- Sep 2024
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
in China haben die Folgen von Extremwetterereignissen, vor allem Überflutungen, im Juli.zu Schäden von 10 Milliarden USD geführt. Die durch Ernteschäden gestiegenen Lebensmittelpreise erschweren die Politik der Parteiführung, durch Ankurbeln des Konsums das Wachstum zu beschleunigen. Hintergrundbericht über Folgen der Erhitzung für Lebensmittelversorgung, Wasser-Management und Infrastruktur. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/02/world/asia/china-rainfall-crops.html
- May 2024
www.desmog.com www.desmog.com
In den USA besteht seit langem eine Netzwerk, in dem PR-Firmen mit Unternehmen der Fossilindustrie zusammenarbeiten, Dabei werden u.a. durch gefakete Kampagnen und die Gründung von Umweltgruppen die eigentlichen Stakeholder der Desinformation versteckt. In einem Hearing eines Unterausschusses des Repräsentantenhauses wurden die Praktiken von PR-Firmen aufgedeckt. https://www.desmog.com/2022/09/14/house-committee-pr-climate-disinformation/
- Robert Brulle
- PAC\/West
- Chevron
- Christine Arena
- Duncan Meisel
- Carter Werthman
- disinformation
- Clean Creatives
- by: Nick Cunningham
- Noble Energy
- 2022-09-14
- Melissa Aronczyk
- FTI Consulting
- Events/2022-09/Hearing des Unterausschusses Oversight & Investigations des Ausschusses für Natural Resources des US-Repräsentantenhauses
- Story Partners
- Anadarko Petroleum
- Feb 2024
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full breakdown of my $125k/mo consulting business
- Jan 2023
openaccess.city.ac.uk openaccess.city.ac.uk
heorizing interactions between knowledge, identity, and powerHaving reviewed the literature along the core themes of knowledge, identity, and power, we nowextend our review by examining how the interfaces between these themes are conceptualized inthe literature. Our thematic inductive analysis allows us to move beyond paradigmatic differencesby revealing interactions between the three conceptual themes. In so doing, we can identify andamplify connections that are present in the literature of consulting that mainly due to the adoptionof distinct paradigmatic perspectives have not necessarily been theorized explicitly andsystematically. We map the identified interactions into an organizing framework presented inFigure 2. In the following, we discuss each interface and conclude each subsection withproblematizing the research that we unpack more fully in the discussion section
Identity and consulting
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
How does one learn and build credibility simultaneously? Such is the challenge faced by an increasing number of professionals, who must quickly get to grips with new assignments while displaying sufficient knowledge to be regarded as experts. If they do not, they will be unable to exert influence over the situation.
Excited to read this one
- Nov 2022
tomcritchlow.com tomcritchlow.com
I’ve been using this phrase “the next most useful thing” as a guiding light for my consulting work - I’m obsessed with being useful not just right. I’ve always rejected the fancy presentation in favor of the next most useful thing, and I simply took my eye off the ball with this one. I’m not even sure the client views this project as a real disappointment, there was still some value in it, but I’m mad at myself personally for this one. A good reminder not to take your eye off the ball. And to push your clients beyond what they tell you the right answer is.
The customer is not always right (just in matters of taste). Part of consultancy is providing stewardship and pushing back, just like any role I guess
- Sep 2022
lu.ma lu.ma
Yolanda Gibb: How a mindset of Ambidextrous Creativity can get you generating AND exploiting your ideas?
Ambidextrous creativity is having a balance between exploration and subsequent exploitation of those explorations.
Small companies and individuals are good at exploration, but often less good at exploitation.
Triple loop learning<br /> this would visually form a spiral (versus overlap)<br /> - Single loop learning: doing things right (correcting mistakes)<br /> - double loop learning: doing the right things (causality)<br /> - triple loop learning: why these systems and processes (learning to learn)
Assets<br /> Relational capital * Structural capital - pkm is part of this<br /> there's value in a well structured PKM for a particualr thing as it's been used and tested over time; this is one of the issues with LYT or Second Brain (PARA, et al.) how well-tested are these? How well designed?<br /> * Structural capital is the part that stays at the office when all the people have gone home * Human Capital
Eleanor Konik
4 Es of cognition<br /> * embodied * embedded * enacted * extended<br /> by way of extra-cranial processes
see: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7250653/
Yolanda Gibb's book<br /> Entrepreneurship, Neurodiversity & Gender: Exploring Opportunities for Enterprise and Self-employment As Pathways to Fulfilling Lives https://www.amazon.com/Entrepreneurship-Neurodiversity-Gender-Opportunities-Self-employment/dp/1800430582
Tools: - Ryyan - for literature searches - NVIVO - Obsidian - many others including getting out into one's environment
NVIVO<br /> https://www.qsrinternational.com/nvivo-qualitative-data-analysis-software/home
a software program used for qualitative and mixed-methods research. Specifically, it is used for the analysis of unstructured text, audio, video, and image data, including (but not limited to) interviews, focus groups, surveys, social media, and journal articles.
Ryyan<br /> https://www.rayyan.ai/<br /> for organizing, managing, and accelerating collaborative literature reviews
- Dec 2021
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decision support framework
This looks interesting, but is so laden with jargon that it's not very welcoming and doesn't have a very clear value proposition.
Any relation to Wardley mapping space?
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How to Start an Online Consulting Business
One of the last industries to embrace digital transformation is consulting. However, the COVID-19 outbreak has accelerated the process far more than planned. According to Forbes, the globe will adopt a new normal, with work, study, and leisure shifting online. Globally, the consulting sector is worth $160 billion. In 2020, though, sales is likely to drop to $130 billion. As a result, most consulting firms are no longer solely focused on providing consulting services. Small and mid-sized businesses would struggle to stay afloat if they didn't make the switch from offline to online. But how can you get started as an online consultant and, more importantly, what tools should you use?
- Nov 2021
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- Dec 2019
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Bakkah Inc.Bakkah is a national consulting and training company formed by multinational professionals that have a wide experience in management consulting and professional training.We develop solutions tailored to our customers needs. Based on our knowledge, experience and best practices of several industries, we help organizations reach the best decisions to ensure accountability for project success, cost reduction and profit uplifts.Our experts with their sufficient skills enables us to provide solutions ranging from business strategy to the most functional and operative areas.
Bakkah is a Saudi management consulting and education company that offers a wide range of products and services. We develop solutions tailored to our customer’s needs. Our team of highly experienced, certified professionals helps you reach the best decisions that ensure you realize optimum business profits by delivering projects on time, cost, and quality. We pride ourselves in having the skills and knowledge based on best industry practices that enable us to provide a myriad of solutions for business strategy to the most functional and operative areas.
