6 Matching Annotations
- Jul 2024
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that very low (nM) concentrations of GABA,which typically occur in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of the extracellular space,can persistently activate a population of non-synaptic GABA A receptors resultingin a ‘tonic’ increase in membrane conductance
GABA typically occurs in the CSF, and very small levels of GABA can activate extrasynaptic receptors.
- Apr 2024
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
Ten wzorzec nieprawidłowego przetwarzania czasowego w ASD może być związany z odkryciami z licznych doniesień, które dostarczają dowodów na zmienioną równowagę aktywności pobudzającej i hamującej w mózgach osób z ASD (Rubenstein i Merzenich, 2003). Badacze teoretyzowali i wykazali dowody na nadmiar glutaminianu, głównego neuroprzekaźnika pobudzającego w korze mózgowej, oraz niedobór GABA, głównego neuroprzekaźnika hamującego w mózgu, w ASD (Rubenstein, 2010). Nadmiar glutaminianu, w połączeniu ze zmniejszonym GABA, może prowadzić do nadpobudliwości w mózgach osób z ASD. Ponadto przetwarzanie czasowe, lokalna synchronizacja neuronalna i koordynacja czasowa różnych węzłów sieci korowych (np. jak w przetwarzaniu multisensorycznym) są pośredniczone przez funkcjonowanie GABA-ergiczne i wszystkie okazały się wadliwe w ASD (Klimesch i in., 2007; Thatcher i in., 2009).
Przyczyny deficytu przetwarzania czasoweg w ASD - zmieniona równowaga, aktywności pobudzającej (glutaminian) i hamującej GABA
- Dec 2023
article-summarizer.scholarcy.com article-summarizer.scholarcy.com
Projekcje glutaminergiczne do i z różnych podregionów czołowych do prążkowia biorą udział w regulacji różnych zachowań kompulsywnych, w tym stereotypii w ASD [100].Rozregulowanie glutaminergii i rozwój cech autystycznych zostały powiązane z mutacjami w kilku genach (tj. SHANK, NLGN3, NLGN4 i UBE3A) zaangażowanych w tworzenie i utrzymywanie synaps [96].Upośledzona homeostaza dopaminy, noradrenaliny i serotoniny znajduje odzwierciedlenie w zmienionych wzorcach snu, nastroju i zachowaniu pacjentów z ASD [97,101].U osób z autyzmem zaobserwowano zmniejszone uwalnianie dopaminy w korze przedczołowej i zmniejszoną odpowiedź neuronalną w jądrze półleżącym [96].Najnowsza hipoteza mówi, że zachowania autystyczne wynikają z dysfunkcji układu dopaminergicznego śródmózgowia w następujący sposób: dysfunkcja obwodu mezokortykolimbicznego (MCL) jest odpowiedzialna za deficyty społeczne, podczas gdy dysfunkcja obwodu nigrostriatalnego (NS) skutkuje stereotypowymi zachowaniami (ryc. 4).Mówiąc bardziej szczegółowo, zmiany sygnalizacyjne w szlaku dopaminergicznym MCL prowadzą do hipoaktywacji układu nagrody, upośledzając podejmowanie decyzji opartych na wysiłku dla nagród u osób z autyzmem.Zaobserwowano, że dysfunkcja szlaku NS, który kontroluje zachowania motoryczne ukierunkowane na cel, uwięziła osoby z autyzmem w pętlach bezcelowych, stereotypowych wzorców zachowań.Na nasilenie zachowań stereotypowych zauważono11, na które wpływ miały polimorfizmy genów receptora dopaminy 3, receptora dopaminy 4 i transportera dopaminy [102]. Kilka innych hipotez dotyczyło udziału dodatkowych NT w ASD, w tym acetylocholiny, acetylocholiny, oksytocyny, oksytocyny, wazopresyny, wazopresyny, oreksyny, oreksyny i endogennych endogennych opioidów opioidowych [96,97].
Neuronalne przyczyny ASD
article-summarizer.scholarcy.com article-summarizer.scholarcy.com
Ponieważ ADHD jest złożonym zaburzeniem, na które wpływają zarówno czynniki genetyczne, jak i środowiskowe, dostępność odpowiednich modeli zwierzęcych jest dużym krokiem w kierunku zrozumienia mechanizmu tego zaburzenia [14]. Dlatego badania molekularne i komórkowe z wykorzystaniem modeli zwierzęcych stanów patologicznych pomogą nam zrozumieć związane z tym mechanizmy u człowieka. W tym badaniu sugerujemy udział glejowego GABA u myszy GIT1 KO, ponieważ w astrocytach móżdżku występuje obniżony poziom GABA, co skutkuje mniejszym prądem hamującym tonik, w którym pośredniczy zmniejszone toniczne uwalnianie GABA, co prowadzi do wzrostu stosunku E / I i nadpobudliwości (ryc. 4).
