28 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2024
    1. If a positive charge and a negative charge interact, their forces act in the same direction, from the positive to the negative charge. As a result opposite charges attract each other:

      Two opposite charged are attracted to each other

  2. Oct 2023
    1. The main usage difference is that dependency can be used in a second sense as a "concrete" noun to mean a person or thing which depends on something/someone else. But note that in the programming context it's not uncommon to see it used to mean a software resource upon which some piece of software depends (i.e. - reversing the need/provide relationship).

      Is that really true? Can dependency refer to a person or thing which depends on something/someone else?? I'm only used to it the other way.

    2. And as others have pointed out, there is potential for ambiguity: if A is dependent on B, then a dependence or dependency (relationship) exists; but referring to either A or B as the dependency demands context.

      "demands context" :)

  3. Sep 2023
    1. share our own experience

      Its interesting how it is sharing our own experience. An experience of one self can change the perspective of the world and how one perceives it. Its like a teacher for instance. One could have a terribly behaved 4th grade class and the other could have an exceptional 4th grade class. When placing two classes together you can see an astronomical difference in a multitude of things. Now looking at perspective and experience. One could say, wow I really hate 4th grade and the other could say the opposite. So what could the actually fact on a teachers perspective and what would be relevant or not? due to the experience one may have gone through.

  4. Feb 2023
    1. When Ubuntu was confronted with making Debian user friendly, the issue was speeding up software updates. Manjaro has the opposite issue with Arch and is handling it appropriately.
  5. Dec 2022
    1. It’s as simple as running ngrok http 3000 to forward port 3000 (or any port) to a public ngrok address.

      We're not forwarding local port 3000 to a public ngrok address — we're doing it in the opposite direction, as the previous sentence just (correctly) stated:

      a secure tunnel to localhost

  6. Sep 2022
    1. Filter gives me the impression of inclusion... so if I filter by fruits, I expect to see apples, oranges, and bananas. Instead, this is more like filter out fruits... remove all the fruits, and you're left with the rest. Filter in/out are both viable. One means to include everything that matches a condition, and the other is to exclude everything that does not match a condition. And I don't think we can have just one.
  7. May 2022
  8. Apr 2022
    1. The backslash character does not concatenate any strings. It prevents the line-break from meaning that those two lines are different statements. Think of the backslash as the opposite of the semicolon. The semicolon lets two statements occupy one line; the backslash lets one statement occupy two lines.
    2. Think of the backslash as the opposite of the semicolon. The semicolon lets two statements occupy one line; the backslash lets one statement occupy two lines.
  9. Oct 2021
    1. Inflections go the other way around.In classic mode, given a missing constant Rails underscores its name and performs a file lookup. On the other hand, zeitwerk mode checks first the file system, and camelizes file names to know the constant those files are expected to define.While in common names these operations match, if acronyms or custom inflection rules are configured, they may not. For example, by default "HTMLParser".underscore is "html_parser", and "html_parser".camelize is "HtmlParser".
  10. Jul 2021
  11. Apr 2021
  12. Feb 2021
    1. What is the opposite of free content?

      The opposite of free/open-source software is proprietary software or non-free software (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proprietary_software).

      So should we call the opposite of free content "non-free content"? Or "proprietary content"?

      Seems likes either would be fine.

      Looks like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Non-free_content prefers the term "non-free content".

      Couldn't find anyone contrasting these 2 terms (like I could no doubt find for software):

      Not to be confused with:

      • paid content ... just like:
      • free content should not be confused with gratis content (?)
      • free software should not be confused with freeware
    1. These two mistakes, especially the second one, plant worries in your customers mind before they’ve even had time to think of them.
    2. Stop warning people – no contract, no obligations, cancel anytime – companies can’t resist saying this on every pricing page but by using negative words they’re just putting ideas into people’s heads.
  13. Oct 2020
  14. Sep 2020
    1. While Webpack is focused on using CommonJS as its primary module system and converting everything to that, Rollup decided to take the opposite approach — focusing on ES Modules instead.
  15. Aug 2020
  16. May 2020
    1. The administration and its allies fear that the more people gravitate toward the successful, free-market self-insurance approach, the worse their government-engineered health “reform” will look. We’re already seeing the beginning of this trend.
  17. Apr 2020
  18. Mar 2020
    1. After discussion with Xiao, I believe the tetramer hypothesis of TAZ-TEAD is not correct. Reasons:

      1. There are two TAZ-TEAD binding modes in the structure, 5gn0. And one is similar to the canonical YAP-TEAD structure, albeit TAZ has shorter loop between the alpha helix and omega loop.
      2. the CoIP result just shows that TAZ can form homodimer, which is induced by its coiled-coil segment. And such coiled-coil segament is far from the TEAD binding domain.



  19. Dec 2019
    1. The x mark is also sometimes used for this purpose (most notably on election ballot papers, e.g. in the United Kingdom), but otherwise usually indicates "no", incorrectness, or failure.
  20. Jun 2018
    1. Example1.42 (Opposite poset).Given a posetπP;∫, we may define the opposite posetπP;op∫to have the same set of elements, but withpopqif and only ifqp.