- Jan 2018
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Irwin Consulting Services Review - Hur man ser till en säkrare vinter Road Trip
Vintersäsongen ger skönheten i kallt och vitt natur. Många människor ser fram emot denna typ av väder eftersom de kan stanna insvept i sina filtar eller jackor hela dagen medan du dricker varm choklad och titta på bra filmer. Denna månad kan vara den mest spännande månaden för många familjer på grund av semesterperioden, och en massa människor gör sista minuten shopping och få alla sina förberedelser gjort. Med detta, många individer blir upptagen med sina bilar för att gå till olika ställen att köpa saker eller produkter som de behövde för sin jul-och nyårsfester. Andra har gjort utomhusaktiviteter med sina familjemedlemmar, vänner eller kollegor.
Men oavsett vad orsaken är, att använda bilen under denna säsong kräver noggrann förberedelse för att undvika olyckor på vägen. Irwin konsulttjänster skulle vilja ge lite hjälp i detta avseende genom några användbara riktlinjer som klarlagts i nästa styckena.
Överväg att byta till vinterdäck. Detta är ofta rekommenderas av många experter, särskilt under denna säsong, och det är även obligatoriskt på vissa platser i USA. Snö eller vinterdäck ger dragkraft som är bättre än alla andra däck när temperaturen är på eller under 7 grader Celsius. Sådan möjliggör större kontroll och kortare stoppsträckor på väg ytor under det kalla och snöiga vädret. Om du märker att några av dina familjemedlemmar, släktingar eller vänner inte äger denna typ av däck, då måste du råda dem att köpa några för sin egen säkerhet och för alla människor som kommer att rida med dem i sina bilar. Priset på denna typ av däck kan vara högre än andra, men du kan vara säker på att det är allt värt det i det långa loppet.
Sätta drifter i beaktande när du är på väg. Du vill inte vara inblandad i några riskfyllda bil snurrar scenarier rätt? Det vore bäst att vara försiktig med snödrivor eftersom även om du kör på en tydlig väg, men med lite fart, kan starka vindar av vintern driva dessa drivor på den klara vägen, vilket kan leda till oönskade olyckor om du inte är uppmärksamma.
Se till att locken är ordentligt täckta. För att förhindra fukt från frysning, måste du täcka däck ventiler. Gör detta, kan du undvika luft från att fly med locken ordentligt täckt och även förhindra att ha ett platt däck.
Ge tillräcklig luft. Att gå ut ur huset och delta i långa resor med din bil kan vara en utmaning i vintersäsongen på grund av förändringen i temperaturer och andra relaterade aspekter. Om du vill möta de snöiga vägar beredda, då ofta kontrollera ditt däcktryck. Se till att inkludera detta villkor på ditt däck underhåll för att få däcken i sin bästa form även med låga temperaturer och högt lufttryck.
Förberedelse är alltid nyckeln. Du kan inte vinna mot vinterväglag om du inte är beredd att möta dess konsekvenser. Ta med dig några hattar, vantar, och även en spade organiserade inuti din bil trunk. Inkludera i din vinter Driving kit en Kitty kull också eftersom det kan ge dragkraft till din bil på isiga eller snöiga vägar. Ta med en extra kanna av vinter vindrutespolarvätska samt särskilt under långa resor för att säkerställa synlighet.
Förmedla kunskapen. Vissa tonåringar har oftast en mindre ordentlig förståelse av vinterväglag. Det är din plikt som vuxen att påminna dem om de centrala frågor att tänka på inför en snöig väg att upprätthålla sin säkerhet och sina unga liv. Irwin Consulting Services ville att du skulle vara deras väktare på vägen, och om du är en tonåring läser detta då alltid komma ihåg att vara förberedd och vara försiktig, och alltid lyssna på råd från dina äldre familjemedlemmar eller vänner.
Dina däck har också sina gränser. Du bör ha tillräcklig kunskap för att identifiera när du ska ersätta dem för gott. Du kan ändra vinterdäck varannan till tre säsonger per designad av bil experter. Om du ville ge nytt syfte till din gamla däck, en däck samlare vet de bästa sätten, så bättre komma i kontakt med en i ditt grannskap.
Irwin Consulting Services hade tidigare gett några tips och riktlinjer för hur man kan säkerställa inomhus och utomhus säkerhet under denna semester säsong, och denna artikel är en del av deras mål att ge användbar information till allmänheten att se till deras säkerhet under alla väderförhållanden.
Irwin Consulting Services Review - Hvordan sikre en trygg fjellklatring denne vinteren
Denne høytiden, mange mennesker utnytter det kalde været å gjøre noen ekstreme aktiviteter som fjellklatring. Men med denne typen aktivitet, er du veldig mye som kreves for å samle alle de nødvendige elementene og være godt informert på forhånd for å sikre din overlevelse og sikkerhet. Hvis du er med dine nære venner, familiemedlemmer og kolleger, er du også ansvarlig for deres velvære, og dermed er du virkelig trengte å være utstyrt med riktig sikkerhetsutstyr og overlevelse ferdigheter.
Som en av gruppene som er forpliktet til offentlig sikkerhet, vil Irwin konsulenttjenester som du skal være forpliktet til din egen sikkerhet og til folk du holdt nær ditt hjerte også, enten du er i eller utenfor hjemmet ditt, alltid huske på at responsibili ty.
Utseendet på snødekte fjell kan være en herlig og beroligende syn på grunn av sin rene hvithet. Og ulike aktiviteter venter deg i slike fjell hvor du kan velge mellom truger, ski eller andre relaterte aktiviteter. Men uansett hvor vakre disse fjellene ser ut, kan de likevel ta fare for deg og andre mennesker rundt deg, så beskytte sikkerheten ved å ha alle de viktige utstyret og lære alle de nødvendige overlevelse ferdigheter.
Bestem den endelige listen over aktiviteter du ønsket å utføre på fjellet og deretter vite om hver enkelt kan utføres på stedet trygt. Du må også sørge for at planlagte venture passer ditt kondisjons nivå. Med denne typen aktivitet, må du aldri forlate hjemmet uten å informere folk nær ditt hjerte om planen din. Vi kan ikke slette muligheten for at det er farlig, så Fortell dem om plasseringen av fjellet, datoen for retur, og andre situasjoner der de virkelig trenger å ringe myndighetene for å få hjelp med å finne deg.
