1,469 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2019
    1. To extract DNA from agarose gels,the QIAquick® gel extraction kit (QIAGEN, 28706) was used. For purification of PCR amplified DNA products,the QIAquick® PCR purification kit (QIAGEN, 28106) was used. Clean-up of enzymatic reactions was performedusing the MinElute® Reaction Cleanup kit (QIAGEN, 28204). Allprotocolswere followed as per manufacturer’s instruction
    2. Gel extraction, PCR purification and Reaction clean-up
    3. To extract DNA from agarose gels,the QIAquick® gel extraction kit (QIAGEN, 28706) was used. For purification of PCR amplified DNA products,the QIAquick® PCR purification kit (QIAGEN, 28106) was used. Clean-up of enzymatic reactions was performedusing the MinElute® Reaction Cleanup kit (QIAGEN, 28204). Allprotocolswere followed as per manufacturer’s instructions
    4. Gel extraction, PCR purification and Reaction clean-up
    1. The IP6K inhibitor TNP was dissolved in DMSO at a concentration of 22.6 mM and stored at -20°C. MEFs were seeded on coverslips in 12 well plates at 15% confluence. Once, cells adhered and attained their morphology, they were pre-treated with 5 μM TNP and DMSO 3 h prior to HU treatment. After 3 h, cells were treated with 0.5 mM HU for 12 h in presence or absence of TNP. Similarly, post drug removal,cells were incubated with or without TNP to monitorrecovery for 6 h. At each time point cells were processed for presence of nuclear BLM as described in Section 2.2.6. BLM was used as readout for initiation and completion of repair. Imageswere acquired as described in Section 2.2.6
    2. Inhibition of IP6Ksin MEFs
    1. Viewing slides under microscope
    2. A drop of immersion oil was put on top of the cover-slip before viewing it under microscope. The cells were viewed at 100X resolution of Nikon Eclipse 80i microscope.Thedifferential interference contrast images of the cells were captured using NIS-Elements D3.0 software also used to find out mean cell size using at least 100 randomly selected cells.Fluorescence images were captured on Zeiss LSM 710 Meta inverted confocal microscope
    3. The slides for microscopy were prepared as described in Dajkovic et al.,(2008)with slight modifications. After wiping the glass slide with ethanol, 200μL of 1% molten agarose was layered on it between two strips of tape and clean cover-slip placed on it to obtain levelled surface. The agarose was allowed to solidify and the cover-slip was carefully removed and5μlof sample was put on top of the agarose and carefully covered with a cover-slip
    4. Preparation of microscopic slides
    5. Fresh overnight cultures grown in LB containing appropriate antibiotics to select for plasmids were sub-cultured 1:100(or lower dilutions for some strains)in the same medium. The cells from these cultures weretaken for microscopy at exponential phase of growth(A600 of 0.5-0.6), as such or after concentrating the cells 10-fold
    6. Sample preparation
    7. Microscopy
    8. Band intensities in gel autoradiogramswere determined by densitometry with the aid of the Fujifilm Multi Gauge V3.0 imaging system. Equal areas of radioactive bands were boxed and the PSL (Photo stimulated luminescence) values were further considered. Background signal (obtained from equal area as that of the radioactive band but from other part of the gel/blot) is subtracted from the signal intensities obtained from radioactive bands to get the final values
    9. Densitometry
    10. β-Galactosidase assay was performed according to(Miller, 1992).Cultures were grown to A600 of 0.4-0.6 from a 1:100 dilution of overnight cultures. Around 0.1-0.5 ml of culture was made up to 1 ml with Z-buffer and lysed with the addition of 100μl of chloroform and 50μl of 0.01% SDS solution. 0.2ml of freshly prepared 4mg/ml ONPG was added to start the reaction and incubated at 28oCtill the colour of the reaction mixture turned yellow. 0.5ml of 1M Na2CO3 was added to stop the reaction and the time duration from initial addition of ONPG to the stopping of the reaction was noted. The absorbance of reaction mix was taken at 420 nm (A420) afterspinning down the mix at 12000rpm for 3 minutes. The A600of the culturesused was also noted. The enzyme’sspecific activity (in Miller units) was calculated using the following equation: β-Galactosidase specific activity (Miller units) = (1000 ×A420) / t × v ×A600Where,‘t’ is the time period in minutes and ‘v’, the volume of culture used in ml
    11. Chemicals were obtained from different commercial sources. Most of the chemicals such as amino acids, antibiotics, sugars, IPTG, ONPG and X-gal were obtained from Sigma Chemical Co. The media components for the growth of bacteria were mostly from Difco laboratories and Himedia. The materials used in the recombinant DNA experiments such as restriction endonucleases, T4-DNA ligase, DNA polymerases, polynucleotide kinaseand DNA size markers were obtained from companies including New England Biolabs, Invitrogen, Promega, Bangalore Genei, Sigmaand MBI Fermentas. Kits used for plasmids and genomic DNA isolation,purification of DNA fragments and PCR amplification were obtained from Qiagenand Invitrogen. High fidelity enzymes for PCR amplification were purchased from Sigma. The oligonucleotide primers used in this study were synthesized by Xcelris genomics orMWG Biotech. The radioactive chemicals were procured from Jonaki
    12. Chemicals
  2. Apr 2019
  3. Dec 2018
    1. They have encouraged and assisted thousands of our slaves to leave their homes; and those who remain, have been incited by emissaries, books and pictures to servile insurrection.

      7 - The author says that because slaves are becoming literate, and reading abolitionist and anti-slavery literature, there is a growing sentiment for slave revolt.

  4. Sep 2018
    1. most commonly creep into the decision-making process.

      I think, that we need to understand, how do our brains work, because it is part of us, which creates ourselves. There is the list of 7 most commonly creep cognitive biases into the decision- making process. " Progress bias

      What it is: Where we give more credit to our good actions even if they’re outweighed by the bad.

      Confirmation bias

      What it is: Where we’re more likely to believe information that confirms opinions we already have.

      Survivorship bias

      What it is: Where we only pay attention to people or things that succeeded and ignore all those who didn’t.

      Dunning-Kruger effect

      What it is: When confidence and experience are mismatched.

      IKEA effect

      What it is: Where we place much higher value on things we’ve personally worked on.

      Planning fallacy

      What it is: Where we underestimate the time we need to complete a task.

      Availability heuristic

      What it is: Where we believe that if something can be recalled it must be important. "

    1. one of the very strongest arguments in favor of the Confederation of the provinces, that it enables us to prepare appropriate defences along the whole frontier of our country.

      §.91(7) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    2. We should, probably, in time aspire to have foreign relations of our own, to have our own army and navy, and to seek for that complete emancipation which with communities as with individuals, maturity prompts. But independence in a state must always be relative, and none of us can expect to live to see the day when the British dominions in this part of the world will be peopled to such an extent, and become so powerful, that they can afford to be independent of England. We must, from the necessities of our geographical position—so long as the United States continue to be as powerful as they are ; and even if they were divided into two or three portions—we must always find in them a source of danger which must force upon us a dependence on England.

      §§.15, 91(7), and 132 of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    1. Why, while there is yet time, should we neglect to take those salutary precautions on which our existence as French-Canadians depend ? Our Local Government ought to have the same active part in the organization, instruction and equipment of our militia which belongs to all local governments which form part of other confederacies.

      §.91(7) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    1. the 67th resolution. I find by this resolution ” that the General Government will fulfil all engagements entered into, previous to the union, with the Imperial Government, for the defence of the country.” Now strange to say, the authors of this document do not even take the trouble to state by whom such engagements must be made. No, they simply assert the obligation in the terms of the resolution I have just quoted. Suppose our Government had entered into an engagement to the extent of fifty millions of dollars, shall we—can we—affirm that the engagement was a necessary one, by voting for the measure without knowing the nature of the engagement ?

