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  1. Last 7 days
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  2. Jan 2025
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  3. Dec 2024
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  4. Dec 2023
    1. teaching craft

      As a retired craftsman, I tire of professionals appropriating words like 'craft' for their professions. The author started by declaring teaching a profession, he should stick with that characterization.

    2. Asking students to understandhow positionality biases epistemology and how those with certain kindsof positions arrogate power can be part of an educational agenda aimedtowards promoting greater social justice.

      I would add examining learner's standpoints too.

    3. Through this process, we help prepare students to become ethical, effec-tive, self-aware members of their chosen communities—be they family,social, neighborhood, political, spiritual, or even ecological communi-ties. We help them articulate, justify, and embody values they find mean-ingful without imposing our values on them.

      High asperations for a college class.

    4. constructivist realism

      I use Seimans and Downes connectivism theory. It includes the internet and the machines we use to communicate, store, and process information into knowledge.

    5. Crammed into overcrowded classrooms, led by underpaid teach-ers who labor in crumbling infrastructure, many students do not get thequality education they deserve.

      I experienced defecit culutre as an adult returning student in a California Community College.

    6. When we develop the skill of understanding how we know what weknow, we acquire a key to lifelong learning. When we teach this skill, wehelp students sample the rigors and delights of the examined life.

      I didn't learn any of this in college.I worked in bookshops to expand my learning skills.

    1. Licklider, J. C. R. and Clark, W. E., "On-Line Man-Computer Communication,"

      According to the Internet Society's "Brief History of the Internet"; "The first recorded description of the social interactions that could be enabled through networking was a series of memos written by J.C.R. Licklider of MIT in August 1962 discussing his “Galactic Network” concept. He envisioned a globally interconnected set of computers through which everyone could quickly access data and programs from any site." https://www.internetsociety.org/internet/history-internet/brief-history-internet/

  5. Nov 2023
  6. Aug 2022
  7. Jul 2022
    1. rout

      While a disorderly retreat of highly technical information is an amusing thought, I believe Luhmann intended to choose between two routes to creating a sustainable communication system.

    2. hat communication

      that communication

  8. Mar 2022
    1. when it comes to storing and keeping track of what we’ve read in online spaces, we have to be attentive to the infrastructure(s) in which we encounter readings in the first place and we have to know how our practices may align (or clash) with those infrastructures.

      I have too many places with notes and annotations. I've been looking at Roam, Obsidian, and Databyss as places to aggregate my notes. Anyone else struggle to keep track of your annotations?

    2. we need to understand how to maintain that trust and not unwittingly violate it

      by using surveillance and plagiarism technologies that retain students work.

  9. Aug 2021
  10. Jul 2021
    1. envisioning, with students, new ways to exist online.

      Open access and open education resources are the beginnings of an interweb for the majority. Extending the infrastructure is part of an international political project to extend real democracy.

    2. web is broken

      The interwebs work, most of the time. They have been colonized by capital and neoliberalism. The "commons" is growing and resisting the colonizers, but without international political support will remain at the margins.

  11. Jun 2020
  12. May 2019
    1. a working station that has a visual display screen some three feet on a side; this is his working surface, and is controlled by a computer (his "clerk") with which he can communicate by means of a small keyboard and various other devices

      Here's an example of a state of the art workstation in 1962.

      Tektronix 4014.jpg<br>By The original uploader was Rees11 at English Wikipedia. - Transferred from <span class="plainlinks">en.wikipedia</span> to Commons., CC BY-SA 2.5, Link

    2. different planes here and there, curved surfaces occasionally

      Many new technologies were combined to realize this prescient sentence.

      WaltDisneyConcertHall.jpeg<br>By Jon Sullivan - PDPhoto, Public Domain, Link

    3. can be of significant benefit to the human in nonmathematical processes of planning, organizing, studying, etc.

      I'll be interested to see if this report is entirely Positivist, or if Engelbart recognizes the possibility of computing being weaponized in sectors like politics, economics, security and warfare.

    4. He is designing a building. He has already dreamed up several basic layouts and structural forms,

      I find it interesting how decades of using computers has led to "new methods of thinking and working that allow the human to capitalize upon the computer's help." With all the new technologies, I think the central intellectual development has been to reverse the sequence of design decisions Engelbart describes. Best practice these days is to start with "the people who will occupy this building, and the daily sequences of their activities."

