- Aug 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Roland Barthes (1915-1980, France, literary critic/theorist) declared the death of the author (in English in 1967 and in French a year later). An author's intentions and biography are not the means to explain definitively what the meaning of a (fictional I think) text is. [[Observator geeft betekenis 20210417124703]] dwz de lezer bepaalt.
Barthes reduceert auteur to de scribent, die niet verder bestaat dan m.b.t. de voortbrenging van de tekst. Het werk staat geheel los van de maker. Kwam het tegen in [[Information edited by Ann Blair]] in lemma over de Reader.
Don't disagree with the notion that readers glean meaning in layers from a text that the author not intended. But thinking about the author's intent is one of those layers. Separating the author from their work entirely is cutting yourself of from one source of potential meaning.
In [[Generative AI detectie doe je met context 20230407085245]] I posit that seeing the author through the text is a neccesity as proof of human creation, not #algogen My point there is that there's only a scriptor and no author who's own meaning, intention and existence becomes visible in a text.
- Apr 2023
Zande was making the Phonedex in Sweden by some time in the 1960s.
- Mar 2023
www.ebay.com www.ebay.com
Antique Typewriter Cole Steel Made In West Germany 1960s Vintage w/ orig. case
Apparently Cole Steel manufactured typewriters in the 1960s.
- Dec 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Fluxus was an international, interdisciplinary community of artists, composers, designers and poets during the 1960s and 1970s who engaged in experimental art performances which emphasized the artistic process over the finished product.[1][2] Fluxus is known for experimental contributions to different artistic media and disciplines and for generating new art forms.
- Aug 2017
www.fbi.gov www.fbi.gov
Patty Hearst - good example of stockholm syndrome
- May 2016
history.nasa.gov history.nasa.gov
lesh, the engineering manager, and Dubusker drew on all of McDonnell's experience with shingled-skin structures around jet afterburners for heat protection.
- Feb 2016
docs.google.com docs.google.com
Kind of a joke. I spent one year at Choate. There was good stuff: PSSC physics. There was bad stuff: bully. Choate, unlike Bowdoin, does not consider me to be an alumnus.