1,662 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2018
    1. The exemplar at London (UK), British Library (General Reference Collection 1602/138) has been digitised and is available at https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0011

    1. The exemplar at Salamanca (Es), Universidad de Salamanca has been digitised and is available at https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0008

    1. An exemplar at Berlin (De), Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz has been digitised and is available at https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0007

    1. An exemplar at Salamanca (Es), Universidad de Salamanca (BG/5480) has been digitised by the the project 'The School of Salamanca. A Digital Collection of Sources and a Dictionary of its Juridical-Political Language.' (http://salamanca.adwmainz.de) and is available at [https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0055](https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0055

    1. An exemplar at Salamanca (Es), Universidad de Salamanca has been digitised by the the project 'The School of Salamanca. A Digital Collection of Sources and a Dictionary of its Juridical-Political Language.' (http://salamanca.adwmainz.de) and is available at [https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0004](https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0004

    1. An exemplar at Salamanca (Es), Universidad de Salamanca has been digitised by the the project 'The School of Salamanca. A Digital Collection of Sources and a Dictionary of its Juridical-Political Language.' (http://salamanca.adwmainz.de) and is available at https://www.salamanca.school/en/mirador.html?wid=W0003

    1. Ceci est une note de page. Elle peut inclure un lien vers une autre page, que celle-ci soit connectée ou non via Hypothes.is. Voyez dans l'URL le préfixe qui assure que l'on peut annoter celle-ci. Mais avec ce blogue on n'en a pas besoin car son auteur a déjà inclus un code permettant de l'annoter par défaut (à condition de s'être créée un compte hypothes.is).

  2. Aug 2018
    1. The exemplar at Oxford (UK), Bodleian Library (Inc. e. S6.1500.1) has been digitised and can be examined at https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/inquire/p/2e52084d-d656-452c-a8d7-7272f08b8590

    1. The exemplar at Oxford (UK), Bodleian Library (Inc. d. S6.1500.1) has been digitised and can be examined at https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/inquire/p/52b730d3-a1dc-4fd9-b047-90e5479fdd3d

    1. The exemplar at Oxford (UK), Bodleian Library (Inc. e. S4.1496.1) has been digitised and can be examined at https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/inquire/p/93d172c4-c25e-41eb-b56f-85a3c58e4901

    2. The exemplar at Oxford (UK), Bodleian Library (Inc. e. S4.1496.1) has been digitised and can be examined at https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/inquire/p/93d172c4-c25e-41eb-b56f-85a3c58e4901

  3. Apr 2018
  4. Mar 2018
  5. Feb 2018
    1. Abhráin

      The formatting of e-books on Internet Archive does not allow hypothesis.is users to annotate the books’ text. In annotating Hyde’s Love Songs of Connacht for the EN6009 Annotate-A-Thon, I have attached annotations to the text beneath the scanned images. Extracts and corresponding page numbers are placed at the beginning of each annotation, in order to properly contextualize my responses.

  6. Dec 2017
  7. Nov 2017
    1. In study 2, why did the authors not employ a an intervention for the longhand note takers as well but only for the laptop group?

    2. Better paraphrasing and less word overlaps for longhand note takers. Were the students randomised? Did the students have similar background and experiences in note taking in each medium selected? How was that known?

  8. Jul 2017
    1. This guideline covers diagnosing and managing bladder cancer in people 18 and above referred from primary care with suspected bladder cancer

      Is this visible to just me?

    2. This guideline covers diagnosing and managing bladder cancer in people 18 and above referred from prima

      Is this note private

  9. Jun 2017
    1. The process of evaluating current research status and identifying future research themes was facilitated by a pre-conference questionnaire through which GADRI members identified a sample of 323 research projects that represent current research.

      Make an annotation.

