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  1. Dec 2022
  2. Aug 2022
  3. Jun 2022
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  4. Mar 2021
    1. My preference here is biased by the fact that I spend everyday at work building web components, so Svelte's approach feels very familiar to slots in web components.

      first sighting: That <template>/<slot> is part of HTML standard and the reason Svelte uses similar/same syntax is probably because it was trying to make it match / based on that syntax (as they did with other areas of the syntax, some of it even JS/JSX-like, but more leaning towards HTML-like) so that it's familiar and consistent across platforms.

    2. I like this approach more because I can scan the code that renders the Box component and easily spot that it takes two children. If the Box took any props, they'd be within the opening <Box> tag, and they would be distinct from any children props.
  5. Jan 2021
    1. Maybe $$slots like $$props? My use case is that I'd like to wrap a slot's content in an element that applies styling that I'd like absent without the slotted content. Something like this: {#if $$slots.description} <div class="description"> <slot name="description"></slot> </div> {/if}
    1. allow <slot> to be part of a slot
    2. But it doesn't work so I have to wrap slots in useless and interfering divs or spans like this: <Button fz="16" h="64" {...$$props}> <span slot="prepend"><slot name="prepend" /></span> <slot /> <span slot="append"><slot name="append" /></span> </Button>

      It really doesn't work? I thought, from @tanhauhau's example, that it would, right?

    3. I want to make some add-ons or wrappers on components e.g BigButton.svelte <script> import Button from './Button.svelte' </script> <Button fz="16" h="64" {...$$props}> <slot slot="prepend" name="prepend" /> <slot /> <slot slot="append" name="append" /> </Button>
    4. Related to #1824, can do <svelte:component this={Bar}> <slot></slot> <slot name="header" slot="header"></slot> </svelte:component> <script> import Bar from './Bar.svelte'; </script> as a forwarding workaround
    1. Interesting . That feature (<slot slot="..."/>) was only recently added in #4295. It wasn't primarily intended to be used that way, but I guess it's a good workaround for this issue. I'm yet to find caveats to slotting components that way, other than it's inconvenient, as opposed to <Component slot="..."/>.
    2. I'm not sure I understand the point of what you're trying to do. Components inherently have no root node so there isn't just one "node slotted" that you could possibly reference. <slot slot=""> doesn't create a wrapper around your component in the DOM. It just injects your component as Svelte usually would.
    3. If components gain the slot attribute, then it would be possible to implement the proposed behavior of <svelte:fragment /> by creating a component that has a default slot with out any wrappers. However, I think it's still a good idea to add <svelte:fragment /> so everyone who encounters this common use case doesn't have to come up with their own slightly different solutions.
    4. Another possible syntax is {#slot bar}<Foo/>{/slot}, which would also allow a bunch of DOM nodes and components inside the slot, without them needing to be from a single component
    1. In 3.29.0 you can now use <slot slot='...'> to forward slots into a child component, without adding DOM elements.
    2. Would love to see passthrough slots to create superset components, for example Table and TableWithPagination (table slots for TableWithPagination could be passed through to Table).
    1. It’s something that we’re already used to do naturally with HTML elements. Let’s demonstrate how using the <slot> component works by building a simple Card component
  6. Dec 2020
    1. Now that I got a clearer picture, I still don't understand why that error message (cannot bind to variable declared with let:) is there, in the sense that for me it would make a lot of sense to both bind (which connects bidirectionally the App#item variable with the Component#item variable) and also let (which connects the slot#item variable with the Component#item variable, allowing data to flow from slot to Component, and thus to the top-level App via the bind syntax.
  7. Nov 2020
    1. Svelte slots are much easier to use and reason about than Angular transclude, especially in cases where you don't want an extra wrapper element around the slot content.
  8. Sep 2020
    1. <slot ref:img data-visible="{{visible}}" /> In the above everything on <slot> is lost since slot is a space in the HTML, not an actual element. How could we translate this to zero or ten elements inside the slot?

      But I think this is a solved problem with current Svelte: just pass the lets to the slot content, and the slot content can decide how to pass those let props on to any or all of its child elements as it sees fit...

