- Oct 2020
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
Pre-service Teachers' Practices towards Digital Game Design for Technology Integration into Science Classrooms
This article looks at yet another new technology that has the potential to revolutionize the adult learning field. It examines the results of teaching educators about digital game design for technology integration. It looked at integrating this technology into science classrooms in particular. 9/10, very interesting new technology with lots of potential implications in the adult learning field.
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic:
This article (or at least the section of it presented here) describes one institutions 5-phase model of virtual learning . It examines the state of teacher preparation and professional development in terms of technology and determines that while progress is being made, it is slow and needs to be implemented and focused on more. 4/10, the article itself is not great but it does include an extensive list of references that may be of use later.
- Mar 2020
Integrating Technology in the Adult Education Classroom
This website offers an online course regarding the purposes, guidelines, and implementation of integrating technology into adult learning environments. Additionally, the course offers examples of ways to integrate that technology. Rank: 7/10
www.iste.org www.iste.org
ISTE Standards Transform learning and teaching.
This section of the ISTE website offers paid resources that educators can access to improve their own understanding of the ISTE standards as well as practical ways to implement those standards in their classroom integration of technology. Rating: 6/10
- Nov 2019
www.opm.gov www.opm.gov
Training and Development Policy Wiki
This webpage, under the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) .gov site, provides an extensive list of technology resources that can be and have been implemented into a variety of employee deveolpment programs. These tools allow for more personalized learning, active participation, collaboration, and communication.In the first section of the site, examples of Web 2.0 tools are listed that can promote collaboration and constructive learning. You can also find technologies that are used in specific sectors, such as the Federal Government and the Private Sector. Clicking on the links redirects you to additional resources on the tech tools, including how to use them effectively and professionally for employee training. Rating 10/10
lincs.ed.gov lincs.ed.gov
Digital Literacy Initiatives
This website outlines digital literacy initiatives provided by the Literacy Information and Communication System (LINCS). The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) implements these intitatives to aid adult learners in the successful use of technology in their education and careers. Students have free access to learning material on different subjects under the "LINCS Learner Center" tab. Teachers and tutors also have access to resoruces on implementing educational technology for professional development and effective instruction. Rating 8/10
digitalcommons.macalester.edu digitalcommons.macalester.edu
1Engaging Adults Learners with TechnologyThrough
Instruction Librarians from the Twin Cities Campus Library created this instructional gudie as a workshop for implementing technology for adult learning. First, the authors describe key characteristics of adult learners as identified in the theory of andragogy. Examples of these characteristics include the need to know, learner responsibility, past experiences, and motivation to learn. The authors then suggest instructional practices and activities to meet the needs of adult learners, Finally, they provide examples of technology tools for effectively engaging adult learners. Rating 10/10
www.iste.org www.iste.org
ISTE Standards Transform learning and teaching.
This resource is the website for the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), which serves educators and professionals in the implementation of technology in education. The site provides open access readings, learning guides, and membership material for educators' development with technology. You can also find ISTE Standards for teachers, students, technology coaches, and educational leaders/administrators. These standards serve as the skills and knowledge each group should obtain for effective teaching and learning with technology.
www.angelo.edu www.angelo.edu
Section 1.3 Theories of Education and the Online Environment
This website is part of Angelo State University's online teaching training course for faculty members. This section outlines three prominent theories of education-Behaviorism, Social Cognitive Theory, and Constructivism-and applies them to online learning. Instructional Designers and course instructors can use this guide for the construction of meaningful and active learning environment for students. Rating: 10/10
- Behaviorism
- instructional design
- higher education
- technology integration
- collaborative learning
- adult learning
- online instruction
- etc556
- Constructivism
- active learning
- self-directed learning
- Angelo State University
- Social Cognitive Theory
- educational theories
- e-learning
- professional development
- andragogy
- online teaching
- edtech
- etcnau
- adult education
www.hraljournal.com www.hraljournal.com
Flores examines the current research as it relates to distance learning. She explores technology integration and learning theory. Throughout, she stresses the importance of professional development for instructors to equip them to provide quality distance education.
ts.madison.k12.wi.us ts.madison.k12.wi.us
This manual, published by Hanover Research, outlines theory and practice of technology integration in the K-12 classroom and provides key strategies for professional development to equip teachers to successfully integrate technology.
digitalpromise.org digitalpromise.org
The authors present the benefits of coaching in professional development for educators in today's technologically advanced classrooms. Of particular interest is the explanation of the different methods of coaching: executive, coactive, cognitive, and instructional. They suggest that coaching provides more successful outcomes than single workshops and stress that finding the correct method for each situation and organization is crucial.
- Mar 2019
edtechmagazine.com edtechmagazine.com
Technology Starts with Professional Development and Training
This EdTech article focuses on the fact that integration of technology MUST start with an emphasis on coaching and teaching teachers first. One district, Calcasieu Parish Public Schools has found that you must, "select technology that supports our learning goals rather than building curriculum around technology." and "We don't put technology into the classroom without first giving hands-on trainings to teachers." Because of the need to train teachers first, there is an entire section of this article devoted to how adults learn! However, this article simply talks about adult learning for educators and how professional development is best during the day to minimize stresses for teachers. Rating 6/10
- Nov 2018
ore.exeter.ac.uk ore.exeter.ac.uk
In today's fast-paced knowledge-intensive economy, work of importanceis increasingly accomplished coUaboratively through informal networks. As aresult, assessing and supporting strategically important informal networks inorganizations can yield substantial performance benefits. In addition, networkrelationships are critical anchoring points for employees, whose loyalty andcommitment may be more to sets of individuals in their network than to a givenorganization. Our research (and that of others) has found that these informalnetworks are increasingly important contributors to employee job satisfactionand performance. Yet despite their importance, these networks are rarely well-supported or even understood by the organizations in which they are embedded.Social network analysis provides a means with which to identify and assess thehealth of strategically important networks within an organization. By makingvisible these otherwise "invisible" patterns of interaction, it becomes possible towork with important groups to facilitate effective collaboration
The author does a great job of examining social relationships and the effect they have in the workplace. The author asserts that by making the connections and work visible there will be a better result.
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
A number of authors argue that professional development requires adual focus on both knowledge of subject matter content and an understand-ing of how children learn specific content.
This article addresses what makes professional development effective and why. It reviews study results to show what works in a national sample of teachers. This article has good information on professional development.