronger engagement in memory-specific encoding activity.

      The potential role of GABA neurons in network oscillations is discussed in the revised manuscript in a newly added paragraph in line 564.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review)

      The authors phototag DA and GABA neurons in the VTA in mice performing a t-maze task, and report choice-specific responses in the delay period of a memory-guided task, more so than in a variant task w/o a memory component. Overall, I found the results convincing. While showing responses that are choice selective in DA neurons is not entirely novel (e.g. Morris et al NN 2006, Parker et al NN 2016), the fact that this feature is stronger when there is a memory requirement is an interesting and novel observation.

      I found the plots in 3B misleading because it looks like the main result is the sequential firing of DA neurons during the Tmaze. However, many of the neurons aren't significant by their permutation test. Often people either only plot the neurons that are significant, or plot with cross-validation (ie sort by half of the trials, and plot the other half).

      Relatedly, the cross-task comparisons of sequences (Fig, 4,5) are hampered by the fact that they sort in one task, then plot in the other, which will make the sequences look less robust even if they were equally strong. What happens if they swap which task's sequences they use to order the neurons? I do realize they also show statistical comparisons of modulated units across tasks, which is helpful.

      We thank reviewer #2 for the valuable and constructive comments on our manuscript. If, as the reviewer commented, the rate differences between left and right trajectories were only the result we want to claim, there may be a way to show only those whose left and right are significant. However, the sequential activity is also one of the points we wanted to display. We did not emphasize this result because it has already been shown by Engelhard et al. 2019. However, after reading the reviewer's comments, we decided to add a few lines in the "Results" (in lines 205 - 215 of the revised manuscript) and "Discussion" (in line 453 of the revised manuscript) describing the sequential activity of the VTA circuit. In those lines, we explained that DA activity is position-specific (resulting in sequential activity) and that a fraction of them also have left-right specificity.

      Overall, the introduction was scholarly and did a good job covering a vast literature. But the explanation of t-maze data towards the end of the introduction was confusing. In Line 87, I would not say "in the same task" but "in a similar task" because there are many differences between the tasks in question.

      We thank the reviewer for pointing out this mistake. In the revised manuscript, we replaced “in the same task” with “in a similar task” (in line 85 of the revised manuscript).

      And not clear what is meant by "by averaging neuronal population activities, none of these computational schemes would have been revealed. " There was trial averaging, at least in Harvey et al. I thought the main result of that paper related to coding schemes was that neural activity was sequential, not persistent. I think it would help the paper to say that clearly.

      We admit that this sentence leaves room for misunderstanding. We were mainly referring to DA studies using microdialysis or fiber photometry techniques. We decided to delete this sentence in the revised manuscript.

      Also, I'm not aware it was shown that choice selectivity diminishes when the memory demand of the task is removed - please clarify if that is true in both referenced papers.

      The reviewer’s remark is correct. None of these reports show explicitly that memory-specific activities are diminished without the memory component. Therefore, we deleted this sentence in the revised manuscript.

      If so, an interpretation of this present data could be found in Lee et al biorxiv 2022, which presents a computational model that implies that the heterogeneity in the VTA DA system is a reflection of the heterogeneity found in upstream regions (the state representation), based on the idea that different subsets of DA neurons calculate prediction errors with respect to different subsets of the state representation.

      We thank the reviewer for sharing this interpretation. We agree that this theory would support our results. In the revised manuscript we briefly discuss the Lee et al. report (in line 460 of the revised manuscript).

      I am surprised only 28% of DA neurons responded to the reward - the reward is not completely certain in this task. This seems lower than other papers in mice (even Pavlovian conditioning, when the reward is entirely certain). It would be helpful if the authors comment on how this number compares to other papers.

      In Pavlovian conditioning, neuronal responses to rewards are compared to a relatively quiet period of firing activity (usually the inter-trial interval epoch). As the reviewer pointed out, in the present study, the number of DA neurons responding to reward is smaller compared to the earlier studies. We hypothesize that this is due to our comparison method. We compared the post-reward response to an epoch when the animal was running along the side arms and the majority of neurons were highly active, instead of comparing it to a quiescent baseline epoch.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations to The Authors)

      Can you clarify what disparity you are referring to here? "Disparities between this 438 and our study in the proportions of modulated neurons could be attributed to the 439 different recording techniques applied as well as the maze regions of interest; for 440 example, Engelhard et al. analyzed neuronal firing activities in the visual-cue period 441 (Engelhard et al., 2019), whereas we focused on memory delay.". Is it the fact that Engelhard et al did not report choice-selective activity? They did report cue-side-selective activity, with some neurons responsive to cues on one side, and other neurons responsive to cues on the other side. Because there are more cues on the left when the mouse turns left, these neurons do indeed have choice-selective responses.

      We thank the reviewer for this comment. We agree that we need to clarify further our argument. As the reviewer pointed out, Engelhard et al identified choice-specific DA neurons. However, they reported the encoding properties of DA neurons only in the visual-cue period and the reward period. Remarkably, although the task has a memory delay, they did not report the neuronal firing activities for this delay period. Instead, in the present study we dedicated most of our analysis to characterizing the firing properties of VTA neurons in the delay period.

      Also, in response to your comment, we edited the paragraph where we describe the disparities between our study and Engelhard et al (in line 466 in the revised manuscript).

      I don't think this sentence of intro is needed since it doesn't really contain new info: "Therefore, we looked for hints 116 of memory-related encoding activities in single DA and GABA neurons by 117 characterizing their firing preference for opposite behavioral choices.".

      We agree with the reviewer. Therefore, we deleted this sentence in the revised manuscript.

      I didn't understand this line of discussion: "Our evidence does not question the validity of this computational model, since we do not provide evidence of how the selective preference for one response over the other translates into the release site.".

      The gating theory is based on experimental evidence of neuronal firing activities of DA neurons but also takes into consideration (to a lesser degree) the pre- and post-synaptic processes at the DA release sites (inverted U-shape of D1R activity). We thought that the reader may come to the conclusion that we question the validity of the gating theory. But this is not our intention, especially when we do not provide important evidence such as (1) the projection sites of DA and GABA neurons and (2) the sequence of events that take place at the synaptic triads following the DA and GABA release.

      After reading your comment we came to the conclusion that this sentence should be omitted because it is not within the scope of this study to question the validity of the gating theory. Instead, we dedicated a few lines of text to explaining which components of the gating theory (“update”, “maintenance & manipulation” and “motor preparation”) could be attributed to the trajectory-specific activities in the memory delay of the T-maze task. (section “Activities of midbrain DA neurons in short-term memory” in line 417 of the revised manuscript).

      In 1B, please illustrate when the light pulses are on & off?

      Following the reviewer’s instruction, we added colored bars on top of the raster plots in Figure 1B, indicating the light induction conditions.

      In legend for 6C, please clarify it's a correlation between the difference in R and L choice activity across the epochs (if my understanding is correct).

      The reviewer’s understanding is correct. We took this advice into consideration to further clarify the methods of analysis that led to the plot in Figure 6C (in line 1246 in the revised manuscript).

    1. Author Response

      We thank you for the time you took to review our work and for your feedback!

      The major changes to the manuscript are:

      1. We have extended the range of locomotion velocity over which we compare its dependence with cholinergic activity in Figures 2E and S2H.

      2. We have quantified the contributions of cholinergic stimulation on multiplicative and additive gains on visual responses (Figure S7).

      3. We have provided single cell examples for the change in latency to visual response (Figure S12).

      4. We have added an analysis to compare layer 2/3 and layer 5 locomotion onset responses as a function of visuomotor condition (Figure S8).

      A detailed point-by-point response to all reviewer concerns is provided below.  

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The paper submitted by Yogesh and Keller explores the role of cholinergic input from the basal forebrain (BF) in the mouse primary visual cortex (V1). The study aims to understand the signals conveyed by BF cholinergic axons in the visual cortex, their impact on neurons in different cortical layers, and their computational significance in cortical visual processing. The authors employed two-photon calcium imaging to directly monitor cholinergic input from BF axons expressing GCaMP6 in mice running through a virtual corridor, revealing a strong correlation between BF axonal activity and locomotion. This persistent activation during locomotion suggests that BF input provides a binary locomotion state signal. To elucidate the impact of cholinergic input on cortical activity, the authors conducted optogenetic and chemogenetic manipulations, with a specific focus on L2/3 and L5 neurons. They found that cholinergic input modulates the responses of L5 neurons to visual stimuli and visuomotor mismatch, while not significantly affecting L2/3 neurons. Moreover, the study demonstrates that BF cholinergic input leads to decorrelation in the activity patterns of L2/3 and L5 neurons.

      This topic has garnered significant attention in the field, drawing the interest of many researchers actively investigating the role of BF cholinergic input in cortical activity and sensory processing. The experiments and analyses were thoughtfully designed and conducted with rigorous standards, leading to convincing results which align well with findings in previous studies. In other words, some of the main findings, such as the correlation between cholinergic input and locomotor activity and the effects of cholinergic input on V1 cortical activity, have been previously demonstrated by other labs (Goard and Dan, 2009; Pinto et al., 2013; Reimer et al., 2016). However, the study by Yogesh and Keller stands out by combining cutting-edge calcium imaging and optogenetics to provide compelling evidence of layerspecific differences in the impact of cholinergic input on neuronal responses to bottom-up (visual stimuli) and top-down inputs (visuomotor mismatch).

      We thank the reviewer for their feedback.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The manuscript investigates the function of basal forebrain cholinergic axons in mouse primary visual cortex (V1) during locomotion using two-photon calcium imaging in head-fixed mice. Cholinergic modulation has previously been proposed to mediate the effects of locomotion on V1 responses. The manuscript concludes that the activity of basal forebrain cholinergic axons in visual cortex provides a signal which is more correlated with binary locomotion state than locomotion velocity of the animal. Cholinergic axons did not seem to respond to grating stimuli or visuomotor prediction error. Optogenetic stimulation of these axons increased the amplitude of responses to visual stimuli and decreased the response latency of layer 5 excitatory neurons, but not layer 2/3 neurons. Moreover, optogenetic or chemogenetic stimulation of cholinergic inputs reduced pairwise correlation of neuronal responses. These results provide insight into the role of cholinergic modulation to visual cortex and demonstrate that it affects different layers of visual cortex in a distinct manner. The experiments are well executed and the data appear to be of high quality. However, further analyses are required to fully support several of the study's conclusions.

      We thank the reviewer for their feedback.

      1) In experiments analysing the activity of V1 neurons, GCaMP6f was expressed using a ubiquitous Ef1a promoter, which is active in all neuronal cell types as well as potentially non-neuronal cells. The manuscript specifically refers to responses of excitatory neurons but it is unclear how excitatory neuron somata were identified and distinguished from that of inhibitory neurons or other cell types.

      This might be a misunderstanding. The Ef1α promoter has been reported to drive highly specific expression in neurons (Tsuchiya et al., 2002) with 99.7% of labeled cells in layer 2/3 of rat cortex being NeuN+ (a neuronal marker), with only 0.3% of labeled cells being GFAP+ (a glial marker) (Yaguchi et al., 2013). This bias was even stronger in layer 5 with 100% of labeled cells being NeuN+ and none GFAP+ (Yaguchi et al., 2013). The Ef1α promoter in an AAV vector, as we use it here, also biases expression to excitatory neurons. In layer 2/3 of mouse visual cortex, we have found that 96.8% ± 0.7% of labeled neurons are excitatory three weeks after viral injection (Attinger et al., 2017). Similar results have also been found in rats (Yaguchi et al., 2013), where on expressing GFP under Ef1a promoter delivered using Lenti virus, 95.2% of labeled neurons in layer 2/3 were excitatory and 94.1% in layer 5 were excitatory. These numbers are comparable to the ones obtained with promoters commonly used to target expression to excitatory neurons. To do this, typically two variants of promoters based on the transcription start region of CaMKIIα gene have been used. The first, the CaMKIIα-0.4 promoter, results in 95% excitatory specificity (Scheyltjens et al., 2015). The second, the CaMKIIα-1.3 promoter, results in only 82% excitatory specificity (Scheyltjens et al., 2015), and is thus not far from chance. We have clarified this in the manuscript. Nevertheless, we have removed the qualifier “excitatory” when talking about neurons in most instances, throughout the manuscript.

      2) The manuscript concludes that cholinergic axons convey a binary locomotion signal and are not tuned to running speed. The average running velocity of mice in this study is very slow - slower than 15 cm/s in the example trace in Figure 1D and speeds <6 cm/s were quantified in Figure 2E. However, mice can run at much faster speeds both under head-fixed and freely moving conditions (see e.g. Jordan and Keller, 2020, where example running speeds are ~35 cm/s). Given that the data in the present manuscript cover such a narrow range of running speeds, it is not possible to determine whether cholinergic axons are tuned to running speed or convey a binary locomotion signal.

      Our previous analysis window of 0-6.25 cm/s covered approximately 80% of all data. We have increased the analysis window to 0-35 cm/s that now covers more than 99% of the data (see below). Also, note that very high running speeds are probably overrepresented in the Jordan and Keller 2020 paper as mice had to be trained to run reliably before all experiments given the relatively short holding times of the intracellular recordings. The running speeds in our current dataset are comparable to other datasets we have acquired in similar experiments.

      Figure 2E has now been updated to reflect the larger range of data. Please note, as the number of mice that contribute to the data now differs as a function of velocity (some mice run faster than others), we have now switched to a variant of the plot based on hierarchical bootstrap sampling (see Methods). This does not overtly change the appearance of the plot. See Author response image 1 for a comparison of the original plot, the extended range without bootstrap sampling, and the extended range with bootstrap sampling currently used in the paper.

