11 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
  2. Sep 2024
  3. Jun 2024
  4. Jun 2021
  5. Apr 2021
    1. @7:40:

      We're aware that some students might actually revel in the gymnastics of a sophiscated writing and retrieval system like this. Now, we don't want to subordinate the material to the system, nor is the system merely being used to provide an alternative to a classroom experience. What we are striving for is to make a flexible system with lots of interesting material so that we may serve the needs of a genuinely contemporary student.

  6. Mar 2020
  7. Feb 2019
    1. it is necessary first to consider their use and end:

      Is language seen as a means to an end?

    2. Locke believes that there b a real external world and that knowledge of it is pos!-iblc. hul only ii' we underst:md the processes by which we come lo ~uch knowledge.

      Knowledge is the goal, the end, but the process by which knowledge is discovered, the means, is also important to Locke.

  8. Jan 2019
    1. n otherwords, even if rhetoric is the art of never finally answering the question, "Whatis rhetoric?" this art would necessarily include all attempts to finally answer thatquestion.

      Based on this statement, could it be inferred that Muckelbauer places importance on not only the answer to the question (end) but also the process by which that answer is sought (means)? If so, how might the process of discovery be as important as the discovery itself?

  9. Feb 2017