    5. how would our education system change to take advantage of this new external symbol-manipulation capability of students and teachers (and administrators)?

      Let's say it's been twenty years since PDAs have been widely available. I returned to higher education less than ten years ago. K-12 seems to have embraced learning technologies, and their affordances, to improve primary and secondary education. In my experience, few educators with terminal degrees have made the effort while younger and more precarious teachers are slowly adopting educational technologies. Administrators are leading the way with their digital management systems and students are using proprietary social media platforms. Our institutions are doing what they were designed to do: resist change and reproduce the social order. Research paid for with public monies is as quickly privatized as that produced in corporations. Open education practices are just beginning to be explored.

      The first PDA, the Organizer, was released in 1984 by Psion, followed by Psion's Series 3, in 1991. The latter began to resemble the more familiar PDA style, including a full keyboard.[4][5] The term PDA was first used on January 7, 1992 by Apple Computer CEO John Sculley at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada, referring to the Apple Newton.[6] In 1994, IBM introduced the first PDA with full telephone functionality, the IBM Simon, which can also be considered the first smartphone. Then in 1996, Nokia introduced a PDA with telephone functionality, the 9000 Communicator, which became the world's best-selling PDA. Another early entrant in this market was Palm, with a line of PDA products which began in March 1996. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_digital_assistant

    6. Other situations might admit changes requiring years of special training, very expensive equipment, or the use of special drugs.

      My reply to another post about historical context might be helpful. https://hyp.is/R07lQCldEem5RmPv1ywB5g/worrydream.com/Engelbart/

  13. Mar 2019
    1. when we put our tools down and stand back from the furnace, the letter press, or the paper mill, what will we turn to build instead?

      A retired scientific glassblower, after 40 years "in front of the furnace" my job disappeared. Running away to join the circus and spending my golden years making glass unicorns "on the Midway" was one option, Returning to college to "update my skills" was the worst decision of my life. Barely surviving "higher education" as an adult student, I now have two associate's degrees and am the first person in Metropolitan State University's College of Individualized Studies authorized to complete my bachelor's degree by documenting my prior learning on my own domain. I'm not convinced the institution is capable of assessing digital objects for credit, but there will always be a market for glass unicorns.

    2. “Bartleby, the Scrivener,” Herman Melville

      Ms. Massicot assigned this novella in her English class my junior year in high school. Fifty years later, Bartleby still informs my decision making everyday. Especially when responding to academics and educational institutions.

  14. Jul 2018
    1. DeRosa and her colleagues have established new pedagogical practices

      I've participated in ds106, Gardner Campbell's openLearningHub.net, Networked Narratives, and Ontario Extend. extend.ecampusontario.ca. These new approaches are truly open to all.

  15. Apr 2018
    1. imagination is "schooled" to accept service in place of value. Medical treatment is mistaken for health care, social work for the improvement of community life, police protection for safety, military poise for national security, the rat race for productive work. Health, learning, dignity, independence, and creative endeavor are defined as little more than the performance of the institutions which claim to serve these ends

      Teachers, doctors, government employees, police and military all believe they are more important than the workers who produce the wealth they consume with their lifetime jobs, lifetime health care and big pensions. Only working class life expectancy is declining.

  16. Mar 2018
    1. That is, we should not conflate Freire-as-historical figure with Freire-as-metaphor. As Susan Jarrett explains, metaphors as “figures of substitution” sometimes obscure the fact that “standing in for another” obviates the particulars that metaphor is intended to represent

      Reification, of many kinds, is a major problem in academic uses of language.

    2. critical pedagogy only offers “a way to see themselves as something other than the mindless functionaries of the state apparatus responsible for tidying the prose of the next generation of bureaucrats”

      As the Republicans dismantle governments' bureaucratic structures and corporations continue to increase offshore management, administration of universities will be the only place for college graduates to find work.

  17. Feb 2018
    1. even harder to predict

      Any particular outcome of a Complex Adaptive System is impossible to predict. This is one reason why organizational change is so hard.

    2. It was largely the creation of a single individual – Tim Berners-Lee,

      Sir Tim's original website is still available at CERN.

    1. the age-old scheme of atomizing populations while making sure the powerful stay on top.