      Author response image 1.

      Average activity of cholinergic axons as a function of locomotion velocity. (A) As in the previous version of the manuscript. (B) As in A, but with the extended velocity range. (C) As in B, but using hierarchical bootstrap sampling to estimate median (red dots) and 95% confidence interval (shading) for each velocity bin.

      3) The analyses in Figure 4 only consider the average response to all grating orientations and directions. Without further analysing responses to individual grating directions it is unclear how stimulation of cholinergic inputs affects visual responses. Previous work (e.g. Datarlat and Stryker, 2017) has shown that locomotion can have both additive and multiplicative effects and it would be valuable to determine the type of modulation provided by cholinergic stimulation.

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. To address this, we quantified how cholinergic stimulation influenced the orientation tuning of V1 neurons. The stimuli we used were full field sinusoidal drifting gratings of 4 different orientations (2 directions each). For each neuron, we identified the preferred orientation and plotted responses relative to this preferred orientation as a function of whether the mouse was running, or we were stimulating cholinergic axons. Consistent with previous work, we found a mixture of a multiplicative and an additive components during running. With cholinergic axon stimulation, the multiplicative effect was stronger than the additive effect. This is now quantified in Figure S7.

      4) The difference between the effects of locomotion and optogenetic stimulation of cholinergic axons in Figure 5 may be confounded by differences in the visual stimulus. These experiments are carried out under open-loop conditions, where mice may adapt their locomotion based on the speed of the visual stimulus. Consequently, locomotion onsets are likely to occur during periods of higher visual flow. Since optogenetic stimulation is presented randomly, it is likely to occur during periods of lower visual flow speed. Consequently, the difference between the effect of locomotion and optogenetic stimulation may be explained by differences in visual flow speed and it is important to exclude this possibility.

      We find that in general locomotion is unaffected by visual flow in open loop conditions in this type of experiment (in this particular dataset, there was a small negative correlation between locomotion and visual flow in the open loop condition, Author response image 2).

      Author response image 2.

      Correlation between visual flow and locomotion in open loop conditions. Average correlation of locomotion velocity and visual flow speed in open loop for all mice in Figure 5. Each dot is an imaging site. In the open loop, the correlation between locomotion and visual flow speed is close to zero, but significantly negative in this dataset.

      However, to directly address the concern that our results are influenced by visual flow, we can restrict our analysis only to locomotion onsets that occurred in absence of visual flow (Author response image 3A and R3B). These responses are not substantially different from those when including all data (Figures 5A and 5B). Thus, the difference between the effect of locomotion and optogenetic stimulation cannot be explained by differences in visual flow speed.

      Author response image 3.

      Open loop locomotion onset responses without visual flow. (A) Average calcium response of layer 2/3 neurons in visual cortex to locomotion onset in open loop in the absence of visual flow. Shading indicates SEM. (B) As in A, but for layer 5 neurons.

      5) It is unclear why chemogenetic manipulations of cholinergic inputs had no effect on pairwise correlations of L2/3 neuronal responses while optogenetic stimulation did.

      This is correct – we do not know why that is the case and can only speculate. There are at least two possible explanations for this difference:

      1) Local vs. systemic. The optogenetic manipulation is relatively local, while the chemogenetic manipulation is systemic. It is not clear how cholinergic release in other brain regions influences the correlation structure in visual cortex. It is conceivable that a cortex-wide change in cholinergic release results in a categorically different state with a specific correlation structure in layer 2/3 neurons different from the one induced by the more local optogenetic manipulation.

      2) Layer-specificity of activation. Cholinergic projections to visual cortex arrive both in superficial and deep layers. We activate the axons in visual cortex optogenetically by illuminating the cortical surface. Thus, in our optogenetic experiments, we are primarily activating the axons arriving superficially, while in the chemogenetic experiment, we are likely influencing superficial and deep axons similarly. Thus, we might expect a bias in the optogenetic activation to influencing superficial layers more strongly than the chemogenetic activation does.

      6) The effects of locomotion and optogenetic stimulation on the latency of L5 responses in Figure 7 are very large - ~100 ms. Indeed, typical latencies in mouse V1 measured using electrophysiology are themselves shorter than 100 ms (see e.g. Durand et al., 2016). Visual response latencies in stationary conditions or without optogenetic stimulation appear surprisingly long - much longer than reported in previous studies even under anaesthesia. Such large and surprising results require careful analysis to ensure they are not confounded by artefacts. However, as in Figure 4, this analysis is based only on average responses across all gratings and no individual examples are shown.

      This is correct and we speculate this is the consequence of a combination of different reasons.

      1) Calcium imaging is inherently slower than electrophysiological recordings. While measuring spiking responses using electrophysiology, response latencies of on the order of 100 ms have indeed been reported, as the reviewer points out. Using calcium imaging these latencies are typically 4 times longer (Kuznetsova et al., 2021). This is likely a combination of a) calcium signals that are slower than electrical changes, b) delays in the calcium sensor itself, and c) temporal sampling used for imaging that is about 3 orders of magnitude slower than what typically used for electrophysiology.

      2) Different neurons included in analysis. The calcium imaging likely has very different biases than electrophysiological recordings. Historically, the fraction of visually responsive neurons in visual cortex based on extracellular electrophysiological recordings has been systematically overestimated (Olshausen and Field, 2005). One key contributor to this is the fact that recordings are biased to visually responsive neurons. The criteria for inclusion of “responsive neurons” strongly influences the “average” response latency. In addition, calcium imaging has biases that relate to the vertical position of the somata in cortex. Both layer 2/3 and layer 5 recordings are likely biased to superficial layer 2/3 and superficial layer 5 neurons. Conversely, electrical recordings are likely biased to layer 4 and layer 5 neurons. Thus, comparisons at this level of resolution between data obtained with these two methods are difficult to make.

      We have added example neurons as Figure S12, as suggested.  

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      While the study showcases valuable insights, I have a couple of concerns regarding the novelty of their research and the interpretation of results. By addressing these concerns, the authors can clarify the positioning of their research and strengthen the significance of their findings.

      (Major comments)

      1) Page 1, Line 21: The authors claim, "Our results suggest that acetylcholine augments the responsiveness of layer 5 neurons to inputs from outside of the local network, enabling faster switching between internal representations during locomotion." However, it is not clear which specific data or results support the claim of "switching between internal representations." Overall, their study primarily presents responses averaged across all neurons imaged, lacking a detailed exploration of individual neuron response patterns. Population analysis, such as PCA and decoding, can be used to assess the encoding of each stimulus by V1 neurons - "internal representation."<br /> To strengthen their claim regarding "switching between internal representations," the authors could consider an experiment measuring the speed at which the population activity pattern A transitions to the population activity pattern B when the visual stimulus switches from A to B. Such experiments would significantly enhance the impact of their study, providing a clearer understanding of how BF cholinergic input influences the dynamic representation of stimuli during locomotion.

      We thank the reviewer for bringing this up. That acetylcholine enables a faster switching between internal representations in layer 5 is a speculation. We have attempted to make this clearer in the discussion. Our speculation is based on the finding that the population response in layer 5 to sensory input is faster under high levels of acetylcholine (Figures 4D and 7B). In line with the reviewer’s intuition, the neuronal response to a change in visual stimulus, in our experiment from a uniform grey visual stimulus to a sinusoidal grating stimulus, is indeed faster. Based on evidence in favor of layer 5 encoding internal representation (Heindorf and Keller, 2023; Keller and Mrsic-Flogel, 2018; Suzuki and Larkum, 2020), we interpret the decrease in latency of the population response as a faster change in internal representation. We are not sure a decoding analysis would add much to this, given that a trivial decoder simply based on mean population response would already find a faster transition. We have expanded on our explanation of these points in the manuscript.

      2) Page 4, Line 103: "..., a direct measurement of the activity of cholinergic projection from basal forebrain to the visual cortex during locomotion has not been made." This statement is incorrect. An earlier study by Reimer et al. indeed imaged cholinergic axons in the visual cortex of mice running on a wheel. They found that "After walking onset, ... ACh activation, and a large pupil diameter, were sustained throughout the walking period in both cortical areas V1 and A1." Their findings are very similar to the results presented by Yogesh and Keller - that is, BF cholinergic axons exhibited locomotion statedependent activity. The authors should clarify the positioning of this study relative to previous studies.

      Reimer, J., McGinley, M., Liu, Y. et al. Pupil fluctuations track rapid changes in adrenergic and cholinergic activity in cortex. Nat Commun 7, 13289 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms13289

      We have clarified this as suggested. However, we disagree slightly with the reviewer here. The key question is whether the cholinergic axons imaged originate in basal forebrain. While Reimer et al. 2016 did set out to do this, we believe a number of methodological considerations prevent this conclusion:

      1) In their analysis, Reimer et al. 2016 combine data from mice with cholinergic axons labeled with either viral injection to basal forebrain or germline cross of ChAT-cre mice with reporter line. Unfortunately, it is unclear what the exact number of mice labeled with either strategy was. Based on the information in the paper, we can conclude that of the 6 mice used for experiments between 2 and 5 were germline cross. The problem with germline labeling of ChAT positive neurons is that when using a cross, VIP-ChAT+ neurons in cortex are also labeled. Based on the fact that Reimer et al. 2016 find an anticipatory increase in activity on locomotion onset, that is also seen by Larsen et al. 2018 (they use a germline cross strategy), an effect we do not see in our data, we speculate that a significant part of the signals reported in the Reimer et al. 2016 paper are from local VIP-ChAT+ neurons.

      2) In their analysis, Reimer et al. 2016 also combine all imaging data obtained from both primary auditory cortex and primary visual cortex. Given the heterogeneity in the basal forebrain cholinergic neuronal population and their projection selectivity, to better understand these signals, it’s important to acquire the signals from cholinergic axons selectively in specific cortical regions, which we do in visual cortex. Based on the information provided in their paper, we were unfortunately not able to discern the injection location for their viral labeling strategy. Given the topographic selectivity in projection from basal forebrain, this could give hints as to the relative contribution of cholinergic projections to A1 vs V1 in their data. The injection coordinates given in the methods of the Reimer paper, of 4 mm lateral and 0.5 mm posterior to bregma to target basal forebrain, are likely wrong (they fall outside the head of the mouse).

      Given the heterogeneity in the basal forebrain cholinergic neuronal population and their projection selectivity, to better understand these signals, it’s important to acquire the signals from cholinergic axons both selectively in a cortical region, as we do in visual cortex, and purely originating from basal forebrain. Collins et al. 2023 inject more laterally and thus characterize cholinergic input to S1 and A1, while Lohani et al. 2022 use GRAB sensors which complement our findings. Please note, we don’t think there is any substantial disagreement in the results of previous studies and ours, with very few exceptions, like the anticipatory increase in cholinergic activity that precedes locomotion onset in the Reimer et al. 2016 data, but not in ours. This is a rather critical point in the context of the literature of motor-related neuronal activity in mouse V1. Based on early work on the topic, it is frequently assumed that motor-related activity in V1 is driven by a cholinergic input. This is very likely incorrect given our results, hence we feel it is important to highlight this methodological caveat of earlier work.

      3) Fig. 4H: The authors found that L5 neurons exhibit positive responses at the onset of locomotion in a closed-loop configuration. Moreover, these responses are further enhanced by photostimulation of BF axons.

      In a previous study from the same authors' group (Heindorf and Keller, 2023), they reported 'negative' responses in L5a IT neurons during closed-loop locomotion. This raises a question about the potential influence of different L5 neuron types on the observed results between the two studies. Do the author think that the involvement of the other neuronal type in L5, the PT neurons, might explain the positive responses seen in the present study? Discussing this point in the paper would provide valuable insights into the underlying mechanisms.

      Yes, we do think the positive response observed on locomotion onset in closed loop is due to non-Tlx3+ neurons. Given that Tlx3-cre only labels a subset of inter-telencephalic (IT) neurons (Gerfen et al., 2013; Heindorf and Keller, 2023), it’s not clear whether the positive response is explained by the pyramidal tract (PT) neurons, or the non-Tlx3+ IT neurons. Dissecting the response profiles of different subsets of layer 5 neurons is an active area of research in the lab and we hope to be able to answer these points more comprehensively in future publications. We have expanded on this in the discussion as suggested.

      Furthermore, it would be valuable to investigate whether the effects of photostimulation of BF axons vary depending on neuronal responsiveness. This could help elucidate how neurons with positive responses, potentially putative PT neurons, differ from neurons with negative responses, putative IT neurons, in their response to BF axon photostimulation during locomotion.

      We have attempted an analysis of the form suggested. In short, we found no relationship between a neuron’s response to optogenetic stimulation of ChAT axons and its response to locomotion onset, or its mean activity. Based on their response to locomotion onset in closed loop, we split layer 5 neurons into three groups, 30% most strongly decreasing (putative Tlx3+), 30% most strongly increasing, and the rest. We did not see a response to optogenetic stimulation of basal forebrain cholinergic axons in any of the three groups (Author response image 4A). We also found no obvious relationship between the mean activity of neurons and their response to optogenetic stimulation (Author response image 4B).

      Author response image 4.

      Neither putative layer 5 cell types nor neuronal responsiveness correlates with the response to optogenetic stimulation of cholinergic axons. (A) Average calcium response of layer 5 neurons split into putative Tlx3 (closed loop locomotion onset suppressed) and non-Tlx3 like (closed loop locomotion onset activated) to optogenetic stimulation of cholinergic axons. (B) Average calcium response of layer 5 neurons to optogenetic stimulation of cholinergic axons as a function of their mean response throughout the experimental session. Left: Each dot is a neuron. Right: Average correlation in the response of layer 5 to optogenetic stimulation and mean activity over all neurons per imaging site. Each dot is an imaging site.

