421 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2018
    1. until a colleague stepped in to help. But this time, the outcome was very, very different.

      One source of helpful organizations are just the HR team in offices. Although they do try and help these people, sometimes they are too busy to help the employees with specific illnesses. Therefore by creating a broader selection of organizations with close resources, the people who do need help can get it quicker and probably more intense than what Human Resources or coworkers would be able to do.

  2. Nov 2017
    1. an hour

      hour is pronounced more like OUR therefore you use the article an and NOT a

    2. A European (again we see the y sound coming from a vowel)

      Where would you use a and an

  3. Oct 2017
    1. Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.

      According to this definition of critical thinking, we can infer that critical thinking requires a deep thought process, and it forces one to intensely elaborate on whatever is being asked to think about/write about/discuss

  4. Aug 2017
  5. Jun 2017
    1. The digital humanities as a humanitiesproject

      Svensson, Patrik. 2012. “The Digital Humanities as a Humanities Project.” Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 11 (1–2): 42–60. doi:10.1177/1474022211427367.



  6. Apr 2017
  7. Apr 2016
    1. One thing I held on to during fedwiki was that it wasn’t intended to be wikipedia, and to me that meant it wasn’t intended to produce articles so much as to sustain and connect ideas in formation that might find their way into article-like things on other platforms.
  8. Dec 2015
    1. Part of Galileo’s genius was to transfer the spirit of the Italian Renaissance in the plastic arts to the mathematical and observational ones.
  9. Sep 2015
    1. Big data from small data: data-sharing in the 'long tail' of neuroscience.

      Highlight, annotate and tag specific words or phrases.

  10. Jul 2015
  11. Jun 2015
    1. the social media narrative recalled Cold War ideas that capitalist technology would triumph over communist inefficiency, as if people in the Middle East couldn’t have rebelled on their own without the gifts of American entrepreneurs. In the end, whatever was tweeted, there was no Twitter revolution in Iran.

      Would like to know more about the Cold War ideas referenced above.

  12. Apr 2015
    1. Subcellular Anatomy Ontology

      The Subcellular Anatomy Ontology has now been subsumed into the Gene Ontology Cell Component ontology. Roncaglia et al. 2013

    2. hrough these relationships, the SAO allows us to relate macromolecules to subcellular structures, parts of cells to a whole cell or to higher-order brain structures.

      These relationships were not subsumed by GO Cell Component.

    3. that takes advantage of first-order logic

      Not sure that this statement is correct, that is, does ontology require the use of first-order logic.

    4. experimental methodologies tend to reveal only a limited aspect of nervous system organization

      "tend"? I wonder why I used such a weak word here. We do not have any experimental methodology that reveals a complete picture of nervous system organization.