50 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. Whenever I say man/son, I intend this irrespective of gender, which is such a rudimentary concept for spiritual beings that we are temporarily incarnated, housed in these bodies of ours for a lifetime.

      Not sure if I should use trailmarks and listicle here or not? I will choose to use it.

      gendered syntax - I understand, but I also pointed out that the evolutionary nature of a language's syntax gives it unique gender characteristics. - I gave the example of my own mother tongue of Cantonese which is syntactically more gender neutral instead of English, which is patriarchal: - Cantonese (play the audio at the following links) - person - https://www.cantoneseclass101.com/cantonese-dictionary/ - man - https://www.cantoneseclass101.com/cantonese-dictionary/ - woman - https://www.cantoneseclass101.com/cantonese-dictionary/ - In the Cantonese language, the suffix (Yan) means person, - It is then modified by the respective female and male prefix - Noi (female) - Nam (male) - This gives us gender neutral syntax, as opposed to English where we have patriarchal gender syntax, where the suffix is male and the female is constructed as a secondary concatenation using the male syntactical suffix - male - FEmale - man - WOman - HUman - HUmanITY - men - WOmen - The English language gives syntactical primacy to the male gender, while a language such as Cantonese does not - What the psychological effects are, I'm not sure of. For within the Cantonese language, there is as much patriarchism as any other culture. It is not a particularly feminine culture. - And the gender neutrality does not even take into account of the more recent transgender category.

      to - Cantonese syntax - person - man - woman - https://hyp.is/3wgg0BQOEe-uRQ-kpQf8Eg/www.cantoneseclass101.com/cantonese-dictionary/ - With English, we have to read between the lines and project the author's salience landscape because it's not explicit in the syntax.

      PROBLEM - This page does not generate a unique URL for each of the onpage search results returned. - Can Indyweb create unique CID for this?

  2. Jan 2024
      • for: elephants in the room - financial industry at the heart of the polycrisis, polycrisis - key role of finance industry, Marjorie Kelly, Capitalism crisis, Laura Flanders show, book - Wealth Supremacy - how the Extractive Economy and the Biased Rules of Captialism Drive Today's Crises

      • Summary

        • This talk really emphasizes the need for the Stop Reset Go / Deep Humanity Wealth to Wellth program
        • Interviewee Marjorie Kelly started Business Ethics magainze in 1987 to show the positive side of business After 30 years, she found that it was still tinkering at the edges. Why? - because it wasn't addressing the fundamental issue.
        • Why there hasn't been noticeable change in spite of all these progressive efforts is because we avoided questioning the fundamental assumption that maximizing returns to shareholders and gains to shareholder portfolios is good for people and planet.**** It turns out that it isn't. It's fundamentally bad for civilization and has played a major role in shaping today's polycrisis.
        • Why wealth supremacy is entangled with white supremacy
        • Financial assets are the subject
          • Equity and bonds use to be equal to GDP in the 1950s.
          • Now it's 5 times as much
        • Financial assets extracts too much from common people
        • Question: Families are swimming in debt. Who owns all this financial debt? ...The financial elites do.
      • meme

        • wealth supremacy and white supremacy are entangled
    1. Which is exactly what you do in the book. And what did you find? - So what I do, I take apart the operating system of capitalism, which is, and I look at seven myths, really that drive it.
      • for: book - wealth supremacy - 7 myths, 7 myths of Capitalism, capital bias, definition - capital bias


        • The Myth of Maximization
          • example of absurdity of maximization
            • Bill Gates had $10 billion. Then he invested it and got $300 billion. There's no limit to how much wealth an individual can accumulate. It is absurd.
        • Myth of the Income Statement
          • Gains to capital called profit is always to be increased and
          • Gains of labor is called an expense, is always to be decreased
        • Myth of Materiality (also called capital bias)
        • definition: capital bias
          • If something impacts capital, it matters
          • If something impacts society or ecology, it doesn't matter
        • With the capital bias, only accumulating more capital matters. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. This is how most accountants and CFO's view the world.
      • quote: Laura Flanders