Når det gjelder å klatre et fjell, vil de lokale myndighetene sikkert foreslå eller krever at du bli med en gruppe eller danne en gruppe bestående av to eller flere personer for å garantere sikkerheten til alle berørte. Når en person blir skadet, kan de andre gruppemedlemmene ta vare på ham eller henne. Men hvis du virkelig ønsket å være alene og møte de utfordringene ved deg selv, minner Irwin Consulting Services deg at dette innebærer noen risiko så bedre være utstyrt med alle elementer eller produkt som er nødvendig for overlevelse. Før du går til stedet, tilbringe en time eller to foran din bærbare eller datamaskin lære om viktig informasjon om fjellet.
Hvis du bare planlegger å bo når det fortsatt er sollys, kan du ikke gidder å bære noen lyskilder med deg. Men vi vet ikke den eksakte ting som kan skje med deg hele dagen hvor en situasjon kan overflaten som krever at du leir for natten, og dermed inkludere dette på scenarier som kan oppstå på turen og bringe lyskilder med deg.
I tilfelle en uheldig hendelse, og du var tapt i skogen, aldri få panikk og ikke sette tankene dine i uorden. Det ville være best å samle dine tanker og holde deg rolig og varm. Sørg for at du var synlig fra himmelen når du ringte etter hjelp, slik at redningsmenn på et helikopter kunne se deg raskt. Hvis noen gang du trengte et øyeblikkelig hjelp, aldri nøle med å ringe myndighetene med en gang slik at de kunne finne deg før det blir mørkt.
Flertallet av land i nærheten verden har deres egen nødnummeret hotline antallet det er analog med 9-1-1 av det Amerika der hvor du kanne sette seg i forbindelse med for hjelpe aften uten alle signal opp på din telefon fordi slik kanne aktivere alle cellen tårnet. Før du reiser hjemmefra for å starte eventyret, må du sørge for at telefonen er fulladet, og ta med ekstra batterier med deg eller gode strøm banker også. Hvis du kan benytte en satellitt telefon, så har en for å få hjelp selv i no-Cell-servicesteder.
Vær forberedt med snøskred sikkerhetsutstyr også. Avalanche kan være den største trusselen om en rolig snødekte fjell, så det ville være best å være utstyrt med riktig utstyr som en transceiver, sonde og spade. Du må også ha god kunnskap om disse elementene til å overleve denne typen nødssituasjon. Lær hvordan du navigerer i terrenget for å hjelpe deg med å redusere snøskred eksponering.
Irwin konsulenttjenester har vært en del av ulike tiltak i USA for å bedre offentlig sikkerhet, og på grunn av dens mange år med bestrebelse på dette feltet, hadde gruppen sett mange tilfeller beviser at ulykker var uunngåelige og noen ganger uovertruffen, så alltid være forberedt i tilfelle uønskede hendelser og situasjoner for å beskytte deg selv og andre mennesker.
Irwin Consulting Services Review - Hvordan man skal håndtere ferie dekorasjoner trygt
Det er allerede i desember og til de individene som har et svakt hjerte sier det er for sent å sette ferie dekorasjoner på sitt hjem, ikke vær. Fylling hjemmet ditt med pene og vakre dekorasjoner ville ikke ta svært lang tid så gir opp og begynne beautifying huset ditt akkurat nå. Å vite at du vil bruke din personlige stil og preferanser i utformingen av huset ditt vil gi deg en spennende følelse, men sammen med at følelser, må du være veldig forsiktig i utformingen spesielt når det gjelder elektrisk materiale.
Noen trenger ikke å føle seg ensom gå om natten i nabolaget sitt fordi mange av husene var så lyse og til og med glitrer natten med sine dekorative lys og andre ferie-tema dekorasjoner. Irwin konsulenttjenester er enig i at høytiden faktisk kan spre kjærlighet og glede over hele verden.
Men høytiden også krever en kald vær, som er en uunngåelig omstendighet som fører til alle husholdninger bruker mye varme kilder. Du må være forsiktig i dekorere hjemmet ditt siden mange varme kilder er rundt. Du vil også måtte håndtere noen elektriske forbindelser når du setter din ferie dekorasjoner som julelys på plass. Dobbeltsjekke skjøteledninger eller grenuttak sammen med alle ledninger hvis hver er trygt å bruke og har ingen skade i det hele tatt. Lær hvor mye strøm kjører gjennom ledninger og finne ut om det var riktig og riktig tall. Hold juletre minst 3 meter unna varme kilder som plass varmeovner og ildsteder.
Irwin konsulenttjenester ønsker at du skal velge riktig på hva slags juletre du skal sette i huset ditt. Du kan slå seg ned med en ekte eller levende treet eller en kunstig en, men viktigst, husk å unngå veldig tørre trær fordi de er svake til branner. Før du plasserer en levende treet på standen sin, sørg for å kutte 1-2 inches fra bunnen av stammen for å sikre god vann absorpsjon når fylle den med vann.
Utendørs dekorere bør gjøres med riktig forsiktighet. Hvert utstyr og dekorasjon du skal bruke må være merket for utendørs bruk. Følg nøye retningslinjene gitt spesielt på elektriske produkter. Strømstyrken vurdering av forlengelse ledningene skal matche makt behovene til elektriske elementer (strømstyrke). Din elektriske lys og dekorasjoner bør plugges inn kretser beskyttet av bakken feil krets interrupters eller GFCIs. Oppretthold avstand fra strømledninger mens du gjør utendørs dekorere også. Hold stikkontakter organisert for å hindre overbelastning. Ikke koble mange elektriske dekorasjoner eller enheter på en gang. Du må ikke la overoppheting å skje og starte en brann.
Bekreft om det er også en skikkelig isolasjon på elektriske ledninger ved å sjekke om de ikke var klemt i Vinduer, dører eller under tunge objekter. Vær forsiktig med å installere dekorative lysene i tillegg for å sikre at det ville være noen skade på ledningen er isolasjon. Trekk ut elektriske dekorasjoner når du skifter pærer eller sikringer. I tillegg slår alle innendørs og utendørs elektriske dekorasjoner må praktiseres før du går til sengs eller forlate huset.
Stearinlys med en god duft kan faktisk belyse natten av høytiden, men disse ekte stearinlys må ikke stå uovervåket i lang tid for å unngå brann ulykker. Oppbevar dem på et sted som også er trygt fra rekkevidden av små barn og var borte fra brennbare gjenstander. Slukke dens brann hvis noen gang din ' går å sove eller går ytterside din hjem i lang tid.
