14 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. Mar 2021
    1. I've come across about 20 reference for Ivan Illitch over the past month. Not sure what is driving it. Some mentions are coming out of educator circles, others from programmers, some from what I might describe as "knowledge workers" (digital gardeners/Roam Cult/Obsidian crowds). One tangential one was from someone in the hyperlink.academy crowd.

      Here's a recent one from today that popped up within a thread shared in IndieWeb chat:

      Ivan Illich continues to be even more more relevant than he was at the height of his New Left popularity. Conviviality in the digital tools we use has continued to wither https://t.co/D88V6KL7Ez pic.twitter.com/OFDYTjXyCn

      — Count Bla (@123456789blaaa) March 15, 2021
      <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

      Deschooling Society and Tools for Conviviality look very interesting. Perhaps they've distilled enough that their ideas are having a resurgence?

    2. He wrote that "[e]lite professional groups ... have come to exert a 'radical monopoly' on such basic human activities as health, agriculture, home-building, and learning, leading to a 'war on subsistence' that robs peasant societies of their vital skills and know-how. The result of much economic development is very often not human flourishing but 'modernized poverty', dependency, and an out-of-control system in which the humans become worn-down mechanical parts."[13] Illich proposed that we should "invert the present deep structure of tools" in order to "give people tools that guarantee their right to work with independent efficiency."[34]

      Amazon anyone?

    3. the need to develop new instruments for the reconquest of practical knowledge by the average citizen.

      This fits into the idea of older knowledge and memory systems of indigenous peoples

    4. Particularly striking in 1971 was his call for advanced technology to support "learning webs": The operation of a peer-matching network would be simple. The user would identify himself by name and address and describe the activity for which he sought a peer. A computer would send him back the names and addresses of all those who had inserted the same description. It is amazing that such a simple utility has never been used on a broad scale for publicly valued activity.
    5. His first book, Deschooling Society, published in 1971, was a groundbreaking critique of compulsory mass education. He argued the oppressive structure of the school system could not be reformed. It must be dismantled in order to free humanity from the crippling effects of the institutionalization of all of life. He went on to critique modern mass medicine. In the pre-Internet age, Illich was highly influential among intellectuals and academics. He became known worldwide for his progressive polemics about how human culture could be preserved and expand, activity expressive of truly human values, in the face of multiple thundering forces of de-humanization.

      A fairly reasonable summary of his thinking?

  3. Jan 2021
    1. No hay personas sin interés. Sus destinos son como la crónica de los planetas. Nada en ellos deja de ser peculiar y los planetas son distintos unos y otros. Necesitamos un nombre para aquellos que aman la tierra en la que podemos encontrarnos unos con otros, Y si un hombre viviese en la oscuridad haciendo amistades en esa oscuridad, la oscuridad no carecería de interés. Necesitamos un nombre para aquellos que colaboran con su hermano Prometeo en alumbrar el fuego y en dar forma al hierro, pero que lo hacen para acrecentar así su capacidad de entender y cuidar y ser guardián del prójimo, sabiendo que para cada cual su mundo es privado, y en ese mundo la maravilla de un minuto, y en ese mundo lo trágico de un minuto, que son mis propios bienes.

      Toda la traducción del poema se ve bastante mal.

  4. Sep 2020
    1. evocando al ángel de la historia de Benjamin, que se dirige hacia el presente teniendo los ojos fijos en el pasado, él se compara más bien a un cangrejo, que se dirige hacia el pasado fijando la mirada en el presente.

      Illich como cangrejo

    2. Se podría llamar «teorema del caracol» el ejemplo con el cual Illich ilustra icásticamente esta contraproductividad: el caracol, después de haber sumado un cierto número de espiras a su concha, interrumpe su actividad; si continuara, una sola espira más aumentaría 16 veces el peso y el volumen a transportar.

      Analogía del caracol.

  5. May 2020
  6. May 2018
    1. The man who knows that nothing in demand is out of production soon expects that nothing produced can be out of demand.

      This keeps rolling around in my head, one marble in a Chinese Checkers tin. And I am not asking what does this mean, but rather what could this mean?

  7. Apr 2018
    1. %0#$!204%).!<&%!#0I!0'()4$*&#46!1*22,34%:(2$!50!%0J0%20'!*#$&!$.0!204%).!<&%!$.0*%!*#2$*$($*&#46!*#J0%20^!0'()4$*&#46!5,64%I.*).!.0*;.$0#!$.0!&BB&%$(#*$/!<&%!04).!&#0!$&!$%4#2<&%:!04).!:&:0#$!&<!.*2!6*J*#;!*#$&!&#0!&<!604%#*#;O!2.4%*#;O

      Networks (back and forth) not funnels (one way). If this isn't a summing up of CLMOOC, I don't know what is.

    2. J0%0$$!?0*:0%K!

      Reimer was good friends with Illich when they were both in Puerto Rico. Classic networking IRL. Here is a free copy of Reimer's book, School Is Dead.

    3. Q.0/!2).&&6!$.0:!$&!)&#<(20!B%&)022!4#'!2(52$4#)0K!R

      Yes! All too often we are urged to assess the product rather than the process