20 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
  2. Aug 2024
  3. Jul 2024
    1. The thermodynamic limitsexplored above, for instance, apply to anyenergy technology we care to imagine.

      for - question - fusion and deep geothermal

      question - I suppose it also applies to - nuclear fusion if it becomes feasible and - deep geothermal

    1. for - transition - renewable energy - won't work - because - the price is wrong! - Brett Christopher - green energy - the price is wrong - transition - alternative to capitalism - book - The Price is Wrong: Why Capitalism won't Save the Planet - Brett Christopher

      summary - This book provides rationale for why capitalism won't scale renewable energy, but a public sector government approach might - What about the alternative of community-owned or cooperative-owned energy infrastructure? A pipe dream? - Is renewable energy just not profitable and therefore has to be subsidized? - Perhaps it could be seen as a stopgap to buy us time until fusion, deep geothermal or other viable, scalable options become widespread?

      from - Planet Critical podcast - 6th Mass Extinction - interview with paleontologist Peter Brennan - https://hyp.is/3ss3Vj9vEe-iDX-3vRVlFw/docdrop.org/video/cP8FXbPrEiI/

  4. Jun 2024
    1. Despite all the hand-waving, there are still no viable, scalable, truly renewable energy sources waiting in the wings

      for - question - no viable replacement for fossil fuels? - energy futures - deep geothermal

      question - no viable replacement for fossil fuels? - That may not be true - Deep geothermal may be the viable answer in the short-to-medium term and - nuclear fusion may be the solution on the medium term - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=Deep+geothermal

  5. May 2024
    1. WirtschaftsWoche: Hintergrundbericht zur geplanten Fusion der Petrochemie-Sparten von OMV und Adnoc. Die Adnoc will mit #Bourouge einen Petrochemie-Großkonzern aufbauen, der dann statt Treibstoffe scheinbar saubere Produkte wie Kunstdünger und Plastik verkauft und auf Recycling und Kreislaufwirtschaft ausgerichtet ist. Dazu ist man auch an einer Übernahme von Covestro und Wintershall interessiert. Der Konzern soll zur Hälfte der OMV gehören. https://www.wiwo.de/unternehmen/industrie/chemieindustrie-was-hinter-dem-megageschaeft-zwischen-omv-und-adnoc-steckt/29560900.html

    1. Kleine Zeitung: In einem Hintergrundgespräch bestätigt Edith Hlawati, die Chefin der österreichischen Staatsholding Öbag, dass die Fusion der Petrochemietöchter von OMV und Adnoc weiter von beiden Seiten angestrebt wird. Hlawati war federführend beim aktuellen Syndikatsvertrag der Öbag mit dem Ölkonzern des autoritär regierten und mit Russland kooperierenden Abu Dhabi. https://www.kleinezeitung.at/wirtschaft/18467296/ich-bin-optimistisch-rueckt-omv-adnoc-deal-naeher

    1. While I enjoyed an excellent classical music education in London at the Royal College of Music I ventured later intopop, rock and other musical styles without abandoning my classical roots, and attempted to share the fruits of this Catholic musical perspective with audiences. They were perhaps not ready for pioneering efforts in bridging the gap between jazz and classical, then, and seemed to me sometimes to advocate a kind of ‘apartheid in music'(Reddy 2005a).
  6. Jan 2024
  7. Jun 2023
  8. Dec 2022
  9. Aug 2022
  10. Jul 2022
    1. 将reads通过STAR比对到参考基因组,筛选出Junction reads(1条read含有两个基因融合断点的read )和Spanning reads (R1,R2比对到不同基因上的reads)作为候选融合基因序列。

      star-fusion 融合支持reads定义

  11. Jun 2022
    1. There is a great need to protect the environment and enable the use of sustainable energy and alternative energy sources. Countries can build their way to energy security by investing in the industrial capacity needed to manufacture wind turbines, solar cells, nuclear fusion and other sources of renewable energy at scale. Manufacturers are also interested in investments in renewable energy that make production increasingly efficient and cheaper.

  12. Mar 2022
  13. May 2021
  14. Jan 2021
    1. Cognitive fusion isn’t necessarily a bad thing. If you suddenly notice a car driving towards you at a high speed, you don’t want to get stuck pondering about how the feeling of danger is actually a mental construct produced by your brain. You want to get out of the way as fast as possible, with minimal mental clutter interfering with your actions. Likewise, if you are doing programming or math, you want to become at least partially fused together with your understanding of the domain, taking its axioms as objective facts so that you can focus on figuring out how to work with those axioms and get your desired results.

      Cognitive Fusion serves an important role

      When you are driving a car, you want to be fused with its internal logic, because it will allow you to respond in the quickest possible way to threats. (I'm not sure if this is the same thing though)