Irwin Consulting Services lover å være forpliktet til å hjelpe bedrifter, profesjonelle eller enkeltpersoner i å opprettholde offentlig sikkerhet og vil også oppfordre hver husstand til å gjøre det samme og være dedikert til sin egen sikkerhet denne høytiden.
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Irwin Consulting Services Review - How to make sure of a safer winter road trip
Winter season brings in the beauty of cold and white nature. Many people look forward to this kind of weather because they can stay wrapped in their blankets or jackets the whole day while drinking hot chocolate and watching good movies. This month can be the most exciting month for many families because of the holiday season, and a lot of people are making last minute shopping and getting all their preparations done. With this, many individuals are getting busy using their cars to go to different places to buy things or products they needed for their Christmas and New Year celebrations. Others have been doing outdoor activities with their family members, friends or colleagues.
But no matter what the reason is, using your car during this season requires careful preparation to avoid accidents on the road. Irwin Consulting Services would like to provide some help in this regard through some helpful guidelines elucidated in the next paragraphs.
Consider changing into winter tires. This is often advised by many experts especially during this season, and it is even mandatory on particular places in the United States. Snow or winter tires provide traction that is better than all other tires when temperatures are at or below 7 degrees Celsius. Such allows greater control and shorter stopping distances on road surfaces during the cold and snowy weather. If you notice that some of your family members, relatives or friends don’t own this kind of tire, then you must advise them to buy some for their own safety and for all the people who will be riding with them in their cars. The price of this kind of tire can be higher than others but you can be certain that it is all worth it in the long run.
Put drifts into consideration while you’re on the road. You don’t want to be involved in any risky car spins scenarios right? It would be best to be careful with snow drifts because even if you’re driving on a clear road but with some speed, strong winds of winter can push those drifts on the clear road, which can lead to unwanted accidents if you’re not paying attention.
Make sure to properly cover the lids. In order to prevent moisture from freezing, you must cover the tire valves. Doing this, you can avoid air from escaping with the caps properly covered and also prevent having a flat tire.
Provide sufficient air. Going out of the house and engaging in long trips with your car can be a challenge this winter season because of the change in temperatures and other related aspects. If you wish to face the snowy roads prepared, then often check your tire pressure. Make sure to include this condition on your tire maintenance to have the tires in its best shape even with low temperatures and high air pressure.
Preparation is always the key. You can’t win against wintery roads if you’re not prepared to face its consequences. Bring with you some hats, mitts, and even a shovel organized inside your car trunk. Include in your winter driving kit a kitty litter too because it can provide traction to your car on icy or snowy roads. Bring an extra jug of winter windshield washer fluid as well especially during long trips to ensure visibility.
Pass on the knowledge. Some teenagers usually have a less proper understanding of wintery roads. It is your duty as an adult to remind them about the pivotal matters to consider in facing a snowy road to maintain their safety and their young lives. Irwin Consulting Services wanted you to be their guardian on the road, and if you’re a teen reading this then always remember to be prepared and be careful, and always listen to the advice of your older family members or friends.
Your tires also have its limits. You should have ample knowledge to identify when to replace them for good. You can change winter tires every two to three seasons as per advised by car experts. If you wanted to give new purpose to your old tires, a tire collector knows the best ways, so better get in touch with one within your neighborhood.
Irwin Consulting Services had previously provided some tips and guidelines on how to ensure indoor and outdoor safety during this holiday season, and this article is part of their objective to give helpful information to the public in making sure of their safety during any weather conditions.
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Irwin Consulting Services Review - How to ensure a safe mountain climbing this winter
This holiday season, many people are taking advantage of the cold weather to do some extreme activities like mountain climbing. But with this kind of activity, you are very much required to gather all the necessary items and be well-informed in advance in making sure of your survival and safety. If you are with your close friends, family members and colleagues, you are also responsible for their wellbeing, thus you are really needed to be equipped with proper safety equipment and survival skills.
As one of the groups that are committed to public safety, Irwin Consulting Services would like you to be committed to your own safety and to the people you held close to your heart as well, whether you are inside or outside your home, always bear in mind of that responsibility.
The appearance of snowy mountains can be a lovely and calming sight because of its pure whiteness. And different kinds of activities await you in such mountains where you can choose between snowshoeing, skiing or other related activities. But no matter how beautiful those mountains look like, they can still bring danger to you and other people around you, so protect your safety by having all the crucial equipment and learning all the required survival skills.
Determine the final list of activities you wanted to perform on the mountain and then know if each can be conducted at the place safely. You must also ensure that your planned venture suits your fitness level. With this kind of activity, you must never leave home without informing the people close to your heart about your plan. We can’t erase the possibility of it being dangerous, so tell them about the location of the mountain, the date of your return, and other situations where they really need to call the authorities for help in finding you.
When it comes to climbing a mountain, the local authorities will surely suggest or require you to join a group or form a group composed of two or more people to guarantee the safety of everyone concerned. When a person gets injured, the other group members can take care of him or her. But if you really wanted to be alone and face the challenges by yourself, Irwin Consulting Services reminds you that this involves some risks so better be equipped with every item or product necessary for your survival. Before going to the place, spend an hour or two in front of your laptop or computer learning about the important information about the mountain.
If you’re only planning to stay when there’s still sunlight, you might not bother to carry some light sources with you. But we don’t know the exact things that could happen to you throughout the day where a situation might surface that requires you to camp for the night, thus include this on the scenarios that may occur on your trip and bring light sources with you.
In case of an unfortunate event and you were lost in the woods, never panic and don’t put your mind in disarray. It would be best to collect your thoughts and stay calm and warm. Ensure that you were visible from the sky once you called for help so that rescuers on a helicopter could see you quickly. If ever you needed an urgent help, never hesitate to call the authorities right away so that they could find you before it gets dark.
Majority of countries around the world has their own emergency hotline number that is similar to 9-1-1 of the United States where you can contact for help even without any signal on your phone because such can activate any cell tower. Before you leave your home to begin your adventure, make sure that your phone is fully charged and bring some spare batteries with you or good power banks as well. If you can avail a satellite phone, then have one to get help even in no-cell-service places.
Be prepared with avalanche safety equipment too. Avalanche can be the biggest threat of a serene snowy mountain, so it would be best to be equipped with the proper equipment such as a transceiver, probe, and shovel. You must also have good knowledge about those items to survive this kind of emergency situation. Learn how to navigate through the terrain to help you mitigate an avalanche exposure.
Irwin Consulting Services has been a part of different efforts in the United States in improving public safety, and because of its many years of endeavor in this field, the group had seen many cases proving that accidents were inevitable and sometimes unprecedented, so always be prepared in case of unwanted events and situations to protect yourself and other people.