      (Minor comments)

      1) It is unclear which BF subregion(s) were targeted in this study.

      Thanks for pointing this out. We targeted the entire basal forebrain (medial septum, vertical and horizontal limbs of the diagonal band, and nucleus basalis) with our viral injections. All our axonal imaging data comes from visual cortex and given the sensory modality-selectivity of cholinergic projections to cortex, the labeled axons originate from medial septum and the diagonal bands (Kim et al., 2016). We have now added the labels for basal forebrain subregions targeted next to the injection coordinates in the manuscript.

      2) Page 43, Line 818: The journal name of the cited paper Collins et al. is missing.


      3) In the optogenetic experiments, how long is the inter-trial interval? Simulation of BF is known to have long-lasting effects on cortical activity and plasticity. It is, therefore, important to have a sufficient interval between trials.

      The median inter-trial interval for different stimulation events are as follows:

      • Optogenetic stimulation only : 15 s

      • Optogenetic stimulation + grating : 12 s

      • Optogenetic stimulation + mismatch: 35 s

      • Optogenetic stimulation + locomotion onset: 45 s

      We have added this information to the methods in the manuscript.

      Assuming locomotion is the primary driver of acetylcholine release (as we argue in Figures 1 and 2), the frequency of stimulation roughly corresponds to the frequency of acetylcholine release experienced endogenously. It is of course possible that being awake and mobile puts the entire system in a longlasting acetylcholine driven state different from what would be observed during long-term quite wakefulness or during sleep. But the main focus of the optogenetic stimulation experiments we performed was to investigate the consequences of the rapid acetylcholine release driven by locomotion.

      4) Page 11, Line 313: "..., we cannot exclude the possibility of a systemic contribution to the effects we observe through shared projections between different cortical and subcortical target." This possibility can be tested by examining the effect of optogenetic stimulation of cholinergic axons on locomotor activity, as they did for the chemogenetic experiments (Fig. S7). If the optogenetic manipulation changes locomotor activity, it is likely that this manipulation has some impact on subcortical activity and systemic contribution to the changes in cortical responses observed.

      Based on the reviewer suggestion we tested this and found no change in the locomotor activity of the mice on optogenetic stimulation of cholinergic axons locally in visual cortex (we have added this as Figure S5 to the manuscript). Please note however, we can of course not exclude a systemic contribution based on this.

      5) Fig. 4 and 5: In a closed-loop configuration, L2/3 neurons exhibit a transient increase in response at the onset of locomotion, while in an open-loop configuration, their response is more prolonged. On the other hand, L5 neurons show a sustained response in both configurations. Do the authors have any speculation on this difference?

      This is correct. Locomotion onset responses in layer 2/3 are strongly modulated by whether the locomotion onset occurs in closed loop or open loop configurations (Widmer et al., 2022). This difference is absent in our layer 5 data here. We suspect this is a function of a differential within-layer cell type bias in the different recordings. In the layer 2/3 recordings we are likely biased strongly towards superficial L2/3 neurons that tend to be negative prediction error neurons (top-down excited and bottom-up inhibited), see e.g. (O’Toole et al., 2023). A reduction of locomotion onset responses in closed loop is what one would expect for negative prediction error neurons. While layer 5 neurons exhibit mismatch responses, they do not exhibit opposing top-down and bottom-up input that would result in such a suppression (Jordan and Keller, 2020).

      We can illustrate this by splitting all layer 2/3 neurons based on their response to gratings and to visuomotor mismatch into a positive prediction error (PE) type (top 30% positive grating response), a negative prediction error type (top 30% positive visuomotor mismatch response), and the rest (remaining neurons and neurons responsive to both grating and visuomotor mismatch). Plotting the response of these neurons to locomotion onset in closed loop and open loop, we find that negative PE neurons have a transient response to locomotion onset in closed loop while positive PE neurons have a sustained increase in response in closed loop. In open loop the response of the two populations is indistinguishable. Splitting the layer 5 neurons using the same criteria, we don’t find a striking difference between closed and open loop between the two groups of neurons. We have added this as Figure S8.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Major concerns:

      1) As a ubiquitous promoter was used to drive GCaMP expression, please explain how excitatory neurons were identified.

      2) As the data cover a very small range of running speeds, it is important to confirm that the binary locomotion signal model still applies when mice run at higher speeds - either by selecting recordings where mice have a wider range of running speeds or conducting additional experiments. In addition, please show the running speed tuning of individual axons.

      3) Please provide a more detailed analysis of the effects of locomotion and cholinergic modulation on visual responses. How does cholinergic modulation affect orientation and direction tuning? Are the effects multiplicative or additive? How does this compare to the effects of locomotion on single neurons?

      4) To ensure that the analyses in Figure 5 are not confounded by differences in the visual stimulus, please include average visual flow speed traces for each condition.

      5) Please clarify why chemogenetic manipulations of cholinergic inputs had no effect on pairwise correlations in L2/3.

      6) The latency effect is quite an extraordinary claim and requires careful analysis. Please provide examples of single neurons illustrating the latency effect - including responses across individual grating orientations/directions. One possible confound is that grating presentation could itself trigger locomotion or other movements. In the stationary / noOpto conditions, the grating response might not be apparent in the average trace until the animal begins to move. Thus the large latency in the stationary / noOpto conditions may reflect movement-related rather than visual responses.

      Please see our responses to these points in the public review part above.

      There are some minor points where text and figures could be improved:

      1) When discussing the decorrelation of neuronal responses by cholinergic axon activation, it is important to make it clear that Figure 6D quantifies the responses of layer 5 apical dendrites rather than neurons.

      We have added this information to the results section.

      2) In Figure S7, please clarify why velocity is in arbitrary units.

      This was an oversight and has been fixed.

      3) Please clarify how locomotion and stational trials are selected in Figure 4.

      We thank the reviewers for pointing this out. Trials were classified as occurring during locomotion or while mice were stationary as follows. We used a time-window of -0.5 s to +1 s around stimulus onset. If mice exhibited uninterrupted locomotion above a threshold of 0.25 cm/s in this time-window, we considered the stimulus as occurring during locomotion, otherwise it was defined as occurring while the mice were stationary. Note, the same criteria to define locomotion state was used to isolate visuomotor mismatch events, and also during control optogenetic stimulation experiments. We have added this information to the methods.

      4) When testing whether cholinergic activation is sufficient to explain locomotion-induced decorrelation in Figure 6G-H, please show pre-CNO and post-CNO delta-correlation, not just their difference.

      We can do that, but the results are harder to parse this way. We have added this as Figure S11 to the manuscript. The problem with parsing the figure is that the pre-CNO levels are different in different groups. This is likely a function of mouse-to-mouse variability and makes it harder to identify what the CNO induced changes are. Using the pre-post difference removes the batch influence. Hence, we have left this as the main analysis in Figure 6G and 6H.

    1. Author Response

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this paper, the effects of two sensory stimuli (visual and somatosensory) on fMRI responsiveness during absence seizures were investigated in GEARS rats with concurrent EEG recordings. SPM analysis of fMRI showed a significant reduction in whole-brain responsiveness during the ictal period compared to the interictal period under both stimuli, and this phenomenon was replicated in a structurally constrained whole-brain computational model of rat brains.

      The conclusion of this paper is that whole-brain responsiveness to both sensory stimuli is inhibited and spatially impeded during seizures.

      I also suggest the manuscript should be written in a way that is more accessible to readers who are less familiar with animal experiments. In addition, the implementation and interpretation of brain simulations need to be more careful and clear.

      Several sections of the manuscript were clarified and simplified to be more accessible. Also, implementation and interpretations of brain simulations were modified to be more precise.


      1) ZTE imaging sequence was selected over traditional EPI sequence as the optimal way to perform fMRI experiments during absence seizures.

      2) A detailed classification of stimulation periods is achieved based on the relative position in time of the stimulation period with respect to the brain state.

      3) A whole-brain model embedded with a realistic rat connectome is simulated on the TVB platform to replicate fMRI observations.

      We thank the reviewer for indicating the strengths of our manuscript.


      1) The analysis in this paper does not directly answer the scientific question posed by the authors, which is to explore the mechanisms of the reduced brain responsiveness to external stimuli during absence seizures (in terms of altered information processing), but merely characterizes the spatial involvement of such reduced responsiveness. The same holds for the use of mean-field modeling, which merely reproduces experimental results without explaining them mechanistically as what the authors have claimed at the head of the paper.

      We agree with the reviewer that the manuscript does not answer specifically about the mechanisms of reduced brain responsiveness. The main scientific question addressed in the manuscript was to compare whole-brain responsiveness of stimulus between ictal and interictal states. The sentence that can lead to misinterpretations in the manuscript abstract: “The mechanism underlying the reduced responsiveness to external stimulus remains unknown.” was therefore modified to the following “The whole-brain spatial and temporal characteristics of reduced responsiveness to external stimulus remains unknown”.

      2) The implementations of brain simulations need to be more specific.


      The contribution of this paper is performing fMRI experiments under a rare condition that could provide fresh knowledge in the imaging field regarding the brain's responsiveness to environmental stimuli during absence seizures.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This study examined the possible effect of spike-wave discharges (SWDs) on the response to visual or somatosensory stimulation using fMRI and EEG. This is a significant topic because SWDs often are called seizures and because there is non-responsiveness at this time, it would be logical that responses to sensory stimulation are reduced. On the other hand, in rodents with SWDs, sensory stimulation (a noise, for example) often terminates the SWD/seizure.

      In humans, these periods of SWDs are due to thalamocortical oscillations. A certain percentage of the normal population can have SWDs in response to photic stimulation at specific frequencies. Other individuals develop SWDs without stimulation. They disrupt consciousness. Individuals have an absent look, or "absence", which is called absence epilepsy.

      The authors use a rat model to study the responses to stimulation of the visual or somatosensory systems during and in between SWDs. They report that the response to stimulation is reduced during the SWDs. While some data show this nicely, the authors also report on lines 396-8 "When comparing statistical responses between both states, significant changes (p<0.05, cluster-) were noticed in somatosensory auditory frontal..., with these regions being less activated in interictal state (see also Figure 4). That statement is at odds with their conclusion.

      We thank the reviewer for noting this discrepancy. The statement should have been written vice versa and it has been corrected as: “When comparing statistical responses between both states, significant changes (p<0.05, cluster-level corrected) were noticed in the somatosensory, auditory and frontal cortices: these regions were less activated in ictal than in interictal state (see also Figure 4).”

      They also conclude that stimulation slows the pathways activated by the stimulus. I do not see any data proving this. It would require repeated assessments of the pathways in time.

      We agree with the reviewer that there are no data showing slowing of the pathways in response to stimulus. However, we are a bit confused about this comment, as to what part in conclusion section it refers to. We did not intentionally claim that stimulation slows the activated pathways in the manuscript.

      The authors also study the hemodynamic response function (HRF) and it is not clear what conclusions can be made from the data.

      Hemodynamic response functions were studied for two reasons:

      • To account for possible change in HRF during the detection of activated regions. Indeed, a physiological change in HRF can mask the detection of an activation when the software uses a standard HRF to convolve the design matrix (David et al. 2008).

      • To characterize the shape and polarity of fMRI activations in brain regions that we noticed to be differently activated between ictal and interictal states and evaluate whether alteration in activation was associated to alteration in hemodynamic.

      The observed HRF decreases (rather than increases) in the cortex when stimulation was applied during SWD, was discussed in section 4.4., where we speculated that neuronal suppression caused by SWD can prevent responsiveness. In this case, the decreased HRF could either be a consequence or a cause of the observed neuronal suppression. The assumption that the HRF reduction is causal would be supported by a possible vascular steal effect from other activation regions. However, in the conclusion section we did not state this and therefore the following sentence was added to conclusions: “Moreover, the detected decreases in the cortical HRF when sensory stimulation was applied during spike-and-wave discharges, could play a role in decreased sensory perception. Further studies are required to evaluate whether this HRF change is a cause or a consequence of the reduced neuronal response”.

      Finally, the authors use a model to analyze the data. This model is novel and while that is a strength, its validation is unclear. The conclusion is that the modeling supports the conclusions of the study, which is useful.

      Details about the model were added.


      Use of fMRI and EEG to study SWDs in rats.


      Several aspects of the Methods and Results are unclear.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      This is an interesting paper investigating fMRI changes during sensory (visual, tactile) stimulation and absence seizures in the GAERS model. The results are potentially important for the field and do suggest that sensory stimulation may not activate brain regions normally during absence seizures. However the findings are limited by substantial methodological issues that do not enable fMRI signals related to absence seizures to be fully disentangled from fMRI signals related to the sensory stimuli.


      Investigating fMRI brain responses to sensory stimuli during absence seizures in an animal model is a novel approach with the potential to yield important insights.

      The use of an awake, habituated model is a valid and potentially powerful approach.


      The major difficulty with interpreting the results of this study is that the duration of the visual and auditory stimuli was 6 seconds, which is very close to the mean seizure duration per Table 1. Therefore the HRF model looking at fMRI responses to visual or auditory stimuli occurring during seizures was simultaneously weighting both seizure activity and the sensory (visual or auditory) stimuli over the same time intervals on average. The resulting maps and time courses claiming to show fMRI changes from visual or auditory stimulation during seizures will therefore in reality contain some mix of both sensory stimulation-related signals and seizure-related signals. The main claim that the sensory stimuli do not elicit the same activations during seizures as they do in the interictal period may still be true. However the attempts to localize these differences in space or time will be contaminated by the seizure-related signals.