      §.91(7) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    1. The moveBW project offers drivers an attractive option that links motorized personal transport with alternative modes of transportation. An easy-to-use mobility assistant on your smartphone helps you choose a mode of transportation and reliably guides you to your destination. Users of the mobility assistant can book different types of transportation – yet receive just one bill that lists every mode booked during the past month. To plan intermodal routes, the mobility assistant considers services such as public transportation, car sharing, bike sharing, and parking-space management as well as information on traffic jams and construction areas. MoveBW encourages people in the greater Stuttgart area to efficiently utilize all modes of transportation, which eases congestion. This project also aids local authorities in optimizing regional traffic flows.MoveBW is overseen by a consortium of six companies, led by Robert Bosch GmbH: transportation solutions company highQ, parking-space operator Parkraumgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg, TraffiCon GmbH, PRISMA Solutions GmbH, and MRK Management Consultants. The moveBW project began in mid-2016 and will end in late 2017.

      moveBW - mobility assistant for intermodal information, planning routes, and buying tickets

    1. We have this platform built to all those in the areas of "Digital School" and "Digital Media" are interested in a central, national point of contact to offer, on which it is to exchange and cooperate can. In addition, we would like to inform you about the use of IT in the Cologne educational landscape.

      Digital Education Platform

    1. Cologne is one of Europe’s leading medical centres. The health sector in Cologne stands out with a high level of expertise and top-rate cutting edge medicine. The medical fraternity in Cologne is made up of renowned medical experts at the cutting edge of their profession. Many of them have trained abroad and are members of national and international societies, chambers and research communities in their various disciplines. Similarly, the therapeutic, nursing and other skilled staff are trained and qualified on the highest scientific level. The profile structure in Cologne consists of 20 hospitals, clinics and highly specialized day and specialist clinics with more than 7,100 beds. The more than 2,200 doctors and 10,000 therapeutic, nursing and other skilled staff offer a wide range of experience, treating more than 300,000 patients every year from Germany and all over the world, on a residential and out-patient basis. The various hospitals and clinics work together in close cooperation. Specialists in various disciplines join together in advising the patient on the best possible treatment in each specific case; it goes without saying that this can also take place in the presence of an interpreter or doctor from the foreign patient’s home country.

      Medical Tourism

    1. As part of the joint project "Innovation Network Morgenstadt: City Insights" under the project management of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft for the Promotion of Applied Research eV, the ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) is developing a three-dimensional visualization of the district of Mülheim in cooperation with the City of Cologne. For this purpose, the city of Cologne provides data from the areas of environment, traffic, real estate, urban planning. From this three-dimensional geoinformation system (so-called 3-D GIS model), an app is being developed, which is expected to be available to the people of Cologne in the second quarter of 2015 on the homepage of the city of Cologne.

      Smart urban development in 3-D format

    1. evohaus innovative settlements in general evohaus irq (Intelligent Residence Quartiere) Settlements cover your heat demand primarily environmentally friendly and cost-effective by the sun. The need for heating is already low due to the good insulation of the evohaus architecture anyway. Remaining heat demand is covered by solar power. The solar power drives heat pumps that produce about three kilowatt hours of heat energy for heating or hot water with one kilowatt hour of electrical energy. The settlement gets its heat independent of gas, coal or other fossil fuels. The heat pumps are preferably switched on when enough solar power is generated. Water tanks store excess heat and provide the settlement with sunless times. An energy management system monitors and controls storage tanks and heat pumps. The evohaus irq concept is taking the step from a passive house to an active house: it not only saves energy but also generates electricity itself and uses it with intelligence.


    1. "Green tires" reduce the fuel consumption of vehicles in urban traffic by up to seven percent (on average by 4.1 percent) and can save fleet operators thousands of euros in costs each year. In addition, these high-performance tires significantly reduce the CO2 emissions of vehicles compared to standard tires. These are the results of a joint tire test carried out by LANXESS, the world's leading manufacturer of synthetic high-performance rubbers for the tire industry, together with energy supplier RheinEnergie. RheinEnergie has therefore decided to gradually convert its vehicle fleet to "green tires". Initially, around 130 vehicles will be retrofitted as part of the usual wear change. For half a year, under real conditions, the fuel consumption of six identical RheinEnergie service vehicles in Cologne and the surrounding area was compared with both "green tires" and standard tires, thus determining the potential for savings. The vehicles with a weight of around two tons had comparable areas of application in the city of Cologne and the surrounding area during the test period. Driver, load weight and tank operations were identical for the vehicles. Over the entire test period, all six vehicles together covered a distance of around 37,000 kilometers. The result: The maximum fuel saving was 6.96 percent and a lower CO2 emission of up to 155 kilograms per 10,000 kilometers.
    1. KVB cycle hire Smart mobility   Smart mobility is climate-friendly, sustainable, space-saving and networked. It relies on diversity and multimodality. The resident of a smart city does not remain loyal to one mode of transport. The result is a mobility patchwork that is tailored to the individual circumstances and that can be configured quickly and easily at any time. Energy-efficient and space-saving mobility has priority here. "Sharing" is smart! The sharing of things and information already establishes itself under the term "sharing economy" and places the function before the property, in order to use existing resources more efficiently. Smart mobility in urban areas is therefore primarily a matter of sharing a networked mobility offer from buses, trains, bicycles and cars. Smart mobility is not just a technological task. Especially in the inner cities, walking and cycling will provide space for quality of life and urban development through active mobility. This is where the bicycle rental system of the Cologne Transport Company (KVB) comes in by closing a gap in the combination of environmentally conscious and mobility-active mobility. The bicycle rental system of KVB stands for an open architecture. It is therefore not a system with only fixed station terminals after the well-known role models from other major cities, because a template for all cases, the complex events of a city can consider insufficient. The system offers users fully flexible rental and return in the street, but also stationary station terminals depending on the available options and needs. The rental terminals cover the entire span between conventional stations and purely virtual stations.  

      KVB Cycle Hire

    1. n times of energy transition and scarce resources, the architectural concept of Concrete Apartments Cologne is based on the requirements of the future - it is designed as an energy-saving passive house. This contains • a 26 cm thick external insulation made of rock wool, • triple glazed windows, • optimum recovery of radiated heat from residents and household appliances, • a ventilation system with a constant base temperature of 20 ° C - summer and winter - as well as • a digital control system that directs the use of luminaires and large consumers. Only those who like it even warmer must turn on the heating controller. All rooms are equipped with presence detectors, which automatically switch off lamps, for example, when not in use - this also saves energy. Of course, residents can also make the scheme manually. The energy and heat for the Boarding House creates its own, energy-efficient combined heat and power plant. State-of-the-art technology is also used here: surplus electricity is optionally fed into the public grid or used for the charging station for electric vehicles in the courtyard.

      Smart Homes Cologne

    1. The diesel exhaust gases of the Rhine ships pollute the Cologne air with pollutants and fine dust and the climate with a significant amount of CO 2 . A part of it does not arise during the journey, but while the ships are at anchor. Because their generators must also run to generate the necessary electricity. Here, "Landstrom" provides a remedy: Since 2015, RheinEnergie has gradually been equipping a large part of the moorings along the Rhine with uniform power connections. Consequence: During the lay times the ship diesels can be turned off.

      Landstrom - Smart Energy for Ships

    1. Cycling is active climate protection and pollutes cities much less than the rest of the road. With this in mind, the company has developed and offers cyclists from all over Germany the opportunity with the help of the Radbonus app to receive financial rewards from kilometers driven by countless partners such as health insurances, employers, online shops and many more. The company, which has been operating since October 2015, would like to reward and acknowledge the valuable contribution every single cyclist makes to the environment and to climate protection. " Cyclists are heroes of everyday life for me,"Radbonus founder and CEO Nora Grazzini comments. Born in Cologne, she describes herself as a passionate cyclist and believes in making the world a whole lot better with her business idea. After a distance of 50 kilometers, the first rewards can be erradelt.

