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  1. Jun 2024
  2. Nov 2023
  3. May 2023

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  4. Apr 2023
    1. Samuel Butler had made the phrase ‘Spare the rod and spoil the child’immortal in his satirical poem Hudibras.

      While the original proverb appears in King James Version of the Bible, Book of Proverbs 13:24, the satirical poem Hudibras is the first appearance of the quote and popularized the aphorism "spare the rod and spoil the child".



      syndication link: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hudibras&oldid=1148518740

  5. Dec 2015
    1. Therefore, those in your experience who are attempting to “help” you see that what is unfolding here in your experience is the Christ-consciousness revealing Itself, are correct to that degree. However, they are incorrect in attempting to “help” you see that an individuality by the name of Raj is an illusory part of this experience. Their view is still so limited—in spite of the grandness and infinity of the view they see currently, as opposed to what they saw originally—that you would be foolish to use their vantage point as your own.

      This reminds me of Rod's assertion that channeled beings are just the channels higher self.

      Read on to get another perspective.

    2. It is true that you are not participating in spiritualism. You are not communicating with a soul that has “passed on.” You are not speaking to an individuality still befuddled by the three-dimensional illusion of birth and death who thinks that he was ever born or ever died. I am not the medium through which the Christ-consciousness is revealing Itself as your conscious experience of Being. But, I do exist, as does every other individualization who has existed as an infinite aspect of Fourth-dimensional Conscious Being. There is infinite progression, even beyond the partial, three-dimensional-only view. It is simply ignorance—the inability to see infinitely—which would make one think that once the “mortal dream” is grown out of, there does not continue to be the infinite unfolding of Being as Conscious Being. This is true before or after the experience called death.

      Definition: Ignorance - the inability to see infinitely.

      More about Raj - not caught in belief of birth and death.

      There is an infinite progression of the unfolding of Being as Conscious Being. "Death" does not end it - it never ends.

      This is implied by WOM when it speaks of *The journey to the Kingdom and the Journey within the Kingdom."