      The claims that differences were observed for example between visual cortex and superior colliculus signals with visual stim during seizures vs. interictal are unconvincing due to the above.

      We understand this concern expressed by the reviewer and agree that seizure-related signals must be considered in the analysis when studying stimulation responses. Therefore, in modelling the responses in the SPM framework, we considered both stimulation and seizure-only states as regressors of interest and used seizure-only responses as nuisance regressors to account for error variance. Thereby, the effects caused by the stimulation should be, in theory, separated as much as possible from the effects caused by the seizure itself. Additionally, the cases where stimulations occurred fully inside a seizure (included in Figure 3, “...stimulation during ictal state) actually had a longer average seizure duration of 45 ± 60 s, therefore being much longer than 6s which an average duration taken from all seizures.

      However, we acknowledge that there is a potential that some leftover effects from a seizure are still present, and we have noted this caution in the “Physiologic and methodologic considerations” section: “We note a caution that presented maps and time courses showing fMRI changes from visual or whisker stimulation during seizures may contain mixture of both sensory stimulation-related signals and seizure-related signals. To minimize this contamination, we considered in SPM both stimulation and seizure-only states as regressors of interest and used seizure-only responses as nuisance regressors to account for error variance. Thereby, the effects caused by the seizure itself should be separated as much as possible from the effects caused by stimulation.”

      The maps shown in Figure 3 do not show clear changes in the areas claimed to be involved.

      We clarified the overall appearance of Figure 3, by enlarging the selected cross sections for better anatomical differentiation and added anterior and posterior directions on all images.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      1) The implementations of brain simulations need to be more specific: How is the stimulation applied in the mean-field model in terms of its mathematical expression? The state variable of the model is the rate of neuronal firing, but how is it subsequently converted into fMRI responses? How are the statistical plots calculated? How much does this result depend on the model parameter?

      Further details and explanations about the model have now been added to the manuscript. The stimulation of a specific region is simulated as an increase in the excitatory input to the specific node. In particular we use a square function for representing the stimulus (see for example panel A in Figure 6–figure supplement 1). As the referee mentions, the model describes the dynamics of the neuronal firing rates. This provides direct information about neuronal activity and responsiveness for which all the statistical analyses of the simulations shown in the paper were performed using the firing rates. For these analyses, no conversion to fMRI was needed. To build the statistical maps, an ANOVA (analysis of variance) test was used. The ANOVA test is originally designed to assess the significance of the change in the mean between two samples, and is calculated via an F-test as the ratio of the variance between and within samples. In our case it allowed us to assess the impact of the stimulation on the ongoing neuronal activity by performing a comparison of the timeseries of the firing rate with and without stimulation (this was performed independently for each state). For the results presented in this paper, the ANOVA analysis was performed using the “f_oneway” function of the scipy.stats. module in python. Regarding the dependence on the model parameter, the main results obtained in our paper are related with the responsiveness of the system under two quantitatively different types of ongoing dynamics: an asynchronous irregular activity (interictal period) and an oscillatory SWD type of dynamics (ictal period). In particular, we show how for the SWD dynamics the activity evoked by the stimulus is overshadowed by the ongoing activity which imposes a strong limitation in the response of the system and the propagation of the stimulus. In this sense, the main results of the simulations are very general, and no significant dependence on specific cellular or network parameters was observed within a physiologically relevant range or should be expected. Nevertheless, we point out that, as mentioned in the text, the key parameter that triggers the transition between the two types of dynamics is the strength of the adaptation current (in particular the strength of the spike-triggered adaptation parameter ‘b’ described in the Supplementary information), which in addition has the capacity of controlling the frequency of the oscillations. In the paper, this parameter was set such that the SWD frequency falls within the range observed in the GAERS (between 7-12Hz). We believe that further analysis around the region of transition between states, in particular from a dynamical point of view, could be of relevance for future work.

      2) In the abstract, what exactly does "typical information flow in functional pathways" mean and which part of the results does this refer to?

      We note that this sentence was overly complicated. By “typical information flow”, we were referring to sensory responsiveness during interictal state. Therefore, we made the following modifications to the abstract: “These results suggest that sensory processing observed during an interictal state can be hindered or even suppressed by the occurrence of an absence seizure, potentially contributing to decreased responsiveness.”

      3) Figure 4 - Figure Supplement 1 performed an analysis of comparing states between 'when stimulation ended a seizure' and 'stimulation during an ictal period'. The authors should explain more clearly in the manuscript what is the reason and significance of considering the state of 'when stimulation ended a seizure'. And how is a seizure considered to be terminated by stimulation rather than ending spontaneously?

      We have now added explanations to the manuscript section 2.5.3 as why this state was also of interest: “The case when stimulation ended a seizure is particularly interesting for studying the spatial and temporal aspects explaining shift from ictal, i.e. non-responsiveness state, to non-ictal, i.e. responsiveness state.” We agree that there is a possibility that seizures ended spontaneously at the same time as stimulus was applied but argue that seizures most probably end due to stimulation, based on results published previously (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brs.2012.05.009).

      4) In Section 3.1, some detailed descriptions of methods should be moved to Section 2, e.g. how the spatial and temporal SNR is obtained and the description of bad quality data. Also, I suggest the significance of selecting the optimal MRI sequence be stated earlier in the paper, as Section 3.1 cannot be expected from reading the abstract and introduction.

      We moved some technical explanations of SNRs from section 3.1. to section 2.4.1. Significance of the selection of the MRI sequence is also now stated earlier in the introduction section: “For this purpose, the functionality of ZTE sequence was first piloted, and selected over traditional EPI sequence for its lower acoustic noise and reduced magnetic susceptibility artefacts. The selected MRI sequence thus appeared optimal for awake EEG-fMRI measurements.”

      Some minor issues:

      1) How is ROI defined in this paper? What type of atlas is used?

      Anatomical ROIs were drawn based on Paxinos and Watson rat brain atlas 7th edition. Region was selected if there were statistically significant activations detected inside that region, based on activation maps. We clarified the definition of ROI as the following: “Anatomical ROIs, based on Paxinos atlas (Paxinos and Watson rat brain atlas 7th edition), were drawn on the brain areas where statistical differences were seen in activation maps.”

      2) Section 4.3.2, "In addition, some responses were seen in the somatosensory cortex during the seizure state, which may be due to the fact that the linear model used did not completely remove the effect of the seizure itself" What is the reason for the authors to make such comments?

      This claim was made because we saw similar trend of responses (deactivation) in F-contrast maps in the somatosensory cortex, when comparing “stimulation during ictal state” maps to "seizure map", leading us to assume that the effect of seizure was still apparent in the maps (even though “seizure only” states were used as nuisance regressors). However, as this claim is highly speculative, we have decided to delete this sentence in the manuscript.

      3) Abbreviations such as SPM, HRF, CBF, etc. are not defined in the manuscript.

      Definitions for these abbreviations were added.

      4) Supplementary information-AdEx mean-field model, 've and vi', e and i should be subscripted.

      Subscripts were added.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Below are more detailed questions and concerns. Many questions are about the Methods, which seem to be written by a specialist. However, there are also questions about the experimental approach and conclusions.

      One of the strengths of the study is the use of fMRI and EEG. However, to allow rats to be still in the magnet, isoflurane was used, and then as soon as rats recovered they were imaged. However isoflurane has effects on the brain long after the rats have appeared to wake up. Moreover, to train rats to be still, repetitive isoflurane sessions had to be used. Repetitive isoflurane should have a control of some kind, or be discussed as a limitation.

      The repetitive use of isoflurane is indeed an important limiting factor that was not yet discussed in the manuscript. We have added the following sentences to the “Physiologic and methodologic considerations” section:

      “As the used awake habituation and imaging protocol didn’t allow us to avoid the usage of isoflurane during the preparation steps, we cannot rule out the possible effect of using repetitive anesthesia on brain function. However, duration (~15 min) and concentration of anesthesia (~1.5%) during these steps were still moderate, whereas extended durations (1-3 h) of either single or repetitive isoflurane exposures have been used in previous studies where long-term effects on brain function have been observed (Long II et al., 2016; Stenroos et al., 2021). Moreover, there was a 5-15 min waiting period between the cessation of anesthesia and initiation of fMRI scan, to avoid the potential short-term effects of isoflurane that has been found to be most prominent during the 5 min after isoflurane cessation (Dvořáková et al., 2022).

      An assumption of the study is that interictal periods are normal. However, they may not be. A control is necessary. One also wants to know how often GAERS have spontaneous spike-wave discharges (SWDs), what the authors call seizures. The reason is that the more common the SWDs, the less likely interictal periods are normal. It seems from the Methods that rats were selected if they had frequent seizures so many could be captured in a recording session. Those without frequent seizures were discarded.

      A good control would be a normal rat that has spontaneous SWDs, since almost all rat strains have them, especially with age and in males (PMID: 7700522). However, whether they are frequent enough might be a problem. Alternatively, animals could be studied with rare seizures to assess the normal baseline, and compared to interictal states in GAERS.

      We appreciate this concern raised by the Reviewer. Even though it would be interesting to study different strains and SWD frequency dependence, the aim of this study was to compare interictal vs ictal states in this specific animal model. We also understand that interictal periods could not necessarily model “normal” state and therefore went through the manuscript again to remove any claims referring to this.

      About the mechanisms of SWDs, the authors should update their language which seems imprecise and lacks current citations (starting on line 71):

      "Although the origin of absence seizures is not fully understood, current studies on rat models of absence seizures suggest that they arise from atypical excitatory-inhibitory patterns in the barrel field of the somatosensory cortex (Meeren et al. 2002; Polack et al. 2007) and lead to synchronous cortico-thalamic activity (Holmes, Brown, and Tucker 2004)."

      Some of the best explanations for SWDs that I know of are from the papers of John Huguenard. His reviews are excellent. They discuss the mechanisms of thalamocortical oscillations.

      We have reformatted the sentences discussing the mechanism of SWDs and included the explanations provided by manuscripts from Huguenard and McCafferty et al.: “Although the origin of absence seizures is not fully understood, current studies on rat models of absence seizures suggest that they arise from excitatory drive in the barrel field of the somatosensory cortex (Meeren et al. 2002; Polack et al. 2007, 2009, David et al., 2008) and then propagate to other structures (David et al., 2008) including thalamus, knowing to play an essential role during the ictal state (Huguenard, 2019). Notably, the thalamic subnetwork is believed to play a role in coordinating and spacing SWDs via feedforward inhibition together with burst firing patterns. These lead to the rhythms of neuronal silence and activation periods that are detected in SWD waves and spikes (McCafferty et al., 2018; Huguenard, 2019).”

      The following also is not precise:

      "Although seizures are initially triggered by hyperactive somatosensory cortical neurons, the majority of neuronal populations are deactivated rather than activated during the seizure, resulting in an overall decrease in neuronal activity during SWD (McCafferty et al. 2023)." What neuronal populations? Cortex? Which neurons in the cortex? Those projecting to the thalamus? What about thalamocortical relay cells? Thalamic gabaergic neurons?

      Lines 85-8: "In addition, a previous fMRI study on GAERS, which measured changes in cerebral blood volume, found both deactivated and activated brain areas during seizures (David et al. 2008). Which areas and conditions led to reduced activity? Increased activity? How was it surmised?

      "concurrent stimuli and therefore could contribute to the alterations in behavioral responsiveness" - This idea has been raised before by others (Logthetis, Barth). Please discuss these as the background for this study.

      The particular section was modified to the following:

      “Previous results on GAERS have indicated that, during an absence seizure, hyperactive electrophysiological activity in the somatosensory cortex can contribute to bilateral and regular SWD firing patterns in most parts of the cortex. These patterns propagate to different cortical areas (retrosplenial, visual, motor and secondary sensory), basal ganglia, cerebellum, substantia nigra and thalamus (David et al. 2008; Polack et al. 2007). Although SWDs are initially triggered by hyperactive somatosensory cortical neurons, neuronal firing rates, especially in majority of frontoparietal cortical and thalamocortical relay neurons, are decreased rather than increased during SWD, resulting in an overall decrease in activity in these neuronal populations (McCafferty et al. 2023). Previous fMRI studies have demonstrated blood volume or BOLD signal decreases in several cortical regions including parietal and occipital cortex, but also, quite surprisingly, increases in subcortical regions such as thalamus, medulla and pons (David et al., 2008; McCafferty et al., 2023). In line with these findings, graph-based analyses have shown an increased segregation of cortical networks from the rest of the brain (Wachsmuth et al. 2021). Altogether, alterations in these focal networks in the animal models of epilepsy impairs cognitive capabilities needed to process specific concurrent stimuli during SWD and therefore could contribute to the lack of behavioral responsiveness (Chipaux et al. 2013; Luo et al. 2011; Meeren et al. 2002; Studer et al. 2019), although partial voluntary control in certain stimulation schemes can be still present (Taylor et al., 2017).”

      Please discuss the mean-field model more. What are its assumptions? What is its validation? Do other models also provide the same result?