      Cycling Promotion

    1. nebenan.de is a free, local platform for building and maintaining neighborly relationships. Get to know, share, help, give, inform, get together - nebenan.de offers neighbors the opportunity to get in touch and to live the neighborhood actively. nebenan.de is with more than 650,000 active users in currently around 5,500 neighborhoods Germany's largest social network for building and maintaining neighborly relations. Any resident can join his neighborhood on nebenan.de or initiate it himself.   nebenan.de offers the comprehensive solution for simplifying and revitalizing neighborly exchanges via the browser or as Android and iOS app.
    1. With evopark, the entire parking process runs without cash or contact. The parking time is recorded digitally. Billing is convenient and collected at the end of the month. Another advantage: With the app you also keep the parking time always in view. If you would like to use the new offer, you can register online at http://www.evopark.de/ . The personal parking card comes within a few working days by mail.

      Evopark - Smart Parking

    1. The energy transition presents network operators and energy providers with particular challenges. Both have to deal with an increasing share of electricity from renewable sources in the electricity grid. Wind turbines and photovoltaic systems produce electricity, however, depending on the weather and therefore fluctuating. For a secure supply, it is necessary that electricity production and consumption are always balanced as much as possible. In order for this to succeed, utilities and network operators must always know where and in what quantity energy is generated and consumed. Only then can production and consumption be optimally coordinated. However, continuous metering is not possible with today's metering technology.The solution to the problem is smart metering. In the future, so-called "smart metering systems" will transfer consumption data to grid operators and energy providers. This ensures that they can optimally control the network at any time. The technology is mainly used in households and businesses with high annual consumption.Consumers can access the data at any time. The additional transparency helps them to further increase their energy efficiency and thereby reduce costs. New services provided by energy suppliers are intended to reinforce the positive effects.

      Smart Metering

    1. The Cologne-based company Coptr Warn- und Schutzsysteme GmbH has been developing and producing innovative, precise, acoustically-optically smart on-site warning systems for several years.   Whether thunderstorms, hurricanes, extreme heat or pollutants in the air, the warning systems automatically warn and alert people in the open air to get to safety from lightning strikes and other high-threshold, potentially life-threatening weather and environmental hazards.

      COPTR - Digitization of the population warning

    1. This I contend, then, that if the military and naval defences of all the provinces are to be provided for by the General Government, and if you have to increase the militia for this purpose, the Lower Provinces will pay only their proportion of two-twelfths, and Canada, while obtaining no greater defensive force than at present, will have to pay five times as much as we are now paying.

      §.91(7) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    1. District heating is one of the key pillars of our sustainable energy action plan. This plan has been decided by the local parliament in 2008 and renewed in 2015. Our first priority is to cut in half the total energy demand of the city until 2050 and then cover the rest with renewable energy and/or waste heat. To use large amounts of waste heat (e.g. from a waste incineration plant, industry, datacentres …) you need a distribution system, because it is not useable only locally. This is why we want to increase the share of district heating in the city. For the future we see a district heating system which will be “open source technology” – everyone can use the heat and also be a prosumer, delivering surplus energy, e.g. from a solar – thermal plant, to the system. There will not be any longer central DH-Stations but smaller plants and the use of all waste heat sources we can get.

      HotMaps - open source heating / cooling mapping and planning toolbox

  5. Aug 2018
    1. Fast and easy to shop or to go to the city center? This works very easy in Hamburg. With the Park and Joy app, drivers can quickly find, book and pay for free parking spaces - all via smartphone. Parking has never been so much fun!

      Park and Joy

    1. In January 2013, the Hamburg Social Impact Lab opened its doors. Since then, it has supported Hanseatic social entrepreneurs in a space of about 160 square metres. Social Impact Start programme scholarship holders receive coaching and consulting here, as well as plenty of further support to set up their social businesses. The Hamburg Social Impact Lab holds many events for interested persons on all aspects of social entrepreneurship

      Social Impact Lab

    1. With the start-up garage, comdirect has consciously decided to focus on founders and their ideas at a very early stage. Thus, for the participation in the start-up garage initially only a basic idea necessary, the development of a prototype then takes place during the project phase in the context of the start-up garage. comdirect invites start-ups to pitch their space with FinTech ideas in the comdirect start-up garage. The ideas are evaluated for their impact and opportunities for the banking and finance industry. We offer intensive support to the chosen start-ups!

      Start-up Garage

    1. Solo self-employed persons are understood to be persons who carry out an independent activity on their own, ie without salaried employees. In the creative industry, there is an above-average proportion of solo self-employed compared to other sectors of the economy. People who offer creative services or products without being hired are faced with particular challenges in practice because they have to deal intensively and permanently with questions of their own positioning, customer acquisition, marketing, target groups, etc. Many of our offerings are tailored to the needs of solo freelancers in the creative industry. 

      Kreativegesllschaft - Hamburg

    1. As an incubator, since 2013 we have been promoting innovative startups from the higher education sector. Our seat is in the Harburg inland port. Our origin lies at the Technical University of Hamburg. Within the scope of the funding program »EXIST-Founding Culture - The Founders' College« we were supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) for more than five years. Currently we are part of the "beyourpilot" project of the Department of Economy, Transport and Innovation (BWVI).

      StartupDock - Incubator for Startups in Hamburg

    1. The hot. Hamburger ExistenzgründungsInitiative is the first point of contact for anyone looking for self-employment in Hamburg. All the threads of Hamburg's most important start-up initiatives come together here.

      Hamburger Existenzgründungs Initiative

    1. What is the transparency portal?The Transparency Portal Hamburg is the information register required by the Hamburg Transparency Act (HmbTG) , by means of which all information required to be published by law can be anonymously researched. It is the central access to up-to-date data and information of the Hamburg administration and provides a search over the full text of all data records in order to ensure easy findability of the searched content.

      Transparency Portal

    1. In the eCulture Cloud, the digital cultural content of Hamburg will be stored in bundled form in the future. Among other things, this cloud offers the possibility of making (private) collections, libraries, image and video archives accessible to the public, even if they can not find a place in exhibitions of the institutions. The particular attractiveness of this project lies in the diversity of the collection contents. Because these are not only composed of historical documents, but also give deep insights into modern phenomena, such. B. in pop culture. In addition, it is not uncommon for creators themselves to start collecting collections or archives according to their personal needs

      eCulture Cloud

    1. The CityScienceLab of HafenCity University Hamburg is exploring the transformation of cities in the context of digitization with partners from civil society, politics, business and science. It pursues a decidedly interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspective by linking technical issues with social and cultural developments (more under Team ). To make cities healthier, more liveable, and more efficient in the future, CityScienceLab uses urban data to develop new tools and digital city models (CityScopes). These new tools allow the visualization and simulation of complex urban developments and support urban actors in the decision-making process (more under Research and Teaching ).The city of Hamburg is the "Living Lab", in which urban change processes are comprehensively researched and developed right down to concrete applications. In addition, the CityScienceLab works in close cooperation with the City Science Group of the MIT Media Lab (Cambridge / USA).
    1. The learning portal of the Center for Education and Training (ZAF) is aimed at the employees of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. The learning portal of the Center for Education and Training (ZAF) informs you about the continuing education offers of the ZAF and enables you to register online the events. Both the use of the platform, as well as the registration is free of charge for you

      Learning Portal

    1. StadtRAD Hamburg - get on and off! The StadtRAD makes you spontaneous and individually mobile. Whether as a professional, leisure or tourist you experience Hamburg in a special way - very close to the pulse of the city. On many loan stations throughout the city, you have the option to rent a city bike around the clock and return it - as easy as cycling.

      StadtRAD Bicyling in Hamburg

    1. Start into the next Generation' is a project run by the Hamburg authority for schools and training. It was launched two years ago with the aim of improving learning outcomes by using technology in the classroom. Six pilot schools were selected to take part in the project with over 90 classes and 2,000 students involved. Each school was provided with a secure wireless network but was free to choose its pedagogical approach to using the technology. Students were asked to bring a laptop, tablet or phone to school (in 90% of cases they chose a smartphone). The schools were supported with training and with advice on legal and data protection issues (all parents were given a document to sign explaining what the devices would be used for). The Hamburg schools authority also provided a learning platform which gives access to digital materials and allows students to communicate, submit homework and complete self-assessments.