    1. Often, allowing the parents to compose elements to be passed into components can offer the flexibility needed to solve this problem. If a component wants to have direct control over every aspect of a component, then it should probably own the markup as well, not just the styles. Svelte's slot API makes this possible. You can still get the benefits of abstracting certain logic, markup, and styles into a component, but, the parent can take responsibility for some of that markup, including the styling, and pass it through. This is possible today.
    1. In this app, we have a <Hoverable> component that tracks whether the mouse is currently over it. It needs to pass that data back to the parent component, so that we can update the slotted contents. For this, we use slot props.
  9. Nov 2019
    1. That's especially useful when combining it with React's slot pattern, which is used for passing multiple composed components to different places within a (render prop) component, but then advancing it with a render prop function to pass the state from the render prop component to the composed components.
  10. Mar 2019
    1. or joint modeling of intent detection and slot filling, weadd an additional decoder for intent detection (or intent clas-sification) task that shares the same encoder with slot fillingdecoder.


    2. The attentionmechanism later introduced in [12] enables the encoder-decodermodel to learn a soft alignment and to decode at the same time.


      D. Bahdanau, K. Cho, and Y. Bengio, “Neural machine trans-lation by jointly learning to align and translate,”arXiv preprintarXiv:1409.0473, 2014

    1. Dialogue State Tracking

      跟进对话状态是保障dialog system的robust的核心。主要目标是预测每轮对话的用户目标。经典的状态结构通常叫做slot-filling 或者 sematic frame.

      传统用手工规则的方法: D. Goddeau, H. Meng, J. Polifroni, S. Seneff, andS. Busayapongchai. A form-based dialogue managerfor spoken language applications. InSpoken Language,1996. ICSLP 96. Proceedings., Fourth InternationalConference on, volume 2, pages 701–704. IEEE, 1996

      基于规则的方法倾向于常见的错误,然后很多结果并不是想要的。 J. D. Williams. Web-style ranking and slu combina-tion for dialog state tracking. InSIGDIAL Conference,pages 282–291, 2014

    2. Slot filling

      填槽这个问题更多的是看成一个序列标注的问题。句子中的每个词都打上一个语义标签。输入是由词组成的句子,输出是每个词对应的slot/concept IDs.

      DBN 类的处理:

      • A Deoras and R. Sarikaya. Deep belief network basedsemantic taggers for spoken language understanding.

        L. Deng, G. Tur, X. He, and D. Hakkani-Tur. Use ofkernel deep convex networks and end-to-end learningfor spoken language understanding


      • G. Mesnil, X. He, L. Deng, and Y. Bengio. Investi-gation of recurrent-neural-network architectures andlearning methods for spoken language understanding.Interspeech, 2013.
      • K. Yao, G. Zweig, M. Y. Hwang, Y. Shi, and D. Yu.Recurrent neural networks for language understand-ing. InInterspeech, 2013
      • R. Sarikaya, G. E. Hinton, and B. Ramabhadran.Deep belief nets for natural language call-routing
      • K. Yao, B. Peng, Y. Zhang, D. Yu, G. Zweig, andY. Shi. Spoken language understanding using longshort-term memory neural networks. InIEEE Insti-tute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, pages 189 –194, 2014
  11. Feb 2019
  12. www.iro.umontreal.ca www.iro.umontreal.ca
    1. For the slot filling task, the input is the sentence consisting of a sequence of words, L, and the output is a sequence of slot/concept IDs, S, one for each word. In the statistical SLU systems, the task is often formalized as a pattern recognition problem: Given the word sequence L, the goal of SLU is to find the semantic representation of the slot sequence 푆that has the maximum a posterioriprobability 푃(푆|퐿).

      对于填槽任务,输入是一个有一系列词组成的语句,输出是每个词对应的slot/concept IDs。在统计SLU系统里,这个任务可以看作是:给定词序列L,SLU的目标是找到一个slot 序列来最大化后验概率P(S/L).

    2. bi-directional Jordan-type network that takes into account both past and future dependencies among slots works best

      双向的 Jordan-type网络对槽最好用

  13. Mar 2018