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Irwin Consulting Services Review - Sådan at forblive sikker på bjerge denne vinter
Vinter havde helt sikkert komme denne gang, og andre mennesker vil gerne fejre feriesæsonen med en vis udfordring ved at klatre op i bjergene. Der er en masse personer, der er meget glødende om udendørs aktiviteter og vinter kan være en ekstra udfordring til deres passion. Men med alle de ventures, du vil tage, vil Irwin Consulting Services gerne have, at du altid sørger for din egen sikkerhed og for andre mennesker omkring dig.
Dine venner, kolleger eller hele familien kunne tage på forskellige aktiviteter på sneklædte bjerge, såsom snesko, skiløb, eller andre relaterede aktiviteter. Men lokale myndigheder vil gerne minde folk om at være udstyret med passende udstyr og færdigheder, før klatring for at overleve enhver uhørt begivenheder på bjergene.
Sørg for, at stedet er sikkert og åbent, og også egnet til dit helbred eller fitness-niveau. Informer nogle slægtninge eller nære venner om placeringen af din udflugt, herunder den forventede tid og dato for din tilbagevenden samt det tilfælde, hvor de skal ringe for at få hjælp.
Det er ofte rådes til at klatre i bjergene i en gruppe på to eller flere for at få den tilskadekomne behandlet af den anden og tage sig af ham eller hende i tilfælde af en nødsituation. Men hvis du går solo, bringe materialer, der er nødvendige for din overlevelse og altid klar til telefonen for nødsituation kontakt.
Du ønsker ikke at blive fanget i mørke i bjergene, så bære med dig en række lyskilder, som afhænger af, hvor mange nætter og dage du planlægger at campere eller opholde sig i bjerget. Irwin Consulting Services opfordrer dig til at være fuldt forberedt til mørket, fordi det kan bringe nogle farer for dig, der er ukendte i løbet af dagslys.
Gå ikke i panik, når du har bemærket, at du allerede er tabt, men i stedet indsamle dine tanker og holde dig varm. Redningsfolk kan ride en helikopter, så se til det, at du er synlig fra himlen. I tilfælde af at der er en hastende nødsituation ikke vente, indtil det bliver mørkt at ringe for at få hjælp. Jo tidligere jo bedre, fordi dette vil give redningsfolk mere tid til at komme ind i dig, mens solen er stadig op.
I USA, kan du stadig nå 9-1-1 selv uden noget signal på din telefon, fordi systemet vil aktivere enhver celle tårn. Aldrig begynde et eventyr uden for dit hjem med en lav bat telefon, da du havde brug for at sikre en fuldt opladet telefon for at kontakte hjælp i tilfælde af nødsituationer. Hvis det er muligt, bringe en satellittelefon med dig, da der kan være et scenario, hvor du kan blive fanget på et sted uden celle tjeneste på alle.
Desværre kan en lavine ske, mens du klatre en snedækket bjerg så udstyre dig selv med lavine sikkerhedsudstyr såsom en transceiver, sonde, skovl, og den viden om, hvordan man bruger dem ordentligt. For at afbøde lavine eksponering, lære at navigere gennem terrænet.
Irwin Consulting Services forstår den lidenskab, der er i dig i at tage udfordringen af klatring sneklædte bjerge eller blot gør milde aktiviteter med hele familien denne vinter og ferie sæson, således at gruppen kun vil gerne have dig til at være forpligtet til at sikre alle andres sikkerhed i denne bestræbelse.
Irwin Consulting Services Review - How to deal with holiday decorations safely
It is already the month of December and to those individuals having a weak heart saying it is too late to put holiday decorations at their home, don’t be. Filling your home with pretty and lovely decorations would not take a very long time so gear up and begin beautifying your house right now. Knowing that you’ll apply your personal style and preferences in designing your house will give you an exciting feeling, but together with that sentiment, you need to be very careful in designing especially when it comes to electric materials.
Some don’t have to feel lonely walking at night in their neighborhood because a lot of houses were so bright and even sparkles the night with their decorative lights and other holiday-themed decorations. Irwin Consulting Services agrees that the holiday season can indeed spread love and joy all around the world.
However, the holiday season also calls for a cold weather, which is an unavoidable circumstance leading to every household use a lot of heat sources. You need to be careful in decorating your home since many heat sources are around. You will also have to deal with some electrical connections when putting your holiday decorations like the Christmas lights into place. Double check the extension cords or power strips along with all the wirings if each is safe to use and has no damage at all. Learn how much current is running through the cords and determine if those were the proper and right numbers. Keep the Christmas tree at least 3 feet away from heat sources such as space heaters and fireplaces.
Irwin Consulting Services would like you to choose properly on what kind of Christmas tree you’re going to put in your house. You can settle with a real or live tree or an artificial one, but most importantly, remember to avoid very dry trees because they are weak to fires. Before placing a live tree on its stand, make sure to cut 1-2 inches from the base of the trunk to ensure good water absorption when filling it with water.
Outdoor decorating should be done with proper caution. Each equipment and decoration you’re going to use must be labeled for outdoor use. Follow the careful guidelines provided especially on electrical products. The amperage rating of the extension cords should match the power needs of the electrical items (amperage). Your electric lights and decorations should be plugged into circuits protected by ground fault circuit interrupters or GFCIs. Maintain distance from power lines while doing outdoor decorating as well. Keep electrical outlets organized to prevent overloading. Do not plug a lot of electrical decorations or devices all at once. You must not let overheating to happen and start a fire.
Confirm if there’s also a proper insulation on electrical cords by checking if they were not pinched in windows, doors or under heavy objects. Be careful about installing the decorative lights as well to ensure that there would be no damage to its cord’s insulation. Unplug electrical decorations when replacing bulbs or fuses. In addition, turning off all indoor and outdoor electrical decorations must be practiced before going to bed or leaving the house.
Candles with a good scent can indeed illuminate the night of the holiday season, but these real candles must not be left unattended for a long period of time to avoid fire accidents. Keep them in a spot that is also safe from the reach of little children and was away from combustible objects. Put out its fire if ever you’re going to sleep or going outside your home for a long time.
Irwin Consulting Services promises to remain committed to helping companies, professionals, or individuals in maintaining public safety and would also like to encourage each household to do the same and be dedicated to their own safety this holiday season.