      Divide and rule works in every sector of society, but education is the sector charged with reproducing the social order.

      "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." - Frederick Douglass


    2. We’ve been consistently fed the lie of the “marketplace of ideas” fetishized by Silicon Valley bros

      I worked for twenty years in Santa Clara, California, beside people from around the world. Some bosses were conservative, some liberal, some libertarian. Some workers were conservative, some liberal, some libertarian and some were anarchist freaks like me. After five years in a four school community college district and three years attending conferences and institutes, I haven't experienced much intellectual diversity. Just lots of liberal identity groups fighting over state, corporate and non-profit resources. My education is self financed by the shared profits from the glass shops in Santa Clara where I did the most technologically advanced glassblowing in history. What does that make me? https://www.wired.com/2016/04/heads-jesse-jarnow-excerpt/

    3. Venture Capital

      Vulture Capitalists are the segment of the NeoLiberal project that are using the technology developed in "The Valley of Hearts Delight" to destroy democracy and hollow out all financial institutions. Attributing their behaviour to "Silicon Valley" disappears the true entrepreneurs (and the military industrial complex and the human potential movement) and the workers that created the technology, the majority of whom were Hispanic and Asian women.

    4. built on the ground of segregation

      As are every institution in America; including Colleges and Universities.

    5. Frank Stevenson bought a van, recruited eight others to share the costs, and made the drive daily for the next twenty years until he retired.

      Hi Chris

      One good anecdote deserves another. ;-)

      "Ben Gross is a legendary civil rights and union activist in San Jose, California and the surrounding Silicon Valley.<br> ... In 1948, Gross left Arkansas for the first time when he was inducted into the U.S. Army. After his discharge a year later, he moved to Richmond, California, and went to work for the Ford Motor Company. In this capacity, he joined UAW Local 560 and immediately became active in union politics. In 1950 he became the first African American elected to Local 560's bargaining committee. In that capacity he was responsible for handling grievances at Ford’s Richmond plant. Gross’s success in this position led to UAW President, Walter Reuther appointing him as Local 560’s housing committee chairman in 1954. Gross was responsible for making sure that Local 560 workers—regardless of race—had comfortable and affordable housing when Ford relocated its plant from Richmond to Milpitas (near San Jose) in 1955. To ensure that goal, Gross and other union leaders created the Sunnyhills cooperative development, the first planned interracial community in America sponsored by a labor union. By the 1950s Gross extended his union activism into the civic arena. In 1961 Gross, with UAW backing, became the first black city councilman in Milpitas. His election received national attention when he was profiled in Look and Life magazines. Then in 1966 Gross was elected mayor and reelected again in 1968. At the time he was the only black mayor of a predominately white town in California."

      Sources: Herbert G Ruffin II, Uninvited Neighbors: Black Life and the Racial Quest for Freedom in the Santa Clara Valley, 1777-1968 (Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Publishing, 2007); and “Sunnyhills and the Life of Ben Gross” (Unpublished interview conducted on December 11, 2008 at UAW headquarters, Detroit, MI); Robert O. Self, American Babylon: Race and the Struggle for Postwar Oakland (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2003); Sunnyhills United Methodist Church, Sunnyhills United Methodist Church: A History, 1957-1982 (URL: http://www.gbgm-umc.org/sunnyhills/history.htm).

      from http://www.blackpast.org/aaw/ben-gross-1921

    6. So in 1953 the company (Ford) announced it would close its Richmond plant and reestablish operations in a larger facility fifty miles south in Milpitas, a suburb of San Jose

      From local newspaper's timeline:

      1953 - Ford Motor Co. announces plans for a new 160-acre, $50 million-dollar assembly plant employing 4,000 in unincorporated Milpitas. The plant opens in 1955 and will produce such cars as the ill-fated Edsel, the popular Mustang, the subcompacts such as the Pinto, Comet, Falcon and Escort, and pickups. The factory closes in 1983 after producing 4.7 million vehicles.

      1954 - In an effort to stave off annexation by San Jose, the community votes to incorporate Jan. 26, 1954.

      Construction of four new subdivisions begins: Sunnyhills, Milford Village, Sylvan Gardens and Milpitas Manor. To accommodate the housing needs of Ford’s multiracial workforce, Sunnyhills becomes a model of residential development.