      Start into the next Generation

    1. The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) into skill sets of intermodal traffic management is a big challenge. The results of this study will show the demand of qualification integrating smart technologies in this area of work and it will be possible to transfer these results to forecast future demand in smart cities in Germany, Europe and worldwide, with the help of our partners:

      Smart Research & Education

    1. Smart lighting is situated at a pilot section in the port of Hamburg (Hohe Schaar Street): 4 km long; hosting 102 LED luminaries and 60 sensors. Smart Lighting provides follow-me-light and better safety for pedestrians and cyclists with the same lighting performance. Smart lighting combines detecting technologies of thermal sensors for the intelligent control. System includes Smart Traffic and Incident management: traffic monitoring and automatic incident detection.

      Smart Lighting

    1. The University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf is the teaching hospital of the University of Hamburg and Europe’s most advanced paperless hospital. With about 10,000 employees, the UKE is the third-largest employer in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. About 2,400 of them are medical specialists and researchers, while more than 3,100 work as nurses and therapists. Together with its University Heart Center Hamburg and the Martini Clinic, the UKE has more than 1,730 beds.

      Paperless Hospital

  6. www.hamburg-port-authority.de www.hamburg-port-authority.de
    1. Vir­tu­al de­pot Truck jour­neys with empty con­tai­ners put an un­nec­es­sary strain on the en­vi­ron­ment. We have there­fore de­vel­oped the so-called vir­tua­l de­pot to op­ti­mise the move­ment of empty con­tai­ners be­tween pack­ing ­companies. The cloud-­ba­sed sys­tem in­forms par­tic­i­pat­ing op­er­a­tors which con­tai­ners are to be de­liv­ered back to the de­pot. The pack­ing com­pany then re­quests these di­rectly. The re­sult: no more un­nec­es­sary empty trips to the de­pot.

      Virtual Depot

    2. In­tel­li­gen­t rail­way point Fre­quently used points on the har­bour rail­way are fit­ted with sen­so­rs that trans­mit da­ta to a cen­tra­l IT sys­tem in real-time. They col­lect a va­ri­ety of data by mov­ing or pass­ing over the switch­ing points and thereby pro­vide in­for­ma­tion about the con­di­tion and wear of the es­sen­tial op­er­a­tional in­ter­sec­tions. The ben­e­fit: we can iden­tify main­te­nance work or re­pai­rs at an early stage, thereby avoid­ing down­time.

      Intelligent Railway Points

    3. Nav­i­ga­tion in real-time  Thou­san­ds of trucks drive through the port of Ham­bur­g every day. To en­sure that the traf­fic flows ef­fici­ently, the HPA com­bines var­i­ous ser­vices and func­ti­ons. Any­one dri­ving around the port ben­e­fits from per­so­na­li­sed nav­i­ga­tion. As well as in­for­ma­tio­n about the traf­fic sit­u­a­tion in and around the port, they also have ac­cess to park­ing and in­fra­struc­ture ­in­for­ma­tio­n, clo­sures of the move­able bridges, as well as the lat­est in­for­ma­tion on im­por­tant op­er­a­tions.

      Navigation in real-time

    4. smart­PORT lo­gis­tics Thanks to in­tel­li­gen­t so­lu­tions for the flow of traf­fic and goods, the HPA is im­prov­ing the port's ef­fici­ency. smart­PORT lo­gis­tics com­bines eco­no­mic and eco­lo­gical as­pec­ts in three sub-sec­tors: traf­fic flows, in­fra­structure and the flow of goods. An in­ter­mo­da­l Port­Traf­fic cen­tre for sea, rail and road trans­port forms the ba­sis for net­work­ing the flow of traf­fic. In­tel­li­gen­t net­work­ing is a pre­req­ui­site for smooth, ef­fici­en­t trans­port in the port of Ham­bur­g and ul­ti­mately for the flow of goods: op­ti­mum da­ta cap­ture and rapid in­for­ma­ti­on shar­ing al­low lo­gis­tics man­agers, car­ri­ers and agen­ts to se­lect the most efficien­t means of trans­port for their goods.

      smartPORT Logistics

    1. Download The Citynomadi app and start a guided tour to Smart Kalasatama, The Smart City district of Helsinki.

    2. You can get involved by applying in a Pilot Group for the Open Call and become a new pilot city. Cities from all over the world are welcome to apply but only cities from the EU and H2020 associated countries are eligible for funding.

    1. Discover cashless, ticketless and hassle-free on-street parking with ParkNow in Berlin. The digital parking service ParkNow can be used in the extended inner city area of Berlin. A detailed overview of all parking zones can be obtained from our overview map. In the marked parking zones you can start and end your parking via app and save yourself the annoying way to the parking meter as well as the search for change. No more unnecessary parking fees thanks to minute-accurate billing and start / stop function. The billing occures convenient at the end of the month via direct debit, PayPal or credit card. The advantages of mobile parking with ParkNow in Berlin: Parking tickets are a thing of the past No more searching for small change and ticketing problems Accurate billing Comfortable payment at the end of the month Parking in Berlin was never that easy

      ParkNow - Berlin

    1. Funding programs for investment and innovation. Berlin offers attractive funding programs for all phases of a company’s development – from seed to growth financing. The range of financial incentives here extends from public loans to guarantees and venture capital, and even to direct grants for investment and innovation projects. What does the Business Financing Package offer? Do you intend to locate to Berlin, to grow at your current location, or are you planning an investment project? Our experts will find the right financing solution and will accompany you in your applications for funding. Here, we work closely with project management agencies, funding banks and potential financing partners on a state, national and EU level. How it works: We discuss the plans for your project, which ideally will already have been worded in the form of a project description or business plan. Together, we conduct a review of the conceivable funding and financing instruments, make contact with relevant partners and accompany you through the application process.

      Business Financing Package

    1. Internationalisation programme – support for SME projects Support for small and medium-sized enterprises Do you have a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) based or with a facility in Berlin and are you looking to enter new markets abroad for your products or services? In order to boost your international competitive strength, we can support you with a grant to open up new markets.

      Internationalization Program - support for SME

    1. Our web app* is the personal assistant for anyone wanting to live and work in Berlin. After answering just a few simple questions, you will receive a customised to-do list to help make your arrival in the German capital easier.Whether you are looking for work, planning to set up or relocate a company, or wanting to embark on training or study courses, the web app will be able to help you by providing specific tips and information along with the details of various contact partners, thereby making the first steps towards this new part of your life that bit easier.

      Welcome to Berlin App

    1. Innovationsassistent/-in - Innovation assistant New know-how for your company Are you in the start-up phase and are looking to position your company successfully on the market? Or is your company already established and you are now looking to expand? One way to achieve this is to hire a qualified graduate from a university or a university of applied sciences. IBB works on behalf of Berlin's Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research in order to provide funding for hiring innovation assistants.

      Innovation Assistant

    1. Pro Fit – Programme to Promote Research, Innovation and Technologies In particular, the Pro Fit programme aims to enhance the technological competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by intensifying research and development in individual and joint projects, and supporting the market launch of innovations. Pro Fit Innovation Funding: Company research projects and research institute joint projects in the areas of industrial research and experimental development Loans: Individual and joint projects in experimental development and production organisation, market preparation / launch by companies Pro Fit Early Phase Funding and Loans: Improving the potential sources of financing for newly established companies for developing and operating their business infrastructure, as well as forward and / or parallel financing to implement an innovation project.

      Pro Fit - Programme to Promote Research, Innovation and Technologies

    1. Berlin is a high-tech location with a clear focus on cutting-edge technologies and knowledge-based services. BERLIN INNOVATION is a technology platform which showcases innovations “made in Berlin”. It serves as a "showroom" to establish Berlin as a major innovation hub and offers information about innovations to the wider public, businesses, investors and state-owned companies in Berlin. Clearly structured information on innovative products, processes and services from businesses in Berlin offers insights into innovations which are successfully implemented in the city. The aim of this information is also to stimulate demand for innovative solutions to business needs.