- Dec 2017
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Irwin Consulting Services Review - Keep your home and family safe against wildfires with these tips
The wildfires reported this year conclude some of the biggest wildfires happened in different areas such as in Los Angeles, British Columbia, and Montana. Wildfires can leave a lot of destroyed homes and properties and even fatalities fast. Its furious flames can spread out on a large scale, making it difficult for firefighters and local authorities to get rid of it. It is often terrifying to witness a huge natural calamity taking place within your area and its results were indeed distressing to see. A wildfire and the path that it is going to take can’t be accurately predicted, which calls for utmost preparation to every household to avoid such grave danger.
But despite this, local authorities and various organizations from many places around the globe are committed to keeping the public safe from the threats of natural calamities. Irwin Consulting Services also belong to those who work hard for the public safety. This post was specifically prepared by them to help every household in keeping their home safe from wildfires.
Make adjustments to your roofs
Think about having rated “A” fire-resistant roofs to further protect your home. Roofs are undeniably the weak-spot of a house when it comes to fires so you must begin making better adjustments on it first. You must also clean the roof on a regular basis to avoid a lot of dead leaves piling up the place and being a fuel to fires.
Create changes to your windows
To better protect your home, your windows should be upgraded to become stronger against fires as well. Choose heat-resistant materials in doing upgrades to your windows. A wildfire that is not yet reaching your home can already show its effects through its extreme heat. That heat can enter the windows and create a fire on drapes and nearby furniture already. Irwin Consulting Services would like you to have fire-rated glasses on your windows and non-combustible shutters too.
Settle on a good location
Choose a convenient location to spend the rest of your lives with your family. Make sure that it is a safe neighborhood and is not prone to frequent fires. You are advised to conduct a thorough research to determine the best location for your family.
Put some modifications on the site layout
Ensure at least 30 meters of distance and incombustible material between the green lands and your home by having wider driveways, patios and low-growing fire-retardant plants. This way, you’re also helping firefighters in bringing their heavy and big equipment near your house in case of fire emergencies.
Maintain a clean surrounding around the green areas
Gather dead and decaying wood and put them away because such can fuel a fire. Get rid of fallen and dead branches too. Think about cutting the branches that were too close to your roof or overhangs it. Make cleaning around the green areas around your home a habit.
Be wary of embers
Eaves and vents openings were the most susceptible parts to flying embers. Once the embers entered through those parts, it could start a fire inside your home. In order to better protect your house, screen those openings and make sure they were properly maintained. Do not forget about cleaning the gutters as well.
Protect your home and your family to the best of your ability and always be prepared for immediate dangers of natural calamities. Trust organizations such as Irwin Consulting Group in helping local authorities in making sure of a safe neighborhood. But aside from their expertise, self-preparation and readiness could save and protect your entire family as well.
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Irwin Consulting Services Review - Tips to protect your home from a wildfire
This year, cases of huge wildfires occurred on multiple continents have made the whole world worried and sad because of such devastating calamity that result in a lot of damaged properties and homes, and even lost lives. Wildfires can cause a tragedy fast and this chaotic phenomenon often gives firefighters and local authorities a hard time extinguishing its raging fires. Natural calamities are frightening and their effects on lands and human lives can be heartbreaking. Wildfires can start any time without any warnings and the path that it is going to take is usually hard to predict.
Different companies and organizations around the world have been working hard to protect the public from immediate dangers of natural calamities, and one of them is Irwin Consulting Services. And one of their objectives is to protect households from wildfires and this post aims to help you in keeping your home safe against such a natural threat.
Tip #1: Upgrade your roofs
Consider about installing ignition resistant roofs since roofs were often the most vulnerable part of the house to fires. Protect your home and your family from the quick fires by having fire-resistant roofs. The most effective and resistant roofs were given the rate of “A” so choose roofs with such label. Maintain a clean roof as well to prevent having piled up dead leaves and become fuel to fires.
Tip #2: Put double protection on windows
In order to provide more protection to your house, upgrade your windows and drapes too. Use heat-resistant materials in improving your windows to become fire-resistant. The drastic heat coming from a distant wildfire can already affect your house by going right through the windows and put drapes and furniture on fire. Further protection to your house can begin with installing fire-rated glasses on your windows and investing on non-combustible shutters.
Tip #3: Choose the most convenient location
Learn about the location of where you are going to buy or build a house. Determine if the neighborhood had a lot of incident of fires in the recent years. Make sure of a place that will not threaten the safety of your home and your family. Irwin Consulting Services encourages you to do a careful research regarding this subject.
Tip #4: Put adjustments on the site layout
Make wider driveways, patios and even put low-growing fire-retardant plants to have at least 30 meters of distance and incombustible material between the wild lands and your home. Wider driveways and turn-around is also for the convenience of firefighters in bringing their huge and heavy equipment close to your home in the event of emergencies.
Tip #5: Keep your green surroundings clean
Clean the dead and decaying wood around your home because such can also be the reason to start a fire in your area. Do not forget about fallen and dead branches as well. Branches close to your roof or overhangs it should be cut. Maintain a clean setting around your house especially in spots that have a lot of trees.
Tip #6: Watch out for embers
Never ignore the danger that flying embers could bring to your house. The openings of eaves and vents are the most vulnerable parts of the house to embers because it can fly into them and can begin a fire inside. Keep those openings screened and properly maintained to avoid tragedies inside your shelter. Gutters should also be cleaned for added protection.
Irwin Consulting Services would like each household to aim for a better protection at their homes and be prepared for any natural calamities to avoid regrets. Be safe always.
Irwin Consulting Services Review - How to ensure household safety during the holiday season
Many of us are really looking forward to the holiday season because it is the time when people are diligent in filling their houses with holiday decorations, preparing gifts, searching online for more delicious recipes, and a lot more activities related to this season. It is indeed the time of the year for enjoyment, sharing, giving, and loving together with your family and friends.
However, despite all the positive things we’re expecting to this season, accidents could still happen. This season also includes the challenge of the cold weather. And because people would like to experience more warmth, others sometimes misuse heaters and electric blankets and cause accidents on warm fireplaces. Irwin Consulting Services, a consulting company that is committed to public safety, prepared some important thoughts below that could help you maintain the safety of your whole family during this holiday season.
It is necessary to exercise proper care and caution during this season to avoid kitchen fires, electrical fires, and fires caused by flammable objects placed too close to heat sources. You can prevent kitchen fires by being focused and careful while you’re cooking. Cooking requires constant attention so don’t let anything distract you while preparing food for your family to avoid any accidents. Keep everything in order and don’t cook a lot of dishes at the same time since it could lead to disarray. Never bring outdoor grills inside your home because it could be very dangerous.
