- Oct 2023
cache.media.eduscol.education.fr cache.media.eduscol.education.fr
la diffusion personnalisée : modèle prescriptif
service Autorisation
Le service d’autorisation permet de contrôler les accès c’est-à-dire à la fois de vérifier l’existenced’une association entre un usager et une autorisation mais également de s’assurer que les conditionsnécessaires sont satisfaites
- Jul 2023
preferredmd.io preferredmd.io
Inspection at Your ASC: Through the Eyes of a Surveyor
Seasoned surveyor shares tips on how to effectively prepare for your surgery center's inspections
- Sep 2021
monteiro.medium.com monteiro.medium.com
Design’s Lost Generation
The Pirate Book Club will be discussing this article in the Anti UX UX Club room of Clubhouse, according to today’s post on Twitter.
- Apr 2020
www.pnas.org www.pnas.org
Herz, N., Dan, O., Censor, N., & Bar-Haim, Y. (2020). Opinion: Authors overestimate their contribution to scientific work, demonstrating a strong bias. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(12), 6282–6285. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2003500117
- Jul 2018
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
an institutional rather than a user focus
This is key: Desires to use portfolios in institutional/program assessment practices are part of what has made them cumbersome. Portfolio use in programs that emphasized their value for students and learning have always been the best examples in my opinion (eg, Portland State, LaGuardia CC, Clemson), even if they also use them in institutional/program assessment too.
- Jul 2017
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
Ten years ago, Richard Shavelson wrote that accreditation pressures could lead us to focus on easily formulated, standardized, and measured student outcomes and to neglect "personal and social responsibility" skills — "personal, civic, moral, social, and intercultural knowledge and actions." He warned that if we do not measure those, "they will drop from sight." If we neglect the ineffable outcomes in our efforts to understand what college is for, and what we accomplish in higher education, they could disappear from our attention, our aspirations, and eventually from our teaching.
value of personal development vs. measured outcomes.