    1. The waste management strategy for Land Berlin also addresses the high-quality recycling of building materials. Every year, about 1 million tonnes of recycling concrete is generated in Berlin. An on-going investigation of the environmental and climate impacts of mate­rial flows in Berlin has shown, among other things, that the utilisation of recycled con­crete in the building industry could make an important contribution to increasing resource efficiency.

      Recycled Concrete

    2. Some 60,000 tonnes of organic waste are collected by BSR every year in the city’s BIOGUT bins. Since the summer of 2013, this organic waste has been treated in the newly-erected biogas fermentation plant in Berlin-Ruhleben. Recycling and energy recovery mean that in comparison with the composting procedures previously used it has been possible to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The biogas plant of BSR in Ruhleben has a capacity of 60,000 tonnes. The plant oper­ates using the dry fermentation method. Microorganisms from the organic waste generate the biogas. This method is particularly suitable for organic waste with a water content of 60–80%, which is typical for kitchen waste from Berlin households. After the biogas has been cleaned, treated and concentrated, it consists of 98% methane, and is therefore chemically identical with natural gas. After having been prepared in this way it can therefore be fed into the gas supply so that the natural gas vehicles used by BSR for waste collection can be refuelled at its own filling points. In the coming years it will be possible for BSR to operate as many as 150 natural gas vehicle

      Biogas Fermentation Plant

    1. More cycling by the people of Berlin contributes to a better quality of life and environment in the city. Therefore the City of Berlin works hard to promote cycling as an alternative mode of transportation and to improve the conditions for cycling around the city.

      Cycling Berlin

    1. Find the right kindergarten near you. Is the kindergarten around the corner already full and you can not find any more space? Take the nearest one. Or do you have special wishes? No matter if the kindergarten is around the corner or should have small groups. Or if they need longer care because of the job. Find the kindergarten that suits you. Special requests for Montessori, Waldorf, emphasizes music, emphasizes sports or after a foreign language are considered.

      Kindergarten Serach

    1. BürgerBautStadt makes it easier for citizens to participate in construction projects and planning approval procedures. For this purpose, the authors have collected data from various sources and made available on the website as a map, list or e-mail notification. BürgerBautStadt was launched at the ideas competition Stadt Land <Code> of the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany and was supported until May 2013 with a scholarship in the implementation.

      Burger baut Stadt - Citizen Participation Application

    1. Thanks to the free environment zone Android app, you can now check where the environmental zone is located. Whether visiting a foreign city or at home - with the Umweltzone App you know exactly which roads you can drive. In addition, you can read what environmental badge you need. The application informs about adopted changes to the course of the environmental zone and about approved plaques, so that you know in time. For background information on topics such as pollutant groups, particulate matter, health, badges for motorcycles and cars, penalties and exemptions, you can check the FAQs. Last but not least, we refer to some websites that deal extensively with the subject of the environmental zone.

      Environmental Zone Locator

    1. Your departures. Immediately. In Berlin (+ Brandenburg), Vienna, Geneva and Linz!You start when and find out immediately when and where your next bus, your next bim or your next train is leaving. No selection, no adjustment, no waiting.No need to stand in the cold again unnecessarily: Before leaving the house, check exactly when your bus arrives. Do you already have to run, or can you go easy? When does it tell you - without tapping!Quick and easyWhen does it tell you when the public transport will leave you? Start when, and you'll see the departure times near you. You do not have to stop, select or tap anything. When also calculates your walking time: The departure times that you can reach are highlighted.Automatic updateAlways up-to-date: It does not matter if you are moving or if time goes by, when updates automatically! No more manual updating: the departure times are renewed independently in real time. If you move from one place to another, your next station automatically joins up on top of your screen.

      When - Realtime information of public transport

    1. The tourism app CultiMapp opens up new possibilities to explore Berlin by linking and enriching the Berlin 3D city model with cultural information. The integrated 3D viewer allows you to fly over interesting buildings near your own location. In the future, historical photographs and detailed shots will also be integrated into the viewer to make Berlin's cultural heritage visible.


    1. naturtrip.org is the first public transport information where you do not have to know the destination. After all, when it comes to excursions, one usually does not know exactly where one wants to go, but only what one plans to do. Namely eat delicious, relax in the spa, dozing or paddling in the sun. Therefore one searches with naturtrip.org from A for "Strandbad" or "Kanuverleih". And how long you want to be on the road. 30 minutes, 60 minutes or more. Then you get on the map exactly the destinations shown, which can be reached from your own location in 30 min or 60 min currently by train, bus or bike. 

      Nature Trip - Public Transport Information Berlin

    1. How often are streets cleaned in Berlin? With the interactive map application street cleaning in Berlin, the cleaning frequency per week can be called up for each street in the Berlin city area. Additional information can be retrieved simply by clicking on the respective street - What is being cleaned? - Who is responsible and how high are the fees for the residents. The app can be used in any web browser on any device. The application is based on the geodata from the street cleaning directory of the Berliner Stadtreinigung (BSR) and is operated via the mapping platform ArcGIS Online .

      Street Cleaning - Berlin

    1. Enter AiRelo: a prime example of a small yet powerful tool for enhancing city administration and disrupting a previously unproductive model of registering an address. With AiRelo’s simple, quick and easily accessible approach, it saves time, money, and resources when registering an address. Its artificial intelligence algorithm can also be adapted and utilized to assist with other tiresome administration tasks in a variety of other cities. It also collects data on the user so it can further assist them in future administration-related dilemmas.

      AiRelo: City Registration

    1. VBB timetable data via GTFS The Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB) hereby provides the up-to-date bus and train timetable data from Berlin and Brandenburg in GTFS format. This current record includes lines, departure times, routes, etc. (more on the format at https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/ ). VBB logos for the required naming "VBB Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH" are available at https://www.vbb.de/presse/media-service/logos?slug=logos . Outdated timetable data can be requested at api@vbb.de .

      VBB Bus Train Timetable

    1. Little project that aims at raising awareness for accessibility in public transport systems. It uses a simple slider to visualize how the public transport system looks like if all the non-accessible stations are erased. There is an elaborate how-to available, suitable for non-coders on the projects github site.

      ACCESS MAP - Accessibility in Public Transport Systems

    1. This time Benjamin visited us from Civocracy . The start-up has set itself the task of promoting citizen participation with regard to political decisions. However, it is by no means a matter of replacing politicians, but of convincing them with the help of the platform of ideas. In addition, Civocracy serves as an information tool, because very few citizens are already sufficiently informed about the topics to be negotiated. The platform is already being used in several European cities such as Nice, Lyon or Potsdam. In addition, from 26 to 28 September 2017, an event on "Radicalization and Terrorism" will take place . Interested parties can take part in it via live stream and participate with the help of civocracy in decisions, which are aimed directly at politicians and experts.

      Civocracy - Feedback platform for Citizens

    1. Today Ayumi and Christian von Dycle were with us. They have found a way to create an eco-friendly cycle with their diapers: The 100% biodegradable deposits are collected, composted so that no bad odor arises, and can then be used as soil. The Dycle Community is still producing the diaper liners by hand , but this year it is planned to develop a machine that can produce much more diapers in less time. It is not important to invent a high-tech device, but a machine that is simple and effective so that it will be used in as many Dycle communities as possible in the future.

      DYCLE - Recycling Baby Diapers

    1. Berlin’s urban tourism sector has been growing for years. The demand for sustainable and green vehicle solutions for city tours is rising accordingly. Within this project, BCT City Tour GmbH and its subsidiary POKRA Omnibus Werkstatt GmbH is converting diesel-powered double-decker buses to exclusively electric drive systems.

      Electrification of double-decker buses for tourism purposes

    1. The new budget visualization of the Senate Department for Finance offers transparency and clarity . Interested parties can get a quick and easy overview of the financial years 2014 to 2019. New to the current visualization is the possibility of comparing setpoints and actual values ​​as well as the display of the amount "per inhabitant". This creates even more transparency and traceability. The presentation also makes it possible to search for individual plans or policy areas, for Senate administrations or individual districts. The visualization of households has been carried out since 2012 in cooperation with the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany as part of the project Open Household Budget . The state of Berlin is the only federal state that presents its budget data in this comprehensive way.