      New business construction boom on Main Street: bank, appliance store, medical center and restaurant.

      1961 - San Jose’s efforts to incorporate Milpitas is soundly defeated at the polls by a vote of 1,571 to 395. The 1776 Minutemen symbol adopted by the anti-incorporation movement will become the city seal.

      1962 - The community’s early ethnic and racial diversity will be reflected in the election of public officials. Milpitas elects Ben Gross, one of the first African-American city council members in the county. Gross will also serve as mayor.


  18. Jan 2018
    1. original material

      Reusing materials is better than a single use (throwaway) but creating your own images gives you a way to express uniquely personal ideas and feelings.

  19. Jun 2017
    1. Antigonish 2.0

      A way for the people to save the Web

      and maybe Higher Education too.

    2. M. M. Coady, Masters of Their Own Destiny: The Story of the Antigonish Movement of Adult Education through Economic Cooperation (New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1939).

      Available as pdf - http://coady.stfx.ca/coady-library/MOD.pdf

      I would add "We Make the Road by Walking: Conversations on Education and Social Change: Myles Horton and Paolo Freire" Available as pdf: https://codkashacabka.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/we-make-the-road-by-walking-myles-and-paolo-freie-book.pdf

    1. Thomas Edison or other mythic geniuses.

      In 2017 most people (outside of students) have access to counter narratives: Edison was a patent pirate, actual geniuses like Tesla and Jobs are flawed people, academic biographies are more hagiographic than factual...

    2. You’ll see lots of lightbulbs

      Sometimes a light bulb is just a light bulb. I made these high intensity short-arc mercury-vapor lamps used to micro-photolithograph masks onto silicon wafers before depositing the metal in a vacuum, firing the metal in a glass lined furnace, chopping the wafers into "chips" and soldering the leads to make "computer chips." I worked beside the glassblower that patented these lamps at his shop in Santa Clara, California, or, if you prefer; Silicon Valley.

    1. The Hypothes.is Canvas app enables teachers to create annotatable documents as “Assignments” within the LMS platform.

      My California Community College District is switching to Canvas and this will make student collaboration much easier.

    1. All too often, however, students working independently drift into general statements that do not support their claims.

      Anti-student statements are not helpful. Many people "drift into general statements."

  20. May 2017
    1. . Since ePortfolio practice is inherently eclectic, it deserves an equally eclectic learning foundation. In the DLL program, we developed the COVA (choice, ownership, voice, and authenticity) learning approach to give our learners the freedom to choose (C) how they wish to organize, structure and present their experiences and evidences of learning. We give them ownership (O) over the selection of their authentic projects and the entire ePortfolio process—including selection of their portfolio tools. We use the ePortfolio experiences to give our learners the opportunity to use their own voice (V) to revise and restructure theirwork and ideas. Finally, we use authentic (A) or real world learning experiences that enable students to make a difference in their own learning environments (Harapnuik, 2016)


    2. . 141 former graduate students completed

      Population size

    3. former educational technology students in a graduate program

      The population.

    4. digital collections of student-generated authentic content that include resources and multimedia elements contained in a person


  21. Apr 2017
    1. Higher education can no longer allow anachronistic divisions between learning and development and between academic affairs and student affairs to block a focus on such critical social and institutional goals.

      It seems to me that thoughtful critics of higher education agree that 'silos' and 'disciplines' are impeding student learning.

    2. Purposeful self-authorship extends beyond the academic realm, helping students develop an inner voice and the internal commitments needed to function as empowered individuals. Building a stronger sense of self, reflective self-authorship also develops capacities related to initiative and self-direction, risk-taking and resilience, critical empathy and engagement with difference. These habits of heart and mind are critical not only for college success, but also for intentional lifelong learning and students’ capacity to shape society and their own lives.

      ..."habits of heart and mind" are what Liberal Arts institutions should be modeling for students.

    3. At small elite institutions, the traditional vehicle for faculty-student connection is advisement or mentorship. Such relationships are rare at large public institutions, however—especially at community colleges, where students most need connection and support. And even at elite institutions, as the data suggest, mentoring often takes place on the margins, pushed aside by other priorities.

