327 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2018
    1. the checker board

      checker board classification example

    1. Todd Veldhuizen

      Blitz++ is a class library for scientific computing designed by Todd Veldhuizen


      Will C++ be faster than Fortran?

    3. simple analogy

      a good example about the difference of memory

    1. selfadjoint (hermitian) matrices

      埃尔米特矩阵, 自伴随矩阵

      $$A^H = A =\overline{A^T}$$

    1. QR factorization method is more stable

      \(QR\) 分解更稳定

    2. every positive definite matrixAhas positive diagonal elements


    3. gives a practical method for testing positive definiteness

      Cholesky 分解给了一种判断矩阵正定的方法

    4. positive semidefinite, but not positive definite, then it is singular

      正半定矩阵是奇异的 $$ \begin{array}{rl} f(t) =& (x-tAx)^TA(x-tAx)\ =&-2t\Vert Ax\Vert^2 + t^2x^TA^3x \end{array} $$

  2. eigen.tuxfamily.org eigen.tuxfamily.org
    1. Eigen is standard C++98 and so should theoretically be compatible with any compliant compiler.

      C++ 98 标准

    1. But online life makes me into a different kind of reader – a cynical one

      但网络生活使我成为一种不同类型的读者, 一个犬儒的人。


    1. All new algorithms in OpenCV are written in C++, so there are no benefits to use OpenCV 3.x in C programs.

      OpenCV 3.x 的算法都是用 C++ 实现的

    1. if (app.metadata && app.metadata.has('dc:title') && app.metadata.get('dc:title') !== 'Untitled') { title = app.metadata.get('dc:title'); }

      the empty dc:title should also be considered as Untitled

    1. While that allows you to use the string class, the relevant operator<< is defined in the <string> header itself, so you must include that manually

      为什么有时候使用visual c++会提示 cout << 不能输出 string 类型: 因为 <iostream> 包含了头文件 <xstring>, 该头文件引入了 string 类型但是未引入 operator<<

    1. Priority Scheduling


    2. TheSJFalgorithm can be either preemptive or nonpreemptive.

      SJF 可以是抢占的也可以是非抢占的

    3. exponential average

      SJF 调度使用之前CPU burst度量值的 指数平均 来预测下一个 burst

    4. FCFSscheduling algorithm is nonpreemptive

      FCFS 调度是非抢占的

    5. Shortest-Job-First Scheduling

      SJF: 最短任务优先调度

    6. First-Come, First-Served Scheduling

      FCFS: 先到先服务调度

    7. short-term scheduler

      也称为CPU调度程序, 完成的功能就是从内存中选择一个 ready 状态的进程开始执行, 并将CPU分配给该进程.

    8. special hardware (for example, a timer) needed for preemptivescheduling.

      抢占式调度通常需要一个特殊硬件, 如: 定时器

    9. Operating System Concepts

    10. Scheduling of this kind is a fundamental operating-system function.Almost all computer resources are scheduled before use

      调度是操作系统的基本功能, 几乎所有的计算机资源在使用前均先调度



    1. PCB

      Process Control Blocks

    2. Arrival Time (AT), Total CPU Time (TC), CPU Burst (CB) and IO Burst (IO)


    3. first line defines the count of random numbers in the file

      randfile: 第一行定义文件中随机数的个数

    4. One trick to deal with schedulers is to treat nonpreemptive scheduler as preemptive with very large quantum (10K is good for our simulation) that will never fire. This way the TRANS_TO_RUN transition is implemented generically.


      quantum 是什么

    5. Some hints on structuring your program


    6. FCFS, LCFS, SJF, RR (RoundRobin), and PRIO (PriorityScheduler).


    7. Operating Systems CSCI-GA.2250-001 at NYU


    1. An option character in this string can be followed by a colon (‘:’) to indicate that it takes a required argument

      option character 后跟 : 表示该 option 带参数

    1. ...