        • The capital is what matters. We're aiming for more capital and nothing else really matters. That's the operating system of the economy. So the real world is immaterial to this world of wealth as held in stocks and shares and financial instruments.
  3. Jul 2023
    1. How we arrived in a post-truth era, when “alternative facts” replace actual facts, and feelings have more weight than evidence.Are we living in a post-truth world, where “alternative facts” replace actual facts and feelings have more weight than evidence? How did we get here? In this volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series, Lee McIntyre traces the development of the post-truth phenomenon from science denial through the rise of “fake news,” from our psychological blind spots to the public's retreat into “information silos.”What, exactly, is post-truth? Is it wishful thinking, political spin, mass delusion, bold-faced lying? McIntyre analyzes recent examples—claims about inauguration crowd size, crime statistics, and the popular vote—and finds that post-truth is an assertion of ideological supremacy by which its practitioners try to compel someone to believe something regardless of the evidence. Yet post-truth didn't begin with the 2016 election; the denial of scientific facts about smoking, evolution, vaccines, and climate change offers a road map for more widespread fact denial. Add to this the wired-in cognitive biases that make us feel that our conclusions are based on good reasoning even when they are not, the decline of traditional media and the rise of social media, and the emergence of fake news as a political tool, and we have the ideal conditions for post-truth. McIntyre also argues provocatively that the right wing borrowed from postmodernism—specifically, the idea that there is no such thing as objective truth—in its attacks on science and facts.McIntyre argues that we can fight post-truth, and that the first step in fighting post-truth is to understand it.
  4. Mar 2023
    1. ‘socially biased individual learning’

      Definition - socially based individual learning - an individual learns by interacting with the embedded environment - but the environment is itself biased - so that certain learning outcomes - are more easily learned - than they would otherwise be

  5. Apr 2022
  6. Jan 2022
    1. The highest rating Pure Health Fungus Eliminator got on Amazon is 4.0/5 stars. Meanwhile, it got 4.9 stars out of 5 on its official website. I’m not saying that the higher rating is entirely biased. But I just think that we get to see more honest reviews outside its site.
  7. Aug 2021
  8. May 2021
    1. Some people disagree. “Studies” about html emails are often sponsored by mailchimp
  9. Jan 2021
    1. What we didn't want it to be was for Canonical to control the distribution of software between distributions and 3rd party editors, to prevent direct distribution from editors, to make it so software worked better in Ubuntu than anywhere else and to make its store a requirement,"
  10. Oct 2020
    1. In my opinion it is okay to say your tool is revolutionary compared to existing ones. And it is hard to be fully unbiased about your own creation, I get it.
  11. Sep 2020
    1. Wildfires Will Become Worse Thanks To Decades-Old Liberal Policies, Says Fire Expert Who Predicted Uptick In Blazes

      Overall scientific credibility: 'low' according to the scientists who analyzed this article.

      evaluation card

      Find more details in Climate Feedback's analysis

  12. Aug 2020
  13. May 2020
  14. Apr 2020
    1. I feel like pwned is a more solid library, and certainly seems more configurable, so I'd personally prefer to keep using it (but my bias may be unfounded)
  15. Mar 2020
  16. Nov 2019
  17. Oct 2019
    1. 2 European Climate Declaration September 26, 2019There is noclimate emergency

      Overall scientific credibility: 'very low' according to the scientists who analyzed this article.

      evaluation card

      Find more details in Climate Feedback's analysis

  18. Aug 2019
  19. Dec 2018
  20. Sep 2018
    1. Hurricane Florence is not climate change or global warming. It's just the weather.