      I ask every educator I meet to read "How to Escape the Community-College Trap - More than half of community-college students never earn a degree. Here's how to fix that." https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/01/how-to-escape-the-community-college-trap/355745/

    4. integration: the ability to connect different forms of learning and weave them together into a deeper understanding of the self. For digital strategies to become transformative, we must find ways to connect what is often left unconnected. Countering the disintegrative tendencies of the current digital context, higher education must find ways both to link formal course-based learning with informal learning and personal development, and to synthesize cognitive science with emerging insights into the affective dimensions of learning and identity development.

      As an adult learner, this is the education I want.

    5. Open and Integrative was written in the context of AAC&U’s General Education Maps and Markers (GEMs) project, funded in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. A project devoted to a transformative redesign of the nation’s largest educational program could hardly ignore the ways in which liberal education needs to be integrated with the emerging digital environment, in ways that best serve student learning.

      This is a Neo-Liberal approach to Liberal education. Good to know. An instrumental redesign to use 'the emerging digital environment' (created by corporations and foundations) to shape 'student learning' outcomes. With the usual suspects shaping the dialog. I describe them as the Audrey Watters Axis of EdTech. ;-)

    6. AAC&U has been arguing for decades

      Without any impact at scale. The institutions that reproduce our class, gender and race hierarchies resist attempts at reform. A new strategy is needed, especially in Trump's America.

    7. It is an environment where data and algorithms control search and retrieval processes. These processes are rewriting the rules for how we seek and receive information, with the outputs of that information increasingly personalized to our interests and profiles, but whose operations are often opaque and out of our control.

      Corporations control 'search and retrieval processes.' The results are 'out of our control' and shaped to corporate interests, just like Learning Management Systems.

    8. renewed commitment to ongoing professional development that can help faculty and staff

      Who will pay for this? In my California Community Colleges there are nearly 90,000 faculty and staff. Two thirds of the faculty are adjunct and most tenured faculty resist everything digital. This does not bode well for the more than two million students.

    9. What might we imagine, if we were newly designing liberal education—for all students, in all majors and all types of institutions—in the context of the digital ecosystem?

      This would have been an excellent question 25 years ago when possibilities were wide open. Now we have college administrators that style themselves as CEOs and CFOs, Common Core Standards and LMSs that shape content and methods to deliver graduates molded to corporate needs.



    1. Increasingly, sloppy results, tainted research, cheating and unreliable data are coming to light.58These are signs that should not be ignored.

      Our public institutions have gone a long way to undermine their own credibility. We are all living with the political fallout.

    2. In no case should economic interests be allowed to interfere with the full potential of a free communicating system designed and destined to help humanity –the whole of humanity –grow knowledge.

      I agree, a Universal Basic Income for all would accelerate and multiply the distributed system of human intelligence. As we know, intelligence is not confined to academics or their neoliberal overlords. ;-)

    3. Science needs two independent layers. In the first one, the optimal dissemination of scientific knowledge can be allowed to take place freely. Call it the “net neutrality” of the Internet of the mind. In the second layers, the process of evaluation canproceed,as it should, i.e. on the values and objectives of the research communities themselves,not on the manipulated metrics favoured by publishers.

      I can't resist paraphrasing this: Education needs two independent layers. In the first one, the optimal dissemination of knowledge can be allowed to take place freely. Call it the “net neutrality” of the Internet of the mind. In the second layer, the process of evaluation can proceed, as it should, i.e. on the values and objectives of the learning communities themselves, not on the manipulated metrics favoured by institutions.

    4. t may be a modest dream

      I wouldn't call dedicating one's life to discovering one or more small, but significant, contributions to the betterment of all a 'modest dream.'

    5. sometimes bureaucratic, organizations,


    6. The communication of scientific results is not designed to identify geniuses, but to associate many forms of intelligence to create the best knowledge possible

      From another reading project today - insert students or scientists instead of 'kids' and competition doesn't look like the best way to support "a distributed system of human intelligence" or the scientific enterprise. “If you see human potential as a bell curve and there are only some kids who are going to be great and most kids are mediocre, then engagement really wouldn't matter,” Rose says. “But if you really believe that all kids are capable, then you would build environments that really worked hard to sustain engagement and nurture potential.” from "The End of Average" by Todd Rose 2016

    7. nane character of the three decimals


    8. The misuse of the journal impact factor is highly destructive, inviting a gaming of the metric that can bias journals against publishing important papers in fields (such as social sciences and ecology)

      I'd like to see a study of how this reverberates throughout the wider culture. Public knowledge of climate change springs to mind.

