- Dec 2024
rawcdn.githack.com rawcdn.githack.com
join and meet operation are compatible with lattice order
- Apr 2024
theopolisinstitute.com theopolisinstitute.com
William Nestle’s Vom Mythos zum Logos (1940) is the classical statement of this reading. On the opening page, Nestle claims mythos and logos are “the two poles between which man’s mental life oscillates. Mythic imagination and logical thought are opposites,” the former being “imagistic and involuntary,” rooted in the unconscious, while the latter is “conceptual and intentional, and analyzes and synthesizes by means of consciousness” (quoted in Glenn Most, “From Logos to Mythos,” in From Myth to Reason?, 27).
Dichotomy of "mythic imagination" rooted in the unconscious versus "logical thought" rooted in the conscious
Also, see this as a reading of "chaos versus order". See, for example, Apollonian and Dionysian theory or Confucius order and Lao Tzu chaos (with respect to wu-wei). In PKM, this would correlate to the gardener vs architect archetypes.
- Jun 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Apollo represents harmony, progress, clarity, logic and the principle of individuation, whereas Dionysus represents disorder, intoxication, emotion, ecstasy and unity (hence the omission of the principle of individuation). Nietzsche used these two forces because, for him, the world of mind and order on one side, and passion and chaos on the other, formed principles that were fundamental to the Greek culture:[3][4] the Apollonian a dreaming state, full of illusions; and Dionysian a state of intoxication, representing the liberations of instinct and dissolution of boundaries. In this mould, a man appears as the satyr
Apollo as representing order, clarity, a dream-state of life, an illusion.
Dionysus, on the other hand, represent chaos, and the dissolution of this dream.
- Dec 2022
math.stackexchange.com math.stackexchange.com
My freely downloadable Beginning Mathematical Logic is a Study Guide, suggesting introductory readings beginning at sub-Masters level. Take a look at the main introductory suggestions on First-Order Logic, Computability, Set Theory as useful preparation. Tackling mid-level books will help develop your appreciation of mathematical approaches to logic.
This is a reference to a great book "Beginning Mathematical Logic: A Study Guide [18 Feb 2022]" by Peter Smith on "Teach Yourself Logic A Study Guide (and other Book Notes)". The document itself is called "LogicStudyGuide.pdf".
It focuses on mathematical logic and can be a gateway into understanding Gödel's incompleteness theorems.
I found this some time ago when looking for a way to grasp the difference between first-order and second-order logics. I recall enjoying his style of writing and his commentary on the books he refers to. Both recollections still remain true after rereading some of it.
It both serves as an intro to and recommended reading list for the following: - classical logics - first- & second-order - modal logics - model theory<br /> - non-classical logics - intuitionistic - relevant - free - plural - arithmetic, computability, and incompleteness - set theory (naïve and less naïve) - proof theory - algebras for logic - Boolean - Heyting/pseudo-Boolean - higher-order logics - type theory - homotopy type theory
- Aug 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- May 2022
wordpress.com wordpress.com
"Specifically, when one of my classmates stated how he was struggling with the concept and another one of my classmates took the initiative to clarify it, I realized that that individual possibilities vary greatly among students."
- (Major Essay) Climax paragraph. 3
- This annotation consisted of me continuing to do what I've been doing, which is primarily adding more direct experiences. In my draft for this one, I outlined the scenario of the triangle theory, but I did not go into further detail. Therefore, I resolved to describe the actual circumstances in order to offer the readers a better insight into the experience.
- Feb 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Though rarer in computer science, one can use category theory directly, which defines a monad as a functor with two additional natural transformations. So to begin, a structure requires a higher-order function (or "functional") named map to qualify as a functor:
rare in computer science using category theory directly in computer science What other areas of math can be used / are rare to use directly in computer science?
dry-rb.org dry-rb.org
It's hard to say why people think so because you certainly don't need to know category theory for using them, just like you don't need it for, say, using functions.
- Jul 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Willard Van Orman Quine insisted on classical, first-order logic as the true logic, saying higher-order logic was "set theory in disguise".
- Jan 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Jun 2018
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Remark1.73.IfPandQare total orders andf:P!Qand1:Q!Pare drawn witharrows bending as in Exercise 1.72, we believe thatfis left adjoint to1iff the arrows donot cross. But we have not proved this, mainly because it is difficult to state precisely,and the total order case is not particularly general