      We have now extended the discussion and explanation of the mean-field model, both in the main text and in the Supplementary information. The mean-field model is a statistical tool to estimate the mean activity of large neuronal populations, and as such its main assumptions are centered around the size of the population analyzed and the characteristic times of the neuronal dynamics under study. It has been shown that the formalism is valid for characteristic times of neuronal dynamics with a lower bond in the order of few milliseconds and with population size of in the order thousands of neurons (see El Boustani and Destexhe, Neural computation 2009; and Di Volo et al, Neural computation 2019), with both conditions satisfied in the simulations made for this work. Regarding the validation, the model has been extensively validated and used for simulating different brain states (Di Volo et al. 2009; Goldman et al. 2023), signal propagation in cortical circuits (Zerlaut et al, 2018) and to perform whole-brain simulations (Goldman et al, 2023). The standard validation of the mean-field implies its comparison with the activity obtained from the corresponding spiking neural network. For completeness we show in Author response image 1 an example of the SWD type of dynamics obtained from a spiking neural network together with the one obtained from the mean-field. This figure has been added now to the Supplementary information of the paper. Regarding the extension of the results to other models, we think that the generality of our results is an interesting point from our work. The main results obtained from our simulation are related with the responsiveness of the system during two different type of ongoing activity: in the interictal state there is a significant variation on the ongoing activity evoked by the stimulation that is propagated to other regions, while in the SWD state the evoked activity is overshadowed by the ongoing activity which imposes a strong limit to the responsiveness of the system and the propagation of the signal. In this sense, the results of the simulations are very general and should be extensible to other models. Of course, the advantage of using a model like ours is the capability of reproducing the different states, its applicability to large scale simulations, and the fact that it is built from biologically relevant single-cell models (AdEx).

      Author response image 1.

      Comparison of the SWD dynamics in the mean-field model and the underlying spiking-neural network of AdEx neurons. A) Raster plot (top) and mean firing rate (bottom) from an SWD type of dynamics obtained from the spiking- network simulations. The network is made of 8000 excitatory neurons and 2000 inhibitory neurons. Neurons in the network are randomly connected with probability p=0.05 for inhibitory-inhibitory and excitatory-inhibitory connections, and p=0.06 for excitatory-excitatory connections. Cellular parameters correspond to the ones used in the mean-field, with spike-triggered adaptation for excitatory neurons set to b=200pA. We show the results for excitatory (green) and inhibitory (red) neurons. B) Mean-firing rate obtained from a single mean-field model. We see that, although the amplitude of oscillations is larger in the spiking-network, the mean-field can correctly capture the general dynamics and frequency of the oscillations.

      Line 11: "rats were equally divided by gender." Given n=11, does that mean 5 males and 6 females or the opposite?

      Out of 11 animals, 6 were males, and 5 females. This is now mentioned in the manuscript.

      What was the type of food?

      Type of food was added to the manuscript (Extrudat, vitamin-fortified, irradiated > 25 kGy)

      What were the electrodes?

      This was provided in the manuscript. Carbon fiber filament was produced by World Precision Instruments. The tips of this filament were spread to brush-like shape to increase the contact surface above the skull.

      "low noise zero echo time (ZTE) MRI sequence"- please explain for the non-specialist or provide references.

      Reference added.

      Lines 148-150: "The length of habituation period was selected based on pilot experiments and was sufficient for rats to be in low-stress state and produce absence seizures inside the magnet." How do the authors know the rats were in a low-stress state?

      This claim was based on two factors. At the end of the habituation protocol, the motion of animals was considerably decreased according to previous study using similar restraint/habituation protocol (DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00548). In this study the decreased motion is also correlated with decreased blood corticosterone levels which reduced to baseline levels (indicating low-stress state) after 4 days of habituation. Another factor is when epileptic rodents are continuously recorded for 24h, most SWDs occur during a state of passive wakefulness or drowsiness (Lannes et al. 1988, Coenen et al. 1991) . Either way, as we don’t have a way to provide direct evidence of low-stress state, we modified the sentence to the following:

      “The length of habituation period was selected based on pilot experiments to provide low-motion data therefore giving rats a better chance to be in a low-stress state and thus produce absence seizures inside the magnet.”

      Lines 150-2: "Respiration rate and motion were monitored during habituation sessions using a pressure pillow and video camera to estimate stress level." What were the criteria for a high stress level?

      Criteria for high (or low) stress levels were based mostly on motion levels according to previous study (DOI: 10.1016/s0149-7634(05)80005-3). Still, as we didn’t measure direct measures of stress, we modified the sentence to the following:

      “Pressure pillow and video camera were used to estimate physiological state, via breathing rate, and motion level, respectively.”

      Lines 152-3: "During the last habituation session, EEG was measured to confirm that the rats produced a sufficient amount of absence seizures (10 or more per session)." If 10 min, the rats would basically be seizing the entire session, leading to doubt about what the interictal state was.

      The length of the last habituation session was 60min and the fMRI scan 45min. Given that rats produced ~40-50 seizures during fMRI scan, on average they produced ~1 seizures/min, and one seizure lasting on average of 5-6s, giving ~45s periods for interictal states. 10 or more seizures were used as a threshold to give statistically meaningful findings based on pilot experiments.

      Line 153: "Total of 2-5 fMRI experiments were conducted per rat within a 1-3-week period." What was the schedule for each animal? A table would be useful. If it varied, how do the authors know this was justified?

      Please see Figure 1–figure supplement 2 for examples of habituation timelines for individual rats:

      We found an error when stating 2-5 fMRI experiments, but it should be 3-5 fMRI experiments. This was corrected. We had an aim to acquire 12-14 sessions per stimulation condition and once a sufficient number of sessions were acquired, part of the animals was not used further. Two of the animals that were found to have good quality EEG and produced sufficient amounts of SWDs were kept, and briefly retrained for later second stimulation condition experiments. This was done to replace animals that needed to be excluded in the second stimulation condition due to bad quality EEG or lost implant. Extended use of some animals could theoretically bring slight variation to results but could actually be an advantage as animals were already well trained providing low-motion data.

      "Before and after each habituation session, rats were given a treat of sugar water and/or chocolate cereals as positive reinforcement. " How much and what was the concentration of sugar water; chocolate cereal?

      Rats were given 3 chocolate cereals and/or 1% sugar water. This was added to the manuscript now.

      Line 188: "We relied on pilot calibration of the heated water to maintain the body temperature" Please explain.

      Sentence was clarified:

      “We relied on pilot calibration of the temperature of heated water circulating inside animal bed to maintain the normal body temperature of ~37 °C"

      Line 190: "After manual tuning and matching of the transmit-receive coil, shimming and anatomical imaging" Please explain for the non-specialist.

      Sentence was simplified:

      “After routine preparation steps in the MRI console were done"

      Lines 199-201: "Anatomical imaging was conducted with a T1-FLASH sequence (TR: 530 ms, TE: 4 ms, flip angle 196 18{degree sign}, bandwidth 39,682 kHz, matrix size 128 x 128, 51 slices, field-of-view 32 x 32 mm², resolution 0.25 x 0.25 x 0.5 mm3). fMRI was performed with a 3D ZTE sequence (TR: 0.971 ms, TE: 0 ms, flip angle 4{degree sign}, pulse length 1 µs, bandwidth 150 kHz, oversampling 4, matrix size 60 x 60 x 60, field-of-view 30 x 30 x 60 mm3 , resolution of 0.5 x 0.5 x 1 mm3 , polar under sampling factor 5.64 nr. of projections 2060 resulting to a volume acquisition time of about 2 s). A total of 1350 volumes (45 min) were acquired." Please explain for the non-specialist.

      These technical parameters are provided for the sake of repeatability. Section was however clarified as the following and citation was added:

      Anatomical imaging was conducted with a T1-FLASH sequence (repetition time: 530 ms, echo time: 4 ms, flip angle 18°, bandwidth 39,682 kHz, matrix size 128 x 128, 51 slices, field-of-view 32 x 32 mm², spatial resolution 0.25 x 0.25 x 0.5 mm3). fMRI was performed with a 3D ZTE sequence (repetition time: 0.971 ms, TE: 0 ms, flip angle 4°, pulse length 1 µs, bandwidth 150 kHz, oversampling 4, matrix size 60 x 60 x 60, field-of-view 30 x 30 x 60 mm3, spatial resolution of 0.5 x 0.5 x 1 mm3, polar under sampling factor 5.64, number of projections 2060 resulting to a volume acquisition time of about 2 s (look Wiesinger & Ho, 2022 for parameter explanations)). A total of 1350 volumes (45 min) were acquired.

      "Visual (n=14 sessions, 5 rats) and somatosensory whisker (n=14 sessions, 4 rats)" - Please explain how multiple sessions were averaged for a single rat. Please justify the use of different numbers of sessions per rat.

      All the sessions belonging to the same stimulus scheme (multiple sessions per rat) were put at the once as sessions in SPM analysis together with all the stimulus conditions belonging to these sessions. Justifications for using a different number of sessions per rat, were given above.

      Lines 205-206: "For the visual stimulation, light pulses (3 Hz, 6 s total length, pulse length 166 ms) were produced by a blue led, and light was guided through two optical fibers to the front of the rat's eyes. What wavelength of blue? Why blue? Is the stimulation strong? Weak?

      Wavelength was 470 nm and brightness 7065 mcd with a current of 20mA. Blue was selected as it is in the frequency range that rat can differentiate and this color has been used in previous literature ( https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117542, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneumeth.2021.109287)

      Line 212: "Stimulation parameters were based on previous rat stimulation fMRI studies to produce robust responses" What is a robust response? One where a lot of visual cortical voxels are activated?

      Sentence was corrected as the following:

      “Stimulation parameters were based on previous rat stimulation fMRI studies and chosen to activate voxels widely in visual and somatosensory pathways, correspondingly.”

      Line 245: "Seizures were confirmed as SWDs if they had a typical regular pattern, had at least double the amplitude compared to baseline signal..." What was the "typical" pattern? What baseline signal was it compared to? Was the baseline measured as an amplitude? Peak to trough?

      Sentence was corrected to the following:

      “Seizures were confirmed as SWDs if they had a typical regular spike and wave pattern with 7-12 Hz frequency range and had at least double the amplitude compared to baseline signal. All other signals were classified as baseline i.e. signal absent of a distinctive 7-12 Hz frequency power but spread within frequencies from 1 to 90 Hz.”

      "using rigid, affine, and SYN registrations" Please explain for the non-specialist.

      Corrected as the following:

      “using rigid, affine (linear) and SYN (non-linear) registrations”

      Line 274-5: "However, there were also intermediate cases where the seizure started or ended during the stimulation block (Figure 1 - Figure Supplement 1). These intermediate cases were modeled as confounds" Why confounds? They could be very interesting because the stimulation may not be affected if timed at the end of the seizure. What was the definition of start and end? Defining the onset and end of seizures is tricky.

      We agree that these cases are also highly interesting. Indeed, all the intermediate cases were also analyzed separately but not included in the manuscript (other than the case when stimulation immediately ended a seizure) as no statistical findings were found when comparing these cases to the baseline. E.g. for the case when stimulation was applied towards the end of seizure, it provided weakened responses but still stronger compared to case when stimulation was applied fully during a seizure (indicating some responsiveness after the cessation of seizure). As these intermediate cases led to results with higher variance, we considered them as confounds in the general linear model (i.e. reducing unwanted variance from the results of interests).

      Definition of onset and end of seizure can be difficult in some cases. When looking at the signal itself, especially towards the end of seizure the amplitude of SWDs can get weaker and thus the shift from seizure to baseline signal can be more problematic to differentiate. However, when looking at the power spectrum the boundaries were more easily detectable. Thus, in the definitions of onsets and ends of seizure we relied on both the signal and power spectrum (stated in the manuscript).

      "in the SPM analysis" Please explain for the non-specialist.

      Definition of SPM together with a link to software site was added.

      Line 276: "of fMRI data (see 2.5.3.) and thus explained variance that was not accounted for by the main effects of interest. " Please clarify.

      Clarified as:

      “Intermediate cases, where the seizure started or ended during the stimulation block (Figure 1–figure supplement 1), were considered as confounds of no-interest in the SPM analysis of fMRI data and the explained variance caused by the confounds were reduced from the main effects of interests”

      Line 277: "Additionally, a contrast..." What is meant?

      This chapter in 2.5.3. was modified as a whole to be more clear.

      Line 278-9: "...was given to two cases: i) when stimulation ended a seizure (0-2 s between stimulation start and seizure end)..." Again, how is the seizure onset and end defined?

      Look comment above.

      Lines 281-2: "Stimulations that did not fully coincide with a seizure were considered as nuisance regressors in the second level analysis." What is meant by nuisance regressor?

      Reference to SPM 12 manual was given for technical terms referring to analysis software.

      Lines 283-8: "Motion periods were also included as multiple regressors (not convolved with a basis function) to be used as nuisance regressors. Stimulations that coincided with a motion above 0.3% of the voxel size were not considered stimulation inputs. Stimulation and seizure inputs were convolved with "3 gamma distribution basis functions" (i.e. 3rd 285 order gamma) in SPM (option: basis functions, gamma functions, order: 3), to account for temporal and dispersion variations in the hemodynamic response. The choice of 3rd order gamma was based on the expectation that time-to peak and shape of HRFs of seizure could vary across voxels (David et al. 2008)." Please explain the technical terms.

      Reference for SPM 12 manual was given for technical terms referring to analysis software, and HRF was defined.

      "BAMS rat connectome" - Please explain the technical terms.

      Modified as:

      “…connection matrix of the rat nervous system (BAMS rat connectome, Bota, Dong, and Swanson 2012).”


      After removing problematic animals and sessions, was there sufficient power? There probably wasn't enough to determine sex differences.

      After removing problematic sessions, we found statistically significant results (multiple comparison corrected) results in both activation maps, and hemodynamic responses. To determine sex differences, there were not enough animals for statistical findings (p>0.05).

      Figure 2 - I don't understand "tSNR" here. What is the point here?

      B vs C. Are these different brain areas or the same but SNR was adjusted?

