9 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. Apr 2022
  3. Mar 2022
    1. All the knowledge provided by Elders in this book has beenapproved for public eyes. Higher, secret levels of knowledge exist,but they are not presented here.
  4. May 2021
    1. “Monetising what we see as sacred knowledge, our way of being – driving, walking – is sacred knowledge and the only people who should have any purview over that is our community. … What if we look at what the data could do for our community and how to achieve that? … We are gathering our data because we love our people, we want a better future for the next generations. What if all data was gathered for those reasons? What would it look like?”

      A great quote and framing from Abigail Echo-Hawk.

      This reliance on going to community elders (primarily because they have more knowledge and wisdom) is similar to designing for the commons and working backward. Elders in many indigenous cultures represent the the commons.

      This isn't to say that we shouldn't continue to innovate and explore the evolutionary space for better answers, but going slow and fixing things is far more likely to be helpful than moving fast and breaking things as has been the mode for the last fifteen years. Who's watching the long horizon in these scenarios?

      This quote and set up deserves some additional thought into the ideas and power structures described by Lynne Kelly in Knowledge and Power in Prehistoric Societies Orality, Memory and the Transmission of Culture

  5. Mar 2021
    1. Eran Segal. (2021, January 22). Israel: 2.4M after 1st dose (27% pop) 78% of all 60+ years old Despite that, we have a problem: Cities of lower socio-economic status and more cases get vaccinated less X: Socioeconomic rank Y: % 60+ years old vaccinated Color: Vaccination need ratio @MDCaspi by covid-19 cases https://t.co/t5vC8hjXA4 [Tweet]. @segal_eran. https://twitter.com/segal_eran/status/1352579515592138753

  6. Oct 2019
    1. “He has suffered, but I make no apologies for him or for myself. If he had given his life for Japan, I could not be prouder.”

      older generation still holds praise for japan and wants to see japan win the war

  7. Dec 2017
    1. “Ask them to tell an Iktomi story, mother.” Soothing my impatience, my mother said aloud, “My little daughter is anxious to hear your legends.”

      I believe that one of the most fascinating things to me is the telling of stories before writing was ever a thing. Stories were told verbally only, this making the idea of the stories that much more exciting. The older empires and civilizations were kept alive by the stories that their elders would tell. They held the knowledge of their people in their minds and would tell extravagant stories to their children and grandchildren to keep the ideas alive.