Deficyt GABA w mysim modelu ADHD, z genem GIT1, kóry może być odpowiedzialny za nadpobuliwość
- Feb 2023
It’s different for everyone. I have found it to be amazing. It has given me energy, drive, motivation, euphoria, happiness, mood enhancement, and more endurance. It also makes music super awesome to listen to, with a physical and mental high. The difference bw this and any benzo is that they target different things. Benzodiazepines target a binding point found on certain GABA-A receptors and it enhances GABA by modulating it (increasing GABA’s overall effectiveness and activity), and there are more than one binding points that benzodiazepines can bind to (BZD1, BZD2, etc) that cause different effects like sedation, hypnotic, muscle relaxation, anxiolytic, etc. Phenibut is a moderately mild-average GABA-B receptor agonist, meaning it can boost the amount of GABA released. It’s main effects come from it being like a gabapentinoid, which means it also binds to the GABA-B calcium channels and blocks them. This causes different signals to happen due to the channels being open or closed. Because of this, and because Phenibut isn’t identical to gabapentin or pregabalin (both gabapentinoids), it causes different signals to influence other neurotransmitters. It can be said that it causes a boost of dopamine as well as natural endorphins. It has a more stimulating effect at the right doses than any benzo, which is more sedating. Benzos only modulate GABA at the GABA-A receptor sites, but Phenibut can sometimes activate both GABA-B and GABA-A, giving a unique effect as well. The people who use it recreationally enjoy the body and mental high as well as the increase in sociability since a lot of people take it for social anxiety and going to parties so they can be more talkative and outgoing. Phenibut can also be used for insomnia and sleep issues. It is very effective in my experience. I have chronic insomnia and even with sleep meds I still wake up a bunch of times a night. Phenibut has allowed me to sleep thru the entire night once except I did wake up after the sun came up around 7am because I had to pee really badly. Otherwise, I went right back to sleep. I also noticed I can feel more refreshed on less sleep, which is good if you are a parent to young children who get up super early. Another use that is interesting is using it before exercise and going to the gym to work out. Phenibut can give you more endurance and enjoyment doing exercise, so you benefit more from each workout. This could be from the increased release of endorphins. This is one thing I really enjoy doing myself and have noticed really great benefits as well as it putting me in a real motivated state and mood and I feel like I could workout forever it seems! I definitely notice the difference when I go to the gym without taking it (because I am taking a break from it to lower tolerance). One thing to keep in mind is once you find the ideal therapeutic dose, you won’t get the same effects every time you take it if you use it every day. Tolerance to some of the actions like euphoria and body high tend to disappear. This is why a lot of users suggest taking it only 1–3 days a week MAXIMUM. It is possible to become dependent on Phenibut, but the withdrawal is not supposed to be as intense and life-threatening like benzos are (due to seizures, etc). A high dose is considered anything more than 2g/day. Therapeutic doses can be as low as 250–750mg/day. Considering this is a prescription medication used in Russia, it does have some psychiatric use. People taking therapeutic doses are less likely to have extreme reactions or build rapid tolerance to Phenibut. There are some people who take Phenibut from unreliable sources that claim they do not feel anything on it that is noticeable even at high doses for a first time (1g-2g). It’s just like some people do not respond to certain benzodiazepines (one seems to work the best for different people as well as what kind of dose is needed), as well as SSRIs, which all are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, because each one may be selective to different subtypes of serotonin (5HT) receptors, which are quite numerous, each one and its variations seem to do different things. Some people don’t respond to SSRIs at all (2/3 of people apparently according to statistics), but the rest that do respond find that they really have helped them and changed their lives by boosting their moods, etc. Are you going to feel Phenibut the first time you take it? Since it is not controlled in the USA, for example, it is sold as a “supplement” or found on “nootropic” websites. There are a lot of good vendors out there just like there are a lot of bad ones do to the supplement field being so uncontrolled compared to prescription drugs, which are controlled and regulated by the FDA & DEA to be a certain level of purity. So if you get a bad batch, you may find yourself feeling nothing. But if you get a good batch (I’ve found at least 2 that I would definitely call awesome supplement/nootropic suppliers online), you should be more inclined to feel something at least, unless you are one of those genetic exceptions that don’t benefit from this type of agonist/channel blocking. Be sure to start lower dose and if you don’t feel anything in 4 hours at least, then you could try another dose. But really don’t go overboard thinking a huge dose will be good for you. Some people report getting nauseous, overly sleepy, and having other reactions you don’t want. You don’t want to pass out and wake up having to throw up over and over. Don’t mix it with alcohol, as alcohol tends to modulate GABA in various ways as well as some other neurotransmitters and hormones. They can create a combined effect. Interestingly, some people use Phenibut to give them the same desired effects of alcohol (ability to socialize, being more talkative and clever, going out with friends to have fun at a club or whatever, etc) without the messiness of it (getting drunk, dizzy, nauseous, throwing up, headaches, sour stomach, hangovers, etc). Be sure to respect it like you would any prescription medication, since it is one in certain Countries, even if it is just a supplement in yours. Proper titration of the ideal dose as well as cycling (taking days off or even taking a break for a while from all use) are really important. These can affect the potency of Phenibut each time you use it.
- Nov 2021
neurosciencenews.com neurosciencenews.com
Having too much GABA can result in a number of side effects, including drowsiness and anxiety.
GABA uyuşukluğa neden olur