      D. Where is FD explained? I think explaining what the parts of the figure show would be helpful.

      tSNR, the temporal signal-to-noise ratio, demonstrates the behavior of noise through time. Readers who are planning to mimic the used awake fMRI protocol together with the single loop coil, might be interested on data quality aspect, and ability for the coil to capture signal from noise, as it is one of the most important factors in fMRI designs where small signal changes have to be distinguished from the background noise.

      B and C illustrate the same brain area, but B was acquired with high resolution anatomical scanning (T1 FLASH), and C was acquired with low resolution ZTE scanning. We clarified the figure legend to the following:

      “…spatial signal-to-noise ratios of an illustrative high resolution anatomical T1-FLASH (B), and low resolution ZTE image (C)

      FD was explained in section 2.5.1. Some parts of the explanation were clarified: “Framewise displacement (FD) (Figure 2E) was calculated as follows. First, the differential of successive motion parameters (x, y, z translation, roll, pitch, yaw rotation) was calculated. Then absolute value was taken from each parameter and rotational parameters were divided by 5 mm (as estimate of the rat brain radius) to convert degrees to millimeters (Power et al. 2012). Lastly, all the parameters were summed together.”

      Table 1 has no statistical comparisons.

      Table 1 is purely an illustration of stimulation and seizure occurrence. There is no specific interest to compare stimulation types (in what state of seizure it occurred) as it does not provide any meaningful inferences to the study.

      Statistical activation maps - it is not clear how this was done.

      Creation of statistical maps are explained in section 2.5.3.

      Line 384-5: "In addition, some responses were observed in the somatosensory cortex during a seizure state, probably due to incomplete nuisance removal of the effect of the seizure itself by the linear model used." I don't see why the authors would not suggest that the result is logical given that stimuli should activate the somatosensory cortex.

      Sentence was modified as the following:

      “In addition, responses were observed in the somatosensory cortex during a seizure state”

      Fig 3 "F-contrast maps." Please explain.

      Creation of statistical maps are explained in section 2.5.3.

      HRF- please define. The ROI selection is unclear - it "was based on statistical differences seen in activation maps." But how were ROIs drawn? Also, why were HRFs examined at the end of seizures?

      HRF was defined, and definitions of HRF and ROI were moved from results section 3.3. to method section 2.5.3.

      Definition of ROI was clarified:

      “Anatomical ROIs, based on Paxinos atlas (Paxinos and Watson rat brain atlas 7th edition), were drawn on the brain areas where statistical differences were seen in activation maps.”

      HRFs were estimated additionally at the end of seizure as it was specifically interesting to study brain state shifts from ictal to interictal. This shift was also providing us statistically significant findings in means that brain responses differed from ictal stimulation.

      Line 421: "Interestingly, the response amplitude was higher when the stimulation ended a seizure compared to when it did not" Why is this interesting?

      Word “interestingly” was changed to “additionally” to avoid any inferences in the results section.

      Line 427: "Notably, HRFs amplitudes were both negatively and positively signed during the ictal 427 state, depending on the brain region." Why is this notable?

      Word “notably” was removed to avoid any inferences in the results section.

      Please explain the legends of Figures 4 and 6 more clearly.

      Figure 4, and figure 4 – figure supplement 1, legends were clarified:

      “HRFs was calculated in selected ROI, belonging to visual or somatosensory area, by multiplying gamma basis functions (Figure 1–figure supplement 1, B) with their corresponding average beta values over a ROI and taking a sum of these values.”

      Using the comments above as a guide, please revise the Discussion to be more precise and more clear about what was shown and what can be concluded in light of limitations. Please ensure the literature is cited where appropriate.

      Some parts of the discussion and conclusion sections were modified.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Minor comments:

      Formatting: fMRI maps in Figures 3 and 5 should be more clearly labeled, indicating anterior and posterior directions on all images, and the cross sections should be enlarged to enable anatomical areas to be more clearly differentiated.

      Anterior and posterior directions were added, and cross sections were enlarged.

      The Methods section 2.41 and other places in the text, and Figure 2 - Figure Supplement 1 say that there was less artifact on the EEG with ZTA than with GE-EPI. However the EEG shown in Figure 2 - Figure Supplement 1 Part C shows much more artifact in the left (ZTE) trace than the right (GE-EPI) trace. This apparent contradiction should be resolved.

      The figure was actually demonstrating the relative change to the signal when MRI sequences were on, and by this standard, the ZTE produced both less amplitude and frequency changes than EPI. In the example figure, the baseline fluctuations in the EEG trace in the left were higher in amplitude than in the right, and this could potentially lead to misconception of ZTE producing more noise. Figure legend was clarified to highlight relative change:

      “ZTE also caused relatively less artificial noise on EEG signal, keeping both amplitude of the signal and frequencies relatively more intact, which improved live detection of absence seizures.”

      Figure 2 - Supplement 1, part B horizontal axis should provide units.

      Units were added.

      Figure 2 - Supplement 1, legend last sentence says arrows mark the beginning of each "sequence." Is this a typo and should this instead say "each seizure"?

      Should state “each fMRI sequence” which was corrected.

      Line 307, Methods "to reveal brain areas where ictal stimulation provided higher amplitude response than interictal" - should this be reversed, ie weren't the authors analyzing a contrast to determine where interictal signals were higher than ictal signals?

      This should be reversed, and was corrected, thank you for noting this.

      Figure 6 - Figure Supplement 1, the scales are very different for many of the plots so they are hard to compare. Especially in the ictal periods (D, E, F) it is hard to see if any changes are happening during ictal stimulation similar to interictal stimulation due to very different scales. The activity related to SWD is so large that it overshadows the rest and perhaps should be subtracted out.

      We point out that Figure 6 - Figure Supplement 1 reproduces with a higher level of detail the results shown of Figure 6 from the main text, where all signals are plotted in the same scale. The difference between scales used in this figure is intended, and its purpose is to show and highlight the large differences observed on the ongoing activity and the evoked response between the two states (ictal and interictal). In interictal periods the ongoing activity is characterized by fluctuations around a baseline level whose variance is highly affected by the application of the stimulus. On the contrary, ictal periods are characterized by large oscillations, with periods of high and synchronized activity followed by periods of nearly no activity, where the effect of the stimulus on the dynamics is overshadowed by the ongoing dynamics (both from local and from afferent nodes) as the referee mentions, and which imposes a strong limit to the responsiveness of the system and the propagation of the signal.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors demonstrate convincingly the potential of single mesodermal cells, removed from zebrafish embryos, to show cell-autonomous oscillatory signaling dynamics and differentiation. Their main conclusion is that a cell-autonomous timer operates in these cells and that additional external signals are integrated to tune cellular dynamics. Combined, this is underlying the precision required for proper embryonic segmentation, in vivo. I think this work stands out for its very thorough, quantitative, single-cell real-time imaging approach, both in vitro and also in vivo. A very significant progress and investment in method development, at the level of the imaging setup and also image analysis, was required to achieve this highly demanding task. This work provides new insight into the biology underlying embryo axis segmentation.<br /> The work is very well presented and accessible. I think most of the conclusions are well supported. Here a my comments and suggestions:

      1) The authors state that "We compare their cell-autonomous oscillatory and arrest dynamics to those we observe in the embryo at cellular resolution, finding remarkable agreement."

      I think this statement needs to be better placed in context. In absolute terms, the period of oscillations and the timing of differentiation are actually very different in vitro, compared to in vitro. While oscillations have a period of ~30 minutes in vivo, oscillations take twice as long in vitro. Likewise, while the last oscillation is seen after 143 minutes in vivo, the timing of differentiation is very significantly prolonged, i.e.more than doubled, to 373min in vitro (Supplementary Figure 1-9). I understand what the authors mean with 'remarkable agreement', but this statement is at the risk of being misleading. I think the in vitro to in vivo differences (in absolute time scales) needs to be stated more explicitly. In fact, the drastic change in absolute timescales, while preserving the relative ones,i.e. the number of oscillations a cell is showing before onset of differentiation remains relatively invariant, is a remarkable finding that I think merits more consideration (see below).

      2) One timer vs. many timers<br /> The authors show that the oscillation clock slowing down and the timing of differentiation, i.e. the time it takes to activate the gene mesp, are in principle dissociable processes. In physiological conditions, these are however linked. We are hence dealing with several processes, each controlled in time (and hereby space). Rather than suggesting the presence of 'a timer', I think the presence of multiple timing mechanisms would reflect the phenomenology better. I would hence suggest separating the questions more consistently, for instance into the following three:<br /> a. what underlies the slowing down of oscillations?<br /> b. what controls the timing of onset of differentiation?<br /> c. and finally, how are these processes linked?

      Currently, these are discussed somewhat interchangeably, for instance here: "Other models posit that the slowing of Her oscillations arise due to an increase of time-delays in the negative feedback loop of the core clock circuit (Yabe, Uriu, and Takada 2023; Ay et al. 2014), suggesting that factors influencing the duration of pre-mRNA splicing, translation, or nuclear transport may be relevant. Whatever the identity, our results indicate the timer ought to exert control over differentiation independent of the clock."(page 14). In the first part, the slowing down of oscillations is discussed and then the authors conclude on 'the timer', which however is the one timing differentiation, not the slowing down. I think this could be somewhat misleading.

      3) From this and previous studies, we learn/know that without clock oscillations, the onset of differentiation still occurs. For instance in clock mutant embryos (mouse, zebrafish), mesp onset is still occurring, albeit slightly delayed and not in a periodic but smooth progression. This timing of differentiation can occur without a clock and it is this timer the authors refer to "Whatever the identity, our results indicate the timer ought to exert control over differentiation independent of the clock." (page 14). This 'timer' is related to what has been previously termed 'the wavefront' in the classic Clock and Wavefront model from 1976, i.e. a "timing gradient' and smooth progression of cellular change. The experimental evidence showing it is cell-autonomous by the time it has been laid down,, using single cell measurements, is an important finding, and I would suggest to connect it more clearly to the concept of a wavefront, as per model from 1976.

      4) Regarding question a., clearly, the timer for the slowing down of oscillations is operating in single cells, an important finding of this study. It is remarkable to note in this context that while the overall, absolute timescale of slowing down is entirely changed by going from in vivo to in vitro, the relative slowing down of oscillations, per cycle, is very much comparable, both in vivo and in vivo. To me, while this study does not address the nature of this timer directly, the findings imply that the cell-autonomous timer that controls slowing down is, in fact, linked to the oscillations themselves. We have previously discussed such a timer, i.e. a 'self-referential oscillator' mechanism (in mouse embryos, see Lauschke et al., 2013) and it seems the new exciting findings shown here in zebrafish provide important additional evidence in this direction. I would suggest commenting on this potential conceptual link, especially for those readers interested to see general patterns.

      5) Regarding question c., i.e. how the two timing mechanisms are functionally linked, I think concluding that "Whatever the identity, our results indicate the timer ought to exert control over differentiation independent of the clock." (page 14), might be a bit of an oversimplification. It is correct that the timer of differentiation is operating without a clock, however, physiologically, the link to the clock (and hence the dependence of the timescale of clock slowing down), is also evident. As the author states, without clock input, the precision of when and where differentiation occurs is impacted. I would hence emphasize the need to answer question c., more clearly, not to give the impression that the timing of differentiation does not integrate the clock, which above statement could be interpreted to say.

      6) A very interesting finding presented here is that in some rare examples, the arrest of oscillations and onset of differentiation (i.e. mesp) can become dissociated. Again, this shows we deal here with interacting, but independent modules. Just as a comment, there is an interesting medaka mutant, called doppelkorn (Elmasri et al. 2004), which shows a reminiscent phenotype "the Medaka dpk mutant shows an expansion of the her7 expression domain, with apparently normal mesp expression levels in the anterior PSM.". The authors might want to refer to this potential in vivo analogue to their single cell phenotype.

      7) One strength of the presented in vitro system is that it enables precise control and experimental perturbations. A very informative set of experiments would be to test the dependence of the cell-autonomous timing mechanisms (plural) seen in isolated cells on ongoing signalling cues, for instance via Fgf and Wnt signaling. The inhibition of these pathways with well-characterised inhibitors, in single cells, would provide important additional insight into the nature of the timing mechanisms, their dependence on signaling and potentially even into how these timers are functionally interdependent.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This study examines a hypothesized link between autism symptomatology and efference copy mechanisms. This is an important question for several reasons. Efference copy is both a critical brain mechanism that is key to rapid sensorimotor behaviors, and one that has important implications for autism given recent empirical and theoretical work implicating atypical prediction mechanisms and atypical reliance on priors in ASD.

      The authors test this relationship in two different experiments, both of which show larger errors/biases in spatial updating for those with heightened autistic traits (as measured by AQ in neurotypical (NT) individuals).

      Strengths:<br /> The empirical results are convincing - effects are strong, sample sizes are sufficient, and the authors also rule out alternative explanations (ruling out differences in motor behavior or perceptual processing per se).

      Weaknesses:<br /> My main concern is that the paper should be more transparent about both (1) that this study does not include individuals with autism, and (2) acknowledging the limitations of the AQ.

      On the first point, and I don't think this is intentional, there are several instances where the line between heightened autistic traits in the NT population and ASD is blurred or absent. For example, in the second sentence of the abstract, the authors state "Here, we examine the idea that sensory overload in ASD may be linked to issues with efference copy mechanisms". I would say this is not correct because the authors did not test individuals with ASD. I don't see a problem with using ASD to motivate and discuss this work, but it should be clear in key places that this was done using AQ in NT individuals.