  10. Apr 2017
    1. 屏幕不再是全贴合工艺

      IFixit 的拆解发现非全贴合(全层压)屏幕意味着玻璃面板和 LCD 面板可以很容易地分离,大幅度降低碎屏后的维修成本。如果 iPad 5 定位低端市场,那么此举是合理的。

  11. Mar 2017
    1. The result of this externalization, Blair notes, is that we come to think of long-term memory as something that is stored elsewhere, in “media outside the mind.” At the same time, she writes, “notes must be rememorated or absorbed in the short-term memory at least enough to be intelligently integrated into an argument; judgment can only be applied to experiences that are present to the mind.”

      Indeed memory is being atrophied as a result of easy to access externalization, the temptation to just offload it onto the computer makes the forgetting curve even sharper. The concepts don't present to the mind when needed because since we didn't commit to our memory we can hardly perceive correlations to what we previously read. Simply we miss our chances to recall & connect new concepts and knowledge because we don't commit them to our memory.

    1. 广色域



      • iPad Pro 9.7 (2016)
      • iPhone 7 / 7 Plus (2016)
      • MacBook Pro (Late 2016)
      • iMac 4K / 5K (Late 2015 and later)
    2. 10bit

      在 10bit 面板上过渡平滑、在 8bit 面板上会有明显的竖纹(色块)。

      目前已经确定的 10bit 面板移动设备:

      • iPad Pro 9.7 (2016)
      • iPhone 7 / 7 Plus (2016)
    3. 字体


    1. gocentric analysis is primarily concerned with describing how individuals are embedded in local social structures and, ultimately, how these individual indices of social structure relate to varied outcomes

      My research doesn't actually focus on individuals so this is interesting.

    1. Geekbench 4 跑分不到 iPhone 7 Plus 的十分之一

      iPad 3:316/381 vs. iPhone 7 Plus:3460/5579

    2. iPad 3 凄惨的 Wi-Fi 速率


    3. 我尝试了多款写作软件

      我尝试了 MWeb、Bear、Letterspace 和 Microsoft Word:

      MWeb 当前在 iOS 端的完成度还比较低,因此其语法解析速度慢是可以理解的。在最新的设备上,MWeb 没有任何性能问题,但是功能缺失和一些 Bug 让人不能把它当作主力使用。其 Mac 版本是一个很强大工具,不但支持直接发布到 WordPress、Medium 等博客平台,还支持静态网站的生成。

      Bear 是一个广受好评的写作新秀,按订阅模式收费。相比起写博客,它更像是一个本地备忘录的替代者。可能是因为颜值过高、彩蛋较多,在 iPad 3 上 Bear 的性能也一般。

      Letterspace 是一个极简的 MarkDown 写作工具,简单到连图片都不能插入。但就算是简单成这样,它还是不能流畅运行。

      至于微软 Word,不到万不得已,我不推荐任何人把它当作重度写作工具。

  12. Jan 2017
    1. Certainly, there was great goodwill between the Free Officers and the US Embassy immediately after the Revolution



  13. Dec 2016
    1. foafiaf:Transform_Rockford

      I added and annotation to this entity as an example of a note

    1. Unable to see Edit link at the bottom of the page on IE & Chro




  14. Oct 2016
    1. In a Hewlett Packard online survey of 527 college students at San Jose State University, 57 percent of students who responded said they preferred print materials to e-books when studying. When citing reasons for their preference, 35 percent of print users cited “note-taking ability” as a reason for preferring print vs. six percent of those who favored e-books.

      Great stat for hypothes.is..

  15. May 2016
    1. Students who were part of the experimental group (35.41%, N = 7) performed worse than their peers (38.54%, N = 43) onthe pre-test. On the post-test students who participated in collaborative note-taking did significantly better (72.49%) than their peers (64.17%). Presumably this means that the students who participated in the study had lower levels of baseline knowledge at the outset, but they had a more robust level of knowledge by the end of the class and the experiment than did their peers who had taken notes individually. The difference of 8.28% is strikingly similar to the difference in grades. As the results indicate, these are difficult tests for students. The experimental group did not just perform almost a letter grade better in grades; they also performed almost a letter grade better on the pre/post tests

      Pre-post tests showed better gains (again by about 8%) for collaborative note-takers than for students who did not take notes collaboratively.