    9. Most researchers, of course, do more than that

      Sharing in institutional governance should be on this list.

    1. Academia has long touted its own brand without paying attention to whether or not its product works. Universities and colleges not only stand on tradition, they promote a propaganda of tradition, a dogged effort to raise the quality of human character through intellectualism, rationality, and expertise supported by relentless surveillance and punishment of plagiarism, sloth, and student agency, and a tireless resistance to cultural change, technology, and diversity.

      Higher Ed wants to know how digital technology improves learning. "How do we show that teaching improves learning? Higher Ed has done such a poor job of focusing on learning that there isn't actually any way of defining or examining what's going on in the learning process." Bret Eynon in an interview with Gardner Campbell 4/7/2017


    2. and a concussion suffered by the liberal professor

      My teachers tell me to avoid the passive voice. I would say that the teacher (whose political views are irrelevant) was assaulted by a protester who pulled her hair and damaged her neck. I have not been able to find out if the college or police determined who it was or if they were prosecuted. The New York Times reached out to some Middelbury students and published their views on the incident. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/07/opinion/discord-at-middlebury-students-on-the-anti-murray-protests.html

  22. Feb 2017
    1. What about bookstores?

      Authors are still authoring and booksellers are still bookselling. The surviving bookstores are better for the competition. Just like the remaining 'record' stores. IMHO

    2. transmedia storytelling

      Here's a recent paper that unravels all the threads of 'transmedia.' Digital storytelling: New opportunities for humanities scholarship and pedagogy John F. Barber | Ray Siemens (Reviewing Editor) http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23311983.2016.1181037

  23. Jan 2017
    1. wisdom of race experience

      I find it interesting that though Bush opens and closes his article with a comment about race, no one has annotated them. Is the ideology of race just as normal today as it was seventy years ago? I guess UNESCO's Statements on Race have had no lasting effect in the US.

    2. the life of a race rather than that of an individual.

      I find it interesting that though Bush opens and closes his article with a comment about race, no one has annotated them. Is the ideology of race just as normal today as it was seventy years ago? I guess UNESCO's Statements on Race have had no lasting effect in the US.

    3. the application of science to the needs and desires of man

      An interesting follow up is 'The Hut Where the Internet Began." "When Douglas Engelbart read a Vannevar Bush essay on a Philippine island in the aftermath of World War II, he found the conceptual space to imagine what would become our Internet." http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2013/07/the-hut-where-the-internet-began/277551/

    4. They have enabled him to throw masses of people against one another with cruel weapons.

      Interesting sentiment coming from the founder of Raytheon, one of the largest producers of weapons of mass destruction in the world.

    5. The inheritance from the master


    6. tying two items together is the important thing

      A semantic web?

    7. the most fastidious connoisseur of the present artifacts of civilization.

      We fastidious connoisseurs can join the geek and nerds at the Computer Museum in Menlo Park California. They have an IBM 360 just like the one on which I learned to program. See Hollerith punched-card machine above. http://www.computerhistory.org/visit/

    8. The world has arrived at an age of cheap complex devices of great reliability; and something is bound to come of it.

      We now know that who decides what gets produced is the most important factor of what we can buy cheaply. That's a political question.

    9. facsimile transmission

      The only institution I deal with that requires facsimile transmissions is my college.

    10. punched-card machine long ago produced by Hollorith for the purposes of the census

      Raise your hand if you've used punch cards to program a computer!

    11. physicists promptly constructed thermionic-tube equipment

      hahahahaha Physicists don't construct vacuum tubes (valves in the UK) for research, glassblowers do! Just another case of workers being edited out of the academic record. We even have our own revisionist label: Invisible Assistant. Patronizing much?

    12. produces in a short time a list of all employees who live in Trenton and know Spanish

      Or a list of Muslims that have traveled to Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Somalia and Yemen.

    13. The lawyer has at his touch the associated opinions and decisions of his whole experience

      Now we have link rot. 49 percent of the hyperlinks in Supreme Court decisions no longer work.http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/24/us/politics/in-supreme-court-opinions-clicks-that-lead-nowhere.html?_r=0

    14. truly significant attainments become lost in the mass of the inconsequential.