      Overall scientific credibility: 'low' to 'very low', according to scientists who analyzed this article.

      evaluation card

      Find more details in the annotations below and in Climate Feedback's analysis

  21. Aug 2018
  22. May 2018
    1. The Sea Is Rising, but Not Because of Climate Change

      Overall scientific credibility: 'very low', according to scientists who analyzed this article.

      evaluation card

      Find more details in the annotations below and in Climate Feedback's analysis

  23. Apr 2018
    1. Not all scientists agree on cause of Great Barrier Reef damage

      Overall scientific credibility: 'low', according to scientists who analyzed this article.

      evaluation card

      Find more details in the annotations below and in Climate Feedback's analysis

  24. Mar 2018
    1. Polar bears keep thriving even as global warming alarmists keep pretending they’re dying

      Overall scientific credibility: 'very low', according to scientists who analyzed this article.

      evaluation card

      Find more details in the annotations below and in Climate Feedback's analysis

  25. Jan 2018
    1. Global Warming Study Canceled After Humiliating Discovery

      Overall scientific credibility: 'low', according to scientists who analyzed this article.

      evaluation card

      Find more details in the annotations below and in Climate Feedback's analysis

  26. Dec 2017
  27. Oct 2017
  28. Sep 2017
    1. Climate Scientists: Climate Models Have Overestimated Global Warming

      Overall scientific credibility: 'very low', according to scientists who analyzed this article.

      evaluation card

      Find more details in the annotations below and in Climate Feedback's analysis

  29. Aug 2017
    1. Climate Change Isn’t the End of the World

      Overall scientific credibility: 'low' to 'very low', according to scientists who analyzed this article.

      evaluation card

      Find more details in the annotations below and in Climate Feedback's analysis

  30. Jul 2017
    1. DELINGPOLE: ‘Nearly All’ Recent Global Warming Is Fabricated, Study Finds

      Overall scientific credibility: 'very low', according to scientists who analyzed this article.

      evaluation card

      Find more details in the annotations below and in Climate Feedback's analysis

  31. Jun 2017
    1. Trump should withdraw from Paris climate pact

      Overall scientific credibility: 'very low', according to scientists who analyzed this article.

      evaluation card

      Find more details in the annotations below and in Climate Feedback's analysis

  32. May 2017
  33. Jan 2017
    1. Ocean acidification: yet another wobbly pillar of climate alarmism

      Overall scientific credibility: 'very low', according to 6 scientists who analyzed this article.

      evaluation card

      Find more details in the annotations below and in Climate Feedback's analysis

  34. Nov 2016
    1. About Those Non-Disappearing Pacific Islands

      Overall scientific credibility: 'low', according to 12 scientists who analyzed this article.

      evaluation card

      Find more details in the annotations below and in Climate Feedback's analysis

  35. Oct 2016
    1. Hillary Clinton Boards The Climate Crisis Train To Nowhere

      Overall scientific credibility: 'very low', according to 8 scientists who analyzed this article.

      evaluation card

      Find more details in the annotations below and in Climate Feedback's analysis

  36. Sep 2016
  37. Jul 2016
  38. Mar 2016
  39. Jan 2016
    1. The Climate Snow Job

      Overall scientific credibility: 'very low' to 'low', according to 10 scientists who analyzed this article.

      evaluation card

      Find more details in the reply+annotations below and in Climate Feedback's analysis

  40. Nov 2015
  41. Sep 2015
  42. May 2015
    1. Wien-konkret.at ist ein politisch rechtes Onlinemagazin, dessen Geschäftsführer Obmann der EU-Austrittspartei ist (http://www.wien-konkret.at/k/impressum/, http://www.euaustrittspartei.at/internes/team/).

    2. Wien-konkret.at wird zu oft mit einem neutralen Stadt-Infoportal verwechselt. Tatsächlich verfolgt es (bzw. sein Geschäftsführer) politisch rechte Ziele. Auf Suchmaschinen sind Seiten dieses Magazins oft höher gereiht als entsprechende unabhängige Portale (wie z.B. http://www.wien.gv.at/) http://www.euaustrittspartei.at/internes/team/