    2. Table 2 shows that the average grade across all classes and groups (experimental and control) was 72.02%. Students in the experimental group had an average grade of 79.66%, while the control group average was a 71.87% (a difference of 7.79%). Students who participated in collaborative notes performed nearly a single letter grade better than did their peers in the same classes. The ANOVA result found significance at the .01 level (F = 5.47, p < 0.01). Further, Bartlett’s test for equal variance returned a non-significant value, indicating a reliable ANOVA model. It is possible to say there was a statistically significant difference between the control group and the experimental group.

      Students who took notes collaborative scored nearly 8% higher on their course grades than students who did not.

    3. The problem found in the literature is that students are not efficient note takers, meaning they only successfully capture information about 20% of the time, and they are organizationally flawed and therefore miss how information should fit together. These shortcomings, efficiency and organization, are particularly acute in individuals taking notes on a computer alone (Mueller & Oppenheimer, 2014). Mueller and Oppenheimer (2014) specifically find that computers –when used in isolation –lead to lower levels of information retention, and they postulate this is due to students trying to bestenographers with keyboards instead of actively engaging with the material.

      Summary of the problem with taking notes on computers as opposed to by hand, ie the temptation to try to be a stenographer rather than engaging with and interpreting the material.

  16. Jan 2016
    1. 15 years that dawned with terror touching our shores;

      A reference to September 11, 2001, when Al-Queda terrorists flew two hi-jacked commercial planes into the World Trade Center Buildings in New York City.

      Image Description

  17. Dec 2015
    1. Fifteen years that dawned with terror touching our shores;

      A reference to September 11, 2001, when Al-Queda terrorists flew two hi-jacked commercial planes into the World Trade Center Buildings in New York City.

      Image Description

  18. Jan 2015
    1. Create an account using the sidebar on the right of the screen.

      Created an account and now I'm ready to test this phenomenal innovation.

  19. Apr 2014
  20. Jan 2014
    1. An algorithm

      Interesting. The algorithm should be worked on early, as it will need to inform any required changes to the data model (eg, new selectors)

  21. Nov 2013
    1. to pay labour more in wages than it produces.


    2. It is impossible for society to redistribute more wealth than is produced

      (in the long run)

  22. Sep 2013
    1. Since civilization obeys aninternal erotic impulsion which causes human beings to unite in a closely-knit group, it can only achieve thisaim through an ever-increasing reinforcement of the sense of guilt.
    2. A child who has been veryleniently brought up can acquire a very strict conscience. But it would also be wrong to exaggerate thisindependence; it is not difficult to convince oneself that severity of upbringing does also exert a stronginfluence on the formation of the child’s super-ego.

      genetic vs. environmental influences on the formation of conscience

    3. loss of love and punishment on the part of the external authority - hasbeen exchanged for a permanent internal unhappiness, for the tension of the sense of guilt

      guilt arising from "big other" external and super-ego internal

    4. fear of loss of love

      helplessness and dependence on other people

    5. What is bad is often not at all what is injurious or dangerousto the ego; on the contrary, it may be something which is desirable and enjoyable to the ego
    6. we shall add that even when a person has not actually done thebad thing but has only recognized in himself an intention to do it, he may regard himself as guilty; and thequestion then arises of why the intention is regarded as equal to the deed
    7. His aggressiveness is introjected, internalized; it is, in point of fact,sent back to where it came from - that is, it is directed towards his own ego. There it is taken over by aportion of the ego, which sets itself over against the rest of the ego as super-ego, and which now, in theform of ‘conscience’, is ready to put into action against the ego the same harsh aggressiveness that the egowould have liked to satisfy upon other, extraneous individuals
    8. satisfaction of the instinct is accompanied by an extraordinarily high degree ofnarcissistic enjoyment, owing to its presenting the ego with a fulfilment of the latter’s old wishes foromnipotence.

      satisfy instinct for narcissistic enjoyment