Live Christmas trees were often the choice for many households because it provides a fresh feeling and of course an enchanting appearance, but this can be the largest fire hazard in a home. Keep it watered every day and ensure that it can absorb water up to its trunk. Decorative lights on the tree must be labeled for indoor use and were approved for its safe use through a UL listing. As said earlier, fire accidents can be a possibility with this kind of tree, so make sure to install it in a spot away from fireplaces and space heaters. Make a clear path leading to exit doors as well. Do not put live candles on live trees to prevent ignition of a fire. Irwin Consulting Services would also like you to make it a habit to turn off and unplug the decorative lights whenever your family goes outside or is going to bed.
Children should not also play with decorative candles, so as much as possible put those in places that are out of reach of your small kids. Organizing decorative lights should be done with a careful process to ensure a proper electrical wiring. Instead of nails, hang decorative lights using plastic clips to prevent accidents of nails penetrating through the wirings and result in shorts. Check the conditions of each string of wire and confirm if all are safe to use to avoid overloads and faulty wirings. You must not plug one extension cord to another extension cord because this can lead to voltage drop and overheat, so be extra careful in using such cords. Both indoor and outdoor lightings are much safer if connected through power strips. Other important things to remember include making sure that the smoke alarms in your house were in good condition and working properly, and that the fire extinguishers were in easy to reach places. It is also advised to buy weather alert radios so consider it as well.
Don’t forget to put a grate or screen in front of the fireplace and see to it that the chimney flue was properly cleaned. Avoid putting stockings and other holiday decorations close to a lit fireplace. The Christmas tree and the pile of gifts should be gathered in one safe place that is away from the fireplace.
Make creating a good escape plan a priority as well and once you’re done with it, discuss it with your family and if you will be having a lot of visitors this holiday season, brief it to them. The path leading to your doors should not be compiled with huge furniture and decorations to avoid hindrance and blockage in case of emergencies. To guarantee a safe use of heat in your house, ensure that your gas lines were checked by professionals. Fire extinguishers should be available in your home and must be charged. Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors were also a necessity to assure the safety of the entire family. Choose space heaters with tip-over switches and put them in a safe spot with no flammable materials near to it. You must not bring outdoor heaters inside for indoor heating; materials meant for outside use should remain there.
Irwin Consulting Services wanted you to spend the holiday season with your friends and loved ones with a big smile on your face and peace in your heart. Enjoy this season with no worries in keeping your whole family safe by making proper preparations and following the instructions of professionals and the local authorities.
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Irwin Consulting Services Review - Hvordan sikre husholdningenes sikkerhet i løpet av høytiden
Mange av oss ser virkelig frem til høytiden fordi det er den tiden da folk er flittig i å fylle husene sine med ferie dekorasjoner, forberede gaver, søke på nettet for mer deilige oppskrifter, og mye mer aktiviteter knyttet til denne sesongen . Det er virkelig den tiden av året for nytelse, deling, gi og kjærlig sammen med familie og venner.
Men til tross for alle de positive tingene vi venter til denne sesongen, kan ulykker fortsatt skje. Denne sesongen inneholder også utfordringen av det kalde været. Og fordi folk ønsker å oppleve mer varme, andre noen ganger misbruke ovner og elektriske tepper og forårsake ulykker på varme ildsteder. Irwin Consulting Services, et konsulentfirma som er forpliktet til offentlig sikkerhet, utarbeidet noen viktige tanker under som kan hjelpe deg å opprettholde sikkerheten til hele familien i løpet av denne høytiden.
Det er nødvendig å utøve riktig omsorg og forsiktighet i løpet av denne sesongen for å unngå kjøkken branner, elektriske branner og branner forårsaket av brennbare gjenstander plassert for nær varme kilder. Du kan forhindre at kjøkken branner ved å være fokusert og forsiktig når du koker. Cooking krever konstant oppmerksomhet så ikke la noe distrahere deg mens du forbereder mat til familien for å unngå ulykker. Hold alt i orden og ikke koker en masse retter på samme tid siden det kan føre til uorden. Aldri ta med utendørs griller i hjemmet ditt fordi det kan være svært farlig.
Live juletrær var ofte valget for mange husholdninger fordi det gir en frisk følelse og selvfølgelig en fortryllende utseende, men dette kan være den største brannen fare i et hjem. Oppbevar den vannet hver dag og sikre at den kan absorbere vann opp til bagasjerommet. Dekorative lysene på treet må være merket for innendørs bruk og ble godkjent for sikker bruk gjennom en UL-liste. Som sagt tidligere, brann ulykker kan være en mulighet med denne type treet, så sørg for å installere den på et sted borte fra ildsteder og rom varmeovner. Lag en klar sti som fører til utgangsdører også. Ikke sett levende stearinlys på levende trær for å hindre tenning av en brann. Irwin konsulenttjenester vil også gjerne at du skal gjøre det til en vane å slå av og koble fra dekorative lysene når familien din går utenfor eller går til sengs.
Barn bør ikke også leke med dekorative stearinlys, så så mye som mulig sette de på steder som er utenfor rekkevidde for små barn. Organisere dekorative lys bør gjøres med en forsiktig prosess for å sikre en skikkelig elektrisk kabling. I stedet for spiker, hang dekorative lys med plast klipp for å hindre ulykker av neglene gjennomtrengende gjennom ledninger og resultere i shorts. Sjekk vilkårene for hver streng med wire og bekrefte om alle er trygge å bruke for å unngå overbelastning og feil ledninger. Du må ikke plugge en skjøteledning til en annen skjøteledning fordi dette kan føre til spenningsfall og overopphetes, så vær ekstra forsiktig i bruk av slike ledninger. Både innendørs og utendørs lightings er mye tryggere hvis tilkoblet gjennom grenuttak. Andre viktige ting å huske inkluderer å sørge for at røyk alarmer i huset var i god stand og fungerer, og at brannslukkingsapparater var i lett å nå steder. Det er også anbefalt å kjøpe værvarsling radioer så anser det som well.
Ikke glem å sette en rist eller skjermen foran ildstedet og se til at skorsteinen flue var riktig rengjort. Unngå å sette strømper og andre ferie dekorasjoner nær en tent ildsted. Juletreet og haugen av gaver bør samles på ett trygt sted som er borte fra ildstedet.