      Berlin State Budget

    1. The app "Berliner Badestellen" uses the bathing place data of the LaGeSo to provide an overview of the water quality, temperature and other data of the Berlin bathing lakes. The app also provides a link to a corresponding request in the LOB connection planner, as well as to a display of the bathing place in various map services.

      Berlin Bath Place Quality

    1. Smart meter Smart electricity meters, so-called "smart meters", measure and document the energy used in real time and allow the customer individual energy management. Explore now consumer producer Storage Loaded unloaded Consume feeding to save Use energy To overview function getQueryVariable(variable) { if(window.location.search.length > 0) { var query = window.location.search.substring(1); var vars = query.split("&"); for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) { var pair = vars[i].split("="); if (pair[0] == variable) { return pair[1]; } } alert('Query Variable ' + variable + ' not found'); } } //var adobeEdgePage = 'overview'; var adobeEdgePage = 'smartmeter'; if(getQueryVariable('p') !== undefined) { adobeEdgePage = getQueryVariable('p'); } .edgeLoad-edgeStage { visibility:hidden; } AdobeEdge.loadComposition('https://www.stromnetz.berlin/resources/stromnetz-berlin/smartgrid/animations/'+adobeEdgePage, 'edgeStage', { scaleToFit: "width", centerStage: "horizontal", minW: "0", maxW: "924px", width: "924px", height: "680px" }, {"style":{"${symbolSelector}":{"isStage":"true","rect":["undefined","undefined","924px","680px"],"fill":["rgba(255,255,255,1)"]}},"dom":{}}, {"style":{"${symbolSelector}":{"isStage":"true","rect":["undefined","undefined","924px","643px"],"fill":["rgba(255,255,255,1)"]}},"dom":{}}); Smart meters can measure the used and the generated energy. The data is transmitted to the network operator so that they can be used in the billing of grid usage, feed-in and delivery by the electricity supplier. The measured values ​​can also be accessed via various platforms, eg. Web pages and smart phone apps. The customer thus has an up-to-date overview of his electricity consumption and, if necessary, his generation. But the electricity supplier can also use the consumption data to design tailor-made power products, thereby optimizing power consumption and energy costs. Smart meters make the use of energy more transparent to the customer compared to today's measurement.
    1. A web portal and mobile application launched in January 2016, that is slated to be Singapore’s first one-stop online health information and services portal. Functions as the digital healthcare companion for every citizen by equipping citizens with the information, knowledge, tools and services to help them take greater ownership of their own health and wellness. A milestone project under Ministry of Health’s (MOH) Health IT Masterplan (HITMAP), healthcare institutions are now also connected with one another to provide continuity of care for patients.
    1. Medifund is an endowment fund set up by the Government to help needy Singaporeans. Medifund is a safety net for patients who face financial difficulties with their remaining bills after receiving Government subsidies and drawing on other means of payments including MediShield Life, private Integrated Shield Plans (IPs), Medisave and cash. Set up in April 1993 with an initial capital of $200 million, the Government will inject capital sum into the fund from time to time, e.g. when budget surpluses are available. The interest income generated from the capital sum is used to provide financial assistance for healthcare bills.


    1. Medisave is a national medical savings scheme which helps individuals put aside part of their income into their Medisave Accounts to meet their future personal or immediate family's hospitalization, day surgery and certain outpatient expenses.


    1. ActiveSG is an all-encompassing and inclusive national movement for sport, brought to you by Sport Singapore. Poised to be a lifestyle destination for Singaporeans, ActiveSG will offer individuals, families and communities ample opportunities to experience and share the joy of living better through sport. Come join our national movement for sports and get active with a diverse and exciting line-up of sporting activities suited for all! Our sport facilities which are conveniently located all over Singapore are open to all! You can also sign up for ActiveSG membership registration to enjoy further privileges. Membership registration is free for all Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents!

      Active SG

    1. We digitise, connect and analyse Singapore’s health ecosystem.  Our ultimate aim is to improve our population’s health and health administration by integrating intelligent, highly resilient and cost effective technologies with process and people.

      IHIS Singapore Healthcare Information System

  7. Jul 2018
    1. 7

      Step 7:

      Secure the railing into the smaller holes using one 110853. Consult the graph for clarifications.

      Step 8:

      Flip the board over to secure the other railing. Consult the graph for clarifications.



  8. Mar 2018
    1. but all would agree that most of the other hospitals and asylums of various kinds should more properly be supported by local than by general resources.

      §§.91(11) and 92(7) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    2. The management of all the Penitentiaries and Prisons naturally fell under the scope of the local authorities ; also that of Hospitals, Asylums, Charities, and Eleemosynary institutions. With regard to these, he would merely say that there might be some which could hardly be considered local in their nature ; such, for example, was the Marine Hospital at Quebec, a seaport where there was an enormous trade

      §§.91(11) and 92(7) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

    3. The control of the Militia was certainly a subject which they must all feel ought to be in the hands of one central power. If them was one thing more than another which required to be directed by one mind, governed by one influence and one policy, it was that which concerned the defence of the country.

      §§.15 and 91(7) of the Constitution Act, 1867.

  9. Nov 2017
  10. Sep 2017
  11. Aug 2017
    1. The small number of cases of animals with different ages does not allow us to draw definite conclusions regarding particularities among younger and older dogs

    2. text

      formula =\(1+x+y= \gamma \Gamma\)

    3. Despite lack of immunostaining of the mitral cell layer, mitral cell axons were moderately CB1 positive.

      My first annotation did not seem to post. Trying again...

    4. vitro

      Is this an ontology?

    5. The endocannabinoid system is a regulatory pathway consisting of two main types of cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2)

      My annotation!

    6. Spinal cord

      this is a brain region

  12. Jul 2017
    1. The student records, memorizes, and repeats these phrases without perceiving what four times four really means, or realizing the true significance of "capital" in the affirmation "the capital of Para is Belem," that is, what Belem means for Pard and what Para means for Brazil.

      This reminds me of Shor's views, which argues that "Education is more than facts and skills." By pointing out the ways that knowledge is viewed as static, unchangeable "facts", and able to move from the "narrative subject" to "narrative patient", Friere problematizes the current education system just as Shor does.

    2. The teacher cannot think for her students, nor can she impose her thought on them.

      This goes back to the idea that learning is a back-and-forth dialogue, rather than a top-down oppressive process--a thought shared by Shor and Giroux, if not all the authors for this week.

    3. If men and women are searchers and their ontological vocation is humanization, sooner or later they may per-ceive the contradiction in which banking education seeks to main-tain them, and then engage themselves in the struggle for their liberation

      Is this the process by which social-justice oriented citizens (the concept from last week's readings) are born?

    4. Education must begin with the solution of the teacher-student contradiction, by reconciling the poles of the contradiction so that both are simultaneously teachers and students

      What are practical ways that the "teacher-student contradiction" that Friere discusses could be worked out? What sort of things are necessary to create a classroom/learning culture where this is possible?

    5. In the banking concept of education, knowledge is a gift bestowed by those who consider themselves knowledgeable upon those whom they consider to know nothing.

      This idea of the banking system goes against Giroux's idea that education should provide students "how knowledge is related to the power of self-definition and to use the knowledge they gain both to critique the world in which they live and, when necessary, to intervene in socially responsible ways in order to change it" (Giroux 14).

    6. Worse yet, it turns them into "containers," into "receptacles" to be "filled" by the teacher. The more completely she fills the receptacles, the better a teacher she is. The more meekly the receptacles permit themselves to be filled, the better students they are.

      But with what are we currently filling these "containers" and "receptacles"? The "better students" are the ones who, as Wise and Bone argue, engage in a coercive system of grades.

  13. Apr 2017
    1. out the provisions that agreements are deemed to contain under sections 92 and 96;


    1. (c)otherwise at the discretion of the Board after consultation with ULFA.

