13 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2023
  2. Dec 2022
    1. In my line of work as a writer, there’s a near endless stream of new applications coming out that touch different stages in my workflow: e-book readers, notetaking apps, tools for managing PDFs, word processors, bibliographic databases. The problem is that it’s very tricky to switch horses midstream with these kinds of tools, which means you have a natural tendency to get locked into a particular configuration, potentially missing out on better approaches.

      Steven Johnson indicates that it can be difficult to change workflows, tools, apps, etc.

    2. I quickly found myself in the ironic situation of spending so much time building a tool to help with my schoolwork that I stopped actually doing my schoolwork.

      Early example of being overwhelmed by one's tool.

  3. Oct 2022
    1. It occurs to me that keeping a “wish-list” of intellectual/creative challenges, even if you’re not exactly sure yet what the exact subject matter will be for those challenges, would be a productive routine to have, for writers and non-writers alike.
  4. Sep 2022
    1. The innovation theorist Steven Johnson calls these “multiples” - like the simultaneous but separate discovery of sun-spots, oxygen, electrical batteries, the steam engine and telephone. In each case, the discovery rests on prior fundamental ideas that have already crossed borders. To isolate oxygen specifically, for example, there must be a general idea that air is made from gases. The specific innovation finds an “adjacent possible” - a possibility space opened up by the general body of thinking. That’s why these ideas can happen, in synchrony, even though far apart in geography.

      !- definition : multiples - innovation theorist Steven Johnson introduced - simultaneous but separate discovery from people far apart with no knowledge of each other's work

  5. Jun 2022
    1. And the added bonus here is that Devonthink has a wonderful feature where you can take the entire contents of a folder and condense it down into a single text document. So that's how I launch myself into the actual writing of the book. I grab the first chapter folder and export it as a single text document, open it up in my word processor, and start writing. Instead of confronting a terrifying blank page, I'm looking at a document filled with quotes: from letters, from primary sources, from scholarly papers, sometimes even my own notes.

      The perfect antidote to Hemingway's White Bull.

    2. He's also the co-founder of the hyperlocal community site outside.in.

      It no longer resolves, but outside.in sounds like the sort of project that fits into the sort of space similar to Darius Kazemi's Run Your Own Social.

      Archive.org makes it look like a hyperlocal space done at larger scale though... perhaps in a shape more similar to Patch? https://web.archive.org/web/20090618030413/http://outside.in/

  6. May 2021
  7. Apr 2020
    1. Johnson’s book (lively and well sourced –  highly recommended) transcends the cliche of the individual innovator  and shows the ways in which innovation depends on a form of social  capital — the networks of people and ideas that innovators learn from  and build upon.

      It's rarely ever about the "lone genius".