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  1. Mar 2021
    1. Free weights reign superior, machines allow us to do things we can't do with free weights: Training muscles in various ranges of motion, providing for unique positions, isolating various joints and muscles, and/or providing constant tension throughout full ranges of motion.
    1. training through a spectrum of repetition ranges is best for those looking to maximize muscle growth. Our recent study looking at a varied versus constant loading protocol suggests a potential benefit to such an approach, at least for increasing growth in the upper body musculature (Schoenfeld et al 2016).
    1. Steady-State Cardio Exercises

      Exercícios aeróbicos de longa duração e com intensidade moderada. São mais recomendados nos dias sem treinamento na sala de musculação.

      Exercícios Recomendados:

      • Caminhada Leve
      • Elíptico
      • Bike Spinning
    2. the type of cardio conditioning you do corresponds to the set-and-rep scheme used in the preceding strength-training portion of the workout. On days when you spend the most time on the strength-training portion—the workouts with the most sets (e.g., four per exercise)—you use SMIT, because it takes the least time of the cardio-conditioning methods. In contrast, on days when you do the fewest sets (e.g., two per exercise)—which is where you spend the least time on strength training—you perform steady-state cardio because it takes the longest of the cardio-con-ditioning methods. And on days when you do three sets per exercise, you use one of the metabolic conditioning protocols because they require a moderate amount of time

      Uma estratégia para utilizar com programas de condicionamento

      De maneira resumida: nos dias em que o treinamento de força é longo dentro da sala de musculação, protocolos de condicionamento curtos serão utilizados e vice-versa.

    3. For instance, research has shown that daily variations in intensity and volume (sets and reps) are more effective than weekly volume variations for increases in maximal strength; they may also lead to greater gains in muscle size (11,12,13,14)
    4. the smartest approach is to incorporate bothheavy-load, low-volume work and lighter-load, higher-volume work in an undulating fashion.


    5. Specifically, the performance programs use the most exercises in the speed and power category and the fewest in the size category, whereas the muscle programs reverse that pattern

      Outra diferença entre programas voltados para a melhora da performance e programas para treinar o músculo.

    6. one of the biggest differences between the performance workout programs and the muscle workout programs lies in the choice of which exercise cate-gory you do first (when you’re freshest) and which you do at the end of the workout (when you’re more fatigued).

      Ponto interessante.

    7. One of the best workout methods to achieve both of these goals is to perform medicine-ball throwing exercises. When throwing the ball, unlike when lifting weights, you don’t have to slow down at the end of the range of motion; you can just let the ball fly. Therefore, simply throwing the ball in different directions (remember, power is direction specific) trains your body to generate explosive power without putting on any brakes.

      "both of these methods" = Treinamento da velocidade do movimento e o padrão de ativação muscular trifásico.

    1. In other words, strength training at longer (stretched) muscle lengths (that includes an eccentric component) not only causes muscles to be stronger at long lengths, but also promotes flexibility by causing muscle fibers to produce new sarcomeres in series within a muscle, which allows the muscle to lengthen more (6, 7).

      Era o que o Dr. Seedman já argumentava no seu treino de valorização do tempo na fase excêntrica.

    1. The 15 Strength Training Principles
      1. Permaneça sempre no Básico (Princípios)
      2. É sobre tornar um atleta mais forte, não transforma-lo num levantador de peso profissional
      3. Maximizar a capacidade funcional (habilidade de realizar diversas tarefas relacionadas ao movimento).
      4. Adote uma abordagem mista (Exercícios compostos + cruzados + isolados)
      5. Pense nos conceitos biomecânicos da força na execução de um exercício.
      6. Utilize exercícios isolados para treinar amplitudes não enfatizadas em exercícios multiarticulares
      7. Reduza a redundância, maximize a eficiência
      8. Treine movimentos e músculos
      9. Construa força dentro de TODA amplitude de movimento
      10. Encaixa exercícios para indivíduos, não ao contrário
      11. Seleção de exercícios pelos 2C (Conforto e controle)
      12. Faça mais volume no seu lado mais fraco, também no seu link mais fraco
      13. Tente ser 1% melhor após cada sessão
      14. Crie estresse sem lesar
      15. Siga o princípio da especificadade
    1. There are only foundational fundamental training principles, like overload, specificity, individuality, etc., that need to be practiced. And it's these principles that dictate the exercises that should be included and how they're applied in a comprehensive training program. In other words, exercises are just methods that allow us to apply principles
    1. Variation of the exercises may be as important, if not more important, than changes in volume and intensity, and can also result in more complete muscular development.
  2. Feb 2021