Gjør skape en god Escape plan en prioritet også, og når du er ferdig med det, diskutere det med familien din, og hvis du skal ha mange besøkende denne høytiden, kort det til dem. Stien som fører til dørene bør ikke kompileres med store møbler og dekorasjoner for å unngå hindring og blokkering i tilfelle kriser. For å garantere en trygg bruk av varme i huset ditt, sørg for at gass linjene ble sjekket av fagfolk. Brannslukkingsapparater skal være tilgjengelig i hjemmet ditt, og må lades. Røyk alarmer og karbonmonoksid detektorer var også en nødvendighet for å sikre sikkerheten til hele familien. Velg plass varmeovner med tip-over brytere og legg dem på et trygt sted uten brennbart materiale i nærheten av den. Du må ikke bringe utendørs varmeovner inne for innendørs oppvarming; materialer ment for utenfor bruk bør forbli der.
Irwin Consulting Services ville at du skulle tilbringe høytiden med venner og kjære med et stort smil på ansiktet og fred i ditt hjerte. Nyt denne sesongen uten bekymringer i å holde hele familien trygt ved å gjøre riktige forberedelser og følge instruksjonene fra fagfolk og lokale myndigheter.
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Irwin Consulting Services Review - So bleiben Sie sicher diese Ferienzeit
Viele lieben die Ferienzeit, weil es die Zeit ist, in der echtes Glück, Liebe und Freude an vielen Orten reichlich werden. Aber abgesehen davon, die Menschen auch vor der Herausforderung der kälteren Wetter und leider, Unfälle manchmal auftreten, die sich auf warm halten in den kalten Monaten verbunden ist. Andere missbrauchen Heizungen und elektrische Decken und beginnen sogar Vorfälle auf warmen Kaminen. Als Beratungsunternehmen, dass die öffentliche Sicherheit begangen wird, Irwin Consulting Services möchten Sie weiter lesen dieser Post und lernen Sie über wichtige Hinweise bei der Vermeidung von gefährlichen Situationen zu prüfen.
Leider könnte Ferienzeit einige traurige Nachrichten zu einigen wenigen Haushalten wegen der allgemeinen Unfälle während dieser Zeit des Jahres, die Küche Brände, elektrische Brände, und Brände von brennbaren Gegenständen, die zu nahe an Wärmequellen platziert wurden, zu bringen. Seien Sie achtsam jedes Mal, wenn Sie kochen, so vermeiden, abgelenkt. Setzen Sie einen korrekten Zeitplan auf dem Kochen der verschiedenen Teller; tun Sie nicht alle auf einmal. Outdoor-Grills sollte draußen bleiben, egal wie kalt es ist, wage es nicht, es in Ihrem Haus setzen.
Einige Familien bevorzugen, Weihnachtsbäume in ihren Häusern wegen seines schönen grünen Auftritts zu leben. Jedoch während der Feiertagjahreszeit, können solche Bäume die größte Brandgefahr in einem Haus werden. Darauf hingewiesen werden, dass es regelmäßig bewässert werden sollte und sicherzustellen, dass es Wasser absorbieren kann durch seinen Stamm. Wenn Sie Lichter auf dem Baum setzen, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie für innen Gebrauch gekennzeichnet wurden und eine UL Auflistung haben. Setzen Sie die Bäume auf Flecken, die eine Entfernung von Kaminen und Raumheizungen waren, und auch nicht legen Sie auf dem Weg einer Ausfahrt Tür. Verwenden Sie niemals Live-Kerzen auf lebenden Bäumen. Vor dem schlafen gehen, schalten Sie alle seine Lichter auch auf künstlichen Bäumen sowie jedes Mal, wenn Ihre Familie geht nach draußen.
Stellen Sie sicher, dass ihre kleineren Kinder keinen Zugang zu dekorativen Kerzen zu. Korrekte elektrische Verdrahtung auf dekorative Weihnachtslichter können Ihnen auch helfen, jede mögliche ernste Situationen zu vermeiden. Hang Lichter mit dem Einsatz von Kunststoff-Clips, da Fälle von Nägeln eindringen Verkabelung und verursachen Shorts waren manchmal die Situation in anderen Haushalten. Wissen, dass Überladungen und fehlerhafte Verkabelung zu Tragödien führen könnte, so beurteilen jede Schnur von Drähten sorgfältig und stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie alle sicher vor jeder Gefahr. Seien Sie vorsichtig mit einigen Verlängerungskabeln bei der Verbindung dieser Lichter. Schließen Sie niemals ein Verlängerungskabel an ein anderes Verlängerungskabel an, da dies zu Spannungsabfall und Überhitzung führen kann. Zum besseren Schutz verwenden Sie stattdessen Power Strips, die sowohl für innen-als auch für Außenanschlüsse verwendet werden können. Ziehen Sie die Innenbeleuchtung aus der Steckdose, wenn Sie nicht verwendet wird. Andere wichtige Dinge zu erinnern gehören die Sicherstellung, dass Rauchmelder in Ihrem Haus ordnungsgemäß arbeiten, Putting Feuerlöscher auf leicht zugängliche Bereiche, Investitionen in Wetteralarm-Radios, und vorsichtig mit dem Einsatz von elektrischen Raumheizungen.
Vor der Verwendung des Schornsteins während der Ferienzeit, gründlich reinigen Sie es zuerst. Irwin Consulting Services schlägt auch vor, mit einem Rost oder Bildschirm vor dem Kamin. Setzen Sie Strümpfe und andere Feiertag Dekorationen Weg von einem beleuchteten Kamin. Organisieren Sie die Geschenke an einem sicheren Ort, nicht auf der Vorderseite des Kamins und installieren Sie nicht einen Weihnachtsbaum in der Nähe, um es zu vermeiden Putting den Baum oder Geschenke in Gefahr des Feuers.
Erstellen Sie eine richtige Feuer Fluchtplan und auch sagen, Ihre Besucher darüber. Setzen Sie nie etwas, das es schwierig machen würde, die Türen zu erreichen, also vermeiden Sie, Möbel oder Dekorationen auf seinen Weg zu setzen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Gasleitungen ordnungsgemäß überprüft wurden, um eine sichere Verwendung von Wärme in Ihrem Haus zu gewährleisten. Laden Sie Ihre Feuerlöscher zu und wenn Sie keine haben, Irwin Consulting Services ermutigt Sie, ein oder zwei zu kaufen. Investieren Sie auch in Rauchmelder und Kohlenmonoxid-Detektoren. Es ist vorzuziehen, zu Hause Raumheizungen mit Kippschalter haben, aber denken Sie daran, Sie weg von entzündlichen Dinge. Heizungsgeräte für Outdoor-Zwecke sollte außerhalb bleiben, so dass Sie nie in innen für die innen-Wärme.
Irwin Consulting Services hofft auf eine sichere und lohnenswerte Urlaubszeit für Sie und Ihre Familie.
- Jan 2014
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