      I think that this is now repealed in Bill 7

  14. Nov 2016
    1. Edublog is a blog developed specifically for meeting the educational purposes. Edublogs provide great support to student and teacher learning through facilitating reflection, questioning by self and collaboration. It also provides contexts for encouraging high order thinking. The blog has grown from a single idea in 2005 and now it has become the largest and most trusted provider of educational blogging across the world. It has greatly transformed the educational experience of students.

  15. Sep 2016
  16. l-adam-mekler.com l-adam-mekler.com
    1. He knew that Umuofia would not go to war. He knew because they had let the other messengers escape.

      This is when Okonkwo knew that even though he had worked so hard his whole life to prove himself he still managed to do the wrong thing, and is in the wrong in the eyes of the clan.

    2. He never stopped regretting that Ezinma was a girl.

      I feel like gender is a big reason why there are cracks in the Igbo culture. Men are still superior in white European culture in the time this took place, but it wasn’t even close to the abuse that the women faced in the Igbo culture. I’m surprised that Ezinma and other young women in the culture didn’t take to Christianity like Nwoye so they could escape future abusive relationships. The picture attached doesn’t really relate to this annotation but it’s a picture of Ezinma that someone drew that I think is really pretty.

    3. Although Nwoye had been attracted to the new faith from the very first day, he kept it secret.

      The cracks in the Igbo culture can be seen in these passages where Nwoye is attracted to Christianity and what the missionaries are doing. In the Igbo culture, there’s either little explanation for why bad things happen, or very arbitrary reasons that don’t bring much closure. Christianity brings explanations, which is why Nwoye is so intrigued. It gives him an explanation and closure for why Ikemefuna died and what happened to him afterwards.

    4. As soon as the six men were locked up, court messengers went into Umuofia to tell the people that their leaders would not be released unless they paid a fine of two hundred and fifty bags of cowries. "Unless you pay the fine immediately," said their headman, "we will take your leaders to Umuru before the big white man, and hang them."

      And suddenly, the parallels to colonization are extremely prevalent. Just as they capture the leaders of the tribe with ransom for retribution, so did the Spanish with the Aztec leader, Montezuma II: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Montezuma-II

      It is when violence arises that the charade is thrown aside and the true nature of both the colonizers and the colonized arises.

    5. The interpreter spoke to the white man and he immediately gave his answer. "All the gods you have named are not gods at all. They are gods of deceit who tell you to kill your fellows and destroy innocent children. There is only one true God and He has the earth, the sky, you and me and all of us."

      While I can't help but see the parallels between the Ibo & Christian religion and that the only real difference preached here is that of "just don't murder people", this passage does wrap up quite well some of the "cracks" in Ibo culture, why the missionaries were so successful.

      The interpreter/missionary responds to why the Christian religion's God is better simply with a variation of "he doesn't tell you to kill your friends or family". Both of these are practiced by the Ibo culture, as seen with the ruthless murder of Ikemefuna, and with the murder of twin children.

      Looking at Nwoye, to whom Ikemefuna was like a brother to, it is immediately obvious why this religion is more appealing, as the cracks are much more evident in his life. For those in the culture for whom the cracks are not as evident, such as the higher up class members, this takes longer.

    6. return early enough to cook the afternoon meal.
    7. Okonkwo was provoked to justifiable anger by his youngest wife, who went to plait her hair at her friend's house and did not return early enough to cook the afternoon meal. Okonkwo did not know at first that she was not at home. After waiting in vain for her dish he went to her hut to see what she was doing. There was nobody in the hut and the fireplace was cold.

      I feel like in the Igbo culture that women have some sort of power over men in a way since they are the ones that are expected to cook meals for the men every time they come home. Meals feed men and give them their strength so I think that since Ojiugo didn't make him his afternoon meal, in a sense she deprived him of his strength which is also a type of power for men, thus Okonkwo beat Ojiugo because of it.

    8. Umuofia was feared by all its neighbours. It was powerful in war and in magic, and its priests and medicine men were feared in all the surrounding country. Its most potent war-medicine was as old as the clan itself. Nobody knew how old. But on one point there was general agreement--the active principle in that medicine had been an old woman with one leg. In fact, the medicine itself was called agadi-nwayi, or old woman. It had its shrine in the centre of Umuofia, in a cleared spot. And if anybody was so foolhardy as to pass by the shrine after dusk he was sure to see the old woman hopping about. And so the neighbouring clans who naturally knew of these things feared Umuofia, and would not go to war against it without first trying a peaceful settlement.

      In the Igbo culture, if the priests and medicine men were powerful in war and powerful in magic, then the clan itself was very powerful. Since Umuofia were powerful in both, they were powerful overall, so much so that other clans feared it and knew that if they went to war against Umuofiaa that they would lose. This kind of power in the Igbo culture is a physical power that is known by other clans.

    9. Ogbuefi Ezeugo was a powerful orator and was always chosen to speak on such occasions. He moved his hand over his white head and stroked his white beard. He then adjusted his cloth, which was passed under his right arm-pit and tied above his left shoulder.

      It seems to me that if one can speak very well, then one is chosen for important tasks on certain occasions, which gives that speaker a certain level of power in the Igbo culture.

    10. Okoye said the next half a dozen sentences in proverbs. Among the Ibo the art of conversation is regarded very highly, and proverbs are the palm-oil with which words are eaten. Okoye was a great talker and he spoke for a long time, skirting round the subject and then hitting it finally.

      Using only proverbs in a conversation indicates some kind of level of power since it is considered an art.

    11. Nneka had had four previous pregnancies and child-births. But each time she had borne twins, and they had been immediately thrown away. Her husband and his family were already becoming highly critical of such a woman and were not unduly perturbed when they found she had fled to join the Christians

      This poor woman is probably so sad because she's thrown away eight children already, and she knows she is going to have to throw away two more. Which is so sad to think about because they're her babies and in this culture they think having twins is evil, and she's looked down because of it. At this point she probably just wants answers to why she keeps having them, and why she has to keep throwing them away. Same goes with Nwoye, he is running to the Christians because his whole life he's grown up in a household where he was looked down on because he isn't man enough. In his mind Okonkwo is unfair and abusive, so he believes these new men can save him . So sad but also happy for Nwoye's story.

    12. Then kill yourself," said Obierika.

      I have already read this book, but I didn't see this before! Certainly foreshadowing

    1. I am still disturbed by the thought of Koenig stomping around communities that she clearly does not understand, digging up small, generally inconsequential details about the people inside of them, and subjecting it all to that inimitable “This American Life” process of tirelessly, and sometimes gleefully, expressing her neuroses over what she has found.

      Keonig did lose some some of her Ethos in serial by making judgments about topics and making comments about peoples ethnicity that really had little meaning and only took away some of her credibility. I did not notice most of the things that gave so much conflict to Keonig's story. Even when she talked about race in the court room, i was only thinking that the purpose of Koenig bringing it up was only to give some of the possible outcome of the scenario. I felt that she was just laying out all the different things to let her listeners decide if they were actually right or not, putting herself at risk purposely. She should have used a different approach to her ideas, that would have been a much less of a controversy to her podcast. Kang defiantly destroyed much of the Ethos I previously had for Keonig. Pointing out many things that unfortunately skipped my mind when listening an annotating serial. This is for sure going to change the paper that is due.

    2. “Her diary, by the way — well I’m not exactly sure what I expected her diary to be like but — it’s such a teenage girls diary.”

      I do think that Koenig is being completely unfair to the characters Hae and Adnan. She used her knowledge to describe something in a matter to get her listeners to understand. I don't think she did a great job but i do think people got the wrong message out of this quote. I believe she was describing typical things that teenagers go through and struggle with at that particular age. Not singling out her race and the expectations that she may or may not have yet. To describe it i would say that, Koenig was playing with fire but did not get burnt. http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01657/fire-fest-2_1657096i.jpg

  17. Feb 2016
    1. As news of the Spanish conquest spread, wealth-hungry Spaniards poured into the New World seeking land and gold and titles
    1. Wave after wave she unleashed, until much of the land was underwater and many of the people were drowned.

      Olokun seems very bitter and full of rage not caring about how many other she would kill

    1. A long time ago human beings lived high up in what is now called heaven.

      The humans arrived in the world by coming from heaven.

