16 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
  2. Nov 2024
    1. Advanced analytics Arc XP offers comprehensive analytics that enables companies to better target content and commerce for higher conversion rates, thereby understanding their audience.Although Arc XP Commerce is a great fit for businesses with complicated needs, it comes with high Arc XP pricing and calls for significant technical knowledge to run and maintain. Small and medium-sized companies with limited resources find this less ideal as a result.

      Are you considering WooCommerce or Arc Commerce for your eCommerce site? This post breaks down both platforms, exploring features, integrations, and business-fit to help you make an informed decision. Discover which platform aligns with your business goals, and how each can support growth in the competitive digital market.

  3. Oct 2024
    1. Current Progress 0%

      No H1 Description: The page lacks a primary



      No headings on page Description: The page does not contain any headings. WCAG 2.2 Success Criterion:A 1.3.1 Info and Relationships

    3. No Alt Text for header image

    1. A winter arc edit. A search on YouTube has dozens of these (AI probably makes it even worse).

      I have nothing against them. They do seem to present a new worldview of sorts. Is it really grounded and substantial though? What are the people that they look up to? Andrew Tate and David Goggins?

    1. Terms like locking in, ghosting, monk mode, winter arc, are common in the self-improvement scene on YouTube. A period of extreme focus and isolation to go deep into something.

      Another spin (02:00) is that of an almost monk like quality. That of self discovery and inner transformation. So these terms have both a productive and (spiritual) transformational spin to them. I remember Tarik (friend) saying to me that you should become unrecognisable in these three months. Literally becoming something else (ie transformation).

  4. Jan 2024
  5. Dec 2023
    1. There is no dignityyet in human history. It would be purecomedy if it were not so often tragic, 'sofrequently dismal, generally dishonora-ble, and occasionally quite horrible.
  6. Nov 2023
  7. Jul 2023
    1. we regard this disappearance as an aberration, and notas an indication of progress.

      disappearance [of education] as an...

      there's also disappearance of context of what has gone before



  8. Dec 2022
    1. Spend some time with Arc, the new browser from The Browser Company of New York.


      First I've heard of this.

  9. Aug 2022
  10. Jul 2022
  11. Jul 2015
    1. My understanding of the universe was physical, and its moral arc bent toward chaos then concluded in a box.

      This, of course, is flipping Martin Luther King's famous quote about "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." It's upsetting to think that Coates is saying that the reality is that the arc bends toward death, not justice.