      For the second issue, the AQ measure itself has some problems. For example, reference 38 in the paper (a key paper on AQ) also shows that those with high AQ skew more male than modern estimates of ASD, suggesting that the AQ may not fully capture the full spectrum of ASD symptomatology. Of course, this does not mean that the AQ is not a useful measure (the present data clearly show that it captures something important about spatial updating during eye movements), but it should not be confused with ASD, and its limitations need to be acknowledged. My recommendation would be to do this in the title as well - e.g. note impaired visuomotor updating in individuals with "heightened autistic traits".

      Suggestions for improvement:<br /> - Figure 5 is really interesting. I think it should be highlighted a bit more, perhaps even with a model that uses the results of both tasks to predict AQ scores.<br /> - Some discussion of the memory demands of the tasks will be helpful. The authors argue that memory is not a factor, but some support for this is needed.<br /> - With 3 sessions for each experiment, the authors also have data to look at learning. Did people with high AQ get better over time, or did the observed errors/biases persist throughout the experiment?

    1. No man would keep his hands off what was not his own when he could safely take what he liked out of the market, or go into houses and lie with any one at his pleasure, or kill or release from prison whom he would, and in all respects be like a God among men.

      This is all a hypothetical situation that cannot be proven. However, I do believe the same could be said regarding the statement that every person who has previously been just will act with the same integrity when placed in a similar situation. It IS all hypothetical. But really thinking about it, I think we all have the capacity to act unjust in situations and justify ourselves. Just think if your loved one's life was at risk and you HAD to be unjust to save that person, would you do it? Many people may say no, or it depends on what I would have to do. But I think in reality, we do not want to admit that we would indeed do anything even if it means being unjust. When we are put under pressure, we show our true colors. We just fear what others may think of us. Or we fear what we may think of ourselves. Either way, we tend to justify ourselves and not view things as they are.

      We have a tendency to want to be above others in society and make our own rules and excuses.

    2. And this we may truly affirm to be a great proof that a man is just, not willingly or because he thinks that justice is any good to him individually, but of necessity, for wherever any one thinks that he can safely be unjust, there he is unjust.

      Earlier I mentioned conscience as something that can drive a person to justice. So, I'm also curious what Plato would think about altruism and how natural it is to humans?

    1. Background Applying good data management and FAIR data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) in research projects can help disentangle knowledge discovery, study result reproducibility, and data reuse in future studies. Based on the concepts of the original FAIR principles for research data, FAIR principles for research software were recently proposed. FAIR Digital Objects enable discovery and reuse of Research Objects, including computational workflows for both humans and machines. Practical examples can help promote the adoption of FAIR practices for computational workflows in the research community. We developed a multi-omics data analysis workflow implementing FAIR practices to share it as a FAIR Digital Object.Findings We conducted a case study investigating shared patterns between multi-omics data and childhood externalizing behavior. The analysis workflow was implemented as a modular pipeline in the workflow manager Nextflow, including containers with software dependencies. We adhered to software development practices like version control, documentation, and licensing. Finally, the workflow was described with rich semantic metadata, packaged as a Research Object Crate, and shared via WorkflowHub.Conclusions Along with the packaged multi-omics data analysis workflow, we share our experiences adopting various FAIR practices and creating a FAIR Digital Object. We hope our experiences can help other researchers who develop omics data analysis workflows to turn FAIR principles into practice.

      Reviewer 3 Megan Hagenauer - Original Submission

      Review of "A Multi-omics Data Analysis Workflow Packaged as a FAIR Digital Object" by Niehues et al. for GigaScience08-31-2023I want to begin by apologizing for the tardiness of this review - my whole family caught Covid during the review period, and it has taken several weeks for us to be functional again.OverviewAs a genomics data analyst, I found this manuscript to be a fascinating, inspiring, and, quite honestly, intimidating, view into the process of making analysis code and workflow truly meet FAIR standards. I have added recommendations below for elements to add to the manuscript that would help myself and other analysts use your case study to plan out our own workflows and code release. These recommendations fall quite solidly into the "Minor Revision" category and may require some editorial oversight as this article type is new to me. Please note that I only had access to the main text of the manuscript while writing this review.Specific Comments1) As a case study, it would be useful to have more explicit discussion of the expertise and effort involved in the FAIR code release and the anticipated cost/benefit ratio:As a data analyst, I have a deep, vested interest in reproducible science and improved workflow/code reusability, but also a limited bandwidth. For me, your overview of the process of producing a FAIR code release was both inspiring and daunting, and left me with many questions about the feasibility of following in your footsteps. The value of your case study would be greatly enhanced by discussing cost/benefit in more detail:a. What sort of expertise or training was required to complete each step in the FAIR release? E.g.,i. Was your use of tools like Github, Jupyter notebook, WorkflowHub, and DockerHub something that could be completed by a scientist with introductory training in these tools, or did it require higher level use?ii. Was there any particular training required for the production of high quality user documentation or metadata? (e.g., navigating ontologies?)b. With this expertise/training in place, how much time and effort do you estimate that it took to complete each step of adapting your analysis workflow and code release to meet FAIR standards?i. Do you think this time and effort would differ if an analyst planned to meet FAIR standards for analysis code prior to initiating the analysis versus deciding post-hoc to make the release of previously created code fit FAIR standards?c. The introduction provides an excellent overview of the potential benefits of releasing FAIR analysis code/workflows. How did these benefits end up playing out within your specific case study?i. e.g., I thought this sentence in your discussion was a particularly important note about the benefits of FAIR analysis code in your study: "Developing workflows with partners across multiple institutions can pose a challenge and we experienced that a secure shared computing environment was key to the success of this project."ii. Has the FAIR analysis workflow also been useful for collaboration or training in your lab?iii. How many of the analysis modules (or other aspects of the pipeline) do you plan on reusing? In general, what do you think is the size for the audience for reuse of the FAIR code? (e.g., how many people do you think will have been saved significant amounts of work by you putting in this effort?)iv. … Or is the primary benefit mostly just improving the transparency/reproducibility of your science?d. If there is any way to easily overview these aspects of your case study (effort/time, expertise, immediate benefits) in a table or figure, that would be ideal. This is definitely the content that I would be skimming your paper to find.2) As a reusable code workflow, it would be useful to provide additional information about the data input and experimental design, so that readers can determine how easily the workflow could be adapted to their own datasets. This information could be added to the text or to Fig 1. E.g.,i. The dimensionality of the input (sample size, number of independent variables & potential co-variates, number of dependent variables in each dataset, etc)ii. Data types for the independent variables, co-variates, and dependent variables (e.g., categorical, numeric, etc)iii. Any collinearity between independent variables (e.g., nesting, confounding).3) As documentation of the analysis, it would be useful to provide additional information about how the analysis workflow may influence the interpretation of the results.a. It would be especially useful to know which aspects of the analysis were preplanned or following a standard procedure/protocol, and which aspects of the analysis were customized after reviewing the data or results. This information can help the reader assess the risk of overfitting or HARKing.b. It would also be useful to call out explicitly how certain analysis decisions change the interpretation of the results. In particular, the decision to use dimension reduction techniques within the analysis of both the independent and dependent variables, and then focus only on the top dimensions explaining the largest sources of variation within the datasets, is especially important to justify and describe its impact on the interpretation of the results. Is there reason to believe that externalizing behavior should be related to the largest sources of variation within buccal DNA methylation or urinary metabolites? Within genetic analyses, the assumption tends to be the opposite - that genetic variation related to behavior (such as externalizing) is likely to be present in a small percent of the genome, and that the top sources of variation within the genetics dataset are uninteresting (related to population) and therefore traditionally filtered out of the data prior to analysis. Within transcriptomics, if a tissue is involved in generating the behavior, some of the top dimensions explaining the largest sources of variation in the dataset may be related to that behavior, but the absolute largest sources of variation are almost always technical artifacts (e.g., processing batches, dissection batches) or impactful sources of biological noise (e.g., age, sex, cell type heterogeneity in the tissue). Is there reason to believe that cheek cells would have their main sources of epigenetic variation strongly related to externalizing behavior? (maybe as a canary in a coal mine for other whole organism events like developmental stress exposure?). Is there reason to believe that the primary variation in urinary metabolites would be related to externalizing behavior? (perhaps as a stand-in for other largescale organismal states that might be related to the behavior - hormonal states? metabolic states? inflammation?). Since the goal of this paper is to provide a case study for creating a FAIR data analysis workflow, it is less important that you have strong answers for these questions, and more important that you are transparent about how the answers to these questions change the interpretation of your results. Adding a few sentences to the discussion is probably sufficient to serve this purpose. Thank you for your hard work helping advance our field towards greater transparency and reproducibility. I look forward to seeing your paper published so that I can share it with the other analysts in our lab.

    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review)


      1) The usage of young growing mice (8-10 weeks) versus adult mice (>4 months) in the murine mechanical overload experiments. The usage of adult mice would be preferable for these experiments given that maturational growth may somehow affect the outcomes.

      The basis for this critique is not clear as it has been shown that the longitudinal growth of bones is complete by ⁓8 weeks of age (e.g., PMID: 28326349, and 31997656). These studies, along with others, also indicate that 8 weeks is a post-pubescent age in mice. For these reasons, 8 weeks of age was viewed as being representative of the human equivalent of when people start to perform resistance exercise with the goal of increasing muscle mass. Also, it’s important to consider that the mice were 10-12 weeks of age when the muscles were collected which would be equivalent to a human in their lower 20’s. In our human study, the mean age of the subjects was 23. Given the above points, it’s hard for us to appreciate why the use of mice that started at 8-10 weeks of age is viewed as a weakness. With that being said, we recognize that there may be age-related changes in mechanisms of mechanical load-induced growth, but it was not our intent to address this topic.

      1b) No consideration for biological sex.

      We appreciate this point and we agree that sex is an important variable to consider. In this study, we explored an unchartered topic and therefore we wanted to minimize as many known variables as possible. We did that, in part, by focusing specifically on male subjects. In the future, it will certainly be important to explore whether sex (and age) impact the structural adaptations that drive the mechanical load-induced growth of muscle fibers.

      2) Information on whether myofibrillogenesis is dependent on hypertrophy induced by loading, or just hypertrophy in general. To provide information on this, the authors could use, for instance, inducible Myostatin KO mice (a model where hypertrophy and force production are not always in lockstep) to see whether hypertrophy independent from load induces the same result as muscle loading regarding myofibrillogenesis.

      This is a great suggestion, but it goes beyond the intended scope of our study. Nevertheless, with the publication of our FIM-ID methodology, the answer to this and related questions can now be obtained in a time- and cost-effective manner.

      3) Limited information on Type 1 fiber hypertrophy. A "dual overload" model is used for the mouse where the soleus is also overloaded, but presumably, the soleus was too damaged to analyze. Exploring hypertrophy of murine Type 1 fibers using a different model (weight pulling, weighted wheel running, or forced treadmill running) would be a welcome addition.

      The point is well taken and further studies that are aimed at determining whether there are differences in how Type I vs. Type II fibers grow would be an excellent subject for future studies.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review)

      1) Supplemental Figure 1 is not very clear.

      Supplemental Figure 1 is now presented as Supplemental Figure 2. We carefully reexamined this figure and, in our opinion, the key points have been appropriately conveyed. We would be more than happy to revise the figure, but we would need guidance with respect to which aspect(s) of the figure were not clear to the reviewer.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors)


      1) I do not think the first paragraph is really necessary. Cell growth is a fundamental property of cell biology that requires no further justification.

      We believe that it is essential to remind all readers about the importance of skeletal muscle research. For some, the detrimental impact of skeletal muscle loss on one’s quality of life and the greater burden on the healthcare system may not be known.

      2) I prefer "fundamental" over "foundationally".

      All mentions of the word “foundational” and “foundationally” have been changed to “fundamental” and “fundamentally.”

      3) As usual for the Hornberger lab, the authors do an excellent job of providing the (historical) context of the research question.

      Thank you for this positive comment.

      4) I prefer “Goldspink” as “Dr. Goldspink” feels too personal especially when you are critical of his studies.

      All instances of “Dr.” have been removed when referring to the works of others. This includes Dr. Goldspink and Dr. Tokuyasu.

      5) Fourth paragraph, after reference #17. I felt like this discussion was not necessary and did not really add any value to the introduction.

      We believe that this discussion should remain since it highlights the widely accepted notion that mechanical loading leads to an increase in the number of myofibrils per fiber, yet there is no compelling data to support this notion. This discussion highlights the need for documented evidence for the increase in myofibril number in response to mechanical loading and, as such, it serves as a major part of the premise for the experiments that were conducted in our manuscript.

      6) The authors do a nice job of laying out the challenge of rigorously testing the Goldspink model of myofiber hypertrophy.

      Thank you!


      1). For the EM images, can the authors provide a representative image of myofibril tracing? From the EM image provided, it is difficult to evaluate how accurate the tracing is.

      -Representative images and an explanation of myofibril calculation have been provided in Supplemental Figure 5.

      2) In the mouse, how does the mean myofibril CSA compare between EM and FIM-ID?

      Author response image 1.

      The above figures compare the myofibril CSA and fiber CSA measurements that were obtained with EM and FIM-ID for all analyzed fibers, as well as the same fibers separated according to the fiber type (i.e., Ox vs. Gly). The above figure shows that the FIM-ID measurements of myofibril CSA were slightly, yet significantly, lower than the measurements obtained with EM. However, we believe that it would be misleading to present the data in this manner. Specifically, as shown in Fig. 4C, a positive linear relationship exists between myofibril CSA and fiber CSA. Thus, a direct comparison of myofibril CSA measurements obtained from EM and FIM-ID would only be meaningful if the mean CSA of the fibers that were analyzed were the same. As shown on the panel on the right, the mean CSA of the fibers analyzed with FIM-ID was slightly, yet significantly, lower than the mean CSA of the fibers analyzed with EM. As such, we believe that the most appropriate way to compare the measurements of the two methods is to express the values for the myofibril CSA relative to the fiber CSA and this is how we presented the data in the main figure (i.e., Fig. 4E).