    2. When the boys had grown to man’s estate, they decided that it was necessary for them to increase the size of their island,

      The twins created the world to become larger and modified the animals and plant life.

    3. After much discussion the toad was finally persuaded to dive to the bottom of the waters in search of soil. Bravely making the attempt, he succeeded in bringing up soil from the depths of the sea. This was carefully spread over the carapace of the Turtle, and at once both began to grow in size and depth.

      The animals helped the women when she came through the hole. The also helped prepare the earth for the women to live there.

  18. Jan 2016
    1. Eshu demanded sacrifice be made to Obatala and himself before he would deliver the message. The people sacrificed some goats, and Eshu returned to the sky.  
    2. The next day he realized what he had done, and swore never to drink again, and to take care of those who were deformed, thus becoming Protector of the Deformed.  
    3. He did as he was told, whereupon the hen landing on the sand began scratching and scattering it about
    4. In the beginning, there was only the sky above, water and marshland below. The chief god Olorun ruled the sky, and the goddess Olokun ruled what was below. Obatala, another god, reflected upon this situation, then went to Olorun for permission to create dry land for all kinds of living creatures to inhabit

      So at the beginning was Africa was land of gods

    1. So he shook violently the various animals – the bears, deer, and turkeys – causing them to become small at once, a characteristic which attached itself to their descendants
    2. When the boys had grown to man’s estate, they decided that it was necessary for them to increase the size of their island, so they agreed to start out together, afterward separating to create forests and lakes and other things.
    3. When these were wearied they asked, "Who will volunteer to care for this woman?" The great Turtle then took her, and when he got tired of holding her, he in turn asked who would take his place. At last the question arose as to what they should do to provide her with a permanent resting place in this world.
    4. It so happened that this chief’s daughter was taken very ill with a strange affection. All the people were very anxious as to the outcome of her illness. Every known remedy was tried in an attempt to cure her, but none had any effect.

      she was very ill.

    1. And God said, Let us make man in our image, 1 Cor. 11.7 after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them

      God made the human a likeness and give him dominion over all animal

    2. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, 18  and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good
    3. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

      God did everthing

    1. In the American Southwest sometime between the years 900 and 1300 ancient Puebloan peoples built a large civilization sustained by advanced irrigation and a vast trading network linking goods from as far as Central Mexico and the Mississippi River
    2. Several expansive civilizations in the Midwest and Southwest demonstrated the potential for large-scale Indian civilizations.
    3. But native populations adapted: they fished, hunted small mammals, and gathered nuts and berries.

      The native adapted fast or how many years past?

    4. Agriculture arose sometime between nine- and five-thousand years ago, almost simultaneously in the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Mesoamericans in modern-day Mexico and Central America first domesticated maize and and developed perhaps the hemisphere’s first settled population around 1,200 BCE.

      How did they get the maize?

    5. Nomadic hunter-gatherers, they traveled in small bands following megafauna–enormous mammals that included mastodons and giant horses and bison–into the frozen Beringian tundra at the edge of North America.

      The native american descend from Asia?

    6. Hunters across the hemisphere preyed on plentiful game and natural foods and the population boomed
  19. Dec 2015
    1. The effects of slavery endured long after emancipation.

      The effects of slavery had been ingrained too deep for it to get ineffective that soon.

    2. Yet the end of legal slavery did not mean the end of racial injustice.

      Despite the legal end of slavery, blacks were still not treated as equals by white.

    3. Lincoln won twenty-two states, and McClellan only managed to carry three: New Jersey, Delaware, and Kentucky.19

      What a huge difference!

    4. In a time when the average woman gave birth to eight to ten children in her lifetime,

      That's too many kids for one woman to give birth to!

    5. In the North, the conditions in hospitals were somewhat superior. 

      thanks to the women!

    6. It is a common misconception that amputation was accompanied without anesthesia and against a patient’s wishes.
    7. Around 1862 both armies began to dig latrines rather than rely upon the local waterways.

      Lesson learnt the hard way!

    8. Tuberculosis, measles, rheumatism, typhoid, malaria, and smallpox spread almost unchecked among the armies.
    9. arrested all rebellious women as prostitutes.

      Such a harsh and demeaning term to be used for women who were fighting for their country.

    10. The working class citizens of New York felt especially angered as wealthy New Yorkers paid $300 for substitutes, sparing themselves from the hardships of war.

      The rich always get away for everything that's probably the reason why they live for so long.

    11. The Gettysburg Campaign was Lee’s final northern incursion and the Battle of Gettysburg remains the bloodiest battle of the war, and in American history, with 51,000 casualties.
    12. There was never any doubt that black laborers and camp servants were property.

      Black were not even considered living beings since a living being can never be referred to as one's "property".

    13. Gooding argued that, because he and his brethren were born in the United States and selflessly left their private lives and to enter the army, they should be treated “as American SOLDIERS, not as menial hirelings.
    14. African American soldiers in the Union army endured rampant discrimination and earned less pay than white soldiers, while also facing the possibility of being murdered or sold into slavery if captured by Confederate forces.

      African Americans never really felt the true sense of freedom!

    15. In order to avoid the issue of the slaves’ freedom, Butler reasoned that runaway slaves were “contraband of war,” and he had as much a right to seize them as he did to seize enemy horses or cannons

      The extreme measures that were taken in desperation of not letting the eradication of slavery occur.

    16. . War meant the possibility of disruption to their cotton produced on the backs of slave labor, and disruption could have catastrophic ramifications in commercial and financial markets abroad.
    17. “I think to lose Kentucky is nearly the same as to lose the whole game.

      Tells the significance of winning over Kentucky.

    18. . Like an anaconda snake, they planned to surround and squeeze the Confederacy.

      Perfect analogy.

    19. Committee of Thirteen

      It was a committee of thirteen individuals that was formed to investigate the possibility of a "plan of adjustment" that might solve the growing secession crisis.

    20. sine qua non

      something that was absolutely needed. In this case it was SLAVERY.

    21. while doing little else to address the issues tearing the country apart.

      The issues that needed the utmost attention were being ignored.

    22. the Republicans were hardly unified around a single candidate themselves

      Finding unity among human race has always been a rare incidence.

    23. The nation’s oldest party had split over differences in policy toward slavery.

      One party wanted to eradicate slavery while the one wanted to keep it going.

    1. Hold the increase in the global average temperature [below 1.5 °C] [or] [well] [below 2 °C] above preindustrial levels by ensuring deep cuts in global greenhouse gas [net] emissions;

      On ambition, Tine Sundtoft (Norway) outlined the questions posed to parties, including on how to: frame a possible reference to a 1.5 °C limit; identify an acceptable long-term goal for mitigation over different timeframes; have a common “global moment” every five years for taking stock and informing future nationally-determined efforts on mitigation, adaptation and support; and provide reassurances that the global stocktake would not impinge on national determination of commitments.

      James Fletcher (Saint Lucia) said that, while several developed and developing country parties indicated willingness to refer to a 1.5 °C limit, others reaffirmed the temperature limit in the Cancun Agreements. He said there is general interest to express a collective long-term goal for mitigation, which could be expressed in quantitative or qualitative terms, such as a transformation to carbon neutrality or decarbonization. He also reported convergence on a common “global moment” every five years to take stock and review aggregate progress, and provide an opportunity to confirm or raise targets, but without an obligation to do so.

    2. [Each Party’s [intended] nationally determined contribution will represent a progression in the light of Parties’ differentiated responsibilities and commitments under the Convention.] [The extent to which developing country Parties will effectively implement this Agreement will depend on the effective implementation by developed country Parties of their commitments on the provision of finance, technology development and transfer and capacity-building.]

      On differentiation, Vivian Balakrishnan (Singapore) characterized the INDCs as an “innovation” allowing all parties to operationalize their diverse starting points and make continuous improvements over time. He said that assurances of no backsliding and that developed countries would continue to take the lead “resonated strongly.”

    1. The first and most ominous sign of a coming sectional storm occurred over debates surrounding the admission of the State of Missouri in 1821.