      This problem has only accelerated and is exacerbated by knowledge being locked away by copyrights and professional journals. Knowledge financed with public monies should be publicly available for review.

    15. occupied a master craftsman of the guild for months

      Dr. Bush should have visited the glassblowers in the basement of any good lab. They were making prototype tubes in a few hours with the help of the glassblowing lathe invented in Redwood City, California, by Charlie Litton.

    1. Greek

      Greeks #netnarr

    2. Modern discussions of alchemy are generally split into an examination of its exoteric practical applications and its esoteric spiritual aspects

      Reflecting the Western split mind (schizo-phrenia) as opposed to a unitary mind/body paradigm. #netnarr

    3. The discovery that aqua regia, a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids, could dissolve the noblest metal, gold, was to fuel the imagination of alchemists for the next millennium.

      As often happens, we destroy that with which we are obsessed. I wonder how the amount of gold alchemists have destroyed compares to the amount they have produced. Assuming that not all alchemy is allegory. #netnarr

    1. A new national pride will stir ourselves, lift our sights and heal our divisions.

      National pride stirs many things but it doesn't heal divisions.

    2. We stand at the birth of a new millennium

      Our Christian friends missed that opportunity for a Jubilee during the Clinton admiistration, I doubt it will happen now.

    3. The Bible tells us how good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity.

      I don't believe in God and doubt the Abrahamic religions will now start "living in unity."

    4. We will build new roads, and highways, and bridges, and airports, and tunnels, and railways all across our wonderful nation. We will get our people off of welfare and back to work rebuilding our country with American hands and American labor.

      The Republican Congress will not fund a New Deal. Is the new President lying or delusional?

    5. Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength.

      This is the crux of the speech. Economists don't believe it.

    6. But that is the past, and now we are looking only to the future.

      Automation, it's the future.

    7. This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.

      If life expectancy goes up for Trump voters, Ocycontin sales will go down. We'll see.

    8. You came by the tens of millions to become part of an historic movement, the likes of which the world has never seen before. At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction that a nation exists to serve its citizens.

      There is no movement. That was demonstrated by the turnout on the National Mall during the Inauguration.

    9. Jan. 20, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again.

      Bullshit. See On Bullshit by Harry G. Frankfurt.

    10. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country.

      Most of the gains from automation went to the corporations, not the workers.

    11. we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the people.

      How would the Trump administration do this?

    12. Every four years, we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power

      Inaccurate. Only Carter and Bush 41 transferred power after four years, since Hoover in 1933.

    13. a great national effort to rebuild our country

      Not likely from the party that hates the government and obstructs every effort to improve our lives. They are taking apart the Federal government not rebuilding anything.

    1.  At the heart of anything called a story is a shattered world.

      I love this opening sentence. A shattered world brought me into educational and digital spaces. Trying to understand my new world has opened pathways into digital storytelling and humanities. Before the Silicon Valley bubble burst, I spent four decades as a scientific glassblower creating tools that are all broken. I love this opening sentence.

  24. Aug 2016
    1. coders get

      Most coders are precariat gig workers. Vulture capitalists and lucky founders get all the perks. Silicon Valley got its name from the production of computer chips; work which was done by Southeast Asian immigrants, mostly women. All production has moved offshore leaving engineering, sales, management and finance in California. Silicon Valley is a very different place since 2006, perhaps the metaphor should be changed. #digped #action

    2. simply different

      Most making is non-verbal and truly embodied. Others, including academics, speak about making as a metaphor. Being language based is different, not better or worse, although it does emphasize the western mind/body duality. I say this as a retired glassblower with some 50,000 hours of experience. #digped #action

    3. Describing oneself as a maker

      With the current trend to describe nearly any act as "making", the craft traditions are obliterated. There is a class division between craft workers and "makers". #digped #action

    4. rewards making above everything else

      I spent twenty years as a craftsman in Silicon Valley. Most of the rewards went to finance capital, just like every other industry for the last fifty years. #digped #action

    5. goal to get everyone access

      Interesting. In education the goal is to get everyone access. I haven't seen a critique of women moving into the male domain of education as devaluing the "traditional female domain of caregiving". #digped #action