      3) Looking at Fig. 3D, how is intermyofibrillar space calculated when a significant proportion of the ROI is odd-shaped myofibrils that are not outlined? It is not clear how the intermyofibrillar space between the odd-shaped myofibrils is included in the total intermyofibrillar space calculation for the fiber.

      The area occupied by the intermyofibrillar components is calculated by using our custom “Intermyofibrillar Area” pipeline within CellProfiler. Briefly, the program creates a binary image of the SERCA signal. The area occupied by the white pixels in the binary image is then used to calculate the area that is occupied by the intermyofibrillar components. To help readers, an example of this process is now provided in supplemental figure 4.

      4) What is the average percentage of each ROI that was not counted by CP (because a myofibril did not fit the shape criteria)? The concern is that the method of collection is biasing the data. In looking at EM images of myofibrils (from other studies), it is apparent that myofibrils are not always oval; in fact, it appears that often myofibrils have a more rectangular shape. These odd-shaped myofibrils are excluded from the analysis yet they might provide important information; maybe these odd-shaped myofibrils always hypertrophy such that their inclusion might change the overall conclusion of the study. I completely understand the challenges of trying to quantify odd-shaped myofibrils. I think it is important the authors discuss this important limitation of the study.

      First, we would like to clarify that myofibrils of a generally rectangular shape were not excluded. The intent of the filtering steps was to exclude objects that exhibited odd shapes because of an incomplete closure of the signal from SERCA. To illustrate this point we have annotated the images from Figure 3B-D with a red arrow which points to a rectangular object and blue arrows which point to objects that most likely consisted of two or more individual myofibrils that were falsely identified as a single object.

      Author response image 2.

      We appreciate the reviewer's concern that differences in the exclusion rates between groups could have biased the outcomes. Indeed, this was something that we were keeping a careful eye on during our analyses, and we hope that the reviewer will take comfort in knowing that objects were excluded at a very similar rate in both the mouse and human samples (44% vs. 46% for SHAM vs. MOV in mice, and 47% vs. 47% for PRE vs. POST in humans). We realize that this important data should have been included in our original submission and it is now contained with the results section of the revised version of our manuscript. Hopefully the explanation above, along with the inclusion of this data, will alleviate the reviewers concerns that differences between the groups may have been biased by the filtering steps.


      1) I think the authors provided a balanced interpretation of the data by acknowledging the limitation of having only one time-point. i.e., not being able to assess the myofibril splitting mechanism.

      Thank you!

      2) I think a discussion on the important limitation of only quantifying oval-shaped myofibrils should be included in the discussion.

      Please refer to our response to comment #4 of the results section.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors)

      Overall, this is a thoughtful, clear, and impactful manuscript that provides valuable tools and information for the skeletal muscle field. My specific comments are as follows:

      1) In the introduction, I really appreciate the historical aspect provided on myofbrillogenesis. As written, however, I was expecting the authors to tackle the myofibril "splitting" question in greater detail with their experiments given the amount of real estate given to that topic, but this was not the case. Consider toning this down a bit as I think it sets a false expectation.

      We acknowledge that the study does not directly address the question about myofibril splitting. However, we believe that it is important to highlight the background of this untested theory since it serves as a major part of the premise for the experiments that were performed.

      2) In the introduction, is it worth worth citing this study? https://rupress.org/jcb/articlepdf/111/5/1885/1464125/1885.pdf.

      This is a very interesting study but, despite the title, we do not believe that it is accurate to say that this study investigated myofibrillogenesis. Instead (as illustrated by the author in Fig. 9) the study focused on the in-series addition of new sarcomeres at the ends of the pre-existing myofibrils (i.e., it studied in-series sarcomerogenesis). In our opinion, the study does not provide any direct evidence of myofibrillogenesis, and we are not aware of any studies that have shown that the chronic stretch model employed by the authors induces myofibrillogenesis. However, numerous studies have shown that chronic stretch leads to the in-series addition of new sarcomeres.

      3) Is there evidence for myofbrillogenesis during cardiac hypertrophy that could be referenced here?

      This is a great question, and one would think that it would have been widely investigated. However, direct evidence for myofibrillogenesis during load-induced cardiac hypertrophy is just as sparse as the evidence for myofibrillogenesis during load-induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy.

      4) In the introduction, perhaps mention that prolonged fixation is another disadvantage of EM tissue preparation. This typically prevents the usage of antibodies afterwards, whereas the authors have been able to overcome this using their method, which is a great strength.

      Thank you for the suggestion. This point has been added the 5th paragraph of the introduction.

      5) In the introduction, are there not EM-compatible computer programs that could sidestep the manual tracing and increase throughput? Why could software such as this not be used? https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-019-0396-9

      While we agree that automated pipelines have been developed for EM, such methods require a high degree of contrast between the measured objects. With EM, the high degree of contrast required for automated quantification is rarely observed between the myofibrils and the intermyofibrillar components (especially in glycolytic fibers). Moreover, one of the primary goals of our study was to develop a time and cost-effective method for identifying and quantifying myofibrils. As such, we developed a method that would not require the use of EM. We only incorporated EM imaging and analysis to validate the FIM-ID method. Therefore, utilizing an EM-compatible program to sidestep the manual tracing would have sped up the validation step, but it would not have accomplished one of the primary goals of our study.

      6) In the results, specifically for the human specimens, were "hybrid" fibers detected and, if so, how did the pattern of SERCA look? Also, did the authors happen to notice centrallynucleated muscle fibers in the murine plantaris after overload? If so, how did the myofibrils look? Could be interesting.

      For the analysis of the human fibers, two distinct immunolabeling methods were performed. One set of sections was stained for SERCA1 and dystrophin, while the other set was stained for SERCA2 and dystrophin. In other words, we did not perform dual immunolabeling for SERCA1 and SERCA2 on the same sections. Therefore, during the analysis of the human fibers, we did not detect the presence of hybrid fibers. Furthermore, while we did not perform nuclear staining on these sections, it should be noted that nuclei do not contain SERCA, and to the best of our recollection, we did not detect any SERCAnull objects within the center of the fibers. Moreover, our previous work has shown that the model of MOV used in this study does not lead to signs of degeneration/regeneration (You, Jae-Sung et al. (2019). doi:10.1096/fj.201801653RR). Therefore, it can be safely assumed that very few (if any) of the fibers analyzed in this study were centrally nucleated.

      7) In the Results, fixed for how long? This is important since, at least in my experience, with 24+ hours of fixation, antibody reactivity is significantly reduced unless an antigen retrieval step is performed (even then, not always successful). Also, presumably these tissues were drop-fixed? These details are in the Methods but some additional detail here could be warranted for the benefit of the discerning and interested reader.

      For both the mouse and human, the samples were immersion-fixed (presumably the equivalent of “drop-fixed”) in 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1M phosphate buffer solution for a total of 24 hours (as described in the Methods section). We agree that prolonged aldehyde fixation can affect antibody reactivity; however, the antibodies used for FIM-ID did not require an antigen retrieval step.

      8) In the results regarding NADH/FAD autofluorescence imaging, a complimentary approach in muscle was recently described and could be cited here: https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/japplphysiol.00662.2022

      We appreciate the reviewer’s recommendation to add this citation for the support of our method for fiber type classification and have added it to the manuscript in the second paragraph under the “Further refinement and validation of the automated measurements with FIM-ID” subsection of the Results as citation number 57.

      9) In the results, "Moreover, no significant differences in the mean number of myofibrils per fiber CSA were found when the results from the FIM-ID and EM-based measurements were directly compared, and this point was true when the data from all analyzed fibers was considered..." Nit-picky, but should it be "were considered" since data is plural?

      Thanks, this error was corrected.

      10) In the discussion, are the authors developing a "methodology" or a "method"? I think it may be the latter.

      We agree that “method” is the correct term to use. Instances of the word “methodology” have been replaced with “method.”

      11) In the discussion, since the same fibers were not being tracked over time, I'm not sure that saying "radial growth" is strictly correct. It is intuitive that the fibers were growing during loading, of course, but it may be safer to say "larger fibers versus control or the Pre sample" or something of the like. For example, "all the fiber types that were larger after loading versus controls" as opposed to "showed significant radial growth"

      While we agree that the fiber size was not tracked over time, the experiments were designed to test for a main effect of mechanical loading. Therefore, we are attributing the morphological adaptations to the mechanical loading variable (i.e., mechanical loadinduced growth). The use of terms like “the induction of radial growth” or “the induction of hypertrophy” are commonly used in studies with the methods employed in this study. Respectfully, we believe that it would be more confusing for the readers if we used the suggested terms like "all the fiber types that were larger after loading versus controls". For instance, if I were the reader I would think to myself… but there fiber types that were larger than others before loading (e.g., Ox vs. Gly), so what are the authors really trying to talk about?

      12) I would suggest making a cartoon summary figure to complement and summarize the Methods/Results/Discussion

      Thank you for this suggestion. We created a cartoon that summarizes the overall workflow for FIM-ID and this cartoon is now presented in Supplemental Figure 1.

    1. And, as to the faculties of the mind, setting aside the arts grounded uponwords and especially that skill of proceeding upon general and infallible rulescalled science, which very few have and but in few things, as being not a nativefaculty born with us, nor attained, as prudence, while we look after somewhatelse, I find yet a greater equality amongst men than that of strength. Forprudence is but experience, which equal time equally bestows on all men inthose things they equally apply themselves unto. That which may perhaps makesuch equality incredible is but a vain conceit of one’s own wisdom, which almostall men think they have in a greater degree than the vulgar, that is, than all menbut themselves, and a few others whom by fame or for concurring withthemselves they approve. For such is the nature of men that, howsoever theymay acknowledge many others to be more witty or more eloquent or morelearned, yet they will hardly believe there be many so wise as themselves, forthey see their own wit at hand and other men’s at a distance. But this provethrather that men are in that point equal than unequal. For there is not ordinarily agreater sign of the equal distribution of anything than that every man iscontented with his share.2

      To me, Hobbes is saying that In simple terms, people are generally equally smart. The idea that some are wiser might be because individuals often think they are smarter than others. Hobbes argues that, in reality, people are more equal in their mental abilities than they realize.

    2. For such is the nature of men that, howsoever theymay acknowledge many others to be more witty or more eloquent or morelearned, yet they will hardly believe there be many so wise as themselves, forthey see their own wit at hand and other men’s at a distance. But this provethrather that men are in that point equal than unequal.

      This is such an interesting point. We like to assume that we better than, in any aspect, our peers, but when it comes down to it, we are all equal. We all carry that belief that we are better then someone else, believing we are unequal to said person. They may carry that same idea about you, they think they outrank you in some aspect, making them believe they are better then you. Therefore, we are all the same. The same arrogant people.

    1. Content (posts, photos, articles, etc.)# Content recommendations can go well when users find content they are interested in. Sometimes algorithms do a good job of it and users are appreciative. TikTok has been mentioned in particular as providing surprisingly accurate recommendations, though Professor Arvind Narayanan argues that TikTok’s success with its recommendations relies less on advanced recommendation algorithms, and more on the design of the site making it very easy to skip the bad recommendations and get to the good ones. Content recommendations can go poorly when it sends people down problematic chains of content, like by grouping videos of children in a convenient way for pedophiles, or Amazon recommending groups of materials for suicide.

      I think we need to understand the nuances of recommendation algorithms, which is critical in addressing their influence on individual experiences. As these systems are designed to enhance user interaction, they can inadvertently perpetuate biases and present content that may not always align with the best interests or intentions of the users.

    1. To whom our general Ancestor repli'd. Daughter of God and Man, accomplisht Eve, [ 660 ] Those have thir course to finish, round the Earth, By morrow Eevning, and from Land to Land In order, though to Nations yet unborn, Ministring light prepar'd, they set and rise; Least total darkness should by Night regaine [ 665 ] Her old possession, and extinguish life In Nature and all things, which these soft fires Not only enlighten, but with kindly heate Of various influence foment and warme, Temper or nourish, or in part shed down [ 670 ] Thir stellar vertue on all kinds that grow On Earth, made hereby apter to receive Perfection from the Suns more potent Ray. These then, though unbeheld in deep of night, Shine not in vain, nor think, though men were none, [ 675 ] That heav'n would want spectators, God want praise; Millions of spiritual Creatures walk the Earth Unseen, both when we wake, and when we sleep: All these with ceasless praise his works behold Both day and night: how often from the steep [ 680 ] Of echoing Hill or Thicket have we heard Celestial voices to the midnight air, Sole, or responsive each to others note Singing thir great Creator: oft in bands While they keep watch, or nightly rounding walk, [ 685 ] With Heav'nly touch of instrumental sounds In full harmonic number joind, thir songs Divide the night, and lift our thoughts to Heaven.

      In this section, Adam responds to Eve as to why the stars and heavens shine. He explains to her that the sun must shine over all the earth, for those who will inhabit it in the future. They sleep at night, so that they may work harder in the day. He also talks about various "celestial voices"(4. 682) that he has heard at night, praising the glory of God. This heavenly chorus will protect them, as they “divide the night”(4. 688) to keep watch over Adam and Eve, while continuing to exalt their Creator. While reading this section, it seemed to me that the difference between night and day was emphasised heavily. This is an important distinction to make, as God is attributed as the giver of light, and Satan as a bringer of darkness.