      ... is used to denote a possibly empty list

      from the MiniJava type system

    2. control-flow graph

      CFG 控制流图

    3. method body

      method body 类型定义为: 语句序列 + return 语句



    1. compiler structure; lexical and syntactic analysis; semantic analysis and code generation; theory of parsing


      1. 编译器结构
      2. 词法与语法分析
      3. 语义分析与代码生成
      4. parsing theory
    1. parser generator

      JavaCC: parser generator

    2. syntax tree builder

      JTB: syntax tree builder

    3. Visitor design pattern


    1. It may be that Pas-cal and C require clumsyforwarddeclarations because their designers wantedto avoid an extra compiler pass on the machines of the 1970s

      C语言的前置声明(clumsy forward declarations)的原因

    2. Modern Compiler implementation in java



    1. width The intrinsic width of the image in pixels. In HTML 4, either a percentage or pixels were acceptable values. In HTML5, however, only pixels are acceptable.

      HTML5 only accept pixels values of width

    1. As of this writing, Markdown has no syntax for specifying the dimensions of an image; if this is important to you, you can simply use regular HTML <img> tags.

      markdown 目前的语法不支持设置图片大小, 但可以通过一般的HTML 标签实现

    1. Address locations indicate a specific program address. They have the generalized form *address.

      gdb 在某个地址下断点: b \addr*

    1. I learned a lot of high-quality material efficiently, I got many new friends, and I increased my confidence in myself. Additionally, I learned about how to do high-quality teaching from attending lectures with excellent professors, I increased my respect for several professions, and I practiced leadership skills in some of the study groups.


    2. 计算机科学家学习MBA

    1. We are switching to the following text book Author: Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne Title: Operating System Concepts

      教材换了, 原来的是 Modern Operating Systems

    1. Szeliski and Shum, 1997

      Creating full view panoramic image mosaics and environment maps, In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'97, volume 31, pages 251-258 .

    2. Homography from a pure rotation


    3. An Invitation to 3-D Vision From Images to Geometric Models, 2004

    4. H.C. Longuet-Higgins

      CVPR Longuet-Huggins prize



  3. www.cad.zju.edu.cn www.cad.zju.edu.cn
    1. 适用条件


      • 相机纯旋转
      • 平面性场景
    2. 增大视域


      • 相机 FOV = 50x35°
      • 人眼 FOV = 200x135°
      • 全景 FOV = 360x180°
    1. In a let expression, the initial values are computed before any of the variables become bound.
      • let binding 先在当前环境中计算所有 init 表达式的值, 再 bind varible, 最后在扩展的环境中计算 expression

      • let* 按顺序依次计算 init 并进行 binding

      • letrec 则先 binding 后再计算 init 允许递归定义

    1. In practice the tool is akin to the annotation systems on sites like medium.com and ReadCube

      Hypothesis 类似于(akin to) ReadCube 和 medium 网站上的标注系统

    2. eLife replaces commenting system with Hypothesis annotations

      eLife 采用Hypothesis替代原来的评论系统

    1. Figure 2.1.

      中心投影 (central projection)

      从中心点 \(C\) 将平面 \(\Psi\) 投影到平面 \(\Pi\) 上

      central projection

    2. the symbol "v" will be used for a generated line or plane;

      两点相连成直线的记号 \(P\vee Q\)

    3. The symbol "^" will be used to denote intersection

      两条直线相交的记号 \(a\wedge b\)

    4. the "Princeps Mathematicae", F. Gauss (1777-1855)

      数学王子 高斯

    5. A more concise mathematical investigation on projective geometry was started by G. Desargues (1593-1662). It was he who has introduced the notion of a point and a line at infinity.

      Desargues 笛沙格引入了无穷远点和无穷远线

    6. The Use of Projective Geometry in Computer Graphics

      Chapter 2: 射影几何的一般性介绍

    1. 两幅柱面图像的一个平移变换


    2. 平面场景和相机旋转拍摄时, 两张图片间存在一个 Homography